Canarian Weekly Ed 701

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 701

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011




The Royal Wedding Friday 29th April 2011, 11am Prince William and Kate Middleton

See inside for all the details of the biggest wedding of the year! The home of good shopping Come & See our *NEW LOOK* Store, in Los Cristianos - now Bigger & better! Opp. Paloma Beach Apts, CC Costamar, Los Cristianos and Las Chafiras

The Royal Wedding

King Juan says no to Royal wedding invite But the Queen Sofia will attend, along with Spain’s Prince and Princess JUAN CARLOS will not be attending today’s Royal Wedding, although the Spanish King and Queen were both invited. Queen Sofia will be among the guests at Westminster Abbey to see Prince William wed. But the King is staying at home because he generally attends family marriages only, or those of close friends. The Zarzuela Palace in Madrid has confirmed that Queen Sofía, together with the Prince and Princess of Asturias, Felipe and Letizia, will be attending, but their two young daughters have not been invited, so perhaps the King is on baby-sitting duty! The Queen, her son and the Princess all travelled together last summer to the World Cup in South Africa, when the King was recovering from a lung operation. Initially, only Spain’s King and Queen were invited, but it appears that Prince Charles, father of the bridegroom, intervened to add the Prince and Princess to the list after being entertained by them during his recent visit to Spain. It was a curious omission in the first place because the Duke of Wales was a guest of honour at the wedding of

Felipe and Letizia, a divorced television newsreader, in Madrid in 2004. He attended both the ceremony and the sumptuous banquet that followed. Felipe, like Prince Charles, is a great-great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria, and what made the snub even more surprising is that space had been found at Westminster Abbey for the owner of a Spanish tile company, Manuel Colonques, and his wife, Delfina. Senor Colonques has donat-

ed generously to Charles’s personal charities, and his company, Porcelanosa, paid a “significant proportion” of the costs of a lavish charity dinner at Buckingham Palace in February. William and Kate are said to have invited “close friends only”, totalling a staggering 1,900, but only 600 will continue on to Buckingham Palace to feast on the buffet-style lunch reception, hosted by The Queen. And that number will shrink to 300 for the evening dinner-

dance. Naturally, tickets for the biggest British Royal wedding since Diana’s marriage to Prince Charles in July 1981 were hard to come by. But among those who made the cut were Posh and Becks England football legend David Beckham and his wife, ex-Spice Girl Victoria Beckham, Beckham and William became pals when they appeared as ambassadors during England’s failed bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

Other celebrities invited to the wedding are singer Elton John, film director Guy Ritchie, and “Mr. Bean” actor Rowan Atkinson, and Paul McCartney is rumoured to be singing during the celebrations later on. The Spencers, relatives of Prince William’s late mother, Princess Diana, will also be there, along with members of the House of Windsor. William’s relatives from his father’s side of the family have also been invited, but a notable absentee will be Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York and former wife of Prince Andrew. Fifteen members of the Middleton family have also been invited, including Kate’s sister, London socialite Pippa Middleton. As well as Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Hindu representatives among the chosen multitude, there will also members of minority faiths, including Jains, Zoroastrians and Buddhists. About 40 foreign royals and 60 governors-generals and realm prime ministers have confirmed their attendance, including Prince Albert of Monaco, who weds South African swimmer Charlene Wittstock on 1st July. The heads of government include UK coalition leaders David Cameron and Nick

Clegg, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her New Zealand counterpart John Key. But Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper declined his invitation because he is focusing on his country’s general election on Monday. World leaders such as US President Barack Obama and French Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy have not been invited, and neither have former Labour PMs Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. Baroness Thatcher and Sir John Major both received invites, but Lady Thatcher, in fading health, politely declined. The event will be televised to some two billion people worldwide, while up to 1½m spectators will line the streets to salute the wedding party, travelling to and from Westminster. Already, a tented “village” has been built near Westminster Abbey as royalists from as far afield as Zimbabwe, America and Croatia have bagged a treasured look-out spot before the huge crowds descend. A huge security operation has been put in place, at a cost of some £20m, but experts predict a boom time for traders in London especially as the crowds pour in to the capital.

Syrian Ambassador is not welcome now THE Foreign Office has confirmed that the Syrian Ambassador’s invitation to the wedding has been withdrawn over the treatment of protesters. The last minute U-Turn on Dr Sami Khiyami’s place on the guest list came yesterday (Thursday), just 24 hours before the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton, and follows widespread condemnation. Meanwhile, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says he does not mind being omitted from the guest list. “I’m delighted for the Royal

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couple,” he told Columbian TV. “It will be a great wedding, and it is sensible to invite people from different walks of life instead of politicians. It’s not an issue at all and I wish them every happiness.” Earlier this week, Dr Khiyami was called to the Foreign Office to be told that Britain regarded his government’s use of force against the demonstrators as “unacceptable”. The permanent under-secretary, Simon Fraser, said the Syrian government should immediately halt all attacks against protesters and rein in the army and security forces. The move was part of a coordinated action by France,

Germany, Italy and Spain, who also summoned the Syrian ambassadors in their countries. A Foreign Office spokesperson said: “Representatives of countries with which the UK has normal diplomatic relations have been invited to the wedding. “An invitation does not mean endorsement or approval of the behaviour of any government, but simply that we have normal diplomatic relations with that country. “In the light of this week’s attacks against civilians by Syrian security forces, which we have condemned, the Foreign Secretary has decided that the presence of the Syrian Ambassador at the

Royal Wedding would be unacceptable. ”Buckingham Palace shares the view of the Foreign Office that it is not considered appropriate for the Syrian Ambassador to attend the wedding.” Shadow defence minister Michael Dugher questioned some of the guests, while Blair and his successor, Gordon Brown, were omitted. The Labour MP said: “It seems odd that two former prime ministers are excluded, but we have some quite dubious people being invited. “The palace keeps saying this is a private wedding, but it’s a huge national celebration. There should be extraordinary sensitivity in relation to the invitations.”

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

The Royal Wedding

The Abbey ‘Forest’ is Happy couple by all branching out to put moved the affection Kate in right mood PRINCE William and Kate Middleton have been “incredibly moved” by the affection shown to them since their engagement.

AS Kate Middleton left her family home on Wednesday afternoon gardeners were spotted preparing trees for the Royal Wedding. As the bride-to-be drove away from her Berkshire home alongside sister Pippa, workers unloaded trees at Westminster Abbey. She ordered more than four tons of foliage, including eight 20ft-high trees, to recreate a lavish English country garden inside Westminster Abbey. Under the guidance of her so-called “floral designer” Shane Connolly, six English Field Maples have been installed in the historic church to create a “Living Avenue”, under which guests will walk to their seats. Each of the trees has been placed in a planter, designed by Mr Connolly and handcrafted by artisans on the Prince of Wales’s Highgrove estate. The entire scheme is believed to have cost up to £50,000 certainly not quite the “austerity” wedding St James’s Palace originally had in mind. According to royal sources, the idea was suggested by Mr Connolly as a way of mirroring

the Abbey’s famous arches. Kate loved the idea, but agreed on the environmental-

ly-friendly proviso that the trees were seasonal and could be re-planted.

So on Wednesday, the 15year-old maples, wrapped in purple ribbons and each weighing half-a-ton, were delivered in two articulated lorries to the Abbey’s Great West Door. Four workers struggled for more than half-an-hour with a miniature forklift truck to take the first tree into the Abbey, but were forced to turn it on its side. Two pyramid-shaped ornamental Hornbeams were also delivered to create a leafy “frame” around the choir. The rest of the Abbey has now been bedecked in armfuls of cream-and-white flowers.

In a message printed at the beginning of their official wedding programme, the couple say they are deeply touched by people’s reactions as they prepare for “one of the happiest days of our lives”. The words of the bride and groom were released as it was revealed that today’s traditional wedding service will be the epitome of “Britishness”. Their message reads: “We are both so delighted that

you are able to join us in celebrating what we hope will be one of the happiest days of our lives. “The affection shown to us by so many people during our engagement has been incredibly moving, and has touched us both deeply. “We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone most sincerely for their kindness.” The keepsake programme, which includes the full order of service for the ceremony, also features a new blackand-white portrait of the couple by celebrated fashion photographer Mario Testino. In a close-up shot, the couple are wearing matching, open-necked, white shirts and are smiling broadly, with Kate leaning towards William.

The Royal Wedding Route 1. The Goring Hotel, Belgravia. 2. Buckingham Palace. 3. The Mall. 4. Horseguards. 5. Whitehall. 6. Parliament Square. 7. Westminster Abbey.

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

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The Royal Wedding

The official programme

Timetable of events THE entire wedding, from start to finish, will be covered live on BBC TV, radio and online. Here’s how you can follow the day’s events: 8.15-9.45am: The general congregation will arrive at the Great North Door of Westminster Abbey 9.50am: Prime ministers and governors-general of various Commonwealth countries, the diplomatic corps and other guests begin arriving 10.10: Prince William and Prince Harry leave Clarence House 10.15: Prince William and Prince Harry arrive at the Abbey 10.20: Members of foreign royal families arrive from Buckingham Palace 10.20: Kate Middleton’s mother, Carole, and brother, James, leave the Goring Hotel 10.25: Minor members of the Royal Family leave Buckingham Palace 10.35: Duke of York and his daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, leave for the Abbey along with the Earl and Countess of Wessex, the Princess Royal and Vice-Admiral Timothy Laurence. Royal Family members will arrive after other guests 10.38: Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall leave Clarence House

THE music of Elgar, Britten and Vaughan Williams will sound out around Westminster Abbey throughout the much-anticipated service. From the popular hymn Jerusalem to the quintessential English melody Greensleeves, the couple have embraced the nation’s musical heritage with their choice of choral pieces and compositions. St James’s Palace said that many of the “stunning” pieces were picked by the bride and bridegroom for their “theatre”. It was also revealed that Kate will not promise to “obey” her new husband when taking her vows, but instead will “love, comfort, honour and keep” him. William’s father, the Prince of Wales, stepmother the Duchess of Cornwall and Kate’s parents, Carole and Michael Middleton, will all act as witnesses during the ceremony. Best man Prince Harry, as

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well as Kate’s sister Pippa and brother James, will also sign the historic marriage registers. The bride will walk up the aisle to the dramatic sounds of a coronation anthem - the soaring, choral masterpiece I Was Glad by Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, from Psalm 122. It was composed for the crowning of Prince William’s great-great-great grandfather Edward VII at Westminster Abbey in 1902, but is also popular at weddings. As the choir starts to sing, the bride will begin her 3½minute procession on her father’s arm through the Nave and Quire to meet her Prince. The newly-weds will leave the Abbey to the sounds of William Walton’s rousing, orchestral march Crown Imperial, which was also played at the wedding of Charles and Diana. The three hymns - Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling and Jerusalem - are all favourites of the couple.

10.40: The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh leave Buckingham Palace 10.48: Bridesmaids and pages leave the Goring Hotel 10.51: Bride, accompanied by her father, Michael, leaves the Goring Hotel 11.00: Marriage service begins and is relayed by speakers along the route 12.15pm: Carriage procession of the bride and bridegroom, with a captain’s escort of the Household Cavalry, followed by The Queen’s procession with a sovereign’s escort of the Household Cavalry, leaves Westminster Abbey for Buckingham Palace 12.30: Bride’s carriage procession arrives at Buckingham Palace 12.40: Members of the Royal Family and members of foreign royal families arrive at Buckingham Palace 13.25: The Queen and the bride and bridegroom, together with their families, appear on the balcony 13.30: Fly-past by the Royal Air Force and Battle of Britain Memorial Flight 29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

The Royal Wedding

Their idyllic love nest is hidden away on the quietest of islands Bank Holiday will cost Britain billions

THE young royals have a love nest in a cottage in north Wales, a few miles from RAF Valley on the island of Anglesey, where William is stationed as a helicopter pilot. It is well hidden behind trees and close to one of the loveliest, golden beaches of Anglesey, opposite Llanddwyn Island and its lighthouse, which can be reached on foot at low tide. A church there is dedicated to Saint Dwynwen, which is a good sign for the couple since Dwynwen has been watching over and protecting Welsh lovers since the Middle Ages. She is honoured by the Welsh on 25th January every year, giving them the privilege of celebrating Valentine’s Day twice. Yet the unspoken question floats in the Welsh air when one observes the sheepstudded moors: won’t Kate be terribly bored on this little island, buffeted by waves and winds? Maybe not! “We do have a gardening club and a bridge club,” affirms Lady Rhonda Boston, an Anglesey resident who has fallen under Prince William’s charm ever since she bumped into him while he was out hunting pheasant. Katie Nicholl, royal correspondent and author of William in Love, believes that Kate will be just fine there, as she will appreciate the spectacular landscapes and be able to devote time to her passion for

photography. Nicholl also says that Kate and William enjoy having friends over to wine and dine. It is the perfect place to nest, and it seems that the royal couple have made it clear they wish to start a family. The young royals, fond of long, nature strolls, will be able to enjoy the Coastal Path which traverses a variety of protected areas: over 125 miles of diverse landscapes, including sand dunes, salt marshes, inlets and cliffs. They may even spot a red squirrel or two because the island is one of the few places in the UK where they can still be seen. William need travel only a few miles from home to the RAF base in Valley, where he is a helicopter pilot in their searchand-rescue unit. Island dwellers might meet him doing some shopping at Tesco in Holyhead, the nearby ferry port with a service to Ireland. They could even bump into him at the White Eagle Pub in Rhoscolyn, whose terrace has a gently sloping view towards the sea. The first official event car-

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

ried out by the couple after their wedding was announced took place on a nearby beach, at Trearddur Bay, where they named and christened the RNLI’s newest lifeboat, the Hereford Endeavour. The station with the interminable Welsh name, Ynys Môn (Mother of Wales), Menhirs (prehistoric upright stones) and funeral chambers bear witness to Anglesey’s rich past. It was an important centre of Druid culture during the first century BC. Anglesey, invaded by Romans, Vikings, Saxons and Normans consecutively, finally fell under the sceptre of Edward I, King of England, in the 13th century. Edward began building Beaumaris Castle in 1295, but never finished it for want of funds. He left the area to conquer Scotland. Beaumaris, considered one of the most architecturally-perfect castles anywhere, is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Beyond a strip of sea, the picturesque little port nearby gives on to a view of the snowcapped mountains of Snowdonia, the national park

whose godfather is the Welsh actor Anthony Hopkins. Another popular tourist stop is the train station with the impossible-to-pronounce Welsh name: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerych wyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. As everyone knows, that translates to: “St. Mary’s Church in the hollow of white hazel trees near the rapid whirlpool by St Tysilio’s of the red cave.” Around 1860, the village counsel purportedly chose the moniker in order to encourage tourism via the longest station name in the UK (and Europe’s longest town name as well). Mission accomplished! Two works of art link the island to the mainland. The earlier of the two bridges is the iconic Menai suspension bridge, inaugurated in 1826. On the other side of the strait, opposite Anglesey on terra firma, the spectacular medieval Caernarfon Castle was the idyllic site of the investiture of HRH The Prince of Wales. After Charles in 1969, William is next on the list!

AS MANY retailers benefit from a Royal Wedding consumer spending spree, it is claimed the extra bank holiday will cost the wider UK economy billions of pounds. Shops are hoping the wedding will be an excuse for people to splash the cash. Brits will spend £480m for the Royal Wedding, with an average of £29 per person, according to figures by That is music to retailers’ ears as they hope the wedding will drive up sales, and supermarkets are expecting today to be their busiest day of the year as people stock up for parties. It is looking particularly good for shops in the capital as the commercial benefit to London from visitors’ expenditure is expected to be £107m, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers. The British Retail Consortium (BRC) also argues the extra bank holiday will add to the spending extravaganza. Richard Dodd from the BRC said: “The fact everyone is getting an extra bank holiday means that there’s an extra opportunity to shop, which people wouldn’t have otherwise.” Tourists are flocking to London and many are camping at Westminster Abbey. But the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has a more negative outlook on this weekend’s celebrations, as it says the day off for millions of workers will cost the UK economy up to £6bn in lost output. The CBI figures do not seem to take account of the celebrations. More than 5,500 street are parties planned across the country, with more than 800 in London, including one in Downing Street, according to the Local Government Association. The event will boost tourism which is of huge value to the economy; it is worth £97bn per annum and supports two million jobs, according to visitEngland. Travel agents and airlines are cashing in on the bank holiday weekend as tourists pour in to the country for the wedding. Budget airline Ryanair said it will carry 150,000 passengers

through its three London airports between Wednesday and Friday - up 10% on last year. The benefits of tourism to the capital could even continue after the wedding. British Hospitality Association spokesman Miles Quest said: “Two to three billion people will be watching this event on TV, there will be some spin-off from people saying ‘we must visit London’.” The rest of the UK will be gaining from tourism as well. Travelodge spokesman Shakila Ahmed said they had seen a surge in bookings to coastal resorts for the bank holiday weekend - not just the capital. “London has been performing really well, but we actually saw a big surge in bookings in coastal locations like Blackpool, Scarborough, Bournemouth.” Another company which has profited from the wedding is bookmaker William Hill which expects to take more than £1m on Royal Wedding bets. Wagers have already come in from 86 different countries on bets on for example how long Prince William will have to wait for Kate at the altar. The festivities come at a good time for British retailers, which could do with a boost in sales. Though the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) showed that high street sales rose 0.2% in March compared to February, the British Retail Consortium revealed a bleaker picture. The BRC reported a 1.9% fall in sales during March compared to a year ago - the biggest drop in 16 years. But Miles Quest from British Hospitality Association said the boost, although helpful, was not as needed as some might think. “London has been doing extremely well, partly because of the low value of sterling against the Euro and the dollar which has encouraged more people into the country. “Spring is always a bit of a low occupancy time compared to the summer, so if you can raise occupancy by a few percentage points that’s a huge benefit - which is what the wedding will do.”

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Love it or loathe it… As we go to print Royal Wedding fever is gripping the world. Crowds of well-wishers are gathering outside Westminster Abbey ahead of the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. A makeshift tent village has been set up on the pavement as people prepared to camp out to secure the best spots to see the happy couple. Union flag bunting and other brightly coloured flags adorn the metal barriers that line the busy main road. Well wishers have literally travelled from the corners of the earth to say ‘I was there’. It’s definitely a worldwide spectacular event. Perhaps in terns of PR it couldn’t have come at a better time, a bit of ‘warm, fluffiness’ when everything in the UK is a bit doom and gloom. I imagine it is quite a task to keep anything a secret and close family and friends must know some details i.e. who is designing the dress/what will it look like? And, the honeymoon destination? For me, keeping a few aspects a secret from the public and the honeymoon from Kate, add an extra hint of sparkle to it. The dress is one of the biggest secrets in the country, and one with potentially huge ramifications for the British high street: who has designed Kate Middleton’s wedding dress? Rumours abound and names in the spotlight include; lesser-known designer Sophie Cranston – founder of the label Libelula, speculative spotlight has shone also upon Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen, Bruce Oldfield, Phillipa Lepley and Alice Temperley. The bride-to-be’s choice is expected to have huge repercussions as high street stores prepare to satisfy a

generation of mini-Kates seeking to replicate the future queen. We’ll just have to wait with the rest of the world… Facts and Figures · 15,000 copies of Knit Your Own Royal Wedding book, which has guides on how to create 10 royal fabric figures – including the Queen’s corgis have been sold · 750,000 ‘limited edition’ commemorative Oyster cards have been produced by Transport for London. · 26,000 Tulips outside Buckingham Palace had to be cut before the wedding day as the hot weather made them peak early · 187 horses will be on parade · 5,000 individual peals of the Westminster Abbey’s bells will take place during the service · 35 sniffer dogs will be on duty · Westminster Abbey holds 3,000 people · 30,000 flowers are reported to be used throughout the Royal Wedding · A quarter of the world’s population was expected to watch television broadcast of wedding, that is a total of 2 billion people. Charles and Diana’s wedding in 1981 attracted an incomparable 750 million spectators. (Reuters) · YouTube will also be streaming the event live for the other 4.9 billion people not watching it on television. (Independent) · The term ‘Royal Wedding’ has been Googled 450,000 times per month in the past year. (Google Adwords) · What a cop-out! 5,000 police will be on duty to ensure the marriage will be a “safe, secure and happy event”. (BBC) · The wedding’s souvenir programme costs two pounds. When Queen Elizabeth got married in 1947 it cost two shillings and sixpence, or, fittingly half a crown. (Reuters) · 8,000 international journalists will cover the event. CNN alone sent 400 staff. ( Until next week...

Stepy granted leave FAMILY MAN Stephen Johnson was accused of a murder here in Tenerife. Last week he returned to his Sunderland home for health reasons – albeit for a short period of time. Johnson, 56, from Sunderland, was accused of murdering a Moroccan on the island in January 2008 and has been on restrictive bail ever since. Last week Steppy was granted permission by the Judge at the High Court in Santa Cruz, Tenerife, to go back to his home in the North East, but only for seven

to return to the UK previously during his bail with an aim to attempt to keep his coach business going. Joan continued, “seven weeks was requested to give him the opportunity to seek medical treatment x-rays, blood tests etc. To sort out his business and financial affairs and spend time with his family. (His coach business is now almost at a stand still due to Stephen being stuck over in Tenerife)” “The arthritis in his fingers is bad and his cholesterol readings are at a dangerous level. The stress and strain of having so much time from his family and business is not helping.” Johnson’s case is one of those that seems to have

dragged on, for whatever reason, with no concrete progress being made. Joan confirmed to Canarian Weekly, “There is still no trial date, although his paper work has apparently being transferred to the high court in Santa Cruz. He had to apply to the court in Santa Cruz to get his passport back. “He has had no positive contact from any authorities in Tenerife or England. The foreign office and my local MP are aware of his situation and they are contacting the British and Spanish embassy regarding the length of time this is taking to go to trial.” Johnson’s fight continues when he arrives back in Tenerife on the 7th June.

Pari brings more girl power to Tenerife Loves Karaoke

THERE are just two heats remaining for contestants in the Tenerife Loves Karaoke competition to challenge for a spot in next month’s Grand Final. It’s the biggest talent contest in the south of Tenerife, organised by Oasis Fm, and the

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weeks to undergo medical treatment for arthritis and high cholesterol levels. Johnson, owner of Stepy’s Coaches back in the UK has always denied the charges and as yet no trial date has been set. In the meantime for the past three years he has been on bail and restricted to living on the island, ideal some would say, but not if you’re thousands of miles away from your wife, three children and grand-daughter. Stephen’s wife Joan, told Canarian Weekly, “Stephen asked for permission to come home - on 15th January 2011, 3 months ago when he returned back from his last visit.” Stephen has been permitted

12th heat was held in Playa da la Reina, Puerto Santiago, last Saturday at the Blarney Stone. And just like all past heats, there was plenty of support for the entrants, creating a terrific atmosphere for them to perform in. Pari took the judges’ verdict to collect the prized trophy and T-shirt and book her place in the final. Again, huge congratulations

go to all the performers, and those who came along to contribute to a great night’s entertainment. The 12 qualifiers(10 females) will line up for the Grand Final on 14th May at Showtime, Las Americas, where they will compete for the 500-euro cash prize, a 12-track recording session at Villa Studios, a contract with Paul James Associates, and

the title of Tenerife Loves Karaoke 2011. The two remaining heats are at La Guagua (Fanabe Beach Front) tonight (Friday) and, lastly, at Wigan Pier (Las Americas) next Sunday (8th May). So if you want to guarantee a place in either heat, contact Oasis Fm on 902 232 102, register at the venues or via Facebook.

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011


Stadium success

No free medical treatment for all

ACCORDING to the Spanish press an estimated 300,000 people living in Spain, including the Canaries, have no entitlement to free healthcare.

Traditional May Fiesta FROM now until the 20th May the streets of the capital city are once again decorated with lights, decorations and adorned with flowers for the traditional May Fiesta. The celebration marks the day, 3rd May, on which Tenerife was founded in 1494. The vast prog r a m m e includes activities completely free for chil-

dren and adults, as well as typical of the festival events such as the Flower Cruces Contest, Dances, Magicians, the election of the Queen, amongst others.

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

THE SPORTS stadium in Playa de Las Americas is reportedly to be in full use according to the Sports Council of Arona. During April the track had 100% occupancy with over 450 athletes using the facilities for training – young, seniors and clubs.

bined, the location, the environment and weather conditions are optimum for sports. At the same time, visiting athletes contribute to the local economy whilst here in Tenerife.

This is despite the fact the Ley 14/1986 states that anyone resident in Spain has the right to free medical care. The Ministry of Health says thousands of residents are being forced to take out private health insurance policies. Those who fall into this group include those whose unemployment money come to an end, but who have an income exceeding the Spanish minimum wage of 641 euros a month.

They also include those who have never worked, except occasionally or for cash in hand. And even certain professions, who do not form part of the mainstream social security regime for the selfemployed due to their line of business, are unable to take advantage of free healthcare as they are not ‘paying into the system’. However, even those who wish to pay social security in order to have free medical treatment are unable to do so if they do not work. Your health is very important so it is of paramount importance that you clearly know your own personal circumstances in relation to health provision.

Many teams from Europe have used the facilities for training with Finnish athletes using it as a permanent base. Sport Councillor, Francisco Hernández Toledo, emphasised that the use of sports facilities, not only for local athletes but for international athletes, is recognition of the quality of the sports infrastructure within Arona. With everything com-

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NEWS IN BRIEF Energy-efficient tyres First it was domestic goods, now it’s tyres. Spanish Government help to buy new tyres will start on June 10th, when up to 80 euros per car

will be available to drivers who choose energy-efficient tyres. Total initial budget for the program is 4.8 million euros.

The International Puppetry Festival of the Canaries is taking place in the municipalities of Los Realejos, Tacoronte, El Rosario, Guía de Isora and Santiago del Teide, every morning and afternoon.

The event continues until Monday. See the Tenerife Cabildo website for more information.

Tenerife web hit


Masca rescue A rescue helicopter had to assist in the evacuation of a walker in the Masca Ravine after she suffered a fall while hiking in the municipality of Buenavista del Norte. The incident happened last Friday

at 13.20. Emergency services attended and the woman was airlifted to the Heliport in Adeje and moved to Hospiten, where her injuries were thought not to be of a serious nature.

The municipality of Tegueste in the north is making preparations for the fiesta in honour of San Marcos Evangelista. The traditional pilgrimage takes place this Sunday with the tiny streets full of colourful carts and floats.

It’s the first time in its history that the event has taken place on 1st May. The Romeria takes place in Plaza de San Marcos on Friday, 6th May.

Arona Town council are spending just over five hundred thousand euros to repair the San Antonio ‘old’ road that connects the town of Arona to Vilaflor. The road has great cultural significance as it is the place where many festivals take place, including the pilgrimage to the cross of San Antonio. Mayor Jose Alberto Gonzalez Reveron expressed

his hope that “this initiative will help to revitalise and strengthen Arona town as a benchmark of rural tourism in the South of Tenerife, and without doubt, it will make the centre of the municipality more attractive, contributing to enriching the heritage of our town.”



UNIQUE images of Teide published on the internet have received more than 5 million visits in eleven days, and 23,000 recommendations.

The President of the Cabildo, Ricardo Melchior congratulated the Norwegian photographer - - and discussed the possibility of them being used to promote the island and/or Teide. Cabildo president Melchior said, “it is a work of excellent quality that shows an

extraordinary vision of Teide, and considered like one of the most beautiful and unique places of the world by its volcanic and natural landscape”. Terje Sorgjerd who has visited the island on several occasions, took ten days to record the images. “The island is one

of the best places to capture the stars, my aim was to capture the Aurora borealis from one of mountains, but it was more surprising than I have known.” The stunning imagery can be seen by logging onto:

Turismo de Tenerife Turismo de Tenerife, the tourist arm of the Tenerife Cabildo has proposed the creation of a special police force to look after tourists during their stay on the Island. If it gets the go ahead ‘Servicio de Atención al Turista Extranjero’ (SATE),

as it would be called would help specifically tourists affected by crime, mainly in the south of the island, concentrating on overcoming the language barrier and form filling, assisting by advising the appropriate authorities etc.

Adeje youth offer Beginning tomorrow (Saturday) and then every Saturday until 21st May, the youth department of Adek Town Council are offering youngsters fitness training. From 10am until 1pm the ses-

sions will cover :- basic elements of the human body, nutrition, dietary supplements and training plan - all for a cost of 5 euros per session. If you are interested contact Adeje on 922781808.

Rotary club The Rotary club are organising their charity golf tournament for the 16th consecu-

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tive year. For more information you can contact

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EU subsidy boosting Santander crossings BRITTANY FERRIES, which uses the aptlynicknamed “Sea Motorway”, between Santander and Portsmouth, has been granted a 5.6-millioneuro subsidy by the European Comm-ission. It was given as part of the Marco Polo II programme - a road-traffic avoidance project - and a further 1.2m Euros. went to a company using the rival route, between Vigo and the

French port of Nantes-Saint Nazaire. Thirty-two of the 101 projects up for funding by the Marco Polo II programme have been given a total of 56.98m euros. The subsidy enables French firm Brittany Ferries to supply a service three times a week from Santander and Bilbao to Portsmouth. That spells good news for Tenerife-bound drivers usually the winter Swallows who bring their cars across from the UK to Santa Cruz via the ferry.

Weekend drug arrests During the Easter weekend the Guardia Civil arrested four individuals at the ‘I Love Music Festival’ where Craig David was performing - allegedly for drug related offences. Cocaine, MDMA (commonly known as ecstasy) and cannabis, were confiscated, presumably ready for distri-

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bution and sale among those attending the event. As a result four men were detained aged from 16-30. The youngest, was found in possession of cocaine in two separate envelopes, ecstasy tablets and an amount of cash. The eldest of those arrested was a resident of Granadilla, who was found in possession of 6 grams of cocaine, hashish and a large amount of cash.

Vodafone cracks phone monopoly VODAFONE SPAIN has completed the 25-million-euro installation of its fibre network to the Canary Islands, which will break Telefonica’s telephone monopoly. Vodafone’s connection to the undersea cable along the west coast of Africa, which feeds the whole of Africa and other countries, including Britain and Portugal, means it will soon be able to compete on level terms regarding telephone and broadband costs. Telefonica has been the only operator for years with its own undersea cable connection to the Island and, as many of you will know, it is not always the easiest company to deal with. Right now, whatever ADSL contract you have secured elsewhere, with Direct Telecom, Teletec or even Vodafone, say, the line rental is still payable to Telefonica.

But the new infrastructure will almost certainly pave the way for cheaper phone and internet deals, via Vodafone Spain - just as it did in the UK when BT’s monopoly ended in 2001. Where it now costs a

monthly 60-euro fee for Telefonica’s telephone and ADSL line, a similar service in the UK can cost as little as £20, with several companies all competing with each other for the best deals. Vodafone has already been

selling ADSL services in Tenerife and the other islands, via Telefonica’s undersea link, and now has in excess of 11,000 customers in the Canaries, with a mobile customer base of more than 300,000.

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World News

Deadly storms sweep across Southern US MORE THAN 40 people have been killed in Alabama as a series of tornadoes and storms destroyed homes and caused flooding. The severe weather system has lashed at least half a dozen southern US states over the past three days, killing at least 72 people. A spokeswoman for the Alabama Emergency Management Agency said: “State (emergency officials) can confirm 45 storm-related deaths in Alabama.” One tornado killed 15 people when it ripped through the city of Tuscaloosa. Meteorologist Josh Nagelberg of AccuWeather said: “This could be the worst tornado in Alabama’s history.” [We] stand ready to continue to help the people of Alabama and all citizens affected by these storms. Sheriff Scott Walls said the state’s northeast had recorded six deaths, five from one house. He said: “That house was in the direct path of the tornado. We had homes and busi-

nesses that took direct hits.” US President Barack Obama has declared a state of emergency for Alabama. “While we may not know the extent of the damage for days, we will continue to monitor these severe storms across the country,” he said. “[We] stand ready to continue to help the people of Alabama and all citizens affected by these storms.” The storms also caused flooding and power cuts. Power lines were knocked out and three nuclear power plants in Alabama were forced to close. Over 1400 National Guardsman were now involved in search and rescue as well as clearing storm-damaged areas. Arkansas and Tennessee have also declared a state of emergency. In Mississippi authorities said the storms had caused at least 11 deaths in eight separate counties in the state over a 24-hour period. Two weeks ago at least 47 people died as storms tore a wide path from Oklahoma to North Carolina.

Hackers pocket the PlayStation gamers’ details

Many claiming sickness benefits are fit to work

THREE-QUARTERS of those who apply for sickness benefit are fit enough to work or drop their claim, official figures show. Over a 22-month period, 887,300 of the 1,175,700 applicants for employment and support allowance (ESA) the successor to the old incapacity benefit - failed to qualify for assistance. Of those, 39% were judged fit to work while a further 36% abandoned their claim before their medical assessment had been completed. The figures were released by the Department for Work and Pensions. Employment Minister Chris Grayling said they underlined the need to reassess people still on the old incapacity ben-

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efit - a process started last month. “Once again we have clear evidence of the need for change in our welfare system,” Mr Grayling said. “We now know very clearly that the vast majority of new claimants for sickness benefits are in fact able to return to work. “That’s why we are turning our attention to existing claimants, who were simply abandoned on benefits.” He added: “We will, of course, carry on providing unconditional support to those who cannot work, but for those who can it’s right and proper that they start back on the road to employment.” The DWP figures cover the period from October 27, 2008 - when ESA was introduced by the former Labour government - to August 31, 2010.

JAPANESE electronics giant Sony has admitted millions of PlayStation network gamers may have had their personal details stolen. A hacker broke into the PlayStation video game online network and stole names, addresses and possibly credit card data belonging to 77 million people. It is believed to be one of the biggest-ever internet security breaches of its kind. Sony learned of the breach on April 19 and immediately shut down the PlayStation network, but kept quiet about it for a week.

In a statement the company said an “illegal and unauthorised person” obtained people’s names, addresses, email address, birthdates, usernames, passwords, logins, security questions and more. The shutdown of the PlayStation network prevented owners of the video game console from buying and downloading games as well as playing with rivals over the internet. The breach is a major setback for Sony. Although video game hardware and software sales have declined globally, the PlayStation franchise has been a steady seller and is one of its key products. The company said there

was no evidence credit card numbers were stolen but warned users it could not rule out the possibility. “Out of an abundance of caution, we are advising you that your credit card number (excluding security code) and expiration date may have been obtained,” it said. Analysts said while Sony has notified its customers of the break-in, it still has not provided information on how users’ data may have been compromised. “This is a huge data breach,” said Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter. “The bigger issue with Sony is how will the hacker use the info that has been illegally obtained?”

A statement issued by Visa Europe said: “Concerned cardholders should keep a close eye on their accounts and report any unusual or unexpected activity to their issuing bank. “Cardholders who are innocent victims of fraud will get their money back, subject to the terms and conditions of their bank.” Sony, which is part of Sony Corp, said it hoped to restore some of the PlayStation network’s services within a week. The network launched in autumn 2006 and offers games, music and movies to people with PlayStation consoles. It has 77 million registered users.

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World News

Barack Obama born in the USA US President Barack Obama has posted his full birth certificate on the internet, in an effort to finally kill speculation that he was born abroad. The issue of the leader’s origins had become increasingly prominent, with recent opinion polls indicating one in four Americans believed he was born in another country. Released on the White House website, the form says Barack Hussein Obama II was born at 7.24pm on August 4 1961, at Kapiolani Hospital, within the city limits of Honolulu, Hawaii. It is signed by the delivery doctor, Obama’s mother and the local registrar. Only ‘natural born’ citizens can become president according to a vague clause in the US constitution. Members of the so-called

‘birther’ movement contended that disqualified Obama from his post. Sceptics also suggested he was born in his father’s home country of Kenya. And potential election rival, businessman Donald Trump, had repeatedly questioned whether the president was born in the US. Mr Obama’s campaign team failed to put the matter to bed in 2008 when releasing the standard ‘short form’ birth certificate issued upon request from the state of Hawaii. But the president said officials in Hawaii had been persuaded to make an exception and release the full ‘long form’ version of the documents because the debate had become a sideshow. Anyone who bought into the conspiracy theory in the first place will probably have the capacity to doubt the full version handed out by the White House as well.

Last-gasp drama as Games’ ticket deadline expires THE DEADLINE to apply for tickets for the London 2012 Olympics was extended by an hour on Tuesday night after a last-minute surge in demand. Problems struck for about 20 minutes from 10.30pm, as the clock ticked down to the 11.59pm deadline for the 6.6 million tickets. Members of the public using the site to apply for tickets, which will be allocated later by ballot, were met by a holding message. The website displayed a page telling would-be customers: “We’re experiencing high demand. “You will be automatically directed to the page requested as soon as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience.” After a lengthy waiting period the holding page timed out leaving some users with a new page that read simply: “Sorry, we cannot process your request. Please try again later.” London 2012 said the deadline was extended to 1am on Wednesday as a result of the difficulties. A spokesman said: “Some

people experienced temporary delay in accessing the Olympic ticketing site following a surge of applications around 10.30pm. “This surge has now evened out and the system is working normally. Applications were still being processed during this period. “We apologise for any inconvenience this delay may have caused.” Tickets for the opening ceremony at the Olympic stadium will cost up to £2,012 Sports fans had been told the six-week ticket application was a marathon, not a sprint, and they would have the

same chance of getting a ticket on the first or the last day of the process. There are 650 sessions across 26 sports and 17 days to choose from and people are being limited to a maximum of 20 events each. Prices range from £20 to £2,012 for the best seats at the opening ceremony. The showpiece men’s 100m sprint final will cost up to £725 and the track cycling finals between £50 and £325. London 2012 chief executive Paul Deighton said since last Friday the number of applications had jumped from “a high level to a really high

level”. The last week had seen “three or four times the applications above and beyond what was coming in for the previous five weeks”. Despite being aware there would be “incredible” interest in the final days before the applications closed, he was confident the system would cope and avoid a meltdown. Applicants will find out whether or not they have secured tickets by June 24. London 2012 needs to raise £500m from the sale of tickets as it tries to secure £2bn from the private sector to stage the Games.

Ray Winstone gambles on Sweeney role Air Traffic Controller is stabbed to death AN air traffic controller has been found stabbed to death in a secure area of a French airport, reports say. He was apparently discovered in a pool of blood between a lift and a staircase near the top of the control tower at EuroAirport. The married father-of-one, who has not been named, was stabbed in the throat, lung and chest, it is believed. At least two of the wounds were thought to have been fatal. The area where he was found could only be accessed with an ID badge or accreditation. Prosecutors have begun a

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murder investigation to find out how the attack on the senior controller happened. The 34-year-old victim is believed to have worked at the airport, near the eastern city of Mulhouse, on the border with Germany and Switzerland, since 1988. Investigators do not think the attack is related to terrorism and are believed to be investigating motives related to his personal life or job. Police have not made any arrests yet and are still looking for the murder weapon, reported newspaper L’Est Republicain. Flights in and out of the airport have not been affected.

EAST LONDON actor Ray Winstone fears that he could be setting himself up for a fall with the new film version of the 70s television classic The Sweeney. The Sexy Beast star is set to play Jack Regan, the role played by the late John Thaw, in the film adaptation which begins shooting this autumn. He said, “You think, ‘why would you want to remake something that’s so iconic?’ and I thought about this for a while. “Then I read the script and it really surprised me how good it was.” The recent remake of Arthur, which stars Russell Brand, has been panned by

the critics and raised questions about whether the film industry should be doing remakes at all. “I haven’t seen Arthur yet, but we’re going to put ourselves on the line with The Sweeney. “We’ve got to do the job properly you know. And that’s

alright, I’ve had a fight before and this is another one,” said Winstone. The original cop-series about London’s Flying Squad ran between 1975 and 1978 and was hugely popular. He’ll be joined on set by British rapper Plan B who’s been cast as George Carter,

the character originally played by Dennis Waterman. “We’ve got Plan B. We haven’t got two skinny boys running about with their hair all nice. “You look at him - Plan B - he looks like he can come through a front door. He’s a very intelligent kid and you know what, he can act!”

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Community News

Someone’s Dettori and Cook head got to do it! line-up for these superb IT’S not the most pleasant of subjects, but just imagine the amount of dog faeces produced daily by 200 dogs - and what on earth happens to it? Jose, who works at animal refuge Accion Del Sol, dons his mask and rubber gloves three times a week, loads up the works van with bags of the stuff, then drives it up the motorway to PIRS, Tenerife Cabildo’s waste disposal plant. The van is weighed by an inspector, then driven up the winding tracks to the official dumping area, where he unloads the wagon, watched by one or two workers. Then it’s back on the weighbridge for an empty-van weigh-in. It costs 12-15 euros per vanload, and Accion del Sol volunteer Karen Clack once accompanied Marion Gonzales, who runs the place, on the “poo” run. “I never want to do that again,” said Karen. “The smell was overpowering, but it’s a very important task for the hygiene of the dogs and the refuge.” On a more fragrant note, the sixth of a family of seven who were brought into the refuge two months ago, all with their eyes still closed. But as you can see, he’s as frisky as anything now, as new owners Adriana Montes and son Raul discovered when they picked him on Monday to take him home. One little tot not so lucky yet is David, a shy animal about a year old, who has also been at the Aktiontier-sponsored refuge for a couple of months. He needs a home with owners who have lots of time and

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patience for him because he has been badly treated, which is why he is so timid. Please contact Accion del Sol on 922 778 630 if you feel you can give him, or one of the other many dogs at the refuge, a new home. Finally, Marion attended an important meeting on Tuesday with Arona Town Hall officials, the Arona police chief and the municipality’s newly-appointed dog-catcher in relation to past issues and loopholes in the system. They discussed ways of improving the stray-dog collecting service in the area and the result, hopefully, will ensure a more efficient, speedier response. The dogs will be taken to the Granadilla-based refuge promptly, and given a thorough, professional check-up. The number to call to report a stray dog is 922 761 600. If you do find a dog on the streets of Arona and you live in the municipality, then please call 010. If, however, you come across a stray on the streets but you live outside Arona, please call 922 761 600. Please remember that we do live in a Spanish-speaking country, so it is expected that the caller speaks Spanish. The refuge, which has its own vets and surgery on the premises, is open MondayFriday from 3-6pm, and it is situated at exit 51 on the TF1, next to the ITER windmill park. On a different note, 23 extremely hardy fund-raisers will be hiking up Mount Teide on 21st May for the Teide Challenge 2011. If you would like to sponsor one of the walkers, please contact Karen on 687 905 511, or Marion on 922 778 630.

sporting raffle prizes A SUPERB collection of sporting memorabilia provide the backdrop for last Thursday’s enticing charity raffle at the Garden Bar, in Fanabe, which raised over 4,000 euros. It featured prizes donated by some international heroes, including legendary Italian jockey Frankie Dettori, former world boxing champion Nicky Cook and a selection of England Test cricketers. Eastenders stalwart Perry Fenwick, who plays Billy Mitchell, also contributed to the raffle and helped draw the tickets- and the proceeds, plus those from an auction to be held the next couple of weeks, will be split between Help4Heroes and Tenerife Sur Lions. Raffle prizes included: Accrington Stanley signed shirt; Warrington Rugby League signed shirt; Adam

Pictured (left to right) are: Perry Fenwick, Norman Goodall MBE (Tenerife Sur Lions President), Paul Webb (Garden Bar owner), Roscoe (Oasis Fm DJ) and Nicky Cook (ex-WBO featherweight champion)

Johnson (Man City) signed match shirt: Titus Bramble (Sunderland) signed match shirt; Lee Cattermole (England Under-19s) signed match shirt; England cricket shirt, signed by Broad, Collingwood, Trott, Anderson and others; Vjay Singh (Fijian golfer, former world No1) signed sun visor; Frankie Dettori (leading jockey) signed silk cap for Sheik stable; Tom Queally (leading

Flat jockey) racing cap, signed by Queally and trainer Henry Cecil; Sheffield Wednesday signed team shirt; England Under-21s signed shirt; Phil Neville (Everton captain) signed shirt and photo; Nicky Cook, shorts; Perry Fenwick, Eastenders’ memorabilia. This Wednesday May 4th the Garden Bar are having a massive auction of sporting memorabilia. Amongst the

items up for grabs are a signed framed photo of Thomas Hearns and Oscar De La Hoya, Signed Frankie Dettori stirrups, irons and cap. A cap signed by Tom Queally and Henry Cecil. An Everton shirt signed by Phil Neville, an Adam Johnson signed Man City shirt and a Sunderland short signed by Titus Bramble, plus lots more items. The event starts at 8pm.

Live Arico Update Upcoming event We have a benefit evening on Tuesday,10th May, featuring entertainment from Suzy Q, Pip Brown, Sweet Temptations, Avril Taylor, Aidy Evans, and John Ashford, with more acts to be confirmed. This fund-raiser for our many dogs in the refuge includes a prize raffle and good company Home-made dog treats in our shops soon. These are made by Kim, of Kimbo Pupcakes. Treat your pooch to home-cooked treats made with natural ingredients, including carrot cupcakes topped with doggy chocolate! They are a hit with the refuge dogs, and will be on sale soon in our shops. In the meantime, you can place your orders direct with Kim on 628 850 339. And yes, she makes human treats as well. Our new web browser Many thanks to those who have downloaded our desktop and browser. We are proud to be on board this growing internet business. If you haven’t downloaded yet, the address is - then, from the Super Content Tab, select

“Download SMD” As a free user, the login is Live Arico. For those who have, please use the browser instead of your usual one. That’s because we get paid only when our browsers are open and running. Hand-painted pet portraits Local artist Alison Sturgess will paint portraits of your pets and donate 25% of her fee to Live Arico. Her work is first-class and can be viewed at http://www.alisonsturgess-ar Refuge opening hours We are open Wednesday to Saturday, from 1-5pm, and Sundays by prior arrangement with Eugene. Live Arico shop chain All three shops are now open for business, so bag a bargain from all the secondhand books, toys, clothes and bric-a-brac on sale. Also, pop in to leave donations of dog food, to ask for information about Live Arico, or just for a friendly chat. We need volunteers, so please call Trisha on 638 407 344, or Debbie on the number below, if you can spare a few hours a week. Shops’ opening hours Coral Mar, Silencio (in associ-

ation with Tenerife Nursing and Care) - Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm. Saturday, 11am2pm. San Eugenio (opposite La Niña Hotel, near Amandas Bar) - same hours. Los Cristianos (Churchill’s Square, near the play park and Chicagos Bar) - same hours, plus Thursday and Friday evenings until 8pm. Revised adoption procedures A minimum 50-euro donation for an adopted male dog, and 75 euros for a female, is now required by Live Arico. This is paid direct to Hospivet Sur on collection of your new pet, which will be chipped, vaccinated and wormed. We are negotiating special rates for neutering and spaying. South Tenerife Rescue Centre We have now sold 649sqm of land up to now, making a total of 3,245 euros. The plan to buy our own plot of land remains, possibly even where we are now renting, so are you prepared to buy a square metre of land for Live Arico? At just five euros, you will receive a certificate from Live Arico for now, and your name, address and number of square metres purchased will

be on a Roll of Honour at the new refuge. Dog-grooming Claire is offering 10% of her fee to Live Arico. She has 18 years of experience, so call her on 660 862 910 for an appointment, and quote Live Arico so we can receive our donation. Important telephone numbers Eugene: 649 001 907 (call if you find an animal abandoned or in distress) Suzy Q: 629 388 102 (fundraising, press releases, prize donations, etc) Pete Holland: 661 099 365 (Poochies Pet Hotel for boarding your dog) Debbie Gibson: 637 918 158 (shop donations and collections, overseeing land purchase) You can also read about us at or Lastly, as we have said before, please think hard about what will happen to your pet if you are re-locating to the UK. Remember, a dog is for life and NOT just for the duration of your stay in Tenerife.

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29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Television Guide


The Royal Wedding Friday 29 April, 8:00am - 1:40pm, BBC1 - 8:30am - 4:05pm, ITV1 Bunting is hanging from your bookshelves, you have donned your Union Jack deely boppers, a paper plate of sandwiches is balanced on your knees and a sack of crisps is within reach. You don't have to work because it's a proper holiday and you're all set to do nothing but watch telly for hours and hours. Yes, it's going to be a great, great day. Come on, this is terrific, we're allowed to have fun and nothing but fun all day, it's a requirement, as Prince William marries Catherine Middleton. This is History, this is the greatest television event any of us is likely to see, with an expected global audience of two billion. But William and Kate are ours, and I think it's nice we're sharing them with the world in a spectacle full of colour and happiness. So leave your world-weary cynicism in a cupboard and join the 1,900-strong congregation at Westminster Abbey as BBC1, ITV1 and Sky News provide blanket coverage. The actual ceremony is only part of the day's work for the news teams, who will be outside Buckingham Palace from 6am (Sky), 8am (BBC1) and 8:30am (ITV1), while presumably everyone inside is having breakfast or getting their hair done. Sophie Raworth is on duty on BBC1 at 8:30am as the doors of Westminster Abbey open, where she will be on the look-out for early arrivals. This is really just an excuse to do some star-spotting; is that Prince Albert of Monaco? Elton John? The Beckhams? The ceremony begins at 11am, after Catherine Middleton and her dad have made the short car journey to the Abbey from a nearby swish hotel. Huw Edwards will commentate for BBC1, with James Mates being similarly reverential on ITV1. The formalities end at midday, when in proper fairy-tale prince and princess style the newlyweds will leave the Abbey in a carriage for the Palace. At 1:30pm expect the wave and the kiss on the balcony as the Battle of Britain Memorial flight roars overhead. It will make you proud to be British.

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

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Television Guide


6:00am ............................Breakfast 8:00am ........The Royal Wedding

6:00am ..............................The Pink Panther Show

6:00am ............................Daybreak

6:20am ........................Animal Park

4:05pm ................Nanny McPhee

8:30am ........The Royal Wedding

7:05am ................A Conversation with Gregory Peck 8:30am ..........................Spellbound 10:20am ..............Duel in the Sun 12:25pm ........Live Snooker: The World Championship 6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ........Great British Menu 7:00pm ..........Live Snooker: The World Championship 9:00pm ......................Monty Don’s Italian Gardens

1:40pm ......BBC News; Weather 2:00pm ..................Regional News and Weather 2:10pm ........ The Royal Wedding 4:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News 4:05pm ..........Wallace & Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death 4:35pm .................................... Shrek 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ............................BBC News 6:30pm ..............................Weather 5:55pm ........................Local News and Weather

6:30pm .......... BBC London News 7:00pm ..................The One Show 8:00pm ........................EastEnders 8:30pm ........ The Royal Wedding 10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:20pm ..............Regional News and Weather 10:30pm ....................The Graham Norton Show 11:15pm ..................The National Lottery Friday Night Draws

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10:00pm ............Frank Skinner’s Opinionated

5:55pm ............................ ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

7:30pm .......... Coronation Street

11:00pm ..........................Weather

8:00pm ....................Baboons with Bill Bailey

11:00pm ........The Review Show 11:50pm ........................Later with Jools Holland

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street 9:00pm ............ Paul O’Grady Live 10:00pm .................... ITV News at Ten and Weather

11:25pm ..............The One Show

12:50am ..................Snooker: The World Championship 1:40am ............The Bottom Line

10:50pm ................London News and Weather

12:25am ..................Weatherview

2:00am ............................ BBC News

10:55pm ..........................The Cube

12:25am ..................Hope Springs

11:55pm ..................Take Me Out

1:55am ........................Madagascar

2:30am ........The Record Review

12:55am ......ITV News Headlines

2:55am ....Michel Roux’s Service

3:00am ............................BBC News 3:30am ........................................ Click

12:55am ..........................The Zone

3:55am ........................Newswatch

2:55am ...................... In Plain Sight

4:00am ............................BBC News

3:45am ........................ Newswatch

3:50am ..............ITV Nightscreen

4:30am ............The Bottom Line

3:55am ......................................Close

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Television Guide

Friday 29 April 6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:30am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am ..................................Friends 8:55am ................Wife Swap USA 9:55am ..........................Relocation, Relocation 10:55am........ A Place by the Sea 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

6:35am .............. Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

6:00am ..................Live European Tour Golf

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ................Four Weddings

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who

7:00am ................Four Weddings

9:30am ................................Ringside

7:00am ................................Oops TV

8:00am ................Four Weddings

10:30am ......Football’s Greatest

9:00am .............................. Lion Man

9:00am ................Four Weddings

7:45pm ..........Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

11:00am ...... Football’s Greatest

10:00am ......................Emergency Animal Rescue

10:00am ......The Royal Wedding

9:35pm ............Russell Howard’s Good News

11:00am ..The Wedding Service

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

12:00pm ..............The Procession

10:30pm ................Don’t Tell the Bride: Live

11:30am ......Football’s Greatest 12:00pm ..............................Premier League Years

12:00pm ................The Simpsons

2:00pm ....The Sky Sports Years

1:00pm ................Modern Family

3:00pm ................................Premier League Years

1:30pm ..........................The Middle

6:55am ......Milkshake! Music Box 7:00am ....................Little Princess

5:00pm ..........Live Super League

4:00pm ..............................Oops TV

1:30pm ........Royal Wedding Day with Eamonn Holmes

7:10am ............The Mr Men Show

12:30am ........................Family Guy

7:30pm ..................Live European Challenge Cup Rugby Union

4:30pm ............................Futurama

2:00pm ................Four Weddings

12:50am ........................Family Guy

5:00pm ..............................Oops TV

3:00pm ................Four Weddings

5:30pm ............................Futurama

4:00pm ................Four Weddings

1:15am ..............Russell Howard’s Good News

6:00pm ..........Glenn Martin, DDS

5:00pm ................Four Weddings

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

6:00pm ................Four Weddings

11:00pm ............Football League Weekend

7:30pm ..........................The Middle

7:00pm ......How to Nab a Prince

8:00pm ..................The Simpsons

8:00pm How to Marry a Prince

12:00am.................. Super League

6:40am ............................Peppa Pig 6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

12:05pm .......... Make Do & Mend

7:25am ..........Thomas & Friends

12:35pm ........ The TV Book Club

7:40am .... Make Way for Noddy

1:05pm ..........3 Minute Wonder: Second Lives

7:55am ..................................Fifi and the Flowertots

1:10pm ......................The Bridges at Toko-Ri

8:10am ............................Peppa Pig 8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:40am ......................................Olivia

10:00pm.......... Take It Like a Fan 10:30pm ............Premier League Preview

2:45am ....................Don’t Tell the Bride: Live

9:00pm ......................Raising Hope

2:00am ..............Premier League Preview

9:30pm ...................... A League of Their Own

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

3:45am ......Don’t Tell The Bride: All New Greatest Moments

12:00am ..................................Bones

4:45am ............................Bizarre ER

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:10am ....................................TOTP2

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ........................Emmerdale

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ....................Loose Women

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ..The Only Way Is Essex

10:00am ..Robot Wars Extreme

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

8:50am ..The Only Way Is Essex

11:00am ........................Fifth Gear

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:35am ..The Only Way Is Essex

10:30am.............................. Premier League Darts

11:30am ........The Gadget Show

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

10:15am The Only Way Is Essex

2:00pm ................The Rugby Club

12:00pm ......................James May on the Moon

1:00pm .... Star Trek: Enterprise

11:00am The Only Way Is Essex

2:00pm ............................................ER

11:45am The Only Way Is Essex

1:00pm .............................. Top Gear

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

12:30pm The Only Way Is Essex

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

11:05am ............................Santa Fe


12:50pm ................................ CSI: NY

8:00pm ..............Come Dine with Me Royal Wedding Special

1:45pm.......... 5 News Lunchtime

9:00pm ..........................The Million Pound Drop Live

3:00pm .................................. 5 News

8:00am .... IAAF Athletix Weekly

3:15pm ..................William & Kate

8:30am ............Live Super Rugby

5:00pm ....................5 News: Royal Wedding Special

2:15am ........Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

10:00pm ........................CSI: Miami

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

10:25pm ......................My Big Fat Royal Gypsy Wedding

1:45am ........Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

9:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

5:00pm ..............................Weather

11:30pm ................Don’t Tell The Bride: All New Greatest Moments

8:30pm ................Modern Family

8:50am ....................The WotWots

2:30pm ........................Neighbours

2:00pm ............................Futurama

1:00pm ................Royal Wedding Day with Eamonn Holmes

1:30am ..............Take It Like a Fan

5:00pm........ Come Dine with Me

2:00pm ..............Home and Away

12:30pm ..................Raising Hope

5:30pm ........................ Neighbours

3:00pm ..............................Ringside

6:00pm .............. Home and Away

4:00pm ......................Super Rugby

12:30am..................Snowbombing 2011

6:25pm ....................OK! TV: Royal Wedding Special

2:00pm ........Would I Lie to You?

6:00pm ................................Football League Weekend

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

1:15pm ..The Only Way Is Essex

2:40pm ............................................ QI

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

2:00pm ..The Only Way Is Essex

1:15am ................................Mercury Prize Sessions

7:00pm ................ 5 News Update

4:00pm ........................James May on the Moon

6:00pm ............................................ER

2:45pm ..The Only Way Is Essex

7:00pm ........Police Interceptors

7:00pm ................................Premier League Preview

3:30pm ..The Only Way Is Essex

1:30am ................My Name Is Earl

8:00pm ........................5 News at 9

7:30pm ..........................Tight Lines

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

1:50am ................My Name Is Earl

8:00pm .......... Ice Road Truckers

6:00pm ........Would I Lie to You?

8:00pm ......................Prison Break

5:05pm The NeverEnding Story

6:40pm ............................................QI

9:00pm ..............................Big Love

7:00pm ........Britain’s Got Talent

11:25pm ..............10 O’Clock Live

4:15pm ..The Only Way Is Essex

2:15am ......................Brown Sugar

9:00pm ....................The Mentalist

8:30pm ................................Football League Weekend

4:05am ..........................Mama Lou

10:00pm ....................Law & Order

9:30pm ..........NFL: Total Access

8:00pm ..............................Top Gear

10:15pm ..................In Treatment

4:15am ..................Fast Spin Fling

10:55pm ........The Walking Dead

10:30pm ............Road to London

10:45pm ..................In Treatment

8:00pm ...................... Britain’s Got More Talent

4:20am ..................Eating for Two

11:55pm ..................Cops in Crisis

11:00pm ......................Tight Lines

9:00pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

11:15pm ............ Bored to Death

9:00pm ....................American Idol

4:25am ..................................Freaky

12:15am ....................SuperCasino

12:00am ....European Challenge Cup Rugby Union

9:40pm ..................Not Going Out

11:50pm ................................ Weeds 12:25am ................The Sopranos

10:00pm ..........................The Only Way Is Essex

2:30am ..........................Tight Lines

11:00pm ....................New Dave’s One Night Stand

1:35am ................................Big Love

11:30pm ..............Celebrity Juice

4:50am ..................................Freaky

4:05am ......Motorsport Mundial

5:15am ........................Countdown

4:30am ......................Nick’s Quest

3:30am ..............Road to London

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

10:20pm ............ Mock the Week

Page 23

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S A T U R D A Y 6:00am..............................Breakfast

6:00am ..............Pinky Dinky Doo

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

10:00am ..........................Saturday Kitchen Live

6:10am ......................Chuggington

7:25am ........................................CITV

6:20am ............The Large Family

9:25am .......... Coronation Street

11:30am ......Great British Menu

6:30am ..........................Octonauts

12:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

12:10pm ..................This Morning: Saturday

12:15pm ................Football Focus 1:00pm ..........Live Snooker: The World Championship 4:30pm ..........................Final Score 5:10pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather 5:25pm ....Don’t Scare the Hare 6:00pm ......................Doctor Who

7:00am ....One Minute Wonders 7:30am ..................................Arthur 7:55am ......................................Leon 8:00am.................... Fee Fi Fo Yum 8:30am ....................Sam & Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster

1:10pm ..............................ITV News and Weather 1:14pm ............London Weather 1:15pm ...................................... Monk 2:15pm ....You’ve Been Framed! Funniest 100 3:15pm ................Live and Let Die

8:30am ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

5:30pm ..............................Weather

9:00am ........................Dick & Dom Go Wild

5:45pm ............................ITV News and Weather

9:30am ..........Serious Explorers: Livingstone

6:00pm ................New People Do the Funniest Things

10:00am ............Relic: Guardians of the Museum

8:00pm ........Britain’s Got Talent

10:30am ........................League of Super Evil 10:40am ................Wolverine and the X-Men

5:30pm .............. London Tonight

7:00pm ................Sing if You Can 9:00pm ................Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Ann Widdecombe

11:05am ..........................Mortified 11:30am ............Whose Side Are You On? - A Newsround Special 11:45am ............MOTD Kickabout 6:45pm ....................So You Think You Can Dance Live 8:00pm ..The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 8:50pm ....................So You Think You Can Dance 9:20pm ..............................Casualty

12:00pm ..................................Coast 12:15pm ....................Citizen Kane 2:15pm ..............The Magnificent Ambersons 3:45pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

10:10pm.... BBC News; Weather

4:30pm ..........Live Snooker: The World Championship

10:30pm ..........National Lottery Update

5:30pm ..................................Flog It!

10:30pm ........Match of the Day 11:45pm ................Weatherview

6:30pm ........................Dad’s Army 7:00pm ..........Live Snooker: The World Championship

11:45pm ..................The Football League Show

9:30pm ..............Have I Got a Bit More Old News For You

1:10am ........The Royal Wedding

10:15pm ............Frank Skinner’s Opinionated

10:00pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

10:45pm ..................Nurse Jackie

10:14pm ..........London Weather 12:15am ...... ITV News Headlines

Doctor Who – Day Of The Moon

2:40am ......................Giles & Sue’s Royal Wedding

6.00pm, BBC 1

3:40am ............................Our World

River Song (Alex Kingston), Rory (Arthur Darvill), The Doctor (Matt Smith) and Amy (Karen Gillan) share their discoveries. The Doctor is locked in the perfect prison while Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down across America by the FBI, as the time-travelling adventure series continues. With the help of new friend

and FBI-insider Canton Everett Delaware the Third, our heroes are reunited to share their discoveries, if not their memories. The world is occupied by an alien force that controls humanity through post-hypnotic suggestion, and no one can be trusted. Aided by President Nixon and Neil Armstrong’s foot, the Doctor must mount a

revolution to drive out the enemy and rescue the missing little girl. No one knows why they took her. Or why they have kidnapped Amy Pond... The Doctor is played by Matt Smith, Amy by Karen Gillan, Rory by Arthur Darvill, River Song by Alex Kingston and Canton Everett Delaware the Third by Mark Sheppard.

4:00am ............................BBC News

11:15pm ........................Later with Jools Holland

4:30am ........................................Click

12:15am ..............Before Sunrise

12:15am ..........................The Zone

5:00am ............................BBC News

1:55am ................................Anna M

2:15am ..........................Swingtown

5:30am ........The Weather Show

3:35am ......................................Close

3:00am ..............ITV Nightscreen

Casualty – Momentum

Polly has been stabbed by the unstable Hannah and is bleeding in the basement. Hannah finds Dylan to explain but he won’t listen. And he’s hidden his dog, Dervla, in the basement, so is reluctant to let anyone go down there. Dylan becomes concerned when Polly fails to return his calls and, when her phone is

found in Hannah’s cubicle, Dylan confronts Hannah, who pulls a bloody knife on him. Alarmed, he orders Jay to go down to the basement ... Polly’s been hurt. Will the medics find Polly before her life ebbs away? And how will the day’s tumultuous events impact upon Jordan’s career prospects?

9.20pm, BBC1 Polly’s life hangs in the balance in this special real-time episode of Casualty. Wounded and hidden in the basement, will the gang get to her before she bleeds to death?

Page 24

10:15pm ......................Dirty Harry

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Television Guide

Saturday 30 April 6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs 6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:05am ............................Roary the Racing Car

7:00am ............British Formula 3 International Series

6:15am.................................. Fifi and the Flowertots

7:30am ................................The Grid

6:25am ......................Fireman Sam

7:55am ............The Morning Line

6:40am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

8:55am ..................................Friends 9:25am ..............................Koko Pop 10:00am .............................. Friends 10:30am ......................................Glee 11:30am ....................Great British Hairdresser 12:30pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory 1:25pm ..............That Paralympic Show 1:55pm ............Channel 4 Racing 3:55pm ..............Come Dine with Me Down Under 4:25pm ..............Come Dine with Me Down Under 5:00pm ..............Come Dine with Me Down Under

6:50am ..........................The Beeps

8:00am ....................................Maury

7:45pm ................Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes

12:30pm ................Live European Challenge Cup Rugby Union

8:00am ............................Gladiators

9:00am ..................Criminal Minds

7:50pm ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ............WWE Superstars

10:00am ..............America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ..........Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

11:00am .............. America’s Next Top Model

11:00pm ..........Russell Howard’s Good News Extra

12:00pm ........The Biggest Loser

11:45pm ......................Family Guy

2:00pm ................................ How to Marry a Prince

12:05am ........................Family Guy

3:00pm ............Sun, Sea and A&E

12:50am ................American Dad!

4:00pm ................Drop Dead Diva

1:15am ..............Russell Howard’s Good News Extra

3:00pm ........Live European Cup Rugby Union

10:00am ........................Soccer AM 12:00pm ........A Different Breed 1:00pm ..A Town Called Eureka

8:00pm ..................Live Saturday Fight Night

2:00pm ..........WWE: Smackdown 4:00pm ..............Best of Oops TV 5:00pm ............................Futurama 5:30pm ............................Futurama

7:30am ............Noddy in Toyland

10:00pm ......................Champions League Weekly

7:45am ..................Hana’s Helpline

10:30pm ................Super League

6:30pm ............................Futurama

6:00pm ............................Futurama 7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

8:00am ..................Little Princess

6:00am ........ Nothing to Declare

6:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:30am ................American Dad!

2:00am ......................Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel

8:15am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

12:00am The Sky Sports Years

7:30pm ..................The Simpsons

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:00am ..............Spanish Football

8:00pm ..........Stargate Universe

8:00pm ....................................Chuck

2:30am ..........................Champions League Weekly

9:00pm ................The Naked Gun 2 1/2: the Smell of Fear

9:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

4:30am ......................Doctor Who Confidential

8:30am ........................................Play!

3:00am .... The Sky Sports Years

12:00am ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:15am ..................Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes

8:45am ......................Rupert Bear

4:00am ..................Live European Tour Golf

10:40pm ........................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime UK

1:50am ................America’s Next Top Model

5:20am ........................Special 1 TV

6:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

7:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

9:20am ..............................The Only Way Is Essex

8:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

10:55am .......................... The Cube

9:00am ......................................Olivia

6:30pm ..............Channel 4 News

10:10am ........The Gadget Show


11:10am .......... Ice Road Truckers

7:00pm ..................River Cottage Best Bites

1:00am ............................Secretary

7:30am ..............................Lion Man

7:15am ....................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

10:00am ..................Chinese Food in Minutes

11:05pm ..............Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery

7:00am ..............................Lion Man

8:30am ............Live Super Rugby

6:00pm ..........Live Super League

6:00pm ..............Come Dine with Me Down Under

10:20pm ..................Stand Up for the Week

8:00am ..............Road to London

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:10am ......................................Chiro

9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show

9:00pm ..........The Million Pound Drop Live

6:00am ....................Don’t Forget the Lyrics

7:00am ................................Mio Mao

5:30pm ..............Come Dine with Me Down Under

8:00pm ............Kate and William: Romance and the Royals

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

6:00am ..................Live European Tour Golf

11:40pm ......................Road Wars

4:00am ....................Freak Like Me

5:25am ...................................... Close

9:30am ..Gerald McBoing Boing 6:00am ..............Take It Like a Fan

7:10am ....................................TOTP2

6:30am ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

7:35am ....................................TOTP2 8:00am ....................High Altitude

12:05pm .................. King of Kings

7:00am ..............Football League Weekend

3:10pm ................................Ben-Hur

8:00am ..............Take It Like a Fan

9:00am ..............................Top Gear 10:00am ..Robot Wars Extreme

7:15pm ............5 News Weekend

8:30am ........Champions League Weekly

11:00am ........................Fifth Gear

9:00am ..............Premier League Preview

9:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

11:30am ........The Gadget Show

10:00am ..Star Trek: Enterprise

9:30am ..............Take It Like a Fan

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

11:00am ..Star Trek: Enterprise

9:10pm..............................CSI: Miami

10:00am ........................Soccer AM

2:00pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

12:00pm ..Star Trek: Enterprise

10:10pm ................................CSI: NY

12:00pm ..........Take It Like a Fan

7:20pm ........................................NCIS 8:15pm ....................CSI: Grissom’s Greatest

11:10pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:50am ..................................Shapes

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

3:15pm ........Sky Sports Classics

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

3:30pm ......................WWE Special

6:00pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

12:10am ....................SuperCasino

3:00am ............Brief Encounters of the Sporting Mind

4:00am ....Animal Rescue Squad

3:05am ............................Hello Boys

4:35am ..................HouseBusters

7:55pm ........Champions League Weekly

4:00am ..............Running in Heels

5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline

8:25pm ....................Football First

4:25am ..............Running in Heels

5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show

10:15pm ..................Football First

4:55am ..............Running in Heels

5:35am ..........Thomas & Friends

4:15am .............. Spanish Football

5:15am ........................Countdown

5:45am ....Roary the Racing Car

5:45am ........Sky Sports Classics

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

2:40pm ............................................QI

12:30pm ......Live Championship Football

2:55am ..................Home Country

4:10am ........................Nick’s Quest

8:30am ....................High Altitude

4:30pm ................WWE Wrestling 5:00pm ......Live Football Special

6:40pm ............................................QI 8:00pm ................Full Circle with Michael Palin

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise 2:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise 3:00pm ............................................ER

8:25am ............................Gossip Girl

11:55am ....................Britain’s Got More Talent 12:50pm ................American Idol 2:20pm ....................American Idol 3:15pm ..........The Polar Express 5:10pm ..................................Robots 7:00pm ............Homes from Hell 8:00pm ........My Child Won’t Eat

4:00pm ............................................ER

9:00pm ......................Britain’s Got More Talent

5:00pm ............................................ER

10:00pm .............. Celebrity Juice

6:00pm ............................................ER

10:45pm The Whole Ten Yards

7:00pm ............................................ER

12:45am ...... Britain’s Got Talent

8:00pm ........................Blue Bloods

9:00pm ............................................QI

9:00pm ..........................The Pacific

1:50am ......................Britain’s Got More Talent

9:40pm ..........I’m Alan Partridge

10:10pm ........Game of Thrones

2:45am ....................American Idol

10:20pm ....Would I Lie to You?

11:25pm ........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

3:45am ....................Teleshopping

11:00pm ....................Black Books 11:35pm ..............................Spaced

5:45am ............ITV2 Nightscreen

12:00am Curb Your Enthusiasm

Page 25

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S U N D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am................ Pinky Dinky Doo

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

7:45am ............Match of the Day

6:10am ......................Chuggington

7:25am ........................................CITV

9:00am ......................The Andrew Marr Show

6:20am ..................Garth and Bev 6:30am ..........................Octonauts

9:25am ....................May the Best House Win

10:00am ........The Big Questions

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

10:25am ..............Sing if You Can

11:00am ..............Country Tracks

7:00am ....One Minute Wonders

11:30am This Morning: Sunday

12:00pm ........ The Politics Show

7:30am ..................................Arthur

12:30pm ....................Dinner Date

1:00pm ........................EastEnders

7:55am ......................................Leon

2:55pm ....................Bargain Hunt

8:00am.................... Fee Fi Fo Yum

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

3:25pm............................ Escape to the Country

8:30am ................Gimme a Break

4:25pm ........................ Life of Riley 4:55pm ..................Points of View 5:10pm ................Songs of Praise 5:45pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather

9:00am ......Dennis and Gnasher 9:10am ......Bear Behaving Badly 9:30am .... Me and My Monsters 10:00am ..............Something for the Weekend 11:30am ..........MasterChef: The Final Three

6:15pm ............................Land Girls

12:30pm ....................Live MotoGP

7:00pm ........................Countryfile

2:00pm ..........Live Snooker: The World Championship

1:39pm ............London Weather 1:40pm ............Columbo: Murder by the Book 3:10pm ........Britain’s Got Talent 4:10pm ..................Evan Almighty 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ..............London Tonight 6:10pm ............................ ITV News and Weather 6:30pm ............................The Cube

6:00pm ........Davis v Taylor: The ‘85 Black Ball Final 7:00pm ..........Live Snooker: The World Championship

8:00pm ...... Antiques Roadshow

7:30pm ..........Coronation Street

9:00pm ......................................Exile

8:00pm ......................................Vera

10:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:25pm ......Match of the Day 2

10:14pm ..........London Weather

11:45pm ............The Sky at Night

10:15pm ................Perspectives: Andrew Lloyd Webber - A Passion for the Pre-Raphaelites

12:05am ..................Weatherview

11:00pm .................................. Shine

12:05am ..........................Wah-Wah 1:45am ........................MasterChef 2:45am ............................Holby City 3:45am ................Churches: How to Read Them

The Bank Job 9:00pm, Channel 4 Director Roger Donaldson (The World’s Fastest Indian, Dante’s Peak) goes for something different from his previous output here, with this good, oldfashioned British heist movie set in the early 1970s. Jason Statham plays the leader of a ragtag bunch of crooks who’s persuaded by a former flame

(Saffron Burrows) to break into the safety-deposit boxes of a Baker Street bank. But murky forces are afoot. Unbeknown to Statham and company, one of the boxes contains a right royal secret and the shadier elements of Britain’s security forces will stop at nothing to ensure that it stays secret.


people are murdered in the same manner - their bodies placed in water and surrounded by flowers. Vera, Joe and the team must work quickly to find the culprit, uncovering complex and dysfunctional relationships among a group of birdwatching friends who protect one another. Also starring Gina McKee, Wunmi

8:00pm, ITV1 New series. Brenda Blethyn stars in four murder mysteries as DCI Vera Stanhope, who tracks down killers with the help of long-suffering sidekick DS Joe Ashworth (David Leon). In the first film, adapted from Ann Cleeves’ novel Hidden Depths, two

Page 26

Despite claims that it is founded in fact, The Bank Job is fancifully plotted and quite preposterous, but with a fast-moving script from Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais, it still manages to be entertaining, engaging and the sort of Swinging Sixties-style caper film that they don’t really make anymore. Mosaku, Paul Ritter and Neil Armstrong.

Exile 9:00pm, BBC1 John Simm and Jim Broadbent star in a new three-part psychological thriller for BBC OneJohn Simm, Jim Broadbent, Olivia Colman, Claire Goose, Shaun

12:40am ..................Resting Place 2:15am ............................BBC News 2:30am ..............Dateline London 3:00am ............................ BBC News

11:15pm ..............Surgery School 12:15am ........Dating the Enemy 12:40am ......ITV News Headlines 12:40am .......................... The Zone

4:15am ....................One Man and His Campervan

3:30am ..........Five Minutes With

4:45am ..............................HARDtalk

4:30am.............................. HARDtalk

5:00am ............The World Today

4:45am ..........................The Super League Show

2:55am.................. Motorsport UK

5:15am ......................................Close

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

5:30am ................World Business Report

Dooley and Timothy West star in this new three-part psychological thriller created by Paul Abbott and written by Danny Brocklehurst which tells an intimate story of prodigal redemption. When Tom Ronstadt is sacked from his job and dumped by his lover, he has no one left to turn to and does something he hasn’t thought about doing for 18 years – he heads home, to the North. The drive forces Tom to think back to the fateful night that led him to leave. What made his seemingly loving, caring journalist

4:00am ............................BBC News

father beat him up? What had Tom stumbled on that Sam so desperately wanted to keep from him? Tom arrives home, to his sister Nancy’s surprise. She’s not only upset and hurt that her brother left; she’s also angry that he hasn’t offered to help over the past few years. With their father becoming lost to Alzheimer’s, things have not been easy. Nancy leaves for a few nights away and Tom is thrown into an alien world of being a carer. He tries to explore his father’s mind, gently steering him towards

2:00am ............British Superbike Championship Highlights 3:45am .............. ITV Nightscreen

that day in 1989 when he suddenly and inexplicably lashed out. Needing to get away, Tom heads to the pub while Sam is asleep. Flirting with barmaid Mandy, he gets up to his old tricks and spends the night with her. Over a drink with old school friend Mike, Tom opens up about why he left. All he remembers is that he was brutally beaten by his dad and the name “Metzler” was prominently displayed on the paperwork in his office. Metzler is now Mike’s boss – the leader of the council. Is this a lead Tom can use?

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Television Guide

Sunday 01 May 6:00am ..................Live European Tour Golf

6:00am ..................Hour of Power

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who

7:00am ..............................Lion Man

8:00am ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

8:00am ..........A Different Breed

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:50pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

6:15am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

8:30am ..........................Champions League Weekly

9:00am ................................Oops TV

7:30am ............................The Jerry

10:00am ..........WWE Superstars

Springer Show

7:25am ..............Freesports on 4

6:25am ......................Fireman Sam

9:00am ........Football’s Greatest

8:00pm ....................Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

12:00pm ..........UK Border Force

8:00am ....................................Maury

7:45am ........Album Chart Show Special: Chipmunk

6:35am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

9:30am ........................The Sunday Supplement

1:00pm ..A Town Called Eureka

9:00am ................ Four Weddings

6:50am ..........................The Beeps

11:00am ............Goals on Sunday

2:00pm ..........Real Filth Fighters

10:00am .............. Drop Dead Diva

8:25am ..................................Friends

7:00am ................................Mio Mao

1:00pm ........Football’s Greatest

3:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

11:00am ..............Drop Dead Diva

8:55am ..............................Hollyoaks 11:25am ............Being N-Dubz in America and Beyond

7:15am ....................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

1:30pm ..........Live Super Sunday

3:30pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

1:00pm ..........Four Weddings US

4:00pm ............Bite Size Brainiac

3:00pm ................Passport Patrol

4:10pm .......................... Road Wars

4:00pm ........Nothing to Declare

12:00am ......Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

4:30pm ........Nothing to Declare

12:30am ............The Prince & Me

6:00pm ......................A League of Their Own

6:00pm ................Four Weddings

2:15am ..........Meet the Multiples

7:00pm ..........................The Middle

7:00pm ................................How to Marry a Prince

3:15am ........Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

7:30pm ................Modern Family

8:00pm ....................Cougar Town

8:00pm ......................Raising Hope

8:30pm ..............Hot in Cleveland

3:45am ........Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

8:30pm ..................The Simpsons

9:00pm ......................................Katie

9:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-0

10:00pm ........................The Hunks

10:00pm ........NCIS: Los Angeles

11:00pm ............Grey’s Anatomy

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am ........Licence to Le Mans

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

6:30am ....................Football First

7:35am ........Licence to Le Mans

7:00am ..........................The X Files

8:35am ........................Emmerdale

8:00am ....................Football First

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am ..........................The X Files

11:35am ........ Coronation Street

9:30am ..............................Racemax

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ..........................The X Files

12:00pm ........................The Hotel Inspector

10:30am ................Super League

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

2:30pm ..........................The Movie Show on ITV2

11:00am ............thirtysomething

3:00pm ....................American Idol

1:05pm ......Lawrence of Arabia

12:00pm ......Live Championship Rugby Union

10:00am ........Ray Mears’ World of Survival 10:30am ........Ray Mears’ World of Survival

12:00pm ..........thirtysomething

4:30pm ....................American Idol

1:00pm ..............thirtysomething

5:30pm ........Britain’s Got Talent

11:00am................ Full Circle with Michael Palin

2:00pm ..............thirtysomething

6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs 6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:05am ............................Roary the Racing Car

7:00am ..............That Paralympic Show

12:00pm ......................................Glee 1:00pm.................... The Simpsons 1:30pm ..................The Simpsons 2:00pm ............Channel 4 Racing 4:00pm ................Jamie at Home 4:30pm ................Deal or No Deal

7:20am ............Noddy in Toyland 7:40am ..................Hana’s Helpline 7:45am ................Animal Families 8:00am ..................Little Princess 8:10am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:15am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 8:25am ....Mist: Sheepdog Tales 8:45am ......................Rupert Bear

4:00pm ..........Live Super Sunday 6:30pm ......................Live Spanish Football 8:00pm ...................... Live Spanish Football 10:00pm ............ Football Special 11:30pm ..........Scottish Premier League Football 12:30am ............Spanish Football 2:30am ................Football Special 4:00am ..............Spanish Football

12:00pm ......Four Weddings US 2:00pm ..........Four Weddings US

10:00pm ......................Family Guy 10:20pm ......................Family Guy 10:45pm ..............American Dad! 11:05pm ..............American Dad! 11:30pm ..................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

4:15am ........................Doctor Who 5:00am ......................Doctor Who Confidential

9:00am ......................................Olivia 9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show 9:30am ..Gerald McBoing Boing 10:00am..........................................K-9 10:35am ................OK! TV Sunday 11:30am ....Extraordinary Dogs

5:30pm ..........................Time Team

5:10pm ............5 News Weekend 5:15pm ......The Golden Voyage of Sinbad

6:30pm .............. Channel 4 News 6:55pm ...................... 7:00pm ........Come Dine with Me 8:00pm ............................The Hotel

7:20pm ................................Godzilla 10:00pm ........The Walking Dead 11:05pm ................................Misery

9:00pm ....................The Bank Job 11:10pm ..................The Football Factory

1:10am ......................SuperCasino 3:55am ..................Animal Rescue Squad

1:00am ................................Dresden 3:40am ....................Civilization: Is the West History? 4:35am ..............................Wogan’s Perfect Recall 5:00am ........................Countdown 5:45am ..............Yo Gabba Gabba!

4:10am ....................UEFA Europa League Highlights

2:30pm ..................Live European Cup Rugby Union 5:30pm ........Live Championship Rugby Union 8:00pm ............Scottish Premier League Football

12:00pm ............................Top Gear 2:00pm............................ Hardliners

7:15pm ..The Only Way Is Essex

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

8:00pm ..................Kerry Katona: The Next Chapter

9:00pm ................WWE Wrestling 9:30pm............ WWE: Experience

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00pm ........Star Trek: Voyager

9:00pm ....................Peter Andre: The Next Chapter

10:30pm ......WWE: Late Night Afterburn

6:00pm ........Would I Lie to You? 6:40pm ............................................QI

8:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

10:00pm ..........................The Only Way Is Essex

9:00pm ......................The Mind of the Married Man

10:45pm ..........................Gladiator

9:40pm ......................The Mind of the Married Man

1:50am ..........Coronation Street

10:20pm ........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

2:15am ..........Kerry Katona: The Next Chapter

11:40pm ......................The Pacific

3:10am ....................American Idol

1:00am ..............................Cheaters

4:00am ....................Teleshopping

11:30pm ................WWE Vintage Collection

8:00pm ..........................Hardliners 9:00pm ..............Have I Got a Bit More News for You

5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show

1:00am ..............European Rugby Union Special

10:00pm ..........New Dave’s One Night Stand

5:35am ..........Thomas & Friends

1:30am ..................Canter Banter

11:00pm ............Mock the Week

5:45am ....Roary the Racing Car

2:00am .... Grand Prix Speedway

11:40pm ............Have I Got a Bit More News for You

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

6:30pm ..The Only Way Is Essex

4:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

3:00pm ..............Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends

12:30am ..............WWE Wrestling

5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline

3:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:00pm ........Star Trek: Voyager

Page 27

Television Guide

M O N D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ......................Postman Pat

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:00am ........................Animal 24:7

6:25am ................Bob the Builder

8:30am ................................Lorraine

9:45am ....................Homes Under the Hammer

6:50am .......................... Octonauts

9:25am ........................Dinner Date

7:00am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

10:25am ..................This Morning

7:25am.......................... Newsround

12:30pm ................ Loose Women

11:30am............ Cash in the Attic

7:30am ......Trust Me I’m a Genie

1:30pm ITV News and Weather

12:30pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:40am ......League of Super Evil

1:15pm ............................ BBC News

7:50am ..........Frankenstein’s Cat

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:00am ..............................Copycats

2:00pm ..............Inspector Morse

8:30am ............................LazyTown

4:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

10:45am ............Don’t Get Done, Get Dom

1:40pm ............................Escape to the Country 2:40pm ......................................Antz 4:00pm ..........Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers 4:30pm ..........National Treasure 6:30pm ............................ BBC News 6:45pm .............................. Weather 6:45pm ..........BBC London News 6:55pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the No Campaign 7:00pm ..................The One Show 7:30pm ..........................Bang Goes the Theory 8:00pm ........................EastEnders 8:30pm ............................................QI 9:00pm ......................................Exile

6:00pm ..............................Weather

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

9:30am ..........................Big & Small

6:10pm ..................Party Election Broadcast

9:45am ....................Chuggington: Badge Quest 9:50am ..........................Grandpa in My Pocket 10:05am ....................Mightymites 10:20am ..............................Dip Dap

6:30pm ..You’ve Been Framed!

10:20am ....Nuzzle and Scratch: Frock and Roll

7:00pm ........................ Emmerdale

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

8:00pm ............................The Dales

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

11:35am ............................The Pink Panther Show

9:00pm ..................Case Sensitive

12:00pm ....................Daily Politics 12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm ........................Animal Park

10:50pm ..................Late Kick Off 11:20pm Weatherview 11:20pm ....................The Graham Norton Show 12:15am ......................MasterChef

6:15pm ITV News and Weather 6:25pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the No Campaign

10:10pm ..............Regional News and Weather

10:20pm ......................A Question of Sport

5:00pm .......... Britain’s Best Dish

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

10:00pm ........................BBC News

10:15pm ................Party Election Broadcast

Page 28

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

11:30am ..60 Minute Makeover

7:30pm ..........Coronation Street

10:00pm......................ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:14pm ..........London Weather 10:15pm ..................Basic Instinct

2:00pm ..........Live Snooker: The World Championship 5:55pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the No Campaign 6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ........Great British Menu 7:00pm ..........Live Snooker: The World Championship

1:15am ......................Rock & Chips

11:00pm ................Party Election Broadcast

2:15am ..........................Arctic with Bruce Parry

11:05pm ..........................The Boys from Brazil

3:15am ............................BBC News

12:30am ......ITV News Headlines

1:05am ............................BBC News

3:30am ............................Our World

12:30am ..........................The Zone

4:00am ............................BBC News

1:30am ............ABC World News with Diane Sawyer

2:35am ............UEFA Champions League Weekly

4:30am ..............................HARDtalk

2:00am ............................BBC News

3:00am ..............ITV Nightscreen

5:00am ............ The World Today

2:30am ............................Reporters

4:35am The Jeremy Kyle Show

5:30am ................World Business Report

3:00am ............................BBC News

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Television Guide

Monday 02 May 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 6:40am ......................Rupert Bear

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ..........................The Beeps

7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 8:00am ..................................Frasier 8:35am..................................Friends 9:05am ................Wife Swap USA 10:00am ...................... Relocation, Relocation 11:00am ........A Place by the Sea 12:05pm .......... Make Do & Mend 12:35pm ....River Cottage Bites 12:50pm ................Return of the Magnificent Seven

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm........................ The Pacifier

7:00am ..............................Lion Man

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:30pm ..............Young, Rich and Househunting

8:00am................................ Oops TV

8:00am ....................................Maury

9:00pm ................Gavin & Stacey

9:00am ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:30pm ................Gavin & Stacey

9:00am ....The Sky Sports Years

11:00am ............................Oops TV

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare

10:30pm ........................ Bizarre ER

10:00am.................... Soccer Extra

12:00pm ..........UK Border Force

11:00am ................................Maury

11:00pm ......................Family Guy

12:00pm ......................Champions League Weekly

1:00pm ............................Futurama

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:20pm ......................Family Guy

6:55am ......Milkshake! Music Box

12:30pm The Sky Sports Years

7:00am .................... Little Princess 7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

1:30pm..................................Premier League Review

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

2:30pm .......... Live Super League

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

5:00pm ........Live Championship Football

2:40pm ........................Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:10am ......................Funky Valley

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

7:30pm ........Live Championship Football 10:30pm ............................The Sky Sports Years

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

11:30pm ............Premier League Review

8:40am ......................................Olivia

12:30am ........................Netbusters

8:50am ....................The WotWots

1:00am ..................SPL Round-Up

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

1:30am ....The Sky Sports Years

3:00pm ..................My Pet Shame 4:00pm ..............................Oops TV 4:30pm ............................Futurama 5:00pm ..............................Oops TV 5:30pm ............................ Futurama

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:45am ..............Gavin & Stacey 1:15am ......................Misbehaving Mums-to-Be

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

10:00pm ..........Spartacus: Blood and Sand 11:15pm ..........................School of Hard Knocks

12:15am ................ Gavin & Stacey

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 4:00pm ..............................Charmed

9:00pm ......................A League of Their Own

11:45pm ..........Young, Rich and Househunting

2:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:00pm ...................... A League of Their Own 8:00pm ..........Stargate Universe

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm ......................................Katie

2:15am ............................Bizarre ER 2:45am ..................So What If My Baby Is Born Like Me? 3:45am ..............The Real Hustle: Celebrity Scammers

9:00pm ................Four Weddings

4:15am ......................Misbehaving Mums-to-Be

10:00pm ..............16 & Pregnant

5:15am ......................................Close

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:05am ................................CSI: NY 6:00pm.................... The Simpsons 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:05pm...................... Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the No Campaign 7:10pm ..............The Unofficial Royal Wedding 8:00pm ......................Dambusters: Building the Bouncing Bomb 10:00pm ................Under Siege 2 11:55pm

12:00pm ................................CSI: NY

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am ....................................TOTP2

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

12:55pm ....Extraordinary Dogs

6:30am ..Kings Of The Extreme

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

7:25am ........................Emmerdale

1:25pm ..........5 News Lunchtime

7:00am ..........WWE: Bottom Line

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:55am ........................Judge Judy

1:30pm ..............Home and Away

8:00am ....................PGA Tour Golf

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ............................................ER

9:25am ..........................Odd One In

2:00pm ........................Neighbours

11:00am ....European Tour Golf

10:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

10:00am............ thirtysomething

2:30pm ............ Ice Station Zebra

1:00pm ............European Rugby Union Special

11:00am ..............Seaside Rescue

11:00am ........................The X Files

10:10am .................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals

11:30am ..............Seaside Rescue

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

10:35am ......................Judge Judy

1:30pm ........................Live ECB 40 League Cricket

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

11:30am ........Coronation Street

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

2:00pm ............................................ER

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

12:30pm ......Coronation Street

7:30pm ........................Wild Spirits

2:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

1:00pm ........................Emmerdale

8:00pm ..............................Live Elite League Speedway

3:00pm ....Robot Wars Extreme

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

6:00pm ............................................ER

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:00pm ........Would I Lie to You?

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

5:15pm ..............................Weather 5:15pm ........................5 News at 5

6:30pm ......Extraordinary Dogs 6:55pm...................... Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the No Campaign

9:00pm ............Game of Thrones

9:00pm ................ Mock the Week

10:00pm ............ Bored to Death

6:00pm ..........The Polar Express

9:00pm ......The Hotel Inspector

9:40pm ................Mock the Week

10:35pm ................................Weeds

10:00pm ..The Sweetest Thing

3:00am ................................NASCAR

10:20pm ............Mock the Week

11:10pm ..............Six Feet Under

7:55pm ........Kerry Katona: The Next Chapter

11:45pm .................... Barely Legal

4:00am ........................Boots ‘n’ All

11:00pm ............Mock the Week

12:30am ..........Game of Thrones

1:30am ......................SuperCasino

5:00am ................................Premier League Review

2:35am ....................High Altitude

1:45am ................Bored to Death

3:00am ......................................Close

2:20am ..................Six Feet Under

12:55am ..................................Poker

8:00pm ........................5 News at 9

2:00am ..................................The SS

8:00pm ..........The Gadget Show

4:45am ....................................Codex 5:25am ................Hill Street Blues

3:45pm .................. Loose Women

1:00am ......................Elite League Speedway

7:00pm ........Police Interceptors

3:50am ..............................Warlords

11:00pm ......................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

4:45pm ..................Celebrity Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?: Mother’s Day Special

12:00am ........................The Event

2:55am ......................Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World

10:00pm ............................NASCAR

4:00am ..........Meals in Moments

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

12:00am ......................Boots ‘n’ All

6:40pm ............................................QI 8:00pm ............................Top Gear: Polar Challenge

8:00pm ..........................The X Files

8:55pm ..Jennifer Lopez Video Exclusive: I’m into You 9:00pm ..............................Gladiator

Page 29

Television Guide

T U E S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ....................Children’s TV

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ........................ Animal 24:7

7:25am ........................ Newsround

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

7:30am ......Trust Me I’m a Genie

9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

7:40am ......League of Super Evil

10:30am ..................This Morning

7:50am ..........Frankenstein’s Cat

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:00am ............Don’t Get Done, Get Dom

8:00am ..............................Copycats 8:30am ............................LazyTown

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

11:45am ............Cash in the Attic

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

9:30am ..........................Big & Small

3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather

9:45am ....................Chuggington: Badge Quest

2:15pm Escape to the Country

9:50am ..Grandpa in My Pocket

5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

3:00pm ..........................BBC News; Weather; Regional News

10:05am .................... Mightymites

6:00pm ..............................Weather

10:20am .............................. Dip Dap

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

3:05pm ........................Gastronuts

10:20am ....Nuzzle and Scratch: Frock and Roll

6:25pm ..................Party Election Broadcast

3:35pm ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

6:30pm ITV News and Weather

11:05am .... In the Night Garden

6:50pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the Yes Campaign

4:00pm............ Diddy Dick & Dom 4:00pm ................Dead Gorgeous 4:30pm .......................... Blue Peter 4:55pm ............ Shaun the Sheep

11:35am ............................The Pink Panther Show 12:00pm .................... Daily Politics

5:00pm ........................Newsround

12:30pm ........ GMT with George Alagiah

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

12:55pm ........Diagnosis Murder

6:00pm ..............................Weather

1:40pm Restoration Roadshow

6:00pm ............................BBC News

2:10pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

2:55pm .................................. Flog It!

6:55pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the Yes Campaign

3:40pm ..........Helicopter Heroes

7:00pm ..................The One Show

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

4:25pm ..............................Pointless 5:10pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

7:30pm ........................EastEnders

5:55pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the Yes Campaign

7:30pm ................................Military Driving School

8:00pm ..........................Holby City

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

8:00pm ......................Countrywise

9:00pm ......................................Exile

6:30pm ........Great British Menu

9:00pm ..................Case Sensitive

10:00pm ........................BBC News

7:00pm ....................................Coast

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

8:00pm ....................Britain’s Next Big Thing

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:35pm ................Party Election Broadcast

9:00pm ............................The Quite Remarkable David Coleman

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

10:40pm ..........See You in Court 11:30pm ....................The Lock Up

Page 30

3:59pm ............London Weather

1:45pm ................................Doctors

12:00am ............................ Trespass

10:00pm ..........Later Live - with Jools Holland

1:45am ........................Madagascar

10:30pm ........................Newsnight

2:45am ............The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best

11:20pm ................Party Election Broadcast

10:30pm ................London News and Weather 10:35pm ..................The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 12:30am ......ITV News Headlines 12:30am ..........................The Zone 2:30am ..............Crossing Jordan 3:30am ..............ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Television Guide

Tuesday 03 May 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm .................. Total Wipeout

7:00am ..............................Lion Man

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:30am ..............................Wild Vets

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00pm ..................Young Voters’ Question Time

8:00am ................................Oops TV

8:00am ....................................Maury

9:00pm ................Fast Food Baby

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

9:00am ....................The Real A&E

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am .... The Sky Sports Years

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear

10:30am ................SPL Round-Up

6:15am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:40am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ..........................The Beeps

7:05am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am ..................................Friends 8:55am ................Wife Swap USA 9:55am ..........................Relocation, Relocation 10:55am........ A Place by the Sea 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

10:00am ......................Netbusters

10:00am ....................Law & Order 11:00am ................................Mental 12:00pm ..........UK Border Force 1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

6:55am ......Milkshake! Music Box

11:00am ..............................Premier League Review

7:00am ....................Little Princess

12:00pm The Sky Sports Years

4:00pm ..............................Oops TV

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

1:00pm ......Live Masters Tennis

4:30pm ............................Futurama

3:00pm ..................My Pet Shame

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare 11:00am ................................Maury

10:30pm ........................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:00pm ......................Family Guy

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

11:20pm ......................Family Guy

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

11:45pm ............Fast Food Baby

5:00pm ..............................Charmed

12:05pm ..........Make Do & Mend

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

8:00pm ..The Sky Sports Years

5:00pm ..............................Oops TV

12:35pm ........The TV Book Club

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

5:30pm ............................Futurama

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

1:05pm ................ Jamie at Home

7:55am ................................Mio Mao

9:00pm ........................British Rally Championship

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

6:00pm ............................A League of Their Own

1:35pm ......The Bounty Hunter

7:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:00pm ....................A League of Their Own

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

8:00pm ....................Cougar Town

8:00pm ..........A Different Breed

8:30pm ..............Hot in Cleveland

12:00am ..........UEFA Champions League Highlights

9:00pm The Naked Gun 2 1/2: the Smell of Fear

9:00pm ......................................Katie

1:00am ..........Revista De La Liga

10:00pm ........................ The Hunks

3:15am ..........The Gatwick Baby: Abandoned at Birth

2:00am ......................Football Asia

10:40pm ........................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime UK

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

4:15am ................Fast Food Baby

2:30am ........Football’s Greatest

11:40pm ................................Fringe

12:00am ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:15am ......................................Close

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am ....................................TOTP2

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:50am ........................Emmerdale

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ....................Loose Women

9:00am ............................Top Gear: Polar Challenge

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................ Judge Judy

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

9:25am .......................... Odd One In

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:00am ......European Tour Golf

10:00am ........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

10:10am ....................The Planet’s Funniest Animals

10:00am ................ PGA Tour Golf

11:00am .................................... Tribe

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

10:35am ......................Judge Judy

11:00am ..........Wonderful World of Golf

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

2:00pm ............................................ER

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

12:30pm ......Coronation Street

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

1:00pm ........................Emmerdale

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

3:10pm ........................Countdown 4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

8:10am ......................Funky Valley 8:15am ............................Peppa Pig 8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:50pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the Yes Campaign

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car 8:40am ......................................Olivia 8:50am ....................The WotWots

10:00pm ........Revista De La Liga

2:15am ..................So What If My Baby Is Born Like Me?

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:05am ............Extreme Fishing with Robson Green

8:00pm ......................Supersize vs Superskinny

12:05pm ........Meals in Moments 12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

7:00am ..............WWE: Afterburn

9:00pm ........................The Secret Millionaire

12:20pm ....................Law & Order

8:00am ........................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

10:00pm ............................Campus

1:45pm ........................ Neighbours

11:05pm ................................Misfits

2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

12:05am ....................UK & Ireland Poker Tour

1:15am ....................Total Wipeout

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

6:30am ..............................Kings Of The Extreme


12:45am ..........................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

1:15pm .............. Home and Away

3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

12:30pm ..........PGA Tour Classic

1:00pm ............................Top Gear: Polar Challenge

1:05am ..............Freesports on 4

3:15pm ................ Confessions of a Young Bride

1:30am ..............................The Grid

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

2:00pm ..................SPL Round-Up

2:00am ................British Formula 3 International Series

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

2:30pm ................................The Sky Sports Years

3:00pm ......................................Tribe

6:00pm ............................................ER

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

3:30pm ................................Premier League Review

6:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio 8:00pm ......Battlestar Galactica

5:40pm ........................ Judge Judy

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

4:30pm ........................ Netbusters

7:00pm ...................................... Tribe

9:00pm ......Battlestar Galactica

6:30pm .. The Only Way Is Essex 8:00pm ....................Peter Andre: The Next Chapter

2:25am ......KOTV Boxing Weekly 2:50am ......................ITU Triathlon 3:45am ........................FIVB Beach Volleyball 4:35am ..............................Rat Race Urban Adventure 5:05am ............................Full Metal Challenge

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

1:30pm ........................Netbusters

2:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

7:25pm ......................Referendum Broadcast on Behalf of the Yes Campaign

5:00pm ........Cycle Sports World

8:00pm ..............................Top Gear

10:00pm...................... Blue Bloods

5:30pm ......................Football Asia

9:00pm ......................................QI XL

11:00pm ..................In Treatment

6:00pm ..........Revista De La Liga

10:00pm ............Mock the Week

12:00am ....Battlestar Galactica

7:30pm ....Highland Emergency

7:00pm .......................... Live UEFA Champions League

10:40pm ........................Have I Got News for You

2:00am...................... In Treatment

10:15pm ....Football’s Greatest

11:20pm ....................Black Books

4:20am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

8:00pm ..........................The King’s Speech: Revealed

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

3:00am ..Curb Your Enthusiasm

3:40pm ........Holiday Showdown

9:00pm ......The Vampire Diaries 10:00pm .. You, Me and Dupree 12:15am .............. Eyes Wide Shut 3:00am ........................Emmerdale 3:30am ....................Teleshopping

Page 31

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

W E D N E S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..Finley the Fire Engine

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ........................Animal 24:7

6:10am ......................................Zigby

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am......BBC News; Weather

6:25am ..........................Wibbly Pig

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ......................Little Robots

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ............Don’t Get Done, Get Dom

7:00am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:45am .... BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

11:45am ............Cash in the Attic

7:30am ......Trust Me I’m a Genie

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:40am ......League of Super Evil

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am .......... Frankenstein’s Cat

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:00am ..............................Copycats

1:45pm ................................Doctors 2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country 3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm ........................Gastronuts 3:35pm ......................Prank Patrol Down Under 4:00pm .............. Trade Your Way to the USA 4:30pm ..........................Blue Peter 4:55pm ............Shaun the Sheep 5:00pm ........................Newsround 5:15pm ......................Weakest Link 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ............................BBC News 6:30pm ..............................Weather 6:30pm ..........BBC London News

Two Greedy Italians – The Family

7:00pm ..................The One Show

8.00pm, BBC2

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

Godfathers of Italian cooking Antonio Carluccio and Gennaro Contaldo return to their homeland to see just how Italian culture and cuisine has changed since they left. Gennaro first worked as Antonio’s assistant 28 years ago but, following a period of almost 10 years when they didn’t talk to each other, they are once again best friends – with Antonio affectionately describing Gennaro as “a silly boy but a brilliant cook”. In programme one, The Family, they are on a mission to discover if food and fam-

ily are still inextricably linked. The duo visit Emilia Romagna – the region of Parmigiano and Parma ham – and have a typical Sunday lunch with friends near Modena, the home of Balsamic vinegar. In this traditional family, la mammas do all the cooking and they show the two chefs their recipe for fresh tortellini pasta. Their next stop is in Bologna to sample the cheeses and hams and to find out if the role of women remains the same. They meet a group of career women who don’t cook at home and they also

discover that cooking schools for tourists are being inundated with Italians. In the countryside near Rimini they visit a different kind of family home – a refuge helping those with serious drug problems. As part of their rehabilitation, the residents produce food which is sold around the world. In programme one, Antonio and Gennaro cook Mamma Contaldo’s ricotta dumplings, warm chocolate and amaretto pudding and cooked family stew with polenta.

Chaudry and Daniel Chalk want to make a good impression, but the kids aren’t going to give them an easy ride. “Chalky” is instantly marked out as a soft target, while Ms Chaudry’s strict rules land Sambuca Kelly in the “cooler”. What Eleanor sees as unruly behaviour in Sambuca is just a personality clash according to Tom, but her erratic behaviour gives cause for concern. Meanwhile, new boy Aiden Scotcher has caught the

eye of Jess – but it’s her friend Vicki who’s got his attention. Karen Fisher is played by Amanda Burton, Rob Scotcher by Robson Green, Eleanor Chaudry by Poppy Jhakra, Daniel Chalk by Mark Benton, Sambuca Kelly by Holly Kenny, Tom Clarkson by Jason Done, Aiden Scotcher by Oliver Lee, Jess Fisher by Linzey Cocker, Vicki MacDonald by Rebecca Ryan and Ali Redback by Kirsty Armstrong.

7:30pm ................Waterloo Road 8:30pm ........................Life of Riley 9:00pm ............Council Houses Cheats and Victims: Panorama 10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ..................The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather 1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

8:30am ............................LazyTown 8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:05am ........The Koala Brothers 9:15am ................Guess with Jess 9:30am ..........................Big & Small 9:45am ....................Chuggington: Badge Quest 9:50am ..Grandpa in My Pocket 10:05am ....................Mightymites 10:20am ....Nuzzle and Scratch: Frock and Roll 10:40am ..........................Waybuloo 11:00am .... In the Night Garden 11:30am ....................Daily Politics 1:00pm ..............................See Hear 1:30pm ............................Car Booty 2:15pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy 3:00pm ..................................Flog It! 3:45pm ..........Helicopter Heroes

3:59pm ............London Weather 4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ..............London Tonight

4:30pm ..............................Pointless

6:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

5:15pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ........Great British Menu 7:00pm ............................Escape to the Country

7:30pm ............UEFA Champions League Live 10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

8:00pm ......Two Greedy Italians

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

9:00pm Children’s Craniofacial Surgery

10:35pm ........UEFA Champions League: Extra Time

10:00pm ....................Never Mind the Buzzcocks

11:35pm .......... Long Lost Family

10:45pm ....Would I Lie to You?

10:30pm ..........................Weather

12:35am ......ITV News Headlines

11:15pm ..........National Lottery Update and Weatherview

10:30pm........................ Newsnight

12:35am ..........................The Zone

11:20pm ................Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle

11:15pm .......................... Invincible

2:35am ..........Kojak: the Marcus Nelson Murders

11:50pm ........................The Quite Remarkable David Coleman

5:00am .............. ITV Nightscreen

12:55am ............................See Hear 1:25am ..........................Watchdog

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

Waterloo Road 7.30pm, BBC1 Alarm bells are ringing for Karen (Amanda Burton) as a new term begins at Waterloo RoadA new term at Waterloo Road gets off to a noisy start when Karen arrives to discover the alarm going off and her new site manager, Rob Scotcher, taking a laid-back approach to the problem. When a Year 12 pupil abandons and then claims her baby, Karen is concerned for the girl, her child and the dark secret she’s keeping. New teachers Eleanor

Page 32

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Television Guide

Wednesday 04 May

8:30am ..................................Friends 9:00am ................Wife Swap USA 9:55am ..Relocation, Relocation 10:55am........ A Place by the Sea 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm ..........Make Do & Mend 12:35pm ........The TV Book Club 1:05pm ................Jamie at Home 1:35pm ............Channel 4 Racing 3:10pm ........................Countdown 4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ..................The Simpsons 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

8:00pm ......................Misbehaving Mums-to-Be

8:00am ................................Oops TV

8:00am ....................................Maury

9:00am ....................The Real A&E

9:00pm ..................Don’t Tell the Bride: Live

10:00am ....................Law & Order

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

11:00am ................................Mental

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare

12:00pm ..........UK Border Force

11:00am ................................Maury

1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear

10:00am ........ Revista De La Liga

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

8:00am ..................................Frasier

7:00am ..............................Wild Vets

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

6:10am............................ The Beeps

7:30am ............Everybody Loves Raymond

7:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs 7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

11:00am ....................Football Asia

3:00pm ..................My Pet Shame

7:00am ....................Little Princess

11:30am ..........UEFA Champions League Highlights

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

12:30pm ..................Football Asia

4:30pm ............................Futurama

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

1:00pm ......Live Masters Tennis

5:00pm................................ Oops TV

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

8:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All

5:30pm ............................ Futurama

7:55am ................................ Mio Mao

9:00pm ......................Total Rugby

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

9:30pm ............................European Tour Weekly

6:00pm ......................A League of Their Own

8:10am ......................Funky Valley

10:00pm You’re on Sky Sports!

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

11:30pm ....Football’s Greatest

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

12:00am ..........UEFA Champions League Highlights

6:55am ......Milkshake! Music Box

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

1:00am ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

4:00pm ..............................Oops TV

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons 8:00pm ............Emergency with Angela Griffin 9:00pm ............................Brit Cops: Zero Tolerance 10:00pm ................................Fringe

10:00pm ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 4:00pm ..............................Charmed 5:00pm ..............................Charmed 6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model 7:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm ......................How to Hold onto a Prince 9:00pm .................................... Bones 10:00pm ............Grey’s Anatomy 11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

10:30pm ....................The Pacifier 11:45pm ..............Fast Food Baby 12:45am ......Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 1:15am ....................Total Wipeout 2:15am ..................So What If My Baby Is Born Like Me? 3:15am ..........The Gatwick Baby: Abandoned at Birth 4:15am ................Fast Food Baby

12:00am ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:15am ......................................Close

7:10am ....................................TOTP2

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ....................Loose Women

12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

7:00am ....................WWE Vintage Collection

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

10:00pm ........................Desperate Housewives

12:20pm ....................Law & Order

8:00am ..........Revista De La Liga

10:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

10:00am............ thirtysomething

9:25am .......................... Odd One In

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

9:00am .. Kings Of The Extreme

11:00am ..............Seaside Rescue

11:00am ........................The X Files

11:05pm ..........................The Big C

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

10:10am ....................The Planet’s Funniest Animals

11:40pm ............Being N-Dubz in America and Beyond

2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

9:30am ........................British Rally Championship

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

1:00pm .... Star Trek: Enterprise

10:35am ......................Judge Judy

2:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

2:00pm ............................................ER

12:00pm ......................Emmerdale

3:00pm ................Seaside Rescue

3:00pm.............. thirtysomething

12:30pm ........................Nanny 911

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

6:00pm .................... Dragons’ Den

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

7:20pm ............................................QI

6:00pm ............................................ER

8:00pm ..............................The Best of Top Gear

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

9:00pm ............Russell Howard’s Good News

8:00pm ............................................24 9:00pm ..................The Sopranos

7:00pm ................Sing if You Can

10:00pm ........................Red Dwarf

10:10pm ........ Game of Thrones

8:00pm ..........................Gossip Girl

10:40pm ......................Ruddy Hell! It’s Harry and Paul

11:20pm ............................ Big Love

9:00pm ..................Kerry Katona: The Next Chapter

7:00pm .............. Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm ............................Vacation, Vacation, Vacation 8:30pm ..............Superscrimpers: Waste Not Want Not 9:00pm ..................Boudica’s Lost Tribe: A Time Team Special

12:10am ..........The Album Chart Show Introduces: Hurts 12:25am ....Abbey Road Debuts 12:45am ......................The Album Chart Show Spotlight 1:00am ..................Mercury Prize Sessions 1:15am ........Wakestock Festival 1:40am ........................Six Degrees of Separation

8:40am ......................................Olivia

1:30am ........................Boots ‘n’ All

11:00pm ................Martina Cole’s The Runaway

11:05am ............Extreme Fishing with Robson Green

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am ..Kings Of The Extreme

12:05pm ........Meals in Moments

8:50am ....................The WotWots 9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am ............The Wright Stuff

3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes 3:15pm ......................Murder 101: Locked Room Mystery

10:30am ................................Cycling 11:00am ......Cycle Sports World 11:30am ........Ironman Triathlon

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

1:00pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

2:00pm ..........Revista De La Liga

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

3:00pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV 7:00pm ........................5 News at 7 7:30pm ................5 News Update 7:30pm ..............................Zoo Days

3:30am ..........................Ugly Betty

8:00pm ........................5 News at 9

4:15am ................Hill Street Blues

8:00pm ...................... Essex Jungle

5:10am ........................Countdown

9:00pm ........................................NCIS

5:55am.................................. Sali Mali

10:00pm .................. Law & Order: Criminal Intent

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

4:00pm ........WWE: Bottom Line 5:00pm ............WWE: Afterburn 6:00pm ........................ Boots ‘n’ All 7:00pm ...... FIFA Futbol Mundial 7:30pm Live Greyhound Racing 10:00pm...................... Boots ‘n’ All 11:00pm .................... Total Rugby 11:30pm ....Inside the PGA Tour

11:20pm ........................Have I Got News for You 12:00am ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

12:35am ................The Sopranos 1:45am ......................The Mind of the Married Man

3:40pm ........Holiday Showdown 4:40pm ..................Loose Women 5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

10:00pm ..........................The Only Way Is Essex 11:00pm ........................Alexander

2:25am ......................The Mind of the Married Man

Page 33

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T H U R S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ....................Children’s TV

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ........................Animal 24:7

7:25am ........................Newsround

8:30am................................ Lorraine

9:55am ......BBC News; Weather

7:30am ......Trust Me I’m a Genie

9:55am ....................Homes Under the Hammer

7:40am ......League of Super Evil

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

7:50am ..........Frankenstein’s Cat

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ............Don’t Get Done, Get Dom

8:00am ..............................Copycats

12:30pm ................Loose Women

8:30am ............................ LazyTown

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather 11:45am ............Cash in the Attic

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

9:30am .......................... Big & Small

3:00pm ..............................The Alan Titchmarsh Show

1:45pm ................................Doctors

9:45am ....................Chuggington: Badge Quest

3:59pm ............ London Weather

2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country

9:50am ..........................Grandpa in My Pocket

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

10:05am ....................Mightymites

6:00pm ..............................Weather

10:20am ..............................Dip Dap

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

10:20am ....Nuzzle and Scratch: Frock and Roll

6:30pm..ITV News and Weather

10:45am.......................... Waybuloo

7:30pm ........Human Rights and Wrongs: Tonight

3:05pm ........................Gastronuts 3:35pm ......................Prank Patrol Down Under 4:00pm ......Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments 4:00pm ................Project Parent 4:30pm ...... My Life: Big Brother 5:00pm ........................ Newsround 5:15pm ......................Weakest Link 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:05am .... In the Night Garden 11:35am ............................The Pink Panther Show

2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish


8:00pm ........................Emmerdale

12:00pm ....................Daily Politics 12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm ............Diagnosis Murder 1:45pm ..............Nature’s Top 40

6:30pm ..............................Weather

2:15pm ............................To Buy or Not to Buy

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

3:00pm ..................................Flog It!

7:00pm ..................The One Show

3:45pm ..........Helicopter Heroes

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

4:30pm ..............................Pointless

7:30pm ........................EastEnders

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

5:15pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic 6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ........Great British Menu 7:00pm ..........The Great Estate: The Rise & Fall of the Council House

8:00pm ..........................Watchdog 9:00pm............................ Inside the Human Body

9:00pm ............The Shadow Line 10:00pm ..................Psychoville 2

10:00pm ........................BBC News

10:30pm ..........................Weather

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

10:35pm ..............Question Time 11:35pm........................ Vote 2011

The Shadow Line

8:00pm ........The Animal’s Guide to Britain

11:20pm ........................Children’s Craniofacial Surgery

9:00pm ............Long Lost Family 10:00pm .................... ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ................London News and Weather 10:35pm ..............Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Ann Widdecombe 11:35pm ................Martin Clunes: Man to Manta

9.00pm, BBC2 Chiwetel Ejiofor and Christopher Eccleston star in Hugo Blick’s sophisticated and gripping conspiracy thriller Chiwetel Ejiofor, Christopher Eccleston, Stephen Rea, Rafe Spall, Kierston Wareing and Lesley Sharp star in Hugo Blick’s sophisticated and gripping conspiracy thriller which delves into the heart of human morality. Two years ago Harvey Wratten, one of the UK’s biggest crime lords, and his nephew Jay Wratten were imprisoned. After serving only two years they

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received a Royal pardon – but just four hours into their freedom Harvey is murdered. The Shadow Line begins... DI Gabriel has just returned to work after being shot on an undercover job; his partner was killed and Gabriel suffered amnesia with a bullet lodged in his head. Gabriel starts to investigate the Wratten case with his partner DS Honey. Joseph Bede, one of Wratten’s men, is keen to find out who killed Wratten, and also wants to

track down Glickman, their money man. With Wratten dead and Glickman missing, Bede is left holding the fort. Meanwhile, Jay Wratten is a loose cannon... Bede sends his foot soldiers on a mission to find Glickman, and also the missing driver who collected Wratten from prison, Andy Dixon. Jay Wratten is played by Rafe Spall, DI Gabriel by Chiwetel Ejiofor, DS Honey by Kierston Wareing and Joseph Bede by Christopher Eccleston.

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Television Guide

Thursday 05 May 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am................................ Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear

10:00am ..............European Tour Weekly

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00am ..............................Wild Vets

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00pm ......................Misbehaving Mums-to-Be

7:30am ..............................Wild Vets

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00am ................................Oops TV

9:00pm ..................Don’t Tell the Bride: Live

9:00am ....................The Real A&E

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:30am ....................The Real A&E

10:00am ......Nothing to Declare

10:00pm ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

10:00am .................... Law & Order

10:30am ......Nothing to Declare

10:30pm ....................The Pacifier


11:00am ................................Maury

10:30am ................Live European Tour Golf

12:00pm ..........UK Border Force

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:30pm ....Inside the PGA Tour

3:00pm ..................My Pet Shame

1:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All

4:00pm ..............................Oops TV

2:00pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

5:00pm................................ Oops TV

8:00am ........................ Fifi and the Flowertots

3:00pm ...... FIFA Futbol Mundial

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

3:30pm ..................Live European Tour Golf

6:00pm ......................A League of Their Own

6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am .......... Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ..........................The Beeps

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs 7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am .................................. Friends 8:55am ................Wife Swap USA 9:55am ..Relocation, Relocation 10:55am........ A Place by the Sea 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm ..........Make Do & Mend 12:35pm ........The TV Book Club 1:05pm ................Jamie at Home 1:35pm ............Channel 4 Racing 3:10pm ........................Countdown 4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me 6:00pm.................... The Simpsons

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig 6:55am ......Milkshake! Music Box 7:00am ....................Little Princess 7:15am ............The Mr Men Show 7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends 7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

5:30pm ............................Futurama

6:30pm.................... The Simpsons

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 4:00pm.............................. Charmed 5:00pm ..............................Charmed 6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

5:30pm ........Football’s Greatest

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

8:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-0

7:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:00pm ..............................Ringside

8:40am ......................................Olivia

8:00pm ....................................Chuck

7:00pm ......................Live Premier League Darts

9:00pm ..................Martina Cole’s The Runaway

8:50am ....................The WotWots 9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:30pm ............................Ringside

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

10:00pm ................................House 11:00pm ........NCIS: Los Angeles

11:30pm ........Time of Our Lives

9:00pm ..................16 & Pregnant 10:00pm.................................... Katie 11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:05am ............Extreme Fishing with Robson Green

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:05am ....................................TOTP2

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

12:05pm ........Meals in Moments

6:30am .. Kings Of The Extreme

7:00am .......... Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

12:10pm ..............................5 News Lunchtime

7:00am ....................WWE Vintage Collection

7:30am ..........................Ray Mears’ World of Survival

8:00am...... Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am.................... Loose Women

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

12:20pm ....................Law & Order

8:00am ..........Revista De La Liga

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

10:00am............ thirtysomething

9:25am ..........................Odd One In

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

9:00am ..Kings Of The Extreme

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

11:00am ........................The X Files

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

9:30am ........................British Rally Championship

10:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

11:00am ....................Stephen Fry in America

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

10:10am ....................The Planet’s Funniest Animals

12:00pm ....................The Best of Top Gear

3:00pm.............. thirtysomething

2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show 3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

10:30am ................................Cycling 11:00am ......Cycle Sports World

2:00pm ............................................ER

10:35am ...................... Judge Judy 12:00pm ......................Emmerdale

3:15pm ......................................Hush

11:30am ........ Ironman Triathlon

5:00pm ..............................Weather

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

1:00pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

2:00pm ..........Revista De La Liga

3:00pm ......................Stephen Fry in America

3:40pm ..........Holiday Showdown

4:00pm ..The Best of Top Gear

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

6:00pm .............. Home and Away

3:00pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

4:00pm ........ WWE: Bottom Line

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

5:00pm ............WWE: Afterburn


7:25pm ......How Do They Do It?

6:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All

7:00pm ......................Stephen Fry in America

8:00pm ..................Three in a Bed

7:00pm ...... FIFA Futbol Mundial

8:00pm ...................................... QI XL

9:00pm ....Jackpots and Jinxes: Lottery Stories

7:55pm ..........................Live UEFA Europa League Football

7:30pm Live Greyhound Racing

9:00pm ........................Dave’s One Night Stand

10:00pm.................................. Cobra

11:00pm .................... Total Rugby

11:50pm ..................Cops in Crisis

11:30pm.... Inside the PGA Tour

10:00pm ............David Walliams’ Awfully Good Movie Moments

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

10:00pm ....................Boots ‘n’ All

2:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

10:00pm ............Have I Got a Bit More News for You 11:00pm .................... Argumental

4:00pm ..........................The X Files 5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

12:30pm ........................Nanny 911 1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:40pm ..................Loose Women

7:00pm ................Sing if You Can 6:00pm ............................................ ER

8:00pm ..........................Gossip Girl

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

9:00pm ..................Kerry Katona: The Next Chapter

8:00pm ............................................ ER

10:00pm .......................... The Only Way Is Essex

9:00pm.................. Six Feet Under 10:15pm ....Hysterical Blindness

11:00pm ........................Alexander

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Page 36

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011


Stock Clearance Sale Now On! UP TO 50% OFF!

Many Items up to 50% off original price, Homestyle Direct is more than worth a visit.

HOME STYLE DIRECT continues to provide fantastic value, choice and style with their huge clearance sale. Every sale item is reduced by upto 50% off the original price. So if the current euro

rate is eating into your budget, a visit to Home Style’s ample well-stocked showroom is a must. They are now clearing stock at greatly reduced prices to make way for the brand new 2011 Ranges, which includes many new items at lower prices without compromising on

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

quality. With over 20 years in the business they can offer customers superb quality in home furnishing in different sizes and colours to suit your home and all at incredible prices. They also have many styles of furniture to choose from, not only from stock, but also in a variety of catalogues. Their extensive range includes leather suites, dining room and bedroom furniture and also a range of bedding in English sizes (feet and inches). Home Style have possibly the biggest choice in UK manufactured divan beds and mattresses and sofa beds in the South. Not only are they available in different

sizes, you can also choose the quality (soft, orthopaedic or back-care) plus storage options at low, low prices. And now with the new bed and sofa bed centre opened they will be able to offer over 50 different styles of beds and sofa beds all under one roof!Since opening in Tenerife more than 6 years ago, Home Style Direct has doubled in size. They they are now not only a well established store here in Tenerife, but also have a 20 year highly successful track record behind them in the UK where they carry most items in stock thus reducing delivery times to a minimum. With a one bedroom furniture pack now starting at 2,995 euros there has never been a better time to refurbish your apartment or turn your new

house into your dream home. The pack includes two sofas, dining set, beds, coffee table and lamp table set, TV unit, kitchenware, mirrors, pictures lamps, bedding and curtains, plus much more. This special offer includes free local delivery and assembly. You also have the option of changing anything within the pack to meet your individual requirements and tastes. The in-store stock is constantly being updated so whether you need just one piece of furniture or to furnish a full house Home Style have the facilities to meet your needs. So if your new year resolution is to freshen up your home be sure to visit Homestyle’s vast showrooms in Las Chafiras.

A 2 BEDROOM FURNITURE PACK INCLUDES:3+2 cloth sofa Coffee table 2 X lamp tables TV unit Dining set with 4 chairs 4 X lamps 1 X set of 90” X 90” curtains 1 X 4’6 bed frame + mattress 2 X 3ft bed frame + mattresses 1 X chest of drawers 3 X bedsides 1 X 4’6 bedding pack incl. curtains 1 X 4’6 duvet 2 X 3ft bedding packs incl. curtains 2 X 3ft duvets 4 X pillows 3 X pictures 1 X mirror 1 X complete kitchen accessory pack.


Page 37

Home and Garden



Common Sense Furnishings

Getting to the root of your gardening problems!



Dedicated followers A blooming Windsor of furniture fashion! treat for a rose and her handsome prince

FASHION doesn’t just refer to clothes, but also to the way people live, the cars they drive and, of course, furniture. Basically, fashion just means what is popular at a given time, or as the dictionary says: “The prevailing style or custom.” Those of us over a certain age will almost certainly look back on some of the things we wore (particularly in the 70s and 80s), and wonder - WHY? For those of you too young to remember, we thought we looked great at the time! Fortunately, clothing is relatively easy to change, and has a limited shelf life. Also, even if you do make a mistake with clothes, you don’t wear the same thing every day. Equally if you’ve ever had a fashionable but bad haircut, you know that it will grow out. Slowly, admittedly, but it will grow! These fashion mistakes will pass. When it comes to furniture though, you need to be careful if you are a follower of fashion. This is partly because whatever decisions you make now are likely to be with you for some time. Also, though, there’s the expense involved if you decide you really can’t live with it (although as the owner of a furniture shop, I would obviously be delighted!). Fashions have definitely changed in the furniture world. I remember furnishing apart-

ments when I first came to the island, and everyone wanting matching bedspreads and curtains, and false-flower arrangements. This look can still work well if it is done carefully, but the fashion for furniture recently has been for quite minimalistic furnishings: clean, straight lines with little or no detail, and shiny, plain surfaces. To make this style work, though, you need to commit to no clutter, and that certainly wouldn’t work in my house! In recent years, many people have updated old-fashioned apartments and moved to more modern styles that will stand the test of time. They have chosen squarer furniture and less pattern, but without taking it to the extreme of minimalism. This middle ground can be dressed up or down and can, therefore, be adapted to the fashion of the day and, of course, to your own personal tastes. As far as colour is concerned, fashions also influence these choices. Colours such as duckegg blue, limes and purples may be in fashion for short periods of time only.

If you do want to include them in your home design, you need firstly to be really sure that you love them! Secondly, it might be wiser to use them in the smaller items such as cushions, ornaments, pictures, etc, which can be changed again in time if you tire of such strong colours. However, if you have your sofa upholstered in lime green, you need to be really sure that you can live with it, as it would be an expensive mistake to correct. Having said that, many of my clients have been bold with their choices, using a red sofa with a flash of the colour repeated in a picture and a lamp, and it works in a stunning way. It would be an overload of colour if they started to add too many other items because, as they say, less is more! At the end of the day, it comes down to common sense. Apply the fashion of the day if you wish, but temper it with your own personal choices and way of life to make sure it works for you. All items mentioned are available at Deco Nuevo, next to Ofipapel in Los Cristianos.

THE Royal Landscape is a thousand acres of gardens, lakes and woodland, incorporating The Savill Garden, The Valley Gardens and Virginia Water Lake. It is, without doubt, a place of great beauty, and The Savill Garden, contained within Windsor Park, is recognised as one of Britain’s greatest ornamental gardens. Yet it is neither a botanical garden, nor a kitchen garden attached to a great house, but simply a garden for the garden’s sake, enjoyed by horticulturalists and enthusiasts alike. And what a garden! It never fails to charm visitors who come to explore its 35 acres of contemporary and classically-designed gardens and exotic woodland. The Savill Garden, developed

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under the patronage of kings and queens, was created in the 1930s by Sir Eric Savill. It began as a woodland garden, with native oak, beech and sweet chestnut trees, but has since evolved by incorporating many new plants over the years. And there, in its striking new rose garden, is where Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and wife of Prince Charles, has had one rose planted for Prince William and another for Kate as her wedding present to them. The Royal William Rose is a hybrid, red tea rose. It is also known as Duftzauber (Fragrant Charm in English, or Scented Magic). According to The Ultimate Rose Book, the rose was introduced in 1983, when Britain celebrated the birth of Prince William of Wales, the first son of the then Prince and Princess of Wales. The Catherine and Royal William roses were planted in

neighbouring flower beds and Mark Flanagan, keeper of The Savill Garden, revealed that the Catherine rose was peachy pink and sweet-scented. Mr Flanagan said the roses had been planted in separate beds to avoid a “kaleidoscope effect” and added: “In design terms, we feel it’s better to present one rose per bed because it’s just a stronger way to actually display the roses.” Sadly, they will not have flowered in time for today’s royal wedding, but will blossom from mid-June to September. The Savill Garden, which really is a sight to behold, is a mile from Englefield Green, in Surrey, and four miles from Windsor Castle. It can be reached via the A30 from the south and west, and by the A308 from the east and north. It is also close to the M25 (J13), M3 and M4.

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011


Page 39

Health & Beauty

CARL PATTISON from Robot, answers your hair questions

DANNI BYRNE Keeping you fit Email:


Such a blistering time even a donkey joined in

WANT to treat yourself to a salon service but don’t know which to go for? The best advice I can give, which won’t break the bank, is a conditioning treatment and finish. This will leave your hair feeling super-nourished and you on top of the world! Forget trying to find a shampoo and conditioner just for you among the maze of products in the supermarket. Just do as I always say and ask your stylist. He or she will prescribe the correct treatments for your hair, and not only which ones they recommend but how to use them and how frequently. Yes, getting a cheap one from your local shop will save a few cents, but not if it’s unsuitable or bad for your hair. Indulge a little and you will soon reap the benefits.

SWAPPING high heels for trainers, late nights for early mornings - my training for the Virgin London Marathon would now be put to the test.

Already hooked on Britain’s got Talent? Check out Amanda Holden’s hair. From a simple bob cut, they create a multitude of styles, from simple to creative. It just goes to show that glamour is definitely back, and a quick brush of your hair these days just will not do. Come on girls; put some effort in next time you go out.

Hair prediction for this summer If you aren’t going for sharp and edgy at the moment, then maybe curls are more your thing. Out go the hair irons that create flat and boring, and in comes Blow Dry! Blow-drying, brought back from the 80s and 90s, is the new straightening. So many of us have forgotten how to create hundreds of styling ideas. You’ll need brushes and a decent hairdryer, sectioning clips and a good blow-drying cream or mousse. We’ve all forgotten how to do it (even some stylists) but check out the red carpet, find me a woman with ironed hair and I’ll stand on my head. We’re talking movement, waves, volume and, most of all, gloss because it has to look alive and not ironed to within an inch of its life. Yes, use the irons to curl by all means, but leave the flat hair to your 14-year-old daughter. If you can’t iron or curl your hair with tongs, then use big, heated rollers or even dry ones - anything to give you fullness.

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After picking up a knee injury five weeks beforehand, I was not a happy bunny. My physio allowed me to run, but told me to go easy and expect the knee to “go” at any time. Therefore, off I went to London with nervous anticipation. I woke on race-day refreshed and ready to go. I caught the tube and felt comforted to see other runners alongside me. Conversation and banter started at 7am and didn’t stop the whole day. On our arrival at Greenwich I dropped my bag off at a huge lorry, drank plenty of liquids and got into my pen, ready for the off. I managed to get through the actual starting arch 10 minutes after the gun. I was finally here and I was running the VLM alongside 37,000 other runners. We were of all shapes and sizes, all ages, lots of tutu skirts, six rhinos, a huge McMillan doll, superheroes of all kinds, a donkey (I did have to look twice), a bus, juggler and a dancer, to name a few. The streets were paved with supporters who later became our gold. Kids held their hands out to high-five

us, while mums held out oranges and jelly babies. There were brass bands, DJs with mics calling out our names, even a house dressed as a haunted castle, and everyone dressed up. It was amazing. The sun was out and that is why a lot of people started to suffer. My knee decided to “go” at mile eight, but I knew I had to keep going. I paced myself a little slower behind a guy. Two miles further down the road, I realised it was Callum Best! Leading up to Tower Bridge, the crowds thickened and the noise was unbelievable. This was almost halfway. I had been running for two hours and, the knee apart, I felt good. Hand on heart, though, it was the supporters who made it worthwhile. For a tourist running here, it would have been awesome. Crikey, it was for me! Canary Wharf was a little quieter so I was able to pull up, change socks and take on some jelly beans and dried apricots. It was at this point that my knee really started to hurt and I found myself questioning my sanity for doing this. They say 60% of a marathon is mind, and it’s true. So, through sheer grit, I pushed ahead and ignored aching muscles. Wearing a T-shirt bearing your name was a godsend because people shouted out to you all the way, but no one could have out-shouted my family!

Seeing them really boosted my moral and I ran a little faster, ignoring the injury. It was at the 20-mile mark when I saw that the St John Ambulance Brigade workers were being pushed to their limits. People dehydrating, hitting the wall, fatigue - it made you take stock of how you were doing, and encouraged you to take on more fluid and food. I had 6.2 miles left and boy, did I know it. Self-motivation was the way forward, but with heavy legs, blisters and muscles I never knew I had, it was hard. Suddenly, with the great support, Big Ben came in sight and I got quite emotional. Turning the corner, all I wanted to see was Buckingham Palace, but that was still 800 metres away. The crowd were amazing at this point and if it weren’t for them, I think I would have crawled! Just 600m remaining, and I passed a man in a pink tutu and pink handbag. Then it was just 400m, and I overtook a bride and bridegroom - and there was the Palace. As I turned the corner, the finish was just ahead, and 200m later I was home and dry. It took me five long hours, one hour more than I intended, but it felt darn good to say the least. Without wanting to sound too much like an idealist, theorist or general fruitcake, that Sunday made me realise how amazing we can be - as human beings - when we want to be. And how the so-called dour, reserved Brits can pull together, rally round and support each other when nothing is owed. All in all, it made me feel very proud to be British, to have run on behalf of Help the Hospices (who were also amazing) and to have run my first marathon in London. I would like to thank everyone who supported me by sponsoring, cheering, talking to me and just making it such a fantastic experience. Thank you! PS: Yes, my name is down to do the London in 2012!

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Cancer and heart diseases are now global epidemics CHRONIC illnesses like cancer, heart disease and diabetes have reached global epidemic proportions and now cause more deaths than all other diseases combined. In its first worldwide report on so-called non-communica-

Goggle-eyed kids of six are wide open to artery damage TOO much TV and not enough exercise is causing early artery damage in children as young as six. Youngsters who spent the most time watching television had narrowed blood vessels in their eyes, according to scientists. The effect is a known warning sign of an increased risk of heart disease. Researchers measured tiny differences in the size of micro-arteries at the back of the eye. Sedentary children aged 6-7 had an average “retinal arteriolar” narrowing of 2.3 microns. A micron is one thousandth of a millimetre. Those of the 1, 492 primaryschool children who took part in regular outdoor physical activity had retinal blood vessels which were 2.2 microns wider than those who did the least exercise. The narrowing associated with each extra hour of TV or computer viewing was similar to that accompanying a bloodpressure increase in children of 10 millimetres of mercury (mmHG). Lead researcher Dr Bamini Gopinath, from Australia’s Centre for Vision Research at the University of Sydney, said: “We found that children with a high level of physical activity had a more beneficial microvascular profile, compared with those with the lowest levels of physical activity. “This suggests that unhealthy, lifestyle factors may influence micro-circulation early in life and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension (high blood pressure) later in life.”

ble diseases (NCDs), the United Nations health body, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said the conditions caused more than half of all deaths in 2008. Officials also say they pose a greater threat than infectious diseases such as malaria, HIV and tuberculosis (TB) - even in many poorer countries. “The rise of chronic noncommunicable diseases presents an enormous challenge,” said WHO DirectorGeneral Dr Margaret Chan, who launched the report. “For some countries, it is no exaggeration to describe the situation as an impending disaster; a disaster for health, for society, and most

of all for national economies.” The NCDs, which include heart disease, lung diseases, cancer and diabetes, accounted for 36 million, of the 57 million deaths worldwide in 2008. Yet millions of lives could be saved, and much suffering avoided, if people did more to avoid risk factors like smoking, drinking and being overweight, according to the WHO. It found that almost six million people die from tobacco use every year, directly from smoking and, indirectly, from second-hand smoke. By 2020, this will increase to 7.5 million world-

wide, or 10% of all deaths by disease. On top of this, 3.2 million people die each year through lack of physical activity, at least 2.8 million from being overweight or obese, and 2.5 million by drinking harmful levels of alcohol. “The NCD epidemic exacts an enormous toll in terms of human suffering, and inflicts serious damage to human development in both the social and economic realms,” the WHO report recorded. “This state of affairs cannot continue. Unless serious action is taken, the burden of NCDs will reach unmanageable levels.”

Doctors holding the key to survival from a silent killer FAMILY doctors are being urged to carry out blood tests on women suspected of having ovarian cancer to help improve survival rates for a disease dubbed the “silent killer”. Ovarian cancer is the fifthmost-common cancer in women, with around 6,800 women diagnosed with the disease every year in the UK. But of these women, nearly two-thirds will not live beyond five years of their diagnosis. As part of new guidelines issued by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice), a blood test costing around £20 is being recommended

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

for GPs to detect whether the disease is likely to be present. The test was already available on the NHS, but offering it sooner and in primary care could give women a greater chance of survival by speeding up diagnosis and treatment. Sean Duffy, a consultant gynaecologist at St James’s University Hospital, Leeds, and chairman of the Nice group which drew up the guidelines, urged a greater awareness of the key symptoms of ovarian cancer. He said these included persistent abdominal bloating, feeling full despite having only a small amount to eat, pelvic or abdominal pain and needing to urinate urgently or more frequently. Nice is recommending that

GPs offer women, particularly over-50s, the blood test designed to measure the level of a protein called CA125 in the blood if they experience these symptoms on a regular basis. “If they are persistent, don’t wait, act,” he urged women. “We are promoting the blood test to get women on the right cancer pathway as soon as possible. The symptoms as described can be vague but, if persistent, they should not be ignored.” The blood test is currently used by hospital specialists for women with suspected ovarian cancer. Charles Redman, a consultant gynaecological oncologist and developer of the guidelines, said earlier diagnosis would result in more speedy treatment for women and, hopefully, save lives. Care Services Minister Paul Burstow welcomed the Nice guidance, saying: “The coalition Government has been clear that we want to improve cancer survival rates so that they are among the best in Europe. “We are committing over £450 million of funding to achieve early diagnosis over the next four years. The money will give GPs increased access to key diagnostic tests.”

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Food News Bake and Decorate, Fiona Cairns. Hardcover: 208 pages Publisher: Quadrille Publishing Ltd Fiona Cairns has made the Royal Wedding Cake, she has a gorgeous book for sale. Baking and cake decorating have never been more popular. And whereas there are many books on the market which teach how to decorate cakes to a high finished standard, there are very few which focus on delicious cake recipes and simple but effective decoration. If you thought cake decorating was costly and difficult, this is the book that will change your mind forever. Fiona Cairns is bursting with new ideas for making delicious, visually stunning cakes and biscuits easy - even for the least experienced cook - and for far less money than you thought. From an eye-popping gold leaf-encased torte for a special celebration, to wickedly sophisticated chocolate-chilli cupcakes, Fiona shows every aspiring hostess how to achieve glamorous, fun entertaining from her own kitchen, using easy techniques and tricks that make cake decorating achievable for all. Fiona’s cake recipes have the sensual deliciousness often lacking in the sterile creations of other cake decorators. Be transported to a summer garden by the whole crystallised roses on top of a cake filled with the heady flavours of orange blossom and pistachio, or celebrate springtime with a white chocolate cardamom truffle cake, adorned with sugar eggs and fresh spring leaves. Children and the young at heart alike will adore the warmth of Fiona’s cakes baked inside ice-cream cones, topped with pastel buttercream that won’t melt in the sun, while everyone can now enjoy the vegan fruit cake recipe that formed the centrepiece for Heather Mills’ marriage to Paul McCartney. Here, finally, is the cake book where every recipe is a keeper and each stunning creation made easy to achieve. Source

Royal wedding cake to have a ‘modern twist’ THE Wedding cake for Prince William and Kate Middleton was made by Leicestershire baker Fiona Cairns. And it seems the bride-tobe took a hands-on approach in designing the multi-tiered fruit cake. “We’ve been guided by Kate from the beginning”, explained graphic designer turned baker Fiona Cairns. “Kate provided mood boards and a suggested list of flowers to help decorate the cake. “It’s lovely that as a bride she has a strong idea about what she’d like. It will be traditional, with a modern twist.” The Prince and his fiancee chose Fiona Cairns because they have long been fans of her fruit cake.

It’s big enough to feed the 600 guests at the Buckingham Palace reception to be hosted by the Queen. The royal couple has asked that the four national flowers of the British Isles - rose, thistle, shamrock and daffodil feature in the icing design. Mrs Cairns, who started her

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business from her kitchen 25 years ago, received the royal call-up in February. “I couldn’t believe it, I was overjoyed”, she recalled. “I was working alongside other people the day I was called and afterwards I had to pretending nothing had happened which was a little tricky.” The cake company bakes 27,000 cupcakes a week as well as providing individual cakes for established retail outlets like Harrods and Selfridges. Every year Fiona Cairns also makes a Christmas cake for Sir Paul McCartney.

Kate Middleton has requested certain flowers be made from icing to express certain messages. Among her choices is the Bridal Rose meaning ‘happiness’, an acorn, symbolising strength and endurance and Lilly of the Valley, signifying sweetness and humility. In addition, the couple have also asked McVitie’s Cake Company to create a chocolate biscuit cake for the reception at Buckingham Palace. The chocolate biscuit cake will be made from a Royal Family recipe and was specially requested by Prince William.

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Food News

Simply excellent Embrujo! IF you eat in a Best Restaurants Tenerife eatery, then you know you are in for a treat. Their impressive stable includes Italian, American, Mexican and Argentine restaurants, plus their brilliant steak house and Mamma Mia, which serves pizza and pasta as well as the always-amazing Oriental Garden. But something was missing. The final piece in the jigsaw. A Spanish restaurant! Thus, the creation of Embrujo and La Lola. These two brand-new restaurants sit next door to Oriental Garden in the impressive Americas Plaza, opposite Mare Nostrum. La Lola is a gorgeous tapas eatery and we will have a review on that in a future issue. But on the night I went to Americas Plaza with my dining partner, it was all about Embrujo. First impressions last. It’s an old cliché, but as true as Spandau Ballet. When Embrujo and La Lola were designed, the owners decided to incorporate a bar as well. This sits at the entrance alongside Oriental Garden and is a mirror of the bar on the other side of the

plaza by Mamma Mia and La Martina. It’s very well lit, clean and with knowledgeable bar staff. We took in some pre-meal drinks as we perused the menu and enjoyed the traditional Spanish music. Embrujo is deceptively large. It’s very spacious and immediately, two things catch your eye. Firstly, there is a massive bull’s head mounted on the wall! It’s a traditional focal point for quality restaurants on the mainland. The Bull has been specially imported and the history of the beast is on a plaque. I will not spoil the surprise, but this was no ordinary creature. I lost count of the number of diners who had their picture

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

taken next to it during the course of the evening. The second eye-catcher is the wine cellar, in the middle of the restaurant! If you are a wine buff, it’s a little piece of heaven. There are a few places in Tenerife that have the glass cellar which is climatically controlled. But I have not seen one that is such an attraction. It enables you to have a look at the wines on offer, rather than simply selecting from the menu. As with all the restaurants with this ownership, the waiters are well-briefed on the offers and will make a suitable choice to complement the meal. The menu is excellent. There is a real depth to the choices

available and it reflects both traditional Spanish and Canarian fayre. We decided to go for a selection of starters. The local goats’ cheese with the mojo sauce was great, along with pimientos de padron. You cannot go wrong with the salted peppers, and the generous portions were perfect. Sometimes, they can be underdone and have that slightly tart taste, or they are over-salted and you lose the flavour of the pepper. These ones were spot-on. To finish, we shared a portion of mussels. They came in a large bowl with a delicious, lightly-salted, white wine sauce. The mussels were fresh and

not chewy, always a true test, and the sauce was amazing. I’m not one to order bread with my meal, but that went out of the window. I could have easily enjoyed the sauce as a stand-alone dish on it’s own. It was that good. For the main course, we decided to share a fish dish and a meat option. On recommendation, we had the paella and the shoulder of lamb. I had sampled the paella in Embrujo before, when they had a Massive Paella on their opening night. It was tremendous then, and just as good this time. The key is the variety. I stopped counting at eight different types of seafood. The baby crayfish was a wonderful surprise, as was

the amount of shellfish. I know paella is not for everyone, but if you like it, you will LOVE this one. It’s very much a house signature dish. But the lamb was no supporting act. As you can see from the picture, it was massive. Well-cooked, tender and pink without being underdone, the meat fell from the bone. It would be a challenge for one person to finish on his/her own, and we struggled with the two of us. Somehow, we managed to get to dessert, and the fruit salad was fresh and wonderfully presented, and the chocolate cake was literally given the thumbs-up! I must give a hat tip to the Barraquitos. They are done in a unique way, and again, I will not spoil the surprise, but they are excellent. The staff were smartlydressed and friendly and as you would expect from a new restaurant the wash rooms were immaculate. If you want to have traditional Spanish evening, in fine surroundings, then Embrujo is certainly the place for you. They have entertainment every night - and the flamenco show is worth the visit alone. See advert on page 27.

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Far from the madding crowd, the perfect honeymoon place BESIDE Lake Rutundu, on the slopes of Mount Kenya, and looking out across the African plains, stand two log cabins built from solid cedar tree trunks. For William, this was the perfect location to ask Kate if she would become his wife and she agreed immediately. Arriving by helicopter in October 2010, the couple took a day out from a holiday with friends at Lewa Downs reserve. Kate had no idea that in her boyfriend’s backpack was one of the world’s most iconic pieces of jewellery. It belonged to Princess Diana, the mother he’d adored and lost so tragically. The ring had been created three decades earlier by royal jeweller Garrard. Of course, the original marriage it had heralded fell apart. But to William, the ring - 14 perfect diamonds around a huge 18carat sapphire - symbolised love and devotion. It is, naturally, a place held dearly in the hearts of William and Kate, and it would be no surprise if they have chosen this as their honeymoon destination. Kenya, an East African country, lies along the Indian Ocean to its south-east and is bordered by Somalia to the north-east, Ethiopia to the north, Sudan to the northwest, Uganda to the west and Tanzania to the south. Lake Victoria, in the southwest, is shared with Uganda and Tanzania. With its capital city in Nairobi, Kenya has numerous wildlife reserves containing thousands of animal species, which are a magnet for tourists. The country, represented by many different peoples and cultures, is named after Mount Kenya, a significant landmark and second among Africa’s highest mountain peaks. Kenya comprises 47 counties, each with its own government, and the overall geography is as diverse as its people. It has a long coastline along the Indian Ocean and, as you advance inland, the landscape changes to savannah grasslands, arid and semi-arid bushes. The central regions and the western parts have forests and mountains, while the northern regions are near

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desert landscapes. Archaeological research indicates modern man first appeared in Kenya and, as a result, the country with its East African neighbours is almost certainly considered the cradle of mankind. Kenya, considered a major African nation, is a huge com-

mercial hub, traditionally producing world-renowned tea and coffee. It has recently developed a formidable horticultural industry, thereby becoming a major exporter of fresh flowers to Europe. The service industry is driven by the telecommunications sector,

which is one of the most successful and innovative in Africa. Mount Kenya is regarded as the realm of Ngai, god of the local Kikuyu people. Traditionally, all Kikuyu homes were built to face this sacred peak. They call it Kirinyaga, or place of light.

The mountain is an aweinspiring sight. Its ragged series of peaks are crowned with snow, and its slopes are thick with forest. The mountain is best seen at dawn, when the early light silhouettes its impressive summit, high over the surrounding plains.

While the 5,199-metre summit is a difficult, technical climb, the lesser peak of Point Lenana (4,985m) can be reached easily by any fit trekker. This takes between 3-5 days, through a fascinating world of forests, wildlife, unique vegetation and, finally, one of the world’s rarest sights: equatorial snow! For those who don’t want to climb the mountain, the cool highlands surrounding its base are well worth a visit. The forests are ideal for game viewing, and there are crystal-clear mountain streams which abound with trout. Main road access to Mt Kenya is via Nanyuki or Naro Moru, both easily accessed from Nairobi by bus/matatu or private transport. Some trekkers and climbers access the mountain from the small village of Chogoria. There is an airstrip in Nanyuki, with both scheduled and charter flights available. Many trekking companies can organise transfers from Nairobi to Mt Kenya, and the hotels in Nanyuki and Naro Moru can lay on transport to the gates of Mt Kenya National Park. All in all, there’s enough to keep Wills and Kate occupied throughout their honeymoon until they return to the real, or rather, unreal, world that awaits them.

Free Royal wedding day travel ACCORDING to the BBC, people who share their name with Prince William and Kate Middleton will be able to travel for free on Merseyrail trains today. A fun way of celebrating the big day, those people who possess the Christian name William, Will, Kate, Katie, Catherine, Kathryn (or a variation) will be permitted to have free travel on the local Merseyrail service. The company said the offer only applied to day tickets and travellers would have to have proof of ID. The firm runs trains in and around Liverpool city centre,

to Wirral, Chester, Ellesmere Port, Southport, Ormskirk and Kirkby. The company will run a Saturday service on Friday.

Rudi Boersma, from Merseyrail, said: “I guess it is our way of sharing celebrations with the people of

Merseyside. “If you are called Kate or William, turn up at a station today, show some ID and get a free ticket

before you get on the train and travel all day long anywhere you like on the network for free.”

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011


ON THE ROAD WITH JAV Behind the Wheel Email:

Will Peugeot’s power sway the electric set? THE long-awaited, 100%-electric, nextgeneration car is now a reality, and Peugeot say their iOn is agile, safe, comfortable and user-friendly. That may be so, but not all the critics are impressed, and perhaps it is obvious why because this new Ion appears to be a re-badged Mitsubishi iMiEV. That is an all-electric version of the rear-engined Mitsubishi i supermini - which comes over as a lengthened, four-seater Smart - and Citroën will also have a version called C-Zero. Why Mitsubishi? It’s a quick and convenient way into the electric-car market, and the relationship already existed because the Peugeot 4007 and

the Citroë*C-Crosser are lightly-remodelled styles of the Mitsubishi Outlander. Yet Peugeot do have history in electrical motivation because they once made electric versions of the 205 and, more numerously, the 106. You can buy a Mitsubishi iMiEV, but it will cost you an eye-watering £28,990. Peugeot won’t give a retail price for the ion and instead offer a leasing deal of £415 a

month, including the UK Government’s electric-car subsidy, the scheme and the car being aimed primarily at business or public-sector fleets. The deal runs for four years, to include maintenance, a warranty and the battery pack, so a major potential worry is removed. It’s another variation on how to pay for an electric car. You buy a Leaf and its battery pack outright; buy a

Renault Fluence saloon and you lease the battery pack in a separate deal. So, the iOn deal sounds attractive at first, but £19,920 (plus VAT) seems a lot for a small car which you hand back after four years. Or you can keep it for another four years, with the same benefits, but pay about £100 less a month. But it means that over eight years, then, your iOn has cost you £42,048 (including VAT), and rather less maintenance than a normal car. On the plus side, the energy costs are hugely lower. Peugeot estimate an average of £2.50 for every 120 miles, compared with perhaps £20 for a supermini. And the iOn is said to be great fun to drive, with a solid feel about it. Also, it features regenerative braking, slowing down determinedly when the

accelerator is released. This is the one functional difference between an iOn and an i-MiEV, and it’s why Peugeot claim their version can travel up to 30% further on a charge. The cabin is airy and functional and, as with all electric cars, the getaway from rest is lively and ideal for urban “racing”. All you have to do is accelerate, brake and steer. It looks suitably futuristic with its bubble shape, its short nose and little wheels. There is a remarkable amount of passenger space, and even the boot is worthy of the description. The 330-volt lithium-ion battery pack is under the floor, and powers a rear-mounted motor able to produce 64bhp and, from rest, 133lb/ft of torque. Maximum speed is 81mph, but not for long, and driven

gently, Peugeot say it can travel just over 90 miles on one full charge. But try sitting in a traffic jam, let the iOn off the leash on a bypass, use the heating, the headlights, the wipers and the air-con, and the range will be at least half that figure. A full recharge takes six hours on a domestic socket, and quick-charge top-ups from dedicated high-power points en-route can restore a maximum of 80% in half-an-hour, or 20% in five minutes. Peugeot say they have produced this car for private drivers, businesses and public bodies “who have the confidence and commitment to take the first steps towards a new form of motoring”. Only time, and the number of steps needed to be convinced, will tell!

Audi plug in to hybrid concept AUDI have virtually rubber-stamped their plans to build a saloon version of the next A3 by debuting a second “notchback” concept at this week’s Shanghai Motor Show. It is called the A3 e-tron, and is also a plug-in hybrid, which means it combines a regular, internal-combustion engine with an electric motor, powered by lithium ion batteries that can be pre-charged via the mains. As a result, it is capable of running for up to 34 miles on

electric power alone, while the hybrid drive also helps reduce the fuel consumption and emissions whenever you’re forced to rely on the traditional petrol engine. This A3 concept is powered by a 1.4-litre turbo, which doesn’t seem so special these days, until you learn it is cranking out 211hp. That’s as much as the current Volkswagen Golf GTI achieves with a 2.0-litre turbo petrol. With this, and an extra 27hp from the electric motor, the top speed is 144mph registers 0-62mph in 6.8secs, helped along by a launch-control system to optimise wheel slip. The machine has a custom

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

structure, with tailored, material thickness, plus aluminium doors, bonnet and tailgate - and carbon-fibre reinforced plastic parts in places. It also features start-stop and brake energy regeneration, and a lengthy wheelbase suggests decent comfort levels for all four passengers.

The A3 e-tron’s chassis is derived from the highlyimpressive Audi RS3 hyper hatch, while gear selection is taken care of by a sevenspeed, dual-clutch S tronic box with automatic and manual modes, via touch-controls on the centre console. Other details include newgeneration LED headlights,

power-extending, touch-sensitive door handles, powerextending, high-tech audio system, an Audi drive-select, dynamic-handling system, and 20-inch alloy wheels. The concept also has WLAN (wireless internet access), and iPad holders in the back of the front seats. And instead of a normal rev counter, the A3 e-

tron gains a “power meter”, indicating 0-100%, and showing where the car is drawing energy from at any given time. Though only a concept officially, the A3 e-tron is definitely a strong hint about the future of Audi’s compact, family-car range. And it looks good!

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Sport Talk Email:

CD Tenerife 0 Villarreal B 1 Total and utter despair! That was my fourword answer when asked how I felt after Tenerife's defeat against Villarreal’s stiffs last weekend. I was tempted to have a headline, a couple of pictures and a blank page with just the one word at the bottom of the page. Rubbish. Or maybe Roobish, as they say in Yorkshire. But the Ed wasn’t up for that idea. The simple plan would sum it up, mind. I’m reminded of the classic quote from Friends by Jennifer Aniston’s character Rachel: “You know, I really thought I had hit rock-bottom. But today it’s like there’s rock-bottom, then 50 feet of c*** … then me.” This can't go on. Can it? I have actually forgotten when Tenerife last won a match. I want to say Xerez? The long and the short and the tall of it is that Tenerife are now 11 points from safety. But in reality, it’s 12 as Tenerife would lose any head-to-head with Nastic. In fact, one journalist wag was musing about when Tenerife would be relegated (Betis in two weeks is the favourite), and also whether they would finish last. That is very possible. Ponferradina are actually playing all right for a side at

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See page 10 for information on the new CD Tenerife Fan Shop now open in Fanabe Plaza Commercial Centre

Another Santa Cruz surrender Total and utter despair! the bottom of the table, and we could swop places with them this weekend. The latest embarrassment in Santa Cruz came in front of the lowest league crowd for six years. Barely 8,600 souls witnessed another disaster and David Amaral has now played three and lost three. Our fifth manager of the season should be looking over his shoulder. The first one was fired for losing the first four matches. Maybe Tenerife should now just give managers a monthly contract? Falque got the game’s only goal just after the half-hour mark in a match that Tenerife were never in. The fight has gone out of the side - and the supporters, it seems. Amaral changed the shape and the line-up again. Club captain Marc Betran was embarrassingly dropped to the stands, and Aitor Nunez was handed a rare start at

right-back. Josmar was given another 25 minutes at the end of the match and Iriome started his third straight game for the first time in three years. But it made no difference. The squad is a busted flush. There needs to be a rootand-branch review at the end of the season. Who will stay? Who cares right now? Let’s look at that in June. This weekend, Tenerife have the very tricky trip to Granada, who have had a solid season. But they are a tiny team and a glance at the table shows how far we have sunk. Granada are on the verge of the play-offs, thanks mainly to their excellent home form. A couple more wins should see them cement that spot, along with Celta Vigo, Elche and maybe Recreativo, who are finishing like a train. Incidentally, Angel bagged his first senior hat-trick for Elche last weekend. This was the same Angel who left

Tenerife in search of firstteam football. Not good enough for us, but good enough for the fourth-best side in a division Tenerife are about to prop up. And people still wonder why Tenerife fans have such long faces! Next season, it will be the joys of Segunda B. If you are wondering what the standard is like, well Marca TV on Sunday afternoons is your friend. I have seen a few games recently and it’s shocking. Not as bad as women’s professional football, but not much better. It’s chock full of klumpers and kids not good enough for the top flight. League One in England it ain’t. So this Sunday afternoon, stick on your CDT top, open a Dorada and cheer the lads on. Gol TV are broadcasting live with a 4pm kick-off. Maybe Tenerife's resurrection starts the week after Easter.

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011


Palms A and Tasca triumph! A LARGE crowd enjoyed a thrilling finale to the knockout trophies last Tuesday night. The Palms Bar, in Torviscas, hosted the Liberty Seguros Cup and Plate and both finals were tight, nervy affairs. Palms A are chasing the double this season and they were pushed all the way by a bang-in-form Toscales Old Boys side, who had lost just once in 2011. Toscales started brightly. Michael missed the chance to claim the first frame and Steve made him pay with a fine clearance. Johnny was in control of frame two and Alex still had six balls left when Johnny sunk the black. Unfortunately the cue ball kissed a yellow on the cushion and rolled into the pocket. The third frame was scrappy and both players had their chances, before Graham’s cool, four-ball clearance made it 2-1. Bungalow levelled the match before Alex and Mark combined in the doubles to put Toscales back in front. Palms took the next doubles rubber, and there was nothing between the sides entering the vital back-four frames. But the seventh frame would see the momentum swing Palms’ way. Bungalow sunk an amazing black in a cat-and-mouse frame with Steve, who may still be rueing his decision to play safe rather than attempting a makeable double on the black the shot before. Roscoe squeezed past Alex in frame 8 to make it 5-3 to Palms, and with the pressure pilled on Mark, Johnny was clever enough to take the Cup with victory in frame nine. Graham beat Andy in the dead rubber to give the scoreline a slightly flattering look. Toscales deserve a lot of credit for the part they played in an excellent final, while Palms are halfway to the elusive double. Liberty Seguros Cup Final Toscales 3 Palms A 7

Steve bt Michael, Alex bt Johnny, Mark lost to Graham,

The Oasis Fm Darts League is now taking registrations for the new season, which begins in early May. If you would like to enter a team, or are interested in forming a side, please email your contact details to or call 902 232 102 during office hours Monday to Friday.

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Andy lost to Bungalow, Alex & Mark bt Michael & Johnny, Steve & Andy lost to Roscoe & Bungalow, Steve lost to Bungalow, Alex lost to Roscoe, Mark lost to Johnny, Andy lost to Graham. The Liberty Seguros Plate was just as competitive, but Tasca held their nerve at crucial moments. Emma had Jamie in all sorts of trouble in the opening game and missed a black to give Summerlands the perfect chance. Jamie made her pay, and in the next frame Ian punished Mark for some

missed pots to make it 2-0. With a noisy crowd cheering them, on Tasca took what always looked a vital third rubber. Steve K played very tight and deserved his win over Paddy, who would go on to lose all his matches. At three down, Summerland were always chasing and even though Darrel gave them hope by beating Steve A, they lost both doubles ties to slip 5-1 down. They needed a massive effort to stay in the final, but Tasca never gave them a sniff. John Mcmastered Paddy to

sink the winning black and seal a famous victory. Elite did win two of the three dead rubbers to give the scoreline some respectability, but Tasca were worthy winners. They partied late into the night and there were a few sore heads on Wednesday. Liberty Seguros Plate Final Bar Tasca 7 Summerland Elite 3 Jamie bt Emma, Ian Mc bt Mark, Steve K bt Paddy, Steve A lost to Darrel, Ian Mc & John Mc bt Paddy & Zanty, Jamie & Rossi bt Danny & Mark, John Mc bt Paddy, Steve A bt

Emma, Steve K lost to Darrel, Jamie lost to Zanty. There were also three catch-up matches last Tuesday. In Division One, Tenerife Hammers A shrugged off their recent slump with a 7-3 win at Hoops, while 8 Ball Massive recorded a 10-0 scoreline against La Caña. Gaffers went back on top of Division Two after thrashing Barracuda Hunters 8-2. Only captain Roger scored for the Hunters, and his double singles success prevented a whitewash.

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Puzzle Page

Prize Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid.

9 9

2 8


Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to before Wednesday 4th May and you could win! Answer from Edition 700 (22/04/2011) was: 30 Winner: Dave Penny

Last Week’s Answers:





WIN!!! Showtime tickets and an Oasis Fm t-shirt.







1. Chile 2. The lily 3. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 4. White Rabbit 5. Watership Down 6. Easter Island 7. Pysanka 8. Lent 9. Semana Santa 10. Holy week

Brain Training: Beginer: 52 Intermediate: 59 Advanced: 495

You have until the 27th May to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.



8 6










5 6









8 7 4






3 3
































































































Puzzle Rating: Quite easy




6 4






5 Sudoku X:








1 8






Very Hard



































































































































































Very Easy

Puzzle Rating: Moderate

Horoscopes of the week Taurus

(April 21st - May 21st) The weekend is coming up, but you’re already focused, ambitious and raring to go again on Monday. Taking new steps into the unknown instead of reverting to old patterns that don’t work is a major step forward for you, so have the courage of your convictions and believe in your own abilities. GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) You need to form a stronger stability with the people in your life who are always there for you. Don’t be dismissive of their efforts. They’re doing the best they can in the circumstances. Be sure of your facts over money, and make sure work goals are not just pie in the sky. CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) If you allow your emotions to steer your behaviour over money matters, you’ll end up being your own worst enemy in the coming week. There’s nothing you’d like more than to get away for a few days to regroup and recharge, but can you afford it? Breaking from the past seems a good idea, but is it? LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) Red tape, restrictions and petty people seem hell-bent on standing in your way, so take the higher ground and don’t get into any name-calling. Focus on what’s good in your life, like family and friends, and make it a fun-filled weekend to remember where memories are made. VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) You’re in your element as everything seems to be moving in the right direction, and you couldn’t

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be happier. Work, money and love are motoring along at a steady pace, and your creativity and popularity is off the scale. You’re throwing caution to the wind and loving it. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) It might be time to have another look at those old projects you discarded earlier in the year because, with a new perspective, they could work this time. Don’t allow old doubts and disappointments to enter the equation this time. You’re on a new road, in a new mindset, so don’t hold back. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Family members seem a bit cranky, so it may be best to give them a wide berth until this mood passes. You don’t need already-volatile relationships to combust, so put some distance between them until things settle down. Direct your energy into more positive pursuits and you’ll all win. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) You’re desperate to bounce some new ideas off others, but they don’t seem very responsive. Don’t be despondent. They’ve maybe got a lot on their minds, too. Love and money are under pressure as the week moves on, so put obligations before pleasure and you’ll

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training Royal Wedding Quiz

sort it out. C A P R I C O R N (December 22ndJanuary 20th) There’s been so much going on in your life of late that you’re starting to feel pressured. Why not take some time out? Could you get away for a few days? A rest is as good as a cure, it’s said, and it certainly rings true for you. You need to step back to see things more clearly. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) You’ll manage to come up with some unusual solutions to life’s problems in the next few days, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box, or go out on a limb. As goals loom closer into view, it’ll boost your confidence. Thinking of moving home? Luck is on your side, so go for it. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) The moon in your sign midweek heightens your sensitivities, but try to keep your emotions out of those important decisions you need to make. Stick to the facts and don’t let anyone push your buttons. Try to work up enthusiasm over a new project you’re interested in because it will certainly help. ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) If you speak your mind clearly, calmly and succinctly, you’ll find others agreeing with you at the start of the week. However, unless you maintain this calm dignity, tensions will build before the weekend. Relationship difficulties add to the equation and don’t help. Best to take a deep breath and count to ten.

1. How many copies of Knit Your Own Royal Wedding book, which has guides on how to create 10 royal fabric figures – including the Queen’s corgis have been sold?

2. How many ‘limited edition’ commemorative Oyster cards have been produced by Transport for London.

3. How many Tulips outside Buckingham Palace had to be cut before the wedding day as the hot weather made them peak early?

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER STARTER NUMBER

15 4

-65 8

















4. How many horses will be on parade?

5. How many individual peals of the Westminster Abbey’s bells will take place during the service?

6. How many sniffer dogs will be on duty?

7. How many people Westminster Abbey hold?


8. How many siblings does Prince William have?

111 4

-51 8



3/4 of this




2/3 of this




5/8 of this



103 squared 8

10. How many flowers are reported to be used throughout the Royal Wedding?


+240 20% of this


9. How old is Kate Middleton?




x3 5


-265 3/11 of this 6

-54 9


20% +303 of this ANSWER

2/3 -208 of this 29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Free Ads



Pink cot bumper, 10 euros. 3 x pink grobags, 8 euros each. Small blue playmat with toys, 5 euros. Pink walker, 20 euros. Tel: 637 206 026 Professional Linex Rulers Drawing, Linex nautical slide rules and associated navigational aids, some new, prices from 3 to 20 euros. Different spanish and international cooking books (most in German), never used, from 5 euros each. 36 DVD´s all original, 3 euro each. 1 Fagor ceramic induction hob, 60 cm, 4 zone, frameless, touch control. NEW, have one little defect, but function perfect, 100 euros. Miscellaneous tobacco pipes, Stanwell, Peterson – Sherlock Holmes collection etc. from 10 euros. Ikea halogen lamp with 3 spots, 10 euros. HP 19 B II Business Consultant Calculator, only used one time, 75 euros. 2 fishing folding knives, 3 euros. 1 Domo2 home phone and 1 Router ADSL with cables, 20 euro each. Tel: 609 122 398. Graco car seat, 15-36 kilo, side impact protection, can be changed into a booster seat, drinks holder, black and grey as new, 30 euros. Tel 608 668 753 Spanish course, the Michael Thomas method, complete set of six courses, 50 euros for all 6 courses. Call 693 865 845 Ladies 18 speed Mountain bike. Unused condition. White and Burgundy frame. Twistgrip gears. (Las Galletas), 95 euros. Tel 697 746 885. Philips 21” TV with integral video cassette player, 40euros. Sky digi box, 40 euros. White chest of 6 drawers (H120 x D39 x W80cms), 20 euros. Ikea graphite grey cupboard (H105 x D30 x W80cms), 25 euros. Wall mounted graphite grey book cupboard-smoky glass sliding doors (H26 xD20 x W96cms), 25euros. Cream coffee table with glass inlay top and full size single drawer (H43xD70XW120cms), 50 euros. Los Cristianos. Tel: 822 901 410. LG KP505 “Cookie” mobile phone, boxed with charger perfect condition 80 euros. Kimatsu oil filled radiator 10 euros. Winnie the Pooh bouncy chair 15 euros. Pink Bumbo baby seat + tray 30 euros. Baby bath & top and tailing bowl 5 euros. Newborn baby bath seat 5 euros. Adeje Tel 669 934 525 or 922 711 374 Babies cot wooden, white, adjustable base height, adjustable side height (both up and down), lockable wheels, 45 euros. Bunk beds, silver metal, 70 euros. Single beds (x2) metal frame with wooden slats, 30 euros each. Single bed mattresses (x4) 12 euros each. Tel 647 047 966.

euros. Blue baby bath, 5 euros. Push along baby walker, 10 euros. Little tikes 4 piece musical set, 12 euros. Leap frog little touch Leap pad 6-36 months. Still in box with 2 extra used books, 15 euros. Tel 616 971 588 Fridge freezer 100 euros. Fridge 45 euros. Washing machine front & top loader 120 euros each. Chest freezer 120 euros Tel 686 336 904 Satellite dish, Sky box with remote control and card with programmes paid for until 20th May 2011, 50 euros. Thor front load washing machine very good condition with 6 months guarantee left on it 125 euros. Tel 649 529 703 after 5pm. Fridge freezer 100 euros. Fridge 45 euros. Washing machine front & top loader 120 euros each. Chest freezer 120 euros. Domestic silver gas bottle 40 euros. Tumble dryer 100 euros. Fridge freezer excellent condition 180 euros. Fridge 35 euros. 25 TV 50 euros. Microwave, 25 euros. Foot spa 15 euros. DVD player + remote 20 euros. Children’s car seat 0-36 kgs 20 euros. Tel 686 336 904 4 rings ceramic hob, 60 euros. Extractor fan 40 euros. Hoover, 25 euros. Fridge freezer 150 euros. 29 T.V.silver with remote 80 euros. DVD player + remote 25 euros. Bar stool 5 euros each. Digital satellite receiver 30 euros. Minioven 20 euros. 4 rings electrics, hop 65 euros. Built in oven 50 euros. Single size bed & mattress 20 euros. Folding up table 5 euros each. Steam iron, 8 euros. 14” TV, CD, stereo radio cassette recorder, 13 euros each. 29” TV silver 60 euros. 21” TV 40 euros. Sandwich toaster,7 euros..Built in oven, 60 euros. Kettle/parasol/patio chairs table 5 euros each. 14 computer monitor, 10 euros. Mountain bike, 70 euros. Video recorders, 20 euros. Table fan 15 euros. Round pine dining table and 4 chairs 40 euros. Tel 679 788 586


ceiling fan, framed wall mirror (75x75cm), DVD player, large computer desk, Kimono,size small with white & yellow belts, double size mattress, 21” TV, all 10 euros each. Sky digibox, 40 euros. Hair clippers, Kettle, hair dryer/straightner, fruit press, patio table, linen basket, lamps, bathroom mirror, egg toaster, flat sun beds, large mirror, pine coffee table, 3 to 8 euros each. 4 rings vitro ceramic hob, 40 euros. A selection of headboards (90,135,160,200,220 cm wide), armchair (blue & magnolia), 20 euros a set. Tel 646 615 794 (Friday to Tuesday). Lynx front loader washing machine 110 euros. Innova tall fridge /freezer combi, 160 euros. Balay microwave, 20 euros. 2 X seater sofa beige, 50 euros. Black glass dining table and 4 chairs, 180 euros ono. Natural wicker chest of drawers, 50 euros. 2 x single beds and mattresses, 100 euros ono. Oval pine coffee table, 20 euros. 4 X pine breakfast bar stools, 20 euros. 4 x pine 2 drawer bedside tables, 30 euros. Laptop, 60 euros. Computer and tower (old but still working), 30 euros. Tel 619 826 452 Tempered glass shower cubicle size 70 X 100 X 190, 95 euros. Tel 646 812 968 Vitro ceramic hob, 4 rings, 28” TV, remote, 40 euros each. Portable sewing machine, 20 euros. Playstation 1, coffee machine, 10 euros each. Free standing fan. Stool, 8 euros each. Set of speakers and subwoofer, 20 euros. Tel 696 048 937 or 922 739 850. Gents 18 speed Mountain Bike with front suspension. Great condition, 85 euros. Tel 600 700 521. Sky HD box perfect working order 3 months old 189 euros. Lots of baby clothes lovely condition, boys/girls birth - 2 years 1 euro per item. Dk wool 100 gram balls lots of colors 1.99 per ball, baby aran wool 200 grams 3.99 per ball. Tel 922 792 456 or 628 430 800

Next Dining table, beech, 140 X 90cm, excellent condition, 65 euros. Tel 697 720 039

Round white table, 1m diameter, 25 euros. Tel 922 795 104 El Camison

Patio chairs & tables, 2 euros each. Bag, blenders 15 euros each. Dog carrier 15 euros. Portable radio CD player 15 euros. Suit case 10 euros. Tel 679 088 846

3 boxes of Bric A Brac suitable for car boot (no clothes or books) 4 euros per box Tel 649 857 626

5 Midi Form PC Towers . Ideal for breaking up for spare parts /repairs etc., 50 euros. Adeje. Tel 659 036 393. 2 small pink chest of drawers for girls bedroom with flowers painted on and flower shaped handles 20 euros. Tel 606 800 150 White glass oval drinks table 25 euros. Excellent glass display cabinet 30 euros. As new Ikea computer table 15 euros. PS2 with 2 controllers 45 euros. PS2 games, 5 euros each. Nintendo gamecube with over 10 games 60 euros. Built in oven 35 euros. 4 rings hob 30 euros. Extractor fan 25 euros. Tel 660 265 898

Inesis golf bag and half set of clubs, 3 wood, 5, 7, 8, 9 irons, pitching wedge and putter, 30 euros. Lexmark’ X2350 printer/copier, 20 euros. Computer table, 10 euros. Four sun beds, 25 euros each. Repro antique candle effect table lamp (electric), 25 euros. Panasonic cordless telephone, 10 euros. Two shopping trolleys, 10 euros. Two ‘Speedtouch’ ADSL modems in origin boxes, 10 euros. All in very good condition. Tel 647 126 940

Yamaha yfl 211 flute with hard case as new 300 euros. Yamaha picolo ypc32 , hard case 100 euros buy both 375 euros. Korg ax 1500 foot pedal 100 euros. Child booster seat 15 euros. White table covers 5 (1.35x1.00) 17 (.90x.90) 12 (1.35x1.25) 45 euros the lot. Large 2/3 cup coffee machine (Beretta Express) with steam and hot water, needs servicing, 500 euros ono. Tel 660 493 507

Chicco pushchair, blue gc, 40 euros. Toysrus cream Cotbed, mattress and cot top changer, excellent condition, 180 euros. Winnie the pooh Moses basket vgc, 25

Top loading washing machine, 80 euros. Philips 14” TV/VCR combi, 30 euros. Single size bed base & mattress, foldable sun beds, mattress (80x220cm), 14” TV,

2 seater leather sofa excellent condition, colour Vanilla, plus 3 seater matching sofa (with damage on one seat), 200 euros ono for both, Silencio area, buyer to collect Tel: 678 247 457 Dishwasher Balay make, as new 200 euros. Large UK Potato Rumbler Capacity over 12kg/Half sack, 400 euros. Stainless Steel Glass Fronted 3 door Refrigerated unit, 500 euro. Stainless Steel Unit, 60 euros. Cash Register, 40 euros.. Domestic Fridge, 40 euros. Sideboard 2 cupboards 4 central drawers teak finish, nice piece of furniture, 80 euros. TV/Video wooden unit with 2 drawers on castors, 30 euros. Small Spanish Rustic Trunk with drawer, 50 euros. Spanish Rustic Coffee Table, 30 euros. Oak Coloured HiFi Cabinet with leaded glass door, 50 euros. Oak Coloured TV/Video unit with Folding doors and drawer, 90 euros. Tel 620 469 102 Silencio area. Buyer to collect. Single Bed, 30 euros. Stainless Steel Unit, 100 x 60 x 105 cm 100 euros.. 4 Place Drop Down Toastie Machine, 70 euros. Commercial Coffee Machine, 300 euros. Fire Extinguishers, from 40 euros. White Metal and Plastic Swivel Over Bath Bathing Chair, 40 euros. " Seater Sofa, Fair Condition, 25 euros. Sofabed, Fair condition, 30 euros. All ONO. Telephone 662 354 391. Buyer to collect. Silencio Area

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm 29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Page 49


Playa Paraiso – Paraiso Del Sol, sunny 2 bed/1 bath €525 + bills Los Cristianos - Granada Park, 1 bed/1bath apartment, €600 inc €50 bills San Eugenio Bajo - Laguna Park I, 1 bed/1 bath apartment €525 inc Bills Playa de las Americas – Playa Honda, 1 bed/1bath €500 inc Bills Playa de las Americas - Quality Studio close sea and all amenities, €550 inc bills

Studio Torviscas 5 mins from the beach 350€ + bills. Studio San Eugenio, English TV, popular complex 400€ + bills. Studio San Eugenio Alto 350€ all inclusive.

cons, 500€ bills inclusive.

mins from the beach 600€ + bills.

Studio apartment Los Cristianos 450€ all inclusive.

3 bed villa in El Duque unfurnished 1,350€ + bills.

1 bed on popular complex fully equipped large apartment 550€ + bills.

3 bed villa in La Caleta unfurnished luxury complex 1,500€.

1 bed brand new in Madroñal, high standard, very large garden and terrace, 650€ bills included.

2 bed apartments centre of Los Cristianos nicely furnished 550€ all inclusive.

1 bed in P. Santiago, very nicely furnished, large terrace with views, 650€ bills included.

Los Cris 3 bed duplex penthouse 2 bath 2 terraces English TV 800€ + bills.

Studio apartment in Central Las Americas 2 mins from beach 400€ all inclusive. Totally refurbished 1 bed in Torviscas 2 mins from the beach, modernly furnished all mod

3 bed 2 bath Los Cristianos large garden and terrace with Barbecue on nice complex with swimming pool tennis and paddel 900€ + bills. 3 bed Los Cris 2 bath 2

3 bed 2 bath villa with private pool fully furnished Amarilla Golf 1,500€. Detached villa 4 bed 4 bath fully furnished with large swimming pool 3000€. 3 bed 2 bath apartment in San Eugenio with parking 650€ + bills. 3 bed, 2 bath in San Eugenio 600€ + bills. 2 bed El Duque 2 bath residencial area 700€ + bills.

2 bed 2 bath town house Roque Del Conde 900€ + bills. 2 bed bungalow in San Eugenio alto 2 bath large garden or terrace 730€ all inclusive. 3 bed unfurnished 2 bath Parque De La Reina 550€. 2 bed 1 bath brand new, Adeje, El Galeon 495€ all inclusive. 2 bed 2 bath Adeje Galeon 650 all inclusive. 2 bed brand new terrace, garage, 600€ Playa Paraiso. Palm Mar 2 bed 2 bath apartment fully equipped modernly furnished on nice complex with pool tennis and paddel 750€ all inclusive.

Palm Mar townhouse 2 bed 2 bath fully equipped or unfurnished small garden 750€ unfurnished 80€ bills included. 850€ furnished 80€ bills included.

Las Chafiras – Biltmore luxury 2 bed 2 bath apartment €495 + bills Amarilla Golf – Aries, choice of 2 2 beds from €575 inc bills Los Cristianos – Primavera, 2 bed 1 bath apartment, €650 incl bills

Palm Mar 1 bed fully equipped modernly furnished complex has large pool area tennis courts and paddel courts 650€ bills included. Palm Mar 1 bed apartment modernly furnished sea view, 500€ bills included. Roque Del Conde 2 bed 1 bath large balcony, sea views, complex has pool, 600€ all inclusive. Roque Del Conde 2 bed 2 bath penthouse high standard fully equipped modernly furnished 650€ + bills.


EL ROQUE, (ABOVE VALLE SAN LORENZO). Beautiful 3 x bed 2 x bath modern town house in a village location. Only 10 mins drive to the resorts and to the airport but fabulous scenery.Huge dinning kitchen, All mod cons outside patio and stunning views Price only 660 euros plus elec & Water. RESIDENTIAL SONIA. CALLAO SALVAJE. Lovely Semi-det 3 x bed house on the outside of this great modern complex. Fabulous kitchen 2 x Bathroom plus downstairs W.C. Roof terrace with views over the pool to the sea. Complex has pools, jacuzzi, sauna, gym. Comes with Parking space. Excellent price at only 750 euros pm plus electric , Available furnished or un-furnished) SUNSET VIEW. CALLAO SALVAJE. Modern two x bed Apartment, with all mod cons, Light and airy with 2 x terraces. Comm pool and Parking space. Price 550 euros pm plus elec & water ROQUE DEL CONDE, LAS AMERICAS. Gorgeous 2 x bed modern apartment on UD2. UK TV, full kitchen inc dishwasher etc. sea views. Everything you need on this modern complex inc comm pool. Price 625 Plus elec and water LA SERINA. LOS CRISTIANOS. Stunning sea views on this lovely end 3rd floor one bed apartment close to the beach town and market. Very quiet complex, Many disabled residents as large lifts and walkways. Comm pool. Price 550 euros plus elec and water

Established for over 10 years We have a wide selection of long and short term property available to rent Luxury holiday villas and apartments also available.

Studio San Engenio - 400€ Sea View, Sunny, Modern, Complex Pool, Walking distance to shops.

Fanabe Village 2 bed House - 650€ Central location, roof terrace, modern, sep kitchen, sea views, near shops and bus route

Torviscas 2 Bed - 750€ Massive terrace, 2 double bedrooms, 2 bath modern, UK TV, parking, complex pool

4 Bed House Adeje - 800€ Townhouse, com pool, modern, roof terrace 10mins drive to Los Cristianos, parking, spacious. Chayofa 1 Bed - 600€ Huge Garden, Modern, UKTV, complex pool walking distance to bus route, large bedroom

Chayofa 4Bed House - 1050€ Large family home, garage under house, double bedrooms, 3 bath, UKTV, Sea View, Quiet

We also have golf property, penthouses, villas. For all of our portfolio please call us on

Tel: 0034 922 797 438 / 638 519 999 Email: Office Address Ave Los Pueblos, Garajonay 1-4,Las Americas 38660

Page 50

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011





page 49

PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop).








Secured lock up garages

page 50

1 X 4 car space with electric and water 1 X 2 car space private steel doors secured Golf Del Sur

page 51

Call Ken on 639 207 113

Luxury 5 bed villa with swimming pool and BBQ area in a quiet location. Only 1200 euros a month plus bills.


LINEAGE 0.50c per word FREE: 1 telephone number


Advertise your property or classified advert here. 20 euros per week (30 words maximum) CLASSIC BOX ADVERT

Advertise your property or classified advert here. 25 euros per week (30 words maximum)


Advertise your property or classified advert here. 35 euros per week (60 words maximum) N.B. There is a 50% Premium for a Property/Business for sale classified adverts. Discounts available for more than one edition.


page 52

Phone Paddy on 696 119 075 Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. Long term rents, Studios, 1 & 2 beds. Tel 616 251 271

LONGLETS Los Cristianos : Parque Tropical III 3 bed/3 bath townhouse with garage, 1,425€ + bills, fully furnished. Parque Tropical II 1 bed 3rd. floor apt., 600€ + bills, fully furnished 3 x 2 bed apts. very good location, in the middle of Los Cristianos, 550€ incl. bills fully furnished. Chayofa - La Finca 1 bed ground floor apt., 400€ incl.bills, fully furnished.

Callao Salvaje Un Posto al Solé 2 bed penthouse apt., 550€ incl. bills, fully furnished. 2 bed, 1st. floor apt., 500€ incl. bills, fully furnished. 2 bed ground floor apt., 500€ incl. bills fully furnished Parque de la Reina : Moncayo 3 bed, penthouse apt. 600€ incl. bills, fully furnished Tigaiga 2 bed, penthouse apt. 600€ incl. bills, fully furnished

NO FINDERS OR CONTRACT FEES. I am always looking for more properties in all shapes and sizes, so if you would like to rent out your property for long lets or holiday rentals please contact me and I will come and visit you. I am also looking for wheelchair friendly properties with roll in showers/wet rooms.

Phone: Suzanne on 680 831 497 e.mail: website :

LINEAGE - 35 euros for 4 weeks





Advertise your service advert here. 100 euros for 4 weeks* advertising (25 euros per week)

Are you looking for a top closer to join your team with a long-term experience in sales? I am highly motivated & looking for a new challenge! Interested?

Call 687 688 077.


Adorable Pedigree Cocker Spaniel puppy for sale. Black, male, ready now! 300 euros.

Tel 922 770 887 or 669 640 219

CARS/BIKES Please ask us for prices for larger size adverts and colour. All property, classfied and service point have to be paid for in cash at our offices in Las Chafiras. *Service point adverts have to be in for a minimum of 4 weeks.

CHANGE OF DEADLINE: Tuesdays 5pm 29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

MG ZR 1.8, ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 4,500 euros. Tel 669 626 840 Long-term car rental from 220 euros per month, full insurance. Call 626 080 651.

JOBS Eze group are looking for experienced telemarketers. Excellent wages and hours, basic, bonuses and sales commissions given. Contracts will be offered to successful applicants. Call Monday to Thursday on 922 715 610 or 669 897 718


Advertise your service advert here. 80 euros for 4 weeks* advertising (20 euros per week)

CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.

Piagio Fly 125 cc moped less than 2 years old, excellent condition, 950 euros. Tel 610 285 953 Renault Clio 2.0 Exception, Limited Edition 150HD, fully loaded, silver, 35,000 kms, 4 door, full Renault service history, excellent condition. Cost new 19,700€, only 8,900€. Tel 610 285 953

Resort Promotions are looking for Call Centre Agents. Experience preferred, but not essential, as full training is given. High earning potential, basic wages, plus commission, paid weekly. Excellent fresh leads. For an interview, please call Carole on 603109096. An established family run business require Telemarketers for their busy Golf del Sur office. Excellent opportunity to earn full time wages for part time hours. Basic wage paid weekly plus fantastic bonuses. Experience preferred but not essential. This is a fully legal position with a contract For an interview call Helen on 922 737 092 or 649 601 903 TOs, Liners and an In-house Concierge are required. Previous experience preferred, but not essential as full training given. High quality leads with unlimited earning potential, high commissions and bonuses to be earned over a 4 day week. Call 922 727 184 for an interview, Monday to Friday or email A Marketing Office in the south of Tenerife require enthusiastic, self motivated staff to work as part of great team. They are looking for Romanian, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian and Polish with spoken English. Basic wage plus commission. Hours 9.30 to 5pm Monday to Friday. Call Sue on 922 713 070 or 686 154 066 or email

Page 51

Service Point









CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250â‚Ź per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email: CHIROPODIST Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790

Page 52

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Service Point





ENTERTAINMENT ALTERNATIVE ENTERTAINMENT FOR SMALLER VENUES. Experienced DJ/presenter willing to help the smaller venue build up business with nostalgia, theme nights, quizzes, bingo etc. from 50 euros. Reliable, professional. or 646 065 670.








9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841

ALUMINIUM & PVC Tel: 922 778 050

VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions


Fax 922 778 051

Mobile 696 889 048 Email:

Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.


Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

PERSONAL SERVICES Blonde sweet, very beautiful, 26 years, slim body, large breasts, firm bottom, very sexy and erotic lady. Discreet luxury apartment, hotel visits (24 hours). Very good English & German spoken. Tel 0034 636 653 187. Sexy 40yr lady offers sensual massage for gentlemen. Tel: 660 618 331 I am a loveable, attractive, accommodating Columbian girl & you will find me in the apartments Funchal in Los Cristianos behind the bus station & in front of the hotel Aguamar, please call 10 minutes before, I speak a little English & I will visit you if so required. Call 627 008 443

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Page 53

Service Point







Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82

BARGAIN BASEMENT 2nd hand furniture, Bar/Rest items. We buy ‘cash’ no need to wait!! Also our 500m2 warehouse, down stairs will be open for viewing soon!


Open Mon-Fri. Los Cristianos, nr Cultural Centre / Police station road, next to pet shop Tel: 618 381 488

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 TRANSLATION



House clearances etc undertaken Tel: 922 735 664 or 674 615 855

All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579



the English Upholsterer


For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle

Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.


677 806 800


TV & SATELLITE Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

MAN WITH A VAN Single items to full house removals Competitive rates, professional service.

Call us first on 638 384 855 UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.

THE WHITE VAN MAN House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

No job too big or too small

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743 Page 54

SPANISH LESSONS Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270

Red Tomato, TV/Computer repairs inc. Plasma & LCD TV repairs, satellite installations, English Tele package, Xbox, Playstations, Wii, Satellite boxes & mobile phones, WiFi Hotspots in Golf del Sur & Amarilla. Call Alan 649 200 774


TAROT READING / ASTROLOGY Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 772 422 / 610 089 157. Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494.

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency

Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday


Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Liam O’Reilly Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces

the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Sunny skies. 21 °C. Wind NW 19km/h. Friday Night Patchy rain possible. 20 °C. Wind NW 21km/h. Saturday Partly cloudy skies. 23 °C. Wind W 19km/h. Saturday Night Patchy rain possible 21 °C. Wind W 24km/h. Sunday Sunny skies. 18 °C. Wind WNW 26km/h. Sunday Night Patchy rain possible. 18 °C. Wind NW 24km/h. Monday Partly cloudy skies. 18 °C. Wind NNW 19km/h. Monday Night Clear skies. 18 °C. Wind NNW 16km/h. Tuesday Sunny skies. 20 °C. Wind NNE 16km/h. Tuesday Night Clear skies. 19 °C. Wind NNE 16km/h. Wednesday Sunny skies. 21 °C. Wind NE 16km/h. Wednesday Night Partly cloudy skies. 20 °C. Wind NNE 16km/h.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802


flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Thursday Partly cloudy skies. 21 °C. Wind NE 16km/h. Thursday Night Partly cloudy skies. 20 °C. Wind NNE 16km/h.

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29 April 2011 - 05 May 2011

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