CW issue 1098

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29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Issue 1098

Carnival Jungle still beating out loud and clear! 1 CW

29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

THE Los Cristianos Carnival is well under way, and, over the last week, we have seen some spectacular performances and outfits to fit this year’s theme of “The Jungle”. Continued on Page 3

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29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Who will be voted Queen of Queens?

On the main stage, during this week, we have seen the Carnival Queen competitions for the infants and for the veterans (pictured above), competing against each other to win that crown! As we go to print, the Carnival Queen will be announced tonight (Thursday). Which of the lucky ladies will it be? This weekend brings the finale of all the carnivals in Tenerife, again with the main stage in the centre of town, attracting lots of people to join in the celebrations. Saturday is the day for the children, with various activities going on around the area. And on Sunday it’s the colourful street parade, which can be seen from Paloma Beach, all the way up to the Cultural Centre. Monday night brings us the finale, Burial of the Sardine, where a large, homemade fish is paraded through the streets. All of this is accompanied with live music and the fair. FRIDAY (29th Mar) 5pm: Dance of the Veteran Carnival Queen, on Cultural Centre Patio 9pm: Drag Queen Carnival Gala, on Carnival Stage: Great dance, entertained by the Wamampy orchestra, on Carnival Stage Midnight: Entertainment

Guardia heroes stop man from toppling into ravine

TWO Guardia Civil officers, based in Granadilla, saved a man’s life on Monday morning, after he had threatened to jump from a bridge, into a ravine. The Guardia headquarters received several calls, alerting them of a man standing on the bridge, spanning San Miguel and Granadilla, and threatening to jump. The individual whose name has not been disclosed, is a 30-year-old professional hairdresser, who said he had every intention of ending his life. But the Guardia men would not hear of it, complying fully with their rule-book regulations, Article 6, chapter 1, which states that officers will always try their upmost for a positive prognosis for the afflicted. And both officer heroes did just that! The hairdresser was in a desperate state of mind, and, in his turmoil, he climbed on to the bridge at the barranco de la Orchilla, on the TF-28, This barranco/ravine is the biggest and deepest in the San Miguel municipality, with a drop of some 40 metres. It was at around 7.30am on Monday that the calls were received by the Guardia Civil headquarters, as well as the Canarian emergency services, Reports of a man on the bridge were made by drivers

Continued from Front

by several local DJs, at Fisherman’s Square, outside the Cultural Centre SATURDAY (30th Mar) Day Carnival, with two stages: Midday: Family Stage, with diverse performances and Carnival workshops, at Plaza de La Pescadora Midday: National and international artists, on Carnival Stage 5pm: Carnival Costume Contest, at Plaza de la Pescadora 8pm: VI Carnavalera Playera Route, in homage to the Carnival’s great songs, from the Pescadora Square, promenade, Plaza de la Alpispa, Valle Menéndez street, Juan Reverón Sierra street, Amalia Alayón Street, to the Pescadora square 10pm: Great dance, entertained by the orchestras

Deliciosa and The Reggaton Band, on Carnival Stage 11pm: Entertained by local DJs, at Fisherman’s Square and Valle Menéndez SUNDAY (31st Mar) 11am: Exhibition of Classic and Antique Cars, by Carnival Stage Midday: Carnival Mascot Contest, on Carnival Stage 4pm: Los Cristianos Carnival Parade, from the Paloma Beach apartments to the Cultural Centre Later: Great dance, entertained by the orchestras Harmony Show and Tropin, on Carnival Stage MONDAY (1st April) 9pm: Burial of the Sardine, from Fisherman’s Square to Los Cristianos Beach Finale: DJ zone, enlivened by local DJs at Fisherman’s Square

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using the road, as well as residents from the neighbouring villages. Immediately, the area was swarming with ambulance and police vehicles, as well as Guardia Civil officers. Two officers decided to get out of the patrol vehicle, from a distance, and approached the area where the man was positioned. The officers discovered that he’d been going through a bad time with his family for a long while. And, to add to the stressful situation, he was the father of a young daughter. With the information the officers had collected, along with the psychology picked up from years of experience on the force, they managed to gain the man’s trust. They told the troubled 30-year-old about the consequences the jump would have on his young daughter, by leaving her an orphan, and also convinced him that taking his life simply wouldn’t solve any problems. After about an hour of conversation, with a lot of chat between the officers and the man, he eventually accepted their advice and allowed them to help him. And, once in their hands, he was taken to an ambulance for a check-up by the medical team.

Guardia pounce on one of two robbers A 27-YEAR-OLD man has been arrested by Guardia Civil officers from Icod de los Vinos, for robbing the Garachico cafeteria in Genoves. And officers are also investigating a 29-yearold man for the same crime.

Both thieves are local residents, from San Juan de la Rambla, and the Guardia received a direct call by a neighbour, who had just witnessed two men attempting to get into the nearby cafeteria.

Officers, dispatched to the scene, noticed a person driving away from the area at high speed, in a topend vehicle. They searched the area, briefly, and it wasn’t long before they found the car, along with its owner, who was hiding in the car, on the floor behind the front seats. Having arrested him, the officers continued to search the car and found, hidden under the passenger seat, specific tools that could be used for breaking into various premises. Guardia Civil are continuing to investigate the case.

CW 4


British Tall Ship sinks in San Miguel Marina

THE British Tall Ship, which sank while moored in San Miguel Marina last week, is revealed, pitifully, when the tide goes down, but no casualties have been reported. It was originally a French fishing vessel, but its current status is Tall Ship, the Jean de la Lune, The two-masted brigantine, an oak vessel, was built in Lorient in Brittany in 1957 as a fishing vessel, but that activity ended in the 1970s. She was then used, predominantly, for sail training, and also for an Operation Raleigh expedition. Her latest guise was as a

29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

floating hotel, operated by Tall Ship Experience, which offered up to 20 guests accommodation, from €39 per night, including breakfast, but the ship remained moored at all times. “Live your dreams on board a real ocean-going ship,” prospective guests were told on its website, “This is not a sailing holiday but a relaxing stay in a marina.” The crew had lived on board, but, at present, the chef and his family are the only ones living there, and they are seeking temporary accommodation until the

Missing Irishman was in park

damage has been repaired. Several years ago, the ship was offering voyages such as Lisbon to La Coruna, and the website still promises: “The ship is fit for sea, and fully functioning when needed.” In 2017, a “Just Giving” appeal was launched to seek £3,000 “for urgent repairs to our ship’s timbers”. Now, though, the masts have been sawn off for safety reasons, and it looks as though major work will need to be done to restore the ship to its former glory. First, though, it will have to be lifted out of the marina by crane.

Danger dogs disfigure man A MAN aged 21 was the victim of a violent attack last Friday in Las Maretas, Arico, by three dogs, categorised as “dangerous”.

A MISSING Irishman, found last Monday afternoon by Santa Cruz Council’s Natural Environmental Unit, had been wandering around Anagas National Park. A “missing individual” alert had been issued by the Local Police, and it

wasn’t long before the man was discovered, disorientated and with no documentation. The environmental team, who said the Irishman appeared to be in good health, then asked the emergency services for an ambulance and medics, who assessed the man and took him to Candelaria Hospital for a full, psychiatric evaluation.

Because of his severe injuries, especially to his face, which was disfigured, he was taken to hospital immediately and was admitted to the intensivecare unit, after receiving emergency treatment. The breeds of the dogs involved in the attack were a Pit-bull and two Presa Canarias. But he was lucky that a friend heard the commotion and went to his rescue, or the situation could have been much worse. The attack has reminded people of an incident that happened last October, when it was reported that

a 16-day-old baby died after being attacked by the

family dog, while asleep in her pram at home.


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Dead cow floats past El Medano

A DEAD cow was spotted by two locals, floating just off El Medano beach last Monday morning, in front of the Arenas del Mar hotel. The coastguard, along with municipal waste company Sermugran, worked together to bring the unfortunate animal’s body back to land, after the couple had notified the authorities. Fortunately, there were few people on the beach to witness the find, because it rained that morning, and those who were there were surprised, to say the least. Curiously, another dead cow was seen floating past the Granadilla coast two days later, and experts believe the animals were thrown overboard from one of the container ships, which carry cattle from South America to Europe, as it passed the Canaries. These particular containers are commonly known as “stinky ships”, because they are renowned for their foul smell. It can be so offensive that the ships have even

‘Loving hug’ thief is foiled by woman, 85

A 26-YEAR-OLD man from Romania, arrested in Tenerife by the National Police, was accused of stealing a gold chain and pendant from a female pensioner in Gran Canaria.

been prohibited from entering the Gran Canaria port, in Las Palmas. Surprisingly, this was the fourth cow’s body found floating in Canarian waters over the last year. In March 2018, a dead cow appeared off the Pozo

Izquierdo coast in Gran Canaria, and the image was spread across social media. And in the July, crew members from the Canarian search-and-rescue team recovered a drowned cow from the Las Palmas waters of Puertillo de Arucas.

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The elderly woman reported the incident to the police immediately, giving a full description, as well as an indepth explanation of why she believed the robbery took place. And when the officers heard how it happened, in Maspalomas, they knew the slick theft had been carried out by a professional. The 85-year-old explained

how, as she walked down a town-centre street, she was stopped by a man wanting directions. And once she told him, he showed his gratitude by giving her a hug. As he did so, he took advantage by stealing the jewellery from around her neck, which was not only expensive but also of great sentimental value. Officers told her that this method, often used by thieves, was known as the “loving hug” method. With the help of her description, officers in Tenerife nabbed the robber as he walked off the ferry he had taken, immediately after his wicked theft. He was arrested and charged, and is in custody, awaiting a court date.

CW 6


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

NEWS IN BRIEF ‘Disruptive’ woman dragged Crash driver hurt badly

A DRIVER was hurt badly after his car, involved in an accident on Sunday night on the TF-47, in the Adeje municipality, enroute to San Juan, rolled over. An emergency call from the Local Police was received at 11.12pm, requesting assistance, and a helicopter was dispatched to the scene, along with fire-fighters and the ambulance service. The fire-fighters released the man by cutting him out of the motor, and he was assessed by a doctor and nurse from a nearby medical centre, then taken by the helicopter to hospital.

It’s good news for sneezers

HAYFEVER sufferers will have an easy spring this year, following the toughest winter in 25 years, according to the Spanish Society for Allergies and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC). Lack of winter rainfall means pollen counts should be lower, providing respite for the estimated one in six residents in Spain and the Canaries, who suffer the “sneeze” allergy. Pollen counts are considered “very low” at under 2,000 seeds per cubic metre, and levels in the Canaries are expected to hover between 100-300, the lowest count being in Gran Canaria capital Las Palmas, and the highest in Santa Cruz, the capital city of Tenerife.

off Ryanair flight by officers SPANISH officers removed a “disruptive” woman from a Ryanair Stansted-toFuerteventura flight, to the cheers of fellow passengers.

Guardia Civil officers boarded the flight from Stansted airport to the Canary Island when it landed, and, in a Daily Mail video, the woman can be seen, trying to resist attempts by the Guardia to remove her from the aircraft as she yells: “I don’t need an ambulance.” Other passengers can be heard cheering when she is dragged from her seat and down the aisle. It is claimed that the woman began to argue with other passengers, some 20 minutes before the flight landed, and a cabin-crew member asked the person sitting next to

her to move, “for your own safety”. A Ryanair spokesperson said: “The flight crew requested police assistance upon arrival, after a passenger became disruptive in-flight. The aircraft landed normally

and police removed and detained the individual. “We will not tolerate unruly or disruptive behaviour at any time, and the safety and comfort of our customers, crew and aircraft is our No.1 priority.”

Spain swelters, but Teide snow forces a close-down

Donors could lose anonymity

A BIOETHICS committee has announced plans, potentially, to remove Spanish anonymity rights from donors of sperm and eggs. The group, attached to Spain’s Ministry of Health, intends to raise a debate over whether children born using donations have a right to know their biological parents. According to Spanish media, the move could see Spain update its legislation, in line with other European countries, including Germany, Sweden, the UK and Portugal. Spain has one of the highest levels of assisted reproduction clinics in the world, at around 400. In 2015, 2,801 babies were conceived through donations, and 0.7% of all babies were born using sperm donations, according to the Spanish Fertility Society.

EVEN though most of Spain is basking in unseasonablyhigh temperatures, and ski slopes are melting more than a fortnight ahead of their usual closing dates, one of the country’s warmest regions has issued warnings about snow and ice. The Canary Islands, typically, enjoy milder winter climates than the mainland and the Balearic Islands, which means that March often brings sunbathing weather to the islands.

The TF-21 road, which is Teide’s entrance from El Portillo via La Orotava, and kilometres 24 to 43 on the TF-24, via La Esperanza, were shut through caution because of snow and slush on the carriageways. Carreteras Tenerife (‘Tenerife Highways’), via its Twitter site @carreterasTF, urged motorists not to go up to the top last Monday because of the wet, icy, snowy conditions, which threatened accident risks. And the

Teide cable-car was shut all day Conversely, the snow has made even more visitors than usual want to go up Teide, because this was only the second incident of its type in 2019, following the January snowfall. The white stuff on Spain’s highest mountain is rare, because of its latitude, and being close to the tropics. No wonder footage has been shared, and gone viral, on social media.


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Evil pair hammered young man after a religious event

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Knifeman races off as his victim turns tables TWO men aged 20, from Tenerife capital Santa Cruz, and Arrecife, the capital of Lanzarote, respectively, were arrested by the National Police for assaulting a youngster and stealing his money, and his personal possessions.

Both men had police records for violent robberies, all committed in Tenerife’s Santa Cruz. But the victim, who met them at a religious event, was badly misled because his first impression was that both men were friendly and kind. He wrote in his police report that they had offered to walk

with him to his destination, because he wasn’t a Tenerife resident and the area was unfamiliar. But he was keen to see his family make the most of being on the island. At one point, however, the trio stopped for a rest on the side of a street, and one of the villains began to choke their victim from behind, while his companion began punching and kicking him violently, all over his body. They demanded that he hand over all his money and personal belongings, and, once in possession, the 20-year-olds abandoned him. The youngster, who was left disorientated, had no idea where he was going, so he wandered around the city centre, hoping someone would notice him.

Early-morning wall-fall man A MAN was seriously injured after falling from a wall, several metres high, at a shopping centre in Avenida Las Americas, at around 1.45 yesterday morning (Thursday). An




patched to the area, as well as a nurse and doctor from Los Cristianos medical centre. Once there, the medics found that the 32-year-old had suffered severe bruising, so he was taken to Hospiten Sur for further assessment. He actually needed more treatment because of internal and external bruising, and was transferred to Candelaria Hospital.

Eventually, a passer-by came to his rescue and informed the National Police immediately. The battered young man was able to give officers an in-depth description of both attackers, and they were soon picked up by the police, in their respective cities. The police discovered that their victim, who had actually been targeted, was trailed by the pair when he got off the tram which took him to the religious event. His attackers had planned the entire assault, as well as plotting to befriend their young victim to gain his trust. The detainees, together with the police reports prepared by the National Police, were placed at the disposal of the competent judge, who ordered them to prison!

THE National Police have arrested and charged a knifeman, who already had a criminal record, with committing robbery with violence and intimidation in La Laguna... and there was more to be revealed.

The incident which led to his arrest happened while a staff member was opening up a bar. He was taken by surprise as a hooded attacker approached him from behind, pulling out a knife he had hidden under his clothes. He then threatened the employee, demanding that he hand over all the cash on the premises. But his victim,

definitely not a soft touch, pulled himself away from the attacker and grabbed an object to defend himself against a feared knife strike. To the heroic victim’s surprise, the attacker fled. But it wasn’t long before the officers, who had been informed, caught up with him. An investigation was opened after reports of another two Santa Cruz attacks had been reported. Both incidents were of a violent nature, which formed a pattern in the area. Earlier, at two ATM machines, two individuals were accosted while withdrawing cash. But the police probe closed when the knifeman was detained, and investigating officers made the connection with the other two crimes. The detainee, together with the police report, have been presented before the courts.

before they extinguished the blaze. Meanwhile, the injured man was assessed by ambulance medics before being taken to a nearby hospital to have his burns dressed.

Local police assisted in the emergency, while the National Police began to investigate how the fire started. Authorities appear to believe that it was set off intentionally.

Man in huge fire had severe burns A MAN suffered severe burns from a large blaze, which broke out at an abandoned building in Calle Maestroescuela Monseñor, Juan Ramirez Valido, in the Gran Canaria capital of Las Palmas.

The fire services, accompanied by the National Police, arrived at the scene after receiving the call that there was suspicion of a person being inside, but the fire services found the injured 50-yearold outside the building,

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Advertisement 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Brave police rescue trapped fire victims


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Fully-clothed body is found on beach

THE body of a fullyclothed, middle-aged man was found on a popular tourist beach in Nerja on the Costa del Sol, last Monday afternoon, about 50 metres from the shore, in front of the Balcony of Europe.

SIX people, trapped inside their apartments by a blaze inside the block, were rescued by brave National Police officers, based in Las Palmas.

The Gran Canaria homes were at El Polvorin, in Calle San Juan de Dios, and the frightening incident happened last Sunday, around 4.30pm. Several calls were registered THE woolly mammoth, a huge elephant relative which disappeared from the earth around 10,000 years ago, could be brought back to life by scientists, who have awakened cells belonging to the long-extinct creature. Researchers from Japan and Russia are hopeful that this will be the case, following a series of experiments, which were performed using the remains of a well-preserved mammoth carcass named Yuka, that dates back 28,000 years. The team, based in Osaka’s Kindai University, extracted the prehistoric beast’s bone marrow, as well as muscle tissues, and injected them into mouse ovaries, triggering “signs of biological activity” and the forming of structures that often precedes cell division, according a study published in the Scientific Reports journal. While the actual development of a live specimen remains a distant possibility, researcher Kei Miyamoto, a co-author of the study, told the Nikkei Asian Review that

at the emergency centre, reporting the fire, and three police patrol cars responded immediately, along with the other emergency services. Officers witnessed how occupants were trying, desperately, to escape from the blaze, and several people climbed down ladders, which had been propped up on the side of the building. One neighbour shouted to the officers that his family were trapped inside a

second-floor apartment. The police went straight to the dwelling, and, through the smoke and flames, they could hear screams of help coming from inside. Without further hesitation, they managed to knock down the door and were able to rescue the family safely. Six people were huddled up in a small room inside the apartment, and two of them had little mobility, so the officers called for

wheelchairs to assist in their rescue. Several medics from the waiting ambulances were on stand-by to help the victims, and, fortunately, no one was seriously injured, though many were treated for smoke inhalation. Fire-fighters were able to extinguish the flames, leaving all windows and doors open to ventilate the block. The National Police have since opened an investigation, to get a clear idea of the damaging event.

Woolly Mammoth’s huge welcome back …after 10,000 years

the achievement marked “a significant step towards bringing mammoths back from the dead”. He added: “We want to move our study forward to the stage of cell division, though we still have a long way to go” before the

species is revived in full. The team had previously attempted to use a nuclear transfer to spark similar activity in the cells of a different mammoth’s genetic material, but to no avail, and, said Miyamoto: “It was, possibly, down to the technological limitations at that time, and the inappropriate state of the frozen mammoth tissues.” However, the uncontaminated nature of Yuka’s remains, preserved in pristine condition in the Siberian permafrost, until their discovery in August 2010, have allowed the joint Japanese-Russian team to collect 88 nucleus-like structures from the animal.

It is thought that Woolly mammoths roamed East Asia throughout the Ice Age, before rising temperatures, dwindling food supplies and human hunting rendered the huge-tusked, six-ton beast extinct. The scientists are hopeful that their work can shed light on what contributed to the woolly mammoths’ extinction. They noted in their report: “Our work provides a platform to evaluate the biological activities of nuclei in extinct animal species. “Ancient species carry invaluable information about the genetic basis of adaptive evolution, and the factors related to extinction.”

Emergency services were called, and, along with medics, Maritime Rescue, Guardia Civil and Local Police, all attended the scene. Local paper Sur reported that speculations about it being a migrant trying to enter Spain, or a suicide, had not been ruled out. Authorities transferred the body to a shelter nearby for forensic examinations, while police cordoned off the surrounding area.

Domestic-abuse woman advised to have medical

ARONA’S Local Police were called out to El Fraile on Monday afternoon, after receiving a call from a woman, who said she was concerned about her friend’s health.

The caller was unable to get in touch with the friend, and, because she was aware of the current situation between her and her partner, she informed the Local Police. They found the friend inside her apartment, and, after questioning her, the officers convinced the woman to be checked over at the nearby health centre, so that she would have a medical report, following an alleged attack by her partner. The officers then told her that she could make an official complaint at the Guardia Civil’s Las America headquarters.

CW 10


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

European health cards Gang scammed are renewed, at a price women into selling themselves

A LEADING Spanish organisation in consumer protection has warned about a website, charging €59 to renew a European health card, which is used to cover emergency medical treatment when travelling within the EU.

It gives the impression of being the official platform for this service, but though the company’s activity is not, technically, illegal, it is highly misleading. That’s because there is no charge for applying for, or replacing, an EU health card. The €59 fee is merely that which the firm charges for doing so on the behalf of applicants. And there is no need to pay someone else to do so, since the process, via the official Social Security office, is just as simple. Consumers in Action (FACUA)- says the website uses different addresses, and, in the small print of each one, explains that they are the property of a company named Servione Servicios Generales, S.L. This has since changed its name to Momentum Euroconsulting, S.L. Both are domiciled in the satellite town of Alcobendas, in the Greater Madrid region. The site, for which one of the addresses is tsetarjetasanitariaeuropea. online, and another is tarjetasanitariaeuropea Both use the same colours and font as the European Commission web page, and includes the European flag symbol, which means it is easy for internet users to assume they are using an official channel, and to pay for a free service.

Although the site confirms the “service” is run by a private company, the words are in much a smaller font, and in a position that does not guarantee the user will see it, prior to completing and filing the application. This is considered to be a case of “unfair competition” and “misleading practice”, in accordance with Spanish legislation, known as the Disloyal Competition Law, which has been in force since 1991. Anyone living in Spain, of any nationality, whose healthcare entitlement comes from his/her Social Security contribution, via employment, selfemployment or a situation reflecting this, such as being on the dole, in receipt of maternity, paternity or sickness pay or, shortly, anyone registered as a non-professional carer, is permitted to hold a European health card. The Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea is the same as the one known to British nationals as an EHIC, only that it is issued from Spain rather than the UK. It means that crossborder payment for medical treatment is made by the Spanish authorities, rather than the British Government. The European health card, issued by every European Union member State, entitles the holder to medical care in a member State other

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than the one in which he or she resides, habitually, for emergencies, normally defined as any necessary treatment which cannot wait until the end of the traveller’s planned stay. Non-EU nationals living in EU countries, where their healthcare is provided by their country of residence, are also entitled to hold these, meaning British nationals in possession of a Spanish-issued, European health card, may still use it when they visit other member States, even after Brexit. They are obtained by filing an application online, via the Social Security (Seguridad Social) website, and are delivered by ordinary post. Once they expire, they can then be renewed via the same process. EHIC holders, in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, have also reported similar, misleading practices of private firms charging to renew or replace health cards, via websites which give the impression of being an official channel. But be assured that none of the 28 member States charges for issue or replacement of these cards. So, if a fee is requested from any website, it is being operated by a company, and not by the health authority in question.

THREE people in Lanzarote have been detained by National Police, who suspect they are involved in a criminal gang.

Members were, supposedly, responsible for inviting Nigerian women to live and work in the Canary Islands, specifically Lanzarote. But little did the women know that once they arrived, they would have to prostitute themselves to pay off their travel debt. The victims, having lived in a precarious, economic situation in their own country, were led to believe that they would have a better life in Europe. But the reality was that when they arrived in Europe, they would be sexually exploited. One of the women, brave enough to make an official report, said she had to sell herself on the street while still a minor. She was told that she had run up a 20,000-euro debt, which, mainly, was the travel costs of getting her into Spain. The women’s debts started the minute the journey began, and one of the victims claimed she was first flown to Madrid, but returned to her own country because she had flown

with false documentation. She then had to enter Europe the hard way by travelling through the desert. And when she arrived in Europe, her first stop was Italy, before being taken to Lanzarote. Once the official report was made, the police began their investigation, starting with an operation to bring down the organisation. Officers conducted two house searches, which led to three men being arrested and detained. One of the trio was a woman, who was also a mother, and, unaware of the consequences, she had taken her own daughter all the way from Nigeria to Lanzarote. But the gang treated the youngster in the same way as all the other victims, making her live the life of a prostitute. As well as detaining three people, the officers also gathered information relating to the organisation’s activities. They confiscated a dairy with account entries, as well as other various documentation, including passports and photocopies of residency permits. The officers were also able to free two women, trapped inside the organisation and being forced to work as prostitutes.

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Angela Jefferies, Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Mariano Zunino Siri, Martin Land, Sir Old Golfer. Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2019 Canarian Weekly


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

11 CW

It is so important to monitor your health regularly

Why you should make those numbers add up MANY of us are aware that we should keep a frequent eye on our health, whether to monitor existing conditions, or ward off potential problems.

Amid the most frequentlyheard health advice is the phrase “know your numbers”, a motto often used to refer to cholesterol or blood-sugar figures. But there is actually a series of numbers you will find helpful to follow and check on.

German tourist’s tragic death during excursion

A GERMAN tourist died, tragically, after falling from Roque Nublo, in Gran Canaria’s National Park, in the Tejeda municipality, during an excursion. The Canarian emergency services received a call around 1.50pm on Wednesday afternoon, saying the 34-year-old had

The incident happened on Wednesday night, and the National Police chief said the door staff, who were holding the assailant, had called the force, requesting assistance. The police arrived at the scene almost immedi-

The British Heart Foundation recommends a combined total of four millimoles per litre of blood, or less, for those at high risk of some diseases. Next is glycated haemoglobin, which indicates average blood-sugar level for the last two or three months. It can help indicate pre-diabetes, as well as Types I and II diabetes. It is also important, in indicating risk of fatty-liver disease and pancreatitis, to know your triglyceride levels. These chemicals are a type of fat found in the blood, which can raise risk of coronary heart disease, particularly in women. For men, a PSA test can

indicate a healthy prostate function. The PSA protein is produced by both cancerous and non-cancerous tissue in the prostate, and testing its levels can help with early detection of any issues, such as an enlarged or inflamed prostate and prostate cancer. Both men and women should monitor their kidneys with uric acid and creatinine tests, both of which can help give an insight into how well they are functioning. Finally, keep a frequent eye on blood pressure, using a home machine, or one in a pharmacy or doctor’s surgery, to make sure levels stay within a healthy range.

landed in a precarious area, after falling over 20 feet. An emergency helicopter was sent to the scene, and, after a short search, the man was located. He was hoisted on to the helicopter by rescuers, and was taken to the University hospital Dr Negrin, in Las Palmas. Sadly, the German man lost his fight for life on the way to hospital, because his injuries were so severe.

Police hold man who bottled bar opponent A MAN aged 22 has been detained by the National Police, charged with smashing an empty bottle over another man’s head, in a Gran Canaria bar at Playa del Ingles.

Many Spanish pharmacies offer quick and cheap tests, often with results while you wait. So here are some of the most common tests, and what can they tell us. First up is cholesterol, which can lead to heart attacks or strokes if too much of the “bad” type accrues in the body. There are two types of this waxy substance, lowdensity lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). The LDLs are considered bad because they can collect in the arteries, eventually causing blockages, whereas HDL can actually carry cholesterol away from the body, to be processed in the liver.

ately, and a doorman told officers how he witnessed the fight between two men. Suddenly, he said, one of the men involved smashed a glass bottle over his opponent’s head. The attacker was held until officers arrived, while the injured party was taken to the Gran Canaria South general hospital, where he received several stitches to a wound, Thanks to the quick thinking of the bar’s security men, officers were able to make a swift arrest, charging the cowardly bottler with an aggressive attack.

Knifeman wanted €20-euro loan to his sister returned THE National Police detained a 52year old man in Gran Canaria on Wednesday, after he was accused of threatening his sister with a kitchen knife… because she hadn’t returned the €20 he had lent her!

He was arrested at his sister’s home, in the Hoya de la Plata town, after visiting the house to collect the debt.

But when he asked for the money, the woman refused to pay up, which is when the brother took the knife from the kitchen and threatened her. The event was witnessed by the victim’s daughter, who is also the aggressor’s

niece. And because the situation became tense, the youngster called the police to inform them. Officers arrived almost immediately, and charged the man, who is waiting in custody to appear before a judge.

CW 12


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Tenerife Loves Karaoke

The Karaoke Place to be! by John Zammit

OUR third heat of Tenerife Loves Karaoke, sponsored by The Duke Shops, headed for Costa del Silencio this week, giving another two singers a chance to progress into the semi-finals, and a chance to win 1,000 euros, along with a live performance at this year’s Tenerife Entertainment Awards.

For the third week in a row, Tenerife Loves Karaoke was hosted in an old favourite of the competition, Our Place, in Costa del Silencio, which is extremely popular with Karaoke singers. Like the previous heats, Our Place was crowded, with hardly a seat to be had. Host Kerry Railton got proceedings underway, with René singing Your Song, the Elton John classic, which set the evening’s high standard. Stuart, called to the stage next, performed another classic, What A Wonderful World, by

Louis Armstrong, and he was followed by Joyce, belting out a great version of Sex on Fire (including dance moves) by Kings of Leon, which really did bring the house down. Next up was Bethany Louise, singing a Florence & the Machine number, Dog Days Are Over, not heard in karaoke venues often, and she sang it brilliantly. Joe followed her with Glen Campbell’s version of the Conway Twitty classic, It’s Only Make Believe, which

took us to the break. Lisa Mac, on the judging panel for the night, sang a few numbers during the break, along with Kerry, so the audience could recharge their glasses. Jud, a TLK finalist last year, opened the second half with a stunning version of White Snake’s Ain’t No Love In the Heart Of The City, which had the crowd on their feet again. Sara, who made the semifinals last year, but had to pull out through illness,

followed Jud with You and I, by Lady Gaga, and again the crowd responded with huge applause. Kenny was next with country star Willy Nelson’s Always On My Mind, and last, but certainly not least, was Les, who hammered out Have You Ever Seen the Rain?, by Creedence Clearwater Revival. What a superb, entertaining night we were having, and there was still the sing-off to come.

The judges announced four people for this battle: Stuart, Bethany Louise, Sara and Jud. And Sara began, with Angel, Stuart performed another Louis Armstrong song, We Have All The Time In The World, Bethany Louise chose Black Velvet, and, finally, Jud sang Snake. What a brilliant sing-off, leaving four judges with the difficult task of determining who would go through to the semi-finals. All the singers were in excellent form, but two contestants needed to be awarded semifinal slots, and the judges opted for Jud and Sara, each receiving their heat trophies from Sharon. Many thanks to all the entrants at Our Place, whose owners and staff made this another memorable night. The next heat of Tenerife Loves Karaoke takes place tomorrow (Saturday, 30th March) at Clouseau’s Bar, Palm Mar. If you would like to enter, to be in a chance of winning 1,000 euros, and a live singing spot at this year’s Tenerife Entertainment Awards, call 822 141 517, or register direct at the venue. Don’t forget, you have to sing it to win it!


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

13 CW

Fashion raises a fortune!

EMOTIONS were running high last Saturday, as Esther Cushway hosted her second PreLoved Fashion show at Bianco restaurant in the Safari Centre, Las Americas, in support of the Walk for Life cancer charity. A hundred glamorous women came to enjoy the show and support this

wonderful cause, and they loved every minute. Ross Browning compered the event, and ensured that the music set the scene. And Esther’s planning created a spectacular show, which would not have been out of place in Paris and Milan. All the people chosen by Esther to model her clothes were real women, with an emotional attachment to the cause. Each of the nine powerful women was walking for a loved one, who had either passed from cancer, or had survived.

Many cancer survivors were also guests at the event, and this, coupled with emotional music chosen by Ross, meant there was not a dry eye in the house.

The Bianco team, led by Ian Rafferty, provided superb food. They kept the wine flowing, and the entertainment was from Katy Jay and Blanca, with the

perfect end being delivered by The Soul Brothers, who got everyone on their feet. Esther was showcasing her Spring collection from PreLoved by Esther, and hair and make-up came courtesy of Vanity House and Sarmite. In all, the event was a load of fun, raising an incredible â‚Ź4,600. The next event is being planned already, so watch this space. You can find PreLoved by Esther at Calle Asturias 3, above Bar Tasca, San Eugenio: Tel 699 003 118. Photos: Paul Crean

CW 14


SPANISH conservation group Sierra Carpetania filmed two adult wolves in 2013, along with one young male and four cubs, inside the Guadarrama National Park.

It confirmed that wolves were again breeding in the Madrid region, after being hunted across the country and virtually disappearing for 70 years. Now, nearly six years after that sighting, there are at least five established packs, and, said Luis del Olmo, Madrid’s Regional Environment and Sustainability chief: “That is a conservative figure. The number of specimens ranges between 35 and 40.” He was citing figures from the latest study, commissioned by Madrid’s regional government. “It shows that the numbers are growing, slowly but surely, and are now consolidated in the region,” he added. Wolf expert and biologist Juan Carlos Blanco, who directed the study, said the wolves were also moving further inland. “Before, they were on the border of the Madrid mountain range with other regions like Segovia or Ávila,” he said. “But now, they are not so close to the edge, and there are other places where they are seen regularly, and where they will likely establish themselves in the future.” Wolves have been found to the north, east and south of 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Wolves are making a comeback to Madrid, after 70-year absence

an area of the Madrid region, where there are fewer than 10 people per square kilometre. Although the area is close to the capital, its habitat is favourable to wolves and other species, with vegetation like oak, pine, and various shrubs. It is also home to deer and wild boar, a diet the wolves supplement by attacking livestock herds. But the roads surrounding

the capital have proved to be a problem for the wolves, with five of them run over in 13 months. Their bodies were found close to the N-1 road near Buitrago, between El Escorial and Guadarrama, and between Soto del Real and Guadalix. “The roads are going to become the main regulator of the wolf population because it is impossible to avoid accidents,” said Blanco.

“Aside from the road accidents, the Madrid wolves are in good health. We have seen one case of scabies, but nothing worrying.” But there could be trouble ahead because livestock breeders in Madrid want the wolf population to be kept in check, for obvious reasons. As the number of wolves has increased, so, too, has the number of attacks on livestock. In 2013, when wolves were found to be breeding again in Madrid, 15 attacks were recorded. Within three years, that number soared to 213, and last year, it jumped to 398. As a result, the regional government is allocating more of its budget to cover compensation to ranchers. According to Regional Environment Department sources, the budget for compensation has risen from €40,000 in 2014 to €300,000 this year. But Alfredo Berrocal, President of the Madrid growers and ranchers association UGAMA, says the regional government has done nothing to address the

problem. Berrocal, who lets his cows roam the Guadarrama mountain range in the spring, said: “We first have to know what the situation is, how many wolves there are, and where are they moving. Now, though, we are completely in the dark.” He also believes the compensation offered for wolf attacks is not enough. And losing an animal leads to other, indirect losses, involving paperwork, lost offspring and more. “Breeders will have to accept that there will be some drop in livestock numbers, but we cannot accept seeing attacks happen every other day, like they are now,” said Berrocal. “The attitude cannot be, the more wolves, the better. Regulation is needed, and if a wolf which has picked up the habit of attacking has to be killed, it will have to be done.” Environment chief Del Olmo agrees that a “frank debate” is needed on how to approach Madrid’s growing wolf population.

A MOTORIST, said to have failed a drug test, struck a little boy of two on a Spanish pedestrian crossing, who died in hospital.

with three road ambulances and an air ambulance. In a statement, medics said the poor child was transferred in a critical condition to the Hospital de Vic, where he passed away. Local reports say the driver, who is a Civil Protection service volunteer, tested positive for drugs. He has been arrested for “imprudent homicide”.

Million anti-Brexiteers Toddler dies after struck on flooded London streets being road crossing MORE than one million people attended an anti-Brexit march in London last Saturday, according to organisers.

The streets of the UK capital were flooded with demonstrators, demanding another vote on the UK’s European Union departure from the EU. According to the People’s Vote campaign, which organised the rally, “far more” than a million people turned out, making it one of the biggest protests in British history. Around 100 Spanish-based expat Brits flew back for the march, which finished with speeches from several politicians. Labour’s deputy leader, Tom Watson, accused Prime Minister Theresa May of “plunging the country into

chaos”. He also urged her to let the people take control. Unless her deal is passed by MPs, the UK will have to come up with an alternative plan, or face leaving without a deal on 12th April.

The ultimatum came after the embattled leader wrote to all MPs last Friday, saying she would ditch plans to put the deal to another, socalled meaningful, vote, if not enough MPs supported it.

The incident happened in the urban area of Taradell, Barcelona, and seven Catalan police patrol cars were sent to the scene, along


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Vox leader’s call for guns without worry SANTIAGO Abascal, leader of the Spanish far-right political party Vox, has called for the country’s criminal code and gun regulations to be reformed.

He wants it to be easier to own a gun, and to ensure people who shoot home invaders are not prosecuted by the law, as is the case in the United States. In an interview with the weapons publication Armas. es last weekend, just days after New Zealand’s deadly shooting at two mosques, Abascal proposed “a radical and urgent change to the law”. He said: “Spaniards should be allowed to keep a weapon at home, and also be assured they can use it if there’s a real threat to their life, without having to face a legal nightmare.” Spanish citizens without a criminal record, and in full use of their mental faculties, are able to keep a hunting rifle in their home. And other firearms are also

permitted, if the owner has a Guardia Civil licence, proving they need the weapon. According to Guardia sources, there are handguns in just 10,000 households in Spain, while a million homes have hunting rifles. Also, tens of thousands of military members and security personnel also possess weapons. Abascal, once threatened by the Basque terrorist organisation ETA, has said he has a Smith & Wesson pistol with him at all times. The leader of Vox, a party known for its controversial stand on various issues, wants a complete overhaul of the criminal code to “widen the concept of legitimate defence”. Under Article 20.4 of the current Spanish criminal code, a person is exonerated

of criminal responsibility, including compensation, if the case meets three conditions: it was a response to unlawful violence, there was a rational need to stop it using the means employed, and it was unprovoked by the defendant. The article expressly states that “illegal entry” into a home is considered an unlawful cause for violence. A defendant, however, must prove he/she has met these requisites to be exonerated. The alternative, as proposed by Abascal, is total immunity. Representatives of several police unions and Guardia Civil associations have told newspaper El Pais that Abascal’s proposal is “madness”, arguing that it would only serve to increase violence in the country.

15 CW

US is the mostfollowed country

SPAIN is Europe’s third “most-followed” country on social media and the fifth in the world for tourism and current affairs, according to latest market research. Apple Tree Communications says the US, with 6.97m followers, has more than any other country on earth, ahead of México’s 6.03m. The UK leads the field with the most followers in Europe, possibly because of continuing Brexit developments, as well as tourists attracted to its vibrant capital. It has 4.08m followers, which is way ahead of Germany’s 2.95m and Spain’s 2.46m followers, keeping

track of its news and tourism information. But despite its huge global popularity among socialmedia users, none of the most-followed cities in the world are in Spain. Dubai (UAE) holds the top slot, with 7.5m followers, ahead of Hong Kong (5.7m) and Singapore (3.4m). London (2.4m) and New York (1.5m) make up the top five. The most popular social medium for tracking country information is, by a long way, Facebook, representing 72% of followers, compared with Twitter and Instagram, at 14% each. Spanish hotel chain Riu (2m) is the third-most followed, just beaten by Hilton Hotels & Resorts (2.3), with Marriott Hotels (3.1m) the most popular.

CW 16


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Thanks to Ashya’s parents, proton therapy is now the worldwide cure for cancer

SPAIN’S leading doctors are joining a global race to adopt protonbeam therapy, a form of cancer treatment, seen as a less-aggressive alternative to conventional X-ray radiation.

Two private hospitals are building facilities in Madrid, and the first is set to open before this year ends. The other one should open in March 2020. Meanwhile, a scientific society has just issued guidelines to “fill a void” in the use of proton therapy in Spain. And a small group of independent doctors have created a second-opinion network, to raise awareness about an option which patients are rarely told about, because of hospitals’ own business interests. Proton therapy is a worldwide boom, which received widespread media attention in 2014, when a little boy named Ashya King was “smuggled” out of a UK hospital by his parents against their doctors’ advice, to seek treatment in Prague, after first fleeing to Spain. His parents removed him from Southampton General Hospital, against his doctors’ advice, to seek proton therapy treatment abroad. The family first fled to southern Spain, where they were held by police for 72 hours. But their efforts were worth it because Ashya, who suffered from a brain tumour, eventually received his treatment. In March 2018, he was declared free of all signs of cancer, and, today, he is a happygo-lucky schoolboy, his agonising past long forgotten. The following month, proton therapy was administered for the first time in the UK, at a new, private facility in Newport, South Wales. The National Health Service has since opened a unit at the Christie NHS Foundation Trust in Manchester, and is building another one at University College London Hospital (UCLH) NHS Foundation Trust, scheduled to open in the summer of 2020. Facilities have boomed worldwide in the last decade, propelled by shrinking technology and lower investment costs. At the latest count, there are more than 20 proton treatment centres in Europe and 27 in the United States, with many more in the pipeline. And some industry sources say the current global figure, around 60, could double in the next five years. Quirónsalud, Spain’s largest hospital group, is building the country’s first proton therapy

centre in Madrid’s Pozuelo de Alarcón, at a cost of around €40m. And Clínica Universitaria de Navarra (CUN), the hospital of Spain’s prestigious University of Navarra, is opening another centre in Madrid, after investing a similar sum of money, as well as shipping in Hitachi equipment from Japan. While the upfront costs are high, they are significantly lower than the €200m-or-so, which would have been required just a few years ago. Who could benefit? Supporters of proton therapy note that the technology has been used for decades, and it is the clear choice in paediatric tumours and those near highly-sensitive spots such as the brain, spinal cord or eyes. This is because the beams of proton particles zero in on the tumour with great precision, causing little radiation to the surrounding healthy tissues, and lowering the risk of developing new malignancies. In “classic” radiotherapy with photons, the beams continue to release energy as they cross the body. The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) says that up to 60% less radiation can be delivered to the healthy tissues with proton beams, which may also allow for a higher dose to the tumour itself, while avoiding the more severe side effects of conventional radiotherapy. This makes it a particularly good choice for children, because, says Dr Felipe Calvo, who will head the new proton therapy unit at CUN: “You preserve their normal tissues better, and, since children are probably going to be long-term survivors, you need to minimise any possible side-effects of longterm treatments.” This “dosimetric advantage” also benefits patients with tumours near sensitive organs, which could be damaged by collateral radiation, and those requiring re-irradiation in a previously-treated area. The scientific community is still divided over the superior-

ity of proton therapy for more common malignancies, such as prostate or breast cancer, and some experts suggest more clinical trials are needed to recommend a treatment, whose cost per patient runs into the tens of thousands of euros. Critics point to the US, where patients have had trouble getting their insurance to cover some forms of proton treatment, through lack of consensus, although studies, which are underway, could soon expand the current range of indications. On 14th March, the Spanish Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology (SEOR) issued new recommendations, to fill the void in a country with no

prior guidelines for the use of proton therapy; a void that has not been filled by central or regional health authorities, even though a good number of patients get sent for treatment outside our borders every year. Traveling for treatment Some Spanish patients, who have suffered negative experiences with traditional therapy, have decided to try proton treatment, even if, for now, it means going abroad. One man was diagnosed with lung cancer in October 2017, and had several cycles of chemotherapy, as well as 40 sessions of radiotherapy. This caused him terrible sideeffects, including pneumonitis and oesophagitis, which required hospitalisation. “At that moment, we began searching for alternatives and discovered proton therapy,” recalled the spokesperson. “We contacted Munich’s Rinecker Proton Therapy Centre and decided this could be the solution we were looking for.” He and his wife are planning to travel to Germany to try a treatment “without the undesirable side-effects of conventional radiotherapy, which ravages your body”. There are no reliable figures on how many Spanish patients are going abroad for treatment, either privately or through the public health system. In Spain, powers over health-

care are devolved to the regions, which are in charge of decisions regarding treatment and cost coverage. A Health Ministry spokeswoman said that public healthcare patients, approved for proton treatment, are being sent to nearby countries such as France. Carlos Ferrer, SEOR President, said there were several attempts to develop public centres in Spain in the past, but, he added: “They never gelled because the technology was expensive at the time, and there wasn’t as much consolidated evidence as there is now. “And then, the economic crisis hit and everything came to a standstill. We should be grateful that the private sector is pushing this forward, because, if not for these initiatives, Spain would be at the same level as Portugal or Greece.” Last December, the right-ofcentre Popular Party (PP) and Ciudadanos (Citizens) party, rejected a budget amendment that would have earmarked €21m to help create a public proton centre in the Madrid region. One month later, Ciudadanos said it would push for a national proton treatment centre. Meanwhile, Quirónsalud and CUN say they are open to treating patients from the public health system, through agreements.

Timeshare fraud exposed in court A COMPANY comprising lawyers and other legal professionals, appear to have smashed a money-making, timeshare racket in Majorca. M1 Legal’s clients, Mr & Mrs Gough, from Derby, had two contracts: one with Ona Cala Pi Maintenance SL and the other with Noarre SL. A court case was initiated by their resort, Cala Pi, which processed a claim against them for unpaid maintenance fees, totalling over €12,000. M1 legal stepped in on the grounds that the company pursuing the case, Cala Pi, was simply the maintenancefee company, Cala Pi Maintenance SL. The legal firm also submitted a claim against the

contractual party, Noarre SL. The contract with Cala Pi Maintenance SL was dismissed on the grounds of no right or capacity to bring action to appear in court. And the contract with Noarre SL was found to be in perpetuity (no end date). The judge ordered Cala Pi Maintenance to write off the debt for maintenance fees, and the contract with Noarre SL be deemed null and void. Mr Gough said: “Cala Pi started a claim against us for unpaid maintenance fees, ending up at around €12,000. It took some time, but we expected that. M1 legal were totally behind us,

defending us against one of these money-grabbing timeshare companies.” He added: “M1 went to court on behalf of us, and our two contracts were quashed. We always pay our bills, so having a company demand a substantial amount from us was extremely stressful. “We cannot thank M1 Legal enough, now that this is over, and we can move on with our lives without this hanging over us.” The Malaga legal firm has now won at least a dozen victories over timeshare companies since January, adding up to around €200,000. 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019


17 CW

CW 18


By Carol schleisman at currencies direct

STAYING on top of the latest currency news can help you time your transfers more effectively, so find out what you should be looking out for, over the next couple of weeks…

The pound found itself the biggest mover and shaker in currency markets, over the past couple of weeks, as Brexit continued to dominate investor attention. This has seen GBP/EUR

29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Brexit chaos resulting in sterling dramatic swings

jump between 1.15 and a 21-month high of 1.17, before settling at 1.16, while EUR/ GBP dipped from 0.86 to 0.85. Meanwhile, GBP/USD has climbed from 1.30 to 1.32, while EUR/USD has ticked up from 1.12 to 1.13. The pound has been on a roller-coaster ride through March, experiencing wild swings as Brexit developments unfolded. The driving movement in the euro has been another run of lacklustre Eurozone data, and the European Central Bank’s announcement that interest rates would remain on hold through 2019. Meanwhile, a dovish turn by the Federal Reserve dented the appeal of the US dollar.

Evil child-sex monster sent to jail for 23 years

The Fed recently indicated that, this year, it may leave interest rates on hold. Unsurprisingly, Brexit will remain the key catalyst for movement in the pound, over the next few weeks, likely overshadowing any UK

economic data, and driving further volatility. At the same time, we may see some upside in the euro, in the coming weeks, as economists forecast that the Eurozone data will begin to show signs of recovery.

Sale of weapons earns Spain €20 per second

A GROUP of charities ascertain that Spain earns €20 every second from selling weapons to the Saudi Arabian coalition, which is bombing Yemen. Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Oxfam International, FundiPau and Save the Children have collated a campaign, asking Spain’s politicians to suspend arms

exports to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The campaign, ElContadorDeLaVerguenza (the shame counter), sees a counter record two figures; the number of weapons sales authorised by Spain to the Saudi

Brolly bad show for pensioner, 70 A BRITISH paedophile, arrested in Granada after three years on the run, has been jailed for 23 years.

David Daniel Hayes, 40, from Conwy, vanished after facing child-sex-offence charges in court in 2015. He had been working as a private English teacher in the Andalucian city, using a fake name, before Spanish police apprehended him in July. A victim-impact statement described Hayes as an “evil monster” at Mold Crown Court, Flintshire, on Tuesday, where he was sent down for child-sex-offences against 12 youngsters. After Hayes fled on a plane from Liverpool to

Amsterdam in May 2015, North Wales Police made several appeals, and BBC Crimewatch included him on its list of Europe’s mostwanted fugitives. Judge Rhys Rowlands told Hayes he wouldn’t get parole, automatically, after serving half his sentence, saying it was possible he could serve the full stretch. The judge described him as “a pretty inadequate individual, with a distorted view of life, whose crimes are of the most appalling depravity”. An NSPCC Cymru spokesperson said: “Victims should be commended for their bravery at speaking out, and helping to put Hayes behind bars, where he cannot hurt others.”

Finally, for USD investors, the focus is likely to be back on the latest round of US-China trade talks, amidst hopes the two countries may be close to finalising a trade deal. At Currencies Direct, we’re here to talk currency whenever you need us, so get in touch if you want to know more about the latest news, or how it could impact your currency transfers. Since 1996, we’ve helped more than 250,000 customers with their currency transfers. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch, or give us a call to find out more. T: +34 922 971 781 E: canaries@currenciesdirect. com W:

A PENSIONER was seriously injured on Tuesday when a parasol crashed into him as he relaxed on the Playa del Ingles beach in Gran Canaria. The brolly, which had been blown from the sand by the wind, struck him on the head, just after midday. Witnesses said it was a little windy, but they were shocked to see what had happened to the tourist. The 70-year-old, from Finland, was examined by the emergency ambulance team and was treated for a severe head injury. He was stabilised, before being transferred to nearby medical centre Clinica Rosa, where he received further treatment and is under observation.

coalition, and the number of deaths in the crisis in Yemen. And, at the time of writing, the figures stood at more than two billion euros and 60,218 deaths, which is the equivalent of one person every 25 minutes. Campaign co-ordinator, Alberto Estevez, said: “Wednesday marked the fourth anniversary of the beginning of the bombings in the armed conflict in Yemen, and we want to create this shame counter, to show the magnitude of this barbarism.”

44 migrants missing at sea

AT LEAST one person is dead and 44 still missing, after a boat carrying migrants was wrecked on the Alboran Sea between Spain and Morocco. According to charity Walking Frontiers, 22 were rescued from the disaster, but the missing 44 are presumed dead. Helen Maleno, a representative of the charity, said she had received a call last Wednesday from someone on the boat, claiming it was sinking. She added that just one body had so far been rescued by the Moroccan navy. Ms Maleno said: “Their relatives fear the worst, if countries do not work together enough to rescue them.” 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

TV Choice

19 CW

Secrets of the royal babies: Meghan and Harry

Jack The Ripper The Case Reopened Thursday 4th April, BBC1, 21.00

In 1888 the most infamous serial killer of all time, Jack The Ripper, began his reign of terror in the East End of London. Between August and November five horrifically violent murders took place in Whitechapel. There was a huge manhunt, but the Ripper was never caught. Since then there has been endless speculation about who the Ripper was, what motivated his crimes, and how the killer escaped justice. Leading the Cold Case investigation is star of BBC One top drama Silent Witness Emilia Fox, and Britain’s top criminologist Professor David Wilson. Together they look at the Ripper’s modus operandi using modern technology such as a digital autopsy table, and recreating the murder sites to help understand the extraordinary risks that the Ripper took to kill his victims. Using the Home Office Large Major Enquiry System (HOLMES), a bespoke computer system used by the police to help detect patterns in criminal activity, and evidence uncovered within the investigation, results strongly indicate that Martha Tabram is in fact the first Ripper victim. Convinced that Martha Tabram was the Ripper’s first victim, Emilia and David ask a geographical profiling expert to take a fresh look at the pattern of Ripper murder sites, which takes the investigation into a completely different direction identifying the most likely suspect. The debate about Jack the Ripper’s true identity is already over 130 years old and is sure to continue - but this documentary casts new light onto the case and is as definitive as could be in naming the killer.

Monday 1st April, ITV1, 21.00 In spring 2019 Windsor Castle will have a new royal resident. What can expectant mum Meghan learn from royal mothers before her? From unusual royal birthing traditions, how to cope with the domestic politics of life with a royal nanny, and how to juggle mothering with her royal duties. We visit the nanny school in Bath which is the go-to place for royal childcare, and Glamis Castle in Scotland, where young Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret could escape the glare of the media and formality of the royal court. This film uncovers the secrets of royal babies and looks at how the newest royal mother is handling her highly anticipated royal birth.

CW 20

TV Choice 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

This week W C choice

Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom Friday 29 March, BBC2, 21.00

Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom concludes with an exploration of how Australia’s wildli in the human environment. Despite Australia’s relatively small population, the human impact on wildlife has been dra we meet Australia’s natural history success stories - and those being left behind as the cont change. Starting in Australia’s second largest city Melbourne, we witness how possums - tree-dwe taken to sharing trees in busy city parks. They are breeding successfully, but when pressur becomes too great they risk encounters with heavy traffic and domestic cats in order to fin garden sheds. Meanwhile the cold-blooded inhabitants of Brisbane’s parks are demonstrating evolut timescale of roughly 150 years, as the city has risen around them, eastern water dragons have dragons, genetically different and twice the size of their wild cousins. Without trees to climb longer and claws shorter. A suburban garden is the stage for a flamboyant spider the size of out a colourful and rhythmic display for his suitor who will choose whether he will become h Far beyond the bustle of the city, dingoes eek out an existence in the inhospitable en goldmine, while yellowtail grunters present the extraordinary spectacle of fish crossing a r change and deforestation a growing and major threat, one farmer is on a mission to save are quite literally dying of thirst.

John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen Sunday 31st March, ITV1, 23.30

John Torode and Lisa Faulkner invite us into their kitchen for a morning of feel good food. Everyone’s welcome from aspiring chefs to beginners and keen home cooks. The show is brimming with recipes, shortcuts, inspiration and tips from top chef John and champion cook Lisa whose natural chemistry and culinary flair guarantee an easy Sunday morning. Episode 1: On today’s menu, Lisa and John’s Spring roast chicken , a fruity curry from Masterchef champion Shelina Permaloo, super simple Victoria Sponge, cheats raspberry jam and easy cheese scones. Plus, a simple souffle from Nadia Sawalha and Chicken Wings from Levi Roots

The Bay

Wednesday 3rd April, ITV1, 21.00

When Detective Sergeant Lisa Armstrong is assigned to a missing persons investigation, at first it seems like any other – tragic, but all too familiar. As a Family Liaison Officer, she’s trained never to get emotionally involved. Her job is to support families during the worst time of their lives whilst also to be the eyes and ears of the police investigation; a cuckoo in the nest. But there’s something very different about this particular case. With horror Lisa realises she’s got a personal connection with this frightened family; one that could compromise her and the investigation. Episode 3: When the main suspect goes missing, Lisa is concerned about Sean’s possible involvement. The discovery of a key piece of evidence provokes a number of new theories and the police begin to look more closely at other members of the Meredith family. Abbie falls deeper into Vincent’s world, bringing Sam with her. Meanwhile, Sean’s vigilante justice leads him down a dangerous path. 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

week’s TV Choice

ife has adapted to live

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elling marsupials - have re from the neighbours nd shelter in rooves and

tion in overdrive. In a e become metropolitan b their limbs are getting f a grain of rice. He taps her meal or her mate. nvironment of a desert road. And with climate koalas on his land that

Britain’s Brightest Family Wednesday 3rd April, ITV1, 20.00

Britain’s Brightest Family, the fast-paced, hit quiz show is back for a brand new series on ITV and this time it’s bigger and better than before. Anne Hegerty, The Governess from ITV’s The Chase, returns to host the show where sixteen families will battle it out in a knockout tournament with £25,000 up for grabs for the winning family. Packed full of the show’s signature play-along questions for all the family, it kicks off with a quick-fire round, before heading into an intense head-to-head specialist round, where the families will have to choose which of them will face-off, answering questions on a randomly chosen subject. Then it’s on to a multiple choice round where they’ll all be playing at the same time. The more of them that get it right, the more points their family wins. Up next it’s a brand new memory round where one member of each family will have just 10 seconds to remember a sequence of shapes before having to frantically recreate what they’ve just seen. This all culminates in the final round, where the families will have 90 seconds to win through to the next heat, but with double points up for grabs, it’s anyone’s game. Episode 9: Having made it through to the quarter finals, two bright families go head to head for a place in the semi finals of this knockout tournament, hosted by the Queen of quizzing, The Governess, aka Anne Hegerty.


Wednesday 3rd April, BBC2, 21.00

Kathryn (Helen McCrory), Max (Richard Gere) and Caden (Billy Howle) gather at a remote farmhouse to delve into personal and political revelations. Will the family fight take to the world stage? MotherFatherSon is written by Tom Rob Smith, and also stars Ciarán Hinds, Sarah Lancashire, Pippa Bennett-Warner, Sinéad Cusack, Paul Ready, Joseph Mawle and Danny Sapani.

TV Choice

21 CW

CW 22

TV Guide

06:00...................... Breakfast 09:15 ......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 10:00...............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .................. The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45 ...... Dom on the Spot 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:30..................BBC London News; Weather 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15.................... Pitching In 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45...................... Money for Nothing 16:30........Blue Planet UK


ch oi ce


18:00......BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30..............A Question of Sport 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30............ MasterChef 21:30................ BBC News Special 23:35......... Sliding Doors 01:10............... BBC News


06:30.......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 07:15... Money for Nothing 08:00.Antiques Roadshow 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00......................Eggheads 13:30.............. Royal Recipes 13:45.............................. Coast 14:45.............Street Auction 15:30...............Ocean Giants 16:30...................Going Back, Giving Back 17:15...........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30.... Britain in Bloom 19:00........... Mastermind 19:30.......................David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 20:00.Great British Menu 20:30...Gardeners’ World 21:00.... Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom 22:00....... Frankie Boyle’s New World Order 22:30..............Newsnight 23:35...... My Scientology Movie: Louis Theroux 01:10...............Panorama

Friday 29th march

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 ...............................Brojects

10:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 ................... Animal House

07:35 ...............................Brojects

11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

08:00 .............American Pickers

12:05............Location, Location, Location

09:00 .......................... Road Wars

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

13:05............Location, Location, Location

10:00 ........................... Babylon 5

09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

10:00 .............American Pickers

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

11:00 .............American Pickers

15:00 ..................Big Beasts: Last of the Giants

12:00 .............American Pickers

16:00................. Modern Family

14:00............................. Top Gear

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

15:00............ Jay Leno’s Garage

17:30............................ Futurama

16:00 .................Sin City Motors

18:00.................... Futurama

17:00............................. Top Gear

17:55..................... The Supervet

18:30............. The Simpsons

18:00..................... Top Gear

18:55.................. 999: On the Frontline

20:30 ...........Modern Family

19:00....... American Pickers

21:00 ........................ Curfew

19:55............ Grand Designs

22:00 .................. Gameshow of Thrones

20:00 ...................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

08:30......................... Lorraine

09:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond

10:30............... This Morning

07:45 ..................................Frasier

10:10...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA

12:30............. Loose Women

12:00 ...............Channel 4 News

13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News

12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me

13:55...... ITV News London

14:10 ....................... Countdown

14:00............... Judge Rinder

15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun


13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it

16:00 ..................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

16:00...............Tipping Point

17:00 .....................Four in a Bed

17:00.....................The Chase

17:30 ....... Come Dine with Me

18:00................. ITV News London

18:00............. The Simpsons

18:30............ ITV Evening News

19:00......... Channel 4 News

19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..............Coronation Street 20:30................Midsomer Murders

18:30................... Hollyoaks 20:00 ......... Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it 21:00.................. Gogglebox 22:00................ The Last Leg 23:05.The Big Narstie Show

06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold 08:00......................... Emmerdale 09:00...... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20.......................... Superstore 11:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15......................... Emmerdale 13:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 13:45............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35....The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50....................... Take Me Out 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 21:00..................... Furious 7 23:40.................. Family Guy 00:15.................. Family Guy 00:40............ American Dad!

22:30................. ITV News 23:00................. ITV News London 23:15..........The Jonathan Ross Show 00:15.................. Tenable 01:05............ Jackpot247

In the final programme looking at the UK’s Blue Planet, Gillian Burke investigates whether being a brave crab is a disastrous strategy. Steve Brown will be finding out if herring - the ‘silver darlings of the sea’ - are making a comeback this year and one man shares his passion for sea horses. Plus the programme will explore the lesser-known British coral reefs and a reflection on life as a lighthouse keeper. Presented from St Abbs in Scotland by Steve Brown and Gillian Burke with Chris Packham.


08:55 ............... Coast v Country

06:25 ................................. Cheers

Blue Planet UK BBC1, 16.30

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals

00:10......... 30 Days of Night

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:05 ................... The Secret Life of Puppies 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15.................. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..............Can’t Pay Special: Big Family Bust-Up 13:15.............. Home and Away 13:45....................... Neighbours 14:15........ A Bundle of Trouble 16:00................................ Friends 17:00........................ 5 News at 5 17:30....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ...... The Gadget Show 20:00....Paddington Station: The Big Weekend Getaway 21:00.......Eamonn and Ruth: The Millionaire’s Rulebook 22:00......... The Royal Family at War 23:15........................ Britain’s Favourite Crisps

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 09:25....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

14:15........ Come Dine with Me 14:50........ Come Dine with Me 15:20........ Come Dine with Me 15:50........ Come Dine with Me 16:20........ Come Dine with Me 16:55..............................A Place in the Sun

21:00.......... Deutschland 86 22:00..........24 Hours in A&E

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

21:00................ Bad Teacher 23:00................................. QI

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

23:30...................Comedian’s Watching Football...

00:10.................. 999: On the Frontline

00:00......................Football’s Funniest Moments

23:40................. Have I Got a Bit More News for You

01:10.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

00:30.................. A League of Their Own

01:20..... Would I Lie to You?

00:40................................. QI

Saturday 30th march 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 10:00.........................Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30........ Mary Berry Quick Cooking 12:00 ............Football Focus 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:10 ........................Weather 13:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 14:15...................... Money for Nothing 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 16:00....................Final Score 17:15.........................Celebrity Mastermind 17:45......................BBC News 17:55.....BBC London News 18:05.................Pointless 18:50............. Catchpoint 19:20...All Together Now 20:25................. Casualty 21:10............All Round to Mrs Brown’s 22:10............... BBC News 22:25..................Weather 22:30... Match of the Day 23:55.. Britain’s Youngest Football Boss 00:15.......... The Celebrity Apprentice USA 02:00...... Weather for the Week Ahead


06:45................... All Over the Place: Asia 07:15 ............... Wild & Weird 07:30 .........Absolute Genius with Dick & Dom 08:00....................... Top Class 08:30.......... The Dog Ate My Homework 09:00...................Deadly on a Mission: Pole to Pole 09:30 ..........................Nature’s Microworlds 10:00............Wonders of the Universe 11:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 12:00..........Rick Stein’s Long Weekends 13:00.......... Talking Pictures 13:50....The Wooden Horse 15:30...............Ocean Giants 16:30............Pilgrimage: The Road to Santiago 17:30..................James May’s Cars of the People 18:30.... The Great British Sewing Bee 19:30.............Race Across the World 20:30.............Dad’s Army 21:00... Dave Allen: God’s Own Comedian 22:00...............Dave Allen at Peace 23:00....... Dave Allen: the Immaculate Selection 00:00........................ Pose

06:00................Childrens’ TV 07:30...................Scrambled! 07:35.................The Tom and Jerry Show 07:50 .The Powerpuff Girls

06:35............... Everybody Loves Raymond

09:05 ........Pirata and Capitano

07:00...................................Frasier 07:30...................................Frasier 07:55.......The Big Bang Theory 09:15.................... The Simpsons

09:05 .......... Teen Titans Go!

10:15.............................. Heineken Champions Cup Rugby

09:30........................ Saturday Morning with James Martin 11:40......................... Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen 12:45............. James Martin’s American Adventure 13:15..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:35..........Live and Let Die 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00......................The Secret Life of Pets 18:35............ ITV Evening News

11:15.................... The Simpsons 11:45.................... The Simpsons 12:15.............................. Heineken Champions Cup Rugby 15:00......................Four in a Bed 17:35.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 18:30.......... Channel 4 News 19:00.................... Formula 1 20:30..........Mission Ignition 21:30.....................Mechanic: Resurrection

08:55 ............................... Wissper 09:20............................... Floogals 09:35 .......................... Paw Patrol 09:55 .................Shane the Chef 10:05...........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:15...... Funniest Ever Toddler Tantrums

23 CW

06:00...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:15.......................... Emmerdale Omnibus 08:50..............Coronation Street Omnibus 11:45...................... The Voice UK 13:45.......................... BGT: Top 10 Comedy Corkers

11:05...........Police Interceptors

14:50......................... You’ve Been Framed!

12:00................................. Friends

15:20...... The Mummy Returns

14:30....... Deadly Switch (Film)


16:10 .............The Yorkshire Vet

18:55...................... FYI Daily

17:20 .............The Yorkshire Vet


18:15.................. Around the World by Train with Tony Robinson

20:00..... Wrath of the Titans

19:05.........5 News Weekend 19:10..............Elizabeth: Our Queen - Crown in Crisis 21:00......... The Royal Family at War

21:00...................... FYI Daily 21:05..... Wrath of the Titans 22:05............ Celebrity Juice 22:50.................. Family Guy 23:20.................. Family Guy 23:45.................. Family Guy

23:25.............. Transporter 3

22:15................All New Most Shocking Moments in Pop 3

00:15............ American Dad!

08:55.....Jamie’s Comfort Food

06:00 ................. Modern Family

06:00 ....................Teleshopping

09:10............ A Place in the Sun

06:30 ................. Modern Family

10:20........... A Place in the Sun

07:30 ................. Modern Family

07:20.................. Arnie’s Greatest Ever Stunts

11:20........... A Place in the Sun

08:30 ................. Modern Family

09:00 .............American Pickers

12:20............Location, Location, Location

09:00 ............................ The Flash

10:00 .............American Pickers

10:00........................ Soccer A.M.

11:00 .............American Pickers

13:30............Location, Location, Location

11:30 .......Live Premier League: Fulham v Manchester City Pre Match

12:00............................. Top Gear

12:30................... The Simpsons

15:00 ............. Last Stop Garage

00:40............ American Dad!

19:00.............. The Chase: Celebrity Special 20:00.......The Voice UK


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21:45..........The Jonathan Ross Show 22:45................ ITV News

22:55............. The 40 Year Old Virgin 02:00............ Jackpot247

SEMI-FINAL: It’s the live Semi-Final of The Voice UK, where the winner of the lifeline vote is revealed and the remaining singers from Team Olly, Team JHud, Team Will and Team Tom sing to stay in the competition and be one step closer to winning a recording contract with Polydor Records. Only four acts can go through to the Final, and the power lies with the viewers at home as the public vote to save their favourite singers.


06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

08:30 .................... Robozuna

The Voice UK ITV1, 20.00

06:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond

08:10 ...................Toonmarty

09:25 ...................... ITV News

TV Guide

14:35............Location, Location, Location 15:35........ Come Dine with Me 16:10........ Come Dine with Me 16:40........ Come Dine with Me 17:15........ Come Dine with Me 17:50........ Come Dine with Me

14:00........... Live Bahrain F1 GP: Quali Pre-Show 14:55........... Live Bahrain F1 GP: Qualifying 16:30..............................Supergirl

13:00............................. Top Gear 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:30............. Last Stop Garage 16:00.....Red Bull Soapbox Race 17:00.....Red Bull Soapbox Race 18:00......................Top Gear

17:30.................... The Simpsons

19:00..... Would I Lie to You?

18:30..............The Simpsons

19:40..... Would I Lie to You?

19:30..............The Simpsons

20:20..... Would I Lie to You?

20:00.................. A League of Their Own

21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

21:00........ Meet the Fockers

22:00............................ QI XL

23:05............. Sarah Millican: Chatterbox Live

23:10................... Comedians Watching Football

23:00............... Hypothetical

00:15............... It Was Alright in the 1980s

23:40.................. Strike Back

00:30............ Judge Romesh

00:40.............. Hawaii Five-0

02:00........... Mock the Week

18:20............... Four in a Bed 19:25............... Four in a Bed 20:25............... Four in a Bed 21:00.............. Sarah Millican Home Bird Live 22:05............. Sarah Millican

00:00............ Judge Romesh

CW 24

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 08:30 ...... Match of the Day 10:00 ................. The Andrew Marr Show 11:00 ........... Sunday Politics London 11:30 ................Walks of Life 12:30 .. Money for Nothing 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:10........... Weather for the Week Ahead 13:15 .......... Songs of Praise 13:50 .............. Bargain Hunt 14:35 ...................... Escape to the Country 15:20 ............................. Brave 16:45 .......................Pointless 17:35 .....................BBC News 18:00............ Countryfile 19:00................. Antiques Roadshow 20:00.....Blue Planet Live 21:00........Line of Duty CWce ch oi 22:00............... BBC News 22:30................. Match of the Day 2 23:30...........The Women’s Football Show 00:05.......... The Celebrity Apprentice USA 01:30............... BBC News



Sunday 31st march

06:10 .......................... Scott of the Antarctic 07:55 ......... Talking Pictures 08:35 ...... Gardeners’ World 09:05 .................. Countryfile 10:00 ........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30 ......... The Hairy Bikers’ Chicken and Egg 12:30 .....My Mediterranean with Adrian Chiles 13:30............................Odette 15:25.............................. Coast 16:00...........Nature’s Miracle Babies 17:00..........Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom 18:00. Inside the Factory 19:00......... Dragons’ Den 20:00.............Race Across the World 21:00........ Natural World 22:00.............. The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan 23:00....... Frankie Boyle’s New World Order 23:30.............White Gold 00:00............... Look Back in Anger 01:40....... Question Time

06:00................Childrens’ TV

06:00 ................ King of Queens

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

06:00 .....Emmerdale Omnibus

08:10................ Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

06:50 ......The Big Bang Theory

10:30 ..................................Access

07:35 ..................................Frasier

10:35 ..........Police Interceptors

08:25............. Coronation Street Omnibus

08:30........................Project Z

08:30........................... Everybody Loves Raymond

12:30 ................................ Friends

09:05 .......... Teen Titans Go! 09:25...................... ITV News 09:30............ James Martin’s Sunday Selection 10:30 ......This Morning - On Sunday 11:30............. John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen 12:35............... Australia with Julia Bradbury 13:05..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:15................The Voice UK 15:00........The Man with the Golden Gun 17:30......ITV Evening News 17:45...... ITV News London 18:00.. The Family Chase 19:00............ What Would Your Kid Do?

09:30 .................Sunday Brunch

15:00 ...................The Wonderful World of Puppies

12:30............. Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food

16:00 ...................The Wonderful World of Puppies

13:00 ................... The Simpsons

17:00 ...................The Wonderful World of Puppies

14:30 ..............Doctor Dolittle 2 16:15 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:15 ..........The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer 18:30.......... Channel 4 News 19:00............... Escape to the Chateau 20:00........ Secrets of Egypt’s Valley of the Kings 21:00.................... Formula 1 23:00........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 00:05...... Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Back

11:25....................BGT: Stephen’s Top 10 Crown Jewels 12:25...................... Catchphrase 13:25............................... Wrath of the Titans 15:30 ..................... Scooby-Doo!

17:55 .............5 News Weekend

16:30.............................. FYI Daily

18:00........... World’s Busiest Hotel

16:35 ..................... Scooby-Doo! 17:15.................................... Shrek

18:50 .............. Secrets of the Heinz Factory

18:15..................... FYI Daily

19:45.......Inside Mcdonald’s: The 300 Billion Dollar Burger Business

19:00............ The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

21:00....... Britain’s Favourite Gameshows 23:05.......Didn’t He Do Well? Bruce Forsyth Story 00:30............... Cruising with Jane McDonald

18:20........................... Shrek

22:35.................. Family Guy 23:30.................. Family Guy 23:55............ American Dad! 00:25............ American Dad!

00:55....Ride Upon the Storm

00:45............... Cruising with Jane McDonald

00:55...The Cleveland Show

08:55......... Find it, Fix it, Flog it

06:00 ..........The Hour of Power

06:00 ....................Teleshopping

10:00 .......Find it, Fix it, Drive it

07:00 ............................ The Flash

07:10 ...............................Brojects

11:00............................. Car S.O.S

08:00 .............................Supergirl

12:00....... Come Dine with Me

09:00 ................... The Simpsons

07:35 ........................... Brojects in the House

12:30....... Come Dine with Me

11:00 ...........................WWE Raw

13:05....... Come Dine with Me

12:00 ...........................MacGyver

13:35....... Come Dine with Me

13:00 ................ Portrait Artist of the Year 2019


20:00..Coronation Street 21:00...................Victoria 22:00................ ITV News 22:15.. Weather From Hell 23:10...................The Bay 00:05............ Jackpot247

Line Of Duty BBC1, 21.00 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Jed Mercurio’s smash hit drama returns to BBC One. When three police officers are shot dead during the hijack of a seized drugs transport, AC-12 move in to investigate possible police collusion. Stephen Graham joins the series as John Corbett, the ruthless leader of an Organised Crime Group (OCG), who hijack a seized drugs transport. AC-12 investigators Superintendent Ted Hastings (Adrian Dunbar), Detective Inspector Kate Fleming (Vicky McClure) and Detective Sergeant Steve Arnott (Martin Compston) suspect corrupt police officers of leaking information. As the body count rises, AC-12 realise they’re facing their most vicious adversary yet.

14:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 14:40 .....................Four in a Bed 15:45..................... Four in a Bed 16:45 .....................Four in a Bed 17:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 18:25.... Come Dine with Me 18:55.... Come Dine with Me 19:25.... Come Dine with Me 20:00.999: On the Frontline

08:00.................................Red Bull Soapbox Race 10:00............................. Top Gear 11:00 ............................. Top Gear

14:00.... The F1 Show: Bahrain

12:00 .............American Pickers

14:30.................. Live Bahrain F1 GP: Pit Lane Live

15:00 .................Sin City Motors

15:30...................Live Bahrain F1 GP: On the Grid

18:00......... Steve Backshall’s Extreme River Challenge

16:05...................Live Bahrain F1 Grand Prix 18:00..... Live Bahrain F1 GP: Paddock Live 19:00............Modern Family

16:00 ......... Would I Lie to You?

19:00............Hurricane Man 20:00....................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

22:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency?

20:00.................... MacGyver

21:00..................Have I Got a Bit More News for You

21:00.............. Hawaii Five-0

22:00............................ QI XL

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

22:00.......NCIS: Los Angeles

23:00....... Live at the Apollo

00:05............Sex Toy Stories

23:00................ Magnum P.I.

00:00........... Mock the Week

01:05 .................. Emergency Helicopter Medics


00:40........... Mock the Week

01:00...................SEAL Team

01:20........... Mock the Week

21:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics

19:30..............The Simpsons 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 10:00...............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00................... The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45....... Dom on the Spot 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15 .......................Curiosity 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45... Money for Nothing 16:30.........The Repair Shop 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............Fake Britain 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30 ..............Panorama 21:00.................Warren


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21:30........ This Time with Alan Partridge 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:25.......Regional News 22:30..................Weather 22:35 ................. Fleabag

23:00.................America’s Child Brides 23:45............... Live at the Apollo 00:30............... BBC News

monday 1st April

06:00.......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 06:45... Money for Nothing 07:30.... Great British Menu 08:30...................The Week in Parliament 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00 .....Victoria Derbyshire 11:00....BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00........................The Boss 13:45.The Tropic of Cancer 14:45............... This Wild Life 15:15....... The Hairy Builder 15:45............Wonders of the Monsoon 16:45......................Eggheads 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30.... Britain in Bloom 19:00........The Chronicles of Mourne 19:30......... Only Connect 20:00............... University Challenge 20:30..............Mary Berry Quick Cooking 21:00............The Brexit CW Storm: Laura Kuenss- choice berg’s Inside Story 22:00... The Mash Report 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15... Body Clock: What Makes Us Tick? 00:15............ MasterChef

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55..... ITV News London 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00......................... Tenable 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:00.... ITV News London 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..Coronation Street 20:00......... The Kyle Files 20:30..Coronation Street 21:00..........Secrets of the Royal Babies: Meghan and Harry

TV Guide

25 CW

06:25 ................................. Cheers 07:45.................................. Frasier 09:10........................... Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05........ Come Dine with Me 13:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00......................Four in a Bed 17:30..... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00.................. Dispatches 20:30 .......Food Unwrapped 21:00...................24 Hours in Police Custody 22:00......... Women Who Kill 23:00........Mums Make Porn 00:00....................60 Days on the Streets

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .................. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45....................... Neighbours 14:15 ........Deadly Dance Mom 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30.......... 5 News Tonight 19:00........... Everest: World’s Greatest Mountain 20:00..... Police Interceptors 21:00...Around the World by Train, with Tony Robinson 22:00........ The Sex Business 23:05........... Manhunt: Catch Me If You Can 00:05.... Fritzl - The Monster: 10 Years on

08:55............... Coast v Country

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 ...............The Joy of Techs

10:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:35 ...............The Joy of Techs

11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 ................... Animal House

08:00 .............American Pickers

12:05 ...........Location, Location, Location

07:30 ................... Animal House

09:00........ Storage Hunters UK

13:05 ...........Location, Location, Location

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK

09:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

10:00 .............American Pickers

10:00 ........................... Babylon 5

12:00............. American Pickers

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20.................. Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20......................... Superstore 11:15 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15........................ Emmerdale 12:45............ Coronation Street 13:45.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35... The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 ...................... Take Me Out 19:00 .You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 ................. Family Guy 21:30 ........... American Dad! 22:00 ...............Timewasters 22:30 ................. Family Guy 23:30 ........... American Dad! 23:55...The Cleveland Show 00:25...The Cleveland Show

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45.................. Babes in the Wood 23:35........Judge Rinder’s Crime Stories 00:35.....................La Liga Highlights 01:25............ Jackpot247


The Brexit Storm: Laura Kuenssberg’s Inside Story c h o i c e BBC2, 21.00

The Brexit Storm: Laura Kuenssberg’s Inside Story offers an unprecedented insight into one of the most extraordinary political stories of our time, following the BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, as she reports on the twists and turns of Parliament as the United Kingdom negotiates to leave the EU. Laura has a front-row seat on history as it unfolds. With candid access to many of the key players of this political drama, the one-off special includes neverseen-before footage and gives audiences a chance to share Laura’s unique perspective - and glimpse the sides of her job which usually stay off-camera. Shadowed by a film crew as she reports on this turbulent political period, the programme starts from the moment the Prime Minister announces her Chequers Plan, through Brussels, as Theresa May navigates her way towards a deal with the EU, before returning to London to witness the toughest parliamentary battles of the modern era. Throughout the journey, the cameras capture the unstudied thoughts and debates of some of the country’s most influential parliamentarians on both sides of the Brexit debate, depicting Laura, and her interviewees, as audiences have never seen them before.

14:15 ....... Come Dine with Me 14:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 15:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00.................... Hawaii Five-0

16:55 ........... A Place in the Sun

15:00.................. Big Beasts: Last of the Giants

17:55 .................... The Supervet

16:00 ................. Modern Family

18:55.................. 999: On the Frontline

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

19:55........... Grand Designs 21:00...Devon and Cornwall 22:00 .........The Royal House of Windsor 23:05..........24 Hours in A&E 00:10.................. 999: On the Frontline 01:15.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA


17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00.................... Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00 .................... Supergirl 21:00 ....... Meet the Fockers 23:10 ................. A League of Their Own 00:05......................... Curfew 01:00.........Motorway Patrol

Warren BBC1, 21.00

Warren’s familypacked car breaks down following an altercation en route to Anne’s Auntie Faye’s funeral. Stuck on the motorway with his annoying family, Warren’s day couldn’t get any worse. Warren is played by Martin Clunes, Anne is played by Lisa Millett, Charlie is played by Tim Preston, Danny is played by Oscar Morgan, Grandad is played by David Hargreaves, Nanny is played by Judith Barker, Colin is played by Aaron Neil, Liz is played by Martine Brown.


11:00............. American Pickers 13:00 ............................. Top Gear 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00............ Jay Leno’s Garage 16:00..................... Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00 .......American Pickers 20:00 ...... Jay Leno’s Garage 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00 ................... Room 101 22:40 ................... Room 101 23:20 ........................Porters 00:00 ........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:00............................ QI XL

CW 26

TV Guide

tuesday 2nd April 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 10:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .................. The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45...... Dom on the Spot 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 .......................Curiosity 15:00 ...................... Escape to the Country 15:45 .................... Money for Nothing 16:30 ........The Repair Shop 17:15....................... Pointless 18:00.... BBC News at Six 19:00....... The One Show 19:30............ EastEnders 20:00 ............. Holby City 21:00 ........The Murder of Jill Dando 22:00 ............... BBC News at Ten 22:25...... Regional News 22:35................. Glow Up 23:35 ........... Acid Attack: My Story 00:20............... BBC News


06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

06:25................................. Cheers 07:45 ..................................Frasier 09:10 ...........................Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05........ Come Dine with Me 13:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00......................Four in a Bed 17:30..... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00..... The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer 21:15...................Derry Girls 21:45........................... Home 22:15.................. Gogglebox 23:20................... First Dates 00:20.............. The Supervet

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .................. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 12:10...........5 News Lunchtime 12:15...................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10...................................Access 13:15............... Home and Away 13:45........................ Neighbours 14:15........................ Manic Mom 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00......................... 5 News at 5 17:30................. Neighbours 18:00..........Home and Away 18:30........... 5 News Tonight 19:00... Kilimanjaro: Wonder of the World 20:00........The Yorkshire Vet 21:15.................. First Class v Economy: Is it Worth it? 22:15.......Inside Mcdonald’s: The 300 Billion Dollar Burger Business 23:15...............Too Fat to Fly 00:30............Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals

22:45..........The Jonathan Ross Show

08:55 ............... Coast v Country

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 ...............The Joy of Techs

10:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:35............... The Joy of Techs

23:45.................. Tenable

11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 ................... Animal House

08:00 .............American Pickers

00:40............ Jackpot247

12:05............Location, Location, Location

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

09:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK

10:00 ........................... Babylon 5

11:00............. American Pickers

08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30.............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55........................ ITV News London 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00......................... Tenable 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 20:00....The Martin Lewis Money Show Live - Brexit Special 21:00....Inside Britain’s Storms

ITV1, 21.00

06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold 08:00......................... Emmerdale 08:25.............Coronation Street 09:25............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20.......................... Superstore 10:50.......................... Superstore 11:15......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold 11:45......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold 12:15......................... Emmerdale 12:45.............Coronation Street 13:45............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35....The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50....................... Take Me Out 19:00................. You’ve Been Framed: Gold 21:00..................... Furious 7 23:45.................. Family Guy


ch oi ce

22:00..... ITV News at Ten

Inside Britain’s Storms

This winter’s storm season has seen floods, gale force winds, lightning strikes and arctic snow fall - with two storms hitting this March alone. Using exclusive footage, eye witness accounts and satellite tracking, this programme follows big weather events - from Met office to ‘ground zero’ -revealing the worst Mother Nature can throw at us.


06:30 ......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 07:15... Money for Nothing 08:00...... Gardeners’ World 08:30 ...........Great Canadian Railway Journeys 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15................. Politics Live 13:00...................... The Super League Show 13:45.The Tropic of Cancer 14:45............... This Wild Life 15:15 ...... The Hairy Builder 15:45............Wonders of the Monsoon 16:45......................Eggheads 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30.... Britain in Bloom 19:00................. Antiques Road Trip 20:00....Inside the Factory 21:00.......The Great British Sewing Bee 22:00.. Live at the Apollo 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15.... Tribes, Predators & Me 00:15............ MasterChef

13:05............Location, Location, Location 14:15........ Come Dine with Me

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

14:50........ Come Dine with Me

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

15:20........ Come Dine with Me

14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

15:50........ Come Dine with Me 16:20........ Come Dine with Me

15:00 .............................. Dogs: An Amazing Family

16:55............ A Place in the Sun

16:00 ................. Modern Family

17:55..................... The Supervet

16:30 ................. Modern Family

18:55.................. 999: On the Frontline

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

19:55............ Grand Designs

18:00 ....................Futurama

21:00..........24 Hours in A&E

18:30............. The Simpsons

22:00.....Nightwatch Nation: Emergency 911

20:00 ..........................Arrow

23:00........................ Trauma

22:00 ................. A League of Their Own

00:05.................. 999: On the Frontline 01:10..........24 Hours in A&E

17:30 ............................Futurama

21:00 ..................SEAL Team

23:00......................... Curfew 00:00................... Road Wars

10:00............. American Pickers 12:00............. American Pickers 13:00............................. Top Gear 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00 ............Jay Leno’s Garage 16:00..................... Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00 .....................Top Gear 19:00 .......American Pickers 20:00 ...........Hurricane Man 21:00................... Room 101 21:40 ................... Room 101 22:20........... Mock the Week 23:00 .............. Hypothetical 00:00 ........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:00............................ QI XL 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 10:00...............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00................... The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45....... Dom on the Spot 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15........................Curiosity 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45... Money for Nothing 16:30.........The Repair Shop 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:30.BBC London News 19:00........The One Show 20:00...... The Sheriffs are Coming 21:00.................. DIY SOS 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:25.......Regional News 22:30..................Weather 22:35... Match of the Day 23:40..............A Question of Sport 00:10............... BBC News

wednesday 3rd April

06:30.......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 07:15... Money for Nothing 08:00............. See Hear: Deaf Children of Our Time 08:30 ....... Mary Berry Quick Cooking 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 11:15.................. Politics Live 13:00........................The Boss 13:45.The Tropic of Cancer 14:45............... This Wild Life 15:15....... The Hairy Builder 15:45............Wonders of the Monsoon 16:45......................Eggheads 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30.... Britain in Bloom 19:00.............Race Across the World 20:00.. Great British Menu 21:00...Motherfatherson 22:00.............White Gold 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15.... Tribes, Predators & Me 00:15........ See Hear: Deaf Children of Our Time

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30......................... Lorraine 09:25....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30............... This Morning 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55...... ITV News London 14:00............... Judge Rinder 15:00..........................Tenable 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00..................... The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..Coronation Street 20:00................... Britain’s Brightest Family 20:30..Coronation Street 21:00...................The Bay 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45.................... Peston 23:40.................. Tenable 00:35............ Jackpot247

TV Guide

27 CW

06:25 ................................. Cheers 07:45 ..................................Frasier 09:10 ...........................Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05........ Come Dine with Me 13:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00......................Four in a Bed 17:30..... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00.............. The Supervet 21:00. Married at First Sight 22:00........Mums Make Porn 23:00...................Derry Girls 23:35.................. Gogglebox 00:35.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .................. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10.................................. Access 13:15.............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ................. Deadly Deed: A Fixer Upper Mystery 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00............. Ben Nevis: The Venomous Mountain 20:00..................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 21:00....... Critical Condition 22:00......... The Royal Family at War 23:15....... Benefit House: Me and My 26 Kids 00:15..... Police Interceptors

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals

08:55 ............... Coast v Country

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

06:00.................... Teleshopping

10:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:10............... The Joy of Techs

11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 ................... Animal House

07:35 ...............The Joy of Techs

12:05 ..............................Location, Location, Location

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

08:00 .............American Pickers

09:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

10:00 ........................... Babylon 5

10:00 .............American Pickers

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00 .............American Pickers

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

15:00 .............................. Dogs: An Amazing Family

14:00 ............................. Top Gear

16:00 ................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons

16:00.......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

17:30 ............................Futurama

17:00.............................. Top Gear

18:30..............The Simpsons

18:00......................Top Gear

20:00 ................. A League of Their Own

19:00........American Pickers

21:00................ Magnum P.I.

20:30........ Last Stop Garage

22:00.......... Bounty Hunters

21:00............................ QI XL

22:30.................. Strike Back


00:05.................. 999: On the Frontline

23:30.....Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life


01:10................ Find it, Fix it, Drive it

00:30................... Road Wars

23:40............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

01:00.........Motorway Patrol

00:40............................ QI XL

13:05...............................Location, Location, Location 14:15........ Come Dine with Me 14:50........ Come Dine with Me 15:20........ Come Dine with Me 15:50........ Come Dine with Me 16:20........ Come Dine with Me 16:55............ A Place in the Sun 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55.................. 999: On the Frontline 19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00................ Find it, Fix it, Drive it 22:00......................Car S.O.S 23:00..........24 Hours in A&E

06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold 07:35 ........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20......................... Superstore 10:50 ......................... Superstore 11:15 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 11:45........................ Emmerdale 12:45............ Coronation Street 13:45.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35....The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50....................... Take Me Out 19:00................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 21:00...................... Hot Fuzz 23:25.................. Family Guy 00:30............ American Dad!

09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK

15:00 ............Jay Leno’s Garage

20:00........ Last Stop Garage

CW 28

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 10:00...............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .................. The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45....... Dom on the Spot 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15........................Curiosity 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45... Money for Nothing 16:30.........The Repair Shop 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00 ................ Celebrity Painting Challenge 21:00................... Jack the Ripper - The Case Reopened 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:25.......Regional News 22:30..................Weather 22:35....... Question Time 23:35...............This Week

thursday 4th april

06:30.......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 07:15... Money for Nothing 08:00..........The Great British Sewing Bee 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00........................The Boss 13:45.The Tropic of Cancer 14:45............... This Wild Life 15:15....... The Hairy Builder 15:45............Wonders of the Monsoon 16:45......................Eggheads 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30.... Britain in Bloom 19:00... Match of the Day 19:30......... Gone Fishing: Mortimer & Whitehouse 20:00.Great British Menu 21:00........................ Pose 22:00....... Frankie Boyle’s New World Order 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15.... Tribes, Predators & Me 00:15........ The Choir: Our School by the Tower

06:25 ................................. Cheers 07:45 ..................................Frasier 09:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.... Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 .... A New Life in the Sun 17:00..................... Four in a Bed 17:30.... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00.....Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke 21:00............ Grand Designs 22:00........24 Hours in Police Custody 23:05....... Bad Banks: Walter Presents 00:10....Married at First Sight

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .................. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10.................................. Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45....................... Neighbours 14:15 .......Running for Her Life 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30................ Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00............... Secrets of the World’s Greatest Mountains 20:00........... Manhunt: Catch Me If You Can 21:00............... Secrets of the Mcvitie’s Factory 22:00......... Spray Tan Mums: Single and Proud 23:05..............Age Gap Love 00:05............Gemma Collins: In Therapy

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals

22:45...........Inside Britain’s Storms

08:55 ............... Coast v Country

06:00 ................. Modern Family

07:10 ...............The Joy of Techs

10:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:30 ................. Modern Family

07:35 ...............The Joy of Techs

23:45..................... Tenable

11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 ................. Modern Family

08:00 .............American Pickers


12:05 ...........Location, Location, Location

07:30 ................. Modern Family

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

13:05.......... Location, Location, Location

08:00 ................. Modern Family

09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK

08:30 ................. Modern Family

10:00 .............American Pickers

06:00................Good Morning Britain 08:30 ............................Lorraine 09:25...................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .................This Morning 12:30 ...............Loose Women 13:30 ................ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 ........ITV News London 14:00...................ITV Racing


ch oi ce

17:00........................ The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:00....................ITV News London 18:30............... ITV Evening News 19:00...............Emmerdale 19:30......................Tonight 20:00...............Emmerdale 20:30............Australia with Julia Bradbury 21:00................. Code Blue: Murder

06:20.................. Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 11:15 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 12:45 ............Coronation Street 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 ...................... Take Me Out 19:00................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 21:00.................. Family Guy 22:00............ Celebrity Juice 22:50.................. Family Guy 23:15............ American Dad!

22:00.........ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30.... ITV News London


The 2019 Grand National Festival c h o i c e ITV1, 14.00 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

“Aintree is something completely different. I love the pride Liverpool takes in hosting three fabulous days of sport. The Randox Health Grand National is their race and they put on an amazing show. We hope to do similar on ITV for our audience in the UK and for the hundreds of millions watching round the globe. It’s a race like no other. The one day the eyes of the sporting world are on horse racing.” - Ed Chamberlin. “Ever since I was a little girl the Grand National has been the horse race that has created the most memories. I remember mornings spent arranging the sweepstake and the afternoons sat glued to the TV, everyone waiting for a mention of their horse. It’s an incredible spectacle that celebrates the versatility and athleticism of the thoroughbred.” - Francesca Cumani. Ed Chamberlin and Francesca Cumani host exclusive free to air coverage of the Randox Health Grand National Festival live from Aintree.

14:15 ....... Come Dine with Me

09:00 ................... The Simpsons

14:50 ....... Come Dine with Me

09:30 ................... The Simpsons

15:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

10:00 ........................Soccer A.M.

15:50 ....... Come Dine with Me

12:00............................ The Flash

16:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

13:00............................. Supergirl

16:55 .............................A Place in the Sun

14:00 ..............................NCIS: Los Angeles

17:55 .................... The Supervet 18:55 ................. 999: On the Frontline 19:55........... Grand Designs 21:00.......... The Good Fight

17:30 ................... The Simpsons 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30............. The Simpsons 19:00 .............The Simpsons

11:00............. American Pickers 12:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 ............................. Top Gear 14:00............................. Top Gear 15:00............ Jay Leno’s Garage 16:00..................... Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00....... American Pickers 20:00.......... Sin City Motors 21:00........................... QI XL

22:05 .................. Father Ted

19:30 .............The Simpsons

22:00 ........................Porters

22:40 .................. Father Ted

23:10 .................. Comedians Watching Football

22:40......................... Would I Lie to You?

23:40................. Strike Back

00:00........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

23:10 ..........The Handmaid’s Tale 00:20.................. 999: On the Frontline

00:40.................. SEAL Team

23:20........... Mock the Week 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019


29 CW

CW 30

What’s On

This weekend

Canarias Folk Fest

Every Thursday from 11 October to 11 April, the Plaza de la Pescadora square in Los Cristianos brings together tradition, gastronomy and the best of folk under the umbrella of this year’s Canarias Folk Fest.

29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

This weekend

Siam Mall escape rooms

Until 31th March one of the coolest experiences comes to Siam Mall: an Escape Room! Come and discover the adventures of the great pirate Sandokan and manage to escape following the tracks (20€ per session, 30 minutes duration, 2 or 6 participants per game)

this weekend

Routes and walks in Tegueste

The “2019 Routes and Walks” programme organised by Tegueste Town Hall gets under way. It aims to offer a series of walks through Tegueste to get to know the town better, as well as occasional excursions along trails in neighbouring parts. The following walks are scheduled for March: “Lunar Landscape” (16 March), “ E n c h a n t e d Mountain” (23 March) and “Birdwatching in Tegueste” (30 March).

Until 11th April

until 30th March

Plaza de la Pescadora, Los Cristianos

tegueste Until 31st March

This weekend

Los Cristianos International Carnival 2019 Themed this year on “The Jungle”, the Los Cristianos Carnival takes place between 21 March and 1 April. The street party gets under way on Saturday 23 March with the opening parade in Playa de las Américas.

Siam Mall


This weekend

5th Playa de San Juan Tapas and Wine Night

A new edition of this gastronomic event which marks the start of the spring season and features participation by establishments from the entire the town and musical performances. A Wine Pairing workshop and the now traditional Chirche Wine Competition will be held alongside the event.

until 1st april Los Cristianos


9th Canary Islands’ Cheese Fair

This year’s Canary Islands’ Cheese Fair includes cheese-making workshops, goat-milking classes for children, exhibitions, traditional food stalls serving goat meat, a Canary island mastiff dog competition, traditional intelligence games and loads more.

Trapped in the 80’s

Enjoy the best eighties vibes and a delicious dinner on our private beach. Time to relax and dance to the best music of the eighties with your family and friends 5th April during this unforgettable night. Activate sports club 30th March, 7pm Playa san Juan, guia de isora This week

Ladies’ Day

Coffee, chat, downtime, relaxation and horseriding - Tuesday 11am - 1pm. Horseriding classes and hacks are also available.


6th-7th April

Tuesdays 11am - 1pm

7th April

pinolere ethnographic museum, La orotava

Horse & pony riding, la camella

Las Galletas

605 146 183


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Power supplier’s shocking way to treat a customer

A BRITISH man has been forced to live with no electricity, because workmen cut off his supply, mistaking his meter for the one belonging to an illegal marijuana plantation next door.

To compound the error, electricity company Iberdrola wants him to pay thousands of euros to be reconnected, even though it was the firm’s error. Steve, who lives in the Alicante area of Finestrat, alongside a property which appears to have housed a marijuana plantation, said: “It was obvious from the smell.” Suspicions were confirmed when Iberdrola cut off its electricity, and the tenant, helped by friends, was

spotted removing the contents late at night. But that was the start of Steve’s nightmare. In early February, he saw power-company employees excavating below his neighbour’s electricity box. The following day they returned, opening and closing three boxes, including Steve’s, and that of his marijuana-growing neighbours. Suddenly, Steve’s electricity was cut, but outages are common in Finestrat, and, after five minutes, he asked the Iberdrola workmen when it would return. “Contact Iberdrola,” they replied brusquely, and left. An hour or so later, Steve opened his electricity box to find the meter had gone, although other properties in the vicinity still had power and meters, including the “marijuana house”. He visited Finestrat Town

Hall, where a member of staff phoned Iberdrola immediately, who replied by emailing photos of an illegally-connected cable. The photos showed Steve’s electricity box, not his marijuana-growing neighbour’s, but he was told he must pay €5,630 to get his meter back, and the supply reconnected. Last Thursday, his own Iberdrola-approved technician finally accompanied one of the power company’s inspectors to demonstrate that Steve’s connection had never been tampered with. Steve has also learned that he must pay all costs involved in proving his innocence, while Iberdrola is under no obligation to prove his guilt. The bewildered man, determined to fight to the bitter end, has only one word to say: “Incredible!”

31 CW

Shoppers stunned as police attack families

PEOPLE in the popular tourist town of Ronda, just an hour inland from the Costa del Sol, were stunned when National Police were forced to use rubber bullets and batons, in ugly scenes outside the town’s court.

Angry relatives of 22 people, detained in a big anti-drugs operation in Ronda and Sevilla earlier in the week, had gathered outside the court in the historic town to demand their release.

The shocking scenes were captured on mobile phones by neighbours of the court buildings. Two police officers were reported to be injured, one after being thrown to the ground, allegedly, and the other one hit by an object, “possibly a brick”, thrown by the crowd. Dozens of National Police officers, who were drafted into the area, were accompanied by air support. Later in the evening, roads around the court were sealed off when Guardia Civil prison vans arrived at the Palacio de Justicia.

University student found dead after hike with pals

Soldier dies after shooting exercise A BRITISH university student was found dead last Saturday, a day after disappearing during a hike with other undergraduates in Mallorca.

A YOUNG member of the Spanish Legion has died after being shot during a “live-fire” exercise in Alicante.

The 22-year-old, Alejandro Jimenez Cruz, from Mallorca, but stationed in Viator, Almeria, was taking part in a live shooting exercise, involving some 100 soldiers last Monday evening. He was rushed by military ambulance to hospital, but lost life on the journey. Spain’s Ministry of Defence has opened an investigation into the incident.

According to reports, Mischa Nee, 20, is believed to have fallen some distance in difficult, rocky terrain. He was “exploring a nearby hill” during a short trip to the island, when fellow Stanford University students lost sight of him. Local authorities began a search, but did not find his body until the following

day. The computer-science major was planning to minor in either art history or studio art. He had worked as a computer-science tutor with Breakout Mentors since April 2017, teaching computer programming to children. Mischa had also served as an event co-ordinator and graphic designer, for Stanford University’s Dance Marathon, which is an annual fundraising effort led by students, since October 2016. He took part in the Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP) twice during his time at Stanford, California, studying in Madrid, and Florence in Italy.

CW 32


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Be extremely wary of the one-ring phone tricksters HAVE you ever experienced your telephone ringing once, and the caller hanging up immediately afterwards? If so, you could be a victim of a Wangiri phone fraud scam.

But help is at hand from European law enforcement agencies, who can protect you from this and other scams, including “vishing”. Europol believes that, as our society evolves, so does our reliance on telecommunications technology, and that cyber criminals are preying on our daily use of electronic devices. They are also seeking, continuously, new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and access information. In the joint Cyber-Telecom Crime Report 2019, just published by Europol and Trend Micro, they give an overview of how telecom fraud works. The report highlights that telecom fraud is becoming a low-risk alternative to traditional financial crime. “The reduced cost, and increased availability of hacking equipment, means this type of fraud is on the rise,” it reads. The cost of telecommunications fraud is estimated to be €29bn a year, and the main goal of criminals

is to gain access to customers’ or carriers’ accounts, where debt can be incurred in the criminal’s favour. “The most common methods can be broken into different categories, ranging from crude to highly-sophisticated scams, such as: *Vishing calls. Vishing (a combination of the words Voice and Phishing) is a phone scam in which fraudsters trick victims into divulging their personal, financial or security information or into transferring money to them. *One (ring) and cut, or Wangiri, which is Japanese for “one ring and drop the call,” is a telephone scam in

which criminals trick victims into calling premium-rate numbers. A fraudster will set up a system to dial a large selection of random phone numbers. Each caller rings just once, then hangs up, leaving a missed call on the recipient’s phone. Users often see the missed call and, believing it to be legitimate, call the premiumrate number back. *International Revenue Sharing Fraud (IRSF) has been the most damaging fraud scheme to date. It involves transferring monetary value from one carrier to another, based on the inter-carrier trust

between telecom operators. Patient fraudsters wait for the logs to expire before executing any further moneylaundering steps. The report continues: “Telecommunications fraud is another example of criminals ‘hacking the system’ to abuse legitimate enterprises for criminal gain,” said Steven Wilson, head of the Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre. “While this is not a new crime area, it does represent a new challenge for many law-enforcement agencies throughout the European Union.” Craig Gibson, Principal Threat Defence Architect at Trend Micro, added how vulnerable telecommunications can be, and how it impacts our daily life. “We trust that our phones will work, that we can work from home, that we can be paid through our ATM accounts, and that we can shop online,” he said. “We tend not to think about what is under the covers of the unseen global network, that we rely on so much.” Want to know how to avoid fend off fraudsters, or find out more about telecom fraud? Alongside the report, Europol have launched a #TelecomFraud awareness webpage.

After their profiles were established, one of them by security video images, officers conferred with Italian police, who identified the second suspect. The duo were arrested in Madrid, one in a hostel in

the centre and the other in a house in the Vallecas neighbourhood, where they are alleged to have been planning another robbery. During the arrests, police discovered material to grow, process and store mar-

ihuana, and another man was arrested. The searches also found two Italian identity cards, two revolvers, a vehicle, two motorcycle helmets, gloves, shackles, several mobile phones and 3.1kg of marihuana.

Two banks robbed by ageing armed thieves A PAIR of armed robbers, of pensionable age, stole a total of €77,000 in raids on two banks and escaped on public transport, but they were later arrested by police and remanded in custody.

The duo, aged 80 and 73, held up the banks, and forced staff to hand over the cash, before leaving them tied up and making their escape. The robbers, one Italian and the other with a South American accent, hit the Barcelona bank branches wearing disguises. The robberies took place two months apart, but police linked them because they used the same method.

Jailed paedo teacher could avoid another spell inside

A PERVERTED schoolteacher, arrested in Malaga province, has escaped a 29-year jail term, which was originally demanded by the prosecutor. And he may not even face another day in prison.

The teacher was arrested in Antequera in 2014 for possession of paedophile material, and the abuse of girls, which he recorded in videos. His crimes came to light when he visited the home of a pupil and uploaded a folder from a pen drive to the student’s computer, which contained photographs and videos of naked girls. When the teacher left, the boy’s mother found him with “a very red, dazed and frightened face” it was said. The woman saw, among the photographs, naked pictures of a friend’s 15-year-old daughter. Armed with the information, the two women reported the teacher to the Antequera police, and, subsequently, he was arrested. When officers searched the teacher’s home, they found explicit paedophile videos, downloaded from social networks. The prosecutor originally asked for a 29-year prison sentence, which was eventually reduced to six years. But the court was asked to recognise the repentance shown by the accused, his confession and his conduct since. The court was told he had already been jailed for 14 months, and that he had stopped working with children. He has submitted to treatment, voluntarily. In a plea, still to be ratified by the court, the defence team asked for the six-year sentence to be suspended, and replaced with a 10-year probation period.


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

33 CW

Police pinch internet TV pirate operators FIVE members of a criminal organisation, accused of selling access to pay-TV over the internet illegally, have been arrested by Spanish police.

They believe the raid against the international gang, based in Spain, with branches in Denmark, the UK, Latvia, the Netherlands and Cyprus, is the largest European operation ever staged against an illegal TV streaming business. Subscribers paid between €40-460 a month, and had access to more than 800 international channels Three of the members arrested, who lived in luxury housing developments in Spain’s southern region of Costa del Sol. also owned several high-range cars. The profits of the illegal operation allowed members to live the high life, and police estimate the group have made €8m since 2013. Thousands of people, from 30 countries, coughed up to watch their favourite football teams, TV shows and films. But they had no idea they were doing so via a pirate operator. Police were alerted to the organisation in 2015, after

English football’s Premier League officials filed a complaint stating that a web-based service in Málaga, Costa del Sol, was offering Internet Protocol television (IPTV) subscriptions without authorisation. This is a genuine service, that distributes pay-TV online without authorisation, and when police began their investigation, they soon became aware of the operation’s magnitude. Users of the website had

Baby’s sudden death stuns holiday family

A BRITISH baby died, suddenly, at a Spanish airport while his family were awaiting their flight home from holiday. Five-month-old Ernie AllenBryan, the only child of parents Sam and Lee Smith, from the Walsall village of Aldridge, stopped breathing, suddenly. His family, all Aston Villa fans, have asked the football club if they will hold a minute’s applause for Ernie during their match at home against Blackburn Rovers tomorrow (Saturday). Ernie’s uncle, Nick, who lives in Walsall, said: “Ernie was such a happy boy, always smiling, It’s senseless! We’re all pretty powerless in these circumstances because we can’t really find any answers.” The tot, who already had some

first teeth, had also gone on holiday with Nick, and his dad John, Ernie’s grandad, with the group set to return on 5th March. The tot’s funeral was held last Monday at Aldridge Parish and Streetly Crematorium, and his distraught father said: “We’d all had a fantastic holiday and then this unfolded, from absolutely nowhere. All Ernie did was smile, and he never seemed to shed a tear.” The Sun newspaper reported that the family were having a collection for the Donkey Sanctuary in Sutton Park, where Ernie, whose favourite song is “Little Donkey”, spent some time.

access to more than 800 international television channels, a catalogue of protected, audiovisual work, and a wide range of radio stations from across the world. The organisation had a score of web pages, offering the same services. To access the content, subscribers paid €40-460 a month, depending on the package chosen, their country of origin and the number of months for which they had signed up.

Monthly fees were paid to a company in Gibraltar, the British overseas territory in the south of Spain, and three of the members arrested lived in luxury housing developments in Costa del Sol. To maintain the appearance of legality, the organisation created telecommunication, internet and hardware companies. Group members also became authorised fibre-optic operators, which made clients trust that they

also had the licence to distribute foreign channels. And, by mixing the incomes from both activities, the group were able to avoid police detection. While the main operations were based in Spain, they had business partners in Denmark, who provided them with technical support and access to even more channels. The Spanish police led a joint investigation with Denmark and the UK, in which 14 other branches were found: eight in Spain (Málaga, Madrid and Alicante), four in Denmark and two in the UK. As a result of the investigation, 66 servers were disconnected, and the rest, part of a network of internationally-connected computers, were detected and identified. The bank accounts of the five people arrested have been frozen. They have also been accused of several crimes, including breaking intellectual property law, belonging to a criminal organisation and moneylaundering. The trio arrested in Spain have already faced trial and are currently in prison. Another 10 people have given statements as witnesses.

Drug gang’s delivery, straight to your door!

A CRIMINAL motorcycle gang have been busted in Spain after making a fortune by running a motorbike drugdelivery service.

National Police arrested five members of the Marbellabased gang, aged between 32 and 52, in a raid on their drugs “warehouse”. The well-organised gang used Honda and Yamaha motorcycles to drop off the drugs, 24 hours a day. They catered for Marbella’s

bars and clubs, mainly, but they also offered home deliveries of hash, marijuana and cocaine. By the time police moved in, the gang had purchased luxury properties and vehicles, worth a total of €1.2m, with their millions of ill-gotten gains.

CW 34


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Landslide of trouble for Street’s my studio, concerned home-owner says copycat artist A BRITISH expat fears that his Andalucia home is endangered, following a landslide and the collapse of a road directly in front of the property.

Colin Hodgson told online newspaper Euro Weekly News that builders had been constructing a retaining wall against the road, on a neighbour’s land, just across from his house, in Calle Alfarerias, Albox. “To me, it looked as though they were being a bit ambitious,” he said. “Then, all of a sudden, there was a huge rumble and half the road disappeared.” The remains of the road were blocked off, and the situation looked to be under control. But a week later, Colin returned home after a day out to find the rest of the road had gone. “It’s now disappeared, up to the wall of my house”, said the shocked man. While it has not damaged property or caused any injuries, as far as Colin knows, he is worried that the situation will get worse. “I’m expecting my wall to go next, and then after that it’s the house,” he

prophesied. For him, at the very least, the situation has become a huge inconvenience. To walk into town, Colin must clamber over a wall and on to next-door’s garage entrance to get out. He lets neighbours with children, living further along Calle Alfarerias, cut across his garden and do the same, to avoid the alternative of a long trip, the opposite way down, on to a muddy rambla. Colin can get on to his driveway at the side of his property, but to start his trip, he has to reverse his car down the road into a neighbour’s driveway, and then drop down into the rambla. Albox Council’s Town Planning department confirmed that a private individual’s work there had caused the landslide. The department also confirmed that there was

a works licence for the construction of the retention wall, and that the owner was responsible for repairing the road and returning it to its original state. Albox Mayor Francisco Torrecillas has been keeping a close eye on the situation, visiting the site with the Public Works Councillor and the municipal architect and technician, as soon as the Council were aware of what had happened, and again since. The Mayor said the repairs were underway and that the municipal architect was monitoring the situation to make sure the repairs were carried out correctly, “as is logical”. Torrecillas maintained: “The owner is doing everything possible to put the road back to how it was, and in the least possible time.”

A MALAGA artist is proving just how beautiful street art can be, with his spellbinding replicas of some of the world’s most iconic works.

Julio Anaya Cabanding, 23, recreates the works of maestros like Vermeer, Rembrandt and Lucian Freud, complete with trompe l’oeil gilded frames, in derelict and neglected spaces. The former student, who studied at Malaga University of Fine Arts, began drawing many years before, at the age of six, and he replicates classic paintings with astonishing accuracy, complete with painted frames. “I like the idea of ‘stealing’

a painting and putting it in another place… a desolate place that you’d never relate to, because it does not belong to that world,” he said. “I like to create that conflict. “I usually visit these places with a friend, who paints graffiti. I am a studio artist and I do not know many places. But my friend one day said, ‘Hey, let’s paint the street’, and I agreed.” Julio’s works, now plastered across Andalucia and Europe, are created with acrylic paint, which he mixes himself to make sure his replica is as faithful to the original as possible. He added: “Until recently, I had a studio at the university, but I no longer need it. My studio is now the street, and it’s the place I paint.”

Drones used to control dangerous caterpillars

DRONES, great tits and pheromones, have all been used in the battle to control “pine processionary caterpillar” populations in Spain’s Murcia region.

The hairy caterpillars, which make webs in trees and form conga lines on the forest floor, can irritate and induce allergic reactions in humans. They are at their most dangerous in winter, foraging on forest floors in Spain, and they’re also fatal to dogs. Consuelo Rosauro, Director General of Murcia’s Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and Environment, says it is the only time drones have been used to control these type of populations. “They are equipped with multispectral cameras, which can capture large volumes of information

in remote and difficult places to reach,” she said. “This information is also registered and digitised immediately, allowing regional analysis to be carried out with maximum speed and precision, and at a minimum cost.” She added that the use of drones was complemented by manual removal of the caterpillar’s web-like nests from trees, the installation of “insectivorous bird nests” and traps baited with “pheromones”. The most effective, insectivorous birds are the tit family, including the great tit and coal tit, as well as nocturnal species such as the night jar. But Rosauro warned hikers and walkers not to approach the caterpillar nests, still visible in trees. “The movement of these nests, or if they fall, can spread hairs and stinging darts of the processionary that have remained inside,” she said.

News / Community News

29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

35 CW

Gillian Banks

Amigos gear up for Easter THIS is a busy time for the Amigos de Gillian Banks charity, with their Easter Food Appeal being underway, giving food to the families within the centres they support, as well as an Easter egg for each child. The charity don’t think that several Easter Eggs are beneficial when the centres close for the Bank Holidays, and the children don’t get fed by the centres. So, instead, they decided to launch an Easter Food Appeal, and gather milk, cereals and biscuits, to offer a more substantial Easter to

the children, while they are away from the centre during the holidays. They are also holding two bag-packing days in partnership with Overseas Supermarkets, in Las Chafiras and Toviscas, today (Friday) and tomorrow. They hope to raise money to buy more food for the families, supplementing the generous donations made by people across the South of the island. “We’ve already received the donations collected at the Waterfall Bar and Restaurant, on Golf del Sur,” said Gillian, “but, with 20 families to feed, we need more, to ensure that the four days of closure are fully covered for all children and siblings. If people can support us while we are in the Iceland supermarkets,

that would be great.” Other work, currently being carried out by the charity, consists of a new planting project, in partnership with Sangha Animal Education Centre in San Miguel, which will see the children going to the finca every week. They will plant vegetables to eat, and also work with the animals, and begin to understand food chains for humans, and about eggs and milk, not only coming from the supermarkets, but being naturally produced within the animal world. They will grow the vegetables to take home to their families, and learn that they can become self-sustaining by being green, and growing food and drink, instead of buying everything.

Cats Welfare News

We need you!

Accion del Sol News

FOSTERING kittens is very rewarding, watching them growing and playing, feeding them and realising how dependent they are on you. It’s perfect for people who don’t want a full-time cat of their own.

We are looking for foster carers, from bottle feeders and weaners, to big kittens. You would need to be able to drive, and have somewhere safe for them. All food and litter, bedding, litter trays etc. will be supplied, and any vet bills will be paid by us. Please help us to help the kittens in need. Cats Welfare arrange the adoptions, once they are ready. Please send us a Facebook private message, if you are interested. Adoptions We have several adult cats who would love to be snuggled up on someone’s sofa today. There are males and females, ranging from 18 months to seven years. All adults are leukaemia negative, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. Please ring/WhatsApp Sandra (English, Spanish and German) on 6712 82773 after 6pm. *All cats go for a week’s trial, in your home * Shop volunteers We always need people who would like to work in our charity shop. Shifts are from

10am-2pm and 2-6pm, and you will never work alone. The air-conditioned shop has a lovely atmosphere, and tea, coffee, and a fridge full of goodies are provided. They’re all there to be enjoyed, while in the company of our friendly volunteers, and very valued customers! If you are interested, contact us on Facebook, or pop into the shop for more information. Even if you can only spare a few hours a week, that’s fine! Clothes, books and jigsaws We are appealing to you all, please, for both ladies’ and men’s clothes, for our shop. We also need books of all genres, and in great condition, as well as jigsaws. Please have a look around at home, and drop them into the shop.

Our shop We always need cat food, litter, sheets, towels, bedding etc. for the cats and kittens in our care, and also good quality/condition items for sale in the shop on San Blas, Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino). It is open seven days a week, 10am-6pm. We stock good-quality clothes of all sizes, at sensible, low prices. Pop along and take a look. Our customers come from all over the island, and we see many holidaymakers return, time and again, eager to snap up a bargain. If you don’t have transport, or have large, bulky items such as furniture and household effects to donate, please ring Mark on 6365 90557, and he will arrange collection from you.

Meet Raul

WE have so many special dogs at the refuge, all looking for loving new homes.

Raul is a husky-cross, who, for eight years, has been waiting, patiently, for the special day when someone will adopt him, but all to no avail. He’s such a good dog, who loves to sing to you when you approach him. We really hope he finds a loving home. Assistance required We are always looking for people to walk the dogs in the refuge during opening hours. Please do call the refuge on 664 321 219 or 602 463 242, between 8am-5pm, if you can

help in any way. We always need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm. Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the northbound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the righthand side. E-mail the refuge at or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol.

CW 36

Advertisement 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

News / Community News

29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

K9 Animal News

Who is this handsome boy? MEET Toby! He is one of two Tobys at the refuge. He was brought into K9, nearly a year ago, because his owner, in Santa Cruz, was struggling a lot, and wasn’t able to look after him any more.

Fiona tells the story: “Toby is around five years old and loves people. His little-oldman face makes him stand out, and everyone who meets him wants to take him out for a walk. He is very popular. So much so that one of our little puppies, who recently moved to England, was named after him by his new family. “Currently, he lives on his own in his kennel, but, up until a couple weeks ago, he did share with a smaller, female dog named Merida. She was lucky enough to be adopted, and went to her forever home, here in Tenerife. At the moment, Toby is alone, and when Merida first left, he was a little sad. “We gave him a lot of love, and all our volunteers showed him so much affection, but he still is a little down. He is a bit confused as to where

Merida has gone, and we are hopeful he will finally get his second chance. “When out walking with Toby, he is such a pleasure. He waits until he is outside to go to the toilet, making his kennel easy to clean each day. He adores being out and shown lots of love, and is so nice to spend time with. “He does like cuddles, but also loves the chance to get out and explore and sniff! He

does not pull on the lead, and can also be walked off lead. Having some tit-bits in your pocket is also an extra bonus for him, as he loves his treats! “While Toby seems to get on with most female dogs, he is a bit wary of males, and, like a typical boy, puts on a macho act when he is near them. “Being a smallish dog in the refuge, surrounded by mostly bigger male dogs, we think he is just standing up for himself. He is a very sweet boy and really obedient, and just needs a second chance to be free from the refuge, and in his forever home. “Just to let you know, Scrappy, who featured a couple of weeks ago, is now in Holland, enjoying life in her forever home!” Meet our dogs! We have many other dogs, in all shapes and sizes, waiting patiently for their loving, safeand-secure, forever homes. You can see them all, their stories and pictures, on our website at www.k9tenerife. com Go to “K9 dogs/Dogs waiting for homes”. Why not visit us at K9 Refuge on Calle Chimbesque between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas any day of the week between 9.30am-1.30pm?

Live Arico News

The small squad!

THESE lovely little five-monthold pups are Sharpei-mix. There are three left, two girls and one boy.

They are quiet pups and play happily together, but we need to find a home and a proper family for them, urgently. The shelter is no place for babies. They will be medium-sized dogs when grown. Please contact Marc on 652 297 853 to come for a play date, or come along to the dog-walking club to meet them. Come and walk the doggies! Join the Live Arico dog-walking club on Saturday mornings from 9am-1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you can keep fit and find a furry friend at the same time. Send a WhatsApp

to Oceana on 659 242 572 for further details, or just pop in and meet the dogs. Live Arico shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops. Donations are always very much appreciated. San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open weekdays 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and now Sundays 11am3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open Monday-Friday (10am-4pm), Saturday 10am-2pm and Sunday 11am-3pm. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

37 CW

Molly’s Animal Care News

Meet Gabriella (Gabby)

THIS beautiful girl is looking for a foster home or forever family. She is approximately four years old, and a dappled Great Dane, so she is a very large dog.

She was rescued from a very small apartment, and had been used for extensive breeding. Once you meet Gabby you will fall in love! She is the most loving, sweet girl, and really enjoys cuddles and just being close to you. She’s great with people and other dogs, and will make a wonderful pet. Please get in touch if you can offer our gorgeous Gabby a home.

CW 38

Wine and Dine

29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

The Swan


Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with goodquality produce. We also cater for any special requirements. Daily Specials. Friday: Cod and chips night. Sunday Lunch: 12noon - 8pm. Bookings advisable. MOndayS’ Feature nights: 5 course special on the roof terrace. Call for more information and reservations. 24hr-notice for paella, lamb shank, fillet steak or ask us for anything you fancy. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value!

CaĂąada Blanca 2, Parque de la Reina Open: 12noon - 11pm.

Call: 603 273 382

Parque de la Reina has a secret - Lupita restaurant is fast becoming the place to eat, and it has a well-deserved reputation. All the usual Mexican specialities are on offer, but from midday until 4pm, check out its 4.95-euro menu. You can have a bowl of soup or garlic bread, main meal (selection of 20) and ice cream or coffee to finish, which is excellent value for money. Also, evening and weekend menus are available from 4.95-euros. Now open Tuesdays.

Special offer: BBQ ribs, including a drink for 9.90 euros

The Oyster Catcher

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Calle el Pulpo, 2, 38618, Los Abrigos

Call: 922 795 865

Facebook: The Oyster Catcher Tenerife

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Call: 669 144 385

The Oyster Catcher restaurant is re-opening in Los Abrigos. The Oyster Catcher is happy to announce that it will be opening the doors to its new premises next month. Offering the same menu and friendly service Angel and his team look forward to welcoming back all their customers at their new place. Re-opening date will be announced through their facebook page and in our next edition.

Imperio del Pintxo

The menu at Imperio del Pintxo is based on flavours from around the world with Canarian gastronomic fusion.

Thai Botanico Experience contemporary Oriental dining at its finest. Ingredients are delicately and skilfully prepared and presented in gourmet dishes that embody the colours and tastes of Thailand. The colourful menu is more than complemented by the cool surroundings. The stunning, botanical dining terrace is filled with a rich mixture of beautiful plants, and decorated with authentic imported artefacts from the Eastern regions, giving you the feeling of being in a restaurant perched on a hillside in Thailand. Las Americas

Paseo Marcial Garcia, 23 local 3, El Medano

Open: Mon - Sat, 1.30pm - 11.30pm. Sun, 6pm - 11pm

Open: Midday to 11pm

Call: 922 797 759

Call: 922 17 63 04 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

By Val Sainsbury RECENT research provides another reason why eating vegetables is good for you. A study reports that men who eat plenty of vegetables have a more than 30% lower risk of the decline of thinking, reasoning, or remembering, later in life.

For the study, researchers aimed to determine the effect of long-term intake of fruits and vegetables on brain health, in later life. They followed nearly 28,000 men

Wine and Dine

39 CW

Fruit and veg keep a man’s brains in gear! for two decades, starting from when they were 51 years old, on average. The participants answered questionnaires about their intake of fruits, vegetables, and other food, every four years. When they were 73 years old, on average, the participants also answered questionnaires that measured their memory and reasoning skills. This was done so that the researchers could evaluate the effect of eating habits in middle age on cognitive function, later in life. The tests included questions about whether the men had difficulty remembering things, following instructions or keeping track of plots on television shows, and whether they got lost on familiar streets.

The researchers grouped the participants into five, according to their fruit and vegetable intake. The group with the largest vegetable intake ate nearly six servings each day, while the group with the smallest intake ate about two servings per day. For fruits, the group with the highest intake consumed about three servings per day, while the group with the lowest ate half a serving daily. The results showed that men who had regularly consumed the most vegetables over two decades had a 17% lower chance of having moderate cognitive deficits, and 34% lower risk of having more extensive cognitive problems when they were in their late 70s, compared with those who ate the least amounts of vegetables.

Furthermore, the results of the memory and reasoning skills revealed that 55% of the participants had good thinking skills, 38% had moderate skills, and 7% had poor thinking and memory skills. Overall, only 6.6% of men with the highest vegetable consumption experienced cognitive decline, compared to 7.9% of who with the lowest vegetable intake. On the other hand, fruit intake did not affect moderate cognitive decline risk. However, men who drank more orange juice had a 47% lower risk of extensive cognitive problems than those who drank the least. But the researchers cautioned that men should not drink excessive amounts of orange juice, because fruit juice is usually high in calories from

concentrated fruit sugars. It is best to only drink four to six ounces per day. Generally, fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins and nutrients like antioxidants, which can help get rid of oxidative stress in the brain, and preserve healthy vascular function. Green, leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, kale and spinach, are some of the best vegetables to eat for improving cognitive function, and slowing cognitive decline. These vegetables contain brain-boosting nutrients, such as vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta-carotene. Fruits like berries are also great for brain health. They are rich in the natural plant pigments called flavonoids, which are mainly responsible for their health benefits.

CW 40


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Canaries’ settlers came long before Europeans THE Canary Islands today conjure images of holiday-makers, seeking all-yearround sun.

But the islands actually have a long, interesting, human history, which predates European settlers, according to a new DNA study. The Spanish-owned archipelago, comprising the main islands of Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro, sits off the north-west coast of Africa, between Morocco and Western Sahara. Long before the Spanish conquest, the slave trade, or the rise of sugar plantations, the first people were already settled on the island. Previous studies showed that the indigenous people of the Canaries were a mixture of North PREHISTORIC cave art has been found at the highest-known altitude in Spain, at 2,200 metres (7,218 feet) above sealevel. These are also the northern-most cave drawings ever discovered in the country, and unearthed inside two niches in the mountains of the Góriz Valley – part of the Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park in the province of Huesca, Aragón, in the Spanish Pyrénées. Javier Rey, co-director of the archaeological project, says the coloured carvings date back to the Neolithic era, which means they are about

African, Mediterranean, and sub-Saharan African. But little was known about how they arrived on the islands. Researchers in the journal PLOS One reveal that the DNA from 50 remains, across 25 sites, dated between 1501400 CE (Common Era, Before Christ), indicates the first people to colonise the islands were North African Berbers, arriving around

100 CE, and that they had settled on all seven islands by 1000 CE. Not only that, but four new lineages, specific to the Canary Islands, were discovered, some only seen before in Central North Africa, which has ramifications for the debate about how the first settlers arrived. Numerous studies, genetic, anthropological, and archeological,

have been made of the islands’ indigenous people, to discover more about their origins. The 15th-century Spanish conquest, and the rather brutal colonisation that followed, changed the genetic make-up of the people so much that it was difficult to ascertain at what point the Mediterranean lineages appeared. This led to a debate

about whether the first people to settle on the Canaries had travelled there of their own volition, or had been left there by ancient Mediterranean sailors. Researchers found that the distribution of the lineages on each island varied, depending on their distance to the mainland, which suggests multiple migration events. They also found that

7,000 years old, and would have been created between 4000 and 5000 BC.

He believes the drawings are in keeping with what is known as “schematic Iberian art”, which, typically, features very simple symbols, depicting typical scenes from the artists’ lives and economic activity. The human figure and animals in these are the main subjects, and are shown in hunting and livestock-herding scenes.

According to the details of the paintings studied by the archaeological team, who include members of the High Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and Barcelona Autonomous University (UAB), the original artists were probably shepherds, who were in the cave area in summer when they could take advantage of the lush

grass for grazing. Permanent, year-round settlements in Pyrénéen caves, given the altitude, would have been impossible, because it was too cold, and the grass was too sparse to feed the animals. During the warmer weather, shepherds and other livestock farmers used these caves as shelter for them-

the presence of Mediterranean DNA in the ancient remains fitted into the larger pattern of Neolithic human expansion, which can be traced from the Middle East, to Africa via Europe. This suggested that the Berbers had already mixed with Mediterranean people by the time they colonised the islands. Both of these together adds weight to the argument that the Berbers sailed to the Canaries themselves, explorers in their own right. Lead author Dr Rosa Fregel, of Stanford University and Universidad de La Laguna, told the New York Times that although their findings do not show, explicitly, how these ancient people reached the Canaries, they provide evidence that the migration was large, and made by people who had the resources to survive on the islands.

Spain’s oldest cave art is discovered at altitude

selves and their herds. Their paintings are at different stages of conservation, although they are nearly all clear enough to identify their subjects easily. Those less-well preserved have simply lost some of their colour, which is predominantly black, white and a red-orange tone. Cave paintings are frequent in Spain, especially in the provinces closest to the Mediterranean, although the most striking feature of the Ordesa and Monte Perdido art is its altitude, since it is evidence of the presence of human populations at the peaks of the Pyrénées, thousands of years ago. The group have been prospecting the site since 2015, during which time they have documented numerous settlements from different historical eras, one of which, in Fanlo, is 1,650 metres (5,413 feet) above sealevel. 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019


41 CW

CW 42


Sudoku X Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid. 6 8 4

1 2 5 3

29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

Across 1. Look out (6) 4. Given a sweetener (6) 9. Keenly excited (7) 10. Chores (5) 11. Device producing an intense beam of light (5) 12. Had nice (anag) — spiny anteater (7) 13. Attract a great deal of attention (4,1,6)


18. Pilot (7) 20. Creator of Eeyore (5) 22. Spanish red wine (5) 23. Chilean desert (7) 24. Much obliged (6) 25. Stir up (6) Down 1. Small hound (6) 2. Collection of closely packed trees (5) 3. Book — store (7)

5. Strain, as if to vomit (5) 6. As well as (7) 7. Deprive of the rights of a barrister (6) 8. Combative (11) 14. The Grand Canyon State (7) 15. Lower back ache (7) 16. Attic (6) 17. 21 (6) 19. Pursue (5) 21. Time off (5)

3 5 5 3 4 9 3 7 8 7 7 2 4 1 2 4 6

And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

8 9 3 8 5 2 6 5 1 4 9 5 7 6 3 2 4 1 2 9 1 6 3 5 8 9 7 3 4 2 7 4 8 3



30-Second Brain Training Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number


















x5 Answer


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5 8 9 3 4 7 4 9 3 8

Starter Number


8 1 7 2 5





of this















of this






+245 x2





9 3 1 4 7










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of this






of this

8 4 1

5 2 3 8



Advanced Starter Number

4 6 9


Starter Number












of this





of this



Intermediate Starter Number













of this 3





of this



Advanced Starter Number





of this







of this

x17 +11 9

+151 x2




of this



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29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

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29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

45 CW


Taylor’s PFA farewell will not upset too many people GORDON Taylor will end his controversial tenure as chief executive of the Professional Footballers’ Association, after 38 years, following his completion of a review into an organisation he has dominated for all that time.

Taylor has finally announced a sequencing of events, ahead of relinquishing a position he has held since 1981, in an agreement that will also force chairman Ben Purkiss and the rest of the players’ management committee to stand down. Concerted calls for Taylor’s departure were first revealed by the Daily Telegraph’s sports section two years ago, amid genuine anger, both at the lack of progress of research into the link between football and dementia, and the care being offered to former players and their families. Dawn Astle, daughter of former England striker Jeff, who lost faith in Taylor’s PFA leadership, said she was “pleased” with the news. But she has now called for there to be a genuine overhaul in the organisation, and more resources directed towards helping vulnerable former players and their families. After her father was found to have died in 2002 from a form of dementia, caused by head trauma, and she was contacted by hundreds of other families of former players with dementia, Ms Astle said: “The PFA have let my dad down, let my family down and let football down, by not being more proactive in pushing for answers.” Taylor has always defended his organisation’s record of care, and has now revealed that he had secured another vast funding deal with the Premier League, Football Association and English Football League, which will safeguard the PFA’s financial future for the next three years, at least. It is understood that the Premier League’s annual contribution to the PFA will again be worth around £23m. The big caveat in Wednesday’s announcement was that Taylor and Purkiss would continue in their roles while

Sport Resolutions, an independent, dispute-resolution service, completed a full review of the PFA’s governance, management and operations. This will be led by Thomas Linden QC, but the timescale for the review has not been defined. However, there is hope from within that it will be completed by the next annual general meeting, late this year. An independent process will then start to appoint a new Chief Executive, and, once complete, Taylor and the management committee will depart at the next AGM. The agreement also precludes any member of the current management committee, such as Purkiss, from becoming chief executive for a five-year period. Other members of the committee include England women’s captain Steph Houghton, Bournemouth goalkeeper Asmir Begovic and Burnley goalkeeper Tom Heaton. The compromise decision, which was supported by club delegates at Wednesday’s AGM, but formulated before the gathering in Manchester, followed a public dispute last year over the eligibility of Purkiss, a Walsall defender, to continue on the management committee. Purkiss had been calling for an independent review of the organisation, and, after a further wave of criticism and questions about the PFA’s governance, Taylor did agree to that review last November. Telegraph Sport then also revealed that the Charity Commission had opened a regulatory, compliance case into the PFA Charity. It is understood this will focus on concerns raised about

the salaries of senior staff, notably Taylor’s recent annual income of more than £2 million. The Charity Commission said: “Trustees should be able to demonstrate that all decisions around expenditure have been carefully considered, in line with the best interests of their charity, and those it is set up to help.” On Wednesday, Taylor described some of the attacks levelled at the PFA’s leadership as unfounded and unfair. But he acknowledged that there had been internal friction. “At times last year, members of the management committee did not see eye to eye on a number of issues,”

he said, before claiming they were now “united” on the best way forward. Purkiss said: “Last year, I stated that the PFA needed to evolve, or risk us getting left behind. “I said, publicly, that we needed to review the governance of the organisation, and I welcome the fact that an independent review will take place.” Taylor’s departure will represent the end of a hugelyinfluential and significant era in the administration of English football. The former Bolton, Blackburn and Bury winger was appointed to the PFA management committee as a player in 1972, and became Chairman in 1978. He was appointed Chief Executive in 1981, and was effective in building both his own power base, as well as that of the organisation. This became most apparent when he saw off a Premier League attempt in 2001 to cut funding, by threatening a players’ strike. His role in securing such a significant share of the Premier League’s broadcast income has long been a point of admiration within football administration. But the annual backlash over

his salary, believed to be comfortably the highest of any trade-union official, has only intensified. Taylor’s impending departure also continues the dramatic recent change in the administration of English football. Richard Scudamore stepped down as Chief Executive of the Premier League last year, and his vacancy has still not been permanently filled, while Martin Glenn and Shaun Harvey will, respectively, leave their Chief Executive jobs at the FA and EFL at the end of this season. Taylor said: “For over 40 years, I have represented and fought for the most important people in football, the players. “I am honoured to hold their trust, and equally proud of the brilliant PFA staff, the organisation we have built and the work we do. It has been my life’s work. “But, when you fight hard for something, inevitably, you are going to find that not everyone agrees with you. And, when the players are often an afterthought on the big issues facing our sport, I make no apology for a track record of hard-headed advocacy for them and their interests.”

Brazilian surfer struck dead by lightning flash

LUZIMARI Souza, a 23-year-old Brazilian surfer, died, tragically, on Wednesday morning, when she was struck by a flash of lightning while out at sea.

She had been training for the Brazilian National Championships, at a tourists’ beach in the north of the country, and was killed instantly. The beach, in the city of La Fortaleza, is well known in the surfing community, and Luzimara was accompanied by other surfers. But although it was raining, it was no deterrent for the water athletes. According to the medical team at Hospital Instituto

Doutor José Frota, where Luzimara was taken, she didn’t suffer any pain. Luzimara began her surfing career at the age of

10, and graduated to training daily at Playa del Mero, with members of the Cultural Sports Association.

CW 46


29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019

It’s Hats off to Palms! LEGENDS Bar welcomed Palms Sports Bar and Mad Hatters to contest the Canarian Weekly Trophy final, and, with a 240-point start, the league newcomers took a 3-0 lead, before Pocket Rocket Janice pulled one back.

But the handicap worked in favour of Palms, who collected the trophy in fine style. Suters Bar staged a much closer match between Pas O Nadas ‘B’ and Emerald Lounge, with every game going down to the last double, and it was the Golf del Sur side who emerged victorious, winning 4-3 to add a touch of silverware to the bar. Both finals were played in great spirit, reflecting just what another fantastic season has been chalked up. Sundowners finished their season with a catch-up game against Waterfall, winning the team game to finish the campaign with a 4-4 draw. Good luck to all players tonight’s Memorial Competition.

Barefoot walking A BRITISH man is attempting to break the world record for the longest barefoot walk, after setting out from Gibraltar for Preston this month, in aid of a cancer hospice. Matthew Strange is walking without shoes, from the British enclave to the Lancashire town, in aid of St Catherine’s Hospice. The distance between the two is more than 1,960km, and his route will take him from Gibraltar to Malaga City, before heading to Madrid,

division 1 Table


P W D L F A +- PTS

1 Pas O Nadas ‘A’

22 18


1 136 40



2 Suters 20:30 Crew 22 16


2 133 43



3 The Pub

22 17


3 133 43



4 Gaffers

22 17


2 127 49



5 The Loch-In ‘A’

22 14


5 114 62



6 Ourplace Playboys 22 11

1 10 79

97 -18


7 Legends



3 14 61 115 -54


8 Scooters ‘A’




16 58 118 -60


9 Mad Hatters



3 14 57 119 -62


10 Sandys



2 16 57 119 -62


11 Picasso’s



2 17 55 121 -66


12 Palms Pool Bar



7 15 46 130 -84


division 2 ResultS

Sundowners 4-4


division 2 Table Table

P W D L F A +- PTS

1 The Loch-In Bullseyes 25 20


1 137 63 74


2 Emerald Lounge ‘B’ 25 19


3 132 68



3 Waterfall

25 13 6 6 6 78 44 122

4 Clouseau’s

25 13 4 8 8 89 22 111

5 Emerald Lounge

25 11


8 107 93



6 Pas O Nadas ‘B’

25 10


8 100 100



7 Ourplace Breakaways 25 8 6 11 97 103 -6


8 Sundowners



5 11 96 104 -8


9 Palms Sports Bar 25


3 13 91 109 -18


10 Scooters ‘B’




13 81 113 -26


11 Naughty Nautas 25


4 16 72 119 -38


12 Nauta Nomads


5 16 72 128 -56



13 Ourplace Playgirls 25 2 3 20 63 137 -74 63 14 Scruffy Lads




4 56




Canarian Weekly Handicap Trophy Finals 22/03/2019

1 Palms Sports Bar (601) 5 v 2

(841) Mad Hatters

Canarian Weekly Handicap Plate Finals 22/03/2019

1 Pas O Nadas ‘B’ (661) 3 v 4 (681) Emerald Lounge

Barefoot Matthew’s record effort to gain hospice funds

crossing the French border to head for Paris, and then Brussels to Calais.

From there, he will “walk” to Dover, via the boat crossing, and on to London, before

finishing at the Preston hospice. Matthew decided to attempt the world record after his

stepfather, Simon, was admitted to the hospice in 2015. “I was working abroad in Gibraltar, and I ended up getting the train to Madrid, a plane to Brussels and another flight to Manchester,” he said. “It was the quickest way for me to get back home, and I will be re-creating this journey for the world record attempt.” He has already raised more than half of his €2,000-plus target.

Watch this week’s major sporting events at the following venues: 29th March 2019 - 4th April 2019


47 CW

CW 48

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