Canarian Weekly Ed 704

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 704



20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


¿Habla Español? New laws for Tenerife bars and restaurants IN JANUARY of this year the new rules on smoking were implemented. Now the Canarian Weekly has just received by email, documentation from the Tenerife Cabildo which drastically affects how bars and restaurants throughout the Canary Islands will operate. The decree 90/2010 is from the Tourism Inspection service at the Cabildo’s Tourism & Planning Department. In general the document pulls together all the archaic and differing legislation, relating to bars and restaurants, the service industry, some of which has been around since the 1970’s, and, we might add, used to differ depending on which municipality your business was in. The new legislation appears to have been detailed on the 22 July last year and published in the official gazette on the 30/7/2010. Canarian Weekly have been advised that failure to comply could mean an inspector can fine you 3.000 euros on the spot. The new laws apply to those who carry out the general activities of bars and restaurants, serving the tourist sector. It is applicable throughout the whole of the Canaries, not just Tenerife. The document includes a tome of information relating to what you can and can not do and every business will be different, however, the minimum requirements alone will be a struggle for some businesses to comply with, especially if you are a small venue. Article 7 of the document lists the minimum requirements to which you have to

adhere, the major one which the Cabildo have highlighted is that staff have to speak Spanish, now it is a little grey but Canarian Weekly understands that you have to employ at least one person on each shift who is fluent in Spanish, the document doesn’t actually stipulate how many. Now considering that last April143,285 visitors were British and 56,153 were German it seems a little

strange. Other requirements are good, and the rationale behind the laws good, but, the practicalities are not as easy. Rubbish has to be taken out of the venue through a separate entrance, not the main door. Appliances have to be energy efficient, ‘B’ or better, even down to your choice of light bulbs. Toilets as always are going to be the bone of contention. Separate toilets, separate

staff toilets and each toilet has to be clearly marked and contain soap, toilet paper in a proper dispenser, mirror, paper towels or hand dryer, plus you must have a hook for a coat and a bin. Our interpretation is that if you are a new business, you have to comply with the amended regulations within 12 months. It’s that 12 months from last July we hear you ask, the answer is, we do not know.

If you are an existing business, our understanding is that you have 36 months to adjust your premises. The document goes into a raft of detail about menus and how prices should be listed. Along with how bills should be formulated, displaying IGIC for certain items. Another large area which will affect every venue is over storage of barrels, bottles, food etc. It has to be

away from the dispensing area. It even details standards for the cleanliness of your venue and staff. In conclusion, you have been warned; Canarian Weekly will provide you with further information as we receive it, in the meantime if you receive an inspection, make sure your premises are as law abiding as they can be and above all you, and your staff must speak Spanish!


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20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


Vote for your Sunday best in the Municipal elections Election trivia THE CANARIES is divided into seven electoral districts, one per island, both councils and the Parliament, and in 88 municipal districts.

MUNICIPAL elections take place in Tenerife this Sunday (22nd May) when voters will have the chance to elect their Town Hall leaders. There are three main political parties vying for seats on their local councils: Coalición Canaria (nationalists), Partido

Popular (centre right) and Partido Socialista Canario PSOE (centre left) and these receive the most popular support in elections. But in order to vote, you must be registered on the padrón (a list of those living in a certain municipality) at your local town hall. You must also have expressed an explicit wish to vote in these elections by

signing on the electoral roll (censo electoral). So EU citizens (Brits as well) who are residents in Spain and aged 18 or over on the day of the election, are entitled to vote, provided they fulfil the criteria.. The Electoral Census Office has already posted letters to those people who are registered on the padrón but have not previously registered to

vote. Over 750,000 letters were sent out to residents. If you are not sure whether you are on the voting register, you will need to contact your local town hall in the next few days before time runs out. You should have your padrón, passport number and NIE/Residencia details to hand. An interpreter may be required as the staff generally speak Spanish.

The campaign runs from 6th to 20th May. On Saturday, 21 is the day of reflection. It is prohibited to publish election polls 17 to May 21. Only political parties, coalitions and groups of voters may nominate candidates. Institutional campaign conducted by the National Government in the pre-election period must be limited to informing the public about the date of the vote, the voting procedure and the requirements and procedures of voting by mail, without affecting in any way in the orientation vote of the electors. The first Spanish constitution that recognized the right of suffrage to women was that of the Republic,

SPANISH GRAND Prix adverts will give Canaries tourism such a boost

A roaring success!

THE Canaries Government will be lapping up Sunday’s Spanish Grand Prix in Barcelona - and no wonder! Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button will parade the Islands’ tourism logo on their McLaren-Mercedes F1 cars as they roar around the track in search of a British victory.. It is an incredible promotion for the archipelago, which will have a logo featured on the sides of the two machines, because the race is expected to attract a worldwide audience of around 100 million people. And, following all-time record numbers of tourists to the Canaries last month, President Paulino Rivero said: “This is the road to our economic recovery.” Yet it will not cost the Canaries a cent because Vodafone, chief sponsors of McLaren, are footing the bill. Vodafone Spain chief Javier Alvarez, who made the announcement with Rivero on Wednesday, said such adver-

tising fell within the company’s overall commitment to the region. Rivero thanked the mobile phone company for their support, saying: “This gesture allows an event as important

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

as the Formula 1 Grand Prix to consider the Canaries as a promotional basis for McLaren-Mercedes cars. . “Vodafone are making a commitment this weekend to helping the archipelago

achieve their objectives.” A jubilant Rivero believes the Grand Prix promotion ties in with the fantastic increase in tourists visiting the Canaries recently. “This first quarter has been spectacular,

and we broke all records in April,” he said. “There has never been a month in the history of the Canary Islands where there have been a million foreign tourists.”

1931. The Electoral Act expressly prohibits the nomination with symbols that portray the flag or coat of Spain, or names or symbols referring to the Crown. The President, the Members and auditors of the officers are the last to vote. The electoral roll is prepared by the Electoral Census Office, a body framed by the National Institute of Statistics (Minesterio of Economy and Finance) which has responsibility under the direction and supervision of the Central Electoral Board. The autonomous communities that have the most municipalities is Castilla y León (2,248). The Autonomous Communities with less Municipalities (excluding Ceuta and Melilla), is Murcia, with 45 municipalities. The electoral law states that the campaign will end, in any case, at zero hours of the day immediately preceding the vote (“day of reflection”) The President added: “What better way to promote us than in the world of Formula 1 cars? This is the ideal opportunity to strengthen the dramatic improvement in tourist arrivals. “Ultimately, this serves to enable people to work harder, and for the other sectors to follow suit and begin to recover. And this is the road to our economic recovery ” Alvarez also stressed the role of the archipelago as a driving force of Spain’s economic development, and as a worldwide tourist destination. He also clarified that Vodafone had made an investment in a network to provide coverage to all points of the islands, and sees the archipelago as a new hub of infrastructure and technology, such as the underwater cable system, which was installed this week in Granadilla (details inside). He also gave the Canaries a huge boost by stressing that this weekend’s Formula 1 deal with McLaren was a step towards reinforcing the image of the islands as a quality tourist destination among the millions of worldwide spectators following the race.

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‘Instant Arming’

MANY of us know through bitter experience what it is like to lose a loved one, usually through illness, old age or unfortunate accident but none of us were prepared for the incident last Friday. The shock of the magnitude of the event affected both residents and visitors alike, whether there at the time or “i was there an hour before, yesterday, last week, etc, etc” Our condolences go to the family of Jennifer MillsWestley who was murdered last week in Los Cristianos. The family issued a statement which asked for privacy, unfortunately due to the ferocity of the incident for a few days Los Cristianos was a media circus. Every one knows the story, so I’m not going to reiterate, but, highlight the fact that there are over-riding factors which to me just do not add up. Firstly, how can the media get the facts of the event so wrong, perhaps it’s due to the Tenerife urban myth machine that we all know works in over drive here at times. Secondly, I appreciate that authorities here work in different ways from the UK but how can a crime scene be open for business within 24

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hours still selling similar goods to the murder weapon? A little respect would have gone a long way. If you are a bar or restaurant owner here you have to jump through hoops to have the correct paperwork and storage facilities for stock and products sold. So how come a ‘fancy goods store’ for want of a better phrase, can sell a product capable of killing someone. Why were they not behind lock and key? Brandon Cook, Lead Officer, Trading Standards Institute, UK told me, “Even in the UK there is no law as to how knives should be displayed, but, there is what is called a responsibility deal, we advise that certain items should be locked away or put out of reach. Many items are locked away because of their value or possible mis-use.” In the case of the shop in question locked away are cigarettes and computer bits! The trading standards officer continued, “incidents have occurred in the UK where a knife is either taken or purchased from a shop to carry out a crime, as there is a crackdown in the UK about carrying knives on the street, the Home Office call it instant arming” Perhaps over time these questions will find an answer. Tenerife is still a very safe place, and an incident like this has never occurred on the island of Tenerife before and hopefully will never again in my lifetime.

Yes! Tenerife Love Karaoke By John Zammit IT HAS been my great pleasure to have attended every heat of Tenerife Loves Karaoke, which started way back on 2nd February in Los Cristianos. With heats being held throughout the south of the Island, everyone was given a chance to enter this fun and exciting competition. Some of the major highlights for me were to be able to get venues that I would not normally go to, to meet a lot of new people and to watch the high standard of karaoke singers we have on the Island. In my opinion, not only the 14 finalists but the high percentage of all entrants could quite easily compete in the Karaoke World Championship, to be held this year in Killarney Ireland, on 8-10th September. With the last heat held on 8th May, the final line-up was then known and on Friday, 13th May, a live draw was carried out on Oasis Fm by Joe Ferguson and Jamie Drew to determine the running order of singers. So to the final, which was held at Showtime, Playa de Las Americas, on Saturday night .and what a final! I arrived just past 7pm and was amazed to see people queuing up to ensure they got a good seat - almost an hour before the doors opened. So, does Tenerife Love Karaoke? The answer is YES! With most of the preparation for the final carried out on Friday, as you walked in the venue looked great and ready for what was to be a fabulous night. Once the doors opened, it seemed there was a neverending stream of people pouring in and very soon, there was standing room only. All the contestants were asked to go backstage with compere Jamie Drew, so that he could explain to them how the evening was going to go, and when and where they had to be. Well, the time came and at 9pm, the lights went down and the now-famous introduction music to Tenerife Loves Karaoke started and Jamie emerged from behind the curtain to over 300 people clapping and cheering. Almost immediately, a Facebook message from a Willy Ray read: “What a great entrance of Jamie Drew as host. Fantastic.” When the noise calmed down, Jamie welcomed everyone and then introduced the judges, who also appeared from behind the curtain. On

came Paul James, from his showbiz agency Paul James Associates, Aaron and Leon Cormack, representing Villa Studios, noted recording and performing artist Tammy Louca, representing Showtime Tenerife, for whom she has been a long-term cast member, and me, John Zammit, sales manager representing Oasis Fm. Once the judges were seated, Jamie ran through the judging criteria and what everyone could expect over the next few hours, and then the first contestant was introduced in the shape of Roseanne, representing Churchill’s, Los Cristianos. It’s never easy being the first up, but as Roseanne appeared from backstage, the crowd gave her a great reception, as they did for everyone. She belted out Empire State of Mind and the standard had been set for the evening. Next up was Amanda Coward, from the Bow Locks Bar in Callao Salvaje, singing It’s All Coming Back To Me Now, followed by Alex Davies, from Our Place Bar in Costa del Silencio, with Hallelujah. The place was buzzing by now, and the standard so far was very high. Next up was Xenna, representing the Harbour Lounge, Fanabe. She was one of the youngest con-

testants, and showed a few nerves, but she rocked it with Make Me Wanna Die. She was followed by Yasmin, representing the Premier Bar, Amarilla Golf. And the place went wild as she sang Someone Like You. With only two more contestants to perform before a break, it was the turn of Peter from Germany, from the Theatre Bar San Eugenio, singing Nessun Dorma, and we had our first standing ovation. Tony Blunden, from the Palms Bar Golf del Sur, was next singing My Way and he looked every inch the part. Well that was the first half and I can honestly say that the standard so far was so high and the atmosphere amazing. After the break, and to get the crowd buzzing again, Jamie invited a true karaoke singer, Joan, on stage to perform the song she sang at one of the heats, which was It’s Oh So Quiet, and that did it. Back to the competition and our next contestant was Cat, representing O’Jangles, Los Cristianos, who certainly got the crowd back up to the level with her version of Like A Prayer. With Pari representing the Blarney Stone unable to attend the final, it was the turn of Nadia, singing Russian Roulette by Rihanna and representing Wigan Pier. Nadia was then followed by Paula, from the Irish Rose, who performed a wicked version of Run. We then waited for the crowd to go mad for Matt and Luke turn singing Nothing On You and we were not let down

as they got the second standing ovation of the night,. well done to these very young guys. Shannon, from the Full Monty was next and the third under-16 in the competition. She sang Wacca Wacca in three languages - brilliant! Over The Rainbow was the next song to be sung, by Jan Reid, from Clousseaaus, Palm Mar, and our last contestant, Aiden a tourist who went through as a wild card at the Wigan Pier, gave us Your Game What a soul voice. It was clear that a lot of thought had gone into all performances - not only the songs but the way that the singers conducted themselves on stage, making it a really tough task for the judges to determine the final three. The judges retired back stage and after a short break, emerged with their final three: Peter, Paula and Matt & Luke. At this stage I would like to say that the night had seen an incredibly high standard of competitors and they should all be proud of their performances Peter is first with Music Of The Night from Phantom Of The Opera. Then it’s the turn of Paula, singing It’s All Coming Back To Me Now. And lastly, Matt & Luke sang Shame, as the crowd were mad again. The judges retired for the last time and were then invited on stage along with the the finalist for the results to be read out. In true style, Jamie kept everyone waiting and then announced that in third place was Matt & Luke, who received the appropriate trophy, with second-place Peter receiving the runners-up trophy. That left Paula to receive the trophy and winner of Tenerife Loves Karaoke 2011. She also received 500 euros in cash, a recording session at Villa Studios, A contract with Paul James Associates and an invite to sing at this year’s Tenerife Entertainment Awards on 25th September. I would like to thank Jamie Drew for a great job compering Tenerife Loves Karaoke, all the 31 judges who have judged since the 2nd February (including Paul James, who judged the lot!). Big thanks also go to Ian at Special FX for providing the karaoke equipment on Finals night, Steve Snook for transporting the banners, etc, to and from each venue, all the venues which held the heats, Dan and his staff at Showtime for a great night, Oasis Fm production team, all the sponsors and of course EVERY SINGLE CONTESTANT AND SUPPORTER WHO HAS MADE THIS A GREAT, FUN COMPETITION. Look forward to seeing everyone next year!

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


Internet prices to be tumbling down soon New fibre-optic cable puts Tenerife on par with Europe TENERIFE will soon be on the same footing as the rest of Europe regarding Cable TV and the internet - and that’s great news for home-owners. A new, multi-million-euro, underwater, telecommunications system installed this week by the sea in Granadilla, will send the cost of cable TV and the internet tumbling. The CanaLink fibre-optic cable, at the Institute of Technology and Renewable Energy site (ITER), links Cadiz with Tenerife - a distance of 2,000 miles - and will greatly enhance broadband and telecommunications connections. It will also provide more TV digital channels. It means that Granadilla will become the nerve centre of communications between Africa, Europe and South America. More importantly for tellywatchers and internet-users, it also means that prices will be forced down in the next few months as companies vie for business. The CanaLink company is owned by the telecommunications technology institute Tenerife (it3) and IslaLink, a Madrid-based firm, who began the mammoth cablelaying task in Cadiz, southwest Spain, on 24th March. Ricardo Melchior, President of the Tenerife Cabildo, said: “It is one of the most important technological advances in the Canaries since the arrival of the Telegraph Cable

in 1893.” The arrival of the undersea cable is the first leg of Project ALIX, the development of the Inter-island telecommunications network. And it is regarded as one of the key phases of Project ALIX, led by Tenerife Cabildo. This stretch of the cable network not only links the mainland to Tenerife but also to Gran Canaria and La Palma. It meets all the requirements demanded by all telecom operators, transforming the Canary Islands into the southern gate of Europe.

Local company Club Sail Sea School, based in Los Gigantes Marina, has been right at the heart of this exciting venture, The company was asked to provide support-boat services to the divers involved in

the historic landing of the fibre-optic cable at Granadilla. This complicated operation involved cable ship Il de Batz and a beach crew, who controlled the operation, prepared the ground ashore and

winched the messenger line and cable ashore. Two support boats, a local fishing boat as load carrier and Club Sail’s speedy inflatable boat, on which the divers were based.

Apart from providing security for the operation, the rigid inflatable, skippered by Club Sail Sea School Principal John Williams, had a crew of five commercial divers, experienced in cable-landing operations all over the world. The task began last Thursday (12th May), when the seabed was surveyed and markers were positioned to ensure the cable would run correctly over the sea bed. The following day, the cable ship arrived and took up her position. A floating messenger line was then deployed from the beach, towed out by the inflatable boat, and buoyed. Another messenger line, attached to the fibre-optic cable, was deployed by Ile de Batz. The messenger lines were then joined and the cable winched out slowly. It was supported by buoys and floated just below the surface. Once ashore, the cable was connected to the ITER access point and the divers cut off the buoys to lay the cable after being towed by the ship into the correct position. By Saturday, the operation had been completed and local dignitaries, including Ricardo Melchior, were there to witness the momentous occasion.

The authorities signing the Canalink buoy which floated the submarine cable ashore in Tenerife for its hook up to the NAP (Neutral Network Access Point) at the ITER, Granadilla. Also present were children from local comprehensive schools. Juan Ruiz from the Energy Agency of the Canary Islands Government, President of Tenerife Government, Ricardo Melchior, Tenerife Government’s chief of Economy and Competitiveness , Carlos Alonso; the chairman of Canalink, Alfonso Gajate; the managing director of ITER, Manuel Cendagorta, the mayoress of Granadilla, Carmen Nieves Gaspar Rivero, Rosalía Portela, CEO of ONO with representatives from multinational ITC firms.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

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NEWS IN BRIEF GUARDIA CIVIL this week arrested a man aged 31 yrs at Reina Sofia Airport for allegedly attempting to smuggle half a kilo of heroin secreted in his body. The man, currently living in Madrid flew into Tenerife

Drugs bust from a European country not specified in the report. The man was taken to hospital where he expelled 50 capsules totalling 582 grams in weight.

Titsa going green Tenerife’s bus company Titsa has launched it’s very first hybrid bus, greener than ever, this time in a different sense, the new environmentally friendly bus, currently operating in La Laguna is powered by diesel AND electric, cutting down on pollution by 30%. Titsa will soon be introducing Rent a car company Avis are organising their 4th used car sales fare taking place at the Parque Marítimo, Santa Cruz, from the 20th to the 22nd May (5pm on fri. 11am to 7pm sat and sun) with unbeatable offers on a range of over 100

the new buses into its southern fleet.

Car auction vehicles including Volkswagen, Skoda and Audi. The initiative will be overseen and advised by Volkswagen Canarias who will be offering a year’s guarantee on many models.

Retail courses More than 11,000 establishments in 31 municipalities of Tenerife are soon to benefit from several formation courses and seminars on strategic aspects of commercial activity and marketing in order to boost morale and

promote campaigns in support of local businesses hit by the recession. Tenerife Cabildo says they have made major investments in the project and are determined to reinvent the retail trade on the island.

Charco del Pino – new school Plans have finally been passed for a new primary school in Charco del Pino in Granadilla. The school will occupy 10,000m2 and be located on the outskirts of the town. Parents in the surrounding

areas have apparently been campaigning for several years about the severe lack of educational facilities which the Council of Education are about to address. Building will begin after the summer.

Reina Sofia has been named among the top ten low cost airports in Spain according to new figures released today. To date this year, Ryanair alone has brought over 2million passengers to the Canaries , half a million of

them in the month of April, a 35% increase on the same period last year and provisional summer figures are looking even more positive.

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Reina Sofia

Almonedas creates a rare song and dance! THE Antiques, Vintage and Collectors’ Fair, staged by the Colectivo de Almonedas de Tenerife in Santa Cruz, attracted more foreigners - British, Italian, Germans - than at any of their other events. And the Vintage fashion shows last Wednesday (11th) and Friday proved to be outstanding successes, and a novelty on the Island. None of the models was professional. Instead, friends and/or relatives of those involved volunteered to do the catwalk, which certainly livened up the fair! Several customers got into the mood and they also came to the Almoneda dressed in vintage outfits. On top of that, the all-male choir Homini Chorum, who were mingling in the crowd, suddenly burst into song, to the delight of all. The drinks and tapas for that evening were provided by the Rotary Club of Santa Cruz, and even TV Canaria

put the show in the spotlight, live that evening. The Rotarians arranged for

the Encuentro con Chile - a Chilean dance and music show - on the Thursday

evening, while the Parranda Bienmesabe came along in national costume to sing to the public on Saturday. Then, on Sunday, the final day, the Rotarians’ draw was held for all those who had contributed to their cause - to eradicate polio in the world on entry to the fair. The winner was Fabiola, from Playa de Las Americas, whose prize was an original painting. The Colectivo de Almonedas de Tenerife thank all those who came along to the Fair and, of course, the Rotarians of Santa Cruz and the Town Hall’s Depto de Cultura for their co-operation with this grand Almoneda. The Centro de Arte La Recova venue, the former market hall, proved ideal for the event and delighted officials from the international group of Almonedistas have received numerous enquiries from people wishing to join them for their next fair. For further information about the Almonedas, contact organiser Sophie Baillon on 922 636 63 or 609 367 003, or email her at almonedasdetenerife@gmail. com

Canaries agree to a 23m budget for the disabled THE Canarian Islands’ Governing Council gave the green light last week to a 28.3milllion-euro programme of care for the disabled.

Officers authorised the signing of co-operation agreements between the Canarian Government and the Island Councils to provide the necessary services. The Canarian Government adopted in 2004,the sociomedical care programme for

the disabled, aged 17-64, in collaboration with the various councils, for a five-year period (2005-2010). It has now, legally and effective until 31st December this year, allowed joint collaboration between the regional administration and the Seven Island

Councils for the disabled. Government spokesman Martin Marrero said that the survival and continuity of the programme in 2012 would depend on the next budget of the Autonomous Community, to be formed after the 22nd May elections.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


Tenerife's economic cloud beginning to see the light at last

FANTASTIC CAREER OPPORTUNITIES to work for a rapidly expanding marketing company with state of the art systems based in the south of Tenerife. We are looking for Reservations Consultants who will be contacting potential customers based in the UK, establishing their holiday needs and promoting one of our luxurious 5* accommodations in one of our destinations worldwide. (this is not timeshare & you do not need to speak Spanish). Once you have established their needs you will hand the customer onto 1 of our reservations managers who are responsible for closing the sale. The reservations centre in Tenerife is such a great place to work not only do we look after our staff in this buzzing environment we also treat you to evenings out, team building sessions and the chance to stay in our 5* resort with your family including flights!

Our most successful consultants are:

IT’S good news all round for Tenerife’s economy this month, with the jobless total going down and the tourists numbers going up! The Government’s Analysis Service and Chamber of Commerce report that 9,220 more people have been employed than a year ago. It also emphasises a stability in the construction sector and, just as important, an increase in tourism that continues to set the pace of recovery, with visitors to the Island spending 13.6% more

than this time in 2010. The outlook for the coming months is a slow recovery of economic activity which will slowly improve the tourism sector, with a knockon effect to other areas, and a gradual increase in employment. From the Cabildo’s point of view, Tenerife’s priority is the creation of jobs, at a time when the unemployment rate is around three points below average records in the Canaries. Hence, the Government will concentrate on the various projects it is promoting, especially telecommunications such as ITER, the Science and Technology park

at Granadilla, and improving road systems in the South, to benefit communications. The increase in exports has been an important factor in overcoming the crisis, and Tenerife has positioned itself well in this regard. The Island’s economy now has excellent prospects with the NAP and Project Alix the huge, ongoing development of the Inter-island telecommunications network at Granadilla, This is seen as one of the greatest assets the Island has to begin to make the transition to a sustainable economic recovery, next to boosting tourism and construction.

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New gambling law OK’d by Congress THE Spanish Government has approved the new Ley de Juego gaming law in Spain after accepting amendments placed by the Senate. The gambling law, brought in last week by Congress, included a wide package of measures to protect consumers in general, and children and gambling addicts in particular. Betting over the internet, or from a mobile phone, is being controlled for the first time, and the money raised in a new tax will be distributed to the autonomous regions. The State will still be respon-

sible for the present arrangements for horserace betting. A percentage of the new tax will be fed back to the sport, when sport is involved. All companies on the internet offering gaming in Spain will be obliged to use a .es domain name to enforce the supervision and control of the Spanish authorities. Online gaming is reckoned to have generated 315 million euros of business in Spain last year and now, fines in the most serious of cases, such as operating without a licence, could be as high as 50m euros.. The new law controls traditional gaming, such as bingo and casinos, as well as internet and mobile gaming. It

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

intends to bring order to the industry and ensure that it is not used to launder money or to finance terrorism. A transitory period, until 1st Jan 2012, will allow companies to legalise their situation and activities, should they be currently sponsoring or advertising in the press. The law will protect the judicial security of the gaming firms, as well as offering protection to consumers. A Council for Gaming Policy, a body which will see all the autonomous regions represented, is to be set up. In addition, a National Gaming Commission will authorise, supervise and control the industry, and will be responsible for imposing fines.

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Tram traveller Ana is one in 50 million! ANA SCHWARTZ was feted by the Cabildo on Tuesday as the 50millionth passenger on the trams in her native Santa Cruz. She travels on Line 1 daily, journeying back and forth to work, and has the highest praise for the revolutionary service, which opened on 1st June 2007. She was greeted at the Fundacion stop by Cabildo President Ricardo Melchior, Metropolitan President Carlos

Alonso Andres, plus Muñoz de Dios, Managing Director of the tram company MTSA, and thanked for her trust and loyalty towards the tram. Ana, who received various gifts, including an annual tram pass, said: “It is a great asset to the City.” Line 1, has proved extremely popular with residents and tourists, connecting to the major academic, health and administrative centres between Santa Cruz and La Laguna, priding itself on punctuality, frequency and safety.

Lions’ holiday kids in full flight after a long airport delay at home

In Loving Memory of Michael Mcfarlane, Director of Tenerife Island Rentals. In the early hours of Thursday 12th May, sadly and completely unexpected our family had to part with a precious soul. Michael was an extraordinary Father, our compass, my best friend and the most kindest and loving person, leaving behind three beautiful children who will miss him deeply, but will carry him in their hearts forever. I am so touched and overwhelmed by friends and colleagues who have given me and the children so much support, time and kind words at this difficult time. I truly wish to say thank you so very much to everyone. Sonya.

AFTER the worse possible start to the San Miguel Lions Club’s holiday venture, the sun finally shone on their visitors from Blackpool. Children from the Brian House hospice there, who

have spent their lives fighting against illness, and their parents, suffered a 7½-hour flight delay. It spoiled the introductory poolside entertainment at their hotel, Club Marino, in Costa del Silencio, which had been planned for the afternoon. But the adults performed a masterful job in keeping the kids amused in the departure lounge for all that time, and they still enjoyed a spot of dinner and a welcome party when they finally arrived that evening. The following day (Saturday), they had a trip around Silencio and Las Galletas and then, in the evening after dinner, the Lions Club’s Karen staged a chocolate party for EVERYONE. What a mess! The kids had a super day at Jungle Park on the Monday, and they loved feeding the

birds, so special thanks go to the staff, who made it a magical event for them. And on Tuesday came the Big Day Out, when they were transported to Loro Parque. It was a marvellous experience for the Lions Club helpers to see the children’s faces lighting up at the various shows. The youngsters, many of whom had never been on holiday before, had organised entertainment every evening at the hotel. A grand farewell party was held on the Thursday afternoon, when there was lots of dancing going on, lots of “thank-yous” and lots of tears shed. The Lions Club offer huge thanks of their own to all the entertainers who came along and gave their time for free. There was also a touching moment when bouquets were presented by a repre-

sentative on behalf of the parents and kids to Lisa Woods who, along with husband Tony, raised all the monies at the Blackpool end, and to Lions Club President Susan Solomon. The Lions invite holiday parties over here every year at their expense, via a huge fund-raising campaign, usually for disadvantaged kids. Susan’s husband Ralph, the Club Secretary, said: “It was a fantastic week for everyone and that’s our holiday project over for this year. Now we start saving for 2012. “This is where you can help by emptying your drawers and cupboards. We will take almost anything for our charity shop and monthly auctions.” He added: “If you would like any more information about our club activities or projects, don’t hesitate to phone me on 685 542 128.”

Royal Society receives a Spanish Prince Award THE ROYAL Society has been awarded the prestigious Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities, it has been announced today. The award is among the most important in Spain and is given in recognition of a contribution to encouraging and promoting the scientific, cultural and humanistic values that form part of mankind’s universal heritage.

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The Royal Society is a Fellowship of the world’s most eminent scientists and is the oldest scientific academy in existence. Their aim is to expand the frontiers of knowledge by championing the development and use of science, mathematics, engineering and medicine for the benefit of humanity and the good of the planet, according to their website. Sir Paul Nurse, President of the Royal Society welcomed the award saying, “The Royal Society is honoured to be awarded so prestigious a

prize as the Prince of Asturias Award. As we celebrated our 350th anniversary last year, one of our goals was to inspire people to see the wonder of the world around them and the enlightenment and advancement that science can offer. This prize offers a clear endorsement of our goal and our success in achieving it.” The award will be presented at a ceremony in Oviedo later this year. For more information on the awards visit

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


Adapted Sports festival such a big winner again TENERIFE’S annual Adapted Sports Games for the disabled came to a glorious end at the Pavilion Santiago Martin in Santa Cruz on Wednesday.

respectively, Fernando Clavijo and Javier Alvarez; the Mayor and Councillor for Sports in La Laguna. They were accompanied by Joseph Rull, Managing Director of Disa, and also

A total of 950 athletes took part in one of the six sports included in the programme - athletics, Canarian ball (similar to petanque), swimming, indoor football, adapted tests and draughts and the vast project spanned 34 centres across 14 municipalities. During the closing ceremony, there were six performances by Acaman, the special education centre in Santa Cruz. In addition, the Santa Cruz Council gave plaques to Disa, CajaCanarias and the city of La Laguna in recognition of their annual support for the games. Cabildo President Ricardo Melchior attended the grand finale, along with Cristina Valido and Damaso Arteaga, Ministers of Social Welfare and Sports

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

José Manuel Álvarez, a CajaCanarias representative. A delighted Melchior said: “All participants are an example of perseverance and effort, and example for all society to follow.

Organic bananas

“Adapted Sport has been built up for more than a decade at the Games in Tenerife, and we will continue to work towards all disabled people being able to enjoy sport.”

THE CANARY Island banana growers want to establish a single marketing category for organic bananas according to the local press. Organic banana plantations in La Palma, where the fruit has only been treated with natural products produce approximately one million kilos of bananas annually. The Canary Island Banana Grower’s Association (ASPROCAN) is proposing a marketing strategy based on quality as

opposed to size, their proposal has gained the support of the Tenerife unions. Already other European countries have a great awareness of organic produce. Within the market there is very little competition as bananas from some other producing countries are not organic. The Agriculture and livestock agency in mainland Spain have said that consumers should be proactive in buying locally grown produce, many retailers purchase foreign grown food regardless of quality. Consumers need to become more aware as to the origin of production of their fruit and vegetables – cheap isn’t always best, but quality is.

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Carmen’s Alma takes her final steps at last

THE final curtain descends on Alma, the spectacular dance show, on Wednesday (25th May), after a year of success and more than 300 performances. This incredible stage show, at the Piramides de Arona auditorium in the Mare Nostrum resort, Playa de Las Americas, was created by

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former dancers Carmen Mota and her son, Joaquin Marcelo. The much-acclaimed production turned around their artistic careers, allowing them to say goodbye to musicals and return to their pure dance roots. Choreographers Carmen and Joaquin are now preparing a new show at the same venue, to be launched in mid-June. Alma is a fusion of genres, reintroducing Latin

American influences back into Spanish dance, with styles ranging from the Cuban guajira to the Mexican Bamba. For nearly two hours, 30 dancers, backed by diverse music, mix a variation of Spanish dance styles with more contemporary moves, ending with Flamenco roots. Traditional dances such the Sevillana are accompanied only by the sounds of the percussion and home-made instruments.

Carmen is now celebrating 15 years on the Piramides stage, demonstrating her knowledge and passion for dance, which always has the capacity to amaze the public. You can still catch Alma as it winds down, at 9.30pm every night, except Monday (8.30pm), and it is closed on Sunday). The Piramides auditorium, a spectacular building and home to one of the largest theatres in Europe, holds 1,876 spectators.

Spain’s billions offer Portugal another lift SPAIN is to give up to five billion euros towards the latest EU bail-out, for Portugal, which will add up to around 78bn altogether. Elena Salgado, the Spanish Economy Minister, said on Wednesday that the country would definitely contribute to the rescue programme. She added that the sum between 4.5-5bn euros would be “in the form of guarantees” and not a loan, and the pledge followed the EU finance ministers’ decision to okay the three-year package for Portugal, after accepting Finland’s conditions. Finland had insisted last Friday on some form of private-sector involvement to ensure its parliament, which includes eurosceptic parties, would approve the bail-out. It was the first time a eurozone country had explicitly sought voluntary pledges from private creditors not to sell down their debt holdings. The 78 billion euros, to cover Portugal’s finance needs for the next three years, will be provided equally

by the IMF and the EU’s two financial bodies - the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and the European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism (EFSM). Portugal is the third eurozone country to secure a rescue package after Greece and Ireland last year. Salgado also spoke about the Greece situation after members of the Eurozone said the country had to make a bigger effort to cut costs if it wanted more aid - in addition to the 110 billion euros pledged last year.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

News/World News

The evil ‘prophet’ who Arona slaughtered a grandma CRAZED murderer Deyan Deyanov, who claimed he was a “prophet sent by God”, chose victim Jennifer Mills-Westley at random last week in Los Cristianos. The 28-year-old Bulgarian vagrant brought the area to a standstill after attacking the 60-year-old British expat with a huge knife, stabbing her, and decapitating her. He then horrified onlookers by marching down the street, brandishing the head, before being brought down by a security guard. No one could have foreseen

the events which followed last Friday morning after Deyanov finally cornered Ms Mills-Westley in a Chinese shop at the Valdes shopping centre on Avenida Amsterdam. Tragically, a warning by police that he was a serious menace and should not be on the streets, was ignored, even though he had smashed a rock in a security guard’s face earlier in the year, knocking out his front teeth. As he was arrested then, he told officers: “I am a prophet sent by God and I am planning something big.” He was sent to a psychiatric unit but released. Deyanov had been living in a squalid squat locally. He has

The 3rd Gastronomic Route, organised by the Dept Economic promotions in Arona, is running from now until the 29th May. 15 restaurants from Valle San Lorenzo, La Camella, Chayofa and Buzanada are participating, each one offering 3 tapas prepared with Canarian products accompanied by local wine or beer for 3 euros per person. The idea is to promote the diverse and rich cuisine of the island to residents and tourists alike.

Guia de Isora A robber who barely spoke Spanish held up a pharmacy in Guia de Isora this week, at around 9pm at night. been charged with murder and has again been remanded in a psychiatric unit. Arona Mayor José Reverón said he was a bizarre individual, known to police, and had a history of intimidating passers-by before this horrifying attack. Jennifer, a grandmother-offive, was divorced from her husband and lived at the Port Royale complex in Los Cristianos. She had lived in Tenerife after retiring from her job as a road safety officer with Norfolk County Council about five years ago. When she realised she was being followed last Friday, it is alleged she sought refuge at a local employment centre, alerting officials there. A man was reportedly sent away from the area by a security guard before the tearful 60-year-old left the

building, believing the danger was over. But the deadly attack followed soon afterwards. The security guard he attacked in January, Fermin Suarez Perez, was convinced the crazed Bulgarian was also trying to do away with him. “I’ve no doubt he meant to kill me,” said Fermin, 45. “He hit me in the mouth with a

rock, leaving three of my teeth dangling. I said, ‘What are you doing, you madman’? He then crouched down on all fours like an animal and ran off.” The former Spanish soldier, who needed 14 stitches, added: “It’s unbelievable they let him out. If they had kept him in for treatment, Jennifer would still be alive.

The robber manage to get away with 300 euros. The police set up check points but failed to find the robber. In recent weeks several pharmacies have been attacked both in Granadilla de Abona, Arona and Adeje. In addition, another incident took place at the pharmacy outside the Arona Gran Hotel. The same robber attacked another pharmacy in Santa Cruz Avenue, San Isidro.

Police raid ‘rip-off’ garage POLICE have made 11 arrests during a raid on a garage previously exposed in a Sky News investigation. Seventy-five tactical support officers from the Metropolitan Police descended on Bray Engineering Ltd. in Southall, assisted by police from the UK Border Agency. The site, which reconditions motor engines, has been the subject of hundreds of complaints from customers who have alleged they’ve been defrauded and threatened with violence, or their vehicles impounded. Officers were particularly keen to apprehend those running the business.

Among those led away in handcuffs was Paul Dockerill, understood to have once been the company director. Detective Chief Superintendent Andy Rowell told Sky News: “We have been focusing on the people in charge of conducting the business. We believe this company has been treading a very fine line between running a bad business and crossing over into criminality. “This year alone we have had 30 allegations of criminal activity relating to these premises. “There have been allegations of violence, threats and intimidation towards customers. These complaints have been supported by numerous complaints to

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Trading Standards. “We believe this company has been treading a very fine line between running a bad business and crossing over into criminality. The information we received demanded a day of action.” Police also arrested several mechanics on suspicion of immigration offences. The employees were understood to be from East Europe, India and Pakistan. The company was previously fined £55,000 in 2009 after a similar raid by Border Agency police uncovered staff at the premises who had been employed illegally. Those detained have been taken to a police station in West London to be interviewed.

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World News

Bin Laden’s revolution, from beyond the grave

AL QAEDA has released a posthumous audio tape of Osama bin Laden praising revolutions sweeping the Arab world and urging Muslims to rise up. The 12-minute message posted on jihadist web forums included advice on how to spread revolt across the Islamic world. Al Qaeda said bin Laden had recorded the tape a week before he was killed at his hideout in Pakistan. In the audio, a voice reported to be bin Laden’s lavishes praise on revolutions earlier this year in Tunisia and Egypt. “Tunisia was the first but swiftly the knights of Egypt have taken a spark from the free people of Tunisia to Tahrir Square,” he said. “It has made the rulers worried.” Meanwhile, the US defence chief has said Pakistan’s leaders were unaware bin Laden had been hiding on their soil. In a strong defence of officials in Islamabad, defence secretary Robert Gates said he believed “somebody knew” of the al Qaeda leader’s whereabouts. He added: “I have seen no evidence at all that the senior leadership knew.

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“In fact, I’ve seen some evidence to the contrary.” He would not say who the “somebody” may have been, but suggested it could have been retired or low-level Pakistani officials. Mr Gates’ comments come after claims that leaders may have somehow helped harbour bin Laden before he was killed in a US special forces raid on his compound some 35 miles north of the capital. Mr Gates and the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, Admiral Mike Mullen, said in a news conference that both countries must continue to work together - and that Islamabad must take concrete action to eliminate militants’ havens along the border with Afghanistan. Pakistani Taliban have vowed to fight with “new zeal” to complete the al Qaeda chief’s mission of waging holy war against the West. Adm Mullen has forged a close relationship with his Pakistani counterparts, encouraging them to move against high-level terrorists known to be hiding in Pakistan, including al Qaeda’s number two leader, Ayman al Zawahri. But diplomatic relations have been damaged by the US raid on bin Laden’s hideout, which Pakistan’s government was not warned about.

Settlement row is likely to steal Obama thunder

A NEW settlement row threatens to overshadow a key speech on the Middle East by US President Barack Obama and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to America. Controversial plans to approve 1,608 new homes in east Jerusalem will be discussed as Mr Netanyahu boards a plane to fly to Washington DC. One plan involves carving into a picturesque hillside overlooking the West Bank town of Bethlehem to create

1,000 new homes for Jewish settlers near to the settlement of Har Homa. If approved, the development would further disfigure the view of unspoilt hills currently visible from Shepherds’ Field outside Bethlehem, visited by thousands of Christians every year. The other would create more than 600 new homes to the north of Jerusalem, also on land occupied by Israel in 1967. “This is not a random event. It would have required the consent and knowledge of the prime minister,” Jerusalem lawyer Daniel Seidemann told Sky News. “He has twice asked for the

discussions to be postponed but now is allowing it to happen.” The announcement of 1,600 new settler homes in east Jerusalem during the visit of US Vice President Joe Biden in 2010 plunged USIsraeli relations to new icy depths. In the wake of that fiasco, Israel promised to avoid provocative announcements about building in East Jerusalem. But these latest plans to be discussed by a Jerusalem planning committee are far more advanced than those back in 2010 - only a step or two short of final approval. Israel annexed a large area

around Jerusalem in 1967 claiming it as part of its “eternal, undivided capital”, an annexation not recognised by the international community. Palestinians want east Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestine and regard areas like Har Homa as part of the West Bank. Under most interpretations of international law it is illegal to build or move populations onto occupied land. Britain is opposed to all settlement activity in east Jerusalem pending the determination of its final status under any future peace agreement.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

World News

Arnie’s love child Arnold Schwarzenegger spent £200,000 on a four-bedroom home for his former housekeeper and their 13-year-old son, according to reports. The Terminator star bought the detached property 10 months ago while Mildred Baena was still in his employment. She and her teenage son Joseph moved in soon after and she continued to work for the Schwarzenegger family for another six months. The house, which has a double garage and a swimming pool, is in Bakersfield, about 100 miles from the former California governor’s Los Angeles mansion. It has also emerged Ms Baena, 50, gave birth to Joseph just one week after Schwarzenegger’s wife Maria Shriver had their fourth child, Christopher. The couple announced last week they had split after 25 years of marriage, saying they would continue to “parent” their children together. Their joint statement did not mention Schwarzenegger’s affair with Ms Baena and their love child. Ms Shriver, a member of the Kennedy clan, moved out of the family home and into a hotel on learning of her husband’s infidelity.

She remained tight-lipped about the scandal when she appeared smiling and laughing on the Oprah Winfrey show on Tuesday. Winfrey, who was recording the last ever edition of the long-running show, is an old friend. Ex-California governor Schwarzenegger, 63, confirmed his fling with Ms Baena

in a statement to the LA Times earlier this week. “After leaving the governor’s office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago,” he said. “I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. “There are no excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused. I have apologised to Maria, my children and my family. I am truly sorry.” Ms Baena refused to comment on the affair although she did tell the LA Times she had left her £800-a-week a job with the Schwarzeneggers in January “on good terms”. She had worked for them for 20 years. Her internet page on MySpace has pictures of Joseph, who bears a strong resemblance to Schwarzenegger. She describes herself as a “proud

parent” who is looking for a “serious relationship”. She is separated from her husband Rogelio Baena, who is named as Joseph’s father on the teenager’s birth certificate.

Ulrika phone hacked TELEVISION presenter Ulrika Jonsson is to take legal action against the News of the World over allegations that her phone was hacked. She is being represented by media law specialist Charlotte Harris, who is also acting for football agent Sky Andrew, actress Leslie Ash and several MPs, law firm Mishcon de Reya confirmed. The decision by the former weather girl and Celebrity Big Brother winner comes just a week after actress Sienna Miller agreed to accept damages of £100,000 in her News of the World phone hacking case. News Group, which publishes the paper, admitted it accepted unconditional liability for all the wrongs alleged by Miller and took responsibility for compensating her. Miller’s claim had been expected to be one of four test cases to be tried at the end of this year. Sienna Miller took the payout after News Group accepted her allegations. Eight claimants, including Miller and former culture

secretary Tessa Jowell, have received apologies from the newspaper. News International has written to another nine people asking for further evidence that their voicemails had been intercepted so a decision can be made on whether they are entitled to an apology and compensation. There have been several court rulings recently over disclosure of information by the Metropolitan Police and Vodafone relating to material forfeited by private detective Glenn Mulcaire. In 2007, he was jailed along with News of the World reporter Clive Goodman over royal phone tapping. The paper’s former editor Andy Coulson resigned as David Cameron’s director of communications in January as he admitted the ongoing row about the affair was making his job impossible. Three other journalists at the paper have been arrested since the Metropolitan Police reopened its inquiry into claims that staff hacked into the answer phone messages of celebrities and politicians. It has been estimated that News International has set aside £20m for payouts.

Huge blaze in city engulfs scrapyard AS WE GO to print a huge fire has engulfed a scrapyard in Newcastle, prompting police to warn nearby residents to close doors and windows.

Thick black smoke has been billowing from the site of the blaze in the Byker area of the city. Eight fire engines have been sent to the scene, as authorities labelled the inferno a “critical incident”. A Northumbria Police spokeswoman said: “Local businesses and residents are

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being advised to stay indoors and keep windows and doors closed as a precaution because of the thick smoke.” Leighton Street and Byker Bank between Northumberland Terrace and Ouseburn Road, east of the city centre, are currently closed.

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World News

Milly trial GEMMA DOWLER said she knew instinctively her sister Milly had been abducted when she failed to return from school, the Old Bailey has heard. Miss Dowler, who was 16 at the time, told police her sister would not have run away or got into a car with a stranger. In a statement read to the court, Miss Dowler said she and her parents had become alarmed when Milly did not return home on the evening of March 21, 2002. She said: “I knew immediately that something bad had happened to Milly and that she had been abducted. “There is no way she would ever have run away from home or gone off with someone without telling us.” The 25-year-old said her sister would only have got into a car with someone she “knew or trusted”. Miss Dowler said she and Milly were close and she had spent the three months before her disappearance sleeping in her room after they watched a scary film. “We would go to bed at the same time and lie in the room chatting about our day,” she said in her statement. “Milly and I didn’t have any secrets and she would tell me about boys at school she fancied.”

Miss Dowler sat holding her father’s hand while the statement was read to court. Her mother, Sally, was not present. Mrs Dowler had become upset while giving evidence yesterday when the defence suggested a note found hidden in Milly’s room appeared to show that she believed her sister was the favourite daughter. The letter, addressed to “daddy and my beautiful mummy” was signed off “your little disappointment”. At the end of her evidence, Mrs Dowler was sobbing and had to be helped from the witness box and was escorted from the courtroom by her husband, Robert, and a policewoman. Friends of Milly have also submitted evidence to the court. They include Danielle Sykes, who asked Milly to join her for chips in a local cafe on the day she vanished. In a statement taken after Milly’s disappearance, another friend Jacqueline Pignolly, told police she had decided to stay on the train that day, rather than go to the cafe. Milly reportedly said: “Great, who am I going to walk home with now?” Levi Bellfield, 42, is on trial accused of abducting and murdering Milly and attempting to kidnap Rachel Cowles, aged 11, in March 2002. He denies the charges.

RAIL FARES are “already too high”, but the price of some off peak tickets will increase, a report on Britain’s rail network has said. The Whitehall-commissioned review, led by former Civil Aviation Authority chairman Sir Roy McNulty, said railway industry workers should also no longer expect their salaries to increase ahead of inflation. The report added that fewer staff should also be emplyed at stations, raising fears of job losses in the sector. Sir Roy’s team said the Government should undertake a full review of fares policy and structures, “aiming to move towards a system that is seen to be less complex and more equitable”. This should “aid the management of peak demand and the more efficient matching of demand with capacity”. The report added: “The study’s recommendations envisage some rebalancing of fares but no increase overall.” Britain’s rail network is the most costly to run in Europe - taxpayers pay £5bn of the £11bn annual costs. Implementing all the McNulty recommendations

Rail fare increase could deliver savings of between £700m and £1bn annually by 2019. Railway workers’ leader Bob Crow has said his union would resist any attempts to target members as part of any reforms. The RMT union’s general secretary said: “The inefficiencies of the UK rail system are entirely bound up with the fragmentation and profiteering of privatisation. “Attacking staff, ticket offices and jacking up fares while the train operators are handed gold-plated franchises - is just an escalation of all the worst practices of privatisation. “Blaming loyal, hard-working rail staff for the gross inefficiencies of breaking up the industry for profit is, of course, an attack the RMT will resist.” The Transport Salaried Staffs Association warned that off-peak fares could

jump by more than 30% over the next three years if the Government accepted the report. General secretary Gerry Doherty said: “If inflation stays around 5%, passengers are already looking at huge increases of more than 20% over the next three years for all fares. “Now McNulty wants some off-peak fares to go even higher than that to ease over crowding around the rush hours. We could easily be looking at a 30% jump in off-peak fares at a time when passengers are already paying the highest fares in Europe.” The review found 10 main barriers to efficiency, including the fare structure and the Government’s role. There had also been “excessive wage drift and inefficient working practices”. Launching the review, Sir

Roy said there was no “silver bullet” for the rail industry’s problems. He added: “Achieving a 30% efficiency improvement by 2019 should be the target for the GB rail industry given the study’s findings on the industry’s costs compared to European railways and other industries. “A reduction of this magnitude is achievable, and is essential if passengers and taxpayers are to get the fair deal they deserve from the rail industry.” His report said: “The expectation that salaries at all levels of the railway industry will increase ahead of inflation has to end. “The overall trend to reduce continually the length of the working day and the working week is unsustainable.” Sir Roy said rail wages had risen twice as high as those for other industries.

2012 Torch route LONDON 2012’s Olympic torch relay will start at Land’s End and travel as far as the outer Hebrides on an 8,000-mile journey around the UK. The Olympic Flame will arrive from Greece exactly one year from today and the relay will kick off in Land’s End, Cornwall, and continue for 70 days until the opening ceremony at the Olympic stadium on July 27, 2012. In addition to announcing the route the organisers have revealed how members of the public can apply to be one of 8,000 torchbearers. London 2012 chairman Sebastian Coe said: “The Olympic Flame will shine a light right across every nation and region of the UK and showcase the very best of who we are and where we live.” The relay aims to go within an hour’s travel time

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of 95% of the population. There are also plans to take the Olympic Flame to Dublin. There will be six island visits - to the Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey, Shetland, Orkney and the Isle of Lewis. The route will also take in famous sports venues, historic sites and places of outstanding natural beauty. On most days the Olympic Flame will travel for 12 hours each day ending in an evening celebration event. The relay will not go abroad - the International Olympic Committee decided to make it a domestic event only after the controversial Beijing torch relay in 2008 where protesters used the event to demonstrate against China’s human rights abuses. Britain’s IOC member, Craig Reedie, said: “People used the torch as an opportunity for protest when it should really be an opportunity for peaceful celebration.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

World News

Queen’s Irish visit

Oprah Winfrey Show signs off with a flourish A who’s who of celebrities surprised Oprah Winfrey during a farewell doubleepisode taping of The Oprah Winfrey Show.

THE QUEEN has travelled to the Irish countryside on day three of her tour of the Republic - after offering her “deep sympathy” to all victims of Anglo-Irish conflict. A keen horse racing fan, she was also watched as a jockey trained on a special horse simulator. But the visit continues amid some sadness after it emerged the country’s popular former prime minister Garret FitzGerald had died at the age of 85. On Wednesday Her Majesty spoke as guest of honour at Dublin Castle during an historic state dinner as part of the ongoing Anglo-Irish reconciliation process. She offered her “deep sympathy” to those who had suffered in centuries of conflict between Britain and Ireland. The monarch, who was

making the only speech of her four-day state visit, opened her address welcoming her host, Irish President Mary McAleese, in Irish, “A hUachtarain agus a chairde” president and friends. Her Majesty, whose cousin Lord Mountbatten was blown up by the IRA off the County Sligo coast in 1979, said: “It is a sad and regrettable reality that through history our islands have experienced more than their fair share of heartache, turbulence and loss. “These events have touched us all, many of us personally, and are a painful legacy. We can never forget those who have died or been injured or their families. “To all those who have suffered as a consequence of our troubled past I extend my sincere thoughts and deep sympathy. “With the benefit of historical hindsight we can all see things which we would wish had been done differently or not at all.”

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

After sharing a toast the banquet began, with British Prime Minister David Cameron sitting at the head table along with the Irish premier and British Foreign Secretary William Hague was also in attendance. After dinner the royal couple were escorted from the banquet hall by the president and departed in an official Range Rover shortly before 10.30pm. Earlier in the day the Queen took centre stage at Dublin’s iconic Croke Park Gaelic football and hurling stadium. It was at Croke Park that British forces opened fire at a match in 1920, leaving 14 people dead. The atrocity, an apparent revenge attack after 14 British intelligence officers were killed by the IRA, was the first in Ireland to become known as Bloody Sunday. The monarch also laid a wreath at the Irish National War Memorial in Islandbridge

in memory of the men and women who died fighting for independence, and the 49,000 Irish soldiers killed in the First World War. Anti-monarchy protesters sought to make their presence known by setting off fireworks on city streets ahead of the state dinner, but were kept at a safe distance by barricades and police lines. The Queen and Prince Phillip started the day by visiting the Guinness Storehouse, where they watched a pint being poured by a master brewer. Both declined the offer to have a taste of the black stuff - although Prince Philip appeared to linger, looking at the drink for several seconds, before walking on. The first official royal visit since independence has taken place amid the biggest security operation ever mounted in the state, with thousands of police and armed soldiers on the streets of the capital.

The chat show queen wiped away tears as a plethora of Alist stars walked on stage at the packed United Center in Chicago. Beyonce, Tom Cruise, Madonna, Will Smith and Tom Hanks were among those who paid tribute to the billionairess whose show is set to end after 25 years on the air. “Thank you is not enough, but thank you,” Winfrey told the crowd of 13,000 gathered for Surprise Oprah! A Farewell Spectacular. The crowd gave Oprah a standing ovation when she first walked on the stage. Then the stars came out, with her producers making good on their promise of the biggest celebrities of movies, music and television. Aretha Franklin sang Amazing Grace and Tom

Hanks acted as host for the evening. Michael Jordan, who led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA championships during the 1990s, told Winfrey she inspires him. Tom Cruise, famous for his couch jumping on The Oprah Winfrey Show, was also there, as was Madonna who said she is among the millions of people who are inspired by her. “She fights for things she believes in, even if it makes her unpopular,” Madonna said. Maria Shriver, the TV journalist and Kennedy heiress, appeared on the same day it was revealed her husband, Arnold Schwarzenegger, had fathered a child with a woman on his household staff. Shriver did not mention her husband during the recording. “You have given me love, support, wisdom and most of all the truth,” Shriver told Winfrey. “And I know I’m not alone in receiving those gifts from you.” Oprah Winfrey had announced she would be ending her popular talk show back in November 2009.

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World News

Shark surprise AQUARIUM staff in Blackpool were stunned to discover a shark they did not know about had been living undetected in one of their tanks for years. Staff at the resort’s Sea Life Centre were baffled when two shark eggs were discovered in a tank occupied by resident sharks which give birth only to live young. The centre’s marine experts now believe that one of several former curators must have introduced a small tropical carpet shark to the display without recording the fact - and that it has been in hiding ever since. “When we found the first egg during a routine dive in the ocean tank just before Easter, we initially thought it must be artificial, and part of the tank’s theming decor,” said senior aquarist Martin Sutcliffe. “We were all completely baffled when we took a closer

look and realised it was real, and then we found another one about three weeks later.” A fish expert at the centre has confirmed the four-inchlong eggs come from a carpet shark - so called because of their habit of lying on the seabed. Mr Sutcliffe said: “The ocean tank is a massive halfa-million litre display with numerous dark nooks and crannies amongst the theming, and it is just feasible that a small shark could have stayed hidden. “A small carpet shark would possibly feel threatened by the larger sharks in the tank, which is the only explanation we can come up with for it keeping out of sight for so long.” Now staff want to move the shark to a smaller tropical tank and provide her with a mate. Mr Sutcliffe said: “The sudden appearance of these eggs suggests she has reached maturity and if we partnered her with a mature male there’s every chance we would get some babies.”

Mothercare makes cuts The high-street retailer Mothercare is to close over a hundred stores across the UK in a bid to slash costs. The retailer will shut 110 high street stores, mostly Early Learning Centre operations, and focus instead on its outof-town Parenting Centres and its booming operations abroad. Mothercare says around 250 employees will lose their jobs as a result of the changes. Total store numbers will fall from 373 to 266 in the UK but the company says it expects big savings from the restructuring. Over the last three years it has reduced its town estate by a quarter. The chain’s UK problems meant pre-tax profits fell from £32.5m to £8.8m in the year to March as sales dropped 0.5%. But revenues

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rose 4% to £794m last year, with online revenues jumping nearly 10%. Chief executive Ben Gordon said he expects the UK retail environment to remain challenging, but plans to step up international expansion, especially in Asia. International sales jumped by 16% and nearly threequarters of total revenues came from overseas in the year to March. A further 150 overseas stores will open this year, generating 15% to 20% sales growth. Maureen Hinton, practice leader at Verdict Research said: “The Mothercare brand has an increasingly wider global presence as it expands internationally. She added: “It has a strong brand that resonates with parents all over the world.”

IMF chief resigns The IMF chief charged with a sex attack on a hotel maid has resigned from his post ahead of a new bail hearing in New York. Dominique Strauss-Kahn maintained his innocence in a formal letter to the organisation and said he was quitting with “infinite sadness”. “I think at this time first of my wife - whom I love more than anything - of my children, of my family, of my friends,” he said. “I think also of my colleagues at the fund - together we have accomplished such great things over the last three years and more. “To all, I want to say that I deny with the greatest possible firmness all of the allegations that have been made against me.” The 62-year-old French citizen - who had been a strong contender for the country’s presidency in 2012 - added he would devote “all my strength, all my time, and all my energy” to proving his innocence. There had been widespread speculation over the future of Strauss-Kahn after he was arrested following the alleged attack at the Sofitel hotel in New York at the weekend. He faced growing pressure to quit as further claims about his private life emerged – including allegations by writer Tristane Banon that he attempted to rape her in 2002. He is due at a fresh hearing, where his lawyers will propose $1m (£600,000) bail – which was earlier refused

Authorities in Shanghai are setting a limit of one dog per family in an effort to control the soaring pet population and curb rabies. New pet ownership rules will also see registration fees slashed and will require people walking dogs to keep them on leads. China’s largest city is following Beijing and the southern city of Guangzhou, which have imposed similar regulations. Only about 140,000 of Shanghai’s estimated 800,000 dogs are currently registered. A recent increase in the number of pets has meant that the number of rabies infections has soared. Almost 2,500 people die of the disease each year in China. In Shanghai, which is

by a judge – and electronic tagging. He has also waived his extradition rights. Strauss-Kahn is reportedly on suicide watch at New York’s Rikers Island prison, although he is not believed to have attempted to harm himself. His lawyer, William W Taylor, said on Wednesday that his client’s mood was “serious but good”. “He is a strong man and he’s committed to seeing this through,” he added. But new claims have emerged alleging that Strauss-Kahn paid an infamous brothel madam for escort girls in 2006 before he took up his post at the IMF. The Times newspaper reports that the Frenchman was put in contact with

Wicked Models owner Kristin Davis by a Bosnian prostitute living in Paris. Meanwhile there have been fears that without a suitable figure at the helm of the IMF, the organisation - designed to maintain stability in the world economy - could be thrown into disarray just as it attempts to tackle the eurozone debt crisis. Among the possible candidates touted to replace Strauss-Khan is former prime minister Gordon Brown. The IMF said it would discuss in the near future the process of selecting a new managing director. For now, John Lipsky remains the acting chief. French finance minister Christine Lagarde has said

Europe should make a joint suggestion for the new IMF head. “Any candidacy, whichever it is, must come from Europeans jointly, all together,” Lagarde told reporters, adding: “Any candidacy should have European support.” Strauss-Kahn faces charges of committing a criminal sexual act, attempted rape, sexual abuse, unlawful imprisonment and forcible touching, all of which he denies. The alleged victim, a 32year-old widow from West Africa, testified on Wednesday before a grand jury. It will decide in secret whether there is enough evidence to formally press charges.

Man’s best friend

home to 23 million people, police said they receive thousands of complaints about dog bites every year. Some people, though, said

they were concerned about the unwelcome intrusion into their private lives. In the past, pet keeping was deemed an anti-communist,

bourgeois luxury. China introduced a one family, one child policy in 1979 in an attempt to curb population growth.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


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Community News

Live Arico Update Upcoming events On Monday (23rd May), we have a sale of jewellery from our Los Cristianos charity shop from 4pm. We were given a large donation of new, boxed jewellery, bought from the QVC shopping channel. It is from the diamonique range, very high quality, and we will be selling the pieces from just 15 euros each. Please come and have a look. The following day, we have a fund-raiser at the Glass Spider, in the Apolo Centre, Los Cristianos, from 9pm. Hosted by Suzy q, there will be live entertainment from Simply Mo, and many more. Please join us for the night. Home-made treats Treat your pooch to lovely, home-made snacks from Kimbos Pupcakes. They are made with natural ingredients and include such items as carrot cupcakes topped with doggy chocolate. They are a hit with the refuge dogs, and are on sale in our shops at just one euro per bag. Or, you can place your orders direct with Kim on 628 850 339. And yes, she makes human treats, too. Hand-painted pet portraits Local artist Alison Sturgess has designed a range of greetings cards, for just two euros, and they are now on sale in our shops. She will also hand-draw or paint portraits of your pets and donate 25% of her fee to Live Arico. Her work is firstclass and can be viewed at Top Dog grooming TOP DOG, based on the ground floor of the Apolo Centre, is a new animal-grooming centre which plans to work closely with Live Arico. Owners Chris and Melody have offered to groom and pamper our dogs prior to rehoming, and will also act as the point of contact between pooch and new owner. For more information, call 922 792 266 or Sam (the groomer) directly on 698 661 458.. Our new web browser Many thanks to those who have downloaded our desktop and browser. We are proud to be on board this growing internet business. If you haven’t downloaded yet, the address is - then, from the Super Content Tab, select “Download SMD” As a free user, the login is Live Arico. For those who have, please use the browser instead of your usual one. That’s because we get paid only when our browsers are open and running. Why not be a Smart Media Technologies representative? For a small outlay you, too, can be paid for giving away this fantastic supertool and browser. Call Suzy Q for more infor-

Page 18

mation. Refuge opening hours We are open Wednesday to Saturday, from 1-5pm, and Sundays by prior arrangement with Eugene. Live Arico shop chain All three shops are now open for business, so bag a bargain from all the second-hand books, toys, clothes and bric-abrac on sale. Also, pop in to leave donations of dog food, to ask for information about Live Arico, or just for a friendly chat. We need volunteers, so please call Trisha on 638 407 344, or Debbie on the number below, if you can spare a few hours a week. Shops’ opening hours Coral Mar, Silencio (in association with Tenerife Nursing and Care) - Monday-Friday, 10am4pm. Saturday, 11am-2pm. San Eugenio (opposite La Niña Hotel, near Amandas Bar) - same hours. Los Cristianos (Churchill’s Square, near the play park and Chicagos Bar) - same hours, plus Thursday and Friday evenings until 8pm. Revised adoption procedures A minimum 50-euro donation for an adopted male dog, and 75 euros for a female, is now required by Live Arico. This is paid direct to Hospivet Sur on collection of your new pet, which will be chipped, vaccinated and wormed. We are negotiating special rates for neutering and spaying. South Tenerife Rescue Centre We have now sold 649sqm of land up to now, making a total of 3,245 euros. The plan to buy our own plot of land remains, possibly even where we are now renting, so are you prepared to buy a square metre of land for Live Arico? At just five euros, you will receive a certificate from Live Arico for now, and your name, address and number of square metres purchased will be on a Roll of Honour at the new refuge. Important telephone numbers Eugene: 649 001 907 (call if you find an animal abandoned or in distress) Suzy Q: 629 388 102 (fundraising, press releases, prize donations, etc) Pete Holland: 661 099 365 (Poochies Pet Hotel for boarding your dog) Debbie Gibson: 637 918 158 (shop donations and collections, overseeing land purchase) You can also read about us at or http://tenerifedogs.blogspot. com Lastly, as we have said before, please think hard about what will happen to your pet if you are re-locating to the UK. Remember, a dog is for life and NOT just for the duration of your stay in Tenerife.

Hot-shot Peter is so trigger-happy

Peter O’Connell (second right) with his prized trophy, together with officials from the Golf del Sur club and Aguamarina Hotels

PETER O’CONNELL, one of only three Brits competing, took the honours in a shotgun tournament, organised jointly by the Aguamarina Hotel and Aparthotel. It took place at the Golf del Sur course on Saturday and attracted 22 four-man teams, who enjoyed a cracking event, and then went on to a well-earned drinks reception and sumptuous lunch at the Hotel. Aguamarina Hotel Directors Don Pedro and Don Luis were delighted with the turn-out although neither actually played any golf, pre-

Aguamarina Hotels Directors Don Pedro and Don Luis with Maca Rodriguez, from Golf del Sur Photos: Fly Fotography. ferred to leave that to the experts! All in all there were 15 cups presented, together with

some excellent raffle prizes donated by, among others, Tenerife Pearl and Aqua Spa. There were also flights to

Paris on offer, and holidays at the Aguamarina Hotel, a familiar Golf del Sur landmark

Happy return to home for pooch who was mistreated A POOR mutt was picked up by Protection Civil and taken to dog refuge Accion del Sol, in Granadilla. It was one of around 30 animals taken in last week and it arrived in very poor condition, as you can see. The dog had been micro-chipped, but the address and phone number did not tally. Marion Gonzalez, who runs the refuge, and one of her workers, took time to find the original owners of the dog via the microchip number, and the hunt led them to La Laguna. With a bit of luck on their side, they managed to trace the dog’s original owners, who were heartbroken to see the animal in such a bad condition. They had given the dog away five years earlier to an “alleged friend of one of their parents”. The couple took the dog immediately to their vet for receive treatment and it is,

happily, now on the road to recovery - and safely installed at its original home. The moral of this story, says Marion, is to think long and hard before giving your beloved pet away to a stranger. Ultimately, the dog remains legally owned by the name in which it has registered on its microchip. So if you do adopt a dog or take on a stray, then please check that the microchip is transferred into your name. Why not join their Accion del Sol Facebook page home.php?ref=canvas#!/profile.php?id=100000729042460 where you can see regular daily updates on the good work done at the refuge. You can also find details of their fund-raising events and see some of the beautiful dogs who are looking for loving homes.. Marion is also looking for

German companions who are willing to accompany dogs on their return home to the following airports: Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Nürnberg, Dresden, Leipzig, Köln and Munich. If you would like to assist and are flying to one of those airports, then please call the refuge on 922 778 630. Staff from Germany’s Aktiontier charity, which sponsors Accion del Sol, will be at Tenerife airport to deal with all the legalities, and others will be waiting at the destination to collect the dog. So if you are travelling to Germany and would like to help give a dog a new start in life, then please contact the refuge. Accion Del Sol’s two resident vets are very busy dealing with the vast increase of dogs coming into the refuge. Every dog which arrives receives full veterinary

care, is bathed, deflead, wormed, inoculated, microchipped, passported and sterilised or castrated, all ready for when a new home is found. Good, loving homes are constantly being sought for these poor dogs, so if you are thinking of adopting a dog, then visit Accion del Sol, It is is open Monday-Friday, from 3-6pm, and is situated at exit 51 on the TF1, next to ITER, the windmill park. Tel 922 778 630 for more info. Incidentally, the refuge’s fund-raising Fun Run for owner-dogs takes place on 2nd July. You can bring your own pooch or borrow one of the many animals from the refuge. The run is over 3.5km for adults and 1.5km for children, and the entrance fee is five euros, which includes food and drink for competitors. There will be a foam party afterwards, so swimwear is advisable.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


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20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Television Guide


Our 'Enry: A Tribute to Sir Henry Cooper Saturday 21 May, 9:45pm - 10:30pm, BBC2 A celebration of the life of the British, European and Commonwealth heavyweight boxing champion, who died earlier this month aged 76. A true sporting hero, Cooper never won the world title but memorably succeeded in flooring a young Cassius Clay at the end of the fourth round of the iconic 1963 bout at Wembley, before losing on cuts in the next round after Clay was saved by the bell. As well as his sporting career, the programme charts his tough wartime upbringing and numerous appearances on the small screen. With contributions from his sons Henry and John, plus Sir Michael Parkinson, Sir Bobby Charlton, Jimmy Tarbuck, Barry McGuigan and Frank Bruno.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Page 21

Television Guide

F R I D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ........................Fake Britain

6:10am ..............................Penelope

8:30am................................ Lorraine

10:00am .... BBC News; Weather

6:15am.................................. Dip Dap

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:15am .......................... Toddworld

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ............ Don’t Get Done, Get Dom

6:40am ..........................Octonauts: Creature Reports

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather

6:45am ................ Charlie and Lola

11:45am ............Cash in the Attic

7:00am ....Natural Born Hunters

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:25am ........................Newsround

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:30am ......Trust Me I’m a Genie

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

7:40am ......League of Super Evil

1:45pm ................................Doctors 2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country 3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm ............................Copycats 3:35pm ....................Sam & Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster

8:00am ..........................Wait for It! 8:35am ............................LazyTown

9:45am ......................Buzz and Tell

10:20am ..............................Dip Dap

5:00pm ........................Newsround

10:20am ....Nuzzle and Scratch: Frock and Roll

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

10:45am.......................... Waybuloo

6:00pm ..............................Weather

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:35am ............................The Pink Panther Show

9:00pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

6:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

9:35am ..........................Big & Small

4:30pm ............All Over the Place

8:30pm ......A Question of Sport

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

4:30pm ................................The Owl

8:00pm ........................ EastEnders

3:59pm ............ London Weather

9:20am ................Guess with Jess

10:10am ....................Timmy Time

7:00pm ..................The One Show

3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal

6:00pm ..............................Weather

9:50am ......Big Cook Little Cook

7:00pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

9:10am ........The Koala Brothers

4:00pm ....Remote Control Star

6:30pm .......... BBC London News

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

9:00am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

3:40pm ............................Wingin’ It

6:30pm ..............................Weather

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm ..........Coronation Street

12:00pm .................... Daily Politics 12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm ............Diagnosis Murder 1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15pm ........................Animal 24:7 3:00pm ..........Helicopter Heroes 3:45pm .................................. Flog It!

8:00pm ....................Baboons with Bill Bailey 8:30pm ..........Coronation Street 9:00pm ............ Paul O’Grady Live

9:30pm .................. Outnumbered

4:30pm ..............................Pointless

10:00pm ........................ BBC News

5:15pm ......Show Me the Monet

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ........Great British Menu

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

10:35pm ....................The Graham Norton Show

7:00pm ..............Windfarm Wars

10:35pm ..........................The Cube 11:35pm ..................Take Me Out

11:20pm ..................The National Lottery Friday Night Draws

8:00pm..Petworth House - The Big Spring Clean 8:30pm ............Gardeners’ World

12:35am ......ITV News Headlines

9:00pm ..........................Dirk Gently

12:35am .......................... The Zone

1:25am ....................Weatherview

10:00pm ............Frank Skinner’s Opinionated

2:35am ......................In Plain Sight

1:25am .................. The One Show

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

11:30pm ............................Ransom

Page 22

7:50am ..........Frankenstein’s Cat

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

10:00pm .................... ITV News at Ten and Weather

3:25am .............. ITV Nightscreen 5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Television Guide

Friday 20 May 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ..................Live European Tour Golf

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear

12:00pm ............ Football League

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

1:30pm.. Premier League World

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ..........................The Beeps

7:00am ............ Freshly Squeezed 7:25am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:55am ..........Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance 9:55am ..............................Location, Location, Location 10:55am ................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

6:55am ........Milkshake! Bop Box 7:00am ....................Little Princess

2:00pm ..................Live European Tour Golf

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who

7:00am ............................Bondi Vet

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:45pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

8:00am ................................Oops TV

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00pm ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

9:00am ....................The Real A&E

8:30pm ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

10:00am............................ Lie to Me

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

11:00am ..Dream Lives for Sale

10:00am ..............Four Weddings

12:00pm .................... Customs UK

11:00am ................................Maury

9:00pm ....................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

9:30pm ......................Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:00pm ...................... EastEnders

3:00pm ..............Vet Adventures 4:00pm ..............................Lie to Me

10:30pm ....................Young, Rich and Househunting

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

5:00pm ..............Road to London

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

5:30pm ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

5:30pm ............................Futurama

12:05pm ................River Cottage Every Day

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

6:00pm Premier League World

6:00pm ..............................Oops TV

8:00am ........................ Fifi and the Flowertots

6:30pm.... Big Fight Countdown

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons 7:30pm.......................... The Middle

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

7:00pm ..........................Sky Sports News at Seven

8:25am ............................Peppa Pig

7:30pm ....Live Football League

8:30pm ................Modern Family

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

10:00pm Big Fight Countdown

9:00pm ......................Raising Hope

8:00pm ....................................Bones

8:40am ......................................Olivia

10:30pm ..........Take It Like a Fan

12:50am ..............Secrets of the Superbrands: Technology

11:00pm ............................Premier League Preview

9:30pm ......................A League of Their Own: Best of

9:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

8:50am ....................The WotWots

10:00pm ........................CSI: Miami

10:30pm ..........Spartacus: Blood and Sand

1:50am ............................Bizarre ER

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

2:20am ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

7:00am ........................Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams

6:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

6:00am .......... Coronation Street

8:00am ............................ Fifth Gear

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:50am ........................Emmerdale

7:00am ..........................WWE: Raw

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ....................Loose Women

9:00am ..............Football League

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

10:30am ......Football’s Greatest

10:00am .................. Dragons’ Den

10:00am............ thirtysomething

11:00am ..ATP Tour Uncovered

11:00am ........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

11:00am ........................The X Files 12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

9:25am .............................. The Real Housewives of Orange County

12:00pm............................ Top Gear

1:05pm ..........3 Minute Wonder: Good to Know 1:10pm ......................................Icons 1:25pm ..................Dragoon Wells Massacre 3:10pm ........................Countdown 4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm........ Come Dine with Me

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

11:30pm ..........Take It Like a Fan

8:00pm ..................The Simpsons

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 4:00pm ..............................Charmed

11:00pm ......................Family Guy

5:00pm .................................... Bones

11:25pm ......................Family Guy

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

11:50pm ..................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 12:20am ....................Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 6:00pm ..................The Simpsons 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:30pm.......... Unreported World 7:55pm 8:00pm ..................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 9:00pm ..........The Million Pound Drop Live 10:25pm That Peter Kay Thing

11:05am ..............................Warship 12:05pm ........The Family Recipe 12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

12:15pm ....................Law & Order

6:30am ..............................Kings Of The Extreme

1:15pm ..............Home and Away 1:45pm ........................Neighbours 2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show 3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

6:25am ........................Emmerdale

10:55pm ...................... PhoneShop

3:15pm ..........................Seventeen and Missing

11:30am ..............................Premier League Darts

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

11:30pm ........................The Ricky Gervais Show

5:00pm ..............................Weather

3:00pm ....IAAF Athletix Weekly

2:00pm .................... Dragons’ Den

2:00pm ............................................ER

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

3:30pm ..............Football League

3:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

3:00pm.............. thirtysomething

12:30pm ......................Emmerdale

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

5:00pm ............NFL: Total Access

3:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

1:00pm ........................Emmerdale

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

6:00pm ............Aerobics Oz Style

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:30pm ..............................Kings Of The Extreme

5:00pm .............................. Top Gear

6:00pm ............................................ER

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

6:00pm .................... Dragons’ Den

7:00pm ..............Road to London

7:00pm ......................Trawlermen

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

7:30pm ..................Live European Challenge Cup Final

3:40pm ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

7:30pm ...................... Traffic Cops

8:00pm ...................... Prison Break

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

8:00pm.............................. Top Gear

9:00pm ..............................Big Love

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

9:00pm ................ Mock the Week

10:15pm ..................In Treatment

7:00pm ........Britain’s Got Talent

9:40pm ................ Mock the Week

10:45pm.................. In Treatment

10:20pm ........................Have I Got News for You

11:15pm ..............Bored to Death

8:00pm ......................Britain’s Got More Talent

11:50pm ................................ Weeds

9:00pm .................... American Idol

11:00pm Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat

12:25am ................The Sopranos

10:00pm ......................Knocked Up

12:00am ..................Comedy Gala: Best Bits 1:05am ....................Foo Fighters: A New Light

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

1:30am ................My Name Is Earl

7:30pm ..........................Fifth Gear

1:55am ................My Name Is Earl

8:00pm ........................5 News at 9

2:15am ..........................Ugly Betty 3:05am ..........................Barbarians

8:00pm ..................Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers

4:05am ....Wild Thing I Love You

9:00pm ....................The Mentalist

5:00am ..............................Wogan’s Perfect Recall

10:00pm ....................Law & Order

12:00am ....European Challenge Cup Final

11:00pm ........The Walking Dead

1:30am ..........................Tight Lines

5:25am ........................Countdown

12:00am ....................SuperCasino

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

10:00pm ......................Tight Lines 11:00pm ........ NFL: Total Access

Page 23

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S A T U R D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ............................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

10:00am ..........................Saturday Kitchen Live

6:10am ..............................Penelope

7:25am ........................................ CITV

6:15am ..................................Dip Dap

8:25am ..........................House Gift

11:30am ................Football Focus

6:15am ..........................Toddworld

9:25am ..........Coronation Street

12:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

11:45am ..................This Morning: Saturday

12:10pm ........................Formula 1: The Spanish Grand Prix - Qualifying 2:15pm ..................Live Challenge Cup Rugby League 4:35pm ....Don’t Scare the Hare 5:10pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather 5:35pm ..........So You Think You Can Dance Live 6:45pm ...................... Doctor Who 7:30pm ....................So You Think You Can Dance 7:55pm ..The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 8:45pm .............................. Casualty


9:35pm ....John Bishop’s Britain

8.45pm, BBC1 Actress Gemma Atkinson is pulling on a high visibility jacket and packing her medical kit to join the overworked paramedic team in BBC One’s long-running medical drama Casualty. Best known on the small screen for her role as Lisa Hunter in Hollyoaks and on stage as Miss September in the Calendar Girls, Gemma has also starred in a number of independent feature films. She joins Casualty as gorgeous new paramedic Tamzin, who ruffles the feathers of existing paramedics Jeff and Dixie (Matt Bardock and Jane Hazlegrove) and charms the rest of the staff at Holby City Hospital. “I am absolutely thrilled to be joining Casualty and really looking forward to getting to know all the cast and crew,” says Gemma. “I

used to watch the series as a child so to now be involved is fantastic. I’m so grateful to be given the chance to play Tamzin and I hope audiences will enjoy her too!” And scrubbing up to join Gemma on the rapid response team is Sex In The City 2 and Spooks star Dhafer L’Abidine as competitive paramedic Omar. Tunisian-born Londonbased actor Dhafer starred alongside Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall as Sheikh Mahmoud in Sex In The City 2 and has appeared in high-profile British dramas The Mark Of Cain, Wallander, Wire In The Blood, The Whistle-Blowers and Dream Team. “We are delighted to welcome Gemma and Dhafer to Casualty,” says series producer Oliver Kent.

“Tamzin is going to bring a touch of glamour to the paramedic team and set some hearts racing in the Emergency department while Omar’s melting roadside manner is going to raise the temperatures of Holby’s female patients!” Gemma and Dhafer start filming Casualty in Bristol from May and will appear on screen from September. Casualty continues to entertain Saturday night audiences with a medicinal mixture of high-action drama, reflection of social and health issues and the everyday lives and loves of the staff at Holby City hospital’s emergency department. Now in its 25th year, Casualty is the world’s longest-running prime time medical drama.

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola 7:00am ..................Space Hoppers 7:30am ..................................Arthur 7:55am ............Shaun the Sheep 8:00am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

12:40pm ..........................ITV News and Weather 12:44pm .......... London Weather 12:45pm.. You’ve Been Framed! 1:15pm ......Carry On Screaming

8:25am ....................Sam & Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster

3:05pm ..........................Moonraker

8:25am ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

5:35pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

9:00am ........Dick & Dom Go Wild 9:30am ..........Serious Explorers: Livingstone

5:50pm ........................New People Do the Funniest Things

10:00am ............Relic: Guardians of the Museum

6:45pm ................Sing If You Can

10:30am ........................League of Super Evil

5:25pm ..............................Weather 5:25pm ..............London Tonight

8:00pm ........ Britain’s Got Talent

10:40am ................Wolverine and the X-Men 11:00am ..........................Mortified 11:25am................................ OOglies 11:40am ............MOTD Kickabout 12:00pm ....................It Happened One Night 1:40pm ............Diagnosis Murder 2:25pm Escape to the Country 3:25pm ........Two Greedy Italians 4:25pm ........................The Heroes of Telemark

10:05pm ..........National Lottery Update

6:30pm ..................................Flog It!

10:05pm.... BBC News; Weather

7:30pm ........................Dad’s Army

10:25pm ..............................Déjà Vu

8:00pm ..Operation Mincemeat

12:20am ..................Weatherview

9:00pm ......................Have I Got a Bit More News for You

12:20am ............Judgment Night 2:30am ..............................HARDtalk

9:45pm ......................Our ‘Enry: A Tribute to Sir Henry Cooper

3:00am ............................BBC News

10:30pm ..............Cinderella Man

2:10am ............................BBC News

3:30am ........................................7/7 4:00am ............................BBC News

9:00pm ........Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Des O’Connor 10:00pm ..........................ITV News and Weather 10:14pm ..........London Weather 10:15pm ........................ Tightrope 12:25am ...... ITV News Headlines

4:30am ........................................Click

12:45am ........................Later with Jools Holland

5:00am ............................BBC News

1:50am ........................The Set-Up

5:30am ........The Record Europe

3:00am ......................................Close

12:25am ..........................The Zone 2:30am ...................... In Plain Sight 3:20am .............. ITV Nightscreen 5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Des O’Connor 9pm, ITV Editor, presenter and controversial TV personality Piers Morgan introduces another episode of his hit biographical talk show. Filmed in front of a studio audience, each show is devoted to one guest, looking back over their personal lives and careers and including interviews with their friends, families and colleagues. In this episode, Piers talks to the legendary Des O’Connor. Des chats candidly to Piers about his life on and off the screen. He discusses becoming a

Page 24

dad at the age of 72, opens up about the gambling that cost him his family home and reveals how he really felt about his singing becoming a national joke at the hands of Morecambe and Wise. Des O’Connor has been a staple of the British entertainment world for almost

half a century as a television star and musical performer. He has presented his own talk show, was the host of Countdown for two years and fronted a variety show, among many other ventures. He is a chart-topping recording artist, having scored one number one single and several top ten hits as well as recording an incredible 36 albums. Plus he also had a brief stint as a professional footballer! Piers is sure to find plenty to talk about from Des’s varied career and colourful personal life.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Television Guide

Saturday 21 May 6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:05am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:00am ............ Aerobics Oz Style

6:15am ..................................Fifi and the Flowertots

6:30am ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:00am ....................Don’t Forget the Lyrics

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:30am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ................Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes

7:00am ....The Sky Sports Years

7:00am ..............Bite Size Brainiac

6:25am ......................Fireman Sam

8:00am ....Big Fight Countdown

7:15am ............................Futurama

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:30pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

6:40am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

8:30am ............ Live Super Rugby

9:00am ............WWE Superstars 10:00am ........................Soccer AM

7:55am ............The Morning Line

6:50am .......................... The Beeps

10:30am .............................. Live IRB Rugby Sevens

7:30am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:15pm ..............................Top Gear

7:25am ................................The Grid

12:00pm ........A Different Breed

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:50am ..................................Friends

7:00am ................................Mio Mao

9:00am ................Four Weddings

7:10am ......................................Chiro

1:30pm ..................................Live FA Women’s Cup Final

1:00pm ..A Town Called Eureka

9:20am ..............................Koko Pop

2:00pm ..............Best of Oops TV

10:00am ........The Biggest Loser

9:50am ..................................Friends

7:15am ....................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

4:00pm ........Live European Cup Rugby Union Final

3:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

11:00am ........The Biggest Loser

7:30pm .... Live Spanish Football

3:30pm ........................Emergency

7:30am ............Noddy in Toyland

1:00pm ................Drop Dead Diva

9:00pm .... Live Spanish Football

Animal Rescue

7:40am ..................Hana’s Helpline

2:00pm ....................................Bones

11:00pm ........Scottish Cup Final

4:00pm ............................Futurama

7:50am ......Milkshake! Music Box

3:00pm ....................................Bones

12:50pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory

4:30pm ............................ Futurama

8:00am ..................Little Princess

12:00am ....................FA Women’s Cup Final

4:00pm ....................................Bones

1:20pm ..............That Paralympic Show

8:10am ............................Milkshake! Show Songs

12:30am ......................Champions League Weekly

6:00pm ............Emergency with Angela Griffin

5:00pm ..........Four Weddings US

2:00am ..............Young, Rich and Househunting

1:55pm ............Channel 4 Racing

8:15am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

1:00am ..............Spanish Football

6:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:30am ..............Young, Rich and Househunting

7:00am ................British Formula 3 International Series

10:30am............ Gaga’s Monsters 11:20am ......................................Glee 12:20pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory

4:00pm ..............Come Dine with Me Down Under 4:30pm ..............Come Dine with Me Down Under

8:25am ....Mist: Sheepdog Tales

5:00pm ..............Come Dine with Me Down Under

8:45am ......................Rupert Bear

5:30pm ..............Come Dine with Me Down Under

9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show

6:00pm ..............Come Dine with Me Down Under

10:00am ........Meals in Moments

9:30am ....................................Gerald McBoing Boing 10:10am ........Family Food Fight 10:40am ........The Gadget Show


11:40am ............Extreme Fishing with Robson Green At the Ends of the Earth

8:00pm ..................River Cottage Heroes

8:00pm ..........................Road Wars

10:35pm ..............Russell Howard Live: Dingledodies 11:35pm ......................Family Guy 11:55pm ......................Family Guy 12:15am ................American Dad! 12:35am ................American Dad! 1:00am ................Russell Howard Live: Dingledodies

9:00pm ..........................Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour 2011

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:30am ..................Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes

8:00pm ................Morbidly Obese

4:00am ..............Young, Rich and Househunting

4:30am .............. Spanish Football

11:25pm ........................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime UK

10:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

4:30am ......................Doctor Who Confidential

6:00am ..........Trans World Sport

7:00am ......................High Altitude 8:00am ..............................Top Gear

6:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

6:00am ........................ Emmerdale

7:00am ................Football League 8:30am ..........................Champions League Weekly

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

2:30am ..........Scottish Cup Final 3:30am ..........................Champions League Weekly 4:00am ..FA Women’s Cup Final

9:00pm ......................................Katie

9:00am ......................................Olivia

6:30pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:00pm ..............The Restoration Man

7:00pm.................... The Simpsons

12:00pm ..............Drop Dead Diva

9:00pm ..........................Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

9:00am ................................Premier League Preview 9:30am ..............Take It Like a Fan 10:00am ........................ Soccer AM

10:00am ........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 10:30am ........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

7:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

8:40am ..............The Movie Show on ITV2 9:10am ............................Gossip Girl

8:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

10:05am .................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals

9:00am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

10:40am ......................The British Soap Awards 2011

12:00pm.. Big Fight Countdown

11:00am ................Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

10:00am ..Star Trek: Enterprise

12:45pm .......................... The Cube

12:30pm .......... Take It Like a Fan

11:00am ..Star Trek: Enterprise

1:40pm ..............A Lawless Street

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

1:00pm ................................Premier League Preview

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

12:00pm ..Star Trek: Enterprise

1:45pm ......................Britain’s Got More Talent

3:15pm ..........................Gunsmoke

2:00pm ......................Trawlermen

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

2:45pm ....................American Idol

1:30pm ....The Sky Sports Years

2:30pm ......................Traffic Cops

2:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

4:15pm ....................American Idol

6:45pm ............5 News Weekend

2:30pm ..Live Scottish Cup Final

3:00pm ................................ Carpool

3:00pm ............................................ER

5:15pm ...................................... Bean

1:55am ..................Friday Night In

6:50pm ........................................NCIS

5:30pm ............NFL: Total Access

3:30pm ................................Carpool

4:00pm ............................................ ER

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

5:00pm ............................................ ER

5:00pm .............................. Top Gear

6:00pm ............................................ER

8:00pm ............Homes from Hell

2:10am ..............The Wrong Turn

7:40pm ..........................................CSI: Crissom’s Greatest

6:30pm ........................Champions League Weekly

7:00pm ................Fiddles, Cheats & Scams

2:05am ..........................King Pylon 2:15am.................. The Dead Zone

8:35pm ............................CSI: Miami

7:00pm ....Big Fight Countdown

6:00pm ........ Would I Lie to You?

8:00pm ........................Blue Bloods

9:00pm ......................Britain’s Got More Talent

2:55am ................Hill Street Blues

9:35pm ..................................CSI: NY

7:30pm FA Women’s Cup Final

3:45am ..........................Ugly Betty

10:35pm ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:00pm .......... Scottish Cup Final

6:40pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

9:00pm ..........................The Pacific

7:20pm ............................................QI

11:20pm ........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

1:25am ........Britain’s Got Talent

12:00am ........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

2:20am ......................Britain’s Got More Talent

9:00pm ..........................The Million Pound Drop Live 10:20pm .......................... Far from Heaven 12:30am ............................Swimfan

4:30am ..........................Wild Thing I Love You 5:25am ........................Countdown

12:40pm ................Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers

4:50pm ................The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

11:35pm ................Forensic Files 12:05am ....................SuperCasino

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

9:00pm ..................European Cup Rugby Union Final 10:00pm ......................WWE: Late Night - Superstars

8:00pm ..................Michael Palin’s New Europe 9:00pm ................Mock the Week

10:05pm ........Game of Thrones

10:00pm ..............Celebrity Juice 10:45pm ....................Waterworld

3:15am ....................American Idol

Page 25

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S U N D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am .............................. Mini CITV

9:00am ......................The Andrew Marr Show

6:10am ..............................Penelope

7:25am ........................................CITV

6:15am ..................................Dip Dap

10:00am ........The Big Questions

6:15am ..........................Toddworld

8:25am ....................May the Best House Win

11:00am ....................Weather for the Week Ahead

6:30am ............ Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am ......Dickinson’s Real Deal

6:45am ................ Charlie and Lola

10:25am .............. Sing If You Can

7:00am ..................Space Hoppers

11:40am ..This Morning: Sunday

7:30am ..................................Arthur

12:40pm ....................Dinner Date

7:55am ..............Shaun the Sheep

1:35pm ITV News and Weather

8:00am ................Gimme a Break

1:49pm ............ London Weather

8:30am ....Me and My Monsters

1:50pm ..........Columbo: Suitable for Framing

11:00am ..........The Politics Show 12:10pm ..............Formula 1: The Spanish Grand Prix Live 3:15pm ........................Life of Riley 3:45pm ....................Bargain Hunt 4:15pm ..................Points of View 4:30pm ................Songs of Praise 5:05pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather 5:30pm ..........................Final Score

8:55am ..............Friday Download 10:00am .............. Something for the Weekend 11:30am ......Great British Menu 12:00pm ........................Escape to the Country

6:15pm ......RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011

12:45pm ............................Priceless Antiques Roadshow 1:15pm ........................EastEnders 3:10pm ........Live Challenge Cup Rugby League

3:20pm ........Britain’s Got Talent 4:20pm ........................Back to the Future Part III 6:30pm ..............................Weather 6:30pm .............. London Tonight 6:45pm ............................ ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ............................ The Cube

5:30pm ....Obama News Special 6:00pm ....................................Coast 6:10pm ......Richard Hammond’s Engineering Connections

The life and loss of Karen Woo 10.15pm, ITV New one-off documentary revealing the story of Karen Woo, a talented young British doctor who was murdered in Afghanistan in 2010. The programme is a compelling and heartfelt portrait of an extraordinary woman who was motivated by the desire to make a difference in the world. In July 2010,Karen went to the remote province of Nuristan on a medical aid mission. She was planning to marry her fiance, Paddy Smith, the following month.

Formula 1 – Spanish Grand Prix 12.10pm, BBC1 Jake Humphrey presents live coverage of the Spanish Grand Prix, the fifth race of the 2011 season. Last year saw Australia’s Mark Webber produce a flawless drive to claim victory in Barcelona ahead of home favourite Fernando Alonso. McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton will be hoping for a change of luck at the Circuit de Catalunya after a puncture last year – his best result here is second place during his debut season in 2007. Martin Brundle and David Coulthard provide the commentary.

Page 26

But on August 5th, two days before she was meant to return to England, Karen and nine of her colleagues were killed in the worst attack on humanitarian workers in Afghanistan for more than 30years. The film follows Paddy as he goes to Kabul four months after Karen’s death. He retraces his fiancee’s steps, visiting some of the healthcare projects she was passionate about and meeting people who may be able to

Louis Theroux – Miami Megajail 9.00pm, BBC2 Miami is a party town full of glamour, cash and celebrity, but, away from the night clubs and the tourist spots, the city has a dark underbelly of violent crime. And so it is perhaps no surprise that Miami-Dade County is also home to a so-called “Megajail”. Unlike his 2008 film, Behind Bars, which explored the lives of convicted prisoners inside California’s San Quentin Prison, Miami Megajail is an in-depth look at a vast and chaotic holding pen for the unconvicted. Most of the inmates in the Miami jail system are awaiting trial. And that wait can go on for years.

shed more light on her death. The programme also includes footage shot by Karen herself. While working in Afghanistan, Karen had been making her own documentary film about the desperate need for better medical care in the war-torn country, and the programme combines her work with Paddy’s search to understand what happened. Also featuring contributions from Karen’s family and former colleagues.

In tonight’s opener, Louis spends time in one of the most notorious sections of the jail, the fifth and sixth floor of “Main Jail”, where many of the most volatile inmates are incarcerated. In large cage-like dwellings which hold up to 24 men, the inmates have developed a strange and violent jail culture. They remain in the cells almost all the time and may only leave for yard time twice a week. They also live under the sway of a gladiatorial code. They must fight each other for food, for status and often just to pass the endless hours of confinement. Trips to the infirmary are a daily occurrence and inmates are viciously attacked and beaten but the guards say they are powerless to end the abuse.

7:00pm ........................Countryfile 8:00pm ..............British Academy Television Awards

8:00pm ......................................Vera

10:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather

7:00pm ..............................Top Gear

10:00pm .................... ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:25pm ........Match of the Day

8:00pm ....Britain’s Secret Seas

10:14pm ..........London Weather

11:55pm ................Weatherview

9:00pm ................Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail

10:15pm ..................The Life and Loss of Karen Woo

11:55pm ................................Taffin

10:00pm ................................ Zodiac

11:30pm Florida - Paradise Lost 1:35am ................The Apprentice 2:35am ............................Holby City

12:30am .......... The Shadow Line 1:30am ......French Open Tennis

12:25am ...... ITV News Headlines

2:30am ..............Dateline London

12:25am .......................... The Zone

4:35am ..............................HARDtalk

3:00am..............................BBC News

5:00am ............................BBC News

3:30am ........The Record Europe

2:00am ............British Superbike Championship Highlights

5:30am ....................................World Business Report

4:00am ............................BBC News

3:00am ................Motorsport UK

4:30am ..............................HARDtalk

3:45am .............. ITV Nightscreen

5:45am ............................BBC News

4:35am ......................................Close

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

3:35am ......................MasterChef: The Final Three

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Television Guide

Sunday 22 May 6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00am ............ Aerobics Oz Style

6:00am ..................Hour of Power

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:05am ............................Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ..................European Cup Rugby Union Final

7:00am ..................My Pet Shame

6:30am ........Nothing to Declare

8:00am ..........A Different Breed

7:00pm ..........................Formula 1: The Spanish Grand Prix Highlights

7:30am ..FA Women’s Cup Final

9:00am ................................Oops TV

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00pm ......................Doctor Who

7:25am ..............Freesports on 4

6:15am ..................................Fifi and the Flowertots

8:00am ..............Spanish Football

10:00am .......... WWE Superstars

8:00am ....................................Maury

7:55am ..................................Friends

6:25am ......................Fireman Sam

9:30am............ Scottish Cup Final

8:45pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

11:00am ........WWE: Experience

9:00am ................Four Weddings

8:20am ..................................Friends

6:40am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

10:30am ....................The Sunday Supplement

12:00pm ........Stargate Universe

10:00am ..............Drop Dead Diva

6:50am ..........................The Beeps

1:00pm ..A Town Called Eureka

11:00am ..............Drop Dead Diva

12:00pm ............Goals on Sunday

7:00am ................................Mio Mao

2:00pm ..................The Simpsons

12:00pm ....................The Witches

1:30pm ........................The Sunday Supplement

2:30pm ..................The Simpsons

1:45pm ....................................35MM

3:00pm ..................The Simpsons

2:00pm ..........Four Weddings US

4:30pm ............................Futurama

3:00pm ....................................Bones

5:00pm ............................Pirates of the Caribbean Special

5:00pm ................Passport Patrol

5:30pm ......................Raising Hope

6:00pm ........Nothing to Declare

6:00pm.................... The Simpsons

6:30pm ........Nothing to Declare

12:00am ....................Misbehaving Mums-to-Be

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons 7:00pm ..........................The Middle

7:00pm ................Four Weddings Revisited

1:00am ..................Secrets of the Superbrands: Technology

7:30pm ................Modern Family

8:00pm ....................Cougar Town

8:00pm.................... The Simpsons

8:30pm ..............Hot in Cleveland

1:55am ......................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

7:00am ........................................That Paralympic Show

8:45am ..............................Hollyoaks 11:20am ............Being N-Dubz in America and Beyond 11:55am ......................................Glee 12:55pm ..................The Simpsons

7:10am ......................................Chiro 7:15am ....................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

3:00pm ..........Live Super Sunday

1:25pm ..................The Simpsons

7:30am ............Noddy in Toyland

7:00pm ..You’re on Sky Sports!

1:55pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

7:40am ..................Hana’s Helpline

8:25pm .................... Football First

7:50am ......Milkshake! Music Box

10:15pm ..................Football First

2:25pm .......................... Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

8:00am ..................Little Princess

11:45pm ..................Football First

2:55pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 3:30pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

8:15am ........The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

1:15am ....................Football First 2:45am ....................Football First

8:30am .... Mist: Sheepdog Tales

4:15am ....................Football First

4:00pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

8:45am ......................Rupert Bear

5:45am ........ Sky Sports Classics

4:30pm ................Deal or No Deal

9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show

9:00am ......................................Olivia

5:30pm ................Passport Patrol

9:00pm ......................Little Britain 9:30pm ......................Little Britain 10:00pm ...................... Family Guy 10:20pm ...................... Family Guy 10:45pm................ American Dad! 11:05pm ..............American Dad! 11:30pm ..................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

9:00pm .................... Hawaii Five-0

9:00pm ..........Dating in the Dark

10:00pm ........ NCIS: Los Angeles

10:00pm ........................The Hunks

11:00pm ................................House

11:00pm ............Grey’s Anatomy

3:25am ......................Misbehaving Mums-to-Be

2:25am ........Meet the Multiples

9:30am ..Gerald McBoing Boing 10:00am ..........................Zoo Days

5:30pm ..........................Time Team 6:30pm ..............Channel 4 News 6:55pm 7:00pm ..........................Come Dine with Me 8:00pm ............................The Hotel 9:00pm ................................Orphan 11:20pm ................................Vinyan

10:20am ........McFly on the Wall

6:00am ....IAAF Athletix Weekly

7:10am .............................. Top Gear

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am............Coronation Street

10:50am .... The Hotel Inspector

6:30am ..........Scottish Cup Final

8:00am .............................. Top Gear

7:00am ..........................The X Files

8:05am ........................Emmerdale

11:50am ........Emergency Bikers

7:30am ................Road to London

8:00am .......................... The X Files

11:00am ........Coronation Street

12:50pm ..........................Wyoming Renegades

8:00am ..........................Wild Spirits

9:00am ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

9:00am ..........................The X Files

1:30pm ....................American Idol

10:00am............ thirtysomething

3:00pm ....................American Idol

2:15pm ........................The Ride to Hangman’s Tree

9:00am ............ Seamaster Sailing

9:30am ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

11:00am............ thirtysomething

10:00am .................. Three Men in Another Boat

12:00pm ..........thirtysomething

4:00pm ..........................The British Soap Awards 2011

4:00pm ......Last of the Dogmen 6:10pm ............5 News Weekend 6:15pm ....................Fun with Dick and Jane

8:30am ....IAAF Athletix Weekly 9:30am ..................European Cup Rugby Union Final 10:30am ..............................Live IRB Rugby Sevens 3:55pm .......... Live Super Sunday

8:00pm ............Miss Congeniality 10:15pm ..................Proof of Life 12:50am ....................Rough Guide to Activity Holidays

6:00pm ................................ Live IRB Rugby Sevens 7:30pm ....Live Spanish Football

1:10am ....................My New Brain

1:10am ......................SuperCasino

10:00pm ......This Week In WWE

2:10am ..............24 Hours in A&E

4:00am ......................Rough Guide to Weekend Breaks

10:30pm ......................WWE: Late Night - Afterburn

4:10am .................. Divine Designs

11:30pm ................WWE Vintage Collection

3:05am ....................Civilization: Is the West History? 4:00am ..........................Wild Thing I Love You

4:35am .................... House Doctor 5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline

4:55am ..............................Wogan’s Perfect Recall

5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show

12:30am ........This Week In WWE

5:35am ..........Thomas & Friends

1:00am ......Live WWE Wrestling

5:20am ........................Countdown

5:45am ....Roary the Racing Car

4:00am ......................................Close

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

11:00am ............................Top Gear 1:00pm ........Would I Lie to You? 1:40pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

1:00pm ..............thirtysomething 2:00pm ..............thirtysomething

6:00pm ........Britain’s Got Talent

3:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

7:00pm ........................Animals Do the Funniest Things

4:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

8:00pm ..................Kerry Katona: The Next Chapter

2:20pm ............................................QI

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

3:00pm ..................Michael Palin’s New Europe

6:00pm ........Star Trek: Voyager

4:00pm .............................. Top Gear

8:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

10:00pm ....................Baby Mama

7:00pm ......................................Tribe

9:00pm ..........Will Ferrell: You’re Welcome America

12:05am ..................Kerry Katona: The Next Chapter

8:00pm ..........Last Man Standing

10:45pm ......................The Pacific

9:00pm ..............Have I Got a Bit More News for You

12:00am ......Sometimes in April

1:05am ......................Britain’s Got More Talent

6:00pm ....................Three Men in Another Boat

10:00pm Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat 11:00pm ..............Gavin & Stacey

7:00pm ........Star Trek: Voyager

9:00pm ....................Peter Andre: The Next Chapter

2:40am ..........................Will Ferrell: You’re Welcome America

2:00am ....................American Idol

4:20am ..........................The X Files

5:45am ............ITV2 Nightscreen

2:45am ....................Teleshopping

5:10am ..........................The X Files

Page 27

Television Guide



Weekly Update Email:

Happiness is… LET’S shift gears, shall we? Over the last few months, wherever you look, read and watch, it seems that we are all in a bit of a slump as far as being happy is concerned. It’s obviously a number of things that we all get into our brain and can’t shift the thought process. So let’s look at the brighter side of life and I think that what makes me happy is exactly the same for you. Losing at Deal Or No Deal: This show is really starting to stink! It’s a game show based on luck and nothing else. I loved it when it first aired a few years ago. It was exciting and a no-brainer TV show. But it seems to have been taken over with the most moronic of people. I can’t take the holding of the hands before a box is opened. And when it actually is the colour they are wishing for, they jump for delight as if they had magically changed the shade through prayer and thought. They bring lucky charms to the table, accompanied by the usual sad story of why they need money. A few weeks ago, and I swear this is true, a contestant was convinced his dead father was in his box! I’m sorry? Are the producers moonlighting as funeral directors now? Turns out nothing was in the box. Maybe it was a mixture of stupid faith or greed. But he got 50 quid after rejecting thousands throughout the show. What were his last words? “I’ve had a lovely time and I love all my new friends.” Yeah, whatever. I bet he hasn’t spoken to the others since he left the studio. Running out of toilet roll: Might seem a little weird, but hear me out. I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot of time in the bathroom. It’s a little safe sanctuary. No disrespect to my family, but I need a little time to myself. When I lock that door, I just chill. There’s nothing anyone can do because I have full control of when I decide to leave. Yes, I’m shouted at when I

Page 28

6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ........................Fake Britain

6:10am ..............................Penelope

8:30am................................ Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:15am ..................................Dip Dap

9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:15am ..........................Toddworld

10:30am ..................This Morning

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

12:30pm ................ Loose Women

11:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

11:00am ............Don’t Get Done, Get Dom

7:00am ....Natural Born Hunters

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

11:45am ..................Bargain Hunt 12:30pm ....................RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011 1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather 1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather 1:45pm ................................Doctors 2:15pm Escape to the Country 3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

take a little longer than I need, but that’s the good thing. What are they going to do? Crash the door down? And when you notice that the toilet roll is not where it should be, that gives you extra time. The smell of firelighters: Obviously we have need for an open fire here in Tenerife. But still to this day, my dad lights his fire with these small white things at home in Belfast. It’s a nostalgia thing for me because I associate the firelighters with me as a kid Christmas. You always knew it was coming up to that big day when the fire was being prepared, and the smell of things to this day take me way back. Obviously, my dad still thinks I’m six years old when I pick one up and practically stick it up my nose! By the way, for legal reasons I must say: Please do not try this at home! Fresh Newspaper: I have heard this from so many people that I know I’m not alone. You get a newspaper and settle down for a cup of coffee, or maybe a full breakfast. And it always happens that as you are about to turn the page and get involved, you are interrupted by somebody. And it’s the last person you would really want to have a conversation with. So the person sits down and you have to pretend to be interested in his drama of the previous night. After you’ve have been bored for 15 min-

utes, what happens? He asks: “Oh, can I have a look at your paper? “ Answer: “No you can’t you boring fart. I have spent my own money on this and would have been nearly finished but for you. My breakfast is freezing cold because you would not shut your mouth for one second. Now you want to read my paper? Are you mental? Get out of my life” Okay, that’s what we’re really thinking, but we always say: “Yeah, sure, go right ahead.” But I hate anyone reading my paper before I do. Getting the small queue in the supermarket: I don’t know what it is about Tenerife supermarkets, but they spend too much money on installing cash registers. They have more of these than actual stock.

7:25am ........................Newsround 7:30am ......Trust Me I’m a Genie 7:45am ......League of Super Evil 8:00am ..........................Wait for It!

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal

8:30am ............................LazyTown 8:55am ................................Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:05am ........ The Koala Brothers 9:15am ................Guess with Jess 9:30am .......................... Big & Small

3:05pm ....................Sam & Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster

9:40am ......................Buzz and Tell

3:05pm ............................Copycats

10:25am ............................Zingzillas

3:40pm ............................Wingin’ It

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

4:00pm ..................................Sadie J

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

4:30pm ..........................Blue Peter 4:55pm ............Shaun the Sheep

11:35am ............................The Pink Panther Show

5:00pm ........................Newsround

12:00pm .................... Daily Politics

5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link 6:00pm ............................BBC News

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

6:00pm ..............................Weather

6:30pm ..............................Weather

1:00pm ............Diagnosis Murder

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

1:45pm .... To Buy or Not to Buy

7:00pm ..................The One Show

2:15pm ........................Animal 24:7

6:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

3:00pm ..........Helicopter Heroes

7:00pm ........................ Emmerdale

3:45pm ..................................Flog It!

7:30pm ..........Coronation Street

7:30pm ......................RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011

4:30pm ............The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain

8:00pm ............................ The Dales

8:00pm ........................EastEnders

5:15pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

9:00pm ....................Strangeways

8:30pm ..................Fifa: Football’s Shame? - Panorama

9:50am ......Big Cook Little Cook 10:10am ....................Timmy Time

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

3:59pm ............London Weather 4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street 10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

9:00pm ..Supersize Ambulance

6:30pm ........Great British Menu

10:00pm ........................BBC News

7:00pm ......The Story of Ireland

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

8:00pm ......................RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011

10:35pm ................Tango & Cash

10:35pm .. A Question of Sport

9:00pm ..........All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

12:25am ...... ITV News Headlines

11:05pm ....................The Graham Norton Show 11:50pm ..............Dan in Real Life 1:30am ............MasterChef: The Final Three 2:30am ............MasterChef: The Final Three

10:00pm ....................Never Mind the Buzzcocks 10:30pm ......................Newsnight 11:20pm ..............Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

12:25am .......................... The Zone 2:30am ............UEFA Champions League Weekly 2:55am .............. ITV Nightscreen 4:35am........................ The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

You walk in for one item, the place is packed, and only one cash register is manned leaving the other 3,000 idle. I seriously think they do it for a laugh. Yet when only one person is actually doing a big shop on the premises, all staff compete for you to use their terminal. But as soon as it gets busy, they are all off. Where do they go? This is a mystery that needs answering. So when you get a little queue, it’s bliss. Happiness: Yes, I know it is what you make for yourself.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Television Guide

Monday 23 May 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ............................Bondi Vet

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ................................Oops TV

7:30am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

9:00am .................... The Real A&E

8:00am ....................................Maury

9:30pm ................Gavin & Stacey

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ....................Football First

10:00am ..........................Lie to Me

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

10:00pm ...................... EastEnders

6:05am ................................Sali Mali

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am............................ The Beeps

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs 7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:25am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am ..................................Frasier 8:55am ..................................Friends 9:25am ......................Accidentally on Purpose 9:50am ..............................Location, Location, Location 10:55am ................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm ............................ My Eden 12:10pm ..............Jamie at Home

10:30am ..................Football First

7:30am ............................Bondi Vet

12:00pm ..................Football First

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

1:30pm ....................Football First

12:00pm ....................Customs UK

11:00am ................................Maury

6:55am ........Milkshake! Bop Box

3:00pm ..............Spanish Football

1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

7:00am ....................Little Princess 7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

5:00pm ........................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

3:00pm ..................Pirates of the Caribbean Special

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:00pm ..The Sky Sports Years

3:30pm ............................Wild Vets

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

7:40am ................................Mio Mao

7:00pm ..........................Sky Sports News at Seven

4:00pm ..............................Lie to Me

5:00pm ....................................Bones

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

7:30pm ........................Champions League Weekly

5:30pm ............................Futurama

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

7:45am ............................Make Way for Noddy 8:00am ................................Fifi and the Flowertots 8:10am ............................Milkshake! Show Songs

8:00pm ..................Hold the Back Page Special

6:00pm ..............................Oops TV 6:30pm ..................The Simpsons 8:00pm ..........Stargate Universe

9:30pm ................................Premier League Review

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

10:30pm The Sky Sports Years

9:00pm ...................... A League of Their Own: Best of

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car 8:40am ......................................Olivia

11:30pm ......................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

10:00pm ........................Spartacus: Blood and Sand

4:00pm ................ Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ...... Celebrity Five Go To

8:50am ....................The WotWots

6:00pm.................... The Simpsons

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff

6:30am ..Kings Of The Extreme

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

11:05am ................Stansted: The Inside Story

7:00am.......... WWE: Bottom Line

8:00pm .............. Dispatches: The Truth About Your Dentist 9:00pm ..............................Gordon’s Great Escape 10:00pm ................................Mirrors 12:10am ........................The Event 1:05am...................................... Poker

12:00pm ........ Meals in Moments 12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime 12:20pm ....................Law & Order 1:15pm ..............Home and Away 1:45pm ........................ Neighbours 2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show 3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes 3:10pm ................Bridge of Time

8:00am ..............Spanish Football 9:30am ............Seamaster Sailing 10:00am ................PGA Tour Golf 1:00pm ......European Tour Golf 3:00pm ..................European Cup Rugby Union Final 4:00pm ......................FA Women’s Cup Final

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm ..........Dating in the Dark 9:00pm ................Four Weddings Revisited

10:30pm ........................Bizarre ER 11:00pm ......................Family Guy 11:25pm ...................... Family Guy 11:50pm ....................Young, Rich and Househunting 12:20am ..............Gavin & Stacey 12:50am ..............Gavin & Stacey 1:20am ............................Bizarre ER 1:50am ........Don’t Tell the Bride 2:50am ......Snog, Marry, Avoid? 3:20am ....................Botox Britain: Your Face in Their Hands

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

5:15am ......................................Close

7:00am ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........Coronation Street

7:30am ........................Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

6:55am ........................Emmerdale

9:00am ............................................ER

7:20am ..................Loose Women

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

11:00am ........................The X Files 12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

10:30am ...................... Judge Judy

2:00pm ............................................ER

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

12:30pm ......Coronation Street

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

1:00pm ........................Emmerdale

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

8:00am ............................ Fifth Gear 8:30am ..........The Gadget Show 9:00am ..............................Top Gear 10:00am .................. Dragons’ Den 11:00am ..............Seaside Rescue 12:00pm ............................Top Gear

4:30pm ..........This Week In WWE

2:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

5:00pm ............................WWE: Raw

3:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

7:00pm ..............Great Run Series

3:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

7:30pm ..............................Live Elite League Speedway

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

9:30pm................................ NASCAR

6:00pm ..................Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

10:30pm ..........Great Run Series

7:00pm ................Seaside Rescue

7:30pm ......How Do They Do It?

8:00pm.............................. Top Gear

4:50am ..............................Wogan’s Perfect Recall

8:00pm .......... The Gadget Show

11:00pm ....................................Elite League Speedway

5:20am ................Hill Street Blues

9:00pm ......The Hotel Inspector

1:00am ......European Tour Golf

10:00pm ....There’s Something About Josie

2:00am ....................PGA Tour Golf

9:40pm ............Have I Got News for You

3:00am ............Wonderful World of Golf

11:00pm ....................Never Mind the Buzzcocks

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

3:00pm .................. Criminal Minds

9:00pm.................. Gavin & Stacey

4:20am ........................The Big Fat Truth About Low Fat Foods

2:55am ......Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World

11:00pm ..............................Enough

10:00am ..............Four Weddings

8:30pm ........................Young, Rich and Househunting

10:00pm ..............16 & Pregnant

2:00am ..............24 Hours in A&E

3:55am ......................The Coldest March

8:00pm ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

11:00am ............Body Language Secrets

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

7:55pm ......................

7:00pm ........Don’t Tell the Bride

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear

2:35pm ........................ Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard

12:45pm ..................Pony Express

6:00am ........ Nothing to Declare

9:00pm ................Mock the Week

6:00pm ............................................ER 7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio 8:00pm ..........................The X Files 9:00pm ............Game of Thrones 10:00pm ..........................Funny or Die Presents 10:35pm ................................Weeds 11:10pm ..............Six Feet Under

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..................Loose Women 5:40pm ........................Judge Judy 7:00pm ..........................The Cube: Celebrity Special 8:00pm ..................Kerry Katona: The Next Chapter

12:25am ..........Game of Thrones

9:00pm ..................Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason

1:40am ..Funny or Die Presents

11:15pm .............. Celebrity Juice

Page 29

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T U E S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am.............................. Daybreak

9:15am ........................Fake Britain

6:10am ..............................Penelope

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:15am ..................................Dip Dap

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:15am ..........................Toddworld

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:45am ................Charlie and Lola

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:00am ............Don’t Get Done, Get Dom

7:00am ....Natural Born Hunters

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

11:45am ..................Bargain Hunt 12:30pm ....................RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011 1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather 1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather 1:45pm ................................Doctors 2:15pm ............................ Escape to the Country

8:00am ..........................Wait for It! 8:30am ............................LazyTown 8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm...... 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm ......Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm ............ London Weather 4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish

9:15am ................ Guess with Jess

3:05pm ....................Sam & Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster

9:50am ......Big Cook Little Cook

4:00pm ................................ Sadie J

9:40am ......................Buzz and Tell 10:10am ....................Timmy Time

6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ..............London Tonight 6:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

10:25am ............................ Zingzillas 10:45am.......................... Waybuloo 11:05am .... In the Night Garden

4:30pm ..........................Blue Peter

11:35am ............................The Pink Panther Show

4:55pm ............Shaun the Sheep

12:00pm ....................Daily Politics

5:00pm ........................Newsround 5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

6:00pm ..............................Weather

1:00pm ............Diagnosis Murder

6:00pm ............................BBC News

1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

6:30pm ..............................Weather

2:15pm ........................Animal 24:7

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

3:00pm ..........Helicopter Heroes

7:00pm ..................The One Show

3:45pm .................................. Flog It!

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

4:30pm ............ The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain

7:30pm ........................EastEnders

5:15pm ........................ Cash in the Celebrity Attic

7:30pm Military Driving School

8:00pm ..........................Holby City 9:00pm ......................Crimewatch

6:00pm ............................ Eggheads

10:00pm ........................ BBC News

6:30pm ........Great British Menu

9:00pm................ Home Is Where the Heart Is

10:25pm .......... National Lottery Update

7:00pm ....................Britain’s Next Big Thing

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:25pm ..............Regional News

8:00pm ......RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

9:00pm ......................The Country House Revealed

10:35pm ................Freeze Frame

11:15pm ....................Traffic Cops

10:00pm ..........Later Live - with Jools Holland

12:25am ...... ITV News Headlines

12:20am ..........................Children’s Craniofacial Surgery

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

Prince Philip at 90

10:35pm ..Crimewatch Update

8pm, ITV

10:45pm ....................The Lock Up 11:15pm ................Weatherview

up to become a veteran of the Second World War – in which he served with distinction with the Royal Navy – and capture the heart of the most eligible princess in the world, forging a union with her that has lasted for over 60 years. It is only now, a quarter of a century after most men of his age have retired, that he is beginning to relinquish even a few of his royal duties. This is a fascinating portrait of one of Britain’s most enduring public figures.

7:45am ......League of Super Evil

9:30am ..........................Big & Small

3:40pm ............................Wingin’ It

he is really like, using his own testimony as well as contributions from those who know him well, including his only daughter, HRH The Princess Royal. The programme contains extensive archive material, some of it seen here for the very first time, to give an illuminating insight into the man himself. This is the story of a Greek prince of Danish ancestry, born in Corfu in 1921 and exiled with his family as a baby. He had a peripatetic and often lonely childhood, but grew

7:30am ......Trust Me I’m a Genie

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

3:05pm ............................Copycats

On the eve of the 90th birthday of HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, Alan Titchmarsh presents an intimate study of his life. The Duke is one of the most instantly recognisable men on the planet and we all think we know him – energetic, gruff, sometimes overly direct, allegedly flirtatious, famous for his straighttalking ways and his socalled gaffes. As he approaches his landmark birthday on 10th June, this one-off film reveals what

7:25am ........................Newsround

1:20am ..............The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best

11:20pm ..Our ‘Enry: A Tribute to Sir Henry Cooper

8:00pm ..........Prince Philip at 90

12:25am .......................... The Zone 2:30am ..............Crossing Jordan 3:15am ..............ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

Four Rooms 8:00pm, Channel 4 New series. Members of the public hope to sell their prized possessions to arts dealers, and are forced to gamble their offers in an effort to make sure they receive the best value. The first would-be sellers bring with them a collection of Christmas cards from Lady Diana, an original 1960s Dalek, a cigar once owned by Winston Churchill and a Francis Bacon portrait that was nearly destroyed by the artist.

Page 30

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Television Guide

Tuesday 24 May

8:55am ..................................Friends 9:25am ................Accidentally on Purpose 9:50am ........Location, Location, Location

7:30am ............................Bondi Vet

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV 9:00am ....................The Real A&E

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ..........................Secrets of the Superbrands : Fashion

10:00am ..........................Lie to Me

10:00am .............. Four Weddings

10:00pm ...................... EastEnders

10:30am The Sky Sports Years

11:00am ....................................Body Language Secrets

11:00am ................................Maury

11:30am ..............................Premier League Review

10:30pm ..................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

12:00pm ....................Customs UK

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:30pm ....................Customs UK

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:35am .............. Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ..................Hold the Back Page Special

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear 6:50am ............................Peppa Pig 6:55am ........Milkshake! Bop Box 7:00am ....................Little Princess

12:30pm ...................... Soccer AM: The Best Bits

1:00pm.................... Stargate SG-1

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

3:00pm ............................Wild Vets

5:00pm ....................................Bones

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

1:30pm ..................Hold the Back Page Special

4:00pm ..............................Lie to Me

7:40am ................................Mio Mao

3:00pm ....The Sky Sports Years

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

4:00pm ................................Premier League Review

5:30pm ............................Futurama

5:00pm ......................Football Asia

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

10:55am ................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:15am............ The Mr Men Show

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm ............The Home Show

8:00pm ......................The World’s Strictest Parents

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed

8:25am ..................................Frasier

7:00am ............................Bondi Vet

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

6:10am ..........................The Beeps

7:55am ..................................Frasier

7:00pm ..................Total Wipeout

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs 7:30am ............Everybody Loves Raymond

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:00am .................. Good Morning Sports Fans

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

1:00pm ..............A Town like Alice

8:00am ................................Fifi and the Flowertots

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:10am ........................Castle Farm

5:30pm ..........Revista De La Liga

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:15am ..............................Peppa Pig

8:00pm ..........A Different Breed

5:00pm ......Celebrity Five Go To

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

7:00pm ..........................Sky Sports News at Seven

9:00pm ......Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour 2011

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

8:30am ............................Roary the Racing Car

7:30pm ......................Live Nations Cup Football

11:25pm ........................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime UK

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

8:40am ......................................Olivia

10:00pm ........Revista De La Liga

7:00pm .............. Channel 4 News

8:50am ....................The WotWots


9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

8:00pm ......................Four Rooms 9:00pm ........................The Secret Millionaire 10:00pm ..................Jamie’s Food Revolution Hits Hollywood 11:05pm ................................Misfits

6:00pm ..............................Oops TV

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm ....................Cougar Town 8:30pm ..............Hot in Cleveland 9:00pm ..........Dating in the Dark 10:00pm ........................ The Hunks 11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds 12:00am ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:00pm ......................Family Guy 11:25pm ......................Family Guy 11:50pm ........................Secrets of the Superbrands: Fashion 12:45am ....................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 1:15am ......................Misbehaving Mums-to-Be 2:15am ........................The World’s Strictest Parents 3:15am.................... Total Wipeout 4:15am ......................Misbehaving Mums-to-Be

7:00am ........................Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:55am ........................Emmerdale

8:00am ............................ Fifth Gear

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:20am.................... Loose Women

7:00am ..............WWE: Afterburn

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................ Judge Judy

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

12:20pm ....................Law & Order

8:00am ........................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

10:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

11:05am ................ Stansted: The Inside Story

6:30am ..............................Kings Of The Extreme

12:00pm ........Meals in Moments 12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime 1:15pm ..............Home and Away

9:00am ......European Tour Golf

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

1:45pm ........................ Neighbours

10:00am ................PGA Tour Golf

11:00am ........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

12:05am ....................UK & Ireland Poker Tour

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show

12:30pm ......Coronation Street

3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

11:30am ........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

2:00pm ............................................ER

1:05am ..............Freesports on 4

11:00am ..........Wonderful World of Golf

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

3:00pm.............. thirtysomething

1:00pm ........................Emmerdale

12:30pm ..........PGA Tour Classic

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

1:35am ..............................The Grid 2:00am ............British Formula 3 International Series

3:10pm ....................Starting Over

1:30pm ..............Great Run Series

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

2:30am ......KOTV Boxing Weekly

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

2:00pm ......................Elite League Speedway

2:55am ..........................AVP Beach Volleyball

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

3:50am ....................Catching the Impossible

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

4:40am ............................Full Metal Challenge

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV 7:30pm ..............................Zoo Days 8:00pm ........................5 News at 9

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear 2:00pm .................... Dragons’ Den

4:00pm ................................NASCAR

3:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ World of Survival

5:00pm............ IRB Rugby Sevens

4:00pm................................Top Gear

7:00pm ...................... Live Football

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

10:00pm ........ IRB Rugby Sevens

7:00pm ................Seaside Rescue

12:00am .................. Golfing World

8:00pm ..............................Top Gear 9:00pm.................. Gavin & Stacey

5:35am ............Brief Encounters of the Sporting Mind: Rally Driving

8:00pm ..............Supersize Grime

1:00am ..............Ladies European Tour Golf

9:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:00am ..............Great Run Series

10:20pm ..Men Behaving Badly

5:45am ..............Yo Gabba Gabba!

10:00pm ........................CSI: Miami

2:30am ..........European Seniors Tour Golf

11:00pm ......................Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

9:40pm .................. Not Going Out

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager 6:00pm ............................................ ER

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

8:00pm ...... Battlestar Galactica 9:00pm ......Battlestar Galactica 10:00pm ......................Blue Bloods 11:00pm ..................In Treatment 11:30pm ..................In Treatment

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy 7:00pm ..................................All Star Family Fortunes 7:45pm ............Calvin Harris: The Hot Desk

12:00am .... Battlestar Galactica

8:00pm ..........Peter Andre: The Next Chapter

1:00am ......Battlestar Galactica

9:00pm ........................Knocked Up

2:00am ....................In Treatment

11:40pm ..........Connie and Carla

Page 31

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

W E D N E S D A Y 6:00am ............................ Breakfast

6:00am ..........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am.............................. Daybreak

9:15am ........................Fake Britain

6:10am ..............................Penelope

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:15am ..................................Dip Dap

9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:15am .......................... Toddworld

10:30am ..................This Morning

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:45am ..........................Octonauts

11:00am ............Don’t Get Done, Get Dom

7:00am ....Natural Born Hunters

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

11:45am ..................Bargain Hunt 12:30pm ....................RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011 1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather 1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather 1:45pm ................................Doctors 2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country

7:45am ................Pinky and Perky 8:00am ..........................Wait for It! 8:30am ............................LazyTown 8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm...... 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm...... Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm ............London Weather 4:00pm ........ Midsomer Murders 5:00pm .......... Britain’s Best Dish

9:15am ................Guess with Jess 9:30am ..........................Big & Small

6:00pm ..............................Weather

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:40am ......................Buzz and Tell

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

9:50am ......Big Cook Little Cook

3:05pm ............President Obama at Westminster

10:10am .................... Timmy Time

6:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

4:30pm .................................. Flog It!

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link 6:00pm ..............................Weather

11:05am ..................................In the Night Garden

6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:35am............................ Crossfire

10:25am ............................Zingzillas

6:30pm ..............................Weather

1:00pm ............................ See Hear

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

1:30pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

7:00pm ..................The One Show

2:15pm ........................Animal 24:7

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

3:00pm ............................Copycats

7:30pm ................Waterloo Road

3:40pm ............................Wingin’ It

8:30pm ........................ Life of Riley

4:00pm ......................Dani’s House

9:00pm ..............The Apprentice 10:00pm ........................BBC News

4:30pm ................Little Howard’s Big Question

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

4:55pm ............ Shaun the Sheep

10:35pm ..................The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws

5:15pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

10:45pm................ Not Going Out 11:15pm ..........National Lottery Update and Weatherview 11:15pm ....It’s a Boy/Girl Thing 12:50am ............................See Hear 1:20am ..........................Watchdog 2:20am ........The British at Work 3:20am ....................One Man and His Campervan 3:50am ........................................Click 4:00am ............................ BBC News 4:30am ............................Panorama

Midsomer Murders

7:30am ......Trust Me I’m a Genie

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm ............Poms in Paradise 8:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

3:30pm .... League of Super Evil

5:00pm ........................Newsround

6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ........Great British Menu 7:00pm ................The Sounds of Hugh Laurie: A Culture Show Special

10:00pm .................... ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ................London News and Weather

7:30pm ......Two Greedy Italians

10:35pm ....Cops with Cameras

8:30pm ......RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011

11:35pm ..........Long Lost Family

10:00pm ..........The Apprentice: You’re Fired!

12:30am ...... ITV News Headlines

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

2:35am ..........................Space Jam

11:20pm ................Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle

4:00am ..............ITV Nightscreen

12:30am ..........................The Zone

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

8pm, ITV Brand new episode of the rural detective drama series. When a young female member of a new age cult called The Oblong Foundation goes missing, DCI John Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon) investigates, and sends DS Jones (Jason Hughes) undercover at the cult’s base, Malham Hall. The police learn that the hall’s previous owners, Jeremy and Carolyn Lambert, died in a gas explosion on board their boat. At the local pub run by Paddy Powell (Kevin Doyle) and his wife Claire

Page 32

(Holly Aird), Barnaby hears various conspiracy theories about how the Lamberts met their deaths. Their lawyer, Susan Crane (Francesca Hunt), reveals that her clients withdrew thousands of pounds from their account, supposedly for gambling - but she also gave them advice about the use of a promissory note (a legal IOU). At Malham, Jones is befriended by Blaze (Christine Bottomley), who persuades him to go snooping in a bedroom under the guise of visiting the ‘love

room’, but they get locked in and have to call on Barnaby for help. While Barnaby tries to find out who might have borrowed money from the Lamberts, another cult member dies suspiciously. The police uncover existence of a promissory note and discover that the man who witnessed it died the same night as the Lamberts. Barnaby and Jones must try to find out who killed the owners of Malham Hall, and whether the case has a link to the missing woman.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Television Guide

Wednesday 25 May 6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00pm ..Great Movie Mistakes

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ............................Bondi Vet

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

7:30am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

9:00am ....................The Real A&E

8:00am ....................................Maury

10:45pm ......................Family Guy

6:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ........Football’s Greatest

10:00am ..........................Lie to Me

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

11:10pm ......................Family Guy

6:40am ......................Rupert Bear 6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

10:30am .................. Live State of Origin Rugby League

6:55am ........Milkshake! Bop Box

1:30pm .......... Revista De La Liga

9:50am ........Location, Location, Location

7:00am ....................Little Princess

3:00pm ................................ Football

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

4:00pm ....Nations Cup Football

10:55am ..........................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

5:00pm ................State of Origin Rugby League

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ..........................The Beeps

7:00am ..................................Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am.................................... Frasier 8:25am ..................................Frasier 8:55am ..................................Friends 9:25am ................Accidentally on Purpose

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm............ The Home Show 1:05pm ..........................Kidnapped 3:10pm ........................Countdown 4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ..............................Celebrity Five Go To

7:40am ................................Mio Mao

9:30am .... Nations Cup Football

8:10am Milkshake! Show Songs 8:15am ............................Peppa Pig 8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

11:00am ....................................Body Language Secrets

6:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All 7:00pm ..........................Sky Sports News at Seven 7:30pm ......................Live Nations Cup Football

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm ............................Diagnosis Live from the Clinic 9:00pm ..............24 Hours in A&E 10:00pm ........................Desperate Housewives 11:05pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory

11:00am ................................Maury 12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:05am ................American Dad!

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

12:45am ................American Dad!

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

1:10am ..................American Dad!

5:00pm ....................................Bones

1:30am ..................American Dad!

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

1:50am ..................American Dad!

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:00am ......................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

3:00pm ............................Wild Vets 4:00pm.............................. Lie to Me 5:00pm ..................The Simpsons 6:00pm ..............................Oops TV 6:30pm ....................The Simpsons 8:00pm ............Emergency with Angela Griffin 9:00pm ............................Brit Cops: Zero Tolerance

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

10:00pm ........................You’re on Sky Sports!

8:40am ...................................... Olivia

11:30pm ....FIFA Futbol Mundial

11:00pm ......The Chicago Code

11:05am ................Stansted: The Inside Story

6:00am..............Aerobics Oz Style

12:00pm ........Meals in Moments

8:00pm ................Four Weddings Revisited 9:00pm ....................................Bones

12:25am ................American Dad!

2:15am ..................American Dad!

3:30am ....Great Movie Mistakes

10:00pm ............Grey’s Anatomy

4:30am ..........................Secrets of the Superbrands: Fashion

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

5:30am ......................................Close

7:00am ........................Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams

6:00am .......................... The X Files

6:00am ........................ Emmerdale

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

7:00am ....................WWE Vintage Collection

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:20am.................... Loose Women

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am........................ Judge Judy

8:00am ..............Ladies European Tour Golf

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

10:00am............ thirtysomething

10:00am....................Dragons’ Den

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:00am ............ IRB Rugby Sevens

11:00am ..............Seaside Rescue

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

11:00am ........Revista De La Liga

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

1:00pm .... Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm ......................Emmerdale

12:30pm ............................Football

2:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

2:00pm ............................................ ER

12:30pm ........................ Nanny 911

1:30pm .... Nations Cup Football

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00pm ................................Fringe

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am ............The Wright Stuff

12:10pm........ 5 News Lunchtime 12:20pm ....................Law & Order 1:15pm ..............Home and Away 1:45pm ........................Neighbours 2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show 3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

6:30am ..Kings Of The Extreme

3:10pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

2:30pm ........................................ Pool

3:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

3:30pm ..............Great Run Series

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

12:05am ............Inside Incredible Athletes

3:15pm ......................McBride: It’s Murder, Madam

4:00pm ........................Live ECB 40 League Cricket

6:00pm ................Seaside Rescue

1:35am ..........................Sunchaser

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

3:45am ......................................Husk

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

3:55am ..........................Wild Thing I Love You

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

10:00pm ..............State of Origin Rugby League

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

11:00pm ....................Boots ‘n’ All

4:55am ..............................Wogan’s Perfect Recall

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7 7:30pm ........................Pawn Stars

12:00am ....European Tour Golf

5:25am ........................Countdown

8:00pm ......Giant Animal Moves

1:00am ..............British Rallyzone

9:00pm ........................................NCIS

1:30am ........................Boots ‘n’ All

10:00pm .................. Law & Order: Criminal Intent

2:30am ................State of Origin Rugby League

11:35pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory

11:35pm ..................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

8:50am ....................The WotWots 6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

10:00am .............. Four Weddings

9:00pm ........................Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: the Cradle of Life

12:00pm ........................Road Wars

5:30pm ............................Futurama

7:45am .... Make Way for Noddy 8:00am ................................ Fifi and the Flowertots

7:30am ............................Bondi Vet

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

4:00pm ..........................The X Files 5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

3:40pm.... The Real Housewives of Orange County

6:00pm ............................................ER

4:35pm ..................Loose Women

8:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

5:30pm ........................Judge Judy

9:00pm ............Russell Howard’s Good News

8:00pm............................................ 24

7:20pm ............................................QI

10:20pm ........................Red Dwarf

9:00pm ..................The Sopranos 10:10pm ........Game of Thrones

6:45pm ................Sing If You Can 8:00pm ........................Baby Mama 10:00pm .............. Happy Gilmore

12:40am.................. The Sopranos

11:55pm ..................Russell Brand Uncut: Piers Morgan’s Life Stories

12:20am ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

1:50am ............................................24

1:25am ........................Emmerdale

2:45am ................................Big Love

1:50am ....................Teleshopping

1:30am ..................................Spaced

3:50am ............................Inside the Actors Studio

4:50am ............ITV2 Nightscreen

11:00pm ..........................................QI 11:40pm ........................Have I Got News for You

11:25pm ............................Big Love

Page 33

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T H U R S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ........................Fake Britain

6:10am ..............................Penelope

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am .... BBC News; Weather

6:15am ..................................Dip Dap

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:15am .......................... Toddworld

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am .... BBC News; Weather

6:45am ..........................Octonauts

12:30pm ................ Loose Women

11:00am ............Don’t Get Done, Get Dom

7:00am ............................Wild Tales

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

11:45am ..................Bargain Hunt

7:45am ................Pinky and Perky

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

8:00am ..........Basil and Barney’s Game Show

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:30am ............................ LazyTown

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

2:15pm ............................ Escape to the Country

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm ............London Weather 4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ..........Britain’s Best Dish 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ..............London Tonight

3:05pm ....................Sam & Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster

9:40am ......................Buzz and Tell

6:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

3:05pm ............................Copycats

10:10am .................... Timmy Time

3:40pm ............................Wingin’ It

10:25am ............................ Zingzillas

4:00pm ................Project Parent

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

4:30pm ......Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link 6:00pm ..............................Weather

9:50am .............................. Big Cook Little Cook

11:35am ......................The Locket 1:00pm ............Diagnosis Murder 1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15pm ..........................Animal 24:7 3:00pm ..........Helicopter Heroes 3:45pm ..................................Flog It!

6:30pm ..............................Weather

4:30pm ............The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain

6:30pm ......................BBC London News

5:15pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

6:00pm ............................BBC News

Page 34

2:00pm ....60 Minute Makeover

9:30am ..........................Big & Small

5:00pm ........................Newsround

reliable, a diplomat and a thinker. She has two teenage daughters and is in a marriage that over the years has become little more than a convenient arrangement for both her and husband Adrian (Tony Pitts). Janet’s a very private person; not even Rachel knows that she has been sexually involved with her immediate boss, Detective Sergeant Andy Roper (Nicholas Gleaves). The unsolved murder of a childhood friend caused Janet to have a break-down as a teenager, but then spurred her to join the police force. She remains determined to track down the killer. Detective Chief Inspector Gill Murray leads a team of over thirty detectives, including Rachel, Janet and Detective Sergeant Andy Roper. A divorced single parent, Gill is a hugely capable woman, whose speedy thought processes require everyone around her to raise their game to keep up with her. Charismatic, funny, clever, fair-minded, occasionally scary, a para-

1:55pm.................... London News and Weather

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

4:30pm ..................................My Life

Scott & Bailey is a new sixpart series that explores the personal and professional lives of Detective Constable Rachel Bailey (Suranne Jones) and Detective Constable Janet Scott (Lesley Sharp). The two women are members of Manchester Metropolitan Police’s Major Incident Team, whose task is to track down killers. They enjoy a warm, engaging, robust friendship. Rachel Bailey is intuitive, bright, bold, funny. She’s passionate about her job. Her one big flaw is her impulsiveness, which occasionally leads her boss, Detective Chief Inspector Gill Murray (Amelia Bullmore), to view her as a liability. Rachel persistently burns the candle at both ends, and as the series opens, she is in a fiery relationship with duplicitous barrister Nick Savage (Rupert Graves). Her spur of the moment ideas and emotional vulnerability lead to dramatic consequences first in her private life, and then at work. Janet Scott is subtle, deep,

7:30am ........Trust Me I’m a Genie

12:30pm ....................RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

Coming soon on ITV…

7:25am ........................Newsround

7:00pm ........................ Emmerdale 7:30pm ..........................Too Old to Be a Mum?: Tonight 8:00pm ........................Emmerdale 8:30pm ..........Coronation Street 9:00pm ............Long Lost Family 10:00pm .................... ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ................London News and Weather 10:35pm ....Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Des O’Connor

7:00pm ..................The One Show

digm of professionalism, Gill is an inspiring detective and leader, always at the centre of the office scene. Scott & Bailey are both competent, ambitious women, passionate about getting the job done effectively. Neither of them suffer fools. They draw on each other’s strengths every day to deal with extreme and horrific crimes. Directors, Sarah Pia Anderson (Ugly Betty, Grey’s Anatomy), Syd Macartney (Hounded, New Tricks) and Ben Caron (Derren Brown: Trick or Treat, The Cube), with Producer Yvonne Francas (A Passionate Woman, Strictly Confidential, Between the Sheets), have brought this intelligent, engaging series to life. Scott & Bailey is based on an original idea by Suranne Jones and Sally Lindsay. Working closely alongside writer Sally Wainwright as co-creator is Diane Taylor, a retired Detective Inspector from the Greater Manchester Police Force’s Major Incident Team.

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

7:30pm ........................EastEnders

7:00pm .......... The Culture Show

8:00pm ..........................Watchdog 9:00pm ............................Inside the Human Body

8:00pm ......................RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011

10:00pm ........................BBC News

9:00pm ............The Shadow Line

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

10:00pm .................. Psychoville 2

10:35pm ..............Question Time

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

11:35pm ..............................Holiday Weatherview

11:20pm ..........................Golf: The PGA Championship

11:35pm ........................This Week

6:30pm ........ Great British Menu

10:30pm ..........................Weather

11:35pm ........Amanda Holden’s Fantasy Lives

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Television Guide

Thursday 26 May 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........ Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ..............The Apprentice

6:30am ........Nothing to Declare

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ............................Bondi Vet

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00pm ..........................Secrets of the Superbrands: Fashion

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV 9:00am ....................The Real A&E

7:30am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

9:00pm ......................Misbehaving Mums-to-Be

6:35am .............. Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ........................ FIFA Futbol Mundial

9:30am ....................The Real A&E

8:00am ....................................Maury

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

10:00am ..........................Lie to Me

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am............................ The Beeps

7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am ..................................Frasier 8:55am ................................Friends

6:40am........................ Rupert Bear

9:30am ........ Football’s Greatest

7:30am ............................Bondi Vet

6:50am ............................ Peppa Pig

11:00am ....................................Body Language Secrets

6:55am.......... Milkshake! Bop Box

12:00pm ........................Road Wars

11:00am ................................Maury

7:00am ....................Little Princess

1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

10:55am ................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

3:00pm ............................Wild Vets

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

4:00pm ..............................Lie to Me

9:25am ................Accidentally on Purpose 9:50am ........Location, Location, Location

12:05pm ......................Paralympic World Cup

8:00am ................................ Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

1:05pm ..............................My Eden

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

1:10pm ..................White Feather

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:40am ......................................Olivia

10:00am ............ Live Test Cricket

5:30pm ............................Futurama

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 4:00pm ..............................Charmed 5:00pm ....................................Bones 6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

7:00pm ..........................Sky Sports News at Seven

6:00pm ..............................Oops TV 6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

7:30pm ................................Premier League World

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-0

8:00pm ....................................Chuck

10:30pm ....................................Ideal 11:00pm ......................Family Guy

9:00pm ..........The Chicago Code

9:00pm ..........Dating in the Dark

10:00pm ................................House

10:00pm ..............16 & Pregnant

11:00pm ........NCIS: Los Angeles

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

11:50pm ....................Misbehaving Mums-to-Be

7:00am ........................Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

7:00am ............................Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911 8:10am ........................Judge Judy

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

8:00am ............................ Star Trek: Enterprise

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

9:00am ............................................ER

9:00am ..............British Rallyzone

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

9:25am ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:30am........ Inside the PGA Tour

10:00am .................. Dragons’ Den

11:00am ........................The X Files

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

3:10pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

10:00am ..........................European Tour Weekly

11:00am ....................Stephen Fry in America

12:00pm ..........................Star Trek: Voyager

12:00pm ......................Emmerdale

3:15pm ..Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four

10:30am ................Live European Tour Golf

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

1:00pm ............................Star Trek: Enterprise

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

1:30pm ................................ Nations Cup Football

3:00pm ......................Stephen Fry in America

2:00pm ............................................ER

3:00pm ..................Live European Tour Golf

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:50am ....................The WotWots

8:00pm ......................Test Cricket

5:00pm ......Celebrity Five Go To

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:00pm ........Time of Our Lives

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

10:00am ..............Four Weddings

11:00pm ....................Test Cricket

11:25pm ......................Family Guy

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:05am ................Stansted: The Inside Story 12:00pm ........ Meals in Moments

6:00am ............ Aerobics Oz Style

12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime 12:20pm ....................Law & Order

6:30am ..............................Kings Of The Extreme

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

7:00am ..............British Rallyzone

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

7:30am ........................Nations Cup Football

2:15pm ..........The Vanessa Show 3:05pm ....................Chinese Food in Minutes

7:30am ........................Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams

2:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

7:20am ..................Loose Women

12:30pm ........................Nanny 911

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

4:00pm .............................. Top Gear

4:00pm ..........................The X Files

3:40pm ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

4:40pm .................. Loose Women

6:25pm ....................................OK! TV


6:55pm ........................5 News at 7

8:00pm ..................Three in a Bed

7:00pm ..................................Cricket

7:00pm ............................Top Gear: Polar Challenge

6:00pm ............................................ER

9:00pm ........Breaking a Female Paedophile Ring

8:00pm ..........Emergency Bikers

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

10:00pm ..............World’s Tallest Man: Looking for Love 11:10pm ......................The Secret Millionaire

9:00pm ..............Extreme Fishing with Robson Green At the Ends of the Earth 10:00pm ....................Impossible? 11:05pm ......Banged Up Abroad

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

6:00pm .................... IAAF Athletix Weekly 6:30pm ............................ATP Tour Uncovered 7:00pm ..............The Rugby Club 8:00pm ..............................Ringside 10:00pm ......................WWE: Late Night - Raw

3:00pm ..............thirtysomething

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

7:00pm ............................The Cube

9:00pm ..Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat

8:00pm ............................................ ER

10:00pm ............Mock the Week

9:00pm ..................Six Feet Under

9:00pm ....................Peter Andre: The Next Chapter

10:40pm ....................Argumental

10:15pm ....................Introducing Dorothy Dandridge

8:00pm ...................................... QI XL

11:20pm ....................................QI XL

8:00pm .................... American Idol

10:00pm ..............Celebrity Juice 10:45pm The Astronaut’s Wife

Page 35


Page 36

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


Page 37


Wickes buys 13 Focus stores

Android phones ‘leak personal data’ MILLIONS of Android smartphones are vulnerable to hackers stealing users’ personal information, researchers have said.

ADMINISTRATOR Ernst & Young confirms it has agreed to sell up to 13 stores and transfer all associated employees to the Travis Perkins-owned DIY chain for £8.4m. All of the acquired stores are to be converted to Wickes branches by the end of the year, extending the DIY chain's portfolio to 216 Ttravis Perkins chief executive Geoff Cooper said: "The acquisition of these 13 stores, cherry picked from over 100 potential locations, further expands our Wickes business and will help us to continue our gains in like-forlike and total market share. We welcome the colleagues in these stores into our Group and look forward to these

stores trading successfully in the Wickes Format." Joint administrator of the Focus group Simon Allport said in a statement today: "We are delighted to secure a sale for these stores and to save the jobs of all 345 associated employees. We continue to trade from all 178 Focus stores in the UK an are in detailed discussions with a number of interested parties to seek further sales across the store portfolio." Mr Allport added: "Since the date of the administrators' appointment, stores have been trading at record levels as we have been able to offer very competitive prices across the full product range. We are grateful to all the Group's loyal customers, employees and suppliers for their continued support." Source:

The report, from the University of Ulm, claims that handsets using Google’s operating system are open to a data leak which leaves their calendars, contacts and pictures exposed. Hackers can tap into the transfer of information between the phones and the internet, gaining access to the personal data. Only the latest phones with system version 2.3.4 have had the leak plugged, meaning that 99.7% of handsets could be targeted. “We wanted to know if it is really possible to launch an impersonation attack against Google services,” the German researchers wrote. “The short answer is yes, it is possible and it is quite easy to do so.” We are aware of this issue, and have already fixed it for calendar and contacts in the latest versions of Android. They added that once access had been gained, a hacker could view, modify or delete any contacts, calendar

IT’S CHELSEA TIME, and it makes us look at our own humble gardens in a different way. But before making radical changes take time to get to know your gardens, where is your favourite spot, which bit of the garden do or balcony do you always sit? Where is shady, where is in full sun?

Page 38

events or private pictures. But there is no evidence to date that any hackers had taken advantage of the loophole, the researchers added. Many applications on Android phones use authentication tokens, which removes the need to keep logging into a service each time it is accessed.

A hacker monitoring one of the phones on a wi-fi network would be able to steal the token, and use the information to log onto websites. The flaw was discovered in phones such as HTC Desire, Nexus One and Motorola XOOM. A spokesperson for Google said: “We are aware of this

issue, and have already fixed it for calendar and contacts in the latest versions of Android. “We are working on fixing it in Picasa (picture application).” The spokesperson added that a security update would be rolling out to Android users over the next few days.

Hints and tips

into anything and don’t spend a fortune. · Choose plans suitable for the soil and position. · Low maintenance means plants that don’t need alot of TLC · Plant to a theme, colour or type or genre i.e. Mediterranean, meadow etc · Plant herbs close to the house and anything that suits which is fragrant at the entrance to your garden/property. · Plant in odd numbers as this creates a focal point.

What are its strengths and weaknesses, how can you utilise what’s there already and what would you like to change? · Get rid of anything you don’t like · Which bits would you like to hide, which bits would you like to enhance?

· Think about practicalities – here in Tenerife BBQ’S, seating and sometimes even a washing machine or fridge! · How are you going to water your plants? · Do you need storage? There are no hard and fast rules, but the one rule of thumb is perhaps don’t rush

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

Bermuda Day Chelsea app TICKETS for the Chelsea Flower Show sponsored by M&G Investments are sold out. But, many more people can be there every step of the way with the new RHS Chelsea iPhone app.

New for 2011, the RHS Chelsea iPhone app brings daily updates on what is happening during the build up of

BERMUDA DAY (24 May), traditionally the start of summer and the first day in the year when Bermuda shorts are worn as business attire, will be celebrated for the first time at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in London. Bermuda Department of Tourism and Bermuda Parks Department have teamed up with award-winning floral artist and architect, Nicky Gurret, to debut at Chelsea Flower Show, exhibiting a Bermuda Honeymoon Garden (stand E15). The garden has been designed to showcase the best of Bermuda’s vibrant and multihued landscape and to promote the island as the destination of choice for weddings and honeymoons. To celebrate the national

public holiday and, in keeping with tradition, the Bermuda Parks Department staff manning the show garden will be wearing Bermuda shorts, just as they would on the island. The Bermuda Department of Tourism is calling on all Chelsea Flower Show visitors to help them celebrate this symbolic day by sporting a pair of Bermudas! The first ten visitors to the garden wearing Bermuda shorts will receive a complimentary half bottle of pink champagne. Bermuda is a popular wedding and honeymoon destination and local resident Nicky Gurret was tasked with creating a design to reflect this. The garden incorporates a traditional Moon Gate; legend has it that bridal couples who kiss under the wedding band shaped gate will have a long and happy married life together. A meandering pathway leads through lush vegetation

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

to a pink sand beach, typical of the landscape of Bermuda. The planting scheme includes palm trees, tropical plants, old Bermuda roses, Bermuda Onion and the endemic cedar tree, along with the sounds of the tree frogs that resonate throughout the island every evening. A Chelsea Flower Show veteran, Nicky has exhibited on three previous occasions and has been awarded a medal each time. Visitors to this year’s show will experience a microcosm of Bermuda, designed by Nicky and created by London-based Indoor Garden Design. Visitors to the Bermuda Garden will also be in with a chance of winning a fabulous six-night trip to this beautiful island, to experience its natural charms, including British Airways flights, transfers to hotel and staying at Cambridge Beaches Resort and Spa. William Griffith, Director of

Tourism for Bermuda Department of Tourism, said, “We are thrilled to be part of this year’s Chelsea Flower Show for the first time in our history. Nicky has brought our 22 sq mile paradise to life for all visitors to the show to experience what Bermuda has to offer. “The start of the show coincides with our national day and we look forward to seeing any visitors to the stand wearing Bermuda shorts; a sign that summer in Bermuda has started!” he added. To celebrate Bermuda’s national day, there is typically a parade in the country’s capital, Hamilton, and a road race across the island, which sees residents and visitors lining the streets to cheer on the participants. Bermuda is a year-round destination with a temperate climate and, with only two seasons, spring and summer, the sun shines 365 days a year.

all the show gardens, behind the scenes footage and of course, the latest news on medals, awards and celebrity gossip. The app is essential for all gardening connoisseurs. Available now from the iTunes store, the app costs just £1.19 and already features news and views from the showground. Be the first to experience the RHS Chelsea Flower Show as it happens right through the week of the show.

RHS Chelsea Flower Show blooming great Sunday 22 May 6:15pm - 7:00pm, BBC1 New series. Alan Titchmarsh and Joe Swift provide a preview of the Royal Horticultural Society’s 89th Chelsea Flower Show. The pair are joined by Andy Sturgeon, Nicki Chapman and Christine Walkden for a look at this year’s exhibits,

and highlight the efforts of the designers, landscapers and nursery staff who work behind the scenes to make sure the event is a success. There will be a series of 14 programmes in total covering the run-up to the event and the event itself, which begins on Tuesday.

Page 39

Health & Beauty

ADRIENN from Robot, answers your beauty questions

DEAR CHRISTINE Your resident Agony Aunt Email:


Gel or acrylic?

I MUST have been asked about the merits of gel and acrylic at least 1,000 times, so here are some basic differences which can help you decide which to choose. Gel and acrylic nails are very similar. There are various advantages and disadvantages that may help sway your decision. Yet they look the same, can lengthen short nails, strengthen nails, and make your fingers look longer and thinner. Acrylic nails are made of a mixture of liquid and powder (monomer & polymer) applied to the natural nail. This liquid usually has quite a strong odour, although for those who cannot really stand it, there are now odourless liquids as well). No need to cure it because it hardens on its own in just a

few minutes, so it can be filed and shaped (but for it to dry completely takes 24-48 hours). Acrylics are very hard, and, with just a coat of gloss gel at the end of the process, we can make them more waterresistant as well. I like this stage because the gloss gel gives more shine to the nails. Removing them is very fast and easy if done by a professional! True, they can simply be soaked off with minimal filing. BUT, because they are really hard, they can harm your natural nails, sometimes making them thinner and weaker, especially if they are taken off incorrectly. Now, a few words about gel nails. Because of the material, they look more natural and glossy than other types of nails. They are easy to cure with UV light, are odourless and do not need a lot of filing during the application process.

There is one interesting thing, though- a disadvantage, which I actually believe can be an advantage: gel nails break more easily than acrylics, because they are more flexible. So to someone quite clumsy sometimes (like I am), this can be a good thing. The reason is that if a gel nail breaks, usually only the gel that comes off. But with the acrylic being a lot harder, sometimes it damages the natural nail as well. And depending on how the nail breaks, it can be quite painful. Also, there are other important things you should consider, such as the type of your natural nails, your job, etc. All in all ladies, I suggest you book an appointment with your nail technician in case you are hesitating. She can help you make a wise decision, and one which will fit your needs.

Dear Christine, I have M.E. (chronic fatigue syndrome) which I manage very well because I’m careful to pace myself. On good days, I can walk a long way and am even fairly mobile on my worst days now. However, because I’m often absolutely fine, it’s difficult to describe the random problems I have to friends who don’t understand the disorder. I’m sure they think I’m a wimp at times, especially when I suddenly pull out of group social gatherings or trips. What can I do? Wendy

Congratulations on managing your condition so well. Pacing yourself is essential, even though you are physically mobile. You are certainly not a wimp, so I’d say it is time for you to come clean to your friends. How about compiling an M.E. speech, giving basic information that is special to you and will empower you to deal with the situation? The issue of looking well, feeling ill and dealing with other people’s behaviour is a universal problem for anyone with a hidden disability, as I know only too well with my fibromyalgia. The speech should last no longer than a minute or two, and here’s a suggestion: “I have had M.E. for ?? years. It’s a chronic fatigue condition with a whole variety of symptoms. They can come on at any time and often do, but I have learnt to handle them, and I usual-

ly manage very well. “I still have to pace myself so that I can join in group events, and sometimes I have to pull out at short notice because of my symptoms. I hope you can understand, or at least see where I’m coming from.” If you ever need further help, you may wish to read my books The Chronic Fatigue Healing Diet and How to Manage Chronic Fatigue. Christine Dear Christine, I want to know why I feel alone, even if I am surrounded by many of my family members, like my brothers, sister and cousins, because we live in a joint family system. I feel so much loneliness that I cry sometimes. Please tell me, am I sick or something? SP

I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so out of it. It’s a miserable feeling, and one that’s much more common than you might think. Most adolescents go through a painful phase of “nobody understands me - I don’t fit in anywhere”. And most of them come happily out the other side to find their own place in the world. Families are systems which operate for the greatest good of the greatest possible number of members. However, some individuals start out from a position of paranoia: “Am I lovable? What do I have to

do around here to fit in? If others are different from me, either I’m wrong or they are.” Often, parents want their children to behave in certain ways and have certain interests and aspirations because they think that’s the best way for their children to be happy. For example, sporty parents may feel upset that one of their children prefers studying, while others may be upset if one of the children doesn’t want to follow them into the family business. So what can you do about all this? No doubt, there are behavioural norms which your family expect you to go along with, such as doing your share of the chores, taking care of your things and being kind to the others. Talking about their interests is helpful. If you’re lucky, they’ll talk about yours, too, but if not, talk about those interests with friends who share them. Bigger issues need more thinking about. You may find that some members of your family secretly feel the same way as you do about some things, but have been just as scared to raise the subject. Or perhaps you could talk to a teacher, older relative or colleague. I hope you do find the support of friends, teachers and pleasant family members, and that you learn to like yourself. I wish you all happiness for the future, and the courage to behave in sensible ways that will help you achieve your goals. Christine

Christine Craggs-Hinton is the author of 18 selfhelp books, including ‘Living with Fibromyalgia’, ‘Coping with Tinnitus’, ‘Living with Multiple Sclerosis’ and ‘Coping with Varicose Veins’. Her books are available from ‘The Paper Shop’ and ‘Bookswop’, Los Cristianos.

Page 40

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Curvy Pippa becomes an Big warning for to keep uplifting model all round parents their children THE frenzy surrounding Pippa Middleton’s derriere has led to a hike in bookings for bottom-lifting treatments in Britain.

Since last month’s royal wedding, and the blossoming of Princess Kate’s little sister, Pippa, cosmetic surgeons have reported a 60% increase for work on British backsides. One cosmetic clinic has even named a surgery, The Pip Package Perfect Posterior, which can cost up £8,000. Pippa became known around the world for her well-rounded rear during her role as maid of honour for Kate’s wedding to Prince William at Westminster Abbey. “We are now seeing scores of

female clients seeking the perfect bottom,” said Lesley Khan, of London’s Harley Street Skin Clinic.

“A few years back, everyone wanted the Jennifer Lopez look, but now everyone asks for a bottom like Pippa’s -

curvy but not too peachy.” With the newlyweds on honeymoon at a private island in the Seychelles, the British media has turned its attention to Pippa and her rump. Photos of her boating with two pals in Madrid were splashed across major UK papers as she enjoyed a day out with former flame George Percy, son of the Duke of Northumberland. The tabloids have filled countless pages in the past fortnight with dieting and nutritional tips to aid women to have a bottom like the slim 27-year-old. But Khan had sobering news for ladies trying to replicate Pippa’s figure. “A bottom can only ever be as beautiful if it is relative to the rest of a woman’s proportions,” she said.

No-Smoking sign that lights up that craving NO-SMOKING signs may be driving more people to light up, because, say scientists, the messages have an “ironic effect” on smokers that increase their craving for tobacco. Without being aware of it, they react to the signs by thinking of and wanting cigarettes. “You get ironic effects when you couple information that people perceive with negation,” said researcher Brian

Earp, from Oxford University, who has conducted a psychological study. “When I say don’t think of a pink elephant, I’ve just put the thought of a pink elephant in your head. “A lot of public health messages are framed in a negative way, like Say No To Drugs, Don’t Drink and Drive, or No Smoking. The No-Smoking signs, in particular, are everywhere. If you’re a smoker walking down a street, you are likely to pass five or six of these signs in windows or on doors. “And if you have a chronically-positive attitude to smok-

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

ing, this could boost your craving.” To test the theory, Mr Earp’s research team first primed a group of smoking volunteers from a New England town in the States by showing them a number of photographs. Some included a NoSmoking sign in the background, or at the edge of the picture, while others had the signs edited out. Next, the same volunteers took part in a “joystick test”, looking at their reactions to a series of screen images. The technique is widely used to assess instinctive tendencies

to embrace or avoid certain stimuli. Moving the joystick away is associated with avoidance, while drawing it towards the body indicates a desire to bring the stimulus closer. In a series of experiments, the researchers showed that participants who had earlier been shown No-Smoking signs were more drawn to smokingrelated images, such as ash trays and cigarettes. “It’s a significant effect which, we believe, would have real life implications,” said Mr Earp, who presented the study findings at the British Psychological Society’s annual meeting in Glasgow.

hale and hearty YOUNG children who do little exercise could already be showing signs of future heart problems. That’s the worrying outcome for parents following a small Swedish study into the physical habits of just 223 children, who had their physical activity levels measured over four days. Measurements were also taken of their resting heartrate, body fat, fitness and blood pressure in a group averaging just under 10 years of age. The results showed that children who were most active, and who took part in moderate or vigorous exercise, had a lower risk of factors that could cause future heart disease than those who took less exercise. Dr Tina Tanha, from Skane University Hospital in Sweden, said: “It is well known that physical inactivity in adults is associated with a wide range of diseases and all causes of death. “We believe that our study now demonstrates a clear clinical association between physical inactivity and multiple CVD (cardio-vascular disease) risk-factors in children.” The children in the

research wore an accelerator belt, which measures things like speed, distance and calories, for a minimum of eight hours a day for three days. Dr Tanha added: “Our results show a significant association between low levels of activity and high composite risk-factors for CVD, even in young children. Much of the association was driven by body fat measurements and oxygen intake. “This is important because the accumulation of these risk factors, if started in early childhood and sustained over a long period, is believed to have greater impact on CVD and mortality than one single risk-factor.” Natasha Stewart, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: “Heart and circulatory disease is something which affects adults, not children, so it is difficult to predict the risk of a child developing this later in life. “However, the benefits of being physically active at any age are well established, with studies showing it can prevent children from developing diseases later on in life. “It can also improve their concentration at school, their overall mental health and their well-being.”

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Food News

Restaurant City Playfish™, an Electronic Arts Inc. studio and a leading creator of award-winning social games, has announced a partnership with worldrenowned chef Jamie Oliver in the popular Restaurant City social game on Facebook®.

Closed for holidays from Friday the 20th until Monday the 30th of May!

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The relationship will enable Restaurant City’s nearly six million monthly players fun ways to engage with Jamie Oliver’s brand and share in his excitement and passion for inspiring people to cook using fresh ingredients. Restaurant City enables players to design and manage their own eateries, create appetizing menus and employ their Facebook friends as waiters and chefs.

Jamie Oliver branded virtual items are now available in Restaurant City, which can be played on Facebook at: estaurantcity. For four consecutive weeks Restaurant City will feature a tasty recipe of the week from Jamie Oliver’s extensive repertoire, including Farfalle Carbonara; Asparagus Fettuccine; Basil Pesto Pasta; and Meatball

Pasta. In the first week, players are challenged to collect Jamie’s Pasta and other ingredients required to perfect the first dish, Farfalle Carbonara, in return for an exclusive collectable in-game item, the Jamie Oliver Pasta Maker. Once players have successfully created each dish in Restaurant City, they’ll receive a link to the real recipe from Jamie Oliver’s web site instructing them on how to recreate the dish to share with friends and family. “I’m really excited that some of my recipes are becoming part of Restaurant City as it’s such a phenomenon,” said Jamie Oliver. “I’m always interested in new social media and I hope that by creating my recipes in the virtual world, the Restaurant City community will be inspired to try making them for real.” “Restaurant City and Jamie Oliver both celebrate the love of cuisine, inspire creative self expression and bring people together through a common bond – a fun and playful approach to

enjoying food,” said Kristian Segerstrale, GM and cofounder of Playfish. “Millions of Restaurant City players now have a fun and unique opportunity to engage with one of the world’s best loved celebrity chefs and bring their culinary creations to life from their online restaurant kitchens to their real world home kitchens.” Jamie Oliver, star of the Emmy-award winning ABC television show “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution,” has built one of the world’s

most respected and well known culinary brands, inspiring people to cook from fresh ingredients. Jamie’s relationship with Restaurant City marks the first time a celebrity chef has partnered with a social game. Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, currently airing on Channel 4 in the U.K. and the U.S.’s ABC-TV starting May 27, is the inspiring television series that addresses the problems of obesity, heart disease and diabetes in America.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Food News

Palms - Sunday Roast LAST SUNDAY we visited the Palms Sports Bar in San Eugenio Alto for their formidable Sunday Roast, and we were warmly greeted by owners Michael and Noelle. The Palms Sports Bar is situated in San Eugenio Alto, up the hill from Aqualand and directly above Roy’s Pizza. The Irish couple have been in Tenerife for a number of years and moved to this location just last December. Here, you can enjoy a wonderful Sunday Roast, every Sunday from 1.30pm until 6pm. The bar is vast with separate areas where you can play pool, watch the footy, have a pint, relax in the sun or enjoy the home-cooked specialities from the Palms kitchen. We chose to sit outside in the fresh air, the area is spacious, the table sturdy with plenty of room and the seats very comfortable. This always makes a difference as there is nothing worse than sitting in a trendy restaurant and you’re moving everything

around to find space on the table, whilst being perched on the edge of a day-glow chair. I declined a starter and chose roast beef as it’s a meat I struggle to cook myself, it arrived and I thought how was I going to get through it, slices of succulent roast beef, roast potatoes with FRESH vegetables – cauliflower cheese, cabbage and carrots, mustn’t forget

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

the homemade Yorkshire pudding. My partner chose roast pork which was equally as wholesome and they were served with horseradish and apple sauce - you didn’t have to ask for them. Now I had little space for dessert but Noelle was insistant I try one, and I’m glad I did, the homemade apple crumble with vanilla ice cream was outstanding.

Our Sunday roast was absolutely lovely, traditional, home cooked food. Aside from the quality of the food, and the warm welcome two things would make me go back to the Palms Sports Bar for Sunday roast. One – the food was served on warm plates which makes such a difference to the enjoyment of the meal and two the fresh vegetables were just that, you know you can tell

as the carrots are different sizes and the cauliflower tastes like it should, small things, but they make such a big difference. You don’ have to have three courses it’s not like one of the daily set menus, you can just have roast dinner which is 5.50 euros or you can have roast with either a starter or dessert if you have a sweet tooth that’s 6.75 euros and if you want to go the whole hog (excuse the pun!) then three courses is only 7.50 euros. Plus for every couple dining you get a free bottle of wine! Sunday roast is somewhat of a traditional in the UK, one which many of us like to replicate here in Tenerife. The stoically British main meal is served on Sundays and is a

plate of roasted meat, roast potato, mashed potato plus accompaniments, such as Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, vegetables and gravy. You could perhaps compare it to a less grand version of Christmas dinner, a celebration, a time when family and friends can sit together and eat. One theory as to the origin of Sunday Roast is that during the industrial revolution, Yorkshire families left a cut of meat in the oven before going to church on a Sunday morning, which was then ready to eat by the time they arrived home at lunchtime. So if you’re looking for traditional Sunday roast go to the Palms Sports Bar in San Eugenio Alto and see Michael and Noelle.

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Need a plane from Ireland?

A musical flight of fancy this summer AS you will know, there are few music festivals to light up our summers over here in Tenerife. The odd Elton John or Rod Stewart concert, but not a lot more.

TRIPADVISOR launches award-winning flight search in Ireland. TripAdvisor Flights brings greater transparency and choice to online flight search. TripAdvisor®, the world’s largest travel website, has launched its award-winning flight search engine in Ireland providing Irish travellers with outstanding flight deals and invaluable airline intelligence. The flight meta-search engine, now available on, offers several innovative features including a first-of-its-kind Fees Estimator, airline ratings from real fliers and Air Watch airfare alert e-mails. “Over the past two years, TripAdvisor Flights has helped tens of millions of travellers in the U.S. and UK uncover the most flight choices and lowest airfares,” said Bryan Saltzburg, general manager of TripAdvisor Flights. “We’re excited to bring our award-winning flight search to even more travellers with our launch in Ireland. Now Irish travellers will have a comprehensive set of tools as they research flight options, from our innovative Fees Estimator to airline ratings from their fellow fliers.” Travellers can find flights

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from hundreds of carriers including Aer Lingus, British Airways, bmi, easyjet and Virgin Atlantic to name a few, in addition to flights listed by Ireland’s best travel companies including Expedia, lastminute, edreams, Bravofly and Wegolo. Additionally, TripAdvisor Flights offers Irish travellers a number of helpful features to make flight search easy, including: · The Fees Estimator, which helps travellers better understand the true cost of their flight with airline and credit card fees included, all in a single display · Thousands of airline ratings from real fliers, so travellers can compare airlines across eight flight experience categories · Air Watch fare alerts that allow travellers to track routes and receive e-mails when airfares drop · Availability of flight search through the TripAdvisor app and mobile website. · Colour-coded seat maps from SeatGuru that allow travellers to distinguish the best seats from the worst TripAdvisor Flights is available starting today on and through the TripAdvisor mobile apps for the iPhone, Android, Palm and Windows Phone 7 smartphones, and the iPad.

But fear not, because with planes heading in all directions from the Island these days, it will not be that difficult to find a musical treat to suit your taste this summer, just a short journey away. Take the coming week, for example. Barcelona is featuring the three-day Primavera Sound festival, from 2628th May. Headliners are Pulp, PJ Harvey and Fleet Foxes, and the venue is at the beachside location of Parc del Forum, in an upmarket suburb. The annual event is popular with young Brits and families with teenagers, because under-15s go free. The only drawback is the lack of campsites. The cost per head is 174 euros (£154) per head, and bookings and further details can be obtained from Other festivals Ibiza & Mallorca Rocks 1st June-21st Sept/31st May-20th Sept Ibiza/Mallorca Rocks Hotels Fabulous headline acts such as Tinie Tempah (formerly Patrick Chukwuemeka Okogwu Jnr) and Plan B feature in this double-billed festival. Throughout the coming months, Mallorca will be rocking every Tuesday, with Ibiza following suit on Wednesdays. Cost: 34-42.50 euros (£3037.50); Info: PinkPop 11-13th June Megaland, Landgraaf, Holland Absolutely top-quality acts, including Coldplay, Kings of Leon, Elbow and Foo Fighters, will be belting it out at this 60,000-capacity festival. 150 euros (£132): Sonar 16-18th June Various Barcelona venues More than 100 acts will be playing this urban electronica and multimedia festival, including Aphex Twin, Underworld and M.I.A. 155 euros (£137):

Bilbao BBK 7-9thJuly Kobetamendi, Bilbao Bands don’t come on until early evening at this hilltop site, and that means festivalgoers can spend their days on the nearby beach, or explore Bilbao, which is 10 minutes away by bus. The venue is surrounded by mountains, with two main stages set either side of a lake. Again, the acts are sheer quality, with Coldplay, Beadie Eye and Blondie opening the festival on the Thursday. Amy Winehouse has promised to play some new material when she headlines on Friday, while Saturday sees the Chemical Brothers supporting the Black Crows. 109 euros (£96): Super Bock Super Rock 14-16thJuly Praia do Meca, Sesimbra, Portugal Thanks to its sponsors, some of the biggest names around will be on view at this poshest of venues, set in a private estate. The Strokes, Arcade Fire, Portishead and Elbow are among the performers at a well-established festival, which has been around since 1994. 80.5 euros (£71): Benicassim 14-17th July Castellon, Valencia This four-day fest is actually a nine-day jolly for many young Brits, because camping from 11th - 18th July is included in the price. And it’s worth every cent/penny because included in the lineup are Arctic Monkeys, Arcade Fire and British rapper The Streets. 193 euros (£170 ):

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


ON THE ROAD WITH JAV Behind the Wheel Email:

This Polo will cost a mint, but it should be worth it

Like the Polo WRC car, the VW Golf R is four-wheel drive, so it is possible that the Polo R will also have power coursing through all four wheels. If so, it could use the quattro drivetrain, which will be used in the Audi S1, set to make an appearance later this year. The combination of fourwheel drive traction and a 200bhp-plus engine will see the Polo R hit 62mph in around six seconds. Yet with the Corsa Nürburgring Edition priced above 25,000 euros (£22,000), don’t expect the Polo R to be too far away from 27,500 euros (£24,000). But if you like your speed, this really could be a special treat.

VOLKSWAGEN have a high-performance Polo in the pipeline which could become the fastest-ever supermini. It has been dubbed the Polo R and will certainly be quicker than the Polo GTI - and, quite possibly, faster than any supermini on sale at the moment. The Polo R will back up Volkswagen’s World Rally Championship car (pictured), which the German firm announced recently. The road-going version has yet to be confirmed for production, but it looks a distinct possibility. The rally car, known as the Polo R WRC, won’t make its debut until the 2013 season, which is about the same time as the Polo R will appear in showrooms. The standard Polo is already quite expensive in comparison with rivals, which, until now, has deterred Volkswagen from making an R version,

because of fears that it would look too pricey. However, it will be the perfect way to link road and rally car now that VW have decided to enter the WRC. There are no firm details yet, but it is believed that the R will use a tuned version of

the 1.4-litre turbo-charged petrol engine currently in the Polo GTI. It will produce more than 200bhp, surpassing the 202bhp of the new Vauxhall Corsa VXR Nürburgring Edition and, perhaps, even the 208bhp Golf GTI.

And don’t forget to bring the car keys to bed, dear! MOTORISTS in the UK are so worried about having their car keys pinched that more than 1.5 million of them are taking them to bed every night. This still puts them in the minority, though, because 4.5 million drivers leave theirs next to the front door. These foibles have contributed to a huge increase in car-key burglaries which has led, inevitably, to a staggering 200,000 motors being stolen. This is a dramatic rise which, say internet company who carried out the analysis, has led to so many taking their keys to bed with them. Three in four in of those 1.5 million are young men, who

are, perhaps, more aware of the risks of car-key theft, and are more protective of their cars. However, they’re still outweighed by the 4.5 million people who leave keys in full view of thieves. “Motorists who keep their keys on a surface near their front or back door are the easiest targets,” said director Robin Reames. “They may even be victims of car-key fishing, in which thieves literally fish for the keys through the letterbox. “Modern cars are extremely difficult to steal without a key, thanks to sophisticated security systems. But the downside is that car-key burglaries are now an increasing threat to UK motorists.” He added: “Even having spare keys is no help, either,

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

because 75% of drivers don’t hide them. To make matter worse, 750,000 motorists don’t have a clue where their spare key is!”

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Sponsored By

See page 10 for information on the new CD Tenerife Fan Shop now open in Fanabe Plaza Commercial Centre

Sport Talk Email:

Down, but with a bang! CD Tenerife 3 Valladolid 2 If only! Oh Lord, if only IF ONLY Tenerife had shown this fighting spirit at the start of the season. If only Nino had found his scoring boots in September. Or November. January would have done. If only Tenerife had been stuck in a relegation fight with weaker teams than Nastic or Salamanca. Tenerife’s fine victory over a play-off bound Valladolid only rubbed salt in the wounds. Both sides came down from La Liga last season and while Valladoild may return, Nastic’s shock win over Celta Vigo condemned Tenerife to third-tier football. Tenerife fought back from a goal down, with 10 men, to steal the points with two late Nino goals, after Dubarbier had given the hosts the lead. So, three games to go and relegation is assured. Or. Is. It? The Spanish media love a conspiracy theory or a wild

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accusation. And maybe Tenerife have one that can save the season. It’s common

knowledge that the game in Spain is bankrupt. Even Real Madrid and

Barcelona owe hundreds and hundreds of millions of euros they will never be able to pay back. Some of the debt at the medium-size clubs is scary. And remember, La Liga has no Sky Sports sugar daddy or parachute payments. There is a very good chance that one of the sides who go down from La Liga will go bust. Or very close to it. Almeria are fine, but Hercules are a 50-50 case. Then there is the third team. Six teams will kick off this Sunday, knowing they could be relegated. Of those, Deportivo and Mallorca could go bust in the summer. It’s a similar scenario in the Second Division where halfa-dozen clubs, Las Palmas included, are on the brink. The Tenerife board are aware of this, and that’s why every point is still vital. In the event of a couple of teams going bust, Tenerife’s current position, third from bottom, MAY be enough to

keep them up. Straw-clutching it is. But it’s a live possibility. The club has already started budgeting for relegation, and the cost-cutting has begun. Pablo Sicilia will join Las Palmas and, of the current first-team squad, only the youngsters will stay. Experienced goalie Sergio Aragoneses has said he will see what he can do to stay, but it’s all about the money. Juanjo Lorenzo, the outgoing director of football, spelled out the situation this week, saying: “It is all about the budget. In this standard, Division Three, the highest wage we can pay is 50,000 euros a year. For a star player, maybe 80,000 euros. That is all.” When you consider that reserve Julio Alvarez is on 700,000 euros, Melli 650,000 and Nino 800,000 a year, you can see how things are going to change. The first two would be offloaded even if, somehow, Tenerife kept their current

status. Siclia, it is understood, offered to stay for half the wages, but even this is a million miles away from the necessary budget. David Amaral has agreed to stay on, and at least he has given the side a bit of bite over the last few weeks. He knows the size of the job in hand. “It’s hard to see this happen, but we can only look forward and not backwards,” he said. “We have three matches to go and we want to win them all. Then, who knows? If we can finish strong, then we will have the confidence to start strongly next time.” So, after 25 years in the top two divisions, half in La Liga, two excellent UEFA Cup runs, Redondo, Makaay, Garcia, Pizzi, Jokanovic, Nino, Valdano, Heynckes, Benitez and Oltra, it’s back to the third tier. But! The last time we were there in 1986, it was for just one season. The bounceback is on …

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


Match Report

Division 1

THE old joke goes: “Where does the General keeps his armies?” The answer is, of course: “Up his sleevies!”

Bar 180 B Barracudadartsboys Cosy Wanderers Gaffers La Central Nauta A Target Titans X-Men Toscales Tornados

5–3 7–1 6–2 2–6 3–5 7–1 5–3 6–2 P–P

Sadly for the Target Army, they missed the punchline and were sent into a full retreat as Barracudartsboys routed them 7-1. The newly-promoted Calleo Salvaje outfit could be the surprise package this term. Man-of-the-match Paul hit two maximums against Grant, who replied with one of his own. Champions Nauta A carried on where they left off with a 7-1 win over Yelas Bar, while Bar 180A had a bit of a struggle at La Central and just

Table P 1 Barracudadartsboys 1 2 Nauta A 1 3 Cosy Wanderers 1 4 Toscales Ensecan 1 5 X-Men 1 6 Bar 180 A 1 7 Bar 180 B 1 8 Target Titans 1 9 The Pub 0 10 Toscales Tornados 0 11 Cafe Rood A 1 12 La Central 1 13 Valle Vikings 1 1 14 Gaffers 1 15 Phoenix Bar 1 16 The Tavern 1 17 Target Army 1 18 Yelas 1

W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Valle Vikings 1 Target Army Phoenix Bar Toscales Ensecan Bar 180 A Yelas Cafe Rood A The Tavern The Pub L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 0 0 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1

A 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 0 0 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7

+6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 -2 -2 -2 -4 -4 -4 -6 -6

PTS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Division 2

squeaked out a 5-3 success. Cozy Corner put in an excellent performance to beat Phoenix Bar 6-2, while Toscales Ensecan’s Daniel hit a 180 and a 106 finish during a 6-2 victory over Division 1 first-timers Gaffers. Eleven-year-old Becks took out double 1 in the trebles for Bar 180B to earn a fine 53 win against Valle Vikings 1, and Target Titans produced a minor shock result by turning over Cafe Rood A by the same scoreline. Elsewhere, The Tavern came unstuck at X-Men, losing 6-2. Division 2 side Marilyns managed to go the whole of last season without a win! That bogey was firmly put to bed as they trounced Bad girls/Boys 7-1. There were mixed fortunes for the five new teams on

Cafe Rood B La Caña Lancers Marylins Ourplace Playgirls Phoenix Flames Summerland Hopefuls Sundowners Sunshine Bar Valle Vikings 2

6–2 3–5 7–1 5–3 2–6 3–5 5–3 4–4 2–6

Table P 1 Marylins 1 2 Cafe Rood B 1 3 Tenerife Sun 1 4 The Trap Door 1 5 Barracuda Hunters 1 6 Naughty Nautas 1 7 Ourplace Playgirls 1 8 Sundowners 1 9 Knights 1 10 Sunshine Bar 1 11 La Caña Lancers 1 12 Ourplace Naturals 1 13 Summerland Hopefuls 1 14 The Palms 1 15 Phoenix Flames 1 16 The Lucky Leprichaun 1 17 Valle Vikings 2 1 18 Amigos Badgirls & Boys 1

W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

their debuts last Friday. Trap Door managed a win at Phoenix Flames, who had 12year-old Khadine Berry winning her first-ever match for the Los Abrigos Ladies. Lucky Leprechaun, The Palms and Summerland all lost on their first outings, while fellow new boys Sunshine Bar earned a cred-

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Barracuda Hunters The Lucky Leprichaun Amigos Badgirls & Boys The Palms The Trap Door Naughty Nautas Ourplace Naturals Knights Tenerife Sun L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

F 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1

A 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7

+6 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 -4 -4 -4 -6

PTS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

itable draw against Knights. Barracuda Hunters won 5-3 at La Caña Lancers, and Tenerife Sun kicked off well by beating Valle Vikings 6-2. Meanwhile, Ourplace Naturals suffered a 5-3 defeat at the hands of promotion hopefuls Sundowners. By Geoff Huxtable

Match Report

Division 1

PALMS A need just seven points from their last four games to be crowned Division One champions after Terrace A’s fine performance on Tuesday. The Amarilla Golf gang held second-place Summerland Superstars to a draw in a catand-mouse match. Superstars were two-up early on, but last year’s Plate winners swiftly levelled. The doubles were shared and Terrace were sniffing victory when James beat Grandad Chris to make it 5-4. But Penguin Craig took advantage of some sloppy shots from Mal to steal a point. At the same time in Torviscas, Palms A slammed Atlantis Sharks 9-1 to level up the frame difference. Tenerife Hammers A are probably counting the days until the season ends after another defeat. Bar 180 A were their latest conquerors as Scott beat Jambo in the deciding last rubber. Phoenix Knights, also finishing with a slump, were spanked at Trap Door, while Hoops and Bar 180 B both tasted victories. Win of the night went to La Caña, who tore up the form book to beat Toscales Old Boys, but they were still relegated after events in Adeje. 8 Ball Massive got the better of Men of Atlantis in a match that will go a long way to deciding who joins La Caña and Legends A in the dreaded drop. Gaffers will be playing topflight pool next season, and they can win the Division Two title this Tuesday. They host second-place Legends B, knowing a win will give them the trophy. They were held 5-5 last week by Phoenix Potters, who drew their second match in two nights after being held by Bar Tasca the night before. Legends B’s slender win over Tasca leaves them on the verge of promotion, and throws the race for third wide open. Any team down to sixth could still be going up, and it will take a brave man to call the final order. Fourth-place Bar 180 C were taken all the way before beating Toscales Tangos, while Inn The Pink are coming with a wet sail. They were value for the 6-4 win and have the easiest run-in. Barracuda Bandits, Summerland Elite and Tenerife

Bar 180 A Bar La Cana Dreamers Bar Hoops Bar Men Of Atlantis Palms Bar A Rat Pack Summerlands Allstars Terrace Bar A Trap Door

6-4 Tenerife Hammers A 7-3 Toscales Old Boys 2-8 Bar 180 B 6-4 Legends A 3-7 8 Ball Massive 9-1 Atlantis Sharks 5-5 Nauta A 5-5 Target Bar 5 - 5 Summerlands Superstars 8-2 Phoenix Knights

Table P 1 Palms Bar A 34 2 Summerlands Superstars35 3 Tenerife Hammers A 35 4 Trap Door 35 5 Bar 180 B 35 6 Phoenix Knights 35 7 Hoops Bar 34 8 Atlantis Sharks 35 9 Bar 180 A 35 10 Rat Pack 33 11 Toscales Old Boys 33 12 Target Bar 35 13 Nauta A 35 14 Terrace Bar A 35 15 Summerlands Allstars 35 16 Dreamers Bar 35 17 8 Ball Massive 34 18 Men Of Atlantis 34 19 Bar La Cana 35 20 Legends A 35

W 30 29 25 19 19 16 16 14 15 12 12 11 10 8 8 9 9 6 5 4

D 3 3 4 11 8 10 9 9 5 11 6 7 7 12 9 6 2 10 3 3

L F 1 245 3 250 6 217 5 205 8 197 9 189 9 188 12 179 15 164 10 170 15 159 17 155 18 154 15 162 18 151 20 147 23 145 18 149 27 110 28 124

A +- PTS 95 150 93 100 150 90 133 84 79 145 60 68 153 44 65 161 28 58 152 36 57 171 8 51 186 -22 50 160 10 47 171 -12 42 195 -40 40 196 -42 37 188 -26 36 199 -48 33 203-56 33 195 -50 29 191 -42 28 240 -13018 226-10215

Division 2 Barracuda Bandits Inn The Pink Legends B Nauta B Phoenix Potters Summerland Elite Target Rangers Tenerife Hammers C Toscales Tangos

6-4 6-4 6-4 2-8 5-5 7-3 5-5 8-2 4-6

Table 1 Gaffers 2 Legends B 3 Bar Tasca 4 Phoenix Potters 5 Bar 180 C 6 Inn The Pink 7 Nauta B 8 Tenerife Hammers C 9 Exiles 10 Summerland Elite 11 Target Rangers 12 Barracuda Bandits 13 Lupain 14 Terrace Bar B 15 Toscales Tangos 16 Barracuda Hunters 17 Palms Bar B 18 Woodys 19 Connors

P 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 33 33 33 33

Hammers C also won, and Exiles are finishing the season in style. They have won their last four and only the top three sides have beaten them in 2011. They will be genuine contenders next season.

W 24 23 20 20 19 20 18 18 13 12 13 11 11 7 6 6 6 5 2

Terrace Bar B Lupain Bar Tasca Exiles Gaffers Palms Bar B Barracuda Hunters Woodys Bar 180 C D L F A +- PTS 6 3 203 127 76 78 4 6 201 12972 73 6 7 205 12580 66 6 7 195 13560 66 8 6 182 14834 65 3 10 188 14246 63 5 11 184 15628 59 4 12 193 147 46 58 9 11 167 1634 48 11 10 179 151 28 47 8 12 174 15618 47 8 14 157 173-16 41 7 15 153 177 -24 40 7 19 142 188-46 28 8 20 142 198-56 26 6 21 130 200-70 24 5 22 114 216 -10223 5 23 126 204-78 20 6 25 115 215 -10012

Finally, registration is now underway for the end-of-season Singles and Doubles competition. Captains must register the players who wish to take part by 3pm on Thursday.

Page 47

Puzzle Page

Prize Sudoku - X





The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid.

5 2



WIN!!! Showtime tickets and an Oasis Fm t-shirt.


Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to before Wednesday 25th May and you could win! Answer from Edition 703 (13/05/2011) was: 36 Winner: Eileen Maguire






Last Week’s Answers: Quiz: 1. Eve 2. Flo Jo 3. Sarah Palin 4. Wallis 5. Lois 6. Katherine Hepburn 7. Billie Holiday 8. Jocasta 9. Susanna Hoffs 10. Anne Hathaway


Brain Training: Beginer: 76 Intermediate: 175 Advanced: 67

You have until the 17th June to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.













6 8






















3 7





6 5

5 5



















































































9 9


Puzzle Rating: Moderate





1 4

3 Sudoku X:


5 5






































































































































































Quite Easy

4 3

4 7




8 Puzzle Rating: Quite hard

Horoscopes of the week Taurus

(April 21st - May 21st) Relationships under the microscope and you’ll need to make choices for the long term, but try not to feel pressured. It’s time you put your own wants and needs first, so stop putting others before yourself. Work out what you want and really go for it –and not before time. GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) Career concerns absorb your every waking moment, but if you keep going in this vein, tension could cause stress and health problems. Talk to someone who knows you better than anyone, and don’t be afraid to ask for his/her advice and guidance. You’re bound to get the truth, so listen! CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) Thinking about taking a trip, or even a holiday? If you and a friend or partner have been day-dreaming about sunny shores and sandy beaches, why not turn fantasy to reality? Can you afford it? Can you both get time off? Then what are you waiting for. Decide where you want to go and book it. LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) On the surface, you come across to others as carefree and even a bit of a daredevil, but under the façade, you know that secret family matters are bringing you down. It’s time to put an end to this once and for all. It’s nothing to do with you, so face it, discuss it and forget it. And get on with your life. VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) It’s unlike you to be so impressed, but someone’s vision

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and creative ideas over a project may sweep you off your feet this week, and you‘ll want to be involved - right up to the hilt. Work out if this is for real, or if he or she is talking a good game before taking the next step. For now, though, try working on love before work. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) It’s all about money for you at the moment, so don’t get involved in get-rich-quick schemes. They usually don’t work and you could be left worse off than before. Tweak your budget by getting rid of nonessentials if you’re trying to save money. Being with friends doesn’t cost a thing, and it’s fun as well. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Take a step back and have an objective look at how you come across to others. Does your approach hinder or enhance relationships? Do you project confidence or arrogance? Ask someone who knows you quite well. You need to know because it could affect your standing at work. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) You’re starting to glow with positivity about plans for the future, especially now that everything seems to be falling into place right across your life.

You’re more open and honest with emotional partners about how you feel, money is stabilising and new career options are looming. C A P R I C O R N (December 22ndJanuary 20th) A feeling of restlessness leaves you feeling you’d rather be anywhere else except where you actually are this week. You need to let off some steam, but make sure you direct it wisely. Look before you lunge, and don’t let innocent parties get caught in your line of fire. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Attend to your professional responsibilities on Monday, which will leave you more free time to focus on family relationships for the remainder of the week. Interactions with family, siblings and partners need some work. Stop fantasising, start building on reality and you will find that others will follow suit. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) It is said that you get more with honey than with vinegar, so use your flirtatious charm to smooth-talk your competition at work and at play. You will disarm them enough to go for gold yourself. Do your homework, be prepared over projects and this will give you a decisive edge over your rivals. ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) As relationships increase in intensity, they also become more complex, and you’ll need to work out if that’s what you really want, or need. You’re looking for a smooth path in love and may not be getting it. At least, money and home life is looking good. Friends, pals or workmates support your decisions.

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training Name the river that runs through the city 1. Krakow

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER STARTER NUMBER

2. Glasgow

33 4

3. Baghdad

+14 8

4. Berlin












2/5 of this






5. Lisbon

72 4

6. Vienna

-22 8

7. St. Petersburg






3/4 of this





x12 +114 2/7 of this 9




8. Shanghai

155 4

9. Prague

+67 8

10. Luxor








2/5 of this 9

÷4 7



-63 3/14 of this 20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011


Page 49

Free Ads brown tiles not boxed 65 euros ono. 9.5m² cream tiles not boxes 50 euros ono. Tel 639 481 064 Chio.



4 aluminum deck chairs, blue and white stripe material, 15 euros each or 50 euros for all 4. Tel 922 178 046 Large chest freezer, 150 euros. Fridge freezer, 100 euros. 6 seater dining table (ex to 10 place) and 6 chairs, 150 euros. Double bed and mattress and bamboo headboard, 35 euros. 2 bamboo bedside tables with glass tops, 30 euros. 2 metal framed fold up tables, 35 euros. 6 resin patio chairs, 40 euros. 4 resin patio chairs, 30 euros. Assorted dinner plates, cups, saucers, teapots, etc from 1 euro each. Small 2 cup coffee machine, 50 euros. Tel 625 742 940 Bar bottle cooler sliding top 3 compartments 150 euros. Bar bottle cooler sliding top 2 compartments 125 euros. 5 metal based bar tables, 15 euros each. 2 bar tables wooden legs 15 euros each. 2 tall bar tables and 6 stools 60 euros. 7 wooden bar stools 15 euros each. Rubber floor matting 25 euros. 2 square glass table tops 5 euros each. 2 electric hand dryers, 25 euros each. 2 paper towel holders, 10 euros each. Tel 620 355 179 Cream Lazy boy arm chair never used protective cover still on 200 euros ono. English style 3 seater sofa and 2 arm chairs gold with light wood finish 200 euros ono. Tel 609 225 611 White Aluminium wall display cabinets with glass double fronted doors suitable for restaurants, estate agency, lockable notice boards etc, 100cms x 80cms, 30 euros. Size 156cms x 100cms, 50 euros. Illuminated advertising sign 140 x 100 cms, 40 euros. Fire extinguishers, 15 euros. Tel 650 983 409 Single bed, 30 euros. Stainless steel unit 100 x 60 x 105 cm, 70 euros. 4 place drop down toastie machine, 50 euros. Commercial coffee machine, 250 euros. Fire extinguishers from 40 euros. White metal and plastic swivel over bath bathing chair, 20 euros. Insect killer, 75 euros. All ono. Tel 662 354 391 Silencio Coffee table 110cm X 60cm, glass top mirror shelf bottom, brushed chrome with gold trim, 50 euros ono. Sliding security grill white with special locks, height 2m X 21.68m complete, 100 euros ono. Tel 922 78 58 68 or 606 343 246 IPod classic, black 80gb, 60 euro. Approx 40 English books 1euro each. Epson 1670 scanner 30 euros. Kylie Minogue Darling perfume set 15 euros. Lacoste touch of pink perfume set 25 euros. J-Lo Glow 30ml 10 euros. Avon Timeless 50ml 7 euros. Monopoly 10 euros. Scrabble 10 euros. Yahtzee 5 euros. Trivial Pursuit family edition 10 euros. Severin fan 10 euros. Disco lamp 5 euros. Panasonic headphones 10 euros. Televes digital box + remote 5 euros. Body Shop gift bag 10 euros. Digital photo frame 5 euros. Soft toys 2 euros each. Los Cristianos Tel 606 236 097. Microwave, 15 euros. VCR, single size bed & mattress, foldable sun beds, mini oven, 14” TV, 2 rings electric hob, framed wall mirror, Dvd player, Kimono, size small, with white & yellow belts, deep fryer,10 euros each. Hair clippers, kettle, hair dryer/straightner, fruit press, patio table, steam iron, linen basket, lamps, bathroom mirror, egg toaster, flat sun beds, large mirror, 3 to 8 euros each. 4 rings vitro ceramic hob, 40 euros. A selection of headboards (90, 135, 160, 200, 220cm wide), armchair (blue & magnolia), 20 euros a set. Tel 646 615 794. 30 Sunbeds white frame blue bed, 10 euros each. Can be sold separately. Call 666 725 281 Petsafe radio fence pet containment system comes with 250m of boundary wire and radio collar for your dog, 100 euros. 3 interior teak veneered doors 72.5cm x 202cm with 4 apertures for glass, with frames, architraves, hinges and handles 225 euros. Original reclaimed Tenerife pine construction logs 14 x 1.7m and 9 x 2.6m 250 euros ono. 10 wooden windows 6 with clear glass 4 with obscure each approx 0.70m x 1.05m 150 euros ono. Werko electric table stone and marble cutter 75 euros ono. Industrial insect killer for kitchen/bar 50 euros. 14.5m² rustic

Canarian Day/Romeria - Girls costume, blue skirt with elasticated waist and white blouse with blue braid through white broderie anglaise trim. Very nice. Label says size 14 but will fit age 12-14 (ladies dress size 6-8 approximately), 10 euros. Tel 922 739 205 or 628 666 329. Baby cot white complete with mattress 40 euros. Pine stool X4 20 euros for all. Boiler Edessa vgc 50L, 50 euros. Tel 659 861 906. Headboards 2 matching single size white 40 euros. Tel 922 797 212 Washing machine 60 euros. 2 x TV stands 30 euros each. Wooden unit 10 euros. Blow up paddling pool 20 euros. Fridge freezer 30 euros. Cream leather 2 seater settee 150 euros. 3+2 seater settee 250 euros. Playstation 2 guitar hero + guitar +10 games 80 euros. Samsung 32 inch plasma 120 euros. Daewoo 32 inch TV 50 euros. Samsung 21 inch TV, 30 euros. Abroller, 10 euros. Chopper bike 50 euros ono. 2 x DVD players 30 euros. 2 x video recorders 20 euros. Wii fit board + rock band game + guitar drum kit mike 80 euros. 2 x coffee tables, 15 euros. Ikea lamp 10 euros. Large coffee table 20 euros. Shoe rack, 10 euros. Golf clubs + bag, 30 euros. Homemix CD mixing decks + speakers 40 euros. Microwave 20 euros. Mini oven 15 euros. Dartboard + wooden case 30 euros. Cast iron BBQ, 30 euros. Tel 661 175 367 or 636 385 000 Spanish course, the Michel Thomas method complete set, Foundations, Foundation Review, The Advanced, Advanced Review, Vocabulary, Language Builder, also German, Italian and French, 50 euros for all 6 courses. Tel 693 865 845 4 rings vitroceramic hob, 40 euros. 14” TV, 20 euros. Playstation 1, coffee machine,10 euros each. Free standing fan, stool, 8 euros each. A set of speakers and subwoofer, 20 euros. Tel 922 739 850 or 696 048 937.

BARGAIN OF THE WEEK Gents Mountain Bike. shimano gears, good condition, 85 euros. Tel 697 746 885. R4 dsi games chip (2gb) inc.15 top games for Nintendo DS/DSI/DSIXL, 35 euros. Tel 695 808 394 Sewing machine Alfa Inizia model 520 excellent condition, 10 stitch programme, button holes, etc 100 euros. Extending metal safety gate, six panels ideal for infants/ pets can be used as playpen or stair gate, 25 euros. Tel 630 976 208 or 922 765 564. Tumble dryer (white) 80 euros. 2 white Ikea shelving units 30 euros each. Small TV unit 8 euros. Glass display cabinet 20 euros. Disney blow up bed/chair (in box), 15 euros. Xbox and 16 boys games 70 euros. Baby Annabel carry chair 15 euros. Phillips turbo food bender 15 euros. Infant DVD’s 4 euros each (vgc). Children’s books (vgc) from 2 euros. Disney puzzles (60pc) 3 euros each. 3 sleeping bags 10 euros each or 3 for 25 euros. Bestway large inflatable pool with accessories, 70 euros. White PSP console with 1 game 70 euros. 6 olive green cushions 20 euros. Large black mirror (112cm x 92cm) 30 euros. Bathroom mirror in box (90cm x 90cm) 50 euros. Stainless steel double drainer sink, 40 euros. White tower fan, 25 euros. 2 black extendable curtain rails, 10 euros each. Golf bag and selection of woods and clubs, 100 euros. Blue plastic baby bath, 4 euros. Tel 606 851 096 after 3pm Mobility scooter pride “go go Elite” 4 wheel dual battery model, excellent condition and only used rarely. Dismantles into 4 pieces and easily fits into boot of car, range 10 Km (7miles) on full charged batteries (battery charger included), variable speed settings (max 10kph/7mph) and automatic electronic brakes, 395 euros. Tel 922 170 244 Chest freezer 120 euros. Kettle/parasol/patio chairs table, 5 euros each. 14 computer monitor, 10 euros. Mountain bike 70 euros. Video recorders, 20 euros. Table fan 15 euros. Round pine dining table and 4 chairs 40 euros. 4 rings ceramic hob, 60 euros. Extractor fan 40 euros. Hoover, 25 euros. Fridge 45 euros. Fridge freezer, 150 euros. 29 TV silver with remote 80

euros. DVD player + remote 25 euros. Folding up table 5 euros. Steam iron 8 euros. CD, stereo radio cassette recorder, 13 euros each. 29” TV, silver 60 euros. 21” TV 40 euros. Sandwich toaster, 7 euros. Built in oven, 60 euros. Fridge freezer 120 euros, fridge 40 euros. Tel 679 788 586 or 922 795 592 Domestic silver gas bottle 40 euros each. Tumble dryer 100 euros. Washing machine excellent condition top door 120 euros, front loader 120 euros. Dishwasher 120 euros. Fridge freezer, excellent condition 180 euros. Fridge 35 euros. 25 TV 50 euros. Microwave, 25 euros. Foot spa, 15 euros. DVD player + remote, 20 euros. Children’s car seat 0-36 kgs, 20 euros. Fridge freezer 100 euros. Fridge 45 euros. Tel 686 336 904 White glass oval drinks table 25 euros. Excellent glass display cabinet 30 euros. As new Ikea computer table, 15 euros. PS2 with 2 controllers, 45 euros. PS2 games, 5 euros each. Nintendo gamecube with over 10 games 60 euros. Built in oven 35 euros. 4 rings hob 30 euros. Extractor fan 25 euros. Tel 660 265 898 Patio chairs & tables, 2 euros each. Bag, blenders, 15 euros each. Dog carrier, 15 euros. Portable radio CD player, 15 euros. Suit case 10 euros. Tel 679 088 846 Weider Weights, total of weights 10 kilos 50 euros ono. Solid wood Elm coffee table, hand turned & made in Cornwall Length 37”/94cm x width 16”/41cm x height 15.5” /39cms, 40 euros. 4 white plastic garden chairs, sturdy English ones, 8 euros each. Walking frame for larger person, complete with seat & basket. Plus material cover, excellent condition, 150 euros. Ladies bowling ball 10-11lbs + bowling bag 60 euros lot. Tel 922 166 144 Commercial electric oven, four shelves, cost 700 euros new will sell for 150 euros, like new. Tel 648 036 148 Fikam Sport Speedy Manual treadmill (choose your own speed) 20 euros. Tel 634 727 375 or 664 251 953 Sanyo portable TV with remote,10 euros. Foot spa, 15 euros. Selection of PS3 games, 10 - 15 euros each. Playstation move/camera with sports champions, 35 euros. Logitech driveforce wheel/pedals for PS3 or PC, 30 euros. Matrix trilogy bluray box set, 15 euros. Friends complete box set 40 euros. Call 922 715 026 or 648 479 584. Two & Three seater sofas with blue washable covers-one needs a new zip hence pric, 155 euros. Bright starts bouncy chair as new 20 euros. DVD player, 20 euros. Roadstar colour TV 20”, 20 euros. Hexagonal wicker table 10 euros. Tel 667 513 354 Sofabed klic-klac design with wooden frame good condition 60 euros. Dishwasher balay as new 150 euros. Stainless steel glass fronted 3 door refrigerated unit, 150 x 64 x 108cm 400 euros. Stainless steel unit 80 x 50 x 86cm, 40 euros. Domestic fridge, 40 euros. Sideboard 2 cupboards 4 central drawers teak finish, nice piece of furniture, 80 euros. Silver TV & video with remotes on pine TV unit with 2 drawers 70 euros. Small Spanish rustic trunk with drawer 40 euros. Spanish rustic coffee table 30 euros. Oak coloured hi-fi cabinet with leaded glass door 40 euros. Oak coloured TV/video unit with folding doors and drawer 70 euros. Single folding bed 30 euros. Bamboo 3 seater sofa autumnal colour 60 euros. Pine tall corner unit with cupboard, 25 euros. Single bed with mattress, 30 euros. Peg-perego bambini pushchair, red & grey 30 euros. Pegperego primo viaggio car seat red & grey 30 euros. Wooden drop side cot with mattress, 50 euros. 4 internal doors 2 pine finish, 1=200 x62, 1= 198 x 62cm. 2 white finish 1= 198 x78cm, 1= 198 x 73cm. All with brass handles 45 euros each. 30L boiler novelty make 50 euros. Commercial insect killer 75 euros. Commercial coffee machine, 250 euros. 4 place drop down toastie machine, 50 euros. Fire extinguishers from 40 euros. Stainless steel unit 100 x 60 x 105, 70 euros. White over bath bathing chair, 20 euros. Tel 620 469 102 or 662 354 391 Silencio area. 1 Double Antique Pine and Wrought Iron Wardrobe as new - 80 euros. 1 Black Morrocan Style Pouffe - 40 Euros. 1 Brown and Gold Leather Pouffe - 20 Euros. Will sell all together for 120 Euros. Tel: 619 992 096 Pink cot bumper, 10 euros. Small blue playmat with toys, 5 euros. Tel: 637 206 026. Orthopaedic wheel chairs from 100 euros. Zimmer walkers from 40 euros. Audios books 2 euros each. Tel 922 797 923 or 659 126 993.

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm

Page 50

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011



LONG TERM RENTALS Established for over 10 years We have a wide selection of long and short term property available to rent Luxury holiday villas and apartments also available.

Studio San Engenio - 380€ Sea View, Sunny, Modern, Complex Pool, Walking distance to shops.

Fanabe Village 2 bed House - 650€

4 Bed House Adeje - 800€ Townhouse, com pool, modern, roof terrace 10mins drive to Los Cristianos, parking, spacious. Chayofa 1 Bed - 550€

Central location, roof terrace, modern, sep kitchen, sea views, near shops and bus route Very large 1 bed, Torviscas 600€ Spacious apt with fitted kitchen, bedroom with fitted robes. Good sized lounge with a large terrace and fantastic view. Pool on complex.

Huge Garden, Modern, UKTV, complex pool walking distance to bus route, large bedroom Detached Villa with pool 1700€ Large 4 bedroom with 3 bath, private with garden and large pool. Modern kitchen with utility room, good sized bedrooms, with garage and storage, situated in quite cul de sac, Arona.

We also have golf property, penthouses, villas. For all of our portfolio please call us on

Tel: 0034 922 797 438 / 638 519 999



Parque Tropical II 1 bed 3rd. floor apt., 600€ + bills, fully furnished 2 x 1 bed apts., very good location, in the middle of Los Cristianos, 550€ incl. bills fully furnished.

Un Posto al Solé 2 bed, 1st floor apt., 500€ incl. bills, fully furnished. 2 bed ground floor apt., 500€ incl. bills fully furnished


Moncayo 3 bed, penthouse apt., 600€ incl. bills, fully furnished Tigaiga 2 bed, penthouse apt., 600€ incl. bills, fully furnished

La Finca 1 bed ground floor apt., 400€ incl. bills, fully furnished.


NO FINDERS OR CONTRACT FEES. I am always looking for more properties in all shapes and sizes, so if you would like to rent out your property for long lets or holiday rentals please contact me and I will come and visit you. I am also looking for wheelchair friendly properties with roll in showers/wet rooms.

Phone: Suzanne on 680 831 497 email: website:


Penthouse, Golf Del Sur 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 large terraces, spectacular views, satellite TV, 3 swimming pools on complex. 210,000€. Will exchange smaller property.

Tel: 609 587 155 Detached 3 bed 2 bathroom villa in San Eugenio Alto with private pool. Offered on a Rent to Buy option or outright sale, 320,000 euros. Tel 922 719 690 or 676 417 311

Email: Office Address Ave Los Pueblos, Garajonay 1-4,Las Americas 38660







A part time office assistant is required. Good computer skills, fluent Spanish and own transport essential. For more details call 628 458 758

Of interest to Market Traders or Sports Retailers.




CALL KEN ON 639 207 113


Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. Sports / karaoke bar for rent in front of laguna park 1. The bar shows all sports and can show 6 football games at once on 8 large screens, and has a fully loaded karaoke system and music. for details call mark on 659 202 826 no time wasters please.

Approximately 2,000 items of good quality sportswear including t-shirts; shorts; tracksuits; swimwear; hats and trainers. All genuine brand names including Nike; Adidas; Reebok; Kappa. Sale due to shop change of use. 3,500€ the lot.

Tel: 636 055 785 CARS/BIKES CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667. MG ZR 1.8, ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 4,500 euros. Tel 669 626 840 Cars for rent to buy from 220 euros per month, Full insurance. Tel 626 080 651 Piagio Fly 125 cc moped less than 2 years old, excellent condition, 950 euros. Tel 610 285 953 Renault Clio 2.0 Exception, Limited Edition 150HD, fully loaded, silver, 35,000 kms, 4 door, full Renault service history, excellent condition. Cost new 19,700€, only 8,900€. Tel 610 285 953 BMW 525 Turbo Diesel sport automatic, 1995, very good condition all round, drives superbly, new ITV, all paperwork, bargain at 1,500 euros call 659 202 826.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

La Pinta Beach Club require dynamic self motivated British Sales reps and a Manager for their Flybuy Department. Knowledge of points an advantage. Generous commissions and spiffs and huge earning potential, up to 20% commissions for the right candidate. If you are interested call Andy Maleski on 669 100 253 or email A Promotions Team is required for an exciting new business operating in the south. All applicants must be confident, presentable, fluent in English and ideally have a good level of spoken Spanish. An NIE number is essential. For more details call 922 162 871 or fax your CV to 922 712 333. A qualified Nanny or Aupair is required for an immediate start. For more details call 606 133 925 A Marketing Office in the south of Tenerife require enthusiastic, self motivated staff to work as part of great team. They are looking for Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian and Polish with spoken English. Basic wage plus commission. Hours 9.30 to 5pm Monday to Friday. Call Sue on 922 713 070 or 686 154 066 or email

Page 51

Service Point




Nail Technician and Beautician required for a busy salon in Costa del Silencio. Immediate start. Position offered on a Rent Space only basis









CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250â‚Ź per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email:


CHIROPODIST Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790

Page 52

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Service Point










9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841


VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

Fax 922 778 051

Mobile 696 889 048 Email:

Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.


Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

PERSONAL SERVICES Sexy lovely girl!!! Independent escort offering super erotic massage, great time!! 0034 690 900 739


Sexy lovely girl!!! Independent escort offering, super erotic, massage, great Time!! 0034 690 900 739 Blonde sweet, very beautiful, 26 years, slim body, large breasts, firm bottom, very sexy and erotic lady. Discreet luxury apartment, hotel visits (24 hours). Very good English & German spoken. Tel 0034 636 653 187. Two beautiful girl friends very sexy waiting for you. Call us to make an appointment. Hotel visit, private apartment, fantastic lesbian show. Tel 0034 672 573 649 Real beautiful Italian lady, sexy, elegant, slim, sensual, large breasts. Call me I can come visit you. Top level escort service. English and German spoken. Tel 0034 671 86 86 81

Good looking Columbian loveable obliging girl in the Funchal Apartments, Los Cristianos behind bus station in front of Hotel Aguamar. Call 10 minutes before, speaks very little English, makes hotel visits call 627 008 443

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Page 53

Service Point

PERSONAL SERVICES (CONT.) Venezuelan transvestite, Funchal apartments, Los Cristianos, opposite Aguamar apartments. 50 euros for 30mins, 100 euros an hour. Tel: 609 847 176.


PETSWORLD D O G H O T E L Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day

No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82



BARGAIN BASEMENT 2nd hand furniture, Bar/Rest items. We buy ‘cash’ no need to wait!! Also our 500m2 warehouse, down stairs will be open for viewing soon!

Open Mon-Fri. Los Cristianos, nr Cultural Centre / Police station road, next to pet shop Tel: 618 381 488

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 TRANSLATION



House clearances etc undertaken Tel: 922 735 664 or 674 615 855

PLUMBING All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579




the English Upholsterer

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991


Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle

Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

677 806 800


TV & SATELLITE Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

MAN WITH A VAN Single items to full house removals Competitive rates, professional service.

Call us first on 638 384 855 UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.

THE WHITE VAN MAN House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

No job too big or too small

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743 Page 54

SPANISH LESSONS Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270

Red Tomato, TV/Computer repairs inc. Plasma & LCD TV repairs, satellite installations, English Tele package, Xbox, Playstations, Wii, Satellite boxes & mobile phones, WiFi Hotspots in Golf del Sur & Amarilla. Call Alan 649 200 774


TAROT READING / ASTROLOGY Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 772 422 / 610 089 157. Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494.

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency

Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday


Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Liam O’Reilly Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces

the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Sunny skies. 21 °C. Wind NNE 24km/h. Friday Night Partly cloudy skies. 20 °C. Wind NNE 26km/h. Saturday Partly cloudy skies. 22 °C. Wind NNE 23km/h. Saturday Night Cloudy skies. 21 °C. Wind NNE 23km/h. Sunday Partly cloudy skies. 22 °C. Wind NNE 19km/h. Sunday Night Partly cloudy skies. 21 °C. Wind NNE 21km/h. Monday Sunny skies. 23 °C. Wind N 16km/h. Monday Night Partly cloudy skies. 21 °C. Wind NNW 18km/h. Tuesday Sunny skies. 22 °C. Wind NNW 18km/h. Tuesday Night Clear skies. 21 °C. Wind NNW 19km/h. Wednesday Sunny skies. 22 °C. Wind N 16km/h. Wednesday Night Partly cloudy skies. 21 °C. Wind N 16km/h.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802


flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Thursday Partly cloudy skies. 21 °C. Wind N 27km/h. Thursday Night Partly cloudy skies. 20 °C. Wind N 27km/h.

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20 May 2011 - 26 May 2011

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