CW Issue 1104

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10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Spain tops, with Canaries flying 49 Blue Flags! 1 CW

Issue 1104

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

THE prestigious Blue Flag, which certifies the quality, standards and services of Spain’s beaches, will be flying on 43 of them in the Canary Islands this summer, with six ports also rewarded. Continued on Page 3

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10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019


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10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

3 CW

Spain still holds world record, with 669 total

Continued from Front

There will also be big smiles all round again in mainland Spain, which has retained its world-record with 669 flags.

Last year, the flag occupied 50 beaches across the Canary Islands. But seven beaches were deemed to have dropped their standards this year, while Adeje withdrew from this campaign because the Council’s improvement scheme would not have been completed in time, as explained below. But four Fuerteventura beaches will not be flying the flag, either, this year. Some 56 beaches across the archipelago were offered as Blue Flag candidates, a total of nine fewer than last year. And on top of that decline, 13 applicants were denied. Gran Canaria boasts 10 Blue Flags, the Canaries’ highest total, despite the loss of one.

Tenerife’s flags will be displayed on the beaches of La Arena; the beach and coves of La Jaquita; El Camisón and Las Vistas; the Pools of Bajamar; the Arena-Mesa del Mar; the Playa Jardín and San Telmo complex, and, finally, El Socorro. Meanwhile, the provinces of Málaga and Huelva have lost eight Blue Flags apiece, including the former’s famous Cabo Pino, in Marbella. The province of Cádiz has also lost the quality indicator for its well-known Zahara de los Atunes, and Almería has also lost one. Some town halls, however, opted not to apply for Blue Flags, conscious that they were not up to scratch through, among other reasons, failure to comply with the Ley de Costas (Coastal Law), poor waste management, or inferior bathing-water quality. But with a total of 669 Blue Flags, of which 566 are for beaches, 98 for yachting marinas and five for ports for

sustainable craft, Spain still wins hands-down, worldwide. The Government’s Tourism Secretary, Isabel Oliver, claimed the smaller number of Blue Flags on Spanish beaches, from next month, “was not a drama”. She added: “The requirements are very demanding, and show concern for the

preservation and care of these beaches. “The objective is for Spain to be recognised as a great destination for responsible tourism, by both visitors and residents.” The Blue Flag award requires beaches to meet extremely stringent and exacting standards covering

cleanliness, water quality, safety, waste management, superior facilities and environmental management, all of which come at a great financial cost and involve considerable work, but which is a worthwhile investment because of the tourism income a successful blue flag bid generates.

Why Adeje Council opted Family caught out out of the Blue Flag event in huge villa scam ADEJE Council decided not to apply for Blue Flags for its beaches in 2019, which are awarded by the Adeac (Asociacion de Educación Ambiental y del Consumidor) for the international Foundation for Environmental Education.

This does not mean the quality of these beaches, or the services on offer, has suffered any reduction, and they continue to operate as top-quality locations, with top-class services. The decision to opt out of the Blue Flag campaign was taken because, during the period when beaches are up for detailed examination and testing, the Council has been working and developing these beaches as part of the bigger Adeje Intelligent Tourism Destination (DTI) project. It meant that there was no way the Council could guarantee that on the day inspections were taking place, the proper conditions to be awarded a Blue Flag would have been in place. Adeje DTI proposes, among other things, “smart beaches”, which will use an integrated information technology, with up-to-the minute monitoring, recording numbers of beach users, the real-time state of services, cost of water in the showers, etc, to improve the beaches. The installation of these new services and technologies implies, by necessity, a series of work and structural modifications, which would have had implications during the Blue Flag inspection period. But none of the new installations will, in any way, be detrimental to the quality of the beaches, or the services on offer. Adeje Council is putting its faith in a series

of measures to improve the quality of service, with new tools in place to bring together the different entities managing the beaches in this regard. It means that this local administration is working to ensure beaches here comply with: *ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system *ISO 13009:2015 Tourism and related services - Requirements and recommendations for beach operation. The Council is planning to ensure that beaches will now be considered and treated as an integral part of a local environment, requiring balance between the exploitation of the beach for recreational use, and the services needed for that use. During 2018, Adeje Council prioritised the management and security of beaches. Furthermore, it worked to optimise and regularise services, with detailed requirements for tourism information services, taxes and prices, codes of conduct, security information, sanitary or environmental, first-aid and evacuation services. It has also established requirements regarding cleanliness, and the elimination of waste matter and commercial services, such as the sale of food and drinks, sunbeds and parasols, and sporting activities, if on offer. Adeje Council, therefore, stresses that it hasn’t lost Blue Flags, but has decided not to seek inclusion in the campaign. This does not, in any way, signify that the quality of Adeje’s beaches has been compromised. In fact, the opposite is the case, with months of work to regulate, improve and increase the services and conditions of use and quality on the beaches.

A FAMILY believe they could be victims of a rental scam, after booking a month’s stay in a top-notch villa in Moraira, on the Costa Blanca.

According to British press, a party of 18 people were planning on travelling there “because they wanted to have a large family holiday”. Petra, a mother of two, claims to have paid £5,000 up front

for a month’s holiday via Dream Villas Spain. But they have not answered her phone calls, emails or requests for a refund. She said all was fine at first, but it soon went quiet, and she became suspicious after reading an online article about a family, who had been affected by the same company. Petra, contacted the firm to ask for their money back, and was told that everything was fine. But she hasn’t

heard anything since. She said: “I want others to be aware of what could happen, and to triplecheck everything.” Petra, aware that they had lost the villa, is now attempting to get their money back from the flights. Petra has contacted Action Fraud, which is looking into the case. Yet the company’s website is still active, offering hundreds of villas, promoting “a dream holiday experience”.

CW 4


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Brexit scuppers holiday for this worried couple A COUPLE claim their family holiday to the Costa del Sol was, reportedly, denied, because of the uncertainty of upcoming Brexit rules and regulations.

Ahmed Shalabi, 35, wife Samantha Fearn, 30, and sons Adam, nine, and Finley, six, from Storrington in West Sussex, have visited Benalmádena for the past two years and were heading there again. But the Spanish Consulate is believed to have refused Ahmed’s visa application, because it lacked proof of his marriage. The flights were booked in January, and the application process for Ahmed’s visa, through BLS International, started at the beginning of March. All necessary documents were said to have been forwarded, including duplicates of their bills, births and marriage certificates. However, the advice of the British Consulate in Egypt was that Ahmed should have their marriage certificate translated from Arabic into English.

At this point it was stamped for approval, but it was not viewed as a valid documentation, under Spanish rules and guidelines. Spanish Consulate staff, allegedly, wrote to Ahmed explaining that the certificate not accepted as proof of marriage, because the wedding was outside the Schengen area. They said the couple were not at fault, but, because of Brexit, they would be unable to travel. Yet Britain is still in the European Union, and Brexit has not influenced adjustments to visa requirements. The family feel punished for no reason, and Samantha told British press: “We’ve lost our flights, we’ve lost the hotel. We don’t exactly have a lot of money, and now we’ve lost £2,000!” She added. “We’ve been refused a visa and lost a holiday for no reason. It’s completely unjust.” She questioned why the refusal letter was dated 15th April, but the couple didn’t receive it until 11 days later. Ahmed had to apply for a visa to be able to visit countries in the Schengen area, including Spain. The Schengen area is named after the

agreement which was signed in Schengen, Luxembourg, in 1985, and covers 26 European countries. The UK and Ireland refused to be part of the zone in 1997 when joining the EU charter. Ahmed and his wife travelled to the Consulate office the day after receiving the denial, but he said

staff told him, “Spanish laws had changed”, for reasons unknown. They also called security to have him removed from the premises. The couple then went to BLF International, where they were told: “The offices only deal with visa applications, not visa refusals. We’ve not known anything like this. But who knows, it

may be Brexit reasons.” The couple have now lost all hope of any recompense for their monetary losses. Their HSBC insurance does not cover visa refusals, while cancellations with the hotel need to be made at least two weeks before checkin. And easyJet policies say it could take months if funds are returned.

The Spanish Consulate in London still hasn’t provided reasons for decisions made, and policies dictate that Mr Shalabi must issue an appeal if he wants to overturn the denial. BLF International confirmed its stance, that they cannot help applicants whose visas have been refused by the Spanish Consulate.

Amigos de Gillian Banks’ Summer Ball Police nab expat for WITH only three weeks to go, it is all systems go at the children’s charity Amigos de Gillian Banks. They are organising a Summer Ball on the 7th June in Aldea Blanca, in the Cave Restaurant El Campesino.

They have two main sponsors supporting them, Santa Maria Estate Agency and the Rotary Club Tenerife Sur, ensuring a fabulous evening of entertainment, with good food and drink to be enjoyed by all. The evening includes a threecourse meal with wine, as well as a packed evening of entertainment from true professionals. Nick Page, known for his West-End appearances in Les Miserables, will be headlining the event, as

well as Jay Francis, performing his fantastic tribute to George Michael. More traditional will be Spanish entertainers Flamenco Fusion, who are a modern twist on mainland Flamenco, and Miguel Angel on the accordion, serenading the crowds. Party girls Tanya Tevaro and Nicola Cutts will provide modernday songs for dancing and partying, so a good night will be had by all. The Amigos de Gillian Banks raise money to help underprivileged children of Tenerife, in Granadilla and El Fraile, and work hard providing educational projects and visits to further the children’s life skills, and chances of succeeding in life. Sponsorship packages are still available, if you have

a company and would like to support the event. Raffle prizes have been generously sponsored by Venture Restaurants, Aqua Marina, Freebird, Lily’s English Tea Terrace, Kirsty’s Vanity House, The Beauty Within, Los Gigantes, and Keddy’s Entertainment. If you would like to support this worthy charity, you can do so by donating further prizes, and/ or attending the Summer Ball. Tickets for the event are available, online, via Facebook or at, in person at the Sangha Charity Shop, Golf del Sur, or from Maggie Beecher on 619180156. Tickets are only €30, and include a drink on arrival, plus a three-course meal with wine, and a fabulous evening of entertainment. It’s not to be missed!

stealing €700 tablet

A BRITISH expat has been arrested for stealing a fellow-Brit’s expensive tablet at Malaga Airport. The unnamed 45-year-old snatched the tourist’s backpack, which contained the device, worth around €700. The airport’s National Police said the English tourist had just landed, and had taken his eye off his bag for just a moment, when he realised it had been snatched. According to police, the tourist, from England, had just landed from the UK and had taken his eye off his bag for just a moment when he realised it had been snatched. National Police airport officers soon tracked down the brazen thief, who is known to them, and, writes La Opinion de Malaga, “regularly frequents the arrival area”.


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

5 CW

Il Divo’s Adeje concert tickets are now on sale Grand lunch is just what helps the kids CHIDREN’S charity Helping Hands raised a whopping €4,002.40 as a result of last Sunday’s lunch, for 130 guests, at La Caleta’s Lagarto Brasserie.

“The food was absolutely delicious and the staff were professional and efficient, so it’s hats off to them all,” said Liz Montague, who runs the charity. “And a special thank-you to Sammy Sax, who set the perfect mood, playing saxophone as guests arrived, along with Glenn Fransman, who entertained guests with his fabulous soul singing, creating the perfect atmosphere. “Tim Dowd made a special appearance as our auctioneer, and, as always, he performed a super job. “Special thanks to our lovely Helping Hands ladies, Janet, Anne, Margaret and Tracey for everything, and our young helpers, Gabby and Luca. Liz added: “Finally, your support enables Helping Hands to continue to help others on the island, so a big thank-you to each and everyone who attend events, as well as friends and businesses who donate gifts. We appreciate you all!”

DN7, promotors of the Il Divo’s concert in Golf Costa Adeje, on 15th June, have announced that tickets are now available from www.mastaquilla. com or the online El Corte Inglés page. The show, featuring the multinational, classical, crossover vocal group, promises to be Adeje’s concert of the year.

At the announcement was DN7’s David Navarro, alongside one of the quartet, Spanish singer Carlos Marín, with Adeje Mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, Cultural Councillor Adolfo Alonso Ferrera and Olivier Doche, Director of the Baobab Suites. Carlos said they were delighted to be coming to sing in Tenerife. and showcase the Timeless 15th Anniversary work. “We are really looking forward to performing for the first time on the island, to enjoy the climate,

the people,” he added. “We are so grateful to Adeje for opening their doors to us. We are preparing a very special concert, with a lot of contact with the public and a terrific production. This will be a mix of some of our big hits, as well as songs we will be performing for the first time. Adeje’s Mayor said: “We are delighted to have Il Divo performing in our borough. The concert is very much a part of the cultural element of Adeje’s tourism offer.”

CW 6


NEWS IN BRIEF Professor faces sex charges

PROSECUTORS have filed a complaint against a professor at the University of Granada for alleged sexual harassment. After collecting statements from seven students, the Granada Provincial Prosecutor decided to pursue a case against the teacher, at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. According to Spanish media, after the first complaint from a student, another five women also reported the professor. Hundreds of students also participated in a rally at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, demanding changes to the university’s policy for dealing with harassment cases.

Poo, this cocktail’s off!

TOURISTS have been warned to be on their guard, when purchasing drinks from illegal vendors at Spain’s holiday hotspots. Some of the country’s most popular tourist destinations come with this advice, because cocktails and refreshments, sold by unlawful sellers, could, possibly, have traces of human waste, which can cause illness. Police have been cracking down on the illegal sales people, who are known to store the bottles and cans in drain systems, “clean” the fruit in showers designed to wash sand from feet, and chop ingredients on bin lids. Traces of E-coli and human excrement have, reportedly, been found by scientists, which can cause extreme illness and even death. The advice is to purchase drinks from the bars, because some dodgy sellers even wear matching uniforms, to make them appear official.

Drunk driver causes havoc

A DRUNKEN driver was arrested in La Laguna’s San Cristóba area of Bajamar, after creating havoc. And, once in custody, he tested positive for drugs and alcohol. He was already under investigation for several home robberies, reported in the area over recent months. La Laguna’s Local Police arrested the driver, after he had destroyed five cars and crashed into two houses, all on the same road last Saturday evening.

Dodgy runaway group filmed A GROUP of men were recorded running from a small motorboat, loaded up with fully-packed sports bags, last Monday, in the Duquesa port, in Manilva, on the edge of Malaga. The 60-second video clip showed the group in a hurry to leave, before one of them realised he’d left a rucksack behind. He ran back to collect it as the motorboat was seen leaving the port.

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Cancer specialist in team on edge of breakthrough

SPAIN’S Elisabeth Perez, a specialist in Medical Oncology, has taken part in a study into the most effective and least-toxic cancer treatments. Ms Perez, from Marbella’s Costa del Sol Hospital, has worked with researchers from CIMA and the University Clinic of Navarra, to trial less-harmful treatments. Their strategy is to block a protein used to

regulate the immune system, before employing the most advanced immunotherapy treatments. The treatment has, so far, been tested on animals only, but a member said: “If these results are duplicated in patients, it will change the paradigm of the therapeutic approach to cancer.” The couple’s work has been published in Nature, one of the world’s most respected scientific journals.

Labour market defying all the odds to improve THE Spanish labour market is proving to be more resilient than most people expected, especially at a time of internal and external uncertainty.

While unemployment grew in the first quarter of 2019, the Spanish economy has created 596,900 jobs over the past 12 months, representing a 3.14% increase, according to data by the National Statistics Institute (INE). This is the highest figure for a one-year period since the summer of 2007, before the economic crisis began. In the first three months of the year, there were 19.5m people in employment and 3.35m others out of work, putting the jobless rate at 14.7%. There were an additional 49,900 people filing for unemployment benefits in the first quarter, which the biggest quarterly increase since 2013. The quarterly figures are influenced by the Easter holiday, representing a peak in seasonal hiring. But it fell late this year. Last year, Easter was observed in March. The INE also offers seasonally-adjusted figures, which show that unemployment fell by 2.92% during the three-month period. Economy Minister Nadia Calviño: “The new figures confirm the positive evolution of the Spanish labour market in the last few quarters.” But she played down the fact that the unemployment rate has inched up from 14.45% in the last quarter of 2018 to 14.7% in the first three months of 2019.

The minister said that first-quarter results were, typically, worse because of seasonal factors. Calviño said the first-quarter figures should be compared with the same period last year, and she noted that job creation was doing well. She added that there were no signs of a slowdown in the labour market, and she hoped to end this year with an unemployment rate of 14% or under. Six years ago, this figure reached a historic high of 26.9%. Nearly 26% of Spain’s workers are on temporary contracts, while 12,124,000 people had open-ended contracts in the first quarter. The services sector continued to drive job-creation, with 429,400 new positions in the last 12 months. Construction added 129,500 workers, and industry made 32,100 new hirings. Public employment grew by 107,900 employees. 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019


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Advertisement 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

9 CW

Forget Brexit, holiday Brits still fancy Spain

Residents hurt as fires break out in two areas FOUR women were injured when fire broke out inside their ninth-floor home last Sunday morning, in the Santa Cruz area of Ofra.

The emergency services were notified by a neighbour just before 10am, and fire-fighters, along with a medical ambulance, were dispatched to the apartment block on Calle Santa Maria de Soledad. Two of the women, aged 51 and 56, were examined by the medical team, both having suffered panic attacks, while a third victim

was seen after suffering smoke inhalation. The fourth woman, a 26-yearold, was treated for burns to her arms. Fire-fighters were able to control the flames before putting the fire out, while officers from the Local and National Police, as well as Civil Protection members, were also at the scene to assist in the emergency. But the cause of the fire is, so far, unknown. Another blaze the following day, this time in Candelaria, left two people injured with burns, while another couple suffered smoke inhalation.

The Canarian emergency services were called to a block in Candelaria’s Calle Alba, where a fire began in an apartment, just before midday. The fire services were sent, immediately, along with the ambulance service, and fire-fighters extinguished the flames. But they had to evacuate neighbouring people from their homes to prevent smoke damage. The injured parties were taken to hospital for treatment, while the police along with the civil protection, kept an eye out as the area regained normality.

Crash boy’s broken arm A BOY aged 10 suffered a broken arm after being struck by a motorbike in the Gran Canaria capital of Las Palmas last Sunday.

An emergency call was made just before 5.30pm, requesting help, following a traffic accident involving the youngster. An ambulance was sent to scene, immediately, and medics realised he had sustained a broken arm. Fortunately, he showed no signs of anything more serious. The boy was taken to the capital’s University hospital for further assessment, as well as more treatment.

The cabbie, who had been driving a taxi for two years, picked up a client in Torre del Mar, Malaga, at 4pm, then stopped to refuel in nearby Cajiz. Once he left the vehicle, the passenger, an unidentified Romanian man, jumped into the driver’s seat and sped off towards Marbella. The fugitive later stopped in Benalmadena and filled up with fuel costing €85, before driving off without paying. Francisco Jose Jimenez, boss of the taxi firm, said: “The driver quickly

True, the number of UK residents booking their annual trips in EU countries has declined this year, continuing the trend since the EU referendum in June 2016, yet Spain is always favoured by British holidaymakers. Thomas Cook says nearly half of all trips across the industry, booked for this year, and not just through its own agencies, are in countries outside Europe: 48% overall,

or 10% higher than in 2018. But Spain accounts for the most bookings, followed by Turkey, Greece, the US and Cyprus, in that order. Tunisian holidays are also experiencing an upsurge, because the British Foreign Office lifted its recommendation against all-but-necessary travel to the north African country, a year or so ago. That advice was put in place in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attack on a hotel beach in Sousse, in June 2015, in which over 30 people, nearly all tourists and mostly Brits, were killed. The EU has already

called me, and I warned my colleagues over the radio to be on the look-out, all the way down to Marbella.” The car was found dumped there, in the El Angel area, at 11pm, seven hours after it had been hijacked. Police tracked the vehicle, via the CCTV of nearby hotels, but the passenger is still on the run, despite being identified. Jimenez, who had to fire his driver, added: “He made the mistake of not filling up for such a long journey, and should never have stopped to refuel with a client in the car. It left a bad taste in my mouth, but I had to do it.” The taxi suffered minor damage, including the removal of the roof’s light module.

announced that no visa will be required for any UK residents travelling to one of the remaining 27 member States, for 90-day periods, or fewer, within a 180-day period, in a bid to avoid barriers to tourism. But with the pound sterling having depleted from around €1.40 to abut €1.15 since the referendum, trips to European countries are now more expensive for British residents. Happily, though, despite the falling pound, Spain’s largest national tourism market continues to be the UK, with nearly half of all foreign travellers arriving from the British Isles.

Aena’s new airport chiefs SPANISH airport operator Aena has appointed new directors to three airports across the archipelago, including Tenerife South.

Client’s free ride, as his cabbie stops for petrol! A SPANISH taxi driver was sacked, after his vehicle was driven off by passenger at a petrol station last Wednesday.

SPAIN is still tops with Brits this year, when it come to their choice of holiday, despite concerns about Brexit.

New leaders will also be taking up their roles at Fuerteventura and El Hierro airports in just over a month. Luis López Chapí will be in charge of Tenerife South, Antonio García Aparicio, Fuerteventura, and María Teresa Cuenca Luengos, the El Hierro airport. And Santiago Yus, former Tenerife South director, will shortly take up a new

role within Aena’s recently-acquired Northeastern Brazil’s Airport Group. Currently, Aena controls 51% of London’s Luton Airport. It also holds a 17.4% stake in Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico, which operates 12 airports in Mexico, and has a majority share in Jamaica’s Montego Bay Airport. In Colombia, it has a 50% share of Aerocali, which operates the airport, and it also owns 37.89% of SACSA, the company managing the airport facilities of Cartagena de Indias.

Road accidents lead to

disruption for drivers TWO traffic accidents within an hour occurred yesterday (Thursday), causing frustration for several drivers in the south.

The first call to the emergency services was received at around 8.20am, telling the operator that a car was on its side, with just the driver involved. The 48-year-old woman had lost control of her vehicle, on the the slip road into the Tenerife South Airport. She was able to free herself before the ambulance team reached her. But she suffered some injuries

and was taken to the San Isidro medical centre for observation and treatment. An hour later, another accident was reported, on the TF1 at Las Chafiras, with three vehicles involved. All three drivers were injured, and ambulances, Guardia Civil officers and fire-fighters were sent to the scene immediately, following the 9.20am emergency call. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries, but one driver, a 70-year-old man, was taken to a nearby medical centre for observation.

CW 10


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Huge mystery of the Irishman, who just vanished from sight

Adeje patron honoured by town’s parishioners THE traditional ”rogation” with Adeje patron, the Virgin de la Encarnación, took place last Sunday, fulfilling a promise made by Adeje people over 300 years ago, when, according to the religious history of the borough, she saved the people from a plague of locusts. The Adeje tradition has been in place since the

16th Century, under the Marquis of Adeje, Pedro de Ponte, who brought the statue of the Virgin to the Santa Ursula church to protect her from pirates and brigands, who were attacking the coastal areas of the island. Local people were not too happy with the decision, so a promise was made to bring her back to La Caleta every year, specifically to La Enramada, where she was first “discovered”. The procession began from the town’s Santa Ursula Church.

Hundreds of Asians smuggled into Spain

IT has been nearly seven weeks since Irishman Peter Wilson disappeared in Tenerife, but Local Police say they still have no leads as to his whereabouts.

The 32-year-old father-of-two had travelled to the island for a week-long holiday with a friend. He was last seen on his second day there, walking at midnight towards the beach leisure strips in popular tourist spots of Costa Adeje and Las Americas on 23rd March. He had been staying at the Malibu Park Hotel, before his disappearance. A Spanish police officer told the Irish Mirror: “He vanished without a trace, and there’s no evidence, unfortunately. It’s very unusual for someone to disappear like this. It’s not a regular occurrence here.” Peter was last seen on his second day on the island, and police began their missing-person investigation when the Westmeath man didn’t check out. The hotel refused to comment on his disappearance, which one local Irish pub-owner said was because they felt the

publicity is bad for business. He added: “The Spanish police themselves don’t like it, either, because, equally, they think it’s bad for tourism here. But nobody here gets the impression that they’ve been trying too hard to find him, unfortunately. “I haven’t seen any search parties, and my understanding is that no other guests staying at the hotel were even questioned. This case is a big talking point within the ex-pat community here. “But it probably wouldn’t even be talked about, if it weren’t for his family’s great efforts to keep it in the public spotlight, with their missing posters and social media campaign.” Police did not look into Mr

Wilson’s disappearance, until it was time for him to check out of the hotel, despite not returning to his room for days. But a Spanish policeman said: “This is normal procedure. Adults are entitled to come and go as they please, and can, sometimes, want to disappear deliberately.” He added: “We must do everything, always. Don’t worry about tourists and just think about police work. But waiting so long to begin an investigation into Mr Wilson’s disappearance is normal. “That’s because adults come and go as they please. My theory is that he drowned in the ocean. There are many bars near the maritime walk, and, maybe, he went for late-night swim after drinking alcohol.”

Guardia officer, who

aided tobacco crooks A GUARDIA Civil officer, alleged to have helped smuggle illegal goods into Spain, has been arrested. He was one of six people detained in an operation at La Linea de la Concepcion.

SPANISH police have accused border officials in Algeria and Morocco of conspiring with a gang of people-traffickers, who smuggled hundreds of Asians into Spain.

The Bangladesh-based network, reportedly, obtained fraudulent visas to Algeria, for at least 350 people, through the country’s Indian consulate.

Police have identified alleged members of the ring, and 11 suspects in Spain have been rounded up, on charges of humantrafficking. Once in Algeria, the migrants were taken to houses near the border with Morocco, before being transported by boat to southern Spain. And, say police, each person paid up to €20,000 for the trip.

Authorities believe the group had a working relationship with an illegal tobacco-smuggling network, allowing contraband to go through unchallenged, regularly. The unnamed officer was stationed in the customs office of the border town.


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

11 CW

EU’s nuclear-waste check

Ronnie has brush with old maestro! ROLLING Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood has revealed a Picasso-inspired painting, which, he hopes, would have “shocked” the Spanish maestro. The 71-year-old British rocker titled his work, featuring the Stones in action, Abstract Stones, inspired by the Malaga

artist’s The Three Dancers. “Looking at the original, I was inspired to do my own take featuring the boys,” said the London-born father-of-six. “I did a few versions and each one was slightly different and more honed than the last.” After attending art school in the 1960s, Wood has turned countless celebrities into portraits, including Jimi

Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jim Morrison and Madonna. The prints by the rock legend are now on sale, with 50 copies of the ‘Abstract Stones’ version available for €1,750 apiece. At a slightly lower price, the public can own Wood’s version two or three, for €1,160, of which 150 have been made.

THE European Union plans to study Spain’s monitoring of some 140,000 tons of nuclear waste, stored in the Atlantic Trench.

The waste is stored about 650km, off the Galician coast, and officials have taken the decision because there is no record of inspections carried out in the area since 2005.

The Spanish Government has not revealed whether it has carried out inspections since then. But around 223,000 steel-and-concrete barrels of radioactive waste were put in the trench from 1949 to 1982, at a depth of 4,000 metres. But there are now concerns that waste could escape, through water pressure, as well as rusting.

Russians’ plane tragedy

17 people ill, from

a dodgy pork meal NO fewer than 17 people, in the Ciudad Real province of Castille-La Mancha, were taken ill with trichinosis, after eating infected pork. All were relatives or friends of a family, who raised, and, illicitly, slaughtered a pig in Retuerta del Bullaque. “They didn’t comply with regulations,” said Castilla-La Mancha’s Director General for Public Health. The family needed permission to kill the animal outside a slaughterhouse, and a vet should, firstly, have taken samples to ensure that the pig was free of trichinosis. The entire process costs around €30. But in villages where the slaughtering is still a custom, this formality is often overlooked to save money and avoid paperwork. The parasitic infection caused diarrhoea, nausea, stomach cramps, muscle pain and fever. But just one person, who ate chorizos and sausages made from the infected animal, required hospital treatment. The remainder, aged between 11-67, recovered at home, following anti-parasitic treatment to eliminate roundworms,

RUSSIAN media say that of the 78 passengers on board last Wednesday’s Aeroflot Superjet 100 flight, at least 41 people died in the tragic blaze, including two children, during its emergency landing. Initial reports state that the plane suffered electric

failure because it had been struck by lightning, soon after taking off. However, the official cause has not yet been provided. After the aircraft came to a halt, passengers exited the plane via emergency slides, some panicking, but others were ushered in that direction by staff as the blaze took hold. The Superjet 100 was said to have been flying from Moscow to Murmansk.

Thug, 38, bullies and threatens kid for €10

which can measure up to four millimetres. “Trichinosis also causes very serious neurological complications and heart conditions, but this is unlikely these days because patients respond well to treatment,”

said infectious-diseases expert Dr Manuel Linares. This was Spain’s worst trichinosis outbreak since 2012, although there are usually one or two cases each year, generally among hunters who have eaten wild boar.

GRAND Canaria’s National Police, stationed in Las Palmas, have arrested a man aged 38, accused of intimidation and robbing a 15-year-old boy of some 10 euros, in small coins.

He already has a string of charges to his name for similar crime, and his young victim, sensibly, called the National Police. He told the operator that a well-built man had threatened him and then robbed him. The stocky assailant demanded

money from the teenager, then threatened him, saying he was going to smash his head in. The frightened teenager then handed him what few coins he had, before the thief ran off. Several youngsters in the vicinity saw what had happened and were able to help the officers with a clear description of the individual, and good accounts of what took place. Police soon found the despicable person nearby and arrested him. The individual and the police report have been handed over to the courts.

CW 12


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Top researchers plead to keep these beautiful Red Kites soaring high THE much-loved Red Kite (Milvus milvus) will disappear completely from the south of Spain if nothing is done to stop its falling numbers. Forty years ago, 70 pairs of beautiful Red Kites lived in the mountain ranges of Sierra Morena, Cazorla and Odiel, but that number has dropped to just three. Doñana National Park provides a refuge for 28 pairs, but there are signs of decline, even in this protected reserve. Julio Blas and Fabrizio Sergio, researchers at the Doñana Biological Station, warn that if urgent measures are not introduced, the bird, whose population has fallen by 95%, will be extinct within 20 years. Forty years ago, around 100 Red Kites were born every year in the reserve. Today the average is 10, and, said Blas, co-author of a study on the Red Kite’s dramatic population decline, published in Endangered Species Research: “If it weren’t for

Doñana, it would already be extinct.” Using information taken from field work over nearly half-acentury, the study found that 40 years ago, an average of 100 red kites were born every year in the reserve. Today the average is 10. “Doñana is important, but it’s not enough,” warned Blas. “It is not completely closed off, especially for a species with so much mobility.” According to the researcher, the main threats facing the bird are the illegal use of poisons, habitat changes, a decline in prey, exposure to pollution, and an increase in competition with other species. But none of these reasons alone explains the “historic decline” of the Red Kite. “Over six decades, we have documented a silent and gradual fall in the number of the species, and a deterioration of their reproductive capacity,” said Blas. Sergio, who co-authored the study on the population decline of the Red Kite, added: “These phenomena on

a regional level are replicated within the Doñana National Park, but here, because it is a protected area, they occur at a much slower rate, giving the false impression that everything is in order in protected areas.” Now, though, Sergio and Blas are demanding immediate measures to identify, locate and address the threats. “The priority is understanding the role these factors have on the population decline,” said Blas. “It’s likely that these problems are interacting with climate change.” To address the problem, researchers want the birds to be tagged with GPS tracking devices, which can be accessed by remotesurveillance teams. These devices would allow researchers to see, in real time, where the birds are dying, analyse the cause of death and take action to limit the problem. “If we can increase the adult survival rate to the top values recorded in the bibliography, we could, within 10 years, pass the threshold of 70 pairs, which

existed in the 1980s,” said Blas. An agreement on a monitoring plan in the Doñana National Park is set to be signed, but Blas insisted that action should be taken immediately. He said the Red Kite faced numerous problems: besides the fall in rabbit numbers, one of the red kite’s main source of food, there is the increasing frequency of droughts, and the increase in farmland and scrubland, which affect the bird’s hunting areas. These issues affect all birds of prey, although some species

have fared better than the Red Kite. For example, there are 600 pairs of black kites and 300 booted eagles. But the Red Kite’s diminishing population is not just a local problem. Species from the north of Europe, particularly France and Germany, which fly down to southern Spain, face the same dangers as the Spanish population. “With so much at stake, we have a responsibility to take action to save the Red Kite in southern Spain,” said Blas.


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

13 CW

Brightest youngsters are off to Cork this summer WINNERS of Adeje’s “Young Talent” competition have been announced, the students all being recognised for their excellent grades and other contributions to the town during the academic year.

They have been chosen from the borough’s public schools, and, this year, as well as recognising the efforts they have put into exams and class subjects, their contributions to other areas of life, social work, helping others, etc, have also been taken into account. The 10 students, who will be spending two weeks in Co Cork, Ireland, this summer, are María Magdalena Rodríguez

Linares, Amaya González Sola, Kitana Desvignes, Jing Li Li, Alba Rey Merino, Ayoub Bachaou Mohamed,

Laura Michelle Ziegler, Atenea Gloria Rodríguez Mendoza, Ainoha González López and Víctor José Arzola Murillo.

They were given details of the award this week in Adeje’s youth centre, by Youth Councillor Zebenzui Chinea Linares.

The two-week stay in Cork will see the 10 winners, accompanied by members of Adeje youth team, enjoy leisure time,

Nun faces jail following old folks’ ballot choices A SPANISH nun, believed to have changed the Spanish election ballots of two pensioners in last month’s nationwide event, could be facing three years in prison.

The alleged crime took place in an old people’s home, as the sister accompanied the pair of elderly residents to the polling station for the 28th April general elections. One of the pensioners, at the Mercy of Bilbao residence, wanted to vote for the ruling Socialist PSOE party, while the other was backing the centrist, PNV Basque party. Regional affiliate of the PSOE, the PSE-EE said the Electoral Board had registered the potential crime, which could land the nun with a jail term of between six and 36 months. It is not known whether the nun changed the slips herself, or if the deed had been carried out via a third party, before she put them in the envelopes for the election staff. Apparently, she was caught red-handed, inserting PP ballots into the envelopes, and documents from the time of the incident have been passed over to the Office of the Prosecutor. The PSE-EE representative in the area, Ekain Rico, requested an investigation, but said: “We suspect that this has happened other times.”

with residents, families and students from Cork, as well as improving their English with an intensive language course.

Woman’s corpse is discovered in port THE body of a woman, thought to be aged between 50 and 60, washed up in a southern Spain port on Monday afternoon.

But police say the corpse had not been in the water for long because there was no sign of decomposition. A passer-by found her at the breakwater of the Atunara port, in La Linea, and Local and National Police, along with the Guardia Civil, were all alerted. An autopsy is being carried out to determine the cause of death.

Frequent tremors no concern to islanders THE Canary Seismic Network has registered a multitude of seismic movements over the last few days between Tenerife and Gran Canaria.

The dodgy incident occurred as the PP failed to gain a seat in the

Basque Country for the first time since Spain’s return to democracy.

This particular area is where the majority of tremors are registered, because of the frequent tectonic plates’ movements, but islanders need not concern themselves. These movements began registering last Monday (6th May) in the early hours, and have continued since then. By Wednesday, 33 small tremors had registered, the highest magnitude reaching 2.1 on the Richter scale. Experts say the swarm of movements is a natural occurrence, posing no threat to the Canary Islands’ population.

CW 14


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Wolfpack man fined €150,000 over video

Pension costs set to swell, over 30 years THE cost of pensions, the health system and primary care will jump in the next three decades as Spain’s population continues to age, according to a Government report.

SPAIN’S data protection watchdog has fined one of the men convicted of sexual assault, during the so-called La Manada (Wolfpack) trial, for sharing a video of the abuse.

The Data Protection Agency fined Alfonso Jesus Cabezuelo €150,000 for sharing the video, said to show him and four other men assaulting a woman in Pamplona in 2016. The assault took place during the town’s San Fermin Running of the Bulls festival. A feminist group, along with Navarra’s regional authority, filed the case with the agency. But Agustin Martinez, the lawyer acting for Cabezuelo and the four others convicted over the assault, said the

penalty was “insane”. The lawyer claimed Cabezuelo did not share the video, which, he said, was taken from his phone by National Police officers during their investigation into the assault. But the La Manada case sparked outrage from feminists and women’s rights groups, after Navarra Provincial Court cleared the five defendants of rape in 2018. The court found them guilty of the lesser offence of sexual assault, jailing each defendant for nine years. And Navarra’s Superior Court of Justice upheld the sentences following an appeal. Prosecutors have since lodged an appeal at Spain’s Supreme Court, in a bid to extend the men’s jail time to 18 years.

People-smugglers smashed by police

SPANISH police are said to have dismantled a peoplesmuggling ring operating from Spain, after arresting 11 people there.

Officers claimed that the gang charged those living in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and India up to €20,000 each, to secure them visas to Algeria, before bringing them by boat to Spain. According to the National Police, the group would house people in properties near the Moroccan border, before a boat took them to the southern coast of Spain. Following an investigation, the police, who believe they have identified those responsible, have arrested 11 people in Spain.

The Economy Ministry’s Stability Plan for 2019 to 2021 said spending on services for the elderly would equal 27.1% of economic output (GDP) by 2050. That is three points higher than the current figure. The report said pensions would drive the increase in costs as the so-called baby boomer generation, those born between 1946 and 1964, begin to retire. That generation saw a spike in its birth rate, which has since declined. But that means there will be fewer taxpaying workers to support a growing number of pensioners.

The report estimates about €300bn will be spent on pensions by 2050, up from €140bn in the most recent Spanish budget. Migrant labour will be needed to make up for Spain’s declining birth rate and the

emigration of native workers, the report stated. It comes as National Institute of Statistics figures showed Spain’s birth rate during the first half of last year was the lowest since 1941, at 179,794.

Third prison inmate found dead this year AN inmate, serving time at the Tenerife 2 penitentiary prison, was found dead at the weekend… the third reported death at the El Rosario jail already this year. The 47-year-old prisoner was discovered by officers on their morning checks at 8am last Saturday. But unless the autopsy states differently, the inmate died from a deadly heart attack, thought to have been bought on from an overdose of the medication he was taking. Prison unions have, constantly, reported about the way prisoners’ medication is distributed. They are given the medication on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And, on Fridays, they are given their medication in bulk for the next couple of days, because there is a lack of weekend working medical staff, for the distribution of medicine. Some of the inmates accumulate their

medication and sell it on to other prisoners, which, when selling or taking medication, prescribed specifically for the individual, can be quite serious. The demise of this inmate raises the death toll in the Spanish prisons. So far, in the first five months of 2019, some 69 inmates have died inside these prisons. The figure is particularly concerning because, in December 2018, a total of 80 inmates were registered to have died that year … in the prisons right across Spain!


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

These new radars will

catch the clever racers

OFFICERS from the DGT, Spain’s General Traffic Department, already have several devices to track drivers breaking the law on the roads. But they are more than happy to introduce their new helping hand, “The Cascading Radar”, a device which will make it so much easier for the Guardia Civil’s Trafico officers to catch speeding

drivers. This device is just part of the constant new ways the traffic department is perusing to control those drivers who misuse the roads. In reality, the radar does not stand out for its technology; in fact, it works in the same way as a regular speed instrument. However, these particular devices are special because they can be disguised easily, and even the

smart drivers will not know where they are being placed. There are many cameras and radars on the Spanish roads, fixed in specific areas, and drivers, in the main, are familiar with where they are situated and, therefore, slow down when passing, which could cause serious road accidents. But these radars will be well hidden, and there will be no telltale warning signs to indicate to the driver where they placed.

15 CW

Lorry crash causes chaos in rush-hour

A RECYCLE truck, carrying bottles and glass, crashed over on its side on Wednesday morning, while attempting to leave a roundabout leading out of Los Cristianos, preventing traffic flow and causing rushhour chaos.

The accident happened near Tu Trebol supermarket, at around 8.45am, affecting both lanes entering and exiting the town. A 53-yearold man, who was driving the truck, was injured, “considerably”. Local police were at the scene to control the traffic, while fire-fighters were called on to assist in cleaning up the mess.

CW 16


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Four stabbed over a violent weekend

A 21-YEAR-OLD man is among those, reportedly, left seriously wounded after a violent weekend in Madrid. He was believed to have been stabbed at around 4.45am on Sunday, after a brawl broke out at the Mostoles fairground, where a mobile disco was taking place. According to Spanish media, the victim suffered two deep stab wounds under his shoulder. On Saturday evening, a 15-year-old boy and a man aged 23 were also seriously injured in two further brawls in

the Fuencarral-El Pardo and Ciudad Lineal districts of Madrid. The first attack took place at around 7.15pm, near the Begoña metro station, where the teenager was thought to have been stabbed twice. Some 30 minutes later, the older male was stabbed in the back and left in a serious condition. Later that evening, at around 9pm, a 57-year-old man was stabbed twice in the stomach, in the Madrid municipality of Getafe. Officers from the National Police arrested two Bulgarian men in connection with the alleged assault.

Seal of disapproval, by giant superstore! A MERCADONA customer was left baffled after hummus she bought from the store had the “best before date” printed on the food itself. The tub of the lentil-flavoured dip did not have a plastic cover on it, so the consumption date was printed directly on the food. Miriam, who purchased the contaminated snack, and describes herself as a vegan and an animalista, shared her

confusion online. Tagging the budget supermarket on Twitter, she said: “I just bought lentil hummus in Mercadona, and, when I opened it at home, I realised that it was not covered, and that the date was printed on the hummus itself.” Her tweet garnered over 5,000 retweets and more than 14,000 likes. The Spanish retailer, chaired by Juan Roig, replied to Miriam in a statement, saying it “apologises for what happened”.

Gender violence costs dearly

THE economic cost of sexist violence against women in Spain is estimated to be as high as €185 per person, according to a new government report.

The Impact of Gender Violence in Spain report said that the huge cost, as a percentage of the economic output (Gross Domestic Product (GDP), was at least 0.11%. Estimates ranged as high as 0.76%, according to the study, which used the most recent-available data, from 2016. The total cost to the Spanish economy, in cash terms, was estimated to be between almost €1.3bn, and more than €8.5bn. The calculations were based on

the estimated losses incurred by sex-abuse women, from being unemployed or off work. The report also factored in the cost to the Spanish health system, as well as to the police and courts. Those factors are referred to in the report as “tangible costs”, which can be measured. Intangible costs, such as the psychological impact gender violence has on women’s children and relatives, could be between almost €4.9 billion and more than €14.8 billion. The report’s authors say their findings could be limited by the quality of the statistics available, which means the costs could be even higher. 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019


17 CW

CW 18


By Carol schleisman at currencies direct

THE pound appeared to find its feet again at the end of April, drifting higher on the back of some positive, UK economic data, and improved Brexit sentiment. This resulted in GBP to EUR jumping from €1.15 to €1.17, and pushed EUR to GBP back down to £0.85. Meanwhile, GBP/USD has climbed from $1.29 to $1.31, whilst EUR/USD slipped from $1.12 to $1.11. With Brexit likely to be delayed until October, there was room for the pound to be influenced, again, by economic data, over the past couple of weeks, helping to prop up GBP exchange rates, and allowing sterling to strike multiweek highs, as Brexit sentiment improved, in late April. Meanwhile, the euro has struggled over the last couple of weeks, with a strongerthan-expected Eurozone GDP reading, in the first quarter, failing to dampen wider concerns about the bloc. Finally, sliding risk sentiment has meant the US dollar enjoyed strong support through to the

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Pound climbs as Brexit sentiment keeps rising end of April, but was forced to give up some ground at the start of May, after US wage growth fell short of expectations. Expect to see the pound become increasingly sensitive to political developments, over the next couple of weeks, with the upcoming EU elections likely to be viewed as a proxy for a second referendum. The EU elections are also likely to take their toll on the euro, in the coming weeks, as Eurosceptic parties threaten to make gains, this year. At the same time, the US dollar is likely to continue to enjoy broad support in the coming weeks, especially if a risk-off mood in markets continues to linger. At Currencies Direct, we’re here to talk currency whenever you need us, so get in touch if you want to know more about the latest news, or how it could impact your currency transfers. Since 1996, we’ve helped more than 250,000 customers with their currency transfers. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch, or give us a call to find out more. T: +34 922 971 781 E: canaries@currenciesdirect. com W:

Ryanair forced to pay its stranded travellers A SPANISH court has ordered budget airline Ryanair to pay out €250 to four passengers, stranded at the region’s airport after their flight to Rome was cancelled.

Murcia City’s First Commercial Court dismissed Ryanair’s claim that the flight was cancelled because of bad weather and that the passengers were offered alternatives to resolve the situation. Ryanair lawyers presented weather data about the skies above Rome’s Ciampino Airport, to support its claim that the cancellation was valid. It also presented a report from Eurocontrol, showing storms which struck large parts of Europe on 17th August 2018, when the flight was scheduled to take off. But the court ruled against

Ryanair, upholding the claim made by the four passengers. The presiding judge said the court ruled that Ryanair had presented no evidence to show

conditions around the Murcia Region Airport. It also failed to demonstrate that the storms had the same impact on other flights.

No sweat! There’s a fierce calima on way

THE African winds are on their way, and the first heatwave, brought on by a heavy Calima, will hit the islands today (Friday).

Temperatures are estimated to reach as high as 40 degrees in some areas, which is 1015 degrees higher than the usual temperature for this time of year. The South of Tenerife, along with Gran Canaria capital Las Palmas, is where the temperature should reach its peak. It wasn’t clear yesterday (Thursday) whether the weather alert would be Orange or Yellow, but temperatures will definitely rise, the hottest day being Sunday. The temperature will start to lower on Tuesday, and, as always, you are advised to stay hydrated, and leave physical activity alone during the heatwave alert. Weather forecaster Aemet also reminds the public about the high risk of forest fires, warning them to take precaution if out in the mountains. And no barbecues please!

TV Choice

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Flights from Hell: Caught on Camera Monday 13th May, ITV1, 22.45

Passengers whose plane lost an engine casing in mid-air talk about the experience, and there is footage of the moment two planes collided on the runway - smashing their wings. Plus, insights from former pilots and crew who know all the secrets of air travel.

19 CW

Planet Child

Wednesday 15th May, ITV1, 21.00

In the third and final edition, twin doctors Chris and Xand van Tulleken set out to explore how children develop a sense of their own identity and whether girls are really different to boys. The Van Tullekens take a group of British under-sevens away from their families to an island in the middle of the River Thames, to take part in experiments to find out what it means to be a girl or a boy. Twin sisters Tyiana and Taiya shock themselves and the boys in a fairground competition and four-year-old American pageant queen Lyndsey has very strong ideas about how she likes to look. Last in the series.

Louis Theroux: Mothers on the Edge Hard to Please OAPs Tuesday 14TH May, BBC2, 20.30

As eight seasoned celebrities continue to tackle modern technology, actress Amanda Barrie and singer Sheila Ferguson do battle with an automatic ticket machine, and ride a motorised suitcase. Last in the series.

Sunday 12th May, BBC2, 21.00

The film-maker returns to the UK to spend time in two specialist psychiatric units that treat mothers experiencing serious mental illness while allowing them to live alongside their babies. Immersing himself on the wards, he meets women who have been admitted with a range of serious conditions including depression, anxiety and psychosis - often triggered by birth or the strains of motherhood.

CW 20

TV Guide

W C c h o i c e This week 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Britain’s Got Talent Saturday 11th May, ITV1 20.00

Ant and Dec host the 13th series of the nationwide talent search, joined by judging panel Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and David Walliams. An assortment of acts from across the UK will be displaying their talents, hoping to win the grand prize of ÂŁ250,000 and the opportunity to appear at the Royal Variety Performance. As in previous years, in each episode all of the judges, as well as Ant and Dec, have the option to send one contestant straight through to the live semifinals as their Golden Buzzer act.

Quantum of Solace Friday 10th May, ITV2, 21.00

James Bond sets out on a personal mission of vengeance as he pursues the secret criminal organisation Quantum. His search leads him to the head of an ecological corporation, who is plotting to orchestrate a coup in a Latin American country to get his hands on a precious natural resource. Spy thriller sequel, starring Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Judi Dench, Gemma Arterton and Mathieu Amalric.

TV Guide

21 CW

week’s TV Choice 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Killing Eve

Saturday 11th May, BBC1, 00.10 Having survived a terrifying close call with Villanelle, Eve and the team now have the mole retrieved and ensconced in a safe house, offering the chance to uncover information that could lead them not only to Villanelle, but also to whoever is calling the shots behind her. However, with the cold-blooded and unpredictable assassin still very much at large, are any of them actually safe until she has been caught? Spy thriller, starring Jodie Comer, Sandra Oh, Fiona Shaw, Kim Bodnia and Darren Boyd.

Britain’s Brightest Family Wednesday 15th May, ITV1, 20.00

The two remaining families take part in the grand finale of the knockout tournament, hoping to win the coveted title of Britain’s Brightest Family and a holiday. Presented by Anne `The Governess’ Hegerty. Last in the series.

The British Academy Television Awards Sunday 12th May, BBC1, 20.00

Graham Norton hosts the awards ceremony from the Royal Festival Hall, with nominees including Bodyguard, Killing Eve, Informer, Save Me, and A Very English Scandal. Actors in the running for awards include Jodie Comer, Sandra Oh, Hugh Grant and Ben Whishaw. The show also features the results of the Must-See Moments award, chosen by viewers.

Years and Years Tuesday 14th May, BBC1, 21.00

New series. One night in 2019, politician Vivienne Rook causes a scandal on live TV. At the same time, the Lyons family is united, as Rosie gives birth to a son. Brothers Stephen and Daniel gather at the bedside with grandmother Muriel, and wonder what life will be like for little Lincoln. Five years in the future, in the London of 2024, Stephen and Celeste worry about their daughter, Bethany, who declares herself as transhuman. Russell T Davies’s drama, starring Emma Thompson, Rory Kinnear and Russell Tovey.

Martin Clunes: My Travels and Other Animals Thursday 16th May, ITV1, 20.300 The actor finds out more about man’s best friend around the globe. He sees the sled dogs of Montana USA in action, finds out about the lasting relationship between wolves and humans on a visit to Yellowstone Park and discovers a dingo’s musical talents in Australia. He also travels to Japan, where the array of dog clothing, day care and restaurants indicate how pooches are becoming substitute children for many.

CW 22

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 .............Rip Off Britain 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00...........The Customer is Always Right 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15....................Impossible 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45............Garden Rescue 16:30.........The Repair Shop 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30................ Still Open All Hours 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30..............A Question of Sport 21:00............... Have I Got News for You 21:30....................Would I Lie to You? 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35............ The Graham CW ch oi ce Norton Show 23:25...Sex on the Couch 00:10.............. Killing Eve 01:00............... BBC News



Friday 10th may

06:30........ The Repair Shop 06:00............. Good Morning Britain 07:15 ..........The Customer is Always Right 08:30......................... Lorraine 08:00 ................Walks of Life 09:25....................The Jeremy 09:00 ............ BBC News at 9 Kyle Show 10:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire 10:30............... This Morning 11:00 .BBC Newsroom Live 12:30............. Loose Women 12:15 ................. Politics Live 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime 13:00 .......................The Boss News 13:45 ............Street Auction 14:00............... Judge Rinder 14:30 .................. The TV That 15:00.................... Dickinson’s Made Me Real Deal 15:15 ..................... I Bought a 16:00 ..............Tipping Point Rainforest 16:15......................Ray Mears’ 17:00 ....................The Chase Northern Wilderness 18:00.. ITV News London 17:15............................Flog It! 19:00............ Emmerdale 18:00............... Eggheads 19:30....Coronation Street 18:30........... The Farmers’ 20:00............ John Bishop’s Country Showdown Ireland 19:00............Saving Lives at Sea 20:30....Coronation Street 19:30........... Mastermind 21:00..........The Bletchley 20:00........... Great British Circle: San Francisco Menu 22:00...... ITV News at Ten 20:30...Gardeners’ World and Weather 21:30.......... The Looming 22:30.. ITV News London Tower 22:40.............The All New 22:20........ The Mini Mash Monty: Report Ladies Night 22:30..............Newsnight 23:05..Personal Shopper CW 00:05...........Take Me Out ch oi ce 01:05.......... Back to Mine 00:45...............Panorama

The Graham Norton Show BBC1, 22.35

The host welcomes Hollywood superstar Will Smith, who is currently playing the Genie in the new live-action Aladdin alongside Naomi Scott as Princess Jasmine, who also guests. Comedy genius Kevin Hart reflects on lending his voice to The Secret Life of Pets 2, while Oscar-winner Octavia Spencer discusses her new psychological horror Ma. Plus, music by chart stars and up-andcoming artists and another bunch of intrepid audience members recounts an anecdote from the dreaded red chair.



Personal Shopper BBC2, 00.45

While recovering from the untimely death of her 27-year-old twin brother, Paris-based fashionista and medium Maureen is asked to search for his presence in the house his girlfriend is now trying to sell. The siblings had earlier made a pact that whoever died first would reveal a sign to the other and though unable to detect anything particularly unusual in the property, Maureen starts to get text messages from an unknown source. Psychological thriller, starring Kristen Stewart, Lars Eidinger and Nora Waldstatten. 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

06:25.................................. Cheers 07:20............... Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40...................................Frasier 10:10...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05.................... Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05.......................... Posh Pawn 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00......................Four in a Bed 17:30..... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 19:30...... Unreported World 20:00........Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food 20:30............Joe Lycett’s Got Your Back 21:00.................. Gogglebox 22:00...................... Sex Tape 23:05................... First Dates 00:05.........Four to the Floor

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:10.................. Sunny Bunnies 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15........ All New Traffic Cops 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime

06:00....... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold

12:15.......... Bad Tenants, Rogue Landlords

08:00......................... Emmerdale


08:55...... You’ve Been Framed!

13:15............... Home and Away 13:45........................ Neighbours 14:20.... Site Unseen: An Emma Fielding Mystery

08:25......................... Emmerdale 09:25............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20.......................... Superstore

16:00................................. Friends

11:10......................... You’ve Been Framed: Gold

17:00......................... 5 News at 5

12:10......................... Emmerdale

17:30........................ Neighbours

13:15...... You’ve Been Framed!

18:00..........Home and Away

13:40............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

18:30........... 5 News Tonight 19:00....... The Gadget Show 20:00....... British Made, with John Prescott

14:35....The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50....................... Take Me Out 19:00..You’ve Been Framed!

21:00................ Adele: In Her Own Words

21:00.....Quantum of Solace

23:05......................Get Hard

00:10............ American Dad!

00:05.......................... Access

01:05.................. Superstore

08:55.................................. Jamie’s Comfort Food

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10.....................Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit

09:15........... A Place in the Sun

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

10:10........... A Place in the Sun

09:00 ..............Motorway Patrol

11:15.............................. Bake Off: The Professionals

10:00 ........................... Babylon 5

12:15 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:15..................... Four in a Bed 14:20..................... Four in a Bed

07:00 .............................Wild Vets

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

15:20..................... Four in a Bed

15:00 .......... Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

15:50............ Food Unwrapped

16:00 ................. Modern Family

16:20 ............ Food Unwrapped

16:30 ................. Modern Family

16:55 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

17:55..................... The Supervet

18:00.................... Futurama

18:55................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00.......... Deutschland 86

17:30 ............................Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons 20:30 ...........Modern Family 21:00 .................Jamestown

22:00..........24 Hours in A&E

22:00...... There’s Something About Movies

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

23:00.... The Late Late Show

00:05................... Emergency Helicopter Medics

00:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

01:10.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

01:00......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

23:15.................. Family Guy

08:00 ............................. Top Gear 09:00............................. Top Gear 10:00 .............American Pickers 12:00............. American Pickers 13:00........... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 14:00.......................Detroit Steel 15:00.............. Last Stop Garage 15:30.............. Last Stop Garage 16:00.......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00......................Top Gear 19:00........American Pickers 20:00....Border Interceptors 20:30....Border Interceptors 21:00....Friends with Benefits 23:20.............Not Going Out 00:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:00.........................Porters 01:40..............Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish

Saturday 11th may 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

06:00....................... Breakfast 10:00.........................Saturday Kitchen Live

06:45.................. All Over the Place: UK 07:15 .......... Wild and Weird

11:30................. Recipes That Made Me

07:30 .........The Dengineers

12:00 ............Football Focus

08:30.......... The Dog Ate My Homework

13:00 .....................BBC News 13:10 ........................Weather 13:15............... Bargain Hunt 14:00...................................Live Challenge Cup Rugby League 16:30.............................Escape to the Country 17:15...........................Shrek 2 18:50............... BBC News 18:50............ BBC London News 19:00............. Catchpoint 19:30.................Pointless 20:25.............. Who Dares Wins 21:10................. Casualty 22:00............... BBC News 22:20............. Thor 2 - The Dark World

08:00 ...................... Top Class

09:00 ....Astronauts: Do You Have What it Takes? 10:00 ............... Chimpanzee 11:15 ..............Holiday of My Lifetime 12:00 ........... Kew on a Plate 13:00 .... The Happiest Days of Your Life 14:20............... £100k House: Tricks of the Trade 15:20..................Back in Time for the Weekend 16:20........Your Home Made Perfect 17:20.... Victoria and Albert 18:50............... The Young Victoria 20:30.............Dad’s Army 21:00.......Queen Victoria: My Musical Britain 22:00....................... QI XL

00:00...........The Women’s Football Show

22:45... Black Hollywood: A Tribute to John Singleton

00:30...... Weather for the Week Ahead

23:45...Boyz ‘n’ the Hood

00:35............... BBC News

01:35.......... The Looming Tower

06:00................. Make it Pop 07:00........................... Mission Employable 07:05 ............... Mr. Bean: The Animated Series 07:15................ Mr. Bean: The Animated Series 07:30.......................... Marvel’s Avengers: Ultron Revolution 08:00..................... Robozuna 08:25....................... ITV News 08:30..........................The Sara Cox Show 09:25.........................Saturday Morning with James Martin 11:35............. John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen 12:35................. Save Money 13:05..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:20............ A View to a Kill 16:00...............Tipping Point

BBC2, 23.45

A bright but underachieving teenager with a domineering single father strikes up a friendship with two brothers, and over time, the three young men each follow their own path - but a tragedy eventually leaves them facing a dangerous choice. Drama, starring Cuba Gooding Jr, Laurence Fishburne, Morris Chestnut and Ice Cube.

07:00...................................Frasier 07:25...................................Frasier 07:50...................................Frasier 08:15..........The Big Bang Theory 09:35.Woman’s Football World with Coca Cola 10:05.............................. Heineken Champions Cup Rugby 11:00.................... The Simpsons 11:30.................... The Simpsons 12:00......................Four in a Bed 14:30............ A Place in the Sun 15:30.......... George Clarke’s Old House, New Home 16:30................Channel 4 News 17:00.............................. Heineken Champions Cup Final Rugby: Leinster v Saracens 19:30.............. F1: Grand Prix Qualifying Highlights 21:00 ............................ Thor

06:00 ..........................Milkshake! 10:00 ..........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

23 CW

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:15 .....Emmerdale Omnibus

10:15...........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

09:10 .............Coronation Street Omnibus

10:30............... Make You Laugh Out Loud

12:05........................ Britain’s Got More Talent

11:00 ..........Police Interceptors

13:05.................... In for a Penny

12:00................................ Friends

13:40 .............. Ninja Warrior UK

15:00 .................. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door

14:45 ..... You’ve Been Framed!

16:00.................. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 17:00 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 18:00............Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 19:00 ................ Cricket on 5 19:55 ........................ 5 News 20:00 ........... Inside Fortnum and Mason: The Queen’s Grocer

15:15....................Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams 17:20...................Jurassic Park III 19:10............ Johnny English Reborn 21:15................. Britain’s Got More Talent 22:15............ Celebrity Juice 23:05.................. Family Guy 23:35.................. Family Guy 00:05............ American Dad! 00:30............ American Dad!

23:10 ..........This Means War

21:00...............Royal Dresses - Secrets of the Wardrobe

01:00....Hollyoaks Omnibus

22:30........ The Big Wedding


09:15 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:00 ................. Modern Family

06:00.................... Teleshopping

10:20 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:30 ................. Modern Family

11:25 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00................. Modern Family

07:10.................... Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit

12:30 ......................Bake Off: The Professionals

07:30................. Modern Family

08:00 .............American Pickers

08:00 .......... Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

09:00 .............American Pickers

14:40..................... Four in a Bed

09:00 .......... Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

11:00............. American Pickers

15:10 .....................Four in a Bed

10:00 ........................Soccer A.M.

15:45 .....................Four in a Bed

11:30............................ The Flash

16:15 .....................Four in a Bed

12:30............................. Supergirl

16:45 .....................Four in a Bed

13:30 ................... The Simpsons

17:20 ....... Come Dine with Me

14:00 ................... The Simpsons

17:50 ....... Come Dine with Me

14:30 ................... The Simpsons

18:25.... Come Dine with Me

17:30 .................Premier League Greatest Games

00:55...The Cleveland Show

17:00.....................The Chase 18:00............ ITV Evening News 18:15........Regional News and Weather 18:30....Ninja Warrior UK 19:30.........In for a Penny

CW 20:00................... Britain’s ch oi ce Got Talent

00:25............ Jackpot247

ChoWice Boyz N the Hood


06:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond

TV Guide

13:35 .......................... Devon and Cornwall

18:55.... Come Dine with Me 19:25.... Come Dine with Me

17:45 ................... The Simpsons

20:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics

19:45 .............The Simpsons

21:00..........24 Hours in A&E 22:00..........24 Hours in A&E 23:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 00:00........................ Live PD

18:45............. The Simpsons 20:15 ................. A League of Their Own 23:15...... There’s Something About Movies

10:00 .............American Pickers 12:00 ............................. Top Gear 13:00 ............................. Top Gear 14:00 ..............Lazy Boy Garage 14:30 ..............Lazy Boy Garage 15:00 .................Sin City Motors 16:00 .......................World’s Most Dangerous Roads 17:00........................World’s Most Dangerous Roads 18:00........................ Red Bull Soapbox 2015 19:00.................... Room 101 20:20.............Not Going Out 21:00..... Would I Lie to You? 23:00........... Mock the Week

00:15.............. Hawaii Five-0

23:35.................... Room 101

01:15.................... MacGyver


CW 24

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:00 .....................BBC News 10:00 ................. The Andrew Marr Show 11:00........... Sunday Politics London 11:30 ................Walks of Life 12:30 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:10 .......... Weather for the Week Ahead 13:15 .......... Songs of Praise 13:50 .............Points of View 14:05 ... Live Challenge Cup Rugby League 16:15................... Final Score 17:30.................... BBC News 17:50.... BBC London News; Weather 17:55 ........................Weather 18:00 ............The Road to Chelsea 19:00 ............Countryfile 20:00 .... British Academy Television Awards 22:00 .............. BBC News 22:20. BBC London News 22:30... Match of the Day 00:15 . Britain’s Youngest Football Boss



06:05................... A to Z of TV Gardening 06:50................. Great British Garden Revival 07:50 ....... Glorious Gardens From Above 08:35 .................. Countryfile 09:30 .................Beechgrove 10:00 ........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30 ...........Rick Stein From Venice to Istanbul 12:30 .............Wanted Down Under 13:15 ............... The Women’s Football Show 13:45 .. Money for Nothing 14:30........... Garden Rescue 15:30 ............................. Coast 16:00.............. Nature’s Great Events 17:00.................. World Relay Championships 2019 18:00............ Turkey with Simon Reeve 19:00........ Dragons’ Den 20:00......... Undiscovered Worlds with CW ch oi ce Steve Backshall 21:00........Louis Theroux: Mothers on the Edge 22:00............. I’ll Get This

Sunday 12th May

06:00................Childrens’ TV 07:30..... Marvel’s Avengers: Ultron Revolution 07:55.................The Haunted Hathaways 08:25....................... ITV News 08:30....The Sara Cox Show 09:25............. James Martin’s Sunday Selection 10:25..............This Morning On Sunday 11:25............. John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen 12:20...ITV Lunchtime News 12:30.....Britain’s Got Talent 13:45...................Britain’s Got More Talent 14:45.............. In for a Penny 15:15.................... Octopussy 17:40......ITV Evening News 18:05.. The Family Chase 19:00....Tenable All Stars 20:00........... The Durrells 21:00...............Victoria 22:00................ ITV News 22:20........easyJet: Inside the Cockpit 23:15..........John Bishop’s Ireland 23:40........... Planet Child 00:30............ Jackpot247

Undiscovered Worlds with Steve Backshall

BBC2, 20.00

Steve leads a team of experts - including world-leading underwater cave explorer Robbie Schmittner, former Royal Marine Aldo Kane and diving camera operator Katy Fraser - into the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Under the vast jungle is the largest unexplored network of caves in the world, comprising thousands of kilometres of passageways. They are beautiful but dangerous, as much of the system is under water. First, the team must trek through tough, scorpion-infested jungles to camp alongside a giant sinkhole - a dark gateway to an underworld full of nightmarish creatures.

06:10.............. Everybody Loves Raymond 06:35 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 07:00 ..................................Frasier 08:15 ......The Big Bang Theory 09:30................. Sunday Brunch 12:30 .............Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food 13:00 ......................Bake Off: The Professionals 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

06:00 ..........................Milkshake!

06:00 ........You’ve Been Framed!

10:00 ..........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

06:25 .......Emmerdale Omnibus

10:15 ..................................Access

09:20 ................Coronation Street Omnibus

10:20...................Evan Almighty

12:20 ........You’ve Been Framed!

12:10................................. Friends

13:55..... Spy Kids 3: Game Over

12:40 ................................ Friends

14:55.................................. FYI Daily

13:10 ................................ Friends

15:00 .....Spy Kids 3: Game Over

13:40 ................................ Friends

15:40 ..............Britain’s Got Talent

14:05 ......... Maid in Manhattan

14:00 ................... The Simpsons

16:05 ......... Me and My 10 Kids

16:55 .............................Britain’s Got More Talent

14:30................... The Simpsons

17:00 ................. When Rich Kids Go Skint

17:55................. Despicable Me 2

15:30..................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

18:00 ............... Adele: In Her Own Words

19:00 ...........Despicable Me 2

16:30 ........... A Place in the Sun

19:55 ........................ 5 News

17:30 ............... Coast v Country

20:00 .................. Blind Date

18:30......... Channel 4 News

21:00......... Funniest Ever TV Cock Ups

21:10 ............................Skyfall

22:00................ The Brothers Grimsby

00:20...............American Dad!

15:00................... The Simpsons

19:00 ............. F1: Grand Prix Highlights 21:00 ..The Girl on the Train 23:15 .......... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

23:45............... Greatest Ever Movie Blunders

18:55 .........................FYI Daily 20:00 ............................Skyfall CW ch oi ce

21:05......................... FYI Daily 22:50 .................... Family Guy 01:15 ................The Cleveland Show

00:15............ Whiskey Tango Fox Trot

01:15............. High Street TV Teleshopping

01:40...............Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

08:55........Find it, Fix it, Drive it

06:00.......... The Hour of Power

07:10 ........................Go 8 Bit Dlc

10:00...............................Car S.O.S

07:00 ............................ The Flash

07:35 ........................Go 8 Bit Dlc

11:00...............................Car S.O.S

08:00 .............................Supergirl

08:00.....Red Bull Soapbox 2015

12:00........ Come Dine with Me

09:00 ................. Modern Family

09:00.....Red Bull Soapbox 2015

12:30........ Come Dine with Me

10:00 ................. Modern Family

13:05........ Come Dine with Me

11:00........................... WWE Raw

10:00........................Border Force America’s Gatekeepers

13:35........ Come Dine with Me

12:00 ......................................NCIS: Los Angeles

14:05........ Come Dine with Me 14:40......................Four in a Bed 15:10......................Four in a Bed 15:45......................Four in a Bed 16:15......................Four in a Bed 16:45......................Four in a Bed 17:20........ Come Dine with Me 17:50........ Come Dine with Me 18:25.... Come Dine with Me 18:55.... Come Dine with Me 19:25.... Come Dine with Me 20:00............. The Secret Life of 5 Year Olds

13:00 ......................................NCIS: Los Angeles 14:00 ...........................MacGyver 15:00 ................... The Simpsons 16:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 18:00........... Modern Family 18:30 .............The Simpsons 19:00 .............The Simpsons 19:30 .............The Simpsons

11:00........................Border Force America’s Gatekeepers 12:00........................World’s Most Dangerous Roads 13:00........................World’s Most Dangerous Roads 14:00..............American Pickers 16:00.......... Would I Lie to You? 18:00........................ Red Bull Soapbox 2015 19:00............Hurricane Man 20:00....Border Interceptors

20:00 ................... MacGyver

21:00..................Have I Got a Bit More News for You

21:00 ............. Hawaii Five-0


21:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics

22:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles

23:00............... Hypothetical

23:00................ Magnum P.I.

00:00....... Live at the Apollo

22:00..........24 Hours in A&E



00:00........................ Live PD

01:00.................. SEAL Team

01:40........... Mock the Week



Skyfall ITV2, 20.00

James Bond pursues a mysterious criminal mastermind who has orchestrated a terrorist attack on MI6 headquarters and exposed the identities of undercover agents around the world. The trail leads to a rogue former operative who has a personal vendetta against the intelligence organisation’s leader. Action thriller, starring Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes and Naomi Harris.

monday 13th may 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 .............Rip Off Britain 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00.......... Neighbourhood Blues 11:45 ............. Defenders UK 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:30 ...........Regional News 13:45......................... Doctors 14:15................... Impossible 15:00............... Escape to the Country 15:45 ...........Garden Rescue 16:30........ The Repair Shop 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00.............. BBC News 19:00....... The One Show 19:30 ......Garden Rescue 20:00 ............ EastEnders 20:30 ..............Panorama 21:00 ...... Not Going Out 21:30 ................... Ghosts 22:00 .............. BBC News 22:25 ......Regional News 22:35 ........... Back to Life 23:00 ......Have I Got a Bit More News for You 23:40............ The Graham Norton Show 00:30...... Weather for the Week Ahead 00:35............... BBC News


06:00........ The Repair Shop 06:45 ..........The Customer is Always Right 07:30.Antiques Roadshow 08:30...................The Week in Parliament

08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning

09:00 ............ BBC News at 9

12:30............ Loose Women

10:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire

13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News

11:00 .BBC Newsroom Live 12:15 ................. Politics Live 13:00 .......................The Boss 13:45 ............Street Auction 14:30 .................. The TV That Made Me 15:15......................Ray Mears’ Northern Wilderness 16:15......... The Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation 17:15........................... Flog It! 18:00.............. Eggheads 18:30 .......... The Farmers’ Country Showdown 19:00 ......... The Victorian House of Arts and Crafts 20:00.. Great British Menu 21:00.... One Day in Gaza 22:00 . Live at the Apollo 22:30..............Newsnight

13:55.............Regional News and Weather 14:00............... Judge Rinder 15:00.................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00....... Regional News and Weather 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..Coronation Street 20:00................ Love Your Garden

06:25 ................................. Cheers 07:20 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 ..................................Frasier 10:10.............. Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:00 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 .........Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05 ......................... Posh Pawn 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ...................Fifteen to One 16:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 .... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00 .......... Supershoppers 20:30 ................ Tricks of the CW Restaurant Trade ch oi ce 21:00........Banged Up: Teens Behind Bars 22:00..................Sex on Trial 23:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 00:00............... Naked Beach

06:00 ..........................Milkshake! 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 ..........Police Interceptors 12:10 .................................5 News 12:15 ......... Bad Tenants, Rogue Landlords 13:10.................................. Access 13:15.............. Home and Away 13:45....................... Neighbours 14:15.......................... Secrets in a Small Town 16:00 ................................ Friends 16:30 ................................ Friends 17:00 .................................5 News 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 ........................ 5 News 19:00 ...............Africa’s Great Migration with Ben Fogle 20:00..... Police Interceptors 21:00.....Extreme Nightmare Tenants 22:00.........Police Code Zero: Officer Under Attack 23:05.................Drive Angry 01:00............. High Street TV Teleshopping

09:15 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10........................ Go 8 Bit Dlc

10:10 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

08:00 ............................. Top Gear

11:15 ......................Bake Off: The Professionals

07:00 .............................Wild Vets

09:00 ............................. Top Gear

07:30 .............................Wild Vets

10:00 .............American Pickers

12:15 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

13:15 .....................Four in a Bed

09:00 ..............Motorway Patrol

13:00 .......................Border Force America’s Gatekeepers

13:45..................... Four in a Bed

10:00 ........................... Babylon 5

14:00 ......................Detroit Steel

14:15..................... Four in a Bed

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:00............. Last Stop Garage

14:50..................... Four in a Bed

12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:30............. Last Stop Garage

15:20..................... Four in a Bed

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

15:50............ Food Unwrapped

16:00 ......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

16:20............ Food Unwrapped

15:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

16:55 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

16:00 ................. Modern Family

18:00 .....................Top Gear

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

17:55 .................... The Supervet

17:30............................ Futurama

19:00 ............... Border Force America’s Gatekeepers

18:55 .................. Emergency Helicopter Medics

18:30............. The Simpsons

19:55 ........... Grand Designs

21:00 ..... There’s Something About Movies

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 10:45......................... Superstore 11:10...... You’ve Been Framed! 12:10 ........................ Emmerdale 12:40 ............Coronation Street 13:15 ............Coronation Street 13:40............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 ...................... Take Me Out 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 21:00................. Family Guy 21:30............ American Dad! 22:00................. Family Guy 23:00 ........... American Dad! 23:30...The Cleveland Show 00:00........... Celebrity Juice 00:45........................... Plebs

21:00 ....Victoria’s Palace 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

23:10..................Weather 23:15.....Surgeons: At the Edge of Life

22:45 ...Flights from Hell: Caught on Camera

00:15........ Our Dementia Choir with Vicky Mcclure

00:35............ Jackpot247

23:45.................. Tenable

Tricks of the Restaurant Trade Channel 4, 20.30

25 CW

20:30..Coronation Street

22:30.Regional News and Weather

New series. Simon Rimmer, Sophie Morgan and Adam Pearson return with the programme offering an insiders’ guide to eating out and ordering in. Simon reveals how innovation and customer feedback can dictate what ends up on diners’ plates at Wagamama, while Adam Pearson is challenged to feed a group of pensioners at an afternoon tea dance by using the latest waste food apps.


06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

TV Guide

21:00................... Devon and Cornwall 22:00............ Hidden Britain by Drone 23:00........................ 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

20:00..................... Supergirl

22:00.................. A League of Their Own 23:00................... The Russell Howard Hour 00:00......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

17:00............................. Top Gear

20:00 ......... Yianni: Supercar Customiser 20:30.......... Yianni: Supercar Customiser 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00 .... Would I Lie to You? 23:20 .......... Mock the Week 00:00 ........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:00.........................Porters

CW 26

TV Guide

tuesday 14th may 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 .............Rip Off Britain 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 ......... Neighbourhood Blues 11:45 ............. Defenders UK 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:30 ...........Regional News 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 ...................Impossible 15:00 ...............Escape to the Country 15:45 ...........Garden Rescue 16:30 ........The Repair Shop 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00 .............. BBC News 18:30 ......Regional News 19:00 .......The One Show 19:30 ............ EastEnders 20:00 ............. Holby City 21:00 .....Years and Years 22:00 .............. BBC News 22:25 ......Regional News 22:35 .... War in My Head 23:20............ Manchester Bomb: Our Story 00:35............... BBC News



06:30 .............Rip Off Britain 07:15 ...........Garden Rescue 08:00 ...... Gardeners’ World 08:30 .................Great British Railway Journeys 09:00 ............ BBC News at 9 10:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 .BBC Newsroom Live 12:15 ................. Politics Live 13:00 .......................The Boss 13:45 ............Street Auction 14:30 .................. The TV That Made Me 15:15 .................... Ray Mears: Bushcraft 16:15......... The Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation 17:15 ...........................Flog It! 18:00 .............. Eggheads 18:30 .......... The Farmers’ Country Showdown 19:00.Great British Menu 20:00............. Your Home Made Perfect 21:00.....Surgeons: At the CW Edge of Life ch oi ce 22:00 .......... Don’t Forget the Driver 22:30 .............Newsnight 23:15.........Forensics: The Real CSI 00:15.........Miriam’s Dead Good Adventure

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

06:25 ................................. Cheers 07:20 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40...................................Frasier 10:10.............. Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05 ......................... Posh Pawn 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ...................Fifteen to One 16:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 .... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00............... Bake Off: The Professionals 21:00 .........24 Hours in A&E 22:00.................. First Dates 23:05...... Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Back 00:05..................Sex on Trial

08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 ...........Regional News 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase 18:00.......Regional News 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30........... Save Money 20:00............ Emmerdale 20:30 ................... Hard to Please OAPs 21:00.........Bear’s Mission 22:00 ..... ITV News at Ten 22:45.......On Assignment 23:15 .................... Play to the Whistle 00:10 ................. Tenable 01:05........... Jackpot247

Surgeons: At the Edge of Life BBC2, 21.00

Consultant Neurosurgeon Ismail Ughratdar has just minutes to operate to save the life of a 64-year-old woman who has a bleed on the brain after falling in the street. Blood is accumulating and putting pressure on her brain that is very likely to lead to permanent disability or death unless Ismail can perform a craniotomy to alleviate the pressure in time. And when a motorcyclist is rushed in by helicopter, Consultant General Surgeon Catherine Powell must decide whether to operate on his internal bleeding. Last in the series.

06:00 ..........................Milkshake! 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 ..........Police Interceptors 12:10................................. 5 News

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20.................. Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

12:15 ......... Bad Tenants, Rogue Landlords

07:10...... You’ve Been Framed!

13:10 ..................................Access

08:25............ Coronation Street

13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours

09:25.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

14:15 ................. Lethal Admirer

10:20 ......................... Superstore

16:00 ................................ Friends

10:45......................... Superstore

16:30 ................................ Friends

11:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed!

17:00 .................................5 News

12:10........................ Emmerdale

17:30 ....................... Neighbours

12:40............ Coronation Street

18:00......... Home and Away

13:40.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

18:30........................ 5 News

08:00........................ Emmerdale

19:00............... Africa’s Great Migration with Ben Fogle

14:35... The Jeremy Kyle Show

20:00 .......The Yorkshire Vet

19:00.... You’ve Been Framed!

21:00 ............. The Murder of Charlene Downes

21:00....Through the Keyhole

22:00............... Violent Child, Desperate Parents

23:30............ American Dad!

23:05.... In Their Own Words

17:50 ...................... Take Me Out

22:00.................. Family Guy 00:30...The Cleveland Show

00:05................. Cricket on 5

01:00.................. Superstore

06:00 .......................Monkey Life 06:30 .......................Monkey Life 07:00 .............................Wild Vets 08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer 09:00 ..............Motorway Patrol 10:00 ........................... Babylon 5 11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime 16:00 ................. Modern Family 16:30 ................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00.................... Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00 ..........................Arrow 21:00 ..................SEAL Team 22:00 ....................The Force 23:00 .................. The Russell Howard Hour 00:00 .................Jamestown 01:00......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

07:10 ........................Go 8 Bit Dlc


ch oi ce

09:15 ..................................A Place in the Sun 10:10 ..................................A Place in the Sun 11:15 .............................. Bake Off: The Professionals 12:15 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:15 .....................Four in a Bed 13:45..................... Four in a Bed 14:15 .....................Four in a Bed 14:50 .....................Four in a Bed 15:20 .....................Four in a Bed 15:50 ............ Food Unwrapped 16:20 ............ Food Unwrapped 16:55 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55.................. Emergency Helicopter Medics 19:55 ........... Grand Designs 23:00 ......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 00:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 01:00........ Sex Party Secrets

On Assignmen ITV, 22.45

New series. Rageh Omar returns with the current affairs programme. James Mates looks at Hungary’s increasing political swing to the right ahead of the 2019 European elections and John Irvine visits Egypt’s new £35 billion capital city, the first phase of which is set to open this year but for now is still under construction. Nina Nannar reports on the stuntwomen pushing for more recognition in the film industry.

07:35 ........................Go 8 Bit Dlc 08:00 ............................. Top Gear 09:00 ............................. Top Gear 10:00 .............American Pickers 12:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 .......................Border Force America’s Gatekeepers 14:00.......................Detroit Steel 15:00.............. Last Stop Garage 16:00.......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00 ............... Border Force America’s Gatekeepers 20:00........... Hurricane Man 21:00..... Would I Lie to You? 22:20........... Mock the Week 23:00................. Taskmaster 00:00............. Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish 01:00........................ Porters 01:40 .......... Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 .............Rip Off Britain 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00.......... Neighbourhood Blues 11:45 ............. Defenders UK 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:30 ...........Regional News 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 ...................Impossible 15:00 ...............Escape to the Country 15:45 ...........Garden Rescue 16:30........ The Repair Shop 17:15....................... Pointless 18:00.............. BBC News 18:30...... Regional News 19:00....... The One Show 20:00.......Watchdog Live 21:00......Nadiya: Anxiety and Me 22:00 .............. BBC News 22:25 ......Regional News 22:35 ................21 Again 23:35 ................. F.A. Cup 00:00 ........Our Dementia Choir with Vicky Mcclure 01:00............... BBC News

wednesday 15th may

06:30 .............Rip Off Britain 07:15 ...........Garden Rescue 08:00 ..............Undiscovered Worlds with Steve Backshall 09:00............ BBC News at 9 10:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 .BBC Newsroom Live 11:15 ................. Politics Live 13:00 .......................The Boss 13:45............ Street Auction 14:30................... The TV That Made Me 15:15.................... Ray Mears: Bushcraft 16:15......... The Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation 17:15 ...........................Flog It! 18:00.............. Eggheads 18:30........... The Farmers’ Country Showdown 19:00 ......... The Victorian House of Arts and Crafts 20:00.Great British Menu 21:00................Forensics: The Real CSI 22:00....................... Mum 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather CW Horizon 23:15.................. ch oi ce 00:15 .......... Surgeons: At the Edge of Life

06:00............... Good Morning Britain 08:30 ............................Lorraine 09:25 ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .................This Morning 12:30 ...............Loose Women 13:30.. ITV Lunchtime News 13:55............... Regional News 14:00................. Judge Rinder 15:00....................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 .................Tipping Point 17:00 ....................... The Chase 18:00......... Regional News and Weather 18:30 ...ITV Evening News 19:00.............. Emmerdale 19:30... Coronation Street 20:00 ..................... Britain’s Brightest Family 20:30....Coronation Street 21:00..............Planet Child 22:00................ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30.......... Regional News and Weather 22:45....................... Peston 23:40....La Liga Highlights 00:30..................... Tenable 01:25...............Jackpot247

06:25 ................................. Cheers 07:20 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05 ......................... Posh Pawn 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ...................Fifteen to One 16:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 .... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00..... Location, Location, Location 21:00 .................The Virtues 22:00......... 24 Hours in A&E 23:05 .......Banged Up: Teens Behind Bars 00:10...................... Sex Tape

TV Guide

06:00 ..........................Milkshake! 09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15 ..........Police Interceptors 12:10 .................................5 News 12:15 ......... Bad Tenants, Rogue Landlords 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ..........In Bed with a Killer 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 .................................5 News 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 ........................ 5 News 19:00................Africa’s Great Migration with Ben Fogle 20:00............Saving Britain’s Hedgehogs 21:00.............. The Murder of Charlene Downes 22:00.......... Big Body Squad 23:05..................The Gypsies Next Door 00:05..... Police Interceptors

27 CW

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:45...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10...... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:55...... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20......................... Superstore 10:45 ......................... Superstore 11:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 12:10 ........................ Emmerdale 13:15 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 13:40 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:40 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00 ............... Take Me Out 19:30..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00..You’ve Been Framed! 21:00............................... Ted 23:10.................. Family Guy 23:40.................. Family Guy 00:10............ American Dad!

09:15........... A Place in the Sun

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 ........................Go 8 Bit Dlc

10:10 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:35 ........................Go 8 Bit Dlc

11:15 ......................Bake Off: The Professionals

07:00 .............................Wild Vets

08:00 ............................. Top Gear

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

12:15 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it

09:00 ............................. Top Gear

09:00 ..............Motorway Patrol

13:15 .....................Four in a Bed

10:00 .............American Pickers

10:00 ........................... Babylon 5

13:45..................... Four in a Bed

12:00 .............American Pickers

11:00............ NCIS: Los Angeles

14:15 .....................Four in a Bed

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00 .......................Border Force America’s Gatekeepers

14:50 .....................Four in a Bed

15:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

14:00 ......................Detroit Steel

15:20 .....................Four in a Bed 15:50 ............ Food Unwrapped

16:00 ................. Modern Family

15:30............. Last Stop Garage

16:20 ............ Food Unwrapped

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

16:55 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

17:30 ............................Futurama

16:00 .....................Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

18:00 ....................Futurama

17:00 ............................. Top Gear

17:55..................... The Supervet

18:30 .............The Simpsons

19:00................ Border Force America’s Gatekeepers

18:55................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00.. Find it, Fix it, Drive it 22:00......................Car S.O.S 23:00..........24 Hours in A&E 00:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 01:00..... Find it, Fix it, Drive it

20:00........... DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

15:00 ............. Last Stop Garage

20:00............................ QI XL

21:00................ Magnum P.I.


22:00...... There’s Something About Movies

22:00........................... Sliced

23:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

22:40........... Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier 23:40....... Live at the Apollo

00:00.....................The Force

00:40............... Hypothetical

01:00.............. Hawaii Five-0

01:40........................... Sliced

Senior Administrator required by Adeje based company

Must be fluent in English and Spanish both spoken and written, be of a good nature to work as part of a team. Smart appearance, self motivated and must able to work under pressure. Own car with clean driving license is essential Full contract with a superb remuneration package is offered.

CW 28

TV Guide

thursday 16th May

06:00 ...................... Breakfast

06:30............. Rip Off Britain

09:15 .............Rip Off Britain

07:15 ...........Garden Rescue

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

10:00...... Homes Under the Hammer

08:00....... This Farming Life

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

09:00 ............ BBC News at 9

11:00......... Neighbourhood Blues

10:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:45 ............. Defenders UK 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:30 ...........Regional News 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15................... Impossible 15:00............... Escape to the Country 15:45 ...........Garden Rescue 16:30 ........The Repair Shop 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00.............. BBC News 18:30 ......Regional News 19:00 .......The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00............ DIY SOS the Big Build 21:00 ............Ambulance 22:00 .............. BBC News 22:35 ...... Question Time 23:35 ..............This Week 00:20...... Weather for the Week Ahead 00:25............... BBC News



11:00 .BBC Newsroom Live 12:15 ................. Politics Live 13:00 .......................The Boss 13:45 ............Street Auction 14:30 .................. The TV That Made Me 15:15.................... Ray Mears: Bushcraft 16:15 ......... The Hairy Bikers’ Bake-ation

10:30.............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 13:55.............Regional News and Weather 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00 ..............Tipping Point

17:15 ...........................Flog It!

17:00 ....................The Chase

18:00 .............. Eggheads

18:00....... Regional News and Weather

18:30........... The Farmers’ Country Showdown 19:00 ......... The Victorian House of Arts and Crafts

18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale

20:00.Great British Menu


21:00... David Harewood: Psychosis and Me

20:00............ Emmerdale


20:30.. Martin Clunes: My Travels and Other Animals

23:15........Louis Theroux: Mothers on the Edge

21:00........easyJet: Inside CW the Cockpit

22:00............................ QI

00:15.. Earth From Space 01:15...................A House Through Time

ch oi ce

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:15................ Great Art

easyJet: Inside the Cockpit ITV1, 21.00

First Officer Ajit and Captain Steve have four short domestic flights but the passengers are in for a bumpy ride thanks to the tail end of Storm Freya, and Captain Philip Ash’s usually friendly banter has to be put on hold as a medical emergency threatens to divert his plane from its destination of Palma. Meanwhile, Senior First Officer Iris De Kan faces gruelling challenges in the flight simulator to earn her fourth stripe and become a captain. Last in the series.

06:25 ................................. Cheers 07:20 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05 ......................... Posh Pawn 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ...................Fifteen to One 16:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 .... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00 .........When I Grow Up 21:00........ Roads From Hell.. Caught on Camera 22:00.............. Lee and Dean 22:30.................. Gogglebox 23:30................... First Dates 00:30............Joe Lycett’s Got Your Back

06:00 ..........................Milkshake! 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 ..........Police Interceptors 12:10 .................................5 News 12:15 ......... Bad Tenants, Rogue Landlords 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

06:00....... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10...... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00......................... Emmerdale 08:25............ Coronation Street 08:55............ Coronation Street

13:45 ....................... Neighbours

09:25.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

14:15 ........................... Abducted

10:20 ......................... Superstore

16:00 ................................ Friends

10:45 ......................... Superstore

17:00 .................................5 News

11:10...... You’ve Been Framed!

17:30 ....................... Neighbours

12:10........................ Emmerdale

18:00......... Home and Away

12:40............ Coronation Street

18:30......................... 5 News

13:40 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

19:00................Africa’s Great Migration with Ben Fogle 20:00................. Shop Smart: Save Money

14:40 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00............... Take Me Out 19:00..You’ve Been Framed!

21:00.............. The Murder of Charlene Downes

21:00................. Family Guy

22:00..................My Extreme Drugs Diary

22:50.................. Family Guy

23:05....Gypsies on Benefits

23:40............ American Dad!

22:00............ Celebrity Juice 23:15............ American Dad!

09:15 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

06:00.................... Teleshopping

10:10 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:10 ........................Go 8 Bit Dlc

11:15 .............................. Bake Off: The Professionals

07:00 .............................Wild Vets

07:35 ........................Go 8 Bit Dlc

07:30 .............................Wild Vets

08:00 ............................. Top Gear

12:15............................ Find it, Fix it, Flog it

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

09:00............................. Top Gear

09:00 ..............Motorway Patrol

13:15 .....................Four in a Bed

09:30 ..............Motorway Patrol

10:00 .............American Pickers

13:45 .....................Four in a Bed

10:00 ........................... Babylon 5

14:15 .....................Four in a Bed

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

14:50 .....................Four in a Bed

12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

13:00 .......................Border Force America’s Gatekeepers

15:20 .....................Four in a Bed

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

14:00...................... Detroit Steel

15:50 ............ Food Unwrapped

14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

15:00 ............. Last Stop Garage

16:20 ............ Food Unwrapped 16:55 ................... The Secret Life f the Zoo 17:55 .................... The Supervet 18:55.................. Emergency Helicopter Medics 19:55 ........... Grand Designs 21:00 .......... The Good Fight 22:10 .............Berlin Station 23:10 .................. 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

15:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime 16:00 ................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00.................... Futurama 18:30..............The Simpsons

11:00 .............American Pickers 12:00 .............American Pickers

16:00...... Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00................ Border Force America’s Gatekeepers

19:30............. The Simpsons

20:00..................Have I Got a Bit More News for You

20:00.................... The Flash

21:00....... Live at the Apollo

21:00...... There’s Something About Movies

22:00........................... Sliced

22:00..............The Incredible Hulk

23:40............................ QI XL

22:40............... Hypothetical

What’s On

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019


29 CW


this weekend



May May

Tenerife Walking Festival 2019

A major hiking event on the European calendar in its fifth edition this year, with a full programme of itineraries and activities. Seven of the 12 courses offered unfold amidst volcanic landscapes, on an island boasting 1500 km of trails. In addition to hiking, the festival’s programme includes a wide range of additional activities for individual participants and for families and groups. The activities – seaside, volcanic or green – are coordinated by professional guides. 21st - 25th may

10th - 26th may Siam mall

hAdan martin auditorium, Santa cruz

Santiago martin Sports Pavilion

This weekend

‘Arizona’ – Delirium Teatro


Tenerife Baroque Orchestra

23rd may, 7.30pm

Harlem Globetrotters

A new tour by the Harlem Globetrotters, filled with impossible slam dunks, amazing shots, mesmerising dribbling and crazy acrobatics to delight children and grown-ups alike. A show for the whole family and a basketball exhibition that has been going on since the 1920s. The Harlem Globetrotters roster has included stars like Wilt Chamberlain, who set the single-game scoring record at the NBA by scoring 100 points. After the game, the basketball stars will sign autographs and have pictures taken with their fans.

May The Tenerife Baroque Orchestra is bringing its second season to a close with a tribute to the masterpieces of baroque music: a selection from Handel’s and Telemann’s Water Music, conducted by Juan de la Rubia.


11th may, 7pm

puerto de la cruz

Day of the Canary Islands

GRAND FINAL Friday 31st May

Showtime Tenerife

Tenerife-based theatre company Delirium Teatro are staging a new production based on true events: the establishment of the Minuteman Project, an activist organisation established in USA in 2005 to monitor the USA-Mexico border’s flow of illegal immigrants. With texts by Córdoba-born playwright Juan Carlos Rubio and music by Tenerife-born composer Diego Navarro, this is a play about borders and migrations, man’s follies and the limits of manipulation.

24th may, 9pm leal theatre, La Laguna

CW 30

Advertisement 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

31 CW

Girls on top on The Golf By John Zammit

TENERIFE Loves Karaoke, sponsored by The Duke Shops, is a fun competition, open to anyone over the age of 13, who complies with the terms, conditions and rules, posted on The prizes available for the winner of the 2019 competition are €1000 in cash, and the chance to perform at this year’s Tenerife Entertainment Awards. This week, we headed back to a real favourite of Tenerife Loves Karaoke, The Palms Pool Bar in Golf del Sur, for the penultimate heat. The Palms have always produced a great night; a great atmosphere for the contestants to perform in, and great singers with the big stage for them all to perform on, and this time was no exception. As in most heats this year, there was not a seat to be had, and The Palms Pool Bar was no exception, with a full house and a full card of singers. Kerry Railton, the host for the night, got proceedings underway after her opening song, outlining the voting and what the judges were looking for, along with the prizes available for tonight’s winners, and the overall winner. Tenerife Loves Karaoke’s

first singer of the night was Dave, who sang a Frankie Valli number, Can’t Take My Eyes off You. He certainly entertained the crowd and got them going, setting them up for the night. Following Dave was Lorraine with Crazy, which she performed, brilliantly. Phoebe (1), the first of two 15-year-olds sharing the same name, got the crowd on their feet with the Miley Cyrus number, The Climb. George belted out the Pink’s Just Like A Pill, keeping the crowd smiling and wanting more. Taking us to the break was Maria, who confessed to be a big Britney Spears fan, paying tribute to her by singing I Love Rock and Roll. The crowd loved it! During the break, everyone was treated to a couple of songs from the resident compere, Andy Phillips, and Kerry. The second half got underway with Annette, who sang, beautifully, A Thousand Years, by Christina Perri; what a way to start the second half. Then our second 15-year-old, Phoebe (2), took to the stage and sang, for the first time in this year’s competition, Adele’s Make You Feel My Love, much to the crowd’s delight. Next up was Craig, a Palms’ favourite, singing A Message to You Rudy, by The Specials. He also performed in last

year’s competition. We were now left with two singers; Marcus, who sang Snake, by Al Wilson, and Renie, who performed, to the crowd’s delight, Another Day in Paradise, by Phil Collins. A great way to finish! After a short break, the judges confirmed that Phoebe (1), Maria, Annette and Phoebe (2) would be going into the sing-off. They took to the stage, and placed their second-song choices. The sing-off started with Phoebe (2)singing Trouble, by Elvis Presley, then Annette performed Amoureuse, a Kiki Dee number.

Maria sang another Britney Spears song, Toxic, complete with the dance moves, and Phoebe (1) performed Wings, by Little Mix. What four great performances they were. It was confirmed that the two going into this year’s semifinals would be Annette and Maria, and both received their heat trophies. However, it was also confirmed that the judges were putting both Phoebes through, as wild cards. Everyone who participated in this heat was brilliant, and all the people who came to watch had a fun-filled night. Everyone at Tenerife Loves Karaoke

would like to thank those who entered at The Palms Pool Bar, the owners and staff who made this, again, another memorable heat, and our sponsor, The Duke Shops, Costa Adeje. There is only one more heat left this year, to be held on Thursday 16th May at The Theatre Bar, San Eugenio. If you would like to enter, to be in with a chance of winning €1000 in cash, and performing at this year’s Tenerife Entertainment Awards, call 822 14 15 17, send a private message to Oasis Fm, or register at the venue. Don’t forget - you have to sing it to win it!

Latin Jazz festival heading for Adeje ADEJE will host the first international Latin Jazz festival, ClazzContinental Latin Jazz, from June 18th to 22nd, and concert tickets will be available soon through Tomaticket. The festival will be staged in two parts, with three days of jazz in the Papagayo Beach Club and two, major, open-air concerts in Golf Costa Adeje. Details were announced on Wednesday by promoters Cargo Music Entertainment and Actual Events, with the Adeje Council’s

collaboration, through their tourism promotion unit, under the Happy Streets banner. Happy Streets promotes and energises the cultural and entertainment side of Adeje, in public spaces throughout the borough. Clazz Club is Europe’s biggest jazz organisation, and this will be their first series of concerts here in the Canary Islands, in Costa Adeje and in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The festival brings together big names in the jazz world, as well as encouraging new, local talent. Oscar Gómez, creator and

producer of the festival, and a member of the Latin Grammy committee, said at the press conference in Adeje: “Fusion isn’t just about music; it’s about human beings, and it’s the future of humanity. “For us, it’s a huge honour and this is an amazing platform to promote the Clazz brand, which is travelling around the world.” Luis Medina Enciso, of Actual Events, thanked Adeje Council and the Tourism Department, saying: “Without them this would not be happening.” The concerts begin on

Tuesday, 18th June, when Roberto Martínez performs with La Yuka Fund, in Papagayo Beach Club, offering Latin American and Canarian music. The following day, 19th June, the Claudio Constantini Tango Jazz Ensemble will deliver music from Buenos Aires, with touches of New Orleans. And on the Thursday (June 20th) Yuvisney Aguilar & the Afrocuban Jazz Quartet will be performing on stage. The last two days of the festival will bring jazz to the Golf Costa Adeje with the Nella

Rojas and Paquito D’Rivera Caribbean Tour on Friday 21st June. And the festival comes to a conclusion on Saturday June 22nd with Yuka Funk and their Billie Holiday tribute.

CW 32


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

With Liberty Seguros, your electric car is fully covered ELECTRIC cars were a novel sight on roads, until just a few years ago. But, with the technology becoming more accessible, and being made available in more desirable cars, they are fast becoming a more-realistic option, for many car buyers.

It is well known that electriccar maintenance is really economical, and the running costs are also very low. They also contribute to the protection of the environment, and buying an electric car has some fiscal advantages, too. Liberty Seguros wants to support the development of the electric car, improving and adapting its products to the needs of its customers, and adding to its continued commitment to caring for the environment, in favour of a clean and friendly energy. For these reasons, Liberty Seguros car insurance now contains, free of charge, new benefits for electric cars to be totally covered, such us:

Travel Assistance: Immobilisations which have their origin in battery discharge will be covered. From Km 0, emergency recharge, or towing to the nearest recharge point, assigned by the insured, is included. Adapted pricing: All electric-car policies include a permanent discount (not promotional). Special assigned covers at no additional charge. Car batteries and other accessories are included. Additional discounts for second vehicles. Accessories: The cable and the adapter device for charging are included within the damage, fire and theft cover, up to a value of 400â‚Ź (limit per claim, per year). Batteries: Batteries are included in the cover of damage, fire and/or theft, even if they are owned by third parties. Civil liability: Damage caused by impact

or collision of the vehicle into recharge installations, owned by third parties, is covered. The damage caused to third parties is covered, in cases of fire that originate in the insured vehicle, during the recharge operation. Limit of this guarantee: 300,000â‚Ź, per claim. So, if you are thinking of changing to an electric car, and contributing to the care of the environment, now with Liberty Seguros, electriccar insurance coverage is complete, thanks to the new guarantees and benefits

included within the Liberty Car product. Also, don’t forget that you will get some fiscal advantages too, such as: *Reduction in road tax. This reduction depends on the council of each municipality, and can be up to 75% *Free use of green (ORA zone) and blue parking areas (depending on the municipality) *Free access to restricted areas in city centres like Madrid *Help and Subventions under MOVES programme (BOE, 4th

February 2019). With insurance, not only for car, but also life, home, business, commercial, funeral etc., Liberty Seguros is considered to be the preferred expat insurer in Spain today. Liberty Seguros has an extensive network of over 300 brokers and agents, who are dedicated to providing unbiased, friendly and expert advice, in your own language, to discuss the most suitable cover for you. To find out more, visit www., or simply call 91 342 25 49.


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

More blood-pressure medicine is recalled, containing engine oil! TESTS, which found trace amounts of potentiallycancer-causing chemicals, has led to yet another recall of a blood-pressure medication.

America’s Food and Drug Association (FDA) is, reportedly, overwhelmed by the sheer number of investigations it now carries out in factories across China and India. A substance, previously used as an oil lubricant in motor engines, is now appearing in these harmful prescription drugs, while other heart medication can actually increase your blood pressure. If you take blood pressure medicine, you should doublecheck the safety of these prescription drugs, because Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd has expanded its recall of Losartan potassium and losartan potassium/hydrochlorothiazide tablets. Tests found trace volumes of a potential, cancer-causing impurity called N-methylnitrosobutyric acid in some of these drugs, and the company is recalling 36 additional lots. A full list of recalled drugs is available on the US Food and Drug Administration website. This latest news is related to the valsartan recall, which has been expanded multiple times since last July. The FDA put Chinese company Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical on an import alert after learning that the company made the tainted ingredient, at the heart of most of these recalls. The impurity is a chemical, used in petrol as a stabiliser, and as a lubricant additive. In January, The FDA also started testing all heart drugs called angiotensin II receptor blockers for these impurities. They are also known as ARBs, and block a potent chemical in the blood

33 CW

Phone thief arrested, thanks to the public

called angiotensin, which causes muscles surrounding blood vessels to contract. When the chemical binds, it narrows the vessels, and that can cause high blood pressure. Factory inspections of facilities in China and India in recent months have revealed a pattern of issues regarding drugs valsartan, losartan and irbesartan, either alone or in combination with other drugs. Another recent recall involves eight lots of irbesartan, manufactured by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals. Public Citizen researcher and director Michael Carome said: “I think we have a federal agency, which is overwhelmed in trying to keep up,” noting that the FDA often prioritises inspections based on potential risk. The agency has been examining “a backlog of unchecked foreign drug plants”, including China’s

Tel: 822 14 15 17

Publisher, Proprietor and Editor: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical and India’s Hetero Labs, both of which have been forced to recall carcinogen-tainted drugs. But exacerbated inspection policies, investigations or recalls do not guarantee prevention, or action from drug companies, to correct the problems. Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA’s Centre for Drug Evaluation and Research, said: “A lot of responsibility is on the people who manufacture and offer these drugs for sale.” India’s Hetero Lab has had to recall several commonly-prescribed, bloodpressure drugs since last July, including versions of losartan, valsartan and irbesartan. The Sandoz Inc recall involved 100 milligram/25 milligram Losartan tablets with the lot number JB8912, and expiry date of June 2020. The affected product was not distributed prior to 8th Oct 8, 2018, according to the FDA.

A MAN aged 63 was arrested by La Laguna’s National Police officers, based in La Laguna, for picking up a mobile phone, which fell out of the owner’s pocket, without him realising. The thief promptly retrieved the top-model Smartphone, worth around €950, and hid it in his nearby car. But he hadn’t realised he was being watched by several people. The phone owner soon realised it was missing and retraced his steps, asking people if they had noticed anything. He was soon informed about the thief. But when approached, the man promptly denied having the mobile in his possession. Police officers were called to the area, and, when they began to question witnesses, they were soon told that the thief had put the phone in his car The phone was returned to its rightful owner, and the thief was arrested, and charged with misappropriation of lost property. Together with the police report, he will appear before a judge. The charge is acknowledged as a criminal offence, punishable by a fine, or a six-month prison sentence.

Locked-out woman badly injured in fall A WOMAN was seriously injured after falling from a height while trying to climb into her home through a window, early on Wednesday morning,

The accident happened at around 6.30am at her Puerto Santiago home in Avenida Maritima, in the municipality of Santiago del Teide. The 33-year-old needed medical assistance because of a severe head injury, and when the emergency services received a call, an ambulance was dispatched to the area, promptly. Medics assessed her, then took the woman straight to Hospiten Sur for further treatment. Guardia Civil officers also attended the scene to assist in the emergency.

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Angela Jefferies, Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Mariano Zunino Siri, Martin Land, Sir Old Golfer. Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2019 Canarian Weekly

CW 34


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

The Spanish might well have built Stonehenge, insist today’s historians STONEHENGE, a 2007 candidate in the 21-strong shortlist for the New Seven Wonders of the World, remains one of the UK’s greatest mysteries.

Like Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza in Cairo, the only surviving member of the original seven wonders, how this huge circle of standing stones was built has always been part of the great unknown, regarding Europe’s most ancient history. But we do know a little about the actual builders: London’s Natural History Museum has revealed that they could well have been Spanish or Portuguese. Experts in prehistoric genetics compared DNA from the remains of late Neolithic and early Bronze Age humans, from what is now known as Europe, and found that that the vast majority of those living in the modern-day UK were almost identical to that of humans living on the Iberian Peninsula. Stonehenge is believed to have been built in what is now the county of Wiltshire, back then, and humans from the Iberian Peninsula are thought to have

been responsible for introducing the tradition of constructing monuments with megaliths, or gigantic stones, into the northwestern part of the continent. In fact, the UK probably had more Spanish and Portuguese expats 5,018 years ago than it does today. Tom Booth, co-author of the research, says “no detectable evidence” of native British hunter-gatherers’ DNA was found in the remains of Neolithic farmers, after the arrival of the Iberians. So, in effect, the Spanish and Portuguese migrants ended up replacing born-and-bred Brits. According to the research, the largest migratory movement across Europe was in around 6,000 BC, or three millennia before work started on Stonehenge. Farming communities set off en masse from Anatolia, now Turkey, and split into two branches: one group following the river Danube and ended up in central Europe, with a second group crossing the Mediterranean in 4,000 BC to Iberia. These nomads, generations later, began to spread out

through France and then Wales, their point of entry into the UK, and dispersed across the southwest of England. Thousands of years of migration led to Iberians, descended distantly from the Anatolians, becoming the dominant population in Britain; at least in the southern and western areas. Although the climate and conditions for farming would have been extremely different in England and Wales, compared with Spain and Portugal, the long journey north and west across Europe would have given them plenty of time to adapt their practices to enable them to survive, by the time they reached Britain, according to another co-author of the research, Mark Thomas, of University College London. The small groups of native British hunter-gatherers, who would have lived largely on plants and molluscs, were replaced over time by Neolithic migrants, most of whom were farmers. This was not because the two groups never mixed, says Tom Booth, but because the British population was probably too small to have left any real genetic legacy. And, perhaps,

the vast majority of the ethnicity had fizzled out long before the Stonehenge workers were born. Research has already shown the physical differences in typical Turkish-Iberian migrants and native British hunter-gatherers. Tom Booth’s Natural History Museum team stunned the world by revealing that the earliest Brits were dark-skinned, with black, curly hair and blue eyes. This was discovered after examining the fossilised skull of whom the team dubbed The Cheddar Man, because his remains were found 100 years earlier in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset The Natural History Museum team believes white skin came along later in Europe, supposedly, via an evolutionary adaptation, created by the emergence and diffusion of farming practices, which would have changed humans’ diets, providing them with less vitamin D. Earlier diets would have included molluscs and oily fish, sources of vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium absorption and healthy bones. Without dietary vitamin D, humans’ only source

would have been sunlight, and paler skin absorbs more of this than darker skin. But the black-skinned British natives were still around, in much-reduced numbers, by the time the Turkish-Iberians arrived. By then, though, these Mediterranean tribes were pale-skinned with light-coloured hair and brown eyes. Spaniards were, in fact, mostly blond, with blue eyes and very pale skin until about 1,200 years ago. They tended to resemble present-day Europeans of Scandinavian and Germanic descent, meaning their current tendency towards dark hair and eyes is very modern, in evolutionary terms.

News / Community News

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

K9 Animal News

Raising funds for Reina! ARE you doing anything on Saturday 1st June, between 3-7pm? If not, why not come down to our latest fundraiser, and help us make money for K9?

The Original Wigan Pier have kindly agreed to let us come down for the afternoon, and have also got a few acts lined up for the afternoon. If you have never been to one of our fundraisers, why not come down and support us? You are guaranteed to have a lot of fun, and meet some new people. There is a lot of entertainment planned, such as live acts, a raffle, a tombola and other activities. Those confirmed to perform on the day are Lisa Cowley, Carol Slater, Carol Singer, Christopher James and Ann Marie Dorrity. We are so grateful to them and to The Original Wigan Pier, for giving us this opportunity to raise awareness of K9, and also to raise money for our puppy Reina, who flew to Sweden a couple months ago. For those who don’t know the story of Reina, she was a young puppy who was flying to Sweden, with her new, forever family. Arriving in Sweden turned into a nightmare, because her microchip couldn’t be read, even though it had been put in by a vet and checked. Things were not looking good for her. We were given different options to try to rectify the situation, such as sending her back to Tenerife, putting her in quarantine or putting her to sleep, which, of course, we were not going to let happen.

Accion del Sol News

Scouts and dogs have fun! WE had a visit from the scouts at Atazaicate, who are based in Granadilla. They walked and played with the dogs, who were so happy to have some love, exercise and attention. Thank you all very much, for your help and support.

Our dogs love to go out for a walk, so, if you do have some spare time during our opening hours, please come and visit us and make a dog very happy. They really love some exercise and TLC.


We can never express enough the importance of having your

Live Arico News

Hi! I’m Lara!

MY name is Lara. I am five years old, super lovely, educated, We chose to put her into quarantine, but this came at great expense, and we are currently holding fundraisers to pay this huge bill. Reina spent 21 days in quarantine in Sweden, and was happily reunited with her new family at the end of April. The cost of Reina being kept in quarantine was over €2,500, but worth every cent, if it meant that Reina could stay in Sweden, and also be reunited with her new family. Now, we need to raise money for the bill, which is how this fundraiser came about. Please come along and support us on the 1st June, from 3pm. We would

dog microchipped, with the correct telephone number, so we can return your pet to you as quickly as possible, without causing unnecessary stress. Also, by law, your dog must be registered with your local town hall.

Assistance required

We are always looking for people to walk the dogs in the refuge during opening hours.

be so appreciative of any support you can give. Meet our dogs! We have many dogs, in all shapes and sizes, waiting patiently for their loving, safeand-secure, forever homes. You can see them all, their stories and pictures, on our website at www.k9tenerife. com Go to “K9 dogs/Dogs waiting for homes”. Why not visit us at K9 Refuge on Calle Chimbesque between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas any day of the week between 9.30am-1.30pm? Alternatively, you can get in touch by telephoning us on 667 638 468, or emailing info@ Please do call the refuge on 6643 21219 or 602463242, between 8am-5pm, if you can help in any way. We always need tinned dogfood for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm.

Find us here

Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the north-bound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the right-hand side. E-mail the refuge at or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol

35 CW

very good with other dogs, and sweet with children and adults. Because of my previous owner’s poor health, which will, sadly, not improve, I had to be brought to the dog shelter. “I am having a very tough time getting used to being in the kennels, because I’ve always lived in a home with my family. I don’t understand why I am here. I was always a good girl, very well behaved, and walked perfectly on the leash. “Please help me to find a home, urgently; adoption or fostering is a possibility. Come and visit me on Saturdays at the dog-walking club, so that we can have some fun and get to know each other. Please help me.” Come and walk the doggies! Join the Live Arico dog-walking club on Saturday mornings

from 9am-1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you can keep fit and find a furry friend at the same time. Send a WhatsApp to Oceana on 659 242 572 for further details, or just pop in and meet the dogs.

Live Arico shops

Come and bag a bargain at our shops. Donations are always very much appreciated. San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open weekdays 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and now Sundays 11am-3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open MondayFriday (10am-4pm), Saturday 10am-2pm and Sunday 11am3pm. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

CW 36


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Wednesday 29th May

Coming up in our next property auction and also available for sale up until the date of the auction



Doors open at 11am

At Clansani Golf & Country Club, next to Amarilla Golf Club




Stunning property at a bargain price! 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms villa. Chayofa, Arona

Fantastic business opportunity Pizza place Los Olivos, Adeje

Spacious townhouse 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Granadilla de Abona

Amazing value apartment 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom Las Adelfas

Pool bar Fairway Village, Golf del Sur

Guide price: 290,000 euros

Guide price: 89,000 euros

Guide price: 230,000 euros

Guide price: 229,500 euros

Guide price: 195,000 euros






Splendid ground floor property 1 bed, 1 bath Los Cristianos, Arona

Spacious apartament 3 bed, 2 baths San Isidro,Granadilla de Abona

Urban land Charco del Pino,Granadilla de Abona

Recently refurbished 2 bed, 1 bath, San Isidro, Granadilla de Abona

Spacious penthouse 4 bed, 2 baths. Parque de la Reina, Granadilla de Abona

Guide price: 235,000 euros

Guide price: 128,000 euros

Guide price: 69,000 euros

Guide price: 85,000 euros

Guide price: 192,000 euros






Beautiful independent house 3 bed, 2 bath, private garden & parking. San Miguel de Abona.

Independent villa 4 bed, 2 baths. Aldea Blanca, San Miguel de Abona

Apartment with parking space 2 bed, 2 baths. Los Abrigos, San Miguel de Abona

Amazing opportunity 1 bed, 1 bath FaĂąabe, Adeje

3 floors apartment building Granadilla, Granadilla de Abona

Guide price: 295,000 euros

Guide price: 270,000 euros

Guide price: 129,000 euros

Guide price: 210,000 euros

Guide price: 259,000 euros






Amazing penthouse with 4 double bedrooms. Las Chafiras, San Miguel de Abona

Stunning property 2 bed, 1 bath Los Cristianos, Arona

Magnificent independent villa 5 bed, 4 baths, private pool, Parking. Playa Paraiso, Adeje

Fantastic investment - 4 bed, 4 bath, private pool, cinema, bar, gym, parking. Adeje.

Stunning property 2 bed, 1 bath. San Isidro, Granadilla de Abona

Guide price: 164,000 euros

Guide price: 215,000 euros

Guide price: 1,185,000 euros

Guide price: 995,000 euros

Guide price: 82,000 euros

News / Community News

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

37 CW

Cats Welfare News

What a little treasure! THIS beautiful girl, and her equallygorgeous sister and two brothers, are looking for loving homes. Now seven weeks old, Cats Welfare took them in when their mother was run over and killed by a car. Their eyes weren’t even open, but one of our dedicated volunteers hand-reared them, bottle feeding them every few hours. Wow! Just look at them now! They have been wormed and deflead, and Cats Welfare will pay for their first injections. We have several other beautiful kittens available for adoption, including a black-and-white, eight-weekold female. We ask for a minimum donation of €20 per kitten, to cover costs. If you would like to meet them, please send us a private Facebook message, or ring/WhatsApp Sandra (English, Spanish and German) on 6712 82773 after 6pm, or Sharon (English) on 6625 24006. *All kittens go for a week’s trial, in your home *


Which rental-car firm will make you happy? CONSUMER group Which? has warned British holiday-makers about the carrental firms to avoid this summer, for peace of mind.

Our vet bills are enormous! If you would like to donate to Cats Welfare, please go to our online fundraising page Alternatively, cash donations can be taken to our shop, or payments made via PayPal ( Thank you so much.

Clothes, books and jigsaws

We need you!

We always need cat food, litter, sheets, towels, bedding etc. for the cats and kittens in our care, and also good quality/condition items for sale in the shop on San Blas, Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino). It is open seven days a week, 10am-6pm. We stock good-quality clothes of all sizes, at sensible, low prices. Pop along and take a look. Our customers come from all over the island, and we see many holidaymakers return, time and again, eager to snap up a bargain. If you don’t have transport, or have large, bulky items such as furniture and household effects to donate, please ring Mark on 6365 90557, and he will arrange collection from you.

Fostering kittens is very rewarding, watching them growing and playing, feeding them and realising how dependent they are on you. It’s perfect for people who don’t want a full-time cat of their own. We are looking for foster carers, to look after bottlefeeders and weaners, as well as big kittens. You would need to be able to drive, and have somewhere safe for them. All food and litter, bedding, litter trays etc. will be supplied, and any vet bills will be paid by us. Please help us to help the kittens in need. Cats Welfare arrange the adoptions, once the kittens are ready. Please send us a Facebook private message, if you are interested.

We are appealing to you all, please, for both ladies’ and men’s clothes, for our shop. We also need books of all genres, and in great condition, as well as jigsaws. Please have a look around at home, and drop them into the shop.

Our shop

Spanish company Goldcar came bottom of the rankings for the fifth year in six, with 38% of customers saying they would never use the firm. Two out of five customers reported problems with the embattled operator, which were generally to do with credit-card charges and poor service. The rental giant, which has a chequered past, is owned by Europcar, which performed the worst out of all the major brands. According to Which? the second-worst car rental company is InterRent and the third-worst is… InterRent! Meanwhile, top of the rankings was Cicar, a rental company based in all the Canary Islands, at airports, sea ports and main holiday areas, followed by AutoReisen and Alamo. Which? Travel editor Rory Boland advises customers to look at quality, and not just the cheapest options. “One wrong turn at airport arrivals could easily make or break your holiday,” he said. “In an industry dogged by unscrupulous practices, making the right choice is paramount.”

Clocking-in machine is bonus for workers UK to stage EU elections, as Brexit deadline looms ALL legitimate businesses across the archipelago must have all their employees clocking in and out, daily, from this Sunday (12th May)

The idea, mainly, is to manage workers’ timetables to stop excessive unpaid hours being forced on them by their employees. But an estimated 90% of busine-

sses across the islands do not have any clocking-in system for their employees to register their time at work. In a short while, an estimated 913,400 workers in the Canaries will be required by law to sign in and out of the workplace. The law was passed on 8th March by Pedro Sanchez, then Prime Minister and now, following the recent general election, seeking

a coalition partner through lack of votes, even though he won the day. The in-and-out clocking system is already in use with a few, large, Canarian companies. The new system’s main objective is to provide more control on the excessive hours people have to work, and to control overtime, ensuring that the workers get paid for what they do.

BRITAIN will have to hold elections to the European Parliament this month because the prospect of a Brexit deal being passed looks increasingly unlikely. Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington said it would not be possible for Westminster to pass the proposed Withdrawal Agreement before the vote, adding that, legally, Britain must stage the election. The election is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 23rd May, and a spokesperson for Prime Minister Theresa May said she “deeply regretted” the Brexit delay.

CW 38

Wine and Dine

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Sweet on potatoes! SWEET potatoes are starchy root vegetables that are grown worldwide. They come in a variety of sizes and colours, including orange, white, and purple, and are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. They provide a number of health benefits, and are easy to add to your diet. Highly nutritious

Sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants that protect your body from free radicals. These are unstable molecules that can damage DNA, and trigger inflammation. Free-radical damage has been linked to ageing, and chronic illnesses like cancer and heart disease, so eating antioxidant-rich foods is good for your health.

Gut health

The fibre and antioxidants in sweet potatoes are advantageous to gut health. They contain two types of fibre: soluble and insoluble. Your body cannot digest either type, so fibre stays within your digestive

tract, and provides a variety of gutrelated health benefits. Certain types of soluble fibre, known as viscous fibres, absorb water and soften your stools. On the other hand, non-viscous, insoluble fibres don’t absorb water, but add bulk. Fibre-rich diets containing 20-33 grams per day have been linked to a lower risk of colon cancer, and more-regular bowel movements. The antioxidants in sweet potatoes may provide gut benefits, as well. Greater amounts of these types of bacteria within the intestines are associated with better gut health, and a lower risk of conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and infectious diarrhoea.

Healthy vision

Sweet potatoes are incredibly rich in beta-carotene, the antioxidant responsible for the vegetable’s brightorange colour. In fact, one cup (200 grams) of baked, orange, sweet potato, with skin, provides more than seven times the amount of betacarotene than the average adult needs, each day. Beta-carotene is converted to Vitamin A in your body, and used to form light-

detecting receptors inside your eyes. Studies have found that the anthocyanins they provide can protect eye cells from damage, which may be significant to overall eye health.

Brain function

In general, diets rich in fruits, vegetables and antioxidants are associated with a 13% lower risk of mental decline and dementia.

Immune system

Orange-fleshed sweet potatoes are one of the richest natural sources of beta-carotene, a plant-based compound that is converted to Vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A is critical to a healthy immune system, and low blood levels have been linked to reduced immunity. It’s also key for maintaining healthy mucous membranes, especially in the lining of your gut.

The Swan

Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with goodquality produce. We also cater for any special requirements. Daily Specials. Friday: Cod and chips night. Sunday Lunch: 12noon - 8pm. Bookings advisable. MOndayS’ Feature nights: 5 course special on the roof terrace. Call for more information and reservations. 24hr-notice for paella, lamb shank, fillet steak or ask us for anything you fancy. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value!


In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Call: 922 795 865

Cañada Blanca 2, Parque de la Reina Open: 12noon - 11pm.

Call: 603 273 382

Parque de la Reina has a secret - Lupita restaurant is fast becoming the place to eat, and it has a well-deserved reputation. All the usual Mexican specialities are on offer, but from midday until 4pm, check out its 4.95-euro menu. You can have a bowl of soup or garlic bread, main meal (selection of 20) and ice cream or coffee to finish, which is excellent value for money. Also, evening and weekend menus are available from 4.95-euros. Now open Tuesdays.

Special offer: BBQ ribs, including a drink for 9.90 euros

Wine and Dine

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

The gut is where your body is exposed to many potential disease-causing pathogens. Therefore, a healthy gut is an important part of a healthy immune system. Studies have shown that Vitamin A deficiency increases gut inflammation, and reduces the ability of your immune system to respond properly to potential threats. Eating them regularly can help prevent Vitamin A deficiency.

Add them to your diet Sweet potatoes are very easy to add to your diet. They can be enjoyed with or without the skin, and can be baked, boiled, roasted, fried, steamed or pan-cooked. Their natural sweetness pairs well with many different seasonings, and they can be enjoyed in both savoury and sweet dishes. Some popular ways to enjoy sweet potatoes include: *Sweet potato chips: peeled, thinly sliced, and baked or fried

*Sweet potato fries: peeled, cut into wedges or matchsticks, and baked or fried *Sweet potato toast: cut into thin slices, toasted, and topped with ingredients like nut butter or avocado *Mashed sweet potatoes: peeled, boiled, and mashed with milk and seasoning *Baked sweet potatoes: baked whole in the oven, until fork-tender *Sweet potato hash: peeled, diced, and cooked with onion in a pan *Spiralised sweet potatoes: cut into spirals, sautÊed, and sauced *In baked goods: sweet potato puree adds moisture, without fat. Preparing sweet potatoes with a little fat, such as coconut oil, olive oil, or avocado, can help boost the absorption of beta-carotene, because it’s a fat-soluble nutrient. Although cooking sweet potatoes slightly reduces their beta-carotene content, they still retain at least 70% of this nutrient, and are considered to be an excellent source.

39 CW

CW 40

Advertisement 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019


41 CW

CW 42


Sudoku X Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid. 2 8 3

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

Across 5. Clothes for casual activities (11) 7. Outlay (4) 8. Artificially high singing voice (8) 9. Judge to be probable (5,2) 11. Ruffle (5) 13. Fawn (5) 14. Thief (slang) (3,4) 16. Abuse (8)


17. Game counter representing money (4) 18. Believing in equal opportunities (11) Down 1. Highland dress (4) 2. Clown (7) 3. Answer (5)

4. Intellectual (8) 5. Appear as old as one is (4,4,3) 6. Vengeance (11) 10. Drink before bedtime (8) 12. Supporting male actor at a wedding (4,3) 15. Moderately warm (5) 17. Metal currency (4)

5 7 2 4 6


8 9 3 4 6 8 3 5 4 1


6 8 7

And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

3 5 4 5 8 7 9 5 9 1 4 6 8 7 3 2 2 1 4 5



30-Second Brain Training Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner

2 4 9

Starter Number





1 2 3






x15 +27













to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 property for rent


3 9 1 2 9 8 2 4 6 5 8

Starter Number









of this






÷5 +137




+243 ÷3 +277 9



9 6 3 3 7 8 6 5 8 4 7

Find the answers to these puzzles on our website

x12 +212


of this




Advanced Starter Number

8 9 3





of this




-93 Answer



of this

Beginner Starter Number













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MONCAYO PARQUE DE LA REINA Two bed, two bathroom apartment. Community pool. 750€ per month

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Service Point

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019


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patio doors & windows

10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019



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windows & doors


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

CD Tenerife THE Heliodoro Rodríguez López stadium was packed to the rafters last Saturday night, and the atmosphere was electric for the visit of Las Palmas to Tenerife, in a must-win derby for both teams.

Form goes out of the window for these fixtures because they are always toughly-contested battles, with both sides competing for bragging rights as the pride of the Canaries, looking for a player to step up and be a hero… and someone obliged! The first half was yellow as Las Palmas came out strong from the off and dominated play, midfielder Danny Blum having two chances in the first three minutes. But Dani saved well and avoided the déjà vu of Tenerife conceding an early goal. Then, after nine minutes, Cedres had a chance after a foul on Timor on the edge of the area, which grazed the goal. Tenerife were left looking a bit dazed and confused by the quick start. But they held on with some good defending, and Nano hit the post after 12 minutes to give Martiñez a fright in the Las Palmas goal. Milla tried to take control for the home team with excellent play, from area to area, which, unfortunately came to nothing. But they appeared to be in the game and balancing the play, particularly in midfield. Without creating any more chances, they kept the score at 0-0, although Las Palmas did scare the home fans with a great cross on 31 minutes that failed to find a striker, and Dani saved an excellent effort from his Las Palmas namesake three minutes later. At the start of the second half, with Dos Santos on the verge of injury or being sent off, coach Oltra, who had to make changes at the back, brought on Carlos Ruiz as a replacement. What a game-changer! Firstly, Timor was sent off with a straight red for the Las Palmas player, after a clumsy challenge on Undaburrena. This sent tempers flying, on and off the pitch, and left the visitors with 10 men. Yet Tenerife failed to capitalise, losing a silly ball on the edge of the 18-yard area. The visitors reacted quickly with a shot from Araujo, which Dani saved well. But Cedres picked up

45 CW

Derby joy for Tenerife! CD Tenerife 2 UD Las Palmas 1

the rebound and slotted it past the Tenerife keeper to put Las Palmas ahead after 55 minutes. Tenerife heads did not go down, as they looked for a way through, and for someone to step up and be hero. They found both, through an unlikely source. Substitute Carlos Ruiz came on after 52 minutes, and the veteran defender, ostracised in recent months, met a superb corner from Milla 15 minutes later, with a perfect diving header to score a much-needed equaliser after 67 minutes to level the score. Both teams battled for the rest of the half, neither wanting a draw, and that man Ruiz was the hero again. His cross from the right, after 87 minutes, which had drawn Martiñez out of his goal, gifted Naranjo with a tap-in on the far post to give Tenerife the lead with just three minutes remaining.

The Heliodoro erupted at the final whistle, and Ruiz was, indeed, hailed a hero as Tenerife beat their old enemies 2-1 to earn three valuable points, which

moves them a little bit closer to safety. Their next match (tonight, Friday), away to secondplaced Granada, is just as important. But, hopefully,

with a spring in their step, they can come away with a result. With five matches of the season left, there’s still everything to play for!

CW 46


10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019


Heart-attack keeper not so sure of future IKER Casillas, the former Real Madrid goalkeeping legend, is out of hospital after suffering a heart attack, but he has no idea where his future lies.

But the Spaniard, now on Porto’s books, is unsure whether he will return to playing top-level football. He was discharged from hospital last Monday, five days after his shock heart attack. The one-time Spain squad captain walked out of the CUF Hospital, in the Portuguese city of Porto, where he gave a news conference, admitting: “I don’t know what my future holds.” Casillas, his voice trembling with emotion, thanked the medical staff at the hospital, and also all of the people who rushed him to the hospital when he began feeling unwell at a training session. “I’m feeling much better,” he said. “Now I’ll have to rest for a couple of weeks, or even a couple of months,

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but I don’t know what the future holds,” said Casillas, who turns 38 in a week or so. “The main thing is being here.” The Spanish player will not have medical tests until September, to determine whether his heart is strong enough to contend with top-level football. But it seems doubtful. “This is something that can happen at any time in life, to anyone,” he said, accompanied by his partner, Sara Carbonero,

during three three-minute news conference. “It was my turn, and you always need to put on a smile at times like these.” Casillas has been using social media to keep supporters abreast of his condition, and, before walking out of the hospital, he tweeted: “Good morning! I have a #HappyHeart, how about you?” alluding to ‘Corazón contento’, a song by Marisol, a child and teen star from the 1960s.

After 16 years at Real Madrid, Casillas joined Porto in 2015 and has a contract until June next year. Fans paid tribute to Casillas last weekend at a Porto-Desportivo Aves match at Dragão stadium, and he repaid them, saying: “Thank you to the thousands and thousands of people who have sent me so many messages that I have been unable to answer them. But I will now because I’ll have the time for it!”

Jubilant Tottenham prove that lightning strikes twice ALEX Ferguson, reacting to his Manchester United team scoring twice in the final seconds to clinch the Champions League in 1999, simply said: “Football, bloody hell”.

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On Tuesday, in the semi-final of the same competition, Liverpool overturned a 3-0 first-leg deficit to render the travel plans of thousands of Barcelona fans obsolete by thrashing the mighty Spanish team 4-0 at Anfield. “Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart,” sung the fans, and how the team responded. Then 24 hours later, in equally astounding fashion, Tottenham Hotspur completed another three-goal comeback. With seconds left and a free-kick awarded to Spurs, Dutch opponents Ajax must surely have felt they had reached the final. But the ball was booted forward. Striker Fernando Llorente edged it the feet of team-mate Son Heungmin, who turned it into the path of forward Lucas Moura, who slotted the ball in the far corner of the net. That made 3-0 on the night for Spurs, after Ajax, having scored away in the first leg, adding two more at home, before Tottenham struck. So, double-bubble

for Tottenham, and Ajax had blown their big chance. Liverpool and Spurs will meet in Europe’s ultimate match, which will be the first showdown comprising English teams, since Ferguson, now Sir Alex, saw his United side face Chelsea in 2008. Spurs had never reached a Champions League final, and only one other team had made it, after losing the first-leg of a semi-final at home. What a final we have to look forward to, whoever you support. 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019


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Advertisement 10th May 2019 - 16th May 2019

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