Cw issue 1061

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29th June - 5th July 2018

Issue 1061 29th June - 5th July 2018

Squatters can’t beat new rules of eviction 1 CW

THE Spanish Government has approved specific measures against squatters who illegally occupy private property, leaving them cornered, because they will have to prove ownership with a title deed, or be evicted. Continued on Page 3

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29th June - 5th July 2018

Money in the Bank or Money in a Bond, make an informed choice


he majority of us keep money in a bank account, why? Because it is easy, relatively secure, and easily accessible. There is also a deposit protection scheme in place which covers the amount in your bank account up to 100,000 euros or £85,000. So far, so good? This means that if a bank or building society cannot meet its obligations and subsequently fails, or becomes insolvent, the maximum compensation you will receive will be £85,000 or £170,000 for a joint account (husband and wife). What about growth on your savings? Returns are not good, interest rates are hardly inflation beating and your hard earned cash is not really being put to work for you. In fact, the average savings account is paying less than 1% per year and some have reduced to 0.2 or 0.1% So how does this look in reality? Consider this:

£20,000 in an average savings account with a gross interest rate of 1% will pay £20,000 at 1% per annum equalling £200 per year before tax

What is the alternative?

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29th June - 5th July 2018

3 CW

Door slams on squatters Cont. from Front If sufficient justification is not forthcoming, a court will order immediate repossession of the home, with no chance of appeals from squatters.

This is a drastic change to previous squatters’ rights, which allowed them to fight the case in court, and, on average, gain another 15 months of free living in the property. Under the new rules, however, a fast-track procedure has been introduced, enabling owners to get rid of the squatters in a matter of weeks. Also, under the changes, the law states that the rules prevent the “extortion” of the owner, which means the squatters cannot ask for financial compensation to move out, as is usually the case. This extortion move is often conducted by “very organised mafia-style networks”, stresses the law. Courts will now serve notice to squatters, identified or not, which gives them five days to produce a rental agreement, or any other document, enabling them, legally, to remain in the property. Failure to find this will lead to the Courts issuing an

immediate eviction notice. In addition, under the new law, the Courts must observe the following: *Squatters will have no rights, other than to produce a valid agreement to cover their stay in the property. Opposing any application to have them evicted will not stop the process *Squatters will have no right of appeal, and will be evicted immediately *Social Services will be on stand-by, in case of the eviction of children, the elderly or people with special needs

*The reform will affect only properties whose owners are “private individuals, non-profit and public agencies, which own social housing”. It omits properties held by banks and investment funds. These measures will become applicable this summer, 20 days after the publication of the law reform in the Official Gazette. It seems that evictions here in the South are picking up, because no fewer than 17 families, all squatters, were kicked out of a San Isidro apartment block, earlier this month.

The mass exit followed a complaint by the owner, and a subsequent court order. But seven families, which included children and elderly, were seen as vulnerable, with little or no financial resources. These families, prioritised because of their circumstances, have already been re-homed, and the older folk placed in centres for the elderly. Of course, there is another way of banishing squatters from your property, as 67-year-old Margaret Askew Eastwood demonstrated last October.

She had popped into her new Golf del Sur home, which was being refurbished, to collect her mail. But she discovered that a family of Romanians had settled in there. “I noticed that the front door was slightly ajar, and, as I went to examine it, I saw a well-dressed young man, standing in the doorway,” she recalled. “I asked him what he was doing there, and he said, arrogantly, ‘We live here. We moved in three weeks ago’. “I was livid… how dare they impose themselves on my home, I thought. An older woman and a couple of younger girls also appeared as I pushed the door open and saw sleeping bags all over the floor. “I was so angry that I screamed at them to get out, but the woman said they had nowhere to go. I shouldered my way past her and started throwing their belongings into the garden, all the time ranting at them. “To my surprise and relief, they started packing up their bits and pieces, loaded them into a car and drove off.” Margaret, a devout churchgoer, added: “Thank goodness something is being done about these squatters at long last. “It’s not right that they are allowed to take over someone’s house and live in it for nothing.”

Knife man robs jewellers

A YOUNG man, carrying a large knife, held up a Cabo Blanco jewellery shop on Wednesday, at around 6pm. He intimidated the woman looking after the store by taking the knife from a small suitcase and waving it around. She ran out from the premises, immediately, screaming for help. Mean-

while, the thief helped himself to the daily takings from the till. He then jumped into a Renault Twingo, parked up with a driver inside, and was whisked away. The woman alerted the police, who, along with the Guardia Civil, soon arrived. Guardia officers then spent most of the evening searching Buzanada and La Centinela for the vehicle and its occupants, but to no avail.

Perverted dad, who abused daughter, 10 A PROSECUTOR has requested 18 years’ imprisonment for a father, who sexually assaulted his 10-year-old daughter for four years, leaving her traumatised during the entire period. Jose HG has been stripped of his parental rights of three children, because of

his appalling behaviour. The Santa Cruz Court hearing began on Tuesday morning, and the youngster’s statement was taken behind closed doors to protect her identity. She said the abuse began in 2013 and lasted until 9th May last year, which was the day her father

was arrested and detained … and the day the abuse stopped! The father used threats of violence, to scare her from speaking to anyone about the abuse, which had been taking place frequently. He also took full advantage of his parental status.

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29th June - 5th July 2018

Canarian tourism chiefs spell out the way ahead THE inaugural conference of the AMTC (Association of Canarian tourism boroughs), which met in Adeje last Friday and Saturday, attracted more than 100 tourism agents. And, in addition to speakers from the Canarian universities, also present were institutional, business, trade unions and university representatives. During Friday’s opening session, Isabel Oliver Sagreras, newly-appointed National Tourism Minister, said the Spanish Government was happy to be allied with the association. She also spoke of the search for a “social balance” in tourism, between the needs of the visitors and the rights of the residents in tourism destinations. “Residents have a right to an opinion, too,” she said. “And we have to be aware

Poor dog left to suffocate in car

A MAN was arrested and charged with animal abuse after leaving his dog, which, subsequently, died inside his Porsche, during last Sunday’s blazing-hot sun. The dreadful incident occurred at midday, at the isolated, Santa Cruz area of Punta del Hidalgo. La Laguna’s Local Police were alerted, and, upon arrival, they noticed that the vehicle had been parked in an unshaded area. Closer inspection revealed that there was a large, lifeless dog inside the Porsche, and the poor animal did not react to the officers. They smashed a window of the vehicle, whose owner appeared while they were trying to get into the car. Sadly, he returned too late, because the poor animal was already dead, having suffocated inside the costly, high-end motor. The authorities were not prepared to reveal the identity of the irresponsible owner.

of the impact of tourism on where we live.” The Tourism Minister added that sustainability was vital in this regard, both “economic and territorial”. And it was also crucial that the workers’ right to training and proper contracts and wages was respected and upheld. There were various roundtable discussions on what were considered to be the main themes in need of attention: governing tourism; overnight stays,

including holiday rental; sustainability; training and employment; planning and management integration, as well as innovation, and digitalisation. José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, the Association President and Adeje Mayor, said on Saturday: “The Canaries has to adapt to the new tourism model, based on quality and sustainability, if we wish to maintain our position as leaders in the sector among European destinations.”

He pointed to the main challenges as “capturing the new mid and mid-highincome tourist, keeping the 15 million annual visitors we have, and making sure we keep the 20m euros which the sector generates for the islands”. And he stressed: “To do that, we have to improve in quality, diversity and sustainability.” Modernising existing hotels was another crucial point, and the AMTC President added. “We need, also, to reform the existing tourism law to meet the needs of sustainable growth, but without getting rid of the moratorium in place. And we must treat holiday letting as another branch of tourism.” The creation of up to 100,000 new jobs was also discussed, as well as language training. “Learning other languages is something we do need to be better at, and improving education options,” said Rodríguez Fraga. “We are also committed

to equal opportunities, and we will work to eliminate any gender or age discriminatory gaps.” Referring to the Canaries’ seven main tourist zones, Rodríguez Fraga pointed to the huge problems in roads, public transport, ports and airports, and was adamant that proper planning and integrated development was essential, given the 16 million visitors who visit these areas annually. He also used the presence of the new Spanish Tourism Minister to reiterate a key point of the AMTC: the need for increased funding from central coffers, given that tourism creates over 30% of GDP. “But these boroughs receive only 1% of regional funding, and less than 1% from the general budgetary fund,” said the Association President. “The reality is that we look after over twice the numbers on the residential register.”

Information requested on the death of John Palmer ON the third anniversary of his murder, the family of Essex businessman John Palmer has launched a £100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of his killer or killers, with the support of the independent charity, Crime stoppers. Mr Palmer, 65, was at his home in Sandpit Lane, Brentwood, Essex, at around 5.30pm, on Wednesday 24th June, 2015, when he was shot, repeatedly and fatally. Mr Palmer was very well known in Tenerife, where he ran a number of businesses. His partner, Christina Ketley, said: “Losing a loved one is hard enough, but, in this case, we have the added stress of not only not knowing who did it, but why.”

She said that, just before the murder, they had enjoyed a Father’s Day, on which their whole family had come together. “It was lovely and I felt that the future would continue to be as perfect as that, with family at the centre of everything,” she added. “I never dreamed it would be the last time we were all together as a family. Since then, every Father’s Day, every birthday and every special occasion is a constant reminder that John is not with us, and, also, that his life was cut short so ruthlessly.” Roger Critchell, Crimestoppers’ Director of Op-

erations, said: “We understand that people are not always willing to go to the police, so we would urge them to contact Crimestoppers, with 100% anonymity, through our phone line and our online form.” Crimestoppers is an independent charity, helping the police solve crimes, and making communities safer. It does this by operating the 24/7 telephone number 0800 555 111, or 0844 555 111 (from Tenerife), which people can ring, anonymously, to pass on information about crimes. They can also use our Anonymous Online Form. Around 14 people are arrested and charged every day, as a result of informa-

tion given to Crimestoppers. Since the charity began, 30 years ago, it has received over 1.8 million actionable calls, resulting in more than 140,000 arrests and charges. In addition, stolen goods, worth more than £135m, have been recovered, and illegal drugs, worth over £340m, have also been seized. In 2005, Crimestoppers launched the UK’s Most Wanted on its website, which enables the public to view images of criminals and pass on vital information about their whereabouts. It has been highly successful, with over 4,000 arrests to date, including some on mainland Spain, and in Tenerife.


29th June - 5th July 2018

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Symphony orchestra putting on the style! T E N E R I F E S y m p h o n y Orchestra are all set to play their first open-air concert in South Tenerife, at Golf Costa Adeje. It has been organised by Adeje Council and supported by the regional department of Tourism. The orchestra, conducted by Jader Bignamini, will feature Canarian soprano Davinia Rodrígue. It starts at 9pm, and

the concert reflects the Council’s push to make sure that quality entertainment events are not just aimed at tourists through the “Happy Streets” programme. In fact, residents in the South will also have a chance to see and hear the TSO performing live. The TSO, which is considered one of the best in Spain, has also played extensively in Europe, the United States and Asia, over the years. And, of course, it is also

a cultural reference here in the islands. Gran Canaria soprano

Worldwide cocaine cartel is hammered

SIXTY blocks of cocaine, weighing some 1,850kg and worth an estimated street value of 65 million euros, have been seized from a sailing boat, heading for the Canary Islands, thanks to an international drug operation. Spain’s National Police, along with the Spanish Tax Office, were also involved deeply with Operation GRU. The successful seizure was announced by Alberto Morales, Chief Inspector of the Organised Crime Unit, who made an immediate statement to the press as the drugs were being unloaded at a Las Palmas military base. Also present during the unloading were official delegates, including Elena Mañes, representing the Spanish Government, and the Tax Agency’s Carmen

Guillen, along with Jose Maria Moreno, a National Police Chief Inspector. The international operation began in 2015, when suspicions of a criminal organisation, which appeared on the radar, sparked a wholesale investigation. It was thought that the organisation was shipping narcotics across the world, via sailing boats and yachts. The drug was stored in “nurseries” until there was a demand for it to be distributed on the black market. Thanks to the operation, investigators have revealed how the organisation worked. Members would use several sailboats and yachts to move the cocaine from one craft to another, hoping to cause confusion and prevent its detection. In the end, though,

the cocaine was found on a small sailboat, which was followed for days by the Spanish Air Force, who recorded the small vessel’s actions and movements. Finally, last Wednesday, the arrests took place in early hours, when police officials stopped the sailing boat, named Pepper Sauce, which was sailing under a British flag. Three men were arrested, one of them trying to hide among the 60 bales of cocaine. But there was no escape for the two Frenchmen and an Englishman. The boat was towed by the surveillance ship into the Las Palmas port, where investigations continued. The three men were detained and are awaiting sentencing from the international courts.

Davinia Rodríguez has performed with some of the top opera singers in the world, including Jesús López Cobos, Plácido Domingo, James Conlon, Jeffrey Tate, Danoto Renzetti and many more. She has sung in all the great theatres in Spain, Italy, China, and here in the Canaries. Jader Bignamini is resident conductor

with the La Verdi Symphony Orchestra in Milan but has also wielded his baton with Symphony Orchestras in San Diego, Osaka, Detroit and Milwaukee, and, this year, has been busy touring South America. The programme for 13th July concert will feature works from Rossini, Verdi and

Bizet, among others, and the organisers are preparing a special stage setting, which will allow the audience to enjoy a spectacular sunset to live music in this very special setting. Also participating in the production of the event are the Canarian Government, Tenerife Cabildo and the Golf Costa Adeje club. Tickets, just 15 euros, are on sale at https:// w w w. t o m a t i c k e t . e s / entradas- sinfonicade-tenerife. It is hoped that this music event will become a regular summer classic. And Adeje Council will be looking to the TSO and other European bodies to offer the local public, and visitors, the kind of quality events that match the destination.

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NEWS IN BRIEF Brit drivers take care

THE use of legal technology in Britain to detect speed cameras could result in fines costing thousands for drivers in Spain, and elsewhere in Europe, following crackdowns. Speed-camera detection devices, and technology capable of jamming radars, could land motorists fines of up to 6,000 euros in Spain. French rules state that penalties of around 1,500 euros can be handed to drivers on their roads for the same offences. Police across the European Union also have powers to access DVLA databases to identify, and, if necessary, punish British drivers for breaking road laws, under measures brought in last year. British authorities recently cracked down on the use of such technology. They are legal if sold as parking sensors or garage- door openers, but not if used to interfere with speed cameras.

12m-euro council windfall

AFTER suffering financial huge losses from the “Malaya Case” fraud, Marbella Council has received 12m euros compensation to improve the area’s services and public facilities. At one time, it appeared that all of the money and assets recovered from the convicted Juan Antonio Roca would be passed directly to the Spanish Government, to pay tax and social-security debts. But a 2013 court ruling, concerning the use of recovered funds from the case, enabled the Council to argue its case. In addition to these funds, it seems that some of the property seized, which includes the Finca de la Caridad and buildings adjacent to Costa del Sol Hospital, will, eventually, be handed over to the Council.

Pressure’s on boozy Brits

29th June - 5th July 2018

Rajoy’s new shot at fame? WITHIN days of former Spanish Prime Minister giving up his Parliamentary seat and turning his back on politics, Valladolid football fans reported that he was occupying himself, as a security guard for matches. During the game, in which Valladolid beat Numancia de Soria 3-0 to guarantee promotion to La Liga, it became the hottest topic of conversation in the stands. The sight of Rajoy in a fluorescent jacket and security guard’s uniform on the side of the pitch led to fans on both sides chanting, “Mariaaaano, Mariaaaano”. They even called for him to take a shot, which he did, even though the “ security guard” was not Rajoy but

temptation, or the fans egging him on. The security man played right up to his new-found fame, taking it in good humour and posing with fans after the match, his photograph soon going viral on Twitter. In fact, the “real” Rajoy has applied to return to his old job as a property registrar, for which he was employed for many years, before becoming a salaried politician.

Just child’s play for alert patrol officers MADRID’S Guardia Civil officers, patrolling a busy road with a lane designated for vehicles carrying passengers, were surprised to see a car with what appeared to be a child in the front seat.

MAGALUF’S council chiefs are increasing their pressure on boozy British holiday-makers… and their wallets! It comes after street signs, written in English warning revellers they will be fined heavily for drinking, being naked or fighting on the street, appeared across the holiday hotspot. The eye-catching notices carry the hashtag banner: “Have fun with respect”, as well as a Calvia Council logo, which carry a series of messages, including: “Wear no clothes on the street: penalty 400 euros.” Another says: “Drink on the street. Penalty 500 euros.” And a third warns: “Shout, fight, or bother people. Penalty 400 euros.” Some 15 of the signs have been attached to lamp-posts, and placed in other visible spots on party strip Punta Ballena, with five more on Calle Ramon de Montcada, in Santa Ponsa. The Council said in a press release: “The signs form part of an image-led campaign, to promote good behaviour, and inform people of the sanctions for breaching by-laws.”

his exact double, and fans said he could have easily have been the former PM’s cousin, ‘from Castilla y León’. At first, the Rajoy lookalike was reluctant to take a kick, preferring to remain on the sidelines as a “mourning tribute,” to his clone, who had just lost his PM’s seat, and given up the role of PP leader. But, in the end, he was unable to resist the

But despite the piping-hot weather, she was wearing a fleece, and, as the car came closer on the High Occupancy Vehicle lane, the officers realised that the “child” was, actually, a large doll.

It had been placed there by the driver to dodge the rules, which bans cars with no passengers from this part of the A-6. Initially, what alerted the officers was a child in the front of the car, which is prohibited by law, unless a special children’s car seat was being used. But this “passenger” was wearing a warm fleece, as well as sunglasses, a cap and headphones, which also triggered alarm bells. Needless to say, the driver was caught and fined 200 euros. Curiously, it was not the first time a driver had tried to cheat his way into the A-6 carpool lane. In October 2012, another offender was caught, using an adult-sized mannequin, wearing a wig, coat and sunglasses. 29th June - 5th July 2018


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29th June - 5th July 2018

Return of Siam’s magical months!

SIAM Park is getting ready to start its long-awaited “Siam Nights”, comprising genuine fun evenings during July and August. The colourful event begins this evening (Friday), and will be staged every Friday and Saturday, from 8pm until midnight.

Siam Nights has proved to be a success in previous years, thanks to its refreshing proposal, which has delighted tens of

Siam Park set to spread its wings

SIAM Park officials have been given the green light to construct a similar, world-class water park, in Gran Canaria. The Canary Islands’ Superior Tribunal Courts have confirmed their authorisation for the Kiessling Group company, which created and owns Tenerife’s Siam Park and Loro Parque, to construct and recreate another water park at El Veril, in San Bartolomo de Tirajana.

The proposal was presented in October last year, only to be rejected, partly because of the requested location. But, following the tribunal hearing, the proposal was accepted. Preparations for “another” Siam Park, to match Tenerife’s “Best Water Park in the World” acclamation last year, will consist of channelling an existing gully to divert rainwater. That will enable the constructors to take advantage of the same gully to create another worldclass venture.

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thousands of young people, and entire families, in a unique way. They embrace the best “chill-out” rhythms, provided by a DJ, and a buffet on the white-sand beach, as well as the best summer atmosphere. Under the stars, the most daring can try the spectacular experience of Singha, the fastest and most impressive rollercoaster ride on the planet. With a course of more than 240 metres, and 14 changes of direction, it’s a pioneering attraction, never seen in other water parks. Also, you won’t want to miss the Tower of Power, which is 28 metres high and has an almost-vertical slope, which gives the sensation of a free fall. In addition, there will be time for relaxation on Siam Beach, the most paradisiacal throughout the Canaries, featuring the largest artificial wave in the

world. It also has a slow, tropical ride on the Mai Thai River, which crosses the heart of the Park and lifts you, gently, to a height of eight metres, from where you can enjoy the most beautiful views of the Park’s waterfalls and lush gardens, as well as a spectacular aquarium. This Siam Park initiative enriches Tenerife’s tourist appeal, by enhancing the complementary offer and demonstrating how tourist

facilities can improve the competitiveness of a destination. This “Water Kingdom”, inaugurated in 2008, has been named Best Water Park in the World by TripAdvisor for four consecutive years. And, throughout its history, it has been awarded numerous distinctions for its commitment to innovation and excellence: the hallmark of the Loro Parque Company.

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Carl Pattison, Emma Swain, Martin Land, Mariano Zunino Siri, Sir Old Golfer, Carol Schleisman, Colin Kirby, Angela Jefferies

Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2017 Canarian Weekly


29th June - 5th July 2018

9 CW

Rock star dies from flesh-eating disease A RUSSIAN rock star has died after contracting a horrific, flesh-eating infection while on holiday in Gran Canaria.

Knife-crazy Venezuelan just kept on stabbing man A VENZUELAN man, known to police as AJJE, was arrested in Santa Cruz after causing serious knife injuries to another person in a vicious attack, for no apparent reason. An official complaint was lodged in May after an unprovoked assault, on Avenida Reyes Catolicos, at the city centre’s traffic lights. The victim had parked up, when, suddenly, a man on a bike appeared and parked next to the vehicle. Immediately, he began stabbing the other man’s arms with a knife, chanting: “I am going to kill you! I am going to kill you!” Despite the struggle, the victim managed to pull himself over to the passenger side of the car, which was when the attacker fled. An ambulance arrived at the scene, and, because the injuries were so serious, the victim was transferred to a nearby health centre for treatment. The injured man gave an in-depth description, and, together with information from other witnesses, the cops were able to identify and locate the assailant, who has previous charges against him for similar, violent attacks. He is now in police custody, awaiting a court hearing,

The 58-year-old guitarist picked up the infection last month, and his condition worsened as he embarked on a flight to Amsterdam,

Big Chinese cash haul

on his way home. So severe was Andrey Suchilin’s “tissue necrosis”, and the resulting smell which emanated from his body, that the plane had to make an emergency landing in Portugal. The “unbearable” smell from his rotting flesh was so bad that it caused other passengers to vomit, some even fainting. At first, the cabin crew isolated him in the toilet, but, eventually, the pilot was forced to divert the Transavia flight, making an emergency landing in Faro on 30th May. Suchilin wrote on Facebook, shortly afterwards: “The tragic and comic component of this whole situa-

tion is that I caught a disease, which (let’s not say how and why) makes a person quite stinky. “As a result, a group of passengers may demand the captain for you to be removed from the plane.” The musician was hospitalised in Portugal, where he had multiple surgeries to try to combat the infection. But his health continued to deteriorate, and, after falling into a coma, he died of organ failure on Monday. Local news websites reported that Suchilin was considered to be a “pioneer of rock music” in the Soviet Union, and “one of the top guitarists in Russia”.

Immigrants flooding in

AN operation conducted jointly by the Guardia Civil, Spanish Tax Agency and Europol seized more than eight million euros in cash, after raids on 23 properties. The investigation, which started just over a year ago, studied the illicit importation of various goods from China into the European Union, where they were sold without payment of import duties or other taxes, the money

then being transferred back to China. Apart from the vast sum of cash found, the investigation also revealed that funds totalling more than 31m euros had been transferred to the money- launderers’ Chinese bases. It is reckoned that 75% of all profits generated by the illegal activity left the European Union, and, apart from the arrest of 13 people in Spain, simultaneous raids also took place in Portugal and Romania, with Spanish officials being seconded to assist the authorities in those two countries.

SOME 388 more immigrants, travelling in 10 small boats, were rescued from the Strait of Gibraltar on Monday. They had made the perilous journey from Africa, and one tiny boat was carrying a staggering 40 people, including some women. Meanwhile, Maritime Rescue officers were still searching for another boat off the coast of Malaga, believed to be carrying 54 men. Authorities were alerted at 3.45pm on Sunday, when the boat left Morocco, heading for the Spanish coast.

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Advertisement 29th June - 5th July 2018


29th June - 5th July 2018

11 CW

Ryanair is forging new Southend Airport link IRELAND’S lowcost, Ryanair airline, plans to open a new base at Southend Airport, from next April, using three new aircraft, costing 257m euros, and covering 13 routes.

Although flights will go to eight different countries, Spain is well looked after with five weekly flights to both Alicante and Malaga, four to Palma Mallorca and two to Reus (Tarragona). The decision to introduce these new routes has been made partly because of the delays on deciding about the third runway for Heathrow, and the fact that Southend has a huge catchment area. In addition, this will see direct competition between the airline and rival easyJet which also operates out of the Southend airport. Ryanair’s Chief Commercial Officer, David O’Brien said: “We are pleased to add

Ryanair cabin-crews’ summer strike threat

London Southend Airport to our UK base network. Ryanair guests travelling to and from London and the Essex area can now enjoy low fares on a choice of 13 routes, through London Southend’s exceptionallypassenger-friendly terminal. Warwick Brady, CEO

of Stobart Group which manages the airport said: “We are delighted to welcome Ryanair and its guests to London Southend in 2019. We have a clear and focused strategy to grow our airport to welcome over five million passengers a year by 2022.”

RYANAIR is facing one of its largest-ever cabincrew strikes, with around 5,000 workers threatening to down tools this summer, across Europe. If the low-cost airline fails to reach an agreement with the unions, it faces a maximum three-day strike, which would affect an estimated 115,000 passengers daily, as 1,800 cabin-crew members would strike in Spain alone. Belgium, Portugal, Germany and Holland are all expected to join the

strikes over Ryanair’s insistence on following each country’s labour laws. Despite reaching a deal, UK cabin crews have said they would support the strikes, and the airline has until tomorrow (Saturday) to reach an agreement with the unions. Yet the unions said they would give a longerthan-required notice to strike, which means they could cause chaos during peak dates, at the end of July or the start of August.

CW 12


29th June - 5th July 2018

A shock release for the Wolfpack five! A NAVARRA court has ruled that five men, found guilty earlier this year of sexually assaulting an 18-year-old woman during Pamplona’s bull-running festival, should be released from prison, on bail.

The group, known as La Manada, or The Wolfpack, will each have to post a 6,000-euro bond to secure their release. Agustin Martinez Becerra, the lawyer representing four of the men, said they would pay the bail fee as quickly as possible. Jose Angel Prenda, Alfonso Cabezuelo, Antonio Manuel Guerrero, Jesus Escudero and Angel Boza will also be required to appear before the court on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and they are barred from entering the Madrid region, where the victim lives. The Navarra court said the fact that the men lived more than 500 kilometres away

from the victim justified their release. Justices also cited them not having a previous history of committing sex crimes, and that they had no means of seeking an “effective escape”. The court added that the social outcry surrounding the gang was not sufficient reason to keep them in prison. The bench, comprising three judges, voted by a margin of two to one to allow the release. Judge Jose Francisco Cobo, who was against the move, said that, in his dissenting opinion, the men

should be kept in prison to ensure the security, stability and tranquillity of the victim. Three of the men were serving their sentences in Pamplona prison, while two were in Madrid’s Alcala de Henares’ military prison. The decision has, reportedly, triggered mass protests in Pamplona and Madrid, following a previous ruling in the gang’s trial. Having been acquitted of rape, they were found guilty of the lesser offence of sexual assault, which in itself sparked furious rallies across Spain.

‘Gag Law’ to be scrapped SPAIN’S Government plans to reform a law that gives police the power to hand out sanctions, which have been used to ban demonstrations outside parliament, among other measures.

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s left-leaning PSOE party is, reportedly, in talks with other parties in Spain’s Congress to work towards reforming the Citizen Safety Law, passed in 2015. The PSOE is aiming to repeal some of the provisions of what the party has branded a ‘gag law’. Sanchez described its reform as “urgent” during last month’s no-confidence debates on his predecessor, Mariano Rajoy. He told ministers: “The government that emerges from this no-confidence motion will start work on repealing the most virulent aspects of the Gag Law.” A PSOE Congress group of three deputies has been formed to help gain backing from other parties for the law change. The Basque Nationalist

PNV party is leaning towards modifying the law, to include protections for protests and trade-union activity. The centrist Ciudadanos are also in favour of this approach. The PSOE and leftist Podemos would prefer to repeal the law altogether and return to measures set out in an earlier, citizen-safety law, passed in 1992. The Citizen Safety Law was introduced by the Partido Popular (PP) when it governed the country. Its provisions included the restricting of demonstrations near the Congress or Senate, taking “unauthorised” pictures of police officers, as well as halting evictions and non-violent protests such as sit-ins. Breaking the law could result in a person being fined, from 100 euros to an impossible 600,000, for the most serious offences. The PP argued that it would make demonstrations a lot easier because it would keep violence out of them. The PSOE, then the opposition party, said the PP was attempting to craft a “police state” in Spain with the law.


29th June - 5th July 2018

Baby you can drive my car!

AT midnight last Saturday, women living in Saudi Arabia were allowed, finally, to drive vehicles officially, after a decadesold driving ban was lifted. The decision to make the change was announced last September, and the Saudi authorities issued the first licences to women, earlier this month. Car manufacturers, especially those from the US, were quick to start advertising their cars in the oilrich kingdom. And some of their adverts, were both artistic and clever, considering this is still an extremely conservative country, despite the recent steps towards liberalisation, promoted by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Saudi Arabia has a high percentage of people under the age of 30, and the country is slowly, but surely, moving towards a more moderate attitude in its religious observances. Until now, it was the only country in the world where women were banned from driving, and, therefore, they had to be ferried around by their families or chauffeurs. But according to Amnesty International, at least eight women who campaigned for the right to drive have been arrested and are awaiting trial.

Drunk driver is a real trolley-dolly

POLICE on patrol couldn’t believe their eyes on Monday when they saw a vehicle being driven down Avenida San Sebastian, right in the middle of Santa Cruz city centre. To make matters worse for the driver, he was towing a shopping trolley, attached to the back of the car. After stopping the car, Local Police breathalysed the driver, who was well over the alcohol limit allowed. The car was towed away, and the driver was charged with driving under the influence, as well as committing crimes against public safety.

13 CW

Boy, 15, involved in horrific gang-bang! POLICE detained three men and a 15-year-old boy, after charging them with sexual assaulting a drunken girl aged 16. The incident occurred on Saturday night in Gran Canaria, near a popular tourist resort in the South. And it is understood that the girl, who had been drinking heavily, of her own volition, was raped by all four. To add insult to injury, the shocking episode was recorded on a mobile phone by at least two of the gang members. All four spent Tuesday night in a cell at the National Police headquarters, in San Bartolommeo de Tirajana. But the teenager, who has had a troubled family life, is well-known to the cops as a result. He appeared before a juvenile court on Wednesday and was sent

to a Las Palmas centre for errant minors. The previous night, onduty police had growing concerns after hearing the gang celebrating their

gang-bang in the cell. They appeared happy with their achievement, calling themselves the New Manada or Wolfpack. That particular gang,

comprising five men, are making headlines in this newspaper again this week, following a similar incident at the 2016 Navarra bullrunning festival.

In the mood for reggae THE Feeling Festival, which began yesterday (Thursday) in Adeje’s CDTCA, continues today in Adeje with free cultural events.

The Festival then comes to a conclusion tomorrow (Saturday) with a superb Reggae concert in the municipal football stadium. Tickets for the concert are available online, at, ticketbell. es or in these stores: El Rincón de Tintín, Loca María Grow Shop, Sonora Discos and the Palm Beach Surf Shop. Adeje is hosting the Feeling Festival for the second year, and there’s a terrific reggae line-up of national and international artists. Zebenzui Chinea Linares, Councillor for Participation and Social Harmony, said: “We are really interested in the social themes that are part of the overall festival, and are delighted to see them in Adeje again.” The Council has cooperated in setting up a number of the first two days’ events, including a risotherapy (laughter therapy) workshop and participation in a roundtable discussion on “the invisibility of women”, with

the Council’s mobile youth unit in place. Inma Galván and Leo Mansito, co-ordinator and director, respectively, of New Events productions, said the events were geared for everyone. They will also be asking the public to donate to a fundraising effort for Canarian NGO Solidarity and the Pedro Jiménez foundation, among others. Taylor Austin, of the Open Arms organisation, said it was founded in 2015 and that its “principal mission was refugee sea-rescues of those fleeing persecution and/or poverty”. The company’s founders, who worked in sea rescue and life-saving, had plenty of experience along the Spanish coasts, helping those in need. Saturday is reggae day in the Municipal football stadium, with performances from Alborosie, as well as Tarrus Riley, featuring Dean Fraser and Israel Vibration. Also in the line-up are Sumerr (Jamaica); Canarians One Xe Band; Lioness Den; Isaiah; Don Virgilio; Dada Wanche; A’Jah Porfecía Crew; Lava Sound and DJ Chiqui Dubs, as well as Triggafinga Intl Sound and the Tenerife Dancehall Crew.

Senseless battering by a heartless neighbour A MAN aged 21 battered a neighbour, punching and kicking him in the head so much that many facial bones were broken, as was his nose, and he lost several teeth. The beating happened at a public park on an industrial estate, in the Jinamar municipality of Gran Canaria. An official complaint was made by the victim in hospital, after he was stabilised. He claimed that a local man entered the park, and approached him. Then, without saying a word, he punched him to the ground, and kicked him. There were several witnesses to the attack, and one of them soon made a call to the emergency services, requesting an ambulance and

begging for help, because the victim was bleeding profusely from his head and face. When the ambulance arrived, medics immediately transferred the victim to hospital because of the seriousness of his injuries. After being seen by several doctors, and, following several X-rays, the victim was diagnosed with facial fractures, along with a broken nose and missing teeth. Once the victim was stable, he made his complaint official, and gave the police a helpful description of his attacker. This enabled them to identify the assailant, who was arrested instantly and is now in police custody, awaiting a court hearing.

CW 14


29th June - 5th July 2018

Cave-dweller’s kids are cut down from 36 to 23 A MAN who lives in a cave with three women, and 25 of the 36 children he has fathered with them, has had 13 kids taken into care by Spanish social services.

Police raided the home of 61-year-old Juan Manuel, known as “El Canuto”, in Marchal, Granada, and took away 11 of his offspring. They also had to force him to hand over two others the next day. All are aged between three and 15, with some taken to a care home and others placed with foster families, amid accusations of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, as well as violence between their father and mothers, and negligence. It comes in the wake of a probe by a public prosecutor, which concluded that the girls were at the greatest risk. According to a written report, El Canuto has six children with a woman named Piedad, 16 with María Dolores, and 14 with Soledad, of which two have already died. The document spells out that he “controls the rules of behaviour for all members of the family (including women, adults and children), based on a one-way, authoritarian,

A MEXICAN town’s entire police force has been arrested, following the murder of a mayoral candidate, just days before voters were set to go the polls. Businessman Fernando Angeles Juarez was gunned down outside his hotel, becoming one of more than 120 politicians or candidates to be murdered in the runup to Mexico’s general elections on Sunday. The 64-year-old, mayoral hopeful, had taken a stand against poverty, inequality and corruption, said a close friend. Following his murder, federal forces arrested the local police director and 27 officers, on suspicion of involvement in the crime, which took place in Ocampo. Authorities in the western state of Michoacan said all members of the town’s

communication style, and a regime of behavioural and emotional tyranny and oppression”. It adds: “That disciplinary control is carried out via threats, humiliation and alleged physical abuse. There is also a clear difference in terms of gender, with discrimination against the women and girls.” Investigators say the Junta de Andalucia regional government may, eventually, assume custody of the children. El Canuto became a minor celebrity after being portrayed as a colourful but harmless character on a TV documentary 10 years ago. But the new inquiry claims

his cave house has no running water and hardly any furniture. He boasts that he has never worked a day in his life and has a criminal record, although he has never been jailed. Other townsfolk are, allegedly, scared to discuss him, and even the mayor refused to comment, in the wake of the swoop by 40 Guardia Civil officers. They were wearing bulletproof vests and carrying submachine guns, accompanied by social workers who know the family. The mayor said: “You have to understand our situation: journalists leave and we have to stay here

with our families. We have to be very careful, because things happen later and they are irreversible.” El Canuto has denied mistreating his family, telling news agency EFE that his children had been “kidnapped”, before insisting they had not been living in sub-standard conditions. The probe was launched after two of the daughters last year ran away from home and told detectives they had been sexually abused. Investigators say the Junta de Andalucia regional government may, eventually, assume custody of the children.

It’s no use calling the cops; they’ve been banged up! police department had been detained for questioning by their own Internal Affairs department, for, possibly, violating the police code of conduct. The town’s public security secretary, Oscar Gonzalez Garcia, was also arrested. Local police tried, initially, to stop federal agents from arresting the police director. But they returned with reinforcements and arrested Garcia… and the entire local police force. All were held on suspicion of complicity in the killing of Mr Angeles, said the local media.

Prosecutors have accused them of having links to organised crime groups. Mr Angeles, who was shot dead last Thursday, was competing for the centreleft Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), which governs the long-troubled state. The surprise arrests happened in the early hours of last Sunday, and Mexicans will vote for a President and

hundreds of federal, state and municipal posts this Sunday. But the campaign, which has been marred by violence, has been one of the bloodiest in Mexico’s modern history. Dozens of politicians, candidates and activists have been murdered by criminal groups and gangsters, seeking to wipe out or intimidate those who are promising to be tough on crime, including drugtrafficking, and corruption. Mr Angeles is the third politician to be murdered in the state of Michoacan in less than two weeks.

Women’s complaint upheld over transgender intruders

THE British Government has pledged that women will continue to have the right to exclude transgender people from female-only changing rooms, lavatories and swimming sessions. The promise was made after a series of controversial incidents, in which women complained about transgender people being allowed into female-only spaces. The Government was also responding to concerns over plans to allow transgender people to change their gender legally, without having to undergo medical checks. Feminists feared it could have unintended consequences, such as allowing predatory men to masquerade as transgender to enter women-only spaces. But women will not be put ahead of those who are biologically female. Yet in one case, a woman who requested a female nurse to perform her cervical smear was called in by a person with stubble. Another woman, who feared men, was locked in an NHS women’s psychiatric ward with a burly 6ft transgender patient. Some feminists have hit back with protests, including a group of women, assured they were welcome to swim as self-identifying men at Hampstead men’s pond in London, arrived in “mankinis”, only to be escorted away by the police. But a Government Equalities Office statement promises: “Advancing the rights of trans people does not have to compromise women’s rights. “We have no intention of amending the Equality Act 2010, which is the legislation that allows for single-sex spaces.


29th June - 5th July 2018

15 CW

Irishman guilty of murder in Malaga as a getaway man DUBLINER James Quinn was last Friday convicted of murdering Gary Hutch, yet the jury ruled that he was the getaway driver and not the gunman. Jurors also decided the prosecutors had not proved that Quinn was acting on the orders of gangland bosses. That means he cannot be sentenced to life, when the trial judge decides how long he should spend behind bars. The jury, comprising five women and four men, found the Irishman guilty of a second charge of illegal-weapons’ possession at a Malaga court, where his trial began the previous Monday. State prosecutor Jose Barba, following the jury’s verdict, called on judge Ernesto Carlos Manzano to jail 35-year-old Quinn for a total of 28 years: 25 years for murder and three years for the weapons’ conviction.

But Quinn’s defence team urged the judge, who was expected to deliver his written sentence in a couple of weeks, to jail him for the minimum 20 years a murder conviction carries in Spain, and two years for the gun crime. The Dubliner showed no signs of emotion when told of the jury verdict, delivered by a translator. He waved to a woman in the public gallery, and shook his lawyer’s hand, before being led away by police. The murder verdict was unanimous, the jury forewoman telling the court the jury were convicting Quinn of murder, as a necessary participant in the brutal 24th September 2015 killing. She also said the jury ruled that it was proved he had acted as a lookout and getaway driver, because of a baseball cap with his DNA on it, found in a stolen BMW which was dumped near the murder scene. But, she said, they could not conclude that he was the man who chased

34-year-old Hutch around a swimming pool at his gated estate in Miraflores, near Fuengirola, before shooting him dead. The state prosecutor offered jurors the option of

considering that Quinn had been the getaway driver and not the gunman, in a last-minute indictment he handed them on the trial’s third day. He told the court trying

Quinn that he was still seeking a murder conviction, and the same life sentence for the Irishman as a “necessary participant” in the killing, even if jurors could not support his principal argument that he pulled the trigger. But the possibility of a life sentence was cancelled out because jurors rejected prosecution claims that Quinn belonged to a criminal organisation, blamed for the killing. Yet the prosecutor said it was linked to the deadly, ongoing feud between the Hutch and Kinahan families. Jurors also ruled it hadn’t been proved that Quinn was paid for the murder. Quinn’s defence lawyer, Pedro Apalategui, said he would appeal to a higher regional court, adding: “We completely disagree with the verdict.” The gangland feud, said to have been sparked by Gary Hutch’s murder, has cost the lives of at least 15 people, in Ireland and Spain.

CW 16


29th June - 5th July 2018

Home bias vs diversification: some truths about investing By Paul Montague

Partner, blevins Franks

THINK about where you hold your savings and investments. Is there one area that stands out in terms of geographical region and asset type? For many British expatriates, it is common to have a skew towards UK assets and investments. Britons often tend to favour property as an approach to invest and grow capital. Home may be where the heart is, but is it where the savvy expatriate investor should focus? Here, we explore the tax implications of two types of “home bias”, UK-based investments and a concentration in property, and look at why diversification is so important. UK investments With familiar rules and benefits, it is understandable that many expatriates keep savings and investments in UK structures. However, once you no longer live in the UK, this approach becomes less beneficial. ISAs, UK life assurance policies and pooled vehicles such as unit trusts, for example, lose UK tax relief once you are resident elsewhere, and interest or dividends received can become liable to taxes in Spain. Non-UK residents should explore investment options that may be more taxefficient in Spain, while providing additional estate planning advantages and currency flexibility. Even if you remain UK

resident, being overly weighted in UK investments is ill-advised, especially amidst Brexit uncertainty. To minimise risk, it is important to spread your interests across geographical areas, sectors, markets and asset types, in line with your risk profile. Property While investing in real estate has advantages, it can carry a heavy tax burden, including council tax, stamp duty and capitalgains taxes. Additionally, non-Spanish residents with Spanish property, and assets worth 700,000+ euros, generally face an annual wealth tax. For Spanish residents, worldwide assets, including UK property, count towards wealth-tax liability. Taxes on UK properties have surged in recent years, including new liability

for expatriates on capital gains (since April 2015), a stamp duty surcharge on second homes, increased council taxes on vacant properties and the gradual elimination of buy-to-let tax relief. Since 2017, UK residential property owned through certain offshore structures has attracted UK inheritance tax. You need to calculate the overall tax burden of investment property alongside other expenses, such as management fees and maintenance costs, plus inflation, to establish the real returns. There is also the issue of liquidity - being able to access your capital when needed. With property, it can take many months to retrieve your initial investment, and you could invite a loss by selling at the wrong time.

Why diversification matters Having a home bias, in either sense, does not just present tax efficiency and liquidity concerns. When you concentrate your money in one or just a few areas, it becomes exposed to more investment risk. By spreading across different regions, market sectors and asset types, including equities, gilts, corporate bonds and cash, as well as property, your capital has the chance to produce positive returns over time, without being vulnerable to any single area under-performing. Ultimately, successful investing is about having a strategy specifically based around your personal circumstances, time horizon, needs, aims and risk tolerance. British expatriates in the Canary Isles can benefit from professional

guidance from an adviser with in-depth knowledge of the tax regimes and investment opportunities in both countries. With personalised, crossborder advice, you can reduce your exposure to risk, at the same time as ensuring you hold all of your assets, home and away, in the most tax-efficient way possible. Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual is advised to seek personalised advice. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.

PM’s big No to more migrants

SPAIN has rejected a charity boat, carrying 230 migrants, on the grounds that it can’t be “the searescue organisation for all of Europe”. New Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said there must

be a “common answer” to the growing crisis, which has to come from “various countries” in the EU. As the boat headed to Malta, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte

said his country would take in some of the migrants. The offer came after his Deputy Prime Minister, Matteo Salvini, tweeted that Italy had stopped an “invasion” after forcing

two charity boats to dock elsewhere. Spain took in 630 migrants from the Gibraltarregistered Aquarius ship, and two others, earlier this month after Malta and Italy refused.

Plusvalue Tax refunds By mariano zunino siri

Registered lawyer at the tenerife bar association

ARUCAS Town Hall, in Gran Canaria, has been ordered to return to a tax-payer, 100% of what he

paid in Plusvalue Tax for selling a property there, without even making a profit. The judgements of the Las Palmas Courts confirmed the theory, which considers the liquidations and selfassessments of the tax on the increase of land value (Plusvalue Tax) should be annulled, having been declared null and void by the Constitutional Court. The Courts also ruled in

favour of the claimant, relating to the tax calculation, and ordered the Town Hall to return the overcharged sum, plus legal interest since the payment. The taxpayer first filed an appeal for restitution of monies before the Town Hall, and, because it went unanswered, he decided to settle the issue legally. The Courts finally ruled that the monies should be refunded, accepting

the Constitutional Court’s annulment of the articles of the Law, on which the Plusvalue Tax is based. These judgements have opened the door to other taxpayers, especially those living in the Canary Islands. Claimants are those people who have self-liquidated (autoliquidación) the tax, as long as a four-year period since they paid has not elapsed. It also affects people whose Town Hall has liquidated

the tax. But in these circumstances, taxpayers have just one month to claim his/her money back, from the moment notice of liquidation has been received. Mariano Zunino Siri is a lawyer registered at the Bar Association of Tenerife since 1991. Web: abogadosmadridtenerife. com Email: abogado@ abogadosmadridtenerife. com ; marianozuninosiri@ 29th June - 5th July 2018


17 CW

The Misadventures Of Romesh Ranganathan

Wimbledon 2018

Monday 2nd July, BBC2, 11.00

Sunday 1st July, BBC2, 21.00

Sue Barker introduces live coverage from the opening day of the 2018 Wimbledon Championships from the All England Club. In the men’s event, Roger Federer is the defending champion, while Spain’s Garbine Muguruza won the ladies’ singles last year. Wimbledon coverage continues on BBC One and BBC Two for the rest of the week, with a nightly highlights show on BBC Two from 8.30pm.

Romesh Ranganathan is a comedian and TV presenter whose idea of a nice trip away is two weeks in the Algarve. In this new three-part series for BBC Two he’s travelling way beyond his comfort zone and the world of complimentary breakfast buffets, to some of the most beautiful, but dangerous places on earth. Hosted by locals and fully immersed in the local culture, he gets an eye-opening, and at times heartstopping, insider’s guide to countries that are big on natural beauty, character and charm. In this first episode, Romesh gets an insider’s guide to Haiti to find out if his preconceptions about the Caribbean island are right, or if there is more to the country than the “sensational headlines” he’s seen on the news. Everything Romesh has ever heard about Haiti has been negative. They had dictator who terrorised the island, a 2010 earthquake that crippled the country and then a devastating hurricane. That’s all before President Trump called it something unmentionable. But are all the bad news reports fair? Does Haiti deserve its reputation? Haiti is in the middle of the Caribbean, surrounded by Cuba and Jamaica and the Dominican Republic. It should be paradise why doesn’t anyone go there? To find out, Romesh Ranganathan, comedian and coward, is travelling across the Atlantic to spend a week in the country. This isn’t his typical holiday destination - he avoids ‘culture’ and he rarely leaves the comfort of the hotel swimming pool. In almost every conceivable way he is the wrong person to send, except one - he is honest. Landing in the Haitian capital Port au Prince, Romesh sets to work getting to grips with a country that - arguably more than any other - has suffered from a bad reputation. Guided by his host - Peabody award-winning journalist Jeremy Dupin - Rom throws himself into Haitian life. It’s a chaotic journey that will take him from the iron market to vodou ceremonies, from cathedrals destroyed by the earthquake to the slums. So has the world got it wrong about Haiti? But has the world got it wrong about Haiti? Romesh sets off to find out.

CW 18

TV Guide

This week W C choice 29th June - 5th July 2018

How The NHS Changed Our World - Tyne Genetic Pioneers Friday 29th June, BBC2, 19.00

As the NHS celebrates its 70th birthday, presenter Kirsten O’Brien looks to the next 70 the story of genetic medicine on Tyneside. All under one roof at the Centre For Life, clinicians, researchers and entrepreneurs a better understand our genetic make-up and its links to our health. The Centre, often c brainchild of Professor Sir John Burn, has been instrumental in steering medical breakt will change the face of care in the 21st century. The work is a collaboration between Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle University and pioneering scientists. Kirsten begins with a visit to the Fertility Unit based in the Centre, which has help 3,000 families welcome children into the world. Professor Alison Murdoch, who laun explains how attitudes to reproductive medicine have changed, although in some ar controversial. Today, the Fertility Unit at the Centre For Life is one of only two in the wo to use the DNA from three parents to eliminate conditions such as mitochondrial disea Kirsten meets Sharon Bernadi, who inherited defective genes from her mother and lost son Edward lived until he was just 21. The breakthrough in treating mitochondrial dis too late for Sharon - but the first child with three biological parents could be born later Kirsten also hears how identifying faults in our genetic make-up is increasingly unlock treating rare diseases. Seven year-old London spent much of his early life in and out of until doctors detected that a mutation in just one of his genes mirrored samples taken fr mice with immune deficiencies. London’s diagnosis was made possible with a Geno which spelt out his complete genetic profile. Costing more than a million pounds, it g read-outs that would previously have taken months to assemble in a just few hours. The programme poses the question: would we want to know our genetic profiles and our p to certain conditions? And however much information we have, will we still make the r lead a healthy life?

Reporting Trump’s First Year: The Fourth Estate

Sunday 1st July, BBC2, 22.00

Shortly after FBI director James Comey is fired by President Trump, The New York Times journalist Michael Schmidt is on to a huge scoop regarding Comey’s memos about his meetings with Trump - one which will have ongoing reverberations. The appointment of a special counsel marks an important new turn in what has already been an historic year. Things are made more dire when the Times reveals details of a secret meeting between members of the Trump campaign team and a Russian lawyer with ties to the Kremlin. And there is heavy turnover at the White House, reported by star White House correspondent Maggie Haberman. But even as the Times drives this shocking flow of new information, it continues to squarely face its own inner challenges. Advertising dollars are shrinking, digital is replacing print, podcasts are now synonymous with the paper, and Twitter is how news breaks first. The executive editor must make difficult changes that break with tradition. Can The New York Times adapt to a digital future without losing something vital in the process?

The B


NHS Choir, s Birthday A brand new unique, live s Endemol Shi a choir mixin break the wo performance Presented by Katie Rogers singalong and The show wil joining the ch plenty of sur recruit thous Sara and Ash have a parti Studios, whe will be swell broadcast in Coronation S Also filmed a Choir and NH latest missio Justin Bieber The track is b Katie Rogers have long to persuade a fe Joe added: “W Sara said: “It work of the N sure we smas Ashley said: NHS going ev they make av The Big NHS Murphy, Hea Priya Singh I people who m their 70th bir The executiv Thomson-Wo 29th June - 5th July 2018

k’s TV Choice Our Girl

Tuesday 3rd July, BBC1. If football - 21.10 - 22.10. If no football - 21.00 - 22.00


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Six months later and with Bones (Oliver Rix) appointed the new leader of 2-Section, the team struggle to meet his expectations. Determined to whip them into shape under his brutal command, Bones threatens to send a member of the team home and brings in another medic Ruby (Patrick McNamee), threatening Georgie’s (Michelle Keegan) place in 2-Section. 2-Section are assigned to work in refugee camps to help the influx of refugees coming in from Myanmar which have been set up by Barsha Chowdhrey (Farzana Dua Elahe), the wife of the local police chief. Inspector Chowdhrey (Navin Chowdhry) is known for his hatred of corruption in the region and at a gala held for the Brigadier, Bones spots a suspect package placed underneath his chair. Suspecting he is the target of an assassination attempt, Bones leaps into action…

Big NHS Singalong Live

ay 4th July, ITV1, 21.00

staff and music stars attempt national live singalong to celebrate the NHS on its 70th

w one-off ITV event will capture the NHS Choir being joined by popstars and celebrities in a singalong celebrating the NHS 70th anniversary. ine North will produce the 60-minute special following the mammoth task of assembling ng unsung NHS heroes from all over the country with singers from the pop world to try to orld record for the biggest live singalong ever to be broadcast on radio, with a landmark e of iconic Beatles classic With a Little Help from My Friends. y Ashley Banjo and Sara Cox, the 60’ spectacular will follow NHS Choirmasters Doctor son and NHS worker Joe Blunden, capturing all the frantic efforts in the build up to the big d the live action. ill hear exceptional stories from right across the NHS, including why some of the popstars hoir owe a debt to the NHS. It will meet extraordinary patients and NHS staff and deliver rprises and feelgood moments from up and down the country’s hospitals as they aim to sands of voices to swell the ranks of the Big NHS Singalong choir. hley will be with the Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Choir and popstars, many of whom icular and personal reason to pay tribute to the NHS, singing live from Abbey Road ere With a Little Help From My Friends was originally recorded. And their number led to – hopefully - record breaking levels by other NHS choirs and staff joining the n hospitals and locations right across the country, including a group coming live from the Street cobbles. at Abbey Road Studios, The Big NHS Singalong Live will capture the excitement as the HS staff, along with a host of stars, record the song for a single in aid of NHS charities. This on into the charts follows the NHS Choir’s 2015 hit single ‘A Bridge Over You’, which beat r to that year’s UK Christmas number one spot. being produced by Brit Award-winning and Grammy nominated Jon Cohen and Timbaland. son said: “We wanted to do something which the public could really get behind. We don’t pull this off and we will be scouring the NHS for singers and musicians and hopefully we’ll ew famous faces to join us.” We are determined to both smash that live singalong record and get to number one!” t is so exciting to be part of this challenge to break a world record and celebrate the amazing NHS. We’ll be travelling the length and breadth of the UK recruiting people to join in to make sh that record and show everyone working in our NHS how much we appreciate them.” “We want to recognise and celebrate the hardworking and dedicated staff who keep the veryday and highlight the human kindness at the heart of the incredible care and treatment vailable to every single one of us.” S Singalong Live is commissioned for ITV by Priya Singh, Commissioning Editor and Sue ad of Factual Entertainment. ITV Commissioning Editor for Factual Entertainment said: “We want to show the dedicated make us love the NHS just how much we appreciate them with a big, celebratory event for rthday. It promises to be a unique, uplifting show packed with plenty of surprises.” ve producers for Endemol Shine North will be Rick Murray, Kevin Mundye and Sarah ooley.

TV Guide

19 CW

CW 20

TV Guide

06:00...................... Breakfast

Friday 29th June

09:15 .............Rip Off Britain

06:15............................. Flog it! Trade Secrets

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

10:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer

06:45..........Richard Osman’s House of Games

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

11:00 ................. Crimewatch Roadshow Live

07:15 ............................. Coast

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

08:00...... Gardeners’ World

10:30 .............. This Morning

11:45............. Island Medics

09:00........................... Victoria Derbyshire

12:30............ Loose Women

12:15.............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:30 ....BBC London News

11:00............BBC Newsroom Live 12:00 .......The Daily Politics

13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55...... ITV News London

14:30 ...............Escape to the Country

13:00 ............................Tennis

14:00............. Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories

17:15 .. Money for Nothing

15:00 .........................Tenable

15:30........... Garden Rescue

18:00.... Richard Osman’s House of Games

16:00.............. Tipping Point

18:30..Curious Creatures

18:00.... ITV News London

19:00.......... How the NHS Changed Our World

18:30....ITV Evening News

19:30...........Britain’s Best Junior Doctors

19:30..Coronation Street

13:45 .......................The Boss

16:15........................... Flog It! 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00 .... BBC News at Six 19:00 ............DIY SOS the Big Build 20:00 ............ EastEnders 20:30 ..............Room 101 21:00 ............ EastEnders

20:00...Gardeners’ World 21:00............. The Bridge

17:00.................... The Chase

19:00............ Emmerdale 20:00....James Martin’s CW American choice Adventure

21:30 ..............Our Friend Victoria

22:00....... Frankie Boyle’s New World Order

22:00................ BBC News at Ten

22:30..............Newsnight 23:05...Romper Stomper

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

22:35............ The Graham Norton Show

00:00...Romper Stomper

22:30.... ITV News London

23:25.......The Full Monty

00:55...........Frankie Goes to Russia

22:45...... Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior

00:50............... BBC News

01:55...... This is BBC Two

00:30............ Jackpot247

20:30..Coronation Street 21:00...Lethal Weapon 29th June - 5th July 2018

06:00 ....................... Countdown 06:40 ................ King of Queens 07:30............... Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55...................................Frasier 09:55........... Formula 1 Austrian Grand Prix Practice 1 Live 11:35............ A Place in the Sun 12:05................Channel 4 News 12:10.................... Couples Come Dine with Me 12:55..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:55........... Formula 1 Austrian Grand Prix Practice 2 Live 16:00................ The £100k Drop 17:00........ Come Dine with Me 17:30.......The Posh Frock Shop 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00............George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 21:00........ The Crystal Maze 22:00................ The Last Leg 23:00.The Big Narstie Show 00:05........... Stath Lets Flats

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15............... The Wright Stuff 11:15........ The Hotel Inspector 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10................ Who’s Doing the Dishes? 08:00......................... Emmerdale 09:00...... You’ve Been Framed!

14:15 ...........Cagney and Lacey

09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

15:15 ........................ Jesse Stone: Sea Change

10:20 ..................... The Bachelor

17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours

12:15........................ Emmerdale 13:15...... You’ve Been Framed!

18:00......... Home and Away

13:45.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

18:30.......... 5 News Tonight

14:35....The Jeremy Kyle Show

19:00 ......Arctic Icebreakers

17:50....................... Take Me Out

20:00 ........ Building Britain’s Canals

19:00..You’ve Been Framed!

21:00.......Cruising with Jane McDonald

20:30.................. Superstore

22:00............... Dale Winton’s Florida Fly Drive

20:00....Two and a Half Men 21:00..................Love Island 22:05............ Celebrity Juice

23:05..................Before They Were Stars

22:50.................. Family Guy

00:00...............Super Casino

00:20............ American Dad!

08:55............. Food Unwrapped

06:00 ............................Futurama

09:30............ A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

06:30 ............................Futurama

07:10................... Deadliest Pests Down Under

10:30......................Four in a Bed

07:30 .......................Monkey Life

23:50............ American Dad!


ch oi ce



11:05......................Four in a Bed 11:35......................Four in a Bed 12:05......................Four in a Bed 12:35......................Four in a Bed 13:05........ Come Dine with Me 14:10........ Come Dine with Me 15:15........ Come Dine with Me 15:50............Location, Location, Location 16:50..............Village of the Year with Penelope Keith

08:00 .............Monkey Business 09:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue 10:00 ............It’s Me or the Dog 11:00 ................. Modern Family 12:00............ NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00.................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00............ NCIS: Los Angeles 16:00.................... Stargate SG-1 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama

17:55... Escape to the Chateau

18:00 ....................Futurama

18:55.............. The Supervet

18:30 .............The Simpsons

19:55............ Grand Designs

20:00 ...........Modern Family

21:00.....24 Hours in a and e

21:00 ................. A League of Their Own

23:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

James Martin’s American Adventure

07:00 .......................Monkey Life

22:00.........Carpool Karaoke

00:10.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

23:00............ Late Late Show UK Special

01:10.......................24 Hours in a and e

00:00............ Late Late Show UK Special

07:35................... Deadliest Pests Down Under 08:10 .............American Pickers 09:00 ...............Storage Hunters 10:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 .............................. Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00 .......................... Impossible Engineering 16:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00........................... QI XL 19:00 ...................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 20:00............................ QI XL 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00........... Mock the Week 22:40..... Would I Lie to You? 23:20................................. QI 00:00....... Live at the Apollo 01:00........... Mock the Week 01:40..... Would I Lie to You?

ITV1, 20.00

Following the success of his French Adventure, chef James Martin is setting off on the next leg of his journey - the U S of A. This is a trip that James has been longing to take and it’s a road trip as road trips are meant to be! He’ll travel with a range of different machines - including a 70s Pontiac and a vintage Porsche. Starting in Napa Valley, James and his trusty crew will head to LA, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, New Orleans, The Hamptons and more, all culminating in New York. In this peak time re-version of the popular daytime series, James drops in on his old friend, chef-to-the-stars Wolfgang Puck at his Beverly Hills restaurant and cooks on Santa Monica’s famous beach. Plus, James cooks in front of a mural dedicated to his favourite ingredient - butter! By exploring food which is more surprising, exciting, diverse and enthralling than any of us imagine, James will get under the skin of a nation perhaps more troubled and divided than it has been for a generation, discovering that it can still amaze the spirited traveller with a dizzying range of fantastic cuisine and bucket list experiences… many of which James has a go at. James conjures up a vision of the food scene in the USA both unexpected and enthralling, adding his own versions of classic dishes.

Lethal Weapon ITV1, 21.00



On Murtaugh’s first day on the job as interim captain, the wife of a popular businessman is abducted, and the squad finds a connection in the case to Riggs’s father, Nathan. Meanwhile, Riggs is left to grapple with his family and work. 29th June - 5th July 2018

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 10:00 ........................Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30 ............................Simply Nigella 12:00 .......................... Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:10 ........................Weather 13:15 .............Wanted Down Under 14:00....................... Escape to the Country 14:30................. Match of the Day Live 17:10...................... Money for Nothing 18:10............... BBC News 18:20..................Regional News 18:25..................Weather 18:30..................Match of the Day Live 21:15........... Mrs. Brown’s Boys 21:45............... BBC News 22:00..................Weather 22:05......... Little Fockers 23:35..................Match of the Day 01:15.................. Weather for the Week Ahead 01:20............... BBC News


Saturday 30th June

06:25....David Attenbrough’s Natural Curiosities 06:45..........Absolute Genius Super Tech with Dick and Dom 07:15...... Officially Amazing Goes Bunkers 07:45..........The Dengineers 08:15...........................Naomi’s Nightmares of Nature 08:45....... Deadly Dinosaurs with Steve Backshall 09:15................. Natural Born Winners 10:15....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:15............Second Chance Summer: Tuscany 12:15.............................Tennis 15:00.............................. Coast 15:25..............Natural World 16:25.................World’s Most Extraordinary Homes 17:25............ The World Cup: Heroes of ‘66 18:00............... Managing England: The Impossible Job 19:00...........Coastal Path 19:30.............Dad’s Army 20:00......NHS: To Provide All People 21:00........... Eric Clapton: Life in 12 Bars 23:05........ Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll 00:55.............. Mea Culpa

06:00 .............................Sooty 06:10............Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids 06:35................... Dino Dana 06:50.......................... Mission Employable 06:55.. The Oddbods Show 07:05..........................Ninjago 07:30.................The Haunted Hathaways 07:55....... Drop Dead Weird 08:25....................... ITV News 08:30...........................Zoe Ball on Saturday 09:25............. James Martin’s American Adventure 09:55........Long Lost Family: What Happened Next 10:55.............The Best of the Voice Worldwide 11:50..............ITV Lunchtime News 12:00........... ITV Racing: Live From Newcastle 14:30............ FIFA World Cup 2018: Round of 16 17:15................ Catchphrase 18:00..ITV Evening News 18:30....... FIFA World Cup 2018: Round of 16 21:15.....Bear’s Mission CW with Anthony Joshua choice 22:00................ ITV News 22:20................. Rocky IV 00:05............ You’ve Been Framed!

TV Guide

06:20 ................ King of Queens

06:00.......................... Childrens’ TV

06:45 ................ King of Queens

10:10....................Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

07:10.............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00 ..................................Frasier 09:30 ................................. The Big Bang Theory 10:25 ................................. The Big Bang Theory 10:55 .......... Formula 1 Austrian Grand Prix Practice 3 Live 12:25.................... F1: Grand Prix 12:55........... Formula 1 Austrian Grand Prix Qualifying Live 15:45...................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:45...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 17:50................Channel 4 News 18:20..........................Titanic 22:00........................ Taken 2

10:40........................Cats Make You Laugh Out Loud 11:05..............Police Interceptors 13:05............. Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 14:05.......................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

06:25.......................... Emmerdale Omnibus 08:40...........................Coronation Street Omnibus 11:40.......................Catchphrase 12:25.......................... Around the World in 80 Days 14:50............... Beethoven’s 2nd

16:55.................5 News Weekend

18:45.....................Step Up 3

17:00.......................The Wonderful World of Puppies

21:00..................Love Island

18:00...................... Blind Date 19:00............Karen Carpenter: Goodbye to Love 21:00............Carpenters: Their Greatest Hits

16:35......................... Happy Feet

22:05.......................Celebrity Juice 22:50.................. Family Guy 23:25.................. Family Guy 23:50.................. Family Guy

22:00.....................The Michael Mcintyre Story

00:20......................American Dad!

23:30....... Michael Mcintyre at the Comedy Store

00:50......................American Dad!

00:00..................Super Casino


08:55.......... River Cottage Bites

06:00 ...........................Inhumans

09:25............ A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

07:00 ...........................Inhumans

07:10................... Deadliest Pests Down Under

08:00 ........................ The Premier League Years

07:35................... Deadliest Pests Down Under

10:00............ Pl Goals 100 Club

08:00 ...........................Deadly 60

10:30 ................... The Simpsons

09:00........................... Deadly 60

11:30 ................... The Simpsons

10:00 ...........................Deadly 60

12:30 ................... The Simpsons

11:00 .............American Pickers

13:30 ................... The Simpsons

12:00 .............American Pickers

14:00............................ Futurama

13:00 ............. Red Bull Soapbox Race 2017

23:50.......... Micky Flanagan: Back in the Game 01:20......................... The Big Narstie Show

10:25............ A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 11:30......................Four in a Bed 12:30......................Four in a Bed 13:35......................Four in a Bed

Bear’s Mission with Anthony Joshua

World heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua steps outside the ring and his comfort zone as he attempts to survive two days in the wild with Bear Grylls. Anthony starts his journey dangling below a helicopter as Bear whisks him off to the notorious Commando Ridge in Cornwall. One of the UK’s most famous climbing faces, it is where the Royal Marines have trained since the Second World War. Later, Anthony has to face a 200-foot abseil on his own and swims out to sea with Bear to meet a boat.

17:40................ The Great British Bake Off

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

18:55.....The Yorkshire Dales and the Lakes

18:00 .............The Simpsons

20:00.................. 999: On the Frontline

19:00..................Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family

ITV1, 21:15

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

15:05..........Legally Blonde 2: Red White and Blonde

14:05........ Come Dine with Me


21 CW

15:05........ Come Dine with Me 16:05........ Come Dine with Me 16:35.......................Bake Off: The Professionals

21:00.....24 Hours in a and e 22:00...........Confessions of a Junior Doctor 23:05.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 00:05.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

14:30............................ Futurama 15:00 ................. Modern Family 17:30 ................... The Simpsons 18:30 .............The Simpsons

20:00..................Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family

15:00............................. Top Gear 16:00 ............................. Top Gear 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00........................... QI XL 19:00 ...................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 20:00............................ QI XL 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00........... Mock the Week

21:00.................. A League of Their Own

22:40..... Would I Lie to You?

22:00.............Deep Blue Sea

00:00....... Live at the Apollo

00:05......Blair Witch Project

01:00........... Mock the Week

23:20................................. QI

CW 22

Sunday 1st July

TV Guide

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:00.................. The Andrew Marr Show 10:00............................Sunday Morning Live 11:00........... Sunday Politics 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00......................BBC News 13:10........... Weather for the Week Ahead

06:25........ Glorious Gardens From Above 07:10..................... Gardeners’ World 08:10................... Countryfile 09:05...................Beechgrove Garden 09:35.........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites

CW ch oi ce

13:15..............Points of View

11:05..............Wimbledon 2017 Review

13:30........... Songs of Praise

12:00........................ Athletics

14:05.......... The Silent Child

13:00........................ Athletics

14:30................. Match of the Day Live

17:00............................Flog It!

17:10......................BBC News 17:20............Regional News 17:25.........................Weather 17:30................... Countryfile 18:30........... Match of the Day Live 21:10...................Poldark 22:10............... BBC News 22:30.......Regional News

17:30........... Into the Woods: Stage to Screen 19:30......... Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 20:00............. Russia with Simon Reeve 21:00...........................The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan

06:05......................... Motorsport

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

07:30.................The Haunted Hathaways

06:30 ...............Mobil 1 the Grid

09:25.........Shimmer and Shine

07:00 ........................ Motorsport

09:40....................Digby Dragon

07:55....... Drop Dead Weird

07:25 ..................................Frasier

10:00............................ Peppa Pig

08:25....................... ITV News

07:55 ..................................Frasier 08:25 ..................................Frasier

10:10.................Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

08:55 ......................Bake Off: The Professionals

10:45.....................Pets Make You Laugh Out Loud 4

10:00..................Sunday Brunch

11:10........................... Blind Date

13:00 .......... Formula 1 Austrian Grand Prix Live Build Up

12:05...........Police Interceptors

08:30... Zoe Ball on Sunday 09:25..........Who’s Doing the Dishes? 10:25.............The Best of the Voice Worldwide 11:20... Midsomer Murders 13:20.ITV Lunchtime News

07:00.......................... Emmerdale Omnibus 09:15..............Coronation Street Omnibus 12:15 ...................... Take Me Out

17:55........................... Bride Wars

17:45 .................. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

19:25.........5 News Weekend

21:00..................Love Island

19:30............. Dirty Dancing: Making Movie Magic

22:00..................Love Island

21:00............. Dirty Dancing

23:35.................. Family Guy

21:00.. The Handmaid’s Tale

22:00......................... 5 News

00:05.................. Family Guy

19:00........................ Vera

22:15.............Night and Day

22:05............. Dirty Dancing

00:30............ American Dad!

21:00.....Holiday Horrors: Caught on Camera

23:20............................ Alien

23:05............ The Best of Me

00:55............ American Dad!

01:40................ The Last Leg

01:15................. Cricket on 5


08:55......... Building the Dream 10:00......................Phil Spencer’s Stately Homes 11:05..............Village of the Year with Penelope Keith 12:10 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:10 ....... Come Dine with Me 14:15 ....... Come Dine with Me 14:50..................... Four in a Bed 15:50..................... Four in a Bed 16:50 .....................Four in a Bed 17:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 17:55 ....... Come Dine with Me 18:25.... Come Dine with Me 18:55.... Come Dine with Me 19:30.... Come Dine with Me 20:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 21:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 22:00......Inside Birmingham Children’s Hospital 23:05...................... One Born Every Minute 00:10.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

06:00 ..........The Hour of Power

07:10 ............ Ice Road Truckers

07:00 .............................Supergirl

08:00 ............ Ice Road Truckers

08:00 ................... The Simpsons

09:00 ............................. Top Gear

11:00 ...........................WWE Raw

10:00 ............................. Top Gear

12:00..... David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies

11:00 ..........Cop Car Workshop

14:00..... David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies

13:00 .............American Pickers

14:30............ FIFA World Cup 2018: Round of 16 17:15................ Catchphrase 18:00............ ITV Evening News 18:30....Paul O’grady: For the Love of Dogs

16:30........... Formula 1 Austrian Grand Prix Live Reaction 17:30................Bang on Budget 18:30.......... Channel 4 News 19:00......................Escape to the Chateau 20:00................Bake Off: The Professionals

15:40 ...........Two Weeks Notice

23:05.................. Family Guy

22:00................ ITV News

23:40..................Match of the Day 01:20............... BBC News

01:10....... Question Time

00:45............ Jackpot247


06:35......................... You’ve Been Framed!


13:30...............Tipping Point

23:15......Britain’s Busiest Airport - Heathrow 23:45..... The Big Fish Off

Wimbledon 2017 Review BBC2, 11.05

06:15...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

13:30 .................................Twister

23:00..................... Best of Glastonbury 2017


13:40........... Formula 1 Austrian Grand Prix Live

13:50...................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

06:00...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

14:50...................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

22:15...............FIFA World Cup 2018: Highlights

22:40......... Celebrities on the NHS Frontline

29th June - 5th July 2018

06:00............... Childrens’ TV

22:00.............. The Fourth Estate


A look back at last year’s tournament from the All England Club. History-maker Roger Federer claimed a record eighth men’s singles title with victory over Croatian Marin Cilic. Spaniard Garbine Muguruza by contrast won her first Wimbledon crown by beating five-time ladies champion Venus Williams. Great Britain’s Jamie Murray secured a second mixed doubles title, this time alongside three-time ladies champion Martina Hingis. The men’s doubles was won after an epic five set match, while the ladies’ doubles final produced the first 6-0, 6-0 victory since 1953.

16:00.................. Modern Family 16:30.................. Modern Family 17:00.................... The Simpsons 17:30.................... The Simpsons 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30..............The Simpsons 19:00..............The Simpsons 19:30..............The Simpsons 20:00............Big Beasts: Last of the Giants 21:00.................. A League of Their Own 23:00.................. A League of Their Own

12:00 ..........Cop Car Workshop 14:00............. American Pickers 15:00............. American Pickers 16:00 ......... Would I Lie to You? 16:40 ......... Would I Lie to You? 17:20 ......... Would I Lie to You? 18:00 ........................... QI XL 19:00 ...................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 20:00 ........................... QI XL 21:00 ...... Live at the Apollo 22:00 .......... Mock the Week 22:40......................... Would I Lie to You? 23:20................................. QI

00:00......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime


01:00..........The Force: Essex

01:40..... Would I Lie to You?

01:00........... Mock the Week 29th June - 5th July 2018


23 CW

CW 24 Russia

World Cup 2018

29th June - 5th July 2018

Saudi Arabia







Group Stages


Group A

Group E


5 v 0

Saudia Arabia





Saudia Arabia 1 v 0 20.06.2018 16.00

Serbia 1 v Switzerland 2 22.06.2018 19.00

Uruguay v Russia 3 0

Serbia v Brazil 0 2

Saudia Arabia

v 1 Egypt 2 25.06.2018 15.00


Group B

Group F



Morocco v 0 1


13.00 19.00


Iran 16.00

2 v 0

Costa Rica






Costa Rica

2 2 27.06.2018


Germany v Mexico 0 1 17.06.2018


Portugal v Spain 3 3


Portugal 1 v Morocco 0

Germany v Sweden 2 1

Iran 0 v Spain 1

South Korea

15.06.2018 20.06.2018

19.00 13.00

South Korea 1 v 0 18.06.2018 13.00 23.06.2018


Iran 1 v Portugal 1 25.06.2018 19.00

Mexico 1 v 2 23.06.2018 19.00 South Korea v Germany 2 0

Spain 2 v Morocco 2

Mexico v Sweden

Group C

Group G






0 3 27.06.2018

15.00 15.00

France 2 v Australia 1

Belgium 3 v Panama 0

Peru 0 v Denmark 1 16.06.2018 17.00

Tunisia v England 1 2

France v Peru 1 0 16.00

Belgium v Tunisia 5 2

Denmark v Australia 1 1

England v Panama 6 1

Denmark v France 0 0

England v Belgium

Australia v Peru 0 2

Panama v Tunisia

Group D

Group H

26.06.2018 26.06.2018


13.00 15.00 15.00

18.06.2018 18.06.2018 23.06.2018 24.06.2018 28.06.2018 28.06.2018

16.00 19.00 13.00 13.00 19.00 19.00

Argentina v Iceland 1 1

Poland 1 v Senegal 2

Croatia 2 v Nigeria 0

Columbia v 1 2

Argentina v Croatia 0 3 19.00

Japan 2 v Senegal 2

Nigeria 2 v Iceland 0

Poland 0 v Columbia 3

Nigeria 1 v Argentina 2

Japan v Poland

Iceland v Croatia 1 2


16.06.2018 16.06.2018 21.06.2018 22.06.2018 26.06.2018 26.06.2018



Russia v Egypt 3 1




0 v 1


Brazil 1 v Switzerland 1 17.06.2018 19.00



Costa Rica

Egypt 0 v Uruguay 1





14.00 20.00

16.00 19.00 19.00

19.06.2018 19.06.2018 24.06.2018 24.06.2018 28.06.2018


Japan 16.00 16.00 19.00 15.00

v Columbia




South Korea



World Cup 2018

29th June - 5th July 2018




25 CW



match 49

Uruguay v Portugal



match 50

France v Argentina



match 51

Spain v Russia



match 52

Quarter Finals

last 16


Croatia v Denmark



match 54

Winner GG

v Runner Up GH



match 55

Sweden v Switzerland


Winner GH


v Runner Up GG



Winner M54


Winner M52



match 58

Winner M53



match 59

Winner M51




match 60


Winner M56


Winner M58


Winner M60



match 61

Who will be world cup champion?

Winner M57



match 62

Winner M59





match 56 03.07.2018

Winner M50

Semi Finals

Brazil v Mexico



Winner M55


match 53

Winner M49



match 57


Winner M61


Winner M62




Costa Rica



CW 26

Advertisement 29th June - 5th July 2018 29th June - 5th July 2018

06:00....................... Breakfast

monday 2nd July

06:15............................. Flog it! Trade Secrets

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30......................... Lorraine

10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer

06:45........................... Richard Osman’s House of Games

11:00 .............Rip Off Britain

07:15............... Bargain Hunt

10:30 .............. This Morning

11:45 .................. Caught Red Handed

08:00.........................Antiques Roadshow

12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt

09:00........................... Victoria Derbyshire

09:15..........................Right on the Money

13:00.................... BBC News 13:30........... Regional News 13:45 ...... Wimbledon 2018 14:30 ................ Match of the Day Live 17:10....... Wimbledon 2018 18:00............... BBC News 18:15.......Regional News

10:30........................ The Daily Politics 11:00................... Wimbledon 2018


14:00............. Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 15:00......................... Tenable 17:00 ....................The Chase

18:15..ITV Evening News 18:30....... FIFA World Cup 2018: Round of 16 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather

22:55........ Have I Got Old News for You 23:25............ The Graham Norton Show

00:15................. Exposed

01:55...... Weather for the Week Ahead

13:55...... ITV News London

18:00................ ITV News London

23:15.................... Japan’s Secret Shame

00:15... Match of the Day

13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News


21:40...............Room 101 22:40.......Regional News

12:30 ............ Loose Women

16:00 ..............Tipping Point

21:10............. EastEnders 22:10............... BBC News

09:25....................The Jeremy Kyle Show

20:30.................. Today at Wimbledon

18:30........... Match of the Day Live

06:00........................ Countdown 06:45 ................ King of Queens 07:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 ..................................Frasier 10:05 ..............................Car S.O.S 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05........ Come Dine with Me 13:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:00................ The £100k Drop 17:00........ Come Dine with Me 17:30.......The Posh Frock Shop 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 19:05...............................FYI. 20:00........Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food 20:30.....Food Unwrapped CW ch oi ce 21:00...................24 Hours in Police Custody 22:00..................... Inside the American Embassy 23:05........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

00:45.............Countryfile 01:40..............Back to the Land with Kate Humble

21:15.......David Walliams Presents...Return of Alright on the Night

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 ...............The Wright Stuff 11:15 ................On Benefits: Life on the Dole 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15........... Cagney and Lacey 15:15................ The Killer Nurse 17:00........................ 5 News at 5 17:30....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 ...... The NHS at 70: A 5 News Tonight Special 19:00....Moto GP Highlights 20:00........The Yorkshire Vet 21:00............Lethal Weapon 22:05......................... 5 News 22:10............Lethal Weapon 23:15............Fights, Camera, Action

27 CW

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10....................... Who’s Doing the Dishes? 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:30............ Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20..................... The Bachelor 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 12:45............ Coronation Street 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00............... Take Me Out 19:30..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore 21:00 .................Love Island 22:05 ................. Family Guy 23:30 ........... American Dad!

00:15.........Police UK: Armed and Deadly

00:30........................... Plebs

08:55............. Food Unwrapped

06:00 ............................Futurama

09:30............ A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

07:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10........................World’s Most Dangerous Roads

10:30 .....................Four in a Bed

09:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue

01:00....Two and a Half Men

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35.. ITV News London 22:50........Flights From CW Hell: Caught on Camerachoice 23:50..................... Play to the Whistle 00:25............ Jackpot247



11:35 .....................Four in a Bed 12:35 .....................Four in a Bed 13:05....... Come Dine with Me 13:40....... Come Dine with Me 14:10....... Come Dine with Me 14:40 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:15 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:50 ...........Location, Location, Location

Food Unwrapped Channel 4, 20:30

TV Guide

Food Unwrapped reveals more secrets about the food in our supermarket trolleys. Jimmy Doherty wants to know why jelly won’t set if you add chopped papaya to it. In South Africa, Jimmy discovers that the exotic fruit contains enzymes that can also help tenderise meat. But could they also help the human gut? Jimmy quizzes Holland and Barrett, who sell papaya extract as an after-meal supplement. In Hawaii, Kate Quilton visits America’s only tuna auction to find out why some fish have dangerous levels of mercury, while others don’t. She also visits a ground-breaking tech start-up in San Francisco who hope to feed the world by growing fish flesh in a dish. And Matt Tebbutt wants to know why homemade ice cubes are always cloudy, when the ones that you buy in shops are always clear. They’re all made with tap water, so what’s the trick?

08:00 .............Monkey Business 10:00 ............It’s Me or the Dog 11:00 ................. Modern Family 12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 16:00 ....................Stargate SG-1 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30............................ Futurama

16:50..............Village of the Year with Penelope Keith

18:00.................... Futurama

17:55... Escape to the Chateau

20:00... Attenborough at 90

18:55.............. The Supervet 19:55............ Grand Designs

21:00 ................. A League of Their Own

21:00............... Britain’s Most Historic Towns

22:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

22:00.....24 Hours in a and e

23:00..........The Force: Essex

23:10.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

00:00..... Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

01:05...................24 Hours in a and e

01:00.............. Ross Kemp: In Search of Pirates



18:30 .............The Simpsons

08:10 ............................. Top Gear 09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK 09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK 10:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 .....................................QI XL 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00 ............................. Top Gear 16:00.......... Cop Car Workshop 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00 ........................... QI XL 19:00...................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 20:00............................ QI XL 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00........... Mock the Week 22:40......................... Would I Lie to You? 23:20................................. QI 00:00........... Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier 01:00........... Mock the Week 01:40..... Would I Lie to You?

Flights From Hell: Caught on Camera ITV1, 22:50

Featuring incredible clips that show everything that can go wrong at 30,000 feet, Flights from Hell: Caught on Camera?reveals the good, the bad and the ugly we experience on our travels - filmed by the people at the heart of the action. Find out how one pilot dealt with one of the most catastrophic engine failures in modern aviation history, what living through a plane hijacking is like, and how to deal with a crash landing in 100mph winds.

CW 28

TV Guide

tuesday 3rd July 29th June - 5th July 2018

06:00...................... Breakfast 09:15 .........................Right on the Money 10:00...............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00............. Rip Off Britain 11:45 .................. Caught Red Handed 12:15.............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:30 ...........Regional News 13:45 ...... Wimbledon 2018 14:30 ................ Match of the Day Live 17:10 ...... Wimbledon 2018 18:00 .............. BBC News 18:15................. Regional News 18:30........... Match of the Day Live 21:10 ..................Our Girl 22:10 .............. BBC News 22:40 ......Regional News 22:50 .................Weather 22:55..... The Truth About Looking Good 23:55..................Match of the Day 01:35.............Weather for the Week Ahead 01:40............... BBC News


06:00............................. Flog it! Trade Secrets

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

06:30......................... Right on the Money

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

07:10 ..................... The Super League Show

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning

08:00...............................Super Powered Squirrels

12:30............ Loose Women

09:00 .......................... Victoria Derbyshire

13:55..... ITV News London

11:00 ....................... The Daily Politics 11:30.................. Wimbledon 2018

13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 14:00 ............ Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 15:00 .........................Tenable 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase

20:30.................. Today at Wimbledon

18:00................. ITV News London

21:30.........Rhs: Hampton Court Palace Flower Show

19:00............ Emmerdale

22:00 ........................... QI

18:30..ITV Evening News 20:00..............Coronation Street

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 ...............The Wright Stuff 11:15 ........................ On Benefits: Life on the Dole 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:15.............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ...........Cagney and Lacey 15:15 .................. Wall of Silence 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30....... The NHS at 70: A 5 News Tonight Special 19:00................. Shop Smart, Save Money 20:00........ The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 21:00....The Hotel Inspector 22:00................ The Boy with Giant Hands 23:05.................. Little Divas: Tantrums and Tiaras 00:05................. Cricket on 5

06:00 ...... The Planet’s Funniest Animals

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:00 ............................Futurama 07:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 .......................World’s Most Dangerous Roads

09:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue

23:10 .................Weather

21:00................ Long Lost Family: What Happened Next

23:15 ............. The Fourth Estate

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

00:15...........World’s Most Extraordinary Homes

22:30.. ITV News London

01:15.....................Million Pound Menu

23:45...Play to the Whistle

09:30 ........... A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

00:20............ Jackpot247

10:30..................... Four in a Bed

22:30 .............Newsnight

22:45....... FIFA World Cup 2018: Highlights

Ackley Bridge Channel 4, 20:00

Desperate to find a girlfriend, Nas downloads a dating app and, after fending off a series of unsuitable women, falls for a beautiful young girl called Sameera - only for Missy to discover it is Kaneez catfishing Nas as a way of reconnecting with her daughter. Meanwhile, Steve is desperate for something good to finally happen to the Wilsons and he invites a rugby scout to watch Cory play. But tensions run high with the pressure getting to Cory, and Steve and Kevin Wilson come to blows at the match. Mandy persuades Steve to interview for the Deputy Head role, which helps them reconnect. Emma and the students are still reeling from the tragic events of last week.


06:00....................... Countdown 06:45................ King of Queens 07:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00.................................. Frasier 10:05 ..............................Car S.O.S 11:00.............. Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:00............... The £100k Drop 17:00....... Come Dine with Me 17:30 ......The Posh Frock Shop 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00..........Ackley Bridge CW ch oi ce 21:00....Bride and Prejudice 22:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 23:00.....24 Hours in a and e 00:05...................... One Born Every Minute

11:35 .....................Four in a Bed 12:35 .....................Four in a Bed 13:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:15 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:50 ...........Location, Location, Location 16:50............. Village of the Year with Penelope Keith

08:00 .............Monkey Business 10:00............ It’s Me or the Dog 11:00................. Modern Family 12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 16:00 ....................Stargate SG-1

17:55 .. Escape to the Chateau

17:00................... The Simpsons

18:55 ............. The Supervet

17:30 ............................Futurama

19:55 ........... Grand Designs 21:00.....The Yorkshire Dales and the Lakes 22:00............... David Jason’s Secret Service 23:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 00:10.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 01:05.....The Yorkshire Dales and the Lakes

18:00.................... Futurama 18:30............. The Simpsons 20:00 ...........Attenborough Wild City 21:00........... Micky Flanagan Thinking Aloud

06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 ............... Who’s Doing the Dishes? 08:00............................ The Cube 08:55...... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20..................... The Bachelor 12:15.......... Britain’s Got Talent 13:15 ........................ You’ve Been Framed Gold! 13:45.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00............... Take Me Out 19:00. You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore 21:00..................Love Island 22:05.................. Family Guy 23:35............ American Dad! 00:30....Two and a Half Men

08:10 .............American Pickers 09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK 09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK 10:00 .............American Pickers 11:00 .............American Pickers 12:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 .....................................QI XL 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00 ............................. Top Gear 16:00.......... Cop Car Workshop 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00........................... QI XL 19:00...................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 20:00........................... QI XL 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00........... Mock the Week

22:00.................. A League of Their Own

22:40..... Would I Lie to You?

23:00..........The Force: Essex

00:00................. Taskmaster

00:00......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

01:00 .......... Mock the Week

23:20................................. QI

01:40 .... Would I Lie to You? 29th June - 5th July 2018

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 .........................Right on the Money 10:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00................... Caught Red Handed 11:30 ...... Wimbledon 2018 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:30 ...........Regional News 13:45 ...... Wimbledon 2018 18:00 .............. BBC News 18:30 ......Regional News 19:00 ..............Panorama 19:30 .....The Street Food Servants 20:00.............DIY SOS the Big Build 21:00.................. Death in Paradise

wednesday 4th July

06:00............................. Flog it! Trade Secrets

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

06:30..........................Right on the Money

08:30........................ Lorraine

07:15 .............. Bargain Hunt

09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

08:00....................... See Hear

10:30.............. This Morning

08:30........................ Britain in Bloom

12:30............ Loose Women

09:00........................... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00............BBC Newsroom Live 11:30....................... The Daily Politics 13:00...... Wimbledon 2018 20:30.................. Today at Wimbledon 21:30.........Rhs: Hampton Court Palace Flower Show

22:30.......Regional News

22:00......... Mortimer and Whitehouse: Gone Fishing



22:45... Barry Davies: The Man, the Voice, the Legend


22:00............... BBC News

23:30...........Reggie Yates’ Extreme Russia 00:30...... Weather for the Week Ahead 00:35............... BBC News

23:15...........................The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan

13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 14:00............ Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 15:00 .........................Tenable 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..Coronation Street 20:00....Paul O’grady: For the Love of Dogs 20:30..Coronation Street 21:00............ The Big NHS Singalong

29 CW

06:00 ....................... Countdown 06:45 ................ King of Queens 07:35.............. Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 ..................................Frasier 10:05 ..............................Car S.O.S 11:00 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:00 ............... The £100k Drop 17:00 ....... Come Dine with Me 17:30 ......The Posh Frock Shop 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00..................... Great Rail Restorations with Peter Snow 21:00.....24 Hours in a and e 22:00........... Stath Lets Flats 22:30...................Lookalikes 23:00...................24 Hours in Police Custody

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15............... The Wright Stuff 11:15 ................On Benefits: Life on the Dole 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ...........Cagney and Lacey 15:15 ........................... Abducted 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 ...... The NHS at 70: A 5 News Tonight Special 19:00....... The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies 19:55 ................. Welcome to Paramount Network 20:00 .............. The Highland Midwife 21:00............... Secrets of the National Trust with Alan Titchmarsh 22:00........ The Sex Business: Porn Stars 23:00........ The Sex Business: Working From Home

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20.................. Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 ....................... Who’s Doing the Dishes? 08:00............................ The Cube 08:55 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ..................... The Bachelor 11:15 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15 .......... Britain’s Got Talent 13:15 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 13:45.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35... The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50...................... Take Me Out 19:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00...... Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore 21:00 .................Love Island 22:00 ................Celebability 22:50 ................. Family Guy 23:45 ........... American Dad!

08:55............... Food Unwrapped

06:00 ............................Futurama

07:10 .... Scrapheap Challenge

09:30 ...............A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

06:30............................ Futurama

08:10 .............American Pickers

07:00....................... Monkey Life

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

08:00 .............Monkey Business

09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK

12:35 .........................Four in a Bed

09:00 ....................RSPCA Animal Rescue

10:00 .............American Pickers

13:05.......... Come Dine with Me

10:00............ It’s Me or the Dog

13:40 ..........Come Dine with Me

13:00 .....................................QI XL

11:00................. Modern Family

14:00 ............................. Top Gear

12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:00 ............................. Top Gear

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

16:00 ..........Cop Car Workshop

15:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

17:00 ............................. Top Gear

16:00 ....................Stargate SG-1

18:00........................... QI XL

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

19:00.......... Motorway Cops

17:30 ............................Futurama

20:00 ........................... QI XL

17:55......Escape to the Chateau

18:00.................... Futurama

21:00................. Taskmaster

18:55................. The Supervet

18:30............. The Simpsons

19:55.............. Grand Designs

22:00.......... Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier

21:00........................ This is Us

20:00................. A League of Their Own

22:00... 999: On the Frontline

21:00 ................ Ghost Rider

23:00 ............. 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

23:10 .........The Force: Essex

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45.......Lethal Weapon


23:45........British Touring Car Championship Highlights

01:45..... Fight Like a Girl

01:00............ Jackpot247

00:15.................See Hear

TV Guide

10:30 .........................Four in a Bed 11:35......................... Four in a Bed

14:10 ..........Come Dine with Me 14:40 ..........Come Dine with Me 15:15 ..........Come Dine with Me 15:50 ..............Location, Location, Location 16:50.......Village of the Year with Penelope Keith

00:05......................The World’s Biggest Penis 01:05.........................This is Us

00:05 .....................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime 01:00.............. Ross Kemp: In Search of Pirates

11:00 .............American Pickers

23:00 ................Greg Davies: Firing Cheeseballs at a Dog 00:20................................. QI 01:00........... Mock the Week 01:40......................... Would I Lie to You?

CW 30

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 .................Right on the Money 10:00.............. Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .............Rip Off Britain 11:45 .................. Caught Red Handed 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:30 ...........Regional News 13:45 .................. Wimbledon 2018 18:00.............. BBC News 18:30 .................Regional News 19:00 ...........Fake Britain 19:30 ............ EastEnders 20:00 ...................Would I Lie to You? 20:30............ EastEnders

thursday 5th July

06:00 ............................ Flog it! Trade Secrets

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

06:00 ....................... Countdown

06:30 .........................Right on the Money

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

07:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

07:15............................. Coast 08:00 .............................Britain in Bloom

10:30 .............. This Morning

08:30 ....................... Trust Me, I’m a Doctor

13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News

09:00 .......................... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00....................... The Daily Politics 11:30 .................. Wimbledon 2018 20:30.................. Today at Wimbledon 21:30 ........Rhs: Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 22:00 ................ Mock the Week

21:00 ..............Celebrities on the NHS Frontline

12:30 ............ Loose Women

13:55...... ITV News London 14:00 ............ Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories

29th June - 5th July 2018

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals

23:05....Bride and Prejudice

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15............... The Wright Stuff 11:15................ On Benefits: Life on the Dole 12:10.......... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ...........Cagney and Lacey 15:15 .....................Hidden Truth: Lies Will Surface 17:00........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 ...... The NHS at 70: A 5 News Tonight Special 19:00............. The Wonderful World of Puppies 20:00.....Bad Tenants, Rogue Landlords 21:00..... Nando’s: A Peri Peri Big Success Story 22:00...........Notorious Fritzl: What Happened Next 23:05..............Countdown to Murder: The Soap Star Killer

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:00 ............................Futurama

09:30 ........... A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

06:30............................ Futurama

07:10 ...........................Scrapheap Challenge

10:30 .....................Four in a Bed

08:00............. Monkey Business

11:05 .....................Four in a Bed

09:00... RSPCA Animal Rescue

11:35 .....................Four in a Bed

10:00............ It’s Me or the Dog

12:05 .....................Four in a Bed

11:00 ................. Modern Family

12:35 .....................Four in a Bed

11:30 ................. Modern Family

13:05 ....... Come Dine with Me

12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

13:40 ....... Come Dine with Me

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

14:10 ....... Come Dine with Me

15:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

14:40 ....... Come Dine with Me

16:00.................... Stargate SG-1

15:15 ....... Come Dine with Me

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

15:50.......... Location, Location, Location

16:00 ..........Cop Car Workshop

17:30............................ Futurama

17:00 ............................. Top Gear

16:50 .............Village of the Year with Penelope Keith

18:30............. The Simpsons

19:00.......... Motorway Cops

20:00............... Duck Quacks Don’t Echo

20:00.......... Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier

21:00.................. SEAL Team

21:00 ..........................Live at the Apollo

06:45................ King of Queens

09:05 ..................................Frasier 10:05 ..............................Car S.O.S 11:05 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10....................... Countdown

15:00 .........................Tenable

15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

16:00 ..............Tipping Point

16:00 ............... The £100k Drop

17:00 ....................The Chase

17:00 ....... Come Dine with Me

18:00................ ITV News London

17:30 ......The Posh Frock Shop

18:30............ ITV Evening News

18:30 ................... Hollyoaks

19:00............ Emmerdale

20:00.......... Supershoppers

19:30....... Violent Britain: Drugs, Knives and Gangs - Tonight

22:00................... First Dates

18:00 .............The Simpsons 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 21:00...................... Humans

06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10................ Who’s Doing the Dishes? 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:30 ............Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ............. The Bachelorette 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 12:45 ............Coronation Street 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 ...................... Take Me Out 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore 21:00..................Love Island 22:00................Keith Lemon: Coming in America 22:50.................. Family Guy 23:45............ American Dad!

20:00............ Emmerdale

22:00 .............. BBC News 22:30 .................Regional News 22:40 .................Weather

22:30 .............Newsnight

22:45 ................ Question Time

23:10 .................Weather

23:45...............This Week

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

20:30...............Best Walks with a View with Julia Bradbury

23:15 ..........Frankie Goes to Russia

21:00........... Police Tapes 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30................. ITV News London 22:45.....................It’s Not Just Cricket 23:45.....................Violent Britain: Drugs, Knives and Gangs - Tonight

17:55.............................. Escape to the Chateau 18:55 ............. The Supervet 19:55 ........... Grand Designs 21:00 ...................Outlander

07:00....................... Monkey Life


22:00 .....................The Week That Wasn’t

22:15 ....24 Hours in a and e

22:30.................. A League of Their Own

23:20 ....24 Hours in a and e

23:00..........The Force: Essex

08:10 .............American Pickers 09:00 .................................Storage Hunters UK 09:30................................. Storage Hunters UK 10:00 .............American Pickers 11:00 .............American Pickers 12:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 .....................................QI XL 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00 ............................. Top Gear

18:00........................... QI XL

22:00 ........................ Would I Lie to You? 22:40 .......... Mock the Week 23:20................................. QI

What’s On

29th June - 5th July 2018

31 CW

Summer’s finally here and like you all, we are also making our final plans for what to do, where to go, are they going to summer camps, how do we fill the gaps with fun things to do as a family?

Sarah García

Mummy of 2, and Co-Founder of KidsLife

I hope I can help a little with our KidsLife top event picks for July. Not to forget that the summer camps available across the whole island this year are really fantastic, with a huge range of camps now available for daily bookings as well as weekly and monthly camps. From sports, to performing arts, to arts and crafts… from children’s parks, to surfing, to languages…. If you’re still stuck, don’t forget to download the FREE KidsLife App (available on both google and apple stores) to keep up to date with everything you’ll need over the summer months. At KidsLife, we are a family too, and that family includes all of our users, therefore, I happily invite you to message or keep us up to date at anytime if you know of anything that you feel should be included in our App. From KidsLife and my family we wish all of the Canarian Weekly readers with all of their children a very happy and healthy summer in the sun.

30th June, 2pm

Santa Crew Urban Festival

Join in and celebrate an incredible youth festival where we transform the park into stages, promoting and encouraging culture and urban sports. Expect to see; breakdance battles, hiphop, rap, skate, BMX, shows and concerts, across 6 stands throughout the area. FREE Parque de la granja, Santa Cruz

1st July, 11.00

SLIME Workshop

The hottest toy of 2018 so far so kids of all ages…. Bring your kids along to the EurekaKids store in Santa Cruz to be a part of the SLIME workshop, where they will learn how to make home made slime. free eurekakids, Santa cruz

4th July, 10.00

Free Abacus Workshop

Tenerife 2030 and INtech Tenerife present a free workshop for children aged between 5 and 9 years old. The kids involved will learn the basics of the abacus, developing visual memory and habitual analytics among other capabilities. Inscription should be made in the Ayuntamiento of Santiago del Teide.

19th July, 6pm

Little Chef Workshop

Transform your little ones into chefs at DreamForest. In this new children’s indoor park, the kids can enjoy free soft play with a cool, fun workshop thrown in… and at the same time, there’s a beautiful gourmet restaurant for the adults to sit and enjoy watching their children play. Price: 4 euros per hour Dreamforest, calle costa y grijalbe, 23, Santa cruz 23rd July, 6pm

The Princesses visit Gran Sur

The princesses from your children’s favourite stories visit the Gran Sur shopping centre to meet and have some fun with the little ones. free centro comercial gran sur, Adeje

free 7TH JUly, 8pm

Saturday Night - Under the Sea

Who said Saturday nights were only for adults? In Sapiens, children aged from 3 to 12 years old can meet to enjoy and under the sea adventure, with activities and arts & crafts. A fun filled evening while developing their creativity and imagination.

sports complex pancracio Socas, Santiago del teide

13th July, 6.30pm

Biboba the Clown - Children’s Show A free and fun show for all the family at the Sansofe shopping centre with Biboba the clown.

Reservations: 922 138 409


Playa san juan

centro comercial Sansofe, San isidro

27th July, 5pm

Little Chef - Super Friday

Special Friday workshop for children aged between 4 and 13 years. Children will get creative making their very own delicious pasta to bring home.

Reservations: 616 211 362 centro ciudadano Las madres de anchieta, La Laguna

CW 32

Advertisement 29th June - 5th July 2018


29th June - 5th July 2018

33 CW

Choose your car carefully By Emma

from Motorworld

WHEN you are considering buying a car, be it new, second hand or merely an upgrade to your current model, there are many things to consider. Firstly, you should decide on your budget and have contingency arrangements in place, in case the car you fall in love with is a little more expensive than you planned for. Once you have decided on your budget, you should factor in other expenses, such as the cost of insurance, as well as potential transfer fees, although a lot of cars sold include this in the price. If

you are a serious buyer, it can be negotiated. The costs of both new and second-hand cars vary from make to make, and differ from UK prices. In general, new cars tend to be a little cheaper than those in the UK, but second-hand cars hold their value, and are more expensive than the same model over there. Part of the reason for this is that we are on a small island, and there are substantially fewer cars

than, for example, on the Spainish mainland. Both the transfer and insurance costs differ from the UK, where changing ownership is fairly straightforward, and only involves filling out a form and sending it off to Swansea DVLA. Here, the cost of transferring a car can be quite substantial, depending on the make, model and engine size, as well as the age and official valuation of the vehicle. It

also cannot be completed unless the purchaser has an NIE number and/or a Residencia, an in-date passport, and proof of address such as a Certificate of Empadronmiento or Registered Escritura. Once you have decided on the budget, you should think about what size you want, for example two, four, five, seven or nine seats, and whether you want manual or automatic transmission, because this will affect the type of vehicle you can look at. It is not such a good idea here to set your sights on a specific make and model, because they are often just not available. A woman will tend to choose a car by size and colour, a white Seat Ibiza, for example, whereas a man will consider more options eg engine size, fuel consumption and size. Women tend to prefer a smaller-sized car, probably because it’s easier to find a parking space on all their shopping trips! You should always ask to

test drive the vehicle and ask when the cam belt was last changed. If this has not been done, it should be undertaken as a matter of priority (dependant on the age and mileage of the vehicle). By test driving a car you will get a feel of how it suits your needs, even though you may be a little nervous at the time. People often start looking for a small or compact car and end up with something completely different, simply because they had a test drive in something they had not previously considered. When buying a car, insurance costs will play a part, but they sometimes vary quite substantially from the UK. Here, it is the car, not the person, who is insured. Depending on your policy, it will mean that, in the event of you becoming ill when out, or perhaps having a little too much to drink, another driver (within the specified age limits and criteria) can safely drive your car home.

Kidneys - top 10 deadly habits By Val Sainsbury YOUR kidneys are two of the most important organs in your body. They duo filter your blood, produce hormones, eliminate toxins, absorb minerals, produce urine, neutralise acids, and more. They play vital roles in several of your body's major functions, and if they're not properly taken care of, they can develop some serious health concerns in the long run. Damage and the decline of kidney health can go unnoticed for several years. They're tough and can weather a lot, and are even able to function with as little as 20% of their capacity. Just like most things, however, they do have their breaking points. Because of how long your kidneys can holster disease and decline, kidney diseases are often referred to as “silent�, so people often won't realise that these are

affecting them until it's too late. Not drinking enough water Some of your kidneys' top functions are filtering blood and eliminating toxins and waste from you body. If you're frequently dehydrated and aren't getting enough water, then waste and toxins can start to build up, and cause damage to your kidneys. Too much salt in your diet Salt is an important mineral for your health, but people tend to consume too much on a daily basis, which causes blood pressure to rise, ultimately putting a lot

of stress on the kidneys. Frequently delaying the call of nature Your kidneys play a major role in producing urine and getting it out of your body. If you often resist the urge to urinate because you're too busy, or occupied by other things, then a lot of pressure gets placed on your kidneys which can, ultimately, lead to kidney disease, kidney stones, kidney failure and incontinence. Kick the sugar habit The over-consumption of sugar can play a big role in the health and functionality of your kidneys. Studies

have shown how people who consume two or more sugary drinks a day end up having protein in their urine, which is one of the first indicators that your kidneys aren't working as they should be. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can end up being the underlying causes of several health concerns. For instance, when it comes to your kidneys, being deficient in Vitamin B6 and magnesium (one of today's top nutrient deficiencies) can increase the risk of kidney stones.

Too much animal protein Eating large amounts of meats, especially red, processes a lot of protein into your system, which can increase the metabolic load on your kidneys. The overconsumption of protein tends to overwork your kidneys, and this consistent stress can lead to kidney damage and dysfunction. Sleep deprivation Sleeping gives your body the chance it needs to recuperate and heal, including any stress or damage done to your kidneys. Chronic sleep deprivation keeps your body from being able to heal properly. Caffeine habit Caffeine can also raise your blood pressure and place a lot of stress on your kidneys. This can cause damage over time if you consume too much coffee, or other highlycaffeinated beverages. Painkiller abuse While it may seem harmless, frequently taking painkillers can put a lot of extra tension on your kidneys, and cause harm or damage. Alcohol consumption An occasional glass of wine or a drink doesn't do too much harm to our bodies, but alcohol is, actually, a legal toxin. When an excessive amount is consumed, on a frequent basis, it can lead to kidney damage and disease later on.

CW 34

Community News

29th June - 5th July 2018


Estrella’s stars shone brightly!

by Tara Scarlata

Last Sunday, I had the pleasure of going to see the Estrellas Theatre School’s adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, at Adeje’s Cultural Centre.

The show was magical, a performance well deserving of a bigger stage. The cast were outstanding, with children ranging from five years upwards, and they brought the production to life. The smaller children put their hearts and souls into every step - and every word.

For children of this age to be perfectly in time, with lines, songs and choreography to

Live Arico News

Come and walk the doggies!

Join the Live Arico dog-walking club on Saturday mornings from 11am. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you will, too. Ring or Whatsapp 6592 42572 to make arrangements. Happy trails!

Live Arico shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops: San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open every day (104pm), and now Sundays! Los Cristianos - Calle

Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open daily (104pm)

Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

remember, plus multiple costume changes, I don’t know how they did it! Beauty, played by Harmony Scott, really brought the essence to the character. She made Belle come alive, and you could see the emotion in her performance. CJ Wagstaff ’s Beast both scared and enchanted us. What fantastic acting and vocals by this bright star. The other main characters were all very talented, and, with accents to enhance the characters, notably

Mrs Potts, all made this performance special. The choreography and costumes wouldn’t be out of place in a long-running production, and the amount of time and effort that had been put in to this was evident. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the show, and didn’t want to leave the theatre at the end! Congratulations, Estrellas, for a wonderful production. We’re already looking forward to the next one! Photos. Andy Mcleod

TO: Editor Dear Editor, LAST night, (Thursday 21st June) I attended a most amazing concert at the Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos. The YOSA Youth Orchestra (50 musicians and 30 parents) had travelled from Texas the previous day, with all their many instruments, as part of a tour of the Canary Islands and Spain. They gave an incredible performance, entitled Rhapsody in Red White and Blue, consisting, mainly, of Leonard Bernstein and George Gershwin pieces, including Rhapsody In Blue, played by highly-professional solo pianist, Daniel Anastasio. All the pieces were conducted by Troy Peters, their musical director. A full programme of the music, presented in both Spanish and English, together with a write-up of the tour and background information in relation to the town of San Antonio, Texas, was provided by the orchestra. I feel that this incredible event, and the tremendous efforts of all the people involved in the YOSA Orchestra, and the organisers, should not go by without a tribute being included in the Canarian Weekly, to thank everyone for the very memorable evening. Gloria Johnson, Los Cristianos

Community News

29th June - 5th July 2018

Accion del Sol News

Cats Welfare News

It's the law!

WE would like to remind you all that it is obligatory to have your dog microchipped, and registered at your local town hall. Every dog in our care is microchipped, and, once adopted, we change the information to the new owner. It makes our job much harder to contact the owner of a dog if it arrives at our refuge unchipped, and it can cause your animal a lot of unecessary stress. We have about 80 Canarian Podencos in the refuge, and many arrive in awful conditions. A lot of them are just abandoned when they are of no use to their owners, but, with their gentle natures, they do make lovely pets. Please do come and visit us if you are interested in adopting or walking our dogs. Fundraiser Once again, please rem-

35 CW

ember our next fund raising event on Saturday, 7th July at 2pm. It will be an afternoon of fun for all the family, and the dogs, with the finale being the foam party. Assistance required Please contact us if you can assist in any way on 922 778630. We always need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm. Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the northbound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the right-hand side. E-mail the refuge at teneriffa@ or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol.

Volunteers needed WE are looking for volunteers to help with trapping and transporting cats/kittens. You will need lots of patience, but your expenses will be paid. Please contact us if you can help. Ladies' clothes We urgently need ladies' tops, shoes and dresses to sell in our shop on San Blas, Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino), which is open seven days a week, 10-6pm. We also require cat food, litter, old newspapers, sheets, towels, bedding etc for the cats and kittens in our care, and also good quality/ condition items for sale. If you don't have transport, or have large, bulky items such as furniture and household effects to donate, please ring Mark on 6365 90557, and he will arrange collection from you. Anything's possible! Do you live in the UK but would like to adopt one of our lovely cats? Do you have to relocate there, and are worried about how to move your cat? It's easier, and less expensive, than you might think! The services of The Animal Mover allow us to send cats and kittens (from four months old) to the UK, including Scotland, Ireland and the Channel Islands. They deliver the cat to your door, and you can even spread

K9 Animal News LAST week, this lovely girl was dumped in our fenced area over the road, despite there being a warning sign saying this area contained aggressive dogs. Thankfully, they didn't harm her, but the poor thing was terrified. It took several attempts to gain her trust, so that we could move her from the corner of the fenced area into a comfortable kennel. Once we had looked at her more closely, we could clearly see that she had been used for breeding, because her nipples were very large and deformed. And she was absolutely covered in fleas! We made the immediate decision to bath her with anti-parasite shampoo, in an attempt to make her more comfortable. The water ran red from the amount of flea dust on her skin. In addition to this, she had developed several lesions on her legs and back end, from constantly sitting and lying on a hard surface. She was also starving, and practically skin and bones! It was clear that she had

the cost over three months. Microchip offer! If your pet cat doesn't have a microchip, you're breaking the law. Most people know that it's a legal requirement for dogs to have microchips, but this also applies to cats. Along with a collars and tags, they are the best way of getting your pets back if they go missing. Tomorrow (Saturday) is the final day of our microchip offer of just 23 euros. Our vets at Vet Express behind Gran Sur, Yaiza in Los Cristianos and Don Perro in Las Chafiras are all taking part. Contact us for your unique promotion code, stating which of our vets you want to use, and whether it's for a dog or cat. Pop your pet to your chosen vet, and give them the code and 23 euros. Don't be a law

breaker! Adoptions Looking to adopt a cat? Would you like to give a furry friend the love and safety it deserves? As well as an abundance of kittens, we have lots of adult cats who would love to be snuggled up on someone's sofa today. There are males and females, ranging from 18 months to seven years. All are leukaemia negative, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. If you are interested, please contact us via Facebook or our website or ring/ WhatsApp Sandra (English, Spanish and German) after 6pm on 6712 82773. We are sure there is a purrfect one for you! All cats are adopted with a week's trial in your home.


Why not visit us at K9 Refuge on Calle Chimbesque between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas any day of the week between 10-2pm? Alternatively, you can get in touch by telephoning us on 667 638 468, or emailing You will also find stories of our dogs, their antics and heart-warming rehomings on Facebook by following Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker, K9 Tenerife and, not forgetting, K9 Tenerife Cats. Also, to see daily photos of the walks that take place at K9, like the facebook page Voluntarios del Refugio K9. Ways you can help If you wish to support K9 animal refuge, and contribute towards the safe rescue and adoption of abandoned dogs and cats, we would be very appreciative. You can buy our merchandise (T-shirts, vests, key rings, wristbands and more) at K9, sponsor one of our dogs via our website, and donate money via our website, or cash at our refuge. We also welcome donations of food and other items.

been used and abused, and then thrown out like rubbish! Nevertheless, she is now in good hands, and, once we had relieved her of the pesky fleas and dirt, we could already see a difference in her behaviour. It has now been a week since she arrived, and she is very different. Slowly, but surely, she is gaining confidence, and, every now and then, even wags her tail. Nyssa is a Greek name, and symbolises new beginnings. Meet our dogs We have many dogs, in all shapes and sizes, waiting patiently for their loving, safeand-secure, forever homes. You can see them all, their stories and pictures, on our website at www.k9tenerife. com Go to “K9 dogs/Dogs waiting for homes”.

CW 36


29th June - 5th July 2018


Bungalow in Calle Envolvente, La Perla, Arona with heated pool Description Area – 107/437m2

Bathrooms - 2

Bedrooms - 3

Garage - 2 cars


592,000€ EPC / EEC – G


Magnificent 5 Bedroom Rustic House in San Miguel Description Area 360m2

Bathrooms - 3

Bedrooms - 5

Garage - 2 cars


450,000€ EPC/EEC – E


Apartment in Aneto III Parque de la Reina, Arona Description Area 80 m2

Bathrooms - 1

Bedrooms - 2

Garage - 1 car


140,000€ EPC / EEC – G


Luxurious villa for sale in Adeje with 7860m2 of land & a private pool Description



Area 368 / 7860m2 Bathrooms - 8

Bedrooms - 5

Garage - 1 car


Property Campus - Tenerife Real Estate & Investment Brokers - for more information about buying & selling, Energy Performance Certification, Property & Tax legal services, Construction & Refurbishments - Please don’t hesitate to contact us on to arrange a viewing or a meeting - new building developments - coming soon. Administration Office : Av. Europa, Complejo Ocean View, Local 1.117 A/1 38670, Adeje.

Tenerife Loves Karaoke

29th June - 5th July 2018

37 CW

The final’s in sight! IT has been a busy week for the Tenerife Loves Karaoke crew. Last Friday (22nd June) saw the final heat at Leonardo’s, Tuesday was the first of the semifinals at Howlin’ at the Moon, followed, the next day, by the second semi-final at Happy Days. Last Friday’s final heat at Leonardo’s took place after the footie, which hasn’t really interrupted the competition. Proceedings got under way with Gordon Slayney inviting all singers to register, and put in their song choices. This was to be the last time he would host a Tenerife Loves Karaoke heat, because he has now returned to the UK. Once all contestants were booked in, Gordon opened the show with a song and got the audience, another packed house, in the mood for what was to come. We had a full complement of singers, young and old,

and a great variety of songs including Your Song from Dave, You and I from Jennifer, Flying Without Wings from Norman, All Rise from Clive, and, to end the first half, At Last from Janet. Steven opened the second half with Photograph, then Muriel sang I Love Rock and Roll. Karen performed Writing On The Wall, and Fallon chose Lay Me Down. After a short break, the judges confirmed who would be going into the sing-off. Fallon, Steven, Dave and Jennifer were the successful four. Their second-song choices were given to Gordon, and it got underway with Steven

singing Feel, followed by Fallon performing Stay. Dave sang Your Song, and Jennifer gave her rendition of Forget You. What another great night we had witnessed. Everyone performed brilliantly, and gave the crowd at Leonardo’s a fun-filled, entertaining evening. However, it is a competition, and it was confirmed that the two contestants going into this year’s semi-finals would be Jennifer and Steven. Congratulations to them both. Each received their heat trophies, and meal vouchers from this year’s sponsors, Roy’s Pizza and Indian Tandoori Restaurant.

We would like to thank everyone who entered the heat at Leonardo’s, and the owners and staff who made this another memorable heat. Now we head to the semi- finals. Howlin’ at the Moon saw 11 contestants competing, but only nine performed at Happy Days because one contestant withdrew through illness, and another didn’t turn up. They were all vying for places at this year’s final, which will be held at Showtime Tenerife this evening (Friday 29th). Both venues were packed out with supporters and onlookers, and each and every one of the contestants gave it their all. They entertained everyone, receiving great appreciation from the crowds. The format was the same as the heats. However, there were onstage eliminations after all contestants had sung, until there were just three left, four having been put straight through to the final, and four sent home. These three were then asked to sing again, to help the judges decide who would get the last place.

Also, in true Tenerife Loves Karaoke fashion, there was a twist; wild cards into the final were awarded. For a full list of finalists, see page seven. The prize that the 12 contestants will be competing for is 1,000 euros in cash, an opportunity to perform at this year’s Tenerife Entertainment Awards, a week’s allinclusive Canarian Cruise with Pulmantur, courtesy of Vantastic Tours and Festival of Legends, along with the opportunity for Keddy’s Entertainment to create his or her own portfolio and showcase, and the chance for a career in entertainment. Everyone at Tenerife Loves Karaoke would like to thank this year’s sponsor, Roy’s Pizza and Indian Tandoori Restaurant, all the venues and their staff who hosted the heats and semi-finals, and all the contestants who entered the competition and have given us memorable nights of fun and entertainment. Lastly, good luck to all the finalists. Remember - you have to sing it, to win it!

CW 38

Wine and Dine

29th June - 5th July 2018

The Swan Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with goodquality produce. We also cater for any special requirements. Daily Specials. Friday: Cod and chips night. Sunday Lunch: 12noon - 8pm. Bookings advisable. 24hr-notice for paella, lamb shank, fillet steak or ask us for anything you fancy. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value!

Thai Botanico Experience contemporary Oriental dining at its finest. Ingredients are delicately and skilfully prepared and presented in gourmet dishes that embody the colours and tastes of Thailand. The colourful menu is more than complemented by the cool surroundings. The stunning, botanical dining terrace is filled with a rich mixture of beautiful plants, and decorated with authentic imported artefacts from the Eastern regions, giving you the feeling of being in a restaurant perched on a hillside in Thailand. Las Americas

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: Mon - Sat, 1.30pm - 11.30pm. Sun, 6pm - 11pm

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Call: 922 797 759

Ace Cafe Rock and Blues bar in Puerto Colon. LIVE MUSIC SATURDAY FROM 5-7PM WITH VINNIE LOVE Specialising in Belgium beer. Follow us on Facebook at ACE CAFE Tenerife

Call: 922 795 865

Under New management A friendly local bar with friendly local prices. Come down and meet Andrea, Helen, Fiona and Jack.

Large Beer: Only 1.50 euros Now offering: FREE pool table FREE darts ALL live sports shown

Puerto Colon, upstairs next to the Slowboat Open: 3pm til late

Call: 600 85 61 03

Parque de la Reina Open: Mon-Fri: 2pm - late. Sat/Sun: 12pm - late.

Call: 634 302 477

Avda. Arguitecto Gomez Cuesta, 4 Playa de las Americas

Tel: 631 565 264

Wine and Dine

29th June - 5th July 2018

39 CW

The goo of the Gods! The Aloe Vera plant is native to Northern Africa, and the first recordings of its use as a medicine were found on ancient Egyptian papyrus or ebers. Nowadays, it is commonly used for numerous health problems, both topically and internally. It is, undoubtedly, one of the most beneficial plants on the planet, and it can be

easily grown in your home, balcony or garden. You should occasionally water and fertilise it, and use its potent medicinal properties, whenever needed! Aloe Vera gel can be found in all health stores and pharmacies. You should extract the natural gel from the leaves and use them to treat various health issues. Try to find larger ones. If used topically (not ingested), this gel will: Treat acne and eczema Moisturise the skin Soothe itching due to bug bites Calm boils and rashes

Heal wounds Reduce wrinkles Soothe burns Condition the hair (Can be used as a shaving gel) If ingested orally, the gel will: Boost immunity Regulate blood sugar Stimulate blood flow Treat constipation, upset stomach, colitis and bloating Boost white cells Treat urinary infections Prevent indigestion and heartburn Treat arthritis Keep gums healthy

CW 40

Advertisement 29th June - 5th July 2018

Puzzle / Classified

29th June - 5th July 2018

Sudoku X Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

30-Second Brain Training Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number












÷11 +52





Squared Answer



Starter Number

7 6










of this





÷9 +271





Starter Number


1 7 4 8 6 3 2

4 5 3 2 9


7 1 9 4 6

8 1 6 4 3







6 5 7 2 9

÷13 +13












of this 3










of this




















of this






of this




to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.

Call us now on 678 451 641

cars for sale (cont.)

8 3 7 5

7 6 2 5 8 9 6 5 2 9 2

8 6 1 4 8

Find the answers to these puzzles on our website







cars wanted

3 5 6 9 8


of this



9 2 7

8 9 2






of this


+50 ÷11 +67

Starter Number




And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...






Starter Number




1 3




Starter Number

3 5 2 4






41 CW


to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 property for rent

CW 42

Service Point

Service point

29th June - 5th July 2018

air-conditioning (cont.)

construction (cont.)

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 air-conditioning


chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson-Jones MSSCh MBChA. Experienced qualified Chiropodist based in Tenerife over 20yrs, offers home/ hotel visits in most areas of the South. Tel: 608 029 790. Email: Wendy Nelson - Hairdresser and Mobile chiropodist MCFHPBSC, 25 yrs working for the NHS caring for all foot problems , Home visits and Hotels. Call 634 301 727 or email wendyn476@

garden furniture


Elite Cleaning Services is an established cleaning company who can provide a professional cleaning service for Apartments, Villas and Offices. Call us today on 922 789 795 or 696 922 597.


health and Beauty Jazz hair, Golf del sur. Tel: 922 738 213 Zafiro, El madroñal de fañabe, adeje. Tel: 922 724 549

house removal *Anglo Tenerife Removals* Local, National & International. For Best Rates Call 922 720 493

Kitchens & bathrooms Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing, Decorating, Plastering etc. Tel: 661 081 843 for quotation.


Service Point

29th June - 5th July 2018


Pest control

43 CW


translation Plumbing

TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES: Legally registered with over 25 years’ experience. Official, Medical, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Probate, Pensions, car paperwork and much more. Professionalism and confidentiality guaranteed. Transport available. Call Tracey on 666 857 991 or email on

T-shirt printing patio doors & windows

Pool tables

Removals UNIVERSAL EXPORTS S.L. PROFESSIONAL REMOVALS TO AND FROM THE U.K. Email: Transport Licence: No. 11572932 C.I.F. No. B38820395 Tel: 922 720 711

Removals worldwide

tv & satellite ElectroSat TV S.L. C/Encarnacion No 1. Valle San Lorenzo, Tenerife. Tel: 922 72 22 27 Mobile 670 277 772, email: Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.



personal services Transexual – Girl, versatile, well endowed, active, 60-100 euros, Cristianos. Tel: 0034-602 62 68 48

windows & doors

CW 44


29th June - 5th July 2018

Transfer merry-go-round By Colin Kirby

CD Tenerife update

NAME-DROPPING can usually keep CD Tenerife fans guessing, and hoping, about new arrivals to boost the squad.

It has been slim pickings this summer, but one strong possibility is the signing of striker Gorka Gortuzeta from Bilbao Athletic, of the Segunda B, which is a division below Tenerife. The 21-year-old, who had a strong 2017-18 season, scoring nine goals in 21 games, seems determined to move to a higher level. Tenerife coach Joseba Etzeberria was a playing legend with senior team Athletic Bilbao, and coached their youth team for a while, which could influence the choice of career path the young player takes. Two players moving out are strikers Brian Martin and Giovanni Rodriguez. After seven years at the club, Brian was promoted to the senior Tenerife team last season. But, after struggling, he ended up back in the B

team. He has asked to be loaned out to gain experience, and the Segunda B division would be a good move because it is between Tenerife’s senior and B team. The local boy has talent, but he needs to test himself at a decent level if he is to


fulfil his potential. Candelaria-born Giovanni, at 19, is at an earlier stage of his career and didn’t figure in the first-team plans last season, though enhanced his reputation with 18 goals for the B team. Had that team been pro-

moted, the two promising players would have had the bigger stage to improve on. But a year away could be the making of them. They can take inspiration from another local player, Jairo Izquierdo, who was released by Tenerife in 2016

at the age of 22, after being a first-team fringe player. Jairo, who dropped a level, has been a key ingredient in helping Extremadura win promotion, so he’ll be relishing the chance to play against his old home team next season.

Women’s Basketball

Trio keep flag flying

AS Iberostar Tenerife await the new season’s fixtures, not all their players are enjoying a well-earned rest. But they do not mind because international duty will be keeping a talented trio busy on other shores. Rodrigo San Miguel, Fran Vazquez, and Javi Beiran are with Spain’s national squad, aiming to qualify for the World Championships in China next year. Yesterday (Thursday), Spain played Slovenia in Ljubljana, before moving on to Malaga to

face Belarus on Sunday. There will be more international adventures for Iberostar Tenerife in the new season, because they have been fast-tracked to the 26-team group stages of the European Champions League. They will find out who they play in just over a week, and, meanwhile, the Tenerife club management have made offers to the players they want to keep. These players have a couple of weeks to respond, before the club looks to fill gaps in the squad.

Spain’s touch of Magic PLANNING, as well as practice, makes perfect, and, with tickets going on sale this week, the Women’s World Basketball Championship moved another step nearer their Santa Cruz stage, between 22nd-30th September. The top 16 nations will converge on the Tenerife capital, and the Quico Cabrera Arena is undergoing a 1.4m-euro make-over. La Laguna’s Pabellon

Santiago Martin will also put on some games and provide training facilities. Canada and the US will be among the favourites, but Spain hope to take advantage of their home support. The Canary Islands will have one member in the Spanish squad, Leonor Rodriguez, from Gran Canaria. She is known as Magic Leo, and the former Florida State college player has been

playing club basketball in Poland. Media coverage and the influx of supporters is expected to net around 30m euros for the island. Santa Cruz already has a growing reputation for staging big tournaments, with La Laguna hosting the 2017 European Champions League Final Four, won by Iberostar Tenerife. Tickets can be ordered through

45 CW


29th June - 5th July 2018

They can’t bear Grizzly!

A CATCH-UP game victory by Pas O Nadas ‘A’ at The Pub sent them to the top of the league, Grizzly maintaining his form with a 120 finish, along with Pete’s 116 checkout. The home side also dis-

played their skill, with 12 tons in six legs. But Richard added to his 180 tally and had a 122 finish, and then came Andy with a 20 and two double-tops for a 100 game-winner, which earned a 5-3 scoreline for the Los Abrigos boys. Mad Hatters welcomed The Red Devils and won the 701 game to take the match 5-3, thanks to Kelvin’s maximum. Unfortunately, Pas O Na-

division 1 ResultS

division 2 ResultS

The Pub The Mad Hatters

3-5 5-3

Pas O Nadas ‘A’ The Red DevilS

division 1 Table

Pas O Nadas ‘B’ Marilyns ‘B’ Sundowners

3-5 Emerald Lounge 6-2 Clouseau’s 3-5 Naughty NautaS


P W D L F A +- PTS

division 2 Table

1 Pas O Nadas ‘A’




0 26





P W D L F A +- PTS

2 Suters 20:30 Crew




0 26




1 Scruffy Lads




1 19




2 Waterfall




1 19




3 Emerald Lounge ‘B’ 4







3 The Loch-In ‘A’

4 3 0 1 25 -7 18 25

4 Ourplace Playboys 4



0 24





5 The Pub

4 3 0 1 22 10 12 22

4 Ourplace Breakaways 4 2 1 1 1 14 4 18

6 Gaffers

4 2 1 1 21 11 10 21

5 Emerald Lounge

7 Marilyns ‘A’

4 3 0 1 21 11 10 21

6 The Loch-In Bullseyes 3 2 1 0 17 7 10 17

8 Phoenix Bar



7 Naughty Nautas




2 16




8 Marilyns ‘B’











1 20






1 17




9 Picasso’s




3 10

22 -12


10 Mad Hatters





24 -16


9 Nutty Nautas




3 12





10 Sundowners




1 10




11 The Red Devils





8 7

25 -18

12 Sandys

4 0 0 4 6 26 -20 6

11 Ourplace Playgirls 4 0 0 4 10 22 -12 10

13 Palms Pool Bar


12 Clouseau’s




2 10




13 Pas O Nadas ‘B’




2 10




14 Nauta Nomads








14 Legends





27 -22


4 0 0 4 3 29 -26 3

das ‘B’ lost out by the same score, as visitors Emerald Lounge took both doubles games to clinch the five points.

Naughty Nautas, who thanked Monica for stepping in at the last minute to make up the team visiting Sundowners, came

away 5-3 winners after another tight match. And Marilyns ‘B’, who hosted Clouseau’s Bar, complet-


ed a 6-2 success. Good luck to all in the doubles competition tonight (Friday).

Run and Swim events

Sign up for night run, as well as a sea swim AS the sun goes down and the surfers dry their boards, 600 runners will be limbering up for this year’s Trail Nocturno run around El Medano.

EXTRA-TIME CD TENERIFE have come up with an inspired setting to launch their season-ticket campaign. Mount Teide is the highest point in Spain, and, on Tuesday, 3rd July, the date will match its height of 3,718 metres. Prices for the new season are expected to be pretty much pegged at last season’s level, which certainly won’t be steep. SKATEBOARD tricks will be back on show in Los Cristianos church plaza this Sunday (1st July) from 4pm, and, this time, the competition centres on the mini-ramp. It’s always well-organised, with DJs adding a musical background, and plenty of medals for the winners of each skate-off. SPANISH FOOTBALL is ringing the changes from next season. VAR (video assistant referee) is coming to La Primera, and will be extended to the Second Division the following season. Alcohol in stadiums could also become part of the match-day experience. Permission has now been granted for clubs to turn on the taps, but it remains to be seen which clubs take up the option.

The event begins at 9pm on Saturday, 14th July, and those interested must sign up a week earlier, on 7th July. Everyone will run the same 12km distance, starting and finishing at the Plaza El Medano, by the seafront. Each runner will be given a light to strap to his or her head, and a chip to record the time. These night events are extremely popular around Tenerife, and, at this time of year, the cool conditions are a welcome contrast after the daily sunshine. To sign up, and pay the 18euro inscription fee, go to the website www.trimedano. com But if running doesn’t float your boat, try swimming. The 23rd annual Travesia A Nado, from Playa del Arena to Puerto Santiago, takes place a week earlier, on

Saturday, 7th July. But you need to book your place by 2nd July. There are plenty of different categories for the 960m swim, from one bay to the neighbouring one, around the headland, and it’s just

10 euros to take part. Sign up at www. deportesantiagodelteide. com or call at the Pancracio Socas Garcia sports complex, just off the promenade in Playa del Arena, or call 922 868 108.

CW 46


29th June - 5th July 2018

Sporting Adeje people earn a pat on the back

ADEJE Council’s Department of Sports has been involved in a number of team events in recent days, marking the end of its sporting season. Various individual athletes have also been invited and congratulated on a successful sporting year.

Overall, during the year, more than 1,700 Adeje residents have competed in at least one of over 17 organised sports. Many of them took part in the season’s closing ceremony last week, in the municipal sports ground. Adeje Sports Councillor Adolfo Alonso Ferrera underlined the importance placed by the local council on sporting activ-

ity, telling them: “Sport is important and something we all should enjoy. But we also have to make sure that studies are just as important in our children’s lives, so that they make have the best chance possible in the future. “Success in sport depends on many factors, and we are not here to see our kids become superstars. That can happen, yet it’s not the main objective. I

would like to congratulate you all for your efforts and dedication.” During the closing ceremony, the various participating groups gave small demonstrations of what they had learned during the year. Cllr Ferrera told those assembled: “This is a special afternoon, as we can see the results of weeks and months of work. I am so proud of everyone,

because, most importantly, we can see the enjoyment they have in their chosen sport. “Furthermore, Adeje is a borough known for its fair play, ‘outside and inside’, and I congratulate you for that, too.” During the week, the Council also named and congratulated the many Adeje athletes who enjoyed individual and team success during the season.

World Cup files Serena says she’s a GERMANY´S shock exit, and bottom place in their group, meant that, for the first time since 1938, they will not be progressing beyond the opening stage. The last World Cup holders to go out so soon were France, in 2002, thanks in no small part to an opening game defeat by Senegal. SENEGAL have caught everyone’s attention with their training dances, so it’s not just England who have the world in motion. Their bright-red tracksuits and joyous enthusiasm have been a welcome contrast to some of the more extreme theatrics, from established world stars like Neymar and Suarez. GERMAN fans are devastated by their early exit, but it was even worse for the dedicated 70-year-old fan, who made a pilgrimage to Russia on a tractor. Hubert Wirth took a month to trundle across, from a small village near Stuttgart, in his converted Lanz Bulldog relic, which is also his home. The 1,550-mile trek was pretty much trouble-free for the former Mercedes mechanic and his trusty companion, badger dog Hexe. But it’s going to feel like a much longer return trip as they take the Joachim Low road!

drug-testers’ target ON the eve of Wimbledon, American superstar Serena Williams has accused drugtesters of targeting her, unfairly, after she refused to be tested earlier this month. The seven-times Wimbledon champion has been practising at the All England Club, after being seeded No.25 for the biggest Grand Slam event of all, which starts on Monday. But Deadspin, a US website, has reported that she was involved in a row with a US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) officer, when he called at her Florida home on 14th June. A test was not taken, but Williams still complained to the head of women’s tennis about her treatment. Serena, winner of 23 Grand Slams, even tweeted on 21st May that she had been drug-tested twice in one week. In fact, USADA records show that Williams, who has played just three tournaments this

year after returning from maternity leave, has already been tested five times in 2018. US Open champion Sloane Stephens has been tested once, and Serena’s sister Venus twice. Before Williams’ drug-test refusal, one of her spokeswomen told Deadspin: “Over her 23year career, Serena Williams has never tested positive for any illegal substance, despite her being tested significantly more than other professional tennis players, both male and female. “In fact, she has been tested four times more frequently than her peers. Yet she has vocally supported, respected and complied with USADA testing throughout her entire career. “While she continues, willingly, to submit to testing, there is absolutely no reason for this kind of invasive and targeted treatment.”

A USADA statement said: “USADA retains the right to test any athlete at any time, and may target test athletes as USADA deems appropriate.” Russian hackers Fancy Bears revealed in 2016 that Williams had a TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption) to take authorised drugs, but she has never failed a test. The story was leaked to the American website after WTA chief Steve Simon was overheard talking about the case on his mobile phone at San Francisco Airport. *A TUE permits a tennis player to use the prohibited medication or method, without committing an Anti-Doping Rule Violation, but only if such use is in accordance with the conditions of the TUE. These are required for events covered by the Tennis AntiDoping Programme, including Grand Slam tournaments. 29th June - 5th July 2018


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CW 48

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