Canarian Weekly Ed 697

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 697



01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011


Romanian pickpocket gangs are Artful Dodgers ORGANISED pickpockets from Romania who have been targeting Tenerife have been arrested in one south municipality thanks to information from Canarian Weekly. The revelation comes as San Miguel Policia Local, carried out a number of arrests in the Golf del Sur area, in a campaign to stamp out this type of crime within the municipality of San Miguel. Canarian Weekly over the past months has been working with local San Miguel Mayor Chinea Victor Niebla and Policia Local to help eradicate this unwanted behaviour. The Mayor of San Miguel was keen to point out that this activity is not taking place just in his municipality. Far from it, Tenerife is not the only place being victimised, as the whole of Europe has seen an increase in this type of crime since Romania joined the EU back in January 2007. The Mayor said, “San Miguel de Abona extends from the mountains to the coastline with over 17,000 inhabitants spread over many areas. Tourism has managed to prosper in recent years in our municipality, with two holiday villages (Golf del Sur and Amarilla Golf) that offer sports tourism. We don’t want our hard work to be in vain, so that is why we have taken positive action” The undercover operation began back in February when Canarian Weekly received a tip-off from a local resident. To protect his identity we will refer to this person as Fred; he had docu-

mented for the period of a month unscrupulous activity he had seen taking place on bus routes 470 and 483 between Golf del Sur and Los Cristianos; which are popular with both residents and tourists alike, hence, throngs of people mid-morning many with full wallets and purses.

The home of good shopping Come & See our *NEW LOOK* Store, in Los Cristianos - now Bigger & better! Opp. Paloma Beach Apts, CC Costamar, Los Cristianos and Las Chafiras

Indeed on one particular day Canarian Weekly witnessed the activity of the Romanian pick-pockets first hand, and they are smooth operators. When you’re looking at the view, people watching or animatedly talking about their holiday exploits they’re watching you.

All of the information gleaned was handed over to the Local San Miguel Police at the end of February which resulted in the arrest of four people on Tuesday 29th March in the Golf del Sur area. The group from Bucharest consisted of two women and two men, of

which one pair a woman, (OT) aged 50 years and a young man, (RS) aged 26 years were the ones seen operating previously. Canarian Weekly has been unable to report on it until now with the perpetrators being captured. It transpires that the group had past con-

victions in mainland Spain including Barcelona and Malaga. Romania was a ‘Cold War’ country. The largest of the Balkans, it has photo-opportunity mountain scenery and its coastline is the Black Sea. But, because of it its economic climate and history, it is estimated that over 2 million of the population have emigrated to countries such as Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, UK, Canada and the USA. It’s alleged that many make a specific journey to Western Europe, embarking on a life of crime. Ironically, Romania’s tourism is the second-largest component of its service sector, one of the most dynamic and fastest-developing sectors of the Balkan economy, characterised by a huge potential for development. Recently, Romania has emerged as a popular tourist destination for many Europeans (more than 60% of the foreign visitors were from EU countries), thus attempting to compete with other European counterparts such as Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Spain as an all year round resort with summer beach holidays and winter skiing. The irony is that Romanians carrying out this deceptive activity in Tenerife are potentially thwarting our tourist development; if a visitor loses his wallet while on holiday, he doesn’t go home with good holiday memories. As we always state, we do not intend to cause alarm by reporting this story but instead raise awareness that this type of activity takes place, here and in most large cities and at highly-populated events throughout Europe.


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01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011


yourself Tourism figures Behave while on the tram continue to rise THE TENERIFE Cabildo, in cooperation with Titsa and Metropolitano de Tenerife, the two Island transport companies, have put into place a number of initiatives designed to promote good civic, responsible behaviour when using public transport.

THE TREND towards a rise in the number of visitors to Tenerife has continued for another month with figures showing an 11.8 per cent increase in tourists to the Island in February. In total, some 413,304 visitors arrived here last month, a significant increase on the numbers back in February 2010, according to statistics released by the Tenerife Cabildo, with 13.8 per cent more people staying in hotels and 8,8 per cent

choosing other forms of accommodation. According to Cabildo First Vice President and Tourism chief José Manuel Bermúdez, “This spectacular increase in February is largely due to the crisis in some of the countries in North Africa, a series of conflicts that have resulted during this winter season in over 140,000 extra air passengers coming and going from our airports.” Nevertheless, he said even had circumstances been normal, the numbers would have gone up regardless, although not to such a great extent. “We still have to think”, he

said, “that even though there has been important advances in numbers that have made us feel optimistic regarding the recuperation of our tourism situation, we still have to work hard to attract new visitors to the Island.” Looking at the statistics from the point of origin perspective, there was actually a drop in Spanish travellers of over 14 percent. To counter this, however, the number of British visitors rose by seven per cent, Germans by 12.1 per cent and Nordic countries by an impressive 38.5 per cent. Big numbers were also expe-

rienced in terms of visitors from France, up 64 per cent, Holland 24.6 per cent, Italy 40.6 per cent, Russia 21.9 per cent and Eastern Europe by 15.6 per cent. As far as the principal tourism zones across the Island are concerned, 330,956 visitors chose the south, 15.1 per cent more than in February 2010 and a further 65,454 chose the North, an increase of 6.3 per cent. So for the first two months of 2011, Tenerife received a total of 798,864 tourists, 6.3 per cent more than for the same period in 2010.

Starting in April, and with the collaboration of the Red Cross and la Caixa bank, the projects will attempt to inform travellers and make them aware that they must show the appropriate respect to fellow passengers, particularly those with disabilities that need extra time and assistance. Drivers will also be targeted by the campaign and encouraged against double parking or parking, for however short a period, at bus stops. One of the ways the campaign will work on the Titsa buses will be the use of surveys of users to find out how much they know about the use of the ramp for the disabled and to see if they are willing to lend a hand to those less able then themselves. During the surveys, which will be made not only at the bus stops but also on the vehicles, those being questioned will also be provided with information on how to

help. At bus stations around the Island the plan is to provide a five minute video filled with information on how to handle situations where the disabled are using the bus and may need assistance and patience. As for users of the capital’s tram network, they too will be targeted by this awareness campaign, called Metrocívico and once again the initiative will be aimed at providing the information travellers need to help them become more conscious of the needs of their fellow passengers with varying degrees of mobility limitations. Not only with regard to the disabled, the tram campaign will also generally outline what the organisers call good civic behaviour, social responsibility and conduct, encouraging politeness and discouraging any kind of activity that might damage or mar the appearance of the trams. It is in this campaign that young members of the Red Cross will feature in humorous scenarios that inform and instruct, carrying the message that the tram is for everyone, that seats reserved for the disabled must be kept free for their use; that eating and drinking on the tram is prohibited in order to keep it neat and clean and that if listening to music the volume should not be so loud as to bother fellow travellers.

Get your construction card in time for 2012 THE SANTIAGO del Teide Town Council has decided to assist those in the Municipality to obtain their construction card ready for the time it becomes obligatory, in 2012. With the collaboration of

the company MGO S.A. and the Town Council’s Development department a course will be on offer on May 5th from 9am until 6pm that will enable workers to get the accreditation they need to work in the construction sector. The course will be held in the new multifunction centre in Valle de Arriba and will cover such topics as risk prevention in the workplace,

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

professional category and a list of the jobs that each worker has held and with what company during their work period. From labourers to painters or plasterers or even those working in administration, the card will be necessary to work in the sector, proving that at least the worker has completed an eight hour risk prevention course. People who are cur-

rently employed or unemployed or want to start to work in construction will be able to take the course, which will cost 42 euros per person. Once completed the student will be awarded a diploma and with this diploma the Town Hall will give out the cards. For more information call in at the local Employment Office or call 922-86-31-27 Ext. 252-253.

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Wanted Brit caught living in a beach Trial version commune over here A WORD FROM OUR EDITOR


A MAN on the run, highlighted in a recent purge by Crimestoppers and suspected of a vicious burglary, has been arrested near La Caleta, Adeje, Tenerife. AS REGULAR readers will be aware the Canarian Weekly due to its wide readership gets asked for its views and opinions from time to time. This week we have been asked by Professor Lirpa Loof, Universitario de Tenerife if readers would find a left-handed version of the Canarian Weekly easier to read. There are many products and objects that have lefthanded versions e.g. scissors, pens, purses, musical instruments, computer mouse and golf clubs to name just a handful. While many of us are aware that the President of the US Barack Obama is left-handed, did you know that both JFK and Marilyn Monroe were left-handed, yet another thing they shared in common, you might say! Going back into history, Julius Caesar and Joan of Arc join the list along with some pretty big names, not only on the battlefield but on the crime scene, such as Chicago gangster John Dillinger. Or how about serial killer the Boston Strangler, aka Albert Henry Desalvo or gruesome Jack the Ripper? All left-handed, as the wounds on their victims testified. Turns out that hand preference is thought to begin in the womb and stay with you for life. So what is the science here then? Because it seems that what comes naturally to us is important information

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for scientists. Handedness may be a clue into our behaviour and the way our bodies work. Studies have suggested that a ‘lefty’ may be more talented in areas thought to be controlled by the right side of the brain – spatial awareness, maths and architecture. Right-handers may have better verbal abilities because the left hemisphere of the brain is generally more efficient in processing verbal information. However, this theory is highly controversial and it is by no means set in stone. Other studies have shown that lefthanders perform just as well in functions controlled by the left side of the brain. What is known is that about 10–14% of the world’s population is left-handed and men are twice as likely to be lefthanded as women. Left-handers have long been persecuted but some scientists believe that they have at least one advantage over right-handers. They may be more likely to come out on top in hand-to-hand combat or sports like cricket or baseball. It’s also possible that handedness is hereditary. The British Royal family has a large number of left-handers, including Princes Charles and William. Other famous lefties include, Napoleon, Gandhi, Bill Clinton, Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci, Judy Garland, Paul McCartney, Charlie Chaplin, Robert DeNiro, Maradona and John McEnroe. Let us know what you think. Happy April Fools!

Jonathon Lejman, from Stoke-on-Trent, was discovered by police last week, living on the beach over here. He is alleged to have slashed his victim’s face with a kitchen knife. A police spokesman told Canarian Weekly, Lejman was captured on Playa La Caleta which is also known as “Playa de los hippies.” Lejman, also known as Lehman, was featured on a list of top 10 criminals, believed by police to be hiding out on the Costa del Sol, in mainland Spain. It was part of Operation

Captura, the highly-successful multi-agency campaign, which involves Spanish and British police. Crimestoppers and the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) issued full descriptions and pictures of the 10 wanted individuals in February. And they were involved jointly in hunting him down. The 29-year-old will face charges relating to an earlymorning, aggravated burglary in Tunstall, in the Potteries, where he used to live, in December 2008. Lejman, with accomplice Lee Staples, is accused of kicking the front door off its hinges, then making his way to the upstairs bedroom, where he threatened a man and his female partner. He is said to have ripped open the man’s face, leaving him with a 6cm cut from his ear to his mouth. The victim also suffered a broken cheek-

bone. Staples, a father of two, was jailed for five years in 2009 for his part in the attack, but the multi-tattooed Lejman, who has the words “only the strong survive”, on his body, went on the run after failing to answer his bail. He will be returned to the UK under European Arrest Warrants. The operation, launched in October 2006, has led to the arrest of 43 suspects from a target list of 60. Operation Captura is the successful multi-agency campaign which identifies those individuals on the run in Spain who are wanted by UK law enforcement agencies for serious crimes committed in Britain. Dave Cording, Crimestoppers’ director of operations, said: “Not only is the campaign successful in tracking people down in Spain, but it displaces them as well. But as we can see, no matter where these wanted

individuals run to, law enforcement will find them. “I hope this further reinforces this message to fugitives: “You can run, but you can’t hide forever.” Ken Gallagher, head of European operations for SOCA, said: “Operation Captura is helping make the ex-pat community in Spain an uncomfortable place for fugitives. “Having the public’s attention focused on these individuals goes a long way to making it harder for them to hide.” The arrest is the fourth from the latest batch of top10 most-wanted individuals revealed in Alicante last month under Operation Captura. The new appeals include some of the UK’s most dangerous individuals, wanted for serious crimes including drugs trafficking, murder and child sex offences.

José Luis: champion! FOR THE third year running the Spanish National MX Elite and MX2 Championships were held at the end of March in San Miguel de Abona at the local racing circuit and the day was a huge success.

Organised by Moto Club Abona, the Tenerife Cabildo, the San Miguel de Abona Town Council, the Canarian and Tenerife Motorcycle Federations and numerous local businesses, the day was also attended by members of the police forces and fire and ambulance services to provide any assistance should it be necessary. Starting off with the MX2

event, the crowd was enthusiastic and definitely treated to a spectacle. After a hard fought couple of heats, José Luis Martínez proved the winner followed by Cristian Oliva and Maxime Lesage. Next up was the muchawaited heats in the MX Elite category and the fans were not disappointed as each of the riders gave it their all. With an aggregate of the two heats to decide the ulti-

mate winner, there followed almost two hours of ebb and flow, but in the end it was clear that there could only be one, the favourite, Jonathan Barragán. In second and third place were José Antonio Butrón and Carlos Campano respectively. The day ended with the presentation of the trophies to the winners, who received great applause from the spectators.

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011


New ferry links Tenerife and Huelva, on mainland THE FERRY company Naviera Armas has launched its latest ship that will create a link between Tenerife and Huelva, in mainland Spain. The ship, the Volcan del Teide, made its maiden voyage on March 31st, leaving La Luz de Las Palmas in Gran Canaria and then stopping at Tenerife where it then headed off to Huelva from the capital, Santa Cruz. The ferry was carrying almost 350 passengers and 120 vehicles. The journey takes 28 hours, according to a statement from the ferry company, thanks to the speedy 26 knots it will be able to achieve. The trip will be once weekly leaving Santa Cruz at midday (12 noon) and will arrive the following day. Return journeys from Huelva leave on Saturdays for

Sunday arrival here in Tenerife. Onboard the ferry it is well equipped to entertain passengers on the more than day long journey, with a swimming pool, video movies, bars, buffets, a

gymnasium and a children’s play area. For those that want a cabin there are 124 available, with 478 beds and two penthouse double suites. The reclining seats are said to be ultra-comfort-

able too. Naviera Armas concluded their statement by saying that the prices, “Are the most attractive in the market, considering, as well, the superb quality of services we are offering.”

Coastal law needs ‘urgent’ change THE TENERIFE Cabildo has approached the Canarian Government with a motion to urge them to appeal to the State to make further and ‘urgent’ modifications to the Coastal Law of 1988. In what was a unanimous decision, all parties have united to devise the motion that has been largely prompted by the situation that is affecting a group of homes located in Candelaria in an area known as Bajo La Cuesta. These homes are threatened with demolition under the 1988 law and the Cabildo is fighting to force a change that will

save them and thus also be applied to many other zones along the coasts of the entire Archipelago. The motion calls for the modification in order, “To find an ideal balance between the protection of the coasts for the public’s use and the constitutional right to a home.” The Cabildo’s Councillor for Territorial Planning, Pino de León, is insisting that it is of extreme importance that there is a revision of the term ‘public domain’ and that it must be understood, “there exists a reasonable doubt that there has been an error in the making of this law in the first place.” He also wants to make a census of the homes on the coasts that might be affect-

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

ed in order to elaborate on the necessity for reform to the law and its more recent modification in May 2009. Canarian Weekly readers will be familiar with the ongoing fight to save the Hotel El Medano, which is located right on the town’s beach with some of the building actually extending into the sea on stilts. This too would be affected if the law could be reformed. During the same meeting further discussions were held looking into the open face mining that has seen many hills and sections of land disappear along the shores and coastal inland areas as picon and hable, two products used in agricultural and the building trade and originating

from volcanic eruptions and lava flow, have been excavated. These areas and the continuation of such activities along the coasts are being considered in terms of their possible impact on the Tourism industry and studies are to be made into the sector and how best to continue, particularly in the areas around Güimar, where the majority of the excavations take place. Local residents have for years been calling for a stop to the mining and a return to agricultural uses for much of the affected barrancos (gorges), saying that some of the companies have been operating for more than 30 years without any form of permit.

Cultural Centre opens up in Vera del Erques The Mayor of Guía de Isora, Pedro Martín, opened the second Cultural centre in Vera del Erques last week, in the company of numerous dignitaries and neighbourhood residents. Declaring himself delighted with the new facility, he said, “When we open a new space such as this we are not only opening the doors to a new facility for cultural activities, leisure and free time for the people in the immediate area, we are also opening the doors to everyone in the Municipality, making one big family. “This is a space for all to use, from the children, young people, adults and our senior citizens.” The Mayor was referring to

the large network of cultural centres throughout Guía de Isora, which has the most centres per capita in the entire Canary Islands. With just 300 inhabitants in Vera del Erques, the Mayor said that he considered the new centre more than adequate to provide sufficient space for the local community, but that he would continue to look at means of improvement and growth. The centre has been built on the site of what were once teacher’s houses, just a few metres from the church square. The attendees at the inauguration were entertained by a variety of traditional music and dancing.

Women recognised in San Miguel The Council for Equality at the San Miguel de Abona Town Hall has brought to a close a month long celebration of International Women’s Day, which was held worldwide on March 8th. Throughout the month of March the council held a series of events to mark the occasion including numerous workshops showing the role of women throughout history. As well, attention was paid to the continuing discrimination suffered by half of the population of the world as

well as to the many contributions made by women in the advancement of society in general. The celebrations finished up in La Gomera at the end of the month, where, thanks to the collaboration of La Gomera’s capital San Sebastian’s Town Council, a group of 150 women from San Miguel, Santiago del Teide and Vilaflor Municipalities spent the day enjoying conversation, a local theatre production and finally a dance.

Writers’ Circle meets again HAZEL BENNETT’S new Writers’ Circle is meeting on Monday, 11th April, at 3pm and not the following evening, as planned originally. The get-together will take place at her Parque de la Reina home, and any writers are welcome to join the group. “We take turns to read out our short stories, features and book chapters and give each other constructive

feedback to help us all to improve,” she said. “Whether you are a published writer or a complete beginner, I want to hear from you. Please contact me at Parque de la Reina is easy to find, just off the TF1, two junctions west from the airport in Tenerife South, so even if you live in the north of the Island, it will be an easy journey.

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NEWS IN BRIEF Electric costs frozen by the Government IN A TIME of rising prices it’s good to have some positive news for once and that is definitely the case when it comes to the cost of electricity. According to an announcement from the State Government in Madrid, the cost of electricity is to be frozen for the next three months, giving consumers some room to breathe during the economic difficulties so

many families and small enterprises are facing in terms of running their homes and businesses. The announcement of the decision by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce did, however, include a rise as of April to the tune of 6% on a bottle of butane gas, the second in the past several weeks and bringing the cost of the large container to 14 euros.

Canary Islands top of the list THE CANARY Islands have once again proved themselves the most popular destination for travellers from mainland Spain. The majority of travellers

from the peninsular this Easter will be coming to the Islands, according to a study of hotel bookings, and the Islands rank fifth worldwide, with London in first place.

THE government has recently released a statement warning employers that sanctions are about to get a lot tougher on companies that employ workers without legal contracts. A new series of regulations are soon to be introduced that will apply stronger sanctions on companies that do no provide their staff with legal contracts of employment in an effort to reduce the number of illegal

workers that are exploited by unscrupulous employers. The move is equally aimed at increasing tax revenue in an attempt to deduce the overwhelming Spanish debt crisis. The new regulations will also contain more stringent fines and punishments for those people who continue to collect unemployment benefits while working at the same time.

Adeje hosting ‘fastest marathon in the world’ THE CROWDS poured into the Adeje football stadium, quickly filling it to capacity, to witness one of the most popular events at the recent Adeje Sports Festival, the so-called fastest marathon in the world, which is run in relays. Some 1,000 runners signed up to participate and all turned up in fine form ready

to run the relay marathon in the quickest time possible. Organised by the Council’s Sports department and Group Hara, the first line up of runners set off at 11am to run their 42 metre long section of the race and included in the starting line up was none other than Adeje’s own Mayor, José Miguel Pérez Fraga, followed by Sport’s councillor Marcos Barrera. From the youngest to the oldest and even expectant mothers, the participation in the race included all members of the local community,

whether disabled, families or just groups of friends. Each ran just 42 metres before the next runners set off on their section of what ended up taking just a little over three hours in total. The intention to prove that sport can be enjoyed no matter what your age or ability was declared by all to have been a resounding success. This is the only race of its kind in all of Spain. Celebrations soon got underway following the race, with great fun had by all and everyone set into a giant paella to end the day in the

best possible way. This year’s Adeje Sports Festival has proved an enormous success, showcasing everything from martial arts, tennis, volleyball, football, rhythmic gymnastics, and workshops and competitions in photography, dancing, hiking and much more. More than 10,000 people visited the Festival during the three days it was held and local businesses had the opportunity to display their goods and services to all by way of dozens of stands in the El Galeón sports area.

The heat is on as Oasis Fm Keep it legal Karaoke comp hits heights

Lost and found A GERMAN tourist who was lost during a mountain hike on Teide with a fellow countryman has been found. The two hikers were separated during their walk last Tuesday and rescue services were immediately alerted.

The 21-year-old man had to spend the night alone on the mountain before being finally located the following day by a search and rescue helicopter. He was subsequently treated at a medical centre for sun exposure and dehydration.

Luxury hotels for Playa San Juan ACCORDING to a recent announcement from the Canarian Government, it looks like more luxury five-star hotels will get the go ahead to begin construction in Tenerife, putting the Island ahead in comparison to Gran Canaria in this regard.

Following several years of a moratorium on construction in the tourism sector, permits for building high end hotels are going ahead at full steam and two of them will be built in the south of Tenerife, in Playa San Juan.

University patents new drug THE University of La Laguna in Santa Cruz, has applied for a patent on a new drug it has developed that will assist in the prevention of bacterial infections that have proved resistant to conventional treatment with antibiotics.

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Researchers in bio-organics claim that the new medication will be particularly helpful in the treatment of surgical infections that can often result in the death of the patient, and in hospital acquired infections.

THE biggest talent competition to hit southern Tenerife passed the halfway point last Friday with the eighth heat of Tenerife Loves Karaoke. It was held at Bow Locks bar, in Callao Salvaje, as Oasis Fm continues to take the competition from the Golf del Sur to Los Gigantes, giving everyone a chance win the fabulous prizes on offer. It is amazing how high the standards are, and it just goes to prove that Tenerife really is full of talent. That makes the job of judging extremely hard to determine the heat winners after whittling the contestants’ down to a final three each time. But it is a competition after all, and there can only be one heat winner. Like all the other heats so far, there was a full complement of singers and a full house at the Bow Locks. After all 15 singers performed and the judges’ scores were added together, the three heat finalists (all female again - come on guys!) were announced and they all sang their second song. And after the closest of heat finals, the winner was Amanda Coward, who also seemed to be the venue’s favourite as she collected her heat-winner’s trophy and T-shirt to prolonged cheers and applause. From Callao, the competition then headed to Puerto Colon and the Irish Rose,

located in the heart of the port, for the ninth heat and the second of three heats in 10 days, (next heat is at the Palms Bar, Golf del Sur, on Monday). Again, it was nice to see so many people coming along and supporting the entrants and the competition, and to see a bar/terrace full of smiling faces. It was a difficult job again for the judges with the top singers split by a few points. The three-heat finalists were again selected (two females and one male) and Paula Leeming emerged with the night’s honours. So far, there have been a total of 135 singers and 144

songs - and more than 1,000 people have watched, enjoyed and supported their favourite singer/competition. That adds up to nine finalists (eight females and one male), who will take part in the Grand Final on the 14th May at Showtime, Las Americas, all competing for the 500-euro cash prize, a 12track recording session at Villa Studios, a contract with Paul James Associates, and the proud title of Tenerife Loves Karaoke 2011 Oasis Fm, who are organising the talent show, offer huge congratulations to all the singers who have performed so far, and to all the

people who have come along and supported them. There is still time to enter Tenerife Loves Karaoke, with the following six venues remaining: Palms Bar (Golf Del Sur), O’Jangles (Los Cristianos), Academy (Torviscas), Blarney Stone (Playa de La Arena, La Gua Gua (Fanabe Beach Front) and lastly, Wigan Pier (Las Americas). So if you are interested in competing in the BIGGEST AND MOST POPULAR talent contest this year, call Oasis Fm on 902 232 102, register at the venues or via Facebook, or simply come along and enjoy a great night out.

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La Liga ‘walk-out’ banned by court SPAIN’S leading footballers will be playing this weekend following a Madrid court’s decision to uphold a challenge by six clubs against a proposed strike. The Primera Liga had called for a walk-out in protest over a 1997 broadcasting law that ensures one match a week being shown for free on television. The League of Professional Footballers (LFP) argued that removing the obligation to show that one match would allow them to negotiate more lucrative deals with pay-TV channels. However six clubs Sevilla, Villarreal, Athletic

Bilbao, Real Sociedad, Espanyol and Zaragoza mounted a legal challenge against the proposal. They argued that the strike would be “disproportionate, inopportune, against the interest of clubs, the competition and supporters and, what’s more, against the law”. Their “victory” means Real Madrid will now face Sporting Gijón tomorrow (Saturday), three days before their Champions League quarterfinal first-leg match against Tottenham Hotspur. The two-day strike would have extended the Spanish season by three weeks.

Police arrest cool British drugs gang POLICE have captured a British gang who smuggled hashish inside air-conditioning equipment to the UK from Spain. . They arrested five British nationals, and also seized 300 kilos (660lbs) of the drug from a Balsicas warehouse in Murcia as part of the operation carried out by Spanish and

British police. Among those nabbed was a 42-year-old woman, identified only by her initials JLW, who is believed by police to be in charge of organising the gang’s shipments. The arrests were carried out just as police suspected they were planning to send a new batch of the drug to Britain.

Doing business with Africa conference is hailed a big success The ‘International Partnerships Conference’ conference held here in Tenerife from March 29th through to April 1st has been declared a great success by all participants from across the continent as well as many businesses from the Island, the US and beyond. The Conference sought to address the continuing questions that are relevant for international business executives and policy makers who are interested in current strategies to expand economies, and increase trade and investment in a growing world market. Attendees to the International Partnerships Conference included senior business development repre-

sentatives, international contract managers, government officials, and suppliers from North America, Europe, and Africa, who have a vested interest in investment growth on the African continent. . As the conference opened, Stephen Hayes, President of the Corporate Council on Africa, (CCA), said, “This is a first-of-its-kind opportunity that is truly not to be missed. “By attending the conference, you will gain access to insider information about key growth sectors in Africa, opportunities, challenges and possible solutions in doing business with Africa, while meeting potential business partners from across the globe through an array of networking opportunities.” Being just 80 kilometres off the coast of Africa, Tenerife serves as a geographically and strategically

important access point into African markets, particularly in the information and communications technology (ICT), maritime, aeronautics, and renewable energy sectors. The demand for network connectivity and technology infrastructure on the African continent has created a unique opening for business partnerships to help bridge the digital divide and close the development gap. Similarly, limited access to cost-effective, clean, indigenous and diversified energy sources presents the chance to develop long-term partnerships in the renewable energy sector. Through a variety of sessions and workshops, the CCA’s International Partnerships Conference explored a range of sectors and topics relevant to expanding business in Africa.

It provided opportunities for senior managers and officials to meet with potential investors, clients, and business partners from around the world. The Conference also include the participation of leading financiers, to provide ample networking and pitching opportunities for companies interested in accessing funds for expanding business in Africa. During the three days attendees had the option to visit the Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife as well as the Institute of Technology and Renewable Energy (ITER), the cutting-edge centre of research and development for solar and wind power generation, bioclimatic housing, and secure information data centre. Following the Conference, there will be the option for participants to attend trade missions to several African countries.

Golfer clinches a luxury holiday with hole in one AT LAST! The Golf Shop’s Hole in One competition has been won for the first time in nearly a year. Golfer TJ O’Riordan, who recorded the dream of every golfer on the Amarilla course on Monday, wins a holiday for two at the five-star Adeje Gran Hotel, in Costa Adeje, plus flights. Paul Smith, joint owner of the family-run, Las Chafirasbased Golf Shop, said: “We’re delighted. It’s the first winner we’ve had since we took over the running of the competition last April.” So far, golfers taking part in the event have helped raise a

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staggering 4,000 euros for charity group Orobal, thanks to the efforts of Bill, Murial and Paul Smith. You can’t miss the shop because it stands out quite clearly from the TF1 motorway in Las Chafiras, and is right beside Canarian Weekly in the same premises. The Hole in One for a Holiday competition, at the Amarilla and Adeje Golf Courses, is an ongoing commitment and it costs just 10 euros to participate, of which 20% goes to Orobal. Even if you hit the green, you receive a quality prize such as a Taylormade hat, balls, socks or pitch-mark repairer.

But if you score that magical hole in one, you are awarded a voucher there and then for that five-star holiday in Costa Adeje. So, if you’re on a golfing holiday in Tenerife and you see the Golf Shop’s“Win a Holiday for a Hole in One” girl at the major courses, please give it a go. The charity, founded in 1990, is an association for the parents of physically and mentally disabled children, based in Los Cristianos, where there is a fully-equipped centre for the kids and their mums and dads. For more information about Orobal, telephone 922 796 514, or go to www.orobal.orhg

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011


Charles and Camilla given a real Spanish welcome ...with business in mind!

PRINCE CHARLES and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, arrived in Madrid on Wednesday for their first official visit to Spain. The three-day mission was part of their 10-day tour of Portugal, Spain and Morocco, aimed at strengthening commercial and military links between Britain and the three countries. Particular attention is being paid to projects involving the creation of a low-carbon economy in the face of climate change, and opening up opportunities for young entrepreneurs. Charles and Camilla were received by the Prince and Princess of Asturias at the El Pardo Palace on Wednesday morning, and they were guests of honour at a gala dinner there that evening. The Prince of Wales, who had made several visits to Spain but never with his wife, tackled the first of many official engagements the same day when he met leading representatives of a several companies, both British and Spanish. It was part of a drive to promote more trade and investment between Spain and the UK, in order to create jobs and economic growth. Together, the Prince and the businessmen explored the advantages of Spanish

companies investing further in the United Kingdom, the opportunities for British companies in Spain, and for collaboration between British and Spanish companies in emerging markets. The event, at the Comunidad de Madrid, was organised by UK Trade & Investment, and it highlighted the existing and potential future collaboration between British and Spanish companies. It also reminded Spanish companies of the attractions of the UK as a great place to invest. Giles Paxman, HM Ambassador to Spain, said: “The United Kingdom is one of the most attractive investment destinations in the world. It is one of the easiest and quickest countries in which to set up a new company. “It has a highly-skilled, creative and flexible workforce, and it is a global financial hub, with international connections to all parts of the world.” He added: “Many Spanish companies are fast discovering the advantages of investing in Britain, and more are contacting UK Trade & Investment every day to find out how they can expand and grow in Britain. The UK government is cutting bureaucracy to make it even easier to set up and get started.” Britain is the No1 destination in Europe for inward investment, second only to the United States globally. More than half of interna-

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tional companies with European headquarters choose London as their HQ. Spain’s exports of goods and services to the UK totalled over £19bn (22bn euros) in 2009, and Spain’s direct investment in the UK is greater than in the whole of Latin America. Spanish companies own, among other businesses, London Heathrow airport, Scottish Power and mobile telephony provider O2 (and with it the popular O2 Arena, formerly the Millennium Dome). Some 400 Spanish companies are investing in the UK. Names such as Santander, Zara and Massimo Dutti can be found in every large UK town or city, and Spanish alcoholic and fruit juice drinks and foodstuffs are highly popular in British supermarkets. In the other direction, Spain is the UK’s seventhlargest export destination, with trade in goods and services amounting to over £14bn (16 bn euros) in 2009. That was considerably more than all UK exports to China and India combined. Around 700 UK companies are investing in Spain, including BP, Barclays, Diageo, KPMG, British Airways, easyJet and Vodafone. The royal couple had lunch at the Palacio de la Zarzuela with King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia on their first day in Spain before attending a conference on sustainable economies. After meeting young entrepreneurs today

(Friday), Charles and Camilla will head for Sevilla, where they will be greeted by the mayor and head of the regional government. They will spend time at a private estate in Granada

before travelling to Morocco tomorrow (Saturday) to complete their tour. Charles was last in Spain seven years ago, in Madrid, and he visited Valencia in May 2001. He was also in

Sevilla in 1995 as a guest at the wedding of Princess Elena Jaime de Marichalar. Two years earlier, he attended the funeral of Don Juan, the father of King Juan Carlos.

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Danni’s in Marathon for the long haul… and for charity IT is three weeks to countdown for Canarian Weekly’s resident keep-fit expert Danni Byrne, who is tackling the Virginsponsored London Marathon for the first time. Danni has a special motivation for running the 26.2mile circuit around London because she is raising funds for Farleigh Hospice, in Chelmsford, Essex, which is helping her close friend Anna through a breast-cancer nightmare. But she also has a personal dream to fulfil. “When I lived in London, I used to go down to watch the Marathon,” she recalls. “The atmosphere was incredible, and the buzz just ran through your body. “Imagine running 26 miles, what a great, no, fantastic achievement. That was it. My mind was made

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up that one day, I would run the London Marathon. “So for the third year running I applied and a friend suggested that I also apply for a Golden Bond ticket. These are places given out by charities when you agree to run for them. “Again, not easy to get, so I picked out the ones that meant the most to me. Six applications - one accepted, which was for Farleigh Hospice.” Danni adds: “I’m training well, despite a recent injury, and I would really appreciate any donations for the hospice. Please use the link below, or call me to collect your donation, because every little helps. “I am hoping to complete the course in 4½ hours, but just finishing will be an achievement.” Some years ago, Danni met Anna through her friend, Christine. They worked together for Tesco and, says Danni: “You could

not help but warm to Anna. She was funny, supportive, giving, with always a smile on her pretty face. “We would occasionally meet up, do crisp-anddip nights - yes, with wine by the bucket-load and have a good old gossip. Then I moved to Tenerife and Christine moved a little further - to Australia! Anna, who had overcome breast cancer, had been enjoying life and started to get into fitness, lose weight and spend more time with her partner, George, two sons and two step-children.” Then came the awful blow that her breast cancer had returned and she needed aggressive treatment. “Most would wallow in selfpity, but not Anna,” says Danni. “She has certainly taken the bull by the horns and is fighting it. Her attitude is amazing. She is amazing and she will beat it again. “Farleigh has been there

to support her, help her and her family through the tough times and, for this reason I applied to Farleigh for a golden ticket - and got one, which is why I am raising funds for the hospice. “So sponsor me, PLEASE! I know times are tough, but someone is worse off than you. I have been through this twice and I am lucky to have my dad alive still another fighter and another story. “All charities need money, and you all have your favourites. But one day, you, your family, or your friends, may need the use, help and/or support of a hospice. “For those in and around London, I arrive on 8th April for 10 days - so say hello! Dymphna (Danni) Byrne can be contacted on (0034) 619 008 035, at or at

Paloma golfers’ jackpot to boost day-care centre

PALOMA Beach Golf Society members have excelled themselves again, pledging a fabulous 7,000 euros to Guaidyl Children’s Day-Care Centre to build a outdoor play area. The total was raised at the Society’s annual Charity Golf Day, held each year on Remembrance Sunday in November, The presentation night was held recently at the Penny Farthing, in Los

Cristianos, and Jacqueline Jevon, who runs the society with her husband, George Turner, said: “This will be an on-going project until finished. We are just waiting for the council to repair storm damage to the surrounding walls and floor area. “I’d like to offer a big thankyou to all golfers, sponsors and any other people who have helped us achieve this magnificent sum.”

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Speed limit increase It looks like the motorway speed limit will increase to 140 km/h in April. Previously, Spanish drivers have been slowing down after the government cut the motorway speed limit to reduce energy use amid the oil production chaos in Libya. The maximum limit went from 75mph to 68mph, and

government workers spent the weekend plastering thousands of old speed limit signs with stickers stating the new limit. The new increase will mean a further bill for changing the road signs amounting to 1,042,011 euros. Professor Lirpa Loof Universitario de Tenerife points out that the Dutch government recently raised the speed limit; the UK is considering the same to “get the economy moving”, as well as waiving a planned tax rise at the petrol pump.

To pay or not to pay? ACCORDING to an interview given recently by the Cabildo’s Environment chief, Wladimiro Rodriguez, it may well become necessary for the Island’s council to start to charge visitors to the El Teide National Park. For more than two years now the Cabildo has taken over the administration of the park and aside from the maintenance costs it is also concerned about the amount of traffic going through the crater area and the number of visitors that leave their vehicles and can

potentially cause damage to the park’s vegetation. He suggests a public car park, which would cut down on the number of vehicles travelling through and a tour bus to show visitors around the park. This statement comes contrary to an announcement made last month by the Cabildo’s President Ricardo Melchior, but nevertheless, the Environment department head believes a charge for the use of many public spaces may become essential to guarantee upkeep and general maintenance.

The shop to end all shops for Tenerife fans the world over “A shop run by CD Tenerife Supporters for CD Tenerife supporters.” THERE’S no better way to sum up the passion that runs throughout the Soy del Tete supporters shop than this statement on its website. The end of the Spanish football season is on the horizon, but the CD Tenerife fan shop, Soy del Tete, is breaking new ground with the development of its new online shop, Tenerife fan shop. So whether you live in Tenerife or Timbuktu, this means you can now order CDT goods online. The online shop came about after Soy del Tete recognised the needs of CDT supporters; each week the shop ships out CDT goods worldwide. It’s another goal for Soy del Tete as it can now boast that it is, exclusively, the first online CDT fan shop. The new online shop is now up and running and can be found at Don’t worry, the original shop is still there in Fanabe Plaza, and the new online shop is an addition to the successful south Tenerife fan shop. So whether you need strips, jackets, jerseys, scarves or memorabilia, those fans who run the shop have got the lot, both in store and on their web site, too. You can order online and have your goods shipped to your door. As an opening promotion, if

you register on either Spanish or English websites, or you will be entered into a draw to win a Tenerife game shirt; by registering your details you will receive regular Soy del Tete newsletters. Soy del Tete has proved very popular since its opening last November and with this in mind, it wants to give something back to the community who have been so supportive. Therefore, next season, Soy del Tete proposes to support local youth football teams, in the south, to help develop local footballing talent at a community level. And finally, CDT are not having the best of seasons, through a multitude of rea-

sons, and are currently very close to the bottom of the Segunda division. The Tenerife Fan Shop has said on its Facebook page: “Those of us here in the Soy del Tete shop promise to walk from here to the cathedral in Candelaria if the team are saved and stay in the second division. Will you join us?” The rationale behind this is that the Virgin of Candelaria is the patron of the Canary Islands, and every August the pilgrimage offering to the Virgin of Candelaria takes place. This tradition is representative of all municipalities of the Island and also, of all the Canary archipelago pilgrims who come to make offerings to their patron. The “Walk to Candelaria” is

held on the night of 14th15th August when the faithful make a pilgrimage on foot from various parts of the Island, even coming from other islands to arrive at Candelaria. The Tenerife fan shop will join in the walk some 70km from the shop in Fanabe, and Soy de Tete will provide sustenance for the night walk. It will be a great event and give a vast sense of belonging to those taking part, as well a feeling of achievement individually. If you would like to talk about any of the points raised in this article, call into the shop in CC Fanabe Plaza (open between 10am-8pm) or find it on Facebook or Twitter. See advert on page 10

City Centre Tourist office reopens It was a good turn out for the reopening of the Tourist Information Office in Plaza City Centre in Playa de Las Americas, with Arona’s Mayor and Tourism chief, José Alberto González Reverón and Ángel David Herrera, respectively, in attendance. After being closed for quite some time as the remodelling took place it seems that the wait has been worthwhile.

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Now, the office has been given the Q award for high quality, making Arona the only Municipality throughout the entire Canarian Islands with a Tourist Information Office that has been given such recognition for excellence and service. Arona’s Mayor took the opportunity to once again stress the importance of tourism for the region, saying “This is now our principal industry and it is the sector that will contribute in a definitive way towards our survival during the economic crisis that we are suffering. “In order to maintain our

position in terms of remaining competitive as a tourist destination, we have been putting a lot of very hard work in, as well as a great deal of investment.. “We are in the process of regenerating much of the public areas and are on the path towards excellence and quality. In fact, in 2011 we can guarantee an investment of four million euros in renovation projects.” On the other hand, the Mayor pointed out, “The best kind of promotion we can do for ourselves is to treat our visitors with kindness – this is the best publicitiy we can have to promote Arona, and

in that sense these Tourist Information Offices are fundamental in the accomplishment of that goal.” For his part the Tourism Councillor said, “Since 2007 we have been working on improving and modernising our information centres and next we want to make sure that every office has the Q award for quality and service.” He concluded by pointing out that in 2010 some 147,077 tourists stopped by one of Arona’s information points, showing that the service is well and truly used and needed.

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World News

An upwardly-mobile Frenchman at the height of his fame ALAIN ROBERT, the man known as the French Spiderman, climbed the world’s tallest building - the 828m (2,717ft) Burj Khalifa in Dubai - this week. The 48-year-old has scaled more than 80 buildings around the world, including Chicago’s Sears Tower and the Taipei 101 in Taiwan. It took Robert around six hours to climb the 160-storey tower in Dubai on Tuesday after gusty winds delayed his ascent for some time. A large screen was set up to enable people to watch his

every move, but he said that made him more nervous than the climb itself. “I know everybody is going to look at me, so it’s a bit of a lot of - stress, in fact,” he said beforehand. The amazing Frenchman climbed his first building at the age of 12, after he had been locked out of his apartment. He decided to scale the eight stories to get in through an open window, and was bitten by the climbing bug immediately. He has been arrested many times in various countries because authorities rarely give permission for his climbs. But that has never deterred him from finding new targets.

Girl, five, is still in a critical condition Detective Chief Inspector Tony Boughton appealed for the two youths to come forward, saying: “They are an important part in helping us understand exactly what was happening. “They should be able to direct us to those responsible. The injured pair could have died - and may still do.” Kirubakaran Nantheesparan, a friend of the shop owners, saw the lead-up to and the aftermath of the shooting. “They were screaming at each other and throwing bottles,” he said. “Then I saw one pull out a gun and fire the shots. I saw the gun right next to me. I heard the shots fired and we all backed down. “At first we thought they had been hit by bottles, but there was too much blood. We didn’t know then that the girl had been shot. She was lying down in the shop in shock. “The girl was lying on the ground and the mum ran over to her. She screamed, ‘Call the police, call the police’! There was so much blood.” Community sources said the area has been plagued by youth gang violence.

A LITTLE girl five of five was still on the danger list in hospital last night (Thursday) after being shot in the chest in a south London borough. Thusha Kamaleswaran, believed to be the capital’s youngest gun crime victim, was with her family on Tuesday evening, visiting relatives who own the shop in Stockwell, Lambeth. The bullet narrowly missed her heart. She was found with a 35year-old man, believed to live above the shop, who had been shot in the head. The incident happened at the Stockwell Food & Wine shop, and police are hunting for three youths, who chased down the two youngsters into the shop on their bicycles, then rode off afterwards. Only one of them was believed to have been responsible for the gunfire, shooting indiscriminately from the door at about 9.15pm on Tuesday, as the pair - said to be rival gang members attempted to hide inside.

Hague: ‘No Immunity’ for a Gaddafi insider THE LIBYAN foreign minister who defected to the UK will not be offered any immunity from justice, the British Government has warned.

Briton is charged with child-grooming in Oz A 40-YEAR-OLD Briton has appeared in court in Adelaide after flying to Australia to meet a 15-year-old boy he befriended on Facebook. The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has been charged with indecent assault and making communication with a child for prurient purposes.

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The second charge has a maximum penalty of eight years’ imprisonment. He arrived in the country last week, having been invited to stay with the boy and his family. He had been communicating with him on the internet for two years. Police, acting on a tip-off, were called to the house to interview the family, and South Australia Police are now liaising with officers in the UK.

Prime Minister David Cameron said Musa Kusa’s defection reflected badly on the Colonel Muammar Gaddafi government’s plight. “It shows a certain amount of distrust, decay and breakdown at the heart of the Gaddafi regime,” he said. Foreign secretary Mr Hague revealed he had been communicating with Mr Kusa over recent weeks. “His resignation shows that Gaddafi’s fragmented, under pressure and crumbling from within,” he said. “Gaddafi must be asking himself: who will be the next to abandon him?” The comments came as

sources learned an official at the Libyan embassy in London had stepped down, saying he wanted to represent the people of the country. Libyan government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim speaking for the first time since Mr Kusa’s defection said he had been given permission to leave the country on the grounds of ill health. “He asked for sick leave because he had diabetes and high blood pressure,” he said. “The government gave him permission to leave the country, because he needed to look after himself and he was in bad need of medical care. “We understand now he has resigned from his position.” “He is an old man. He has serious health problems - his heart, his body, could not take the pressure and we hope that he will recover mentally, psychologically and physically and rest. “We are expecting him to come back. This is his home-

land. We are his family.” The former spy master is a plum prize for Britain in PR terms, sending the message that support for Colonel Gaddafi is crumbling at home. Mr Ibrahim’s comments marked a shift from the Libyan government, who had initially claimed Mr Kusa was merely on a “diplomatic mission”. Colonel Gaddafi, meanwhile, has issued a warning to the West about their actions. He reportedly told the Jana news agency: “They have started something dangerous, something they cannot control. It will be out of their control no matter what methods of destruction they have at their disposal. “They want to impose their strength and have destroyed mutual interests between the Libyan people and their own people... They want to drag us back to medieval times,” the agency quoted Gaddafi as saying.

“The solution is that they resign immediately and their people should find new leaders to replace them who will respect relations between peoples.” Mr Kusa’s flight from Libya on Wednesday came as a sharp blow to leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. The politician said he was “no longer willing” to represent the Libyan regime. The Foreign Office confirmed Mr Kusa had travelled to Britain of his own free will, arriving on a plane from Tunisia with his son. “Musa Kusa is one of the most senior figures in Gaddafi’s government and his role was to represent the regime internationally - something that he is no longer willing to do,” a spokesman said. Questions were earlier raised about Mr Kusa’s whereabouts after Tunisian news agency TAP reported he had entered that country, but gave no reasons for his move.

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Community News

Wanted: One largish lady, who’s prepared to strut her stuff... ORGANISERS of the Spring Fashion Show for dog refuge Accion del Sol are still looking for a larger model, size 16 or up. If you fancy strutting your stuff on the catwalk at the Granadilla-based sanctuary, please contact 922 778 630 - you will be welcomed with open arms. The event takes place on 10th April and there will also be a petting section with various animals for the children, including baby ostriches, horse-rides, and lots more fun for all the family. The dog agility course will also be open for anyone who would like to practise with

their dog. It promises to be a great day out, and if anyone would like to join in and help us in any way, then please contact the refuge or Karen on the above numbers. More than 20 dogs have arrived at Accion del Sol in the last week or so, mostly from Arona. The refuge managed to find homes for eight of them, with six going to Germany. Two of those dogs, who still need a loving home, are pictured. One is a five-year old male of mixed breed, while the other, aged two, is a Chihuahua-mix female. All dogs at Accion Del Sol are fully inoculated, passported and sterilised or castrated.

Another useful tip from Caz Lowther Reward-based training: If there is one thing to which all dogs respond, no matter what they are doing, is receiving a treat of some sort. A treat/reward can be in the form of food, toys, playtime or plain old-fashioned praise. The golden rule in training is: ignore any unwanted behaviour, and praise any good behaviour. For instance, the puppy

who goes off to his bed and finds a toy which he starts chewing is ignored by the owner. The next day, the puppy sees a slipper on the floor, picks it up and runs off swiftly, followed by the owner giving chase. Which behaviour do you want to see repeated? I can tell you now that the slipper episode is the one the puppy will remember as it was great fun.

Those Lions’ holiday treats are all down to their great pals IT’S great to have friends in life, and Tenerife Sur Lions are truly grateful for the amount of support they receive from local businesses - and from the general public in Tenerife. The Lions are busy preparing for the children’s holidays, when in May they bring a party of 45 youngsters and their carers over from the UK for a week’s holiday, staying at the Princess Decil in Los Cristianos. Then, in July, a group of 30 young people and their carers go to the UK for eight days, staying at Haven Holidays, Great Yarmouth. Many of the youngsters being catered for on both holidays have special needs, and many are under-privileged. Trips confirmed for the May visitors include the Medieval Castle, Loro Park and a Whales & Dolphins boat excursion.

Both holidays are organised in conjunction with Lions groups in the UK, so the youngsters get the most out of their time. Funding for the trips comes from a variety of sources, including proceeds from the two charity shops operated by the Lions here in Tenerife one at the Apolo Centre, Los Cristianos, the other at Costa del Silencio - so a great big thank-you goes out to all the customers who support the shops, and the army of volunteers who help man them. Local bars, restaurants, businesses and schools also play a big part in their fundraising, activities, which are going a long way to making the holidays possible. Every donor deserves our heartfelt gratitude, including: Iceland, for their support in a Christmas raffle; Wingate School for a charity variety event today (Friday); Dreamers Bar, for their fundraising events to raise money to pay for Down’s Syndrome transport; the Garden Bar in Fanabe for a sporting memorabilia raffle, with proceeds

being split between Help For Heroes and the Lions (to be drawn 20th April); the Polygon Bar and, finally, the Fun Golfers from Los Palos. Apologies to anyone or any event not mentioned. The Lions’ Spring Raffle tickets are now on sale at one euro each, with prizes donated by the Glass Spider, Star of Asia, Restaurant Margarita, Creative Duo, Tracey’s Takeaway, Rah Rah’s and the Merry Monk. The draw takes place on Wednesday (6th April) during an afternoon of entertainment at the Glass Spider, in the Apolo Centre. It starts at 3pm and the draw, 30 minutes later, will be conducted by Norman Goodall MBE, president of the Arona Lions Club. A tombola will run all afternoon and the entertainment, featuring Cy Benson, followed by Simon King, starts at 4pm. Sammy will then keep people amused throughout the evening with a great selection of prize games, including a Fun Quiz, Bingo, Play Your Cards Right and

much more, with karaoke later on. Special thanks go to hosts Debbs and Paul, who are laying on a buffet during the evening. Tickets are still on sale at 25 euros each for the Lions Charter Night Dinner, to be held next Saturday (9th April) at the La Romantica in Callao Salvaje. Details are still being finalised for the President’s Night in June and will be publicised shortly. Forward-planning for 2012 holidays to the UK has already begun and the likely venue will be Skegness, with Centreparcs in Cumbria being considered for 2013. Staff at the Apolo Centre Lions shop are looking for volunteers to help out for a few hours a week. It’s open from Monday to Saturday (11am3pm), so call in and offer your services if you can oblige because your help will be appreciated. If you haven’t the time to spare, pop in anyway and snap up some of the many bargains on offer.

K9 still going strong Easter hat-tricks for male Swallows THE women are all up for it, but the male section of The Swallows may have other ideas about the club’s Easter Bonnet Parade and Raffle, on Monday week (11th April). The club meet on Monday mornings at the Apolo Centre, Los Cristianos, and organiser Carole Hart says: “Don´t think you men can get out of it because you can all come up with an Easter hat, as our model demonstrates.” It costs two euros to enter, and there are prizes for the best male and female bon-

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nets. However, of more interest to the men will surely be the Boozy Raffle, with tickets at five euros a strip, or or one euro each.

Car Boot Sales Happy Days (Silencio): Cancelled until further notice because of road works Outside Callao Spirit (Callao Salvaje): 2nd Saturday of each month between 10am1pm. Sports Centre Car Park (Los Gigantes): Last Sunday of each month between 9ammidday. Further information from Pat the Cat on 608 121 081 Donations of bric-a-brac, books, clothing, shoes, handbags, bedding, towels and video players most welcome. Please contact as above, or leave donations at the K9 kennels. Market Stalls Alcala: Every Monday. San Juan: Every Wednesday. Torviscas (books only): Thursdays. Further info from Kenny on 686 141 003 Charity Shop (Friends of the Animals) (FOTA) Playa De La Arena (between Pink & Blue and

Pizza Taxi, next to Medical Centre): Open Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm. Sat, 10am-2pm. Info from 608 121 081 K9 Shop (The Dip, Silencio. opposite Coral Mar Square): Open 10am-5pm. Closed Sundays. Shop Info from Morag on 662 354 391 Donations: Info from Neal on 619 678 384, or please take along to the shop in The Dip. Kennels: Open to the public every day between11am2pm. Sat & Sun, closes 1.30pm. Tel: 667 638 468 Dog Walkers: Welcome any day from 9am. Please have sensible footwear, bring a drink and please respect the advice given about any individual dog. Cattery: It would also like help for two hours a day. Contact Kennels’ phone number if interested. Fund-raising: K9 receives no official funding and relies totally on the generosity of the general public. If you’re able to

arrange an event in support of K9, it will be really appreciated. Please contact any of the telephone numbers or emails listed for further information. K9 news: A Song & Dance afternoon was held at Vivo in aid of K9 on Sunday, and a total of 167 euros was raised. Many thanks to all concerned. Ritmania Dance School and Polercise were brilliant. On Sunday week (10th April), there will be a Tea & Cake afternoon at James Brasserie, Island Village (opposite Aqualand) from 2pm-5pm, Raffle & Quiz, Cake, Books & Kids’ jewellery stalls. Pool available. The next day Monday, 11th April, there’s a sponsored walk from Alcala to San Juan and back in aid of K9 & FOTA. To sponsor Mikey and Trixie, please contact the kennels or 619 678 384. It’s a 10am start from Medical Centre, followed by enter-

tainment at Alcala Plaza from 1pm. On Easter Sunday (24th April), we are staging a. Open Day at the K9 Kennels in Las Chafiras. There’s an Easter Bonnet competition for the kids (one euro entry), with a first prize of a Giant Easter Egg. There will a BBQ, Cake, Books, Jewellery & Silk Flower stalls, plus Kids’ Lucky Dip. There is also a Bottle Tombola, and donations of bottles, glass or plastic, booze, soft drinks, sauce etc, would be most welcome. Contact the kennels or any of the above phone numbers or email to donate please. All guests at our functions are invited to bring along a treat, of biscuits, tins of meat or rice or pasta for the four-legged guys at the kennels. Contact Mikey concerning K9 publicity at

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011


MARIANO E ZUNINO SIRI Understanding the Law Email:

Where there’s a will, there’s a way… just A READER called Penelope sent in an email recently about a situation that involves many English people being granting Spanish Wills, which I answered. But I promised to continue the subject because one column was not enough to cover it entirely and, just to remind you, here’s part of the email. A number of years ago my husband and I (and most of our friends in Tenerife) made Spanish wills, following advice given in your paper and from our accountant. We believed that this would make things easier for the survivor when one of us died. According to a recent internet article, “A Spanish will has the advantage that it can be executed almost immediately, whereas a UK one will no doubt exceed the deadline. “The reason is that Grant of Probate must be followed in your home country, which

takes a long time and is fairly expensive.” The article also states that if you have made a Spanish Will, it will not be necessary for your beneficiaries to obtain a Grant of Probate (which would have to be translated and apostillated). A friend of ours, who recently lost her husband, has been told by a Notaria and a Gestoria that, despite having a valid Spanish Will and original death certificate etc, there is no way she can transfer the property to her sole name and pay the Inheritance tax unless she obtains British Probate validated with an Apostillate. According to English Law, her circumstances do not require her to obtain probate. To do so now will entail a great deal of extra expense and inconvenience at a time when she is already very distressed.

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Her experience has worried my husband and me - and many of our elderly friends. We would be grateful if you could confirm if the information given by Lawbird Legal Services is correct. If not, is it true that on the death of one of us, our partner will have to obtain British Probate and get it apostillated, even though we have Spanish wills? This would make it very difficult to complete the legal formalities within the time allowed. Spanish Law states that the law that governs the Inheritance is the national law of the decedent (English law in this case). Thus, Spanish law reverts to British law (envoy). This means that an English person can grant a Spanish Will (referred to Spanish assets) according to his/her national law (in this case UK law) following Spanish law formalities.

This Spanish Will is considered valid unless in breach with UK law. Many notaries request the Grant of Probate to confirm (or give more security) that the Spanish Will does not contradict a UK’s Will or an English Court decision. If English law re-envoy to Spanish law, this would mean that no Probate could be granted in England. At this stage, it would be necessary to distinguish between “immovables” (real properties) and “movables” left in inheritance and coordinate this with the applicable law to the inheritance. Movables and Immovables To understand easily, movables are furniture and personal belongings and immovables are the properties (apartments, houses, including movable objects attached to those immovables). This issue could be easy to understand if there is a Will.

In such a case, the British authorities grant the Probate stating who the inheritors are. And the inheritors can accept the inheritance in Spain (with the Will and Probate). The problem comes if there is no Will. In such a case, we have to distinguish between movables an immovables. In connection with the movables, the applicable law would be the one or the situation of them. This has special features in cases of movables that are registered in a Public Registry (such as cars that are registered at Dirección de Tráfico or Jefatura de Trafico). Consequently, although a British Probate says that the new owner of the car located in Tenerife is the inheritor mentioned in the Probate, it would be necessary to change the ownership of the car in Spain. In other words, the Probate

itself does not change ownership automatically. The inheritor has to give evidence at Trafico Authorities to register the car into his name. Concerning immovables, the Spanish law envoy to British Law (national law) and British Law says that the applicable Law is the law of the situation of the immovables (Spain). This is called reenvoy. It is like ping-pong. Spanish law accepts the reenvoy made by British law. There are many different points of view, including those of the Supreme Court, which has different opinions in some cases. But normally, the idea is that the Inheritance should be governed by one uniform law (in this case Spanish law). Bear in mind that Spanish Law states the “legitima”, which is a portion of the inheritance that legally goes to the legal inheritors (decedent).

Page 19


Page 20

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Television Guide


Lewis Sunday 03 April, 8:00pm, ITV1 Old, Unhappy, Far Off Things. Former students at an all-female Oxford college gather for a "gaudy" celebration in honour of a beloved departing professor... and at this point crime fans will wonder if perhaps they've taken a wrong turn and strayed into Dorothy L Sayers' 1935 Lord Peter Wimsey novel Gaudy Night. Don't worry, they haven't - we are firmly in 2011 as dear, lumpen Lewis and his cerebral sidekick Hathaway potter along to investigate when a partygoer is found dead at the foot of the college stairs. Lewis looks sad when he arrives and we learn that the college has poignant, even tragic associations for him, thanks to its links with an old case. It's a knotty mystery, but never mind. It's not so complicated that it interrupts Lewis and Hathaway's visits to the pub or even requires much intervention from other branches of the Oxford force. These two do everything alone, in magnificent isolation. There are some classy guest stars headed by Juliet Stephenson as the professor and Zoe Telford as a supposedly hard-hitting feminist newspaper columnist who talks in banalities. "The jury is still out" indeed.

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Page 21

Television Guide


6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ....................Children’s TV

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ..........................A Hundred Years of Us

6:40am ......................Little Robots

8:30am ................................Lorraine

6:50am ......................Rastamouse

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

7:00am ....................Beat the Boss

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

7:25am ........................Newsround

10:30am ..................This Morning

7:35am ........Dennis and Gnasher

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:00am ..............................Britain’s Empty Homes

7:45am........ Dennis and Gnasher

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

11:30am ....BBC News; Weather 11:30am ............Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt 1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather 1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:30am ............................LazyTown 8:55am ..........................Octonauts 8:55am ....................Numberjacks

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

9:10am ................................Dip Dap

3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

9:10am ........The Koala Brothers

3:59pm ............ London Weather

1:45pm ................................Doctors

9:25am ..................Big Barn Farm

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

2:15pm ......32 Brinkburn Street

9:40am ......Little Human Planet

5:00pm ..........................The Chase

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:45am ......................Timmy Time

6:00pm ..............................Weather

9:55am ............................3rd & Bird

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

3:05pm ............................ Deadly 60

10:05am.................... Postman Pat

3:35pm ........Deadly 60 Bite Size

10:20am .................................. Pingu

6:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

3:40pm ..........................Deadly Art

10:25am ..................Chuggington

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

3:55pm ............Shaun the Sheep

10:25am ....................64 Zoo Lane

7:30pm ..........Coronation Street

4:00pm ......................Dani’s House

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

8:00pm ..........Children’s Hospital

4:30pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

4:30pm ..Tracy Beaker Returns

11:35am ..............Meerkat Manor

9:00pm ............................Benidorm

5:00pm ..........................Newsround

12:00pm ....................Daily Politics

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link 6:00pm ..............................Weather

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

6:00pm ............................BBC News

1:00pm ............Diagnosis Murder

6:30pm ..............................Weather

1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

2:30pm Restoration Roadshow

7:00pm ..................The One Show

3:00pm ..................................Flog It!

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

3:45pm ..........Helicopter Heroes

7:30pm ..................Rip Off Britain

5:15pm Escape to the Country

8:00pm ........................EastEnders

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

8:30pm ............................................QI 9:00pm .......................... New Tricks

6:30pm ..................Royal Upstairs Downstairs

10:00pm ........................BBC News

7:00pm ..................Britain by Bike

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

7:30pm................ An Island Parish

10:35pm ........Michael McIntyre: Live & Laughing

8:30pm ............Gardeners’ World

11:35pm ..................The National Lottery Friday Night Draws

10:00pm ............Frank Skinner’s Opinionated

11:50pm ................Weatherview 11:50pm ............Halloween H20: 20 Years Later 1:15am ....................Natural World 2:15am ............Baking Made Easy

Page 22

8:00am ..The Sparticle Mystery

4:30pm ..............................Pointless

8:00pm ......................Mastermind 9:00pm ........The British at Work

10:30pm ......................Newsnight 11:00pm ..........................Weather

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

11:00pm ........The Review Show

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

11:50pm .... London to Brighton

10:35pm ..........................The Cube 11:35pm ..................Take Me Out

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Television Guide

Friday 01 April 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who

7:00am ..................Jerry Springer

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

9:00am ................................ Ringside

7:00am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

7:30am ..................Jerry Springer

7:45pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

10:00am ............The Rugby Club

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00pm ....................Freak Like Me

11:00am ..............................Premier League World

9:00am ....................Wedding SOS

8:30pm ......................The Lock Up

10:00am ................................Mental

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

11:30am.............................. Premier League Darts

11:00am ..........UK Border Force

10:00am ..............Four Weddings

12:00pm ............................Oops TV

11:00am ................................Maury

9:30pm ............Russell Howard’s Good News

6:05am ................................Sali Mali

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..............................Max Bear

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:25am ..........................The Hoobs 6:50am ..........................The Hoobs 7:15am..............Freshly Squeezed 7:45am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am .................................. Frasier 8:40am .................................. Friends 9:10am ..............Supernanny USA 10:00am ........Brothers & Sisters 10:55am ..........Gok’s Fashion Fix 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

9:00pm ................White Van Man

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear

3:00pm ................The Rugby Club 4:00pm ..............................Ringside

1:00pm ................Body Language Secrets

6:55am ..................Little Princess

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

6:50am ............................ Peppa Pig

5:00pm ................................Premier League World

2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

11:30pm ......................Family Guy

4:00pm ..............................Oops TV

2:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:30pm ..............Football League Weekend

5:00pm ............................Futurama

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

6:00pm ..........Glenn Martin, DDS

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

12:15am ............Russell Howard’s Good News

7:10am ................................ Mio Mao 7:15am ............The Mr Men Show 7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends 7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

6:30pm ..............Premier League Preview

10:30pm ....Don’t Tell the Bride 11:50pm ......................Family Guy

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

5:00pm ..............................Charmed

12:45am ..............White Van Man

7:00pm ..........................Sky Sports News at Seven

7:30pm ..........................The Middle

6:00pm ................America’s Next top Model

1:15am ............................Bizarre ER

7:30pm .......... Live Super League

8:30pm ................Modern Family

7:00pm ............Ghost Whisperer

2:15am ........ Don’t Tell the Bride

10:00pm ..........Take It Like a Fan

9:00pm ......................Raising Hope

8:00pm ....................................Bones

3:15am ....................Freak Like Me

10:30pm ............Premier League Preview

9:30pm ......................A League of Their Own

9:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 10:00pm ........................CSI: Miami

3:45am ....Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

11:00pm ............Football League Weekend

10:30pm ........................Spartacus: Gods of the Arena

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

4:45am ............................Bizarre ER

12:00am ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:15am ......................................Close

12:10pm........ 5 News Lunchtime

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am ....................Dragons’ Den

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

12:20pm ................................House

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

6:25am ........................Emmerdale

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

7:00am ..........................WWE: Raw

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

7:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

9:00am ......................WWE Special

10:00am ........................Fifth Gear

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

10:00am ...... Football’s Greatest

10:30am ........The Gadget Show

9:00am ............................................ER

3:05pm ..........The Family Recipe

11:00am .. ATP Tour Uncovered

11:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

10:00am ............thirtysomething

3:15pm ......................Honeymoon with Mom

11:30am ........ Kings of the Snow

12:00pm............................ Top Gear

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:25am ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

12:00pm ............The Rugby Club

1:00pm .............................. Top Gear

1:00pm................................ Ringside

2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

12:00pm ..........................Inside the Actors Studio

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

5:00pm ..............................Weather

2:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

12:30pm ......................Emmerdale

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

2:00pm ......................WWE Special

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

3:00pm ..........Trans World Sport

3:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

2:00pm ............................................ER

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00pm ....Friday Night Dinner

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

4:00pm ........Football’s Greatest

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

10:30pm ......................Rude Tube: Rude Tunes

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

4:30pm ..........................WWE: Raw

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

6:30pm ..........................Tight Lines

6:00pm .................... Dragons’ Den

11:35pm ..............10 O’Clock Live

7:30pm ................5 News Update

7:30pm ....Live Football League

7:05pm ............................................QI

12:40am ................Mercury Prize Sessions

7:30pm ..........................Fifth Gear

10:00pm ......................Tight Lines

8:00pm ........................ 5 News at 9

11:00pm ........NFL: Total Access

7:45pm ......................James May’s Toy Stories

12:55am ........4Play: Beardy Man

8:00pm ..........Ice Road Truckers

12:00am............ Take It Like a Fan

9:00pm ................Mock the Week

1:10am ........I {Heart} Huckabees

9:00pm ....................The Mentalist 10:00pm ....................Law & Order

12:30am ............Premier League Preview

9:40pm ................Mock the Week

2:55am ................My Name Is Earl 3:15am ................My Name Is Earl

10:55pm ........................CSI: Miami

1:00am ..........................Tight Lines

3:40am ..Kiki’s Delivery Service

11:55pm ..................Cops in Crisis

2:00am ............NFL: Total Access

11:00pm ..................That Mitchell and Webb Look

3:00am ..............................Racemax

11:40pm ............ Mock the Week

12:05pm ..........................Designers Under Pressure 12:25pm .......................... The Thief 2:05pm ................Cookery School 3:10pm ........................Countdown 3:55pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ......................................Fern 6:00pm ..................The Simpsons 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:25pm 7:30pm ..........Unreported World 8:00pm ............................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 9:00pm ....Embarrassing Bodies

8:00am ................................ Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am ............................Peppa Pig 8:20am ............................Peppa Pig 8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car 8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline 8:50am ....................The WotWots 9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

8:00pm ..................The Simpsons

1:45am ......................The Lock Up

9:15am ............ The Wright Stuff 11:05am Brighton Beach Patrol 12:05pm ........The Family Recipe

5:20am ........................Countdown

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

10:20pm ....................Little Britain

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething 4:00pm ..........................The X Files 5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager 6:00pm ............................................ER 7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio 8:00pm ......................Prison Break 9:00pm ..............................Big Love 10:15pm ................................Treme 11:30pm ............Bored to Death

7:15am ....................Loose Women

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..................Loose Women 5:40pm ........................Judge Judy 7:00pm ............All Star Mr & Mrs 8:00pm ......................New You’ve Been Framed! 8:30pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp 9:00pm ....................American Idol

12:05am ................................Weeds

10:00pm ................The Only Way Is Essex

12:40am ............................Big Love

11:30pm ............Celebrity Juice

1:55am ....................................Treme

Page 23

Television Guide

S A T U R D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

10:00am Saturday Kitchen Live

6:10am ......................................Zigby

7:25am ........................................CITV

11:30am ........................BBC News; Regional News and Weather

6:25am ..........................Octonauts

9:25am ..........Coronation Street

6:25am ............The Large Family 6:35am ......................Little Robots

11:45am ..................This Morning: Saturday

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

12:45pm ..................................Monk

7:00am ....One Minute Wonders

1:40pm ............................ITV News and Weather

11:45am ................Football Focus 12:30pm ..........................Match of the Day Live 2:55pm ....................Galaxy Quest 4:30pm ..........................Final Score 5:15pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather 5:30pm ....................All New Total Wipeout: The Awards

7:30am ......................................Leon 7:30am ..................................Arthur 8:00am.................... Fee Fi Fo Yum 8:30am ..................Project Parent 9:00am ....................Dick & Dom’s Funny Business 10:00am ....Trapped Ever After

6:30pm ....................So You Think You Can Dance

10:25am ........................ Diddy Dick & Dom

7:30pm ..The National Lottery: Secret Fortune

10:25am ..............................OOglies

8:25pm ..............................Casualty

11:15am ................................My Life

9:15pm ............Live at the Apollo

11:45am ............MOTD Kickabout

10:00pm ....BBC News; Weather

12:00pm ..................................Coast

10:20pm ..........National Lottery Update

12:15pm ..........Diagnosis Murder

1:44pm ............London Weather 1:45pm ....You’ve Been Framed! 2:15pm ..............................Like Mike 4:05pm ..........Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles 5:45pm ..............................Weather 5:45pm .............. London Tonight 5:55pm ............................ITV News and Weather

10:45am ..........................Copycats

1:00pm ................The Prince and the Showgirl

6:10pm ......................New You’ve Been Framed! 6:40pm ..........................Harry Hill’s TV Burp Compilation 7:10pm ........................Ant & Dec’s Push the Button

2:55pm ..........Priceless Antiques Roadshow 3:25pm ............................Escape to the Country 4:25pm ..................................Flog It! 4:55pm ..............................Carry On Again Doctor 6:20pm ........................ Dad’s Army 6:50pm ....................Welsh Greats 10:20pm ........Match of the Day 11:45pm ................Weatherview

7:20pm.................. The Last Goon Show of All

11:45pm ..................The Football League Show

8:00pm ........................Edward VII: Prince of Pleasure

1:10am ............................BBC News

9:00pm ..................Goldie’s Band: By Royal Appointment

8:25pm ....................Live Celebrity Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?: Mother’s Day Special

1:30am ......................On the Road with a Concert Pianist

10:00pm ....................The Tudors

9:40pm ................................Wanted

2:00am ............................BBC News

10:55pm.................... Nurse Jackie

2:30am ..............................HARDtalk

11:25pm ......................ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights

11:45pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

3:00am ............................BBC News

11:59pm .......... London Weather

3:30am ............................Our World 4:00am ............................BBC News

Page 24

12:00am ..........................The Zone

4:30am ........................................Click

12:25am ..............Frank Skinner’s Opinionated

5:00am ............................BBC News

12:55am ..................The Rainbow

2:55am ..............ITV Nightscreen

5:30am ........The Record Europe

2:40am ......................................Close

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

2:05am.......................... Swingtown

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Television Guide

Saturday 02 April 6:10am.................................. Sali Mali

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:00pm ..............................Top Gear

6:05am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:00am ....................Don’t Forget the Lyrics

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:15am ..........................The Hoobs

6:30am ........Nothing to Declare

6:40am ..........................The Hoobs

6:15am ..................................Fifi and the Flowertots

7:00am ................................Ringside

7:00am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

7:00am ..................Jerry Springer

8:00pm ................Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes

8:00am .... The Sky Sports Years

8:00am ......................WWE Special

7:30am ..................Jerry Springer

6:25am...................... Fireman Sam

9:00am ................Live ICC Cricket World Cup

9:00am ............WWE Superstars

8:00am ....................................Maury

10:00am ........................Soccer AM

9:00am ................Four Weddings

1:00pm ..A Town Called Eureka

10:00pm ..........Russell Howard’s Good News Extra

7:05am ....................FIM Superbike World Championship 7:30am ................................The Grid

9:00pm ................Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes

8:00am ............ The Morning Line

6:40am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

9:00am .................................. Friends

6:50am ..........................The Beeps

2:00pm.......... WWE: Smackdown

10:00am ..............America’s Next Top Model

10:45pm ...................... Family Guy

9:30am ....Rio: T4 Movie Special

7:00am ................................Mio Mao

10:00am ..............................Friends

7:10am ......................................Chiro

4:00pm ......WWE Wrestlemania Preview

11:00am ..............America’s Next Top Model

11:30pm ..............American Dad!

10:30am ......................................Glee

7:15am ....................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

4:30pm ..............Best of Oops TV

12:00pm ........The Biggest Loser

11:50pm ..............American Dad!

5:30pm ........Emergency Animal Rescue

2:00pm ........Nothing to Declare 2:30pm ........Nothing to Declare

12:15am ..........................Daredevil

6:00pm ........Emergency Animal Rescue

3:00pm ........Nothing to Declare

1:50am Russell Howard’s Good News Extra

11:25am ....................Great British Hairdresser

7:30am ....Make Way for Noddy

12:30pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory

7:40am ..........................Igam Ogam

12:55pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory

8:05am ......................Roobarb and Custard Too

1:25pm That Paralympic Show

8:10am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:55am ....................Little Princess

3:30pm ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ..........Live Super League

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

9:30pm ..................Live Saturday Fight Night

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

11:30pm ...................... ICC Cricket World Cup

8:00pm ............................Futurama 8:30pm ............................ Futurama

8:30am ........................................Play!

1:30am .............. Spanish Football

9:00pm ..............Beverly Hills Cop

4:25pm ..............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

8:45am ......................Rupert Bear

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:00am .. ICC Cricket World Cup

9:00am ......................................Olivia

11:05pm ......Ross Kemp: Battle for the Amazon

8:00pm ....................................Chuck

5:00am .... The Sky Sports Years

4:55pm ..............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show

5:25pm ..............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

10:00am ........Meals in Moments 7:10am ....................Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

6:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

8:00am ........Licence to Le Mans

7:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

1:55pm ............Channel 4 Racing 3:55pm ........................The Secret Supper Club

6:00am ....................Super League 7:30am ..............Football League Weekend

6:30pm ..............Channel 4 News 6:55pm

12:45pm ..................Up Periscope

7:00pm ..................River Cottage Every Day

2:55pm ..................The Sea Chase

9:00pm ........The Transporter 2 10:35pm ..................Stand Up for the Week 11:25pm ....................Nine to Five

5:05pm ....................................Anzio 7:20pm ............5 News Weekend 7:25pm ........................................NCIS 8:20pm ....................CSI: Grissom’s Greatest 9:15pm ..................................CSI: NY 10:15pm ........................CSI: Miami

1:30am ............................Sex in the 80s: Pop Sex 2:25am..............................Privileged 3:10am ............................Privileged 3:50am ..........................Ugly Betty 4:35am ..............................Wogan’s Perfect Recall

6:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:35am ..................Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes 4:35am ......................The Lock Up 5:05am ........................Special 1 TV 5:10am ......................................Close

9:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

10:10am ........................Fifth Gear 11:40am ..........Megastructures: Extreme Bridge Demolition

8:00pm........................ Seven Ages of Britain

5:00pm ................Drop Dead Diva

2:35am ..................Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes

9:30am ..Gerald McBoing Boing

10:40am ........The Gadget Show 6:00pm ..............Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

7:30pm ..................The Simpsons

4:00pm ................Drop Dead Diva

11:05pm ......................Family Guy

11:15pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:15am ....................SuperCasino 4:00am ......................The FBI Files 4:50am ..........Meals in Moments 5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline 5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show

5:00am ........................Countdown

5:35am ..........Thomas & Friends

5:45am ..............Yo Gabba Gabba!

5:45am ....Roary the Racing Car

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

8:30am ........Champions League Weekly

8:30am ........Licence to Le Mans

9:00am ..............Premier League Preview

10:00am ............................ Top Gear

9:30am ..............Take It Like a Fan 10:00am ........................Soccer AM

9:00am ..............................Top Gear 11:00am ..................Three Men in More Than One Boat 12:00pm ............................Top Gear

12:00pm ..........Take It Like a Fan

1:00pm .............................. Top Gear

12:30pm.... Live Football Special

2:00pm ............................................QI

3:15pm ......WWE Wrestlemania Preview

2:40pm ......................James May’s Toy Stories

3:45pm ............NFL: Total Access

6:00am ........................Emmerdale 8:35am ..............The Movie Show on ITV2 9:00am ..The Only Way Is Essex

8:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

9:45am ..The Only Way Is Essex

9:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

11:00am ..You’ve Been Framed!

10:00am ..Star Trek: Enterprise 11:00am ..Star Trek: Enterprise 12:00pm ..Star Trek: Enterprise

10:30am ......Harry Hill’s TV Burp 11:30am ......Holiday Showdown 12:30pm ..............Animals Do the Funniest Things

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

1:30pm ............Ant & Dec’s Push the Button

2:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

2:50pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp

4:00pm .............................. Top Gear

3:00pm ............................................ER

3:15pm ....You’ve Been Framed!

4:45pm ........Sky Sports Classics

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

4:00pm ............................................ER

3:50pm .................... American Idol

5:00pm ............ Live Premiership Rugby Union

6:00pm ....................Three Men in More Than One Boat

5:00pm ............................................ER

5:45pm ....................American Idol

7:30pm ..You’re on Sky Sports!

7:00pm ....................Three Men in More Than One Boat

7:00pm ............................................ER

6:45pm ........Back to the Future

8:00pm ......................Prison Break

9:00pm ............................Magicians

8:00pm ................Full Circle with Michael Palin

9:00pm ..........Boardwalk Empire

10:55pm ..............Celebrity Juice

11:45pm ..................Football First

10:15pm ......................Blue Bloods

9:00pm ................Mock the Week

11:40pm ............................Daylight

1:15am ....................Football First 4:15am ..............Spanish Football

9:40pm ................Mock the Week

11:15pm ........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

5:45am ........Sky Sports Classics

10:20pm ............Mock the Week

12:30am ........Boardwalk Empire

8:25pm ....................Football First 10:15pm ..................Football First

6:00pm ............................................ER

Page 25

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S U N D A Y 6:00am ............................Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

9:00am ......................The Andrew Marr Show

6:10am ......................................Zigby 6:25am ..........................Octonauts

9:25am ....................May the Best House Win

10:00am ........The Big Questions

6:25am ............The Large Family

10:25am ........................ House Gift

11:00am ..............Country Tracks

6:35am ...................... Little Robots

11:30am This Morning: Sunday

12:00pm ........The Politics Show

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

12:30pm ....................Dinner Date

1:05pm ........................EastEnders

7:00am ....One Minute Wonders

3:00pm .................... Bargain Hunt

7:30am ......................................Leon

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

3:30pm............................ Escape to the Country

7:30am ..................................Arthur

1:34pm ............ London Weather

8:00am ....................Fee Fi Fo Yum

4:30pm ..................Points of View

8:30am ................Gimme a Break

1:35pm ....................Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder

4:45pm ................Songs of Praise

9:00am ........Dick & Dom Go Wild

5:30pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather

9:30am ..........................Cop School

6:00pm ....................Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers

11:30am ......................MasterChef

6:00am ............................Breakfast 7:30am ............Match of the Day

7:25am ........................................ CITV

3:05pm ..........Torvill and Dean’s Dancing on Ice Tour 2010

10:00am ..............Something for the Weekend 12:30pm ....................Live MotoGP 2:05pm ...................... Viva Knievel! 3:45pm ............The Gumball Rally 5:30pm ..........................The Truth About Lions 6:30pm ................Jackie Stewart: The Flying Scot

6:30pm ................The Boat That Guy Built 7:00pm ........................Countryfile 8:00pm ......Antiques Roadshow 9:00pm ............Waking the Dead 10:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather 10:25pm .................. Imagine: The Trouble with Tolstoy

4:05pm ........Midsomer Murders 8:00pm ..............................Top Gear 9:00pm ................Louis Theroux: America’s Most Hated Family in Crisis 10:00pm ....Match of the Day 2 11:00pm ............Football League Trophy Final 11:40pm ........................Awaydays

11:25pm ..........The Last Station

6:10pm ..................Harry Hill’s TV Burp Compilation 6:35pm ..............................Weather 6:35pm ..............London Tonight 6:45pm ............................ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ............................The Cube 8:00pm ....................................Lewis

1:20am ............................BBC News

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

1:10am ....................Weatherview

1:30am ............................Reporters

10:14pm .......... London Weather

The Cube Sunday

1:10am ..............The Sky at Night

2:00am ............................BBC News

10:15pm ............The Bucket List

7:00pm, ITV1

1:35am ........................MasterChef

2:30am ..............Dateline London

2:35am ............................Holby City

3:00am ............................ BBC News

12:05am ....................Premiership Rugby Union

3:35am ......................Men of Rock

3:30am ........The Record Europe

12:50am ......ITV News Headlines

4:35am ..............................HARDtalk

4:00am ............................BBC News

12:50am ..........................The Zone

5:00am ............The World Today

4:30am ..............................HARDtalk

2:00am ..........DOA: Dead or Alive

5:30am ................World Business Report

4:35am ..........................The Super League Show

3:25am ..............ITV Nightscreen

NEW SERIES. A firefighter and a dustman take part in the game show, completing tasks within the confines of

a large transparent cube in a bid to win £250,000. Each player has nine lives and must tackle up to seven

challenges, ranging from agility tests to skill trials. Presented by Phillip Schofield.

MotoGP – Jerez

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

5:05am ......................................Close

12.30-2.05pm BBC2 Matt Roberts presents the second race of the MotoGP season, which sees the riders doing battle in Jerez, southern Spain.

Last year it was a Spanish one-two, with Jorge Lorenzo finishing ahead of compatriot Dani Pedrosa. Will it be another day of

Spanish success or can a different rider blaze to glory? Race commentary comes from Charlie Cox and Steve Parrish.

good reason to see this sentimental tale that’s shot through with good intentions. A neatly packaged look at what everyday life can leave undone, it’s charming, if predictable, and certainly doesn’t hang about trying to make its point - the boys are in hospital, then they’re driv-

ing race cars, then they’re in Tibet, and then... Well, let’s retain what surprises there are. Still, it is money well spent to see Freeman and Nicholson perform, and while they are not a natural double act, they handle even a soppy little number like this with aplomb.

The Bucket List 10:15pm, ITV1 In this mild comedy about confronting the inevitable, two cancer patients escape their hospital room and set out to cross every entry off a “bucket list” (things they want to do before they kick the bucket). That the two men are Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman is the only

Page 26

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Television Guide

Sunday 03 April 7:00pm ......................The World’s Strictest Parents

6:10am ............................The Hoobs

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

6:00am ..................Hour of Power

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:05am ............................Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ....................Football First

7:00am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

6:30am ........Nothing to Declare

8:00am ....................Football First

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

7:00am ..................Jerry Springer

6:15am.................................. Fifi and the Flowertots

9:30am ........................The Sunday Supplement

9:00am ..............Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00pm ................Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

6:25am ......................Fireman Sam

9:00am ................Four Weddings

11:00am ............Goals on Sunday

10:00am ..........WWE Superstars

9:00pm ........Police Academy UK

6:40am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

10:00am ..............Drop Dead Diva

1:00pm ..........Live Super Sunday

12:00pm ........................Road Wars

10:00pm ......................Family Guy

11:00am ..............Drop Dead Diva

3:30pm ..........Live Super Sunday

1:00pm ..A Town Called Eureka

10:20pm ......................Family Guy

12:00pm ........................Dog Patrol

10:45pm ..............American Dad!

7:00am ..............Freesports on 4 7:30am ........................Crunchtime 7:55am ............................The Crush 8:25am .................................. Friends 8:55am .................................. Friends 9:25am.............................. Hollyoaks

6:50am ..........................The Beeps

2:00pm...................... WWE Special

12:30pm ........................Dog Patrol

3:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

11:05pm ..............American Dad!

7:10am ......................................Chiro

6:30pm ......................Live Spanish Football

1:00pm ..........................Dog Patrol

11:30pm ..............White Van Man

8:00pm ......................Live Spanish Football

3:30pm ......WWE Wrestlemania Preview

1:30pm ..........Dating in the Dark

12:00am ...... Police Academy UK

1:55pm .................... Four in a Bed

7:15am ....Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

2:30pm ..........Dating in the Dark

2:30pm ....................Four in a Bed

7:30am ............Noddy in Toyland

10:00pm ............ Football Special

4:00pm ..............UK Border Force

3:30pm ............Step Kids In Love

2:55pm .................... Four in a Bed

7:40am ..........................Igam Ogam

5:00pm.................... The Simpsons

4:30pm ........Nothing to Declare

3:30pm ....................Four in a Bed

6:00pm .................... Live to Dance

5:30pm ................Passport Patrol

2:00am ................White Van Man

3:55pm ....................Four in a Bed

7:50am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

11:30pm ........Johnstone’s Paint Trophy Final

1:00am ................Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

7:00pm ..........................The Middle

6:00pm ................Passport Patrol

4:25pm ................ Deal or No Deal

7:55am .................... Little Princess

12:30am ............Spanish Football

8:10am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

2:00am ................Football Special

8:00pm ...................... Raising Hope

6:30pm ..................The Children’s Champions Awards 2011

2:30am ........................The World’s Strictest Parents

7:30pm ................Modern Family

11:55am ......................................Glee 12:55pm ................The Simpsons 1:30pm ..................The Simpsons

7:00am ................................Mio Mao

8:20am ................Hana’s Helpline 8:30am ..................................Family!

3:30am ........Champions League Weekly 4:00am ..............Spanish Football 5:30am ........Champions League Weekly

8:30pm ..................The Simpsons 9:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-0 10:00pm ........NCIS: Los Angeles 11:00pm ................................House

8:40am ..........Milkshake Monkey

8:00pm ....................Cougar Town 8:30pm ..............Hot in Cleveland

3:30am ..........Thailand: Tourism and the Truth Stacey Dooley Investigates

9:00pm ......................................Katie

4:30am ..EastEnders Revealed: Whitney’s Story

10:00pm ..............Four Weddings

5:30am ......................................Close

11:00pm ............Grey’s Anatomy

8:45am ......................Rupert Bear 9:00am ......................................Olivia

5:30pm ..........................Time Team 6:30pm ..............Channel 4 News 6:55pm ...................... 7:00pm ........Come Dine with Me 8:00pm ....................Civilization: Is the West History?

9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show

6:00am ..............................Racemax

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

7:00am ................Road to London

7:10am ....................Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

6:00am ..............thirtysomething

9:30am ..Gerald McBoing Boing

7:00am ..........................The X Files

8:05am ........................Emmerdale

10:00am ..............Nigel Marven’s Rhino Adventure

7:30am ....................Super League

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am ..........................The X Files

11:00am ........Coronation Street

9:00am ..........................ICC Cricket World Cup

9:00am .............................. Top Gear

9:00am ..........................The X Files

1:30pm .................... American Idol

10:00am ........................The X Files

3:25pm .................... American Idol

11:00am ..Saturday Fight Night

10:00am .............. Full Circle with Michael Palin

11:00am ............thirtysomething

11:00am ..................Three Men in More Than One Boat

12:00pm .......... thirtysomething

4:20pm ..............................The Only Way Is Essex

1:05pm ..........Emergency Bikers

1:00pm ............Live Johnstone’s Paint Trophy Final

2:05pm ..............Prince Charming

3:30pm .............. Road to London

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

4:00pm ......WWE Wrestlemania Preview

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

11:05am ..................Andre Rieu in New York 12:05pm ........Ice Road Truckers

3:50pm ................13 Going on 30 5:45pm ............5 News Weekend

2:00pm Bang Goes the Theory

6:00pm ........Star Trek: Voyager

9:00pm ............................Benidorm

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00pm ........Star Trek: Voyager

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

8:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

10:00pm ..........................The Only Way Is Essex

5:30pm ..........This Week In WWE

2:40pm ..............Have I Got News for You

10:00pm ............The Magdalene Sisters

8:10pm ......................Just Married

6:00pm ......Live Masters Tennis

10:00pm ......Two Weeks Notice

12:15am ........Lost in Translation

12:00am ........................The Simon Cowell Factor

8:30pm ......WWE Wrestlemania Preview 9:00pm ......................WWE Special

6:00pm ....................................Crash

10:00pm ..WWE Wrestlemania Preview

7:00pm Bang Goes the Theory

3:15am ......The Play’s the Thing

4:50am ..........Meals in Moments

4:10am ..............Without a Trace

5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline

4:55am ............Wogan’s Perfect Recall

5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show

5:20am ........................Countdown

4:00am ......................The FBI Files

5:35am ..........Thomas & Friends 5:45am ....Roary the Racing Car

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

4:00pm .......... Star Trek: Voyager

5:50pm ........................Back to the Future Part II

3:20pm ............................................QI

4:30pm ..........WWE: Experience

1:00am ......................SuperCasino

3:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

5:05pm ..............................The Only Way Is Essex

8:00pm ......Kerry Katona - The Next Chapter

5:50pm ......High School Musical 3: Senior Year

2:15am ............................Never Did Me Any Harm

2:00pm ..............thirtysomething

5:00pm .......... Star Trek: Voyager

9:00pm ..............................Country House Rescue

2:05am ........Amelia and Michael

1:00pm ..............thirtysomething

7:40pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

10:30pm ......WWE: Late Night Afterburn

8:20pm ............................................QI

11:30pm ..WWE Wrestlemania Preview

9:00pm ......................Stephen Fry in America

12:00am ..............Masters Tennis

11:40pm ..................Stephen Fry: Guilty Pleasures

9:00pm ..............Temple Grandin

10:45pm ..............................Batman

11:10pm ....Autism: the Musical

1:20am ........Kerry Katona - The Next Chapter

1:15am ..........................Entourage

2:10am .................... American Idol

1:55am ....................How to Make It in America

3:00am ..........................OMG! With Peaches Geldof

2:30am ..........Boardwalk Empire

3:40am ....................Teleshopping

3:40am ....................How to Make It in America

5:40am ............ ITV2 Nightscreen

Page 27

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

M O N D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ................Neighbourhood Blues

6:10am ......................................Zigby

8:30am ................................Lorraine

6:20am ............ The Large Family

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:35am ......................Little Robots

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

10:30am ..................This Morning

7:00am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:00am ..............Britain’s Empty Homes

7:25am ........................Newsround

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

11:30am ............Cash in the Attic

7:30am ........................What’s New Scooby-Doo?

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:50am ......League of Super Evil

2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

1:00pm ...... BBC News; Weather

8:00am ..The Sparticle Mystery

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:30am ............................LazyTown

3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

11:30am ....BBC News; Weather

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

2:15pm ..................................Justice

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

6:00pm ..............................Weather

9:30am ....................Chuggington

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

9:30am ..........................Big & Small

6:30pm.............................. ITV News

9:50am ..Grandpa in My Pocket

7:00pm ........................ Emmerdale

10:00am ....................Mightymites

7:30pm ..........Coronation Street

3:05pm ........................ Gastronuts 3:35pm ...... Dennis and Gnasher 3:45pm ..........................Deadly Art 4:00pm ..................................Sadie J 4:30pm ..........................Blue Peter 4:55pm ............ Shaun the Sheep 5:00pm ........................Newsround 5:15pm ......................Weakest Link 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:35am ..............Meerkat Manor 12:00pm ....................Daily Politics

1:00pm ............Diagnosis Murder 1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

2:30pm ...................... Real Rescues

10:00pm ........................BBC News

Justice – This Town

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

2.15pm, BBC1

10:35pm ..A Question of Sport

Page 28

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

7:00pm ..................The One Show

9:00pm ............Waking the Dead

doesn’t show up. A smiling Jake celebrates his victory but Sharna is worried about repercussions from agreeing to testify in the first place, particularly when her mate Kaz is drawn into it. Coburn visits his old church for the first time in 40 years and is astonished to find that Father Jim is still there. The priest tells Coburn that it’s great to have him back, the community needs him; Jake Little runs things round here and no one seems to be able to do anything about it. Alongside Justice, BBC Daytime will show Neighbourhood Blues, a new observational documentary series following the work of a new taskforce assigned to tackle the enduring problem of housing estate crime.

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

8:30pm Finished at Fifty? Panorama

Marie thinks he’s taking the wrong approach. Marie knows that they need some good press and quick, so local reporter Louise Scanlon is brought in to interview Coburn. Not one for a charm offensive, Coburn bristles at personal questions, which arouses Louise’s journalistic instincts. Rattled by the interview, Coburn realises that he has to get out of the Centre and start engaging with the locals. When Coburn realises he won’t find out anything from behind the tinted windows of his car, Coburn and Senior Probation Officer Joe Gateacre borrow BMX bikes from some kids to complete their journey. At the Crown Court, the latest case against local hoodlum Jake Little is thrown out when key witness Sharna Mulhearn

10:35am ....................64 Zoo Lane

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

8:00pm ........................ EastEnders

11:05pm ..................Late Kick Off 11:35pm ................Weatherview 11:35pm ..................The Big Easy 1:20am ........................MasterChef 2:20am ..........................................Silk 3:20am ..........................Arctic with Bruce Parry

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

10:15am ....................Postman Pat

6:30pm ..............................Weather

7:30pm ..........................Bang Goes the Theory

Judge Patrick Coburn (Robert Pugh) tries to convince people his new approach will work The Dovefield Public Justice Centre has been open for a month and it’s already hard work, in this new week-long drama for BBC One Daytime. Judge Patrick Coburn has so far been unable to convince his staff – never mind the local community – of his new approach to justice, and Coburn’s bosses at the Ministry of Justice also remain unconvinced that he’ll be able to deliver results. To add insult to injury, the PJC has been broken into overnight. It doesn’t look like much has been taken but a key memo from the MoJ is missing. Coburn wants to hush it up but Community Liaison Officer and second-in-command

3:59pm ............ London Weather

1:45pm ................................Doctors

3:00pm ..................................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

8:00pm ............................The Dales

3:45pm ..................................Flog It!

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

4:30pm ..............................Pointless

9:00pm ..............Law & Order: UK

5:15pm Escape to the Country

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ........Great British Menu 7:00pm ................The Great Rift: Africa’s Wild Heart 8:00pm ....University Challenge 8:30pm ....................Lambing Live 10:00pm ....................Never Mind the Buzzcocks 10:30pm ......................Newsnight 11:20pm ..............Louis Theroux: America’s Most Hated Family in Crisis 12:20am ..............An Island Parish

10:30pm ................London News and Weather 10:35pm ..................Real Crime: A Shot in the Dark 11:35pm .............. River Monsters 12:30am ......ITV News Headlines 12:30am ..........................The Zone 2:35am ............UEFA Champions League Weekly 3:05am ..The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:55am ..............ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

4:20am ............................BBC News

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Television Guide

Monday 04 April 6:05am ................................Sali Mali

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..............................Max Bear

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:25am .......................... The Hoobs

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

6:50am ..........................The Hoobs 7:15am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:40am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am ....................................Frasier 8:35am .................................. Friends 9:10am ..............Supernanny USA 10:00am ........Brothers & Sisters

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 6:40am ......................Rupert Bear 6:50am ............................Peppa Pig 6:55am ..................Little Princess

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who

6:30am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

7:00am ..................Jerry Springer

7:45pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

8:00am ................................Oops TV

7:30am ..................Jerry Springer

8:00pm ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

9:00am ................ Football Special

9:00am ....................Wedding SOS

8:30pm ......................The Lock Up

10:30am ......Champions League Weekly

8:00am ....................................Maury

10:00am ................................Mental 11:00am ..........UK Border Force

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ........................My Brother the Islamist

12:00pm ............Best of Oops TV

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

1:00pm ................Body Language Secrets

11:00am ................................Maury

10:30pm ........................Bizarre ER 11:00pm ...................... Family Guy

2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

12:00pm ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

4:00pm ..............................Oops TV

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

5:00pm ............................Futurama

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

11:45pm ....................My Brother the Islamist

5:30pm ............................Futurama

5:00pm.............................. Charmed

12:45am ........................Bizarre ER

6:00pm ..........Glenn Martin, DDS

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

1:15am ........Police Academy UK

7:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:45am ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

11:00am ............Spanish Football 12:30pm ............Football Special 2:00pm ..........Johnstone’s Paint Trophy Final 3:00pm ..............Spanish Football

10:55am Relocation, Relocation

7:10am ......................Roobarb and Custard Too

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

4:30pm ..............Soccer AM: The Best Bits

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

5:30pm ........................Netbusters

12:05pm ....River Cottage Bites 12:10pm ..............Jamie at Home

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

12:35pm ............................Sea Wife

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

2:10pm ................Cookery School

8:10am ............Milkshake Monkey

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

5:00pm ......................................Fern

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

8:50am ....................The WotWots

6:00pm ....The Masters - Golf’s First Major

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

7:00pm ........................US Masters Official Film - Ballesteros 1983

8:00pm ......Rooftop Rainforest

7:30pm ....Live Football League

10:00pm ..........Spartacus: Gods of the Arena

10:00pm ................The Masters Golf’s First Major 11:00pm ............Premier League Review

9:00pm ....................Ross Kemp in Search of Pirates

11:20pm ......................Family Guy

2:15am ......................The Lock Up

8:00pm ......................................Katie

3:15am ........A Dangerous Place to Meet My Family

9:00pm ................Four Weddings

4:15am ........Police Academy UK

10:00pm ............Step Kids Don’t Ruin My Big Day

5:15am ......................................Close

11:15pm ....................A League of Their Own

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am ............The Wright Stuff

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm ......Dispatches: Cashing in on Degrees

11:05am ....................The Blasters

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am ....................Dragons’ Den

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

12:05pm ........The Family Recipe

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:50am ........................Emmerdale

12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

7:00am ..........WWE: Bottom Line

10:00am ..............Seaside Rescue

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ....................Loose Women

12:20pm ................................House

11:00am .................. Dragons’ Den

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

8:00am ..................The Masters Golf’s First Major

12:00pm............................ Top Gear

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

9:00am ....................PGA Tour Golf

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

11:00am..........................The X Files

9:25am......The Real Housewives of Orange County

2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

2:00pm ..................The Masters Golf’s First Major

2:00pm ......................James May’s 20th Century

12:00pm........ Star Trek: Voyager

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm........ Coronation Street

3:00pm ................Masters Tennis

2:40pm ................Seaside Rescue

2:00pm ............................................ER

1:00pm ........................Emmerdale 1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

9:00pm ............................One Born Every Minute

3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

10:00pm ....Heston’s 70s Feast

3:15pm ........Recipe for Revenge

5:00pm ..ICC Cricket World Cup

3:20pm ................Seaside Rescue

3:00pm.............. thirtysomething

11:05pm ........................The Event

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

7:00pm ..The Sky Sports Years

4:00pm .............................. Top Gear

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

12:05am ........The Album Chart Show Introduces - Katy B

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

8:00pm ..................How the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup Was Won

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

5:00pm .......... Star Trek: Voyager

6:00pm ..............Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

6:00pm ............................................ ER

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

12:20am ..........4Play: Gypsy and the Cat

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

7:00pm ................Seaside Rescue

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

8:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

8:00pm ..........................The X Files

9:00pm ..............The Armstrong & Miller Show

9:00pm ..........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

9:40pm ................Mock the Week

10:20pm ............Bored to Death

10:20pm ......................Peep Show

8:00pm ................Kerry Katona The Next Chapter

10:55pm ................................Weeds

10:55pm ..................That Mitchell and Webb Look

9:00pm ..........Hell’s Kitchen USA

11:30pm ..............Six Feet Under

10:00pm ..............Celebrity Juice

12:40am ........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

10:45pm ....................Something’s Gotta Give

12:40am European Poker Tour 1:35am ..........Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

6:00pm ..............Home and Away 6:25pm ..................................OK! TV 7:30pm ................5 News Update 7:30pm ......How Do They Do It? 8:00pm ........................5 News at 9

2:30am ......................Royal Deaths and Diseases

8:00pm ..........The Gadget Show

3:25am ....................................Codex

11:45pm ....................Undisputed

4:20am ........The Bible: A History

1:30am ......................SuperCasino

5:15am ..........................Ugly Betty

4:05am ......................The FBI Files

9:00pm ........Executive Decision

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

10:00pm ............................The Sky Sports Years 11:00pm ......................Soccer AM: The Best Bits 12:00am ................How the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup Was Won 2:00am ................................NASCAR 3:00am ......European Tour Golf 4:00am ....................PGA Tour Golf 5:00am ......................................Close

11:35pm ............The Armstrong & Miller Show

7:00pm ..You’ve Been Framed! 7:30pm ..................Harry Hill’s TV Burp Compilation

2:00am ..................Six Feet Under

Page 29

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T U E S D A Y 6:00am..............................Breakfast

6:00am ..Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ..Neighbourhood Blues

6:10am ......................................Zigby

8:30am................................ Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:20am ............The Large Family

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ......................Little Robots

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ..............Britain’s Empty Homes

7:00am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

12:30pm ................ Loose Women

11:30am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

11:30am ............Cash in the Attic

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ........................What’s New Scooby-Doo?

1:00pm ...... BBC News; Weather

7:50am ......League of Super Evil

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:00am ..............................Copycats

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

2:15pm ..................................Justice

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

3:05pm ........................Gastronuts

9:30am ....................Chuggington

3:35pm ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

9:30am ..........................Big & Small

4:00pm ................Dead Gorgeous 4:30pm ..........................Blue Peter 4:55pm ............Shaun the Sheep 5:00pm ........................Newsround 5:15pm ......................Weakest Link 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ............................BBC News

co into the country. The programme reveals the case of a 62-year-old retired taxi driver from Birmingham caught with 5kg of cocaine concealed behind the engine of his

car, and follows a cutter crew from the UK Border Agency as it stops a container ship suspected of carrying a large consignment of narcotics. Narrated by Samuel West.

10:15am ....................Postman Pat 10:35am ....................64 Zoo Lane 10:45am ..........................Waybuloo 11:05am .... In the Night Garden 11:35am ..............Meerkat Manor 12:00pm ....................Daily Politics 3:59pm ............ London Weather 4:00pm ........ Midsomer Murders

6:55pm ..................Party Political Broadcast

1:40pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

2:25pm ......................Real Rescues

6:00pm ..............................Weather

2:55pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

3:40pm .................................. Flog It!

6:25pm ..................Party Election Broadcast

4:25pm ..............................Pointless

6:30pm ITV News and Weather

5:10pm Escape to the Country

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm ..................Grimefighters

10:00pm ........................ BBC News

5:55pm ..................Party Political Broadcast

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

9:00pm ..........................Smugglers

6:30pm ........Great British Menu

10:00pm .................... ITV News at Ten and Weather

9:00pm ........................Candy Cabs

The shady Dennis, Shazza’s ex, turns up to disrupt their lives, Elaine struggles to keep her secret from her husband and, unexpectedly, romance is in the air for Jackie. With so many distractions, can they keep their eyes on the road and turn their fledgling business into the success they dream about? Jackie is played by Jo Joyner, Elaine by Lisa Millett and Dennis by Paul Kaye. Candy Cabs also stars Paul Nicholls, Denis Lawson, John Henshaw, Jodie Prenger, Claire Sweeney, Melanie Hill, Tom Goodman-Hill and Daniel Ryan.

10:00am ....................Mightymites

12:55pm ........Diagnosis Murder

8:00pm ..........................Holby City

their dream of Candy Cabs. Taking the biggest gamble of their lives, they accept delivery of a fleet of bright pink taxis, celebrate with a launch party and pray that business will flow. But they soon discover a host of hidden obstacles, including the need to sit the “knowledge” before they can even hit the road, and the little problem of signing up customers. Jackie takes an unorthodox approach to manipulating the media, much to Elaine’s dismay. And just what are the motives of Kenny Ho, the enigmatic boss of the town’s largest fleet of cabs?

9:50am ..Grandpa in My Pocket

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

7:30pm ........................EastEnders

Jackie (Jo Joyner) and Elaine (Lisa Millett) struggle as they launch their all-female cab companyBest friends Jackie and Elaine are mourning the death of their friend Shazza, whose passing has left them in the lurch just as they were set to go into business with an all-female cab company, in this new comedy written by Johanne McAndrew and Elliot Hope. It’s at Shazza’s funeral that they make a pact to proceed with their plan. With chaotic personal lives, a secretly re-mortgaged home and a bunch of best friends depending on them for jobs, they embark on

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

9.00pm, BBC1

3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

6:30pm ..............................Weather

7:00pm .................. The One Show

Candy Cabs

2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

8:30am ............................LazyTown

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

4:00pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom

1:30pm ITV News and Weather

10:35pm .......... See You in Court

8:00pm ......................Countrywise

11:25pm ................Weatherview

7:00pm ................The Great Rift: Africa’s Wild Heart

11:25pm ....The World’s Worst Place to Be Gay?

8:00pm .................... Lambing Live

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

12:30am Michel Roux’s Service 1:30am ..................Bang Goes the Winter Weather Special 2:30am ............Who Does What? 3:30am ............Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein

9:00pm ........................Filthy Cities

10:35pm ......................The Matrix

10:00pm .......... Later Live - with Jools Holland

1:00am ........ITV News Headlines

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

3:05am ................Crossing Jordan

11:20pm ................Perfume: the Story of a Murderer

3:50am .............. ITV Nightscreen

1:00am ............................The Zone

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

Smugglers 9:00pm, ITV1 First of a two-part documentary exposing the work of organised crime gangs and the average holidaymaker as they try to beat UK border controls and smuggle drugs and tobac-

Page 30

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Television Guide

Tuesday 05 April 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ..............Best of Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........ Nothing to Declare 7:00am .................. Jerry Springer

7:00pm ................Total Wipeout: The Final

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

9:00am................ Football League

7:00am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

8:00am .................................... Maury

8:00pm ........Don’t Tell the Bride

10:30am.. The Sky Sports Years

7:30am .............. Zoo Vet at Large

11:30am ..............................Premier League Review

8:00am ................................Oops TV

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ..................Don’t Tell the Bride - Brides’ Revenge

9:00am ....................Wedding SOS

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

12:30pm ............Football League

10:00am ................................Mental

11:00am ................................Maury

10:30pm ..............White Van Man

2:00pm ....The Sky Sports Years

11:00am ..........UK Border Force

11:45am ..................................35MM

11:00pm ......................Family Guy

3:00pm ........................Netbusters

12:00pm ............Best of Oops TV

11:20pm ......................Family Guy

3:30pm ..................SPL Round-Up

1:00pm ..................Hello Goodbye

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:45am ..............White Van Man

7:10am ................................Mio Mao

4:00pm ........................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

5:00pm ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:00am ..........The Treacle People

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..............................Max Bear

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:25am .......................... The Hoobs 6:50am ..........................The Hoobs 7:15am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:40am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am ..................................Frasier 8:40am .................................. Friends 9:10am .............. Supernanny USA 10:00am ........ Brothers & Sisters 10:55am ................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear 6:50am ............................Peppa Pig 6:55am ..................Little Princess

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

5:30pm ......................Football Asia

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

6:00pm ..............Premier League Review

12:05pm ......................The Quiller Memorandum

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

2:05pm ................Cookery School

8:10am ............Milkshake Monkey

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ......................................Fern

7:00pm ........US Masters Official Film - Nicklaus 1986

3:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1 4:00pm ..............................Oops TV 4:30pm ..............................Oops TV 5:00pm ............................Futurama 6:00pm ..........Glenn Martin, DDS 6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

11:45pm ....Don’t Tell the Bride 1:15am ..............Russell Howard’s Good News

5:00pm ..............................Charmed

1:45am ....................Don’t Tell the Bride - Brides’ Revenge

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

2:45am ..................Total Wipeout: The Final

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

7:30pm ..................The Simpsons

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:45am ..............Russell Howard’s Good News

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

7:30pm ........US Masters Official Film - Woosnam 1991

8:00pm ......Rooftop Rainforest

8:00pm ....................Cougar Town

4:15am ............................Bizarre ER

8:25am Milkshake! Show Songs

8:30pm ......US Masters Preview

9:00pm ..............Beverly Hills Cop

8:30pm ..............Hot in Cleveland

4:45am ......................The Lock Up

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

10:00pm ..........................School of Hard Knocks

11:05pm ........................Rio Special

9:00pm ...................................... Katie

5:15am ......................................Close

11:35pm ................................Fringe

10:00pm .................... Bridalplasty

8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline 8:50am ....................The WotWots

11:00pm ....................A League of Their Own

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:05am ....................The Blasters

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am ....................Dragons’ Den

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

12:05pm ........Meals in Moments

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........Coronation Street

12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

7:00am ..............WWE: Afterburn

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

6:50am ........................Emmerdale

12:20pm ................................House

10:00am ........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

9:00am ............................................ER

7:15am ....................Loose Women

1:15pm .............. Home and Away

8:00am ..................How the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup Was Won

10:00am............ thirtysomething

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

10:30am ........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

11:00am ........................The X Files

10:00am ....European Tour Golf

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

11:00am ................PGA Tour Golf

11:00am .................. Dragons’ Den

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

9:00pm ............................Katie: My Beautiful Friends

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

2:00pm ............................................ER

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

12:30pm ......Coronation Street

10:00pm ............................ Campus

3:15pm ......NYC: Tornado Terror

12:00pm ................How the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup Was Won

5:00pm ..............................Weather

2:00pm ..........................Speedway

11:45pm ......School of Comedy

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

12:15am ....................UK & Ireland Poker Tour

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

4:00pm ..................How the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup Was Won

3:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

4:00pm .......................... The X Files

1:00pm ........................ Emmerdale

11:10pm .......... Pete Versus Life

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ................Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm ......................Supersize vs Superskinny

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

1:15am ..............Freesports on 4

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

1:40am................................ The Grid

7:30pm ......Extraordinary Dogs

2:05am ......KOTV Boxing Weekly

8:00pm ........................5 News at 9

2:30am ....................................Sailing 2:55am ......................ITU Triathlon World Cup Magazine

8:00pm ..............Tsunami: British Search & Rescue

3:50am ..............Beach Volleyball

9:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

4:45am ........................Crunchtime

10:00pm ........................CSI: Miami

5:10am ......Full Metal Challenge

10:55pm ................................CSI: NY

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

6:00pm ..........Revista De La Liga 7:00pm ..........................Live UEFA Champions League 10:30pm ....US Masters Preview 12:00am .................. Golfing World 1:00am ..............Ladies European Tour Golf 2:00am ......................Football Asia 2:30am ..........Revista De La Liga 3:30am ......................................Close

2:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

6:00pm ............................................ER

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

7:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

8:00pm ......Battlestar Galactica

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..................Loose Women 5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

8:00pm ......................................Tribe

9:00pm ......Battlestar Galactica

9:00pm ......................................QI XL

10:00pm...................... Blue Bloods

10:00pm ..........................Mock the Week - Again

11:00pm ................................Treme 12:15am ....Battlestar Galactica

8:00pm ..........................OMG! With Peaches Geldof

10:40pm ..............Have I Got Old News for You

1:15am ........Battlestar Galactica

9:00pm ............................Benidorm

2:15am ....................................Treme

11:20pm ....................................QI XL

10:00pm ..........................Hot Fuzz

3:30am ..........................Entourage

6:30pm ..The Only Way Is Essex 7:15pm ..The Only Way Is Essex

Page 31

Television Guide

W E D N E S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ..Neighbourhood Blues

6:10am ......................................Zigby

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am .... BBC News; Weather

6:20am ............The Large Family

9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ......................Little Robots

10:30am ..................This Morning

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

12:30pm ................ Loose Women

11:00am ..............Britain’s Empty Homes

7:00am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

11:30am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

11:30am ............Cash in the Attic

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ........................What’s New Scooby-Doo?

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am ......League of Super Evil

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:00am ..............................Copycats

3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

8:30am ............................LazyTown

3:59pm ............London Weather

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

2:15pm ..................................Justice 3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

3:05pm ........................ Gastronuts

9:30am ....................Chuggington

3:35pm ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

9:30am ..........................Big & Small

4:00pm ..............Trade Your Way to the USA

10:00am ....................Mightymites

4:30pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom 4:30pm ..................................MI High 5:00pm ........................Newsround 5:15pm ......................Weakest Link 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ............................BBC News 6:30pm .......... BBC London News 6:55pm ..................Party Election Broadcast

2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

9:50am ..Grandpa in My Pocket 10:15am.................... Postman Pat 10:35am ....................64 Zoo Lane 10:45am.......................... Waybuloo 11:05am .... In the Night Garden 11:35am .............. Meerkat Manor 12:00pm ....................Daily Politics 1:00pm ..............................See Hear 1:30pm ....................................Coast 1:40pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

6:00pm ..............................Weather

7:00pm ..................The One Show

2:25pm ......................Real Rescues

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

2:55pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

6:25pm ..................Party Election Broadcast

7:30pm ................The Boat That Guy Built

3:40pm ..................................Flog It!

6:30pm ITV News and Weather

4:25pm ..............................Pointless

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

8:00pm ................ Waterloo Road

5:10pm Escape to the Country

9:00pm........................ MasterChef

5:55pm ..................Party Election Broadcast

7:30pm ............UEFA Champions League Live

10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

10:35pm ..................The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws

7:00pm ................The Great Rift: Africa’s Wild Heart

10:45pm ....Would I Lie to You?

9:00pm ........The Crimson Petal and the White

11:15pm ..........National Lottery Update and Weatherview

6:30pm ........Great British Menu

8:00pm ....................Lambing Live

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ................London News and Weather 10:35pm ........UEFA Champions League: Extra Time 11:35pm ........................Smugglers

10:00pm ..............Have I Got Old News for You

12:30am ......ITV News Headlines

11:15pm ....................Just Friends

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

2:35am ............................Spartacus

12:45am ............................See Hear

11:20pm ........Golf: The Masters

4:05am .............. ITV Nightscreen

1:15am ................Country Tracks

12:20am ..........................BBC News

5:30am ............ITV Morning News

12:30am ..........................The Zone

2:15am ....................Natural World

Page 32

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Television Guide

Wednesday 06 April 6:10am ..............................Max Bear

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:25am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:50am ..........................The Hoobs

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:15am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:40am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am ..................................Frasier 8:35am .................................. Friends 9:05am ................Wife Swap USA 10:00am ........Brothers & Sisters 10:55am ..............Country House Rescue 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

7:00am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

7:00am .................. Jerry Springer

7:30pm .................. Legally Blonde

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:30am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

7:30am ..................Jerry Springer

9:00pm ........Don’t Tell the Bride

8:00am ................................Oops TV

8:00am ....................................Maury

10:00pm ......................Family Guy

9:00am ....................Wedding SOS

10:20pm ......................Family Guy

9:30am ....................Wedding SOS

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

10:00am ................................Mental

10:00am ...... Nothing to Declare

10:45pm ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

11:00am ..........UK Border Force

11:00am ................................Maury

11:15pm ........................Bizarre ER

12:00pm ............Best of Oops TV

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:45pm ....Snog, Marry, Avoid?

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:15am ......Don’t Tell the Bride

9:00am ......US Masters Preview 10:30am ........Revista De La Liga

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

11:30am ..........UEFA Champions League Highlights

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear

12:30pm ....US Masters Preview

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

2:00pm ......................Football Asia

6:55am ..................Little Princess 7:10am ................................Mio Mao

2:30pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

3:30pm ......US Masters Preview

4:00pm ..............................Oops TV

1:00pm ..................Hello Goodbye 2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

1:15am ..............Russell Howard’s Good News

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

1:45am ............................Bizarre ER

5:00pm ..............................Charmed

2:15am ..................American Dad!

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

2:35am ..................American Dad! 3:20am ..................American Dad!

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

5:00pm European Tour Weekly

4:30pm ..............................Oops TV

12:05pm ..............................Gallipoli

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

5:00pm ............................ Futurama

2:10pm ................Cookery School

8:00am ........................ Fifi and the Flowertots

5:30pm ........US Masters Official Film - Faldo 1996

6:00pm ..........Glenn Martin, DDS

8:10am ............Milkshake Monkey

6:30pm ........US Masters Official Film - Mickelson 2010

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

7:30pm ....Live US Masters Golf

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:25am Milkshake! Show Songs

10:00pm.... Inside the PGA Tour

8:00pm .......... A Different Breed

8:00pm ................ Four Weddings

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

10:30pm ............European Tour Weekly

9:00pm ..............An Idiot Abroad

9:00pm ....................................Bones

10:00pm ................................Fringe

10:00pm ............Grey’s Anatomy

11:00pm ................Martina Cole’s The Runaway

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

7:10am ....................Dragons’ Den: On Tour

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

7:00am ....................WWE Vintage Collection

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ....................Loose Women

10:00am.......................... Fifth Gear

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................ Judge Judy

8:00am ..............Ladies European Tour Golf

10:30am ........The Gadget Show

10:00am............ thirtysomething

11:00am ................Dragons’ Den: On Tour

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:25am .... The Real Housewives of Orange County

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm ...................... Emmerdale

2:00pm ............................................ER

12:30pm ........................Nanny 911

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

3:10pm ........................Countdown 4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ......................................Fern 6:00pm.................... The Simpsons 6:30pm ................................ollyoaks 7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline 8:50am .................... The WotWots

7:55pm ......................

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

8:00pm ......Vacation, Vacation, Vacation

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff

8:30pm ..............Superscrimpers: Waste Not Want Not 9:00pm ..Jamie’s Dream School 10:00pm ......The Model Agency 11:05pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory 11:40pm ..........................The Big C

11:05am ..................Great Railway Adventures with Dan Cruickshank 12:05pm ........The Family Recipe 12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime 12:20pm ................................House 1:15pm ..............Home and Away 1:45pm ........................Neighbours 2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

12:15am ....Abbey Road Debuts

3:05pm ..........Meals in Moments

12:30am ........The Album Chart Show Spotlight

3:15pm ................The Hollywood Mom’s Mystery

12:45am ................Mercury Prize Sessions 1:00am ............Russian Standard Vodka Original Presents 1:10am ........The Frontier House 2:05am ..............Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 4:15am ..........................Ugly Betty 5:00am Wogan’s Perfect Recall 5:25am ........................Countdown

11:00pm ....FIFA Futbol Mundial 11:30pm ........ootball’s Greatest

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

9:00am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights 10:00am ........IRB Rugby Sevens 12:00pm .......... British Basketball 2:00pm............ IRB Rugby Sevens

5:30pm ............................Futurama 6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

12:00pm ............................Top Gear 2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear 2:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

2:55am ..................American Dad! 3:40am ..................American Dad! 4:00am ..................American Dad! 4:25am ..................American Dad! 4:50am ..................American Dad! 5:15am ......................................Close

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

4:00pm ........................................ Pool

3:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den: On Tour

5:00pm ......................Football Asia

4:00pm................................Top Gear

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

5:30pm ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

6:00pm ........................ Boots ‘n’ All

6:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den: On Tour

6:00pm ............................................ ER

5:40pm ........................ Judge Judy

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

7:00pm ..........................Live UEFA Champions League

7:00pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

10:15pm ........................You’re on Sky Sports! 1

7:40pm ............................................QI

9:00pm ..................The Sopranos

8:20pm .......... I’m Alan Partridge

10:10pm ......Boardwalk Empire

1:45pm ........Sky Sports Classics

9:00pm ..............Have I Got a Bit More News for You

11:25pm ............................Big Love

8:00pm.... You’ve Been Framed!

12:35am ................The Sopranos

10:00pm ........................Red Dwarf

1:45am ................................Big Love

8:30pm ..................Harry Hill’s TV Burp Compilation

10:40pm ..............Ruddy Hell! It’s Harry and Paul

2:55am ............................................24

7:30pm ....................Starlight: For the Children 8:00pm ..........Emergency Bikers 9:00pm ........................................NCIS 10:00pm ..................Law & Order: Criminal Intent 10:55pm ..Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

12:00am ..........UEFA Champions League Highlights 1:00am ..........Trans World Sport 2:00am ................Ten Pin Bowling

11:20pm ..........................................QI

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

8:00pm ............................................24

3:55am ....................The Sopranos

7:00pm ..................................All Star Family Fortunes 7:45pm ....................Paloma Faith: The Hot Desk

9:00pm ................Kerry Katona The Next Chapter 10:00pm The Only Way Is Essex

Page 33

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T H U R S D A Y 6:00am ............................ Breakfast

6:00am ............................Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am.............................. Daybreak

9:15am ..Neighbourhood Blues 10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:10am ...................................... Zigby

9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:20am ............ The Large Family

10:30am ..................This Morning

6:35am ......................Little Robots

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:00am ..............Britain’s Empty Homes

6:45am ................ Charlie and Lola

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

8:30am ................................Lorraine

11:30am ....BBC News; Weather

7:00am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

11:30am ............Cash in the Attic

7:25am.......................... Newsround

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt 1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:30am ........................What’s New Scooby-Doo?

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

7:50am............................ League of Super Evil

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:00am ..............................Copycats

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

2:15pm .................................. Justice

8:30am ............................LazyTown

5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

3:05pm ........................Gastronuts

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

3:35pm ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

4:00pm ................Project Parent

9:30am .......................... Big & Small

4:30pm ......Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments

9:50am ..Grandpa in My Pocket

6:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

10:00am ....................Mightymites

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

10:15am ....................Postman Pat

7:30pm ................The True Price of a Pint: Tonight

4:30pm ........My Life: Ballet Boys 5:00pm ........................Newsround 5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

9:30am ....................Chuggington

10:35am ....................64 Zoo Lane

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show 3:59pm ............ London Weather

6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ..............London Tonight 6:25pm ..................Party Election Broadcast

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo 11:05am .... In the Night Garden 11:35am ..............Meerkat Manor 12:00pm ....................Daily Politics 12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm ............Diagnosis Murder 1:45pm ....Racing from Aintree

New Series of Doctor Who To herald the new series of Doctor Who, BBC Learning and Doctor Who Confidential today announced Script To Screen, an exciting competition that will give one lucky team of school children the chance to write their own Doctor Who mini-adventure starring the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith. To win this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, school children aged 9 to 11 years will be encouraged to collaborate on a three-minute script that takes the resident Time Lord on a new quest travelling through space and time inside the TARDIS. The lucky winners will travel to the BBC’s studios in Cardiff where they will see their script brought to life by the Doctor Who team and cast, including Matt Smith. Doctor Who Confidential will also be on hand to take viewers behind the scenes to show how the script gets developed from paper to television screen – from the first script meeting, a cast read-through, on-set film-

Page 34

ing... all the way to the final edit. Saul Nassé, Controller of BBC Learning, said: “Doctor Who is loved by children across the UK, and I can think of no better programme to inspire the next generation of story tellers. “The Script to Screen competition is a fantastic way for children to learn new writing skills, whether or not they are winners. We are delighted that the stellar cast and crew of Doctor Who are on board for this journey of learning through time and space.” Children can be as creative and imaginative as they like in order to put together a story that’s filled with all the excitement and adventure of the popular BBC One scifi drama. The action-packed script must feature Matt Smith and can include one of four fearsome monsters/aliens from the show: Ood, Judoon, Cyberman or Weeping Angel, as well as a brand new human character to test the wits of the Doctor. Tailored learning resources

will be available on the BBC Learning website to help guide teachers and pupils through the process. BAFTA winner and head writer at Doctor Who, Steven Moffat, will also offer his expert advice and helpful tips on how to pull together a stand-out script with memorable characters. Steven Moffat said: “Doctor Who made me want to write. It made me fall in love in television, script-writing and storytelling, and led me by the hand to the best job in the world. It also made me want to defend the Earth from aliens but that hasn’t come up so often. “I know the power this show has to set young imaginations alight, because I’ve lived it, so I’m incredibly excited to be involved in this project. Plus it’s never too early to start looking for your replacement.” The winning script will be chosen by Steven Moffat, Saul Nassé and executive producers of Doctor Who, Piers Wenger and Beth Willis. Full details of how to enter the competition are available on

6:00pm ............................BBC News

4:30pm ..............................Pointless

6:30pm ..............................Weather

5:15pm Escape to the Country

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

5:55pm ..................Party Political Broadcast

6:55pm ..................Party Political Broadcast 7:00pm .................. The One Show

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

6:30pm ........Great British Menu

7:30pm ........................EastEnders

7:00pm David Attenborough’s First Life

8:00pm ........................Emmerdale

8:00pm ..........................Watchdog

8:00pm ....................Lambing Live

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

9:00pm ..........................New Tricks

9:00pm ................................Monroe

10:00pm ........................ BBC News

9:00pm ......................A History of Celtic Britain

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

10:00pm ................Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience

10:35pm ..............Question Time

10:30pm............................ Weather

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

11:35pm Holiday Weatherview

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

10:35pm ........................Benidorm

11:35pm ........................This Week

11:20pm ....................Filthy Cities

11:35pm ..........................Celebrity Grimefighters

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Television Guide

Thursday 07 April 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00am .............. Zoo Vet at Large

7:00am ..................Jerry Springer

8:00pm ........Police Academy UK

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:30am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00am ................................Oops TV

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

9:00am ....................Wedding SOS

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ..................Botox Britain: Your Face in Their Hands 10:00pm ......................EastEnders

9:00am ..................The Masters Golf’s First Major

10:00am ................................Mental

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

11:00am ..........UK Border Force

10:30am ......Nothing to Declare

10:00am .... Inside the PGA Tour

12:00pm............ Best of Oops TV

11:00am.................................. Maury

10:30pm ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear 6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

10:30am ............US Masters Golf

1:00pm .................. Hello Goodbye

1:00pm ..................The Masters Golf’s First Major

2:00pm.................... Stargate SG-1

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:55am ..................Little Princess

2:00pm ........US Masters Official Film - Ballesteros 1983

4:30pm................................ Oops TV

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

2:30pm ........US Masters Official Film - Nicklaus 1986

5:30pm ............................Futurama

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

3:00pm ........US Masters Official Film - Woosnam 1991

6:30pm.................... The Simpsons

6:10am ..............................Max Bear

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:20am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:50am ..........................The Hoobs 7:15am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:40am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am ..................................Frasier 8:35am ..................................Friends 9:05am ................Wife Swap USA 10:00am ........Brothers & Sisters 10:55am ..The Restoration Man 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm ....River Cottage Bites 12:15pm ..........The Colditz Story 2:05pm ................Cookery School 3:10pm ........................Countdown 4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ......................................Fern 6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

7:10am ................................Mio Mao 7:15am ............The Mr Men Show 7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

8:15am ............................ Peppa Pig 8:20am ............................Peppa Pig 8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car 8:40am ......................................Olivia 8:50am ....................The WotWots 9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

4:00pm ................................Oops TV 5:00pm ............................ Futurama 6:00pm ..........Glenn Martin, DDS

2:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 4:00pm ..............................Charmed 5:00pm ..............................Charmed 6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

4:00pm ........US Masters Official Film - Faldo 1996

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

5:00pm ........US Masters Official Film - Mickelson 2010

9:00pm ..................Martina Cole’s The Runaway

6:00pm ..Sky Sports News - US Masters Special

10:00pm ................................House

9:00pm ................Three in a Bed: Hidden Lives

11:00pm ........NCIS: Los Angeles

10:00pm ..................................Katie

8:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-0

7:00pm ....Live US Masters Golf

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm ....................................Chuck

11:00pm ......................Family Guy 11:20pm ......................Family Guy

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

11:45pm ................Botox Britain: Your Face in Their Hands

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:05am ..................Great Railway Adventures with Dan Cruickshank

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am ..Dragons’ Den: On Tour

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

8:00am .............................. Top Gear

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

7:00am ............WWE: Experience

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

7:00am ............................Star Trek: Voyager

8:00am ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

10:00am ........................Fifth Gear

8:10am ..........................Judge Judy

8:30am ........Football’s Greatest

10:30am ........The Gadget Show

8:00am ............................Star Trek: Enterprise

11:00am Dragons’ Den: On Tour

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

9:00am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

10:00am ......................Boots ‘n’ All

2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

11:00am ........Trans World Sport

2:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

12:00pm ..........UEFA Champions League Highlights

3:00pm Dragons’ Den: On Tour

12:05pm ........The Family Recipe 12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime 12:20pm ................................House 1:15pm ..............Home and Away

3:15pm ..............The Last Chance

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm ..................Three in a Bed 9:00pm ....Dad’s Having a Baby: A Bodyshock Special

5:00pm ..............................Weather

1:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All

5:00pm ........................ 5 News at 5

2:00pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

3:00pm ..........Trans World Sport 6:00pm ..............Home and Away 6:30pm ..................................OK! TV 7:00pm ........................ 5 News at 7 7:25pm ......How Do They Do It?

11:05pm ....Friday Night Dinner

7:55pm ..........................Live UEFA Europa League Football

11:35pm ........................The Ricky Gervais Show

10:00pm ....................Dragon: the Bruce Lee Story

10:00pm ..............10 O’Clock Live

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

4:00pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights 5:00pm ....................WWE Vintage Collection

12:00pm............................ Top Gear

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

10:30am ...................... Judge Judy

11:00am ........................The X Files

12:00pm ......................Emmerdale

12:00pm ..........................Star Trek: Voyager

12:30pm ........................Nanny 911 1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

1:00pm ............................ Star Trek: Enterprise

6:00pm Dragons’ Den: On Tour

2:00pm ............................................ER

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

7:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ World of Survival

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

7:30pm ..........Ray Mears’ World of Survival

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

5:00pm ............................Star Trek: Voyager

8:00pm ..............Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends 9:00pm ............Russell Howard’s Good News

7:00pm ......................Live Premier League Darts

10:00pm ............Mock the Week

11:30pm ......Rugby Club Special

9:00am ............................................ER

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

6:00pm ..............................Ringside

10:30pm ........Time of Our Lives

7:15am ....................Loose Women

10:40pm ........................Al Murray: Beautiful British Tour Live at the O2

6:30pm ............The Movie Show on ITV2

6:00pm ............................................ER

7:00pm ............................The Cube

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

8:00pm ....................American Idol

8:00pm ............................................ER

9:30pm ..................Harry Hill’s TV Burp Compilation

9:00pm ..................Six Feet Under

10:00pm ..............Celebrity Juice

10:15pm ............Temple Grandin

10:45pm ..............Batman Begins

Page 35


Page 36

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011


Stock Clearance Sale Now On! UP TO 50% OFF!

Many Items up to 50% off original price, Homestyle Direct is more than worth a visit.

HOME STYLE DIRECT continues to provide fantastic value, choice and style with their huge clearance sale. Every sale item is reduced by upto 50% off the original price. So if the current euro

rate is eating into your budget, a visit to Home Style’s ample well-stocked showroom is a must. They are now clearing stock at greatly reduced prices to make way for the brand new 2011 Ranges, which includes many new items at lower prices without compromising on

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

quality. With over 20 years in the business they can offer customers superb quality in home furnishing in different sizes and colours to suit your home and all at incredible prices. They also have many styles of furniture to choose from, not only from stock, but also in a variety of catalogues. Their extensive range includes leather suites, dining room and bedroom furniture and also a range of bedding in English sizes (feet and inches). Home Style have possibly the biggest choice in UK manufactured divan beds and mattresses and sofa beds in the South. Not only are they available in different

sizes, you can also choose the quality (soft, orthopaedic or back-care) plus storage options at low, low prices. And now with the new bed and sofa bed centre opened they will be able to offer over 50 different styles of beds and sofa beds all under one roof!Since opening in Tenerife more than 6 years ago, Home Style Direct has doubled in size. They they are now not only a well established store here in Tenerife, but also have a 20 year highly successful track record behind them in the UK where they carry most items in stock thus reducing delivery times to a minimum. With a one bedroom furniture pack now starting at 2,995 euros there has never been a better time to refurbish your apartment or turn your new

house into your dream home. The pack includes two sofas, dining set, beds, coffee table and lamp table set, TV unit, kitchenware, mirrors, pictures lamps, bedding and curtains, plus much more. This special offer includes free local delivery and assembly. You also have the option of changing anything within the pack to meet your individual requirements and tastes. The in-store stock is constantly being updated so whether you need just one piece of furniture or to furnish a full house Home Style have the facilities to meet your needs. So if your new year resolution is to freshen up your home be sure to visit Homestyle’s vast showrooms in Las Chafiras.

A 2 BEDROOM FURNITURE PACK INCLUDES:3+2 cloth sofa Coffee table 2 X lamp tables TV unit Dining set with 4 chairs 4 X lamps 1 X set of 90” X 90” curtains 1 X 4’6 bed frame + mattress 2 X 3ft bed frame + mattresses 1 X chest of drawers 3 X bedsides 1 X 4’6 bedding pack incl. curtains 1 X 4’6 duvet 2 X 3ft bedding packs incl. curtains 2 X 3ft duvets 4 X pillows 3 X pictures 1 X mirror 1 X complete kitchen accessory pack.


Page 37


SUE MCDONALD Common Sense Furnishings Email:

Made to measure, Sir!

I WAS talking with someone I know the other day, and we got on to the subject of sofas. To save his embarrassment, I will call him Rob. He said his wife wanted to change the colour scheme of the lounge, and he was looking for new sofas, but hadn’t been able to find anything he liked. He either liked the style but not the colour of ones he had seen, or the colour and not the style. I told him we could reupholster his existing sofa in a different colour if that would solve the problem, but he wasn’t all that happy with the one he had. I said that I had written on this subject several times in my Canarian Weekly column, and asked if he had read it. “Oh, that stuff is for girls” said Rob, and then proceeded to go into great detail about what kind of sofa he would like, and the space it needed to fit into, and even the colour he had in mind. So maybe this subject isn’t just for girls after all, Rob!

I could, of course, comment that there are many men out there who actually get more use out of their sofa than the women do, but that might appear sexist. In any case, I asked Rob to come into the shop so that he could see what style of sofa he liked, and also to choose the density and size of the cushions. We would then be able to design a sofa that suited his tastes (and those of his wife, naturally) in terms of comfort, and decide on the size as well. Most sofas come in sets of three-seaters and twoseaters, but since these are being made to order, the sizes and combinations can be adjusted to suit the room. I bet all this made-to-order stuff is going to cost me a fortune” said Rob. Well, he’s wrong, because the sofas are made here in Tenerife, and any minor adjustments to the design or

size are done at no extra cost at all. His original sofas were from a Swedish retailer, and it turns out that the new ones are likely to be cheaper than the originals! Last, but certainly not least, is to choose the covering for the sofa from a huge range of fabrics and faux leathers. As far as the change of colour scheme in his lounge is concerned, I would be delighted if Rob’s wife decides she needs new sofas every couple of years. But in reality, I will talk to her about the possibility of choosing a neutral-colour sofa, whether it is cream, black or grey, for example, and she can then change the accessories as often as she likes at much lower cost. So, take note that made-tomeasure needn’t cost more, and that all this interior decorating stuff isn’t just for girls! All items mentioned are available from Deco Nuevo, next to Ofipapel in Los Cristianos.

Brushing up on smart spruce-up AS the warm weather rolls in - and we can even say that over now after the winter we’ve had - thoughts turn to sprucing up the home, and not just a good spring clean. Home-owners are increasingly looking for ways to update their living spaces and maintain the value of their homes without completing extensive or expensive renovations. Whether you are applying a fresh coat of paint to outdated bathroom walls, or adding new doors to kitchen cabinets, there are many ways to improve your individual rooms without spending a lot of time or money. For instance, give walls a new look with decorative stencils, wallpaper or papered borders. They are a quick and easy way to update any room instantly. Kitchens and bathrooms can

and there really is no need, unless it is for outdoor restoration such as window frames or front and back doors. Another really hot tip to introduce smart, new-looking furniture to the home is to visit a good second-hand furniture shop. In the UK, there are many specialists, and they generally deliver the goods for a few quid. Over here, in the south, we have a number of recognised shops selling top-quality, used furniture, some of which can be left as it is, and other pieces renovated beyond recognition with a few brush strokes. One of the best resources for do-it-yourself tips is DIY blogs. Bloggers tackle various home projects and document their journey online to help readers overcome their own home improvement hangups. With their efficient project know-how, home-owners can find stress-free and costeffective ways to renovate any space.

Help to rehabilitate Aronas rural homes THE ARONA Town Council, by way of its Housing Department, has announced that from today (Friday), homeowners will be able to apply for assistance to rehabilitate homes in the rural areas of the Municipality. The initiative, which falls under the Canarian Housing Plan, is designed to retain

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be the easiest rooms to spruce up with a few small changes. Replacing old, outdated light fixtures and cabinets can refresh both rooms without consuming a ton of money and time with a complete overhaul. An easy way to give a room that fresh look is to update an old chair or table with a lick of paint. If you’ve never had a crack at reinventing furniture with paint, especially the waterbased eggshell finish varieties that can be purchased anywhere, you’ll be amazed at the transformation. All it takes is a lot of care, some sanding down if required and a steady hand. The beauty of water-based paint is that it will still dry to a hard finish, and you haven’t got that awful brush-cleaning headache with white spirit afterwards. Mind you, brushes are so cheap to buy these days that you can always toss them away after you’ve used them once. But oil-based paint seems such a chore to use,

wherever possible, those rural communities where homes are often abandoned because they are virtually uninhabitable. To qualify for the aid, applicants must be living in the building and it must be their principle and only family residence. As well, the work needed cannot cost less than 1,200 euros, materials and labour. The Town Hall has listed the possible needs that these old country houses might have, such as the most basic of requirements like being connected up to a power and

water supply. They will also consider fire safety measures, the reinforcing of walls, carpentry work and in fact, any of the basic needs for a decent home that will keep the family in the community and see far less old country casas being abandoned and left to fall into ruin. Anyone interested in applying for such help can do so at any of the Servicio de Atención al Ciudadano (Citizens Attention Services) offices in Arona town, Los Cristianos and Las Galletas.

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

Dear David, I read your page each which with interest, i only have a small terrace and grow everything in pots. Which is fine but now with more time on my hands I hanker after an allotment. Do you know if these exist in the south of Tenerife and if so how do you go about getting one. Regards John King

John, Thank you for your email, many people ask me advice on where to find a piece of terra firma to plant fruit and veggies. Unfortunately I don’t have an answer, I have attempted in the past to contact various agencies without success. Perhaps your first port of call is the Citizens office of the area in which you live. Unless do any of our readers have any further information. If you do then please contact me. David

Go gardening on balconies

Shop-workers need to know more about it

GARDENERS might be best sticking to independent retailers if they want good customer service, expert advice and quality plants, says consumer champion Which? Gardening. For the second time running, Coolings, an independent garden centre in Kent, has been chosen as Which? members’ top rated garden centre. It was closely followed by Gordon Rigg (Yorkshire) and Ayletts Nurseries (Hertfordshire). All three received five out of five stars for the range and quality of their products. Which? members also marked them highly for the helpfulness, knowledge and availability of staff. Dedicated garden-centre chains the Garden Centre Group / Wyvale and Country Gardens once again received low scores overall, with

Which? members rating them just satisfactory for product quality. Which? members were disappointed by the level of staff knowledge, helpfulness and availability at these chains. Big chains Focus and Homebase came bottom of the pile for the second time, all scoring badly on the range of products and quality of staff service. Tesco and B&Q didn’t fare much better, although they were given four stars for price. Ceri Thomas, editor of Which? Gardening, says: “Independent garden centres remain the cream of the crop when it comes to shopping for the garden, winning praise for their great service and quality products. Big chains are still lagging behind, with Focus and Homebase bringing up the rear – they’ve got a lot to learn about customer service.” Coolings have a cute website so if your surfing it’s worth a look.

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

IT’S AMAZING how a small space can be transformed into a stunning feature. With a little imagination, a balcony can become striking, creating a feel of extra space. Some things to consider: The wall of the building backing the balcony Consider the style or look of the wall. If it’s attractive, then landscape to complement it and show it off. If it’s unattractive, then landscape to hide the wall, or perhaps decorate the wall by painting to improve the appearance. If the wall is mainly glass, do you want to restrict the amount of light passing through, or create some privacy? Do you want to maintain as much light entering the building as possible? These considerations will have a big impact on placement of plants or features such as seating. Are there side walls? These will help to further contain the balcony. This can have a variety of effects, such as blocking off neighbouring units, restricting good views or blocking out bad ones, reducing the overall

feeling of space, or reducing wind (which can be beneficial in that it makes the area more pleasant, or conversely it can reduce the cooling effect that the wind provides on hot days). Getting more use of available space. This can be achieved by using window boxes hanging on the outside of the balustrade, attaching hanging baskets from the eaves, or attaching hanging baskets from a pergola above the balcony. The environment of balconies Balconies are often exposed places which can be inhospitable to many types of plants. Wind in particular may be a problem, and depending on the aspect, a balcony may be either a sun trap, becoming too hot at times; or continually in the shade, starved of light and warmth. There are plenty of hardy plants, however, which will grow well in even the harshest conditions. How to grow plants on balconies There are three main problems with growing plants on balconies They often dry out easily, they run out of nutrients and growing space is limited Drying out

Plants are normally grown in some type of container on a balcony. If the area is exposed to wind, or excessive heat, it is important to avoid the roots drying out. There are a few things you can do to minimise this: -Grow in larger containers -Provide a constant supply of water by using a capillary watering system, a drip irrigation system, or a hydroponic system. -Mulch plants heavily. -Use drought resistant plants. -Build a wind break -Use a good quality potting soil. Add things to your potting mixes to improve their ability to hold moisture (e.g. peat moss, or water storing granules & wetting agents.) Nutrition Regular feeding is important! Nutrients will be lost from the growing media, both through leaching away in drainage water and through plants extracting nutrients from soil. Frequent light applications of nutrients are preferable. Heat and frequent watering can cause a greater leaching of fertiliser through the bottom of pots than might otherwise be the case. Slow release fertilisers are best in most cases. Limited Growing Space

Careful plant selection will ensure you choose plants that are not too vigorous for the amount of space you have available. Using Containers Growing your plants in containers allows you to readily change your garden as you desire, moving plants around to create new vistas. Don’t limit yourself in the types of containers you use. Plants for balconies With the right attention, you can grow most things. Select plants to suit the space available. Large plants that require frequent pruning may be inappropriate. Rampant growers should also be avoided as they soon take over what space you have, often choking out other plants. Hardy and low maintenance Cacti; Succulents; Asparagus fern; Nephrolepis (Fishbone Fern); Tradescantia (Wandering Jew) Geraniums & Pelargoniums; Daisies; Cymbidium orchids; Bromeliads Bamboo; Conifers; Roses; Citrus Colourful and relatively hardy Azaleas; Nerium oleander; Lavender; Pelargoniums; Daisies Bulbs/Flowers: Agapanthus, Freesia, Grape Hyacinth, Scilla, Marigold, Begonia.

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Health & Beauty

CARL PATTISON from Robot, answers your hair questions

DANNI BYRNE Keeping you fit Email:


Out of condition? HOW many times have you reached for the regular conditioner you’ve probably had for the last few years, on and off, and still found your hair still doesn’t look or feel any better after using it? Are you using the right one for you? Or are you just listening to publicity that assures you you’re using the best available? Think again! Most conditioning treatments (and I will try not to get too technical) work only by coating the hair in a layer of the product to simply “masque” over the problem. For example, let’s describe your hair as a pencil-type surface, smooth to the touch. But if you could look deep down, you would see layers of scales. These scales are like protective armour over your hair and serve to give it movement, causing it to shine - a little like scales of a fish’s body. These scales normally lay on top of each other, smooth and flat. But when your hair is dry, permed or colouredtreated, the scales are damaged and lift, thus causing brittle and coarse hair. When you touch your hair now, you are feeling these scales, which are lifted, and that’s why it feels rough and can tangle easier. When your hair is dry like this, you need a conditioner that can penetrate these scales and “fill in” the gaps

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caused by chemical treatments, or even hair irons. Thus, choosing a conditioner or treatment is not as easy as deciding, “Okay, yeah, that conditioner will do”. You need to decide on which problem you are trying to solve. Do you need to find a conditioner that conditions your hair lightly? Then look for one that says Everyday use. This will be sufficient for hair that needs only a quick rinse to give protection to normal to darker-tinted hair. Need a more hydrating conditioner? Then look for words like Moisturising, Penetrating or Repairing, because these will keep your hair in good shape. If your hair is broken or extremely dry, and/or frizzy, you don’t need a conditioner but a “masque”. This will not act like a normal conditioner as it will work deep down into

your hair, literally helping to repair it from the inside out. These conditioners fill in the gaps caused by the damaged scales to create a softer strand of hair. This type of conditioner needs to be used regularly to repair these types of damage. A one-off treatment won’t perform miracles overnight. Remember, too, that when using conditioners, less is more. Don’t go mad as this could weigh the hair down, making it look greasy and lifeless. Try to rinse the hair in cool water because this will help to close the hair shaft and, thus, create more shine and smoother hair. Every salon carries its own range of speciality conditioning treatment, so do consult your stylist as to which one is most suitable for your hair type.

Men, tone that beach physique! IF you’re looking forward to relaxing and soaking up the sun on the beach, you’ll want to look your best. A six-pack and toned muscles don’t appear overnight (as one client thought) so the key to getting “beach-fit” is to start your health and fitness plan early, rather than attempting a crash-course in training and dieting. You need plenty of time to get in shape because rapid weight-loss plans are ineffective and harmful to your longterm health. So what is the best strategy to get beach-fit and make sure you look good? Follow the training and dietary advice here and you’ll tone-up, shapeup, and feel good on the beach as well. ½-kilo is enough Attempting to lose weight faster than half-akilogram(1lb) a week almost always leads to subsequent, additional, unwanted weight gain. Keep water handy Ensuring that a bottle of water is always available, at you desk, in your car, etc, will help keep your fluid levels topped up, make your skin look great and fend off false hunger symptoms. Easy on the alcohol The calories from alcohol in beer, wine and spirits are stored as body fat if they’re not used at the time of consumption; so reducing your alcohol intake will help with

your weight-loss programme. Correct food choices equal fewer calories Incorrect food choices are often triggered by energy lows, causing “quick-energy hits” through highly-calorific foods like chocolate. By choosing slow energy-release foods such as bananas, you will maintain constant energy levels with fewer calories. Don’t overdose on protein A common misconception when looking to build muscle is that you should eat as much protein as possible. The maximum amount of protein the body can utilise and absorb per day is just two grams for each kilo of your bodyweight, and that is for someone training extremely hard. Any excess protein eaten will be converted and stored as body fat, and be warned that too much protein consumption can cause kidney damage. Turn up the resistance Include resistance training as part of your exercise programme. By toning up and building up your muscles, you will increase the amount of calories you burn throughout the day, even when at rest. Muscle costs more The “energy cost” of a body with a greater muscle mass is higher than a body carrying excess body fat so, if you build muscle, your engine is running faster 24 hours a day, leading to further body-fat reduction. Train early Exercising in the morning

kick-starts your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) and the benefits can last for up to 15 hours. Keep balanced When you look in the mirror, the main muscles you see are your abdominals (stomach), chest and biceps (upper arm). Avoid over-training these areas because you will develop postural imbalances. Make sure that weights’ programme trains all around the body and not just the muscles you see when you look in the mirror. CV is good When looking to build muscle, many men shy away from cardiovascular (CV) training because they are concerned that it will counteract their muscle gains. However, for a balanced health and fitness programme, CV training is essential to ensure that your body’s most important muscle - your heart - is also trained. Abs are not enough If you’re looking to get a sixpack for the beach, sit-ups for your abdominal muscles are just one of the exercises you should be doing. Exercises for your lower abs, such as legonly V-Sits (sit on the floor with your legs elevated and alternately bend and straighten your knees) should be included, together with training for the obliques (muscles at the sides of your abdomen). Train your core In addition to the heart, another muscle group which is extremely important to train is your core, or deep-postural muscles. Good core strength will “pull everything in”, as well as greatly improving your posture. Legs are important An additional advantage of including CV training in your beach-fit plan is that almost all CV training involves using your legs - running, cycling etc - so these exercises will tone-up and build-up your leg muscles to match your upper body training. Following this plan to build a lean, muscular and toned body, and improve your allround health as well. It will surely give that edge this summer when step on to the beach!

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Skin-cancer victims are given a new ray of hope A NEW drug in the US has been approved to treat late-stage melanoma, which is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Yervoy, which is injected and based on a study of 676 endstage melanoma patients, has been given the green light by the US Food and Drug Administration. Those who took Yervoy lived an average of 10 months - four months longer than those given an immunestimulating treatment. And more than 20% of Yervoy recipients lived at least two years, while some survived even longer. Only two other US drugs are currently used to treat advanced melanoma: dacar-

bazine, a chemotherapy agent, and interleukin-2, which is so toxic that it is rarely used. Neither has been shown to significantly extend the lives of sufferers. Unlike chemotherapy, which attacks cancer cells with chemicals, Yervoy belongs to a novel class of immunotherapy drugs, which work by mobilising the body’s immune system to destroy the cancer. But Yervoy is not a magic bullet: Nearly 13% of patients experienced severe to fatal auto-immune reactions, while other side-effects included fatigue, diarrhoea, skin rash, and intestinal inflammation. Tim Turnham, director of the Melanoma Research Foundation, told Associated Press: “We think this is the first in a series of important new therapies for melanoma.”

Dreaded backlash of smoking hits diabetic sufferers much more NICOTINE may be responsible for serious complications in smokers with diabetes, and they should “make every effort” to quit. That’s the advice of scientists, who say there is new evidence to suggest the addiction-causing chemical is linked strongly to persistently-raised blood sugar levels among diabetics. There may also be implications for those attempting to give up the habit, who use nicotine-replacement therapy for extended periods. Almost three million people in the UK are diagnosed with diabetes, and close to a million more may have the condition without knowing it. Complications of the disease include potentially life-

Walnuts really are cracking! WALNUTS, generally acknowledged as a Christmas favourite, are tops at any time of the year when it comes to hearthealthy, nutty superfoods. They are packed with more potent and abundant antioxidants than any other popular nut, as well as healthy fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals. All types of nuts are said to be among nature’s most perfect, ready-made foods. As well as having all the nutritious elements necessary for a healthy diet, they also contain high levels of protective antioxidants, which counter the effects of harmful molecules. Research suggests that a regular handful of nuts can reduce the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and type-2 diabetes. But until now, it has not been clear which nut is No1 in terms of

health-giving properties. To solve that puzzle, scientists analysed the antioxidant content of nine types of nut: walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamias and pecans. Study leader Dr Joe Vinson, from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, said: “Walnuts rank above peanuts, almonds and many other nuts. “A handful of walnuts contains almost twice as much antioxidants as an equivalent amount of any other commonly-consumed nut, or fruits and

vegetables. But unfortunately, people don’t eat a lot of them. “I’m not saying they are a replacement for fruit and veg, but this study suggests that more walnuts should be eaten as part of a healthy diet.” Dr Vinson’s team found that walnuts not only had more antioxidants than other nuts, but more powerful antioxidants. Those in walnuts were between two and 15 times more potent than vitamin E, which is renowned for its antioxidant properties. The findings were presented

at a national meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim, California. Studies have also shown that people who incorporate plenty of nuts in their daily diet either maintain weight or lose weight, says the doctor, who adds that evidence is emerging of nuts being able to help brain health. Vinson also encourages nuts as snacks. “One of the reasons nuts are such a good snack is, that they’re certainly not empty-calories, and you feel full,” he says. “That makes it likely that you won’t over-eat at the next meal.”

threatening heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure and nerve damage. They tend to result from blood sugar levels running out of control and wreaking destruction in the body. And the key to preventing complications is good management of blood sugar. Doctors have long known that smoking increases the risk of diabetic complications, but it has not been clear which tobacco substances are to blame. The new research, reported at meeting of the American Chemical Society in California, points to the prime suspect being nicotine. Using human blood samples, the scientists showed that nicotine concentrations typical of those in smokers appeared to raise long-term blood sugar levels in diabetics.

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

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Food News

Here’s a special treat for your special mum on Mother’s Day IT’S Mother’s Day on Sunday, and it is also a special day for children, who want to show their mums just how much they love them. But it’s not all about scrounging some euros from dad to buy her a box of tasty chocolates, or emptying your money box to splash out on her favourite perfume. She would much rather you kept spending down to a minimum , and would probably welcome some flowers picked from the garden, or even by the roadside. And she would almost certainly relish a special plate of vanilla cupcakes, which can be baked so easily, and for little money. It takes less than 30 minutes to prepare them, 10-30 minutes cooking time, and you will probably find most or all of the ingredients in the larder and fridge. Ingredients 110g/4oz butter or margarine, softened at room

temperature 110g/4oz caster sugar 2 free-range eggs, lightly beaten 1 tsp vanilla extract 110g/4oz self-raising flour 1-2 tbsp milk For the buttercream icing

140g/5oz butter, softened 280g/10oz icing sugar 1-2 tbsp milk a few drops food colouring Preparation method Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4 and line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper

cases. Cream the butter and sugar together in a bowl until pale. Beat in the eggs a little at a time and stir in the vanilla extract. Fold in the flour using a large metal spoon, adding a

little milk until the mixture is of a dropping consistency. Spoon the mixture into the paper cases until they are half full. Baking method Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until goldenbrown on top and a skewer inserted into one of the cakes comes out clean. Set aside to cool for 10 minutes, then remove from the tin and cool on a wire rack. Icing on the cake For the buttercream icing,

beat the butter in a large bowl until soft. Add half the icing sugar and beat until smooth. Then add the remaining icing sugar with one tablespoon of the milk, adding more milk if necessary, until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Add the food colouring and mix until well combined. Spoon the icing into a piping bag with a star nozzle and pipe the icing using a spiralling motion on to the cup cakes in a large swirl.

Master Chef THE culinary competition of the year, MasterChef, continues on its merry way on Wednesday (BBC 1, 910pm), and there are just five great amateur cooks remaining. In this show, MasterChef judges John Torode and Gregg Wallace give the contestants their most fearful challenge to date: they have to cook for the infamous restaurant critics. The fabulous five have to pull out all the stops to conjure up their own finest

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three courses for a trio of the UK’s most renowned and toughest food critics: Charles Campion, Tracey MacLeod and Kate Spicer. They have one hour and 45 minutes to impress the hypercritically-honed palates of their guests and, with one contestant set to leave at the end of the show, the pressure is intense in the kitchen. Timings go awry, emotions take over and dishes either explode with flavour or crash and burn. Only the best will keep their place and maintain their chance to become MasterChef Champion 2011.

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Food News

Mamma’s, San Eugenio Alto IF you are looking for a restaurant which provides excellent food at excellent prices, then pay a visit to Mamma’s Italian Restaurant, in San Eugenio Alto. We were welcomed by Geni, the owner, and she asked if we preferred a table outside or on their garden-style, closed terrace We chose inside as the terrace was full - and it was also pretty full inside - and elected for the set menu. What a good choice that turned out to be because the food was second to none. It consisted of three courses, and each with a good selection. For starters, we had tomato soup and potato skins, which were both delicious. It gets better because for the main course, we went for the battered prawns, cooked to perfection, and the chicken stroganoff,with a sauce to die for. Simply fabulous! And if all that were not enough, we had the profiteroles to finish; lots of them and literally smothered in our favorite food. Yes, you’ve guessed: chocolate! The whole cost of each meal

was an unbelievable, unbeatable 7.50 euros. And it’s even better than if you are prepared to dine from 6-8pm. Geni does home-made pasta dishes with various

sauces at 2.50 euros (1.50 for kids). Lots of fellow-diners around us were trying the pasta, and we were told it was again, like the rest of their food, delicious. And at

these prices, why cook at home? At these incredible prices, and with Geni so attentive to everyone’s needs, it was hardly any wonder that the restaurant was full to capacity. You will

find Geni at her Mamma Italian Restaurant, in San Eugenio Alto. Take the road up the hill on the corner of Island Village and opposite The Toby Jug and find her next to Bellísima Hair &

Beauty Salon. She is open from 6pm ’til late and is closed on Sundays. Go on, spoil yourself and reat yourself to a lovely meal where we know you won’t be disappointed!

Serving up a real TV treat, but not for the poor chefs! THE Great British programme Menu resumes on BBC on Monday (6-30-7pm), with competing chefs challenged to the limit in this series. They don’t just have to impress three judges, all with extremely different

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

tastes, but they also have to serve their fabulouslyfiddly concoctions of tuilles, quenelles and wood sorrel to large numbers of diners, without jeopardising the quality - and without making them wait for hours for the puddings. On top of that, it is going to be even worse for the chefs this time because their brief will be to create spec-

tacular, sharing platters of food for a massive street party. Scotch eggs and smokybacon crisps probably won’t cut the mustard as the brief is for a “real feast for the eyes” - so that guests are “encouraged to interact with the food and each other”. Sounds like a real mouthful for the poor old contestants to swallow!

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Which of these is a proper photograph for your passport? DESPITE all the information needed to fill out a passport application, your photo is one of the most important elements. And people often get it wrong. It should be easy. You go into a photo booth, put your money in, smile and there you go. But unlike getting your holiday snaps taken, producing an acceptable passport photo is not quite so straightforward. “We produce around 32,000 passports a year for customers in Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Cuba, North Africa, Greece and Cyprus,” says Andrew Hamilton, Head of the Regional Passport Processing Centre in Madrid. “But no matter where the applications come from, we invariably find that the biggest cause for delay is that the picture doesn’t meet the required standard.” So, if you don’t want your passport application delayed because of your mug-shot, follow our tips below to make sure your photo is correct. Size matters: We need to see more “head” and less “shoulders” in the photo. There should be at least 29mm from the top to the bottom of the head, but no more than 34mm. No smiling: Although it’s tempting to smile, it’s better if you keep a neutral expression. Teeth should not be visible. Remove glasses: If at all possible, don’t wear spectacles because they can give off a glare, which means we can’t

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see the detail of the photo. Make sure face is clearly visible: Don’t wear hats, and try not to let your hair cover your face. Make sure you’re straighton: You need to look straight at the camera. Although we all may have a “goo”’ side, you need to be straight-on for the passport photo. The plainer the better: Photos should be against a plain, light or off-white background. Don’t use your home camera: The photos have to be of a particular resolution, printed on specific, photo-quality paper. It might look okay to you, but it can often come out grainy and faded on our systems. For children, the rules aren’t so stringent. There needs to be a good likeness for children under one year of age, showing as much of the child’s face as possible. For children between the ages of one to six, we can waive the need for a neutral expression, and the eyes don’t need to be looking straight at the camera. But for adults, we need it to be right first time. And for those who want to know, the correct photo is No3 For more detailed information on passport photos, visit the DirectGov website ( n/TravelAndTransport/Passp orts/Applicationinformation/ DG_174152) For more information on passport applications, visit the passports section of the UKinSpain website ( en/help-for-british-nationals/passports)

Ryanair court case ends in a stalemate

RYANAIR told a judge that its 40-euro check-in fee was actually a penalty for passengers who did not print off their boarding passes. The low-budget Irish airline was taken to court by a passenger unable to print off his boarding pass through lack of access to a printer. He called the 40-euro fine a “disproportionate and exaggerated” amount. But Ryanair bosses said they found it hard to believe that in this day and age, “every single passenger would not have access to a printer”. But the company failed to take into account printing the return boarding pass if a person was on holiday and unable to find an internet café with printing facilities, or those who owned a computer but not a printer, as they never needed to produce paper documents. Ryanair said in its written communication to Barcelona’s Mercantile Court No1 that it was “necessary to establish a fine” to discourage people from “refusing to check in online, since checking-in at the airport causes queues and frustration”.

However, the queue for dropping off checked-in luggage is every bit as long and frustrating, with little time saved for passengers who print off their boarding pass in advance. Likewise, most modern airlines which request online checking-in have touchscreen stands in arrivals at all airports, so that passengers can enter their details shortly before boarding. Ryanair, however, insists that all passengers check in online at least four hours before departure, and any-

one misplacing his/her boarding pass after checking in and printing it has to pay. The judge at the Barcelona Court found that airlines were obliged by international law to “issue” boarding passes, but Ryanair claimed that a legislation loophole meant that it was not mandatory for the airline to actually print the pass. During the trial, the plaintiff stated that Ryanair’s practice was a form of “unjust wealth generation”, which allowed the airline to

claw back “millions of euros a year” via its “abusive practices not used by other flight companies”. He and his lawyer said Ryanair should increase ticket prices to cover such eventualities and “compete in the market under the same conditions as all the other airlines”. The final verdict was that flight companies were required by law to issue boarding passes, but it was not made clear where it left passengers forced to pay for not printing their own.

Airport peace blossoms, and a 100m-euro promise as well PEACE descended on airports in Spain and Tenerife last Friday following an end to the threat of strike disruptions by workers at key holiday times. An agreement was reached between unions, the Government and airport governing body AENA, and included a 100-million-euro investment pledge for air travel. In favour the proposals

were an overwhelming 8,000 of the 10,000 workers involved, including maintenance staff and engineers, IT support, runway staff, firefighters, administration workers, technicians and customer service employees. José Blanco, Minister of Public Works, (centre), together with AENA president Juan Lema (left) and Antonio Vázquez, head of Iberia, signed the contract last Friday. Blanco stressed the value of the peace deal, saying it was a vital move, since tourism was one of the main-

stays of the economy, especially here in Tenerife. The strikes were planned for the Easter holidays (20th, 21st, 24th, 25th and 30th April), the May Bank Holiday and other important school holiday dates throughout the summer. A delighted Blanco told the meeting that 2011 would be “a great year” for air travel growth. He also thanked AENA workers for their “responsibility” in voting for the preliminary terms agreed between AENA and the unions, and for calling off their strikes.

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011


Prize Sudoku - X



Last Week’s Answers:


Quiz: 1. Cricket 2. March and April 3. Selfridges 4. March 5. The Budget 6. St David`s 7. Courtney Cox 8. Stravinsky 9. Nightmare On Elm Street 10. They are astronomical observatories.


The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid.


WIN!!! Showtime tickets and an Oasis Fm t-shirt.


Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to before Wednesday 6th April and you could win! Answer from Edition 696 (25/03/2011) was: 62 Winner: Helena Clark


3 2






Brain Training: Beginer: 56 Intermediate: 24 Advanced: 62

You have until the 29th April to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.















4 1

1 Sudoku X:


8 5



6 Puzzle Rating: Quite hard





1 8

5 4



4 1

8 2






3 2 5

7 3









7 2

7 Puzzle Rating: moderate

Aries (March 21st - April 19th) If you allow yourself to be consumed by power struggles, you may be tempted to take drastic action to be free of a situation. Likewise, if you overplay your hand you may be left to face stern consequences. Why not sit it out and do nothing, because no one can then accuse you of making the wrong choice? TAURUS If you feel there are hidden enemies waiting for you to mess up, you’re probably right, so keep your wits about you this week and be extra vigilant about doing things by the book. There could be crossed wires over communications, so remain alert. GEMINI A joint financial situation cause frustration and could lead to building resentment, but be careful what you say in anger as it may come back to haunt you. Look more deeply into situations and be honest and realistic with yourself over actions you’ve taken in the past. CANCER You may have to put career plans on ice, as home conflicts need your full attention before all else this week. However, things clear up quickly and you can start to enjoy emotional intimacy, a boost in your positive attitude, and much more hope for the future. LEO You have formulated a meticulous plan to reach your longterm ambitions and will let nothing and no one stand in your way, so don’t let a bump in the road over a long-standing friendship

kick you out of gear. Spending more time with an intimate partner is vital to keep the flames burning. VIRGO Take care of lingering responsibilities before embarking on a new opportunity because, if you leave loose ends, they could trip you up. You’re eager to move forward, but you need to apply patience over rethinking recent strategies, as you don’t want to encounter hurdles along the way. LIBRA If you would like nothing more than a thaw in hostilities between you and a certain someone, you really need to sit around the debating table and work on a compromise that suits you both. You must be aware that together, you make a formidable team. Clear up recent crossed wires and promise to tell the truth, no matter what. SCORPIO Steady as you go over work matters and new projects, and please stay within your current limitations until you get the feel of where you want to go next. It’s only then you can go out on a limb and take a chance. Feeling under the weather? Maybe it’s time for a check-up at the doctors to put your mind at rest

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

SAGITTARIUS You may meet minor resistance this week, but don’t be too quick to throw in the towel. Continue to see the bigger picture and work to retain your sense of humour. It’s what keeps you going when unexpected hurdles try to slow you down. Don’t rush into emotional commitments. CAPRICORN You can’t cut yourself into 10 pieces, so you’ll need to learn to prioritise when demands fly at you from all directions this week. Your finances look promising and it seems as they’re taking an upward swing. But you may need to rethink strategies on a daily basis to remain buoyant. AQUARIUS You may find it a hard struggle to stay true to your long-held principles when someone challenges your belief system. But with the moon in your sign midweek giving you an edge, you’ll railroad others with some fast-talking diatribe and you will also side-step having to make a decision one way or the other. Clever! PISCES Perhaps it’s time for a lifestyle review, starting with what you can cut back on, as you can no longer spend money like water. The whole country is tightening its belt and you’re no exception, yet you seem averse to sacrificing what you consider to be well-earned luxuries. Be careful.















































































quite easy







































































































































































Horoscopes of the week








Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training Who is the mum of... 1. Lourdes

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER STARTER NUMBER

2. Maddox

14 4

3. Chloe Madley

-41 8

4. Kate Hudson



x4 5














5. Liza Minnelli

6. Zara Phillips

7. Matt Groening

8. Brooklyn


33 4

÷4 8


10. Debbie Dingle










3/4 of this





61 9. Suri Cruise








+51 80% of this 8


+216 3/4 of this





4/7 of this


Page 45


Page 46

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011



Behind the Wheel


Japan manufacturers facing huge backlash after the earthquake THE severe disruption to production of car components in Japan caused by the earthquake and tsunami could reduce worldwide car manufacturing by up to 35%. That equates to about five million vehicles - and factories would not have the capacity to catch up later on. The forecast, by renowned IHS Automotive analysts, is based on the assumption that the problems with supplies from Japanese factories will continue for at least three months. Most car factories in the country have halted production since the tragedy, which has cost thousands of lives. And though many of these plants were not directly affected, a significant number of factories belonging to car-industry suppliers were clobbered. Japan produces a significant 13% of the world's output, but the shortage of specific supplies is having an effect on European car makers as well. General Motors and PSA Peugeot Citroen have stopped production of some

models already, while Germany’s premium brands could face a shortage of electronic components. Better news nearer home came via a joint announcement from Vauxhall and Renault, confirming that production of the next generation Vivaro van will go ahead at Vauxhall’s Luton factory. This should safeguard the future of more than 1,000 workers. The co-operation between Renault and Vauxhall goes back to 1996, when the companies joined forces to produce the Renault Master and Vauxhall Movano commercial vehicles. The companies then introduced the smaller Renault Trafic/Vauxhall Vivaro vans. The Vivaro is badged as an Opel for markets outside the UK. By the end of 2010, an incredible 1.25 million examples of the outgoing Vivaro/Trafic had been produced. The Renault and Vauxhall versions are virtually identical, though marketed independently. And finally, how about this for a footnote? A 26-yearold woman from South London has failed the driving theory test 90 times. Nuff said!

Bleep, bleep, it’s enough to make Nissan’s Leaf car-makers curse

Whisper it not… these green cars are too noisy EVERYTHING is not all sweetness and light, or even black and white, in the green world of electric cars, which are the quietest motors around. Perversely, it’s because there are strange sounds being emitted from some

cars, which contravene UK noise regulations, according to a report in the Mail on Sunday. Nissan have been forced to remove the reverse bleeper on their all-new, allelectric Leaf, which is supposed to be launched in Europe any time now for just under £26,000 (30,000 euros). Korean car manufacturer

Hyundai have had to delay the launch of their Sonata Hybrid in the US to remove a feature which enables the driver to disable its virtual engine sound at speeds below 12mph. In Britain, it is forbidden to use audible alerts on vehicles between 11pm and 6am. But in the US, electric and hybrid machines must make false sounds at any

speed below 12mph. Another car-making company in trouble are General Motors, who have spent 18 months working out how to get the noise back into their electric-powered Ampera after spending billions developing a quiet, green car! No wonder manufacturers are screaming blue murder, or should that be green?

Will this model be affected by the tsunami aftermath in Japan?

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Page 47



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See page 10 for information on the new CD Tenerife Fan Shop now open in Fanabe Plaza Commercial Centre

Sport Talk


It’s now or never Elche 1 CD Tenerife 0 IT’S Groundhog Day. Again. Another disappointing defeat, another match where Tenerife deserved something, and another game ending with just nine Tenerife players on the pitch.

Page 48

Oh, and a punch-up in the dressing room. Yes, it’s the soap opera that is CD Tenerife. At times this season, it has been a bit like Sky’s naff 90s footy soap Dream Team. Minus the explosions, drugs busts and captain “playing” with the owner, of course. This latest defeat is easy to take, despite it being a season-record fifth straight defeat. Elche are flying, as predicted here at the start of the season, and they could yet end up in La Liga.

So the fact that Tenerife pushed them so hard should be applauded. This time, the team did show some heart and, with a bit of luck, would have returned with something. But Lady Luck has been hiding from Tenerife all season. She is not to blame for what has happened, but she may be required if the relegation battle is to be won. The defeat at Elche leaves Tenerife seven points from safety and, with Las Palmas and Recreativo finding form,

it means it’s two from us, Salamanca and this weekend’s opponents Nastic for the drop. In Spain, the sides’ head-tohead records rather than goal difference decides the placings when the points are tied. So since Nastic triumphed in Santa Cruz before Christmas, Tenerife simply have to win. Or theoretically, Nastic have an extra point. A win for Tenerife would make the gap a workable four points, while a defeat would make it a season-ending 10. Tenerife will go into the match without first-choice left-back Beranger and midfielder Hidalgo, both of whom are suspended, but Ricardo is available after the yellow card he collected in Elche was rescinded. What part he plays is anyone’s guess after his punch-up with Julio Alvarez after the match. Apparently, Alvarez questioned Ricardo’s efforts, which brought a physical response from the local lad. It can be seen in two ways. Some fans will be pleased that there is some passion for the fight, while older sages will say it shows how divided the team are. The first Nastic match was a real low point in a season of disasters. The display at the Heliodoro was spineless, save for the fine debut from Josmar Zambrano. You will recall that I wrote about his absence last week, and it remains a mystery as to why this great prospect is kicking his heels in the reserves. Manager Antonio Tapia apparently feels the relegation scrap is too much for a kid, but I strongly disagree. He has the X Factor which can swing tight matches. He scared the life out of Nastic, and their defenders will not have forgotten that. Hopefully, the Tenerife lads will remember that match as well. It is vital that CDT return with at least a point. Nastic are no world-beaters, but they have chalked up some good victories recently. They were good value for the 2-1 win at Xerez, and solid in beating Cartagena and Numancia at home. But they

were put in their place by Barca B in the derby match, and were poor last week against Cordoba. Which Nastic will turn up? Tenerife captain Marc Betran is none the wiser: “They are a strong side and we must match them in that way,” he said. “They have had some good results recently and we have lost five straight games. “That has to end, and we hope that happens on Saturday. The only message I can give the fans is that we will try our very best to get the three points we need.” It’s hardly Churchillian! Three points over Nastic, coupled with a win from next weekend’s home match with Huesca would make the world seem a different place. It’s

baby steps for the Tenerife players and fans. One game at a time. Every match is a cup final. Chose your cliché. But one thing is crystal clear: A defeat on Saturday evening will mean it’s Segunda B next season and hello to trips to Alcala, Cacereno and Coruxo!

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011


The latest division one player standings are out and it's really tight at the top in the race to be player of the season. The top thirty ranked players are:

Grandad Chris Ash Bungalow Jambo Craig Penguin Graham Wez Johnny Kevin Harry Shaun Jamie Steve Barry H Martin Ket Mickey Dave Mark P Roscoe Mark Keith Marcus Chris Alex Bubbles Adrian Colin Alan

Superstars Superstars Palms A Hammers A Superstars Palms A Hammers A Palms A Men Of Phoenix Hoops Trap Door Phoenix Hammers A 180 A Superstars Trap Door Trap Door Terrace A Palms A 180 B Rat Pack Trap Door Hoops Toscales Phoenix 180 B Rat Pack 180 A

Pld 58 54 50 52 54 52 54 49 51 54 46 54 54 54 58 49 54 56 44 44 48 52 48 50 56 52 38 46 48

Won 44 41 40 40 40 39 38 37 37 36 34 34 34 34 34 33 33 33 32 32 32 31 30 30 29 28 27 27 27

Lost 14 13 10 12 14 13 16 12 14 18 12 20 20 20 24 16 21 23 12 12 16 21 18 20 27 24 11 19 21

Win % 75,86% 75,93% 80,00% 76,92% 74,07% 75,00% 70,37% 75,51% 72,55% 66,67% 73,91% 62,96% 62,96% 62,96% 58,62% 67,35% 61,11% 58,93% 72,73% 72,73% 66,67% 59,62% 62,50% 60,00% 51,79% 53,85% 71,05% 58,70% 56,25%

Palms shatter Hoops’ hearts THERE were four thrilling semi-finals in the Liberty Seguros Cup and Plate on Tuesday evening, with all matches incredibly tight and a credit to the League. At Gaffers bar, a goodsize crowd saw Hoops take the early frames against Palms A. The Los Cristianos side took full advantage of some sloppy Palms shots and at 3-1 they looked in a strong position. That was cemented by some fine doubles frames and, at 5-1, they believed they had booked their final place. But Palms A had been beaten only once this season, and they were not finished. Bungalow and Johnny clawed the scoreline back to 5-3 as Shaun and Chris missed good chances to finish the tie. Roscoe beat Karl to make it 5-4 and Graham won an understandably-nervous 10th frame with Stevie to force a tie break. Shaun's solid break split the balls, and he looked a good favourite to send

Hoops through. But Bungalow slowly tied him up in knots. A foul then gave Bungalow two shots, and he cleaned up to send his side into this month’s final. It was an amazing comeback and the Hoops lads were crestfallen at the end. There was a similar match at the Terrace Bar, on Amarilla Golf, as Second Division Inn The Pink flew out of the traps against Toscales. They led 4-2 after the doubles matches and James swiftly made that 52. Inn The Pink’s fine cup run started in the preliminary round, and they sensed another massive upset. However, Toscales are unbeaten in 2011 and, as Hoops discovered, it’s hard to get to the magic six frames. Captain Alex pulled it back to 5-3 and Steve made it 54. Toscales were on a roll and Mark levelled the match as he edged past Terry to force an 11th frame. Mike was given the nod for Toscales and he came up against James, who had made the League's Representative side in January. It was another

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Champions: Bar Nauta A and Barracudarts Boys Division 1 Heroes Sports Bar 1-7 Bar 180 A Phoenix Bar 5-3 Toscales Allsorts Strikers Bar 3-5 Rood A Sundowners 1-7 Silver Surfers Target Bar B 3-5 Exiles Toscales Ensecan 0-8 Bar Nauta A Woody´s A 8-0 Our Place Flukers X-Men 1-7 Target Bar A

Division 2 Amigos Bad Girls 3-5 Yelas Bar Bar 180 B 1-7 Gaffers Barracudarts Boys 4-4 The Tavern Naughty Nautas B 6-2 Marilyns Nautas Nutters C 8-0 Barracuda Hunters Our Place Naturals 5-3 Phoenix Flames Our Place Playgirls 1-7 Woodys B Rood B 6-2 La Caña Lancers The Knights B 8-0 Tenerife Sun Division 2

Division 1 POS 1 Bar Nauta A 2 Bar 180 3 Phoenix Bar 4 Exiles Bar 5 Tenerife Sons 6 Target Bar A 7 Toscales Allsorts 8 Rood A 9 Silver Surfers 10 Woody´s A 11 X-Men 12 Target Bar B 13 Toscales Ensecan 14 Heroes Sports Bar 15 Sundowners 16 Ourplace Flukers 17 Strikers Bar

Pld 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256

Sing 138 120 113 106 110 100 90 75 72 66 73 60 54 54 54 37 38

THERE was one outstanding issue to be resolved in Division 1 in the last week of the 2010/11 Oasis Fm Darts League - the trophy for the player scoring the highest number of 180s. With three players on seven apiece, it was a case of who could fire in a maximum or two to win the treasured silverware. Nauta Bar’s Tom hit his second 180 during an 8-0 drubbing of Toscales Ensecan, who had Carmelo replying with his second as well. Rood A player Steve threw his second and Luc his eighth maximum in a 5-3 win at Strikers, only the Chuckling Chimp putting up any resistedgy match, but it was Mike who sunk the winning black to break Pink hearts. The Plate final will see Summerland Elite squaring-up to Bar Tasca. Elite were always in control against Barracuda

Dbles 50 52 49 43 43 43 31 37 37 23 20 24 22 24 17 16 12

Treb 27 24 23 28 19 22 15 17 17 14 8 11 13 9 10 8 8

180’s 16 16 10 11 8 1 4 10 3 2 3 4 3 3 0 0 0

PTS 215 196 185 177 172 165 136 129 126 103 101 95 89 87 81 61 58

ance for the home side. Exiles’ Del Boy, secured his eighth 180 of the campaign at Target B, while Richard did likewise as Bar 180 A took seven points from Heroes. That meant a three-way tie for the trophy between Luc, Del Boy and Richard, so much applause all round for the terrific trio! Elsewhere, Target A signed off in fine form with a 7-1 victory over the X-Men and Silver Surfers recorded the same result over a plucky Sundowners side. The Phoenix Bar had Ashley and Steve Jones both hitting 20-dart legs to cement third place with a 5-3 success over the Allsorts. Barracudarts Boys are Division 2 champions! Needing four points from their last match at home to the alwaysBandits at Atlantis Bar in Adeje, and 7-3 was a fair scoreline. It was a little closer in the other semi as Bar Tasca snuck past fellow-Division Two highfliers Legends B 6-4.

POS 1 Barracudarts Boys 2 Nautas Nutters C 3 Gaffers 4 The Tavern 5 Bar 180 B 6 Yelas Bar 7 Rood B 8 Tenerife Sun 9 The Knights B 10 Naughty Nautas B 11 Ourplace Naturals 12 Woody´s B 13 La Caña Lancers 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Marilyns 16 Phoenix Flames 17 Ourplace Playgirls 18 Amigos Bad Girls

Pld 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272

Sing 137 136 103 94 103 92 93 91 91 96 88 73 69 65 53 59 46 46

hard-to-beat Tavern team, they just about came through. Indeed, they were 3-2 down after the singles but took both doubles to claim the title in their first season. Nautas Nutters kept up their end of the bargain by hammering the Hunters 8-0, while Gaffers will join them in the top flight next year after a comfortable win at Bar 180 B. La Cana Lancers rounded off their season with a 6-2 loss at Rood B, and Naughty Nautas dished out the same at home to Marilyns. It should be some final! Both the Cup and Plate finals will be played at Palms Bar on 26th April, with an 8.30pm start time. Results Liberty Seguros Cup

Dbles 57 56 52 46 36 36 35 39 34 31 35 28 26 23 27 13 19 18

Treb 24 25 21 18 18 26 22 16 21 14 13 16 11 11 8 12 13 13

180’s 9 7 3 0 3 2 2 2 4 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0

PTS 218 217 176 158 157 154 150 146 146 141 136 117 106 99 88 84 78 77

The Playgirls finished on the crest of a slump after a 7-1 beating at the hands of Woodys B, while the Naturals, naturally, got the better of Phoenix Flames 5-3. And finally, well done to Amigos Bad Girls for completing what has been a very difficult season for them. A 3-5 defeat to Yelas Bar ensures the wooden spoon for them. Tonight (Friday) the Jurgen Trophy singles knock-out competition will be held at the Nauta Bar in Guaza. I hope to see you all there. By Geoff Huxtable Palms A 6 Hoops 5 Toscales Old Boys 6 Inn The Pink 5 Liberty Seguros Plate Summerland Elite 7 Barracuda Bandits 3 Bar Tasca 6 Legends B 4

Page 49

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Pink cot bumper, 10 euros. 3 x pink grobags, 8 euros each. Small blue playmat with toys, 5 euros. Tel: 637 206 026 Hand made limited edition Elisa Statue, Ref Memories 9423, with box, certificate and guarantee in immaculate condition 450 euros ono. Tel 660 169 820 Labtec desktop edge cordless keyboard & mouse, VGC, 10 euros. HP Nº 56 compat ink unused in box, 4 euros. Battery charger unused in box , charges AA/AAA batteries, 10 euros. Desk sized calculator unused in box, 7 euros. Small calculator unused in box, 5 euros. Tel 659 036 393. 2 white plastic gas bottles, 20 euros each. 18 gear mountain bike suitable for 8- 10 year olds, excellent condition, 40 euros. 52” Sony TV, 250 euros. Tel 922 740 447 11am to 4pm and 600 076 975 after 4pm. Yamaha YFL 211 flute with hard case, as new 300 euros. Yamaha Picolo YPC32 , hard case 100 euros buy both 375 euros. Korg ax 1500 foot pedal, 100 euros. Child booster seat 15 euros. Swimming pool, round,12 feet across, 3 feet deep, with filter pump 60 euros. White table covers 5 (1.35x1.00) 17 (.90x.90) 12 (1.35x1.25) 45 euros the lot. 2 bikes - 1 for 8-14 years, 1 adult, needs new cables hence price 35 euros for both. Large 2/3 cup coffee machine , needs servicing, 500 euros. Tel 660 493 507 Wireless DVD receiver system, 120 euros. Playstation 2 and numerous games, 60 euros ono. Tel 922 733 373 Edesa fridge, vgc, 30 euros. Tasco telescope (reflector) wooden tripod, 50 euros. Black & Decker vacuum, 9 months old, 30 euros. Dehumidifier vgc Works well, 20 euros. Table and 4 wicker chairs, 40 euros. Safe, 13” X 13” X 10, 2 keys, 30 euros. Electric welder, vgc, 40 euros. Double bed 9 months old, very comfortable, 150 euros. Zanussi washing machine, 9 months old, 150 euros. JVC cinema surround 6 speakers, 1 bass vgc, 40 euros. LG 32” TV 9 months old free view, HD, 200 euros. Tel 662 028 039 3 interior teak veneered doors 72.5cm x 202cm with 4 apertures for glass, with frames, architraves, hinges and handles 225 euros. Original reclaimed Tenerife pine construction logs 14 x 1.7m and 9 x 2.6m 400 euros ono. 10 wooden windows 6 with clear glass 4 with obscure each approx 0.70m x 1.05m 250 euros ono. Portable air conditioner with remote hot and cold 125 euros ono. Werko electric table stone and marble cutter 75 euros ono. Industrial insect killer for kitchen/bar 50 euros. Tel 639 481 064 Chio. Phillips DVD player HDMI DVP5960, 30 euros. Weber kettle BBQ charcoal, 18” diameter with cover, 40 euros. Tel 666 209 125 Ladies 21 speed mountain bike, good condition, 75 euros. 2 ring electric hob, 10 euros. Extractor fan 13” square, 10 euros. Tel 600 700 521 Microwave, 20 euros. DVD/VCR combi, 40 euros. 14” TV/VCR combi, 50 euros. Single size bed & Mattress, 20 euros. Deep fryer, Mattress (80 x 210 cm), PC monitor, 14” TV, ceiling fan, single size bed frames, framed wall mirror (75 x 75cm), large parasol, Kimono size small with white & yellow belts,10 euros each. Sky digi box, 40 euros. Hair clippers, hair dryer/straightner, fruit press, linen basket, toaster, lamps, bathroom mirror, baby chair, egg toaster, flat sun bed, large mirror, 3 to 7 euros each. Built in oven & 4 rings ceramic hob, 50 euros the set. 21” TV, headboards (90, 135, 160, 200, 220 cm wide) arm chair (blue & magnolia), 20 euros each. Tel 646 615 794. Built in oven, 40 euros. Samsung 21” TV Remote, 30 euros. Free standing fan, 8 euros. Gas water heater, 30 euros. Stainless steel 4 rings hob, 40 euros. Sony mini music centre, 20 euros. 14” TV silver, remote, 20 euros. Foot spa, 8 euros. Rowenta coffee filter machine, 10 euros. Set of speakers & subwoofer, 20 euros. 28” TV remote, 40 euros. Stool, 5 euros. Playstation 1, 10 euros. Ceramic hob, 40 euros. Tel 696 048 937 or 922 739 850. Sofa bed, very good quality with a zip covers, 1 year old only used twice. Bed size 150cm x 205cm, 350 euros. (Los Cris) Tel 922 798 894.

Stainless Steel Units 180 x 60 x 85cm 150 euros. Stainless steel unit 80 x 50 x 86 cm 100 euros. Fridge 40 euros. Domestic dishwasher 120 euros. Fridge/Freezer 160cm tall (freezer 40cm) 120 euros. Fender (F220SB) Acoustic guitar with carry case 125 euros. Cash register 50 euros. Tel 620 469 102 Sofa Bed Dark Pink Removable Covers 200 euros. Stainless Steel Unit 100 x 60 x 105 cm 100 euros. 2 ring commercial gas burner 70 euros. 4 place drop down toastie machine, 70 euros. Sewing machine, 100 euros. Commercial coffee machine, 300 euros. Cooker hood 20 euros. Ikea wooden bedstead with slatted base (no mattress) 40 euros. Silver gas bottle 30 euros. Fire extinguishers from 40 euros. Back massage cushion 50 euros. All ono. Folding metal single bed with wooden slats (no mattress) 30 euros. Over bath swivel bathing chair 50 euros. Tel 662 354 391 Pair of Technics 1210 MK 2 turntables excellent condition (hardly used) 400 euros. Extending metal safety gate, six panels ideal for infants / pets can be used as playpen or stair gate. 25 euros. Tel 608 223 156 or 922 765 564. Patio set (Corte Ingles), large glass topped metal frame table (170 x 100approx) +4 chairs with matching cushions 200 euros. Freezer 3 drawer, Candy, A rated, 4 month old, 2 yr guarantee 200 euros. Books and DVD’s (all kinds) 80 plus 1euro each. Bedroom drawers x2, 3 drawer, white (80wide, 40deep, 100high approx) 50 euros each. 15m Hosepipe inc. attachments 10 euros. Fans x2 oscillating 16inch stand up 25 euros both. Tel 677 754 348

BARGAIN OF THE WEEK Foldaway Bike aluminium 5 speed, lightweight and nippy, 85 euros. Tel 697 746 885 Lady´s electric bike in working order without a battery 80 euros. Tel 617 733 999 CHICCO car seat 9-18kg, 20 euros, baby’s tricycle, 5 euros. Push chair PRENATAL in navy blue with the rain cover 25 euros. Mothercare cold waterstereliser 5 euros, baby´s clothes 1836mths 1 euro each. Tel 687 963 121 3 matching ‘Allander’ suitcases, one large, two medium, black with maroon trim, 7 euros each. Casals VT96 rechargeable electric drill with charger and bits, 15 euros. Two plastic tool boxes, large & medium, 5 euros. Phillips mini hi-fi, 25 euros. Sunbeam Cookmaster electric cooking pan, 10 euros. 2 ‘Speedtouch’ ADSL modems in original boxes, 10 euros. All in good condition. Tel 647 126 940 14 inch TV with remote 15 euros. Tel 634 051 232 Circulation Booster, nearly new, 190 euros. 9 white plastic garden chairs, sturdy English ones, 10 euros each or 80 euros for the lot. Walking frame for larger person, complete with seat & basket. Plus material Cover. Nearly new, excellent condition. 150 euros. Ladies bowling ball 10-11lbs + bowling bag 60 euros lot. Tel 922 166 144 3 + 2 sofa in faux brown leather surround and brown silver upholstery 480 euros ono. Black faux leather design chair 125 euros ono. Wenge 120 x 60 x 45 coffee table 55 euros ono. Large electric blue vase great for garden 65 euros ono. Ikea (Flatiron) New York from the air photo/backdrop 200x140 85 euros ono. Aspen fridge Group A 235 lit. white 100 euros ono. Basic microwave white 15 euros ono. Table + 4 chairs wood/metal 80 euros ono. Tel 677 539 839 or 922 764 650 Domestic silver gas bottle 40 euros each. Tumble dryer 100 euros. Washing machine, top and front loader 120 euros each. Dishwasher 120 euros. Fridge freezer excellent condition 180 euros. Fridge 35 euros. 25 TV 50 euros. Microwave 25 euros. Foot spa 15 euros. DVD player + remote 20 euros. Children’s car seat 036 kgs 20 euros. Chest freezer 120 euros. Kettle/parasol/patio chairs table 5 euros each. 14 computer monitor 10 euros. Mountain bike 70 euros. Video recorders 20 euros. Table fan 15 euros. Round pine dining table and 4 chairs 40 euros. Fridge freezer 100 euros. Fridge 45 euros. Tel 686 336 904 4 rings ceramic hob, 60 euros. Extractor fan 40 euros. Hoover, 25 euros. Fridge freezer 150 euros. 29 TV silver with remote 80 euros. DVD player + remote 25 euros. Folding up table 5 each. Steam iron 8 euros. 14” TV, CD, stereo radio cassette recorder, 13 euros each. 29” TV, silver 60 euros. 21” TV 40 euros. Sandwich toaster, 7 euros. Built in oven, 60 euros. Patio chairs & tables 2 euros each. Bag, blenders, 15 euros each. Dog carrier 15 euros. Portable radio CD player 15 euros. Suit case 10 euros. Domestic silver gas bottles 35 euros each. Bar stool 5 euros each. Digital

satellite receiver 30 euros. Mini oven 20 euros. 4 rings electrics, hop 65 euros, built in oven 50 euros. Single size bed & mattress 20 euros. Tel 679 788 586 & 922 795 592 Spanish course, the Michael Thomas method, set of six courses, the foundations course, foundation review course, the advanced course, advanced review course, vocabulary course, language builder course, 50 euros. Tel 693 865 845 Beko fridge freezer 18 months old excellent condition 170 euros. Orbea gents mountain bike 18 speed Shimano gears 65 euros. Tel 685 501 890 Disney princess pink carriage four poster single bed 20 euros. Massive tigger and eeyore 5 euros each. Tel 630 461 615 Solid Pine side board rustic Spanish style, 120 cms x 40 cms x78 cms 2 drawers and 2 doors. Very sturdy piece of furniture. good condition, 30 euros. Phillips music centre cassette deck, am /fm radio and 3 disc CD player with separate speakers good condition, 30 euros. Tel 606 521 105 or 922 751 657 2 folded beds 190cm: 90cm 100 euros each. 2 mattresses 50 euros each. Fan Cata 20 euros. 20” Thomson TV with remote control and 20 inch Sharp TV with the remote 35 euros each. 1 meter diameter TV dish with accessories 100 euros. Tel 687 963 121 Antiquities alaska 6 piece lounge set. Consists of 3 seater sofa, 2 club chairs with cushions, 1 coffee table and 1 end table with glass tops and 1 stool, 450 euros. Tel 922 799 638 or 663 761 877 Nintendo wii console including 3 controllers, 3 nunchucks, 2 steering wheels, 1 gun, wii fit board, chipped with 8 games, all for 150 euros. Tel 666 726 428 Digibox Receiver Box, 100 euros. OKI 15 flat screen colour TV with remote, scart etc as new 70 Euros. Grunkel 28” colour TV with remote all fittings as new 80 Euros. Electic Tower Fan 10 Euros. Electric Box Fan 10 Euros. HP Colour Printer 20 Euros. Large white patio table with 4 chairs 20 Euros. Padded patio chair 10 Euros. Small folding chair 5 Euros. Bathroom scales 5 Euros. Tel 922 743497 or 617 825255. Electric water heater, 30 ltr, very little use, good working order, 25 euros. Tel 0044 7717 536 883 Chicco highchair vgc, 40 euros. Chicco pushchair, blue gc, 40 euros. Toysrus cream Cotbed, mattress and cot top changer, excellent condition, 180 euros. Winnie the pooh Moses Basket vgc, 25 euros. Blue Baby bath and separate bath seat, 5 euros. Push along baby walker, 10 euros. Fisher Price Activity Table, 15 euros. Little tikes 4 piece musical set, 12 euros. Leap frog little touch Leap pad 6-36 months. Still in box with 2 extra used books, 15 euros. Selection of Baby toys from 3 euros. Tel 616 971 588 R4 games chip (2gb) inc 15 games for Nintendo DS / DS lite, 25 euros. Tel 695 808 394 30 sun beds with white frame and blue bed, 10 euros each. Tel 639 853 356. Golf bag, blue and red, good condition, full size, 25 euros. Selection of men’s golf clubs - Mercury 2 special graphite low torque driver 15 euros. Trident Super Jumbo duralumin hard metallic alloy driver 15 euros. Calloway Big Bertha war bird USA driver 15 euros. Plus selection of eight other clubs, including seven irons and a putter, 5 euros each. 20 golf balls, 10 euros. Pair of Ladies Donnay International golf shoes, size 7, maroon and black, 10 euros. Very attractive, very heavy glass coffee table, two tier, with brass and glass legs, 80cms by 130cms, excellent condition. 40 euros. Los Cristianos area 627 801 485. Calf skin burgundy authentic Cartier large bound blank book, maroon in box, could be used for visitor book, special memories, wedding guest book. 50 euros. 6 Bohemian crystal wine goblets still in box, immaculate condition, 25 euros. Small chest of three drawers. Distressed white pine effect. Solid wood, 25 euros. Large black and white zebra effect Primark soft travel suitcase, with wheels. 10 euros. Tel 664 005 958. Patio set, large glass topped metal frame table (170X100 approx) and 4 chairs, with matching cushions, 200 euros. Freezer 3 drawer Candy A rated 4 months old, 2 year guarantee, 200 euros. Books and DVDS 70 plus, 1 euro each. Bedroom drawers x 2 3 drawer white (80 wide, 40 deep, 100 high approx, 50 euros each. Wii (black) Wii fit balance board, 2 controls, motion plus and numchucks, various games, 300 euros. Fans x 2 oscillating 16” stand up, 25 euros both. Tel 687 139 419 or 677 754 348

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm

Page 50

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Classified CARS/BIKES

Los Cristianos - Granada Park, 1 bed apartment, €600 inc €50 bills San Eugenio Alto - Paradise Court – large Studio €400 inc bills

Established for over 10 years We have a wide selection of long and short term property available to rent Luxury holiday villas and apartments also available.

Dinastia 1 bedroom – accessible ground floor apartment with a modern kitchen, large terrace and a swimming pool on the complex. A mere 5 minute walk to all local amenities.

2 bedroom Torviscas Alto - Quiet residential complex with a great swimming pool. This lovely top floor apartment has a stunning view over Fanabe and out to sea. It is a light and airy apartment with a sunny terrace. The lounge has plenty of room with a dining area and a seating place. The kitchen is separate and has been finished to a high standard, fitted with modern amenities.

2 bedroom San Eugenio - Spacious two bedroom in a great location, walking disctance to Las Americas and Peurto Colon, the quiet complex has a large pool and private parking. American Style kitchen, new washing machine, terrace with sea views.

1 bedroom Golf del Sur - Fantastic apartment, having a modern fully fitted kitchen with a large marble table, light and airy with high standard of furnishings, including a leather suite, UK TV . This modern apartment has two bathrooms and a large bedroom with fitted robes, The sea view on the terrace is breathtaking having sun all day. there is a secure parking space and a huge pool . the complex is near to shops and bars and local transport. · Modern and New · UK TV · Fully equipped · Sunny Terrace · Excellent Value

3 bedroom Golf Del Sur - This is a luxury apartment boasting good quality furnishings, the room sizes are excellent with good quality furnishings making this a home from home. There is a large covered terrace from the lounge aswell as a roof terrace offering fantastic views. There are two bathrooms and three bedrooms with a large fully equipped kitchen and utility room. The complex has two pools and gardens as well as a bowling green an local coffee bar. the apartment also comes with underground parking and UK TV.

1 bedroom Las Americas - Ideal central location, 1 bedroom Spanish style apartment. It is less than a 5 minute walk to the beach, supermarkets, restaurants, shops and the main Las Americas bus station. The apartment has lovely views to sea and the complex enjoys a large swimming pool. The apartment is spacious with an American style kitchen.

Many more properties on our full listing, please call for more information.

Tel: 0034 922 797 438 / 638 519 999 Email: Office Address Ave Los Pueblos, Garajonay 1-4,Las Americas 38660

ALBATROSS, LOS CRISTIANOS 3 x bed 2 x bath Apartment on this convenient complex close to centre. Basic Accomodation Suitable for workers looking for nice but economical value. 2 x lounge areas . Price 685 Euros (inc all bills). Available early April EL ROQUE. (ABOVE VALLE SAN LORENZO) Beautiful modern 3 x bed town house on row of only 7 properties. Full kitchen. Fully furnished. All Mod cons Price 660 Euros (plus elec & Water). Available now PARQUE LA REINA AREA Interesting combination of semi rural living accomodation, inc modern 1 x bed flat plus a two bed canarian bungalow/finca and a 1 x bedroom canarian bungalow/finca. set around a idilic coutyard with large outside areas and parking etc. Ideal for large family group or friends.(or as individual units). Call for more information. Price negociable (to inc all bills). Available now SUNSET VIEW. CALLAO SALVAJE Lovely Modern 2 x bed apartment on this well kept complex in Callao. Ful Kitchen with washing machine etc. Views to the comm pool. Garage space inc. Price 500 Euros pm (plus electric and water), Available 14th April

CASTALIA PARK. FANABE Rarely on the long let rental market. A hight quality recently refurbished 1 x bed 1 x bath Ground floor apartment on this aparthotel complex close the sea. Complex has pools, sauna jaccizi, reception etc Pool Views.. Price 650 Euros per month (inc all bills) MAYANTEGO. PALM MAR If its luxury you are looking for this fantastic one x bed 2 x bath apartment will fit the bill. Roof top pool, Sea views, All mod cons, This has the "WOW" Factor. Price only 550 Euros pm (plus electric)


San Eugenio Bajo - Laguna Park I, 1 bed apartment €525 inc Bills San Eugenio Bajo - Garden City, 1 bed apartment €550 inc bills Choice of 1-3 bed properties available in Costa del Silencio, Amarilla Golf and Las Chafiras




BUSY PUB RESTAURANT LEASE FOR SALE Includes completely refurbished bar, restaurant, 2 terraces and large kitchen. Fully operational with proof of income and very low overheads. Key staff willing to remain if required. A bargain at 90,000€

Tel Sally on 667 702 177

16 euros per week

Local for rent in Golf Del Sur, nice position, 20 square metres with toilet, 350 euros per month with option to buy freehold at 30,000 euros.

(30 words maximum)

Tel 609 587 155

Advertise your property or classified advert here.

PROPERTY FOR RENT Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. Long term rents, Studios, 1 & 2 beds. Tel 616 251 271 To advertise: 902 232 102 or

1 bedroom apartment, centre of Las Americas, 600€ per month. Long or short term rent direct from the owner.

Call 685 120 096


Penthouse, Golf Del Sur 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 large terraces, spectacular views, satellite TV, 3 swimming pools on complex. £177,000 sterling.

Tel: 609 587 155

3 01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011


Piagio Fly 125 cc moped less than 2 years old, excellent condition, 950 euros. Tel 610 285 953 Renault Clio 2.0 Exception, Limited Edition 150HD, fully loaded, silver, 35,000 kms, 4 door, full Renault service history, excellent condition. Cost new 19,700€, only 8,900€. Tel 610 285 953

MG ZR 1.8 ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 5,500 euros.

Tel 669 626 840

CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.

Do you need any assistance with your paperwork? NIE applications, car paperwork, transfers, registrations, I.T.V’s. Please call Lina on 634 067 014 Mercedes “200” 1988 for spares or restoration, ITV October 2011, engine needs attention, 250 euros. Tel 626 080 651 Citroen C3, Furio 1.1 2006 white 5 door, fully serviced, 2 year ITV, 1 yr road tax, al electric, air con, radio CD player ipod/mp3 connector, 140k km. 4,000 euros.

Tel 687 139 419 or 677 754 348

Seat Ibiza 1.4 petrol 3dr Peugeot 306 1.6 4dr petrol Fiat Seicento 1.1 SX 2001 ITV March 2012 All good cars, all very good mechanics

Bargain, 1000€ each! Tel: 628 299 491

FOR SALE Miniature Yorkies, 2 dogs 1 bitch, 8 weeks old, ready to go. Call Phil on 627 829 803 or Jan on 664 619 323.

Page 51

Service Point




The Chippy Plaza require female night staff to work full and part time. Applicants must be able to work as part of a team, have experience in fast food and be over 30 years of age. Contract given for the right people. Call Dawn on 679 604 267 Experienced waiting staff are required for a water side restaurant in Las Galletas. English and any other language an advantage. Start date 1st April. Call Justin on 691 674 556. A new telesales company in Las Americas are recruiting telesales reps to work 30 hours, 5 days a week. Basic plus commission and contract offered. Earnings of 3 to 5000 euros a month are achievable. Call Mark on 626 881 912 to arrange an interview. Experienced Telemarketers are required for the biggest company in the south of Tenerife. Best commissions paid weekly. High spiffs paid daily. New leads provided every week. Call Jayne on 667 911 896 to arrange an interview. A well established company based in Los Cristianos is looking for a daytime PR to work from a superb location. Flexible hours and excellent rates of pay available for a confident and outgoing person. Must have experience.

Call 687 368 385


Excellent opportunity to work on a self employed basis in a busy Los Cristianos hair salon. Good location with convenient parking for clients. For more information call Carl on 922 789 058


WANTED Wanted - Exercise Bike. Will collect. Tel 922 176 845





CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250â‚Ź per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email: CHIROPODIST Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790


Page 52

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Service Point











9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.


MARTIAL ARTS Be Safe! Golden Belt Hardcore are now offering private tuition at your own home. Best European instructors in Martial Arts, Self Defence, Unarmed Combat and more. One on one or family. Call 622 489 115

MASSAGE Erotic massage for men and women. 0034 647 157 778


VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051 Mobile 696 889 048

Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.

QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Page 53

Service Point



Blonde sweet, very beautiful, 26 years, slim body, large breasts, firm bottom, very sexy and erotic lady. Discreet luxury apartment, hotel visits (24 hours). Very good English & German spoken. Tel 0034 636 653 187.


Pussy cat wants to play with you. Call me 647 157 778



PETSWORLD D O G H O T E L Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day

No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82


2nd hand furniture, Bar/Rest items. We buy ‘cash’ no need to wait!! Also our 500m2 warehouse, down stairs will be open for viewing soon!

Open Mon-Fri. Los Cristianos, nr Cultural Centre / Police station road, next to pet shop

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 TRANSLATION


All plumbing, water heaters, water filters, kitchens & bathrooms. No job too small.

Call 667 691 064 All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579


the English Upholsterer Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle


Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

677 806 800



TV & SATELLITE UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.

Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

THE WHITE VAN MAN House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

No job too big or too small

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743 SECOND-HAND SHOPS

SPANISH LESSONS Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270

Red Tomato, TV/Computer repairs inc. Plasma & LCD TV repairs, satellite installations, English Tele package, Xbox, Playstations, Wii, Satellite boxes & mobile phones, WiFi Hotspots in Golf del Sur & Amarilla. Call Alan 649 200 774


TAROT READING / ASTROLOGY Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 772 422 / 610 089 157.

Tel: 618 381 488

Page 54

Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494.

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency

Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday


Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Jacqueline Yuile-Flight Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Liam O’Reilly Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces

the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Partly cloudy skies. 21 °C. Wind NNW 19km/h. Friday Night Partly cloudy skies. 20 °C. Wind NNW 23km/h. Saturday Sunny skies. 21 °C. Wind N 19km/h. Saturday Night Partly cloudy skies 19 °C. Wind N 26km/h. Sunday Sunny skies. 19 °C. Wind NNE 32km/h. Sunday Night Clear skies. 18 °C. Wind NNE 34km/h. Monday Sunny skies. 19 °C. Wind NNE 34km/h. Monday Night Partly cloudy skies. 18 °C. Wind NNE 34km/h. Tuesday Partly cloudy skies. 20 °C. Wind N 24km/h. Tuesday Night Partly cloudy skies. 18 °C. Wind N 23km/h. Wednesday Clear skies. 19 °C. Wind NNW 21km/h. Wednesday Night Clear skies. 19 °C. Wind NNW 21km/h.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802


flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Thursday Sunny skies. 23 °C. Wind N 13km/h. Thursday Night Sunny skies. 20 °C. Wind NW 14km/h.

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Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2011 Canarian Weekly PUBLISHER, PROPRIETOR AND EDITOR: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

Page 55


Page 56

01 April 2011 - 07 April 2011

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