Canarian Weekly Ed 690

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 690



11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011


New Micro-bus is a mighty marvel! TITSA BUS company and the Tenerife Cabildo have joined forces to create a new addition to the company’s fleet that will see some of the more remote areas of the Island covered, as well as provide transport for the disabled. The Plan to Improve Accessibility through Public Transport here in Tenerife is responsible for the addition of 28 new vehicles, microbuses designed to reach out and provide service to areas that are peripheral to the major zones. Titsa and the Cabildo, in collaboration, have presented among the 28, several Low Entry vehicles, allowing access to wheelchair users. All of these 28 buses are just 12 metres long and are specially adapted for people with reduced mobility issues. They will be introduced into the company’s fleet over the next few months. In this way, according to the announcement, the company is fulfilling its objective to become more inclusive, guaranteeing equal rights and opportunities to citizens with mobility problems that have up until now found travel on public transport to be all but impossible, in many cases. This is a major step in terms of improving quality of life issues that many disabled people have complained that they are living with here on the Island. It also fulfills the Cabildo and Titsa’s pledge to

improve the adaptability of their fleet. The new microbuses offer other benefits, according to the statement. Apparently they are better adapted for the terrain in the peripheral zones, easier to drive on the bends and will bring public transport to a lot of areas that have, until now, been largely cut off from a

The home of good shopping Come & See our *NEW LOOK* Store, in Los Cristianos - now Bigger & better! Opp. Paloma Beach Apts, CC Costamar, Los Cristianos and Las Chafiras

fully inclusive system. The vehicles will be largely put to use in several Municipalities, both in the north and in the south. In the north, outlying areas of Orotava, Puerto de la Cruz, Los Realejos and Icod will be served and in the south the service will be provided to Arona, Arico, Fasnia and Guimar. Of course, some of

the vehicles will also be allocated to the metropolitan areas of the capital, Santa Cruz and La Laguna. The 27-seat micro-buses not only provide a vastly better coverage geographically and accommodate the physically disabled, however. The Iveco vehicles are equipped with all the latest technology,

allowing for interior climate control for added comfort and emission controls are cutting edge, providing a much greener, eco-friendly system of public transport. In terms of security, each of the buses has two cameras installed, one inside and the other outside of the bus. And these vehicles are built to use

less fuel, once again proving the Titsa commitment to cleaner motoring. With this renovation of the fleet, the Tenerife Cabildo is confirming its commitment to improve public transport, adapt the vehicles to users’ needs and augment significantly the service to outlying areas.


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11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011


New hospital go-slow poses a huge mystery But Minister promises ‘some services’ will be up and running in two years THE controversy surrounding the southern hospital construction has again flared as work appears to have ground to a halt on the long-awaited facility at El Mojon, on the outskirts of Los Cristianos. Tenerife Cabildo President Ricardo Melchior,surrounded by members of the local media at a recent press conference, placed the blame for the delay firmly at the feet of the Canarian Government. However, the story began more than 12 years ago, when the first moves were made towards the construction of two new hospitals, one in the south the other in the north. It was deemed then that the rapidly-growing communities in both cases made the provision of local hospitals essential, removing the need to travel long distances to Santa Cruz. It was also proposed that the work should begin as soon as possible to be prepared for future, increased demands. That was back in 1999. At that time, the Partido Popular was heading up the Canarian Government under the leadership of President José Manuel Soria, with the PP’s Mercedes Roldós chief of the Health Department. From that moment, there followed years of stop-andstart construction work on both projects, which seemed plagued by problems, from land acquisition to licensing and, of course, lack of Government finance. Popular

Combating tax evasion

opinion also placed the blame with the PP. In the midst of all this emerged the Pro-Southern Hospital Platform, a citizen’s pressure group who kept a close watch on developments - or rather, the lack of them! Now, the Platform are again up in arms, demanding explanations for the delays on what they deem to be an urgent need to cover the health requirements of the local communities. They claim that lives are being put at risk because of treatment time lost on the 100km-plus journey by ambulance from the south to the University or Candelaria Hospitals. The Platform are also calling for a meeting with the current President of the Canarian Government, Coalicion Canarias’ Paulino Rivero, so they can analyse the situation as it now stands. They will also seek assurances that the facility be

completed by December 2012. To that end, they are calling on local Town Councils in the south to sign a document urging the Canarian Government to comply with these demands. This would accompany a petition collected by the Platform of over 54,000 signatures, representing the 300,000-plus residents affected. They also point out that it is not just residents who need a local, fully-equipped hospital. The south is home to the Island’s most visited Municipalities, receiving hundreds of thousands of tourists every year and generating its own share of health-care needs and emergency situations. In response to Cabildo President Melchior’s claims, and to the demands of the pressure groups, CC Party member Fernando Bañolas, the Government’s current Minister of Health, issued a statement on Tuesday,.

In it, he gave assurances that some of the services at the southern hospital would be up and running by the end of 2012. The Minster was challenged in Parliament by Socialist party member María Dolores Padrón, who demanded an explanation for the seemingly-incomprehensible delays. She expressed her scepticism on the 2012 projection, saying that if the situation continues as it has until now, with lack of funding largely from the Canarian Government, then builders will continue to down tools until they are paid. Padrón said that in her opinion, it would be 2014 before the facility began to receive patients.. Locally, the Pro-Hospital Platform ended their comments by reminding politicians that elections were coming up this year, and that hospitals in both the south and the north would be high on voter’s lists of priorities.

PREVENTING and combating tax evasion helped raise 10.043 million euros in 2010. Secretary of State for Finance, Carlos Ocana, and the general director of the Tax Office, Juan Manuel López-Carbajo, presented the results of efforts to prevent and combat fraud in 2010, accounting for income IN the public purse of 10.043 million euros, 23.7% more than in 2009 and about 1% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In total, the result of effective planning in preventing and combating fraud, has recovered 45.583 million euros since 2005. In 2010, the direct collection including reduction in shareholders’ returns, amounted to 8.499 million euros, 21.3 percent more than in 2009. The collection of voluntary adjustments attributable to the induced effect, increased by 38.9 percent to 1.544 million euros. More serious attention to fraud The long-term planning and

emphasis on fraud investigation is more complex, the higher amount is the main reason for increased revenue for prevention and fight against fraud in recent years. In 2010 the average debt per taxpayer inspected amounted to 250,888 euros, 43.9% more than in 2009. The average debt has been climbing since 2005, when it was at 116,000 euros. As proof of the results of paying more attention to fraud, it should be noted that this year the main increase is due to the results from the actions of a Central Delegation controlling large taxpayers, established in 2006 and managing the relationship with taxpayers who have a turnover exceeding 100 million euros. Tax crimes referred to prosecutors were 938 in 2010, amounting to 696 million euros. Investigations into the use of large amounts of cash with high-denomination banknotes have resulted in an additional income of 1,114 million euros.

San Isidro to have major train station ACCORDING to a recent announcement, San Isidro is to have a major bus and train station that will be able to accommodate some 19,800 passengers who use the Southern Railway.

The President of the Cabildo, Ricardo Melchior, the Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, Carlos Alonso and the Mayor of Granadilla, Carmen Nieves Gaspar, held a meeting with the team of architects and Estévez Correa, who is responsible for carrying out the project that is budgeted at more than thirteen

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

million Euros. The station will have a covered area for passengers and parking for up to 720 vehicles. There will be disabled parking spaces as well as four bays for buses, 14 spots for taxis and eight short stop parking spaces. Inside the station will be a selection of shops, a cafeteria, and various offices. The

statement calls the roof the unifying element of the entire project, acting as a protective enclosure and insulation, while also providing much-needed protection from the sun while standing on the platforms. Of course, there will be garden areas and a system of recycling of rainwater will be in place for the

purpose of watering the gardens. Clean waste water will also be used for this purpose. The assembled dignitaries concur that the plan is to create an impressive train station in the south that will be adapted to handle literally thousands of passengers that will be using the southern train.

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Tenerife plays host to first Conference on Tourism England’s green and Universal Accessibility


and pleasant land

TENERIFE was home to the First Conference of Tourism and Universal Access, held in Tenerife’s TEA Art Space. Organised by the council, through Tourism Tenerife Island Society for the Promotion of Persons with Disabilities (SINPROMI), the aim is to raise awareness among the main economic sector of the Island about the need to promote mobili-

ty for the disabled. This conference is framed within the European projects and TICA Tamaco managed by SINPROMI, whose objectives are the promotion of tourism and information technology and communication available in Macaronesia. The opening of new markets and groups in the tourism sector is an important goal. In Europe alone it is estimated that there are over 40 million people living with mobility, travel and communication difficulties, a group that is also a potential customer for Tenerife. With this in mind

there will be panel discussions and presentations, showing examples of programmes that are being developed outside the island The event will be divided into four main themes. The first, entitled “Universal Access -Tourism for All”, will share, among others, the experiences of towns like Arona. The second of the themes is related to leisure and culture available in Tenerife, as well as the accessibility of natural resources or the museums on the island The third table topics will refer to information, com-

munication and tourism signposting. It will delve into tools like blogs or to use glyphs as elements of communication. The conference will close with the fourth panel theme, entitled “Tourism and Accessibility. Quality and Opportunity,” which will detail issues such as certification processes for universal accessibility, as undertaken by the Tenerife tram, the importance of innovation to improve the quality perceived by the customer with a disability and the opportunity for “Tourism for All.”

Reading encouraged in South IMAGINE if Teide nature reserve were to be put up for sale? Now, if you have any regard for the environment you may feel slightly horrified. Calm down because it’s not happening here in Tenerife as the reserve is protected by UNESCO. But it is happening in the UK, which I feel is just so sad. When I lived in England, there was nothing better than letting the hours drift away, walking through a damp, leafy wood on a crisp Autumn day with two dogs, who would roll over in any muddy puddle they could find. Well, those days are now numbered. In the UK, government ministers have already sold acres of woodland, even before telling us they were going to. In short the Forestry Commission plans to sell off England’s forests, because, in a nutshell, they need the money”

Yes, the Forestry Commission, who pride themselves on Google by describing themselves thus: “We are the government department responsible for the protection and expansion of Britain’s forests and woodlands.” At the end of last year 44 woodland sites had already been sold, a total size of 4,000 acres, which is equivalent to more than six square miles! The next 15% of leafiness is being put up for sale from this month. Private investors, mainly, are purchasing the land, but this is (if you’ll excuse the pun) the root of where the problems lie. There appear to be no caveats as to usage, accessibility etc, etc. So the tiny woodland where you played as a child, a haven for wildlife and a paradise for dog-walkers could now become bricks and mortar with no regard for the surrounding community. Politics gone barking mad, I feel. Until next week …

THE CITY Council has launched a programme that encourages reading habits among 800 pupils of San Miguel and Adeje with two new works. These two towns will enjoy the shows ‘Orthopaedic Hearts “and” Puppets in Concert’. The Tenerife Cabildo has arranged performances next week in San Miguel and twice in Adeje, within the Insular Program of Animation, Reading and Study Skills (PIALTE), an attempt to encourage reading habits among the youngest. A total of 850 students in these two municipalities will enjoy these new initiatives, which are coordinated by the public company Ideco. The Minister of Youth, Education and Equality, Josefa García, commented,

Monte can enjoy both the shows. The Orthopaedic Hearts performers try to awaken in students an interest in reading and writing and also seek to show the importance of good language use and language, by presenting the story of Clara, a born scientist, curious but somewhat serious. Next is Puppets in Concert, a montage of Teatrapa Plus, which will be performed in the Centro Cultural de Adeje.

A total of 400 schoolchildren in the CEIP Adeje, Armeñime, Barranco de las Torres, Fanabe, Los Olivos and Tijoco will attend this show. Puppets in Concert is actually a high musical concert that frames various and successive scenes with black light puppets. This work aims to familiarize children with the sounds of classical opera and ballet and with some modern folk songs.

Roads closed and more weather alerts THE ACCESS roads up to El Teide and the road through the Park were closed last week as snow covered the roads and made travel treacherous, with a number of people stuck and needing assistance. The latest news is that the Canarias back on track for another rainy weekend with

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“We have planned participation in these two localities and so far have exceeded the figure of 1,500 students who have attended our activities so far during 2011 at La Guancha, Guimaras and Tegueste.“ The first of the planned actions will take place at the Sports-Cultural Centre in San Miguel. There, a group of 450 children from the CEIP Aldea Blanca, Juan Bethencourt Alfonso, San Miguel Arcángel and El

the arrival of a new front of clouds that are coming from

the direction of La Palma, which means that the rainy

weather is likely to extend throughout the Archipelago. This information has been provided by the delegate from the State Weather Agency in the Canaries, Irene Sanz, just hours after they had been canceled the yellow alert forecast of heavy rains that affected the western islands and Gran Canaria. In light of this latest weather warning, it is likely that the Teide roads will once again be closed, officials suggest.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011


Adeje will host a European 112 Day THE MAYOR of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, and the Director General of Security and Emergency from the Canary Islands Government, Carmen Delia Gonzalez Martin, have announced that the Municipality of Adeje will host European 1-1-2 Day on Friday February 11th at the Adeje Police station. During the presentation, they will also release part of the program of activities organized to celebrate this occasion. The main objective of this scheme is to promote awareness and the proper use of the single emergency telephone number 1-1-2. For his part, the Mayor pointed out, “Since we are extremely pleased Adeje has been chosen we are happy to cooperate and participate with this initiative. “We have also developed an active commitment to safety

Disneyland beckons for Spain’s jobless PARIS Disneyland is offering hundreds of jobs to unemployed Spaniards - but they must be reasonably fluent in English! The 600 jobs, for hotel and catering workers, plus customer-service and sales staff, are available as a result of the inability of Paris job centres to find available local workers. The move replicates the recent decision by German

that is expressed through initiatives such as comprehensive school security or the opening of the new local police station and a considerable amount of training initiatives. We believe this demonstrates the commitment we have in this Municipality for safety from a holistic perspective, therefore, to give security value, because we understand that as a tourist destination Adeje security is fundamental to our visitors as much as for those who live here.“ It is expected that the event will be attended by

Minister of Presidency, Justice and Security of the Canary Islands, Jose Miguel Ruano, as well as the President of the E-911 Institute (emergency phone USA), Gregory Rodhe, and Carla Anderson , a member of the Advisory Council of the European emergency number, and the Mayor of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, the manager of Management Services for Health and Safety Canary (public company that manages the Coordinating Islands Centres ), Luis Molina, and director of the Canary 1-1-2, Luis Santacreu.

Chancellor Angela Merkel to offer thousands of jobs to highly-qualified Spaniards, who are out of work. With the jobless total in Spain running at over 20%, and few prospects of work, a move to northern Europe for a few years appears to be the only solution. Most Spaniards who do so are single, aged 25-35 and have no children. They say there are better job prospects, career opportunities, pay and stability further north.

The day will be marked by all European countries that have the 112 emergency call number, all aimed at promoting the same goal, to properly use the number. After the end of the official event there will be a mock rescue of a vehicle that falls off a ravine with difficult access and its driver injured, to demonstrate how all services work together as a result of a 112 call. Throughout the rest of the month, schools will be visited by police and officials, teaching the youngsters about how and when to use the number.

Egypt President Mubarak DJ is charged most likely ‘to step down’ with stabbing

AS WE GO to print the fate of Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak will be decided in a matter of hours and he will “most probably” step down, Reuters news agency is reporting.

An Egyptian official is reported to have revealed the news. It came shortly after army commander, Hassan alRoweny, told the mass of demonstrators in Cairo’s Tahrir Square “everything you want will be realised”. Roweny addressed protesters from a stage erected in the square, calling on those gathered to sing the national anthem and keep Egypt safe. As they heard his words, the crowd chanted: “The people demand the fall of the regime” and “The regime

at San Telmo OFFICERS from the National Police report that a stabbing occurred in the early hours of the morning last Sunday at the popular night spot, San Telmo, in Los Cristianos.

has fallen”. Meanwhile, Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq said Mubarak may step down and the situation in the country be clarified soon. The army also said its higher council had held a meet-

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

ing, but gave no further details. The news emerged as prodemocracy protesters consolidated a new encampment around Cairo’s parliament building and the main focus of the opposition,

Tahrir Square, remained crowded. Organisers were promising another major push on the streets on Friday, when protesters said they planned to move on to the state radio and television building.

According to a statement from the more seriously injured of the two victims, a complaint has been lodged accusing a Cuban DJ at a local club of the violence. Identified only as Yofren J.R.D., the 26-year-old victim received serious stab wounds to the upper chest and back and was treated at the emergency department

of the University Hospital in Santa Cruz for the wounds. Yofren lives in Granadilla and is originally from Venezuela. According to a family member the major wound just missed piercing the man’s lung and it took 180 stitches to close the two injuries. The second victim received a minor stab wound to the abdomen and was released after receiving treatment at a local hospital. It seems the victims and the accused have known each other for some time and shortly before the fight broke out they had been involved in an argument. At press time the National Police were still looking for the Cuban DJ, who has yet to be identified. The investigation remains open.

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NEWS IN BRIEF President entertains the Japanese Consul

Gomez keeping the customer satisfied

TENERIFE Cabildo President Ricardo Melchior recently welcomed Toshio Sato, Japanese Consul to the Canary Islands. The encounter, in Santa Cruz, served to strengthen the existing good relations between Tenerife and Japan. The two share a mutual interest in a number of issues, particularly that of renewable energy. During the visit, President

Melchior presented Toshio Sato with a book on Tenerife and, in return, his guest responded with a typical Japanese-crafted box and a set of silk, hand-painted serviettes.

Run for it! Sign up Now for Las Galletas Half Marathon The Arona Town Council has announced that it is opening the inscription for the XV Annual Las Galletas Half Marathon for 2011. All athletes who wish to participate in this year’s event can sign up until March 28th, at a cost of 15 euros, according to sports chief at the Arona Council, Francisco Toledo. There are several ways to get on the inscription list. Via

the Internet, go to, or to the Municipal sports arena in Los Cristianos, Guzman Sport in La Laguna and finally, Mundi Sport in Puerto de la Cruz. Places are limited to 800 and runners must be 18 years of age or over. Categories are as follows: Men - M35, M40, M45, M50, M55, M60 and M65. Women - F35, F40, F45, F50 and F55.

Sign up for Karting! The Youth department at the historic town of Santiago del Teide is organising a group trip to the Karting Club de Tenerife. According to head of the Youth department and organiser of the trip, Ibrahim Forte, the cost is just five

Euros and the date for the fun event is February 25th. Places are limited and those wishing to sign up must do so before February 23rd. If you are interested you can sign up at the Youth centres in Tamaimo, Santiago del Teide town, Arguayo and Puerto de Santiago. For more information call in the afternoon on either 922 86 30 88 or 922 86 80 13.

No Charge for Teide PRESIDENT of the Tenerife Cabildo, Ricardo Melchior, has once again denied that there will be any admission fee charged for visiting the El Teide National Park. However, he has made it clear that some kind of solution will have to be found to deal with the more than 25,000 vehicles that pass through the Park, a number, he says, that is insupportable.

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“No one is going to have to pay to go up to Teide,” Melchior stated. “Not in El Teide Park or any other park. This is not the will of the Cabildo because these roads are not just access roads up to the National Park but they are also routes to villages and towns,” he said. He commented that the only Park where one has to pay is Timanfaya, in Lanzarote, where the access road is solely owned by the Cabildo there and the only people using the road are those going up into the National Park.

PRESTIGIOUS tile company Cerámicas Miguel Gomez have 15 years of experience in Valle San Lorenzo and are part of the Ferretería Gomez Group, also in the town for the last 30 years.

The management and staff always display their professionalism when dealing with the public - and that’s why their clients return time and again. They are experienced in recommending the best products necessary for all types of construction, renovations etc, looking after the needs and demands of the customers, always leaving them happy with the

service. Their products include such well-known brands as Roca, Novogres, Colorker, Gres Cid, Oneker, Ramon Soler and Clever. Apart from the traditional stuff like cement and tile adhesive, they also have a wide range of DIY articles for building, plumbing, drainage, painting and decorating, electrics, lighting, gardening and all the tools

necessary for all your jobs. They can also provide transport at a competitive price, so if you are planning any alterations or renovations, just call in to Ceramicas Miguel Gomez for the correct solution. You will find them on the Buzanada road, on the right just before the turning to the main street of Valle San Lorenzo.

Inauguration of Regional Office for South Tenerife Employment VICE-PRESIDENT and Minister for Employment, María del Mar Julius, Mayor of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga and the Director of Employment Canario Alberto Genoa opened the new Regional Employment Office, Tenerife Sur, which is located on the third floor of the Tourist Development Centre in Costa Adeje.

These facilities will serve the eight municipalities in the south of Tenerife and the Islands of La Gomera and El Hierro. Mayor Rodriguez stated, “To have the Centre located in our Costa Adeje Tourism Development Centre is good news for the whole region, because the CDTCA is becoming a centre for the promotion of employment, training and activities focused on employability, business support, and so on.” He added, “In Adeje we actively collaborate with various initiatives focused on education and employment, and that we have this office in our town shows the good

relationship between government and the people’s needs, because what we are about is trying to answer the demand and solve the situation of people who are unemployed and with this new tool and together, we can achieve a coordinated and structured approach.” The potential number of users exceeds 34,000 people and its services can be requested on a voluntary basis. The office became operational on November 26th and has so far dealt with more than one hundred people. The offices provide career guidance services to the unemployed by providing per-

sonalized service. It also tries to match up workers with the jobs that come in. This is the sixth regional office that has opened in the Canaries. They are currently running two in Gran Canaria, one in Lanzarote, one in Fuerteventura, one in La Palma , in addition to the one in South Tenerife . The SCE is planning to open two more in Tenerife in the near future, covering the metropolitan area and north of the island The opening of this new employment office is part of a set of actions undertaken by the Canarian Government to upgrade their resources and administration, bringing them closer to citizens.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011


Ryanair orders 166 passengers off ‘rebel’ plane SPANISH police ordered all 166 passengers off a Ryanair plane at Lanzarote airport after many of them had rebelled over one excess baggage charge. A large group of students complained to cabin staff when a friend was barred from the flight for refusing to pay a levy for excess handluggage at the gate. The captain called police when the 100-or-so university students, who were already on board, refused to take their seats. Guardia Civil officers boarded the plane, awaiting take-

off to Charleroi airport in Brussels, and ordered everybody off. Sixty-six passengers not involved had to wait three hours before the flight was able to get underway last Saturday. The Irish budget airline refused to allow the other 100 passengers to fly on its later flights. A police spokesman said: “The incident started when one passenger refused to pay excess baggage charges at the gate. “When his friends found out the airline would not let him board, they launched a protest, standing up and refusing to take their seats. “The captain called the Civil

Guard, who boarded the aircraft and asked everyone to get off for security reasons. The protest was peaceful and no arrests were made.” Government head Pedro San Gines met with Belgian consul Robert Havet, who flew from Tenerife to assist the banned students. They were looked after by the Lanzarote government, which paid for their hotel, transport and breakfast, after their week-long holiday in Puerto del Carmen. Ryanair, who apologised to the 66 delayed passengers, blamed the students, saying they had become “become disruptive” and refused to comply with crew instructions.

18m-euro facelift for Candelaria Plaza THE Plaza at the Basilica de Candelaria, the emblematic spiritual centre of the Canary Islands, is to be remodelled at a cost of over 18 million euros. Architects César RuizLarrea and Eustaquio Martínez, were selected by the Cabildo from among those who submitted plans for The Plaza, where pilgrims flock to see the so-called ‘Black Madonna’ Cabildo Planning Chief María del Pino de León said: “The next step will be to submit the project to the Government for its approval, then on to the local residents, who have been involved from the start. “As soon as approval is received, the architects will have 12 months to set about the work, which will completely transform the area.” The actual space takes up some 46,600 square metres, and included in the projected cost is the square itself, plus the surrounds, San Blas and the access to the cave and chapel, as well as the barranco de Tapia. The architects have assured that the work will be undertaken with respect and with

the conservation of this important area in mind, in terms of its archaeology and its cultural, religious significance. Work will take place in conjunction with the improvements to the surrounding zone up to the barranco de Tapia, along calle Antón Guanche, the Santa Ana zone and the San Blas walkway. Traffic will be restricted to public-service vehicles only, and much of the area will be pedestrian. The barranco de Tapia will receive attention in terms of regenerating the natural plants and providing what amounts to a botanical garden of local vegetation, which will extend through the Santa Ana area to San Blas. The project proposes that the square will become a free space, where special events

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

and celebrations can take place. New lighting and pergolas to provide shady seating will also be included in the square, and the seafront area will be upgraded. The San Blas walkway will become a continuation of the square, with a museum at its centre serving as the connection between the Basilica, the convent and San Blas. The museum will be on two floors, with an auditorium, a viewing platform upstairs and parking for 350 vehicles. The usual improvements are also on the table, such as more green zones, public benches, as well as the creation of a plaza de Los Artesanos, on calle Antón Guanche, where temporary stalls will be set up for craftspeople to sell their creations.

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New Cultural Centre now open in Chirche THE MAYOR of Guia de Isora, Pedro Martín, recently opened the fifteenth Cultural Centre in the Municipalities network, in the town of Chirche. The facility is built over three floors and occupies over 450 square metres, at a cost of more than 480,000 Euros, financed by the Madrid Government. The Socialist Mayor presided

over the proceedings, which brought to a total of 15 the number of centres scattered throughout the Municipality, accompanied by various members of the Town Council and local residents and neighbourhood associations. In his speech, Mayor Martín commented, “This Centre that we are inaugurating today is going to be the perfect space for leisure, meetings and gettogethers among local neighbours. “This is a combination of two

fundamental elements, with the new building as a symbol of modernity while the function presents the centre as another home to drop in on for the Chirchero population.” Along with the other 14 Cultural Centres, the Guia de Isora Town Council welcomes this new addition, which will join the others in presenting numerous cultural events, from theatre, films and music to story telling for children and meetings for senior citizens. The Guia Mayor said these

centres should feel like home to everyone, somewhere to be together and have fun and now the people of Chirche have their own space to enjoy. After a blessing from the local priest, Fernando Delgado, the Municipal Folk Music School band performed for the dignitaries and guests in attendance. At present there are two exhibitions on show at the Chirche Centre, both looking at the history and culture of the zone.

Aktiontier’s six of the best on flightpath to happiness Congratulations to Julie and Richard Sargent who got married 2nd February at Waterloo Town Hall, Liverpool. Julie, who works at Iceland and Richard, from Think Design, had a lovely day, which was enjoyed by everybody, especially the happy couple.

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SIX LUCKY dogs at Aktiontier had an early-morning wakeup call last week to go to the airport on their way to start new lives in Germany.

Pictured is Rosy, after being sterilised. She was one of the six to find “freedom”, while the refuge have taken in another 19 animals - 12 locals from Granadilla, four from San Miguel and the first three dogs via the new collaboration with Arona Municipality. The dog sanctuary, based at Accion del Sol by the windmills in Granadilla, are stepping up their re-homing programme to give as many dogs as possible new, loving homes, either here on the Island or in Germany. This is vital as it enables staff to carry on helping more strays in Tenerife. Every dog is vaccinated, defleed, wormed, micro-chipped, sterilised or castrated, tested for heartworm, passported, Any medical requirements a dog needs when it arrives at the refuge is attended to by the on-site vets. The whole procedure is carried out at an initial cost of 200 euros per

dog, and that is before feeding and maintenance. Without Government funding and the refuge’s own fund-raising, via social events and membership in Germany and here, Aktiontier would not be able to offer the firstclass care these dogs need so desperately and receive at Accion del Sol. Incidentally, Arona are enforcing their laws over abandoned and dangerous dogs, so if you do have a dangerous dog, then please get the appropriate licence. The fines are extremely high - up to 15,000 euros - for abandoning a dog, and up to 2,000 euros for not having a “dangerous dog” licence. Times are changing for the good of dogs here, and Aktiontier staff believe they can help stop their needless suffering. If you do find a stray or abandoned dog, please call the local police. They will then

arrange for Protection Civil to collect the dog which, if from Granadilla, Guia De Isora, San Miguel or Arona, will be brought to Aktiontier’s firstclass refuge. Accion del Sol is situated at Exit 52 on the TF1, Poligono Industrial Estate, Parque Eolica De Iter, San Isidro (922 778 630). It is open to the public on Monday-Friday (36pm), and all visitors and volunteer dog-walkers are most welcome. The refuge are collecting items big and small to raise a euro or two for the dogs, so please contact Aktiontier or Karen on 687 905 511 if you have any items you would like to donate. There are lots of fund-raising events planned this year, and the next one is on 12th March in the form of a longdistance horse ride. If you would like to sponsor the event, please contact either of the numbers above.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011


Thin Lizzy star Marriage still fine is found dead for 14-year-olds ICONIC rock guitarist Gary Moore became the second Thin Lizzy star to die when his body was discovered in a Spanish hotel room on Sunday. The 58-year-old, who started with Irish band Skid Row, was persuaded by Thin Lizzy frontman Phil Lynott to replace the outgoing Eric Bell. Lynott, the legendary singer who was married to Caroline Crowther, daughter

of comedian Leslie, died in 1986 after battling alcohol and drug addiction. Belfast-born Moore started learning the guitar at eight and went on to forge a successful solo career in between his two stints in Thin Lizzy, collaborating with George Harrison, the Beach Boys and Ozzy Osbourne. Original Lizzy founding member Brian Downey paid tribute to his bandmate, saying: “I am in total shock. He will always be in my thoughts and prayers, and I just can’t believe he is gone.” And Bell added: “I can’t

believe it. He was so robust and healthy. He wasn’t a rock casualty but a superb player and a dedicated musician.” Thin Lizzy guitarist Scott Gorham added his own respects, saying: “Playing with Gary during the Black Rose era was a great experience. He was a great player and a great guy and I will miss him.” Moore received critical acclaim for his contribution to the 1974 Thin Lizzy album Nightlife, and scored chart success in Britain with singles Parisienne Walkways and Out In The Fields.

SPANISH authorities have no plans to raise the minimum legal age for marriage from 14, despite recommendations that it should go up to 16..

It is one of the lowest in Europe, but Health Minister Leire Pajin said on TV: “At the moment, we are not planning any legislative change to the penal code.” Marriage at 14 is legal in Spain, but only with the permission of a judge and the family’s consent. More than 320 children aged 15 or less have married between 2000 and 2008, according to the Europa Press news agency.

Spain leading daily paper, El Pais, said experts on the committee studying child protection laws have recommended to the government that it raises the age to 16 in line with the view of the UN’s Committee on the Rights of the Child. Yolanda Roman, of the Save the Children charity, told the newspaper: “Consent at the age of 14 is relative, because it is a sensitive age in which the emotional and

psychological development is not complete. “There are situations of paternal or spousal domination the child does not dare to question, so it seems opportune and necessary to raise the minimum age for marriage.” In southern Spain last October, a 10-year-old Romanian girl gave birth, which provoked outrage throughout the country. Spain’s socialist government last year introduced new legislation that allows girls from the age 16 to have abortions, provided they inform their families or if they face “a clear risk of family violence, threats, pressure or mistreatment”.

Illegals with children are given green light SPAIN has decided that illegal immigrants with dependent children of Spanish nationality will be given automatic residence rights.

According to the new Law of Foreign Affairs, foreign women without papers who are victims of domestic violence, will be allowed to stay in the country for up to five years - and provided with a work permit. After that period,

their situation will be reviewed. If false claims of domestic violence are discovered, the persons in question will be immediately deported. However, genuine victims will all be offered protection orders if necessary.

Outlook not so rosy for drug smugglers WITH Valentine’s Day fast approaching, it certainly wasn’t coming up roses at Madrid airport when police discovered 71 kilos of cocaine smuggled in from Latin America. The drugs were hidden in a shipment of roses - and in another operation at Barcelona airport, Spanish police seized another six kilos of cocaine, buried inside sweets.

Madrid Police detained seven people after finding the main bulk inside 60 boxes of roses, which arrived from Columbia at the cargo terminal of Spain’s busiest airport last week. The suspects are thought to be part of a drug-trafficking group who, in 2009, made a failed attempt to smuggle 800 kilos of cocaine into Spain from Colombia hidden in polypropylene. That drug shipment was seized in the Latin American country from a truck transporting it to the Colombian

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port of Buenaventura, where it was to be put on a ship bound for Valencia. In the another operation at Barcelona airport, police uncovered five kilos of cocaine hidden inside “alfajores”, which is a traditional sweet found in some regions of Spain and Latin America. A 50-year-old Bolivian was held. A few weeks earlier, Spanish police seized 162 kilos of cocaine hidden inside fake plastic bananas which had been concealed in a 20-tonne shipment of real bananas from Ecuador.

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No cheer for Bacardi over booze battle DRINKS company Bacardi is determined to fight a Supreme Court court ruling in favour of French rival Pernod Ricard following a long-running dispute. It concerns the use of the Havana Club brand in Spain and Bacardi is upset that the Spanish court rejected its claims over the brand “on the legal technicality”. In a statement, the booze company said: “Bacardi has and will continue to defend its position in the wake of ongoing and inaccurate allegations by Havana Club Holdings surrounding the legitimacy of Bacardi’s rights and ownership of Havana Club rum.” The Bermuda-based company is said to be planning “new legal avenues”, but no details have been forthcoming. Pernod Ricard has confirmed that the company Havana Club, a joint venture

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involving the French group and Cuba’s state-owned Cuba Ron, holds the rights to the Havana Club brand in Spain. The Havana Club trademark was first used by the Arechabala family whose company was nationalised by Cuba in 1960 following the revolution led by Fidel Castro. Cubaexport, a Cuban government agency, then assigned the trademark to the Pernod joint venture in 1993. But Bacardi, whose rum is made in Puerto Rico - unlike the rum sold by Pernod claims the move was illegal. The company’s statement adds: “Bacardi legally owns the rights to the Spanish Havana Club rum brand, having purchased the trademark from the original legal owners, creators and proprietors of the brand.” Last year, an American court allowed Bacardi to keep using the Havana Club name for its rum distilled in Puerto Rico, but Pernod has appealed.

Tenerife Moda a hit in Madrid TENERIFE MODA, the Island’s fashion brand, has proved a big hit in Madrid where collections by some of the major local designers were on show at the International Fashion Fair (SIMM).

Participating in the fair were designers By Lu, Morena Mía, Roselinde and Magdala, supported by a visit from Tenerife Cabildo President Ricardo Melchior and Counsellor for the Economy, Carlos Alonso. President Melchior commented that the work of these businesses created fashion brands that are now

known nationally, not just here in Tenerife, thanks in part to the aid of the Cabildo’s creation, Tenerife Moda. For his part, Carlos Alonso concurred with President Melchior, restating the importance of the participation of the almost 40 fashion houses

that form Tenerife Moda, all of which have generated important economic activity in 2010 to the tune of a 4% increase in comparison with the previous year. Impressive, he concluded, considering the fact that this increase has occurred despite the economic crisis.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011




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11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

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World News

Shot politician asks for toast THE US congresswoman shot in the head in Arizona a month ago has begun talking and recently asked for toast, her office has confirmed. Democrat Gabrielle Giffords was blasted at point blank range while addressing constituents outside a Safeway store in Tucson on January 8. Six people were killed during the rampage and a further 13 people were injured. But just over a month after the shooting, Ms Giffords’ spokesperson CJ Karamargin has said she is making a remarkable recovery and is “speaking more each day”. Ms Giffords apparently asked for toast on February 6 when staff at her Houston hospital brought her breakfast. Gabby’s appetite is back and - even though it’s hospital food - she’s enjoying three meals a day. The congresswoman is being treated at The Institute

for Rehabilitation and Research in Texas, which specialises in helping patients recover from severe brain and spinal injuries. Mr Karamargin said his team was “delighted” at Ms Gifford’s progress but they were not surprised as “she is a fighter”. The latest confirmation of her progress comes after the 40-year-old’s husband Mark Kelly released a statement saying she was recovering at “lightning speed”. Mr Kelly wrote that although his wife’s rehabilitation was a “marathon process”, she was showing “encouraging signs every day”. “Gabby’s appetite is back and - even though it’s hospital food - she’s enjoying three meals a day,” he wrote. Doctors hope Ms Giffords will be well enough to attend the launch of the space shuttle Endeavour on April 19, which her husband is commanding. Jared Loughner, 22, is currently jailed pending trial for the Arizona shootings.

Cool Art: Japanese snow festival wows crowds

Relief as bank keeps interest rate on hold AS EXPECTED the Bank of England has held the base rate at its historic low of 0.5% for the 23rd month in a row. It is the longest in more than 25 years that the Bank has kept the interest rate unchanged. The British Retail Consortium welcomed the decision as a “wise move”. Its head Stephen Robertson said: “At a time when consumer confidence is weak and the housing market is slow, raising rates could only have done harm.” Policymakers came under pressure to take action after inflation pushed up living costs in Britain. The latest headline rate of inflation, the Consumer Prices Index, reached 3.7% in December - well above the Bank’s target of 2%. Economists have been split on when the Monetary Policy Committee should raise the interest rate from the lowest level in history. Interest Rate Key Facts 19752011 :: 0.5% Mar 2009 - Present :: 5.75% Feb 2001

:: 8.1% Average 1975-2011 :: 17% Highest (Nov 1979) Bronwyn Curtis, head of global research with HSBC, said that “the immediate inflation outlook is troubling, but the response should not be an immediate base rate hike”. Ms Curtis echoed the sentiments of the governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, adding: “The mediumterm outlook for inflation is benign... I can’t see how a token 25 basis point (0.25%)

or 50 basis point rate hike would substantially improve their inflation credibility”. However, George Bull of Baker Tilly voted in support of a rate hike, highlighting the importance of Government plans for private sector growth “which will have to take up the slack in the jobs market”. Growth forecasts for the year remained sluggish, with the Money Panel predicting an overall rate of 1.7%.

Gary McCausland of property developers Richland Group has predicted a fall in GDP over the next year, however. “We...have a general mood fuelled by fear, fear of losing your job, fear of rising prices, fear of falling house prices etc.,” he said. “The bottom line is people feel poorer and they are concerned about the future, and until this sentiment changes... we will have an economy that will struggle.”

Former MP guilty of fiddling expenses FORMER Labour MP Jim Devine has been found guilty on two counts of making false expenses claims at Southwark Crown Court.

Visitors have flocked to see giant ice sculptures at a snow festival in the northern Japanese city of Sapporo. The annual Sapporo Snow festival, which started in 1950, has over 250 ice sculptures which sit happily outside in the sub-zero temperatures. But the freezing conditions do not put off the tourists with an estimated 2.4 million

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flocking to enjoy the winter wonderland sights last year. The sculptures cover a broad range of subjects from cartoon characters and Japanese sports icons to complex architectural feats. China’s intricately carved Temple of Heaven, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has been lovingly recreated in ice. It took over 6,000 truckloads of snow to create the sculptures but the temporary art works will only remain on display until Sunday.

The 57-year-old submitted the false invoices for cleaning and printing work, totalling £8,385. He was found guilty on two charges of false accounting and cleared of one other count relating to £360 for cleaning work. The former backbencher, who held the Livingston seat, was the first MP to stand trial in the wake of the expenses scandal. The jury of six men and six women took two hours and 45 minutes to reach their verdicts after hearing Devine had shown a “woeful inade-

quacy” in abiding by the core principles expected of MPs. During the trial Devine claimed his former office manager Marion Kinley paid herself more than £5,000 from his staffing allowance without his knowledge. Commenting afterwards, Ms Kinley said: “Justice has been done. The jury obviously saw through Mr Devine’s lies.

“For legal reasons, I will not be making any further comment at this time.” Simon Clements, Head of CPS Special Crime Division, said: “Jim Devine submitted invoices for services that he had neither paid for nor received. “In doing so, he took advantage of the trust that had been placed in him by virtue of the public office he held.

“Submitting a false invoice is plainly dishonest, regardless of why it has been done or who has done it. “We say there is no excuse for such conduct and, with today’s conviction, it is clear the jury agreed.” Devine was granted unconditional bail by Mr Justice Saunders, the trial judge, and will be sentenced at a later date.

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World News

Cavern Club celebrates 50 Years of The Beatles LIVERPOOL’S Cavern Club is celebrating 50 years since the Beatles made their debut at the club this week. The band first took to the stage of the famous Mathew Street venue during a lunchtime session on February 9, 1961. Over the following two years, they made a total of 292 appearances until their final performance on August 3, 1963 - when Beatlemania took off around the world. Although the Beatles connection with the club finished at that point, the two surviving Beatles - Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr have both since returned to the venue. “Ringo was up here in the 1990s when he was doing a documentary,” Jon Keats, of the club, said. “And Paul gave his last concert of the last Millennium up here. He’s been back since too - he’s held some of his end of tour parties here. He keeps in touch.”

The original Cavern was demolished in the 1970s but a replica club standing nearby will be the focus of events. Cavern City Tours, the owner of the current venue, has organised a day of tribute events and Liverpool City Council will be unveiling a major revamp of Mathew Street. The plans include a new memorial in the form of a ceiling of light - nicknamed Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - to be installed running the full length of the street. Ged Gibbons, chief executive of Liverpool City Central Business Improvement District, said: “2011 is a year of landmarks for The Cavern and to celebrate we wanted to encourage visitors to take a closer look at what makes this street so special.” Other stars associated with the Cavern Club include Cilla Black, who was a cloakroom attendant when she was discovered by Beatles manager Brian Epstein, Billy J Kramer, Gerry and the Pacemakers, the Undertakers and the Searchers.

Meryl shows her mettle as the Iron Lady on film THE FIRST picture of Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher in the upcoming film The Iron Lady has been released. The Oscar-winning actress, renowned for her versatility, is taking on the part of one of the most controversial prime ministers in British history. The biopic - being made by Pathe - will also star Jim Broadbent as her husband Denis. The Iron Lady is being directed by Phyllida Lloyd, who also helmed Mamma Mia!, the biggest-grossing British film of all time.

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The film is said to concern power and the price politicians pay for it, as well as being an intimate portrait of an extraordinary and complex woman. Baroness Thatcher, PM between 1979 and 1990, was Britain’s first female premier and one of the country’s most controversial. Shooting began on location in the UK at the end of January. Streep, 61, has won Academy Awards for Kramer vs Kramer and Sophie’s Choice.

Gray and Keys sign TalkSPORT radio show deal FORMER Sky Sports presenters Richard Keys and Andy Gray are returning to broadcasting after signing a deal to host a new radio show on talkSPORT. The pair have been confirmed as the new frontmen of a programme for the commercial station, with their debut set to air on February 14. The show, the first job for both men since leaving Sky in January, will be broadcast every weekday from 10am to 1pm. The news comes after Andy Gray was sacked from Sky Sports over sexist remarks he made during his time at the broadcaster. Keys resigned not long after, ending a career at Sky that saw him front more than 1,000 football games. It’s an ideal opportunity for Richard and me to do what we do best, and that’s talk about sport. In a statement, Keys said: “This is the start of something new and exciting for Andy and myself. “We are delighted to be join-

ing the talkSPORT family and can’t wait to get going.” Gray added: “I can’t tell you how excited I am about joining the talkSPORT team. “It’s an ideal opportunity for Richard and me to do what we do best, and that’s talk about sport.” Our prehistoric banter is not acceptable in a modern world. We were wrong. It was wrong. It shouldn’t have happened. Moz Dee, the programme director for talkSPORT, said: “This is great news for talkSPORT, and we’re very excited about the new programme and these additions to our strengthening line up.

“Andy and Richard are iconic broadcasters with massive TV careers who I know will have an impact on national radio.” Keys appeared on the station in January to apologise for the remarks that saw the pair caught in a sexism row. He said: “Our prehistoric banter is not acceptable in a modern world. We were wrong. It was wrong. It shouldn’t have happened.” The presenter was apologising for remarks the two men had made about assistant referee Sian Massey. The pair had believed their microphones were switched off when they questioned

whether the referee understood the offside rule. The new show marks a return to radio for Gray, who was a previous match summariser for Talk Radio at the World Cup in France in 1988, and then for Five Live at the World Cup in 2002. The presenter has been in broadcasting for almost 20 years, a move he made after a successful career at Aston Villa, Wolves and Everton, while also winning 20 caps for Scotland. Keys also enjoyed and early career in radio as a sports editor on Piccadilly Radio, while his subsequent television career at Sky began in 1992.

Missing twins: Mum makes emotional TV plea for info THE MOTHER of Swiss twins missing after their father apparently committed suicide by throwing himself under a train in Italy has made an emotional plea for information. The twins - Alessia and Livia Schepp - were taken by Ms Lucidi’s estranged husband Matthias Schepp from their home in Lausanne in Switzerland on January 30. Appearing on Italian television, Irina Lucidi said: “I appeal to all witnesses, all persons who may have seen my

daughters Alessia and Livia together with their father before his death.” The girls have not been seen since Schepp died in Cerignola last Thursday. Police in three countries are searching for the girls and a Facebook page has been set up to gather information.

French authorities believe all three boarded a ferry in Marseille bound for Corsica on January 31. They could not confirm whether the twins left the boat. Ms Lucidi added: “The fact that all three were seen in Corsica on a ferry is of course a sign of hope that they may

be somewhere in somebody’s care. “We hope that (their father) took them to Corsica to hand them to someone. We are holding on to that hope. We will not give up.” Italian police have interviewed a coffee shop owner in Cerignola in the south of the country, who reported seeing a man and his daughters who matched the twins description. Swiss police confirmed the twins’ mother was sent more than 4,000 euros from Schepp before his death. Two more envelopes containing money were found addressed to the twins’ mother in postboxes in Cerignola.

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11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

World News

World’s top footie clubs Six dead in Cork are beating the recession Airport crash FORGET economic hardship - it’s a different ball game for the world’s leading football clubs who continue to ride out the financial storm, at least when it comes to income. According to the latest figures from the business advisory firm Deloitte, the combined revenues of the world’s 20 highest earning football clubs have surpassed 4bn euros for the first time. They generated a total of 4.3bn euros (£3.65) in revenue - up 8% on the previous year. Seven English clubs make up the top 20 in Deloitte’s Football Money League, but Spanish giants Real Madrid and Barcelona still occupy the top two places. Real can lay claim to be the world’s biggest club after finishing top for the sixth year running, after Manchester United’s unbroken eight-year period of domination between 1997 and 2004. United’s revenue for last

season totalled £286m (349m euros at June exchange rates) making them the third highest earners, ahead of Arsenal and Chelsea (5th and 6th) Liverpool (8th) Manchester City (11th) Spurs (12th) and Aston Villa (20th). City, widely regarded as the world’s richest club courtesy of their billionaire owner Sheik Mansour, move up nine places in the income rankings. But in real terms their owner’s private wealth would take City right to the top of any list of spending power. While revenue grows among these elite clubs, however, the true picture shows finances

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

draining out of the game. For all of their lofty positions in the Deloitte list, Manchester Utd and Chelsea both returned substantial losses over the same period of 2009/10. United’s pre-tax losses were more than £79m while Chelsea, propped up by the billions of Roman Abramovic, lost £70m. The challenge will now be to meet UEFA’s solvency targets by 2013. European football’s governing body is launching ‘UEFA Financial Fair Play’ in two years’ time, whereby all clubs must be solvent before they

are allowed to enter European competitions like the lucrative Champions League and lesser Europa League. In other words, clubs which fail to balance the books risk being refused entry to the elite European competitions which form a vital part of their income strategy. The move could bring about a curb on inflated transfer spending. Liverpool and Chelsea spent more than £120m in the recent transfer window as fees reached a record high in Britain. The Premier League in England remains at the top of the money list. But the Spanish duopoly could take some shifting as the highest-grossing individual clubs over the next few seasons. Barcelona are about to start a world record shirt sponsorship deal worth 165m euros over the next five years. That figure could help take the world’s best team on the field at the moment above their great rivals Real Madrid to the top of the Deloitte money list by next year.

SIX PEOPLE died and six were injured after a small commuter aircraft crashed at Cork Airport on its way from Belfast, according to reports in Ireland. A statement released by the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) said the Manx2 Avia Flight No FLT400C with 10 passengers and two crew had crashed on its third attempt at landing. A Cork County Council spokesman confirmed there were six fatalities and that the other six people on board had been injured. The airport has been closed following the crash, which happened at around 10am.

The IAA statement said: “The aircraft made an approach to Runway 17 in bad conditions and went around and did not land and attempted a second landing on Runway 35. “The aircraft then went around a second time and came back for an approach to Runway 17. “On the second approach to Runway 17 the aircraft crashed, Rescue and Fire crew are in attendance. “There is a fire and debris has been scattered onto the runway and over a wide area.” It added an investigation would be launched. Manx2, a “virtual airline” that operates as a booking service for flights, has been operating the Belfast City to Cork route since October 2010

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Community News TENERIFE’S Traveller Blues Band are teaming up with Cancer Research UK for a night of fun, games and great music to raise funds for a cause close to everyone’s heart. A Benefit4Bernie Night in aid of Cancer Research will be held at The Clubhouse, Los Gigantes, on 2nd March, from 7.30pm. And no one appreciates the cancer charity more than Bernie Stapleton. She is a very special person, having fought cancer herself and lost a daughter to the disease. Bernie’s commitment to the charity is her way of making everyone

Bernie is in the pink with this blues band conscious of how important this fight really is. In conjunction with Cancer Research UK, she approached Traveller Blues Band and asked them to help raise money and awareness for the fight against cancer. This special evening will start with a Champagne Reception, followed by various fun events, with the band coming on at 9pm. Whiskey, the band’s front man, will auction an autographed Cigar Box Guitar

from the US during the interval. There will also be a raffle with great prizes, such as tickets for Showtime, the No1 Tenerife dinner-show, or quad biking for a day out with a difference. The music

will then continue until late. Tickets for this event, which includes a buffet, will be 10 euros and are available from the Clubhouse (Tel 600 272 035 or 637 560 822). If you are unable to attend

but would like to make a donation, contact Whiskey at and he can put you directly in touch with Bernie, who is an official Cancer Research UK member for donations. Although cancer survival

rates have doubled in the last 40 years, more than one in three of us will, sadly, still get cancer at some point in our lives so there is much more work still to do. Every penny you raise helps this great cause.

Theatre Bar’s bash to boost K9 coffers THE Theatre Bar, at Garden City, Las Americas, are staging a social evening to raise funds for K9 on Monday (14th Feb). It gets underway from 7.30pm and artists appearing are Avril Taylor, Alexander

McRae, Lizzie, Jamie Drew and Cy Benson. There will a raffle and the sale of K9 merchandise. The compere is Aidy Evans, and if you are a Roy Orbison fan, you must persuade him to sing one of his many hits). Thanks go to Keely and Dennis for hosting the show, and to Karen and Kelly for arranging it.

Estrellas students hit the spotlights

IT’S smiles all round at Estrellas Theatre School as the students celebrate their exceptional London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) exam results. And visiting LAMDA examiner John Rhys Thomas, who has tested students worldwide for the last 10 years, paid them the ultimate compliment when he said: “I have never seen such a high standard of performance across the board.” The pupils were assessed for their performances in

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musical theatre, solo acting, duo acting and public speaking. Maureen Sands, Principal, confirmed that the grades were significantly higher than last year, with 75% of students gaining distinctions and the remaining students obtaining merits. As a result, Maureen has received a special invitation to visit LAMDA headquarters in March. She will be taking along a number of Group 3 students during their educational performing arts trip to London. The knowledge and skills gained from these exams provide an invaluable foundation for pupils and their

futures as they prepare for further education at university and, eventually, the workplace. Indeed, certain LAMDA exams now contribute towards UCAS points for university entrance in the UK. Maureen extends her thanks to Chris Green, Head of Wingate School, and Maurita Simmonds, Academic Director of the British School of Tenerife, for allowing the exams to take place at their respective schools. For further information on LAMDA and Estrellas Theatre School, contact Maureen on 647 844 794, or visit the website

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11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Television Guide


Star Wars Episode V: the Empire Strikes Back Saturday 12 February, 3:35pm - 5:55pm, ITV1 Director Irvin Kershner's imaginative supervision of George Lucas's brainchild gives this second part of the first Star Wars trilogy a truly epic dimension, adding a mature, philosophical aspect to the nonstop barrage of brilliant special effects. Events take place all over the universe - Darth Vader sends Imperial troops to crush the rebels on the ice planet Hoth, while Luke Skywalker searches out Jedi master Yoda for further instruction in the mysterious ways of "the Force" - and the much-loved characters are developed in intriguing ways. Kershner darkens the imagery of Lucas's vibrant, futuristic fairy tale and deepens its narrative with provocative plot strands, giving this sequel a cynical, harder edge that lifts it above the serial roots of its predecessor. 11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

F R I D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

9:15am ....Wanted Down Under

6:00am ................Harry and Toto

6:00am ............................Daybreak

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:10am ..........Everything’s Rosie

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:20am ......................Dirtgirlworld 6:35am ..................................Jakers!

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:00am ............Save My Holiday

7:00am ............................Deadly 60

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:45am............ Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am.................. Lockie Leonard

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:15am ......Dennis and Gnasher

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

8:30am ............................LazyTown

1:45pm ................................Doctors

2:00pm ....................May the Best House Win

8:55am ..........................Octonauts: Creature Reports

3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal

2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country 3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm ............................Deadly 60 3:35pm ................................The Owl 3:35pm ....Bear Behaving Badly 4:00pm ......................Dani’s House 4:30pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom 4:30pm ..Tracy Beaker Returns

8:55am ....................Numberjacks 9:15am ..................................Dip Dap 9:15am ........The Koala Brothers 9:25am ..................Big Barn Farm

3:59pm ............London Weather 4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ..........................The Chase 6:00pm ..............................Weather

9:40am .......................... Big & Small 9:55am ................Guess with Jess 10:05am ..................Postman Pat 10:20am ..................................Pingu

5:00pm ........................Newsround

10:25am ..................Chuggington: Badge Quest

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

10:25am ....................64 Zoo Lane

6:00pm ..............London Tonight 6:30pm ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo 6:00pm ..............................Weather

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:35am ......Ready Steady Cook

6:30pm ..............................Weather

12:00pm ....................Daily Politics

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

7:00pm ..................The One Show

Coronation Street 7:30pm & 8:30pm, ITV1 Two helpings of Corrie tonight, remember when Peter said last week, “I feel like the luckiest man alive”, you knew his good fortune would soon end and that he’d suddenly have a reason to be suspicious of his wife. Virtually everyone he’s in contact with knows that Leanne had a fling with Nick and it’s a wonder none of them has blabbed. But Toxic Tracy has also

become privy to the worstkept secret in Weatherfield and she’s not known for keeping things to herself. Away from the dysfunctional Barlows, Cheryl is giving the Streetcars office a makeover. Good job aside from Marty Crane’s, that grotty armchair has to be the tattiest ever seen on screen. Leanne fears her secret is about to be exposed as

Peter asks Nick to be his best man and invites Carla to the blessing. Rosie is horrified by Sally’s discovery, but it is Sophie who bears the brunt of her mother’s preoccupation as Sian heads off on holiday, leaving her girlfriend devastated and alone. Tina makes plans for Valentine’s Day, and Tracy offers a rare apology for her remarks about Graeme.

7:30pm, Channel 4

Page 22

1:00pm ..........................Due South

7:30pm ......A Question of Sport

2:30pm ......................Real Rescues

7:30pm ..........Coronation Street

8:00pm ........................EastEnders

8:00pm ..........Children’s Hospital

8:30pm ............................................QI

3:00pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

9:00pm ....................................Hustle

3:45pm ..................................Flog It!

10:00pm ........................BBC News

4:30pm ..........................Perfection

9:00pm ................Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

5:15pm ........Antiques Road Trip 6:00pm ............................ Eggheads

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:35pm ....................The Graham Norton Show

6:30pm ....................One Man and His Campervan

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

11:20pm ..................The National Lottery Friday Night Draws

7:00pm ..............Julia Bradbury’s German Wanderlust

10:35pm ............30 Years of An Audience With

7:30pm................ An Island Parish

11:35pm ..................Take Me Out

8:00pm ......................Mastermind

12:45am ....ITV News Headlines

8:30pm ............Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein

12:45am ..........................The Zone

9:00pm ..Can’t Take It with You

3:30am ..............ITV Nightscreen

10:00pm .............. Fast and Loose

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

11:30pm ................Weatherview

Father Ray Comes Out Though the Church of England says it doesn’t have a problem with its homosexual priests, it does require them to remain celibate. That must still feel like a rejection to gay clergy like Ray, who’s seen here struggling with his deci-

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

sion to come out to his flock. He’s a charming man, full of warmth and extremely humble. Hearing him talk openly about his sexuality is deeply moving. He says that his mother might well have had an abortion if she’d known

her son would turn out to be gay. Ray’s scared of the storm he might provoke, and knows it might mean he has to leave the Church. But he speaks up anyway. Ray’s a true hero and a tribute to his calling.

11:30pm ......Right at Your Door 1:05am ..................At Home with the Georgians 2:05am ..................Horizon: What Is Reality?

1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

2:45am .................... October Road

Rainbows is the youngest section for girls of Girlguiding UK.

We've got spaces in the unit for girls aged between 5-7 years old. We meet every Friday at the apolo centre, Los Cristianos 5.30-6.30pm. We follow the UK programme and do lots of activities and generally have lots of fun.

If you want anymore details please contact Greer 618 381 286. 11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Television Guide

Friday 11th February 6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who

9:00am ................................Ringside

7:00am ......Back Inside Britain’s Fattest Man

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:45pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

10:00am ......Football’s Greatest

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

8:00am ....................................Maury

10:30am ................Live European Tour Golf

9:00am ..............UK Border Force

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

8:00pm ..............The Real Hustle on Holiday

10:00am ..........................Lie to Me

1:30pm Premier League World

11:00am ........Real Filth Fighters

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

8:30pm ......................The Lock Up

6:35am ......................Elmo’s World 6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

2:00pm ................The Rugby Club

11:30am ........Real Filth Fighters

10:00am ..............Four Weddings

9:30pm ................Lunch Monkeys

6:55am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

3:00pm ........Football’s Greatest

12:00pm ............Project Runway

11:00am ................................Maury

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

3:30pm.. Premier League World

1:00pm ..............UK Border Force

11:55am ....................Celebs 24/7

4:00pm ..............................Ringside

2:00pm.................... Stargate SG-1

10:30pm ............................Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

5:00pm Premier League World

3:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:30pm ..............Football League Weekend

4:00pm ..............................Lie to Me

12:05pm ..................Prince Valiant

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

6:30pm ..............Premier League Preview

5:30pm ............................Futurama

2:05pm ................Cookery School

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

7:00pm ............Sky Sports News at Seven

8:30am ............................Roary the Racing Car

7:30pm ............Live Premiership Rugby Union

8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline

10:00pm ..........Take It Like a Fan

9:00pm ..................The Simpsons

8:50am ....................The WotWots

10:30pm ............Premier League Preview

10:00pm ..............Louie Spence’s Showbusiness

11:00pm ............Football League

11:00pm ..................Got to Dance

12:40pm ........................Five News

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:05am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

8:00pm ................Relocation: Phil Down Under

12:45pm ....................Build a New Life in the Country

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:30am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

9:00pm ....Embarrassing Bodies

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

9:00am ..........Kings of the Snow

10:00pm ......................The Million Pound Drop Live

2:15pm ..............Home and Away

9:30am ....ATP Tour Uncovered

2:50pm ..........The Family Recipe

11:20pm ..............10 O’Clock Live

2:55pm ....Animal Rescue Squad

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:30am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am.................................... Frasier 8:25am ............According to Jim 8:55am ..........................The Secret Millionaire USA 9:55am ..........................Desperate Housewives 10:55am ..................Gok’s Clothes Roadshow 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

3:55pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me 5:30pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

7:00am ....................Little Princess 7:15am ............The Mr Men Show 7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends 7:45am ............Noddy in Toyland

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

11:00am ......The Vanessa Show


11:45am ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:30pm ........................Father Ray Comes Out

6:00am ..................Live European Tour Golf

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons 6:00pm ........Emergency Animal Rescue 6:30pm ..................The Simpsons 8:00pm ............................Futurama

9:00pm ......................Little Britain

11:30pm ....................Him and Her

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

12:00am ........................Family Guy

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

12:45am ....................The Lock Up

5:00pm ..............................Charmed

1:15am ................Lunch Monkeys

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

1:45am ......................Him and Her

7:00pm ............Ghost Whisperer

2:45am ......................Hotter Than My Daughter

8:00pm ....................................Bones 9:00pm .................. Criminal Minds 10:00pm ........................ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

2:15am ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

3:15am ......................Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 4:15am ......................Doctor Who Confidential 4:30am ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

6:10am ........................Animal Park

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

7:00am ........................Masterchef New Zealand

6:25am ........................Emmerdale

8:00am ..............................Casualty

7:10am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

9:00am ..................................The Bill

8:05am ........................Judge Judy

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

11:00am ..............................Casualty

10:00am ............The Rugby Club

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:25am ..................................All Star Family Fortunes

10:00am ............................Top Gear

3:10pm ........Lying to be Perfect

11:00am ............ Premier League World

12:00pm ........................Escape to the Country

12:25am ......Countdown to the NME Awards 2011

5:00pm ..................Five News at 5

11:30am ........Kings of the Snow

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

1:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

12:00pm ............................Ringside

2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

2:00pm ............................My Family

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

12:45am ............................CTRL MX

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

2:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

3:20pm ................Seaside Rescue

12:30pm ......................Emmerdale

1:10am ............The Album Chart Show Introduces Clare Maguire

6:30pm ..............................Zoo Days

1:00pm ................................Premier League Darts

3:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

4:40pm ............................Escape to the Country

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

5:40pm ............................My Family

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

1:20am ................My Name Is Earl 1:45am ................My Name Is Earl 2:05am ..............................Lemming 4:15am ..............Hair: It’s All Good 4:20am...................................... MESH 4:25am ....................................MESH 4:30am ..........Brothers & Sisters 5:15am ........................Countdown

6:55pm .......... Meals in Moments 7:00pm ..................Five News at 7

4:30pm ........Football’s Greatest 5:00pm ............NFL: Total Access

11:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear 5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:30pm ..................Vets in Action

6:00pm ...................... Elite League Ice Hockey

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

8:00pm ..........Ice Road Truckers

7:00pm ..........................Tight Lines

7:00pm ............................................QI

9:00pm ....................The Mentalist

8:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All

10:00pm ....................Law & Order

7:40pm ......................Stephen Fry in America

9:30pm ..............Airsports World

10:55pm ....................................NCIS

10:00pm ......................Tight Lines

11:55pm ..................Cops in Crisis

11:00pm ........NFL: Total Access

12:15am ....................SuperCasino

12:00am ....................Premiership Rugby Union

3:55am ......Motorsport Mundial

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

9:00pm ......................Al Murray: A Glass of White Wine for the Lady 10:20pm ................Lee Mack Live 11:40pm ..............................Spaced

7:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

10:10am ....................The Planet’s Funniest Animals 10:35am ......................Judge Judy

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

8:00pm ..................Total Wipeout

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

9:00pm ............................ My Family

6:35pm ..................Adam Sandler: The Hot Desk

9:40pm ............ Little Britain USA 10:15pm ..................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

6:50pm ......................Take Me Out

11:35pm ........................My Family

8:30pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp

8:00pm ......................New You’ve Been Framed! 9:00pm ....................American Idol

Page 23

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S A T U R D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast 10:00am ..........................Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30am ........Baking Made Easy

6:00am ..............Bob the Builder: Built to Be Wild

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

7:00am ..........Basil and Barney’s Game Show

9:25am ..........Coronation Street

7:25am ........................................ CITV

12:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather

7:30am ......................................Leon

11:45am ..................This Morning: Saturday

7:30am ..................................Arthur

12:50pm ..................................Monk

12:15pm ................Football Focus

8:00am ......Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab

1:50pm ....................ITV News and Weather

1:00pm ................British Olympic Dreams

8:30am ..................Project Parent

1:54pm ............London Weather

1:30pm ........................A Question of Sport

9:00am ....................Dick & Dom’s Funny Business

1:55pm ..................Looney Tunes: Back in Action

2:00pm ..............Live Six Nations Rugby Union

10:00am ........Diddy Dick & Dom

4:25pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather

10:30am ..............................OOglies

3:35pm ............................Star Wars Episode V: the Empire Strikes Back

10:45am ..........................Copycats

5:55pm ..............................Weather

4:35pm ..............Live Six Nations Rugby Union

11:15am ....My Life: Toy Soldiers

5:55pm ..............London Tonight

10:00am ....Trapped Ever After

11:45am ............MOTD Kickabout 7:00pm All New Total Wipeout

12:00pm ........................Escape to the Country

6:05pm ............................ITV News and Weather

1:00pm ......................Fort Apache

6:20pm ......................New You’ve Been Framed!

3:00pm ....................Into the West 4:30pm ..........................Final Score 5:15pm ........................Easy Virtue

6:50pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp 7:20pm ........................Ant & Dec’s Push the Button 8:35pm ......................Take Me Out

6:45pm ..................................Flog It!

Ant & Dec’s Push the Button 7.20pm, ITV1 NEW SERIES. Game show in which the hosts join two families as their `fifth members’ to undertake a series of fun games and challenges, in an effort to hold on to as much of the £100,000 they receive at the start as possible. The winners are invited to return the following week against new opponents to try to increase their money, while viewers and members of the studio audience also have the chance to win prizes. Plus, a mystery celebrity faces an unexpected challenge. The nation’s favourite cheeky chappies return

with a brand new series of their hilarious family gameshow. Each week, two family teams go up against each other in a bid to win £100,000. To bag the money, they must play a number of challenging and side-splitting games, each of which is designed to reduce their pot. They will take part in several madcap rounds featuring all kinds of crazy stunts. Last series, teams had to do everything from organising lookalikes in order of age, getting to grips with a line-up of wax models of pop stars and solving a dental teaser in a

round called Simon Cowell’s Teeth. The contestants are helped along the way by top celebrities. At the end of the show, the family who have managed to keep hold of the most money go through to the final round, in which one team member must take on the computer mastermind DAVE. If they can get the best of DAVE, then their family bag the life-changing cash. In this week’s opening episode, Ant and Dec go head to head, a mystery celebrity faces an unexpected challenge and a viewer at home gets the chance to battle it out with DAVE.

8:00pm ..The National Lottery: Secret Fortune 9:40pm ..........Come Fly with Me 10:10pm ....BBC News; Weather 10:30pm ..........National Lottery Update 10:30pm ........Match of the Day 11:55pm ................Weatherview 11:55pm ..................The Football League Show 1:20am ............................BBC News

The update of the 1983 original follows DJ Day V Lately searching for his lost 1990s dance record using the online service Yell. The original featured Hartley tracking down a copy of his Fly Fishing book, thanks to a listing in the Yellow Pages after an extensive search.

Page 24

The 2011 version was filmed in London and shows Lately visiting several independent record shops to find a copy of the trance mix of his original track. Lately, like Hartley, has a daughter who helps him in his search and finally suggests he use Yell to find a wider choice of independent stores. Yell’s David Parslow said:

10:45pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

1:30am ......................The Week at the Iraq Inquiry

10:59pm ..........London Weather

2:00am ............................BBC News 2:30am ..............................HARDtalk 3:00am ............................BBC News 3:30am ............................Our World 4:30am ........................................Click

JR Hartley to DJ hunting

8:00pm ........................Blackadder Rides Again

8:50pm ..............................Casualty

4:00am ............................BBC News

AN ICONIC Yellow Pages fly fishing advertisement has been remade with the main character JR Hartley replaced by a DJ hunting for a dance track.

9:50pm ............................Benidorm

7:30pm ........................Dad’s Army

9:00pm ............Faulks on Fiction 10:50pm ..................Nurse Jackie 11:20pm .............. Fast and Loose 11:50pm ................La Vie en Rose

12:50am ......ITV News Headlines 12:50am ..........................The Zone 2:55am ............The Starter Wife 3:45am .............. ITV Nightscreen

5:00am ............................BBC News 5:30am ........The Record Europe

11:00pm ......Shaun of the Dead

10:00pm ....................The Tudors

2:00am ............................Repulsion

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

3:45am ......................................Close

“What better way to demonstrate how our offering has evolved over the past few years than to modernise our most iconic advert.” The original ad is one of the most popular ever made in Britain and has been affectionately parodied by comedians, including Harry Enfield and Fry and Laurie.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Television Guide

Saturday 12th February 7:00pm ......................Great Movie Mistakes

6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00am ............ Aerobics Oz Style

6:00am Brainiac: History Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:05am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ........................ Boots ‘n’ All

7:00am ................Vet Adventures

6:30am ........ Nothing to Declare

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:15am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

8:00am ................................Ringside

8:00am ................Guinness World Records Smashed!

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00am................ Freesports on 4 7:55am ............The Morning Line

6:25am ......................Fireman Sam

9:00am ............WWE Superstars

8:00am ....................................Maury

9:45pm ....................Air Force One

8:50am ..................................Friends

6:40am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

1:00pm ..........Live Super League

10:00am ........................Soccer AM

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

3:00pm ..........Live Super League 5:00pm ..........Live Super League

12:00pm ..........Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker

9:00am ................Four Weddings

6:50am ..........................The Beeps

11:00am ..............America’s Next Top Model

11:40pm ......................Family Guy

12:00pm ......Nothing to Declare

12:00am ........................Family Guy

2:00pm.... The Biggest Loser US

12:25am ................American Dad!

3:50pm ......................Celebs 24/7

12:45am ................American Dad!

4:00pm ........................Mannequin

1:10am ............Live at the Apollo

5:45pm ......................Celebs 24/7

1:55am ...................... The Lock Up

9:15am ................Olly Murs: Stars and Strikes

9:00am ..................Live European Tour Golf

10:15am ......................................Glee

7:00am ................................Mio Mao

1:00pm ..A Town Called Eureka

11:15am ................................Friends

7:10am ......................................Chiro

11:50am ....................Just Go with It: T4 Movie Special

7:15am ....................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

2:00pm ....Futurama: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow

12:20pm ..............................Friends 12:55pm ..The Big Bang Theory 1:20pm ....The Big Bang Theory 1:50pm ............ Channel 4 Racing 3:55pm ........................The Secret Supper Club 4:25pm ........Come Dine with Me

7:25am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 7:30am ............Milkshake Monkey 7:35am ....Make Way for Noddy 7:45am ..........................Igam Ogam 8:00am ..................Little Princess

2:15pm ............Merlin the Return 4:00pm ............................Futurama 7:00pm ..........Live Super League

4:30pm ............................Futurama

9:00pm ..................Live Saturday Fight Night

6:00pm ..........................The Middle

11:00pm ..............NFL: America’s Game

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons 8:00pm ............................Futurama

9:00pm ............Live at the Apollo

10:00am ..............Four Weddings

6:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:25am...................... Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 3:25am ....Great Movie Mistakes

7:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

4:20am ......................Hotter Than My Daughter

12:00am ..........NFL: Total Access

8:30pm ............................Futurama

1:00am ..............Spanish Football

5:25pm ........Come Dine with Me

8:10am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

9:00pm ..........The Scorpion King

8:30am ........................................Play!

10:45pm ......................Road Wars

8:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

4:50am ......................The Lock Up

2:30am ....Saturday Fight Night

5:55pm ........Come Dine with Me

4:30am ..............Spanish Football

11:45pm ..........Drugs Wars: DEA

9:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

5:25am ...................................... Close

7:05am ....................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

6:10am ........................Dog Borstal

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

7:00am ..............Masterchef New Zealand

8:35am ..Paul: Premiere Special

8:00am ............Animal Park: Wild in Africa

10:00am ..........................Apollo 13

4:55pm ........Come Dine with Me

8:40am ......................Rupert Bear 6:25pm ..............The Political Slot

9:00am ......................................Olivia

6:30pm ..............Channel 4 News

9:10am ..........The Mr Men Show


9:30am ......The Milkshake! Show

7:00pm ................The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

10:00am ........Meals in Moments

6:00am ..........Trans World Sport

10:10am ....Extraordinary Dogs

7:00am ..............Take It Like a Fan

10:40am ....How Do They Do It?

7:30am ................................Football League Weekend

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

8:30am ..........................Champions League Weekly

10:00am ..Robot Wars Extreme

9:00pm ..........................The Million Pound Drop Live 10:20pm ........................AVP: Alien vs Predator 12:10am ............The Furred Man 12:20am ........................The Rocky Horror Picture Show 2:15am ............................My Friend Michael Sniff

11:10am ................Laureus World Sports Awards 2011 12:10pm ........Ice Road Truckers

9:00am ..............................Top Gear 11:00am ..............Oz and James’s Big Wine Adventure

12:45pm ....................New You’ve Been Framed!

10:00am ......Total Wipeout USA

1:15pm ..Step Up 2 the Streets

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

3:10pm ......................Take Me Out

9:00am ................................Premier League Preview 9:30am ..............Take It Like a Fan

2:00pm ............................................QI

11:00am ................Michael Palin’s New Europe

2:10pm ....................Rear Window

10:00am ........................Soccer AM

4:20pm ....North by Northwest

12:00pm ....Live Football Special

2:40pm ......................Stephen Fry in America

12:00pm ......................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

4:00pm ....Robot Wars Extreme

1:00pm............ Animal Park: Wild in Africa

2:20am ..........................A Guide to Taking a Photo

7:00pm ........................................NCIS

3:15pm ........................Premiership Rugby Union

7:45pm ........................................NCIS

4:45pm ........Sky Sports Classics

2:25am ..........................This Is J03

8:40pm ............................CSI: Miami

2:30am ............Dirty Sexy Money

9:40pm ..................................CSI: NY

5:00pm ....................Live Saturday Night Football

7:00pm ............Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish

3:15am ............Dirty Sexy Money

10:40pm ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:30pm ..You’re on Sky Sports!

8:00pm ..................Himalaya with Michael Palin

11:40pm ................Forensic Files

8:25pm ....................Football First

12:10am ....................SuperCasino

10:15pm ..................Football First

4:00am ..........Emergency Bikers

11:45pm .................. Football First

4:50am ..........Meals in Moments

1:15am ....................Football First

5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline

2:45am ....................Football First

5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show

4:15am ....................Football First

4:00am ............Wogan’s Perfect Recall 4:30am ........................Beauty and the Geek 5:15am ........................Countdown

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

9:05am ............................Gossip Girl

9:00am ..........................Super Vets

1:10pm ........................Building the Super Bridge: Megastructures

6:55pm ............................Five News

5:20am ........................Special 1 TV

5:00pm ......Three Men in a Boat

4:25pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp 4:55pm ........................New You’ve Been Framed! 5:20pm ..................American Idol: The Auditions

2:00pm ................A Life of Grime 3:00pm ......................Animal Park: Wild in Africa 4:00pm ....Sense and Sensibility

6:25pm ....................American Idol 7:15pm ................................Liar Liar 9:00pm ................Batman Begins

9:00pm ........................Dave’s One Night Stand

7:00pm ........................Outtake TV

10:00pm ......................Dave’s One Night Stand

8:00pm ......................Doctor Who

11:00pm ......................Dave’s One Night Stand

10:05pm ......................Kill Bill Vol 2

11:45pm ..............Celebrity Juice

7:30pm ........................Outtake TV 9:00pm ..............Jonathan Creek

12:30am ..................The Illusionist 2:35am ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp 3:00am ..................American Idol: The Auditions 3:45am ..Paul: Premiere Special

Page 25

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S U N D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ................Bob the Builder

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

7:35am ............Match of the Day

6:25am ......................Postman Pat and the Greendale Rocket

7:25am ........................................CITV

6:50am ....................Chuggington: Badge Quest

10:25am ........ The Biggest Loser

7:00am ..........Basil and Barney’s Game Show

12:30pm ....................Dinner Date

7:30am ......................................Leon

1:25pm ....................ITV News and Weather

9:00am ......................The Andrew Marr Show 10:00am ........The Big Questions 11:00am ..............Country Tracks 12:00pm ........The Politics Show 1:00pm ........................ EastEnders 2:30pm ..............Live Six Nations Rugby Union

7:30am .................................. Arthur

5:00pm ................Songs of Praise

8:00am ......Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab

5:35pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather

8:30am ................Gimme a Break 9:00am ........Dick & Dom Go Wild

6:00pm ......Antiques Roadshow 7:00pm ........................Countryfile 8:00pm ........................Lark Rise to Candleford 9:00pm ..............British Academy Film Awards

9:30am ..........................Cop School 10:00am ..............Something for the Weekend

9:25am ....................May the Best House Win 11:30am This Morning: Sunday

1:29pm ............London Weather 1:30pm ......Columbo: Candidate for Crime 3:30pm ........Midsomer Murders 5:35pm ..............................Weather 5:35pm ..............London Tonight 5:50pm ....................ITV News and Weather

11:30am ..............Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 12:00pm ..................................Monk 12:45pm ............The Wrong Man 2:30pm ........................EastEnders 3:00pm ..........Priceless Antiques Roadshow

6:05pm ........ Harry Hill’s TV Burp 6:35pm .................. Dancing on Ice 8:30pm ....................Wild at Heart 9:30pm ................Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off

3:10pm ..................................Flog It! 3:40pm ............................Escape to the Country 4:25pm ......................Madagascar

11:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather

5:25pm ..........................Ski Sunday

11:25pm ................Weatherview 11:25pm ........................Girl with a Pearl Earring

6:10pm ............Shanghai Knights

1:05am ............................Holby City

9:00pm ........Toughest Place to Be a Paramedic

2:05am ..........Making Scotland’s Landscape

10:50pm ......The Cry of the Owl

3:05am ..................Climbing Great Buildings 3:35am ..................Rip Off Britain

The Orange British Academy Film Awards 9.00pm BBC1, 7.30pm BBC3 Jonathan Ross presents the annual ceremony from London’s Royal Opera House. Colin Firth is among the contenders in the Leading Actor category for his role as George VI in The King’s Speech, which has picked up 13 other nominations - two more than Darren Aronofsky’s psychological thriller Black Swan, whose star Natalie Portman is one of the favourites to win the Leading Actress award. Both movies are nominated in the Best Film category, alongside The Social Network, Inception and the Coen brothers’ new version of True Grit, while The King’s Speech is also up for the Outstanding British Film award, where it faces competition from Made in

Page 26

Dagenham, Mike Leigh’s Another Year, Danny Boyle’s fact-based drama 127 Hours and satirist Chris Morris’s feature film debut Four Lions. The night also sees Christopher Lee, star of films including Dracula, The Curse of Frankenstein, The Wicker Man, The Man with the Golden Gun and the Lord of the Rings films, receive the Academy Fellowship for his outstanding contribution to cinema over the past six decades. The Orange British Academy Film Awards, one of the world’s leading film awards ceremonies, returns to BBC One. Once again, the BBC’s exclusive coverage of the night kicks off with a special red carpet show on

4:05am..............................BBC News 4:30am ..............................HARDtalk

BBC Three. Hosted by Edith Bowman, the show captures the anticipation and build-up to the ceremony, featuring the arrivals of A-list nominees and big-name guests, as well as going behind the scenes of the UK’s most star-studded annual event. The action then transfers to the magnificent Royal Opera House auditorium for full coverage of the ceremony on BBC One. Hosted once again by Jonathan Ross, and attended by some of the greatest film talent from the UK and across the globe, awards will be given for excellence in production and performance plus special awards bestowed for outstanding achievement.

5:00am ............The World Today 5:30am ................World Business Report

8:00pm ..............................Top Gear

10:00pm ....Match of the Day 2

10:00pm ..................That Sunday Night Show 10:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather 10:44pm ..........London Weather 10:45pm ............Freddie Flintoff Versus the World 11:45pm ..Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford

12:25am ..............................Expired

12:40am ....................Premiership Rugby Union

2:05am ............................BBC News

1:35am ........ITV News Headlines

2:30am ..............Dateline Europe

1:35am ............................The Zone

3:00am ............................BBC News

2:00am ............................The Birds

3:30am ........ The Record Europe

4:05am .............. ITV Nightscreen

4:00am ............................BBC News

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

4:05am ......................................Close

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Television Guide

Sunday 13th February 7:00pm ..............The Real Hustle on Holiday

6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

6:00am ..................Hour of Power

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:05am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ....................Football First

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:15am ........................ Fifi and the Flowertots

8:00am ....................Football First

7:00am ..........................Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show 8:00am ....................................Maury

7:30pm ..............British Academy Film Awards: Red Carpet

7:00am ..............................FIS World Snowboarding Championships

9:30am ........................The Sunday Supplement

8:00am ..........It’s Me Or The Dog

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

8:00pm ..Great Movie Mistakes

11:00am ............Goals on Sunday

9:00am ......Football’s Next Star

9:00am ................Four Weddings

9:00pm ....................Being Human

7:25am ..That Paralympic Show

6:40am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

1:00pm...... Live Football League

10:00am ..........WWE Superstars

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare

10:00pm ......................Family Guy

7:50am ........................Battlefront

6:50am ..........................The Beeps

3:30pm ..........Live Super Sunday

11:00am ........WWE: Experience

10:30am ......Nothing to Declare

10:20pm ......................Family Guy

8:10am ..................................Friends

7:00am ................................Mio Mao

6:30pm ....Live Spanish Football

12:00pm ..................The Real A&E

11:00am ..............Passport Patrol

10:45pm ..............American Dad!

8:40am ..................................Friends

7:10am ......................................Chiro

8:00pm ....Live Spanish Football

1:00pm ..A Town Called Eureka

12:00pm ......................Mannequin

11:05pm ..............American Dad!

9:10am .............................. Hollyoaks

7:15am ....Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

2:00pm ........Emergency Animal Rescue

1:45pm ......................Celebs 24/7

11:30pm ..................Being Human

7:25am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

3:00pm ............................Futurama

2:00pm ................ Four Weddings

12:30am ............................Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

7:30am ............Milkshake Monkey

4:00pm ..........................The Middle

7:35am ....Make Way for Noddy

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

11:50am ......................................Glee 12:50pm ................The Simpsons 1:25pm ..................The Simpsons 1:55pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

6:25am...................... Fireman Sam

3:30pm ............................Futurama

3:00pm ..................Four Weddings 4:00pm .. RSPCA Animal Rescue 4:30pm ..RSPCA Animal Rescue 5:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

1:30am ....Great Movie Mistakes 2:30am ................Coming of Age 3:00am ..............................The Real Hustle on Holiday

2:25pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

7:45am ..........................Igam Ogam 8:00am ..................Little Princess

10:00pm ............Football Special

6:00pm ....................Got to Dance

2:55pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

8:15am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

11:30pm ....Football’s Greatest

6:00pm ........................ Fat Families

7:30pm ..................The Simpsons

12:00am ............Spanish Football

7:00pm .......... Four Weddings US

8:00pm ..................The Simpsons

1:30am ................Football Special

8:00pm ....................Cougar Town

4:00am ......................Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

9:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-O

3:00am ..............Spanish Football

8:30pm ....................Cougar Town

5:00am ................Coming of Age

10:00pm NCIS: Los Angeles

9:00pm ................................Bedlam

5:30am ......................................Close

11:00pm House

10:00pm ......................Notting Hill

7:05am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

6:00am ....................Funniest Pets and People

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

8:00am ..................The Challenge

6:25am ........................Dog Borstal

11:05am ........Coronation Street

9:00am ..................Cooking in the Danger Zone

7:15am ......Walking with Beasts 7:50am ............................My Family

1:30pm ..................American Idol: The Auditions

10:00am ..........Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish

8:50am ............................My Family

2:30pm ....................American Idol

10:05am ..........................My Family

3:25pm ..Step Up 2 the Streets

11:00am ................Himalaya with Michael Palin

11:20am ..Sense and Sensibility 12:20pm .. Sense and Sensibility

5:25pm ........................New You’ve Been Framed!

1:20pm ....Sense and Sensibility

5:55pm ......................Take Me Out

3:25pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 3:55pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

8:30am ..................................Family!

4:25pm ................Deal or No Deal

9:00am ......................................Olivia

5:30pm ..........................Time Team

9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show

8:45am ......................Rupert Bear

4:30am ................Football Special

3:30am ......................Hotter Than My Daughter

9:30am ......The Milkshake! Show 10:00am ........The Family Recipe

8:00am ..............Spanish Football

10:05am Animal Rescue Squad

9:30am ..............................Saturday Fight Night

10:25am ................Stansted: The Inside Story 11:25am ........Emergency Bikers 12:25pm .......... Cowboy Builders 1:25pm ........................40 Guns to Apache Pass

11:30am ........Live Super League 2:00pm ..........Live Super League 4:00pm ..........Live Super League

6:30pm ..............Channel 4 News

3:15pm ..........What a Girl Wants

6:30pm ................................Live IRB Rugby Sevens


5:15pm ........................Pocahontas

1:30am ..........Cricket World Cup

12:00pm ........The Gadget Show 1:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

7:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

2:25pm ............................My Family 3:30pm ............................My Family

7:05pm ..................Evan Almighty

4:50pm ............................My Family

9:00pm ............................Benidorm

8:00pm ....................The People’s Supermarket

6:55pm ............................Five News

9:00pm ......................The Promise

9:00pm ..............................Revolver

10:50pm ........................Alan Carr: Chatty Man

11:15pm ..................An American Haunting

11:55pm ............LA Confidential

1:00am ......................SuperCasino

6:00pm ..........The Gadget Show

7:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

4:00am ..............Cowboy Builders

2:00pm ............Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish

7:00pm .............. North Sea Hijack

3:00pm ..................Himalaya with Michael Palin 4:00pm .............................. Top Gear

8:10am ........................Emmerdale

10:00pm ............Secret Diary of a Call Girl 6:00pm ........No Ordinary Family

10:30pm ..............Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason

2:25am ..................Momma’s Boy

4:50am ..........Meals in Moments

7:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

8:00pm ......................Who Do You Think You Are?

12:45am.................. American Idol

2:45am ..........................The Family

5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline

8:00pm ......................................Tribe

9:00pm ......................Traffic Cops

1:40am ..................Dancing on Ice

3:40am ................Wedding House

5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show

10:00pm ...................... Kill Bill Vol 2

4:35am ..........Brothers & Sisters

3:15am ................Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off

5:35am ..........Thomas & Friends

9:00pm ......................James May’s Toy Stories

5:25am ........................Countdown

5:45am ....Roary the Racing Car

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

2:30am ..........................ATP Tennis

10:20pm ............Mock the Week

3:40am ....................Teleshopping

4:30am ......................................Close

11:40pm ..................James May’s Toy Stories

5:40am ............ ITV2 Nightscreen

Page 27

Television Guide


Farewell to a REAL friend! IT’S that time again to say goodbye to someone who has lived on the Island for a while. I hate doing this as I start getting nostalgic. And the more I think about it, I nearly fall into a depression. It is worse this time as it is one of our own. Liam O’Reilly will be flying off in the next few days. That’s right, the same Liam who has practically been with Oasis Fm from its birth and writes a superb music column in Canarian Weekly. He has been on the Tenerife entertainment road for years and, it seems, everyone who is anyone likes the guy. I sure I can say on behalf of all on the paper and Oasis Fm he will be a huge loss. Everyone surely has a million stories to tell about this lad. The laughs we have had on our Outside Broadcasts, just chatting in the studios off air. But for me, there is only one story - and I will carry for the rest of my life. I have made no secret of the circumstances regarding my arrival to Tenerife in July 2006. I was a completely different person then, and it seemed my life had come to an end. So, as I tried to pick myself up, I missed my family. Thankfully, my brother came over for a few days with his girlfriend. I had only just met Liam that week and we seemed to get on pretty well. So I mentioned that I had some family coming over and asked where I could take them? Liam did not take even a second to offer to pick us up and take all three of us out to see the night sights. I was a little unsure as I did not wish to put him out of his way. After all, he was a complete stranger at that time. But he refused my rejection and so we picked a time to meet up. He drove us around the

Page 28

M O N D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..............The Pingu Show

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ....Wanted Down Under

6:10am ....Clifford’s Puppy Days

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:25am ......................................Pingu

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:50am ......................Timmy Time

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

7:00am ..................Barney’s Latin America

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ............Save My Holiday 11:45am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

11:45am ............Cash in the Attic

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am ................Lockie Leonard

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:20am ............Shaun the Sheep

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ....Octonauts: Creature Reports

2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country

opened up and told him the whole story. He listened without any interruption, and always making eye contact with me. He could see that it was not easy to convey my sadness of why I chose to come to Tenerife. After that he sat back and said these very words to me: “You have just described the last few years of my life also, Joe.” I’m obviously not going into detail, but it was quite scary and, in a way, comforting that I was not alone in the pain that was put on me at that time. Since that night, Liam and I have been great friends. I will keep this short and sweet and simply say I will always look on you as a friend, mate. So, saying that, I wish you safe journey my friend and good luck in the future. If you need a place to stay on a visit, do not hesitate to stay with us. Bon voyage, Liam and Linsey. Much love from Joe, Kate and Taylor xxx

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm ....................May the Best House Win 3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm ............London Weather

8:55am ....................Numberjacks

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:15am ..................................Dip Dap

5:00pm ..........................The Chase

3:05pm ............................Deadly 60

9:25am.................... Big Barn Farm

6:00pm ..............................Weather

3:35pm ................................The Owl

9:40am ..........................Big & Small

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

3:35pm ........ear Behaving Badly

9:55am ................Guess with Jess

4:00pm ..The Big Performance

10:05am ..................Postman Pat

6:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

4:30pm ..........................Blue Peter

0:20am ......................................Pingu

4:55pm ............Shaun the Sheep 5:00pm ........................Newsround

10:25am ..................Chuggington: Badge Quest

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

10:25am ....................64 Zoo Lane

6:00pm ..............................Weather

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

6:30pm ..............................Weather

11:35am ......Ready Steady Cook

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

12:00pm ....................Daily Politics

7:00pm ..................The One Show

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

sights and pointed out with various bars and cafes to frequent. He already knew of my love for a fry-up in the morning, so he showed me at least 1,000 options in Cristianos and Americas for a breakfast. At the time, if I’m being honest, I did think he was under orders to do this as a favour to management. But Liam seemed pretty relaxed and was sharing laughs with us in the car. After the sight-seeing tour, we parked the car and headed to his local at the time for a drink. After a while, he seemed genuinely interested in getting to know all of us. He did not intrude in the slightest, and then the old question pops up: “What brought you to Tenerife?” If I had a pound for every time that question has been asked since, I really would be rich beyond my wildest dreams. I was not really in the mood to go through the details as I was more relaxed that night than I had been in a long time. But with the booze, I

8:30am ............................LazyTown

12:30pm ................Loose Women

9:15am ........The Koala Brothers

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm .......... Coronation Street

7:30pm ............................Inside Out

1:00pm ..................From Thames to Tigris

8:00pm ............................The Lakes

8:00pm ........................EastEnders

1:30pm ..........................Due South

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

8:30pm ..........Classroom Wars Panorama

2:15pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

9:00pm ..........The Biggest Loser

9:00pm .............................. Outcasts

3:00pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:00pm ........................BBC News

3:45pm ..................................Flog It!

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

4:30pm ..........................Perfection

10:35pm ..A Question of Sport

5:15pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

11:05pm ..................Late Kick Off

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

11:35pm ....................The Graham Norton Show

6:30pm ....................One Man and His Campervan

12:20am ..The Apprentice USA

7:00pm ..................Geert Wilders: Europe’s Most Dangerous Man?

1:05am ......The Apprentice USA

10:35pm ........ Total Emergency 11:35pm ..................That Sunday Night Show 12:05am ................Grimefighters 12:30am ...... ITV News Headlines 12:30am .......................... The Zone

8:00pm ....University Challenge

2:35am ............UEFA Champions League Weekly

2:55am ..................Climbing Great Buildings

8:30pm ..........Baking Made Easy

3:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show

3:25am ..................Rip Off Britain

9:00pm ....................Horizon: How to Mend a Broken Heart

3:55am ..............ITV Nightscreen

1:55am ................Ancient Worlds

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Television Guide

Monday 14th February 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ..............Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

9:00am ................Football Special

6:35am ......................Elmo’s World 6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

7:05am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am ............According to Jim 8:55am ........................Undercover Boss USA

6:55am ..................Little Princess

9:55am ..........................Desperate Housewives

7:05am .............. Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

10:55am ..............Relocation: Phil Down Under

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

7:45am ............Noddy in Toyland

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ...................... Doctor Who

7:00am ................ Vet Adventures

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:50pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

10:30am ......................Champions League Weekly

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

8:00am ....................................Maury

9:00am ..............UK Border Force

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

8:00pm ......................Hotter Than My Daughter

11:00am ............Spanish Football

10:00am ..........................Lie to Me

12:30pm ............Football Special

11:00am ........Real Filth Fighters

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

2:00pm ........Champions League Weekly

11:30am ........Real Filth Fighters

10:00am ..............Four Weddings

9:00pm ........The World’s Worst Place to Be Gay

12:00pm ............Project Runway

11:00am ................................Maury

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

1:00pm ..............UK Border Force

11:55am ....................Celebs 24/7

10:30pm ..................Being Human

2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:30pm ......................Family Guy

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 4:00pm ..............................Charmed

12:15am ......................The World’s Worst Place to Be Gay

5:00pm ..............................Charmed

1:15am ......................The Lock Up

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

1:45am ................Young, Jobless and Living at Home

7:00pm ............Ghost Whisperer

2:45am ......................Hotter Than My Daughter

2:30pm ..............Spanish Football 4:00pm ........Champions League Weekly 4:30pm ........................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

12:05pm ........The TV Book Club

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

5:30pm ........................Netbusters

12:30pm ..................................Laura

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00pm ..The Sky Sports Years

2:10pm ................Cookery School

8:25am ............................Peppa Pig

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

7:00pm ..........................Sky Sports News at Seven

3:55pm ..............Deal or No Deal: Love Week

8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline

5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

9:05am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

5:30pm ..........................Coach Trip

8:55am ....................The WotWots

3:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1 4:00pm.............................. Lie to Me 5:00pm ..................The Simpsons 5:30pm ............................Futurama 6:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue 6:30pm ..................The Simpsons 8:00pm ....Dream Lives for Sale

7:30pm ......................Live Monday Night Football

9:00pm ..........................Road Wars

10:30pm The Sky Sports Years

10:00pm ............An Idiot Abroad

11:30pm ......................Netbusters

11:00pm ............Inside: Surviving Prison

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

11:00am........ The Vanessa Show

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

11:45am ..........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:55pm ......................

12:40pm ........................Five News

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

8:00pm ......Dispatches: Lessons in Hate and Violence

12:45pm ............Build a New Life in the Country

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

7:05am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

7:00am ..........WWE: Bottom Line

9:00pm ............................One Born Every Minute

1:45pm ........................ Neighbours

11:10pm ......................The Joy of Teen Sex 12:10am ................Taio Cruz: Life of a Rockstar

4:25am ....................Being Human 5:25am ......................................Close

6:50am ........................Emmerdale

8:00am ............................ Fifth Gear 8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ..............................Casualty

7:10am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

2:15pm ..............Home and Away

8:00am ..........................Champions League Weekly

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ..................................The Bill

8:05am ........................Judge Judy

2:50pm ..........The Family Recipe

8:30am.................... PGA Tour Golf

11:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

10:00am ................................The Bill

2:55pm ....Animal Rescue Squad

2:00pm ......European Tour Golf

12:00pm............................ Top Gear

11:00am ............................Casualty

9:25am ..................................All Star Family Fortunes

3:10pm ....................................Derby

4:00pm ....Saturday Fight Night

2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

12:00pm ........................Escape to the Country

10:10am ....................The Planet’s Funniest Animals

1:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

10:35am ......................Judge Judy

2:00pm ........................Outtake TV

1:00pm ........................Emmerdale

3:20pm ................Seaside Rescue

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

2:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

6:00pm ..........Cricket World Cup

3:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

7:00pm ..........IRB Rugby Sevens

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

9:00pm ..........Cricket World Cup

7:00pm ..................Five News at 7

10:00pm ....................Bass Fishing

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

7:30pm ..........Five News Update

11:00pm ................Extreme Carp

7:00pm ............................................QI

7:30pm ......How Do They Do It?

7:40pm ....................................Speed

8:00pm ..................Five News at 9 8:00pm ..........The Gadget Show

12:30am ........Cricket World Cup

1:40am ..................................Mosley

9:00pm ........................Royal Navy Caribbean Patrol

1:30am ..........Cricket World Cup 2:30am ......European Tour Golf

9:00pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

10:00pm ............Steven Seagal v Justin Lee Collins

3:30am ....................PGA Tour Golf

10:20pm ......................Peep Show

4:30am ............Wonderful World of Golf

11:00pm ..........................................QI

5:30am ............Wogan’s Perfect Recall

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

4:10am ......................Doctor Who Confidential

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

12:45am ............Premier League Poker

3:40am ..............The Last Dragon

10:00pm ..............................Bedlam

3:15am ..............Is Oral Sex Safe?

7:00am ........................Masterchef New Zealand

11:30pm ......................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

2:40am ......Dispatches: Lessons in Hate and Violence

9:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

6:10am ........................Animal Park

5:00pm ..................Five News at 5 10:00pm ........................Alan Carr: Chatty Man

8:00pm ....................................Nikita

8:30pm ......................The Lock Up

11:00pm ..............Half Past Dead 12:50am ....................SuperCasino

4:40pm ............................Escape to the Country 5:40pm ............................My Family

8:20pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

11:40pm ........................Have I Got News for You

7:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

3:40pm ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..................Loose Women 5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

8:00pm ......................Traffic Cops

7:00pm ............................ The Cube

9:00pm ..........Emergency Bikers

8:00pm ......................New You’ve Been Framed!

10:00pm ..........Motorway Cops: A Traffic Cops Special

8:30pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp

11:00pm ....................Traffic Cops

9:00pm ..........Hell’s Kitchen USA 10:00pm ..............Celebrity Juice

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Page 29

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T U E S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ................Harry and Toto

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ....Wanted Down Under

6:10am ..........Everything’s Rosie

8:30am................................ Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:20am ......................Dirtgirlworld

9:25am.. The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am .................................. Jakers!

10:30am .................. This Morning 12:30pm ................ Loose Women

11:00am ............Save My Holiday

7:00am ..................Barney’s Latin America

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

11:45am ............Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am ................Lockie Leonard

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:15am ......Dennis and Gnasher

2:00pm ....................May the Best House Win

8:30am ............................LazyTown

3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ....Octonauts: Creature Reports

3:59pm ............London Weather

8:55am ....................Numberjacks

5:00pm .......................... The Chase

2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:15am ..................................Dip Dap 9:15am ........ The Koala Brothers

6:00pm ..............................Weather

3:05pm ............................Deadly 60

9:25am ..................Big Barn Farm

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

3:35pm ................................The Owl

9:40am ..........................Big & Small

3:35pm ....Bear Behaving Badly

9:55am ................Guess with Jess

6:30pm ....................ITV News and Weather

4:00pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom

10:05am ..................Postman Pat

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

4:00pm ................Dead Gorgeous

10:20am ..................................Pingu

7:30pm ..................Grimefighters

4:30pm ..........................Blue Peter

8:00pm ..The Brit Awards 2011

4:55pm ............Shaun the Sheep

10:25am ..................Chuggington: Badge Quest

5:00pm ........................Newsround

10:25am ....................64 Zoo Lane

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo 11:05am ....In the Night Garden

6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:35am ......Ready Steady Cook

6:30pm ..............................Weather

12:00pm .................... Daily Politics

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

7:00pm ..................The One Show 7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

1:00pm .......................... Due South

7:30pm ........................EastEnders

2:30pm ........Living Dangerously

8:00pm ..........................Holby City 9:00pm ..............................Outcasts

3:00pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

10:00pm ........................BBC News

3:45pm ..................................Flog It!

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

4:30pm ..........................Perfection

10:35pm ....................The Richard Dimbleby Lecture 2011

5:15pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm ............................Eggheads

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

11:20pm ......................Nuns Aloud

6:30pm ....................One Man and His Campervan

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

12:15am ............................See Hear

7:00pm ..................Natural World

10:35pm ..The Nutty Professor

12:45am ................Human Planet

8:00pm A Farmer’s Life for Me

1:45am ..............The Bear Family and Me

9:00pm ......................The Chinese Are Coming

12:20am ......ITV News Headlines

2:45am ..............Save My Holiday

10:00pm ............How TV Ruined Your Life

2:25am ..............Crossing Jordan

11:20pm ................Weatherview

3:35am ............................Reporters

The BRIT Awards 2011 with MasterCard

1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

4:00am ............................BBC News

10:30pm ......................Newsnight 11:20pm ..........................Mad Men

12:20am ..........................The Zone 3:15am................ ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

8:00pm ITV 1 James Corden hosts this year’s BRIT Awards, which promise to be even bigger and better than before as the most prestigious event in the pop music calendar moves to a new home – the incredible O2 Arena in London. The BRITs celebrated their 30th anniversary last year, and now the focus is on the future and on ensuring that the ceremony continues to honour the most diverse and creative musical talent. Plus there is a brand new blank canvas’ trophy, which in its inaugural year is designed by British fashion legend

Page 30

Vivienne Westwood. The 2011 show features live performances from Take That, Rihanna, Plan B, Mumford & Sons, Adele, Tinie Tempah and Arcade Fire, while the big awards battle this year is for the MasterCard British Album of the Year, which will be fiercely contested by Take That, Plan B, Mumford & Sons, Tinie Tempah and The xx. Rapper Tinie Tempah heads the list of nominations with four nods - for British Male Solo Artist, British Breakthrough Act, Single and Album of the Year. Plan

B and Mumford & Sons both have three, while Take That are nominated for Best Group and Album of the Year. Other nominees include Cheryl Cole, Paloma Faith, Rumer, Paul Weller, Robert Plant, Bruce Springsteen and Kylie Minogue. Also in the running for prizes are X Factor winners Matt Cardle and Alexandra Burke alongside judge Cheryl Cole, Bruno Mars, Justin Bieber, David Guetta, Taio Cruz and the xx. The award for the best Breakthrough Act has been decided by votes from Radio 1 listeners.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Television Guide

Tuesday 15th February 6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am .......... Thomas & Friends

6:10am .......................... The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:30am ............According to Jim 9:00am ..Undercover Boss USA 10:00am ........................Desperate Housewives 10:55am ................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ..................Total Wipeout

7:00am ................Vet Adventures

8:00pm ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

9:00am ....The Sky Sports Years

8:00am .............. Best of Oops TV

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

10:00am ............Football Special

9:00am .............. UK Border Force

8:00am .................................... Maury

11:00am ......................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

10:00am ..........................Lie to Me

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

11:00am ........Real Filth Fighters

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ........................The Big Fat Truth About Low Fat Foods

10:00am ..............Four Weddings

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

6:35am ......................Elmo’s World

12:00pm ......................Netbusters

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

12:30pm ................SPL Round-Up

6:55am ..................Little Princess

1:00pm ....The Sky Sports Years

7:05am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

2:00pm ................Football Special

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

3:00pm ........................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

7:30am ............Thomas & Friends

4:00pm ........................ Netbusters

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

7:40am ................................Mio Mao

4:30pm ....The Sky Sports Years

7:45am ............Noddy in Toyland

5:30pm ......................Football Asia

12:05pm ..............Roman Holiday 2:10pm ................Cookery School

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:10am ......................Funky Valley

6:00pm ..........Revista De La Liga

3:55pm ..............Deal or No Deal: Love Week

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig 8:25am ............................Peppa Pig

7:30pm ..................Soccer Special

5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

10:30pm ............Football Special

5:30pm ..........................Coach Trip

8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline

11:30pm ........................Hyundai A League Football

8:55am ....................The WotWots

1:00pm.............. UK Border Force

11:00am ................................Maury

10:30pm ..............Coming of Age

11:55am ....................Celebs 24/7

11:00pm ...................... Family Guy

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:20pm ......................Family Guy

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:15am ....................Hotter Than My Daughter

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 4:00pm.............................. Charmed

12:45am ......................The Big Fat Truth About Low Fat Foods

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

1:45am ................Coming of Age

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

7:00pm ............Ghost Whisperer

2:15am ....................Total Wipeout

8:00pm ....................Got to Dance

8:00pm ....................Cougar Town

9:30pm ..................The Simpsons

3:15am ..................Young, Jobless and Living at Home

8:30pm ..............Hot in Cleveland

10:00pm ......The Scorpion King

9:00pm ........................Fat Families

11:45pm................................ Mental

10:00pm ....................Bridalplasty

2:00pm.................... Stargate SG-1 3:00pm.................... Stargate SG-1 4:00pm.............................. Lie to Me 5:00pm ..................The Simpsons 5:30pm ............................ Futurama 6:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

7:00pm ..........................Sky Sports News at Seven

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

12:00pm ............Project Runway

8:30pm ......................Hotter Than My Daughter

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

9:05am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff


11:00am ......The Vanessa Show

8:00pm ....................Gok’s Clothes Roadshow

11:45am ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

7:10am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

9:00pm ..................Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

12:40pm ........................Five News

7:00am ..............WWE: Afterburn

10:00pm ........................Shameless

12:45pm ............Build a New Life in the Country

11:45pm ..Snog, Marry, Avoid?

4:15am ..........Almost Famous IV 4:30am ........The World’s Worst Place to Be Gay

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

6:10am..........................Animal Park

6:00am ..........Coronation Street 6:50am ........................Emmerdale

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ........................Masterchef New Zealand

8:00am ........................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ..............................Casualty

7:10am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am .................................. The Bill

8:05am ..........................Judge Judy

11:10pm ..........................The Big C

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

9:00am ..........Cricket World Cup

10:00am ............................ Top Gear

10:00am ................................The Bill

2:15pm ..............Home and Away

10:00am ........Cricket World Cup

11:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

11:00am ............................Casualty

9:25am ..................................All Star Family Fortunes

11:45pm ................The Big Bang Theory

2:50pm ..........The Family Recipe

11:00am ....European Tour Golf

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

12:00pm ........Wonderful World of Golf

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

12:00pm ........................Escape to the Country

10:10am ....................The Planet’s Funniest Animals

2:55pm ....Animal Rescue Squad

2:40pm ................Seaside Rescue

1:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

10:35am ......................Judge Judy

1:30pm ..............PGA Tour Classic

2:00pm ............................ My Family

1:00pm ........................Emmerdale

3:20pm ................Seaside Rescue

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

2:00pm ............................................QI

12:15am ....................UK & Ireland Poker Tour

3:05pm ..................Love Will Keep Us Together

1:15am ................................Bull Run

5:00pm ..................Five News at 5

2:30pm ..................Extreme Carp

1:40am ..................reesports on 4

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

3:00pm ..................PGA Tour Golf

3:20pm ............Ray Mears’ World of Survival

2:35am ............................FIS World Snowboarding Championships

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

4:00pm ............IRB Rugby Sevens

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

6:00pm ..........Cricket World Cup

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00pm ..................Five News at 7

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

7:30pm ..........Five News Update

7:00pm ..........................Live UEFA Champions League

7:00pm ............................................QI

7:30pm ......Extraordinary Dogs

10:15pm ..................Football Asia

7:40pm ................Seaside Rescue

8:00pm ..................Stansted: The Inside Story

10:45pm ..............................Cycling

8:20pm ................Seaside Rescue

9:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:45am ........Cricket World Cup

10:00pm ....................................QI XL

1:45am ........................................Pool

11:00pm ......................The Bubble

10:00pm ........................CSI: Miami

2:45am ..............Premier League Bowls

11:40pm .................................... QI XL

3:00am ......................................KOTV 3:25am ............................Basketball 4:20am ..................Powerboating 4:50am ..Survival of the Fittest 5:15am ..........................Bear Grylls: Born Survivor

10:55pm ................................CSI: NY

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

11:45pm ......Cricket World Cup

9:00pm ......................................QI XL

4:40pm ............................Escape to the Country 5:40pm ............................My Family

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

3:40pm ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..................Loose Women

7:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

8:00pm ........ No Ordinary Family

7:00pm ....................The Brits Red Carpet 2011

9:00pm ..........................Sanctuary 10:00pm ....................Torchwood 11:00pm ....No Ordinary Family

8:00pm ..........The Biggest Loser 9:00pm ......The Vampire Diaries 10:00pm ..................Secret Diary of a Call Girl

Page 31

Television Guide

W E D N E S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ................Harry and Toto

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ....Wanted Down Under

6:10am ..........Everything’s Rosie

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:20am ...................... Dirtgirlworld

9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ..................................Jakers!

10:30am .................. This Morning 12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:00am ............ Save My Holiday

7:00am .................. Barney’s Latin America

11:45am .... BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

11:45am ............Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am ................Lockie Leonard

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:15am ......Dennis and Gnasher

2:00pm ....................May the Best House Win

8:30am ............................LazyTown

3:00pm...... Dickinson’s Real Deal

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ....Octonauts: Creature Reports

2:45pm ....................Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers

8:55am ....................Numberjacks

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:15am ..................................Dip Dap

3:05pm ............................Deadly 60

9:25am.................... Big Barn Farm

3:35pm ................................The Owl

9:40am ..........................Big & Small

3:35pm ....Bear Behaving Badly

9:55am ................ Guess with Jess

4:00pm ............................Copycats

10:05am ..................Postman Pat

4:30pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom

10:20am ..................................Pingu

4:30pm ................................M.I. High

10:25am ....................64 Zoo Lane

5:00pm ........................Newsround

10:40am ..........................Waybuloo

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

11:00am .... In the Night Garden

9:15am ........ The Koala Brothers

11:30am ....................Daily Politics 6:00pm ............................BBC News

1:00pm ..............................See Hear

6:30pm ..............................Weather

1:30pm ..........Hairy Bikers Short

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

7:00pm ..................The One Show

2:30pm ........ Living Dangerously

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

3:00pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

7:30pm ..................Rip Off Britain

3:45pm ..................................Flog It!

8:00pm ................Waterloo Road

4:30pm ..........................Perfection

9:00pm ........................MasterChef

5:15pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ..................The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 10:45pm ..........National Lottery Update 10:45pm.............. Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 11:30pm ................Weatherview 11:30pm ........................The Royal Tenenbaums 1:15am ................Country Tracks 2:10am Natural World Special: Miracle in the Marshes of Iraq

Page 32

3:59pm ............London Weather 4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ..........................The Chase 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ..............London Tonight 6:30pm ....................ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm ............UEFA Champions League Live

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

6:30pm ....................One Man and His Campervan

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

7:00pm ..............................Top Gear 8:00pm ......................Madagascar

10:35pm ........UEFA Champions League: Extra Time

9:00pm ......................A History of Ancient Britain

11:35pm ............Police, Camera, Action!

10:00pm ........................Have I Got Old News for You

12:30am ......ITV News Headlines

10:30pm ..........................Weather

12:30am ..........................The Zone

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

2:30am ............................The River

11:20pm ..........................Mad Men

4:30am .............. ITV Nightscreen

12:10am ....................The Chinese Are Coming

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Television Guide

Wednesday 16th February 6:10am ................................Sali Mali

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:15am .......................... The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:40am ..........................The Hoobs

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:10am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:35am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 8:00am ..................................Frasier 8:30am ............According to Jim 9:00am ..Undercover Boss USA

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ........Don’t Tell the Bride

7:00am ................Vet Adventures

9:00am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00pm ......................The World’s Strictest Parents

9:00am ..............UK Border Force

8:00am ....................................Maury

9:00pm ............How Drugs Work

10:00am ..........................Lie to Me

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

10:00pm ................Air Force One

11:00am ........Real Filth Fighters

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

11:55pm ........................Family Guy

10:00am........ Four Weddings US

12:40am ..................Being Human

11:00am ................................Maury

1:40am ..................American Dad!

11:55am .................... Celebs 24/7

2:00am ..................American Dad!

10:00am ............Football Special

6:35am ......................Elmo’s World

11:00am ........................Hyundai A League Football

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

11:30am ....................Football Asia

6:55am ..................Little Princess

12:00pm ........Revista De La Liga

12:00pm ............ Project Runway 1:00pm ..............UK Border Force 2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

9:55am Desperate Housewives

7:05am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

1:00pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

10:55am ............................Country House Rescue

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

5:00pm.................... The Simpsons

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

2:00pm ..........................Hyundai A League Football

7:40am ................................Mio Mao

2:30pm ................Football Special

7:45am ............Noddy in Toyland

6:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

12:05pm ..............................Sabrina 2:10pm ................Cookery School

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

3:30pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

12:00pm ............Channel 4 News Summary

3:10pm ........................Countdown 3:55pm ..............Deal or No Deal: Love Week

4:00pm ..............................Lie to Me 5:30pm ............................Futurama

6:30pm.................... The Simpsons 7:30pm ..................The Simpsons

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

8:00pm ....Dream Lives for Sale

7:00pm ............Ghost Whisperer 8:00pm ..........Four Weddings US

9:00pm ................Louie Spence’s Showbusiness

5:30pm ..........................Coach Trip

8:30am ............................Roary the Racing Car

7:00pm ..........................Sky Sports News at Seven 7:30pm ....................Live Scottish Cup Football

10:00pm ........................Mad Dogs

7:55pm 8:00pm ..............Beauty and the Beast: Ugly Face of Prejudice 9:00pm ..................The Elephant: Life after Death

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

5:30pm ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

8:25am ............................Peppa Pig

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

8:10am ......................Funky Valley 8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

6:30pm ............................ Hollyoaks

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

4:30pm ..........Revista De La Liga 6:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All

8:40am.................. Hana’s Helpline 8:55am ....................The WotWots

10:00pm You’re on Sky Sports!

11:00pm ................................Inside: Surviving Prison

12:15am ........................Family Guy

9:00pm ....................................Bones

3:50am ........................The World’s Strictest Parents

10:00pm ............Grey’s Anatomy

4:50am ......................The Lock Up

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

5:20am ......................................Close

6:10am ........................Animal Park

6:00am ........................Emmerdale 6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

9:05am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:00am ......The Vanessa Show

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

11:45am ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

12:40pm ........................Five News

7:05am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

7:00am ....................WWE Vintage Collection

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ........................Masterchef New Zealand

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ..............................Casualty

7:10am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

10:35pm ..............................Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

12:45pm ............Build a New Life in the Country

8:00am ..................................Cycling

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ..................................The Bill

8:05am ........................Judge Judy

9:00am ..........Cricket World Cup

10:00am ............................Top Gear

10:00am ................................The Bill

11:40pm ........................Shameless

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

10:00am ........ Cricket World Cup

11:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

11:00am ............................Casualty

9:25am ..................................All Star Family Fortunes

12:00pm ........................Escape to the Country

10:10am ....................The Planet’s Funniest Animals

1:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

10:35am ......................Judge Judy

2:00pm ............................My Family

12:30pm ........................Nanny 911

3:20pm ................Seaside Rescue 4:40pm ........................Outtake TV

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:00pm ........No Ordinary Family

3:40pm ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

2:15pm ..............Home and Away

11:00am ..........British Basketball

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

12:45am ..................Sounds from the Cities

2:50pm ..........The Family Recipe

1:00pm ....................Motor Racing

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

2:55pm ....Animal Rescue Squad 3:10pm ..................Jane Doe: Ties that Bind

1:30pm ..............Premier League Bowls

2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

1:10am ............The Album Chart Show Spotlight 1:25am ..........Animal Madhouse

5:00pm ..................Five News at 5

4:30pm ....................Motor Racing

2:20am ............Food: What Goes in Your Basket?

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

5:00pm ................Ten Pin Bowling

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

6:00pm ..........Cricket World Cup

3:15am ................Hill Street Blues

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

4:05am ..........Brothers & Sisters

7:00pm ..................Five News at 7

7:00pm ..........................Live UEFA Champions League

4:50am Wogan’s Perfect Recall

7:30pm ..........Five News Update

10:15pm ....................Boots ‘n’ All

5:15am ........................Countdown

7:30pm ....................Starlight: For the Children 8:00pm ............Cowboy Builders

2:30pm ............British Basketball

11:15pm ......Cricket World Cup 12:15am ........Cricket World Cup 1:15am ......................Cage Fighter

9:00pm........................................ NCIS

1:45am ........Watersports World

10:00pm ..................Law & Order: Criminal Intent

2:45am ........................Boots ‘n’ All

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

3:45am ........................Total Rugby

2:30pm ..........The Gadget Show 3:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den 4:00pm ..............................Top Gear 6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den 7:00pm ............................................QI 7:40pm ......................Trawlermen 8:20pm ..........I’m Alan Partridge 9:00pm ..................Not Going Out

7:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand 8:00pm.................. Too Fat for 15

9:40pm ..................Not Going Out

9:00pm ............World’s Strictest Parents USA

10:20pm ............Mock the Week

10:00pm ....................Traffic Cops

11:00pm ..........................................QI

11:00pm ..............Too Fat for 15

11:40pm ................Not Going Out

12:00pm ......................Emmerdale

4:40pm ..................Loose Women 5:40pm ........................ Judge Judy 7:00pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp 7:30pm ......................New You’ve Been Framed! 8:00pm ..........................Gossip Girl 9:00pm ......................Vernon Kay: Under Pressure

Page 33

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T H U R S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ................Harry and Toto

6.00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ....Wanted Down Under

6:10am ..........Everything’s Rosie

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:20am ......................Dirtgirlworld

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ..................................Jakers!

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

7:00am .................. Barney’s Latin America

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ............Save My Holiday 11:45am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

11:45am ............Cash in the Attic

1:30pm.................... ITV News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am ................Lockie Leonard

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:15am ......Dennis and Gnasher

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ..........................Octonauts: Creature Reports

2:15pm Escape to the Country

8:30am ............................LazyTown

12:30pm ................Loose Women

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm ....................May the Best House Win 3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm ............London Weather

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

8:55am ....................Numberjacks

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

9:15am ..................................Dip Dap

5:00pm ..........................The Chase

3:05pm ............................Deadly 60

9:15am ........The Koala Brothers

6:00pm ..............................Weather

3:35pm ................................The Owl

9:25am.................... Big Barn Farm

3:35pm ....Bear Behaving Badly

9:40am ..........................Big & Small

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

4:00pm ............................Copycats

9:55am ................Guess with Jess

4:30pm ......Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments

10:05am.................... Postman Pat

6:30pm ....................ITV News and Weather

4:30pm ..........Serious Explorers: Livingstone 5:00pm ........................Newsround 5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

10:20am ..................................Pingu 10:25am ..................Chuggington: Badge Quest 10:25am ....................64 Zoo Lane 10:45am ..........................Waybuloo 11:05am ....In the Night Garden

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm Endgame Afghanistan: Tonight 8:00pm..........................Emmerdale 8:30pm ..........Coronation Street 9:00pm ........................ Marchlands

11:35am ......Ready Steady Cook 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ............................BBC News

The Culture Show 7.00pm, BBC2 Presented by Andrew Graham-Dixon, this week’s edition of The Culture Show comes from Tate Britain where Andrew takes a look at their new exhibition, Watercolour. Sometimes dismissed as dull, twee and frankly a bit amateur, watercolour has long lacked the prestige of oil – however, this exhibition is asking people to reconsider all of those conceptions. While historically, in an era before photography, explorers and soldiers, as well as grannies, have used it to document what they saw, today, many contemporary artists have reinterpreted the medium using watercolour for visionary or abstract purposes. Michael Smith, meanwhile, boards the new East London Line to see how the infamous badlands of the old East End are making way for a 21st-century utopia. Travelling northbound from Wapping to Dalston, the current frontline of the East End’s gentrification, Michael observes the convulsive changes this area has seen in recent years. From the future to the past, Alain de Botton travels back through the BBC

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to the late Fifties, when philosophers where hailed as stars, and sees some classic footage of Bertrand Russell and Isaiah Berlin giving their views on the meaning of life. Clemency Burton-Hill has a look behind the scenes at The Royal Opera House’s new production about Anna Nicole Smith, the sex symbol from Texas who became a Playboy model and married an octogenarian oil billionaire, before dying of a drug overdose at the age of 39. Clemency talks to composer MarkAnthony Turnage, librettist Richard Thomas (Jerry Springer – The Opera) and soprano Eva-Maria Westbroek about how they staged an opera about this modern-day tragedy. Web guru Tom Uglow seeks out inspirational projects on the web and this week turns to filmmaking, taking a look at the world’s largest user-generated film and the reinterpretation of a 1929 Russian classic, while Mark Kermode looks at the essential elements of sci-fi spoofs and talks to Simon Pegg and Nick Frost about their latest addition to the genre, Paul. Frank Gehry, at the age of

68, became an architectural superstar, seemingly overnight, with the opening of the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, in 1997, an epic curve of titanium steel that changed the architectural landscape for ever. His name has since become synonymous with extravagance, both creative and financial and often not a little controversial. Tom Dyckhoff meets Gehry at his latest project, the New World Centre, Campus of the New World Symphony in Miami, and finds out what a world in recession can learn from Gehry’s principles of “cheapskate architecture.” Also tonight, critic Nancy Durrant examines the idea of feminism in art through the work of Mary Kelly, who first exhibited her seminal work, Post-Partum Document, in 1976, at the ICA. Nearly 35 years on, this “f” word has all but disappeared from the conceptual art landscape, but Mary Kelly has not and, at her most comprehensive show to date, at the Whitworth Gallery in Manchester, she explains why such things still matter.

12:00pm ....................Daily Politics

6:30pm ..............................Weather

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

1:00pm ..........................Due South

7:00pm ..................The One Show

1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

2:30pm ........Living Dangerously

7:30pm ........................EastEnders

3:00pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

8:00pm ..................Human Planet

3:40pm ..................................Flog It!

9:00pm ........................MasterChef

4:30pm ..........................Perfection 5:15pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ....................One Man and His Campervan 7:00pm ..........The Culture Show

10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

8:00pm ............The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best

10:00pm .................... ITV News at Ten and Weather

9:00pm .................. The Spice Trail

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

10:35pm ..............Question Time

10:00pm ....Victorian Pharmacy

11:35pm ....Skiing Weatherview

10:30pm ..........................Weather

11:35pm ........................This Week

10:30pm........................ Newsnight

10:35pm ......................Odd One In 11:20pm ..........Send in the Dogs

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Television Guide

Thursday 17th February 6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ............ Freshly Squeezed 7:25am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am ............According to Jim 8:55am ..Undercover Boss USA

7:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

9:00am ..............UK Border Force

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00pm ........................The Big Fat Truth About Low Fat Foods

8:00am ..................Live European Tour Golf

10:00am ..........................Lie to Me

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

11:00am ........Real Filth Fighters

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

12:00pm..........Cricket World Cup 1:00pm ........Football’s Greatest

6:55am ..................Little Princess

1:30pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

10:55am ..............Help! My House Is Falling Down

12:10pm ......................Funny Face

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00am ................Vet Adventures

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

9:55am ................The Good Wife

12:05pm ....River Cottage Bites

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:35am ......................Elmo’s World

7:05am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

11:30am ........Real Filth Fighters 12:00pm ............Project Runway 1:00pm ..............UK Border Force

2:30pm ..........Cricket World Cup

2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

3:30pm ..........Cricket World Cup

3:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

4:30pm ..........Cricket World Cup

4:00pm ..............................Lie to Me

7:40am ............Noddy in Toyland

5:30pm ............UEFA Champions league Highlights

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

7:55am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

5:30pm ............................ Futurama

6:30pm Premier League World

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

8:25am ....Roary the Racing Car

7:00pm ......................Live Premier League Darts

8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline

10:30pm ............................Ringside

8:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-O

5:00pm........ Come Dine with Me

8:55am ....................The WotWots

11:30pm ............The Rugby Club

9:00pm ............................Mad Dogs

5:30pm .......................... Coach Trip

9:05am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

3:10pm ........................Countdown 3:55pm ..............Deal or No Deal: Love Week

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

11:00am ................................Maury 11:55am ....................Celebs 24/7 12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

10:00pm ......................EastEnders 10:30pm ............Lunch Monkeys 11:00pm ......................Family Guy 11:20pm ......................Family Guy 11:45pm ....................The Big Fat Truth About Low Fat Foods

4:00pm.............................. Charmed 5:00pm ..............................Charmed

6:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

8:10am ............................Peppa Pig

2:10pm ................Cookery School

10:00am........ Four Weddings US

9:00pm ......................The World’s Most Dangerous Place for Women

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

10:00pm ................................ House

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model 7:00pm ............Ghost Whisperer 8:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 9:00pm ..........Indecent Proposal 11:15pm ..............................Bedlam

11:00pm ........NCIS: Los Angeles

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:00am ......The Vanessa Show 11:45am ..........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 6:10am ........................Animal Park

6:00am ........................Emmerdale 6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ........................Masterchef New Zealand

8:00am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ..............................Casualty

7:10am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ..................................The Bill

8:05am ........................Judge Judy

9:00am ..........Cricket World Cup

10:00am ............................ Top Gear

11:00am ............................Casualty

10:00am ........ Cricket World Cup

11:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

9:25am ..................................All Star Family Fortunes

11:00am ..........UEFA Champions League Highlights

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

12:00pm ........................Escape to the Country

2:50pm ..........The Family Recipe

12:00pm ......Football’s Greatest

2:00pm ......................Traffic Cops

2:55pm ....Animal Rescue Squad

12:30pm ..................................Bowls

2:40pm ......................Traffic Cops

3:10pm ............Mystery Woman: Wild West Mystery

2:30pm ..........................Live Dubai International Racing Carnival

3:20pm ............................................QI

6:30pm ....ATP Tour Uncovered

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

7:00pm ..........Cricket World Cup

7:00pm ............................................QI


8:00pm ..............The Rugby Club

7:40pm ......................Traffic Cops

8:00pm ........................Relocation, Relocation

9:00pm ..............................Ringside

9:00pm ..............Russell Howard’s Good News

12:40pm ........................Five News

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

12:45pm ............Build a New Life in the Country

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

7:10am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

7:00am ............WWE: Experience

1:45pm ........................Neighbours 2:15pm ..............Home and Away

5:00pm ..............................Weather 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

5:00pm ..................Five News at 5

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

5:30pm ........................Neighbours 6:00pm ..............Home and Away 6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

9:00pm ....................Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

7:00pm ..................Five News at 7

10:00pm ..............10 O’Clock Live

7:30pm ..........Live UEFA Europa League Football

11:05pm ................Russell Brand: Doing Life

10:10pm ..............Today You Die

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

10:00pm ........ Time of Our Lives 11:00pm ......................WWE: Late Night - Raw

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

1:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

10:10am ....................The Planet’s Funniest Animals 10:35am ......................Judge Judy

2:00pm ............................My Family

12:00pm ......................Emmerdale

3:20pm ................Seaside Rescue

12:30pm ........................ Nanny 911

4:00pm ......................Traffic Cops

1:30pm ...................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

4:40pm ............................Escape to the Country 5:40pm ............................My Family

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..................Loose Women

7:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand 8:00pm ..............................Primeval

10:00pm Mock the Week Again

9:00pm ..............Jonathan Creek

10:40pm ............The Armstrong & Miller Show

10:00pm ....................Traffic Cops

11:20pm ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

11:45pm ............Jonathan Creek

11:05pm.................... Traffic Cops

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy 6:35pm ......................Taylor Swift: The Hot Desk 6:50pm ........................Ant & Dec’s Push the Button 8:00pm ....................American Idol 10:00pm ..............Celebrity Juice 10:45pm ............Bridget Jones: 2

Page 35


Page 36

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011


Stock Clearance Sale Now On! UP TO 50% OFF!

Many Items up to 50% off original price, Homestyle Direct is more than worth a visit.

HOME STYLE DIRECT continues to provide fantastic value, choice and style with their huge clearance sale. Every sale item is reduced by upto 50% off the original price. So if the current euro

rate is eating into your budget, a visit to Home Style’s ample well-stocked showroom is a must. They are now clearing stock at greatly reduced prices to make way for the brand new 2011 Ranges, which includes many new items at lower prices without compromising on

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

quality. With over 20 years in the business they can offer customers superb quality in home furnishing in different sizes and colours to suit your home and all at incredible prices. They also have many styles of furniture to choose from, not only from stock, but also in a variety of catalogues. Their extensive range includes leather suites, dining room and bedroom furniture and also a range of bedding in English sizes (feet and inches). Home Style have possibly the biggest choice in UK manufactured divan beds and mattresses and sofa beds in the South. Not only are they available in different

sizes, you can also choose the quality (soft, orthopaedic or back-care) plus storage options at low, low prices. And now with the new bed and sofa bed centre opened they will be able to offer over 50 different styles of beds and sofa beds all under one roof!Since opening in Tenerife more than 6 years ago, Home Style Direct has doubled in size. They they are now not only a well established store here in Tenerife, but also have a 20 year highly successful track record behind them in the UK where they carry most items in stock thus reducing delivery times to a minimum. With a one bedroom furniture pack now starting at 2,995 euros there has never been a better time to refurbish your apartment or turn your new

house into your dream home. The pack includes two sofas, dining set, beds, coffee table and lamp table set, TV unit, kitchenware, mirrors, pictures lamps, bedding and curtains, plus much more. This special offer includes free local delivery and assembly. You also have the option of changing anything within the pack to meet your individual requirements and tastes. The in-store stock is constantly being updated so whether you need just one piece of furniture or to furnish a full house Home Style have the facilities to meet your needs. So if your new year resolution is to freshen up your home be sure to visit Homestyle’s vast showrooms in Las Chafiras.

A 2 BEDROOM FURNITURE PACK INCLUDES:3+2 cloth sofa Coffee table 2 X lamp tables TV unit Dining set with 4 chairs 4 X lamps 1 X set of 90” X 90” curtains 1 X 4’6 bed frame + mattress 2 X 3ft bed frame + mattresses 1 X chest of drawers 3 X bedsides 1 X 4’6 bedding pack incl. curtains 1 X 4’6 duvet 2 X 3ft bedding packs incl. curtains 2 X 3ft duvets 4 X pillows 3 X pictures 1 X mirror 1 X complete kitchen accessory pack.


Page 37


Higher house sales may be misleading AT LAST! The number of Spanish house sales increased by 6.8% in 2010 after four years in the doldrums. But the figures released by the National Statistics Institute aren’t as rosy as they appear to be because there was a VAT/IVA increase last July, which stimulated sales beforehand. Also, tax breaks on the purchase of property finished at the end of 2010, which might have stimulated the market beforehand.

The number of new property sales was up 1.8%, while resales soared to 12.4%. The year ended with 441,368 properties being sold. Cantabria headed the regions with 1.175 sales per 100,000 residents, followed by La Rioja, Murcia, Valencia, Andalucía, Castilla-La Mancha, Aragón, Castilla y León, Extremadura and Madrid, which all posted above-average figures. Sales were poorest in Ceuta and Melilla, with Cataluña, Galicia and the Canaries the three other bottom-placed regions.

DIY ‘focuses on smaller projects’

ACCORDING to Wickes, fewer people may be undertaking largescale home improvement jobs due to constraints on their personal finances, it has been claimed. Malcolm Pinkerton, senior analyst at Verdict Research, said that money worries are putting people off making major purchases. However, “they are willing to do up the home a little bit to make it more inhabitable and to maybe improve the value when they come to sell it”, he told the Totally DIY

Page 38

event at Birmingham’s NEC. He suggested that expensive renovations are not priorities for many people at the moment and enthusiasm from consumers for DIY may be beginning to wane as fewer individuals show an interest in fixing up a property. This week, it was revealed by the British Retail Consortium that sales of items for larger projects, which may include kitchen improvements, were higher at the start of January, driven by clearances and other promotions, but have since slowed down as consumer caution grows.

‘DIY SOS’ - Better Bathrooms on TV

ONLINE retailer Better is to be featured in an upcoming episode of the BBC1 tv show, DIY SOS. Better, the online bathrooms and tiles retailer has announced it is to be featured in and upcoming episode of the hit BBC 1 tv show, DIY SOS. The show which is presented by Nick Knowles, aims to transform homes around Britain which are in need of a makeover or in a state of disrepair. With a team of DIY experts, friends, family and

local tradesmen, each week a new property is given the DIY SOS treatment and brought back to life. The materials, fixtures and fittings obtained for the renovations are all donated by local businesses, with no cost to the family whose property is being made over. Researches for DIY SOS contacted Better Bathrooms during filming of the most recent series, (yet to be aired), to see if the company would be interested in taking part in programme by providing a selection of bathroom suites and other fixtures for a project based in South Wales.

Included in the donation was a full traditional bathroom suite for the main bathroom, including a luxury slipper bath, a back to wall toilet and semi pedestal basin, taps and a traditional radiator. Also supplied was a full suite for a downstairs cloakroom which featured a wall hung basin, compact toilet and a designer towel rail. In total, the online retailer supplied goods with a retail value of well over £1500. Speaking about their involvement in the program, a spokesman for Better Bathrooms said “We were delighted to be approached by the BBC and be asked to

provide a selection of our products for the DIY SOS tv show. We are always looking for opportunities to help out those in need and when we heard about the project the team would be working on, we wanted to be involved immediately. We are now looking forward to seeing the show and seeing the reaction of the recipient when their new designer bathroom suites are unveiled. All the products supplied by Better Bathrooms are available on their website, The show is due to air later this year.

B&Q to boost DIY skills among young B&Q is launching a three-year partnership with charity UK Youth to give young people the opportunity and confidence to take on their own DIY and home improvement projects.

The partnership will see B&Q employees working alongside young people at a local level and passing on a wide range of practical skills. Each of the retailer’s 321 stores and the company’s head office will be twinned with a local youth group and embark on a range of community projects. The partnership builds on

the work B&Q has already been doing to help up-skill young people in the UK, including Kids Classes and Job Done!, a free DIY and home improvement programme for schools. B&Q ceo Euan Sutherland said: “There is a huge skills gap in this country with the younger generation lacking the skills their grandparents

have when it comes to basic DIY skills. We recognise this and the work we are now doing in communities across the UK is focused on young people, with whom we can share our expertise to make a positive difference. We look forward to working with UK Youth to build on the work we’ve been doing.”

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:


signs an Alan Container carrots Titchmarsh deal

HOME GROWN carrots are delicious, and one of your five a day. Last year my carrot crop failed miserably, through lack of watering, I think. So I’m going to try something different this time.

Carrots don’t like shallow, stony, wet or heavy soils, so straight away I’ve ticked three out of four boxes - I can only presume they just didn’t like the soil. So now, I’m hoping to grow the short-rooted/stumprooted variety, which look dumpy and are roasted whole in posh restaurants. I’ve not sourced the seed yet, but I’m sure it will not be a problem.

The beauty is that I’m going to grow them in a pot, so that even if you have no space, you can still grow your own carrots. Once you’ve chosen your pot, make sure it has drainage holes, then cover with 5cm of gravel and fill with compost. Ideally, your container should be at least 20cm deep. Make some drill holes in the compost, just over 1cm deep and 1.5cm apart, sprinkle in a few seeds and cover with compost. And once you have little green carrot tops, thin them so that there is about 3cms between them. The secret is to keep the soil moist and watch for weeds, and your succulent, home-grown carrots should be ready in approximately 12 weeks - good luck.

Budget branches NO NEED to purchase books and magazines because gardening advice is now available in your lounge. Okay, it has a UK bias with the recent change in programming.

But if you’re lucky enough to have Sky, the horticultural channel is full of hints and tips now on Sky Channel 166, and it’s ideal for armchair gardeners.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

ITV ANNOUNCED today that it has agreed a major new broadcasting and licensing deal with Alan Titchmarsh and producer Spun Gold Television. Alan Titchmarsh will not only present a range of daytime and factual programming for ITV1, but will also work with the broadcaster to promote and develop the highly successful Alan Titchmarsh brands across a range of consumer products. Under a new two-year agreement with Titchmarsh, Spun Gold television and his agent Arlington Enterprises, ITV1 will broadcast four new series of The Alan Titchmarsh Show across 2011 and 2012, as well as a number of peak-time projects that will build on the success of shows such as All The Queen’s Horses and Alan’s Walks of Fame. As part of the deal, The Alan Titchmarsh Show will be filmed, for the first time, at ITV’s The London Studios. In addition, the deal will see the Nation’s favourite gardener bring his unique horticultural skills to ITV1 for the first time in a new peak time gardening and lifestyle series. Alongside the programming deal, and as part of ITV’s strategic plan to maximise value from its programme brands, ITV

SPRING ONIONS, radish, lettuce and rocket are all suitable salad types that can be planted successively - that means planted every few weeks so that you can have a continuous crop of your favourites. Temperature is key and the soil needs to be a con-

Broadcasting and ITV Studios Global Entertainment have jointly negotiated a five-year agreement with Spun Gold Television, to promote and develop Alan Titchmarsh’s brand and programme intellectual property across a range of consumer products. Alan’s relationship with ITV began in 2007 with the launch of The Alan Titchmarsh Show, which has rated strongly over its seven series. Over the last four years, Alan has also presented a variety of peaktime programming for ITV that has seen him interview

some of the UK’s most famous people from HRH the Duke of Edinburgh to fashion icon Twiggy. Alan Titchmarsh said: “This is a great opportunity for anyone involved in broadcasting and one that I relish taking on. My greatest commitment has always been to the people at home who want reliable information put over in an easily accessible manner. That couples with an opportunity to offer a trustworthy brand is a challenge I am determined to fulfil.” Alison Sharman, ITV Director of Factual and Daytime, said: “Whether as a

Salad Days stant seven degrees. I recently sowed some lettuce, the “cut and come again” variety. But during the rain they succumbed. Sadly, it was just too wet and cold for them right now. These basic salad crops are known as “catch” crops because they’re sown in

spare space between the main vegetables. Sow at regular intervals to ensure continual harvest. Prepare your soil well and rake it over so that it’s quite fine. Make a line with two pegs and a piece of string, and use this to mark out a small trough. Drill about 1cm deep and 25cm apart

broadcaster, writer, or horticulturalist, Alan Titchmarsh is a hugely popular and talented figure in so many fields. His daytime show and documentary work has had huge appeal with the ITV audience and I’m delighted that we have agreed such an exciting new deal which further develops our relationship with Alan over the coming years.” Maria Kyriacou, Managing Director, ITV Studios Global Entertainment said: “Alan Titchmarsh resonates with a huge consumer base both as a gardening expert and one of the most-loved faces on British television. His brand and reputation provides a wealth of opportunities, across a range of consumer products and we’re very excited to be working with him.” Nick Bullen, Director of Programmes, Spun Gold Television said: “Alan is undoubtedly one of the most trusted men in Britain and in his thirty years of broadcasting he has become not only the Nation’s favourite gardener, but one of its most popular television presenters. This unique deal with ITV is hugely exciting as it allows us the opportunity to build on Alan’s already successful TV brand and take it straight to the consumer. ITV programming is one of the UK’s best shop windows and we look forward to the Alan brand being front and centre in that window for many years to come.”

from the next. Sprinkle in the seeds, mark up (label) and wait, again. A variety of containers can be used as long have they have drainage holes, because you don’t want them becoming waterlogged. If you have any success stories of plants you’ve grown, then please send me a picture and a few words of explanation about your growing technique to go with it

Page 39

Health & Beauty

CARL PATTISON from Robot, answers your hair questions

DEAR CHRISTINE Your resident Agony Aunt Email:


Valentine’s treat just for yourself DON’T have a Valentine? Love your hair instead! Looking after the condition of your hair is as simple as 1, 2, 3. It’s all down to shampoocondition treatment and there’s no rocket science involved. First of all, your shampoo needs to adapt to the type of texture of your hair. Most people have dry hair here in Tenerife because of the sun, wind and also colour, so it goes without saying that your shampoo should replenish your hair. That means it will restore the lost ingredients needed to keep it soft, supple and shiny. Don’t be fooled by so called “miracle” shampoos. If it says it’s going to do more than cleanse your hair and add moisture, forget it! Those shampoos which promise extreme shine, volume, repair split-ends, make colour last longer, etc, all use one specific ingredient: Panthenol. This ingredient coats hair and scalp in a layer, which acts like a coat of plastic over the hair, causing an artificial barrier against you adding any other sort of moisture to it. Even if you stop using this type of shampoo, it can take ages to remove Panthenol from your hair. Many clients also complain that these types of sham-

poos causing itching of the scalp, which is also a condition caused by the Panthenol. Your shampoo should say, “hydrating, moisturising, repairing”, if you have damaged hair. And the more you replenish your hair’s moisture levels, the stronger it will be. Also, frizziness will be minimised, leaving the hair smoother and more controlled. The same goes with your conditioner, which should match your shampoo. So if your shampoo is repairing, then so should be your conditioner. This works by the products complementing each other. Always apply conditioner after every wash, passing through a wide tooth comb from end to roots, but never tugging or pulling. Try to leave it in your hair for a few minutes and rinse well with cool water, patting hair dry afterwards (never rubbing). If you are giving your hair a weekly treatment, try to buy

the best you can afford, because a treatment costing a few euros from the supermarket is not going to do anything. Most treatments contain the amino acids (lost through damage) to repair hair from the inside and not just “cover up” the damage. These should be applied after the shampoo stage. Squeeze hair to remove excess water and apply a generous amount, smoothing through your hair and gently combing. Leave on the hair for a good 10-15 minutes, or even overnight if desired (but next day, rinse really well). If your hair is really bad, apply the treatment and cover with a plastic bag or hot towels, but don’t apply dry heat (hairdryer) because this won’t assist the process. Finally, there are a host of “after-treatments”, from spray in conditioners (good for greasy hair), leave-in conditioners to calm frizzy hair, or serums to smooth and repair. I’m currently using a product called “Moroccan oil”, and it’s the best solution I’ve found for dry, frizzy, broken hair. It softens and protects from the hair irons and never leaves the hair feeling greasy, even though it’s an oil. A few drops are all you need and the results are instant, totally natural and used by all the top models to give them fabulously glossy hair, from root to tip.

Dear Christine, My wife, Julie, and I moved to Tenerife last summer. Julie is an invalid and has a far better quality of life here, which is a great relief to me. The problem is that my two sisters think badly of me for leaving our 90 yearold father behind in the UK. They’ve lived in London all their married lives, whereas I settled an hour’s drive from dad in the north. He lives on his own and gets all sorts of help from the social services and so on. He was upset that I was moving abroad, but understands my reasons because he knew how bad Julie was in cold weather. We have long chats on the phone and I plan to visit him twice a year. But my sisters are calling me thoughtless, selfish and cruel. This is all making me feel terrible and I haven’t been sleeping. I’m even wondering whether we should go back to the UKhome for as long as dad needs us close, but – I think Julie would hate this idea, though. I would welcome your advice. Stuart

Dear Stuart, Believe me, Stuart, it’s your sisters who are selfish – - hugely selfish! You’ve done exactly the right thing for the person who should be number oneNo1 in your life – - your wife. Moreover, you’ve done the right thing for yourself as you are now not so worried about her. It seems to me that you

were always the one who was on hand to make sure your dad was okay, but now your sisters have no choice but to take responsibility themselves. They’ve had it easy for years and are alarmed at the thought of their father’s needs upsetting their cosy little lives, so they’re placing the blame for that firmly on you. Don’t let this get to you, though! Imagine how upset Julie would be if you told her you wanted to go back to the UK. She would think, quite rightly, that you were putting her needs to the back of the list, and that could cause a lot of trouble between you. On a day- to- day basis, your dad is being looked after very well. When he needs extra help, let your sisters make the effort to see him. And if you need to get back to the UKhome quickly, you are only a fourhour flight away. Be strong, ignore your selfish siblings and keep on doing the right thing. Christine Dear Christine My mum was being beaten up by her boyfriend, so I persuaded her to leave him and come to Tenerife to live with me. She’s still traumatised, though, by what happened to her. I can’t get her to go out much, or even speak to people, and I hate to say it but this is now putting a dampener on my life. I really want to help her, but

have no idea what to do. Please can you advise? Kirsten

Dear Kirsten, Well done for convincing your mother to end an abusive relationship, and for giving her a home with you! That was the hard part. So what do you do now? First of all, I strongly recommend that she contact the ‘Victims of Domestic Violence’ helpline here in Tenerife (, freephone 0500 700 700). If she refuses to do this, you can contact them yourself for ideas on how best to help – and, in time, maybe she’ll agree to speak to them. You could also try taking her on short daily walks, perhaps stopping for a refreshing drink at a quiet little bar. Gradually, make the walks a little longer, the bars a little busier, even “‘accidentally”’ bumping into a friend or two there when you think she’s ready. It’s also important that you enjoy your own life, Kirsten. I imagine your mother stays in by herself all day while you’re at work, so it wouldn’t harm if she stayed in for a couple of hours in the evening 2-3 times a week while you see your friends. It would be best to break her into that gradually, going out once a week at first and slowly increasing it. You are obviously a very caring daughter and I wish you all the best. Christine

Christine Craggs-Hinton is the author of 18 self-help books, including ‘How to Lower your Blood Pressure’, ‘Living with Fibromyalgia’, and ‘Coping with Psoriasis’. Her books are available from all good UK bookshops as well as ‘The Paper Shop’, Apolo Centre and ‘Bookswop’, Edificio Cristianos 1, both of which are in Los Cristianos.

Page 40

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Breast cancer is blamed on booze and poor diet! THE lifestyle of women is being blamed for a huge increase in cases of breast cancer in the UK.

Excessive drinking, a poor diet and a tendency for women to have children later in life have all been blamed as causes for the rise. Worryingly, the lifetime risk of getting breast cancer has

Chance for the keep-fit oldies to recover all their memories AEROBIC exercise, usually seen as the domain of the young, is capable of expanding the brain and restoring the powers of memory lost with age. One year of moderate exercise was found to increase the size of the hippocampus - a part of the brain vital to memory and learning - in a group of older adults tested by scientists in America. Participants showed an improvement in spatial memory function. This is the kind of memory that helps us remember how to get to a certain place, or where we have left the house keys. Loss of spatial memory often becomes a problem in old age. The US scientists recruited 120 dementia-free sedentary people aged 55 to 80. Half were asked to start an aerobic exercise regime that involved walking around a track for 40 minutes a day, three days a week. The rest were taught stretching and toning techniques, but had no aerobic exercise. At the end of a year, the aerobic exercise group showed an increase in the volume of the left and right hippocampus of 2.12% and 1.97% respectively. In those

who did stretching exercises, the same regions of the brain had decreased in volume by 1.40% and 1.43%. Spatial memory tests showed an improvement associated with the increase in hippocampus size. Levels of a protein that plays a role in learning and memory, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), were also raised in participants who did aerobics. The findings are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Research leader Professor Kirk Erickson, from the University of Pittsburgh, said: “We think of the atrophy of the hippocampus in later life as almost inevitable. “But we’ve shown that even moderate exercise for one year can increase the size of that structure. The brain at that stage remains modifiable.” Co-author Art Kramer, director of the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois, said: “The results of our study suggest that even modest amounts of exercise by sedentary, older adults can lead to substantial improvements in memory and brain health. “Such improvements have important implications for the health of our citizens and the expanding population of older adults worldwide.”

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

now risen from one woman in nine to one in eight, according to new figures from Cancer Research UK, In fact, UK breast-cancer rates have gone up by 47,090 over the last decade - an increase of 3.5% women. The biggest rise was among women aged 50-69, where cases increased by more than 6% in the same 10-year period. The figures show that there are now 124 cases per 1,000 women, which is twice as many as any other type of cancer. Drinking increases the risk of breast cancer by 7% for each single unit of alcohol per day. Rising levels of obesity and the use of hormone replacement therapy, are also being blamed for the rise. But although breast cancer kills around 12,000 women in Britain every year, more women than ever are surviving the disease. Two out of every three women with breast cancer now survive the disease beyond 20 years, with threequarters of women living

more than 10 years past first diagnosis. The earlier the cancer is diagnosed, the better the long-term outlook. Dr Rachel Greig, of Breakthrough Breast Cancer, said the figures were a wakeup call and should not be ignored. “Some risk factors, such as getting older, cannot be

changed, but the good news is that others can,” she said. “By drinking less, maintaining a healthy weight and getting physical activity, women can reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.” A second report, from the World Cancer Research Fund, suggests that 79,000 cases of all cancers in Britain could

be prevented if people did just two-and-a-half hours of exercise a week, and maintained a healthy diet and weight. The report advised women to take at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, and limit alcohol to one daily unit - the equivalent of a small glass of wine.

Page 41

Food News

Valentines Day: Get your lover in the mood! HERE’S a great way to get your lover in the mood for a night of passion. Give him a meal fit for Casanova, with a dish of oysters for starters. Then really go to town with these tasty offerings: TOMATO & MOZZARELLA STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST (a great combination of chicken, cheese, tomato & herbs) Serves: 2 Preparation time: 5 Minutes Cooking time: 25 Minutes You will need 2 large chicken breasts, slit to form a pocket ½ beefsteak tomato, thinly sliced ½ 150g pack mozzarella, thinly sliced ½ tsp dried thyme ½ tbs olive oil Method Preheat the oven to 200°C, fan 180 °C, gas 6. Stuff the chicken cavity with tomato and mozzarella, and then sprinkle over the thyme. Sprinkle the skin surface with pepper, drizzle with olive oil and cook for 20-25 minutes. HONEY CREAM HEARTS (make these the day before so they have time to set) Preparation time: 10 Minutes Cooking time: 5 Minutes You will need 2 tbs clear honey 4 tbs double cream 200g light cream cheese 2 tbs lemon juice ½ x 400g pack frozen raspberries 3 tbs icing sugar 2 tbs pomegranate seeds 1 fig, cut into wedges 2 x 150ml dishes or ramekins (or traditional coeur à la crème dishes), each lined with a damp square of muslin or similar Method Mix together the honey, cream, cream cheese and

Page 42

lemon juice in a bowl until smooth and combined. Pour into the muslin-lined dishes or ramekins. Cover loosely with clingfilm and chill overnight until set. Put the dishes or ramekins on a plate to catch any liquid that drains off (over the sides or through the holes in the bottom of the coeur à la crème dishes). Meanwhile, heat the raspberries in a small pan with the icing sugar, stirring until soft and juicy. Bubble for a minute then sieve to discard the seeds. Leave the sauce to cool.

To serve, turn the puddings out on to serving plates, carefully remove the muslin, and spoon the raspberry sauce around them. Scatter over the pomegranate seeds and serve with the fig wedges. CAVA COCKTAIL

To round off a scrumptious evening, before getting down to more serious matters, try mixing a dash of pear and elderflower cordial with Cava – and finish with some pear shavings for a delicious fruit cocktail.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011


Prize Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid.

WIN!!! Showtime tickets and an Oasis Fm t-shirt. Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to before Wednesday 16th February and you could win! Answer from Edition 689 (04/02/2011) was: 50 Winner: Anne Bucknell




2 1











Last Week’s Answers: Quiz: 1. In the Ear 2. In the Eye 3. In the Knee 4. In the Stomach 5. In the Pancreas 6. In the Brain 7. In the Wrist 8. In the Hands (or Feet) 9. In the Heart 10. In the Mouth

Brain Training: Beginer: 13 Intermediate: 9 Advanced: 86

You have until the 11th March to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.











4 6

4 1


4 3









2 8







8 1

5 7

9 6


1 6






9 1





5 Puzzle Rating: Very Easy

Aquarius (January 21st-February 19th) There is a new face on the block and he/she appears to be treading all over your territory. Rather than make a foe, try to make a friend instead. It is sure to have far more many longterm benefits, especially if the person is a Gemini or fellow Aquarian. Rifts in love can be healed if you act on the ideas you have on Sunday. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) The planets are handing you the gift of foresight which, matched with the very psychic nature you already have, should make for a very successful week. Don’t hand over money without any kind of a receipt because you may not be getting the deal you had first. But it’s worth trusting your instincts all the way at this time. ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) Freedom is a fair thing, and this is a lesson you must be prepared to learn. You are making more of a fuss than is necessary of the changes that a loved one has made. But be prepared for them to follow your lead and may soon place similar restrictions upon your freedom, so think before you speak. You do have allies in high places, however. TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) Don’t be bullied into doing things you know will take you in the opposite direction you planned. Love may mean compromises, but it shouldn’t mean giving up your identity. This is an ideal week to talk about the many issues you and a loved one have to solve, so make a date, get down to business and move on from the past. GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) There is mischief in your chart. If someone tells you not to

do something, it’s going to be like a red rag to a bull. Older Geminis can look forward to compatible new relationships. Confrontations in your career can take things either way and it’s essential you try to maintain control, especially when a face from the past pops back. CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) Last week’s line up is likely to have pushed you into saying some things that you now regret. You don’t have long left to say sorry, though, so pick up the phone sooner rather than later. New faces in the workplace later in the week should turn out to be very important milestones in your career. You also have a secret admirer who will soon be uncovered. LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) Look around and you will see that your close ones have carried out the promises they made you last month. Problem is, you seem to have changed your mind and you now want to take a step back instead of continuing forwards. But plain dealing is a jewel in business for you this week. VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) Family life seems to be causing you more than a few problems of late. In fact, there just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day for you. However, you can solve this problem by making that professional decision which, although you have decided in your heart, you have not yet spoken out loud about.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) You may have trouble getting to work on time this week as a rather scatty frame of mind makes it hard for you to find even the simplest and obvious of items. Your love life has more twists and turns this month than Spaghetti Junction, but you really seem to love every minute of it. And now is the time for you to get rid of that guilt about the past. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You don’t have to admit that you are keeping a secret because it is so obvious just from the look on your face. Actually, you have plenty to smile about because a project which last week you were ready to give up on finally show signs of success, thanks to the intervention of a new face with an accent. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) Do not think that a younger person is making changes with their life to annoy you. Life is a learning process and you may be able to see where they are going wrong. But they need to learn through their own experiences. Use this time to make your bond with them stronger, and they will not forget your words or actions C A P R I C O R N (December 22ndJanuary 20th) There is a lot you can learn from watching Taureans, who seem to know the short-cuts you have so desperately been seeking. Someone is trying to seduce you, but because of the events around you, it is going over your head. Take notice, as this could well be the one you have been waiting for. But travel in the near future can lead you to riches.





















































































































































































































































Quite hard



3 6

Horoscopes of the week

Sudoku X:






Puzzle Rating: Very hard

6 8



9 1


Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training General knowledge 1. In which month of 1929 did the St Valentines Day massacre take place?

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER

2. Who is the patron saint of lovers?

3. In a standard set of playing cards which is the only king without a moustache?

4. Thomas Hardy`s heart is buried in his native Dorset, but where in London is his body buried?


16 4

+11 8



x4 5











3/8 of this


5. Which country is sometimes referred to as the Dead Heart of Africa?

105 4

6. Which pop band had a hit single with `Open Your Heart` in 1981?

-22 8

7. Who sang `Anyone who had a heart` in 1964?

8. Which American state is known as the `Heart Of Dixie`?

9. Which chocolate bar was launched in 1978 by a long distance lorry driver called Martin Fisk?

10. Which group had a UK number one hit single in 1977 with `So You Win Again`?




2/3 of this





5/7 of this





Square root







240 55% -25 of this 4


+105 5/6 of this 8








x7 Page 43


Dirty hotels list Tenerife benefits, but are

travel agencies cashing in on bitter unrest in Egypt? AFTER REVEALING only a few days ago the results of the Travellers’ Choice Hotels Awards, which reward the best hotels in the world, TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel website, has exposed Europe’s ten dirtiest hotels, based on the feedback and ratings on hotel cleanliness of millions of TripAdvisor travellers. The list of shame is dominated by just three destinations, with London, Amsterdam and Turkey’s Aegean coast collectively responsible for Europe’s ten dirtiest hotels. The two Turkish hotels top the list, followed by four properties each in London and Amsterdam. “Despite the average overall rating for a property on TripAdvisor rising to four out of five, it is clear that a minority of hotels are still not delivering the minimum standard of experience travellers deserve, especially in relation to cleanliness” comments Emma O’Boyle, TripAdvisor spokesperson. Turkey’s Top For Dirt Turkey’s popular Aegean coast is home to Europe’s two dirtiest hotels. Club Aqua Gumbet – The overall loser in this year’s list of shame and described by one traveller as “not safe for humans” and by another as “hell on earth”, one reviewer also warns of the “rat family” living at the hotel. Altin Orfe Hotel – Taking runner-up spot, one TripAdvisor traveller describes this property as “a health hazard hotel” and another reviewer warns others to “enter at your own risk.” Look Out In London One of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, London is home to a plethora of world-class hotels, but four hotels in the capital city have made the list: Cromwell Crown - A serial ‘Dirty Hotels’ offender, the

Page 44

Cromwell Crown came third in this year’s European list with one recent traveller writing, “Absolutely the worst hotel I have ever stayed in”. Other travellers warn of rodent bate placed around public areas, fungus in the bathrooms, bad smells and stained mattresses. Corbigoe Hotel - Another repeat offender, this hotel is in fourth place with one recent guest claiming it was “the most disgusting room I have ever seen” and another calling the hotel a “dirty, filthy pit”. Park Hotel – At number five on the list this hotel is not a crowd pleaser. TripAdvisor user reviews include comments such as “absolutely disgusting, shouldn’t be allowed to stay open”, and “I’ve never seen a hotel so dirty.” Blair Victoria & Tudor Inn Hotel - Described by one recent TripAdvisor reviewer as “filthy and unsecure” and another as “a complete dive”, one traveller warns fellow guests to simply “stay away!” Grimy Side of Amsterdam Amsterdam is home to four of Europe’s dirtiest hotels. Hotel de Lantaerne, Hotel y Boulevard, Hotel Manofa and Hotel The Globe came sixth, seventh, ninth and tenth respectively. Recent reviews on TripAdvisor for Hotel de Lantaerne include “this should be fumigated and demolished” and “the dirtiest hotel in history”. While there is a worrying and recurring theme running through the reviews for Hotel Manofa - “free mice with every room” writes one guest, “dirty and mice in room” says another, with a third claiming they found, “a mouse in my bed”. “Despite the fact we are seeing average hotel ratings increase year on year, with the average rating on TripAdvisor now four out of five, the hotels on this list simply aren’t keeping pace with the industry, and the repeat offenders should be even more ashamed,” concluded TripAdvisor’s Emma O’Boyle. For a cleaner scene, check out TripAdvisor’s 2011 Travellers’ Choice list of the world’s and Britain’s best hotels at

REPORTS are flying in that some travel companies are be profiteering in response to the recent upheavals in Egypt and Tunisia by pushing up the prices of holidays to alternative destinations. A wire report claims: “Thousands of families who would have been heading for Egypt over the February halfterm are now considering the Canary Islands instead.” However, industry insiders say some companies have more than doubled the cost of flights and accommodation to places such as Tenerife, Lanzarote, and Gran Canaria.

In one case, the cost of a return flight has rocketed from £600 to more than £1,500, according to research by Travel Trade Gazette (TTG). In the past few days, travel agents across Britain have reported rising prices for flights on half-term trips to the Canary Islands as airlines capitalise on customers changing their sunshine trips away from Egypt. One agent told TTG that easyJet flights to Lanzarote had risen by more than 50% - well over the normal increase expected for halfterm week. Another said prices to Gran Canaria had more than doubled. Colin Gill, sales director of Airflights, said he had seen return easyJet flights to Lanzarote for 17th February 17 on sale at £450

without any luggage charges, when he would normally expect the price to be around £300. “It’s silly money,” he said. “At this time of year, you would not expect easyJet to be charging the prices they are.” He added that Monarch Airlines’ flight prices for the half-term period were also higher than would normally be expected. “I never fail to be amazed by the increases in halfterm prices for February, May and October,” he said. “There are fewer people in the market generally this year. But now there are fewer people going to Egypt, demand is higher for the Canaries, so prices will go up.’ Keith Pike, owner of Essexbased Highway Travel, said:

“The price of easyJet flights to the Canaries has rocketed since the unrest in Egypt. About two weeks ago, a return flight to Las Palmas over February halfterm was around £600 return, now it has gone up to over £1,500.” Dave Clayton, managing director of Global Travel Group, said enquiries about holidays in the Canary Islands were up by 65% compared with last year. And Julia Lo Bue-Said, leisure director of Advantage, said her travel agent members had also noted a swing in the destination’s popularity. An easyJet spokesman said the company did not increase prices in response to events in destinations, adding: “Our prices are driven by market demand.”

Tenerife’s summer bonus LOW-COST airline has announced increased services to and from Spain, with an extra 68,000 seats this summer and Tenerife features prominently. The company, based in the north of England, says the extra seats respond to

demand from passengers, and a rush in bookings following the problems in Egypt. Other Spanish destinations to benefit will be Alicante, Ibiza, Málaga, Murcia and Palma. Philip Meeson, chief, said: “The enormous demand which we are seeing, both from our British clients in love with Spain and from residents in Spain - Spanish or British who want to fly to the UK - has led us to take this decision.”

Most of the new seats will be allocated at Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle and Glasgow airports. The changes Alicante: More flights to Manchester, with two flights on Fridays and Sundays. The Newcastle route will be increased, with flights also on Thursdays and Sundays, taking the weekly number of summer flights to six. Palma: New flight to Glasgow on Wednesdays, upping the

weekly flights to six. Manchester: Two flights on Fridays and Sundays. Málaga: Increase in the number of flights to Newcastle Murcia: New service to Leeds on Sundays. That means eight weekly summer flights on the route. Tenerife: New flight to Manchester on Saturdays, taking the weekly flights to three. New flight to Leeds on Thursdays, taking the weekly total to four.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011


ON THE ROAD WITH JAV Behind the Wheel Email:

VOLKSWAGEN have launched the latest response to the age of electric-powered cars with their XL1 two-seater, one-litre plug-in diesel/electric hybrid, said to be capable of up to 261mpg. This remarkable car is the result of 12 years of research by the Volkswagen Group which started with the “OneLitre Car”, a tandem twoseater. It was actually driven by outgoing VW boss Dr Ferdinand Piëch in 2002, from VW’s Wolfsburg HQ to the VW shareholders’ meeting in Hamburg. He drove at an average of 317·4mpg, at an average speed of 43·5mph. The latest version of the car has staggered, side-by-side seating for two adults and is capable of a top speed of 99mph and 0-62mph in 11.9secs. It will go into limited production in 2013 in the UK and Germany and, should it prove popular, VW will increase production and sell in other countries. At the launch, which coincided with the opening of the

VW’s going rate up to an incredible 261mpg!

Qatar Motor Show, VW chairman Martin Winterkorn said that if the world wanted to achieve a two-degree centigrade reduction in global temperatures by 2050, then the average consumption of the world’s car fleet needed to be about 0.9 litres-per100km, or 313mpg. And Ferdinand Piëch, now

chairman of VW’s board of supervisory management, said at the Qatar show: “It needs to affordable and available in reasonable numbers,” A large part of the XL1’s efficiency comes from its light weight (just over 1,700lbs), which has been made possible using the same carbon-fibre construction

processes developed for Formula 1. Apparently, these processes have enabled construction of the XL1 to be much cheaper, making a limited production run plausible. But don’t expect to buy a cheap car because there is a lot of technology under the back half of the XL1. A 0.8

litre, two-cylinder diesel TDI engine is coupled to a sevenspeed automatic transmission and an electric motor that can deliver 100 Nm (73 ft-lbs) of torque. It will take almost 12 seconds to achieve 0-62 mph and has a limited top speed of 100 mph. The lithium-ion battery pack can be charged via the engine

or a household outlet. Both the engine and electric motor can combine to power the XL1. Alternatively, the electric motors can carry the highmileage vehicle at light loads on its own, even at highway speeds. Volkswagon have applied a lot of time, effort, and money into this line of concepts and, in return, they have received much positive press. Even if they sell it in limited numbers only at a ridiculous price, it could pave the way for producing these kinds of cars en-masse. And if VW can do it, there’s no reason why other manufacturers cannot follow suit. It’s up to somebody to make it profitable-yet-affordable, fast, fun, and fuel efficient. Okay, that’s a tall order, but surely some car-maker is up to the challenge. I’m sure we’ll find out before too long.

Mazda’s record-breaking MX-5 just rolls on and on MAZDA, having built their 900,000th MX-5 Miata, have improved on their own Guinness World Record for best-selling, twoseater sports car and are now looking at the one million mark. The MX-5 Miata achieved the record for the company in May 2000, when production reached 531,890 units. It was updated when they reached 700,000, and again when they added a further 100,000. Nobuhiro Yamamoto, programme manager of the current MX-5 Miata, said proudly: “Since Mazda launched the original MX-5, it has undergone two complete product redesigns and a series of upgrades. “Its enduring success is thanks to the strong support it enjoys from MX-5 fans around the world. Going forward, I will strive to keep the model’s spir-

it alive, while evolving it into a car that will be loved by even more people.” The now-iconic Japanese car debuted in 1989, opening a new era of affordable roadsters which had died off in the Seventies. It adopted the mantle of free-spirited, open-aired motoring, which began with motors such as the Triumph Spitfire, the Fiat Spider and the MGB. The first-generation MX-5 Miata, known as the NA, was powered by a 1.6-litre, fourcylinder engine which produced 114hp. Mazda then started offering a larger 1.8-litre engine, rated at 128 hp, in 1993, and a fivespeed manual transmission was standard. The second generation, which began production in 1998, was known as the NB and the car lost its flip-up headlamps. The 1.8-litre engine became the only powertrain option offered by Mazda in the States, and its output was increased to

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

142hp. Along came the third generation in 2005, called the NC, and while the styling was derivative of the previous generations, the exterior did not share any components with the NA or the NB. The NC had two powertrain options: a 1.8-litre or 2.0-litre four-cylinder engine. The latter cranked out 126hp, while

the 2.0-litre produced 170hp. Mazda are now entering their 22nd year of producing MX-5 Miatas and plan to continue evolving the car to meet today’s demands. “We will refine its fun-todrive character and further enhance its environmental and safety capabilities,” said Seita Kanai, the Japanese

company’s senior managing officer in charge of development. “In the years ahead, we will continue to cherish the MX-5, alongside its loyal fan base, as the symbol of the Mazda brand.” Even though Ford own 33.5% of Mazda, their cars are built in Japan with Japanese-

made parts and Japanese designers. Some new Ford cars carry Mazda-made parts these days, which probably accounts for their reliability. In fact, Mazda helped Ford design the high-selling Escape, which is acknowledged as the most fuel-efficient SUV of all.

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11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011


Rafa is simply the best again ALL-CONQUERING tennis star Rafael Nadal has been awarded Best International Sports Personality of the Year for 2010. Last year, the Mallorca-born player won the French and the US Opens, as well as Wimbledon to reclaim his world No1 spot in the ATP rankings. Rafa collected his prize in the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi during the Premios Laureus ceremony, now in its

11th year. He beat Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt, Barcelona footballers Andrés Iniesta (who scored the World Cup winner for Spain and Leo Messi, as well as 2010 Formula One champion Sebastian Vettel, Los Angeles Laker’ basketball star Kobe Bryant, and Philippine world boxing champ Manny Pacquiao. They all made a huge impression last year in their respective sports, and all were short-listed for the Best International Sports Personality prize.

Can you take on this blistering Row Round Britain challenge? HOW do you fancy taking part in the Row Round Britain race this summer for the princely sum of £6,000 - and a handful of blisters? Woodvale Challenge Ltd, who specialise in long-distance rowing events such as the Atlantic and Indian Ocean races, are looking for five individuals who wish to compete in the GB Row, which starts on 1st June. It will be an out-and-out race to the winning line - and the prospect of beating the record time of nearly 27 days, set in 2005 by a four-man crew. Richard Branson, whose Virgin company sponsor the event, said: “This is one of the most extreme and exciting challenges I have ever come across.” For £6,000, participants will receive all equipment and food required for the race, plus Woodvale’s technical expertise and advice. Costs not included are travel, training courses (approx £1,000) and accommodation.

Applications are being accepted immediately with a £500 deposit (cheque made payable to Woodvale Works Ltd). Deadlines for application forms and deposits is 30th March. For an application form, email and call your email “VIRGIN GB ROW 2011”. For more information on the Virgin GB Row, visit their website Skipper Simon Chalk, Woodvale’s resident rower is, at 38, competing in his fifth Ocean row - the Atlantic Allum Cup - in Britannia III, a 16-man boat regarded as one of the fastest ocean-going boats ever. After three weeks of delays, and a change of departure location, from La Gomera to Gran Canaria, their 2,600-mile challenge to Barbados finally got underway on 31st January from Puerto de Mogan. And although the old record was broken twice by rival boats in their opening week, Challenger has made good progress so far.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Surfing to victory Division 2 Barracudarts Boys 6-2 Rood B Gaffers 0-8 Marilyns La Caña Lancers 8-0 Tenerife Sun Our Place Naturals 6-2 Barracuda Hunters Our Place Playgirls 4-4 Amigos Bad Girls Phoenix Flames 3-5 The Knights B The Tavern 5-3 Bar 180 B Woodys B 4-4 Naughty Nautas B Yelas Bar 1-7 Nautas Nutters C

Division 1 Bar 180 A 7-1 Target Bar B Bar Nauta A 8-0 Woody´s A Rood A 5-3 Our Place Flukers Silver Surfers 5-3 Toscales Allsorts Target Bar A 7-1 Sundowners Tenerife Sons 5-3 Heroes Sports Bar Toscales Ensecan 2-6 Exiles X-Men 7-1 Strikers Bar Division 2

Division 1 POS Pld 1 Bar Nauta A 216 2 Bar 180 216 3 Phoenix Bar 208 4 Tenerife Sons 224 5 Exiles Bar 216 6 Target Bar A 208 7 Toscales Allsorts 216 8 Rood A 216 9 Silver Surfers 216 10 Woody´s A 216 11 X-Men 216 12 Toscales Ensecan 224 13 Sundowners 224 14 Heroes Sports Bar224 15 Target Bar B 216 16 Strikers Bar 224 17 Ourplace Flukers 216

Sing 115 99 92 96 90 80 77 60 56 57 65 50 53 49 46 37 33

AS the temperature starts to rise a little here in Tenerife, some of you may start to think about breaking out the surfboard. And down in Los Abrigos the Silver Surfers rode the crest of a wave to a well-earned 53 win over Toscales Allsorts, with Walter hitting a maximum for the home side. Woodys A travelled to Nauta A and suffered an 8-0 wipeout, and Target B also dived to a 7-1 defeat at Bar 180A. The Target A boys

Dbles 41 45 39 37 37 35 27 31 30 20 17 20 17 22 20 10 13

Treb 22 20 21 18 23 18 11 14 13 12 6 11 10 9 11 7 6

180’s 11 13 10 7 8 1 3 8 3 2 3 1 0 3 4 0 0

PTS 178 164 152 151 150 133 115 105 99 89 88 81 80 80 77 54 52

donned their best Speedos and frightened Sundowners into a 7-1 thrashing, while the X-Men waxed their boards (and maybe some other bits) to record a 7-1 victory over Strikers. Graeme struck a 180 for the Silencio team. Exiles are still in with a trophy shout, proving they are no beach bums by beating Ensecan 6-2, while Rood A and Tenerife Sons both came through the pipe to register 5-3 wins. The Division 2 title race is still in the balance after the Nutters kicked down Yelas

POS 1 Nautas Nutters C 2 Barracudarts Boys 3 Gaffers 4 Tenerife Sun 5 Bar 180 B 6 The Tavern 7 Rood B 8 Yelas Bar 9 The Knights B 10 Naughty Nautas B 11 Ourplace Naturals 12 La Caña Lancers 13 Woody´s B 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Phoenix Flames 16 Marilyns 17 Amigos Bad Girls 18 Ourplace Playgirls

Pld 232 224 232 232 232 232 232 208 232 232 224 224 224 232 232 208 224 232

Sing 114 112 91 84 87 75 79 73 75 79 70 61 56 53 51 44 40 40

Bar’s sandcastles and went back to the top with a good 7-1 win. Rood B got caught in a rip during a 6-2 defeat at Barracudarts Boys (Mark with a 180) and Knights B paddled back from 3-2 down to earn a 5-3 success over Phoenix Flames. The Playgirls and Amigos Bad Girls were left treading water by drawing 4-4, while

Dbles 47 47 47 35 30 39 29 30 28 24 29 24 21 20 9 19 17 16

Treb 20 19 20 14 14 17 19 21 16 11 10 9 14 9 11 7 11 11

180’s 7 2 3 1 3 0 0 2 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

PTS 181 178 158 133 131 131 127 124 119 114 109 94 91 82 71 70 68 67

the surf was well and truly up for the Hunters after their 62 reverse at Ourplace Naturals. Naughty Nautas escaped the Jaws (get it?) of defeat and ended up all square with Woodys B. But there was nothing fishy at the Tavern in a local derby with Bar 180 B as the home team reeled in a 5-3 win. By Geoff Huxtable

Barracuda darts team hit bullseye with nuns IT was ages ago, but Barracuda Hunters darts team’s Christmas raffle proved extremely successful - and popular with the recipients of the funds raised. The team, based at the Barracuda Bar in Callao Salvaje, donated food to the Bethlemistas Nuns, and some players bought food from the British Brands Cash and Carry in Buzanada. They were allowed to buy produce at virtually cost price by the owners, who also donated foodstuff themselves. The food was then taken up to the Nuns in Vilaflor and handed over to Sister Maria Ines Garcia, a wonderful elderly nun. The look on her face when she saw the

foodstuffs was a treat to see. She shook hands and kissed everyone and thanked them profusely for their generosity. The Bethlemistas Nuns, based in Vilaflor, are from Guatemala. They devote their life to helping the poor of the area with clothing and food. If you are out of work in Tenerife, you get a benefit paid for six months only, and after that there is no state help. Consequently, there are large numbers of families on the island without any income. Then, last Friday, the darts team presented a donation of 150 euro to Amanda Lambett, who organises the local Let’s Dance Club. There is also a donation awaiting the Kids Club, who were unable to attend the presentation night.

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11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011


Castle Harbour. Los Cristianos. Nice 9th floor one bed duplex on this popular Aparthotel complex with 2 x bathrooms and Fab sea views. Full Kitchen with oven, hob & washing machine. Heated pool. 24 Hour reception. 500 Euros pm (inc bills to 50 Euros)

Established for over 10 years We have a wide selection of long and short term property available to rent Luxury holiday villas and apartments also available.

1 Bed Finca Arona 595€ 1 Bedroom Finca, with 2000m of land and gardens, With garage and modern bathroom and kitchen Cosy home with great views with shops and transport. Links nearby, Inc Bills

Fanabe House 2 Bed 650€ Townhouse, fitted kitchen, lounge, two bedrooms. Two bathrooms, roof terrace with sea views. Close to amenities and on bus route.

2 Bed Apt La Caletta 850€

3 Bedroom House Adeje 850€

Luxury, sunny apartment with a large corner terrace with great mountain and sea views, boasting the best wine bars in the area, secure parking, pool on complex. 2 Bathrooms, fitted kitchen all mod cons. Inc Bills

Bright, modern home, with separate kitchen, lots of outdoor space, 2 double one huge onsuite, roof terrace and terrace from lounge,UKTV, tactfully furnished, pool on complex, secure parking, quiet cul-de-sac location inc bills

2 Bed House Costa Adeje 900€

2 Bedroom Apartment Chayofa 675€ Very large apt, with large modern kitchen, spacious lounge 2 bathrooms, fitted robes in each double bedroom, terrace with sea views, complex pool, parking.

Golf Course Location, Magnificent views to La Gomera. Garden and terrace, sep kitchen, 2 bathrooms, UK TV Beautiful house, secure parking, storeroom, pool and jacuzzi!

Summerland. Los Cristianos. lovely Modern 3rd Floor apartment with Pool views on the convenient central complex close to Bus station. Full Kitchen inc washing Machine. Pool Bar. comm Pool. 500 Euros pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) Chipeque. Los Cristianos. Choice of two one bed apartments,on this small friendly complex (opp Paradise Park hotel) Washing Machines, UK TV various views. One is 425 Euros pm and the other (fully modernised) is 500 Euros pm (inc all bills) Dinastia. Los Cristianos. Quality one bed apartment on this modern complex overlooking the Comm Pool. Full kitchen inc oven, hob and Washing machine. Lovely shower room. UK TV. 550 pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) Chayofa Country Club. Chayofa. A rare 3 x bed one bath 1st Flor apartment on this prestigious complex a short distance from Los Cristianos. Pool Views. Pool Bar Lots of sports Facilities. Regular Bus Service just outside. Only 700 Euros pm (inc all bills) Cabo Blanco. Great 2 x bed modern apartment in Cabo Blanco. Parking Space, Lift. Close to bus route and shops. Only 450 pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) San Miguel Village. Beautiful brand new fully furnished 3 x bed 2 x bath end town house. Garage, Comm Pool, Breathtaking Views. 750 Euros pm (plus bills)

Many more properties on our full listing, please call for more information.

Tel: 0034 922 797 438 / 638 519 999 Email: Office Address Ave Los Pueblos, Garajonay 1-4,Las Americas 38660

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Page 49

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Approx 70 mixed DVD’s mostly Action, ONO 100 euros. Tel 657 450 885 Poker table for 10 persons 110 euros. Sun beds white and blue 10 euros each. Head and neck massage machine 10 euros. 2 X 2 seat sofas 40 euros. 500 white women’s tops 250 euros. 500 ¾ women’s pants, different colours and sizes, 250 euros. Tel 639 853 356. Nintendo Wii console including 4 games, 2 remote controls and nunchucks 170 euros. Ipod Touch 8gb in excellent condition with protective covers, 150 euros. Nintendo DS lites, 2 available, 1 red, 1 black + 6 games, excellent condition 160 euros (will split). Playstation 2 Console in silver colour with 2 remote controls and memory card included, 60 euros. Playstation 2 games, 29 varied, 40 euros. Playstation snow board, 20 euros. PSP 3 games and 6 films, 30 euros. Samsung DVD player/recorder, 75 euros. LG DVD player, 30 euros. Babolat Aero Pro Drive Tennis Raquet, 45 euros. Calloway X18 set of men’s golf irons, pitch to 4 iron Pro Series M75i regular flex shafts + Cleveland putter included, 250 euros. Tel 671 044 963 Quinny Buzz Pushchair 100 euros. Dreamie carry cot, 50 euros. Maxi Cosi car seat 45 euros. (all attach together on the Quinny frame). Moses Basket, stand and bedding, teddy’s washday brand from Mothercare, 25 euros. 2 bouncer chairs 15 euros each and a beach play bubble, 10 euros. Baby bath, 5 euros. Discount if buying everything. All in good condition. Tel 653 957 226 Toddlers cooking play/kitchen set. Pots, pans, plates, kettle, tea pot, plus play food , etc. lots of pieces in VGC all for 5 euros. Tel 659 036 393. LG Home cinema with 5 speakers and 1 base 150 euros and a pizza oven ideal for home or small bar fits 4 pizzas 150 euros. Tel 600 761 011 Wireless DVD receiver system, 120 euros. Tel 922 733 373 PSP Games - excellent condition all 5 euros each. Need for speed undercover, Tony Hawks Underground, SSX on Tour, Sonic Rivals, Land Rover off Road, Tekkendark Resurrection, Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories & Vice City Stories Fifa 06/08/09, Fifa Street 2, Tel 660 458 864 1 meter Satellite Dish, 50 euros. 70 golf balls, good condition, 25 euros or 50 cent each. Tel 698 317 367 Bed, single solid base, white headboard, with mattress all as new 75 euros. Wetsuit, ladies shortie, size medium, 3mm, cressi black with orange flash vgc, 40 euros. Joss sticks 230 packets x 20 in each pack various scents 90 euros. Tel 661 016 053 Portable Air Con Unit, good condition, 50 euros. Trossy microwave, good condition, 15 euros. 2 large, 2 medium beige soft suede cushions, excellent condition, 15 euro’s. Brown/ beige bamboo medium lamp, excellent condition, 10 euros. 2 beige/cream matching pictures leaf print, 10 euros. Set of crutches, 10 euros. In-Line skates boys/girls, size 5.5, good condition, 10 euros. Adidas football boots size 7 red/black excellent condition with Nike shin pads, 10 euros. Fishing rod/reel excellent condition, 30 euros. Tel 680 491 102 Computer desk, 77cm wide 51 cm deep and 84 cm high light brown wood type finish with grey metal supports and castors with brake, pull out leaf for keyboard, space for computer tower and shelf for a printer, in excellent condition 25 euros. Tel 606 521 105. 21 inch Philips television, silver with remote, 65 euros. Free standing heated trouser press good condition 45 euros. Single bed bamboo headboard 10 euros. Pair of matching single bed headboards, 25 euros. Blow up double mattress, blue 10 euros. Single electric blanket, 7 euros. Fan heater, 10 euros. Child’s car seat 0 to 13 kg, 25 euros. Childs car seat 13 kg up 25 euros. Tel 629 570 945 Silencio Commercial 4 place drop down toastie machine 100 euros. Heavy duty 2 ring gas burner, 80 euros. Large coffee machine, 350 euros. Stainless steel shelf / preparation unit 100 euros. Large electric fly killer 100 euros. Cooker hood, 25 euros. Silver gas bottle 30 euros. Ikea Lade double wooden bedstead with slatted base, no mattress 50 euros. Black electric back massage cushion, 60 euros. Tel 662 354 391. One pair of TDL KV6 floor standing speakers finished in Beech. Perfect condition with no marks or scratches. Complete with spikes, rubber feet, bridging plates and instruction manual, 100 euros. San Eugenio Alto. Tel 922 793 327 or 649 609 504. Silver Roadstar 20” colour TV, 25 euros. DVD player, 25 euros. Hexagonal wicker table, 10 euros. Babygap pink duffle coat 3-6 months, 10 euros. Nortline halogen heater, 10 euros. Large wicker basket 7 euros. Babygrow sleeping bag 5 euros. Zara purple plimsolls size 21 3 euros. 2 & 3 seater blue sofas washable covers, 200 euros. Bebecar Ip Op pushchair & Carseat, 300 euros. Babygrows, vests & tops 0-3mths 50cts each. Pretty girls dresses from 3mths, 2 euros each. Tel 922 163 847 or 667 513 354. 2 Ikea modern prints in Terracotta and creams, cream frames, 30 euros the pair. Matching table lamps, pot bases in brown with cream shades, modern, 30 euros the pair. Dark oak coffee table with wicker drawers, 15 euros. Light oak bedding / storage box with wrought iron detail, 45 euros. Dark

oak mirror, chunky frame approx 5ft x 2ft, 25 euros. Glass vase with wooden flowers in browns and terracottas, 8 euros. Selection of wooden African masks, 8 in total, 25 euros. Electronic keyboard and stand, comes with over 100 euros of music books, 80 euros. 4 Large bags of car boot items, clothes, books, DVD’s and more, 50 euros. Tel 610 090 036 Los Abrigos.

R/RW, Wifi, 15.6 screen, Microsoft office and antivirus installed, 250 euros. “Jose Mas” top class guitar in padded carrying case 100 euros ono. Tel 629 487 090

Ladies mountain bike, shimano gears, as new, 130 euros. Single mattress 90 x 190, 35 euros. Pine and blue foldaway chiropodist chair/stool, 30 euros. Tel 697 746 885.

TV JVC 27”, 25 euros. TV Phillips 21”, 25 euros. 3 unit stacker JVC Hi-Fi, double cassette deck, DVD Player, amplifier, no speakers 20 euros. 3ltr deep fryer, 15 euros. Toasted sandwich maker, 15 euros. Full set plus golf clubs 20 euros. Pair of Italian limited edition bedside lamps Florence “Clear Water” with certificates 50 euros. Tel 620 071 611.

Playstation 2 with duel hand controls, memory card, various games, 95 euros. Tel 608 653 260 Silencio

Teka Washing Machine, only 6 months old very good condition, 180 euros ono. Tel 663 841 077.

Domestic silver gas bottle, 40 euros each. Tumble dryer 120 euros. Washing machine excellent condition top door 120 euros. Washing machine front loader 120 euros. Dishwasher, 120 euros. Fridge freezer, excellent condition, 120 euros. Fridge, 45 euros. 25 TV 50 euros. 38 flat screen TV, 130 euros. 42 flat screen TV 450 euros. Microwave, 25 euros. Foot spa, 15 euros. DVD player + remote, 20 euros. Children’s car seat 0-36 kgs, 20 euros. Tel 686 336 904

Aires tower computer no screen or keyboard, Intel Pentium Dualcore 2652MHz 2 GB RAM, 6 x USB, DVD RW, 149 GB hard drive, Genuine windows XP Home Spanish and English copies, 120 euros. Tel 638 408 564

4 rings ceramic hob, 60 euros. Extractor fan, 40 euros. Fridge freezer 150 euros. 29 TV silver with remote 80 euros. DVD player + remote 25 euros. Tel 679 088 846.

Single size beds & mattresses, wall unit (teak 105 x 35 x 40cm), Pc monitor, video player / recorder, Persian style rug (250 x 70cm), 2 rings electric hob, 14” TV, sun beds, ceiling fan, music centre (CD / radio / cassette player), single size headboards / frames, mini oven, framed wall mirror (75 x 75cm) armchair (blue & magnolia),10 euros each. Ironing board, sandwich toaster, parasols, fans, hair dryer, hair straightner, fruit press, linen basket, toaster, lamps, iron, kettle, golf shoes, size 44, 3 to 5 euros each. 4 rings ceramic hob (21 pins plug), 21” TV (silver), a set of golf clubs and bag, 30 euros each. Sofa, 2 seater settee, blue, 40 euros. King size headboard (160 cm wide), double size bed (no mattress), Sony digital camera, 6 Mega Pixels, with card, 20 euros each. Fridge, with freezer compartment, 30 euros. Tel 646 615 794 (No SMS please)

Fridge freezer 100 euros. Chest freezer, 120 euros. 3 domestic silver gas bottles 110 euros for all. Hoover 25 euros. Bar stool, 5 euros each. Digital satellite receiver, 30 euros. Mini oven, 20 euros. DVD player remote, 20 euros. 4 rings electrics, hob, 35 euros. Built in oven 50 euros. Single size bed & mattress, 20 euros. Tel 922 795 592.

BARGAIN OF THE WEEK Ikea Double wooden bed with slatted base, no mattress, 50 euros. Tel 662 354 391.

Glass topped sturdy coffee table. Black wrought iron frame as new, 50 euros. Tel 606 890 941 buyer to collect, Torviscas Alto area.

10 pairs of boys trousers and t-shirts age 6 months to 18 months, 10 euros. Electric fan, 10 euros. Tel 922 765 196 or 620 725 396 22” TV 25 euros. Tel 922 714 184 or 629 476 850.

Folding up table 5 euros. Steam iron 8 euros. 14” TV, CD, stereo radio cassette recorder, 13 euros each. 29” TV silver 60 euros. 21” TV, 40 euros. Sandwich toaster, 7 euros. Built in oven, 60 euros. Fridge freezer 120 euros. Fridge 40 euros. Chest freezer, 100 euros. Kettle / parasol / patio chairs table 5 to 10 euros each. 14 computer monitor, 5 euros. Mountain bike, 70 euros. Video recorders, 10 euros. Fax telephone machine, 20 euros. Table fan, 15 euros. Round pine dining table and 4 chairs, 40 euros. Tel 660 265 898. Patio chairs & tables, 2 euros each. Bag, blender, sun beds, ceiling lights, phone, patio chair & table, table lamps, child’s wooden bed & mattress, from 5 to 30 euros each. Bike 4-7 yrs, 25 euros. Domestic silver gas bottle, 40 euros. TV stand 25 euros. Dog carrier, 15 euros. Portable radio CD player, 15 euros, Suit case, 10 euros. Tel 679 088 846. Complete shower unit with glass doors and shower column semi circle tray 80mrts, 200 euros ono. Tel 634 051 232 Winnie the Pooh Bouncy Chair 20 euros. Pink Bumbo baby seat + tray 35 euros. Baby bath & top and tailing bowl 5 euros. Newborn baby bath seat 5 euros. Tens machine 20 euros. Skype phone 5 euros. Goodmans DVD player / recorder 30 euros. Tel 922 782 679 or 669 934 525 Adeje Oval coffee table as new, 30 euros. Tel 646 128 727

Delightful Chicco high chair, 6 months - 3 years. 7 different height positions, seat back rest has 3 reclining positions, adjustable leg rest, activity tray and many more great features. Excellent condition, 60 euros. Next duffle coat beige 3-6 months 10 euros. Pablosky navy leather shoes size 22 never worn 10 euros. Tel 630 976 208 or 922 765 564. Celestron SkyMaster binoculars 15 X 70 with tripod as new condition. 75 euros. Tel 922 765 564 or 608 223 156. Stylish coffee table, teak, with padded belt, 20 euros. Large rug, 3mts x 2mts, Sky digibox, 30 euros each. Coffee filter machine, 5 euros. Tel 922 750 001 Ext 1226 or 646 615 794. Ladies Sun Mountain golf bag in beige suitable for trolley or buggy. Lots of pockets, full length club dividers, exterior putter holder, umbrella holder, excellent condition, 30 euros. Ladies clubs as new Adams 3 wood Low Profile with head cover 30 euros. Adams Hybrid, 30 euros. Ram 3 wood ladies flex shaft 15 euros. Tel 922 794 495. Duvets, single, double, and king size, from 8 euros. 2 new sets of Sandersons sheets inc. duvet cover, flat sheet, valance, two pillow cases in each set on a paisley design, 25 euros for two sets. One Wedgwood blue and white wood headboard 5 euros. 3 sun bed lounger cushions with detachable covers 3 euros each. Large selection of mirrors from 5 euros each. Tel 922 724 268.

Gents aluminium mountain bike shimano gears, good condition, 125 euros. Ceramic hob, touch control surface, as new, 150 euros. Safe, 13” square, 40 euros. Tel 600 700 521

Cement mixer electric, 150 litres, 100 euros. Baby seat Britax 0-15mths, 20 euros. Tel 682 214 794.

Ladro and Nao figurines 30+ to choose from, several rare and retired. All boxed and mint condition. From 50 euros. Tel 676 051 341

Large marquee, self standing, 6.8m X 5m, with side panels and windows, still in box, cream colour, 250 euros. Tel 637 112 846

Bread maker, 30 euros. Stainless steel standard light with dimmer switch, 20 euros. Rowing machine, 60 euros. Tel 616 674 962

Mobility scooter good condition working perfectly 500 euros. 3 seater leather black sofa 350 euros. 2 seater leather black leather sofa 300 euros. Fridge freezer large fridge below and small freezer on top excellent condition TEGRAN 170 euros. 4 plastic outdoor chairs 25 euros. Electric ceramic hob and oven Teka 225 euros. Tel 922 72 04 93

Portable air conditioning unit with heating remote controlled very good condition 100 euros. Tel 922 733 595 or 678 556 568 Reclaimed pine logs for construction 14 x 1.7m and 9 x 2.6m 500 euros ono. Portable air conditioner with remote 150 euros ono. Profession insect killer for kitchen or bar 100 euros ono. Werko marble-stone table cutter 150 euros ono. Tel 639 481 064

Domestic gas bottle, 30 euros. 90cm satellite dish new condition, 40 euros. Modellers drill with lots of accessories, 10 euros. Tel 922 176 259 Pool Table (not ex-bar) 2.13 x 1.17 x 0.94 . excellent condition : Blue felt , includes 2 sets of balls and cues . 320 euros. Tel : 671044963

Computer tower, Windows XP pro service pack 3 Celeron R CU306 GHZ, 448 megs of ram, local disc C 39GB local disc J 35GB power DVD AVG 9 2018 antivirus. Registry mechanic CD rewriter, DVD rewriter, monitor 17 inch, silver, printer Epson Stylus C60, scanner Epson, keyboard and mouse, all 150euros ono. Tel 922 731 609 or 609 133 893

Calloway X18 set of mens golf irons, pitch to 4 iron Pro Series M75i regular flex shafts + Cleveland putter included 250 euros. Samsung DVD player/recorder 65 euros. LG DVD player 25 euros. Tel. 671 044963

Table Lamps - overall height 50cm. Two very attractive, roundish, blue and white porcelain with heavy, 24cm diameter bases. Cream shades are 42cm wide and 26cm high, 15 euros the pair. Tel 922 732 897

Playstation 2 Console in silver colour with 2 remote controls and memory card included 60 euros. Playstation 2 games, 29 varied, 30 euros. Snow Board for playstation 15 euros. PSP 3 games and 6 films 20 euros. Babolat Aero Pro Drive Tennis Racquet & Babolat Racquet Bag (holds 4 racquets) 50 euros. Versace mens stainless steel watch 60 euros. Tel 671 044 963.

Pentax Camera Outfit 100 euros. Electric back massager 50 euros. Tel 662 354 391 Olivetti cash till 70 euros. Gas BBQ with 4 burners on wheels 85 x 65 x 105cm tall 250 euros. Chest freezer sliding glass top 140 x 60 x 82cm tall, 150 euros. Upright freezer / bottle chill with glass door 60 x 60 x 185cm tall, 150 euros. Small fridge, 50 euros. (Silencio) Tel 620 469 102

Wooden 8ft extendable dining table and four chairs 125 euros. Matching side dresser table with draw 50 euros. 900cm stainless steel fan oven 1yr old 220 euros. Samsung 32inch flat screen plasma TV, 150 euros. Valy portable air-con unit 125 euros. Phillips DVD sound surround system 125 euros. 2 x 1.50 metre red & blue rug 40 euros. Play station 2 with games 25 euros.Tel: 606 604 234.

16 inch Oscillating floor standing fan, still boxed 20 euros. Packard Bell Laptop as new with carrying case 1.6 Ghz, 1 Gbyte Ram, 70 Gb Disk, DVD

Flex double bed, still wrapped. 1mtr 35cm x 1mtr 90cm with polished wood suroounds. Cost 350 euros, 150 euros. Tel: 603 155 057, Las Americas.

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm

Page 50

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Classified JOBS







Very popular Sports/Karaoke bar is up for rent in Las Americas, Laguna Park 1. 9 large 50” Plasma TV’s and all channels for UK Football. Can show 5 games at one time and full karaoke equipment and stage.

Call Mark on 659 202 826 PROPERTY FOR RENT Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. Long term rents, Studios, 1 & 2 beds. Tel 616 251 271

Silverpoint Vacation Club are already leading the way forward in fully compliant sales of holiday ownership in Europe to British, Norwegian and German clients. Their sales consultants receive full contracts with nominas and huge earning potential. Due to their high client volume they are looking to add more incredible people to their teams in Tenerife and Gran Canaria. The next Training courses are Tenerife Feb 19th and Gran Canaria March 26th. Call or message Claire on 630 869 173.

For sale or Long Let Studio Los Cristianos, Eucalyptus apts. English TV, secure car park, bar with WiFi, heated pool. Sorry no pets. Available Now! 330 euros pcm, inc. bills. Suit lady. Sale price 50,000 euros.

Tel 922 790 112 or

680 963 783 3 bedroom apartment in Parque de la Reina, 2 bathrooms, brand new kitchen, furnished, storeroom-garage space, community pool. Tel 630 012 933

Silverpoint Vacation club are looking for an experienced cold line receptionist immediately. Fluency in English, German and a Scandinavian language essential. Call or message Claire on 630 869 173 for more details

Garage/store for rent, Eucalyptus apartments, Los Cristianos, 75 euros pcm. Tel 922 790 112 or 680 963 783

PROPERTY FOR SALE 2 bed, 2 bathroom apartment, terrace/garden, sea view, garage and communal swimming pool. In popular residential complex Chayofa, 162,000 euros. Tel 690 151 924 (0044 7928 294 050)

Trader Canary Islands are looking for British Telemarketers to work in their office in Golf del Sur. Experience in sales is essential as the successful applicants will be selling computer programs and software together with virtual office space. This is not timeshare related. Call 922 738 568 for an interview.

Residential Caravan for sale on Camping site. Full length awning, one double bedroom, can sleep up to 5 adults. Full size bath, small private sit out area at rear. 6500 euros. Tel 670 786 475

Experienced, dynamic sales professionals are required for a new project in Ibiza. They are looking for In-house and cold line representatives for cold line, not timeshare. Good rates of pay, bonuses and start up package for the right candidates. Call Brian on 660 429 622

Detached Villa, 4 bedrooms, wheelchair friendly, sea views, quiet residential complex, swimming pool. Divorce forces sale. Genuine bargain 250,000 euros. Tel 617 658 900

CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667. Piagio Fly 125 cc moped less than 2 years old, excellent condition, 950 euros. Tel 610 285 953

MG ZR 1.8 ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 5,500 euros.

Tel 669 626 840

A Sun Blind and Shutter Company are looking for a fitter. Applicants must be between 18 and 40, have a full driving license and be honest, hardworking and reliable. Experience would be an advantage, but full training will be given. For an interview call 922 740 888.

Renault Clio 2.0 Exception, Limited Edition 150HD, fully loaded, silver, 35,000 kms, 4 door, full Renault service history, excellent condition. Cost new 19,700€, only 8,900€. Tel 610 285 953

Reps, Managers and TOs are required for a large Hotel Marketing Program. Plenty of Leads, Tours Every Day with Top Commissions offered to the right candidates. Call Peter on 629 016 542

Mercedes 560 SEL year 1986, 158,000 kms, best condition. Electric seats, windows A/C, automatic, black leather seats. Price 11,900 euros ono. Phone Peter 922 362 496 or 922 751 736

La Pinta Beach Club are looking for self motivated sales reps, experience not necessary as full training will be given. All applicants must have an NIE number as contract will be given. Call Andy Malecki on 669 100 253 or John Borrows on 678 756 082 or email your CV to

Renault Clio Billabong 5dr. 2003, 110.00kms, silver with alloy wheels and body kit, excellent condition, 3,200 euros o.n.o. Tel: 638 199 418. Hyundai Terracan 2.9CDI full DEC 2002 160,000kms, new full set of brake pads, excellent utility car, 5,950 euros. Tel 922 748 008 or 669 428 206

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Arona Foods are looking for experienced Sales Reps with their own transport on a self employed basis. You must have a good knowledge of the south of the island. Applicants must speak English & some Spanish. A basic wage is offered plus commission. For an interview please call 922 775 584 during office hours.

WANTED Large double/triple garage wanted for rent in the Las Americas/San Eugenio area on a monthly basis. Tel Mark 659 202 826

Page 51

Service Point






CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250â‚Ź per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email: CHIROPODIST Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790


SAFECLEAN For all professional cleaning of carpets & upholstery

Tel: 609 066 973


Page 52



11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Service Point





9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841




VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051 Mobile 696 889 048

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.

QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!


PERSONAL SERVICES Polish very beautiful blonde girl, slim Barbie body, blue eyes, all services, lesbian too. Private apartment, hotel visits, 24hrs, good English spoken. Tel: 672 845 107 Pussycat wants to play with you. Call me 0034 647 157 778


PETSWORLD D O G H O T E L Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day

No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82

PLUMBING All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579 Need a Plumber? For all jobs big or small. Repairs & Maintenance, Plumbing, Bathrooms. Call Jo Man on 686 602 871 or 922 711 445


the English Upholsterer PARAGLIDING Jaw dropping mounting flights from Adeje with reigning British Champion. Pick up and drop off available - 90€. Tel: 619 864 630.

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle

677 806 800

Page 53

Service Point




TV & SATELLITE Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.

Man & Van


House/Apartment Removals Building/Garden clearance No job too small

Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270

Just call Big Mac on 697 267 628

Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 772 422 / 610 089 157.

THE WHITE VAN MAN House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

No job too big or too small

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743 SECOND-HAND SHOPS



Bar/Restaurant items bought for CASH!

Red Tomato, TV/Computer repairs inc. Plasma & LCD TV repairs, satellite installations, English Tele package, Xbox, Playstations, Wii, Satellite boxes & mobile phones, WiFi Hotspots in Golf del Sur & Amarilla. Call Alan 649 200 774



Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494.


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409

Open Mon-Fri. Los Cristianos, Edf.Rosy, Calle Valle Mendez, opp Police Station near Pet Shop

Tel: 618 381 488


ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493



TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

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11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency

Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday


Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Jacqueline Yuile-Flight Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Liam O’Reilly Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces

the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Sunny skies. 17 °C. Wind NNE 16km/h. Friday Night Clear skies. 17 °C. Wind North 19km/h. Saturday Sunny skies. 18 °C. Wind NNE 31km/h. Saturday Night Clear skies. 17 °C. Wind NNE 27km/h. Sunday Sunny skies. 18 °C. Wind North 16km/h. Sunday Night Clear skies. 17 °C. Wind NNW 18km/h. Monday Patchy light drizzle. 18 °C. Wind North 19km/h. Monday Night Clear skies. 18 °C. Wind NNW 12km/h. Tuesday Partly Cloudy skies. 21 °C. Wind WNW 24km/h. Tuesday Night Clear skies. 19 °C. Wind NNW 29km/h. Wednesday Partly Cloudy skies. 18 °C. Wind NNW 34km/h. Wednesday Night Clear skies. 17 °C. Wind North 32km/h.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802


flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Thursday Sunny skies. 18 °C. Wind ENE 11km/h. Thursday Night Clear skies. 16 °C. Wind ENE 18km/h.

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Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2011 Canarian Weekly PUBLISHER, PROPRIETOR AND EDITOR: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

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11 February 2011 - 17 February 2011

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