T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 696
25 March 2011 -31 March 2011
Fill it in… or else! A UK address means you must complete Census form on Sunday SUNDAY is Census Day, when all UK householders are legally required to complete the 2011 questionnaire - or face possible prosecution, a fine of up £1000 AND a criminal record. It seems pretty farfetched, but that’s the deal for those who own or rent property and/or are wholly or partly responsible for paying household bills. So, even if you live over here permanently but have an address in the UK, you are duty-bound to fill in the Census form, As for people such as the Swallows, who spend their winters over here, and return to Britain for the summer, they should have already made arrangements to return the hard copy, or plan to send it through online. We are told that the information gleaned from the questionnaires is used to help the government and local authorities plan the services and resources people need, such as transport, housing, healthcare and education. The sort of questions asked involve work, health, national identity, citizenship, ethnic background, education, second homes, language, religion, marital status and so on. Yet some people say the form is intrusive. The sum of money your council has to spend on these important services is based on population statistics from the Census. And, according to the government, all these things add up to a true overview of that
population as it stands on Census Day. Questionnaires were posted to all householders from 7th March onwards, ready for completion before, on, or as soon as possible after Census Day. It is now possible to complete a secure, online version of the questionnaire, or fill in the paper version, which by now should have been posted off in the prepaid envelope provided. Most of the questions can be answered simply by clicking or ticking a box. It should take around 10 minutes for each person (less for children!), plus an extra 10 minutes or so to answer the questions about the house-
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hold. Any delay in returning one could mean the system shows the address as a nonreturning household, which means there could soon be a knock on the door from a Census representative. In the case of those people not at home this weekend, the questionnaire should be filled in as soon as possible after Sunday. The Census provides a high-quality estimate of the population - a count of all the people and households in England and Wales. It is carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Everyone is asked the same questions on the same day in order to take a snapshot of the population at
one point in time. The statistics describe the population at national, regional and local levels. The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) takes the Census in Northern Ireland and the General Register Office for Scotland (GROS) performs a similar task in Scotland. And all three take place on the same day to provide
consistent population statistics for the whole of the UK. So, although it may seem a pain to you, it is seen as a “must” as far as national statistics are concerned. So who on earth thought of this vast, fact-gathering mission? It was actually demographer Thomas Malthus. He warned in 1800 that population growth would soon outstrip supplies of food and other resources,
leading Britain into famine, disease and other disasters. People quickly began to see the need for a national questionnaire, Parliament passed the Census Act that same year, and the first official Census Day in England and Wales was taken on 10th March 1801. Since then, there has been a UK Census Day every 10 years except in 1941, during Contiuned on page 4.