Cw issue 1006

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Issue 1006


26th May - 1st June 2017

MANCHESTER has been divided by supporters of the city’s two football clubs for more than a century. But Monday’s bombing atrocity united both sides firmly. Evil Salman Abedi, the Manchester Arena suicide bomber, killed 22 people and left 119 people injured, some 59 of them still in hospital. Continued on Page 3

Inside this week...

Traditional dress for a street party

See page 6

Hard Rock's search for next star See page 9

They came, they swam, they sang

See page 11

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Advertisement 26th May - 1st June 2017


26th May - 1st June 2017

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Bomber had terrorist links

Continued from Front It has since emerged that his father Ramadan, who had Al-Qaeda links, and his younger brother, Hashem, were arrested in Tripoli. Three other arrests were also said to have been made in Manchester. Abedi killed 22 people and injured at least 119 more when he detonated a “sophisticated” bomb. It was carried in his back-pack on Monday night as children piled out of the venue, having watched a concert by American teen idol Ariana Grande. And there were fears that the death toll could rise. He was blown to pieces, and remnants of his devastating device, possibly a pressure cooker filled with explosives and shrapnel, including nuts, bolts and nails, have been examined by forensic experts. The bomber appeared to have been carrying a powerful explosive in a metal container, which was either inside a black vest, or a blue, Karrimor backpack. And investigators believe that a small, handheld detonator was used to explode the device. Thousands of troops will be now deployed to guard “key locations”, amid fears another attack is “imminent”. On Wednesday, British

soldiers were seen arriving by bus in London, and heading towards a building near New Scotland Yard. Pictures also showed troops arriving at a Ministry of Defence Building today. They had earlier been seen boarding buses at London’s Wellington Barracks after Prime Minister Theresa May raised the terrorism threat level in Britain to “critical”, which is the highest level. Friends said Abedi had returned from a three-week trip to war-torn Libya, and had visited London for a few days before launching his horrifying attack. That revelation came as his father, Ramadan, was arrested by masked gunmen in Libyan capital Tripoli while recording TV interviews in the country. Earlier, he claimed that his son seemed “normal” when they last spoke, five days earlier, insisting: “We don’t believe in killing innocents.” Abedi’s younger brother, Hashem, was also arrested in Tripoli, on suspicion of having links to terrorist group ISIS, which claimed responsibility for the Manchester atrocity. A member of Libya’s security force said: “Hashem was aware of all the details of Abedi’s plans. He had been “under surveillance for a month and a half”. Libya’s Deterrence Force

said on its Facebook page: “Investigation teams supplied intelligence that he was planning a terrorist attack in the capital of Tripoli.” Salman’s older brother, 23-year-old Ismail, was arrested on Wednesday in Chorlton, South Manchester, and was still being quizzed yesterday (Thursday) by police, who are probing the family’s links to a terror network. The Queen declared the “whole nation” shocked by Monday’s “act of barbarity”. And Theresa May described the horrific tragedy as a “callous terrorist attack, one which targeted, some of the youngest people in our society with cold calculation”. Many of the victims were children, and among the dead was “beautiful little girl” Saffie Roussos, who, at just eight, was the youngest victim. It has emerged that Abedi was part of a wider, terrorist network. The bomb-maker is still at large, and police are hunting for the attack’s mastermind. It is understood that no bomb-making equipment was found at Abedi’s home, and intelligence officials now believe that he made the bomb elsewhere, or was given the device and trigger mechanism by an

accomplice, possibly during his visit to London in the days before the attack. Parents described the anguish of not knowing whether their sons and daughters were safe, or wounded, or even among the dead. Private homes and citycentre hotels gave rooms to bewildered, tearful survivors, and taxi-drivers worked for free throughout the night, driving people to wherever they wanted to go. A series of vigils have been held, in Manchester and other areas, and within two days, more than £500,000 had been pledged to a special fund. Investigators believe that Abedi may have just been a “mule” and that the specialist who prepared his sophisticated device was plotting further bloodshed. Armed police and the military have stormed several Manchester addresses, arresting a number of Abedi’s family members. Three people were held and, in all, a total of nine people have been rounded up. The armed forces later swooped on a street in Wigan and made their fifth arrest of the investigation. The town centre was in lockdown as officers, armed with automatic weapons, carried out the raid. Witnesses said a man was

tackled to the ground after he was seen with a suspicious package. France’s Interior Minister, Gerard Collomb, told French TV that both British and French intelligence services had information that the attacker had been in Syria. Asked if he believed Abedi had the support of a network, Collomb said: “That is not known yet, but perhaps. In any case, he had links with Daesh (ISIS) that are proven.” Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy expressed his condolences on Twitter, writing: “I condemn the attack in Manchester. My thoughts are with the families of the deceased and I wish a speedy recovery to the injured.” One of his political opponents, Podemos leader Pablo Igelsias, said: “Our solidarity is with the victims of the bombing in Manchester. Counterterrorism is the rule of law, democracy and human rights.” Pedro Sanchez, the new, re-elected PSOE leader, said countries needed to remain united to fight such terror. He wrote on Twitter: “Impacted by the attack in Manchester. My affection for the victims and their families. Unite to curb such fanaticism.”

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26th May - 1st June 2017

Brexit’s explosive news puts Spain on back foot

A Spanish-made Airbus A400M plane, so popular with the UK military

THE United Kingdom is Spain’s biggest investment destination, supplying the largest number of tourists annually. And it is also the Spanish defence industry’s main customer. In 2016, Spain sold Britain arms costing 1.3bn euros, which equated to 33.2% of total military sales, according to the Spanish Secretary of State for Trade. But these defence sales to the UK are part of the European Union arms programmes, which will be affected by Brexit. Last year, Spain increased its sale of weapons by 8.9% on 2015, to just over 4bn euros, contributing 1.6% of the 254.5bn-euro total of Spanish exports. The report, presented to Congress on defence material and dual-use goods

- products and technologies normally used for civilian purposes, which may have military applications - notes that 62.1% of Spanish arms sales in 2016 went to EU members, chief among them the UK. For the last decade, Britain has been among the topfour customers of Spain’s defence industry, so that sector could lose valuable business when the UK leaves the EU. In 2016, Britain bought four Airbus A400M transport planes and two Airbus Multi Role Transport Tanker (MRTT) air-to-air refuelling aircraft, along with spare parts for the Eurofighter 2000, all of them contributing to part of the EU arms’ programmes. Britain is expected to remain part of these programmes after leaving the EU, but it will find it harder to join future projects, which could deprive the Spanish defence industry of its main market.

Brexit Task Force at the ready for Spain

THE Spanish government is creating a Brexit Task Force, with 15 extra members of staff being employed to respond to the “growing concerns” of Spaniards and UK companies. The workers will provide support and advice for Spanish citizens in the UK, ahead of the country’s much-debated European Union exit. The task force, to be based at the Spanish Embassy in London, will also support the Spanish consulates in the city and Edinburgh. There are 131,000 Spaniards now registered at the consulates in both capitals, but calculations

suggest that the total number of residents is at least twice that figure. Representatives of the Surviving Brexit group have already met with the Spanish ambassador. And Luz Villarrubia, the group’s co-founder, said: “This is very good news. There is a great need for this because there is a lot of uncertainty and anxiety among Spaniards in the UK.” The current plan is for the service to be in place for three years: two years for the length of the Brexit negotiations, and another year for the implementation of the outcome, whatever that may be.

Two-thirds of Spanish arms sales went to EU members, or NATO partners, with onethird spread out among 52 countries, chief among them Egypt, Oman, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. Sales linked to multi-national programmes totalled 1.9bn euros, or 48% of the total, while the aeronautical sector made up 78.5%. But the biggest customers of Spain’s ammunition-

manufacturing industry, linked most closely to conflicts, are in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia was the biggest purchaser last year, spending 75.9m euros, followed by Iraq (38m) and Morocco (29.9m). These three countries make up half the Spanish exports of ammunition, bombs, projectiles, missiles and explosives.

Lorries rolled up carrying marijuana ‘marble’ bricks

A JOINT police operation between Spain and the UK, which exposed lorries transporting marijuana hidden in boxes said to contain marble slabs, has led to 24 arrests. The traffickers used bricks to increase the weight of boxes used for carrying the drug, so they wouldn’t appear suspicious. Three arrests were made at a Liverpool flat, and 21 in Spain: eight in Catalonia, five in Malaga and eight in Alicante. Among those detained were the joint organisation heads and a son-in-law of one. And when the leaders were nabbed, officers found a shoebox holding 120,000 euros. The drug gang were based in the Valencian Community, Catalonia and Andalucia, and most members were aged between 22 and 25. They lived in luxury areas of Marbella and Barcelona and owned high-end vehicles, despite having no obvious income. Working closely with police in Spain, after finding an arsenal of home-made bombs, 150kg of speed

and 5kg of cannabis in the Liverpool property in March, Merseyside cops helped capture the last few members of the gang last week. Four drug plantations, based in Alicante, Málaga and Barcelona, and featuring more than 1,600 plants, have since been dismantled. And police have also seized an industrial packing machine and 58kg of buds. It is understood that several cargoes, weighing up to 400kg a time and consisting of various types of marijuana, had been shipped to the UK already. The British National Crime Agency co-ordinated the investigation between the Spanish National Police and Merseyside cops. Their probe began nearly a year ago, after Spanish police received information from the British authorities.

Blaze wrecks three cars

IN the early hours of Tuesday morning, 120 residents were evacuated from their homes because of a fire in the community garage of the building, in San Andres Street, in the Santa Cruz province of San Matías.

The blaze, which happened at 3am and destroyed three cars, was extinguished, thanks to Tenerife Insular Fire Brigade’s consortium, together with volunteer firefighters from La Laguna and La Orotava. It caused material damage inside the garage, and, apart from the three burned-out cars, 17 others were affected, plus a moped. Electrical and water installations supplying the entire building were also damaged. Local sources say it was the third car fire there in under than two months, which, they believe, seems suspicious. An inspector will assess the damage, and the burntout vehicles, to determine the fire’s origin, before the owners are able to check their cars, and the garage is cleaned and repaired.

Child-porn gang operated via app GUARDIA Civil officers have carried out raids in Tenerife’s Santa Cruz and Gran Canaria capital Las Palmas, together with towns in mainland Spain, relating to a pornographic ring. They have detained five men and a woman, all Spanish and aged between 28-71, and are investigating another person for possessing and distributing child porn. A gang member is also involved in producing and distributing videos of extremely-violent animal abuse for the purpose of sexual excitement. The operation began last February, after the Guardia Civil in Valencia’s Tavernes de la Valldigna discovered the group. They were using a mobilephone app, through which they exchanged videos of sexual content involving minors.


26th May - 1st June 2017

Zero booze limit for drivers draws closer SPAIN’S traffic authorities are considering reducing the alcohol limit to zero for new and young drivers, and for those who do so professionally, including roadhaulers and cabbies.

New drivers of any age could be affected by the new ‘zero’ rule, although it is largely aimed at younger adults. Gregorio Serrano, General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) chief, said: “I believe the move will remove potential killers from Spain’s roads, and the zero rule already applies in some countries. Already in Spain, the drinkdrive alcohol limit is one of the lowest in Europe: under a small glass of wine on a full stomach for a woman of average build. But even after the recent, much-publicised, deaths of three cyclists in the Valencia province of Olivas, reports have continued to flood in of drivers caught between three and six times over the limit.

Yet none of those caught so far or reported, is a new driver, young or a professional. In fact, the woman who killed those three members of Jávea’s triathlon team in Alicante is aged 28. At present, the alcohol limit of 0.25 milligrams per litre of breath - barely a small glass of wine - is reduced by 40% for new and professional drivers, to 0.15. This is less than half a glass of wine, so there is no point in there being a limit because,

effectively, it means that even a couple of mouthfuls of an alcoholic drink would render a driver illegal, thus precluding him or her from even ordering a glass. Drink-drivers, and those on drugs who re-offend will lose their licence altogether following medical checks, stressed Serrano. “People who drink and drive persistently do not have an ‘awareness problem’; they know they’re not supposed to do it. What they have is a drink problem.”

In Spain, teenagers have to be at least 18 before starting to learn to drive. And, until passing their test, they are not allowed behind the wheel, even off-road, except in a driving-school car with a registered instructor. Many Spanish adults do not start learning until they are in their early twenties, usually waiting until they have finished university. And a “young driver” for insurance purposes is considered to be aged 26 or under.

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Health test

passed SPAIN’S healthcare has been ranked among the world’s top 10 after a study by the Healthcare Access and Quality Index (HAQ). It checked 195 countries by measuring mortality rates from causes that should not be fatal in the presence of effective medical care. In the study, the number of deaths from some 32 diseases and conditions were analysed between 1990 to 2015. Spain, which scored 90 out of 100, was eighth, above the likes of Italy (89), France (88), Greece (87), Germany (86), the UK (85) and Portugal (85). Andorra was top with 95, followed by Iceland (94) and Switzerland (92). The UK and US came 30th and 35th respectively. The study concluded that nearly all countries saw an improvement in their ratings, the average score increasing by 40.7 points. Spain scored maximum points in its treatment of diphtheria, tetanus and measles. But it scored the worst for treatment of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (64), leukaemia (66), gallbladder disease (74) and skin cancer (74).

CW 6


26th May - 1st June 2017

Deadly ‘Blue Whale’ game hurting Spain AS many as six Russian schoolgirls may be implicated in the first reported case involving the macabre “Blue Whale” suicide game in Andalucia.

The case is now being probed by the National Police after a 15-year-old girl’s parents reported that she had carved “F-57,” one of the hash-tags associated with the game, into her forearm. All six families are now receiving counselling after their teenage daughters allegedly signed up for the macabre game, reported recently in Canarian Weekly, which has been linked to the deaths of at least 130 Russian children. “Players” supposedly report to an administrator, who assigns a series of increasingly-gruesome tasks over a period of 50 days, involving self-harm, or watching horror videos at unusual hours. Photographic or video evidence must be provided to the curator as each task is

completed, with the sleepdeprived, psychologicallydepressed player eventually encouraged to commit suicide to “win” the game. New cases are, apparently, springing up around the world from Argentina to China, while in Spain, incidents have been reported in Catalonia and the Basque Country, with the youngest victim said to be just 12. Fortunately, no deaths have yet been reported. Those responsible are said to be using advanced, psychological, profiling tools to target vulnerable children. However, while police and schools in a number of countries, including Spain, have issued warnings to parents, cyber-bullying experts and fact-checking websites are adamant the existence of the Blue Whale game is unproven. Meanwhile, recent reports regarding the supposed arrest of the game’s creator, all lead back to just a single link on a Russian website, published months earlier, before, inexplicably, being picked up by the international tabloid press.

Burglar’s three strikes and out

Traditional dress, for a street party

ADEJE is staging its annual Baile de Magos (traditional dress street party) in the Plaza de España, on Monday (29th May), which is the eve of Canarias Day.

As in previous years, there will be live Canarian music and dancing throughout the evening, from 9pm.

If you are planning to attend in a group, you can book a table at the Adeje Cultural Centre, and, of course, the event is free. The only requirement is that you wear traditional Canarian dress. And, as the next day is a fiesta day, with schools closed, you can also bring the children. The evening, organised by the Adeje School of Folklore, has become a firm favourite in the local calendar. To date, those who

have confirmed they will be playing include Santa Ana, La Diata, Guantejina and Igonce, Boleros de Armeñime, El Mesturado and the Asociación Cultural Imoque. This year, there will be a special performance by Los siete de Taucho, and the evening ends with music and singing from the Adeje Folklore School. The Baile de Magos will be broadcast live on Radio Sur Adeje, 107.9 Fm.

Franco remains could be moved POLICE arrested a 32-year-old Spaniard for attempting to break into three houses on the same day. A bag with an assortment of tools was taken from the man, as well as a crowbar, hammer, screwdrivers and a chisel. He was also charged with possessing drugs. The cops were soon made aware of his presence after a third prospective victim, who owned a house in the Barrio de Salud area of Santa Cruz, heard his doorbell ring. When he didn’t answer, the person started knocking on

the door. The householder, who then saw the man trying to force it open with the crowbar, scared him off by shouting. Soon afterwards, it was learned that the same man, in receipt of 10 prior police warnings, had attempted to force an entry into two other properties in Calle Fernandez Navarro on the same day. Witnesses called the police, who caught him shortly afterwards and found his bag dumped in the ladies’ toilets of a nearby bar. Once their report, along with the tools and the detainee, was processed, he was placed at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.

SPANISH MPs have backed the PSOE party’s motion to move the remains of former dictator Francisco Franco to a new location.

Although the motion is non-binding, the result is of political significance because it was passed by 197 votes to one, with 140 MPs from the ruling conservative Popular Party (PP), and the Republican Left of Catalonia, abstaining. The vote also extends to the body of General Franco’s predecessor, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, who founded the fascist and nationalist Falange political party in 1933. Both men are currently buried at the controversial Valley of the Fallen memorial near Madrid.

The monument, supposedly to commemorate the estimated 500,000 people who died during the Spanish Civil War, contains the remains of more than 33,000 victims. But the only two marked graves are occupied by Franco and Primo de Rivera. Prior to the vote, the PSOE said it had raised the motion so that the valley “ceases to be a place of Francoist and nationalCatholic memory, and is redesigned as a space for reconciliation and collective democratic memory, where victims of the Civil War and dictatorship are recognised and treated with dignity”. Franco led the country from 1939 to 1975, and, should the motion be actioned, his body would be exhumed, while Primo de Rivera’s remains

would be moved to a lessprominent position in the basilica. The motion also calls for an investigation into setting up a DNA bank to name the thousands of unidentified victims of the civil war and subsequent dictatorship, plus a census of public infrastructure built using forced labour during Franco’s time. It is part of an attempt by the PSOE to revive the Historical Memory Law, approved by former socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in 2007. The party also wants to legalise the removal of iconography and street names, honouring the Franco regime. Funding related to the law was axed by the PP when current Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy assumed power in 2011. 26th May - 1st June 2017


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26th May - 1st June 2017

Arona Winter University of wide appeal to masses

ARONA’S Winter University has exceeded all expectations and, over two months, has attracted 150 people, enrolling in the six intensive courses.

They focused on subjects such as attention to people with functional diversity, sports nutrition, or innovation in the promotion of destinations and tourism products. Training ended recently with a course on communication techniques to improve publicspeaking, featuring Lara Carrascosa Puertas and César Augusto Toledo Hernández. The courses, with three days of training each, have been recognised as ECTS (free choice credits) and were held in the cultural centres of Los Cristianos and Valle San Lorenzo. Arona Education Councillor Leopoldo Díaz Oda highlighted the “high degree of satisfaction” expressed by those attending this 2017 training offer. The Winter University is part

of an August 2016 agreement between Arona Council and the University of La Laguna, to promote the activities of University Extension in the municipality, with a wide, cultural and educational offer. Last year, university training was resumed in Arona with five courses, thanks to the Council’s commitment

to cultural activities and courses to continue education, further training or specialisation for particular job-sectors. It is structured over a period of nearly two months, with courses aimed at the general population, and not just students. There are diversified themes to reach all groups,

including professionals from the primary sector to the business sector and students, with a clear commitment to quality over quantity. It began, formally, on 29th March with a three-day course on “Mindfulness” or “full presence”, aimed at health professionals, both educational and social, as

well as students and general public. It continued with “Tools to improve the quality of life and well-being”; “Nutrition of the athlete”, plus “Productive and commercial opportunities for organic products”. Finally, there was a course on “Innovation in the promotion of destinations and tourism products”.

Top hacker feted by Guardia Civil THE Guardia Civil has paid tribute to a notorious hacker, taken on by Telefónica to help the company keep its systems secure by using his vast, internet safety knowledge. Chema Alonso, awarded a “white distinction medal”, would almost certainly have saved the giant communications’ company from the recent, worldwide, “WannaCry” ransomware cyber attack had he not been on holiday. These awards are granted

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to to civilians for extreme merit, as opposed to the “gold” variety given to the Guardia Civil and other military attachments. Hacker Alonso was on a 10-day break when the attack happened. But, immediately, he figured out what was wrong and

how the rogue software had managed to get into Telefónica’s system. Juan Ignacio Zoido, Interior Minister and former Seville Mayor, tweeted a photo in which he and Chema greeted each other during the ceremony at the Duke of Ahumada College

for Young Guardia Civil Officers in Valdemoro, in the Greater Madrid region, where the hacker received his award. The event marked the 173rd anniversary of the Guardia force, which, says National Director José Manuel Holgado, is “a major player in the fight against corruption nowadays”. Chema’s appointment to a high-ranking, well-paid position last year made the national headlines. Yet skilful hackers, some with convictions, have been appointed frequently by large US companies for many years to help keep them on top of their IT security issues.

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Linda Johnson

Contributors: Carl Pattison, Emma Swain, Geoff Huxtable, Mariano Zunino Siri, Sir Old Golfer, Carol Schleisman, Colin Kirby, Leah Fleming

Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2016 Canarian Weekly


26th May - 1st June 2017

Hard Rock’s search for next rising stars HARD Rock Cafe Tenerife has held one of 31 European heats to find a band, in its region, to take the stage for its annual “Hard Rock Rising Battle of the Bands” competition.

The event offers the lucky winners a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The artists listed were selected from over 6,000 entrants to play at Hard Rock Cafe Tenerife for a chance to perform during half-time at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida. On offer as well is a Fender® prize package and a music video, professionally-produced, which will be added to

Hard Rock’s music rotation worldwide. The groups chosen, all from Santa Cruz, bar one, were: *MAYFLIES, a rock band *SINHARLEY, an R&B/ Soul band

No bones about it, Joel’s Street-wise!

AN Apple iphone was used to video a live ITV interview between Holly Willoughby and Philip Schofield, in This Morning’s London studio, and married couple Joel David and Maureen Seaberg at their Pebble Beach home on Amarilla Golf. They are the longestserving TV extras in the history of television broadcasting the world over - and in Coronation Street, the longestrunning Soap! Joel and Maureen, who have appeared in the Street for 43 years, were on one of their regular eight-day “commutes” to the island (they spend 4-5 weeks in the UK and one in Tenerife). Joel, more popularly-

known as a brilliant keyboard musician and singer-songwriter, enjoyed a hit record many years ago with a song called Old Bones, which is still requested on radio programmes. Though he’s nearly 70, his latest album Lucy’s Moon has reached No.34 in the global ReverbNation/Spotify charts. He used to pack them in at the Aries Bar, on Pebble Beach, every month or so, and he is still in big demand around the UK.

*CONDUCTA CERO, a Pop band *VORTEXXX, an Alternative band *THE SAVAGE HUNS, an Indie band from Arona Hard Rock Cafe Rising is the most far-reaching Battle of the Bands’ competition; artists and music acts at more than 125 Hard Rock Cafe, Hotel and Casino properties across the globe, have been singing their hearts out for a chance to be crowned champions. The top four acts, and one wild-card “winner” in each region, will have performed at the local Hard Rock from last Thursday (18th May) 18 until yesterday (Thursday, 25th May). Locally, Heat One’s battle between the Savage Huns and Conducta Cero saw the latter progress to the Tenerife Final. Heat Two, between Mayflies and VortexxX, ended with Mayflies through to last Friday’s final, in which the heat winners were joined in the final by on-line winner Sinhala. First to perform at the Hard Rock Cafe Tenerife final were Sinharley, followed by

Conducta Cero and, lastly, Mayflies. All three bands totally rocked, and the packed Cafe crowd enjoyed every minute, showing each band their support and appreciation. There were four judges for both heats and the final: representing Hard Rock Cafe Tenerife was Diana Mateos; representing IC was Richard Stringer; Ciaran McCloy represented the Tenerife Voucher book, and, finally, the Oasis Fm and Canarian Weekly representative was John Zammit. The judges were asked to evaluate each band on four categories: Originality, Musicianship, Voice Talent and Marketability, which proved to be a hard task because the bands were extremely good. However, there had to be a winner, and, on the night, Hard Rock Cafe Tenerife’s Rising Battle of the Bands was won by Conducta Cero, who picked up a 1,000-euro cheque. They will now progress to the European Finals, and, hopefully, to the Hard Rock Stadium’s Miami Gardens gig.

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British rapist may be sent down for life A BRITISH fugitive, facing a life sentence in the UK, has been held by National Police in Jacarilla (Alicante) on an Arrest Warrant for crimes of sexual exploitation and rape.

The man, accused of raping his two younger sisters-inlaw as many as 18 times, has a son with one of the victims as a result of the assaults. In 1973, the accused, who had just turned 16, began sexually assaulting his younger sister, who was just 12. These abuses continued for more than three years on a regular basis. As a result, the girl became pregnant and had an abortion. Afterwards, she fled the family home and went to live with her grandmother. Once she had left, the accused began sexually abusing her sister two or three times a week until the girl turned 18. She became pregnant and they had a son. The father of the arrested man concealed his son’s crimes for several years, and told him to leave the UK, choosing Spain as a country to hide. But once the parent died, the man’s victims reported his violations to the British authorities, who ordered the arrest of the fugitive. After several investigations, a group called the Locations of International Fugitives of the National Police, located him at his home in the town of Jacarilla (Alicante), and arrested him.

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Advertisement 26th May - 1st June 2017


26th May - 1st June 2017

They came, they swam, they sang

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NEWS IN BRIEF ‘Bacterial’ beaches closed

THE Canarian Public Health Department has recommended Santa Cruz Council to close a stretch of Las Teresitas beach, because of “a short-term, bacterial contamination”. It has also closed Güímar’s Harbour and La Charcada beach to swimmers. The contamination was noticed during a routine test, carried out frequently by the Department of Environment and Health. The beaches should be re-opened to bathers by next Friday, depending on the results of further water tests.

Bus catches fire on road

FIREFIGHTERS were called out on Tuesday morning to extinguish a mystery blaze aboard a public bus between La Caleta and Fañabe in Adeje. Bushes near the vehicle also caught fire, but all the passengers got off the bus safely. The cause of the fire was unknown at the time.

THE Irish contingent failed to win a first place in the overall Costa Adeje crossbay swim categories last Saturday. But Dublin swimming club Phoenix Masters won medals in the seniors’ section. And they certainly won quite a few new friends during the afternoon. Last year was the first time swimmers from the Irishbased club participated - they swim every week of the year, regardless of the weather, in the open sea in Ireland - and their numbers doubled to 10 this year.

All took part in the 2.8k swim, in high waves, which was far from perfect, but they finished well, with medals for swimmers in the senior categories. Isabel Collins later told organisers Adeje Council: “The conditions were tough, but the water was amazing. “And thank you for making us all feel so welcome. We’ll definitely be back next year, and we’ll spread the word.” She added: “It was one of the most enjoyable swims I have ever experienced. Thank you so much for a beautiful swim.” The team were also thanked personally by Adeje Councillors Carmen Rosa Gonzalez

and Adolfo Alonso Ferrera. And the Irish even kept the waiting swimmers amused when, during a delay in the start from La Enramada beach, they broke into an impromptu version of The Fields of Athenry! Arona-based Brit, James Secoy, was unable to repeat his victory in the longer 7.8k race, but came a good second. With a full field, boasting more than 160 swimmers, it was a tough finish for all. But with an excellent atmosphere and good organisation by the Council and the Anima 2 association, there were smiles all around at the end of the day.

Best foot forward for hiking festival

7m-euro textbook bill

THE Canarian Government’s Ministry of Education and Universities has extended the students’ “free-use-oftextbooks” project for the second successive year, at a cost of more than seven million euros. The books will benefit around 80,000 children at the start of the new school year, in September. “Our aim is to provide all students with the necessary material to attend class in the first days of term, without affecting the family economy,” said Education Minister Soledad Monzón.

Waves damage swim pool

THE municipal swimming pool in Candelaria was closed last Friday after being damaged seriously by strong waves. It will not reopen until the cost of the damage is evaluated and the necessary repairs carried out.

Quad-biker’s death crash

THE driver of a quad bike died last Saturday night, having been severely injured after veering off the road and smashing into rocks in Granadilla. The incident took place around 10.40pm, when emergency services were informed. But, despite the paramedics’ efforts to save his life, he was injured too badly.

Flight simulator’s ready for take-off

THE Tenerife Walking Festival is back, reaffirming that it is one of the most important hiking events in Europe. And organisers have again chosen Puerto de la Cruz as its base. The island’s most spectacular, natural settings, its varied and attractive, complementary activities, and its characteristic respect for the environment, are again the hallmark of an activity that has become a reference. Cabildo President Carlos Alonso, and Puerto de La

Cruz Mayor Lope Afonso, on Tuesday welcomed this year’s 210 hikers, from 12 countries, and encouraged them to enjoy a unique experience throughout all the hiking routes. One of this year’s novelties is that the routes have been increased to 20, which means participants can visit special areas, such as the rural parks of Teno, or Anaga and Teide National Park, among others. Lis Nielsen, European Hiking Association President, values the activity-programme changes because

each walker can choose, according to taste and physical form. In addition, two of the five trails on the first day are afternoon hikes, with overnight stays in shelters and the hike continuing the following morning. As in previous years, the festival is far from being limited to hiking trails. The festival will be highlighted with lectures from outstanding speakers, related to hiking, mountaineering and nature, along with photograph exhibitions, outdoor activities and gastronomy.

AN Airbus A320 flight simulator, to be installed at Tenerife South Airport, arrived at Santa Cruz dock last Thursday. It is owned by Canarian company Brok-Air Aviation Group, which is based at the airport, where the flight simulator will be used for training purposes. The simulator was carried aboard the Volcan de Teneguía ship, from Cadiz. It was taken the following morning to Granadilla Industrial Estate escorted by port police and the Guardia Civil. Brok-Air recently acquired the Canary Islands’ Aeronautical Technical Education Centre (CETAC), where it teaches and certifies Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (TMA).

Teide hiker flown to hospital A TROUBLED hiker was airlifted from Teide National Park to hospital on Monday after passing out. Paramedics on the scene realised that the 59-year-old man was in a serious condition. The emergency helicopter, which was alerted, took him to Candelaria Hospital.

CW 12


26th May - 1st June 2017

Speedy Spaniard sets Everest world record KILIAN Jornet, a Spanish mountain runner from Sabadell, Catalonia, has set a world record for the fastest ascent of Mount Everest without fixed ropes or supplementary oxygen. His team have confirmed that he climbed the world’s highest peak in just 26 hours, after scaling the north face in really difficult conditions. He started from the base camp, on the Tibet side of the mountain, and reached the summit at midnight on Monday. “We believe Kilian established the fastest-known time for the route from Everest Base Camp,” said Laura Front, from his press team. “He climbed Everest without the use of O2 or fixed ropes, and in one single push in 26 hours.” Climbing without using fixed ropes or oxygen,

known as alpine-style mountaineering, is seen as a faster, lighter form of the sport. And Jornet had already set speed records on Mont Blanc, the Matterhorn, Denali, Aconcagua and Kilimanjaro. Kilian had hoped to set a record for the fastest roundtrip, from base camp to the summit and back again. But he had a stomach bug on his descent, and stopped at a higher camp to recover.

An elated Jornet said: “Reaching the summit of Everest without fixed ropes isn’t something you’d do every day! I saw a fantastic sunset, and finally reached the summit at midnight.” He added: “Up to 7,700m I felt really good and was making progress as planned, but I started to feel unwell. From then, on I made slow progress and had to keep stopping to recover.” Fellow-climber Adrian Ball-

inger, at the base camp with Jornet, said the Spaniard might try to complete a recording-breaking, roundtrip climb in the next few days. The Guinness World Record’s holder for the fastest ascent of Everest’s north face is Hans Kammerlander, who reached the summit in just 16hrs, 45mins in 1996. But Jornet’s team said the Italian climber began his ascent from Advanced Base Camp at 6,500m (21,325ft), while the Spaniard started from the base camp, 1,400m lower. Hundreds of climbers are currently on Everest, hoping to reach the 8,848-metre peak before the short, climbing-season ends with the arrival of the monsoons from early June. Six climbers have died on the mountain this year, including legendary Swiss mountaineer Ueli Steck, who fell from a ridge during an acclimatisation climb in late April.

Warders halt prisoners’ bid to find drug packet STAFF at Tenerife II Penitentiary have prevented the delivery of two packages, which contained drugs and mobile phones.

They were meant to be picked up by an inmate, according to unofficial sources, but four prisoners have been reprimanded for the incident, which was halted by prison staff in under an hour. The affair took place on a Saturday afternoon, when the four inmates agreed that one of them would

sneak into an outside area of the building to collect two parcels. They had been thrown from outside the enclosure by accomplices, who are being sought by the Guardia Civil. But the insider was seized by prison officers, before collecting them. The men involved stole metal poles from the gym to break a small window, through which the smallest of them slid outside. But the area is still within the prison and has all kinds of surveillance guarding it; hence the prisoner’s failure to collect.

Armed robber threatened a bank cashier

A VIOLENT bank robber was captured in broad daylight on a Madrid street, together with an accomplice.

Last December, the robber walked into a bank which had women on duty only, and threatened a cashier with a gun and a large knife, taking what she had available in her cash till. It was the first of a series of bank robberies in which the culprit disguised himself by wearing a balaclava and hat. But events escalated because, during one robbery, he assaulted a clerk by hitting him with his pistol. Cleverly, he used to escape by catching a series of taxis to avoid being followed. But after five months, officers identified the crook and an accomplice, who took part in the latest robbery. The National Police swooped on both individuals and carried out a daring arrest on the streets of Lavapies, to the surprise of passers-by caught up in the scramble. Officers later visited the main robber’s property, discovering his gun and cartridges. They also found the clothes they believed were used during the holdups. The two men had met while serving prison sentences, and the leader had, in fact, absconded after being let out on licence. He caught up with his pal after being released in January.


26th May - 1st June 2017

13 CW

Adeje supports the LGBIT campaign IN the run-up to celebrating Pride Day for the LGBIT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Intersexual and Transgendered) community, Adeje is taking part in a series of visibility activities.

These serve to emphasise the struggle for equal rights and freedoms for this collective. The Algarabía Association drew up a programme of events throughout May and June in defence of equality and non-discrimination against people, because of their sexual orientation, or gender identity. Carmen Lucia Rodríguez del Toro, Adeje’s Politics of Equality Councillor, said: “Adeje is taking part in the visibility campaign, in defence of the rights of the LGBIT community. “We acknowledge that the defence of liberty must be led by public institutions, who have a duty to promote equality and respect between their citizens. And, for that reason, it is impor-

tant to develop training and awareness-raising programmes, all contributing to the construction of a more balanced, egalitarian society.” Orgullo/Pride 2017 is celebrated from now until 28th June with over 50 different events throughout Tenerife, including five in Adeje. The programme has been organised by the Algarabía association, with the backing of Adeje Council, nine other boroughs and the Cabildo, as well as businesses and other island institutions, under the slogan “Human rights make a difference”. In the South of Tenerife a Rainbow Parade left Granadilla at 11am, passing through San Miguel, Arona, Adeje, Guía de Isora and

finishing in Santiago del Teide. During the run through Adeje, there was a stop at the Plaza Pedro Zerolo, with a reading of a manifesto on the right to visibility of the LGBIT community. And there was a workshop for secondary-school students (one year bachillerado, IES Adeje), another workshop for older LGBIT persons and an adult film “Can(be) Gay”. The following day, in the FIT (Factory for Tourism Innovation), legendary singer Gloria Gaynor held a conference for Press and fans, and, later that morning, there was a public, round-table discussion on LGBIT international, with guest participants from various parts of the world. Shops and establishments in the South will continue to host campaign events until 28th June. And three days earlier, there will be a friendly women’s football match against LGBIT-phobia in Adeje’s municipal grounds, featuring top Tenerife side UD Granadilla Egatesa and Costa Adeje.

Drug-grower is sniffed out

AN Adeje resident, aged 56, was arrested for growing 246 marijuana plants inside his home… after the smell had given him away. Guardia Civil officers were at another property when they noticed a strong odour coming from the house next door. They also noticed various metal tubes, sticking out of a window, which are used for ventilating marijuana plantations. The officers spoke with the man, who, voluntarily, handed over 89 marijuana

plants, about 50cm high. But they suspected there were more plants there and obtained a court order to search the property. That revealed a further 157 marijuana plants, more than 10gms of marijuana buds, a laptop, a mobile phone and various items used to cultivate the drug, some of which are used to accelerate plant growth. In total, 246 marijuana plants were seized, and the man was arrested and charged with cultivating drugs. Together with the police report, he was placed at the disposal of the Arona Courts

CW 14

News 26th May - 1st June 2017


26th May - 1st June 2017

Arona get-together for victims of thalidomide

ARONA has this week been hosting the Third World Congress of People Affected by Thalidomide, held at the Hotel Mar y Sol.

The event, organised by the German Association of North Rhine, which is the largest worldwide group, finishes tomorrow (Saturday). The welcoming ceremony was attended by Arona Council’s Tourism chief David Perez, and Social Services

Councillor Elena Cabello. Tenerife hosted this international meeting two years ago, when more than 200 people, affected by the drug, gathered on the island from a dozen countries. It took place 20 years after the first congress was held, in Sweden. The organisation has a scheduled programme of conferences related to advances in treatments for the disease. It also runs craft activities, such as workshops making bracelets and necklaces; pilates; yoga; water aerobics;

self-defence; dancing; singing and painting. This programme, stresses Arona Town Hall, is always adapted to the needs of those attending the gatherings. Thalidomide was a drug, marketed between 1958 and 1963 to lessen the nausea of pregnant women. But it caused serious malformations to some 20,000 babies worldwide. The Spanish Association of Victims of Thalidomide (Avite) estimates that there are more than 3,000 people affected in the country.

Phone-fraud foursome preyed on job-seekers

FOUR people have been arrested in Valladolid and Palencia by National Police, suspected of a telephone fraud against job-seekers. The group posted false job advertisements on websites, providing a mobile number as the point of contact. But once the victims called, they were redirected to a premium number. They have, it is believed, defrauded people of up to 190,000 euros, and have deceived more than 20,000 callers. The investigation began as a result of a complaint filed by a mobile operator, which exposed the telephone

fraud to thousands of victims, through the use of several, additional, high-charging lines, belonging to the company itself, which had been ordered by another firm. They realised that the mobile calls were being referred to another number, and that callers were being kept “active� for as long as possible. The gang were always trying to reach the maximum time allowed by law for these types of call, to the economic benefit of the line-holders, and harm to the would-be job-seekers. Once the existence of the illegal activity was known, agents sparked the investigations to confirm their suspicions and identify the

fraudsters. During the course of the probe, all four suspects, who lived and managed companies in the cities of Palencia and Valladolid, were identified and detained. The investigators also verified that each person arrested had specific functions within the framework, with the aim of optimising the fraud. On one hand, there were those in charge of contracting the additional tariff numbers, and, on the other hand, those responsible for publishing the false job advertisements in online media to attract the victims. And, finally, those who managed the mobile phones, from which they redirected the victims to premium numbers.

15 CW

CW 16

Community News

Cats Welfare News IT'S Springtime, here in Tenerife. That means blossom and sunshine and blue skies and … kittens; plenty of kittens. It also means kittens born to street cats and family cats that end up dumped in bins. Please keep an eye, and ear, on public bins, as well as random boxes and bags left under bushes, or on the side of the road. If you find newly-born kittens, what should you do? Have they been dumped, or are they street cats whose mother is looking for food? If you see kittens inside a box next to a bin, it’s clear that they’ve been abandoned. It’s not so clear if you find them somewhere odd (a plant pot, or in the middle of the street). In this case: · Don’t touch them. It could be that the mum is moving them from place to place. If she smells your scent, she may reject them. · Watch from a distance. Stay where you can see the kittens but are not scaring the mum, in case she comes back for them. · If you don’t see any adult cat around in 30 minutes to an hour, then yes, take them, because the mum is most likely not coming back. A tiny kitten can’t stay for long without the warmth of its

26th May - 1st June 2017

Be aware! mother, even in the heat of Tenerife. If you take them home, keep them separate from your other cats, if you have any. Even if the kittens seem healthy they could be sick, so you need to protect both your own animals and the babies. Contact us immediately for further advice. We may not always be able to take the kittens from you because of limited foster places, but we will always be able to offer advice and care information. Kittens If you're looking for a kitten (or, as we recommend, two), contact us for the latest availability. All black kittens have their kitten injections, microchip and neutering paid for by us, as does the second kitten if you adopt two of any colour. There are no adoption

fees, and all kittens go on a week's trial. We do not allow breeding of any cats adopted from us, so there is a contract of care to sign to say that the adopter agrees that the kitten will be neutered and vaccinated when old enough. Contact us via our website www. cats-welfare or ring or WhatsApp Maria on 646629129, seven days a week. Our shop Items in good condition can be dropped into the shop on San Blas in Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino). It is open seven days a week, 106pm, Saturdays 10-4pm. If you don’t have transport, or have large, bulky items such as furniture and household effects to donate, please ring Mark on 636590557, and he will arrange collection from you.

Live Arico News

Dog of the week - Brownie! LOOK at this wee man! He has been passed over time and time again, and we just don’t know why; he is well behaved, and cute as …

Can you give this young, male dog a chance? For more information, call Sue on 629 388102. Remember, every dog bred or bought takes away a rescue dog's chance of a permanent home. Adopt, don’t shop!! Open day at the refuge On Saturday, 10th June we open our doors at the refuge! Come and meet our doggies, have a barbecue and a drink, and just enjoy the day. From 2pm, and including live entertainment, this is not one to be missed. Our dogs are at the Esperanza del Sur refuge, just under the tunnel next to Parque de la Reina Karting track. Come and enjoy; you might just even find your forever, furry friend! Come and walk the doggies Join the Live Arico dogwalking club on Saturday mornings from 11am. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you will, too. Send a Whatsapp to Eugenio on 633 717480, and he will meet

you there. Happy trails! Live Arico shops Come and bag a bargain at any of our three shops: San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda's Bar. Open every day (104pm), and now Sundays! Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open daily (10-4pm) Golf del Sur - Golf Park, just before the lottery kiosk. Open Monday-Friday (106pm), Saturday (10-3pm), Sunday (10.30-3pm) DON’T THROW THINGS AWAY! Call Steve on 634 819410, we can sell them to help the dogs. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

Community News

26th May - 1st June 2017

17 CW

Centre of Thank you, Luke attraction! Accion del Sol News

THE Fashion Show Extravaganza, put on by Cinderella’s Boutique last Saturday at La Caletta to support El Fraile’s Night Centre Project for homeless families, proved spectacular in every way.

It also involved Cocobeaux Hair & Beauty & Celebrity International and was a huge success, raising a whopping 3,045 euros on the raffle. The 200-plus guests were delighted with the show, as were the Helping Hands Charity volunteers. An overwhelmed Liz Montague, who runs Helping Hands, said: “We are another step closer to starting the Night Centre project. “We are still awaiting the approval from the government to start the renovations, but this project will go ahead. We need shelter for the elderly and the young, as well as for homeless families with children. More than 50 clients attend the Centre

K9 Animal News Maxicat boat trip WOULD you like to see whales and dolphins in their natural environment, swim and snorkel in clear, blue waters and enjoy food and drinks aboard the Maxicat, at the same time helping to raise funds for the K9 wonder-dogs and cats? At a bargain price of 30 euros per person, what’s not to love? Please come along and support us. You’re sure to have a lovely day while doing so. Car-boot sale Grabbing a bargain while helping our K9 dogs and cats - what could be better?

daily for food, and the number is rising!” From start to finish, the show was spectacular, and Anna Marie, who owns Cinderella’s, said: “My thanks to everyone involved. “This day was not all about collecting money. It was also intended to create an awareness that homelessness is becoming a major problem in our society, and we need to do everything we can to make sure these people have their basic

needs, like food and shelter! “Thanks to Denise and Carmen, from Celebrity international, for all their help and support, and thanks to everyone who came on the day to support our event, and made it so special.” Anna Marie also thanked everyone and every business who donated prizes, and all those who took time to sell raffle tickets, which raised more than 3,000 euros… “and it’s still coming in!”

Not to be missed! Our car-boot sales mean you can do exactly that, so why not come along to our next one this Sunday (28th May), at Los Gigantes bus station, from 9 til noon? There are always some great choices and bargains to be had. Our friendly K9 people will be waiting for you, and are always happy to help. Remember, every cent raised goes towards the care of our K9 dogs and cats! Meet our dogs We have many dogs, in all shapes and sizes, waiting patiently for their loving, safe-and-secure, forever homes. You can see them

all, their stories and pictures, on our website at Go to “K9 dogs/Dogs waiting for homes”. Why not visit us at K9 Refuge on Calle Chimbesque between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas any day of the week between 10-2pm? Alternatively, you can get in touch by telephoning us on 667 638 468, or emailing You will also find stories of our dogs, their antics and heart-warming rehomings on Facebook by following Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker and also K9 Tenerife.

LOS Cristianos schoolboy, Luke, who recently participated in Accion del Sol's educational programme, was very impressed with all our hard work. Being an animal lover, with two dogs of his own at home, he decided he'd like to help the refuge. He began saving some of his pocket money, and very proudly presented us with 27 euros, which will be put towards the care of the dogs. We are so pleased with Luke's commitment and unselfishness, which has really helped the animals. We would like to say a big thank-you to him, for his very kind donation. Assistance required Please contact us if you

can assist in any way on 922 778630. We always need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm. Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the north-bound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the right-hand side. E-mail the refuge at or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol.

CW 18


26th May - 1st June 2017

UK politics to drive GBP By Carol schleisman at currencies direct

AFTER riding high in April, the pound was shot down in May. Over the last month, the GBP/EUR exchange rate has fallen from a high of 1.1949 euros to lows of 1.1563. Meanwhile, the EUR/GBP exchange rate has strengthened from £0.8368 to £0.8648. The pound has spent the last few weeks declining gradually in the face of anticipated, UK interest-rate hikes, mixed UK data and concerns that accelerating inflation, coupled with stagnant wage growth, could cripple consumerspending in the months ahead. Speculation about next month’s UK election also had an impact on the performance of GBP exchange rates. Initially, the Conservatives had a 20-point lead against Labour, but the latest polls have shown that advantage reduced to 10. Things were a lot brighter for the euro, however, with the election of centrist

Emmanuel Macron in France, giving the common currency a boost. Euro gains also occurred in response to the news that Greece would be receiving its next batch of bailout funding, after the nation’s MPs agreed to implement additional, austerity measures. Over the next few weeks, the UK General Election will be the biggest marketmover. The common belief is that an increased majority for the Conservatives will improve the Government’s hand in Brexit negotiations, so if PM Theresa May has a landslide victory,

the pound could surge. But a Labour win, or the uncertainty of a coalition outcome, would be poundnegative (initially at least), and we would expect GBP exchange rates to falter. Other UK news to watch out for includes the nation’s inflation report, and the average-earnings’ figures. If inflation keeps climbing, the Bank of England (BoE) could be forced to reconsider plans to leave exchange rates on hold for the foreseeable future. However, another month of poor average-earnings would heighten concerns that the

UK’s all-important services sector will buckle under the pressure of stymied consumer-spending. The attitude adopted by the European Central Bank (ECB) will be one of the main causes of euro volatility over the next few weeks. If the central bank hints that interest rates and quantitative easing will remain unchanged, the euro could stumble. At Currencies Direct, we’re here to talk currency whenever you need us, so get in touch if you want to know more about the latest news, or how it could impact

your currency transfers. Since 1996, we’ve helped more than 150,000 customers with their currency transfers. Our friendly experts are just a phone call away whenever you need them, or pop into our local branch. At home in Spain since 1999, we have 12 offices across the country, including one here on the island. Tenerife office: Calle Oregon 5, Residencial Los Seres, Local 6 38650 Los Cristianos, Arona T: 922 971 781 E: canaries@ W: 26th May - 1st June 2017

19 CW

Britain’s Got Talent the semi-finals

Monday - Friday , ITV1, 19.30

Peston on Sunday

Sunday 28th May, ITV1, 10.00 Robert Peston returns with a new run of his live current affairs programme, providing viewers with an intelligent and lively approach to politics every Sunday. Providing a fresh perspective on the major stories of the day with a stellar line-up of guests from across the political spectrum as well as cultural figures, Peston on Sunday introduces elements from the arts, literature, and humour to add to the discourse on offer. For this run of programmes, copresenter Anushka Asthana will draw on the key debates and insights from social media to fuel the conversation in the studio and online, with updates from viewers, experts and key-players throughout the programme. Guests so far have included Theresa May, David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Philip Hammond, Amber Rudd, George Osborne, Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, Nicola Sturgeon, Nigel Farage, and Sadiq Khan - as well as Trevor Noah, Romesh Ranganathan, Nina Conti, Jan Ravens, Bill Bailey and Louis Theroux from the world of entertainment and the arts.

After thousands applied and hundreds auditioned, the search reaches the live semi-finals…The final 40 acts now perform live, in the hope of impressing the judges, as well as winning the all-important public vote. Stripped across the week, the live semi-finals start tonight as each night Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and David Walliams and award-winning duo Ant and Dec will welcome eight acts to the stage to perform for a chance of winning a life changing £250,000 and a spot at this year’s Royal Variety Performance. Each night two acts will go through to the live grand final. As well as performances from this year’s acts, a host of guest performers will take to the stage during the results show as the semi-finalists wait to find out if they are one step closer to being crowned winner of Britain’s Got Talent 2017.

Britain’s Got More Talent Monday - Friday, ITV2, 22.00

Stephen and the team discuss the Live Show results... Britain’s Got More Talent returns for a new series on ITV2 with presenter Stephen Mulhern back for his 11th year… and no, he can’t believe it either! Stephen will be back to his usual tricks, getting to know the contestants and introducing a whole host of hilarious unseen acts who all get the pleasure of meeting the star of stage and screen… whether they like it or not! As ever it will be the acts that make this series of Britain’s Got More Talent such addictive viewing. Stephen will be coming face-to-face with the unusual, the incredible and the downright outrageous. Stephen continues to get the very best access to the judges, finding out more about them, and more importantly what the judges think of each other, asking them all the questions that no one else would dare to, and playing games with them that no one else could!

CW 20

TV Guide

26th May - 1st June 2017

W C choice

Doctor Who

Saturday 27th May, BBC1, 19.45

The Pyramid At The End Of The World. Written by Peter Harness and Steven Moffat, and directed by Daniel Nettheim. A 5,000 year-old Pyramid stands at the centre of a war zone, where the Chinese, Russian and American armies are about to clash. There are many problems with that, but the one that intrigues the Doctor is this: there wasn’t a pyramid there yesterday. The Doctor, Bill and Nardole face an alien invasion unlike any other, and before conquest can begin, these aliens need the consent of the human race…

W C choice

Jane Austen: Behind Closed Doors Saturday 27th May, BBC2, 21.00

Throughout her novels Jane Austen is well known for her use of houses and property as central themes. Equally, Jane’s own life was shaped by the places she lived in and visited. Now, in a fresh take on Jane Austen, Lucy Worsley traces the houses Jane lived in to show just how much they influenced her work. Embarking on a road trip across England Lucy visits properties that still exist - and uses clever detective work to bring to life those that have disappeared. Beginning her expedition at Stoneleigh Abbey, Warwickshire, Lucy sets the scene by recreating a carriage journey the cash-strapped Austens completed to visit a recently widowed relative. The Austens unsuccessfully tried to secure a share of the inheritance during this trip and, as Lucy discovers, Jane spent much of her life in this form of limbo - moving between riches and genteel poverty. It was this experience of living between two worlds that would inform much of her writing. After this revelation, Lucy travels from Jane’s birthplace in Steventon, Hampshire, to her brother’s grand property, Godmersham Park (a potential inspiration for Mr Darcy’s Pemberley). Lucy takes in the seaside resort of Lyme Regis (a setting for Persuasion) and both Bath and Southampton, where Jane’s position and financial security became ever more perilous. This is the story of the houses that made Jane Austen and the tales these locations inspired.

W C choice

The Chillenden Murders

Tuesday 30th May, BBC2, 21.00

The brutal killings of Lin Russell and her daughter Megan, along with the attempted murder of nine year-old Josie, in 1996, shocked the nation. Twenty years on, the man imprisoned for the murders maintains his innocence, and questions over his conviction remain. Known as ‘The Chillenden Murders’, they led to one of the biggest manhunts ever undertaken by British police. One year later, Michael Stone, a local heroin addict and petty criminal was arrested, charged, and sentenced to life imprisonment. Almost 20 years on, Stone maintains his innocence, and questions over his conviction remain. Now, with exclusive access to the vast collection of original case files, a team of independent experts has come together to re-examine the evidence. With backgrounds in policing, forensics, law and criminology, they will attempt to shed new light on the case and uncover the truth, whatever it may turn out to be.

TV Guide

26th May - 1st June 2017

W W C C choice choice Bigheads

Sunday 28th May, ITV1, 19.00 Every week eight members of the public are transformed into the world’s most famous celebrities by donning giant heads. The Bigheads compete against each other in a series of massive celebrityinspired challenges in this new physical game show. Comedian Jason Manford invites you to the Grand Final of Bigheads where members of the public will compete for money in riotous, bigscale physical games. But unlike any other gameshow, they’ll be wearing giant celebrity heads! The five winning Bigheads from the previous episodes go head to head, battling it out to get past giant bouncers into exclusive nightclubs, collect the most champagne from a giant bottle of bubbly and escape the chasing paparazzi, in a bid to be crowned the Bigheads champion and have a chance of winning the top prize – a convertible car.

On Assignment

Wednesday 31st May, ITV1, 22.55

Fronted by Rageh Omaar, ITV’s flagship international current affairs series On Assignment returns for a new five week run, bringing you fascinating and revealing stories from around the world, featuring ITV News’ award-winning team of correspondents. The following reports will air in the third programme: DONETSK, UKRAINE – ‘THE DONETSK PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC’ – GERAINT VINCENT Until 2014 Donetsk was a thriving Ukrainian city. It had a billionaire oligarch patron, one of the most expensive and glamorous football teams in Europe and had played host to thousands of England fans during Euro 2012. Then came the takeover by Russian-backed separatists, civil war and a perpetual frozen conflict on the edge of Europe. Donetsk is still legally part of Ukraine, but in the last three years has become a mini, quasi-Russian state. In the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, people are issued with DPR passports, they buy and sell in roubles, and children are taught DPR “citizenship” classes. A new state is being carved out, turning its face away from Ukraine towards Russia. Geraint Vincent travels inside Donetsk People’s Republic, to see how life has changed in this illegal emergent nation. ECATEPEC, MEXICO – FEMINICIDIO – PENNY MARSHALL In Mexico, violence against women has become such a growing concern the new term “feminicidio” – “female murder” has been added to the Mexican lexicon. To attempt to combat the problem, the Mexican government issued a “gender alert” in February 2015. And yet, in the Mexico City suburb of Ecatepec, a woman is still killed almost every week. making it one of the most dangerous places to be a woman in Mexico, and even the world. Penny Marshall visits Ecatepec to meet the families of those missing and murdered, the activists and NGOs working to improve the protection of women and those who, despite living with the constant threat, are expressing their defiance through the medium of rap.

W C choice

Bake Off Crème de la Crème Wednesday 31st May, BBC2, 21:00

Hosted by Angus Deayton in the sumptuous setting of Firle Place, Sussex, television’s toughest bake off reaches its dramatic conclusion, as two teams of professional pastry chefs lock horns over the most demanding assignment yet. This monumental task takes the form of a single, epic eight-hour challenge, which is judged and then served to over 100 assembled guests in the Great Hall, including friends, family and familiar faces from across the series, in a party hosted by Lord and Lady Gage. Judges Cherish Finden and Benoit Blin are demanding a spectacular display, comprising of an awe-inspiring sculptural centrepiece and eight batches of immaculately presented, mouthwatering desserts, all based around a theme of the teams’ choosing. But who will impress the judges the most with their command of flavour and texture and who will have the edge when it comes to audacious originality and eyepopping artistry? At the end of it all, one team is crowned Creme De La Creme champions 2017.

W C choice

21 CW

Frank Skinner On Muhammad Ali Thursday 1st June, BBC1, 21.00

On 3 June 2016, millions of fans around the world mourned the passing of the boxing icon Muhammad Ali. In a touching, insightful and celebratory oneoff authored documentary special, Frank Skinner, one of Britain’s best-loved comedians, explores the incredible life of his hero, the world’s greatest boxing champion. It’s a warm, intimate and moving portrait of this legendary sporting icon, one that gets beneath the skin of the Ali legend, and ultimately deepens Frank’s respect and admiration for ‘The Greatest of All Time’, Muhammad Ali. To discover more about his idol, Frank travels around the UK and US, visiting key locations and people in Ali’s life. In Ali’s hometown of Louisville Kentucky he meets the next-door neighbour who witnessed the teenage boxer’s singleminded dedication to his craft. He meets Ali’s younger brother Rahman, a key figure in the boxer’s entourage and his closest confidante. He meets Ali’s wife Khalilah, who was alongside Ali in the turbulent years when he was banned from boxing for refusing to fight in Vietnam, and saw him become an icon of the civil rights movement. Frank will delve into some of the lesser-known aspects of Ali’s life: from meeting the bareknuckle boxer from an Oxfordshire council estate who became one of Ali’s dearest friends, to the actor who played alongside Ali in a little-known musical on Broadway. Frank pays a visit to Ali’s training compound in Deer Lake Pennsylvania, where Ali and his team prepared for one of his most famous fights of all time, the Rumble In The Jungle. From Ali’s Business Manager, Gene Kilroy, Frank learns how Ali’s unshakeable self-confidence and ability to manipulate the crowd were powerful weapons against his opponent, George Foreman. He finds out what it was like behind the scenes in the Ali camp by talking to Ali’s old sparring partner and friend Larry Holmes, who later faced him in the ring. This documentary special will be more than a profile piece on the greatest sporting hero of the Twentieth Century, it’s also a very personal journey filled with Frank’s own expertise and insight.

W C choice


Thursday 1st June, BBC2, 21.00

Paula is struggling to come to terms with Philip’s death, and Mac’s superior seems determined to believe that it was suicide. When Paula notices a few items missing from home she confides in Mac, hoping that he will take her suspicions of James seriously. Meanwhile, James is trying to cope with his haunting visions and living with two warring women. Struggling to cope and fearing the police, he seemingly disappears. When a tragedy befalls Paula, she is again convinced that James is behind it. Paula and Mac grow closer and he learns that Paula isn’t all she seems. When James returns looking for revenge, will Paula manage to escape?

CW 22

TV Guide

Friday 26th May

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ...................Going Back Giving Back 10:00...............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 ...................A1: Britain’s Longest Road 11:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ......................BBC News at One 13:30 .................BBC London News 13:45......................... Doctors 14:15................... !Mpossible 15:00 ...............Escape to the Country 15:45 ..................Rhs Chelsea Flower Show 2017 16:30...........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00................ BBC News at Six 18:30............ BBC London News 19:00............ The Andrew Neil Interviews 19:30............ Rhs Chelsea Flower Show 2017 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30.......... Count Arthur Strong 21:00............... Have I Got News for You 21:30..... Hospital People 22:0.................. BBC News at Ten 22:25............ BBC London News 22:35............ The Graham Norton Show 23:25.......She’s Out of My League 01:05...... Weather for the Week Ahead 01:10............... BBC News

06:00............................ Flog it! Trade Secrets

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

06:30 ...................Going Back Giving Back

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

07:15 ...................A1: Britain’s Longest Road 08:00 ..................... The World According to Kids

06:00 .................... The Hot Desk 06:10...... You’ve Been Framed! 06:35........................ Below Deck 07:20....... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:00........................ Emmerdale 09:00 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 09:35 ............................. Scorpion 10:25........................ Below Deck 11:20................ Who’s Doing the Dishes? 12:25 ........................ Emmerdale 13:30 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 14:00 .......The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:50 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:00 .....................Judge Rinder 18:00 .You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 .... Totally You’ve Been Framed! 20:00... Two and a Half Men 21:00................... Burlesque 23:20................. Family Guy 00:50 ........... American Dad! 01:50 ...........Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

18:30 ........... ITV Evening News

08:55........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

07:00 .... Scrapheap Challenge 08:10............. American Pickers

19:00 ........... Emmerdale

09:55...................Grand Designs

07:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 08:00....................... Monkey Life

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

09:00.................. Attenborough

09:30........ Storage Hunters UK

10:00................................ Forever

10:00 .............American Pickers

11:00 ..........Funniest Moments

11:00 .............American Pickers

12:00............ NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00 ...........Lizard Lick Towing

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

12:30........... Lizard Lick Towing

14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

15:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:00 .................Sin City Motors

16:00 .................................. Haven

09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30 ..............................Loose Women

11:00 ...........BBC Newsroom Live

13:55....................... ITV News London

12:00 ....................... The Daily Politics

14:00................... Dickinson’s Real Deal

13:00.................... Two Tribes

15:00 ................. Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh

15:00 .......................The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 15:45 ..................Rosamunde Pilcher’s Coming Home 16:15 ...........Caribbean with Simon Reeve 17:15 ........................Antiques Road Trip 18:00 ................Athletics 19:30 ...................... Great British Menu 20:00............ Rhs Chelsea Flower Show 2017 21:00 ...............Versailles 22:00 ........................... QI 22:30 .............Newsnight 23:15.............Later... with Jools Holland 00:20...... The People v OJ Simpson: American Crime Story 01:20............British Jews, German Passports 01:50............Doctor Who

06:00.......................Children’s TV 09:15 ...............The Wright Stuff 11:15 ........The Hotel Inspector 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15.................. Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15............... Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ......................................NCIS 15:15 .................... Fatal Defense 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30.......... 5 News Tonight 18:55 ............. Party Election Broadcast on Behalf of Plaid Cymru 19:00....... The Gadget Show 20:00......... Secrets of Henry Viii’s Palace 21:00........ The Queen Mary: Our Royals at Sea 22:00 .... Live Championship Boxing 00:00...............Super Casino

13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News

14:15 ...................... Red Rock

26th May - 1st June 2017

06:20 ...3rd Rock from the Sun 06:45 .................. Will and Grace 07:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05.................................. Frasier 10:05........ Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 11:00........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05......... Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05.......... Posh Pawnbrokers 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ...................Fifteen to One 16:00 ............... Coast v Country 17:00..................... Four in a Bed 17:30....... Come Dine with Me 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 19:55 ............. Party Election Broadcast 20:00 ..................Posh Pawn 21:00 ................. Gogglebox 22:00............... The Last Leg 23:05............... Britain Today Tonight Ep6 23:40.. The Fake News Show 00:10.......... 8 Out of 10 Cats

09:00 .......................... Victoria Derbyshire

13:30 ............Family Finders

16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 .....................Babushka 18:00 ................ ITV News London 18:25......... Party Election Broadcast by the Labour Party

19:30 .............Coronation Street 20:00 ....................... River Monsters 20:30 .............Coronation Street 21:00 ..................... Lethal Weapon 22:00 ................ ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:40................ ITV News London 22:50 ........ The Keith and Paddy Picture Show 23:20............... Benidorm 00:15............ Jackpot247

10:55 .....................Four in a Bed 11:30 .....................Four in a Bed 12:05 .....................Four in a Bed 12:35......................Four in a Bed 13:05 .....................Four in a Bed 13:40 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:40 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 15:45.......................... Time Team

17:00 ................. Modern Family

16:00 ......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

16:50 ..........................Time Team

17:30................. Modern Family

17:00 ............................. Top Gear

17:50................... Vet on the Hill

18:00.................... Futurama

18:55............. The Secret Life of the Zoo

18:30............. The Simpsons

20:00 ...................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

19:00............. The Simpsons

21:00 .... Would I Lie to You?

19:55 ........... Grand Designs

19:30 .............The Simpsons

21:40 .... Would I Lie to You?

21:00 ....... The Railway Man

20:00 .............The Simpsons

22:20 .......... Mock the Week

23:20 ......................24 Hours in A and E

20:30 ...........Modern Family

23:00 .......... Mock the Week

00:20 ......................24 Hours in A and E

21:00 .................Jamestown

23:40 .......Gavin and Stacey

22:00............... The Blacklist

00:20 .......Gavin and Stacey

23:00............. Hawaii Five-0

01:00....... Gavin and Stacey

01:00......... The Force: Essex

01:40........................... QI XL

01:20 ..................... Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 26th May - 1st June 2017

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 10:00 ........................Saturday Kitchen 11:30 ...................... Raymond Blanc: How to Cook Well 12:00............ Football Focus 13:00.................... BBC News 13:15 .......................Pointless 14:00 ......The FA Cup Show 16:00 .....................BBC News 16:10 .................BBC London News 16:15 ................ Match of the Day Live 17:15 ................FA Cup Final

Saturday 27th may

06:15................. City Beneath the Sea

06:00 ......... Bottom Knocker Street

07:45........................... Talking Pictures

06:10.......... Bottom Knocker Street

08:20 ............The Prisoner of Zenda

06:25 .............................Sooty

10:00.................. Monty Halls’ Great Hebridean Escape

06:40...........Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures

08:20 ..................................Frasier

11:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer

06:50 ..........Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures

11:25 ................... F1: Grand Prix

12:00..................Great British Menu

07:00 ......................Oddbods

12:30..................Great British Menu

07:20 ......................... Marvel’s Avengers Assemble

13:00..................Great British Menu

06:35 .............. Share a Story

07:05 ......................... Super 4

07:45 ...............Thunderbirds are Go

19:45........... Doctor Who


20:30 ............. Who Dares Wins

16:20............................Flog It!

08:10............................Ben 10

17:00..............Natural World

21:15 .......... Mrs. Brown’s Boys


08:25 ...................... ITV News

21:45 .............. BBC News 22:05 .................... Clique 22:50 .................... Clique 23:35 ..................... Match of the Day 00:10 ............... Swingers 01:45 ............Weather for the Week Ahead 01:50............... BBC News

19:00....................Mexico: Earth’s Festival of Life 20:00............ Rhs Chelsea Flower Show 2017 21:00........ Behind Closed Doors 22:00...................Quartet 23:30................Versailles 00:30............Easy Money

08:30.......................Weekend 09:25 .....................The Home Game

TV Guide

06:05 ........................ Motorsport

06:00.......................Children’s TV

06:30................ Monaco Historic Grand Prix 2016

10:45 ..................Dogs Make You Laugh Out Loud

07:30............... Everybody Loves Raymond

11:10 ..........Police Interceptors

07:55 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 09:55 ...........................Formula 1 11:55 ...........................Formula 1 14:30....................... World’s Most Expensive Cars 15:30 ........... A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun

12:05..................Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 14:05 .................Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 15:05 .................. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 16:00...................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 17:00 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

23 CW

06:00......................... Emmerdale Omnibus 08:25............. Coronation Street Omnibus 10:55 ........................ Britain’s Got Talent 12:10 ........................ Britain’s Got More Talent 13:10 ...................... Take Me Out 14:25 ...................... Take Me Out: The Gossip 15:25........................ You’ve Been Framed! 16:30 ...................Space Chimps

18:00............Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

18:10 ...................Red Riding Hood

17:35............Location, Location, Location

19:00................ Cricket on 5

20:15 .....................Scorpion

20:00........ 5 News Weekend

18:30 ......... Channel 4 News

20:05...... NCIS: Los Angeles

21:20 ................ Britain’s Got More Talent

16:30.. Big House, Little House

19:00.... The Restoration Man 20:00.... Walks with My Dog 21:00.......... The World’s End 23:10................... Die Hard 2 01:25.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

20:55............................ NCIS 21:50................... Ncis: Act of Vengeance

22:20 ........... Celebrity Juice 23:20................. Family Guy 23:50.................. Family Guy

23:40.................. Undercover Benefits Cheat

00:20................. Family Guy

00:10...............Super Casino

01:15 ..................Bring it On

06:00 .......Ashley Banjo’s Secret Street Crew

07:10 ...........Lizard Lick Towing

07:00..............Monkey Business

08:00 ............................. Top Gear

00:45 ........... American Dad!

10:20 ............................. Judge Rinder 11:15.............. Tipping Point 12:20 ...................... ITV News 12:30....................... Bigheads

08:55 ..............Homes by the Sea

13:30 ....................The Chase

09:55 ..............Location, Location, Location

14:30 ......................... Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol

07:35 ...........Lizard Lick Towing

11:00 ...................Coast v Country

08:00 .............Monkey Business

12:05 ..........Come Dine with Me

08:30.................... Hawaii Five-0

09:00 ....................Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit

14:10 ..........Come Dine with Me

10:30..................... Hawaii Five-0

10:00 ..................... Go 8 Bit: DLC

14:40 .........................Four in a Bed

11:30 ......................The F1 Show

10:30 ............................. Top Gear

15:15 .........................Four in a Bed

12:00 ............................Futurama

15:50 .........................Four in a Bed

13:00 ............................Futurama

12:30 ...........Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

16:20......................... Four in a Bed

14:00............................ Futurama

14:30 .................Sin City Motors

16:55......................... Four in a Bed

14:30................. Modern Family

15:30............................. Top Gear

17:25.......... Come Dine with Me

15:30 ................. Modern Family

17:00............. Gavin and Stacey

18:45 ........................Take Me Out

17:55.......... Come Dine with Me

16:30 ................. Modern Family

17:40 .............Gavin and Stacey

18:25...... Come Dine with Me

17:00 .............................Supergirl

18:20 .......Gavin and Stacey

20:00 .................. Britain’s Got Talent

18:55...... Come Dine with Me

18:00.................... The Flash

19:30...... Come Dine with Me

19:00 ................... MacGyver

19:00...................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

16:35............... Catchphrase 17:20 ..................Britain’s Got More Talent 18:15 ................ ITV News London 18:25................ ITV News

21:20 ................The Keith and Paddy Picture Show 21:50 .......................Jaws 22:50................ ITV News 23:05....................... Jaws 00:25........... Jackpot247

20:00.............................. Hitler

20:00..... Funniest Moments

21:00 ....... The Nazi Olympics

21:00............. The Simpsons

22:05................... World’s Most Extreme...

21:30 .............The Simpsons

23:10.............. 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

22:00 ........A League of Their Own Road Trip 23:00..................Jamestown

00:15.......................Father Ted

00:00............. Hawaii Five-0


01:00............. Hawaii Five-0

20:00....................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 21:00 ..................The Outlaw Josey Wales 23:40............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:40..... Would I Lie to You? 01:20..... Would I Lie to You?

CW 24

TV Guide

Sunday 28th may 26th May - 1st June 2017

06:00....................... Breakfast 08:25 ........................Match of the Day 09:00 ................. The Andrew Marr Show 10:00 ...........................The Big Questions 11:00 ...........................Sunday Politics 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:15 ..............Homes Under the Hammer 14:15 ..................... Money for Nothing

06:15................... Around the World in 80 Gardens 07:15 ................... The Instant Gardener 08:00 ......... The Beechgrove Garden 08:30 .................. Countryfile 09:30 ........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:00 .................Great British Menu 11:30................. Great British Menu 12:00 ....................... Athletics

15:00............................Flog It!

14:30 ....................... Athletics

15:45 ......................Shop Well for Less

15:30 ......................... Rowing 17:00 ....................... Athletics

16:45............................. Points of View

18:00........................ Golf

17:00 ............................. Songs of Praise

20:00 ........ The Life Swap Adventure

17:35 ...................... Escape to the Country 18:05.............. BBC News 18:20 ........... BBC London News 18:30 ............Countryfile

19:30 ................ Antiques Roadshow 20:30......... Damilola, Our Loved Boy

19:00........ Dragons’ Den

21:00...................Paul Hollywood’s Big Continental Road Trip Paul Hollywood visits Italy to find out what makes the country tick when to comes to cars. How do the cars they make and the way they drive reflect the character of the Italian nation? On his trip, Paul drives some of the best, worst and most important cars built in Italy and is joined by a few travelling companions who provide an insight into Italian culture and explain why they think their nation has such a love affair with cars.

22:00............... BBC News 22:25............ BBC London News

06:00 ......... Bottom Knocker Street

07:30 ..................................Frasier

06:00.......................... Children’s TV

08:00 ..................................Frasier

06:10 ......... Bottom Knocker Street

08:30 ..................................Frasier

09:40 ..................... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

06:25............................. Sooty

12:00 ...........................Formula 1

06:35 .............. Share a Story

12:35 ...........................Formula 1

06:40 ..........Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures 06:50.......... Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures 07:05 ......................... Super 4

18:30 ......... Channel 4 News

08:25...................... ITV News

23:15 ......... Micky Flanagan: Back in the Game

08:30 ......................Weekend 09:25 ...........Best Walks with a View with Julia Bradbury

01:50.................. Weather for the Week Ahead 01:55............... BBC News

16:40 ..............Britain’s Got Talent

17:30 ......................Most Shocking Talent Show Moments

18:00.......... Britain’s Got More Talent

19:55 ............................ 5 News Weekend

21:00........... Take Me Out: The Gossip

23:50 .................Football on 5 00:25........................ Caught in the Act

19:00.............. Despicable Me

22:00.................... Family Guy 22:30.................... Family Guy 23:00.................... Family Guy 23:30 ..............American Dad! 00:00 ..............American Dad! 00:30 .... The Cleveland Show 00:55 .... The Cleveland Show

01:15 .................Super Casino

08:55 ...................Coast v Country

06:00.......... The Hour of Power

07:10........... Lizard Lick Towing

10:00 ............Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb

07:00 ............................Futurama

07:35........... Lizard Lick Towing

11:00 .....................Grand Designs

08:00 ............................Futurama

08:00............................. Top Gear

09:00 ............................Futurama

09:00............................. Top Gear

09:30 .............................Supergirl

10:00...... Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

10:55............................. Judge Rinder 11:55............................. Judge Rinder 13:00 ...................... ITV News 13:05.............. Tipping Point 14:05 ....................The Chase

12:05 ..........Come Dine with Me 13:05...........Come Dine with Me

15:05 ..................Britain’s Got Talent

14:10.......... Come Dine with Me

16:15 ................The Spy Who Loved Me

15:50 .........................Four in a Bed

14:40......................... Four in a Bed 16:50......................... Four in a Bed

10:30 ............................ The Flash 11:30 ................ WWE Raw 2017

10:55............................. Top Gear

12:30 ...................... Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s..

12:30........... Lizard Lick Towing 13:30........... Lizard Lick Towing

13:00 ......Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family

14:00........................... Deadly 60 15:00........................... Deadly 60

18:40................. ITV News London

17:20 ..........Come Dine with Me

18:45................ ITV News

18:25 ......Come Dine with Me

14:00.......Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family

19:00............... Bigheads

18:55 ......Come Dine with Me

15:00 ................. Modern Family

19:25 ......Come Dine with Me

17:00 ................. Modern Family

19:55 ............... The Secret Life of the Zoo

18:00............. The Simpsons

21:00...................... Father Ted

20:00................ Duck Quacks Don’t Echo

21:00 .........Grantchester 22:00 ............... ITV News 22:30 .......... The Damned United

14:55 ............. Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore

13:05 ............................. Richie Rich

01:25...........................Through the Keyhole

10:00...................... Peston on Sunday

23:15................ Murder in Successville

00:20............Lucky Them

09:15 ................Coronation Street Omnibus

14:15 .................... Open Season 3

21:00 .................When Kids TV Goes Horribly Wrong

00:50 ............................Arnie Schwarzenegger’s 50 Greatest Ever Stunts

06:45 .......Emmerdale Omnibus

11:50 ..........................Take Me Out

20:00 ...............Holidays Make You Laugh Out Loud

21:00 ..........The Handmaid’s Tale 22:15.................. Gogglebox

20:00 .......... The Durrells

22:00 ............White Gold

20:00 ............... Cabins in the Wild with Dick Strawbridge

06:25 ........You’ve Been Framed!

11:20 .........................................Police Interceptors 15:45................... Pudsey the Dog: The Movie

19:00 ............. The Supervet

08:10........................... Ben 10

22:35...............Room 101

23:45...........The Women’s Football Show

16:30....................... World’s Most Expensive Cars

07:00 ......................Oddbods

07:45............... Thunderbirds are Go

10:25 .............. The Gadget Show

15:10 ...........................Formula 1

17:30 ................. George Clarke’s Old House, New Home

07:20 ......................... Marvel’s Avengers Assemble

09:50 ..................................The Fairly Odd Parents

09:00 .................Sunday Brunch

06:00...................... Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

22:20............... Peston on Sunday 23:20 .................... Rugby

00:00.........Easy Money II: Hard to Kill

00:15 ..................... Lethal Weapon

01:35....... Question Time

01:00 ........... Jackpot247

17:55 ..........Come Dine with Me

22:00 ....................... Lee Mack

19:00............. The Simpsons

23:05 ................. It Was Alright in the 1990s

21:00 ............. Hawaii Five-0

00:10..........................Ramsay’s Hotel Hell

23:00 ................... MacGyver

01:05..........................Ramsay’s Hotel Hell

22:00 ......NCIS: Los Angeles 00:00 .........The Force: Essex 01:00.............. Hawaii Five-0

14:30........................... Deadly 60 15:30............................Deadly 60 16:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00 .....................Top Gear 19:00 ......... Motorway Cops 20:00 ................ Traffic Cops 21:00 ........................... QI XL 22:00................ Unspun with Matt Forde 22:30..... Would I Lie to You? 23:10 .................Taskmaster 00:10....... Live at the Apollo 01:10................... Room 101

monday 29th may 26th May - 1st June 2017

TV Guide

25 CW

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:00 ..... Countryfile Spring Diaries 09:45 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 10:45 .............Rip Off Britain 11:30 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 12:00 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:20 ....BBC London News 13:30 ...................!Mpossible 14:15 ...................... Escape to the Country 15:15 ..................... Money for Nothing 16:00 ........................Yes Chef 16:45 ..........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:30 .......................Pointless 18:15 .............. BBC News 18:45 ........... BBC London News 19:00....... The One Show 19:30............ Rhs Chelsea Flower Show 2017 20:00 ............ EastEnders 20:30 ...................Would I Lie to You? 21:00.......... Doctor in the House 22:00................ BBC News at Ten 22:30............ BBC London News

06:05............................ Flog it! Trade Secrets

06:00............ Good Morning Britain

06:00....3rd Rock from the Sun

06:00.......................Children’s TV

06:25.............................Astro Boy

08:15 ...................Digby Dragon

06:35 ......................Old Dogs

08:30........................ Lorraine

07:55 .......................Captain Ron

08:30 ........................... Peppa Pig

09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

09:50 ................... The Simpsons

08:40 .....................................Mofy

11:15............................... Clueless

08:50................................ Wissper

13:10.......... Posh Pawnbrokers

09:00.......................... Wanda and the Alien

08:00............. Spring: Earth’s Seasonal Secrets 09:00 ...........The Big Debate with Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 ................... Secretariat 13:00 ....................... Athletics

12:30............ Loose Women 13:45............. ITV Lunchtime News

14:10....................... Countdown 15:00....................Fifteen to One 16:00 ............... Coast v Country 17:00..................... Four in a Bed

09:15............... The Wright Stuff 11:15.................... Pets Make You Laugh Out Loud 11:40 .............. Home and Away

13:50....................... ITV News London

17:30 ....... Come Dine with Me

14:00 .............. Judge Rinder

18:30................... Hollyoaks

15:00 ................. Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh

19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00.. The Fake News Show

18:00................ Neighbours

18:00 ............. Debatable

16:00 ..............Tipping Point

18:30 .........Home and Away

18:45 ................ Celebrity Eggheads

17:00 ....................The Chase

20:30 ..... May v Corbyn Live: The Battle for Number 10 22:00........................ Loaded

20:00 .......JFK’s Secret Killer: The Evidence

14:00 ................................ Golf 16:00 ........................Elephant Diaries 16:30 .............Natural World 17:15.........................Antiques Road Trip

19:30 .......... Great British Menu 20:00 ......... Springwatch 21:00........The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway Paul Hollywood visits Italy to find out what makes the country tick when it comes to cars. How do the cars they make and the way they drive reflect the character of the Italian nation? On his trip, Paul drives some of the best, worst and most important cars built in Italy and is joined by a few travelling companions who provide an insight into Italian culture and explain why they think their nation has such a love affair with cars.

18:00............. The Simpsons

19:30....... Food Unwrapped

18:00 ........... You’ve Been Framed!

22:45........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

18:25................ ITV News London

23:50..........The Great British Skinny Dip

18:40............ ITV Evening News

00:45............. Bodyshockers

19:30........... Britain’s Got Talent 21:00..............Coronation Street

22:00.......... Detectorists

01:20...... Weather for the Week Ahead

00:00......... Rugby Union

22:30.... Song for Marion 01:00....... Easy Money III: Life Deluxe

12:45 .................... The Cowboys 15:10 ................... The Searchers 17:30 ........................ 5 News at 5

19:00................ Cricket on 5

21:00............. The Kennedys: Decline and Fall 23:25 ..............Football on 5 00:10 ..................... Revolver

06:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

09:20..................... Four in a Bed

07:00 ..........Funniest Moments

10:00..................... Four in a Bed

08:00....................... Monkey Life

10:30..................... Four in a Bed

08:30 .......................Monkey Life

11:05..................... Four in a Bed

09:00 ...................Attenborough: Galapagos

12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 12:35....... Come Dine with Me 13:10....... Come Dine with Me 13:40....... Come Dine with Me

22:00................. ITV News at Ten and Weather

00:30............ The Graham Norton Show

12:40 ..........5 News Lunchtime

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

11:35 .....................Four in a Bed

21:30................... Britain’s Got Talent

23:30........Katy Perry and Much More: Radio 1’s Big Weekend Highlights

12:10 ....................... Neighbours

19:00............ Emmerdale

14:15 ....... Come Dine with Me

22:45............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

01:25............... BBC News

10:30.............. This Morning

06:00..................... The Hot Desk 06:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 07:00 .......... Britain’s Got Talent 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:30 ............Coronation Street 09:00 ............Coronation Street 09:35............................. Scorpion 10:30...... You’ve Been Framed! 10:55 ......................... Richie Rich 12:50........................ Emmerdale 13:20............ Coronation Street 13:50.............Coronation Street 14:20 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:40 .....The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 21:00 ................. Family Guy 21:30 ......The Great Indoors 22:00................. Britain’s Got More Talent 23:00 ................. Family Guy 23:30........... American Dad! 00:30...The Cleveland Show 00:55...The Cleveland Show 01:55 ......The Great Indoors

22:20................ Don’t Ask Me Ask Britain 23:20.....Joanna Lumley’s Postcards 23:45......... Tipping Point 00:35............ Jackpot247

14:45 .....Great Canal Journeys 15:50......Great Canal Journeys 16:50..... Great Canal Journeys 17:50......Great Canal Journeys 18:55.Great Canal Journeys 19:55............ Grand Designs

10:00 ................. Modern Family

07:00..................... Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 08:10............................. Top Gear 10:40............................. Top Gear 12:50.................................. Escape to Victory

12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:10 .....................Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

17:20 ............................. Top Gear

14:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

20:00............. Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish

11:00 ................. Modern Family

15:00............ NCIS: Los Angeles 16:00.................................. Haven 17:00................. Modern Family 17:30 ................. Modern Family 18:00 ....................Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons 19:30............. The Simpsons

21:00.......................... Live at the Apollo 22:00 ............ Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit 23:00 .............. Go 8 Bit: DLC

20:30 .............The Simpsons

23:30...................... Mock the Week

21:00 ................. A League of Their Own

00:10 ........................ Would I Lie to You?

22:00.........A Beautiful Mind

00:05....Ramsay’s Hotel Hell

00:30............Modern Family

00:50 ............ Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit

01:00.... 24 Hours in A and E

01:30............Modern Family

01:50............... Go 8 Bit: DLC

21:00............ Rome’s Sunken Secrets 22:00.... 24 Hours in A and E 23:05.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency?

CW 26

TV Guide

tuesday 30th May

06:00...................... Breakfast 09:15 ..... Countryfile Spring Diaries 10:00...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00............. Rip Off Britain 11:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 12:15.............. Bargain Hunt 13:00...... BBC News at One 13:45......................... Doctors 14:15................... !Mpossible 15:00............... Escape to the Country 15:45........................ Yes Chef 16:30 ..........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00.... BBC News at Six 19:00 .......The One Show 19:30 ............ EastEnders 20:00............. Holby City 21:00................... Broken 22:00 ... BBC News at Ten 22:30.BBC London News 22:45 .........Election 2017 Where You Live - BBC London 23:30...........Doctor in the House 00:30............... BBC News

06:00...Flog it! Trade Secrets 06:30..............Rip Off Britain 07:15.........................Yes Chef 08:00........... Great American Railroad Journeys 09:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:00 .......The Daily Politics 13:00 ..................... The Super League Show 13:45 ............................. Coast 14:15...................... Red Rock 15:00 ......... The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 15:45.........Elephant Diaries 16:15........... Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve 17:15....Antiques Road Trip 18:00.............. Debatable 18:45................. Celebrity Eggheads 19:30.. Great British Menu 20:00.......... Springwatch 21:00 ...... The Chillenden Murders 22:00.....Later Live... with Jools Holland 22:30........... Election Spy 22:35..............Newsnight 23:40....Paul Hollywood’s Big Continental Road Trip 00:40... Richard and Jaco: Life with Autism 26th May - 1st June 2017

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25.......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 13:55..... ITV News London 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00 ....... Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase 18:00.. ITV News London 18:30..ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30 ........... Britain’s Got Talent 21:00..............Coronation Street 21:30................... Britain’s Got Talent

06:00 ....................... Countdown 06:45 .................. Will and Grace 07:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 ..................................Frasier 10:05 ........ Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 .........Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05 .......... Posh Pawnbrokers 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ...................Fifteen to One 16:00 ............... Coast v Country 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30....... Come Dine with Me 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 19:55 ............. Party Election Broadcast 20:00 ........... Grand Designs 21:00 ............ Grayson Perry: Divided Britain 22:00 .................. First Dates 23:05 ................. Gogglebox 00:05........ Four to the Floor

06:00.......................Children’s TV 09:15 ...............The Wright Stuff 11:15 ........The Hotel Inspector 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15.................. Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15...................................... NCIS 15:15...................... The Gourmet Detective 3: Death Al Dente 17:00......................... 5 News at 5 17:30........................ Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30.......... 5 News Tonight 18:55.............. Party Election Broadcast on Behalf of the Scottish National Party 19:00 .... Police Interceptors 20:00 .......The Yorkshire Vet 21:00 ......Diana: Seven Days That Shook the Windsors 23:05........................... Diana 01:10...............Super Casino

06:00..................... The Hot Desk 06:10...... You’ve Been Framed! 06:35 ........................Below Deck 07:20 .......The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:30 ............Coronation Street 09:00 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 09:35............................. Scorpion 10:25.......... Britain’s Got Talent 12:25........................ Emmerdale 12:55 ............Coronation Street 13:30...... You’ve Been Framed! 14:00 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:50... The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:00........... Britain’s Got Talent 19:00 ... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ...Two and a Half Menn 21:00... The Keith and Paddy Picture Show 21:30.................. Family Guy 22:00 ................ Britain’s Got More Talent 23:00.................. Family Guy 00:00............ American Dad! 01:30............ Celebrity Juice

08:55........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:00.......................... Road Wars

07:00........................... Scrapheap Challenge

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:45.. ITV News London 22:55.... Car Crash Britain Caught on Camera 23:55...............The Chase 00:45............ Jackpot247

09:55 ..................Grand Designs 11:00 .....................Four in a Bed 11:30..................... Four in a Bed 12:05..................... Four in a Bed 12:35 .....................Four in a Bed 13:05..................... Four in a Bed 13:40........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:40 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

07:00 .......................... Road Wars 08:00 .......................Monkey Life 08:30 .......................Monkey Life 09:00 ...................Attenborough: Galapagos 10:00................. Modern Family 11:00 ................. Modern Family 12:00............ NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00............ NCIS: Los Angeles

08:10 .............American Pickers 09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK 10:00 .............American Pickers 11:00 .............American Pickers 12:00........... Lizard Lick Towing 12:30........... Lizard Lick Towing 13:00 ............................. Top Gear 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00 .................Sin City Motors 16:00 .....................Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

15:45...........................Time Team

16:00 .................................. Haven

16:50 ..........................Time Team

17:00 ................. Modern Family

17:55 .................... The Supervet

18:00.................... Futurama

18:55..................... Car S.O.S

18:30..............The Simpsons

19:55....Great Canal Journeys

19:30............. The Simpsons

21:00.....Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb

20:00 .........The Joy of Techs

20:00 .................... Supergirl

20:30......... The Joy of Techs

22:00.. Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke

21:00 .................... The Flash

21:00 .................Taskmaster

22:00 .........The Force: Essex

22:00 ..... Asian Provocateur

23:05.... 24 Hours in A and E

23:00 ...........Modern Family

22:35....... Live at the Apollo

00:05....Ramsay’s Hotel Hell

00:00........... Modern Family

23:40 .................Taskmaster

01:00.....Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb

01:00............ School of Hard Knocks

00:45..... Asian Provocateur

17:00............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00 .....................Top Gear

01:20................................. QI 26th May - 1st June 2017

wednesday 31st May

TV Guide

27 CW

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ..... Countryfile Spring Diaries 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .............Rip Off Britain 11:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:30 ....BBC London News 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 ...................!Mpossible 15:00 ...............Escape to the Country 15:45........................ Yes Chef 16:30.......... Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00.... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30 .......... BBC Election Debate 21:00.................. The Met: Policing London 22:00................ BBC News at Ten 22:45..............A Question of Sport 23:15.................The Truth About HIV 00:20............... BBC News

06:00 ....Emergency Rescue Down Under 06:30............. Rip Off Britain 07:15........................ Yes Chef 08:00 ...... Gardeners’ World 09:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 .BBC Newsroom Live 12:00 .......The Daily Politics 13:00 ................... Two Tribes 13:30 ............Family Finders 14:15 ...................... Red Rock 15:00 ......... The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 15:45........ Elephant Diaries 16:15........... Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve 17:15 ........................Antiques Road Trip 18:00 ............. Debatable 18:45 ................ Celebrity Eggheads 19:30 ...................... Great British Menu 20:00 ......... Springwatch 21:00 ......Bake Off Crème de la Crème 22:00............ White Gold 22:30.......... Election Spy 22:35 .............Newsnight 23:20 ... The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway 00:20 ..........The Women’s Football Show

06:00............ Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30............... This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 ..... ITV News London 14:00............... Judge Rinder 15:00....... Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00.. ITV News London 18:25 ........ Party Election Broadcast by the Green Party 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30................... Britain’s Got Talent 21:00..Coronation Street 21:30................... Britain’s Got Talent 22:00...... ITV News at Ten 22:55 .....On Assignment 23:30 .......British Touring Car Championship Highlights 00:55............ Jackpot247

06:00 ....................... Countdown 06:45 .................. Will and Grace 07:40 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35 ..................................Frasier 10:05 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:00........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 12:00............... Channel 4 News 12:05 .........Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05 .......... Posh Pawnbrokers 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ...................Fifteen to One 16:00 ............... Coast v Country 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 ....... Come Dine with Me 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 19:55.............. Party Election Broadcast 20:00 .....Location, Location, Location 21:00.... 24 Hours in A and E 22:00........................... Fargo 23:25.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency?

06:00.......................Children’s TV 09:15 ...............The Wright Stuff 11:15 ........The Hotel Inspector 12:10.......... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15............ The Gadget Show 13:15.............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 15:15 ........ Saved From Sorrow: Mysterious Grace 17:00.......................... 5 News at5 17:30........................ Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30.......... 5 News Tonight 18:55.............. Party Election Broadcast on Behalf of the Green Party 19:00 .... Police Interceptors 20:00 ............ The Great Fire 21:00 ...........Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 22:00....The Butcher Surgeon: Why Wasn’t He Stopped? 23:05.....Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 00:05...........Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole

06:00 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 06:25 ............................ The Cube 07:20 .......The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:30 ............Coronation Street 09:00 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 09:35 ............................. Scorpion 10:25........... Britain’s Got Talent 12:25......................... Emmerdale 12:55 ............Coronation Street 13:30 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 14:00 .......The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:50 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:00.......... Britain’s Got Talent 18:30.... Britain’s Got Talent 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 21:00.............. The Keith and Paddy Picture Show 21:30.................. Family Guy 22:00........Britain’s Got More Talent 23:00.................. Family Guy 00:05............ American Dad!

08:55 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:00 ........................Hawaii Five-0

07:00.... Scrapheap Challenge

10:00..................... The Supervet

07:00 ........................Hawaii Five-0

08:10 .............American Pickers

08:00 .......................... Monkey Life

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

11:30 .....................Four in a Bed

09:00 ......................Attenborough: Galapagos

10:00............. American Pickers

12:05 .....................Four in a Bed

10:00 .................... Modern Family

12:35 .....................Four in a Bed

12:00........... Lizard Lick Towing

11:00 .................... Modern Family

13:05 .....................Four in a Bed

12:30........... Lizard Lick Towing

12:00 ...............NCIS: Los Angeles

13:00............................. Top Gear

13:00 ........................Hawaii Five-0

14:00............................. Top Gear

14:00 ........................Hawaii Five-0

15:00................. Sin City Motors

15:00 ...............NCIS: Los Angeles

16:00...... Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

11:00..................... Four in a Bed

13:40 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:40 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 15:45.......................... Time Team

16:00 .......................................Haven

16:50 ..........................Time Team

17:00 .................... Modern Family

17:55 .................... The Supervet

17:30 .................... Modern Family

18:55..................... Car S.O.S

18:00 .......................Futurama

19:55........... Grand Designs

18:30 ............... The Simpsons

21:00........... Grand Designs

19:30 ............... The Simpsons

22:00..... My Floating Home

20:00 ......................MacGyver

23:00........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

21:00.................. The Blacklist

00:05........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 01:05...................... Ramsay’s Hotel Hell

22:00......... NCIS: Los Angeles 23:00.............. Modern Family 00:00.............. Modern Family 01:00................. Hawaii Five-0

11:00 .............American Pickers

17:00............................. Top Gear 18:00 .....................Top Gear 19:00..................... Top Gear 20:00 .......... Sin City Motors 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00................ Unspun with Matt Forde 22:35........... Mock the Week 23:15........... Mock the Week 23:55 .... Would I Lie to You? 01:10 ................................ QI 01:50 .......... Mock the Week

CW 28

TV Guide

thursday 1st June 26th May - 1st June 2017

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ..... Countryfile Spring Diaries

06:00....................Emergency Rescue Down Under

06:00............ Good Morning Britain

10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer

06:30 .............Rip Off Britain 07:15 ........................Yes Chef

09:25 ......... The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:00............. Rip Off Britain

08:00 ...........Bake Off Crème de la Crème

10:30.............. This Morning

09:00 .......................... Victoria Derbyshire

13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News

11:00............BBC Newsroom Live

13:55..... ITV News London

13:45 .........................Doctors

12:00 ....................... The Daily Politics

14:15 ...................!Mpossible

13:00 ................... Two Tribes

15:00........ Masterpiece with Alan Titchmarsh

15:00 ...............Escape to the Country

13:30 ............Family Finders

11:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:30.... BBC London News

15:45........................ Yes Chef 16:30 ..........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00.... BBC News at Six 18:30........... BBC London News 19:00 .......The One Show

14:15 ...................... Red Rock 15:00 ......... The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 15:45 ........Elephant Diaries 16:15 .......... Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve 17:15 ........................Antiques Road Trip 18:00............. Debatable

19:30 ............ EastEnders

18:45 ................ Celebrity Eggheads

20:00 ......... Kat and Alfie: Redwater

19:30....................... Great British Menu

21:00....Frank Skinner on Muhammad Ali

20:00.......... Springwatch

22:00.... BBC News at Ten

22:00 ........................... QI

22:30............ BBC London News 22:45....... Question Time 23:45...............This Week



21:00...................... Paula

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

12:30 ............ Loose Women

14:00.............. Judge Rinder

16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 18:25......... Party Election Broadcast by the UK Independence Party 18:30............ ITV Evening News

06:00 ....................... Countdown 06:45 .................. Will and Grace 07:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:35.................................. Frasier 10:05 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:00........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 .........Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05........... Posh Pawnbrokers 14:10....................... Countdown 15:00................... Fifteen to One 16:00............... Coast v Country 17:00..................... Four in a Bed 17:30....... Come Dine with Me 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 19:55 ............. Party Election Broadcast 20:00 ............. The Supervet 21:00......Catching a Killer CW ch oi ce 22:45 ........One Killer Punch 23:45 .................. First Dates

06:00.......................Children’s TV 09:15 ...............The Wright Stuff 11:15 .........The Hotel Inspector Returns 12:10...........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 15:15 ............. Alone in the Wild: Deadly Survival 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 18:55 ............. Party Election Broadcast on Behalf of the Uk Independence Party 19:00........... Secrets of Great British Castles 20:00 ............ The Great Fire 21:00.... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 22:00... Extraordinary People 23:05................Restless Legs Syndrome: Desperate for Help

06:00 ..... You’ve Been Framed!

08:55 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

07:00 .............American Pickers

10:00 .................... The Supervet

07:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

08:10 .............American Pickers

08:00 .......................Monkey Life

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

08:30....................... Monkey Life

09:30........ Storage Hunters UK

09:00 .................. Attenborough

10:00 .............American Pickers

10:00 ................. Modern Family

11:00............. American Pickers

11:00 ................. Modern Family

12:00........... Lizard Lick Towing

12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:30........... Lizard Lick Towing

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

14:00............................. Top Gear

14:40............................. A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

15:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:00................. Sin City Motors

16:00 .................................. Haven 17:00 ................. Modern Family

16:00 ......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

15:45 ..........................Time Team

17:30 ................. Modern Family

17:00............................. Top Gear

16:50.......................... Time Team

18:00.................... Futurama

18:00..................... Top Gear

18:30 .............The Simpsons

19:00..................... Top Gear

19:00 .............The Simpsons 19:30 .............The Simpsons

20:00............. Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit

20:00 ....................Lions Doc

21:00............ Not Going Out


21:40 ............Not Going Out

22:00................. Jamestown

22:20............ Not Going Out

23:00............Modern Family

23:00........... Mock the Week

23:30............Modern Family

23:40........... Mock the Week

06:25 ............................ The Cube 07:20 .......The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:30............ Coronation Street 09:00 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 09:35 ............................. Scorpion 10:25 .......... Britain’s Got Talent 12:25 ........................ Emmerdale 12:55 ............Coronation Street 13:30 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 14:00.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:50 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:00.......... Britain’s Got Talent 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ...Two and a Half Men 21:00... The Keith and Paddy Picture Show 21:30 ................. Family Guy 22:00 .......Britain’s Got More Talent 23:00.................. Family Guy 23:30.................. Family Guy

19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30................... Britain’s Got Talent 21:00..............Coronation Street 21:30................... Britain’s Got Talent

22:30 .......... Election Spy

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

22:35............. Newsnight

22:45.. ITV News London

23:20........ Behind Closed Doors

22:55........... Car Wars UK 23:55......... Tipping Point

Catching a Killer Channel 4, 21:00

On the afternoon of Sunday 1st May 2016, 31-year-old mother of three Natalie Hemming vanishes, seemingly without a trace. Forty eight hours later, her frantic mother phones 999. ‘What’s the specific concern that’s caused you to call the police?’ asks the operator. Natalie’s mother says: ‘Him’. That phone call launches one of the biggest missing person searches ever seen at Thames Valley Police. This gripping programme follows the investigation hour by hour as the police have to decide if Natalie is alive or dead. With extraordinary access to the minute-byminute police investigation and to Natalie’s family and friends as they struggle to come to terms with the situation that’s unfolding around them.

11:00..................... Four in a Bed 11:30..................... Four in a Bed 12:05..................... Four in a Bed 12:35..................... Four in a Bed 13:05 .....................Four in a Bed 13:40 .............................A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55..................... Car S.O.S 19:55........... Grand Designs 21:00..................... The Good Fight 22:00 ............. Million Pound Mega Yachts 23:05...................24 Hours in A and E 26th May - 1st June 2017


29 CW

CW 30

TV Guide

This weekend

26th May - 1st June 2017


St Isidore Country Fair

Declared a festivity of National Interest for Tourism, the Country Fair in honour of St Isidore the Farmer attracts large crowds of people in typical Canarian dress to Los Realejos every last Sunday in May. Folk groups parade through the streets singing and dancing in front of the floats bearing statues of St Isidore the Farmer and Our Lady of Cabeza

2nd Adeje International Martial Arts Open

This international Martial Arts event takes place in the Las Torres Sports Hall in Adeje.


Canarian Day

Canarian Day, which is commemorated on 30th May, marks the anniversary of the first-ever sitting of the region’s Parliament. It also includes celebrations of island traditions. In addition to the official commemorations, the day sees school projects, popular fiestas and numerous traditional sport, folk and visualarts demonstrations. 30th may Tenerife

3rd-4th June

28th may, 12.00 Los Realejos

las Torres sports hall, adeje,

This weekend


2nd La Laguna Trail Run

This year sees the second staging of a sporting event in which teams of six runners compete in a race, 90% of which is through forest trails. The Trail’s six stages cover approximately 68 kilometres and take around 10 hours to complete.



5th La Laguna International Jazz Week

The city of La Laguna hosts a week of jazz which is more than a match for similar festivals in Spain in terms of standard. A macroevent that offers genuine quality options for culture in the squares and different spaces of the city’s old part.

8th-11th June Magma Tenerife, Las Americas May

19th Canary Islands International Ecological Film Festival

The town of Garachico is the setting for an event which once again offers a space for reflection through film on the subjects of ecology, the balance between development and conservation, and between the exploitation and protection of our surroundings. 2nd - 10th June 27th May

5th-11th June

la Laguna

las americas

La Laguna

27th may - 4th June Garachico

June June

Fenautica 2017

The third staging of Tenerife’s biggest nautical fair takes place on 3rd and 4th June in Tenerife’s Marina del Sur. The event will feature a number of sporting competitions and a parallel programme consisting of over 20 leisure and sports activities.

FerItalia 2017

FerITALIA, an event dedicated entirely to the culture of Italy, brings together in one venue music, dance, artist exhibitions, and Italian products, brands and entrepreneurs. It aims to mark a new concept of urban event. 3rd-4th June

3rd-4th June

Marina, Las Galletas

Adeje and Salytien Commercial Centre


26th May - 1st June 2017

Ease that stress and worry less!

Hot guys, cool hair

By Charlotte

By Carl pattison from Robot

WHEN guys need a new haircut, it’s more difficult for us, as stylists, to conjure up something that’s going to work for the client.

Of course we can style your hair the way you are wanting, but, when it comes to men, most aren’t cut out for, or don’t have time to spend, “styling” their hair. This is why it’s bet-

from CET

ter to tell us what you don’t want, so we can recommend something that’s going to work for you which can be reproduced at home. Guys tend to spend only a couple of minutes styling their hair, and this is why it’s best to go for minimum-fuss haircuts that literally style themselves. This season sees men opting for a splash of colour, as blond hilites or full colours

have been coming back into fashion. You can opt for a natural sunlight ended look, or go full on with a platinum blond; something to make your hair stand out from the crowd. Guys - when you’re opting for a new look, use your time in the salon to ask your hairdresser about styling techniques, and also about the recommended products to keep your hair looking salon cool for weeks.

“I want her look!”

By Carl Pattison THERE’S nothing we love more than poring over the glossy mags to check out what the “it” girls are wearing. We see fashion and we want it. We see a style, and we need to know where to buy it. Yet, copying someone else’s look is really simple; all you need is a good eye, and a sense of putting it all together. OK, if you don’t want to track down an exact copy, you can “steal” a look from the high-street stores. Most celebs are given the clothes they wear, so the fashion houses get free advertising. You can take their photos out shopping with you, and it’s so

simple to replicate their looks - at a fraction of the price. You may not find an exact copy, but take the style you’re after and use that as your inspiration as you

shop. You don’t need lots of fashion sense to achieve catwalk looks; just patience and a little bit of time. No-one owns a look; it’s there for the stealing - use it!

31 CW

RECENTLY, I wrote about stress and our awareness of it, and mentioned a breathing exercise which can help. I asked if you had any questions, and I have picked one in particular which could be the most helpful for other people. QUESTION: “Thank you for the breathing exercise. I have recently been struggling with the pressures of work and everyday life. When I tried the exercise, I noticed an “awareness”. I realied I was slower than usual, both physically and mentally, and I didn't have a lot of motivation to do things. And, when I did, it was quite half-hearted. “I was aware that I had been like that for quite a while! Once I saw how I was being affected, I was able to take steps to reduce it. I started

to slow things down a little, and not put myself under so much pressure to “get things done” and worrying when I didn’t. “This actually helped me to accomplish more. After nearly two weeks of practising, most days I feel much calmer and more in control of my life again. Thank you! I would like to ask if there's any way to prevent myself from becoming stressed in the first place.” ANSWER: To overcome stress doesn't mean you will never experience it again, but rather to understand the underlying cause. For example: “My work causes me stress.” The understanding is that when you are involved in your work, it causes you stress. However, simply “knowing” that, is not enough to get rid of it. The breathing exercise will help in the moment, and for a period of time afterwards, but it doesn't diminish the stress completely. What is it about work

that causes the stress? Is it your boss? Is it your workload? Is it your time management? Is it your work targets, or is it just that you're very busy? Let’s use “I get stressed at work because it is very busy”. Ask yourself this question: “It feels stressful when it is busy at work, because I am worried/scared/afraid/ fearful of ..? If you came up with nothing, you need to practise more selfawareness. Make a conscious effort to notice how you are feeling and ask yourself: “Why do I feel this way? What am I worried is going to happen?” Once you realise what you are afraid of, you feel less afraid immediately. Sometimes, it’s enough to remove the fear completely. If there is still fear, ask yourself: “What can I do to reduce this fear?” And, once your mind begins to come up with solutions, you then see the stress disappear. It can be as simple as reorganising your time, or the realisation that the fear is unnecessary. Keeping up with the regular breathing exercises, and moving on to practise meditation, helps to answer and keep stock of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Now, you may find, naturally, that the next step is to learn to meditate, even for just five minutes a day. If you would like to learn more about meditation, stress or anxiety, please contact me at or call 654 931 886. For more information, go to:

CW 32


26th May - 1st June 2017

The Swan Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with good-quality produce. We also cater for any special requirements. Daily Specials. Friday: Cod and chips night. Sunday Lunch: 12noon - 8pm. Bookings advisable. 24hr-notice for paella, lamb shank, fillet steak or ask us for anything you fancy. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value!

Lupita Parque de la Reina has a secret - Lupita restaurant is fast becoming the place to eat, and it has a well-deserved reputation. All the usual Mexican specialities are on offer, but from midday until 4pm, check out its 3.95-euro menu. You can have a bowl of soup or garlic bread, main meal (selection of 20) and ice cream or coffee to finish, which is excellent value for money. Also, evening and weekend menus are available from 4.95 euros. Now open Mondays!

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Cañada Blanca 2, Parque de la Reina

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Open: Everyday, 12noon - 11pm

Call: 603 164 862

Call: 922 739 250 Fusion Restaurant

Bombay Babu Bombay Babu offers you the best of Authentic Indian cuisine and takes pride in its menu from Mogul cuisine to Wholesome Punjabi flair. A fusion of dishes from the East and West for all lovers of exotic cuisine. A relaxing interior where you will find cheerful and happy staff waiting to serve you. In the mood for good food, and a calm and contemporary ambience? Give us a try - we know you’ll be back for more.

A unique new restaurant bringing a muchneeded, fine-dining experience to Amarilla Golf. Gourmet food at prices you can afford. An international restaurant with romantic charm, Fusion restaurant is one of the most entertaining restaurants in the south of Tenerife. Not only host to plush tapas-inspired plates, classic international dishes and organic matured meats from Giuseppe, a well-established butcher in Los Abrigos, Fusion hosts a regular roster of live music.

For reservations or take aways, with free delivery call

Fairways Club, Amarilla Golf. Open: Daily 9am - 11.45pm

Call: 922 70 80 69

Callao Salvaje... 922 72 35 14 Torviscas............ 922 71 94 63 La Tejita............. 922 70 50 92 Or at

Harbour Lights All homemade food by British chefs, with quality British produce, to give that home-from-home feel. Come and sit on the terrace overlooking the sea and harbour. Sunday dinners with all the trimmings. Booking is a must as it’s s o popular! Steak meal-deal for t wo people, and three-course dinner for just 9 .95 euros, plus chef specials, fresh salads, homemade quiche and fresh bread baked on the premises. Local No2, C.C Aquamarina, Avenida Merlina, Golf Del Sur, San Miguel

Call: 922 70 80 34

Wine and Dine

26th May - 1st June 2017

33 CW

A quintessentially British experience THIS week, at El Corazon restaurant, we were treated to a very civil affair of “afternoon high tea”, a concept rather novel for us islanders.

It is situated within the picturesque Chayofa Country Club resort, and we had the choice of sitting inside in the shade, or outside on the poolside terrace. Owners Sarah and Jason have recently taken on wellknown chef, Mark Murray, to head their kitchen, and what an excellent move it was. We were presented with three tiers of British delights, accompanied by unlimited British tea and Italian coffee. If you’re not a traditional tea drinker, they have a range of herbal teas and infusions, such as Earl Grey, Green

Ginger and Lemon, Fruity Apple and Raspberry, as well as many others. Also, a wineand-champagne upgrade is available, to make it ideal for special occasions and events such as birthdays, or a Mother’s-Day treat. The Platter consisted of mini-sandwich “kebabs” layered with roast beef, cured ham, cheese and salami, homemade herby pâté over melba toast, pinwheel wraps consisting of cream cheese and Lochmuir Oak smoked salmon, and North Atlantic prawn volau-vents, in a Cognac-andtomato mayonnaise. The upper tiers held the sweet selections; freshlybaked fruit scones with homemade fruit preserve and Chantilly cream, butterscotch meringue, Victoria Sponge Magdalena, and chocolate cheesecake in a shot glass. How we finished it all I will never know… but we managed! This feast is

available every day, moreor-less all day, but you must call and pre-order to allow them to prepare it. However, if you fancy a spontaneous bite to eat, you are welcome to come and dine from their à la carte menu. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, not forgetting Mark’s legendary homemade cakes and desserts. They are open from 10.30am until the kitchen closes at 10pm, although the bar is open later if you fancy a little nightcap. Take advantage of their three-course, EarlyBird Special, from 6-8pm, or try their traditional Sunday Carvery with all the trimmings. Look out for their special, nightly events such as quiz and curry nights, karaoke and unique dinner-dances. There’s always something to spice up these summer days and nights! To book, and for more information, call 922 72 90 93 or 681 69 00 12

Thieves make light work of enormous wheat crop WORKERS at the ACOR agricultural co-operative in Mojados, a small village in central Spain, were amazed to discover that over 900 tons of wheat had disappeared from their storage facility. The lost revenue could be as high as 240,000 euros, and Esteban Sanz, the co-operative’s crop director, said: “I talked to the insurance company, who said a theft of this scope was not normal.” Sanz and his colleagues called the Guardia Civil, who showed up at the crime

scene within five minutes, but to no avail. The lot had already vanished. After nearly three weeks, the police investigation remains open, but little is known about who made off with the cereal, or when! What puzzled staff was how the thieves managed this without anyone noticing. And stealing this huge amount does not make sense, since its market price is much lower than other products. “They could well have pulled it off in broad daylight because nearby companies

are used to seeing our clients’ trucks coming and going all day long,” admitted Sanz. The grain was a high-protein variety, used typically in baked goods, and stored for several months in silos, rented out by the co-operative on demand. “Apart from periodic supervision by technicians and the company which fumigates the wheat every so often, the silo is permanently closed,” said Sanz. The storage facility is located by a busy thoroughfare,

just a few kilometres from the co-operative’s Olmedo factory. “Nothing like this has ever happened before,” said Sanz. “Normally, you see very small cases of theft, representing half a truck trailer at the most.” At ACOR, the idea is that the grain will end up at flour mills, animal-feed factories or private, livestock farms. “Although it is not designed for consumption by animals, any livestock outfit could feed its animals with this grain,” said Sanz.

“Taking 900 tons of wheat does not make much sense since its market price is much lower than other food products, such as sugar.” This year, Spain’s wheat crop will be around 10 million tons, which is about 50% of last season’s total, according to estimates by the Agrarian Association of Young Farmers. The Castilla y León region, where the theft took place, contributes half the nation’s total production, but this year it anticipates losses of up to 80%.

CW 34

Wine and Dine

Free bottle of house wine with the purchase of 2 main meals (bring this advert with you) Valid until: 31st May 2017

26th May - 1st June 2017

The Reef Fish & Chip Shop

The Rose

Serving cod, haddock & chip-shop classics all cooked with our secret-recipe beer-batter. Full restaurant menu serving a wide selection and daily specials. Free delivery in Golf Del Sur area on orders over 10 euros. The Reef, the plaice to be!

Come and try the newest cocktail bar in Los Cristianos. All your favourite premium cocktails at Tenerife prices, including Mojitos, Frozen Margaritas, Martinis, Pina Coladas, plus many more... and a selection of beers. All live sports shown, and nightly entertainment.

166 Golf Park, Calle JM Galvan Bello, Golf del Sur

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: Tues - Sat, 5pm - midnight. Sun, 5pm - 10pm

Open: 5pm - Late.

Call: 922 691 599

Call: 603 164 862

Gorilla Grill Gorilla Grill is a fantastic all-day family pub and kitchen serving finequality, gourmet meals at affordable prices.

The menu has been carefully prepared to suit everyone’s taste, and includes a range of breakfasts, pizzas & pasta, fancy sandwiches, gourmet burgers (including the 16oz King Kong burger), salads and an extensive grill section. There are also fantastic drink prices and promotions.

Ted’s Grill Formerly Fernando’s, with same succulent Flame-Grilled Peri-Peri Chicken on the menu. However, we have now introduced the Ted’s Tower 100% Beef Burger, or you can build your own. Also, try our amazing Giant BBQ Honey-Glazed Ribs, Sunday lunches, Breakfasts, Homemade Italian Pasta including Veggie Dishes, or why not grill your own steak to your liking at your table? Ted´s Bar & Grill 100% the resident’s choice.

Bring this advert to get a 10% discount (or quote code: FGF10)

Las Veronicas, next to O’Neill’s Bar Open: 11am - 2am

Thai Botanico Experience contemporary Oriental dining at its finest. Ingredients are delicately and skilfully prepared and presented in gourmet dishes that embody the colours and tastes of Thailand. The colourful menu is more than complemented by the cool surroundings. The stunning, botanical dining terrace is filled with a rich mixture of beautiful plants, and decorated with authentic imported artefacts from the Eastern regions, giving you the feeling of being in a restaurant perched on a hillside in Thailand.

Centro Comercial La Niña. On the walkway down to the beach in Torviscas. Open: 09.00 – 23.59

Call: 922 712 836

Las Americas Open: Mon - Sat, 1.30pm - 11.30pm. Sun, 6pm - 11pm

Call: 922 797 759

Live sports shown 26th May - 1st June 2017


35 CW

CW 36

Tu Casa

26th May - 1st June 2017

Featuring: Relevant Information, Property for sale, Property for rent, For your garden, Electrics, Kitchens, Gadgets, Lots more...

IF you own, or manage, a rental property in Tenerife, now is the time to refresh things before the tourists arrive for their well-deserved, summer holidays. There are lots of things you can do to protect your investment, and also ensure that your tenants have a great time and want to return. After all, the best rental programme is with clients who have visited before, and want to come back, time and time again. These people are more likely to take good care of your property, and be respectful of your belongings. Firstly, don’t furnish with items that are likely to be easily damaged. For example, don’t use vertical blinds in a property that is likely to attract families with young children. Don’t decorate your property with items that have sentimental value to you, in case they get broken or stolen. There are plenty of decorative items that are reasonably priced and replaceable, if the worst does happen. Don’t make your property too personal if you are renting it out, although it should still carry a certain homely touch so that people enjoy it. Holidaymakers like to see beach scenes, or clean abstracts, on the walls, but definitely not pictures of someone else’s family. Take simple measures to protect your property and your

belongings. Make sure your sofa is covered in a modern fabric that has aqua-technology, and can be wiped clean with a wet cloth, and which doesn’t stain. Your cleaner or property-management company will find it much easier and quicker to wipe clean the sofa with a wet cloth if some accidents happen, than to wash the covers in the washing machine in the few hours they have between two rounds of tourists. If you have a leather or faux-leather sofa, leave instructions on how to clean with a mild soap or wet wipe, as harsher

cleaning products (alcohol included) may damage the material. Use bedspreads that can be washed and dried quickly, and that don’t need ironing. Again, the person who is responsible for the cleaning and quick turn-around of your property will thank you for it. Using mattress and pillow covers will make it easier to keep the place presentable and clean. Ensure that your inventory is adequate. Unhappy tenants will bother their local contact, and, at the very worst, will feel dissatisfied and treat the premises badly. Ensure that

there is adequate seating and bedding for the number of people to whom you are renting, as well as kitchen items such as plates, crockery etc, and a minimum inventory to enable them to prepare snacks and simple meals. The one thing you should do is cast the eye of the holidaymaker over your property, and consider whether you would be happy arriving to stay there. The curtains should look nice and reasonably new, the mattresses should be clean and definitely not lumpy, and the sun loungers should invite the guests to lie in the sun and relax. Rather than asking themselves whether they would be holding their weight, the sofas should be comfy! Also, the general atmosphere needs to be inviting and relaxing. It could be that all you need to do is buy a few, coloured throws and cushions, or renew the curtains. If your property is more than 10 years old, you should consider repainting, replacing the mattresses, replacing or re-upholstering the sofa and/or other necessary steps. If you aren’t here in Tenerife, don’t have the time, or simply don’t know where to start or what you need to do, ask Deco Nuevo (922 789 729) for a free quote to help you out.

Tu Casa

26th May - 1st June 2017


Large Luxurious Villa in Valle San Lorenzo Description Area 428 m2

Bathrooms - 5

Bedrooms - 3

Parking - 1 car

Swimming Pool

37 CW


450,000€ EPC / EEC – E


Building plot in Parque de la Reina including architects project ready to build

Description Area 380 m2

Bathrooms - 2

Bedrooms - 3

Garage - 5

Features – Plot 140M2, prepared underground garage, all fees paid including project and Clerk of works. PO-36

Villa in Los Menores, Adeje Description Area 300 m2

Bathrooms - 2

Bedrooms - 7

Garage - 4 cars

Decked BBQ, Heated Pool, Jacuzzi, Part-Furnished PO-45

Luxury Villa in Lomo del Clérigo, Adeje Description Area 849 m2

Bathrooms - 3

Bedrooms - 3

Garage - yes

Gym & Heated Swimming Pool


86,000€ EPC/EEC – N/A


495,000€ EPC / EEC – F


800,000€ EPC / EEC – C

Property Campus - Tenerife Real Estate & Investment Brokers - for more information about buying & selling, Energy Performance Certification, Property & Tax legal services, Construction & Refurbishments - Please don’t hesitate to contact us on to arrange a viewing or a meeting - new building developments - coming soon. Administration Office : Av. Europa, Complejo Ocean View, Local 1.117 A/1 38670, Adeje.

CW 38

Tu Casa

26th May - 1st June 2017

Maximising your studio By Val Sainsbury ALTHOUGH there are some downsides to living in a studio apartment, such as not having as much space for your belongings, and feeling like you're living in your bedroom, it can be a cosy-andfun experience. Stick to these design tricks when decorating a studio apartment, and you'll love this type of home! Enclose your bed You may not have a separate bedroom, but do you have a closet you can fit a bed into? Or is there a way to drape

curtains around your bed to create a private bed nook? Anything you can do to set your bed apart from the rest of your studio apartment will make the whole space feel less like you're living in just one room - a bedroom you also eat and live in! Hang things Don't let wall and ceiling space go to waste. Use your walls to add hooks or pegs so you can hang functional items, as well as decor. And use your ceiling to hang things like pot racks or storage netting, to gain even more storage space. Use big furniture Don't necessarily shy away from big furniture. Even though you might feel as though you have to go small because you have a little studio, a lot of small furniture sprinkled around might make things feel cluttered and too busy. A few, smart, larger pieces could make your apartment

feel even bigger and airier. Lighten and brighten Although small, dark spaces can look dramatic, when in doubt, always try to lighten your studio. Brightening things up will make it feel bigger, so clean the windows and take away any items that might be obscuring natural light. Lighten with paint colours and choices of materials, and add light

where it's needed. Use see-through objects It's a fun, designer trick. If you need a table and chairs, but don't want to feel as though they're cluttering your space, look for seethrough furniture made with clear materials. It gives you the function you need, without the visual bulk. Raise your bed Even beds on the smaller side still take up a lot of floor space, so get double the use out of that space by raising your bed for extra storage. Simply adding risers will give you a few more inches of under-bed storage. Use mirrors Use mirrors on the walls, or leaning on the floor, to reflect natural light and bounce it around a small space, making it feel larger. Also consider choosing mirrored furniture which will also reflect light. Similar to see-through furniture, the mirrored variety helps to

cut down the feeling of bulk. Divide wisely Sometimes, dividers in a studio can make it seem cluttered and claustrophobic. If you do feel like you need some division between your living areas, go for dividers that let light through, or those which aren't too high. This can help hint at a visual division, without feeling too closed off. Make storage look invisible To avoid making your studio apartment feel like a closet, and to cut down on it feeling cluttered, work on camouflaging your storage. You can do that by using double-duty furniture that looks like something else, like a trunk for a coffee table, or an ottoman with hidden storage inside. Try painting or buying storage in the same colour as your walls, so that it blends into your studio apartment, and doesn't dominate it. 26th May - 1st June 2017

Tu Casa

39 CW

CW 40

Advertisement 26th May - 1st June 2017

Puzzle / Classified

26th May - 1st June 2017

Sudoku X

30-Second Brain Training

Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck!



Beginner Starter Number












of this










Intermediate Starter Number


41 CW







of this






1 2





x16 3




-125 Answer


6 5 2 9 3 4 3 9 6 8

7 4


of this















of this


to advertise here call 822 14 15 17

And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...






Starter Number


5 8 6 9 6 5 2 3 1 6 7 2 9 3

Property for sale Investment property - Rental 20,000 euros / per annum. On lifetime traspaso with current tenant in for 7 years. Asking price: 240,000 euros. Excellent investment opportunity for the long term investor with annual increase in return. Prime location in Playa de Las Americas , Garden City.

For further particulars Tel David on 609 072 467


to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 9 3 6 7 4 4 6 9 3 5 5 4 8 1 4

cars wanted CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.

Call us now on 678 451 641

Cars for sale

3 9 6 5 6 7 7 9 1 2 7 9 3 5 7 9 5 1 2




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Find the answers to these puzzles on our website

Across: 1. Passion is what rematch regularly exhibited (6) / 5. Spotted leader of batty pressure group (6) / 8. Full of wind, disgorging small amount of gravy? (7) / 9. Spooner’s Environment Agency plan that protects one from splashes (7) / 11. Frisky echidna, zoo’s gift for Leo? (4,2,3,6) / 12. Huge US city in recession, too (4) / 13. Cruise in a fur, open to attack (10) / 17. Sly dandies revelling in ways to go to hell (6,4) / 18. Punctilious, detailed 11, 13 or 17? (4) / 20. Finally passes Brownie test in navel-gazing (411) / 23. Grave bearing tiny cross on archaeological site (7) / 24. I pace banks of Liffey in fury (7) / 25. Male with extremely erogenous legs (6) / 26. Far from dense, argues with energy (6) Down: 2. Carmen receiving a single wound, feeling no pain (9) / 3. I don’t believe that legend of Arachne (2,4) / 4. Henry II welcoming return of dipso son in foul pants (9) / 5. Host served up last of superb Yorkshire pudding (5) / 6. “Un-American” is long-established term to describe Left (3,5) / 7. Curry from Latvia perhaps not finished (5) / 8. England evacuated after British Airways’ spacecraft is tampered with (11) / 10. Child allowance kept economy active (6,5) / 14. Subtly insinuate these are paid every year (9) / 15. Prohibit bombs, the ultimate in senseless folly (9) / 16. Transient supporter turned up to invade pitch (8) / 19. Bare half-cut granny, one of a bunch (6) / 21. Frivolous answer to crossword clue (5) / 22. Unfathomable depth of baby’s subconscious (5)

Cars for rent Long Term car rental from 200€ month. Full Insurance and breakdown cover, free pick up. For a polite friendly service ring 642 756 473

CW 42

Service Point

26th May - 1st June 2017


garden furniture

Service point

Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570


Elaine Watson-Jones MSSCh MBChA. Experienced qualified Chiropodist based in Tenerife over 20yrs, offers home/ hotel visits in most areas of the South. Tel: 608 029 790. Email:

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17

health & Beauty Tel: 664 576 779


home removal

Elite Cleaning Services is an established cleaning company who can provide a professional cleaning service for Apartments, Villas and Offices. Call us today on 922 789 795 or 696 922 597.

house clearance construction

Aladdins Cave - House Clearances Undertaken. Antique and Vintage goods bought and sold. tel. 922 720 493.

Kitchens & bathrooms

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing, Decorating, Plastering etc. Tel: 661 081 843 for quotation.



Tenerife Property Revamp Large and small renovations - Plastering and tiling works Painting and Decorating - All general building work undertaken

Tel: 602 398 375

or email




Service Point

26th May - 1st June 2017

Mechanics (cont.)


43 CW

translation TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES: Legally registered with over 25 years’ experience. Official, Medical, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Probate, Pensions, car paperwork and much more. Professionalism and confidentiality guaranteed. Transport available. Call Tracey on 666 857 991 or email on

travel agents

Boiler King: All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Call Roly: 680 278 579 or Tom: 642 771 035

Pool tables T-shirt printing

patio doors & windows

Removals UNIVERSAL EXPORTS S.L. PROFESSIONAL REMOVALS TO AND FROM THE U.K. Email: Transport Licence: No. 11572932 C.I.F. No. B38820395 Tel: 922 720 711


tv & satellite ElectroSat TV S.L. C/Encarnacion No 1. Valle San Lorenzo, Tenerife. Tel: 922 72 22 27 Mobile 670 277 772, email: Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.



windows & doors

Personal services Versatile Transsexual, apartment Royal, front bus station, Cristianos, whatsapp info 0034 602 626 848 Los Cristianos, Patricia , Blonde, Venezuelan, French, postures, kisses, vibrators, sadism, massage, private apartment, outcalls. Tel: 650 442 665

Pest control


CW 44


26th May - 1st June 2017


On yer bike…

CYCLING is one of the most enjoyable, healthy ways to get around Tenerife, so how about a leisurely tour of Santa Cruz in the saddle, in the company of hundreds of enthusiasts? The capital city’s bike fiesta is celebrating

its 37th year on Sunday, 11th June, through the heart of the city. It’s free to take part, and you can even win a fabulous prize in the draw, which also costs nothing. The route has been amended this year to start at La Granja park and work down, via Avenida Belgica, Plaza Weyler, and out to Avenida Anaga, by the marina. Fun is the key thing,

because it’s not a race, and all ages are welcome. In addition, all types of bikes, ancient and modern, will be on display. Many families bring several generations of cyclists, and fancydress adds to the celebration. Registration is open until the evening before, at the sports department of El Corte Ingles store, by Santa Cruz bus station.

Ladies’ Football

Double trouble, but Queen’s Cup looms

DOUBLE defeat on the last day of the Spanish Premier League meant different prospects for the two Tenerife teams. Egatesa Granadilla Tenerife lost 2-1 at Santa Teresa, in Badajoz, but they have the Copa del Reina (Queen’s Cup) still to look forward to. But relegated Tacuense said goodbye to

the elite league with a 4-2 home defeat by Sporting Huelva. Tenerife couldn’t have asked for a better start at Santa Teresa, scoring after just one minute via Silvia Doblado. That lead stood throughout the first half, but the hosts pegged it back straight after the interval, Sofia netting to make it 1-1. And home pressure took its toll with 20 minutes remaining, with Sofia again the scourge of the visitors, scoring her second

goal. The quarter-final draw has been made for the Copa del Rey in Madrid next Sunday (4th June). Tenerife play Levante, with the winners meeting Atletico Madrid or Rayo Vallecano in the last four. Tacuense will take no comfort from bowing out after a goal-filled game. They were 2-0 up within 30 minutes, thanks to Tamara and Reichel, but it was all downhill from there as Sporting rattled in the goals.


Tenerife’s Malaga mauling ICING on the cake, or a flat souffle? After a feast of a season, Iberostar Tenerife were looking forward to the championship play-offs. But they will need a Goliath home-leg effort to overcome their 7965 defeat at Unicaja Malaga. Reaching the semi-finals was made harder by the injury loss of influential Tim Abromaitis, who was ruled out for the series before this shock reversal. The only beacon on a dim night was a third quarter 20-13 fightback, but the damage had been done

and Tenerife slumped to a 22-11 final-quarter bruising. This season’s European campaign demonstrated that Tenerife have plenty of determination and spirit,

but that may not be enough to make up the deficit. Their big guns weren’t firing on the night, with Tariq Kirksay alone showing his true form with 16 points.


26th May - 1st June 2017

They’re still dreaming on Table

Pos Team Handicap 4/4 11/4 18/4 25/4 2/5 9/5 16/5 23/5 Totals 1 Dreamers -5 10 10 10 5 10 5 10 5 60 2 Hammers -5 10 5 5 10 5 10 10 10 60 3 Palms 2


0 10 0 0 5 10 5 10 55

4 T/House -5 10 10 10 5 10 5 5 0 50 5 Palms 1

-5 10 5 0 10 5 10 0 5


6 Exiles


5 10 5 5 0 0 10 5


7 B/Bell


0 0 0 0 0 10 5 10 40

8 Phoenix -5 0 0 10 5 5 5 5 5 30 9 Terrace


0 5 5 0 10 0 0 5 25

10 Gaffers -25 10 0 10 10 10 0 5 5 25

Hammers v Treehouse BOTH teams, on 50 points each, were joint-second in the Arona Foods Summer Pool League, with Dreamers in touching distance on 55 points. A draw was no good to either team because it would almost certainly have guaranteed that Dreamers would be the first league winners. Dreamers were away to Bluebell, who have showed decent form of late … but surely Dreamers would hold fast and collect 10 points! Hammers lost the first two frames but won the next three, only for Treehouse to level the scores. But Baz and Wez dug deep, winning the remaining two frames to give Hammers a 5-3 victory and the points. The team game proved close, a 15 from Hammers Chris, then 11 from Treehouse Mark, keeping things interesting. But an important eight from Wez in round 6 left Hammers within two points of success, and they eventually ran out 55-49 winners for all 10 points. This result removed Treehouse from the title race. Bluebell v Dreamers The singles ended up 4-4, thanks to Bluebell’s Mal and Grant winning frames 7 and 8 for an equal share of the 10 points. The team game was a low-scoring affair, the highest break being seven. But against the odds, Bluebell won 55-46 to restrict the league leaders to five points.

It left Dreamers and Hammers each on 60 points, and they face on another in the final round of the Summer League. Dreamers are favourites to clinch the title if they share the points because they have a five-frame advantage over their rivals. The only way for Hammers to turn that around would be to win the singles 7-1 or 8-0. And that’s a tall order! Palms 2 v Exiles Elsewhere, Palms 2 beat Exiles 10-5 and could end up with 65 points, and if Dreamers and Hammers share the points 5-5, all three teams would finish on 65. But Palms 2 have a vastly inferior frame difference and cannot win the league. Yet they could finish second or third. They are certainly no push-overs and will be Division 2 titlecontenders in the up-coming Direct Telecom Pool League, which starts again on 13th June. Potters v Palms 1 Potters were thumped 7-1 in the singles, while Wayne scored a huge 23 at his first visit in the team game, which should have been enough. Palms 1 were leading 51-37, but up stepped Geoff, having contributed just nine points

from his previous five visits, and knocked in a brilliant 18 to steal the team game. So, five points apiece, thanks to Geoff. Terrace v Gaffers Gaffers made the long journey to the Golf to take on the Terrace boys, and all was going well when they took the singles 5-3. Both sides made spluttering starts in the team game. Nobody made a big break, and, as both teams passed the 50-point mark, it was extremely close. Marky P was in pole position, needing just three balls off his break, but he bounced the white off the table, moving Gaffers on to 52 points. Troy made it 53, then rattled a pot, while Dan took the Terrace to 54 before having to play a safety shot. Lee, with no stand-out shot available, went for it, but the only ball going down though was the white, giving Terrace the points. It will be a nail-biting end to the Summer League, which has proved to be a great success. All participants have said how much they have enjoyed it, and, regardless of who wins, it has been good fun. Hopefully, if the support is there, the league will continue next year.

45 CW

Feel-good Fridays return! THE Oasis Fm Darts League 2017/18 season began last Friday, and, for many keen darters, it’s what Fridays are for!

In Division 1, at least, we seemed to have continued where we left off last term. Reigning champions Scruffy Macs got off to a flyer by taking all eight points from newly-promoted Tavern A, their local rivals. Last season’s runners-up, Pas O Nadas A, also hit the ground running, with Steve Sub hitting a 180 during a 7-1 demolition of Picassos, which leaves the top of the table looking all too familiar! Sam fired in a maximum for Boothen as they welcomed Bar 180 A to the top flight. Wayne replied with two of his own for the San Blas outfit, who lost 7-1. Gaffers skipper Terry hit an impressive 85 dart leg to help beat Waterfall, while a tight match unfolded at Phoenix Bar. who welcomed Spear Chuckers. Pod checked out on 146 for Phoenix to beat

division 1 ResultS Phoenix Bar Scruffy Macs Pas O Nadas A Ourplace Playboys Bar 180 A Gaffers

5-3 Spear Chuckers 8-0 The Tavern A 7-1 Picasso’s 3-5 Palms Pool Bar 1-7 Boothen 6-2 Waterfall

division 2 ResultS Sandys 7-1 Nauta Nomads Clouseaus 0-8 Legends Bar Leones 4-4 Marilyns B Buzzing B’s 2-6 Naughty Nautas The Red Devils 5-3 Bar 180 B Ourplace Breakaways 6-2 Ourplace Playgirls Marilyns A 6-2 Pas O Nadas B The Tavern B 0-8 Lady Macs

Alan, only for Tomo to take out 135 for the Chuckers. The match ended with the hosts holding the trebles leg for an extremely hard-fought victory. Elsewhere, Palms Pool Bar, last year’s Division 2 runnersup, produced a bit of a shock result as they beat the Playboys 5-3. Legends are early leaders in Division 2, and our spies tell us that they may well be the team to beat this time round. Clouseaus are no mugs, but they were powerless to stop the Los Cristianos side running out 8-0 winners. A similar result came at The Tavern, as their new team faced another new team, Lady Macs. And it

turned out to be a bad night for the Tavern because they also registered a big zero! Rich notched a 180 for Sandys during their 7-1 success over Nauta Nomads, while Ourplace Breakaways got off to a fine start with a 6-2 victory over their Ourplace Playgirls stablemates (or should that be stablegirls?). Marilyns A put six past Pas O Nadas B, a winning margin matched by Naughty Nautas, whose win at Buzzin Bs included a 115 finish by Joe. Red Devils held the last rubber to nick a close match with Bar 180 B, while Marilyns B claimed the trebles to tie with Bar Leones and record the league’s only drawn match.

Messi’s prison swerve

LIONEL Messi, the Barcelona superstar footballer, has been given a 21-month jail sentence for tax evasion. But he is unlikely to see the inside of a cell. Even though his term has been confirmed by Spain’s Supreme Court, it is likely to be switched to a suspended period because it is under two years. The Barcelona star is said to have owed the Hacienda (taxman) a total of 4.1m euros between 2007-2009. He received seven months for each of the three charges, and was also fined more than 2m euros.

CW 46


26th May - 1st June 2017

CD Tenerife

Jackpot nudge needed By Colin Kirby

TENERIFE are so close! And they can almost taste the play-offs, even though they weren’t wearing their shooting boots against the champions-elect.

But the single point, and with nervous rivals coming up short, means four points from the final three games will ensure promotion playoff football for CDT. And if the rivals for the third to sixth places continue their wasteful ways, a win at Alcorcon on Sunday morning could be the clincher. Watching the Levante draw was like a fruit machine of emotions: one minute we were sucking a lemon, the next, savouring a trio of cherries. Levante, who have run away with the Segunda division, looked a class side and were difficult to prise open, especially with Tenerife top-scorer Amath still out injured. All eyes were on in-form striker Choco Lozano, but he wasn’t as sharp as in recent games, especially

CD Tenerife 0 Levante 0

after a second-half knock. But there was plenty to admire about Tenerife´s build-up play. Gaku Shibasaki, the outstanding man of the match, was everywhere … creating, passing and inspiring. He must be a delight to play with. Tayron, another who catches the eye, gets through so much good

work, and he’s strong and holds the ball well. Gaku looked ready to score his first goal early on, but the Levante keeper came out and whipped the ball away from him. The Japanese star followed up with a cut-in from the right which brought a save from the keeper. Let’s not forget CDT’s veterans. Aitor Sanz

continued his commanding form, and Vitolo was another midfield dynamo. It was like a master-class watching Vitolo cut out a Levante move with a firm header down to Aitor. Alberto, on the bench after his suspension, must have wondered how he could win his place back. Roger was expected to be the main threat from Levante, but Morales proved to be the man to mark. He was behind their best build-ups. It was good to have Camille fit, and in his left-back slot. He is confident on the ball and always good for a sprint forward. Clear-cut chances were few and far between. Gaku did release Choco five minutes before the break, but the keeper saved at his feet. And although Choco went down, it would have been a generous penalty. Aaron was having a quiet game, and it came as no surprise when he made way for Suso after 59 minutes. The skipper livened things up with his runs from the right, and Choco, fed

another great pass by Gaku, bore down on goal. A defender ploughed into him from behind, and there was a lot more meat to this penalty appeal. But the ref had nothing to do with it, much as he had all game. Sanz had a long shot that was easily smothered, low down, by the keeper. It was time for a Tenerife gamble, so on came Cristo Gonzalez for his first action in two months. The young striker has been frozen out, after refusing to pledge his future to the club, but he demonstrated his undeniable talent. Playing a little deep, he was able to run on to the ball and make life uncomfortable for defenders. A little juggle of the ball and he tested the visiting keeper with a low shot. But his best effort was a sharp turn and fierce shot that clipped the bar. Jouini had a couple of minutes up front at the end as Choco went off, but it wasn’t going to make a difference. A win would have speeded up the play-off chase. But patience is a virtue the team and fans have all embraced, and they all saw it as another point to maintain fourth spot.

UD Ibarra

Manzi gem offers hope TIGHT, bruising, and tense. Ibarra emerged with a slender lead from their promotion play-off game with Tropezon at home.

The second leg in Santander will be another battle, but the El Fraile side showed they have plenty of muscle, as well as skill. Playing a team from a mainland group of the Tercera division was always going to be a leap into the unknown for them, not knowing how strong their section was, or anything about their style, so the opening exchanges were a little cagey. Home captain Toledo looked an imposing figure, with an old head injury bandaged. But it didn’t stop him from using his nut to test the Tropezon keeper with an early shot. Free-scoring, attacking play has been the hallmark of the Ibarra campaign. But,

Ibarra 1 Tropezon 0

last Sunday morning, their passes weren’t quite finding the key forwards. Sandro was wide of the mark with his free-kick after a foul from the yellowshirted visitors. But, as the home team tightened up their play, the moves started flowing, with Balduino and Manzi always looking for a half-chance. Balduino was brought down on the edge of the box after 25 minutes, but Iray’s freekick was hardly troubling. The home full-backs supported well, Aaron

finishing off a break by flashing a shot across the face of the goal. It would take something special to break the visitors’ resolve, and that´s exactly what Ibarra delivered. A long ball from Iray, deep in his own half, found Manzi running between two defenders as the ball dropped. The keeper had come out, but Manzi lifted it over him with a fabulous header to make it 1-0 just before the break. Matias rounded the away

defence, but there was no team-mate to finish the move, while Manzi got in close for a shot, cleared by the keeper just in front of the line. Tropezon produced a few of their own chances. Sergio was the yellows’ set-piece man, blasting a free-kick that was deflected for a corner, which came to nothing. Another foul on Balduino produced a free-kick within shooting distance. Tall Pablo was brought on, but the kick didn’t offer him a chance. Manzi hit 24 goals in the regular season, and a nifty turn and shot just missed

the target. But at least it showed how he can conjure up chances from nothing. Tropezon seemed more content to defend for the most part, but he was a little more adventurous in the final 15 minutes. Pablo pushed up from the back and breached the home defence, but he couldn’t finish. Tarife, normally a left-back, was a late sub for winger Ibarra, and he forced a corner with his first few touches. The home side were aware of how valuable a second strike would be, and Matias shaped up for a shot in the box, only to tumble after an away tackle. But the ref still saw fit to give the free-kick to Tropezon. The ultimate draw leaves the tie finely-poised for the away leg. And Ibarra will have to be tactically strong to reward the bumper, 500-strong crowd with another opportunity to propel them along the promotion path. 26th May - 1st June 2017


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