CW Issue 1088

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18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Issue 1088

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

1 CW Exclusive: False passports can’t fool new technology

More fakes are found at airports

CANARIAN Weekly believes it has solved the mysterious rush of foreigners, that have been stopped attempting to fly from various islands in the Canaries to London, and, especially, Dublin, in recent weeks. Continued on Page 3

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News 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019


18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

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New-tech passports put airport crooks to flight

Cont. from Front

They were hoping to travel from either Fuerteventura, Tenerife, Gran Canaria or Lanzarote on fake passports, but they have all been trapped by modern, biometric passports. Unknown to them, their scruffy old travel documents, almost certainly stolen, and sold to them by people-traffickers, have been sticking out like a sore thumb at passport control. All passports have a 10year life, but the modern, electronic version, introduced in December 2008, has now rendered redundant the oldstyle documents, which could be forged easily. The up-to-date passport contains microprocessor chips, with information that can prove the identity of the passport-holder in a flash. It uses contactless, smartcard technology, including a computer chip and antenna, embedded in the passport’s front or back cover, or centre pages. The passport’s critical information is also stored,

electronically, in the chip, making it expensive and difficult to forge, especially when all security mechanisms are implemented, fully and correctly. It is believed that since the 10year period for old passports elapsed last month, the flush of new passports has caught out more and more

would-be illegals, as has been demonstrated recently, throughout the Canarian airports. Even this week, National Police detained eight men at Gran Canaria’s Las Palmas airport, trying to travel on stolen or false documentation to London or Dublin. The first four men were stopped

at passport control, attempting to board a scheduled flight to London. But the officers grew suspicious when they noticed that their passports appeared to have been tampered with. On further inspection, they found that three of the passports were French, and had recently been reported as stolen. The fourth passport was Belgian, and this also had signs of being tampered with. Having arrested and charged them with using false identification, the police then searched the men and found their original documents, stating that all four were from Iran. A few hours later, while the Las Palmas airport police were at passport control for a scheduled Dublin flight, they became suspicious when they noticed that two people, trying to board the flight, were carrying Taiwan passports in poor condition. It gave the game away, and when the police questioned and searched them both, they discovered the men were from China. Officers arrested all six men,

and, since they had no Spanish residency, all the retrospective paperwork, along with police reports, were collected, and all six will be placed before the authorities before being expelled from Spain. Meanwhile, another three people were arrested at Fuerteventura airport on Tuesday, after airline staff spotted their dodgy passports. The trio comprised two Albanian men, aged 30 and 32, as well as a 42-year-old Chinaman, who were caught trying to board a flight to Dublin. The National Police, based at the airport, were notified about the passports, and when they took a closer look, there was one from Greece, another from Italy and a third from Taiwan, all noticeably falsified. The three men were arrested and charged with attempting to travel, using false documentation. No doubt, more and more foreigners will attempt to travel with old documents. And, no doubt, more and more will be nabbed, thanks to new technology.

Judge has ordered murdered wife’s husband to prison THE husband of murdered Romina Celeste Nunez has been imprisoned, after Gran Canaria’s High Judge at the Superior Courts of Justice studied details of the case.

And, contrary to what Raúl DC told investigating officers, the island’s head of magistrates believes he murdered her. Surveillance of the husband began, as soon as he reported that Romina had gone missing, one week after she was last seen, on New Year’s Eve. Raul still insists that he found Romina dead when he returned to the Gran Canaria family home that night, drugged up to eyeballs, and insists that he threw her body in the sea. Yet, say sources, investigators caught Raul out when he said he didn’t know what had happened to his wife. They managed to tap into a conversation between Raul and a family member, hearing him tell the relative how he got rid of his wife’s body, which sparked his arrest by the Guardia Civil. The officers detained Raul on

Sunday afternoon during the questioning, when he insisted that he found his wife’s body when he returned home on New Year’s Eve, and panicked because he was addled with drugs. He did, however, admit to the officers that he panicked and tried to dispose of the body by burning her body in the garden of their family home. He then put the remains into bags before trying to ditch them at different locations of

the Arrecife coast. Raul was still being interrogated, up until Wednesday morning. The Guardia requested the judge to prolong his detention for further questioning, for an additional 48 hours, because they still did not have a clear picture. But the judge had made up his mind, demanding immediately that Raul be remanded in custody. Meanwhile, officers were undergoing a thorough search

of the couple’s home, looking for evidence of how Romina Celeste Nuñez died. Apparently, Raul used a renta-car to move Romina’s body parts from the house to the coast, and the officers, with sniffer dogs, are collecting evidence from this vehicle. Romina, 28, has a four-yearold son, living with her family in Paraguay. And only three days before she lost her life, she had made a police complaint, reporting that

she had been beaten by her husband, And, while police were conducting a search of the property, they discovered that the house had undergone a thorough clean, as well as a certain wall of the home being freshly painted. They also came across leftover drugs which Raul had obviously used over New Year. The barbecue had also been cleaned out. When the police questioned neighbours, they confirmed that they saw a fire in the garden from that area in early hours of 1st January 2019. Raul still refuses to admit he murdered Romina, and investigators believe that he made the missing report a week after her death because everything at their home had been cleaned up. Before officers took him in for questioning, he had spent the week with his former wife, who also lived on his residential complex. The investigation officers also went to Raul’s place of work, and they are taking a closer look at his rented vehicle. That’s because they believe he used the car to drive around the coast, looking for a place to dispose of his wife’s remains.

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18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Guardia’s miracle rescue of beached young couple

A YOUNG couple, stranded on a beach all night in Playa Garañona, in the El Sauzal municipality, were rescued by Guardia Civil officers, last Sunday morning, quite by chance. The 21-year-old man, from

Santa Cruz, and his partner, a 22-year-old Italian woman, said they had been “terrified” because they had no food, water or warm clothes, after their small boat overturned. Fortunately, the incident happened close to the shore because the beach is inaccessible by foot. The Guardia Civil have released a statement saying the couple were out on a

Cocaine driver also had too much speed

small rubber boat when they were turned over, suddenly, because of the strong wind. They made it to the beach, but it wasn’t an easy task, and they then decided to wait to see if the sea and winds calmed down. But the weather remained rough, and they were, literally, stranded. Neither one had a mobile phone, so they could not

notify anyone of their plight. But, come morning, a helicopter appeared, as if by magic. It was the Guardia Civil, completing a routine check of the coastline, and officers detected the young woman, waving a red towel frantically. Fortunately, they decided to take a closer look and were able to rescue the couple. The officers gave them

something to keep them warm, as well as food and water, before returning them to their families, who had been showing concern at their absence. The couple have since stated how terrified they were, and how isolated they felt, with no hope of being rescued, as well as having to spend the night with no means of contacting anyone.

Ireland beckons for top Adeje students ADEJE Council, for the third year running, has announced details of awards for the borough’s most talented young people.

NATIONAL Police have arrested a 47-yearold man in Santa Cruz, who was carrying 21gms of cocaine, after stopping him for speeding.

The officers were on regular patrol when the car, with one passenger, sped past them. The officers, who took up the chase, noticed that the driver seemed to manipulate something inside the car as he drove. Once the traffic had thinned

out, the police stopped the vehicle to identify the occupants. While doing so, a purse wedged between the front seats caught their attention. But an inspection showed that it contained the cocaine, arranged in 16 packages. After this discovery, the cops arrested the driver for committing a crime against public health. They also confiscated the narcotic substance, along with 200 euros, and passed him over to the courts for sentencing.

Through the Youth Department offices, under Councillor Zebenzui Chinea Linares, they are given annually to a number of top students from the borough’s secondary schools, and to those recognised for their contribution to the collective well-being of their local community. Cllr Zebenzui Chinea said: “This year we are going a bit further with the prize, because we are extending the awards to those who have also dedicated themselves to some form of social service in the community, contributing to a balance of social and educative equality.” The prize, chosen to reinforce the education of the young winners, is a two-week summer camp in County Cork, in Ireland, accompanied by

specialised personnel from the Youth Department. The trip will be from the 6th-20th July and the prize includes flights, transfers and the two-week stay. “We in the Youth Department believe that any investment in education is important, and that language skills are fundamental for further studies these days, even more so when we live in a

zone that welcomes millions of tourists every year,” said the Councillor. The winners, up to a maximum of 10 people, are chosen at the end of the 2018/2019 academic year, from students finishing their studies in either of the Adeje public secondary schools, I.E.S. Adeje or I.E.S Galeón, based on their studies or “social commitment”.


18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Food volunteers aid San Miguel’s needy

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Rowdy neighbour didn’t give a hoot! SAN Miguel Town Hall is now distributing food, donated to the Municipal Food Bank by residents, associations, social groups, and hotels.

Throughout December, the Department of Social Services was responsible for collecting the donations, which are now being sent to the municipality’s underprivileged families. San Miguel Mayor Arturo

González, and San Miguel Nuria Marrero, have stressed the initiative’s importance, as well as the work carried out by the Social Services Department. “The help being provided by the municipal Social Services for several years is greatly supported and appreciated,” they said. “The distribution of food is being carried out, gradually, among families, after assessment and referral of municipal social workers.” Mayor González added: “The Town Hall is grateful for any

collaboration, and gesture of kindness, for the amount deposited in the Municipal Food Bank each year.” Both Gonzalez and Marrero highlighted the anonymous contributors, in addition to the other gestures of solidarity on the part of groups and entities. These include the Performing Arts Association CHER, the Hotel Santa Bárbara Golf & Ocean Club, the CEIP de Llano de las Naciones and the CEIP San Miguel Arcángel, as well as the Unión Deportiva Las Zocas.

A FIGHT broke out between two neighbours outside their Lanzarote homes, because one of them had been causing a huge disturbance by pressing his car horn repeatedly. The situation ended with the police being called, with one of the men arrested and the other one injured. The attacker, a 56-year-old who already had a police record, was arrested by the police because he decided to attack the other man with a knife, stabbing him in the thigh. He also punched him in the face, the victim losing a tooth and suffering from several facial wounds,

though superficial. The National Police were called by other neighbours as the “discussion” between the men was well underway. According to a source, the attacker asked the other man to stop honking the horn, which sparked the fight. Police arrived, and attended to the injured man, who was bleeding profusely from his thigh. He was immediately transferred to a nearby hospital and treated for the stab wound, as well as the other injuries sustained. Police arrested the attacker, who was placed in custody and is awaiting a court appearance.

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18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

NEWS IN BRIEF Paraglider’s falling feeling

A PARAGLIDER, aged 55, suffered slight injuries on Monday, after falling from the skies while practising his sport in Tenerife. The incident happened just before 12.10pm in Fasnia, and the Canarian emergency services soon dispatched an ambulance to the location. Once the paraglider was accessed, he was taken by ambulance to the Quiron Hospital for further treatment and observation.

Knife-attack man held

A MAN aged 43, who attempted to attack a woman with a large knife, was arrested by the National Police in Arona. Police were called to a business premises in Arona town, after the couple started arguing over a financial debt. But even as they interviewed them, the man pulled out the knife and tried to stab the woman. Thanks to the officers’ rapid action, the aggressor was restrained, and the knife taken off him. The man, who already has a police record, was arrested and remanded in custody by the judicial authority, awaiting trial.

A tranquil treat for locals after El Fraile makeover

Home blaze hits three

THREE people were injured in a house fire at their Guia de Isora Street home in Santa Cruz on Sunday, just before 8.30pm. An emergency call was made by neighbours, requesting the fire services, and an ambulance was also dispatched to the scene, as were the Local Police. The firemen began to extinguish the fire, which seemed to have begun in the kitchen, while medics attended to the victims. Firstly, a 75-year-old, who suffered smoke inhalation, was stabilised, promptly, and the medics then turned their attention to the other two victims, a 65-year-old and one of 35, who were also suffering from the same symptoms. All three people taken to Candelaria Hospital for further treatment and observation.

Heavy-metal drug dealer

A WANTED British drug-dealer, who threw a metal bench at a police officer after being approached in Marbella, has been arrested. The 44-year-old man from Liverpool, said to have raked in more than £1m a year, was held under a European Arrest Warrant in San Pedro de Alcantara. Officers identified the Brit as he was leaving a gym, close to his Spanish home, but his response was to grab the metal bench and toss it at a cop’s head before running away. The speedy cops soon caught him, however, a few metres down the road, and arrested him. According to the European Arrest Warrant, the expat is wanted for crimes related to drug-trafficking in the UK, which earned him a profit of more than £1m annually. He was expected to serve a maximum sentence of 19 years, but police revealed that he had fled the UK while on bail. A court date is expected to be set in the coming weeks.

WORK on transforming El Fraile church plaza into a public space of quality and tranquillity, is set to begin.

Arona Mayor, José Julián Mena, has signed the contract, and the upheaval is scheduled to last for four months. The plaza, surrounding the church of Santa Isabel de Portugal, is deteriorating badly, but is difficult to access, which has made these works a priority for the local council. Other El Fraile projects are underway, for the reinforcement of public services, such as waste collection and street resurfacing plans, and the comprehensive reform of the Dionisio González football field.

There will be new offices for the Local Police, Guardia Civil, and Autonomous Police, which will be added to the public infrastructures the town already has, such as the health and cultural, sports and administrative centre. One of the plaza novelties is the laying of a pioneering type of pavement in the Canaries, which is designed with particles that absorb toxic substances and pollutants from the atmosphere. This will transform them into other particles, which are innocuous to the environment, and the process simply requires solar power as an energy source, to neutralise pollution. The project, part of the #AronaAvanza programme, will see the pavement replaced, doing away with old lateral planters, as well

as the protection of tree stumps, to avoid risks to pedestrians. Also, the plaza work will include an extension of the access ramp, as well as the integration of the square in the environment, replacing the enclosure walls with light railings, as well as planting new trees and creating a quality, public space for locals. Mayor Mena underlined the importance of continuing to “transform and modernise public spaces in the municipality, including streets, squares or parks”. He added: “Recently, we have celebrated the opening of the Plaza Paulino Suances, in Las Galletas, and we will soon do the same with La Trujilla, in Cabo Blanco. As for El Fraile, it really needs this reform for the benefit of residents.” 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019


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Strictly Come Cruising, all the way to Tenerife!

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Youth-centre sandwich with a big hash tag!

IT has been more than a month since the BBC’s 2018 Strictly Come Dancing final, and the majority of fans have resigned themselves to waiting for this year’s series to kick off.

Those more committed will probably attend the forthcoming UK tour. But there’s even better news for the genuine Strictly followers, because P&O are staging a Strictly Come Dancing cruise, calling into the Canary Islands, including Tenerife, with a host of professionals on board. The cruises run from April until the end of August, with appearances by Neil and Katya Jones, as well as Oti Mabuse, who is The Greatest Dancer dance captain, and pro finalists Giovanni Pernice and Dianne Buswell, who danced with Faye Tozer and Joe Sugg respectively. And that’s not the full line-

up because Karen Clifton, Gorka Marquez, Janette Manrara, Aljaž Skorjanec, Johannes Radebe, Luba Mushtuk, and Amy Dowden are all scheduled for a cruise. According to P&O, it’s not a blink-and-you’ll-missthem affair because the professional dancers will perform, lead private lessons, and even host dinners!

“If you’re a massive fan of Strictly, this is the place to be,” says Neil Jones. “See the dresses, and get to meet the judges.” There’s also a guest competition, in which outsiders perform, and are scored by Craig Revel Horwood. “They get to experience what it’s like to be judged,” said Katya Jones.

“I believe the combination of cruising and Strictly works well together. The guests have a relaxing holiday, while being entertained by the best TV show.” The first cruise visits the Canary Islands and Portugal in April, and the ships will dock several times in Tenerife, La Palma, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote.

Spanish passport opens doors to 186 countries A SPANISH passport, which will this year enable the holder to visit 186 countries without a visa, is said to be the fifth mostvaluable in the world.

That’s according to the Henley Passport Index, compiled each year by London consulting firm Henley & Partners. It is one place lower than last year, when Spain gave access to 187 countries without the need of a visa. Japan continues to issue the most-valuable passport of all, allowing the holder to visit

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190 countries. It is followed by Singapore and South Korea, both of which give access to 189. Third place is shared by Germany and France, with access to 188 countries, followed by Denmark, Finland, Italy and Sweden. Luxembourg’s total of 186 countries ranks it alongside that of Spain, while the UK passport is one step lower, along with the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Austria and the US, by allowing access to 185 countries. Afghan and Iraqi passports are the least-valued of all, with holders allowed to enter just 32 and 30 countries respectively, without a visa.

LOCAL Police, based in Gran Canaria’s Yaiza, have visited a Playa Blanca youth centre, after being tipped off that drugs were being sold on the premises.

On arrival, they located the owner, a 44-year-old foreign resident, who was present throughout as police searched the premises thoroughly. Officers began checking behind every corner, as well as on top of every shelf, and they noticed, on one shelf top in particular, that there were several bags of bread. On closer inspection, the police noticed that a sandwich was prepared and wrapped in cling film, ready to go. Only trouble was, the filling comprised two slabs of hashish, with an approximate weight of 400 grams The officers searched more intensively after that, and then detained the owner, whose identity has not yet been disclosed. But he was arrested at the end of 2018 on similar charges, and, back then, he was held for possessing 2.5kg of the same drug. He now awaits a date with magistrates in court.

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Angela Jefferies, Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Colin Kirby, Mariano Zunino Siri, Martin Land, Miruna Voicu, Sir Old Golfer. Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2019 Canarian Weekly


18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Appetizers Papadum................. €0.75 Spicy Papadum......€0.75 Pickle Tray................ €3.00 Onions.....................€1.00 Tamarind Sauce...... €0.75 Mint Sauce..............€1.00 Hot & Spicy Garlic Sauce........................................€0.75 Raita......................... €1.50 Mango Chutney...... €1.00 Chilli Sauce.............. €0.75

STARTERS Onion Bhaji........... €3.50 Meat Samosa........ €4.15 Vegetable Samosa.€3.50 Paneer Pakora...... €3.50 Vegetable Pakora. €3.20 Chicken Pakora.... €4.00 Chicken Tikka ....... €4.80 Lamb Tikka........... €5.00 Tandoori Chicken.. €3.50 Sheekh Kebab...... €4.50 Prawn Puri ............ €4.60 Chicken Puri......... €4.00 Garlic King Prawn. €5.90 Garlic Chicken...... €4.80 Pudina Tikka......... €4.95 Barra Kebab.......... €4.95 Hot Chicken Wings...€4.95 Chicken Lolipop...... €4.95 Bombay Babu Special Starter......................€11.95

(Variety of starters for two) - Recommended. Perfect for those who want to know Indian food. For this dish we suggest the tasty tamarind sauce or the hot & spicy garlic sauce. Includes onion bhaji, chicken barra kebab, chicken tikka, pudina tikka, vegetable pakora, sheekh kebab.

CURRY AVAILABLE WITH: CHICKEN / chicken tikka........ €9.95 / 10.95 lamb / lamb tikka............€10.95 / €12.95 prawns / king prawns....€10.95 / €13.95 fillets of fish................................... €9.95 mixed vegetables.......................................€8.95 soy meat........................................................€11.95 paneer (cheese)...................................... ..€10.95 special.............................................. ...........€13.95

9 CW

Curry Recipe:


Only Curry Sauce.............................€3.50

SIDE DISHES Bombay Aloo......... €7.50 Saag Aloo.............. €7.50 Tarka Dhal............. €7.50 Mushroom Bhaji... €7.50 Palak Paneer......... €7.50

Aloo Gobi.............. €7.50 Mutter Paneer...... €7.50 Bhindi Bhaji.......... €7.50 Aubergine Bhaji... €7.50

SIZZLERS Chicken Tikka Sizzler....................................€9.10 Lamb Tikka Sizzler......................................€10.00 Chicken Tandoori Sizzler..............................€8.90 King Prawn Sizzler.......................................€13.00 Tandoori Mix Grill.......................................€13.50

BIRYANI CHICKEN / chicken tikka........ €9.95 / 10.95 lamb / lamb tikka............€10.95 / €12.95 prawns / king prawns....€10.95 / €13.95 fillets of fish................................... €9.95 mixed vegetables.......................................€8.95 soy meat.......................................................€11.95 paneer (cheese)......................................€10.95 Bombay Babu special..............€13.95

RICE Pilau Rice............... €3.70 Garlic Rice............. €3.90 Special Bombay Babu Rice.......................... .....€5.20 Keema Rice............ €4.90 Special Rice.......... €4.20

Egg Rice................. €3.90 Mushroom Rice.... €4.00 Mix Vegetable Rice.€4.00 Plain Boiled Rice...€3.30 Coconut Rice......................................................€3.95

NAANS Plain....................... €2.50 Cheese................... €2.75 Chilli Coriander..........€3.00 Kulcha.................... €2.75 Garlic...................... €2.75

Garlic Chilli........... €3.00 Keema................... €3.00 Onion.................... €2.75 Peshwari............... €3.00 Butter.................... €2.50

CHAPATIS Tandoori Roti........ €2.00 Plain Chapati........ €2.00 Butter Chapati....... €2.25 Plain Paratha........ €2.25 Aloo Paratha......... €2.25 Stuffed Paratha.... €3.00

KID MENU French Fries...................................................€2.95 Chicken Nuggets and chips.........................€3.45 Fish Fingers and chips..................................€3.45 Chicken KASHMIRI KORMA..........................€4.95 with chips or rice Chicken KORMA WITHOUT spices...............€4.45 with chips or rice Chicken CHASNEY WITHOUT SPICES......... .€4.45 with chips or rice

DESSERTS Khir - Rice pudding............................................€3.95 Kulfi: Indian ice cream with different flavours to choose: Mango, Pistachio, Almond, Malai......€4.95 Mango Kulfi........... €4.95 Gulab Jamun........ €3.95

CW 10


REGISTRATION is now open for women artists, who wish to take part in the 2019 ‘Mujeres AdejeCreativa’ (Creative Adeje Women) collective expo. And those interested have until 31st January to present their work for consideration.

The initiative is run by the Equality Department, and Councillor Carmen Lucía Rodríguez del Toro says: “We hope to continue to underline the importance of the role of women in the art world today, and give them an increased presence in the art galleries generally. “We also want to pay homage to those who have gone before, who have fought to overcome social convention and discrimination, which sought to stifle their artistic success.” The selected works will form part of an exhibition in Adeje Cultural Centre, which will take place from 22nd February until 18th March, as part of a series of acts celebrating International Women’s Day 2019. 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Register now for the female art exhibition

Participation requirements The competition is open to women over 16, professionals or self-taught, who are living in the Canary Islands. And, as the objective of the exhibition is to demonstration the diversity of women artists, no specific theme is required. Interested

Marijuana discovery is Spain’s highest yet

BARCELONA’S Guardia Civil officers have uncovered 2,700kgs of marijuana, bound for the UK and the Netherlands.

The Interior Ministry said in a statement that the officers arrested 25 people, in an operation that yielded the largest-ever weight of marijuana in Spain. It was grown and processed in Spain’s north-eastern region, and then taken out of the country by truck. The Guardia Police believe the gang, led by British and Dutch smugglers, used front

companies to run the crossborder trucking operation. The drugs were concealed beneath sports equipment, home furnishings, animal feed and vegetables. The statement didn’t identify those arrested, and neither did it say when the arrests occurred.

artists must present a single work of art in any discipline (painting, sculpture, photograph, graphic design, video art, installation, performance, etc), no taller than 1.20 metres. In the case of installations, the organisers will decide whether they can be accommodated

or not, depending on size. And video art presentations must be no longer than 180 seconds in duration. Works submitted must be ready for showing, that is to say with all the necessary elements in place, and if the display requires some form of special

treatment, the organisers will get in contact with the artist to organise mounting. The forms to be filled in and submitted are available for download online,, and you will be asked to submit your personal data, and a photograph of the work you wish to exhibit. From 1st February, the Equality Department will contact those artists who have been selected for participation, to give them full details of how and when their works should be brought to the cultural centre. A judging panel will also be selecting what, in their opinion, is the best work of the collection, with the chosen artists offered a full exhibition in the Cultural Centre during 2019. The criteria for choosing the best entry will be include technique, creativity and originality. The collective will also have a virtual catalogue of all the works on display, and the artists.

Holiday family’s floored by plane A BRITISH family, who had been on holiday in Spain, were forced to sit on the plane’s floor during their return TUI flight, after paying £1,400 for seats. The Taylor family, from Warwickshire, were shocked to find empty spaces, where their seats should have been, once they had boarded the plane. The Civil Aviation Authority is now investigating why the family were not given seats on their flight, from Menorca’s Mahon airport, to Birmingham. Paula Taylor, her husband

and 10-year-old daughter Brooke, checked their boarding passes when they saw an empty space under the numbers 41 D, E and F. “We all just looked at each other as if to say, “Where have our seats gone?’,” said Paula. After all the passengers were aboard, Brooke was given a spare seat, while Paula and her husband sat on flip-up chairs in the crew area. But once the staff began

serving food, however, the pair were shifted to the floor again, to be joined by Brooke because she didn’t want to be alone. Paula is still seething after being offered vouchers, worth just 33 euros, from TUI by way of apology. Needless to say, she has now contacted the BBC’s Rip Off Britain programme. The airline said a “lastminute aircraft change” was to blame for the seating blunder, because the chosen aircraft had a different floor plan. A TUI spokesperson said the company was “sorry for the way the situation was, initially, handled”, and will apologise to the Taylors, directly.


18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

It’s farewell to the mighty €500 notes

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CENTRAL banks in Eurozone countries will begin withdrawing €500 notes from circulation on 27th January, except in Germany and Austria.

They will remain legal tender, even though the Central European Bank (BCE) stopped minting them from the end of 2018. But if banks on the high street receive any, they must send them to the main bank of the country, which will return them to base. Until a few years ago, Spain had the most €500 notes in circulation in the Eurozone, but they have become extremely rare, now representing just 2.4% of all the banknotes in use worldwide. The €500 note was known, colloquially, as the “Bin Laden”, meaning that everyone knew they existed, yet few had ever seen them, yet sightings until a decade ago were extremely frequent. The €100 and €200 notes, green and yellow

Keep jailed terrorists right where they are! respectively, were also a regular sight in Spain, and were often handed over by bank branches when ordinary residents plundered their savings accounts. But these have also become rare, partly because it has always been extremely difficult to use them, except when buying goods or services of at least their denomination. Shops and petrol stations often put up warning signs, saying they could not guarantee giving change for payments made with them.

The BCE will release the new €100 and €200 designs from 28th May, following the same format as the new €5, €10, €20 and €50 notes. Despite the infrequent sighting of €100 notes in Spain, they represent a quarter of all the euro banknotes in circulation, around 23%, and are the secondmost-common denomination in existence after the €50 note. Yet €200 banknotes represent just 1% of all the euro notes in existence, or 4% of the total value of euros in cash.

A CAMPAIGN, allowing members of separatist group ETA to be relocated nearer to their Basque Country homes, has divided public opinion, with terrorism victims condemning the move. Since coming to power last June, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has promised to reverse an official Government policy to keep the jailed ETA members in prisons across Spain. The families of the 46 prisoners in French jails, and

one prisoner behind bars in Portugal, claim moving nearer to their homes will assist their eventual reintegration into society. Some critics and relatives of the estimated 853 ETA victims are resisting the decision, however, arguing that the prisoners should show remorse and renounce any ETA links, before being allowed to move closer to home. Since Sanchez announced his new policy, 19 ETA prisoners have been transferred back to the Basque Country. But just two of them had, publicly, given up any links to the terrorist group.

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News 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019


18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

13 CW

Woman dies Super-surgeon in car blaze

repairs a kid’s ripped-off toes

THE National police are investigating a road accident on Wednesday afternoon, in which a woman was killed as her car burst into flames. The accident happened on Camino Fuente Cañizares in La Laguna just before 5pm, when she allegedly lost control and crashed into a post containing electrical cables. There was another person travelling in the vehicle with her, who has been identified as her male partner, who managed to get out of the car, suffering some injuries in the process. The man, whose name has not yet been released, has been detained by the police in relation to the accident. According to witnesses, he tried to get the woman out of the car as soon as the accident occurred, but due to the flames which were gradually getting worse, he couldn’t retrieve her.

Ambulances and the fire brigade were called to the scene, and firemen immediately began to extinguish the flames from the white Dacia, as quickly as they could. When the fire was extinguished, medics could only confirm the woman’s death, due to the seriousness of her burns, while the man was in a state of shock. The man is at present at the Candelaria hospital, under police guard whilst being treated for his burns, and has been arrested in connection with the death of the woman. He has been detained by the national police, due to suspicious events that seem to have occurred which don’t tie up in the time frame of the accident. Forensic experts are expected to carry out a more thorough inspection on the vehicle, as well as an in-depth autopsy on the woman.

Next-door blaze gives man an electric shock

A MAN aged 21 has been badly injured, with severe burns to his arms, after suffering a high-voltage charge from a blaze at the next-door apartment. It occurred at around 10.45am on Tuesday, and the emergency services, responding to a call requesting assistance, were quickly on the site with a fire engine. Smoke was seen seeping through an apartment block in La Laguna’s Calle Volcan Elena, but the blaze was already

out when the fire brigade arrived. Yet the firefighters still inspected the premises, and then ventilated the apartment from where the fire originated. The fire, as well as the electric shock which injured the man, was probably caused by an electric short-circuit inside the building, An ambulance soon turned up to assist the man, whose injuries were assessed before medics took him to the University Hospital for further treatment and observation.

DOCTOR Pedro Cavadas, Spain’s worldfamous “supersurgeon”, has successfully reattached a four-year-old boy’s toes, which were ripped off when he became trapped in a fairground ride.

The child’s foot ended up wedged into the traction of a mobile staircase at a Christmas fair in the Alicante area of Rabasa. And, despite attempts by four adults to free him, the foot continued to be jammed, until the contraption was taken apart with a screwdriver. Two of his toes were literally hanging off, and, knowing of the doctor’s prowess, reattaching severed limbs and transplanting new ones, the child’s father

immediately took him to a hospital in Manises, near Valencia airport, two hours away by road. Dr Cavadas (pictured) and his team, reattached the toes, successfully, and repaired the tendons and veins of these and other parts of his foot, which were damaged in the horrific accident. A Manises hospital spokesman said the operation went well, and the little boy was still under observation. The Rabasa fairground ride was, initially, cordoned off and inspected, but it passed all mechanical checks, and has now reopened to the public. Dr Cavadas, who founded and runs a traumatology hospital in east Africa, has transplanted new legs above the knee, and arms above the elbow. He has also reattached hands, feet, toes and fingers after serious

accidents. Last April, he reattached a US marine’s severed hand, after the patient, shown here with the surgeon, suffered a serious accident in Murcia. And, in July, he repaired the base of a tetraplegic man’s spine, allowing him to move his upper body for the first time since the age of nine. In the last few weeks, Dr Cavadas has also operated on Jávea-based triathlete Scott Gordon, after the British cyclist was gravely injured in a crash, caused by a drunk driver in Valencia. After four operations over 18 months, Scott’s broken femur still refused to set, and, in desperation, he appealed to the “supersurgeon”. Dr Cavadas is said to be extremely optimistic about Scott’s chances of getting back in the saddle, eventually, because the operation was a success.

CW 14


Spain is preparing for no-deal Brexit

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

SPANISH Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has been working since November on contingency plans for four key areas in case of a “hard Brexit”, in which the UK leaves the European Union without a deal on 29th March.

Now that the issue of Gibraltar has been agreed, largely, and no additional border controls will apply for those living in Spain and working in the British enclave, Sánchez is focusing on people, trade, economy and transport. Protecting Brits in Spain, and Spaniards in Britain British expats living in Spain have been worried about their future since 24th June, 2016, when the referendum results were announced. But Sánchez has them uppermost in his mind. An estimated 750,000 UK nationals live in Spain, says his PSOE Government, and, in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the PM is ready to pass a law immediately, to prevent them becoming “illegal immigrants”, and for them to continue having access to the National Health Service, pensions, State benefits, such as dole money, and to live and work. Spain’s Parliamentary spokeswoman, Isabel Celáa, says the law will come into force in February, if the UK continues without a concrete deal with the required backing. It is unclear where this leaves holiday home-owners, present and future, who are not full-time residents in Spain. But Sánchez intends to allow Brits to travel freely between the UK and Spain without a visa, and will authorise flights between the two countries immediately, meaning expats will still be able to return for trips to see their families, and UK residents will not be cut off from their homes in the sun. Given that foreign buyers, of whom Brits make up a significant number, are helping the housing market to recover, and also boost the economy by spending in Spain on their holidays, Sanchez is likely to ensure that no extra hurdles apply to purchasing homes on Spanish territory, or for those already

owning second properties, to live in, permanently, when they retire. But British residents in Spain remain sceptical, saying they will not believe anything until they see it in black and white. Yet they are quietly confident that the Sánchez Government will support them as promised. Spaniards living in the UK have criticised its government and its MPs, in their native country, for not giving them “any type of information’”. They say the British authorities have been “drip-feeding them vague details”, but they agree that even this is “better than nothing”. Sanchez, hearing their collective cry for help, announced that he will be thrashing out details of how to protect the 200,000-plus Spaniards living in the UK, at a meeting today (Friday) with Foreign Affairs Minister Josep Borrell. But this issue could be more difficult for Spain to give guarantees, given that these residents are in the hands of British immigration policies, unlike UK-born expats in Spain to whom national policy, which Sánchez is able to control, will apply. Urgent talks with Spanish firms at home, and in the UK Concerning trade, a no-deal Brexit could create hurdles for cross-border sales between the UK and the remaining 27 EU countries, including Spain. If Britain does crash out without an agreement, it means the so-called “divorce bill” of some €44 billion, covering the UK’s contracted obligations to the bloc, including pensions for British civil servants in the EU, will not be paid. Non-payment of its agreed dues to the EU means the UK is most unlikely to be considered

a favourable or reliable trade partner. Sánchez has been in talks with British-based Spanish companies since November, including Banco Santander, clothing chains Zara and Mango, plus holdings of Iberia and Telefónica, to help devise plans for how to carry on their businesses if the UK does crash out of the bloc without a deal. Also, according to ICEX data in 2017, the UK was Spain’s third-largest destination for exports of goods and services. Just a year ago, Britain went through a highly-publicised lettuce crisis, because harsh winter weather in Spain had

reduced the usual crop yield, and left the country unable to export more than a bare minimum to the UK. Exports to the UK from Spain have been reducing gradually since the referendum result, anyway, and, in a worst-case scenario, could even grind to a halt if no agreement between France and Britain is reached over border controls. Goods transported from Spain to Britain by land go through Dover port, and, without a deal, border controls in place could delay shipping, which means perishable goods would go off, including lettuce, and also oranges, of which the overwhelming majority in British supermarkets are grown in the Valencia region. Air travel issues under discussion Sánchez is also working hard on how to handle transport issues without a deal. Airlines based in, or travelling from the UK, whose majority share capital is from non-EU countries, will be unable to operate in the EU, because the existing legal framework, covering air travel between Britain and the continent, will cease to apply overnight, and no other regulatory system will be in place in time.

Given that Iberia is owned by a joint-venture firm, along with British Airways, its situation could be seriously compromised. Josep Borrell says a no-deal Brexit “will not be positive” for Spain, and he and Sánchez will be working together closely over the next few weeks to put as many systems in place as they can, to limit the collateral damage. But it seems as though the easiest issue to resolve for Spain’s Government will be that of safeguarding the existing EU-based rights of British nationals living in the country. Isabel Celáa said a website, with full information for citizens and companies, was expected to have been launched by last Monday (14th Jan). Overall, Sra Celáa wants to “transmit a message of reassurance and calm” to those who fear they may be affected adversely by a possible no-deal Brexit. The UK MPs voted Prime Minister Theresa May’s deal down on Tuesday, by a record 238. That leaves Britain just two-and-a-half months to decide its next step. She cancelled her planned “meaningful vote”, regarding the same deal, in December.

‘Abusive passengers’ are thrown off flight A JET2 flight, on its way to Belfast from Tenerife, was diverted to Santiago, after “drunken passengers started swearing at the crew”.

The incident involved two men, who were removed from the plane when it landed at the Spanish airport, some 90 minutes after taking off. One passenger said: “The two men were drunk before they got on, and, when we took off, they were swearing at the hostess and giving grief to people.” The plane stood in Santiago for around two hours, with passengers remaining on board.

Jet2 said in a statement: “As a family-friendly airline, we take a zero-tolerance approach towards disruptive behaviour. We will fully assist the authorities with any subsequent

investigations, and we will prosecute where necessary. “We would also like to apologise to customers for the delay to their journey home.” 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019


New letting laws offer tenants a far better deal

By mariano zunino siri

Registered lawyer at the tenerife bar association

THE main changes to the letting laws, active since last month, should be regarded as a series of urgent measures in the housing and rental sector.

Longer letting Agreements The Letting Contract Law 29/1994, amended in December, introduced the following modifications that affect rental contracts: The obligatory extension period for housing leases is now increased, from three to five years, or seven if the landlord is registered as a company. Thus, it increases the minimum legal term in which the tenant can reside in the home, if he/she wants to. The tacit extension period is extended, from one to three years, after the obligatory extension period has elapsed, unless the lessor or the lessee

15 CW

does not express his/her wish to renew it. Limited guarantees At the signing of the contract, the landlord cannot demand that the new tenant has a bank guarantee, exceeding two months, regardless of the deposit. Estate agent expenses to

be paid by the landlord The lessor will be responsible for the costs of estateagent management and formalisation of the contract, provided it is a legal person, such as a company or society. Those who visit an estate agency to find a rental home, have to pay a monthly fee,

which the landlord must take over. Tourist apartments The tourist rentals come from the LAU and will be regulated as economic activity. But to halt the advance of these rental agreements in some cities, the Royal Decree modifies the Horizontal Division

Law, allowing Communities of Owners to limit this type of rentals in the complex, with the approval of 60% of owners. This measure will be applied to new tourist properties only, and not to existing ones “because they do not have retroactive characters�. Changes in the evictions of vulnerable households The Royal Decree includes changes in the Civil Procedure Law, so that the evictions can be halted, until a housing alternative is found in cases affecting vulnerable people or families. In these circumstances, the judges will notify the beginning of the eviction process to the social services. They will issue a report, and, if they warn that people set to be evicted are in a vulnerable situation, a one-month extension will be allowed, or two when a legal entity requests the release, to look for a solution. Mariano Zunino Siri is a lawyer registered at the Tenerife Bar Association since 1991. Email: abogado@ abogadosmadridtenerife. com ; marianozuninosiri@

CW 16


By Carol schleisman

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Possible Brexit delay has boosted sterling

at currencies direct

BREXIT continues to dominate the pound this year, with sterling climbing on the back of some positive developments. This saw GBP/EUR rise from 1.10 euros to 1.12, while EUR/GBP has fallen from £0.90 to £0.89. Meanwhile, GBP/USD climbed from $1.26 to $1.28, while EUR/USD held at $1.14. So far, the pound has enjoyed two weeks of consecutive gains in 2019, with sterling bouncing back from initial losses both weeks, its most recent rally being driven by speculation that Brexit may be delayed. Meanwhile, trade in the euro

SPANISH Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and his cabinet presented their 2019 budget in Parliament last Friday, even though they do not yet have sufficient support from nonruling parties to push it through.

Backing from left-wing Podemos is likely, as long as the socialist government agrees to its requests to reduce the cost of household electricity bills, and increase paternity leave from its current four weeks up to eight, although this will still be half the length of maternity leave. The price of renting a home is also reduced, but the cost of doing so in major cities, and in some of the popular coastal resort areas, is starting to rise beyond the reach of average earner. That means that young adults are continuing to live with their parents until well into their thirties. So far, the Sánchez cabinet has agreed to all the Podemos demands, except for rent prices, of which they have not yet commented. But the issue will be under discussion over the next few months. A total of 57% of the 2019 budget will be spent on healthcare, social welfare,

has been mixed, over the past couple of weeks, with some lacklustre data from the Eurozone stoking fears that some members may have entered a recession, in the fourth quarter. At the same time, the US dollar has found itself on

the back foot so far in 2019, as signals from the Federal Reserve, which suggest it may adopt a more-cautious approach this year, have limited the appeal of USD. The upcoming parliamentary vote on the EU withdrawal deal looks set to dominate

the pound, with analysts expecting some considerable volatility in GBP exchange rates, in the weeks to come, if the deal is rejected, as is widely forecast. Meanwhile, EUR investors are likely to pay extra-close attention to the economic

Sánchez presents his 2019 budget to MPs, but he needs backing

care costs, pensions and other “grass-root” essentials. Pension spending, in particular, will rise by 6.2%. Widows’ and widowers’ pensions will go up, and subsidies for the over52s, scrapped by the previous right-wing PP-led government, will return. Profit tax will rise for large companies, and income tax will go up for the highest salaries, while value-added tax, or IVA (VAT in the UK) will drop from 21% to 4% on tampons and sanitary towels, to help combat “period poverty”.

The socialist government expects to earn a record 227.4bn euros in 2019, which is a 9.5% rise on 2018, and 8.3% more than that estimated in last year’s budget. Care funds for elderly, disabled and dependent persons will rise by 59.3%, research and development (R+D) will go up by 5.6%, and 20m euros extra will be spent on the fight against gender violence. Sánchez aims to work towards pre-school education, including nursery care for the under-threes,

which he wants to be free and available to all, in addition to adding extra funds for school materials, and well as student grants and scholarships. The hike in pension spending, says Treasury Minister María Jesús Montero, “is the highest in history”, at 42.10 euros per 100, and widows’ and widowers’ pensions will rise to 60% of the deceased’s salary. Pension increases in line with inflation, as agreed late last year, will be paid in arrears in February. Income tax will go up by 2% for those earning 130,000 euros a year or more, and by 4% for annual incomes of 300,000 euros or more. Diesel will go up in price by eight cents a litre, of which 3.8 cents will be in tax. Large companies will pay a minimum of 15% on their profits, but those currently paying 25%, who have an annual turnover of less than one million euros, will have theirs reduced to 23%. This means an additional 14% in profit tax and 5.1% in IVA (VAT) earned by the Government this year.

data coming out from the Eurozone, over the next couple of weeks, as they look for any additional signs that the bloc may be experiencing a downturn. Finally, in the face of the ongoing US government shutdown, US data is looking pretty thin on the ground this month, potentially limiting movement in the US dollar. At Currencies Direct, we’re here to talk currency whenever you need us, so get in touch if you want to know more about the latest news, or how it could impact your currency transfers. Since 1996, we’ve helped more than 250,000 customers with their currency transfers. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch, or give us a call to find out more. T: +34 922 971 781 E: canaries@currenciesdirect. com W:

Regional governments’ spending “ceiling” will be raised by 4.4%, allowing them more freedom to invest in schools, hospitals, health centres and new infrastructure. The cabinet has reduced its expectations for growth and employment creation, with the former expected to be capped at 2.2%, and the jobless figure to drop by around 800,000, down from the current 15.5% to 14%. By the end of the year, Spain’s public debt will be in the region of 95.4% of the GDP, keeping it below the 100% mark, and less than stated during the latter part of the PP Government’s reign. “‘Attractive” funding provisions for Catalunya have been included as a carrot for the two regional parties, ERC (Catalunya Left Republicans) and PDeCAT (European Democratic Party for Catalunya), although details of these have not been disclosed. Votes from the ERC and PDeCAT are likely to be crucial, to comply with the numbers needed for the budget to pass through Parliament. The main processes and the preliminary stages will get underway next week, and, if the budget proposal clears these hurdles, the official Parliamentary debate will take place in the first fortnight of February. 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

17 CW

imagine... James Graham News

Call The Midwife

Sunday 20th January, BBC1, 20.00

Lucille (Leonie Elliott) is deeply concerned by the living conditions of her elderly patient Clarice Milgrove (played by Annette Crosbie). Clarice, who has a malodorous leg ulcer, is a hoarder who lives alone among towering piles of rubbish, books and tins of food. Sister Hilda (Fenella Woolgar) faces a steep learning curve when a newly arrived Ghanaian family are found to be afflicted with a mystery illness. Elsewhere, Violet Buckle (Annabelle Apsion) determines to serve her community by running for local councillor. But Fred (Cliff Parisi) is not so pleased, convinced that his Civil Defence Corps work will be more beneficial to the area than any life in politics.

Monday 21st January, BBC1, 22.45 Alan Yentob follows celebrated young British playwright James Graham, whose award-winning works take audiences to the very heart of the defining political events that shape all our lives. Often looking to the past to better understand the present, Graham is perhaps the most accomplished dramatist of his generation, renowned for tackling big complex subjects through unexpected side doors and creating highly entertaining, razor sharp and thought provoking works across theatre, film and television. A working class writer from a former mining community in Nottinghamshire, this film delves into Graham’s acclaimed hits including This House, Labour Of Love, and Ink - alongside his latest controversial television drama Brexit: The Uncivil War while also exploring his own personal story and what drives him to create such unique political theatre. Featuring exclusive behind the scenes on set access and specially performed excerpts, with contributions from collaborators Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Tamsin Greig, and journalists and politicians including Nick Robinson and Peter Mandelson. imagine‌ is a BBC Studios production. The exec producer is Tanya Hudson and Series Editor and presenter is Alan Yentob. Mark Bell is the commissioning editor for the BBC.

CW 18

TV Choice

W C cho i c e This week 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

The Victorian House Of Arts And Crafts Friday 18th January, BBC2, 21.00

In episode two the crafters are returning to nature when they not only restore the Maste to all its Arts and Crafts glory - but also take part in some fresh water swimming and an Victorian picnic. Using original tools and techniques they are set to craft from scratch an Arts and Crafts double bed and bed spread, a bedside clock and plaster wall decoration and all in just a week. All the while eating, working and living within the philosophies first outlined by the likes of John Ruskin and William Morris. Will their 1890s communal life help them to better understand the depth and scale of the Arts and Crafts movement, both as a power for artistic and social change? A week into the experience and the highs and lows of living and working together as a creative commune are beginning to take its toll - and the some of the crafters are beginning to crack as creative tensions start to show.

Michael McIntyre’s Big Surprises

Saturday 19th January, BBC1, 19.00 Join host Michael McIntyre as he looks back over his favourite surprises and pranks from the last four series of his Big Show. We’ll hear from Ed Balls, Alexander Armstrong and Carol Voderman about what it was like to hand over their phone in Celebrity Send To All, while Gino D’Acampo relives what it was like waking up and finding Michael in his bedroom on Midnight Gameshow. We’ll also hear from some of the Unexpected Stars about what it is like to find yourself on the stage in front of 2,000 people. Closing the show will be a series three unexpected star Anush Hydros, who is now staring on the West End stage, and who takes part in a very special performance.

The National Television Awards 2019 Tuesday 22nd January, ITV1, 19.30 One of the most talkedabout gongs up for grabs is the award for TV presenter, which has been won 18 years in a row by Ant & Dec, but will there be a new name on the trophy this year? Other categories include New Drama, which is a new award this year, and sees Bodyguard go up against Killing Eve, A Discovery of Witches, Girlfriends and The Cry. Elsewhere, votes will be flooding in for best Drama Performance, Talent Show, Serial Drama Performance, TV Judge and Drama. Plus, who will get on their hands on The Bruce Forsyth Entertainment Award – Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway, I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!, The Graham Norton Show, Love Island or All Round to Mrs Brown’s?

TV Choice

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week’s TV Choice 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Parveen’s Indian Kitchen

er Bedroom n authentic

Sunday 20th January, ITV1, 09.30

In this brand new ITV daytime series cookery teacher Parveen Ashraf will take viewers on a journey of discovery about authentic Indian cooking, delving into regional recipes both here in the UK and in the bustling flavour-packed streets of India. Parveen is a passionate home cook who celebrates everything about her culture as well as her cuisine. She is inspired by recipes shared by her own mother and grandmother. She has been cooking for her family and friends and teaching classic Indian dishes in the UK for many years. Here in the UK, Parveen will be learning more about authentic Indian regional cooking by visiting chefs and owners of restaurants who have been influenced by recipes handed down from generations. And Parveen will showcase her favourite family dishes in her kitchen, while giving her top tips on how to make Indian cooking easy, any day of the week. While out in India - from the bustling streets of Delhi, to the vibrant Punjab, the majestic lands of Rajasthan and the sunny coast of Mumbai - Parveen will be lining up her contacts to give the ultimate culinary guided tour of their regions. Local chefs and mothers from these areas give a taste of how Indian cuisine is not just about typical curry and rice. Guest chefs featured in the series include Chef Manish Mehrotra, of restaurant Indian Accent, which featured in the World’s Best 50 Restaurant list. Plus, in Delhi, restaurant owner Vinod Chadha opens his kitchen doors to Moti Mahal, where the Butter Chicken dish was invented. Across the series viewers will learn the essential ingredients needed for Indian cuisine, including which spices to have and how to keep them fresh, as well as ways to cook without the need for lots of equipment. Parveen’s Indian Kitchen is a culinary adventure not to be missed.

Silent Witness

Danny Dyer’s Right Royal Family

To Brighton, To Brighton - part one. A collection of dismembered body parts, covered in intricate Japanese tattoos, has been found in a Brighton waste dump. The team is called in to piece them together, painstakingly searching for clues that could lead them to the killer. Outside of the lab, Nikki (Emilia Fox) has some news that she desperately wants to share with Matt (Michael Landes).

On Who Do You Think You Are? Danny Dyer discovered he was descended from King Edward III - but in this new two-part series Danny uncovers an ever bigger family tree with even more royal and aristocratic ancestors. Now, Danny’s delving into the lives of his royal and noble forebears to find out how they lived, immersing himself in their pursuits, passions and lifestyles. From the Vikings to the Tudors, Danny dresses, eats and lives his way through his family tree. And, remarkably, his journey is a retelling of 800 years of British history - which is all there in his extraordinary bloodline. In this episode, Danny kicks off his journey by eating sheep’s tongue and fighting like his Viking 35 x great-grandfather Rollo. Following in the footsteps of his ancestor William the Conqueror, Danny tries his hand at hunting on horse and foot, Norman-style. At Dover Castle Danny is treated like a king in his very own royal residence, and in Paris Danny’s piety is tested when he lives for a day like the saintly French King Louis IX.

Monday 21st January, BBC1, 21.00

Wednesday 23rd January, BBC1, 21.00

The Cruise: Shanghai to Sydney Thursday 24th January, ITV1, 20.30

In this episode it’s all change on Majestic Princess as the ship picks up 3,500 new guests and sets sail from beautiful Sydney Harbour to circumnavigate New Zealand’s stunning coastline. But the ship soon encounters 65 knot winds and as they approach the highlight of the itinerary: the extraordinary, eerie fjords, key location for the Lord of the Rings - the winds worsen. Captain Dino must decide: take Majestic Princess into the narrow fjord and risk the gale pushing them into the treacherous banks or abandon the attempt and disappoint thousands of passengers? It’s a tough call for the man in charge.

CW 20

TV Guide

06:00...................... Breakfast 09:15 .............Rip Off Britain 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .............Wanted Down Under 11:45.Caught Red Handed 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15...............Father Brown 15:00...........I Escaped to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30 ...Antiques Road Trip 17:15....................... Pointless 18:00.... BBC News at Six 19:00 .......The One Show 19:30 ................ Celebrity Mastermind 20:00 ............ EastEnders 20:30 .............A Question of Sport 21:00 W . ould I Lie to You? 21:30 .Mrs. Brown’s Boys 22:00... BBC News at Ten 22:35........... The Graham Norton Show 23:25 .................. Cuckoo 23:50 ........... The Double 01:20 .............. BBC News


Friday 18th january

06:30 .............Wanted Down Under

06:00............ Good Morning Britain

07:15................. The Farmers’ Country Showdown

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

08:00 ........................Antiques Roadshow 09:00 ............ BBC News at 9 10:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 .BBC Newsroom Live 12:15................. Politics Live 13:00 ....... Masters Snooker 17:00 ............................. Coast 17:15 ...........................Flog It! 18:00 .............. Eggheads 18:30 ..... Great Canadian Railroad Journeys 19:00... Masters Snooker 20:00 .......... Mastermind

09:25 ..................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30............ ITV Lunchtime News 13:55....................... ITV News London 14:00 ............ Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 15:00 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00.. ITV News London

20:30 .......Grand Tours of Scotland’s Lochs

18:30..ITV Evening News

21:00.......... The Victorian House of Arts and Crafts

19:30..Coronation Street

22:00 ........................... QI

20:30..Coronation Street

22:30 .............Newsnight


23:05 ..... Front Row Late

22:00..... ITV News at Ten

23:45 ... Masters Snooker Highlights

22:45........... Through the Keyhole

00:35.... Masters Snooker Extra

23:45 ..........Take Me Out

19:00............ Emmerdale 20:00....Jeremy Wade’s Mighty Rivers


cho ice

00:45 ........... Jackpot247

Jeremy Wade’s Mighty Rivers ITV1, 20.00

Recent reports suggest that the Ganges, the world’s most revered river, is in trouble. Travelling to India, Jeremy’s investigation takes him from crab-hunters in the delta, to the heavily polluted middle river, and finally into the mountains in search of a rare predator.

cho i c e 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

06:30 ................ King of Queens 07:45 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:45 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 .......................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 ............... The £100k Drop 17:00................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00 ..... Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 21:00 .......... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 22:00 ................. Gogglebox 23:05 .......Naked Attraction 00:10 ....................The Sitter

06:00.......................Childrens TV 09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15 ....................... GPs: Behind Closed Doors 12:10.......... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .............The Yorkshire Vet 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours

06:00 ...... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 .............. Dress to Impress 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:55 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold

14:15......................... Killer Mom

09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

16:00 ................................ Friends

10:20 ......................... Superstore

16:30 ................................ Friends

11:15 .............. Dress to Impress

17:00........................ 5 News at 5

12:15 ........................ Emmerdale

17:30 ....................... Neighbours

13:15 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold

18:00......... Home and Away 18:30.......... 5 News Tonight 19:00..... Digging Up Britain 20:00................... Celebrity 5 Go Camping 21:00.......... Jane McDonald: Cruising Down Under

13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35... The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00 ................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 18:55 .... Wrath of the Titans

22:15......Freddie Mercury: A Bohemian Rhapsody

21:00 .......American Pie: The Wedding

00:15......The Best of Bad TV

23:00 ................. Family Guy

01:10.............. Teleshopping

00:00 ........... American Dad!

08:55 ..................................A Place in the Sun

06:00....................... Monkey Life

07:10 .... Rocket City Rednecks

10:00 ..................................A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:35 .... Rocket City Rednecks

07:00........................ Animal 999

08:00 .............American Pickers

08:00.......................... Road Wars

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

09:00 ........................... Babylon 5

09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK

10:00 ....................Stargate SG-1

10:00 .............American Pickers

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00............. American Pickers

12:00 .......................... Road Wars

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

14:00............................. Top Gear

15:00 ................................S.W.A.T.

15:0.................... 0 Timber Kings

16:00................. Modern Family

16:00....................... World’s Most Dangerous Roads

11:05 ..............................Car S.O.S 12:05 ..........................Time Team 13:10 ..........................Time Team 14:15 ....... Come Dine with Me 14:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:55.................................. A Place in the Sun 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55..................... Car S.O.S

17:00................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00 ....................Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons

19:55 ........... Grand Designs

19:30 .............The Simpsons

21:00.................. The Crimso n Rivers

20:00............Modern Family 21:00 .................... Delicious

22:00 .........24 Hours in A&E

22:00 ... The Late Late Show

23:05 .........24 Hours in A&E

23:00 ................. A League of Their Own

00:10........ Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 01:05.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

00:00 ............... Just Another Immigrant 01:10........Living the Dream

17:00............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00................ Border Force America’s Gatekeepers 20:00 ........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You 21:00 ...... Live at the Apollo 22:00 .................Taskmaster 23:00 ................................ QI 00:20........... Mock the Week 01:00................................. QI 01:40................................. QI 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 10:00........................ Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30 ............ Tom Kerridge’s Fresh Start 12:00 ............Football Focus 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:15 .......................... Masters Snooker 16:30 ...................Final Score 17:20 ....................... The Time it Takes 17:55 .....................BBC News 18:05............ BBC London News 18:10................ Pointless 19:00................... Michael Mcintyre’s Big Surprises

Saturday 19th January

06:45.................. All Over the Place Asia 07:15 ........................Wild and Weird 2 07:30 .................. All Over the Workplace 08:00 ............Show Me What You’re Made of 08:30..................The Dog Ate My Homework 09:00 .......................... Richard Hammond’s Invisible Worlds 10:00......................... The Wild Places of Essex 11:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer 12:00.......... Food and Drink 12:30 ..........Best Bakes Ever 13:00 ..................... Money for Nothing 14:00................. Back in Time for School 15:00............................ Tennis 16:30 ....... Masters Snooker

20:00 .......... The Greatest Dancer

17:30 ....................... Yorkshire Wolds Way

21:10................ Casualty

18:00........Cities: Nature’s New Wild

22:00.............. BBC News

19:00... Masters Snooker

22:20...................... Match of the Day

23:00............. Stockholm, My Love

23:50....... The NFL Show

00:25.... Masters Snooker Extra

00:20 .............. Ill Manors


06:00 ............... Childrens TV 07:00........................... Mission Employable 07:05 ............... Mr. Bean: The Animated Series 07:30...................Scrambled! 07:35.................The Tom and Jerry Show 07:50.. The Powerpuff Girls 08:10 ...................Toonmarty 08:30 .........Ultimate SpiderMan v the Sinister Six 09:05.. Mighty Magiswords 09:25....................... ITV News 09:30.......Saturday Morning with James Martin 11:40..............Jeremy Wade’s Mighty Rivers 12:05..............ITV Lunchtime News 12:15............Dancing on Ice 14:15 .......St. Trinian’s 2: The Legend of Fritton’s Gold 16:15 ..............Tipping Point 17:15 ....................The Chase 18:15..ITV Evening News 18:30 ........... You’ve Been Framed! 19:00..............Celebrity CW Catchphrase choice 20:00.......... The Voice UK 21:30............Through the Keyhole 22:30................ ITV News 22:45................Rambo III 00:35.......WOS Wrestling

Celebrity Catchphrase ITV1, 19.00

Stephen Mulhern hosts a Catchphrase celebrity special with comedian Johnny Vegas, Chaser Shaun Wallace and Coronation Street star Brooke Vincent all trying to ‘say what they see’ as they guess well-known phrases for the chance to win a £50,000 jackpot for their chosen charity.

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TV Guide

06:45 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

06:00.......................Childrens TV

08:05 ..............................The Big B ang Theory

10:00 ..........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

09:30 ................... The Simpsons

09:45 .............................. Floogals

21 CW

06:00 ...... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

10:00 ................... The Simpsons

10:25 ...............Britain’s Greatest Bridges

10:30 ..... Heineken Champions Cup Rugby

10:40 ............... Make You Laugh Out Loud

09:15 .............Coronation Street Omnibus

11:30 ................... The Simpsons

11:05.......... Police Interceptors

12:10 .... Celebrity Catchphrase

11:55 ................... The Simpsons

14:00 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

13:15 ................Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule

17:00 ..................Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

13:45 ................Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule

18:00 ...........Kate v Meghan: Princesses at War

14:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed!

12:25 .....................Four in a Bed 13:30 .....................Four in a Bed 14:30 .....................Four in a Bed 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 15:30 ...........Location, Location, Location 16:35............... Channel 4 News 17:05 ..... Heineken Champions Cup Rugby 19:30.......... Guy Martin: The World’s Fastest Van? 21:00 ................... Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

18:55 ........................ 5 News Weekend 19:00 .....Shrunken Heads of the Amazon

06:35 .....Emmerdale Omnibus

15:15 ........Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 17:55....... Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 21:00 .... Wrath of the Titans

20:00 ..................Digging Up Britain’s Past

23:05 ................. Family Guy

21:00 .............. Drake’s Royal Voyager

00:00................. Family Guy

23:30................. Family Guy 00:30............ American Dad!

23:00.............. Identity Thief

22:00........... Elizabeth I: The Golden Era

01:05 ....... The Crystal Maze

01:00 ............. Teleshopping

01:25........ Ibiza Weekender

08:55 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:00............................ Futurama

07:10 .... Rocket City Rednecks

10:00........... A Place in the Sun

08:00 ............................Futurama

07:35 .... Rocket City Rednecks

11:00........... A Place in the Sun

09:00................... The Simpsons

08:00 .............American Pickers

12:05.......... Location, Location, Location

09:30 ................... The Simpsons

10:00 .............American Pickers

10:00.............. Live - Soccer Am

13:05.......... Location, Location, Location

12:00............. American Pickers

11:30 .......Live Premier League

13:00............................. Top Gear

14:10 ....... Come Dine with Me

13:30 ................................S.W.A.T.

15:15 ....... Come Dine with Me

14:30 ................. Modern Family

16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

15:00 ............................Futurama

16:50 .....................Four in a Bed

15:15 ................... Gillette Soccer Saturday

17:55 .....................Four in a Bed 18:55.............. Four in a Bed 19:25.......... Britain’s Wildest Weather 2018 21:00 .................Obama: The President Who Inspired the World

12:30................................ S.W.A.T.

17:15 .................Premier League Greatest Games 17:30 ................... The Simpsons 18:30 .............The Simpsons 19:00................... MacGyver 20:00............. Hawaii Five-0

22:15........ Meet the Trumps: From Immigrant to President

21:00....................... Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

23:20........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

00:05 ................. A League of Their Own

01:25.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

01:05 .................. The Russell Howard Hour

23:10...... NCIS: Los Angeles

00:55............ American Dad!

14:00............................. Top Gear 15:00....................... Border Force America’s Gatekeepers 16:00....................... Border Force America’s Gatekeepers 17:00............................. Top Gear 18:00 .....................Top Gear 19:00 ....................... Red Bull Soapbox Race 20:00 .... Would I Lie to You? 21:20 .... Would I Lie to You? 22:00 .......... Mock the Week 22:40 .......... Mock the Week 23:20 ........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:20........................... QI XL 01:20........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

CW 22

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 08:25 ...... Match of the Day 10:00 ................. The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 .......... Sunday Politics 11:30 .... The Big Questions 12:30 ..............Homes Under the Hammer 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:15 .......... Songs of Praise 13:50 .......................... Lifeline

Sunday 20th January

06:20 ............................. Laura

06:00................ Childrens TV

06:20 ................ King of Queens

06:00.......................Childrens TV

07:45......... Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein

07:30 ..................Scrambled!

06:45 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

08:45 ............................... Wissper 09:10.......................... Paw Patrol

08:20 ................... The Instant Gardener

07:50 ...........................Ben 10

07:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

09:00.................. Countryfile 10:00 ........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30 ....................Mary Berry Cooks

14:00 ....................... Porridge 14:30 .............. Bargain Hunt

12:00 .......................The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure

09:05 ...Mighty Magisword

12:30 ................... The Simpsons

09:25...................... ITV News

14:50 ......... Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie

09:30......... Parveen’s Indian Kitchen

CW cho ice

10:25......... Naughty Cats Make You Laugh Out Loud

14:20 ..................... The Voice UK

11:15.......... Police Interceptors 12:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 .....Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railway Journeys 18:00 .................Red Arrows: Kings of the Sky

12:15 ... Step Up 2: The Streets 15:50 ............... Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 18:35..........Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 21:00 .......To be Announced

18:55 ........5 News Weekend

22:00................. Family Guy

19:00 ..... Do the Right Thing with Eamonn and Ruth

22:30................. Family Guy 23:00................. Family Guy

23:55................... Like Crazy

21:00 .......Horrible Bosses 2

01:30... Flying Across Britain with Arthur Williams

23:10 .............. Grown Ups 2 01:15 T........... Teleshopping

01:20.... Release the Hounds

08:55.....Jamie’s Comfort Food

06:00.......... The Hour of Power

07:10..... Rocket City Rednecks

09:15...... Flight of the Phoenix

07:00............................ Futurama

07:35..... Rocket City Rednecks

12:00........ Come Dine with Me

08:00 ............................Futurama

12:30........ Come Dine with Me

09:00 ................... The Simpsons

08:00.............. Red Bull Soapbox Race 2018

13:05........ Come Dine with Me

10:00 ................... The Simpsons

13:35........ Come Dine with Me

11:00 ...........................WWE Raw

14:05........ Come Dine with Me

12:00 ................................S.W.A.T.

14:40......................Four in a Bed

13:00 ................................S.W.A.T.

15:10......................Four in a Bed

14:00................................ S.W.A.T.

15:40......................Four in a Bed

15:00 ...........................MacGyver

16:10......................Four in a Bed

16:00 ................. Modern Family

16:45......................Four in a Bed

17:00 ................. Modern Family

17:15........ Come Dine with Me

18:00 .............The Simpsons

17:50 ....... Come Dine with Me

18:30 .............The Simpsons

18:20.... Come Dine with Me

19:00 .............The Simpsons

18:55.... Come Dine with Me

19:30 .............The Simpsons

19:25.... Come Dine with Me

20:00 ................... MacGyver

20:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics

21:00 ............. Hawaii Five-0

21:00....... The Clinton Affair

23:00....................... S.W.A.T.

20:10 ....................... Vera

22:00............... BBC News

19:00................... Masters Snooker

22:05................ ITV News

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11:45 ..... You’ve Been Framed!

16:30 .....ITV Evening News

18:15............ Ski Sunday

22:25 ......... Unbelievable Moments Caught on Camera

23:30 ................ Defiance

23:20............... Cold Feet

01:35 ...... Question Time

00:15 ........... Jackpot247

Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen ITV1, 11.30

21:00. SAS: Who Dares Wins

10:00.......... Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

22:55 ....................... Tin Star

21:00....... Les Misérables


20:00............George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces

08:50 .............Coronation Street Omnibus

14:15............................ Dr. No

18:00...... Dancing on Ice

00:30............... BBC News

19:00 .........World’s Weirdest Homes

09:45 .............................. Floogals

20:00 .................Inside Hotel Chocolat

17:15 ............................Tennis

23:30.........Jonathan Pie’s American Pie

18:30......... Channel 4 News

09:30................. Shane the Chef

06:10 ......................... Emmerdale Omnibus

12:45................The Voice UK

20:00.... Call the Midwife

22:30.. Match of the Day 2

16:30 ............................... Tangled

08:55........ Pirata and Capitano

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

22:00........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

17:00.................... The Chase

23:00...................... Insert Name Here

08:00 ..................................Frasier 09:30................. Sunday Brunch

13:00 ....... Masters Snooker

22:20... BBC London News

07:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

08:30................... Spy School

12:30............. ITV Lunchtime News

16:45 .......................Pointless

19:00................. Antiques Roadshow

08:10 ............... Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

11:30....................Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen

16:00............... Escape to the Country


07:35................ The Tom and Jerry Show

10:30 ......This Morning - On Sunday

15:30 ..................... Money for Nothing

17:35.................... BBC News 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Ainsley’s first stop is Jamaica, the island where his father grew up, to re-discover the country that has long been linked to great food, music and culture. His first stop is Coronation Market, where farmers from all over Jamaica head at the weekends to sell their produce – the best way to explore truly local ingredients. Here, Ainsley makes some new friends and picks up the ingredients for his first recipe. Heading up to the north of the island, Ainsley gets a taste of the tropical weather and takes refuge with Chris and Lisa Binns – who run Stush in the Bush – a Rastafarian Farm to table experience in the hills above Ocho Rios. Here Lisa teaches him their signature Ackee stuffed Ravioli and Chris teaches him about what it means to be Rastafarian. Ainsley meets up with English Chef Tim Kensett, who is head chef at Golden Eye – owned by Island Records founder Chris Blackwell - and then takes a tour around the famous Fleming Villa, the home of Ian Fleming and where he wrote the James Bond novels. Reflecting on his time in Jamaica, Ainsley makes a Bond inspired Martini cocktail.

22:00.......... The Monuments Men 00:15..........24 Hours in A&E 01:20....... The Clinton Affair

22:00 ......NCIS: Los Angeles 00:00.................... The Force: North East 01:00 ....................The Force: North East

23:30 ................. Family Guy 23:55 ........... American Dad! 00:25........... American Dad! 00:55.. The Cleveland Show

10:00........................Border Force America’s Gatekeepers 12:00..............American Pickers 14:00..............American Pickers 15:00.............................. Top Gear 16:00.............. Red Bull Soapbox Race 2018 18:00.......... Yianni: Supercar Customiser 18:58....................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 20:00................... Drug Wars 21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00............................ QI XL 23:00....... Live at the Apollo 00:00........... Mock the Week 00:40............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:40...... Asian Provocateur 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Feast for live music fans

GREAT tribute bands have been in existence since the first piece of music was written, and, today, they still remain hugely popular. They are known as cover bands, or solo artists, who impersonate every detail imaginable about the worldfamous bands and artists to whom they pay homage… and some are extremely good at it. The popularity of tribute bands

has climbed considerably over the past decade or so, to the point where some of the world’s biggest are working, continuously. And we, at TributoFest, can vouch for that, because we have to book the top performers over a year in advance. This is especially true of those who focus on superstar acts, such as Prince, Coldplay and Elton John, all of whom are in high demand. Good tribute acts have the power to give audiences a unique opportunity to enjoy their favourite bands

and artists, in a modernday setting. There will be no more Whitney Houston, for example, but first-class impersonators of the stars come pretty close. Plus, living on an island in the Atlantic Ocean means that many fans in Tenerife will not be able to see their favourite band or artist, without travelling, which costs them huge sums of money. In 2018, TributoFest brought some of the world’s topclass tribute acts to Tenerife, including: Coldplace, rated the world’s No.1 Coldplay tribute band, supported by Katy Perry and Ed Sheeran tributes. And, also, Not the Rolling Stones, featuring the best Mick Jagger lookalike you’ll ever see, supported by David Bowie. Also featured were The UK Guns N’ Roses, Europe’s top Guns N’ Roses tribute band, with support from AC/DC, and The Tina Turner show, performed by international recording star Janet Gray, and Just Whitney. For live music fans in Tenerife, this year promises to be just as good, if not better, with another four, world-class tribute bands booked to appear. These include the No.1 official Take That tribute show, Rule The World, plus Tony Lewis as Robbie Williams, who is the No.1 Robbie tribute in the world, along with Spice Power, all on the same show. The Michael Jackson show, with support, arrives in September, and to finish off the year, we’ll see the world’s

TributoFest - 4 page Special

No.1 ABBA tribute band, along with The Bee Gees. But, to start the year off, TributoFest is delighted that one of the best tribute acts in the world is coming to Tenerife this month. Mark Anthony, as Prince, honours and celebrates the life and legacy of Prince, featuring a show with all the popular Prince hits, including

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Purple Rain, 1999, Little Red Corvette, When Doves Cry, Raspberry Beret, Kiss, Let’s Go Crazy and many, many more. In support is Miss Madonna, the UK’s official No.1 Madonna tribute act, voted by The Agents Association from the National Tribute Awards 2018. To find out more visit www.

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TributoFest - 4 page Special

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

The Prince of Tribute bands THE journey began for Mark Anthony when he appeared on the front cover of The Mirror newspaper, and the centre pages of The Sun, to promote the Woolwich Bank Celebrity GetTogether.

Since that introduction, he has continued to be seen in public as the best Prince tribute in the world. Mark performs with a five-piece band. Morris Hayes, the keyboard player in Prince’s original band, The New Power Generation, said that Mark “… looks more like Prince then Prince does”.

And he sounds like Prince, too!

Let’s go crazy for Mark by Andrew Milne I HAVE known of Mark since first seeing him on ITV’s Stars In Their Eyes, performing “Cream”, and then on BBC1’s Top Of The Pops, introducing “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World”. He portrayed Prince in the recent Channel 5 documentary “Icon, Genius...Slave”, and, more recently, on the BBC1 show “Even Better Than the Real Thing”, hosted by Paddy McGuinness. I even spotted him when he was in a film playing a baddie’s henchman, in the Daniel Craig 007 Bond movie, Spectre! I was lucky enough, over the years, to see the real Prince performing live, five times, and I must admit I had my reservations. After all, nobody can truly fill the highheeled shoes of the one-and-only Prince. But, after seeing Mark Anthony as Prince, I was really impressed. Not only does he look like the great man himself, but he put on a fantastic show to boot, and even did some of Prince’s splits/dance moves! Mark was a gentleman afterwards, when we met him for a quick photo. I would definitely go to see this respectful tribute again, and highly recommend that you do, too! You will be surprised how good a job Mark is actually doing, and he has obviously worked hard to produce a good show. His singing voice has a good range, and he can manage the falsetto notes whilst talking to the audience, making sure everyone is having fun … and the band were funky, too! A great night out … cool!

You will probably have already seen Mark Anthony on TV or in the press as Prince, without realising it, as he has appeared on “Stars In Their Eyes”, which was shown all over the world. He made history by being the first “double” to ever appear on the popular TV music show “Top Of The

Pops”, and appeared in the Christmas special of “Birds of a Feather”, starring alongside Pauline Quirke and Linda Robson, and noted film producer, Michael Winner. Mark has received major press coverage from British and European outlets such as Just Seventeen, Shades

Magazine, Voice, Miss London, Hello Magazine, the Daily Express, Girl About Town, The Enquirer, and many other publications. He has also appeared in numerous radio and TV interviews, including one memorable occasion, featuring on Lorraine Kelly’s Radio Show, including singing live, on air. His appearance at the Pepsi Chart Show in London, where he arrived in a black limousine with accompanying bodyguards as tall as the hills, has still left people wondering, to this day, whether or not they were in the actual presence of Prince! Mark is also a popular invitee to movie premieres such as Naked Gun Two And A Half, Nightmare on Elm Street and Terminator 2. He was even asked to promote a new Batman movie in Barcelona, by performing live on a huge, four-stage set-up, which was screened on Spanish television. He has made several extensive tours with his band and dancers, and has performed live shows all around the world, such as Berlin, Vienna, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Norway and America, recently, including one groundbreaking performance in St Petersburg. This showed that Mark is at the forefront of a generation of tribute performers. Finally, yes, Mark did have the pleasure of meeting the real Prince and his band. He was invited to The Prince concert at Wembley Arena by the promoters, BMG, and then to the after-show at Brixton Academy, by Prince’s management, getting a “royal” seal of approval.

TributoFest - 4 page Special

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

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And a word from our sponsors...

Premier Properties make your dreams come true! OVER the years, Premier Properties Tenerife have established themselves as one of the foremost estate agents in Los Cristianos.

Initially creating Premier Properties as a small, internetbased company in 2006, Paul and Judith have grown the company, in both experience and size, and now occupy a prime spot, in the very heart of the town. They will, literally, “guide you every step of the way”! In fact, Premier Properties offer their clients total peace of mind, because they are members of the Tenerife South Real Estate Association (TSREA). The association is a select group, offering a guarantee, which contributes to ensuring the prestige of the profession. Buyers and sellers are secure in the knowledge that all realestate transactions, made by the association’s real-estate agents, will be performed with maximum security and transparency. Premier Properties aspire to be the “go-to agent”, for those looking to conduct property transactions in the South of Tenerife. With values which are second to none, and with a friendly, knowledgeable, multilingual team of experts, their family principles are extended to their Premier Properties business. Why not pop into their Los Cristianos office, and meet the “A-Team”, as they have affectionately been called by several clients, over the years! It is headed by Judith, who

has gained years of financial experience from working with banks and building societies in the UK, as well as customer-care skills. She was working, latterly, in a major university in South Wales, with the Vice Chancellor and Board of Governors. Paul, also from South Wales, headed large marketingand-sales teams for various businesses in Wales. Conny, who has been on the island since 2002, and was, originally, from Germany, works closely with Damian, who is legally trained, and from Argentina. Irina, from Sweden, is our newest team member, and provides translations in Russian and Swedish. Last, but certainly not least, Miryoku, named after a Japanese perfume, is the youngest member of the team and is from Belgium. Between them, they speak over nine languages! Premier Properties also provide a huge variety of services, including, but not limited to, heritage issues and relocation assistance, including the relocation of

pets, and also help in entering children into the local schools! They provide property valuations, building and construction works, both large and small projects, property-management and key-holding services, and assistance with various insurance and banking issues, including accounts and mortgages, property and life assurance. They will also assist with obtaining NIE numbers, various certificates etc., together with the preparation of all legal works, in connection with the sale and purchase of property, and also power of attorneys. They really are a “one-stop shop”! Premier Properties Tenerife also believe, very strongly, in “giving back”, both to the local community, and internationally. In 2016, when Los Cristianos was rocked by the devastation caused by a building collapse, they donated gifts to the children affected by the loss of loved ones. They also regularly sponsor sports teams, in order to

encourage today’s youth to learn how to team-build, and share together in something enjoyable and tangible. The team at Premier Properties are also fun loving, and do a lot to support the local entertainment scene. They have, for many years, been associated with the sponsorship of various categories at the annual Tenerife Entertainment Awards (TEAs), which encourage new and valued talent on the island. Much to the annoyance of several of their competitors, they have won, twice, the FIFA World Cup Sponsorship Competition, headed by Oasis Fm, in 2014 and 2018! Premier Properties are also a certified ticket outlet for the various TributoFest events, held here in Tenerife, including tribute acts aspiring to be the Rolling Stones, U2, AC/DC, Tina Turner, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, George Michael, Gary Barlow, and, soon, Prince and Madonna! Lastly, Premier Properties also started their venture into overseas property fairs, which proved to be an enormous success, and will be a project they will continue with into the future, in several European countries.

On a more serious note, why not allow Premier Properties Tenerife to “guide you every step of the way” in your property search? They will match your personal requirements with their extensive and diverse property portfolio, and will show you the very best available property, within your budget, here in Tenerife. Let Premier Properties Tenerife give you a variety of options for buying and selling property, that perhaps you never thought you had. They concentrate on only introducing you to properties that fit your stated requirements, and the choice is with you. When it comes to selling your property here in Tenerife, Premier Properties Tenerife are pro-active, efficient, transparent and totally reliable and trustworthy. Just check out the testimonials page on their website: www. premierpropertiestenerife. com/en/testimonials which also includes video footage. The story doesn’t end there, because, as we all know, once you have found your “A Team”, and your dream property, they will always be there to “guide you every step of the way”!

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TributoFest - 4 page Special

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Service with a smile! MOTORWORLD is a family-run business, and has been in operation since 2005. It is run by Emma, who deals with all the day-to-day running of the office and garage, helped by Dad Graham, who is a fully-qualified mechanic, with over 46 years’ experience.

They are assisted by a painter, Claudio, a prepper, Borja, and a mechanic, Tony, who all offer different qualities to the successful business. The initial idea was to offer a service to ex-pats for buying and selling second-hand, quality, used cars, where they were able to converse in their native language with British people. Our first premises were small and in Costa del Silencio, but we soon realised that customers wanted more than to just buy or sell a car. We have always prided ourselves on offering great and friendly customer service. A lot of our business is repeat, or from recommendations, often by people who have never used our services. But they know how good our reputation is for providing fair, accurate and sensible information, where necessary, and a guiding hand, when required. All too often, in a foreign country, people feel “lost” when confronted by the differences concerning how things are done, and buying or selling a car can be a minefield!

We quickly improved our services to provide repairs and translation services, and to prepare and complete any car-related paperwork, all provided under one roof. With Emma having been at school here, she was well placed to use her language skills, common sense and

knowledge, to ensure that the business flourished. Newer, bigger premises were soon sought. These were on the Costa del Silencio industrial estate, and, from there, we were able to increase the level of repairs and servicing, all provided under Graham’s watchful and experienced eye.

In 2016, we moved again to much bigger and better premises in Las Chafiras. Here, in our large Nave, we are able to display the cars for sale in lighter and much more comfortable surroundings. We have a mechanical workshop as well as a Chapa/Pintura (paint and body-work department), and

an office for dealing with all the paperwork. In the car-sales section of the business, we get many repeat customers, and many from recommendations and word of mouth. We also purchase cars, and, if we are not interested, offer advice to assist the person selling. We work for most major insurance companies such as Liberty Seguros, Zurich, Allianz, Mapfre etc., and make sure that, in the event of an accident, the assessment and repair is carried out with the minimum of fuss for the client. We are agents for Liberty Seguros, so can quote on cars, bikes, houses etc., and much of this business is from recommendations. Pop in and see us to browse our cars for sale, book a fixed-price service or valet, or post-accident repair work. For further information, visit Motorworld at our Las Chafiras premises, or call 922 783 828. You can also find us on Facebook.

More from our sponsors next week 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast

monday 21st January

09:15 .............Rip Off Britain

06:00 .............Wanted Down Under

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

10:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer

06:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown

08:30........................ Lorraine

11:00 .............Wanted Down Under

07:30............Family Cooking Showdown

11:45................... Caught Red Handed

08:30...................The Week in Parliament

12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt

09:00............. BBC News at 9

13:00 ...... BBC News at One

10:00........................... Victoria Derbyshire

13:30 ....BBC London News 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 ..............Father Brown 15:00 ...................... Escape to the Country

11:00............BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00..............................Bowls

15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown


16:30....Antiques Road Trip

18:00............... Eggheads


18:30...... Great Canadian Railway Journeys

18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:30... BBC London News 19:00........The One Show 19:30.............. Inside Out 20:00............. EastEnders

17:30............................Flog It!

19:00................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00......... Only Connect

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 13:55..... ITV News London 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..............Coronation Street 20:00....The Martin Lewis Money Show


20:30............... University Challenge

21:00........ Silent Witness

21:00....................... Icons

22:00.... BBC News at Ten

21:00.............Cold Feet

22:30... BBC London News

22:00...............Two Doors Down

22:45............... Imagine...


00:00............ The Graham Norton Show


22:45............... The Paras: Men of War

00:50...... Weather for the Week Ahead 00:55............... BBC News



cho ice

22:00...... ITV News at Ten

09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .............The Yorkshire Vet 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ........................Love, Again 16:00 ................................ Friends 16:30 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30.......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 .World’s Busiest Hotel 20:00 ........................... Police Interceptors 21:00 .............. Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railway Journeys 22:00............... Raw Recruits: Squaddies at 16 23:05.................. Undercover Criminal 00:05...........................Chaos

08:55 ..................................A Place in the Sun

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

10:00 ..................................A Place in the Sun

07:00........................ Animal 999

00:15.......... World Indoor Bowls Highlights

23:45.....Serial Killer with Piers Morgan

11:05 ..............................Car S.O.S

01:15.............The Sheriffs are Coming

00:35.................. Tenable

13:10 ..........................Time Team

01:25............ Jackpot247

14:15 ....... Come Dine with Me

12:05.......................... Time Team

14:50 ....... Come Dine with Me

Cold Feet ITV1, 21.00

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

27 CW

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10.............. Dress to Impress 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:25............ Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 11:15 .............. Dress to Impress 12:15........................ Emmerdale 12:45............ Coronation Street 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:50...................... Take Me Out 17:50....................... Take Me Out: The Gossip 18:35................. You’ve Been Framed: Gold 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore 21:00.................. Family Guy 22:00............ American Dad! 22:55.................. Family Guy 23:55...The Cleveland Show 00:25............................Plebs

20:30..............Coronation Street

After hearing some harsh home-truths from Matt, Adam seeks counselling in the form of Drama Therapy. He ends up acting out scenarios but struggles to see the merit in it. His perseverance stirs up unexpected emotions and he’s surprised to learn what’s really behind his inability to commit to relationships. As the twins’ 18th birthday approaches, Karen’s still grappling with parenthood; she’s baffled by the constant stream of packages arriving for Ellie and is appalled when she learns how Ellie’s coming by them. Karen turns to Adam for help, but struggling with being a single parent himself, he doesn’t know what to suggest. Initially, that is. Pete takes Evan the ‘jumper’ on as a cause; he saved his life, now he wants to save his soul. Jenny grapples with her secret, despite it being harder and harder to keep it to herself. Pete’s preoccupation with Evan leads him to let young Adam down which aggravates an already sensitive Jenny. Instead of living the high life, David struggles with the emasculation of being a kept man. Nikki tries to be understanding but as tensions increase, their relationship begins to falter.

cho i c e

06:30 ..........King of Queens 07:45 ........Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 ........................... Frasier 10:10 ....... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05................... Undercover Boss USA 12:00......... Channel 4 News 12:05.................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:05... Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10..................Countdown 15:00......A Place in the Sun 16:00..........The £100k Drop 17:00..............Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00........ The Simpsons 18:30............... Hollyoaks 19:00..... Channel 4 News 20:00............ How to Lose Weight Well 21:00.................. A Year of British Murder 23:00..... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 00:05.................SAS: Who Dares Wins

TV Guide

15:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:55 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55..................... Car S.O.S 19:55........... Grand Designs 21:00..................... Car S.O.S 22:00......... Inside Bentley: A Great British Motor Car 23:05 .........24 Hours in A&E

06:30 .......................Monkey Life 07:30 ........................ Animal 999 08:00 .......................... Road Wars 09:00 ........................... Babylon 5 10:00 ....................Stargate SG-1 11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00.................................S.W.A.T. 16:00 ................. Modern Family 16:30 ................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00.................... Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons 19:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00............... Magnum, P.I.

00:10 .......... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

21:00....................... Mission: Impossible II

01:15.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

00:20 ............. Hawaii Five-0

23:20....... Living the Dream

07:10 .... Rocket City Rednecks 07:35 .... Rocket City Rednecks 08:00 .............American Pickers 09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK 09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK 10:00 .............American Pickers 12:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 ............................. Top Gear 14:00............................. Top Gear 15:00 .....................Timber Kings 16:00 .......................World’s Most Dangerous Roads 17:00............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00 ................The Hurting: Even Hurtier 19:30.................The Hurting: Even Hurtier 20:00 .................. Drug Wars 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00 .................Taskmaster 23:00 ................................ QI 00:20 .......... Mock the Week 01:00 ................................ QI 01:40 ................................ QI

CW 28

TV Guide

tuesday 22nd January 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 .............Rip Off Britain 10:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .............Wanted Down Under 11:45................... Caught Red Handed 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 ..............Father Brown 15:00 ...................... Escape to the Country 15:45.............The Farmers’ W C Country Showdown choice 16:30 ...Antiques Road Trip 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00 .... BBC News at Six 19:00 .......The One Show 19:30 ............ EastEnders 20:00 ............. Holby City 21:00 ....... Silent Witness 22:00 ... BBC News at Ten 22:45.......Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You 23:30 ..............Kids in the Crossfire: Stacey Dooley in the USA 00:30............... BBC News

06:30 .............Wanted Down Under 07:15 .................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 08:00.......... MasterChef: The Professionals 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00........................... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00............BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00 .............................Bowls 16:45............................ Tennis 17:30 ...........................Flog It! 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30...... Great Canadian Railway Journeys 19:00................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00...............My Million Pound Menu 21:00....................... Icons 22:00...... Mock the Week 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15......................... NFL 00:05.......... World Indoor Bowls Highlights 01:05..... Amazon: Earth’s Great Rivers


06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 ..... ITV News London 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00.................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase 18:00.. ITV News London 18:30 .ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30 .......... The National Television Awards 2019 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

00:05................. On Benefits

06:00 ...... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 .............. Dress to Impress 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 11:15 .............. Dress to Impress 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 12:45............ Coronation Street 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:40... The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:55 ...................... Take Me Out 18:10............... Take Me Out: The Gossip 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore 21:00.............. Hell’s Kitchen 22:00............ Celebrity Juice 22:50.................. Family Guy 00:15............ American Dad!

08:55 ..................................A Place in the Sun

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10..... Rocket City Rednecks

07:00 ........................ Animal 999

08:00..............American Pickers

10:00 ..................................A Place in the Sun

07:30 ........................ Animal 999

09:00.........Storage Hunters UK

08:00 .......................... Road Wars

10:00..............American Pickers

09:00 ........................... Babylon 5

12:00..............American Pickers

10:00 ....................Stargate SG-1

13:00.............................. Top Gear

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

14:00.............................. Top Gear

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

15:00......................Timber Kings

15:00 ................................S.W.A.T. 16:00 ................. Modern Family

16:00........................World’s Most Dangerous Roads

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

17:00 ............................. Top Gear

09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .............The Yorkshire Vet 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 .............Eve of Abduction 16:00 ................................ Friends 16:30................................ Friends 17:00........................ 5 News at 5 17:30........................ Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00................. Koalas: Cute and Cuddly 20:00............ Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 21:00............Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 22:00... Extraordinary People 23:05...........Hotel Inspector: Checking in, Checking Out

22:30.. ITV News London 22:45......Britain’s Busiest Motorway 23:15.........Bradley Walsh and Son: Breaking Dad 23:45........... Cleaning Up 00:35.................. Tenable 01:25............ Jackpot247

The Farmers’ Country Showdown e c i cho BBC1, 15.45 Episode twelve: Three Counties - Alpacas. Alpaca farmers, Ian and Caroline and former circus ringmaster turned farmer, Drew, compete with their alpacas for coveted red rosettes at the Royal Three Counties Show. A heart-warming series that celebrates inspirational farming families and the rural events where they showcase their hard work, as they try to win the top prizes.

06:30................ King of Queens 07:45 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05....................... Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 ............... The £100k Drop 17:00 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00 ............ The Secret Life of the Zoo 21:00..........24 Hours in A&E 22:00................ Catastrophe 22:35........Naked Attraction 23:35........ Shut-Ins: Britain’s Fattest People 00:35.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

11:05 ..............................Car S.O.S 12:05 ..........................Time Team 13:10 ..........................Time Team 14:15 ....... Come Dine with Me 14:50....... Come Dine with Me 15:20....... Come Dine with Me 15:50....... Come Dine with Me 16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:55 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:55 .................... The Supervet 18:55 .....................Car S.O.S

17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00 ....................Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons

19:55 ........... Grand Designs

20:00........................... David Attenborough’s Galapagos

21:00 ...........Animal Airport

21:00........Living the Dream

22:00...........Fatal Flight 447: Chaos in the Cockpit

22:00.................. A League of Their Own

18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00 ................The Hurting: Even Hurtier 19:30.................The Hurting: Even Hurtier 20:00.....James May’s Cars of the People 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00..................Taskmaster

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

23:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

00:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

00:00.....................The Force: North East

00:20........... Mock the Week

01:10............Animal Airport

01:00.............. Hawaii Five-0

01:40................................. QI

23:00................................. QI 01:00................................. QI 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 .............Rip Off Britain 10:00.............. Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .............Wanted Down Under 11:45................... Caught Red Handed 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15...............Father Brown 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 20:00.............DIY SOS the Big Build 21:00.......... Danny Dyer’s Right Royal Family 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:45........London’s Knife Wars: What’s the Solution? 23:30................... Michael Mcintyre’s Big Surprises 00:30............... BBC News

wednesday 23rdJanuary

06:30..............Wanted Down Under 07:15..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 08:00........See Hear on Tour 08:30.... Great British Menu 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00....BBC Newsroom Live 11:15.................. Politics Live 13:00........................... Lifeline 13:10..............................Bowls 16:45.............................Tennis 17:30............................Flog It! 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30...... Great Canadian Railway Journeys 19:00................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00....Tom Kerridge’s W C Fresh Start choice 20:30......The Twinstitute 21:00......We Need to Talk About Death 22:00.. Insert Name Here 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15...............My Million Pound Menu 00:15.......... World Indoor Bowls Highlights 01:15..................See Hear on Tour

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30.............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00.. ITV News London 18:25......... Party Political Broadcast 18:30..ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30....Coronation Street 20:00........... Bradley Walsh and Son: Breaking Dad 20:30....Coronation Street 21:00........... Cleaning Up 22:00..... ITV News at Ten 22:45.................... Peston 23:45.............. The Cruise: Shanghai to Sydney 00:10.................. Tenable 01:00............ Jackpot247

06:30................ King of Queens 07:45.............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40.................................. Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05....................... Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 ............... The £100k Drop 17:00 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00 ......... Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it 21:00 ....... The Undateables 22:00 ....... Shut-Ins: Britain’s Fattest People 23:00...... Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Back 00:00........... A Year of British Murder

TV Guide

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .............The Yorkshire Vet 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 .................. Killer Assistant 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30........... 5 News Tonight 19:00..... Police Interceptors 20:00..................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 21:00..................Red Arrows: Kings of the Sky 22:00........ Hitler’s Holocaust Railways with Chris Tarrant 23:30........ The Murder of Tia Sharpe: My Daughter 01:00.............. Teleshopping

29 CW

06:00 ...... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 .............. Dress to Impress 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20......................... Superstore 11:15.............. Dress to Impress 12:15........................ Emmerdale 12:45 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 13:45............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:40....The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:55....................... Take Me Out 18:10......... Take Me Out: The Gossip 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore 21:00.............. Hell’s Kitchen 22:00............ Celebrity Juice 23:00.................. Family Guy 00:00............ American Dad!

08:55.................................. A Place in the Sun

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10..... Rocket City Rednecks 07:35..... Rocket City Rednecks

10:00 ..................................A Place in the Sun

07:00 ........................ Animal 999 08:00 .......................... Road Wars

08:00..............American Pickers

09:00........................... Babylon 5

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

10:00 ....................Stargate SG-1

10:00 .............American Pickers

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00 .............American Pickers

11:05............................. Car S.O.S 12:05 ..........................Time Team 13:10 ..........................Time Team 14:15 ....... Come Dine with Me 14:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:55 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:55 .................... The Supervet 18:55 .....................Car S.O.S 19:55........... Grand Designs 21:00..................... £4Million Restoration 22:00...............Phil Spencer’s Stately Homes 23:05..........24 Hours in A&E 00:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 01:10.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA


13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ................................S.W.A.T. 16:00 ................................ Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00.................... Futurama 18:30............. The Simpsons 20:00.................. A League of Their Own

13:00 ............................. Top Gear 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00 .....................Timber Kings 16:00 .......................World’s Most Dangerous Roads 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00 ................The Hurting: Even Hurtier 19:30........The Hurting: Even Hurtier

21:00............... Magnum, P.I.

20:00.......... Yianni: Supercar Customiser

22:00................ Just Another Immigrant

21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00..................Taskmaster

23:10.....................The Force: Manchester

23:00................................. QI

00:10.............. Hawaii Five-0

01:00................................. QI

01:05.............. Hawaii Five-0

01:40................................. QI

00:20........... Mock the Week

Tom Kerridge’s Fresh Start BBC2, 20.00

Tom’s brother Sam and his family arrive for lunch, and they roadtest his tasty veg-packed Spicy Beef Lettuce Cups. Tom stages a family cook-off and explains the key to a delicious stir fry is to prep all the ingredients in advance, as the cooking part only takes a couple of minutes. His final stir fry tip is to present and serve the meal inside lettuce cups, to maximise everyone’s intake of veggies. Meanwhile the sporty Clarke family from Marlow look healthy on the outside, but worry that their reliance on eating out and convenience food isn’t doing them any good on the inside. Kerry, 53, has been treated for breast cancer, and is hoping that eating Tom’s recipes rather than processed foods will give her the vitamins her immune system needs to keep her healthy and strong. Kerry’s husband, 53 year-old Chris, wants to cook fresh meals but finds the process of learning to cook frustrating. With Tom’s help, together they cook Gremolata Fish with Posh Tartare Sauce, a healthy version of fish and chips. The chef wants to prove to Chris that if you put in a bit of practice, you really can cook fantastic, tasty and healthy meals - and have fun doing it.

cho i c e

CW 30

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 .............Rip Off Britain 10:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .............Wanted Down Under 11:45................... Caught Red Handed 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:30.....BBC London News 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15...............Father Brown 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:30.BBC London News

thursday 24th January

06:30..............Wanted Down Under

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

07:15................. The Farmers’ Country Showdown

08:30........................ Lorraine

08:00.......... MasterChef: The Professionals

10:30 .............. This Morning

09:00............ BBC News at 9

13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News

10:00........................... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00............BBC Newsroom Live 12:15 ................. Politics Live 13:00 .............................Bowls 17:00 ............................Tennis 18:00.............. Eggheads 18:30...... Great Canadian Railway Journeys 19:00................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip


19:00........The One Show

20:00........Back in Time for School

19:30............. EastEnders

21:00 .................Hospital

20:00... Would I Lie to You? The Unseen Bits

22:00......... Better Things

20:30............. EastEnders 21:00.... Death in Paradise 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:45....... Question Time 23:45...............This Week


cho ice

22:20...........................The Archiveologists 22:25...........................The Archiveologists 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15.................. Horizon

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:30 ............ Loose Women

13:55 ..... ITV News London 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00.... ITV News London

09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine

23:00........................Horrible Bosses 2

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10.............. Dress to Impress 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:25............ Coronation Street 09:25.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 11:15 .............. Dress to Impress 12:15........................ Emmerdale 12:45............ Coronation Street 13:45.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:40... The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:55...................... Take Me Out 18:10.................. Take Me Out: The Gossip 19:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00...... Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore 21:00...............American Pie: The Wedding 23:05.................. Family Guy 23:55............ American Dad!

08:55 ..................................A Place in the Sun

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 .... Rocket City Rednecks

06:30....................... Monkey Life

07:35 .... Rocket City Rednecks

10:00 ..................................A Place in the Sun

07:00 ........................ Animal 999

08:00 .............American Pickers

08:00 .......................... Road Wars

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

09:00........................... Babylon 5

09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK

10:00 ....................Stargate SG-1

10:00 .............American Pickers

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

11:00 .............American Pickers

13:00.................... Hawaii Five-0

12:00 .............American Pickers

14:00.................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

15:00................................ S.W.A.T.

14:00 ............................. Top Gear

15:20 ..........................Come Dine with Me

16:00................. Modern Family

15:00 .....................Timber Kings

16:30................. Modern Family

15:50 ..........................Come Dine with Me

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

16:00 .......................World’s Most Dangerous Roads

16:20 ..........................Come Dine with Me

18:00 ....................Futurama

16:55 .............................A Place in the Sun

19:30............. The Simpsons

08:40 ..................................Frasier

11:15......................... GPs: Behind Closed Doors

10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

12:10.......... 5 News Lunchtime

11:05 .........................Undercover Boss USA

13:15 .............. Home and Away

12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 .......................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses

14:20 ................. A Deadly Affair 16:00 ................................ Friends

14:10 ....................... Countdown

17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5

15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

17:30 ....................... Neighbours

16:00 ............... The £100k Drop

18:00 .........Home and Away

17:00 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me

18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight

18:00 .............The Simpsons 19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00 ............ The Secret Life of 5 Year Olds

21:00............... The Paras: Men of War

13:45 ....................... Neighbours

16:30 ................................ Friends

19:30...................Tonight 20:30.............. The Cruise: Shanghai to Sydney

12:15 .............The Yorkshire Vet

13:05......... Find it, Fix it, Flog it

19:00............ Emmerdale

21:00........................ Hunted 22:00............. Flirty Dancing 22:55..........24 Hours in A&E

19:00...... The Dog Rescuers: Best in Show 20:00............ Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 21:00............. The Secret Life of the Holiday Resort 22:00.......................Bad Girls Behind Bars

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30................. ITV News London 22:45............Through the Keyhole 23:45..........Grantchester

It’s the 1960s, and with a brand new decade comes a new school for the pupils - the Secondary Modern. Leaving behind the rigidity and formality of the grammar, the students are now training for a more vocational education, and this era is all about the world of work for the pupils. With a buoyant economy and employment at an all-time high, three out of four people in Britain are working in manual or clerical jobs, and Secondary Moderns are expected to train pupils with the skills they need to secure a job at 15. For the modern-day pupils, they’re about to enjoy a much more handson approach to education than they’ve ever experienced before. In 1963, the girls are disconcerted to discover many of their lessons are still segregated. In the school hall, in a purpose-built flat, they’re tasked with cooking a three-course dinner for their ‘stand-in husband’ - their male teacher - while the boys learn the practical skill of bricklaying. And if that doesn’t put them off their school dinner, in the 1960s includes a hearty meal of 1,500 calories. Mince roly-poly, cabbage and mash, spotted dick - and the obligatory lumpy custard.

cho i c e

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

07:45 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

18:30................... Hollyoaks

Back In Time For School BBC2, 20.00

06:30 ................ King of Queens

18:30....ITV Evening News

20:00............ Emmerdale 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

11:05 ..............................Car S.O.S 12:05.......................... Time Team 13:10.......................... Time Team 14:15.......................... Come Dine with Me 14:50.......................... Come Dine with Me

17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55 .....................Car S.O.S 19:55 ........... Grand Designs

17:30 ............................Futurama 18:30............. The Simpsons 20:30............. The Simpsons 21:00 ................. A League of Their Own

21:00 ................... Unbroken

22:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

23:45 .......... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

23:00.....................The Force: Manchester

17:00............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00................ The Hurting: Even Hurtier 19:30.................The Hurting: Even Hurtier 20:00........... Sin City Motors 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00..................Taskmaster 23:00................................. QI 23:40................................. QI 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

What’s On

31 CW

CW 32

News 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

News / Community News

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

33 CW

Criminal scammers Don’t let them breed! fooled more than 100 companies Accion del Sol News

TEN people have been arrested by Spain’s National Police, in connection with the alleged scamming of 100 world-wide companies, and more! The General Directorate of Police said the arrests took place in Manacor (eight), Toledo (one) and Castellon (one), with 31 criminal acts identified. The two scam methods, used by the international organisation, are known as “Man in the middle” and “CEO fraud”.

The “Man in the middle” scam consists of computer attacks, aimed at companies with big revenues, and intercepting their communications to divert money from their bank transfers to the organisation’s account. The criminal group, allegedly, used the “CEO fraud” trick to contact an employee from the targeted company, who had access to the bank accounts. One man pretended to be the CEO, or a director, and requested an “emergency”, financial transaction to be made. During the police operation, as well as the arrests, 16

of the suspected criminal organisation’s bank accounts were blocked, with three vehicles and computer equipment seized. The scams affected over 100 companies, from Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico and China. Investigators, who recovered lists of contact data from approximately 500,000 businesses, estimate that a sum in excess of 600,000 euros has been stolen from Spanish entities. The criminal group is also suspected of hacking and accessing corporate emails from more than 1,000 Spanish businesses.

Serious email scams leave police worried NATIONAL Police in Spain, have warned of an email scam, which says the recipient is required to appear before the Interior Ministry for questioning, or even a court hearing.

The scammer group use what appears to be an authentic ministry logo, supposedly sent from the police, or from Correos, Spain’s national post office. Once opened, the messages infect the user’s phone or computer with a virus, which gives hackers access to his or her personal data, stealing online banking PIN codes and other sensitive information. This opens the door to ID theft,

and can result in fraudulent, financial transactions, carried out by the virus authors. Several users have reported similar problems, just by opening the emails, without even clicking on any links in them, which makes them particularly dangerous and highly effective. Police say a summons for court hearings would never

be sent by email, and warn the public not to open any messages coming from, org, or any, apparently, from Correos. They have posted a picture of the logo on the National Police Twitter site, @Policía, under the hashtag #NoPiques (“Don’t fall for it”), as shown.

WITH more than 230 dogs in our refuge, we would like to express the importance of sterilising your dog to avoid further abandoned puppies. Please adopt a dog, and don’t buy one! We have so many gorgeous dogs of all shapes, sizes, ages and breeds, all sitting patiently, waiting for their lucky day to come when they are adopted. Many of our larger dogs have spent most of their lives at the refuge. They are equallyloyal, kind dogs, who deserve a loving home, and to know adoration and kindness from a good human.

Assistance required Please do call the refuge on 6643 21219 or 602463242, between 8am-5pm, if you can help in any way. We always need tinned dogfood for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm. Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the northbound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the righthand side. E-mail the refuge at or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol

CW 34

Advertisement 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

News / Community News

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Stolen car carried a huge weapons’ pile

35 CW

GRENADES, submachine guns and detonators have been seized by Spanish police from a UK-registered car, which had been stolen.

The weapons were found in an abandoned Volkswagen Golf, in a quiet street, in Malaga’s expat area of Benahavis. The British authorities, which had notified Spanish cops that the vehicle was stolen, asked them to monitor it. But officers saw no one approaching the vehicle. It was towed to the car pound, and, when police searched the motor, they found a loaded pistol in the glovebox, a rucksack containing two submachine guns, four boxes of ammunition and two hand-grenades, as well as two explosives detonators in the boot. Spanish police confirm that an

investigation is ongoing, following a bomb attack last October in the area, when explosives were detonated outside the house of a car-wash owner. A simultaneous blast also destroyed the car-wash in Marbella, where one person was arrested, and two more were held in Malmo, Sweden.

‘Gang-rape’ trio free after lack of evidence

‘Sabotaged’ train derailed in Spain A TRAIN, derailed on the Madrid-Zafra line, just 500 metres from the Torrijos station in Toledo last Monday, was said to have been sabotaged. But no one was hurt.

Adif President Enrique Clavero was sure the cause of the derailment was down to sabotage, because a metre-long piece of the rail had been placed across the track, on a crossing.

THE Court of Alicante, in a case, on-going since October 2011, has cleared three British men, accused of gang-raping a fellow Brit in Benidorm, through “a lack of evidence”.

The judge said the only solid evidence was the alleged victim’s initial statement. A court hearing was held in December 2018, when all three defendants returned to the Spanish Costa from the UK. The alleged victim did not appear at the court hearing to testify. The original prison penalty, demanded by the Prosecutor’s Office, was 30 years, for the alleged sexual assault and for “helping one another to carry out the rape”. But the defendants and their lawyer, Alejandro Dartis, were, naturally, looking for a not-guilty verdict. The incident occurred in the early hours of 30th October, 2011, in an apartment block in Benidorm. The alleged victim admitted to having consensual, intimate relations with one of the defendants, in the apartment where he was staying. She had, allegedly, fallen asleep in a different room, when the other two defendants woke her up and

proceeded to sexually assault her, along with the first defendant. The offenders have always denied the claims, saying the so-called victim’s statement was an act of revenge, because they had “thrown her shoes out of a window” when returning to the apartment and finding her asleep there. The woman went to the local police station, immediately, to report the alleged sexual abuse, which led to the arrests. The ruling indicated that there was insufficient evidence to convict the three men, because the medical reports did not reflect the aggression reported by the alleged victim. The woman presented several superficial injuries, one on her left forearm and another on her right elbow. According to the defendants, the cut on her left elbow was caused after she fell in a local pub, where they met. There were traces of blood in the apartment, but police officers investigating the premises said it was more likely to have been the remains of an injury from the earlier fall. Judges have stated that they can’t conclude that the report was false, but, at the same time, there is no evidence to support the requested conviction.

Fortunately, none of the 33 passengers was injured, but Clavero said: “It could have been a tragedy, and thank goodness the train did not flip over.” According to the President, there was a nearby crossing, where vehicles were waiting to drive through, and there were also houses close by. Despite the train being repaired at 6am on Tuesday, the first train from Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) to Madrid, which leaves at 6.50am, was cancelled, and passengers had to travel to the capital by bus.

CW 36

News / Community News

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

K9 Animal News

Cholo’s happy ending! ON Sunday 6th January, a male French Bulldog was left tied outside K9 Tenerife’s cattery. He looked very sorry for himself, and very skinny, but he was so happy to see us.

We checked for a chip, and, thankfully, he had one. So the next step was to contact our vets for the owner information. This took two days, because it was a Bank Holiday. We then discovered that this little guy was called Cholo, and was reported stolen back in 2008. He is now 12 years old. We tried calling the owner, but the contact numbers were old. We then used the power of Facebook, and his story was shared. This determination resulted in his owner being found. On the 11th January, little Cholo was reunited with her, having been taken away, 10 years ago. Tears were flowing all around, and we are so happy that he can spend his later years with his beloved owner, who

has missed him every day since. This is such a happy story, although the last 10 years were not. But, in his final

years, he will live like a king with his devoted owner, who was extremely emotional to get him back.

Boot sale We would like to inform everyone that we will no longer have a stall at the Los Gigantes car-boot sale. Meet our dogs We have many dogs, in all shapes and sizes, waiting patiently for their loving, safeand-secure, forever homes. You can see them all, their stories and pictures, on our website at www.k9tenerife. com Go to “K9 dogs/Dogs waiting for homes”. Why not visit us at K9 Refuge on Calle Chimbesque between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas any day of the week between 10-2pm? Alternatively, you can get in touch by telephoning us on 667 638 468, or emailing info@ You will also find stories of our dogs, their antics and heart-warming rehomings on Facebook by following Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker, K9 Tenerife and, not forgetting, K9 Tenerife Cats. Also, to see daily photos of the walks that take place at K9, like the facebook page Voluntarios del Refugio K9. Charity shop Our charity shop in Alcala Plaza is always looking for new items to sell. If you have

any unwanted clothes, shoes, books or bric-a-brac, please pop them into our shop, or to K9. We welcome all kinds of items, all proceeds going towards helping the dogs. The shop is open from 10am-2pm, Monday to Saturday. Pop in, or call them on 6465 61035. Collections can also be arranged, using this number. Ways you can help If you wish to support K9 animal refuge, and contribute towards the safe rescue and adoption of abandoned dogs and cats, we would be very appreciative. You can buy our merchandise (T-shirts, vests, key rings, wristbands and more) at K9, sponsor one of our dogs via our website, and donate money via our website, or cash at our refuge. We also welcome donations of food and other items. Also, you can become a volunteer dog walker by calling us, or simply popping by, during our opening hours. Remember to keep an eye on our website or Facebook page for any fund-raising events which you may like to attend.

Ryanair has licence to operate in no-deal UK RYANAIR’S British subsidiary has secured a licence to operate in the UK, in the case of a no-deal Brexit.

The no-frill, budget airline, whose standing appears to be low right now, said the permit meant it could “operate UK domestic, and UK to non-EU routes, in a postBrexit environment, if

necessary”. London and Brussels have a plan in place to allow UK carriers to fly to the EU if there is no deal, but it does

not allow UK carriers to fly routes between EU destinations. “The risk of a no-deal Brexit in March is rising,” said Juliusz Komorek, chief legal and regulatory officer at the Irish-owned airline. “Despite our robust, post-Brexit structures, including our postBrexit plan around European ownership, we continue to call for the UK and EU to agree a transition deal from 31st March 2019, so that any disruption to flights and British consumer summer holidays in 2019 can be avoided.” Ryanair operates more than 800 daily flights to or from Spain, from airports across Britain and the EU.


18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

37 CW

It’s no misfortune for Vinnie the star When Justin met Vinnie...

By Justin Charles OASIS Fm and Canarian Weekly were invited to visit the set in Santa Cruz, to interview former pro footballer Vinnie Jones about his latest movie role, Ron Hopper’s Misfortune, which is being shot there, in our island’s capital. It is directed by Canarian filmmaker Jamie Falero (J.Falero), and stars Vinnie Jones (Lock Stock & Snatch and Gone In 60 Seconds). It co-stars Sam Medina (Venom, Mills 22) and Alyssa Lozovskaya (One Man Dies A Million Times), and is produced by the newlycreated Canarian company, La Ira Films Production. The story of Sarah Romanova, a beautiful, young, Russian woman, who decides to meet her old friend from Hades, unfolds in Ron Hopper’s Misfortune, and Oasis DJ Justin Charles, more than curious about the film’s plot, tackled Vinnie Jones about it. Justin Charles: Tell me about your character in the movie. Vinnie Jones: I play the Ferryman, and I’m in charge of letting people over to the other side, be it Heaven or Hell. The movie is a mystery drama, and concerns a young couple in love, who want to be together on the other side. The movie centres on a special coin, which is needed to Pay The Ferryman, to ensure you get to where you want to be. JC: So is it a fantasy movie? VJ: it all depends on whether you believe in The Ferryman story. Lots of people do, so

it really hinges on your own belief, as to whether it’s fantasy or not. JC: How did you get the role? VJ: J.Falero had seen me in Lock Stock & Snatch, and some other independent films, and decided he wanted me to play The Ferryman. So, no, it wasn’t an audition as such; they just wanted Vinnie Jones. JC: You seem really excited about this role. VJ: I genuinely am. It’s a script

I can really get my teeth into, and it’s the sort of role I love to play. The dialogue is really interesting and intense. The opening scene alone has 17 pages of script, and I had to learn it in a very short time. But our Director, Jamie, is brilliant at splitting it into sections, so we do it a bit at a time, to avoid being overwhelmed. It’s great to work with him. JC: Are you sent many scripts? VJ: (Laughs) Yes, hundreds,

most of which you read about 20 pages, then forget it. Sometimes, a script doesn’t get past 10 pages… and I’ve lost interest! However, when I got the Ron Hopper script, I read 89 pages of it on my iPad before I took a break. I couldn’t put it down, and it’s exciting when that happens. JC: You seem to have a real love and passion for Independent Film. VJ: I really do. It’s so hard to get finance, and such hard work. But it’s so important for the likes of J.Falero to make movies like this. It’s why I agreed to get involved, and to be able to use my experience over the last 20 years to give them a hand. We all have to start somewhere. It’s like in football, where you start as a player, then become a coach, then climb to be a manager. And it’s pretty much the same road in movies, really. After all, Guy Richie started as a tea boy (laughs again), and now he is one of the biggest directors in the world. That’s why Independent Film is so important.

JC: How many movies have you made? VJ: I believe I’ve done 105 movies now, and many TV episodes. I did nine episodes of Arrow, and I’ve also been in the brilliant Elementary, with Jonny Lee Miller. This experience has now got me into producing as well. I was very lucky to meet someone who has faith in me, and believes in what I want to do. So I am now producing a movie with a $6 million budget, back in the US, which is amazing for an independent film. The six million dollars to someone like J.Falero and his team would be like $600 million, because they are just starting out. And that’s why I get involved in projects like this. JC: So you make certain movies to earn money, and then you make movies that you personally love? VJ: Yes, those films allow me to do things like Ron Hopper’s Misfortune. We all do things to make the money, and then reinvest our time in projects we love, like this one. We have an amazing script. written by J.Falero. He’s had the idea for about eight years, and has been working on it. But he actually wrote the entire script in 20 days, which was an incredible feat.

CW 38

Community News

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Cats Welfare News

Chang on the mend! CHANG has now had his operation to repair the gap in the roof of his mouth. We had appealed for donations, to help cover the cost of his treatment.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this possible. He still has to have his bad teeth removed in a couple of months’ time, once everything has healed, but he is doing really well. Adoptions We have several adult cats who would love to be snuggled up on someone’s sofa today. There are males and females, ranging from 18 months to seven years. All adults are leukaemia negative, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. Please contact us via Facebook. Alternatively, ring/WhatsApp Sandra (English, Spanish and German) on 6712 82773 after 6pm, or Sharon (English) on 6625 24006. All cats go for a week’s trial, in your home. Clothes and books needed We are appealing to you all, please, for both ladies’ tops and men’s shorts, for our shop. We also urgently need books

Live Arico News

Thank you Leslie

of all genres, and in great condition. Please have a dig around at home, and drop them into the shop. We always need cat food, litter, sheets, towels, bedding etc. for the cats and kittens in our care, and also good quality/condition items for sale in the shop on San Blas, Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino). It is open seven days a week, 10am-6pm. If you don’t have transport, or have large, bulky items such as furniture and household

effects to donate, please ring Mark on 6365 90557, and he will arrange collection from you. Our calendar Our 2019 calendar is now on sale in our shop on San Blas, Golf del Sur. It costs three euros, and is also available from La Taberna, and Cards and Candles, both on San Blas, as well as Revs Motors, Las Chafiras. We would like to thank all our sponsors, and everyone who helped put this together.

ONE of the island’s favourite acts is Leslie Elvis Moore, and he came to visit one of our charity shops with a great surprise. He has been appealing for donations and collecting money for the animals of Live Arico PAWS during his shows, offering to sing extra songs for cash. He has raised the amazing amount of 500 euros. We are so grateful to Leslie and his generous fans at his shows at Charly Bar and Calypso Bar, and for the support from the two venues. We will have to get him up to the shelter with his Elvis costume - now there’s a photo opportunity. We appreciate your help so much. Come and walk the doggies! Join the Live Arico dogwalking club on Saturday mornings from 9am-1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and

you can keep fit and find a furry friend at the same time. Send a WhatsApp to Oceana on 659 242 572 for further details, or just pop in and meet the dogs. Live Arico shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops. Donations are always very much appreciated. San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open weekdays 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and now Sundays 11am-3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open Monday-Friday (10am-4pm) and Saturday 10am-2pm. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

Wine and Dine

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

39 CW

The Swan

Mr Chen

New to Los Cristianos!

Eat everything you want without limit. Choose from noodles, tapas, fusion dishes and all the usual Chinese favourites, freshly cooked to order and brought to your table. Los Cristianos 1, Avda. Juan Carlos 13 Open: Midday to 11pm

Call: 922 793 357

Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with goodquality produce. We also cater for any special requirements. Daily Specials. Friday: Cod and chips night. Sunday Lunch: 12noon - 8pm. Bookings advisable. NEW Feature nights: This Monday - 5 course meat special on the roof terrace. call for more information and reservations. 24hr-notice for paella, lamb shank, fillet steak or ask us for anything you fancy. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value!


CaĂąada Blanca 2, Parque de la Reina Open: 12noon - 11pm.

Call: 603 273 382

Advertise your restaurant here!

Call: 822 14 15 17

Parque de la Reina has a secret - Lupita restaurant is fast becoming the place to eat, and it has a well-deserved reputation. All the usual Mexican specialities are on offer, but from midday until 4pm, check out its 4.95-euro menu. You can have a bowl of soup or garlic bread, main meal (selection of 20) and ice cream or coffee to finish, which is excellent value for money. Also, evening and weekend menus are available from 4.95-euros. Now open Tuesdays.

Special offer: BBQ ribs, including a drink for 9.90 euros

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Call: 922 795 865

CW 40


Aguilas del Teide, Arona

Ref: 5652X

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019


Magnificent detached villa situated in an enviable cul-de-sac position overlooking the barranco with excellent panoramic views to the sea and mountains. This exceptional home was built to the current owner’s specification and occupies a large plot (1,200m2) and must be viewed to appreciate the space, quality and location on offer. Briefly comprising: In the principle house: a reception hall with imposing open plan staircase. three reception rooms with a principle lounge of 81m2, a dining room, equipped breakfasting kitchen, four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The master suite is extensive and boats a sitting area, dressing room, huge en-suite with twin-sinked vanity unit, shower and a circular spa bath. There is an independent annexe of a one-bedroom apartment, with lounge, bedroom equipped kitchen, bathroom and terrace with built in barbeque area. Outside you will find ample space to enjoy outdoor living with landscaped gardens, various terraces and a private swimming pool. Three car garage. Energy Rating: G.

Palm Mar


Ref: 5651XK

A modern top floor apartment situated in one of the best positions within this quality resort. With unrivalled panoramic sea views, the apartment offers spacious accommodation. Major features of this luxury home include a private terrace leading directly from the spacious lounge and a roof terrace both offering exceptional views to the La Rasca nature reserve, the island of La Gomera and the sea. In total the terrace areas extend to over 80m2. Entrance hall, spacious lounge/dining room with direct access to the terrace. Two double bedrooms both with fitted wardrobes with the master featuring a fully tiled en-suite bathroom with spa bath. There is also a fully tiled shower room. High specification to include quality fitted kitchen with ‘Silestone’ worktops, with integrated appliances including a dishwasher. The apartment has marble flooring and is air conditioned. All situated in a well-maintained tranquil community with a beautiful communal swimming pool and gardens. Included in the asking price is a private secure parking space within the underground garage and the quality furnishings. This beautiful home is situated just a two-minute walk from the sea front and the ‘La Rasca’ Nature Reserve. Convenient for all local amenities including restaurants, bars etc.

Playa de Las Americas

Ref: 5649XK


Beach front- dream location - considered to be the best located resort in the south of tenerife. A rare opportunity for many to purchase into the only dreamed of beach resort! Only seconds away, (walking distance) of the ‘golden mile’ with its leisure and shopping centres including ‘safari’ and ‘americas plaza’ offering the most up to date shopping and dining experiences. A studio apartment with sleeping accommodation for 4 persons featuring a separate sleeping area with fitted wardrobes, lounge area, private terrace, fitted kitchen with integrated appliances,full bathroom. Offered fully furnished. The resort has a beautiful swimming pool and sub-tropical landscaped gardens. Excellent holiday home and/or holiday letting investment.

Playa Graciosa, Los Cristianos Ref: 5653XK


A modern and well presented, three bedroomed, two bathroom apartment, in this sought after community in Los Cristianos. Briefly comprising: Entrance hall, spacious lounge which is bright and airy with direct access to a large private terrace with views over the communal gardens. An independent fully fitted quality kitchen with granite worktops and integrated appliances, separate utility area. Three double bedrooms all with fitted wardrobes. Luxurious fully tiled bathrooms including an en-suite to the master bedroom. High specification throughout including; marble flooring, pre-installed air conditioning,electrically operated security blinds, etc.. The resort is well maintained and has a large communal heated swimming pool. Perfectly located for easy access to the resort amenities of Los Cristianos and the sea front.

Los Geranios, San Eugenio

Ref: 5650XK


A well-presented ground floor one-bedroom apartment briefly comprising: lounge with dining area, open plan equipped kitchen, stylish and modern bathroom with vanity unit, king size bedroom and private terrace with views over the communal garden. Offered for sale fully furnished and equipped and comes complete with Wi-Fi, Communal Television System and is air conditioned. This very popular holiday resort has full tourist facilities including reception, heated swimming pool & gardens, bar/restaurant and is perfectly situated for the marina of Puerto Colon being only a short stroll to the sea front and beach making it an excellent holiday home and/ or holiday letting investment with an excellent yield.

Los Cristianos, Arona

Ref: 5624X


Apartments rarely come to the market in this sought after gated community and this immaculately presented apartment is a fine example. Briefly comprising: Private entrance with garden to the entrance hall leading to an extended lounge with dining and study areas with direct access to a spacious private terrace with ample space to enjoy outdoor living. A fully fitted and equipped open plan kitchen and utility room with integrated appliances. A double bedroom with fitted wardrobes with air conditioning and direct access to a sunny terrace. Stylish bathroom with quality fittings. Sold furnished. The resort is accessed via electronic gates, is well maintained, features a large heated swimming pool and communal gardens.

PROPERTIES WANTED – CONTACT US FOR A FREE APPRAISAL 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019


41 CW

CW 42


18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Logic Problem

Sudoku X Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid. 2 6 5

6 7 3 9 9 4 1 2 9 7 7 3 9 1 7 2 4 8 2 9 6 4 1

And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

Marcia’s mother let her invite five friends over for a slumber party on Saturday night. She was so excited! She hadn’t had a slumber party since her birthday last year and it was going to be so much fun. The girls were due over at 7pm and their parents would pick them up again after lunch on Sunday. She told each of her friends to bring their favourite movie so they could spend the night watching movies and her mum suggested that each bring a favourite snack. Determine the full name of each friend, the title of the movie and the type of snack each one brought. 1. Alicia, whose last name wasn’t Anderson, brought “Galaxy Quest”, but not the cupcakes. Tabitha, who didn’t bring the pretzels, didn’t have a last name of Silverstein. 2. The girl who brought “Ella Enchanted”, also brought pretzels, but her last name wasn’t Weaver. 3. Rhonda brought the chocolate. The girl who brought “Cat Woman” wasn’t Tabitha. 4. Heidi Weaver didn’t bring the brownies. Matilda didn’t bring the cupcakes. 5. Rhonda didn’t bring “Cat Woman”. The girl whose last name was Goldsmith brought “Willow”, but not the popcorn. 6. Ms. Copperfield, whose first name wasn’t Matilda, didn’t bring the brownies - those were brought with “Stardust”.

8 7 2 3 9 2 9 5 3


7 1 6

3 1 5 6 8 8 2 1 4 6 1 8 2 5 1 6 2 9 9 4 1 7 7 5 6 2 8

6 4 1 1 2 6 8 5 9 5 6 4 3 9 3

30-Second Brain Training

9 6 7 4


7 3 5

24 6




2 4 1

Find the answers to these puzzles on our website

Starter Number


Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner



















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of this





-109 Answer

+253 ÷7











Starter Number









of this








of this









Intermediate 1


Starter Number




Intermediate Starter Number

Starter Number











of this



of this

Advanced 1


+11 x40 7




-32 9

x13 +294





of this Answer

Starter Number




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of this


Service Point

18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019



43 CW

construction (Cont).

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CW 44

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18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

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18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

45 CW

Simply outclassed!

CD Tenerife

IT was Tenerife’s longest journey of the season, to Spain’s northern coast, just outside Gijon, as they went head-to-head with buoyant Oviedo.

Both teams were coming off good wins in their last matches, and each wanted to string together consecutive wins for the first time this season. But the boot of striker Yoel Bárcenas was enough for the home side to defeat Tenerife and secure those two victories, giving them the perfect start to 2019, and leaving them chasing the play-off places with a valuable six points in the bag. Oviedo coach, Juan Antonio Anquela, had planned just one change to the team who beat Numancia. But Viti Rozada was injured in the warm-up and had to concede his place to Omar Ramos, who was one of the most outstanding players at the start of the match. And even his muscle injury, after 28 minutes, didn’t stop him crashing a ball on to the crossbar with a good shot from the edge of the area. Tenerife weren’t able to stop the home team’s high pressure, and they barely managed to link a few consecutive passes together. They were stifled by Oviedo’s attacks, which, fortunately for the visitors, lacked the precision to become goal opportunities. But everything changed when Bárcenas chased a long ball near Tenerife’s goal area, and fired in a perfect shot to beat keeper Dani Hernández and put his side ahead. Everything seemed easy for Oviedo, but they took a step back, allowing Tenerife to get into the game. Malbasic crossed into the area and Naranjo sent

Oviedo 1 CD Tenerife 0

the ball just over the crossbar, wasting the clearest chance for his team in the first half. Not too much changed when the second half began. Oviedo were eager to press forward and secure the win, and Carlos Hernandez must have envisaged a 2-0 score, only for his header to brush the top of the crossbar. Tenerife kept foraging in their search for an equaliser to steal a point, but coach Oltra’s men just couldn’t open any cracks in their defence. In the final stretch, on the counter-attack, the home team had the perfect chance to increase their advantage, but they lacked precision. However, at the full-time whistle, Oviedo had moved up the table. Poor Tenerife, on the other hand, are still languishing in 17th

place, with eight teams having just three points between them. Tenerife’s next two games could shape their sea-

son. They have a home game against bottom team Gimnàstic on Sunday, then a tricky away clash with third-placed

Málaga the following week. But if they are to rescue this season and at least stay up, they really do need to start now!

It’s just not tennis, as cheats are axed THE Guardia Civil have arrested 15 people, after netting 28 professional tennis players in a matchfixing investigation. An Armenian criminal gang are thought to be the brains behind the scam, which has so far seen 83 people contacted. Guardia officers have confirmed that one player involved took part in at last year’s US Open, while another was named as Spaniard Marc FornellMestres. Europol, the European Union’s law-enforcement agency, along with the National High Court of Spain, assisted the Guardia in raids on 11 houses last Thursday. Authorities have frozen 42 bank accounts and seized 167,000 euros in cash, 50 electronic devices, five luxury vehicles, credit cards and documents, as well as a shotgun.

A Guardia spokesperson said: “Our officers have proved that the gang had been operating since February 2017. And they have estimated that the thieves had earned millions of euros through the operation.” The probe began when the Tennis Integrity Unit (TIU) noted curious activities during matches at the Challenger and ITF Futures tournaments. Europol claim that during the two competitions, 97

matches were fixed, because players are alleged to have taken bribes, in return for influencing certain results. “The suspects bribed professional players to guarantee pre-determined results, and used the identities of thousands of citizens to bet on the prearranged games,” said Europol. The Armenian gang are understood to have bribed the unidentified players at national and international level.

CW 46


18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

Luc adds maximum dent PAS O Nadas ‘A’ welcomed old adversaries Gaffers to Los Abrigos, and, with in-form Luc scoring a 147, they recorded a thumping 6-2 win, to put a dent in the visitor’s hopes of silverware.

Suters 20:30 Crew kept up their excellent run as they travelled to Ourplace Playboys, and again showed how to finish, with a 7-1 scoreline. The closest game was played out at Legends, where visiting Palms Pool Bar held their nerve, to triumph in the trebles, and earn a cred-

itable 4-4 draw. Sandys hosted Picasso’s, and upped their game to run out comfortable 6-2 winners against Per’s battlers. Scooters ‘A’ seem to have lost their va va voom, because they simply couldn’t match the darts of visiting team Mad Hatters, who were more than happy with their 6-2 win. There are still only a few points between the top couple of teams in the race for glory, so the next few weeks should make interesting viewing. Sundowners welcomed Nauta Nomads to the Golf, but the visitors left for home happy, after winning the 701 game to draw 4-4, in an extremelyclose encounter. Clouseau’s also went down to the wire, snatching the final game from Pas O Nadas ‘B’, to claim a share of the spoils, with a 4-4 draw. Naughty Nautas had a crack-

division 1 ResultS

division 2 ResultS

Ourplace Playboys Pas O Nadas ‘A’ Sandys LegendS Scooters ‘A’

1-7 Suters 20:30 Crew 6-2 Gaffers 6-2 PicassoS 4-4 Palms Pool BaR 2-6 Mad HatterS

division 1 Table

Sundowners Waterfall

4-4 Nauta Nomads 6-2 Emerald Lounge Emerald Lounge ‘B’ 3-5 The Loch-In BullseyeS Palms Sports BaR P-P Ourplace PlaygirlS Naughty NautaS 6-2 Scooters ‘B’ ClouseauS 4-4 Pas O Nadas ‘B’

Table P W D L F A +- PTS

division 2 Table

1 The Pub

18 14


3 111 33



Table P W D L F A +- PTS

2 Pas O Nadas ‘A’

18 14


1 110 34



1 Waterfall

3 Suters 20:30 Crew 17 14


0 109 27



2 The Loch-In Bullseyes 19 15 3 1 102 50 52 102

4 Gaffers

17 13


2 100 36



3 Emerald Lounge ‘B’ 19 14

5 The Loch-In ‘A’

17 12 1 4 92 44 48 92

20 12

3 2

5 103 57 3



46 42

103 97

4 Clouseau’s

21 12 3 6 6 72 24 96

6 Ourplace Playboys 17



7 62

74 -12


5 Pas O Nadas ‘B’




6 89




7 Scooters ‘A’




11 53

83 -30


6 Emerald Lounge




7 86




8 Legends



3 12 51 101 -50


7 Ourplace Breakaways 20 6 6 8 76 84 -8


9 Sandys



2 14 46 106 -60


8 Sundowners



3 10 75

85 -10


10 Picasso’s



1 14 45

99 -54


9 Naughty Nautas



2 12 63

89 -26


11 Mad Hatters



2 13 40 104 -64


10 Scooters ‘B’




10 60

91 -30


12 Palms Pool Bar



6 13 37 115 -78


11 Palms Sports Bar 17


2 10 59

76 -16


12 Nauta Nomads



3 13 59 101 -42


13 Scruffy Lads





ing 6-2 win at home against Scooters ‘B’, and Waterfall maintained their top spot, as they saw off Emerald Lounge by the same margin. However, in the

match of the night, Emerald Lounge ‘B’ had Mark wrapping it up like a boss, only to see superb finishing by The Loch-In Bullseyes, who took the trebles and a 5-3 win,

4 56



14 Ourplace Playgirls 18 1 1 16 41 103 -62

on a brilliant night of darts and banter, between these close rivals. It’s still so close at


the top, and games in hand could prove the difference, in the latter part of the season.

More information can be found on our face book page:

Tearful Murray on brink of retirement INJURY-TORN Andy Murray will almost certainly retire after this year’s Wimbledon, even though he bowed out in this week’s Australian Open with a cracking, first-round tie against Spain’s Roberto Bautista.

But the tearful, 31-year-old Scot, who has been struggling after hip surgery, told journalists: “I’m not sure I’m able to play through the pain for another four or five months.” The two-time Wimbledon champion had put on a gutsy display, especially after losing the first two sets. Spanish superstar Rafael Nadal led tributes to Murray’s outstanding career, saying: “You don’t know how much we are going to miss you. You are an example of a great athlete and person.” Murray’s professional tennis journey began in 2000 when he left home, still a teenager, to train at Barcelona’s world-

famous Casal-Sanchez Academy. He turned professional in 2005, and was soon giving British tennis a huge shake-up with his skill, and never-say-die attitude. In 2013, Murray outlasted the field at Wimbledon to become the tournament’s first UK men’s singles champion since 1936. And he followed that up in 2016, by capturing both his second Wimbledon title and second Olympic gold medal, to cement his place among the game’s greatest of greats.

But problems with a hip have always tainted his career, and he finally underwent surgery in Melbourne in January 2018. Murray had been debating whether to go under the knife since his French Open semifinal defeat to Stan Wawrinka last June, when the underlying problem appeared to worsen. But no one can doubt his courage and bravery as he battled to overcome his injury. Murray, without doubt Britain’s finest-ever tennis player, has played through an era which

featured a similar professional in Nadal, as well as Serbia’s Novak Djokovic. Together, they were the Big Three, and any matches between them were always classics. Yet both those players have taken time off to recover from injuries, while Murray soldiered on until breaking point. He then limped his way to Wimbledon where he suffered a quarter-final loss to American Sam Querrey, with the Scot later recalling that between matches “I literally couldn’t walk and was in so much pain.” Opting to go the rest, rather than surgery, route, he was unable to get fit enough to play in the US Open in late August, pulling out on the eve of the competition. Since, the former world number one has opted to take the surgical route in an effort to curb the problem, once and for all. “I went in at 7.30am and I woke up from the operation about 10.30am. I’m very optimistic because, having spoken to the surgeon, he was very happy about how it went.” Murray

told a group of assembled journalists. “He felt my hip will be feeling better than it did a year ago. I was still doing fine a year ago, ranked No1 in the world.” Following the surgery, the 30-year-old shared how he’ll be operating a much lighter schedule going forward. “In terms of my approach to my career, I’m certainly not going to be putting in the same amount of tournaments and effort to try to get to No1.” said the three-time Grand-Slam winner. “I’ll be playing a reduced schedule, and then focusing more on trying to win major events and big tournaments, rather than trying to achieve certain ranking goals. “I’ve been fairly competitive with top-50 players in the world in Brisbane when I’m struggling to move, and I made the quarter-finals at Wimbledon when I literally couldn’t walk and was in so much pain. “So if I can get myself to 95% of my best, I believe that’s enough to compete at the highest level. No question.” 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019


47 CW

CW 48

Advertisement 18th January 2019 - 24th January 2019

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