CW Issue 1096

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15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Issue 1096

15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Murder at the House of Horrors 1 CW

SPANISH police are investigating a possible string of expat murders by a couple who, allegedly, took lonely foreign pensioners under their wing, including two with Tenerife links, and tricked them into handing over their properties and savings. Continued on Page 3

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15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

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The House of Horrors

Continued from Front

Guardia Civil officers arrested a German man and his CubanGerman wife, and freed two elderly people, believed to have been held captive in the couple’s home in Chiclana de la Frontera, Andalucia, rapidly renamed the “House of Horrors”. A German man called Silvestre and a disabled Dutch woman, in her seventies and identified as Elisabeth, were found immobile on beds inside small rooms, showing signs of being drugged with tranquilisers, as well as suffering from malnutrition. Their supposed carers, identified by the Guardia Civil only as Markus and Estrella, had been feeding them a meagre diet of sandwiches. The victims were attached to nasogastric

tubes, keeping them barely alive in what investigators labelled the “House of Horrors”. Spanish investigators raided the property as part of a probe into the disappearance of a wealthy German woman called Maria Babes, who signed over her Tenerife property to the couple before her death. An Italian man also died recently while under the couple’s care, and investigators suspect there were at least five potential cases of suspicious deaths involving pensioners, including a possible British victim. A police statement said that rogatory commissions (formal requests from courts) had been sent to Britain, Italy, Germany and Cuba, to follow up on suspicions that the couple, who amassed a €1.8m fortune, had committed a series of murders. The investigation started last

year when a friend of Ms Babes reported to police that she left her Tenerife home to live in mainland Spain, with a younger couple who had befriended her. Spanish investigators traced the wealthy 101-year-old to a different nursing home in Chiclana, where she ended up after being admitted to hospital on several occasions, while in the care of the CubanGerman couple. She told police that the couple had kept her locked up. But, in a strange twist, she was persuaded to leave the nursing home and return to the “House of Horrors”, where she died. “The content of her medical records raised the investigators’ suspicions of possible neglect and abandonment, on the part of her carers. That, added to the old woman’s economic

status, set alarm bells ringing,” a source from the investigation told local newspaper Diario de Cádiz. Ms Babes told Guardia Civil agents that the GermanCuban couple had kept her locked up and handcuffed for several months, adding that she knew nothing about the documents, supposedly signed by her before a notary, granting power of attorney to the couple, and naming them as her heirs. Investigators say that the Dutch woman they rescued was used by the suspects to supplant Ms Babes’ identity. Her bank account balance, which stood at more than €162,000 last October, had been wiped out by December, and she also received no money from the sale of her Tenerife house.

At Christmas, the police sought arrest warrants for the suspected couple, but, the day before the planned operation, Markus and Estrella removed Ms Babes from the residence. Five hours later, she was dead, despite appearing in apparently good health in a video from that morning, playing the tambourine during a special Christmas breakfast. A funeral-parlour operator told investigators of the couple’s rush to proceed with her cremation. But he was surprised that they did not wish to take away an urn with ashes, despite claiming to have been very fond of the old woman. The couple are also believed to have extracted €500,000 and two Tenerife properties from the Italian man, who died in their care.

Adeje schoolkids warned School for about ‘Momo Challenge’

CEIP Barranco de Las Torres school in Adeje has alerted students about the presence of the image, and potential dangers of the “Momo Challenge”, which has spread across the internet in recent weeks. Although the “dare game” is being heralded as a hoax, primary-school youngsters across the UK have already been made aware of the dangers, and now children at the Tenerife school are receiving the same information. The alleged intention of the “Momo” monster is to encourage children to take up its challenges, via Whatsapp, after “poppingup” during children’s YouTube programmes. That person, hiding behind the cartoon face, will then, gradually, establish a connection with the child, persuading him or her to take on a series of tests, some of which involving self-harming. In some cases, she even asks kids to take their own lives, and they are manipulated into thinking that if they don’t accept these challenges, something bad will happen to them, or their loved ones. On 27th February, YouTube reacted to social media requests to remove the videos from its platform, and carried


out an extensive investigation to find the content. But it found no evidence of Momo anywhere in any video. Following this, they released an official press release saying: “We want to clear something up regarding the Momo challenge. We’ve seen no recent evidence of videos promoting the Momo challenge on YouTube. Videos encouraging harmful and dangerous challenges are against our policies.” Following this declaration, fact-checkers and charities declared Momo a hoax. “News coverage of the Momo challenge is prompting schools, or the police, to warn about the supposed risks posed by the Momo Challenge, which has, in turn, produced more news stories warning about the challenge,” said The Guardian’s Jim Waterson. Kate Tremlett, “harmful content” manager at the UK Safer Internet Centre, also questioned the viral, social news story, saying: “It’s a myth that is perpetuated into being some kind of reality.” After a lengthy investigation, the NSPCC said there was no

evidence to show that the phenomenon was actually posing a threat to British children, adding that it had received more phone calls about it from media members than concerned parents. A spokesperson for the Samaritans was similarly sceptical, saying: “These stories being highly-publicised, and starting a panic, means vulnerable people get to know about it, and that creates a risk.” To this day there is no physical evidence of a screen shot, or recorded video, showing Momo appearing on YouTube or any other platform. The fact that the Canarian Government and schools are educating children about the dangers of the internet is a good thing, and, although the challenge may be a hoax, the image is in circulation, which is scary enough for some young kids. The Momo Challenge, like the 2016 Blue Whale challenge, are both viral hoaxes, dreamed up by sick, internet bullies, aimed at vulnerable children to create panic. Yet, neither has been proven to exist, or has led to any deaths.

THE headmaster of an exclusive British school in Mallorca is facing extradition to Scotland, following allegations of sexual abuse against him there.

James Berry, 74, was arrested on Tuesday and has, reportedly, been taken to Madrid, where he awaits an extradition hearing. Berry, headmaster of King Richard III College, in Portals Nous, near Palma, was previously cleared by the Mallorcan courts of sexualabuse allegations, initially brought by his daughter in 2016. Respected newspaper Ultima Hora reported that Scottish police have since issued a European Arrest

Warrant for Berry’s extradition for trial at his former Scottish hometown. The head teacher said last year that the allegations were made in a bid to “run him out of the school”, because his adult daughter wanted to become headmistress. In a letter to parents dated 5th March, Berry said: ‘‘After being cleared of the brutal accusations brought against me in Spain, now I must face the same allegations in Scotland. “The accusations have caused great pain to my loved ones, so I beg you to continue to trust us, and, especially, support my family. “We will win again the battle, in which my innocence will be established, once and for all.” The King Richard III College was contacted, but has yet to issue a statement.

CW 4


15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

A handy Guardia officer plays mum to a tiny tot AN officer from the Guardia Civil tended to a small baby, whose father suffered a heart attack while driving their car.

Guardia officers on patrol were told that a vehicle had come to a standstill on the GC-3 in Gran Canaria. On arrival at the scene, they noticed that the driver looked ill. His wife and child, as well as the infant, were in the car, and officers called for an emergency ambulance to transfer the driver to hospital. While awaiting the ambulance, a Guardia officer took charge of the infant by giving him a bottle, because his mum was in a state of shock. The ambulance team quickly assessed the driver, before taking him to hospital for further treatment, while the rest of the family followed behind in their own car, with one of the officers driving. The Guardia posted on their Twitter account that it was one of the most peculiar incidents they had dealt with recently. They also posted a photo of the officer, while she was giving the baby his bottle feed. Fortunately, his dad has recovered fully, as has mum, and both are now in good health.

Cruise ship delayed

Violent thug is put behind bars again A BRUTAL man, with a police record for violent crimes, has been charged with causing physical injuries to his former partner, as well as breaching a custodial sentence.

THE Zenith cruise liner had to return to port last Monday evening, because an unwell passenger took a turn for the worse. The ship Cruz port 5pm. But speed to

left the Santa in La Palma at as it picked up prepare for its

journey to Funchal, Madeira, some 40 kilometres away, a passenger fell ill. It soon became obvious to the crew that the passenger needed specific medical assistance because of breathing difficulties, so the ship performed a prompt aboutturn, so the person could receive the correct treatment.

The man pushed her into a car, forcibly, causing physical injuries in the process, The incident happened with a restraining order still active against him. And witnesses, who intervened to prevent the woman from further injury, also informed the National Police about the man’s current attack. When they arrived, his partner described him to

the officers, who located him quickly, and halted him as he tried to leave Puerto de la Cruz, en-route to Santa Cruz. But they were obviously concerned about the small weapon he had in his pos-

session, disguised as a flashlight, his violent past making them extra wary of the thug. But the man, along with the police report, were presented before a judge, to who sent him straight back prison.


15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Adeje push the boat out with biggest park of all

LAS Torres playground will reopen at the end of the month, as Adeje’s largest, inclusive park, adapted completely for people with mobility challenges and functional diversity in the borough. The initiative has cost Adeje Council up to €50,000, and is part of an overall vision of integrating all the borough’s leisure and play zones. Parks and Gardens’ Councillor Esther Rivero Vargas, said: “We have been

aware that parks, gardens, green zones, play zones, plazas, and public spaces need to follow an integration plan to allow access for all. “This playground was one of our important challenges, because we wanted to make sure it was a space in excellent condition, adapted and accessible to all; a playground that reflects our determination to ensure that integration plays a fundamental part in the creation of public spaces.” The new playground will be open to children of all ages, and all the equipment is accessible at ground level, so

it can be used by everyone. There are no barriers, and it should encourage more interactive play and acceptance of diversities among all children using the installations. Among the changes in the Las Torres playground is the new equipment, such as a basket swing, an active wall, a truck passage, a train, a multi-coloured little house, and a swing, adapted for wheelchair-users, and it is, exclusively, for children with mobility challenges. “This park, which means all children can enjoy the playground, will also benefit, directly, the users of the Los Olivos Functional Diversity Attention Centre,” added the Councillor. “From now on, they will have a park, 100% adapted to their needs, and will facilitate interaction, fun, and cognitive and social development.” Alongside the playground, there will be a picnic area for families to relax and snack, as well as enjoying the area as a community space. The tables are close to trees, with a perfect view of the playground, which features fences and soft-fall surface material as well.

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Doctor faces prison, after sexual assaults

THE Prosecutor’s Office has requested a four-year prison sentence, as well as a fiveyear suspension, for a doctor who has been accused of sexually-harassing several patients. But the Investigating Judge has not yet confirmed a date for his trial. Following the victims’ allegations, as well as the image the story is giving the medical profession, the Board at the College of Physicians, in Las Palmas, have decided to appear in an open-court case against the doctor. The National Police, who have detained the 65-year-old GP in Las Palmas, were aware that he had a record for crimes of a similar nature, and that they had arrested him previously. Officers, who received the first official report from a patient at the end of 2018, began an immediate investigation, after she said the GP had touched her, inappropriately, while at his surgery. The victim also reported that

the doctor had been touching her, incorrectly, on several occasions. She hadn’t reported the matter earlier because she was frightened that people wouldn’t believe her, as well as being embarrassed to reveal what had been going on. During their investigation, officers located a further 99 women, who had all requested a new doctor recently. Of the group, 20 women reported being touched by the GP, sexually, while being examined, medically. The Medical Association sympathises with those women assaulted by the GP, and states that they are at the victim’s disposal. The Official College of Physicians in Las Palmas has now ditched the GP, as requested by of the judicial authorities. He was also sacked because of the seriousness of the accusations made by several woman, saying the doctor touched them all, inappropriately.

CW 6


15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

NEWS IN BRIEF Police security systems Waterways in a poor state

THE World Wildlife Fund (WWF), an environmental organisation concerned with water, its safe-keeping and its inhabitants, has called on Spain to improve the state of the country’s waterways, after finding “serious deficiencies” in management. The group said Spain should implement the Water Framework Directive to improve the state of rivers, wetlands and aquifers, which are bodies of permeable rock, containing or transmitting groundwater. Rafael Seiz, WWF Spain President, said the country had, effectively, stopped enforcing the EU’s Water Framework Directive, which covers the period between 2016-2021. The European Commission said Spain had received one of the largest numbers of water-management recommendations. The country has implemented just six out of a total of 37, the Commission found.

A healthy boost for workers

THE Spanish Government has set aside €4.3m, which will give public-sector workers in prisons, and those in public healthcare, a pay rise. This cash boost will be heading towards the prisons’ working population, where 38,000 employees will, hopefully, become a little happier at work. Out of the funds, more than 12,800 prison officers will see their job level improved by a share of over €4m, while more than 12,000 assistants will be upgraded to the next pay level. Healthcare workers will also benefit, with 286 employees also being upgraded to the next pay level. It is part of an agreement to increase pay, continually, between now and next year, passing through the general election.

Car-crash victims short-changed

LAWYERS across Spain are demanding changes to the poor sums of compensation paid out, following road-traffic accidents. Professionals from more than 130 law firms said money paid out to victims had decreased by 40%, in the three years since changes to civil liability laws. Lawyers claimed that current laws limited victims’ rights, despite their numbers increasing by a reported 23%.

ensure Carnival safety

SANTA Cruz National Police used special security devices during an operation at Tenerife carnival 2019, designed to guarantee public safety, and to provide better public security.

The venture was called Operation Neptuno 2019, and, during the party period, officers with the help of these devices were able to process more than 300 charges. Some 382 individuals were charged and fined for drug consumption and possession in a public area, another five were charged with possession

of a weapon, while seven were taken to police stations because they refused to identify themselves. In all, 32 individuals were arrested for various reasons, unrelated to the carnival. In comparison with previous years, the police are highlighting the relativelybetter public behaviour by carnival-goers.

Airports to make their own power

SPAIN’S airport operator has announced ambitious plans to produce most of its own electricity, using solar power.

AENA, which manages 46 airports and two heliports across Spain, will invest €250 million in renewable energy, to save on its electricity costs and cut carbon emissions. The board of directors said the money would be used to install solar panels in half of its airports, cutting nationwide electricity bills from €75 million a year to nearly one-third. The move should also lower the operator’s carbon emissions 40% by 2025, and make Madrid and Barcelona’s airports carbon neutral by 2030. The 51% state-owned

company owns vast tracts of empty land near its airports, where the new panels will be installed. The company must now decide which airports will get the new facilities first. In addition to Madrid and Barcelona, its plans are to install solar panels in 20 of

the remaining 46 airports in Spain, and AENA also plans to introduce 2,300 charging stations for electric cars in its airport parking lots. The plans are intended to aid Spain in complying with the European Union’s objective, to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019


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15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Opening party’s line-up for Children of the 80’s

HARD Rock Hotel Tenerife has revealed that its first Children of the 80’s party of the year will be a tribute to Celia Cruz, and the famous openair show in Tenerife capital Santa Cruz, during the 1987 Carnival. Lucrecia (Celia Cruz’s tribute act), together with the authentic Billo’s Caracas Boys from Venezuela, will headline the celebrations tomorrow (Saturday), when the 2019 series of Children of the 80’s kicks off at the openair stage of Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife. Like Celia Cruz, Lucrecia is a Cuban singer, currently playing Celia in a touring musical about her life. She will lead a special tribute to the Latino legend, one of the most popular Latin artists of the 20th century, who died in 2003 at the age of 77. Billo’s Caracas Boys, returning to Tenerife for the first time in 10 years, will support Lucrecia, and add to the Carnival atmosphere, with

their Afro-Cuban-influenced music. The group, hailing from Venezuela, were formed and led by Billo Frometa, until his death in 1990. Celia Cruz and Billo’s Caracas Boys both took part in the 1987 Tenerife Carnival, and their scintillating performance made the Guinness Book of Records for the largest openair gathering of people for a music show. The event took place at the Plaza de España in Santa Cruz, with an audience of 250,000, dancing in the street to Caribbean, Colombian, Cuban and Caracas songs. The event is still considered one of the Canary Islands’ most symbolic, musical moments. These special guests will be supported by DJ trio Dream Team and local Canarian stars Puretas Party, who warm up the crowds at every Children of the 80’s party with their dance-floor classics.

The party atmosphere will be boosted by acrobats, breakdancers, spectacular visuals, 80’s photo-calls and plenty of other surprises, to keep the crowds entertained all night long. What’s more, the first 100 people to arrive at the party will receive a special present. Ten dates for “Children of the 80’s” are planned for this year at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife, with a party each month, taking place between 7pm and midnight. The headline artists for these events will be announced before their arrival. Early-bird tickets are €18 per person and are available to purchase online at www. Guests at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife will have full access to all live events at no extra cost. Deluxe rooms at Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife are priced from €131 on a B&B basis, based on two people sharing (

House thieves caught FOUR men, who forced their way into an Igueste property through a door, were spotted by neighbours, who alerted Candelaria’s Local Police.

Officers were there in no time, and they were able to identify and arrest all four individuals, as they attempted to escape in a car. The officers, who also searched the vehicle and found several tools as

well as gloves, then checked the property and found the door-lock tampered with. All four individuals were

charged with forced entry into a property, as well as robbery, and the case is now in the hands of the Guardia Civil.

9 CW

Paraglider’s landing was hardly practised

THE Canarian emergency services came to the assistance of a 35-year-old paraglider last Sunday, who crashed while practising on the Canary Island of La Palma.

The incident happened at el Camino Los Picachos, in the municipality of Los Llamos de Aridane, and, fortunately for the victim, he landed in an area, easily accessible

for the ambulance team to reach him. On arrival at the scene, they immediately diagnosed the stricken paraglider as having back injuries, and a broken arm. He was stabilised by medics before being transferred to the general hospital in the La Palma Capital, where he was examined further. Also at the scene were officers from the Guardia Civil and the Local Police, who all played their part in the rescue.

Spain’s wealthy tax-evaders

MONEY lost to tax evasion and fraud in Spain is equivalent to €2,000 a year for every taxpayer, or €300bn in total, according to International Monetary Fund (IMF) data.

Carlos Cruzado, President of the Technicians of the Ministry of Finance (GESTHA) trade union, said the Spanish “shadow economy” was equal to 22.1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). More than 70% of money, kept fraudulently from the Treasury, was connected with

large companies and some of the wealthiest people in the country. “Big corporations try to look for gaps or holes in laws, to try and avoid paying what they ought to,” said Cruzado. “We see this, also, with football stars, who have frameworks of tax havens to avoid paying.” Fraud also came from smaller businesses and individuals, who did not pay taxes, including VAT (IVA). The figures were revealed, after football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo was fined €18.8m recently for tax avoidance.

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15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Feminist movement’s mighty street protests ONE year ago, on 8th March, protestors took to the streets of Spain on International Women’s Day, to demonstrate against the slow pace of change toward equality.

This year, not only was the scene repeated across the country, but the achievement was actually greater. From Cádiz, Bilbao and Palma de Mallorca, to Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Vigo, there was a huge turnout at the planned marches, last Friday evening. According to various government delegations, there were between 350,000 and 375,000 people present in Madrid, against last year’s estimate of 170,000, and 220,000 in Valencia. And in

Barcelona last Friday, Local Police estimated a total of 200,000 participants. For the second year running, the day included a full strike, aimed at female workers as well as students, or stoppages of two hours. Despite the difficulty in weighing up the volume of such action, the women’s collective strength in Spain would appear to be unique the world over, turning the country into a leader when it comes to drawing attention to the feminist struggle. In the last 12 months in Spain, and despite the arrival of a Socialist Party (PSOE) government, which brought with it 11 female Cabinet ministers out of a total of 17, there have been no real advances in fundamental issues such as gender-violence, the pay gap and access to positions of responsibility. These issues

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were, clearly, the causes of last year’s mobilisations, and upon which there has been much debate in recent months. But since the rise in support for far-right party Vox, and the subsequent shift towards the right of the conservative Popular Party (PP), debates that appeared to have been laid to rest, such as Spain’s abortion law, have again reopened. This political climate contributed to the mass support that last Friday’s marches and strike action received, with demonstrations taking place under the slogan: “We have 1,000 reasons.” Earlier in the day, in Castellón, Valencia, a group of protestors prevented the Popular Party (PP) President, Pablo Casado, from delivering a speech ahead of the campaign for local and regional elections.

A group, comprising mainly women, banged pots, blew whistles and shouted such messages as: “You are the patriarchy!” and “Casado, you machista, you’re on our list!” The PP leader has criticised “leftist feminism” openly, and said he would not attend the Madrid march because he claimed it had been co-opted by the political left. Street demonstrations were underway earlier on the Friday in many other parts of Spain. “We want your respect; we don’t want your compliments,” chanted protestors in Madrid’s central Puerta del Sol square. Claudia González, a Seville worker who marched on Friday, said: “The problem is that women are expected to work as though they didn’t have children, and to raise children as though they didn’t have to work.”

In the Basque Country, tens of thousands of women, many of them students, filled the streets of Bilbao, the region’s biggest metropolis. There was also a large turnout in Vitoria. There were additional demonstrations in Pamplona, Málaga, Palma de Mallorca and Tenerife capital Santa Cruz. In the southern region of Andalusia alone, a total of 139 protests had been authorised, and the teaching sector was particularly involved in the events. After collating data from a number of Spain’s regions, the state’s teaching federation, from the CC OO union, put the observance of the strike at more than 80% at universities. The union added: “In secondary schools, the figure is 61% and in primary schools, 42%.”

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

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Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

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Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Angela Jefferies, Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Colin Kirby, Mariano Zunino Siri, Martin Land, Miruna Voicu, Sir Old Golfer. Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2019 Canarian Weekly


15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Tourism’s huge boost to domestic economy

ONE in every seven euros paid into the Spanish economy last year came from tourism, according to statistics from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). The figures, overtaking the US to become the world’s second-largest receiver of international tourists, highlight just how valuable the industry is to the country’s economy. Spain’s tourism sector grew

by 2.4%, contributing a whopping €178bn to the economy, equivalent to 14.6% of the country’s GDP. The figures also revealed that some 55% of tourists were from abroad, with 45% being domestic visitors. “In Spain, consumer spending experienced robust growth, and the Travel & Tourism sector performed well last year,” said the WTTC. “Spain has the potential to increase the size of its travel economy even further, by growing the size of its business tourism sector. “At present, business travellers

account for only 12% of all spending in Spain, against a European average of 21%. “It is fitting, then, that WTTC will be hosting its 2019 Global Summit in Sevilla next month, bringing together global leaders and sector experts to gather in the European hub of travel.” Spain was the fifth-largest tourism economy in the EU, and ninth in the world, in terms of total contribution to GDP. The sector is expected to grow by 2.8% this year, edging above the 2.5% European average.

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Car ferry crashes in the same port again THE Volcan de Tamasite passengerand-vehicle ferry crashed badly into a pier at Gran Canaria’s La Luz Port, in capital city Las Palmas, while trying to dock in dreadful conditions last Saturday.

It was the ferry’s second collision in the port in nearly two years because, in April

2017, it collided, head-on, into a breakwater in similar conditions. This time, the ship was said to have made contact with the pier ramp, and had to move off, to await a tug, which helped it dock safely. Its hull appeared to be dented extensively in the stern area, and there was also a suspected hull breach. The ferry was removed from its schedule, for damages assessment, but no injuries or leaks were reported.

CW 12


SPAIN came to a halt last Monday, its people remembering victims of the 2004 commuter-train bombing, on a line heading for Madrid’s Atocha station.

It was the self-confessed work of terror cell al-Qaeda, and, to date, the worst terrorist attack in modern, European history. The multiple blast, on 11th March 2004, claimed 192 lives, most of whom died at the scene and others in hospital within a few hours. And one victim never regained consciousness, despite hanging on for a decade! Controversy surrounding the attack lost the elections for then Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar, of the right-wing PP, who had been in power since 1996. His attempts to appease the public, and avoid any questioning of Spain’s security levels by pinning the blame on the now-defunct Basque terrorist organisation ETA, sparked public outrage. It was the start of al-Qaeda’s wave of attacks, the next of which occurred in London on 7th July 7, 2005. It was the capital’s worst terrorist incident so far this century. Maite Araluce, who heads Spain’s Terrorism Victims’ Association (AVT), says 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

15 years on, and remember train-b members still consider the attack, referred to as 11-M, as “an open case”. They want full investigations carried out into any similar incident “with truth and vigour, without frivolities, speculations or false hopes, which cause infinite pain to those left gravely-injured, survivors, and the loved ones of the deceased, which render them victims again”. This was directed at the political leaders present at the memorial service, held by the terror-victims’ monument at Atocha station, which

is signposted from every platform nearby. Those leaders included the heads of the PP, Podemos and Ciudadanos, Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez (PSOE) and Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska, along with Ángel Garrido, head of the Greater Madrid regional government, and Madrid Mayoress Manuela Carmena. Sánchez gave an emotional speech, which promised that those who lost their lives, and those who still suffer the effects of their injuries, will never be forgotten.

Grande-Marlaska assured those present: “Now, substantially, the whole truth is known about the attacks,” and he criticised retired National Police officer José Manuel Villarejo, currently in jail, for his conspiracy theory, which claimed Morocco and France were involved in the train blast. The gathering, at 9am in Madrid’s central Puerta del Sol square, was followed by a demonstration and commemoration 90 minutes later, at Atocha, where one of the trains exploded.

The crowd then moved on to the city’s huge Retiro Park, opposite, for a service near the 191 cypress and olive trees planted, one for each victim. As yet, though, a 192nd tree has not been planted for the man who remained in a coma until his death, in 2014. An offering of flowers in the C/ Téllez, next to Atocha, was held at 1.30pm, and homage to the victims in the Plaza Daoíz y Velarde was paid at 5pm, attended by Manuela Carmena, Garrido, Grande-Marlaska and Pedro Sánchez, among others. The memorial, led by the AVT’s 11-M Association, moved on to the stations of Santa Eugenia at 6pm and an hour later to El Pozo, where bombs also went off. Services were also held in the Greater Madrid towns of Torrejón de Ardoz, 14 of whose residents died, and Alcalá de Henares, where one of the trains which blew up began its journey, with 27 residents dying in the blast.


15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

d the Spanish bomb victims In all, the entire attack claimed the lives of 143 Spaniards, and 49 passengers of 16 other nationalities. Of these, 34 were killed at Atocha station, 63 on a train heading for the station that was still on the C/ Téllez, as well as 65 in El Pozo station, 14 in Santa Eugenia station, and 16 in various hospitals in the city. Fifteen victims died within a few hours or days, and that lone person after a decade in a coma. In addition, victim No.193 was police officer Francisco Javier Torronteras, who perished on 3rd April that year during a raid on a Madrid flat, occupied by seven members of the al-Qaeda commando, who blew themselves up when authorities arrived at the scene. A total of 116 people were placed under investigation, of whom 28 were formal suspects, and 21 were convicted. But four of these were acquitted on appeal a year later, while another,

Antonio Toro, was sentenced after being acquitted, previously, by the national court. He was jailed for four years for having offered explosives to the Jihad cell ahead of the blast. He had already been convicted for trafficking drugs and explosives, which meant his total sentence reached 18 years, and he will not leave prison until 2022. José Emilio Suárez Trashorras, an Asturias miner, was awarded the longest sentence in the country’s criminal history for a native Spaniard, at a mind-boggling 34,715 years. In practice, though, he will serve the maximum of 40 years, for supplying explosives to the terrorists. He was transferred to a jail in the province of Palencia (Castilla y León) after threatening a prison guard in Galicia, telling him he “knew where his wife lived”. After being granted seconddegree prison in 2013, his connections with Jihad

prisoners in Galicia, and his general behaviour means he is now back in first-degree prison, with zero freedom. The only person convicted as being the main author of the bomb-planting was Jamal Zougam, sentenced to 42,922 years, while Otman el-Gnaoui, who transported the explosives from Asturias to Morata de Tajuña (Greater Madrid region), was sentenced to 42,924 years. He is believed to have been recruited to the Jihad “cause” by one of the suicide bombers in Leganés, Madrid, who caused the police officer’s death, a month after the train blasts. Neither of these will be out of jail much before 2044. Rachid Aglif and Abdemaljid Bouchar were sentenced to 18 years and Mohammed Bouharrat to 12 years, so they will be out between 2022 and 2023, and Abdelilah Hriz was jailed in his native Morocco for 20 years in 2008, as the country’s first prisoner sentenced for a crime

committed abroad. The last of the eight terrorists still in jail is Hassan el-Haski, alias Abu Hamza, who was sentenced to 14 years and is scheduled for release in June. But he will be extradited to Morocco, where he will serve a pending sentence for previous offences. Three others jailed in Morocco for their role in the Madrid blast, Hicham Ahmidam, Mohammed Behadj and Abdelazziz el-Merabet, have just completed their sentences and are free. A further three involved in the blasts, Youssef Belhadj, Hamid Amidan and Saed el-Harrak, were released in 2017, although the first one named was extradited to Morocco. In total, two-thirds have completed their sentences and been released, although, as yet, none has been released since 2017. The plaque in honour of the victims also remembers the emergency services, as well as the hundreds of anonymous residents, who helped out in the aftermath. It brought out the best of humanity, say those who witnessed the blasts: dozens of people left their homes in pyjamas to provide firstaid, a bus was converted into a makeshift ambulance, and hundreds left their workplaces and college classes to give blood.

13 CW

Woman’s brush with court

THE National Police have arrested a 64-year-old woman, who was involved in a street brawl outside her home, in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.

A call was received by the police, requesting assistance, because a fight between several individuals was taking place on the Tamaraceite street. When officers arrived, witnesses told them how a discussion had taken place between two individuals, when, suddenly, a woman, apparently a family member, walloped the other person on the head with a broom, cutting his scalp. An ambulance, which was also at the scene, took the injured man to a nearby medical centre, where he had five stitches inserted. For this reason, the female assailant was arrested and charged, and is awaiting a court date.

CW 14


15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Fashionable Spain walking the walk!

Spaniards wil because of its

SPANIARDS are the most pro-European, as well as being the least nationalist, of all EU citizens, according to the latest Eurobarometer study.

SPAIN has become one of the world’s largest fashion exporters, according to new figures, after outperforming France and the UK to take 10th position.

In 2008, Spain was the world’s 12th-largest clothes exporter, growing by 103.5% in the intervening years. Experts believe the boost is down to the global success of large companies, including Inditex, which owns Zara and

Mango. According to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Spain’s sales reached €12,748.22m in 2017, which was an 11.8% improvement on the previous year. The country beat the US, Indonesia, Cambodia and Pakistan in exports, and also gained ground on strong fashion markets Turkey and Hong Kong. In terms of exports of all goods, Spain is the world’s 16th-largest economy, coming in behind Mexico, Singapore, Canada, Russia and Belgium.

Nearly nine in 10 agree with European migration policies, while more than eight in 10 believe “fake news” is a big problem for democracy. On average, though, 71% of EU nationals identify more as being “European” than, purely, as citizens of their own country. And in Spain this rises to 83%. A total of 66% of Spaniards say they feel very much a part of the European Union, compared with an average of 56% across the bloc, and 86% feel closer to Spain than to Europe. This figure rises to 91% over the rest of the continent, in relation to their own countries. Spaniards are more likely to feel emotional ties to, or

identify with, their town or village. This is the case with 92% of those interviewed, compared with 89% on average for the EU-28. That, largely, is because of the autonomously-governed region system, since each region is, effectively, a “country within a country”, with a very different culture, landscape, microclimate and, in some cases, coofficial language. The European Union, for Spaniards, signifies freedom to travel, study and work, and, secondly, the convenience of a common currency, while they also appreciate the huge diversity of culture and language across the continent. Spaniards are not as confident as other Europeans at their ability to detect “fake news”, or false claims which affect public thinking. Nearly eight in 10 Spaniards believe they have stumbled across these cases fairly frequently, although the European average is 68%. But though an EU average of

Spain is saturated with spam callers

SPAIN receives the most spam calls of any country per month, according to new figures by calleridentity company Hiya.

It shows that Spanish phone-users receive an average of around nine spam calls per month, at a rate of 24%. Globally, more than 85,000 million

spam calls were received in 2018, which was a 325% increase on the previous year. Spain received the highest percentage, followed by the UK, at seven calls a month and 22%, and Italy, at six calls and 21%. Many nuisance calls were automated by telecommunications companies, but some were more serious, involving banking scams, false kidnappings, or special-rate number scams. 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

ll always back EU s all-round freedom 58% say they find it easy to detect false stories, only 52% of Spaniards do so. A total of 79% of Spanish citizens believe “fake news” at national level is also a problem, and an especiallycrucial issue, with local, regional, general and European Parliamentary elections all coming up within a month of each other this spring. “Fake news” often concerns myths about immigrants, or about EU rules, such as claims that immigrants live off State benefits, or move to countries simply to use their welfare system, instead of working, as well as the classic “straight bananas” and “snowman ban”, which started off as jokes in the tabloid press, and have perpetuated as readers believed them. In terms of migration, European Commission chairman Jean-Claude Juncker stresses that a common policy is needed, and one which respects human rights and dignity, especially concern-

ing refugees, those termed “economic migrants”. This phrase covers a vast range of travellers, from highly-qualified westerners looking for better professional opportunities than they can find at home, to those living in extreme poverty in the third world, seeking a way of feeding their families from afar. Then there is the “quality-oflife” migration, EU and nonEU, in which people seek to live, work or retire in a country other than their own, because of better weather or lifestyle. In Spain, 86% of respondents agree with this approach, In fact, Spain has been one of the most vocal countries in calling for its governments to do more to take in asylumseekers to resettle. Its public was fiercely opposed to a 2012 ban on all, bar emergency, healthcare for undocumented immigrants. Across Europe as a whole, the average of 69% of those who agree with Juncker’s view is still a majority, but

a much lower one than in Spain, and numbers have not changed in the last three years. Overall, some 79% of Spaniards want their country, and the EU, to do more to help refugees and asylum seekers, compared with 69% across the continent as a whole. Despite the introduction of the euro into Spain in 2002 having created an acrossthe-board price rise, “round numbers” meant what would once have cost 100 pesetas (around 60 cents) is now priced at €1. But despite the Eurozone financial crisis, and all common-currency countries who were having to bear the brunt of lessstable nations, Spaniards still believe in the euro and are keen to keep it. On the tantalising question of the EU formation, previous surveys have shown that, consistently, 75% of Spaniards want to remain, demonstrating that a “Spexit” will always be unlikely. In fact, a majority of Spanish

nationals believe that “Brexit” is a big shame and not worth it. Brits resident in Spain, or who own holiday homes in the country, feel encouraged by this approach. That’s because the Spanish Government intends to take all necessary steps to ensure their rights and freedoms are affected as little as possible, by the UK’s departure from the EU. President Pedro Sánchez has already announced that this would mean automatic residence rights to the estimated 400,000 Brits in the country. This blanket move will not be needed for all these expatriates, since many already hold permanent residence. But it will be a rapid way of ensuring that everyone is covered. A new law, covering contingencies in the event of a No-Deal Brexit to protect residents, trade, the economy and transport, was brought into force on 1st March, providing considerable comfort to British nationals living in Spain.


15 CW

Third newborn corpse found

POLICE are investigating the discovery of a newborn baby’s body in Spain, after a refuse worker made the grim find in the early hours of Tuesday.

The Mossos d’Esquadra police said the baby’s corpse was found at 6.16am in a rubbish container, in the Barcelona town of Montcada i Reixac. Forensic investigations are continuing, especially because it is the third baby to be found dead in similar circumstances recently; one in Madrid and the other in Arrasate, in the Basque Country.

CW 16


15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Painting the beach yellow, red, green, or any colour! THE leaders of Costa Del Sol town Fuengirola have been criticised heavily over their plans to paint its beaches in a rainbow of fluorescent colours. Following the uproar by locals, however, the Town Hall is considering reversing the project, having “decorated” one of its beaches. Neighbours have branded the move “tacky and absurd”, after government workers painted several huge rocks on San Fernando beach in a variety of bright colours. Fuengirola officials, who insisted the paint was fully environmentally-friendly and would not harm people or wildlife, said the idea was designed to create “something completely different”. A Fuengirola Council

spokesman said: “We just wanted to make it look like a giant mosaic,” while Mayor Ana Mula added: “We thought it looked quite striking!” Mula, who said the plan was

to bring the new, rainbow look to all of Fuengirola’s beaches, added: “It’s an artistic initiative. There are many people who come to walk, to sit on a rock to read a book, or just to sunbathe.

Aspiring Spanish chef murdered

“In short, it is an attractive area for our municipality, and for all the residents of the town, as well as being one of our best-known points and a hallmark of Fuengirola.”

But, following an emergency meeting and a public consultation and outcry, the rocks already painted will be returned to normal, and the plan appears to have been cancelled, rapidly! Francisco Javier Toro, from opposition party Ciudadanos, said: “It’s the most absurd thing I have heard of in a long time.” He also criticised the money laid out to pay 10 workmen for two weeks’ work, saying: “These rocks are part of the cultural and historical heritage of our municipality. “Spending this public money could be much more beneficial for other areas and tasks, which our municipality urgently needs.” Mayoral candidate Javier García Leon added: “Our tourism model should ‘paint’ more in terms of security, infrastructure and cleanliness.”

Thieving avocado gang are caught red-handed

A MAN was charged with murdering his former childhood pal, after a Spaniard was stabbed to death in London earlier this month.

Carlos Rueda Velez, 20, appeared at Thames Magistrates’ Court last Monday, accused of knifing 26-year-old aspiring chef David Martinez-Valencia in Leyton, east London, on 6th March. David, who had dual Spanish and Colombian citizenship, was said to have been stabbed, repeatedly, in a flat by his jealous pal, before fleeing into the street, where he collapsed in front of passersby and bled to death, after yelling: “Help, help, they are after me.” A Met Police spokesman said: “The investigation was launched after police were called to North Birkbeck Road at 4.26pm on Wednesday, 6th March, following reports of a stabbing. “Officers, London Ambulance Service and London Air Ambulance who attended, found a man suffering from knife injuries. He was pronounced dead at the scene at 5.10pm, and his next

of kin were informed. David moved to London to pursue his dreams of becoming a successful chef The tragic stabbing comes as the UK’s capital continues to be gripped by surging knife crime. At least 26 people have been stabbed to death so far this year in the UK, in what appears to be a national crisis in the making. David’s death is not believed to be gang-related, and, according to Spanish newspaper El Norte de Castilla, it was probably done “out of jealousy”. A local resident said: “He was

stabbed at the flats. He was screaming for help and crying. He just kept repeating, ‘Help, help, they are after me’. “I was inside and my husband, who saw the incident, came running in and said, ‘Call an ambulance’. David, from Valladolid, in the centre of the Castile-Leon region, worked for a car manufacturer in Spain before moving to London. Former colleague Josechu Sanz said in a social-media tribute: “Very sad news for all those who worked with David, a really great person, aged only 26.”

SIX men have been arrested by the National Police for stealing a huge batch of avocados, worth around 5,700 euros, from fruit farms in the Los Realejos area since last September.

The police nabbed the six, aged 20-47, after collecting sufficient evidence from security cameras, which had been set up in and around these farms for this specific reason. Officers now have clear evidence of how this operation worked, with most of the robberies happening at night, and the six all adopting the same routine. The gang broke into the

property by going through a broken fence, or climbing over the perimeter wall. Once inside the farm, they began stealing the fruit, loading up vehicles which were waiting on the other side of the wall. Avocados are the lifeblood of fruit farmers, at certain times of the year, and it has been estimated that the volume of avocados stolen is some 1,650kgs, adding up to the estimated value. Officers, aware of what was happening at these farms, opened an investigation, placing security devices and increasing their own numbers, from National and Local Police based in the area, specifically during the night. Thanks to their collective skill and patience, they were able to identify and arrest the shifty six. 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019


17 CW

CW 18


By Carol schleisman at currencies direct

15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Pound-euro exchange rate recovering, as markets bet on Brexit breakthrough

SPECULATION over Brexit continued to drive pound volatility, with officials struggling to make progress towards a final deal, just weeks before the deadline.

As February’s US labour market data significantly undershot expectations, with just 20,000 new jobs added to the economy, this helped to shore up the GBP/USD exchange rate. The increasingly dovish outlook of the European Central Bank (ECB) failed to keep the euro on a weaker footing for long, meanwhile, even as the economy continued to demonstrate signs of weakness. With the Brexit deadline drawing ever closer, markets have continued to lack a sense of clarity over the UK’s future relationship with the EU, and its other trading partners. After MPs pushed back against the Irish-backstop proposal, talks have failed to show any significant signs of progress.

In spite of this, the odds of a no-deal Brexit have declined, with investors betting that Parliament will vote to extend Article 50, rather than allow the UK to crash out of the EU, without any deal in place. As the UK economy continued to show signs of vulnerability at the start of the year, the upside potential of GBP exchange rates proved limited. The ECB’s March policy meeting proved rather dovish in nature, leaving the euro on the back foot. After

policymakers effectively ruled out the prospect of interest rates rising in 2019, and downgraded their Eurozone growth forecasts, EUR exchange rates slumped sharply. The mixed nature of February’s US jobs data left the US dollar on a weaker footing, even as wage growth showed fresh signs of acceleration. With the US-China trade dispute showing signs of weighing on economic growth, the Federal Reserve looks set to leave monetary policy on

hold, for the time being. Brexit developments look set to remain the primary influence on GBP exchange rates in the weeks ahead, even if the outcome of the process becomes clearer. Signs of an uptick in January’s UK gross domestic product data could offer the pound a boost, however, if the economy appears to shake off the ongoing sense of political uncertainty. Any acceleration in the latest UK consumer price index data may also encourage

GBP exchange rates to strengthen, in spite of the limited odds of an interestrate hike. If the Fed signals a greater sense of confidence at its March policy meeting, this could offer a boost to the US dollar. However, if the US economy shows any fresh signs of slowing, the mood of USD exchange rates could rapidly sour. March’s raft of Eurozone manufacturing and services PMIs may put pressure on the euro. Another weak month of economic activity could easily send the single currency into a fresh slump against the pound and US dollar. At Currencies Direct, we’re here to talk currency whenever you need us, so get in touch if you want to know more about the latest news, or how it could impact your currency transfers. Since 1996, we’ve helped more than 210,000 customers with their currency transfers. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch, or give us a call to find out more. T: +34 922 971 781 E: canaries@currenciesdirect. com W:

‘HIV-cure’ man giving hope to many millions A MAN in Britain has become the second-known adult worldwide to be cleared of the HIV virus, after receiving a bone-marrow transplant from an HIV-resistant donor, his doctors revealed.

Almost three years after receiving bone-marrow stem cells from a donor with a rare genetic mutation that resists HIV infection, and more than 18 months after he came off anti-retroviral drugs, highly-sensitive tests still show no trace of the man’s previous HIV infection. “There is no virus there that we can measure,” said Ravindra Gupta, the professor and HIV biologist, who co-led a team of doctors treating the man. “We can’t detect anything.” He described his patient as “functionally cured and in remission”, but cautioned: “It’s too early to say he’s cured.” The man is being called “the

London patient”, in part because his case is similar to the first-known case of a functional cure of HIV. American Timothy Brown, “the Berlin patient” who had similar treatment in Germany in 2007, which also cleared his HIV, is still free of the virus. Gupta, now at Cambridge University, treated the London patient when he was working at the city’s University College. The man had contracted HIV in 2003, Gupta said, and was also diagnosed with a type of blood cancer called Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2012. Four years later, when he was extremely ill with cancer, doctors decided to seek a transplant match for him. “This was really his last chance of survival,” said Professor Gupta. The donor, who was unrelated, had a genetic mutation known as CCR5 delta 32, which confers resistance to HIV. The transplant went relatively smoothly, said Gupta, but there were some side-effects,

including the patient suffering a period of “graft-versushost” disease. That is a condition in which donor immune cells attack the recipient’s immune cells. Most experts say it is unlikely that such treatments could be a way of curing all patients. And anyway, the procedure is expensive, complex and risky. Exact-match donors would have to be found in the tiny proportion of people, most of them of northern European descent, who have the CCR5 mutation.

Specialists said it was not yet clear whether the CCR5 resistance was the only key, or whether the graft-versushost disease might have been just as important. The Berlin and London patients both had this complication, which may have played a role in the loss of HIV-infected cells, said the Professor, adding that his team planned to use these findings to explore potential HIV treatment strategies. “We need to understand if we could knock out this [CCR5] receptor in people with HIV,

which may be possible with gene therapy,” he said. The London patient, whose case will be reported in the Nature journal, and was presented at a medical conference in Seattle last week, has asked his medical team not to reveal his name, age, nationality or other details. The Aids pandemic has killed about 35 million people worldwide since it was recognised in the 1980s, and some 37 million people are infected with HIV. 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Comic Relief 2019 TV Choice

19 CW

All Star Musicals

Sunday 17th March, ITV1, 18.00

John Barrowman will host a brand new All Star Musicals alongside a panel of critics compiled of some of the West End and Broadway’s most distinguished talent, led by theatre legend Elaine Paige. Elaine Paige will be joined by Broadway icon, Tony and Emmy winner Kristin Chenoweth, dance sensation Kevin Clifton and West End star Trevor Dion Nicholas. Seven celebrities will be flexing their theatrical muscles as they embark on the ultimate musical theatre masterclass in a show stopping one night spectacular. Broadcaster Alan Titchmarsh, money expert Martin Lewis, Only Fools and Horses actress Tessa Peake Jones, I’m A Celebrity: Extra Camp host Joel Dommett, comedian London Hughes, Coronation Street star Daniel Brocklebank and Emmerdale actress Amy Walsh, will be aiming to impress the audience and the star panel, all of whom will be judging them based on their performing credentials. The show will feature numbers from a range of famous musicals, both contemporary and traditional, with the theatre audience deciding at the end of the night whose performance wowed them the most. The celebrities will be supported by a spectacular West End chorus line and, in the lead up to their big performance, will receive training from expert choreographers and vocal coaches. John Barrowman said “I can’t wait to bring something fabulous to the TV screens, working with new friends and teaming up with some special old friends, this should be a great night of entertainment - let’s make All Star Musicals Fabulous.”

Friday 15th March, BBC 1, 19.00 Red Nose Day returns for 2019 and is packed full of star-studded guests, as the biggest comedy show on the planet is broadcast live from BBC Elstree Studios. Hosted by Sir Lenny Henry, Paddy McGuinness, Emma Willis, Romesh Ranganathan, Rob Beckett, Alesha Dixon and many more special guests. The extravaganza will be jam-packed full of celebrity performances, comedy sketches, live music, highlights from this year’s challenges and films about the incredible work Comic Relief supports. Expect the unexpected, as more surprises and special guests are set to be revealed for what promises to be the most unpredictable night of TV tomfoolery this year. BBC One, 7pm - 10pm: Comic Relief 2019 BBC Two, 10pm - 10.35pm: Comic Relief Does University Challenge BBC One, 10.35pm – 12.30am: Comic Relief 2019

CW 20

TV Choice 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

This week W C choice

ITV Racing: Cheltenham Festival 2019 Liv Friday 15th March, ITV1, 13.00

Ed Chamberlin and Francesca Cumani host exclusive free to air coverage of the the first m festival of the year live from the home of jump racing, Cheltenham. ITV’s coverage of The Festival presented by Magners showcases the very best of the action the colour the festival has to offer from the Cotswolds racecourse, where horses and their j out for prize money of more than £4.5 million. The channel’s coverage which airs from 12 to 15 March features live footage of five rac four days of the festival, going behind the scenes at the course, featuring interviews with k and racing legends, sampling the atmosphere in the grandstands, all leading up to the Ma Gold Cup on Friday afternoon. Joining Ed and Francesca for expert insight and analysis are Sir AP McCoy, Luke Harvey a with reporting from Oli Bell, Alice Plunkett and Sally Ann Grassick. Matt Chapman will have news, and Brian Gleeson will provide an Irish angle on the action. Good Morning Britain’s Charlotte Hawkins and Lorraine’s Mark Heyes join the team on Ladie 13 March, and Love Island star and racing enthusiast Chris Hughes joins the team on Thurs Matt Chapman will be at the helm of the ‘social stable’ providing a platform for viewers t action. The Opening Show, hosted by Oli Bell, will air daily with Sally Ann Grassick out and about o horses exercise, with Kevin Blake bringing an insight into the Irish angle, a variety of guests a Festival Quiz Time.

Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom Friday 15th March, BBC2, 21.00

From its highest snow peaks to the depths of the frigid and wild southern seas; from its last populations of wild numbats to its largest diorama of giant cuttlefish, Australia is a land of diverse beauty that delights and surprises. Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom, a new three-part series for BBC Two, reveals newly-discovered creatures in this great country and behaviours not associated with species we thought we knew well. Throughout the series we meet animal characters so enigmatic that most Australians are unaware they share not just their island continent, but their own suburban backyards. The series also reveals the challenges these animals must navigate in a land of extremes, and extreme human-induced change. Travelling from the peaks of the aptly-named Snowy Mountains, touched by Antarctic winds, to tropical Queensland, in the first programme we discover how animals have learned to thrive across the continent’s harsh and beautiful extremes. We meet an echidna, a curious creature related to the only other monotreme on the planet (the platypus) that has the rare ability to lower its body temperature to endure icy winters. The Dryandra Woodlands south of Perth provide the last stronghold for a native marsupial that once ranged all across Australia. The charming numbat (pictured) now reduced to less than a thousand individuals in the wild, survives on a diet of termites on the forest floor. Elsewhere, where animals have been able to remain in their forest habitat, tree kangaroos can be found climbing along branches in the forest canopy alongside palm cockatoos whose intelligence is comparable to that of dolphins. The male palm cockatoo, or ‘palmie’, breaks off sticks and uses them to beat out rhythmic messages to his partner. Bird intelligence is taken to even greater heights however by the black kite. Gathering burning sticks and embers from bush fires it drops them into dry grass to spread a curtain of flame that flushes out insects and small prey. Only in Australia have these remarkable phenomena been witnessed. 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

k’s TV Choice


major National Hunt

n on the turf and all jockeys will battle it

ces on each of the key jockeys, trainers agners Cheltenham

and Mick Fitzgerald, e the latest betting

es Day, Wednesday sday 14 March. to interact with the

on the track as the and Richard Hoiles’

Save Money: Lose Weight Tuesday 19th March, ITV1, 20.00

Save Money: Lose Weight is back to put five of the hottest new diets through their paces to discover which deliver the best value for money spent for lbs lost. Presented by Sian Williams and Dr Ranj Singh, which one will top the value for money leaderboard? From extreme detoxing on Radical Metabolism to Vegan to the latest Keto diet, our valiant dieters will roadtest them for 28 days and there are some jaw dropping results! Dr Ranj will be our crash test dummy as he investigates whether there's such a thing as weightloss without the diet and at what price as he attempts to freeze his fat cells. Sian will taste test some low calorie wines and beers to see if we can still have a tipple without blowing our diets.

The Bay

Wednesday 20th March, ITV1, 21.00

When Detective Sergeant Lisa Armstrong is assigned to a missing persons investigation, at first it seems like any other – tragic, but all too familiar. As a Family Liaison Officer, she’s trained never to get emotionally involved. Her job is to support families during the worst time of their lives whilst also to be the eyes and ears of the police investigation; a cuckoo in the nest. But there’s something very different about this particular case. With horror Lisa realises she’s got a personal connection with this frightened family; one that could compromise her and the investigation. As she grapples to get justice for the grieving family, Lisa discovers it could come at a cost.

TV Choice

21 CW

CW 22

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ................. Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00............. Good Morning Dagenham 11:45....................A1: Britain’s Longest Road 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45...................... Money for Nothing 16:30 ...........................Flog It! 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00..Comic Relief 2019 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:25.......Regional News 22:35..Comic Relief 2019 00:30..... Kilimanjaro: The Bigger Red Nose Climb 01:30................. Celebrity Apprentice for Comic Relief

Friday 15th march

06:00.........The World’s Most Photographed 06:30............. Good Morning Dagenham 07:15... Money for Nothing 08:00... Antiques Roadshow 09:00................BBC News at 9 10:00......Victoria Derbyshire 11:00....BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.................... Think Tank 13:45........... Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve 15:45.......... The Hairy Bikers’ Pubs That Built Britain 16:15.................. Lost Land of the Tiger 17:15 ..........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30.....Great Continental Railway Journeys 19:00................. Antiques Road Trip 20:00........... Mastermind 20:30...Gardeners’ World 21:00.... Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom 22:00............University W C Challenge choice 22:35..............Newsnight 23:10....Birdman: Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) 01:00......... Better Things


08:55............... Coast v Country

06:00....................... Monkey Life

10:00........... A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:20.................. Arnie’s Greatest Ever Stunts

11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 ................... Animal House

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

12:05 ...........Location, Location, Location

08:00 .......................... Road Wars

09:30........ Storage Hunters UK

09:00 ........................... Babylon 5

10:00............. American Pickers

13:05.......... Location, Location, Location

10:00 ....................Stargate SG-1

11:00............. American Pickers

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00............. American Pickers

14:15....... Come Dine with Me

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00............................. Top Gear

14:50....... Come Dine with Me

15:00 ...... Caught on Dashcam

14:00............................. Top Gear

15:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

16:00 ................. Modern Family

15:00 ..............Lazy Boy Garage

15:50 ....... Come Dine with Me

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

15:30...............Lazy Boy Garage

16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

17:30............................ Futurama

16:00................. Sin City Motors

16:55 ........... A Place in the Sun

18:00.................... Futurama

17:00............................. Top Gear

17:55 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

18:30............. The Simpsons

18:00 .....................Top Gear

19:30 .............The Simpsons

19:00 .......American Pickers

18:55.............. The Supervet

20:30 ...........Modern Family

20:00 ...................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

06:25 ................................. Cheers

08:30......................... Lorraine

09:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

07:45 ..................................Frasier

10:10 ........ Ramsay’s Hotel Hell

10:30 .............. This Morning

11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA

12:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News

12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me

12:55........................ ITV News London 13:00 ....................ITV Racing: Cheltenham Festival 16:30...............Tipping Point 17:00..................... The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..............Coronation Street 20:30........................ Vera

12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 ..................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 17:00..................... Four in a Bed 17:30 ....... Come Dine with Me 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00....... Food Unwrapped 21:00.................. Gogglebox 22:00............... The Last Leg 23:05....The Big Narstie Show

06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 09:00 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 11:15 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 13:15 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35..... The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 ..........................Take Me Out 19:00 ... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 21:00...................The 40 Year Old Virgin 23:20.................. Family Guy 00:25............ American Dad! 01:15...The Cleveland Show

22:30................ ITV News 23:00................. ITV News London 23:15..........The Jonathan Ross Show 00:20.................. Tenable 01:15............ Jackpot247

Comic Relief Does University Challenge c h o i c e BBC2, 22.00 We will be swapping Masters of Study for Masters Of Comedy And Entertainment, as University Challenge gets a Comic Relief celebrity takeover for one night only. David Baddiel will take on the hosting duties and is joined by a host of famous faces as Jason Manford, Emily Atack, Kerry Godliman, Martin Freeman, Robert Rinder, Vick Hope, Luisa Omielan and Darren Harriott compete to win in this one off special.

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals

00:05........ The Real Football Fan Show

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:05 ................... The Secret Life of Puppies 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 ......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ......... A Wicked Vendetta 16:00................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30.......... 5 News Tonight 19:00............ Canada: A Year in the Wild 20:00.................Hms Victory: Nelson’s Great Warship 21:00...............Die Hard with a Vengeance 22:05......................... 5 News 22:10............ Die Hard with a Vengeance 23:30........... Brick Mansions 01:15.............. Teleshopping

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 09:25....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

19:55 ........... Grand Designs

21:00 ........................ Curfew

21:00 ......... Deutschland 86

22:00 ......The Late Late Show

22:00 .........24 Hours in A&E

23:00................... Comedians Watching Football

22:00................... Red Dwarf

23:30.......... Bounty Hunters

00:00 ........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

23:05 .........24 Hours in A&E 00:10 ........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 01:05.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

00:30.................. A League of Their Own 01:00.........Motorway Patrol

21:00........................... QI XL 23:20 .... Would I Lie to You?

01:00........... Mock the Week 01:40.............................Suits 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 10:00 ........................Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30.....................Mary Berry Quick Cooking 12:00.............Football Focus 13:00......................BBC News 13:15............... Bargain Hunt 14:00............................Live Six Nations Rugby Union 14:30............................Live Six Nations Rugby Union 16:45................Escape to the Country 17:30.....................Impossible Celebrities 18:20............... BBC News 18:40.................Pointless 19:30..................Match of the Day Live: The FA Cup 22:00............... BBC News; Weather 22:20..................Match of the Day 23:00...................Marvel’s Avengers Assemble 01:15.................. Weather for the Week Ahead 01:20............... BBC News



Saturday 16th march

06:45 .................. All Over the Place: Asia 07:15 ............... Wild & Weird 07:30 .........Absolute Genius with Dick & Dom 08:00 ...................... Top Class 08:30 .................The Dog Ate My Homework 09:00...................Deadly on a Mission: Pole to Pole 09:30...........................Nature’s Microworlds 10:00...................................Bolt 11:30...............Homes Under the Hammer 12:00..........Rick Stein’s Long Weekends 13:00................. Nigellissima 13:30.......My Life on a Plate 14:15... Money for Nothing 15:00............Pilgrimage: The Road to Santiago 16:00.. The Final Frontier? A Horizon Guide to the Universe 16:30....................Final Score 17:30..................James May’s Cars of the People 18:30.............Race Across the World 19:30.... The Great British Sewing Bee 20:30.............Dad’s Army 21:00....................... QI XL 21:45.... Robbie Williams: One Night at the Palladium 22:45.............. Behind the Candelabra 00:35...Yves Saint Laurent

06:00.................... Dino Dana

06:00 ................ King of Queens

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

06:10 ......................... Super 4

06:25 ................ King of Queens

08:45 ............................... Wissper

06:25 ......................... Super 4

06:50 ......The Big Bang Theory

08:50 ........Pirata and Capitano

08:00 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

09:10 .......................... Paw Patrol

06:35 ................. Make it Pop 07:00 .......................... Mission Employable 07:05................ Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

09:00 ..................................Frasier 09:30 ..................................Frasier 10:00.................................. Frasier 10:30................... The Simpsons

09:25................. Shane the Chef

23 CW

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:15.......................... Emmerdale Omnibus

09:40.............................. Floogals

08:50..............Coronation Street Omnibus

09:55 ..........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

11:50...................... The Voice UK 13:05.......................... BGT: Top 10 Standout Stars

11:30................... The Simpsons

07:35.................The Tom and Jerry Show

10:10 ..........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

12:00........................... Formula 1

10:25.................. A Knight’s Tale

13:30 .....................Four in a Bed

14:10......................... You’ve Been Framed!

07:50.. The Powerpuff Girls

15:30 .....................Four in a Bed

13:00 ................................ Friends

14:40............................. Yogi Bear


16:00........................Sun, Sea and Brides to be

15:25 ........A Sister’s Obsession

16:20...................Ella Enchanted

17:05............. The Yorkshire Vet: Meet the Greens 18:15 .......The Yorkshire Vet

18:25.................. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

19:25........ 5 News Weekend

21:00 ..........Horrible Bosses

19:30....... The Windsors: The New Queen

23:05.................. Family Guy

21:30..... The Queen Mother

00:05.................. Family Guy

22:30...Dan Brown’s Inferno

00:30............ American Dad!


00:50.................. Undercover Benefits Cheat

00:55............ American Dad!

00:40................ The Last Leg

01:15.............. Teleshopping

19:30.......... The Voice UK

08:55.... Jamie’s Comfort Food

21:30..........The Jonathan Ross Show

05:55.................. Austrlian F1 GP Qualifying

07:10 ...............................Brojects

09:15 ........... A Place in the Sun 10:20 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:30 ......................The F1 Show

08:00............. American Pickers

22:30................ ITV News

11:20 ........... A Place in the Sun


08:30..................... Robozuna 09:05........... Teen Titans Go! 09:25....................... ITV News 09:30.......Saturday Morning with James Martin 11:40.................ITV Lunchtime News 12:00.................... Six Nations Rugby Union 14:45.........................Celebrity Catchphrase

17:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:35 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 18:30 ......... Channel 4 News 19:00................. Great Canal Journeys 20:00.......... The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

23:30.................. Family Guy

01:25..............................Ibiza Weekender

15:50......ITV Evening News 16:15...............Six Nations Rugby Union


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22:45.....Gangster Squad 00:55............ Jackpot247

The Six Nations 2019 ITV1, 16.15

TV Guide

England v Scotland The 2019 Six Nations comes to a conclusion as England and Scotland meet in the Calcutta Cup. Scotland claimed a famous 25-13 victory at Murrayfield in last year’s tournament when Huw Jones and Sean Maitland ran in the tries, but their record at Twickenham makes for sorry reading - they haven’t won there since 1983. Despite a painful defeat to Wales last month, Eddie Jones will be encouraged by his side’s performances this year as he looks to build for the World Cup in the autumn - and the emergence of players including Mark Wilson and Tom Curry has been a real plus. Mark Pougatch is joined in the studio by Jonny Wilkinson, Sir Clive Woodward and Sir Ian McGeechan, with pitch-side inserts from Martin Bayfield and Jim Hamilton and commentary from Nick Mullins, Lawrence Dallaglio and Scott Hastings.

12:25 ...........Location, Location, Location 13:30............Location, Location, Location

08:00 ................... The Simpsons 10:00.........................Soccer A.M. 11:30........... Football’s Funniest Moments 12:00 ............................ The Flash

14:35........ Come Dine with Me

13:00 .............................Supergirl

15:05........ Come Dine with Me

14:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:40........ Come Dine with Me

15:00 G . illette Soccer Saturday

16:15........ Come Dine with Me

17:15 .................Premier League Greatest Games

16:45........ Come Dine with Me

07:35............................... Brojects 10:00............. American Pickers 12:00 ............................. Top Gear 13:00 ............................. Top Gear 14:30..............Gavin and Stacey 15:05............. Gavin and Stacey 15:40............. Gavin and Stacey 16:20 .............Gavin and Stacey 17:00 .............Gavin and Stacey 17:40 .............Gavin and Stacey

17:30................... The Simpsons

18:20 .......Gavin and Stacey

20:00................. A League of Their Own

19:00 .... Would I Lie to You? 19:40 .................. Red Dwarf

21:00... Rob and Romesh Vs...

20:20................... Red Dwarf

19:25............... Four in a Bed

22:00................... Comedians Watching Football

21:00........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

20:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics

22:30.....Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life

22:00........................... QI XL

21:00 .................The Beatles

23:30.................. Strike Back

23:15......... 24 Hours in A&E

00:00 ........... Judge Romesh

00:30...................SEAL Team

00:20........ Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

00:30 ........... Judge Romesh

01:30...... Football’s Funniest Moments

01:00........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

17:20......................Four in a Bed 17:50......................Four in a Bed 18:20............... Four in a Bed 18:55............... Four in a Bed

23:00 .............. Hypothetical

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TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ...... Match of the Day 10:00.................. The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 ........... Sunday Politics London 11:30 ................Walks of Life 12:30 ...........................Flog It! 12:50 .....................BBC News 13:05 .......... Songs of Praise 13:40 ....... Match of the Day Live: The FA Cup 16:15.. A Question of Sport 16:45........................Pointless 17:35......Comic Relief 2019 18:35............... BBC News 19:00 ............Countryfile 20:00 ................ Antiques Roadshow 21:00 .................Baptiste 22:00.............. BBC News 22:30 .................Match of the Day 2 23:20............Women’s Six Nations Highlights 23:50.......... The Celebrity Apprentice USA 00:35.......... The Celebrity Apprentice USA 01:20............... BBC News



Sunday 17th march

07:00..................Great British Garden Revival 08:00 ....The Edible Garden 08:30 ...... Gardeners’ World 09:00................... Countryfile 09:55.........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:25.......... The Hairy Bikers’ Chicken and Egg 12:25...........Best Bakes Ever 12:50.......Three Coins in the Fountain 14:30... Money for Nothing 15:30.............................. Coast 16:00..............Natural World 17:00...............Six Nations W C Rugby Special choice 18:00.... Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom 19:00....Inside the Factory 20:00.................Top Gear 21:00.............Race Across the World 22:00...........................The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan 23:00.............White Gold 23:30.................Top Gear: Extra Gear 23:55..........Stealing Cars 01:30....... Question Time

06:00................Childrens’ TV

06:20 ......The Big Bang Theory

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

08:10................ Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

06:45 ................... The Simpsons

08:55 ........Pirata and Capitano

07:35................................... Frasier

09:10 .......................... Paw Patrol

08:30 .......................Project Z

08:30 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

09:25 .................Shane the Chef

09:30 .................Sunday Brunch

09:55 ..........Police Interceptors

09:05 .......... Teen Titans Go! 09:25 ...................... ITV News 09:30 ......... Parveen’s Indian Kitchen 10:30............. This Morning On Sunday 11:30....Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen 12:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 12:40 ...............The Voice UK 14:40 .........................Tenable

12:30 .............Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food 13:00 ................... The Simpsons 14:00........................... Formula 1 16:00........... A Place in the Sun 17:15 .............................The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer 18:30.......... Channel 4 News 19:00............... Escape to the Chateau

15:40 ..............Tipping Point

20:00....Skeletons of the Mary Rose: The New Evidence

16:35 .....ITV Evening News

21:00........................ Traitors

16:45 ..... ITV News London

22:00........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

17:00.................... The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:00.... All Star Musicals 20:00................Midsomer Murders

22:55.....Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Back 23:55....Ride Upon the Storm

09:40 .............................. Floogals

06:00 ......................... Emmerdale Omnibus 08:35 .............Coronation Street Omnibus 11:35 ......................... BGT: Top 10 Astonishing Acts

10:40 ................................ Friends

12:35 .............................. Celebrity Catchphrase

13:05 ............................Labyrinth

13:35...... You’ve Been Framed!

15:10 ...................Canada: A Year in the Wild

14:40 ......................................Antz

16:00....................Canada: A Year in the Wild

17:20 ..............................FYI Daily

17:00....................Canada: A Year in the Wild

16:20 .........Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax 17:25 .........Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax 18:00......... Happy Feet Two

18:00.............Canada: A Year in the Wild

20:00 ....................... Spectre

18:55.........5 News Weekend

21:10....................... Spectre

19:00....Building the World’s Most Luxurious Cruise Ship

22:50................. Family Guy

20:00...All Inclusive Holiday: Is it Worth it?

23:50 ................. Family Guy

21:00.......... Magic Mike XXL 23:10.......Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters

21:05..................... FYI Daily

23:25 ................. Family Guy 00:15 ........... American Dad! 00:40 ........... American Dad! 01:10...The Cleveland Show

01:00.............. Teleshopping

01:35............... Timewasters

05:05............. Live Australian F1 Grand Prix

07:10 ...............................Brojects 09:00.............................. Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

22:00................ ITV News 22:15.....Joanna Lumley’s India 23:10..........The Jonathan Ross Show

08:55 ....Jamie’s Comfort Food

00:05............ Jackpot247

09:50 ...........Location, Location, Location

07:00...... Live Australian F1 GP: Paddock Live

10:55 ...........Location, Location, Location

08:00.................F1: GP Full Race 10:00............................WWE Raw

10:00 .............................. Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

12:00 ....... Come Dine with Me

11:00.......... F1: GP: On the Grid

11:00 ............................. Top Gear

13:05 ....... Come Dine with Me

11:35.................... F1: Grand Prix

12:30 .............Gavin and Stacey

14:05 ....... Come Dine with Me


13:40 .............Gavin and Stacey

14:35 .....................Four in a Bed

14:30..........Portrait Artist of the Year 2019

15:00 .............Gavin and Stacey

Six Nations - Rugby Special BBC2, 17.00 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

John Inverdale presents highlights and in-depth analysis from the fifth and final round of matches of the 2019 Six Nations. Saturday’s fixtures decided which team would follow in the footsteps of 2018 champions Ireland and take away the Six Nations title. Wales took on Ireland looking for a repeat of their victory the last time Ireland visited Cardiff two years, while England faced Scotland at Twickenham. In the other game France travelled to Italy looking to round out their 2019 campaign on a high.

09:20 ............ Food Unwrapped

16:45..................... Four in a Bed 17:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 18:20 ... Come Dine with Me 19:25 ... Come Dine with Me

15:30.................. Modern Family 16:00.................. Modern Family 16:30................... The Simpsons

08:00 ............................. Top Gear

16:20............. Gavin and Stacey 17:00................. Sin City Motors 18:00........ Lazy Boy Garage 18:30 ........Lazy Boy Garage

20:00 .999: On the Frontline

18:00 ...........Modern Family

21:00 .................. Emergency Helicopter Medics

18:30 .............The Simpsons 19:00............. The Simpsons

22:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency?

19:30............. The Simpsons

23:05.....Nightwatch Nation: Emergency 911

20:00................... MacGyver

21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

21:00............. Hawaii Five-0

22:00............... Hypothetical

22:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles

23:00........... Mock the Week

23:00................ Magnum P.I.

00:20........... Mock the Week


01:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

00:00.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 01:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics

01:00.....................The Force

19:00 .....................Top Gear 20:00 ...................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ................. Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00............. Good Morning Dagenham 11:45....... Dom on the Spot 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45... Money for Nothing 16:30............................Flog It! 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............ MasterChef 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30...............Panorama 21:00....................Warren 21:30........ This Time with Alan Partridge 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35.................. Fleabag 23:00.........................Jerk 23:20............ Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You 00:05.........Keeping Rosy


monday 18th march

06:00............. Good Morning Dagenham 06:45... Money for Nothing 07:30.... Great British Menu 08:00............Great Canadian Railway Journeys 08:30...................The Week in Parliament 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00..................Women’s Six Nations Highlights 13:30............Caribbean with Simon Reeve 14:30.............................. Coast 15:15.......... The Hairy Bikers’ Pubs That Built Britain 16:15..................Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth 17:15...........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30.. Great Continental Railway Journeys 19:00........The Chronicles of Mourne 19:30......... Only Connect 20:00............... University Challenge 20:30..............Mary Berry Quick Cooking 21:00........ The Choir: Our School by the Tower 22:00......Cunk on Britain 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15... Heart Transplant: A Chance to Live

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 ..... ITV News London 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00......................... Tenable 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00 ........... Emmerdale 19:30 .............Coronation Street 20:00 ........ The Kyle Files 20:30 .............Coronation Street 21:00...Harry’s Heroes: The Full English

06:30................................. Cheers 07:45 ..................................Frasier 09:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10 ........ Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 11:05 ......Celebrity Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10....................... Countdown 15:00........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 ..................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 ....... Come Dine with Me 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00 ................. Dispatches 20:30 .......Food Unwrapped 21:00 ..................24 Hours in Police Custody 22:00........ Cruises from Hell 23:00....................60 Days on the Streets 00:05.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:05 ................... The Secret Life of Puppies 09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15 ......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15... A Father’s Guilty Secret 16:00................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00......Premiership Rugby Cup Highlights 19:30.........Criminals Caught on Camera 20:00..... Police Interceptors 21:00...Around the World by Train, with Tony Robinson 22:00................The House of Extraordinary People 23:05...........Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 00:05... Grand Theft Auto: UK

08:55 ............... Coast v Country

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 ...............................Brojects

10:00.................................. A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:35............................... Brojects

11:00 ..................................A Place in the Sun

07:00................... Animal House

08:00 .............American Pickers

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

09:00........ Storage Hunters UK

09:00.......................... Road Wars

09:30........ Storage Hunters UK

10:00........................... Babylon 5

10:00............. American Pickers

13:05.......... Location, Location, Location

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

11:00............. American Pickers

13:00.................... Hawaii Five-0

12:00 .............American Pickers

14:15........ Come Dine with Me

14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

14:50........ Come Dine with Me

15:00 ...... Caught on Dashcam

14:00............................. Top Gear

15:20........ Come Dine with Me

16:00................. Modern Family

15:00............ Jay Leno’s Garage

15:50........ Come Dine with Me

16:30................. Modern Family

16:00................. Sin City Motors

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10...... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 11:15 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 12:45 ............Coronation Street 13:45.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35... The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50...................... Take Me Out 19:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 ................. Family Guy 21:30............ American Dad! 22:00................Timewasters 22:30 ................. Family Guy 23:30........... American Dad! 23:55...The Cleveland Show 00:55.................. Superstore


22:30................ ITV News 23:00................. ITV News London 23:15...................... Out of Their Skin 00:15................ Football’s Foreign Legion 01:05............ Jackpot247

12:05 ...........Location, Location, Location

“I think they’d win the Premier League this group, a forward line 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 16:20........ Come Dine with Me of Waddle, Le Tissier, Fowler and Merson. I mean what would Man 17:30 ............................Futurama 16:55............ A Place in the Sun United or anyone else give you for that forward line today?” 18:00.................... Futurama 17:55.................... The Secret Life Harry Redknapp of the Zoo 18:30 .............The Simpsons “I’ve let myself go and know I have to do something about it because I know 18:55.............. The Supervet 20:00 .................... Supergirl I’m unfit and have put weight on, I’ve decided to do it…. I will do it.” John 19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00 ................. A League of Barnes Their Own 21:00......................Car S.O.S In this brand new two-part special, Harry Redknapp takes on the weightiest 22:00............Karl Pilkington: challenge of his career. Can he get a team of unfit England football legends 22:00..........24 Hours in A&E The Moaning of Life from the 1990s back in shape, back into the Three Lions shirts they wore with 23:00........... 8 Out of 10 Cats 23:00...................SEAL Team pride back in their heyday and back on the pitch ready to take on their old Does Countdown rivals Germany in one last grudge match to prove they can still cut it in middle 00:00.... The Late Late Show 00:05......................Car S.O.S age? 01:00.........Motorway Patrol 01:05..........24 Hours in A&E Alongside Harry and assistant, Liverpool legend John Barnes is a who’s who of England international icons including; David Seaman, Robbie Fowler, Paul Merson, Matt Le Tissier, Chris Waddle, Rob Lee, Ray Parlour, Lee Sharpe, Mark Chamberlain, Mark Wright, and Razor Ruddock. The team of legends made their names in an era when a few pints, a big fry up and kebabs were all part of their normal working week, continued long after they hung up their boots. Harry yanks these XL lads out of their very comfortable comfort zone and forces them to face the reality of the damage being done to their health before plunging them into a new training and healthy eating regime akin to that of present day professional footballers. Back together again, the memories, mickey-taking and mischief lead to a raucous atmosphere among the group, but, can Harry and John motivate them to resist temptation, get into shape, lose weight, fit into their old kits and put on a final winning performance against their old rivals, the Germans? Episode 1: In the first episode of this two-parter, the lads are presented with an early test – a surprise game against a schoolboy side shocks the squad into realising they are completely out-of-shape. Intense training and dieting starts. Razor Ruddock is struggling and falls off the wagon on a family cruise. Meanwhile John Barnes decides the team need a bonding session so takes them off to record their version of World In Motion. Finally, an injury-ravaged squad play Crystal Palace Ladies - things start to look up but they’ve still got a long way to go.


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Harry’s Heroes: The Full English ITV1, 21.00

TV Guide

17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00..................... American Pickers 20:00.......... Sin City Motors 21:00 ........................... QI XL 22:00................... Room 101 22:40................... Room 101 23:20........................ Porters 00:00........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:00............................ QI XL

and their habits have

CW 26

TV Guide

tuesday 19th march 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.................. Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00............. Good Morning Dagenham 11:45....... Dom on the Spot 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45... Money for Nothing 16:30............................Flog It! 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00.............. Holby City 21:00..............Shetland CWce ch oi 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:25.......Regional News 22:35..Eating with My Ex 23:05..........The Man Who Used HIV as a Weapon 23:55........Should I Marry My Cousin? 00:30............... BBC News


06:00 ........The World’s Most Photographed 06:30............. Good Morning Dagenham 07:15... Money for Nothing 08:00.... Great British Menu 08:30................... River Walks 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00....BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00...................... The Super League Show 13:45..........The Great British Year 14:45............Caribbean with Simon Reeve 15:45.......... The Hairy Bikers’ Pubs That Built Britain 16:15..................Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth 17:15...........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30.....Great Continental Railway Journeys 19:00.................Top Gear 20:00. Inside the Factory 21:00.... The Great British Sewing Bee 22:00... The Mash Report 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15.....Eight Go Rallying: The Road to Saigon

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

06:30 ................................. Cheers 07:45 ..................................Frasier 09:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10 ........ Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 11:05.......Celebrity Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 ..................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 ....... Come Dine with Me 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00..... The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer 21:15...................Derry Girls 21:45........................... Home 22:20.................. Gogglebox 23:20................... First Dates 00:20.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:05................... The Secret Life of Puppies 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 ......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45....................... Neighbours 14:15............. Deadly Duplicate 16:00................................ Friends 17:00........................ 5 News at 5 17:30....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30.......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ............. Alaska: A Year in the Wild 20:00....... The Yorkshire Vet 21:15 .............London: 2,000 Years of History 22:15................The House of Extraordinary People 23:15............. My Obese Life 00:15............Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

06:00................. The Planet’s Funniest Animals

23:15...................... Out of Their Skin

08:55 ............... Coast v Country

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10............................... Brojects

10:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:35 ...............................Brojects

00:15.................. Tenable

11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 ................... Animal House

08:00............. American Pickers

01:05............ Jackpot247

12:05 ...........Location, Location, Location

07:30 ................... Animal House

09:00........ Storage Hunters UK

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

13:05 ...........Location, Location, Location

09:30........ Storage Hunters UK

09:00 .......................... Road Wars

10:00............. American Pickers

10:00 ........................... Babylon 5

11:00 .............American Pickers

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00............. American Pickers

13:00.................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00............................. Top Gear

14:00.................... Hawaii Five-0

14:00 ............................. Top Gear

15:00 ...... Caught on Dashcam

15:00............ Jay Leno’s Garage

16:00 ................. Modern Family

16:00 .................Sin City Motors

16:30 ................. Modern Family

17:00............................. Top Gear

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

18:00..................... Top Gear

17:30............................ Futurama

19:00..................... American Pickers

08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55....................... ITV News London 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00......................... Tenable 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 20:00............ Save Money Lose Weight 21:00....... Harry’s Heroes: The Full English

08:00..................Emmerdale 08:25.......Coronation Street 09:25.......................The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20.................. Superstore 11:15..You’ve Been Framed! 12:15..................Emmerdale 12:45.......Coronation Street 13:45.......................The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50................ Take Me Out 19:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 21:00.. The 40 Year Old Virgin 23:25.................. Family Guy 23:55.................. Family Guy 00:25............ American Dad! 01:20...You v Chris and Kem

23:00................. ITV News London

Olivia (Rakie Ayola) has almost given up hope of ever finding her daughter. Perez (Douglas Henshall) is trying to reassure her when some terrible news reaches them. Perez speaks to a traumatised and shaken Duncan, who can’t believe what he’s seeing on the beach. Although Perez believes that he’s not involved in the trafficking, these events have left Duncan at rock bottom and he’s thinking of leaving Shetland for good. Perez brings Rhona (Julie Graham) up to speed with the investigation. He can’t understand who tipped McGuire off about the meeting. Rhona suggests the department may have a leak. With time slipping away and Perez all out of ideas, will he discover where Zezi is being held captive - and can he get there in time to save her?


07:10..You’ve Been Framed!

22:30................ ITV News

Shetland BBC1, 21.00

06:20............Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

14:15 ....... Come Dine with Me 14:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:55 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:55 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 18:55 ............. The Supervet 19:55........... Grand Designs 21:00 .........24 Hours in A&E 22:00.....Nightwatch Nation: Emergency 911 23:00........................ Trauma 00:05..........24 Hours in A&E 01:05.................. Nightwatch Nation: Emergency 911

18:00.................... Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00 ..........................Arrow

20:00 ........................Cop Car Workshop

21:00 ..................SEAL Team

21:00 ........................... QI XL

22:00................. A League of Their Own

22:00 ...... Live at the Apollo

23:00 ........................ Curfew 00:00 ........Motorway Patrol

00:00 ........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

01:00 ....................The Force

01:00............................ QI XL

23:00 .............. Hypothetical 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

06:00...................... Breakfast 09:15 ................. Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00............. Good Morning Dagenham 11:45....... Dom on the Spot 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15................. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45... Money for Nothing 16:30............................Flog It! 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 20:00.............The Sheriffs are Coming 21:00............ MasterChef 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:25.......Regional News 22:35..................Glow Up 23:35......Tiredness, Tears and Tantrums: Diary of a New Mum 00:30............... BBC News

wednesday 20th march

06:00 ........The World’s Most Photographed 06:30............. Good Morning Dagenham 07:15... Money for Nothing 08:00.... Great British Menu 08:30............Great Canadian Railway Journeys 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 11:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.................... Think Tank 13:45....................... The Great British Year 14:45............Caribbean with Simon Reeve 15:45.......... The Hairy Bikers’ Pubs That Built Britain 16:15..................Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth 17:15...........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30.. Great Continental Railway Journeys 19:00................. Antiques Road Trip 20:00.Great British Menu 21:00...Motherfatherson 22:00.............White Gold 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15.... Rome Unpacked 01:15............ MasterChef

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

06:30 ................................. Cheers

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

09:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 13:55........................ ITV News London 14:00............... Judge Rinder 15:00..........................Tenable

07:45 ..................................Frasier

10:10 ........ Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00..................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed

16:00...............Tipping Point

17:30 ....... Come Dine with Me

17:00 ....................The Chase

18:00............. The Simpsons

18:00................. ITV News London

18:30................... Hollyoaks

18:30............ ITV Evening News

20:00.............. The Supervet

19:00............ Emmerdale

22:00........Mums Make Porn

19:30..Coronation Street

23:00...................Derry Girls

20:00................... Britain’s Brightest Family

23:35.................. Gogglebox

19:00......... Channel 4 News 21:00....Married at First Sight

00:35...................Insidious 2

TV Guide

27 CW

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:05 ................... The Secret Life of Puppies 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ......................Her Evil Twin 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00.............. Alaska: A Year in the Wild 20:00..................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 21:00....... Critical Condition 22:00................The House of Extraordinary People 23:05....Benefits: Millionaire Shoplifter 00:05...All Inclusive Holiday: Is it Worth it?

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20.................. Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 .........The Guide to You’ve Been Framed! Gold 08:00........................ Emmerdale 09:00...... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20......................... Superstore 11:15........ You’ve Been Framed and Famous! Gold 12:15........................ Emmerdale 13:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35......The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50.......................... Take Me Out 19:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 ..........Horrible Bosses 23:05 ................. Family Guy 23:55........... American Dad! 00:55...The Cleveland Show 01:25.................. Superstore

20:30..Coronation Street 21:00...................The Bay 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:45.................... Peston

08:55 ............... Coast v Country

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 ...............................Brojects

23:40.....................La Liga Highlights

10:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 ................... Animal House

07:35 ...............................Brojects

11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

08:00 .............American Pickers

00:35............ Jackpot247

12:05.......... Location, Location, Location

09:00 .......................... Road Wars

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

10:00 ........................... Babylon 5

09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK

13:05.......... Location, Location, Location

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

10:00 .............American Pickers

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

11:00............. American Pickers

14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

12:00 .............American Pickers

16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

15:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

16:55 ........... A Place in the Sun

16:00 ................. Modern Family

15:00............ Jay Leno’s Garage

17:55 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

16:30 ................. Modern Family

16:00................. Sin City Motors

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

17:00............................. Top Gear

17:30 ............................Futurama

18:00 .....................Top Gear

18:00.................... Futurama

19:00 .......American Pickers

18:30............. The Simpsons

20:00 ....... Last Stop Garage

20:00................. A League of Their Own

20:30 ....... Last Stop Garage

21:00 ............... Magnum P.I.

22:00.............. Hypothetical

22:00 ......... Bounty Hunters

23:00........................ Porters

22:30 ................. Strike Back

23:40........... Judge Romesh

23:30 ...........Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life

00:10........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

00:30................... Road Wars

01:10............................ QI XL

14:15 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

18:55 ............. The Supervet 19:55 ........... Grand Designs 21:00...............Phil Spencer’s History of Britain in 100 Homes 22:00............... It Was Alright in the 1990s 23:05..........24 Hours in A&E 00:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 01:10....Phil Spencer’s History of Britain in 100 Homes

14:00............................. Top Gear

21:00 ........................... QI XL

CW 28

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ................. Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer

thursday 21st march

06:00 ........The World’s Most Photographed

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

06:25 ................................. Cheers

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

07:45.................................. Frasier

06:30 ............ Good Morning Dagenham

08:30........................ Lorraine

09:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

09:05 ................... The Secret Life of Puppies

07:15... Money for Nothing

09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:00............. Good Morning Dagenham

08:00 .........The Great British Sewing Bee

10:30 .............. This Morning

11:45.......................... Dom on the Spot

09:00............. BBC News at 9

12:15............... Bargain Hunt

10:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire

13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News

11:00 .BBC Newsroom Live

13:55 ..... ITV News London

12:15 ................. Politics Live

14:00.............. Judge Rinder

13:00 ................... Think Tank

15:00......................... Tenable

13:45 ...................... The Great British Year

16:00.............. Tipping Point

14:45......... Talking Pictures 15:25........... Whisky Galore!

18:00................ ITV News London

16:45.......... The Hairy Bikers’ Pubs That Built Britain

18:30............ ITV Evening News

17:15...........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

19:00............ Emmerdale

13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45...................... Money for Nothing 16:30........................... Flog It! 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00.................. DIY SOS 21:00................. Stabbed: Britain’s Knife Crime Crisis 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35....... Question Time 23:35...............This Week


18:00............... Eggheads 18:30.. Great Continental Railway Journeys 19:00... Match of the Day 19:30......... Gone Fishing: Mortimer & Whitehouse 20:00.. Great British Menu 21:00.....................Pose

CW ch oi ce


23:15.............Race Across the World


BBC2, 21.00

Groundbreaking US series about the underground world of 1980s ball culture, set at the height of the AIDS epidemic. Black transgender woman Blanca Rodriguez works at a nail salon by day and serves as a member of the House of Abundance by night. After receiving a life-changing medical diagnosis, Blanca becomes determined to open her own house. She starts by taking in 17 year-old Damon, a talented dancer. Making television history, Pose features the largest cast of transgender actors in series regular roles, as well as the largest recurring cast of LGBTQ actors ever for a scripted series.

choice 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

12:30 ............ Loose Women

17:00.....................The Chase

19:30...................Tonight 20:00............ Emmerdale 20:30......... Australia with Julia Bradbury

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals

09:15....................... Jeremy Vine

06:20.................. Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

11:05.... Undercover Boss USA

11:15......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords

07:10........ You’ve Been Framed and Famous! Gold

12:00 ...............Channel 4 News

12:10.......... 5 News Lunchtime

07:35...... You’ve Been Framed!

12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

08:00 ........................ Emmerdale

13:15.............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours

09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

14:15 ...The Nightmare Nanny

10:20 ......................... Superstore

16:00 ................................ Friends

11:15...... You’ve Been Framed!

17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5

12:15........................ Emmerdale

17:30 ....................... Neighbours

12:45 ............Coronation Street

18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight

13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

19:00.............. Alaska: A Year in the Wild

14:35 ......................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

20:00............. Secrets of Your Supermarket Food

17:50.......................... Take Me Out

21:00............. Mega Volcano: Draining the Pacific

21:00................. Family Guy

10:10 ........ Ramsay’s Hotel Hell

12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 ..................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 17:00..................... Four in a Bed 17:30....... Come Dine with Me 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00.....Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke 21:00....................60 Days on the Streets

08:25 ............Coronation Street

19:00.... You’ve Been Framed!

22:00........ The Sex Business

22:00 ........... Celebrity Juice

23:00............ Die Hard with a Vengeance

22:50 ................. Family Guy

23:00....Married at First Sight

23:20 ........... American Dad!

08:55............... Coast v Country

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10............................... Brojects

10:00 .............................A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:35 ...............................Brojects

11:00 .............................A Place in the Sun

07:00 ................... Animal House

08:00 .............American Pickers

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

09:00 .................................Storage Hunters UK

22:00........24 Hours in Police Custody

21:00............. Fraud: How They Steal Your Bank Account 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45....... Harry’s Heroes: The Full English

12:05 ...........Location, Location, Location

09:00 .......................... Road Wars 10:00 ........................... Babylon 5

09:30 .................................Storage Hunters UK

13:05 ...........Location, Location, Location

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

14:15 ....... Come Dine with Me

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

14:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

15:00.............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

15:50 ....... Come Dine with Me

16:00 ................. Modern Family

14:00 ............................. Top Gear

16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

15:00............ Jay Leno’s Garage

16:55 ..................................A Place in the Sun

17:30 ............................Futurama

16:00................. Sin City Motors

18:00.................... Futurama

17:00............................. Top Gear

17:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

18:30............. The Simpsons

18:55.............. The Supervet 19:55........... Grand Designs

21:00 ................. Strike Back: Silent War

21:00......... 999: What’s Your Emergency?

22:00................... Comedians Watching Football

21:00........................... QI XL

22:00................... Father Ted 22:35................... Father Ted

22:30.................. A League of Their Own

22:40 ........................ Would I Lie to You?

23:05 . The Handmaid’s Tale

23:30................... Road Wars

23:20........... Mock the Week

12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

20:00 .................... The Flash

10:00 .............American Pickers 11:00............. American Pickers 12:00............. American Pickers 13:00 ............................. Top Gear

18:00 .....................Top Gear 19:00 .....................American Pickers 20:00.......... Sin City Motors 22:00........................ Porters 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019


29 CW

CW 30

What’s On

This weekend

Canarias Folk Fest

Every Thursday from 11 October to 11 April, the Plaza de la Pescadora square in Los Cristianos brings together tradition, gastronomy and the best of folk under the umbrella of this year’s Canarias Folk Fest.

15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

This weekend

This weekend

At Siam Mall we are celebrating the Carnivals!

Enjoy the best activities for the whole family in the best shopping center of the island. During the month of March we have prepared a very fun schedule. Come and have fun with us! From March 15th on we will be celebrating the Carnival at Siam Mall! From 5pm - 8pm we have organised a mask workshop. At 6pm the kids can enjoy a fantastic mask dance. On March 16th at 6pm Los Bambones arrive to Siam Mall to fill our spaces up with the best music. Then at 7pm the Comparsa de Danzarines Canarios will walk around the mall.

Until 11th April Plaza de la Pescadora, Los Cristianos


Los Cristianos International Carnival 2019 Themed this year on “The Jungle”, the Los Cristianos Carnival takes place between 21 March and 1 April. The street party gets under way on Saturday 23 March with the opening parade in Playa de las Américas.

On March 17th from 5pm - 8pm we will have a costume workshop and at 6pm we receive the Mamelucos. From 18th - 31th March one of the coolest experiences comes to Siam Mall: an Escape Room! Come and discover the adventures of the great pirate Sandokan and manage to escape following the tracks (20€ per session, 30 minutes duration, 2 or 6 participants per game)


Routes and walks in Tegueste

21st March - 1st april Los Cristianos


If you want to know more about siam mall events / promotions during the month of March, you can get all the information on the social networks of the center or on our website. Until 31st March Siam Mall

The “2019 Routes and Walks” programme organised by Tegueste Town Hall gets under way. It aims to offer a series of walks through Tegueste to get to know the town better, as well as occasional excursions along trails in neighbouring parts. The following walks are scheduled for March: “Lunar Landscape” (16 March), “ E n c h a n t e d Mountain” (23 March) and “Birdwatching in Tegueste” (30 March). 16th - 30th March tegueste

This week

Ladies’ Day

Coffee, chat, downtime, relaxation and horseriding - Tuesday 11am - 1pm. Horseriding classes and hacks are also available.


Tuesdays 11am - 1pm

7th April

Horse & pony riding, la camella

Las Galletas

605 146 183 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019


31 CW

CW 32


15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Ethiopian Airlines crash was second new Boeing failure in five months

THE Ethiopian Airlines crash last Sunday was the second involving a brand-new Boeing 737, almost five months after 189 passengers were killed in a tragedy in Indonesia.

The deaths of 157 passengers and crew, when the Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft crashed within minutes of take-off in Addis Ababa, raise serious questions about the safety record of both aircraft and airline. Another crash by a brand-new Boeing 737 Max 8, in Indonesia, under five months ago, saw 189 people lose their lives in the Java Sea when Lion Air Flight

610 plummeted out of the skies, minutes after taking off from Jakarta. This latest horror brings the African carrier’s death toll to 482, spanning 22 fatal incidents, since its inception in 1965, and nearly 500 more people have been injured in EA crashes and incidents, according to information from the Flight Safety Foundation. In comparison, just one British Airways flight has ever been involved in a fatal incident: the 1976 Zagreb runway crash, when all 176 people aboard two planes died after BA Flight 476 collided with another aircraft on take-off, through an error by airtraffic control. As a safeguard, airspace in Spain and the rest of the EU and

the US have now been closed to all Boeing 737 MAX aircraft by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), after 31 airlines and 15 countries had already banned the Boeing model. The temporary suspension of the aircraft from European airspace was effective from Tuesday

evening. The United Nations believes there were 19 staff members of UN-affiliated organisations on board the flight. Tewolde GebreMarium, who runs Ethiopian Airlines, visited the crash scene, 60km south-east of Addis Ababa, and “regrets to confirm that there are no survivors”. And the country’s Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, offered condolences to the victims’ families. The passengers came from 33 countries, according to Ethiopia’s Fana Broadcasting Corporate. The victims included 32 Kenyans, 18 Canadians, nine Ethiopians, eight Italians, eight Chinese citizens, eight Americans, seven British citizens, seven French citizens, six Egyptians, five Dutch citizens, four Indians, four people from Slovakia, three Austrians, three Swedes, three Russians, two Moroccans, two Spaniards, two Poles and two Israelis. One person, from each of these countries, Belgium, Indonesia, Somalia, Norway, Serbia, Togo, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda and Yemen, also perished, while four people onboard were listed as using United Nations passports, and their nationalities were not immediately clear. The plane took off at 8.38am from Bole International Airport and “lost contact” six minutes later, near Bishoftu, a town some 60km from

Addis Ababa by road. “The pilot mentioned that he had difficulties and that he wanted to return,” said GebreMarium during a press conference. “He was given the clearance to go back.” The airline chief said the aircraft involved had flown from Johannesburg that morning, while the pilot was senior with more than 8,000 hours of flying experience. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s office tweeted: “It would like to express its deepest condolences to the families of those who have lost their loved ones on Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 on a regular, scheduled flight to Nairobi, Kenya this morning.” Initial reports showed considerable similarities between the Ethiopian and Indonesian disasters, which involved the same make of plane. Last year, Lion Air 610 also went down, minutes after take-off, having requested permission to return to base. Telemetry shows the tragic plane’s vertical airspeed fluctuated rapidly in the minutes and seconds before its crash on Sunday, including the final moments, when it seems to have been locked in a terrifyingly-accelerating nosedive. Investigations so far by the Indonesian and American aviation authorities have concluded that the Lion Air plane also hit the sea after a violent nosedive. The New York Times reported that investigators were considering whether that dive might have been caused by updated Boeing software, which was meant to prevent a stall. But it could send the plane into a fatal descent if the altitude and angle information being fed into the computer system was incorrect. The change in the flight-control system, which can over-ride

manual motions in the MAX model, was not explained to pilots, according to some pilots’ unions. After that crash, Boeing said that it was “continuing to evaluate the need for software, or other changes, as we learn more from the ongoing investigation”. But it was unclear whether the company had made any changes. In a statement on Sunday, Boeing said it was “deeply saddened” to learn of the crash of Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302. The company added: “A Boeing technical team is prepared to provide technical assistance at the request, and under the direction, of the US National Transportation Safety Board.” The state-owned Ethiopian Airlines calls itself Africa’s largest carrier and has ambitions of becoming the gateway to the continent. The airline does have a better safety rating, and a newer fleet, than some neighbouring operators. In fact, a number of African airlines are banned outright from EU airspace, including the flag-carrier of neighbouring Eritrea. But in addition to 16 fatal incidents, costing 102 lives in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s, the airline has now suffered six fatal incidents in the last 30 years, including other two huge tragedies. In 1996, after a hijacking and a failed water landing, 125 people died on Flight 961 in Moroni, the capital of the Union of the Comoros, in the Indian Ocean. And in January 2010, 82 passengers and eight crew died when EA flight 409, from Beirut to Addis Ababa, slammed into the Mediterranean shortly after take-off. The MAX 8 is the latest version of the aircraft, which Boeing rolled out in 2017 as an update to the already-redesigned 50-year-old 737.


15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

33 CW

Bank-account commission Council clears roads is facing €3-a-month limit of dumped vehicles

BANKS will be forced to cap current-account commission, or “admin charges”, to just €3 a month by 25th March. This welcome move for customers has been introduced by the Spanish Government to ease their monthly burden. Charges have varied, from €1.50 to over €12 a month, on each and every account, depending upon where you bank, which meant it was not worthwhile setting up separate ones for bills, holidays, car expenses, etc. Even at €3 a month, banks will still net €36 per year, per account. But with the high-street finance industry being forced more and more to become competitive, offering customers good reasons to stay, some banks are opting to reduce, or even axe, commission altogether. Unfortunately, many banks continue to demand a minimum, average balance of around €2,000-€3,000 a month to waive commission. Yet these sums are unlikely to be maintained by the ordinary wageearner, though high enough that €36 annually in admin fees would not make much of a dent. The difference now is that the

€3-a-month maximum must cover credit and debit cards, which means charges for renewing those expired ones must be included. And up to 120 annual withdrawal or payment operations, within the entire European Union and not just Spain, takes in direct debits, standing orders and transfers. Once these 120 transactions, averaging 10 per month, have been exhausted, banks are still not permitted to increase commission, beyond their usual sums for these operations, to compensate for any losses by the €3 cap. So, if a bank doesn’t normally charge for withdrawals, payments or standing orders, it will not be able to do so once 120 transactions in a year

Scottish brawl victim killed by a head blow A SCOTTISH holidaymaker, killed in a Benidorm brawl last week, has been named as James Clark, from Hawick, as police pursue two British suspects. James, believed to have suffered a fatal blow to the head in the “Little England” area last Friday, was described as “a laugh-a-minute guy”, by a mate. The 33-yearold had travelled to Spain as part of a stag party, and another friend told the Scottish Sun: “He was so excited to be go-

ing away for the stag do. Gutted and devastated for all the family.” Police continue to search for two Brits, who, they believe, were involved in the brawl. Meanwhile, police pounced on a British tourist at Alicante Elche Airport, on Spain’s Costa Blanca, following the death of another Scot in Benidorm, during a fight. The 33-year-old man was nabbed by National Police as he waited to board a flight to Scotland.

have been made. Transferring money between accounts held at different banks will be amended by the new requirements, making them much easier, and, in most cases, free of charge. Banks are also required to tell customers about the best deals they can offer on accounts and commissions, whether or not this information is requested. The €3 cap will be reviewed every two years by the Bank of Spain, meaning it may go up, or even down, depending on various economic factors. Once details of the new law are published on 25th March in the State Official Bulletin (BOE), they will go live within 20 days, and banks will be required to comply.

SAN Miguel Council has removed more than 190 abandoned vehicles from public roads across the municipality, between June 2015 and December 2018.

As reported by Public Security Councillor Dora Gonzalez, the vehicles, parked up and in a state of abandonment, have been taken away. The reason is that they pose

a risk to public health and safely, as well the risk to the public, with the cars dumped all over the place. This is not the image San Miguel wants to portray, and, for these reasons, immediate action was taken to remove the cars. To carry out this action, local residents have worked alongside Councillors and Local Police, letting the authorities know about the presence of the dumped cars.

CW 34

Advertisement 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

News / Community News

15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

35 CW

Tenerife Loves Karaoke

They’re simply the best! By John Zammit

THE first heat of Tenerife Loves Karaoke, sponsored by The Duke Shops, Costa Adeje, was launched last Saturday night. And, as always, the competition took off with a bang, at a packed Happy Days house in Los Cristianos. But what did surprise me this year was the variety of songs performed. We started with Keith singing Karaoke favourite Words, by Boyzone, followed by a unique version of Bombastic (Brexit based), and then a Shirley Bassey classic, I Who Have Nothing by Janet, who has been in the TLK final before. Next came Don’t Stop Believing, and then a brilliant version of Pink’s Who Knew, sung by Charley. Rob closed the first half with The Calling’s Wherever You Will Go. And there was no let-up after a short break. A rare song to be heard on Karaoke, I Love You More Than You’ll Ever Know,

by Blood, Sweat & Tears, was followed by Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit, and then Keith’s Human, by The Killers. An excellent version of No

Accion del Sol News

It’s Chico time! CHICO is a gorgeous dog who has been in the refuge for 10 years. He was collected from the streets of Granadilla when he was two years old. He’s a lovelynatured dog, but, for whatever reason, nobody wanted him. Finally, an older couple spotted him on the AktionTier website, and fell, instantly, in love with him. We are so happy that he will finally know the true meaning of love and kindness, which he so deserves. He has a clean bill of health, and even had his teeth cleaned, ready for his new life. Puppies available The six, surviving puppies, dumped in a plastic bucket outside a church, are now up for adoption. Unfortunately, no one has shown any interest in them yet, but let’s hope they find new homes, soon. Assistance required Please do call the refuge on 664 321 219 or 602 463 242,

between 8am-5pm, if you can help in any way. We always need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm. Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the north-bound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the right-hand side. E-mail the refuge at or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol

Doubt’s Don’t Speak was performed, and then came John with Wasn’t Me, another Shaggy song (own lyrics again).

Shirel ended the second session with The Shirelles’ Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? A short break was taken, and the judges then confirmed

that Charley and Shirel were chosen for the sing-off. Shirel was up first, singing Tina Turner’s Simply the Best, while Charley opted for a Whitney Huston number, I Learned From The Best. It’s never easy for the judges, because everyone performed so well, giving the audience a fun-filled night of entertainment. However, it is a competition, and it was confirmed that the first two contestants going through to the semifinal, and, ultimately, to win 1,000 euros and a chance to perform at this year’s Tenerife Entertainment Awards, were Charley Stewart and Shirel Hayton, each receiving a heat trophy on the night. We would like to thank everyone who entered the heat at Happy Days, and a big thanks to the owners and staff, who made this another memorable night. The second heat of Tenerife Loves Karaoke takes place on Monday (18th March) at The Sky Bar, Puerto Colon. If you would like to enter, you can register direct at the venue, or by calling 822 141 517.

CW 36

Advertisement 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

News / Community News

15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Medical team win race to save life of a tiny tot THE Canarian medical ambulance service saved a small child’s life last week, thanks to its quick, attentive response. The drama unfolded in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, when the emergency services received a call for help. The operator was told that a small boy, who had suffered a head injury, had also started vomiting. The incident happened just before 7pm at the San Agustin Hotel, where the holiday-makers were staying. When the ambulance team arrived and found the 23-month-old toddler unconscious, they began resusci-

Cats Welfare News

What a cracker!

tating him immediately. Paramedics were able to control the situation, before transferring him, urgently, to the San Roques de Maspalomas Hospital’s paediatric department, where he was stabilised. He was then taken to the University Hospital in Las Palmas, and, just a week later, the little fighter was discharged, thanks to the paramedics’ rapid response.

K9 Animal News

Meet Nepo NEPO has been at K9 for nearly a year. This handsome boy is a favourite among staff and volunteers. He is a Podenco mix, and is about 2-3 years old. He never seems phased by living in the kennels, and is always very relaxed and chilled. He shares his kennel with two other males, Chacho and Erwin, and they all love playing together and running around, when they get the chance. When out walking, Nepo likes to be spoiled with treats, but he also loves to chase lizards, and does a really good job trying to catch them. No bush or wall is too big for him to climb into, or up! He has succeeded a couple of times when it comes to catching lizards. He holds no prisoners! He is a pleasure to walk on the lead, and loves getting out to explore the trails around K9. When he is off lead, the Podenco in him really comes out, as he goes off searching for some unlucky lizards to find. He loves to run and run, but, don’t worry, he will come back when you call him, and give him a little reward. His cool, calm nature makes him so easy to be around, and he is very curious of other dogs. He likes to get to know them and play with them, and seems to get on with most of them. He is really good with people as well, which makes him suitable to walk with any of our walkers. If you have any treats in your pocket, he becomes your best friend and tries to sniff them out, but also knows when he is over-stepping the mark. He is obedient and super-friendly, and is always

37 CW

ready for a cuddle. His two room-mates, Erwin and Chacho, both love Nepo, as he is a great playmate to have. Chacho, who is a Podenco, will run and run with him for ages, and they like to play tug-o-war with one of our toys we have at K9. It is a lot of fun to watch. Nobody’s sure which one of them is winning the battle at the moment, but, last time, Nepo won! Come and meet Nepo, any day of the week, between 9.30am and 1.30pm at K9 Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas. Alternatively, you can get in touch by telephoning us on 667 638 468, or emailing info@ Charity shop Our charity shop in Alcala Plaza is always looking for new items to sell. If you have any unwanted clothes, shoes, books or bric-a-brac, please pop them into our shop, or to K9. We welcome all kinds of items, all proceeds going towards helping the dogs. The shop is open from 10am2pm, Monday to Saturday. Pop in, or call them on 646 561 035. Collections can also be arranged, using this number.

LITTLE Ginger is a very friendly, loving boy who is looking for a special home.

He is neutered, leukaemia negative and vaccinated, and is about three years old. If you would like to meet him, please message us via Facebook. Alternatively, ring/ WhatsApp Sandra (English, Spanish and German) on 671 282 773 after 6pm, or Sharon (English) on 662 524 006. *All cats go for a week’s trial, in your home * Adoptions We have several other adult cats who would love to be snuggled up on someone’s sofa today. There are males and females, ranging from 18 months to seven years. All adults are leukaemia negative, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. As previously mentioned, all cats go for a week’s trial, in your home. Microchip March March is the month to get your cats and dogs microchipped.

Live Arico News ENZO is around seven years old, and suffered a lot of abuse when he was young, meaning that he was terrified of everything. Thanks to a loving foster home, he has come out of his shell and is learning to trust again. He is still a very nervous dog, but, once he trusts you, he will love you forever. He’s scared of loud noises and sudden movements, and needs a bed in a quiet place so he can “hide” when he is feeling frightened, although he loves being fussed. A nice calm, quiet home would be perfect for him. He walks so well on the lead, he’s very intelligent and obeys

We all know how valuable chipping your pet is, and that it is a legal requirement, here in Tenerife. Our vets will be charging the reduced price of €25, for either a cat or dog, during this month. Please send us a Facebook private message for a code, telling us which of our vets you want to use. Book your own appointment, and pay the vet, directly. Shop volunteers We always need people who would like to work in our charity shop. Shifts are from 10am-2pm and 2-6pm, and you will never work alone. The air-conditioned shop has a lovely atmosphere, and tea, coffee, and a fridge full of goodies are provided. They’re all there to be enjoyed, while in the company of our friendly volunteers, and very valued customers! If you are interested, please contact Sharon on 662 524 006, or pop into the shop for more information. Even if you can only spare a few hours a week, that’s fine! Clothes, books and jigsaws

We are appealing to you all, please, for both ladies’ and men’s clothes, for our shop. We also need books of all genres, and in great condition, as well as jigsaws. Please have a look around at home, and drop them into the shop. Our shop We always need cat food, litter, sheets, towels, bedding etc. for the cats and kittens in our care, and also good quality/condition items for sale in the shop on San Blas, Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino). It is open seven days a week, 10am-6pm. We stock good-quality clothes of all sizes, at sensible, low prices. Pop along and take a look. Our customers come from all over the island, and we see many holidaymakers return, time and again, eager to snap up a bargain. If you don’t have transport, or have large, bulky items such as furniture and household effects to donate, please ring Mark on 636 590 557, and he will arrange collection from you.

commands, and gets on with cats and dogs. Come and walk the doggies! Join the Live Arico dog-walking club on Saturday mornings from 9am-1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you can keep fit and find a furry friend at the same time. Send a WhatsApp to Oceana on 659 242 572 for further details, or just pop in and meet the dogs.

Live Arico shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops. Donations are always very much appreciated. San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open weekdays 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and now Sundays 11am-3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open MondayFriday (10am-4pm), Saturday 10am-2pm and Sunday 11am3pm. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

Hello - I’m Enzo

CW 38

Wine and Dine

The Swan

Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with goodquality produce. We also cater for any special requirements. Daily Specials. Friday: Cod and chips night. Sunday Lunch: 12noon - 8pm. Bookings advisable. MOndayS’ Feature nights: 5 course special on the roof terrace. Call for more information and reservations. 24hr-notice for paella, lamb shank, fillet steak or ask us for anything you fancy. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value!

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Call: 922 795 865

15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Keep a close eye on current food trends EXCESSIVE consumption of “trendy” foods, “green” supplements and “detox” products can be harmful to health, warns one of Spain’s main consumer organisations.

The OCU says aloin, a bitter yellow-brown compound, and one of the main aloe vera components, can be toxic above a certain dosage. The exact volume is “under investigation” and safe levels for humans have not been determined. The OCU warns: “Many European countries do not have adequate monitoring systems” for this plantbased substance. The milder downside is that aloin can create a laxative effect, and, if this is apparent, consumption of aloe vera juice or supplements should be cut down considerably. Taking green-tea supplements, or drinking it in huge quantities, can also be associated with liver damage, according to the OCU. Catechins are abundant in green tea, and these are the

elements associated with the natural antioxidant effect, which helps prevent cell damage.

Imperio del Pintxo


The menu at Imperio del Pintxo is based on flavours from around the world with Canarian gastronomic fusion. Cañada Blanca 2, Parque de la Reina Open: 12noon - 11pm.

Call: 603 273 382

Paseo Marcial Garcia, 23 local 3, El Medano Open: Midday to 11pm

Call: 922 17 63 04

But consuming more than 800 milligrams a day is harmful to the liver.

Parque de la Reina has a secret - Lupita restaurant is fast becoming the place to eat, and it has a well-deserved reputation. All the usual Mexican specialities are on offer, but from midday until 4pm, check out its 4.95-euro menu. You can have a bowl of soup or garlic bread, main meal (selection of 20) and ice cream or coffee to finish, which is excellent value for money. Also, evening and weekend menus are available from 4.95-euros. Now open Tuesdays.

Special offer: BBQ ribs, including a drink for 9.90 euros

Wine and Dine

15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019 This quantity would not come from three or four cups of green tea a day. But in the case of green-tea extract supplements, often taken by those who want the benefits but don’t like the bitter taste, exceeding the daily catechin maximum could be a significant risk. “Detox” smoothies, such as “green juice”, which is popular in the US and is made from a combination of green vegetables and fruit, are not proven, scientifically, to clear the system of toxins. In fact, nutritionists point out that humans do not need to “detox”, since their kidneys, liver, lymph glands and other bodily functions do so quite adequately. Oxalic acid, naturally present in green, leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, can cause extremely painful kidney stones if more than 180 milligrams a day is consumed. High doses of oxalic acid are also associated with the body’s failure to absorb other necessary minerals, such as calcium, iron and potassium.

The nitrate content in these types of drink are of particular concern, since green, leafy vegetables contain much higher concentrations of this type of chemical than other plant-based products. Many types of processed meat have nitrates added, to improve their colour and preserve them. But high levels of nitrates and nitrites can create nitrosamines in the human body, increasing the risk of cancer. Also, nitrates have been associated with migraines. And, unless cooked thoroughly, fresh greens also carry the risk of passing on bacteria, or certain types of virus, since they have not been subjected to any type of preservation treatment. Raw, shiitake mushrooms, another “fashionable food” which has shot up in recent years, have been associated with a much higher incidence of dermatitis, especially in France. That’s because they have a high content of lentinan, a natural sugar found in these

vegetables, which is killed off when exposed to the cooking heat. Symptoms can last for between three and 21 days, and patients end up having to be treated with cortico-

steroids or antihistamines, or both. Seaweed, in excessive volume, can lead to an iodine overdose, says the OCU. It also contains a high content of heavy metals, such as arsenic, and can

39 CW

be carriers of chemical and microbiological pollutants. Seaweed, used as feed for livestock or in arable farming, can be toxic for the animals and can contaminate the soil.

Sour face of the sugar industry, 50 years ago RESEARCHERS discovered last year, while digging through old records, that the sugar industry funded a famous study, secretly, blaming fats for coronary heart disease, while downplaying the role of sugar. The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1965, made headlines, just as worldwide scientists were starting to make the connection between sugar and heart disease. It was, seemingly, intended to get the scientists to look the other way. The link today is clear and uncontroversial, and the same researchers have now

found documents revealing that the industry also covered up its own study, linking sugar to cancer, a few years later. The study, dubbed Project 259, was funded by the sugar industry’s national trade organisation, then called the Sugar Research Foundation. It found that a high-sugar diet was correlated strongly with bladder cancer in rats. But the foundation, unhappy with the findings, terminated the study and kept them buried, until researchers from the University of California San Francisco dug them up and published them

in PLOS last Tuesday. Project 259 would have strengthened the case against sucrose as a risk factor in coronary heart disease, and would have caused it to be “scrutinised as a potential carcinogen”, wrote lead researcher Cristin E. Kearns. One recent study suggested that sugar not only fed cancer cells, but actually created them… just imagine how helpful this information would have been half-acentury ago. Maybe, instead of a decades-long “war on fats”, policy-makers would have enjoyed a more successful “war on sugar”.

CW 40

Lifestyle 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Sophia Wellness Centre THIS centre is different from other gyms, and is the only toningtable centre in the Canary Islands.

When you arrive you will be met by Gabriela, who will immediately make you feel at ease. The aim of the wellness centre is to make members feel comfortable and relaxed, while their inches disappear. Whatever your shape, age or size, Gabriela is available to offer advice, and help you with your particular goals, in a friendly atmosphere. The power-assisted machines have many benefits, aiding mobility, flexibility and total body toning. The eight tables are programmed for a total of 30 minutes, so there can’t be any excuses for not having the time. The programmes can target areas you wish to work on. Maybe you

Email: gabrielasophiawellness@gmail

Please come along for a FREE trial!

want to firm your inner or outer thighs, create a narrower waistline, or shape up your bum and tum. The tables can provide superb exercises for an all-over, toned and firmed body, also working your lower back and abs, plus increasing joint mobility. At Sophia Wellness, clients can also use the power plate for 10 minutes per day. This is ideal for increasing metabolism, toning muscle and helping with

weight loss. Gabriela will also advise on a healthy lifestyle that many of us neglect, such as less stress, better sleep, and helping with more energy, less pain and better circulation. Special offers are also available for both residents and nonresidents. For more information, please call Gabriela (who also speaks English) on 670 558 208, or find the centre on Facebook @ Sophia Wellness Adeje. 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019


41 CW

CW 42 Sudoku X

Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid. 9 3 7 8 1

8 1 2 7 2


15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Across 1. Incorporating all the newest ideas and features (5,2,3,3) 8. Air pollution (4) 9. Convert from code into plain language (8) 10. District of Paris, associated with many artists (10) 12. Dessert (6) 14. Delicate and pale in colour (6) 15. (Product) for removing


unwanted hair (10) 19. Culinary herb (8) 20. Water-filled defensive trench (4) 21. Rodent kept as a pet (6,7) Down 2. Author of The Bonfire of the Vanities (3,5) 3. Inebriated (5) 4. Trying experiences (7)

5. Implied — inferred (5) 6. Articulate (7) 7. Tall woody grass (4) 11. Diminish (8) 13. Borne (7) 14. Cornmeal — on plate (anag) (7) 16. Heathen (5) 17. Weighty books (5) 18. Luminous sign of saintliness (4)



7 4 8 5 8 6 3 4 1 5 8 9

And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

3 9 8 5 2 4 3 8 9 3

1 6


3 1 3 6 2 7 2 9 8 7 4 2 2 5 6

30-Second Brain Training Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number













of this









-12 Answer

property for rent



4 6

8 1 5 5 6 9 2

Starter Number

125 6



÷5 +207 ÷4

2 4 7 1 3 6 9 7 3 7 5 8 8 5 9

Find the answers to these puzzles on our website








of this


÷9 +245 ÷4

Advanced Starter Number

5 6 7




121 ÷11 +62 6


+444 x2








of this






Beginner Starter Number



















+10 Answer

Intermediate Starter Number
















x8 +240 ÷4

Advanced Starter Number






of this



of this






÷7 +273


of this


-73 Answer


to advertise here call 822 14 15 17



Service Point

15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Property For Rent

air-conditioning (cont.)

43 CW

construction (Cont).

Warehouse 200sqm available for rent in Valle San Lorenzo

· 6 metres high ceiling · Industrial electricity Available now Contact: 667 627 164


to advertise here call 822 14 15 17


cars wanted CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.

Call us now on 678 451 641

Service point

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 air-conditioning

chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson-Jones MSSCh MBChA. Experienced qualified Chiropodist based in Tenerife over 20yrs, offers home/ hotel visits in most areas of the South. Tel: 608 029 790. Email: Wendy Nelson - Hairdresser and Mobile chiropodist MCFHP-BSC, 25 yrs working for the NHS caring for all foot problems , Home visits and Hotels. Call 634 301 727 or email

garden furniture


health & Beauty Jazz Hair, Golf Del Sur. Tel: 922 738 213

Kitchens & bathrooms

Elite Cleaning Services is an established cleaning company who can provide a professional cleaning service for Apartments, Villas and Offices. Call us today on 922 789 795 or 696 922 597.

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing, Decorating, Plastering etc. Tel: 661 081 843 for quotation.



CW 44

Service Point


15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Pest control



translation TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES: Legally registered with over 25 years’ experience. Official, Medical, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Probate, Pensions, car paperwork and much more. Professionalism and confidentiality guaranteed. Transport available. Call Tracey on 666 857 991 or email on

Pool tables

Do you need help wth Spanish paperwork and translation? Car papers, green card, deeds, wills and much more. Come and see me every morning in C.C. San Blas, Local 68 (next to the great wall) or call Gosha on 660 866 766

T-shirt printing patio doors & windows

Removals worldwide


tv & satellite ElectroSat TV S.L. C/Encarnacion No 1. Valle San Lorenzo, Tenerife. Tel: 922 72 22 27 Mobile 670 277 772, email: Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.


Everything for your house, apartment, etc We also buy good quality furniture and household items. Plus house clearances. Opening times: Mon-fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm Las Chafiras Calle tilena 19. Next to Rachels Motors

Tel: 922 749 664 security

personal services Los Cristianos, Patricia, Blond, Venezuelan, french, vibrators and kissing, vibrators, private apartment, callouts. Tel: 681 388 162 Male/female Viagra, Jellies, Cialis. Call 672 883 025 Viagra4you19@

649 574 851

windows & doors 15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

CD Tenerife CARNIVAL Sunday didn’t quite have the same atmosphere as the night before, when Tenerife took on Numancia at the Heliodoro, for their 29th game of the season. It was CDT’s first match for two weeks, following Reus’s three-year ban from the Spanish leagues for financial irregularities. Three points were awarded to all teams who had remaining fixtures with them, including Tenerife, who should have played them away, the week before. These welcome points, and the extra time off, should have helped them as they started an important home game against Numancia, just a couple of places above them in the league. But Tenerife appeared to be lacking when the away team started brightly, with 73% possession in the first half. It felt as though Numancia were invading keeper Dani’s goal area as they came with attack after attack, but Tenerife held strong. Alberto covered a good shot by David Rodriguez in the third minute, while Unai Medina had a chance to put through David two minutes later, following an excellent back-heel by Fran Villalba. Then Alain Oyarzun’s shot


No carnival spirit from Numancia! CD Tenerife 1 CD Numancia 1

finished high over the bar in the 16th minute, after a remarkable run of play from the visitors. There was little in return

from Tenerife, thanks to Numancia central-defender Carlos Gutiérrez, who seemed to be stopping any progression from the home

Manager Zidane is the Real deal again

ZINEDINE Zidane has made a shock return to Spain, after Real Madrid’s decision to have the Frenchman replace struggling manager Santiago Solari.

Former Real midfielder Zidane, who has returned to take charge of the team, just 10 months after leaving the Spanish giants, took his first training session on Monday. The club issued a statement, saying: “Real Madrid appreciates the work done by Santiago Solari, and the commitment and loyalty he has always shown. “The Board of Directors have also agreed the appointment of Zinedine Zidane as new coach, for the remainder of the season

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and the next three, until 30th June 2022.” The sacking followed a shock defeat against Ajax in the Champions league, the 4-1 home defeat almost certainly sparking Real President Florentino Perez into action. The club decided to sack Solari after fewer than five

months, with Real third in La Liga, a distant 12 points behind leaders Barcelona. During his previous spell, Zidane led Real Madrid to a third straight Champions League trophy. His first game back in charge of Real will be against Celta Vigo, at the Bernabeu tomorrow (Saturday).

team, as well as Escassi, who controlled the midfield. But in the 24th minute, Tenerife had a corner from the left-hand side of the pitch. Six blue-and-white shirts piled into the box, awaiting a cross from Luis Milla, but keeper Juan Carlos seemed more bothered about a tussle between Ganea and Malbasic than the corner-kick. Milla, on the other hand, had different ideas and produced one of the goals of the season. A beautiful, right-footed, curling corner sailed over all the players, including the keeper, and nestled in the top right-hand part of the net. This “Olympic goal”, completely against the run of play, gave Tenerife a 1-0 lead. But it failed to change the game’s dynamics, and Numancia continued to dominate the rest of the first half. There were more good saves by Dani from Villalba (38 mins) and Gus Ledes (45), while Ganea hit the sidenetting in the 43rd minute. Carlos Ruiz also had a good game for the home team, with some excellent interceptions, which would have led to certain danger. Only Racic and Milla had

more presence for Tenerife, who rarely managed to break, or conjure any clearcut chances leading up to half-time. But at least they led at the break. Tenerife, coming out for the second half, decided to wake up and get on with it, taking the game to Numancia immediately. Malbasic had a good shot saved by Juan Carlos in the 48th minute, as did Luis Pérez, 60 seconds later. In the 51st minute, Milla had another corner and found Malbasic in front of goal. But he was challenged by Carlos Ruiz and put the ball wide. Milla himself had a good effort saved in the 59th minute, making it a busy period for CDT, but, unfortunately, lacking success. At this point, Numancia fought back and forced Dani into three more outstanding saves, from Diamanka (61 min), Villalba (62) and Yeboah (63), in as many minutes. Coach Oltra wanted to stop the bleeding with fresh legs up front, by bringing on Isma Lopez and Nano. But Numancia were relentless, and, five minutes from time, their pressure paid off. Ganea took a corner on the same left-hand side from which Milla had scored, and delivered a perfect ball into the centre of the danger area. Higinio rose above everyone else, directing a powerful header past stranded Dani, to score a deserved equaliser in the 85th minute. In fairness, this was a point won for Tenerife and not two points lost, even though they led for over an hour, because they had been dominated by a much hungrier Numancia. Four points from, effectively, the last two games, have left them in 16th place, and just five points above the relegation zone. And with the demise of Reus, only three other teams will be relegated. Tenerife are away tomorrow (Saturday) at Alcorcón, before a huge match the following week, entertaining league leaders Osasuna. These two games could, possibly, decide their league future.

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15th March 2019 - 21st March 2019

Martial Arts

Canarian Weekly Handicap Trophy Semi Finals 08/03/2019

1 Ourplace Playgirls (501) 3 v 4 (561) Palms Sports Bar 2 Mad Hatters (841) 6 v 1 (601) Scooters ‘B’

McGregor wrestles his way out of a snap-shot

Canarian Weekly Handicap Plate Semi Finals 08/03/2019

1Emerald Lounge (681) 5 v 2 2 Pas O Nadas ‘B’ (661) 4 v 3

(701) Clouseau’s (541) Nauta Nomads


Costa Adeje joins best top-10 fishing venues

THE world’s largest website for booking fishing charters, FishingBooker, has just announced the 10 best European fishing destinations, and Costa Adeje is one of them!

The list is based on a number of factors, such as user reviews, variety of species, and overall experience at the destination. Costa Adeje is the perfect place to combine beautiful beaches and huge mountains, stunning nature and great nightlife Visitors to this jolly beach town, on Tenerife’s southern shore, can explore dramatic, volcanic cliffs and remote beaches, or just stroll through town, enjoying fresh seafood and honey rum. And, when it comes to fishing,

the Canary Islands have some of Europe’s best biggame action, just a couple of miles from shore. Bluefin, Yellowfin, Bigeye, and Albacore Tuna all spend their summers here, as do Blue and White Marlin, Mahi Mahi, Wahoo, and many more species. FishingBooker is the world’s largest platform for connecting anglers and fishing guides, with over 25,000 fishing trips available in more than 1,750 cities worldwide. The full list of its best-fishing holidays in Europe are: * Dubrovnik, Croatia * Stockholm, Sweden * Marbella, Spain * Bled, Slovenia * Herceg Novi, Montenegro * Funchal, Madeira, Portugal * Inverness, Scotland * Costa Adeje, Tenerife * Santorini, Greece * Lisbon, Portugal

CONOR McGregor, renowned mixed martial-arts fighter, was arrested in Miami Beach in the early hours of Monday after a 22-year-old British fan accused the fiery Irishman of smashing his phone, and walking off with the shattered remains.

McGregor, 30, was booked into the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Centre in Miami, on suspicion of robbery and criminal mischief, according to an arrest report, filed in connection with the incident, which took place shortly after 5am on Monday. “The victim and the defendant were exiting the Fountainbleau Hotel, and the victim attempted to take a picture of the defendant with his cell phone,” read the arrest report, without identifying the second man’s name. “The defendant slapped the victim’s phone out of his hand, causing it to fall

to the floor. The defendant then stomped on the victim’s phone several times, damaging it,” the report continued, adding that the device was valued at £756. McGregor was taken into custody later on Monday, but it was not known whether he had retained a local lawyer to represent him. It is not his first scrape with the law. McGregor was charged in April 2018 with three counts of assault, and one count of criminal mischief, after police said he attacked a New York

charter bus, carrying UFC fighters, throwing a moving dolly through a window and injuring other fighters. He later pleaded guilty to a reduced, “disorderly conduct” charge. McGregor, who visited Tenerife a few years ago, enjoying the delights of a luxury penthouse, had fun in the sun when he was pictured outside a San Eugenio chicken restaurant, pretending he had taken a private jet to Texas, simply to sample its fried chicken.

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