Canarian Weekly Ed 695

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 695



18 March 2011 -24 March 2011


It’s plane-speaking! Relief for airports as unions call a truce over one-day strikes TENERIFE’S tourism industry has been given a huge lift because the proposed series of one-day strikes by airport workers appears to be over. It would have spelled chaos for the hundreds of thousands of passengers flying from the UK to Spain and the Canaries daily, including tourists at peak holiday times, especially during Easter. Now, though, the airport unions throughout Spain UGT, CCOO and USO - at loggerheads with airport authority AENA, have called a truce. They planned 22 separate days of action in protest at the Spanish Government’s plan to part-privatise AENA which, the unions say, would spark redundancies and affect their working conditions. In fact, the unions also feared that privatisation could lead to a 25% increase in airport charges and, subsequently, higher ticket prices. The stoppages, by around 12,500 airport ground staff, threatened severe disruption at the country’s 47 airports during the Easter holiday, and at peak summer times. Now, however, the unions have reached a preliminary agreement with AENA to avert the mass walk-outs, leaving UK holiday-makers especially, and Tenerife Tourism officials, breathing a sigh of relief. A draft plan will be offered to workers next week in a referendum, and AENA bosses said in a statement on

Wednesday: “The agreement was reached after nearly 20 hours of talks.” The company’s proposal guarantees the workers’ jobs and present working conditions, which is what the bitter row has been all about. Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said: “It is good news, and guarantees the movement of the public.” And Isaiah Taboas, Spain’s Transport Secretary, added: “The tourism sector and citizens can be confident that they can travel in Holy Week (the week leading up to

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Easter Sunday, when families with schoolchildren tend to head for sunnier climes before the summer term). “We have started out on the right path towards reaching a peaceful solution, and good relations with workers, during our attempts to reorganise the administration of our nation’s airports.” José Manuel Lorenzo, CCOO spokesman, said one of the major requirements was that any protection afforded by the agreement must be applied equally to all airport workers, regardless of who

their employer may be. Included in the agreement, which will be in effect until 2018, is that AENA maintains a “presence” in the administration of whatever concessionaries take up the 49% privatisation offer. In addition, the unions hope to include a clause that will protect all jobs held by workers employed directly by AENA, although how this will be achieved practically has not been mentioned. “The unions are the first to want to see this situation resolved,” said Lorenzo, pointing out that, despite

reaching this pre-accord, they are still fundamentally opposed to AENA’s decision to privatise. According to those at the negotiations, the first AENA offer was rejected but, after hours of further deliberations, a second deal was accepted, to be presented to the membership of all unions concerned. This latest news really will be a shot in the arm for Tenerife Tourism minister Jose Bermudez, whose department has been clobbered time and again in the last year or so.

Firstly, it was ice and snow at the airports, then the Ash Cloud, then wildcat strikes by air traffic controllers then, finally, the closure of snow-bound Heathrow earlier this year because there was insufficient equipment to clear the runways. And the proposed one-day walk-outs by workers at both North and South airports here must have given him nightmares. Today, though, he will be all smiles again. Now, all we need is some decent sunshine for the tourists - and for us poor, hard-done-by residents!

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