Canarian Weekly Ed 698

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 698



08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011


Spain’s PM will not stand SPANISH Prime Minister Jose Luís Rodríguez Zapatero won’t run for a third term, in a move calculated to improve his Socialist party’s bleak electoral prospects but one that could undermine his authority at a dangerous time. With his stature severely diminished by a 20% unemployment rate and unpopular economic overhauls, the 50year-old Socialist leader hadn’t been expected to run for re-election when his current term ends next March. The timing for announcing his decision, however, had become a complex political calculus. On the one hand, many party leaders believed an early announcement could help mitigate expected heavy losses in coming regional elections on 22nd May, while others worried it could spark internal party tensions as would-be successors jockey for position and even undermine Mr. Zapatero’s authority. (As long as you are registered on the padrón as a resident in Spain, and that does include British nationals, then you have until and including Monday, 11th April to check with your town hall to see whether you are on the list of registered voters, in time for the local and regional elections). But, in what appears to be an attempt to stop the downward spiral of support for his ruling Socialist party, Zapatero has now ended months of speculation by announcing on 2nd April that he will not seek re-election after completing his second four-year term next March. After announcing his decision at a meeting of his

party’s federal committee, Mr. Zapatero repeated several times he would serve out the remainder of his term and focus on carrying out his program of overhauls. “I will fulfil my responsibilities as prime minister until the end of the term, until the very last day,” Mr. Zapatero said. Now high-ranking members of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) will jockey for the job if, as expected, a primary leadership election is held after the regional and local elections on 22nd May, including here in Tenerife where, amongst others, the PSOE Mayors of Adeje and Vilaflor will be concerned about the repercussions that an unpopular PM may have had on their chances of re-election. Whoever is nominated as the new party head, however, will inherit Spain’s worst economic crisis in 30 years and an electorate who in recent times seem to have voted not for the best candidate but for the lesser of two disappointments. “Both the incumbent and the head of the opposition — in theory the next Prime Minister — are regarded as a heap of rubbish,” says William Chislett, who writes about Spain for the Madrid-based think tank Elcano Royal Institute. “It’s clear the people are fed up with the political parties, their bickering and their failure to resolve problems.” When Zapatero took up office back in April 2004, following the Madrid train bombings, Spain was basking in economic prosperity that was largely buoyed by a booming property sector. Zapatero immediately complied with his campaign pledge to withdraw Spanish soldiers from Iraq, and then began an aggressive policy of social reforms. In 2005, Spain legalised same-sex marriage, made it easier for couples to get a divorce and gave work-

The home of good shopping Come & See our *NEW LOOK* Store, in Los Cristianos - now Bigger & better! Opp. Paloma Beach Apts, CC Costamar, Los Cristianos and Las Chafiras

ing papers to around 580,000 illegal immigrants with work contracts, all controversial decisions. While these moves sparked opposition from the right, Zapatero’s push for peace talks with the separatist group ETA in 2006 ignited a caustic political discourse that has yet to abate. ETA, which has killed around 850 people over the past 51 years in a campaign for an independent Basque nation, ended negotiations nine months later with a bomb in Madrid’s Barajas airport that killed two men. For Zapatero, it was a major political failure. With elections looming, the Socialists sought votes through a one-off 2,500-euro payment for new parents and a 450-euro income-tax rebate. The tactic seemed to work, and Zapatero won re-election in 2008. But both measures were repealed when Spain’s

economy took a nosedive. While immune from the subprime hangover, Spain suffered its own economic crisis when the property sector, which accounted for around 18% of GDP, collapsed. In 2008, the unemployment rate was around 9%; and now it’s 20%. Add the debt crisis affecting Europe, and in three years Spain’s economy has gone from robust to flagging. The government tried to stop the bleeding by cuts to civil servants’ pay, lowering the cost to fire employees and increasing the retirement age. But experts say these reforms should have been implemented years ago when Spaniards could afford them. “Zapatero’s economic policy has been a bloody disaster,” says Chislett. “He was in denial for far too long about the dangers, and the measures that were put into place were more of a result of outside

pressure from the International Monetary Fund, Brussels and the U.S. than anything else.” Despite a 60% approval rating in Zapatero’s first term, the economic crisis has destroyed Spain’s regard for him, as in the case with many leaders, such as the UK’s Gordon Brown, each being blamed for a situation that was largely a global one. According to a January poll by the Centre of Sociological Research (CIS), 80.7% of respondents said they had little or no confidence in the Prime Minister and 58.8% said the government was doing a bad or very bad job. The opposition Popular Party (PP), which has been plagued by corruption scandals and led by the decidedly uncharismatic Mariano Rajoy, who has twice lost to Zapatero in general elections, does not seem to excite vot-

ers either. In the same CIS poll, 78% of the respondents said they had little or no confidence in Rajoy. When asked to compare the two leaders, 27% said neither politician inspired more confidence than the other. Following Zapatero’s announcement, analysts are now looking at Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba as the Prime Minister’s most likely successor. A long-time PSOE heavyweight, and a more aggressive politician than Zapatero, Rubalcaba consistently tops polls as the most respected Minister in the Cabinet. But even if the popular Rubalcaba takes the lead, the Socialists know they are going to suffer in the May regional elections and are likely to lose the general election in 2012, says David Mathieson, a former adviser to the British government and now a Madrid-based political analyst. The hope would be that Rubalcaba’s nomination could protect against the PP winning an absolute majority in parliament. Polls currently have the PP ahead of the PSOE by between 7 and 15 percentage points. The CIS report from January said that 71% of the respondents thought the PP would win the next general election. By deciding not to stand for re-election and taking the blame for Spain’s economic woes, Zapatero is hoping that the administration’s mistakes stick with him and not with the PSOE. While that may not be enough to earn the party a victory in 2012, it could at least give it a chance to stay in the game. “If anyone can salvage anything, Rubalcaba is the sharpest tool in the box of any party in Spain,” says Mathieson. “The question now is how fast the PSOE can rebuild themselves after being defeated.”


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08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011


fines issued on Killers’ sentence is Few anti-smoking law halted for a month THE still-grieving family of a man who was murdered at their holiday home here in Costa del Silencio travelled to Tenerife last week only to be turned away without seeing his killers brought to justice. Peter Cockshutt’s widow Patricia has spoken of her agony after being told she won’t see his killers sentenced for another month. The heartbroken family was only told about the delays in the sentencing of the two teenagers, who admitted killing the Hull area pensioner, at the last minute. The court case will not now take place until May 9th.

Other family members had come from as far as the USA only to be told delays over the return of blood samples means the wait for justice will continue. Speaking to the Hull Mail from Tenerife, Mrs Cockshutt said: “We cannot believe it. The trial will now take place the day before my birthday. Everyone is here and we were prepared for it. It is very stressful and now we are in limbo once more. “I just want to get this over with.” Mr Cockshutt was stabbed to death in Tenerife in February last year by two South American teenagers, aged 14 and 16 at the time of the killing, and they may receive as little as two years’ imprisonment in a young offenders’ institution, due to lenient Spanish laws relating

to minors. Mrs Cockshutt has now travelled back and forth to Tenerife four times since her husband was killed, and stayed Tenerife for a few more days to speak to her lawyer. Mrs Cockshutt said: “We will consider putting in a claim for compensation. I have made four trips now and it has cost a fortune.” Earlier, Mrs Cockshutt commented that she fears her husband’s killers could strike again when set free. Mr Cockshutt, 71, was stabbed three times in their holiday villa in Costa Del Silencio. It is thought he was the victim of a bungled burglary and the two South American teenagers were charged with his murder and robbery just days afterwards. Readers of Canarian Weekly

will recall that residents in several areas in the south of Tenerife have seen fit to contract the services of private security firms to combat increasing crime in their neighbourhoods. Both El Medano and Costa del Silencio on the south’s tourist based coast have been plagued by burglaries and muggings and blame it largely on the lack of adequate street lighting and infrequent police patrols. Several streets are so dark that criminals are virtually invited to ply their trade with impunity. Despite promises from local authorities to increase patrols, local neighbours have clubbed together to spend in excess of 1,800 euros per month to have a private security company patrol the zone to deter burglars, pick pockets and muggers.

Canary Camels now officially recognised

THE Canary Camel has now been rubberstamped as a breed in its own right, and features in the official Spanish catalogue of livestock breeds. The Camello Canario is a dromedary, but it retains the name “camel”, and there are some 1,200 of these animals on the islands.

Its official status has been bestowed by the National Commission for the Preservation, Improvement and Development of Livestock Breeds. Initially, “Camelus dromedarius” were brought over to the Canary Islands from Africa in around 1405, and were a fundamental tool in European colonisation of the islands. They adapted well to the local conditions and expanded throughout the archipelago,

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

particularly in the south of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, and across Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. The animals were used to transport people and goods, and also had an important draft role in agriculture (like workhorses). Today, Canaries camels are generally employed in the tourist industry as a means of transport on excursions to the islands’ national parks and nature reserves.

We even have our own Camel Park near Los Cristianos, where you can ride on a typical Canarian animal, and enjoy an Arab tea or meal afterwards. Lanzarote camel breeders actually export some of their indigenous animals to various parts of Europe, especially to zoos and to companies specialising in the Spanish Christmas festivity Reyes Magos Cabalgatas (Three Kings’ Parade) on 5th January.

THE CANARIAN Government’s Department of Public Health has declared that the degree of compliance with the harsher antismoking measures brought in this January has been gratifyingly high.

For the first quarter of this year there have been just 40 complaints made with regard to some form of non-compliance with the new regulations, but, in a statement from the head of the Health Promotion Services, Alberto Armas, it is likely that once investigated the number of actual fines and sanctions will be considerably less than 40, possibly as few as half that number. Armas commented, “After first lodging the complaint it is quite common for a lot of people to fail to follow it

through and so the case is closed.” The Health Department is making sure that the law is obeyed and expects to have carried out more than 3,000 inspections between February and April. “At the moment these infractions we have are really very scarce and not of a particularly severe nature,” Armas continued. “We really have found no serious resistance to the changes in the law, on the contrary, in fact. Our inspectors have found most businesses are more than willing to cooperate and make the necessary changes. “We obviously find it hard to verify whether cigarette machines are being properly monitored to stop minors from purchasing cigarettes, and there have been a few that don’t have the correct control mechanism, but on the whole the results have been good.”

Accused man who wants to go home A BUSINESSMAN from the north of the UK and accused of murder here in Tenerife wants to go home to visit his GP. Coach company boss Stephen Johnson claims his health has rapidly deteriorated since authorities here on the Island confiscated his passport after they charged him with a fatal street stabbing in January 2008. The 56-year-old, who strongly denies the accusation, says he has been “trapped in paradise” for the past three years while he waits for his trial in the Spanish court system. Mr Johnson was given permission by a judge to return to his home near Sunderland, for Christmas, when his doctor prescribed him medication for crippling arthritis in his fingers. He was also been diagnosed with dangerously high cholesterol and says the conditions have only developed since his incarceration

abroad. The father-of-two returned to Tenerife in January, but is now hoping he will be able to fly home again next month. His latest bid comes just a couple of weeks after his insurance companies refused to renew policies on his business and properties after learning about the murder charge. Speaking from his Tenerife apartment, Mr Johnson told a Sunderland newspaper that his business is now on the brink of collapse. He said, “I’m still no further forward with my case. I still haven’t got a court date. “The justice system over here is absolutely terrible. I’m now into my fourth year of waiting for my case to be tried and I could still go to prison for the rest of my life. And while I’ve been stuck over here, my business has died a death. I’ve got to clear my name so I can get back to reality.”

It’s hotting up at last! EXPECT a heatwave next week! That’s warning for Tenerife from the Spanish State Meteorological Office (Aemet). But it’s good news for holiday-makers especially, because they haven’t had much to crow about this year so far Mainland Spain will also enjoy a fine bout of sunshine in the

next few days, but Aemet says ultraviolet rays will be much stronger than normal for this time of year, especially in the Canary Islands. So make sure you don’t expose yourself to the sun for long periods, and do ensure you have plenty of high-factor suncream on if you’ve only just arrived.

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Why do buses always come together?

A weekend full of fairs FOR OUR readers who enjoy visiting fairs around the Island and picking up a good bargain or that unusual gift, then this weekend is for you.

SIGHTSEEING buses are a worldwide phenomenon, from my first experience of them when visiting London, I just love them. They have featured heavily in the local media following their launch on the island last week; but no one has really told me is it worth it. So last Saturday off to Santa Cruz we go, completely blind so to speak as I had no idea where to go. We park underground in the Plaza de Espana and walk out the side of the shops, opposite to the sea. A coffee to wake us up and eyes peeled looking for the sightseeing bus. Directly, on the opposite side of the road there is a red bus stop, ‘City Sight Seeing.’ The stop is located just next to the port tourist information, plus it’s at the end of the cruise ship passenger blue line walk, so an ideal situation. We didn’t have to wait as a bus turned up when we did, and so did this guy who was like Mr Ben, he asked, in English, (we did look like tourists) “Do you want to go on the bus?” we replied, “yes” he explained that he was new, he wasn’t very informative but so polite and gave us an information leaflet, ear phones.

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We paid 6 euros as resident and 9.99 euros for non resident, and off we go. The bus stops at eleven different stops, Plaza de Espana, African Market, Puerto Crucero, Cuartel Almeida, Ayto. De Santa Cruz, Parque Garcia Sanabria, Rambla, Plaza Pedro Schwartz, Auditorio, El Corte Ingles, Estacion de guaguas. I’ve listed the stops as i can’t find them anywhere else. The website seems not to have been updated with the latest info The big question – was it worth it? Yes most definitely. Whether you bus it or drive to the capital the additional journey is worth it. You’re high up on the bus, brilliant view, relaxed, clean, English running commentary of the tourist spots and you can hop on and off. I think to get your moneys worth this is the thing to do. So for example you could get off at Parque Garcia Sanabria for a stroll and a coffee, El Corte Ingles for shopping, the bus station then to catch another bus with your same ticket to spend the afternoon on Playa de las Teresitas. The funny thing is when waiting for the bus outside El Corte Ingles, there is no timetable, no one seems to have any idea of frequency as it’s still in its early stages – then, two buses came at once! Just like the UK. If you’re looking for a day out then go and give it a try, you’ll have a giggle. Until next week.

Two fairs are about to kick off, one of which is in La Orotava, in the lovely plaza de la Constitución and is the first of its kind, a jewellery and accessories show with many of the stands exhibiting hand crafted items. The First Jewellery and Accessories Fair will start at 12 noon on Friday April 8th and will remain open until Sunday 10th, providing many of the Island’s most talented jewellery makers and crafts people with an ideal platform to display their creations. Then, for the bargain hunters it’s time once again for the annual Exposaldo. Declared officially open by Tenerife Cabildo President Ricardo Melchior, this fair was visited by over 49,000 people last year and it’s little wonder. Exposaldo, open from April 8th until April 11th , is an

opportunity for retailers to sell some of their stock at rock bottom prices and there really is a bargain there for everyone. This year some 140 different stall holders will set up in the Recinto Ferial de Tenerife, just about opposite the Auditorium in Santa Cruz, selling everything from clothes, shoes, appliances, toys, house wares, knick knacks to garden gnomes, all on sale, all brand new. The fair first came into being eight years ago as an outlet for retailers to liqui-

date excess stock and a chance for buyers to pick up some very reasonable deals and it has become one of the years most anticipated events in the capital. This year

the fair has a little extra something, with musical events during each day and models showing off some of the range of clothes to be had.

Wrath of the Titans THURSDAY MORNING saw hundreds of long haired ‘wannabees’ queing for the second general casting session for Clash of the Titans II, which took place at the Asociación de vecinos bocinegro in El Medano.

Many had spent the night so as to be first line, and a swarm of people filed down Calle Uruguay for the majority of the day. Those lucky enough to be picked will start filming in the coming weeks.

Tony’s top of our Karaoke chart THE four judges at Monday’s outstanding 10th heat of Tenerife Loves Karaoke, at the Palms Bar on Golf del Sur, were given yet another hard task. As we have seen in all the previous heats of the biggest talent competition to hit southern Tenerife, there was plenty of support for all of the 15 entrants. And such was the quality that evaluating the singers, to send through the top three for a sing-off final, was far from easy. It meant that the final showdown was even more difficult to judge, but Tony Blunden became only the second male singer to reach the Grand Final, collecting his heat winner’s trophy and T-shirt to cheers and applause. Organisers Oasis Fm offers huge congratulations to all the singers and to all those who came along to support

them, all adding up to a brilliant night’s entertainment. We have 10 finalists (eight female), who will all compete in the Grand Final on 14th May at Showtime, Las Americas, for the 500-euro cash prize, a 12-track recording session at Villa Studios, a contract with Paul James Associates, and

the title of Tenerife Loves Karaoke 2011. There is still time to enter the Tenerife Loves Karaoke competition, with the following five venues left: O’Jangles (Los Cristianos), Academy (Torviscas), Blarney Stone (Playa de La Arena), La Gua Gua (Fanabe Beach Front)

and, lastly, Wigan Pier (Las Americas). So, if you are interested in competing in the BIGGEST AND MOST POPULAR talent contest in the South this year, call Oasis Fm on 902 232 102, register at the venues or via Facebook, or turn up and just enjoy a great night out.

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011


Luke’s pitched it to perfection

Mercedes model launch puts Tenerife on the test roads map

WHAT was deemed by the motoring world’s press as a great little roadster just got better following the very successful international launch of the next generation (3) Mercedes-Benz SLK, right here in Tenerife. Many might think a volcanic island off the African coast is a strange place to drive a new sports car, but Tenerife has some of the best driver’s roads in the world, rivalling even the fabled Stelvio Pass in Italy, according to experts in the field who test drove the

LUKE TOWLER was the toast of performing arts school Estrellas after winning a recent singing competition organised by Abona Town Hall. Nearly 200 people took part in the Concurso de la Cancion San Miguel de Abona 2011 - a twin event for youngsters up to 14, and those over that age - all hoping to win the trophy and a cheque for 300 euros. It was tailor-made for 14year-old Luke, who has

attended Estrellas since he was six and is no stranger to competitions. He appeared on Spanish national TV four years ago when he took part in Spain’s Got Talent. All styles were performed, from ballads to rap and opera, and it was a fantastic evening, with the finalists performing on a large stage in front of an audience of around 1,000. Luke, who enjoys singing, playing the guitar and piano, was born in Tenerife and lives in Arona. And he really impressed the three judges in his section with his excel-

car during it’s global unveiling a couple of weeks ago. It was SLK heaven as the new model carved its way along hundreds of kilometres of mountain switchbacks and tight hairpins that wind their way around Tenerife’s volcanic centre. Like the previous model, the new SLK borrows styling cues from other more exalted cars in the Mercedes range, in this case, the SLS Gullwing and the big SL sports car. Organisers of the event hope that the publicity that reached out world-wide will encourage more such launches, bringing literally hundreds of motoring journalists from around the world, as did the recent launch.

lent renditions of Unchained Melody and Para Ti Seria, a Spanish pop song. He was given a standing ovation from the crowd, and the judges told Luke they were convinced he would have a good future in the music business. They also said they would like to see him perform at some of their planned events. Luke is now looking forward to July and his next big competition, in the Santa Cruz Auditorium. He will vying for honours in the final of Islasvision, along with many other Estrellas students.

The road safety caravan arrives in San Miguel The Town Hall in San Miguel, in collaboration with the MAPFRE GUANARTEME Foundation is mounting an exhibit in the town from today (Friday) for a week help raise road safety awareness among the young. A mobile unit has been set up with information on road

signs and how to read them, what they mean and what you should do. A kart is also available so that youngsters can get a feel for what it’s like to be behind the wheel, all in an effort to help young people understand the risks involved in driving and using the roads and how to avoid them. Víctor Chinea, the local Mayor, said he is aware of how important these kinds of activities are in terms of consciousness raising for the

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

youth of the area and, he said, “We did not want to m is the opportunity of inviting the e3xhibit to come to our area and in our Road Safety programmes.” The Town Hall is providing transport to the schools in the area to take the kids to see the show at the Motocross track on the San Miguel road, just up from the Aldea Blanca turn off. They expect at least 300 youngsters will attend over the week long period.

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Tango dance stars Food prices stable? are returning with a new spectacular

NEWS IN BRIEF CONSUMERS have had their second week in a row without significant increases at the supermarket check out, according to Mercatenerife. The food wholesaler has declared that there has

been no significant rise in the cost of food over the past week, although the weekly survey looks at just 30 goods to find the average rise or fall in prices.

Foreign residents homeward bound FOR THE 3rd year in a row the number of foreign residents in the Canary Islands has fallen, according to a report from the National Statistics Institute. The economic crisis is believed to have prompted the drop of more than

70,000 people between 2009 and January 1st of this year, however, over 306,000 foreigners have chosen to remain in the Archipelago, some 14.4% of the more than 2 million total population of the Islands.

Hotel hold-up POLICE are looking for an armed robber who made off with 300 euros from the hotel Marino in Costa del Silencio last week. Apparently a masked man entered the reception area

of the hotel at 5am, waving a handgun at the lone receptionist, who handed over 300 euros before the man left on foot, although the Guardia Civil say they do not rule out the possibility that an accomplice was waiting outside in a getaway car.

New school in El Fraile MAYOR of Arona Jose Alberto Gonzalez Reveron will open the new infant school in El Fraile this week, with places for 100 children available. Children from 4 months up

to 3 years of age will be eligible and the intake area also takes in Las Galletas, Costa del Silencio, Guaza, Palm Mar and Cho-Parque La Reina.

No money to repair rain damage on Canarian roads The delegate for the Spanish Roads Department here in Tenerife, Jose Suarez, has said that the Island’s roads are in a lot worse shape than they were in this time last year, because of the heavy rains that have caused so much damage this winter. But regrettably, he says, there is just not enough money to repair them all, due to the severe economic cuts made necessary by the financial crisis that the government is facing. Suarez has always valued the state of the Canarian roads to be good but he warns that this is just not the case following so much rain, and road surfaces in some places are dangerous. He explained that the deterioration of the road has, in places, gone below the upper course of asphalt that is laid, sometimes as much as six or seven cen-

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timetres, he said. “We need to spend a lot of money to fix the roads, but there is none so we have to think of ways of driving more carefully, making cheaper repairs and just get used to a little less quality on the roads for now.� A meeting of the Roads department will be taking place soon in Gran Canaria, where ideas will be discussed to find ways of repairing and improving the badly affected surfaces. Cheaper materials are an option, said Suarez, as well as the possibility of looking at recycled material. The meeting will review these alternatives and make sure that the Government is aware of all and any cost cutting measures that will assure that Canarian roads return to the quality motorists have come to expect.

FOLLOWING in the footsteps of their brilliant Tango Festival with Los Ocampo last year, dance duo Tango Vivo are aiming to repeat that success. Their new show, for one night only, is Entre Tangos, at the Cine Teatro Victor, Plaza de la Paz in Santa Cruz next Saturday (16th April). Tango Viva are the talented husband-and-wife team of Viviana and Jason Segade, and Entre Tangos takes the audience through the history of Tango since the beginning of 1900 to the present time. Live musicians and other professional dancers will appear to add authenticity to this modern tango show, which combines dance, live music and drama in an impeccable performance and setting, unlike any other tango on the Island. On stage with Viviana and Jason will be Trio Tangatos, featuring the voice of singer Andres Leoni, Juan Carlos Baeza on contrabass, guitarist Javier Lopez and Orlando Dibelo on bandoneon, together with dancers Adriana Herrera & Damian Desmaras plus Silvia Gutierrez & Claudio Buratti. If you took part in the exciting workshops put on by Viviana and Jason at Vivo last year, you will want to see more of this duo, and enjoy one of the more traditional tango shows, usually staged in Buenos Aires, and now in Santa Cruz. Entre Tangos is modern yet original, combining dance, live music and drama in an impeccable performance and setting, unlike any other tango show on the Island. This really is an extravaganza which explores a journey of emotions, colours and time, since the beginning of Tango. Entre Tangos is an authentic show dedicated to the memory of most acclaimed figures of Tango: a tribute to the great composers and authors of the 20th century, from Carlos Gardel, to the brilliant Astor Piazzolla with its Libertango and Gotan Project. As a finishing touch, the traditional finale includes the

entire cast on stage, combining the feeling, interpretation and charisma of our artists. They promise you a memo-

rable, unforgettable night not to be missed. For more information, call Viviana & Jason Segade (Tango Vivo Tenerife)

on 922 775 702, visit their website or email

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011


More than a book fair FOR THE second year in a row, Arona is hosting a book fair in Los Cristianos and to celebrate the occasion it is staging a number of events to entertain the crowds. The Arona Cultural department in association with the Municipal Library network has organised numerous activities for what will be the region’s XXII Book Fair, to be held at the Los Cristianos Cultural Centre. On Friday, April 8th starting at 5pm there will be a number of workshops and crafts as well as a theatrical presentation by the Troysteatro Company of the work entitled ‘La Cajita de Música’, (The Music Box).

At 8pm there will be a concert by the Clarinet and Saxophone Group from the Arona School of Music and Dance. The following day, Saturday 9th, things get off to an earlier start at 11am with more crafts workshops and a presentation of the work ‘El Drago Mágico’, (The Magic Dragon), by the group Cuentos con Encanto. In the afternoon the little ones can enjoy a series of activities followed at 5pm by another theatrical performance for their pleasure. Closing out the book fair at 8pm will be a show entitled ‘Alma de Boleros’, (Spirit of Bolero). Local businesses have also organised snacks comprising a drink plus a tapa for just three euros in various establishments in the vicinity.

The Playa San Juan Medical Centre opens AFTER nearly five years of waiting and delays, the new, modern Playa San Juan medical Centre has at last opened to the public. The many local residents that attended the affair expressed their delight at finally having a doctor close to home in a centre that offers all the best services available, in comparison with the old one that struggled to accommodate the number of users and also offered far fewer services. Particularly pleased was Health Councillor at the Guía de Isora Town Council Antonio Álvarez, and President of the San Juan Bautista neighbourhood association Antonio Magdalena, both agreeing that ‘at last’ after the Canarian Government kept delaying for five years, the

local people have their own modern health service, that will also cover Agua Dulce, Fonsalía and Piedra Hincada. On April 1st a group of officials were at the centre, watching as the finishing touches were made for the official opening on April 4th. Last touches of paint, the placement of the building’s street number and the access ramp for the disabled were all about to be installed ready for the grand inauguration. Antonio Álvarez was quick to praise the hard work and campaigns that many of the local neighbourhood groups had undertaken over the past years to put pressure on the authorities to complete the work. However, he said “Today let’s just talk about the good news.”

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Tour operator is rapped over ‘sick’ hotel holidays ONE of Britain’s largest and best known tour operators has been criticised for sending holidaymakers to a hotel in Tenerife with an alleged history of illness. The company is apparently facing the threat of legal action from dozens of Britons who claim they have suffered illness in recent months at a hotel on the west coast of the Island. Holiday Travel Watch, a holidaymakers’ pressure group, recently criticised the operators behaviour, and called on those affected to take legal action as well as claiming that those people due to visit the hotel had the right to a full refund should they wish to cancel their holiday. “The company needs to recognise the problem at this hotel, deal with it, and not introduce more holidaymakers,” said Frank Brehany, consumer director at Holiday Travel. Mr Brehany claims that there has been a breach of the European Union’s Package Travel Directive because clients had not been informed about the alleged problems at the hotel. Under the directive’s regulations, holidaymakers are entitled to protection when a “significant change” arises. Tour operators should inform holidaymakers of such a change as soon as possible, and give them the opportunity to cancel trips free of charge. “People work hard for 50 weeks to get two precious weeks away. To be treated in such a cavalier manner is appalling,” said Mr Brehany.

“Tour operators who knowingly send people to a hotel affected by illness should be heavily fined.” Frank Johnson, 70, and his wife, from Bournmoor, Durham, paid nearly £1,000 to stay at the hotel last month. He said the operator did not mention the ongoing problems with illness when he booked his trip, but he later spotted warnings on the website TripAdvisor. When he passed on his concerns to the operator, he said, he was told that “only a few people” were unwell. He went ahead with his holiday, but claims he fell ill with suspected norovirus – a vomiting bug that typically lasts between one and four days – soon after arriving. He said that a “substantial number” of guests were sick, and added that the vast majority at the hotel were aged between 50 and 80 – a group more susceptible to the illness, according

to the NHS. However, the tour operator said only 68 of 1,725 guests at the hotel had reported illness since March 13th. Mr Johnson is due to return to the same hotel this summer and has attempted to cancel his holiday. He said he had not yet received a response to his inquiries. Holiday Travel Watch said it had been contacted by about 30 concerned Britons who were due to travel to the hotel. In addition, Irwin Mitchell, the law firm, is representing 28 of this year’s guests in a possible group legal action against the holiday company. It is also representing a number of other Britons who fell ill there last year. A statement from the company said, “The symptoms experienced by customers this winter and last winter were indicative of norovirus. Outbreaks of this airborne virus are common,

particularly within contained environments, and an outbreak in a hotel is not indicative of a failing in hygiene standards. “We would like to assure its customers that every effort is always made to prevent the spread of illness in its hotels. Independent hygiene consultants have confirmed that the hotel is operating to the highest standards. Advisory documentation was posted throughout the property and customers are encouraged to adhere to basic hygiene practices. “The company takes its lead from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in instances of illness outbreaks abroad and no restrictions on travel were put in place.” The European Commission is currently reviewing the Package Travel Directive; draft proposals are expected later this year.

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Carole’s royal invite CAROLE HART, who runs the successful Swallows Club in Los Cristianos, rubbed shoulders with royalty last Wednesday in Madrid. Carole, and husband Mike, along with other volunteers from South Tenerife who do so much for ex-pats and the winter swallows, were invited by the British Consulate to take tea with Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall during their three-day visit to Spain. Also among the 300-plus British and Spanish guests from all over Spain at the British Ambassador’s residence were Norma Martindale MBE, who visits inmates in Tenerife Prison, Rosalind Jeffrey, from SHE Europe, the Christian helpline for needy women, in Costa del Silencio, plus Royal British Legion stalwarts Kelly and Jean. Carole, from Las Chafiras, said: “We had a lovely time at the reception and Camilla was exceptionally friendly, making us feel at ease. “And she took a real inter-

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Carole and Mike Hart, enjoying their day out in royal surroundings Photo:

Royal British Legion stalwarts Kelly and Jean


Prison visitor Norma Martindale MBE (left) and Rosalind Jeffrey, from SHE Europe Photo:

Tenerife lawyer Vera Liprandi, from Decotta McKenna, with Camilla

est in what we all had to say. She asked me about the Swallows and I said jokingly that I would put her down for the next coach trip. “But because there were so many guests, Charles and Camilla were not able to greet everyone together, so they divided the crowd into two and devoted their time individually to each half. “It was sad that we didn’t get to see Prince Charles, but we expected just a handshake from both of them anyway, so to chat for a while with Camilla was brilliant and she was quite charming.” Carole added: “Unfortunately, there were no photos of us with her on the official British Consulate website, and we were not allowed to take any of her ourselves. “Still we had a good time and it was nice for Swallows to be recognised by the Consulate, although it was a long day and hard on the old feet in the end!” The event took place in the garden of the Residence, and guests enjoyed very British refreshments of tea

and cakes. Giles Paxman, Her Majesty’s Ambassador, said: “The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall thoroughly enjoyed meeting the volunteer representatives and learning about some of the challenges they face. “They were very pleased to have the opportunity to pass on their heartfelt thanks to the many thousands of British and Spanish volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to help more vulnerable British residents.” An estimated one million British citizens live in Spain for part or all of the year. The large network of volunteer organisations provides a high level of self-help for the British community, and for residents who may be facing financial and health problems. Other attendees representing Tenerife included; Beverley and Dennis Corbett, Christopher and Margaret Green, Don and Elizabeth Young, John William Lucas, Juan Jose Alvarez Gallego, Father Keith Gordon, Maurita and Kevin Simmonds, Miguel Angel Trujillo and Stephen McKenna.

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Be prepared for an economic lift THE general feeling, not just on the Island but across the continent as a whole, is that the economy is on the mend. Is it that people have toughened up to the recession and are now prepared to throw caution to the wind, or simply blind optimism? Some people have told me that they believe it is brave to set up a business, given the worst recession in the last 100 years. Firstly, it takes real courage to set up a business, no matter what part of the economic cycle we are in. And secondly, there is no such thing as a good or bad market because every part of the economic cycle has its opportunities. As a coach of mine said wisely: “It’s not the blowing of the wind that determines your destination but the set of your sail!” And the reason we are holding business events on the Island is so that today’s business owners, and the next generation of enlightened people running companies, can prepare for the growth phase as it approaches. If you have a sharp ear and can discover where people’s pain lies, this will ultimately open doors of opportunities. .The next step towards success is testing the market to establish if your idea holds water. It is important at this stage to listen to your feedback, which plays a vital part in your decision whether to invest your time and resources further. You have to know what problem you are trying to solve, and for which people. Then it is all down to the quality of your product or service, and how you price yourself in the market. Like every good SAS trooper, test until certain, then test again! This allows you to proceed with confidence. Teaming up with good business coaches or mentors is also very important. I have exceptionally good ones, namely Mike Southon “The Beermat Entrepreneur” and Financial Times columnist, and Martin Goodyer, psychologist and business coach. They are worth their weight in gold, and I urge young entrepreneurs to get a coach on board very early in their business. They can save you time, energy, resources and

money. These people are always at hand to assist entrepreneurs who have the right philosophy, unlike banks and venture capitalists. And we are pleased to announce that both experts will be holding events here in Tenerife. Mike Southon will be appearing on Wednesday (13th April (tickets selling VERY fast) and Martin will hold an event here later in the year. Capecan’s aim, at the outset, wasn’t just to unite the English and Spanish-speaking communities, but rather to help both businesses and professionals during this crisis. We offer an excellent standard of office space with additional services! We have enabled business owners to lower their running costs and, in most cases, increase the standard of working environment. And we will continue to do so. Capecan is also helping new companies to establish a sound base here in the Canaries. “España Express” is a much-needed express postal service on the Island, with Directors Tony Hudson and Gareth Ladbury both wellrespected businessmen in the UK. There is also another company - a £40 million UK business - which wishes to remain anonymous at this time until its formal launch. These are just two of the firms capturing the Canarian commercial enthusiasm. Capecan Business Centre provides you with fully-furnished office space and many additional services, including offices, business addresses, personalised callanswering and secretarial service, bi-lingual staff, technical equipment, conference facilities, administration services and much more, even if not based there residentially. We have a great global leader and network partner “eoffice”, and its CEO Pier Paulo Mucceli, which ensures that we can provide a worldclass service to global customers as well as local businesses and authorities. Our goal is to unite people. Something special happens when creative minds get together; they usually end up making changes which benefit the wider community, both commercially and socially, and we strongly advocate such activity. This is the primary reason why we are holding a number of events from which

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people can benefit over the next few months. If you are an employee, business owner, entrepreneur, or just thinking of maybe setting up in business and would like to know more, you should be attending these events. There is no personal participation required, so you can just sit back relax and enjoy the day. The cost is less than a dinner and will benefit your business many times over. If you would like to come along to Wednesday’s fantastic event, book your tickets directly by calling 922 738 933, or by emailing Mike Southon will be delivering his world famous Something about the Beatles keynote speech! This focuses on Branding, Marketing, Creativity, and the importance of Teamwork. Later, Mike will also present his Sales on a Beermat workshop, which shows you how you will double your sales in less than 12 weeks. For video contents on both sessions, simply YouTube Mike Southon. Take this chance to treat yourself and take time out to focus on your business for a day. This is something we should all do regularly as it helps evaluate where we are in relation to our goals, and what else we can do to help propel ourselves and our teams forward. Capecan’s gift to the business community is a worldclass entrepreneur like Mike, because what he has to offer us is incredible. I recommend that every owner brings along his/her sales staff as Mike Southon is exciting and energetic, and is sure to motivate and inspire everyone there that day. To see Mike in the UK costs in excess of £100, but Wednesday’s fee is just 20 euros. There has been a great response so far, and we’re looking forward to welcoming even more people, along with all the top media, Government and business people already attending. Don’t be the one who misses out. For information about Capecan’s products and services, or to secure your tickets for this event, email or call 922 738 933. By Christopher Pennington (Managing Director, Capecan Business Centre)

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Council wants to spruce up Los Gigantes marina THE SANTIAGO del Teide Town Council are hoping to improve the current condition of the marina in Los Gigantes. As anyone familiar with Los Gigantes will know, the marina is a focal point in the town that is famous for its tower-

ing, purple hued cliffs. Visitors coming to see the emblematic rock face that gives the town its name more often than not find themselves at the harbour wall that surrounds the marina. However, the marina is privately operated by AGIGANSA and so any

Smoking ban’s hit sales badly THE sales of cigarettes sales have fallen by 11.9 per cent in Spain since the AntiSmoking Law was introduced on 2nd January. The new legislation forbids people from lighting up in any bars, restaurants or public places. Tobacconists say their profits are down, and that

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sales have dropped by 27% in the past year. The number of cigarette packets sold in the Valencia Community has fallen dramatically from 64 million to 46 million in 12 months. Yet the increased sales of cigars and loose tobacco have increased across the country, which suggests it is the recent price increases, by up to 60 cents a packet, rather than the smoking ban, causing the drop in sales.

work would need the company’s collaboration. In light of the fact that the local Town Council has no direct authority to carry out the improvements they feel are necessary, they are determined to create the conditions needed so that all the concerned parties can arrive at an agreement that will benefit the many visitors to the zone. According to a press release from the Santiago Town Hall, “There is no doubt that one of the foremost areas of tourist interest in our Municipality is the cliffs of Los Gigantes, which daily receives a huge amount of visitors and at this time the marina is simply not in the best state of repair. “But its importance is not solely derived from the marina but also as a point of departure for a number of very popular excursions, such as the whale watching trips that go out to see the creatures that inhabit the waters just off the coast, or the Fotosub, which is becoming

ever more popular on an international scale. “The Los Gigantes marina is one of the most important infrastructures that the Municipality has and is actually one of the few places where people can enjoy certain aquatic activities, particularly the Fotosub. All of these pursuits show how important it is in terms of the tourism sector in our region.”

With this in mind, the council agreed a number of points at the March 31st sitting and approved a motion to first, seek the agreement of the operators of the marina to collaborate on the renovations; second, to approach the Ports Department to take the appropriate measures to see that a tourism based region such as Santaigo del Teide has a marina in good

condition; third, to urge the Tenerife Cabildo to collaborate in the initiative to generally upgrade the tourism infrastructure throughout the Municipality and fourth, to seek the assistance of ASHOTEL, the hoteliers association for the province, to give any assistance possible to develop a plan that will have a positive impact on tourism numbers.

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

World News

Cornwall: Meningitis alert as schoolgirl dies HUNDREDS of pupils at a school in Cornwall are to be given antibiotics after a young girl died from meningitis and another was admitted to hospital with a suspected case of the disease. Eloise Williams - who was a Year Eight pupil at Wadebridge School - died on March 29 after contracting the deadly infection. The Health Protection Agency said the second child was “stable and is doing well” in the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro. As a precaution, around 500 pupils at the mixed-sex comprehensive school will be given the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin to prevent the spread of the bacteria. In a statement, the school’s headteacher, Tina Yardley, paid tribute to Eloise: “The whole Wadebridge School

community is shocked and deeply saddened by this tragic news. “She was a beautiful and talented little girl, whose smile lit up the room. “She cared for others, worked hard in lessons and was a credit to her family and our school. “We know both her family and the local community well and we cannot imagine the

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devastation they are feeling at this time. “We will do our very best to support her family, her classmates and the staff who knew her and all our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this sad time.” Medics said other children at the school were at low risk of contracting the disease - but warned parents to be on the lookout for any signs.

Dr Mark Kealy said: “We understand this will be a worrying time for parents, but I would like to reassure them that we have made the decision to give antibiotics to a wide group of children as a precautionary measure, and in line with national guidance, to stop spread of the infection within the school community. “The likelihood of another child in the school developing meningococcal infection is still low. “Each child and staff member from years Seven and Eight will be given a single dose of antibiotic at the school on Thursday, April 7. “This antibiotic will prevent anyone carrying the bug from passing it on to others.” Meanwhile, Eloise’s friends left dozens of messages of condolence on a Facebook page set up in her memory. One friend, Jobey Payne, wrote: “I’m still upset and always will be. “I miss you so much it’s

unbelievable how much I miss u.” Parents were alerted to the

death of Eloise by a letter posted on the school’s website last week.

Tourist development in store for El Poris? ACCORDING to a recent comment from the Mayor of Arico, Eladio Morales, it looks like the three and a half million square metres of land that is owned by Italian businessman Alberto Giacomini is zoned urban and could well be on its way to becoming a tourist paradise. Good news for the tycoon who wants to build seven luxury hotels along the coastal zone as well as two golf

courses and a hospital. Not such good news for conservationists and others who would like to see another wind farm built on the land, which would have to be expropriated for the purpose. However, the Mayor is behind the ambitious scheme and is backing the project in terms of its application to fall outside of the current tourism based building moratorium and be viewed as an exception. The initiative to develop the area for tourist use and bring economic growth to the area has been on hold for years, thanks to the moratorium, but the promoters are negotiating at this moment to move the project along.

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World News

Pet Shop Boys join Take That on sell-out tour TAKE THAT have invited the Pet Shop Boys to support them on their sell-out UK and European tour. The chart duo have been chalking up hits for more than a quarter of a century and will perform highlights from their own Pandemonium show when they join the tour. Take That’s Progress tour begins on May 27 at Sunderland’s Stadium Of Light, with Robbie Williams returned to the ranks. The band’s Jason Orange said he thought the newly signed support act would be too big to agree to perform the shows. He said: “I’m flattered and

very happy they’ve agreed to do it. They’re so talented. I thought they’d be above it and us.” Williams said: “I’m a huge Pet Shop Boys fan so for me it will be an absolute joy to be able to watch them every night.” The Pet Shop Boys have sold more than 50 million records, with hits such as West End Girls, It’s A Sin and Go West. In 2009 they were given the outstanding contribution to music award at the BRITs. And last month they unveiled their first ballet, The Most Incredible Thing, which has enjoyed a sell-out run at Sadler’s Wells in London. The duo said: “We look forward to every night being a huge celebration of pop music.”

Scavenging OAP crashes Georgia’s Internet services

AN OLD lady digging for scrap metal has brought down internet services to two countries after slicing through an important fibre-optic cable. Georgian police arrested the 75-year-old pensioner after she single-handedly cut off Internet connections in Georgia and neighbouring Armenia, the interior ministry said. The woman hacked into the cable which runs through

13 dead after shooting at a school in Brazil A MAN believed to be a former student has killed at least 13 people after opening fire at a school in Rio De Janeiro in Brazil. The gunman is understood to be among the dead. Sources say he was shot in the leg by police and then is believed to have turned the gun on himself. According to local reports at least 20 people were also

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wounded in the shooting. Local police commander Djalma Beltrame told Globo TV that the gunman - reported to be a 23-year-old man left a letter at the scene indicating he wanted to kill himself. But he added that the note did not give a clear motive for the shooting. Television images showed three helicopters landing on a football field next to the school and then ferrying the wounded to nearby hospitals.

Georgia to Armenia, forcing internet users in both countries offline. “She found the cable while collecting scrap metal and cut it with a view to stealing it,” Georgian interior ministry spokesman Zura Gvenetadze said. She was arrested in the village of Ksani, north of capital Tbilisi, and has been charged with damaging property. The pensioner could face up to three years in prison if convicted. “Taking into account her advancing years, she has

been released pending the end of the investigation and subsequent trial,” Mr Gvenetadze said. The attempted cable theft last week brought down internet services for several hours. Many Georgians’ internet connections were also cut in 2009 by another scavenger who damaged the fibreoptic cable while hunting for scrap metal in the impoverished ex-Soviet state. The company that owns the cable, Georgian Railway Telecom (GRT), said that the latest damage was serious.

It caused 90% of private and corporate online users in Armenia to lose access for nearly 12 hours while also hitting Georgian internet service providers. “I cannot understand how this lady managed to find and damage the cable,” GRT head of marketing Giorgi Ionatamishvili said. “It has robust protection and such incidents are extremely rare.” GRT’s slogan is “your reliable partner in the Caucasus region” and its fibre-optic network is also connected to Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Post Office murder: Man ‘never hurt’ wife THE POSTMASTER of a Yorkshire village has denied murdering his wife saying he “would never hurt” her. Robin Garbutt is accused of killing his wife Diana by beating her over the head while she slept at their home in March 2010. The couple ran a village shop and post office in Melsonby, North Yorkshire. At the trial at Teesside

Crown Court, it was claimed 45-year-old Garbutt killed his wife because she had been unfaithful. It is also alleged he attempted to cover up the murder by claiming an armed robber did it before raiding the shop safe. When asked if he had killed his wife Garbutt replied: “No, I would never hurt Di.” It appears the couple had run in to debt racking up £30,000 on credit cards

despite making a profit from their village shop and post office. In 2009-2010 the business turned over more than £200,000 which Garbutt said made a profit of £40,00045,000, out of which they paid their bills and mortgage. After the couple had met, they decided to run the village shop so they could spend more time together. Diana, 40, was previously a security officer working in

magistrates and crown courts, but Robin Garbutt had some shop experience having run his own family business. Speaking about working in a close knit community Garbutt said: “It’s a gradual process, you have to build up a rapport with your customers and make sure what they like is on the shelf and just generally be nice to people”. The trial continues.

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World News

Interest rates: UK sticks while Eurozone twists AFTER the Bank Of England kept the base rate of interest on hold for another month, the focus turned to the European Central Bank which delivered its first rate hike since July 2008. The majority of the Governor Mervyn King’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) ignored mounting pressure to increase the rate at this month’s meeting, as the cost of living continues to soar. Last month, three members of the MPC voted for a rise. The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) measure of inflation rose to 4.4% from 4% in February - more than double the Government’s target of 2%. Recent rises in oil prices, fanned by tension in the Middle East and North Africa, had increased adverse risks to both inflation and growth. Despite this the MPC decided to keep the base rate on hold for a 25th consecutive month. On the other hand the ECB,

which sets monetary policy for the 17-nation euro zone, hiked its main rate to 1.25% from 1%. The rise had been expected after Jean-Claude Trichet, ECB president, hinted towards an increase in April. Dr Howard Archer, economist at analysts IHS Global Insight, said about the decision: “The ECB has duly delivered its heavily signalled interest rate hike from 1.00% to 1.25%. “Indeed, it would have been a major shock if the ECB had not acted given the stream of senior ECB policymakers out in force recently highlighting the case for an interest rate rise now.” He outlined the aim was to contain the risk of second round inflationary effects developing from the current spike up in Eurozone consumer price inflation resulting from higher energy and commodity prices. The decision comes as the European Union battles a continuing debt crisis that has already claimed three victims. Greece, Ireland and as of Thursday, Portugal, have all had to request emergency bailouts.

Documentary ‘Jig’ lifts lid on Irish Dancing

A NEW feature documentary hopes to lift the lid on the little known and cut-throat world of Irish dancing.

Portugal’s seeking 80m-euro EU help PORTUGAL Prime Minister Jose Socrates has confirmed that his country will be asking the EU for a bail-out, despite contradictory reports. It makes the third country, after Greece and the Republic of Ireland, to seek a financial bail-out from the European Union. Socrates made the dreaded announcement after his Finance Minister hinted on Wednesday that the money would be needed to cope with high debt, after he had failed to raise funds on the international market. Portugal had resisted asking for a bail-out until now, but in

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a televised address, , Socrates said he had no option after trying everything else. He added that delaying the decision would put Portugal in unnecessary danger, and that it was his duty to put national interest above everything else. The real crisis began when tough austerity measures proposed by the minority government were rejected. Consequently, Socrates resigned as Prime Minister. In a bid to raise money, the government auctioned 12month bonds with high interest rates, raising about one billion euros. However, financial analysts predict that Portugal will need a package of least 80 billion euros.

Every year more than 6,000 dancers embark on a dramafilled week at the Irish Dancing World Championships. Behind the wigs, make-up, false tans and diamantes, there is a life of dedication, obsession and passion. Simona Mauriello is from London and has been Irish dancing for over 15 years. “It has a massive impact on

my life,” she said. It’s about skill and talent. Is it pushy parents? I don’t think you could get your kids to do what these kids do unless the child wanted to do it. “I’m dancing five days a week and the weekends are taken up with dancing. If it’s someone’s birthday, half the time I can’t go because of dancing.” Directed by Sue Bourne, Jig follows the personal stories of Simone and eight other dancers in their quest for perfection and the crown at last year’s competition, in Glasgow.

She said: “These kids are so driven you know…they set a goal. “They’ve got a talent. This film took me into a world I wasn’t expecting - they’re so hardworking.” Last year Broadcast magazine named Sue as one of the top 10 directors in the UK. In 2009 her film ‘My Street’ was named best documentary at the Broadcast Awards and she picked up a gong at the Celtic Film Festival for ‘Mum and Me’. She was also the Executive Producer on the 9/11 documentary ‘The Falling Man’.

She said she was drawn to this project because of the fantastic characters she discovered and their dedication to dancing. “This is not a beauty pageant,” she said. “It’s about skill and talent. Is it pushy parents? I don’t think you could get your kids to do what these kids do unless the child wanted to do it.” This year’s championships will be held in Dublin on April 17. Jig, released on May 6, offers an insight into this world of high pressure, pushy parents and fabulous curls.

Minimum wage to rise by 15p in October THE NATIONAL minimum wage will increase by 15p to £6.08 an hour in October, the Government has announced. Ministers have accepted recommendations from the Low Pay Commission which will mean a new adult rate of

£6.08. The statutory wage for workers aged between 18 and 20 will increase by 6p to £4.98 an hour. Meanwhile the rate for 1617-year-olds will go up by 4p to £3.68 an hour and that for apprentices will increase by 10p to £2.60 an hour. Business Secretary Vince Cable said the move would benefit almost a million workers in the UK.

David Norgrove, chairman of the Low Pay Commission He said: “More than 890,000 of Britain’s lowestpaid workers will gain from these changes. “They are appropriate, reflecting the current economic uncertainty while at the same time protecting the UK’s lowest-paid workers.” The chairman of the Low

Pay Commission, David Norgrove, said: “We welcome the Government’s acceptance of our recommendations. “The commission was again unanimous, despite all the economic uncertainties. “We believe we have struck the right balance between the needs of low-paid workers and the challenges faced by businesses.”

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Community News

Debbie’s rallying call for hospital funds raises roof HER heart melted when she saw three hospital waiting rooms full of youngsters needing treatment for their kidneys. Debbie from Shambles Bar in Los Cristianos, was so relieved when her own baby son, Lucas, was given the allclear at Candelaria Hospital last week. But the sight of all those kids in the kidney-transplant area moved her so much that she is now staging a fundraising show for the hospital unit next Friday (15th April) at the bar. Already, it is turning into a huge event, with several entertainers offering their services, restaurants providing meals and other well-wishers contributing various prizes for the raffle. In addition, there will be an auction featuring top-notch lots, including a holiday for two at a five-star hotel in Gran Canaria, plus an autographed Rangers shirt by the current Scottish league

champions and a pair of boxing gloves, signed by former world champion Ricky Hatton. “To see all those poor little kids at the hospital, from those in prams to eight-yearolds, brought tears to my eyes,” said Debbie. “I felt I just had to do something, and everyone has rallied round brilliantly.” The afternoon begins at 2pm, and a whole host of singers will begin performing 30 minutes later. Such is the response that Debbie is confident the event will run into the early hours of Saturday. Sharing the compering duties will be Rick Gothard and Paul Mac, and appearing on the show will be such entertainers as Paul Monroe, Christine Kaye, live band Crush, who will perform a 45minute set, and Shiel Campbell’s Robbie Williams tribute act. There’s a barbecue on the terrace, plus the regular menu, and there will also be a selection of “special” drinks on offer. It’s a mouth-watering treat all round, and it is for such a deserving cause, so go along and give Debbie your support.

A double bonanza from Helping Hands LIZ MONTAGUE, who runs popular charity Helping Hands in Tenerife, last week visited the Martha Dos Centre in La Laguna to present staff with a 2000euro cheque.. The centre supports children with cerebral palsy and is a particular favourite of

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Helping Hands. A similar donation is going to the Children’s Home in Granadilla. The total sum amounts to the fantastic 4,000 euros raised from the Valentine Dinner Dance, laid on by Helping Hands, and Liz says: “I would like to thank all our followers for their continued support, and stress how grateful the centre were when they received the donation.”

Update for Live Arico Bars and businesses - we need you! Our expenses are now heading towards 10,000 euros per month. With NO help whatsoever from the authorities, we rely entirely on our charity shops, benefit nights, and YOUR generosity. The quest to fund ourselves is hard and never-ending and, as such, we are always searching for new ways to raise money. We are looking for a handful of bars to run a weekly raffle or football card for us. We will supply tickets, prizes, cards and publicity material. Please call Suzy q on 629 388 102 if you can help. Our thanks to … All involved in last month’s benefit afternoon in Coral Mar Square, Costa del Silencio, where we raised a much-needed 231 euros. Thanks to the EuroBar and the Welcome Inn for invaluable help, and entertainers Suzy Q, Kerry, Dave Michaels, Rick Porter, Ady Evans, Gary Clifton, Terry Baker, Alfie B & JJ Gibson, Simon King, Stevie B and John Jay. A great day was had by all. Tony Bailey, who ran the Las Galletas Half-Marathon last week in aid of Live Arico, raising 250 euros. He completed the 21km circuit in 2hrs 6mins. Well done and our thanks to him and his sponsors. Our big birthday bash Next Saturday (16th April), we will be celebrating our 11th Birthday Party at the Harbour Club, Los Gigantes. Tickets have sold out, but anyone can buy raffle tickets for a chance of winning a week’s holiday, and there are many more top-class prizes. Please call Suzy q if you would like some. We still need a van

If you see or have anything reasonable for sale, please call us. Another couple of ideas we have for the future are allotments on the finca, and secure parking with airport transfers. Let us know if this might be of interest to you. Hand-painted pet portraits Local artist Alison Sturgess will paint portraits of your pets and will donate 25% of her fee to Live Arico. Her work really is first-class and can be viewed at Refuge opening hours We are open Wednesday to Saturday, from 1-5pm, and Sundays by prior arrangement with Eugene. Our Live Arico shop chain All three shops are now open for business, so come and bag a bargain from all the second-hand books, toys, clothes and bric-a-brac on sale. Also, pop in to leave donations of dog food, to ask for information about Live Arico, or just for a friendly chat. We need volunteers, so please call Trisha on 638 407 344, or Debbie on the number below, if you can spare a few hours a week.

Shops’ opening hours Coral Mar, Silencio (in association with Tenerife Nursing and Care) - Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm. Saturday, 11am2pm. San Eugenio (opposite La Niña Hotel, near Amandas Bar) - same hours. Los Cristianos (Churchill’s Square, near the play park and Chicagos Bar) - same hours, plus Thursday and Friday evenings until 8pm. Revised adoption procedures A minimum 50-euro donation for an adopted male dog, and 75 euros for a female, is now required by Live Arico. This is paid direct to Hospivet Sur on collection of your new pet, which will be chipped, vaccinated and wormed. We are negotiating special rates for neutering and spaying. South Tenerife Rescue Centre We have now sold 644sqm of land, making a total of 3,220 euros. The plan to buy our own plot of land remains, possibly even where we are now renting, so are you prepared to buy a square metre of land for Live Arico for just five euros? You will receive a certificate from us, and your

name, address and number of square metres purchased will be on a Roll of Honour at the new refuge. Dog-grooming Claire is offering 10% of her fee to Live Arico. She has 18 years of experience, so call her on 660 862 910 for an appointment, and quote Live Arico so we can receive our donation. Important telephone numbers Eugene: 649 001 907 (call if you find an animal abandoned or in distress) Suzy Q: 629 388 102 (fundraising, press releases, prize donations, etc) Pete Holland: 661 099 365 (Poochies Pet Hotel for boarding your dog) Debbie Gibson: 637 918 158 (shop donations and collections, overseeing land purchase) You can also read about us at or http://tenerifedogs.blogspo Lastly, as we have said before, please think hard about what will happen to your pet if you are re-locating to the UK. Remember, a dog is for life and NOT just for the duration of your stay in Tenerife.

Watch them flutter by like Butterflies! ANNE ANDERSON and her loyal volunteers from Butterflies, the second-hand clothes shop at Tenerife Auction Rooms, have finally cracked it! They have lured a “larger” model for this Sunday’s Spring Fashion Show and fund-raiser for dog refuge

Accion del Sol. The show, at the Granadilla-based sanctuary from 2pm, will see various models strutting their stuff on the catwalk, displaying casual, swimwear, day and evening wear, which will all be auctioned to raise funds. In addition, there will be plenty going on for the children, mums and dads. There’s a petting section with various

animals for the kids, including puppies, goats, baby ostriches, plus horse-rides, and lots more fun for all the family. The dog agility course will also be open for those who would like to practise with their pets, and as well as several stalls, food and drinks will also be available. You will also have the chance to visit the many rescued dogs and have a guided tour

of this first-class facility, here in the south of Tenerife. It promises to be a great day out, and if anyone would like to join in and help out in any way, then please contact the refuge on 922 778 630. You can find the centre beneath the windmills on Granadilla’s industrial estate (exit 52 off the TF1). It is open to the public from Monday to Friday (3-6pm).

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011


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Page 20

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Television Guide


The Grand National Saturday 9 April, 1.00pm BBC1 Clare Balding presents the world’s greatest steeplechase, The Grand National, from Aintree. Forty horses and jockeys line up at 4.15pm to tackle the fearsome fences at the world-famous racecourse in Liverpool. Last year, the greatest jump jockey in history, Tony McCoy, won the historic race for the first time. Can the BBC Sports Personality Of The Year win it again? There are five races in total on a fantastic card, with off times at 1.45, 2.15, 2.50 and 3.25. The tapes go up on the Grand National at 4.15. Clare is joined by Rishi Persad, Richard Pitman and Suzi Perry, with expert analysis from Grand National-winning jockeys Richard Dunwoody and Mick Fitzgerald. Betting news is provided by John Parrott and Gary Wiltshire, with race commentary from Jim McGrath, Ian Bartlett and Darren Owen.

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Page 21

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

F R I D A Y 6:00am ............................ Breakfast

6:00am ............................Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ..Neighbourhood Blues 10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:10am ......................................Zigby

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:20am ............The Large Family

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:35am ......................Little Robots

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ..............................Britain’s Empty Homes

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:30am ....BBC News; Weather

7:00am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

11:30am ............Cash in the Attic

7:25am ........................Newsround

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ........................What’s New Scooby-Doo?

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

8:30am................................ Lorraine

2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

7:50am ......League of Super Evil 8:00am ..............................Copycats

3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:30am ............................ LazyTown

3:59pm ............ London Weather

2:15pm ..................................Justice

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

3:00pm ..........................BBC News; Weather; Regional News

5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

9:05am ........ The Koala Brothers

3:05pm ........................Gastronuts

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

6:00pm ..............................Weather

3:35pm ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

9:30am ....................Chuggington: Badge Quest

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

4:00pm ......................Dani’s House

9:30am .......................... Big & Small

6:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

4:30pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom

9:50am ..Grandpa in My Pocket

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

4:30pm ..Tracy Beaker Returns

10:00am ....................Mightymites

7:30pm ..........Coronation Street

5:00pm ........................Newsround

10:15am ....................Postman Pat

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

10:35am ....................64 Zoo Lane

8:00pm ....................Baboons with Bill Bailey

6:00pm ..............................Weather

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

6:30pm ..............................Weather

11:35am .............. Meerkat Manor

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

12:00pm ....................Daily Politics

7:00pm .................. The One Show 7:30pm ..................Rip Off Britain

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

8:00pm ........................EastEnders

1:00pm ............Diagnosis Murder

8:30pm ......A Question of Sport

1:45pm ....Racing from Aintree

9:00pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

4:30pm ..............................Pointless

9:30pm ............................................QI

5:15pm ............................Escape to the Country

Have I Got News for You

10:00pm ........................BBC News

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

6:30pm ........Great British Menu

9:00pm, BBC1

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

9:00pm ............................Benidorm

7:00pm ..........Golf: The Masters

10:35pm ....................John Bishop Live: Elvis Has Left the Building

8:00pm ......................Mastermind

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

The usual reaction to a new series of HIGNFY is: oh good, it’s back. But this time round there’s also: oh good, it’s back on Fridays, where it belongs .The bizarre idea of moving it to Thursdays was a big bag of wrong. The show is about rounding up the week’s events with some cant-skewering wit and bizarre flights of fancy the former courtesy of Ian Hislop, the latter by way of Paul Merton. It may not have quite the comic zing of old, but this is still essential viewing, the humorous full stop on the working week, the comedy safety valve, the excuse for a beer on the sofa, should you need one. Series 41 kicks off with Jack Dee trying not to corpse in the host’s seat and Richard Madeley (a former host himself) as celebrity guest. Have I Got News for You is a British television panel show produced by Hat Trick Productions for the BBC. It is based loosely on the BBC Radio 4 show The News Quiz, and has been broadcast since 1990, currently the

Page 22

BBC’s longest-ever running television panel show. The show has cultivated a reputation for sailing close to the wind in matters of libel with its satirical, light-hearted format. The original line-up, from 1990 to 2002, was Angus Deayton as chairman, with Ian Hislop, the editor of Private Eye, and comedian Paul Merton as team captains. Each captain is accompanied by a guest, usually a politician, journalist or comedian, or somebody particularly relevant to recent news. Merton hosted the first episode after Deayton’s departure, and was described as “merciless” in his treatment of his former co-star. A series of guest hosts appeared for the remainder of the series, including Anne Robinson, Boris Johnson, and Jeremy Clarkson. Hislop, therefore, is the only person to have appeared in every episode — despite suffering from a burst appendix shortly before one edition and hav-

ing to go to hospital immediately afterwards. Although Hislop has appeared in every episode, Merton has, at some point during the series’ run, played all three roles of the show’s format in different episodes: he is usually captain of his team, but has also been a guest on Hislop’s team (in series 11, episode 1), and has presented the show (series 24, episode 3). The only other people to have occupied all three positions (host, captain and panellist) are Frank Skinner and Clive Anderson, who have both stood in for Merton as team captain (in series 36 episode 5 and series 11 episodes 3 and 6 respectively). Despite a search for a permanent successor to Deayton, having a different guest host each week proved successful, with average audience figures increasing from 6 million to 7 million. It was therefore announced in June 2003 that this feature would continue.

11:45pm ..................The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 12:00am ..................Donnie Darko 1:50am ....Michel Roux’s Service 2:50am ..................The Boat That Guy Built 3:20am ......................Great British Railway Journeys

8:30pm ............Gardeners’ World 9:00pm ....................Lambing Live 10:00pm ............Frank Skinner’s Opinionated

10:30pm ................London News and Weather 10:35pm ..................Take Me Out 11:35pm ..........................The Cube

10:30pm ......................Newsnight 11:00pm ..........................Weather

12:30am ......ITV News Headlines

11:00pm ........The Review Show

12:30am ..........................The Zone

11:50pm ........................Later with Jools Holland

2:35am ......................In Plain Sight

12:50am ........................Backstage

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

3:20am ..............ITV Nightscreen

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Television Guide

Friday 08 April 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ..............................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ..............US Masters Golf

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear

12:00pm ..............................Premier League World

6:10am ..............................Max Bear

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:25am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:50am ..........................The Hoobs 7:15am ............ Freshly Squeezed 7:40am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am ..................................Frasier 8:35am ..................................Friends 9:05am ................Wife Swap USA 10:00am ........ Brothers & Sisters 10:55am ..........Gok’s Fashion Fix 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm ........................Crash Dive 2:05pm ................Cookery School 3:10pm ........................Countdown 4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ......................................Fern 6:00pm.................... The Simpsons

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

11:00am ............................Ringside

6:55am ..................Little Princess

12:30pm ............US Masters Golf

7:10am ................................Mio Mao

2:30pm ........Football’s Greatest

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

3:00pm ....The Sky Sports Years

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

4:00pm ..............................Ringside

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

5:00pm ..........Trans World Sport

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

6:00pm ................Evening Report

8:15am ............................ Peppa Pig

12:30am ..........Take It Like a Fan

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

1:00am ..............Premier League Preview

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car 8:40am ...................................... Olivia 8:50am ....................The WotWots 9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

7:00pm...... Live US Masters Golf

1:30am ..............Football League Weekend 2:30am ....................Super League 4:00am ..............Take It Like a Fan

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who

7:00am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:45pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

8:00am ................................Oops TV

8:00am .................................... Maury

8:00pm ........Don’t Tell the Bride

9:00am ....................Wedding SOS

9:00pm ................White Van Man

10:00am ................................Mental

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

11:00am ..........UK Border Force

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare

9:30pm ............Russell Howard’s Good News

12:00pm ............Best of Oops TV

11:00am ................................Maury

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

1:00pm ..................Hello Goodbye

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:30pm EastEnders Revealed: Whitney’s Story

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:50pm ......................Family Guy

2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1 4:00pm ..............................Oops TV 5:00pm ............................Futurama 6:00pm ..........Glenn Martin, DDS

2:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:30pm.................... The Simpsons

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

7:30pm ..........................The Middle

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

8:00pm ..................The Simpsons

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

8:30pm ................Modern Family 9:00pm ......................Raising Hope 9:30pm ......................A League of Their Own

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm......................................Bones

11:30pm ......................Family Guy 12:15am ..............White Van Man 12:45am ..........Russell Howard’s Good News 1:15am ....................Botox Britain: Your Face in Their Hands 2:15am ........Don’t Tell the Bride 3:15am ....EastEnders Revealed: Whitney’s Story

10:30pm ..........Spartacus: Gods of the Arena

9:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 10:00pm ........................CSI: Miami

4:10am ........Botox Britain: Your Face in Their Hands

11:45pm.................. Live to Dance

11:00pm ................................Bones

5:10am ......................................Close

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:05am ......Police Interceptors 12:05pm ........The Family Recipe 12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

7:10am ....................Dragons’ Den: On Tour

6:00am ..........................The X Files

12:20pm ................................House

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ........................Emmerdale

7:00am ..........................WWE: Raw

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am...... Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ....................Loose Women

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

9:00am ....ATP Tour Uncovered

10:00am ........................Fifth Gear

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ..........................Judge Judy

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

1:45pm ........................Neighbours 2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

9:30am ......................NRL Fulltime

10:30am ........The Gadget Show

10:00am............ thirtysomething


11:00am ................Dragons’ Den: On Tour

11:00am ........................ The X Files

7:30pm ..........Unreported World

10:00am ................Championship Rugby League

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

12:00pm........ Star Trek: Voyager

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

3:15pm ........................Devil Winds

12:00pm ..............Super League’s Supermen

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

2:00pm ............................................ER


12:30pm ........Trans World Sport

2:00pm............................ Fifth Gear

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

1:00pm ........................Emmerdale

1:30pm ..Premier League Darts

2:30pm .......... The Gadget Show

4:00pm .......................... The X Files

5:00pm ............NFL: Total Access

3:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den: On Tour

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

8:00pm ..................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

1:00pm .............................. Top Gear

9:00pm ..Embarrassing Bodies: Back to the Clinic

5:00pm ..............................Weather

10:00pm ....Friday Night Dinner

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

10:35pm ..Rude Tube: Viral Ads

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

11:40pm ..............10 O’Clock Live

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

12:40am ............................On Track

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

12:55am ............4Play: Alice Gold

7:30pm ................5 News Update

7:00pm ................................Premier League Preview

6:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den: On Tour

1:10am ................My Name Is Earl

7:30pm ..........................Fifth Gear

7:30pm ..........Live Super League

7:00pm ............................................ QI

1:35am ................My Name Is Earl

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

8:00pm .......... Ice Road Truckers

1:55am .................................. Freaky

9:00pm ....................The Mentalist

2:20am ..................................John Q

10:00pm ....................Law & Order

4:15am ..........................Ugly Betty

10:55pm ........................CSI: Miami

5:00am ..............................Wogan’s Perfect Recall

11:55pm .................. Cops in Crisis

5:25am ........................Countdown

12:15am ....................SuperCasino 4:05am ......Motorsport Mundial

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

6:00pm ................................Football League Weekend

10:00pm ..........Take It Like a Fan

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:40pm ..James May’s Big Ideas

10:30pm ............Premier League Preview

9:00pm ................Mock the Week

11:00pm ............Football League Weekend

10:20pm ..........................................QI

9:40pm ..................Not Going Out

12:00am ..................Super League

11:00pm ....................Never Mind the Buzzcocks

1:30am ..........................Tight Lines

11:40pm ............Mock the Week

5:00pm .......... Star Trek: Voyager 6:00pm ............................................ER

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

8:00pm ......................Prison Break 9:00pm ..............................Big Love 10:15pm ................................ Treme

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy 7:00pm ............All Star Mr & Mrs 8:00pm ..You’ve Been Framed!

11:30pm ............ Bored to Death

8:30pm ..................Harry Hill’s TV Burp Compilation

12:05am ................................Weeds

9:00pm .................... American Idol

12:40am ............................Big Love 1:55am ....................................Treme

10:00pm ..........................The Only Way Is Essex

3:10am ................Bored to Death

11:30pm ..............Celebrity Juice

Page 23

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S A T U R D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

8:00am ..........................Formula 1: The Malaysian Grand Prix - Qualifying

6:10am ......................................Zigby

7:25am ........................................CITV

6:25am ............The Large Family

9:25am ..........Coronation Street

6:35am ......................Little Robots 6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

11:45am ..................This Morning: Saturday

7:00am ....One Minute Wonders

12:50pm ..................................Monk

7:30am ......................................Leon

1:50pm ............................ITV News and Weather

10:15am ............................Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30am ......Great British Menu 12:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather

7:30am ..................................Arthur

12:15pm ................Football Focus

8:00am ............Diddy Dick & Dom

1:00pm ........The Grand National

8:00am ....................Fee Fi Fo Yum

5:10pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather

8:30am ..................Project Parent

5:30pm ....................All New Total Wipeout: Celebrity Special

9:30am ..........................Cop School

6:30pm ....................So You Think You Can Dance

10:30am ..League of Super Evil

7:30pm ..The National Lottery: Secret Fortune 8:20pm ..............................Casualty 9:10pm ............Live at the Apollo

9:00am ........Dick & Dom Go Wild 10:00am ............Relic: Guardians of the Museum 10:40am ................Wolverine and the X-Men 11:05am ..........................Mortified 11:30am ........Golf: The Masters

2:04pm ............London Weather 2:05pm ....You’ve Been Framed! 2:35pm ..........................Catwoman 4:30pm ......................The Nation’s Favourite Abba Song 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ..............London Tonight 6:15pm ............................ITV News and Weather 6:30pm ......................New You’ve Been Framed! 7:00pm ......................Mamma Mia!

12:30pm ..........The Sky at Night 12:50pm...................... SpaceCamp 2:30pm ..................................Flog It! 3:30pm ............................Escape to the Country 4:30pm ..........................Final Score 5:15pm ..............The Big Flutter: The Grand National on Film

9:55pm ......BBC News; Weather 10:15pm ..........National Lottery Update 10:15pm ........Match of the Day 11:35pm ................Weatherview 11:35pm ..................The Football League Show 1:00am ............................BBC News

5:45pm ....................................Coast 6:00pm ........................Dad’s Army 6:30pm ..............Highlights from the Lambing Shed

Casualty – Starting Over

1:30am ......................On The Road With a Concert Pianist

8.20pm, BBC1

2:00am ............................BBC News

7:30pm ..................Goldie’s Band: By Royal Appointment

Jay struggles to cope with work as he returns from his operation; Lenny and Mads find the course of true love rarely runs smoothly; and Polly decides to make a career change, as the medical drama continues. It’s Jay’s first shift back after his orchidectomy and he tries to hide his worry as he dishes out the presents he’s brought back from his pretend holiday. Miriam brings him back down to earth when she asks when he’s expecting the results as to whether or not his cancer has spread. His shift gets even harder when his grandmother, Maryam, has a fall at her care home and is brought into the ED by her Care Home Assistant, Lawrence. Jay becomes incensed at the neglect he thinks his Nan received and pushes Lawrence, who falls and injures himself. Polly is preparing for her

2:30am ..............................HARDtalk

8:30pm ..Live Golf: The Masters

3:00am ............................BBC News

12:00am ..............Grand National Re-Run

Page 24

paramedic’s exam, but she is not a natural like Jeff and Dixie. She is distracted by Hannah Fleet, who has come to the hospital for a plastics meeting. Polly’s concerned that Hannah seems deluded over her hopes for her face, especially when it becomes clear that it will be a year before they can even consider surgery. Arranging for Hannah to see Dr Oppe, a vivacious counsellor, Polly cajoles the resistant patient through the process and Hannah has a fully cathartic experience. Polly decides that she doesn’t want to be a paramedic; she wants to be a counsellor. Things are tense between Lenny and Mads after she stood him up, but Lenny hides his true feelings and tries to play it down. They are forced to work together and the chemistry between them is clear. Just

as they are about to kiss, the moment gets broken. When Lenny discovers Mads is leaving for Pakistan that evening for her brother’s wedding, he is devastated and stands her up for lunch. But as Adam puts Mads in a taxi for the airport, Lenny has a change of heart and comes running out – but is he too late? Lawrence takes a turn for the worse and his breathing becomes stridor. Feeling responsible, Jay implores Miriam to try an adrenaline nebuliser, which Miriam hesitantly agrees to. They all wait with bated breath, but, in the end – to Jay’s relief – Lawrence‘s breathing stabilises. But Jay’s strange behaviour throughout the day has made his grandmother suspicious. Will he find the courage to open up to his Nan and tell her that he has cancer?

3:30am ............................Our World 4:00am ............................BBC News 4:30am ........................................Click 5:00am ............................BBC News 5:30am ........The Record Europe

9:10pm ..............When Piers Met Andrew Lloyd Webber 10:10pm ..........................ITV News and Weather 10:24pm ..........London Weather 10:25pm ....................Knocked Up 12:45am ......ITV News Headlines

12:30am ........................Later with Jools Holland

12:45am ..........................The Zone

1:35am ..............................Between

3:35am .............. ITV Nightscreen

2:55am ......................................Close

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

2:50am ..........................Swingtown

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Television Guide

Saturday 09 April 7:00pm ..............The Real Hustle: Celebrity Scammers

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

6:05am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ................................Ringside

6:00am ....................Don’t Forget the Lyrics

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs 7:00am ..................The Track and Field Show

6:15am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

7:30am ....The Sky Sports Years

7:00am ..............Zoo Vet at Large 7:30am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:30pm ......................Doctor Who

8:30am ............ Live Super Rugby

7:25am ................................The Grid

6:25am ......................Fireman Sam

10:30am ..........Live Super Rugby

8:00am ............................Gladiators

8:00am ....................................Maury

9:10pm ..................Legally Blonde

7:55am ............The Morning Line

6:40am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

9:00am ............WWE Superstars

9:00am ................Four Weddings

10:00am ........................Soccer AM

10:00am ..............America’s Next Top Model

10:40pm .......... Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 11:25pm ......................Family Guy

1:00pm ........Emergency Animal Rescue

12:00pm ........The Biggest Loser

11:45pm ......................Family Guy

2:00pm ................Four Weddings

12:10am ................American Dad!

1:30pm ........Emergency Animal Rescue

3:00pm ........Nothing to Declare

12:30am ................ American Dad!

3:30pm ........Nothing to Declare

2:00pm ..A Town Called Eureka

4:00pm ................Drop Dead Diva

12:55am .......... Russell Howard’s Good News Extra

9:20am ....................Source Code: T4 Movie Special

6:50am .......................... The Beeps

12:30pm ................Live European Challenge Cup Rugby Union

7:00am ................................Mio Mao

3:15pm .......... Live Super League

9:50am ..................................Friends

7:10am ......................................Chiro

10:20am ......................................Glee

7:15am ....................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

5:15pm ....................Live Saturday Night Football

8:50am ..................................Friends

11:20am ....................Great British Hairdresser

7:30pm...... Live US Masters Golf

12:00pm ........ A Different Breed

6:30am ........Nothing to Declare

12:25pm .............................. The Big Bang Theory

7:30am ............Noddy in Toyland

3:00pm .............. Best of Oops TV

7:40am.......................... Igam Ogam

5:00pm ................Drop Dead Diva

4:00pm........ Rooftop Rainforest

12:50pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory

7:50am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

5:00pm ......Rooftop Rainforest

6:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:20pm That Paralympic Show

7:55am ....................Little Princess

1:55pm ............ Channel 4 Racing

8:10am ..................Hana’s Helpline

3:25pm ........................The Secret Supper Club

8:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

4:00pm ..........................Come Dine with Me

6:00pm ..........................Rio Special

12:30am ............Spanish Football

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

8:00pm ....................................Chuck

1:30am ........Football’s Greatest

8:00pm ......Brit Cops: Frontline Crime UK

9:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

4:30am ....Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

10:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

5:25am ........................Special 1 TV

9:00pm ..........Beverly Hills Cop II

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

5:30am ......................................Close

11:00pm ......................Road Wars

12:00am ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:10am ....................Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

6:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio 7:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

2:00am ......Live Big Time Boxing 5:00am ........Football’s Greatest

5:00pm ..........................Come Dine with Me

9:00am ......................................Olivia

5:35pm ..........................Come Dine with Me

9:30am ..Gerald McBoing Boing

6:00am ..............Take It Like a Fan

10:00am ........ The Family Recipe

6:30am ..........................Tight Lines

10:05am ........ The Gadget Show

8:00am ....................High Altitude

11:05am ........Emergency Bikers

7:30am ..............Football League Weekend

12:05pm ..........Megastructures: 747 Demolition

8:30am ........Champions League Weekly

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

1:10pm ....................The Battle at Apache Pass

9:00am ..............Premier League Preview

11:00am ......................Three Men Go to Ireland

7:10pm ..................River Cottage Every Day 8:10pm ........................Seven Ages of Britain 9:10pm ..................Transporter 3 11:10pm ..................Stand Up for the Week

5:30am ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

8:45am ......................Rupert Bear

3:35am ........Young, Jobless and Living at Home

9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show

8:30am ....................High Altitude 10:00am ............................ Top Gear

8:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio 9:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio 10:00am ..Star Trek: Enterprise

6:00am ........................Emmerdale 8:35am ..........................The Movie Show on ITV2 9:10am ..The Only Way Is Essex 9:55am ..The Only Way Is Essex 10:35am ..You’ve Been Framed! 11:05am ................................All Star Family Fortunes

2:50pm ................Vegas Vacation

9:30am .............. Take It Like a Fan

4:35pm ............5 News Weekend

10:00am ........................Soccer AM

12:00pm ......................Three Men Go to Ireland

4:45pm ....................The Cowboys

12:00pm ..........Take It Like a Fan

1:00pm .... Robot Wars Extreme

12:00pm ..Star Trek: Enterprise

12:50pm ........Ant & Dec’s Push the Button

11:00am ..Star Trek: Enterprise

11:50am ..........................The Cube

7:15pm ........................................NCIS

12:30pm ....Live Football Special

2:00pm .............................. Top Gear

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

2:05pm ....................American Idol

8:10pm.................... CSI: Grissom’s Greatest

3:15pm ........Live European Cup Rugby Union

3:00pm .............................. Top Gear

2:00pm .... Star Trek: Enterprise

3:35pm ....................American Idol

4:00pm .............................. Top Gear

3:00pm ............................................ER

9:10pm ..................................CSI: NY

5:45pm ........Live European Cup Rugby Union

6:00pm ..........................Three Men Go to Ireland

4:00pm ............................................ER

4:30pm ..................Harry Hill’s TV Burp Compilation

5:00pm ............................................ER

5:00pm .... You’ve Been Framed!

8:25pm ....................Football First

7:00pm ..........................Three Men Go to Ireland

6:00pm ............................................ER

5:35pm ........................Back to the Future Part II

7:00pm ............................................ER

7:40pm ..........The Scorpion King

8:00pm ...................... Prison Break

9:30pm ........................Van Helsing

9:00pm ..........Boardwalk Empire

12:05am ..............Celebrity Juice

10:20pm ......................Blue Bloods

12:50am ....National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

11:20pm ........................ Curb Your Enthusiasm

2:35am ....................American Idol

10:10pm ........................CSI: Miami 7:05pm

2:40am ....Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

8:30am ........................................ Play!

6:35pm .............. Channel 4 News

1:40am ....Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

4:30pm ..........................Come Dine with Me

6:05pm ..........................Come Dine with Me

8:20pm ......................Doctor Who

11:10pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:15pm ..................Football First

12:10am ....................SuperCasino

11:45pm ..................Football First

4:00am ..................................Animal Rescue Squad

1:15am ....................Football First

8:00pm ................Full Circle with Michael Palin

2:45am ......................Football First

9:05pm ..................Not Going Out

4:10am ........................Nick’s Quest

4:15am ........Sky Sports Classics

9:45pm ..........................The Office

4:35am ......................Nick’s Quest

4:30am ..............Spanish Football

10:55pm ...................... Peep Show

5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline

5:30am ..........................Wild Spirits

11:30pm .............................. Spaced

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Page 25

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S U N D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast 8:00am ................Formula 1: The Malaysian Grand Prix Live

6:00am ............................Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

6:10am ......................................Zigby

7:25am ........................................ CITV

6:25am ............The Large Family

9:25am ....................May the Best House Win

11:15am ..............Country Tracks

6:35am ......................Little Robots

10:25am ........................House Gift

12:15pm ..........The Politics Show

6:45am ................ Charlie and Lola

11:30am This Morning: Sunday

1:15pm ....The Story of Vaisakhi

7:00am ......................................Leon

12:30pm ....................Dinner Date

1:45pm ................Formula 1: The Malaysian Grand Prix

7:00am ........................One Minute Wonders

1:30pm ITV News and Weather

3:45pm ............................Escape to the Country

7:35am ............Match of the Day

1:35pm ............Columbo: Uneasy Lies the Crown

4:30pm ..................Points of View 4:45pm ................Songs of Praise 5:30pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather 6:00pm ....................Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers 6:30pm ................The Boat That Guy Built

9:00am ......................The Andrew Marr Show 10:00am ..............Something for the Weekend

9:00pm ............Waking the Dead

3:35pm ........Abba: The Mamma Mia! Story 4:35pm ........Midsomer Murders

11:30am ......................MasterChef 12:30pm ......Priceless Antiques Roadshow 1:00pm ........................EastEnders

6:35pm ..............................Weather 6:35pm .............. London Tonight

2:55pm ......Artistic Gymnastics

6:45pm ............................ITV News and Weather

5:30pm ..................................Flog It!

7:00pm ............................The Cube

7:00pm ........................Countryfile 8:00pm ......Antiques Roadshow

1:34pm ............London Weather

6:00pm The Truth About Lions 7:00pm ............................Live Golf: The Masters 12:00am ..............Frank Skinner’s Opinionated

European Gymnastics 2.55pm BBC2 Matt Baker is the host for highlights of the European Gymnastics Championships. Over 280 athletes from 39 countries will descend on the Max-Schmeling-Halle in Berlin to compete for the

Formula 1 – Malaysian Grand Prix 8.00pm, BBC1 Jake Humphrey is the host for the Malaysian Grand Prix, the second race of the 2011 Formula 1 season. Red Bull stamped their dominance on this race last season as Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber led home a one-two for the team. Vettel showed the class that would eventually see him crowned world champion as he out-performed pole-setter Webber to take the chequered flag. English pair Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button will be looking to improve on their disappointing sixth and eighth placed finishes respectively.

Page 26

12 titles on offer. Great Britain will be sending a strong team, spearheaded by world champion Beth Tweddle. Last year she won double gold on the final day of this event in Birmingham in the uneven

Match Of The Day 2 10.25pm, BBC1 Colin Murray presents highlights of today’s Premier League programme, which features two exciting games. Blackpool against title-chasing Arsenal is a real David and Goliath battle. The Seasiders have been a revelation in their first season in the Premier League and have picked up some notable scalps along the way. However, they were given a brutal lesson by Arsenal at the Emirates at the start of the season, losing 6-0 to the Gunners. The Premier League is Arsenal’s last chance of silverware this season so a victory at Bloomfield Road is crucial to their hopes. A victory, though, is equally as vital for Blackpool in order for them to avoid relegation. The day’s other game sees another side keen to avenge a 6-0 thrashing ear-

bars and floor, to match her achievement in Milan 12 months earlier. All of Britain’s athletes will be keen to put on a strong showing with the London 2012 Olympics now just a little over a year away.

lier in the season. Aston Villa were hammered by Newcastle at St James’ Park in August and will be desperate for revenge and a much-needed three points to help move them away from the relegation zone.

Golf – The Masters Live

10:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather 10:25pm ....Match of the Day 2

8:00pm ....................................Lewis

11:25pm ................Weatherview

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

11:25pm ....................The Hunted

10:14pm ..........London Weather 10:15pm ....................Atonement

12:55am...................... MasterChef 1:55am ............................Holby City

12:30am ................Roger Dodger 2:10am ............................BBC News 2:30am .............. Dateline London

12:25am ....................Premiership Rugby Union

3:00am ............................ BBC News

1:10am ........ITV News Headlines

3:30am ........The Record Europe

1:10am ..............................The Zone

3:55am ..........................The Super League Show

2:00am ................................The Fog

5:00am ............The World Today 5:30am ................World Business Report

4:25am ......................................Close

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

2:55am ......................Men of Rock 3:55am ........The Record Europe 4:00am ............................BBC News 4:30am ..............................HARDtalk

3:30am ..............ITV Nightscreen

7.00pm, BBC2 Hazel Irvine presents coverage from the Augusta National golf course as the Masters reaches its climax. There was no stopping America’s Phil Mickelson last year from claiming his third Green Jacket as he stormed clear of England’s Lee Westwood in the final round. Mickelson was a shot behind going into that round but produced some stunning golf to finish three strokes clear. Westwood has since gone on to become world No. 1, but could this be the year he finally ends his long wait for a major?

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Television Guide

Sunday 10 April 6:05am ................................Sali Mali

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

6:00am ..................Hour of Power

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:05am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ....................Football First

7:00am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

6:30am ........Nothing to Declare

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

8:00am ....................Football First

8:00am ................................Oops TV

7:00am ..............Freesports on 4

6:15am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

7:00pm ..........................Formula 1: The Malaysian Grand Prix Highlights 8:00pm.............................. Top Gear

6:25am ......................Fireman Sam

9:00am ..............Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:25am ........................ Crunchtime

9:30am ........................The Sunday Supplement

7:50am ..................................Friends

6:40am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

11:00am ............Goals on Sunday

8:20am ..................................Friends 8:45am ..............................Hollyoaks 11:20am................................ Friends 11:55am ......................................Glee 12:50pm ................ The Simpsons 1:25pm ..................The Simpsons 1:55pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 2:25pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 2:55pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 3:30pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 4:00pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 4:30pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:30pm ..........................Time Team

9:00pm ........Police Academy UK

10:00am ..........WWE Superstars

7:30am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

1:00pm ..........................Live Super Sunday

12:00pm ........................Road Wars

8:00am ....................................Maury

10:20pm ......................Family Guy

1:00pm.... A Town Called Eureka

9:00am ................Four Weddings

10:45pm................ American Dad!

3:30pm ..........................Live Super Sunday

2:00pm ..........Real Filth Fighters

10:00am ..............Drop Dead Diva

11:05pm ..............American Dad!

3:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

12:00pm ........Dating in the Dark

11:30pm ..............White Van Man

1:00pm ..........Dating in the Dark

12:00am ......Police Academy UK

6:30pm ..................................Live US Masters Golf

3:30pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

2:00pm ........Nothing to Declare

7:40am ......................Roobarb and Custard Too

12:30am............ Spanish Football

4:00pm ..............UK Border Force

1:00am ................Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

4:00pm ........Nothing to Declare

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

7:45am ..........................Igam Ogam

2:30am ................Football Special

5:00pm ..........................Dog Patrol

6:00pm ....................Live to Dance

8:00am ..................Little Princess

4:00am ............Scottish Premier League Football

6:00pm ................Four Weddings

2:00am ................Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

7:00pm ..........................The Middle 7:30pm ................Modern Family

4:30am ..........................Champions League Weekly

7:00pm ................Step Kids Don’t Ruin My Big Day

2:55am ........................My Brother the Islamist

8:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

8:00pm ...................... Raising Hope

8:00pm ....................Cougar Town

3:55am ................White Van Man

8:30pm ..................The Simpsons

8:30pm ..............Hot in Cleveland

9:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-0

9:00pm ......................................Katie

8:35am .................................. Family!

5:30am ..........................Wild Spirits

10:00pm ........NCIS: Los Angeles

10:00pm ..............Four Weddings

4:25am ..........................Formula 1: The Malaysian Grand Prix Highlights

11:00pm ................................House

11:00pm ............Grey’s Anatomy

7:10am ....................Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

7:00am .......................... The X Files

8:10am ........................ Emmerdale

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am ..........................The X Files

11:05am ........Coronation Street

6:50am ..........................The Beeps 7:00am ................................Mio Mao 7:10am ......................................Chiro 7:15am ....Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:30am ............Noddy in Toyland

8:10am .................. Hana’s Helpline

5:00am ..............European Rugby Union Special

8:45am ......................Rupert Bear

3:00pm ................Passport Patrol

10:00pm ......................Family Guy

5:25am ......................................Close

9:00am ......................................Olivia 6:30pm ..............Channel 4 News 6:55pm

9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show 9:30am ..Gerald McBoing Boing 6:00am ........................................Pool

7:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

10:00am ..................Chinese Food in Minutes

8:00pm ....................Civilization: Is the West History?

10:15am ................OK! TV Sunday

7:00am ........Champions League Weekly

11:15am ........Family Food Fight

7:30am ....................Super League

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am .......................... The X Files

1:30pm ....................American Idol

11:45am.......... Ice Road Truckers

9:00am ................US Masters Golf

10:00am............ thirtysomething

2:30pm .......... The Scorpion King

12:45pm ............Tsunami: British Search & Rescue

11:00am ............Big Time Boxing

10:00am ..............Full Circle with Michael Palin

11:00am ............thirtysomething 12:00pm .......... thirtysomething

4:15pm ....................The Only Way Is Essex

1:50pm ................You Got Served

1:30pm ..................Live European Cup Rugby Union

11:00am ................Three Men Go to Ireland

9:00pm ................Country House Rescue 10:00pm ......Wedding Crashers

3:40pm ......High School Musical 3: Senior Year 5:50pm ............5 News Weekend

1:00pm .............. Road to London

10:00pm ........The Walking Dead 12:15am ............Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction 2:15am ............................Never Did Me Any Harm 3:10am ......................Vincent: The Full Story

11:30pm ..........Thir13en Ghosts 1:15am ......................SuperCasino 4:00am ....Animal Rescue Squad 4:10am ....................UEFA Europa League Highlights 5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline

5:00pm .................. The Only Way Is Essex

7:00pm ......................Live Spanish Football

2:40pm ........Would I Lie to You?

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

3:20pm ............................................QI

6:00pm ........Star Trek: Voyager

8:00pm ................Kerry Katona The Next Chapter

8:00pm ......................Live Spanish Football

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00pm ........Star Trek: Voyager

9:00pm ............................Benidorm

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

10:00pm ............Football Special

6:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den: On Tour

8:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

10:00pm ..........................The Only Way Is Essex

9:00pm ......................The Mind of the Married Man

10:45pm ..............Batman Begins

9:40pm ......................The Mind of the Married Man

1:30am ........Kerry Katona - The Next Chapter

10:20pm ......Boardwalk Empire

2:25am ....................American Idol

11:30pm ................The Sopranos

3:10am ....................Teleshopping

12:40am ........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

5:40am ............ITV2 Nightscreen

11:30pm ..........Scottish Premier League Football

2:00pm ..........................Bang Goes the Theory

7:00pm ..........................Bang Goes the Theory

4:05am ......The Play’s the Thing

5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show

5:00am ............Wogan’s Perfect Recall

5:35am ..........Thomas & Friends

12:30am ................IndyCar Series

5:45am ....Roary the Racing Car

9:00pm ............................................QI

2:30am ..............................Racemax

11:00pm ....................................QI XL

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

2:00pm ..............thirtysomething

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

12:00am ......................Champions League Weekly

5:25am ........................Countdown

1:00pm.............. thirtysomething

4:15pm ..................Live European Cup Rugby Union

6:00pm ............................Mr Deeds 7:40pm ................................Hellboy

12:00pm............................ Top Gear

7:40pm ........Would I Lie to You? 8:20pm ............................................QI

3:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

5:45pm ........................Back to the Future Part III

4:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

Page 27

Television Guide

M O N D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ........................Animal 24:7

6:10am ......................................Zigby

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:20am ............The Large Family

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ...................... Little Robots

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:45am ................ Charlie and Lola

10:30am .................. This Morning

11:00am ..................Filthy Rotten Scoundrels

6:55am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather 11:45am ............Cash in the Attic

7:25am ........................What’s New Scooby-Doo?

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:25am.......................... Newsround

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:45am ......League of Super Evil

2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:00am.............................. Copycats

3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country 3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm ........................Gastronuts 3:35pm ......................Prank Patrol Down Under 4:00pm ................................The Owl 4:00pm ..................................Sadie J

5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish 6:00pm ..............................Weather

9:30am ..........................Big & Small

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

9:45am ....................Chuggington: Badge Quest 9:50am ..Grandpa in My Pocket 10:00am ....................Mightymites

4:55pm ............ Shaun the Sheep

10:40am.......................... Waybuloo

5:00pm ........................Newsround

11:00am ....In the Night Garden

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

11:30am ..............................Dip Dap

6:00pm ..............................Weather

11:35am .............. Meerkat Manor

6:00pm ............................BBC News

12:00pm ..............Meerkat Manor

6:30pm .............................. Weather

12:25pm ....................Animal Park

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

12:55pm ........Diagnosis Murder

6:55pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the No Campaign

1:40pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

7:30pm ..........................Bang Goes the Theory 8:00pm ........................EastEnders 8:30pm ................Living with the Ayatollah - Panorama 9:00pm ............Waking the Dead 10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ..A Question of Sport 11:05pm ..................Late Kick Off 11:35pm ................Weatherview 11:35pm ......................The Walker 1:20am ........................MasterChef

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

10:15am ................Green Balloon Goes on Holiday

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

3:59pm ............ London Weather

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

4:30pm ..........................Blue Peter

7:00pm ..................The One Show

Page 28


1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

2:25pm ........................Restoration Roadshow

6:30pm ITV News and Weather 6:50pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the No Campaign 7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm ..........Coronation Street

8:00pm ............................The Dales 8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

2:55pm ..................................Flog It!

9:00pm ..............Law & Order: UK

3:40pm ..........Helicopter Heroes

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

4:25pm ..............................Pointless 5:10pm .............. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 5:55pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the No Campaign 6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ........Great British Menu 7:00pm ....................This Is Britain

10:30pm ................London News and Weather 10:35pm ............Real Crime with Mark Austin: The Tesco Bomber 11:35pm ..............River Monsters 12:30am ...... ITV News Headlines 12:30am .......................... The Zone

8:00pm ....................Railway Walks

2:35am ............UEFA Champions League Weekly

8:30pm ............Raymond Blanc’s kitchen Secrets

3:00am ..............ITV Nightscreen

9:00pm .......... A Home for Maisie

4:35am ......................Jeremy Kyle: Morning Surgery

10:00pm ............Never Mind the Buzzcocks

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Television Guide

Monday 11 April 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who

7:00am ..............Zoo Vet at Large

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:30am ........................The Zoo UK

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:45pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

8:00am ..............................Lion Man

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00pm ........Don’t Tell the Bride

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

9:00am ............................Futurama

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ................Gavin & Stacey

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ..............European Rugby Union Special

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

6:40am........................ Rupert Bear

9:30am ........Live Masters Tennis

11:00am ........................The Middle

11:00am.................................. Maury

10:30pm ........................Bizarre ER

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

5:30pm ........................Netbusters

11:30am ..............Modern Family

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:00pm ......................Family Guy

6:55am ......Milkshake! Music Box

6:00pm ..The Sky Sports Years

12:00pm ..................Raising Hope

7:00am ....................Little Princess

7:00pm ............Sky Sports News at Seven

12:30pm ........Glenn Martin, DDS

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:45pm ....Police Academy UK

7:30pm ......................Live Monday Night Football

3:00pm ..............................Lion Man

2:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:45am ........................Bizarre ER

4:00pm ..............................Oops TV

3:00pm .................. Criminal Minds

1:15am ..................Gavin & Stacey

10:30pm ............................The Sky Sports Years

4:30pm ............................Futurama

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

1:45am ..................Gavin & Stacey

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

2:10am ................Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

6:10am ..............................Max Bear

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:20am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:45am ..........................The Hoobs 7:10am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:40am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am ..................................Frasier 8:35am ..................................Friends 9:05am ................Wife Swap USA 10:00am ........Brothers & Sisters 10:55am ......................Relocation, Relocation 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show 7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

10:00am ......................The Middle 10:30am ..............Modern Family

1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

12:05pm ....River Cottage Bites

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

12:20pm ....................The Day the Earth Stood Still

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

2:05pm ................Cookery School

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

5:00pm........................................ Fern

8:40am ......................................Olivia

1:30am ....The Sky Sports Years

8:00pm ..........Stargate Universe

8:50am ....................The WotWots

2:30am ............Sports Unlimited

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

3:30am ........Watersports World

9:00pm ....Ross Kemp in Search of Pirates

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:55pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the No Campaign 8:00pm ........................Dispatches: Undercover Hospital 9:00pm ............................One Born Every Minute 10:00pm ........The 27 Inch Man: A Bodyshock Special 11:05pm ........................The Event

11:30pm ......................Netbusters 12:00am ................ SPL Round-Up 12:30am ................Monday Night Football

5:30pm ............................ Futurama 6:00pm ..........Glenn Martin, DDS 6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm ...................................... Katie 9:00pm ................Four Weddings 10:00pm ..............16 & Pregnant

10:00pm ........................ Spartacus

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

9:30pm ................Gavin & Stacey

11:20pm ......................Family Guy

3:10am ................Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 4:10am ........Police Academy UK 5:10am ...................................... Close

9:15am ............ The Wright Stuff 11:05am ..........................Bridezillas 12:05pm ........The Family Recipe 12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

6:00am ............ Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am..............................Fifth Gear

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

12:20pm ................................House

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

7:35am ............The Gadget Show

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:50am ........................Emmerdale

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

7:00am ..............European Rugby Union Special

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ....................Loose Women

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................ Judge Judy

7:30am ............Scottish Premier League Football

10:00am ..Robot Wars Extreme

10:00am ............thirtysomething

11:00am ........................Fifth Gear

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

11:30am ........The Gadget Show

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

1:45pm ........................ Neighbours 2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show 3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes 3:15pm ..........................Family Sins

8:00am ........WWE: Bottom Line 9:00am ................Football Special

5:00pm ........................ 5 News at 5

10:30am ..........Scottish Premier League Football

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

2:00pm ............................................ER

1:00pm ........................ Emmerdale

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

2:00pm ....Robot Wars Extreme

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

1:30pm The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:00am ............US Masters Golf

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

5:00pm ........................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

3:00pm ................ Seaside Rescue

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

6:00pm ....................International One-Day Cricket

6:00pm ..............Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends

6:00pm ............................................ER

8:00pm ..................How the 2011 US Masters Was Won

7:00pm ................Seaside Rescue

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

8:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

8:00pm ..........................The X Files

10:00pm ....................Boots ‘n’ All

9:00pm ..............The Armstrong & Miller Show

9:00pm ..........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

9:40pm ................Mock the Week

9:40pm ..........................Curb Your Enthusiasm


6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

12:10am ............Foo Fighters: In a New Light

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

4:40pm ..................Loose Women 5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

1:40am ..................................The SS

7:25pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the No Campaign

2:35am ....................................Codex

7:30pm ................5 News Update

3:20am ......................Vincent: The Full Story

7:30pm ......How Do They Do It?

11:00pm ............Soccer AM: The Best Bits

8:00pm ..........The Gadget Show

12:00am ........................Speedway

10:20pm ...................... Peep Show

4:15am ............................The Bible: A History

9:00pm ....................Resident Evil: Extinction

2:00am ............How the 2011 US Masters Was Won

10:55pm ..................That Mitchell and Webb Look

10:20pm ............ Bored to Death 10:55pm ................................Weeds

10:45pm ..........................Hot Fuzz

5:10am ................Hill Street Blues

10:55pm ............................Derailed

4:00am ................................ NASCAR

11:35pm ............The Armstrong & Miller Show

11:30pm ..............Six Feet Under

1:10am .......... Coronation Street

12:40am ..........................European Poker Tour

5:00am ...................................... Close

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

7:00pm ..You’ve Been Framed! 7:30pm ..................Life’s Funniest Moments 8:00pm ......Kerry Katona - The Next Chapter 9:00pm ..........Hell’s Kitchen USA 10:00pm ..............Celebrity Juice

2:05am ........................Emmerdale

Page 29

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T U E S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am.... Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ........................Animal 24:7

6:10am ......................................Zigby

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:20am ............The Large Family

9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ......................Little Robots

10:30am ..................This Morning

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

12:30pm ................ Loose Women

11:00am ..................Filthy Rotten Scoundrels

6:55am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

11:45am ............Cash in the Attic

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ........................What’s New Scooby-Doo?

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am ......League of Super Evil

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:00am.............................. Copycats

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

2:15pm Escape to the Country

3:05pm ..........................Gastronuts

9:30am ..........................Big & Small

3:35pm ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

9:45am ....................Chuggington: Badge Quest

4:00pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom

9:50am ..Grandpa in My Pocket

4:00pm ................Dead Gorgeous

10:00am ....................Mightymites

4:30pm ..........................Blue Peter 4:55pm ............Shaun the Sheep

10:15am ................Green Balloon Goes on Holiday

5:00pm ........................ Newsround

10:40am ..........................Waybuloo

5:15pm...................... Weakest Link

11:00am ....In the Night Garden

3:59pm ............London Weather

6:00pm ..............................Weather

11:30am ..............................Dip Dap

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:35am ................Oh, Mr Porter!

5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

6:30pm ..............................Weather

12:55pm ........Diagnosis Murder

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

1:40pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

6:00pm ..............................Weather

6:55pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the Yes Campaign

2:25pm Restoration Roadshow

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

2:55pm ..................................Flog It!

6:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

7:30pm ........................EastEnders

Page 30

ence the highs and lows of bringing a product to market, from initial pitch to shop shelf. Many won’t make the grade but, for a lucky few, it will be a lifechanging experience. Theo explains: “The open days held by Liberty, Boots and Habitat are a fantastic opportunity for the untried, hopeful suppliers to meet the buyers. It really is an opportunity of a lifetime. This is a real fast track into retail.” As the series begins, iconic department store Liberty throws open its doors to the public at 6am for an exclusive open day. Six hundred people get up early to queue around the block for the opportunity to pitch their products to the buying team, led by buying director Ed Burstell. The commercially

3:40pm ..........Helicopter Heroes 4:25pm ..............................Pointless 5:10pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

6:50pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the Yes Campaign 7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

9:00pm ........................Candy Cabs 10:00pm ........................BBC News

6:00pm ............................ Eggheads

9:00pm ..........................Smugglers

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

6:30pm ........Great British Menu 7:00pm ....................................Coast

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:35pm ..........See You in Court

8:00pm ....................Britain’s Next Big Thing

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

11:25pm ................Weatherview

inexperienced artisans are given just three minutes to pitch their wares to the team and only a handful makes it through to a second round with Burstell, whose decision is final. Among the fledgling suppliers are: former carpenter Tom Hopkins-Gibson, who has travelled down from Scotland with his porcelain and wooden bowls; professor of architecture, Richard Weston who dazzles the buyers with his unique silk scarves; and glass-blower Charlotte Sale. Meanwhile, at Boots HQ in Nottingham, the buying team gets ready for its open day, vetting hundreds of applications to shortlist just 10 potential suppliers to fill the gaps in the £26bn health and beauty market.

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

5:55pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the Yes Campaign

8:00pm ..........................Holby City

8.00pm, BBC2

8:30am ............................LazyTown

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

Theo Paphitis searches for Britain’s Next Big Thing. Retailers are always on the lookout for the next big thing and, in this new series, the buying teams of high street giants Boots, Habitat and Liberty are prepared to take an enormous gamble by asking members of the public to supply them with their next best-selling products. By staging three unique open days, Britain’s Next Big Thing offers unknown designers and producers the chance of a lifetime: to pitch directly to the retail industry’s power brokers in an attempt to get their products stocked in these prestigious stores. Over six months, retail entrepreneur and “Dragon” Theo Paphitis follows both buyers and suppliers as they experi-

3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

7:00pm ..................The One Show

Britain’s Next Big Thing

2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

7:30pm ..................Grimefighters 8:00pm ......................Countrywise

9:00pm ........................Filthy Cities

10:35pm ....................Walking Tall

12:30am Michel Roux’s Service

10:00pm ..........Later Live - with Jools Holland

12:05am ...... ITV News Headlines

1:30am ............Who Does What?

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

12:05am ..........................The Zone

2:30am ......................Great British Railway Journeys

11:20pm ..........Wonders of the Solar System

2:10am ..............Crossing Jordan

11:25pm ..........................Love Me, Love My Face

3:00am ............................BBC News

2:55am .............. ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Television Guide

Tuesday 12 April 6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..............................Max Bear

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:20am ..........................The Hoobs

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

6:45am ..........................The Hoobs 7:15am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:40am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am .................................. Frasier 8:35am ..................................Friends 9:05am ................Wife Swap USA 10:00am ........Brothers & Sisters 11:00am ........A Place by the Sea 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm ....Great British Brands 12:20pm ....River Cottage Bites 12:25pm ......................The War of the Worlds

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

7:00pm ................Total Wipeout: The Awards

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ........................The Zoo UK

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00am................................Lion Man

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00am .................. Good Morning Sports Fans

8:30am ..............................Lion Man 9:00am ............................Futurama

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ..................Is Breast Best? Cherry Healey Investigates

10:00am ......................The Middle

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

10:30am ..............Modern Family

11:00am ................................Maury

10:30pm ..............White Van Man

11:00am ........................The Middle

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:20pm ......................Family Guy

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

11:45pm.............. Is Breast Best? Cherry Healey Investigates

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

12:45am .............. White Van Man

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

1:15am ..............Russell Howard’s Good News

9:00am ........................Netbusters

6:00am ..........Nothing to Declare

8:00pm ........Don’t Tell the Bride

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear

9:30am........ Live Masters Tennis

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

5:30pm ......................Football Asia

6:55am ......Milkshake! Music Box

6:00pm .......... Revista De La Liga

7:00am ....................Little Princess 7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

7:00pm ............Sky Sports News at Seven

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

7:30pm .................. Soccer Special

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

10:00pm ........Revista De La Liga

8:00am ........................ Fifi and the Flowertots

11:00pm ....................A League of Their Own

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

12:00am ..........UEFA Champions League Highlights

4:30pm ............................Futurama 5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:45am ..................Total Wipeout: The Awards

1:00am ........Football’s Greatest

5:30pm ............................Futurama

8:00pm ....................Cougar Town

2:45am ........ Don’t Tell the Bride

1:30am ..........Revista De La Liga

6:00pm ..........Glenn Martin, DDS

8:30pm ..............Hot in Cleveland

3:45am ..............Russell Howard’s Good News

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

9:00pm ......................................Katie

8:20am ............................ Peppa Pig

11:30am ..............Modern Family 12:00pm ..................Raising Hope 12:30pm ........Glenn Martin, DDS 1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1 3:00pm .............................. Lion Man 4:00pm................................ Oops TV

11:00pm ......................Family Guy

2:05pm ................Cookery School

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:40am ......................................Olivia

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:50am ....................The WotWots

2:30am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

8:00pm ....................Live to Dance

10:00pm ......................Bridalplasty

5:00pm ......................................Fern

3:30am ..........Revista De La Liga

4:15am ..................Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes

9:00pm ..........Beverly Hills Cop II

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

4:30am ......................Football Asia

4:45am ............................ Bizarre ER

11:00pm ................................Fringe

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am ............................Fifth Gear

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

7:35am ............The Gadget Show

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:50am ........................Emmerdale

7:00am ..............WWE: Afterburn

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ....................Loose Women

8:00am ............................Speedway

10:00am ..Robot Wars Extreme

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

10:00am ................How the 2011 US Masters Was Won

11:00am ........................Fifth Gear

10:00am............ thirtysomething

11:30am ........The Gadget Show

11:00am ........................ The X Files

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

12:00pm ................Monday Night Football

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

12:00pm ........Star Trek: Voyager

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

2:00pm ....Robot Wars Extreme

1:00pm .... Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

3:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

2:00pm ............................................ER

12:30pm ......Coronation Street

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

1:00pm ........................Emmerdale

3:30pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:55pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the Yes Campaign

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:05am ..........................Bridezillas 12:05pm ........The Family Recipe 12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime 12:20pm ................................House 1:15pm ..............Home and Away

8:00pm ......................Supersize vs Superskinny

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

9:00pm ............................Katie: My Beautiful Friends

3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

10:00pm ............................Campus

3:10pm ........Mercy Mission: the Rescue of Flight 771

11:05pm ..........Pete Versus Life 11:40pm.......................... School of Comedy

2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

1:00pm ................................The Sky Sports Years

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

2:00pm ..................SPL Round-Up

6:00pm ..............Home and Away 12:10am

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

12:15am ....................UK & Ireland Poker Tour

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

2:30pm ........................Netbusters 3:00pm ..........How the 2011 US Masters Was Won

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

5:00pm ............Sports Unlimited

6:00pm ......................James May’s 20th Century

6:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All

6:40pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

1:40am ..............................The Grid

7:25pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the Yes Campaign

2:05am ......KOTV Boxing Weekly

7:30pm ................5 News Update

2:30am ....................................Sailing

7:30pm ......Extraordinary Dogs

7:00pm ..........................Live UEFA Champions League

8:00pm ......................................Tribe

3:00am ...................... ITU Triathlon

8:00pm ..................Tutankhamun: The Mystery Revealed

10:15pm ..................................Poker

10:00pm ............Mock the Week

11:15pm ..............Masters Tennis

10:40pm ........................Have I Got News for You

1:15am ..............Freesports on 4

3:50am ......AVP Beach Volleyball 4:45am ........................Crunchtime 5:10am ..............................Full Meta Challenge

9:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 10:00pm ........................CSI: Miami

1:15am British Basketball

10:55pm ................................CSI: NY

3:15am Close

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

9:00pm ......................................QI XL

11:20pm ....................................QI XL

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager 6:00pm ............................................ER

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

8:00pm ...... Battlestar Galactica

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

9:00pm ......Battlestar Galactica

6:30pm ..............................The Only Way Is Essex

10:00pm ......................Blue Bloods

8:00pm ............Homes from Hell

11:00pm ................................ Treme

9:00pm ......The Vampire Diaries

12:15am ......Battlestar Galactica

10:00pm ........................Benidorm

1:15am ........Battlestar Galactica

11:00pm ........................OMG! With Peaches Geldof

2:15am ....................................Treme 3:30am ..Curb Your Enthusiasm

Page 31

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

W E D N E S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ........................Animal 24:7

6:10am ......................................Zigby

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:20am ............The Large Family

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ......................Little Robots

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ..................Filthy Rotten Scoundrels

6:55am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am.......................... Newsround

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

11:45am ............Cash in the Attic 12:15pm .................. Bargain Hunt

7:30am ........................What’s New Scooby-Doo?

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am ......League of Super Evil

2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:00am ..............................Copycats

3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

2:15pm Escape to the Country 3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

3:05pm ........................Gastronuts

9:30am .......................... Big & Small

3:35pm ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

9:45am ....................Chuggington: Badge Quest

4:00pm ..............Trade Your Way to the USA

9:50am .. Grandpa in My Pocket

4:30pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom

Page 32

she is now being offered fewer parts but has “no idea” why because she always delivers an audience. And she believes there are “many, many more men” on screen than women. The 50-year-old, who has appeared in shows including Men Behaving Badly and Jonathan Creek, said current TV dramas are “maledominated”. Caroline named older male stars such as James Nesbitt, Neil Dudgeon - her Life Of Riley co-star - and Stephen Tomkinson whose age is no bar to landing leading roles in major drama series. She said: “I am getting offers but not as many and not as much in drama. “I don’t think it’s a conspiracy thing. I just don’t understand it, because I’ve always brought an audience with me, so it’s not like I don’t think anybody’s going to watch it.”

10:00am ....................Mightymites

10:40am ..........................Waybuloo

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

11:00am ....In the Night Garden

6:00pm ..............................Weather

11:30am ..............................Dip Dap

6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:35am ..........Too Many Crooks

6:30pm .......... BBC London News

1:00pm .............................. See Hear

7:00pm ..................The One Show

1:30pm ....................................Coast

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

2:30pm Restoration Roadshow

7:30pm ................................DIY SOS: The Big Build

6:00pm ..............................Weather

3:00pm ..................................Flog It!

6:00pm .............. London Tonight

3:45pm ..........Helicopter Heroes

6:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

4:30pm ..............................Pointless

10:00pm ........................ BBC News

5:15pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

10:45pm ....Would I Lie to You?

lings and half-siblings, Maddy is still trying to be all things to all people. Now she finds herself coping with a work-at-home husband, the chaos caused by both of their exes and neighbours at war (with each other). In tonight’s opening episode, Maddy rises to the challenge of meeting a new boyfriend – her mother’s! Her attempts to talk her mother out of the relationship lead to wedding plans and Maddy in a big pink fluffy dress. Meanwhile, Ted finds a novel way of outwitting a bully, and Katy misplaces a car. Life Of Riley also features Lucinda Dryzek as Katy, Taylor Fawcett as Danny and Patrick Nolan as Ted. Caroline Quentin has criticised the gender balance of lead TV roles for older stars - claiming men far outweigh women. The Life Of Riley star said

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

5:00pm ........................Newsround

10:35pm The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws

8:30pm, BBC1

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

10:15am ................Green Balloon Goes on Holiday

9:00pm ........................MasterChef

Caroline Quentin and Neil Dudgeon reprise their roles as multi-tasking mother Maddy and stoical father Jim Riley as Life Of Riley returns for a third, eightpart series. New series. Maddy discovers her mother has a boyfriend and tries to talk her out of the relationship, but things do not work out as planned. Ted finds a way to outwit a bully, while Katy misplaces a car. Comedy, starring Caroline Quentin and Neil Dudgeon. Some time has passed since the last visit to the chaotic and colourful Riley household. Baby Rosie is now two and about to begin playgroup, and the teen triumvirate of Katy, Danny and Ted are embarking on their own new relationships. Refusing to be fazed by the increasingly complicated brood of her children and step-children, their step-sib-

3:59pm ............London Weather

4:30pm ..................................MI High

8:30pm ........................Life of Riley

Life of Riley

8:30am ............................LazyTown

11:15pm ..........National Lottery Update and Weatherview 11:15pm................................Scream 1:00am ..............................See Hear 1:30am ................ Country Tracks 2:30am ....................Natural World 3:30am ..................Rip Off Britain 4:00am ............................BBC News

6:30pm ........Great British Menu 7:00pm Escape to the Country 8:00pm ..........Springwatch High Seas with Gordon Buchanan 9:00pm ........The Crimson Petal and the White

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm ............UEFA Champions League Live 10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ................London News and Weather 10:35pm ........UEFA Champions League: Extra Time 11:35pm ........................Smugglers

10:00pm ..............The Victorians

12:30am ......ITV News Headlines

10:30pm ..........................Weather

12:30am ..........................The Zone

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

2:30am ............................Spartacus

11:20pm ..........Wonders of the Solar System

4:00am .............. ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Television Guide

Wednesday 13 April 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ...... Snog, Marry, Avoid?

7:00am ........................The Zoo UK

7:30pm ...... Snog, Marry, Avoid?

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ..............................Lion Man

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

9:00am ............................Futurama

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

10:00am ......................The Middle

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ......................Football Asia

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear 6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

5:30pm ............................European Tour Weekly

6:55am ......Milkshake! Music Box

6:00pm ........................ Boots ‘n’ All

12:30pm ........Glenn Martin, DDS

7:00am ....................Little Princess

1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

7:00pm ............Sky Sports News at Seven

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

7:30pm ......................Total Rugby

4:00pm ..............................Oops TV

2:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

8:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All

4:30pm ............................Futurama

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

12:40am ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

12:05pm ..............Jamie at Home

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

9:00pm ..................................Boxing

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

1:10am ..................American Dad!

12:35pm ..............Invasion of the Body Snatchers

10:00pm ....................Boots ‘n’ All

5:30pm ............................Futurama

1:30am ..................American Dad!

2:10pm ................Cookery School

8:15am ..............................Peppa Pig

11:00pm .... FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:00pm .......... Glenn Martin, DDS

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

11:30pm...... Football’s Greatest

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

5:00pm ......................................Fern

12:00am ..........UEFA Champions League Highlights

8:00pm ..........A Different Breed

8:40am ......................................Olivia 8:50am ....................The WotWots

1:00am ..................................Boxing

10:00pm ................................Fringe

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

2:00am ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:10am ..............................Max Bear

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:20am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:45am ..........................The Hoobs 7:15am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:40am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am ..................................Frasier 8:35am .................................. Friends 9:05am ................Wife Swap USA 10:00am ........Brothers & Sisters 10:55am ..............Country House Rescue 12:00pm ............Channel 4 News Summary

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm ......Vacation, Vacation, Vacation

9:30am ........Live Masters Tennis

10:30am ..............Modern Family 11:00am ........................The Middle 11:30am ..............Modern Family 12:00pm.................... Raising Hope

3:00pm ..............................Lion Man

9:00pm ..............An Idiot Abroad

2:30am ........Football’s Greatest

11:00pm ................Martina Cole’s The Runaway

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare 11:00am ................................Maury 12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:00pm ..................Botox Britain: Your Face in Their Hands 9:00pm ......................The Gatwick Baby: Abandoned at Birth 10:00pm ..........Russell Howard’s Good News 10:30pm ......................Family Guy 10:50pm ......................Family Guy 11:15pm ......................Serendipity

3:00am ..........The Gatwick Baby: Abandoned at Birth

8:00pm ................ Four Weddings

4:00am ........Botox Britain: Your Face in Their Hands

9:00pm ....................................Bones

5:00am ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

10:00pm............ Grey’s Anatomy

5:25am ......................................Close

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:05am ..........................Bridezillas 12:05pm ........The Family Recipe 12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am..............................Fifth Gear

6:00am .......................... The X Files

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

12:20pm ................................House

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

7:35am ............The Gadget Show

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

8:30pm ..............Superscrimpers: Waste Not Want Not

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ....................Loose Women

9:00pm ..Jamie’s Dream School

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

7:00am ....................WWE Vintage Collection

10:00am ..Robot Wars Extreme

9:00am ............................................ ER

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

10:00pm ........................Desperate Housewives

2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

8:00am ..........Revista De La Liga

11:00am ........................Fifth Gear

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

9:00am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

11:30am ........The Gadget Show

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

1:00pm .... Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm ......................Emmerdale

2:00pm ....Robot Wars Extreme

2:00pm ............................................ ER

12:30pm ........................Nanny 911

3:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

3:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

1:30pm ...................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

6:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

6:00pm ............................................ER

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

11:05pm .......................... The Big C 11:40pm ............Being N-Dubz in America and Beyond

3:00pm ..............Charms for the Easy Life 5:00pm ........................5 News at 5 5:30pm ........................Neighbours 6:00pm ..............Home and Away

10:00am ..........British Basketball 12:00pm ........Revista De La Liga 1:00pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

12:10am ....Abbey Road Debuts

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

12:30am ....4Play: Young Knives

2:00pm ............British Basketball

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

5:00pm ................Ten Pin Bowling

12:45am ........................4Play: The Chapman Family 1:00am ............The Album Chart Show Spotlight 1:15am ........The Frontier House

7:30pm ....................Starlight: For the Children

6:00pm ......Soccerex European Forum

8:00pm ..........Emergency Bikers

6:30pm ...... FIFA Futbol Mundial

9:00pm ........................................NCIS

7:05pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

7:00pm ..........................Live UEFA Champions League

7:45pm ............................................QI

9:00pm.................... The Sopranos

8:20pm ..........I’m Alan Partridge

10:10pm ......Boardwalk Empire

9:00pm ............Russell Howard’s Good News

11:30pm ............................Big Love

8:00pm ..You’ve Been Framed!

12:35am ................The Sopranos

8:30pm ..................Life’s Funniest Moments

2:10am ..Vincent: The Full Story

10:00pm ..................Law & Order: Criminal Intent

3:05am ..........................Where the Sidewalk Ends

10:55pm ..................Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

4:45am ...... Great British Brands

11:55pm ..Poker: Aussie Millions

5:00am ..............................Wogan’s Perfect Recall

12:15am ......................Total Rugby

12:55am ....................SuperCasino

12:45am ..............Masters Tennis

4:00am ..........Meals in Moments

2:45am ......................................Close

5:25am ........................Countdown

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

10:15pm You’re on Sky Sports! 11:45pm ..........................Soccerex European Forum

10:00pm ........................Red Dwarf 10:40pm ..............Ruddy Hell! It’s Harry and Paul 11:20pm ..........................................QI

8:00pm ............................................24

1:45am ......................The Mind of the Married Man 2:25am ......................The Mind of the Married Man

7:00pm ..................................All Star Family Fortunes 7:45pm ............Alexandra Burke: The Hot Desk

9:00pm ......Kerry Katona - The Next Chapter 10:00pm The Only Way Is Essex

Page 33

Television Guide


Foaming at the mouth I HATE consumer shows. Watchdog and all involved with setting the world right. It seems to be the same thing every time one of these shows pops up. British Gas, O2 and some holiday company who has cleared off, taking a family’s money with them. Why do all the people who take part in these shows invite the cameras into their house? The inside is always purple wallpaper with a whitetrimmed border along the ceiling. So I tend to stay away from the TV when anything “consumer” is mentioned as I really don’t care about other people’s tales of woe. That was, until I was actually caught in the middle of a consumer story that defies belief! It was my birthday last week and, to be honest, I was expecting a card only and nothing else as I really don’t do the whole Happy Birthday thing for myself. So imagine my surprise when I opened Mrs Ferguson’s present. It was exactly what I wanted: a brand-new media box so I can keep my movies, music and TV shows all together on one simple device. I have researched this box for months, and the fact I can hook it up to the internet is a brilliant idea. The hassle of hooking the laptop up the TV to watch certain things have now gone and with one click of the remote and one lead into the back of the TV, I can watch what I want and go on the internet at any time. And all this on the television. I was well excited and could not wait to get it up and running. As I mentioned, I had looked really well into this device, so knew exactly what I was doing without the instructions. So I hooked it all up and inserted the internet cable. Nothing! I unhooked and hooked up again. And again, nothing! Normally, I love little things like this that make me think, but after three hours it was driving me mental. I decided to get the instructions out, and everything I did was there in the manual. As we had guests over, I did

Page 34

not have time to look further into it there and then. So when I had a bit of time, I started all over again and could not locate the problem. I scanned the internet all night to see if it was my fault, but everything I looked at on the web said the same thing: “Simply plug in and play.” Really? Not with this one. As I had a media box from the same manufacturer, I know it is simple. And I already had a buyer for that one. I was talking with my dear friends Mark and Steph, and they were excited about getting my old one, so I arranged for them to receive it this week. But as I can’t transfer my files from the old to the new, and my laptop is not working, it’s turning into a nightmare. Obviously, I have a duff box and, as it’s only a week old and I have the receipt, I decided to take it back to the shop for another one. You’d think that would have been simple also …well think again! I put the media box and all cables that came along with it into the packaging and drove down early on Wednesday. As usual, the staff had friends and family in and they always have a conversation before they look after a customer. I have never been able to understand this problem. Could you imagine that happening in the UK or Ireland? They’d never get away with it. After what seemed like an eternity, and the family had kissed each other goodbye without buying a thing, I eventually got the staff’s attention. I explained that it was a birthday present and that it just would not do a thing. As I took it out of the packaging, I noticed the top of the media box was well scraped, with a

dent in the side. I know for a fact that this was not my doing as it was beside the TV, well out of reach of my eight-month-old son. And I also remembered that at no time had I noticed the black security seal on the item. I would have remembered as those things are murder to take off and they are proof that nobody has tampered with it. So I knew there and then that something was seriously wrong with the one I received as a gift. I also pointed this out to the staff - and they looked so interested that at one point I thought they were in a coma! The guy checked the box for leads and, as I knew all that came with it was present and correct, I was sure I would have a new item in a few moments. At this point I seriously thought someone was having a laugh as the guy in perfect English looked me in the eye and said: “We cannot exchange or refund as all is not there.” I told him in a stern voice that it was all present and correct and, without a blink of the eye, he replied: “No foam”. I had no idea what he was on about, so I asked him to say it again. “No foam, no foam, no foam in box,” was the response. It turns out the two small pieces of polystyrene foam that fit on to the ends of the actual media box were not there. Obviously, I remember taking these off, but who keeps the foam? Mrs Ferguson actually took the foam off the floor when I was setting it up and, as our son is now crawling, she did not want him picking it up. Doing the right thing, I explained that we no longer had the foam, but he stood his ground. Up to the time of writing, I am stuck with a 200 Euro media box that will not work, and it was bought only a week ago. I researched the foam and the two pieces are valued at FIVE CENTS! I am staying there all weekend until this ridiculous situation is sorted. I don’t want a refund but a new box. If this is all sorted by next week I will be happy to report it. If not, I will be more than happy to name the company holding me captive of a dead box over five cents. And I hope, for the sake of Mark and Steph, that it’s a happy ending. Joe

T H U R S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ........................Animal 24:7

6:10am ......................................Zigby

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am .... BBC News; Weather

6:20am ............ The Large Family

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ......................Little Robots

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ..................Filthy Rotten Scoundrels

6:55am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am.......................... Newsround

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

11:45am ............Cash in the Attic 12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ........................What’s New Scooby-Doo?

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

1:00pm ...... BBC News; Weather

7:50am ......League of Super Evil

2:00pm...... 60 Minute Makeover

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:00am.............................. Copycats

3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

1:45pm ................................ Doctors

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

2:15pm Escape to the Country

8:30am ............................LazyTown

3:59pm ............London Weather 4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

3:05pm ........................Gastronuts

9:30am .......................... Big & Small

6:00pm ..............................Weather

3:35pm ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

9:45am ....................Chuggington: Badge Quest

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

4:00pm ................Project Parent

9:50am ..Grandpa in My Pocket

6:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

4:30pm ................................My Life: Stammer School

10:00am ....................Mightymites

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

4:55pm ......Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments 5:00pm ........................Newsround 5:15pm ......................Weakest Link 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ............................BBC News 6:30pm ..............................Weather 6:30pm ..........BBC London News 7:00pm ..................The One Show 7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm ........................EastEnders 8:00pm ..........................Watchdog

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

10:15am ................Green Balloon Goes on Holiday 10:40am ..........................Waybuloo 11:00am ......In the Night Garden 11:30am ..............................Dip Dap 11:35am ..................Just My Luck 1:00pm ............Diagnosis Murder 1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy 2:30pm Restoration Roadshow 3:00pm ..................................Flog It! 3:45pm ..........Helicopter Heroes 4:30pm ..............................Pointless

7:30pm ................ Children of the Tsunami: Tonight 8:00pm ........................Emmerdale 8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

5:15pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

9:00pm .......................... New Tricks 6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ........Great British Menu 7:00pm ............Shanties and Sea Songs with Gareth Malone 8:00pm ......................The Animal’s Guide to Britain 10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ..............Question Time 11:35pm Holiday Weatherview 11:35pm ....Women, Weddings, War and Me

9:00pm ......................A History of Celtic Britain 10:00pm ................Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience

9:00pm ................................Monroe 10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:30pm............................ Weather

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

10:35pm ........................Benidorm

11:20pm ....................Filthy Cities

11:35pm ....Caroline Quentin: A Passage Through India

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Television Guide

Thursday 14 April 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ..Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm.............................. Top Gear

7:00am ........................The Zoo UK

8:00pm ........Police Academy UK

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ..............................Lion Man

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

9:00am ............................Futurama

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

10:00am ......................The Middle

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ........FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear

5:30pm ........Football’s Greatest

6:10am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:20am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:45am ..........................The Hoobs 7:10am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:40am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am ..................................Frasier 8:35am ..................................Friends 9:05am ................Wife Swap USA 10:00am ........Brothers & Sisters 10:55am ..The Restoration Man 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm ....Great British Brands 12:15pm ......River Cottage Bites 12:20pm ........Destination Moon 2:10pm ................Cookery School 3:10pm ........................Countdown

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig 6:55am ......Milkshake! Music Box 7:00am ....................Little Princess

9:30am ........Live Masters Tennis 6:00pm ......Khan v McCloskey Behind the Ropes 7:00pm ......................Live Premier League Darts

10:30am ..............Modern Family 11:00am ........................The Middle 11:30am ..............Modern Family 12:00pm.................... Raising Hope 12:30pm ........Glenn Martin, DDS 1:00pm.................... Stargate SG-1 3:00pm ..............................Lion Man

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare

10:00pm ...................... EastEnders 10:30pm ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

11:00am.................................. Maury 12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

4:00pm ..............................Oops TV

2:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

4:30pm ............................Futurama

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

5:30pm ............................ Futurama

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00pm ..........Glenn Martin, DDS

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

8:00pm .................... Hawaii Five-0

8:40am ......................................Olivia

9:00pm ..................Martina Cole’s The Runaway

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

9:00pm ........Misbehaving Mums to Be

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm ....................................Chuck

11:00pm ......................Family Guy

9:00pm ..................16 & Pregnant

11:20pm ......................Family Guy

10:00pm ..................................Katie

11:30pm ........ Time of Our Lives

10:00pm ............................Game of Thrones Preview

11:45pm ....Misbehaving Mums to Be

12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

6:00am ........Inside the PGA Tour

7:10am ............................Fifth Gear

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ........................ Emmerdale

12:20pm.................................. House

6:30am European Tour Weekly

7:35am ............The Gadget Show

7:00am .......... Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

7:00am ..................Live European Tour Golf

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ....................Loose Women

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

11:00am ......Football’s Greatest

10:00am ..Robot Wars Extreme

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

11:30am ..........UEFA Champions League Highlights

11:00am ........................Fifth Gear

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

3:05pm ..........The Family Recipe

11:30am ........The Gadget Show

12:00pm........ Star Trek: Voyager

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

3:15pm ..........Prayers for Bobby

12:30pm ....European Tour Golf

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

1:00pm .... Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm ......................Emmerdale

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

2:00pm ............................................ER

12:30pm ........................Nanny 911

8:50am ....................The WotWots 9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:30pm ............The Rugby Club

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:05am ..........................Bridezillas 12:05pm ........The Family Recipe

1:45pm ........................Neighbours 2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

5:00pm ..............................Weather 4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

5:00pm ......................................Fern

5:30pm ........................Neighbours 6:00pm ..............Home and Away

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

4:30pm ......FIFA Futbol Mundial 5:00pm ....................WWE Vintage Collection 6:00pm ................................Premier League World

3:00pm............................ Fifth Gear

6:30pm ..............The Rugby Club

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear 6:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

7:55pm 9:00pm ........Terror Weapon of the Somme: A Time Team Special 10:00pm................10 O’Clock Live 11:05pm ....Friday Night Dinner 11:35pm ........................The Ricky Gervais Show

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

3:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News 8:00pm ..................Three in a Bed

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

2:00pm ....Robot Wars Extreme

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

4:00pm ..........................The X Files 6:30pm ............The Movie Show on ITV2

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

7:00pm ......................Traffic Cops

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

7:30pm ......................Traffic Cops

6:00pm ............................................ER

8:00pm ......................................QI XL

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

8:00pm .................... American Idol

8:00pm ............................................ER

9:30pm ......................The Planet’s Funniest Animals

7:25pm ......How Do They Do It? 7:55pm ..........................Live UEFA Europa League Football 10:00pm ..........Striking Distance

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

7:30pm ................Live Centenary Shield Football 9:30pm ......Khan v McCloskey Behind the Ropes 10:30pm ......................WWE: Late Night - Raw

9:00pm ........................ Dave’s One Night Stand 10:00pm ............Have I Got a Bit More News for You 11:00pm ....................................QI XL

9:00pm ..................Six Feet Under 10:15pm ..............................Always Outnumbered

7:00pm ............................The Cube

10:00pm ................Celebrity Juice 10:45pm ..........Batman Forever

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08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011


Stock Clearance Sale Now On! UP TO 50% OFF!

Many Items up to 50% off original price, Homestyle Direct is more than worth a visit.

HOME STYLE DIRECT continues to provide fantastic value, choice and style with their huge clearance sale. Every sale item is reduced by upto 50% off the original price. So if the current euro

rate is eating into your budget, a visit to Home Style’s ample well-stocked showroom is a must. They are now clearing stock at greatly reduced prices to make way for the brand new 2011 Ranges, which includes many new items at lower prices without compromising on

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

quality. With over 20 years in the business they can offer customers superb quality in home furnishing in different sizes and colours to suit your home and all at incredible prices. They also have many styles of furniture to choose from, not only from stock, but also in a variety of catalogues. Their extensive range includes leather suites, dining room and bedroom furniture and also a range of bedding in English sizes (feet and inches). Home Style have possibly the biggest choice in UK manufactured divan beds and mattresses and sofa beds in the South. Not only are they available in different

sizes, you can also choose the quality (soft, orthopaedic or back-care) plus storage options at low, low prices. And now with the new bed and sofa bed centre opened they will be able to offer over 50 different styles of beds and sofa beds all under one roof!Since opening in Tenerife more than 6 years ago, Home Style Direct has doubled in size. They they are now not only a well established store here in Tenerife, but also have a 20 year highly successful track record behind them in the UK where they carry most items in stock thus reducing delivery times to a minimum. With a one bedroom furniture pack now starting at 2,995 euros there has never been a better time to refurbish your apartment or turn your new

house into your dream home. The pack includes two sofas, dining set, beds, coffee table and lamp table set, TV unit, kitchenware, mirrors, pictures lamps, bedding and curtains, plus much more. This special offer includes free local delivery and assembly. You also have the option of changing anything within the pack to meet your individual requirements and tastes. The in-store stock is constantly being updated so whether you need just one piece of furniture or to furnish a full house Home Style have the facilities to meet your needs. So if your new year resolution is to freshen up your home be sure to visit Homestyle’s vast showrooms in Las Chafiras.

A 2 BEDROOM FURNITURE PACK INCLUDES:3+2 cloth sofa Coffee table 2 X lamp tables TV unit Dining set with 4 chairs 4 X lamps 1 X set of 90” X 90” curtains 1 X 4’6 bed frame + mattress 2 X 3ft bed frame + mattresses 1 X chest of drawers 3 X bedsides 1 X 4’6 bedding pack incl. curtains 1 X 4’6 duvet 2 X 3ft bedding packs incl. curtains 2 X 3ft duvets 4 X pillows 3 X pictures 1 X mirror 1 X complete kitchen accessory pack.


Page 37


Pre-fabs Foreign property are fab investors lift the doom and gloom INVESTMENT in Spanish property by foreigners rose by 2.9% to 3.757 million euros last year, despite the VAT increase, after dropping 31.5% in 2009.

PRE-FABS as they were known were preconstructed one floor houses used to solve the housing shortage in post war Britain. They were made off site and constructed in situ; today they seem to be making something of a comeback with green credentials despite this there appears to be still somewhat of a stigma attached to this mass produced housing solution. Prefab homes are becoming popular in Europe, Canada and United States as they are relativity cheap when compared to many existing homes on the market. Modern architects are experimenting with prefabrication as a means to deliver well-designed and massproduced modern homes; modern architecture featuring minimalist clean lines and open floor plans. Because of the design sim-

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plifications modern architecture provides (coupled with the cost savings that tend go with design simplification) many in the manufactured housing sector generally feel that modern architecture designs are better suited for prefab home construction. Now termed modular homes, a recent independent report commissioned by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, (RICS) sees them as a solution to the UK’s housing shortage. It goes even further suggesting that they be built from recycled materials. In Japan (post earthquake) they have begun building initially 1,110 temporary homes as regional authorities seek to re-house over a quarter of a million people left homeless following the earthquake and tsunami. Pre-fabs seem now to be a foot on the housing ladder no matter where you live in the world.

This investment had fallen steadily since 2003, when it reached 7.072 million euros, to 6.650 million in 2004, 5.495 million in 2005 and, finally, 4.716 million in 2006. However, the trend was reversed in 2007, with 5.341 million euros being invested, which was a 13.3% increase on 2006. In 2009, the building crisis discouraged such investment, which then fell by 31.5% to 3.651 million, only to be revived last year. On top of this recent upturn, José Blanco, Minister for Public Works, has planned a Road Show tour for this month to further encourage foreign

demand. He will be focusing particularly on coastal property, which is where more than 50% of the current unsold

“stock” is based. His first stop will be London, followed by a tour of central European countries, and Blanco will be

presenting initiatives to guarantee the legal security of foreign investors in Spanish property.

Canary Islands still popular with British buyers DESPITE the ongoing financial worries that are being felt all across the globe it seems that demand for Spanish property could be set to rise, following the recent comments of one expert. Nick Marr, who is the chief

executive officer at the web based property group, has claimed that the Canary Islands are currently viewed as one of the best places for foreign property investment. The CEO also suggested that Turkey, Brazil and Malaysia are some of the top property investment destinations at present. “Lifestyle buyers, as opposed to investors who

wanted to buy a second home in Spain or retire to the region, seem to be quenching their thirst for Spanish property by heading towards the Canary Islands,” Mr Marr added. This comes as good news for the many homeowners here in Tenerife who have been trying to sell their properties for the past couple of years and seen values plummet. Meanwhile, it has recently

been claimed that the weakness of the Spanish property market and the chance to pick up a cheap home have ensured that Spain remains one of the most popular places for British buyers. A report by mortgage has suggested that Spain, particularly the Canary Islands, is a destination that remains the number one place for investors to pick up a bargain.

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

BUTTERFLY Conservation and Marks & Spencer have launched a national Planting for Butterflies campaign to encourage people across the UK to introduce butterfly-friendly plants to their gardens. Mike Dilger, wildlife reporter from the BBC Television’s The One Show, marked the launch by helping Bristol Grammar School students create a butterfly garden in the school’s grounds. Butterfly numbers have been declining for decades and in recent years this trend has been accelerating. Data collected by Butterfly Conservation volunteers show several once common species have declined dramatically over the last decade. Numbers of Small Tortoiseshell have declined by 68 per cent and the Peacock by 30 per cent during the 2000s. Mike said: “Butterflies are beautiful and intrinsically valuable. They are sensitive to environmental change and their well-being tells us a lot about the health of the countryside. Sadly, development and intensive farming have caused a significant drop in numbers over the last 50 years. He added: “Five species of butterfly have already become extinct in the UK and more than half of the 56 remaining species are threatened with extinction. Planting for Butterflies is a chance to reverse this decline. Just put some Lavender in a pot or a bit of Buddleia in your flower bed and you can help make a difference.” Sir David Attenborough, President of Butterfly Conservation, says he is aware there are far fewer butterflies in his own garden these days. He says: “Butterfly numbers are falling. Butterfly Conservation scientists have demonstrated that these declines can be reversed. If you change the environment to help butterflies, all sorts of other wildlife benefits too. Nature comes back to life.” BUTTERFLY POTS IN TENERIFE Just think how many butterflies do you see here in Tenerife? All I see really are a few cabbage whites as they are commonly called. So I think I’ll plant a few plants in pots to see if I can attract a few Tenerife butterflies; but what to plant?

Conservation of butterflies

The top five nectar plants that Butterfly Conservation is urging people to plant are: Buddleia (The butterfly bush) Very easy to grow in almost any soil. Different varieties will flower in pink, red, purple, and white. Usually in bloom through July and August. These shrubs need pruning well in Spring as they can grow 5’ to 8’ from the ground in a single season. This is perhaps the most important of the five plants featured, trust me it grows quick and attracts loads of butterflies. It will grow in a tall deep pot but you will have to keep it under control. The beauty of it is that it is drought tolerant, so if you forget to water it for a few days it will be forgiving. Verbena bonariensis Stems up to a metre tall support heads of lavender flowers from August to October. Easy to grow from seed, plant March-April in well-drained soil. Can provide useful height at the back of a border. Only half hardy so can be a short lived perennial. Better placed in a large placed patio tub, where it won’t be moved. Perennial Wallflower (Bowles Mauve) Produces a profusion of

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

sweet-scented purple flowers from April all through the summer. Wallflowers make great bedding plants and will grow well in full sun or light shade. Plant in well drained soil. They can easily be planted in a container or hanging basket for the summer. Lavender Flowers are lilac-blue in color and grow on spikes

through the summer. Plants can be used for edging beds or grown to form an attractive, low-growing hedge. It will thrive in a sunny, sheltered position in well-drained soil. Lavender should be planted in April or May and pruned back to encourage bushy growth. It grows in hedgerows here in Tenerife, and is easy to look after a

container or patio pot will do it proud. Marjoram (Oregano) Flowers grow on spikes from June to September. A good edging plant and useful ground cover, requiring little maintenance. The smaller varieties also do well in rock and alpine gardens. Again ideal for a tub or small herb garden.

A well thought out garden can attract up to 18 species of butterfly. If you manage your patch to create breeding habitat you may see even more. Butterflies like warmth so choose sunny, sheltered spots when planting nectar plants. Choose different plants to attract a wider variety of species. Place the same types of plant together in blocks. Try to provide flowers right through the butterfly season. Spring flowers are vital for butterflies coming out of hibernation and Autumn flowers help butterflies build up their reserves for winter. Prolong flowering by deadheading flowers, mulching with organic compost, and watering well to keep the plants healthy. Plants that are well-watered will produce far more nectar for hungry butterflies. Don’t use insecticides and pesticides. They kill butterflies and many pollinating insects as well as ladybirds, ground beetles and spiders. Remember, Butterflies will visit any garden, however small, if they can feed from suitable nectar plants.

Giving that ancient look to new pots SOME of you love introducing brandnew items to the garden or patio, such as planters, pots, urns and tubs, or even a bench seat. New fences, sharp-edged new bricks, or paving neither muddied nor green with algae and not marred by lichen, is a delight to behold for these gardeners. They even scrub pots and urns annually to stop them turning green. However, others hate the idea because they believe the

surroundings lose that livedin feeling. Yet there are fairly quick ways of shedding the rawness, so that the items blend in almost immediately. Here are some solutions. One way to “age” your earthenware pots and tubs is to dunk them in a garden pond for a few weeks, then poke them under a hedge for another few weeks, That should do the trick because by that time, they will surely have started to age gracefully. But this process takes time, so I turned to Chilstone, in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, for a speedier method. This company specialise in architectural garden prod-

ucts, such as reconstituted stone statues, bird baths and benches, and they have come up with a brilliant way of turning new into old -a brush stroke. They agree that the pond/hedge treatment would work, particularly on pots and urns which are fairly rough-textured. But probably the simplest thing, they say, would be to paint the stone with a mixture of natural yogurt and chimney soot at a rate of one tablespoon of soot per small pot of yogurt. This darkens the stone instantly, and creates an environment that encourages moss and lichen.

There are other, more elaborate procedures in a leaflet ( but, categorically, they do not recommend using any chemical preparation to age reconstituted stone products. The newness of a fence is also simple to tone down, by misting it randomly with a heavily-diluted, water-based wood treatment (for example, Sadolin Shed and Fence Protection), using an ordinary garden spray bottle. Trial and error will be involved, using a spare piece of wood, to get the correct dilution for a subtle shade of algal-olive/brown. But it does work, honestly!

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Health & Beauty

CARL PATTISON from Robot, answers your hair questions

DEAR CHRISTINE Your resident Agony Aunt Email:


Yummmm! It’s chocolate FOR many years, blonde has been the most in-demand colour. But now, maybe because of the celebrity turnaround on this colour, dark hair is now just as popular. Many of my clients, who had always been blonde or lighter, are now reverting to shades that are darker than their natural colour. There are many factors to consider when doing this but, if done correctly, can restore and enliven your hair. Going darker can “cover up” the multitude of sins you have done to your hair over the years. However, don’t think that this is a tone for everyone, because if you are pale-skinned and blue-eyed then, it could make you look sallow and pasty. These darker tones could really enhance your skin and eyes. It can bring out your eye colour really well, and also enhance your skin if it is bronzed or olive-toned. Darker tones are on the hair colour book of numbers, from a base 6 (dark blonde) to a number 1 (black). Levels that are more workable are 5 (light brown) 4 (medium brown) and 3 (dark brown). But any darker can look false and drain you. Number 2 (soft black) or 1 (black) look good on paler skin, but only if your eyes are not blue. There are always exceptions, of course, and you’d be better off asking your stylist to hold pieces of these hair colours next to your face.

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This would give you a better effect than looking in a colour book, or even trying on a wig. Looking at a small piece of hair in a book will not give you the full effect. When you’re colouring your hair darker, the hair shaft is being refilled by the colour molecules, thus giving the hair back its shine and brilliance. Blonde hair never shines when it can’t reflect the light as dark hair can. There’s one thing to remember, though. If you do decide to go darker, it’s going to be with you for a while. Any darker colour will be difficult to remove if, in the future, you decide to return to a lighter or blonder shade. This is especially hard to do, if not impossible. Doing this causes so much damage to the hair, so going dark is something you shouldn’t do without thinking hard about the future consequences. If you’ve have shoulderlength hair and you colour it darker, it’s going to be in your hair for 2-3 years! Think

about this well before you go ahead with any colour. To sum up, then, the pros of going darker are better condition, shine and a healthier look to your hair. The negatives are that it’s going to be around for a long time, and it can make you look paler, and sometimes clash with your make up. Think about the pros and cons and then, if you want to go ahead, consult a professional, who will guide you through the process. Don’t just throw on a colour at home. If it’s the wrong shade or tone, you could be stuck with something you don’t like for a long time. These shades range from chocolates to ashes, gold to warm dark-reds. Picking the right one for you is best left to a stylist. He or she will match the tone with your skin, eyes and make-up - even clothes come into the equation. Experiment and have fun with colour, but leave it to the professionals.

Dear Christine My geography teacher hates me because I stupidly told him I had feelings for him. Six months later, even though he knows my feelings have changed, he has decided to refuse me geography at Alevel. We used to have a great teacher-pupil relationship and now he won’t even look at me. I took an overdose to show how much pain I was in, but nothing changed and I can’t deal with it any more. I miss him so much as my teacher and I can’t bear to be treated like this for another year. I have a counsellor and have seen a psychologist, but nothing is helping. What can I do now? ‘Jane’

Dear ‘Jane’, Are you really surprised this teacher wants to keep you at arm’s length? I doubt he hates you, but your behaviour has invited him into a situation where his professional reputation, even his job and his standing in the community, could be at risk. You attempted to manipulate him and others by your overdose, but they aren’t responsible for your thoughts, feelings and actions – you are who you are. And how could a male teacher feel safe around a manipulative crusher who puts herself at risk? This guy is not the only geography teacher in Tenerife; nor is this the only school. There’s probably somewhere else you could pursue your geography Alevel while you’re in the sixth form, or even afterwards. Also, there are books, educational programmes on TV and internet/distance learn-

ing. If you really want to learn geography, you will - and by your own actions rather than by sulking or emotional blackmail. I’m glad you’re being offered the help you need, but whether you’ve been using that help is another matter. But your counsellor can help enormously if you are open to changing your thoughts and behaviour patterns. Remember, the more you display adult responsibility rather than poor emotional management and moral blackmail, the more people will treat you as a responsible adult. I wish you the courage to make the transition to maturity, so that you can get the most from your life. Christine Dear Christine, I haven’t been eating and sleeping of late and have passed out a few times. A girl I work with says she’s worried about me as she knows I haven’t been eating. She was the only person there each time I passed out. The second time it happened, I was at her apartment and she asked me to stay overnight, to put her mind at ease. She is not my age group - she’s 25 and I’m 41. I feel really guilty about her having to come to my aid. What can I do? Ms K

Dear Ms K, It’s common for stress to affect sleeping and appetite. The stress can come from an outside pressure, such as finances or relationship difficulties, or, more commonly, from patterns of thinking. Whatever the trigger, not eating properly means feel-

good hormones diminish so they can’t do their job. That makes it harder to start eating and sleeping properly and thus, be able to think in a problem-solving way. Please see your doctor as soon as possible to discuss this. You may be offered appropriate medication and, in addition, you may wish to seek counselling, which I would strongly recommend, perhaps with Andrea Greeenhalgh in Las Americas (659 054 745). Hypnotherapy can also be useful in a variety of areas, so you could try Malcolm Dobson in Golf del Sur (922 729 687). If you think you may have an eating disorder, is the website of a charity dedicated to getting you well again. You could also buy one of my books on eating disorders, as mentioned below. Other sources of help include and Building your self-esteem will be extremely useful in helping you to feel better, giving you the strength to take care of yourself and cope with life’s ups and downs. While you’re working toward recovery, you can help yourself in the short term by nibbling the odd biscuit to stimulate your appetite. You could also drink milk, soup or the build-up drinks sold in most pharmacies. You’ve been brave enough to write in to find help, which means you do care about yourself, and I’m pleased about that. You will overcome your difficulties if you seek trained help as above. I wish you all the best on your journey towards liking yourself and making your life as rewarding as possible. Christine

Christine Craggs-Hinton is the author of 18 selfhelp books including ‘Overcoming Anorexia’, ‘Eating Disorders and Body Image’ and ‘Natural Treatments for Arthritis’. Her books are available from all good UK bookshops as well as ‘The Paper Shop’, Apolo Centre and ‘Bookswop’, Edificio Cristianos 1, both of which are in Los Cristianos. 08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

It’s not all about doom and gloom RECENTLY, a friend of mine said that she thought this page was all “doom and gloom”. Of course, people are always entitled to their own opinions but, looking back at my columns over the last year or so, there are many reports of how scientists have discovered cures for a range of diseases. As I have written before, advice can be conflicting. For example, what is good for the heart one day, may be disputed the next. But, overall, researchers are doing their best to help us lead long and healthy lives. Smoking, drinking and

obesity are all well-documented causes of ill-health, but look at how many people disregard the warnings. We have all lost loved ones because of illness. How often must we, and they, have wished that the clock could have been turned back and their life-habits changed, if it meant that, maybe, the disease would not have struck. Fantastic research is being carried out but, unfortunately, many choose to ignore its findings. The results will always be a little confusing but, in general, we would do well to try to adhere to the advice given.

Under-13 kids are bugged by major eating disorders EXPERTS are calling for “urgent action” to improve the detection of eating disorders in children. The move follows new research revealing the extent of anorexia and bulimia among under-13s. About three in every 100,000 children in that age bracket have some sort of eating problem in the UK and Ireland. Researchers at University College London’s Institute of Child Health carried out extensive research among youngsters aged five to 13. Using more than 3,000 contacts, including hospital, university and community consultant paediatricians and psychiatrists, the team built up a picture of disordered eating in the very young. Over a 14-month period, 208 cases of “early-onset” eating disorders were confirmed, with 82% affecting girls and 18% boys. Some 37% of the young children were suffering from anorexia, around 1% had bulimia or were overeaters (although this is thought to be an under-esti-

mate) and 43% had some other sort of eating disorder. The remaining 19% had symptoms of disordered eating, such as avoiding food, but were not preoccupied with their weight or shape. Overall, all but 4% avoided some food, while 84% were said to have a “morbid preoccupation with it”. Some 71% feared gaining weight, 67% were preoccupied with their weight, 51% with their body shape and 43% with excessive exercising. The study found that some children used laxatives, made themselves sick or were binge-eaters. Lead researcher Dr Dasha Nicholls, a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist, said: “Our study gives the first estimate of the incidence of early-onset eating disorders in UK and Irish children. “It is too early to say if there has been a rise in the numbers of children with eating disorders in recent years, but we hope our research can be used as a baseline from which to monitor future trends.”

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

New blood-thinning drug could prove to be big step forward MORE than a million people in the UK could benefit from a drug hailed as the biggest step forward in bloodthinning treatments for 50 years. Dabigatran etexilate, marketed as Pradaxa, reduces the risk of stroke significantly in all patients with the heart rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation (AF). In tests, the drug was found to be more effective than the widely-used warfarin. It is also much easier to manage without administering the wrong dose accidentally. A final decision from European regulators, expected in the next few months, will determine how Pradaxa can be used in the UK. Haphazard heartbeats characterise AF, which is a leading risk factor for stroke and affects 1.2 million people in the UK. Around 150,000 Britons suffer a stroke each year, 15% of which are a direct result of AF. The trial findings were presented at the annual scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans. They showed that Pradaxa reduced stroke risk by

between 30-39% in patients with three different types of AF. Professor Martin Cowie, from the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, said: “Every year in the UK, 20,000 people have a stroke related to atrial fibrillation - a stroke that is often devastating. “It is of utmost importance

that AF patients are identified and measures are taken to thin their blood. There hasn’t been a new, oral anticoagulant in Europe approved for more than 50 years.” Dr Peter Coleman, deputy director of research at The Stroke Association, added: “The findings from this

study provide a strong, positive backing for dabigatran etexilate which appears to be an easier treatment to manage. That means that it has the potential to improve the quality of life for many people. We’re very interested to see how this potential treatment progresses.”

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Food News

Cooking up a genuine EASTER is just a fortnight away and, just like Christmas, it’s a time to treat the family, to special dishes, tailor-made for the occasion. It’s also a special time for fun and games, especially for the kids, although mums and dads can also join in Hunt the Easter Egg or hardboiled egg - as long as mum wasn’t responsible for hiding them! But apart from the chocolate eggs, the food is all-consuming, and here’s an Easter menu to sharpen up the taste-buds, beginning with Hot & Sour Watercress & Prawn Broth as a starter. Ingredients 3 tbsp rice vinegar or white wine vinegar 500ml vegetable or chicken stock 1 tbsp soy sauce 1-2 tbsp golden caster sugar 2.5cm piece root ginger, peeled and thinly sliced 2 small hot red chillies, thinly sliced 300g raw peeled prawns 1 bunch watercress, stalks cut off (if you buy a bag, cut

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off the bigger, straggly ends) 3 spring onions, thinly sliced Method Put the vinegar, stock, soy sauce, sugar (start with 1

tsp and add the second at the end if you want the soup sweeter), ginger, chillies and spring onions in a saucepan and bring to a simmer. Cook for a minute and then add

the prawns and cook until they turn pink. Stir in the watercress and turn off the heat. Taste and add more sugar if you like. This is obviously followed

by the main course, which must also be something special, so how about Toasted Spiced Ham Drizzled in Honey? It’s as tasty as it gets, and perfect for that once-a-year treat. Ingredients 1 boneless country ham 2 cups honey, for glazing ham 2 tbps toasted spice rub ( a mixture of herbs and spices) 1 tbps thyme, chopped fine 6 celery stalks Method (Preheat oven to 425 degrees F). Place ham on an open, brown, paper bag for easy clean-up. With the tip of a paring knife, carefully score a 1-inch grid pattern around the outside of the ham. Brush the entire surface of the meat on all sides with some of the honey. Season the entire surface of the meat on all sides with the toasted spice rub and thyme. Add about a half-cup of water to the base of the roaster. Place ham on several celery sticks in the roasting pan. Cook for an hour. Every 15 minutes, baste ham with juices that collect in the

base of the roaster and the honey. Let rest for 15 minutes before carving as desired. Still room for more? Then how about an Easter Carrot Cake, which is easy to make and takes about 45 minutes? Ingredients 4 eggs 1¼ cups vegetable oil 2 cups white sugar 2 tsp vanilla extract 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 tsp baking soda 2 tsp baking powder ½ teaspoon salt 2 tsp ground cinnamon 3 cups grated carrots 1 cup chopped pecans ½ cup butter, softened 8oz cream cheese, softened 4 cups confectioners’ sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 cup chopped pecans (optional) Method Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13in pan. In a large bowl, beat together eggs, oil, white sugar and 2 teaspoons vanilla. Mix in flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Stir in grated carrots. Fold in pecans. Pour

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Food News

family treat for Easter into prepared pan. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 40-50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out on to a wire rack and cool completely. To make frosting: Combine butter, cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla in a medium bowl. Beat until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Stir in chopped pecans. Frost the cooled cake. And don’t forget the Hot Cross Buns Hot Cross Buns The traditional spiced, sticky, glazed fruit buns with pastry crosses, are served as a classic Easter treat, but they can also be enjoyed at any time of year. The tradition, allegedly, is derived from the AngloSaxons, who baked small wheat cakes in honour of the springtime goddess, Eostre. After converting to Christianity, the church substituted the cakes with sweetbreads, blessed by the church. Ingredients For the buns 625g/1.3lb strong white

flour, plus extra for dusting 1 tsp salt 2 tsp ground mixed spice 45g/ 1.5 oz unsalted butter,

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

cut into cubes, plus extra for greasing 85g/3oz sugar 1 lemon, zest only

1½ tsp fast-action yeast 1 free-range egg 275ml/10fl oz tepid milk 125g/4oz mixed dried fruit For the topping 2 tbsp plain flour vegetable oil, for greasing 1 tbsp golden syrup, gently heated, for glazing Method (for buns) Sieve the flour, salt and ground mixed spice into a large mixing bowl, then rub in the butter using your fingertips. Make a well in the centre of the mixture, then add the sugar and lemon zest and yeast. Zesting citrus fruit Method Beat the egg and add to the flour with the tepid milk. Mix together to a form a soft, pliable dough. Turn out the dough on to a lightly-

floured work surface. Carefully work the mixed dried fruit into the dough until combined well. Knead lightly for five minutes, or until smooth and elastic. Kneading method Grease a large, warm mixing bowl with butter. Shape the dough into a ball and place it into the prepared bowl, then cover with a clean tea towel and set aside in a warm place for one hour to prove. Turn out the proved dough on to a lightly-floured work surface and knock back the dough. Shape it into a ball again and return it to the bowl, then cover again with the tea towel and set aside for a further 30 minutes to rise. Again, turn out the dough on to the same type of surface and divide it into 12 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a ball, then flatten slightly into a bun shape, using the palms of your hands. Cover the buns again with the tea towel and set aside to rest for 5-10 minutes. Grease a baking tray with butter and transfer the buns

to the tray. Wrap the tray with the buns on it loosely in greaseproof paper, then place inside a large polythene bag. Tie the end of the bag tightly so that no air can get in and set aside in a warm place for a further 40 minutes to rise. Meanwhile, for the topping, mix the plain flour to a smooth paste with 2 tablespoons of cold water. Baking (Pre-heat oven to 240C/475F/Gas 8) When the buns have risen, remove the polythene bag and the greaseproof paper. Spoon the flour mixture into a piping bag and pipe a cross on each bun. Transfer the buns to the oven and bake for 8-12 minutes, or until pale goldenbrown. As soon as you remove the buns from the oven, brush them with the hot golden syrup, then set aside to cool on a wire rack. And finally … Wash and dry hands, sit back and scoff the fruits of your labour, but only after the family have tucked in, of course!

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Diving undergoes a transformation in our warm waters FOR MANY years, flying to Tenerife was all about getting to the glorious sands and lounging under the sun’s rays before hitting the restaurants, bars and clubs in the evening. And for many, diving into the azure waters was a mere after-thought, perhaps a pastime to be enjoyed when organised by a hotel’s entertainment. However, the opening of a new diving school and the discovery of a unique aquatic concept could entice more people to discover Tenerife’s hidden underwater treasures, according to an online travel group. Unbeknown to some, Tenerife harbours quite an underwater experience; clear waters and dazzling marine life give rise to some excellent views. A new free diving school has opened in Tabaiba Baja; one area that is blessed with immaculate diving conditions. This location is guarded against strong winds, making waters ideal for diving all year. Visibility is great too, typically between 20 and 30 metres, plus it is only 10 kilometres south of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Apnea Canaries Freediving Centre is the brainchild of Miguel Lozano, the former Spanish Freediving CWT and FIM national record holder. He provides full training and equipment and the area is

likely to whet your appetite for diving. But if you are looking for somewhere a little closer to the tourism hub in the South of Tenerife then there are plenty of diving clubs to choose from and Playa de la Americas usually attracts plenty of tourists looking to explore the marine life. The experts claim that Las Galletas to the south east of the popular holiday resort is arguably the best area for diving. Here, marine life likely to join you underwater includes rays and moray eels and there are a number of wrecks to discover. Take a trip a little further along the south coast where Playa San Juan is home to the best cave diving experience to be found on the island. Typically, you’ll find a similar array of marine life to that seen at Las Galletas but the addition of diving in the caves brings new life to the experience. Finally, in Puerto Colon, back near Playa de las Americas there is a new diving experience that is grabbing the attention of holidaymakers – BOB Diving. This unique experience uses a Breathing Observation Bubble (BOB) to let people descend below without having to be an experienced diver. The equipment looks like something fresh out of a James Bond film but it is giving more and more people access to Tenerife’s marine life, making now a great time to discover the diving experience available on the island.

Tourism Tenerife prepares for 2012 games in Tenerife IT MAY seem a long way off but the biannual Police and Firefighters games that are to be held here in Tenerife in 2012 have already got Tourism Tenerife at work to get ready to meet the challenge. Taking place between July 8th and 15th, this will be the fourth time the event has been held and literally thousands of people are expected to attend. And that’s where the forward planning comes in. Last week a group of representatives from the many tourist organisations around the Island got together to begin to coordinate a strategy to accommodate the more than 17,000 people that will arrive during the week of the games, The European Police and Firefighters, (EP&FG) Canarias 2012, Europolyb. Speaking at the meeting the Tenerife Cabildo First Vice President and chief of Tourism José Manuel Bermúdez, said, “This is really big for the Island and a real challenge for everyone.” Also at the meeting was the official EP&FG Canarias 2012 agency, Viajes Zipango; Kikazaru Producciones, who

will be handling the publicity for the events; Tourism Tenerife, with chief Alberto Bernabé in attendance; CIT, (the Centre for Tourist Initiatives) and the three Town Councils that will be holding the games, Santa Cruz, La Laguna and Puerto de la Cruz. Everyone at the meeting was determined to spend the time seeking out the most efficient ways of hosting the prestigious, big event and assuring that all will go off without a hitch. It was decided that a group needed to be formed to look

after arrangements such as accommodation and leisure time for the many visitors as well as the people involved in the games themselves. This group will be coordinated by the owner of Viajes Zipango, David Gil, and will have a representative from each area that is involved. Mr. Gil commented that the games will be a big challenge and a pleasure for the Island and will not only bring important economic benefits but will also be seen throughout the media on an international scale, an enormous posi-

tive for Tenerife. He also added that it was with great pride that he viewed the assembled organisations all preparing to provide the best possible answer to the challenges of the 2012 Games, which he had no doubt will be a great success that will encourage more such events to be held here in the future. The games are expected to attract some 6,000 participants from security forces all across Europe and they will compete in at least 60 different events.

Tenerife hosts conference with leading German tour operators and online travel portals TENERIFE is hosting a very special event that runs from April 7th to 11th and is entitled “Destination Meets online”, an event that has brought to the island managers from 100 leading tour operators, travel agencies, airlines and online travel portals from Germany. This is the first time this

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event has taken place in Spain and it will allow about 200 local tourism businesses to contact some of the top European companies and industry leaders in Internet marketing and sales. This important conference, coordinated by Tenerife’s Tourist Board, is being held at the Iberostar Anthelia Hotel, in Costa Adeje, and will help the island to improve its online positioning and use of internet marketing, as well as being an outstanding opportunity for training the island’s tourism sector and finding out about the latest trends of the main players in the

Internet field. Leading companies in Germany, including Air Berlin, Holiday Travel Tainment or Holiday Check, will be participating in the event, which cover topics such as new trends in online marketing and mobile services in leisure travel. “Destination Meets Online “ has its own website where you can find more information about the event: More and more tourists are using the Internet to plan and book their trips to the island. Almost three out of four German tourists have used

the net to organize their holidays in Tenerife in 2010, an increase of 13.5 per cent on 2009. Meanwhile, 36 per cent of German visitors who arrived on the Island last year booked or bought travel services online (reservations and sales increased jointly by18 per cent). According to data from the second half of 2010, 30.8% of German tourists booked their flight to Tenerife on the Internet. For accommodation, 28.8 per cent of Germans booked online in that period, representing an increase of 26.4 per cent compared to 2009.

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011


Prize Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid.





5 3


WIN!!! Showtime tickets and an Oasis Fm t-shirt.


Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to before Wednesday 13th April and you could win! Answer from Edition 697 (01/04/2011) was: 45 Winner: George Gay












Last Week’s Answers: Quiz: 1. Madonna 2. Angelina Jolie 3. Judy Finnigan 4. Goldie Hawn 5. Judy Garland 6. Princess Anne 7. Marge Groening 8. Victoria Beckham 9. Katie Holmes 10. Charity Tate

Brain Training: Beginer: 34 Intermediate: 162 Advanced: 210

You have until the 6th May to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.



9 3










8 9 6



7 7



Puzzle Rating: Easy





5 5 1




4 7

4 6




8 5


3 1










Horoscopes of the week Aries (March 21st - April 20th) Your head may be firmly in the clouds this week, so ask friends to give it to you straight, especially over money and love. Once you get more grounded and you’re back on track, you may discover a bit of a Midas touch over business dealings, relationships and partnerships, you’ll be back on top.

GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) Feeling a bit topsyturvy? Perhaps your best bet is to focus on career and ambitions to identify where you can make changes to get you up the ladder of success with greater haste. Consider networking as a means to expand your options, but be prepared to work hard. Your reward could be a fun weekend soon. CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) All and sundry seem to be telling you what you want to hear, but you’d be wise not to take everything you hear as gospel. Dig a bit deeper than surface level, and find out what’s really going on. You’re about to be put to the test at work, so you need to keep your wits about you. Be aware of your defences. LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) There’s a struggle between your heart and your head over tense decisions you must make, and no

matter how much you try to avoid this, they need to be reached. Take the initiative and perhaps even lay yourself and your reputation on the line a little. You can’t please everyone all the time. VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) Watch that you don’t misread signals you’re getting from others, as you could be on the wrong track and, unwittingly, cause yourself a pile of wholly avoidable mess. Ask outright. Open your eyes to opportunities and be prepared to compromise to get what you want long term. It’s worth it. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) You will need to direct all your time, energy and attention into tying up loose ends in both work and play, so more trifling matters may have to take second place. Start with money, followed by work, then take steps to stand up for yourself in the relationship zone. Make a fresh start. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Your instincts are your most trusted ally this week when it comes to following your ambitions in the career zone. It may look as if you’re going out on a limb, but you’re not taking as much of a chance as others may think. Apply this equation to love and it won’t be long before you snatch back

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011























































































C A P R I C O R N (December 22ndJanuary 20th) If life has been a bit of an uphill struggle of late, your thoughts may turn to taking a more deceptive route to attain your goals. But do you really believe it’s worth taking that risk? Get back on track, get your thinking cap on and you’ll eventually come across the solution you need. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Banish old doubts, fears or uncertainty so that they no longer cloud your judgement over what to do for the best in a work situation. If you let your imagination seep into every scenario, then of course the big picture will become clouded. Stick to the facts and stick to your plans. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Some of the structure in your life is being washed away, but if you stick to the facts and don’t allow wild imaginings to take hold, you’ll manage to make practical decisions over situations as they arise. Take your time and financial and emotional limitations will vanish in the haze.




































































































































































Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training What is the connection?

the reins of power. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) Closing the door on the world and retreating into the warm embrace of family and friends gives you the confidence to step out of your comfort zone over work and money matters, and take a chance. You’ll find it works in your favour and that, in itself, will give you the confidence boost you’ve been lacking of late.

quite hard



Puzzle Rating: Quite hard

TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) You’ve always had earthy intuition and sensitivity, but be aware that you will need pots of patience and tolerance to handle emotional complexities from children, siblings or old friends. Maybe it’s time to rethink how much you give others. Cut back.

Sudoku X:









1.Which of the following stations does not feature on a standard Monopoly board? Charing Cross, Kings Cross or Fenchurch Street?

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER STARTER NUMBER

2. Alec Guinness played Sid Stratton in ‘The Man in the White Suit’ in a film made as part of which famous studio’s comedy classics.

3. In which 1955 film does Frank Sinatra play Nathan Detroit?

4. What is the first bridge that the boats pass under in the Oxford Cambridge boat race?

5. King Tutankhamen`s tomb was discovered in 1922 in what location near Luxor in Egypt?

6. What is the capital of Jamaica?

72 4

-33 8


÷9 5








+62 4/13 of this





13 4

-53 8

7. New York is made up of five districts, Manhattan, Richmond, Brooklyn, Bronx and which other?




x3 5




+71 9/11 of this 6








8. What is the capital of Jersey?

9. Of which regal title is Princess Anne the seventh holder?

10. What is the medical connection between the previous 9 answers?

633 4

+82 8




2/3 -242 20% of this of this 5

÷2 9

+140 3/8 of this





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Page 46

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011



Behind the Wheel


Ford’s fiery Fiesta! FORD are building a full-fat, hot hatchback version of their bestselling Fiesta, with 180bhp. The pocket-rocket, labelled the Fiesta ST, is scheduled to go on sale next year, and will feature a 1.6-litre EcoBoost, turbo-charged, petrol engine. A six-speed manual gearbox and a series of suspension and styling upgrades are also expected. The ST will go head-to-head with the likes of the Renaultsport Clio 200 and the SEAT Ibiza Cupra. According to Autocar magazine, the hot Fiesta has been on the cards for several years, but Ford have only recently given the project the go-ahead. The ST is anticipated to

coincide with the Fiesta’s midlife facelift, which is also set for next year. Expect some mild styling and equipment upgrades for the standard model - but not much more than that. Conveniently, the Fiesta ST launch also comes at the same time as Ford’s World Rally Championship campaign, and the Fiesta WRC car uses the same 1.6-litre, turbo engine. Prices have yet to be announced, but it is believed that the ST will start at less than £17,000 to undercut the Renaultsport Clio. If you can’t wait until next year, then there’s always the recently-announced Ford Fiesta S1600 warm hatch. Only 500 examples will be built, and each one has a 134bhp 1.6-litre engine, with a price tag of £15,895.

This is what you call a pothole, measuring 200ft x 4ft, in a Gloucester street

And here’s the biggest pothole I CAN’T help but chuckle at the recordbreaking 200ft x 4ins pothole, “found” in a Gloucester street. Said to be the UK’s biggest ever, is four inches deep in parts and covers the onstreet parking area, posing a significant risk of damage to parked cars there. The mega pothole doesn’t

just pose a danger to drivers because poor old Sylvia Davis, 76, who has lived in the street all her life, tumbled over when her shopping trolley got caught in the huge gap. Local councillor Stan Waddington said: “Gloucester Highways are fixing the worst defects on the main roads before moving on to the urban and rural areas.” No rush then!

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

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See page 10 for information on the new CD Tenerife Fan Shop now open in Fanabe Plaza Commercial Centre

Sport Talk


Third-time lucky? Nastic 1 CD Tenerife 1 HERE is a quiz question for you. How many managers have CD Tenerife had this year? Following the Nastic match, the answer is 4. Or 5. Or is it 6? We started the season with Gonzalo Arconada. He lasted four games. Juan Carlos Mandia followed, only for Antonio Tapia to replace him, before his sacking this week brought David Amaral back into the hot seat. So four. But hang on, don’t forget Toño Hernandez and Alfredo Merino, who have had caretaker duties. If it’s hard for the fans to keep up, imagine what it’s like for the players. It’s been one shambles after another in the boardroom this season. When I heard of the Tapia sacking, I honestly thought it was a late April Fool’s joke. Talking of which, did you get fooled by our left-handed issue last week? Genius! The firing of Tapia makes no sense. The draw at Nastic was no real help, but it did halt the run of defeats. Tenerife also played okay. They took the lead through an early Nino goal and would have gone in ahead at halftime but for another mistake from Marc Bertran, which gifted the hosts an equaliser. If they were going to sack him, it should have been before the Nastic match, not after a decent point. Also, why dump a guy who has finally worked out what he is working with? A manager cannot just come into a new

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set up and wave a magic wand. It’s nuts. So what of the next one through the revolving managerial door? David Amaral is a playing legend in Santa Cruz. Over a decade as a fine winger and captain. But his managerial record is patchy at best. His first spell in charge in 2002 saw a mixed run of results. Safety first, and with little flair, the team struggled to find any consistency. It was not the beautiful game, as his philosophy was defence first, second and third. Javier Clemente Jnr if you like. After a poor start to his second season he resigned and, bizarrely, pitched up at Las Palmas. He didn’t last long there, and the following season he was back in charge of CDT. Shortly after he was reappointed, a new chairman came in. One of Miguel Conception’s first acts was to fire Amaral. Now, here we are six years later and, one of Conception’s final decisions (he steps down at the end of the season) is to bring back Amaral! Go figure. Only in Spain and only in Tenerife. If it’s a big decision for Conception, then it’s even bigger for sporting director Juan Lorenzo. He has already replaced his first manager, and his signings are yet to hit the heights as well. Whatever the fans feel of the appointment, and the way the club has been run, everything gets put to one side. As I pointed out a few weeks ago, Tenerife do have a chance of staying up, but they must win all their home matches - starting tomorrow (Saturday). Amaral took his first train-

ing session yesterday (Thursday) and was please with how it went: “I believe we have the spirit to get the job done,” he said. “It was positive what happened today, and I am happy with how the players have responded.” Huesca visit Santa Cruz tomorrow and they are a cracking little side. They spent most of their 50-year history in the fourth tier of Spanish football, but recently they have hit the heights. Their small ground has a capacity of only 8,000, yet this is their third consecutive season in this league. Since they came up in 2008, there has been no real sign of them slipping back down. They finished 11th in their first season and consolidated that with a 13th-place finish last time. They sit in 15th place at the moment and just need a few more wins to guarantee safety again. Their form is okay as well. The recent home win over Cordoba followed draws with Xerez and Barca B. But they are not great travellers. Far too often this season, they conceded an early goal and then shipped a few while trying to chase the game. This sets the match up for Tenerife. Even though they have a habit of losing leads, this may not be the case tomorrow. Pablo Sicilia is back from suspension, but Luna sits out after last week’s red card. It will be interesting to see the team sheet. Will Amaral change formation and who gets the nod? Will Mikel Alonso return after being ignored by Tapia? Does he go for youth and give Iriome a chance? Will there be another manager in charge next week?!

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011


Division 1 Bar 180 B 5 - 5 Summerlands Superstars Legends A 1 - 9 Palms Bar A Men Of Atlantis 5 - 5 Hoops Bar Phoenix Knights 8 - 2 Rat Pack Summerlands Allstars 5 - 5 Dreamers Bar Target Bar 6 - 4 Bar 180 A Tenerife Hammers A 7 - 3 Atlantis Sharks Toscales Old Boys 7 - 3 Nauta A Trap Door 6 - 4 Terrace Bar A Division One POS P 1 Summerlands Superstars30 2 Palms Bar A 29 3 Tenerife Hammers A 29 4 Bar 180 B 30 5 Trap Door 30 6 Phoenix Knights 30 7 Atlantis Sharks 30 8 Hoops Bar 28 9 Rat Pack 29 10 Bar 180 A 30 11 Target Bar 30 12 Toscales Old Boys 29 13 Nauta A 30 14 Terrace Bar A 30 15 Summerlands Allstars 30 16 Dreamers Bar 30 17 Men Of Atlantis 29 18 8 Ball Massive 28 19 Legends A 30 20 Bar La Cana 29

W 26 26 22 16 15 15 13 12 11 12 11 11 9 8 8 7 4 6 4 3

D 2 2 4 8 10 8 8 8 10 5 6 5 5 7 5 4 9 2 2 2

L F A +- PTS 2 219 81 138 80 1 209 81 128 80 3 188 102 86 70 6 172 128 44 56 5 172 128 44 55 7 167 133 34 53 9 159 141 18 47 8 151 129 22 44 8 153 137 16 43 13 138 162 -24 41 13 139 161 -22 39 13 141 149 -8 38 16 133 167 -34 32 15 137 163 -26 31 17 127 173 -46 29 19 121 179 -58 25 16 127 163 -36 21 20 109 171 -62 20 24 104 196 -92 14 24 84 206-12211

Division 2 Bar 180 C 5 - 5 Target Rangers Bar Tasca 1 - 9 Gaffers Barracuda Bandits 4 - 6 Toscales Tangos Exiles 5 - 5 Phoenix Potters Nauta B 4 - 6 Inn The Pink Palms Bar B 6 - 4 Connors Summerland Elite 5 - 5 Tenerife Hammers C Terrace Bar B 3 - 7 Legends B Division Two POS 1 Gaffers 2 Legends B 3 Phoenix Potters 4 Bar Tasca 5 Bar 180 C 6 Nauta B 7 Tenerife Hammers C 8 Inn The Pink 9 Target Rangers 10 Summerland Elite 11 Lupain 12 Exiles 13 Barracuda Bandits 14 Terrace Bar B 15 Palms Bar B 16 Barracuda Hunters 17 Toscales Tangos 18 Woodys 19 Connors

P 28 29 29 28 28 29 29 28 29 27 28 28 28 28 27 28 29 27 29

THE race for promotion in Division Two is really heating up, and Gaffers took a giant stride towards achieving that goal on Tuesday. They battered fourth-place Bar Tasca 9-1 to open up a 12-point cushion with a game in hand. Tasca had been in fine form, and this major thrashing was only their second loss since Christmas. It gives Gaffers a

W 21 21 18 17 15 15 15 15 12 10 10 9 8 6 6 5 4 4 2

D 5 3 4 5 8 5 4 3 7 11 7 9 8 6 4 5 7 4 5

L 2 5 7 6 5 9 10 10 10 6 11 10 12 16 17 18 18 19 22

F A +- PTS 175 10570 68 179 111 68 66 171 119 52 58 175 10570 56 153 127 26 53 155 13520 50 166 124 42 49 152 12824 48 156 134 22 43 149 121 28 41 133 147 -14 37 137 143-6 36 135 145-10 32 119 161 -42 24 95 175-80 22 110 170-60 20 117 173-56 19 105 165-60 16 98 192-94 11

major title boost and, with a favourable run-in, the title is theirs to lose. Legends B kept up the chase in second place with a 7-3 win at Terrace B, while third--placed Phoenix Potters had to work hard to grab a draw at Exiles. In a tough week for the top sides, Bar 180 C also dropped two points as they were held at home by Target Rangers, and Nauta B lost to Inn The Pink. Tenerife Hammers C and Summerland Elite drew,

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

It’s Showtime for darters... Division 2

Division 1 POS 1 Bar Nauta A 2 Bar 180 3 Phoenix Bar 4 Exiles Bar 5 Tenerife Sons 6 Target Bar A 7 Toscales Allsorts 8 Rood A 9 Silver Surfers 10 Woody´s A 11 X-Men 12 Target Bar B 13 Toscales Ensecan 14 Heroes Sports Bar 15 Sundowners 16 Ourplace Flukers 17 Strikers Bar

Pld 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256

Sing 138 120 113 106 110 100 90 75 72 66 73 60 54 54 54 37 38

TONIGHT (Friday) sees the curtain fall on another successful season for the Oasis Fm darts league featuring winners and trophies galore. Presentation Night, at Showtime in Playa Las Americas is always a great event to bring proceedings to a close, and for all those concerned to enjoy a few scoops together. As well as some excellent live entertainment, there will also be a chance to see the finals of the Jurgen Trophy and the Sebrina Seal Cup, with some of the league’s best darters playing on the big stage. The preliminary rounds were played last Friday at the Nauta Bar, and in the Sebrina

Dbles 50 52 49 43 43 43 31 37 37 23 20 24 22 24 17 16 12

Treb 27 24 23 28 19 22 15 17 17 14 8 11 13 9 10 8 8

180’s 16 16 10 11 8 1 4 10 3 2 3 4 3 3 0 0 0

PTS 215 196 185 177 172 165 136 129 126 103 101 95 89 87 81 61 58

Seal competition, 23 ladies did battle and produced what will be a mouth-watering final as Shanny (Ourplace) takes on multiple cup-winner Betty (Cafe Rood). There was also a fine turnout of 49 darters for the Jurgen Trophy and, after some fiercely-competitive matches, those left to play under the bright Showtime lights were semi-finalists London and Mitch (both Nauta Bar), Walt (Silver Surfers) and Bubbles (Phoenix Bar). That line-up will, no doubt, deliver some very exciting matches. We hope to see as many of you as possible for what will surely be a fantastic evening. Congratulations to everyone, and a big thank-you to Harry, Bubbles and everyone who helped with scoring. And

POS 1 Barracudarts Boys 2 Nautas Nutters C 3 Gaffers 4 The Tavern 5 Bar 180 B 6 Yelas Bar 7 Rood B 8 Tenerife Sun 9 The Knights B 10 Naughty Nautas B 11 Ourplace Naturals 12 Woody´s B 13 La Caña Lancers 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Marilyns 16 Phoenix Flames 17 Ourplace Playgirls 18 Amigos Bad Girls

Pld 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272

Sing 137 136 103 94 103 92 93 91 91 96 88 73 69 65 53 59 46 46

a very special word of praise to Ian and his team at the Nauta Bar, who put in an incredible amount of hard work to stage this event for us. With a nod towards the

Dbles 57 56 52 46 36 36 35 39 34 31 35 28 26 23 27 13 19 18

Treb 24 25 21 18 18 26 22 16 21 14 13 16 11 11 8 12 13 13

180’s 9 7 3 0 3 2 2 2 4 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0

PTS 218 217 176 158 157 154 150 146 146 141 136 117 106 99 88 84 78 77

2011-12 season, new team registrations are already being taken. Anyone wishing to enter a team can apply by contacting Oasis Fm directly on 902 232 102 or by e-mail

The Oasis Fm Darts League is now taking registrations for the new season which begins in early May. If you would like to enter a team, or are interested in forming a side please email your contact details to or call 902 232 102 during office hours Monday to Friday.

Gaffers tank Tasca while there were wins for Toscales Tangos and Palms B, who climbed to a season-high 15th after beating local rivals Connors 6-4. In Division One, Summerland Superstars dropped two vital points against Bar 180 B, but it could have been far worse. They were in deep trouble at 5-3 down, but snuck the last two frames to claim a point. There were no such worries for Palms A, who won 9-1 at Legends A. They are now level on points with Superstars, but have a crucial game in hand. Tenerife Hammers A will still feel they can grab second

place after a 7-3er over Atlantis Sharks. Trap Door’s fine home form was maintained against Terrace A, and Phoenix Knights also enjoyed home advantage as they swamped

Rat Pack 8-2. None of the bottom nine sides won, but Men of Atlantis will be delighted with their draw against cup semi-finalists Hoops Bar. Target Bar won the mid-

table tussle with Bar 180 A, and Toscales Old Boys won again, this time defeating Nauta A 7-3. They are still unbeaten, and their cup final with Palms A on 26th April could be a classic.

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Baby’s car chair BREVI 4-18kg very good condition 30 euros, in perfect condition. San Isidro. Tel 697 307 826. Computer monitor (old style) 15”, 10 euros . Several Computer Towers various makes. Ideal for spare parts etc. whole lot, 50 euros. Tel 659 036 393. LG Portable DVD/CD player DP281B 8” screen with carry case. Hardly used suitable for rear car seat installation, Dolby digital, plays windows media, Divx. Remote control, 175 euros. Tel 922 7293 63. 1 TB Media Player plugs straight into your TV with 700 latest films 100 TV series, 1,000’s mp3’s, 180 euros. Laptop dell Latitude C640 15” screen, Windows XP, Windows Office, 250 RAM 40GB hard drive include USB 2 port, 120 euros. Tel 922 782 788 Swish Sologlyde curtain tracks 2 X 2.25 cm, 5 X 1.75cm, 3 X 1.25cm, all 10 for 50 euros, will separate. Tel 600 028 801 Brazilian pine dining table + 6 chairs 100 euros. Inside to charcoal BBQ, incl. trays and shelves, width: 50cm – depth: 40cm – height: 33cm 75 euros. Tel 680 831 497 Yamaha yfl 211 flute with hard case, as new 300 euros. Yamaha PicoloYPC32 , hard case 100 euros buy both 375 euros. Korg ax 1500 foot pedal, 100 euros. Child booster seat 15 euros. White table covers 5 (1.35x1.00) 17 (.90x.90) 12 (1.35x1.25) 45 euros the lot. 2 bikes 1x8/14 years 1 adult, needs new cables hence price 35 euros for both. Large 2/3 cup coffee machine (Beretta Express) with steam and hot water, needs servicing, 500 euros ono. Tel 660 493 507 Blue bubble pool cover, small tear can be cut to smaller size, 125 euros. Swarovski crystal animals from 35 euros. Tel 619 977 932 3 x 14 ins combi portable TV‘s 1 video. 2 DVD 25 euros each. Cot & mattress as new 25 euros. Ceiling fan with 5 blades as new modern 25 euros. 4, 4 arm clothes rail 20 euros. Tel 620 697 885 Wooden fold up Patio chairs, 30 euros for pair. Tel 659 036 393. Panorama Astronomical telescope, F=910 mm, D= 60 mm from 1960’s. 90 euros. Tel 922 751 736 Sofa Bed Dark Pink Removable Covers 200 euros. Stainless steel unit 100 x 60 x 105 cm 100 euros. 4 place drop down toastie machine 70 euros. Sewing machine 100 euros. Commercial coffee machine 300 euros. Ikea wooden bedstead with slatted base (no mattress) 30 euros. Silver gas bottle 30 euros. Fire extinguishers from 40 euros. Back massage cushion 50 euros. White metal and plastic swivel over bath bathing chair 40 euros. All ono. Tel 662 354 391. Silencio Chicco highchair vgc, 40 euros. Chicco pushchair, blue gc - 40 euros. Toysrus cream cot bed, mattress and cot top changer, excellent condition, 180 euros. Winnie the pooh Moses Basket vgc, 25 euros. Blue baby bath and separate bath seat, 5 euros. Push along baby walker, 10 euros. Fisher Price Activity Table, 15 euros. Little tikes 4 piece musical set, 12 euros. Leap frog little touch Leap pad 6-36 months. Still in box with 2 extra used books, 15 euros. Selection of Baby toys from 3 euros. Tel 616 971 588 4 white fridge freezers 70 euros each. Nearly new silver fridge freezer 90 euros. Large upright freezer 75 euros. Commercial dishwasher, takes 3 mins per cycle 250 euros. Domestic microwave 40 euros. Table flower arrangements

20 euros each. Oval extendible mahogany dining table (seats 8) 80 euros. Almost new marquee 6.8 x 3.5 mtrs 250 euros. Domestic washing machine, with rapid cycle takes 29 minutes 120 euros. Tel 686 543 923 or 639 977 334 4 rings ceramic hob, 60 euros. Extractor fan 40 euros. Large chest freezer 120 euros. Microwave white 25 euros. Hoover, 25 euros. Fridge, 45 euros. Fridge freezer 150 euros. 29” TV silver with remote 80 euros. DVD player + remote 25 euros. Chest freezer 120 euros. Kettle/parasol/patio chairs table, 5 euros each. 14” computer monitor 10 euros. Mountain bike, 70 euros. Video recorders, 20 euros. Table fan, 15 euros. Round pine dining table and 4 chairs 40 euros. Tel 679 788 586 or 922 795 592. Domestic silver gas bottle 40 euros each. Tumble dryer, 100 euros. Washing machine excellent condition top door 120 euros. Front loader 120 euros. Dishwasher 120 euros. Fridge freezer excellent condition, 180 euros. Fridge, 35 euros. 25 TV 50 euros. Foot spa 15 euros. DVD player + remote 20 euros. Children’s car seat 0-36 kgs, 20 euros. Fridge freezer, 100 euros. Tel 922 795 592 or 686 3369 04 can deliver 2 ft rotating tower fan with timer and different speeds, 20euros. Purple velour luxury foot stool bought from Cosas, 25 euros. Silver floor standing powerful fan, 20 euros. Split L Shape PC desk, 75 euros ono. PS2 with 25 games, 2 controllers and 2 memory cards 75 euros ono. Tel 669 251 395

BARGAIN OF THE WEEK Choice of 100 wicker style chairs suitable for bar or restaurant 10 euros each. Tel 638 117 137 Monty Aluminum unisex folding bike 5 speed, lightweight and nippy, 85 euros. Tel 697 746 885

Stainless steel unit 80 euros. Fridge 40 euros. Domestic dishwasher 120 euros. Olivetti cash register 50 euros. Single bed 50 euros. Tel 620 469 102 Pair of technics 1210 mk 2 turntables excellent condition (hardly used) 400 euros. Extending metal safety gate, six panels ideal for infants / pets can be used as playpen or stair gate, 25 euros. Tel 608 223 156 or 922 765 564. Free standing fan, 8 euros. Stainless steel 4 rings hob, 40 euros. PC monitor, computer chair, 10 euros each. 14” TV, silver, remote, 20 euros. Foot spa, 8 euros. Rowenta coffee filter machine, 10 euros. Set of speakers & Subwoofer, 20 euros. 28” TV, remote, 40 euros. Stool, 5 euros. Playstation 1,10 euros. 4 rings vitro ceramic hob, 40 euros. Tel 696 048 937 or 922 739 850. Corbero tumble dryer, 80 euros. Westinghouse dish washer, 100 euros. Bestway inflatable pool 10ft x 3ft deep with ladder filter etc, 70 euros. Mustard leather 2 seater sofa, 70 euros ONO. Hp scanjet scanner 25e.V-tech smile, 2 games and art studio (pink), 60 euros. Childrens books all ages 1-4 euros. Aluminium double sink/dbl drainer, 80 euros. Food steamer (new in box), 15 euros. Disney Princess Toys and room decorations, from 3 euros. Baby girls clothes up to 2yrs from 50c. Girls summer dresses ages 26yrs, from 3 euros. Blue dbl duvet covers, 4 euros each. Various curtains and voiles, bed throws dbl and kingsize. Wilson golf bag,incl 10 clubs and woods 120 euros ONO. Ladies dresses,size 8,10 and a few 12, all good makes and new from 5 euros. Sony photo printer (new in box) 80 euros.Tel: 606 851 096 between 12 and 6pm. Edesa freestanding white electric oven with grill one electric hotplate 3 gas rings fold down lid good condition, 95 euros. Hewlett Packard l7500 officejet colour printer/fax/scanner only used 3 months, 220 euros. Oki c3300 office colour laser printer, 85 euros. Tiper 2 electric water pump cost 150 euros + as new never used 100 euros. Tel: 675 569 804.

Cream sofa very comfortable, 50 euros. Tel 600 712 105 14”TV/VCR combi, 40 euros. Single size bed base, mattress (80x220cm) 14” TV, ceiling fan, framed wall mirror (75x75cm), large parasol, kimono, size small, with white & yellow belts, 21” TV, 10 euros each. Sky digibox, 40 euros. Hair clippers, hair dryer/straightner, fruit press, patio table, linen basket, lamps, bathroom mirror, egg toaster, sun beds, large mirror, 3 to 8 euros each. 4 rings vitro ceramic hob, 40 euros. A selection of headboards (90,135,160, 200, 220 cm wide) armchair (blue & magnolia) 20 euros a set. Tel 646 615 794. Full PA system 1000 watt amplifier, two 500 watt speakers with stands, 12 channel mixer Alesis echo and reverb unit all in flight cases, 500 euros. Tel 669 385 107 Nintendo Wii, 3 games, 1 controller and sports pack for controller, 150 euros ono. Tel 627 633 084 Complete shower unit with glass doors and shower columb semi circle tray 80mrts, 200 euros ono. 14 inch TV with remote 15 euros. Tel 634 051 232 Petsafe radio fence pet containment system comes with 250m of boundary wire and radio collar for your dog 100 euros. 3 interior teak veneered doors 72.5cm x 202cm with 4 apertures for glass, with frames, architraves, hinges and handles 225 euros. Original reclaimed Tenerife pine construction logs 14 x 1.7m and 9 x 2.6m 400 euros ono. 10 wooden windows 6 with clear glass 4 with obscure each approx 0.70m x 1.05m 250 euros ono. Portable air conditioner with remote hot and cold 125 euros ono. Werko electric table stone and marble cutter 75 euros ono. Industrial insect killer for kitchen/bar 50 euros. Tel 639 481 064 Chio. Electric water heater, 30 ltr, hardly used, 30 euros. Portable radio/cassette player, 5 euros. Personal cassette player, 5 euros. Tel 922 750 001 Ext 1226 or 646 615 794 Stainless Steel Refrigerated 3 Door unit 500 euros.

Golf bag, blue and red, good condition, full size, suitable man or woman. Selection of men´s golf clubs to sell individually or together. Bag and clubs 50 euros or can separate. Also Mercury 2 special graphite low torque driver, 15 euros. Trident Super Jumbo duralumin hard metallic alloy driver, 15 euros. 20 golf balls, 10 euros (two lots available). For ladies, pair of Donnay International golf shoes, brand new, size 7, maroon and black. 10 euros. Los Cristianos area. Tel: 627 801 485. Calf skin burgundy authentic Cartier large bound blank book, unwanted gift, maroon in box, could be used for visitor book, special memories, wedding guest book, 50 euros. Six Bohemian crystal wine goblets still in box, immaculate condition, 25 euros. Tel: 664 005 958. Very attractive, very heavy glass coffee table, two tier, with brass and glass legs, 80cms by 130cms, excellent condition. 40 euros. Tel: 627 801 485. Small chest of three drawers, distressed white pine effect, solid wood, 25 euros. Large black and white zebra effect Primark soft travel suitcase, with wheels, as new, 10 euros. Collection of 15 good quality shirts for man, size 17 to 17.5, long and short sleeved, plain and patterned. 20 euros. 15 top CDs in cases, 20 euros. Tel: 66 400 59 58. Cat Carrier, 10 euros. Books and DVD’s (all kinds) 80 plus 1 Euro each. Bedroom Drawers 3 drawer white (80wide, 40deep, 100high approx), 50 Euros. 2x 16inch Fans oscillating, 25 euros. Tel: 677 754 348. Canon EOS 400D 10 megapixel digital SLR. 18 - 55 Canon zoom lens, 75 - 300 Canon ultrasonic zoom lens. 2Gb memory card, spare battery and carry case. Mint condition, hardly used. 400 Euros. Tel: 671 295 104. Pink cot bumper, 10 euros. 3 x pink grobags, 8 euros each. Small blue playmat with toys, 5 euros. Tel: 637 206 026

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm

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08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011



Established for over 10 years We have a wide selection of long and short term property available to rent Luxury holiday villas and apartments also available.

Studio San Engenio - 400€ Sea View, Sunny, Modern, Complex Pool, Walking distance to shops.

Fanabe Village 2 bed House - 650€

4 Bed House Adeje - 800€ Townhouse, com pool, modern, roof terrace 10mins drive to Los Cristianos, parking, spacious.

Torviscas 2 Bed - 750€

Huge Garden, Modern, UKTV, complex pool walking distance to bus route, large bedroom

Chayofa 4Bed House - 1050€

Massive terrace, 2 double bedrooms, 2 bath modern, UK TV, parking, complex pool

Callao Salvaje, Un Posto al Solé 2 bed penthouse apt., 550€ incl. bills, fully furnished. 2 bed, 1st floor apt., 500€ incl. bills, fully furnished. 2 bed ground floor apt., 500€ incl. bills fully furnished Parque de la Reina, Moncayo, 3 bed, penthouse apt. 600€ incl. bills, fully furnished

NO FINDERS OR CONTRACT FEES. I am always looking for more properties in all shapes and sizes, so if you would like to rent out your property for long lets or holiday rentals please contact me and I will come and visit you. I am also looking for wheelchair friendly properties with roll in showers/wet rooms.

Phone: Suzanne on 680 831 497 email: website:

Chayofa 1 Bed - 600€

Central location, roof terrace, modern, sep kitchen, sea views, near shops and bus route

Los Cristianos, Parque Tropical 2 bed/2 bath 3rd floor duplex penthouse apt., 850€ + bills, fully furnished. 3 bed/3 bath townhouse with garage, 1,425€ + bills, fully furnished. Fayser 2 bed/1 bath 3rd floor apt., 770€ incl. bills, fully furnished.

Large family home, garage under house, double bedrooms, 3 bath, UKTV, Sea View, Quiet




CARS/BIKES (CONT.) Piagio Fly 125 cc moped less than 2 years old, excellent condition, 950 euros. Tel 610 285 953 Renault Clio 2.0 Exception, Limited Edition 150HD, fully loaded, silver, 35,000 kms, 4 door, full Renault service history, excellent condition. Cost new 19,700€, only 8,900€. Tel 610 285 953 CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.

Do you need any assistance with your paperwork? NIE applications, car paperwork, transfers, registrations, I.T.V’s. Please call Lina on 634 067 014

JOBS Exciting vacancies have arisen in a telemarketing call centre for dynamic personalities. You will work 34 hours, 5 days a week calling high quality leads. Basic plus commission and contract offered. Call Jo on 922 750 492 to arrange an interview.

Excellent opportunity to work on a self employed basis in a busy Los Cristianos hair salon. Good location with convenient parking for clients. For more information call Carl on 922 789 058

A Marketing Office in the south of Tenerife require enthusiastic, self motivated staff to work as part of great team. They are looking for Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian and Polish with spoken English. Basic wage plus excellent commissions working in pleasant and positive environment. Hours 9.30 to 5pm Monday to Friday. Call Sue on 922 713 070 or 686 154 066 or email Young, enthusiastic, self motivated Admin/sales person is required for a sales/rental role. You should be self driven and hard working, have strong work ethics, a mature attitude and the ability to work independently. Strong communication skills, a flexible approach to working hours, along with a passion for people and the property market. Spoken Spanish is essential. For more information please call 606 133 925

We also have golf property, penthouses, villas. For all of our portfolio please call us on

Tel: 0034 922 797 438 / 638 519 999 Email: Office Address Ave Los Pueblos, Garajonay 1-4,Las Americas 38660

A leading company in South Tenerife are looking for a dynamic, motivated, Flybuy/Sales Manager to run a successful British Flybuy Department. They are looking for enthusiastic candidates with fresh, new ideas. Good working conditions & excellent package for the right individual. If you are interested call Wendy on 672 854 708 for further information. Experienced in-house sales representatives are required for an immediate start at Pearly Grey Ocean Club to see Flybuys/owners and RCI guests. Proven closing needed. Limited places on an established team, top spiffs and commissions. Call Justine on 627 107 631 or email


Due to an acquisition between new resorts a number of sales and managerial positions are available. Previous experience preferred, but not essential as full training given. High quality leads with unlimited earning potential, high commissions and bonuses to be earned over a 4 day week. Call 922 727 184 for an interview, Monday to Friday or email


La Pinta Beach Club are looking for enthusiastic, self motivated sales reps to increase their highly successful team. Experience not necessary as full training provided. You must have an NIE number as a contract will be given. If interested call Andy Maleski on 669 100 253 or John Borrows on 678 756 082 or email your CV to

PROPERTY FOR RENT Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. Long term rents, Studios, 1 & 2 beds. Tel 616 251 271

LONG LET Large 2 bedroom duplex, fully furnished, English TV, etc., Amarilla Bay, Costa Del Silencio, 550 euros pcm.

Studio, Golf Del Sur, bath- Tel: 619 617 room, cooking facilities, patio, garden, 290 euros pm inclusive. Tel 627 629 933


Playa Americas Ocean Park, 1 bedroom apartment for rent. Well furnished and equipped British TV, microwave, Washing machine, oven etc. Sun all day, good location. No finders fees, 500 euros bills included. Call 620 230 871 or 922 751 113

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Citroen C3, Furio 1.1 2006 white 5 door, fully serviced, 2 year ITV, 1 yr road tax, al electric, air con, radio CD player ipod/mp3 connector, 140k km. 4,000 euros.

Tel 687 139 419 or 677 754 348

MG ZR 1.8 ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 5,500 euros.

Tel 669 626 840

A leading company in the south of Tenerife and Los Gigantes are looking for people to join their ever growing team. The role involves working poolside at hotels and resorts giving advice and information to holiday makers whilst earning money on a daily basis. For more information call Craig on 651 172 738 Experienced Telemarketers are required for the biggest company in the south of Tenerife. Best commissions paid weekly. High spiffs paid daily. New leads provided every week. Call Jayne on 667 911 896 to arrange an interview.

WANTED Wanted - Exercise Bike. Will collect. Tel 922 176 845

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Service Point








CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250â‚Ź per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email: CHIROPODIST Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790



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08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Service Point




ALTERNATIVE ENTERTAINMENT FOR SMALLER VENUES. Experienced DJ/presenter willing to help the smaller venue build up business with nostalgia, theme nights, quizzes, bingo etc. Reliable and professional. or 646 065 670.








9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841 Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

LAWYERS MARTIAL ARTS Be Safe! Golden Belt Hardcore are now offering private tuition at your own home. Best European instructors in Martial Arts, Self Defence, Unarmed Combat and more. One on one or family. Call 622 489 115

MASSAGE Erotic massage for men and women. 0034 647 157 778


ALUMINIUM & PVC Tel: 922 778 050

VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Fax 922 778 051

Mobile 696 889 048 Email:

Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.


Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

PERSONAL SERVICES Blonde sweet, very beautiful, 26 years, slim body, large breasts, firm bottom, very sexy and erotic lady. Discreet luxury apartment, hotel visits (24 hours). Very good English & German spoken. Tel 0034 636 653 187. Pussy cat wants to play with you. Call me 647 157 778

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

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Service Point



PETSWORLD D O G H O T E L Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82


BARGAIN BASEMENT 2nd hand furniture, Bar/Rest items. We buy ‘cash’ no need to wait!! Also our 500m2 warehouse, down stairs will be open for viewing soon!


Open Mon-Fri. Los Cristianos, nr Cultural Centre / Police station road, next to pet shop Tel: 618 381 488

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 TRANSLATION


All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579




the English Upholsterer

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991


Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle

Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

677 806 800


TV & SATELLITE UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.

Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

THE WHITE VAN MAN House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

No job too big or too small

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743 SECOND-HAND SHOPS

SPANISH LESSONS Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270

Red Tomato, TV/Computer repairs inc. Plasma & LCD TV repairs, satellite installations, English Tele package, Xbox, Playstations, Wii, Satellite boxes & mobile phones, WiFi Hotspots in Golf del Sur & Amarilla. Call Alan 649 200 774


TAROT READING / ASTROLOGY Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 772 422 / 610 089 157. Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494.

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08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency

Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday


Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Jacqueline Yuile-Flight Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Liam O’Reilly Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces

the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Sunny skies. 21 °C. Wind NE 10km/h. Friday Night Clear skies. 20 °C. Wind NNE 19km/h. Saturday Sunny skies. 21 °C. Wind N 19km/h. Saturday Night Partly cloudy skies 19 °C. Wind N 26km/h. Sunday Sunny skies. 22 °C. Wind NE 26km/h. Sunday Night Clear skies. 21 °C. Wind NE 23km/h. Monday Sunny skies. 22 °C. Wind NE 23km/h. Monday Night Clear skies. 20 °C. Wind NNE 21km/h. Tuesday Sunny skies. 21 °C. Wind NNE 19km/h. Tuesday Night Clear skies. 20 °C. Wind N 19km/h. Wednesday Sunny skies. 21 °C. Wind NNE 19km/h. Wednesday Night Partly cloudy skies. 19 °C. Wind N 19km/h.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802


flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Thursday Sunny skies. 21 °C. Wind SSW 13km/h. Thursday Night Clear skies. 20 °C. Wind W 10km/h.

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Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2011 Canarian Weekly PUBLISHER, PROPRIETOR AND EDITOR: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

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08 April 2011 - 14 April 2011

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