Canarian Weekly Ed 711

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Issue 711

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011


Weekly paper folds ON SUNDAY, the printing presses of the world’s mightiest newspaper will roll for the News of the World for last time at Wapping. The demise of the Sunday paper heralds one of the biggest stories of all time, overtaking any revelation they could have possibly have matched, for all their world exclusives down the years. Faced with a host of new claims over alleged phonehacking scandals, owner Rupert Murdoch had no option but to close the 168-year-old newspaper. One of the primary reasons for the closure will surely have been the mass boycott of leading advertisers, including Asda, Boots, Co-op, Dixons, Ford, Halifax, Npower, Sainsbury's and Specsavers. It is understood that News International were left with just BSkyB, British Gas, Mars and Tesco. The NOW is thought to have averaged about £660,000 in advertising income each weekend, according to industry estimates. The decision to close the paper, announced by Murdoch’s son, James, is understood to have followed a meeting yesterday (Thursday) between Murdoch Snr and his leading executives. James Murdoch, News International Chairman, said: “Having consulted senior colleagues, I have decided that we

must take further decisive action with respect to the paper. This Sunday will be the last issue of the News of the World. “Colin Myler will edit the final edition of the paper. In addition, I have decided that all of the News of the World's revenue this weekend will go to good causes.” He added that the final edition would not run any commercial adverts - with the advertising space to be donat-

ed to causes and charities. "The good things the News Of The World do, however, have been sullied by behaviour that was wrong," said Murdoch Jnr. "Indeed, if recent allegations are true, it was inhuman and has no place in our company. "The News Of The World is in the business of holding others to account. But it failed when it came to itself." It is understood that Rebekah Brooks, the NOW's former editor and current News

International chief executive, was in tears when she told staff about the decision. The paper's current editor, 59-year-old Liverpudlian Colin Myler, was said to be absolutely furious, and journalists were devastated. The News of the World will be the first national newspaper to close since Rupert Murdoch shut News International midmarket tabloid Today in 1995. The NOW has been News International's most profitable title for many years. A spokesperson for the company would not comment on whether the company would continue to publish any Sunday tabloid. There are already rumours that daily tabloid The Sun could be turned into a seven-day publication. Interestingly, the internet domain name was registered two days ago, although the owner's identity is unclear.

How the mighty have fallen THE weekly broadsheet News of the World, founded in 1843 and aimed at the working classes, gained an instant reputation for titillation, shock and criminal news. That was to be its banner forever, and it earned the nicknames Screws of the World or News of the Screws because of its never-ending diet of salacious gossip and sex scandals. It was the biggest-selling,

most widely-read paper in the world, with a Sunday circulation of over eight million in the Fifties. The NOW, which was transformed into a tabloid, gained a reputation for exposing celebrities as drug-users or criminals, wife-beaters or cheaters, and specialised in setting up insiders and journalists in disguise to expose their “victims”. But sales slumped in the

past 20 years and the paper was averaging just under three million recently. It was dogged by its own phone-tapping scandals as long ago as January 2007 and that distasteful practice, which never went away despite all the denials, was to lead to its downfall. Its closure will be a blow to thousands of its readers all over Tenerife, who made it the Island’s best-selling paper by far.


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08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011


Fotonoviembre TENERIFE Cabildo has announced a competition for Island landscape photography in black and white, in the XI edition of Fotonoviembre. “Tenerife revealed” is the title of this event, which it is hoped will enrich the funds of the Tenerife Island Center for Photography, and the work may be exhibited at the

Hotel Mencey. The Cabildo de Tenerife, through TEA Tenerife Art Space and the Center for Photography, has launched the black and white landscape photography competition on the Island, entitled Tenerife revealed. The winning images in this contest, part of the XI International Festival of Photography Fotonoviembre, should show a different side to the Island landscapes. All information on this pho-

tography contest, including the jury’s assessment criteria will be posted on the TEA website Tenerife Art Space ( and Fotonoviembre ( Fotonoviembre 2011, will be held on the island from November 8th until early 2012; it has become one of the key promoters of photographic images in its broadest sense and convenes every two years for exhibitions across the island. In this

new edition and to mark the refurbishment and modernization of the Hotel Mencey it aims to bring together an outstanding collection of photographs of Tenerife so that the hotel itself would become the exhibition space. This award will be presented in a series of five sections, with a maximum of two series for each participant. The images must be free from further manipulation and must have been taken by the authors and not

copied. One of the requirements of this contest is that the images presented, whether analog or digital, are free from digital retouching except for the adjustment of contrast levels or to transform an image into an output format negative analog. The results will be announced on the 15th September. Participation is regardless of nationality and residence, and selected works will become part of the collection of the Center for Photography Tenerife, for exhibition under its artistic programming. The works presented, which must be original and have not been displayed or submitted to other contests or been previously released, must be delivered by the author or a person representing him or her before 14:00 pm on September 5th at the Tenerife Photo Center (Tenerife TEA Art Space, Avda San Sebastian, 8 CP. 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Formats will need to be 120 by 180 centimeters, which will leave a margin of two inches around the edge of the photo-

graph taken. The series of five photographs must be submitted in TIFF or RAW files with a minimum of 300 dpi, accompanied by a print on matte photo paper (actual size) of the image that will serve as a guide for the final print. The work will be in a sealed envelope specifying a title or slogan that appears on the CD or DVD containing the digital files and should be included on a sheet with the author’s information (name, address, ID number, residencia or passport and e-mail), personal or professional curriculum, a brief explanation of the work to be included, the geographic location of the outlet and an affidavit that the works are originals and have not been submitted to another event, have not been exposed or published and that no third party rights or ability to claim rights. The judging panel will award a maximum of 25 points for creativity, 20 points for originality, 20 points for conceptual consistency, with 20 for technical quality and 15 for relevance to the brief.

IKEA shelves new stores for Spain

Iceland‘s ‘gateway to hell’ ready to erupt As we go to print one of Iceland’s most feared volcanoes looks ready to erupt, raising fears of a new ash cloud over Europe. The Hekla volcano is close to the ash-spewing Eyjafjoell, which last year caused the world’s biggest airspace shut down since World War II, affecting more than 100,000 flights and eight million passengers. Experts have said measurements of Hekla - dubbed “Gateway to Hell” by locals indicate magma movement. “The movements around Hekla have been unusual in the last two to three days,”

University of Iceland geophysicist Pall Einarsson said. While this might not necessarily mean an immediate blast, “the volcano is ready to erupt”, he stressed. “The mountain has been slowly expanding in the last few years because of magma build up,” he explained. Another geophysicist, Ari Trausit Gudmundsson, said measurements around Hekla were very “unusual” and the volcano looked ready to blow. “Something is going on,” he said, stressing though that “if or when the volcano erupts is unclear”. The volcano, one of Iceland’s most active, has erupted some 20 times over

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

the past millennium, most recently on February 26, 2000. It is so active that scientists estimate about 10% of the tephra - the solid matter ejected when a volcano erupts - produced in Iceland over the past millennium, about five cubic kilometres, comes from this one volcano. News of a possible imminent eruption comes just over a month after the violent eruption at the Grimsvoetn volcano, in the southeast of the country. That episode subsided after less than a week, but due to more favourable winds for Europe, it caused much less air traffic disruption. Asked about what kind of

disruptions could be expected if Hekla erupts, Mr Gudmundsson said the volcano tends to “produce both ash and lava within the first seconds of an eruption”. Lava eruptions are far less disruptive to air travel, and “if the next eruption is of the same character (as the previous ones) it is unlikely that it will have any effects on flights in Europe”, he said. “But of course this depends on the size of the eruption, which is something that is impossible to predict,” he added. Rongvaldur Olafsson, from the Icelandic Civil Protection Authority, said no immediate safety precautions were being taken but that the mountain was being watched very closely.

GIANT home-furnishing outlet IKEA, with 11 stores in Spain already, plans to delay the opening of 10 more for five years because of the country’s “excessive regulations”. The stores would have created 20,000 jobs for Spanish workers, but a clearly disgruntled Mikael Ohisson, Chairman of the Swedish company, said: ‘It will have to

wait five years. “We can start tomorrow, and thus we could contribute to improving the Spanish economy by creating jobs and contracts for construction. The country needs it and we are prepared to do it.” But although the company’s sales in Spain and Portugal are low, IKEA is looking ahead and still plans to expand in Spain. Two-thirds of IKEA’s production and sales are in Europe, and last year its market share broke through the 5% barrier.

Shopping info, at your fingertips THE MERIDIANO shopping mall in Santa Cruz has installed a touchscreen, digital-display unit, co-developed by a Tenerife company. It will enable visitors learn all about the mall and its stores by using their fingertips directly on the

screen. The is the first machine of its kind here, courtesy of DS Digital Screens and MDI Totem, of Tenerife. The interactive display works in eight languages and offers downloadable mobile discount coupons. In its first 13 days at the mall, the kiosk registered 6,000 fingertip users.

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Crest of a wave!

End of an era

THE world’s greatest international windsurfers will be staging a spectacular show at El Medano over the next week or so.


By the time you read this the last ever shuttle will have launched from the Kennedy Space centre in Florida. Ironic really as within the past weeks we have been celebrating astro physics with the Starmus Festival here in Tenerife. Liftoff was scheduled for 11.26am local time (USA) on Friday and one million spectators are expected to line beaches and roads to get a view of the start of the historic mission. “It’s such a pleasure to come down here when you have a rocket on the pad and it’s got your stuff loaded on it,” astronaut Rex Walheim told reporters shortly after arriving at the Florida spaceport. Walheim and his crew mates, commander Chris Ferguson, pilot Doug Hurley and astronaut Sandy Magnus, say they have been so busy concentrating on the mission ahead, they have had little time to think about the significance of their trip. Many in America though, have been reflecting on the last three decades of the space shuttle. The shuttle was the world’s first reusable space craft. It played a major role in building the International Space Station, its crew launched satellites, went on space walks, fixed the Hubble Telescope and carried out experiments to help us understand the effect of

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gravity - and lack of gravity on living things. It made space travel almost routine and furthered cooperation in orbit with international partners. However it came at a cost. Initially it was expected the Shuttle would launch almost weekly. In the end only 135 launches were made over three decades, costing about 900 million pounds per flight. There was the human cost too. The Challenger disaster in 1986 and Columbia explosion in 2003 killed 14 crew and set back NASA’s space programme. In all, five Shuttles were built. They have flown 540 million miles, at a total cost of £122 billion. Story Musgrave is the only astronaut to fly on each of the Shuttles that were manufactured. “That vehicle has matured us as a space-faring nation. It’s been an immensely difficult vehicle to operate, exceedingly complex, you can’t make it safe. The other side though is that I consider it a huge triumph.” The future of manned space flight for NASA is not totally clear. For now NASA astronauts will have to hitch lifts to the Space Station with the Russians, at huge expense. Other rockets and vehicles are in development but money, and possibly the public’s appetite, is limited. As the world watches the launch, and millions of pairs of eyes look skyward there will be celebration at the Shuttle’s achievements, but also sadness that this era of space travel has no immediate successor.

World windsurfing stars promise a feast of action at El Medano

They will be competing in the second scoring round of the World Cup series, which began on Gran Canaria on Tuesday and concludes on Sunday - and then it’s on to El Medano. There’s an individual championship for men, involving 48 challengers and another event for 16 women. It starts on Thursday (14th July) and finishes the following Wednesday. This huge sporting event will attract worldwide attention from the media and TV, as well as an anticipated live audience of around 1,000 daily. Despite the perfect conditions prevailing at the seaside resort for windsurfing, the event has not been staged there for 15 years. But with prize money of 45,000 euros on offer, the competition is bound to be fierce. And the only prayer offered by the Professsional World Association (PWA) is that the wind continues to blow hard. In addition to those who have qualified, there are three places reserved for local windsurfers, who will be chosen during preliminary competitions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. In the men’s championship, Spain’s world champion Victor Fernandez will be defending his title, along with Venezuela’s world No2 Ricardo Campello. Two beauties to watch out for in the women’s event are Gran Canaria’s amazing Ruano twins, world champion Daida and Iballa, who is ranked No2. There is great rivalry between the sisters, which should give their championship added fizz. Organiser José Manuel Morales, launching the event officially last Friday, paid tribute to the sponsorship from a host of private and public bodies, who have helped to bring the event to Tenerife again. They include Tenerife Tourism, the Canary Islands Government, Granadilla’s Department of Tourism, PlanetWin365 Head Surf Shop, Arenas del Mar, Sheraton La Caleta and Renault. Also involved are Ashotel, Travel Zipangu, Fuente Alta, CocaCola,

Multieducacional and Amarilla Golf. Local surfers Daniel Bruch and Álex Mussolini, ranked No5 and No7 in the world respectively, attended the ceremony,

as did Granadilla Deputy Mayor Esteban Gonzalez, plus Tourism Councillor Nuria Delgado and Mark Gonzalez, the Sports Councillor. Regular tourists and resi-

dents will be used to seeing windsurfers and kitesurfers performing nearly every day at El Medano. Now they are in for a sizzling treat from the finest exponents of all.

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011


Tenerife triumphs at Thomas Cook excellence awards

ONE of the UK’s leading travel companies, Thomas Cook UK & Ireland, has honoured 21 of Tenerife’s finest hotels with its prestigious Award for Excellence. The event was hosted at the award winning Vulcano Hotel, Playa de las Americas. The awards are based on excellent quality and service and were voted for by thousands of UK holidaymakers. All Thomas Cook customers are invited to complete a customer satisfaction questionnaire on their homeward bound journey (or online in the case of the continental market – Primo awards) Tenerife has seen a number of new luxury hotels opening over recent years, including many five-star properties boasting outstanding spas, world class golf courses and internationally acclaimed restaurants. Plus, the island is regularly placed within the top five of most searched for destinations e.g. through TripAdvisor and This year among the 21 Tenerife hotels to be officially recognised by Thomas Cook was the luxurious and recently refurbished Iberostar Grand Hotel Anthelia. Set in the heart of Costa Adeje and overlooking the white sands of

Fanabe beach, the property offers great dining facilities, a thermal Wellness centre, Thai Zen Space and beautiful gardens which are ideal for relaxation; and families will love the 2,000 square metre seawater pool and wide range of activities and watersports that are available. Iberostar Grand Hotel Anthelia also won a Primo Award – quality recognition award for the continental market. As did Iberostar Torviscas Playa, which offers the perfect setting for an unforgettable beach and sunshine family holiday on the Costa Adeje. The luxury hotel picked up two awards for excellent quality and service both within the British and German markets. But it’s not just the central resorts that were winners; the Roca Nivaria Hotel in Playa Paraiso was recognised by guests of Thomas Cook. The five-star hotel is set in a magnificent location and is a popular choice for family holidays and romantic breaks. It features 289 guestrooms, two spacious swimming pools, elegant wellness amenities including a sauna and whirlpool, as well as a number of bars and restaurants serving Italian, Spanish and international cuisine. Thomas Cook Destination Manager, Martin Milner, who hosted the event, addressed the throng of Hoteliers saying, “These latest award accolades high-

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light Tenerife’s growing reputation as one of Europe’s leading luxury destinations. It is a privilege to work together with you, in partnership” The full list of those recognised at the Thomas Cook Excellence Awards were as follows: • Hotel Vulcano, Playa de las Américas • Hotel Bitacora, Playa de las Américas • Arona Gran Hotel, Los Cristianos • Hotel Iberostar Bouganville Playa, Costa Adeje • Hotel Iberostar Las Dalias, Costa Adeje • Hotel Iberostar Torviscas Playa, Costa Adeje • Hotel Iberostar Grand Anthelia, Costa Adeje • Costa Adeje Palace Hotel, Costa Adeje • Club Hotel Riu Buena Vista, Playa Paraiso • Roca Nivaria Hotel, Playa Paraiso • Sunwing Resort Fanabe, Playa de las Américas Tenerife Sur Apartments, Los Cristianos Gran Oasis Resort, Playa de las Américas Sandos, San Blas Cleopatra Palace, Playa de las Américas El Sombrero, Los Gigantes Jardin de Nivaria, Costa Adeje Primo winners were Hotel Iberostar Torviscas Playa, Costa Adeje, Hotel Iberostar Grand Anthelia, Costa Adeje, Apart-hotel el Duque and Hotel Jardin Tecina.

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NEWS IN BRIEF Free fitness in El Medano El Médano is offering free gym and fitness lessons on the beach this summer with transport, collecting participants at various stops in the municipality, also free of charge.

New houses remain empty Recent reports show that more than 41,000 new properties remain unsold in the Canary islands, most of them in Tenerife, rising by nearly 4% on last year’s figures. The sale of second hand homes has also dropped by half since 2007.

Santiago del Teide Craft Fair This Sunday the 10th July sees the 30th edition of the Arts and Crafts fair in Santiago del Teide. There will be 75 craftsmen participating in this traditional event which stretches over 800 metres with stands offering creations made of wood, metal, weaving and tailor made garments.

Man held in plot to kill King Juan Carlos A MAN wanted in connection with the attempted assassination of the King of Spain in 1997 has been arrested in Cambridgeshire. The man, Spanish national Eneko Gogeaskoetxea

Arronategui, was arrested by armed police early this morning. He is believed to be a member of the Basque separatist group ETA. As well as the alleged connection with the assassination attempt on King Juan Carlos, the arrest warrant says the suspect is wanted for a string

of other offences, including participation in an armed gang, terrorism, arms possession, theft and forgery. Spanish authorities believe the man - aged 44 - fled the country in October 1997, after the attempted assassination. ETA, a militant group fighting for an independent

Basque homeland, has been blamed for more than 800 deaths during its 42-year campaign in Spain. The group has been linked with a string of assassination plots on Juan Carlos, who became king in 1975. Arronategui is due to appear at Westminster Magistrates Court later.

Sun, summer campaign Granadilla Town Hall has initiated a summer campaign warning about the risks and prevention of sun damage. The campaign is to take place in Los Abrigos and El Médano and includes leaflets, information and free sun protection products.

40 – The musical, Santa Cruz This week sees the beginning of “40, The Musical“ in the Auditorium of Adan Martín, Santa Cruz. The musical comedy is one of the most costly shows to date and includes the most popular hits in European pop music from past decades. Arona will be the first municipality to offer the new Foreign Tourist service. 60% of all official complaints presented here are made by foreign visitors. The service aims to concentrate on more efficient assistance for foreign visitors regards information, help and support during their holiday.


Unemployment decrease The month of June shows the third decline in the number of unemployed in the Canaries, going down by 2.5% more than the rest of Spain. During the last month the most noted decrease was in the field of industry and construction.

Santa Cruz re-homes flood victims The 11 most affected families to be victims of the Santa Cruz floods in 2002 have finally been re housed after 9 years. Houses have been rebuilt near their original homes that were washed away in the freakfloods.

The Moscow Ballet The Moscow Ballet, one of the most prestigious dance companies in the world, will be performing an adaptation of Swan Lake at 9pm on July 26th in the Theobald Power Auditorium, La Orotava, bringing the number of world tours undertaken since its formation, to 60.

History in the holidays Hundreds of students from Granadilla will spend a month of their summer holidays discovering every cultural and historical space the Island they live on has to offer. The initiative is to be followed by the youngsters encouraging others of their age group to visit Tenerife via social networks and forums.

Job creation The Spanish Government has announced an investment of 42 million euros to be destined to help the unemployed and the creation of jobs in the Canary Islands between 2011 and 2014, joining forces with the Ministry of Work and Immigration.

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Grants for training THE TENERIFE Cabildo through the dept of Youth, Education and Equality, has approved the rules and regulations and the convening of the General Scholarship Competition for the academic year 20112012 amounting to the sum of 1.2 million euros.

This measure aims to facilitate mobility of students living on the island of Tenerife in order that they can undertake college degrees not offered by the University of La Laguna, and perform a post-graduate training and exchange programme in Europe. This initiative was approved by the Governing Council on 4th July, under the chairmanship of Ricardo Melchior. The scholarships, which amount to a maximum of

10,000 euros per recipient, are a new scheme introduced by the Spanish and Canarian Government to be awarded in February 2012. To qualify for these scholarships certain requirements relating to financial resources apply as well as the number of members that make up the family concerned being taken into account along with academic records, amongst others. Also approved was the dossier for the organization

of the twenty-seventh edition of the Canarian Craft Fair to be held between the 1st and 6th November at the International Exhibition and Conference centre in Santa Cruz. The fair’s main objective, like those held in previous years, is the promotion of all crafts of our region and serve as an effective means for the marketing the craft production workshops and businesses of the Islands.

Los Cristianos port development TENERIFE Ports has signed a contract with Acciona Infaestructuras for equipping the smaller docks of Los Cristianos. On Saturday the Official

State Bulletin published details of the contract on the 14th June 2011, which closed at a price of EUR 509,796.81. It was explained that the idea of the contract is to

manage the inner harbour of the port of Los Cristianos, by installing anchored pontoons equipped with water services, electricity and telecommunications.

The project bid price was 683,556.99 euros. For several years, work has been promised on the redevelopment of the inner bay of Los Cristianos.

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011


Bull-Run fever hits Pamplona again THOUSANDS of people jammed the streets of Pamplona on Wednesday for the opening ceremony of the annual Bull-Run. More than one million tourists from all parts of the globe are expected to attend the nine-day San Fermin fiesta in the capital city of Navarra, the Basque region in northern Spain. As usual, huge quantities of beer and sangria were consumed by Spaniards and visitors alike as they packed the main Plaza del Ayuntamiento for the tra-

ditional “Viva San Fermin” shout from a City Hall balcony. That is always the forerunner to the bulls’ opening charge early yesterday (Thursday) morning, when thousands of people followed the usual tradition of racing ahead of six fighting bulls and six steers, stampeding along an 848-metre course. The bull run takes just under four minutes, with 2,000-3,500 runners daring to get as close as possible without endangering them-

selves. But there are always 200-300 casualties each year. Most are hurt after falling, but some are trampled or gored by the bulls, despite increased safety measures. The most recent fatality occurred two years ago when a 27-year-old Spaniard was gored to death in front of a huge crowd.. These daily bull-runs highlight the festival, which ends on Thursday (14th July) but the crowds can also enjoy dancing and drinking.

Ryanair puts brakes on again RYANAIR won’t be flying out of Bournemouth Airport to Tenerife for three months this winter, for the second year running. But the low-cost airline will to revert its spring and sum-

mer schedule next year. They will have one aircraft at Bournemouth and operate 12 routes from the airport between February and October 2012. There will be seven spring and 12 summer

routes to Tenerife, Alicante, Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria. The company blamed the UK Government’s air passenger duty tax for its decision not to fly to the Canaries last winter.

Jackson goes back for second helping! TENERIFE maintained its reputation for attracting celebrities when Marc Silcock, who starred in top UK television soap Emmerdale until recently, visited the island.

Marc became an instant success as Jackson Walsh, one of Emmerdale’s main characters. He was the subject of Jackson’s Story after playing the part of a young man who died in an assisted suicide, after becoming quadriplegic. Marc and his girlfriend visited Restaurante Sebastian,

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

in Sunset Bay, Torviscas, and met the staff and executive chef Raul Moldan Munoz, pictured with him. After his first visit, Marc wrote: “Fantastic Meal, Hidden Gem” in the comments’ book. He was so taken by the restaurant that he spent his final evening in Tenerife enjoying another meal there.

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Golf and film tourism FILM AND golf don’t really go together, but Tenerife Tourism Corporation has organised a conference on Monday entitled “Golf and Tourism: Challenges and Opportunities” and “Cinema and Tourism: how film industries and tourism can work together to boost tourism.” The conference will start from 10:00 hours in the hall of Tenerife TEA Arts space and will be delivered by Simon Hudson, a professor at the University of South Carolina. In the first of the lectures, Professor Hudson will review

some of the challenges and opportunities in the golf industry, a business that moves around the world more than 50 million tourists. In the case of Tenerife, last year courses sold a total of 257,225 green fees, 4.1 percent more than last year. Visitors to the courses are mostly Germans, followed by British and Spanish. At the conference on “Tourism and Cinema”, which will begin at 11:30 am, Simon Hudson, will illustrate with examples from around the world how the film industry and tourism can work together to attract film productions and generate benefits for the destination. Tenerife last year hosted the shooting of 89 audiovisual productions, which contributed to the island revenues of over 3.5 million euros.

Arona authorise austerity cuts LAST TUESDAY, July 5th, the Municipality of Arona held an extraordinary meeting chaired by Mayor Jose Alberto Gonzalez Reveron to resolve all matters necessary to enable them to continue the normal operation of the new council. Among the various items on the agenda was austerity cuts. In this respect the mayor said, that “within the austerity plan that was launched in the past term and has continued into this we will reduce the number of positions by seventy percent, freeze salaries of government officials, following the

advice received by the FEMP (Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces). Also, within such austerity we will introduce protocol to reduce expenses, running costs, parties and savings. Also the mayor says “we will continue to focus on citizen participation and transparency in municipal management as we have been doing in recent years. The more transparent the municipality is the more it shows our commitment to our citizens of Arona.” He continued saying that “tough times in which we live involves an adjustment in municipal management, without sacrificing quality and services provided from the council. Social services and stimulate job creation, will be our priorities in the coming years.“

Buzanada Fiesta BUZANADA parties continue this weekend in honour of Señora la Virgen de la Paz. Events have been taking place all week, but, the weekend sees the finale. On Friday July 8th at 19:00 pm the festival for children of the village will commence then later at 23.00 the Grand Paella, with music from the Wamampy Band. On Saturday July 9th at 18:00 there’s football and traditional games for everyone. At 20:30 hours start the celebration of the Eucharist where a non-perishable food offering to the Virgin will be distributed

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among the needy through the Parish by the charity Caritas. At 21:30 there will be the start of the torchlight procession asking God for the gift of peace. From 22:30 the Wamampy Band strikes up the music. On Sunday July 10th from 11:00 am it’s a family day including: - water castle, bouncy castle and foam party. At 20:30 hours, will be the solemn Eucharistic celebration. At 21:30 pm, Procession with the image of the Virgin by the usual route. Then finale fireworks and dancing into the night.

No wonder this lot think they are on Cloud Nine! A BIRD breeder who had a young cockatiel with a crippled foot didn’t have the heart to put the bird down, so he asked Sara Ford if she’d take him in. The cockatiel is now in his third year with Sara and even has his own little ladder in the house to get up the step. On another occasion, a lady found a cat after a car accident and took him to the vet with severe internal problems and eye problems. Sara and her partner adopted him because they believed he wouldn’t cause any problem with the birds. Now, she says: “Although he is blind, he’s in charge of every one, and he wanders around the whole neighbourhood, stopping to eat from as many people as he can.” These are just a couple of the cute tales Sara tells about her Cloud 9 Animal Rescue centre - an alternative sanctuary for injured or stray animals and birds, based in El Roque, San Miguel. She’d always had a “passion” for animals and began with a few chickens and tortoise for her own pleasure some years ago. After a few months, their collection grew as the tortoise began breeding. “Through word of mouth, we sold a few of the babies and from that, we started to receive phone calls asking us to take in unwanted tortoise,” recalls Sara. As the requests came in for her to look after more and more animals, it became obvious to the 43year-old Nottingham woman, who moved to Tenerife eight years ago with her partner, that there was a need for a sanctuary with a difference. Thus, just over a year ago, Cloud 9 Animal Rescue was born, and it has since developed to embrace love-birds, guinea-pigs, rabbits, ducks, hedgehogs and quite a few wild birds. “We pride ourselves in the work we have achieved in the short time we have been operating, and we get the satisfaction of seeing our animals return to their natural habitat, fully recovered from the ordeals they have endured,” she says. “We believe we are unique in taking in wild animals which have been injured, or have lost their way, and we concentrate more on these

and on the other variety of animals. “There seems to be adequate support for cats and dogs, but there’s none, as far as we know, for the wild species, or the unusual pets left abandoned, such as rabbits, tortoise exotic birds, ducks and iguanas.” The most unusual animal they have entertained is a pot

bellied pig, which is a guest of Cloud 9 right now. Sara adds: “When we first took on this role, we were worried about how it would affect our own animals, and how they would react to ‘strangers’ in their territory like, would the cats chase the birds, etc. “Well, we were quite surprised at how well they inte-

grated, and how they actually settle in is amazing.” For all her good deeds, however, Sara receives no funding, and Cloud 9 is not a registered charity, even though they have rescued over 75 animals, residing in cages and runs they have built on their land at home. “We get a lot of support from friends and neighbours, with fruit and vegetables from their gardens.” she says. “We are committed to what we do, and we will carry on as long as these animals need our help and support.” So conscientious are the couple that they tend to collect the animals from the owners as their home is not that easy to find. And the rabbits, ducks and exotic birds, etc, don’t seem to mind at all. “We have around 100 animals at the moment, and we think some of them really believe they are on Cloud Nine,” says Sara with a grin.

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Wine tasting Pet travel will be cheaper and easier from next year THE British Embassy in Madrid has issued new guidelines for Brits travelling to the UK with their pets from 2012. LA CASA del Vino will host an introductory course to wine tasting from Tuesday to Thursday (12th-14th July), which seeks to highlight the characteristics of different wines from the islands, and study the aspects that influence the quality of them, as well as their commercial classification. The course will conclude with a visit to a winery on Friday 15th July. The courses are divided into three phases. A first level of introduction to wine tasting, a second level where students can delve into the art

of tasting and expand their knowledge about other types of wines and, finally, a refresher course. The first level examines the manipulation, essential for the tasting, conditions, environment, etc. The second level focuses on the different phases of tasting, decanting systems, analysis of the factors that influence the aging process of wine or wood used. In addition, it will present the conditions that influence the upbringing of a wine, taste and smell defects and study the definitions of vintage, crianza, reserva and gran reserva. People who are interested in more information or registration or reservation for this course can call 922 572 535 or 922 572 542 or send an email to

Project Empléate 2011 THE TENERIFE Cabildo have started a project called ‘Empléate 2011’ to get the unemployed back into the labour market. The Minister of Economic Development insular and Employment, Efraín Medina said that “this action is part of the employment promo-

tion policies being developed by the Corporation Insular and will allow the hiring of thirty people. The objectives of this project also emphasise on the promotion of entrepreneurship and the active job searching amongst the young and those seeking work for the first time.

It reads: Dog and cat owners will find it cheaper and easier to travel to the UK with their pets when new rules are introduced at the start of next year. The UK will harmonise its pet-movement rules with the rest of the European Union from 1st January 2012, bringing the UK’s Pet Travel Scheme into line with the most recent science. The UK will maintain its high level of protection against animal diseases after the changes, which have the potential to save pet owners around £7 million in fees. Forcing pets to spend six months in quarantine, a practice dating from the 1800s, is no longer necessary because of vastlyimproved rabies vaccines and treatments. All pets will still need to be vaccinated against rabies. Pets from the EU will no longer need a blood test and will only have to wait 21 days before they travel. The changes will ensure the risk of rabies coming to the UK remains extremely low. It’s estimated that the new rules mean there would be one case of rabies in a pet in the UK once every 211 years, with the possibility of a person dying from rabies obtained from a pet once in every 21,000 years. The Health Protection Agency considers Spain a ‘no risk’ country for rabies. Environment Secretary, Caroline Spelman, said: “The UK’s quarantine system was designed to combat the threat of rabies in the 19th century and has now been left far behind by scientific advances. “What is needed is a simpler, evidence-based system for protecting the UK from rabies which recognises the actual risk to pets and pet owners. The EU’s pet movement scheme has been working very well for nearly a decade, and it makes sense for us to have similar rules.” Chief Medical Officer AFTER a successful event last year with 79 participants the youth department of Adeje Town Hall have once again organised a great event taking place tomorrow (Saturday) – a

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Entry rules for pets entering the UK from the EU: What has to be done Microchip Rabies vaccination Documentation (pet passport or third country certificate) Blood test (dogs and cats) Pre-entry waiting period Length of waiting period before entry to the UK Tick treatment Tapeworm treatment

Professor Dame Sally Davies said: “Rabies is a very serious human disease, and the rabies-free status of the UK must be protected. “The EU pet-travel rules have been successful in preventing any cases of rabies occurring in legally-moved pets since the scheme started, so harmonising the UK’s rules with those of the EU will make it easier for those who wish to travel with their pets.” The UK will continue to protect the public against the risk of serious, exotic, tapeworm infections and is pressing to retain tapeworm controls for pets entering the UK. The government has been discussing with the European Commission the

Now Yes Yes

From 1st January 2012 Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes 6 months from date sample taken for blood test Yes (24-48 hours before embarkation) Yes (as for ticks)

Yes No Yes 21 days after vaccination against rabies No Under consideration at European level

most appropriate form of tapeworm controls for dogs, to ensure the UK continues to be protected from Echinococcus multilocularis. The Commission has recently indicated that its proposals, expected shortly, would enable the UK and other tapeworm-free countries to retain tapeworm controls, with a requirement that animals be treated between one and five days before returning to the UK. Dog tapeworm is common in southern Spain. Tick treatment for pet animals returning to the UK will no longer be required. All pet owners travelling abroad with their animals should discuss with their vets the use of treatments, including those

designed to control ticks as part of good, animal-health practice. Detailed information on what pet owners and vets need to do before bringing a pet to the UK can be found at ldlife-pets/pets/travel or obtained from the UK helpline +44 (0)870 241 1710. Marion Gonzales, who runs the Accion del Sol dog refuge in Granadilla, said: “This is really good news for UK pet owners. “It will cut out a lot of hassle, and the shortened quarantine period will almost certainly encourage more owners not to abandon their pets over here when they return to the UK.”

Scalextric in Adeje

range of slot car racing sets which first appeared in the late 1950s, as a creation of British firm Minimodels. The brand is currently owned and distributed by Hornby. Obviously its appeal is worldwide.

Scalextric competition. The event runs from 3pm until 8pm and there are varying categories of competition

for you to enter. Cost is 3 euros per adult and 1 euro for under 13´s. Scalextric is a toy brand for a

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011


Campaign launched to help tackle the international parental child abduction EVERY OTHER day a British child is abducted by a parent to a country which has not signed the 1980 Hague Convention on international parental child abduction*, according to new research released today by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO**). In practice this figure is likely to be even higher as many cases are simply not reported. The latest figures represent a ten per cent increase in new cases handled by the FCO in 2010/2011 and have been released to mark the launch of their child abduction prevention campaign. In the past five years the number of new child abduction cases handled by the FCO has doubled, partly as more people of different nationalities form relationships or families relocate overseas. Evidence shows that many

cases occur around school holidays when a parent refuses to return a child following a visit to the parent’s home country. FCO figures also reveal just how widespread the problem has become. Last year the FCO handled cases in 97 ‘non Hague’ countries ranging from Algeria to Zambia. These are countries which have not signed up to the 1980 Hague convention on international parental child abduction and with whom negotiating the return of children to the UK can be extremely complex as there are no international agreements on returning children. Foreign and Commonwealth Office Minister Jeremy Browne said the campaign will help people become more aware of what they could do if they think their child may be at risk. “We are very concerned that we continue to see an increase in the number of cases of international parental child abduction. The latest figures suggest the problem affects people from all walks of life and not just certain types of families or particular countries. Finding a solution can be espe-

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

cially difficult if a child has been taken to a non-Hague country as there are no international systems in place to help you. This is why prevention is so important. The FCO will do whatever we can to provide advice and support but our role is limited, not least because we cannot interfere in the laws of another country” The FCO has teamed up with

leading parenting websites Mumsnet and the Fatherhood Institute to spread the prevention message and make people aware of the support it can provide. Sharon Cooke, from Reunite International Child Abduction Centre, welcomed the latest advice and said while sometimes there were no warning signs, there were things people

could look for which may indicate their child was at risk. “Where there are warning signs these may include a change in either parent’s behaviour, a breakdown in a relationship or marriage, one parent expressing a wish to take the children on holiday perhaps even on their own without the other parent - or one parent expressing a wish

to move back to the country where the extended family lives,” she said. “For many people the issue of parental child abduction is something with which they may not have had direct personal contact. There’s often a perception – fuelled by a number of high profile cases - that it’s about fathers abducting their children but in reality it is more often mothers who are the abducting parent – either intentionally or unintentionally. However, the latest figures show just how widespread this problem has become,” she said. “The psychological impact on children can be traumatic and for the left-behind parent, the shock and the loss are unbearable, particularly if they don’t know where their children have been taken to. Even after they have been found, the fear and pain of not knowing if their children will return home is unimaginable.” If you are worried your child might be at risk, or if your child has been abducted you can call the Child Abduction Section at the Foreign Office on 0207 008 0878 or or reunite on 0116 2556 234.

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World News

Infamous Mobster denies 19 charges of murder... FORMER US crime boss James “Whitey” Bulger has pleaded not guilty to 19 murder charges in Boston. The 81-year-old had been on the run for 16 years before being arrested outside his home in California last month. Wearing an orange prison jumpsuit, he was led into a court where brothers William “Billy” and John “Jackie” Bulger were present, along with families of some of Bulger’s alleged victims. Bulger was once feared as a leader of the city’s notorious “Winter Hill” gang. He is accused of shooting dead a series of rivals, and in one case strangling a former associate’s girlfriend with his bare hands before pulling out her teeth to make the body difficult to identify. He also faces charges of drug-dealing, extortion, money laundering and conspiracy. Prosecutors plan to call 30 40 witnesses in a trial expected to last four weeks from September 14. However, his defence lawyer says the timetable is unrealistic. “The prosecutors have had 20 years to prepare for the

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trial,” J W Carney Jr told reporters. “I’ve been on the case now about five days. I haven’t received a single paper from the government regarding discovery. So I have no idea how long this trial will take.” Mr Carney said he believed Bulger would receive a fair trial in Boston, adding his client was “very smart” and “very pleasant to speak to”. Bulger fled Boston in late 1994 after receiving a tip from a corrupt FBI agent that charges were pending. He and his partner, Catherine Greig, were arrested in Santa Monica, California on June 22, days after the government’s new media campaign to find them provided the crucial tip. His life inspired violent Hollywood movie The Departed, in which Jack Nicholson played the role of an ageing gangland mastermind.

Can fish fingers and loo roll save economy? ALL MPs are being asked to nominate a product made in their constituency under a new campaign designed to promote UK manufacturing excellence. Custard creams, fish fingers, ejector seats and toilet rolls are on the eclectic list of initial suggestions from politicians in the ‘Made By Britain’ initiative. The campaign is headed by the Business Secretary Vince Cable, who hopes to showcase the nation’s “innovation and ingenuity”. However, the launch comes just a day after the Government was accused of failing to support Britain’s only train factory, in Derby, where over 1,400 jobs are being cut. Made By Britain nominations AGA Rangemaster - Telford SCA Toilet Roll - Hexham Youngs Fish Fingers - Great Grimsby Martin-Baker Ejector Seat Beaconsfield McVities Custard Creams Carlisle

McCain Smiley Potato Faces South Staffordshire The Business Secretary said he was disappointed by the news - and vowed to look at how the Government and rail industry could work to secure sustainable jobs in the UK. ‘Made By Britain’ is being billed as a virtual Crystal Palace - recalling the Great Exhibition of 1851 that celebrated Victorian Britain’s industrial triumphs. Instead of filling giant exhi-

bition halls, the selected products will be displayed online, via an interactive map. “British industry remains among the very best for the quality and originality of what it makes,” said Dr Cable. “We export our goods to every corner of the world, from famous international brands to products which, while less well known, make a real difference to the lives of millions.” Manufactured goods repre-

sent 12% of UK GDP and provide 50% of all exports. The Government has repeatedly said that boosting exports is key to rebalancing the UK economy, but official figures show there is a long way to go. In April the deficit on trade in goods narrowed to £7.4bn in April, compared with £7.7bn in March, but while imports fell by £0.3bn, exports rose by less than £0.1bn.

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World News

Queen cuts spending by almost £2 million

British Legion to abandon NOTW over hacking row THE ROYAL British Legion (RBL) has dropped the News Of The World (NOTW) as a longstanding campaign partner - as companies continue to pull adverts in the wake of phone hacking allegations.

THE COST of keeping the monarchy fell by £1.8m last year, Buckingham Palace accounts have shown. The Queen’s official expenditure for 2010/11 was £32.1m - down 5.3% from £33.9m last year. For the first time, the cost was calculated under the new

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sovereign grant system. “The Queen is very keen that the Royal Household should continue to reduce its expenditure in line with public expenditure reductions,” said Sir Alan Reid, keeper of the privy purse. “The decrease in expenditure is due mainly to increased income generation, the deferral of property maintenance expenditure and

the implementation of a pay freeze. However, republican groups dismissed Buckingham Palace’s comments as “cheap spin”. The Republic campaign group spokesperson Graham Smith said: “Our report released 10 days ago shows clearly that the real cost of the monarchy is over£200m each year.

“That’s enough to feed an army, to pay for thousands of nurses, teachers or police officers every year. “With Prince Charles continuing to have an influence on government and with government agreeing a lucrative new funding deal for the palace, some proper scrutiny and honesty is well overdue. “The monarchy is hugely expensive, it wastes taxpayers’ money every week, it is not properly accountable and it continues to demand more. “This is not an issue that can be swept to one side by cheap spin and headlines.” The Monarchy surrenders the revenue from the Crown Estates in return for public funding. The most recent figures show the Crown Estate income surrendered £210m in the year to March 31, 2010. The 2010-11 Royal Public Finances were calculated using the sovereign grant system - a single grant determined annually that will replace the current civil list from 2013. Under the previous system, the civil list was agreed for a 10-year period and there were three different grantsin-aid providing funding for specific expenditure on royal palaces, communications and transport for official business. Palace sources are understood to be pleased with the new reforms because they give the household more flexibility in determining how to allocate funding. The total figures for the Queen’s official expenditure do not include the Duke of Edinburgh’s parliamentary annuity or the expenditure met directly by Government departments and the Crown Estate.

The charity said it was “shocked to the core” and had “suspended all relations” with the newspaper amid claims the families of fallen soldiers had been targeted. Relatives’ personal details have been found by police combing the files of former NOTW investigator Glenn Mulcaire, according to The Daily Telegraph. The RBL has previously worked with the NOTW on many campaigns, including supporting ex-servicemen by calling for the Military Covenant to be enshrined in law. Meanwhile, advertisers continue to distance themselves from the Sunday tabloid, with Boots, O2 and Sainsbury’s among the latest in a string of firms to halt advertising. BSkyB, owner of Sky News, which is the paper’s biggest advertiser, has announced it will retain advertising this weekend. General Sir David Richards, chief of the defence staff, said the allegations in The Daily Telegraph, if true, were “disgusting”. The Prime Minister’s spokesman said the claims would be “truly appalling” if proven. The RBL said in a state-

ment: “We can’t with any conscience campaign alongside News Of The World on behalf of Armed Forces families while it stands accused of preying on these same families in the lowest depths of their misery.” RBL’s advertising budget with News International (NI) which also publishes The Sun, The Times and The Sunday Times - is under review. The Armed Forces will, rightly, be just as indignant if these phone hacking allegations are true. The Daily Telegraph has published claims families of 7/7 bombing victims may have also been hacked. The BBC has said parents of murdered Soham schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman could have been targeted and The Guardian reported murder victim Milly Dowler’s phone was also accessed illegally. Rupert Murdoch, chairman of News Corporation, NI’s parent company, has described phone hacking and claims the tabloid’s journalists paid police - as “deplorable and unacceptable”. However, he backed the NOTW’s former editor and current NI chief executive Rebekah Brooks, who has faced calls to resign. With concerns about alleged practices at the paper mounting, News International documents indicating Scotland Yard officers received payments from the NOTW have been referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

Worker killed as footy stadium crashes down PART of a football stadium in the Netherlands has collapsed killing one person and trapping others under the wreckage. Part of the roof at the FC Twente football stadium in Enschede came crashing down around midday, according to a police spokesman. “People are trapped but we don’t know how many,” said Jan Lamberts. Emergency services are at the stadium, which was

reportedly undergoing renovation work during the off season. Construction workers are believed to have been the only people in the stadium at the time. The local mayor said one worker had been killed and 10 others are being treated for their injuries in hospital. Pictures on local news websites show a large section of the roof has crashed on to a bank of red seats behind one of the goals. The team, Dutch national champion in 2010, was believed to be training elsewhere at the time of the collapse.

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

World News

UK illegal film downloads ‘on the rise by nearly 30%’ THE NUMBER of illegally downloaded films in the UK has gone up nearly 30% in five years, according to research by internet consultancy firm Envisional. The research claims that the top five box office movies were illegally downloaded in the UK a total of 1.4 million times last year. Avatar, which led the list with box office takings of £98m in the UK in 2010, was illegally downloaded an estimated 200,000 times. The film industry says the practice costs the British economy £170m a year and is putting thousands of jobs at risk. It added that there has been a sharp rise in TV shows being illegally downloaded online. Dr David Price was the lead member of the team behind the research. He said: “The methods of piracy have become easier,

Malaysian Police sniper ends a nursery siege

with quicker downloads and easier to find content - anyone with broadband can do it. “Broadband speeds have tripled over the last four years and a lot of people think the internet is fair game when it comes to things like this. Kieron Sharp works for the Federation Against Copyright Theft (Fact). “Research for the Government has shown that film piracy costs the (global film) industry about half a billion pounds a year,” he said. Research for the government has shown that film piracy costs the industry

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

about half a billion pounds a year. “About a third of that is due to illegal downloading of film and TV content. “Clearly that is unacceptable.” Research suggests people are illegally downloading more TV shows too. The top five most popular shows were illegally downloaded a total of 1.24 million times in the UK last year, a 33% increase on 2006. “We have a big demand in this country for north American TV shows in particular,” Dr Price said. “Shows like Glee and House are heavily illegally down-

loaded in the UK. “We’re very eager to get the television shows as soon as they get broadcast in the US. “But we often have to wait for one month or two months for those shows to be shown legitimately in the UK.” He added that the film industry needed to be more competitive to fight the problem of piracy. “The best way to challenge this is to give people what they want. “People are prepared to pay for downloads, so making these things legitimately available would be a huge step forward.”

THIRTY CHILDREN and four teachers have been freed unharmed after a man holding them hostage in a nursery in Malaysia was shot in the head by a police sniper. The drama started when the unidentified man walked into a school in a two-storey house in Muar, a town in southern Johor state about two hours’ drive from Singapore. Armed with a hammer and a machete, he took a group of three- to five-year-old children and their teacher hostage for the next six hours. He reportedly locked all the doors before threatening to kill the children unless he was given a gun. Police then sealed off the premises. A psychiatrist was sent in to talk to the man, and the children were heard

singing in an attempt to calm him down, a witness reported. When it became apparent negotiations were not going to bear fruit, commandos armed with assault rifles fired tear gas into the building before storming it. The man, who is believed to have a history of mental problems, is now in hospital in a critical condition. Witnesses said the children were calm and showed no fear as they emerged from the building, singing songs led by their teachers and walking into the waiting arms of their cheering parents who hugged them tightly. They were greeted by applause from a crowd of around 1,000 onlookers and nearby residents who had spent hours following the drama.

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Business / Community News

MARIANO E ZUNINO SIRI Understanding the Law Email:

More on those Spanish taxes you must pay!

I HAVE received many queries regarding my column in Canarian Weekly and I answer most of them personally. I also like to publish a few because I feel they are of great interest to our readers, and here is the latest offering. Dear Mariano, I read with interest your article on Spanish taxes you must pay in your recent Canarian Weekly column. The paragraph on Non-residents income tax was especially interesting. Your wrote: “This tax applies to non-residents who own a property on the island and just work a few months here during the year.“ Can you advise me on the position concerning those who do not work but have a property here? Are they liable for tax? I would be delighted to hear from you or, better still, put it in your column so that all Canarian Weekly readers can see your answer, together with a follow-up article deal-

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ing with this aspect of tax. Yours, VF If you are non-resident, you are subject to personal income tax (including capital gains tax), property tax, plus an additional non-resident property tax. Personal income tax for nonresidents comes from the income of the property. It does not include income from salary because this is applicable if you are resident. The “non-resident income tax” is logically applied to those who do not live permanently in Spain (or work just few months so they cannot be considered residents). If the property is rented, the non-resident has to declare the amount received in rent. If the property is for the non-resident’s own use, then the tax payable would be a percentage on the value of the property. Non-residents, personal income tax: The income to be declared is a percentage of the cadastral value of the property (this value appears in the IBI invoice). Property rented: The

income to be declared in this case is the total amount collected from the tenant, without deducting any expenses. Capital gains on the sale of the property: Capital gains on the sale of property are taxable income which has to be included in your income tax form (residents and nonresidents). The purchase value is the purchase amount, plus the expenses and taxes paid that were involved in the purchase. The sale value is the sale amount, minus the expenses and taxes paid. This topic exceeds the purposes of this article and it is quite difficult to summarise, but I hope this helps. Remember, too, that this is my opinion and may not concur with the opinions of some others. It is just a general view and so, for particular cases, you will have to ask for proper advice. Mariano Zunino Siri is a lawyer registered in Tenerife Bar Association since 1991. Office in Los Cristianos at Edificio Valdes Center Torre “A”, oficina 1, piso 2º. Phone: 922 79 44 12.

Live Arico Update Our thanks to … The Terrace Bar, Amarilla Golf, for inviting us to their Independence Day celebrations to sell a few bits and raise a few euros. We actually made 432.50, mainly through the hard work of our Treasurer, Debbie Gibson, and Denise Taylor. The wonderful donation of items from the family of a lady who had a slight addiction to shopping channel QVC has so far raised 982 euros, and there is still plenty left, which we will sell at the forthcoming benefits. Upcoming events On Wednesday, 20th July, we will be at Legends, Los Cristianos. Details to follow next week, and on Saturday, 30th July, we’re at the Top Square, Golf del Sur, with a variety of acts. A big event is promised next month, so watch this space. Also, on 26th August, we will be back at Restaurant Maria, Golf del Sur, for anend-of-summer BBQ and salad buffet. Details to follow. Home-made treats Treat your pooch to lovely, home-made snacks from Kimbos Pupcakes. They are made with natural ingredients and include such items as carrot cupcakes topped with doggy chocolate. They are a hit with the refuge dogs, and are on sale in our shops at just one euro per bag. Or, you can place your orders direct with Kim on 628 850 339. And yes, she makes human treats, too. Hand-painted pet portraits Local artist Alison Sturgess has designed a range of greetings cards, for just two euros, and they are now on sale in our shops. She will also hand-draw or paint portraits of your pets and donate 25% of her fee to Live Arico. Her work is first-class and can be viewed at http://www.alisonsturgess-ar Top Dog grooming Top Dog, based on the ground floor of the Apolo Centre, is a new animalgrooming centre which plans to work closely with Live Arico. Owners Chris and Melody have offered to groom and pamper our dogs prior to rehoming, and will also act as the point of contact between pooch and new owner. For more information, call 922 792 266 or Sam (the groomer) directly on 698 661 458. Our new web browser Thanks to those who have downloaded our desktop and browser. We are proud to be on board this growing internet business. If you haven’t downloaded yet, the address

is - then, from the Super Content Tab, select “Download SMD” As a free user, the login is Live Arico. For those who have, please use the browser instead of your usual one. That’s because we get paid only when our browsers are open and running. Why not be a Smart Media Technologies representative? For a small outlay you, too, can be paid for giving away this fantastic supertool and browser. Call Suzy Q for more information. Refuge opening hours We are open Wednesday to Saturday, from 1-5pm, and Sundays by prior arrangement with Eugene. Live Arico shop chain All three shops are now open for business, so bag a bargain from all the secondhand books, toys, clothes and bric-a-brac on sale. Also, pop in to leave donations of dog food, to ask for information about Live Arico, or just for a friendly chat. We need volunteers, so please call Trisha on 638 407 344, or Debbie on the number below, if you can spare a few hours a week. Shops’ opening hours Coral Mar, Silencio (in association with Tenerife Nursing and Care) - Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm. Saturday, 11am2pm. San Eugenio (opposite La Niña Hotel, near Amandas Bar) - same hours. Los Cristianos (Churchill’s Square, near the play park and Chicagos Bar) - same hours, plus Thursday and Friday evenings until 8pm. Revised adoption procedures A minimum 70-euro donation for an adopted dog is now required by Live Arico. This is paid direct to Hospivet

Sur on collection of your new pet, which will be chipped, vaccinated and wormed. We are negotiating special rates for neutering and spaying. South Tenerife Rescue Centre We have now sold 658sqm of land up to now, making a total of 3,290 euros. The plan to buy our own plot of land remains, possibly where we are now renting, so will you buy a square metre of land for Live Arico? For five euros, you will receive a certificate, and your name, address and number of square metres purchased will go on a Roll of Honour at the new refuge. Dog-grooming Claire is offering 10% of her fee to Live Arico. She has 18 years of experience, so call her on 660 862 910 for an appointment, and quote Live Arico so we can receive our donation. Important telephone numbers Eugene: 649 001 907 (call if you find an animal abandoned or in distress) Suzy Q: 629 388 102 (fundraising, press releases, prize donations, etc) Pete Holland: 661 099 365 (Poochies Pet Hotel for boarding your dog) Debbie Gibson: 637 918 158 (shop donations and collections, overseeing land purchase) You can also read about us at or Lastly, as we have said before, please think hard about what will happen to your pet if you are re-locating to the UK. Remember, a dog is for life and NOT just for the duration of your stay in Tenerife.

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

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Community News

Lions lay on another Great holiday treat for youngsters A 30-STRONG group of under-privileged and special-needs youngsters and their carers left Tenerife last Friday for an eight-day holiday at Haven Holidays Park in Caister, Great Yarmouth.

The trip was organised in conjunction with Lions clubs in the UK, and sponsored by Tenerife Sur Lions. The venue is a four-star, allaction park, featuring a new pool and entertainment show bars. The group had a variety of excursions and activities laid on for them, including visits to beautiful beaches, landscapes, historical sites and adventure

parks. The trip was made possible through the generous support Tenerife Sur Lions receive over here, which is gratefully acknowledged. It was the second of two holidays arranged and funded by the Lions this year. In May, a party of 45 specialneeds and under-privileged

youngsters came over from England for a week’s holiday at the Princesa Dacil Hotel, in Los Cristianos. Funding for both holidays came from a variety of sources, including proceeds from the Lions’ charity shops at the Apolo Centre in Los Cristianos, and at Costa del Silencio.

Local bars, restaurants, businesses and schools have also played a big part through their fund raising activities. Special thanks go to Club La Costa for a generous donation towards the holidays, and for providing transport for a Down’s Syndrome group from La Laguna.

If you feel you can support the Lions in furthering their objective of helping underprivileged people in any way (not just for holidays), they would welcome your support, ideas or suggestions. Also, if you are interested in becoming a Lion, check out their website at

Who would be so wicked as to dump these pitiful dogs? TWO poor dogs, abandoned by a heartless owner in Guia de Isora last week, were taken to the Accion del Sol refuge in a pitiful condition by the local authority. They were totally emaciated, full of fleas, dehydrated and starving. A dog chain, which had somehow grown into the neck of one poor animal, was removed during an operation. The dogs were named Carol and Tina by two Brits, who reported their distress to the police. Happily, the pooches are now on the long, slow road to recovery. They were not microchipped, which means that whoever dumped them

will not be prosecuted because there is no way of tracing the owner. It is one of the most dastardly cases of cruelty witnessed by staff at the Granadilla sanctuary for some time. Yet the dogs are gorgeous and, even after all they’ve been through, they still wag their tails and let you touch them. Accion voluntary worker Karen Clack, said: “I visited them just three days after they were brought in to the refuge and they were looking much better already. “They are both boxer mixes and, once they have been

nursed back to full health, they will be seeking a new home - ideally together.” If you have suitable space and may be interested in adopting them, please contact the refuge on 922 778 630. Please visit Accion del Sol if you are looking to adopt a dog. The refuge is open Monday-Friday (3-6pm) and is situated at junction 51 on the TF1, right next to the ecological wind farm ITER, at Granadilla Poligono Industrial Estate. Remember, every animal brought there by the various Town Hall dog-catchers in the South receives full veterinary care, is bathed, deflead, wormed, inoculat-

Four legs or two, the race is on!

Lots of serious runners and novices, as well as some competitive children, took part with plenty of refuge dogs also competing and having a brilliant time. The event was extremely well attended and the prizes were awarded by Esteban Gonzalez, Granadilla’s Councillor for Economy and Finance. A great day was had by all and, hopefully, two or three more dogs have found new loving homes as a result. Marion, who runs the Aktiontier-sponsored refuge, conveyed her thanks to everyone who helped make it such a special day.

SATURDAY’S annual Fun Race was a huge success, attracting over 130 entrants aged from 4-80, with a mixture of Spanish, German and English people all joining in.

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ed, micro-chipped, passported and sterilised or castrated, all ready for its new home. More and more English people are supporting the charity, which is great for animal welfare here in South Tenerife. If you think you can help out in any way, maybe by dogwalking or donating blankets, towels or toys for the dogs, then please get in touch. For more information, contact the refuge on 922 778 630, or their eventpage link on Facebook at event.php?eid=171476136240 452

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08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Television Guide


Tonight's the Night Saturday 09 July, 7:10pm - 8:10pm, BBC1 New series. John Barrowman returns with the entertainment show that makes dreams come true for members of the audience at home and in the studio. Queen of Country Dolly Parton gives one of her biggest fans a masterclass, a teaching assistant sings with the Wanted, and a DJ becomes Elvis for the night, joining the cast of hit musical Million Dollar Quartet. Also, a lady vicar swaps her cassock for a jockey's uniform to race at Silverstone.

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

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Television Guide

F R I D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am............................ Wibbly Pig

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ..Britain’s Bravest Cops

6:10am ................................Dip Dap

8:30am................................ Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:15am ................Pinky Dinky Doo

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:45am ..........................Octonauts

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ................Food Fighters

6:55am ............................Deadly 60

12:30pm ................ Loose Women

11:45am .... BBC News; Weather

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

12:15pm .................. Bargain Hunt

7:25am ....................Sam & Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:35am The Scooby-Doo Show

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

7:55am ........................Newsround

2:00pm ..................Ten Mile Menu

8:00am ......Trapped Ever After

3:00pm .................. Secret Dealers

1:40pm ................................Doctors

8:30am.......... Show Me Show Me

3:59pm ............London Weather

2:10pm ..........................Only Fools and Horses

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

3:05pm ............................Copycats

8:55am ................................Bob the Builder: Project Build It

3:35pm ....................................Scoop

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

6:00pm ..............................Weather

4:00pm ....................Escape from Scorpion Island

9:15am ................Guess with Jess

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

9:30am ......................Nina and the Neurons: In the Lab

6:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

9:45am ....................Chuggington: Badge Quest

7:00pm ........................ Emmerdale

4:55pm ............ Shaun the Sheep 5:00pm ........................Newsround

9:50am ......Big Cook Little Cook

5:15pm ......Pointless Celebrities

10:10am ........Little Charley Bear

6:00pm .............................. Weather

10:20am ............................Zingzillas

6:00pm ............................ BBC News

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

6:30pm ..............................Weather

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

11:35am ............................The Pink Panther Show

11:45am ............Cash in the Attic

4:25pm ..............................Stuck on Sheep Mountain

7:00pm ..................The One Show 7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm ................The Good Cook 8:00pm ........................ EastEnders 8:30pm ...... A Question of Sport 9:00pm ............................My Family 9:30pm ................................Miranda 10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ....................The Graham Norton Show 11:20pm ..................The National Lottery Friday Night Draws

7:30pm .......... Coronation Street

12:00pm ....................Daily Politics 12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm ............Diagnosis Murder 1:45pm .... To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15pm ........................Animal 24:7 3:00pm .................................. Flog It! 3:45pm ........Antiques Road Trip 4:30pm ....................Weakest Link

8:00pm ..........Love Your Garden

5:15pm ............................Escape to the Country

8:30pm .......... Coronation Street

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

6:30pm ......................Great British Railway Journeys

9:00pm ............Paul O’Grady Live

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

11:30pm ....................Lord of War

7:00pm ..............Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 2011

1:20am ....................Weatherview

8:00pm ............Gardeners’ World

1:20am ..................The One Show

9:00pm ..................The Kennedys

1:05am ........ ITV News Headlines

1:55am ..................The Spice Trail

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

1:05am ............................The Zone

2:55am ..................Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail

11:00pm ........The Review Show

3:05am .................................... Doom

11:50pm ..........................Golf: The Scottish Open

4:45am .............. ITV Nightscreen

3:55am ........................Newswatch

Page 22

5:00pm ........................Dinner Date

10:35pm ........................Backdraft

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Television Guide

Friday 08 July 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: History Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ..........................Dog Squad

8:00am .................................... Maury

8:00am ......................Verminators

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

9:00am ......Medical Emergency

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

10:00am ........NCIS: Los Angeles

6:35am ........................Ebb and Flo

9:00am ............................Football’s Richest Prize

10:00am ........Four Weddings US

12:00pm ..........Stargate Atlantis

11:00am ................................Maury

2:00pm ......................Verminators

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am............................ The Beeps

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs 7:00am ............ Freshly Squeezed 7:30am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am ............According to Jim 8:55am ..................................Friends

6:40am ......................................Olivia 6:50am ............................Peppa Pig 6:55am.......... Milkshake! Bop Box

10:30am ................Live European Tour Golf

3:00pm ......................Customs UK

2:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:20am ........................Family Guy

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

1:05am ........................Angry Boys

4:00pm ..............................Charmed 5:00pm ..............................Charmed

1:35am ..................................World’s Craziest Fools

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

2:05am ..................................World’s Craziest Fools

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:30am .......... Kill It, Cut It, Use It

10:30pm ........................Spartacus: Blood and Sand

8:00pm ....................................Nikita 9:00pm ................................Medium

4:00am ..................................World’s Craziest Fools

11:40pm ........................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime UK

10:00pm ........................CSI: Miami

4:30am ................The Apprentice

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

5:30am ......................................Close

7:00am ....................Little Princess 7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

3:00pm ........Football’s Greatest

5:00pm ..............................Oops TV

10:55am ................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

5:30pm ............................Futurama

7:45am .... Make Way for Noddy

3:30pm ..................Live European Tour Golf

11:55am ..Channel 4 Presents David Clarke 2012

8:00am ................................Fifi and the Flowertots

6:30pm ................................Premier League World

6:30pm.................... The Simpsons

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

7:00pm ..........................Sky Sports News at Seven

8:30pm ..................The Simpsons

8:30am .... Roary the Racing Car

7:30pm ..........Live Super League

9:00pm ..............An Idiot Abroad

8:40am.................. Hana’s Helpline

10:00pm ........Time of Our Lives

10:00pm ..................Wall of Fame

8:50am .................... The WotWots

11:00pm ............................ Premier League World 11:30pm ............Road to London

12:05pm ..............Relocation: Phil Down Under 1:00pm ............Channel 4 Racing 3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

9:00pm ........T in the Park 2011 10:00pm ......................EastEnders

4:00pm ..............................Oops TV

9:55am ................................Country House Rescue

8:00pm.......... T in the Park 2011

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:30pm ............................Football’s Richest Prize

9:25am .................................. Friends

7:00pm................ The Apprentice

7:00am ..................Jerry Springer

4:30pm ............................Futurama

6:00pm ..........................The Middle 8:00pm ............................Futurama

10:30pm ......T in the Park 2011 12:40am ........................Family Guy

3:30am ........................ Angry Boys

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

5:00pm .................... Four in a Bed

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff

5:30pm........ Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

11:10am ..........The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

12:15pm ........Ice Road Truckers

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:00am ..........................Everest ER

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

7:25pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

6:30am ............Kings of the Surf

7:30am ..........................Everest ER

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ........................ Emmerdale

1:45pm ........................ Neighbours

7:00am ..........................WWE: Raw

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

6:50am ........................ Emmerdale

7:55pm ............................Channel 4 Presents - David Smith 2012

2:15pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

9:00am ............................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

9:00am ............................................ER

7:20am ..................Loose Women

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

3:15pm ......Ladies of the House

11:00am ..........................ATP Tour Uncovered

10:00am ............................Top Gear

11:00am ........................The X Files

11:00am ..................................TOTP2

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

11:30am ................................ TOTP2

1:00pm .... Star Trek: Enterprise

9:25am ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

12:00pm............................ Top Gear

2:00pm ............................................ ER

2:00pm............................ Fifth Gear

3:00pm ..........................The X Files

1:00pm ..........................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

2:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

4:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

3:00pm ..........................Shark Tank

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

11:40pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory

7:30pm ................5 News Update

2:55pm .............. Live Test Cricket

4:00pm ................The Ladykillers

6:00pm ............................................ ER

7.30pm ..........................Fifth Gear 8:00pm ........................5 News at 9

7:00pm ................Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket

5:50pm ......................Trawlermen


7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

12:10am ................Mercury Prize Sessions

8:00pm ..............Danger: Diggers at Work

10:30pm ......................WWE: Late Night - Smackdown

12:30am ........4play: Metronomy

9:00pm ....................................Castle

12:45am ........The Album Chart Introduces: LMFAO

10:00pm ....................Law & Order

12:30am ......WWE: Late Night Bottom Line

8:00pm ........Come Dine with Me 9:00pm ..............8 Out of 10 Cats 9:30pm ................................King Of 10:00pm ........................ Alan Carr: Chatty Man 11:05pm ..............................The Big Bang Theory

5:00pm ..............................Weather 5:00pm ........................ 5 News at 5 5:30pm ........................Neighbours 6:00pm ..............Home and Away 6:25pm ..................................OK! TV 7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

10:55pm ........................CSI: Miami

1:00am ..Hollyoaks Music Show

11:55pm .......... Inside Hollywood

1:25am ................My Name Is Earl

12:00am ....................SuperCasino

1:45am ................My Name Is Earl

4:05am ......Motorsport Mundial

11:30am ..IAAF Athletix Weekly 12:00pm ......Football’s Greatest 12:30pm.............................. Premier League World

1:30am ..........................Tight Lines 2:30am ............NFL: Total Access 3:30am ..............................Racemax 4:30am .......................... Tight Lines 5:30am ............Kings of the Surf

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

6:30pm ..........................Hardliners 7:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den 8:00pm ............Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish

8:00pm .................... Prison Break: The Final Break

10:30am ...................... Judge Judy 12:00pm ......Coronation Street 12:30pm ......................Emmerdale 1:00pm ........................ Emmerdale 1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm .................. Loose Women

9:00pm ................................Big Love

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

9:00pm ............Russell Howard’s Good News

10:15pm.................. In Treatment

7:00pm ............All Star Mr & Mrs

10:50pm.................. In Treatment

8:00pm ..Penn & Teller: Fool Us

10:00pm ......................Dave’s One Night Stand

11:20pm .......................... Funny or Die Presents

9:00pm ....America’s Got Talent

11:00pm Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat

11:55pm ................................Weeds

10:00pm .. iTunes Festival 2011 11:00pm ........................ Bowfinger

Page 23

Television Guide

S A T U R D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am............................ Wibbly Pig

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

10:00am ..........................Saturday Kitchen Live

6:10am.................................. Dip Dap

7:25am ........................................CITV

6:15am ................Pinky Dinky Doo

8:25am ..........................House Gift

11:30am .............. The Good Cook

6:30am ............ Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am ..........Coronation Street

12:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather

6:45am .......................... Octonauts

11:45am ..................This Morning: Saturday

12:10pm ..............Formula 1: The British Grand Prix Qualifying

7:00am ......................................Leon 7:00am ............................Deadly 60 7:35am ..................................Arthur

2:40pm ....................Live Golf: The Scottish Open

8:00am ................Little Howard’s Big Question

5:20pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather

8:25am ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

5:40pm ..Walk on the Wild Side

8:50am.......................... Dennis and Gnasher

6:10pm ..................Total Wipeout 7:10pm ......Tonight’s the Night

9:05am ..............Trade Your Way to the USA

8:10pm ..The National Lottery: In It to Win It

9:30am ..................Fee Fi Fo Yum

9:00pm ..............................Casualty 9:50pm.......................... Lee Mack’s All Star Cast 10:30pm ..........National Lottery Update

12:45pm ....................The Planet’s Funniest Animals 1:15pm ......................The Planet’s Funniest Animals 1:45pm ............................ITV News and Weather 1:54pm ............London Weather 1:55pm ............Agatha Christie’s Thirteen at Dinner 3:55pm .................... Licence to Kill

10:00am ..................Mission: 2110

6:15pm ..............................Weather

10:30am ..League of Super Evil

6:15pm ..............London Tonight

10:40am ................Wolverine and the X-Men

6:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

11:05am ..........................Mortified

6:45pm ..You’ve Been Framed!

10:30pm ....BBC News; Weather

11:25am................................ OOglies

7:15pm ..........................Odd One In

10:50pm ......Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow

11:40am ............MOTD Kickabout 12:00pm .......... The Sky at Night 12:20pm ................Homes Under the Hammer 12:50pm ................Live Golf: The Scottish Open 2:40pm ..........Kramer vs Kramer 4:20pm ..Comedy Connections 4:50pm ..............Life Beyond the Box: Norman Stanley Fletcher 5:40pm .............................. Porridge 6:10pm ..................................Flog It!

11:35pm ................Weatherview 11:35pm ......................Dark Water 1:15am ............................BBC News 1:30am ............The Bottom Line 2:00am ............................BBC News 2:30am ..............................HARDtalk

7:10pm ........................Dad’s Army

8:00pm ..Penn & Teller: Fool Us

7:40pm ........Vincent Van Gogh: Painted with Words

9:00pm ............The Marriage Ref

9:00pm ..............Have I Got a Bit More News for You 9:45pm ................Secrets of the Pop Song

3:00am ............................BBC News

10:45pm ........Top of the Pops: The Story of 1976

3:30am ............................Our World

11:35pm ................The Kennedys

4:00am ............................BBC News

Page 24

10:00pm ..........................ITV News and Weather 10:14pm ..........London Weather 10:15pm ............Ocean’s Twelve 12:35am ....The Cube Celebrity Special: McFly 1:30am ........ITV News Headlines 1:30am ............................The Zone

4:30am ........................................Click

12:20am ................The Kennedys

5:00am ............................BBC News

1:05am ....................Honeydripper

5:30am ........The Record Europe

3:05am ......................................Close

3:30am ......................In Plain Sight 4:20am .............. ITV Nightscreen 5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Television Guide

Saturday 09 July 6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ............................ Peppa Pig

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:00pm ..............................Top Gear

6:05am .... Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:00am ....................Don’t Forget the Lyrics

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:35am ..................The Film Show

6:30am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00am ............British Formula 3 International Series

6:15am ........................ Fifi and the Flowertots

7:00am ............................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

7:00am ................Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation

7:00am ..................Jerry Springer

8:00pm ....................Friendly Fires & N-Dubz @ T

7:25am ................................ The Grid

6:25am...................... Fireman Sam

9:00am ..........................Cricket AM

8:00am ............................Gladiators

7:55am ............The Morning Line

6:35am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

10:30am ........Live International One-Day Cricket

9:00am ............WWE Superstars

7:00pm.... Live Masters Football

10:30am ....................A League of Their Own

8:50am .................................. Friends 9:20am.............................. Hollyoaks Music Show 9:55am ..............................Smallville 10:50am .............................. Friends 11:20am ............Style the Nation 12:20pm ........Dirty Sexy Things 1:20pm ..........The TV Book Club 1:55pm ............Channel 4 Racing 4:05pm ........Come Dine with Me 4:35pm ........Come Dine with Me 5:05pm ........Come Dine with Me 5:40pm ........Come Dine with Me 6:10pm ........Come Dine with Me

6:50am ......................Elmo’s World 7:05am ....................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

10:00am ....................A League of Their Own

7:30am ..................Jerry Springer 8:00am ....................................Maury

9:00pm ..........Chase and Status & the Strokes @ T 10:00pm ........Coldplay Live @ T

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model 10:00am ........The Biggest Loser 11:00am ........The Biggest Loser

11:00am ..........................Futurama

12:00pm ............Grey’s Anatomy

12:45pm ........................Futurama: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow

1:00pm ..............Grey’s Anatomy

1:00pm ..............................Lie to Me

4:00pm ........................Fat Families

2:00pm ..........WWE: Smackdown

5:00pm ........Nothing to Declare

4:00pm ..........................The Middle

5:30pm ........Nothing to Declare

4:30pm ..........................The Middle

6:00pm ........ Nothing to Declare

12:00am ........................Family Guy

12:00am ....................Super Rugby

6:00pm.................... The Simpsons

12:20am ........................Family Guy

8:25am ....Mist: Sheepdog Tales

1:00am ......................International One-Day Cricket

7:00pm ............Emergency with Angela Griffin

7:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm ....P****d and Pregnant

8:40am ......................Rupert Bear

3:00am ......................Super Rugby

8:00pm ..........................Road Wars

9:00pm ................................Medium

2:40am ........................EastEnders: Greatest Exits

8:55am ......................................Olivia

4:00am ......................International One-Day Cricket

9:00pm ....................Armageddon

10:00pm ..................................Katie

4:10am ........Don’t Tell the Bride

11:50pm ....................Law & Order

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

5:10am ......................................Close

7:20am ............Noddy in Toyland 7:30am ......................................Chiro 7:35am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 7:40am ..................Hana’s Helpline 7:55am ....................Little Princess 8:05am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

9:10am ..........The Mr Men Show

10:00pm ................Live Saturday Fight Night

2:00pm ........ Nothing to Declare 3:00pm ................Passport Patrol

12:45am ..............................Ransom

9:30am ......The Milkshake! Show 10:00am ......................Pawn Stars 10:30am ................Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers

6:00am..........................Total Rugby

7:10am ..............................Speeders

6:00am ..............thirtysomething

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

11:30am ............Danger: Diggers at Work

6:30am ....................Super League

7:35am ..............................Speeders

7:00am ..............thirtysomething

8:30am ..........The Biggest Loser

8:00am .......................... Tight Lines

8:00am ..................................TOTP2

8:00am .............. thirtysomething

9:30am ............Too Fat to Toddle

12:30pm ....................Rosamunde Pilcher’s Summer

9:00am ..........Premiership Years

8:30am ..................................TOTP2

9:00am .............. thirtysomething

11:00am ......WWE: Smackdown

9:00am ............Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish

10:00am ..Star Trek: Enterprise

10:30am ............................The Only Way Is Essex

6:55pm ............5 News Weekend

9:30am ............Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish

12:00pm ..Star Trek: Enterprise

7:00pm ..................................Cricket

10:00am ................The Ladykillers

2:20pm ..King Solomon’s Mines 4:20pm ................Random Hearts

1:00pm ............Davis Cup Tennis

7:55pm ........................................NCIS 8:55pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 6:40pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:10pm 7:15pm ....The Simpsons Movie 9:00pm ..............................Camelot 10:00pm ....Gangs of New York

3:15am ....................Bob’s Burgers 3:40am ................Hill Street Blues 4:30am ...................... One Tree Hill 5:15am ..........................Countdown

1:00pm ........Total Wipeout USA

12:00pm ........................Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties

3:00pm ............................................ER

1:40pm ....America’s Got Talent

4:00pm ............................................ER

3:30pm ....America’s Got Talent

5:00pm ............................................ ER

4:25pm ....America’s Got Talent

6:00pm ............................................ER

6:15pm ....America’s Got Talent

7:00pm ............................................ER

7:15pm.................. Jurassic Park III 9:00pm ................Practical Magic

2:00pm ........Total Wipeout USA

5:00pm ........WWE: Bottom Line

3:00pm ........Total Wipeout USA

10:45pm ................................CSI: NY

6:00pm ................Live Speedway

4:00pm ........Total Wipeout USA

11:45pm ................Forensic Files

9:00pm ..Live Davis Cup Tennis

5:00pm ........Total Wipeout USA

12:15am ....................SuperCasino

11:00pm ......................WWE: Late Night - Superstars

6:00pm ........Total Wipeout USA 7:00pm ........ Total Wipeout USA

8:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

12:00am ........................ WWE: NXT

9:00pm ............Improvisation My Dear Watson

9:00pm ..................Mildred Pierce

9:50pm ....................Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

4:05am ..........Meals in Moments 5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline 5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show 5:35am ..........Thomas & Friends 5:45am ............................Roary the Racing Car

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

1:00am ..........WWE: Late Night Smackdown 3:00am ..........WWE: Late Night Bottom Line 4:00am ............NFL: Total Access 5:00am ....NFL: America’s Game

9:40pm ..............New Dave’s One Night Stand 10:40pm ............ Mock the Week 11:20pm ..........Have I Got News for You

11:15am ............................The Only Way Is Essex

2:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

4:00pm ............ NFL: Total Access

4:15am ......................The FBI Files 1:10am.............. Infernal Affairs II

12:00pm ......Total Wipeout USA

11:00am .. Star Trek: Enterprise

11:10pm ..................Analyze This

10:25pm ..................Nurse Jackie

1:15am ...... iTunes Festival 2011

11:05pm ........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

2:10am ................Secret Diary of a Call Girl

11:45pm ........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

2:30am ....................Teleshopping 5:30am ............ ITV2 Nightscreen

12:25am ................Mildred Pierce

Page 25

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S U N D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

9:00am ........................The Andrew Marr Show

6:10am ................................Dip Dap

7:25am ........................................CITV

6:15am ................Pinky Dinky Doo

10:00am ..Sunday Morning Live

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

8:25am ....................May the Best House Win

11:00am ....................Weather for the Week Ahead

6:45am ..........................Octonauts

9:25am ......Dickinson’s Real Deal

7:00am ......................................Leon

10:25am ..60 Minute Makeover

7:00am ............................Deadly 60

11:30am This Morning: Sunday

7:35am ..................................Arthur

12:30pm...................... Dinner Date

8:00am ........Junior MasterChef

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

11:00am ..........The Politics Show 12:10pm ..............Formula 1: The British Grand Prix Live 3:30pm ........................EastEnders

8:30am ....Me and My Monsters

5:00pm ................Songs of Praise

9:00am ..............Friday Download

5:35pm ............................My Family

10:00am ..............Something for the Weekend

6:05pm............ Horrible Histories with Stephen Fry

11:30am ..........................Escape to the Country

1:34pm ............London Weather 1:35pm ..................Survival: Tales from the Wild 2:35pm .............. Inspector Morse 4:35pm ........ Midsomer Murders

12:30pm ......................EastEnders 1:30pm ....................Live Golf: The Scottish Open

6:30pm ..............................Weather

5:30pm ....................Live Athletics

6:45pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

8:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00pm ............................The Royal

6:30pm ..............London Tonight

6:35pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather 7:00pm ............Fake or Fortune? 8:00pm ........................Countryfile 9:00pm ......................The World’s Most Expensive Paintings 10:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather

8:00pm ..........................Popstar to Operastar - The Final

10:25pm ........Seve: The Legend

Law & Order: UK

11:25pm ................Weatherview

ITV 9pm

11:25pm ......................Moving On

The gripping drama returns to ITV1 for a brand new series. The first episode, The Wrong Man, sees the police investigate several mysterious deaths in a hospital – which leads to a challenging case for the crown prosecutors. Starring Bradley Walsh, Jamie Bamber, Harriet Walter, Freema Agyeman, Dominic Rowan, Peter Davison, James Fox and Frances Tomelty. Suzanne Morton is brought into a hospital A&E

Page 26

department with flu-like symptoms – and leaves in a body bag. Detectives Ronnie Brooks (Walsh) and Matt Devlin (Bamber) treat her case as suspicious as they investigate the department, which has had three similar deaths within six months. The ward was extremely busy the night Suzanne died, which makes their job tougher – can they find the killer before another victim is targeted? When the case comes to

court, senior crown prosecutor Jacob Thorne (Rowan) is pulled in opposite directions as the chief suspect claims to have been framed for murder by others in his department. With a conspiracy of silence spreading through the hospital staff, it becomes clear that there is more to the case than meets the eye. In order to find the truth, the team must penetrate the hospital staff’s web of professional loyalties.

12:15am ..............The Apprentice 1:15am ..............The Apprentice: The Final Five

9:00pm .............. Law & Order: UK 10:00pm ...................... Popstar to Operastar: The Results 9:00pm ....................................Coast 10:00pm ............Mock the Week

10:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

10:30pm ......................In the Loop

10:44pm ..........London Weather

2:15am ............................ Holby City

10:45pm ............Eyes Wide Shut

3:15am ..............................Newsday

12:15am ................The Front Line

3:30am ....Asia Business Report

1:45am ............................Reporters

1:35am ........ITV News Headlines

3:45am ......................Sport Today

2:00am ..............................Newsday

1:35am ............................The Zone

4:00am ..............................Newsday

2:30am ....................Asia Business Report 2:45am ......................Sport Today

2:00am ............British Superbike Championship Highlights

3:00am ..............................Newsday

2:55am.................. Motorsport UK

3:10am ..........................The Super League Show

3:45am ..............ITV Nightscreen

4:30am ..............................HARDtalk 5:00am ............................BBC News 5:30am ....................................World Business Report 5:45am ............................BBC News

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

3:55am ......................................Close

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Television Guide

Sunday 10 July 7:00pm ..........................Formula 1: The British Grand Prix Highlights

6:00am ................................Sali Mali

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

6:00am ..................Hour of Power

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:05am ........The Treacle People

6:05am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ........Football’s Greatest

6:30am ........Nothing to Declare

6:15am ..........................The Hoobs 6:40am ..........................The Hoobs

6:15am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

7:00am ......................International One-Day Cricket

7:00am ................Liza and Huey’s Pet Nation 8:00am ................................Oops TV

7:30am ..................Jerry Springer

7:05am ..............Freesports on 4

6:25am ......................Fireman Sam

9:00am ....Cricket Writers on TV

8:00am .................................... Maury

7:35am ..............................Triathlon : Ironman UK

6:35am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

10:30am ............Ashes Memories

9:00am ......................A League of Their Own

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ..........Tinie Tempah @ T

8:00am ..................................Friends

11:00am ..........................Football’s Richest Prize

10:00am .......... WWE Superstars

6:50am ......................Elmo’s World

11:00am ........WWE: Experience

11:00am .............. Four Weddings

12:30pm ..........................Saturday Fight Night

12:00pm ..Futurama: Welcome to the World of Tomorrow

10:20pm ......................Family Guy

8:25am ..............Style the Nation

7:05am ......................Roobarb and Custard Too

12.00pm ............ Grey’s Anatomy

10:45pm ..........Foo Fighters @ T

7:15am ..................The Save-Ums!

12:15pm ..........................Futurama

7:25am ............Noddy in Toyland

2:30pm ................Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket

12:30pm ................The Simpsons

7:40am ..................Hana’s Helpline

6:00pm ....Saturday Fight Night

3:00pm ..............................Lie to Me

1:05pm ..................The Simpsons

7:50am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

9:00am ............T4 on the Beach: The Countdown 9:55am ..............................Hollyoaks

1:40pm ..............T4 on the Beach 5:25pm ................ Deal or No Deal

8:00am ..................Little Princess

8:00pm ......................My Chemical Romance & the Vaccines @ T 10:00pm ......................Family Guy

2:00pm ........Nothing to Declare 3:00pm ................Passport Patrol 4:00pm ........................Fat Families

12:45am ........................Formula 1: The British Grand Prix Highlights

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

5:00pm ....................Psychic Sally: On the Road

1:45am ..................................World’s Craziest Fools

6:00pm ....................Harry Potter Premiere Special

6:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:15am ........................................ Ideal

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

6:55pm ..........Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model

3:15am ........................................Ideal

2:00pm ..........................Road Wars 4:00pm ..............UK Border Force

8:00pm ............Live US Women’s Open Golf

7:00am .................. Jerry Springer

3:30pm ................Passport Patrol

8:10am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

11:00pm ................PGA Tour Golf 1:00am ............................ European Tour Golf

7:00pm ......................A League of Their Own

8:25am ....Mist: Sheepdog Tales

3:00am ....................Super League

8:00pm ..........................Teen Wolf

8:00pm ..................The Simpsons

4:10am ........................................Ideal

8:40am ..........Milkshake! Monkey

4:30am ........ Football’s Greatest

9:00pm ..........Dating in the Dark

8:30pm ............................Futurama

4:40am ........................................ Ideal

8:45am ......................Rupert Bear

5:00am ..............Ashes Memories

10:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

9:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-0

5:10am ...................................... Close

9:00am ......................................Olivia

5:30am ..........................Wild Spirits

11:00pm ..................Supernatural

10:00pm ..................Wall of Fame

11:00am New Cowboy Builders

6:00am ............................Speedway

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

9:00am ................................ Masters Football

7:10am ....Amazing Adventures of a Nobody

6:00am ..........................The X Files

12:00pm ............The Restaurant Inspector

7:00am ..........................The X Files

8:10am ........................Emmerdale

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am ..........................The X Files

11:05am ........Coronation Street

1:00pm ........................Rosamunde Pilcher’s Autumn

12:00pm ..........................Davis Cup Tennis

10:00am ............Dangerous Jobs for Girls

9:00am ..........................The X Files

1:35pm ....America’s Got Talent

11:00am........ Last Man Standing

10:00am ..........................Inside the Actors Studio

3:30pm ....America’s Got Talent

2:45pm ..........Man of the House

2:00pm .............................. Racemax

4:35pm ..................................Matilda

3:00pm ............................ Football’s Richest Prize

12:00pm ............................Top Gear 1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

11:00am.......................... Inside the Actors Studio

6:20pm ..............Channel 4 News

6:25pm ............5 News Weekend


6:30pm ....The Legend of Zorro

4:30pm .......................... Live Super League

2:00pm ............................Batteries Not Included

12:00pm ..........................Inside the Actors Studio

6:55pm ..............The Political Slot

7:00pm ........................Wild Spirits

2:40pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

1:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

7:30pm .............................. Live Indy Car Series

3:20pm ........................The Bubble

3:00pm .......... Star Trek: Voyager

8:00pm ......................Marley & Me

9:00pm ........................Master and Commander: the Far Side of the World

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

4:00pm .......... Star Trek: Voyager

10:15pm .................... In Her Shoes

11:40pm ............................Sniper 2

10:00pm ........................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

6:00pm ................Full Circle with Michael Palin

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

12:45am ..................Stand Up for the Week

1:25am ......................SuperCasino

7:00pm ........Star Trek: Voyager

4:00am ..........Meals in Moments

12:00am ..................Super League

7:00pm ..........................Have I Got News for You

1:30am ....................Bob’s Burgers

4:10am ......................Great Artists

7:40pm ........................The Bubble

1:55am ............................5ive Days to Midnight

4:35am ......................Nick’s Quest

1:30am ............................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline

9:00pm ......................................QI XL

9:00pm ..........................Curb Your Enthusiasm

3:35am ................Hill Street Blues

3:30am ....................World Netball Championships

5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show

5:30am ......................................Close

10:00pm ......................Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat

10:15pm ....................The Mind of the Married Man

11:00pm .............. Steve Coogan: The Inside Story

11:25pm ................Mildred Pierce

2:45am ........................................Ideal 3:45am ........................................ Ideal

9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show 9:30am ......The Milkshake! Show 10:00am ......Police Interceptors

7:00pm ..................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

4:30am ......................One Tree Hill

5:35am ..........Thomas & Friends

5:15am ........................Countdown

5:45am ....Roary the Racing Car

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

8:20pm ............................................QI

4:30pm ..................................Twister 6:45pm ................................ Back to the Future 9:00pm........................ Knocked Up

6:00pm ........Star Trek: Voyager 8:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

11:40pm ................................ iTunes Festival 2011 12:40am ..............Take That: The Circus Live 1:35am ....................Teleshopping 4:35am ............ ITV2 Nightscreen

Page 27

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

M O N D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ......................Heir Hunters

6:10am ................................Dip Dap

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:15am ................Pinky Dinky Doo

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:45am ..........................Octonauts

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ................Food Fighters

7:00am ........................................Roar

12:30pm ................ Loose Women

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ......Dennis and Gnasher

11:45am ........................ Saints and Scroungers

7:35am ........................Newsround

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:35am ......................The ScoobyDoo Show

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

8:00am .................... Paradise Cafe

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:30am ............................LazyTown

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

3:05pm ........................Dennis and Gnasher Shorts

9:25am ..................Small Potatoes

6:00pm ..............................Weather

9:30am...................... Chuggington

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

9:45am ...... Mr Bloom’s Nursery

6:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

10:20am ............................Zingzillas

4:30pm ............Horrible Histories

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

5:00pm ........................Newsround

11:35am ............................The Pink Panther Show

6:00pm ............................BBC News 6:30pm ..............................Weather 6:30pm ..........BBC London News 7:00pm ................The One Show: Best of Britain 7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm ........................Fake Britain 8:00pm ........................EastEnders

Against the odds, Jack survived and made his way to Manchester in 1945. Jack feels that religion is not as important as basic common humanity. He does not practise all aspects of the Jewish faith, but he is a celebrated survivor venerated by the local community. Having made a successful career in the luggage trade, Jack is thrilled to have the money to throw his grandson a lavish Bar Mitzvah – a special moment which is caught on camera.

10:00am ............................ Gigglebiz 10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

6:00pm ..............................Weather

8:30pm ..................Gerry and the GPs - Panorama 9:00pm ..........................New Tricks 10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ......................A Question of Sport 11:05pm ........In with the Flynns

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm ..........Coronation Street

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm ..................................Rowing 2:30pm ........................Animal 24:7 3:00pm ..................................Flog It! 3:45pm ........Antiques Road Trip 4:30pm ....................Weakest Link 5:15pm ............................Escape to the Country

8:00pm ....Countrywise Kitchen

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

9:00pm ................Strictly Kosher

6:30pm ......................Great British Railway Journeys

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

7:00pm ..........................The Truth About Wildlife

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

7:30pm ..............Julia Bradbury’s Canal Walks

10:35pm ..........................Rambo III

8:00pm ....University Challenge 8:30pm ............Antiques Master

11:35pm ................Weatherview 11:35pm ....................The Graham Norton Show

10:00pm ..........................................QI

1:25am ..................................Luther

5:00pm ........................Dinner Date

12:00pm ....................Daily Politics

9:00pm ........................The Life of Muhammad

12:25am ..Business Nightmares with Evan Davis

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

9:15am ..........Little Charley Bear

4:30pm ................Deadly 60 Bites

5:15pm ..............................Pointless

and offers her views on the wider Jewish community. Joel Lever and his wife Joanne come from a traditional background, but Joel admits that they are not very religious. His fashion boutique is frequented by the Jewish ladies of Prestwich – and by making them the talk of the town, he feels that he is serving the local community. The programme also meets 83year-old Jack Aizenberg, whose family were killed in Belzec extermination camp when he was just 14.

3:59pm ............London Weather

2:10pm ..........................Only Fools and Horses

4:00pm ....................Escape from Scorpion Island

The Jewish community in Manchester is a kaleidoscope of tradition, religion and extravagance. This documentary reveals the stories of three families and their friends and offers an insight into lifestyles which, although they range from traditional to modern, are bound together by one faith. Cameras follow Bernette Clarke, a lively Orthodox Jewish mother of three, as she explains the traditional approach her family has to the Sabbath and other Jewish festivals,

3:00pm ..................Secret Dealers

1:40pm ................................Doctors

3:35pm ....................................Scoop

ITV 9pm

2:00pm ..................Ten Mile Menu

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

3:05pm ............................Copycats

Strictly Kosher

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

10:30pm........................ Newsnight 11:20pm ......................Imagine: Ai Weiwei - Without Fear or Favour

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

12:25am ......ITV News Headlines 12:25am ..........................The Zone 2:30am ............Nightwatch with Steve Scott 3:20am ..............ITV Nightscreen 4:35am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

Countrywise Kitchen ITV 8pm Countrywise sister programme Countrywise Kitchen returns this week for a brand new second series in which regular presenters Paul Heiney and chef Mike Robinson get a chance to scour the UK countryside for the very best food and produce available. Britain has had a food revolution in the last 20 years and much of this is due to the increase in quality of our own home-

Page 28

produced meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. The first series of the programme, shown at the end of last year during the festive season, focused on winter fare, and this new series follows on seasonally, looking at some of the wonderful array of food produced during the summer months. In the first episode, Mike and Paul visit South Devon – which means that Devon cream

teas, those great British summer staples, will be on the menu. Paul and Mike also seek out some of the vast variety of seafood available in the county. The duo pay a visit to Salcombe on the most southerly part of the Devon coast, where the local speciality is shellfish – in particular the Salcombe crab. Plus Mike and Paul discover the delights of Devon’s very own Ruby Red beef.

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Television Guide

Monday 11 July 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: History Abuse

6:00am ........ Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who

6:30am ........Nothing to Declare

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ..........................Dog Squad

7:00am ..................Jerry Springer

7:45pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

8:00am ......................Verminators

7:30am .................. Jerry Springer

8:00pm ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

9:00am ......Medical Emergency

8:00am .................................... Maury

10:00am ........NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00pm ..........Stargate Atlantis

6:40am ......................................Olivia

9:00am ............................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

9:00am ................ America’s Next Top Model

8:30pm ..................Underage and Pregnant

6:35am ........................Ebb and Flo

2:00pm ......................Verminators

6:50am ............................ Peppa Pig

11:00am ........................Speedway

10:00am ........Four Weddings US

2:00pm ............Masters Football

3:00pm .............................. Customs

6:55am.......... Milkshake! Bop Box

11:00am ................................Maury

7:00am ....................Little Princess

5:00pm ..............Ashes Memories

4:00pm ..........................The Middle

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

5:30pm ................Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ..........................The Beeps

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs 7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ............Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am ............According to Jim 8:55am ..................................Friends 9:25am ..................................Friends 9:55am ................................Country House Rescue 10:55am ................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

7:45am ............ Noddy in Toyland

12:05pm ........................Channel 4 Presents - Stephen Miller 2012 12:10pm ..............Relocation: Phil Down Under

7:40am .......... Milkshake! Monkey 8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots 8:10am ............................Milkshake! Show Songs 8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

4:30pm ............................ Futurama 5:00pm ..............................Oops TV

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

9:00pm ..............Ashes Memories

5:30pm ............................Futurama

9:30pm ........ Football’s Greatest

6:00pm ..........................The Middle

10:00pm ........Time of Our Lives

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

11:00pm ........................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

1:00am ..............Soccer AM: The Best Bits

9:00pm ..........................Cop Squad

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:00am ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

10:00pm ..........Spartacus: Blood and Sand

8:00pm ..........Dating in the Dark

8:00pm ..........................Road Wars

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 4:00pm ..............................Charmed 6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ........................Small Teen, Bigger World 10:00pm ......................EastEnders 10:30pm ..............................World’s Craziest Fools 11:00pm ........................Family Guy 11:20pm ......................Family Guy 11:45pm ....................Small Teen, Bigger World 12:45am ..........................Underage and Pregnant 1:15am ..World’s Craziest Fools 1:40am ......Snog, Marry, Avoid? 2:10am ........................The World’s Strictest Parents

1:05pm ....Operation Crossbow

8:25am ............................Roary the Racing Car

2:30am ............Sports Unlimited

11:10pm ..................Wall of Fame

9:00pm ..........Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:35am ......Bananas in Pyjamas

3:30am ........Watersports World

10:00pm ................Half Ton Teen

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:50am ....................The WotWots

4:30am ..........................Max Power

11:40pm ....Brit Cops: Frontline Crime UK

5:00pm ....................Quiz Trippers 5:30pm ........Come Dine with Me

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

9:15am ............ The Wright Stuff

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

11:10am ..........The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:10am ..............................GT Racer

6:00am .......................... The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

6:30am ............ Kings of the Surf

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:50am ........................ Emmerdale


12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

7:00am .... Saturday Fight Night

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:20am ..................Loose Women

8:00pm ..........................Murder on Honeymoon: Dispatches

12:15pm ........Ice Road Truckers

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................ Judge Judy

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

9:00am ...................... US Women’s Open Golf

10:00am ............................Top Gear

10:00am............ thirtysomething

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

12:00pm ................PGA Tour Golf

11:00am ................................TOTP2

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:00pm ....................Embarrassing Bodies: Teen Special

2:15pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:00pm ......European Tour Golf

11:30am ................................TOTP2

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

9:25am ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

4:00pm.................. Indy Car Series

10:00pm ................................Sirens

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

3:10pm ..................The Obsession

6:00pm................................ NASCAR

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

2:00pm ............................................ER

2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

3:00pm............................The X Files

2:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

4:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

3:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

6:00pm ............................................ ER

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear 6:00pm ............................................ QI

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

6:40pm ....................Dragons’ Den

9:00pm ............................Carnivale 10:05pm .......................... Funny or Die Presents

11:05pm ........................Channel 4 Presents - Danielle Brown 2012 11:10pm ......................Coming Up: Rough Skin

5:00pm ..............................Weather 5:00pm ........................5 News at 5 5:30pm ........................Neighbours 6:00pm ..............Home and Away

11:40pm ........................Lee Evans XL Tour

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

12:40am ..........................European Poker Tour

7:30pm ................5 News Update

1:40am ..............24 Hours in A&E 2:35am ..Embarrassing Bodies: Teen Special 3:30am .......... Ancient Egyptians 4:25am ..............................Machines Time Forgot 5:20am ......................One Tree Hill

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

7:30pm ......How Do They Do It?

7:00pm ................Live Speedway

8:00pm ................ Seaside Rescue

8:00pm ........................5 News at 9

10:00pm ............................NASCAR

8:30pm ................Seaside Rescue

8:00pm ........ Police Interceptors

11:00pm ....................Boots ‘n’ All

9:00pm ..............The Restaurant Inspector

12:00am ........................Speedway

9:00pm ..............Have I Got a Bit More News for You

3:00am ................................NASCAR

10:00pm ........................ Shameless

11:50pm ..............Six Feet Under

4:00am ........................Boots ‘n’ All

11:05pm ........................Shameless

1:05am ..............................Carnivale

10:00pm .................... Philadelphia 12:35am .................. Forensic Files 1:05am ......................SuperCasino

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

5:00am ...................................... Close

10:40pm ................................ Weeds 11:15pm ..................Nurse Jackie

2:10am ..Funny or Die Presents

3:10am ..................Pop’s Greatest Dance Crazes 4:10am ........................Doctor Who

10:30am ......................Judge Judy 12:00pm ........Coronation Street 1:00pm ........................Emmerdale 1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..................Loose Women 5:40pm ........................Judge Judy 7:00pm .......................... Odd One In 7:45pm ....................Peter Andre: The Hot Desk 8:00pm ............The Xtra Factor: Best and Worst 2010 9:00pm ..................Terminator 2: Judgment Day 11:45pm ..................Analyze This

Page 29

Television Guide


Light at the end THIS is just a simple story that will shed light on my decision to live and work in Tenerife. It will also show those who are going through maybe the same trouble I did that there is always hope. When this week’s Canarian Weekly hits the news stands today (Friday), it will be exactly five years since my arrival. I left my family and friends with no idea what the future would hold. To know me then was not a pretty sight. I had just gone through a disastrous relationship, with a child on the way. I have made it no secret that the mother of my first child has stopped me from seeing him. She was just three months pregnant then, and there was nothing more I could do back in Belfast to sort the horrible situation out. So, after two spells in hospital with depression, and a final request to do the right thing, I had no option but to get away. I contacted Oasis Fm, who had heard my demo and said Yes to a job. So, on 8th July 2006, I boarded the flight from Belfast to catch a connecting flight to Tenerife from Manchester. I really did not think too much of it during the flight, to be honest, as it just seemed as though I were going on holiday. But waiting nearly four hours for the connection was all too much. I had to get on the phone and talk to a friend because I was sure I was making a huge mistake. In the bathroom at Manchester Airport I was in tears, asking if I were making a huge mistake. My friends all

Page 30

knew what I was being put through by the other party, and they also knew I was not the same person they had all known for years. I got the same answer from them all: I needed to get away as I was up against a brick wall. That flight to Tenerife was just the worst. When I arrived, the people I met at Oasis Fm, and those I met near my apartment, noticed how quiet I was. I simply could not shake that empty feeling I had. Fast-forward a fortnight, and the party concerned over my reason to come to Tenerife was in daily contact with me. She visited me for a week and her pregnancy was starting to show. She seemed like a different person and talked me into going back to Belfast to be with her. At this point, the smile came back to my face. During my last week in Tenerife, I learned that I was to be the father of a son. I was sorry I had let down Oasis and my new friends. I arrived back in Belfast on 11th August 2006 and made my way down to start off a new chapter in my life. It took only two days for games to be played, and for my brain to be turned into mash again. I was beyond help for the next few months because I could not call or find out any information. My first son was born on Christmas Eve 2006. I heard about it from a friend in a pub on New Year’s Eve. The next day, I was informed via email by the mother of my child SEVEN days after everyone else had been told. I went through hell just to see him - and to get myself on

his birth certificate. I have seen him for just three hours of his soon-to-be-five years of his life. I was going through a dark period again with no chance of any contact, so I took the decision to contact Oasis Fm again. Lucky for me, they seemed to miss me! When I arrived back on the Island, I told staff the story and they took me under their wing. Not one day passed without the feeling of knowing I had a son back home and couldn’t see him. Contact with that other party was given to me on three occasions and I fell for it again, only to be slapped in the face, and mind games played on me were even bigger than before. I go into the finer details on these things as they scarred in my brain because of being manipulated, and with a child involved. So when I think back to those times, I look at myself now. If someone had told me then how happy I would be feeling five years on, I’d have thought they were madder than me! So, if I had not come to Tenerife, I would not have met wonderful friends, worked for the biggest radio station and met the love of my life, who has given me the chance to enjoy life with a beautiful son. I need no sympathy or replies regarding this story. I just wish to say that there is always hope. You do not think it at the time, obviously, but even at your last moment of darkness, please, I beg of you, keep a focus and remember your life will turn for the better. I am living proof.

T U E S D A Y 6:00am ............................ Breakfast

6:00am ..........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ......................Heir Hunters

6:10am ................................Dip Dap

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:15am ................Pinky Dinky Doo

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:45am ..........................Octonauts

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ................Food Fighters

7:00am ........................................Roar

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:45am .... BBC News; Weather

7:25am ......Dennis and Gnasher

11:45am ........................ Saints and Scroungers

7:35am ........................Newsround

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:35am ......................The ScoobyDoo Show

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

8:00am ....................Paradise Cafe

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:30am ............................ LazyTown

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm ..................Ten Mile Menu 3:00pm ..................Secret Dealers 3:59pm ............London Weather

1:40pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

2:10pm .......................... Only Fools and Horses

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

3:05pm ........................Dennis and Gnasher Shorts

9:25am ..................Small Potatoes

6:00pm ..............................Weather

9:30am ....................Chuggington

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

9:45am ......Mr Bloom’s Nursery

6:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

3:05pm ............................Copycats 3:35pm .................................... Scoop 4:00pm .................... Escape from Scorpion Island

10:00am ............................Gigglebiz 10:20am ............................ Zingzillas 10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

4:30pm ................The Itch of the Golden Nit

11:05am .... In the Night Garden

5:00pm ........................Newsround

11:35am ............................The Pink Panther Show

5:15pm ..............................Pointless

12:00pm .................... Daily Politics

6:00pm ..............................Weather

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

6:30pm ..............................Weather 6:30pm ..........BBC London News 7:00pm ................The One Show: Best of Britain

5:00pm........................ Dinner Date

9:15am ..........Little Charley Bear

4:30pm ................Deadly 60 Bites

6:00pm ............................BBC News

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm ..............Animal Kingdom

1:00pm ............ Diagnosis Murder 1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15pm ........................Animal 24:7 3:00pm ..................................Flog It!

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

3:45pm ........Antiques Road Trip

7:30pm ........................EastEnders 8:00pm............................ Holby City

5:15pm ............................Escape to the Country

9:00pm ...................... Crimewatch


10:00pm ........................BBC News

6:30pm ......................Great British Railway Journeys

8:00pm ........Cops with Cameras

7:00pm ....................................Coast

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:25pm ..........National Lottery Update

4:30pm ....................Weakest Link

9:00pm ............Homes from Hell

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

8:00pm .......... Restoration Home

10:35pm .. Crimewatch Update

10:30pm ..........................Weather

10:30pm ................ London News and Weather

10:45pm.............................. Imagine

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

10:35pm ..................................Crank

12:05am ..................Weatherview 12:05am ....................The Scheme

11:20pm ........Afghanistan: The Unknown Country

12:10am ...... ITV News Headlines

12:55am ..................................Coast

12:20am ......................The Tudors

12:10am ..........................The Zone

1:55am ......................The Country House Revealed

1:20am ..............................Newsday

2:15am ..............Crossing Jordan

1:30am ....Asia Business Report

3:00am ..............ITV Nightscreen

2:55am ........................Fake Britain

1:45am ......................Sport Today

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

9:00pm ............The Night Watch

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Television Guide

Tuesday 12 July 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ..................Total Wipeout

7:00am ..................Jerry Springer

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ..........................Dog Squad

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00pm ........................Small Teen, Bigger World

8:00am ......................Verminators

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

9:00am ......Medical Emergency

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

10:00am ........NCIS: Los Angeles

6:35am ........................Ebb and Flo

10:00am ........Four Weddings US

11:00am.......... NCIS: Los Angeles

6:40am ......................................Olivia

9:00am ............................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

11:00am ................................Maury

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

11:00am ........................Speedway

6:55am.......... Milkshake! Bop Box

2:00pm ..........................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

6:05am ................................Sali Mali

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ..........................The Beeps

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs 7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am ............According to Jim 8:55am ..................................Friends 9:25am ..................................Friends 9:55am ................................Country House Rescue

7:00am ....................Little Princess 7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

9:00pm ..........England/Australia Classic

8:10am ............................Milkshake! Show Songs

9:30pm ........Football’s Greatest

12:35pm ....River Cottage Bites 12:50pm ............The Sea Wolves

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

3:05pm ....Channel 4 Presents David Smith 2012

8:25am ............................Roary the Racing Car

11:00pm ........................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

3:10pm ........................Countdown 4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:35am ..........................Bananas in Pyjamas

5:00pm ....................Quiz Trippers

8:50am ....................The WotWots

5:30pm ........Come Dine with Me

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks 7:00pm .............. Channel 4 News 7:55pm

4:15am.................................. World’s Craziest Fools

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

9:00pm .............................. Chick Fix

8:00pm ..........................Next Door Nightmares

10:00pm ..................Psychic Sally: On the Road

4:45am ..................Underage and Pregnant

1:00am ......................Football Asia 1:30am ........Football’s Greatest

9:00pm ....................Armageddon

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

5:15am ...................................... Close

11:50pm ......................Road Wars

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........Coronation Street

7:00am ..............WWE: Afterburn

8:00am ..................Michael Palin’s New Europe

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

6:50am ........................Emmerdale

8:00am ................................NASCAR

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ............................................ER

7:20am.................... Loose Women

9:00am ......European Tour Golf

10:00am ............................Top Gear

10:00am ..........thirtysomething

8:10am ........................ Judge Judy

10:00am ................PGA Tour Golf

11:00am ................Michael Palin’s New Europe

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:25am .............................. The Real Housewives of Orange County

1:15pm ..............Home and Away 1:45pm ........................Neighbours

11:00am ..........Wonderful World of Golf

2:15pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:30pm ..........PGA Tour Classic

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

1:30pm ......European Tour Golf

2:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

2:30pm ..........................Speedway

3:20pm ..............................Top Gear

5:30pm ......................Football Asia

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

12:05am ..........................European Poker Tour

3:10pm.............. Inside Hollywood

1:05am ..............Beach Volleyball

3:20pm ............Mystery Woman: Snapshot

4:15am ............British Formula 3 International Series

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

7:10am ..............................GT Racer

10:00pm ........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

3:50am ..............................The Grid

10:00pm ........Time of Our Lives

6:30am ............Kings of the Surf

12:15pm ........Ice Road Truckers

3:20am ......KOTV Boxing Weekly

2:45am ........................EastEnders: Greatest Exits

8:00pm ..........Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model

6:00pm ..........................The Middle

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

2:55am ..................FIM Superbike World Championship

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:00pm ..............................Oops TV

11:10am ..........The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

9:00pm ............Undercover Boss

2:00am ..............................Athletics

1:45am ........................Small Teen, Bigger World

4:00pm ..........................The Middle

9:15am ............ The Wright Stuff

8:00pm ......................Four Rooms

11:05pm ........................Alan Carr: Chatty Man

1:15am ........................Angry Boys

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

5:30pm ............................Futurama

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

12:15am ....Prison, Mum and Me

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

4:30pm ............................Futurama

7:45am ............Noddy in Toyland

11:20pm ......................Family Guy

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

3:30pm ..............................Customs

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

10:30pm...................... Angry Boys 11:00pm ......................Family Guy 11:45pm ..........................Mongrels

3:00pm ..............................Customs

5:30pm ................Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:00pm ...................... EastEnders

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:00pm ............Sun, Sea and A&E

5:00pm ..........England/Australia Classic

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

12:05pm ......................The Secret Supper Club

1:00pm ............Stargate Atlantis

4:00pm ................................NASCAR

10:55am ................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:40am ..........Milkshake! Monkey

12:00pm ..........Stargate Atlantis

9:00pm .................................. Prison, Mum and Me

5:00pm .............................. Weather

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

6:00pm ..................Michael Palin’s New Europe

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

6:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

7:00pm .......... Live Winning Post

7:00pm ..............................Dragons’ Den Canada

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

9:00pm ....................Formula Two Championship

8:00pm ...................................... QI XL

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV 7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

4:40am ............................Triathlon: Ironman UK

7:30pm ..................Mexican Food Made Simple

5:10am ..That Paralympic Show

8:00pm ................Monster Moves

5:35am ....Scrapheap Challenge

9:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

10:00pm .................................. Poker

9:00pm ......................................QI XL 10:00pm ........................Shameless

12:00am ..................Formula Two Championship 1:00am ........International Bowls 3:00am ......................................Close

11:05pm ......................Al Murray’s Compete for the Meat

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager 1:00pm .... Star Trek: Enterprise 2:00pm ............................................ ER 3:00pm ..........................The X Files 4:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise 5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager 6:00pm ............................................ER 7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

10:30am ......................Judge Judy 12:00pm ......Coronation Street 1:00pm ........................Emmerdale 1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

8:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

3:40pm ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:00pm ......Battlestar Galactica

4:40pm .................. Loose Women

10:00pm.................... Nurse Jackie

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

10:35pm ..................In Treatment

6:45pm ......................Take Me Out

11:10pm ..................In Treatment

12:05am ....................................QI XL

11:40pm ....Battlestar Galactica

8:00pm ........................Animals Do the Funniest Things

1:50am ..........................Shameless

12:40am ..........................Carnivale

9:00pm ....America’s Got Talent

1:45am...................... In Treatment

11:00pm ..........The Pelican Brief

Page 31

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

W E D N E S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ......................Heir Hunters

6:10am ................................Dip Dap

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:15am ................Pinky Dinky Doo

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:45am ..........................Octonauts

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ................Food Fighters

7:00am ........................................Roar

12:30pm ................ Loose Women

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ......Dennis and Gnasher

11:45am ........................Saints and Scroungers

7:35am ........................Newsround

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:35am ......................The ScoobyDoo Show

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

8:00am ....................Paradise Cafe

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:30am ............................LazyTown

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm .................. Ten Mile Menu 3:00pm ..................Secret Dealers 3:59pm ............London Weather

1:40pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ..............Bob the Builder: Project Build It

2:10pm ..........................Only Fools and Horses

9:05am ........The Koala Brothers

3:05pm ........................Dennis and Gnasher Shorts

9:25am ..................Small Potatoes

6:00pm ..............................Weather

9:30am ....................Chuggington

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

9:40am ......Mr Bloom’s Nursery

6:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

3:05pm ............................Copycats 3:35pm ....................................Scoop 4:00pm ......................Escape from Scorpion Island

5:00pm ........................Dinner Date

9:15am ..........Little Charley Bear

10:00am ............................ Gigglebiz 10:15am ............................Zingzillas

4:30pm ............Shaun the Sheep

10:40am ..........................Waybuloo

4:30pm ................Little Howard’s Big Question

11:00am ......In the Night Garden

5:00pm ........................Newsround

1:00pm ............ Diagnosis Murder

5:15pm ..............................Pointless 6:00pm ..............................Weather

1:45pm ............................To Buy or Not to Buy

6:00pm ............................BBC News

2:15pm ........................Animal 24:7

6:30pm ..............................Weather

3:00pm .................................. Flog It!

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

3:45pm ........Antiques Road Trip

7:00pm ................The One Show: Best of Britain

4:30pm ....................Weakest Link

7:30pm ..........................BBC News: Regional News

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm ........The Unforgettable Leonard Rossiter 8:00pm ....................................Lewis

11:30am ....................Daily Politics

5:15pm ............................Escape to the Country 6:00pm ............................ Eggheads

7:30pm ..........................The Great British Weather

6:30pm ......................Great British Railway Journeys

8:30pm ..........In with the Flynns

7:00pm ..........The Culture Show

9:00pm ..............The Apprentice

8:00pm ..............................Top Gear

10:00pm ........................ BBC News

9:00pm ..........This World: Italy’s Bloodiest Mafia

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:00pm ..........The Apprentice: You’re Fired!

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

10:30pm ..........................Weather

10:35pm .................. Car Crime UK

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

11:35pm ..........Homes from Hell

11:45pm.................. Weatherview

11:20pm ..............Golf: The Open Championship

12:30am ......ITV News Headlines

11:45pm ................Kevin & Perry Go Large

11:50pm ........The Culture Show

12:30am ..........................The Zone

12:50am .......................... HARDtalk

1:05am ..........................Bang Goes the Theory

2:35am ..................................Meteor

1:00am ..............................Newsday

4:20am .............. ITV Nightscreen

1:30am ....Asia Business Report

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ..................The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 10:45pm ................Not Going Out

The Great British Weather 7.30pm, BBC1 Macs, umbrellas and sunglasses at the ready! BBC One’s new live show, The Great British Weather, an interactive live series set to tap in to the nation’s obsession with weather, kicks off with a visit to the first location, Porthminster Beach in St Ives, Cornwall. The resident presenters, Alexander Armstrong, Carol Kirkwood and Chris Hollins, start to unpeel the mysterious world of British weather with help from weather legend Bill Giles. They examine how the UK’s latitude and status as an island surpris-

Page 32

ingly affects day-to-day weather. Humans have attempted to predict the weather for thousands of years and it requires knowledge of how the atmosphere, the Earth’s surface and the oceans work. There are always surprises in store when it comes down to British weather but the presenters examine how vital accurate weather predictions were in planning one of the most crucial operations of the Second World War – D-Day – and how forecasting has developed over the years.

As well as taking a microscopic view of Cornwall’s unique weather, Chris gets up close and personal with the basking shark as he dives in head-first and follows an enticing trail of plankton, courtesy of the Gulf Stream. Why is the second biggest fish in the world attracted to this area? Chris gets his hands dirty as he finds out why sea has an effect on the weather. With the help of viewers, Alexander and the team create the first-ever live interactive weather map right on the beach.

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Television Guide

Wednesday 13 July 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm........ Don’t Tell the Bride

7:00am ..................Jerry Springer

8:00pm ......Prison, Mum and Me

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ..........................Dog Squad

8:00am ....................................Maury

9:00pm ..Roger: Genocide Baby

8:00am ............Sun, Sea and A&E

10:00pm ......................Kidulthood

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

9:00am ......Medical Emergency

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

10:00am ........NCIS: Los Angeles

6:35am ........................Ebb and Flo

10:00am ........Four Weddings US

11:50pm ......................Family Guy

11:00am.......... NCIS: Los Angeles

6:40am ......................................Olivia

9:00am............................ Twenty20 Cup Cricket

11:00am ................................Maury

12:00pm ..........Stargate Atlantis

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

11:00am ...................................... Golf 12:00pm ......................................Golf

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:55am ........Milkshake! Bop Box 7:00am ....................Little Princess

1:00pm ....................PGA EuroPro Tour Golf

6:30am ................................Sali Mali

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am............................ The Beeps

7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am ............According to Jim 8:55am ..................................Friends 9:25am ..................................Friends 9:50am ....Channel 4 Presents David Clarke 2012

1:00pm ............Stargate Atlantis 2:00pm ............Sun, Sea and A&E 3:00pm ..............................Customs

9:55am ................Country House Rescue

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

3:00pm ..........................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

4:00pm ..........................The Middle

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

10:55am ................ A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:45am ............Noddy in Toyland

5:00pm ......................Football Asia

5:00pm ..............................Oops TV

8:00am ........................ Fifi and the Flowertots

5:30pm ........Football’s Greatest

5:30pm ............................Futurama

6:00pm ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:00pm.......................... The Middle

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm ..............Relocation: Phil Down Under 1:10pm ........River Cottage Bites 1:15pm .................. Proud Parents 1:30pm ....................The Law and Jake Wade 3:10pm ........................Countdown 4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

4:30pm ............................Futurama

11:30pm ......................Family Guy

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

12:15am ..................................Roger: Genocide Baby

4:00pm.............................. Charmed

1:15am ..................American Dad!

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

1:35am ..................American Dad!

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:20am ..................American Dad!

8:00pm ..............Psychic Sally: On the Road

3:05am ..................American Dad!

2:00am ..................American Dad!

6:30pm ..............Ashes Memories

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

8:35am .... Roary the Racing Car

7:00pm ................Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

8:40am ......Bananas in Pyjamas

10:30pm ..........Ashes Memories

8:50am ....................The WotWots

9:00pm ............The Glee Project

11:00pm ........Time of Our Lives

9:00pm ....................................Nikita

3:25am ........Don’t Tell the Bride

12:00am ........................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

10:00pm ........................Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour 2011

10:00pm ..................Supernatural

4:25am ......Prison, Mum and Me

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

5:20am ......................................Close

8:25am ............................ Peppa Pig

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

8:00pm ............The Glee Project

9:15am ............ The Wright Stuff

2:40am ..................American Dad!

5:00pm ....................Quiz Trippers

11:10am ..........The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

5:30pm ........Come Dine with Me

12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

12:15pm.......... Ice Road Truckers

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

7:00am ..............................GT Racer

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

1:15pm .............. Home and Away

6:30am ............Kings of the Surf

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

1:45pm ........................ Neighbours

9:40am ..............................Top Gear

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:20am ..................Loose Women

7:55pm ......................

2:15pm ..................................CSI: NY

7:00am ....................WWE Vintage Collection

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

8:00pm ..........Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance

10:40am ....................James May’s 20th Century

3:10pm ....................The Battle of Mary Kay

10:00am............ thirtysomething

11:20am ............................Top Gear

11:00am ........................The X Files

9:00pm ..............24 Hours in A&E

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

9:25am ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

9:00am ....................PGA EuroPro Tour Golf

12:00pm ......Star Trek: Voyager

10:00pm ....................8 Out of 10 Cats Uncut

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

11:00am ......International Bowls

2:00pm ......................James May’s Toy Stories

1:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise 3:00pm ..........................The X Files

10:50pm ........................ The Killing 12:45am ............................Hard-Fi’s RockCorps: You Decide 12:55am ..........................Live from Abbey Road 1:35am ..............................Mercury Prize Sessions

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

1:00pm ....................Formula Two Championship

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

2:00pm ....................F3 Euroseries

3:00pm ..............................Dragons’ Den Canada

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

3:00pm ........................................Golf

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

4:00pm ....Star Trek: Enterprise

4:00pm ........................................Pool

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

8:00pm ........................ 5 News at 9

5:00pm ............NFL: Total Access

6:00pm ............................................ER

8:00pm ....................The Removal Men: Pickfords

6:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All

6:00pm ......................James May’s Toy Stories

9:00pm ........................................NCIS 10:00pm ............The Contractor

2:05am ........................Cheaper by the Dozen

1:00am ......................SuperCasino

4:25am ......................One Tree Hill 5:15am ........................Countdown

2:00pm ............................................ ER

7:30pm ..........................Garden ER

1:50am ............The Album Chart Show: Spotlight

3:35am ................ Hill Street Blues

8:00am ........................................Golf

12:00am ..Poker: Aussie Millions 4:00am ..........Meals in Moments

7:00pm............................ Inside the PGA Tour 7:30pm ............................European Tour Weekly 8:00pm ....................PGA EuroPro Tour Golf

12:00pm ......................Emmerdale 12:30pm ........................Nanny 911 1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm ...................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

8:00pm ....................Amazon with Bruce Parry

8:00pm ............................................24

3:40pm ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:00pm ..................The Sopranos

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

9:00pm ............ Russell Howard’s Good News

10:20pm ................ Mildred Pierce

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

11:45pm ............................Big Love

7:00pm ............The Marriage Ref

10:00pm ........................Shameless

12:55am.................. The Sopranos

8:00pm ....America’s Got Talent

2:05am ......................The Mind of the Married Man

9:00pm ............................Benidorm

3:10am ................................Big Love

12:10am ........................Bowfinger

7:00pm ....Dragons’ Den Ireland

4:10am ............................Michaela’s Wild Challenge

10:00pm ....................Boots ‘n’ All

11:05pm ..........................................QI

11:00pm ........NFL: Total Access

11:45pm ................Not Going Out

5:00am ......................Rough Guide to Beaches

12:00am ..................................Poker

12:25am ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

10:00pm ..............Practical Magic

4:15am ............................................ 24

Page 33

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T H U R S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ..........................Wibbly Pig

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ...................... Heir Hunters

6:10am ................................Dip Dap

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:15am ................Pinky Dinky Doo

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:30am ............Tinga Tinga Tales

9:25am........................ The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:45am ..........................Octonauts

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ................Food Fighters

7:00am ........................................Roar

12:30pm ................ Loose Women

11:45am .... BBC News; Weather

7:25am ......Dennis and Gnasher


11:45am ........................Saints and Scroungers

7:35am ........................Newsround

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

9.00pm BBC1

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

Alexa Havins, Mekhi Phifer, Eve Myles and John Barrowman star in Torchwood – Miracle DayOne day, nobody dies. All across the world, nobody dies. And then the next day, and the next, and the next, people keep ageing – they get hurt and sick, but they never die. The result: a population boom, overnight. With all the extra people, resources are finite. It’s said that in four month’s time, the human race will cease to be viable. But this can’t

be a natural event – someone’s got to be behind it. It’s a race against time as CIA agent Rex Matheson investigates a global conspiracy. The answers lie within an old, secret British institute. As Rex keeps asking: “What is Torchwood?”, he’s drawn into a world of adventure, and a threat to change what it means to be human ... for ever. In The New World, the launch episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day, Agent Rex Matheson is impaled in a car crash and

miraculously survives, while his analyst, Esther Drummond, sets out to discover what Torchwood is. Far away, in Wales, Gwen Cooper lives in hiding with her husband Rhys and daughter Anwen – she’s the last surviving Torchwood member and is determined to stay hidden. In Kentucky, convicted murderer Oswald Danes survives his own execution. And when Esther meets the mysterious Captain Jack Harkness, assassins are activated to kill them all...

Golf – The Open 9.00am-8.00pm BBC TWO Peter Alliss commentates on the first day of the 140th Open Championship. Hazel Irvine and Dan Walker present live action as the 140th Open Championship day one leader board begins to take shape. Royal St George’s first played host to the Open Championship 117 years ago. England’s John Henry Taylor shot a first round 84 but still went on to lift the Claret Jug. Twelve months ago it was Rory McIlroy, so often a low scorer in the opening rounds, who took centre stage at St Andrews. The Northern Irishman opened his tournament with a 63, the best round of the entire four days of competition; it left him two shots clear of eventual winner Louis Oosthuizen.

Single-Handed ITV 9pm Brand new six-part series of the critically acclaimed drama filmed on location in the wilds of Connemara. Owen McDonnell reprises his role as Sergeant Jack Driscoll, who polices the rural terrain in the west of Ireland. Award winning actor Stephen Rea guest stars in the first episode of the series, in which a dark family secret and the murder of an elderly recluse force Jack to confront a brutal past while grappling with the case of a troubled delinquent. When an elderly man’s body is found in his ransacked home, troubled youngster Ruairi (Diarmuid Noyes) becomes the prime suspect, and Jack heads for the mountains where he apprehends Ruairi before questioning

him in a nearby adventure centre. Ruairi denies killing the old man - but incriminating evidence in the shape of a piece of the victim’s walking stick is found in his rucksack. Meanwhile, Brian Doyle (Matthew McNulty) and his girlfriend Gemma (Simone Lahbib) arrive from the UK hoping to trace Brian’s long-lost father. Jack is totally shocked when his mother (Ruth McCabe) reveals that she had an older brother, Sean (Rea), who was sent away when she was very young, and that Jack and Brian are cousins. This is the first Jack has ever heard of an Uncle Sean. He is disturbed to learn that Sean was sent to an industrial school. Why was Jack’s uncle erased from the family history books?

Page 34

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather 1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather 1:40pm ................................Doctors

7:35am The Scooby-Doo Show 8:00am ....................Paradise Cafe 8:25am ..................Small Potatoes 8:30am ....................Chuggington 8:40am ..............................Gigglebiz

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm ..................Ten Mile Menu 3:00pm ..................Secret Dealers 3:59pm ............London Weather 4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

2:10pm ..........................Only Fools and Horses

5:00pm ........................Dinner Date

3:05pm ........................Dennis and Gnasher Shorts

6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm .............. London Tonight

3:05pm.............................. Copycats 3:35pm .................................... Scoop

6:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

4:00pm ....................Escape from Scorpion Island


4:30pm ................Deadly 60 Bites

7:30pm ................The Rising Cost of Food: Tonight

4:30pm ......Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab

8:00pm ........................Emmerdale

9:00am ....................Live Golf: The Open Championship 8:00pm ............Rick Stein’s Spain 5:00pm ........................ Newsround 5:15pm ..............................Pointless

9:00pm ............History Cold Case 10:00pm ............Mock the Week

6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ............................BBC News 6:30pm ..............................Weather 6:30pm ..........BBC London News 7:00pm ................The One Show: Best of Britain 7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm ........................EastEnders 8:00pm ......................Traffic Cops

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

9:00pm ......................Torchwood: Miracle Day

9:00pm ..................Single-Handed 10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ......Classroom Secrets 11:35pm Holiday Weatherview 11:35pm ........................This Week

10:30pm ................London News and Weather 10:30pm ..........................Weather 10:30pm ......................Newsnight

10:35pm ..............Piers Morgan’s Life Stories

11:20pm ........Seve: The Legend

11:35pm ..........The Late Debate

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Television Guide

Thursday 14 July 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ................................Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm.............................. Top Gear

7:00am ..................Jerry Springer

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ..........................Dog Squad

8:00am .................................... Maury

8:00pm ......................The World’s Strictest Parents

7:30am ........................The Zoo UK

8:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ............Sun, Sea and A&E

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ..............................Josie: My Cancer Curse

9:00am........ Medical Emergency

10:00am........ Four Weddings US

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

6:35am ........................ Ebb and Flo

10:00am ........NCIS: Los Angeles

11:00am ................................Maury

10:30pm ....................The Pranker

6:40am ......................................Olivia

9:00am ............................Twenty20 Cup Cricket

12:00pm ..........Stargate Atlantis

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:00pm ......................Family Guy

6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

11:00am ......................Boots ‘n’ All

6:55am ........Milkshake! Bop Box

12:00pm .... FIFA Futbol Mundial

7:00am ....................Little Princess

12:30pm ....................Total Rugby

6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ..........................The Beeps

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs 7:00am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:30am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..................................Frasier 8:25am ............According to Jim 8:55am ..................................Friends 9:25am ..................................Friends 9:55am ................................Country House Rescue

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

1:00pm ..........Trans World Sport

10:55am ................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

2:00pm .......................... Twenty20 Cup Cricket

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

7:55am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

7:40am ............Noddy in Toyland

4:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All

2:00pm ............Sun, Sea and A&E 3:00pm .......................... Road Wars 4:00pm.......................... The Middle 4:30pm ............................Futurama 5:00pm ..............................Oops TV 5:30pm ............................Futurama

5:00pm ........Football’s Greatest

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 4:00pm ..............................Charmed 6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

12:05pm ..............Relocation: Phil Down Under

8:10am ............................Peppa Pig

5:30pm ........Football’s Greatest

6:00pm ..........................The Middle

8:25am ............................Peppa Pig

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

7:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:35am ............................Roary the Racing Car

6:00pm ................................ Premier League World

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

1:05pm ......None but the Brave

8:00pm ..........................Teen Wolf

8:40am ......Bananas in Pyjamas

6:30pm ................Live Twenty20 Cup Cricket

7:30pm ..................The Simpsons

4:00pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-0

8:50am ....................The WotWots

10:00pm ............................Ringside

9:00pm ..........The Chicago Code

9:00pm ..........Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model

11:20pm ...................... Family Guy

5:00pm ....................Quiz Trippers

11:00pm ........Time of Our Lives

10:00pm .......................... Lie to Me

10:00pm ............................Chick Fix 11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

11:45pm ..........................Josie: My Cancer Curse

11:00pm ....................Law & Order

5:30pm ........Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:10am ..........The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:10pm ......5 News Lunchtime

6:00am..............Aerobics Oz Style

7:00am ..............................GT Racer

6:00am ..........................The X Files

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

12:15pm.......... Ice Road Truckers

6:30am ............Kings of the Surf

8:00am ..........The Gadget Show

7:00am ..........Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

1:15pm ..............Home and Away

7:00am ............WWE: Experience

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ....Star Trek: Enterprise

7:20am ..................Loose Women

1:45pm ........................ Neighbours

8:00am ........................Boots ‘n’ All

9:00am ..........................Top Gear 1

9:00am ............................................ER

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

2:15pm ..................................CSI: NY

9:00am ....Champions Tour Golf

0:00am ..............................Top Gear

10:00am............ thirtysomething

3:15pm ..................Little Girl Lost: the Delimar Vera Story

11:00am ........The Gadget Show

11:00am ........................The X Files

11:30am ........The Gadget Show

5:00pm ..............................Weather

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

12:00pm ..........................Star Trek: Voyager

9:25am ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

5:00pm ........................5 News at 5

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear 2:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

6:00pm ..............Home and Away 6:25pm ..................................OK! TV 6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

7:00pm ........................5 News at 7

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

7:30pm ................5 News Update


7:30pm ..............................Zoo Days

8:00pm ................Help! My House Is Falling Down

8:00pm ..................Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers

9:00pm ..........................The Killing 10:00pm ............................Coppers

9:00pm ....................New Cowboy Builders

11:05pm ................King Of Uncut

10:00pm ..............Candy Bar Girls

11:55pm ........................Channel 4 Presents - Ellie Simmonds 2012

11:00pm ..................................Police Interceptors

10:00am ........Trans World Sport 11:00am ........DTM Motor Racing 12:00pm .......... Davis Cup Tennis 1:00pm ........................Boots ‘n’ All 2:00pm .......... DTM Motor Racing 3:00pm ............Davis Cup Tennis 4:00pm ........Watersports World 5:00pm ....................WWE Vintage Collection

3:00pm ..............................Dragons’ Den Ireland 4:00pm ..............................Top Gear 5:00pm ..............................Top Gear 6:00pm ..........The Gadget Show 6:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

6:00pm.................. Live Speedway 9:00pm ........Live PGA Tour Golf

2:00pm ............................................ER 3:00pm ..........................The X Files

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

4:00pm ............................Star Trek: Enterprise

2:35pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

5:00pm ..........Star Trek: Voyager

3:40pm ..............................The Real Housewives of Orange County

6:00pm ............................................ER 7:00pm ............................Inside the Actors Studio

8:00pm ......................Stephen Fry in America

8:00pm ............................................ER

10:00pm ........................Shameless 11:05pm ................Not Going Out 11:45pm ..........................................QI

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

12:00pm ......................Emmerdale

7:00pm ........................Shark Tank

9:00pm ...................................... QI XL

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

1:00pm ............................Star Trek: Enterprise

9:00pm.................. Six Feet Under 10:05pm ............24: Redemption 11:55pm ....................The Mind of the Married Man

12:30pm ........................Nanny 911

4:40pm ..................Loose Women 5:40pm ........................Judge Judy 7:00pm ....America’s Got Talent 9:00pm ....................Peter Andre: Here 2 Help 10:00pm ..iTunes Festival 2011 11:00pm ..........................The Only Way Is Essex

Page 35


Page 36

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011


Page 37


SUE MCDONALD Women don’t fancy Common Sense Furnishings Email:

An extra room in your house YOUR balcony, terrace or garden is an extension of your home here in Tenerife. We are fortunate enough to be able to use this space for most of the year, so it makes sense to give some thought about how to furnish it. People who have only a small space available to them such as a balcony, often tend to think that there is nothing they can do with the area to make it attractive. This is simply not the case. Whether you have a couple of square metres, a sizeable terrace, or a garden, there are lots of tips for making the area attractive and appealing. Firstly, think about the pathway between your room and your terrace/garden area. A real summer image, for me, is white voile curtains billowing in the breeze. Try to keep the area as clear as possible, and don’t use it for dumping stuff (if you have any other option). Clean the floors, walls and any balustrades and, if necessary, freshen up the walls with a quick coat of paint. Have the most comfortable seating you can afford in terms of budget and space. Even if your space is small, try to get a couple of good comfortable chairs, or cushions at the very least, which will make spending time outside a more comfortable option. If you have the space, invest in a couple of nice armchairs, or better still, a sofa set. The best option here is synthetic rattan. That’s a posh term for plastic, woven to look like rattan but, unlike the original, it is impervious to the elements. Look for a strong frame, preferably in aluminium. You

Page 38

may have noticed that most bars are changing from the cheap-looking resin to this kind of furniture because it looks so much better, is stronger, easy to clean and completely impervious to rain. Team it with some comfy cushions, and your outside area will become an extra room for the house. Maybe decorate the walls with some metallic or ceramic wall art that won’t be damaged by the weather. Think about what you will use the area for. If you like to sunbathe or doze outside, go for a recliner rather than an upright chair. If you prefer to eat outside, you will need chairs that are the right height and shape to be used at a table. And if you don’t have a large table, consider small sidetables for drinks and snacks. Next you need to consider lighting. Again, this will depend on what you use your space for. If you like to read there after dark, you will need to ensure the lighting is adequate, and if the fixtures are not suitable for this, consider using lamps to supplement them. If, on the other hand, you tend you use the area to relax in the evening, ambient lighting may be sufficient. Here, there are many options. Solar

lights, either individually or in a string, will store the power from the sun during the day, and light up automatically at dusk. They won’t provide sufficient light to read by, but even one on its own will provide a nice glow. They cost nothing to run and, since we have sunshine most days, they are an excellent choice over here. Candles are also an option if you don’t have small children or pets in the house and can create a relaxing atmosphere, especially the scented variety. But use citronella candles to combat mosquitoes. If you don’t have a garden as such, a few small plants in pots will soften the area and make it more tropical. But if you have an upstairs terrace, be aware of the weight of your plants. A friend of mine has created a tropical paradise on his roof terrace, but I am sure it’s going to end up in the supermarket underneath one day! So now you have a clean, tidy area, comfortable and nicely lit, where you can sit and read, eat or just relax and look at the stars, making the most of our lovely weather. All items mentioned are available from Deco Nuevo next to Ofipapel in Los Cristianos.

shopping for clothes NEARLY half of women actually hate the thought of rummaging through clothes racks to finds that perfect dress, That is the startling outcome of a survey conducted by analysts Mintel, which will come as a surprise to their partners, who are often forced to hang around for hours in shops. Up to 44% say they dread shopping expeditions, while new mums hate the thought even more. Some 47% of

them with children under five years of age struggle to find clothes that are both fashionable and flattering. In fact, trying on clothes is the top shopping dread, and almost half the women polled do not the experience. They believe the clothes stores target young customers, which makes their task even more difficult. Mintel spokeswoman Michelle Strutton said: “Given that new mothers are inclined to struggle to find trendy clothes for their new shapes, there is a gap in the market for retailers target-

ing these women. “So many avoid certain styles of clothes, and a quarter of them struggle to find retailers selling fashionable items for their size. “It means more non-specialist retailers should incorporate larger sizes into their ranges to attract the fullerfigured shopper.” It also means that online clothes shopping is likely to enhance growth in the women’s sector. That’s because 17% more women than last year are comparing prices online before setting out for the shops.

Dishwashers’ handiwork simply not good enough! DISHWASHERS are considered to be one of the great kitchen necessities for mums with kids, but do they really do the job properly? Not according to many owners, who have so little faith in the machines that they often avoid using them, while others rinse their cutlery and crockery before loading up their dishwasher, which defeats the object. That apart, 60% of them are forced to wash their pots and pans by hand after

they’ve been ‘dishwashed’ because they are still dirty. This love-hate relationship with the dishwasher has been revealed in a survey of 3,000 adults, which set out to find the least-trusted home appliance. And 71% said the dishwash-

er was most likely of all appliances not to do its job correctly. The washing machine was voted second-worst under-performer, with the kettle in third spot. Surprisingly, perhaps, the dishwasher’s black mark has not harmed its popularity according to the Vileda survey, because it is the one appliance - cooker or oven apart - which is a must-have in the kitchen. Some house-seekers will actually reject a property if it doesn’t have a dishwasher, and Vileda spokesperson Lindsey Taylor said: “They are now a staple of most British kitchens. “It’s the first thing we insist on in a new kitchen, other than a cooker. Yet, it is the home appliance we trust the least. “We carried out the study because we wanted to test the public’s relationship with domestic appliances. We rely more and more on gadgets and gizmos making our domestic lives easier and more efficient. “Today, we really can’t live without a lot of things we considered to be luxuries only 10 years ago.” Another reason for people disliking dishwashers, however, could be that they find it therapeutic to wash dishes by hand!

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

The man whose Palace of dreams turned into a blooming nightmare

THE annual flower show at Hampton Court Palace is now regarded as the biggest and best in the world - and it’s all down to local man Adrian Boyd. Adrian, a management consultant from just across the road in East Molesey, Surrey,

spotted an opening that should, ultimately, have made him wealthy beyond his wildest dreams. His idea was to link two organisations facing awkward times in a joint venture. The Department of the Environment had been taken apart in the Eighties, with Historic Royal Palaces suddenly needing to generate revenue. At the same time Network

Southeast, which ran daily trains into Hampton Court from Waterloo, was looking for ways of making its services more profitable. Boyd suggested that Network Southeast should sponsor a flower show in the unused grounds of the Palace, once the home of King Henry VIII, and provide public transport to the local railway station. Thus, the event was born in

1990, and although it drew little trade support, special trains were laid on and people flocked to the show in their thousands. A delighted Network Southeast spokesman said: “Some 70% of the estimated 300,000 visitors used rail, and that has paid for our sponsorship many times over.” Meanwhile, the Royal Horticultural Society considered whether it wanted to

get involved the following year, especially as its own triumphant Chelsea Flower Show was bursting at the seams. Adrian Boyd, and his team of organisers, after an initial rejection, invited them on board from 1992. Then came a bombshell for luckless Adrian: Network Southeast withdrew its support. He had no legal entitlement to the show and was forced

to put in a “blind” tender for the 1993 spectacular. Needless to say, after negotiations and competitive bidding, Historic Royal Palaces accepted a bid from the RHS. The rest, just like Hampton Court Palace itself, is history. The RHS went from strength to strength, with new introductions each year, and poor old Adrian was left to ponder over what might have been.

Judy gets Royal seal of approval at Hampton Court Flower Show JUDY CORNFORD struggled so much to master the intricacies of the internet that her eventual success gave her the inspiration to create a garden. Now, the 70-year-old former interior designer has been

honoured with an award at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. The pensioner, from Kintbury in Berkshire, won silver in the Show Garden category on Wednesday with her entry, The Eye Of The Internet Maze. “It means a lot to me, and it will encourage me to do more

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

in the future,” said Judy, who had entered the competition for the first time. After 35 years in interior design, she switched tack two years ago and studied for a degree in garden design. And following her battle to crack the internet, she saw the possibility of creating a garden maze to symbolise

what she had been through. “All the paths are curved, so you can’t see the goal you are aiming at from the start of any of them, and you don’t know which one to choose,” she said. She planted Monkey Puzzle trees surrounded by a “tangled mesh” of Corokia cotoneaster (wire-netting

plant), which represented “a hinder to progress”. Judy said the surrounding small hedges of Buxus sempervirens were indicative of thinking inside and outside the box. Finally, she explained: “The water feature in the middle is flowing with the everlasting knowledge that you can gain

from the internet.” Judy is a valued member of the Kintbury and District Horticultural Society, who listed her “appointment” at the Palace on their calendar of forthcoming events with pride. No doubt they will be toasting her success at their Annual Show on 6th August.

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Health & Beauty

CARL PATTISON Getting your healthy from Robot, answers your hair questions

teeth into pregancy

That longing for more LET’S face it, I’m no lover of long hair, and I hate to see any type of hair mistreated. But it seems that you long-haired ladies out there are the worst at looking after your crowning glory. I get told off all the time by friends when I’m out for making remarks about long hair that needs cutting. But believe me, I can tell when hair has not been cut for a few months. And I get a bit mad to see hair which has not been touched for years … yes years! It takes more than a few months to get the “I’ve had rats chewing at the bottom of my hair” look, When split-ends have splitends, there is only one thing that’s coming near your head, 1.

and its not a conditioner but my scissors. Why would you walk around with long hair which has been so badly treated that it would cry if it could talk? If you had bad teeth, would you smile? If your feet were cracked and dry, would you put them on show? So why do some women parade around with that attitude of “Wow, look at my long hair everyone”? Yeah, it’s long, but it looks like hamsters’ bedding! Okay, enough of my rantings, so what’s the solution? Well, first take a look in the mirror. Is your long hair framing your face? Do you actually wear it loose? When did you last have it cut? Are 2.

you actually young enough to have it that long? Then maybe a visit to the salon is in order - not to have it all removed, but to put some life back into it. Let the stylist bring it up to date, and offer some advice on keeping it conditioned. If you can honestly tell me that your hair doesn’t need cutting because you’re “keeping it long”, then don’t knock on my door. ALL long hair needs cutting a minimum of four times a year. Once you have had the worst of the damage removed, then a cut every three months is enough to keep it in good shape. 3.

1. My first picture shows a good length of hair, but she’s got shape to it, the layers flatter her face and the fringe gives the whole look a modern edge. With having so many layers, she is able to vary her looks, from curly to pokerstraight. 2. The second model shows that even without a fringe, long hair can have movement and be soft. The bounce created by the choppy layering gives it a “dishevelled” look, so that it does not appear too “set”. Great if you want to create volume and waves. 3. The third girl proves that long hair needn’t be boring. The full fringe and heavy layering make this look edgy, along with the “in” colour at the moment, which is red.

Make sure you’re fully protected! IT’S cover-up time! Yes it’s that time of year again when my warning goes out to all of you to protect your hair in the sun. I was at the beach last weekend and yup, again, there was unprotected, bleached hair everywhere I turned (no, I can’t give it up, even on my day off). There was wet hair being “brushed” to within an inch of

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its life, and sand-filled hair being pulled into a tight ponytail with an elastic band. AHHHH! I’m not going on like I usually do because you all know the score: BEACH equals hair nightmares, so do something about it before you go there. For example, pile on a hair masque and slick it back or tie it up with a soft scrunchy

because elastic bands are now illegal. Also, always rinse your hair after being in the sea and then, as soon as possible, wash it at home. Don’t leave seawater to dry into your hair! After all, you wouldn’t sunbathe without cream, would you? So treat your hair the same way as you’d treat your skin … love it!

DENTAL experts have discovered that women with gum diseases take longer to conceive than those with healthy mouths. So, if you girls want a baby, then brush your teeth regularly because it will speed things up by two months at least. The first survey of its kind found that it took an average 7.1 months for women with dodgy teeth to get pregnant,

compared with just five months for those who were oral-health conscious. Experts at the University of Western Australia said the delay was similar to that produced by being obese, and Professor Roger Hart, added: “All women should have gum disease treated before trying to conceive.” Previous research had linked the state of a man’s mouth with his fertility, so couples wanting children need to brush regularly. Gum disease creates inflam-

mation, which sets off a cascade of tissue-destruction that can pass into the circulation and delay conception. It has also been linked with pregnancy problems and a variety of other complaints, such as miscarriage and premature birth. Dr Allan Pacey, leading fertility expert at the University of Sheffield School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, said: “It could be that gum disease is a sign of poor health, but I suspect there is more to it than that.”

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Anti-smoking pill may raise heart-attack risk A STOP-SMOKING pill used by thousands of Britons may increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke by more than 72%. Champix (varenicline), a prescription-only medicine, accounted for nearly one million prescriptions in England last year. The drug works by cutting cravings, but it has raised past fears after patients reported depression, suicidal thoughts and anxiety. Now a team of researchers have linked the drug - one of the most common stopsmoking drugs prescribed worldwide - to an increased risk of being admitted to hospital with a serious car-

diac problem such as a heart attack. The study, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, analysed data for more than 8,000 people from 14 medical trials. Taking the drug was associated with a “significantly increased risk of serious adverse cardiovascular events”, such as heart attack and stroke, when compared with a placebo. Dr Sonal Singh, from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Maryland, America, who worked on the study, said: “Among tobacco users, varenicline use was associated with a significantly-

increased risk of serious, adverse, cardiovascular events greater than 72%.” The authors said the drug helped people quit, which should improve their heart health. Yet those taking the drug had an increased risk of heart attacks and stroke, and this was seen in people with and without heart disease. Dr Singh said: “People want to quit smoking to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, but in this case they’re taking a drug that increases the risk for the very problems they’re trying to avoid.” Doireann Maddock, senior cardiac nurse at the British

Heart Foundation, said: “This finding is a concern, but further research is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn. “People using varenicline to help them stop smoking should not stop taking it because of this study alone, but they should chat to their GPs about it, and find out about the options available.” A statement from manufacturer Pfizer said: “We strongly believe in and support Champix as an important treatment option. Pfizer disagree with the interpretation of the data in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.”

Protein sports drinks don’t enhance energy levels A SCIENTIFIC study of protein-based sport drinks in the UK suggests that they may not enhance the performance of athletes. It could damage the sportsdrink industry, which makes millions from selling drinks and other supplements to people who want to increase their energy and stamina while exercising. When scientists at the University of Bath reviewed the effects of the supplements, they found they offered no more benefits than the protein found in a normal, balanced diet. Dr James Betts, from the university’s department for health, reviewed the results of all existing research into

the effects of supplements containing carbohydrate and protein. “While many carbohydrate drinks are often appropriate for individuals keen to enhance their performance, claims that protein can be of similar benefit are simply not supported by firm scientific evidence,” he said. “Aside from these proposed effects during exercise, many supplement manufacturers claim that supplementing our diets with added protein may help the body to adapt to physical training. “Protein is, of course, an essential part of our diets, but even athletes who are training hard will almost certainly get more than enough

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

protein from the food they eat.” Dr Betts’ review of the available evidence identifies that much of the research into these supplements has been conducted on people in the morning. They were not allowed to eat anything for a number of hours, so food in any form might be expected to be beneficial. “There is a need for more evidence showing whether these supplements can be useful under ‘real-world’ conditions, such as following exercise later in the day when usual meals will have already provided the necessary nutrients,” said the doctor. He added that people con-

sidering the use of such supplements should be aware of the strength of evidence supporting the desired effects, and that this should be balanced against the possible risks. “An analysis of around 600 over-the-counter nutritional supplements was conducted a few years ago,” said Dr Betts. “It was found that 10-20% were contaminated with anabolic hormones not stated on the label, mostly testosterone and nandrolone, with supplements purchased on the UK market at the upper end of this range.” His findings will be published in the next issue of Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise.

Youngsters are still ignoring the risk of skin cancer from sun

TEENAGERS and those in their 20s are more likely than older people to get sunburned and sit out during the hottest part of the day. More than half of those aged 16-30 go out into the sun daily during summer, compared with 44% of those in the 31-45 group. Almost one in five (17%) never avoid the hottest part of the day (11am-3pm), compared with 9% of the 31-45 age group, 6% of those aged 46 to 60 and 7% of over-60s. When asked if they allow their skin to burn, 19% of younger people said they did more than once a year, compared with 6% of those aged 31-60 and 3% of over-60s. Almost a quarter of younger people also never wear a cover-up or hat to protect their skin, compared with 8% of those in their 30s and early 40s. Even young people who

have experienced skin cancer, or had a family member with the disease, are no less likely to go out in the sun or burn than those with no history. A study of 1,000 people is being presented at the British Association of Dermatologists’ (BAD) annual conference in London. Cancer Research UK figures show that rates of malignant melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer, have tripled among those aged 1534 since the late 1970s. Then, there were 1.8 cases of melanoma per 100,000 people in this age group, rising to 5.9 now. Nina Goad, from BAD, said young people could feel under pressure to look tanned, while older people may take into account the ageing effects of the sun. She added: “With so much education, in schools and in publicity campaigns, aimed at young people, it is a real worry that this age group are still either ignorant to, or choosing to ignore, sun-safety messages.”

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Food News

Taste the real thing, with these homemade burgers

IT ALWAYS seems to be the barbecue season here in Tenerife, and it is so easy to chuck a few storebought burgers and sausages on the grill, then dish them out alongside a help-yourself salad bowl. But BBQs can be so much more fun if you make the burgers yourself. For starters - and no disrespect to local stores - they taste so much better, and you can flavour them any way you want to. Beef is the traditional meat ingredient for burgers, although pork and lamb can also be used. Okay, this suggested recipe obviously take more time to prepare, but the overall effect is well worth it. So how about homemade beefburgers with homemade tomato ketchup (a much better taste as well), chips and corn on the cob? Ingredients Tomato ketchup 75ml/3fl oz red wine vinegar ½ tsp ground coriander ½ tsp ground cinnamon 25g/1oz light, soft-brown sugar 1 fresh bay leaf 1 x 400g/14oz can chopped tinned tomatoes

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1 tsp salt 1 tsp English mustard powder 1 garlic clove, crushed Tabasco sauce, to taste 2 tsp tomato purĂŠe 1 tbsp cornflour, mixed to a paste with 1 tbsp water Corn on the cob 2 corn on the cob, cut in half, horizontally 50g/2oz butter Beefburgers 1 tbsp olive oil 2 shallots, 1 finely chopped, 1 sliced into rings 700g/1lb 9oz quality minced beef 2 tbsp chopped flatleaf parsley 4 burger buns 1 round lettuce, leaves separated 2 vine tomatoes, sliced thickly 1 buffalo mozzarella, cut into 4 thick slices Onion rings and chips vegetable oil, for frying 1 shallot, sliced 3 tbsp plain flour 1 free-range egg, lightly beaten 50g/2oz breadcrumbs 2 large potatoes for chipping, cut into fine matchsticks Preparation For the ketchup, heat the vinegar, spices and sugar in a heavy-based saucepan until simmering. Add the remaining ingredients, except the corn flour, bring to the boil and stir to prevent the mixture from sticking to the side of the

pan. Once the mixture has reached boiling point, reduce the temperature to a simmer and cook for a further 6-8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Blend the mixture in a blender until smooth, and then push the ketchup through a sieve into a bowl. If the mixture is a little thin, whisk the cornflour mixture into the ketchup and heat until it thickens. Season with salt and freshly-ground black pepper. Cook the corn on the cob in a pan of boiling water for 6-8 minutes. Drain and return to the pan with the butter, then season with salt and freshlyground black pepper. Keep warm. For the beefburgers, heat the oil in a frying pan, then fry the shallot for 2-3 minutes, or until softened. Remove pan from the heat and set aside to cool slightly. Place the beef mince, cooked shallot and flatleaf parsley, in a large bowl and mix until well combined. Season to taste with salt and freshly-ground black pepper. Divide the mixture into four and shape into burgers. Reheat the frying pan used to cook the shallots until hot, and fry the burgers for 4-6 minutes on each side, or until just cooked through. Remove from pan and set to rest in a warm place for 2-3 minutes.

For the onion rings and chips, heat the vegetable oil in a deep-fat fryer to 190C/375F. Sprinkle the flour and breadcrumbs on to separate plates. Whisk the egg in a bowl. Dredge the shallot rings in the flour, dip into the egg and coat in the breadcrumbs. Deep-fry the onion rings for 1-2 minutes, or until crisp and golden-brown. Remove from pan with a slotted spoon and set aside to drain on kitchen paper. Season with a little salt. Add the potatoes to the deep-fat fryer and fry for 34 minutes, or until goldenbrown and crisp. Remove from pan with a slotted spoon and set aside to drain on kitchen paper. Season with a little salt. Meanwhile, toast the burger buns, cut side-down, in a hot frying pan for one minute, or until hot. To serve, place the bottom of the buns on to serving plates, then top with some lettuce and tomato, a burger, a slice of mozzarella and some shallot rings. Cover with the top of the burger bun and pile some fries alongside. Serve with a piece of corn on the cob and a dollop of ketchup, then sit back and enjoy your chums enjoying your barbecue feast. It makes all that work so worthwhile!

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Food News

More tasty BBQ Recipes Grilled Salmon Ingredients 1 1/2 pounds salmon fillets lemon pepper to taste garlic powder to taste salt to taste 1/3 cup soy sauce 1/3 cup brown sugar 1/3 cup water 1/4 cup vegetable oil Method: Season salmon fillets with lemon pepper, garlic powder, and salt. In a small bowl, stir together soy sauce, brown sugar, water, and vegetable oil until sugar is dissolved. Place fish in a large resealable plastic bag with the soy sauce mixture, seal, and turn to coat. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Preheat grill for medium heat. Lightly oil grill grate. Place salmon on the preheated grill, and discard marinade. Cook salmon for 6 to 8 minutes per side, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork. Barbequed Ribs Ingredients 4 pounds baby back pork ribs 4 cloves garlic, sliced 1 tablespoon white sugar 1 tablespoon paprika 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons ground black pepper 2 teaspoons chili powder 2 teaspoons ground cumin

1/2 cup dark brown sugar 1/2 cup cider vinegar 1/2 cup ketchup 1/4 cup chili sauce 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons onion, chopped 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard 1 clove crushed garlic Method: Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Place ribs on a rack in a shal-

low roasting pan. Scatter 4 cloves of sliced garlic over ribs. Cover, and bake for 2 1/2 hours. Cool slightly. In a small bowl, mix together white sugar, paprika, salt, black pepper, chili powder, and ground cumin. Rub spices over cooled ribs. Cover, and refrigerate overnight. In a small saucepan, mix together brown sugar, cider vinegar, ketchup, chili sauce, Worcestershire sauce, lemon

juice, onion, dry mustard, and 1 clove garlic. Simmer over medium-low heat, uncovered, for 1 hour. Reserve a small amount for basting; the remainder is a dipping sauce. Preheat grill for medium heat. Place ribs on BBQ. Grill, covered, for about 12 minutes, basting with the reserved sauce, until nicely browned and glazed. Serve with remaining sauce for dipping.

Two-week sarnie that is still tasty WHO on earth would fancy eating a sandwich that’s a fortnight old - apart from a starving beggar, perhaps? Yet that’s the latest proposal by food scientists, and Wholesale Booker is about to test their theory that sarnies can actually stay fresh for that length of time - if the ingredients and “protective atmosphere” inside the packaging is right. The company will supply these stay-fresh sandwiches to convenience stores and corner shops for sale at just £1.49. They come in chicken tikka, ploughman’s and tuna mayonnaise, plus the traditional varieties of ham and cheese, chicken and bacon, and cheese and onion. The sandwiches are made with oatmeal bread, because it lasts a long time, and they will sell for the relatively low price of £1.49. The secret, say researchers, is to suck out the oxygen from the packaging and replace it with nitrogen and carbon dioxide. All fillings are mixed with a slightly-acidic mayonnaise, which acts as a preservative. But lettuce and tomatoes

are ruled out because they go soggy quickly. Ray Boggiano, a ‘food technologist’ who has been developing the sandwich for a year, says: “The product is as fresh on day 14 as it is on day one. “The secret to stopping the food going off is the process of gas flushing, in which oxygen in the packaging is replaced by CO2 and nitrogen.” He added: “The science is not new - it’s the same technology used in packaged sliced meats. We’ve tested them thoroughly and they are nice to eat.” Stay-fresh sarnies are already quite common in America and on the Continent, and Booker’s Steve Foxil said: “They are ideal to reduce retailers’ wastage.” But nutritionist Dr Carina Norris believes the long shelf life may come at the cost of nutritional value. She said: “People should be packing their sandwiches with as much salad as possible. Fresh is always best, and you should put the freshest possible ingredients in everything you eat.”

The big damper on those burnt barbecue offerings HERE’S a burning problem for barbecue lovers throughout Europe: stocks of charcoal are running low because of floods in south-west Africa.

But for those who love their burgers, it’s a question of getting them barbied as soon as possible - before rain stops play!

Half of the £100 million charcoal import from Namibia annually to Britain has been affected by the water. And even if suppliers succeed in drying out the charcoal, they are facing a battle to export it because many roads there have been washed away completely. Environmentalists will certainly welcome the news because charcoal from this region often comes from non-sustainable hard wood, which takes decades to regrow.

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

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Tenerife, our Island of spectacular highs In the last of our travel series featuring the main Canary Islands, we focus on Tenerife. It is the largest island of the seven and the most commercial. MANY holiday-makers in Tenerife are convinced that the Island comprises Los Cristianos and Playa de Las Americas, plus their bars, nightclubs and beaches. Even many ex-pats have no idea that there is a world of beauty and vision far beyond these tourist hot-spots, and much of it accessible by bus or coach. The tourist industry is a major Tenerife sector, naturally, so the spotlight will always fall on these lively areas. But for genuine sightseers who want to spend their time here exploring and enjoying the wonderful sights, it really is an island of paradise, and all within touching distance. Take, for example, a trip up to Teide National Park, at the foot of Spain’s highest mountain. Think Planet of the Apes or Clash of Titans and you are immediately transported to an incredible scenario, so much loved by today’s film-makers. Over millions of years, Teide’s eruptions have added more and more land to the Island, although the terrain around the base of the mountain remains an incredible landscape of twisted rock and debris, which is always a sight for sore eyes for amazed, first-time viewers. It remains a must-see item on the agenda, with the snow-capped mountain in the winter overshadowing all. And if the roads aren’t blocked by huge snow drifts, there’s always a chance of a snowball fight - and pictures to prove it on your return home. A cable car takes you to the peak of Teide in about eight minutes, while hardier souls, complete with official permits, will spend three hours or so reaching the summit. And as they approach the final climb, there is a distinct smell of sulphur in the air. However you get there, though, the view is breathtaking (as is the climb) and unforget-

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table. Another wonderful place of interest is the Island’s capital, Santa Cruz, in the lush, green north, which still retains the authentic feel and look of colonial Spain. This is real Tenerife, a vibrant city far removed from the tourist beats, where many natives live and work. There are many cultural places of interest to visit in the capital, including the redeveloped waterfront, with its diverse shopping area, magnificent arts and military museums, and the spectacular Church of Our Lady of the Conception, which is a significant, historical monument. A feature of the church is the tomb of Nelson’s opponent, General Gutierrez, whose troops not only kept Rear-Admiral Horatio at bay but left him with a shattered arm - a permanent reminder of his overwhelming defeat in the 1797 Battle of Santa Cruz. Only the most resolute of

tourists actually book holidays to Santa Cruz, where they can now travel on the much-vaunted tram to La Laguna, another sprawling, busy city of historical interest, with a thriving university. And setting aside history for the moment, if you have the children with you, there is no finer place to take them than the tropical, internationally-acclaimed wildlife centre Loro Parque, in Puerto de la Cruz. Apart from more than 300 species of parrots, there’s a dolphinarium, a sea-life centre and even a colony of gorillas, as well as 2,000-plus palm trees and tropical gardens. It was one of the original Tenerife attractions back in the Seventies and has grown beyond belief to become a huge focus of attention. Coming down from the north is the compact, eastern town of Candelaria, with its magnificent Basilica of Our Lady of Candelaria,

which is dedicated to the patron saint of the Canary Islands. The architecturally-beautiful church is wondrous to behold inside, where you can light candles, say prayers or merely gaze in awe at the splendour. It dominates the town and is guarded over in its sea-front square by giant statues, representing the Guanche chiefs who ruled the Island before the Spanish arrived. Further down the TF1 motorway, on the southeast corner, is the charming resort of El Medano. Following mile after mile of rocky coastline, it’s like an apparition with its beautiful sandy beach and coves, and a variety of café-bars running along the front. It’s also extremely windy there, for the most part, which is why one leg of the World Windsurfing Championships is being staged there from Thursday for a week. Moving on south are the

fishing villages of Los Abrigos and Las Galletas, both featuring café-bars galore, and revamped harbours, which have revitalised both areas in recent years. And there is an official fish market at Las Galletas, where you can buy fresh, daily catches. Heading away to the edge of the north-west area lies Los Gigantes, another harbour resort but with a spectacular difference. That’s because of its sheer rockface, climbing an incredible 600 metres above the Atlantic. Discounting the large fish swimming around the harbour between the moored boats in search of the bread thrown in daily by tourists, there’s really nothing to do there, except enjoy the regular, sightseeing boat excursions to see the whales and dolphins. But that rock-face, when seen from a boat especially, is no less than stunning and is hailed, quite rightly, as one

of the Island’s great wonders. So, that’s a gentle stroll through just a handful of the many attractions to keep you occupied in Tenerife, where the sun shines most days, even through the winter months, with occasional storms helping to put a green face on vegetation in the south. There are many other places of interest, so much so that there is barely space to mention Siam Park, the Island’s latest family attraction and rated Europe’s finest water park, with something for everyone. Oh yes, apart from providing a haven for professional boxers for warm-weather training, Tenerife is also a magnet for golfers in the winter, with seven quality courses in the south and two in the north. So if sightseeing is not on the agenda, but golf definitely is, then you’ve come to the right place!

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011


ON THE ROAD WITH JAV Behind the Wheel Email:

Audi’s little dazzler is in the premier league! AUDI believe they have a found a gem after spotting a market segment in which they have not yet been involved. It is the Premium Compact Crossover sector, and they could make a big impact with their Q3 range, and especially with the 2.0TDI front-wheel-drive baby SUV model. Their only upmarket rivals are the BMW X1 and forthcoming Range Rover Evoque, because the Ford Kuga, Honda CR-V and Toyota RAV4 are simply not posh enough. Audi already have a good base with their Q cars, and although the Q7 is really too large for UK roads, it doesn’t put off those who want to ‘own’ the road with a huge 4x4, while the more recent Q5 is a better bal-

ance. The quattro four-wheeldrive system is also wellestablished and is available on most of the Q3 range. But the biggest-selling model will be the cheapest, which is this 2.0TDI, at around £25,000. In true Audi style, there is a wealth of options that could well transform it into a very expensive car.

There’s sat-nav with Google Earth, active lane assist, self-parking, adaptive suspension - and that’s before all the interior upgrades. The decent performance and emissions are further helped by reasonably low weight. And if you need more performance, there’s a 170hp version as well, though that’s coupled to four-wheel drive and auto-

matic transmission, which adds £3,000 to the price. The Q3 is completely straightforward to drive, too, with an accurate, sixspeed manual gearbox and good visibility. Like the quattro versions, this front-wheel-drive Q3 comes with extra ground clearance, yet the additional height doesn’t have a noticeable effect on the

secure handling. In fact, for most of the time, you’d be hard-pushed to tell whether this was a two or four-wheel-drive car most of the time. The ride is good, and the standard 17inch alloys look the part. Rivals can measure up to the Q3 dynamically, but the Audi’s interior is in a class of its own and the quality is unsurpassed. The sweep of the dashboard is elegant and the switchgear is precise and nicely weighted. True, you’ll have to pay extra for lots of the extra goodies, but the basic equipment package is sound enough, with multi-function controls on the wheel, dual zone climate control and Bluetooth, with an iPod interface. Seats are cloth as standard, combining lots of adjustment in all directions with superior comfort. The interior space is remarkably

good, and will accommodate four adults in comfort. Luggage space is another surprise. The sill is very high, but the load area is deep enough to carry cases on their side, which is a rarity in crossovers. The capacity is almost 30% better than a Ford Kuga, for example. Without the weight of four-wheel drive to cart around, this version of the Q3 can be impressively economical. There’s start-stop as well, which helps in city driving The statutory combined figure for the manual 2.0 TDI is 54.2mpg, so reckon on somewhere the right side of 40mpg. CO2 is 138g/km, which again is a good figure in this market. Okay, it’s expensive if you get enthusiastic about the options, but you get what you pay for - and this baby Audi SUV has a genuine premium feel.

Ford’s new estate is Focus of attention THE ESTATE version of Ford’s new Focus looks like being another big seller, with 2,000 orders already confirmed. Mark Simpson, Ford Britain marketing director, says: “The all-new Ford Focus has been a big hit with UK customers looking online and visiting dealerships, and our attractive Focus estate completes the line-up for them. Its athletic looks give the car its own unique personality and should broaden its appeal.” It brings the same classleading levels of technologies as that of the five-door, with many of the features new to the mainstream, medium-car market. The estate is also available with the same choice of lowCO2 powertrain options. These include the 1.6-litre

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

TDCi 115PS engine, equipped with standard AutoStart-Stop with CO2 emissions starting at just 109g/km. The new Ford Focus range also has the state-of-the-art 1.6-litre Ford EcoBoost 150PS, turbo-charged, direct-injection petrol engine, which debuted on the C-MAX last year. This is one of a new generation of downsized, highefficiency, low-CO2 petrol engines which deliver the strong low-end torque and responsive performance of a large capacity engine, but with the size, weight and fuel economy of a much smaller unit. The estate, from £17,100 and available shortly, comes with over £1,000 of additional standard equipment, including Bluetooth and voice control, USB connection and aluminium roof rails.

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Would you like to play in the Oasis Fm Pool League? Match Report AS the Wimbledon tennis tournament came to a climax over the weekend, reigning Oasis Fm champions Nauta A were going for a second Grand Slam of their own with a seven sets to one victory over Toscales Ensecan. Bar 180 A hoisted up a few lobs to get the better of third-place Cozy Wanderers, while Barracudarts Boys jumped over the net and into that third spot by beating Gaffers 6-2. Valle Vikings captain Geoff hit a 180 and a 151 finish, but the match with Phoenix bar went to a 4-4 tie-breaker,

Division 1 Bar 180 B Barracudarts Boys Cozy Wanderers Nauta A Target Titans The Pub Toscales Tornados Valle Vikings 1 Yelas Table 1 Nauta A 2 Bar 180 A 3 Barracudarts Boys 4 Cozy Wanderers 5 Phoenix Bar 6 La Central 7 X-Men 8 Toscales Tornados 9 The Pub 10 Cafe Rood A 11 Toscales Ensecan 12 Tavern 13 Valle Vikings 1 14 Target Army 15 Target Titans 16 Gaffers 17 Bar 180 B 18 Yelas

1-7 6-2 3-5 7-1 2-6 5-3 4-4 4-4 P-P P 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6

W 7 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0

D 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

X-Men Gaffers Bar 180 A Toscales Ensecan La Central Target Army Phoenix BarP Phoenix Bar Café Rood A L 0 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6

F 48 41 38 37 36 34 32 27 30 26 22 23 22 22 19 20 13 6

A 8 15 18 19 20 22 24 29 26 22 34 33 34 34 37 36 43 42

+- PTS 40 21 26 18 20 15 18 14 16 14 12 13 8 13 -2 12 4 11 4 10 -12 9 -10 7 -12 7 -12 6 -18 4 -16 3 -30 3 -36 0

Registrations are now being taken for the new season, which begins in early August. You must have a team of at least four players and be available to play on Tuesday evenings. Registration is open until 3pm on 22nd July.

For more information email or call 686 903 552

Division 2 Bad Girls/Boys Cafe Rood B La Caña Lancers Marilyns Ourplace Playgirls Palms Sports Bar Phoenix Flames Summerland Hopefuls Trap Door

Bubbles also hitting a maximum for the visitors. Target Army’s Graham hit a fine cross-court 180, but host team The Pub,finished with a 5-3 advantage. And some fine serving earned the X-Men all three points at Bar 180 B. Elsewhere, Target Titans double-faulted at home to La Central, and Toscales Tornados just clipped the line to overcome Tavern 5-3. Cries of “You cannot be serious” were heard at Ourplace Playgirls as Knights continued a good run of Division 2 form to go into second place. Rood B slipped on the grass again with a home defeat against new league leaders Sundowners, while Marilyns dined out on strawberries and cream after beating Sunshine bar 5-3. Summerland Hopefuls and

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Table 1Sundowners 2 Knights 3 Sunshine Bar 4 Ourplace Naturals 5 Tenerife Sun 6 Barracuda Hunters 7 Marilyns 8 Cafe Rood B 9 Summerland Hopefuls 10 Ourplace Playgirls 11 Bad Girls/Boys 12 Naughty Nautas 13 Trap Door 14 Palms Sports Bar 15 Valle Vikings 2 16 Phoenix Flames 17 Lucky Leprichaun 18 La Caña Lancers

P 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

5-3 3-5 2-6 5-3 2-6 6-2 2-6 4-4 3-5 W 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 0

Tenerife Sun will have to restring their rackets after ending up with a deuce scoreline and Palms Sports Bar moved up to the net to volley a first win of the season against Lucky Leprichaun. Barracuda Hunters won at Trap Door with a few, carefully-aimed

D 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 3 0 1 3 0 2 0 0

Naughty Nautas Sundowners Valle Vikings 2 Sunshine Bar Knights Lucky Leprichaun Ourplace Naturals Tenerife Sun Barracuda Hunters L 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 4 4 3 5 4 6 7

F 36 37 37 38 32 28 31 30 31 25 26 25 27 26 22 24 15 14

A 20 19 19 18 24 28 25 26 25 31 30 31 29 30 34 32 41 42

+- PTS 16 18 18 16 18 16 20 15 8 13 0 13 6 12 4 12 6 11 -6 10 -4 9 -6 9 -2 7 -4 6 -12 6 -8 5 -26 3 -28 0

overhead smashes, while Valle Vikings 2 took the only set 6-2 at La Caña Lancers. Finally, Bad Ball Girls and Ball Boys said they enjoyed a great night after beating Naughty Nautas 5-3. Now that is a back-handed compliment! By Geoff Huxtable

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011


Page 47

Puzzle Page

Prize Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid.




2 2 4

Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to before Wednesday 13th July and you could win! Answer from Edition 710 (01/07/2011) was: 44 Winner: Emma Oates




WIN!!! Showtime tickets and an Oasis Fm t-shirt.

Last Week’s Answers:







1. 20 2. 1985 3. The Rolling Stones 4. Harry Potter 5. July and August 6. The Korean War 7. Calvin Coolidge 8. 15th July, 40 days. 9. `Born on the 4th of July` 10. Leo

Brain Training: Beginer: 42 Intermediate: 62 Advanced: 128

You have until the 5th August to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.







3 3




5 3


1 6

Puzzle Rating: Quite easy


2 5










5 1

1 5









1 7


7 4
























































































5 3


6 8


6 Sudoku X:


6 7



4 7

8 6





very hard



































































































































































very easy

Puzzle Rating: Moderate

Horoscopes of the week Cancer

(June 22nd-July 23rd) Choose your words carefully because what you consider to be a throw-away, funny comment could be extremely wounding to someone more sensitive. Maybe it’s time to lay your cards on the table and speak from the heart, even if it means you feel more vulnerable than usual. LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) Now that you’ve escaped from the glare of the spotlight, you’ll retreat to a quiet place to re-evaluate where you’re going, and what you want to achieve from now on. A close friend with smart ideas for long-term success will help you along your new path, but take your time. VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) Expect a loving vibe to wash over most of your week. Intimate relationships have moved to the next level and you couldn’t be happier. Others are kind, caring and compassionate, and you find yourself returning the favour. Your life is moving in the right direction now - and it is beginning to feel superb. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) Although you start the week feeling a bit sensitive and selfprotective, it’s only because you’ve never been in such an open, honest frame of mind before, and don’t quite know how to handle it. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, or say anything you don’t mean. And remember to think before you speak. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) Thinking of making

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travel plans soon? Got the time? Got the money? Getting away from it all could be your reward for knocking career plans into shape. Re-inventing yourself at work and play is the best thing you could do this week, so think of ways to have an overhaul or makeover. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) You’ve got such a forgiving nature, that if there have been recent spats on the domestic scene, you’ll be the one to wave the white flag and try to find a compromise, even if you not to blame. Joint resources have always been a bone of contention, so find a way that works for everyone. C A P R I C O R N (December 22ndJanuary 20th) The move of Venus brings a new way forward over relationships and friendships, and you’ll find life and love to be much more harmonious from here on in. Try to see things from a more longterm, long-lasting perspective, and don’t get so bogged down with any paltry, petty details. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) If a partner or close friend has unrealistic expectations over a goal or scenario, it will be up to you to gently, but firmly remind them of their limitations. This could lead to friction in

the union, but it will pass when they realise you‘re trying to help, and they’ll be glad you kept them grounded. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Venus has joined Neptune, your ruling planet, and catapults love and romance into orbit. If you keep your feet on the ground, you can achieve anything, and hopes and dreams could turn from fantasy to reality. But go over the top and you’ll lose the thread. Keep it real. Stay focused. ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) There’s so much going on at work, home and socially that all you want to do is find a corner and retreat. But you know that is simply not an option. Financial plans may cost more than you think and stress levels will build, but try not to lash out or you’ll say something you might regret. TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) If you look for the best in people, even although there seems to be no redeeming features at first, you’ll eventually find something. Don’t allow domestic matters to get out of hand or they’ll prove more costly than you first thought. Use your new, creative thinking to find a solution. GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) You seem to be struggling with communications at work and at home, but don’t allow arrogance or overconfidence to make matters even worse. Be open and honest with partners and family and they’ll appreciate your candour, even if there are things they really don’t want to hear just now

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training General Knowledge 1. By what name is Cherilyn Sakasian La Pierre better known?

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER

2. At which racecourse is the Grand National run?

3. What place in history do “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” hold?

4. In which European country is Dalmatia, from where the Dalmation dog gets its name?


40 4

x7 8

x33 5. Which famous film was the first filmed in colour to win an Oscar for Best Picture?

7. In 1980, who became the first British solo female artist to have a UK number one album?

8. Who created the words “obscene”, “drugged”, “torture” and “assassination”?

9. Which drink was advertised on TV by Joan Collins and Leonard Rossiter?

10. In which capital city was actor Russell Crowe born?
















33 6. Which ‘T’ was the surname of the subject of the first of the Mr Men books?



-148 8


















424 4

-73 8




3/4 -144 5/6 of this of this 5


÷9 9





+273 15% of this 08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011


Page 49

Free Ads



Babybjorn bouncer, navy and white check, cover is reversible and washable, 3 height adjustment. Can be used from birth. Excellent condition, 30 euros. Yellow Cam plastic highchair, adjustable height and reclining position with storage net underneath for storage, 15 euros. Tel 659 756 793 Tile cutter, T1160 Rubi, 100 euros. Two tonne hydraulic trolley jack as new 30 euros. Plumbing fusion kit, 100 euros. 100w solid state marshall guitar amplifier, 70 euros. Pink Nintendo DS with case and box and 1 super mario game and 96 games in 1 70 euros. Teka Dishwasher, 130 euros. heavy duty gas BBQ with hob & plancha & large griddle, 200 euros. Tel: 646 539 120. Golf clubs (16) Calloway big birtha settle head plus bag, 135 euros euros ono. Tel 695 576 035 28 inch Philips colour TV Black (UK model) with full remote control 2 Scart (euro connecter) sockets, 50 euros. Sony DVD player with remote control in silver 25 euros. Playstation One with controller, memory card, all TV connections and 8 games 25 euros. Sky Plus box complete with remote no card 50 euros. Tel 661 084 981 or 922 742 257

Chick-lit, Motorsport, Cars, Murder/Mystery, Astronomy/Sci-Fi and many other topics. Ideal for car boot sales. Make a sensible offer for the lot around 150 euros. Tel 647 155 381 or 600 019 819

player, flat sunbeds white, with adjustable back, Patio armchair, white & foldable,15 euros each. Sky digibox, 40 euros. Patio table & 4 chairs, 20 euros. Tel 646 615 794.

Full silver domestic gas bottle with regulator 50 euros. Gas BBQ, vgc 20x 15, 60 euros. 14” inch colour TV still boxed 40 euros. 2 fire extinguishers, 40 euros. JVC video camera, needs battery 50 euros. Tel 664 602 735

Impact hammer drill 25 euros. TS40 Rubi Tile Cutter 30 euros. TS50 Rubi Tile Cutter 35 euros. 25cm Makita Disc Grinder complete with 23cm Stone Cutting Disc 20 euros. Compressor complete with Hose & galotta spray gun 30 euros. Digital electronic safe 35cm X 25 X 25 20 euros. Twin bolt key safe 35cm X 25 X 25 15 euros. Microwave 20 euros. TV 28inch with remote 40 euros. 3 upright DVD cabinets ( hold 80 DVD’s each ) 10 euros each. 1 CD & DVD cabinet, 20 euros. Tel 639 921 182 or 609 124 822

Patio chairs & tables 2 euros each. Bag, blenders, 15 euros each. Dog carrier, 15 euros. Portable radio CD player 15 euros. Suit case 10 euros. Tel 679 088 846 PS2 with 2 controllers 45 euros. Nintendo game cube 40 euros. Excellent glass display cabinet 30 euros. As new Ikea computer table 15 euros. PS2 games 5 euros each. 4 rings hob 80 euros. Tel 660 265 898 White microwave, 25 euros. Chest freezer 120 euros. 14 computer monitor 10 euros. Mountain bike 85 euros. Video recorders 20 euros. Table fan 15 euros. Steam iron 8 euros. 14” TV, CD, stereo radio cassette recorder, 13 euros each. 29” TV, silver 60 euros. 21” TV 40 euros. Sandwich toaster, 7 euros. Built in oven, 60 euros. Fridge freezer 120 euros. Fridge 40 euros. Tel 679 788 586

BARGAIN OF THE WEEK Pink cot bumper, 10 euros.Blue playmat with toys, 5 euros. Tel: 637 206 026

Ladies bike 18 gears 65 euros. Tel 697 746 885 Reebok iRun Treadmill (semi pro), Motor Power: 1.75PS, Speed: 0.8-14km/h speed, Incline: 2 manual incline levels, Monitor: LCD computer display, Functions: Speed / Time / Distance / Calories / Pulse / RPM, Programmes: 7, Running belt thickness CM: 0.16, Running Range CM: 40 x 120, Shock Absorber: Cushion system, Sensors: Hand Pulse Measuring, Assembled Dimensions CM: 161 x 80 x 131, Folded Dimensions CM: 47 x 80 x 159, Boxed Dimensions CM: 168 x 84 x 31.5, Max User Weight: 100kg, 300 euros. Cold Feet complete DVD collection, all 5 series, perfect condition, 15 euros. Tel 922 739 452 Mobility scooter excellent condition will fit in a small car including off board battery charger, 395 euros. Tel 663 949 900 1 x 3 seater and 1 x 2 seater settee in Terracotta 80 euros ono each. Coffee table with 2 drawers and space for magazines etc, sideboard with glass top, doors and drawers, cocktail unit with internal light on long storage unit with single drawer, long wall unit with pull down door 1.8 long x 33cm deep x 33cm high, all matching in light oak effect and in excellent condition, 300 euros ono. Will separate items. Semi-circular console for hallway in cherry with 7 drawers 40 euros ono. Breakfast bar stool in chrome with cream seat 15 euros ono. Oven, ceramic hob and cooker hood 100 euros ono. White bathroom storage unit 2m high x 500 wide excellent condition 40 euros ono. Table lamp with multigreen base 15 euros ono. Panasonic TV with remote control in good working condition, 20 euros ono. Buyer to collect. Tel 922 789 848 or 618 431 259 (Los Cristianos) Large selection of books (200/300) all hard backs -

Washing machine front loader 150 euros. Domestic silver gas bottle, 40 euros each. 21” TV 50 euros. Microwave, 25 euros. Foot spa, 15 euros. DVD player + remote, 20 euros. Children’s car seat 0-36 kgs, 20 euros. Washing machine front & top loader, 140 euros each. Tel 686 336 904. Silver American double door fridge freezer, superb condition, with attached ice maker, 500 euros ono. Schneider washing machine, 600 spin 100 euros ono. Solid oak table and 4 chairs floor length black leather needs TLC 175 ono. Tel 922 736 696 or 687 152 708. Golf clubs full set, ping driver, ram irons, graphite shafts, putter etc., including bag and many extras, 450 euros. Tel 682 706 508 25 litre rectangle fish tank with light built in the lid complete with air pump and filter, 20 euros ono. 20” Basic line TV, no remote 10 euros ono. Full set of golf clubs with bag 40 euros ono. Adidas golf shoes size 9 nearly new 10 euros ono. Approx 300 litre fish tank with exterior pumps 150 euros ono. 200 litre fish tank filter 5 euros. Tel 673 590 273 Telescope on tripod (approx 4ft) 60 euros ono. Vidal Sassoon ceramic hair straighteners, used once 12 euros ono. Mobile air conditioning unit with remote control 75 euros ono. Tel 922 741 777 or 677 859 771 14” TV/VCR combi, 4 rings Vitroceramic hob, 21” TV, silver, 30 euros each. DVD player, VCR, 14” TV, 2 rings electric hob,15 euros each. A selection of headboards (90,135,160, 200, 220cm), large office chair, single bed base, (90 x 190 cm),15 euros a set. Flat sun beds, white plastic,10 euros. Armchair (blue & yellow), 68 cm width, 20 euros. Sony amplified CD

Four honey pine bar stool, sturdy not kit form with small backs 35 euros ono. Tel 619 977 932 Small Swarovski animals, boxed, 15 euros and 20 euros. Tel 619 977 932 Gents mountain bike, front and rear suspension, front disc brakes, 85 euros. Ladies mountain bike, front suspension, red and silver frame, 85 euros. Large comfy armchair, blue design, 20 euros. Space watching. Guide to observing the stars and beyond. Hardback book in very good condition, 5 euros. Tel 600 700 521. PingByrilum copper irons 3-PW vgc 150 euros. Ben Hogen irons 3-PW forged vgc 150 euros. Tel 634 368 898 New Golfballs 18 top flight Titanium XL 2 boxes 20 euros per box. 15 brand new mixed Wilson DDH Top FLight 15 euros. 2 boxes Donnay International Titanium 10 euros per box. 4 DDH 3 Long distance balls 5 euros. 6 Top Flight XL long distance balls 6 euros. Tel 639 921 182 or 609 124 822 Bain Marie, hot food storage unit for kitchen, stainless steel, 120 euros. Tel 672 599 411 Glider/rocking chair + footstool, white wood with pale blue cushions, perfect for feeding baby/bedtime stories, etc 60 euros ONO. Beech chest of 5 drawers 15 euros. Children’s butterfly ceiling light fitting 15 euros. Fisher price musical piano 10 euros. Chicco musical activity table 10 euros. Baby bath + newborn seat + top/tailing bowl 5 euros. Open to offers on all items. Tel 669 934 525 or 922 711 374, Adeje Air Con free standing unit, little use, 200 euros. Los Cristianos. Tel 672 915 491 Bosch rotak 320 lawnmower 50 euros. Cross trainer care Aeromagnetic futura smu will accept 170 euros. Both as new with instruction manuals. Tel 663 761 877 Channel Master 2.4metre satellite dish for sale complete 800 ono. 2x Abu Dhabi receivers including cards (cards are renewable) 250 each. 1.2m satellite dish on its own support 100 euros. Tel: 659 202 826. Metal folding chair with leopard print fabric. good condition 10 euros, Carmen acoustic guitar & soft carry case. good condition, 30 euros ONO. Tower pc & 17" crt monitor winxp sp3 clean install 512ram 40ghd Amd 1.86Ghz Processor. Ms Office 2007 if required. Ideal for internet,60 euros. Xbox games, Full Spectrum Warrior, Rainbow six 3, Project Gotham racing 2, 3 euros each. Manchester United official history 1878-2002, 3 euros. Tel: 922 735 786.

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm

Page 50

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011



Playa Paraiso – Paraiso Del Sol, sunny 2 bed / 1 bath apartment €475 + bills Los Cristianos – Port Royal, lovely 2 bed / 1 bath apartment, near pool, €600 inc first €50 of bills

The best rental prices – for full listings email: COSTA FANABE HOUSE GARAGE, SPACIOUS GORGEOUS!! 2 BED/2BATH 850 EUROS





Las Chafiras – 3 bed, 2.5 bath townhouse, private garage, pool view, €750 + bills


Las Chafiras – 3 bed, 2 bath apartment, small garden, sea view €550 inc first €50 of bills

CALL KEN ON 639 207 113

Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. to Advertise here please call 902 232 102 or email us at

Las Chafiras - 3 bed, 2 bath apartment, luxury furnishings, €590 + bills Golf region – Choice of 3, 1 & 2 bed quality apartments, from €475 + bills Garañana – Choice of 4, 3 bed quality apartments, from €490 + bills San Eugenio Alto – 1 bed / 1 bath apartment, €450 incl first €50 of bills


Los Cristianos: Parque Tropical III 3 bed/3 bath townhouse with garage, 1200€ + bills, fully furnished. 5 bed/4 bath beach front villa with garage, 2500€ + bills, fully furnished. Parque Tropical I 2bed/2 bath duplex penthouse apt., 850€ + bills, fully furnished. Central location, close to the church in Los Cristianos


1 bed, 2nd. floor apt., 450€ incl. bills, fully furnished. 2 bed, 3rd. floor apt., 500€ inc. bills, fully furnished. Calleo Salvaje Un Posto al Solé 2 bed, 1st. floor apt., 500€ incl. bills, fully furnished. 2 bed ground floor apt., 500€ incl. bills fully furnished. Oroteande Baja A small Spanish village near Parque de

la Reina. 3 bed / 3 bath detached villa over 2 floors with its own private pool, gym and gardens, 1300€ + bills, fully furnished. Parque de la Reina: Tigaiga 2 bed, penthouse apt. 600€ incl. bills, fully furnished. Moncayo 2 bed/1 bath ground floor apt., 525€ +bills, fully furnished.

NO FINDERS OR CONTRACT FEES. I am always looking for more properties in all shapes and sizes, so if you would like to rent out your property for long lets or holiday rentals please contact me and I will come and visit you. I am also looking for wheelchair friendly properties with roll in showers/wet rooms.



Phone: Suzanne on 680 831 497 e.mail : website :



Tel: 0034 922 797 438 / 638 519 999 Email:


Office Address Ave Los Pueblos, Garajonay 1-4,Las Americas 38660

CARS/BIKES SUMMERLAND. LOS CRISTIANOS, Lovely modernised one x bed overlooking the pool and sea on this recently upgraded complex. Close to town and Bus station. Full kitchen inc washing machine. Price 500€ pm (inc all bills) CRISTIAN SUR. LOS CRISTIANOS Ground floor one bed apartment on this popular Aparthotel convenient for everywhere. nicely Furnished, Comm pools. Reception. Excellent value at 500€ pm (plus electric) MARIBEN. CALLAO SALVAJE. Choice of 2 x two bedroom 2 x bathroom houses , on this prestigious, complex with Comm pools, Tennis Courts. both have large garages.and good size Terraces and gardens. One priced at 700€ and the other at 750€ pm (both plus Electric) MARIBEN. CALLAO SALVAJE, Fabulous 3 x bed 2 x bath Semi detached villa with private pool and gymnasium. Large Terraces and 2 x car garage. Sea Views. Complex has everything for modern community living. Price 925€ pm (plus electric & water) SUNSET VIEW, CALLAO SALVAJE. Quality modern 2 x bed apartment on this well run complex close to the new beach. two x terraces. Full Kitchen inc Washing machine etc. Price 550€ pm (plus elec & water) EL ROQUE (ABOVE VALE SAN LORENZO). Beautiful modern 3 x bed 2 x bath town house in this idilic location 15 mins from the resorts. Stunning views. Price 660€ plus elec & water)




FOR SALE - Vending and Amusement Machine Operating Company A unique opportunity to acquire a cash turnover well established recognised name in the hotel/bar/restaurant business in Tenerife. This is a genuine sale of a business with tremendous room for expansion and profitability. Ideal for one person to run and hours to suit themselves. Being sold due to partners other interests. Price 47,750€

Genuinely interested parties please call 670 698 750 PROPERTY FOR SALE Detached villa Las Americas beautiful sea views, swimming pool, quiet residential complex, genuine bargain, 265,000 euros. Tel 617 658 900

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Page 51

Service Point




Long term car rental. Rent to buy from 220 euros per month. Tel 626 080 651 Piagio Fly 125 cc moped less than 2 years old, excellent condition, 800 euros. Tel 610 285 953 Renault Clio 2.0 Exception, Limited Edition 150HD, fully loaded, silver, 35,000 kms, 4 door, full Renault service history, excellent condition. Cost new 19,700€, only 7,900€. Tel 610 285 953 CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667. MG ZR 1.8, ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 4,500 euros. Tel 669 626 840

JOBS An experienced telemarketer is required for a holiday company in Los Cristianos. Part time hours Mon – Fri with high earning potential. Quality new leads provided daily. Basic and Rising Commission scale available to successful candidate.

Self employed beautician required for an established salon in Golf Del Sur. Call 922 731 402 to arrange an appointment. Fosters bar in Puerto Colon require a manager with experience of working on the island. They also need a Compare/Entertainer and PR’s for various shifts to work as part of a well run team. You can apply in person at the bar or call 627 786 923 or 647 108 632 after midday.

Contact 687 368 385

Suncare Central are now working with more hotels in the South of Tenerife. They require a sun loving, outgoing person to provide tanning advice to guests in welcome meetings and by the pool. No experience is necessary as full training will be given but your own transport is essential. For an immediate interview call Craig on 651 172 738 Eze Group currently have positions for all ages whether its Administration, Accountancy, Telemarketing or Completions they have an opening for you. If you are looking for an opportunity that’s Fresh, Exciting and Dynamic call to arrange an interview on 922 715 610. Scandinavian speaking Call Centre Agents are required, experience preferred, but not essential, as full training is given. High earning potential, basic wages, plus commission, paid weekly. Excellent fresh leads. For an interview please contact Michael on 922 727 184. A well known International restaurant in Los Cristianos are looking for a second chef to join a successful kitchen. Applicants must have experience, be able to work well under pressure and be able to communicate with others. Send your covering letter with CV to


CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250€ per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email: CHIROPODIST Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790


La Pinta Beach Club are looking for vibrant, self motivated telemarketers to join their team. Basic wage plus commissions with a potential to earn a fantastic wage for part time hours. An NIE number is essential as contract will be given. Call Helen on 922 717 739 or email your CV to GC Resorts are looking for Reservations Consultants to contact potential customers based in the UK. You should be dynamic, motivated, enthusiastic and a good team player. You will receive a contract, weekly pay, a realistic commission structure and an excellent training and development programme. Call Jayne Harris on 922 782 539 or email





Page 52


08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Service Point








HANDY MAN Apartment maintenance, quick cheap and cheerful service. No job too big or small

Call 630 145 444 or 693 817 743




9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841

ALUMINIUM & PVC Tel: 922 778 050

VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Fax 922 778 051

Mobile 696 889 048 Email:


Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.


Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

PERSONAL SERVICES Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

A beautiful loving Columbian girl in the Funchal apartments in Los Cristianos, behind the bus station and in front of the Aguamar Hotel. Accommodating, speaks little English, home & hotel visits available, call 10 minutes before 627 008 443


08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Page 53

Service Point

PERSONAL SERVICES (CONT.) Very beautiful Italian young lady, sexy, slim, big breasts, elegant, high class, escort agency, erotic massage, available for dinner parties…etc. Speaks English & German Call 0034 671 868 681



THE WHITE VAN MAN House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

No job too big or too small

Natasha, a beautiful Russian girl, blue eyes, super sexy, discreet, luxury apartment in Las Americas, home & hotel visits 24 hours, exclusive gentlemen only, speaks very good English & German. Call 0034 672 573 649

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743

Super sexy lovely girl attractive body, extremely erotic massage, sexy dance And much much more. Tel: (0034) 690 900 739




Colin Peel Tiling Specialist For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 TRANSLATION

New stock just in “Mexican Pine” Tall & Sml freezers and Industrial fridges


We Buy & Sell 2nd hand furniture/fridge freezers


Up to 75% OFF Sale items Los Cristianos, nr Cultural Centre / Police station road, next to pet shop

Tel: 618 381 488

Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day

No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493





Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579



the English Upholsterer Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle

677 806 800


TV & SATELLITE Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.


VAN MAN Single items to full house removals Competitive rates, professional service.

Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833.


Call us first on 638 384 855

Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494.

UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.

Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 774 345 / 610 089 157.

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08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Maria Leng British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency

Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday


Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Nicola Roberts Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces

the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Sunny skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 16mph. Friday Night Partly cloudy skies. 22 °C. Wind NNE 17mph. Saturday Partly cloudy skies. 26 °C. Wind NNE 19mph. Saturday Night Partly cloudy skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 20mph. Sunday Sunny skies. 26 °C. Wind NNE 20mph. Sunday Night Partly cloudy skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 19mph. Monday Partly cloudy skies. 27 °C. Wind NNE 19mph. Monday Night Partly cloudy skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 18mph. Tuesday Sunny skies. 26 °C. Wind NNE 18mph. Tuesday Night Partly cloudy skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 18mph. Wednesday Sunny skies. 26 °C. Wind NE 16mph. Wednesday Night Clear skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 16mph.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802


flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Thursday Sunny skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 15mph. Thursday Night Partly cloudy skies. 24 °C. Wind NNE 16mph.

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Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

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08 July 2011 - 14 July 2011

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