CW issue 1092

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15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Issue 1092

15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

How can we stop the jams? 1 CW

Tenerife’s heavy traffic congestion is an ever-growing concern, especially for Miguel Becerra, the Cabildo’s Development and Mobility Director, who believes it is the island’s most worrying problem. Continued on Page 3

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Advertisement 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

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Gridlocked roads spark unending traffic queues

Continued from Front

There are three large metropolitan areas in Tenerife, in which the volume of daily traffic continues to expand: the North, the South, and its Santa Cruz capital. The island’s old, outdated roads, and even its motorways, are congested, every day. And the reality is that thousands of motorists are stuck in traffic jams, losing their patience. This major issue is a hot topic for Becerra (pictured), who has been reviewing the situation for some time, looking into possible solutions to help solve this mindbending problem. Becerra understands that the solution will not be easy, because he is aware that Tenerife has one of the highest numbers of vehicles in Europe, per inhabitant, per square kilometre. And statistics show that, in Tenerife alone, there are around 800,000 vehicles and a million inhabitants, in 2,000sq/km, which are natural spaces. “There is a political consensus about what road priorities are,” said Becerra. “Firstly, expanding the lanes on the TF-1, between San Isidro and Las Americas, as well as the TF-5, between La Laguna and La Orotava.

“There are also plans for incorporating a priority lane for buses and heavygoods vehicles; and, lastly, completing the island’s ring road between el Tanque and Santiago del Teide.” A frustrated Becerra added: “These actions total more than eight million euros. But, having said that, our

Brit who attacked ambulance medic

NATIONAL Police officers in Gran Canaria have detained and charged a 59-year-old British man with assault, after he attacked a medic, attached to an ambulance crew.

The incident happened at Maspalomas hotel, in the San Bartolome de Tirajana municipality, and the arrest was made after an emergency call from the hotel’s reception area. When officers arrived, they interviewed the hotel manager, who told them a British female holiday-maker, staying at the hotel, needed medical assistance because she had an open wound, which was bleeding. The manager told police that things got out of hand when the medics asked the husband for her documentation. In return, the hotel staff witnessed how, quite unexpectedly, he punched the medic in the face a few times. The police proceeded to arrest the Briton, who was charged with assaulting the medic, and is waiting a court date.

great political challenge is to convince the public that these projects will not solve the problems 100%, because we have a basic problem, which is how we move. “People’s attitudes need to change, and just because they own a vehicle doesn’t necessarily mean they have to use it all the time.

“If they were to use public transport more, for instance, there would obviously be less congestion on the roads. But between 2008 and 2019, there hasn’t been any funding for their infrastructure. “But over this 11-year period, the population has continued to increase, which has contributed to the problem.

“It is estimated that the increase in traffic has been growing, alongside the economy growth. If the economy grows by 2%, displacements increase by 6%, because there is more work, more leisure, more distribution of merchandise and more school activities etc.”

Cops don’t recognise woman’s knife-man

A TERRIFIED woman, being followed by a knife-carrying man on Monday afternoon in the Taco area of San Jeromino, found refuge in a La Laguna pharmacy.

The woman noticed she was being followed, so she entered the first place she stumbled across. Once inside, she was able to contact the emergency services, which, in turn, dispatched the police. On arrival, the Local Police took a statement from the woman, though it was obvious to them that she was suffering from a panic attack. They later advised her to make an official

report at the National Police station. Once she had given them a physical description of her follower, officers immediately had their suspicions.

But when they questioned the suspect later, it was clear that he had not been involved. Police are now making further investigations.

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15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Arona promotes facelift project for Las Galletas

ARONA Council has collaborated with Tenerife Cabildo and the Canarian Government to give Las Galletas a longawaited, muchneeded transformation.

The project consists of expanding the beach and creating a new entrance to the town, as well as providing an ample, pedestrian walkway. Also, a new access to Las Galletas will be available through the Finca don Virgilio road. But to make this possible, Arona Council needs the Cabildo to

Distressed mum’s baby saved by cop

OFFICERS from Gran Canaria’s Police traffic department came to a baby’s rescue on Monday, at around 7.45am. The mother, who was walking through Plaza de España, in Las Palmas, approached the officers quickly, asking for help because she noticed her 12-month-old baby boy was semi-conscious and hardly breathing. The officers noticed that the baby, and, also the mum, were distressed. But, without a second thought, one of them began to resuscitate the

child with basic CPR, while his companion requested help from professionals at a nearby health centre. One of them took over from the officer treating the baby, until a medical ambulance arrived. The tot was taken to the Maternal and Children’s Hospital in Las Palmas, where the traffic cop learned that he’d saved the baby’s life. The ambulance was escorted by police to the hospital, along with other members from the traffic department, marking out a safe route to the hospital.

take charge this year, by beginning the construction work on the roads, specifically the new town entrance. Once the access to Las Galletas is totally modified and modernised, work can begin on expanding the beach. The original beach was lost, with the construction of the

current road and the seafront promenade. The proposed promenade will be modernised, with facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. It will also feature plenty of plants and trees, as well as street lighting. Access to the beach will be integrated with the rest of the town, and the update

will include the provision of public showers, toilets and changing areas. The entire project will be carried out in two phases, and Arona Mayor José Julián Mena Pérez emphasised: “Las Galletas has enormous potential, and important investments have been made to put these plans into action.”

Thug prisoner batters trio of prison officers

THREE prison officers, working at Tenerife II’s penitentiary centre, were injured last Sunday afternoon when an inmate attacked them.

It happened at around 1pm on Module 5, when the inmate lashed out, reacting violently against the officers after being told what to do. But as the officers attempted to restrain the prisoner, three of them were physically injured. One officer complained of having a chest pain, and, on closer inspection, he had endured two broken ribs, and was transferred, immediately, to the University hospital, where he was admitted for treatment. But the other two officers didn’t get away lightly. The officer in charge was kicked

in the head during the melee, the other officer was bitten so aggressively that it cut through the gloves he was wearing at the time. The syndicate representing prison officers has been denouncing, for some time, about the serious conditions in which officers have to work under. The unions are continually stressing that the work

carried out by prison officers on a daily basis is difficult, as well as dangerous. This, they say, is through the lack of available recourses, which include personnel, as well as safety equipment. The unions add that if these recourses were available, the officers could do their job safely, as well as offering a safe, public service.


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

MORE than 200 Spanish schools are teaching pupils the art of meditation, or “mindfulness”, as it is now known, according to an organisation promoting the technique in education.

The figures come ahead of the second annual Congress on Mindfulness in Education, being run by a group of the same name. It will be staged this April in Aragon’s Zaragoza City, and organisation director Javier Garcia Campayo said mindfulness helped to boost the youngsters’

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Meditation improves health of schoolkids ability to concentrate, as well as improving their memories. He added: “It can also improve the quality of their relationships, and the management of their emotions, in addition to reducing stress, leading to a greater clarity in making decisions.” The news comes as the British Government announced

that 370 schools would also teach “children mindfulness”. Data there shows that almost 13% of pupils aged five to 19 experienced at least one mental-health episode in 2017. Mindfulness, which derives from Buddhist meditation techniques, is used to help improve the mental well-being of healthy children and adults, and to treat psychological disorders.

Violent robber’s knife spree blunted by cops A VIOLENT robber, who escaped from two shops with an estimated total of 21,000 euros, has been arrested by National Police officers. The 37-year-old thief, who has a police record, was charged with carrying out two shop robberies in Puerto del Rosario, in Fuerteventura. A probe began as soon as an employee from one of the shops filed a police report, saying that while he was closing up the premises, he was startled by a person, who approached him wearing a balaclava. The man threatened him with a knife, and shouted that he would kill him if he didn’t open the safe. The staff man handed over some €1,000. Later, it was reported that the aggressive man turned his attentions to several women, who were working at another shop.

According to witnesses, he entered the premises, and, again, repeated the threat to kill a woman while he was waving around a machete. This time, he left the shop with €18,000, but police, with the help of a description from witnesses, soon identified him. It wasn’t long before the National Police found him in a Puerto de Rosario commercial centre, where he was arrested and charged with two crimes of violent robbery. The investigating officers were also able to connect him with another violent robbery, which happened last December, and where approximately 2,000 euros were stolen. The connection was made easily because all three crimes featured similar characteristics, and the man now awaits a court appearance.

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NEWS IN BRIEF Old folk missing for decade

THE National Centre for the Missing has announced that 454 elderly people have remained out of sight since 2010. In that time, the centre said it had received 176,000 reports of people who could not be found, including 7,000 over-65s. Most issues were resolved within the first few hours or days, although a small minority remain unsolved. The rate of people found, who went missing between 2012 and 2013, was around 97%, increasing by a point between 2014 and 2015, but reducing to 88% of those who disappeared in 2018. Jaime Cereceda, an Interior Ministry official, said: “The security forces are beginning to collect more data on disappearances, and are getting a broader view of the different causes.”

Healthy immigrants arrive safely

A SMALL vessel, carrying 17 male immigrants, appeared off the coastline of south Gran Canaria last weekend. It was spotted from Montana Arena beach, in San Bartolome de Tirajuana, and, at the time, there were 15 people inside the boat, the other two having already got off the vessel in the Las Carpinteras beach area. The emergency services, along with the Red Cross and Local Police, attended the scene. And, after the immigrants were found to be in good health by medics, they were taken to the police headquarters in Maspalomas.

15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Jet2 tea-drinkers are in the money! A JET2 flight, travelling from Glasgow to Tenerife, was forced to divert to Manchester Airport, because, passengers were told, there was a problem with the plane’s plumbing.

In fact, no fresh water had been loaded on to the plane, to make tea and coffee, before passengers left Glasgow Airport, at about 8.55am on Sunday. But the flight did an aboutturn over County Cork, in the Republic of Ireland, and landed safely in Manchester, where local fire crews were waiting. That is also where passengers learned that they could each claim a whopping €600 in compensation, thanks to

AirHelp. This online platform enables travellers to claim compensation for delays and cancellations, or even if they have been unable to board their plane. That’s because the rules of Law EC261 apply. In addition, air passengers can claim up to three years after the date

of an incident, as long as it complies with those rules. AJet2 spokeswoman blamed the diversion on a minor technical fault, and also admitted that the so-called plumbing fault was actually a lack of fresh water to provide hot water for tea and coffee.

Head-on squatters’ brawl leads to vicious stabbing

Cops catch German fraudster

POLICE in Roquetas de Mar have detained a fraudster, wanted by the German authorities, who had issued a European arrest warrant for a 68-year-old man. He was connected with a case dating back to 2005, when he applied to work with an international company based in Frankfurt. He claimed, falsely, that he was a qualified lawyer and social worker, and produced fake certificates. The company took him on, paying him nearly €12,000 over six months. He went on to claim unemployment benefit on a number of occasions in 2006, receiving more than €7,800 euros, to which he was not entitled. In 2011, a Mainz court, in his absence, ordered a two-year, three-month prison sentence for falsifying documents. International police co-operation led to the fraudster’s location in Roquetas, and his arrest.

A SQUATTER, aged 47, was stabbed in the back after being involved in a brawl between two families.

The incident happened after a fight broke out between two families of squatters, resulting in a 69-year-old member from one family being beaten

up, and another, man, 47, from the other family, being injured in the back with a pair of secateurs. The brawl happened in La Laguna’s Calle Sancho Panza, when an anonymous call was made to the Canarian Emergency services. Soon afterwards, the Local and National Police, as well as a medical ambulance,

arrived. They found a man who had been wounded with the sharp secateurs. The aggressor barricaded himself inside the premises, but the police were able to break in and arrest him, eventually. The injured party was transferred to the University hospital, for treatment to his wound. 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019


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Horseman’s injury tumble

A HORSE-RIDER, who fell from his mount and had to be taken to hospital, suffered a nasty head wound. The 32-year-old’s accident occurred in the area of El Rosario, and the Canarian emergency services dispatched the necessary teams to the scene. The Local Police, along with two ambulances, responded, and the medical team assessed the rider, noticing his head injury. He was stabilised before being transferred to hospital in the basic, life-support ambulance, used specifically for making the trip as comfortable as possible. The rider, who was taken to Candelaria Hospital, where he received further treatment for his head injury, is now under observation.

Firemen rescue man from a blazing home

A MAN aged 65 suffered serious burns after being caught in a blaze last Sunday evening at his Santa Cruz home, in La Victoria, Tenerife. The emergency services were dispatched to the scene, immediately, just before 9pm, and, upon arrival, firemen began to extinguish the flames, while the Local Police helped rescue the victim. Once outside, the victim showed signs of smoke inhalation, as well as suffering considerable burns. His condition appeared critical, so he was transferred to the University hospital, for further treatment and observation.

15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Illegal taxidermist had 200 protected animals THE bodies, or parts, of more 200 protected animals, have been discovered in an illegal taxidermy workshop in southern Spain, including a white rhino, an African lion and a Bengal tiger.

Guardia Civil agents also found a hippopotamus, an African crocodile and an antelope, as well as a giraffe. Six people have been arrested on suspicion of possessing and trafficking protected species, after the shocking find in Alicante. Most of the taxidermy was carried out on-site, without a licence and without the necessary waste-management resources. Investigators said some of the animals’ body parts may have been discarded into

the sewerage system, posing a considerable risk to public health. The illegal operation was uncovered after Guardia agents, who discovered online posts advertising the

animals, tracked the advert down to an Alicante taxidermist. The majority of animals were seized in the warehouse, while more were found at the taxidermist’s home, in the

town of Mutxamiel. All animals seized were listed under the United Nation’s Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), signed by over 180 countries.

Dozens of drug-takers charged, in just a week

THE National Police have charged 46 people in Tenerife’s Santa Cruz capital with possession of drugs and using them … and all in the first week of February!

the distribution of drugs, as well as their consumption, in public areas. The police were able to issue the sanctions after gaining information from contacts and neighbouring groups. Special surveillance devices were also used. Thanks to this equipment, another person was arrested and charged with roadsafety offences. Another two were each charged with carrying a prohibited firearm.

They took action in several areas of the city, mainly in Acorán and San Andrés, at the request of residents. The police chief said the summons were necessary in an attempt to reduce

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Publisher, Proprietor and Editor: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Angela Jefferies, Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Colin Kirby, Mariano Zunino Siri, Martin Land, Miruna Voicu, Sir Old Golfer. Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2019 Canarian Weekly


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Thief caught with his bingo bonanza

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Man’s tummy ache attracted the police

NATIONAL Police, based in Santa Cruz, arrested a man familiar to them, and charged him with breaking and entering a bingo hall, and stealing a safe containing €20,000, in the early hours of Wednesday.

A MAN was arrested, after turning up at a local health centre’s emergencies department in Gran Canaria with pains in his stomach, which turned out to be 45 bullet-shaped wraps of hashish.

The man, who has a colourful record, with nine offences to his name, broke into the premises by driving a stolen car into the metal security gate, which, to an extent, had protected the entrance.

Once inside, he took the safe, along with its contents, before leaving in a second stolen vehicle, which had vanished from the neighbouring municipality. Local Police were able to

locate the owners of both cars, while the National Police identified the thief, via collective information they had received. The suspect is now awaiting a court date for sentencing.

Parish church features new, restored tapestry

When they began to examine the individual, it soon became clear to medics that his pain was caused by foreign objects in

Diving schools fail a Guardia inspection

THE Guardia Civil have opened an investigation into eight diving schools across the south of Tenerife. THE Santa Úrsula Mártir Adeje parish church presbytery now houses a new tapestry, the 18th “Sacrificio de Isaac”.

This is been restored, and rejoins the Adeje heritage family as part of a collaborative plan with

Tenerife Cabildo and the Bishopric, the actual overseer of the Santa Úrsula parish. The tapestry is part of three examples of this kind of work which have survived the ravages of time. The series comprised this one, as well as “Moisés revelando la Ley de Dios al pueblo de Israel” (Moses revealing God’s law to the people of

Israel) and “La Visitación de la Virgen a Santa Isabel” (the visitation of Our Lady to St Elizabeth). These latter tapestries, currently being restored, will be on display over the next two years. The “Sacrificio de Isaac” restoration was carried out by a team of professionals, led by Rubén Sánchez López.

his stomach. The staff X-rayed the area and discovered that he was carrying marihuana, weighing 270gms. He had disembarked from a Morocco to Gran Canaria flight, and had headed straight to the medical centre because of the severe pain he was experiencing. Once he had expelled the wraps, an analysis was done, proving what he had been carrying. The police were notified, and the man was arrested and charged with trafficking illegal substances.

Two schools are in Abadas, another two are in Radazul and four more in Las Galletas, and all eight are being investigated after the Guardia officers issued 61 examples of noncompliance, as well as incorrect paperwork. The inspections were carried out as part of a campaign by the Guardia Civil, to intensify the control of these diving schools and their activities.

The inspections were carried out between 5th-8th January, and, during these visits, the officers came across a multitude of breaches within the dive centres. They were, specifically, related to administrative areas, and the schools were unable to produce relevant authorisation from the Canarian Government, which is necessary when working with tourists. The Guardia also discovered that some people working at the centres did not have the correct paperwork, and other members of staff were under-qualified. In addition, items of technical equipment were faulty.

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Advertisement 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

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Tourist chiefs and cops plead for no-booze law TOURISM bosses and police have called for a ban on alcohol sales at airports, and on flights to mainland Spain and its islands, to put an end to “drunken tourism”.

Spanish and British traveltrade leaders met in Mallorca capital Palma to try to tackle the problem, which has led to negative press for the holiday hotspot island. Among the measures proposed was that passengers shouldn’t be allowed to walk down the Duty Free shops’ drinks aisles. That, it is hoped, is part of a campaign to get young people away from linking holidays with getting drunk. One police chief addressed

the meeting saying: “We have already banned smoking. People can’t light up for three hours when flying from the UK to Spain, so why do they have to drink? What are we waiting for?” He added: “Alcohol should be banned on flights and at airports. The only thing you see is the selling of alcohol at Palma Airport, but it’s actually a shopping centre, where alcohol is sold.” The seminar was held under the “Chatham House rules”, which allows participants to speak freely without revealing their identity, or facing any repercussions. The Palma meeting also aimed to clear up confusion over whether it was the jurisdiction of the Spanish or UK police to deal with in-flight incidents involving drunken behaviour.

Disney-type theme park for families AN enormous theme park costing billions is being planned for mainland Spain, on a scale and ambition rivalling Disney.

The multi-million-euro tourist destination, referred to as a “city” being recreated, should open in 2023, and will be constructed between Seville and Madrid, in the Castilblanco municipality. Elysium City, referencing the Greek mythology of paradise, will feature a water park, an 18-hole golf course, a 40,000seat stadium, four hotels, rollercoasters, an equestrian centre and a marina. In 2028, reported plans

are to turn the theme park into a “smart city”, fit for permanent, human habitation. “It’s basically a city that we’re creating, that will be a smart city from ground up,” said John Cora,

founder and chairman of Cora Alpha, which is behind the venture. “But the core will be the entertainment pieces. “It includes a major, Disneylevel theme park, and an adventure water park unlike

typical water parks.” The unprecedented theme park will have free, highspeed WiFi throughout. Elysium City will also include solar-powered infrastructure, such as street lights and kiosks, which provide parking information and availability, as well as traffic updates, public transport schedules and weather forecasts. In addition, the cityscape will not feature the red-andyellow helter-skelter slides, commonly found in water parks. Instead, Elysium’s water park will utilise heavy landscaping and rockwork techniques, to incorporate the area’s natural environment. The surrounding landscape

Rock-climbing woman dies

A GERMAN woman, aged 30, died last Sunday while rock-climbing at Aricos Barranco de Tamadaya.

The Canarian emergency services received a call just after 5pm, requesting help to rescue a woman who had fallen into a ravine. The necessary emergency services were activated, and, upon their swift arrival, fire-fighters located the woman and rescued her from a precarious location, rapidly, before transporting her to a nearby ambulance, in which

a team assessed her, medically. A helicopter was requested to take her to a small football pitch, where a helicopter was waiting to provide further medical assistance.

Tragically, the woman’s injuries were so severe that medics could only pronounce her dead. The Guardia Civil were in charge of all subsequent proceedings.

will also be harnessed to create adventure activities, such as mountain biking, hiking and bungee-jumping. Building is expected to start later this year, and Cora Alpha estimates receiving four million guests during the park’s opening year. Initially, guests will be able to stay in one of the 3,000 rooms, spread across four hotels, each one fitted with a casino. The city’s second stage will open in 2028, with 2,000 housing units for new residents in the 1,200-hectare region. The Costa del Sol was actually one of the locations seriously considered for the first Euro Disney Resort, which ended up as Disneyland Paris in France.

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15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

It’s hearts-in-mouth time for Canarian beach-goers

THE Canarian Government has warned beach-goers that drawing hearts in the sand, or carving out other messages, could land them in prison.

Stones, crosses made out of volcanic rocks, and a smiley face carved into a cliff face, are among the activities criticised by environmentalists, and the Canarian leaders believe tourists and residents all come under their beachvandalism crackdown. And Tenerife Cabildo is backing them all the way. Gran Canaria’s Maspalomas sand dunes are part of a

protected area, but tourists have desecrated the natural surroundings with their “works of art”, complain the green groups. The Telesforo Bravo-Juan Coello Foundation has backed tougher punishments for the tourists and residents, because their behaviour, it says, is an “abuse to the environment”. A Canarian Government spokesperson said: “Tenerife Cabildo wants to express its condemnation towards this type of act against one of the main environmental and tourist patrimonies of the island.” Perpetrators could be punished with a fine of up to €600, or even face a prison sentence.

Brit drug-dealer held outside military base

A BRITISH drug dealer, arrested outside a “military establishment” in Gibraltar, was carrying 56gms of cocaine, said the Royal Gibraltar Police.

The 34-year-old suspect was held for possession of drugs, with intent to supply them. A police statement added: “The operation also involved search warrants being executed at two locations., with the aid of specialised sniffer-dogs. The man has been granted bail, with

conditions.” Police did not confirm whether or not they believed the dealer had planned to sell the Class-A drugs in, or near, the military establishment. A spokesperson said: “We are not commenting beyond what has already been said, as the matter is currently under investigation.”


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

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Don’t give the Julio Iglesias joins Elvis in cast of Grammy stars game away, plead

LEGENDARY crooner Julio Iglesias has become the first Spaniard to win an honorary Grammy Award, joining a list of timeless artists such as Elvis Presley. And ahead of his Lifetime Achievement Award, to be presented on Sunday, Julio, father of Miami-based pop sensation Enrique, tells his tale.

He actually wanted to be a footballer, but a car accident put paid to his sporting career, so he opted for a life of music. Julio, now 75, is the top-selling Latin artist of all, and has achieved more in 50 years on the music scene, than any other Spanish singer. The Madrid-born star, once married to model and presenter Isabel Preysler, the mother of Enrique, was left lying on his back, with few hopes of ever being able to walk again, following a 1962

a car crash, when he was 20. He was given a guitar to take his mind off things, and Julio began composing songs during his long recovery. He then moved to London to learn to speak English, and his musical career took off in 1968 when, aged 26, he won the International Song Festival in Benidorm with his own creation, La Vida Sigue Igual. Eight years later, Julio was on stage for the first time in New York’s Madison Square Garden, breaking all boxoffice records, with tickets selling-out faster than for any other artist in history. He also broke records in Japan, by selling 1.2 million copies of his album De Niña a Mujer in 1982, And, with his eponymous 1987 album, he became the first artist ever to sell two million records in a language other than English, in the US. A year later, the bilingual singer was watched by 400 million viewers in his own special programme, aired live in China. He has dueted with hundreds of singers from all over the planet, and in several languages, including Willie Nelson, Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross, Sting, Dolly Parton and Placido Domingo.

roadblock police

SPAIN’S National Police have appealed on social media for people not to divulge details of roadside checks.

The plea came on the same day they made arrests in the south of Spain, in a huge operation involving

roadblocks in La Linea (Cadiz) and on the Costa del Sol, which were reported, widely, by newspapers. The cops tweeted: “Police checks are used to protect you. If you warn of their presence, they lose effectiveness. #PorTuSeguridad do not disseminate information on the existence of controls. #SomosTuPolicía.”

School bus driver Balcony fall smoked cannabis

POLICE in Spain immobilised a school bus after the driver tested positive for cannabis at a roadside check. Local Police, in the Alicante area of Elda, had stopped the vehicle as part of a national drive to ensure the

safety of school transport. Officials said in a statement that the bus had travelled from Villena, about 12 km, and had also picked up students from the nearby town of Sax. They also said the test was indicative, and, to confirm the result, a saliva sample would be analysed in an approved laboratory.

The bus was allowed to continue on its way, once another driver, also subjected to the same tests, was found. The Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) safety campaign checks that vehicles and drivers meet the administrative requirements, safety measures, driving times, rest periods and other obligations.

A three-year-old Russian child has been rushed to hospital after falling from a building in Avenida José González Forte in Los Gigantes. Emergency services say they were called out before half past three, reports that the little girl

that just with had

fallen several storeys and needed urgent assistance. She was transferred by ambulance with police escort to the Puerto Santiago football ground, where a helicopter was waiting for crew to stabilise her, and fly her to Candelaria Hospital. She was admitted with severe head injuries, and her condition is said to be critical.

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THE mystery of beaked whales being “suicidal” may finally have been solved, because sonar, commonly used by America and NATO, causes decompression sickness, also known as the bends.

This condition, as many will know, also affects scuba divers, and it is believed that it forces the whales to beach themselves. Scientists had previously made the link between beached whales and exposure to naval sonar. Some 21 experts in the Royal Society journal Proceedings B have released their research findings. Scientists have long known that some beaked whales beach themselves and die in agony, and now they know why. The fear and stress of the huge animals, when they hear sonar, over-rides their natural diving instinct and creates a build-up of nitrogen in the blood, leading to the bends. In humans, this occurs when a diver ascends to the surface too quickly. But in whales, it is initiated by fear. And research shows that whales which suffer from this can often die, and wash up on a beach,

Beached whales scared to death by sonar sound

15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

More fake fliers nabbed

SEVEN more people have been arrested at Fuerteventura airport, trying to board planes to Dublin with false passports, and all with Albanian nationality.

several days later. Mid-frequency active sonar (MFAS) has been used since the 1960s to detect submarines, emitting underwater signals. This causes beaked whales, in particular, to become scared and swim away from the sound,

discarding their dive pattern. “In the presence of sonar they are stressed, and swim vigorously away from the sound source, changing their diving pattern,” said Yara Bernaldo de Quiros, lead researcher at the Institute of Animal Health, at Gran Canaria’s

University of Las Palmas. There were 121 mass strandings between 1960 and 2004, with at least 40 linked in time and place with naval activities. Other threats include ship strikes, ocean pollution, and shifting habitats caused by climate change.

Of the six men and a woman, all aged between 20 and 32, five were stopped carrying French, Italian and Slovenian documents, while trying to board two planes. The other two, spotting the police presence, tried to run away. They were later detained by officers, in possession of fake Estonian papers. The seven detainees, in possession of their genuine Albanian passports, are all being held by the judicial authorities, awaiting charges.


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

New AIDS cure could be found by Spanish medics

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Wanted terrorist made it easy for Guardia officers THE Guardia Civil arrested a wanted terrorist on Wednesday morning, at a La Laguna building in San Cristobal.

SPAIN is planning to conduct one of the biggest clinical trials into a vaccine against the HIV virus, which causes AIDS. The pioneering trial is known as AELIX-003 and will involve 90 participants, who have started early antiretroviral therapy, after being infected with HIV. Patients, who will continue to receive antiretroviral therapy at the start of the study, will also be monitored closely to ensure their HIV viral loads are kept under detection limits. They will then be vaccinated, and their antiretroviral treatment suspended, to see whether the vaccine is effective in keeping their HIV levels under control. The clinical test is to see if the vaccine is as effective in humans as it has been in apes. Although the pace of HIV research is extremely fast,

a cure for AIDS, which develops after HIV infection, hasn’t yet been found. Jose Alcamí, director of the AIDS Immunopathology Unit at the National Microbiology Centre, said: “It is still a great utopia.” Alcamí, who said it was impossible to give a date for a cure, added: “It is not possible to predict…it can be tomorrow or never because we are facing a gigantic challenge. “No virus that has infected the nucleus of cells, such as the one that causes herpes, papilloma, hepatitis B or retroviruses such as AIDS, can be eliminated, because it is installed in the genetic memory of our body.” But he admitted that HIV treatments and research have proved effective in treating other diseases, including helping to find a cure for Hepatitis C.

The 30-year-old man, identified as EMC, was arrested and charged with being a self-indoctrination terrorist. He already had a police record for violence and sexist behaviour. The operation was carried out by Guardia officers, after the alarm had been raised, because of the man’s internet searches and website visits, related to the manufacturing of homemade, explosive devices. EMC surprised himself, with his own, self-made artefact, putting into practice the knowledge he had gained from these specific web pages. Officers also discovered, while conducting their search, that the man used special devices to connect to the internet, to communicate with other jihadist contacts, specifically. These devices are being analysed, and the premises are still being searched for further evidence. According

to sources, the process of self-radicalisation, which the detainee and many others used, is consuming a large volume of violent propaganda and radical material, in relation to jihadist terrorist groups, mainly Al Qaeda and Daesh. Finally, it all adds up to brain-washing EMC used this technique, which encouraged him to visualise all the propaganda contents, and it wasn’t long before he told his family and friends that, one day, he would become famous. He stated, specifically, that he didn’t care about the

price of the fame, and nor did he fear any possible consequences. What persuaded Guardia Civil officers to arrest him was his violent nature, the justifications he made for violent actions, and the fact that he considered himself the victim, along with his recent interest in homemade explosive devices. The Guardia has promoted all investigations related to this type of propaganda, recruitment and financing structures, since the antiterrorist alert was raised to Level 4 on 26th June 2015.

CW 16


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Why buy at the auction?

One of the lots: Stunning penthouse, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, Pueblo Primavera, Golf del Sur

BUYING a property at auction is a simple, transparent process, allowing you to bid, based on exactly what you want to pay.

Here are some of the benefits auction buyers enjoy: - Smart investments are made, as properties are usually purchased at fair market value, through competitive bidding - The buyer knows the seller is committed to selling - Auctions reduce the time required to purchase property - Auction sellers are not holding out for unrealistic list prices - Buyers determine the purchase price - Auctions eliminate long negotiation and waiting periods - Purchasing and closing dates are known in advance - Buyers know they are competing fairly, and on the same terms as all other buyers - Buyers receive comprehensive information via the “General Conditions” How does it work, if you want to sell your property or business at the auction? Our sister company, Rentals in Tenerife, has been established on the island for nearly 20 years, and identified there was a huge gap in the market for selling properties that didn’t need to cost you, the seller, the standard 5% commission! In partnership with Buy Properties Tenerife SL, we now offer properties for sale, with no commission! So, how does it work?

Prior to auction, you, the seller, agree with us a reserve price you wish to receive, no less. So, if the price of the property is, for example, €100,000, if someone only offers €15,000, you are not obliged to sell at that price. All we require is that you provide us with full information about your property, and an exclusive period of four months. The marketing is carried out over a 6-8 week period, prior to the auction. On auction day, when the hammer goes down, the purchaser is legally obliged to pay a 10% deposit of the property sale price to us. Completion follows at the Notary within 28 days. So, as the seller, it has cost you absolutely nothing! The properties For our next auction, on Wednesday 27th February, we bring to your attention a variety of properties and business opportunities: a stunning villa in Chayofa, a beautiful and spacious, five-bedroomed town house in the picturesque Granadilla, which has just been reduced, a very tasty pizza business in the town of Adeje, one plot of urban land, a garage space with storage room - and much more! Affiliated organisations Besides our partner, Buy Properties Tenerife, we are affiliated with Keddy’s Entertainment, Currencies Direct, Oasis Fm, Canarian Weekly, and Island Car Hire in San Blas Commercial Centre, where we have our show-case window. See our advert on page 41, or visit our website for more photos and details, at www.tenerifeproperty

TUI losses double in a heatwave summer HOLIDAY company Tui has blamed last year’s unusually long, hot summer, along with the weak pound, as its firstquarter losses more than doubled.

The group, which last week sent shares tumbling after warning over full-year profits, reported seasonal underlying losses of €83.6m (£73.3m), for the three

months to 31st December, against losses of €36.7m (£32.2m) a year earlier. The company said results were impacted by last year’s prolonged hot weather across northern Europe, combined with the Brexit-hit pound and over-capacity in western Mediterranean destinations, such as the Canary Islands. It added that summer 2019 bookings were broadly in line with a year earlier, and that

holiday prices had held firm. But it cautioned that its profit margins were taking a hit. “The market environment for all tour operators remains challenging,” it added. Shares fell 5%, having dropped in price last week, when Tui warned underlying earnings for the year to 30th September were expected to come in flat at around €1.17bn (£1bn). This compares with previous guidance, for at least 10% growth in earnings.

Children’s food recalled after a salmonella scare AECOSAN, the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition, has issued a health warning over multiple batches of children’s food, after salmonella cases were detected in Europe.

The Agency has urged the public not to consume products from infant-food brands Modilac and Blemil, amid fears that some samples could be linked to the “outbreak”. The agency said that an alert had been sent out on 25th January about the infections because of a “salmonella poona” outbreak in France, in relation to the consumption of the products, marketed by French company Sodilac, and manufactured in Spain. New cases have since been identified in Belgium, believed to be related to the affected batches, but no cases have been detected in Spain so far. However, as Spain is the

manufacturer, protocol procedures have been activated and carried out by the companies in question, and the authorities. The results in Spain have, so far, been negative, according to Aecosan. Investigations are still being carried out to identify the possible source of contamination within the industry, which could have affected the products. As a precaution, the Asturian factory creating the products has suspended part of its production of rice-based products. According to the Co-ordinated System of Rapid Information Exchange, as well as the Modilac

products, which have been withdrawn from France, batches from Laboratiorios Ordesa have also been affected. These are: Blemil Plus 1 rice, 400 g. (lots 1068-132, 1087-122, 1927-124, 2698-137, 3097-126 and 3408-141) and Blemil Plus 2 rice, 400 g. (lots 1088-190, 1107-173, 1107-173X, 1937-176, 2698-197, 2698-197X, 3107-180 and 3408-204). Authorities have issued a mass withdrawal of the affected products in Spain, from all points of sale. The companies are also contributing, actively, to retrieve all of the products still in distribution. As the batches are sold exclusively in pharmacies, the Council of Pharmaceutical Associations of Spain, and the Spanish Association of Paediatrics, have been informed of the situation by Aecosan, and they are also collaborating to inform the public. Some of the batches may have been bought already, and purchasers are recommended to return the product to the nearest pharmacy.


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Worried PM Sanchez is seriously looking at early general election

Family grandma is found mummified in their home

A BRITISH grandmother was found dead in Andalucia, after her family kept her mummified body in the house for some nine months.

SPANISH Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez may call an early general election on 14th April, because he has been unable to secure sufficient backing for his 2019 budget. Sánchez, in attempting to please the Catalunya regional parties, whose support he needs because his party holds just 25% of the seats in Parliament, has angered those who are staunchly against the north-eastern territory’s independence drive. A huge demonstration, in Madrid last Sunday, convened by the rightwing PP and centre-right Ciudadanos, called for early elections. They consider Sánchez and his cabinet to be “unelected”, because they gained power with a noconfidence vote against the

PP last June. If the President does call the nation to the polls, he will have to dissolve Parliament on Tuesday (19th Feb), which would be the appointed 54 days before the elections, on Palm Sunday. Marta Vilalta, spokeswoman for the Catalunya Left Republicans (ERC), warns that if the PM’s idea of an election then is a form of pressure, the party will not withdraw its demands for a complete overhaul of the 2019 budget, unless dialogue is re-established, and the repression of the independence movement ceases. Vilalta has called on Sánchez to be brave and recommence the pathway to dialogue, without conditions. Sánchez came under fire recently from opposition as well as the public, after considering appointing an independent intermediary, a figure normally used in

times of serious conflict, to try to reach a solution to the Catalunya independence impasse. Those doggedly against any mention of Catalunya’s secession, claiming the Spanish Constitution does not allow for it even to be discussed, were in uproar at the idea of an arbitrator. Dissenters include the PP, Ciudadanos and far-right supporters. Catalunya’s independence brigade does not agree, either. Instead of a middleman being introduced, they simply want a legal vote on secession. The President’s left-wing socialist party does not agree with Catalunya becoming an independent State. But, since coming into power in June, it has been more flexible and more willing to open talks with the pro-secessionists. The right-wing protest organisers say appointing a person to report on the proceedings is the same as backing the secession movement. A general election is not set until November 2020, but Sánchez has been under pressure to call an early vote, from the day he gained power. The result of that election was that the ruling PSOE Socialist party was kicked out of Andalucia, after controlling the region for 36 years. A right-wing coalition of the PP and Ciudadanos, supported by far-right party Vox, is now running Spain’s most populous region.

17 CW

The unidentified 79-yearold’s corpse, which had rotted away to the skeleton, was hidden by a mattress and some cardboard. She is thought to have died 24 hours after Mother’s Day, last May, but police were alerted to the house in Istan by her ex-husband. While visiting, he was shocked to find his ex-wife’s body, and persuaded her daughter and teenage granddaughter to tell the police. Guardia Civil officers said the

house was extremely dirty, and the woman was found with clothes on, surrounded by empty air-fresheners. The mother did tell a neighbour her mother had died, but she didn’t go as far as to say the body had been kept. Other neighbours had complained about a bad smell at the property, but the family put it down to their pets. An inspection at Malaga’s Institute of Legal Medicine ruled out violence, and an autopsy will confirm if the woman died of natural causes. But police believe the family may not have announced the woman’s death to evade burial fees, or to continue claiming her pension.

Hunter jailed for 45 years after murdering two men

A HUNTER, who shot dead two rural agents in Spain in January 2017, has been sentenced to 45 years in prison, and ordered to pay compensation of over one million euros to the victims’ families.

The Lleida court, in Catalonia, found Ismael Rodriguez guilty of the charges against him and ordered him to be locked up for 22 years,

for each murder. Another year was added for illegal possession of a shotgun, as well as a €1,080 fine for a crime against fauna. Rodriguez has also been ordered to pay more than €1m in compensation to the victims’ relatives. The court heard that Rodriguez surprised the agents with the attack, which happened so quickly that they could not even activate the alarm button on their radio. Each agent was shot twice, after Rodriguez reloaded his shotgun.

CW 18


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Renewed risks of no-deal Brexit weakens sterling

By Carol schleisman at currencies direct

AFTER soaring at the start of the year, the pound found itself in reverse gear, over the past couple of weeks, on the back of renewed Brexit uncertainty.

This has seen GBP/EUR retreat from a 19-month high of €1.15 to €1.14, allowing EUR/ GBP to rebound from £0.86 to £0.87. Meanwhile, GBP/USD has tumbled from $1.32 to $1.39, while EUR/USD slipped from

TAKING snaps of Spanish police will cease to be a crime, unless the safety of officers or their families is, “demonstrably”, putting them at risk.

A reform of the controversial public-safety legislation, known colloquially as “the gagging law”, means that those taking photographs or videos of police will only be fined if they leave them, or other people, in danger. The old, controversial law, introduced by the previous PP-led Government, meant filming or photographing police in the course of duty could lead to hefty fines, running into thousands of euros, on the grounds that it may compromise officers’ security. These grounds have been used to fine, successfully, peaceful protesters, despite Amnesty International warning Spain against its application. Members argued that, in the event of police taking their authority too far, victims would be unable to obtain proof, and, thus, unlikely to achieve justice. The cops were accused of this very thing throughout Catalonia’s disputed, Independence Referendum Election Day, in October 2017. And incidents of police officers ordering members of the public to delete pictures and videos, on pain of arrest, were not unknown. Now, however, the PSOE party, the country’s new, leftwing, socialist government, has stipulated that the officer in question must be able to demonstrate a clear risk to his or her personal safety or integrity, or that of his or her

$1.14 to $1.13. The pound has found itself in a tailspin, over the past couple of weeks, with sterling’s appeal being eroded by heightened Brexit uncertainty, as well as some lacklustre PMI figures. The euro has also had a bit of

a rough time in recent weeks, with the single currency being softened by concerns over growth in the Eurozone, amid signs that parts of the bloc are stagnating. Meanwhile, a dovish policy meeting from the Federal Reserve undermined the US

dollar at the start of February, limiting the gains from some robust payroll figures, at the start of 2019. The pound looks set to become increasingly volatile, over the next couple of weeks, as the uncertainty surrounding Brexit looks to become increasingly damaging for sterling, the closer we get to the UK’s exit date of 29 March. In the meantime, the focus for EUR investors will be the release of Germany’s latest GDP figures, as they learn whether, or not, the country fell into a recession, at the end of 2018. Finally, the US is likely to face another government

shutdown in February, potentially limiting the appeal of the US dollar going forward. At Currencies Direct, we’re here to talk currency whenever you need us, so get in touch if you want to know more about the latest news, or how it could impact your currency transfers. Since 1996, we’ve helped more than 250,000 customers with their currency transfers. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch, or give us a call to find out more. T: +34 922 971 781 E: canaries@currenciesdirect. com W:

You’ll be able to frame cops, with law on your side!

family or friends. Changes to the “gagging law” are under discussion within a Parliamentary commission, set up for the purpose. They are also likely to include “undue” use of uniforms, official symbols or such replicas, as well as growing hash plants in one’s own home, being reclassified as “minor” offences rather than “serious”. Generally, police turn a blind eye to a small number of cannabis plants being grown for decoration, or personal consumption. But larger volumes will normally attract criminal action, unless the grower is able to show, clearly, that he or she is doing so for personal use. And although the “serious offence” description did not go so far as arresting members of the public, leaving fancy-dress parties in authentic-looking police uniforms, it would be difficult to demonstrate that their use was completely innocent. And, in answer to popular

request, it is also likely that, convening protests and demonstrations, spontaneously, will cease to be a criminal offence. At the moment, and based upon the previous government’s criteria, all demonstrations require written permission from the relevant, provincial government or town or city council, which have the right to deny authorisation at any time, without stating the reasons. Without this, demonstrations that go ahead could lead to the organisers being fined between €30,000 and €600,000. Yet animal cruelty, or neglect, carries a fine of just €100. With the law change, protests are expected to require no more than four hours’ notice, and refusal by authorities may well have to be accompanied by a verifiable and sound reason. For the amendments to go ahead, a majority vote from within the Parliamentary commission will be required.

No-deal Brexit could really harm traders SPAIN’S tax office has warned Spanish businesses about the potential consequences of a no-deal Brexit, which could prove extremely costly to them.

The Hacienda has sent letters to thousands of export companies in Spain, with tips on how to adapt to the worst-case scenario, should the UK leave the EU on 29th March without a deal. The warning details about how a no-deal would mean that trade-flows between the two countries will cease to be considered

internal European transactions. It will also be subject to customs formalities. “Brexit could have a significant effect on your organisation and its logistics flows,” the letter reads. “If there is no exit agreement that includes a transitional period, this will mean that on 29th March, the UK will leave the single market and the customs union.” The number of Spanish companies exporting to the UK grew by 8% between 2012 and 2017 to 11,695 businesses. And the UK was the fifthtop destination for Spanish exports in 2017, after France, Germany, Italy and Portugal. 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Baptiste TV Choice

19 CW

Martin Clunes Islands of America

Tuesday 19th February, ITV1, 21.00

The colourful Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, America’s third largest island, and the only one where Spanish is the main language is Martin’s next stop on his island odyssey. In 2017 Hurricane Maria ripped through the island causing the worst disaster in the island’s history, flattening forests and houses and ultimately claiming thousands of lives. One year on Martin sees how the Puerto Ricans have begun to recover from the disaster. The island is famous for its vibrant salsa dance and music. Tito Ortos, one of Puerto Rico’s finest salsa teachers, teaches Martin the basic steps of the island’s famous dance. With the help of local guide Hector Negrón Martin is taken to see how nature is also recovering after the devastation of the hurricane. Before Hurricane María, this was one of the best places in the world to see a fragile but spectacular natural phenomenon called bioluminescence. Martin says: “What a great way to end my time on this exciting island. It’s wonderful to see how nature has recovered from the terrible hurricane; the rainforest is regrowing, and the good nature of the people never went away.” Leaving Puerto Rico, Martin travels north to the Sea Islands along the coast of Georgia and the Carolinas. They’re home to the unique Gullah Geechee people, descendants of African slaves who once worked the plantations on these islands. Thanks to their island remoteness, they were able to hold on to much of their African heritage in ways that mainland slaves could not.

Sunday 17th February, BBC1, 21.00 Baptiste is the new thrilling six-part drama from the creators of The Missing, starring Tchéky Karyo as the insightful but stubborn investigator Julien Baptiste. Julien Baptiste (Tchéky Karyo, pictured) is trying his best to enjoy retired life with his family in Amsterdam, but when Police Commissioner and former girlfriend Martha Horchner (Barbara Sarafian) asks him to assist with a missing person’s case, Julien can’t refuse. He meets Edward Stratton (Tom Hollander) who has been desperately scouring the streets of Amsterdam to find his niece, sex worker Natalie Rose (Anna Prochniak). Julien has great empathy for Edward’s plight and the two men delve into the seamy and criminal underworld of the red light district looking for clues as to Natalie’s whereabouts. But the case takes an unexpected turn and Julien soon finds himself unravelling a complex web of deceit and lies.

CW 20

TV Choice

W C c h o i c e This week 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Athletics: Birmingham Indoor Grand Prix Saturday 16th February, BBC1, 13.15

The world’s finest athletes meet in Birmingham for one of the most prestigious events on the global indoor calendar. Gabby Logan presents live coverage from Arena Birmingham, where the British sprinters are out in force - including world indoor 60m hurdles champion Andrew Pozzi, European 100m silver medallist Reece Prescod and world 4x100m relay champion CJ Ujah. The afternoon of top athletics closes with British favourite Laura Muir racing in the women’s mile, having broken Kelly Holmes’ British record the last time this event was held in Birmingham in 2017. Muir will want another strong showing ahead of the European Indoor Championships in Glasgow next month, where she is the defending 1500m and 3000m champion. Expert analysis will be provided by Colin Jackson and Denise Lewis, with Steve Cram, Paula Radcliffe, Steve Backley and Andrew Cotter in the commentary box.

Africa with Ade Adepitan Sunday 17th February, BBC2, 21.00

The third leg of Ade Adepitan’s epic four-part journey around Africa, a continent undergoing huge change. This leg takes him to the East of the continent, from Tanzania, through Ethiopia, and on to war-torn Somalia. He begins in Tanzania, in Selous Game Reserve – a game park the size of Switzerland. He’s on the lookout for elephants. But the numbers in this park have fallen by 90 percent over the last few decades. As well as poaching, one of the big problems is that elephants trample and eat crops - so the locals don’t like them. But a new collaring programme is helping numbers to recover. Ade’s next stop is Ethiopia’s far north. He travels to the hottest place on the planet where he spends a night with some of the toughest people on earth: the Afar. He joins them doing what their ancestors have done for centuries, hacking blocks of salt from a dried-up salt lake and loading them onto camels. But change is finally coming to this place thanks to another of its resources, the fertilizer potash. It’s a sign of Ethiopia’s development, which Ade sees more of in the capital, Addis Ababa. Having grown up with images of starving children in the famine-plagued 80s, Addis is nothing like Ade expected. The city is booming, and it’s driving Ethiopia’s economy - now one of the fastest growing in the world. Ade gets a guided tour from perhaps the world’s greatest-ever long distance runner, Haile Gebrselassie. Haile is now a businessman, with investments in coffee and construction. The real fuel in Ethiopia’s boom is manufacturing. Asia is still the workshop of the world, but with wages there on the rise, Chinese companies are increasingly looking to countries like Ethiopia to set up factories, as Ade discovers on a visit to a shoe factory. Leaving Addis, Ade travels on Ethiopia’s new high-speed, Chinese-built train, which whisks him all the way to neighbouring Djibouti, a vital port for Ethiopia’s export-led economy. The final stop on this leg of Ade’s trip is war-torn Somalia. He joins the African Union troops on a mission out of Mogadishu, and discovers a country in ruins, thanks to decades of conflict with Islamist group al-Shabab. Even in areas ruled by the government conservative Islam dominates and women face restriction on their freedom. Back in Mogadishu, Ade shoots some hoops with a group of women defying the odds by playing basketball. His final encounter is with a female doctor who worked for the NHS for 30 years and has now returned to Somalia to rebuild her country. She’s prepared to give her life, if necessary, in her efforts to provide quality maternity care for new mothers.

TV Choice

21 CW

week’s TV Choice 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019


MOTD: FA Cup Highlights Saturday 16th February, BBC1, 22.30

Highlights from the FA Cup fifth round, where lower league clubs battle against the odds for a quarter-final place. League One Wigan produced the shock of the round at this stage last season, knocking out Manchester City to end their Premier League opponents’ hopes of a clean sweep of domestic trophies. Top-flight Tottenham were also held to a surprise draw at second tier Rochdale, following a 93rd-minute equaliser for the home team.

Holby City

Tuesday 19th February, BBC1, 20.00

Zosia (Camilla Arfwedson) arrives at Holby keen to get back to work on Darwin. With her knack for irritating Jac (Rosie Marcel) in full swing, will Jac be able to track down Frieda (Olga Fedori) before Zosia gets too comfortable? Ange (Dawn Steele) struggles with Holly’s (Emma Curtis) parents, who are intent on fighting for their daughter. When an offer of hope for radical treatment comes from America, Ange does her best to make them see what is really best for their daughter. Donna (Jaye Jacobs) and Xavier (Marcus Griffiths) struggle to keep their domestic arguments at home - so will being forced to work closely together for the day sort out their differences, or drive them further apart?

The Greatest Dancer

Saturday 16th February, BBC1, 19.35

Each act is competing to make it in to next week’s final, where they can win £50,000, a chance to dance on Strictly Come Dancing and become The Greatest Dancer. Our dancers are set their last challenge, which they must tackle with their Dance Captain to create an unforgettable performance. The power is in the hands of the viewers at home as they vote to decide who makes it to next week’s final. For our three Dance Captains Cheryl, Matthew Morrison and Oti Mabuse the pressure is on. Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the Greatest Dancer of them all?

The BRIT Awards 2019

Wednesday 20th February, ITV1, 20.00


Tuesday 19th February, BBC1, 21.00

There’s a horrifying discovery at the Hayes house that changes the course of the investigation, when Carla and Prentice Hayes are found murdered in a violent knife attack. Their son Jamie Hayes (Lorn Macdonald) is missing, initially leading the team to speculate that he could be responsible. But Perez (Douglas Henshall) is convinced that Jamie could not have mutilated his mother in this way. Aware of her altercation with Prentice Hayes the previous evening, Perez pays a visit to Olivia Lennox (Rakie Ayola). She’s in her room, shaken, with blood on her clothes. Perez takes her to the station to be interviewed. She vehemently denies any involvement in the crime, saying she went there to talk to them and found them already dead. Her alibi for the time of death checks out and Olivia is released. Olivia is angry with Perez. She feels that now a local family is dead, Daniel’s murder and the search for Zezi will be forgotten. Perez assures her he’s doing everything in his power to find Daniel’s killer and bring Zezi back to her safely. Jamie is discovered, injured and unconscious in an old car a short distance from the house. He’s rushed to hospital. On discovering that Calum Dunwoody’s (Ryan Fletcher) boat Silver Darling has been spotted at a harbourless inlet called Voxter Roe, Perez begins to suspect him of transporting trafficked people, including Zezi and the others at the Hillside Hotel, to the mainland. Calum is arrested and interviewed. He admits to carrying people on his boat, but is clearly terrified and unwilling to reveal any information about the traffickers. Tosh discovers that Paul Kiernan (John Kazek), the manager of the Hillside hotel, has been using a false identity. He’s really a Glaswegian criminal called Aaron McGuire. Perez feels sure that finding McGuire is the key to finding Zezi. The next morning, Sandy (Steven Robertson) thinks he’s made a breakthrough in getting Calum to talk. Sadly, he couldn’t be further from the truth.

The BRIT Awards 2019 with Mastercard takes place Wednesday 20th February, live on ITV from The O2 Arena, London, hosted by Jack Whitehall. Confirmed to perform on the show are: Calvin Harris with Dua Lipa, Sam Smith and Rag’n’Bone Man, Jess Glynne with H.E.R., George Ezra, Jorja Smith, Little Mix, and The 1975. The award statue has been designed by Sir David Adjaye, award categories include Mastercard British Album of the Year, British Breakthrough and British Single.

The BRIT Awards 2019: Red Carpet Wednesday 20th February, ITV2, 19.00

Join Clara Amfo and Alice Levine as they host The BRIT Awards 2019: Red Carpet, bringing you all the gossip and exclusive interviews from the night’s performers, nominees and guest presenters as they arrive at London’s O2 Arena for the star-studded BRITs 2019.

CW 22

TV Guide

06:00...................... Breakfast 09:15 .................... The Empty Housing Scandal 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .............Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:45 ................ Claimed and Shamed 12:15.............. Bargain Hunt 13:00...... BBC News at One 13:45......................... Doctors 14:15 ......................A Place to Call Home 15:10................Escape to the Country 15:55.......The Best House W Coice in Town ch 16:40 ...........................Flog It! 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00 .... BBC News at Six 19:00 .......The One Show 19:30................ Celebrity Mastermind 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30..............A Question of Sport 21:00............ MasterChef 21:30..Mrs. Brown’s Boys 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35............ The Graham Norton Show 23:25................... Cuckoo 23:50.................. The Real Marigold on Tour


Friday 15th February

06:30..............Wanted Down Under Revisited

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

07:15 ...........The Best House in Town

08:30......................... Lorraine

08:00.Antiques Roadshow

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

09:00............. BBC News at 9

10:30.............. This Morning

10:00... Victoria Derbyshire

12:30............ Loose Women

11:00..BBC Newsroom Live

13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News

12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.................... Think Tank 13:45................. A Vicar’s Life 14:15..............Collectaholics 15:15............. Animal Babies 16:15.. How Earth Made Us 17:15....Antiques Road Trip 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30........... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00........Big Cats About the House 20:00........... Mastermind 20:30........Grand Tours of Scotland’s Lochs 21:00............Monty Don’s Japanese Gardens 22:00............................ QI 22:30..............Newsnight 23:05..........Nightcrawler 00:55......... Better Things 01:20...............Panorama

14:00............. James Martin’s Great British Adventure 15:00 .........................Tenable 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30....Coronation Street 20:00.............Countrywise 20:30....Coronation Street 21:00..........Grantchester 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:45............Through the Keyhole 23:45........ Small Fortune 00:40.................. Tenable 01:30............ Jackpot247

Today, four proud homeowners are through to this week’s big final. They will hand over their keys for a second time to five nosy neighbours, who will get one last look around the homes to help them decide who has the winning home. They’ll judge the perspective champions on three key criteria; the functionality of the home, the ambition of its interior design and finally, the ‘X factor’. Battling it out today will be a flat, a semi detached property, a detached house and a wildcard. Which of these superb homes will be the Best House in York? It’s down to our amateur property aficionados to decide.


06:30 ................ King of Queens 07:45.............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 ............... The £100k Drop 17:00 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 19:55 ........The Political Slot 20:00 ..... Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 21:00................ 8 Out of Cats Does Countdown 22:00................ The Last Leg 23:05................... First Dates 00:10.........The Real Football Fan Show

06:00.......................Childrens TV 09:05................... The Secret Life of Puppies 09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15 ......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 12:10.......... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15.................. Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15.............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ... Her Boyfriend’s Secret 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 .... Do the Right Thing 20:00 ..........Secret Scotland 21:00 .........Posh Hotels with Sally and Nigel 22:00.........13 Moments That Killed Whitney Houston 23:35....... Whitney Houston: Her Greatest Hits 00:35...... When Demolitions Go Wrong

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals

08:55 ..................Grand Designs

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10........ You Gotta Eat Here!

10:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 ........................ Animal 999

07:35 ........ You Gotta Eat Here!

11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

08:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

08:00 .............American Pickers

09:00 ........................... Babylon 5

09:30 ...............Storage Hunters

06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 .............. Dress to Impress 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:55 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20......................... Superstore 11:15 ........You’ve Been Framed and Famous! Gold 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 13:15 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:40 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:00 ...................... Take Me Out 18:30 ...............Take Me Out: The Gossip 19:30..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00........................ Spectre 22:55.................. Family Guy 23:55............ American Dad! 00:25............ American Dad!

22:30.. ITV News London

Best House In Town BBC1, 15.55 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

12:05 ...........Location, Location, Location 13:05.......... Location, Location, Location

10:00 ....................Stargate SG-1

14:15....... Come Dine with Me

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

14:50....... Come Dine with Me

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:20....... Come Dine with Me

15:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

15:50....... Come Dine with Me

16:00 ................. Modern Family

16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

17:00................... The Simpsons

16:55 ..................................A Place in the Sun

17:30 ............................Futurama

17:55 .................... The Supervet

20:30 ...........Modern Family

18:55..................... Car S.O.S 19:55 ........... Grand Designs 21:00 ................The Crimson Rivers 22:05 .........24 Hours in A&E

18:30 .............The Simpsons 21:00.Rob and Romesh Vs... 22:00.... The Late Late Show 23:00.........A League of Their Own - European Road Trip

09:00 ...............Storage Hunters 10:00 .............American Pickers 12:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 .......................World’s Most Dangerous Roads 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00..................... Timber Kings 16:00.......... Cop Car Workshop 17:00............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00 ............... World’s Most Dangerous Roads 20:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 21:00....... Live at the Apollo

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

00:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

22:00................... Red Dwarf

00:10.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

01:00................ Just Another Immigrant

00:20 .......... Mock the Week

01:05.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

01:35................ Just Another Immigrant

23:20........................... QI XL 01:00................................. QI 01:40..... Would I Lie to You? 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 10:00 ........................Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30................ Nigellissima 12:00 ......................... Football Focus 13:00 .....................BBC News; Weather 13:15 ....................... Athletics 16:30 ...................Final Score 17:10...................... Toy Story 18:25 .............. BBC News 18:45................ Pointless 19:35........... The Greatest Dancer 20:50 ................ Casualty 21:40 ...................Would I Lie to You? 22:10............... BBC News; Weather 22:30..................Match of the Day: FA Cup Highlights 23:20................. Man Like Mobeen 23:45................. Red Tails 01:40.................. Weather for the Week Ahead 01:45............... BBC News


Saturday 16th february

06:45................... All Over the Place: Asia 07:15 ............... Wild & Weird 07:30 .................. All Over the Workplace 08:00....................... Top Class 08:30 ......... The Dog Ate My Homework 09:00...................Deadly on a Mission: Pole to Pole 09:30...........................Nature’s Microworlds 10:00...................Walrus: Two Tonne Tusker 11:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 12:00..........Rick Stein’s Long Weekends 13:00................Food & Drink 13:30...........Best Bakes Ever 14:00................Escape to the Country 15:00............. City in the Sky 16:00... Money for Nothing 17:00...................Walrus: Two Tonne Tusker 18:00............Back in Time for School 19:00.... The Great British Sewing Bee 20:00..........River Walks CWce ch oi 20:30.............Dad’s Army 21:00.. Williams: Formula One in the Blood 22:45.......... Mayans M.C. 00:40................... Norfolk

06:15 ................ King of Queens

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

06:00 .....Emmerdale Omnibus

07:35 ................The Tom and Jerry Show

06:40............... Everybody Loves Raymond

09:05 .......................... Paw Patrol

08:30 .............Coronation Street Omnibus

07:05............... Everybody Loves Raymond

09:40 .............................. Floogals

07:50............. The Powerpuff Girls 08:10................... Toonmarty

07:30 ..................................Frasier 08:20 ......The Big Bang Theory

09:15 .................Shane the Chef 09:55 ..........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

09:35 ................... The Simpsons

10:05 ..........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

11:30................... The Simpsons

10:20 ........... A Cinderella Story

12:00..................... Four in a Bed

12:05 ................................ Friends

14:30 ........... A Place in the Sun

14:55 .................................. Mulan

09:25...................... ITV News

15:30 .......................Sun, Sea and Brides to be

16:40 ............. Billionaire Babies: 24 Carat Kids

09:30...... Saturday Morning with James Martin

16:35............Location, Location, Location

17:40...................Billionaire Kids

11:40......................... Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen

17:35.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

08:30 ........................ Ultimate Spider-Man v the Sinister Six 09:05............................ Mighty Magiswords

12:45..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:00............Dancing on Ice

18:35............ Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

18:30.......... Channel 4 News

19:30......Greatest Chocolate Ads of All Time

19:00........ Hidden Britain by Drone

20:55.........5 News Weekend

15:00......................... Tenable

20:00.......... Great British Car Journeys

16:00.............. Tipping Point


17:00..... ITV Evening News

23:25................Ride Along 2

21:00........ Spending Secrets of the Royals 22:00....... Britain’s Favourite Royal

11:25 ..................... The Voice UK 13:00 ................Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule 13:30 ................Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule 14:00 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 14:30 ...................Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed 16:20 .................Nanny McPhee 18:25...... Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 19:25..................... FYI Daily 19:30.......Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 21:00 .....Shaun of the Dead 22:00 ..................... FYI Daily 22:05 .....Shaun of the Dead 23:05 ................. Family Guy 00:00 ........... American Dad! 01:00 .............. The Stand Up Sketch Show

01:15................ The Last Leg

23:35....... Inside Kensington Palace

20:00.......... The Voice UK

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:00.................. Modern Family

07:10 ........ You Gotta Eat Here!

21:30............Through the Keyhole

09:25 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:35 ........ You Gotta Eat Here!

10:20 ........... A Place in the Sun

09:00............Football’s Funniest Moments

22:30................ ITV News

11:25 ........... A Place in the Sun

10:00.........................Soccer A.M.

10:00............. American Pickers

12:30............Location, Location, Location

11:30......................What’s Up TV

12:00 .............American Pickers

12:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

13:35............Location, Location, Location

15:00............................. Wild Files

14:00 ............................. Top Gear

15:15.................... Gillette Soccer Saturday

15:00 .......................... Drug Wars

15:40........ Come Dine with Me

17:15..................Premier League Greatest Games

16:00 .......................... Drug Wars

16:15........ Come Dine with Me

17:30 ................... The Simpsons

17:30.................. You’ve Been Framed!

01:30.........Ibiza Weekender

18:00.............. The Chase: Celebrity Special 19:00........ Small Fortune

22:45................. Rocky IV 00:35............ Jackpot247

Presenter Amar Latif has pulled on his walking boots and is heading on a journey along one of Yorkshire’s most surprising rivers. As a blind man with a passion for outdoor adventure, Amar will be abseiling into a hidden canyon, canoeing across a vast reservoir and swimming through icy waters as he discover how the stunning landscape along the River Nidd has been shaped over the years. Nidderdale is the place where canyons have been carved out over thousands of years, where villages have been left abandoned after huge civil engineering projects, and where the farms of the future are taking hold in the landscape. Amar’s 13-mile route takes in the most stunning parts of this unique river valley and is packed with intriguing history, stunning nature and incredible views. He will visit mysterious ruins, explore a hidden canyon, discover the remains of an abandoned village, canoe over Bradford’s water supply and meet the local llamas!


23 CW

06:00................Childrens’ TV

River Walks: The Nidd BBC2, 20.00

TV Guide

14:40........ Come Dine with Me 15:10........ Come Dine with Me

16:50........ Come Dine with Me 17:20 .....................Four in a Bed 17:50 .....................Four in a Bed 18:25 .............. Four in a Bed 18:55 .............. Four in a Bed 19:25 .............. Four in a Bed 20:00 ........... Grand Designs 21:00 .......... The Green Mile 00:40.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 01:40.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

18:30............. The Simpsons 19:30............. The Simpsons 20:00 ................ Spider-Man 22:20 ................. A League of Their Own European Road Trip

08:00............. American Pickers

15:30 .......................... Drug Wars 16:30 .......................... Drug Wars 17:00 ......... Would I Lie to You? 17:40 ......... Would I Lie to You? 18:20..... Would I Lie to You? 19:00................... Red Dwarf 19:40................... Red Dwarf 20:20................... Red Dwarf

23:20................... The Russell Howard Hour

21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

00:20............ Serenity Movie Special

23:00............... Hypothetical

22:00............................ QI XL

00:50.................. A League of Their Own

00:00............................ QI XL

01:45.............. Hawaii Five-0

01:40........... Mock the Week

01:00..... Would I Lie to You?

CW 24

TV Guide

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:10....... Match of the Day: FA Cup Highlights 10:00 ................. The Andrew Marr Show 11:00............ Sunday Politics London 11:30..... The Big Questions 12:30....... Homes Under the Hammer 13:00......................BBC News 13:15........... Songs of Praise 13:50........................ Porridge 14:20............... Bargain Hunt 15:10... Money for Nothing 15:40........ Match of the Day Live: The FA Cup 18:05.. Wallace & Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death 18:35............... BBC News 19:00.............Countryfile 20:00.... Call the Midwife 21:00..................Baptiste 22:00............... BBC News 22:30........... Match of the Day: FA Cup Highlights 23:10...... Blades of Glory 00:40............... BBC News



Sunday 17th February

06:50....................A to Z of TV Gardening 07:35 ....The Edible Garden 08:05 .................Monty Don’s Japanese Gardens 09:05................... Countryfile 10:00.........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30.......... The Hairy Bikers’ Chicken and Egg 12:30...........Best Bakes Ever 13:00................. Peter Sellers: Talking Comedy 13:30..... A Shot in the Dark 15:10...................Walrus: Two Tonne Tusker 16:15..............Earth’s Natural Wonders 17:15..............Mountain: Life at the Extreme 18:15............. Ski Sunday 19:00..........The 15 Billion Pound Railway 20:00.................Top Gear 21:00.......Africa with Ade Adepitan 22:00.. Eight Go Rallying: The Road to Saigon 23:00.................Top Gear: Extra Gear 23:25.....Insert Name Here 23:55.....Williams: Formula One in the Blood

06:00 ................... Dino Dana 06:10 ......................... Super 4 06:35.................. Make it Pop 07:00........................... Mission Employable 07:05................ Mr. Bean: The Animated Series 07:30...................Scrambled! 07:35.................The Tom and Jerry Show 07:50............................Ben 10 08:10................ Mr. Bean: The Animated Series 08:30....................Spy School 09:05.. Mighty Magiswords 09:25....................... ITV News 09:30...................Parveen’s CoiWce Indian Kitchen ch 10:30.......This Morning - On Sunday 11:30....Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen 12:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 12:35 ...............The Voice UK 14:05................ Thunderball 16:35 .....ITV Evening News 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00.......Dancing on Ice 20:00............. Endeavour 22:00................ ITV News 22:15........ Martin Clunes: Islands of America 23:10................ Cold Feet 00:05..........Grantchester

Parveen’s Indian Kitchen ITV1, 09.30

Parveen showcases a vegetarian and vegan family favourite recipe – tarka daal. She also demonstrates her simple technique of making chappatis at home. In Amritsar, the cameras have exclusive access to one of the biggest kitchens in the world, feeding up to 100,000 people a day at the glistening Golden Temple. Plus, Parveen lines up Gayatri Peshwaria, a chef and food educator at Amritsar’s DAV Public School, where school children take on the challenge to cook Halwa with a twist. Back in the UK, Parveen is keen to share her top tips of procuring a basic pantry for an Indian feast at any time. Parveen uncovers more flavourings to keep at hand to give dishes that extra Indian flare. In the kitchen, Parveen cooks her youngest son’s favourite dish, a super easy lamb mince curry – keema aloo matter, served with basmati rice. And as part of her journey of regional Indo-culinary discovery, Parveen visits a Londonbased restaurant called Little Kolkata. She meets the owners to learn how traditional family recipes have inspired them to introduce their regional cuisines from Calcutta to UK restaurant tables. 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

06:20................ King of Queens 06:45 ......The Big Bang Theory 07:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:25.................................. Frasier 09:30 .................Sunday Brunch 12:30 .......... Dangerous Curves 13:00 ...........................I Love Lisa 13:30 .........Love, Springfieldian Style 13:55.................... The Simpsons 14:25...................That 90s Show 14:55....Lisa’s Date with Density 15:25....... Life on the Fast Lane 15:55................. Bart’s Girlfriend 16:20...........Dangers on a Train 16:50.......The Simpsons Movie 18:30.......... Channel 4 News 19:00......................Escape to the Chateau 20:00............George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 21:00........................ Traitors 22:00....... 8 Out of Cats Does Countdown 23:00........................ Hunted

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:00 ..........The Hour of Power

09:30 ......................... Comanche

07:00.......Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family

11:15.......... Location, Location, Location

09:35 .............................. Floogals 09:50...........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:05................ Make You Laugh Out Loud

06:00.................. Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:10......Emmerdale Omnibus 08:45..............Coronation Street Omnibus 11:45.......................Catchphrase

10:30...........Police Interceptors

12:30 ..... You’ve Been Framed!

11:30................................. Friends

13:35................... Finding Nemo

14:05...................Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium

15:40..............................Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi

16:00....Sweet Home Alabama 17:00..................................5 News 17:05....Sweet Home Alabama 18:10..............Nando’s Saucy Secrets

18:20..................... Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens 21:00.........Ibiza Weekender

19:00.................... When Rich Kids Go Skint

22:00.................. Family Guy

20:00.................... When Rich Kids Go Skint

23:30............ American Dad!

20:55.........5 News Weekend 21:00.................... John Wick 22:05......................... 5 News 22:10.................... John Wick 23:00.....................Wild Card 01:05.............. Teleshopping

23:00.................. Family Guy 00:30...The Cleveland Show 00:55...The Cleveland Show 01:25............... The Stand Up Sketch Show 01:55............Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

07:20.................. Arnie’s Greatest Ever Stunts 09:00 ............................. Top Gear

08:00 ................... The Simpsons

10:00 .......................... Drug Wars

12:15 ....... Come Dine with Me

09:00 ................... The Simpsons

11:00.......................... Drug Wars

12:50....... Come Dine with Me

10:00 ................... The Simpsons

12:00 .............American Pickers

13:20....... Come Dine with Me

11:00 ...........................WWE Raw

14:00 .............American Pickers

13:55 ....... Come Dine with Me

12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:00 ......... Would I Lie to You?

14:25 .....................Four in a Bed

13:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

16:20 ......... Would I Lie to You?

15:30 .....................Four in a Bed

14:00 ...........................MacGyver

16:35 .....................Four in a Bed

17:00 .................Sin City Motors

17:05 ....... Come Dine with Me

15:00 ................ Portrait Artist of the Year 2019

18:00.........Lazy Boy Garage

17:35 ....... Come Dine with Me

16:00 ................. Modern Family

18:05.... Come Dine with Me

17:00 ................. Modern Family

19:00....................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

18:40.... Come Dine with Me

18:00........... Modern Family

20:00................... Drug Wars

19:10.... Come Dine with Me

18:30 .............The Simpsons

20:30................... Drug Wars

19:45..... The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer

19:00 .............The Simpsons 19:30 .............The Simpsons

21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

20:00................... MacGyver

22:00............... Hypothetical

21:00............. Hawaii Five-0

23:00....... Live at the Apollo

22:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles

00:00........... Mock the Week

23:00....................... S.W.A.T.

00:40............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

21:00....... The Clinton Affair 22:15..........24 Hours in A&E 00:20........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 01:20.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

00:00.................... The Force 01:00.....................The Force

18:30.........Lazy Boy Garage

01:40...... Asian Provocateur 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15...... Countryfile Winter Diaries 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:45................. Claimed and Shamed 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One; Weather 13:30.....BBC London News; Weather 13:45..........................Doctors 14:10.......................A Place to Call Home 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45............The Best House in Town 16:30............................Flog It! 17:15........................Pointless 18:00.....BBC News at Six; Weather 19:00.... Match of the Day Live: The FA Cup 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:45.......Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You 23:30............ The Graham Norton Show 00:15...... Weather for the Week Ahead 00:20............... BBC News


monday 18th February

06:00..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 06:45............The Best House in Town 07:30............. Tom Kerridge’s Fresh Start 08:00............Great Canadian Railway Journeys 08:30...................The Week in Parliament 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.................... Think Tank 13:45................. A Vicar’s Life 14:15..............Collectaholics 15:15.................Animals with Cameras 16:15............. Animal Babies 17:15....Antiques Road Trip 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30........... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00............Saving Lives at Sea 20:00......... Only Connect 20:30............... University Challenge 21:00.................. Growing Up Gifted 22:00......Cunk on Britain 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15.......Africa with Ade Adepitan 00:15........ They Shall Not Grow Old

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:05 ........................... The Secret Life of Puppies 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........Nightmare Tenants 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15...................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15................. Her Stolen Past 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00......Gallagher Premiership Rugby Highlights 20:00................. Traffic Cops 21:00............. The Secret Life of the Cruise Ship 22:35.......... Too Fat for Love 23:35.................. Undercover Benefits Cheat 00:35...... When Demolitions Go Wrong

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

08:55 ..................Grand Designs

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 ........ You Gotta Eat Here!

22:30.. ITV News London

10:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 ........................ Animal 999

08:00 .............American Pickers

22:45........... The Death of Aimee Spencer

11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

08:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

09:00 ...............Storage Hunters

09:00 ........................... Babylon 5

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

08:30........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55...... ITV News London 14:00............. James Martin’s Great British Adventure 15:00......................... Tenable 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..Coronation Street 20:00....The Martin Lewis Money Show

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 .............. Dress to Impress 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:25.............Coronation Street 09:25............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20......................... Superstore 11:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15........................ Emmerdale 12:45 ............Coronation Street 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:40....The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00............... Take Me Out 19:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00...... Two and a Half Men 20:30 ................. Superstore 21:00 ................. Family Guy 22:00 .............. The Stand Up Sketch Show 22:30.................. Family Guy 23:00............ American Dad! 23:55................Timewasters 00:55...The Cleveland Show

20:30..Coronation Street 21:00.............Cold Feet


ch oi ce

23:45........... Cleaning Up 00:35.................. Tenable 01:25............ Jackpot247

Cold Feet

Adam and Karen are enjoying the excitement of their fledging relationship, but are all too aware that their secret will need to come out sometime. When Pete observes one too many close moments between Adam and Karen, he confronts Adam and a chain reaction ensues, sending shockwaves through the whole group. With the group fractured and Adam and Karen unceremoniously shut out, is their relationship over before it’s even begun? David befriends the owner of a local café, Mary, and ends up helping her out of a chaotic lunchtime rush. Business-minded David advises her on maximizing profit but Mary refuses to change her ways at the expense of her loyal customers. David rethinks and suggests a way she can be both community benefactor and successful entrepreneur – by becoming a modern-day Robin Hood! Jenny hits the roof, furious that her two best friends have been carrying on; she’s got enough to deal with. Jen heads for a chemotherapy session and gets some heart-breaking news.


25 CW

06:30 ................ King of Queens 07:45 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05........ Come Dine with Me 13:05......... Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10....................... Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 19:55.........The Political Slot 20:00.................. Dispatches 20:30...........The Secret Lives of Slim People 21:00................. Famous and Fighting Crime 22:00.......The Making of Me 23:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 00:00..... Skint Britain: Friends Without Benefits

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

12:05 ...........Location, Location, Location 13:05............Location, Location, Location

10:00 ....................Stargate SG-1

14:15........ Come Dine with Me

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

14:50........ Come Dine with Me

ITV1, 21.00

TV Guide

15:20........ Come Dine with Me 15:50........ Come Dine with Me

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 15:00 .........................Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family

16:20........ Come Dine with Me

16:00 ................. Modern Family

16:55...................................A Place in the Sun

17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama

17:55..................... The Supervet

18:00 ....................Futurama

18:55......................Car S.O.S

18:30 .............The Simpsons

19:55............ Grand Designs

20:00 ............... Magnum P.I.

21:00......................Car S.O.S

21:00 ........................Carpool Karaoke Special

22:00.................Great British Car Journeys 23:05........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

22:00.................. A League of Their Own

10:00 .............American Pickers 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00 ................Yianni: Supercar Customiser 16:00 .................Sin City Motors 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00 .....................Top Gear 19:00 ...........Modern Wheels or Classic Steals 19:30............Modern Wheels or Classic Steals 20:00................... Drug Wars 20:30................... Drug Wars 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00..............Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish 23:00................................. QI

00:10..........24 Hours in A&E

23:00...... Football’s Funniest Moments

01:15.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

00:00.... The Late Late Show

00:20........... Mock the Week

01:00.....................The Force

01:00................................. QI

23:40..... Would I Lie to You?

CW 26

TV Guide

tuesday 19th February 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15...... Countryfile Winter Diaries 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:45................. Claimed and Shamed 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00........ BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:10 ......................A Place to Call Home 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45............The Best House in Town 16:30 ...........................Flog It! 17:15....................... Pointless 18:00............... BBC News at Six 19:00....... The One Show 19:30 ............ EastEnders 20:00 ............. Holby City 21:00 ................Shetland 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:45........ Abused by My Girlfriend 23:35......... Brainwashing Stacey 00:25............... BBC News


06:30..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 07:15............The Best House in Town 08:00.... Great British Menu 08:30..............Grand Tours of Scotland’s Lochs 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00...................... The Super League Show 13:45................. A Vicar’s Life 14:15..............Collectaholics 15:15.................Animals with Cameras 16:15.....Richard Hammond Builds a Planet 17:15....Antiques Road Trip 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30........... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00.................Top Gear 20:00...............My Million Pound Menu 21:00.... The Great British Sewing Bee 22:00...... Mock the Week 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15..................Hospital 00:15....................... Icons 01:15.................. Imagine

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 14:00............. James Martin’s Great British Adventure 15:00 .........................Tenable 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00 ................ ITV News London 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..Call the Cleaners


ch oi ce

20:00.................This Time Next Year 21:00........ Martin Clunes: Islands of America 22:00..... ITV News at Ten

23:45..................Big Fight Preview: James Degale 00:10.................. Tenable 01:00............ Jackpot247

Extreme cleaners Yvonne and Angela clean up an abandoned house in Wales; Maxine and Jasmine take on a house full of cats, fur and; and Steve and Jo are confronted with what could be Britain’s grimiest kitchen. In Wales, extreme cleaning sisters Yvonne and Angela are called to a large house which was abandoned after its young owner had been struggling to cope. The whole place is littered with mouldy food and rubbish, there is an infestation of mice and things go from bad to worse when the water tank leaks, spreading water throughout the house. In Stevenage, mum and daughter cleaning team Maxine and Jasmine are tackling a house that was – until recently – home to twelve cats. The whole property is covered in cat hair and poo as well as dead flies. It’s a huge job that needs to be completed in three days. And in Thetford ex-army man Steve takes on what could be one of Britain’s grimiest kitchens. With eight years worth of built-up grease and an oven that has never been cleaned, they have an uphill mountain to climb. Thankfully Steve has a secret weapon in the back of his van to cut through the worst of the burnt-on grime.


06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:05................... The Secret Life of Puppies 09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15.......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 12:10...........5 News Lunchtime 12:15...................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45....................... Neighbours 14:15........................ Dance Night Obsession 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ................ Wild Britain 20:00............ Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 21:00............. Florida’s Mega Sinkholes 22:00.......Stalked: Murder in Slow Motion 23:05.......... Skinny Brides to Fat Wives 00:05............Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 11:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15........................ Emmerdale 12:45............ Coronation Street 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 ...................... Take Me Out 19:00 .You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ...Two and a Half Men 20:30 ................. Superstore 21:00 ............. Hell’s Kitchen 22:00 ........... Celebrity Juice 22:45.................. Family Guy 23:40........... American Dad! 00:35....Two and a Half Men 01:05.................. Superstore

08:55.................. Grand Designs

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 ....................Megatruckers

10:00 ..................................A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:35 ....................Megatruckers

07:00 ........................ Animal 999

11:00 ..................................A Place in the Sun

08:00............. American Pickers

08:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

09:00 ...............Storage Hunters

12:05 ...........Location, Location, Location

09:00 ........................... Babylon 5

12:00 .............American Pickers

13:05............Location, Location, Location

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

22:45..........When English Football Ruled Europe

Call The Cleaners ITV1, 19.30

06:30 ................ King of Queens 07:45 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40.................................. Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00.... A New Life in the Sun 17:00 ..................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 19:55........ The Political Slot 20:00............ How the Other Kids Live 21:00 .........24 Hours in A&E 22:00 ................100 Vaginas 23:00....... Naked Attraction 00:00........ Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

14:15........ Come Dine with Me 14:50........ Come Dine with Me 15:20........ Come Dine with Me 15:50........ Come Dine with Me 16:20........ Come Dine with Me 16:55...................................A Place in the Sun 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55......................Car S.O.S 19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00........... The Impossible 23:05..........24 Hours in A&E 00:15........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 01:20........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

10:00 ....................Stargate SG-1 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

10:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 ............................. Top Gear 14:00 ............................. Top Gear

14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

15:00 ................Yianni: Supercar Customiser

15:00 ......Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family

16:00 .................Sin City Motors

16:00................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00 ....................Futurama

17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00....... Modern Wheels or Classic Steals

18:30 .............The Simpsons

19:30....... Modern Wheels or Classic Steals

20:00 ............. Spider-Man 2

20:00......Cop Car Workshop

22:20 ........A League of Their Own - European Road Trip

21:00............................ QI XL

23:20 .................. The Russell Howard Hour

23:00............... Hypothetical

00:20.................. A League of Their Own 01:15.....................The Force

22:00..................Taskmaster 00:00..... Would I Lie to You? 00:40........... Mock the Week 01:20................................. QI 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15...... Countryfile Winter Diaries 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:45................. Claimed and Shamed 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00........ BBC News at One 13:40..........................Doctors 14:10.......................A Place to Call Home 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45............The Best House in Town 16:30............................Flog It! 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:55......... Party Political Broadcast 19:00........The One Show 19:30...................... Inside Out London 20:00............ MasterChef 21:00.................. The Real Marigold on Tour 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:45..............A Question of Sport 23:15..... The Truth About Antibiotics 00:15............... BBC News

wednesday 20th February

06:30..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 07:15............The Best House in Town 08:00.... Great British Menu 08:30............Great Canadian Railway Journeys 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 11:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.................... Think Tank 13:45.............................. Coast 14:15..............Collectaholics 15:15.................Animals with Cameras 16:15.....Richard Hammond Builds a Universe 17:15....Antiques Road Trip 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30........... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00............Saving Lives at Sea 20:00...This Farming Life 21:00..........The 15 Billion Pound Railway 22:00.. Insert Name Here CW 22:30..............Newsnightchoice 23:15...............My Million Pound Menu 00:15.......... The Victorian House of Arts and Crafts

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

TV Guide

27 CW

06:30 ................ King of Queens 07:45 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 .... A New Life in the Sun 17:00 ..................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 19:55........ The Political Slot 20:00......... Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it 21:00................Skint Britain: Friends Without Benefits 22:00............................. Pure 22:45..........24 Hours in A&E 23:45.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 00:40............ The Bling Ring

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:05 ................... The Secret Life of Puppies 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 ......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ....... Stalked: Julie’s Story 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ................ Traffic Cops 20:00 .................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 21:00 ................ The Abused 22:30.......... How to Leave an Abusive Relationship Safely 23:00.........13 Moments That Killed Whitney Houston 00:30............Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

06:00....... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10...... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00......................... Emmerdale 08:30...... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 11:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15........................ Emmerdale 12:45...... You’ve Been Framed! 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35... The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 ...................... Take Me Out 19:00........... The Brit Awards 2019: Red Carpet 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30.................. Superstore 21:00............. Hell’s Kitchen 22:00 ........... Celebrity Juice 22:50 ................. Family Guy 23:50 ........... American Dad! 00:50...The Cleveland Show

00:05..................Big Fight Preview: Chris Eubank Jr

08:55...................Grand Designs

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 ....................Megatruckers

10:00............ A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:35.................... Megatruckers

00:30.................. Tenable

11:00............ A Place in the Sun

07:00 ........................ Animal 999

08:00 .............American Pickers

01:20............ Jackpot247

12:05............Location, Location, Location

08:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

09:00 ...............Storage Hunters

13:05............Location, Location, Location

09:00 ........................... Babylon 5

12:00 .............American Pickers

10:00.................... Stargate SG-1

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:00 ................Yianni: Supercar Customiser

08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 14:00............. James Martin’s Great British Adventure 15:00..........................Tenable 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00.... ITV News London 18:25............Party Political Broadcast 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00...............Emmerdale 19:30....Coronation Street 20:00................... The Brit Awards 2019 22:20................ ITV News 23:05..........When English Football Ruled Europe

14:15........ Come Dine with Me 14:50........ Come Dine with Me 15:20........ Come Dine with Me 15:50........ Come Dine with Me 16:20........ Come Dine with Me 16:55............ A Place in the Sun 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55......................Car S.O.S 19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00....Phil Spencer’s History of Britain in 100 Homes 22:00............... A Very British Country House 23:05........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 00:10..........24 Hours in A&E 01:15.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

13:00.................... Hawaii Five-0

10:00 .............American Pickers

15:00.............................. Dogs: An Amazing Family

16:00 .................Sin City Motors

16:00 ................. Modern Family

18:00..................... Top Gear

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

19:00 ...........Modern Wheels or Classic Steals

17:30 ............................Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00.........A League of Their Own - European Road Trip

17:00............................. Top Gear

19:30....... Modern Wheels or Classic Steals 20:00.........Lazy Boy Garage

21:00................ Magnum P.I.

21:00............................ QI XL

22:00........................ Rob and Romesh Vs...

22:00............... Hypothetical

23:00.................. A League of Their Own

00:20........... Mock the Week

00:00.....................The Force 01:00.....................The Force

23:00..... Would I Lie to You? 01:00................................. QI 01:40..................... Parks and Recreation

CW 28

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ................... Countryfile Winter Diaries 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:45................. Claimed and Shamed 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00.......................BBC News at One 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 ......................A Place to Call Home 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45............The Best House in Town 16:30 ...........................Flog It! 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00............ MasterChef 21:00.................. Death in Paradise 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:45....... Question Time 23:45........ Bats, Balls and Bradford Girls


thursday 21st February

06:30..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 07:15........... The Best House in Town 08:00 .........Eat Well for Less 09:00............ BBC News at 9 10:00 .....Victoria Derbyshire 11:00....BBC Newsroom Live 12:15................. Politics Live 13:00 ................... Think Tank 13:45 ......Full Steam Ahead 14:45 ................. The Wonder of Animals 15:15...................Walrus: Two Tonne Tusker 16:15.... Richard Hammond’s Journey to the Centre of the Planet 17:15....Antiques Road Trip 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30........... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00............Saving Lives at Sea 20:00.....................Back in Time for School 21:00..................Hospital 22:00......... Better Things 22:25.....Romesh: Talking to Comedians 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15.............. Reginald D Hunter’s Songs of the Border

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 14:00............. James Martin’s Great British Adventure 15:00 .........................Tenable 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase 18:00.... ITV News London 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30...................Tonight 20:00............ Emmerdale 20:30......... Australia with Julia Bradbury 21:00.........Fred and Rose West: The Real Story with Trevor Mcdonald 22:45................ Football’s Foreign Legion 23:45.................. Degale v Eubank Jr Face to Face

Britain’s best loved bromance are back in action as reality TV favourites Chris and Kem reunite to go head to head with the viewing public in a brand new series of You vs Chris & Kem. The four part series, which returns to ITV2 in 2019, sees the loveable duo embrace their competitive spirits as they team up to take on the viewers in a series of outlandish, impulsive and no holds barred challenges that put their teamwork to the test. Travelling up and down the country in their specially designed ‘Bro Mobile’, the Love Island double act will be assigned each challenge via their social media channels, in real time. With only clues to guide them, Chris and Kem must decide whether to take on the challenge, knowing little about what exactly it will entail and who they will be competing against. Having formed their unbreakable friendship during Love Island 2017, Chris and Kem have already collaborated on a one off rap single, before hitting the road for a You vs Chris and Kem special this Summer, which saw their various challenges include camel riding, gravy wrestling and speed eating donuts.


06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:05.................... The Secret Life of Puppies

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals

09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine

06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

11:15 ......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords

07:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale

12:10...........5 News Lunchtime

08:25 ............Coronation Street

12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

08:55 ..... You’ve Been Framed!

13:15 .............. Home and Away

09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

13:45 ....................... Neighbours

10:20 ......................... Superstore

14:15 ...................... Deadly Hack

11:15...... You’ve Been Framed!

16:00................................ Friends

12:15 ........................ Emmerdale

17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5

12:45 ............Coronation Street

17:30 ....................... Neighbours

13:15...... You’ve Been Framed!

18:00......... Home and Away

13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ....... The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies

14:35....The Jeremy Kyle Show

20:00............ Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun

19:00..You’ve Been Framed!

21:00......... They Lend it, You Spend it: The Loan Shop

20:30.................. Superstore

22:00.................... When Rich Kids Go Skint 23:00.................... John Wick

17:50....................... Take Me Out 20:00....Two and a Half Men 21:00..You v Chris and Kem


ch oi ce

22:00.................. Family Guy

23:30............ American Dad!

22:00..... ITV News at Ten

You vs Chris & Kem ITV2, 21.00

06:30................. King of Queens 07:45............... Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40...................................Frasier 10:10...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05........ Come Dine with Me 13:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 19:55 ........The Political Slot 20:00 ............ The Secret Life of the Zoo 21:00...............Sleeping with the Far Right 22:00................... First Dates 23:00................. Famous and Fighting Crime 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

08:55 ..................Grand Designs

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 ....................Megatruckers

10:00 ..................................A Place in the Sun

06:30....................... Monkey Life

07:35.................... Megatruckers

07:00 ........................ Animal 999

11:00 ..................................A Place in the Sun

08:00............. American Pickers

08:00.......................... Road Wars

09:00 ...............Storage Hunters

12:05 ...........Location, Location, Location

09:00........................... Babylon 5

09:30 ...............Storage Hunters

10:00 ....................Stargate SG-1

10:00 .............American Pickers

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00 .............American Pickers

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

14:00.................... Hawaii Five-0

14:00 ............................. Top Gear

15:00 .............................. Dogs: An Amazing Family

15:00 ................Yianni: Supercar Customiser

13:05............Location, Location, Location 14:15........ Come Dine with Me 14:50........ Come Dine with Me 15:20........ Come Dine with Me 15:50........ Come Dine with Me 16:20........ Come Dine with Me 16:55...................................A Place in the Sun 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55..................... Car S.O.S 19:55 ........... Grand Designs 21:00 .................. Father Ted

16:00.................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons

15:30 ................Yianni: Supercar Customiser

17:30 ............................Futurama

16:00 .................Sin City Motors

18:00 ....................Futurama

17:00............................. Top Gear

18:30 .............The Simpsons

18:00..................... Top Gear

19:30 .............The Simpsons

19:00....... Modern Wheels or Classic Steals

20:00........................ Rob and Romesh Vs...

21:30 .................. Father Ted

21:00...... Football’s Funniest Moments

22:00 ......................24 Hours in A&E

22:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

23:05 .......... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

23:00.................. A League of Their Own

19:30....... Modern Wheels or Classic Steals 20:00........... Sin City Motors 21:00............................ QI XL 22:00.................... Room 101 23:20............................ QI XL 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019


29 CW

CW 30

What’s On

This weekend

Canarias Folk Fest

Every Thursday from 11 October to 11 April, the Plaza de la Pescadora square in Los Cristianos brings together tradition, gastronomy and the best of folk under the umbrella of this year’s Canarias Folk Fest.

15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019


Astronomy workshop at Siam Mall

From 16:30h to 18:30h on the 23rd our visitors will be able to participate in the solar observations workshop and from 19:30h to 22:00h they can participated in the night observations workshop. You can take pictures of the stars with your mobile! Spectacular! On 24th from 12:00h to 20:00h we will have the planetarium show. An event full of history about the universe, stars and adventures.

This weekend

Kids Air Yoga

On the 17th of February bring your kids to Activate Sports Club to enjoy a workshop designed specially for them: The magic of Air Yoga. During an hour and a half they’ll discover one of the most fun types of Yoga, Air Yoga! Limited places! Book yours now.

17th February, 11am Activate sports club

February Until 11th April

23rd/24th February

Plaza de la Pescadora, Los Cristianos

Siam Mall

This week

This weekend

Ladies’ Day

Coffee, chat, downtime, relaxation and horseriding - Tuesday 11am - 1pm. Horseriding classes and hacks are also available.

Annual visit to the Miracle Nun

As every 15 February, the streets of La Laguna witness one of the most deeply-rooted manifestations of religious devotion in Tenerife. The most obvious miracle by Sister María de Jesús León y Delgado is the fact that she draws over 15,000 people to see her body every year. The 288th anniversary of her death will serve once again to recall the life and work of this famous Tenerife nun. 15th - 17th February la laguna

Tuesdays 11am - 1pm

Horse & pony riding, la camella 605 146 183

This weekend

Arico Half Marathon 2019

A new edition of one of the most popular mountain races in Tenerife, featuring a 20k Half Marathon and an 11k race.


Exhibition of typical Canarian clothing

An assortment of items of traditional Canarian clothing from the collection of Ubaldo Hernández can be admired in the town of El Sauzal throughout February.

Big Drums

BIG DRUMS is a show by CAMUT BAND featuring a mix of African drums, tap dancing, singing and sand dance. For over an hour, the performers play with their roles, swap their skills and blend their beats to produce an original, fresh and surprising show which is full of energy and will have the audience wanting to get off their seats and dance, imbued with the magic of what is happening on stage. 22nd February, 8.30pm El Sauzal Theatre

This weekend

Puerto de la Cruz International Carnival

Space is the theme for this year’s Puerto de la Cruz Carnival. Important highlights include the Burial of the Sardine (Ash Wednesday), the closing parade - which takes place the following Saturday and features numerous spontaneous groups, floats, dancing troupes, satirical singers, and Carnival delegations from other countries and the Men’s High-Heels Race, a hilarious and fun-filled obstacle race in which hundreds of men don fancy dress and heels at least 8cm high to run along the cobbled streets.

16th February, 9.30am

until 24th February

16th February - 10th march


Plaza del Prinicipe, el sauzal

Puerto de la Cruz


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

26% of children may be facing poverty by 2030

Cops find mother’s kidnapped boy safe NATIONAL Police officers in Barcelona have found an eightyear-old boy, who had been taken from his mother in the Netherlands. The youngster, who had been kidnapped on 12th June last year from the town of Kruisstratt, was, allegedly, abducted by his father and a friend. The boy, taken from his mother, who had the custody rights, was forced into a van, which was driven off quickly. And a statement by the police said the father

IN its report, entitled “The Future Where We Want To Grow”, Save the Children, predicts that around 26.5% of Spanish youngsters will face poverty in about 12 years or so, unless “urgent” action is taken. The international, nongovernmental organisation’s warning comes as Government figures, released by Spain’s High Commissioner of Child

Poverty, shows that one in three children, 2.2 million, is currently at risk of poverty. Spain was third in Europe for child poverty levels, behind Romania and Bulgaria, according to the High Commissioner. And Andres Conde, director of Save the Children, said future generations would be condemned to poverty unless action was taken. “Our estimated percentages of child poverty in 2030 are very high and unacceptable,” he said. “We will continue paying for the consequences of our

current short-sightedness in the future.” Save the Children said child poverty was estimated to cut GDP by around 5%. Obesity, dropping out of school and low productivity later in life, are all linked to, or caused by, child poverty, maintained the NGO. Better child-support payments, ensuring access to education for children aged three and under, along with healthcare improvements and extending maternity and paternity leave, would lower child poverty, said Save the Children.

31 CW

had a record of violent crimes. The Netherland authorities contacted Spain’s National Police because they had a suspicion that the offenders and the boy could be hiding out in Cataluña. The Spanish police were able to locate the boy in Barcelona, where Special Operative Security Groups were called to carry out the rescue mission. One of the offenders was arrested at the scene, but the father of the child has not yet been found. A shelter centre is taking care of the boy until he is returned to his mother.

500 drug-busting cops get to grips with gang

Seprona handle 50,000 attacks in three years!

SPAIN’S Civil Guard nature protection service, Seprona, last year investigated or arrested 590 people for animal abuse, against both wild and domestic animals.

Officers revealed that 854 criminal offences were recorded, and, during the year, Seprona investigated 10,920 offences related to injuries against domestic animals. These does not include the 1,731 reports concerning potentiallydangerous dog breeds. The agency also addressed 3,974 complaints regarding owners keeping wild animals as pets. In total, Seprona investigated 10,920 offences related to injuries against domestic animals in 2018. And their officers also investigated dog kennels and animal exploitation at farms and zoos on more than 200

POLICE have arrested 29 people between Cadiz and the Costa del Sol, in one of the largest drug busts in Southern Spain. occasions. The agency recorded 11,277 reports of animal abuse in 2017, which was higher than last year’s figure, but the number of people investigated rose by 1%, while the number of people arrested or charged jumped by 20% on the 2017 figures. In the last three years, Seprona officers have taken action in 50,000 situations, involving all types of

attacks against wild and domestic animals. And, last year, 10% of the Civil Guard’s activities in defence of the environment were related to animal injuries or deaths. Meanwhile, in Galicia, Seprona is currently investigating the brutal killing of four wild horses, which were corralled into a de-worming corridor and beaten to death.

Over 500 Guardia Civil officers from across the country are involved in an on-going operation, which, so far, has led to 36 searches. Most police activity has focused on La Linea, where police have arrested several people linked to the Castañitas drug gang, whose crime dominates the border city. The infamous gang are thought to control 70% of the hash, making its way across

the nearby Strait of Gibraltar, from Morocco into Spain. The initial police operation has also used helicopters and boats, while a roadblock with vehicle controls has also been in place on the La Linea perimeter. This dramatic action comes after Alfonso Rodríguez Gómez de Celis, the Government delegate in Andalucia, stressed that youngsters must steer clear of drug-traffickers. The politician, who issued the stark warning in Sevilla, added: “We will not stop until we find the last drug-trafficker of the Campo de Gibraltar, in the Cadiz province. “And all those who work or collaborate with drugtraffickers, will end up in jail!”

CW 32


AN investigation has been launched by police after a mysterious set of human remains were dug up in the back garden of an ex-pat Brit.

Costa del Sol police were alerted by the Olive Press, after British expat Nicholas Smith, 63, had tipped-off the online newspaper when discovering parts of a skull, jaw and leg bone. The father-of-four, from Leicester, was stunned to find the remains when burying his dog, Elsa, at his home on the

15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Mystery of human bones, dug up by man in his garden

Costa del Sol, where he has lived for 12 years. He believes the bones are those of a teenager, whose seemingly-shattered skull and bones were buried at his La Cala de Mijas home. After meeting the former bricklayer and authenticating

the find, the Olive Press contacted the Guardia Civil. Officers were on the scene within the hour, and had taped off the area before carrying out a full excavation. They told the online paper: “We can confirm that a set

of human remains have been located on a property in the La Cala area. We cannot comment any further as this is now an ongoing investigation.” Mr Smith believes the bones could be up to 100 years old, and the Guardia agree. The East Midlands expat also believes the bones could

be the cause of a series of supernatural events at his house. “There is a ghost in this house,” he said. “She once passed me wearing a shawl, and I’ve seen her passing through the windows. I think these bones are something to do with her.” “I’ve spent every penny on this house, but she has told me, ‘it’s mine, not yours’,” he claimed. There are more bones buried where Nicholas laid his dog Elsa to rest, but the expat, who suffers toe gangrene, was too weak to dig any further. “I was very emotional and had to bury Elsa,” he said. “She had already been dead for 24 hours.” Photos: ©theOlivePress

17-month toddler in cocaine horror party

A BABY aged 17 months, from Burgos, in the autonomous community of Castile and León, was taken to hospital after swallowing cocaine.

The tiny tot was, allegedly, brought to the emergency room in the early hours of the morning after she began crying inconsolably, and showing signs of irritation. Initially, doctors were only able to diagnose dermatitis, although urine analysis later saw her test positive for cocaine. The girl’s three-year-old sister was also treated by medics, but tested negative for the drug. The Spanish media say the children’s parents

have suffered from serious drug addictions for several years, and have both undergone various treatment programmes. And though the mother was believed to have told police she had given up cocaine, both parents tested positive for the drug, after their child was taken to hospital. Police claim the pair had held a party at their home the night before the incident, where several adults had, reportedly, taken the substance. Officers believe that, somehow, the child gained access to the drug during the party. A court has not put in place provisional measures to protect the children, and social services are looking after the little sisters until an investigation is complete.


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

THE Spanish Government has rejected a plan by Germany and France, aimed at establishing a mechanism to take in irregular migrants arriving in the European Union.

Madrid has voiced its objection to the idea, given that it would be limited to migrants who appear in Italy or Malta, and would not include Spain. Yet, since last year, it has had to cope with the highest number of arrivals. “Spain has no objection to temporary agreements, provided that they apply to the entire Mediterranean,” said Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska, during an informal meeting with his EU counterparts in Bucharest. The EU has spent months trying to find a temporary solution to avoid episodes such as those recently seen in the Mediterranean, with NGO rescue ships stranded at sea, and no

Spain’s big No to France-Germany plan for migrants

European port willing to accept them. None of the initiatives mooted has so far prospered, but Spain hadn’t imposed an outright veto on the new plan. There is a sense of weariness among Spanish lawmakers over the attitude of Italy, which has, essentially, closed

Police find girlfriend, chopped up in freezer

its borders to irregular migrants. They also feel that solidarity with Spain, as it copes with the influx of arrivals, is limited among fellow-EU member states. The French-German plan was aimed at unblocking the EU migratory and asylum policy, which has been at a standstill since the

2015 refugee crisis. Successive proposals, from obligatory quotas to sharing out asylum seekers between countries, or the creation of closed camps for irregular arrivals, have all foundered. The latest plan from Berlin and Paris involved a temporary solution, based on a mechanism

The 22-year-old Spanish woman had been missing since September 2017, but the mother did not report her absence until December last year. National Police officers found the severed corpse in a cold-store unit, at a house in Alcalá de Henares. Her Spanish boyfriend, 43, who was arrested last Friday, is now in custody. Local reports claim that the man, who rents the house, told police the girl no longer lived with him, and, initially, refused to let them in. Police said he did not have a criminal record, but if this case is confirmed as gender violence, it will mark the eighth killing of a woman by a partner, or ex-partner, so far this year.

also considers it unfair that the plan is designed to alleviate the migratory pressure on Italy and Malta, the two countries refusing to comply with their international obligations. Marlaska reminded his colleagues that on several occasions, when Italy and Malta closed their ports to migrants, Spain agreed to take them in. “Spain rescues them because it is obliged to do so,” said the minister, clearly reproaching those unwilling to do their part. Despite Spain’s rejection, Brussels is behind the Paris-Berlin plan. During the Bucharest meeting, European Migration Commissioner, Dimitris Avramopoulos, welcomed the fact that “Germany and France have taken a step towards making this temporary mechanism a reality, as soon as possible”. In a Twitter post, he said: “Spain can continue to count on European support to tackle migration challenges, and to strengthen our co-operation with Morocco.”

Sweet treat for cola leaves the rest sour AN agreement to limit the volume of sugar in Spain’s soft drinks will apply to lemon-lime flavours only, excluding the extremely popular cola drinks from the policy.

Spain’s Government announced that food-andbeverage companies would be forced to reduce sugar, saturated fat, and salt from their products by 2020. But critics say the policy does not go far enough, however, claiming that plans to limit the reduction to lemon-and-lime-flavoured drinks without artificial sweeteners leaves some of the most popular drinks, including orange-flavoured beverages, with higher levels of sugar. Companies, which have already committed to lowering their levels, have been told they must continue to reduce their sugar content, although the Spanish Government has not announced guidelines on levels.

A MAN has been arrested in the Madrid area, after police discovered the body of his girlfriend in a freezer, chopped up!

for sharing the migrants arriving from Libya. This would be voluntary, and a handful of countries, the Netherlands, Portugal and Romania among others, as well as Italy and Malta, who would each benefit, appear willing to back the proposal. But the plan is insufficient for Spain, given that it excludes the Mediterranean area currently attracting the most arrivals. The route leading to the south of Spain constitutes the biggest entry point for clandestine immigration to Europe, with an all-time record of 64,000 arrivals last year, according to the Interior Ministry. Spain’s Government

33 CW

CW 34

News / Community News

Live Arico News

Hi! I’m Lara MY name is Lara. I am five years old, superlovely, educated, very good with other dogs, and sweet with children and adults. Because of my owner’s bad health, which, sadly, will not improve, I had to be brought to the dog shelter. I am having a very tough time getting used to being in the kennel, because I have always lived in a home with my family, and I don’t understand why I am here. I was always a good girl and very well behaved, and I walk perfectly on the leash. Please help me to find a home as soon as possible. Adoption or fostering is a possibility. Come and visit me on Saturday at the dogwalking club. We can have some fun, and get to know each other. Please help me! Come and walk the doggies! Join the Live Arico dog-walking club on Saturday mornings from 9am-1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you can keep fit and find

a furry friend at the same time. Send a WhatsApp to Oceana on 659 242 572 for further details, or just pop in and meet the dogs. Live Arico shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops. Donations are always very much appreciated. San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open weekdays 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and now Sundays 11am3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and playpark. Open MondayFriday (10am-4pm), Saturday 10am-2pm and Sunday 11am-3pm. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Wendy’s Lavamascotas

Wash and blow - doggie style! Wendy’s Lavamascotas is a British-owned, selfservice pet wash, and much more! Wendy has only owned the business for a short time, but, already, word is spreading about this Costa del Silencio gem. Wendy’s Lavamascotas is totally pet-orientated, and everything in the shop is geared towards making sure your pet has a pleasant bathing experience. Free treats are offered, after your dog has had a relaxing shower, and there are towels and brushes for you to use. There is a waiting area for busy times, and even one for dog parking! The pet-wash machine uses comfortably-warm water, doggie-friendly shampoo and silkysmooth conditioner, to keep your pet in tip-top condition. There is also a relaxing warm blow-dry,

to finish. The price for the self service is only three euros for six minutes, giving you plenty of time to wash your pet. The pet wash is very easy to use. For first-time users, there are very simple instructions, in three languages, situated on the front of the machine. And if Wendy is there when you pop in, she will be very happy to assist! If you would like to have your pet washed for you, a collection and delivery service is available, from as little as 10 euros, and this includes a walk! Other services at Lavamascotas include pet sitting, dog walking and a pet taxi service. Your pet can be visited and attended to, on any occasions where you are unable to care for them - if you are ill and need a little help, for example. All types of pets are included, not just our doggie friends. There is a small pet store on site, so, after your dog has had a relaxing shower, he or she can browse around the store and bag a bargain or two. Wendy’s Lavamascotas like to

keep their prices as low as possible. They supply food for dogs, cats and birds, as well as treats and toys, and accessories such as collars and leads. The accessories are either made in Germany or the Ukraine, so you can be sure they are top quality! A delivery service is provided for food, toys and treats, throughout Costa del Silencio and the surrounding areas, including Golf del Sur. Just take a look at Wendy’s Lavamascotas Facebook page, or pay them a visit, to place your order. Wendy is currently undertaking a grooming course, and, once completed, will be offering a grooming service. Please keep an eye on the Facebook page, and you will be informed when this service will begin. Wendy’s Lavamascotas are very happy to donate a raffle prize, to help any animal charity holding a fund-raising event. You only need to ask! Please call Wendy on 685 356 831, pop into Lavamascotas, or message her on Facebook, letting her

know how she can help! Find them on Calle Hercules 2, 38630, Costa del Silencio. (Chaparral 2, on the same road as Scooters, Chevy’s and Our Place). They are open seven days a week. Wendy has had years of experience with dogs and animals. She was a trustee for the RSPCA (Sheffield Branch), a charity with which she had worked, since she was 16. She was a volunteer with the Cinnamon Trust, and has also been the manager of kennels. She has a lot of experience with dogs with behavioural issues, and has two rescue dogs. Ross, a Labrador X Boxer, came with her from the UK. He was an RSPCA court case, having been rescued from a very abusive home. His past has left him with deep-seated issues, and he was in kennels for two years, because no one wanted to take him home. Wendy’s Canarian rescue dog is Ben, who is a Labrador-cross. He was left uncared for on a finca, with two other dogs. One escaped and one died. He, too, was beaten, and was very sensitive around his rear, and extremely protective of his tail. A lady called Connie rescued him, and has since signed him over to Wendy, because she already has numerous pets. Ben and Ross get along very well, and are now happily settled.

1st Tenerife Rainbows, Brownies & Guides

Looking for new recruits We are now taking on new recruits to join our unti. Rainbows are girls aged 5-7years Brownies are girls aged 7-10 years Guides are girls aged 10-14 years

We are based in the Tenerife Family Church, Coral Mar Square, Costa Del Silencio, and meet on Thursday evenings from 6-7.30pm. We provide a wide range of activities, work for badges, learn life skills and have lots of fun. For any further information look at the Girlguiding website or contact Rachel Roberts on 669 444 391 or email We are also a Registered Charity: No: 306016

Community News

15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

35 CW

Cats Welfare News

Chang needs a home! THIS beautiful boy recently had to undergo an operation to repair a gap in the roof of his mouth. He is over his operation now, and ready to move into a loving home.

He has to have some back teeth removed, and he will be microchipped next week. Cats Welfare will cover the costs of these. He is about seven years old, and very affectionate. He is fine with other cats. Also available for adoption are two, black-and-white girls, who are 4-5 months old. They are both playful, outgoing and confident. They have had both sets of injections, and will soon be spayed. If you would like to meet any of these cats, please send a private message on Facebook, or ring/WhatsApp Sandra (English, Spanish and German) on 671 282 773 after 6pm, or Sharon (English) on 662 524 006. *All cats go for a week’s trial, in your home.* Adoptions We have several other

Accion del Sol News WE never give up on the dogs in our care, and constantly strive to find kind, loving, new homes for them.

One of our gorgeous dogs was a lovely, 10-year-old German Shepherd, who had spent four years waiting patiently for her day to come, when she would have a new home. Well, her day did come, and we are so grateful to the lovely Robertson family, for making Perruna’s dream come true. We wish them all lots of happiness together, in the years to come. It’s days like that which make our hard work and dedication so worthwhile. Please come! Our next event will be on 24th February at 10am, and we are inviting our friends and supporters to join us in a solidarity walk to the beach. We want to raise awareness of adopting a dog, many of which are mixed-breeds, and will make wonderful pets. This proves that we do not need to buy pedigree puppies, when the refuge is full of gorgeous dogs. We would like you to join our campaign and to

adult cats who would love to be snuggled up on someone’s sofa today. There are males and females, ranging from 18 months to seven years. All adults are leukaemia negative, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. As previously mentioned, all cats go for a

week’s trial, in your home. Shop volunteers We always need people who would like to work in our charity shop. Shifts are from 10am-2pm and 2-6pm, and you will never work alone. The air-conditioned shop has a lovely atmosphere, and tea, coffee, and a

fridge full of goodies are provided. They’re all there to be enjoyed, while in the company of our friendly volunteers, and very valued customers! If you are interested, please contact Sharon on 662 524 006, or pop into the shop for more information. Even if you can

only spare a few hours a week, that’s fine! Clothes, books and jigsaws We are appealing to you all, please, for both ladies’ and men’s clothes, for our shop. We also need books of all genres, and in great condition, as well as jigsaws. Please have a look around at home, and drop them into the shop. Our shop We always need cat food, litter, sheets, towels, bedding etc. for the cats and kittens in our care, and also good quality/condition items for sale in the shop on San Blas, Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino). It is open seven days a week, 10am-6pm. We stock good-quality clothes of all sizes, at sensible, low prices. Pop along and take a look. Our customers come from all over the island, and we see many holidaymakers return, time and again, eager to snap up a bargain. If you don’t have transport, or have large, bulky items such as furniture and household effects to donate, please ring Mark on 636 590 557, and he will arrange collection from you.

What a lucky girl! wear a green scarf or large handkerchief around your neck, to show unity. Please do come and support this event, and make a dog very happy by having a nice, gentle walk, down to the nearby beach. Please contact the refuge, to confirm your attendance. Assistance required Please do call the refuge on 6643 21219 or 602463242, between 8am-5pm, if you can help in any way. We always need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm. Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the northbound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the righthand side. E-mail the refuge at or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol.

CW 36

Wine and Dine

15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

The Swan


CaĂąada Blanca 2, Parque de la Reina Open: 12noon - 11pm.

Call: 603 273 382

Parque de la Reina has a secret - Lupita restaurant is fast becoming the place to eat, and it has a well-deserved reputation. All the usual Mexican specialities are on offer, but from midday until 4pm, check out its 4.95-euro menu. You can have a bowl of soup or garlic bread, main meal (selection of 20) and ice cream or coffee to finish, which is excellent value for money. Also, evening and weekend menus are available from 4.95-euros. Now open Tuesdays.

Special offer: BBQ ribs, including a drink for 9.90 euros

Monday 18th February

5-COURSE, SPECIAL on the roof terrace. Bookings only.

Blue Champagne on arrrival esan cheese, black parm with io acc carp f Bee chetta brus and per pep ic and coriander, Seared scallops with lemon, garl d sala sar Cae served with ed in Dijon mustard Tender strips of sirloin, marinat te with mushrooms and courget ury rice Cajun spiced cod fillet with savo Cointreau sorbet with fresh fruit

19.95â‚Ź per head

Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with goodquality produce. We also cater for any special requirements. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value! In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Call: 922 795 865

Imperio del Pintxo

The menu at Imperio del Pintxo is based on flavours from around the world with Canarian gastronomic fusion.

Thai Botanico Experience contemporary Oriental dining at its finest. Ingredients are delicately and skilfully prepared and presented in gourmet dishes that embody the colours and tastes of Thailand. The colourful menu is more than complemented by the cool surroundings. The stunning, botanical dining terrace is filled with a rich mixture of beautiful plants, and decorated with authentic imported artefacts from the Eastern regions, giving you the feeling of being in a restaurant perched on a hillside in Thailand. Las Americas Open: Mon - Sat, 1.30pm - 11.30pm. Sun, 6pm - 11pm

Call: 922 797 759

Paseo Marcial Garcia, 23 local 3, El Medano Open: Midday to 11pm

Call: 922 17 63 04

Advertise your restaurant here!

Call: 822 14 15 17 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019


37 CW

CW 38

Advertisement 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

By Val Sainsbury


Freeze to please for breath of fresh air!

condensation and circulation could inspire manufacturers of air conditioning and humidifier units to modify their products. The improved cooling devices could then be used to eliminate the threat of indoor air pollution. NTU researcher Robert Mortimer explained that outdoor air pollution is interlinked with its indoor equivalent. And the air quality for both indoor and outdoor spaces, around the world, has deteriorated to dangerous levels. He considered the infamous

haze that hangs over Beijing, and the current health crisis in London schools, to be symptoms of the same greater problem that is outdoor air pollution. He is also worried that the current levels of air purification technologies are too costly, ineffective, or even dangerous, to deploy in large numbers. The natural reaction of people to high levels of outdoor air pollution is to remain indoors until the noxious haze passes. But Mortimer warned that this practice is based on a false

sense of safety. If the quality of the air outdoors is bad, so is the quality of the indoor air. Furthermore, the confined spaces of a home or office make it easier for air pollutants to concentrate. Indoor air pollution could, therefore, be many times more dangerous than outdoor pollution. His CAS counterpart, Gang Pan, is much more upbeat. He described the ease of use and simplicity of their cryogenic circulation system, which successfully removed the majority of fine particles and toxic gas from polluted air, by running the air through a very cold chamber. “Our study makes it possible to add an ‘air-cleaner’ option to household appliances, in areas which might experience extremelypoor air conditions,” said Gang. “By controlling indoor air pollution and improving air quality in this way, this work could be greatly beneficial for public health.” Every year, air pollution claims around 40,000 lives in the UK. Many more early deaths are reported in China and the rest of the world. But if the NTU and CAS succeed in refining and mass-producing their cryogenic circulation system, many of those lives could be saved.

has not changed over the millennia. It will trigger if a person encounters anything stressful, be it a predatory animal, or a message from a lover announcing a breakup.

Given that its purpose is to keep a human alive in the face of deadly danger, the response exerts very powerful effects on the body. It increases the strength and rate of a heartbeat, and it raises blood pressure as well. These changes ensure the body will have enough energy for fighting off an attacker, or running for one’s life. Once it gets stressed, the human body can take up to three quarters of an hour before it winds back down to a normal state. And modern society happens to have an endless supply of all kinds of triggers that can keep a person locked in this stressful state, for long periods of time. Box breathing offers a natural way to prevent stress. It can interrupt the fight-or-flight response, that normally overrides the normal functions of the brain and body. The right way to box breathe: Box breathing is almost as

simple as counting. Inhale with your diaphragm while counting to five, and fill your lungs to their maximum capacity. Then exhale to a slower count of five. Avoid the kind of agitated breathing that shoves the shoulders into the ears. That counts as “stress breathing,” a shallow form of breathing that keeps you in the fightor-flight mode, instead of relaxing your stressed body. In addition to your lungs, you should also expand your stomach to the fullest. Filling your stomach with air opens up space in the abdomen for your diaphragm, which moves down in order to make room for your expanding lungs. Once you have perfected the five-count box breathing, you can alter the ratio between inhalation and exhalation. Try exhaling to a longer slow count of eight. After getting used to that, try out deep breathing ratios of 8:16, 10:20, 22:44, or 30:80.

British and Chinese researchers have come up with a cool idea to practically eliminate the amount of toxic fumes that we breathe in every day.

They want to freeze air drawn from outdoors, so that the polluting particles can be separated from the breathable gas. Only when the air is absolutely clean will it be allowed to enter a home or office. In this air-purification setup, outdoor air will pass through condensing tubes, fitted within air-conditioning units. The incoming air will be chilled to -0.4 F (-18 C). When the air gets that cold, the pollutants will stick to each other, and become too heavy to stay afloat. The burdened particles will drop to the bottom of the condensing tube, making it easy to dispose of them. Meanwhile, the now-purified air will be allowed inside the building, and it will be very safe for the occupants to breathe in. Researchers from the Nottingham Trent University

39 CW

(NTU) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) claimed that this method of freezing polluted air got rid of 99% of the toxic particulate matter, found in outdoor air pollution. It also removed 98% of toxic nitrogen oxide from the air. Staying indoors will not protect you from outdoor air pollution. The NTU and CAS researchers have been working on ways to prevent outdoor air pollution from getting indoors in the first place. They believed their work on cryogenic

Box clever, breathe easy Box breathing is a form of deep, present and conscious breathing. The exhalation of each breath is drawn out, so that it lasts longer than the inhalation.

This form of breathing signals the brain to tone down the sympathetic nervous system. This stops the adrenal glands from releasing adrenaline, and other hormones responsible for the body’s fight-or-flight response to danger. At the same time, box breathing also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. The latter releases relaxing chemicals that counterbalance the stress response of the sympathetic nervous system. First responder and specialforces commandos are some of the pros who use box breathing to stay calm in

the toughest situations they encounter. Humans have two natural responses to danger. Either they stand their ground and fight, or they flee for their lives. This fight-or-flight response

CW 40


Aguilas del Teide, Arona

Ref: 5652X

15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019


Magnificent detached villa situated in an enviable cul-de-sac position overlooking the barranco with excellent panoramic views to the sea and mountains. This exceptional home was built to the current owner’s specification and occupies a large plot (1,200m2) and must be viewed to appreciate the space, quality and location on offer. Briefly comprising: In the principle house: a reception hall with imposing open plan staircase. three reception rooms with a principle lounge of 81m2, a dining room, equipped breakfasting kitchen, four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The master suite is extensive and boats a sitting area, dressing room, huge en-suite with twin-sinked vanity unit, shower and a circular spa bath. There is an independent annexe of a one-bedroom apartment, with lounge, bedroom equipped kitchen, bathroom and terrace with built in barbeque area. Outside you will find ample space to enjoy outdoor living with landscaped gardens, various terraces and a private swimming pool. Three car garage. Energy Rating: G.

Palm Mar


Ref: 5651XK

A modern top floor apartment situated in one of the best positions within this quality resort. With unrivalled panoramic sea views, the apartment offers spacious accommodation. Major features of this luxury home include a private terrace leading directly from the spacious lounge and a roof terrace both offering exceptional views to the La Rasca nature reserve, the island of La Gomera and the sea. In total the terrace areas extend to over 80m2. Entrance hall, spacious lounge/dining room with direct access to the terrace. Two double bedrooms both with fitted wardrobes with the master featuring a fully tiled en-suite bathroom with spa bath. There is also a fully tiled shower room. High specification to include quality fitted kitchen with ‘Silestone’ worktops, with integrated appliances including a dishwasher. The apartment has marble flooring and is air conditioned. All situated in a well-maintained tranquil community with a beautiful communal swimming pool and gardens. Included in the asking price is a private secure parking space within the underground garage and the quality furnishings. This beautiful home is situated just a two-minute walk from the sea front and the ‘La Rasca’ Nature Reserve. Convenient for all local amenities including restaurants, bars etc.

Playa de Las Americas

Ref: 5649XK


Beach front- dream location - considered to be the best located resort in the south of tenerife. A rare opportunity for many to purchase into the only dreamed of beach resort! Only seconds away, (walking distance) of the ‘golden mile’ with its leisure and shopping centres including ‘safari’ and ‘americas plaza’ offering the most up to date shopping and dining experiences. A studio apartment with sleeping accommodation for 4 persons featuring a separate sleeping area with fitted wardrobes, lounge area, private terrace, fitted kitchen with integrated appliances,full bathroom. Offered fully furnished. The resort has a beautiful swimming pool and sub-tropical landscaped gardens. Excellent holiday home and/or holiday letting investment.

Playa Graciosa, Los Cristianos Ref: 5653XK


A modern and well presented, three bedroomed, two bathroom apartment, in this sought after community in Los Cristianos. Briefly comprising: Entrance hall, spacious lounge which is bright and airy with direct access to a large private terrace with views over the communal gardens. An independent fully fitted quality kitchen with granite worktops and integrated appliances, separate utility area. Three double bedrooms all with fitted wardrobes. Luxurious fully tiled bathrooms including an en-suite to the master bedroom. High specification throughout including; marble flooring, pre-installed air conditioning,electrically operated security blinds, etc.. The resort is well maintained and has a large communal heated swimming pool. Perfectly located for easy access to the resort amenities of Los Cristianos and the sea front.

Los Geranios, San Eugenio Ref: 5650XK


A well-presented ground floor one-bedroom apartment briefly comprising: lounge with dining area, open plan equipped kitchen, stylish and modern bathroom with vanity unit, king size bedroom and private terrace with views over the communal garden. Offered for sale fully furnished and equipped and comes complete with Wi-Fi, Communal Television System and is air conditioned. This very popular holiday resort has full tourist facilities including reception, heated swimming pool & gardens, bar/restaurant and is perfectly situated for the marina of Puerto Colon being only a short stroll to the sea front and beach making it an excellent holiday home and/ or holiday letting investment with an excellent yield.

Los Cristianos, Arona

Ref: 5624X


Apartments rarely come to the market in this sought after gated community and this immaculately presented apartment is a fine example. Briefly comprising: Private entrance with garden to the entrance hall leading to an extended lounge with dining and study areas with direct access to a spacious private terrace with ample space to enjoy outdoor living. A fully fitted and equipped open plan kitchen and utility room with integrated appliances. A double bedroom with fitted wardrobes with air conditioning and direct access to a sunny terrace. Stylish bathroom with quality fittings. Sold furnished. The resort is accessed via electronic gates, is well maintained, features a large heated swimming pool and communal gardens.



15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019





41 CW


Stunning property at a bargain price! 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms villa. Chayofa, Arona

Fantastic business opportunity Pizza place Los Olivos, Adeje

Fantastic investment opportunity Commercial local Granadilla de Abona

Spacious townhouse 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Granadilla de Abona

Stunning penthouse 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Pueblo Primavera, Golf del Sur

Guide price: 290,000 euros

Guide price: 55,000 euros

Guide price: 31,000 euros

Guide price: 230,000 euros

Guide price: 185,000 euros






Great business opportunity Garage Buzanada, Arona

Great business opportunity Parking space and storage room. Malavasia, Llano del Camello

A great opportunity to buy a building plot. Charco del Pino, Granadilla de Abona

Amazing value apartment 2 bedrooms. San Isidro, Granadilla de Abona

Outstanding value 2 bedrooms. San Isidro, Granadilla de Abona

Guide price: 85,000 euros

Guide price: 6,500 euros

Guide price: 60,000 euros

Guide price: 68,000 euros

Guide price: 75,000 euros

CW 42


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019


Sudoku X

Black cherry bubble gum butter pecan chocolate chip cookie dough

Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

cookies and Cream cotton candy french vanilla mint chip mocha almond fudge

moose tracks neapolitan nutty coconut peanut butter cup pistachio almond

praline pecan rainbow sherbet rocky road strawberry vanilla bean


1 5 7 6 9 2 3 5 8 4 7 7 3 1 3 5 8 2 3 4 2 9 1 7


And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

8 9 5 7 2 5 1 6 2 8 9 4 1 8

8 5 7

4 8 9

6 1 5 3 3 8 1 5

30-Second Brain Training Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number








of this
















2 9 5 3 6 9 8

Starter Number



2 5

8 9 1 4 5 7 8 4 6 3 7 1 8


Find the answers to these puzzles on our website








7/15 of this


of this





+72 Answer


Advanced Starter Number






÷17 +52








-131 ÷12





of this





Beginner Starter Number









x19 +43






of this Answer


of this

Intermediate Starter Number










÷11 +69 8

÷9 +159 Answer



of this






Advanced Starter Number




of this







of this




of this





-51 Answer

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 property for rent


5 7


Service Point

15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

property for rent (cont.) For rent long term: Los Cristianos, 2 bedroom apartment with stunning sea and mountain views. Quiet location, pool, internet, satelite TV, large terrace. Would suit mature couple. 875 euros month plus bills. Tel: 629 606 494

air-conditioning (cont.)

43 CW

construction (Cont).

property for sale FOR SALE (traspaso) a hairdressing salon called ‘New Style Nancy’ in Costa del Silencio in CC Trebol next to the Dollar bar. Very very busy salon, all nationalities. Price negotiable. Owner prepared to work for a month together, to make sure the new owner is well introduced.

Call Cor on 0034 626 876 580



to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 cars wanted CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.

Call us now on 678 451 641

Situations Vacant A leading chain of ladieswear stores in the Canaries are looking for happy and motivated sales assistants throughout the Canary Islands. Full and part time positions are available with full contract given. Applicants must speak English and have excellent people skills. To apply send your CV to admin

Service point

chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson-Jones MSSCh MBChA. Experienced qualified Chiropodist based in Tenerife over 20yrs, offers home/ hotel visits in most areas of the South. Tel: 608 029 790. Email: Wendy Nelson - Hairdresser and Mobile chiropodist MCFHP-BSC, 25 yrs working for the NHS caring for all foot problems , Home visits and Hotels. Call 634 301 727 or email


to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 air-conditioning

garden furniture

Kitchens & bathrooms

Elite Cleaning Services is an established cleaning company who can provide a professional cleaning service for Apartments, Villas and Offices. Call us today on 922 789 795 or 696 922 597.

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing, Decorating, Plastering etc. Tel: 661 081 843 for quotation.



CW 44

Service Point


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Pest control



translation TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES: Legally registered with over 25 years’ experience. Official, Medical, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Probate, Pensions, car paperwork and much more. Professionalism and confidentiality guaranteed. Transport available. Call Tracey on 666 857 991 or email on

Painting and Decorating

Pool tables

T-shirt printing

patio doors & windows

Removals worldwide


tv & satellite ElectroSat TV S.L. C/Encarnacion No 1. Valle San Lorenzo, Tenerife. Tel: 922 72 22 27 Mobile 670 277 772, email: Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.


Everything for your house, apartment, etc We also buy good quality furniture and household items. Plus house clearances. Opening times: Mon-fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm Las Chafiras Calle tilena 19. Next to Rachels Motors

Tel: 922 749 664 security

personal services Los Cristianos, Patricia, Blond, Venezuelan, french, vibrators and kissing, vibrators, private apartment, callouts. Tel: 681 388 162

649 574 851

windows & doors


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

45 CW

CD Tenerife

Tenerife clueless, against a team who hadn’t won! FOLLOWING three really good performances and giving successful debuts to new signings, as well as collecting some valuable points, Tenerife fell apart on Saturday evening.

Against the league’s bottom club, who hadn’t won a game all season, Tenerife looked clueless, and coach Oltra must be wondering what he can do, as his players continue to make life hard for themselves. The first half was all Córdoba, who had CDT pressed up in their own half and having to defend their own area. They looked extremely uncomfortable on the pitch, and were hardly able to get out of their own half, except for a forced header from Racic after 36 minutes, which Córdoba keeper Lavic held with ease. Two minutes later, Aguado took a Córdoba corner, which was flicked on by Flaño at the near post, and headed calmly past flailing keeper Dani Hernandez by Chus Herrero.

Tenerife 0 Cordoba 2

Without Milla, Tenerife lacked their usual fluidity, and could not find the end product that Suso brings to the team. With the ball repeatedly near Dani’s goalmouth area, it was no surprise that Tenerife’s

Surf ing

Surf-beater Bisso triumphs

Battling Bisso, well on his way to his first big victory

TIMOTHEE Bisso has won surfing’s Cabreiroá Las Americas Pro Tenerife, which is part of a Qualifying Series event, held in the Canary Islands.

The 21-year-old Guadeloupe surfer beat fellow countryman Paul Cesar Distinguin, despite the inconsistent surf at Las Americas.

Bisso was building momentum throughout, and, while he had a couple of close calls, he dominated his final rounds to claim the first contest of his career. “I moved to Portugal recently, and there are so many great waves on which to train,” he said. On the women’s side, local star Daniela Boldini dominated the competition, beating Canales Bilbao in front of her home crowd.

keeper had to make a good save from a De Las Cuevas shot, another from an Álex Menéndez corner at the near post, and a Carrillo header that went high. In fact, the statistics said it all, as Córdoba went in at half-time, having had eight shots, four on target, and taken four corners, while lethargic Tenerife were limited to one corner-kick and a lone shot at Lavín’s goal. In the second half, they

came out with a spring in their step and tried to make things happen. Borja had a shot, immediately, which hit the side-netting. Suso and Hector put good balls from both sides, but the striker Tenerife needs desperately, never appeared ... and neither did they buy one in the winter transfer window. Unfortunately for home fans, the recent improvement was not accompanied by much success, and the introduction of Coniglio

changed nothing. As the second half went on, Córdoba edged back in to the game and had a couple of half-chances on the counter-attack, before Miguel De las Cuevas put the game to bed in the 77th minute. After a nothing foul, Córdoba had a freekick 20 yards out and in front of goal. De las Cuevas stepped up and, nonchalantly, curled the ball around the wall and straight in to the far corner of the goal, giving Dani no chance: 2-0, game, set and match. Tenerife considered it impossible to overcome the deficit, and Cordoba knew just how to protect their first victory of the season, after three draws and nine defeats. To say that the players, fans, and the coach were deflated at the end would be an understatement. Tenerife now travel to Cadiz tomorrow (Saturday) for a tricky away game, in the knowledge that Córdoba’s win leaves them, along with Numancia, still looking for their first away victory this season. Yet they knew this was a real chance to move up the table and continue their good momentum. Now? Back to the drawing board!

CW 46


15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

Daddy keeps his Cool! IT’S tight at the top of Division 1, and in the battle of the top two, Suters 20:30 Crew took an early advantage when they visited Pas O Nadas ‘A’, but the home team stormed back, and, with the help of Daddy Cool and his latest 180, took the trebles, and an important 5-3 win. Gaffers winning

got back to ways as they

secured a 6-2 victory at Sandys, with Joe contributing two maximums, to leave a solitary point between the top three sides. The Loch-In welcomed Scooters ‘A’, and found Ed’s team in great form, yet they just couldn’t get over the finishing line. The home team were victorious in the trebles, and finished winning 5-3. Palms Pool Bar and Picasso’s shared a 4-4 draw, thanks to winning double from the Golf-delSur side, in the final, team game. Del Boy, who hit a bull finish, and John, with a

division 1 ResultS

division 2 ResultS

The Loch-In ‘A’ Pas O Nadas ‘A’ Sandys Palms Pool BaR Ourplace Playboys

5-3 5-3 2-6 4-4 6-2

Scooters ‘A’ Suters 20:30 CreW GafferS PicassoS Mad HatterS

division 1 Table Table

P W D L F A +- PTS

Sundowners 2-6 Clouseau’s Waterfall 1-7 Ourplace BreakawayS Emerald Lounge ‘B’ 8-0 Nauta NomadS Palms Sports BaR 4-4 Emerald LoungE Naughty NautaS 3-5 The Loch-In BullseyeS Scooters ‘B’ 7-1 Ourplace PlaygirlS division 2 Table

1 Suters 20:30 Crew 19 14


1 116 36




2 Pas O Nadas ‘A’

19 15


1 115 37



1 The Loch-In Bullseyes 22 17


1 117 59 58


3 The Pub

19 14


3 115 37



2 Emerald Lounge ‘B’ 22 17


3 115 61


4 Gaffers

19 14


2 110 42



3 Waterfall

23 12 5 6 6 72 40 112

5 The Loch-In ‘A’

19 13


4 101 51



4 Clouseau’s

22 13 3 6 6 74 28 102

6 Ourplace Playboys 19 11


7 74




5 Pas O Nadas ‘B’

22 10


6 94




7 Scooters ‘A’




13 58

94 -36


6 Emerald Lounge



8 93




8 Legends



3 12 57 103 -46


7 Ourplace Breakaways 22 7 6 9 85 91 -6


9 Picasso’s



2 15 51 109 -58


8 Sundowners



3 11 83

93 -10


P W D L F A +- PTS



10 Mad Hatters



2 14 48 112 -64


9 Naughty Nautas



3 14 73 103 -30


11 Sandys



2 15 48 112 -64


10 Scooters ‘B’




11 66

97 -26


12 Palms Pool Bar



7 14 43 125 -82


11 Palms Sports Bar 19


3 11 63

86 -20


12 Nauta Nomads



4 14 63 113 -50


13 Scruffy Lads





112 finish, were the main men, as Mad Hatters were beaten 6-2 on their travels. It is also tight at the top of Division 2, Emerald Lounge ‘B’ soundly beating Nauta Nomads 8-0 at home. The LochIn Bullseyes went the other way to play Naughty Nautas, and, in a tough

game, secured a 5-3 win, thanks to the trebles. It kept their noses ahead, by two points. Ourplace Breakaways had their best result of the season, welcoming highflying Waterfall, and throwing their best darts to win 7-1. Scooters ‘B’ also recorded the same

4 56



14 Ourplace Playgirls 20 1 2 17 46 114 -68

score, as they showed no mercy against the Playgirls. Sundowners played host to Clouseau’s and found the visitors in fine form, the Palm Mar team taking home a 6-2 victory. Palms Sports Bar


entertained Emerald Lounge in a tussle which swung both ways, and was finally drawn. Congratulations to all the teams who fought through to the last four in the Cup and Plate. Good luck to you all.


Brilliant Banks left us a lifetime legacy THE legendary Pelé led worldwide tributes, following Tuesday’s death of 81-year-old Gordon Banks, who was widely regarded as England’s greatest goalkeeper, and a key member of the triumphant 1966 World Cup team.

Brazil’s much-feted superstar will be forever linked with Banks through one of the most memorable moments in the 1970 World Cup. Brazilian Pelé said: “I have great sadness in my heart today, and I send condolences to the family Gordon was so proud of. “I scored many goals in my life, but people always like to ask

about the one I didn’t score, because of that save. “While it was, indeed, phenomenal, my memory of Gordon is not defined by that. I am glad he saved my header because it was the start of a friendship I will always treasure. Whenever we met, it was like we had never been apart.” Fellow World Cup winner Sir Bobby Charlton said: “Gordon was a fantastic goalkeeper, and, without doubt, one of the best England had ever had. “I was proud to call him a team-mate and he will be deeply missed. Obviously, we shared that great day in 1966, but it was more than that. “Even though I was on the pitch and have seen it many times since, I still don’t know how he saved that header from Pelé. That one save, in particular,

catapulted him into the ranks of lasting legends.” Banks told admirers afterwards: “I didn’t even know I’d made it.” A modest man throughout his life, Banks won 73 England caps before his career came to a premature end, when a 1972 car crash cost him the sight in one eye. He won FIFA’s Goalkeeper of the Year award six times, and was voted Footballer of the Year in 1972, after his semi-final penalty save against West Ham helped Stoke win the League Cup. He was also the first keeper to receive the honour since Manchester City’s Bert Trautmann, in 1956. But Banks described beating Chelsea in the League Cup final as his proudest moment in club football. 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019


47 CW

CW 48

Advertisement 15th February 2019 - 21st February 2019

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