CW issue 1068

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24th August - 30th August 2018

Issue 1068 24th August - 30th August 2018

Illegal boat trips to see our whales must stop! 1 CW

THE number of non-authorised boats frequenting the coast of Tenerife, to observe the whales and dolphins, has swelled enormously, to the alarm of the Canarian Government, and other organisations. Continued on Page 3

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Advertisement 24th August - 30th August 2018


24th August - 30th August 2018

3 CW

Sea animals are suffering Cont. from Front But though the Government stages regular inspections and fines, it has processed just one report, which was recorded back in 2015. Many complaints are made, against the whale and dolphin companies, specifically, but only one in every three is actually processed. The Association of Whale Conservation of Cetaceans (Acest) insists that the illegal boat trips have little regard for the environment. And, it says, they are also responsible for not respecting the obligatory distance, which must be maintained, between the animal and the boat. These illegal excursions often follow the poor mammals throughout the whole trip, which can create stress for them. Acest also claims it is obvious that many whaleand-dolphin excursion companies are interested only in making money, lots of it, and that they have little concern for the welfare of the cetaceans. Sources from the association have confirmed that the situation this summer is overwhelming, especially along the south coast of Tenerife. They say there has been an exaggerated increase of dedicated whale-anddolphin excursions, and they also believe that many of these excursion companies do not have the relevant paperwork, or authorisations from the Ministry of Tourism, as well

as the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Consequently, the environment is suffering, because of their economic interest, and the overwhelming intrusiveness of the excursions. And, they say, the current situation is out of control. Alejandro Quintana, from ADL Lawyers, confirmed that, this week, he will present a report of the facts to the Agency of Rural Protection, as well as to the Canarian Tourism Ministry and the Ecological Transition Ministry. The report will urge preventive action and protection measures, as well as voicing the disapproval of the managements, regarding the planning and co-ordination between the administrations. It is adamant that this lack of regard is causing harm to the environment, and the concern is that if we continue as we are at present, the situation will become irreparable. The document contains a list of names from 19 established companies, which do not have any official paperwork for these types of excursions. Yet, they are still allowed to sail out to sea, every day. It also says the Canarian Tourism Ministry should be dealing with the complaints, and that its members should be responsible for the punishments handed out. Yet, the Ministry has processed just one report in nearly three years. The Association of Whale Conservation of Cetaceans is banging its head against the wall, wondering how

the Ministry can be so passive with one of the main, lucrative activities in Tenerife’s tourist sector, exceeding benefits as high as 26 million euros a year, stating that proper, lawful control should now, more than ever, be implemented by the administrators, as well as possessing and dealing with the complaints which are presented. Many unauthorised companies, from five ports in the South of Tenerife, are making up to three trips a day, seven days a week. And these companies also offer prohibited activities, such as dolphin-sightseeing on jet-skis, or swimming with the mammals. These particular excursions are often offered on the internet, as well as by tour

Firefighters douse a warehouse blaze THE Fire Brigade, based in San Miguel, along with Adeje’s Bombero voluntary force, were called up on Monday night to assist in fighting a blaze at “a garage”, in Granadilla’s calle El Draguito. The emergency services were contacted at around 11pm on Monday night by a caller, who said there were clouds of black smoke billowing out from a garage, used for storage, apparently. In fact, the firemen came across a huge warehouse in flames, and, as well as various items stored in the building they also

discovered a vehicle and a gas bottle, as well as a water bottle filled with petrol. The firefighters were able to extinguish the flames, leaving the

building to ventilate. Local Police were also present, as well as the Guardia Civil, assisting with the emergency, as well as directing traffic.

operators and booking agents. The Tonina Association, in collaboration with the biodiversity foundation at La Lagunas University, have studied a colony of cetaceans from the South of Tenerife.

They have revealed that these pods have a much higher level of the stress hormone cortisol, than those of pods in other areas, which is even more reason why these illegal boats must be hounded, and fined heavily by the authorities.

Roof caves in on home fraudsters GUARDIA Civil officers have detained and charged two people, a man aged 25, and a 43-year-old woman, for identification theft and fraud. They were exposed by a woman, also resident in Tenerife, who had been looking for an apartment to rent. She was browsing through popular, online websites when she spotted an advert on a page, which specialised in selling second-hand items. What caught her eye was a bungalow for rent, on Golf del Sur, San Miguel de Abona, so she contacted the advertisers and arranged to see the property.

Then, having signed a rental contract and handing over 5,070 euros, which included six months’ rent, along with other charges, she moved in. Shortly afterwards, a passer-by, who claimed to be from another rental company, told her she had been scammed… and wasn’t the only one! She contacted the Guardia Civil, who began an immediate investigation. And, with the help of witnesses and collaborating people, who had also been tricked, the officers identified the culprits. Once enough evidence had been collected, they were arrested at a Las Chafiras petrol station.

CW 4


A WOMAN aged 51, who caused chaos by starting a fire in Candelaria Hospital’s paediatric/ emergency department, has been remanded in police custody after being medically examined. The Spanish woman admitted that she had sparked the fire by opening an oxygen bottle valve and applying a flame, believed to have been from her lighter. She had become frustrated since arriving at the hospital with her family by ambulance at 4.30pm, and having to see members of the medical team at various times during the course of the evening. Her last visit to them came at about 7.50pm, an hour or so before the explosion. But the reason why she was at the emergency centre in the first place has not been specified. Fortunately, the fire happened in the old part of the hospital, and, thanks to all services involved, especially the internal emergency team, it was well contained and no injuries were recorded.

24th August - 30th August 2018

Woman admits to torching hospital emergency centre

Healthy immigrants check in!

EIGHTEEN immigrants, including six minors, reached Lanzarote during the early hours of Wednesday morning, aboard a small patera. The small vessel arrived at Playa Canteria at a 2.10am in the Haria municipality, where the occupants, all from North Africa, were

attended to by the Red Cross. They were all in good health and good spirits, and, fortunately, no one had to be transferred to hospital. As soon as they were given the all-clear, they were handed over to the National Police immigration department.

Bike-rider smashes into parked vehicles

A MAN aged 21 suffered serious injuries when his motorbike crashed into two parked vehicles in Arona. The Canarian emergency services received a call at around 5am last Monday, requesting medical assistance. The operator was also told that the biker had

lost control in Calle Arquitecto Gomez Cuesta, a popular street connecting Los Cristianos with Las Americas. After a quick assessment by medics, the man was taken to Candelaria Hospital in a specialised ambulance. He is said to be having treatment and is being watched closely. Police are investigating the source of the accident.

The ensuing calamity led to 160 people, including 10 children, being evacuated from the premises. But they were allowed back hours later, once order had been restored. Such was the intensity of the blaze, however, that 43 troops, together with fire-fighters occupying 13 machines, took part in extinguishing a fire which was considered a maximum emergency. In fact, all fire-fighters of Santa Cruz and La Laguna were called into action.

All the patients were evicted and, according to hospital sources, some were transferred to the Canaries’ University Hospital and other centres in the same area. In the initial moment of the fire there were scenes of nervousness between the patients and the relatives who were in the emergency service, when the scope of the fire was unknown, which caused dense smoke. Candelaria Hospital manager Jesús Delgado said

there were no injuries reported, and added: “Patients who occupied rooms in the north tower of the hospital, above the emergency centre, were moved to the south tower because of the smoke. But they returned to their rooms once the fire had been put out.” The hospital reports this week that the areas of the emergency department, which were seriously damaged by the fire, should be fully operational again inside a month.


24th August - 30th August 2018

5 CW

Los Cristianos features busiest motorway of all

THE Los Cristianos section of the TF1, particularly the entrance and exit points of Los Cristianos, has been recorded as the busiest, most-congested area of any Spanish motorway.

Data shows that some 22,000 vehicles circulate in this particular area, across the four TF-1 lanes, throughout the course of the day. And, over the last four years, the volume of traffic has grown and grown. The measuring station in charge for counting traffic, installed by Arona Council around the Guaza area,

has calculated that some 20,000 vehicles a day have been using the roads in this area, since 2014. This enormously-dense bottleneck of traffic not only affects the exits and entrances of Los Cristianos, but another four municipalities, Granadilla, San Miguel, Arona and Adeje, are also affected by the traffic build-up.

Teenage thug, who terrorised shop trio

A VIOLENT teenager, who attacked three employees in a pizzeria with a machete, was sentenced to be held in prison by a Las Palmas magistrate. The 18-year-old was ordered to the Salto del Negro prison in the Gran Canaria capital, without bail, for the permitted three days, under Javier Garcia Garcia Sotoca’s discretion. The accused, who threatened, then assaulted, the terrified pizzeria trio in Tamaraceite last Saturday night, and stole money from the shop’s till, has been charged with robbery with violence, and intimidation with an armed weapon. On Tuesday, while being addressed by the magistrate, he said he was

fully aware of his action, yet he showed no remorse. He told the official that, when on the streets, he would “rip out the soul of anyone”, which is why he was locked away. He made it clear that he had just left a juvenile centre, with no resources, and that he took antidepressants regularly. The wayward youth also confessed that his actions on Saturday night, between 10.55 and 11.30, were performed while he was under the influence of the medication. Yet, in the next breath, he said that both parents were addicts, and that there was no money for food. He added that couldn’t stand being poor, which is why he was prepared to attack anyone on the street.

Miguel Becerra, insular director for development and mobility, says that three out of four trips to this particular area each day are made by people using their own vehicles. So, even with more roads being constructed, he maintains, the problem will still remain the same. Becerra also says the South

is the epicentre of Tenerife tourism, and that the Canary Islands, as a whole, cannot afford a permanent bottleneck, comprising up to 75 % of private cars, all causing pollution and noise. He warns that all these factors will end up damaging the South of Tenerife as a tourist destination.

CW 6


NEWS IN BRIEF Saved, 40 miles from coast

24th August - 30th August 2018

Arms shipped out illegally

A MARITIME Rescue helicopter assisted in a daring sea rescue, after a young British man and his Spanish girlfriend were forced to abandon their boat, drifting 40 miles out to sea on a life-raft. The couple set out on a boat from Cabo de Palos, Murcia. But, soon after their journey began, disaster struck when it caught fire, leaving the couple with no other choice but to abandon ship, as it sank slowly. Using a life-raft, they stayed afloat throughout the night, while drifting further and further away from safety. Thankfully, they were spotted the following morning by a patrolling Maritime Rescue chopper, 40 miles out to sea. The relieved couple were hoisted aboard the Helimer 201 and taken back to dry land.

What an airport curry-on

AIRPORT police in Spain have arrested a man, who believed he could trick sniffer dogs and officers, by using curry paste to conceal drugs. The 39-year-old was caught carrying 5.5kg of heroin in a false-bottomed suitcase, by the Guardia Civil, at Malaga-Costa del Sol Airport. When officers opened the case, they were hit with a strong smell of the seasoning, although his clothes were the only items visible. However, a scan revealed the drugs, which were hidden in a secret compartment of the suitcase. The Guardia Civil said the man, a Greek, had travelled from Swaziland to Malaga, via Doha, and they believe he intended to continue his trip by bus to his ultimate destination, in Barcelona.

81-year-old’s sexual assault

POLICE in Spain have detained an 81-year-old man for an alleged sexual assault on a woman, 41, who has Down’s Syndrome. He was arrested in Villaverde, Madrid, after two women reported the incident. The pair had taken images and videos, and then bragged about them to a member of staff at the community gym, who, in turn, alerted authorities to what was happening. Officers were contacted when the suspect was reportedly seen kissing and touching the victim on a bench in the community gardens. The old boy, who has no prior convictions, is now awaiting trial.

GRANADA prosecutors are investigating claims that arms and explosives have been shipped from Motril to Saudi Arabia, illegally, three times this year. The leftist Motril En Comun group and the regionalist Nacion Andaluza party have both called on authorities to investigate the shipments,

and halt them if the allegations prove true. The groups, which say that the shipping of military weapons from the port broke several Spanish and European regulations, have requested that further shipments be stopped if an investigation is opened. The first of this year’s ships, the Bahri Hofuf, left Motril’s port in February, laden with explosives and ammunition, made at a Granada arms factory.

The Bahri Jazan left two months later, and a third ship set out on 26th June. All were bound for the Saudi port of Yeddah, claimed the groups. The allegations came as Amnesty International called on Spain and other countries to cease arms shipments to Saudi Arabia, earlier this year. The NGO claimed the weapons were being used to target civilians in the ongoing Yemini Civil War.

Old perv is trapped by Guardia investigators

THE Guardia Civil’s investigation team, based in Gran Canaria, have charged a 75-year-old Lanzarote resident of sexually abusing minors.

He is said to have taken advantage of those travelling alone on the bus, by approaching them and touching the youngsters, while intimidating them in a suggestive manner. The arrests took place on

13th August, thanks to “Operation Fula”, which began after a report was filed about a person using sexual, suggestive behaviour to a child, while on the bus. With a full description of the elderly man, along with information collected throughout the investigation, officers built up a profile, successfully. They were able to identify the man, who had previous convictions with the law, for similar crimes he had committed in 2014 in Fuerteventura.

Throughout the investigation, officers analysed his every movement, noticing that the pensioner made several trips between the other islands, yet avoided Fuerteventura. They also noticed that he always used public transport. The Guardia officers are still investigating the case and want to identify and help possible victims. They are seeking the public’s collaborations, while encouraging victims, or other people affected, to come forward by calling the Guardia Civil on 062.


24th August - 30th August 2018

7 CW

Water-park thieves won’t create waves TWO men have been charged with stealing 14,000 euros in cash on Monday morning, as well as using violent, intimidating behaviour. The pair went in to a Lanzarote water park and approached the cashier in a violent manner. Their faces were partly covered, and one of them waved around what appeared to be a gun. On closer inspection, the weapon was false, but it certainly intimidated the cashier. And, after helping themselves to the

weekend’s takings, they left the complex. But they did not bargain for the quick-thinking cashier, who promptly made an emergency call to the Guardia Civil. Thanks to the onsite cameras, officers tracked down one of the thieves, a 35-year-old Spaniard, in Arrecife. They soon found the other thief as well, a 19-year-old Spaniard, also in same town. Guardia officers are in the process of recovering the stolen money, as well as clarifying what had happened, while both men are in custody, awaiting a court appearance.

Ryanair cheque Sea fall kills man, 62


A MAN died on Monday afternoon after falling into the sea in the precarious, El Hierro area of Punta de la Sal. Coastguards received an emergency call, and the GES helicopter soon found the 62-year-old. Once in position, one of the rescuers was lowered to the sea to assess the situation, only to discover that his body was floating on the water. It was hoisted in to the helicopter, where medics found that his heart had stopped.

The rescue team began CPR, and continued their efforts to save the man’s life during the flight to Nuestra Senora de los Reyes, the island’s main

hospital. The man was promptly transferred to its emergency department, but, sadly, the medical team could only confirm his death.

Help find missing Jose

TROUBLED airline Ryanair has apologised after “a tiny number” of cheques, compensating passengers for cancelled flights, had bounced.

The Irish carrier, beset with strikes by pilots and cabin crews lately, said some cheques processed that month had not been signed, because of an

“administration error”. A statement said that 190 of the 20,000 cheques issued, were posted out without a required signature. The airline said the cheques were re-issued last week, and that it “sincerely apologised” for the inconvenience, out of its desire to issue them quickly. Thousands of passengers were affected after flights were cancelled because of the strikes.

SOS Desaparecidos, an association concerned with tracking down missing people, has released an urgent message to help locate Jose Luis Alvero.

The 39-year-old, last seen on Tuesday (21st Aug), is described by the association as being 5ft 6ins in height, thin and totally bald. He drives a white Peugeot van, registration number 6191KDF. The association is asking for the public’s help, and for people to speak up if they have any inkling of his whereabouts, by telephoning 642 650 775 or 649 952 957.

You can also e-mail the association at sosdesaparecidos@

CW 8


24th August - 30th August 2018

Lagoon Party treats at Hard Rock Hotel HARD Rock Hotel Tenerife has taken the pool-party concept to a new level, with this month's launch of Lagoon Party.

It's a series of events featuring renowned, international DJs, acrobatic performances, live musical entertainment and tropical vibes around its huge, manmade lagoon, next to the hotel, on the edge of the island's south-west coast. Set to the rhythm of live music by the likes of Eric Morillo, Harry Romero, Sebastian Gamboa, Rudimental, Nervo and Roger Sanchez, as well as saxophonists and percussionists, each Lagoon Party offers 10 hours of non-stop fun on alternate Saturdays, throughout the summer, until October. Premiering in style earlier this summer, bringing together an average of 2,500 people, partying to live sets by Eric Morillo, Harry Romero and Rudimental, among others, Lagoon Party returns next Saturday (1st September). It promises to keep surprising party-goers with new performances and musical sessions every other Saturday, until 27th October. In addition to the live sets by some of today's hottest DJs, guests at each event can expect dancers, live music, and floating bars with refreshing cocktails, as well as delicious food at The Beach Club and Munchies Surf Bar. For an even-more-exclusive experience, there are three VIP areas which can be booked in advance,

including three private jacuzzis next to the lagoon, and a dedicated space on the Hard Rock beach, where a special food-and-drinks menu will be on offer. The Lagoon Parties cater for over-18s, and hotel guests have free access to all live events. For nonguests, advance tickets for the Lagoon Parties cost 25 euros, and they can be purchased at www. events-calendar.aspx On party days, a special bus service runs from Los Cristianos bus station to Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife, at 2pm and 3pm, with return services between 8pm and 10pm. Deluxe rooms at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife are priced

Tel: 822 14 15 17 Publisher, Proprietor and Editor: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

from approximately 210 euros on a B&B basis, based on two people sharing. Book rooms at: www.hrhtenerife. com Lagoon Parties start at midday and finish at sunset. Dates for the next events are: 1st September 22nd September 6th October 27th October About Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife is Hard Rock International's second property in collaboration with Palladium Hotel Group, following the opening of Hard Rock Hotel Ibiza in May 2014. The five-star hotel, located on Tenerife's southern

coast in Playa Paraiso, near Adeje, comprises 624 rooms, including 260 suites, split across two towers, named Oasis and Nirvana. Facilities include three pools, a lagoon, threetiered kids' clubs, as well as signature Hard Rock facilities, including a Rock Spa, Body Rock gym and world-famous Rock Shop. Guests have a choice of six restaurants, including tapas restaurant Ali-Ole, modern Asian restaurant Narumi, steakhouse Montauk, allday buffet Sessions, 3rd Half Sports Bar and The Beach Club at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife, located on the edge of the lagoon. A further five bars offer opportunities for an aperitif, after-dinner drink, freshly-

brewed coffee, or thirstquenching cocktail. And for some of the best views of the island, the rooftop sky lounge bar, The 16th, overlooks some of Tenerife's most impressive scenery, from the majestic Teide, Spain's tallest mountain, to the lesserknown Canary Island of La Gomera. Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife offers guests an immersive, musical experience, relevant to all generations, with an energising event programme of live concerts at the hotel's lagoon-side, outdoor, stage area, with a capacity of 5,000 people. www.hrhtenerife. com For more information on Hard Rock International, visit

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Angela Jefferies, Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Colin Kirby, Mariano Zunino Siri, Martin Land, Miruna Voicu, Sir Old Golfer.

Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2018 Canarian Weekly


24th August - 30th August 2018

Ravine tumble batters driver

9 CW

Another cable-car fault strands people on overnight Teidein A TOTAL of 34 people stranded

FIREFIGHTERS were first on the scene after an accident had been reported in Las Chafiras on Wednesday afternoon.

The emergency services were told just before 1pm, that a vehicle had gone off the road into a ravine, and that the driver had been thrown out of his car as a result of the impact. Firefighters assessed the situation, while the Guardia Civil controlled the traffic. The driver, who was found down the ravine, close to the vehicle, had to be rescued by the firefighters. Once safely in the hands of the medical team, he was taken to hospital for further treatment.

were evacuated from their Mount Teide cable car on Saturday morning, an hour after it came to a standstill because of a technical fault. But a further 120 customers were stranded for another three hours at the top of Spain’s highest mountain. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the management team, who work on this sophisticated system, said the car came to an emergency stop at 10.40am, triggered by a technical fault, which interfered with the safety system. It was the second cablecar breakdown experienced on Teide, following the March 2017 nightmare, when more than 250 people were involved, 100 of them

freezing conditions at high altitude. This time, however, a team of workers were able to get the cable car back to the base station platform, using an emergency, manual engine system, which made for a really slow descent. Meanwhile, the stranded 120, forced to wait for what seemed an eternity, descended in the same tortuous way as the others. The rescue operation was carried out by Teide cable-car workers, with valuable help from the voluntary Bomberos firefighters consortium. Technicians from the Suizmanufactured cable-cars arrived on Monday to revise the entire installation, which was functioning again the following day.

Tough cyclists, and bred in San Miguel

ON top of the world… well, certainly Andorra! San Miguel’s Irichan Cycling Club set their sights high when 17 of their members set off to experience the La Purito Andorra, in the small principality between France and Spain. It’s a good job they are made of stern stuff, pushing themselves regularly on the roads of Tenerife. They faced a course of uneven terrain over 145 kilometres, with peaks of up to 5,200 metres. But they were determined to make their mark for San Miguel on one of the widely-rated, toughest courses in Europe. Club President Cristo Matias labelled it spectacular, and well up to its reputation. He pointed out that although 2,800 racers set out, only 1,000 completed the course. No prizes for guessing who were among that proud number. It was not a challenge to take on lightly. The San Miguel racers had built up perseverance and strength on the testing Tenerife roads, and built on that by cycling through the points that make up the Tour de France. Their pride at the accomplishment was also celebrated by San Miguel Mayor Arturo Gonzalez, and Sports Councillor Victor Chinea. They congratulated the cyclists on their discipline, and encouraged them to continue to make San Miguel proud.

CW 10

Advertisement 24th August - 30th August 2018


24th August - 30th August 2018

Was anti-corruption chief a thief as well? THE head of a Spanish anti-corruption group will stand trial for extortion, fraud and membership of a criminal organisation. Miguel Bernad, founder of Manos Limpias (Clean Hands), and Luis Pineda, who set up Ausbanc, a legal support service for bank clients, are suspected of demanding large sums of money from companies, institutions and individuals, in exchange for withdrawing criminal cases they had lodged against them. The Manos Limpias company filed hundreds of lawsuits after being created by Bernad, a prominent figure within the Spanish far right. They included the indictment of Judge Baltasar Garzon, who investigated crimes against humanity by the Franco regime, and, also, accusing Spanish King Felipe VI’s younger sister, Princess Cristina, of tax evasion in a corruption scandal surrounding her husband’s business practices. During the high-profile trial, the defence team claimed Manos Limpias had

requested a bribe be paid to drop the allegations, but her lawyers refused. In 2016, the princess was cleared of all charges, but her partner, Inaki Urdangarin, was convicted of diverting public funds for his own gain, via the nonprofit Noos Institute. He was sentenced to five years and 10 months in prison. Virgina Lopez, the lawyer representing Manos Limpias in the trial, and seven other people connected to the case, have also been accused of extortion in the alleged plot. Prosecutors have, reportedly, requested a 118-year jail sentence for Pineda, seen as the ringleader, together with more than 24 years for Bernad and 12 years for Lopez.

11 CW

‘Lone-wolf ’ man with huge knife shot dead

POLICE are treating Monday’s knife attack on officers in Spain as a “lonewolf ” terror incident, which ended with the Algerian terrorist being shot dead.

The 29-year-old, named by sources as Abdelouahab Taib, arrived at the closed police station in the town of Cornella de Llobregat, near Barcelona, at 5.45am, and pressed the intercom buzzer repeatedly to be let in. Mossos regional police commissioner Rafel Comes told a press conference that

after police had allowed him inside, the man pulled out a large knife and lunged at a female officer and others, in a clearly-premeditated desire to kill an agent. He added: “The officer used her gun to save her own life. The man shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is Great), as well as words the police officers did not understand. We are treating it as a terrorist attack.” After a meeting of the CounterTerrorist Co-ordination Cabinet, Interior Minister Miquel Buch said: “With information currently available, we are treating it as an “isolated-incident” terror attack. On Monday afternoon, neighbours of the attacker

were evacuated while specialists, including an explosives unit, searched his house. The Mossos police say they have no record of the man having a jihadist background, and that he was legally resident in Spain, with an NIE. Last week, though, the attacker separated from his wife, a Spanish convert to Islam, who had two children from her previous marriage. The Cornella police station remains closed, and security at other Mossos premises has been stepped up. Spain’s national terror alert warning remains at level four, which is one down from the maximum threat.

CW 12


A BRITISH drug lord has been arrested by police after cannabis, worth an astonishing 16m euros, was uncovered at his Costa del Sol home last week.

The cops also seized cocaine and ecstasy, along with a frequency-jammer, bundles of euros and sterling pounds, a gun, nine vehicles and 25 mobile phones. The huge haul was discovered in the Marbella seaside town of San Pedro de Alcantara, with nine men and two women being held. The group comprised Brits, Moroccans, Spanish and Irish nationals, all said to be drug-traffickers, and all accused of using boats to smuggle the cannabis into southern Spain from Morocco. The probe began after a van carrying narcotics rammed police cars during a chase. A National Police spokesperson said: “Officers have smashed a criminal gang operating out of Marbella, and the nearby town of Estepona, who were smuggling cannabis into Spain using boats, so it could be sent on to other places. “The operation began in March, when officers were tipped off about the

24th August - 30th August 2018

Drug-barons’ huge stash of cannabis, along with cocaine existence of a group of Moroccans and Spanish nationals, who were smuggling drugs into Spain on boats. “At the end of May, one of the suspects was spotted driving a vehicle through Estepona. Suspecting he could be carrying drugs, he was followed, until the driver realised he was being tailed and tried to escape. “After a chase, in which he rammed several police vehicles, he was held, and it was confirmed that he was carrying cannabis. “The following day, another suspect was located in San Pedro de Alcantara. Officers intercepted his van, discovered 35 packs of cannabis resin and arrested him.” Of the British leader of the group, the spokesperson added: “During the operation to identify

members of the gang, the police located a group of people from Britain and Ireland, and confirmed that they included the gang-leader and another four members of the organisation. “They were arrested, and the gang-leader’s home in San Pedro was searched. Officers seized 150 packs of cannabis resin, a kilo

of cocaine, 208,000 euros (£186,000), and a pistol with ammunition, which was hidden in the secret compartment of a wardrobe. “The last phase of the operation led to the arrest of another four gang members. Three searches led to the seizure of 10,400 euros (£9,335) and 312 kilos of cannabis.” As if that were not enough,

National Police seized cocaine worth more than £15m (almost 17m euros) on a luxury, UK-registered yacht, close to the Ibiza coast. Five people on board the lavish yacht, flying a Gibraltar flag, were arrested, four from Holland and a German. Half the cocaine was found in packets tied with ropes, and the rest was discovered under the floor of the captain’s cabin, in a secret compartment. Police tracked the boat, leaving Palma and heading towards the mainland. And officials found the crew collecting bales of cocaine, which had been thrown into the sea from a larger ship. The common “drop-off ” technique enables smaller boats to pick up the drugs and take them back to the coast.


24th August - 30th August 2018

Child-sex suspect will wait months for trial

A WELSHMAN, arrested by police in Spain on a European warrant in connection with child-sex offences, has appeared in court in Wales.

No charges were put to David Daniel Hayes, 39, from Anglesey, during the hearing, at Mold Crown Court, Flintshire. But he was remanded in custody, and a provisional date for his trial was set for 11th February 2019. On-the-run Hayes, who appeared on Europe’s most-wanted list, was arrested in the southern Spanish city of Granada, last month. He is alleged to be a dangerous paedophile, wanted on nine charges of sexual abuse against two children in the UK. He is also suspected of committing at least three offences in Spain,

after giving private English lessons to children at his home, under a false identity. A probe, launched in the wake of the latter claims, revealed that the name and other personal details he supplied to clients, actually belonged to a British expat, living in Valencia. Investigators followed a trail of addresses, including B&Bs and hostels, used in adverts he posted on Spanish family websites. But Hayes vanished after flying from Liverpool to Amsterdam in May 2015, following his release on bail, ahead of a trial over the alleged sex crimes. The BBC’s Crimewatch programme at the time described him as “one of the most-wanted criminals in Britain”, while North Wales Police put out a number of calls for Europe when he fled to the continent.

Sale of African lion is genuinely stuffed

A STUFFED African lion has been seized by Guardia Civil agents from SEPRONA, Spain’s Nature Protection Service, in the Barcelona district area of Castelldefels. It was up for sale on a second-hand website for almost 6,000 euros, but officers discovered last month that the stuffed animal was being advertised for sale on the website. They made telephone contact with the seller to arrange an appointment, for verification, and, at the beginning of August, they visited the owner’s house and confirmed that it was an adult male African lion, preserved in perfect condition by a taxidermist.

This species of lion is classified as “under serious threat” by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The owner said her father-in-law (now deceased) hunted the lion in Namibia in the 1990s, and had kept it in a storage room at home. A lawsuit has been initiated against the owner for alleged crimes against protected wildlife, and trade in endangered species. The lion was taken away for analysis and verification, after which it will find a temporary home in the Castell Dels Tres Dragons, part of the Natural History Museum in Barcelona, where it will be on public display.

13 CW

CW 14

Advertisement 24th August - 30th August 2018 24th August - 30th August 2018


15 CW

CW 16


24th August - 30th August 2018

Huge man stuck in a hospital bed

A MAN in poor health and hugely overweight, has been trapped in a Valencia hospital because, say officials, they lack the means to care for someone who weighs more than 350 kilos. The patient, Teofilo Rodriguez, is unable to walk and struggles to breathe, and his back is said to be covered with bed sores. His family say he suffers from a thyroid problem, but he has caused headaches for hospital staff, and firefighters! They had to modify a wall for his recent admission

to the hospital when, after getting him there, they discovered he could not fit in through the door. He remains in the publiclyowned, privately-managed hospital, because an attempt to remove Rodriguez failed, when the stretcher used to help take him buckled under his vast weight. His sister, Devora, told reporters: “Moving him is very painful for him, and the fire-fighters have to get him out”. His family have launched an appeal against the hospital’s decision to remove Rodriguez, and they have refused second attempts to move him on another stretcher, able to withstand the pressure.

Dodgy renters in a flap over hawk-eyed police ILLEGAL holiday lets in Spain are being discovered by hawk-eyed police officers, who are being drawn to excessive numbers of towels on balconies. Whistle-blowers in tourist hot-spots across the country are turning up at council offices and dishing the dirt on private homeowners, who seldom pay tax on their “blackmarket” rentals.

Under new rules, owners of flats and villas must have a licence to rent out their homes, or risk facing hefty fines. In the Balearics, especially, permanent residents of apartment blocks have been told to report any neighbours who are renting out their homes. In July, 28 flats in Ibiza were reported, officially, and more are expected to follow, thanks to an increase in police rental inspectors, who are hot on the trail of any leads. Warnings are in place for

all home-owners across Spain, who are considering renting out their homes without a licence, because it is viewed as providing unfair competition to hotels. They are taking a huge chance because, if they’re caught, they would have to withdraw the property from the market, and could face fines of up to 40,000 euros, with reductions for early payment. Their only consolation would be the reductions for early payments, but with major black marks against their names.

Alcohol won’t be so inclusive on holiday BRITISH holidaymakers on allinclusive packages in parts of Spain are in for a huge shock, because free alcohol is set to be banned on party islands Mallorca and Ibiza. The Balearic Islands Government is set to crack down on boozy, all-inclusive holidays there, with new legislation. It comes after a series of laws, which were introduced

on the islands recently, in a bid to control unruly tourists in areas such as Magaluf. The new rules suggest that holiday-makers must order and be served drinks from a waiter, for which they will have to pay, and free drinks in mini-bars will also be done away with. The new law won’t just hit tourists, either, because hotel staff will have to change the way they operate. All-inclusive hotels will have to register the business with the government, so

they can be monitored appropriately. And for hotels to be granted a licence, 70% of guests must be served efficiently, in an attempt to tackle overcrowding and long queues. Meanwhile, the authorities are taking a strong stance on plastic waste by banning single-use plastic cups and plates, which all-inclusive resorts depend on. Although it is not clear when the changes will come into practice, they will not be introduced before the end of the summer.

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24th August - 30th August 2018

Supersonic Virgin!

A HYPERLOOP research-anddevelopment centre in Malaga will be set up, thanks to a joint venture between Spain’s rail infrastructure board ADIF and Richard Branson’s Virgin empire. It will cost 430 million euros, according to a press release from both companies, and is expected to create up to 250 jobs. Isabel Pardo de Vera,

the ADIF chairwoman, has rubber-stamped a deal with Virgin Hyperloop One CEO Rob Lloyd, to bring the high-speed train a step closer to Spain. It will be based in Bobadilla, in the Málaga province, at ADIF’s existing test centre for the high-speed AVE line. The Hyperloop is a “bullet” train, capable of reaching speeds of up to 1,200km per hour (750mph), taking under an hour to cover distances that would take around 10 hours by car. It would be able to travel from Madrid to Barcelona

in under 30 minutes, from Madrid to Valencia, over 350km, in less than 20 minutes, and from Madrid to the Cádiz-province port town of Algeciras, near Gibraltar, in 42 minutes. The new facility will be constructed in the Railway Technology Centre in Bobadillas, where around 60 companies are already working in different areas of innovative railway technologies. Future plans include a line from Madrid to Tangiers, Morocco, via a tunnel, with a journey-time of 47 minutes. The trip

takes seven hours by car, plus two hours by ferry, and that’s not counting passport control and security queues. Also planned is a 90-minute London-Madrid link, which outshines the two-hour plane journey, in addition to a four-hour connection from Madrid to Moscow. It is thought that in future decades, employees could even commute to other European countries to work and travel home again, after clocking off, in the time it now takes the average person to drive to and from the office daily.

Illegal expat workers are facing huge fines THOUSANDS of Britons, living and working abroad illegally, have been caught claiming millions in benefits, including tax credits, disability allowance and other expenses. The UK Government’s Department for Work and Pensions, collaborating with teams of international fraud specialists, especially from Madrid and Alicante, has recovered a record total of £1.1bn in overpaid benefits, relating to both British and international fraud. With 3.8 million British citizens living outside the UK, the fraud network team is playing an increasingly vital role in tackling scams. In the last year alone, say reports, 10,000 Brits abroad, not necessarily those living in Spain or Tenerife, were fined or prosecuted for claiming benefits illegally from the UK.

Esther McVey DWP Secretary, said that “thousands of benefit fraud cases” were uncovered each year, overseas. Around 5,000 cheats were forced to pay back their fraudulently-claimed cash in its entirety, while 5,000 others received substantial

fines. Earlier this year, a greatgrandmother swindled almost £40,000 in jobseeker’s allowance, while owning a 120,000-euro Spanish holiday property. Sally Folan, 63, from Worthing, rented out her home on mainland Spain

while claiming benefits in the UK. Judge Jeremy Gold QC sentenced her to eight months in prison, suspended for two years, at Hove Crown Court. He also ordered her to carry out 100 hours of unpaid community work.

17 CW

Pigs now the master race!

FRESH figures, released by Spain’s Environment Ministry, have revealed that, for the first time, the country’s pigs outnumber its human dwellers.

There are now 50 million pigs, up by about nine million since 2013, while the humans total 46.5 million. In addition, there are growing concerns about the environmental impact of a farming industry, which produced more than four million tons of pork products last year, generating six billion euros. Livestock is the fourthlargest producer of greenhouse gas emissions after transport, electricity generation and industry, and the soaring pig population is a key factor. In a country like Spain, which is affected by drought frequently, pig-farming consumes huge quantities of water. With each pig drinking 15 litres a day, the industry uses more water than the cities of Sevilla, Alicante and Zaragoza combined. Environmentalists also complain that nitrates from the animals’ waste-products are beginning to contaminate groundwater. But with Spaniards each consuming around 21 kilos of pork annually, and the nation’s love of the meat dating back thousands of years, environmentalists face an uphill battle to bring about change.

CW 18


24th August - 30th August 2018

Our house, our refuge, our castle... in short, our home NOT everyone knows that taking out a home policy isn't mandatory, except when the house is mortgaged. It's the only situation that requires a person to have a policy which protects their home in Spain.

However, it is worth saying that, although it is not mandatory, it is advisable and necessary to be prepared for any eventuality. Our home is our most precious asset, and, if we want to avoid surprises and unforeseen events, it is important to get an insurance that gives us peace of mind, knowing that, whatever happens in our home, there will be someone who is responsible for solving it. The first thing you should know is that you do not have to contract your home insurance with the entity that is granting you the mortgage. But you can compare prices in the market, and hire the product that provides the coverage which best suits your needs. Until a couple of years ago, banking entities could condition their mortgage lending with an “obligation” to contract some linked products, such as home insurance.

But, now, with the approval of the European Parliament of the Mortgage Credit Directive, banks are prohibited by law from linking a mortgage to the purchase of insurance. Your insurance company might include a clause in your policy, registering your lending bank as mortgage beneficiary, to cope with the request of the bank. Then, the key question is, what is the best insurance for my house? In this article, we give you the keys so that you can make the best decision when taking out your home policy insurance. The value of the building There are two criteria to assess a home insurance policy: the Building and

Contents. The “Building” section of your policy refers to the costs of rebuilding your home, and not to the market value or the cadastral value. However, it is of key importance to declare the whole size of the property, according to the cadastral property details. The value of the contents The “Contents” section of your policy refers to the economic valuation of all the household goods: furniture, including kitchen furniture, electronic devices, musical instruments, jewellery or other objects of special value. Check that the imputed value of the content can cover the value of all those things. Although, in many cases, the sentimental value is

higher than the economic one, the best advice is to add all the important items in the content to secure them. Special features Besides worrying about the Building and the Contents, there are other very interesting and useful covers to consider that not all insurance companies offer. Liberty Seguros is offering, among others, the following great covers: · Up to 1,000 euros compensation for the additional water consumption costs, through water leakage, when you take out their premium home policy · An unrivalled DIY service, to avoid the hassle of assembling packed

furniture, fitting curtain poles, hanging pictures etc · Damage to your garden furniture, even it has been damaged by adverse weather conditions · Your goods will be insured on a “value-as-new basis” · Legal defence, claims for damages and IT assistance service · Home assistance, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with just a simple and FREE telephone call on 900 243 657, in English or German · A return ticket to your home in Spain, if you are abroad in your home country, should an unforeseen claim happen Apart from all these advantages, Liberty Seguros has an extensive network of over 300 brokers and agents, who are dedicated to providing unbiased, friendly and expert advice. That’s because every home is different, and such an important decision deserves a face-to-face chat with a professional insurance adviser, in your own language, to discuss the most suitable cover for your home in the sun. With insurance, not only for the home, but also car, life, pet, business, commercial, leisure, public liability and personal injury, Liberty Seguros is considered, by far, the expat’s number one choice in Spain today. To find out more, visit or simply call 91 342 25 49.

Downcast expats hit by a Brexit backlash BRITISH pensioners in Spain claim that Brexit has cost them more than 20% of their spending power over the last two years. Richard Hill, Vice-President of the “Brexpats in Spain” group, says plummeting exchange rates and taxes, along with a cost-of-living rise, have caused significant income losses. It comes as the pound sunk to a new low of just 1.10 to the euro last week, as concerns about a hard Brexit magnified. Pensioner Hill, who claims he’s around 22% “worse off ” since the referendum, believes expats will

struggle, regardless of whatever deal is reached,

ahead of Britain’s EU exit. He adds: “The significant

Brexit problem at this stage is the fluctuating exchange rate. Obviously, fluctuations are normal, yet the steady, downward trend is affecting people seriously.” The situation arose after the Rabobank in London warned that a no-deal Brexit could end in eurosterling parity. And last week, the pound slumped to an eight-month low. British expat Karen Watling, from Sheffield, says she has lost as much as one-third of her monthly budget. “Over two years, this has caused us problems financially,” she adds. “Prices and commodities have also risen, so it has been like a double hit.” The exchange pound-to-

euro rate was an average 1.24 in 2014, before climbing to an average 1.38 in 2015. However, the year of the referendum saw the average fall to 1.22, before dropping again to 1.14 in 2017. So far, this year has been lower at 1.13, falling to a dreadful 1.10. “Brexpats in Spain” members have called for a Government-run internet bank, offering basic current accounts and debit cards, as well as the option to carry out online international and national transfers. The group even suggests ordering RBS, the only bank in which the British Government has a stake, to provide a basic facility for expats without a UK address. 24th August - 30th August 2018

19 CW

Bodyguard TV Choice

Our Everest Challenge with Ben Fogle & Victoria Pendleton

Thursday 30th August, ITV1, 21.00

In a ground-breaking documentary, Our Everest Challenge With Ben Fogle & Victoria Pendleton, broadcaster and adventurer Ben Fogle faces the challenge of a lifetime, alongside his friend and double Olympic gold medallist Victoria Pendleton CBE. For Ben, it is the story of a boyhood dream, to scale Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, at an altitude of 8,848 metres. After two years of preparation, CNN Vision exclusively follows the pair to the Nepalese capital Kathmandu, from where they trek into the Himalayas to Everest Base Camp; here they will acclimatize and hone their skills before making their summit attempt. Ben and Victoria will be guided by worldrenowned British mountaineer Kenton Cool, a veteran of twelve Everest summits, more than any other European climber. As they head up the mountain, into the notorious “death zone”, physical exhaustion, extreme conditions and misfortune will test the pair to their limits, 65 years after Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers known to have reached the summit. Since that day in 1953, more than 4000 people have successfully climbed Everest but nearly 300 climbers have died on ‘her’ icy slopes. As Ben and Victoria begin their expedition and face their fears, they know Everest will be lifechanging.

Sunday 26th August, BBC1, 21.00 Richard Madden and Keeley Hawes star in Bodyguard, BBC One’s new contemporary thriller from the makers of Line Of Duty. Set in and around the corridors of power, Bodyguard tells the fictional story of David Budd (Madden), a heroic but volatile war veteran now working as a Specialist Protection Officer for the Royalty and Specialist Protection Branch (RaSP) of London’s Metropolitan Police Service. When he is assigned to protect the ambitious and powerful Home Secretary Julia Montague (Hawes), Budd finds himself torn between his duty and his beliefs. Responsible for her safety, could he become her biggest threat? Bodyguard is written by Jed Mercurio and made by World Productions for BBC One. The six-part series also stars Gina McKee, Sophie Rundle, Pippa Haywood, Stuart Bowman, Vincent Franklin, Ash Tandon, and Nina Toussaint-White.

CW 20

TV Choice

W C c h o i c e This w 24th August - 30th August 2018

Impossible Celebrities Saturday 25th August, BBC1, 19.15

Joining the Impossible Celebrities’ line-up this week are presenters Dick and Dom. Rick Edwards hosts a celebrity version of the hit BBC One quiz !mpossible, where players must avoid the impossible answers to stay in the game. Tonight, 18 stars will compete for a chance to win £10,000 for their chosen charity.

Eight Go Rallying: The Road To Saigon

Sunday 26th August, BBC2, 21.00

Two cars have been taken out of action by the events of the first leg, but one way or another the celebrity duos make it back on the road, in the second episode of this epic adventure. To avoid getting left behind they must all make a dash for the border, as the whole rally has to pass into Cambodia by early afternoon. Then Noel and Liz and Andi and Miquita must drive into the night on the country’s challenging roads to reach the tourist mecca of Siem Reap. Here the celebrities take a rest day to experience the breathtaking grandeur of Angkor Wat, the mysterious centrepiece of the ancient capital of the Khmer empire - which some believe could be evidence of an other-worldly civilisation. After emotional encounters, all four teams are back behind the wheel and heading out on the highway towards the capital Phnom Penh, with the classic Morris and MG joined by Tinchy and Jordan and Martin and Shirlie’s hire cars.

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TV Choice

21 CW

week’s TV Choice 24th August - 30th August 2018

The Deer Stalker - Our Lives Sunday 26th August, BBC1, 18.05

For 40 years, Alex Macdonald (pictured) has stalked the hills and glens above Fort William, as did his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather before him. Now he wants to hand his expertise onto a fifth generation - his 15 year old son. In this intimate portrait of a unique way of life, this documentary follows Alex through the ferocity of one of Scotland’s worst winters to the high heat of summer, as he manages the 3,000 red deer that populate the Achnacarry estate. Alex says: “You get a lot of people that don’t really understand about the job. They think it is just a case of getting out and killing… it is not, it is culling.”

Love Your Garden

Tuesday 28th August, ITV1, 20.00

This week Alan Titchmarsh heads to Nottingham and gets the best reaction ever when he surprises young foster parent and mother of two Fiona Kirlew. Despite only being 36, Fiona has fostered over 40 teenage children and keeps in touch with all of them. Her grown up ex-foster children (one of whom nominated her) share just how much they owe to Fiona’s commitment to giving them the best start in life. Alan and the team turn this bubbly super-mum’s dismal paved-over yard into a lush Caribbean haven that evokes her father’s garden in Jamaica. David Domoney, Katie Rushworth and Frances Tophill share tips on how to green-up bare walls with, and without, a budget, and convert a regular dining table into a top-notch spot complete with drinks cooler.

Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2018

27th August, BBC1, 19.00

oyal Edinburgh Military Tattoo features talent from around the world performing on the magnificent Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle. s year’s Tattoo theme, The Sky Is The Limit, the international cast reaches the heights of entertainment in this programme of rom the event, narrated by Bill Paterson. Reflecting the international flavour of the show are musical groups from many countries. ned Bands of The Royal Cavalry of The Sultanate of Oman, bring a spectacular mounted display to Edinburgh. Silent precision drill n skills from the United States Air Force Honor Guard Drill Team and, the marking the centenary of the foundation of independent akia, the Central Band of the Czech Armed Forces make their Edinburgh debut. ollege Band take centre stage as this year’s ‘home service’ at the Tattoo. They are marking another centenary - that of the Royal They are joined by The Royal Marines Band Plymouth and The Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland for a fine display of British sic. h America, the Middlesex County Volunteers Fifes & Drums echo the music from the American War for Independence, whilst Central empo is brought by Banda Monumental De Mexico, showing the colours and spirits of Mexico. oved Shetland Fiddlers, Hjaltibinhoga, bring the sights and sounds of their island home with a music echoing the sounds of the Shetland. The Tattoo Dance Company provides their usual high standard of massed dancing with a tribute to The Royal Air Force m Basel, the Top Secret Drum Corps bring another unique exciting performance of virtuoso drumming, filled with precision, humour g tempo. A true highlight. music, heritage and spectacle are all packed into this highlights programme, with the sight and sound of Massed Pipes and Drums scene and lone piper on the battlements of Edinburgh Castle rounding off a unique annual event.

Upstart Crow

Wednesday 29th August, BBC2, 20.30

Welcome my lords, ladies and groundlings to the third series of Ben Elton’s studio audience sitcom starring David Mitchell, based on the life of William Shakespeare, genius, family man and highly-strung baldy-boots, as he struggles to be a dad, a husband, a commuter and the greatest literary genius of all time. Lord, What Fools These Mortals Be! Will (David Mitchell) is just finishing writing A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a tale of love potions, enchantment and a wood full of fairies. He’s very pleased with how realistic it is, as he based it on his own experience. But his Burbage (Steve Speirs) and the other actors tell him it lacks a little comedy, like say a character with a funny name or a big visual joke. Meanwhile, back in Will’s lodgings, where on earth is his servant Bottom (Rob Rouse) going to put that donkey head? Kate (Gemma Whelan) has problems of her own, because Lord Egeus (Nigel Planer) - a rather old but very wealthy gentleman has taken a shine to her, and Robert Greene (Mark Heap) is determined to be the matchmaker. Along the way we learn a little more about how Will and Anne (Liza Tarbuck) found love, and how Will managed to get hold of a love potion.

CW 22

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ..................Animal Park Summer Special 10:00...............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under 11:45.............. Thief Trackers 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45.......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 14:30....................... Escape to the Country 15:30.............. Royal Recipes 16:15............................Flog It! 17:15....................Impossible 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30..............A Question of Sport 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30................. Celebrity MasterChef 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35...............Room 101 23:15...One Hot Summer 23:45.................. The Real Marigold Hotel 00:45............... BBC News



Friday 24th August

06:00 .................. The TV That Made Me 06:30.................. Animal Park Summer Special 07:15 ...................Impossible 08:00 ...... Gardeners’ World 09:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire 11:00....BBC Newsroom Live 12:00..... On the Waterfront 13:45 ......... Talking Pictures 14:15.......................Cheetahs 15:15........Nature’s Weirdest Events 16:15.. Great Bear Stakeout 17:15....Antiques Road Trip 18:00................. Celebrity Eggheads 18:45.... The Repair Shop 19:30..........Great British CW Menu choice 20:00...Gardeners’ World 21:00......... Extraordinary Rituals 22:00......The Big Asian W C Stand-Up choice 22:30..............Newsnight 23:05...Edinburgh Nights with Nish Kumar 23:35.........Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience 00:05...............Panorama

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30.............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:00 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:20 ..... ITV News London 13:30 .......... ITV Racing Live 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..............Coronation Street 20:00........James Martin’s American Adventure 20:30..Coronation Street 21:00...................... Lewis 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30................. ITV News London 22:45............ Total Recall 00:50............ Jackpot247

Great British Menu BBC2, 19.30

Today the two remaining London and the South East chefs must cook their four-course menus again. But will they take on board their veteran’s advice as they prepare their Feast To Say Thank You? The chefs need to impress the formidable judges: food writer Matthew Fort, restaurateur Oliver Peyton and broadcaster and cook Andi Oliver, as well as a guest judge representing the heroes of the NHS. Today they are joined by Jenny Turner, who at the age of 77 is Britain’s longest-serving nurse. Both chefs raise their game and impress the judges with their inventive dishes - but only one can go through to represent London and South East in the national finals. 24th August - 30th August 2018

06:00 ....................... Countdown 06:45................ King of Queens 07:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:55 ..................................Frasier 09:55 ...........................Formula 1 11:35 ................... The Simpsons 12:00............... Channel 4 News 12:05 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me 12:55 ...............Bang on Budget 13:55 ...........................Formula 1 15:35 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 .......................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 17:00 ....... Come Dine with Me 17:30 ................... The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00 ....... The Crystal Maze 21:00 .......... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 22:00 .......Naked Attraction 23:05 .................... Peng Life 23:40 .................. Rude Tube 00:35 ....................Chronicle

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

00:15...............Super Casino

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:45 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 07:10 .............. Dress to Impress 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:55 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ............. The Bachelorette 11:15........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 12:15........................ Emmerdale 13:15 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:55..................... Judge Rinder 18:00........ Dress to Impress 19:00................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore 21:00........................ Spectre 23:55.................. Family Guy 00:55............ American Dad!

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:00 .............Monkey Business

07:10............ Ice Road Truckers

09:30............ A Place in the Sun

06:30............. Monkey Business

08:10................... Aussie Pickers

10:30........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 .......................Monkey Life

11:35......................Four in a Bed

08:00 ................ Meerkat Manor

09:00 ........................ Abandoned Engineering

12:05......................Four in a Bed

09:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue

12:35......................Four in a Bed

10:00................. Modern Family

13:05......................Four in a Bed

10:30................. Modern Family

13:40......................Four in a Bed

11:00 ...........................MacGyver

14:10........ Come Dine with Me

12:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

14:40........ Come Dine with Me

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

15:15........ Come Dine with Me

14:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:50........ Come Dine with Me

16:00 ................... The Simpsons

16:20........ Come Dine with Me

17:30 ............................Futurama

16:50............ A Place in the Sun

18:00 ....................Futurama

17:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

18:30............. The Simpsons

09:15 ...............The Wright Stuff 11:15 .........................Rich House, Poor House 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15......................... GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:15.............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ...........Cagney and Lacey 15:15 .............Aurora Teagarden Mystery: Three Bedrooms, One Corpse 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ..........The Penguins of Cape Town 20:00... Big Week at the Zoo 21:00....Celebrity Big Brother 22:35................ Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 23:35....Celebrity Big Brother

10:00............. American Pickers 11:00................... Aussie Pickers 12:00............................. Top Gear 13:00........................ Abandoned Engineering 14:00............................. Top Gear 15:00............................. Top Gear 16:00................. Sin City Motors 17:00 .....................Timber Kings 18:00............. Late Nite Eats

20:00 ...........Modern Family

18:30 ....................... Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm

20:30........... Modern Family

19:00 ............ Aussie Pickers

21:00... Code 37: Sex Crimes

21:00 .................... Stan Lee’s Lucky Man

22:00.....24 Hours in a and E

20:00 ........................Cop Car Workshop

22:00 ... The Late Late Show

23:00.....24 Hours in a and E

21:00 ......... Tears of the Sun

23:00 ................. A League of Their Own

23:30 ......... 8 Out of 10 Cats

18:55 ............. The Supervet 19:55 ........... Grand Designs

00:05........ Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares 01:05.....24 Hours in a and E

00:00.......... An Idiot Abroad

00:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

01:00.............. Hawaii Five-0


The Big Asian Stand Up BBC2, 22.00



Nish Kumar brings a second instalment of hilarious standups who share an exciting and diverse voice. In tonight’s show, Nish is joined by rising stars of comedy including Ahir Shah and Mawaan Rizwan. 24th August - 30th August 2018

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 10:00 ........................Saturday Kitchen 11:30 ......................... Nadiya’s Family Favourites 12:00 ......................... Football Focus 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:15 .......................... Bargain Hunt 14:00.........Rugby League CW Challenge choice Cup Final 17:30............... Shrek Forever After 18:55............... BBC News 19:05............ BBC London News 19:15.............. Impossible Celebrities 20:05.................Pointless 20:50................. Casualty 21:40........... Mrs. Brown’s Boys 22:10............... BBC News 22:30..................Match of the Day 23:50............. Reasonable Doubt 01:10.................. Weather for the Week Ahead 01:15............... BBC News

Saturday 25th August

06:40 ...................... Top Class 07:10 ............Marrying Mum and Dad 07:40...... Officially Amazing Goes Bunkers 08:10..........The Dengineers 08:35....... Deadly Dinosaurs with Steve Backshall 09:05...............................David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 09:30...........................Nature’s Miracle Babies 10:30................. Killer Whales - Beneath the Surface 11:15............Rugby League’s Legendary Watersplash Final 12:00...................Nigel Slater: Eating Together 12:30.... Great British Menu 13:30............Garden Rescue 14:15....................... Escape to the Country 15:00......................Scrappers 15:30....Saving Lives at Sea 16:30....................Final Score 17:15............................Flog It! 17:50.. A Passage to Britain 18:50.. Proms Extra 2018 19:30.............Dad’s Army 20:00........................ Blitz 21:00....................... QI XL 21:50....... Anita and Me... and Me 23:25.............. Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara

06:00 .............................Sooty 06:10 ................. Make it Pop 06:35 ................... Dino Dana 06:50 ...... Cut the Rope: Om Nom Stories 06:55.. The Oddbods Show

06:10.................................. Kirstie’s Vintage Gems 06:15 ............................. Triathlon 07:10................................. Mobil 1 the Grid 07:35 ..................................Frasier

TV Guide

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 10:00 ................Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:30 ..................................Access 10:40 ................... Cats Make You Laugh Out Loud 4 11:05...........Police Interceptors

07:05.... Ninjago: Decoded

09:00.................................. The Big Bang Theory

07:30 ...................Toonmarty

09:55 ................... The Simpsons

14:10.......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords

07:55...... Drop Dead Weird

10:55 ...........................Formula 1

16:10.Rich House, Poor House

08:25 ...................... ITV News

12:25 ................... F1: Grand Prix

17:10..............5 News Weekend

08:30 ................... Zoe Ball on Saturday

12:55........................... Formula 1 15:45............................. Car S.O.S

17:15...................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

09:25...... Saturday Morning with James Martin 11:20............. James Martin’s American Adventure 11:50.................£10k Holiday Home 12:20...... Love Your Garden 13:20.ITV Lunchtime News 13:30........... ITV Racing Live 16:00.....................The Chase 17:00............WOS Wrestling

16:45 ..................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:15 ...............The People’s Vet 18:10............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

18:10............Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 19:05............Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

23 CW

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:10 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:35......Emmerdale Omnibus 09:05..............Coronation Street Omnibus 12:00.......................Catchphrase 12:40......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold 13:40..................The Flintstones 15:30....................Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams 17:25.............Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 18:25...................... FYI Daily

20:00..................Before They Were Stars

18:30.......Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

21:00............ Gino’s Win Your Wish List

20:00..................... The Mask

22:00.......................Celebrity Big Brother

23:05............ American Dad!

22:00..............Pain and Gain

23:05.....Best of Bad TV: Live and Dangerous

00:25...The Cleveland Show

00:30.................. Regression

00:00...............Super Casino

08:55............. Food Unwrapped

06:00 ............................Futurama

09:30............ A Place in the Sun

07:00 ............................Futurama

07:30............................Scrapheap Challenge

10:25............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

08:00............................ Futurama

08:20 .............American Pickers

09:00 ................... The Simpsons

09:20............. American Pickers

11:30............ A Place in the Sun

09:30 ................... The Simpsons

10:20............. American Pickers

13:40......................Four in a Bed

10:00 ........................Soccer A.M.

11:20............. American Pickers

14:40......................Four in a Bed

11:30 .....................What’s Up TV

12:20 ............................. Top Gear

15:45......................Four in a Bed

12:05 ................. Modern Family

14:00............... Groundhog Day

16:15........ Come Dine with Me

13:00 ................. Modern Family

16:05...................... Detroit Steel

16:50........ Come Dine with Me

14:00 ................. Modern Family

17:00 ............................. Top Gear

17:20........ Come Dine with Me

15:00................... Gillette Soccer Saturday

18:00 ....................... Red Bull Soapbox Race

17:15 .................Premier League Greatest Games

19:00................... Red Dwarf

17:30 ............................Futurama

20:20................... Red Dwarf

19:05........................ Channel 4 News 19:35.........................Captain America: The First Avenger

22:05.................. Family Guy 23:55...The Cleveland Show 00:55...................... Hercules

18:00..ITV Evening News 18:30... Japandemonium 19:00................. Big Star’s Little Star 20:00....... The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 23:45................ ITV News 00:05.......WOS Wrestling 01:00............ Jackpot247


Rugby League Challenge Cup Final: Catalans v Warrington e c i o h BBC1, 14.00 c

Mark Chapman presents live coverage of rugby league’s showpiece event, as Catalans Dragons and Warrington Wolves battle it out at Wembley to lift the sport’s oldest and most prestigious trophy - The Rugby League Challenge Cup. French side Catalans will compete in only their second Challenge Cup final, which they reached thanks to a sensational upset against St Helens, beating the runaway Super League leaders 35-16 in the semi-final. Warrington, meanwhile, scored eight tries in their convincing semifinal victory against Leeds Rhinos. The eight-time winners last lifted the Challenge Cup in 2012, and ending that drought would represent a successful first season in charge for head coach Steve Price. Commentary comes from Dave Woods.

17:55........ Come Dine with Me 18:25.... Come Dine with Me 18:55...............Phil Spencer’s Stately Homes

19:40................... Red Dwarf

20:00.....The Yorkshire Dales and the Lakes

18:00 .............The Simpsons

21:00............. Sarah Millican: Chatterbox Live

20:00....................... S.W.A.T. 21:00................... Battleship

23:15............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

22:10...... Ricky Gervais Live: Animals

23:40 ................. A League of Their Own

00:15............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

23:45........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

00:40...... Football’s Funniest Moments

01:15........................ 8 Out of 10 Cats

01:50.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares

01:10.....................The Force: Manchester

01:50...... Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled

19:00 .............The Simpsons

21:00............... The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3

CW 24

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:00 ...... Match of the Day 10:25........................... Sunday Morning Live 11:25....... Homes Under the Hammer 12:00 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:15 .. Still Open All Hours 13:45 .........Hold the Sunset 14:15 .. Money for Nothing 15:00 ...................... Escape to the Country 15:30........... Songs of Praise 16:05........ Fake or Fortune? 17:05..........Eat Well for Less 18:05..................The Deer Stalker - Our Lives 18:35............... BBC News 18:50.BBC London News 19:00.............Countryfile 20:00..Fake or Fortune?

CW ch oi ce

21:00......The Bodyguard

22:00............... BBC News 22:20.BBC London News 22:30..................Match of the Day 2 23:30.......... Supermarket Shopping Secrets 00:30............... BBC News



Sunday 26th august

06:30....................Around the World in 80 Gardens 07:30....... Gardeners’ World 08:30................... Countryfile 09:30.......... The Beechgrove Garden 10:00.........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30.... Great British Menu 12:00.... Great British Menu 12:30.... Great British Menu 13:00.......... The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British 13:45........................Triathlon 15:15.................... Wastemen 16:10....Saving Lives at Sea 17:10..........Tribes, Predators and Me 18:10......... Raiders of the Lost Ark 20:00......... Dragons’ Den 21:00.. Eight Go Rallying: The Road to Saigon 22:00................... Romesh Ranganathan: Irrational Live 23:00..Man Like Mobeen 23:45........... Pump up the Bhangra 00:45.............Countryfile 01:40.............. Holby City

06:00 .............................Sooty 06:10 ................. Make it Pop 06:35 ................... Dino Dana 06:50 ...... Cut the Rope: Om Nom Stories 06:55.. The Oddbods Show 07:05..... Ninjago: Decoded 07:30....................Toonmarty 07:55....... Drop Dead Weird 08:25....................... ITV News 08:30... Zoe Ball on Sunday 09:25....... Japandemonium 09:55................. Cannonball! 10:55.........Ninja Warrior UK 12:00............WOS Wrestling 13:00...ITV Lunchtime News 13:15... Big Star’s Little Star 14:15................ Catchphrase 15:00..........................Tenable 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00..ITV Evening News 18:30.........Paul O’grady’s Little Heroes 19:00....... The Chase: The Bloopers 20:00........Jurassic World 22:20................ ITV News 22:35........ Larry Grayson: Shut That Door!

06:05..................Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free

BBC1, 20.00

In this episode, the team investigates whether a small watercolour sketch could be the work of the great British 20th century sculptor Henry Moore. The sketch is the only piece possibly by a British artist in a Nazi hoard of around 1,500 works discovered in Germany in 2012. Known as the ‘Gurlitt hoard’ the collection is now housed in the Museum Of Fine Art in Bern in Switzerland, who asked Fake Or Fortune? for help. Every single piece in this vast collection has to be researched to verify its provenance. If an artwork was stolen or looted from Jewish families, it should be returned. As they embark on their investigation, Fiona and Philip need to establish two things: firstly, is this a genuine work by Henry Moore or a fake? Secondly, if it is by Henry Moore, how did a sketch by a British artist end up in a Nazi art hoard? The answer to this question will decide its fate. The investigation takes us on a journey from pre-war Britain, where the little known Henry Moore was beginning to make waves as a daring and progressive sculptor, to Germany in the 1930s. The sketch, which features multiple reclining figures, is distinctive in the way it’s been created, and Philip meets Henry Moore’s daughter Mary, hoping that she may detect her father’s hand at work. He also compares the sketch to other genuine works by Moore from the time and subjects it to forensic tests. Will they reveal the smoking gun that will firmly put the name Henry Moore to this small drawing? Meanwhile in Germany, Fiona is on the provenance trail. She discovers that in the early 1930s Hildebrand Gurlitt, the man who amassed this valuable hoard, was a forward-looking museum curator who encouraged avant-garde artists like Henry Moore. But this wasn’t to last. In 1933 Hitler consolidated his power in Germany and set out to purge the country of any modern progressive art, which the Nazis termed “degenerate art”. Hildebrand Gurlitt lost his job but, in an extraordinary transformation, used his knowledge of the art Hitler hated to become one of four dealers allowed to sell degenerate art on the international market. Could the sketch have been one that Hitler wanted to supress? And if so, how and when did Hildebrand Gurlitt get his hands on it? Fiona follows the trail to Berlin and to the Schönhausen Palace where much of the so-called degenerate art was stored and viewed by the select few dealers tasked with making money for the Nazi regime. This is an investigation that twists and turns through one of the darkest periods of art history. With their dossier of evidence complete, have Fiona and Philip done enough to convince the Henry Moore Review Panel that this is a genuine early work by Henry Moore? And if it is genuine, who is the rightful owner?

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

06:10 ........................ Motorsport

09:00...................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

06:35 ........................ Motorsport

09:15.........Shimmer and Shine

07:05 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

09:30....................Digby Dragon

08:00............... Everybody Loves Raymond

09:55............................ Peppa Pig

08:30................. Para Swimming: European Championships 09:30..................Sunday Brunch 12:30..............................Peng Life 13:00............................Formula 1 13:40............................Formula 1

09:50............................ Peppa Pig 10:00.................Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

06:50......Emmerdale Omnibus 09:40..............Coronation Street Omnibus 12:35............... Ninja Warrior UK 13:35......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold 14:40 ..............................Smurfs 2 15:40.............................. FYI Daily

10:55...........Police Interceptors

16:45.............Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

13:40......... The Prince of Egypt

16:30............................Formula 1 17:35...............................Car S.O.S

16:50..................................5 News

18:30.......... Channel 4 News

16:55....................... Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

19:00................Flying Across Britain with Arthur Williams

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

10:35...................Dogs Make You Laugh Out Loud

15:50....................... Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

15:45 ..............................Smurfs 2

17:50...............................FYI Daily 17:55.............Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 19:30............... Rock of Ages 22:00.................. Family Guy

19:00............Worst Celebrity Pop Songs Ever

22:30.................. Family Guy

20:00............. Hidden Britain by Drone

20:55.........5 News Weekend

23:25............ American Dad!

21:00.................World War Z

21:00....Celebrity Big Brother

00:25...The Cleveland Show

22:00........... The Bodyguard


00:35....... Whitney Houston: A Tragic Love

01:15............Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

08:55............Location, Location, Location

06:00 ..........The Hour of Power

07:25..... Scrapheap Challenge

10:00............Location, Location, Location

07:00 ................. Modern Family

08:20 ............ Ice Road Truckers

07:30 ................. Modern Family

09:20 ............................. Top Gear

08:00................. Modern Family

11:00 ............................. Top Gear

08:30................. Modern Family

12:00............................. Top Gear

09:00 ................... The Simpsons

14:00.......... Would I Lie to You?

10:00 ................... The Simpsons

14:40 ......... Would I Lie to You?

11:00........................... WWE Raw

15:20 ......... Would I Lie to You?

12:00............... Andre the Giant

16:00 .......................... Red Dwarf

14:00 ................... The Simpsons

16:40 .......................... Red Dwarf

15:00 ................... The Simpsons

17:20 .......................... Red Dwarf

16:00 ................... The Simpsons

18:00........ Red Bull Soapbox Race 2017

23:15...................... 47 Ronin 01:30........ The Crystal Maze

12:05........ Come Dine with Me

Fake Or Fortune? 24th August - 30th August 2018

14:15........ Come Dine with Me 14:50......................Four in a Bed 15:50......................Four in a Bed 16:50......................Four in a Bed 17:20........ Come Dine with Me 17:50........ Come Dine with Me 18:20.... Come Dine with Me 18:55.... Come Dine with Me 19:25.... Come Dine with Me 19:55............. The Secret Life of 5 Year Olds 21:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 22:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency?

17:00 ................... The Simpsons 18:00 .............The Simpsons 19:00 .............The Simpsons 19:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00 ................. A League of Their Own 21:00........................S.W.A.T.

22:55.................. Family Guy

19:00................Detroit Steel 20:00......Cop Car Workshop 21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00............ Judge Romesh 22:30............ Judge Romesh

23:05.....24 Hours in a and E

22:00.............. Hawaii Five-0

23:00.................... Room 101

00:10.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares

23:00...................... NCIS: Los Angeles

23:40.................... Room 101 00:20.................... Room 101

01:15................... Emergency Helicopter Medics

00:00.................... MacGyver

01:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

01:00........................S.W.A.T. 24th August - 30th August 2018

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:00.................... Countryfile Summer Diaries 09:45....... Homes Under the Hammer 10:45..............Wanted Down Under 11:30.............. Thief Trackers 12:00.............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:30 ......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 14:15................Escape to the Country 15:15.............. Royal Recipes 16:00... Money for Nothing 17:00....................Impossible 17:45............................Flog It! 18:15............... BBC News 19:00................ The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 20:00....................Would I Lie to You? 20:30............. EastEnders 21:00......The Bodyguard 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35................... Cuckoo 23:00...One Hot Summer 23:30....... American High School 00:15................. Celebrity Apprentice USA

monday 27th august

06:10................... The TV That Made Me

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

06:40...................Animal Park Summer Special

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 ...............The Wright Stuff 11:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15......................... GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:10 ....................... Draining the Bermuda Triangle 15:00.................. Major Dundee 16:00 .................................5 News 16:05 .................. Major Dundee 17:25 ................ 5 News Tonight 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 19:30........ Criminals Caught on Camera 20:00................. Traffic Cops 21:00....Celebrity Big Brother 22:00..... Meghan and Harry: 100 Days Married 23:00................ Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:05.............The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door

06:00.................. Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:45 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 07:10.............. Dress to Impress 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 09:25 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 10:25....................Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams 12:25......................... Emmerdale 12:55.............Coronation Street 14:00....Celebrity Catchphrase 15:00....The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:15................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 18:45............ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 21:00.................. Family Guy 21:30.......................Ghosted 22:00.................. Family Guy 23:00............ American Dad! 23:55...The Cleveland Show 00:25 ...........................Plebs 00:55....Two and a Half Men 01:25 ................. Superstore

23:40.......... Killer Women with Piers Morgan

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:00 .............Monkey Business

09:30 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:30 .............Monkey Business

07:10 ............................... Ice Road Truckers

00:35... Long Lost Family

10:30 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 .......................Monkey Life

01:25............ Jackpot247

11:35..................... Four in a Bed

08:00 ................ Meerkat Manor

12:05..................... Four in a Bed

09:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue

12:35..................... Four in a Bed

10:00 ................. Modern Family

13:10 .....................Four in a Bed

11:00 ...........................MacGyver

13:40 .....................Four in a Bed

12:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

14:10....... Come Dine with Me

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

14:40....... Come Dine with Me

14:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:15 ....... Come Dine with Me

16:00 ................... The Simpsons

15:50 ....... Come Dine with Me

17:30 ............................Futurama

16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

18:00.................... Futurama

18:00.......................... Best of Red Bull Soapbox Race

16:50 ........... A Place in the Sun

18:30..............The Simpsons

19:00............. Aussie Pickers

17:55 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

19:30............. The Simpsons

20:00.........James May’s Cars of the People

18:55 ............. The Supervet 19:55 ........... Grand Designs

21:00.................. A League of Their Own

21:00 ..............Phil Spencer’s Stately Homes

22:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

22:40 ................... Room 101

22:00.... A Very British Hotel

23:00.........Carpool Karaoke

23:05.....24 Hours in a and E

00:00..........The Force: Essex

01:15...............Phil Spencer’s Stately Homes

01:00......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

00:00.................... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

08:10........ Fake or Fortune?

10:30 .............. This Morning

09:10.............................. Coast

12:30............ Loose Women

10:10 ......Daddy Long Legs 12:10 ............. The Cruel Sea

13:45..............ITV Lunchtime News

14:15 .......................Triathlon

13:55...... ITV News London

15:15 ..............Ocean Giants

14:00............... Judge Rinder

16:15 ................. Lost Land of the Jaguar

15:00.................... Dickinson’s Real Deal

18:00................. Celebrity Eggheads 18:45.... The Repair Shop 19:30........... Great British Menu

16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 .................... The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News

20:00...Nadiya’s Family CW 19:00............ Emmerdale Favourites choice 19:30..............Coronation 20:30............... University Street Challenge 20:30.............Dad’s Army 21:00......Drinkers Like Wce 22:20................ ITV News C oi Me - Adrian Chiles ch 22:40................ Inside the 22:00....Riz Ahmed: Road Court of Appeal to Englistan 22:30......... The Reluctant Fundamentalist 00:30................Searching for Mum

25 CW

06:20................ King of Queens 07:35.............. Everybody Loves Raymond 09:05.................................. Frasier 10:05.............. Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:00 ................... The Simpsons 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 ...............Bang on Budget 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00..................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:00........................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 17:00 ....... Come Dine with Me 17:30................... The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 19:30 .......Food Unwrapped 20:00 .................. How to Get Rich Quick 20:30........Jamie Cooks Italy 21:00................... Speed with Guy Martin 22:30......... Who is America? 23:05........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 00:05............... Kinky Britain


17:15....Antiques Road Trip

TV Guide


Drinkers Like Me - Adrian Chiles e c i o ch BBC2, 21.00

Adrian Chiles takes a long, hard look at his relationship with alcohol. Like an awful lot of people he’s a steady, seemingly moderate, regular drinker. While he drinks most days, he rarely gets drunk, never lets alcohol get him into trouble and doesn’t get hangovers. But it turns out he drinks much more than he thought, and his physical and mental health is suffering. But if he’s got a problem then so has half the country. In this revealingly intimate documentary for BBC Two, Adrian Chiles takes a long hard look at his love of boozing. He wants to find out why he and many others find life almost impossible to enjoy without it, yet don’t think of themselves as addicted to alcohol. Adrian, who admits he drinks almost every day, starts a drinking diary and is shocked by what he finds. He goes back to his childhood home where his drinking started, and remembers how his teenage life revolved around boozing. He also revisits his obsession with trying to get served underage in pubs. He reflects that most of his friendships are built around drinking, and how he relies on alcohol in his social life. Having been shocked to realise how much he’s drinking, another unpleasant surprise comes Adrian’s way in a consultation with a liver specialist. And a session with an addiction therapist leads him to realise he, and many others, need to cut right down or quit boozing altogether. He wonders if going teetotal might be for him, but a close friend - who hasn’t touched a drop in 30 years - thinks otherwise.



20:30..............The Simpsons

08:00 ............................... Ice Road Truckers 08:45............................... Ice Road Truckers 09:40............................. Top Gear 11:40............................. Top Gear 12:40............................. Top Gear 14:10.......................... Big Daddy 16:00 ...............Groundhog Day

21:00............................ QI XL 22:00................... Room 101 23:20................... Room 101


Nadiya’s Family Favourites - Wind Down Weekends BBC2, 20.00

Nadiya Hussain shares her recipes to keep the whole family happy. In episode six, she caters for scrumptious wind-down weekend dishes. Dishes include a smokey spinach shakshuka, squid risotto, Nadiya’s family twist on Sunday lunch, and an orange and coffee poke cake. Nadiya’s quest to find the best homemade marmalade in Britain takes her to Preston, where she meets 102 year-old Nora, and her penchant for a good cup of tea lands her in Britain’s first ever tea plantation in Cornwall.

CW 26

TV Guide

tuesday 28th august 24th August - 30th August 2018

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.................... Countryfile Summer Diaries 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer

06:00................... The TV That Made Me

06:00............ Good Morning Britain

06:30.................... Countryfile Summer Diaries

08:30........................ Lorraine

07:15 ...................Impossible

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:00..............Wanted Down Under

08:00............ Nadiya’s Family Favourites

10:30 .............. This Morning

11:45.............. Thief Trackers

08:30..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown

13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News

12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One

09:00... Victoria Derbyshire

12:30............ Loose Women

13:55...... ITV News London

13:45.......... Murder, Mystery and My Family

11:00..BBC Newsroom Live

14:30................Escape to the Country


15:00.................... Dickinson’s Real Deal

15:30.............. Royal Recipes

15:15...............Ocean Giants

16:00...............Tipping Point

16:15............................Flog It!

16:15.................. Lost Land of the Jaguar

17:00..................... The Chase: Celebrity Special


17:15....Antiques Road Trip

18:00..... BBC News at Six

18:00................. Celebrity Eggheads

18:00................. ITV News London

18:30............ BBC London News

13:00.............................. Coast

14:00............... Judge Rinder

18:30..ITV Evening News

18:45.... The Repair Shop

19:00............ Emmerdale

19:00........The One Show

19:30.Great British Menu

19:30............. EastEnders

20:00............Saving Lives at Sea

19:30.......... £10k Holiday Home

20:00...........Holby City


ch oi ce

21:00.............. Age Before Beauty 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:45..... The Truth About Looking Good 23:45........ KKK: The Fight for White Supremacy 00:45............... BBC News



21:00........... A Passage to Britain

20:00.. Love Your Garden

06:20 ................ King of Queens 07:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 ..................................Frasier 10:05.............. Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:00 ................... The Simpsons 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 ...............Bang on Budget 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ..................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:00 .......................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 17:00....... Come Dine with Me 17:30 ................... The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00 .........The Great British Bake Off 21:15 ........ First Dates Hotel 22:20....... Naked Attraction 23:20.....24 Hours in a and E 00:20..................... One Born Every Minute

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

01:00...............Super Casino

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:50........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 07:15.............. Dress to Impress 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:30 ............Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ............. The Bachelorette 11:45 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 12:45 ............Coronation Street 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:55 .....................Judge Rinder 18:00........ Dress to Impress 19:00................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30 ................. Superstore 21:00 ...........American Pie 2 23:10.................. Family Guy 00:10............ American Dad!

09:15 ...............The Wright Stuff 11:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ......................... Neighbour 14:15 ......................................NCIS 15:10........................ Deadly B&B 17:00........................ 5 News at 5 17:30....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00....Moto GP Highlights 20:00 .......The Yorkshire Vet 21:15.......................Celebrity Big Brother 22:45................ Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 23:45.......................Celebrity Big Brother

21:00... Long Lost Family

22:00.. The Wedding Guru

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather


22:30.. ITV News London

23:15......... Dragons’ Den

22:45... The Frankenstein Chronicles

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:00 .............Monkey Business

07:10............ Ice Road Truckers

09:30 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 .......................Monkey Life

08:10................... Aussie Pickers

23:50.......Lethal Weapon

11:35 .....................Four in a Bed

07:30 .......................Monkey Life

00:35............ Jackpot247

12:35 .....................Four in a Bed

08:00 ................ Meerkat Manor

09:00........................ Abandoned Engineering

13:40..................... Four in a Bed

09:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue

14:10 ....... Come Dine with Me

10:00 ................. Modern Family

14:40 ....... Come Dine with Me

10:30 ................. Modern Family

15:15 ....... Come Dine with Me

11:00........................... MacGyver

15:50 ....... Come Dine with Me

12:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

14:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

16:50 ........... A Place in the Sun

15:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

17:55 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

16:00 ................... The Simpsons

00:15.................. The Real Marigold Hotel 01:15.......... Heir Hunters

Holby City BBC1, 20.00

Holby City has worked with the mental health charity Mind on a special episode focusing on male mental health. Long- serving Dr Sacha Levy (Bob Barrett, pictured) struggles with his emotions after a devastating surgical outcome for a favourite patient. The episode departs from Holby’s usual format, exploring previously shown scenes from a new perspective, as the shattered consultant looks back at a testing year at Holby.

10:00............. American Pickers 11:00................... Aussie Pickers 12:00.............. James May’s Cars of the People 13:00 ........................ Abandoned Engineering 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 16:00 .................Sin City Motors 17:00 .....................Timber Kings

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

18:00 ............. Late Nite Eats

17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00.................... Futurama

18:30 ......Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm

18:30 .............The Simpsons

19:00 ............ Aussie Pickers

20:00. Freddie Down Under

20:00 ................... Scrappers

21:00......... An Idiot Abroad

21:00 ........................... QI XL

23:05........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

22:00................. A League of Their Own

22:00.... Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience

00:10.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares

23:00.... The Late Late Show

23:20................................. QI

00:00.................. A League of Their Own

00:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

01:00.............. Hawaii Five-0


18:55 ............. The Supervet 19:55 ........... Grand Designs 21:00 ......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 22:00............ Hidden Britain by Drone

01:15.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 24th August - 30th August 2018

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ................... Countryfile Summer Diaries 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer

wednesday 29th August

06:00 .................. The TV That Made Me

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

06:30.................... Countryfile Summer Diaries

08:30........................ Lorraine


09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:00..............Wanted Down Under

08:00....................Snowdonia Shepherdess

10:30.............. This Morning

11:45 ............. Thief Trackers

08:30..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown

13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News

12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00...... BBC News at One

09:00... Victoria Derbyshire

12:30............ Loose Women

14:00............... Judge Rinder

13:45......... Murder, Mystery and My Family

11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 13:00.............................. Coast

15:00.................... Dickinson’s Real Deal

14:30....................... Escape to the Country

13:20.......A Town Like Alice

16:00...............Tipping Point

15:30 ............. Royal Recipes

15:15...............Ocean Giants

16:15 ...........................Flog It!

16:15.......... Lost Land of the Jaguar

17:00..................... The Chase: Celebrity Special

17:15 ...................Impossible

17:15....Antiques Road Trip

19:00............ Emmerdale

18:00 ...... BBC News at Six

18:00................. Celebrity Eggheads

19:30..Coronation Street

18:30 .. BBC London News

18:00.. ITV News London

CW ch oi ce

18:45.... The Repair Shop

20:00....Paul O’Grady’s Little Heroes

19:30.Great British Menu

20:30..Coronation Street

20:00 ............... Shop Well for Less

20:30......... Upstart Crow

21:00.............. Age Before Beauty


21:00.......David Walliams Presents...Revenge of Alright on the Night

22:00 ... BBC News at Ten

23:15.. Eight Go Rallying: The Road to Saigon

19:00 .......The One Show 19:30 .......Rip Off Britain

22:45..............A Question of Sport

21:00.................. Horizon 22:30..............Newsnight

23:15.... The Lenny Henry Birthday Show

00:15.................Travels in Trumpland with Ed Balls

00:15............... BBC News

01:15.......... Heir Hunters

06:20................ King of Queens 07:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 ..................................Frasier 10:05 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:00 ................... The Simpsons 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 ...............Bang on Budget 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 .......................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 17:00....... Come Dine with Me 17:30 ................... The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00................... Orangutan Jungle School 21:00.....24 Hours in a and E 22:00.....................Hang Ups 22:35......... First Dates Hotel 23:35.... Inside Alton Towers 00:30.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

TV Guide

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

27 CW

00:05...............The Last Days of Richard Pryor

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:50 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 07:15.............. Dress to Impress 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:30 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20............. The Bachelorette 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 12:45 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 13:45............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:55..................... Judge Rinder 18:00 ........ Dress to Impress 19:00 ................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 20:00 ...Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore 21:00..................... Furious 7 23:45 ................. Family Guy 00:40 ........... American Dad!

09:15 ...............The Wright Stuff 11:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 12:10.......... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15......................... GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ......................................NCIS 15:10 ........... A Wife’s Suspicion 17:00........................ 5 News at 5 17:30....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 .... Police Interceptors 20:00 .................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 21:00. Celebrity Big Brother 22:00.............. The New Wife 23:00................ Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45............... Bad Move

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:00 .............Monkey Business

07:10 ............ Ice Road Truckers

23:15............Through the Keyhole

09:30 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:30 .............Monkey Business

08:10 ................... Aussie Pickers

07:00 .......................Monkey Life

00:10............ Jackpot247

10:30 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:30 .......................Monkey Life

09:00 ........................ Abandoned Engineering

11:35..................... Four in a Bed

08:00 ................ Meerkat Manor

12:35..................... Four in a Bed

08:30 ................ Meerkat Manor

13:40..................... Four in a Bed

09:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue

14:10....... Come Dine with Me

09:30... RSPCA Animal Rescue

14:40 ....... Come Dine with Me

10:00................. Modern Family

15:15....... Come Dine with Me

11:00........................... MacGyver

15:50....... Come Dine with Me

12:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

16:20........ Come Dine with Me

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

16:50........... A Place in the Sun

14:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

17:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

16:00 ................... The Simpsons

18:55.............. The Supervet

17:30............................ Futurama

18:30.......Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm

10:00............. American Pickers 11:00 ................... Aussie Pickers 12:00 ............................. Top Gear 13:00 ........................ Abandoned Engineering 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00 ............................. Top Gear 16:00 .................Sin City Motors 17:00 .....................Timber Kings 18:00............. Late Nite Eats

18:00.................... Futurama

19:55............ Grand Designs

19:00............. Aussie Pickers

18:30............. The Simpsons

21:00.............. The Supervet

20:00................Detroit Steel

20:00 ................. A League of Their Own

21:00............................ QI XL

21:00.........Beverly Hills Cop

23:00 .............Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish

22:00......................This is Us 23:00.......................24 Hours in a and E 00:00........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 01:05......................This is Us


23:05.................. A League of Their Own

22:00............ Judge Romesh

00:05. Stan Lee’s Lucky Man

00:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

01:05.............. Hawaii Five-0


Paul O’Grady’s Little Heroes ITV1, 20.00

Paul meets 13-year-old, dog-loving Amelie, who’s been coming to GOSH since she was a baby with a very rare case of juvenile idiopathic arthritis – JIA . Amelie struggles to walk far and has regular physiotherapy and medication to keep her mobile. Her ankle has become so bad she has to have specialist surgery just to control the pain. Paul has a bit of a soft spot for this little trouper, not least because Amelie’s named her dog “Buster” after his. Paul also gets to meet another little girl that has lived at GOSH since she was 11 months-old, three-year-old Esme, who has a complex heart condition. Whilst she waits for a transplant, she’s attached to a Berlin heart, which means she can’t often go very far. Paul visits Esme’s home from home – her hospital bedroom - and also accompanies her for a special treat – a walk in the park , which isn’t as easy as it sounds. Esme’s parents are on tenterhooks waiting for a new heart in the hope that family life can return to some kind of normality - will they ever get that long-awaited phone call?


CW 28

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ................... Countryfile Summer Diaries 10:00...............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .............Wanted Down Under 11:45.............. Thief Trackers 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:30 ....BBC London News 13:45 ......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 14:30....................... Escape to the Country 15:30 ............. Royal Recipes 16:15........................... Flog It! 17:15................... Impossible 18:00.... BBC News at Six 18:30 .BBC London News 19:00 .......The One Show 19:30 ............ EastEnders 20:00 ................ Celebrity MasterChef 21:00........ Keeping Faith 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:30.BBC London News 22:45..............New Tricks 23:45............ Miriam’s Big American Adventure

thursday 30th august

06:00 .................. The TV That Made Me 06:30.................... Countryfile Summer Diaries 07:15................... Impossible 08:00 ...............Inventing the Impossible: The Big Life Fix 09:00........................... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 ...........BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 ............................. Coast 13:10 ..........The Long Ships 15:15 ..... Kate Humble: Into the Volcano 16:15 .......................The Truth About Lions 17:15.........................Antiques Road Trip 18:00................. Celebrity Eggheads 18:45.... The Repair Shop 19:30 .......... Great British Menu 20:00...Gardeners’ World 21:00......... Extraordinary Rituals 22:00.. Live at the Apollo 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15................... Romesh Ranganathan: Irrational Live

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30........................ Lorraine 09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30.................................. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 13:55....................... ITV News London 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 .................... The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00 ........... Emmerdale

19:30................ Our Debt: The True Cost - Tonight 20:00............ Emmerdale

06:20 ................ King of Queens 07:35 ...........................Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 ..................................Frasier 10:05 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:00 ................... The Simpsons 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 ...............Bang on Budget 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ............ A Place in the Sun 16:00........................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 17:00 ....... Come Dine with Me 17:30 ................... The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00......Location, Location, Location 21:00........ Flights From Hell: Caught on Camera 22:00....Grayson Perry: Rites of Passage: Marriage 23:00......... Who is America? 23:35...... Britain’s Billionaire Immigrants

06:50 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold

12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime

07:15 .............. Dress to Impress

12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:30 ............Coronation Street

13:15 .............. Home and Away

09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

13:45....................... Neighbours 14:15...................................... NCIS 15:10...................... Fatal Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ................ Cricket on 5: England v India 20:00.....Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 21:00. Celebrity Big Brother 22:00..................... Secrets of Mcdonald’s: 100 Billion Dollar Burger

10:20 ............. The Bachelorette 12:15........................ Emmerdale 12:45............ Coronation Street 13:45............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ......................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:55..................... Judge Rinder 18:00........ Dress to Impress 19:00 ................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 20:00........................Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore

06:00 .............Monkey Business

07:10............................... Ice Road Truckers

09:30 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

07:00 .......................Monkey Life

10:30 ........... A Place in the Sun 11:35 .....................Four in a Bed

13:10 .....................Four in a Bed

23:45............... Tonight at the London Palladium

11:15 ......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

08:55 ....................... Best of Food Unwrapped

21:00............. Our Everest Challenge with Ben Fogle and Victoria Pendleton

22:45.......David Walliams Presents... Revenge of Alright on the Night

09:15 ...............The Wright Stuff

21:00................ Bridesmaids

12:05 .....................Four in a Bed

22:30................. ITV News London

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

23:00................ Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

20:30....................Birds of a Feather

22:00................. ITV News at Ten and Weather 24th August - 30th August 2018

12:35 .....................Four in a Bed 13:40 .....................Four in a Bed 14:10 ....... Come Dine with Me 14:40 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:15 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:50 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 18:55.............. The Supervet 19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00....................Outlander 22:20.....24 Hours in a and E 23:20.....24 Hours in a and E

06:30 .............Monkey Business 08:00 ................ Meerkat Manor 09:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue 10:00 ................. Modern Family 10:30 ................. Modern Family 11:00 ...........................MacGyver

23:35.................. Family Guy

08:10 ................... Aussie Pickers 09:00 ........................ Abandoned Engineering 10:00 .............American Pickers 11:00.................... Aussie Pickers 12:00............................. Top Gear

12:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00 ........................ Abandoned Engineering

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

14:00 ............................. Top Gear

14:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:00 ............................. Top Gear

15:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

16:00 .................Sin City Motors

16:00 ................... The Simpsons

17:00 .....................Timber Kings

17:30 ............................Futurama

18:00............. Late Nite Eats

18:30............. The Simpsons

18:30........................ Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm

19:00............. The Simpsons 19:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00 ............... Duck Quacks Don’t Echo 21:00.................. A League of Their Own

19:00............. Aussie Pickers 20:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 21:00............................ QI XL

22:00.......... An Idiot Abroad

22:00............................. Josh

23:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

23:20........... Mock the Week

22:40............................. Josh

TV Guide

24th August - 30th August 2018

29 CW

Just when you get into the swing of taking things easy, sleeping in a little, no homework and uniform washing...

Sarah García

Mummy of 2, and Co-Founder of KidsLife

Then the end of summer creeps up on you just like that! Now’s the time we are all trying to cram as much “family fun time” into the last couple of weeks remaining of the summer, before we have to pack the little ones off to school again. This issue, I want to take the stress out of searching for things to do, and give you all the low down on some fun, family activities to get to before the official back to school date arrives. Remember, just because the school holidays are coming to an end, it doesn’t mean that our never ending summer really is…. Be sure to download the KidsLife App for FREE to make sure you remain up to date with everything there is to know for your little ones. In the meantime, we would LOVE to try to influence our readers and users to help to save our coasts and seas a little…. Next time to you head to the beach, take an extra bucket and spade to try to collect one bucket of plastic and rubbish that has been left on our beaches - help our kids learn to care for our island while appreciating everything we have around us and its importance (speaking from experience, ice cream is a great reward for a full bucket of trash).

24th August, 6pm

Sleepover at the Museums

Open to children aged from 6 to 14 years old… for the end of summer the museums are spoiling us with not one, but TWO sleepovers on the night of the 24th of August. Choose between the Nature museum and the History museum and allow your children to experience the world and it’s history in the most exciting form while making new friends and playing new games. These sleepovers are monitored by professionals however, it is permitted for adults to stay with their children free of charge. 20 euros per child nature and man nusuem & natural history musuem, Santa Cruz/La Laguna

25th / 26th August, 11am - 9pm

Summer Ending Fun

On Saturday, August 25 and Sunday, August 26, from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., the Summer Ending Fun begins, an event that will help us prepare ourselves to return to the routine with the best possible vibration and a lot of energy. We will have activities such as face painting, a very special workshop to decorate your summer shirt and a bouncy castle for the little ones. Bouncy castle: Saturday 25 and Sunday 26: 11:00 - 21: 00h Face Painting: Saturday 25: 17:00 - 20: 00h Decorate your T-Shirt: Sunday 26: 17:00 - 20: 00h

Monday 17th August

Filmoteca - The Smurfs

Enjoying a spot of shopping or a day around the capital at the end of summer? Don’t forget that you can also take your kids to experience a free cinema experience in Spanish thanks to the Fundación CajaCanarias. This Monday is the turn of the Smurfs. free Fundacion Caja Canarias, Santa Cruz

1st September, 6pm

Trolu’s Show

Siam Mall let’s his in for a family treat, with a show from our favourite, colourful long haired friends. An event that promises fun and where everyone can meet and take pictures with their favourite characters.

7th September, 17.30

Little Chef Workshop - Rice Special Open to kids aged from 4 to 12 years. A special children’s little chef workshop. Healthy, nutritional and creative meals - prepared by your little ones. Price: Call 616 211 362 Centro ciudadano las madres de padre anchieta, La laguna 8th September, 6.30pm

Coco Show

Fun family show featuring the characters from Disney’s Coco. Hang around until the end to take your picture with your favourite characters.



Siam mall

centro comercial Añaza, carrefour

1st September, 6.30pm

Tuesdays - sundays, 10am - 8pm

Princess Show

Come and have a great time with the fun, family friendly Princess Show in the Plaza del Agua of the Añaza Carrefour Shopping Center!Come and take a picture with them at the end of the show! With the collaboration of well known children’s entertainer, Alegría.



Siam Mall

centro comercial Añaza, carrefour

Mini Tea and Children’s Exhibitions For all the families on the island who haven’t yet experienced this fantastic initiative with their children… don’t miss out. The Mini TEA makes your trip to Santa Cruz all the more beneficial. The exhibition centre provides a large space designed only for children (from approx 4 years+) accompanied by their families to allow them the freedom to create and develop through paints and plastics, arts and crafts and new activities. At the same time the “miniExpo” is also open to families to enjoy and experience together - until the 23rd of September the exposition is entitles “The Garden” by Tenerife artist Juan C a r l o s Batista. FREE TEA - Tenerife espacio de las artes, santa cruz

CW 30

Advertisement 24th August - 30th August 2018

World News

24th August - 30th August 2018

A BRITISH businessman, who is seriously ill, has been confined to an Andalucian prison cell for the past two months, after being accused of drug-smuggling. Robert Anthony MansfieldHewitt, 51, was arrested after police swooped on his rented home, during a business trip he was making to Gibraltar two months ago. The consultant engineer, pictured, who insists he is innocent, has yet to be charged over the 1.5 tonnes of hashish discovered by police in the garage of the Airbnb villa he was renting. He insists he has “no connection” with the drugs being stored at the home, in Campamento, San Roque. The villa’s owner, believed to have been charged last September with the importation and possession of cocaine, with intent to supply the substance in Gibraltar, is said to be “lying low” on the Rock. Mr Mansfield-Hewitt was awoken and “dragged out of bed, practically naked, at gunpoint” by police officers at 8.30pm on 27th June. Colleagues and friends told online newspaper Olive Press that Mr MansfieldHewitt, who has a PhD in physics and no criminal record, has been imprisoned wrongfully.

Sick Brit held by cops for huge hashish find at his rented property

They added that the Chichester-based engineer, who’s in a critical condition, is being held in the medical wing at Botafuegos Prison, in Algeciras. It is said to be a dangerous jail, which, notoriously, houses a number of Basque ETA terrorists. The Brit, a consultant at Gibraltar electrical company Genco Holdings Ltd, travels there regularly, yet suffers from Ascites, an abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen, and walks with a cane. His personal assistant, 54-year-old June Ford, was “horrified” to receive a call from her boss at La Linea police station. She said: “He was at the station, shouting ‘please help me, help me, bring me clothes; there’s loads of drugs in the house’. “It was horrible. I rushed there with a huge bag of medication, which he needs to take daily for his illness.” After spending two days in a cell, he appeared before a judge at San Roque Court. before being sent to Botafuegos prison. Ms Ford is concerned that

he has not been receiving the correct medication, because he collapsed in shock as his ‘body started to shut down’ on the way to prison. He was rushed to ICU at Hospital Punta de Europa, where his survival chances were described as ‘touch and go’. “Robert’s family are desperate to get him out of prison,” added Ms Ford. “The doctor said he hadn’t been given his medication and his liver was functioning

at just 15%. His heartbeat was almost non-existent and he was delirious.” His lawyer Jose Maria Castro Escudero believes he is now being administered the correct medication, but still remains in a critical condition and is “psychologically” traumatised. The nightmare began after police were alerted to the stash after following a man of Moroccan nationality, who pulled up outside the property and attempted to

31 CW

get into the garage. There, police found 48 packets of hashish, each weighing around 33kg. If found guilty, Mr MansfieldHewitt could be sentenced to up to six years in a Spanish prison. His lawyer, who said he was fighting every day to free Robert, revealed that a judge was set to visit Mr Mansfield-Hewitt this week to make a decision on his future. Escudero told the Olive Press: “He doesn’t have anything to do with this. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. They don’t have a single piece of evidence that links him to the drugs, only that he was nearby. “There’s no photo or CCTV footage that shows him going into the garage, and he didn’t have a car.” Airbnb, which said it was “investigating the propertyowner’s account”, has since deleted the accommodation listing. A British Consulate spokesperson said: “We are assisting a British man following his arrest in Cádiz in July, and our staff are in contact with the Spanish police.” The affair echoes the case of Scotsman Robbie McMiller, who was arrested when four marijuana plants were found on an Airbnb property he was renting, also in the La Linea area. He is still stuck in Spain, awaiting his day in court.

Jewel thief is now a convicted killer INTERNATIONAL jewel thief, Gonzalo Andreas GomezRemolina, has been convicted of murdering a 28-year-old Spanish man and his friend.

The 36-year-old Columbian and his brother Christian, who killed himself in prison before his own murder trial, stabbed to death Ruben Fuente and Carlos Ayala in Clapham, south London, in 2007. Mr Ayala had helped the defendant in at least one burglary, and, the Old Bailey heard, he named his killer with his dying breath. Spaniard Mr Fuente, who was in the “wrong place at the wrong time”, was stabbed eight times as he tried to escape,” the jury were told. Prosecutor Brian O’Neill QC said Mr Ayala and the Gomez-Remolinas brothers had “fallen out… over

Cornelia and Erin had to wait until 3am for a taxi ride home

Sorry, we’re too tired to take you on holiday

dividing the spoils”. Their row escalated when Mr Ayala encouraged some friends to break into the brothers’ flat. The Colombians received a beating and their girlfriends were tied up, and wrist-watches and cash were stolen. The GomezRemolinas retaliated by attempting to run over Mr Ayala and Mr Fuente in a car park. During his trial, the

defendant denied being involved in the killings, saying he had bolted when Mr Ayala produced a knife, and that his brother had confessed to the killings while the two brothers fled on a Eurostar service to Paris. However, the jury convicted him of both murders. After the trial, Mr Fuente’s family said they had “endured the greatest heartache”.

ANGRY families were left stranded when their easyJet flight to Mallorca was cancelled, because the cabin crew “were too tired”. Holiday-makers, flying from Belfast to Palma Airport, were shocked when the airline made the announcement at around midnight last Sunday. The flight was scheduled for an 8.45pm departure, but 146 passengers were left wondering what on earth had happened to the service. Cornelia Dalipe and her 15-year-old daughter, Erin, said they were yet more shocked to see the police waiting outside, as the crew were led through a separate door. Yet none of the passengers had been aggressive, and

Cornelia said: “We couldn’t believe what we were being told. There are many people who work 12-14-hour shifts, and they just get on with it.” She added: “There were babies crying, and parents of children with special needs were trying to find a solution.” The airline has since apologised for the “crew issue”, and an easyJet statement added: “We can confirm that flight EZY6711, from Belfast to Palma, was cancelled on Saturday, 18th August, due to two members of the cabin crew feeling unfit to operate. “Cabin crew and pilots have an obligation, under safety regulations, to report if they feel unable to operate.”

CW 32

Advertisement 24th August - 30th August 2018


24th August - 30th August 2018

33 CW

Are you sitting comfortably?

CHOOSING a sofa is a difficult decision, because they are expensive pieces of furniture, and there are almost infinite possibilities. You might think you know what you want, but then your eye is caught by a snazzylooking, low-backed, leather number in a big retailer. But what happens when you get it home, and, either it doesn’t fit in your room, or, after a week of sitting on it, you find that it might look great, but it just isn’t comfortable? So, where to start? First of all, if you already have a sofa you love but it’s just a bit tatty, consider having it recovered. That’s generally a cheaper option than replacement, and, after all, you already know that it fits in your room, and it’s comfortable!

Of course, you can change the appearance of your room completely by choosing a different colour and pattern, to tone with the rest of your room. If that’s not the case, and you need to buy new, think about your room, and how it is laid out. And do take careful measurements! A sofa that looks small in a huge warehouse, may not fit in your lounge, and take into account the colour of your flooring and walls, and how the new furniture will tone. Of course, it’s important that your sofa looks the part, but functionality is key. Consider how you sit on your sofa as well. That might sound like a strange thing to say, but if you like to lay on the sofa, choose one with low-padded arms, which can double as a pillow. If you prefer to sit and lean on the arm while you read, for example, make sure that it is the right height to make it comfortable for you. Lots of big chain stores sell sofas really cheaply,

but, as with most things in life, you get what you pay for. If you have to replace the couch in 12 months, because it’s sagging or breaking, it’s not a good investment, even if you didn’t pay much for it. And if it’s just not comfortable, you’re compromising your precious downtime, when you should be at your most relaxed. Your sofa, like your bed, should have sufficient support as well as softness, but, often, that isn’t the case, with very cheap items. If you want to increase the number of people

your property can sleep, particularly if you rent it out, or have family who visit, consider a sofa-bed. These come in all sorts of designs and fabrics, so you don’t need to compromise on comfort. Nowadays, mattresses are generally made of foam, which will bend back inside the sofa for storage, and are much more comfortable than the old, sprung versions. After you’ve made your decisions, the next thing to think about is colour and pattern. You can pick a bright, bold colour and make

the sofa the focal point of the room, or you can go for neutral, and jazz it up with patterned cushions. With materials used on sofas in Tenerife, it needs to be taken into account that people often use sun-cream, so white-linen couches are probably not the best choice. Faux leathers are easy to wipe clean, but sometimes don’t fare so well in sunlight, and can be unpleasant to sit on when you are hot. All in all, the choices can be difficult and confusing. Another option is to

seek the advice of an interior designer, who can take all the above factors into consideration, and also view your options with a more dispassionate eye. Often, sofas can be made to order on the island within a couple of weeks, which means you can decide on the size of the sofa, the height of the back, the shape of the arms, and also the colour and fabric! Deco Nuevo offer all the services mentioned and provide free quotes at your property, with no obligation. For more details, call 922 789 729.

Soya milk not so healthy after all By Val Sainsbury NUMEROUS people consume soya milk for various reasons, including being intolerant to lactose, (the natural sugar in milk), or because they are vegan and avoid dairy products. Fortified soya milk is high in calcium, protein, B vitamins and iron, but low in saturated fats and cholesterol. However, scientists have found that the consumption of soya milk can seriously endanger health. Its effects have been a topic of controversy for many years, but there is a significant amount of evidence indicating that soya milk severely affects the body. Ingredients of soya milk: · Filtered water, whole soybeans · Cane sugar · Riboflavin

· Vitamin B12 · Vitamin A palmitate · Carrageenan · Calcium carbonate · Vitamin D2 · Sea salt · Natural flavour The majority of the ingredients may sound familiar, but many people haven’t heard of carrageenan. It is a member of the family of linear sulfated polysaccharides, which are extracted from red edible seaweeds. They are commonly used in the food

industry, because of their stabilising, gelling, and thickening properties. The digestion of carrageenan is harmful to the body, and it has no nutritional value. In fact, it is destructive to the immune system, even though it is derived from a natural source. It leads to a negative immune response which causes inflammation. Studies have found a link between carrageenan and an increased colon-cancer

rate, as well as gastrointestinal inflammation which can lead to chronic diarrhoea, IBS, spastic colon, and inflammatory-bowel disease. Reasons to avoid soy milk: Soy involves plant oestrogens known as phytoestrogens, which disrupt the function of the endocrine system, and can cause infertility and breast cancer in women. Around 99% of soy is GMO (genetically

modified), meaning that it has one of the highest pesticide contamination levels. Soy foods are rich in aluminum, which is toxic to the body, and negatively affects the kidney and the nervous system. Also, aluminum has been associated with Alzheimer's. Soybeans also involve haemagglutinin, which is a clot-promoting substance which forces red blood cells to clump together. Soy also has toxic isoflavones which

trigger the growth of existing breast cancer. The spray-drying process leads to the formation of nitrates, which are powerful carcinogens (substances capable of causing cancer). Soybeans are rich in natural toxins that affect oestrogen levels. The consumption of just two glasses of soy milk daily dramatically changes the hormones in a woman's body, and leads to disruptions of the menstrual cycle.

CW 34

Community News

24th August - 30th August 2018

Cats Welfare News

A starry-eyed evening!

CATS Welfare will be holding a unique event at Harvey's Bar, Los Cristianos, on Saturday, 8th September at 6pm, to raise much-needed funds for the charity. The evening will be based on the popular TV series Stars In Their Eyes, and entrants will have to look, and sound, as much like their chosen artistes as possble! Amazing

transformations will be taking place, when, for a few hours, “ordinary” people become icons from the world of music. Please come and support our cause.

There will be a raffle, with fantastic prizes up for grabs, including a laptop computer, boat trip, paragliding, full car-engine service and exterior polish, jet

Blue is the colour…

A SPECIAL event will be taking place at the Cosy Corner Bar, Costa del Silencio, from 12.30 pm this Sunday (26th August), to help raise awareness of men’s cancers. It promises to be a day of fun and laughter, for a cause close to the heart of organiser Jacqui Peters, who will be kicking off the entertainment at 1pm. Many more performers will follow, and there will be a superb charity auction, raffles and prizes, as well as a BBQ and beer tent. And be prepared to pay a forfeit if not wearing blue! If anyone would like to donate a prize, please contact Jacqui on 616 283 342.

skiing, two tickets to Showtime, and much more. Further details to come! Clothing needed! If you have any unwanted summer clothes, please bring them into our shop on San Blas, Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino). Tom and Justine Sometimes, very small kittens just don't fit into our lifestyles, for many different reasons. They need a lot more attention than those who are a little bit older, and it's not always possible to find that

extra amount of time. Tom and Justine (pictured) may fit the bill very nicely, though, because they are about 15 weeks old, and becoming really independent. They have been deflead, dewormed and neutered. If you are interested in meeting them, please send us a private message on Facebook. We have lots of other adorable kittens available, all waiting to be adopted so that they can start their new lives in special, new homes! As well as kittens, we

have several adult cats available, male and female, ranging from 18 months to seven years. All adults are leukaemia negative, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. All cats are adopted with a week's trial in your home. If you are interested, please contact us via Facebook, or ring/ WhatsApp Sandra (English, Spanish and German) on 6712 82773 after 6pm, or Sharon (English) on 662 524 006. Our shop We always need cat food, litter, sheets, towels, bedding etc. for the cats and kittens in our care, and also good quality/condition items for sale in our shop. It is open seven days a week, 10-6pm. If you don't have transport, or have large, bulky items such as furniture and household effects to donate, please ring Mark on 6365 90557, and he will arrange collection from you.

Accion del Sol News

Look at those eyes!

THIS gorgeous little pup, who's only 2-3 months old, was found wandering around the streets of Los Cristianos. We don't know anything about him, but, rest assured, he is now safely at the refuge and on his way to recovery. After the legal length of time, he will be up for adoption to find a new, loving home. Assistance required Please do call the refuge on 6643 21219, between 8am-5pm, if you can help in any way. We always

need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm. Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the north-bound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the right-hand side. E-mail the refuge at teneriffa@ or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol.

Community News

24th August - 30th August 2018

35 CW

Helping Hands

Journey into space

ALEX and Gaynor, are inviting members of the public to a unique, planetarium event, bringing astronomy closer to them.

It’s taking place at Gran Sur commercial centre’s Hollywood Restaurant next Saturday (1st September), from 2pm to 8pm, and, said Alex: “We have a spectacular, mobile pop-up planetarium, which accommodates up to 60 people. “The videos displayed come from NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Germany’s ESO Supernova as well.” He added: “It is our aim to bring astronomy closer to people, so, with the co-operation of Poland’s Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, we have prepared an

K9 Animal News WHITNEY is looking for a new home! She is a pointer, and approximately nine years old. She was abandoned at the refuge overnight.

Nevertheless, she is very friendly and affectionate. She was a little overwhelmed by the other dogs at the refuge, but is very good with people. She loves to go for walks whenever she can, and is always wagging her tail. Unfortunately, Whitney has been diagnosed with mild heartworm, but she will receive full treatment while in our care. Ideally, after she has received this treatment, it is better for her to recover in a warm and quiet environment. Apart from this, Whitney is perfectly healthy, and looking for a new home where she can live out the rest of her days, peacefully. If you would like to meet her, do not hesitate to contact us on 6676 38468. Meet our dogs! We have many dogs, in all shapes and sizes, waiting patiently for their loving, safe-and-secure, forever homes. You can see them all, their stories and pictures, on our website at Go to “K9 dogs/Dogs waiting for homes”.

astronomy book for children and parents, to make it easy and accessible to all. “It will be available to purchase during the event, and all funds collected from the entrance tickets, the book and the raffle, will be directed towards the Helping Hands charity for needy children. “During the event, you will see the film ‘From Earth to the Universe’, and you’ll also see the sun through professional, solar telescopes, and taste delicious, Lebanese Star Burgers.” Tickets, costing 25 euros for adults and 20 euros for children, include the 60 minute planetarium show and telescope observations, as well as a delicious meal. You can get the tickets via Facebook (Astronomy and Science Centre and Helping Hands in Tenerife), or from the Hollywood Restaurant!

Whitney The importance Live Arico News

Why not visit us at K9 Refuge on Calle Chimbesque between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas any day of the week between 10-2pm? Alternatively, you can get in touch by telephoning us on 667 638 468, or emailing You will also find stories of our dogs, their antics and heart-warming rehomings on Facebook by following Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker, K9 Tenerife and,

not forgetting, K9 Tenerife Cats. Also, to see daily photos of the walks that take place at K9, like the facebook page Voluntarios del Refugio K9. Ways you can help If you want to support K9 animal refuge and contribute towards the safe rescue and adoption of abandoned dogs and cats of Tenerife, we would be very appreciative. There are several ways to help: you can buy our merchandise (T-shirts, vests, key rings, wristbands and more) at K9, sponsor one of our wonderful sponsor dogs via our website, donate either money via our website, or in cash at our refuge, or give food and other items which help us look after our dogs and cats. Also, you can become a volunteer dog walker, by calling us or simply popping by, any day, during our opening hours. Remember to keep an eye on our website or Facebook page for any fund-raising events which you may like to attend. Also, why not come along to our charity shop in Alcala, where you can buy or donate second-hand items, all funds going to the animals of K9?

of vaccinations THIS summer has seen an increase in cases of Parvovirus. Every year viruses change, trying to adapt and grow stronger, because it's their natural way of survival.

This year, Parvovirus cepa is strong, and affects vaccinated adult dogs. Usually, they are ill for three days, with vomiting and diarrhoea, and then they recover. When Parvovirus affects unvaccinated puppies, it has an 85% mortality rate, because they do not have antibodies. Adult, vaccinated dogs can catch the virus, but they will have antibodies in their system. The more years they have been vaccinated, the more antibodies they will have to fight against the virus. Some breeds are sensitive to the virus, including Boxers, German Shepherds and Rottweilers. Although they may have been vaccinated, it is really dangerous for them, so keep a close eye on their health. If your dog hasn't been

vaccinated, please do so immediately. Parvo vaccine is included in yearly vaccine V7. The annual cost of the vaccine is around 25 euros. If you are, in any way, worried about your animal's general health, please contact your vet. Come and walk the doggies! Join the Live Arico dogwalking club on Saturday mornings from 9am1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you can keep fit and find a furry friend at the same time. Send a WhatsApp to Oceana on 659 242 572 for further details, or just pop in and meet the dogs. Live Arico shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops: San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda's Bar. Open weekdays 104pm, Saturday 10-2pm and now Sundays 11-3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open Monday-Friday (104pm) and Saturday 10-2pm Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

CW 36


24th August - 30th August 2018

Featured Property PO-80

Semi Detached House in Montaña Yaco Granadilla, with Large Outside Area

Area 360m2

Bathrooms - 2

Bedrooms - 3



330,000€ EPC/EEC – G


Fantastic opportunity Bakery Callao Salvaje, Adeje Fully Functioning Bakery with Opening Licence All Equipment Included


105,000€ Recently dropped from 115,000€ EPC / EEC – D

Area 109.71 m2


Elegant 3 Story luxury Villa

In Roque del Conde, Adeje Area 270m2

Bathrooms - 4

Bedrooms - 4

2 Parking

Private Swimming Pool – 40m2


979,000€ EPC / EEC – Pending

Property Campus - Tenerife Real Estate & Investment Brokers - for more information about buying & selling, Energy Performance Certification, Property & Tax legal services, Construction & Refurbishments - Please don’t hesitate to contact us on to arrange a viewing or a meeting - new building developments - coming soon. Administration Office : Av. Europa, Complejo Ocean View, Local 1.117 A/1 38670, Adeje.


24th August - 30th August 2018



Congratulations to Jemma and Ade, who opened PowerWave Tenerife in Puerto Colon on Saturday, 11th August.

PowerWaveTM started up, a few years ago, in America, and is new to Tenerife, bringing this state-of-theart type of exercise over the water. Our history PowerWaveTM was founded in 2014 by Jay Laville, as a way of bringing intensive workouts into the 21st century, giving people back two of their most precious commodities - time and health. When Jay found that work and social commitments prevented him from undertaking the long, workout sessions of his youth, he wanted to find a way of creating intense workouts in a short space of time, and without compromising too much space. And so PowerWaveTM was born. We officially launched on 28th July 2014. In March 2015, we opened out first PowerWaveTM fitness

Hub. We now have five hubs in the South East of England, and over 300 qualified instructors, nationwide, with further franchises currently being sold, and plans to grow, globally. What is PowerWaveTM? PowerWaveTM is a revolutionary cross-trainer that allows you to do a full body workout to create a

37 CW

comes to Tenerife!

stronger, leaner and faster you, in just 20 minutes a day. The brainchild of Jay Laville, PowerWaveTM is guaranteed to unleash your explosive core strength and physical endurance, to achieve your desired shape, no matter what your age, ability or fitness level. More than just a training device, PowerWaveTM is

portable, and includes many different workouts, specifically-designed meal plans, and a social network to keep you in touch with other local enthusiasts. Why not motivate each other, and get in shape together? has “The PowerwaveTM become an essential piece of training equipment, here at the University of Tennessee. The versatility allows us to use it in many different planes of movement. It truly is a revolutionary, multi-functional device," said Gregory Adamson,

Strength Coach, University of Tennessee. PowerWaveTM proposition We believe that real change starts with self-belief. By committing to just 20 minutes a day with PowerWaveTM, you can: - Change the way you look, and improve your fitness and strength - Feel great, healthy and strong - Have more time for doing the things you love - Become an example to those around you, on how to take more control of their time and health. Our mission statement: First and foremost, we lead by example; we strive to help others to achieve their goals, whilst we achieve ours. We will always innovate our workouts and products, to be compatible with the ever-changing requirements of people's lifestyles. We are driven to change the face of fitness by educating our clients about how they can improve their health, and also take control of their lives, freeing up more time. We are the Revolution! If you would like to book a class with Jemma, call 822 149 155 or go our Facebook page: powerwavetenerife Find PowerWaveTM Tenerife at CC Terranova, Locales 310/311, Playa la Pinta, Puerto Colon.

CW 38

Wine and Dine

24th August - 30th August 2018

The Swan Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with goodquality produce. We also cater for any special requirements. Daily Specials. Friday: Cod and chips night. Sunday Lunch: 12noon - 8pm. Bookings advisable. 24hr-notice for paella, lamb shank, fillet steak or ask us for anything you fancy. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value!

Adeje Chicken in Buzanada Adeje Chicken in Buzanada is owned by Chemmy, who runs the kitchen with all her delicious homemade dishes, and her son, Bryan, who runs the barrestaurant. Chemmy cooks all your chicken dishes: fried, spicy, garlic, honey, roast chicken or Kentucky fried, all accompanied by her homemade sauces. She has now added much more to the menu from escaldon de gofio (a tradtional Canarain dish), sweet and sour ribs, escalope, tradtional vegetable soup (potaje), roast pork and her fantastic mixed grill. Buzanada Roundabout, Buzanada. Open: Tues-Sun 10.30am-10.30pm, kitchen closes 4pm-6pm. Closed Mondays.

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Call: 922 728 290

Call: 922 795 865

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Oyster Catcher Angel, the owner of The Oyster Catcher, has had restaurants for over 25 years, and now he has brought all that experience to The Oyster Catcher. Angel and his English-speaking team pride themselves simply on good food made from the freshest ingredients. Specialising in amazing flambĂŠs, both sweet and savoury, The Oyster Catcher also offers salads, pastas, meat and fish with prices to suit all budgets. Come and try and decide on your favourites for yourself. El Mirador, Los Cristianos

Open: 10.45am - 11pm

Call: 922 788 038


Avda. Arguitecto Gomez Cuesta, 4 Playa de las Americas

Tel: 631 565 264

CaĂąada Blanca 2, Parque de la Reina Open: 12noon - 11pm. Closed Tuesdays

Call: 603 273 382

Parque de la Reina has a secret - Lupita restaurant is fast becoming the place to eat, and it has a well-deserved reputation. All the usual Mexican specialities are on offer, but from midday until 4pm, check out its 4.95-euro menu. You can have a bowl of soup or garlic bread, main meal (selection of 20) and ice cream or coffee to finish, which is excellent value for money. Also, evening and weekend menus are available from 4.95-euros. Special offer: Shoulder of lamb main course for 1, plus glass of wine. 12.95

Wine and Dine

24th August - 30th August 2018

39 CW

Fancy a fuzzy Kiwi? KIWIFRUIT was named after the New Zealand Kiwi bird, the unusual flightless variety, because they are both small, brown and furry! But not all kiwi fruit is fuzzy! The most popular variety is, appropriately, called fuzzy kiwifruit, but there is also golden kiwi with a smooth, bronze skin. The golden kiwi is actually sweeter, and more aromatic in flavour. Although kiwis have been native to China for centuries, practically no one in North America knew what they were, 60 years ago. They were first introduced to the US in 1962, and they caught on fast! Although kiwifruit can grow in any temperate climate, most of the world's kiwis are grown in Italy, New Zealand and Chile. And yes, you can eat the fuzz if you want to. Kiwifruit's high level of

potassium helps keep our electrolytes in balance, by counteracting the effects of sodium, and its high Vitamin C content, along with other antioxidant compounds, has been proven to boost the immune system. How to use: If a kiwi does not yield a little to finger pressure, allow it to

ripen by storing it at room temperature, away from the sun. Kiwi ripening can be hastened by putting it in a paper bag with a banana, apple or pear. Once a kiwi is ripe, keep it away from other fruit (even in the refrigerator), because it is very sensitive to the ethylene gas given off by

those other fruits, and it will over-ripen. The actinidain (an enzyme found in fruits) in raw kiwi makes them unsuitable for desserts, and other dishes that are not eaten right away, because it can make the dish too mushy or stop it from setting. This applies to proteins, but also to other

fruits. Cautions: Kiwis contain a measurable amount of oxalates, which are naturally-occurring substances in many plants and animals. When oxalates become too concentrated in body fluids, they can crystalise and cause health problems. People with kidney or gallbladder problems may therefore want to avoid eating kiwis. There is a lot of controversy about the amounts needed to be significant, particularly from plants. Kiwis also contain enzyme substances associated with the latex-fruit-allergy syndrome. If you have a latex allergy, you may also be allergic to kiwi. Since ripening the fruit with ethylene gas increases these substances, organic kiwis, not treated with gas, will have fewer allergy-causing compounds. Cooking also deactivates the enzymes.

CW 40

Advertisement 24th August - 30th August 2018

Puzzle / Classified

24th August - 30th August 2018

Sudoku X Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

30-Second Brain Training Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number















of this








Starter Number


÷17 +123

51 6

7 3 5 7 9 4




And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

1 8 5 6 3 7 9 8 8


2 7 1 3 7 4 8 2 5 6 4 3 9 2 1 7 5 4 6


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of this



of this






















Starter Number




cars wanted CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.

Call us now on 678 451 641




-179 Answer




x118 Answer

Cleaner required for a private villa in Valle San Lorenzo Area. Must be flexible with own car. Call 609 692 099 between 12-1pm. Roofing Joiner Required for some private work. Call Alan on 620 941 119 between 12-1pm.


to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 property for rent











of this

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17


Intermediate 4





-389 x12

Advanced Starter Number






of this











8 4 9 6

of this





Starter Number


2 3 8





Starter Number


of this




1 8 6 9 5





+219 ÷6

8 9


41 CW







of this

property for Sale

House and Building Plot For Sale in San Miguel

Detached villa of 3 double bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with a modern but rustic feel, on a 350m2 plot, finished to a high specification with quality materials, and amazing views. The property consists of: Large open plan lounge and dining room of 48m2 with 2 sets of patio doors to garden and terrace, Fully fitted modern kitchen with white shaker style units and all appliances, Large master double bedroom with ‘walk in’ wardrobes, and ensuite bathroom with Thermostatic shower panel with body jets and waterfall shower, Second large double bedroom with patio doors to garden and terrace, Third good size double bedroom, Family bathroom with large bath, luxury rainfall shower, and heated towel rails. Outside: Large parking area with motion sensitive lighting, Flat gardens and terraces with amazing views, and outdoor store room.

Price: 325,000 euros ONO


5 2 1 6 3 1 8 3 7 2 6 1 4 6 3

Find the answers to these puzzles on our website

Urban plot of 882m2 with permission to build two houses up to 200m2 each. The land is flat and ready to build on with all permissions.

Only 100,000 euros Contact Peter on 620 161 203 or email:

CW 42

Service Point

Service point

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 air-conditioning

24th August - 30th August 2018

chiropodist (cont.)

garden furniture

Wendy Nelson - Hairdresser and Mobile chiropodist MCFHP-BSC, 25 yrs working for the NHS caring for all foot problems , Home visits and Hotels. Call 634 301 727 or email


house removal Elite Cleaning Services is an established cleaning company who can provide a professional cleaning service for Apartments, Villas and Offices. Call us today on 922 789 795 or 696 922 597.

*Anglo Tenerife Removals* Local, National & International. For Best Rates Call 922 720 493

Kitchens & bathrooms


Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing, Decorating, Plastering etc. Tel: 661 081 843 for quotation.




car rentals

Long Term Car Rental Price 250 € - 300 € Per Month Fully comp Insurance & Recovery

w w w. c a r l e a s i n g t e n e r i f e . c o m email: c a r l e a s i n g t e n e r i f e @ g m a i l . c o m

TEL: 694 447 778 chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson-Jones MSSCh MBChA. Experienced qualified Chiropodist based in Tenerife over 20yrs, offers home/ hotel visits in most areas of the South. Tel: 608 029 790. Email:

RDC Builders Tenerife.

Tel: 671 452 686

Service Point

24th August - 30th August 2018

Mechanics (cont.)

personal services (Cont.) Tenerife Sur Fanabe. Are you searching for erotic relaxation ...? Beautiful, blonde angel from the east. Including a kinky environment. French, positions, SM, outcalls, relaxing massages, good ending. Call daytime Renata 0034 611 306 274.

43 CW


Pest control

translation Plumbing

TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES: Legally registered with over 25 years’ experience. Official, Medical, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Probate, Pensions, car paperwork and much more. Professionalism and confidentiality guaranteed. Transport available. Call Tracey on 666 857 991 or email on

T-shirt printing patio doors & windows

Pool tables

Removals UNIVERSAL EXPORTS S.L. PROFESSIONAL REMOVALS TO AND FROM THE U.K. Email: Transport Licence: No. 11572932 C.I.F. No. B38820395 Tel: 922 720 711

Removals worldwide

tv & satellite ElectroSat TV S.L. C/Encarnacion No 1. Valle San Lorenzo, Tenerife. Tel: 922 72 22 27 Mobile 670 277 772, email: Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.



personal services Transexual – Girl, versatile, well endowed, active, 60-100 euros, Cristianos. Tel: 0034-602 62 68 48 Los Cristianos, Patricia, Blond Venezuelan, Oral, vibrators and kissing, private apartment, outcalls. Tel: 681388162

windows & doors

CW 44


24th August - 30th August 2018

Tenerife’s last-gasp saver Nastic 1 CD Tenerife 1 By Colin Kirby

CD Tenerife update

THE Tenerife machine, spluttering in the first half, ran smoother as their opening league game continued, and they were good value for the draw at Nastic on Monday. Getting the new players match-fit will take a few games, as demonstrated in the last pre-season match, a week earlier. But at least they won a 5-4 penalty shoot-out, to see off Celta Vigo B and lift the Teide Trophy at La Orotava. Second Division points were back on the menu for the opening trip to their Catalan hosts. Malbasic

led the attacking line, with returning La-Laguna-born Nano playing alongside him, while Colombian Joao

Rodriguez, an injury victim from La Orotava, is out for a couple of games. Nastic had the better of the early

Ladies’ Football

Nothing ventured… E G A T E S A Granadilla Tenerife, always willing to try new challenges, took part in the Women United tournament in La Orotava and Los Realejos, starting last Sunday. The first game saw them defeat Malaga with an 80thminute own-goal from Marta, but they were derailed from the six-team tournament on Monday after a 2-1 defeat against Serbia’s Spartak Subotika. Granadilla’s equaliser came from Paloma, but a last-minute strike by Slovic ended their chances of making the final. Yet they secured third place with Tuesday’s 2-1 victory over Shanghai. Pisco gave them a second-minute lead, and, despite a penalty equaliser, Granadilla sealed it with a last-minute strike by Maria Jose Perez. Now it’s back to pre-season training and tournament games, in Las Palmas this Sunday, and in Portugal on Thursday, 30th August, before a friendly in Galicia, Spain, next Saturday (1st Sept), which will be shown live on TV Canaria at noon. It all adds up to a good

build-up for the first league game, at home against Real Sociedad on Sunday, 9th September, in San Isidro. The next ambitious milestone is to play a league game at the Santa Cruz home of CD Tenerife on 3rd or 4th November. The Heliodoro Stadium holds 23,000 fans, and, two seasons

ago, Granadilla played fellowPremier League side and local rivals Tacuense there, setting a record 7,497 crowd for ladies’ football at the stadium. This year, with more highprofile promotion, along with low-priced tickets, they are aiming to race past that total.

play, and Aveldaño was beaten too easily by Uche. Thankfully, keeper Dani Hernandez bailed him out with a tip-over from his shot. Alberto, lively in midfield for Tenerife, then charged into the box, only to fire the ball at a defender. But Nastic made their early dominance pay. A long cross in was met by Fali’s head, to give them a 10-minute lead. If Nano were struggling to crank up his muscles, after a season of just few games, old war-horse Suso had no such problems, the captain proving to be a constant menace down the right. On the other flank, Luis Perez swung a good ball into the centre, but Malbasic couldn’t control it, while the blast from Luis Milla went wide. But Tenerife were stirring, and Acosta did well to bring down a pass and shape up for a shot, only for the home keeper to grab the ball from him. There was a let-off for Tenerife on the half-hour, when the defence went missing as Barreiro ran through and set up Uche. But he snatched at the shot and hit the post. Nano was warming to his task, and, just before the break, he had a powerful header on target, only to be foiled by the keeper’s excellent save. A more determined and confident Tenerife emerged for the second half, and Malbasic shook off his marker, but shot

weakly at the keeper. Acosta wasted a free-kick by shooting far too high after Suso was fouled. But Nano showed his old form when he turned a defender inside-out, and made the keeper work to stop his effort. Danger-man Uche tested Dani again from an acute angle, after beating two Tenerife defenders. Midfielder Bryan Acosta was replaced by new striker Jose Naranjo, another Tenerife player who was almost a stranger to a football last season. And he was soon in the thick of it. His determined run gave him a clear scoring chance, and he also had the option to pass to Nano, who had even more space. But Abraham brought him crashing down. Only the ref knows why he didn’t send the Nastic player off, but Naranjo wasted the free-kick anyway by firing straight at the defensive wall. He was also denied another chance by the alert keeper. Tenerife coach Joseba Etxeberria, is blessed with strikers this season, and 19-year-old local prospect Borja showed an eye for goal in the friendlies. His reward was a call to replace Suso for the last 20 minutes. Alberto made a strong run, and, perhaps, should have laid the ball off to Naranjo. Instead, he was stopped by a defender. Borja then had his chance to move up the queue of strikers, but his effort was snuffed out by a robust defender. Tenerife reloaded, adding Tanzanian forward Chilunda for Malbasic, to spur a last big push. Into injury-time, and leftback Camille floated in a perfect, hanging cross to the far post. Aveldaño responded by rising above his marker and burying the ball in the net with a bullet header, for a share of the spoils. Tenerife are away again this Sunday, with an 8pm kick-off at Almeria, before making a home debut on the relaid Santa Cruz pitch on Saturday (1st Sept) against Deportivo, at 7.30pm. Spain’s transfer window is open until the day before (Friday, 31st Aug), and Tenerife might still be tempted to do some late fine-tuning.

45 CW


24th August - 30th August 2018

Flight of The Phoenix such a big drawback SADLY, after a number of setbacks, we have had to say goodbye to a former member of the darts league, because Phoenix Bar have had to withdraw their team. But we all have our own memories of the healthy competition they used to provide, as well as the endless banter at every match, Good luck to you all for the future. There was a massive cheer in Silencio last Friday as Ourplace Playboys overcame Marilyns ‘A’ to take the bragging rights after this local derby. Marilyns’ Ed hit a 180, but former Phoenix stalwart Del Boy helped the home team secure a 5-3 win. Another Phoenix old boy, Mitch, helped himself to a maximum for his new team The Pub, who won the singles 3-2, but Gaffers came back to take the remaining games, to secure a 5-3 victory in a close-fought match. Meanwhile, Legends had their first win of the campaign, beating visiting Picasso’s 6-2. The Division’s only

Basketball OPTIMISTIC noises were ringing out from the Iberostar Tenerife camp, as the players reported for pre-season training this week. Polish international Tomasz Gielo, a new arrival after two years with Juventut in Tenerife’s league, expressed the mood of the squad. “This is a great opportunity to keep growing as a player,” he said. “I’m only 25 and eager to improve on as many game aspects as I can. That´s why this club is ideal for me.” The pivot played for America’s Liberty College, and the University of

draw was at Palms Pool Bar, where Tracie won her first game of the season for Palms, to set up a final-game thriller against Mad Hatters, and Dennis saw his team win the trebles to earn a 4-4 draw. A local derby was played out at Emerald Lounge, where the ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams met. And, in a nail-biting finale, the ‘B’ team came out on top by winning the 701 game for a 5-3 success. The Loch-In Bullseyes were entertained by newcomers Palms Sports Bar, where the darts were good but the food was better! Palms suffered their first setback since joining the league, the visitors showing no mercy with a 5-3 win. But both teams impressed in the trebles with almost all scores over 80. This win leaves it tight at the top with only a point between Emerald ‘B’ and The Loch-In Bullseyes. Marilyns ‘B’ hosted Pas O Nadas ‘B’, the latter showing their fighting spirit, by winning the trebles for a fine 4-4 draw. Waterfall welcomed Nauta Nomads, and, with George and his bull finish, and Andrea’s 77, it helped them to a 6-2 victory. Ourplace Breakaways

division 1 ResultS

division 2 ResultS

Pas O Nadas ‘A’ P-P The Red DevilS The Loch-In ‘A’ 3-5 Suters 20:30 CreW Ourplace PlayboyS 5-3 Marilyns ‘A’ Palms Pool Bar 4-4 Mthe Mad HatterS LegendS 6-2 PicassoS The PuB 3-5 GafferS

Waterfall Sundowners Scruffy Lads Marilyns ‘B’ Naughty NautaS Palms Sports BaR Emerald Lounge ‘B’

division 1 Table

6-2 Nauta NomadS 5-3 Ourplace BreakawayS P-P ClouseauS 4-4 Pas O Nadas ‘B’ 6-2 Ourplace PlaygirlS 3-5 The Loch-In BullseyeS 5-3 Emerald LoungE


P W D L F A +- PTS

division 2 Table

1 Suters 20:30 Crew



2 Gaffers

9 7 1 1 50 22 28 50

3 The Pub

9 6 0 3 49 23 26 49

2 The Loch-In Bullseyes 9 6 2 1 45 27 18 45

4 The Loch-In ‘A’

9 5 1 3 48 24 24 48

3 Pas O Nadas ‘B’









5 Pas O Nadas ‘A’


4 Scruffy Lads









6 Marilyns ‘A’

9 5 0 4 42 30 12 42

5 Waterfall

8 5 1 2 38 26 12 38

6 Emerald Lounge





0 60

1 46







P W D L F A +- PTS

1 Emerald Lounge ‘B’ 9



1 49




7 Ourplace Playboys 9



2 40







4 35




8 Phoenix Bar




3 35




7 Ourplace Breakaways 9



4 35 37



9 Sandys




5 25

39 -14


8 Sundowners




4 34




10 Picasso’s




7 22

50 -28


9 Naughty Nautas




5 32




11 Legends




6 21

51 -30


10 Clouseau’s




4 27




12 Mad Hatters




6 20

52 -32


11 Marilyns ‘B’








13 Palms Pool Bar




5 19

53 -34


12 Nauta Nomads




6 26

46 -20


14 The Red Devils




8 11

53 -42


13 Palms Sports Bar 8



5 26

38 -12


travelled to Sundowners in a close encounter, but lost 5-3. But Naughty Nautas had a fine home win over Ourplace Playgirls, earning a mighty 6-2 result. The Jet Excursions’ singles THIS singles competition again produced some amazing darts last Friday. In the men’s First Division at The Pub, Gaffers Dan hit a 177 and 174, along with 15, 17 and

16-dart legs. Team-mate Joe hit a 180, plus 15-dart and 17-dart legs to provide a great match, but Dan secured the 3-2 win. Well played to both of you! In the other half of the draw, played at Sandy’s, Gaffers’ Tomo was beaten 3-0 by Steve, from Suters 20:30 Crew, who was relentless all night. And, with a 180 and 141 finish in the last game,


14 Ourplace Playgirls 9 0 0 9 19 53 -34 19

deserved his place in what should be a cracking final. Division 2 men produced two local winners at Scruffy Macs as Mark, from the Emerald Lounge, came through to face Kevin Chuckle, from The Loch-In Bullseyes, in a final game which was too close to call. A great big well done to Sade, from Scruffy Lads, who, as the youngest player in

the Ladies’ competition, threw consistently all night, and, deservedly, booked her place in the final by beating Cat, who also threw well, hitting a 174 and 115 finish. Sade will face the ever-smiling Gio, from Pas O Nadas ‘B’, who won the title last year…so bring it on girls! Well done to all who turned up and competed.

New boys aiming high Mississippi, before making the move to Spain. Returning Tenerife coach

Txus Vidorreta was quick to secure his services, and several new signings

admitted to being tempted to Tenerife by the quality of coach Vidorreta, who

guided the club to the Basketball Champions League title two seasons ago. Home-and-away clashes against Gran Canaria will sharpen up the squad before the new season starts. Tickets are now on sale for their inter-island derby game at Las Torres sports centre, in Adeje town. The pre-season clash starts at 8pm next Saturday (1st Sept), with tickets just eight euros in the stands, or 12 euros at courtside, from www. They can also be bought in advance at the sports centre, or take your chances on the night.

CW 46


24th August - 30th August 2018

CD Marino

Ready for the Blue Horizon

YOU can’t learn much from an uneventful game, but Marino have plenty to analyse after this home defeat against Las Palmas Atletico. It was their final pre-season friendly, and there was a cast of thousands… well both sides got through 20 players during the match, and there were some encouraging signs from the home team, and a few unwelcome errors. Marino were quick off the mark, catching the Gran Canarian B team off-guard with a smart break. Saavedra raced on

CD Marino 2 Las Palmas Atletico 3 to a ball into the visitors’ goalmouth, and tucked it back to Gaizka who fired it past the keeper. Sesma and Gaizka were causing plenty of problems, but Las Palmas settled and their neat passing found the home defence wanting. Keeper David should have smothered a ball that eluded him, which gave Kiriam Rodriguez an equaliser. Further chances came from a Segura blast over the bar and a Castañeda halfchance, which he skewed wide. Marino looked strong in midfield, with Prince

and Guti working hard together. And, on the left, Amed linked well with his forwards to pressure Las Palmas keeper Valles. He made a hash of saving a shot, and a defender forced the ball away with his hand. The ref awarded the penalty and Sesma made no mistake, crashing the home to restore the lead. The same player might have increased the home side’s advantage just before the break, but a smart defensive clearance averted the danger. Just after the restart, the flow of player-changes began. Marino swapped

their front line, Yassine, Alberto, and Fayez, taking over from Sesma, Gaizka, and Javi. But it disrupted the home rhythm and David had to be at his best to turn aside a hard shot from Las Palmas. Latest recruit Fayez, an Israel Under-17 international, looked promising on the left, and Yassine made some good runs as he looked to continue his scoring exploits of last season. Kiriam was still the main threat for Las Palmas, and his finishing proved clinical when he slotted a loose ball home to level the game. Both sides poured in more changes, and new Marino full-backs Nikki and Sergey looked comfortable on the ball, helping to clear another Las Palmas corner.

The game looked set for a draw, with Favarel making himself at home in the centre-back role, after playing midfield last season. Las Palmas had a glaring miss from a header at the unguarded post, and were also denied by the legs of replacement keeper Alonso. But in the last few minutes, the ref erred badly. Nikki made a strong, clean tackle to win the ball, but the Las Palmas striker made a meal of his fall and was given a penalty, which he converted for the winning goal. But this season’s new players impressed for Marino, leaving the coach some tough decisions to make for Sunday’s opening Tercera Division league game at San Mateo. in Gran Canaria.

La Liga

Strike threat to La Liga league games in the US THE La Liga proposal to play selected league games in the US, which met with howls of contempt from football fans, has come under fire from the players, who are even considering strike action. The row has cracked open the fragile relationship between the AFE (association of Spanish

players) and La Liga. In the week since La Liga announced the 15-year deal to promote Spanish football in America, it is obvious that resentment has been building among fans and players. On Wednesday, the AFE held an emergency meeting with club captains in attendance. President David Aganzo was extremely critical of La Liga’s “unilateral decision and lack of consultation”. He was particularly

scathing about La Liga boss Javier Tebas, as well as previous bad decisions by the LFP, referring to the US plan as “the last drop in the glass”. Aganzo added: “This agreement that La Liga has reached without consulting anyone shows a lack of respect. It’s not just the game as such, in terms of health and travel. “It makes no sense to have a game played in the United States, and have one team give up a home game.

“It cannot be that a person takes a decision on a 15year agreement, which affects many people, without consulting. We are fed up with not being valued.” But Aganzo stresses that a strike is the last option, saying: “I have information that there are certain clubs in favour, and others against this, but I represent the players. “We are going to try to see that it doesn’t reach a strike, but we are willing

to go to the last option if necessary.” Fans, not just in Spain, see the proposal as part of a worrying trend to squeeze more money out of the game, with no regard for tradition, or their loyalty. The feeling is that if this happens, other rich countries, like China and the Arab states, will also want to cherry-pick top games from around the best leagues, to be played in their country. 24th August - 30th August 2018


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CW 48

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