Canarian Weekly Issue 685

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 685



07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011


It’s such a drag! Anti-Smoking Law leaves bars and restaurants feeling floored TENERIFE’S bar owners and restaurateurs are already struggling to cope with the tough new AntiSmoking Law, which came into force on Sunday 2nd January. It is said to be the most stringent in Europe, and has left them feeling “defenceless”. That’s because the owners are held responsible if a customer decides to light up inside, even though they have no legal powers to stop them, and can’t even order them out of the premises. Should a person inside a bar light up and the bar is reported, the owner faces a fine of anything up to 600,000 euros. The new law forbids smoking in any indoor public place except for prisons, psychiatric hospitals, sports stadia, bullrings - and a maximum of 30% of hotel rooms. Also, no smoking is permitted in children’s parks or outside health centres, nor in the playgrounds or other outside areas of educational centres attended by under-18s. But people in the hostelry industry over here and in Spain as a whole - mainly those in restaurants, bars and café-bars - anticipate losing a huge amount of business because around half of their customers are smokers. They also say they need some way of “looking after” customers’ drinks and food while they nip outside for a cigarette, given the risk of beverages being spiked. In addition to loss of business, they say they are now faced with a massive legal burden that they consider impossible to comply with.

In fact, within two days of the new law being introduced, consumer group FACUA had received 700 complaints from people failing to comply. Many bar and restaurant owners say they have had to ask customers to stop smoking, but in most cases they say they lit up out of habit and stubbed their cigarettes out apologetically. The majority of the complaints relate to hospitals and health centres, which have failed to remove ashtrays from outside their doors. There are also cases emerging of bars which refuse to

The home of good shopping Come & See our *NEW LOOK* Store, in Los Cristianos - now Bigger & better! Opp. Paloma Beach Apts, CC Costamar, Los Cristianos and Las Chafiras

enforce the Government’s new legislation. One local bar owner was overheard telling a customer: “I’m English and so are my customers, and I’m turning a blind eye to the ban. It’s ridiculous.” Another couple running a bar in Las Americas plan to install heaters on their terrace outside so that their regulars can smoke. Fernando Tegedor, who runs a bar in Castellón is defending his “private business” and has ignored the law. He says that if any of his customers are bothered by the smoke, he will make a table available for

them on the terrace. “It’s either that or we are ruined,” said anxious Fernando, who has already received a denuncia from the police. He claims that 90% of his clients are smokers, and that his takings fell by 80% on the first day of the prohibition. He has also made a call for other bars and restaurants across the country to boycott the law. ‘If we unite, one by one and another and another, they cannot do anything’, he told Canal 9 TV. A bar owner in Cáceres, who needed 16 stitches in a wound to his forehead after a fight

broke out when he tried to stop a client from smoking, believes there will be plenty more altercations over the contentious issue. Conversely, drinkers who can’t stand the smell and annoyance of smoke were happy to sit outside. Now, they say, they are being harassed by all the fumes. Yet some are more than happy with the new law. Pharmacists are reporting that already, more smokers are asking for the products to help them give up the weed, and manufacturers of outside terrace-heaters say they have

sold out at after an unexpected rush in sales. More than 300 people were reported in the first 24 hours for failing to comply with the law, and there is a feeling that several bars will be forced to close unless the owners can find a solution soon. The danger signs have already been spelled out in the UK, where more than 50 pubs a week have closed since the no-smoking ban, which came into force in July 2007. See the legal viewpoint from our Lawyer on pg 10.


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07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011


The tide turns for Zapatero

New Year’s Eve sword attack

Government’s austerity measures are already showing good signs THE Spanish Government’s unpopular austerity measures, approved only narrowly in Parliament last month, are already proving to be worthwhile. The measures include higher sales taxes and an average 5% cut to public workers’ wages, but welcome news came on Tuesday when the Government announced it had beaten its deficit-cutting target for 2010. Unemployed numbers have also had fallen for the first time in five months, and Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero predicts his Socialist Government will also meet this year’s deficit goal. It pledged to lower the public deficit from 11.1% of output in 2009 to 9.3% in 2010, and 6% this year. In addition, Zapatero promised to reduce the deficit to below the 3% European Union limit by 2013. In an interview with Onda Cero radio on Tuesday, the Prime Minister told listeners: “Of course we will meet the deficit target of 6% in 2011, just as we set the goal of reducing the deficit in 2010 to 9.3%. And today, I can say that we are going to be somewhat better than the objective we set.” He is also convinced that Spain’s semi-autonomous regions, which have racked up large deficits, will comply with their 2011 goals. Despite stagnant growth and high unemployment, the Government pushed through its austerity measures to reduce the deficit, and it is already having a positive

ON DECEMBER 28th 2010 the Cabildo de Tenerife 210 new employees who will work on a total of 11 employment projects in the island area, this group joins 242 employees already involved in differing projects.

Holiday maker Gary Wainwright, aged 53, of Wadsley Bridge, had a brush with death due to his bravery. The have-a-go hero protected his family and friends in the events that unfolded on New Year’s eve in Playa Paraiso.

impact on the fragile economy. The Government has stressed time and again that its accumulated public debt is below the European Union limit of 60% of annual output, or gross domestic product. It rose to 57.7% of GDP at the end of September from 53.2% at the end of 2009. The Spanish economy, fifthlargest in the EU, nosedived into recession during the second half of 2008 as the global financial meltdown compounded the collapse of the once-booming building industry. It emerged with minor growth of just 0.1% in the first quarter of 2010, and 0.2% in the second, but then stalled with zero growth in the third. The crisis sent the unemployment rate soaring to a EU high of nearly 20%, but the

Labour Ministry said on Tuesday that the unemployed numbers fell for the first time for five months in December. Just over four million people registered as jobless last month, down 10,221 (0.25%) from November, which was the biggest decline for December since 2000. But against the total of a year ago, the figure was still up 4.5%. Zapatero added on radio: “December is normally a weak month, so if unemployment lowered in December, it is a good jobless figure.” Raj Badiani, an analyst with IHS Global Insight, feels the overall jobless rate will start edging up again because, despite the figure being better than expected, it may have been because of “seasonal factors”. He added: “Our main concern is that employment cre-

ation is likely to be negligible in the first half of 2011, as the austerity measures begin to cull public-sector jobs, with private-sector employment failing to pick up the slack.” The Government introduced hotly-contested labour market reforms last year that cut the country’s high cost of firing workers. It gave companies more flexibility to reduce working hours and staff levels in economic downturns, with Zapatero arguing that it would boost job creation. The Prime Minister believes the fourth quarter of 2010 will have recorded positive growth, which will keep rolling on this year, He warns that job creation will be “slow and progressive”. but his Government forecasts an economic expansion of 1.3% this year.

Job creation

Fisheries, Tourism and Planning and Sustainability, Planning and the Environment, among others. 48 percent of these workers are women and 52 percent men aged between 16 and 62 years from almost all municipalities of the island The priority in selecting staff are those who are long term unemployed, people at risk of social exclusion, young people seeking their first job and families.

The Cabildo has hired a total of 452 unemployed individuals to carry out a total of 16 projects in accordance with one of the main priorities provided by the Canary Island Employment Service. The planned investment for this initiative amounts to 4.8 million euros and will allow

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

the hiring of the unemployed for a period of six months. For the next year the Cabildo will be hiring a total of 850 unemployed workers, 2010 closed with more than 1,100 contract workers. The various projects are related to different areas such as City Council, Water, Agriculture, Livestock and

Speaking about his ordeal for the first time, the father-ofone said his heroism was down to “natural instinct” to protect friends and family, including his 27-year-old daughter Leanne. He needed 178 stitches after being repeatedly slashed across his arm and underwent emergency surgery to repair a severed artery from which he almost bled to death. Gary was told by medics he was lucky not to have died or at the very least lost his arm. He will need further medical treatment in Sheffield. “It was absolutely unbelievable what happened that night - we were a group of friends, family and children enjoying New Years Eve in a really quiet part of Tenerife when we saw the landlord of our bar ushering two men outside,” said Gary. “Just minutes later somebody shouted ‘he’s back’ and that he was armed with a pool cue then somebody shouted that it wasn’t a cue but a sword. “I can remember it vividly - he was waving it wildly above his head like a madman as he was climbing up the steps to get to the bar. “One of my friends grabbed a chair and threw it at his legs to try to topple him and it worked and he fell backwards, but then he came forward again right towards where my daughter and friend’s kids were. There were a lot of women and kids in the bar and I didn’t think about anything other than stopping him. “It was natural instinct, I just picked up a chair and ran at him trying to push him down the stairs because I thought he was going to kill somebody. “I remember feeling my arm hurt and I looked down and could see blood spurting out

everywhere and the man with the sword ran off.” Gary was on a winter break in Tenerife among a party of 27 and had been enjoying New Years Eve celebrations in the Britannia Inn in the resort of Playa Paraiso when the sword-wielding man tried to storm the venue. Owls fan Gary, a long-time season ticket holder known on the terraces as Bull, discharged himself from hospital on Monday to watch Sheffield Wednesday’s televised game against Huddersfield but said he is still in extreme pain. “I have lost count of the amount of morphine they have given me for the pain,” he said. He flew back home to Sheffield three days after the ordeal but he has been told he will have to return to Tenerife when the case reaches court if Spanish police catch his attacker. “The police have said that once they track the man down they will invite me and some friends who gave statements about what they saw back to Tenerife as guests of the Spanish Government to help with the prosecution case,” he added. Lee Bedson, who owns the pub where the attack happened, described Gary as a “hero” for protecting his staff and customers to prevent anyone getting hurt or killed. Speaking from Tenerife, he said: “First and foremost the word ‘hero’ is a perfect word for Gary -I couldn’t think of any other word to describe what he did that night. “As for the bar, we are entering our tenth year now and this is our first incident ever since we opened. What happened that night was something you would hope to see only in the movies, but now it is over it’s something we will never forget. “All I can say is thank you Gary for doing something a lot of men would not dream of. He truly is one of life’s heroes. “There was little damage to the bar only pride. Gary would like to say thank you for all the support and good wishes and looks forwarding to seeing them on his next visit to Tenerife.

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Help us solve the riddle of Elfriede

HAPPY NEW YEAR. This time of year allows us to reflect on the year that has just passed and look forward to the coming twelve months. It provides the majority of us with renewed vigour to tackle life’s challenges and some of us get around to those things that we have been procrastinating over for months and years. My New Year inbox had an interesting email in it – and by writing about it in my column I hope to make one person’s New Year wish come true. Do you know a woman in her eighties called Elfriede Horbas, who may be living in Tenerife? If so, you will make another old lady extremely happy! Virginia Taylor is anxious to trace the woman, who is Austrian and travelled on a British passport. She is apparently living somewhere in the Canary Islands. She moved here around 14 years ago and Virginia’s mother, who is unwell, really wants to contact her old friend, whose birthday is on

The Three Kings The main street in Adeje was just one municipality celebrating the arrival of the three kings on the 5th January. The three kings arrived in style, arriving by helicopter to the football stadium, but that was only the beginning of an evening full of surprises. Once rested, the Kings began the Grand Parade, which toured the streets culminating in the Plaza de Espana. The three kings distributed more than 1000 kilos of sweets in a massive parade that had an estimated record attendance of 22,000 people.

Monday (10th Jan) when she will be either 85 or 87. Virginia writes: “I have contacted the Embassy in Madrid and this was their response: “The only suggestion we can make is that you attempt to locate the person via the Spanish Telephone Company’s white pages on-line via (the page may be converted to English). If this proves unsuccessful, then you may wish to consider seeking the services of a private detective agency on the Canary Islands, which you may locate via I trust this information will assist.” Actually, it doesn’t, and a somewhat baffled Virginia adds: “I have tried to find my way around but I could not get to anywhere in there that lets me look up phone numbers. It would make my mother so happy if any of your readers could locate her.” The two old friends met in England and both emigrated to Australia some years later. But when Elfriede moved on to the Canaries, they lost touch with each other. If you believe you know Elfriede Horbas, please contact Virginia by email on Until next week…

Swedish Church on Anglican rota ST Francis Anglican Chaplaincy, which conducts weekly services in San Eugenio, Los Gigantes and Golf del Sur, has added another church to its portfolio.

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During the Swallows’ winter period, services will be held on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at the Swedish Church, on the Los Cristianos

seafront opposite El Cornel, from this week (9th January). The Reverends Elise and Michael Harding look forward to meeting new and old members

of their congregation there. For any information about the Chaplaincy, contact Elise or Michael on 922 732 897, or at

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011


Smooth talking homeless man finds fame A HOMELESS man in the US has become an internet hit after using his “God-given gift of voice” to beg for money. Ted Williams was spotted by a videographer in Columbus, Ohio and filmed delivering his smooth baritone for spare change. The video of him giving voiceover lines has been viewed over 400,000 times and he is being chased to appear on several television chat shows. In it he says he become obsessed with radio as a teenager after meeting a station announcer who looked nothing like his voice would suggest. “He said to me: ‘Radio is defined as theatre of mind’,” Williams added. “I can’t be an actor, I can’t be an on-air personality. The voice became something of a development.”

Williams said he attended broadcasting school but problems with alcohol, drugs and “a few other things” ended his ambitions. He now claims to have been sober for two years and begs for money with a sign saying: “I have a God-given gift of voice. “I’m an ex-radio announcer who has fallen on hard times. Please! Any help will be greatly appreciated.” Local newspaper the Columbus Dispatch says Williams is wanted by WBNSTV to narrate promotional spots during its first ever ‘One Day To End Homelessness’ telethon on Jan 31. He has also received a $10,000 (£6,398) offer for voiceover work from the Ohio Credit Union League. “We’re on pins and needles,” said Tony Florentino from local radio station WNCI. “I think he really has no idea how big this is going to be.”

Unemployment figures end year at rock-bottom SPAIN’S jobless figures escalated up by 176,470 last year, leaving the dole queue standing at 4.1 million - the highest since records began in 1996. Although 2009 was a bad year, the number of people made redundant in 2010 was up by 4.5%, which demonstrates quite clearly that the recovery is still a long way off. Yet dole office statistics show that jobseeker numbers fell slightly in December, possibly because

of more temporary work being available over the Christmas period. More women than men lost their last year, a total of 136,000 - a 7% rise - joining the jobseeker queue and 41,000 men, which was a 2% increase. Despite a total of 14.4 million new job contracts being given out last year - an increase of 2.8% on 2009 only 1.2 million of these were fixed, and the others were temporary.

The Swallows’ beach party THE Swallows group, based in Los Cristianos, took flight to the beach there on Christmas Day for their annual carol “service”. Carole Hart, whose Swallows meet every Monday at the Apolo Centre, was delighted that her group were joined by

Tourists on the increase in November

TENERIFE IN November registered an increase of 7.31 percent tourists, with a total of 398,982 tourists staying, representing an increase over the same month last year. Provisional figures for incoming tourism statistics prepared by the City Council and discussed by the Research Department of Tourism of Tenerife, note that both the hotel and the non-hotel sector saw an

increase their customer traffic. The first vice president and chief Cabildo Insular de Turismo, José Manuel Bermúdez, appreciated the data despite the the controllers’ strike and closing European airports by bad weather. The result has been especially favoured “by the dynamism of foreign markets that are showing a rise of 2.68 percent in the year to date.” The Spanish market has a positive figure of 1.52 percent so far in 2010, despite the downward trend in recent months.

In November there were 3,256,466 overnight stays, a 8.63 percent increase over the same period last year. Occupancy stood at 61.97 percent, 12.85 percent higher than the rate recorded in the same month in 2009. The average stay was 8.16 days, 0.10 points more than last year. Until November visitors increased by 2.32 per cent, with a total balance of 4,427,653 tourists in the first eleven months of the year. Tenerife has registered 33,225,417 overnight stays and keeps a rise of 0.36 percent so far for 2010.

Record breaking Siam Park ride

Visitor Franz Meyer, 91 years of age and a native of Germany, broke a new record at the Siam Park this week to become the oldest person that has been down the ‘Tower of Power’, which is considered to be the longest slide in Europe - 28 meters high. Despite his 91 years, Meyer climbed the 160 steps to reach the top of this attraction, where you can see a panoramic view of South

Tenerife. From there he was launched down the slide where you can reach speeds of up to 80 miles per hour, providing a feeling of free fall.

However, before falling into the pool you go through the interior of a methacrylate tube 18 meters long that crosses an aquarium containing several species of sharks.

Dressing up – with Helping Hands HELPING Hands in Tenerife, a charity which does exactly what its name says, is staging a Valentine’s Dinner-Dance on Saturday, 12th February. The intention is to raise money for the Children’s Home in Granadilla, and the La Laguna-based Martha Dos Centre, which supports children with cerebral palsy. The event takes place at the five-star Hotel Villa Cortes, in Playa de Las Americas, and it is the perfect opportunity for men and women to dress up for an evening of fine dining and entertainment. Tickets, costing 55 euros each, include a sumptuous feast with drinks, plus entertainment, which will be provided by special guest Joy Dey. The international singer, who is no stranger to Tenerife, has delighted audiences here in the past with her versatility, and she is flying over from the UK especially for this show. There will also be a luxury raffle along with an auction, so if you would like to attend this charitable event (black tie, optional, and contribute to these two worthy causes, contact Liz Montague on 661 274 281, or at as soon as possible because places are limited. Menu Champagne reception Cream of Vegetable Soup with fresh rolls Beef Sirloin with mushroom sauce, roasted potatoes and steamed vegetables Chocolate soufflé coulant with red fruits sauce and mandarin sorbet Vegetarian option Grilled vegetables with goat cheese, or variety of vegetables with Asiatic leaves, Thai style White and red wine, plus beer and water throughout the meal

other swallows and holidaymakers, bringing the turn-out to an impressive 150. “We all had a picnic with nibbles, champagne, brandy and beer being shared,” she said. “It was a lovely way to start Christmas, especially for those people who were on their own. So now you know what us ‘oldies’ get up to at this special time of the year.”

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

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Wine bottle enjoys that Oscar taste A REVOLUTIONARY wine bottle, designed by a Spanish company, has been awarded the Oscar de l’emballage in Paris. The bottle is based on a kind of false bottom, with a lip at the base, which acts in the same way as a decanter by trapping impurities and stopping them reaching the glass. It was dreamed up by Costa Brava family firm

Estalpackaging, and has been developed in collaboration with top Spanish chef, Martín Berasategui. Now, with its top accolade, the Martín Berasategui System is set to stand the wine-making trade on its head! The company has been experimenting for months in search of the perfect wine bottle, and has finally tasted the sweet bouquet of success.

Playa San Juan - two new luxury hotels

Grave robbers may be Satanists A SATANIC group could be responsible for looting five graves at the Arico cemetery and making off with the remains of seven bodies. The desecration was discovered on New Year’s Day when a local woman went to lay flowers at her graves of her relatives, and police are now hunting for the people responsible. Local Mayor Eladio Morales said the damaged graves were the oldest in the cemetery. One held the remains of two brothers, who died

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after a flu epidemic in 1920, while the others dated back to the Thirties. The Mayor, who believes it is the work of a satanic sect based elsewhere on the island, recalled another incident four years ago when grave robbers stole ‘parts’ of bodies. He also said that dead hens and other animals had been found outside the cemetery from time to time. The local Town Hall cannot afford to employ permanent security at the cemetery, but is understood to be negotiating with private security firms for video cameras to be installed.

The coast of Guía de Isora, and more specifically the coastal village of Playa de San Juan, will have two new luxury hotels, following a decision on Tuesday 4th January by local government. The Mayor of Guía de Isora, Pedro Martín, said, “This new project will build two luxury hotels which will have 1,100 beds and a specialized center of thalassotherapy. As pointed out by the

mayor of Guía de Isora they have spent several years negotiating, according to the criteria set the objective is to accommodate only a few hotels, and all of 5 star quality. So, the two hotels will be in Playa San Juan as a result of lengthy negotiations in which, after approval of the General Management Plan has been carried out by the Local Government the administrative process will then begin. The Mayor pointed out that with this project for Guía de Isora will not only give a

boost to an important area, which is the closest to the main town of Playa San Juan, but also to improve the resources available, especial-

ly the beach area. No dayes have yet been given as to when building will commence or any indication as to the owner of the hotels.

Boatful of migrants held THE first patera boat to reach the Canary Islands for more than two months arrived in Lanzarote on Wednesday, carrying 56 migrants. Of the occupants, who all seemed fit and well, at least 23 were possibly juveniles, and bone-density testing is

being carried out to sort out the under-age youngsters. The seven-metre boat, picked up by the island’s electronic surveillance system, was intercepted as it approached the north of Lanzarote, about five miles from Arrieta.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011


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07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011


Live Arico Update... Happy New Year to all We wish you a Happy New Year from all at Live Arico. We now have around 350 dogs in the refuge and the tasks we face are harder than ever. Please keep supporting us, checking up with what’s happening on Facebook, popping into the shops and benefit events, helping wherever you can. We are self financing, and have no assistance from the powers that be. Only through your support can we continue to help the abandoned and unwanted. We never see a dog on the street, or turn our back on an animal - ever. Your support is vital, and much appreciated. A million thanks … To all involved in our Xmas Party Night at VIVO, on the 18th December. The kids from Estrellas Theatre School put on a spectacular show, and we all ate, drank, watched and listened. The new Wild Boyz are great, and Phil Gibson did a couple of numbers, as did his son JJ with Matt from Estrellas, and not forgetting the fabulous Colin Stevens and Alfie B. The raffle plus an auction featuring boxing gloves worn by former world featherweight champion Nicky Cook, and a scuba diving voucher from SolScuba altogether raised a total of 537 euros. which was more than welcome in these hard times. Thanks also to Iceland, las Chafiras, where we were invited to pack customers’ bags on Christmas week in return for having a collection bucket on each till. The results were better than we could ever have dreamed because a total of 3,111 euros sum was donated over the five days, which was simply staggering. It was also nice to be able to talk to people about the refuge and the work we do, and it was so heart-warming to be told how much we are valued and appreciated. We cannot thank Iceland enough, and, of course, all the people who gave up their time to pack bags, and last but by no means least, the generous customers, who gave so willingly. Our thanks as well to Louise, Stan and all at Churchills Bar, Los Cristianos, where we raised 602.70 euros at a ben-

efit night last Tuesday, as well as selling 10 calendars. Thanks to entertainers Vanessa V, System X, Bolly, Steve Delsey, Dave Michaels, Suzy Q, Alfie B, Sweet Temptations, Bobby P and Ian Anderson, and also to surrounding businesses for prize donations, including the Star of Bengal, Harry’s Cash and Carry, Tkts Tenerife and La Finquita, to name but a few. Heartfelt thanks to all. Refuge opening hours We are open Tuesday to Sunday, from 2-5pm. Outside of these times, you must make an appointment with Eugenio to facilitate smooth running of the refuge. We are situated in Atogo, directly up from the airport, next door to the Ostrich Farm. Our Live Arico shop chain All three shops are now open for business, so come and bag a bargain from all the second-hand books, toys, clothes and bric-a-brac on sale. Also, pop in to leave donations of dog food, to ask for information about Live Arico, or just for a friendly chat. We need volunteers, so please call Trisha on 638 407 344, or Debbie on the number below, if you can spare a few hours a week. Opening hours Coral Mar, Silencio (in association with Tenerife Nursing and Care) - Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm. Saturday, 11am2pm. San Eugenio (opposite La Niña Hotel, near Amandas Bar) - same hours. Los Cristianos (Churchills Square, near the play park and Chicagos Bar) - same hours, plus Thursday and Friday evenings until 8pm. Revised adoption procedures A minimum 50-euro donation for an adopted male dog, and 75 euros for a female, is

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

now required by Live Arico. This is paid direct to Hospivet Sur on collection of your new pet, which will be chipped, vaccinated and wormed. We are negotiating special rates for neutering and spaying. South Tenerife Rescue Centre We have now sold 514sqm of land up to now, making a total of 2,615 euros (somehow!). The plan to buy our own plot of land remains, possibly even where we are now renting, so are you prepared to buy a square metre of land for Live Arico? At just five euros, you will receive a certificate from Live Arico for now, and your name, address and number of square metres purchased will be on a Roll of Honour at the new refuge. Dog-grooming Claire is now offering 10% of her fee to Live Arico. She has 18 years of experience, so call her on 660 862 910 for an appointment, and quote Live Arico so we can receive our donation. Important telephone numbers Eugenio: 649 001 907 (call if you find an animal abandoned or in distress) Suzy Q: 629 388 102 (fundraising, press releases, prize donations, etc.) Pete Holland: 661 099 365 (Poochies Pet Hotel for boarding your dog) Debbie Gibson: 637 918 158 You can also read about us at or Lastly, as we have said before, please think hard about what will happen to your pet if you are re-locating to the UK. Remember, a dog is for life and NOT just for the duration of your stay in Tenerife!

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MARIANO E ZUNINO SIRI Understanding the Law Email:

Anti-Smoking Law so unfair! I DO not smoke, but I do not agree with the famous Anti-Smoking Law (or Anti-Tobacco Law) because I believe the Law should protect the rights of smokers and people who do not smoke. Previously, if you went in to a bar, you were allowed to choose whether or not you smoked. But the law is the law and today, I am going to talk about some aspects of it. The Anti-Tobacco Law is, in fact, Law 42/2010 of 30th December 2010 and came into force on Sunday. It is a modification to the existing Law 28/2005 and is very restrictive in relation to the places where smoking is allowed. It sets tough sanctions on

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the premises and hotels which previously allowed people to smoke inside. That means there are now few places where you can smoke: at home and in outdoor places, such as terraces limited by a maximum of two walls. But not in children’s playgrounds or hospital gardens. True, hotels can reserve 30% of rooms, but the only places where you know you can puff away to your heart’s content now are the Smokers’ Clubs (Club de Fumadores). But, bearing in mind the restrictions now imposed on smokers, to obtain a licence for a Club de Fumadores may not be not so easy. A Club de Fumadores has to be legally incorporated, with a Foundation Act, members, payment of duties, Statutes, etc, and smoking will be allowed inside only if members (partners) are present, Consequently, if there are

only visitors inside, or people invited by club members, no one would be allowed to smoke (the law is not clear on this aspect). And the club must be a non-profit organisation. I have read that there are

many bars attempting to become Smokers’ Clubs. If the bar is a Smoker Club, then the clients would be members of the private club, and under-18s would not be allowed in. I wonder how the bar can be a non-profitable

association! Article 7 of Law 28/2005 is now modified by Law 42/2010 and mentions all the places where smoke is forbidden. These are listed from A to X and include schools, offices (public or private), sports centres, ballrooms, airports, bars, etc. The exception is outdoor places, but sometimes it could be difficult to determine the meaning of such places. What really brings the new law to my attention is the high amount of “very serious offences”, where fines of up to 600,000 euros could be imposed. Like many laws there are “minor offences”, “serious offences” and “very serious offences”. In many cases concerning these other laws, serious offences are more dangerous or more destructive than smoking. yet the corresponding maximum fine is

much lower than 600,000 euros. Minor offences carry fines from 30-600 euros, serious offences from 60-10,000 euros, while very serious fines range from 10,001 up to 600,000 euros. I have experience of many administrative cases (not referring to this new law), in which the fines are normally levied at the maximum level. The question is how the Administration can fix a fine with such a wide minimummaximum range, from 10,000 up to 600,000 euros, or even from 600 up to 10,000 euros. And a Happy New Year to readers! Mariano Zunino Siri is a lawyer with offices in Edificio Valdes Center, Torre A, oficina 1, piso 2, Los Cristianos. Tel: 922 794412. Fax: 922 794208, Email:

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011




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07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

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World News

A flu vaccine shortage hits parts of UK

The VAT rate has increased to 20% to boost budget VAT has gone up 2.5% in a move that the Treasury hopes will raise an extra £13bn in tax.

THE GOVERNMENT has admitted some parts of the country are experiencing a shortage of the flu vaccine. Suppliers are being asked to gather any spare flu jabs licensed for use in the UK from factories across Europe. The Department of Health issued a statement after reports of patients being unable to get jabs from their local GP surgery. A spokeswoman for the Department insisted there is “no national shortage” but admitted some areas are experiencing “local supply issues”. Around 14.5 to 15 million doses of seasonal flu vaccine are ordered by GPs in England every year. The Department of Health hopes local shortages can be resolved through surgeries with too much vaccine offering it to others suffering shortages. A spokeswoman said: “There is no national shortage of

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seasonal flu vaccine. “Primary care trusts (PCTs) are working with their GPs to ensure that local supply issues are resolved locally where possible. “The Department continues to liaise closely with strategic health authorities (SHAs) to ensure that the NHS is managing winter pressures effectively.” Flu has been striking the under-65s, with relatively high rates in youngsters under 15. The most recent figures on numbers of deaths, published on New Year’s Eve, showed 39 people in the UK have died with flu since the start of the outbreak in October. Overall, 38 of the 39 victims were aged under 65, with four aged under five. And the number of UK workers calling in sick is fast approaching the two million mark each day following the Christmas break. The Government has so far resisted calls for a national vaccination programme of young children, as was carried out last year for swine flu.

The increase will see the rate rise from 17.5% to 20% meaning an extra 2.13p added ito products that had previously been sold for £1. Officials hope it will help reduce the deficit between government income and expenditure which is forecast to reach £155bn by the end of 2011. It is expected the price of a litre of petrol will increase by an average of 3p, and a television which previously sold for £450 will be subject to another £10 in VAT. The taxman will take another £320 on a mid-range car which was priced at £15,000, but there should be no change to prices for food and children’s clothes which are exempt from VAT prices. Different retailers are making varying promises about absorbing the cost of the VAT increase. Debenhams said it will only start to charge the higher VAT rate on new season stock; Tesco said it would freeze the price of all nonfood products until January 25th; Asda said that its customers would “hardly notice a thing”; while Superdrug has promised to freeze prices on all its own-branded goods. Retail analyst, Natalie Berg said: “The obvious impact of not passing on the VAT is that their profit margins will take a hit as a result - the majority

of retailers will look to pass on the VAT rise to consumers in some shape or form.” But she said that many shoppers are unlikely to notice a difference. “Often the psychological effect is greater than the reality. “A few years ago the Government reduced VAT as a way to stimulate spending and nobody really noticed. “It’s only now that prices are going up that shoppers are taking an interest.” The previous government’s discount VAT rate of 15% came to an end last January after it failed to stimulate consumer spending as had been hoped. But the Labour leader Ed Miliband said that increasing VAT again is “going too far too fast”. “When family budgets are already squeezed, now is not the time for a VAT rise to make it even harder to make ends meet,” he said. He said the Government

should apologise for “misleading” voters as both parties said they had no plans to increase the tax. “George Osborne should stop treating the British people like fools,” Mr Miliband told reporters. “He claimed that this VAT rise was fair - but David Cameron admitted before the election that VAT rises were unfair. “Everybody knows it’s poor and middle-income families that will be hit hardest.” But the Chancellor, George Osborne denied VAT was a less progressive tax than other options and said his policy of debt reduction would restore confidence in the economy. He said: “Labour left Britain with record debts that people know we have to deal with to avoid an economic crisis. “VAT is a powerful weapon to tackle debt and if we don’t use it then the spending cuts

would be over £13bn pounds bigger.” Retailers and service providers warn that thousands of jobs will be lost when they are forced to increase their prices. The Office of Budget Responsibility has concluded that the increase will shave 0.3% off economic growth of between 1.5 and 2% for the next year. “There’s no way I can see it pushing us into a double dip but it is a lot of money going out of the economy,” George Bull, Head of Taxation at Baker Tilly said. “The Chancellor has been thinking out loud about whether the private sector could could take up some of the slack in job losses caused by public sector spending cuts,” Mr Bull said. “But if the shadow Chancellor is right, the VAT increase is going to suck out the capacity from the economy to increase jobs.”

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

World News

Facebook’s value swells FACEBOOK has been valued at nearly as much as web veterans Yahoo and eBay combined, after a cash injection from Goldman Sachs and Digital Sky Technologies. The £32.2bn ($50bn) valuation comes after the two financial institutions invested £322m in the social networking website. The US bank put in £290m while the Moscow-based investment firm added £32m. Digital Sky Technologies (DST) previously invested £192m in Facebook, when the company was worth onefifth its current value in 2009. Goldman Sachs and DST plan to raise an additional £646m ($1bn) for the technology company, according to a Reuters source. Its success over social networking rivals such as Twitter has been attributed to the way it allows advertisers to reach target audiences. David Smith from the Interactive Media in Retail Group said: “Facebook in itself becomes almost like a walled garden.

In the box son! Giggsy makes a fitness DVD THE WORLD of workout DVDs has an unlikely new star in the shape of veteran Manchester United winger Ryan Giggs.

“Particularly in our industry, in retail, you’ve got lots and lots of retailers using Facebook to communicate with their consumers.” Internet retailer Amazon has 488,570 followers on its Page. Despite saying it has no interest in a flotation until late 2012, the deals have raised questions on the Silicon Valley firm being

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

forced to list on the stock exchange. This is because US financial regulations require that firms with 500 or more shareholders file as public companies with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Analysts say this threshold will be reached through the fund Goldman Sachs will create to allow clients to invest

in the technology firm. Facebook overtook search engine Google to become the most visited website in the US in 2010 and was also the most-searched term, according to Experian Hitwise. The social networking site, which has half a billion users, was started by 19-year-old Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg in 2004.

The 37-year-old released his Giggs Fitness: Power & Strength Through Yoga DVD today and it is expected to become a best-seller. Pre-sales demand meant it was already in the top 20 best-selling fitness DVDs last week. It is up against more traditional names like Jane Fonda, Davina McCall, Claire Nasir and Coronation Street’s Beverley Callard. HMV’s Gennaro Castaldo said more men were buying celebrity workout DVDs now. As a high-profile and respected footballer, who has always looked after himself and set a fantastic example to others, he must be wellplaced to appeal to quite a few health-conscious guys, and so capitalise on this growing trend. HMV’s Gennaro Castaldo He said: “It may have something to do with the fact interactive console games are proving an increasingly effective way to improve levels of

fitness in the home. “It’s interesting that Ryan Giggs is about to release his own fitness DVD, which has been pre-ordering really well online at “As a high-profile and respected footballer, who has always looked after himself and set a fantastic example to others, he must be wellplaced to appeal to quite a few health-conscious guys, and so capitalise on this growing trend.” Manchester United’s most decorated player and appearance record- holder, Giggs was crowned PFA Player of the Year and BBC Sports Personality of the Year in 2009. The current best-seller, according to figures released by HMV, is Step Up: The Official Dance Workout, which is based on moves from the hit dance film.

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World News

Schooners for beer and cider

BRITISH PUBS and bars could soon be able to sell beer and cider in “schooner” glasses under Government moves to change alcohol measures. Although pints and halves will still be sold, Australianstyle schooners - which are about two thirds the size of a pint - would be available for the first time. Rules for wine are also set to change, with servings to be made available in 50ml and 70ml-size glasses, much less than the current minimum pubs are legally allowed to offer. Science Minister David Willetts said: “This is exactly the sort of unnecessary red tape the Government wants to remove. We are freeing business so they can innovate and create new products to meet the demands of their customers. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills added the new measures are intended to offer consumers more choice, and not to encourage people to drink less. Mr Willetts added: “We have listened to consumers and businesses. They have called for fixed quantities to be kept

but with greater flexibility. That is what this change will deliver. “We are freeing business so they can innovate and create new products to meet the demands of their customers.” Alcohol Measures: Current sizes: :: Pint - 568ml. :: Half-pint - 284ml. :: Wine - 125ml minimum. New sizes: :: About two thirds of a pint. :: Wine - 50ml minimum. Brigid Simmons, of The British Beer & Pub Association, welcomed the news: “While the pint remains a great British icon, the two thirds measure will give greater flexibility over how beer is served.” She added the new measure was likely to encourage more women to drink beer. Ms Simmons said: “This is particularly important when it comes to encouraging more women to choose beer, as many avoid the traditional pint glass. “As a lower strength with a wide variety of styles, tastes and flavours, there is no reason why beer shouldn’t be enjoyed in a wider range of measures and glass styles.” The Government is aiming to introduce the changes in drinking measures over the next three months.

Flooded Australians demand emergency food drops at once

RESIDENTS who have refused to leave their flooded homes in Australia have been described as “irresponsible” by their local mayor. Water levels have slowly started to recede in Rockhampton, a town in Queensland virtually surrounded by a brown inland sea. But torrential downpours could cause flash-flooding and worsen existing floods, the weather bureau warned. Some 4,000 people across the state have been evacuated from their homes since the flooding started just before Christmas. The mayor of Rockhampton has slammed a handful of residents, including some with

children, who refused to leave and are now demanding food drops from the emergency services. “We have taken a decision, and we make it very clear, that we cannot put emergency services resources at risk bringing in those supplies,” Brad Carter said. “They have to now respect and understand that because they make that choice... they will not be getting re-supply of essential services, goods and grocery items provided by emergency services personnel.” He added: “If these residents want to stay in their homes that’s their decision, we won’t force them out.” But he expressed frustration that they had ignored warnings to leave and branded them “irresponsible”. Thousands of people are

trying to salvage homes and belongings, while dealing with the threat of poisonous snakes, crocodiles and disease-carrying mosquitoes as they negotiate the sludge and rain. Acting police superintendent David Peff said wading into the waters - sometimes up to chest height - was dangerous for his staff and backed the mayor’s pleas to isolated residents in the town of 75,000. “Every time we put police or SES (State Emergency Service) people into that water... my personal concern is people that are helping will end up being bitten by a snake,” he said. The disaster, described as the state’s worst, has now inundated or cut off 40 towns and swept 10 people to their deaths, along with thou-

sands of animals. The flooding has also had a major economic impact on the region, shutting down three-quarters of the state’s coal mines, which account for half the world’s supply. Gladstone port, one of Queensland’s two major coal ports, has suspended exports because of supply problems and flooded mines. Different coals are normally blended together at the waterfront before being loaded onto ships - but it has insufficient quantities to keep blending to the same standard, a spokeswoman said. Anglo American, one of Australia’s top four miners of steel-making coal, said it could take some weeks to pump water out of its flooded mines and that it was too early to say when its collieries could resume operation.

Britain is braced for more wintry weather After the coldest December since records began, Britain can expect a fresh blast of cold weather. Sky News’ Isobel Lang says there are concerns for southern Britain from this evening onwards as rain in the north brings in colder air and the threat of snow. While not everywhere will see snow

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there is a definite threat for parts of the country. “Motorists should be prepared for a fall,” she added, pointing out that driving conditions could be tricky if snow and sleet turn to ice. Sky News’ meteorologist Dr Chris England said: “It’ll be in the hills first and then increasingly moving to lower levels. “But it’s hard to know exact-

ly when and where it will start being snow rather than sleet. “What we expect is for the snow to come in across Wales, parts of the Midlands, East Anglia and north of the M4.” The Met Office on Wednesday night issued severe weather warnings for south-west Scotland, Lothian and Borders where snow was expected to create icy conditions.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011


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07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

World News

Asda joins the New Year supermarket price war A GROWING number of major supermarkets are launching a battle for business - with Asda the latest to join the fray. Asda, owned by the American giant Walmart, has guaranteed to sell 15,000 grocery products at least 10% cheaper than all of its big rivals. As part of its pledge to customers, the UK’s second largest chain is promising voucher refunds to those who find their groceries less than 10% cheaper elsewhere from today. Under the deal, shoppers who found their £100 Asda basket for £95 elsewhere would receive 10% of £95 plus the original £5 difference - a total of £14.50. Cheapest Baskets Over 27 Weeks :: Asda - cheapest baskets in 16 weeks :: Morrisons - cheapest baskets in seven weeks :: Tesco - cheapest baskets in four weeks :: Sainsbury’s and Waitrose -

no cheapest baskets Source:, Dec 2010 Customers are asked to input their receipt details into the Asda website the following day, where the independent price comparison group will determine if refunds are due. Some 7,000 items covered by the guarantee are subject to VAT. The recent increase in VAT to 20% and rising household bills also prompted Morrisons to announce price cuts this week - saying its biggest ever “Price Crunch” will cancel out

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

the VAT increase. The price cuts on the shelves also follow the biggest jump in food prices since 1976 in November - with cereal, sugar and fruit costs all soaring in recent times. Asda chief executive Andy Clarke said: “The Asda Price Guarantee cuts through all the phoney claims and headline numbers, and shows when it comes to saving people money, we mean business this year.” Research by The Grocer has suggested that out of the big five supermarkets, Asda beats its rivals on price more

often. But reaction to the initiative has been measured. Matt Piner, senior retail analyst at Verdict, said: “Despite the fact relatively few people will still actually use the service, rivals such as Tesco will now be forced to respond.” Richard Hodgson, Morrisons Commercial Director, said: “Unlike Asda, we’re not in the business of gimmicks and stunts. He continued “Morrisons does not ask customers to decipher lots of terms & conditions, fill in a form to get a few pence back every couple of weeks.”

The fat lady has nothing to sing about these days! SHE is aged between 45 and 54, has been married for 20 years, weighs 13st 3lbs, wears a size 18 dress and experiences humiliation every day. The archetypal overweight female was revealed by a YouGov survey, commissioned by weight-loss group Slimming World. And with two-thirds of women in the UK falling into the same weight category as Mrs Average, these feelings of daily humiliation are widespread. The survey of 2,257 people, of which 1,467 were deemed to be overweight, found fat people struggled with their emotions in at least five everyday situations. They cover looking in the mirror and at holiday snaps, seeing old friends, trying clothes on in a shop, and getting dressed for a night out. Slimming World spokeswoman Caryl Richards said: “Mrs Average faces a constant daily battle with her emotions, as failed diets and a desperate desire to lose

weight cause a crisis of confidence.These turn a string of everyday situations into sources of embarrassment, humiliation and dread.” With two out of three people in the UK overweight or obese, according to Slimming World: “The majority of the population is now trapped in this emotional cycle of daily humiliation, embarrassment and dread. The survey found that men reported more positive responses, like “happy” and “excited” in everyday situations, but still used the word “fat” to express how they felt in two out of five circumstances. In contrast, the 790 healthy weight people who took part in the survey reported positive answers in every situation. To win the battle of the bulge, Ms Richards said a good support network was the key. “It’s about tapping into the power of a group to influence individuals positively,” she stressed. “That means encouraging them to make healthy new choices and lifestyle changes that are often too difficult to make on their own.”

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World News

Womack has quit East Enders ‘over baby swap plot’ EASTENDERS actress Samantha Womack, whose character has been involved in the soap’s controversial baby swap plot, is to leave the show. Womack plays Ronnie Branning, who lost baby son James to cot death on New Year’s Eve then swapped him for Kat Moon’s (played by Jessie Wallace) newborn Tommy. The storyline has generated thousands of complaints from viewers and reports suggest the actress objected to the plot. The BBC said mother-of-two Womack would be leaving the soap in several months, but would not confirm her departure was prompted by the harrowing storyline. The Sun said the 38-year-old brought filming to a halt during the scenes as she was so upset, and also “made it clear” to bosses she thought the plot was wrong. An EastEnders spokesman said: “Samantha Womack has been a major part of the show’s success in recent

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years and she will continue to work with us until her departure later this year.” Womack - formerly known as Samantha Janus before her marriage to actor husband Mark Womack - will reportedly leave the show in May. Nearly 6,000 viewers have complained to the BBC about the New Year episodes. Only one other EastEnders story - when Danielle Jones was killed in a car crash moments after Ronnie found out the teenager was her daughter - has prompted more complaints, with 7,000. Executive producer Bryan Kirkwood said about the baby swap plot: “We appreciate this is a challenging storyline and have taken care to ensure viewers were aware of the content in advance of transmission.” He also pointed out that information on where to get advice was provided for those affected by the issues. The episode in which Ronnie struggled to cope with the baby and Kat did not recognise the dead child as her own was seen by 10.6 million viewers.

Joanna Yeates' lifestyle 'holds key to the case' Detectives will be looking deeply into Joanna Yeates' lifestyle as they step up the hunt for her killer, according to a former Scotland Yard murder detective. Rick Turner said police would be examining her private life closely for clues - including the possibility that she had a stalker. On Wednesday officers revealed that one of Miss Yeates' socks was missing when her body was discovered on Christmas Day. Detectives believe the grey ski sock may hold the key to solving her murder and are investigating whether her killer took it as a trophy. Mr Turner said: "There is a possibility of that. "In certain types of offences, particularly sexual motives where offences of murder have been committed, sometimes - not always the perpetrator may take a trophy." The former chief superintendent examined the case with Sky's crime correspondent Martin Brunt outside the 25-year-old's flat in Bristol and at the spot where her strangled body was found three miles away. He said officers would be looking closely at tributes left outside her home, possibly even taking away written messages for analysis. "It has been known that a killer will go back to the scene

and lay flowers," he said. Detective Chief Inspector Phil Jones, who is leading the murder inquiry, has confirmed Miss Yeates' killer or killers may have tried to put her body over a wall into the quarry on Longwood Lane, Failand, but instead left her on the grass verge. Mr Turner said they may have chosen an "ideal place" to hide the body at the site behind a stone wall where it

would be covered by vegetation - but were interrupted by traffic. The landscape architect was last seen walking back to the rented flat she shared with her boyfriend Greg Reardon, 27, after leaving colleagues in a pub on December 17. She wasfilmed on CCTV buying a pizza in Tesco Express, Clifton. The receipt was discovered in her flat but no evi-

dence of the pizza or the packaging has ever been found. Police have said there was no evidence that Miss Yeates was sexually assaulted, but they have not ruled out a sexual motive. Miss Yeates' landlord, retired Clifton College teacher Chris Jefferies, 65, was arrested on suspicion of her murder, but freed on bail after three days of questioning.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011


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Whats On

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07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Television Guide


Dancing on Ice Sunday 9th January, 6.30pm, ITV1 Adding a touch of sparkle to our TV screens this Winter is the return of ITV’s hit Entertainment show Dancing on Ice. Moving to a brand new home at the legendary Shepperton Studios, the world’s most glamourous ice rink has been completely redesigned as the glittering ice show becomes even more stunning in High Definition for the very first time. Olympic skating superstars Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean return to train the team of novice celebrities who will all face new challenges and hurdles as they all compete to be a dancing sensation on ice. This year, the skaters will face a number of twists and turns – and not just in their routines. Only 12 places will be available on Dancing on Ice 2011 but we start with 16 star skaters. This means two skaters will leave in each of the first and second shows, before the competition has even got going – and it will be the public who decides who gets to stay! The new look format means the skaters have everything to gain from the moment they set foot on the ice and must give their very best in performance otherwise they may find themselves going home early. Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby will be ring side to preside over all the action and the Judgeswill be on hand to deliver their verdicts. This year, Head Judge Robin Cousins will be joined again by Emma Bunton and Jason Gardiner. Karen Barber has moved to the new on-screen role of Head Coach, acting as a mouth piece for the celebrity skaters when those judges step over the line! With mind-blowing performances from Torvill & Dean, awe-inspiring tricks from our skating professionals and a cast of celebrities with everything to play for, this year’s show promises to be the most spectacular yet as our stars spin, jump and headbang their way to skating stardom!

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

F R I D A Y 6:00am..........................Breakfast

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

6:00am ..........................Daybreak

9:15am ................Wanted Down Under

11:30am ..................Animal Park

8:30am ............................Lorraine

12:30pm ....................Darts: BDO World Championships

9:25am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

3:00pm ........................Escape to the Country

10:30am ................This Morning

3:45pm ................................Flog It!

1:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

10:00am ......................BBC News ; Weather 10:00am ..............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am......................Saints and Scroungers

4:30pm ..........................Pointless 5:15pm ......Antiques Road Trip

1:55pm ................London News and Weather

6:00pm ........................Eggheads

2:00pm ..........A Touch of Frost

6:30pm ..................Great British Railway Journeys

3:00pm ......................Dickinson’s Real Deal

7:00pm........................Live Darts: BDO World Championships

3:59pm ..........London Weather

11:45am ......................BBC News ; Weather 11:45am ......................To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm ................Bargain Hunt 1:00pm ....BBC News; Weather 1:30pm ..............Regional News and Weather

12:30pm ............Loose Women

4:00pm ......................Doc Martin 5:00pm ........................The Chase

8:00pm ....................Mastermind

1:45pm ............................Doctors


2:15pm ......................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

9.00pm BBC1 The hustlers return with some new, ingenious and totally brilliant plans to teach the filthy rich a lesson and relieve them of some of their ill-gotten wealth.

3:00pm BBC News & Weather

Albert has three new marks lined up for the five tricksters – arrogant aristocrat Viscount Manley, corrupt MP Jeremy Garret and shady judge Stanley Mead. The group of hustlers can’t decide which mark is most deserving of their special treatment, but when Eddie’s niece is caught up in a modelling scam, the choice is made for them...

Wendy Stanton, CEO of Model Devotion, is a failed model, scamming £100,000 each year from naive young girls hoping to make it in the modelling business. Ruthless, hard-nosed and ambitious, Wendy wants to hit the big time and hates parting with money; cue the Hustle gang. Mickey poses as emerging fashion guru Hilary King, who is launching a new line of women’s clothing at Milan Fashion Week. He approaches Wendy looking for a face for the line, deliberately selecting Eddie’s niece from the list of potentials. As the con unfolds, Mickey tries to persuade Wendy to invest a substantial amount of cash into the fashion line

with the help of Ash and Sean, who are posing as his business associates. When Wendy’s reluctance to part with money becomes problematic, Emma steps in to play a premium psychic life coach exploiting Wendy’s superstitions. She attempts to convince Wendy that investing in the fashion line is her one big opportunity with a few clever tricks. But will the hustlers succeed and teach Wendy a lesson on behalf of Eddie’s niece? Albert is played by Robert Vaughn, Eddie by Rob Jarvis, Wendy Stanton by Anna Chancellor, Mickey by Adrian Lester, Ash by Robert Glenister, Sean by Matt Di Angelo and Emma by Kelly Adams.

Coronation Street

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street. Fiz and John are elated by some news at the hospital. Then, Becky’s arrest sends

6:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather 7:00pm......................Emmerdale

3:05pm ........................Deadly 60

7:30pm ......Coronation Street

3:35pm..Me and My Monsters

8:00pm ......Children’s Hospital

4:00pm ..................Tracy Beaker Returns

8:30pm ......Coronation Street 9:00pm ................Penn & Teller: Fool Us

4:30pm ........Diddy Dick & Dom 4:30pm ........Horrible Histories

10:30pm........................ITV News and Weather

5:00pm......................Newsround 5:15pm ..................Weakest Link

11:00pm ..............London News and Weather

6:00pm ........................BBC News

11:05pm ................Take Me Out

7:00pm ..........................Celebrity Mastermind 7:30pm ........................BBC News 7:30pm ..A Question of Sport 8:00pm......................EastEnders 8:30pm ..........................................QI 9:00pm ................................Hustle 10:00pm ......................BBC News 10:35pm ................The Graham Norton Show

8:30pm ............................Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein 9:00pm......................The Sinking of the Laconia 10:30pm ....................Newsnight 11:05pm ....................Darts: BDO World Championships

11:20pm ................The National Lottery Friday Night Draws

11:55pm ................Darts Extra

11:30pm ....The Weather Man

1:55am..................Talking Books 2:00am..........................BBC News

7.30pm and 8.30pm , ITV1

Tonight’s double helping of Corrie sees the net close in on Becky. Kevin and Tyrone come to blows in the

6:00pm ..........London Tonight

1:10am James May’s Man Lab

2:30am......The Record Review

2:10am ........................Horizon: Is Seeing Believing?

3:00am..........................BBC News

12:20am ........................ITV News Headlines 12:20am ........................The Zone 2:20am..............................All That Heaven Allows 3:50am ............ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ........ITV Morning News

3:30am ......Click 3:40am Close

shockwaves through the Street. John’s happiness is short-lived as Joy only adds to his woes.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Television Guide

7th January 6:10am........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

6:35am........................The Hoobs

9:15am ........................................K-9

7:00am ........Freshly Squeezed

9:50am Animal Rescue Squad

7:30am........................Everybody Loves Raymond

10:10am ......................Polar Bear Adventures with Nigel Marven

7:55am ................................Frasier 8:20am ..............................Friends 8:50am ..............................Friends 9:25am..............................Famous and Fearless 11:00am ..................................Glee 11:55am ..........Wedding House 1:00pm ..........................3 Minute Wonder: Frieze

11:10am ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:05pm ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:05pm ........................Five News 1:10pm ....................................Lucy 3:10pm ....................Elevator Girl

6:00am................The Ashes Live 8:00am ..............................Premier League World 8:30am ................Live European Tour Golf 10:30am ......................The Ashes Highlights 11:30am ..............PGA Tour Golf 1:30pm ................Live European Tour Golf 3:30pm ..............................Premier League World 4:00pm..The Ashes Highlights 5:00pm......................Test Cricket

6:00am ..............................Brainiac Science Abuse 7:00am ......................X-Weighted 8:00am..............................Oops TV 9:00am ..........................It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00am ........UK Border Force 11:00am................The Filth Files 11:30am ................The Real A&E 12:00pm ..........Project Runway 1:00pm ......................X-Weighted 2:00pm ................Stargate SG-1 4:00pm ............Best of Oops TV 5:00pm ..........WWE Superstars

6:00am ..............Passport Patrol 7:00am ..........................The Jerry Springer Show 8:00am ..................................Maury 8:55am......................Celebs 24/7 9:00am ..............America’s Next Top Model 10:00am ............Four Weddings 11:00am ........................CSI: Miami 11:55am ..................Celebs 24/7 12:00pm ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm ................Criminal Minds 4:00pm............................Charmed

6:00pm..............................Football League Weekend 7:00pm ........................Sky Sports News at Seven 7:30pm ..........Take It Like a Fan 8:00pm ..The Ashes Highlights 10:00pm ........Live Test Cricket

6:00pm ....................Raising Hope 6:30pm ................The Simpsons 8:00pm..........................Futurama 9:00pm ....................A League of Their Own: Best Bits 10:00pm ................Got to Dance

6:00pm ..............America’s Next Top Model 7:00pm ..........Ghost Whisperer 8:00pm ..................................Bones 9:00pm ................Criminal Minds 10:00pm ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:10am ......................Whose Line Is It Anyway? 8:00am..........................Fifth Gear 9:00am ............................Top Gear 10:00am ................Dragons’ Den 11:00am ............................Airport 12:00pm..........................Top Gear 2:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den 3:00pm ............Seaside Rescue 4:00pm ............................Top Gear

6:10am ......................Animal Park 7:00am ..........................Escape to the Country 8:00am ............................Casualty 9:00am ................................The Bill 11:00am ..........................Casualty 12:00pm ......................Escape to the Country 1:00pm ......................Animal Park 2:00pm..........................My Family 3:20pm ....................Traffic Cops 4:40pmEscape to the Country 5:40pm ....................Doctor Who



5:00pm ........................Five News

2:55pm............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

5:30pm ....................Monkey Life

3:25pm............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

6:00pm ..........Cowboy Builders

3:55pm..............Deal or No Deal

7:30pm ........................Michaela’s Zoo Babies

7:00pm ..............Five News at 7

8:00pm ....................Titanic: The True Story

5:00am............Take It Like a Fan

4:55pm............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

6:00am................Good Morning Sports Fans

5:30pm............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

9:00am ....................Test Cricket 10:00am ....PDC Darts Awards

6:00pm ................The Simpsons

10:30am ..........................Premier League Review

6:30pm ..........................Hollyoaks

11:30am ..................Test Cricket

7:00pm ............Channel 4 News

12:30pm ..........................Premier League World


1:00pm........................The Ashes Highlights

7:30pm................Love, Virtually 8:00pm ............................Famous and Fearless

9:00pm ................The Mentalist

2:00pm ....................Test Cricket

10:00pm........Rude Tube 2011

10:00pm ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:00pm ......PDC Darts Awards

10:55pm ..................................NCIS

4:00pm ................PGA Tour Golf

12:05am ............Robin Williams: Weapons of Self Destruction


11:55pm................Cops in Crisis 6:00pm ......................Tight Lines

1:55am ............My Name Is Earl


2:20am ............My Name Is Earl

3:55am....Motorsport Mundial

2:40am........................The Castle of Cagliostro

4:20am................Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers

4:25am........Brothers & Sisters

5:10am......................Wildlife SOS

10:30pm..........................Football League Weekend


5:35am ................House Doctor

11:30pm......NFL: Total Access

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

7:00pm ..........................Live Elite League Ice Hockey 10:00pm ......Take It Like a Fan

6:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den 7:00pm ..............Seaside Rescue 8:00pm............................Top Gear 9:00pmDave’s One Night Stand 10:00pm ......................Al Murray: Giving It Both Barrels 11:30pm ..................Black Books 12:05am ....................Dave’s One Night Stand

6:40pm..........................My Family 8:00pm ......Total Wipeout USA 9:00pm ......Two Weeks Notice 11:05pm..................Traffic Cops 12:20am............The Funny Side of the News

Life in the Cottage Garden with Carol Klein Winter 8.30pm, BBC 2 In this new series plantswoman Carol Klein shares with us a year in her garden at Glebe Cottage in north Devon. Carol has looked after her garden for over thirty years and each year brings with it its own rewards and delights, as well as problems and challenges. Follow Carol as her garden grows, flourishes, dies and is reborn. The first episode covers January and February. The frosts have not yet released their grip on the garden and the devastation of a hard winter is scattered all around. There is much to do; cutting back, preparing the soil and garlic planting. The first green shoots of the year begin to appear, as drifts of snowdrops carpet the woodland floor and hellebores reveal their ravishing colours. A local woodsman joins Carol to lay a native hedge. Slowly the first signs of spring appear.

‘Titanic: The True Story 8pm, Channel 5 James Cameron’s 1997 movie ‘Titanic’ became one of the cinematic events of the decade, grossing over $2billion worldwide and scooping 11 Oscars. The film captures the action and drama of the maritime disaster, which claimed the lives 1,523 people - but how realistic are the events depicted in the film.

Page 23

Television Guide

The Apolo Centre S A T U R D A Y

Car park NOW OPEN


6:00am..........................Breakfast 10:00am ........................Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30am ................Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers

7:00am ........Basil and Barney’s Game Show

6:00am ............The Fluffy Club

7:30am ................................Arthur

9:25am........Coronation Street

7:55am ....................................Leon

11:45am ..............This Morning: Saturday

12:00pm ..BBC News Weather

8:00am....Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab

12:15pm ............Football Focus

8:30am ........................Deadly 60

1:00pm..................Live Athletics

9:00am ..................Dick & Dom’s Funny Business

2:30pm........................Live Darts: BDO World Championships 4:30pm ......................Final Score 5:10pm ....BBC News Weather 5:30pm ..........The Impressions Show with Culshaw and Stephenson

12:15pm ........................ITV News and Weather 12:19pm ........London Weather 12:20pm Live FA Cup Football

10:00am ......Diddy Dick & Dom 10:00am ..........................Trapped Ever After 10:30am ............................OOglies 10:45am................The Slammer

6:00pm ..............................All New Total Wipeout

11:15am ..............Growing Up in a War Zone: A Newsround Special

7:00pm ................The Magicians

11:45am ........MOTD Kickabout

8:00pm ..................The National Lottery: In It to Win It

12:00pm ........The Sky at Night

8:50pm ............................Casualty

1:05pm....................Racing from Chepstow

9:40pm ........Come Fly with Me

7:25am ..........................Toonattik

12:20pm ..Murder, She Wrote

6:05pm............................Weather 6:05pm............London Tonight 6:15pm ..........................ITV News and Weather 6:30pm ..............Harry Hill’s the Best of TV Burp 7:00pm............................Primeval 8:00pm ..................Take Me Out 9:15pm ..............Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Cheryl Cole

10:10pm ........National Lottery Update 10:10pm BBC News; Weather 10:30pm ............Weatherview 10:30pm....National Treasure: Book of Secrets 12:30am ....................Reporters 1:00am..........................BBC News 1:30am ......................Intelligence Squared Debate 2:00am..........................BBC News 2:30am....Britain’s Prostitutes - Life on the Edge 3:00am..........................BBC News 3:30am ........................Our World

2:35pm ......................................Gigi 4:30pm........................Live Darts: BDO World Championships 6:30pm ..........The Bear Family and Me 7:30pm ..............The Sinking of the Laconia: Survivors’ Stories

4:30am ....................................Click

8:00pm..................Shooting the Hollywood Stars

5:00am..........................BBC News

9:00pm....................................QI XL

6:00am ..............Harry and Toto

9:45pm............The Kite Runner

6:10am........Everything’s Rosie

11:45pm ............Three Men Go to Scotland

4:00am..........................BBC News

6:20am....................Dirtgirlworld 6:35am ................................Jakers!

10:15pm........................ITV News and Weather 10:29pm ......London Weather 10:30pm......FA Cup Highlights 12:00am ......................The Cube: Celebrity Special 1:00am ..........................ITV News Headlines 1:00am ..........................The Zone 3:00am ..........The Starter Wife

12:45am ............Lonesome Jim 2:15am ........................One Magic Christmas

3:50am ............ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ........ITV Morning News

Iron Man 6:40pm, Channel 4 IN THIS classy addition to the Marvel Comics movie canon, Robert Downey Jr stars as billionaire playboy and weapons genius Tony Stark, who's captured and held hostage during a trip to Afghanistan. His insurgent captors order him to build them a bomb, but instead he devises an armoured suit that he uses to escape. Back in America,

Page 24

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Television Guide

8th January 6:00am......The Treacle People

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

6:00am ..........Aerobics Oz Style

6:10am........................The Hoobs

9:30am ..The Milkshake! Show

6:30am............Take It Like a Fan

6:35am........................The Hoobs

10:00am ....................................K-9

7:00am ....................GT Academy 7:25am ............Freesports on 4

10:35am ......................Great Run Review 2010

7:00am ..............................Football League Weekend

7:55am ..................The Morning Line 8:50am ..................Live and Lost 9:05am ..............................Friends 9:40am ..............................Friends

6:00am ..............................Brainiac History Abuse 7:00am ..............Vet Adventures

6:00am ..............Passport Patrol 7:00am ..........................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00am ..............Guinness World Records Smashed!

8:00am ..................................Maury

8:00am............Take It Like a Fan

11:35am ....................Demolition: The Super Stadium

8:30am ......................Test Cricket

9:00am..............................Oops TV

9:00am ........Four Weddings US

9:30am ..The Sky Sports Years

10:00am ......................Soccer AM

12:35pm ............Goering’s Last Secret: Revealed

10:30am ..............Live European Tour Golf

12:00pm ..........................Oops TV

11:00am ............America’s Next Top Model

1:35pm ..............The Searchers

2:30pm............Live Premiership Rugby Union

2:00pm ................My Pet Shame

3:50pm ............The Naked Spur

1:00pm............UK Border Force

8:50am......................Celebs 24/7

12:00pm ..................The Biggest Loser US

3:00pm..................The Librarian: Return to King Solomon’s Mines

1:50pm ....................Celebs 24/7

9:00pm ....................Live Spanish Football

4:50pm....Futurama: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow

4:00pm ........................Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey

1:25pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory

11:00pm ....Live PGA Tour Golf

5:00pm ..........................Futurama

1:55pm..........Channel 4 Racing

3:00am......................Premiership Rugby Union

6:00pm........................The Middle

6:00pm..........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:00pm ................The Simpsons

9:00pm ................Criminal Minds

5:00am............Take It Like a Fan


5:30am ......Football’s Greatest

9:00pm............UK Border Force

6:00am ............................The Sky Sports Years

7:10am....................Dragons’ Den

6:15am........Total Wipeout USA

8:00am ..............Race Car Driver

7:00am ..............Hole in the Wall

6:10pm ............Channel 4 News

7:00am ........Time of Our Lives

9:00am ............................Top Gear

8:00am ............................The Sky Sports Years

10:00am ......................Fifth Gear

8:00am ....................Animal Park: Wild in Africa

10:15am ....The Green Hornet : T4 Movie Special 10:50am..................Famous and Fearless 12:55pm............................The Big Bang Theory

5:45pm ........................Brannigan 7:40pm ........................Five News 7:45pm ....................................NCIS 8:45pm ........................CSI: Miami

4:05pm............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 4:35pm............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

7:00pm ....................Live Spanish Football

2:00pm..................Half Ton Teen 3:00pm ......Nothing to Declare

5:50pm ....................Celebs 24/7

Live FA Cup Football 12:20pm, ITV1 Arsenal v Leeds United (Kickoff 12.45pm). Adrian Chiles is joined by Gareth Southgate to present coverage of the weekend’s opening third-round encounter, held at the Emirates Stadium. Leeds produced a memorable display at this stage last season, when they defeated Manchester United 1-0 at Old Trafford, before going out to the Gunners’ rivals Tottenham Hotspur after a replay in the following round. This was the last trophy Arsene Wenger’s men won back in the 2004/05 campaign and they will be determined to avoid an upset today after being eliminated by Stoke City in round four last term. Commentary by Peter Drury and Andy Townsend.

5:05pm............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 5:40pm............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

6:40pm............................Iron Man

9:00am ......................Sky Sports in Afghanistan

9:00pm ..............Derren Brown: Behind the Mischief

10:00am ....................Soccer AM

10:00pm............Derren Brown: Viewers’ Choice

9:40pm................................CSI: NY

11:10pm............Derren Brown: Enigma

10:40pm ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:35pm ..............Forensic Files

12:50am ..................Beyond the Valley of the Dolls 2:40am ........Dirty Sexy Money 3:25am ............The Confession 3:35am........Brothers & Sisters

12:00pm....................Take It Like a Fan 12:30pm ..............................Tennis 3:30pm ......................Sky Sports in Afghanistan

9:00am ........................Super Vets

12:00pm..........................Top Gear

11:00am ....................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

2:00pm ............Dangerous Jobs for Girls 3:00pm ....................The World’s Most Stupid Criminals


5:30pm ................................Tennis

4:25am ....................Nick’s Quest 4:50am ........Meals in Moments

8:30pm ....................Sky Sports in Afghanistan 9:30pm ............................Live NFL

5:10am ..The Milkshake! Show 5:35am ........Thomas & Friends 5:45am..Roary the Racing Car

ty to his character as both self-indulgent waster and do-gooder superhero, while the futuristic gadgets and stratospheric flights are great fun. The only slight disappointment is an ending that seems more in keeping with Transformers than the briskly told story that's gone before.

All New Total Wipeout 6:00pm, BBC1 Buenos Aires’s wet play area for adults is back in business. It’s series four and hosts Richard Hammond and

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

1:00am ............................Live NFL 4:30am ......................Sky Sports in Afghanistan

12:00pm ..................Animal Park: Wild in Africa 1:00pm ....................Doctor Who 9:00pm..............The Funny Side of the News

6:00pm..........................Fifth Gear

10:00pm ..............Die Hard with a Vengeance

6:30pm ..............................Carpool

4:00am ....................Nick’s Quest

10:00am ....Total Wipeout USA

4:00pm ............................Top Gear

4:30pm ....................Test Cricket

5:00am ..............Hana’s Helpline

Stark decides to change his ways, aided by his loyal, wisecracking assistant (Gwyneth Paltrow). He also finesses the armour and creates the crime-fighting persona of Iron Man. But Stark's newfound peacenik status upsets business partner Jeff Bridges, who has his own ideas about how to use the technology. Jon Favreau's direction is unfussy and controlled, and he cleverly filters the comic's 1960s origins through contemporary "war on terror" paranoia. In an exemplary piece of casting, Downey Jr gives a powerhouse performance, adding depth and believabili-

11:00am....................Robot Wars Extreme

7:00pm ..............Seaside Rescue 7:40pm ........................Ray Mears Extreme Survival

12:30am ..................Traffic Cops

8:20pm ..........................................QI

1:55am....................Weakest Link

9:00pm ..............Mock the Week

3:00am ....................................Close

1:30am ..............................Bait Car

Derren Brown: Behind the Mischief 9:00pm, Channel 4 Is Derren Brown magic at home, or is there a relatively ordinary bloke behind the stage persona? Of course there is, and this documentary promises to reveal him. Family, friends and collaborators talk to behind-thescenes cameras, offering titbits that will doubtless be frustratingly opaque, although my money is on a picture of a thoughtful, bookish chap with a Fryish sense of wordy humour. Programmes like this are utterly meaningless without celebrity input, so thank heavens we’re also joined by well-known fans including Stephen Merchant, Matt Lucas, Simon Pegg, Bill Bailey and Jo Whiley.

Amanda Byram have (we presume) spent the months between cycles snorting at the CVs of amateur athletes seeking sporting glory. In fact, what the contestants are signing on for is slippery humiliation. Total Wipeout is to fitness what Come Dine with Me is to food. Competitors’ assessment of their abilities in no way resembles reality. You come away wondering what sort of warped parenting produces such unhinged egos. Though, to be fair some people merely sign up for a laugh and a free trip to South America.

Page 25

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S U N D A Y 6:00am..........................Breakfast

6:00am ..................Children’sTV

6:00am ............The Fluffy Club

9:00am ..................The Andrew Marr Show

10:00am ............Something for the Weekend

7:25am ..........................Toonattik

10:00am ....The Big Questions

11:30am ....A Distant Trumpet

11:00am............Country Tracks

1:25pm..................Live Snooker: The Masters

12:00pm ......................BBC News

9:25am ................The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 9:55am ........FA Cup Highlights

12:05pm ......................Escape to the Country

5:00pm........................Ski Sunday

11:25am ........................ITV News and Weather

5:45pm ........................Live Darts:

11:29am ........London Weather

1:05pm ..................Bargain Hunt Famous Finds

BDO World Championships

11:30am ..............This Morning: Sunday


12:30pm ................You’ve Been Framed!

3:30pm ......................Polar Bear: Spy on the Ice

1:00pm ....................Live FA Cup Football

4:30pm ............Songs of Praise

4:00pm......Midsomer Murders

5:05pm ........................BBC News and Weather 5:30pm ................Jimmy’s Food Factory 6:00pm....Antiques Roadshow 7:00pm......................Countryfile 8:00pm ..........................Lark Rise to Candleford 9:00pm ......................................Zen

8.00pm BBC1 BBC One’s popular winter-warmer Lark Rise To Candleford returns for a fourth series, teeming with its usual wit, intrigue and romance. Its vividly drawn, muchloved characters continue to delight and entertain. The series of six episodes opens with the arrival of Gabriel Cochrane, played by Richard Harrington, and sees the return of Dawn French’s character, Caroline Arless, later in the run. Gabriel is the handsome and once-wealthy owner of a large iron foundry. But after the bankruptcy of his business and the death of his new wife, Gabriel finds himself both penniless and homeless. Moved by his plight, Dorcas offers him a job as a blacksmith, and a room above the forge. But both she and Gabriel know that the solution is only temporary. Gabriel is determined to regain his wealth and position and bring down the banker, Steerforth, who he believes acted illegally and unethically in repossessing his home and business. Over in Lark Rise, Emma is thrilled to receive a postal order from Robert, who is away working in Oxford. The hard-earned money

Page 26

5:30pm........................Harry Hill’s the Best of TV Burp

10:30pm......................BBC News and Weather

Lark Rise To Candleford

10:55pm............Gavin & Stacey will settle her many unpaid bills. She sends Edmund to Candleford to cash the postal order, and although it is a breach of procedure, Dorcas agrees to allow him to collect the money in place of Emma. That night, on his way home to Lark Rise, Edmund is robbed and arrives home to deliver the devastating news that all the money is gone. How will Emma manage with five mouths to feed and no money coming in? And when she discovers the truth behind the robbery, she is faced with an agonising dilemma. Pearl Pratt, meanwhile, is delighted to have her beloved sister Ruby back home. Her romance with the Pontefract undertaker is apparently over – Ruby dissolves into tears at the mere mention of his name, but will not say what has happened. While Ruby has been away, Daniel has settled in nicely at the Pratts, and Pearl is spoiling him rotten with steam puddings and starched collars. Ruby resents being usurped by Daniel, but Pearl is oblivious and lavishes all her attention on him. Dorcas feels utterly responsible for the robbery, and resolves never to meddle again – something which Minnie points out will be very hard for her. So when she hears from Steerforth that Gabriel’s business and home are up

for auction and that Gabriel’s story of the bank’s wrongdoing is not as simple as it appears, she has to fight the urge to get involved. But when an intervention with Ruby helps her friend come to terms with her doomed love affair, Dorcas finds that her involvement is more appreciated than she thought. When Gabriel announces his plans to disrupt the auction of his foundry by publicly denouncing Steerforth, risking the ruin of his own reputation and future, she decides to try to help Gabriel face his demons and accept his own part in his downfall. Gabriel, though, seems deaf to her pleas for sanity, so when the day of the auction arrives and Gabriel is nowhere to be found, Dorcas fears the worst and races to try to stop him carrying out his disastrous plan. But will she succeed, and will Gabriel embrace a new life in Candleford? Richard Harrington plays Gabriel Cochrane, Julia Sawalha plays Dorcas Lane, Paul Ritter plays Mr Steerforth, Claudie Blakley plays Emma Timmins, Thomas Rhys Jones plays Edmund Timmins, Matilda Ziegler plays Pearl Pratt, Victoria Hamilton plays Ruby Pratt and Ben Aldridge plays Daniel Parish. The cast also includes Olivia Hallinan as Laura Timmins.


11:25pm ..............Weatherview

6:00pm............London Tonight

11:25pm ..................Serendipity

6:15pm ..........................ITV News and Weather


6:30pm ..............Dancing on Ice

1:55am ........................Holby City

8:30pm ..................Wild at Heart

2:55am ..............Donald Trump: All-American Billionaire

9:30pm..............Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 8:00pm ..................................Coast 9:00pm ......................Arctic with Bruce Parry 10:00pm ............The Men Who Stare at Goats 11:30pm....................Three Men Go to Scotland

3:55am ........Five Minutes With 4:00am..........................BBC News 4:30am ..........................HARDtalk 5:00am ..........The World Today 5:30am ..............World Business Report

12:30am ........................Snooker: The Masters

10:15pm................That Sunday Night Show 10:45pm........................ITV News and Weather 10:59pm ......London Weather 11:00pm......FA Cup Highlights 12:00am ..................Premiership Rugby Union 12:55am ..ITV News Headlines

1:20am ................Snooker Extra

12:55am ........................The Zone

3:20am..........................BBC News

2:00am ................October Road

3:30am ........Five Minutes With

2:55am ............ITV Nightscreen

3:55am ..................................Close

5:30am ........ITV Morning News

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Television Guide

9th January Masters Snooker 1.25pm BBC 2 6:00am......The Treacle People

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

6:00am ..........Aerobics Oz Style

6:00am ................Hour of Power

6:00am ..............Passport Patrol

6:10am........................The Hoobs

9:30am ..The Milkshake! Show

7:00am ..............Vet Adventures

6:35am........................The Hoobs

10:00am ....................................K-9

6:30am ..............................Premier League World

7:00am ..........................The Jerry Springer Show

7:00am ........................The Great Swim Series

10:35am ....................The Andre Rieu Story

7:55am ..................Live and Lost 8:05am ..............................Friends 8:30am ..............................Friends 9:00am ........................Hollyoaks 11:35am ....4Music Meets Glee 12:45pm ..............The Simpsons 1:20pm ................The Simpsons

7:00am ............Spanish Football

8:00am ..................It’s Me or the Dog USA

8:00am ..................................Maury

9:00am ........................Road Wars

8:50am......................Celebs 24/7

11:00am ..How Do They Do It?

8:30am ........................Sky Sports in Afghanistan

10:00am ......WWE Superstars

9:00am ........Four Weddings US

11:30am ........................There’s a Rhino in My House!

9:30am ......................The Sunday Supplement

11:00am ......WWE: Experience

11:00am................Half Ton Teen

12:00pm ................The Real A&E

12:30pm ..................Titanic: The True Story

11:00am ..........Goals on Sunday

1:00pm........................The Middle

12:00pm......................Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey

2:30pm ....................Raising Hope

1:50pm ....................Celebs 24/7

3:30pm ................The Simpsons

2:00pm ......Nothing to Declare

1:30pm ..................Mary Higgins Clark’s Remember Me 3:25pm ......The Princess Bride 5:15pm ........................Five News 5:20pm ....................Dr Dolittle 2

12:00pm......................Sky Sports in Afghanistan 1:00pm....................Live Scottish Cup Football 3:15pm....................Live Scottish Cup Football

3:00pm ....................Home Alone 6:00pm ..................Got to Dance 8:00pm ....................Raising Hope

5:00pm ..............America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ............My Cousin Vinny 6:00pm ..Live Spanish Football

11:20pm ..............................House

1:50pm........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

10:00pm ........Live Test Cricket

12:20am......................Night Cops

10:30pm ..................Live Cricket

1:20am ........................Road Wars 2:15am ..............................Football Behind Bars

2:20pm........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

6:00pm......................Fat Families 7:00pm............................Celebrity Four Weddings

8:00pm ..Live Spanish Football

8:00pm ................Criminal Minds 10:00pm ......................CSI: Miami 11:00pm..............Criminal Minds

2:55pm........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

6.30pm, ITV1

4:00pm........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

6:00am ................................Tennis

4:30pm..............Deal or No Deal

6:10am ..............Hole in the Wall

9:00am ......................................NFL

7:05am ........................Cooking in the Danger Zone

11:00am ................Racing News

8:00am ................The Challenge

7:30am ........................Super Vets

9:00am ......................Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams

8:00am ....................Animal Park: Wild in Africa

10:00am ..........Dangerous Jobs for Girls

9:00am ......................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

11:00am ..................Traffic Cops 12:00pm ........................ Top Gear

10:00am..........................A Life of Grime New York

1:00pm ..................Three Men in Another Boat

12:00pm ..................Animal Park: Wild in Africa

12:30pm............Live Twenty20 International Cricket

3:00pm ..............................op Gear

1:00pm ....................Doctor Who

4:00pm ....................Test Cricket

6:00pm ....................Traffic Cops

8:00pm ....................Traffic Cops

5:00pm ......................Wild Spirits

7:00pm ..................Three Men in Another Boat

9:00pm ..........................Die Hard with a Vengeance

9:00pm ........................Red Dwarf

11:30pm ........................Car Wars

5:35pm..............Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging 7:30pm ............Channel 4 News

9:00pm ............Run Fatboy Run 10:55pm..................Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2010

Reigning champion Mark Selby begins his defence of the title against Romford’s Mark King. Hazel Irvine, Steve Davis and John Parrott introduce the action with commentary from Dennis Taylor, Willie Thorne, John Virgo and Ken Doherty. Masters coverage continues on BBC Two throughout the week.

Dancing on ice

3:25pm........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

8:00pm ............Dispatches: The Battle for Haiti

Steve Davis and Dennis Taylor are at Wembley Arena for the 37th Masters tournament. The 37th Masters snooker tournament starts today at Wembley Arena with the top 16 players in the world battling it out for the prestigious trophy.

7:05pm ............Charlie’s Angels 9:00pm..........................The Long Kiss Goodnight 11:20pm....................Until Death

1:00am......................Newlyweds: The One Year Itch

1:20am ....................SuperCasino

1:55am......................My Weird & Wonderful Family

4:25am ....................Nick’s Quest

11:30am ..................Test Cricket

5:30pm ............................Live NFL

4:00am ....................Nick’s Quest 9:00pm ............................Live NFL

9:40pm ........................Red Dwarf

12:30am ........Spanish Football

1:30am ......................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

2:50am ..................Lucky Escape

4:50am ........Meals in Moments

2:55am ......................Coming Up: Would Like to Meet

5:00am ..............Hana’s Helpline

3:25am ..............................Enough

5:35am ........Thomas & Friends

2:30am ..................Scottish Cup Football

3:30am ............Wedding House

5:45am..Roary the Racing Car

4:00am ..................................Close

5:10am ..The Milkshake! Show

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

7:00am ........................Super Vets

12:05am..........................Car Wars 12:30am ..................Traffic Cops 1:35am ..............................Bait Car

The personalities for 2011 are: International Rapper: Vanilla Ice Actor: Craig McLachlan Radio Presenter: ‘Comedy Dave’ Vitty Military Hero: Johnson Beharry VC Reality Star/TV Presenter: Jeff Brazier Eastenders Actor: Sam Attwater Coronation Street Actor: Steven Arnold Cricketer: Dominic Cork Actress and presenter: Denise Welch TV Presenter: Laura Hamilton Hollyoaks Actress: Jennifer Metcalfe Former WAG/Model: Elen Rivas Presenter: Chloe Madeley TV Presenter/Actress: Nadia Sawalha TV Legend: Angela Rippon TV Star: Kerry Katona

Page 27

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

M O N D A Y 6:00am..........................Breakfast

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

6:00am ..........................Daybreak

9:15am ..Wanted Down Under

11:30am ..................Animal Park

8:30am ............................Lorraine

10:00am..BBC News; Weather

12:00pm..................Daily Politics

10:00am ..............Homes Under the Hammer

12:30pm ......................GMT with George Alagiah

9:25am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:00am......................Saints and Scroungers

1:00pm ....Ready Steady Cook

12:30pm ............Loose Women

1:25pm ..................................Coast

11:45am ......................To Buy or Not to Buy

1:30pm..................Live Snooker: The Masters

1:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

12:15pm ................Bargain Hunt

4:30pm ..........................Pointless

1:00pm ....BBC News; Weather

5:15pm ......Antiques Road Trip

2:00pm..................May the Best House Win

6:00pm ........................Eggheads

3:00pm ......................Dickinson’s Real Deal

6:30pm ..................Great British Railway Journeys

3:59pm ..........London Weather

1:45pm ............................Doctors 2:15pm ......................Cash in the Celebrity Attic 3:00pm ........................BBC News

10:30am ................This Morning

1:55pm ................London News and Weather

3:05pm ........................Deadly 60

4:00pm ......................Doc Martin

3:35pm..Me and My Monsters

5:00pm ........................The Chase

4:00pm The Big Performance 6:00pm............London Tonight

4:30pm ......Gold Badges 2011: Blue Peter Special

6:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

4:50pm ..........Shaun the Sheep

7:00pm......................Emmerdale 7:30pm ......Coronation Street

Silent Witness 9pm, BBC1 THIS week Leo finds himself haunted by past memories when he returns to Sheffield after an ancient body is unearthed on Bleaklow Moor. Silent Witness is a BBC thriller series, focusing on a team of forensic experts and their investigations into various crimes. First broadcast in 1996, the fourteenth series was broadcast beginning 3 January 2011. The series was created by Nigel McCrery, a former murder squad detective in Nottingham. He later went on to create the hit series New Tricks with Roy Mitchell. The series was based on Prof. Helen Witwell, a forensic pathologist based in Sheffield, whom McCrery had known while serving as a police officer. The series normally attracted around seven million viewers in the UK.

5:00pm......................Newsround In the United States, the show airs during ‘Mystery Monday’ on BBC America. The programme originally followed the activities of a female pathologist, Dr Sam Ryan (who was promoted to professor part way through the series), played by Amanda Burton. However, Ryan’s character departed early in the eighth series in 2004. There had been a succession of regular supporting characters, changing almost every series, but Dr Leo Dalton (William Gaminara) and Dr Harry Cunningham (Tom Ward), who were introduced in the sixth series in 2002, remained in the series and continued as lead characters following Ryan’s departure, with Dalton replacing her as professor. A new character, Dr Nikki Alexander (Emilia Fox), was introduced to the team in the eighth series in 2004. She began as a forensic anthropologist, not a pathologist, and was originally enlisted by the team

to help analyse bones. Alexander was later represented as having the necessary qualifications to fill the vacancy for a pathologist left by Professor Ryan, although she was initially stated to have a PhD in anthropology and not a medical qualification. She has, however, since been represented as medically-qualified. Some early series were set in Cambridge, but it was later relocated to London. The programme is typically made up of a series of two-part stories, usually with six to eight episodes per series. The theme music for Silent Witness is a song called “Silencium” by John Harle. The incidental music for Silent Witness (Series 9 present) is written by BAFTA nominated TV & film music composer Sheridan Tongue. In 1998, writer John Milne received an Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for the Series 2 episode “Blood, Sweat, and Tears”.

5:15pm ..................Weakest Link 7:00pm..................Live Snooker: The Masters 6:00pm ........................BBC News

8:00pm ........................University Challenge

8:00pm ........................The Lakes

7:00pm ..............The One Show 7:30pm ........................BBC News

8:30pm........Baking Made Easy

9:00pm........The Biggest Loser

7:30pm ........................Inside Out

9:00pm................Horizon: What Is One Degree?

10:00pm..................ITV News at Ten and Weather

8:30pm ..............Too Much Too Young: Panorama

10:00pm ........................Episodes 10:30pm ........................Weather

10:30pm ..............London News and Weather

9:00pm ................Silent Witness

10:30pm ....................Newsnight

10:35pm..........................The Zoo

10:00pm ......................BBC News

11:20pm ........................Snooker: The Masters

11:35pm ..............That Sunday Night Show

10:35pm A Question of Sport

12:10am ....American Football

2:05am ................Grimefighters

11:05pm ................The Graham Norton Show

1:10am ................Snooker Extra

12:30am ..ITV News Headlines

3:10am..........................BBC News

12:30am ........................The Zone

3:30am ....Victoria Derbyshire Interviews

2:30am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

4:00am..........................BBC News

3:25am ............ITV Nightscreen

4:05am ..................................Close

5:30am ........ITV Morning News


10:25pm ............Regional News and Weather

11:50pm ..........Under the Mud 1:20am ..................Giles and Sue Live The Good Life

8:30pm ......Coronation Street

Too Much Too Young: Panorama 8:30pm, BBC1 Recent controversy over raunchy dance routines on prime-time family television has reopened the debate about the sexualisa-

Page 28

tion of children. News anchor and mother of three Sophie Raworth ventures behind the headlines to investigate the

images and attitudes young people are being exposed to and asks what impact such material is having on them.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Television Guide

10th January 6:00am..............................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:05am ..............................Sali Mali

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

6:00am ......................Live Cricket

6:10am ......The Treacle People

9:15am..........The Wright Stuff

7:00am ......................Test Cricket

6:20am........................The Hoobs

11:00am ....The Vanessa Show

7:00am ......................X-Weighted

7:00am ..........................The Jerry Springer Show

7:15am ........Freshly Squeezed

11:45am ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:00am....................Scottish Cup Football

8:00am..............................Oops TV

8:00am ..................................Maury

9:30am ........................Sky Sports in Afghanistan

9:00am ..........................It’s Me or the Dog USA

8:50am......................Celebs 24/7

12:40pm ......................Five News

8:05am ................................Frasier

12:45pm ....Emergency Bikers

10:30am ..............................Cricket

10:00am ........................Cold Case

9:00am ..............America’s Next Top Model

8:35am ..........According to Jim


12:30pm ..................Test Cricket

11:00am................The Filth Files

10:00am ............Four Weddings

9:05am ..........Supernanny USA

2:15pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:30pm....................Scottish Cup Football

11:30am ................The Real A&E


12:00pm ..........Project Runway

11:55am ..................Celebs 24/7

3:10pm ....................Plague City: Sars in Toronto

3:00pm ................................Cricket

1:00pm ......................X-Weighted

5:00pm ......................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

2:00pm ................Stargate SG-1

12:00pm ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:00pm ..........................Futurama

3:00pm ................Criminal Minds 4:00pm............................Charmed

6:00pm ......................Netbusters

5:30pm........................Sky Sports in Afghanistan

7:40am..........Everybody Loves Raymond

10:00am ..................Three Coins in the Fountain 12:00pm ......................Channel 4 News Summary


6:00am ..............Passport Patrol

12:05pm ............Three in a Bed

5:00pm ..............Five News at 5

12:30pm..........Come Dine with Me Down Under


1:05pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

6:00pm ....................Monkey Life

7:30pm ..........Live Irish Football

6:30pm ................The Simpsons

6:00pm ..............America’s Next Top Model

6:25pm Live from Studio Five

7:00pm ..........Ghost Whisperer

7:00pm ..............Five News at 7

10:00pm ..........................The Sky Sports Years

8:00pm ........................Road Wars

1:35pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

9:00pm ..Dream Lives for Sale

8:00pm ..................................Nikita


9:00pm ............America’s Next Top Model

2:05pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under 2:40pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

6:30pm..The Sky Sports Years

7:30pm........Five News Update 7:30pm....How Do They Do It?

11:00pm ....................Netbusters 11:30pm ....................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

8:00pm ..............Five News at 9

11:00pm ................Inside: Gangs Behind Bars

8:00pm ..............Eddie Stobart: Trucks, Trailers and Tinsel 6:00am................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:05am ......................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

7:00am ................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am..........................Fifth Gear

7:00am ..........................Escape to the Country

8:30am ........The Gadget Show

8:00am ............................Casualty

9:00am ............................Top Gear

9:00am ..............................The Bill

3:55pm..............Deal or No Deal

8:00am................Good Morning Sports Fans

10:00am ................Dragons’ Den

11:00am ..........................Casualty

5:00pm....Celebrity Five Go To

9:00am ................PGA Tour Golf

11:00am........................Fifth Gear 11:30am ......The Gadget Show

12:00pm ......................Escape to the Country

12:00pm..........................Top Gear

1:00pm ......................Animal Park

2:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den

2:00pm..........................My Family


3:20pm ....................Traffic Cops

4:00pm ..........................Top Gear

4:40pm..........................Escape to the Country

3:10pm ....................Countdown

1:00pm ....European Tour Golf 6:00pm ................The Simpsons

2:30pm................Canter Banter

6:30pm ..........................Hollyoaks

3:00pm ..........Spanish Football

7:00pm ............Channel 4 News

5:00pm ....................Test Cricket 8:00pm ............Celebrity Come Dine with Me

9:00pm ............................Payback

9:00pm ........................ One Born Every Minute

11:05pm ......................Vampires: los Muertos

12:10am ....................Beady Eye: Video Exclusive 12:15am ..........Premier League Poker

7:00pm....................Test Cricket 8:00pm ..............................Cricket 10:00pm ......Live Test Cricket

10:00pm ....................Shameless 11:05pmBritain’s Fattest Man

6:00pm ......................Sky Sports in Afghanistan

4:45am ................HouseBusters 5:10am......................Wildlife SOS 5:35am ................House Doctor

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

5:00am ..................................Close

5:40pm ....................Doctor Who

7:20pm ....................Trawlermen 8:00pm............................Top Gear 9:00pm ....................Have I Got a Bit More News for You

1:00am ....................SuperCasino 4:00am............................How Not to Decorate

6:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den

6:10am ......................Animal Park

6:40pm..........................My Family 8:00pm ....................Traffic Cops 11:00pm ........................Car Wars

11:00pm ....................Peep Show 11:35pm..................Have I Got a Bit More News for You

12:00am ..................Traffic Cops :55am ......................Weakest Link

Baking Made Easy – So Easy 8.30pm BBC2 Lorraine Pascale, who quit the catwalk to become a top chef, baker and patissier, makes her TV debut in Baking Made Easy. Sharing her kitchen secrets, professional knowhow and sheer passion for food, Lorraine believes: “Baking is about keeping it simple.” After quitting modelling, Lorraine trained as a chef and has worked in some of the best restaurants in London. She’s also a mother, a food writer and a businesswoman. Her series focuses on modern baking and the recipes cover anything cooked in the oven – both sweet and savoury. She kicks off with one of the simplest and fastest things you can bake – parmesan and poppy seed lollipops; they’re canapés to die for and a feat of baking engineering. Next there’s soda bread; no kneading, no rising, no effort – fresh bread doesn’t get easier than this. Lorraine conjures up a classic French patisserie – blueberry and lemon millefeuille – with a mixture of insider savvy and great shortcuts. “You’re going to make a lot of friends with this dessert,” says Lorraine. She shares her basic recipe for shortcrust pastry. It’s buttery, crumbly, and fantastic as a pastry case for an impressive fig, cream cheese and mint tart, which goes down a storm as the centre piece at a lunch for friends. And finally Lorraine does some online shopping to bake a show-stopper cake for a friend’s party; it’s chocolatey, stunning to look at, delicious to eat and, what’s more, easy to make. Lorraine comments: “When you see a cake like this in the shops or magazines you never think you’ll be able to make a cake like it – but now you can.”

Page 29

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T U E S D A Y 6:00am..........................Breakfast

1:00pm ....Ready Steady Cook

6:00am ..........................Daybreak

9:15am ..Wanted Down Under

1:25pm ..................................Coast

8:30am ............................Lorraine

10:00am..BBC News; Weather

1:30pm ..................Live Snooker The Masters

9:25am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ..............Homes Under the Hammer

4:30pm ..........................Pointless

10:30am ................This Morning

11:00am......................Saints and Scroungers

5:15pm ......Antiques Road Trip

12:30pm ............Loose Women

11:45am..BBC News; Weather

6:00pm ........................Eggheads

1:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

The Secret Mediterranean with Trevor McDonald

11:45am ......................To Buy or Not to Buy

6:30pm ..................Great British Railway Journeys

1:55pm ................London News and Weather

8:00pm, ITV1

12:15pm ................Bargain Hunt

7:00pm..................Live Snooker: The Masters

2:00pm..................May the Best House Win

7:30pm..................Match of the Day Live

3:00pm ..Dickinson’s Real Deal

Spanning three continents and 21 countries, the Mediterranean has nurtured some of the most dazzling civilizations of antiquity. Today, amid the stunning landscapes, more cultures live side by side here than anywhere else on earth. In this new series Sir Trevor McDonald explores the various countries that make up the Med, their individual cultures and traditions and looks beyond the beaches and old towns of holiday brochures to discover the truly secret Mediterranean. In this episode Sir Trevor visits three countries where the landscape has determined how people live there, whether it is living by an ancient lagoon, being a cowboy in southern France or turning a barren Tunisian landscape into a multi-million pound Hollywood film set. Sir Trevor heads to the beautiful Greek island of Santorini, where he visits the caves that the island’s earliest dwellers dug into the side of the volcanic rock. Here he meets Kostis Psychas who turned these caves into an unusual modern hotel in the mid 1980s. Although the hotel is now some of the most expensive real estate in Greece, Kostis explains how the caves were originally very humble dwellings: “The people here didn’t have the possibility to build a proper house. They didn’t have materials, they didn’t have wood, so the easy way to create a house was just to dig a cave.” 3600 years ago a massive volcanic eruption tore the island apart leaving a vast lagoon which, while luring tourists in their thousands, has always been regarded by the island’s inhabitants as a natural source of food. Sir Trevor meets Stavros Kastrinakis who learnt the art of spear fishing as a young boy growing up on the island and is now a champion in the sport. He says: “I can stay [underwater] for two to three minutes while spear fishing but if we’re talking

Page 30

about breath holding I’ve gone up to 7 minutes but that’s just staying relaxed.” While Sir Trevor remains on the boat, Stavros plunges 40 metres into the sea armed only with his gun and after two minutes underwater he re-emerges with a one kilogram sargo fish which is just the right size for a two person lunch. Sir Trevor says: “We know it’s fresh, and it tastes just as good as though I’d caught it so that’s another bonus!” While Santorini can rely on attracting thousands of tourists, 900 miles across the sea lies Tunisia on the north coast of Africa where residents have to look at more inventive ways to make a living and boost the country’s revenue. Sir Trevor meets Tarek Ben Ammar who singlehandedly created the Tunisian film industry when he persuaded Hollywood producers to makes films including Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars in the country. He shows Sir Trevor around his permanent Roman film set which he built, and which has provided over 25,000 jobs. He says: “Tunisia is a poor country, we don’t have oil. I thought, ‘How can you create wealth without oil? By culture, by cinema.’ And 35 years later [we’ve made] 70 films, with the greatest directors: Spielberg, Lucas, Zeffirelli. I think we were blessed that we didn’t have oil – because we had to use our heads!” While Tunisia is a Muslim country, it’s less conservative than some of its neighbours, and Sir Trevor is invited to meet a woman who is making the most of it. In the male dominated sport of rally driving Nadia Gamoudi is one of the best. She takes Sir Trevor for a spin and he explains: “Even though we were speeding across a beach of ever shifting sands it was as nothing compared to Nadia’s rallies across the desert. When over high dunes and rocky terrain she could cover 500 miles a day and where serious crashes and fatalities

are common place.” While Tunisians are busy reinventing the country’s image, Sir Trevor’s next visit is to see a way of life that has barely changed in hundreds of years. He heads to The Camargue, an area of the French coast much less well known than its more glamorous neighbours, to meet the cowboys that have lived there for over 500 years. Patrick Laurent’s family have had a ranch here for generations, but his wife Estelle comes from a very different background. She was training to be a city lawyer before their whirlwind romance changed her life and she moved to the area and learned to ride. She says: “I was living in the city in Marseille, and I stopped everything. But here there’s a kind of freedom, we do what we want with our horses, with our bulls. And I think it is important for our young boys.” On high days and holidays the cowboys leave the wetlands area where they live and come to the capital of the region Arles. Sir Trevor watches as the entire city turns out to see the horsemen and women of The Camargue ride into town and put on an extraordinary spectacle. Along the coast is the port of Marseille, just inland is the home of the Mediterranean’s most formidable fighting force… the French Foreign Legion. It’s a long standing custom of the legion that soldiers have to assume a new name when they join, thus allowing its serving soldiers literally to escape their past and begin a new life. Sir Trevor meets Corporal Jeremy Bellue an Englishman who decided to join the Legion on a whim. He explains: “I met a fellow in a bar in Toulon and he said he was in the Foreign Legion. I said it doesn’t exist anymore you’re pulling my leg. I had nothing to do for the next couple of years so I joined up!”

1:00pm ....BBC News; Weather 1:45pm ............................Doctors 2:15pm ......................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

3:59pm ..........London Weather 4:00pm ......................Doc Martin

3:00pm ........................BBC News

5:00pm ........................The Chase

3:05pm ........................Deadly 60 3:35pm..Me and My Monsters


4:00pm ......................My Almost Famous Family

6:00pm............London Tonight 6:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

4:30pm Olympic Countdown: Blue Peter Special


4:55pm ..........Shaun the Sheep 5:00pm......................Newsround 5:15pm ..................Weakest Link 6:00pm ........................BBC News 7:00pm ..............The One Show 7:30pm ........................BBC News 7:30pm......................EastEnders 8:00pm ........................Holby City 9:00pm ................Silent Witness 7:30pm ................Grimefighters

10:00pm ......................BBC News 11:35pm ..............Weatherview

10:00pm ....................Have I Got Old News for You

8:00pm ......................The Secret Mediterranean with Trevor McDonald

11:35pm ................The Big Man

10:30pm ........................Weather

9:00pm ............................Taggart

10:30pm ....................Newsnight

10:00pm........ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:35pm..........Motorway Cops

1:35am........Alan Titchmarsh’s Garden Secrets 2:35am ..................DIY SOS: The Big Build - Nottingham

11:20pm ........................Snooker: The Masters 12:10am..............Snooker Extra

10:30pm ..............London News and Weather 10:35pm ........Children of Men

2:10am..........................BBC News 6:00am ..................Children’s TV 11:30am ..................Animal Park 12:00pm..................Daily Politics 12:30pm ......................GMT with George Alagiah

2:30am ..........................HARDtalk

12:35am.. ITV News Headlines

3:00am..........................BBC News

12:35am ........................The Zone

3:30am ........................Reporters

2:35am ............Crossing Jordan

4:00am..........................BBC News

3:20am ............ITV Nightscreen

4:50am ..................................Close

5:30am ........ITV Morning News

Children of Men 10:35pm, ITV1 England, 2027: this green and pleasant land is now a dirty dystopia in which humanity has become infertile and its childless society is crumbling as refugees and terrorists fight the fascist powers that be. Submerged in this chaos is alcoholic former activist-

turned-bureaucrat Theo Faron (Clive Owen), who watches in despair from the sidelines until a surprise visit from an ex-lover (Julianne Moore) offers him an unlikely glimmer of hope. Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón (Y Tu Mamá También) here delivers a truly startling take on PD James’s downbeat novel, reworking its apocalyptic theme through the cracked prism of the post9/11 era. Owen is excellent and there’s a glorious turn from Michael Caine as an

ageing, pot-smoking ex-political cartoonist. But it’s Cuarón’s film: his hand-held camerawork apeing news broadcasts as it records nerve-shredding action set pieces in tense, unbroken shots. True, the proceedings are occasionally marred by a surfeit of plot exposition, yet the stark triumph of Children of Men lies in how its visceral vérité style brings the realities of a War on Terror fought in distant lands crashing back onto British soil.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Television Guide

11th January Taggart 9:00pm ITV1 6:00am ................Good Morning Sports Fans

Science Abuse

6:00am ..............Passport Patrol

7:00am ......................X-Weighted

2:15pm ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

9:00am ..The Sky Sports Years

8:00am..............................Oops TV

7:00am ..........................The Jerry Springer Show

10:00am ....................Netbusters 10:30am..................Irish Football

9:00am ..........................It’s Me or the Dog USA

8:00am ..................................Maury

3:05pm............I Do (but I Don’t)

8:05am ................................Frasier


10:00am ........................Cold Case

8:35am ..........According to Jim

5:00pm ..............Five News at 5

12:00pm ....................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

11:00am................The Filth Files

9:00am ..............America’s Next Top Model

9:05am ..........Supernanny USA


1:00pm ......................Netbusters

11:30am ................The Real A&E

10:00am ............Four Weddings

1:30pm..The Sky Sports Years

12:00pm ..........Project Runway


6:10am ......The Treacle People

12:45pm ....Emergency Bikers

6:20am........................The Hoobs


7:10am ........Freshly Squeezed 7:40am........................Everybody Loves Raymond

8:50am......................Celebs 24/7

DCI Matt Burke (Alex Norton) and his team investigate the vicious murder of a medical student, but their enquiries are hampered by a pair of smooth coppers from down south.


10:00am ........................Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing

6:00pm ....................Monkey Life

2:30pm....................Irish Football

1:00pm ......................X-Weighted

11:55am ..................Celebs 24/7

7:30pm BBC1

12:00pm ......................Channel 4 News Summary

6:25pm ........................Live from Studio Five

4:00pm ......................Netbusters

2:00pm ................Stargate SG-1 4:00pm ..........................Cold Case

12:05pm ............Three in a Bed

7:00pm ..............Five News at 7

4:30pm ..............................The Sky Sports Years

12:00pm ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:30pm..........Come Dine with Me Down Under

7:30pm ........................Five News Update

5:30pm......................Test Cricket

7:30pm ..........................Zoo Days

6:30pm....................Football Asia

It’s little “Tommy’s” funeral and a devastated Kat is struggling to cope with what lies ahead. Steel yourself for a performance from Jessie Wallace that will stir all but the stoniest of hearts.

8:00pm ..............Five News at 9

7:00pm ........................Sky Sports News at Seven

1:05pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under 1:35pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

8:00pm ............Jack the Ripper - The Definitive Story

2:05pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

5:00pm ..........................Futurama

4:00pm............................Charmed 6:00pm ............................Oops TV

7:30pm ..........................Live Copa Del Rey Football

6:30pm ................The Simpsons 8:00pm ..................Got to Dance 10:00pm ........................Lie to Me 11:00pm..............................Mental

10:00pm ................Football Asia

2:40pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

3:00pm ................Criminal Minds


7:05am ......................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

6:00pm ..............America’s Next Top Model 7:00pm ..........Ghost Whisperer 8:00pm......................Fat Families 9:00pm ................Half Ton Teen 10:00pm ............Old Enough to Be His Mother

3:10pm ....................Countdown

The Secret Millionaire Changed My Life: Dawn Gibbins

3:55pm..............Deal or No Deal

8:00pm, Channel 4

5:00pm....Celebrity Five Go To

Dawn Gibbins returns to inner-city Bristol a year after she went undercover as a Secret Millionaire. And this time her youngest daughter’s keen to get involved too.

6:00am ........Aerobics Oz Style

8:00am..........................Fifth Gear

6:10am ......................Animal Park

6:00pm ................The Simpsons

6:30am........Kings of the Snow

8:30am ........The Gadget Show

6:30pm ..........................Hollyoaks

7:00am ..........WWE: Afterburn

9:00am ............................Top Gear

7:00am ..........................Escape to the Country

7:00pm ............Channel 4 News

8:00am ....................Test Cricket

10:00am ................Dragons’ Den

8:00am ............................Casualty

9:00am ....European Tour Golf

11:00am........................Fifth Gear

9:00am ................................The Bill

8:00pm ......................The Secret Millionaire Changed My Life

10:00am..............PGA Tour Golf

11:30am ......The Gadget Show

11:00am ..........................Casualty

11:00am ......Wonderful World of Golf

12:00pm..........................Top Gear

12:00pm ......................Escape to the Country

9:00pm..........Hugh’s Fish Fight

12:30pm ........PGA Tour Classic

3:20pm ..........................................QI

10:00pm ....................Shameless

1:30pm ................Extreme Carp

4:00pm ............................Top Gear

11:10pm ..........................The Big Bang Theory 12:15amEuropean Poker Tour

2:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den

2:00pm ....European Tour Golf 3:00pm ................PGA Tour Golf

10:00pm ......................CSI: Miami

6:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den

4:00pm ........Wonderful World of Golf

7:20pm ..........................................QI

10:55pm ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:40am ......World B-Boy Series

11:55pm..........................True CSI

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

4:40pm..........................Escape to the Country 5:40pm ....................Doctor Who

5:30pm ..........PGA Tour Classic 6:40pm..........................My Family 6:30pm ..........Sports Unlimited

8:00pm ......No Ordinary Family 10:00pm ................Spider-Man 2

9:15am..........The Wright Stuff


11:00am ....The Vanessa Show

4:00am How Not to Decorate

7:30pm......................................Live Greyhound Racing

11:45am ........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

4:45am ................HouseBusters

10:00pm ..............................Poker

5:10am......................Wildlife SOS

11:30pm......Spirit of Yachting

12:40pm ......................Five News

5:35am ................House Doctor

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

2:00pm..........................My Family 3:20pm ....................Traffic Cops

9:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:15am ............Freesports on 4

1:00pm ......................Animal Park

8:00pm ..........................Top Gear 9:00pm ....................................QI XL 11:00pm ..........Mock the Week 11:40pm ..................................QI XL

12:30am ..............The Catherine Tate Show

Hugh’s Fish Fight 9:00pm, Channel 4 The outspoken foodie takes a close and satisfyingly critical look at the fishing industry. Tonight, he’s got a bee in his bonnet about the EU’s quota policy.

Page 31

Television Guide

W E D N E S D A Y 6:00am..........................Breakfast

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

6:00am ..........................Daybreak

9:15am ..Wanted Down Under

11:30am..................Daily Politics

8:30am ............................Lorraine

10:00am..BBC News; Weather

1:00pm ..........................See Hear

10:00am ..............Homes Under the Hammer

1:30pm..................Live Snooker: The Masters

9:25am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:00am......................Saints and Scroungers

4:30pm ..........................Pointless

12:30pm ............Loose Women

5:15pm ......Antiques Road Trip

1:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

6:00pm ........................Eggheads

1:55pm ................London News and Weather

11:45am..BBC News; Weather 11:45am ......................To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm ................Bargain Hunt 1:00pm ....BBC News; Weather 1:30pm ..............Regional News and Weather

6:30pm ..................Great British Railway Journeys 7:00pm..................Live Snooker: The Masters 8:00pm Michel Roux’s Service

1:45pm ............................Doctors

9:00pm ..........Edwardian Farm

2:15pm ......................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

10:00pm ..................Never Mind the Buzzcocks

10:30am ................This Morning

2:00pm..................May the Best House Win 3:00pm ......................Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm ..........London Weather 4:00pm ......................Doc Martin

3:00pm........................BBC New s 3:05pm ........................Deadly 60 3:35pm..Me and My Monsters 4:00pm ..Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments

5:00pm ........................The Chase 4:00pm..............Little Howard’s Big Question


4:30pm ..............................MI High

6:00pm............London Tonight


6:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

5:15pm ..................Weakest Link

7:00pm......................Emmerdale 7:00pm ..............The One Show

10:30pm ........................Weather

7:30pm ....The Unforgettable Pat Phoenix

7:30pm ................Rip Off Britain

10:30pm ....................Newsnight

8:00pm......Midsomer Murders

8:10pm........Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

11:20pm ........................Snooker: The Master

10:00pm..................ITV News at Ten and Weather

12:10am..............Snooker Extra

10:30pm ..............London News and Weather

Lottery Wednesday Night Draws

2:10am..........................BBC News

10:35pm ................Constantine

10:45pm........National Lottery Update

3:00am..........................BBC News

12:45am ..ITV News Headlines

3:30am ....................................Click

12:45am ........................The Zone

10:45pm ..........Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman

4:00am..........................BBC News

2:50am ..............Out for Justice

4:30am ..........................HARDtalk

4:20am ............ITV Nightscreen

4:40am ..................................Close

5:30am ........ITV Morning News

6:00pm ........................BBC News

10:00pm ......................BBC News 10:35pmThe National

11:25pm ..................The League Cup Show

2:30am ..........................HARDtalk


Some people Disney get it! FIRST of all, Happy New Year to you all. After the Christmas holidays, everything is going back to normal. But as always for me, going back to normality is always with a huge bang.

Page 32

I was doing my radio show earlier this week and talking about a story coming out of America. The story is that a woman alleges that while she was visiting Epcot Center in Disney World, an employee

dressed as Donald Duck grabbed her breast and molested her after she asked for an autograph. Obviously, a story with a duck and a breast involved gets my full attention. Then,

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Television Guide

12th January 6:00am ............Yo Gabba Gabba

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

6:25am........................The Hoobs

9:15am ........The Wright Stuff

6:00am..................Live Women’s International Cricket

6:00am............Brainiac: Science Abuse

7:15am..........Freshly Squeezed

11:00am ....The Vanessa Show

6:30am ..........Spirit of Yachting

7:00am ......................X-Weighted

7:00am ..........................The Jerry Springer Show

7:45am........................Everybody Loves Raymond

11:45am ......................CSI: Crime .................... Scene Investigation

7:00am ....................Football Asia

8:00am..............................Oops TV

8:00am ..................................Maury

12:40pm ......................Five News

7:30am..........................Hyundai A League Football

9:00am ..........................It’s Me or the Dog USA

8:50am ....................Celebs 24/7

8:10am ................................Frasier 8:40am ..........According to Jim

12:45pm ....Emergency Bikers

10:00am ........................Cold Case

9:00am ..............America’s Next Top Model

9:10am ..........Supernanny USA


8:00am................Live Twenty20 International Cricket

11:00am ................The Real A&E

10:00am ............Four Weddings

10:00am......Doctor in Distress

2:15pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:00pm............................Women’s International Cricket

12:00pm ..........Project Runway


1:00pm ......................X-Weighted

1:00pm ........................Hyundai A League Football

11:55am ..................Celebs 24/7

2:00pm ................Stargate SG-1

12:00pm ......................................CSI

4:00pm ..........................Cold Case

3:00pm ................Criminal Minds

5:00pm ..........................Futurama


6:00pm ............................Oops TV 6:30pm ................The Simpsons

6:00pm ..............America’s Next Top Model

12:00pm ......................Channel 4 News Summary

3:10pm......................Murder 101

12:05pm ............Three in a Bed


12:35pm..........Come Dine with Me Down Under

5:00pm ..............Five News at 5

1:05pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

1:30pm Copa Del Rey Football


4:00pm............................Women’s International Cricket

6:00pm ....................Monkey Life

5:00pm....................International Twenty20 Cricket

1:35pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

6:00am ..............Passport Patrol

8:00pm ..Dream Lives for Sale

7:00pm ..........Ghost Whisperer

7:00pm ........................Sky Sports News at Seven

9:00pm ..............Louie Spence’s Showbusiness

8:00pm ................Half Ton Teen

7:30pm ......................Live Carling Cup Football

10:00pm ................Raising Hope

10:00pm..........Grey’s Anatomy

11:00pm ........................Lie to Me

11:00pm..............Criminal Minds

6:00am................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:05am ......................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

6:10am ......................Animal Park

7:00am ................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am..........................Fifth Gear


8:30am..........The Gadget Show

9:00am ................................The Bill

8:00am................Good Morning Sports Fans

9:00am ............................Top Gear

11:00am ..........................Casualty

10:00am ................Dragons’ Den

7:30pm....How Do They Do It?

9:00am ..........................Copa Del Rey Football

11:00am........................Fifth Gear

12:00pm ......................Escape to the Country

8:00pm ..............Five News at 9

11:30am ......Spirit of Yachting

11:30am ......The Gadget Show

1:00pm ......................Animal Park

12:00pm..........................Top Gear

2:00pm..........................My Family

2:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den

3:20pm ....................Traffic Cops

3:00pm..........................Fifth Gear

2:05pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under 2:40pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

9:00pm ..................................Bones

3:10pm ....................Countdown 3:55pm..............Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ..Celebrity Five Go To 5:55pm ....Jamie’s Fish Supper

6:25pm Live from Studio Five 7:00pm ..............Five News at 7 7:30pm........Five News Update 6:00pm ................The Simpsons 6:30pm ..........................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ............Channel 4 News 7:55pm

8:00pm ..........Battle of Britain: The Lost Evidence

8:00pm ..................Arthur’s Hell on High Water

9:00pm ....................................NCIS

12:00pm ..................................Live International Cricket

:00am..Escape to the Country

10:00pm ..............Law & Order: Criminal Intent

8:30pm ..................International Twenty20 Cricket

3:30pm ........The Gadget Show

4:00pm..........................Escape to the Country

4:00pm ............................Top Gear

5:00pm ....................Doctor Who

11:10pm Teenage Paparazzo

11:55pm ..............................Poker

10:30pm ......................Women’s International Cricket

6:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den

10:00pm ....................Shameless

10:55pm ................Law & Order : Special Victims Unit

8:55pm ....Jamie’s Fish Supper 9:00pm..........Hugh’s Fish Fight

11:30pm ....Sports Adventure 1:00am......................My Family’s Crazy Gap Year


1:55am......Gregory’s Two Girls

4:45am ................HouseBusters

3:50am............................Brothers & Sisters

5:10am......................Wildlife SOS

according to the accuser, the Donald Duck-dressed employee made gestures with his big, white cartoon hands -allegedly - “indicating he had done something wrong”, according to a lawsuit filed last month by April Magolon. The 27-year-old woman is suing Disney for negligence, battery, and infliction of emotional distress, and is seeking in excess of $50,000 in damages. In the court documents, Magolon says she has suffered “severe physical injury, emotional anguish and distress including, but not limited to, post-traumatic stress disorder” as a result of the

run-in with Donald Duck. The more I read into the story, the more I was beginning to see massive holes in the whole thing. The woman says it happened back in May 2008, while she was visiting the park with her children and fiancé. So the question has to be asked: why on earth did she wait nearly two years to report the incident. I have been to the Disney parks in Florida, California and Paris (more on Paris in a moment). You see lines of kids with their parents waiting patiently in line to get a picture and an autograph from their favourite Disney characters.

4:00am How Not to Decorate

12:00am ................International Twenty20 Cricket 2:00am ..................................Close

7:00pm ........The Gadget Show

6:00pm ......No Ordinary Family

7:30pm............................Top Gear

8:00pm................Too Fat for 15

8:30pm ..............................Carpool

9:00pm ..........Kick Out the Kids

9:00pm ................Not Going Out

10:00pm........World’s Strictest Parents USA

10:20pm ..........Mock the Week 11:00pm ..Would I Lie to You?

11:00pm ............Too Fat for 15

11:40pm..............Not Going Out

5:35am ................House Doctor

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

On the many occasions I have seen this, the character is always with a Disney employee by his/her side. Disney is striking back against her allegations, so I can’t wait to hear what happens next. But not long after I told the story, I went into another Disney-related item. I was watching a TV quiz show on Monday and this seems to happen all the time when the question is asked: “If you win, what would you do with money?” I know the answer to this because the answer is the same every time, as are the words used. On these game

shows, the total you can win is a considerable amount. Even with big jackpot lottery winners, the answer is always: “I will take my kids to Disneyland Paris!” And I still shout out the same thing, time after time: “You miserable ***** (insert your own expletive )" Imagine you’ve won anything from 20 grand to a couple of million. I think the last place your kids would want to go is Paris! So I was telling this story on air at Oasis Fm and explaining that I had been to the Paris park during summer and it was horrible, dull and raining. And if I had won the money,

Paris would be a no no because, with all that money, you could treat the kids to the real parks in America. It was my opinion, as someone who has visited this depressing place. So 15 minutes later, I was informed of a telephone complaint from a lady who was listening in her car. She told us that she had to explain to her son who was sitting in the back listening, why I had said the Paris branch was horrible. It turns out the lady had booked a holiday there for the kids and was not happy with my remarks! I am used to complaints, and I think my

Michel Roux’s Service 8.00pm BBC2 For Michel Roux great service matters as much as great food. He believes waiters and sommeliers are the unsung stars of the restaurant world and their brilliance transforms an ordinary meal into an unforgettable experience. In this new series, Michel is on a personal mission to train eight young people, none of whom have previously considered this as a career, to become front-of-house superstars. But this isn’t just about transforming these young people into great waiters; good service requires manners, discipline and selfconfidence. In episode one, viewers meet the eight young trainees who are set to learn the skills needed to run service in some of Europe’s best restaurants. Ranging from an ex-school dinner lady to a history graduate and a young mum, they are all eager to improve their prospects and try something new. The two successful trainees will land a six-month scholarship with two of London’s top hotels – so there is everything to play for. But the road to success is not easy and the discipline starts when Michel introduces his right-hand man and leading restaurant manager, Fred Sireix. Fred teaches the trainees about Michelin-star dining, explaining how service should be run: waiters are like ghosts – neither seen nor heard. However, the luxurious treatment does not last long as the trainees soon find themselves taking full control of service in a high-street restaurant. From learning the very basics, the trainees get their first taste of service. As they serve more than 100 customers on Saturday night, Michel gets to see just what his new recruits are made of. boss is opening a telephone line just for my show. But this one is null and void. The fact that it is simply MY opinion as a individual seems to have escaped the lady. And simply because a family holiday has been booked is the subject for complaint? I hope they have a lovely time, I really do. But next time you see a critical review of a destination on TV, will you call them up? Or Google a Jeremy Clarkson review of the make and model of car you drive and complain if it's a bad one? So 2011 has started as 2010 ended! Joe

Page 33

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T H U R S D A Y 6:00am..........................Breakfast

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

6:00am ..........................Daybreak

9:15am ..Wanted Down Under

11:30am ..................Animal Park

8:30am ............................Lorraine

10:00am ............Homes Under the Hammer

12:00pm..................Daily Politics

9:25am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:00am......................Saints and Scroungers

12:30pm ......................GMT with George Alagiah

10:30am ................This Morning

1:00pm ....Ready Steady Cook

12:30pm ............Loose Women

11:45am..BBC News; Weather

1:25pm ..................................Coast

1:30pm ..........................ITV News

11:45am ......................To Buy or Not to Buy

1:30pm..................Live Snooker: The Masters

12:15pm ................Bargain Hunt

5:15pm ......Antiques Road Trip

1:55pm ................London News and Weather

6:00pm ........................Eggheads

2:00pm..................May the Best House Win

1:00pm ....BBC News; Weather 1:30pm ..............Regional News and Weather

and Weather

6:30pm ..................Great British Railway Journeys

3:00pm ..Dickinson’s Real Deal

1:45pm ............................Doctors 2:15pm ......................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

7:00pm..................Live Snooker: The Masters

4:00pm ......................Doc Martin

3:59pm ..........London Weather

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather 3:05pm ........................Deadly 60

Human Planet – Oceans: Into The Blue

3:35pm..Me and My Monsters

8.00pm BBC1

4:00pm ..........................Copycats

Humans are the only animals that have managed to adapt to life in every habitat on Earth. From oceans to jungles, the poles to the deserts, Human Planet explores man’s incredible ability to survive in the most extreme environments. Three years in the making, the series travels to the far-flung corners of the globe – the team visited more than 70 filming locations – to bring the most diverse, original and, in some cases, never-beforeseen stories of human endeavour to BBC One. The series is narrated by John Hurt and features original music by worldrenowned composer Nitin Sawhney. Oceans: Into The Blue explores the extraordinary adaptability and ingenuity that enables humans to survive in the marine environment, combined with the profound effect living by the sea has had on our cultures. In Northern Spain fishermen risk life and limb collecting highly valued goose barnacles – pounded by the Atlantic waves, they abseil down cliffs to reach their prize, which will fetch more than 200 a kilo at market. In Indonesia subsistence whalers from the village of Lamalera are also after a marine bounty – a huge sperm whale. Using bamboo harpoons, in their wooden boats, the men

Page 34

take on the whale in an almighty battle of wits and skill. If they succeed, their village will have food for months. The fishermen of Laguna in Brazil have learned to harness the ocean’s natural resources. Working in skilful harmony with dolphins, many of which they know by name, they are able to increase their seasonal harvest of mullet. In the distant islands off Papua New Guinea, “shark-caller” Blais – one of the last of his kind – also works with nature to use his ancient spiritual skills to hunt sharks. In the coral seas surrounding the Philippines a crew of Paaling fishermen take their lives in their hands in a highly dangerous mass fishing technique. In this overfished area, diving to depths of over 40m is the only way to catch enough fish for the village. A generator, with its intricate web of hose pipes, provides the only air supply for the young divers below, who risk the all-too-lethal effects of the bends. Few people in the world have such an intimate relationship with the sea as the elusive Bajau Laut sea gypsies who spend most of their lives afloat. Rarely visiting the mainland, the Bajau Laut live in stilt huts over the coral reefs and on houseboats; some of them still have an incredible ability to hunt underwater holding their breath. Human Planet follows one Bajau spear fisherman, called Sulbin, as he defies the usual laws of nature with an incredible underwater hunt, 20m down, last-

ing two-and-a-half minutes. The Behind The Lens segment features the compelling stories of the Paaling fishermen. Dale Templar, series producer for Human Planet says: “Filming in HD is an incredible challenge for documentary programme-makers. Human Planet was particularly difficult because our team had to operate the sensitive HD cameras in some of the most challenging and remote locations on the planet. “The superb picture quality of HD demands means that finding perfect focus is critical to the camera operators. “Unlike the controlled conditions of television drama productions, we are filming real people doing real things. This is extremely demanding on the crews. Our cameramen were often working on the end of a camera lens, in far from perfect light conditions, using a black and white view finder, which makes focusing a nightmare. Often there is no room for error, no option of a ‘Take 2!’ “We don’t get to see the footage in full HD quality until late on in the post-production process. We have to go through every shot with a fine-tooth comb. What we end up producing for the BBC HD channel is truly magnificent. Human Planet is filmed in the most stunning locations on Earth with the most amazing people and animals. The pictures jump off the screen, almost like 3D, transporting the audience to these extraordinary places.”

4:30pmHorrible Histories 5:00pm......................Newsround

5:00pm ........................The Chase

5:15pm ..................Weakest Link 6:00pm............................Weather 6:00pm ........................BBC News

6:00pm............London Tonight

6:30pm........BBC London News 7:00pm ..............The One Show

6:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

7:30pm ........................BBC News



7:30pm ............................Can You Keep a Secret?: Tonight 8:00pm......................Emmerdale 8:00pm ................Michel Roux’s Service

8:30pm ......Coronation Street

9:00pm....................Men of Rock

10:00pm..................ITV News at Ten and Weather

9:00pm ....Kidnap and Ransom

8:00pm ................Human Planet

10:00pm......................The Great Outdoors

9:00pm ........Come Fly with Me

10:30pm ........................Weather

10:30pm ..............London News and Weather

9:30pm................Not Going Out

10:30pm ....................Newsnight

10:35pm ....................Odd One In

10:00pm ......................BBC News

11:20pm ........................Snooker: The Masters

11:20pm ......Send in the Dogs

10:35pm ............Question Time 11:35pm Skiing Weatherview 11:35pm......................This Week 12:25am ............Too Much Too Young: Panorama

12:15am ..ITV News Headlines 12:10am..............Snooker Extra

12:15am ........................The Zone

2:10am..........................BBC News

2:15am ..................The Jeremy Kyle Show

2:30am ..........................HARDtalk 3:00am..........................BBC News


3:30am ........................Our World

3:10am ................Can You Keep a Secret?: Tonight

1:55am ....Antiques Roadshow

3:55am ..................................Close

3:35am ............ITV Nightscreen

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Television Guide

13th January 6:00am ................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am............Brainiac: Science Abuse

7:30am........................Everybody Loves Raymond

8:00am ................Live European Tour Golf

7:00am ......................X-Weighted

7:00am ..........................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00am..............................Oops TV

8:00am ..................................Maury

7:55am ................................Frasier

10:00am..Inside the PGA Tour

8:50am......................Celebs 24/7

8:25am ................................Frasier

10:30am ....................Carling Cup Football

9:00am ..................It’s Me or the Dog USA

6:10am........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

7:00am ........Freshly Squeezed

9:15am..........The Wright Stuff

8:50am ........According to Jim

12:00pm..............Live European Tour Golf

9:20am ..........Supernanny USA 10:15am ......................Genevieve

2:00pm ....Inside the PGA Tour

12:00pm ......................Channel 4 News Summary

2:30pm..........Live Horse Racing

12:05pm ............Three in a Bed 6:30pm ......Football’s Greatest

12:35pm..........Come Dine with Me Down Under

7:00pm............Sky Sports News

1:05pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

7:30pmPremier World

1:35pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under 2:05pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

11:00am ....The Vanessa Show 11:45am ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:40pm ......................Five News

2:40pm............Come Dine with Me Down Under

12:45pm ....Emergency Bikers

3:10pm ....................Countdown

2:15pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


8:00pm..............The Rugby Club 9:00pm..............................Ringside 10:00pm ......Time of Our Lives 11:00pm....................Carling Cup Football Special

6:00am ..............Passport Patrol

10:00am ........................Cold Case

9:00am ..............America’s Next Top Model

11:00am ................The Real A&E

10:00am ............Four Weddings

12:00pm ..........Project Runway


1:00pm ......................X-Weighted

11:55am ..................Celebs 24/7

2:00pm ................Stargate SG-1 4:00pm ..........................Cold Case

12:00pm ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:00pm ..........................Futurama

3:00pm ................Criminal Minds 4:00pm............................Charmed

6:00pm ............................Oops TV 6:30pm ................The Simpsons 8:00pm..................................House 9:00pm ..........My Cousin Vinny 11:20pm Ross Kemp on Gangs

6:00pm ..............America’s Next Top Model 7:00pm ..........Ghost Whisperer 8:00pm ..............Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 10:00pm..............Criminal Minds

1:45pm .................... Neighbours

3:05pm ..................................Trust 5:00pm............................Weather 5:00pm ..............Five News at 5

6:00am ........Aerobics Oz Style


6:30am........Kings of the Snow

7:05am ......................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

7:00am ........WWE: Experience

8:00am..........................Fifth Gear

7:00am ..........................Escape to the Country

6:10am ......................Animal Park

3:55pm..............Deal or No Deal

6:00pm ....................Monkey Life

8:00am ..Carling Cup Football

8:30am..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ............................Casualty

4:55pm ....Jamie’s Fish Supper

6:25pm ........................Live from Studio Five

9:30am........Kings of the Snow

9:00am ............................Top Gear

9:00am ................................The Bill

10:00am ................Dragons’ Den

11:00am ..........................Casualty

7:00pm ..............Five News at 7

10:00am ......World Matchplay Bowls

11:00am........................Fifth Gear

6:00pm ................The Simpsons

7:30pm........Five News Update

12:00pm ....Kings of the Snow

11:30am ......The Gadget Show

12:00pm ......................Escape to the Country

6:30pm ..........................Hollyoaks

7:30pm ....................Monkey Life

1:00pm ......................Animal Park

8:00pm ..............Five News at 9

2:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den

2:00pm..........................My Family

8:00pm ..................Ripped from the Cockpit: BA Flight of Terror

12:30pm ........Clydesdale Bank Scottish Premier League Football

12:00pm..........................Top Gear

7:00pm ............Channel 4 News

3:20pm ....................Traffic Cops

2:00pm ..Carling Cup Football

3:00pm ................Himalaya with Michael Palin

3:30pmCopa Del Rey Football

4:00pm ............................Top Gear

5:00pm....Celebrity Five Go To

8:00pmRelocation, Relocation 8:55pm ....Jamie’s Fish Supper 9:00pm..........Hugh’s Fish Fight 9:55pm ....Jamie’s Fish Supper 10:00pm ....................Shameless

9:00pm ....The Bone Collector 11:25pm ..............Forensic Files

5:30pm......................Carling Cup Football Special

11:55pm................Cops in Crisis


12:45am ..............4Play: British Sea Power

5:40pm ....................Doctor Who 6:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den

7:00pm ....Football’s Greatest

7:00pm ................Himalaya with Michael Palin


7:30pm ....Football’s Greatest

8:00pm............................Top Gear

4:00am How Not to Decorate

8:00pm......................Carling Cup Football Special

9:00pm ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

9:00pm ......................WWE: Late Night - Raw

10:00pm ..........Mock the Week

11:10pm ....................Hot Shots!

4:45am ................HouseBusters

1:00am ..................Live and Lost

5:10am......................Wildlife SOS

1:10am ..................Live and Lost

5:35am ................House Doctor

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

11:00pm ....................WWE: NXT

4:40pm..........................Escape to the Country

6:40pm..........................My Family 8:00pm ........World’s Strictest Parents USA 9:00pm ......No Ordinary Family 11:00pm..............The Catherine Tate Show 11:40pm..................Traffic Cops

Kidnap and Ransom 9pm, ITV1 ITV has commissioned a brand new primetime drama called Kidnap and Ransom starring Trevor Eve. The series stars one of the UK’s leading screen actors, TREVOR EVE (Waking the Dead, Framed) as international hostage negotiator, Dominic King. The three x 60 minute primetime thriller is the first drama to come out of Eve’s production company, Projector Pictures, whilst in partnership with talkback THAMES. The series has been written by acclaimed scriptwriter Patrick Harbinson (24, Law and Order, ER), and was filmed in South Africa last Spring. Eve stars alongside, JOHN HANNAH (Rebus, Cold Blood), HELEN BAXENDALE (Marple, Cold Feet), NATASHA LITTLE (Mistresses, This Life), EMMA FIELDING (Cranford) and AMARA KARAN (The Darjeeling Limited). When a businesswoman (Emma Fielding) is kidnapped in South Africa, expert hostage negotiator Dominic King (Trevor Eve) believes he’s dealing with a straightforward case – pay the money, get her back. But when the release is botched and they strike again in Britain, the kidnapper, Willard’s (John Hannah) motives become far more sinister. With trouble brewing at home with his wife Sophie (Natasha Little) and teenage daughter - and his team, boss Angela (Helen Baxendale) and ambitious assistant Carrie (Amara Karan) pushed to the limit, King must draw on all his reserves to bring the victims home alive.

Page 35


Page 36

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011


Stock Clearance Sale Now On! UP TO 50% OFF!

Many Items up to 50% off original price, Homestyle Direct is more than worth a visit.

HOME STYLE DIRECT continues to provide fantastic value, choice and style with their huge clearance sale. Every sale item is reduced by upto 50% off the original price. So if the current euro

rate is eating into your budget, a visit to Home Style’s ample well-stocked showroom is a must. They are now clearing stock at greatly reduced prices to make way for the brand new 2011 Ranges, which includes many new items at lower prices without compromising on

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

quality. With over 20 years in the business they can offer customers superb quality in home furnishing in different sizes and colours to suit your home and all at incredible prices. They also have many styles of furniture to choose from, not only from stock, but also in a variety of catalogues. Their extensive range includes leather suites, dining room and bedroom furniture and also a range of bedding in English sizes (feet and inches). Home Style have possibly the biggest choice in UK manufactured divan beds and mattresses and sofa beds in the South. Not only are they available in different

sizes, you can also choose the quality (soft, orthopaedic or back-care) plus storage options at low, low prices. And now with the new bed and sofa bed centre opened they will be able to offer over 50 different styles of beds and sofa beds all under one roof!Since opening in Tenerife more than 6 years ago, Home Style Direct has doubled in size. They they are now not only a well established store here in Tenerife, but also have a 20 year highly successful track record behind them in the UK where they carry most items in stock thus reducing delivery times to a minimum. With a one bedroom furniture pack now starting at 2,995 euros there has never been a better time to refurbish your apartment or turn your new

house into your dream home. The pack includes two sofas, dining set, beds, coffee table and lamp table set, TV unit, kitchenware, mirrors, pictures lamps, bedding and curtains, plus much more. This special offer includes free local delivery and assembly. You also have the option of changing anything within the pack to meet your individual requirements and tastes. The in-store stock is constantly being updated so whether you need just one piece of furniture or to furnish a full house Home Style have the facilities to meet your needs. So if your new year resolution is to freshen up your home be sure to visit Homestyle’s vast showrooms in Las Chafiras.

A 2 BEDROOM FURNITURE PACK INCLUDES:3+2 cloth sofa Coffee table 2 X lamp tables TV unit Dining set with 4 chairs 4 X lamps 1 X set of 90” X 90” curtains 1 X 4’6 bed frame + mattress 2 X 3ft bed frame + mattresses 1 X chest of drawers 3 X bedsides 1 X 4’6 bedding pack incl. curtains 1 X 4’6 duvet 2 X 3ft bedding packs incl. curtains 2 X 3ft duvets 4 X pillows 3 X pictures 1 X mirror 1 X complete kitchen accessory pack.


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SUE MCDONALD Common Sense Furnishings Email:

New Year’s resolutions WHILE each culture’s New Year celebrations has its own flavour, there are certain common themes. The period leading up to New Year’s Day is a time for setting things straight, returning borrowed objects, paying off bills (if you can), reflecting on your shortcomings, and giving alms (no, I don’t know what they are, either). The point is that this period between Christmas and New Year is one of reflection, putting things right, whether it be a quarrel with a loved one, or cleaning the house. It is a time for taking stock and planning to improve our lives (that’s why in some cultures, people jump into the sea, literally washing away all the detrius of the last year). Then comes the New Year, with a clean slate, a fresh start and the intention to do and be better. This is the key to making resolutions for the year ahead. If you have made your resolutions, (and not broken them yet, although it is only the first week of January) perhaps one of them is to improve your home, whether with a thorough clean and tidy, or something a bit more radical. Whatever your intentions, try to look at your home with fresh eyes, as though you were entering it for the first time. Often, because we are so used to our surroundings, we only really “see” them when something is moved. Try moving some of your furniture around, even if it is only

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the cushions or a lamp, and look at it with a different eye. Perhaps it is time to renew that sofa bed, which is looking a bit tired, or the mattress with a loose spring, or maybe just to buy some new cupboards to hide all the junk you can’t bring yourself to throw out. Sofa beds have come a long way from pine arms and foam mattresses, and it is now possi-

ble to have a very comfortable sofa that converts into a proper bed with a sprung mattress. Equally, if your sofa is still comfortable and structurally sound, consider re-upholstering rather than replacing it. With the money you save, you could have curtains to tone, and make your lounge look completely different. As far as beds are concerned, technology has certainly pro-

gressed in this area, so if you haven’t replaced your mattresses in a while, you might like to look at the many options now available - including latex and viscoelastic, or a combination of sprung and visco for both support and comfort.

If you find the Spanish beds a bit hard for your liking but the mattress still has some life in it (not literally, I hope), why not consider a soft mattress-topper to make it more comfortable. Perhaps your property is

absolutely fine as it is, or if you rent, you might not want to invest too much money in it. But consider a different colour throw and a couple of cushions for the sofa or the bed. For less than 50 euros, you can revamp the room, and you will “see” it as if it were all new. Unless you have a big budget to spend, try to work with what you already have. If the curtain rails or poles are in good condition, for instance, this will reduce the cost of replacing the curtains considerably. The sun is a blessing in Tenerife, and one of the main reasons why many of us choose to live here. But it’s not so great for your furniture. If you don’t have sunblock curtains, consider getting some to keep your rooms cooler and more private, and to protect your furniture. Apart from the usual white ones, sun curtain now comes in a wide range of colours, so you can brighten up and protect your home at the same time. If you don’t really know what you can do to make changes, why not ask us to come over and give you a few ideas and a free quote. You may be pleasantly surprised! Finally, just like everybody else, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. All items mentioned are available at Deco Nuevo, next to Ofipapel in Los Cristianos.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

RHS Chelsea Flower Show THE RHS Chelsea Flower Show may be 4 months away but planning starts early and a dazzling shortlist of Show Gardens for the 2011 RHS Chelsea Flower Show, sponsored by M&G Investments, has been confirmed. The 18 spectacular Show Garden designs, confirmed to date, that will wow the crowds are: The M&G Garden, designed by renowned landscape architect Bunny Guinness, is a modern take on a traditional kitchen garden. The Well Tailored Garden, exhibited by Savile Row tailors Anderson & Sheppard and designed by Madison Cox, features a ‘well dressed’ urban garden with spring-flowering bulbs from North America and Asia. The B&Q Garden highlights the environmental difference every gardener can make, using an 8m-high vertical, living wall of windowboxes to demonstrate vertical farms and urban food production. The British Heart Foundation Garden, designed by Ann-Marie Powells, is themed around the movement of the heart’s veins and arteries and cleverly includes heart-shaped foliage and ‘aspirin’ plant Salix angustifolia. The Cancer Research UK Garden, designed by Robert Myers, combines the themes of ‘Surviving’ and ‘Seashore’, using plants adapted to survive in coastal conditions. The Daily Telegraph Garden by designer Cleve West explores timelessness and permanence through species plants and modern hybrids in a peaceful, relaxing sunken garden. The Trailfinder’s Australian Garden presented by Flemings Nurseries is themed on the journey of HMS ‘Endeavour’ and the botanical discoveries that Joseph Banks made on his voyage between 1768 and 1771. Gateshead Council’s Essence of a City Garden reflects Gateshead’s long-term vision to become a city. Evoking a

civic garden, the design takes reference from squares, avenues, vistas, tree-lined boulevards, fountains, and sculptures. The Homebase Garden takes its inspiration from childhood memories of trips to Cornwall, featuring naturalistic shapes and textures of Cornwall, and a colour scheme of blue, pink and white. The Green Poem Garden by Kazuyki Ishihara is based on the mountainscapes of Nagasaki in Japan, and features water, rocks, wind and soft greens to create calmness. The Laurent-Perrier Garden by award-winning designer Luciano Giubbilei brings together garden, art and architecture. Leading Japanese architect Kengo Kuma and British sculptor Peter Randell-Page will be contributing respectively with a sensory bamboo pavilion and three commissioned sculptures. The Leeds Garden draws attention to the importance of water power in the industrial evolution of Leeds. The Monaco Garden by designer Sarah Eberle illustrates the landscape and architecture of Monaco with Mediterranean plants and colour schemes. The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) New Wild Garden, designed by Nigel Dunnett for The Landscape Agency, takes its inspiration from ‘The Wild Garden’, a book published more than a century ago by William Robinson, who popularised naturalistic gardening and virtually invented the

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

herbaceous border. This garden celebrates beautiful, colourful and romantic plantings. The Australian Garden, designed by Jim Fogarty for the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, charts the passage of water through Australia’s landscape. The Skyshades Garden, by Marney Hall, illustrates how beautiful an office garden can be using eco-friendly materials and native plantings to encourage wildlife. The key structure in the Tourism Malaysia Garden is the central pavilion, which is inspired by the slatted buildings of traditional kelong fish farms. The building’s roof will be lushly planted with epiphytes such as orchids. The Times Kew Garden, designed by Marcus Barnett and in partnership with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and ‘The Times’, demonstrates the significance of plants to science and society through design and planting. Plants have been chosen for their beauty and utility – some of which have a medicinal, industrial or commercial use. RHS Chelsea Show Manager, Alex Denman, said, “We have been inundated with exhibitors. Our final selection of Show Gardens represents the very best garden designers in the world today. It is fantastic to see that sponsors M&G are bringing back Bunny Guinness, who is returning to Chelsea after an eight-year absence. We are also delighted to have on board Robert Myers, Luciano Giubbilei and James Wong. We are very,

very excited and Chelsea 2011 is set to be the best ever.” The RHS garden selection panel committee has selected 15 small gardens to inspire and delight visitors. The RHS has introduced a new small garden category for the 2011 show, the Artisan Garden, where designers are asked to use natural, sustainably resourced materials in an artistic manner. Urban Gardens return to the show with designers finding clever solutions for small outdoor spaces ranging from gardens to sunken basements. Here is the line up of seven Artisan Gardens and eight Urban Gardens: Artisan gardens: (replacing the Courtyard Garden category) The Basildon Bond Garden by Hamelin Paper Brands Ltd, pays homage to the birth place of Basildon Bond, Apsley Mill, using reclaimed bricks to represent the mill structure with a water feature that provides sound and movement. Blue is a strong colour theme so grasses and Iris will feature as well as a post box. This garden is designed by the runner up in the RHS National Young Designer of the Year 2010, William Quarmby, held at the RHS Flower Show Tatton Park. A Child’s Garden in Wales by Anthea Guthrie Garden Design along with children from special needs schools Heronsbridge and Ysgol Bryn Castell features a typical Welsh Valley garden set just after the war in the late 1940s with a ‘make do and

mend’ theme. A Postcard from Wales by Kati Crome and Maggie Hughes is inspired by Dylan Thomas’ hometown Laugharne. The garden has a driftwood timber fence and gate and features fruit trees, common salt marsh plants and self seeded shrubs and small trees. Pathways will be in Welsh slate slabs with cockleshell edging. A Literary Garden by Martin Cook and Bonnie Davies is a ‘poet’s retreat’ – featuring overgrown blue, mauve, pink and white plantings and verses from poems carved into various features within the garden provoking thought and reflection. The Hae-Woo-So (Emptying One’s Mind: Traditional Korean Toilet) by Narae Oh is a conceptual garden featuring a toilet and is also a place where one can free the mind. The main plants are composed of wild flowers and grass with Hedera which cleans the air and promotes sustainability of the garden micro-organisms. The Fever-Tree House Garden by Fever-Tree Drinks Ltd and designed by Stephen Hall, is a theatrical, playful garden inspired by plants that have been used to naturally treat fever, including quinine. Built entirely from recycled, found, borrowed and reclaimed materials the garden with its quirky tree house demonstrates an interesting garden on a small budget is possible. Following on from the success of their Rhubarb Crumble and Custard garden at Chelsea 2010, which won the People’s Choice award; the Welcome to Yorkshire Garden by Gillespies LLP is set to once again thrill with an exciting design for 2011. Urban Gardens: Across the Pond by Adam Frost Design is a garden inspired by architect Frank Lloyd Wright and includes some of his well known principles, including innovative use of concrete and the balance of nature with manmade materials. The Ace of Clubs by Domoney Ltd, features a flamboyant garden reminiscent of a night club VIP room with relaxation couches, artwork on walls and bold planting schemes plus sound sys-

tem and outdoor lasers! Stockton Drilling by Gardeners’ Boutique is an urban garden converted from industrial buildings. It features recycled wood planks and wind turbines and galvanized containers to collect rain water. The Chilstone Garden by Heather Appleton has been designed with the workaholic urbanite in mind and is a relaxing fun space in which to unwind. It features a mock window to deceptively expand the garden space and a grown up paddling pool. The Power of Nature by KKE Architects Ltd, represents the four elements of earth, air, fire and water which are used to store and release solar energy. The garden illustrates nature providing renewable energy to be captured to heat our homes. The RNIB Garden, by Paul Hervey-Brookes, is part of a larger recreational garden being created as part of a new children’s residential home and school being built by the Royal National Institute for the Blind in Coventry. Planting incorporates flower colours in shades that are easy for visually impaired users to identify. The Magistrate’s Garden by Kate Gould represents the longevity of the magistrates since 1361 offering a welcoming and safe space for calm contemplation. Two contemporary bench seats face each other across the water feature. The Doncaster Deaf Trust Garden by Graham Bodle is designed for students and tutors at the Doncaster Deaf School and has two separate seating areas facing each other making sign language possible. A textured sculpture, running water, fruits and plants will feature. RHS Head of Show Development, Bob Sweet, said, “We are excited about the new introduction of artisan gardens, which, combined with urban gardens at Chelsea will ensure that visitors will see some incredible designs highlighting innovation, creativity and sustainability.” RHS Chelsea Flower Show takes place in the grounds of the Royal Hospital, from Tuesday May 24 – Saturday May 28, 2011.

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Health & Beauty

CARL PATTISON from Robot, answers your hair questions

DANNI BYRNE Keeping you fit Email:


Welcome to 2011 Make 2011 of all SO the party season is well and truly over, you’ve made your New Year’s resolutions, kick-started yourself into maybe losing a few pounds and told everyone you’re going to quit smoking, drinking etc. So what about the rest of you? Do you plan a wardrobe change, new make-up routine, or what about your hair? Wouldn’t it be good to complement your new look and attitude with new hair? Think about it. If you’ve had your style for a few years, maybe it’s time to trade it in for a “new you”! There’s nothing worse than holding on to a look that’s dated and drags you down. If you can’t remember when you had a new look, then it’s obviously well overdue. I sometimes get asked by clients: “What would you do?” And nine times out of 10, the answer is: “Update your look.” So often, I see styles that could look a lot fresher and a lot more up-to-date with just a few adjustments. I’m not saying I’ll chop off all your hair for a change, (unless you request it), but let me try to make the best of what you have. Sometimes, it’s maybe only the length that’s wrong, or you need a few more layers, or could be that it’s time you had a fringe added. You need to take a good look at what your hair is doing for you and your appearance. Could it also be that not

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your fittest year

only does your style need a “spring clean” but your colour as well? Are you stuck with a colour that maybe suited you five years ago but now makes you look drawn? Have you overdone the hi-lites? Maybe it’s time you toned then down? We are none of us perfect, but when it comes to advice, you should look no further than your stylists. If you’re thinking of making a change, then look no further than them. If you don’t have a regular stylist, then consult the most trusted form of advertising word of mouth. There’s no bigger compliment than when someone says: “Who does your hair?” Ask around and find out who does your friend’s hair, because most people want to give you an honest opinion.

Once armed with “Who to go to”, book a consultation. That should take around 1015 minutes, depending on whether it’s for a cut, colour or both. Use this time to discuss every aspect of your required style with the stylist. You need to know everything, from “What will my hair look like”? to “How do I keep up to it”? Even ask about how much will it cost. Don’t be fooled into having something done against your will. Never agree to a new look, just because you think you trust the stylist. Before any kind of salon service, you need to know everything from A-Z. So what are you waiting for? Get out the style books, peruse the internet and find your look for 2011. You’ll never look back!

SO, we are finally here in a new year - a year that is full of promise, to set them goals again, and go for them halfheartedly. Yes, it’s true. How many of us say we will do something, start it but make excuses not to do it? Then we try to blame something, someone, the job, the school run … the list goes on. The harsh reality is that the only person you can blame is yourself. Did you put that third mince pie in your mouth on Christmas Day? Were you tied down and buckets of wine poured down your throat on New Year’s Eve? Okay, a little over-exaggerated but just to prove a point that the control of your body, how your treat it and what you put inside it is down to YOU. But what if you are not finding it that easy to improve your lifestyle? How do we motivate ourselves to get us where we want to be? It takes 3-6 months of concerted, regular effort for something to become habitual, so don’t go expecting any quick fixes. With some application of effort and, dare I say it, discipline, however, exercise adherence is a real possibility, and developing the skills to be self motivated are yours for the taking. We just need to get through those first few months. 1. Set goals. Why do you want to get fit? Is it to lose weight,

look good on the beach, drop a clothing size, be healthier? Get stronger? What ever it is, write it down. Show it to people, tell people about you goal, explain what you are trying to achieve. The point of this exercise is to give you focus. Make sure your goals are realistic and achievable in a reasonable time frame. If necessary, break your main goal into “micro” goals, which you can tick off on a regular basis. For example, lose 1lb a week rather than think about losing 20lbs in total. Just a pound a week is a much more realistic goal than focusing on that big figure (pun intended) of 20lbs. 2. Write a pros and cons decision list. What have you got to gain versus what have you got to lose. Pros • Look better •Lose weight •Extra energy •Feel fitter Cons • Half-an-hour less sleep •Drink less alcohol •Have to be organised •Eat plainer foods After reviewing the above lists, it should be apparent that the minor cons are outweighed by the greater pros and should serve as a reminder that the decision made is a worthwhile one. 3. Make a plan and stick to it. Know the times of your workout and stick to them. Have a back-up plan if you cannot. Plan your weekly food intake

and shop accordingly. One of the truths of diet and nutrition is that if you have junk food in your cupboard, you will eat it. So make sure that you have plenty of healthy food in your cupboards and that includes snacks. Take out water and fruit so you are not tempted to snack on unhealthy foods. 4. Recruit a network of supporters. Why suffer alone!? Ask family and friends to assist you in your goals. Seek out like-minded people to act as training partners, get support from those closest to you, join one of the many web-based groups that can offer both support and information to help you on your way. 5. Keep accurate training and diet logs. Write it down! Nothing motivates like success. But to judge success, we need to see where we started. By keeping track of workout performance, dietary trends and physical measurements, we can see when we improve. Sometimes, we fail to see our 6. Choose things you like. How can we succeed if we choose activities we dislike, or foods we don’t enjoy? There are many options for us to choose from, and it is vital we select things we are going to enjoy as much as possible. Why make things harder than they need to be? So, don’t like running? Try cycling. Not so keen on the gym? Join an exercise class. Don’t like fruit? Make fresh-fruit smoothies or juices.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Why older people are able to get a strong grip on life BELIEVE it or not, you’ll have to wait until you are at least 60 years of age before your “emotional intelligence” peaks. As a result, older generations are more sensitive and empathic than younger members of society. They are also better at coping with and seeing the positive side of stressful situations. Scientists in America believe it makes sense that humans develop an enhanced “caring” side near the end of their lives. Professor Robert Levenson, a psychologist from the University of California, said: “Increasingly, it appears that the meaning of late life centres on social relationships, plus and caring for and being cared for by others. “Evolution seems to have tuned our nervous systems in ways that are optimal for these kinds of inter-personal and compassionate activities as we age.” In one study, the scientists looked at how 144 healthy adults in their 20s, 40s and 60s reacted to neutral, sad and “disgusting” film clips. Participants were asked to adopt a detached and objective attitude, show no

emotion, or focus on the positive aspects of what they were seeing. The findings, published in the journal Psychology and Aging, showed it was easier for older people to see negative scenes in a positive light. This is a recognised coping strategy that draws on life experience, together with lessons learned from the past. By contrast, young and middle-aged participants were better at “tuning out” and diverting attention away from the unpleasant films. Such “detached appraisal” draws heavily on brain functions responsible for memory, planning and impulse control that diminish with age. All three age groups were equally good at clamping down on their emotional responses when they were forced to. Prof Levinson pointed out that, contrary to popular belief, heightened sensitivity to sadness did not indicate an increased risk of depression. In fact, he said, it was actually a healthy sign. “Sadness can be a particularly meaningful and helpful emotion in late life, as we are inevitably confronted with, and need to deal with, the losses we experience in our own life and with the need to give comfort to others,” he added.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

We simply can’t afford to be fit! THE high cost of membership to gyms and leisure centres, and the weather, is deterring many Britons from exercising regularly. A survey conducted for World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) covered 2,000 people of all ages. It revealed that one-third believed they charged too much, rising to 42% for the 18-24 age bracket, compared with 19% of over-55s who felt the same. In addition, the survey found that 18% blamed the appalling British weather for their lack of activity, while time pressures caused by work and family commitments were the reason some 36% did not exercise. Students said they did not have enough time, with 40% blaming busy lifestyles for not being active. But surprisingly, the most idle group appeared to be those aged between 18 and 24, with 33% saying they just

could not be bothered to exercise. Experts at the WCRF are worried the public are ignoring the health benefits of exercise, despite evidence that it reduces the risk of cancer. Rachel Thompson, deputy head of science, said: “It is a concern that so many people feel the financial cost is stopping them being more physically active.”

She suggests other ways of exercising should be considered by those who cannot afford to join gyms or use leisure centres. “People can take up brisk walking or running, or start playing a sport they enjoy,” she suggested. “Even hobbies such as dancing or gardening can count.” Dr Thompson believes the positive effects of exercise should not be ignored. “Scientists estimate that

about 10,000 cases of breast and bowel cancer could be prevented every year in the UK if we all did regular, moderate, physical activity,” she added. In addition to the survey, many people lay out a fortune to join a gym and buy all the necessary feel-good gear, only to lose interest – and their money - quickly when the results of work-outs are not apparent immediately.

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Food News

Jamie Oliver scores top spot resulting in sales through the Total Consumer Market showing a 9.6% rise when compared to the same week in 2009. Sales reached £71.3m, down 4% on the previous week’s peak. As consumers took to the high streets following the poor weather, the General Retail Market, Nielsen’s best measure of high street performance, showed a 20% yearon-year climb, and a 27% week-on-week rise. Both McIntyre and Stephen Fry received sales boosts in the final week, with the two autobiographies knocking fictional biography A Simples Life and Guinness World Records from second and third spots respectively. Jamie’s 30-minute Meals is taking criticism in some circles however, saying that the recipes are a good deal more lengthy. Perhaps the thinking behind the book is that it’s in an ideal world, with everything pre-prepared and ready to go oven warm, kind of thing. Indeed on his website it states, ‘If you love food and have hungry mouths to feed when you get home after a long day, then allow

IN THE BOOK world Jamie Oliver scored the final number one of the year with Jamie’s 30-minute Meals easily outselling the secondplaced title Michael McIntyre’s Life and Laughing by a measure of three-to-one in Nielsen BookScan’s last full week chart of 2010. The week, to 25th December, benefited from one extra day’s trading compared with last year,

Giant Tuna sells for a record £254,000

A GIANT bluefin tuna has fetched a record £254,000 at the world’s largest wholesale fish market. The 342kg (754lb) fish was snapped up in auction by the owners of Kyubey, an upscale Tokyo sushi restaurant, and Itamae Sushi, a Hong Kongbased chain. The previous record was set in 2001 when a 202kg fish sold for 20.2 million yen (£130,000) at the same Tsukiji market in Japan. Sushi has become increasingly popular worldwide while the first sale of the New Year is traditionally seen as an important day for Japan’s fishing industry. Even so, the price tag surprised traders. “It was an exceptionally large fish,” said market spokesman Yutaka Hasegawa. “But we were all surprised by the price.” Environmental groups are concerned about the levels of bluefin tuna.

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Jamie to introduce you to a revolutionary way of cooking. In 30-Minute Meals he’ll show you how to make a complete meal in the time you’d normally spend on one dish. What you’ll be able to achieve in 30 minutes will absolutely blow your mind! This is not about compromising on quality. It’s about being organised, working fast and using shortcuts and clever tricks to put insanely delicious plates of food on the table in no time. Each meal has been carefully crafted so that there’s no faffing about – just good, fast cooking. Jamie has created complete menus of foods that go beautifully together and planned the recipes menus in a unique and easy-to-follow way. This kind of cooking is all about using every minute wisely, having fun and reclaiming your kitchen for the job it was meant for. Once you start cooking this way, not only will you love it; you’ll never look back.´ The book itself is a breath of fresh air and provides inspiration for your everyday meals – it makes a change from mince and mash.

The World Wildlife Fund has warned that the Atlantic bluefin will be “functionally extinct” in three years if fishing continues at current rates. Environmental groups want to see bluefin fishing slashed or suspended.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011


Sudoku - X



The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid. Use logic alone to deduce where each of these numbers must be placed in every cell of a puzzle. Don’t worry! We´ve kept in two original sudokus for you on the right.



6 6






Last Week’s Answers:











1. Mulled wine 2. Reindeer 3. Fairy lights 4. Bells 5. Carol Singing 6. Sledging 7. Candlemas 8. Christmas Dinner 9. Turkey 10. Nutcracker Brain Training: Beginer: 27 Intermediate: 65 Advanced: 228

4 Sudoku X:




2 5




4 3




1 9









5 8


2 9










7 9









3 3








4 8




Puzzle Rating: Moderate

Puzzle Rating: very easy

Horoscopes of the week Capricorn (December 22nd-January 20th) You are set to go though a lot of changes, and you may be feeling more vulnerable than you had thought you were. Just watch your words on Monday and Tuesday, when the planets will be doing all they can to make you say things you may regret. It will pay you to put in some overtime soon. AQUARIUS (Jan 21stFeb 19th) You discover how many new skills and talents you have acquired. Large social gatherings link to a family event and should put you in touch with someone you fell out with. Bury the hatchet, Aquarius, because there is too much fun to be had to let such a minor difference get in the way. PISCES (Feb 20thMarch 20th) You will have to accept that those we love are not always perfect, and you must sit down and work out what is and what isn’t acceptable in your relationship. You have the stars on your side and yesterday’s (Thursday’s) new moon should see you making some decisions which will form a great base for the coming years - for both you and your close ones. Work brings some pleasurable travel your way ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) Some big changes are on the way for you, which will leave little doubt in anyone’s mind about your abilities. Opportunity has finally arrived. Romance is also on the cards for you, and this should leave you in no doubt as to what a certain person can offer to you. TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) You really don’t seem to care who knows the finer details of






















































































Puzzle Rating: Very hard

1 5


your personal life. But if you are not careful, you are going to give a certain person who can help your career the wrong impression. Stress is less evident than it was last month, and it’s time to focus again.

role in your future. VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) The stars blow away any cobwebs that have formed and allow you to see though a business contact that you’d thought had your best interests at heart. Independence is going to be at the forefront of your mind and may see many Virgos making some shocking announcements.

GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) You are going to be thinking with both your head and your heart and quite a few decisions in your life are going to be tied up. This is a time of great growth for you and you should be pleased when you see all that has been achieved by Friday.

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Close ones really are going to be trying every trick in the book in order to part you from your cash. Stand firm, though, or you will miss out on obtaining a very important personal item. Romance is the most prominent message in your chart, as you discover how good it can feel to indulge in yourself for a change. And you’d be wise to keep your passport at hand this month.

CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) You don’t seem to be feeling a part of all of the things that are going on in a loved one’s life, but don’t press him/her too hard for details just yet. All will become clear in time, and you would be wise to put some of your time and energy into that awkward work problem you’ve been avoiding.

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) The stars are going to be providing you with some new solutions to old problems. You are not just climbing the career ladder - you are going to be taking the express lift, as people from afar make you some very lucrative and appealing offers. A certain star sign is ready to turn friendship into love.

LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) Have more faith in your abilities and charms. If something does not seem to be working in your favour, then you must stand tall and know that it is time to move on. Foreign contacts beckon and should be able to provide you with great hope and faith for your future. Scorpios will play a big

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23rd-Dec 21st) The time has come to put life into perspective and to throw out all the rubbish. For some of you, this will mean possessions, while for others it will mean the negative influences which have become such a bind these past months. Incidentally, you can afford to be selfish in the next seven days.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011




































































































































































Quite hard

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training January 1. The month of January is named after which Roman God?

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck!

2. In which month is poet Robert Burns birthday celebrated?


3. In January 2000, which singer was found with 15.2 grams of marijuana at an airport in Hawaii?


11 4









+51 37% -29 of this 8

4. Which baseball star did Marilyn Monroe marry in January, 1954?







5. Which weekly BBC TV show was axed in January 2003 after nearly 40 years?

51 4

6. Which European state became two separate states in January 1993?

-91 8

7. What is the birthstone for the month of January?




÷3 +119 75% of this 5




7/8 of this





8. Which two months are covered by the star sign Aquarius?

12 4

9. Which sign of the zodiac runs from December into January?

10. Which famous young pop star married Jason Alexander in Las Vegas in January 2004?

-99 8





x8 +256 3/8 of this 5

x8 9






5/6 of this Page 43


Holidays The intrigue are back for 2011 of Antigua! TRIPADVISOR, the world’s largest travel site, announced the results of its annual Travel Trends Survey of over 6,200 European travellers, and forecasts a more optimistic 2011, despite mixed feeling from British travellers. “Overall, 2011 looks more positive for both travellers and the travel industry,” comments Emma O’Boyle, TripAdvisor spokesperson. “Britons intend to travel more often and will spend more money doing so, but will proceed with caution as the industry emerges slowly from a very difficult year.” TripAdvisor’s Travel Trends Survey reveals that 2011 will see Britons travel more, with a significant number (66%) of people planning to take a long-haul holiday. Only a third of Brits are planning a stay-at-home holiday next year, marking the possible demise of the ‘staycation’ trend which has dominated the last few years. One in 10 Brits are planning to travel more on holiday in 2011 than they did this year Two-thirds (66%) of Brits are planning at least one long-haul holiday in 2011 Just 38% of Brits are planning a staycation in 2011, compared to 45% in 2010 Over two-thirds (67%) are planning at least one domestic holiday, a slight decrease from 73% in 2010 2010: A YEAR OF AIR TRAVEL ANXIETIES The devastating earthquakes in China, Haiti and Indonesia this year have had an impact on our psyche but despite a threefold increase from a year ago, national disasters affecting travel plans are only a concern for 6% of British travellers.” Other issues concerning British travellers this year: A brand new travel issue to emerge since last year’s

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survey is volcanic ash - 15% of Brits admit they are worried about this disrupting their 2011 travel plans A third (31%) are fearful of further strikes affecting the travel plans Concerns over rises in APD, the air travel tax, are likely to afcect the travel plans of over a quarter (28%) of Brits Following the recent high profile collapses of travel firms including Goldtrail and Kiss Flights over a quarter (26%) are worried about travel companies going bust But all this uncertainty in the travel industry is good news for travel insurance companies over a quarter (28%) of Brits admit they are more likely to buy travel insurance in 2011 than this year. Despite Government austerity cuts and fears of a double-dip recession, the general mood of the nation when it comes to holiday spend is more positive than a year ago: Over a third (36%) of Brits think they’ll spend more on their holidays in 2011 than they did in 2010 A third (32%) plan to spend between GBP2,000GBP4,000 in total on leisure travel in 2011 An extravagant 14% of Brits intend to spend over GBP8,000 on travel in 2011 Brits’ best environmental intentions have weakened in the last 12 months - 14% of Brits planned to be more environmentally conscious in their travels in 2010, compared to just 10% now. Nine out of ten (90%) Brits admit they do not think they will be more environmentally conscious with their travel plans in 2011 83% of Brits neither plan to fly or drive less for their holidays in 2011, compared to the EU average of 64% “Although economically British travellers are more confident for the year ahead, it’s still been a turbulent time for the travel industry with strikes, volcanic ash and airport security issues. With all these aviation anxieties it’s perhaps no surprise that environmental concerns are now an even lower priority for British travellers,” concludes Emma O’Boyle.

DID you know that Antigua, an island in the West Indies, means “ancient” in Spanish, was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493 and named by him as well? If not, you’re bound to find out if you fancy an upmarket holiday to this star-studded Caribbean spot, which is the largest of the Leewards Islands - and the most developed and prosperous. That’s because of its booming tourism industry, offshore banking, internet gambling services and education services, including two medical schools. There are many places of interest to visit if you are seeking more than just the magnificent golden sands to lounge around on during your stay at this luxurious location. For instance, the English Harbour, on the south-east coast, is famed for its protected shelter during violent storms. It is the site of a restored British colonial naval station called Nelson’s Dockyard, after Captain Horatio Nelson. Regardless of the history books, he is well known to us here in Tenerife, of course, following his futile “invasion” of Santa Cruz way back in

1797, when he lost his right arm and also lost the battle – his only defeat! Today, English Harbour and the neighbouring village of Falmouth are internationally famous as a yachting and sailing destination. And during Antigua Sailing Week, at the end of April and beginning of May, the annual world-class regatta attracts many sailing vessels, sailors and onlookers to the island. There is also plenty of quality cricket to view, if that’s your game, especially at the Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, named after the great West Indies legendary batsman, who was born in Antigua. So was Andy Roberts, one of the greatest fast-bowlers of all time, Richie Richardson, the opening batsman who became skipper of the West Indies, and Curtly Ambrose, another great Test paceman. So, if you fancy a game against the locals and need a few stars to make up your team … Away from the playing fields, many hotels and resorts are located around the coastline, and the island’s single airport is serviced by several major airlines, including Virgin Atlantic and British Airways. The official currency is the East Caribbean dollar. However, many prices in

tourist-oriented businesses are shown in US dollars. The EC dollar is pegged to the US dollar at whatever the fixed rate is at the time. Antigua’s history, rich in intrigue, was initially inhabited by the Ciboney Indians for several thousand years before their mysterious departure. Pastoral Arawak Indians then settled there before being replaced by the Caribs. They were the last group to inhabit the island before Columbus spotted Antigua on his second voyage, in 1493. But life did not change dramatically there for nearly 150 years as the Caribs resisted any European efforts to colonise. Columbus named the island Antigua in honour of the Virgin of La Antigua, found in the Seville Cathedral in southern Spain. A common practice for Spanish explorers was to name newly-discovered areas after Catholic saints. In 1632, a group of English colonists left St. Kitts to settle in Antigua, and when Englishman Sir Christopher Codrington established the first permanent European settlement in 1694, Antigua history began to take a dramatic turn for the better. Under Codrington, sugar became Antigua’s main crop. He had all the latest technol-

ogy and the island’s first fullscale sugar plantation was so successful that other planters turned from tobacco to sugar. And as for Nelson’s connection to the island, as 1st Viscount Nelson, he was Senior Naval Officer of the Leeward Islands from 1784 to 1787 on HMS Boreas. But though he married a local widow, Fanny Nisbet, he was not popular with them natives because he tried to ban trade with the newlyformed United States of America. Most of the Antigua merchants depended upon American trade, so many of them despised Lord Nelson, whereas, he has was regarded as an all-time hero in Britain. So, that’s a brief history of this historic island, and it has proved popular with scores of celebrities and sportsmen. Notable home-owners include Eric Clapton, Richard Branson, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, James Bond actor Timothy Dalton, entertainer John Barrowman, author Ken Follett, plus former West Indies cricket legends Viv Richards, Richie Richardson and Curtly Ambrose. Don’t be too surprised if you bump into any one of these stars while on holiday there.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011


ON THE ROAD WITH JAV Behind the Wheel Email:

New shapes of things to come ONE of the defining features of the car industry for more than a century has been the astonishing speed at which things change. Manufacturers have been battling tooth and nail for all those years to build bigger, better, faster and cleverer cars that will outclass rivals and part us motorists from our cash. And from the looks of it, there is no suggestion that this lightning pace of change is likely to change any time soon as car-makers strive for their next big hit. These adaptations have grown apace over the past 15 years, and will continue to do so. Drive any model from, say, 1995, and it will feel decidedly dated alongside to a modern equivalent. That fact is virtually certain, but what about the differences between the cars we drive now and the ones we will be driving in another 15 years? As we all know, seeing into the future is an inexact science, but there’s no harm in speculating about some of the areas in which the machines of 2025 are almost certain to be rather different. The Green Machines The motoring agenda has been dominated by all things green over the last few years, and there is little sign of the environmental focus abating as we stride forward. The industry was rather unfairly cast in the role of eco-enemy a few years ago, but it has reacted in fine style, slashing vehicle emissions in the short term and investing heavily in alternative fuel technologies for the future. As government legislation controlling car pollution tightens and we all fall under growing financial and social pressure to shrink our carbon footprints, the attraction of green cars looks certain to grow. In the first instance, we can expect continuing improvement in the internal combustion engine technology which has powered cars since the beginning. Advanced fuel injection systems, variable

The BMW, as it is likely to look in the next 15 years

geometry turbo-chargers and clever engine management software have boosted the efficiency of petrol and diesel engines, and should continue to do so. The alternatives to fossil fuels are also expected to grow in the next decade or so. We already have hybrid cars, but they look like becoming more common and better. Hybrids that can run solely on electric power for long periods are in the pipeline, as are “range-extender” models. These use a petrol engine to charge batteries, which then power the electric motors that drive the wheels. Fully electric cars are also on the rise. You can buy models like the Nissan LEAF now, but they are sure to become cheaper in the future, even if their limited range is likely to restrict their use to urban areas. But if improvements in battery technology extend the range of electric cars and the power storage capacity of hybrids, sales could really take off. Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles have often been touted as a magic bullet for the car’s environmental problems, but affordable production cars are still some way off. Many manufacturers are conducting trials of working prototypes out on the roads and some are predicting production versions within the next 10 years, but major infrastructure investment will be needed for the hydrogen economy to take off.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

They will be lighter Less weight is very desirable in cars, because it means less energy is needed to move them around and brings advantages in terms of performance, efficiency and manoeuvrability. For most of the last 15 years, cars have been getting larger and heavier. But more recently, we have seen manufacturers starting to put a check on this weight gain. The majority of modern cars are still made of steel, but the lightweight properties of aluminium are being employed more regularly on premium models. Plastics, carbon-fibre and composite materials are also likely to play a bigger role in years to come. Lightweight technologies are a beacon of hope for anyone afraid that the push to produce greener cars is going to spell the end for thrilling,

high-performance models. Sports-car manufacturers like Ferrari, Lotus and McLaren are at the forefront of developing techniques to minimise weight. It is a way for them to use smaller, greener engines while improving performance and handling. In short, everybody wins. They will be safer New cars today are safer than they’ve ever been. All the modern cars are loaded with active safety systems to help prevent a crash. Together with passive safety technologies to minimise the danger should one occur. In the future, it seems likely that our cars will continue to push the boundaries, although drivers may need to get used to handing over some elements of control. Right now, autonomous vehicle technology is big news in the car industry. It’s

almost like a SciFi scenario because we already have radar-guided cruise-control, self-parking systems and technology like Volvo’s City Safety, which can detect an imminent collision and apply the brakes to avoid it. Much more is possible, too, but there is concern among the major manufacturers over how much control motorists will be willing to hand over to their cars. After all, would you really feel comfortable reading the paper in the back seat while your car drove you to work? They will be cleverer It sometimes seems as though the internet has quietly crept its way into all areas of modern life, and there is no doubt it will be playing an increasingly important role inside our cars. The latest Audi A8 luxury saloon is a mobile wireless internet hot-spot that provides internet access for its occupants, and even people who happen to be walking by. More interesting though, are the advantages that the online cars of the future will be able to bring. By connecting with the web, vehicle satellite navigation systems (satnavs) will be able to direct us to free parking spaces or charging points for electric vehicles. There are also systems currently being developed which will let cars communicate with each other, warning of accidents or congestion on our routes. And manufacturers, by connecting to our vehicles, may be able to detect

mechanical problems before they materialise, or recommend personalised driving tips to enhance fuel economy. We will also be able to download music and video content direct to our cars from our home computers, or from third-party websites. They will be monitored The changes affecting drivers in the UK over the next 15 years look like materialising outside the car as much as inside it. The number of cars on the road looks set to carry on rising, and we can expect to be monitored more closely than ever before when we drive them. Black boxes inside cars that relay information about when, where and how fast you’re driving are nothing new. Car security companies like Cobra and Tracker already use the technology to monitor their customers’ vehicles. It has also been trialled by insurance firms offering reduced premiums to motorists who agree to drive limited distances only, or at less risky times. Tracking systems could also be an alternative to cameras when enforcing variable or average speed limits. But you can bet your car boots that there will be a groundswell of public opinion against increased surveillance on the roads. All in all, though, the modern motorist is in for a real eye-opener - in more ways than one - from now until 2025. Source: MSN

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07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011



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See page 10 for information on the new CD Tenerife Fan Shop now open in Fanabe Plaza Commercial Centre

Sport Talk Email:

Division 1 Palms A 6-4 Summerland Superstars Trap Door 5-5 Tenerife Hammers A Bar 180 B 8-2 Summerland Allstars KO Cup prelim round: Lupain 8 – 2 Target Rangers Inn The Pink 7 - 3 Terrace B Connors 5 - 6 Palms B Woodys 5 - 6 Barracuda Hunters Barracuda Bandits 7 - 3 Exiles Hammers C 5 - 6 Summerland Elite Phoenix Potters 8 - 2 Toscales Tangos

Palms stun Superstars TUESDAY may well have been a watershed night in the Oasis Fm Pool League this season. The top two sides in Division One clashed in Torviscas, and the eagerly-anticipated clash lived up to its Clash of the Titans billing. Palms A maintained their unbeaten record, and stretched their lead over Summerland Superstars after a watertight contest. Ashley won the opening rubber for the visitors only for Bungalow, Roscoe and Graham to force Palms ahead. The doubles were edgy and shared, and at 4-2 it seemed all over for Superstars. But Ashley won again, and Grandad levelled it with a win over Michael. However, Johnny produced the frame of the night to seven-ball Ket, and then Graham beat Penguin Craig for the second time in the contest to take the match6-4. It means they now hold a six-point advantage at the top of the league. Tenerife Hammers blew the chance to get themselves back in the title picture at Trap Door. The Los Cristianos mob flew out of the erm, traps, and led 4-0. The Hammers got it back to 4-2 only for Jambo to lose again - his first double loss all season - and the home side looked to have the match sewn up. But the Hammers showed some grit to storm back and seal a draw, with captain Barry sinking the final black. There was no such drama in San Blas as Bar 180 B comfortably beat Summerland Allstars 8-2. There were seven ties in the preliminary round of the cup, and a few upsets. New boys

Exiles have hit the ground running, but they were never at the races against Barracuda Bandits. Their bar mates, Hunters, needed an 11th frame to edge past Woodys, and Palms B nearly blew a 5-2 lead before also winning the tie-breaker at Connors Bar. There was a mini classic between Hammers C and Summerland Elite. It was nip and tuck all night, with both sides showing some steel. It came down to a one-frame shoot-ou, and Paddy showed a touch of quality to defeat Paul and book a place in the last 32. They were joined in the draw by Inn The Pink and Phoenix Potters, who both earned comfortable wins. Sky Sports presenter Chris Kamara has been enjoying a few relaxing days on the Island, and he was kind enough to make the draw for the firstround proper. He drew out a couple of derby matches, which sees Summerland Allstars facing Lupain and holders Nauta A tackling Nauta B. Full draw Target Bar v Dreamers Phoenix Knights v 8 Ball Massive Summerland Allstars v Lupain Inn The Pink v Barracuda Bandits La Caña v Trap Door 180 B v Summerland Elite Toscales Old Boys v Legends A Barracuda Hunters v Tenerife Hammers A Palms A v Men Of Atlantis Summerland Superstars v Phoenix Potters Nauta A v Nauta B Legends B v 180 A Terrace A v Atlantis Sharks Bar Tasca v Hoops Palms B v 180 C Gaffers v Rat Pack Matches will be played on Tuesday, 25th January

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Iriome earns a battling draw Real Valladolid 2 Tenerife 2 IT has been a good first week to 2011 for CD Tenerife fans. The arrival of new sporting director Juanjo Lorenzo has excited those in the know, and he has promised big things. At his first press conference, he promised stability and common sense. Trust me, in Spanish football that’s a massive statement. He has also promised coach Juan Carlso Mandia time to get the job done. Most importantly, he has identified where Tenerife need strengthening and has his eye on a few new players already. Nobody has arrived just yet, but some of the rumoured names would certainly make headlines. On the field, Tenerife got an excellent point last Sunday against one of Lorenzo’s former sides. Just like the match between the sides in La Liga last season, Tenerife fought back to earn a decent point. The home side needed just eight minutes to open the scoring through Oscar, but Tenerife levelled minutes later when Nino bundled home from close range after a sweeping move. Valladolid pressed hard for a second lead goal and, after a couple of decent saves, they got it after 25 minutes when Nauzet hit as sweet a free-kick as you will ever see. No keeper in the world

would have saved his 30yard effort, the ball nestling in the top corner. Tenerife then rode their luck in the second half as Valladoild went for the throat, but their heads never dropped. I’ve been banging on for ages for Tenerife to be a bit more adventurous in attack. Iriome has impressed when thrown up top alongside Nino, and I’ve a feeling the one-time winger wonderkid could become a decent striker. He is tall, quick and

filling out. Five minutes from time, he rose at the near post to head home a free-kick and give Tenerife a point their spirit earned. It moved Tenerife off the bottom ahead of the vital fixtures this month. Albacete visit the Heliodoro this Sunday, and they are there for the taking. They have always been poor travellers and they have won only once on the road this season. That was their last away match, against Numancia, and they have now won

back-to-back matches 1-0. They are unbeaten in six games and have slowly climbed the table, but they are a poor team. If Tenerife are to move out of the relegation zone, then sides like Albacete must be beaten. Tenerife will be at near full-strength and, with Gregory Berranger injured, Pablo Sicilia should start at leftback. Will Mandia be brave enough to start with two up top and pair Iriome with Nino?

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07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Free Ads and various games, hardly used, 95 euros. Silencio. Tel 608 653 260



Ladies 18 speed mountain bike, good condition, 75 euros. Extractor fan, 24cm² 40 watt, GWO, 10 euros. Gents 18 speed mountain bike, twistgrip shimano gears, front suspension, almost new, large size frame, 125 euros. Safe 33cm², 40 euros. Tel 600 700 521 Log burner, free standing, 60 cm X 45 cm X 35 cm 12 months old, 200 euros. Motor bike rack with lights for auto caravan, 100 euros. Tel 667 350 494 Kitchen units as new 3 X base, 6 X wall all beige easy clean, 200 euros. Cooker, extractor fan with light, 10 euros. Electric cooker, 4 rings, 25 euros. Coffee table teak, 5 euros. Settee 2 seater, 10 euros. Single wardrobe with mirror door, 15 euros. Thomson 24” TV, 15 euros. TV base unit, 10 euros. Sky box 20 euros. Tel 639 744 761 28 inch Sharp TV, no remote, 30 euros. Yellow & white awnings (terrace canopy) vgc 150 euros ono. Tel 610 676 450 32 inch TV 50 euros. Polished dining table + 4 chairs, 100 euros. Coffee table & matching TV stand 50 euros. Tel 617 933 995 Excessive treadmill auto/manual controls excellent condition, 175 euros. Food veg steamer, 15 euros. Garden pots large and medium (12) 30 euros. Log burner effect electric heater, 70 euros. Tel 660 758 138 Oval coffee table, lightwood, silver legs, as new, 40 euros. Tel 646 128 727 Fagor full size dishwasher, hardly used, 150 euros. Tel 603 183 167 Pair of sofas good condition, 150 euros for both. Gas water heater (junkers) 60 euros. 2 gas bottles, 80 euros. Tel 922 713 912 or 637 908 415 Metal strong ironing board new cover, 15 euros. Pine wood baby cot mattress excellent condition with bumper and quilt, 40 euros. “Multiway” Chicco buggy from birth, neck support, cosy toes and rain cover orange and navy as new, 50 euros. Computer desk dark wood 10 euros. Tel 657 046 791 29” Samsung colour TV, remote control silver on TV cabinet shelf, glass doors, top swivel 100 euros ono. Fishing tripod stand for rod, 15 euros. Winnie the Pooh swivel chair, 5 euros. Pink and grey buggy, basic, 5 euros. Tel 922 739 500 or 646 947 348 Ryobi table saw 180 euros. Small electric radial arm tile cutter 80 euros. Large electric radial arm tile cutter, 170 euros. New white shower enclosure 70cm x 73cm still in box 100 euros. Large turbo fan on stand very powerful 40 euros. Total trainer fitness fold-up bench 55 euros. Cross trainer 90 euro. Halogen heater, 15 euros. Standard lamp and table lamp cream and gold, 15 euros. Tel 637 166 582. Ladies mountain bike Rockrider, 150 euros. Single mattress, Dupen Neptune 90 x 190, unused, 35 euros. Silencio. Tel 697 746 885 Lexmark x74 3 in 1 photo copier, scanner, and printer for windows XP, 15 euros. Play station 2, with duel hand controls, memory card, includes harry potter, fifa football

Large chest freezer with sliding glass top, 150 euros. Fridge, 50 euros. Large BBQ 4 burners and griddle with 2 shelves lidded and on wheels 250 euros. Tel 620 469 102. Commercial 2 ring gas burner, 80 euros. Fridge freezer, 80 euros. Cooker hood 25 euros. Stainless steel prep area/shelving unit 150 euros. Commercial electric fly killer 100 euros. Silver gas bottle, 30 euros. Camera plus various lenses, filters and flash guns in carry case 150 euros. All ONO. Silencio. Tel 662 354 391. IKEA Chest of drawers, 4 deep drawers, 2 shallow drawers with lift up top with mirror, 6 months old, 123cm H X 40.5 W X 48.5 D, 50 euros. Tel 677 851 677. Ikea Lesvik Baby Cot with mattress includes Lollipop Lane Treacle and Bubble cot bumper and Vtech Mami Pata 4 in 1 mobile, projector. All in excellent condition, 100 euros ono. Next duffle coat beige 3-6 months, 10 euros. Pablosky navy leather shoes size 22, 15 euros. Girls suede/faux fur reversible dusky pink gillet age 8yrs, 10 euros. Redherring maternity dress size12, H&M Mama maternity dress size M, Redherring maternity skirt size12, H&M 2 Mama maternity tops size M (one brown and one pink). Mamalicious maternity top size M, all excellent condition for 20 euros. Tel 630 976 208 or 922 765 564.

BARGAIN OF THE WEEK 32” Sony TV silver in good working order 50 euros. Buyer to collect. Tel 639 152 766.

Pine double bed and mattress with 2 matching chests of drawers and mirror 200 euros. White microwave 30 euros. Tel 667 995 362 Brother sewing machine XL 5021, excellent condition, full working order, full instructions, with 17 automatic stitches, twin needle straight stitch, buttonholing, sews on buttons, left/middle needle position, etc., various attachments, original little maintenance kit, cover, 25 euros. Tel 699 126 438. Packard Bell Laptop as new with carrying case, 1.6 Ghz, 1 Gbyte Ram, 70 Gb Disk, DVD R/RW, Wifi, 15.6 screen, Microsoft office and antivirus installed, 350 euros. 2 adjustable fold up beach beds in blue 20 euros each. 16” Oscillating floor standing fan, still boxed 20 euros. Tel 629 587 090 4 green plastic garden chairs 10 euros. Sky HD box, 195 euros. 100 gram ball of DK wool, lots of colours 1.95 euros. 100 gram ball of baby 3 ply 3 euros. 100 gram balls baby 4 ply 3 euros. Aran 200 grams balls 4 euros. Tel 628 430 800. Nuri solid pine coffee table 80’s style, 20 euros. Tel 628 992 014 El Medano. Thomson TV 24” silver 5 years old 70 euros. Philips CD player + 2 speakers, 30 euros. Airco fagor artic 2000, 80 euros. Green rotan drawer set + 2 bedside cabinets and mirror 90 euros. Tel 627 24 35 83 Silencio. Solid living room furniture, corner TV unit, sideboard with lots storage space, display unit with glass shelves, dining chair + 4 chairs (seats need recovering), all matching, large solid coffee table 350 euros. Jane high/low chair, converts to table & chair 30 euros. Stairgate,10 euros. 600+ coloured plastic balls for ball pool 20 euros. Car boot items 50 euros. 2 matching single bed headboards 30 euros. 2 matching Ikea free standing shelf units, suitable for towels / shoes 15 euros each. Plastic patio table + 2 chairs 10 euros. Maclaren XLR pushchair, pink & brown, cosy toes, rain cover, sun shade, excellent condi-

tion 80 euros. Genuine Bench Kew ladies jeans size 8 20 euros. Genuine UGG boots, black cardi style, to fit UK 5-6 unwanted gift, 60 euros (half price) no offers. Free for collection - Outdoor playhouse. Tel 922 735 013 or 662 150 854 Stainless steel tabletop oven and rotisserie, 35 euros. Bicycle panniers and frame, plus saddle bag, 12 euros. Carpet red patterned 1770 x 2300, 20 euros. Oil filled radiator good working order 30 euros. Ladies mountain bike 10 gears, 75 euros. Gents mountain bike 18 gears 80 euros. Set of 4 Taylor international size 5 bowls plus Jack and bag, 45 euros. Campingaz Festivio portable gas stove plus stone grill, 55 euros. Tel 629 570 945 Playstation 3 games, 3 games, Virtual Tennis 2009 15 euros, Resistance 1 and 2, 5 and 10 euros. Tel 650 863 877 Tumble dryer, 95 euros. Dish Washer, 95 euros. 4 plastic tables and chairs, 25 euros. Hoover, 25 euros. Bar stool 5 euros each. Digital satellite receiver, 20 euros. Mini oven, 20 euros. 3 domestic silver gas bottle 40 euros each. Tumble dryer 85 euros. Washing machine excellent condition top door 120 euros. Washing machine front loader, 120 euros. Dish Washer 120 euros. Fridge freezer, excellent condition 120 euros. Fridge 45 euros. 25 TV 50 euros. 38 flat screen TV 130 euros. 42” flat screen TV, 450 euros. Microwave, 25 euros. Foot spa, 15 euros. DVD player + remote, 20 euros. Children’s car seat 0-18 kgs, 20 euros. Steam iron 10 euros. 14” TV, microwave, CD, stereo radio cassette recorder, 15 euros each, 29” TV, silver 60 euros. 21” TV 40 euros. Sandwich toaster,10 euros. Built in oven, 60 euros. Fridge 40 euros. Bird cage 10 euros. Tel 686 336 904. Chest freezer 120 euros. Kettle/parasol/patio chairs table 5 to 10 euros each. Playstation 2, 60 euros. 14 computer monitor 10 euros. Mountain bike, 70 euros. Video recorders 10 euros. Fax telephone machine, 20 euros. Table fan, 15 euros. Round pine dining table and 4 chairs 40 euros. Commercial heavy duty microwave 1100 w 250 euros. Tel 679 788 586 Fan, bag, blender, sun beds, ceiling lights, phone, patio chair & table, table lamps,childs wooden bed & mattress from 5 to 30 euros each. Baby’s boy & girl clothes 0-6 yrs, bodies, pyjamas, suits, leggings, tights, skirts, 1 euro each. Bike 4-7 yrs, 35 euros. Domestic silver gas bottle 40 euros. TV stand 25 euros. Dog carrier 15 euros. Portable radio CD player, 10 euros. Suit case 10 euros. Tel 679 088 846 Large computer desk with cabinet, 50 euros. 2 DVD wooden stands, 10 euros. Mirror, 10 euros. 20” TV with manual, 20 euros. Tel 666 124 925 & mattresses, wall unit Single size bed (teak,105x35x40cm), PC monitor, buggy, video player, power steam iron, rug (140 x 160 cm, cream & beige), digital camera, microwave (white), 2 rings electric hob,14” TV, sun beds, fruit press, domestic espresso machine, computer chair, ceiling fan, from 8 to 15 euros each. Ironing board, patio chairs, sandwich toaster, suit case, parasols, fans, linen basket, toaster, stool, lamps, iron, kettle, airer, from 3 to 7 euros each. Sky Digibox, 20 euros. 4 rings ceramic hob (21 pins plug), Sony 21” TV, 20 euros each. Digital camcorder (boxed), a set of golf clubs, with bag and size 44 golf shoes, sofa 2 seats, blue. Front loading washing machine. Stainless steel microwave (heavy duty), 40 euros each. Leather sofa, 3 seats, with reclining system, cream. Washing machine, top loading, 100 euros each. Tel 646 615 794. Modern pine double bed, hardly used, 60 euros. Tel 922 703 920

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm 07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Page 49


Castle Harbour. Los Cristianos. Nice 9th floor one bed duplex on this popular Aparthotel complex with 2 x bathrooms and Fab sea views. Full Kitchen with oven, hob & washing machine. Heated pool. 24 Hour reception. 500 Euros pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) Summerland. Los Cristianos. lovely Modern 3rd Floor apartment with Pool views on the convenient central complex close to Bus station. Full Kitchen inc washing Machine. Pool Bar. comm Pool. 500 Euros pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) Chipeque. Los Cristianos. Choice of two one bed apartments,on this small friendly complex (opp Paradise Park hotel) Washing Machines, UK TV various views. One is 425 Euros pm and the other (fully modernised) is 500 Euros pm (inc all bills) Dinastia. Los Cristianos. Quality one bed apartment on this modern complex overlooking the Comm Pool. Full kitchen inc oven, hob and Washing machine. Lovely shower room. UK TV. 550 pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) Chayofa Country Club. Chayofa. A rare 3 x bed one bath 1st Flor apartment on this prestigious complex a short distance from Los Cristianos. Pool Views. Pool Bar Lots of sports Facilities. Regular Bus Service just outside. Only 700 Euros pm (inc all bills) Cabo Blanco. Great 2 x bed modern apartment in Cabo Blanco. Parking Space, Lift. Close to bus route and shops. Only 450 pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) San Miguel Village. Beautiful brand new fully furnished 3 x bed 2 x bath end town house. Garage, Comm Pool, Breathtaking Views. 750 Euros pm (plus bills)

Los Almendros – El Madronal lovely 1 bed apartment, available after 28/1/2011, €500 + bills Augusta Park – Amarilla Golf Well equipped 1 bed apartment , €350 + bills Terrazas de la Paz – Amarilla Golf – 2 bed , 1 bath available from 31/1/2011, €550 + bills Ocean Golf - Golf Del Sur - 1 bed 1 bath comfortably furnished, lovely views, €500 pm + bills

Biltmore – Las Chafiras – 3 bed 2 bath/ 2 bed 1 bath apartments, separate kitchen and utility, furnished, choice of 3 from €550 + bills Jardin San Miguel – Las Chafiras – 3 bed 2 bath townhouses, Choice of 2 from €750 + bills Piedra Hincada – Los Menores – 3 bed , 3 bath townhouse, integral garage. €640 + bills


Established for over 10 years We have a wide selection of long and short term property available to rent Luxury holiday villas and apartments also available.

Los Cristianos 2 Bed 590€ Pretty two bedroom,fitted kitchen, terrace. Parking space,close to all shops near the post office, pool on complex

Fanabe House 2 Bed 650€ Townhouse, fitted kitchen, lounge, two bedrooms. Two bathrooms, roof terrace with sea views. Close to amenities and on bus route.

Studio San Eugenio 450€ Fantastic sea views, sunny apartment, new kitchen bathroom, large living area, pool on complex. Walking distance to aqua park.

1 Bedroom Torviscas Bajo 550€ Modern apt, close to shops and near Puerto Colon. UKTV, fitted kitchen, bathroom nice sized terrace. Pool on complex.

3Bed House Fananbe 1100€

4 Bed Detached Villa Chayofa 1550€ Private Drive, large garden with trees and private pool. Lrge sep kitchen and dinning room, lounge, 4 large bedrooms. 3 bathrooms, tastfully decorated.

Very spacious, sunny home on very quiet complex near Del Duque Area. Sep kitchen, all double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, games room/office large double garage. Heated pool on complex, walking distance to beach.

For more information on all our rental portfolio please call today

Tel: 0034 922 797 438 / 638 519 999 Email: Office Address Ave Los Pueblos, Garajonay 1-4,Las Americas 38660

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07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Classified JOBS (CONT.)




Call Sue between these times on 922 713 070 or 686 154 066 anytime or send your CV to


Well presented, young, enthusiastic, reliable people are required to work full time as static leaflet distributors in the south of Tenerife. Generous salary and contract give. For further information email


LONGLETS Los Cristianos Parque Tropical, 1 bed 3rd floor apt., 550€ + bills, unfurnished, 2 bed/2 bath 3rd floor duplex penthouse apt., 800€ + bills, fully furnished. Nirvana, 1 bed ground floor apt., 495€ incl. bills, fully furnished. The Heights, 2 bed ground floor apt., 675€ incl. bills, fully furnished.

An established company is undergoing a major expansion programme and are looking to increase their sales team, telemarketers and admin staff. Great packages offered including basic salary. Call Paula on 606 246 854 anytime.

Eze group is now ready for expansion and is looking for experienced telemarketers. Excellent wages and hours. Basic, bonuses and sales commissions given. Contracts will be offered to successful applicants. Call between Monday to Thursday on 922 715 610

Callao Salvaje, Un Posto al Solé, 2 bed penthouse apt., 550€ incl. bills, fully furnished. 2 bed, 1st. floor apt., 500€ incl. bills, fully furnished.

Future Resorts are looking for Excursion Bookers to work in their unique hotel program. Large clientele base, top commissions and a small basic will be offered to the right applicant. Call Peter on: 629 016 542

Parque de la Reina, Moncayo, 3 bed, penthouse apt. 600€ incl. bills, fully furnished

Prestige Sun Blind and Shutter Company is searching for a fitter to lead a new team. The ideal candidate must be between 25 and 50 years old, have experience in the industry, a good knowledge of the island and hold a full driving licence. Applicants must speak English and Spanish, be honest, hardworking and reliable and be interested in joining this busy and well established Company. Email your CV to

NO FINDERS OR CONTRACT FEES. I am always looking for more properties in all shapes and sizes, so if you would like to rent out your property for long lets or holiday rentals please contact me and I will come and visit you. I am also looking for wheelchair friendly properties with roll in showers/wet rooms.

Phone: Suzanne on 680 831 497 Email: Website:

Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. Long term rents, Studios, 1 & 2 beds. Tel 616 251 271

Playa Americas Studio for rent Central location quiet area close to beach, well furnished and equipped. No Finders Fees. 380 euros per month bills inclusive.

Call 922 75 11 13 or 620 23 08 71

To advertise here please call 902 232 102 or email us at

3 bedroom, 3 bathroom house in Piedra Hincanda (Playa San Juan), 600 euros per month. Tel 666 513 979

PROPERTY FOR SALE Residential Caravan for sale on Camping site. Full length awning, one double bedroom, can sleep up to 5 adults. Full size bath, small private sit BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY out area at rear. Tel 670 786 475 Detached Villa, 4 bedrooms, wheelchair friendly, sea views, quiet residential complex, swimming pool. Divorce forces sale. Genuine bargain 250,000 euros. Tel 617 658 900


Cafe/Take Away/Deliveries Family run business Good going concern Call Mary on 686 629 495


Missing car

Yamaha R1 2003, 30,000kms, Fantastic condition, loads of extras, very fast bike. 3,995 euros. Tel 610 285 953.


100€ REWARD OFFERED FOR RECOVERY. White Citroen C3 Reg – 0141FDR

Tel: 922 735 240 / 670 824 399 CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

MG ZR 1.8 ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 5,500 euros.

Tel 669 626 840 To advertise here please call 902 232 102 or email us at


Experienced manager available immediately. Used to running large & small businesses in the wholesale, retail, catering & security sectors.

For more info email: JOBS A Marketing Company in the South of Tenerife urgently require the follow speaking staff; Polish, Czech, Slovakian, Croatian, and Slovenia with some spoken English. Basic wage paid, plus excellent commission. Working Hours 9.30 to 5pm Monday to Friday.

WANTED Large double/triple garage wanted for rent in the Las Americas/San Eugenio area on a monthly basis. Tel Mark 659 202 826

Page 51

Service Point









Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790


SAFECLEAN For all professional cleaning of carpets & upholstery

Tel: 609 066 973




Page 52

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Service Point




Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051 Mobile 696 889 048

Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.

QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

PERSONAL SERVICES Polish very beautiful blonde girl, slim Barbie body, blue eyes, all services, lesbian too. Private apartment, hotel visits, 24hrs, good English spoken. Tel: 672 845 107


Pussycat wants to play with you. Call me 0034 647 157 778


PETSWORLD D O G H O T E L Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day

No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82

PLUMBING All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579


the English Upholsterer Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle

677 806 800

REMOVALS UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.





9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Page 53

Service Point




International Psychic Tarot Card Reader. Confidential, reliable, caring readings in the privacy of your own home/hotel. Tel : Anna 678 236 803


Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 772 422 / 610 089 157.


SOFA SALE, SUPER SALE Open Mon-Thurs. Los Cristianos, Edf.Rosy, Calle Valle Mendez, opp Police Station near Pet Shop

Tel: 618 381 488

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493

TV & SATELLITE Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 SECOND-HAND SHOPS




TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991



SEWING SEW & SEW’S - For Clothing Alteration’s. Also stocking good quality used baby/children’s clothes, maternity wear, nursery items, toys, books, curtains etc. I also buy the above. Tel 671 784 608. Email:

SPANISH LESSONS Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270

TAROT READING / ASTROLOGY Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494.

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07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency

Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00

Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802

Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international


Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Contributors: Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Liam O’Reilly Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037 TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services.

Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces

the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Clear. High: 22 °C . Wind NNE 14 km/h . Friday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 16 °C . Wind NNE 21 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Saturday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 21 °C . Wind NNE 25 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Saturday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 15 °C . Wind NNE 28 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Sunday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 21 °C . Wind North 28 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Sunday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 15 °C . Wind NNE 28 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Monday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 21 °C . Wind NNE 21 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Monday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 16 °C . Wind NE 21 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts).

Tuesday Clear. High: 21 °C . Wind NE 25 km/h . Tuesday Night Clear. Low: 15 °C . Wind NE 25 km/h .

Wednesday Clear. High: 21 °C . Wind NNE 14 km/h . Wednesday Night Clear. Low: 15 °C . Wind NNE 21 km/h .

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Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2010 Canarian Weekly PUBLISHER, PROPRIETOR AND EDITOR: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

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07 January 2011 - 13 January 2011

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