Canarian Weekly Issue 714

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T e n e r i f e ’ s f a v o u r i t e b r i t i s h w e e k ly n e w s p a p e r Issue 714

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011


Earthquakes galore, but there is no need for anyone to panic EL HIERRO, smallest of the Canary Islands and just 70 miles from Tenerife, has been hit by an astonishing swarm of 720 small earthquakes, many clustered at the base of the island’s volcano. But there have been no “shock, horror” warnings from anyone, no one has pressed the panic button, and scientists involved seem to be almost revelling in the situation. The activity began at noon on the 17th July, by the following Sunday the island had recorded 400 minor seismic tremors, many between 5-15 kilometres deep. This triggered the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Security Canary Islands Government to call for the first time a meeting of the Volcanic Monitoring Steering Committee, reflected in the ‘Specific Plan Protection Civil and Emergency for Volcanic Risk’. It followed “a significant increase in seismic activity”, but a report from the meeting said: “The situation is totally normal.” And other experts said: “There is no indication at present that the lowmagnitude seismic activity is a precursor to any significant volcanic activity or, indeed, stronger earthquake activity.” The Canary Islands Government is monitoring the situation, with sensors placed throughout the island and there have been no reports of visible damage to El Hierro. In fact, it seems to business as usual on this beautiful little tourist island. The National Geographic Institute (IGN) and Volcanological Institute of the Canary

Islands is continuing to record scores of daily earthquakes, measuring between 1 and 3 on the Richter Scale. According to Actualidad Volcánica de Canarias (AVCAN), the vast majority of the tremors have been recorded in the north-west of the 278.5sq/ km island at El Golfo, the location of a massive landslide almost 50,000 years ago. El Hierro is situated in the most south-western extreme of the Canaries and its origins date back some 100 million years. After three successive eruptions, and consequent accumulations, the island emerged from the ocean as an imposing triangular pyramid, crowned by a volcano more than 2,000 metres high. The volcanic activity, mainly at the convergence of the three ridges, resulted in the continual expansion of the island. According to “Although over 200 years have elapsed since the last eruption, El Hierro has the largest number of volcanoes in the Canaries, with over 500 open sky-cones, another 300 covered by the most recent outflows, and some 70 caves and volcanic galleries.” El Hierro was the first of Canarian Weekly’s series on the Canary Islands, back in May, and we noted then that it was a paradise for underwater diving, and also featured some of the greatest views in the world. It also boasts incredible visions of volcanoes and lava fields, fertile valleys, and dramatic cliffs up to 1,000m high. The island also contains dense forests of vegetation species, which have survived since prehistoric times; trees

that are 1,000 years old, twisted by the wind, and even reptiles that were thought to be extinct. And there are plenty of trails to go hiking in the beautiful countryside. This island was once considered to be the limit of the known world in classical times. Some 60% of it is classed as a protected area and, since 1997, El Hierro has undertaken an ambitious project, which means that it is also the future. Within a few years, it will be self-sufficient in renewable energies. In fact, it will be the first island in the world to be fully sustainable, providing, of course, the earthquakes do not get any stronger.


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29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Local News

Tiësto ups the tempo in a marathon Adeje show TENERIFE’S leading rock concert organisers have hit the jackpot with their latest offering, aimed exclusively at the younger set. Canarias Live Sun Festival promoters have tempted top global attraction Tiësto to head an all-star cast of Djs for a 15-hour bash at Golf Costa Adeje next Saturday (6th August). Having already enticed Elton John, Rod Stewart and Michael Bolton among others to the venue for major shows, the promoters are going allout to cater for young tourists and residents. The Heineken-sponsored event, which starts at 3pm, is already guaranteed a bumper crowd because tickets are flying out fast for this feast of music. The main stage has been designed especially for the show and will have 150,000 watts of lights and 120,000 watts of sound. That will certainly suit Tiësto, who is considered to be the best trance music specialist in the world. His ability to combine musical styles such as techno and house with industrial base sounds, using motorik synthesisers, has enabled him to sell more albums than anyone in the history of this electronic music category. The Dutch musician, Dj and

record producer performed live at the opening ceremony for the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. He was recently named best Dj of all time by Mixmag Magazine, the most prestigious journal covering his style of music, and he closed this year’s prestigious Rock in Rio Festival. Jordi Esplugas, the Sun Live Canary producer, said: “It is the first time this type of show will take place at Golf Costa Adeje, where the crowd will really feel the difference between dancing on tarmac and on natural grass. “It is a wonderful environment and this is another example of our commitment to bring top music and entertainers to Tenerife.” He added: “We have said that with the participation of all sectors, we can organise great events that have never before been seen in the Canaries. The industry needs youth products and in Tiësto, we have the best Dj in the world. “You have only to see this artist’s curriculum and the busy schedule on his website to realise that.” Other prestigious Djs appearing include top German attraction Miss Nine, James Padilla, Alex Kentucky, Pablo Fierro, Juan Fierro, Roberto Palmero, Dj Darius Maick Rodríguez, Dj Jonay, Chola, Trippcore, Tan Fx and Rayco Santos.

Tickets, costing 40 euros, can be purchased from the official website of Canarias Live Sun Festival, and also at plus the usual points seen on the event’s website. Tickets for the disabled (with free accompaniment) are 35 euros. There will be three tents featuring different styles of Dj music, a dining area, VIP

area with pools, rest areas, a tent with interactive games, refreshment areas, a fashion show and more. As usual, Siam Park offers free transport from 7pm to midnight between Los Cristianos, Playa de Las Americas and Costa Adeje to prevent unnecessary queues on the road. Check out the route at to avoid having to drive.

Accessibility improvements for hotels´accommodation SINPROMI presents a handbook for improving the accessibility of accommodation. The initiative has the support of Tenerife Tourism and Ashotel and is part of the European Union’s Project Tamaca. The Cabildo of Tenerife, via the Society for the Promotion of People with Disabilities (SINPROMI), in collaboration with the Association of Hotels and Extrahotelera in Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro (Ashotel) and Tenerife Tourism, last week presented a handbook with recommen-

dations for improving the accessibility of facilities in the Island’s accommodation. The initiative is part of the Tamaca Project “Development of accessible tourist destinations in Macaronesia” ( MAC Program, a Trans-national Co-operation 2007-2013) currently being developed by SINPROMI along with Ashotel, Turismo de Tenerife and ACIF-CCIM (Commercial and Industrial association of Funchal.). The event was attended by the Vice President and Minister of economy, competitiveness and tourism of the City Council, Carlos Alonso, the fifth vice president and Minister of Social Action, Cristina Valido, the CEO of SINPROMI, Carmen Rosa Gar-

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

cia and the President of Ashotel José Fernando Cabrera. It is intended to encourage the improvement of the accessibility of tourism infrastructures in order that the proceedings run in the establishments are in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, so as to be functional. The manual makes a journey through the different areas that make up an establishment such as parking, entrances, and interior routes, public toilets, changing rooms, rooms/apartments, pools, furniture and signage. The project combines universal accessibility with such an important sector in Tenerife as tourism, aiming to improve the

quality of tourism and adapting it to current regulations and to the demands of users. In addition, this initiative allows new emerging markets and supports a change in the perception of people of accessibility, an element that helps everyone and not just a minority. The distribution of the manual will be made through a mailing system from SINPROMI, Ashotel and Tourism of Tenerife and the document may be downloaded via web pages and Ashotel/ SINPROMI. In addition, technicians in the area will deliver the manual to various establishments to incorporate the different infrastructures into Tenerife’s guide to accessible tourism.

At last, a property-buying English bonus for ex-pats EN G L I S H -S P EA KI N G property owners and purchasers will be given greater access to property information in English, thanks to the Spanish authorities.

Expatriate home-owners and buyers can now request a Land Registry certificate (nota simple) in English from the Colegio de Registradores (College of Registrars). A certificate, including the translation fee, costs 29 euros (plus VAT) and can be requested from the Colegio de Registradores website Also, a new central government decree, which came into force on7th July, introduces a range of measures the Government says will protect property purchasers and home-owners. It will help to ensure that purchasers have the necessary information in hand to preventing future property problems. Giles Paxman, HM Ambassador to Spain, said: “I welcome these initiatives. Communicating essential information in English, combined with the measures announced in the decree, should help to ensure buyers are accurately informed of any legal issues connected with a property. “However, these measures will not do anything to help existing home-owners who have been experiencing issues with their properties. We will continue to work with the Spanish authorities to ensure these problems are addressed.” British nationals considering buying a property in Spain, or experiencing property problems, are strongly urged to read the wealth of advice on the property section of the UKinSpain website, available athttp://ukinspain.fco. property-in-spain/. The measures announced in the 7th July decree include: *Allowing properties which

are “fuera de ordenación” to be registered on the Land Registry. The decree says this will protect owners who, in many cases, bought in good faith, while retaining the “fuera de ordenación” status and the limitations this implies. *Ensuring that essential information regarding the legality of the property is incorporated into the Land Registry. This means that when purchasers request a “nota simple” from the Land Registry, they will be able to see whether there are, or have been, any legal proceedings against the property, such as proceedings which may result in fines or demolition. It will now be obligatory for town halls to provide registrars with this information. If town halls fail to provide this information, they will be held responsible for economic damages affecting third parties who bought in good faith. *Confirming that it is impossible to acquire rights which contradict land and town planning laws, because of administrative silence (this is also included in the Ley estatal de Suelo). This measure clarifies that a licence cannot be granted through passivity or inaction by town halls. Instead, the transformation, construction and use of land requires administrative authorisation and, if the timeframe for a response expires without the individual receiving authorisation, the lack of a response will be considered as a negative decision. *Increasing protection for purchasers who buy offplan from a developer. The decree states that it is not possible to register a new property on the Land Registry unless it has a licence of first occupation, a construction licence and a technical certificate which states that the property corresponds to the plans for which the licence was granted. The full decree is available at dias/2011/07/07/pdfs/ BOE-A-2011-11641.pdf

Aladdin’s Cave Aladdin’s Cave are pleased to announce that due to recent negotiations direct with the manufacturers they are now able to offer a range of brand new sofa-beds for under 200 euros. There are 3 designs and a range of colours, as well as a choice of fabrics. Ideal for letting properties or the spare room these sofabeds represent the best value available in the market today. Aladdins Cave is situated on the main road between Buzanada and Valle San Lorenzo and is open from 9.30am through till 7.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.30am till 2.00pm on Saturdays. Tel: 922 720493.

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Local News

A Word from our editor Email:


“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”

Santiago del Teide adopts

new recycling measures Santiago del Teide is proposing to implement new control technologies in the collection of paper, cardboard and light packaging. The local Council of the Historic Village of Santiago del Teide,

through its Department of Environment run by Inocencio Doble, has recently joined the “Project for the implementation of control technologies in real time in the collection of paper and cardboard and light packaging.” This new project basically consists of installing tracking

devices and GPS systems in all recycling containers and collection trucks. The information obtained will be converted into software, accessed by the City Council, with which operators can manage more effectively the service of waste collection. Funding for this project is provided by Ecoembes,

through the agreement signed with the Government of the Canary Islands and in its initial phase, starting in the coming months, will include those municipalities where the company Martínez Cano collects, the area of Santiago del Teide, who will be the first to participate.

Villagers facing eviction Adeje bank robbery

The phrase was coined by Charles Caleb Colton back in the 1800’s, colloquially people now say, “copying is the best form of flattery.”

Charles Caleb Colton was an Eton educated graduate, he was selected by the Vicarage of Kew to begin his career as a Reverend, but after 16 years he left to travel. During his life, he produced a substantial body of poetry and prose covering revered subjects such as Napoleon, Nero, Oliver Cromwell Samuel Johnson and Caligula. His most famous works are to be found in a book entitled Lacon or Many Things in Few Words; this was published in London 1826 and is appreciated widely in many literary circles. It is thought the eccentric, gambler killed himself in 1832, aged 52 as he was suffering an illness but feared the surgery. Yes, I appreciate the sentiment of the statement, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” but personally if a person or persons are to observe, research your business or product to the ‘nth degree to imitate you why not do their own thing? Or is it that they haven’t got the ability to think of an original idea? The reason for the topic this week is that I was shocked by actions of a business in China where they set themselves up as ‘Apple’ you know of iPhone fame. Basically the crux of the story is that the Chinese authorities have temporarily closed down

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two of five fake Apple shops found in the southwestern city of Kunming. They have been closed pending an investigation after an American woman living in the region revealed their existence in a blog she posted last week. The woman had stumbled across three shops posing as genuine Apple stores in the city and took pictures of them and posted them on her blog. The stores were modelled on the company’s iconic stores right down to the winding staircase and the staff wearing the customary blue T-shirts, she pointed out. After her blog appeared the Kunming Trade and Industry Bureau inspected more than 300 electronics stores in Kunming and found the five fake Apple stores, the city government’s website said. But action could not be taken on the three other shops she mentioned because, officials said, they did not find any fake Apple products for sale. The blogger, BirdAbroad, says the stores have been shut down because they do not have business licences, not for any more serious claims such as intellectual property right violations. The maker of the iPhone and other hit gadgets has four company stores in China - two in Beijing and two in Shanghai as well as various other outlets. China’s trading partners are urging the country to get a grip of its culture of rampant piracy and widespread production of bogus goods.

Until next week..

Santa Lucia is a small village on the east coast of Tenerife, (just before the tunnels on the way to Santa Cruz) earlier in the year it suffered a rock fall from a natural cave which left residents homeless and the future of the village in the balance, once again, but this time due to safety concerns. Previously and still ongoing Santa Lucia is experiencing problems due to the Ley de Costas being that it is built right on the shoreline. With rumours abounding the incident seems to have come to a head this week with local Guimar Mayor, Rafael Yanes holding meetings with authorities.

Yanes met them last Wednesday in an attempt to alleviate the problems of the 100 resident village. Present were, Jose Antonio Valbuena, representing Cabildo highways, Councillor, Carmen Luisa Castro, Councillor for the Costas, Carlos Guanche, and a representative of the Neighborhood Association of Santa Lucia, headed by Jose Herrera. The Guimar entourage met with the deputy of the Government, José Antonio Batista, and the chief engineer of the Costas, Carlos González, to go through the geotechnical study which has been carried out on the Santa Lucia. The study revealed that fourteen dwellings are to be vacated by residents. The study also suggests safety measures to be carried out in the affected area to prevent further landslides, ranging from mesh to reinforcing the walls. The problem is that these works can not be carried out until permission is obtained from the Directorate General of Costas.

Last Wednesday a customer was robbed as they waited to pay in a substantial amount of money into the Banca March, Fanabe Plaza, Adeje.

The incident occurred early in the morning on Avenida Brussels, in the urbanisation Playa Fanabe Costa Adeje. The victim was carrying a blue backpack, containing 6,000 euros, which the robber stole. Eventually the robber (OTGD) was caught in the Malpaso area of Arona. The National Police arrested a man aged 40 years as the alleged perpetrator of a robbery in Adeje, where he managed a haul of almost 6,000 euros. The thief ran towards

the resort Castalia Park, in front of the Jacaranda hotel. At that moment, a National Police patrol was passing by and saw a man fleeing, while another shouted that that they had just stolen a backpack. A dramatic chase took place on the TF1 motorway, with the getaway car – a Renault Megane - driven by a woman, an officer was also injured in the incident, and, damage to a Police car. The car initially sped off towards San Lorenzo Valley and Cabo Blanco, via Guaza. It looks as if the robber knew the victim’s movements and laid in wait. Police retrieved the backpack and the individual has been charged with aggravated robbery.

Clegg maintains

Spanish relations! BRITISH Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg met PP leader Mariano Rajoy yesterday (Thursday) in Madrid, just three days after David Cameron’s meeting Spanish PM José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero in London. Clegg’s meeting, at his own request, took place at the Partido Popular headquarters in Madrid. The Lib-Dem leader, whose wife, Miriam González, is from Valladolid and whose father is an ex PP Senator, is in Spain on a private visit with his family. The two men also met last

year when Clegg was on an official trip to Madrid, shortly after forming the coalition government with Cameron’s Tories. Clegg, who speaks fluent Spanish, also met Zapatero then. Rajoy entertained Clegg at his office in Génova, where they discussed the economic situation affecting Spain, the UK and the EU. They agreed on the need for structural reforms as the way forward towards economic growth and increased employment. Clegg and Rajoy also spoke of bilateral relations and Spanish investment in the UK, and the Spanish minister is understood to have underlined the importance of British visitors to Spain’s tourism sector.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Local News

New Romanians need contracts ROMANIANS seeking employment in Spain will need a work permit again - but just for a while. The Government says it is a “strictly technical” measure and does not affect people from Romania already living

and working in Spain with just a NIE number. But new arrivals will be granted work permits only if they have a job contract awaiting - a decision based on the current job market in Spain. European Commission spokesman David Boublil said Spain was not actually

authorised to apply new restrictions to Romanian workers in the country. Government spokesman José Blanco said the EU had previously allowed for a “transition” period until 2014 for the “full integration” of Romanian workers in other member States.

Bank of Spain to the rescue again THE Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo (CAM) whose head office is in Alicante has become the third savings bank to be rescued by the Bank of Spain. The board of directors has been sacked and the Bank of Spain has sent in the same three-man team who saved CajaSur last year to perform another rescue act. Now, the FROB bank emergency rescue fund will inject 2.8 billion euros into the savings bank via the subscription to shares and the granting of a new line of credit of another three billion euros. The CAM was one of five Spanish banks to fail the European Stress Tests last week and this rescue mission follows previous interventions in

the Caja Castilla-La Mancha in 2009 and CajaSur last year. The intervention in the CAM came because the savings bank was facing increasing liquidity and solvency problems. Once it has been stabilised, the Bank of Spain will auction its participation to the highest bidder. As the caja savings banks cannot trade on the stock market, they have had to convert into banks to exchange shares for injections of public money. Personal savings are guaranteed by the Government’s Deposit Guarantee Fund, which covers investors to 100,000 euros per bank. It protects money in savings

and deposit accounts, but does not cover investments in products with a fixed or variable income. But the size of the FROB credit means that every client’s savings should be protected. The intervention, sought by the Cam, went ahead because the savings bank had no alternative plan. It came 10 days after the Bank of Spain gave the bank 10 days to present a new plan to strengthen their financial situation. Elena Salgado the Government’s Minister for Tax and the Economy, says the news will have no effect on the markets as the decision strengthens the financial sector.

Regeneration programme heading for coastal areas THE Regeneration Area Convention, launched by Tourism Tenerife in 2007 with the support of the Cabildo and hotels association Ashotel, has been extended to 2012. It embraces the Arona and Adeje municipalities in the South, and this week extended its scope to cover coastal areas. The group was set up to develop the Island’s tourist

towns with improvements to beaches, promenades and green spaces. It also covers roads where there is a large influx of tourists, plus motorway links. The Convention’s Monitoring Committee met this week, chaired by Carlos Alonso, Vice-president and Chief Executive of Tenerife Tourism, who welcomed new Tourism Councillors Francisco Niño (Arona) and Rafael Dolado (Adeje). On top of the 173 projects

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

already carried out throughout the Island, several new schemes are in place. These include the remodelling of the Los Tarajales beach in Arona, and a dozen works in Adeje, such as improving the condition of the Barranco del agua and design improvements to Calle Londres. They also take in street improvements to Arona’s Arquitecto Gomez Cuesta, plus some parking areas and the town’s football pitch.

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Local News

News in Brief Adeje’s Canaries Cup event ADEJE will host the pre-Olympic Beach Volleyball tournament for the Continental Canaries Cup between 30th September and 2nd October as part of the new “Dinamisation Plan” for tourism, commerce, society and sports in South Tenerife.

Chimps’ home is given a new look

Blood donors required TENERIFE Health authorities are promoting a two-month blood-donor campaign under the slogan De mi para ti (From me to you), with TV and radio coverage, along with posters and extra mobile transport to accommodate the anticipated increase in donors.

Cruising for a bumper season TOURIST bosses are anticipating a hugely-successful cruiseship season this winter, with Santa Cruz awaiting the arrival of 89.000 passengers at the port - an increase of 15% on 2010 and fast-becoming a fundamental source of income to the Island.

With this in mind, the newly-formed Santa Cruz Council is set to make the famous Plaza España more attractive to tourists by doubling the frequency of the lake’s geyser activity. It will now spurt for 10 out of every 15 minutes, with illumination at weekends. The square is the first attraction visitors encounter when they step ashore.

Better deal for disabled SINPROMI, the Society for the Promotion of the Disabled, and Ashotel, the hotels’ association, have presented the Cabildo with a manual recommending improvement of accommodation accessibility and facilities such as entrances, parking, toilets, pools and furniture. Tenerife Tourism will make the document available publicly to download.

New-wave Surf Academy FOLLOWING the demolition of Playa Honda’s Aloha Tenerife Surf Academy’s premises in Playa de Las Americas, a new beach bar (chiringuito) is being built.

It will enable the Academy team to carry on offering free surf, taichi, yoga and pilates lessons to residents and tourists alike.

Town’s new market boost VALLE SAN LORENZO’S new one-million-euro Agricultural Market, capable of housing 82 local vendors and creating almost 100 jobs, is nearly ready for occupation. The project, complete with parking facilities and a playroom, plans several promotions to encourage tourists to buy Canarian products.

Tourist figures on the up MORE than 2.5 million visitors came to Tenerife in the first six months of the year, which was a 7% improvement on last year’s figures overall, with 21% more foreigners visiting the North and 15% in the South. There was a huge increase in the number of French (38%), Italians (42%) and, unsurprisingly, 43% more Russians.

Cabildo to train jobless THE Cabildo is to train 149 jobless building workers for employment in other sectors within the Government, such as agriculture, human resources, social well-being and the environment. The initiative, instigated to boost confidence, will last three months and, if successful, will continue throughout the year.

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LORO LARQUE, in addition added a spruced-up encloto opening a new aviary sure for the chimpanzees. for macaws to celebrate The chimps were originally confiscated from street photographers, who used the International Year of them in the Eighties for photographs Forests recently, has now with tourists.

Another great sight at the park is the arrival of 10 big African spurred tortoises (geochelone sulcata). They are ancient reptiles who have survived throughout the centuries and will add to the splendour of this major tourist attraction.

Tourist figures buoyant According to new figures published by the Frontier Tourist Movement Survey (FRONTUR) drafted by the Institute for Tourism Studies of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, 24.8 million foreign tourists came to Spain in the first half of 2011, up 7.5% on the same period of last year. The flow of inbound tourists grew by 8.5% in June to a total of more than 5.7 million. These figures confirm the positive trend being reflected in Spanish tourism. Inbound tourists from the United Kingdom were responsible for the most noticeable increase in absolute terms in June. 80,000 more British tourists came to Spain in June 2011 than did in June 2010. The second-largest market in terms of volume in June was Germany, which accounted for 17.1% of all inbound tourists. This is an increase of 0.9% and was particularly felt in the Balearic Islands and Catalonia. However, a decline of 1.8% was

recorded over the first five months of the year in terms of inbound German tourists. The arrival of 760,000 French tourists in June represents an increase of 8.9%. This result was felt across all destinations autonomous regions except Catalonia, usually their top destination. Inbound French tourists increased by 4.9% between January and June. Performance by the Dutch market was also particularly good in June, recording growth of 20%. Inbound tourists from the Netherlands over the first six months of year increased by 23.6%. The number of inbound tourists from Ireland also grew significantly in June, up by 15.1% on the same month of 2010. In absolute terms, 171,734 Irish tourists came to Spain in June and, over the first six months of the year, this number grew by 13.7%. Switzerland recorded growth of 29.8% in June and 13.1% for the first six months of the year. The Nordic Countries recorded growth of 5.2% in June and 18.1% for the first six months of the year. Finally, the number of inbound tourists from the United States also increased in June. The number of tourists visiting Spain from the rest of America in-

creased by 29.4% and from the rest of the world by 29.8%. The main Spanish destination for June was the Balearic Islands. 1.5 million foreign tourists visited the autonomous region, up 12.3% on the same period of last year. Catalonia was the second most popular tourist destination in June with 1.4 million people, up 24.6%. So far this year, the autonomous region has received six million foreign tourists. Andalusia recorded 10.3% more tourists in June thanks to the greater influx of British and Nordic tourists, among the leading markets. From January to June, the autonomous region has recorded growth of 14.4%. The Canary Islands recorded significant growth of 15% this month to a total of 666,381 tourists, mainly the result of inbound tourists from the United Kingdom. Over the first six months of the year, the Canary Islands recorded growth of 20.1%. Specifically in relation to Tenerife the total number of tourists who stayed in June on the island was 381,406, which represented an increase of 1.7% over the same month of 2010. The arrival of foreign tourists to Tenerife continues and ended June with 258 695 foreign

tourists, which represented an increase of 12.2%. The northern zone is accumulating a larger increase in this segment, 20.2% ahead of even the south of Tenerife, with 11.8%. The UK market grew by month, with a total of 134,260 accommodated in June, up 11.7%, while Germany, in May after a negative, it returned to positive figures, an increase of 18.5 %. Other markets also experienced substantial increases, like the French, with a 47.4% Italian, 11.4%, Swiss, 20.5%, or Russian, 51%. During the first six months of the year, Tenerife has received a total of 2,471,622 tourists staying, representing an increase of 6.8% over the same period in 2010. The arrival of domestic tourists decreased by 14.7% compared to 15.6% increase in foreign visitors. The vice president and chief executive of the Cabildo Insular de Turismo, Carlos Alonso, highlighted the excellent performance of foreign markets. The Minister praised also reported positive data on overnight stays and occupation because “they are good news for the island because they are indicators that make the profitability for the industry.”

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Local News

King of Thailand honours his Canary Islands consul WOLFGANG KIESSLING, Honorary Consul of Thailand in the Canary Islands, has been made a Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant of Thailand. It is one of the highest decorations awarded by the Royal

House of Thailand to citizens who have demonstrated their respect for the people there, spreading the tradition and culture of this ancient country. The ceremony, held at the Hotel Botánico in Puerto de la Cruz, was hosted by Kulkumut Singhara Na Ayudhaya, the Ambassador of Thailand, who travelled to Tenerife especially to hand

over the award on behalf of the King, Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX). Cabildo President Ricardo Melchior and various civil and consulates authorities were also present. After the ceremony, guests congratulated the Consul and businessman, who has helped strengthen bilateral ties between Thailand and Spain for more than 35 years.

Telefonica axe to drop on 6,500 in three years TELECOMS group Telefonica is shedding 6,500 employees in Spain over the next three years. The news comes together with the company’s announcement of a 16.2% drop in net profts for the first half of the year to 3,162 billion euros. The employees represent about 20% of the staff in Spain, where the group has

about 30,000 staff out of a worldwide workforce of 269,000 people. The group last year posted a record net profit of 10.2 billion euros, up nearly 31%, despite Spain’s financial mess, following strong growth in the rest of Europe and Latin America, where it is established in 25 markets. Telefonica, the secondbiggest telecommunications operator in Europe

behind Britain’s Vodafone, has blamed a downward revaluation of its stake in Telecom Italia on its decline in profits.

Brit accused of killing girlfriend here is flown back to Newcastle A 51-YEAR-OLD man, charged with murdering his girlfriend in Tenerife, has been flown back to the UK by police. Andrew Crowther was arrested in August 2007 after Margaret Manley was found strangled and stabbed in his Los Cris-

tianos apartment. He was said to have walked into the bar below, covered in blood, and asked: “Where do I live?” Mr Crowther, who was then 47, denied murdering 40-year-old Mary, from Belfast, and told the Tenerife court he did not remember anything. He is believed to have

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

been sent to a psychiatric unit and has never stood trial. Now Mr Crowther, of Washington, Tyne and Wear, is being assessed in a British hospital. Police said simply: “Northumbria police helped facilitate the pre-arranged transportation of a passenger arriving at Newcastle airport.”

The Claddagh Enjoy the craic! DONEGAL’S Deirdre O’Reilly, on a break from the Riverdance show until September, will be demonstrating her dazzling Irish dancing over the weekend, from this evening (Friday), at The Claddagh, in Los Cristianos. And if you enjoy traditional Irish music and dance, then that’s the place to be for the bar’s Shindig in the Sun, in San Telmo. It promises to be one of the highlights of the year, certainly for the Irish, with owner Gerry Higgins, the resident singer and multi-musician, and all the gang, performing. The whole weekend of music will be interrupted only by the televised Gaelic football in the GAA on Sunday afternoon. For more info, check out Facebook, Claddagh Tenerife

Proyecto La Pecera de Jonathan The Youth Council of the Municipality of Arona, has launched a project called “ Proyecto La Pecera de Jonathan” whose main objective is to offer guidance, support and solutions to the problems of youth in the municipality, through an approach of being friendly, open, non-judgmental and totally secret.

This project will develop in the Youth Centre of El Fraile. To participate you must meet the following requirements: be between 14 and 26 years, resident in the municipality of Arona and have the Arona Youth Card. The Youth Department are fully committed to this project providing guidance, support and solutions to the

problems of youth within the municipality.

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Local News

Keep your eyes peeled for fugitives aiming for Spain THE UK’s Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) has asked holiday-makers and ex-pats on the Spanish Costas to be on the look-out for two Merseyside fugitives. Kirk Bradley and Anthony Downes escaped on Monday, 18th July, when the prison van they were travelling in was attacked by a masked gang, armed with guns and baseball bats. They were on their way from Manchester’s Strangeways Prison to Liverpool Crown Court to face firearms charges. The security van driver and his passenger were taken to hospital but were not badly hurt. The attackers escaped with the prisoners in a car. Because of their long-standing

links, SOCA believes the men may be heading for Spain – and could even be there already. The pair were on trial alongside four others, accused,of being part of a “criminal team” who used guns and grenades in a two-year “campaign of violence” against underworld rivals. The trial, which had already run for 11 weeks, collapsed against the remaining defendants following their escape. Downes is known to be an associate of Kevin Parle, another fugitive on the Crimestoppers “most-wanted” list, who is thought to be in Spain and is wanted in connection with two murders in Liverpool. Frank Francis, from SOCA, said: ”These are dangerous men and it is very important that nobody approaches them. We are asking people who think they may have seen

them to call Crimestoppers, either in Spain or in the UK. “You can do this free, and completely anonymously. Our priority is getting these two back into custody as soon as possible.” Bradley is 25 years old, 5ft10ins, built in proportion, with green eyes and cropped, black hair. He has a Liverpool accent. Downes, also known to associ-

ates as Fat Tony, is 24 years old, 5ft 7ins, with blue eyes short, straight, dark hair and a Scouser as well.. Contact Crimestoppers in Spain on 900 555 111. Your call will be answered in the UK by a Crimestoppers agent. For Crimestoppers in the UK, call 0800 555 111. You can also pass on information via the Crimestoppers website: www.

We’d rather take the tram than drive, say customers TENERIFE’S Santa Cruz Tram service cuts out three million car journeys a year and gets an appreciative 8.12 out of ten rating from customers. The most important aspects to be gleaned from a survey covering the first six months of the year are punctuality and frequency, followed by accessibility and security. Cabildo Vice-President Carlos Alonso and Andrés Muñoz, Minister of Economy and Competitiveness, who is also Manager of the Metropolitan, released the findings of the survey on Monday. It was conducted by B & G Consulting, in collaboration with the Metropolitan’s commercial department, A total of 1,348 interviews took place at the 25 light rail stops, and 49 additional questionnaires were completed for members of ONCE, the Spanish Organisation of the Blind, who praised the cleaning and care received. As for the effects of the tram in the commercial sec-

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tor, 93% of users consider this form of transport to be extremely important to close trade, promoting its growth, accessibility and essential factor for development. The data also reveals that 62% of women rely on the tram to move around the

metropolitan area and, of all passengers surveyed, 31% were workers and 29% students. Weyler, La Trinidad, Cruz del Señor and The Guimerá theatre are still the most popular destinations for tram travellers. Some of areas for im-

provement are related to prices and new stops, growth in network and security improvements at night. And half suggestions by ONCE concern better information at bus stops and vending machines for improved accessibility.

Peking pound

The Spanish Minister for Industry, Tourism and Trade, Miguel Sebastián, presented the Tourism Plan: China in Beijing on Wednesday, 27 July, the goal of which is to increase the number of Chinese tourists that visit Spain to 300,000 in 2012 and to one million in 2020. The Spanish Minister for Industry, Tourism and Trade, who was accompanied by the Secretary-General for Tourism and Domestic Trade, Joan Mesquida, expressed confidence regarding these figures because “there is still a great untapped potential for both China and Spain to get to know one another better”. This forecast to increase the flow of tourists visiting Spain will enable significantly better awareness about Spain in China and about China in Spain. This will lead to a greater desire among the Chinese population to discover more about Spain. Spain is the country with the highest level of tourist loyalty - up to 84% of the people who visit Spain have been before and 41% have been before on ten or more occasions. Miguel Sebastián believes that the Tourism Plan: China will enable the bottlenecks that stifle the flow of tourists between Spain and China to be removed whilst also increasing knowledge about the needs and tastes of Chinese tourists in Spain and awareness about Spain in China. Miguel Sebastián also stressed that “the companies operating in the sector have become aware of the opportunities springing up before their eyes and are joining forces to adapt to this new reality”. Good examples of this fact are the recent partnerships between Sol Meliá and Jun Jiang Hotels and between NH Hoteles and HNA.

The Minister for Industry says that one of the outstanding milestones within this plan will be the speeding up of the visa issue process. In fact, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade has been working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation for some time on increasing the number of staff at the consulates in Beijing, Shanghai and Canton. Three core areas for action The Tourism Plan: China goes much further than simply increasing the efficiency of the visa issue process and includes other actions that will follow three main lines: Increasing air connectivity between Spain and China; Adapting the Spanish tourism offer to the requirements of Chinese demand; and an advanced marketing, image and brand positioning strategy for Spain in China. One of the first actions defined by the Plan is to increase knowledge about Spain in China will be the tour around the county by Real Madrid next week. Plans are also in place to hold the Samaranch Trophy, where the national football teams of Spain and China will play one another. The presentation of this Plan clearly demonstrates the Spanish Government’s interest, through the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, in the Chinese market - one of the markets showing the greatest potential for growth in the world. 102,000 Chinese tourists visited Spain in 2010. The number of tourists coming over from China has increased five-fold in the last ten years (2000-2010). Spain has two Tourist Offices in China: one in Beijing and another in Canton. These offices carried out 73 promotional activities last year, they took part in four tourism trade fairs in China and they worked with 177 Chinese travel agencies. Their work reached 100,000 consumers with a budget of 750,000 euros in 2010.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011


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World News

Norway massacre suspect Phone-hacking inquiry has weird prison requests plans are announced Anders Breivik, the 32-year-old suspected of killing 76 people in Norway last Friday, has made several unusual demands while in solitary confinement. He has asked for special food, access to his manifesto, permission to view the controversial website Wikileaks, as well as a laptop. During his time in solitary confinement, Breivik is not allowed access to television or newspapers or anything from the outside world. Meanwhile Norway’s prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, has launched an independent review into the car bomb attack and shooting massacre that left at least 76 people dead. As searches for bodies continue in the waters around the island of Utoya, further questions are being asked of the police, who many have accused of taking too long to reach the scene. It took officers an hour to arrive on the island - where youths were taking part in a summer camp - as there was no helicopter available. But the response-time controversy deepened when it was revealed at a news conference that officers racing to Utoya had to use two civilian boats after their own vessel had engine trouble. Mr Stoltenberg has announced an independent review into the mass killings - and anti-terror experts from across Europe will meet to examine ways to prevent a similar tragedy

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occurring. It has also emerged that Breivik was almost shot by police as they came faceto-face on the island of Utoya. Officers were ready to open fire on the 32-yearold because they believed he could be wearing a suicide bomber vest. “The situation was very tense, and they couldn’t see the way he was clothed,” said Anders Snortheimsmoen, the head of the antiterror unit that arrested Breivik. Moments later, Breivik surrendered with his hands raised high above his head following a killing spree that has left 68 people dead or unaccounted for. The eight members of Oslo’s anti-terror squad and two local police officers saw shots being fired from the southern tip of the island into the water. Some of those who had gathered for the Labour Party camp had jumped into Tyrifjorden lake to escape the gunman. Haavard Gaasbakk, one of the local police officers, said: “We can see ammunition hit the water, and we hear the cracks.” They landed the boat and ran about 350 metres, yell-

ing “armed police” to draw the gunman’s attention. Parents of youngest victim Sharidyn Meegan Ngahiwi Svebakk-Bohn Mr Gaasbakk said: “We come to a forested area and the suspect stands there right in front of us with his hands high above his head.” The shooter’s weapon – a semi-automatic rifle that had been modified to make it automatic – was on the ground a few feet behind him. Mr Gaasbakk said some members of the team detained the suspect, while the others started administering first aid to the wounded. More police arrived, followed by doctors and volunteers from the area who used their private boats to ferry survivors to the mainland. “There was a flood of evacuated people who came running or were carried by police,” he said. “I’m proud and humbled by the crews that were there and contributed. They showed determination and courage the whole way.” Breivik’s lawyer said on Tuesday his client had expected police to detain him sooner. He has confessed to the killings but denies the terrorism charges against him. Meanwhile on Wednesday night, a New Zealander was confirmed to have been killed in the massacre. It is thought that Sharidyn Meegan Ngahiwi Svebakk-Bohn, who had just turned 14, is the youngest victim so far. “It is with great sadness and pain that today we got the message we have feared would come through: our beloved daughter Sharidyn Meegan Ngahiwi SvebakkBohn is confirmed dead,” her parents said in a statement.

The judge leading the public inquiry into the phone-hacking scandal has said he will use statutory powers to compel witnesses to tesitfy where appropriate.

Lord Justice Leveson also revealed the first public meetings will be held in September. As the inquiry panel met for the first time in central London, the senior judge appealed to the press and others not to close ranks, but to think of the greater public good and co-operate with his inquiry.

Lord Justice Leveson warned witnesses to expect legal letters ordering them to appear before the inquiry. The notices will be sent out in “waves” but “no discourtesy is intended” and “no conclusions should be drawn”, he insisted. The second section of the inquiry will look at the specific phone hacking allegations that arose in the wake of the scandal at the News of the World. But it will only begin once the police investigation have been completed. The inquiry panel are likely to have their work cut out

tion of the entire profession, including those from the broadcast media, will be involved in the discussion.” He added: “It may be tempting for a number of people to close ranks and suggest that the problem is or was local to a group of journalists then operating at the News of the World. “But I would encourage all to take a wider view of the public good and help me grapple with the width and depth of the problem.” The inquiry was announced on July 13 by Prime Minister David Cameron, who insisted it would be a “robust” in-

Lord Justice Leveson also indicated the panel could miss the 12 month deadline for producing the first report because the terms of reference “grew very substantially” after the Prime Minister’s initial statement announcing a probe. He said he would “strive” to meet that deadline, but “not at all costs”. The inquiry will focus initially on the relationship between the press and public, as well as press regulation. The relationship the media has with police and politicians will be looked at later in the inquiry process.

for them, both in terms of keeping the probe on track and ensuring its scope does not widen even further to an unmanageable level. A series of seminars will be held in October looking at law, media ethics and the practice and pressures of investigative journalism for broadsheet and tabloid newspapers. Lord Justice Leveson said: “At some stage, there needs to be a discussion of what amounts to the public good, to what extent the public interest should be used.” He said: “I hope that an appropriate cross sec-

vestigation into illegal press practices and police failures. The single inquiry replaced his previous proposal for two separate investigations and followed discussions with Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Labour leader Ed Miliband. Lord Justice Leveson, 62, is a very experienced high court judge. He prosecuted serial killer Rose West, and was the senior presiding judge in England and Wales between 2006 and 2009. He heads a panel of experts from the legal, media, political and policing professions.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Airbrushed ads banned

World News

Monte Carlo crash

Airbrushed make-up adverts featuring actress Julia Roberts and model Christy Turlington have been banned after complaints they are misleading. Beauty firm L’Oreal has been forced to withdraw the images used in its Lancome and Maybelline magazine campaigns. It follows a complaint from Lib Dem MP Jo Swinson who argued the pictures were “not representative of the results the products could achieve” because they had been digitally manipulated. She claimed they place unneccessary pressure on women and young girls who compare themselves with the images. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) agreed the pictures breach its code on misleading and exaggeration. L’Oreal’s two-page advert featuring 43-year-old actress Roberts, who is the face of Lancome, promoted a foundation called Teint Miracle. The ad claimed the foundation “recreates the aura of perfect skin”. The ASA said: “On the basis of the evidence we had received we could not conclude that

the ad image accurately illustrated what effect the product could achieve and that the image had not been exaggerated by digital post production techniques.” L’Oreal admitted post production techniques had been used but insisted the picture was an accurate representation of her “naturally healthy and glowing skin”, adding the product had taken 10 years to develop. Meanwhile former Calvin Klein model Turlington, 42, was promoting Maybelline’s “antiageing” foundation called The Eraser. Parts of her face had been apparently covered with the

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

foundation while other areas were left natural to show the effects of the product. The text claimed the product: “Conceals instantly, visibly, precisely... covers dark circles and fine lines to help conceal crow’s feet - as if erased!” L’Oreal admitted the image had been digitally retouched to “lighten the skin, clean up make-up, reduce dark shadows and shading around the eyes, smooth the lips and darken the eyebrows”. But the beauty firm said it believed the image accurately illustrated the results the product could achieve. Jo Swinson MP and equalities

minister Lynne Featherstone MP have set up the Campaign for Body Confidence and have called on advertisers to be honest about their use of airbrushing. She welcomed the ban, saying: “This ruling demonstrates that the advertising regulator is acknowledging the dishonest and misleading nature of excessive retouching. “Pictures of flawless skin and super-slim bodies are all around but they don’t reflect reality. “With one in four people feeling depressed about their body, it’s time to consider how these idealised images are distorting our idea of beauty.”

A driver in Monte Carlo had an astonishingly expensive morning when she went for an outing in the high street. The woman caused a £700,000 five-car pile-up in the Monaco capital as she drove her blue Bentley down the main route of the Place du Casino. She managed to drive the £250,000 Azure into a host of other equally expensive cars. She came into contact with a £75,000 Mercedes Benz, a £143,000 Ferrari 430, a

£150,000 Aston Martin Rapide and an £80,000 Porsche. The Mercedes was the first victim as the Bentley scraped down the side of it before ploughing into the Ferrari. From there, she moved on to the Aston Martin Rapide and the Porsche. The driver and her two passengers then became trapped in their own car as tourists gathered to photograph the event. A policeman eventually stepped in but, unfortunately, it was too late to spare the poor driver’s blushes.

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World News

Designer McQueen left £50k to care for his pets Fashion designer Alexander McQueen left £50,000 of his £16m fortune for the care of his beloved pet dogs, it has emerged. The money will be put into a trust for the upkeep of his three dogs, Minter, Juice and Callum, for the rest of their lives. McQueen committed suicide nearly 18 months ago at the age of 40, leaving behind a fortune of just over £16m. He hanged himself after taking cocaine, sleeping pills and tranquillisers on February 11 last year, the day before his mother Joyce’s funeral. In documents made public on Tuesday, it was revealed that McQueen also left £100,000 each to the animal charities Blue Cross and Battersea Dogs & Cats Home. His housekeepers Marlene and Cesar Garcia were given £50,000 each for their “long and faithful service”. It was Cesar Garcia who discovered McQueen’s body.

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The designer, who struggled with depression, also left £50,000 to his godson and each of his nieces and nephews, and £250,000 to each of his three sisters and two brothers. The Terrence Higgins Trust and London Buddhist Centre each received £100,000, like the animal charities. McQueen left the remainder of his estate in a trust for his Sarabande charity, which shares a name with his spring/summer 2007 collection. He asked the charity to consider using this money to fund bursaries or grants for students at Central St Martin’s College of Art and Design in London, where he studied. McQueen, known as Lee to friends and family, was born in London’s East End. He left school at 16 but quickly rose through the fashion industry to become one of the world’s leading designers.

The inquest into his death heard that police found a book at the designer’s flat

on the back of which he had scribbled: “Look after my dogs, sorry, I love you, Lee.”

Record £1bn seized from organised criminals The Government has redesigned its plans to deal with organised crime after a record £1bn haul of cash and goods was seized from gangsters. The aim is to take a tougher approach while at the same time reducing the cost to the taxpayer. Detective Inspector Paul Wenlock, from Leicestershire Police, said: “There’s a move to use financial investigation more and more. “That will obviously identify further assets - and from those assets we can take away from the criminals. “That’s a deterrent, and it shows the public we’re interacting with these criminals and taking cash out of crime.” Organised crime gangs cost the taxpayer up to £40bn a year. In 2010, more than £161m in cash and assets were seized and around £800m was frozen in bank accounts. Of the total, £49m was returned to victims. We will ensure that those who commit serious and or-

ganised crime are tracked down, pursued, brought to justice and their ill-gotten gains are stripped away. Some of the items taken from drugs traffickers, car thieves and fraudsters have been stored at a secret location in Leicestershire. They include cars, expensive jewellery and designer clothing, as well as bikes, skateboards, books and even children’s car seats. It is all sold on eBay and the money made is used to fight crime. David Hargrave, who runs the warehouse, said: “Our turnover is just short of £500,000. Electrical items always sell well, jewellery sells very, very well - and, of course, so do the high-quality cars and plasma TVs.” But the Government has admitted more needs to be done. Home Office minister James Brokenshire said: “We will ensure that those who commit serious and organised crime are tracked down, pursued, brought to justice and their ill-gotten gains are stripped away.”

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

World News

Chelsea to probe racist abuse slur Premier League club Chelsea are accusing some Malaysian fans of anti-Semitism after claims one of its players was abused during a pre-season friendly in Kuala Lumpur.

Israel international Yossi Benayoun was jeered by a section of the 33,900 crowd every time he touched the ball during his side’s match against a Malaysian XI last Thursday. Around 60% of Malaysia’s population is Muslim and the country does not recognise Israel, having no diplomatic ties with the state. Chelsea has confirmed it has now made an official complaint to the Malaysian FA. The club said in a statement: “We believe Yossi was subjected to anti-Semitic abuse by a num-

ber of supporters at the game. Such behaviour is offensive, totally unacceptable and has no place in football.” Chelsea had initially asked for time to investigate before deciding whether to act. “At the time it was initially unclear as to the nature of the abuse Yossi received, as several players from both teams experienced similar treatment, sometimes louder and longer. “However, having taken time

to consider the issue fully, it has become apparent that a formal complaint was necessary.” Chelsea have been quick to point out it was a minority of fans who taunted Benayoun. “Our stay in Malaysia was, on the whole, a very positive experience for all the team travelling on the pre-season tour. “It is a shame, therefore, that the behaviour of a minority of supporters is also a memory we take away.”

Shopkeeper, 72, quizzed

- after ‘robber’ is killed A 72-year-old shopkeeper held on suspicion of murder after a man trying to rob his flower shop was stabbed to death is set to be questioned by police. The man - named locally as Cecil Coley - is believed to have been involved in an altercation when a number of men entered his store in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, on Tuesday evening. Police were called to the shop in Shrewsbury Street following reports that a man had been injured. A 30-year-old man found at the scene was taken to hospital with a stab wound but died a short time later. Greater Manchester Police said a 19-year-old man presented himself at Manchester Royal Infirmary with stab wounds following the incident, before being arrested on suspicion of robbery. He remains in hospital along with the arrested shopkeeper, who was also injured in the attempted robbery - but will be spoken to by police in due course. Shrewsbury Street was cordoned off following the incident while scenes of crime officers carried out forensic investigations at the shop.

Mr Coley’s nephew, Glen Simms, 49, described the shopkeeper as a “hard worker”. Mr Simms said his uncle had had the shop premises for 40 years, keeping it open through various business ventures, including a dressmaker’s and a fancy goods shop. “He was like a father to me,” the nephew said. “None of the family have been able to speak to him in hospital and see that he’s okay. His health is a huge worry for all of us.” I would like to reassure residents that we do not believe there is any danger to the community. Mr Simms added: “I heard that two men went in to rob the shop and that my uncle was there with a friend. “It appears they were attacked and my uncle acted to defend himself.” Resident, Lee Spiby, 30, said he tried to do CPR on the man who had been stabbed. He added: “It’s terrible. I am gutted I couldn’t save him. There was nothing I could do. I tried my

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

best.” Shauna Smith, 17, said Mr Coley was known as ‘Pudding’ because he used to make “slushies” crushed ice drinks - and described him as a “very nice and lovely man”. Resident Manmohan Singh, 57, said Mr Coley was also known by the nickname ‘Pops’. He added: “He is a very nice man. I have known him for years and years. He has never been a violent sort of person.” Chief Superintendent Mark Roberts, from GMP’s Trafford Division, said the shopkeeper’s injuries are “not life threatening”. He said a gun had been found at the scene, which is being forensically examined. Police said two people were in the shop “legitimately” at the time it was raided. Mr Roberts added: “I would like to reassure residents that we do not believe there is any danger to the community and would urge anyone who may have seen something to contact us.”

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World News

Film to tell rescued Chilean miners’ story The extraordinary story of the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped underground for 69 days is to be turned into a film. The movie will recount the events surrounding the collapse of the mine near Copiapo last year and the efforts to rescue the men who were finally pulled to freedom as the world watched. The deal has been struck by Academy Award-nominated producer Mike Medavoy who has worked on films such as ‘Shutter Island’ and ‘Black Swan’.

He said: “Like millions of people around the world, I was completely engrossed watching the rescue at Copiapo. At its heart, this is a story about the triumph of the human spirit and a testament to the courage and perseverance of the Chilean people. I can’t think of a better story than this one to bring to the screen.” Miner Juan Andres Illanes said: “One year after the collapse of the mine, we consider this to be a great step towards the realisation of a film based on our experience in the mine. This is the only official and authorised film about

what we lived in the San Jose mine. Much of our story has never been told.” Jose Rivera who penned the screenplay for ‘Motorcycle Diaries’ is due to write the film script. In parallel to the film, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Hector Tobar is writing the official book on the miners’ story, using never before divulged details, including material from the diary of miner Víctor Segovia, written during his time under ground, which has being kept strictly under wraps up to this point. Production on the film is scheduled to start in 2012.

UK Broadband speed has 10% jump in six months The average broadband speed in Britain has jumped by 10% in half a year - but consumers still are not getting the speeds they pay for, new research shows. Media regulator Ofcom found the typical broadband user in

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the UK got a speed of 6.8 megabits per second in May this year, up from 6.2 last November. And almost half of residential broadband users were on packages with advertised speeds above 10mb/s in May, compared with just 8% in April 2009.

However, as average speeds rise, so do suppliers’ claims. The average advertised speed in May 2011 was 15mb/s, compared with 13.8mb/s six months earlier. That suggests the gap between actual speeds and advertised ‘up to’ speeds has widened. Chris Williams of comparison site said it was “encouraging” to see broadband speeds increase but “equally dispiriting” to see the advertising gap widen. “It’s important that providers do all they can to ensure subscribers get what they’re paying for,” he said. “That’s something which will be assisted by the continued roll-out of superfast fibre broadband services which are capable of delivering higher speeds than the old copper ADSL telephone lines.” Ofcom’s report found superfast broadband is now available to most UK homes and availability continues to grow.

Honeymoon murder: Two are guilty of killing Brits Two men have been convicted of murdering British honeymoon couple Ben and Catherine Mullany on the island of Antigua.

Kaniel Martin, 23, and Avie Howell, 20, shot the Mullanys in their chalet in 2008. The pair, who refused to face questioning in court, had protested their innocence throughout their two-month trial, which saw more than 90 witnesses give evidence. But the men have been found guilty by a jury in Antigua’s High Court in St John’s. The pair were also charged with murdering 43-year-old Jamaican shopkeeper Woneta Anderson. Mr and Mrs Mullany’s parents broke down in tears as the jury delivered its verdicts. The family said it would never be able to comprehend the nature of the couple’s deaths. A statement said: “There is no joy at today’s verdict, just a sense of relief that after three years of waiting there is justice for our children - and for Woneta Anderson and her family.

“These two individuals can never again inflict the same anguish and devastation to any other family as they have to ours.” Mr Mullany, a student physiotherapist, and Mrs Mullany, a doctor, who were staying in the five-star Cocos Hotel, had only been married just over two weeks. Mrs Mullany died instantly. Mr Mullany was flown back home to south Wales in a desperate attempt to save his life. But despite the efforts of his wife’s medical colleagues in Swansea his life-support was turned off a week after he had been shot. The couple were buried in the grounds of the same church where they had married. It took almost three years for Howell and Martin to stand trial following a series of delays, which relatives of the victims said had added to their distress. On June 1, the case finally got under way, when a jury was sworn in at the High Court in Antigua’s capital St John’s. The trial saw Howell and Martin come face-to-face with Mr and Mrs Mullany’s relatives for the first time - and they sat impassively when Mrs Mullany’s brother Richard Bowen gave evidence about identifying his sister’s body. The court heard details about the murder scene in the cottage at the Cocos resort, and how the 31-year-olds were both shot once in the back of the head. Questions about the hotel’s security were also raised several times, with the firm guarding the luxury hotel at the time being “understaffed” and one of its employees admitting he “may have taken a nap” on the morning the couple were killed. Howell and Martin, who denied murder, said they had gone home on the night Mr

and Mrs Mullany were shot. But prosecutors said telecommunications records from a mobile phone mast placed Martin near the Cocos Hotel around the time of the shootings. It was also later revealed that Howell had inserted his sim card into Mr Mullany’s missing Nokia 5310 mobile phone hours after the shooting, before it had been sold to a woman. While unable to identify whom she had bought the phone from, the lady admitted she had bought Mr Mullany’s phone from a man standing opposite Martin’s family home. Also called to the witness stand was UK forensics expert Dr Christopher Moynehan, who also gave evidence at a trial into the murder of TV presenter Jill Dando. On the day that would have been Mr and Mrs Mullany’s third wedding anniversary, Mr Mullany’s parents Cynlais and Marilyn heard Mr Moynehan tell the jury that tests found gunshot residue on clothing belonging to Howell and Martin. And ballistics evidence said the bullets which killed Mr Mullany and Mrs Anderson came from the same gun - a Glock self-loading pistol. Both Martin and Howell had denied ever owning a gun, but their alibis were questioned after they gave conflicting statements during police interviews. In his first interview, Howell appeared to deny knowing Martin but later called him a friend following a second round of questioning by officers. In Martin’s first interview, he called Howell his “only lifelong friend”. The pair will be sentenced on September 26 and could face the death penalty.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011




Hosted by Tammy Hosted by Alex 10.00pm - The 10.00pm - BitTemptations ter & Twisted (Soul & Motown (Tenerife’s no1 show) drag show) 11.15pm Aaron Lodge (international comedy hypnotist)


10.00pm Chubby Brown Show 11.00pm Destiny Duo

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

11.00pm Emma Jenson (Rock chick)


Hosted by Max 10.00pm Gareth Lloyd All kinds of everything

11.00pm Sweet temptations (girl trio)


Hosted by Max 10.00pm Billy Porter Comedian & singer. 11.00pm Let it Be - Live Beatles tribute band

Plus Sundays & Wednesdays at noon chill out to the sounds of The White Knights


Hosted by Max 10.00pm Max Perry’s Queen show 11.00pm Background Trio (Soul & Motown)


Hosted by Max 10.00pm Kevin Isaac (Comedy Elvis Show) 11.00pm Andy Lynch (Ronan Keating

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Oasis FM Golf Open

Misfits enjoy the luck of the Irish! Dubliner John’s makeshift team shocks the field to win OasisFm/Canarian Weekly’s Open Tournament THE Misfits, thrown together at the last minute to compete in Oasis Fm/ Canarian Weekly’s charity Open Golf Tournament on Saturday, proved to be far more than that. In fact, Dubliner John McCabe’s team of strangers pulled off a fabulous victory right out of the blue on Amarilla’s greenest of green courses, to the amazement of all - including themselves! A chance meeting between McCabe and organiser Chris Elkington two evenings earlier at the Palms Bar in Playa de Las Americas, led indirectly to their place in the Texas Scramble, handicap, shotgun event, which attracted an excellent total of 24 four-man teams. “I saw Chris on Thursday and asked if I could enter a team, but I just couldn’t get a foursome up,” said John, who runs The Bell bar in Las Americas and also plays pool for the ever-conquering Palms Bar in San Eugenio. I managed to recruit my business partner, Alan Chainey, and we were told we’d be slotted in somewhere if we turned up at the course on Saturday. “As luck would have it, Petra Van Schelvan’s team from Golf del Sur pulled out late on, which left her spare, while Bill Holland was also looking for a game, and that’s how we came together.” John, hugging his individual trophy and surrounded by his proud team-mates after the presentation ceremony at the Terrace Bar, on Amarilla Golf, added with a big grin: “And the rest, they say, is history! “Everything seemed to click in to place right from the start, and we discovered each other’s strengths very quickly and played to them. And when the three men played poor shots, Petra always seemed to rescue us with a good one. “We finished eight-under after enjoying ourselves, and felt we had a good chance of finishing third or fourth. But when Chris called out the second and third places, I knew it was ours.” Petra, disappointed at having to withdraw her own team,

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couldn’t believe her luck. “It is so unexpected, but we had a brilliant time and I am so excited,” said the Dutchwoman. John added: “We didn’t appoint a captain because we didn’t really need one as we gelled together so well, and it took us a long time to come back down to earth.” Smiles abounded all day as the teams made their way around this attractive but unforgiving course, after being posted at each hole for the shotgun start. The wind grew stronger as the morning wore on and the sun shone brighter, but that didn’t appear to faze most players, who revelled in the lack of pressure playing this format, in which the best shot of each player in the team determined the next shot at each stroke. The Misfits shot 64 (54.2 with handicap), and in second place were Moorcroft Mad Dogs after losing two players (brothers) the previous day following a family problem. That left the team with captain Steve Moorcroft and Steve Womersley only. Replacements Tony Gernan and Aiden Dunn were brought in and, said Steve, no disrespect to the brothers, but they actually strengthened the team. So much so that Steve insisted they were 10-under after 10 holes. “Honestly, everything went in and we couldn’t put a foot wrong, he said.” But they just couldn’t keep up their incredible birdie-ahole sequence and fell away on the back nine to finish on six-under with a 65 (56.8). Third were the positively jubilant Jack Rabbit Wines team, featuring Deano, Howard Green, James Vickers and Paul Tregent. They were squeezed out of second spot by the Mad Dogs after matching their round of 65, only to have that reduced to 56.9 on handicap. But they still whooped it up, and Deano said with a wry grin: “It was so nice to play against so many 28-handicappers for a change! All good fun, and the person who probably smiled longest

at the end was Sky TV football celebrity Chris Kamara. He owns a place in Los Cristianos, near former world boxing champ Ricky Hatton and, like the Mancunian, is a frequent visitor to the Island. Chris played League football for many years and was always regarded as a character on the field with various teams, including Portsmouth, Stoke Leeds and Brentford, for whom he notched up 150 appearances. He also managed his last club, Bradford, for four sea-

sons and then had a brief spell in charge of Stoke before switching to Sky Sports as a commentator and presenter - with hilarious consequences, it must be said. On Saturday, the Middlesbrough man was made an honorary Irishman and played for Fergal Flaherty’s lowhandicap Hole in the Wall team, alongside the singer himself, Cormac Lynch and Desy Farrell True, they failed to finish on the podium after shooting a respectable 68 (63). But pop-

ular Chris (Kammy to his devoted followers) is a football ambassador for the Marie Curie Cancer Care trust, and the 1200 euros raised from the tournament were donated to that cause. Former Manchester United manager Ron Atkinson, another Tenerife regular, turned out for Premier Communications but couldn’t replicate that Old Trafford magic and they finished way down. The day’s biggest-hitter was Tim Chambers, guesting for Chris Elkington’s Tener-

ife Comedy Club team, who walked off with the Longest Drive trophy. Three Nearest the Pin prizes on offer, all sponsored by the Hole in the Wall, appropriately, were for Holes 2, 5 and 14, and the first was won by Charlie Aylott, from The Happy Gilmores. They were representing Volares Cabaret Bar on Golf del Sur, owned by his dad and team captain Gary. And Charlie didn’t mess about, his ball finishing just 3cm from Hole 2. But he confessed, with the biggest grin of all: “It was a pure fluke because I scuffed my shot and got lucky.” The Hole 5 prize went to three-handicapper Ian Davies, from the Scruffy Macs, whose class shone throughout - and it had to because his three team-mates had never played golf before, never mind on an 18-hole course. “We’re representing Scruffy Macs on San Blas and that’s because we subsidise the bar,” said Ian. James Foster, from the Sound of Musicals, received the third award after being nearest the pin on Hole 14.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Oasis FM Golf Open

A thousand thanks to all ORGANISER Chris Elkington, Oasis Fm and Canarian Weekly chief, said: “As always, a big thanks to everyone who played and helped to make the tournament a great success. “To main sponsors Marina Estates, and also to Liberty Seguros and the Hole in the Wall. “To Tenerife Golf Shop for helping raise money with their prize hole on 12, and the Terrace Bar for the longest drive and presentation party afterwards. “To all Oasis Fm and Canarian Weekly staff who helped beforehand and on the day - these events don’t organise themselves! “And finally, to Eduardo and his staff at Amarilla Golf for making sure everything was smooth, and having the course in such great condition. “Here’s to next year!” “On top of a fabulous day we raised 1200 euros for the Marie Curie Cancer Care Trust.


Last year’s winners were main sponsors Marina Estates, led by Aidy Benson, ably assisted by Terrace Bar owner Andy Williams, plus Mark Penhallow and Norman Keenan. But it was not to be this time for Aidy and Co. “We sponsor the event because it makes sense to,” said Aidy. We are estate agents based at Pebble Beach and surrounded by Amarilla Golf Course, so the two go hand in hand.” The event also heralded the return to the Island of former Oasis Fm Dj and Canarian Weekly pop columnist Liam O’Reilly, who went back to the UK last year. He’s back compering for the summer at his old haunt, The Blue Terrace sports bar, in Los Cristianos. Sadly, his Wiley O’Reilly’s team finished at the back of the pack, but Liam insisted they were held up by the “slowcoach” team in front of them. Spare a thought for the lowest-handicapped team, Ironcraft, led by Paddy Davies playing off one. They shot a best-of-the-day 62 round, only to be knocked down to

58 because of their handicap. “It was always going to happen because of our four-shot handicap,” said Paddy. “But we played to our form and finished fourth overall, so we had a good day.”

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Every team had a glorious tale of success or woe to tell, before, during and after a fabulous event, and the consensus of opinion was: “Let’s do it again next year.” There will be plenty of takers!

1. Misfits 2. Moorcroft Mad Dogs 3. Jack Rabbit Wines 4. Iron Craft 5. Canarian Weekly Wanderers 6. Windy Days 7= Old Timers 7= Sound Of Musicals 9. Amarilla Golf 10. Marina Estates 11. The Players 12. Tenerife Comedy Club 13. The Oasis Tournamaters 14. Scruffy Macs 15. Empire 16. Adelfas Players 17. The Bandits 18. Hole In The Wall 19. TIBC 20. Happy Gilmores 21. The Rabbits 22. Premier Communications 23. Big Dog Chops 24. Wiley O’Reillys

ROUND 64 65 65 62 67 68 66 69 70 67 69 69 72 70 72 73 72 68 78 80 70 73 74 81

H’CAP TOTAL 9.2 8.2 8.1 4 8.6 9.4 7.2 10.2 10.8 7.2 7.6 7.5 10.4 7.9 9.9 10.3 9.2 5.0 10.3 11.2 7.7 8.2 9.2 10.2

54.8 56.8 56.9 58.0 58.4 58.6 58.8 58.8 59.2 59.8 61.4 61.5 61.6 62.1 62.1 62.7 62.8 63.0 67.7 68.8 62.3 64.8 64.8 70.8

Prize holes Nearest the Pin, hole 2, sponsored by Hole in the Wall: Charlie Aylott Nearest the Pin, hole 5, sponsored by Hole in the Wall: Ian Davies Nearest the Pin, hole 14, sponsored by Hole in the Wall: James Foster Longest Drive, hole 10, sponsored by the Terrace Bar: Tim Chambers Hole in One, hole 18, sponsored by Liberty Seguros: not won

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Community News

Go walkies with the dogs and help to pay for their welfare GRANADILLA refuge Accion del Sol are having an ownerdog walk, starting at Los Cristianos Harbour and walking to the Bhia Del Duque Hotel on 4th September. It is not a marathon race and it will take about 2½ hours at a gentle pace. You are all welcome to join in with your dogs, or you can borrow one of the many pooches in the refuge who would love to take part. All we ask is that you make a donation to the refuge on the day. For more information, or to let the refuge know you are keen to take part, please contact Karen on 687 905 511. There are lots of large dogs in excellent condition at the Aktiontier-sponsored refuge who desperately need loving homes. So if you have a finca or large garden, and are interested in adopting one, contact the refuge on 922 778 630. Now the school holidays have started, lots of children have been going to the

refuge in the afternoons to walk some of the dogs. It’s great fun and exercise for both children, adults and, of course, the dogs. If you have some spare time and would like to walk them out, then please go to the refuge during their opening hours, from Monday to Friday between 3-6pm. However, if you don’t fancy walking too far, there is always the agility course at the centre, where the dogs also love to play Our Pets’ Portrait Competition has attracted over 130 entries already and is drawing entrants from far afield - including Germany, where Sindy Gottlober’s dog Bastian is pictured enjoying a nice run in her garden. Please follow the links if you would like to view the pictures, or enter the competition, which will take place on 2nd October at Accion del Sol with a combined Fun Agility Competition after the event, which proved so successful last year . If anyone would like to sponsor this event by donating an ink cartridge or two for printing the photos, this would be very welcome. Please contact either of the

above numbers for more information on the cartridges required. The Tenerife Forum are also promoting this event and Marion says a big “thank you” for their help. They have even started a poll so you can vote for your favourite picture on http://www.thetenerifef o r u m . c o m / s h ow th r e a d . php?67828-Pets-portraitthread/page41 or https:// set/?set=a.2301392070203 79.62262.10000072904246 0&type=1 The refuge is open MondayFriday (3-6pm) and is situated at junction 51 on the TF1, right next to ITER the ecological wind farm at Granadilla Industrial Estate. Why not join our Accion del Sol Facebook page https:// php?ref=canvas#!/profile. php?id=100000729042460 where you can see regular daily updates on the good work done at the refuge, as well as their fund-raising events. You can also view some of the beautiful dogs who are looking for loving homes. Call Accion del Sol on 922 778 630 for more details.

Swallows fly in with 3,500 Trevor’s bare-faced euros for Cancer Research New management team

stunt for pet charity

THE new K9 Management committee following the recent Annual Meeting is as follows: President, Elsie Clinton-Leslie; Vice-President, Richard Sims; Secretary, Lyn Maggs; Treasurer and Publicity, Mikey Braithwaite. Committee: Pat Bate, Mike Bragg, Hazel Eames, Robin Lane, Neal Paterson, Kenny and Maggie Williams.

TAKE a good look at Trevor because he won’t be looking like a hairy monster for much longer. Gallant Trevor, from the British Blind Company and Handyman Services, has the bare-faced cheek to raise sponsorship for having his beard shaved off to raise funds for the Asociacion San Francisco del los Animales on Thursday (4th August).The event takes place in The Marina Bar, Puerto Colon, from 7.30pm and there will also be a raffle with many prizes, so please come along and help the animals.

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CAROLE and Mike Hart, from the successful Swallows Group, hand over a cheque for an amazing 3,500 euros to Doctor Maria Concepcion Vilas Mesa for Cancer Research. “It was our highest-ever donation,” said proud Carole, who runs the Los Cristianos group,

based in the Apolo Centre. “The money poured in from all our functions and groups, and it really was a magnificent effort by everyone.” The cheque was gratefully accepted by Dr Maria on behalf of the Fundacion Instituto Canario de Investigacion del Cancer (Canary Foundation Institute of Cancer Research) in Santa Cruz.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011


29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

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29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Television Guide

your best tV guide IN tenerife! 13 channels including BBC, ITV, CHANNEL 4, CHANNEL FIVE Sky & Sports channels

Nurse Jackie Tuesday 02 August

10:00pm - 10:35pm, Sky Atlantic Eddie upsets Jackie by exchanging text messages with Tunie, and the nurse reaches a new low after completing her first drug deal. Coop suffers a personal setback while competing for the position of ER chief when he learns his mothers are getting a divorce. Elsewhere, Mrs Akalitus asks for help salvaging her beloved Virgin Mary statue from the hospital chapel. Comedy, starring Jackie Peyton and Paul Schulze.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

F r i day 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Heir Hunters 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Cowboy Trap 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am Saints and Scroungers 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Only Fools and Horses 3:05pm Copycats 3:35pm Me and My Monsters 4:00pm Remote Control Star 4:30pm Deadly 60 Bites 4:30pm Fee Fi Fo Yum 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Pointless.

Charles & Diana

– Wedding of the Century Friday 29th July ITV 9pm

On 29th July 1981, Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer tied the knot in a wedding which captivated the nation. A sixth of the world’s population tuned in to watch the nuptials, but no-one could have guessed the tragedy that would follow in the years to come. 30 years on, Juliet Aubrey narrates a look back at this defining moment of the 20th century, telling the story of the day using

testimony from the people who witnessed it and from those who played a key role in its events. Dressmaker David Emanuel describes what it was like working with Diana to create her fairytale dress. He also visits Althorp – Diana’s former home and final resting place – to see the iconic dress on the eve of what would have been Diana’s 50th birthday. Diana’s bridesmaid India Hicks re-

turns to the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral and reminisces about the day. She shows the dress she wore that day and remembers how, as a 13-year-old tomboy, she found it difficult to wear. The programme also includes rarely seen archive footage from the day and recollections from those who covered the wedding on television, including Selina Scott, Martyn Lewis and Tim Ewart.

6:00pm .........................Weather 6:00pm .......................BBC News 6:30pm .........................Weather 6:30pm ......BBC London News 7:00pm ............The One Show: Best of Britain 7:30pm ......................BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm ........... The Good Cook 8:00pm ................... EastEnders 8:30pm .A Question of Sport 9:00pm ......................My Family 9:30pm ..........................Miranda 10:00pm ....................BBC News 10:25pm ......... Regional News and Weather 10:35pm .Would I Lie to You? 11:05pm...My Favourite Joke 11:35pm.............. The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 11:45pm ........... Weatherview 11:45pm ........... The Ring Two

6:10am Dipdap 6:15am Pinky Dinky Doo 6:30am Tinga Tinga Tales 6:45am Octonauts 7:00am Roar 7:30am The Sarah Jane Adventures 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:05am The Koala Brothers 9:15am Driver Dan’s Story Train 9:35am Chuggington 9:45am Mr Bloom’s Nursery 10:05am Gigglebiz 10:20am Zingzillas 10:45am Waybuloo 11:05am In the Night Garden 11:35am Letter from an Unknown Woman 1:00pm Swimming 2:15pm Live Golf: The Women’s British Open 5:15pm Escape to the Country

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm Auction Party 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Wild at Heart 5:00pm Dinner Date 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm........... London Tonight 6:30pm.................ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ....................Emmerdale 7:30pm ..... Coronation Street

6:00pm....................... Eggheads 6:30pm ...Celebrity Eggheads 7:00pm ..................Madagascar 8:00pm .......Gardeners’ World 9:00pm ...........The First World War from Above 10:00pm........................The Rob Brydon Show

10:30pm ......................Weather 10:30pm ................. Newsnight 11:05pm.............. Scenes from a Teenage Killing

8:00pm .......Love Your Garden 8:30pm ..... Coronation Street 9:00pm ..... Charles and Diana: The Wedding of the Century 10:00pm I....... TV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm .............London News and Weather 10:35pm .....................Assassins

Coming soon to ITV1 A Night with Will Young ITV presents a unique one off special starring one of the UK’s best loved stars, A Night with Will Young will be hosted by Kate Thornton and will see the singer showcasing some of his biggest hits and brand new tracks in front of a studio audience to coincide with the release of his brand new album ‘Echoes’ and single ‘Jealousy’. In this unique and intimate platform, Will Young will also be taking questions from his fans as well as providing a few unexpected surprises for both the audience and viewers at home. In the ten years since winning Pop Idol, Will has dominated the UK charts with a host of top ten albums and singles. Echoes’, released on August 22nd, is the follow up to his Platinum selling ‘Hits’ collection and is his fifth studio album in a career spawning over 8 million sales so far.

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His first hit Evergreen and Anything Is Possible became the fastest selling debut in UK chart history when released in 2002 and Anything Is Possible won a prestigious Ivor Novello Award for Best Song Musically and Lyrically. Will’s debut album From Now On went on to spawn hits Light My Fire and The Long And Winding Road and the singer took home his first BRIT Award in February 2003 for Best Breakthrough Artist. Since his debut Will has released a string of hugely successful singles including Leave Right Now, Your Game, All Time Love, Switch It On, Who Am I, Changes, Let It Go,Tell Me The Worst and Grace. The singer has also moved into acting during the last ten years, receiving critical acclaim for performances in the film Mrs Henderson Presents and the Noel Coward play The Vortex at the Royal Ex-

change Theatre. Prior to recording his new album Will guest starred in an episode of ‘Skins’ last year as well as starring in the 2011 TV drama ‘Bedlam’. He also ran this year’s London Marathon in aid of the Catch 22 charity having spent the last year fitting in training around the writing of the album in London, LA, the Namibian desert and Sydney. Will Young said: “I’m so excited about the upcoming ITV special. I know it’ll be a truly memorable evening of quintessential Saturday night entertainment, along with a few surprises.” Daniela Neuman, Acting Controller of Entertainment, ITV said, “Will Young has come a long way in the last ten years. This big ITV music event will celebrate his journey from winning Pop Idol to being the major UK selling artist that he is today.”

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Channel 4 11:55pm The Film Show 12:25am Lounge on the Farm 12:50am Hollyoaks Music Show 1:15am Cast Offs 2:10am The Sex Education Show 3:05am How Murdoch Ran Britain: Dispatches 4:00am Born to Be Different 4:55am Wogan’s Perfect Recall 5:25am One Tree Hill 6:10am .................................. The Hoobs 6:35am .................................. The Hoobs 7:00am ................... Freshly Squeezed 7:25am ..................................Everybody Loves Raymond 7:55am ..........................................Frasier

8:25am .....................According to Jim 8:55am .........................................Friends 9:25am .........................................Friends 9:55am .......................... Three in a Bed 10:55am.................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 12:00pm ....................Channel 4 News 12:05pm .........The Fairy Jobmother

7:00pm............................. Live Athletics 9:00pm ............World’s Craziest Fools 9:30pm ............................... The Pranker 10:00pm .............................. EastEnders 10:30pm ................... Russell Howard’s Good News 11:00pm ............................... Family Guy

11:25pm ............................... Family Guy 11:45pm ..............................Angry Boys

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

2 9 t h 6:00am Childrens TV 6:55am The WotWots 7:05am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Thomas & Friends 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Roary the Racing Car 8:40am Bananas in Pyjamas 8:50am Olivia 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am The Wright Stuff 11:10am The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm Ice Road Truckers 1:15pm Home and Away 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Law & Order 3:15pm Working Miracles 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm 5 News at 5 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm .......................Home and Away 6:25pm ............................................OK! TV 6:55pm..................................5 News at 7 7:00pm ......................... 5 News Update 7:00pm .......................................... Cricket 8:00pm .................................5 News at 9 8:00pm ..... Danger: Diggers at Work 9:00pm ............................................ Castle 10:00pm .........................The Mentalist 10:55pm ..................................CSI: Miami 11:50pm.................. Inside Hollywood

6:00am .....................Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am .....................Kings of the Surf 7:00am ................................... WWE: Raw 9:00am ..............................................Darts 10:00am .....Live European Tour Golf 1:00pm....................................... Ringside 2:00pm .............. ATP Tour Uncovered 2:30pm ..........Premier League World 3:00pm....... Live European Tour Golf

6:00pm .....................Kings of the Surf 6:30pm ..................... NFL: Total Access 7:30pm ........................Road to London 8:00pm ................................Test Cricket 10:00pm ...................WWE: Late Night - Smackdown

6:00am ........................... Good Morning Sports Fans 7:00am ........................... Good Morning Sports Fans 8:00am ........................... Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am ....................................... Ringside 10:30am.................... Live Test Cricket

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 7:00am Football’s Next Star 8:00am A League of Their Own 8:30am A League of Their Own 9:00am Lion Man 9:30am Lion Man 10:00am Modern Family 10:30am Raising Hope 11:00am Sun, Sea and A&E 12:00pm Daniel Radcliffe Meets Alex Zane 12:10pm Stargate: the Ark of Truth 2:00pm Sun, Sea and A&E 3:00pm A League of Their Own 3:30pm A League of Their Own 4:00pm Modern Family 4:30pm The Middle 5:00pm Raising Hope 5:30pm Futurama

7:00pm .................................. Sky Sports News at Seven 7:30pm ...................Live Super League 10:00pm........................................... Darts 11:00pm .............................Test Cricket

6:00pm ..................................The Middle 6:30pm ............................The Simpsons 7:00pm ............................The Simpsons 7:30pm ............................The Simpsons 8:00pm .................................... Futurama 8:30pm .................................... Futurama 9:00pm ........................An Idiot Abroad 10:00pm ...........................Wall of Fame 10:30pm......... Spartacus: Blood and Sand 11:45pm.................................. Brit Cops: Rapid Response

3:00am Close 7:10am Race Car Driver 7:35am Fifth Gear 8:00am Fifth Gear 8:30am The Gadget Show 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Top Gear 11:00am Robot Wars Extreme 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Carpool 2:30pm Fifth Gear 3:00pm Shark Tank 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear

6:00am The X Files 7:00am Star Trek: Voyager 8:00am Star Trek: Enterprise 9:00am ER 10:00am thirtysomething 11:00am The X Files 12:00pm Star Trek: Voyager 1:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 2:00pm ER 3:00pm The X Files 4:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 5:00pm Star Trek: Voyager

6:00pm .James May’s 20th Century 6:40pm ............................. Dragons’ Den

6:00pm .................................................... ER

8:00pm .....Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish 8:30pm .....Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish 9:00pm ........................New Dave’s One Night Stand 10:00pm ................................Shameless 11:05pm ................................Shameless

7:00pm ...... Inside the Actors Studio 8:00pm ....................................Fish Town 9:00pm ........................................Big Love 10:15pm........................... In Treatment 10:45pm.......................... In Treatment 11:15pm .........Funny or Die Presents 11:50pm................................ Entourage

Television Guide

J u ly

6:00am Nothing to Declare 6:30am Nothing to Declare 7:00am Jerry Springer 7:30am Jerry Springer 8:00am Maury 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am Four Weddings 11:00am Maury 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed 6:00pm......................... America’s Next Top Model 7:00pm .......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:00pm .............................................Nikita 9:00pm ........................................Medium 10:00pm ..................................CSI: Miami 11:00pm ....................... Criminal Minds

6:00am ...................Coronation Street 6:25am .................................Emmerdale 6:50am .................................Emmerdale 7:20am ............................Loose Women 8:10am ................................. Judge Judy 9:25am ....... The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am............................... Judge Judy 12:00pm ................Coronation Street 12:30pm ..............................Emmerdale 1:00pm .................................Emmerdale 1:30pm ..........The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm ..........The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm....... The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm........................... Loose Women 5:40pm ................................. Judge Judy 7:00pm.................................. Odd One In 7:45pm.............. Kesha: The Hot Desk 8:00pm ............ Penn & Teller: Fool Us 9:00pm ............. America’s Got Talent 10:00pm ............iTunes Festival 2011 11:00pm ..Peter Andre: Here 2 Help

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

Sat u r day 6:00am Breakfast 10:00am Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30am The Good Cook 12:00pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 12:10pm Formula 1: The Hungarian Grand Prix Qualifying 2:20pm Swimming 3:20pm Live Golf: The Women’s British Open 5:10pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 5:30pm Total Wipeout 6:30pm ...Tonight’s the Night 7:30pm .The National Lottery: In It to Win It 8:20pm ...........................Casualty

6:00am Wibbly Pig 6:10am Dipdap 6:15am Pinky Dinky Doo 6:30am Tinga Tinga Tales 6:45am Octonauts 7:00am Leon 7:00am Deadly 60 7:35am Arthur 8:00am Little Howard’s Big Question 8:25am Prank Patrol Down Under 8:50am Dennis and Gnasher 9:00am Trade Your Way to the USA 9:30am Fee Fi Fo Yum 10:00am Mission: 2110 10:25am League of Super Evil 10:40am Wolverine and the X-Men 11:00am OOglies 11:15am Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 11:40am MOTD Kickabout 12:00pm Lifeline 12:10pm Coast 12:15pm Antiques Road Trip 1:00pm Antiques Road Trip 1:45pm Sodom and Gomorrah 4:10pm Flog It! 5:10pm Live Golf: The Women’s British Open

6:00am Mini CITV 7:25am CITV 8:25am Ten Mile Menu 9:25am Coronation Street 11:45am This Morning: Saturday 12:45pm ITV News and Weather 12:49pm London Weather 12:50pm Agatha Christie’s Murder Is Easy 2:45pm Columbo: a Stitch in Crime 4:15pm Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - Behind the Magic 5:15pm Weather 5:15pm London Tonight 5:25pm ITV News and Weather 5:40pm ........Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

6:00pm ................Live Athletics 7:30pm .....................Dad’s Army

Wild at Heart Saturday 30th July ITV 1

Company Pictures and ITV today announced ROBERT BATHURST will join the cast of the hugely popular Wild at Heart when filming begins in August. The ten hour-long episodes from Company Pictures will be filmed on location against the stunning backdrop of the African plains following the continued success of series six which was screened earlier in the year. Robert (Downton Abbey, Cold Feet) plays Ed Lynch, a talented veterinary surgeon, who also excels in business. When we first meet Ed, it’s at the animal park he’s been running for the past five years and we discover it’s his vision that has transformed the place from run-down zoo to thriving commercial enterprise. Although he’s a great vet, he’s also a realist, understanding that sometimes it’s better to save the lives of twenty animals rather than focus on one. It’s a pragmatism he’s learnt in Africa and the contrast of his realism and Danny’s idealism will often cause conflict between two men who are each used to calling the shots. The stage is set for an exciting rivalry and throughout the twists and turns of the series viewers will learn more about Ed and his troubled past. Robert commented: “I’m very excited Ed is going to be shaking things up in Leopard’s Den. Wild at Heart is one of the most successful dramas of the last decade and I’m thoroughly looking forward to filming the new

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series and working with the rest of the cast.” Robert will join series regulars Stephen Tompkinson, Dawn Steele, Hayley Mills and Deon Stewardson when they all return to recreate their much loved characters and face many new adventures and exciting wildlife. Since its launch in 2006 Wild at Heart has remained in ITV1’s top four dramas. And to date in 2011 Wild at Heart has the highest average audience of any ITV1 drama 8.0 million viewers and a 26% share of the audience across the series. This represents an increase of 383k viewers (+5%) on the 2010 average. Most notably since it’s launch Wild at Heart has regularly pulled in audiences of over 8 million to ITV1 and it has never had an episode watched by fewer than 7 million viewers. Stephen Tompkinson coexecutive produces Wild at Heart with executive producers Charles Pattinson, John Griffin, George Faber and Ashley Pharoah. Wild at Heart is produced in South Africa by Adam Friedlander, and series produced in the UK by Charlie Hampton. The new series will open just a few weeks after Danny, Alice, Caroline and Du Plessis have lost Leopard’s Den. The mining company’s work has stalled following the corruption scandal Danny and Dup unearthed last series, and the family aren’t sure if they’ve lost their home forever. With the women back home in the UK, Danny and Dup set out to find a new

place for everyone to live. It’s a fresh start for them, but will they find somewhere suitable for Danny and Alice to re-establish their veterinary practice and game reserve? Equally, emotions are still running high as unscrupulous mining boss Peeters, played by David Butler, continues to create problems for the family. Significantly, Dup takes a decision that will rock the foundations of their relationship and Danny is put in the predicament of deciding whether he can support his friend and longterm business partner or whether they will have to go their separate ways. The repercussions of this situation will be lead to emotional turmoil in the life of Dup, Caroline and Danny. Danny Trevanion’s teenage stepdaughter Olivia played by Olivia Scott-Taylor and her boyfriend Thabo (Atandwa Kani) will also return to the series. The cast and production team film for six months on location at Glen Afric on the borders of Gauteng Province and North West Province. Wild at Heart has been recommissioned by ITV’s Drama commissioning team Laura Mackie, Sally Haynes and Steve November. “I am delighted that Wild at Heart will be returning to ITV1 in 2012,” said Steve. “We can look forward to seeing our favourite characters in new and exciting situations and to seeing significant new characters join the mix.”

9:10pm .John Bishop’s Britain 9:40pm ..........National Lottery Update 9:40pm ...BBC News; Weather 10:00pm ..................King Arthur 11:55pm ..............Weatherview 11:55pm .................Amityville II: the Possession

8:00pm ....The Impressionists - Painting and Revolution 9:00pm .......... BBC Proms 2011 11:20pm...........................The Rob Brydon Show 11:50pm............................. TOTP2: 80s Special

8:15pm ......................Odd One In 9:00pm ................Penn & Teller: Fool Us 10:00pm ......The Marriage Ref 11:00pm.........................ITV News and Weather 11:14pm .......London Weather 11:15pm ............. The Specialist

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

6:10am The Hoobs 6:35am The Film Show 7:00am British Formula 3 International Series 7:25am The Grid 7:55am The Morning Line 8:55am Friends 9:25am Hollyoaks Music Show 9:55am Smallville 10:50am Friends 11:20am Pop Up Pop Quiz 12:10pm Dirty Sexy Things 1:15pm The TV Book Club 1:50pm Channel 4 Presents - Danielle Brown 2012 1:55pm Channel 4 Racing 4:05pm Channel 4 Presents - David Smith 2012 4:10pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 4:40pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 5:10pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 5:40pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 6:15pm .......................Channel 4 News 6:45pm .............................. 6:50pm .............“Crocodile” Dundee II

9:00pm ....................................... Camelot 10:00pm ................................Cloverfield 11:40pm ...... Underworld: Evolution

7:00pm .......................................Top Gear

3 0 t h 6:00am Peppa Pig 6:05am Roary the Racing Car 6:15am Fifi and the Flowertots 6:25am Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends 6:40am Elmo’s World 6:55am Roobarb and Custard Too 7:05am The Save-Ums! 7:20am Noddy in Toyland 7:35am Hana’s Helpline 7:50am Little Princess 8:05am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:20am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 8:25am Mist: Sheepdog Tales 8:40am Rupert Bear 8:55am Olivia 9:15am The Mr Men Show 9:30am The Milkshake! Show 10:00am Inside Hollywood 10:15am Mexican Food Made Simple 10:45am Cheyenne Autumn 1:50pm Sugarfoot 3:25pm War Arrow 5:00pm Blue Thunder 7:00pm ..........................................Cricket 7:55pm ....................5 News Weekend 8:00pm ................................................ NCIS 9:00pm .................................... CSI: Miami 10:00pm ............................Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 10:55pm .....................................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:55pm ...................Inside Hollywood

6:00am .............ITM Cup Rugby Union 8:00am .........................Live Tri-Nations International Rugby Union 10:30am ............... Football’s Greatest

6:00am ....................Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am............... FIFA Futbol Mundial 7:00am ................................ Test Cricket

6:00am Don’t Forget the Lyrics 7:00am Stargate: Infinity 7:30am Stargate: Infinity 8:00am Gladiators 9:00am WWE Superstars 10:00am Modern Family 10:30am Modern Family 11:00am Futurama 11:30am Futurama 12:00pm Futurama 12:30pm Futurama 1:00pm Futurama 1:30pm Modern Family 2:00pm WWE: Smackdown 4:00pm UK Border Force 5:00pm Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Premiere - A Final Farewell 5:10pm The Librarian: Quest for the Spear 7:00pm .....................Emergency with Angela Griffin 8:00pm ....................................Futurama

9:00am ..................................Cricket AM 10:30am.................... Live Test Cricket 7:00pm.....Tri-Nations International Rugby Union 8:00pm ............................... Test Cricket 10:00pm .....................Premier League Asia Trophy 11:00pm .................. Dublin Super Cup

3:00am Close 7:10am Amazing Adventures of a Nobody 7:35am Amazing Adventures of a Nobody 8:00am Top Gear 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Trawlermen 10:30am Hardliners 11:00am TOTP2 11:30am TOTP2 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 3:00pm Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish 3:30pm Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear

8:30pm ....................................Futurama 9:00pm ............................Men of Honor 11:25pm .................................Cop Squad

6:00am thirtysomething 7:00am thirtysomething 8:00am thirtysomething 9:00am thirtysomething 10:00am Star Trek: Enterprise 11:00am Star Trek: Enterprise 12:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 1:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 2:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 3:00pm ER 4:00pm ER 5:00pm ER

Television Guide

J u ly

6:00am Nothing to Declare 6:30am Nothing to Declare 7:00am Jerry Springer 7:30am Jerry Springer 8:00am Maury 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am The Biggest Loser 11:00am The Biggest Loser 12:00pm Drop Dead Diva 1:00pm Drop Dead Diva 2:00pm Nothing to Declare 2:30pm Nothing to Declare 3:00pm Passport Patrol 3:30pm Passport Patrol 4:00pm Fat Families 5:00pm Nothing to Declare 5:30pm Nothing to Declare 6:00pm.................Nothing to Declare 6:30pm ................Nothing to Declare 7:00pm .....................................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm .......................... Supersize Kids 9:00pm ........................................Medium

10:00pm ........................Criminal Minds 11:00pm ........................Criminal Minds

6:00am .................................Emmerdale 8:40am .......................The Corrie Years 9:05am ............................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 9:30am ................... The Biggest Loser 10:30am ......... The Only Way Is Essex

6:00pm.................................................... ER 7:00pm.................................................... ER

6:00pm ...................................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 7:00pm .............................................. Tribe 8:00pm .......James May’s Toy Stories

8:00pm .................Don’t Tell the Bride 9:00pm ....... Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 11:00pm ............................... Family Guy 11:25pm ............................... Family Guy 11:45pm ....................... American Dad!

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

10:55am .............Live Premier League Asia Trophy 1:15pm ...............Live Premier League Asia Trophy 4:00pm ............Live Dublin Super Cup 7:00pm ................... Live Super League 9:30pm .......................... Show Jumping 11:30pm ..........................Super League

9:00pm ....Red Dwarf: Back to Earth 10:30pm............... Red Dwarf Special: Smeg Ups 11:10pm .................................Red Dwarf 11:45pm ...............................Red Dwarf: Back to Earth

8:00pm................................. Iconoclasts 9:00pm........................... Moulin Rouge! 11:30pm ............................Nurse Jackie

11:15am .....................No Reservations 1:15pm ............. America’s Got Talent 3:05pm ............. America’s Got Talent 4:00pm ............. America’s Got Talent 5:50pm ............. America’s Got Talent 6:50pm .....................................Free Willy 9:00pm ...............................The Mummy 11:25pm ....................................Hannibal

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S u n day 6:00am Breakfast 9:00am The Andrew Marr Show 10:00am Sunday Morning Live 11:00am Weather for the Week Ahead 11:00am Country Tracks 12:00pm BBC News 12:05pm Formula 1: The Hungarian Grand Prix Live 3:25pm My Family 3:55pm Escape to the Country 4:55pm Songs of Praise 5:30pm Horrible Histories with Stephen Fry 6:00pm.................... BBC News; Regional News & Weather 6:30pm...................... Antiques Roadshow

6:00am Wibbly Pig 6:10am Dipdap 6:15am Pinky Dinky Doo 6:30am Tinga Tinga Tales 6:45am Octonauts 7:00am Leon 7:00am Deadly 60 7:30am Arthur 7:55am Dennis and Gnasher 8:10am Junior MasterChef 8:35am Bear Behaving Badly 9:00am Friday Download 10:00am Something for the Weekend 11:30am EastEnders 1:30pm Live Golf: The Women’s British Open 5:00pm Swimming 6:00pm ............ Live Athletics 8:00pm ......................Top Gear

6:00am Mini CITV 7:25am CITV 8:25am May the Best House Win 9:25am Dickinson’s Real Deal 10:25am 60 Minute Makeover 11:30am This Morning: Sunday 12:30pm Dinner Date 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:34pm London Weather 1:35pm Survival: Tales from the Wild 2:30pm Inspector Morse 4:30pm Midsomer Murders 6:30pm ...................... Weather 6:30pm ........London Tonight 6:45pm .............ITV News and Weather 7:00pm .................... The Royal 8:00pm ............ Born to Shine 9:00pm ........Law & Order: UK

Formula 1 – Hungarian Grand Prix Sunday 31st July

12.10-3.15pm BBC ONE Eddie Jordan, Jake Humphrey and David Coulthard provide live coverage of the Hungarian Grand Prix. Jake Humphrey introduces live coverage of the Hungarian

Grand Prix. Sebastian Vettel will be hoping to consolidate his healthy championship lead ahead of the mid-season break. Among his rivals for the title is Jenson Button,

who has happy memories, the scene of his first-ever Formula 1 victory five years ago. Commentary comes from Martin Brundle and David Coulthard.

the gripping to the heart warming and the shocking to the romantic. The series goes out on a high with an episode, The Enemy Within, which provides a fitting farewell to the characters who have won viewers’ hearts over the years. Aisling’s adoption has been made official, but Sister Brigid finds herself confused

by her feelings. Meanwhile, Dr Gordon Ormerod opens a can of worms when he attends to the problems of a rough local family. And when violence spills onto the wards of the Royal, Ormerod is caught in the crossfire. How will the staff and patients of the hospital deal with the situation?

7:30pm ................ Countryfile 8:30pm..................... Inspector George Gently 10:00pm................. BBC News; Regional News & Weather 10:25pm .............. Sugartown 11:25pm .......... Weatherview 11:25pm ................ Moving On

9:00pm ............. Dragons’ Den 10:00pm ........ Grumpy Guide to Food 11:00pm ................. What Just Happened?

10:00pm .... ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:14pm ....London Weather 10:15pm ...........The Kingdom

The Royal 7.00pm - ITV ITV1 presents the last ever episode of the well-loved medical drama, which originally began life as a spin-off from Heartbeat. Set during the swinging ‘60s at the fictional St Aidan’s Royal Free Hospital near Whitby, the show has told hundreds of stories about staff and patients at the hospital, from

Dragons’ Den 9pm – 10pm BBC2 It may be a time of austerity in the UK but not so in the Dragons’ Den ... business is booming as the self-made multimillionaires return, ready to invest in the best of Britain’s entrepreneurs. While the rules of the Den remain the same, there is one change in the form of new Dragon Hilary Devey, who joins returning Dragons Duncan Bannatyne, Theo Paphitis, Deborah Meaden and Peter Jones. Having scrimped, saved and self-sacrificed to make her fortune in the haulage industry, Hilary has her own views

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on the products and businesses brought before her, and she’s more than happy to take on her rivals in order to get the best deal. Georgette Hewitt from Kent finds out exactly how nervewracking it can be to pitch to the Dragons. It’s a real battle to compose her nerves but one she must win in order to tempt the multimillionaires to invest in her answer to a common birthday party headache familiar to all parents. Entrepreneurs often take advantage of the latest Government schemes and incentives when building their

business, which is exactly what Chris Hopkins from Yorkshire has done by capitalising on the solar power feed-in tariff. But, when a Dragon knows your industry inside-out, it’s not always what you want... The first episode also sees the most unusual use you could ever think of for a plastic egg; a circus act that’s sure to go with a bang; and a mind-changing massage service. As ever, Evan Davis is on hand to dissect the events, with further action and reaction available through the BBC Red Button.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

6:05am The Treacle People 6:15am The Hoobs 6:40am The Hoobs 7:05am Intelligent Sport UK Challenge 7:35am World Touring Car Championship 8:00am Channel 4 Presents Stephen Miller 2012 8:05am Friends 8:30am Friends 9:00am Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 - T4 Premiere Special 9:30am Hollyoaks 12:00pm Ibiza Rocks 12:20pm T4 on the Beach: Buried Treasures 1:20pm The Simpsons 1:55pm The Simpsons 2:25pm Undercover Boss 3:25pm Help! My House Is Falling Down 4:30pm Channel 4 Presents - Ellie Simmonds 2012 4:35pm The Spiderwick Chronicles 6:25pm .......................Channel 4 News 6:55pm .............................. 7:00pm ..................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 8:00pm ........................... Holiday Hijack

31 t h 6:00am Childrens TV 7:05am Roobarb and Custard Too 7:15am The Save-Ums! 7:30am Noddy in Toyland 7:40am Hana’s Helpline 7:50am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 7:55am Milkshake! Show Songs 8:00am Little Princess 8:10am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:25am Mist: Sheepdog Tales 8:40am Rupert Bear 8:55am Olivia 9:10am The Mr Men Show 9:25am Milkshake! Monkey 9:30am The Milkshake! Show 10:00am How Do They Do It? 10:30am Police Interceptors 11:30am One Year To Go: Building Stratford 12:30pm Beyond the Poseidon Adventure 2:45pm The Last Starfighter 4:40pm The Karate Kid Part II

7:00pm ..........................................Cricket 8:00pm .......... New Cowboy Builders 9:00pm ................................................. xXx

10:50pm ............................. Under Siege

11:25pm .................................Linewatch

7:00pm ...................................Formula 1: The Hungarian Grand Prix Highlights

6:00am ......................................Racemax 7:00am ..... Tri-Nations International Rugby Union 8:00am ........................Premier League Asia Trophy 9:00am ..................... Dublin Super Cup 10:00am .......... Grand Prix Speedway 1:00pm ................. Football’s Greatest

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

7:00pm ......................Ashes Memories 7:30pm ......................Ashes Memories 8:00pm ............................... Test Cricket

6:00am Hour of Power 7:00am Stargate: Infinity 7:30am Stargate: Infinity 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am Oops TV 10:00am WWE Superstars 11:00am WWE: Experience 12:00pm UK Border Force 1:00pm Lie to Me 2:00pm The Simpsons 2:30pm The Simpsons 3:00pm The Simpsons 3:30pm The Simpsons 4:00pm Modern Family 4:30pm Futurama 5:00pm Diversity Live: The Diversitoys Tour 6:00pm ......................The Glee Project 7:00pm ..............................Hawaii Five-0 8:00pm ..............................Hawaii Five-0

1:30pm ............Live Dublin Super Cup 4:00pm.............Live Dublin Super Cup 7:00pm ................. Football’s Greatest 7:30pm ........................Road to London 8:00pm...................... Dublin Super Cup 10:00pm ................This Week In WWE 10:30pm ................... WWE: Late Night - Afterburn 11:30pm ....WWE Vintage Collection

J u ly

6:00am Nothing to Declare 6:30am Nothing to Declare 7:00am Jerry Springer 7:30am Jerry Springer 8:00am Maury 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am America’s Next Top Model 11:00am Drop Dead Diva 12:00pm Drop Dead Diva 1:00pm Four Weddings US 2:00pm Passport Patrol 2:30pm Passport Patrol 3:00pm Nothing to Declare 3:30pm Fat Families 4:30pm Nothing to Declare 5:00pm Nothing to Declare 5:30pm Nothing to Declare 6:00pm .Psychic Sally: On the Road 7:00pm ...................................... Chick Fix 8:00pm ....................................Teen Wolf 9:00pm ................... Britain & Ireland’s

6:55pm ..........................................5 News

9:00pm ...............................................Juno

8:00pm .............The World’s Strictest Parents 9:00pm ......................... White Van Man 9:30pm ......................... White Van Man 10:00pm ............................... Family Guy 10:20pm ............................... Family Guy 10:45pm ....................... American Dad! 11:05pm ....................... American Dad! 11:30pm .........World’s Craziest Fools

6:00am Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am Football’s Greatest 7:00am Test Cricket 9:00am Cricket Writers on TV 10:30am Live Test Cricket

Television Guide

Next Top Model 10:00pm ....................Ashes Memories 10:30pm ....................Ashes Memories 11:00pm ............................. Test Cricket

9:00pm ..............................Hawaii Five-0

10:00pm ....................Criminal Minds 1

10:00pm ............................Hawaii Five-0

1:00pm .............................Supernatural

11:00pm ............................Hawaii Five-0

7:00am Carpool 7:15am Top Gear 8:00am Top Gear 9:00am TOTP2 9:30am TOTP2 10:00am Dangerous Jobs for Girls 11:00am Last Man Standing 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Batteries Not Included 2:40pm Have I Got News for You 3:20pm The Bubble 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear

6:00am The X Files 7:00am The X Files 8:00am The X Files 9:00am The X Files 10:00am Inside the Actors Studio 11:00am Inside the Actors Studio 12:00pm Inside the Actors Studio 1:00pm Inside the Actors Studio 2:00pm Star Trek: Voyager 3:00pm Star Trek: Voyager 4:00pm Star Trek: Voyager 5:00pm Star Trek: Voyager

6:00pm .......................... Full Circle with Michael Palin 7:00pm ..................Would I Lie to You? 7:40pm .......Have I Got News for You 8:20pm ................................. The Bubble 9:00pm ........................ Mock the Week 9:40pm ........................ Mock the Week

6:00pm ..................Star Trek: Voyager

7:00pm ............................Moulin Rouge! 10:20pm ..................... Mock the Week 11:00pm ..................... Mock the Week 11:40pm ..................... Mock the Week

9:30pm .................. Boardwalk Empire 10:40pm ....... Curb Your Enthusiasm 11:20pm ....... Curb Your Enthusiasm

6:00am ...................Coronation Street 8:10am .................................Emmerdale 11:10am .................Coronation Street

1:35pm .......................The Corrie Years 2:10pm ............. America’s Got Talent 4:00pm ............. America’s Got Talent 5:00pm ............................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 5:30pm ....................71 Degrees North 6:30pm .............The Mummy Returns 9:00pm .....Peter Andre: Here 2 Help 10:00pm .................. Ocean’s Thirteen

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

M o n day 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Heir Hunters 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Cowboy Trap 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am Saints and Scroungers 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Only Fools and Horses 3:05pm Copycats 3:35pm Me and My Monsters 4:00pm Dick & Dom Go Wild 4:30pm Deadly 60 Bites 4:30pm Horrible Histories 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Pointless 6:00pm ...................... Weather 6:00pm .................... BBC News 6:30pm ...................... Weather 6:30pm ....BBC London News 7:00pm ...........The One Show 7:30pm ................... BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm ................Fake Britain 8:00pm .................EastEnders 8:30pm ................. Dying for a Drink - Panorama 9:00pm ................. New Tricks 10:00pm ................. BBC News 10:25pm ....... Regional News and Weather 10:35pm .........A Question of Sport 11:05pm .......... Weatherview 11:05pm .......... The Celebrity Apprentice USA

Almost Naked Animals

6:00am Wibbly Pig 6:10am Dipdap 6:15am Pinky Dinky Doo 6:30am Tinga Tinga Tales 6:45am Octonauts 7:00am Leon 7:00am Roar 7:30am The Jungle Book 7:40am Deadly Art 7:55am Newsround 8:00am The Legend of Dick & Dom 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:05am The Koala Brothers 9:15am Small Potatoes 9:15am Driver Dan’s Story Train 9:35am Chuggington 9:45am Mr Bloom’s Nursery 10:05am Gigglebiz 10:20am Zingzillas 10:45am Waybuloo 11:05am In the Night Garden 11:35am Whistle down the Wind 1:15pm Diagnosis Murder 2:00pm Wanted Down Under 3:00pm Weakest Link 3:45pm Antiques Road Trip 4:30pm Flog It! 5:15pm Escape to the Country 6:00pm ....................Eggheads 6:30pm .Celebrity Eggheads 7:00pm ..................... Victorian Pharmacy 7:30pm ............. Wonderstuff 8:00pm ...................University Challenge 8:30pm ...... Antiques Master 9:00pm ................ My Life as a Turkey: Natural World Special 10:00pm ..... Mock the Week 10:30pm ................... Weather 10:30pm ...............Newsnight 11:20pm ..............Torchwood: Miracle Day

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm Auction Party 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Rosemary & Thyme 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm ........London Tonight 6:30pm .............ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ................ Emmerdale 7:30pm ...Coronation Street

8:00pm ..............Countrywise Kitchen 8:30pm ...Coronation Street 9:00pm ............. Show Me the Funny 10:00pm .... ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm .London News and Weather 10:35pm ............Out of Sight

Monday 1st - Friday 5th August, 10.30am and 4.30pm - ITV Canadian animated series based on the quirky designs of Noah Z Jones. This irreverent fast-paced comedy show is built around the lives of a group of underwear-clad animals in a beach-front hotel, the Banana Cabana. The hotel is home to mayhem, destruction and general debauchery, and is run by Howie the dog, who has all the management skills of Basil Fawlty. If Howie’s antics were not enough, cha-

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os is guaranteed by the presence of the other employees – jittery octopus Octo who is scared of everything, activity planner Bunny who has a sugary personality, singer and toothed whale Narwhal, Howie’s best friend Duck, bellhop Sloth –who does everything very slowly and has a serious crush on Howie, and Piggy, the ninja trained master-chef who just loves to yell and shout. Howie also

faces challenges from outside his domain in the shape of Poodle, his high-achieving sister who is the manager of another hotel – the ultraposh and snooty Chateau Chattoo –and who is desperate to takeover the Banana Cabana from her incompetent brother. Batty the bat, Poodle’s put-upon assistant and gofer, completes the cast of weird and exceptional animals.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

6:00am The Hoobs 6:25am Freshly Squeezed 6:50am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:20am According to Jim 7:45am Friends 8:15am Friends 8:45am 90210 9:40am N-Dubz’ Postcard from T4 On the Beach 9:55am Made in Chelsea 11:00am Friends 11:30am Friends 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 1:05pm Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 2:55pm Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 3:25pm Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 4:00pm Deal or No Deal: Hall of Fame 5:00pm Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 5:30pm Celebrity Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 6:00pm ........................... The Simpsons 6:30pm .....................................Hollyoaks 7:00pm .......................Channel 4 News 7:55pm ............... Channel 4 Presents - Mandip Sehmi 2012 8:00pm .The Secret Life of Buildings 9:00pm ...................Embarrassing Fat Bodies - Back to the Clinic 10:00pm .......................................... Sirens 11:05pm ...................Coming Up: Food 11:35pm ............................ 11:40pm ....Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night

7:00pm ................................Doctor Who 7:55pm ....... Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel 8:00pm Snog, Marry, Avoid? 8:30pm ......Underage and Pregnant 9:00pm .....Small Teen, Bigger World 10:00pm .............................. EastEnders

1 st 6:00am Childrens TV The WotWots 7:05am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Thomas & Friends 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 7:55am Milkshake! Monkey 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:20am Peppa Pig 8:25am Roary the Racing Car 8:35am Bananas in Pyjamas 8:50am Olivia 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am The Wright Stuff 11:10am The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm Ice Road Truckers 1:15pm Monkey Life 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm CSI: NY 3:15pm Chinese Food in Minutes 3:20pm McBride: Fallen Idol 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm 5 News at 5 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm ........................Meerkat Manor 6:25pm ............................................OK! TV 6:55pm ................................5 News at 7 7:00pm .........................5 News Update 7:00pm ..........................................Cricket 8:00pm ................................5 News at 9 8:00pm ................Police Interceptors 9:00pm .........................The Ninth Gate 11:45pm ...........................Frankenstein

6:00am .....................Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am ..................... Kings of the Surf 7:00am ................................Test Cricket 9:00am ............................... GA Tour Golf 2:00pm ............. Champions Tour Golf 4:00pm ................ European Tour Golf

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 7:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 8:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am The Sky Sports Years 10:00am Football’s Greatest 10:30am Live Test Cricket 7:00pm .....................Sky Sports News at Seven 7:30pm ................ Football’s Greatest

Au g u st

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 7:00am Football’s Next Star 8:00am A League of Their Own 8:30am Oops TV 9:00am Lion Man 9:30am Lion Man 10:00am Modern Family 10:30am Raising Hope 11:00am Sun, Sea and A&E 12:00pm Stargate Universe 1:00pm Stargate Universe 2:00pm Sun, Sea and A&E 3:00pm A League of Their Own 3:30pm Oops TV 4:00pm Modern Family 4:30pm The Middle 5:00pm Raising Hope 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm ..................................The Middle 6:30pm ........................... The Simpsons 7:00pm ........................... The Simpsons

8:00pm ............................... Test Cricket 10:00pm ............................................Darts 11:00pm ..........................SPL Round-Up 11:30pm ..........The Sky Sports Years

3:00am Close 7:10am Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams 7:40am Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams 8:10am Top Gear 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Ray Mears’ World of Survival 10:30am Ray Mears’ World of Survival 11:00am Robot Wars Extreme 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Speeders 2:30pm The Gadget Show 3:00pm Dragons’ Den 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear

7:30pm ........................... The Simpsons 8:00pm ...................................Road Wars 9:00pm ...................................Cop Squad 10:00pm ................................ Spartacus: Gods of the Arena 11:15pm ........................... Wall of Fame 11:45pm ............................. Miami SWAT

6:00am The X Files 7:00am Star Trek: Voyager 8:00am Star Trek: Enterprise 9:00am ER 10:00am thirtysomething 11:00am The X Files 12:00pm Star Trek: Voyager 1:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 2:00pm ER 3:00pm The X Files 4:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 5:00pm Star Trek: Voyager 6:00pm .................................................... ER

6:00pm ............................. Dragons’ Den 7:20pm...................................................... QI 8:00pm ................................ Alan Davies’

10:30pm .........World’s Craziest Fools 11:00pm ............................... Family Guy 11:20pm ............................... Family Guy 11:45pm .....Gary: Tank Commander

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

6:00pm ...........................Powerboating 6:30pm ..................................Wild Spirits 7:00pm ........Absolute Match Fishing 7:30pm .......Live Elite League Speedway 9:30pm ..................................Wild Spirits 10:00pm .............................. Boots ‘n’ All 11:00pm ......Elite League Speedway

Teenage Revolution 9:00pm ............................................... QI XL 10:00pm .......... Have I Got a Bit More News for You 11:00pm ......................Never Mind the Buzzcocks 11:40pm.................................................. QI

Television Guide

7:00pm ...... Inside the Actors Studio 8:00pm ...... Inside the Actors Studio 9:00pm ......................................Carnivale 10:15pm .........Funny or Die Presents 10:50pm ................................Entourage 11:20pm ............................Nurse Jackie 11:55pm ....................... Six Feet Under

6:00am Nothing to Declare 6:30am Nothing to Declare 7:00am Jerry Springer 7:30am Jerry Springer 8:00am Maury 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am Four Weddings 11:00am Maury 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed 6:00pm. America’s Next Top Model 7:00pm .....................................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:00pm ...................................... Chick Fix 9:00pm B................... ritain & Ireland’s Next Top Model 10:00pm ........P****d and Pregnant 11:00pm ........................Criminal Minds

6:00am ...................Coronation Street 6:25am ...................Coronation Street 6:50am .................................Emmerdale 7:15am ............................Loose Women 8:10am ................................. Judge Judy 9:25am ....... The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am ............................... Judge Judy 12:00pm ................Coronation Street 12:30pm ................Coronation Street 1:00pm .................................Emmerdale 1:30pm ..........The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm ..........The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ....... The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ............................Loose Women 5:40pm ................................. Judge Judy 7:00pm............................. Born to Shine 8:00pm ...The Xtra Factor: Best and Worst 2010 9:00pm ....................Hell’s Kitchen USA 10:00pm .........................Deep Blue Sea

Page 29

Television Guide

Joe “in my opinion” Ferguson Weekly Updates


Just say No… I MAKE no apology for the picture. Since the death of Amy Winehouse last week, we have seen wall-to-wall coverage of a perfectly healthy young woman singing on stage or receiving an award. Only three weeks ago, we were all looking at the coverage of Amy’s comeback concert, when she slurred or seemed to have forgotten the words to her classic songs. It was extremely hard to watch and, no matter how many times you saw it on the news, it made for uncomfortable viewing. The news organisations stuck the boot in, and had psychologists as well as drugs councillors talking about how wrong she was to go on the road again. For the last two years on my Oasis Fm show, I have been talking about my concern for this human being. Only a few months ago her father, Mitch, who was doing a gig here in Tenerife, decided to speak out on my show about his serious concerns for his daughter. Whatever the circumstances surrounding her death - suicide, unhappy, whatever theory has been put forward - the fact remains that we all saw it coming, and knew in our hearts that sooner or later, it was going to happen. But when the news came last Saturday, it was still a shocking thing to hear. Amy and her songs will remain timeless classics, and, all around the world, her albums are selling out and

will top the charts this very weekend. So we will always remember the brilliant performer from a few years ago, and her songwriting talent can never be denied. But one thing seems to be just swept aside this week, and I don’t understand. It was a drugs-related death, and if you think I’m being insensitive, then you need to come into the real world. This is THE perfect time to bring to the fore exactly what drugs can do to anyone. No matter who you are, rich or poor, you can get your hands on any kind of substance, anywhere in the world. Obviously, we wish to see the good side of our celebs, but all we have seen of Amy Winehouse in the last few years is someone in a complete state. And all brought on by nobody but herself! So it’s time to be honest. Take a look at cigarette packets. Governments all over the world are shocking everyone to quit by sticking pictures of dead bodies, cancer growths on the throat and yellow lungs on a packet. I truly believe the Winehouse family should give the go-ahead for the use of a single picture of Amy in this state as a warning. In schools, they can have talks with kids using her music, which they will all relate to, and show what can happen despite fame and wealth. It will shock and could save lives. True, it does seem like striking while the iron is hot, but it’s not only me. On Wednesday, just one day after Amy’s funeral, Mitch Winehouse decided to set up plans for a drugs foundation in her name.

“If you cannot afford a private rehabilitation clinic, there is a two-year waiting list for help,” was her father’s words at the funeral. He said she had “conquered” her drug addiction and had been “trying hard to deal with her drinking”. The charity DrugScope said it was important support was available to those with addictions, adding: “Many in the drug-treatment sector will welcome Mitch Winehouse’s ambition to help young people struggling with drug problems, following the untimely death of his daughter, Amy.” Mitch said she had been her happiest “for years” in her final days. Which is such a shame as Amy Winehouse was a brilliant singer. The majority look up to celebrities, and the young like to live their lives like one. They wish to emulate their heroes in every way. And that’s the bad as well as the good. As a radio presenter and a fan, who has been playing Amy Winehouse for years, I will always love listening to her. But the only picture I see in my mind when I think of her is the one above. RIP Amy. Joe

T u e s day 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Heir Hunters 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Cowboy Trap 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am Saints and Scroungers 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Only Fools and Horses 3:05pm Copycats 3:35pm Me and My Monsters 4:00pm Gimme a Break 4:30pm Deadly 60 Bites 4:30pm Cop School 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Pointless 6:00pm ...................... Weather 6:00pm .................... BBC News 6:30pm ...................... Weather 6:30pm ....BBC London News 7:00pm ...........The One Show 7:30pm ................... BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm .................EastEnders 8:00pm ................... Holby City 9:00pm ........................DIY SOS: The Big Build 10:00pm ................. BBC News 10:25pm ... National Lottery Update 10:25pm ....... Regional News and Weather 10:35pm .An Abuse of Trust 11:05pm .......... Weatherview 11:05pm .....Imagine: Being a Concert Pianist

6:00am Wibbly Pig 6:10am Dipdap 6:15am Pinky Dinky Doo 6:30am Tinga Tinga Tales 6:45am Octonauts 7:00am Leon 7:00am Roar 7:30am The Jungle Book 7:40am Deadly Art 7:55am Newsround 8:00am The Legend of Dick & Dom 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:05am The Koala Brothers 9:15am Small Potatoes 9:15am Driver Dan’s Story Train 9:35am Chuggington 9:45am Mr Bloom’s Nursery 10:05am Gigglebiz 10:20am Zingzillas 10:45am Waybuloo 11:05am In the Night Garden 11:35am Dead Reckoning 1:15pm Diagnosis Murder 2:00pm Wanted Down Under 3:00pm Weakest Link 3:45pm Antiques Road Trip 4:30pm Flog It! 5:15pm Escape to the Country

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm Auction Party 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Rosemary & Thyme 5:00pm The Chase

6:00pm ....................Eggheads 6:30pm .Celebrity Eggheads 7:00pm ............. Dragons’ Den 8:00pm ...Restoration Home 9:00pm ..................... The Hour 10:00pm ..... Twenty Twelve 10:30pm ................... Weather 10:30pm ...............Newsnight 11:20pm ................ Town with Nicholas Crane

7:30pm ...........Wildlife Patrol 8:00pm .Cops with Cameras 9:00pm ......Homes from Hell 10:00pm .... ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ..........London News and Weather 10:35pm ......Celebrity Juice: Up the Duff Special 11:20pm ........iTunes Festival Highlights 2011

6:00pm ...................... Weather 6:00pm ........London Tonight 6:30pm..................... ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ................ Emmerdale

Canarian Weekly Choice

Wildlife Patrol 7.30pm - ITV 1 Mark Strong narrates the third in the new six part documentary series following Wildlife Crime officers who are on the frontline of the fight against the cruel and dangerous illegal wildlife trade - three major local authorities were given the task of catching the criminal gangs who are making millions from such crime - which is the fourth most profitable crime

Page 30

in the world - and three years ago an extraordinary police unit was set up to focus solely on catching the gangs. The National Wildlife Crime Unit, based in Livingston, West Lothian, co-ordinates the entire UK effort to stop this everincreasing and highly lucrative trade. For the officers of the Unit, scaling a sheer rock face in the Scottish Highlands, breaking down the door of an illegal ivory

trader in Liverpool and even opening a container full of snakes at Heathrow Airport are all in a day’s work. In this episode, officers from the National Wildlife Crime Unit and Strathclyde Police investigate illegal snares which are causing harm to Scotland’s wildlife. Plus a large shipment of frogs is inspected at Heathrow and a night-time poaching operation keeps South Yorkshire Police busy.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

2 n d 6:00am Childrens TV 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Thomas & Friends 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 7:55am Milkshake! Monkey 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:10am Peppa Pig 8:20am Peppa Pig 8:25am Roary the Racing Car 8:35am Bananas in Pyjamas 8:50am Olivia 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am The Wright Stuff 11:10am The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm Ice Road Truckers 1:10pm Meerkat Manor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:20pm CSI: NY 3:15pm Love’s Long Journey 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm 5 News at 5 5:30pm Neighbours

6:00am The Hoobs 6:25am Freshly Squeezed 6:50am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:20am According to Jim 7:45am Friends 8:15am Friends 8:45am 90210 9:40am Alexis Jordan’s Postcard from T4 on the Beach 10:00am Made in Chelsea 11:00am Friends 11:30am Friends 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 1:05pm River Cottage Bites 1:15pm Carry On Abroad 2:55pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 3:25pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 4:00pm Deal or No Deal: Hall of Fame 5:00pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 5:30pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

6:00pm .......................... Meerkat Manor 6:25pm OK! TV 6:55pm ...................................5 News at 7 7:00pm ...........................5 News Update 7:00pm .............................................Cricket 8:00pm ...................................5 News at 9 8:00pm .........................Megastructures 9:00pm .......................................CSI: Miami 10:00pm .....................................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 10:55pm .......................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:55pm .........................................True CSI

6:00pm ........................... The Simpsons 6:30pm .....................................Hollyoaks 7:00pm .......................Channel 4 News 7:55pm ............... Channel 4 Presents - Hannah Cockroft 2012 8:00pm ....The Sex Education Show 9:00pm .....................Undercover Boss 10:00pm ..................Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05pm ............................ 11:10pm ........Alan Carr: Chatty Man

5:20am .............................................. Close 7:00pm ........................... Total Wipeout 8:00pm .....Small Teen, Bigger World 9:00pm .....................Geordie Finishing School for Girls 10:00pm .............................. EastEnders

6:00am .....................Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am ..................... Kings of the Surf 7:00am ................................Test Cricket

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 7:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 8:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Darts 10:00am SPL Round-Up 10:30am Live Test Cricket 6:00pm ..............The Sky Sports Years 7:00pm ....Sky Sports News at Seven 7:30pm................................ Football Asia 8:00pm ..................................Test Cricket 10:00pm .............................................. Darts

11:00pm............ The Sky Sports Years

3:00am Close 7:10am Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams 7:40am Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams 8:10am Top Gear 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am TOTP2 10:30am TOTP2 11:00am Robot Wars Extreme 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Speeders 2:30pm The Gadget Show 3:00pm Dragons’ Den 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm .............Dragons’ Den Canada

10:30pm ..............................Angry Boys 11:00pm ............................... Family Guy 11:20pm ............................... Family Guy 11:45pm ..................Geordie Finishing School for Girls

9:00am .........................Trilby Tour Golf 10:00am .............. European Tour Golf 11:00am .........................Powerboating 11:30am ......Absolute Match Fishing 12:00pm ......................................NASCAR 1:00pm .........Elite League Speedway 3:00pm .........................Trilby Tour Golf 4:00pm ..................WWE: Smackdown 6:00pm Golf 7:00pm ....................Live Winning Post 9:00pm ............................. Formula Two Championship 10:00pm ..........................................Poker

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

7:00pm ...........................Michael Palin’s New Europe

Au g u st

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 7:00am Football’s Next Star 8:00am Lion Man 8:30am Lion Man 9:00am Live to Dance 10:00am Modern Family 10:30am Raising Hope 11:00am Sun, Sea and A&E 12:00pm Stargate Universe 1:00pm Stargate Universe 2:00pm Emergency with Angela Griffin 3:00pm Live to Dance 4:00pm Modern Family 4:30pm The Middle 5:00pm Raising Hope 5:30pm Futurama

6:00am Nothing to Declare 6:30am Nothing to Declare 7:00am Jerry Springer 7:30am Jerry Springer 8:00am Maury 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am Four Weddings 11:00am Maury 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed

6:00pm .................................... The Middle 6:30pm ..............................The Simpsons 7:00pm ..............................The Simpsons

6:00pm ........................... America’s Next Top Model

7:30pm ..............................The Simpsons 8:00pm ........................Emergency with Angela Griffin 9:00pm ..............................Men of Honor 11:25pm ................................Miami SWAT

6:00am The X Files 7:00am Star Trek: Voyager 8:00am Star Trek: Enterprise 9:00am ER 10:00am thirtysomething 11:00am The X Files 12:00pm Star Trek: Voyager 1:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 2:00pm ER 3:00pm The X Files 4:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 5:00pm Star Trek: Voyager 6:00pm.................................................... ER 7.00pm...... Inside the Actors Studio 8:00pm................................. Iconoclasts 9:00pm ............... Battlestar Galactica

7:00pm .........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm ......................Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model 9:00pm .........................................Chick Fix 10:00pm ..............................Psychic Sally: On the Road 11:00pm .......................... Criminal Minds

6:00am ...................Coronation Street 6:25am ...................Coronation Street 6:50am .................................Emmerdale 7:15am ............................Loose Women 8:10am................................. Judge Judy 9:25am ....... The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am ............................... Judge Judy 12:00pm ................Coronation Street 12:30pm ................Coronation Street 1:00pm .................................Emmerdale 1:30pm ..........The Jeremy Kyle Show

8:00pm ......................... Seaside Rescue

2:35pm ..........The Jeremy Kyle Show

8:30pm ......................... Seaside Rescue

3:40pm ....... The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:00pm............................................... QI XL

4:40pm ............................Loose Women

10:00pm .......... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

10:00pm ............................Nurse Jackie

11:00pm ..................... Mock the Week

10:35pm ..........................In Treatment

11:40pm ............................................ QI XL

Television Guide

5:40pm................................. Judge Judy 6:45pm ...............................Take Me Out 8:00pm .............................. Peter Andre:

11:05pm.......................... In Treatment

Here 2 Help

11:35pm ............ Battlestar Galactica

9:00pm...................................... Gladiator

Page 31

Television Guide

W e d n e sday 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Heir Hunters 10:00am News; 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Cowboy Trap 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am Saints and Scroungers 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Only Fools and Horses 3:05pm Copycats 3:35pm Me and My Monsters 4:00pm School of Silence 4:30pm Deadly 60 Bites 4:30pm Little Howard’s Big Question 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Pointless 6:00pm ...................... Weather 6:00pm .................... BBC News 6:30pm ...................... Weather 6:30pm ....BBC London News 7:00pm ...........The One Show 7:30pm ................... BBC News: Regional News 7:30pm ....................The Great British Weather 8:30pm ......................Sherlock 10:00pm ................. BBC News 10:25pm ....... Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ...........The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws 10:45pm ........ Not Going Out 11:15pm .... National Lottery Update 11:15pm.................. Him & Her 11:45pm Weatherview 11:45pm My Fake Fiancé

Page 32

6:00am Wibbly Pig 6:10am Dipdap 6:15am Pinky Dinky Doo 6:30am Tinga Tinga Tales 6:45am Octonauts 7:00am Leon 7:00am Roar 7:30am The Jungle Book 7:40am Deadly Art 7:55am Newsround 8:00am The Legend of Dick & Dom 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:05am The Koala Brothers 9:15am Small Potatoes 9:15am Driver Dan’s Story Train 9:35am Chuggington 9:45am Mr Bloom’s Nursery 10:05am Gigglebiz 10:20am Zingzillas 10:45am Waybuloo 11:05am In the Night Garden 11:35am Road to Rio 1:15pm Diagnosis Murder 2:00pm Wanted Down Under 3:00pm Weakest Link 3:45pm Antiques Road Trip 4:30pm Flog It! 5:15pm Escape to the Country

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm Auction Party 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Rosemary & Thyme 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm Weather

6:00pm E................... ggheads 6:30pm .Celebrity Eggheads 7:00pm .....Rick Stein’s Spain 8:00pm ......................Top Gear 9:00pm .....................The Code 10:00pm .................................QI 10:30pm ................... Weather 10:30pm ...............Newsnight 11:20pm ... Fake or Fortune?

7:30pm .......The Corrie Years 8:00pm............................ Lewis 10:00pm .... ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ..........London News and Weather 10:35pm ........ Nature’s Fury: Fire Storm 11:35pm ....Homes from Hell

6:00pm ........London Tonight 6:30pm .............ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ................ Emmerdale

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

3 r d 6:00am Childrens TV The WotWots 7:05am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Thomas & Friends 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 7:55am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:20am Peppa Pig 8:25am Roary the Racing Car 8:35am Bananas in Pyjamas 8:50am Olivia 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am The Wright Stuff 11:10am The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm Ice Road Truckers 1:10pm Meerkat Manor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm CSI: NY 3:10pm Chinese Food in Minutes 3:15pm Jane Doe: Now You See It, Now You Don’t 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm 5 News at 5 5:30pm Neighbours

6:00am The Hoobs 6:25am Freshly Squeezed 6:50am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:20am According to Jim 7:45am Friends 8:15am Friends 8:45am 90210 9:40am Towie’s Postcard From T4 on the Beach 10:00am Made in Chelsea 11:00am Friends 11:30am Friends 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 1:05pm The Bravados 2:55pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 3:25pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 4:00pm Deal or No Deal: Hall of Fame 5:00pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 5:30pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 6:00pm ........................... The Simpsons 6:30pm .....................................Hollyoaks 7:00pm .......................Channel 4 News 7:55pm................ Channel 4 Presents - Will Bayley 2012 8:00pm ...................Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance 9:00pm .......................24 Hours in A&E 10:00pm ...... 8 Out of 10 Cats Uncut 10:50pm ............... The Inbetweeners 11:25pm ............... The Inbetweeners 11:55pm ............................

7:00pm..................Don’t Tell the Bride 8:00pm......................Geordie Finishing School for Girls 9:00pm..........................................Firewall 10:40pm ............................... Family Guy

6:00pm ........................Meerkat Manor 6:25pm ............................................OK! TV 7:00pm ................................5 News at 7 7:30pm ................................... Garden ER 8:00pm ................................5 News at 9 8:00pm ...................The Removal Men 9:00pm ................................................ NCIS 10:00pm ............................................Blade

6:00am .....................Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am ..................... Kings of the Surf 7:00am ................................Test Cricket 9:00am ............................. Formula Two Championship 10:00am ...............................................Golf 11:00am ........PGA EuroPro Tour Golf

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 7:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 8:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Darts 10:00am Test Cricket 12:00pm ............................Football Asia 12:30pm ..........The Sky Sports Years 1:30pm ............................... Test Cricket

3:00am Close 7:10am Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams 7:40am Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams 8:10am Top Gear 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Amazon with Bruce Parry 11:00am Robot Wars Extreme 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Amazon with Bruce Parry 3:00pm Dragons’ Den Canada 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm ............................... Traffic Cops 6:30pm ............................... Traffic Cops

11:00pm ............................... Family Guy 11:25pm ..............Don’t Tell the Bride

1:00pm .................................................Golf 2:00pm ..................... Kings of the Surf 2:30pm.............................. Football Asia 3:00pm ..........PGA EuroPro Tour Golf 5:00pm ..................... NFL: Total Access 6:00pm ................................. Boots ‘n’ All 7:00pm.................FIFA Futbol Mundial 7:30pm ......... Live Greyhound Racing 10:00pm .............................. Boots ‘n’ All 11:00pm .................. NFL: Total Access

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Au g u st

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 7:00am Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker 8:00am Lion Man 8:30am Lion Man 9:00am Live to Dance 10:00am Modern Family 10:30am Raising Hope 11:00am Emergency with Angela Griffin 12:00pm Stargate Universe 1:00pm Stargate Universe 2:00pm Emergency with Angela Griffin 3:00pm Live to Dance 4:00pm Modern Family 4:30pm The Middle 5:00pm Raising Hope 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm ..................................The Middle 6:30pm ........................... The Simpsons 7:00pm ........................... The Simpsons

3:30pm .Live ECB 40 League Cricket 10:00pm............................................ Darts 11:00pm ..........The Sky Sports Years

7:30pm ........................... The Simpsons 8:00pm ......................The Glee Project 9:00pm ............Madonna: Sticky and Sweet - Live from Buenos Aires 1 1:30pm ..Brit Cops: Rapid Response

6:00am The X Files 7:00am Star Trek: Voyager 8:00am Star Trek: Enterprise 9:00am ER 10:00am thirtysomething 11:00am The X Files 12:00pm Star Trek: Voyager 1:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 2:00pm ER 3:00pm The X Files 4:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 5:00pm Star Trek: Voyager 6:00pm .................................................... ER 7:00pm...... Inside the Actors Studio 8:00pm...... Inside the Actors Studio 9:00pm ............................ The Sopranos

7:00pm............. Dragons’ Den Ireland

6:00pm ........................... America’s Next Top Model 7:00pm .......................................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:00pm .....................Four Weddings US 9:00pm ............................................... Nikita 10:00pm .............................Supernatural 11:00pm C..........................riminal Minds

6:00am .................................Emmerdale 6:25am ...................................Nanny 911 7:15am ............................Loose Women 8:10am ................................. Judge Judy 9:25am ....... The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am ............................... Judge Judy 12:00pm ..............................Emmerdale 12:30pm ................................Nanny 911 1:30pm ..........The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm ..........The Jeremy Kyle Show Orange County 4:40pm ............................Loose Women

9:00pm ............................................... QI XL

5:40pm ................................. Judge Judy

10:00pm .......... Have I Got a Bit More

7:00pm .....................The Marriage Ref

News for You

11:40pm ............................................ QI XL

6:00am Nothing to Declare 6:30am Nothing to Declare 7:00am Jerry Springer 7:30am Jerry Springer 8:00am Maury 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am Four Weddings 11:00am Maury 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed

3:40pm ....... The Real Housewives of

8:00pm............................. Amazon with Bruce Parry

11:00pm ............................ Argumental

Television Guide

8:00pm ...............................Take Me Out 10:15pm ................ Boardwalk Empire 11:20pm .....................................Big Love

9:00pm .................................... Benidorm 10:00pm .................. Ocean’s Thirteen

Page 33

Television Guide

T h u r s d a y New ITV dramas ITV Drama has secured 8 of the 10 most watched new dramas of 2011 and in keeping with this achievement four of those new dramas have been re-commissioned by the channel. The titles making the top eight include Scott & Bailey; The Suspicions of Mr Whicher; Marchlands; Vera; Case Sensitive; Kidnap & Ransom; Injustice and Monroe.

The new dramas to be recommissioned are:

Vera International award winning actress Brenda Blethyn, OBE, makes a welcome return to ITV1 as Detective Chief Inspector Vera Stanhope. Vera averaged 6.6m (25% share) with a peak episode of 6.8m (25% share) during the first series. Set once again in contemporary Northumberland and Newcastle, ITV Studios have commenced filming four new stand-alone episodes of the hit crime thriller. The second series is pro-

duced by Elaine Collins who developed and produced the first series having discovered the novels written by international bestseller Ann Cleeves. ITV Studios Creative Director of Drama, Kate Bartlett, is Executive Producer. Kate’s co-Executive Producer on the series is fellow ITVS executive, Kate Lewis. Paul Rutman rejoins the production team and has written the first film entitled ‘The Ghost Position‘. Paul has also written the fourth

as yet untitled film. Colin Teevan has written the second film ‘Sandancers’ and Gaby Chiappe has adapted the third film ‘Silent Voices’, from Ann Cleeves’ latest novel. The 4 x 120 minute films will be directed by Peter Hoar, Julian Holmes and Paul Whittington. Vera has been re-commissioned by Laura Mackie, Director of Drama ITV and Sally Haynes, Controller of Drama ITV.

Scott & Bailey Suranne Jones and Lesley Sharp will resume their partnership as Scott & Bailey in 8 new episodes due in production at the end of October 2011 and for transmission during 2012. Acclaimed writer and cocreator Sally Wainwright and Consultancy Producer Diane Taylor, a retired Detective within the Greater Manchester Police Force, who helped shape the first series and advised on the realities of working within a murder squad like Syndicate 9, will again join forces with Sally to write the series. It’s also hoped Amelia Bullmore, who returns as Detective Chief Insp Gill Murray, will also write for the series this year. Scott & Bailey will once again explore the personal and professional lives of DC Janet Scott (Lesley Sharp) and DC Rachel Bailey (Suranne Jones), both members of Syndicate 9, a Major Incident Team within the Manchester Met Police, who are tasked

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6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Heir Hunters 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Cowboy Trap 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am Saints and Scroungers 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Only Fools and Horses 3:05pm Copycats 3:30pm The Sparticle Mystery 4:00pm Project Parent 4:30pm Deadly 60 Bites 4:30pm Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Pointless 6:00pm ...................... Weather 6:00pm .................... BBC News 6:30pm ...................... Weather 6:30pm ....BBC London News 7:00pm ...........The One Show 7:30pm.................... BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm .................EastEnders 8:00pm ...............Traffic Cops 9:00pm ................Torchwood: Miracle Day 10:00pm ................. BBC News 10:25pm ....... Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ... Kids Behind Bars 11:35pm .......................Holiday Weatherview 11:35pm ... The Human Stain

6:00am Wibbly Pig 6:10am Dipdap 6:15am Pinky Dinky Doo 6:30am Tinga Tinga Tales 6:45am Octonauts 7:00am Leon 7:00am Roar 7:30am The Jungle Book 7:40am Deadly Art 7:55am Newsround 8:00am The Legend of Dick & Dom 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Bob the Builder: Project Build It 9:05am The Koala Brothers 9:15am Small Potatoes 9:15am Driver Dan’s Story Train 9:35am Chuggington 9:45am Mr Bloom’s Nursery 10:05am Gigglebiz 10:20am Zingzillas 10:45am Waybuloo 11:05am In the Night Garden 11:35am Coast 11:40am Hot Enough for June 1:15pm Diagnosis Murder 2:00pm Wanted Down Under 3:00pm Weakest Link 3:45pm Antiques Road Trip 4:30pm Flog It! 5:15pm Escape to the Country

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm Auction Party 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Rosemary & Thyme 5:00pm The Chase 6:00pm ...................... Weather 6:00pm ........London Tonight 6:30pm .............ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ................ Emmerdale 7:30pm .... The Repossessed: Tonight 8:00pm ................ Emmerdale 8:30pm ...Coronation Street

6:00pm ....................Eggheads 6:30pm .Celebrity Eggheads 7:00pm ............... Madagascar 8:00pm .....Rick Stein’s Spain 9:00pm .................. Town with

11:20pm ................... The Hour

9:00pm ...........Single-Handed 10:00pm .... ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ..........London News and Weather 10:35pm ....... Piers Morgan’s Life Stories: Ronnie Corbett 11:35pm ................Odd One In

tionally charged drama than ever before. Sarah Parish reprises her role as Monroe’s sparring partner cardiac surgeon Jenny Bremner. Alongside the returning ensemble there will be two major new additions to the cast, both of whom will challenge Monroe’s world in significant ways. Monroe averaged 5.7m (22% share) viewers during its

six week run and has been recommissioned by Laura Mackie, Director of Drama Commissioning, and Sally Haynes, Controller of Drama Commissioning, and is executive produced by Mammoth Screen’s Michele Buck and Damien Timmer for Mammoth Screen and writer Peter Bowker. The series will again be filmed on location in Leeds.

Nicholas Crane 10:00pm .........Have I Got Old News for You 10:30pm.................... Weather 10:30pm ...............Newsnight


with tracking down killers. A producer for the series is still to be appointed and both Sally Wainwright and Nicola Shindler, Director of Red Production Company are Executive Producers. Based on an idea from Suranne and her former Coronation

Street co-star Sally Lindsay, the series will be filmed on location in Manchester. Scott & Bailey has been commissioned by Director of Drama Commissioning Laura Mackie and Sally Haynes, Controller of Drama Commissioning.

Mammoth Screen will go into production with new episodes of acclaimed medical drama Monroe during 2012, with James Nesbitt picking up his scalpel again to play neurosurgeon Gabriel Monroe for this second series. Created by multi-award winning writer Peter Bowker, the new six episodes will find the newly divorced Monroe coming to terms with his single life and throwing himself with even greater energy into the life of St Matthew’s Hospital and the challenges of the operating theatre, with more jeopardy, humour and emo-

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

6:00am The Hoobs 6:25am Freshly Squeezed 6:50am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:20am According to Jim 7:45am Friends 8:15am Friends 8:45am 90210 9:40am Sugababes’ Postcard from T4 on the Beach 9:55am Made in Chelsea 10:55am Friends 11:25am Friends 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 1:10pm River Cottage Bites 1:20pm Thunder over Arizona 2:55pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 3:25pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 4:00pm Deal or No Deal: Hall of Fame 5:00pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 5:30pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 6:00pm ........................... The Simpsons 6:30pm .....................................Hollyoaks 7:00pm .......................Channel 4 News 7:55pm ............... Channel 4 Presents - Joe Bestwick 2012 8:00pm ....................Help! My House Is Falling Down 9:00pm ...................................The Killing 10:00pm.......................................Coppers 11:05pm ............................ 11:10pm .................................Lee Evans: Access All Arenas

7:00pm .......................................Top Gear 8:00pm .................................The World’s Strictest Parents 9:00pm ........................................Our War 10:00pm .............................. EastEnders

4 t h 6:00am Childrens TV 7:00am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:10am The Mr Men Show 7:25am Thomas & Friends 7:40am Noddy in Toyland 7:50am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:05am Peppa Pig 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Roary the Racing Car 8:35am Bananas in Pyjamas 8:50am Olivia 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am The Wright Stuff 11:10am The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm Ice Road Truckers 1:10pm Meerkat Manor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm CSI: NY 3:15pm The Last Trimester 5:00pm 5 News at 5 5:30pm Neighbours

6:00pm ................... Meerkat Manor 6:25pm ........................................OK! TV 7:00pm ............................5 News at 7 7:30pm .................... 5 News Update 7:30pm ...........How Do They Do It? 8:00pm ................ Aircrash: Hudson River Landing 9:00pm ......New Cowboy Builders 10:00pm ...................Candy Bar Girls 11:00pm ..........Police Interceptors

6:00am .....................Aerobics Oz Style 6:30am ..................... Kings of the Surf 7:00am .....................WWE: Experience 8:00am ................................ Total Rugby 8:30am................ Inside the PGA Tour 9:00am ...................Trans World Sport 10:00am................... Kings of the Surf 10:30am.............................. Total Rugby 11:00am ..............Inside the PGA Tour 11:30am ...........Asian Tour Golf Show 12:00pm ................Trans World Sport 1:00pm ................FIFA Futbol Mundial 1:30pm ................................ Total Rugby 2:00pm ..................... Kings of the Surf 2:30pm .............Asian Tour Golf Show 3:00pm ................Inside the PGA Tour 3:30pm ......... European Tour Weekly

10:30pm ............................ The Pranker 11:00pm ............................... Family Guy 11:25pm ............................... Family Guy 11:45pm ....................... American Dad!

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

4:00pm ................................ Total Rugby 4:30pm .Live ECB 40 League Cricket 10:00pm ......Football’s Richest Prize 11:30pm ..................Time of Our Lives

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 7:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 8:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Darts 10:00am European Tour Weekly 10:30am FIFA Futbol Mundial 11:00am Boots ‘n’ All 12:00pm The Sky Sports Years 1:00pm European Tour Weekly 1:30pm Boots ‘n’ All 2:30pm FIFA Futbol Mundial 3:00pm The Sky Sports Years 4:00pm Boots ‘n’ All 5:00pm Premier League World

5:30pm....................................Football’s Richest Prize 7:00pm .......................Live World Golf Championship

Television Guide

Au g u st

6:00am Crash Test Dummies 7:00am Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker 8:00am Lion Man 8:30am Lion Man 9:00am Live to Dance 10:00am Modern Family 10:30am Raising Hope 11:00am Emergency with Angela Griffin 12:00pm Stargate Universe 1:00pm Stargate Universe 2:00pm Emergency with Angela Griffin 3:00pm Live to Dance 4:00pm Modern Family 4:30pm The Middle 5:00pm Raising Hope 5:30pm Futurama

6:00pm ............................. The Middle

6:00am Nothing to Declare 6:30am Nothing to Declare 7:00am Jerry Springer 7:30am Jerry Springer 8:00am Maury 9:00am America’s Next Top Model 10:00am Four Weddings 11:00am Maury 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed

6:00pm .......................America’s Next Top Model

6:30pm....................... The Simpsons 7:00pm .......................The Simpsons 7:30pm....................... The Simpsons 8:00pm....................... The Simpsons

10:00pm .................An Idiot Abroad 11:00pm ........The Sky Sports Years

7:00pm .................... CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8:00pm ..................................Teen Wolf 9:00pm ......Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model 10:00pm ...................................Chick Fix

11:00pm .........................Law & Order

11:00pm ......................Criminal Minds

3:00am Close 7:10am Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams 7:40am Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams 8:10am Top Gear 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Ray Mears’ World of Survival 10:30am Ray Mears’ World of Survival 11:00am Robot Wars Extreme 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm The Gadget Show 2:30pm The Gadget Show 3:00pm Dragons’ Den Ireland 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear

6:00am The X Files 7:00am Star Trek: Voyager 8:00am Star Trek: Enterprise 9:00am ER 10:00am thirtysomething 11:00am The X Files 12:00pm Star Trek: Voyager 1:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 2:00pm ER 3:00pm The X Files 4:00pm Star Trek: Enterprise 5:00pm Star Trek: Voyager

8:30pm .......................The Simpsons 9:00pm .....................................Trollied 9:30pm .....................................Trollied

6:00pm ....................The Gadget Show 6:30pm ....................The Gadget Show 7:00pm ..................................Shark Tank

6:00pm .................................................... ER 7:00pm.................................... Inside the Actors Studio 8:00pm .................................................... ER

8:00pm ...................................Ray Mears’

6:00am .................................Emmerdale 6:25am ...................................Nanny 911 7:15am ............................Loose Women 8:10am ................................. Judge Judy 9:25am ....... The Real Housewives of Orange County 10:30am ............................... Judge Judy 12:00pm ..............................Emmerdale 12:30pm ................................Nanny 911 1:30pm ..........The Jeremy Kyle Show 2:35pm ..........The Jeremy Kyle Show

Extreme Survival

3:40pm ....... The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:00pm ..........................Have I Got a Bit

4:40pm ............................Loose Women

More News for You

5:40pm ................................. Judge Judy

10:00pm ............................................ QI XL

7:00pm ...................... All Star Mr & Mrs

11:00pm .................................Alexander

8:00pm ............. America’s Got Talent

Armstrong’s Big Ask 11:40pm .......................Have I Got a Bit More News for You

9:00pm .......................... Six Feet Under 10:00pm............................. Mob Stories

9:00pm .....Peter Andre: Here 2 Help

11:15pm .................................Entourage

10:00pm ........ The Only Way Is Essex

11:45pm....... Curb Your Enthusiasm

10:45pm .................................The Island

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29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011


Nothing scruffy about Mac’s bar DAMIEN MCVEIGH’S Irish Bar is in the main square at San Blas, on Golf del Sur, but Scruffy Mac’s is far from being what the name suggests. The upmarket bar specialises in sport on TV, showing three live Premiership games at 3pm every Saturday, exclusively in real HD - the only venue in the area to boast such a feat! All sports are covered throughout the week, including F1 motor racing, Gaelic football (GAA), golf and rugby, on nine flat screens. And you can relax and enjoy your sport in the comfort of the air-conditioned bar, or you may prefer to watch on the shaded terrace. Sun-worshippers also have the choice of the sundrenched, terrace seating, with Haley and Jason always on the alert to serve you.

A full cocktail menu includes their famous, frozen, strawberry margarita by the glass or pitcher. There’s also draught Guinness, Strongbow, Dorada and 14 bottled beers available. Fancy a half-time snack? Hot pies and pasties are available at the bar. And if

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

you like darts, playing or watching, it’s just the place for you because regular matches are held there. Free WiFi is part of the service as well, so make Scruffy Mac’s the venue to be at on Golf del Sur. It is open from Noon until 2am every day, and you can call 922 738 134 for fur-

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Top stores open Christmas aisles High street shops Harrods and Selfridges are to open their Christmas departments this week - a full five months before the big day. Both stores launched their Christmas ranges yesterday (Thursday) as more and more shoppers start their festive shopping early. The stores usually launch Christmas goods in August, but changing consumer trends are behind the move, it is claimed. Research by Selfridges claims some of the demand has come from China, where the ‘Peking pound’ spent by tourists in the UK has seen a jump in sales for Christmas goods. China’s fast-growing economy has created a new demand for luxury goods, and research shows many see British Christmas decorations as the perfect souvenirs. Last year, Selfridges’ Christmas shop sold more than 2,000 baubles in its first seven days. Wealthy tourists from abroad have contributed to the rise, with international

Five-hour cleaning chore for millions NOW here’s a surprise: women worry more than men about homes being clean and are likely to do the bulk of household chores. That’s probably why every day, nearly four million house-proud Britons spend five hours or more tackling domestic chores. Cleaning, washing and ironing take up the major part of the day for one in 10 people -mainly women, naturally! One in six spends less than an hour a day on housework, while just over a quarter devoted up to two hours on it, according to research by market analysts Mintel. The most hated jobs are cleaning the oven, washing windows and getting rid of

customers at Selfridges increasing by 40 per cent since last year. Geraldine James, Christmas shop buying manager at Selfridges, said: “Christmas is coming earlier each year. “I can see a time when we offer a capsule Christmas collection throughout the year.” Elsewhere, a report by accountants Deloitte has

claimed the high street spending slowdown will claim more victims this year. Lee Manning, restructuring partner at Deloitte, said: “It is difficult to see where the positive growth will come from in the next few months. “Inflation has hit retailers hard in the second quarter and unfortunately we are likely to see retail admin-

stains on carpets and upholstery. Oven-cleaning is the most unpopular chore for six in 10 people, and it hardly ever gets done by one-third of them. Yet the less demanding tasks of washing-up, cleaning a kitchen and laundry are the jobs most likely tackled every day. Surprisingly, in these austere times, more than one-third of the people quizzed in the survey pay for a windowcleaner, while a quarter admit their windows hardly ever get cleaned. But generally, paid help is used by just one in 20 people. A Mintel spokesman said: “Paying for window-cleaning in challenging times is one expense people might have been expected to cut out.”

istrations increase as the year goes on.” The number of retail firms appointing administrators rose to 43 in the three months to June from 40 in the same period last year - but while the increase is relatively small,it included big names such as Oddbins, Moben, Dolphin, Focus DIY, Habitat and Jane Norman and TJ Hughes.

Colour wheel ‘useful for choosing paints’ According to DIY retailer Wickes, enthusiasts who are expecting to paint rooms or install bathroom or kitchen tiles may wish to consider using a colour wheel to assist in their decoration. This is according to interior designer Karen Haller, who explained that using two tones on opposite sides of this device will result in a “complementary” and “harmonious” decor. Examples of this kind of variation include red and green, purple and yellow or blue and orange. This is in contrast to tonal

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schemes, which involves using colours which have a similar brightness or darkness, such as pastel tones. “The classic schemes are created from the colour wheel,” she asserted. Ms Haller recommended homeowners decorating smaller rooms use light and pale hues in their design to enhance its size, claiming that paints with a higher light reflectance value rating can support this. She had previously stated that individuals ought to consider mood when undertaking this kind of home improvement project, as separate colours can create different effects.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011


David Hudgell

Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

The Green Flag Strelitzia record-breakers Throughout the UK 1,288 parks and green spaces this week have been awarded the Green Flag Award or Community Award, a sign that even in these challenging times, the value of green space is widely acknowledged as vital to our communities.

The record number of sites receiving an award this year ensures that even more of us now have access to wellmanaged, high-quality green spaces. Award-winning sites will be raising their flags throughout Love Parks Week, which runs from the 23rd to the 31st July. In recent years, research has proved that quality parks and green spaces play a vital role within local communities. They are assets contributing to the local environment, the local economy, individual’s health and well-being, and in bringing the community together. This year alone has seen even more value placed on our green spaces. A major new study by The UK Nation-

al Ecosystems Assessment (NEA) shows that the health benefits of living with a view of green space are worth up to £300 per person per year. The Natural Environment White Paper published by the government in 2011, highlights further the importance of our green spaces and the benefits our natural environment has to us all – strengthening the significance of the part we all have to play in developing and protecting it. Investment in parks and green spaces has the potential to impact on many aspects of the local environment. The increase in the number of Green Flag Award and Community Award sites this year is testament to the value and significance local authorities and the community as a whole are placing on their green spaces. Communities and Local Government Minister, Andrew Stunell said: “This year, a record of number of parks and green spaces across the country have been awarded a Green Flag – a testament to all the hard work that local authorities and communities put in to maintaining them. The announcement of this year’s winners also acts as a timely reminder to communi-

Also known as the Bird of Paradise plant, Strelitzia is a common flower here in Tenerife. Interestingly this week I was reading some gardening questions, people asking what they can grow in pots and one of the plants given as ideal to grow in a pot was Strelitzia. It had never struck me before that this could go in a pot!

ties everywhere that there are hundreds of top-quality parks out there to enjoy. ‘Given the important role parks and green spaces play in all our lives, I would like to thank all this year’s volunteer judges for their efforts. I share the joy of communities that, through the scheme, see their local areas flourish.” Green Flag Plus Partnership chairman Phil Barton said: “The importance of goodquality green spaces cannot be overestimated. They are central to the growth of our communities, both socially

and economically. “The Green Flag Award Scheme, and its growth, is essential in driving up the standards of our parks and green spaces. Access to quality green space is something we all desire and the scheme plays a key role in providing it. “In these challenging financial times it is heartening that the number of Green Flag and Community Awards continues to grow. As the value of green space and the role it plays in our communities strengthens, we must ensure these high standards remain.”

If you fancy the pretty plant on your patio then pop to the garden centre and see what they have. Your new plant should be watered thoroughly but then allowed to dry out almost completely before re-watering. They don’t like to be overwatered, and in winter they

should only be watered when the soil is almost completely bone dry. Remember they originate from South Africa. On the African continent they call it the crane flower. Their growing spurt begins in the Spring when they should be given phostrogen feed once every two weeks, to encourage new growth. Strelitzia require as much sunlight and air as possible. The flower spikes usually take a few months to grow full size, but then take a few weeks/ months to open up to reveal their famous flowers. Red spider mite, White fly and Green fly are the main culprits and the best solution is to wash your tree with soapy water every few days to cut down the insect numbers, or simply give it a good hose down. As soon as you see roots protruding from the pot then you’ll have to repot into a bigger one, not forgetting to put some drainage holes in.

‘Love Parks’ week Love Parks week is an annual campaign, taking place in the UK, organised by parks charity GreenSpace. Founded in 2006, the campaign has grown steadily and is now established as a major event that is celebrated in parks across the country. Each year hundreds of events take place enabling thousands of peo-

ple to get out and enjoy their parks and help put forward the case for reinvestment. GreenSpace are showcasing the benefits of these free, local resources and encouraging further promotion and reinvestment into such valuable, but often forgotten assets. Did you know? •91% of people believe that public parks and open spaces improve their qual-

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

ity of life. •Over 33 million people in England choose to use their green spaces, with around a tenth of the population visiting daily, and over half of us do so weekly. •Air quality, air temperature, water and flood management, are all kept within manageable limits because of parks and green spaces. •The more often a person visits urban open green

spaces, the less often he or she will report stressrelated illnesses. •A brisk walk every day in your local park, can reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and diabetes by 50%, fracture of the femur by 30%, colon cancer by 30%, breast cancer by 30% and Alzheimer’s by 25%. •Local authorities are not legally required to provide, invest in or maintain public parks and green spaces.

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Health & Beauty

carl pattison

from Robot, answers your hair questions

Give us a head start with what you want OKAY, so you’ve decided that your hair is not looking too good at the moment, and maybe you’re sick of it looking drab and out of shape? So what next? You need to make an appointment to sort it out. Okay, stop! What are you going to ask for? If you are going to have a colour, then do you know what type you are asking for? I get many clients asking for appointments, but sometimes they seem a little lost as to what they are actually booking in for, so let’s start at the beginning. If you are having your regular style tidied up, you just have to ask for a cut and blow-dry. But if it’s a change of image you require, then you will need a restyle. It’s a time difference, and it is best to advise us before you arrive at the salon so we can book out a little more time. And colour-wise, your best bet if you want a change is to study the internet, or look through style magazines

If you find a colour you quite like and think it could be practical, then study the text that comes with the photo to assess what methods have been used, or take the photo along to your salon BEFORE you make an appointment to have a consultation (normally free). It is very frustrating for us if you arrive and we don’t have time to do what you’re asking for. I’m not the sort of stylist who will squeeze in clients if they haven’t booked our time enough to do what they are asking. In my book, there’s nothing worse than keeping the next client waiting through the fault of the previous one.

Once you have stated what you require and have made your appointment, don’t forget that stylists do not have wands - they use combs and scissors. We can work with the materials we have been given, like your hair, for example, but this always needs to be taken into consideration. Quite often, stylists need to give you a variation of what you’re asking for. That’s because the model in the photo you have brought in may have totally different hair from you. But we, as hairstylists, are always here to help, to advise and to guide you in the

Turn back time NO, not with surgery but with the new Keratin Infra Red Treatment. I get told about and I am shown much information concerning many products and services which say they are going to perform MIRACLES! I have to see them to believe them, I am assured. About a month ago, I was told about a new system that “restores” the keratin (the product your nails and hair are made of) which is lost naturally, chemically or by heat damage. I really had to see this for myself as there have been a lot of scare stories around recently

about certain products that claim to smooth your hair. Not only are some of these products damaging to the hair structure, but they are also bad for the client AND for the stylist because, in the process, they give off fumes that can be cancerous. So, as you can expect, I trod very carefully on this one. We held a workshop recently in the salon to go through every aspect of this new Keratin treatment. The hair is washed and conditioned in a keratin-therapy solution to start “rebuilding” it from the inside out, and then a leavein masque is applied. We ‘infrared’ the solution into your hair to seal in all the keratin.

At first, I thought, “I can’t see any difference”, until it came to styling the hair, either with an iron or hair dryer. The result? It does literally turn the hair around! My model had dry, frizzy, naturally-curly hair with, I might add, highlights and a colour. She left with what I can only describe as “New Hair”. The results are long-lasting and the formula can be repeated every four to five months, depending on the damage in the first place. Now, no one has an excuse. Several versions of this treatment are available, so do consult your stylist and ask about a chance to turn your hair around!

Oh dear! Cher’s hair has lost that X-Factor

HOOP of horror! There’s no X-Factor going on with Cher Lloyd’s hair at the moment: shaved on one side, with brown and blonde and pink curls on the other! Normally, she gets it so right. But who has she let loose on this hair disaster? Money doesn’t buy you taste, I guess. This “shaved on one side” look went out with Rihanna two years ago, so get with it girl.

Dear Christine Your resident Agony Aunt Email: Dear Christine I’m 15 and seeing my first boyfriend, who’s 16. He’s brilliant, he makes me laugh and we love doing the same things. His mum hates me, though, and has told him not to bring me round any more. I’ve always tried to be nice to her and don’t understand what I’ve done wrong. I’ve got a lot of friends and have never had anyone hate me before, so this is making me feel terrible. What can I do to make her like me? Lillie Dear Lillie, You are clearly a lovely girl and your boyfriend’s mum should be proud that her son is seeing someone like you. The sad fact is, though, that some mothers are extremely possessive where their precious sons are concerned and would react badly whoever the girl was.

I’m quite sure it’s not you this woman dislikes, and that she would have the same negative reaction toward any female with whom she had to share her son’s affections. This state of affairs can go on for many years if nothing is done, building up terrific resentment on the part of the girlfriend/wife. I know from experience that possessive mothers often become difficult mothers-in-law. No woman is ever good enough for this type. You and this boy are both very young, though. Hopefully, she’ll soon realise that she wants what’s best for him, and in this case that’s you. If you and he are still seeing each other in 12- 18months and his mother has still not come to terms with him having a girlfriend, he really needs to speak to her firmly. He could say that you’re his choice as a girlfriend and insist that she treats you

with respect. He could tell her that the alternative would be to lose him, and clearly, she won’t want that. In the meantime, I would recommend that he informs her gently that he’s old enough to have girlfriends and would be grateful if she would treat you with respect. In the end, his mother wants what’s best for her son, so let’s hope she soon comes to realise that her son has found a really sweet-natured girl. Good luck, Christine Christine Craggs-Hinton is the author of 19 self-help books, including ‘Natural Treatments for Arthritis’, ‘How to Lower your Blood Pressure’, and ‘Coping with Tinnitus’. Her books are available from all good UK bookshops as well as ‘The Paper Shop’, Apolo Centre and ‘Bookswop’, Edificio Cristianos 1, both of which are in Los Cristianos.

Well done you! I can moan on all day about people NOT taking care of their hair - but this week is different. I’d like to say that while looking round, not only in the salon but out and about, I feel most of you are in some sort of haircare routine. For a change, I’m seeing hair which has been well kept and cut,

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conditioned and styled. It’s not rocket science but just a few minutes extra spent by you on looking after your hair. It’s not like going to the dentist and it shouldn’t be painful, and you know that we are here to guide you through your regime. That means giving you not only

product advice, but styling and colour information as well. So, if you are stuck with what to put on your hair to keep it in A1 condition, then you need only ask your stylist. Who is your best hairfriend. Thank you - all of you - for listening to us, for taking our advice and for making our job that

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Health & Beauty

Nicola roberts Your beauty expert


Waxing lyrically about the Summer smoothies SUMMERTIME always seems to be with us in Tenerife, and with it comes the insistence of hair-free bodies. To have a hair-free body is ‘de rigeur’, and even more so at this time of the year, with the onset of long, hot, lazy, summer days. It adds up to minimal clothing, bikini-clad bodies and ultra-smooth bits so, naturally, the demand for waxing in beauty salons is even higher than usual. Waxing is a temporary method of hair removal using wax (a resin-like substance which can also contain aloe vera, tea tree azulene and calamine), which is applied in strips. There are two main types of wax: Hot Wax (working temperature 74 degrees) and Cool/ Warm/American Wax (55 degrees). They both have the same function, and that is to pull hair out of the follicle. But the method of use is quite different. Cool Wax is ideal for large body parts, like legs and arms, while Hot Wax is better for bikini lines and under-arms, etc. Care should be taken when having any Hot Wax depilation treatments as hygiene may prove a little lax. If prices are extremely low, it may be that the salon is reusing the wax after each use, which is not ideal with today’s

increased risks of contracting AIDS/HIV. Although waxing is not one of the most pleasant salon treatments, it is still one of the most popular and most-requested appointments, which proves again the importance of hair removal for women. Unlike Electrolysis (which destroys unwanted hair at the root area), waxed hairs will return, although not necessarily in their previous state. The hairs return finer and some refuse to return at all. The advantage over Electrolysis is that large areas can be cleared in a short time - just 20 minutes for lower-half legs waxed. There are two main reasons why waxing is more successful than shaving. If you shave your legs, you’ll start to feel prickly new hairs in a day or two. But with waxing, you can expect smooth legs for up to four weeks. That is because waxing takes away the whole hair shaft from the follicle, whereas shaving simply removes any hair visible above the surface of the skin. The hair will grow back with a fine end and not a blunt one as with shaving, which means the area will not feel stubbly and rough. In time, the hairs will become visible finer, and may even eventually stop growing altogether. That will depend on the original coarseness of the hair,

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

and where you’ve been removing the hairs using different methods beforehand - shaving or depilatory creams, for example - which will have made them stronger. Hair can be waxed when it is long enough (about ¼-in or 5mm), and the treatment will probably be needed every 4-6 weeks. As with the hair on our heads, it grows faster in the summer, so more frequent waxing will be needed. Try waxing if: *You have unwanted hair but don’t want electrolysis *You want hair-free legs for up to 4 weeks *You want to avoid the stubble you get after shaving After-care instruction After any beauty-salon treatment, it is important to follow the after-care instructions that are given, and with Wax depilation they would usually include: *No sunbathing or heat treatments, such as sauna, jacuzzi, sunbed or hot bath *Do not apply any perfumed products to the area *Avoid the area, so no scratching, picking or touching Laser hair removal is becoming increasingly popular, and over the past five years a large number of salons have been offering this treatment. Most systems seem to offer pain-free, progressive hair removal, and although it seems

expensive at the outset, it can prove a saving in the long run. The systems seem to have progressed so much that they can now offer the treatment for different skin types and hair types. However, it is still believed that to work effectively, the colour of the hair must be darker than the skin. As technology progresses, the more flexible the laser systems will become, and the more effective the treatments will be. Now, it seems that those with classic Irish colouring - fair skin and dark hair - are ideal candidates for successful laser hair removal. But grey hair, with its lack of pigment, is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to treat and rarely sees a satisfactory result. It is also essential that treatment is not carried out on tanned skin (whether by sunlight, sunbed or the application of a self-tan product) because the melanin in the skin is active and will burn. Other contra-indications include pregnancy, cancer and photosensitive medication, such as tetracycline (acne treatment) or even herbal supplements like St John’s Wort. The hair usually has to be treated over a period of time with laser because all hairs do not grow at the same pace. It means that time is needed to treat them all during the “growing” stage.

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Food News

ElBulli closure signals end of a colourful era THE world-famous elBulli restaurant, set in a remote part of Spain, closes tomorrow (Saturday) after two decades of accolades from diners and critics alike.

Under chef Ferran Adria, the beachside eatery, situated two hours north of Barcelona, has been crowned the world’s best repeatedly after pushing the boundaries of cuisine. The three-Michelin-starred, 50-seater restaurant, which opened only six months of the year, had three million people applying for one of the 8.000 sittings catered for in this year alone! The Cala Montjoi premises, which started life as a beach bar, will re-open in 2014 as a non-profit culinary think-tank, exploring new cooking techniques and developing new flavours. Tomorrow’s final din-

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ner will be served in tribute to long-time staff members and their families. The elBulli Foundation will grant 20-25 scholarships annually for chefs to spend a year working with the restaurant’s core staff, sharing ideas and findings on the Internet. Adria, whose radical innovations since he became the head chef at elBulli in 1987 include foie grass noodles and potato foam, wants to spend more time being creative. “ElBulli is not closing but transforming itself - its soul is going to remain,” he told a group of students in Valencia last month. Under Adria, the restaurant known as El Bulli until 2008, was never a commercial restaurant in the strictest sense. Shortly after becoming head chef, he closed the restaurant for half the year to give staff time to develop his trailblazing approach to cooking,

in which uses hi-tech methods to “deconstruct” and rebuild ingredients in surprising ways. In 2001, just as El Bulli was becoming well known, he decided to close for lunch as well to enable staff to learn to be even more creative in the kitchen. Dinner, a “degustation” menu in which a set series of small portions of unusual dishes are offered for tasting, cost around 250 euros per head.

But despite its popularity, the restaurant was losing half-a-million euros a year, and 49-year-old Adria made up the shortfall in various ways. There was a series of elBulli spin-offs, including books, a range of kitchenware and speaking engagements, and he also lent his name to a range of brands, from olive oil to cutlery. The restaurant is credited with helping to transform

Spain from a culinary backwater to a world leader. Britain’s Restaurant magazine ranked elBulli No1 on its list of the world’s top-50 restaurants a record five times. “It is not the best restau-

rant in the world because that does not exist,” said Adria last week. “But it is now the most influential place in the world in terms of cuisine, and especially when it comes to creativity.”

Kick in the teeth for Scotch bootleggers! BAD news for bootleggers! Scientists at Glasgow’s Strathclyde University have developed a method for fake Scotch whisky. The technique, which examines ethanol concentration in undiluted samples and the residue of dried whisky, could help safeguard one of the country’s most important industries. This method compares whisky samples to determine whether they are what it says on the label, or an imitation brand, and it is inexpensive to carry out. There’s no expensive, labbased analysis involved. The research was led by Professor David Littlejohn from the university’s department of pure and applied chemistry, whose team

analysed 17 samples of blended whisky. The levels of ethanol and colourant led them to identify correctly the eight authentic and nine counterfeit samples. Prof Littlejohn said: “The whisky industry has tools at its disposal for telling these whisky brands apart, but many of them involve lab-based analysis. That isn’t always the most convenient system if a sample needs to be identified quickly. “There’s a growing need for methods that can provide simpler and faster identification, and we have developed a system which could be adapted for devices to use on site, without the need to return samples to a lab.” He added: “It could be of great benefit to an industry which is hugely important to Scotland’s economy.”

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Food News

Jamon y Mojo delecatable Deli It’s well over a year since Canarian Weekly last visited Jamon y Mojo on Avenida de Suecia in Los Cristianos. It’s still a hidden gem, but now, has a great following. Still the most exquisite delicatessen, the word delicatessen means “delicacies” or “fine foods” and that’s exactly what Jamon y Mojo is, an eclectic collection of Iberian and Canarian products. The shop specialises in Iberian Ham, Iberian products and Canarian Mojos, a diverse mix, everything from Iberian ham to mojos, to coffee, chocolate, wines, sherry, pate, oil and vinegar to biscuits and salt! Not forgetting the finest jamon – Iberico de Bellota. It’s foodie heaven, if you’re looking for that special ingredient for your own cooking, a present to take home (vacuum packed) for the person who has everything or just simply some Jamon Iberico for your lunch then Jamon y Mojo is the place to visit. The shop now sells freshly made sandwiches to take away,

made from fresh bread and produce. The rustic deli is owned and run by Tine, originally from Denmark, she’s passionate about food, “It was always my dream to set up a venture like this, offering typical speciality products which suits everyone’s price range” In September Jamon y Mojo will have been open for two years, in that time Tine has tirelessly researched the products that she sells, even visiting the producers and participating in courses in Madrid on how Jamon should be cut. More recently she has expanded her range of locally sourced products with fresh daily bread from the Dinkel Backer bakery, which sells per kilo, so you can just have a slice! The bread has a good shelf life and there is even a special Rye bread which is gorgeous. The Canarian wine range is expanding and it is really becoming a niche delicatessen. There are now two new additional Jamons, at a very good price sourced from Salamanca and Extremadura, plus Cecina. In Spanish, Cecina means

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

“meat that has been salted and dried by means of air, sun or smoke”. The best known Cecina is Cecina de León, which is made of the hind legs of beef, salted, smoked and air-dried in the province of León in Northwestern Spain, and has PGI status. Other new additions include world prize wining cheeses, plus a specialty cheese from Fuerteventura. Jamón ibérico is also called pata negra, it’s a type of cured ham produced only in Spain. It is at least 75% black Iberian pig, also called the cerdo negro (black pig). The black Iberian pig lives primarily in the south and southwest parts of Spain, it also lives in the southeast parts of Portugal (Barrancos), where it is referred to as porco de raça alentejana. The meat is salted and left to begin drying for two weeks, after which they are rinsed and left to dry for another four to six weeks. The curing process then takes at least twelve months, although some producers cure their jamones ibéricos for up to 36 months.

In particular, the ibérico hams from the towns of Guijuelo in the Salamanca province and Jabugo in the Huelva province are known for their consistently high quality. In the town of Jabugo even the main square is called La plaza del Jamón! The finest jamón ibérico is called jamón ibérico de bellota (acorn). This ham is from free-range pigs that roam oak forests (called la dehesa). The exercise and the diet has a significant impact on the flavour of the meat; the ham is cured for 36 months. The next grade of jamón ibérico is called jamón ibérico de recebo. This ham is from pigs that are pastured and fed a combination of acorns and grain.

The third type of jamón ibérico is called jamón ibérico de pienso, or simply, jamón ibérico. This ham is from pigs that are fed only grain. The ham is cured for 24 months. So whether you’re looking for a unique holiday souvenir, the perfect gift or hamper, or, an everyday ingredient then go and visit Jamon y Mojo. You can even try before you buy.

Tine, summed it up by saying, “Jamon is love at first bite” Contact Tel: 922 789 470 Summer Opening Hours Open Monday – Friday 10am-2pm/5pm-8pm Wednesday 10am-2pm Saturday 10am-1pm Closed Sundays

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Holiday hijack Everyone this week seems to be talking about the new Channel 4 series - Holiday Hijack. It takes all-inclusive resort-loving British holidaymakers on a once in a lifetime trip they’ll really never forget. On Sundays at 8pm you can cringe as a group of unsuspecting tourists, who think they’re in for some five-star luxuries, are hijacked from their package holiday by members of the local community, who reveal the realities of life behind the glossy travel brochure images. The tourists get to witness first-hand the hard work needed to maintain their cov-

eted paradise getaways and the environmental impact of their tropical escape. Can they tough it out in the native surroundings of destinations last Sunday was The Gambia, This week is the Maldives and the final episode looks to be the Caribbean? Episode two on the 31st July sees two quality-seeking couples discover the dark side to The Maldives, one of the world’s most popular romantic destinations. Twenty-eight-year-old Ali from Oxfordshire, her father Graham, and their fiancées Stuart and Sally love nothing more than the exclusivity of a superswanky resort. While both couples have travelled the world in style, they admit to having seen very little of it, choosing instead to spend their time exhausting the facilities available at their all-inclusive resorts.

Nestled deep in the Indian Ocean, the Maldives is made up of 1200 tiny islands. Tourism is the country’s biggest industry, with 97 resorts welcoming over 600,000 holidaymakers a year. With one hotel per island, tourists flock to the Maldives for its pictureperfect private beaches and tranquil luxury. However this separation between the locals and the resorts often means that the true Maldivian way of life goes unseen. For one night only Ali, Graham, Stuart and Sally are booked into the Water Villas at the Reethi Beach Resort and Spa, before the tranquility of paradise is soon shattered as they’re hijacked by local couple Zuba and Nazu, who take them to live and work on one of the many service islands that cater for the five-star resorts.

The four of them get a humbling glimpse into the work done by the locals who keep the tourist industry going - from rubbish collecting, to fishing and beach sweeping - and when visiting an island literally made of rubbish where all the tourist waste is dumped. Armed with the knowledge that the very industry the Maldives relies on to survive is slowly destroying it, will the Brits make the decision to change their holiday habits for good? Or will the lure of the luxury resort prove too much to resist? If you’ve not seen it then be prepared, the reality TV aspect is a bit cringe worthy, but, having said that there is a strong message about the impact of tourism which sometimes gets lost.

Thomson’s 2012 brochures are now glossier than ever TOUR operator Thomson has launched its new range of brochures for next summer, and has given them a complete makeover. To help raise the profile of various products higher, the company has introduced a new category into the range called Thomson -With A Difference, which includes these new categories: *Indulgence - includes A La Carte, Sensatori, Couples and Platinum *Specialist - includes Family Resorts, Gold, Cruise, Ski, Villas, Lakes & Mountains, Small & Friendly *Tailormade - includes Worldwide, USA and Canada *Classic - includes Summer Collection, Faraway Shores, Greece & Cyprus, Turkey, Italy & Croatia, Egypt & North Africa The brochures have been designed to make them even easier to use and understand, which will make the booking process simpler. A new feature in the brochures is 3T Favourites, which relies on what holiday-makers think. Hotels are included in this collection only if they are highly rated on review website Trip Advisor - scoring at least four out of five - and they hit or exceed the 85% mark with

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Thomson customers who have visited. In all, 37 properties in 22 destinations feature in the new collection. Thomson’s Small & Friendly range, which offers intimate hotels with an authentic feel, also takes a new direction, with a redesigned brochure, a new destination in Cape Verde and several new hotels. An At A Glance Box and a simplified price panel should make the booking process easier, while 75 new units in destinations such as Greece and Turkey makes Small & Friendly an even more attractive travel option. Plenty of new destinations and properties have also been added to the Thomson portfolio, including new 10 and 11-night stays in Pula, Croatia. And the company will also introduce a new flight from Manchester to the Portuguese island of Porto Santo, where the 4T-rated Vila Baleira Resort Hotel has also been added. With Cape Verde an increasingly popular destination, Thomson has increased capacity and expanded its product range with the inclusion of the 5T Platinum Melia Tortuga Beach Resort & Spa. Thomson’s adults-only range Couples is getting bigger and better, with six more hotels going on sale now, to be available from next May. With the offer of adults-only, contemporary style, great settings, top dining, relaxed atmosphere and an extra lug-

Ryanair provides ‘memory’ service IRISH budget airline Ryanair has launched its latest innovation, Flight Tracker, which allows passengers to retrieve future and historic bookings easily. The free service was developed after research showed that over 50% of the company’s passengers flew on its low fares at least four times in the last 12 months, while a third flew over six times. It will be particularly useful

Top ten British Airways tips to an easy holiday As holidaymakers are preparing to set off, British Airways’ cabin crew give their top tips to make travelling that little bit easier.

gage allowance, the range has increased to 23 destinations, including these six new resorts: *Luabay Galatzo, Majorca: 4T+, all-inclusive *Luabay Marivent, Majorca: 4T, bed & breakfast/half-board *Barcelo Hamilton, Menorca: 4T, half-board *Elounda Village, Crete: 5T, halfboard *Munamar, Turkey (Dalaman): 4T, all-inclusive *Riu Palace Oceana Hammamet, Tunisia: 4T, half-board Thomson’s Platinum collection, which includes 4T or 5T-rated properties only, with smart rooms, excellent restaurants and oasis-like grounds, will also be expanded from next May, with a number of new inclu-

sions such as the 5T Hotel La Marquise in Rhodes, and the 5T Lopesan Baobab in Gran Canaria. When it comes to staying ahead of the competition, Thomson insists its 2012 summer programme, with a wider range of destinations, UK airports, products and exclusive properties, has no equal. The eight new 2012 Thomson brochures out now are: *Summer Collection: April-Oct *Family Collection: April-Oct *Premier Collection Nov 2011Oct *A La Carte: Nov 2011-Oct *Greece & Cyprus: April-Oct *Turkey: April-Oct *Small & Friendly: April-Oct *Villas with Pools: April-Oct

for frequent flyers because it allows passengers to track all flights within an 18-month period by simply entering any current or historic flight reference and the confirmation email address. The service is available through “Manage my booking” on and Ryanair’s Stephen McNamara said: “The new service will allow passengers who have misplaced flight reference numbers to securely and easily access their booking information.”

1.Travel like a celeb and pack a pashmina. They are particularly good if you’re moving between different climates and always useful to have on board. Fold away shoes like are also a great item to have in your hand luggage if you want to ditch the heels for flats and use up minimal space. 2.Always carry a pen in your hand luggage for forms that need to be filled in prior to arrival. 3.Leave a bit of space at the top of any toiletry bottles – it will prevent them leaking as the aircraft becomes pressurised at altitude. Also, make sure you only bring 100ml liquids in your hand luggage and that they fit in a plastic bag that’s no more than 20cm x 20cm (sandwich bags are a good option). 4.Take your own teabags if you’re fussy about your morning cuppa. 5.Join the British Airways Executive Club – it’s free and has plenty of benefits. If you’re a member you will also be considered first if the airline is looking for people to upgrade. 6.Take baby wipes – they’re great for refreshing adults as well as children.

7.Load the BA app on to your phone. It will let you check in for your BA flight and issue you with your boarding pass from the comfort of your sun lounger. 8.If you’re off on a beach holiday, pack your swim wear in your hand luggage so you can slip into it and head straight to the sea or the pool when you arrive. Also pack a sarong if your beach towel is taking up precious space. 9.Choose to fly with an airline like BA that allows holidaymakers to check-in one 23kg bag for free as well as allowing them to carry two bags in the cabin. That’s a lot of outfits and is particularly generous when you think some no frills airlines only allow one cabin bag, charge you for every bag you check in and only allow you a 15kg weight limit for your checked luggage. 10.So you don’t have that terrifying moment at the airport when you realise you’ve left your passport in the safe, put one of the shoes you’re wearing home in there with it. Sounds ridiculous but it works! Becky Wadsworth, a British Airways cabin crew member, said: “As cabin crew we can take up to 450 flights a year so we’re always looking for tips to make travel easier. Most of them really simple but they can make a big difference to your holiday.”

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011


On the road with jav Behind the Wheel


Plenty of fresh air for this amazing Brabus! TAKE a good look at this Brabus E 800 V12 Cabriolet because it’s the fastest four-seater convertible in the world.

You’d better because the 12-cylinder, twin-turbo monster will hit 124mph in a mindblowing 9.9 seconds and can hit 231mph overall, so you see much of it as it flashes by!. It’s also seems seriously pricey because. Brabus are asking £423,000 for one of the matt-black beauties. But looking at it seriously, it has half a chance of keeping up with a Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport so, at less than half the price, it might not be such bad value after all (assuming, of course, you’ve got bundles of dosh burning a hole in your back pocket..

The E 800 V12 is based on a Mercedes E-Class Coupé but, as you’d probably imagine, it has undergone a comprehensive overhaul to achieve its astonishing speed. Brabus have taken a Mercedes 5.5-litre V12 Biturbo engine and increased it to 6.3 litres. And, by strengthening key parts like the camshafts and cylinder heads, and adding a new exhaust system, power has risen to 788bhp. What’s even more impressive is the total torque output, which is 1,047lb/ft. It’s so much that Brabus have limited it to just’ 811lb.ft to stop the car from constantly spinning its wheels. It’s still more pulling power than two Ferrari 458 Italia engines can muster, though. The suspension and tyres have been overhauled to make sure all that power gets to the road

and sharpen the handling. The dampers are adjustable through 10 degrees of firmness, and the ride height can be changed as well. And this cracking motor sits on 19inch, black alloy wheels. When Mercedes use a seven-speed automatic gearbox for its top-of-the-range AMG performance cars, the E 800’s five-speed automatic might seem a little outdated. However, with all that torque, the Brabus doesn’t need that many gear ratios. What it does need is big brakes and, fortunately they have been factored in, while inside, the Brabus gets a custom interior including, vitally, a new speedometer able to display the 231mph top speed, It actually goes up to 250mph, but you never know - with a following wind, perhaps …

The SSC Tuatara snakes along rapidly SHELBY SuperCars have confirmed that the replacement for their record-breaking Ultimate Aero will be called the SSC Tuatara. The American car-maker, and famed US supercar designer Jason Castriota are definitely raising the bar in this speed-driven industry with the unveiling of the Tuatara. Details are still sketchy but with around 1,350hp, the Tuatara promises to eclipse even the Ultimate Aero and Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. The Ultimate Aero’s 256.18mph made it the fastest production car in the world until the uprated Veyron hit 268mph last year on a VW test track.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

And you can be sure that will be the chief target for the Tuatara when it eventually surfaces. Compared with the Ultimate Aero, it represents a huge step forward in SSC’s ambitions. The Ultimate Aero was as fast as they come, but was relatively traditional in design and construction. The Tuatara, meanwhile, breaks new ground for American supercars and looks to tackle the European high-rollers, from Bugatti, Pagani and their ilk, on style and sophistication, as well as top-speed bragging rights. In a video, SSC boss Jerrod Shelby says the name was inspired by a reptile from New Zealand which,

apparently, has the fastest adapting DNA of any creature - a philosophy, he says, embodies the new Tuatara. SSC isn’t saying much else about the Tuatara, other than to confirm that it will be powered by a sevenlitre twin-turbo V8 engine with around 1,350hp driving through a seven-speed gearbox, with the option of sequential paddle-shifters or a conventional H-pattern manual. The Tuatara will be built from carbon-fibre, naturally, and will also feature energy-absorbing aluminium crash structures. Onepiece, carbon-fibre wheels, pioneered by SSC on the Ultimate Aero in 2009, will be standard.

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New-look Tenerife to start long climb back Match Report THE Bad Girls/ Boys, getting back to league action in Division 2, produced the most stunning result they could ever have imagined. With Bad Girl Sarah winning her first-ever game, and throwing the winning dart in both legs of her doubles game, the Los Abrigos team whitewashed Barracuda Hunters 8-0! Sunshine Bar slipped one place to fourth after being held to a draw at Phoenix Flames. Pensioners Joan and Elaine (mother-in-law), aided by Maddie, took the trebles leg to pick up a welldeserved point. The Naturals top man Fluff hit a maximum as his team went up into third spot, while early pace-setters Marilyns slipped down to mid-table after a home defeat against Valle Vikings 2. Elsewhere, Sundowners and Knights both won to stay first and second respectively.

Yelas’ Adam struck his first 180 of the season as the Los Cristianos outfit registered their first point with a well-deserved home draw against Toscales Ensecan. Then went on to beat Café Rood 5-3 in a mid week catch up match. Nauta A remain on top, although they were pushed all the way by X-Men, and The Pub were ahead after the singles games against Bar 180 A. But Martin and his side eventually showed their class and came out 5-3 winners.

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Division 1 P-P 5-3 6-2 5-3 3-5 3-5 5-3 P-P 4-4

Bar 180 B Barracudarts Boys Cozy Wanderers Nauta A Target Army The Pub Toscales Tornados Valle Vikings 1 Yelas Table 1 Nauta A 2 Bar 180 A 3 Cozy Wanderers 4 Phoenix Bar 5 Barracudarts Boys 6 Toscales Tornados 7 La Central 8 Cafe Rood A 9 X-Men 10 The Pub 11 Toscales Ensecan 12 Target Army 13 Valle Vikings 1 14 Tavern 15 Gaffers 16 Target Titans 17 Yelas 18 Bar 180 B

La Central Target Titans Tavern X-Men Phoenix Bar Bar 180 A Gaffers Café Rood A Toscales Ensecan

P W D L F A +- PTS 9 9 0 0 61 11 50 27 9 8 0 1 53 19 34 24 9 6 2 1 51 21 30 20 9 6 2 1 46 26 20 20 9 6 1 2 47 25 22 19 9 6 0 3 38 34 4 18 8 4 2 2 38 26 12 14 8 4 1 3 34 30 4 13 9 4 1 4 37 35 2 13 9 3 2 4 36 36 0 11 9 3 1 5 26 46 -20 10 9 3 0 6 32 40 -8 9 8 2 1 5 23 41 -18 7 9 2 1 6 25 47 -22 7 9 2 0 7 28 44 -16 6 9 1 1 7 25 47 -22 4 9 1 1 7 16 56 -40 4 8 1 0 7 16 48 -32 3

Division 2 Bad Girls/Boys Cafe Rood B Lucky Leprichaun Marilyns Ourplace Playgirls Palms Sports Bar Phoenix Flames Summerland Hopefuls Trap Door

8-0 6-2 3-5 3-5 3-5 1-7 4-4 3-5 1-7

Barracuda Hunters La Caña Lancers Naughty Nautas Valle Vikings 2 Sundowners Tenerife Sun Sunshine Bar Knights Ourplace Naturals

Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 Sundowners 9 8 0 1 46 26 20 24 2 Knights 9 7 1 1 50 22 28 22 3 Ourplace Naturals 9 7 0 2 52 20 32 21 4 Sunshine Bar 9 6 2 1 47 25 22 20 5 Cafe Rood B 9 6 0 3 41 31 10 18 6 Tenerife Sun 9 5 1 3 40 32 8 16 7 Naughty Nautas 9 5 0 4 38 34 4 15 8 Bad Girls/Boys 9 3 4 2 38 34 4 13 9 Barracuda Hunters 9 4 1 4 31 41 -10 13 10 Marilyns 9 4 0 5 37 35 2 12 11 Summerland Hopefuls 9 3 2 4 35 37 -2 11 12 Trap Door 9 3 1 5 35 37 -2 10 13 Ourplace Playgirls 9 3 1 5 30 42 -12 10 14 Palms Sports Bar 9 2 3 4 32 40 -8 9 15 Valle Vikings 2 9 3 0 6 30 42 -12 9 16 Phoenix Flames 9 1 3 5 28 44 -16 6 17 Lucky Leprichaun 9 1 1 7 22 50 -28 4 18 La Caña Lancers 9 0 0 9 16 56 -40 0 Cozy Wanderers enjoyed a solid victory over Tavern, and a slightly-weakened Phoenix Bar had a fine evening, managing a 5-3 win at Target Army. Barracudarts Boys continued a good run

of form by beating Target Titans, and Toscales Tornados entertained the Gaffers lads up in the Valle and just got the better of them with a 5-3 success. By Geoff Huxtable

AFTER a year to forget, fans of CD Tenerife finally have something to look forward to. The club’s place in Segunda B, the third tier of Spanish football has been assured, and they start their promotion campaign with a Derby match. Gran Canaria’s Vecindario will visit Santa Cruz on 21st August and finally, fans are starting to get an idea of who will be wearing the white jerseys. A plethora of players has left, and there will be more departures before the season starts. Some senior players have committed to the cause, which has given supporters heart. Experienced keeper Sergio Arragoneses, Under-21 international Omar plus centrebacks Luna and Pablo Sicilia will join exciting wonderkid Josmar in the spine of the side. Juan Ramon returns to the senior squad after a few seasons in the stiffs. He is joined by defender Ayoze, plus attackers German and Ruben Rosquete from last season’s successful reserve side. Former Kilmarnock player and Cadiz manager Antonio Calderon is the new manager. He was unable to keep Albacete in Tenerife’s division last season, but he does bring experience of this league to the table. A few players have already signed on, including Javier Tarantino, who played for Calderon last year. The defender shores up the backline, along with Celta Vigo’s Sergio Rodri-

guez. David Medina has spent the last four seasons at Nastic and played for them in La Liga. The defensive midfielder is a shrewd signing. Third-tier stalwarts Ferran, from Leganes, and Victor Bravo, Melilla, will shore up the midfield. Offensively Nico joins from Guadalajera, Perona is in from Real Oviedo and Puerto de la Cruz-born Kiko Raton is back on the Island for a second spell after leaving Girona. The 34-year-old forward had a fine season last time around and it is hoped he will be the inspiration of this campaign. Tenerife’s squad will need strengthening, and

there is a chance that the likes of Natalio, Hidalgo and Alvarez will stay. Former player Suso, who has been at Hearts in the SPL for the last few years, is rumoured to be interested in coming back. At this standard, he would be a big player. Tenerife have missed out on a few players. A deal for Granada winger Alex Cruz fell through, Kitoko understandably chose Champions League football with Standard Liege rather than staying in Santa Cruz, while old boy Oscar Perez rejected a return and has gone to Cadiz.

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011


29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Page 47

Puzzle Page

Prize Sudoku - X

1 7 2 4 Last Week’s Answers: Quiz: 1. News of the World 3 2. Andy Coulson 3. Bryan Ferry 4. Harper Seven 4 5 1 3 5. Anglesey 6. Michael Pennington 7. The Tree of Life 8 6 3 9 8. Dara O’Briain 9. Pat Butcher Brain Training: 11 9 4 7 10. Rick Stein Beginer: Intermediate: 23 Advanced: 49

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

WIN!!! Showtime tickets and an Oasis Fm t-shirt.

Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to info@ before Wednesday 3rd August and you could win!

Answer from Edition 713 (22/07/2011) was: 67 Winner: Gill Shanks

You have until the 26th August to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.

4 7 8 6

5 9

2 1 7 5

2 4 8 6


5 9 2 1 6 4 7 8 3 6 4 8 9 7 3 2 5 1 7 3 1 5 2 8 6 4 9 4 6 3 8 5 7 1 9 2 2 8 7 4 9 1 5 3 6 1 5 9 2 3 6 8 7 4

9 2 5 4

9 7 4 6 8 2 3 1 5


3 1 6 7 4 5 9 2 8

Puzzle Rating: moderate

8 2 5 3 1 9 4 6 7

7 1 8 5 4

8 9


Very hard

1 8 7 6 2 3 5 4 9

6 2 7

9 3 1 6 1 9 1 6 5

5 4


1 6 7 9 5

5 1 4 8 4 2

Sudoku X:

2 8 7 4 5 7 1 8 2

4 6 2 9 1 5 8 3 7 9 5 3 8 4 7 1 6 2 3 7 9 1 5 4 6 2 8 8 2 5 7 9 6 3 1 4 6 4 1 3 8 2 9 7 5 5 1 6 2 7 8 4 9 3 2 9 8 4 3 1 7 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 9 2 8 1

Very hard 6 7 2 4 5 9 8 1 3 3 9 5 8 7 1 4 2 6 4 8 1 3 2 6 5 7 9 8 5 6 1 4 7 3 9 2 2 4 7 9 8 3 1 6 5 1 3 9 5 6 2 7 4 8 7 6 3 2 1 8 9 5 4 9 1 4 6 3 5 2 8 7 5 2 8 7 9 4 6 3 1

Puzzle Rating: Very hard

Horoscopes of the week Leo

TV Programmes Which TV programmes were filmed at these places.

(July 24th-August 23rd)

Stability in relationships is beginning to reach an even keel, but getting what you want eventually could bring more conflict. Try to be innovative and creative as you seek out new ways to compromise, but beware of confusing financial signals until you know more.

VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) Make sure everyone knows what you’re talking about because your instructions can be at bit confusing at times. To accomplish your objectives, you’ll have to minimise distractions, so love and passion may have to wait until you’ve got things sorted out at work. LIBRA (September 24thOctober 23rd) You seem very strongly-opinionated and this won’t go down well with family, friends or workmates. Be sure of what you’re doing because indiscriminate comments you’re making may well spark considerable unrest. It may be time to reconsider this need for attention you seem to have, so try chilling out. SCORPIO (October 24thNovember 22nd) If you remember that all that glitters is not gold, you could save yourself from squandering money on beautiful, but items that are actually useless. Use your special, cutting-edge qualities to make an impact at work because it could put money in your pockets. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) It seems that someone has their eye on you and she/he don’t intend to take no for an answer. The person is sending out seductively-

Page 48

subtle but sensual signals, and is hoping you’re getting the message. This looks like being a good few days for you, if you’re unattached right now, but back away fast otherwise. CAPRICORN (December 22ndJanuary 20th) Working as part of a team is never your first choice in a situation, as you much prefer to do things your own way at your own pace. But since many hands make light work over a larger-than-life situation, it looks as though you have no option this week. Grin and bear it because it will be back to normal next week. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th) Let bygones be bygones and let the past go. If you continue to be stuck in a days-gone-by mode, you’ll never take the chances, or make the moves, you need to move forward in your life from every aspect. Be bold and get out of your comfort zone as life is too short to procrastinate so much. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) The placement of the moon at the start of the week highlighted family matters, but not in a way you like. Making important decisions should be avoided until you gather all the information you need, so don’t be pressured. Just go with what’s happening socially and keep expectations low.

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training

ARIES (March 21st -April 20th) Mature conversations over how you’re going to get a relationship back on track need to be taken. But don’t be tempted to dredge up old issues or you’ll reach stalemate fast and all will be lost. Let the past go, focus on the future and be prepared to make compromises from now on.

1. Walford

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number


-------------------------------2. Newtown






3. Causton -------------------------------4. Nelson Mandela House

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st) No amount of arguing over the past is going to change it, so try to let it go. A new sun/Uranus aspect should be bring fresh, lively energy to your home life, so consider new and exciting possibilities for future plans. But keep your wits about you over money.


GEMINI (May 22nd June 21st) The moon in your sign early in the week will have defused petty squabbles and should have brought about a more congenial tone to communications. It’s a time to focus on work and career, so sidestep distractions of all kinds and put success at the top of your to-do list. Love may have to wait for now but be patient and things will happen.


CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd) If you let your imagination run wild, you could find yourself in all sorts of unfortunate detours and may find it hard to get back on track, so stay focused. A novel approach over money may be more lucrative than you think, so think outside the box. You’ll surprise yourself.

9. Letherbridge

5. Aidensfield -------------------------------6. Glendarroch

7. Portwen -------------------------------8. Brentwich --------------------------------

-------------------------------10. Weatherfield --------------------------------









x45 ÷3 -5

÷2 Answer

+52 ÷9 Intermediate Starter Number







30% of this






2/5 of this







2/3 of this




140 x4 -236

5/6 of this




Starter Number






of this

-496 ÷6


+245 x2 Answer

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011


29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Page 49

Free Ads


Free Adverts

Baby 4 in 1 musical play gym 20 euros. Lyndham baby door bouncer 10 euros, Baby Bjorn black and white sling 10 euros. Activity chair circular with toys fixed around main seat 10 euros. Moses basket, including new spare bedding, navy and sky blue 2 in 1 car seat/pram, excellent condition 50 euros. Large box of ladies size 8/10 clothes and men’s clothes 32 waist, small-medium shirts, includes grey Burtons work suit, 15 euros for the lot. Bag of baby boy clothes and toys 3- 9 months 10 euros. Tel 671 128 796 2 Mountain bikes, gent’s and ladies 21 gears, Rockrider, rarely used, 80 euros each, 150 euros for both. Green and cream Biombo sofa, 50 euros. Tel 690 709 422 Full set of golf clubs, 3 woods including hippo 500cc oversized driver, tumbaline irons 3 iron to sandwedge, putter, new cartbag, tees, balls, the lot 120 euros ONO. Tel 677 008 693. Full silver domestic gas bottle with regulator, 60 euros. 14 inch Beko colour TV still boxed 40 euros ono. 2 fire extinguishers 20 euros each. JVC video camera only needs battery 50 euros ono. 2 single air mattresses 20 euros each. Tel 664 602 735 Standard Jacuzzi, 225 euros. Gas BBQ, 40 euros. 14” TV (no scart) 10 euros. Nike Golf bag, trolley and clubs, 180 euros. HP old Printer, 5 euros. All cash ono. Buyer collects. Tel 922 85 11 23 Gents & Ladies mountain bikes, good condition, 75 euros each. Tel 600 700 521 Gas cooker (Corbero) as new 88H X 58D X 53W. 3 rings and oven with lid and gas bottle, buyer collects 175 euros. Air con unit Acqua hot and cold 70H X 50D X32W, 200 euros ono. Tel 636 360 473 or 922 736 106 Gas Pizza oven plus heat shields full working order, 500 euros. Offers taken Tel 609 156 993. Chicco key1 car seat 9-18 kg good condition and very clean 20 euros. Tel 608 223 156 or 922 765 564. Nintendo Wii, comes with Wii Fit game and board, sports pack, 1 remote and 1 Numchuck, all with original boxes, hardly been used 150 euros ono. Tel 672 584 698 Three plus two seater sofa with red multi removable covers excellent condition 80 euros the pair. White

five branch ceiling light fitting 25 euros. Spanish oak furniture, 2 bed side tables, one hall table, two door cupboard, two single beds and mirror from ten euros each. Tel 637 908 415 or 922 713912 Jordan boxing boots in white/chrome-flint grey UK size 9 / 44, 50 euros ono. Petsafe radio fence pet containment system comes with 250m of boundary wire and radio collar for your dog 100 euros. Industrial insect killer for kitchen/bar 50 euros. Silver gas bottle 35 euros. Werko electric stone and marble cutter 50 euros. Rubi TX700 tile cutter (weight 20kg) 100 euros. Tel 639 481 064 Lexmark X1270 3 in 1 printer & scanner, colour and black and white, plus spare ink cartridges, set up disks etc as new 30 euros. Fujitsu flat screen computer monitor, internal speakers, 20 euros. Samsung Onix GT-S5620 mobile phone as new, wifi, touch screen, mp3 player, camera, GPS, Bluetooth 40 euros. Tel 630 290 505.

bargain of the week Reclining chair with massage. Navy leatherette. Good condition. Buyer collects. 100 euros. Tel: 654 837 328. Sit up bench, never used 25 euros. Tennis racquets, Dunlop and Yamaha, graphite, 15 euros for the pair. Videos VHS, films and comedy, all excellent condition, 12 euros. Golf del sur area. Tel 922 738 859 or 609 476 551. Black Metal Ikea 4 shelf units 15 euros. Tall bamboo unit with 3 shelves, drawer and cupboard 100 euros. Printer stand with paper storage 40 euros. Sofa bed with wooden frame yellow and blue upholstery 35 euros. 2 seater sofa 15 euros. Single wardrobe with doll top front and 2 shelves 30 euros. Patterned glass fronted tall kitchen cabinet 50 euros. 3 ring gas cooker with grill and oven 50 euros. Large gilt framed mirror 50 euros. Tumble dryer Edesa 5kg 70 euros. 2 pine chairs, 15 euros. White double bamboo headboard 155cm with 2 matching chairs 30 euros. Stainless steel, glass fronted 3 door food refrigerated counter unit, 150 x 64 x 108cm, 300 euros. Chest freezer, 40 euros. Electronic safe, 40 euros. Domestic fridge, 30 euros. Single bed with mattress, 20 euros. Mattress for single bed, 10 euros. Commercial Spanish coffee machine, 250 euros. 4 place drop down sandwich toaster 35 euros. Fire extinguishers from 35 euros. Teak & metal headboard 210cm, 40 euros. 6 square meters textured natural coloured tiles 20 x 20cm, 30 euros. Office chair, 10 euros. Fold up single bed, 50 euros. Tel 620 469 102 or 662 354 391 Silencio area. Buyer collects Whirlpool, front loading washing machine, vgc, 180 euros. 2 seater sofa, cream, green & burgundy colours, VGC, 60 euros. Samsung 28” wide screen TV, silver, 80 euros. 4 rings Vitroceramic hob, 21” TV, silver, 40 euros each. DVD player, VCR, 14” TV,

Barbecue plancha,15 euros each. A selection of headboards (90,135,160, 200, 220cm), single bed bases, (90 x 190 cm),15 euros a set/each. Flat sunbeds, white plastic, steam iron,10 euros each. Armchair blue & yellow), 68 cm width, 20 euros. Sony amplified CD player, patio armchair, white & foldable,15 euros each each. Sky digibox, 40 euros. Patio table & 4 chairs (white), 20 euros a set /each. 28” TV, silver, 60 euros. Pine coffee table, Pedestal fan,10 euros each. Tel 646 615 794. Electric golf trolley, good condition, 65 euros ono. Tel 922 862 649 or 680 133 112. Large 2/3 cup coffee machine (Beretta Express) with steam and hot water, needs servicing 300 euros ono. White table covers 5(1.35x1.00) 17 (.90x.90) 12 (1.35x1.25) 45 euros the lot, will split if required. Yamaha YFL 211 flute with hard case, as new 300 euros. Yamaha Picolo ypc32, hard case 100 euros buy both 375 euros. Korg AX 1500 foot pedal, 80 euros. Tel 660 493 507 Metal folding chair with leopard print fabric, good condition 10 euros. Tower PC & 17” crt monitor winxp sp3 clean install 512ram 40ghd Amd 1.86Ghz Processor. Ms Office 2007 if required, 60 euros. Xbox games, Full Spectrum Warrior, Rainbow six 3, Project Gotham racing 2. 3 euros each. Manchester United official history 1878-2002 2 euros. 2 Gul wetsuits 1 female 1 male for heights approx 5’ - 5’5’’ v.g.c. 15 euros each. Tel 922 735 786 Office desk, teak top (115cm x 75 cm), metal legs, 20 euros. Electric shaver, 10 euros. Nokia 2720, locked to Vodafone, 15 euros. Nokia 1681, locked to Movistar, 10 euros. Coffee filter machine, 10 euros. Office chair, 10 euros. Wahl hair clipper, 10 euros. Microwave, mini oven, 15 euros each. A set of speakers & Subwoofer, 20 euros. Stool, 10 euros. Fan/heater, 10 euros. Tel 922 750 001, Ext 1226 or 646 615 794. Yellow mouse high chair, excellent condition, 30 euros. Doughnut bear, blue and green, for supporting your baby, newborn - 6mths, 15 euros. Pink activity centre, 5 euros. Various baby girl clothes, newborn-6mths. Tel: 635 794 314. Babybjorn bouncer, navy and white check, cover is reversible and washable, 3 height adjustment. Can be used from birth. Excellent condition, 30 euros. Tel 659 756 793 Large pink chest of drawers, 91cm W x 45cm D x 74cm H, 50 euros. Excellent condition. Buyer collects. Tel: 637 206 026. Plumbing fusion kit, 100 euros. Brand new tile cutter, TR 400, 100 euros. Set of drain rods, 30 euros. 1000W Dewalt angle grinder with diamond disk, 100 euros. 3 building shovels, 1 pick axe, 1 sledge hammer, 50 euros for the lot. Fridge, fits under worktop, 50 euros. Tel: 649 775 007 or 646 539 120

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm Page 50

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011




Property for Rent Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. 3 bed 2 bath apartment, 100 sqm + 100 sqm roof terrace in Las Chafiras. Includes all basic furniture and white goods, low community fees, 136,000 euros ono. No agents. Call 922 735 786 or 685 815 464 “Studio for rent in Las Americas, full furnished & equipped, quiet area close to beach in central location, no finders fees, 390 Euros a month including bills, call 620 230 871 or 922 751 113” Secured lock up


1 X 4 car space with electric and water

To Advertise here please call

1 X 2 car space private steel doors secured Golf Del Sur

902 232 102 or email us at

Call Ken on 639 207 113



For Sale Pedigree Persian kittens, white, ready now, 200€. Tel: 922 770 887 or 669 640 219.

Gas Pizza Oven

plus heat shields, full working order, bargain at 500 euros. Offers taken. Call 609 156 993 for more information

To Advertise here please call

902 232 102 or email us at

Cars/Bikes MG ZR 1.8, ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 4,500 euros. Tel 669 626 840 CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667. Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.07 V8 Fully legal, 6000 euros. Tel 696 775 768 Long term car rental from 220 euros per month. Full Insurance. Tel 626 080 651

JObs Sales Positions are available in the south of Tenerife for an established company. Positions are fully legal with good commissions paid. No experience is needed but a Social and NIE number is essential. Working hours Monday to Friday. To arrange an interview call 922 794 179 between 9am and 4pm weekdays. Extreme fitness Gym and Marshall Arts Academy opening soon in Las Chafiras are looking for Boxing, Marshall Arts and Fitness Instructors. If you want to work in the south’s largest gym and fitness centre call Ian on 634 344 117 Bianco and Teppanyaki are looking for young dynamic individuals to become part of their team for 2011. English and Spanish languages are essential with any other languages a bonus. Waiter experience is required. Please call Alex on 618 965 028 The Original Wigan Pier near the Sky Park require a evening cook to work 5 till 10pm 6 nights a week. They also need bubbly evening bar staff. Good rates of pay and contract given after a trial period. Call Jane on 922 741 945 or 611 607 547 GC Resorts are looking for Reservations Consultants to contact potential customers based in the UK. You should be dynamic, motivated, enthusiastic and a good team player. You will receive a contract, weekly pay, a realistic commission structure and an excellent training and development programme. Call Jayne Harris on 922 782 539 or 673 478 920 or email La Pinta Beach Club are looking for Polish & Czech sales reps. Points knowledge would be an advantage. If you are a capable self motivated sales person who can speak either of these languages with acceptable spoken English, call Andy Maleski on 669 100 253 or email your CV to La Pinta Beach Club require self motivated staff to join their well established team of Telemarketers to work 5 hours per day Sunday to Thursday. Weekly basic paid plus excellent commissions. Experience preferred but not essential as full training will be given. Call Helen on 922 717 739 or email Promotional staff are required for day and night work for a 5 star VIP night club. Applicants must be of smart appearance. For more details or for an interview call Jules on 630 867 579 A Marketing Office in the South of Tenerife require enthusiastic, self motivated staff. They are looking for native speaking Romanian, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian and Polish with spoken English. Basic Wage plus excellent commissions. Hours 9.30 to 5pm Monday to Friday. Call Sue on 922 713 070 or 686 154 066 or email

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Page 51

Service Point


CARS TO RENT Service Point



Long Term Rental

From 250â‚Ź per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email: Chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790


Auctions Flog it @ Tenerife Auction Rooms AUCTIONS EVERY SATURDAY 10.30am Buy & Sell Furniture & Household Items & just about everything else. Make more money selling Save more money buying Cut out the middleman Located at top of Amarilla Golf Road, Chafiras J24. Phone 645 389 207

Collections & Deliveries Available


Someone you can trust to look after your holiday apartment while you are back in the UK.

Experienced mature British couple willing to help.


Excellent work at reasonable rates. References can be provided.

Call 646 446 958.

Blinds (cont.)





Telephone: 902 811 069

For the personal touch.

Hand polish... interiors... carpets... Engine etc...

4 hours minimum per car!

Specialist cars e.g. Mercedes / BMW etc. + any 4 X 4’s

55 euros per valet.

Contact Kevin on 646 446 958

Page 52

E-mail: Computer Service Provider BT Authorised Dealer Dell Registered Partner


29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Service Point Fly Screens

Kitchens & bathrooms (cont.)

Mechanics & Valets (cont.)

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

language Lessons French, German or Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833.

FORTUNE TELLING Medial talented lady Fortune Teller specialising in Angel Cards and Iging. Home Service available in Tenerife South. Speaking German, Spanish and English. Call 667 368 670


Garden Furniture

Patio Doors & Windows

health & Beauty


VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051

Mobile 696 889 048


Kitchens & bathrooms

Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills. QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!


Alcala every Monday


9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841

Personal Services Sexy Lady waits for you. 0034 660 618 331 ¡¡¡Super sexy lovely girl attractive body, extremely erotic massage, sexy dance and much much more. (0034) 690 900 739

Mechanics & Valets

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Page 53

Service Point


Second-hand Shops

Petsworld D oghotel

No car, no problem we can pick them up.

Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day

TEL: 679 16 16 82

Pet Hotel “Toy�. Short breaks / Holiday care for your pet. Pick up and return service. Tel 922 530 347


Stock clearance ex-fashion warehouse

Sale starts Thursday 10am First come, first served Everything must go! Discount on 10 items or more

Buy 2 get 1 free on selected items

Los Cristianos, nr Cultural Centre / Police station road, next to pet shop

Tel: 618 381 488

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493

Pool tables

Plumbing All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579


The English Upholsterer Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle 677 806 800


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist

For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 Translation

Rotations: Call Gary on 922 790 822 - 662 496 422. Closed on Wednesdays.

Furniture & Household Items bought for cash Immediate decisions

Phone Freddie 645 389 207 security



Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

Teeth whitening

TV & Satellite Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

Single items to full house removals Competitive rates, professional service.

Call us first on 638 384 855

UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.


Water Filters Tarot Reading / Astrology Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494. Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 774 345 / 610 089 157.

Page 54

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Maria Leng British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547

For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 - 13:00 then 16:00 - 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday Morning, and many shops


Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

(lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037 TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services. Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers


CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

Contributors: Carl Pattison Christine CraggsHinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Nicola Roberts Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Friday Night Clear skies. 25 °C. Wind N 12mph. Saturday Partly Cloudy skies 27 °C. Wind NNE 13mph. Saturday Night Clear skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 12mph. Sunday Sunny skies. 27 °C. Wind NNE 13mph. Sunday Night Clear skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 13mph. Monday Sunny skies. 27 °C. Wind NNE 16mph. Monday Night Clear skies 25 °C. Wind NNE 14mph. Tuesday Partly cloudy skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 15mph. Tuesday Night Clear skies. 24 °C. Wind NNE 14mph. Wednesday Sunny skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 16mph.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit

Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces the cost of transport

by up to 30%.

Friday Partly Cloudy skies 27 °C. Wind N 7mph.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

(lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800

Wednesday Night Partly Cloudy skies. 24 °C. Wind NNE 18mph. Thursday Sunny skies. 26 °C. Wind NNE 13mph. Thursday Night Clear skies. 24 °C. Wind NNE 13mph.

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A.

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29 July 2011 - 04 August 2011

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