Canarian Weekly Ed 707

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O F T E N I M I TAT E D , N E V E R B E T T E R E D . Issue 707

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


Tee for Tenerife! Europe’s top ladies are promoting Island as a magnet for golfers A HUGE bid to promote Tenerife as a golfers’ paradise is being launched this week - by Europe’s leading female stars, who have an unusual agenda! They are introducing a new aspect to tournament play via the Tenerife Ladies Match Play event. This newcomer to the Ladies European Tour professional calendar tees off at Golf Las Americas today (Friday), following yesterday’s Pro-Am event there. The format is fundamentally match play, in which each hole is a separate competition. The player with the fewest strokes on an individual hole wins it, and so the one who wins most holes takes the match. In stroke play, the traditional style of golf, players accumulate strokes over the 18 holes. The golfer with the fewest strokes at the completion of the round wins. The idea of this tournament, which finishes on Sunday, is to highlight the Island’s excellence for golfers and courses, and also its ability to host major sporting events That is why it is actually being sponsored jointly by Tenerife Tourism and the Canary Islands Government, with back-up from various other sponsors around the Island. It has received official support from the Royal Spanish Golf Federation and the Canary Islands Golf Federation, as well. Tenerife Tourism Minister José Manuel Bermúdez said at the official opening yesterday (Thursday): “This tournament is part of our objectives towards promoting tourism here, and the sector has been responding positively all year.

Pic: Tenerife Cabildo - Tenerife 2010 Champion Trish Johnson in action.

He stressed the “enormous importance” of the event in the Canary Islands’ tourism strategy in general, and in Tenerife in particular, especially with the huge media coverage, “worth around 25 million euros in terms of the economic impact”. Joan Piferrer, Manager of

Golf Las Americas, added: “We are very proud to host this tournament. We have all worked hard to present the golf course at its best.” This will not be the first international gathering of golf stars in Tenerife because one leg of the men’s European PGA Tour

was staged at the newlybuilt Amarilla Golf course in 1990. Curiously, the Tour has never returned to Tenerife, despite the numerous, upmarket courses which have since sprung up on the Island. But the Ladies Tenerife

Open has been held here as part of their European tour for the past nine years, and is now followed by the current, new-format event. The first Ladies European Tour event in Tenerife, held at Golf del Sur in 2002, was won by Spain’s Raquel Carriedo-Tomas.

It moved on to the Seve Ballesteros-designed course in Buenavista, in the northwest, and then returned to the south, at Costa Adeje (three times), Golf del Sur again and the newly-opened Abama course in 2006. Brits Rebecca Hudson and Continued on page 4.


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10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


German E.coli sufferer was taken to a Tenerife hospital A GERMAN holidaymaker in Tenerife, diagnosed with the deadly E.coli strain, was released from hospital after a week, having been given the all-clear it transpires. The 36-year-old person, from Hamburg, was taken to hospital in Santa Cruz on 31st May with diarrhoea and bleeding. Jose Diaz-Flores, Director General of Public Health of the Canary Islands, said the victim had suffered “an infection of the German E.coli O104 strain”. He said the man was discharged on Tuesday “because he was well and evolved favourably”, and Diaz-Flores stressed: “There is no risk of infection in the Canary Islands. “Both the origin of the patient, his symptoms and analytical results, tells us it is 99% certain that he had Germanic E.coli enterohemorrhagic and had picked up the infection in his native country.” Diaz-Flores added: “On Monday, the samples were sent to the reference laboratory, the National Centre for Microbiology and the patient was discharged the following day. “But we must now turn our attentions to the general recommendations concerning hygiene when dealing with food.” Domingo Nunez, Department of Epidemiology in the Canaries, said that although the number of E.coli cases was decreasing, there were 720 cases in the world who had developed complications, and another 2,600 who had the symptoms but suffered no complications. Apart from Tenerife’s

German patient, who recovered, he said that there had been 25 deaths in Germany, while 46 cases had been reported in Sweden, 20 in Denmark, 11 in the UK, six in the Netherlands and one in the Basque country. “All these cases are related to travel to Germany, which means that these patients have been exposed to food contaminated with bacteria,” added Nunez. Nunez said the German sufferer provided Tenerife doctors treating him with information about the food he had eaten at home and added: “This information has been added to the existing

research, for which we thank the German authorities.” Carmen Amela, Spain’s Director General of Public Health, said the E.coli strain had never been detected in the country in the last quarter-century, so the risk of an outbreak of this bacterium “is only associated with someone who comes from Germany”. And with the huge influx of Germans into Spain during the summer holidays, Amela is warning people to reinforce their usual hygiene measures, which consist basically of hand-washing after using the bathroom, and washing vegetables

thoroughly before eating. Meanwhile, Germany has expressed hope that the worst of the killer bacteria outbreak was over with at least 25 people dead and more than 2,600 ill. But the baffled German Government will maintain its warning against eating raw tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and various sprouts until it finds the cause of the mysterious outbreak. European trade bosses have raised the offer of compensation to 210 million euros (£187m) to those farmers who have suffered heavy losses as a result of scare stories surrounding

the E.coli outbreak. The European Commission initially offered a sum of 150 million euros (£134m) to help growers whose lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers have had to be thrown away, only to be told it was nowhere near enough. European Union agriculture commissioner Dacian Ciolos said in Brussels that the new aid budget would enable farmers claim at least 50% of reference prices for certain produce. The decision was made despite Spanish cucumber farmers demanding 100% of revenues lost after German authorities initially - and

falsely - traced the source of the disease to Spanish produce. Ciolos added that growers who are members of vegetable producer associations would have access to other funding sources, which would allow them to claim “up to 70%” of the value of unsold produce. He also added courgettes and peppers to the cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce already on the warning list. It is estimated that Spanish vegetable growers have lost some 200m euros a week, with thousands losing their jobs since the German accusations were made.

Tourist sector given jobs boost IT’S uplifting news all round for the Spanish and Tenerife tourism sectors because 7,000 jobs were created during the first four months of the year. They were spread across 105 main city and resort destinations - including Santa Cruz -

and Exceltur, the Alliance for Tourism Excellence, believes the figure could rise to about 10,000 jobs in the whole of Spain. An optimistic Jose Luis Zoreda, Exceltur vice-president, said that if the trend continued, the tourism sector’s new-jobs tally could reach 30,000 by the end of the year. The jobs were concentrated

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

mainly in the catering sector, followed by entertainment and the associated trade tourist areas, while the accommodation sector showed some positive signs with a slight increase. Zoreda believes the growth of tourism is down to an increase in the number of foreign visitors, partly because of unrest in the Middle East and other areas tourist areas.

The recovery of other The best city results were Canaria), Santa Cruz, Tarragona, European economies such as recorded in Las Palmas (Gran Barcelona, Madrid and Seville Germany and the UK and, to a lesser extent, the domestic Arona is to be the 1st municipaldemand, also had a positive ity to put up new tourists signs influence, he said. indicating various attractions, The Canary Islands have led the main accommodation areas, the strong growth in employparks, leisure areas and places of historic and cultural interest. ment and income indicators, The scheme will cost around 170.000 euros with all signs being with the Balearic Islands and the same size and design and of course, with the safety of the Costa del Sol not far motorists in mind. behind.


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A WORD FROM Prince Philip - 90th Birthday OUR EDITOR


Ryanair bag fees increase

Bring back, a numbered seat, one case, one piece of hand luggage, one price it’s all getting a little confusing for me. According to the Daily Telegraph passengers who fly with Ryanair and are travelling with “luggage lighter than 15kg will be charged £20 each way – up from £15, and customers with bags weighing between 15kg and 20kg will be charged £30 each way – up from £25. The cost of carrying a second bag has also gone up, from £35 to £40 each way.” If you are flying to Tenerife you will be charged an additional £5 each way (£70 return) for any item of checked luggage. I hear you asking, why? Well apparently the charges came in at the beginning of this month, interesting I can’t find any info on their ‘news section’ of their website. The increase fees cover the peak summer holiday time – sheer

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exploitation. The Telegraph continues, “Each year Ryanair increases its baggage charges for travel during peak summer months, although last year’s rises only affected travellers departing in July and August.” So that means this year it’s for longer! I can understand that they don’t want people to take a case, fine. Weight, fuel, time savings etc. But surely then someone should tell these low cost airlines to design an aircraft that will take a one piece of hand luggage 55cm x 40cm x 20cm and 10kg for every bum that has a seat, as opposed to using aircraft with a massive hold, or would that just be too simple. But it gets worse, if you investigate a little further, Ryanairs fees sections lists peak and off peak times, you guessed it, now it’s not just summer holidays, but Christmas 21st -4th January 2012, inclusive that these additional charges apply. So do we think next year they will add the time around the Olympics, Diamond Jubilee, etc, etc?

PRINCE PHILIP started off his 90th birthday celebrations with an evening of military music by massed bands and corps of drums.

The Duke of Edinburgh whose birthday is today (Friday) - took the salute at the annual Household Division beating retreat on Horse Guards Parade, in central London. He then went to a reception at the Guards Museum near St James’s Park. In a recent BBC TV interview, the Duke admits to cutting back on his workload before he reaches his “sell-by date”. “I reckon I’ve done my bit, I want to enjoy myself for a bit now. With less responsibility, less rushing about, less preparation, less trying to think of something to say.

“On top of that your memory’s going, I can’t remember names. Yes, I’m just sort of winding down.” Prince Philip has been the Queen’s husband and consort for more than 60 years and involved with around 800 charities and organisations. It was announced last autumn that he would be lightening his load by giving up a number of his more demanding commitments. They include his patronage

of UK Athletics, City and Guilds of London Institute, the Royal Agricultural Society of the Commonwealth and his involvement with a number of high-profile universities. “You don’t really want nonagenarians as heads of organisations which are trying to do something useful. “There is an ageism in this country, as everywhere, and quite rightly so, because I think you go downhill - physi-

cally, mentally and everything.” Sir Miles Hunt-Davis, Philip’s trusted private secretary for 19 years until stepping down from the post last year, said: “Quite deliberately he is getting rid of a lot of his patronages, he is giving up the Chancellorship of Cambridge and of Edinburgh - two major universities and a number of other charities that have taken up quite a lot of his time.”

Tee for Tenerife! Continued from front page. Felicity Johnson, who are involved again this week, won the Costa Adeje event in 2008 and 2009 respectively, while Trish Johnson, also playing at Las Americas, won last year’s event. This new match play/stroke play event, which has a prize fund of 120,000 euros, is reserved for the top 30 Europeanranked professionals and two guests. It replaces the

Tenerife Ladies Open. A must-see for genuine fans is Laura Davies, England’s multi-titled champion who is rated the greatest British female player of all. And South African Lee-Anne Pace, who topped the Ladies European Tour rankings last year, will make it tough for the field. Among the Spanish players are Carlota Ciganda, Tania Elosegui, Emma Cabrera and Paula Marti.

The overall format adds up to bags of excitement because every hole over the opening two days adds up to pressure, and is vital to each individual. The prestige tournament is being televised in 208 countries, and will also have a significant presence on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Today (Friday) sees 16 individual match play clashes, with the winners meeting tomorrow to whittle the

final line-up down to eight competitors. Sunday’s final round of 18 holes stroke-play will then see the leading players battling it out in traditional fashion for the trophy and title. A bonus for spectators, apart from watching some of the greatest players in the world, is that parking is free. So if you are a golf fan, make sure you don’t miss out on this spectacular three-day bonanza.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


Adeje manufacturing carpets

Adeje Ayuntamiento are preparing for the Corpus Christi festival. Corpus Christi is a Catholic feast, honouring the Eucharist, and, as such it does not commemorate a particular event in Jesus’s life. It is held on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday or, in some places, on the following Sunday. In Tenerife, Corpus Christi the religious festival is famous and traditionally celebrated with floral carpets laid in the streets. The Soil Tapestries in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento (Town

Square) in La Orotava are particularly noteworthy, where a very large carpet, or tapestry, of different coloured volcanic soils, covers the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. These soils are taken from the Parque Nacional del Teide, and after the celebration, are returned, to preserve the National Park. The celebration of Corpus Christi in Orotava has been declared of Important Cultural Interest among the official Traditional Activities of the Island. In the municipality of Adeje the Department of Culture, headed by Epifanio Díaz

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Hernández, has reported that all individuals and groups wishing to participate this year in the development of the traditional Corpus Christi carpets, may proceed to collect the necessary materials for making them a from 8 June. The time to do so will be from 9am until 21:00 pm Monday to Friday. Council spokesman, Carlos Pedroza said, “the carpets will be formulated during the afternoon and evening of Saturday 25th June. The procession of Corpus Christi is on Sunday 26th June from 18:00 in Adeje.”

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NEWS IN BRIEF ‘Market’ closed ARONA Town Hall has closed down the illegal market at Ten Bel on Wednesdays and Saturdays to help put an end to the illegal traders and street-sellers without the corresponding permits. It follows a number of formal complaints by local business owners, and is part of a joint move by the Tenerife Business Union and the Cabildo to clamp down on illegal street vendors and ensure that they all have the correct permit and licence to operate.

Electrical recycling THE first company specialising in recycling electrical appliances, including 150.000 fridges and TVs, has opened in the industrial estate of Arico, 90% of which contain dangerous substances which could be hazardous when in contact with the air. Every part of every appliance will be decontaminated before being stripped and reused, or given a second life.

Project Surf protest DOMINGO GONZALEZ, who owns Project Surf, is continuing his fight against local authorities to reopen what is known as The Chiringuito of Las Americas, famous for offering free yoga, pilates, tai chi and surf lessons to tourists and residents alike. He has obtained more than 4.000 signatures of protest and hopes to convince council officials he is creating a positive image for Tenerife.

El Medano blows hot EL MÉDANO beach will this summer host the World Kitesurf and Windsurf Championships for the second time, showcasing Granadilla as the perfect choice for watersports activities.

Fun runs for prizes LAS Americas Racing Club track team are organising 5km and 10km road-race fun-runs on Sunday from 9am, starting and finishing at the Hotel Zentral Centre. Prizes, medals and trophies will be awarded, along with a photo and video of contestants crossing the finish line.

Dorada’s tasty brew LOCAL brewers Dorada have won gold medals for their range of beers in the prestigious World Selection 2011 competition in Brussels, for the third year running.

Los Cristianos over-haul? In an interview with Diario de avisos last Friday, President of the business association for Los Cristianos, Carlos Magdalena, said that the town is in desperate need of an overhaul, starting with its commercial centres, if we are to encourage newcomers diverted from Egypt and Tunisia to return and the first issue to be addressed should be the amount of travelling salesmen, excursion reps and timeshare touts in the area.

Beach and town make-over LAS CALETILLAS is about to get a make-over, with Candelaria Town Hall investing 900.000 euros to improve access to the beach, line the pavements with trees, build garden areas and improve the quality and variety of shopping centres. Officials hope to attract tourists and encourage residents from the north and south to visit the area more often.

Master-class by a tennis maestro TONI NADAL, uncle of Spanish tennis superstar Rafael and also his coach, will be in Tenerife this weekend with a course for coaches and tips for youngsters. His tennis clinic, in the northeast of the Island, is being held at the Real Club Nautico in Bajamar, and he will give a public talk at the venue tonight (Friday).

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Teide tour guides THE MINISTRY of Environment this week launched the 13th edition of a course which will provide accreditation to 30 official tourist guides, hiking and mountaineering to perform their work in the Parque Nacional del Teide. The course addresses all the issues, including a study of its geology, history, natural resources, public use, environmental law, planning and weather, explained the coordinator for the public use of the park, Juan Carlos Hernández. Currently there are 435 accredited guides who are able practice in the Teide National Park and this year a further thirty students willhave com-

As the Canarian Weekly goes to print, so the cast and crew of Clash of the Titans II film their last scenes here in Tenerife, ready for their departure today (Friday) back to the UK and onto Wales for the next lot of filming.

pleted the course. Each individual receives a certificate of attendance and then must pass a test to receive accredi-

tation, stated Juan Carlos Hernández. The course is taught by the technical staff of the Teide National Park with

some outside experts, such as the recent Canary Research Award winner, Wolfredo Wildpret.

That’s a wrap! of what was established in the previous movie.” To see what the Tenerife

landscape looks like in 3D you’ll just have to wait until the film goes public in the

next year or so, although the initial release will be in the States next March.

Tenerife proved so popular for the film-makers of last year’s box-office smash, Clash of the Titans, that they came back to the Island shooting the sequel. The five weeks of filming it is believed will generate around five million euros of business over here. At the press conference Producer Basil Iwanyk said: “You could travel the world looking for the dramatic views that are all at your disposal in Tenerife. It is a terrific resource for film-makers. “And we have returned to Tenerife to recapture some

New apartments Authorities in Fasnia are to begin constructing low priced apartment blocks in the area to encourage youngsters to remain living in the town and attract new people at the same time. The plan is to construct 12 buildings containing 2 and 3 bed roomed apartments with parking facilities for people aged up to 35 who earn less than 18.000 euros per year and is an attempt to boost the number of inhabitants from its all time low of 2.800 residents.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


plantation New heavy Sugar caned by a fire goods law IN THE early hours of Thursday 9th June a fire began in an area of a sugar cane plantation near the town of Valle Gran Rey (La Gomera) According to the Emergency Services. At 02.45 hours they received a report warning

EACH YEAR more than 15,000 victims of road accidents involve vehicles that transport goods or passengers. For this reason and taking into account that 90% of the information needed for driving is visual and that large vehicles are invisible at night to other drivers, a new initiative called V-23 has been introduced. Vehicles will have to incorporate a new sign with reflecting boundary marking, called V-23, which will be seen, in low visibility, on the perimeter of the back and sides of such vehicles. The addition of this new sign for large vehicles is the subject of an information campaign, from the National Road Transport in collaboration with the Directorate General of Land Transportation, Ministry of Public Works and the Traffic Department of the Ministry of the Interior.

The new initiative aims to inform and promote road safety. The campaign was presented by Ovidio de la Roza, and, Rafael Barbadillo, of the National Road Transport Department. The new rules lay down that long and heavy vehicles for the transport of goods are to be registered from July 10th, 2011 and they shall carry a distinctive reflective approved boundary sign for the outline of the vehicle, in order to help other drivers identify those vehicles, allowing them to adapt their driving to the circumstances and protect users. For heavy transport vehicles, registered before that date, the installation of the sign will be voluntary. This new sign will be mandatory for vehicles wider than 2.10 m and length greater than 6m, among which are the following categories: Motor vehicles with at least four wheels used to transport goods, with a maximum mass exceeding 7.5 tonnes,

that a fire had begun at the Barranco de El Caidero. Firefighters from the Municipality of Valle Gran Rey

and Staff Operations Coordination Centre of the Cabildo Insular (Cecopin), were mobilized. Council spokesman, Vladimir Garcia Ramirez said, “the fire is now under control, we expect it to be gully extinguished over the next two days.� As yet the Police have made no comment has been made as to the cause of the fire, or indeed whether it was arson.

with the exception of chassis cabs, incomplete vehicles and tractors for semi-trailers) Trailers and semi-trailers whose maximum mass exceeds 3.5 tonnes. However, it is advisable to install such a sign, on a voluntary basis, in other motor vehicles with at least four wheels used to transport goods or people with more than eight seats, excluding the driver. The new legislation is thought to reduce road accidents involving heavy goods vehicles by at least 30%. The marking needs to consist of a regular strip or a series of strips of reflective material (tape) placed in such a way to identify the outline, or otherwise, length and overall width of a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles or loads. Made with reflective tape, certified and easy installation. The width of the strips is 50 mm, white or yellow for the sides of the vehicle, or red or yellow if the rear.

Catholic Church service times Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Los Cristianos) Holy Mass Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (7pm); Wednesday (9am); Saturday, German, in the Winter season only (5pm), Spanish (7.30pm) Sunday, Spanish/Italian in the

Winter season, the rest in Spanish (9am); Spanish / English (12pm) Confessions Monday, Thursday, Friday (66.30pm); Sunday (11.3011.40am) Parish office Phone: 922 790 756 or 607

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

020 228 - Tuesday (8-9.30pm); Thursday 11am-1pm Caritas office Phone: 922 088 431 TuesdayThursday (10.30-12pm) San Blas Church (Golf del Sur) Holy Mass Sunday (10am)

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Red Cross exhibition

North Airport expansion gets the green light THE MINISTRY of Environment and the Spanish Airport and Air Navigation Authority (AENA) has given the green light for the expansion of Tenerife North to begin. Despite local resistance to the project, the environmental study conducted by the Secretary of State for Climate Change authorizes a total restructuring of Los Rodeos, including significant growth in the terminal, the adequacy of all roads that connect to the TF-5 and San Lazaro and the complete reconstruction of the parking, the are in total is 81,281 meters square. Two additional buildings will be built in addition to the existing terminal. The new space will be used to increase the number of passport check–ins, expand the waiting area, adding an extra three baggage reclaim carousels and enhancing the area of inter-island traffic. Flights between islands will have eight gates, and not six as now, plus increased space. Increased security at checkpoints, six scanners will be installed and three new

THE TOURISM Dev-elopment Centre in Costa Adeje, is hosting this week a Red Cross temporary exhibition. It aims to address one of the great challenges of our society which is living and working together. Financed through the

Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and Equality and the European Social Fund under the multiregional Operational Programme to Combat Discrimination 20072013, the exhibition also has the support of Adeje Town Hall.

The main part of the campaign is an exhibition illustrated by cartoonists who have been able to reflect with humour and irony the consequences and implications of a lack of responsibility and respect in society, especially for women.

security arches. There will also be 16 extra counters for both domestic and international flights, bringing the total to 42. According to AENA, the airport will also be equipped with ancillary facilities to enhance passenger comfort. The project includes a redefinition of the existing parking. This brings the number of spaces to a total of 1,231 on three levels. There will be a new space for taxis, located at a new roundabout to be constructed between the new access and exit routes, which will have 45 parking spaces. Due to the expansion of the terminal and public parking, revised access to the airport will be necessary creating a new entry for the TITSA buses. All project activities are within the service area that defines the airport of Los Rodeos Master Plan, approved in September 2001 AENA spokesman, Arturo Rodriguez said, “the plan has been justified at every level, we need to adapt infrastructures to increase passengers.” In contrast, residents have always shown their rejection and indeed asked for a freeze in construction back in 2007.

The exhibition is a reflection on the responsibility, reconciliation and equality between women and men in employment, through the vision of 20 characters in the cartoons. The exhibition is open from 9am until 3pm.

Illegal crop – man arrested LAST TUESDAY, Guardia Civil from Granadilla arrested a 37year-old Croatian in the southern municipality of San Miguel de Abona, as an alleged perpetrator of a crime against public health

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through drug trafficking. At the Croatian’s house, Guardia Civil found halogen lamps, transformers, fans and thermometers, amongst other things and 126 marijuana plants.

Investigators found a small greenhouse set up for the cultivation of the plant Cannabis sativa (marijuana) and an undetermined amount of that drug substance. The Croatian had rented the

property only for a short period of time with another individual, who as yet has not been arrested. Two bedrooms and the bathroom were being used for the plants.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


European ‘tour’ pushes Spanish housing sector

BEATRIZ CORREDOR, the Government’s Secretary for Housing, highlighted the potential of the market in Spain to Russians on Wednesday. She was in Moscow, hoping to impress the country’s investors and intermediaries on the fifth stop of her European tour to promote the Spanish real estate market. It began in London on 4th May and moved on to Amsterdam, Paris and

Frankfurt. Corredor and State-run company “Invest in Spain” will complete their mission in Sweden, aiming to have strengthened investor confidence in the Spanish housing market throughout Europe. The latest figures show that 20% more properties in Spain were purchased by Russians last year, accounting for 6.94% of the total number of properties bought by foreigners. The Russians were fourth only to the British, French and Germans, and their tourist figures relating to Spain grew by 43.4% to more than

600,000 in 2010. The Spanish Government’s intention is informing foreign investors, intermediaries and agents about the trends of the main pointers in the Spanish real estate sector. These include prices and the stock of available properties which is starting to decline as well as the legislative reforms being implemented by the Government to strengthen the already-sound legal framework in Spain. The new laws will guarantee the security and transparency of transactions involving the buying and selling of properties there.

Arona’s new bin service for hotels ARONA Council is distributing containers to hotels throughout the area for the collection of certain waste. The new service will provide the municipality with more efficient removal of specific waste removal. Sixty yellow containers with a capacity of 1,100 litres, are being delivered to

47 hotels, and this sector, says Environment Councillor Antonio Sosa, “is one of the largest generators of waste”. These hotels are all keen to make the collection of containers operate on a voluntary basis, although the council has allocated about 225 bins because the system will soon become obligatory in all hotels. The service follows demands by the hoteliers

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

themselves, and Sosa said: “This new resource is not only important for the sustainability and environmental conservation, but also increases the rate of collection of packaging. That will result in paying less money to deposit waste.” It also provides a gradual introduction of new wastecollections involving electrical and electronic appliances and the removal of graffiti and posters among others.

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Ray of hope for the unemployed THE Cabildo has agreed a 205,000euro subsidy for the integration of jobless people back into the working society with various companies and authorities. The Economic Development plan has been launched to help the unemployed receive guidance and training in differing fields, and to boost the economy. It means some of them could be called up to work on a poster for the annual Canarian Craft Fair, aimed at promoting the show, as well

Tenerife Moda adding new string to its bow

as bringing awareness to the handicrafts, hand-made products and crafts from the Canary Islands. Others could be involved in the ongoing Southern Rail project, and the studies on its environmental impact.

Water centres are making a big splash now HAVE you ever envied those wind-surfers, skimming along on the horizon at a rapid rate of knots, and fancied a crack at it yourself? Well, the Cabildo-owned Cidemat (Tenerife Island Water Sports Centre), is available for that very purpose - and many other aqua sports - this summer. It is targeting youngsters in the main, but adults can also get involved, and there are 1,159 places on offer across centres in Valleseco (Santa Cruz) and La Galera (Candelaria). The campaign has already started, and those interested can sign up via for introductory courses in swimming, sailing aqua-fit-

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ness and water sports. Other applications must be made in person at Cidemat, Valleseco. The main focus is on sailing, with 408 places, distributed among the junior class, from Monday to Friday. Older children and adults will be catered for from Monday to Thursday, while the grown-ups can follow intensive weekend courses. In addition, there are scheduled kite-surfing lessons, wind-surfing, canoeing, water-skiing and diving. Swimming lessons are also available for all age groups (infants, children and adults), with aqua-fitness for adults. Cidemat embraces all age groups, and provide facilities such as locker rooms, locker facilities, workshops, classrooms and a pool for learner divers.

CANDELARIA textile company Arealonga, which specialises in uniforms and industrial embroidery, will soon form part of the Tenerife Moda group. The company is to join forces with the Tenerife fashion group, promoted by the Cabildo, to further develop this sector. Efrain Medina, Acting Minister of Economic Development, trade and employment, says: “This com-

pany is now one of the largest in the Canaries in terms of industrial embroidery, so its ability to export and expand is fully viable.” Along with Tenerife Moda programme director José Eugenio Sánchez, he recently visited Arealonga, and they were impressed with owner Fidel Castro’s innovation, hard work and investment. Medina said his department would help to promote joint action between existing large and small workshops between Candelaria, Arafo, Guimar and El Rosario, working together

as a team so that everyone gained. The Cabildo has put its full weight behind this group of companies, whose aim is to achieve a competitive and export service. Medina added that several meetings were planned immediately to decide on how to present the industrial embroidery business to different sectors related to the textile industry in the Canaries. Tenerife Moda has made great efforts in recent years to create a strong brand

image, both individually and globally. It has positioned itself well in an industry that brings together some special characteristics that differ from company to company. The group now consists of Tenerife Moda swimwear, children’s-wear, women’s-wear, urban and sportsgear, underwear and lingerie, home decor, accessories, jewellery and footwear. It also has a sector in charge of Carnival costumes, fashion shows and hair and beauty, displaying incredible creativity and talent.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


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World News

Troubled care Prince Charles makes it home firm to face to face with Shrek axe 3,000 jobs SHREK got his prince at the Royal Gala for the latest movieturned-musical.

THE UK’s largest care home operator has revealed plans to axe 3,000 jobs. It is the latest blow for staff at troubled Southern Cross Healthcare, which lost £311m in the six months to March 31. The business cares for 31,000 residents at more than 750 care homes across the UK and employs 44,000 people. Southern said the proposals to slash the workforce by nearly 7% were part of a long-term strategy launched 18 months ago, and were not linked to recent financial troubles. This is the start of a disaster for the residents as well as a kick in the teeth for the staff. There have been concerns about how company’s current woes will affect residents. Paul Kenny, general secretary of the GMB trade union, called for the

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Government to provide financial support. He said: “This is the start of a disaster for the residents as well as a kick in the teeth for the staff.” A Department for Health statement said: “It is for Southern Cross, its landlords and those with an interest in the business to put in place a plan that stabilises the ownership and operation of the care homes. Southern said it was committed to maintaining care for staff and minimising redundancies, and expected the whole process to be completed by October. The company is underpaying its rent by a third until the end of September in a move to buy time for a longterm solution. As well as rising rent bills, it has also faced a drop in fees as fewer councils placed residents with the company. Councils and the NHS account for 70% of the firm’s residents.

Shrek The Musical opens next week at the Royal Theatre in London, but Prince Charles got a preview of the show, whose proceeds are going to The Prince’s Foundation For Children And The Arts. Many of the productions on the West End were, like Shrek, originally successful films. The Lion King has been running for over a decade and The Sound of Music, Billy Elliot and Ghost have all been hailed successes. The formula doesn’t always work, though. Spiderman had many problems when it opened in America and didn’t live up to the hype. And Shrek itself had mixed reviews when it ran on Broadway. However, the show has now been tweaked and Nigel Harman, Nigel Lindsay, Richard Blackwood and Amanda Holden have been cast to pull in the crowds. Alistair Smith, deputy editor of The Stage newspaper said the reason so many shows

NISSAN has unveiled a multi-million-pound pledge to build the latest of its models at its Sunderland plant, in a move which will protect UK jobs. Nissan claims the new Qashqai project will see it spend £192m in Britain, safeguarding 6,000 jobs both directly and indirectly through the UK supply chain. The factory makes 1,200 of the current Qashqai model every day and it is

take their lead from Hollywood is simple economics. He said: “It’s very expensive to put a musical on in the West End - we’re talking millions of pounds, and you want

to make that as safe as possible. “There are a number of ways of doing this. One is to have star names in it and the other is to have a brand that people already know.”

Lindsay, who stars as Lord Farquaad, said the musical isn’t just a replica of the film. “It doesn’t top the film but it takes the film and pushes it somewhere else, which I think is really exciting,” he said. Holden, who plays Princess Fiona, said: ‘Nigel (Lindsay) said the best thing when we came into the theatre: ‘The audience already loves us, so it’s downhill from now!’” The Royal Gala performance marks the beginning of an ongoing relationship between DreamWorks and The Prince’s Foundation. The producers will work closely with the charity to develop jointly a new educational project that aims to introduce young people to the art of musical theatre. Jeremy Newton, chief executive of the foundation, said he was looking forward to a long partnership with the show. “This is much more than just a single performance,” he said. “We will combine our knowledge and experience to run activities that will inspire, challenge and develop those children who have had very little access to the arts.”

Qashqai project currently the ninth best-selling car in the UK. Prime Minister David Cameron said: “This investment from Nissan is fantastic news and a great demonstration of the strength and vitality of the UK car industry. “That future manufacturing and R&D has been secured is a tribute to the skill, expertise and hard work of Nissan’s UK workforce.” This investment from

Nissan is fantastic news and a great demonstration of the strength and vitality of the UK car industry. It follows almost a million sales of the current model of the Qashqai, which is the highest-volume car produced in the UK with export levels of around 80%. The first stage of development will see the new version of the car styled at Nissan’s European Design

Centre in Paddington, London. Once the design is finalised, engineers from the Nissan Technical Centre Europe in Cranfield, Bedfordshire will take hold of the project. The completed car will be built in the company’s Sunderland plant. Each Qashqai produced has 3,779 parts, of which 83.6% come from one of 224 UK suppliers.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


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World News

NSPCC-backed Iconic movie costumes App to stop up for grabs at auction Cyber-bullying A NEW PHONE app is being launched with the aim of putting an end to cyber-bullying of children via texts and mobiles. The Block’em app was thought up by Helen Perry, who was herself subjected to harassing calls on her mobile as an adult. “I found it all very unpleasant, as an adult, and I couldn’t stop looking at the messages,” she said. “Then I started to imagine what it would be like for a child to experience it.” She and friend Stephen Anderson created the app to block phone calls and texts from specific numbers so that the owner of the phone can keep their number. The person making the unwanted contact does not know they are being blocked. The app, priced £1.79, can be downloaded from the Block’em website and is, according to mother-of-three Ms Perry, easy to use. “The idea is that a child in a

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ICONIC movie costumes worn by Charlie Chaplin, Judy Garland and Marilyn Monroe are to be auctioned off in Hollywood.

bedroom with a mobile phone should feel safe and secure, not threatened,” she said. “With this app, they can just enter the number they don’t want calling and it’s blocked. “They can always unblock the number at a later date.” The app is aimed at children between the age of 11 and 15 and the idea is being backed by the NSPCC ,with 70% of the profits from the sale going back to the children’s charity. Cyber-bullying is considered more of a problem among girls than boys, according to the Home Office’s British Crime Survey. One in 10 girls between the ages of 13 and 15 now claim to have been bullied either through email or mobile phones. The study also revealed that the average parent believed harassment and intimidation of their child started as early as the age of eight.

Monroe’s subway dress from The Seven Year Itch, Garland’s blue cotton dress and one of her pairs of ruby red slippers from The Wizard of Oz are among the 3,500 items up for sale. Barbra Streisand’s sleeveless gold and jewelled gown from Hello, Dolly, said to be the most expensive dress ever made for a film, will also be on offer. The collection is owned by actress Debbie Reynolds, who starred in such films as Singing’ in the Rain and The Unsinkable Molly Brown. The 79-year-old said: “I started collecting at the MGM auction in 1970. “At that time, the people that owned the studio decided they liked real estate, they were not interested in any of the memorabilia. “They were just throwing it away. The music went under the freeway.” Joseph Maddalena, CEO of

celebrity memorabilia auction house Profiles in History, says the collection is unparalleled. “These are the greatest cos-

tumes and artifacts that survived all of film history, they are here,” he said. Mr Maddalena believes the

top item in the collection is Monroe’s dress from The Seven Year Itch. “In 1999, the dress that Marilyn wore when she sang ‘happy birthday Mr. President’, she wore it for three minutes in Madison Square Garden and it sold for 1.4 million,” he said. “This should do better than that and this should set a world record.” Reynold’s ultimate dream was to house the collection in a museum her plans fell through. As a result she decided to sell it. “I’m a fan of all of these great stars and I wanted to save their moment for a museum for the future. “I did not reach that goal and that makes me sad, but these things will be shared with people that love the stars as much as I do.” There are 11 Monroe dresses in the collection, costumes from the films Cleopatra and National Velvet worn by Elizabeth Taylor, plus Charlie Chaplin’s Tramp bowler. The outfits will be auctioned in a two-part sale later this month and in December.

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10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


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World News

Performance is key for Gruffalo author

THE GRUFFALO author Julia Donaldson has been unveiled as the new Children’s Laureate, taking over from illustrator Anthony Browne. The 62-year-old. who was born in London but lives in Glasgow, says she will “relish” the role. She said she thinks performance is the key to children’s enjoyment of books. “I’m a kind of drama and music person really. I wrote songs for years before I wrote books. “When I do author visits I get children to act out my stories. I think that is really helpful to children,” she said. Julia Donaldson has written more than 120 books including Tiddler and The Snail And The Whale, and teenage novel Running On The Cracks. Her most famous work, The Gruffalo, which tells the story

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of how a mouse outwits the mythical creature, has sold millions of copies. An animated film version was nominated for an Oscar last year. Donaldson said she was looking forward to becoming an “advocate” for reading and was not worried it would get in the way of her writing. “Luckily I was quite productive before I knew about this so I got a couple of texts finished and there are more on the way, so I don’t think the public will notice any gaps,” she said. She added she wanted to “explore the ways performance can help children enjoy reading and grow in confidence” and was thinking of planning “a big public performance” to mark the end of her stint in the role. Donaldson was presented with the children’s laureate medal and a £15,000 bursary cheque at an event in central London.

Royal Mail sell-off set to move step closer THE PRIVATISATION of the Royal Mail could begin this summer, as the proposals formally allowing the sell-off are expected to be passed by MPs. They will vote later on the plans, which protect the socalled universal postal service in its current form for at least the life of the current Parliament. The Post Office network will remain unchanged, and the Government will assume responsibility for the Royal Mail pension scheme’s £8.4bn deficit. Ed Davey, minister for postal affairs, said the proposals “safeguard the future of both Royal Mail and the Post Office - two cornerstones of British life”. Despite those guarantees, the unions are still warning of an uncertain future for the postal service. Billy Hayes, general secretary of the Communication Workers Union, said: “The fact of the matter is the British public don’t want to see the

Royal Mail privatised. “Vince Cable is flogging this company to the very people he denounced at the Liberal party conference - the spivs, the speculators and those who just want to make a fast buck.” Royal Mail has been faring relatively well in recent years, although the latest results saw a 73% fall in profits and a continued reduction in mail volumes. Richard Hooper, who advised the Government to privatise Royal Mail after leading a review in the postal service, predicted mail volumes would fall 40% in the next five years. But he believes private investment is the best way of preserving the ‘universal service’.

Mr Hooper said: “In order to maintain the universal service the finances of the Royal Mail need to be stabilised and made more robust. “The reason for this is the coming of e-mail, the coming of the internet and mobile phone texting has significantly eroded letter volumes.” The problem is not unique to the Royal Mail - across Europe other companies are having to cut costs, modernise equipment and come to terms with a reduced demand for mail deliveries. Despite their tough talk, the unions have already agreed to work with the Royal Mail in cutting 8,000 jobs a year until 2013. Many experts say further cuts will be needed before

the company is a viable proposition. Rob Wotherspoon, who works for the Royal Mail in Bristol, is concerned privatisation will provide uncertainty for his colleagues and their customers. “Me and other postal workers feel that we provide an important service to the public, rural communities and small businesses,” he said. “We think it’s too risky to gamble with that by introducing a private company that’s only going to be interested in the bottom line.” The Government has so far not said if it has a buyer in mind for the Royal Mail. Dutch company TNT was previously linked to investing in the company, but is now undergoing a restructuring and demerger. A private equity firm could be tempted and even a management buyout is a possibility. Whatever happens the staff will be given a stake in the new private company, even if the future for many of them seems far from certain.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


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Community News

No need to hunt for these Podencos THE Podenco Canario, a hunting dog of Egyptian and North African origin, dates back about 7,000 years and is the perfect animal for rabbit hunting, thanks to a prodigious nose, plus a keen sight and sharp hearing. They are mainly tracker dogs but, sadly, many of

them are abandoned when they can no longer hunt. Their owners tend to starve them because, they believe, it makes them hunt better. And it is a common sight to see emaciated Podencos roaming the streets and wasteland on the Island, having strayed from their owners, or been dumped by them. Accion del Sol have around 50 rescued Podencos at their Granadilla dog refuge, all of which have been nursed back to health and are now living their lives in a purpose-built

Lions prepare for their annual feast SAN MIGUEL Lions Club are holding their President’s Night on Saturday, 25th June at The Palms Restaurant on Golf del Sur. The annual event (7 for 7.30pm) costs 15 euros per ticket, which includes a sumptuous three-course meal (choice of menu), plus live entertainment. This is THE hot night of the year for the club and tickets are sure to sell out rapidly, so book yours by contacting Secretary Ralph Solomon in person, or by phone (685 542 128), or email

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And don’t forget to choose your meals on purchase of tickets from the following menu: Starters: Cauliflower & Blue Cheese Soup, or Honeydew Melon with Palma Ham. Main: Poached Salmon topped with Prawns & Mixed Veg, or Chicken Breast Encased in Pancetta with Crispy Salad & Sauteed Potatoes. Dessert: Banoffee Cheesecake, or Chocolate Bomb & Cream, or Fresh Fruit Salad with Cream or Ice Cream.

area. There, they have space to run, hunt and play freely together, but they are often overlooked as pets because of their hunting instincts. Yet they are very suited for rehoming to people with fincas or large gardens, so if you are interested in adopting a Podenco, then please call the refuge on 922 778 630 for more details. They can make loyal and gentle pets in a similar way to the greyhound, and you can see more pictures of Podencos at Accion Del Sol by following this link to their Facebook page media/set/?set=a.207183219 315978.55513.1000007290424 60&l=005a0af56e Please visit Accion del Sol anyway if you are looking to adopt a dog. The refuge is

Accion del Sol vet Jesus Morera with one of the rescued Podencos in his care

open Monday-Friday (3-6pm) and it is situated at junction 51 on the TF1, right next to the ecological wind farm ITER, at Granadilla Poligono Industrial Estate. Why not join our Accion Del

Sol Facebook? The address is pagehttps://www.facebook.c o m / h o m e . p h p ? r e f = c a nvas#!/profile.php?id=1000007 29042460 which carries daily updates on the good work done there.

There’s also info about the fun-time fund-raising events, and you can see lots of happy dogs, all looking for loving homes. Remember, every dog brought there by the various Town Hall dog-catchers receives full veterinary care, is bathed, deflead, wormed, inoculated, micro-chipped, passported and sterilised or castrated, all ready for its new home. Happily, the little dog David, pictured in Canarian Weekly last week, has been rehomed already with a kind, caring couple who have loads of love to share. It means he can put the first horrendous year of his life behind him and look forward to a bright future with his new owners.

Live Arico Update Our thanks to … Stephen Dodgson, for tirelessly rebuilding our all-new website at Even at this unfinished stage, we are very proud of it and want to thank Stephen for the endless hours he has spent on it to date. Please take a look. We have the facility to shop with Amazon and book excursions with Tenerife, both of which make us money. It is a work in progress, so bear with us and keep checking in on a regular basis. Have a look at Stephen’s blog on Upcoming events Next Saturday (18th June), from 2pm, we will be having a bbq fun afternoon at Olivers Bar, opposite the Arona Gran Hotel, in Los Cristianos. There will be plenty for the kids to do, including a bouncy castle, and there will be live entertainment hosted by Suzy q and Gordon King. Come and spend a sunny afternoon with us. On Friday, 24th June, we will be celebrating mid-summer night at Restaurant Maria, El Nautico Suites, Golf del Sur. Join us for fish, chips and live entertainment at this stunning, frontline venue. Tickets are only 10 euros, to include supper and a free entry into a prize draw. Entertainment will be provided by the one and only Nick Page, plus Phil Gibson, Suzy Q and Tanya Tevaro. Tickets looking to sell out fast, so get yours from El Nautico Cafeteria, or Suzy q on 629 388 102. On Wednesday, 13th July, we will be at Legends, Los Cristianos, for an event still in the planning stages. Finally, pencil Sunday, 31st July, in your diaries as a day not to

be missed. Watch this space! Home-made treats Treat your pooch to lovely, home-made snacks from Kimbos Pupcakes. They are made with natural ingredients and include such items as carrot cupcakes topped with doggy chocolate. They are a hit with the refuge dogs, and are on sale in our shops at just one euro per bag. Or, you can place your orders direct with Kim on 628 850 339. And yes, she makes human treats, too. Hand-painted pet portraits Local artist Alison Sturgess has designed a range of greetings cards, for just two euros, and they are now on sale in our shops. She will also hand-draw or paint portraits of your pets and donate 25% of her fee to Live Arico. Her work is firstclass and can be viewed at Top Dog grooming TOP DOG, based on the ground floor of the Apolo Centre, is a new animal-grooming centre which plans to work closely with Live Arico. Owners Chris and Melody have offered to groom and pamper our dogs prior to rehoming, and will also act as the point of contact between pooch and new owner. For more information, call 922 792 266 or Sam (the groomer) directly on 698 661 458. Our new web browser Many thanks to those who have downloaded our desktop and browser. We are proud to be on board this growing internet business. If you haven’t downloaded yet, the address is - then, from the Super Content Tab, select “Download SMD”

As a free user, the login is Live Arico. For those who have, please use the browser instead of your usual one. That’s because we get paid only when our browsers are open and running. Why not be a Smart Media Technologies representative? For a small outlay you, too, can be paid for giving away this fantastic supertool and browser. Call Suzy Q for more information. Refuge opening hours We are open Wednesday to Saturday, from 1-5pm, and Sundays by prior arrangement with Eugene. Live Arico shop chain All three shops are now open for business, so bag a bargain from all the second-hand books, toys, clothes and bric-abrac on sale. Also, pop in to leave donations of dog food, to ask for information about Live Arico, or just for a friendly chat. We need volunteers, so please call Trisha on 638 407 344, or Debbie on the number below, if you can spare a few hours a week. Shops’ opening hours Coral Mar, Silencio (in association with Tenerife Nursing and Care) - Monday-Friday, 10am4pm. Saturday, 11am-2pm. San Eugenio (opposite La Niña Hotel, near Amandas Bar) same hours. Los Cristianos (Churchill’s Square, near the play park and Chicagos Bar) - same hours, plus Thursday and Friday evenings until 8pm. Revised adoption procedures A minimum 50-euro donation for an adopted male dog, and 75 euros for a female, is now required by Live Arico. This is paid direct to Hospivet Sur on collection of your new pet,

which will be chipped, vaccinated and wormed. We are negotiating special rates for neutering and spaying. South Tenerife Rescue Centre We have now sold 649sqm of land up to now, making a total of 3,245 euros. The plan to buy our own plot of land remains, possibly where we are now renting, so are you prepared to buy a square metre of land for Live Arico? At just five euros, you will receive a certificate from Live Arico for now, and your name, address and number of square metres purchased will be on a Roll of Honour at the new refuge. Dog-grooming Claire is offering 10% of her fee to Live Arico. She has 18 years of experience, so call her on 660 862 910 for an appointment, and quote Live Arico so we can receive our donation. Important telephone numbers Eugene: 649 001 907 (call if you find an animal abandoned or in distress) Suzy Q: 629 388 102 (fundraising, press releases, prize donations, etc) Pete Holland: 661 099 365 (Poochies Pet Hotel for boarding your dog) Debbie Gibson: 637 918 158 (shop donations and collections, overseeing land purchase) You can also read about us at or http://tenerifedogs.blogspot. com Lastly, as we have said before, please think hard about what will happen to your pet if you are re-locating to the UK. Remember, a dog is for life and NOT just for the duration of your stay in Tenerife.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

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10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Television Guide


So You Think You Can Dance: The Final Live Saturday 11 June, 7:15pm - 8:20pm, BBC1 Nothing says Saturday night like Cat Deeley in skyscraper heels and Nigel Lythgoe murmuring, "I found it very sensual". Sadly, they can't carry on like that all year. This evening's final will see one hopeful crowned Britain's favourite dancer, and he or she will set off for Hollywood with £50,000 tucked into their hot-pants pocket. Tonight's two live shows will feature a guest performance from Jennifer Lopez (at 10pm) and a chance to see all the finalists again, as all 20 take part in a snazzy group performance. After descending from the ceiling, the last four standing will take part in a gruelling set of dances. Expect excellent fi nale hair from judge Sisco Gomez.

So You Think You Can Dance: The Final Results Saturday 11 June, 10:00pm - 10:30pm, BBC1 Cat Deeley presents as the dance competition draws to a close, with pressure mounting as the winner of £50,000 and the chance to perform on the American version of the programme is announced. Featuring a performance by Jennifer Lopez.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

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Television Guide

F R I D A Y 6:00am ........................Breakfast

6:00am ........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ..........................Daybreak

9:15am ....................Crimewatch Roadshow

6:10am ..............................Dip Dap

8:30am ............................Lorraine

6:15am ............Pinky Dinky Doo

10:00am BBC News; Weather

6:30am ........Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ..............Homes Under the Hammer

6:45am ......................Octonauts

10:30am ..............This Morning

7:00am.......................... Wild Tales

12:30pm ............Loose Women

7:30am.................................... Leon

1:30pm ........................ITV News and Weather

11:00am ................Real Rescues 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am ........Cash in the Attic

7:30am .......... The Scooby-Doo Show

12:15pm ..............Bargain Hunt

7:55am ....................Newsround

1:00pm ..BBC News; Weather

8:00am ......Basil and Barney’s Game Show

1:30pm ..............Regional News and Weather

2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm ..............Secret Dealers

8:30am ......Show Me Show Me

3:59pm ........London Weather

8:55am ..........Bob the Builder: Project Build It

4:00pm ....Midsomer Murders

9:05am ....The Koala Brothers

6:00pm ..........................Weather

9:15am ............Guess with Jess

6:00pm ..........London Tonight

3:05pm ........................Copycats

9:30am ..................Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab

6:30pm ........................ITV News and Weather

3:30pm ............Deadly 60 Bites

9:45am ..................Buzz and Tell

7:00pm ....................Emmerdale

3:40pm ..........................Wingin’ It

9:50am ..Big Cook Little Cook

7:30pm ......Coronation Street

4:00pm ............................Remote Control Star

10:10am ....Little Charley Bear

1:45pm ............................ Doctors 2:15pm ........................Escape to the Country 3:00pm ......................BBC News; Weather; Regional News

4:30pm................ Fee Fi Fo Yum 5:00pm ....................Newsround 5:15pm ..................Weakest Link

10:20am ........................Zingzillas 10:45am ......................Waybuloo 11:05am In the Night Garden

6:00pm ..........................Weather

11:35am ........................The Pink Panther Show

6:00pm ........................BBC News

12:00pm ................Daily Politics

6:30pm ......BBC London News

12:30pm ......................GMT with George Alagiah

7:00pm ......................BBC News; Regional News 7:00pm .............. The One Show

1:00pm Tennis from Queen’s

8:00pm .................... EastEnders

5:15pm ....................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

8:30pm ..A Question of Sport

6:00pm ........................ Eggheads

9:00pm ......................Have I Got News for You

6:30pm ............................Britain’s Empty Homes

9:30pm .............. Outnumbered

7:00pm ......Petworth House The Big Spring Clean

10:00pm .................... BBC News

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1:55pm ................London News and Weather

10:25pm ..........Regional News and Weather

7:30pm ................................Coast

10:35pm ................The Graham Norton Show

9:00pm ..........Julia Bradbury’s Canal Walks

11:20pm ..............The National Lottery Friday Night Draws

9:30pm ..Paul Merton’s Birth of Hollywood

11:30pm........................ Disturbia

11:00pm ........................Weather

1:05am ..............The One Show

11:00pm ....The Review Show

2:10am ..................Monty Don’s Italian Gardens

11:50pm ..............................Brazil

8:30pm ........Gardeners’ World

10:30pm.................... Newsnight

8:00pm ......Love Your Garden 8:30pm ......Coronation Street 9:00pm ..........................Injustice 10:00pm ................ ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ............London News and Weather 10:35pm ..............American Pie Presents Band Camp 12:15am .. ITV News Headlines 12:15am........................ The Zone 2:20am ......Jeremiah Johnson 4:00am ..........ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ......ITV Morning News

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Television Guide

Friday 10 June 6:00am ..............Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ..........Best of Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ....Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ............The Apprentice

6:30am ....Nothing to Declare

8:00pm ..................Doctor Who

7:00am ..............Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am .......................... Lion Man

7:00am ..............Jerry Springer

8:00am ..................Verminators

8:50pm ..................Doctor Who Confidential

9:00am The Sky Sports Years

7:30am ..............Jerry Springer

9:00am ....Medical Emergency

10:00am ..Football’s Greatest

8:00am ................................Maury

10:00am ..............................House

10:30am ............Live European Tour Golf

12:00pm ......Stargate Atlantis

9:00am ............America’s Next Top Model

2:00pm ..................Verminators 3:00pm ..........UK Border Force

11:00am ..............................Maury

6:55am ......Milkshake! Bop Box

12:30pm ........Premier League World

10:00am .......... Four Weddings

7:00am ................Little Princess

1:00pm............................ Ringside

4:00pm ..........................Oops TV

9:55am ..........................Location, Location, Location

7:15am ........The Mr Men Show

2:00pm ............................The Sky Sports Years

12:00pm ......CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:55am ............A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:40am ........Milkshake Monkey

6:00am .... The Treacle People

6:00am ......Thomas & Friends

6:10am ......................The Hoobs

6:10am........................ The Beeps

6:40am ......................The Hoobs

6:20am ..........The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:05am ........Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ........Everybody Loves Raymond 8:00am .............................. Frasier 8:25am ..............................Frasier 9:00am ..............................Friends 9:30am ....................Accidentally on Purpose

12:00pm ....................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm ..........................Kirstie’s Homemade Home 1:00pm ............The Way Ahead 3:10pm ....................Countdown 4:00pm ............Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ................Four in a Bed 5:30pm ....Come Dine with Me

6:35am ....................Castle Farm 6:40am ......................Igam Ogam 6:50am ........................Peppa Pig

7:30am ......Thomas & Friends 7:45am Make Way for Noddy 8:00am ..............................Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am ........................Peppa Pig 8:20am ........................Peppa Pig 8:30am Roary the Racing Car 8:40am ..............Hana’s Helpline 8:50am ................The WotWots

4:30pm ........................Futurama 5:00pm ..............The Simpsons

3:00pm ....Football’s Greatest

5:30pm ........................Futurama

3:30pm ..............Live European Tour Golf

6:00pm ......................The Middle

5:30pm ..............Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket

8:00pm ........................Futurama

9:00pm .... Football’s Greatest

9:00pm ..................Raising Hope

10:00pm ........................The Sky Sports Years

9:30pm ..................A League of Their Own: Best of

11:00pm ....................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

10:30pm ......Spartacus: Blood and Sand

6:30pm ................The Simpsons 8:30pm................ The Simpsons

9:00am ............Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

1:00pm ........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

9:00pm ............................World’s Craziest Fools 9:30pm ..................Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show 10:00pm ..................EastEnders 10:30pm ....................Tourism & the Truth: Stacey Dooley Investigates Kenya 11:30pm ..................Family Guy

3:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

12:15am ..................................Ideal

4:00pm .......................... Charmed

12:45am ..................Angry Boys

5:00pm ................................Bones

1:45am ..............................World’s Craziest Fools

6:00pm ............America’s Next Top Model 7:00pm ........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:15am ..................Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show

10:00pm ......................CSI: Miami

2:45am ..............Tourism & the Truth: Stacey Dooley Investigates Kenya

11:00pm ............................Bones

3:40am ......................Angry Boys

8:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

9:15am ........The Wright Stuff 6:00pm ................The Simpsons

11:05am The Hotel Inspector

6:30pm ........................Hollyoaks

6:00am ........Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am ........Kings of the Surf

7:00am ......................Ray Mears’ World of Survival

6:00am ........................Inside the Actors Studio

6:00am ......Coronation Street

12:00pm .... Meals in Moments

7:00pm ..........Channel 4 News

12:10pm ....5 News Lunchtime

8:00am ........................Fifth Gear

7:00am ......Star Trek: Voyager

7:25pm ......Unreported World

7:00am ........................WWE: Raw

6:50am ....................Emmerdale

12:20pm ................ Law & Order

8:00am Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ................Loose Women

1:15pm ..........Home and Away

9:00am ..........................ATP Tour Uncovered

8:30am ........The Gadget Show


9:00am ........................................ER

8:00pm ..............A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

8:10am...................... Judge Judy

1:45pm ....................Neighbours

9:00am.................... The Best of Top Gear

10:00am ........thirtysomething

10:00am ..............Dragons’ Den

11:00am ....................The X Files

9:00pm ....................Channel 4’s Comedy Gala 11:45pm ......................The Ricky Gervais Show

2:15pm ......The Vanessa Show

9:30am.................................... IAAF Athletix Weekly

3:05pm ......Meals in Moments

10:00am ........................Ringside

11:00am...................... Fifth Gear

12:00pm ..Star Trek: Voyager

9:25am ..........................The Real Housewives of Orange County

3:20pm ..........They Come Back

11:00am ....Trans World Sport

11:30am...... The Gadget Show

1:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise

10:30am ..................Judge Judy

5:00pm ....................5 News at 5

12:00pm ....................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

12:00pm ................The Best of Top Gear

2:00pm ........................................ ER

12:00pm.... Coronation Street

3:00pm ..........thirtysomething

12:30pm ..................Emmerdale

2:00pm ..............Championship Rugby League

2:00pm ..............Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

4:00pm ......................The X Files

1:30pm ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

5:30pm ....................Neighbours 12:15am ..........Comic’s Choice: Sean Lock

6:00pm ..........Home and Away 6:25pm ..............................OK! TV

1:15am ............................Mercury Prize Sessions

7:00pm ....................5 News at 7

1:30am ....4Play: Frank Turner 1:45am ............My Name Is Earl

8:00pm ..............Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers

2:10am ............My Name Is Earl

9:00pm ................The Mentalist

2:45am ......................Ugly Betty

10:00pm ................ Law & Order

3:30am ......................Ugly Betty 4:20am ............Hill Street Blues

6:25am ....................Emmerdale

7:30pm ........................Fifth Gear

10:55pm...................... CSI: Miami

5:10am ....................Countdown

11:55pm ........Rough Guide to Short Breaks

5:55am ............................Sali Mali

12:10am ..........................SCXTRA

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

4:00pm ............................Ringside

3:00pm ........................Fifth Gear

5:00pm ......................WWE: Raw

3:30pm ......The Gadget Show

7:00pm ......................Tight Lines

4:00pm.......................... The Best of Top Gear

8:00pm ....Live PGA Tour Golf 11:00pm ....European Seniors Tour Golf

6:00pm ................Dragons’ Den

12:00am European Tour Golf

8:00pm The Best of Top Gear

2:00am ................PGA Tour Golf

9:00pm ....Would I Lie to You?

5:00am ........Kings of the Surf

9:40pm ............Mock the Week

5:30am ............Road to London

10:20pm ....................Have I Got News for You

7:00pm ..................Trawlermen

5:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager 6:00pm ........................................ER 7:00pm ........................Inside the Actors Studio

2:35pm ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

8:00pm ..................Prison Break

3:40pm ..........................The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:00pm ..........................Big Love

4:40pm ..............Loose Women

10:10pm .............. In Treatment

5:40pm ....................Judge Judy

11:20pm ......................Funny or Die Presents

7:00pm ..................You’ve Been Framed and Famous!

11:55pm ............................Weeds

8:00pm ........................The Cube: Celebrity Special

Page 23

Television Guide

S A T U R D A Y 6:00am ........................Breakfast

6:00am ........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am .......................... Mini CITV

9:00am .......................... Saturday Kitchen Live

6:10am ..............................Dip Dap

7:25am ....................................CITV

6:15am ............Pinky Dinky Doo

8:25am ......................House Gift

10:30am ..............Trooping the Colour: The Queen’s Birthday Parade

6:30am ........Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am ......Coronation Street

6:45am ......................Octonauts

11:45am ..............This Morning: Saturday

12:15pm ....................BBC News; Regional News and Weather

7:00am ............Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions 7:30am ..............................Arthur

12:45pm ......................ITV News and Weather

7:55am ..........Shaun the Sheep

12:54pm ...... London Weather 12:55pm ................ Being There

1:00pm Tennis from Queen’s

8:00am ............Little Howard’s Big Question

5:00pm ..BBC News; Regional News and Weather

8:25am ..................Prank Patrol Down Under

5:35pm ..........................Weather

5:15pm ......................Formula 1: Canadian Grand Prix - Qualifying

8:50am ..Dennis and Gnasher

5:45pm ........................ITV News and Weather

12:30pm ..................A Question of Sport

7:15pm ................So You Think You Can Dance: The Final Live 8:20pm.................. The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 9:10pm ..........................Casualty

9:00am ....Dick & Dom Go Wild

3:10pm ......................Octopussy 5:35pm ..........London Tonight

9:30am ........................Deadly 60 10:00am ..........Relic: Guardians of the Museum

6:00pm ..................New Kids Do the Funniest Things

10:30am ....................League of Super Evil

7:00pm ............................Ice Age: the Meltdown

10:40am ............ Wolverine and the X-Men 11:00am ......................Mortified 11:25am............................ OOglies 11:40am ........MOTD Kickabout 12:00pm ......The Sky at Night 12:20pm ............Homes Under the Hammer 12:50pm ......Diagnosis Murder

10:00pm ..............So You Think You Can Dance: The Final Results 10:30pm ........................National Lottery Update 10:30pm BBC News; Weather 10:50pm ..Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow 11:35pm ..............Weatherview 11:35pm ........................City Hall 1:25am ........................BBC News 1:30am ..............Question Time

4:30pm ........................Escape to the Country 5:30pm ..............................Flog It! 6:30pm ....................BBC Cardiff Singer of the World - The Week Ahead

8:40pm ........................The Cube Celebrity Special: McFly

7:00pm .................... Dad’s Army

9:40pm ........................ITV News and Weather

7:30pm ................Trooping the Colour Highlights

9:54pm ........London Weather 9:55pm ............Batman Begins

2:00am ........................BBC News

9:00pm ..........Have I Got a Bit More News for You

2:30am ..................Cannes 2011

9:45pm ..................................QI XL

12:25am ............Grimefighters

3:00am ........................BBC News

10:30pm ........................ Grumpy Old Holidays

12:55am ..ITV News Headlines

11:00pm ......................Then She Found Me

3:00am .................. In Plain Sight

12:35am ................In Search of a Midnight Kiss

5:30am ......ITV Morning News

3:30am ........................Our World 4:00am ........................BBC News 4:30am ....................................Click 5:00am ........................BBC News

Page 24

1:35pm ......................The Fall of the Roman Empire

12:55am ......................The Zone 3:45am ..........ITV Nightscreen

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Television Guide

Saturday 11 June 6:00am ....The Treacle People

6:00am ........................Peppa Pig

6:00am ........Aerobics Oz Style

6:10am ...................... The Hoobs

6:05am Roary the Racing Car

6:35am ..............The Film Show

6:15am ..............................Fifi and the Flowertots

6:30am ..................International Rugby League

6:00am ..................Don’t Forget the Lyrics

6:00am ....Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ...... Almost Famous IV

6:30am ....Nothing to Declare

7:35pm ............101 Dalmatians

7:00am................ My Pet Shame

7:00am ..............Jerry Springer

8:00am ............................Ringside

8:00am ........................ Gladiators

7:30am ..............Jerry Springer

6:25am ..................Fireman Sam

9:00am ...................... Cricket AM

9:00am ........WWE Superstars

8:00am ................................Maury

10:30am ........Premier League World

10:00am ................A League of Their Own

9:00am ......The Biggest Loser

7:55am ........The Morning Line

6:40am ..Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

8:50am ..............................Friends

6:50am .................. Elmo’s World

11:00am.......................... Ringside 12:00pm ............ Live European Tour Golf

11:00am........ Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker

11:00am ..........Drop Dead Diva

9:20am ..........................Hollyoaks Music Show

7:05am ..................................Chiro

7:00am ..............................Ginetta Challenge 2011 7:25am ............................The Grid

9:50am ....................................Glee

7:15am ................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:30am ........Noddy in Toyland 7:45am ..............Hana’s Helpline 8:00am ................Little Princess 8:10am ..........The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

10:50am ..........................Friends

8:30am Mist: Sheepdog Tales

11:25am ........Style the Nation

8:45am ....................Rupert Bear

12:20pm ..........................The Big Bang Theory

9:00am ..................................Olivia

12:50pm ..........................The Big Bang Theory

9:30am ............Gerald McBoing Boing

1:25pm ..........That Paralympic Show

10:00am...................... Fifth Gear 10:30am .... The Gadget Show

2:00pm ........Channel 4 Racing

11:30am ........Extreme Fishing with Robson Green At the Ends of the Earth

4:05pm ..........Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 4:35pm ..........Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 5:05pm ..........Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 5:35pm ..........Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

9:15am ........The Mr Men Show

12:35pm ........The Violent Men 2:30pm ......Objective, Burma! 5:10pm ....................See No Evil, Hear No Evil 7:00pm ........5 News Weekend

12:00pm ....................Road Wars

12:00pm ..........Drop Dead Diva

1:00pm ............................A Town Called Eureka

1:00pm ................................Bones

2:00pm ......WWE: Smackdown

4:00pm ............Four Weddings

4:00pm ......................The Middle

5:00pm ....Nothing to Declare

9:10pm ........Live at the Apollo

7:00pm ........................Live UEFA Under-21s European Championship

6:00pm ..........Emergency with Angela Griffin

5:30pm ....Nothing to Declare

9:45pm ......................Family Guy

6:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:05pm ..................Family Guy

10:00pm ............Live Saturday Fight Night

7:30pm ................The Simpsons

4:00pm ....Football’s Greatest 4:30pm ........................Live UEFA Under-21s European Championship

9:00pm ..............Forrest Gump

8:00pm ................My Fake Baby

11:45pm ......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime UK

9:00pm ..................................Katie 10:00pm ............Criminal Minds

2:15am ..............Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes

12:45am ....................Road Wars

11:00pm ............Criminal Minds

5:15am ..................................Close

6:00am ...... Trans World Sport

7:10am ................................TOTP2

6:00am .......... thirtysomething

6:00am .................... Emmerdale

7:00am ........................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

8:00am ..........................The Best of Top Gear

7:00am ..........thirtysomething 8:00am .......... thirtysomething

8:45am ..............Adam Sandler: The Hot Desk

9:00am NFL: America’s Game

10:00am ........................GT Racer

9:00am ..........thirtysomething

9:00am ....Holiday Showdown

10:00am ..WWE: Smackdown 12:00pm .. WWE: Bottom Line

11:00am ............Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

10:00am ...................... Star Trek: Enterprise

10:05am ................You’ve Been Framed and Famous!

1:00pm ..................International Rugby League

12:00pm ................The Best of Top Gear

11:00am ...................... Star Trek: Enterprise

11:05am ..........................Liar Liar

2:30pm ..............Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket

2:00pm ......................Ray Mears’ World of Survival

12:00pm ......................Star Trek: Enterprise

3:00pm ..................Britain’s Got More Talent

2:40pm ......................Have I Got News for You

3:00pm ........................................ER

4:00pm ..................Britain’s Got More Talent

2:00am ..........................Saturday Fight Night

7:05pm .................................... NCIS

6:45pm ..............................Sahara

8:00pm ........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:00pm ......................Live Grand Prix Speedway

9:00pm ..........................Camelot

9:00pm ..............................CSI: NY

9:00pm ....Live PGA Tour Golf

11:05pm ......................The Quick and the Dead

10:00pm ..............Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

11:00pm ....European Seniors Tour Golf

10:55pm ......CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:50pm ..............Rough Guide to Cities

3:55am ............Hill Street Blues

12:05am .......................... SCXTRA

4:50am ............................Wogan’s Perfect Recall

12:35am ................ SuperCasino

5:15am ....................Countdown

3:55am ..................Rough Guide to Journey

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

10:30pm ..........Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes

8:00pm ......................Road Wars

12:00am ................................UEFA Under-21s European Championship


3:00am ..........................The Real Housewives of New Jersey

7:00pm ................The Simpsons

2:00pm ................................Bones

7:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:10pm ..........Channel 4 News

1:10am ................................Bogus

10:00am ....The Biggest Loser

3:20pm ........................................QI 4:00pm ..........................The Best of Top Gear 6:00pm .... Would I Lie to You? 6:40pm ......................Have I Got News for You

4:00pm ........................................ER 5:00pm ........................................ER 6:00pm ........................................ER 7:00pm ........................................ER 8:00pm ......................Blue Bloods 9:00pm ......................The Pacific

1:30am ..............American Dad! 1:50am ..............American Dad!

12:50pm .............................. Twins

6:00pm ..................Britain’s Got More Talent 7:00pm ....................Animals Do the Funniest Things 8:00pm ..........................Celebrity Grimefighters

12:00am ...................... European Tour Golf

7:20pm.......................................... QI

10:10pm ....Game of Thrones

2:00am ......................Grand Prix Speedway

8:00pm ..............Michael Palin’s New Europe

11:30pm ................Pulp Fiction

9:00pm ............The Shawshank Redemption

2:25am ......................The Pacific

11:50pm ............The River Wild

5:00am ..........Premier League World

9:00pm ....................New Dave’s One Night Stand

3:45am ..................Prison Break

2:00am ..................Secret Diary of a Call girl

5:30am ....FIFA Futbol Mundial

2:35am ................................Banzai

4:40am ..............Big Love: Meet the Characters

Page 25

Television Guide

S U N D A Y 6:00am ........................Breakfast

6:00am ........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ..........................Mini CITV

9:00am ..................The Andrew Marr Show

6:10am ..............................Dip Dap

7:25am .................................... CITV

6:15am ............Pinky Dinky Doo

10:00am ..........Live Pentecost from Halifax Minster

6:30am ........Tinga Tinga Tales

8:25am ................May the Best House Win

6:45am ......................Octonauts

9:25am ..Dickinson’s Real Deal

7:00am ............Ed and Oucho’s Excellent Inventions

10:25am 60 Minute Makeover

11:00am ................Weather for the Week Ahead 11:00am .......... Country Tracks 12:00pm ....The Politics Show 1:05pm ....................EastEnders 3:00pm ........................Escape to the Country 4:00pm ............Songs of Praise 4:35pm ..BBC News; Regional News and Weather 5:00pm ......................Formula 1: Canadian Grand Prix Live

7:30am ..............................Arthur

11:30am ..............This Morning: Sunday

7:55am ..........Shaun the Sheep

12:30pm ................Dinner Date

8:00am ..............Gimme a Break

1:25pm ........................ITV News and Weather

8:30am ......................Me and My Monsters 9:00am ..........Friday Download 10:00am ..........Something for the Weekend 11:30am ............................ Flog It!

1:34pm ........London Weather 1:35pm .............. Survival: Tales from the Wild 2:30pm ..........Inspector Morse 4:30pm ....Midsomer Murders

12:30pm ................ Live MotoGP 2:30pm Tennis from Queen’s 5:10pm ..The Story of Ireland 6:10pm ..Richard Hammond’s Engineering Connections

8:15pm .. Antiques Roadshow 9:00pm ..............Case Histories 10:00pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 7:00pm ..........................Top Gear

6:30pm ..........London Tonight

11:10pm ..............Weatherview

8:00pm ..................James May’s Toy Stories: The Great Train Race

6:45pm ........................ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ........................The Royal

9:00pm ................................Coast

8:00pm Popstar to Operastar

12:15am ..........The Apprentice

10:00pm ........Mock the Week

9:00pm ..............Scott & Bailey

1:15am ........................Holby City

10:30pm ......The Shadow Line

2:15am ..................A History of Ancient Britain

11:30pm ................ Catch a Fire

10:00pm ..................Popstar to Operastar: The Results

3:15am ........................BBC News

1:05am ........................BBC News

3:30am ....The Record Europe

1:30am ........................Reporters

4:00am ........................BBC News

2:00am ........................ BBC News

4:30am ..........................HARDtalk

2:30am ..........Dateline London

5:00am ........................BBC News

3:00am ........................BBC News

5:30am ............World Business Report

3:15am ........................The Super League Show

5:45am ........................BBC News

4:00am ..................................Close

11:10pm ..........Andrew Marr’s Megacities

Page 26

6:30pm ..........................Weather

10:25pm ....................Moving On

10:30pm ......................ITV News and Weather 10:44pm ......London Weather 10:45pm ....................Vanity Fair 1:20am ....ITV News Headlines 1:20am ........................The Zone 2:00am ............Motorsport UK 2:50am............ ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ...... ITV Morning News

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Television Guide

Sunday 12 June 7:00pm ..................The World’s Strictest Parents

6:00am .... The Treacle People

6:00am ........................Peppa Pig

6:00am ........Aerobics Oz Style

6:00am ..............Hour of Power

6:00am ....Nothing to Declare

6:10am ......................The Hoobs

6:05am Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ....FIFA Futbol Mundial

7:00am ..............My Pet Shame

7:00am ..............Jerry Springer

6:35am ......................The Hoobs

6:15am ..............................Fifi and the Flowertots

7:00am ........................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

8:00am ............................Oops TV

8:00am ................................Maury 9:00am ............Passport Patrol

6:25am ..................Fireman Sam

9:00am .............................. Cricket Writers on TV

9:00am ..........Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker

8:00pm ......................Tourism & the Truth: Stacey Dooley Investigates Kenya

10:00am ..........Four Weddings

10:00am ......WWE Superstars

9:00pm ............Gavin & Stacey

1:00pm ..................................Katie

11:00am ......WWE: Experience

2:00pm ..................................Katie

9:30pm ............Gavin & Stacey: The Outtakes

12:00pm ....Stargate Universe

3:00pm ................................ Bones

10:00pm.................... Family Guy

1:00pm.................. Isle of Wight Festival 2011 Highlights

5:00pm ....Nothing to Declare

10:20pm.................... Family Guy

6:00pm .... Nothing to Declare

10:45pm ..........American Dad!

2:00pm ..............The Simpsons

7:00pm ................Psychic Sally: On the Road

11:30pm ........................Our War

7:00am ....................................That Paralympic Show 7:25am ......Rat Race Stockton 7:55am ..........Style the Nation

6:40am ..Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

8:20am ..............................Friends

6:50am ..................Elmo’s World

8:45am ..........................Hollyoaks

7:05am ..................................Chiro

11:20am ............................Friends

7:15am ................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

11:50am ..................................Glee 12:50pm ............The Simpsons 1:20pm ..............The Simpsons 1:55pm ................Four in a Bed 2:25pm ................Four in a Bed 2:55pm ................Four in a Bed 3:25pm ................Four in a Bed 4:00pm ................Four in a Bed 4:30pm ............Help! My House Is Falling Down 5:35pm ............Deal or No Deal

7:30am ........Noddy in Toyland 7:40am ............................Mio Mao 7:45am ..............Hana’s Helpline 8:00am ................Little Princess 8:10am ..........Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 8:15am ..........The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:30am Mist: Sheepdog Tales

6:30pm ..........Channel 4 News

8:45am ....................Rupert Bear


9:00am ..................................Olivia

7:00pm ..............A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

9:15am ........The Mr Men Show

8:00pm ........Definitely, Maybe 10:10pm ........ Monster-in-Law

9:30am ............Gerald McBoing Boing 10:00am ............Animal Rescue Squad 10:15am ...... McFly on the Wall 10:45am ........The Restaurant Inspector

1:05am ....................Teen Horse Whisperers 1:35am ........................Swimming 1:50am ........................Cleopatra

12:30pm ..Football’s Greatest 1:00pm ..............Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket 4:30pm ........................Live UEFA Under-21s European Championship 7:00pm ........................Live UEFA Under-21s European Championship

2:30pm ..............The Simpsons 5:30pm ..................Raising Hope 6:00pm ..................A League of Their Own 7:30pm ........................Futurama 8:00pm ................The Simpsons

12:00am ......................CSI: Miami

2:40am ..............................World’s Craziest Fools

12:00am ................................UEFA Under-21s European Championship

9:00pm ................Hawaii Five-0

1:00am ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:10am ............................Our War

10:00pm ....................Mad Dogs 11:00pm ......................Lie to Me

2:00am ................Super League

7:10am ................................TOTP2

6:00am ......................The X Files

6:00am ......Coronation Street

8:00am ....................The Best of Top Gear

7:00am ......................The X Files

8:05am ....................Emmerdale

8:00am ......................The X Files

11:00am ....Coronation Street

10:00am ........................GT Racer

9:00am ......................The X Files

9:00am ..........................Saturday Fight Night

11:00am ............Michael Palin’s New Europe

10:00am...................... Inside the Actors Studio

1:30pm ............................Planet’s Funniest Animals

11:00am ....................Wild Spirits

11:00am ...................... Inside the Actors Studio 12:00pm ......................Inside the Actors Studio

12:30pm ............Live European Tour Golf

3:00pm ..............Michael Palin’s New Europe

4:30pm ....................................Polo

4:00pm ..........................The Best of Top Gear

5:30pm........Live Super League

3:00pm ...... Star Trek: Voyager

5:00pm ..........................Top Gear

4:00pm ...... Star Trek: Voyager

6:00pm ..........Dangerous Jobs for Girls

5:00pm ...... Star Trek: Voyager

11:00pm ....European Seniors Tour Golf

7:00pm .................................. Tribe

10:00pm ..................Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat

8:00pm ......Last Man Standing

4:15am ....................Men of Iron

4:00am ............Rough Guide to Bang for Your Buck

12:00am ......................European Tour Golf

4:10am ..................Great Artists

2:00am ................PGA Tour Golf

11:00pm ..........Gavin & Stacey

4:35am ....................Nick’s Quest

5:00am ..................................Close

11:40pm ........Never Mind the Buzzcocks

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

1:00pm ........................Inside the Actors Studio

8:00pm ..........................Live PGA Tour Golf

4:45pm ..............Stuart Little 2

1:15am.................... SuperCasino

5:55am ............................Sali Mali

4:20am ..............Tourism & the Truth: Stacey Dooley Investigates Kenya

7:00am ..................................UEFA Under-21s European Championship

3:15am ..........................The Lost Legions of Varus 5:10am ....................Countdown

2:40am ..................Supernatural

1:50am ..............Criminal Minds

6:00am ......................Max Power

2:00pm ............................Carpool

11:15pm ..........Reservoir Dogs

2:10am ............Gavin & Stacey: The Outtakes

11:30pm ..Football’s Greatest

12:00pm ........Road to London

9:00pm ......Collateral Damage

1:10am ..Formula 1: Canadian Grand Prix Highlights

10:00pm ............Super League

11:30am ................Racing News

6:20pm ......The Mask of Zorro

9:00pm ......Dating in the Dark 11:00pm ..............Supernatural

12:45pm ............Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers

6:15pm ........5 News Weekend

8:30pm ............Hot in Cleveland

12:40am ..........................World’s Craziest Fools

10:00pm............ Criminal Minds

11:45am The Hotel Inspector

3:15pm ....................The Duel at Silver Creek

8:00pm ................Cougar Town

7:00pm ..............Modern Family

12:00pm ................The Best of Top Gear

1:45pm ................Brave Warrior 12:05am ................The World’s Oldest Mums

10:30am ................................UEFA Under-21s European Championship

9:00pm ..................................QI XL

6:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

2:00pm ..................Britain’s Got More Talent 3:00pm ..................Britain’s Got More Talent 4:00pm ..................Britain’s Got More Talent 5:00pm .................. Britain’s Got More Talent 6:00pm ..................You’ve Been Framed and Famous! 7:05pm ......The Scorpion King

7:00pm ....Star Trek: Voyager

9:00pm ................Peter Andre: The Next Chapter

8:00pm ......Live on Air - Elbow

10:00pm..............Deep Blue Sea

9:15pm ..........................Big Love 10:30pm ........................Big Love

12:10am................ Basic Instinct

11:45pm ........................Big Love

2:25am ................Teleshopping

3:10am ......................The Pacific

5:25am ........ITV2 Nightscreen

4:20am ......................The X Files

Page 27

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

M O N D A Y 6:00am ........................Breakfast

6:00am ..................Children’s TV

6:00am ..........................Daybreak

9:15am ....................Crimewatch Roadshow

7:30am ....................................Leon

8:30am ............................Lorraine

7:30am ......................................The Scooby-Doo Show

9:25am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

7:55am ....................Newsround

10:30am................ This Morning 12:30pm ............Loose Women

11:00am ................ Real Rescues

8:00am ......Basil and Barney’s Game Show

11:45am BBC News; Weather

8:30am ......Show Me Show Me

1:30pm ........................ITV News and Weather

11:45am ........Cash in the Attic 12:15pm................ Bargain Hunt

8:55am ..........Bob the Builder: Project Build It

1:55pm ................London News and Weather

1:00pm ..BBC News; Weather

9:05am ....The Koala Brothers

2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover

1:30pm ..............Regional News and Weather

9:15am ............Guess with Jess

3:00pm ..............Secret Dealers 3:59pm ........London Weather

1:45pm ............................Doctors

9:30am ..................Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab

2:15pm ........................Escape to the Country

9:45am ................Chuggington: Badge Quest

3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:50am .. Big Cook Little Cook

3:05pm ............Deadly 60 Bites

10:20am ........................Zingzillas

6:30pm ........................ITV News and Weather

3:05pm.......................... Copycats

10:45am ......................Waybuloo

7:00pm ....................Emmerdale

3:40pm ..........................Wingin’ It

11:05am.. In the Night Garden

7:30pm ......Coronation Street

4:05pm ................................Sadie J

8:00pm ........................The Dales

4:30pm ......................Blue Peter

11:35am ........................The Pink Panther Show

4:55pm ..........Shaun the Sheep

12:00pm ................Daily Politics

5:00pm ....................Newsround

12:30pm ..............................Coast

9:00pm ....................The Walton Sextuplets: Moving On

5:15pm ..................Weakest Link

12:30pm ......................GMT with George Alagiah

10:00pm ................ ITV News at Ten and Weather

1:00pm ....................Only Angels Have Wings

10:30pm ............London News and Weather

3:00pm ....................Animal 24:7

10:35pm ..........Lethal Weapon

10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am ..............Homes Under the Hammer

6:00pm ........................ BBC News 6:30pm ..........................Weather 6:30pm ......BBC London News

Terry Pratchett – Choosing To Die

7:00pm ..............The One Show

9.00pm, BBC2 Sir Terry Pratchett explores the difficult subject of assisted death In a frank and personal documentary, award-winning author Sir Terry Pratchett takes a look at one of society’s most difficult subjects – assisted death. Sir Terry, who has the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease, has considered taking his own life once the condition becomes too much for him to bear. So he meets three men with degenerative conditions, all of whom have been faced with the same difficult choices that Sir Terry must

The Walton Sextuplets: Moving On 9pm, ITV1 Brand new documentary – part of the Extraordinary Families season – telling the story of one of Britain’s most extraordinary families. On 18 November 1983, Janet and Graham Walton became parents of the world’s first surviving set of female sextuplets – Hannah Jane, Lucy Anne, Ruth Michelle, Sarah Louise, Kate Elizabeth and Jennifer Rose. Hannah Jane was the small-

Page 28

grapple with, as well as some of the families that have been left behind. Two British men have chosen different paths – Mick (who has motor neurone disease) and Andrew (who has multiple sclerosis). While Mick has chosen to stay in the UK and opt for hospice care, Andrew has turned to Dignitas, a notfor-profit organisation in Switzerland. Sir Terry finds out more about their decisions. In Switzerland he joins a British couple. Peter, who has motor neurone disease, has also chosen to end his

est of the infants, and weighed just over two pounds. Janet and Graham had been trying to have children for several years and had just been accepted as potential adoptive parents when their thirteenth attempt at fertility treatment produced such incredible results. At the time of the babies’ birth, the six girls attracted a frenzy of media interest and their childhood on Merseyside was widely documented until they reached the age of 18. They moved out of the spotlight after that and have not been featured on television for

life at the Dignitas clinic. Sir Terry witnesses the procedures set out for all visitors to Dignitas and, in an emotional sequence, he sits with Peter and his wife and witnesses Peter’s final moments. And he meets the widow of Hugo Claus, a popular Belgian author who had Alzheimer’s disease and chose an assisted death in 2008. Hugo’s wife explains her husband’s decision to Sir Terry. In Sir Terry’s own words: “What you are about to watch may not be easy, but I believe it’s important.”

7:30pm ......................BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm ......................Saints and Scroungers 8:00pm ....................EastEnders 8:30pm ..Can You Trust Your Bank? - Panorama 9:00pm ..............Case Histories 10:00pm ....................BBC News 10:25pm ..........Regional News and Weather

10:10am ....Little Charley Bear

4:00pm ....Midsomer Murders 6:00pm ..........................Weather 6:00pm ..........London Tonight

8:30pm ......Coronation Street

3:45pm ..............................Flog It! 4:30pm ........The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 5:15pm ....................Cash in the Celebrity Attic 6:00pm ........................ Eggheads 6:30pm ............Britain’s Empty Homes 7:00pm ..................James May’s Toy Stories: The Great Train Race 8:00pm ......Springwatch 2011 12:35am .. ITV News Headlines

10:35pm ..................A Question of Sport

9:00pm ..........Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die

11:05pm .... In with the Flynns

10:00pm ......Choosing to Die: Newsnight Debate

2:40am ....................Nightwatch with Steve Scott

11:35pm ................The Graham Norton Show

10:30pm ........................Weather

3:35am............ ITV Nightscreen

10:30pm ....................Newsnight

12:25am ..................Wonders of the Universe

11:20pm Richard Hammond’s Engineering Connections

4:30am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:35pm ..............Weatherview

12:35am ...................... The Zone

5:30am ......ITV Morning News

almost a decade. This film captures them at an important time in their lives as they approach their thirties, exploring how things have turned out for them and how they have all grown into independent young women. It also examines the close bond which the family has with each other. There is extensive archive footage of the girls in childhood, giving an intimate insight into their upbringing. Cameras show the women watching their younger selves on video, revealing their reactions to it and learning about the memories that it evokes.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Television Guide

Monday 13 June 6:00am ..............Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ............................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ....Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ....Don’t Tell the Bride

7:00am .............. Jerry Springer

8:00pm ..Snog, Marry, Avoid?

6:20am ..........The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..............Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am .......................... Lion Man

8:00am ................................Maury

7:30am ..........................Lion Man 8:00am ..................Verminators

9:00am ............America’s Next Top Model

8:30pm ....................Young, Rich and Househunting

8:00am ..............Good Morning Sports Fans

9:00am ....Medical Emergency

10:00pm ..................EastEnders

6:35am ....................Castle Farm

9:00am The Sky Sports Years

10:00am .......... Four Weddings

10:00am ..............................House

10:00am ................................UEFA Under-21s European Championship

11:00am .............................. Maury

6:40am ......................Igam Ogam

12:00pm ......Stargate Atlantis

10:30pm ..........................World’s Craziest Fools

6:00am ....The Treacle People

6:00am ......Thomas & Friends

6:10am ......................The Hoobs

6:10am ......................The Beeps

6:35am ...................... The Hoobs 7:00am ........ Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ......................Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..............................Frasier 8:25am ..............................Frasier 8:55am ..............................Friends 9:25am ....................Accidentally on Purpose

6:50am ........................Peppa Pig 6:55am ......Milkshake! Bop Box 7:00am ................Little Princess

9:55am ..........................Location, Location, Location

7:15am ........The Mr Men Show

10:55am ............A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:40am ..........Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

7:30am ......Thomas & Friends

12:00pm ....................Channel 4 News Summary

7:45am ........................Make Way for Noddy

12:05pm ........Superscrimpers: Waste Not Want Not

8:00am ....................Fifi and the Flowertots 8:10am ............................Mio Mao

1:00pm ........ Stargate Atlantis

12:00pm ....................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:00pm ......Masters Football

2:00pm ..................Verminators

3:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

11:20pm.................... Family Guy

3:00pm ................ Super League

3:00pm ..........UK Border Force

4:00pm ..........................Charmed

4:00pm ..........................Oops TV

5:00pm ................................Bones

11:45pm ................Young, Rich and Househunting

4:30pm ..................................UEFA Under-21s European Championship

4:30pm ........................Futurama

6:00pm ............America’s Next Top Model

6:30pm ............Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket

5:30pm ........................Futurama

10:00pm ........................The Sky Sports Years 11:00pm .... Time of Our Lives

12:35pm ..........The Kentuckian

8:15am ........................Peppa Pig

12:00am ....................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

2:35pm ....................Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard

8:20am ........................ Peppa Pig

2:00am ....FIFA Futbol Mundial

8:30am Roary the Racing Car

2:30am ..........Sports Unlimited

3:10pm .................... Countdown 4:00pm ..............Deal or No Deal 5:00pm ................Four in a Bed

9:00pm ......Kill It, Cut It, Use It

5:00pm ..............The Simpsons 6:00pm ......................The Middle 6:30pm................ The Simpsons 8:00pm ......Stargate Universe 9:00pm ......................Cop Squad 10:00pm Spartacus: Blood and Sand 11:10pm ..........................Caprica

7:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm ......Dating in the Dark 9:00pm ......Beverly Hills Cop II 11:00pm ............Criminal Minds 12:00am ......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00am ..........Ghost Whisperer

11:00pm ..................Family Guy

12:15am ....Kill It, Cut It, Use It 1:15am ..............................World’s Craziest Fools 1:45am ..............Tourism & the Truth: Stacey Dooley Investigates Kenya 2:45am ..Snog, Marry, Avoid? 3:15am ....Don’t Tell the Bride 4:15am ............The Apprentice 5:15am ..................................Close

3:00am ..................Supernatural

8:40am ..............Hana’s Helpline 8:50am ................The WotWots

5:30pm ....Come Dine with Me

9:00am ............Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

6:00am ........Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am ........................Fifth Gear

6:00am ......................The X Files

6:00am ......Coronation Street

6:00pm ................The Simpsons

9:15am ........The Wright Stuff

7:35am ........The Gadget Show

7:00am ......Star Trek: Voyager

6:50am .................... Emmerdale

6:30pm ........................Hollyoaks

11:05am The Hotel Inspector

6:30am ............................Kings of the Surf

8:00am Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ................Loose Women

7:00pm ..........Channel 4 News

12:05pm ....Meals in Moments

8:00am ......................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

9:00am ........................................ ER

8:10am ....................Judge Judy


12:15pm .... 5 News Lunchtime

10:00am ........thirtysomething

8:00pm ........................The Thief Catchers: Dispatches

9:00am ....................The Best of Top Gear

12:20pm ................ Law & Order

10:00am ............Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

12:00pm ..Star Trek: Voyager

9:25am ..........................The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:00pm ................Embarrassing Fat Bodies 10:00pm ................Premonition 11:50pm ....The Album Chart Show: The View 12:25am ....4Play: Ed Sheeran 12:40am ..............................Poker 1:35am ..........24 Hours in A&E 2:30am ................Embarrassing Bodies: Live from the Clinic

1:15pm ..........Home and Away 1:45pm .................... Neighbours 2:15pm ......The Vanessa Show 3:05pm ................Chinese Food in Minutes 3:15pm ................The Elizabeth Smart Story 5:00pm ....................5 News at 5 5:30pm ....................Neighbours 6:00pm ..........Home and Away

7:00am ......WWE: Bottom Line 8:00am ................PGA Tour Golf 11:00am ....European Seniors Tour Golf 12:00pm...................... European Tour Golf 1:55pm ........Live International One-Day Cricket 10:00pm ................Boots ‘n’ All 11:00pm ..................FIFA Futbol Mundial 11:30pm ................Elite League Speedway

11:00am ..............Dragons’ Den 12:00pm ........................ Top Gear 1:00pm .................. The Best of Top Gear

11:00am ....................The X Files 1:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 2:00pm ........................................ER 3:00pm ..........thirtysomething 4:00pm ...................... The X Files

2:00pm ..............Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

5:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

3:00pm ................Dragons’ Den

7:00pm ........................Inside the Actors Studio

4:00pm ..........................Top Gear 6:00pm ..............Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

6:00pm ........................................ER

10:30am ..................Judge Judy 12:00pm ....Coronation Street 1:00pm ....................Emmerdale 1:30pm ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ..........................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm .............. Loose Women

9:00pm ........Game of Thrones

5:40pm ....................Judge Judy 7:00pm ..The Cube Celebrity Special: McFly

3:25am ........................This Is Me

7:00pm ....................5 News at 7

1:30am ....European Tour Golf

7:00pm ................Dragons’ Den

10:05pm ......................Funny or Die Presents

3:30am ..............A Midsummer Night’s Dream

7:30pm ..How Do They Do It?

2:30am ................PGA Tour Golf

8:00pm ..........................Top Gear

10:40pm ............................Weeds

8:00pm .... Police Interceptors

9:00pm ........................................QI

11:15pm .......... Six Feet Under

8:00pm ..................You’ve Been Framed and Famous!

5:25am ..............Grudge Match

9:00pm ..........The Restaurant Inspector

3:30am ........Wonderful World of Golf

9:40pm ............Mock the Week

12:30am ......Game of Thrones

9:00pm The Whole Ten Yards

5:00am ..................................Close

10:20pm ....................Have I Got News for You

1:45am ..........................Funny or Die Presents

11:00pm ............The River Wild

5:35am ........Wogan’s Perfect Recall

6:25pm ..............................OK! TV

10:00pm ..........................Cleaner

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Page 29

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T U E S D A Y 6:00am ........................Breakfast

6:00am ........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ..........................Daybreak

9:15am ....................Crimewatch Roadshow

6:10am ..............................Dip Dap

8:30am ............................Lorraine

6:15am ............Pinky Dinky Doo

10:00am BBC News; Weather

6:30am ........Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ..............Homes Under the Hammer

6:45am ......................Octonauts

10:30am................ This Morning

7:00am ........................Wild Tales

12:30pm ............Loose Women

7:30am ....................................Leon

1:30pm ........................ITV News and Weather

11:00am ................Real Rescues 11:45am BBC News; Weather


Baby Hospital 9pm, ITV1 Sue Johnston narrates this new three-part documentary series – part of the Extraordinary Families season – following the stories of some of the babies being cared for at the Neonatal Unit at Liverpool Women’s Hospital. The show boasts unique access to the hospital, and will focus on the infants in its care and their families, providing an intimate insight into the intensely demanding work

Page 30

12:15pm ..............Bargain Hunt

7:55am ....................Newsround

1:00pm ..BBC News; Weather

8:00am ......Basil and Barney’s Game Show

1:30pm ..............Regional News and Weather

9.00pm, BBC1 Luther (Idris Elba) returns as the near-genius murder detective A year after the death of estranged wife Zoe and best friend Ian Reed’s betrayal, Luther remains tortured by the past, as the drama returns. While Alice bides her time in a psychiatric unit and Ripley languishes in uniform, Luther has been shut away with dusty files working on cold cases. His only solace exists in his newfound friendship with Mark North and their latenight chess games – forever bonded by the person that once divided them: Zoe. Former investigating officer Martin Schenk offers Luther a role in the new Serious and Serial Unit, and Luther

11:45am ........Cash in the Attic

7:30am ......................................The Scooby-Doo Show

accepts. He is determined to devote his energy to reinstating DS Justin Ripley as a rising star in the police force and help those who he inadvertently hurt or compromised in the past, including Alice. The team, complete with the new addition of ambitious DS Erin Gray, is immediately faced with a surreal and nightmarish case. They must catch a man who hides behind a Punch mask as he brutally murders his victims. Luther quickly concludes that this man is obsessed with fairytale and mythology and is determined to enter into historical folklore himself by accomplishing one final devastating set piece. of the staff at the unit. In the first programme, cameras follow three families whose babies were starved of oxygen during the birth process, leaving the infants at risk of long-term brain damage. 18-year-old mum Amy knows that her baby son Charlie may not pull through, but she shows amazing strength as she tries to make the most of her time with him. Sadly, Charlie only lives for 12 days. Laura and Phil’s daughter Olivia was stillborn two years ago and they are

Luther’s focus is disrupted by the arrival of Caroline Jones, the wife of a man Luther committed to prison long ago. Caroline blames Luther for the destruction of her family and now demands his help to rescue her daughter, Jenny. Idris Elba is DCI John Luther, Ruth Wilson is Alice Morgan, Warren Brown is DS Justin Ripley, Paul McGann is Mark North, Dermot Crowley is DCU Martin Schenk, Nikki Amuka-Bird is DS Erin Gray, Kierston Wareing is Caroline Jones and Aimee Ffion Edwards is Jenny Jones. This episode also stars Michael Smiley as DC Benny Silver, Lee Ingleby as Cameron Pell and Pam Ferris as Baba. desperate for their new baby son Riley to be well. Riley survives – but he suffers some brain damage. Newborn William had to be resuscitated at birth and doctors feared that he had such severe brain damage that they used a pioneering new treatment on him – cooling his body for three days after birth. Weeks after he was born, William surprises everyone when his MRI scan proves to be fine – leaving his dad Jason bursting with joy and relief.

1:55pm ................London News and Weather 2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm ..............Secret Dealers

8:30am ......Show Me Show Me

3:59pm ........London Weather

8:55am ..........Bob the Builder: Project Build It

4:00pm ....Midsomer Murders

9:05am ....The Koala Brothers

6:00pm ..........................Weather

9:15am ............Guess with Jess

6:00pm ..........London Tonight

9:30am ..................Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab

6:30pm ........................ITV News and Weather

9:45am ................Chuggington: Badge Quest

7:00pm .................... Emmerdale

4:30pm ............Deadly 60 Bites 4:30pm ......................Blue Peter

9:50am ..Big Cook Little Cook

5:00pm .................... Newsround

10:10am ....Little Charley Bear

5:15pm ..................Weakest Link

10:20am ........................Zingzillas

6:00pm ..........................Weather

10:45am ......................Waybuloo

6:00pm ........................BBC News

11:05am In the Night Garden

6:30pm ..........................Weather 6:30pm ...... BBC London News

11:35am ........................The Pink Panther Show

7:00pm ..............The One Show

12:00pm ................Daily Politics

7:30pm ......................BBC News; Regional News

12:30pm ......................GMT with George Alagiah

7:30pm ....................EastEnders

1:00pm ........................Gunga Din

8:00pm........................ Holby City

2:50pm ....................Animal 24:7

9:00pm ..............................Luther

3:20pm ....................Royal Ascot

10:00pm .................... BBC News

5:15pm ....................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

8:00pm ..................Countrywise

6:00pm ........................Eggheads

9:00pm ................Baby Hospital

10:25pm ..........Regional News and Weather

6:30pm ............Britain’s Empty Homes

10:00pm ................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:35pm ................The Lock Up

7:00pm ..........This World: The Invasion of Lampedusa

10:30pm ............London News and Weather

8:00pm ......Springwatch 2011

10:35pm .................... The Game

1:45pm ....................Royal Ascot 3:20pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:25pm ....................What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:45pm ..........................Wingin’ It 4:05pm ..............................Sadie J

10:25pm ........................National Lottery Update

11:05pm ................The Scheme 11:55pm ..............The Getaway 1:50am ..................The Animal’s Guide to Britain 2:50am ..................The Country House Revealed 3:50am ..................Great British Railway Journeys 4:20am ........................BBC News

9:00pm ..................The Country House Revealed 10:00pm ..............Lead Balloon 10:30pm ....................Newsnight 11:20pm ..............James May’s Toy Stories: The Great Train Race

7:30pm ..........Animal Kingdom

12:55am ..ITV News Headlines 12:55am ......................The Zone 3:00am ..........Crossing Jordan 3:45am............ ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ...... ITV Morning News

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Television Guide

Tuesday 14 June 6:00am ..............Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ............................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ....Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ..............Total Wipeout

6:30am ....Nothing to Declare

6:20am ..........The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..............Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am .......................... Lion Man

7:00am ..............Jerry Springer

8:00pm .................. The World’s Strictest Parents

7:30am ..........................Lion Man

8:00am ................................Maury

9:00pm ............................Our War

8:00am .............. Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ..................Verminators

10:00pm ..................EastEnders

9:00am ....Medical Emergency

6:35am ....................Castle Farm

9:00am The Sky Sports Years

9:00am ............America’s Next Top Model

10:00am ..............................House

10:00am ................Elite League Speedway

10:00am .......... Four Weddings

6:40am...................... Igam Ogam

11:00am ..............................House

11:00am ..............................Maury

12:00pm ...... Stargate Atlantis 2:00pm ..................Verminators

12:00pm ....................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:00pm ............................ The Sky Sports Years

3:00pm ..........UK Border Force

3:00pm .............. Criminal Minds

10:30pm ..................Angry Boys

4:00pm ..........................Oops TV

4:00pm ..........................Charmed

11:00pm.................. Angry Boys

3:00pm ..................Elite League Speedway

4:30pm ........................Futurama

5:00pm ................................Bones

11:30pm ..................Family Guy

5:00pm ..............The Simpsons

11:50pm ..................Family Guy

4:55pm ........................Live UEFA Under-21s European Championship

5:30pm ........................Futurama

6:00pm ............America’s Next Top Model 7:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:15am ......Kill It, Cut It, Use It

8:00pm ................Cougar Town

2:45am ....................Angry Boys

8:30pm ..........Hot in Cleveland 9:00pm ......Dating in the Dark

3:15am ....................The World’s Strictest Parents 4:15am ......Kill It, Cut It, Use It

6:05am ....The Treacle People

6:00am ......Thomas & Friends

6:15am ......................The Hoobs

6:10am ......................The Beeps

6:40am ...................... The Hoobs 7:05am ........ Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ......................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:00am ..............................Frasier 8:30am ..............................Frasier 8:55am ..............................Friends 9:25am ....................Accidentally on Purpose

6:50am ........................ Peppa Pig 6:55am ......Milkshake! Bop Box 7:00am ................ Little Princess

9:55am ..........................Location, Location, Location

7:15am ........ The Mr Men Show

10:55am ............A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:40am ..........Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

7:30am ......Thomas & Friends

12:00pm ....................Channel 4 News Summary

7:45am ........................ Make Way for Noddy

12:05pm ..........................Kirstie’s Homemade Home

8:00am ....................Fifi and the Flowertots

1:05pm ....River Cottage Bites

8:15am ........................Peppa Pig

1:10pm ......................The Riddle of the Sands

8:20am ........................ Peppa Pig

12:00pm ....................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

7:00pm ........................Live UEFA Under-21s European Championship

6:00pm ...................... The Middle 6:30pm ................The Simpsons 7:00pm ................The Simpsons 7:30pm ................The Simpsons

12:15am ..........................Our War 2:15am ....................Angry Boys

8:30am Roary the Racing Car

10:00pm ........................The Sky Sports Years

9:00pm ..............Forrest Gump

8:40am ..............Hana’s Helpline

11:00pm ....Time of Our Lives

10:00pm .............. Psychic Sally: On the Road

3:10pm ....................Countdown

11:45pm ..................Night Cops

11:00pm ............Criminal Minds

4:00pm ............Deal or No Deal

8:50am ................The WotWots

5:00pm ................Four in a Bed 5:30pm ....Come Dine with Me

9:00am ............Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

6:00pm ................The Simpsons

9:15am ........The Wright Stuff

6:00am ........ Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am ........................Fifth Gear

6:00am ......................The X Files

6:00am ......Coronation Street

6:30pm ........................Hollyoaks

11:05am The Hotel Inspector

6:30am ........Kings of the Surf

7:35am ........The Gadget Show

7:00am ......Star Trek: Voyager

6:50am ....................Emmerdale

7:00pm ..........Channel 4 News

12:05pm ....Meals in Moments

7:00am ..........WWE: Afterburn

12:15pm .... 5 News Lunchtime

8:00am ..................US Open Golf

8:00am ........................Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ................Loose Women


8:00am ......................Ray Mears’ World of Survival

8:00pm ..................Four Rooms

12:20pm ................ Law & Order

9:00am ....European Tour Golf

9:00am ........................................ER

9:00pm ........................The Fairy Jobmother

1:15pm ..........Home and Away

10:00am ............ PGA Tour Golf

8:30am ......................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 9:00am ..........................Top Gear

1:45pm ....................Neighbours

11:00am ....................The X Files

2:15pm ......The Vanessa Show

10:00am ....................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

12:00pm ..Star Trek: Voyager

10:30am ..................Judge Judy

10:00pm ..............Jamie’s Food Revolution Hits Hollywood

11:00am ......Wonderful World of Golf

9:25am .......................... The Real Housewives of Orange County

1:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm.... Coronation Street

2:00pm ........................................ER

12:30pm ....Coronation Street

3:00pm .......... thirtysomething

1:00pm ....................Emmerdale

4:00pm ......................The X Files

1:30pm ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:05pm ....................Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields

3:05pm ......The Family Recipe 3:10pm ....................Mary & Tim 5:00pm ..........................Weather

12:30pm ........PGA Tour Classic 1:30pm ................US Open Golf 2:30pm ....Football’s Greatest 3:00pm ........................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

8:00pm ......................Road Wars

10:40am ..........Seaside Rescue 12:00pm ........................Top Gear 2:00pm ........................ Fifth Gear

10:00am........ thirtysomething

5:15am ..................................Close

8:10am...................... Judge Judy

12:10am ......................European Poker Tour

5:00pm ....................5 News at 5 5:30pm ....................Neighbours

5:00pm ............................NASCAR

4:00pm ..........................Top Gear

1:05am ............................The Grid

6:00pm ..........Home and Away

6:00pm ................US Open Golf

6:00pm ............ Seaside Rescue

1:35am ..............................Ginetta Challenge 2011

6:25pm ..............................OK! TV

7:00pm ............Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket

7:00pm .......................... Top Gear

7:00pm ........................Inside the Actors Studio

7:00pm ....................5 News at 7

9:00pm.............. Gavin & Stacey

2:00am FIM Superbike World Championship

8:00pm ..Battlestar Galactica

7:30pm ............5 News Update

10:30pm ..............................Poker

9:40pm .............. Not Going Out

5:40pm ....................Judge Judy

10:00pm .................. Blue Bloods

7:30pm ..........................Zoo Days

12:30am ....................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

10:20pm Men Behaving Badly

6:45pm ..................Take Me Out

11:00pm ..............In Treatment

11:00pm ................Navelgazing Presents

12:00am Battlestar Galactica

8:00pm ................Peter Andre: The Next Chapter

2:00am.................. In Treatment

9:00pm America’s Got Talent

3:00am ........................Inside the Actors Studio

11:00pm ......................Gladiator

2:25am ..KOTV Boxing Weekly 2:50am ....................Ironman UK 3:45am ..................Catching the Impossible

8:00pm ..........Supersize Grime 9:00pm ........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:55am ................SuperCasino

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

2:30am ....Cycle Sports World 3:00am ..............................Cycling 3:30am ..................................Close

2:40pm ............Seaside Rescue

11:05pm ..................Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat

5:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager 6:00pm ........................................ER

3:40pm ..........................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..............Loose Women

Page 31

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

W E D N E S D A Y 6:00am ........................Breakfast

6:00am ........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ..........................Daybreak

9:15am ....................Crimewatch Roadshow

6:10am ..............................Dip Dap

8:30am ............................Lorraine

6:15am ............Pinky Dinky Doo

10:00am BBC News; Weather

6:30am ........Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am.............. Homes Under the Hammer

6:45am ......................Octonauts

10:30am ..............This Morning

7:00am ........................Wild Tales

12:30pm ............ Loose Women

7:30am ....................................Leon

1:30pm ........................ITV News and Weather

11:00am ................Real Rescues 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am ........Cash in the Attic

7:30am ......................................The Scooby-Doo Show

12:15pm ..............Bargain Hunt

7:55am ....................Newsround

1:00pm ..BBC News; Weather

8:00am ......Basil and Barney’s Game Show

1:30pm ..............Regional News and Weather 1:45pm .................... Royal Ascot 3:20pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:25pm ....................What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:45pm.......................... Wingin’ It 4:05pm ..................Dani’s House 4:30pm ............Deadly 60 Bites

1:55pm ................London News and Weather 2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm ..............Secret Dealers

8:30am ......Show Me Show Me

3:59pm ........London Weather

8:55am ..........Bob the Builder: Project Build It

4:00pm ....Midsomer Murders

9:05am ....The Koala Brothers

6:00pm ..........................Weather

9:15am ............Guess with Jess

6:00pm ..........London Tonight

9:30am ..................Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab

6:30pm ........................ITV News and Weather

9:45am ................Chuggington: Badge Quest

7:00pm ....................Emmerdale

4:30pm ............Little Howard’s Big Question

9:50am ..Big Cook Little Cook

5:00pm ......................Newsround

10:15am ........................Zingzillas

5:15pm ..................Weakest Link

10:40am ......................Waybuloo

6:00pm ..........................Weather

11:00am In the Night Garden

6:00pm ........................BBC News

11:30am ................Daily Politics

6:30pm ..........................Weather

1:00pm ..........................See Hear

6:30pm ......BBC London News

1:30pm ................................ Coast

7:00pm ..............The One Show

1:40pm ........ Bringing Up Baby

Agatha Christie’s Marple

7:30pm ......................BBC News: Regional News

3:20pm .................... Royal Ascot

8pm, ITV1

7:30pm ............Waterloo Road

5:15pm ....................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

Julia McKenzie returns as Agatha Christie’s famous sleuth in this brand new episode, adapted from Christie’s novel Why Didn’t They Ask Evans?. When he becomes the sole witness to a dying man (David Buchanan)’s enigmatic last words, bored would-be adventurer Bobby Attfield (Sean Biggerstaff) teams up with beautiful socialite Frankie Derwent (Georgia Moffett) and family friend Miss Marple (McKenzie) to solve the riddle the words posed. Bobby’s determination to find the truth is

strengthened when someone tries to kill him, and the trio realise that a murderer is at large. A trail of clues leads them to Castle Savage and the group manage to charm an invitation to stay there. When Marple, Frankie and Bobby arrive, they soon uncover a hotbed of stifled emotion, treachery and poisonous deceit. Miss Marple’s search reaches into some dark corners as she observes the strange residents of the castle, including the otherworldly Sylvia Savage (Samantha Bond), her

provocative daughter Dorothy (Hannah Murray), music teacher Roger Bassington (Rafe Spall), controlling psychiatrist Dr Nicholson (Rik Mayall), Nicholson’s wife Moira (Natalie Dormer) and solemn butler Wilson (Richard Briers). Marple tries to untangle the riddle and uncovers evidence which points to another murder - can she find the truth before evenmore people die? Also starring Mark Williams, Helen Lederer, Freddie Fox and Warren Clarke.

8:30pm........ In with the Flynns

6:00pm ........................Eggheads

9:00pm ............The Apprentice 10:00pm ....................BBC News

6:30pm ............................Britain’s Empty Homes

10:25pm ..........Regional News and Weather

7:00pm ........................Escape to the Country

10:35pm ..............The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws

7:30pm ......Springwatch 2011

10:30pm ............London News and Weather

8:30pm ..................Springwatch Unsprung 2011

10:35pm ................Fisherman’s Friends

10:45pm ............Not Going Out

9:00pm ......Wonderland - The Kids Who Play with Fire

11:35pm ............Baby Hospital

10:00pm ......The Apprentice: You’re Fired!

12:35am .. ITV News Headlines

Fisherman’s Friends

group of old friends from the small fishing village of Port Isaac turned their hobby of singing together into a musical sensation. They have received considerable acclaim for their songs, which are a mixture of ancient seafaring tales and wry observations on modern life and the changing times in Port Isaac. After being discovered, the group’s lives turned into a whirlwind of festival tours, TV appearances, radio spots and live concerts – although they kept their

day jobs. Cameras follow the Fisherman’s Friends as they work through a summer in showbiz and deal with their new-found fame. As the pressures of touring begin to tell, how will their decades-old friendship hold up? Lobster fisherman Jeremy talks about how the group falling out could be the biggest tragedy of all, and reveals that he would rather give it all up than have that happen. Will his words come back to haunt him?

10.35pm, ITV ITV1 presents a fascinating new documentary which looks at the incredible rise to fame of ten friends from North Cornwall who were spotted singing old sea shanties a cappella on a quayside and ended up signing a million-pound record deal. Jon Cleave – the group’s moustachioed unofficial spokesman – narrates the incredible story of how the

Page 32

11:15pm ......National Lottery Update and Weatherview

10:10am ....Little Charley Bear

11:15pm ..............Final Analysis

10:30pm ........................Weather

1:15am ..........................See Hear

10:30pm ....................Newsnight

1:45am ............Country Tracks

11:20pm Portillo on Salmond

2:45am ....The British at Work

7:30pm ........Poms in Paradise 8:00pm ..............................Agatha Christie’s Marple 10:00pm ................ ITV News at Ten and Weather

12:35am ......................The Zone 2:35am ..........The Hindenburg 4:40am............ ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ......ITV Morning News

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Television Guide

Wednesday 15 June 6:00am .............. Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ............................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ....Nothing to Declare

7:00pm .......................... Top Gear

7:00am ..............Jerry Springer

6:20am ..........The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..............Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ..........................Lion Man

8:00am ................................Maury

8:00pm ..................Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel

8:00am ..................Verminators 9:00am ....Medical Emergency

9:00am ............America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ............V for Vendetta

8:00am .............. Good Morning Sports Fans

10:00am ..............................House

11:25pm ..................Family Guy

6:35am ....................Castle Farm

9:00am The Sky Sports Years

10:00am ..........Four Weddings

12:00pm ......Stargate Atlantis

6:40am...................... Igam Ogam

10:00am ................Football Asia

11:00am .............................. Maury

2:00pm ..................Verminators

11:50pm ................Young, Rich and Househunting

6:50am ........................ Peppa Pig

10:30am ..............Live State of Origin Rugby League

12:00pm ....................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:10am ..............................Sali Mali

6:00am ......Thomas & Friends

6:15am ......................The Hoobs

6:10am ......................The Beeps

6:40am ......................The Hoobs 7:05am ........Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ......................Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..............................Frasier 8:25am ..............................Frasier 8:55am ..............................Friends 9:25am ....................Accidentally on Purpose

6:55am...... Milkshake! Bop Box 7:00am ................ Little Princess

9:55am ....Location, Location, Location

7:15am ........ The Mr Men Show

10:55am ............A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:40am ..........................Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

12:00pm ....................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm ........Superscrimpers: Waste Not Want Not

7:30am ......Thomas & Friends

7:45am ........................Make Way for Noddy

1:30pm ..................................UEFA Under-21s European Championship 3:30pm ..................Football Asia 4:00pm The Sky Sports Years 4:55pm ........................Live UEFA Under-21s European Championship 7:00pm ........................Live UEFA Under-21s European Championship

11:05pm ..................Family Guy

1:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:20am ............ Tourism & the Truth: Stacey Dooley Investigates Kenya

3:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

1:20am ..............American Dad!

4:00pm ..........................Charmed

1:40am ..............American Dad!

5:00pm ................................Bones

2:05am ..............American Dad!

6:00pm ............America’s Next Top Model

2:25am ..............American Dad!

7:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:15am ..............American Dad!

8:00pm ................Psychic Sally: On the Road

4:00am ....................Young, Rich and Househunting

9:00pm ................................Nikita 10:00pm .............. Supernatural

4:30am ..................Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel

11:00pm ............Criminal Minds

5:25am ..................................Close

7:00am ......................Ray Mears’ World of Survival

6:00am ......................The X Files

6:00am ....................Emmerdale

7:00am ......Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ......................Nanny 911 7:15am ................Loose Women

3:00pm ..........UK Border Force 4:00pm ..........................Oops TV 4:30pm ........................Futurama 5:00pm ..............The Simpsons 5:30pm ........................Futurama 6:00pm ......................The Middle 6:30pm................ The Simpsons 7:00pm ................The Simpsons 8:00pm ..........Emergency with Angela Griffin

2:50am ..............American Dad! 3:35am ..............American Dad!

12:35pm River Cottage Bites

8:00am ..............................Fifi and the Flowertots

12:45pm River Cottage Bites

8:10am ............................Mio Mao

12:55pm ......Pimpernel Smith

8:15am ........................Peppa Pig

10:00pm ........................The Sky Sports Years

3:10pm ....................Countdown

8:20am ........................Peppa Pig

11:00pm ....Time of Our Lives

4:00pm ............Deal or No Deal

8:30am Roary the Racing Car

5:00pm ................Four in a Bed

8:40am ..............Hana’s Helpline

5:30pm ....Come Dine with Me

8:50am ................The WotWots

6:00pm ................The Simpsons

9:00am ............Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

6:00am ........Aerobics Oz Style

9:15am ........The Wright Stuff

8:00am ........................Fifth Gear

11:05am The Hotel Inspector

7:00am ................WWE Vintage Collection

8:30am ........The Gadget Show

8:00am ........................ Star Trek: Enterprise

12:05pm ....Meals in Moments

8:00am ..................US Open Golf

9:00am ..........................Top Gear

9:00am ........................................ ER

12:15pm ....5 News Lunchtime

9:00am ......DTM Motor Racing

10:00am ....................Fifth Gear

10:00am........ thirtysomething

9:25am The Real Housewives of Orange County

12:20pm ................Law & Order

10:00am ................................UEFA Under-21s European Championship

10:40am ................James May’s Big Ideas

11:00am ....................The X Files

10:30am .................. Judge Judy

12:00pm ..Star Trek: Voyager

12:00pm .................. Emmerdale

12:00pm ........................Top Gear

12:30pm .................... Nanny 911

2:00pm ..................James May’s Big Ideas

1:00pm ........................Star Trek: Enterprise

6:30pm ........................Hollyoaks 7:00pm ..........Channel 4 News 7:55pm 8:00pm ................Embarrassing Bodies: Live from the Clinic

6:30am ........Kings of the Surf

9:00pm ........................Brit Cops: Zero Tolerance 10:00pm ............................Fringe 11:00pm ....The Chicago Code

9:00pm ..........24 Hours in A&E

1:15pm ..........Home and Away

10:00pm ....................Desperate Housewives

1:45pm ....................Neighbours 2:15pm ......The Vanessa Show

12:00pm ....................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

11:05pm ..........................The Big Bang Theory

3:05pm ................Chinese Food in Minutes

2:00pm.................. US Open Golf

3:00pm .......................... Top Gear

3:00pm .......... thirtysomething

11:35pm ..........................The Big Bang Theory

3:20pm ......McBride: Anybody Here Murder Marty?

3:00pm ................PGA EuroPro Tour Golf

6:00pm ..................James May’s Big Ideas

4:00pm ...................... The X Files

5:00pm ....................5 News at 5

5:00pm ......................Champions Tour Golf

7:00pm ..................The World’s Most Stupid Criminals

6:00pm ........................................ER

5:30pm ....................Neighbours

6:00pm ................US Open Golf

8:00pm ..........................Top Gear

6:00pm ..........Home and Away

7:00pm ............Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket

9:00pm ......................Have I Got News for You 9:40pm ............Mock the Week

9:00pm ................The Sopranos

10:20pm ......................................QI

10:10pm ....Game of Thrones

11:00pm ................Navelgazing Presents

11:25pm ........................Big Love

11:05pm ................Argumental

1:45am ........................................24

12:00am ......................Live from Abbey Road 12:45am ............Friendly Fires: Video Exclusive 12:50am ......The Album Chart Show: Spotlight

6:25pm ..............................OK! TV

1:05am ..............Mercury Prize Sessions

7:30pm ....................Pawn Stars

10:30pm ........................State of Origin Rugby League

8:00pm .. Giant Animal Moves

11:30pm ................Boots ‘n’ All

1:20am ..........................S1MØNE

9:00pm ....................................NCIS

12:30am ....................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

7:00pm ....................5 News at 7

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

2:00pm ........................................ER

5:00pm ...... Star Trek: Voyager 7:00pm ........................Inside the Actors Studio 8:00pm ........................................24

12:35am.............. The Sopranos

8:10am ....................Judge Judy

1:30pm ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ..........................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..............Loose Women 5:40pm .................... Judge Judy 6:30pm ..............Penn & Teller: Fool Us 8:00pm..........................America’s Got Talent 10:00pm ....I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry

Page 33

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T H U R S D A Y 6:00am ........................Breakfast

6:00am ........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ..........................Daybreak

9:15am ....................Crimewatch Roadshow

6:10am.............................. Dip Dap

8:30am ............................Lorraine

6:15am ............ Pinky Dinky Doo

10:00am BBC News; Weather

6:30am ........Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am ..............Homes Under the Hammer

6:45am ...................... Octonauts

10:30am................ This Morning

7:00am ........................Wild Tales

12:30pm ............Loose Women

7:30am.................................... Leon

1:30pm ........................ITV News and Weather

11:00am ................Real Rescues 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am ........Cash in the Attic

7:30am ......................................The Scooby-Doo Show

12:15pm ..............Bargain Hunt

7:55am ....................Newsround

1:00pm ..BBC News; Weather

8:00am ......Basil and Barney’s Game Show

1:30pm ..............Regional News and Weather 1:45pm .................... Royal Ascot 3:20pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News

1:55pm ................London News and Weather 2:00pm 60 Minute Makeover 3:00pm ..............Secret Dealers

8:30am ......Show Me Show Me

3:59pm.......... London Weather

8:55am ..........Bob the Builder: Project Build It

4:00pm ......Midsomer Murders

9:05am .... The Koala Brothers

6:00pm ..........................Weather

3:25pm ............Deadly 60 Bites

9:15am ............Guess with Jess

6:00pm ..........London Tonight

3:25pm ........................Copycats

9:30am ..................Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab

6:30pm ........................ITV News and Weather

9:45am ................Chuggington: Badge Quest

7:00pm ....................Emmerdale

5:00pm ....................Newsround 5:15pm ..................Weakest Link

9:50am ..Big Cook Little Cook

7:30pm ..................Maternity in Crisis: Tonight

10:10am ....Little Charley Bear

8:00pm ....................Emmerdale

4:05pm ..............Project Parent 4:30pm ........Horrible Histories

10:20am ........................Zingzillas 10:45am ......................Waybuloo 11:05am In the Night Garden 11:35am ........................The Pink Panther Show 12:00pm ................Daily Politics 12:30pm ..............................Coast 6:00pm ..........................Weather

The Choir That Rocks

6:00pm ........................BBC News 6:30pm .......................... Weather

9pm, ITV1 ITV1 presents a brand new three-part documentary series following the Rock Choir. This entertaining programme takes a look at five months in the life of the biggest and arguably the most successful amateur choir in the country. The Rock Choir has over 8,000 members who sing uplifting rock and pop music across the country every week, from Glasgow to Bournemouth. The show follows founder Caroline Redman-Lusher as

Page 34

she undertakes her biggest challenge ever - to get all 8,000 members of the choir together for the first time ever to perform at London’s Wembley Arena. To make this happen, new choirs have to be launched in new parts of the country, which means some serious hard work. The series features a cast of compelling characters and tells the story of how powerful and inspirational music can be, as it brings people from all walks of life together.

Everyone from plumbers to secretaries joins in to share a unique and emotional experience. In the first episode, news of the proposed concert travels fast among the members. The Rock Choir needs to launch a new branch in Yorkshire but is Yorkshire ready for them? Choir leaders Stef and Nic try to drum up support in a York shopping centre with an impromptu performance - but will it bring in the new members they need?

6:30pm ......BBC London News 7:00pm .............. The One Show 7:30pm ......................BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm ....................EastEnders 8:00pm ............Andrew Marr’s Megacities

12:30pm ......................GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm ..............................Holiday 2:35pm ....................Animal 24:7 3:20pm ....................Royal Ascot 5:15pm ....................Cash in the Celebrity Attic 6:00pm ........................Eggheads 6:30pm ............Britain’s Empty Homes

8:30pm ......Coronation Street 9:00pm ........................The Choir That Rocks

10:25pm ..........Regional News and Weather

7:00pm ........................The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2011 A Culture Show Special

10:35pm ..........Question Time

8:00pm ......Springwatch 2011

11:35pm ..........................Holiday Weatherview

9:00pm ........The Shadow Line 10:00pm ..........Mock the Week

10:35pm ..........Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Dannii Minogue

11:35pm ....................This Week

10:30pm ....................Newsnight

11:35pm ...... The Late Debate

9:00pm ..Breaking into Britain 10:00pm ....................BBC News

10:00pm ................ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ............London News and Weather

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Television Guide

Thursday 16 June 6:00am ..............Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ............................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ....Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ............The Apprentice

6:30am ....Nothing to Declare

8:00pm ....Don’t Tell the Bride

6:20am ..........The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..............Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ..........................Lion Man

7:00am .............. Jerry Springer

9:00pm ..........Kids Behind Bars

7:30am .......................... Lion Man

7:30am ..............Jerry Springer

10:00pm ..................EastEnders

8:00am ..............Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am .................. Verminators

8:00am ................................ Maury

9:00am ....Medical Emergency

6:35am ....................Castle Farm

9:00am The Sky Sports Years

10:00am ..............................House

9:00am ............America’s Next Top Model

6:40am...................... Igam Ogam

10:00am ..................Total Rugby

11:00am ..............................House

10:00am ..........Four Weddings

6:50am ........................ Peppa Pig

10:30am ........Live Test Cricket

12:00pm ......Stargate Atlantis

11:00am ..............................Maury

6:55am ......Milkshake! Bop Box

2:00pm ..................Verminators

7:00am ................ Little Princess

3:00pm ..........UK Border Force

12:00pm ....................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:55am ............A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:15am ........The Mr Men Show

4:00pm ..........................Oops TV

7:30am ......Thomas & Friends

4:30pm ........................ Futurama

1:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:00pm ....................Channel 4 News Summary

7:45am ........................Make Way for Noddy

5:00pm ..............The Simpsons

3:00pm ..............Criminal Minds 4:00pm ..........................Charmed

12:05pm ..........................Kirstie’s Homemade Home

8:00am ....................Fifi and the Flowertots

5:30pm ........................Futurama 6:00pm ......................The Middle

5:00pm ................................Bones

1:05pm ..................Dreams of a Dinner Lady

8:15am ........................Peppa Pig

6:30pm ................The Simpsons

6:00pm ............ America’s Next Top Model

8:30am Roary the Racing Car

7:00pm............................ Ringside

8:00pm ................Hawaii Five-0

1:10pm ..................The Fighting Seabees

8:40am ..............Hana’s Helpline

8:00pm ..................Test Cricket

8:50am ................ The WotWots

10:00pm ........................The Sky Sports Years

6:10am ......................The Hoobs

6:00am ......Thomas & Friends

6:35am ......................The Hoobs

6:10am ......................The Beeps

7:00am ........Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ........Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..............................Frasier 8:25am ..............................Frasier 8:55am ..............................Friends 9:25am ....................Back to You 9:55am ..........................Location, Location, Location

10:30pm ................................Ideal 11:00pm.................... Family Guy

9:00pm ...... The Chicago Code

7:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:00pm ......................Lie to Me

8:00pm ................................ Chuck

11:00pm ............Martina Cole’s The Take

9:00pm ......Beverly Hills Cop III

7:00am ......................Ray Mears’ World of Survival

6:00am ...................... The X Files

6:00am ....................Emmerdale

6:30am ........Kings of the Surf

6:25am........................ Nanny 911

12:05pm ....Meals in Moments

7:00am Champions Tour Golf

8:00am ........................Fifth Gear

7:00am ........................Star Trek: Voyager

12:15pm ....5 News Lunchtime

8:00am ..................US Open Golf

8:30am........ The Gadget Show

8:10am ......................Judge Judy

12:20pm ................Law & Order

9:00am ..........................Top Gear 10:00am ............Dragons’ Den: Outside the Den

9:00am ........................................ER

1:45pm ....................Neighbours

9:00am ..................................UEFA Under-21s European Championship

8:00am ........................Star Trek: Enterprise 10:00am ........thirtysomething

9:25am ..........................The Real Housewives of Orange County

2:15pm ......The Vanessa Show

11:00am .. Football’s Greatest

11:00am ......................Fifth Gear

11:00am ....................The X Files

10:30am ..................Judge Judy

3:05pm ................Chinese Food in Minutes

11:30am ..................FIFA Futbol Mundial

11:30am ....The Gadget Show

12:00pm ..Star Trek: Voyager

12:00pm ..................Emmerdale

12:00pm ........................ Top Gear

12:30pm ....................Nanny 911

12:00pm ..............US Open Golf

2:00pm ........................Fifth Gear

2:00pm ........................................ER

5:00pm ....................5 News at 5

3:00pm ......The World’s Most Stupid Criminals

3:00pm .......... thirtysomething

7:00pm ..........Channel 4 News

1:00pm ..................................UEFA Under-21s European Championship

2:30pm ......The Gadget Show

6:30pm ........................Hollyoaks

3:15pm ........More than Meets the Eye: the Joan Brock Story

1:00pm ........................Star Trek: Enterprise


5:30pm .................... Neighbours

3:00pm ........Live US Open Golf

4:00pm .......................... Top Gear

8:00pm ............Help! My House Is Falling Down

6:00pm ..........Home and Away

5:00pm ........................Star Trek: Voyager

6:25pm ..............................OK! TV

7:00pm ..................................QI XL

9:00pm ............................Born to Be Different

6:55pm ....................5 News at 7

8:00pm ..................................QI XL

6:00pm ........................................ ER

7:00pm ..............................Cricket

10:00pm ........................The Sex Researchers

8:00pm ......Emergency Bikers

9:00pm Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat

7:00pm ........................Inside the Actors Studio

10:00pm ....................Red Dwarf

8:00pm ........................................ ER

8:00pm America’s Got Talent

10:40pm ................Navelgazing Presents

9:00pm .............. Six Feet Under

9:00pm ................Peter Andre: The Next Chapter

3:10pm ....................Countdown 4:00pm ............Deal or No Deal

9:00am ............Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

5:00pm ................Four in a Bed

9:15am ........The Wright Stuff

5:30pm ....Come Dine with Me

11:05am ........Extreme Fishing with Robson Green - At the Ends of the Earth

1:15pm ..........Home and Away

6:00pm ................The Simpsons

11:05pm ..................The Secret Millionaire

9:00pm ..........Extreme Fishing with Robson Green At the Ends of the Earth

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

11:00pm ........................Ringside

6:00am ........Aerobics Oz Style

6:00pm ......The Gadget Show

11:05pm ....Dating in the Dark

4:00pm ......................The X Files

10:15pm ......Against the Wall

11:20pm.................... Family Guy 11:45pm........ Kids Behind Bars

7:15am ................Loose Women

1:30pm ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm ....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ..........................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm .............. Loose Women 5:40pm .................... Judge Judy 7:00pm ..........All Star Mr & Mrs

10:00pm ..................Changeling

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10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


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SUE MCDONALD Common Sense Furnishings Email:

Furnishings on a budget

A UK buyer shortage drags on house prices HOUSE PRICES have fallen at their sharpest annual rate in 18 months, according to the latest figures from mortgage lender, Halifax. In a further sign of weakness on the property market prices rose only 0.1% during May, taking the average just past the £160,000 mark. An increase of 0.2% had been expected. It means that when the market’s performance as a whole over the last three months is examined, prices tumbled 4.2% - the biggest fall since October 2009.

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Concerns for growth have driven the Bank of England’s decisions this year to leave the emergency base rate of interest of 0.5% on hold. Despite the rate being historically low, mortgage provision is poor. Recent data showed mortgage approvals fell in April to just half their long-run average before the financial crisis of 90,000 per month. Howard Archer, economist at IHS Global Insight, said: “The fact that Halifax reported that house prices could only rise fractionally in May after a particularly sharp drop in April reinforces our view that further weakness lies ahead.”

Make your own Fathers Day card

I MENTIONED in my last article about my client who travelled virtually the whole Island by bus, and spent hours building his own furniture to save a few euros. So this week I have decided to write about the cheaper ranges I have available, and they all come ready-built! Sometimes, it is necessary to furnish on a budget because the client has already spent a lot on the property itself and all the associated costs. Or because the property is considered a business, and there is a budget to adhere to. If the client does not intend to use the property, and it is just for rental, this may also affect the decision on how much to spend on the interior. In many cases, people just want to get the property up and running and earning it’s keep! At the moment, we are furnishing several properties in a budget range, which works out

Halifax housing economist Martin Ellis said it was coming under pressure from low earnings growth, higher taxes, rising inflation and concerns about the outlook for jobs and growth. “These factors are probably constraining demand and applying some downward pressure on prices,” he said. However, he said a modest economic recovery and record low interest rates should help stabilise prices later in the year. Many economists expect demand for property to remain muted as a result of the squeeze on finances and economic growth being weaker than hoped for.

at approximately 3,000 euros for the full inventory for a one-bedroom place. This includes sofa bed, all the furniture, the curtains, lights, mirrors and pictures. The property is ready to use, and the delivery and fitting of all the items is included in that price. The standard of all the items is more than adequate for rental use, and with clever use of colour in curtains, cushions etc, the appearance of the finished property is not unduly compromised. The budget range is available in several styles as well - a Mexican-inspired rustic look, wrought iron, and more modern lines. In all cases, the sofa bed and beds are of medium

quality (not the cheapest available). As we have discussed in this column before, cheap can sometimes be a false economy if it all has to be replaced in a year! Ultimately, the ideal scenario is that if renters like the property so much that they specifically want to return there, it means the owners can then build up a core of regular clients. How the property is furnished, and an adequate inventory plays a large part in this. So, if you are working to a budget, come and speak to us at Deco Nuevo, and we can tailor-make a package for you at no extra cost.

Even if the dad in your house isn’t a shirt-and-tie kind of guy, he’s sure to love this stylish Father’s Day card. Total Time Needed: 30 Minutes or less Materials Decorative scrapbook paper Glue / Scissors Instructions To make one, first cut a 4by 12-inch rectangle from a piece of decorative scrapbook paper and fold it in half to create a double-layer 4- by 6-inch rectangle. Form the collar by cutting 2 matching 1-inch-long horizontal slits about 1 inch below the fold. Fold over the 2 flaps as shown, then glue them down with a 5-inch-long tie shape cut from another piece of decorative paper glued between them. Glue a pair of small buttons to the collar. Once the glue has dried, lift the bottom front of the card and write a Father’s Day greeting inside.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

Dear David, My gorgeous green leafed tomatoes that I’m growing in a pot seem to have just given up the ghost, some leaves are yellow and wilting and on another plant it’s like a dry snail trail and I’ve got one tiny green tomatoe to show for my efforts. Do you have any suggestions? Dave Edwards, Valle San Lorenzo Dear Dave, It sounds like your tomatoes well and truly have a few pests. I think there are two things going on here. One, the yellowing leaves is the soil quality and the trail you describe are a pest called ‘leaf miners’ perhaps if we tackle the soil first. Tomatoes get viruses, they are very susceptible, the only way to lessen this is to buy disease resistant plant varieties. All of the leaves that are badly yellow, black and wilted cut off. Tomatoes suffer from magnesium deficiency. Now you can go and buy a chemical based spray and feed or you can try spraying them with Epsom Salts. Dissolve ½ oz in a pint of water (20g/litre) and spray each day for a week.

If you decide to plant a further crop of plants, buy either the best seeds you can, or best plants and ensure the soil into which they are planted is fresh, with a mixture of organic material. Now the little miner devils, they leave trails which often blister. They are tiny flies that lay eggs on the leaves, which hatch about one week later. The Larvae are grubs about 1cm long, usually white in colour, and feed on the tissue between the leaf surfaces. This creates the distinctive mined trails across the leaf surface.As larvae grow the mined trails become wider. You can treat them chemically with an appropriate product from the garden centre or if you’re still trying the organic route regularly inspect plants all year round, remove and destroy infested leaves, remove any heavily infested plants, hang yellow sticky traps to monitor the fist sign of the flies. Good luck. David

This week in the garden... My pumpkin seed that I planted a number of weeks ago have achieved mixed results. There were six seeds in the packet. I planted them in two separate medium pots and due to space constraints kept one on a wall and one at ground level. I’ve kept them moist as directed, but, only one seed seems to have germinated, it’s about two inches tall. So, think I’ll plant another few as I definitely don’t want to be paying shop prices for a pumpkin for Halloween. I need to get back in the

mindset of ‘little and often’ sowing vegetables at regular intervals means that you have a constant supply throughout the summer. These means that there won’t be a glut and you can harvest the plants when they are young and tender. Beetroot, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, lettuce, pea, radish and spinach can all be sown in succession. I’ve planted three strawberry plants in a hanging basket. They struggled for the first few days, but now with a little sunshine and water they’re coming on leaps and bounds. I’ve put them in a basket away from the garden pests and they take up no space at all, you can easily put them on your balcony. These have bright

pink flowers, but I’m not sure what variety they are. My next door neighbour has planted rows and rows of corn and it appears to have grown

almost overnight, unfortunately I don’t have the space, but if you do have the room, an easy, and tasty crop to cultivate.

BBC Gardeners’ World live again MONTY DON, Alan Titchmarsh, Carol Klein and a host of other gardening experts will be live at this year’s BBC Gardeners’ World Live taking place at the NEC Birmingham from the 15th until 19th June. Now if you can’t get there the website has a mass of information The RHS Floral Marquee is the jewel in the crown at BBC Gardeners’ World Live with over 100 specialist growers it’s guaranteed to be as big, bold and beautiful as ever at the 2011 Show. It’s like the farmers’ market of the horticultural world! Plus, every year BBC

Gardeners’ World Live brings an exciting collection of Show Gardens to life in a celebration of how imagination and creativity can transform any type of outdoor space. A central focus of the Show, these gardens reflect current trends and design ideas covering a diverse range of themes which together will make up an impressive and inspiring selection for visitors to enjoy. The Show is proud to offer an opportunity to new and upcoming British garden designers through small gardens and competition opportunities, developing a hot-bed of young talent in the field. To see the 2011 design gallery, find out more about the gardens and their designers Plus, get a behind the scenes look at the Show garden build, now underway click

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Potted beans When I was at school I can remember growing runner beans in a jar of water with blotting paper! Runner beans are very easy to grow, and benefit from being sown individually. Put one seed in one pot and cover with compost, if you want them to germinate quickly then

cover with a bit of cling film, this will keep heat in and reduce drying out. Plant a few seeds and then with just a few plants you can plant them in a large pot, and stake with some canes. So even if you don’t have a massive space you can still grow delicious green beans.

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Health & Beauty

CARL PATTISON from Robot, answers your hair questions Email:

Extensions… FOR many years I’ve been a nonbeliever, after seeing so many people’s hair damaged beyond repair, leaving bald patches and broken hair.

But then I was introduced to a range of extensions which were very different. It seems before that the majority of extensions were too thick, the bonds were too heavy or large and the hair was poor quality, which resulted in knotting, thus to bald patches and damage. So I set out to find a range that didn’t give me these problems. Finally, I discovered a type I have confidence in, which I can use not only to create length and volume but to create styles that were once only achievable after years of growing the clients’ natural hair. I love sending out clients from the salon with not only a new look but, usually, a new colour as well. Their faces and delight tell me all I need to know … that I can offer this service without having to worry about the effect that some inferior extension systems can have on the hair and scalp. This doesn’t mean extensions are easy to look after and maintain, but, with the right care and attention, you can expect to have a fabulous head of hair for up to four months. It’s then that these extensions are removed and rebonded to use again immedi-

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ately or at a later date, as you require. Thus, the second application of these extensions can be carried out using the original hair, but at half the price of the first application because the hair can be reused at least two times if needed. Caring for your new hair isn’t easy, but once you get into a routine, the extensions become “part of you”. The most damage I see is from incorrect brushing when wet, because it’s then that the hair (as your own natural hair) is at its most fragile. Extensions should be left out to dry naturally if possible or, if not, on a gentle heat setting on your hairdryer. Hair irons and tongs can be used, but only if you are careful not to touch the bonds as this will cause them to become loose. The amount of extensions required depends on many factors: if you have thicker hair, then you’re going to need more than, say, if you only want to extend your fringe area to create a bob, for exam-

ple. A full head normally consists of 120-160 extensions; a half-head to give volume uses only 60-80. It all depends on the look you require. Don’t think of extensions only as the ‘Katie Price’ look because they can look natural and normally, if done correctly, undetectable. This salon service requires an in-depth consultation with your stylist, but after explaining the ins and outs to clients, we don’t always end up doing them. It is down to many factors, including hair condition, results required and, often, if I don’t believe clients are going to be bothered to genuinely look after them. If you are in any doubts as to what extensions can do, then think again. Gone is the era of the ‘Barbie doll’ look, so forget big and blonde nylon-looking hair and imagine any style you wish to create now being possible.

BRITAIN has one of the worst records among developed countries for diagnosing brain tumours in children, according to new research. It can take as much as three times longer to get a correct diagnosis in the UK compared to the US and Canada, researchers from a campaign aiming to raise awareness of the symptoms have said. The Headsmart initiative is aiming to increase knowledge of the symptoms among parents and GPs, in the hope of getting a quicker diagnosis, saving lives and stopping sufferers from being disabled as a result of a tumour. The condition is the leading cause of cancer deaths in children, but the symptoms are often mistaken for other more minor problems, meaning vital treatment time is lost. Professor David Walker from the Children’s Brain Tumour Research Centre at the University of Nottingham said: “There are two risks with delayed diagnosis; one is early death and the other one is greater brain injury.

Head smart “So the longer the delay between symptom onset and diagnosis, the greater the risk of early death and the greater the risk of brain injury which may not subsequently fully recover.” Neil and Angela Dickson, whose daughter Samantha died from a brain tumour which was not correctly diagnosed for nine months, now run a charity in her name and have helped fund Headsmart. They have been running the Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust for 14 years and regularly hear stories of brain tumours not being diagnosed quickly enough, often with tragic consequences. Mrs Dickson said: “We were surprised that this is the second biggest cancer and it kills more adults and children under 40 than any other cancer, and yet there is not enough attention from the larger charities to do more about it.” Around 500 children and

young people are diagnosed with brain tumours every year and a total of a quarter of all childhood cancers occur in the brain. The problem for doctors is the symptoms are different depending on the child’s age. Ryan Lee’s symptoms were initially thought to be part of being a grumpy teenager. But three weeks after he was finally diagnosed with a brain tumour, he was in a wheelchair. Ryan, from Derby, died in 2009. His parents now accept that prior to the diagnosis he was displaying many of the key signs. His mother Deb said: “If the schools knew more of the signs and symptoms to look for I think they would have told us that Ryan was having a lot more of these issues beforehand, and we may have taken him to the doctor a lot sooner.” The information contained in the Headsmart posters and leaflets is also available online at

Salon defends makeovers for the young pre-teens A beauty salon offering makeovers and facials for girls as young as one year old has sparked outrage among campaigners over the sexualisation of children. Trendy Monkey’s salon in Brentwood, Essex, caters only for the under-13s. Treatments include fruit smoothie facials for £5, mini pedicures, manicures or make-up application at £7 each, hair ‘up-dos’ for £5-£10 and a shampoo, haircut and styling for £21. This is outrageous - it is giving children a complex about the way they look from the age of one. Girls are also being offered

“princess parties” where they will be picked up in a pink limousine and brought to the salon to “have all their little treatments with their friends”. The salon was opened by Mick Norcross from ITV reality show The Only Way Is Essex, which follows the lives of glamour-obsessed young people. Despite concerns that pampering youngsters in adult ways could take away their childhood, Trendy Monkeys owner Michelle Devine defended her business. She said: “There’s no sexualisation of kids involved - all we are doing is just having harmless fun and making children feel like little princesses. “The most extreme thing the girls can have done is to have temporary butterfly tattoos. Everyone who has a

little girl will love it.” Earlier this week, a report backed by the Government called for measures to protect children’s innocence, including controlling their access to inappropriate clothing, and raunchy pop videos. The Bailey Report, compiled by Mothers’ Union chief executive Reg Bailey called for a number of measures to protect children, including controlling access to clothing, adult content on mobile phones and some advertising. But Ms Devine insisted that it is all just “playful make believe”. She added: “Where better to launch this exciting new project in Brentwood, now a name on the map synonymous with fashion and glamour thanks to The Only Way Is Essex?’”

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Wrinkles are major bone of contention WRINKLES, those dreaded lines on a woman’s face, may enable doctors to predict how likely she is to suffer from bone fractures. That’s because the level of proteins in the skin and bones are linked, so if a woman’s face and neck are severely wrinkled, she faces a higher risk of bone breakage because of bone-density loss,. Yale University researchers examined 114 early postmenopausal women, whose last menstrual period was within three years, as part of an ongoing clinical trial at numerous US sites. They measured the women’s skin at 11 locations on the face and neck, both visually and using a device known as a durometer, to

assess how rigid the skin was on the forehead

and cheek. Bone mass and density were measured with a

portable ultrasound and Xray. “We found that deepening and worsening skin wrinkles were related to lower bone density among the study participants,” said Lubna Pal, associate professor at Yale School of Medicine. “The worse the wrinkles, the lesser the bone density, and this relationship was independent of age - or of factors known to influence bone mass.” More resilient skin was linked to better bone density and Prof Pal added: “Our findings that the appearance and physical properties of the skin can reflect the quality of the skeleton are noteworthy. “That’s because it may allow clinicians to identify fracture risk in post-menopausal women ‘at a glance’, without depending on costly tests.”

Scotland leads project into solving cleft-lip conditions A SCOTTISH university is spearheading a Europewide research project to find ways of preventing birth defects, such as cleft lip. Professor Peter Mossey, of the University of Dundee dental school, has received a European Science Foundation grant of around £400,000. The money will fund five years of conferences and

meetings between a network of experts across Europe. In places such as India and sub-Saharan Africa, many children born with “orofacial” clefts do not survive, while it is the most common birth defect in Britain, afflicting one in 700 babies. Prof Mossey, principal investigator of the new network, said: “This work means that for the first time, a major effort will be made towards the ultimate scientific and

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

humanitarian objective - primary prevention of orofacial clefts.” Orofacial clefts appear when the top lip or roof of the mouth does not form properly. Scotland has one of the highest rates of cleft palate, as does Canada and Finland. The rate is lowest in Africa and parts of Latin America. “Smoking, for example, doubles the risk, and binge drinking is a contributing factor to birth defects.”

The cleft-lip conditions can hamper speech, hearing and appearance and can damage people’s well-being. Care is required from birth to adulthood, involving plastic surgery, speech and language therapy, counselling and dentistry. Prof Mossey added: “There must be an underlying gene pool effect to make the Scottish population pre-disposed to it, but there are also environmental factors.”

U-turn by experts, who admit: Yo-yo diets may just be healthy after all A YO-YO diet is better than no diet for someone who needs to lose weight say experts, in a remarkable U-turn. Shedding and regaining weight in a rapid cycle has generally been viewed as unhealthy and psychologically damaging by those who know over the years. But new US research conducted on mice suggests roller-coaster dieting can have long- term benefits and even extend life. Animals that were switched between a high-fat and lowfat diet every four weeks lived 25% longer than those who only ate a high-fat diet and remained obese. They also had better blood glucose levels, and lived roughly the same length of time as mice on a continuous low-fat diet. In addition, preliminary findings indicated that yo-yo dieting mice had reduced levels of cytokine immune system, signalling molecules linked to inflammation. Increased inflammation is a major risk-

factor for diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Study leader Dr Edward List, from Ohio University, told a conference: “If the conventional wisdom is true, it would discourage a lot of overweight people from losing weight. “The new research shows that the simple act of gaining and losing weight does not seem detrimental to lifespan. The study adds to our understanding of the benefit of losing weight. I would hope that this encourages people not to give up.” But Consultant dietician Sian Porter, from the British Dietetic Association, said previous research had shown that yo-yo diets could be “self destructive”. She was not surprised that yo-yo dieting mice lived longer than those who were obese and added: “The problem for humans is keeping weight control at a sustainable level. “It’s a good idea to be a healthy weight for your height, but mice aren’t people. I think this study falls into the category of ‘very interesting’ but it would be far more interesting if replicated in humans.”

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Food News A BAN on the sale of Spanish and EU-produced strawberries in Russia has been lifted officially by the Health authorities there. The announcement came at a meeting yesterday (Thursday) between the Russian Health Services and the Spanish Embassy. Although the prohibition on the importation and marketing of European berries

Strawberries back on Russian tables has never been official, the Association of Russian Manufacturers reported the existence of a

domestic order regarding their removal from the market. They said it had been

issued by the Russian Health Authorities, but Gennady Onischenko, who runs the service, said: “There are no restrictions on berries.” Onischenko also announced the start of bilateral talks with representatives from Spain, Denmark and the Netherlands.

Russia prohibited imports of vegetables from Spain and Germany on 30th May, following the outbreak of E. coli, and the ban was extended last Thursday to cover all European plants. The EU described the ban as “disproportionate” and EU representatives requested it

be lifted before the two-day Russia-EU summit in the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod, which ends today (Friday). But Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko, said: “That will depend on the agility of the European Union structures.”

These sweet lawn mower cupcakes are a cut-above choice for Father’s Day.

Ingredients Chocolate-frosted cupcakes Coconut, flaked Green food coloring Hershey’s Nuggets M&M’s Icing Black licorice laces Instructions For each cupcake, mix a handful of flaked coconut with a few drops of green food col-

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oring. Press a chocolatefrosted cupcake into the coconut to cover. The mower is made with a dark chocolate Hershey’s Nuggets body, brown M&M’s wheels, and a red M&M’s engine, held in place with dabs of icing. Shape the handle from a piece of black licorice lace, then insert the ends into the cupcake.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Food News

Variety is the spice of life for Oliver’s! OLIVER’S restaurant, right opposite the Sunday market in Los Cristianos, has been open just a short time but has already established itself as a venue for great food. First of all, a great deal of time has been taken over the wine list, as we noticed a label we love but can never findso obviously, it had to be done (it’s a hard life, you know).

With a huge array of dishes to choose from, this place really does cater for all tastes, whether it’s an incredible lamb shoulder in minted gravy with all the trimmings, or one of the new line of pizzas (I can heartily recommend the sweet chilli variety), the only problem is what to have. As you might have guessed, I visit this restaurant on a regular basis and have tried many of the main meals and quite a few of the starters (although I do seem to keep coming back to the sweet

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

chilli wrap with real chips). So on this occasion, I went for something I’ve never had before, so for me, chilli nachos dripping with cheese and far to more-rish for their own good, and for my partner, a homemade mushroom soup, which was so thick and flavoursome that it really could have been a meal in itself. But no, on to the main courses. The aromas accompanying this next dish were superb and, with salsa, sour cream and guacamole, these fajitas

really hit the spot. And with a choice of beef, chicken, mixed or vegetable, all you have to do is make a decision, then roll ‘n’ fold. Fabulous! Then on to my choice: Medallions of Pork in a rich apple-infused gravy with potatoes of the day (today’s being sliced in cream and garlic), a perfect combination of textures and flavours. So, with buttons bursting, we head to the desserts - a selection of homemade classics such as Bailey’s cheesecake and chocolate gateaux.

But on this occasion, the carrot cake won me over and, as always, two spoons. As I’ve already mentioned, the restaurant has established itself very quickly, but that doesn’t stop the management from thinking ahead and understanding that customers these days like to feel they are getting a great deal. So, with that in mind, they are offering a free bottle of house wine to any couple dining - and it’s a good wine, too! Also, under-eights eat for free and, with live music on

Tuesdays and Sundays from 8pm, it really is a great place to relax and enjoy a full evening’s entertainment. The guys at Oliver’s would also like to take this chance to invite everyone to the restaurant on Saturday, 18th June, for the Live Arico barbeque. And, with many of the Island’s entertainers popping down to lend their support, it really is a great chance to raise some money for the 370 dogs in their care. So get yourselves there and enjoy the afternoon.

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Travelodge planning budget-hotel spree in major Spanish cities

Here’s a pretty good reason for having a holiday in La Palma We continue our in-depth look at all seven of the Canary Islands with a visit to La Palma, a green, secretive land of remarkable beauty IT IS no coincidence that La Palma is known as La Isla Bonita, or The Pretty Island, because it really is an outstanding area with landscapes of remarkable beauty.

TRAVELODGE, the British budget hotel chain with three hotels in Spain already, have a huge expansion plan in place there for the next 10 years. Together with the company’s property partner, Citygrove, Travelodge have secured funding to kick-start their new operation in Barcelona and Valencia, and are in talks for a third in Seville. They are hoping to cash in on hotel guests trading downwards since the credit crunch, which has hammered Spain severely in the past two years or so. Paul Harvey, Travelodge’s managing director (international and development), said: “Our existing three hotels have been trading well. When a country has economic concerns, it is the time consumers choose a low-cost model.” Standard Life Investments have advanced the cash to build a £28.2m, 250-bed Travelodge in the central district of Barcelona. They will own the 10-storey building, with Travelodge operating it. In Valencia, Travelodge’s proposed 116bed hotel, near the airport, is being financed by Spanish bank BBVA. Citygrove, in talks with potential funders for a third, 200-bed Travelodge in Seville, are currently seeking a planning licence to develop the hotel. Future locations will include Madrid, Malaga, Bilbao and Granada, with further hotels in Barcelona. ”Budget is now understood by the Spanish,” said Mr

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Harvey. “They travel on Easyjet and understand the concept. At present, there are few budget hotels there because in Spain, the hotel sector is predominantly expensive, mid-market hotels which are under-invested. “We have also been helped by the fact that the Spanish people’s use of the internet has grown, so online booking is up.” Travelodge, 80% owned by Dubai International Capital (DIC), have a 1,000-room agreement with Citygrove to develop hotels in the UK and Spain. Citygrove chairman Toby Baines said: “Spanish banks such as BBVA or Santander will still lend on property, but only for certain deals such as development where there is a pre-let to a tenant. Like in the UK, many of the banks have an overhang of debt and they need to clear this.” Travelodge are attractive to institutional investors and banks because they take a 25year lease, creating a secure income for investors. They are now evaluating western Europe for their next step expansion step, with Germany, France, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Italy all being considered. Travelodge have more than 300 UK hotels and are the largest hotel brand in London. The chain’s Mr Sleep and the Zzz Squad advertising campaign has helped raise the company’s profile over the past year. They plan to expand to 14,000 rooms in the capital by 2016 and to 30,000 rooms in the long term. Citygrove are also developing hotels for Travelodge at UK towns, including Maidstone and Aldershot.

This is the green island and home to almost-intact natural resources, revealing a multitude of colours beneath one of the best skies in the world in terms of astronomic observation. That is why you won’t be surprised to find that the most important astrophysics observatories in the northern hemisphere are situated here. Nor will you be able to imagine the number of secret places where you can get in touch with nature on the most north-westerly of the Canary Islands. Only when you enter the Biosphere Reserve and start exploring do you get some idea. Your eyes will open wide as you make your way through it, along one of its innumerable paths, and through dense forests, dotted with permanent springs, where the vegetation all around you is what survived from the age of the dinosaurs. You will be captivated by the impressive peaks, where stargazing is a whole new experience; by the ravines, the vol-

canoes and the strange lava flows. Incredibly, you can also explore inside one of the biggest craters in the world, which is also a National Park. And there, on the steep sides, are splendid examples of the canary pine tree, a species which grows only in the Canaries. A succession of volcanic eruptions gave birth to La Palma, enabling it to emerge from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean around two million years ago, and build a mountain range, criss-crossing the island from North to South. This land, rich in traditions, legends and customs, preserves two types of architecture. On the one hand, there is the rural architecture, strongly influenced by agriculture. Apart from the houses, you’ll find lagares (wine-presses), bodegas (wine-cellars), granaries, vegetable gardens, threshing floors and windmills. On the other hand, there is the typical, urban architecture, more open to outside influences, which gives its towns a kind of old colonial flavour. This is a consequence of the distinctive interests, and also of the successive tastes and fashions in architecture, as the island has progressed, always looking towards the sea. Palmeran society has tradi-

tionally been creative, with a lifestyle closely linked to arts and culture. Thus, the island has invented itself through a close and permanent relationship between its citizens and the most recent artistic and intellectual developments. Its archaeological sites, sprinkled all over the island, show the visitor how much they appreciate the relics of the aboriginal inhabitants. The most interesting remains are rock carvings, and so far, around 200 have been found. The towns and villages of La Palma hold a wide variety of celebrations. The island has a system of accreditation for craft workers, and the crafts themselves are internationally famous for high-quality, hand-made products, such as cigars, silk and embroideries. If sightseeing is not in your remit, there are all types of leisure activities to keep you occupied, or amused, including climbing and ravinedescending, hiking, pot-holing, mountain-biking, paragliding, scuba-diving and various other sea-based sports. And though La Palma isn’t primarily a sun-and-sand resort, it still has several outstanding beaches, with pristine sand and crystal-clear waters, along with untouched scenery and imposing cliffs. There are also plenty of almost-deserted beaches where you can enjoy wonder-

ful solitude and tranquillity. And during your stay on the island, you will experience the mild climate and the volcanic origin of the fine, black-sand beaches. But you certainly don’t come to La Palma for its lively nightlife, even though your hotel may have an entertainment programme, and you’ll find a good selection of bars and restaurants around the island. If you’re after all-night raves and off-key karaoke, though, you’ve definitely come to the wrong place. Eating out at a fine seafood restaurant, and an after-dinner drink at a music bar, is as good as it gets. There are plenty of good tapas bars in the towns and villages, and some excellent restaurants serving homecooked local fare. You will also find international cuisine, but definitely not geared to English tastes. Although, through its natural beauty, the island is mostly promoted as an active leisure destination, don’t forget that the sun shines on La Palma almost the whole year around. This makes it into a distinctive holiday destination, where sunbathing and relaxing on any of its beaches means discovering a miniature continent with its own extraordinary identity, full of contrasts.

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


ON THE ROAD WITH JAV Behind the Wheel Email:

Keep an eye out for a tasty Hyundai tourer HYUNDAI have just announced the pricing and specification details of their new i40 Tourer, which has a September release date for salesrooms. It is set to go head-to-head with the Mondeo estate and other family load-luggers and, value-wise, it has an excellent chance of topping the bill. That’s because the i40 offers stacks of standard equipment, a five-year warranty and really attractive running costs. Starting with the latter, one of the surprising things about this model is that the entrylevel Active diesel version falls into the same insurance category as Hyundai’s i10 city car. On top of this, powered by a

115hp 1.7 CRDi turbo-diesel with Blue Drive technology as standard - including startstop - this version also claims 65.7mpg and 113g/km CO2. Not bad for a motor boasting 553-1,719 litres of boot space. Other engine options are a 136hp 1.7 diesel plus 1.6 and 2.0-litre petrol units, while specification choices are Active, Style and Premium. Active includes Blue Drive with start-stop, but also 16inch alloys, Bluetooth with voice recognition, electricheated mirrors with LED indicators, all-round electric windows, electronic parking brake with automatic hold function, and leather steering wheel with audio controls. Moving up to Style, Blue Drive is limited to just one diesel variant (at a £1,000

premium), but touch-screen satnav with reversing camera, front and rear parking sensors, cruise control and dualzone climate-control boost the fitted kit.

There’s no Blue Drive for the range-topping Premium; instead, it comes with full leather upholstery, panoramic sunroof, keyless entry and a ‘supervision’ instrument clus-

ter with LCD colour display. Lane Departure Warning and Smart Parking Assist, heated steering wheel and ventilated front seats are optional extras.

Hyundai i40 Tourer prices start at £18,395 for the 1.6 petrol Active, rising to £25,895 for the 136hp 1.7 diesel auto in Premium spec. Every single version comes with Hyundai’s Five-Year Triple Care package. This includes a five-year unlimited mileage warranty, five years of roadside assistance and five years of vehicle health checks - underlining the Tourer’s strong value for money. Designed in Germany, engineered specifically for Europe, sharply-styled and undoubtedly well built, the Tourer should prove an eyeopener for the rest of this sector. As if that were not enough hard enough to take for rival manufacturers, a saloon version follows later in the year.

Saab baled out by Chinese manufacturer SAAB chairman Victor Muller has again rescued the Swedish company from going under, this time via a strategic partnership with China’s SUV manufacturer Hawtai. Under the agreement, Saab will receive a 150m-euro cash injection for their parent firm Spyker, while the two companies will form joint ventures for manufacturing, technology and distribution.

They have also secured a 30m-euro loan from existing their Gemini Investment Fund investor which, together, has enabled Saab to maintain dayto-day operations - and restart their production line in Sweden. Muller said: “The partnership with Hawtai allows Saab Automobile to continue executing their business plan, while allowing us to enter the Chinese car market and establish a technology partnership with a strong manufacturer there.” He added: “We expect that Saab’s unique brand-values,

based on their aviation heritage, Scandinavian origins and innovation-driven character, will do very well in the Chinese market. “With Hawtai’s clean-diesel engine technologies and production capacity, and their ambitious development programmes, we have found the right partner to develop the Saab business and build a solid relationship.”

Hawtai say they have an annual production capacity of 350,000 vehicles, 300,000 clean-diesel engines and 450,000 automatic transmissions. Richard Zhang, Hawtai Vice-President, said: “The partnership will give us access to innovative technologies and an international network which would have taken us decades to build.” Together with a 60m-euro

investment from a Lithuanian investment fund and Russian oligarch Vladimar Antonov, it could spell new-found success for Saab. Muller hopes the cash will kick-start development of the new 91 supermini “which we so eagerly want”. Saab are, reportedly, putting together a bid for the outgoing Mini platform from BMW, having already pencilled

in a deal with BMW to provide engines for future models. And other partnerships are in hand. “There is a strong demand for large SUVs in China, so something larger than our new 9-4X is thinkable,” said Muller. But definitely not yet, especially with the 9-4X not even on the European market until the end of the year.

Saab’s new 9-4X crossover SUV, which may be overtaken by recent events at the company

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

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ROSCOE Sport Talk Email:

Fred Karno would be proud… Las Palmas 1 CD Tenerife 0 ANOTHER week, another soap opera. In fact, make that another star player given away, another manager sacked, another financial crisis. I could go on. Last Saturday saw the tamest Canarian Derby in memory, with a mainly reserve side taking on a gloating Las Palmas team. Both sides played as though they were already on the sunloungers, and the hosts’ winner from a contentious penalty mattered little. The major plus was the final whistle. The season is over and it will go down as Tenerife’s darkest ever. It has been a miserable season from start to finish, and the legacy is only just starting to hit home. After the Las Palmas defeat, new director of football Pedro Cordero, as predicted here, fired manager David Amaral. I cannot remember any professional football team hiring and firing five full-time managers in a single season. Five managers. Three directors of football. The player exodus has begun. Marc Bertran is now at Osasuna and should be joined by Nino. Ricardo is a Sporting Gijon player while Pablo Sicilia’s move to Las Palmas is off. His knee injury is worse than first feared and he will

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not kick a ball until Christmas. Obviously, Las Palmas have pulled the plug on his deal, which means Tenerife must keep a player they cannot afford or play. It’s a disaster. Pablo is on around 500,000 euros a year, if local reports are to be believed. This week, Cordero set a wage limit of 100,000 euros for players, so Sicilia will be sat in the stands earning the money of half the side. These strict financial measures cut very deep. Star youngster Josmar, subject of a 4,000,000-euro inquiry from Barcelona a year ago, has been released. Yes, given a free! He is on 200,000 euros and Tenerife say they cannot pay. So he is leaving, and CDT will get nothing. It’s an unbelievable and frightening development. Why don’t they sell him? Even a low fee, with sell-on and appearance clauses must be better for the club rather than just letting him go? This news on Tuesday was followed by a mega bombshell on Wednesday. On the club’s official website, a statement said they couldn’t guarantee participation in the Spanish 2nd B League next season. This would mean another drop into what in effect is the 4th Division. I’m still stunned writing this. Is Gordon Brown in charge? It’s all part of a stand-off with players such as Alvarez and Natalio. They have been granted free transfers, yet they want compensation from the club. There is no way any side will

pay them anything like the 700,000-euro salary they are getting at Tenerife and, with three years to run they are entitled to millions. Both of them. The club can’t pay and they want the dosh. Taking a step backwards, I can see the players’ point. A contract is a contract and I’m sure, like most of us, they have budgeted their life around it. But this is football, and they should not be rewarded for their services. We paid for promotion-standard football

and they didn’t give us that. It’s going to be a very, very long summer - and what sort of squad, or even level of football, we will get when the dust settles in August is anyone’s guess. We will, of course, keep you up to date with developments. But for the time being, you need to do one thing. Pray! Tenerife need some help from upstairs. Of course a rich businessman or three would do!

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


Match Report

Division 1

AFTER a glut of 180s in Division 1 last week, it was only a matter of time before someone hit a really big check-out.

Bar 180 A Cafe Rood A Phoenix Bar Target Army Tavern The Pub Toscales Ensecan Valle Vikings 1 X-Men

8-0 Bar 6-2 6-2 0-8 4-4 8-0 P-P 0-8 4-4

Step forward Steve Wray, of Toscales Tornados, with a 167 in a re-arranged match against The Pub! Sadly for him, The Pub came back from 3-0 down to take the three points. Nauta boss man Ian was on fire and hit a maximum during an 8-0 whitewash over Target Army, while Richard and Mick recorded maximums for Bar 180 A as they also took all the games from Bar 180 B. In a night of one-sided matches, Cozy Wanderers and The Pub both won 8-0, and the Phoenix moved up a place to fourth after beat-

Table P 1 Nauta A 4 2 Bar 180 A 4 3 Cozy Wanderers 4 4 Phoenix Bar 4 5 La Central 4 6 The Pub 4 7 X-Men 4 8 Cafe Rood A 3 9 Toscales Ensecan 3 10 Toscales Tornados 4 11 Target Titans 4 12 Tavern 4 13 Barracudarts Boys 2 14 Target Army 4 15 Bar 180 B 4 16 Gaffers 4 17 Valle Vikings 1 4 18 Yelas 4

W 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

D 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

180 B Toscales Tornados Gaffers Nauta A Target Titans Yelas Barracudarts Boys Cozy Wanderers La Central L 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 4 4 4

F 28 27 25 22 21 18 18 17 12 15 13 12 8 9 8 9 8 2

A 4 5 7 10 11 14 14 7 12 17 19 20 8 23 24 23 24 30

+- PTS 24 12 22 12 18 10 12 9 10 7 4 7 4 7 10 6 0 6 -2 6 -6 4 -8 4 0 3 -14 3 -16 3 -14 0 -16 0 -28 0

Division 2 Bad Girls/Boys Barracuda Hunters Knights Naughty Nautas Ourplace Naturals Sunshine Bar Tenerife Sun Lucky Leprechaun Palms Sports Bar

ing Gaffers 6-2. According to Conny, Cafe Rood B are surprised to be top of Division 2 - and they don’t know how they are doing it! But doing it they are, and they remain top after a 5-3 victory at Ourplace Naturals. Of course, it helps if you have Betty hitting her first 180 of the season! Second-place Sunshine Bar had Billy Whizz and Russell hitting 180s during a 5-3 success over Valle Vikings, and Naughty Nautas had loads of fun, despite losing

Table P 1 Cafe Rood B 4 2 Sunshine Bar 4 3 Marilyns 4 4 Sundowners 4 5 Tenerife Sun 4 6 Knights 4 7 Ourplace Playgirls 4 8 Summerland Hopefuls 4 9 Ourplace Naturals 4 10 Barracuda Hunters 4 11 Naughty Nautas 4 12 Bad Girls/Boys 4 13 Trap Door 4 14 Palms Sports Bar 4 15 Phoenix Flames 3 16 Lucky Leprichaun 3 17 La Caña Lancers 4 18 Valle Vikings 2 4

4-4 5-3 6-2 2-6 3-5 5-3 5-3 P-P 4-4 W 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

to Sundowners. Marilyns’ good start to the season ended at Tenerife Sun, while a local derby saw the Knights claim their second win of the campaign as they overcame La Cana Lancers 6-2. The Bad Girls/Boys picked up their fifth point of the

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

D 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 0

Summerland Hopefuls Ourplace Playgirls La Caña Lancers Sundowners Café Rood B Valle Vikings Marilyns Phoenix Flames Trap Door L 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 4 4

F 24 22 22 18 18 19 17 17 18 14 13 14 16 14 9 7 9 9

A 8 10 10 14 14 13 15 15 14 18 19 18 16 18 15 17 23 23

+- PTS 16 12 12 10 12 9 4 9 4 9 6 7 2 7 2 7 4 6 -4 6 -6 6 -4 5 0 4 -4 2 -6 1 -10 0 -14 0 -14 0

season with a draw at home to Summerland, and The Palms also finished allsquare with Trap door. Tonight (Friday) sees the first of the knock-out matches in the doubles competition. Good luck to you all. By Geoff Huxtable

Match Report

Division 1

THE Torviscas boys of Palms A were made to work for their League crown after being pushed all the way by Summerland Superstars. They required just one point from their final two matches on Tuesday, yet needed both matches to clinch Division One. The first match of a double header saw the eagerly-anticipated clash with Superstars. The chance to win the league at their close rivals was a juicy carrot, and the match was a cagey affair. Palms didn’t take the lead until the seventh frame, and at 4-3 they needed one more frame to seal the title. But the hosts roared back and won the remaining rubbers to force the title down to the wire. A quick charge up the TF1 ensued as Rat Pack lay in wait for Palms A, while La Caña were ready for their Superstars clash. The dash to their home venue did Palms no favours, and they found themselves in a dogfight, with the scores at 2-2. But suddenly, it all clicked into gear and they reeled off the next four frames to lift the title. Superstars had done their bit and defeated La Caña, but it was all in vain. There was similar tension at the bottom as Men Of Atlantis and 8 Ball Massive tried to avoid joining La Caña and Legends A in the dreaded drop. Men of Atlantis knew they had to get something at Bar 180 B, but they started poorly. At 3-1 down they looked doomed, but they nicked a double rubber back. Kevin won his singles to make it 5-4 and it was game on. Meanwhile, 8 Ball Massive were in trouble against Terrace A. They were 5-1 down after the doubles and were staring into the abyss. Vinny got one back for 8 Ball, but Mark P beat John to leave their fate elsewhere. So in San Blas, MOA captain John knew he had to win the last match of the season to keep his side up. But it was not to be. There were just as many emotions flying in Division Two. Gaffers and Legends B were already assured top-flight pool next season, and Bar Tasca were heavy favourites to join them. They needed to match Phoenix Potters’ result, but they were struggling at home to Toscales Tangos. Phoenix were comfortable 82 winners at Target Rangers

8 Ball Massive Atlantis Sharks Bar 180 B Legends A Nauta A Palms Bar A Phoenix Knights Summerlands Superstars Tenerife Hammers A Toscales Old Boys

4-6 8-2 6-4 2-8 3-7 6-4 6-4 8-2 5-5 5-5

Table P 1 Palms Bar A 38 2 Summerlands Superstars38 3 Tenerife Hammers A 38 4 Bar 180 B 38 5 Trap Door 38 6 Phoenix Knights 38 7 Hoops Bar 38 8 Atlantis Sharks 38 9 Bar 180 A 38 10 Toscales Old Boys 38 11 Rat Pack 38 12 Target Bar 38 13 Terrace Bar A 38 14 Nauta A 38 15 Summerlands Allstars 38 16 Dreamers Bar 38 17 8 Ball Massive 38 18 Men Of Atlantis 38 19 Bar La Cana 38 20 Legends A 38

W 33 32 27 22 20 19 17 17 16 15 12 12 10 10 9 10 10 7 5 4

Terrace Bar A Bar 180 A Men Of Atlantis Summerlands Allstars Dreamers Bar Rat Pack Target Bar Bar La Cana Trap Door Hoops Bar D 3 3 5 8 12 10 10 9 6 8 11 7 12 8 9 6 2 10 4 3

L F 2 271 3 272 6 236 8 216 6 224 9 209 11 210 12 200 16 177 15 194 15 179 19 168 16 179 20 166 20 166 22 158 26 162 21 166 29 121 31 126

A +- PTS 109 162102 108 164 99 144 92 86 164 52 74 156 68 72 171 38 67 170 40 61 180 20 60 203-26 54 186 8 53 201-22 47 212 -44 43 201-22 42 214 -48 38 214 -48 36 222-64 36 218 -56 32 214 -48 31 259-13819 254-12815

Division 2 Bar 180 C Bar Tasca Barracuda Hunters Exiles Gaffers Lupain Target Rangers Terrace Bar B Woodys

10 - 0 6-4 5-5 8-2 5-5 4-6 2-8 6-4 4-6

Table 1 Gaffers 2 Legends B 3 Bar Tasca 4 Phoenix Potters 5 Bar 180 C 6 Inn The Pink 7 Nauta B 8 Tenerife Hammers C 9 Exiles 10 Summerland Elite 11 Barracuda Bandits 12 Target Rangers 13 Lupain 14 Terrace Bar B 15 Toscales Tangos 16 Barracuda Hunters 17 Palms Bar B 18 Woodys 19 Connors

P 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36

and, as the dust settled, Tasca were 5-4 with the deciding rubber to play. But Specsavers Jamie was in deep trouble. He came to the table knowing defeat would see his side miss out, and his opponents in a strong position. Jamie potted

W 25 25 23 23 20 22 19 18 14 13 13 13 12 9 7 6 6 5 2

Summerland Elite Toscales Tangos Connors Palms Bar B Tenerife Hammers C Legends B Phoenix Potters Inn The Pink Barracuda Bandits D L F A +- PTS 8 3 222 13884 83 5 6 220 14080 80 6 7 228 13296 75 6 7 217 14374 75 10 6 202 15844 70 3 11 206 15452 69 6 11 196 16432 63 5 13 200 16040 59 9 13 183 177 6 51 11 12 187 17314 50 9 14 174 186-12 48 8 15 184 176 8 47 7 17 165 195-30 43 8 19 161 199-38 35 8 21 152 208-56 29 7 23 141 219 -78 25 6 24 123 237-11424 5 26 137 223-86 20 7 27 122 238-11613

one ball, then two and three. A little luck on the fourth, five went down a treat as did six. The final colour was nailed, but the black was impossible. No chance. Surely he would play safe? Not a chance. And with a wonder shot, Jamie nailed the

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Puzzle Page

Prize Sudoku - X

9 3

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid.

WIN!!! Showtime tickets and an Oasis Fm t-shirt. Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to before Wednesday 15th June and you could win! Answer from Edition 706 (27/05/2011) was: 39 Winner: Barry Gill

Last Week’s Answers:

2 5









5 2

1. Birmingham 2. Tweed 3. France 4. Adriatic 5. Lillehammer 6. Crete 7. Croatia 8. Romania 9. Denmark 10. Budapest

1 Brain Training: Beginer: 147 Intermediate: 32 Advanced: 24

You have until the 8th July to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.


8 8





6 Sudoku X:



6 2



























































Puzzle Rating: Quite hard


































5 5


4 3


























1 5

8 5

7 3






6 1






































































































































































6 1

9 3

Quite Easy



Puzzle Rating: Very hard

Horoscopes of the week Gemini

(May 22nd-June 21st) Instead of lashing out and blaming everyone around you when things go wrong in your life, take a step back and be honest about bad decisions you’ve made in the past. It’s time for a reality check. Being honest with yourself is the only way forward, because then you’ll make positive changes happen. CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) Friends and money hardly ever mix well, so don’t feel obliged to lend someone money, especially if you haven’t got any, or if you feel he’ll let you down. Is it really worth losing a friendship over? Venus moved into Gemini earlier in the week and restored a happier balance over relationships and friendships. So that should solve any immediate dilemmas LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) Your upbeat start to the week can continue if you don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked by anything or anyone. Stick rigidly to what you’ve set out for yourself, because once that’s completed you can chill out. And don’t forget to give yourself a good pat on the back for a job well done. VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) Your elaborate, professional visions will take a lot more money to get up and running than you’d anticipated so slow it down a bit and lower your sights for a while. Slow and steady wins the race, remember, so try not be so impatient. You’ll get there, but it won’t be overnight by any means. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Take time to listen to friends and family when discussing

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long-term plans, instead of pushing to get your point across without even listening. Planning ahead is all about compromise, and you must know by now that you can’t always get your own way. Live with it, and go back to the drawing board. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You feel in your heart that you’ve made the right decision over a business or financial venture, so why is that insecurity and self-doubts are starting to creep in? Boost your confidence and optimism by looking to past accomplishments. You’ve done well and will do so again. Have faith! SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) You’ll get more with honey than with vinegar this week so, if there’s some ego-fanning to be done, suck it up and get on with it. You can do so with your tongue firmly in your cheek, as long as the person in authority doesn’t realise. Keep your eye on the end result at all times. C A P R I C O R N (December 22ndJanuary 20th) Be careful you don’t bite off more than you can chew at work - just because you’re afraid to admit you don’t know what someone is actually asking you to do. Surely, it’s better to own up at

the start, rather than make a mess of the task. Bite the bullet and speak up. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Your thinking is sound and practical, especially over work matters and forward planning, but there will be times in the week where your thoughts will wander to sunny shores and you’ll almost feel the sun on your back. This is fate telling you to take a break, so go ahead and book a holiday. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) It’s one of those weeks where you’ll have little choice but to put the needs of others before your own. Don’t gripe about it. The quicker you get it done, the quicker you’ll be able to focus on your own wants and needs. Venus in Gemini ups the ante over love and relationships, bringing the silver lining. ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) Your need for instant gratification, whether it be over work, money or love, is causing untold tension in your life, so why not lower the bar over what you want to achieve and keep goals realistic. You can always up the ante once you get to the first level, but do take it slowly from there. TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) You’re forever hopeful that when someone makes a promise, he/she keeps it, but that doesn’t usually happen, unfortunately. Money matters are causing you sleepless nights, so take the bull by the horns and demand what is due to you. After all, you’ve worked for it, so take a stand.

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training Drinks 1.The phrase ‘mind your P’s & Q’s originally meant to watch how much you had to drink, but what did the letters `P` and `Q` stand for?

2. What spirit is used to make Daquari?

3. Which country has the largest Malt Whisky distillery in the world?

4. What is the flavour of `Ouzo`?

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER STARTER NUMBER

80 4


-10 17 -53 8

7. Scotch Whisky and Drambuie make up which cocktail?











3/5 of this



6. Which evergreen tree’s berries are used to flavour gin?


+62 20% of this


5. From what region does Claret come from?





x4 +212 4/7 of this 5








-119 3/11 of this BEGINNER

8. From what fruit is the French cordial syrup of Grenadine made?


123 4

9. What is added to tomato juice to make a Bloody Maria?

10. Which creature features on the logo of Bacardi rum?




4/9 of this


1/6 of this



x3 +661 2/5 of this 8





+31 10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011


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Industrial Gas BBQ excellent condition depth 350 X 500 X 250mm, 350 euros. Bar restaurant coffee machine stand with storage 300 euros. Upright freezer, 90 euros. Tel 638 671 333 Weider Weights, total of weights 10 kilos 50 euros ono. 4 white plastic garden chairs, sturdy English ones, 8 euros each. Walking frame for larger person, complete with seat & basket, plus material cover, nearly new, excellent condition. 150 euros. Ladies bowling ball 10-11lbs + bowling bag, 60 euros the lot. Tel 922 166 144 Full set of Oxford English course in Spanish. Consists of books, videos & audio cassettes 60 euros. Full size office table “Actiu” in very good condition 60 euros. Executive black chair in black with a slight defect, 40 euros. 14” Sony TV black colour 40 euros. Blue teens bicycle (needs servicing) 45 euros. 50” Pooh soft toy in very good condition 60 euros. Mustek UPS 650 surge type voltage stabiliser for protection of P.C and other devices also as new 50 euros. Tel 662 121 218 or 922 718 015. 6 x solid wood dining room chairs with Lyre design back, including 2 carvers, leather seats, 180 euros. Tel 922 742 063 Garden furniture 160cm x 90cm wooden garden table extending to 220 cm width, 6 matching chairs fantastic condition 250 euros ono. White freezer 60 euros. Tel 626 148 377 Various Playstation 3 games , all boxed as new: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, Test Drive Unlimited 2, Homfront, Battlefield Bad Company (Gold Edition) Socom: Confrontation, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, 100 euros. DJ Hero Turntable with unopened DJ Hero Game for Playstation 3, 35 euros. Tel 608 032 595 2 single metal folding beds & foam mattress, ideal for sleepovers or family staying, 40 euros ono each. Yamaha psr 195 electric piano/organ, ideal for beginner as has yamaha education suite onboard, full size keyboard, with manuals, 2 music books, metal stand & mains adaptor, battery cover missing, but in very good condition, 100 euros ono. Leopard print fabric on a metal folding frame, good condition 10 euros. Carmen acoustic guitar & soft carry case, good condition, 30 euros ono. Tower PC & 17” crt monitor, keyboard & mouse. winxp sp3 clean install 512ram 40ghd Amd 1.86Ghz Processor, ideal for internet 60 euros. Tel 922 735 786, 685 815 464 or 625 123 730 after 6pm Pink Bumbo baby sitter and table 30 euros. Baby bath + newborn seat + top/tailing bowl 5 euros. 4 boxes girls baby clothes: vests, swim suits, dresses, baby grows etc from 0-18 months, will split into bundles, 40 euros for the lot or 50 cents/1 euro for each item. Slow cooker 10 euros. Glass jug blender, 15 euros. Foot spa bubbles/spa mode 10 euros. LG touch screen mobile phone boxed as new condition model: kp505, 40 euros. Oil filled radiator 10 euros. Exercise set: 2 x 2kg dumbbells, thigh master, waist twister, 15 euros. HP 5850 photo printer, needs ink otherwise perfect 10 euros. Call 669 934 525 or 922 711 374 Adeje Sewing machine Alfa Inizia model 520 excellent condition, 10 stitch programme, button holes, etc 100 euros. Extending metal safety gate, six panels ideal for infants / pets can be used as playpen or stair gate, 25 euros. Tel 608 223 156 or 922 765 564. High quality free shark, Laidies BCD, 120 euros ono. Handmade limited edition Elisa Statue, Ref:Memories 9423, with box, certificate and guarantee in immaculate condition 400 euros ono. Tel 660 169 820 Wingate school uniform, sweatshirt with logo – medium, 20 euros. Tracksuit bottoms medium (excellent cond), 10 euros. PE shorts, large (excellent condition, 5 euros. Marks and Spencers black straight leg trousers, age 15-30in waist, 2 pairs

brand new, 20 euros per pair. 1 pair excellent condition, 10 euros. Air conditioning unit, excellent condition, 50 euros. Fishing rod and fishing box(hooks/weights/floats) 30 euros. Fishing chair excellent condition, 10 euros. Tel 660 458 864. Exercise Bike, with many functions, flywheel which evens out the movement and a large comfortable saddle, 125 euros (El Medano) Tel 922 176 845 or 618 475 649. Revision Books for next year (2012) ideal for Wingate pupils. IGCSE first language English Workbook, 15 euros. GCSE English complete revision & practise (excellent condition), 15 euros. GCSE Maths complete revision & practise, 20 euros. Adidas cream zip up/hud tracksuit top (very good condition) medium, 10 euros. Animal khaki huddy top (vgc) small, 15 euros. Tel 660 458 864 Professional standing facial steamer 75 euros. 8 piece clip in natural hair extensions dark brown 25 euros. Playstation dance Mat including game, 15 euros. Tel 647 182 538 Tefal Actifry, low use of oil, brilliant for those trying to lose weight, 130 euros. Weider Weights, total of weights 10 kilos 50 euros ono. 4 white plastic garden chairs, sturdy English ones, 8 euros each. Walking frame for larger person, complete with seat & basket, plus material cover, nearly new, excellent condition, 150 euros. Ladies bowling ball 10-11lbs + bowling bag, 60 euros lot. Tel 922 166 144 Cement Mixer 50 euros ono. Complete sets scuba diving regulators 40 euros each ono. Wetsuits various sizes 20 euros each. Tel 609 084 625

BARGAIN OF THE WEEK White cot with clean mattress, mattress protector and 3 sets sheets 40 euros. Tel 922 733 595 or 678 556 568 Complete computer system (Acer aspire) comprising of intel pentium dual core 2.2GHz, 640Gb HD, 4Gb Ram, DVDRW, Lan, wireless Lan, windows VHP. included also mouse and keyboard, 19” widescreen Acer TFT monitor, logitect X140 speakers, webcam , and also 950VA UPS, immaculate condition, 350 euros. Tel 659 036 393. Girls pink and orange Quinny Buzz and Quinny Dreamy, excellent condition, 250 euros. Tel 672 564 598 28” wide screen TV, silver, 60 euros. VCR, 14” TV, 2 rings electric hob, deep fryer, patio bench, Bamboo armchair, DVD player, 10 euros each. A selection of headboards (90,135,160, 200, 220cm) 15 euros a set. Built in oven & stainless steel hob, 50 euros. Patio table & chairs,10 euros the set. Bag less vacuum cleaner,15 euros. Tel 646 615 794. Chinese chess set unique 70 euros. Fridge 40 euros. Lladro and Nao figurines, from 30 euros. Tel 676 051 341 Petsafe radio fence pet containment system comes with 250m of boundary wire and radio collar for your dog 100 euros. Werko electric table stone and marble cutter 75 euros ono. Industrial insect killer for kitchen/bar 50 euros. Sack trolley 35 euros. Silver gas bottle 35 euros. Tel 639 481 064 Chio. Victoria sewing machine multi stitch option, all original accessories, as new 150 euros ono. Sliver tall standing surround sound system 50 euros. Sony DVD player silver, 20 euros. HP printer scanner still in box 30 euros. HP monitor and keyboard 20 euros. Tel 671 473 661 4 rings ceramic hob, 80 euros. Large chest freezer 150 euros. Microwave white 25 euros. Hoover, 25 euros. Fridge 45 euros. Fridge freezer, 150 euros. DVD player + remote 25 euros. Tel 679 788 586 or 922 795 592 Chicco pushchair with rain cover basket etc, 80 euros. Sammies by Samsonites child’s wheeled cabin or school bag has a turtle look to it 10 euros. 12 inch boys Spiderman bike with stabilisers would suit 3 to 6 year old, 20 euros. Tel 620 015 628.

4 rings vitroceramic hob, 40 euros. 14” TV, 20 euros. Playstation 1, coffee machine,10 euros each. Free standing fan, stool, 8 euros each. A set of speakers and subwoofer, 20 euros. Tel 922 739 850 or 696 048 937. Spanish course, the Michel Thomas method complete set, Foundations, Foundation Review, The Advanced, Advanced Review, Vocabulary, Language Builder, also German, Italian and French, 50 euros for all 6 courses. Tel 693 865 845 Draughtsman or artists chair in dark grey material with adjustable heights and chrome frame, excellent condition, 50 euros ono. Tel 659 036 393. Bain Marie, for keeping food hot, 9 compartments, 140 euros. Tel 672 599 411. 14” TV with remote, 15 euros. Coffee table wood with tempered glass top L.111cm W.62cm. H45cm, 30 euros. Complete shower unit with glass doors and shower columb semi circle tray 80mrts, 200 euros ono. Tel 634 051 232 15 Danielle Steel books, some in hardback, 10 Stephen King including the trilogy, 8 Marian Keyes, 10 Robert Ludlum, several Martina Cole and many other top authors from 50c to 2 euros. Tel 922 176 259 Complete Home/Office PC. Pent 4 Dual Core 3ghz Genuine win7 ultimate, 19” w/s LCD Screen, Epson all in one printer/scanner inc 4 extra sets of inks. Computer desk, luxury leather chair, sml locking file cabinet, stereo speakers (5.1 R/C surround available extra) all cables required plus many progs, blank disks, 325 euros ONO. Silencio Area. Tel 665 934 280 1250 watt industrial microwave oven 70 euros. Cylinder vacuum, hoover telios 1400 25 euros. Sofabed with wooden frame good condition 50 euros. 2 seater sofa 20 euros. Large gilt framed mirror, 50 euros. Tumble dryer Edesa make 5kg 100 euros. 4 ring gas cooker with grill & oven 120 euros. Solac coffee machine, “expresso double cream” with grinder 70 euros. Exercise bike triple action 50 euros. 2 pine chairs & 2 pine stools 25 euros. White double bamboo headboard 155cm with 2 matching chairs 30 euros. Stainless steel glass fronted 3 door refrigerated unit, 150 x 64 x 108cm. 350 euro. Domestic fridge, 40 euros. Small Spanish rustic trunk with drawer 40 euros. Tel 620 469 102 Oak coloured tv/video unit with folding doors and drawer 50 euros. Pine tall corner unit with cupboard, 20 euros. Single bed with mattress, 25 euros. Commercial insect killer, 50 euros. Commercial coffee machine, 250 euros. 4 place drop down toastie machine, 50 euros. Fire extinguishers from 40 euros. Stainless steel unit 100 x 60 x 105, 60 euros. White over bath bathing chair, 20 euros. Teak & metal headboard 210cm, 50 euros. 2 pine coffee tables, 15 euros. Large extendable silver hanging rail, 50 euros. Delongi matural convection mini oven 20 euros. 6 square meters textured natural coloured tiles 20 x 20cm, 35 euros. Wireless house phone 10 euros. Tel 662 354 391. Silencio area. Buyer to collect. Garden furniture, wooden table & 6 matching chairs 150cm x 90cm folding out to 210cm, good condition 200 euros ono. Freezer, 60 euros. Nintendo game cube with over ten games, two hand controls and steering wheel 55 euros. Side table black 20 euros. IKEA TV stand silver glass 20 euros. Tel 626 148 377. EPSON SX405 WiFi edition printer/scanner/copier. Excellent condition - new colour cartridges installed but black will need replacing. Can be seen photocopying but no longer loaded on computer. 35 euros ONO. IKEA glass and black metal round occasional table (49 x 60cm). Brand new (still boxed) 25 euros ONO Tel: 647 155 381 / 600 019 819. PS2 with 2 controllers 45 euros. Nintendo game cube, 40 euros. Excellent glass display cabinet, 30 euros, as new Ikea computer table 15 euros. PS2 games, 5 euros each. Nintendo game cube 40 euros. 4 rings hob, 80 euros. Tel: 660 265 898. Stem iron, 8 euros .14" TV, CD, stereo radio cassette recorder 13 euros each. 29" TV, silver, 60 euros. 21" TV, 40 euros. Sandwich toaster, 7 euros. Built in oven, 60 euros. Fridge freezer, 120 euros. Fridge, 40 euros. Tel: 679 788 586.

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm

Page 50

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011




Near Playa Paraiso – Paraiso I, lovely 3 bed, 2.5 bath villa, furnished,private garage, lovely views, €795 + bills


Las Chafiras – 3 bed, 2.5 bath townhouse, private garage, pool view, €750 + bills

The best rental prices – for full listings email:

Playa Paraiso – Paraiso Del Sol, sunny 2 bed / 1 bath €475 + bills

CALL KEN ON 639 207 113

Playa de las Americas – Playa Honda, 1 bed/1bath €500 inc Bills



Coastal House luxury 3 bed with garage 1350 euros all inc.

2 bedroom apt, Los Cristianos Central, UK TV 600 euros a month

2 bed ground floor apartment, Parque de la Reina, separate kitchen, modern. 525 euros a month Studios, Los Cristianos / San Eugenio from 380 euros a month




URGENTLY WANTED MORE RENTAL PROPERTY ALL AREAS Tel: 0034 922 797 438 / 638 519 999 Email: Office Address Ave Los Pueblos, Garajonay 1-4,Las Americas 38660

SUMMERLAND. LOS CRISTIANOS, Lovely modernised one x bed overlooking the pool and sea on this recently upgraded complex. Close to town and Bus station. Full kitchen inc washing machine. Price 500€ pm (inc all bills) CRISTIAN SUR. LOS CRISTIANOS Ground floor one bed apartment on this popular Aparthotel convenient for everywhere. nicely Furnished, Comm pools. Reception. Excellent value at 500€ pm (plus electric) MARIBEN. CALLAO SALVAJE. Choice of 2 x two bedroom 2 x bathroom houses , on this prestigious, complex with Comm pools, Tennis Courts. both have large garages.and good size Terraces and gardens. One priced at 700€ and the other at 750€ pm (both plus Electric)

Playa Americas studio for rent, central location, very quiet area close to beach well furnished and equipped. No finders fees. 390 euros per month bills inclusive. Call 620 23 08 71 or 922 751 113.

Piedra Hincada – Stunning views, 3 bed, 2.5 bath end townhouse, garage, €495 + bills Garañaña – Choice of 3, 3 bed apartments, from €490 + bills


San Eugenio Alto – Paradise Court, large studio, €400 incl bills




Detached 3 bed 2 bathroom villa in San Eugenio Alto with private pool. Offered on a Rent to Buy option or outright sale, 320,000 euros. Tel 922 719 690 or 676 417 311 Detached villa Las Americas beautiful sea views, swimming pool, quiet residencial complex, genuine bargain, 265,000 euros. Tel 617 658 900

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A FREEHOLD CAFE BAR IN SOUTHERN SPAIN! This is indeed rare; a freehold Cafe Bar is for sale in Southern Spain, with just one owner from new since 199! Fully equipped and ready to go! Would make a great Irish Pub or even an Indian Restaurant (The resort does not have either). IMPORTANT, not to be confused with Trespaso, this property is yours outright, no rent to pay EVER! Visit for all info and photos! Priced at less than 150,000 UK pounds it is available direct from the owner (No Agents please) Call 0034 630 268 288 with any further questions.

3 bed 2 bath apartment, 100sqm + 100sqm roof terrace in Las Chafiras. Includes all basic furniture & white goods, low community fees, 136,000 euros ono. No agents. Call 922 735 786, 685 815 464 or 625 123 730 after 6pm LOS CRISTIANOS COSY LITTLE BAR FOR SALE NEAR APOLO CENTRE, INTERESTING LEASE. 664 754 839.




BUSINESS WANTED Buyer looking for legal Apartment Rental Business on Tourist complex in the South of Tenerife. Call 666 725 281

PROPERTY FOR RENT Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680.

MARIBEN. CALLAO SALVAJE, Fabulous 3 x bed 2 x bath Semi detached villa with private pool and gymnasium. Large Terraces and 2 x car garage. Sea Views. Complex has everything for modern community living. Price 925€ pm (plus electric & water) SUNSET VIEW, CALLAO SALVAJE. Quality modern 2 x bed apartment on this well run complex close to the new beach. two x terraces. Full Kitchen inc Washing machine etc. Price 550€ pm (plus elec & water) EL ROQUE (ABOVE VALE SAN LORENZO). Beautiful modern 3 x bed 2 x bath town house in this idilic location 15 mins from the resorts. Stunning views. Price 660€ plus elec & water)

LONG TERM RENTALS Los Cristianos Parque Tropical III 3 bed/3 bath townhouse with garage, 1,300€ + bills, fully furnished. 5 bed/4 bath beach front villa with garage, 2,500€ + bills, fully furnished. Parque Tropical II 1 bed 3rd. floor apt., 600€ + bills, fully furnished The Heights 1 bed 3rd. floor apt., 495€ incl. bills, fully furnished. 2 x 2 bed apts. very good location, in the middle of Los Cristianos, 550€ incl.

bills fully furnished. Chayofa - La Finca 1 bed ground floor apt., 390€ incl. bills, fully furnished. Calleo Salvaje - Un Posto al Solé 2 bed, 1st. floor apt., 500€ incl. bills, fully furnished. 2 bed ground floor apt., 500€ incl. bills fully furnished Parque de la Reina Tigaiga 2 bed, penthouse apt. 600€ incl. bills, fully furnished

NO FINDERS OR CONTRACT FEES. I am always looking for more properties in all shapes and sizes, so if you would like to rent out your property for long lets or holiday rentals please contact me and I will come and visit you. I am also looking for wheelchair friendly properties with roll in showers/wet rooms.

Phone: Suzanne on 680 831 497 Email: Website:

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Page 51

Service Point

CARS/BIKES (CONT.) CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667. MG ZR 1.8, ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 4,500 euros. Tel 669 626 840




Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790


Piagio Fly 125 cc moped less than 2 years old, excellent condition, 950 euros. Tel 610 285 953

Keep Clean Professional Cleaning Service. For your apartments, studios, villas, 20 years experience. No job too small. Competitive prices. Call Gary 603 217 333 Email:

Renault Clio 2.0 Exception, Limited Edition 150HD, fully loaded, silver, 35,000 kms, 4 door, full Renault service history, excellent condition. Cost new 19,700€, only 8,900€. Tel 610 285 953 Honda Pan European ST1100cc, full ITV, many new parts, 3,500 euros ono. Tel 634 136 935. To view email


Air Conditioning Unit ‘General’ comprising external Inverter and internal Diffuser. Cost 2,500€ 3yrs ago and in very good condition and well maintained.

Price 1,250€ Tel: 922 13 81 46 JOBS

An Accounts / Administration Position is available at Hotel Pearly Grey. English must be your first language with other languages an advantage. A fixed contract is available for the successful applicant. Send your CV to



A qualified Child minder is required for a full time position in Los Cristianos. Applicants must have 2 to 5 years experience in childcare, childcare certification, CRB check and references. Must be fluent in English with a second language preferred. Email A Marketing Office in the South of Tenerife require enthusiastic, self motivated staff to work as a part of great team. They are looking for native speaking Romanian, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian and Polish with spoken English. Basic wage plus excellent commissions. Hours 9.30 to 5pm Monday to Friday. Call Sue on 922 713 070 or 686 154 066 or email


Resort Promotions are looking for Call Centre Agents. Experience preferred, but not essential, as full training is given. High earning potential, basic wages plus commission paid weekly. Excellent fresh leads. For an interview please call Carole on 603 109 096. PR’s are required for TIBU nightclub in Las Americas. Weekly wage plus commission. Call Ben after midday on 630 718 940 Diamond Resorts International require Sales and Marketing professionals for their Tenerife Operation. Competitive compensation plans and incredible career growth opportunities. No experience required as full training will be provided. Email or call 951 108 602

Page 52


CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250€ per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email: 10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Service Point












9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841

ALUMINIUM & PVC Tel: 922 778 050

VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Fax 922 778 051

Mobile 696 889 048 Email:

Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.


Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!


Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

Blonde sweet, very beautiful, 26 years, slim body, large breasts, firm bottom, very sexy and erotic lady. Discreet luxury apartment, hotel visits (24 hours). Very good English & German spoken. Tel 0034 636 653 187. Beautiful Latin American girl in Los Cristianos, great body, available 24 hours a day, hotel & home visits, massage, full sex, you will enjoy! You’ll find me in the Funchal Apartments opposite the Hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos, You won’t regret it! Call 696 847 478

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Page 53

Service Point

PERSONAL SERVICES (CONT.) In Playa de Las Americas, dominant lover, fetishism, sadism, submissive men, obedience, 24 hour service, vibrators, whips, transmutation, sado light, 1,80 big chest, do you want to be a slave, hotel & home visits. Call 673 663 322 Sexy 40 year old lady offers sensual massage for gentlemen. Tel 660 618 331 Sexy lovely girl!!! Independent escort offering super erotic massage, great time!! 0034 690 900 739


MAN WITH A VAN Single items to full house removals Competitive rates, professional service.

Call us first on 638 384 855 UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.


PETSWORLD D O G H O T E L Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day No car, no problem we can pick them up.


TEL: 679 16 16 82



SALE NOW ON! New stock just in “Mexican Pine”


Everything from wardrobes to bookcases We Buy & Sell 2nd hand furniture/fridge freezers

No need to bid – deposit secures your item! 1st come 1st served = Don’t miss out Los Cristianos, nr Cultural Centre / Police station road, next to pet shop

Tel: 618 381 488

Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270

TAROT READING / ASTROLOGY Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 774 345 / 610 089 157. Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494.


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 TRANSLATION

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493

PLUMBING All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579


CASH waiting for all your SECOND HAND FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS House clearances etc undertaken Tel: 922 735 664 or 674 615 855

the English Upholsterer Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle

677 806 800


TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991




THE WHITE VAN MAN House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

No job too big or too small

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743 Page 54

Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales. Red Tomato, TV/Computer repairs inc. Plasma & LCD TV repairs, satellite installations, English Tele package, Xbox, Playstations, Wii, Satellite boxes & mobile phones, WiFi Hotspots in Golf del Sur & Amarilla. Call Alan 649 200 774

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency

Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday


Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Nicola Roberts Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces

the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Sunny skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 16km/h. Friday Night Partly cloudy skies. 22 °C. Wind N 26km/h. Saturday Sunny skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 19km/h. Saturday Night Partly cloudy skies. 21 °C. Wind NNE 24km/h. Sunday Sunny skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 23km/h. Sunday Night Partly cloudy skies. 22 °C. Wind NNW 26km/h. Monday Sunny skies. 24 °C. Wind NNE 26km/h. Monday Night Clear skies. 22 °C. Wind NNE 26km/h. Tuesday Sunny skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 23km/h. Tuesday Night Partly cloudy skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 23km/h. Wednesday Sunny skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 21km/h. Wednesday Night Sunny skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 21km/h.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802


flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Thursday Sunny skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 14km/h. Thursday Night Clear skies. 21 °C. Wind NNE 14km/h.

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Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2011 Canarian Weekly PUBLISHER, PROPRIETOR AND EDITOR: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

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Page 56

10 June 2011 - 16 June 2011

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