T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 704
20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011
¿Habla Español? New laws for Tenerife bars and restaurants IN JANUARY of this year the new rules on smoking were implemented. Now the Canarian Weekly has just received by email, documentation from the Tenerife Cabildo which drastically affects how bars and restaurants throughout the Canary Islands will operate. The decree 90/2010 is from the Tourism Inspection service at the Cabildo’s Tourism & Planning Department. In general the document pulls together all the archaic and differing legislation, relating to bars and restaurants, the service industry, some of which has been around since the 1970’s, and, we might add, used to differ depending on which municipality your business was in. The new legislation appears to have been detailed on the 22 July last year and published in the official gazette on the 30/7/2010. Canarian Weekly have been advised that failure to comply could mean an inspector can fine you 3.000 euros on the spot. The new laws apply to those who carry out the general activities of bars and restaurants, serving the tourist sector. It is applicable throughout the whole of the Canaries, not just Tenerife. The document includes a tome of information relating to what you can and can not do and every business will be different, however, the minimum requirements alone will be a struggle for some businesses to comply with, especially if you are a small venue. Article 7 of the document lists the minimum requirements to which you have to
adhere, the major one which the Cabildo have highlighted is that staff have to speak Spanish, now it is a little grey but Canarian Weekly understands that you have to employ at least one person on each shift who is fluent in Spanish, the document doesn’t actually stipulate how many. Now considering that last April143,285 visitors were British and 56,153 were German it seems a little
strange. Other requirements are good, and the rationale behind the laws good, but, the practicalities are not as easy. Rubbish has to be taken out of the venue through a separate entrance, not the main door. Appliances have to be energy efficient, ‘B’ or better, even down to your choice of light bulbs. Toilets as always are going to be the bone of contention. Separate toilets, separate
staff toilets and each toilet has to be clearly marked and contain soap, toilet paper in a proper dispenser, mirror, paper towels or hand dryer, plus you must have a hook for a coat and a bin. Our interpretation is that if you are a new business, you have to comply with the amended regulations within 12 months. It’s that 12 months from last July we hear you ask, the answer is, we do not know.
If you are an existing business, our understanding is that you have 36 months to adjust your premises. The document goes into a raft of detail about menus and how prices should be listed. Along with how bills should be formulated, displaying IGIC for certain items. Another large area which will affect every venue is over storage of barrels, bottles, food etc. It has to be
away from the dispensing area. It even details standards for the cleanliness of your venue and staff. In conclusion, you have been warned; Canarian Weekly will provide you with further information as we receive it, in the meantime if you receive an inspection, make sure your premises are as law abiding as they can be and above all you, and your staff must speak Spanish!