CW issue 1106

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24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Issue 1106

Elections and selections for Tenerife Brits 1 CW

24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

FIVE different elections are taking place, here and in mainland Spain, on Sunday (26th May), and European citizens, over 18, who are on their local “padrón”, are entitled to vote in two of these: local and European. Continued on Page 3

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24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Money in the Bank or Money in a Bond, make an informed choice The majority of us keep money in a bank account, why? Because it is easy, relatively secure, and easily accessible. There is also a deposit protection scheme in place which covers the amount in your bank account up to €100,000 or £85,000. So far, so good? This means that if a bank or building society cannot meet its obligations and subsequently fails, or becomes insolvent, the maximum compensation you will receive will be £85,000 or £170,000 for a joint account (husband and wife). What about growth on your savings? Returns are not good, interest rates are hardly inflation beating and your hard earned cash is not really being put to work for you. In fact, the average savings account is paying less than 1% per year and some have reduced to 0.2 or 0.1% So how does this look in reality? Consider this:

£20,000 in an average savings account with a gross interest rate of 1% will pay £20,000 at 1% per annum equalling £200 per year before tax

What is the alternative? A Spanish Tax Compliant Bond Setting up a Spanish tax compliant bond is no more difficult than setting up a bank account. Once you have invested you have easy access to your money: regular and one-off withdrawals, to suit your needs.

The returns over the last few years have been: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 6.80% 6.88% 9.48% 5.85% 8.68% 5.5% The growth on a Spanish tax compliant bond is free of tax until a withdrawal is made. Even then only the growth is subject to tax. Any tax due is paid directly to the Hacienda and no Modelo 720 declaration is required for holders of this kind of bond. The bond can also be held jointly so there should be no liability to succession tax on the first death. The bond is backed by an AA rated financial institution which is subject to a strict legal and regulatory environment, to European Law, and having to comply with all applicable European directives and regulations and to meet European solvency margins. Under EU law, assets are to be used to repay policy holders should the company be wound up. Please remember that not all bonds are Spanish tax compliant. If you would like further information about the Spanish tax compliant bond, please give us a call for a no obligation chat. Sebastian & St James International Financial Advisers Limited: advice based on integrity, trust and experience.


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

3 CW

Expats get the nod for election voting

Continued from Front

For British citizens, the right to vote was confirmed through a bi-lateral agreement, signed by the Spanish and British governments early this year. At the time, it was an issue because the UK

was preparing to leave the European Union, prior to the European elections. If you have never voted in Spain before, the voting system and seat allocation is quite different from the “firstpast-the-post� system in the UK.

Here in Spain, a list system is used in all local, regional, national and European elections. This means that each party taking part in the election has a list of candidates, chosen by their individual parties and confirmed, officially.

Guardia divers rescue an injured loggerhead turtle

A LOGGERHEAD turtle had a lucky escape when it was rescued after being trapped between accumulated rubbish, floating around the south coast of Tenerife. A group of divers from the Guardia Civil, specialising

in underwater activity, rescued the turtle after seeing the animal floating along, trapped between plastic rubbish bags and other rubbish, which had been dumped in the sea. Once rescued, the turtle was taken to Puerto Colon, to be handed over to the wildlife recovery services. It needed treatment for injuries, as well as time to recuperate, before being

released back into its natural habitat. A statement from the Guardia officers said that these specific incidents are happening a lot more frequently these days, especially around the Canarian coastline. The rescue took place last Saturday, during an underwater fishing competition in La Caleta, Adeje.

This list is registered about a month before the election, so that it isn’t open to change or additions, as the date nears. Usually, a party will have more candidates on the list than seats on the local council, so there are substitutes in the case of death or resignation, during the life of the council. Once the election date is announced, candidates will campaign until just before the election. But campaigning is prohibited during the twoday reflection period, just prior to an election, as well as on Election Day, which is on Sunday, with polling from 9am to 8pm. You should have received a polling card through the post, telling you where your polling station is. But if you have not received such a card, you are still able to vote, as long as you are on the census. On Election Day, take identification and any voting papers to the polls. In the polling booth, lists of the parties running for election will be available. The name of the party will be at the top of each list. And, given that there are five different elections on Sunday, there are colours for each ballot: white for local election lists, blue for European election lists. Choose the list of candidates you want to vote for, place it into one of the envelopes

provided, and seal the envelope. You may already have the vote prepared, because many of the parties will have either posted you their lists already in envelopes, or gone door-to-door on the canvas. Bringing the list sealed is perfectly legal, and often preferred by voters because it saves time. Obviously, writing on the list will be considered a spoilt vote. And stuffing the envelope with more than one list will, quite likely, also see your vote discounted. Hand your list of sealed votes to the returning officer, who will place it in the ballot box. British citizens, who are resident in Spain, are entitled to vote as an overseas voter, but they may vote in European Union elections only in one country. Once polls close, the doors of each voting centre are shut and the returning officer begins to count the votes. Each party can, and usually does, have official representation in the polling stations, who have the right to stay and oversee the count. When the count is complete, the results are sealed and sent to a central counting centre, and first official results are usually known within hours of the last vote being cast, with local and national TV stations running live-election specials.

Violent gang are arrested after robbing two people FOUR men, aged between 19 and 25, have been charged with committing two violent robberies last Sunday, in Puerto de la Cruz. National Police officers, on patrol, were stopped by an Italian tourist, who said he had just witnessed his friend being assaulted. He told officers that the four men had headed off towards the bus station after the attack. At the same time, a taxi driver told police there was a fight there, involving several individuals. The Italian tourist accompanied the officers to where

the attack took place, and his friend was waiting there, along with a few people helping him. He told the officers he had been on the receiving end of a vicious assault and robbed, after being followed from a bar and jumped on. He said he had been thrown against a wall and beaten, until he handed over all his cash, which totalled just 50 euros. Both men told the officers they had seen the gang heading towards the bus station. The police called for further assistance for the victim, then made their way there. Another taxi driver informed them about a fight in the

vicinity, and two young boys told the officers they had just been robbed by four men, who snatched the mobile phones they were holding, after an initial scuffle. The thieves became aware of the police presence and decided to split up, but two of them were caught as they walked towards the apartments in which they were staying. The other pair were nabbed a little while later, when they went there to meet their pals. The mobiles were returned to the two youngsters, while the quartet, together with the police report, were presented before a judge and are awaiting sentencing.

CW 4


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Missing student is found dead in Santa Cruz area

AN 18-year-old student, who had been missing since Monday afternoon, was found dead in the Santa Cruz capital of Tenerife, late on Tuesday afternoon.

Police officers are dismissing the death of Irene Díaz Folgueiras as suspicious, and have ruled out a criminal act.

But an autopsy will determine the facts. Irene, whose body was found in the area of Santa Cruz’s Barranco del Hierro, was last seen in the city on Monday afternoon. She was reported missing by family and friends the following morning. Irene’s body was discovered by a search party, after her disappearance had been made public. But there were no signs of a violent death, or even a struggle.

Police pounce on traders, selling €1m of fake items

NATIONAL Police, who arrested 23 people in Gran Canaria’s tourist area of Playa del Ingles, also confiscated fake clothes and accessories they had for sale, worth more than a million euros. The astonishing collection came, courtesy of a successful police operation at two shopping centres, where nine prestigious stores were searched after officers had been warned about their illegal

activities. The officers uncovered 80 large boxes, and, on closer inspection, found several counterfeit items, with a total market value of 1,083,535 euros. The fake items comprised clothes, watches and bags, as well as many designer labels. But before the police could intervene, their colleagues had already detained 20 men and three women.

Brave officer rescues a woman from tragic fall

SANTA Cruz Local Police, responding to an emergency call on Calle Calvo Soleto, in the Tenerife capital, last Sunday, prevented a terrible tragedy.

Officers were told that a woman, who had climbed out of her window, and crawled over to her neighbour’s apartment, on the end of the block, was threatening to jump.

In a video already shown across Canarian TV, you can see how one officer performed a brave task, convincing the woman to climb back into her apartment with

his help. Fortunately, no one was hurt, although her actions shocked several neighbours. The woman was taken to a local hospital for an assessment.

A MAN aged 41 was charged by National Police with Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) on Wednesday night, in La Laguna’s area of La Cuesta.

National Police officers, who were called, detained the individual, who was taken to their station for questioning, and later charged with ABH.

Reports from the National Police, along with the detainee, have been presented to the judicial authorities.

Police arrest a noisy neighbour for ABH A couple, living in a residential area, were tired of the continual noise coming from a neighbour’s apartment. They didn’t have a good relationship with him, but, because the noise, which happened just about every night, they went to his apartment to ask him to turn the noise down. When the couple knocked on his door, the noisy neighbour appeared quickly, as though he were expecting them. A few words were exchanged, and the neighbour, who began to insult the couple, then tried to punch the man. The neighbour had a sharp object in his fist, with the obvious intention of injuring the complainant. Suddenly, the victim was involved in a struggle, and, consequently, suffered several arm wounds.

Injured man’s €38,692 pay-out

A SANTA Cruz resident has received €38,692 from his local council after being traumatised for nearly a year, having fallen on a Galceran Bridge footpath in 2016 and injuring himself.

The man’s claim for injuries was confirmed by a spokesperson, who said the Council accepted that he had suffered a trauma.


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

La Gomera blaze may have been intentional

THE fire in La Gomera, which started last Sunday night, has finally been extinguished, but it damaged a total of more than 20,000 square metres, across the Valle Gran Rey coastline.

And the local authorities are not ruling out the fact that the blaze could have been intentional. Several residents were evacuated from the area, and many vehicles removed as a precautionary measure. But, thankfully, no one was hurt. The fire was first spotted at 10pm on Sunday, at a local spot known to many residents as Quiebracanilla, situated along the road heading towards Playa del Ingles, just

north of Playa de la Calera. Guillermo Barroso, head of the voluntary fire department in Valle Gran Rey, explained that the flames began quite viciously, because of strong winds, and there was a huge concern about the direction in which the flames were going. At one point, they seemed to be heading for touristic areas, where there are several apartment complexes, including El Guirre, Los Tarajales and El Cieno. Valle Gran Rey Mayor, Angel Piñero, showed his sincere gratitude, on behalf of neighbours and residents inside the municipality, to the Guardia Civil, the volunteer fire-fighters in Valle Gran Rey, the civil protection team, the Council’s environmental brigade, and the Local Police for their effective work, along with

several citizens who also collaborated. The City Council has reminded the public that this was the second blaze recorded in the municipality in just a few weeks. The last one, said a spokesman, damaged property in the El Altito area, and, cruelly, there has been continuous sabotage against the water-supply network over recent months. He added that Valle Gran Rey seemed to be the main target for saboteurs, following several arson attempts over the last few months, and the Guardia Civil are investigating the situation. What is clear among local residents, inside the municipality’s surrounding areas, is that they feel they don’t deserve the anguish caused by these provoked fires.

5 CW

Men killed ‘protected’ birds and stewed them

A GROUP of 10 men have each been fined €8,600 for breaking the law by cooking “protected” birds on a beach.

A well-known businessman is among the hunting clan, caught after Guardia Civil agents smelt the stewing meat from a cliff. One hunter “even had the spoon in his hand”, a court heard as the maximum fines for hunting and cooking protected birds were imposed.

The 10 men were convicted of killing grey shearwaters in Lanzarote in 2015, while the “near-threatened” birds were in nesting season. The group’s lawyers claimed the meat was lamb, but judges said that defence was “not at all credible”, because officers had run DNA tests on the illegal meal. A further nine men were acquitted from the case, because it could not be proved that they were involved in the hunting or cooking of the birds, known in Spain as “pardela”

CW 6


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

NEWS IN BRIEF Tijoco Bajo recycles its Brit dad on life support

A BRITISH father was left on life support after falling on to a dual carriageway and being hit by a car on the Costa del Sol. Haydn Atwood, 39, tripped and fell while running down a hill with his son Ashley, 17, on the first day of their Malaga holiday. Ashley saw his father, a carer from Caerphilly, in South Wales, collide with the car and fly through the air. Haydyn’s sister, Hailey, said: “It was their first day out there and they had gone for a walk. But as they were jogging down the side of a mountain, momentum picked up and they didn’t stop. “Haydn went straight on to the motorway and was hit by a car. His son saw his father fly up in the air.” The Atwood family flew out to visit Haydn at the Hospital Clinico Universitario, after friends and neighbours launched a fund-raiser. Hailey added: “Haydn had a bleed on the brain and his skull is fractured on one side. He’s on life support, and he’s got a tube down his throat. He’s in a bad way.”

Crash biker, 51, hurts leg

A MOTORBIKE rider, aged 51, was injured last Saturday after being involved in a multiple collision on the TF-28, on the main road passing through Tabaiba town, near La Rosario. The emergency services were informed, and the caller requested medical assistance because there were three motorbikes involved. When the ambulances arrived, they checked the riders and found that the 51-year-old needed immediate treatment because one of his legs was damaged badly, so he was taken to Candelaria Hospital.

Police hook a drug boat

A FISHING boat, intercepted by the National Police Special Forces last Tuesday as part of an operation in international waters, near the Canary Islands, was found to be carrying 1,500 kilos of cocaine. Seven men, discovered on board, were detained immediately by the Special Forces. The boat, which had left Brazil and was heading towards Spain, had no awning, and, once the Special Forces had made their presence felt, they took it to a Gran Canaria port.

Toddler falls 20ft down cliff

A BRITISH toddler suffered a serious injury on a beach after he “slipped from his mother’s arms” and fell down a 20ft cliff in Mallorca. The 19-month-old child, believed to be a boy, was being carried along a footpath leading to Sa Colabra’s Torrent de Pareis beach when the freak accident occurred. The Guardia Civil responded with a helicopter, and the injured child was taken for emergency treatment in Palma, accompanied by a doctor and nurse. The child’s condition was described as serious, and he has been undergoing a series of check-ups at Son Espases Hospital.

way, to top of the class DURING the current academic year, all public primary schools in Adeje borough have been taking part in an educational environmental project, “Adeje Limpio y Circular”.

The main objective was to encourage a culture of recycling throughout the schools. The project also encouraged children to think of ways to contribute to the improvement of their local surrounds and environment. The schools and the students took the project most seriously, and, with competition quite fierce among the different centres, all the youngsters worked hard to offer the best possible solutions for saving and caring for the local environment. The winners were Tijoco Bajo Primary School, followed by Barranco de Las Torres, and Los Olivos. Special mentions were awarded to the Armeñime, Fañabe and Adeje Casco primary schools, because, revealed the judges, the points difference between the schools was so small. The project was made possible, thanks to the Adeje Council, with the cooperation of the Fundación Canarias Recicla Ecoembes, the schools, and UTE ASCAN TORRABONAF, the borough’s waste disposal and recyling company. Attending the prizegiving were representatives of the different primary schools, in addition to the participating

companies, as well as Adeje Council. It recognised the project’s work and effort of the schools’ community, which began in earnest after the Christmas holidays. Students worked and learnt through a series of educational activities, which allowed them to appreciate the difficulty posed by rubbish disposal, along with the importance of reduction and proper management. The schools were judged through a series of EcoChallenges, to be used in “real life”. These were to highlight the campaign itself through social media and other school media, adding to the community awareness of the issues at hand. The pupils also needed to concentrate on presenting a creative and studied solution to the problems in their local environment, taking diversity and the inclusion of people with special needs into account. The campaign works to raise

awareness of the importance of the correct separation of waste for the yellow, blue and green containers, in addition to encouraging people to use them. The direct and indirect problems rubbish can cause for the environment, and the importance of the 3Rs, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, were also key elements in the campaign. The judges were favourably impressed, too, by personal initiatives among all the student groups, which contributed to a change in attitude towards a care for the environment, and also getting to know the UTE ASCAN TORRABONAF installation, the company which manages waste disposal and recycling in the borough. The need to understand the social, economic and cultural impact that waste can have on our environment, was another part of the learning curve.

Hospital’s football gowns are a tonic for youngsters SPANISH football magazine Panenka has launched a campaign, in which La Liga football shirts are turned into hospital gowns for sick children in hospital.

The initiative, called “Las batas más Fuertes”, (The strongest hospital gowns), encourages all health centres to participate, in an effort to help children feel stronger when facing their own “rivals”. The monthly magazine, via Twitter, said: “Every day in hospitals, many children play a very difficult game. That’s

why we have turned football shirts into hospital gowns, so they feel stronger,” wrote the magazine. The Sant Joan de Deu

Hospital, promoting the scheme, is convinced that “happiness reduces stress and the length of stay here”. 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019


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CW 8

Advertisement 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Death-fall man was totally drugged-up!

NATIONAL Police are investigating why a man jumped from the rooftop of a building in the centre of Santa Cruz on Tuesday morning.

The building sits between the two busy main streets, Ángel Guimerá and San Francisco de Paula, and the police assumed that he was suffering a moment of madness, after consuming a large quantity of drugs. Investigating officers are already aware that he started his day by taking drugs, before leaving his apartment. Afterwards, he was seen at Plaza de Weyler, where he stayed for a short while before leaving a bag containing drugs, money, and, also, his personal documentation. He then departed, and was spotted running through the streets in a euphoric state, to the building where he was to meet his fate. The victim then entered the building, ran up the

stairs, straight to the top of the building, and jumped, landing on Calle San Francisco de Paula, just before 11am. Ambulances were at the scene almost immediately, but there was nothing medics could do for the tragic man. Meanwhile, Local Police officers cordoned off the area until the forensic team arrived. At the victim’s apartment, investigating officers found another bag of drugs, comprising marijuana and cocaine mainly, as well as money. Professionals from the National Police believe that an excessive consumption of the drugs may have put the individual into a psychotic state of mind. The forensic team, along with homicide team from the National Police, have opened an investigation. The Institute of Legal Medicine will carry out an autopsy to determine the circumstances surrounding his death, to rule out any suspicious circumstances.

9 CW

Parents jailed for 10 years after sexual-abuse of baby

TWO Valladolid parents have been jailed for 10 years and a day, for abusing their three-month-old baby in August 2017.

The couple were sentenced after prosecutors, initially, requested 14 years each for crimes of sexual abuse, and for using the child to make pornographic material.

A medical examination of the child also showed that she had suffered from cocaine poisoning. The trial, held behind closed doors, saw testimony from the two National Police officers who arrested the couple, as well as a member of the Police Brigade. A scientist, who found footage of the abuse on the couple’s phone, also appeared as a witness.

In addition to their prison sentences, the parents are prevented from contacting the girl for 19 years, as well as being disqualified from working with children for 15 years. The couple, who have also lost custody of the child, must participate in sexeducation programmes, and they have also been ordered to compensate her with €20,000.

Car driver loses control

Judge allows a convicted criminal to have holiday A DRIVER, aged 54, suffered severe bruising, as well as a deep wound to an arm, after losing control of his vehicle, which rolled on its side, on Tuesday afternoon. The accident happened on

the TF-31 in the La Orotava area of Puerto de la Cruz, An ambulance arrived at the scene almost immediately, and, after assessing his injuries, took him to the emergency department at Bellevue Hospital for treatment and observation. The fire services, along with the Local Police and the Guardia Civil, were on hand to assist in the emergency.

A JUDGE at Cardiff Crown Court has allowed a convicted Welsh criminal to have a Tenerife holiday, before sentencing him over possession of a stungun and Class A drugs. Colin




Pontypool has been spared an immediate prison spell, and Judge Jeremy Jenkins agreed to post-pone the crook’s sentencing as “an act of mercy”. But victims’ rights campaigner Harry Fletcher said: “It is quite extraordinary, and virtually unprecedented in my experience, for a judge to adjourn sentencing of a convicted serious

offender to allow him to enjoy a holiday first. “It’s also a bizarre message to send to victims of all crime, who are concerned about sentencing in this country.” Watson, from Pontypool, has pleaded guilty to having a prohibited weapon and an offensive weapon, as well as possession of cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis, in Newport.

CW 10


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Pablo Pineda is a huge inspiration to millions

PABLO Pineda Ferrer is a teacher, writer and actor, and he is also well-known as the first student with Down’s syndrome in Europe to obtain a university degree. He will give the inaugural address, in Spanish, at this year’s opening ceremony of the Adeje Summer University. The talk will take place on 19th July at 11am in the Adeje Convent (beside the Town Hall), and will be attended by the newlyelected Adeje Council (elections are this Sunday) and the new University of La Laguna Council. Pablo Pineda is certainly one of the most influential people with functional diversity in Spain and Latin America. He has a keen mind, and will offer a transformative discourse. As a conference speaker he has addressed bodies such as the United Nations and the International Labour Organisation, on behalf of many of millions of people with functional diversity. Pineda holds a diploma in Teaching and a BA in Educational psychology,

He works and campaigns extensively to defend the “normality” of those with alternative needs, and to see people with Down’s syndrome forming part of today’s society in a normal manner. He has published a number of books, “El reto de aprender” (the challenge of learning) and “Niños con capacidades especialies: manual para padres” (Children with special needs: parents’ manual). This teacher and author has also filmed a television programme with actor and rap artist Juan Manuel Montilla, better known as “El Langui”. The inaugural address is a public event, open to everyone.

Aged French hiker rescued and his profile grew when he won the Silver Shell award at the 2009 San Sebastián International Film Festival for his performance in the film “Yo, Tambien de Antonio”. In it, he plays the role of a university graduate with Down’s syndrome, which is

quite similar to his real life. Pablo Pineda was born in 1974, and, since 2010, has been working with the Adecco Foundation in Spain, giving presentations at conferences on the labour-integration plan the Foundation is carrying out

with him. He is employed in developing work projects in dialogue, sensitivity and training for businesses in general, the objective being the elimination of work barriers to those with functional diversity.

A FRENCH pensioner, aged 80, was seriously injured after falling in La Matanza de Acentejo, in the North of Tenerife. The accident happened last Monday, just before 2pm, when the elderly man was hiking in the area of Jagre, when he fell down the cliff, accidentally. The emergency services were informed, but, because of the precarious location, the fire brigade were summoned to assist in the rescue. It wasn’t long before the hiker was found, and, once stabilised, the firemen carried him to a safer area, where an ambulance was waiting. He had suffered chest injuries, and was taken to the University Hospital for further treatment. Guardia Civil officers were also at the scene to assist in the emergency and rescue. 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Dad’s helping hand for new-born baby!


11 CW

Dead mum’s son held

BELGIUM police have arrested the 16-yearold son of a dead woman, whose body was found hidden in a trunk in Playa de Palma, Mallorca.

The teenager disappeared, shortly before the body of Gloria Zavala was found, wrapped in plastic bags, in the garage of a home on the Carretera Militar. Belgian officers, together with investigators from the Spanish National Police’s Homicide Group, also arrested the girlfriend of the victim’s son, a 17-year-old who had disappeared at the same time.

THANKS to the voice on the other end of the line, Dad helped Mum bring their newborn baby girl into the world.

The wife’s husband made the call after she went into quick labour, at their La Laguna home on Wednesday morning. The mother-to-be was in full-

Coma baby had traces of drugs in his system blown labour and the baby was on its way. In a panic, he called the Canarian emergency services, and the coordinating doctor on the other end of the phone talked him through the process, as well as advising both parties to remain calm. Once the operator was told where they lived, an ambulance was sent there to assist with the birth. And the

doctor then reassured them that help was on the way. The doctor then gave stepby-step instructions for the husband to help his wife bring their precious bundle into the world. He made his wife as comfortable as possible, making sure she was in a safe, secure position. She then began to push, and, moments later, a healthy baby girl was born.

Dad wrapped her in a blanket to keep her warm, before placing the baby on Mum’s chest. At this moment, the ambulance arrived, and the medical team cut the umbilical cord, then checked over mum and baby. Both, they said, were doing well, but, to make sure everything was in order, they were taken to Candelaria Hospital for observation.

Police hammer group of all-round criminals SPANISH police officers, along with other European forces, have broken up a drug-smuggling, contract-killing, money-laundering group in the continent’s largest-ever, organised crime investigation. The group earned €600m since 2017, through drugand-cigarette trafficking in Britain, as well as their contract-killings and moneylaundering. National Police and Guardia Civil officers arrested one 48-year-old suspect, who, they claimed, was leader of the group in Huelva Province, Andalucia. The gang members, allegedly, used untraceable

devices to try to avoid the police inquiries. But more than 450 police officers intervened in an operation, co-ordinated by Europol,

the EU’s law-enforcement agency. Officers arrested a total of 22 people in Poland, Lithuania and Spain.

They also searched 40 homes and seized €8m in cash, diamonds, gold bars, jewellery and luxury cars.

A BABY boy was taken to Valencia’s La Fe Hospital, in the early hours of last Friday, after he began to have seizures.

But the 17-month-old baby’s mother and her partner, who had taken him to A&E, have been arrested after a urine analysis showed traces of cocaine and cannabis in the tot’s system. Tragically, the baby, who was moved to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, was left in a coma. National Police opened an investigation into how the substances were ingested by the baby. Now, however, the heartless mother and partner are set for a court appearance, after being detained on charges of abandoning the minor. Happily for the baby, Spanish press say he is showing progress, after receiving medication and intensive care for a week or so.

CW 12


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

On-the-run ETA bomber is arrested after 17 years

THE former head of Basque terror group ETA’s political wing was arrested in France last Thursday, after 17 years on the run. José Antonio Urruticoechea Bengoechea, better known as Josu Ternera, was captured at 7.30am in the south-east area, by French police, acting on Guardia Civil information. Ternera, who fled Spain in 2003, joined ETA in the 1980s, and became head of the group’s political apparatus. He was arrested in Bayonne in 1989, and, a year later, sentenced to 10 years in prison. After his 1996 release he was expelled by the French authorities and handed over to Spain, whose National Court prosecuted him for belonging to an armed gang.

Then, a month later, he was charged with a 1986 Madrid bombing, in which 12 Guardia Civil officers died. In 1998, he was elected a member of the Basque Parliament, on the lists of the separatist Euskal Herritarrok political party. He was twice summoned to testify before the Supreme Court, to clarify whether he gave the order for a car bombing on the Guardia Civil’s Zaragoza headquarters in 1987, when 11 people died, including five children. He fled Spain in November 2002 after being charged with the attack, and, since then, has been missing. In 2018 he voiced a video, announcing the disbanding of ETA. ETA killed more than 800 people during its campaign of violence, before declaring a ceasefire in 2011.

Iglesias will take DNA test over a ‘lovechild’

Iglesias, with possible son Javier Sanchez, and mother Maria Edite Santos

SERIAL womaniser Julio Iglesias is willing to take a DNA test, amid rumours of his Spanish lovechild, having fought paternity claims for over three decades, following a passionate night with a Portuguese ballerina. Javier Sanchez, 41, from Valencia, claimed in 1992 that renowned Spanish singer Iglesias, 75, was his dad in

1992, but his claim came to nothing, despite being accepted, initially. Now, though, the crooner’s lawyer, Fernando Falomir, says Iglesias may undergo the test, which, said a judge, could take around two years. However, this new offer from Iglesias, who has eight children, is given on the condition that Valencian magistrate Jose Luis Bort continues with the trial. It follows a 99.99% DNA match between Sanchez and Iglesias in 2017, which was deemed inadmissible,

because evidence had been taken, illegally, from Iglesias Jr’s bins in Miami. The judge at the trial, which continues on 30th May, is expected to ignore arguments from Iglesias and Falomir, that tests were already conducted in the 1990s. If this is the case, Falomir has said his client “will have no objection” to providing evidence for genetic testing. Portuguese dancer Maria Edite Santos gave birth to Sanchez in 1976 after, reportedly, sleeping with Iglesias.


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

13 CW

MIGHTY MELTDOWN! Major British industries are fighting to stay alive BRITAIN’S secondlargest steelmaker collapsed into insolvency proceedings on Wednesday, putting thousands of jobs at risk.

It raises questions over the extent of the UK Government’s support for the industry, and the actions of Greybull, its private equity owner, whose chequered investment record includes other high-profile failures, such as Monarch Airlines. The High Court ordered a compulsory liquidation on Wednesday, but the process leaves some hope for a rescuer to emerge. Possible bidders, for all or parts of the company, include Chinese steel group Hesteel and UK-based private-equity fund Endless, which was a losing bidder in 2016, which was the last time the business was sold. Liberty House, the industrial conglomerate led by Sanjeev Gupta, is also monitoring the situation. But one senior Government source said: “Everything we’ve heard is that the chances of finding a buyer are low.” But the wages of British Steel’s 5,000 staff will continue to be paid by the Official Receiver, a civil servant who will oversee the process, alongside accountancy firm EY. Yet Greg Clark, the UK Business Secretary, said: “Potential buyers have already made contact.” Wednesday’s insolvency came after the breakdown of talks over an additional emergency state loan of about £30m. The company asked for the loan, following a slump in orders, which it blamed on

Brexit uncertainty. Negotiations ground to a halt because ministers concluded that the financial assistance would breach EU state-aid rules that bar most subsidies, Clark told the House of Commons. British Steel’s workforce is based largely at the vast Scunthorpe plant, in north Lincolnshire, and other sites on Teesside. It also operates a factory in France. Meanwhile, Thomas Cook, the UK’s oldest travel operator, is also risking collapse, as shares tumbled another 40% on Wednesday after City analysts branded them “worthless”. It served 22 million customers last year, but is struggling under the weight of debts, which add up £1.25bn. Analysts at investment bank Citigroup, which said the company should be priced at zero, warned that customers would be put off booking package holidays, plunging the company’s financial woes to even larger debts. In fact, the UK’s oldest travel operator, which served 22 million customers last year, is struggling under the weight of debts, totalling £1.25bn.

City analyst James Ainley said its troubles were likely to “unsettle consumers and drive further weakness in bookings”. And the official Thomas Cook Facebook page has been flooded with posts and comments from travellers, anxious for answers over their holiday bookings. One worried traveller wrote: “Is your company going bust, because I have a holiday booked in October?” Should they go bust, however, travellers with the company will not be out of pocket, because its package holidays are protected by ATOL, a financial protection scheme that covers most air-package holidays sold by travel businesses based in the UK. Justin Waite, 48, from Southampton, who hosts a podcast for private investor community Vox Markets, recently booked a holiday to Mexico with Thomas Cook. “I am a private investor, so I know about balance sheets,” he told the Daily Mail. “And at the moment, Thomas Cook have liabilities four times the size of the entire company, and they are making a loss,

so they can’t reduce this debt. They lost £1.4billion in the last six months. I will not book another holiday with them again as I fear they are going to go bust. “I’m sure I’m not the only person thinking this, which will make their business suffer even more.” Thomas Cook, now valued at around £180m, has struggled to keep up with customers’ changing travel habits, as holiday-makers turn their backs on package deals and traditional resorts. Thomas Cook Boss Peter Fankhauser blamed Brexit uncertainty for Brits putting off their travel plans. “The prolonged heatwave last summer and high prices in the Canaries reduced customer demand for winter sun, particularly in the Nordic region,” he said. “There is now little doubt that the Brexit process has led many UK customers to delay their holiday plans for this summer.” The cash-strapped travel group was even forced to put its airline up for sale in February, in a bid to salvage its financial woes, with bidders thought to include Lufthansa and Virgin Atlantic.

Mr Fankhauser said: “The company is taking drastic, money-saving measures to ensure it stays afloat, including axing 150 head-office roles, and closing 21 stores and 320 retail jobs.” It’s a stark change from a year ago, when Thomas Cook shares were changing hands at close to 150p, valuing the company at more than £2.2billion. Another struggling company is Marks & Spencer, whose shareholders will almost certainly have been holding their breath yesterday (Thursday), when the High Street stalwart announced its full-year results. Expectations were already low, because the past decade has seen a number of attempts to revive its fortunes. But its problems persist, and the company is planning to close 110 stores as part of its food and clothing reshape, despite online sales proving positive. Chief Executive Steve Rowe insists that an ageing customer base, expensive food halls and confusing promotions among them, have not helped revive the company’s fortunes.

Devastated Jamie hits rock-bottom! On top of the above setbacks, celebrity chef Jamie Olive, darling of the restaurant set for many years, saw his own empire collapse this week. He had ploughed £12.7m (€14.49m) of his own savings into the business to avoid collapse in 2017. But he blamed the current collapse on “a perfect storm” of Brexit, business rates and a minimum wage increase,

which left 1,300 jobs at risk. He said he was “devastated and deeply saddened” that his struggling restaurant empire has finally collapsed. Jamie’s announcement, that his 15-strong Italian restaurant chain, along with seven others, had closed, with as many as 1,300 jobs at risk, left staff in tears, even before the news was released on Tuesday. He actually emailing staff just 30 minutes beforehand, telling them: “I appreciate how difficult this is for everyone affected. It’s been a real

pleasure serving you.” But one disgruntled member of staff told the media: “I’m really angry, because Jamie will not be the one looking for a job and struggling to pay his bills. It will be poor saps like us who worked for him.” The 43-year-old chef is said to have made around £240m (€273.72m) during his 20 years in the public eye. Now, though, his empire has closed, after running up debts totalling £71.5m (€81.55m). Just three of his 25 UK restaurants will continue

operating, at Gatwick Airport, as administrators seek a buyer. But a further 300 jobs, mostly at Gatwick, remain at risk. His chain is the latest victim of a tough, trading environment on the UK High Street. Earlier this year, cafe chain Patisserie Valerie fell into administration, and 70 outlets closed, with the loss of 920 jobs, although 96 shops were saved. Other mid-market chains to have struggled in recent years include Byron Burger, Prezzo and Carluccio’s.

CW 14


Expat eaten alive by wild-dogs

A BULGARIAN expat was left in a critical condition after being attacked by a pack of feral dogs.

Police found the 30-year-old man naked, and surrounded by four wild animals, who were devouring his body. They rescued the victim, promptly, beeped their horn to scare off the dogs, and then fired 11 shots into the air. The vicious attack happened last Sunday, on the Santa Teresa industrial estate, near Malaga Airport. After the attack, on Calle Joaquin Vargas, the terrified man was rushed to Malaga’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Virgen de la Victoria Hospital. He was stabilised after being put on oxygen, and his wounds were treated. Officers hunted through the estate after becoming aware of the incident, and a local security guard, unaware of the attack, said he knew there was a pack of strays roaming the area and chasing cars.

Online threats from live sexchat twisters

SPANISH police have arrested 23 people, accused of belonging to a criminal organisation, operating sexual extortion online. The suspects, allegedly, made more than €100,000 from their victims, across 24 Spanish provinces. The group are said to have lured their victims in to visiting live sex-chat sites, using advertisements, before blackmailing them for money with threats of telling their families what they had done. Messages from the gang, allegedly, contained phrases which included: “€600 if you do not want your wife or anyone to find out.” Police claim the group even threatened to injure victims or their family members if they did not pay out, using such messages as: “You’re going to pay, one way or another.” The first case came to light in February 2018, and police claim to have received around 80 complaints since, from victims.

24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Shifty couple nailed on camera as they thieved

TWO local men, caught stealing from two stores in La Laguna’s Al Campo shopping centre, have been detained by the National Police and charged with theft.

The men were aged 36 and 32, and one was accused of using violence, after trying to prevent his stolen goods being recovered. The incidents happened last Friday, just after 6pm, and the shifty-looking pair had

Danger tree on way down

already caught the eye of the centre’s security guards. Because of their suspicious behaviour, the guards observed them on security cameras inside the commercial centre. The guards, who saw them hide specific items under their clothes, then witnessed them trying to exit the premises without paying. The guards followed one man to the car park, but as they approached him, the penny dropped and he realised he’d been rumbled. He decided to attack one guard by pushing him

forcibly, and insulting him. The guards were simply trying to recover the stolen items, but the thief, who wouldn’t let go, was later charged with robbery, using violence and intimidation. But the guards were able to recover items from him, worth up to 184 euros. His accomplice, still inside the centre when his partner was nabbed, was also caught with items worth around 400 euros, hidden inside his trousers. National Police have both placed both men in custody, while awaiting a visit to court.

WORKERS in the Santa Cruz Public Services Department began work in the city centre yesterday morning (Thursday), cutting down a dangerous-looking palm tree. The tree, said to be causing a risk to residents, was in plain view and couldn’t be missed. It was situated on Calle Imeldo Seris, known to many locals as the old Calle Baranquillo. The workmen began cutting down the well-known landmark at 7.30am, and were expected to have the job completed at around 2pm. Traffic was diverted around the centre of Santa Cruz to avoid any risks with local residents Local police and the Protection Civil was also in the vicinity.

Experts involved in the study suggest that the health problems associated with statins have, more than likely, been downplayed through the years. In reality, those taking such cholesterol-lowering drugs have experienced cataracts, fatigue, liver problems, muscle pain and memory loss. Simply put, the drugs have been found to tamper with cells in such a way that their primary purpose, of reproducing and helping the body repair, is thwarted. With that comes the onset of terrible health issues or the worsening of existing ones. Professor Reza Izadpanah, a stem-cell biologist and lead author of the published study, says: “Our study shows that statins may speed up the ageing process. “People who use statins, as a preventative medicine for health, should think again because our research shows they may have general, unwanted effects on the body, which could

include muscle pain, nerve problems and joint problems.” Yet despite health problems linked to statin drugs, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says people shouldn’t be scared of them. While the FDA notes on its website that “Cognitive (brain-related) impairment, such as memory loss, forgetfulness and confusion, has been reported by some statin users”, and that “people being treated with statins may have an increased risk of raised blood-sugar levels and the development of Type 2 diabetes”, they also maintain their safety and effectiveness.” The site directs people’s attention to the advice of Amy G Egan, MD, MPH, deputy director for safety in the FDA’s Division of Metabolism and Endocrinology Products (DMEP). She says: “This new information should not scare people off statins. Their benefit is indisputable, but they need to be taken with

care and knowledge of their side-effects.” Indisputable? Especially after this latest study? What’s beneficial about accelerated ageing, cells that don’t function properly, muscle weakness and memory loss? This finding demonstrates the importance of revisiting the so-called benefits of prescription drugs, which, hopefully, continues so that consumers can be fully informed and kept in the best health possible. A similar, eye-opening study, involving the adolescent antidepressant Paxil, recently made headlines when a re-analysis of an original study exposed errors and incomplete information. In reality, the drug was found not to be safe and effective for its intended demographic after all. It’s a finding that Brian Nosek, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, says “signals that the community is waking up, checking its work and doing what science is supposed to do: self-correct!”

Statins simply won’t give health a big lift STATINS, the widelyprescribed class of drugs, said to lower “bad” cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart problems, has recently come under fire, after a US study revealed that they destroy human health more than they work to improve it. Yes, many people take statin drugs, but the study, published in the American Journal of Physiology, states that the statins’ “...impact on other biologic properties of stem cells, provides a novel explanation for their adverse, clinical effects”. The study states, specifically, that such adverse effects include advancing the “process of ageing”, and it also notes: “...long-term use of statins has been associated with adverse effects, including myopathy, neurological side-effects and an increased risk of diabetes”.


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

15 CW

Same villa-rental scam covers several websites

Under-powered Manchester hit by huge flight disruption FUEL supplies at Manchester Airport last Sunday were affected by a “power issue”, causing dozens of flights to be cancelled.

Among the 87 called off were those to Tenerife, Belfast and Milan, while other flights were delayed by hours. Passengers said they were stuck on grounded planes for two to three hours because of the problems, which began that afternoon. An airport spokesperson said the issue had been resolved at 3pm, and that most scheduled flights would operate, as planned, on Monday. But she anticipated that there would be a small

number of delays and cancellations, because of the issues experienced. The airport’s official statement said: “Please check the status of your flight with your airline. We apologise for any inconvenience caused, and thank you for your patience.” Flights with Ryanair, easyJet, Dart Group-owned Jet2 and IAG-owned British Airways, were among those affected. Manchester has an international airport which, in 2016, was the UK’s thirdbusiest, in terms of passenger numbers, and the busiest outside London. The airport comprises three passenger terminals and a goods terminal, and is the only UK airport in the UK, other than Heathrow, to operate two runways.

SEVERAL Spanish villa rental companies are understood to be defrauding British holidaymakers by using the same website, under different names.

Spanish online newspaper Olive Press uncovered the scam tactics of when four Brits alleged that the company were charging money for fake villas. Now, though, 42-year-old Donna Archer has reported for charging her £5,000 for a Spanish villa, before shutting off all contact. “They promised the world before we booked, and then they screwed me,” Archer

told the paper. “My son and his best mate had just finished their GCSEs, so I said, ‘I’ll take you to wherever you want to go’. “He fell in love with this villa in Tenerife, and I can’t bring myself to tell him what’s happened.” Archer made an initial payment of £1,490, because the company offered a “10% discount” if she paid up-front. But three days later, she said, the company charged her £3,500 for three separate transactions, without warning. Emails shown to the Olive Press show Property Manager Maria Alba Leiros suggesting Archer had rented a “yacht and a chef”. After Archer denied these purchases and requested a full refund, the company

stopped responding to her emails. Its telephone was also disconnected. The website, run by, is almost identical to that of dreamvillasspain. Spain’s Registro Mercantil (Companies House), however, shows that the companies have different owners, the former based in Girona, and the latter in Palma, Mallorca. Last month, Brit Angus Kennedy turned up at the villa he had booked, only to find a German man living there. Klaus had no knowledge of renting his villa out, via Meanwhile, Mr Kennedy was £5,000 down and scrambling for an apartment to house his family of five.

CW 16


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Wildlife poisoners are jailed and facing fines

Eiffel Tower climber triggers a shut-down WILDLIFE charities have welcomed jail sentences imposed on three men, who poisoned 138 birds of prey, including endangered species, so that more game would be available to hunters.

A Pamplona court sentenced two men in charge of managing four hunting reserves, along with a gamekeeper, to two years and eight months in prison each. And, because the sentence is longer than two years, their sentence will not be suspended, automatically, and they will have to spend their

time behind bars. And that will certainly raise a cheer because this is the longest sentence ever imposed by a Spanish court for poisoning wildlife. The events took place in 2012, in hunting grounds in Tudela and Cintrúenigo (Navarre), where 138 birds of prey and four crows died from eating poisoned bait. Kites, Egyptian vultures, black kites, marsh harriers and griffon vultures were also among the victim, and these are protected species which, in some cases, are listed as endangered. The poisoning was planned by the management of companies running four hunting reserves, two of them in Tudela (Montes del Cierzo and Monte Alto), in addition to the Cintruénigo

and Fitero reserves. WWF Spain and Ecologistas en Acción, who have welcomed the sentence, hope it will serve as a deterrent to those who are tempted to use poison to control predators. The convicted men have also been barred from managing hunting reserves for five years and four months, as well as being banned from hunting or acting as gamekeepers for the same period. They will also have to pay the Comunidad Foral de Navarra €67,538.65 to help wildlife stocks recover. NGOs estimate that the number of poisonings of fauna in Spain could reach 185,000. But despite being illegal, poison is still widely used to eliminate predators.

A MAN who climbed the Eiffel Tower on Monday was arrested by police and taken into custody, after reaching the top.

The Tower, and the esplanade at its base, were closed after the man was spotted scaling the structure in the afternoon. Video footage showed him close to the observation deck, at the top of the tower. His motivation for climbing the 1,000ft tower was unclear, but he clung to the Parisian landmark for more

than six hours. An Eiffel Tower spokeswoman told Reuters: “The man entered the tower normally and started to climb, once he was on the second floor. The Tower was evacuated, and streets surrounding the landmark were cleared and closed to the public. The first two floors of the tower can be reached by lift or stairs, but, to go higher than that, visitors need to take a lift. The streets around the Eiffel Tower, which first opened in 1887, were also placed on lockdown after the incident. But the Tower reopened on Tuesday morning.

Couple’s bedroom buzz was a complete mystery

Eat nuts…enjoy brainy children! EATING nuts in the first trimester of pregnancy will improve the child’s brain development, according to a Spanish study. Around 2,200 mothers and their children were studied across Asturias, Guipuzcoa, Sabadell and Valencia, over an eight-year period. The children’s neuropsychological development was assessed, using several internationally-validated, standard tests, some 18 months, five years, and eight years after birth. The group of children whose mothers munched more nuts during the first trimester of pregnancy, obtained the best results in all the tests measuring cognitivefunction, attention-capacity and working-memory.

The nuts involved were almonds, peanuts, walnuts, pine nuts and hazelnuts. “These provided high levels of folic acid and, in particular, essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6,” said lead Barcelona-based

ISGlobal researcher Florence Gignac. “These components tend to accumulate in neural tissue, particularly in the frontal areas of the brain, which influence memory and executive functions.”

AN Andalucian couple, kept awake all night by a mystery buzzing sound, continuously, discovered it had had been caused by 80,000 bees in their bedroom wall. The Granada pair had been mystified by the bedroom’s low, humming sound, emanating for two years. But when the sound became louder, as temperatures in the area went up, they decided to call in a beekeeper. “From about three months ago, there was an unbearable noise and they didn’t know what to do,” said beekeeper Sergio Guerrero. “Just imagine!”

The experienced beekeeper, shocked that the couple had put up with the noise for so long, added: “With a hive that big, it’s a wonder they didn’t have a constant buzz in their ear. I can’t understand how they’ve been able to live with them for so long.” Sergio believes Andalucia’s bee population is in good health, and he has received more call-outs this year than ever. Curiously, the couple’s big bedroom buzz comes as conservationists around the globe mark World Bee Day, amid a decline in their worldwide population. 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019


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CW 18


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Breakdown of cross-party talks limit pound’s potential for gains

By Carol schleisman at currencies direct

THE pound is recovering slightly, following two weeks of broad-based losses, but the chances of a full sterling recovery appears unlikely, as uncertainties surrounding Brexit and UK politics, in general, weigh heavily on the outlook.

Rising hopes about resilience in the Eurozone economy have led to major GBP/EUR losses, with the pair trending low at €1.14, despite this morning’s partial recovery. EUR/GBP is now trending at around £0.87. GBP/USD has fallen far from the level of $1.30, and is currently trending in the region of $1.27. As the US dollar has benefited from safe-haven demand, it has gained against the euro, too, pushing EUR/USD down to trend near May’s worst levels of $1.11. The pound has had a rough time, since the beginning of the month. With hopes fading of a soft Brexit being agreed in cross-party negotiations, investors have sold the British

OPTIMISM about Spain’s national political situation has soared since the general elections, with voters of all parties supporting the country’s membership of the European Union, hugely. But a majority believe that Spain needs to take more of a central role in the bloc, according to conclusions reached by market researchers Metroscopia, commissioned by a national daily newspaper. The survey, published in 20 Minutos, reveals that an overwhelming 81% believe Spain benefits more by being in the EU than it would outside it. That view is, largely, held by young adults, but is still prevalent in the over-65s! Metroscopia interviewed Spaniards right across the voting scale, from the most left-wing (Unidos Podemos)

currency. Talks between the ruling Conservative Party and opposition Labour Party finally collapsed last week, and a lack of certainty over what comes next, has meant that no-deal Brexit fears have returned. In recent weeks, Eurozone data has increasingly indicated that the bloc’s economy has performed better than expected this year, so far. However, as USChina, trade-war fears have also flared up again, there are fresh concerns that the Eurozone economy could be impacted. This led to safe-haven demand, which caused a

surge in US dollar strength, and allowed it to capitalise on a broadly-weak pound, as well as sustain its gains, versus the euro. Politics will continue to take focus for the pound and euro for the next few weeks, as the EU elections take place from Thursday, and votes will be counted, throughout the weekend. Both currencies are likely to lose some appeal, if populist Eurosceptic parties perform well in the elections, as they will worsen concerns about the future of the EU project, as well as the sustainability of the Eurozone economy.

A poor performance for the UK’s ruling Conservative Party could be perceived as increasing the chances of a no-deal Brexit, as well as the likelihood that a hard-Brexitsupporting leader would take over from Theresa May, in the coming months. With political uncertainties driving the pound and euro, the safe-haven, US dollar may remain appealing. Still, the US dollar’s potential for further gains on risk-sentiment may be limited, as data continues to paint a mixed picture for the economic outlook. If upcoming Federal Reserve news or domestic data disappoints investors,

Spain is ‘better in the EU’ than being sidelined to the one in 10 who voted far-right Vox, and found little variation in results. Those who voted centreright Ciudadanos, which became more right-leaning in the run-up to the general elections on 28th April, are those who value the EU most as an institution, with 91% believing it to be beneficial, compared with the 8% who feel that Spain’s membership either brings no benefit, or is even harmful. Voters for the right-wing PP and the very left-wing Unidos Podemos were both

83% in favour of Spain’s EU membership, and those who voted for the left-wing socialists, or PSOE, which won the most seats in April, showed more or less the same view, at 84% in favour. Even those who voted for the alt-right Vox consider, in 75% of cases, that Spain is better off as a member of the Union. Voters of all colours, in the youngest age group interviewed, between the age of 18 and 34, were the most likely to support Spain’s being an EU member State, at 86%, with the 55-64 and

over-65 categories the least likely to. But 79% still believe the European Union to be beneficial to Spain, and those aged 35-54 were 82% in favour of the country’s EU membership. Across the board, Spaniards do not believe the EU is perfect, but, rather than being a reason to want to leave, they consider the situation could be improved if Spain were to take on a more central role. In total, 55% of Metroscopia’s interviewees feel Spain should now carry more weight within the EU,

Fed interest rate cut bets could rise, and the US dollar may slump from its recent highs. At Currencies Direct, we’re here to talk currency whenever you need us, so get in touch if you want to know more about the latest news, or how it could impact your currency transfers. Since 1996, we’ve helped more than 250,000 customers with their currency transfers. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch, or give us a call to find out more. T: +34 922 971 781 E: canaries@currenciesdirect. com W: and view the situations in the UK and Italy as an ideal opportunity for Spain to “push itself”. That was taking into account the UK’s Brexit scheduled for 31st October at the latest, reducing the membership to 27 countries, and Italy now being governed by a farright party. As for national politics, a Metroscopia survey in March found that 87% of Spaniards thought the situation was ‘bad’ – with the country being led by a party which only held 85 seats out of Parliament’s 351 – but now, only 56% take this view. And Spaniards’ views of the national economy remain poor, with 93% of Vox voters, 86% of PP voters and 83% of Ciudadanos voters of this opinion. A majority of those who voted Unidos Podemos – 65% - believe the economic situation is ‘poor’, although a much lower figure than those who voted for the right. 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

TV Choice

19 CW

Britain’s Got Talent Live semi-finals

Piers Morgan’s Life Stories

Saturday 25th May, ITV1, 21.15

Mel B talks to Piers Morgan. In this incredibly honest interview, Mel exclusively reveals the secrets of her time as a Spice Girl, including a bombshell revelation about the nature of her relationship with Geri. She opens up about her suicide attempts, her battles with drugs and alcohol and her recent divorce. She also discusses her sexuality and her high-profile romances, including with Hollywood superstar Eddie Murphy.

Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May, ITV1, 19.30 After thousands applied and hundreds auditioned, the search has reached the live semi-final. The final 40 acts now perform live, in the hope of impressing the judges, as well as winning the all-important public vote. Across the week Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and David Walliams, joined by the nations favourite presenting duo, Ant and Dec, will welcome eight acts to the stage to perform for a chance of winning a life changing £250,000 and a spot at this year’s Royal Variety Performance. Each night two acts will go through to the live grand finale. As well as performances from this year’s acts, a host of guest performers will take to the stage during the results shows as the semi-finalists wait to find out if they are one step closer to being crowned winner of Britain’s Got Talent 2019.

CW 20

TV Guide

W C c h o i c e This wee 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

The Hit List

Saturday 25th May, BBC1, 19.30

Marvin and Rochelle Humes host an exciting and highly addictive music quiz, where contestants must name as many hit songs and artists as possible under intense pressure. The contestants in episode one are father and daughter Jason and Jasmine; couple Glen and Christopher; and friends Fran and Danielle, who are all competing to show off their music knowledge in a bid to win £10,000. Across three exciting rounds their knowledge will be put to the ultimate test, as they attempt to identify huge hits from across the years. Whether it’s a song from the swinging 60s or the number one track from today’s charts, the teams must prove their ability to recognise songs from all genres of music - from pop to country, rock to R&B, and many more. Round one is all about speed. The teams are played a selection of clips from hit tracks and must press their buzzer whenever they recognise a song. All the songs in this round are themed, so the contestants might need to identify two songs written by the same songwriter, or recall what song was at number two in the charts when another was at number one. The teams must rely on their music memory to answer quickly enough. The first two teams to give five correct answers progress though to round two. Round two is all about the intros. The two remaining teams must identify a range of song titles and artists by listening to the very beginning of the songs and recognising them before the time runs out. The teams are given visual clues to help them, such as a map showing where the singer is originally from, or an image of a famous person who is mentioned in the song lyrics. Each team must work against the clock to ensure their time doesn’t run out. The first team to run out of time will be sent home. Only one team will make it through to the last round, which is guaranteed to get viewers hearts racing - The Final Chart Rundown. This round sees the final team attempting to make it to the number one spot by recognising ten songs and artists before the money runs out. The team will start the round with £10,000 available in their pot of money, but after five seconds of each track that is played, the money starts to drop. If the team can correctly name ten song titles and artists before the money disappears, they will go home with whatever is left in the pot. This highly intense and exciting round is the ultimate test in how quickly the Hit-Listers can recognise songs. The longer they take, the less they make. Viewers should get ready to shout answers at the telly and be impressed with how quickly they can recognise some of the world’s biggest hits!

TV Guide

21 CW

week’s TV Choice 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

The Yorkshire Dales Saturday 25th May, BBC2, 19.00

In this three-part documentary series adventurer and explorer Paul Rose will visit some of the most popular spots in the Yorkshire Dales, as well as discovering some hidden gems. The Yorkshire Dales is Britain’s third biggest National Park and one of the most popular. More than 23,000 people live there and nearly five million come to visit every year. In episode two Paul explores Swaledale, where actor Peter Davison shares his memories of filming the BBC veterinary drama All Creatures Great And Small in the village of Langthwaite. Paul’s walk through Swaledale starts in the hay meadows in the north where he chats to some of the farmers responsible for looking after rare wild flower habitats. As he follows the route of the River Swale Paul has a near-death experience when he goes underground looking for rare industrial artefacts and meets the farmer who loves a good sing song. His Swaledale journey ends in the market town of Richmond.

John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen Sunday 26th May, ITV1, 11.25

John Torode and Lisa Faulkner welcome you to their Weekend Kitchen where, this week, they have some real crowd pleasers in store. There’s an amazing pullapart bread (full of bacon and cheese) and John’s take on a paella - loved by all their friends. On the side, Lisa makes a delicious patatas bravas and Greek salad. And summer is on the way with Lisa’s childhood favourite - a strawberry pavlova. Gordon and Tilly Ramsay prepare a simply gorgeous salmon en croute, and Juliet Sear has thumbprint cookies the kids will love.

Years and Years

Great Art

Stephen (Rory Kinnear) and Celeste (T’Nia Miller) try to rebuild their shattered lives. But Daniel’s (Russell Tovey) world turns to terror when Viktor (Mixim Baldry) has to flee from Kiev, and Daniel uses his birthday party at Muriel’s (Anne Reid) to reveal his dangerous plan to family and friends. Rosie (Ruth Madeley) loses her job, while Edith’s (Jessica Hynes) former life as an activist calls her back into action on a secret mission. But the Lyons children are united when they discover that their longabsent father, Vincent, has died. On the day of the General Election that sees Viv Rook (Emma Thompson) rising to power, they attend the funeral and face many home truths. Back at home Celeste is left alone to cope, as Bethany’s (Lydia West) obsessions lead her into terrible danger.

Described by Picasso and Matisse as “the father of us all”, Cézanne is considered one of the greatest artists of all time. Despite this, Paul Cézanne remains somewhat unknown, somewhat misunderstood. Yet one can’t appreciate 20th-century art without understanding the genius of Cézanne and this film reveals the true man. Featuring interviews with curators and experts from the National Portrait Gallery London, MoMA New York, National Gallery of Art Washington, and Musée d’Orsay Paris as well as correspondence from the artist himself, the film takes audiences beyond the exhibition to the places in which Cézanne lived and worked, throwing new light on the life and work of this hugely influential artist.

Tuesday 28th May, BBC1, 21.00

Thursday 30th May, ITV1, 22.45


Thursday 30th May, BBC1, 21.00

The Bafta Award-winning series returns, following a new cast of characters drawn from the staff of North West Ambulance Service, in Greater Manchester. Call handler Laura gives lifesaving advice to a panicked relative through the necessary procedures to resuscitate her relative. She reveals that the call is uncomfortably close to home, and strikes at the heart of Laura’s personal reasons for wanting to be part of the service. The episode joins the team on the busy weekend shift, when police make a call to the ambulance control room that a patient is trapped beneath a tram. The helicopter emergency crew, Matt and Andy, are immediately dispatched. When they arrive at scene it is clear all the emergency services must work together in difficult conditions to extract the patient. Thirty miles away another 999 call is in progress and instantly prioritised as a Category One emergency. The nearest available crew - Jade and Jonny - are dispatched, and when they arrive they’re met by distressed husband Gordon. Jade admits that during some emergencies paramedics haven’t always got the answers and instead they need to just get his wife Shirley to hospital. Jade and Jonny manage to stabilise her enough to take her. Six hours into the shift and crewmates, Paul and Adam are dispatched to their next job of the night, a 56 year-old male who has collapsed in the bathroom. They have to work fast to work out what has happened to patient Paul. With only three ambulances available in the Wigan and Bolton area, Jade and Jonny are sent to 88 year-old patient Jean who has fallen and banged her head. With no signs that the pace of the night is slowing, Paul and Adam are dispatched to their next patient, a 79 year-old who has taken a tumble on the dance floor whilst celebrating at the annual butchers’ ball in Bolton. She has been kept waiting for an ambulance for over two hours. It’s the start of the morning shift, with temperatures plummeting to -2 degrees, the team on duty is ready to deal with any fallout from the freezing conditions. Paul and Adam are dispatched to another elderly faller who is at home in supported living. Patient Mac is certain he wants to keep living independently and adamant he doesn’t want to be sent to go hospital. Back in control, call handler Laura takes an urgent 999 call for a patient who has been found hanging. As she guides the caller through another CPR she’s overcome with emotion, but manages to continue giving the caller advice until the ambulance arrives. As the shift continues Jade and Jonny head to treat 87 year-old patient Loretta who has been found on the floor by her daughter. Jade and Jonny successfully manage to right her get her and keep her settled enough to remain at home. As the shift draws to a close call handler Laura has returned to take her last 999 call before leaving for home. Laura decides that she wants to be at the other end of the calls and is going to train to become a paramedic.

CW 22

TV Guide

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15..............Rip Off Britain 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00.......... Neighbourhood Blues 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15....................Impossible 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019 16:30.........The Repair Shop 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30..............A Question of Sport 21:00............... Have I Got News for You 21:30.. Would I Lie to You? 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35............ The Graham Norton Show 23:25...Sex on the Couch 00:10.............. Killing Eve 00:55............... BBC News


06:15....... Homes Under the Hammer 07:15................Escape to the Country 08:00....... Gardeners’ World 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00........................The Boss 13:45.............Street Auction 14:30................... The TV That Made Me 15:15.............................. Coast 15:45........................ Swallows and Amazons 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30 .......... The Farmers’ Country Showdown 19:00.....Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby 20:00........... Mastermind 20:30............RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019 21:30......The Looming W C Tower choice 22:15........ The Mini Mash Report 22:30..............Newsnight 23:00..................Weather 23:05...... Front Row Late 23:45....Leave to Remain

Friday 24th may

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 10:30.............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 14:00............... Judge Rinder 15:00.................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00................. ITV News London 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..Coronation Street 20:00.......... Countrywise 20:30..Coronation Street 21:00...Hatton Garden: CW The Inside Story choice 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45......... The Keith and Paddy Picture Show 23:10.........Bear’s Mission with Anthony Joshua 00:05..All Elite Wrestling: Before the Bell

The Looming Tower BBC2, 21.30

Late December 1999. Concern over potential technology failure at the turn of the millennium vies with fear of terrorism. The security services are on high alert. A border incident nets a potential bomb-maker who provides the FBI with the details of his Brooklyn contact, Abdul Ghani Meskini (Fehd Benchemsi). Meskini is placed under surveillance as an informant tells agents Floyd Bennet (Sullivan Jones) and Kathy Shaughnessy (Virginia Kull) that he moves money for al-Qaeda. The CIA’s Alec Station, now run by Diane Marsh (Wrenn Schmidt), learns that Saudi citizen Khalid al-Mihdhar (Tawfeek Barhom), ‘en route’ to Kuala Lumpur, has a US Visa in his passport. The FBI’s go-betweens, Vince Stuart (Louis Cancelmi) and Toni-Ann Marino (Jamie Neumann), clash over whether they should share this info with John O’Neill (Jeff Daniels) when Diane denies them permission. FBI agent Ali Soufan (Tahar Rahim) thinks they shouldn’t be just staking out Meskini, which annoys veteran Bob Chesney (Bill Camp). Soufan’s rule-breaking infuriates O’Neill. Refusing to let Soufan have more time to gather intel, O’Neill orders the arrest of all in Meskini’s circle, before the FBI helps police the New York celebrations.



Hatton Garden: The Inside Story e c i o ITV1, 21.00 ch

Ross Kemp tells the untold story of the police investigation into the Hatton Garden Heist – Britain’s biggest burglary. Interviewing key officers, and using unseen police surveillance footage and the gang’s secretly recorded conversations the film takes us inside one of the Flying Squad’s longest and most challenging operations, ending in the conviction of the final gang member in April this year. As well revealing the inner workings of the investigation, the film sheds new light on the gang themselves with the first ever TV interview with Kenny Collins – the gang’s lookout – as he tells the inside story of the burglary and their conviction for the very first time. 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

06:25................................. Cheers 07:20.............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00............... Channel 4 News 12:05................... Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05 ......................... Posh Pawn 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ...................Fifteen to One 16:00........... A Place in the Sun 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 .... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 19:30 ..... Unreported World 20:00............. Puppy School 21:00 ................. Gogglebox 22:00 ............... The Last Leg 23:05.................. First Dates 00:05........ Four to the Floor

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15.......... Police Interceptors 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15.......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45....................... Neighbours 14:15 ...... Target: My Daughter 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30.......... 5 News Tonight 19:00....... The Gadget Show 20:00... The Yorkshire Steam Railway: All Aboard 21:00.......... The Cliff Richard Story: 60 Years at the Top 22:30...... Edge of Tomorrow 23:35.......................... Access 23:40...... Edge of Tomorrow 00:45..............Muggings and Mayhem: Caught on Camera

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10....................BGT: Stephen’s Top 10 Crown Jewels 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:55........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 09:25.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 11:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 12:10........................ Emmerdale 13:15 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 13:40 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35....Celebrity Catchphrase 15:40......................Judge Rinder 17:50....................... Take Me Out 19:00................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 20:00........... Doctor Strange 22:20.................. Family Guy 23:50............ American Dad! 00:50...The Cleveland Show

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:00........................Monkey Life 06:30........................Monkey Life 07:00 ........................ Animal 999 07:30 ........................ Animal 999 08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer 09:00 ..............Motorway Patrol 10:00 .................. Highway Cops 10:30.................. Highway Cops 11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ................................S.W.A.T. 16:00................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00.................... Futurama 18:30............. The Simpsons 20:30............Modern Family 21:00..................Jamestown 22:00...... There’s Something About Movies 23:00.... The Late Late Show 00:00................... The Russell Howard Hour 01:00.................. A League of Their Own

07:10............ Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm

09:15 ............ Food Unwrapped 09:45 ............ Food Unwrapped 10:15............ A Place in the Sun 11:15............. A Place in the Sun 12:20............Location, Location, Location 13:20..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:20......................Four in a Bed 15:20......................Four in a Bed 16:25......................Four in a Bed 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55 .................... The Supervet 18:55......... Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it 19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00....................... Code 37: Sex Crimes 22:05..........24 Hours in A&E 00:10.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 01:05.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

07:35............ Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm 08:00..............American Pickers 09:00.........Storage Hunters UK 10:00..............American Pickers 13:00....Border Force America’s Gatekeepers 14:00.............Jay Leno’s Garage 15:00...............Lazy Boy Garage 15:30...............Lazy Boy Garage 16:00.......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00......................Top Gear 19:00................ Border Force America’s Gatekeepers 20:00....Border Interceptors 20:30....Border Interceptors 21:00..............Step Brothers 23:05............ Judge Romesh 00:15.............Not Going Out 01:30............ Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 10:00........................ Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30.......................... Nadiya’s British Food Adventure 12:00......................BBC News 12:10.........................Weather 12:15........................... Bargain Hunt 12:45................Live Women’s International Football 15:00...............Homes Under the Hammer 16:00...................... Escape to the Country 17:00...................... Money for Nothing 17:45.....................Inside Out 19:15............... BBC News 19:30.............The Hit List 20:15.................Pointless 21:10................. Casualty 22:00 .............. BBC News 22:20................... The Full Monty 23:45.............Having You 01:15............... BBC News



Saturday 25th may

06:45...... All Over the Place 07:15............... Wild & Weird 07:30 .........The Dengineers 08:00 ...............Mustangs FC 08:25 ......... The Dog Ate My Homework 08:55.....Astronauts: Do You Have What it Takes? 09:55......Monkey Kingdom 11:15...............Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman 12:00.......... The Hairy Bikers’ Comfort Food 12:45.The Best Dishes Ever 13:20....... Back in Time for... 14:20..........Doris Day: Virgin Territory 15:20... Move Over, Darling 17:00 ..........The Millionaires’ Holiday Club 18:00......... Undiscovered Worlds with Steve Backshall 19:00..........The Yorkshire Dales 19:30.............Dad’s Army 20:00............RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019 21:00............................ QI 21:30........... Billie Eilish & Miley Cyrus at Radio 1’s Big Weekend 22:30............ I’ll Get This Extra Helping 23:15........... At Any Price

06:00.................... Dino Dana 06:10 ......................... Super 4 06:35 ...............Thunderbirds are Go 07:00.Mission Employable 07:05................ Mr. Bean: The Animated Series 07:15................ Mr. Bean: The Animated Series 07:30..... Marvel’s Avengers: Ultron Revolution 08:00................Thunderbirds are Go 08:25...................... ITV News 08:30 ...The Sara Cox Show 09:25.......Saturday Morning with James Martin 11:35............. John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen 12:35................. Save Money 13:00..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:15.....The Scorpion King 15:00..........................Tenable 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00........................ The Chase 18:00....ITV Evening News W 18:30...Ninja Warrior UK Coi ch ce 19:30.........In for a Penny 20:00............ Britain’s Got Talent 21:15........ Piers Morgan’s Life Stories 22:15................ ITV News 22:30................. Fast Five

06:05............... Everybody Loves Raymond 06:30............... Everybody Loves Raymond

ITV1, 18.30

It’s The Eliminator. Only the toughest competitors who complete the course against the clock will survive. Who will go through to the Grand Final and get the chance to attempt the 22 metre rope climb to the top of Mount Midoriyama?

06:00 ..........................Milkshake! 10:00 ..........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

23 CW

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:25.......................... Emmerdale Omnibus

06:55.......The Big Bang Theory

10:30................ Make You Laugh Out Loud


10:55...........Police Interceptors

09:30..............Woman’s Football World with Coca-Cola

11:55................................. Friends

10:00.................... The Simpsons

12:25................................. Friends

12:20......................... Britain’s Got More Talent

12:55................................. Friends

13:25.....................In for a Penny

13:25................................. Friends

14:00............... Ninja Warrior UK

13:55................................. Friends


13:55............ A Place in the Sun

14:25................... The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door


15:00........................Sun, Sea and Brides to be

15:25................... The Nightmare Neighbour Abroad

21:15................. Britain’s Got More Talent

16:00.. Big House, Little House

16:25...................Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

22:20............ Celebrity Juice

18:00.......... Channel 4 News

17:20...................Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

23:30.................. Family Guy

18:30.................... Formula 1

18:20......................... 5 News

20:00............... Britain’s Most Historic Towns

18:25... The Battle of Britain

21:00............................. Thor 23:05.. Conan the Barbarian

23:00.........Police Code Zero: Officer Under Attack

01:05................ The Last Leg

00:00................. Traffic Cops

01:55.............. The Cleveland Show

08:55.................................. Kirstie’s Vintage Gems

06:00............Modern Family

06:00 ....................Teleshopping

07:00............Modern Family

09:25............ A Place in the Sun

08:00............Modern Family

07:10 ........... Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm

11:25............ A Place in the Sun

08:30................ Best Premier League Goals

07:35............ Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm

10:30................ Secret Life of Pet Special

08:00..............American Pickers

11:00..................... The Flash

10:00..............American Pickers

12:00..................... Supergirl

11:00..............American Pickers

13:00....................... S.W.A.T. 14:00 .......................S.W.A.T.

12:00.................................Red Bull Soapbox 2015

15:00 .......................S.W.A.T.

13:00.............................. Top Gear

16:00 .............The Simpsons

14:00 ............................. Top Gear

17:00 .............The Simpsons

15:00.............................. Top Gear

18:00 .............The Simpsons

16:00........................World’s Most Dangerous Roads

10:55.................... The Simpsons 11:25......................Four in a Bed 13:25......................Four in a Bed

17:00.................Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it

12:30............................... Bake Off: The Professionals 13:35....... Devon and Cornwall 14:35......................Four in a Bed

Ninja Warrior UK - The Final!

TV Guide

15:40......................Four in a Bed 16:50......................Four in a Bed 17:20........ Come Dine with Me 17:50........ Come Dine with Me 18:25.... Come Dine with Me 18:55.... Come Dine with Me 19:25.... Come Dine with Me 20:00...........Queen Victoria’s Last Love

21:00................. Live Boxing

19:00............. The Simpsons 19:30............. The Simpsons

09:25..............Coronation Street Omnibus

18:50.............Jurassic World

23:05.................. Family Guy 00:00.................. Family Guy 00:30............ American Dad! 00:55............ American Dad! 01:25.............. The Cleveland Show

09:00..............American Pickers

17:00........................World’s Most Dangerous Roads

21:00..........24 Hours in A&E

20:00................. A League of Their Own

22:05..........24 Hours in A&E

21:00............ The Italian Job

23:05................... Father Ted

23:00.....Rocketman Special

23:40............... It Was Alright in the 1970’s

23:30...... There’s Something About Movies

00:45................ Mary, Queen of Scots

00:30.............. Hawaii Five-0

00:40........... Mock the Week

01:30.................... MacGyver

01:20........... Mock the Week

18:00........................ Red Bull Soapbox 2014 19:00..... Would I Lie to You? 19:40.............Not Going Out 21:00..........................Casino

CW 24

TV Guide

06:00...................... Breakfast 09:00 .....................BBC News

06:05....................A to Z of TV Gardening

10:00 ................. The Andrew Marr Show

06:50..................Great British Garden Revival

11:00............ Sunday Politics London

07:50........ Glorious Gardens From Above

11:30....... Homes Under the Hammer

08:35................... Countryfile

12:30............... Bargain Hunt 13:00......................BBC News 13:10........... Weather for the Week Ahead 13:15........... Songs of Praise 13:55..............Points of View 14:10........................... Lifeline 14:20..........Eat Well for Less 15:20...................... Money for Nothing 16:05................Escape to the Country 16:50.........The Repair Shop 17:35......................BBC News 18:00............RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019 19:00.............Countryfile 20:00................. Antiques Roadshow 21:00.....Gentleman Jack 22:00................ European Elections Results



Sunday 26th May

09:30.......... The Beechgrove Garden 10:00.........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30............Rick Stein From Venice to Istanbul 12:30............ Kew on a Plate 13:30.......The £100K House: Tricks of the Trade 14:35.......... West Side Story 17:00......West Side Stories The Making of a Classic 18:00.............. Big Animal Surgery 19:00......... Dragons’ Den 20:00......Equator From W C the Air choice 21:00...The Ranganation 21:45............ What We Do in the Shadows 22:30....BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend 23:30....................Looper 01:20....... Question Time

06:00................... Dino Dana 06:10 ......................... Super 4 06:35.. Thunderbirds are Go 07:00.. Mission Employable 07:05 ..............Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures 07:30..... Marvel’s Avengers: Ultron Revolution 07:55.................The Haunted Hathaways 08:25....................... ITV News 08:30....The Sara Cox Show 09:25............. James Martin’s Sunday Selection 10:25..............This Morning On Sunday 11:25............. John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen 12:25...ITV Lunchtime News 12:35.....Britain’s Got Talent 13:55...................Britain’s Got More Talent 14:55.............. In for a Penny 15:30.....................The Chase 16:30..........Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone 19:30..ITV Evening News 20:00........................ Vera 22:00................ ITV News 22:20......Britain’s Busiest Airport - Heathrow 22:45.....Couples Retreat

Equator From The Air BBC2, 20.00

Wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanan makes an epic roundthe-world journey to investigate the pressures on some of Earth’s richest and most spectacular habitats, from a new vantage point. He wants to discover how aerial technology is transforming the work of conservationists fighting to protect the equator’s dazzlingly varied wildlife, and meet scientists searching for new ways to defend this beautiful belt around the planet, for the sake of the animals and people who live there. The region between the tropics is home to a stunningly diverse profusion of animal and plant species, but today it’s also inhabited by 40 percent of the world’s human population. It’s bountiful in resources, and the perfect place to grow cash crops on a vast scale. As a result, world’s most biodiverse habitats are coming under increasing threat from deforestation, flooding and rapid urbanisation. With many species endangered or facing extinction, and many communities struggling to cope with the effects of climate change, mass migration and pollution, the equator is where today’s most critical environmental dilemmas come into sharp focus. In order to monitor and respond to these dramatic changes, zoologists, conservationists and law enforcement officers are increasingly taking to the skies. Using helicopters, light aircraft, drones and satellite sensing, researchers can spot illegal gold mines, track crop-raiding elephants and count inaccessible populations of everything from orangutans to baby scalloped hammerhead sharks. They can investigate landgrabs in tribal territory, and design real-time warning systems to save slum-dwellers from dangerous flash floods. Aerial tech is also helping scientists make startling new discoveries about the natural world, from pristine coral reefs in the Pacific to a species of crocodiles so rare, they were thought to be on the verge of extinction. This is an eye-opening and inspiring health check on our planet from the air at a defining moment for the natural world. In episode one Gordon Buchanan starts his journey in Africa, where equatorial wildlife competes for space with a fast-growing human population. In Kenya Gordon takes to the air to investigate the plight of flamingos and wildebeest, and joins an aerial team racing to rescue elephants from brutal attacks. In Uganda, satellite tech is helping a vast refugee camp become a thriving community. And in Gabon illegal gold mines are detected from the air, while drones are deployed to health-check a humpback whale.

06:00............... Everybody Loves Raymond 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

06:00 ..........................Milkshake!

06:00......................... Emmerdale Omnibus

06:25............... Everybody Loves Raymond

10:00........................... Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


10:10 ..................................Access

08:10.......The Big Bang Theory

10:15 ................................ Friends

09:30..................Sunday Brunch

10:45 ................................ Friends

12:30......................... Tricks of the Restaurant Trade

12:55 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold

11:10 ................................ Friends

13:25..................The Flintstones

13:00.......................Bake Off: The Professionals

11:45................................ Friends

15:10........... Britain’s Got Talent

12:15................................ Friends

16:30......................... Britain’s Got More Talent

14:00.................... The Simpsons

12:40 .................Practical Magic

15:00.................... The Simpsons

14:45 ..................... What Women Want

15:30.....Romancing the Stone: The Golden Ages of British Sculpture

17:00 .................................5 News 17:10 .................. Les Miserables

08:55..............Coronation Street Omnibus 11:50......................... You’ve Been Framed!

17:35................................Godzilla 20:00..................... Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens 22:40.................. Family Guy

19:00.................... Formula 1

20:10.......................... Psycho Pussies 2: Mad Cat Attacks!


21:00............... Mamma Mia!

00:05.................. Family Guy

23:15........................... Nerve

23:10................ Mamma Mia! Mania: The World’s Greatest Musical

00:35............ American Dad!

01:50...............Phil Spencer’s Stately Homes

00:40............ Lip Sync Battle

01:55............Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

08:55........Find it, Fix it, Drive it

06:00 ..........The Hour of Power 07:00 ............................ The Flash 08:00 .............................Supergirl 09:00 ............................Secret Life of Pet Special 09:30 ................... The Simpsons 10:00 ................... The Simpsons 10:30 ......................The F1 Show 11:00 ...........................WWE Raw 12:00............. How the 2015 ICC World Cup Was Won 14:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles 15:00............................MacGyver 16:00.................... The Simpsons 17:00 ................. Modern Family 17:30..........F1: Race Highlights 18:30..............The Simpsons 19:00..............The Simpsons 19:30..............The Simpsons 20:00.................... MacGyver 21:00.............. Hawaii Five-0 22:00.......NCIS: Los Angeles 23:00 ............... Magnum P.I. 00:00...................SEAL Team 01:00.....................The Force

17:35................ Coast v Country 18:30.......... Channel 4 News

01:00.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

10:00...............................Car S.O.S 12:00........ Come Dine with Me 13:05........ Come Dine with Me 14:05........ Come Dine with Me 14:40......................Four in a Bed 15:10......................Four in a Bed 15:40......................Four in a Bed 16:15......................Four in a Bed 16:45......................Four in a Bed 17:20........ Come Dine with Me 17:50........ Come Dine with Me 18:25.... Come Dine with Me 18:55.... Come Dine with Me 19:25.... Come Dine with Me 20:00.........The Secret Life of Brothers and Sisters 21:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 22:00............Scotstar: Flying Doctors 23:05..........24 Hours in A&E 00:05................... Father Ted 00:35 ................. A League of Their Own

23:10.................. Family Guy 23:35.................. Family Guy

01:05............ American Dad! 01:30............ American Dad!

07:10............ Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm 07:35............ Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm 08:00.............................. Top Gear 10:00.. Red Bull Soapbox 2014 11:00.............................. Top Gear 12:00 .......................World’s Most Dangerous Roads 13:00........................World’s Most Dangerous Roads 14:00..............American Pickers 16:00.......... Would I Lie to You? 18:00........................ Red Bull Soapbox 2014 19:00.....James May’s Cars of the People 20:00....Border Interceptors 20:30....Border Interceptors 21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00..................Taskmaster 23:00.......The Horne Section Television Programme 01:00....... Live at the Apollo

monday 27th may 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

06:00....................... Breakfast

06:05....................... Escape to the Country

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

06:50............... Bargain Hunt

08:30......................... Lorraine

09:45....... Homes Under the Hammer

07:35.........................Antiques Roadshow

09:25.................... Dickinson’s Real Deal

10:45....................A1: Britain’s Longest Road

08:30....................... The Week in Parliament

10:30............... This Morning

11:30................. The Housing Enforcers

09:00............. BBC News at 9

09:00..............Britain’s Secret Charity Cheats

12:00............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:25.........................Weather 13:30....................Impossible 14:15....................... Escape to the Country

11:50......Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 13:10........................... Nw 200 Highlights

12:30............. Loose Women 13:45..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55........................ ITV News London 14:00............... Judge Rinder 15:00..........................Tenable

14:30..................... Ray Mears: Bushcraft

16:00...............Tipping Point

15:30................... The TV That Made Me

18:00................. ITV News London


16:15.........Nature’s Greatest Dancers

18:30............ ITV Evening News

18:00..... BBC News at Six

17:15............................Flog It!

19:00............ Emmerdale

19:00........The One Show

18:00............... Eggheads

19:30................ Our Lives

18:30........... The Farmers’ Country Showdown

19:30............ Britain’s Got Talent Live Show

15:00... Money for Nothing 15:45............Garden Rescue 16:30.........The Repair Shop

20:00............. EastEnders 20:30...............Room 101 21:00....... Not Going Out 21:30........... Mrs. Brown’s Boys 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35................ Famalam 23:00....BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend 00:00............ The Graham Norton Show 00:50............... BBC News


19:00..............Newsnight 20:00........Springwatch


ch oi ce

21:00.....Thatcher: A Very British Revolution 22:00...................... I Love 22:30.....................TOTP2 23:00......... Starter for 10

17:00.....................The Chase

09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15.......... Police Interceptors 12:10................................. 5 News 12:15......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ........The Battle of Britain 16:55 .................................5 News 17:00 ................................ Friends 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00..........Home and Away 18:30.........Criminals Caught on Camera 19:00..................... Gallagher Premiership Rugby Highlights 20:00..... Police Interceptors 21:00 ..................... The Blitz: Britain on Fire 22:00..............Biggest Talent Show Disasters

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:25 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 08:15......................... Emmerdale 08:45............ Coronation Street 09:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:40 ............................ Yogi Bear 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 12:45 ............Coronation Street 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:40 ......................Catchphrase 15:25 ......................... BGT: Top 10 Standout Stars 16:25................... Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed 18:20........... The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies 21:00.................. Family Guy 21:30............ American Dad! 22:00........Britain’s Got More Talent Live 23:05.................. Family Guy 00:00............ American Dad! 00:30............ Celebrity Juice

21:30................... Britain’s Got Talent 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30...... Hatton Garden: The Inside Story

08:55 ................ Jamie’s Comfort Food Bites

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

09:15 ............ Food Unwrapped

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

10:15........... A Place in the Sun

09:00 ..............Motorway Patrol

12:20.......... Location, Location, Location

10:00 .................. Highway Cops


23:30......Britain’s Busiest Airport - Heathrow

01:35......Nadiya: Anxiety and Me

23:55.................. Tenable

13:20 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it

00:45............ Jackpot247

14:20 .....................Four in a Bed

Springwatch returns to BBC Two live from the Cairngorms. It’s May Bank Holiday and Springwatch is back - launching a week of special 90-minute programmes celebrating all the very best of our UK wildlife. Broadcasting live from the Dell of Abernathy in the Cairngorms, Chris Packham, Iolo Williams and Michaela Strachan profile this special wilderness and the animals that live there. Meanwhile Gillian Burke is in Cornwall, bringing topical reports on the state of our coastal wildlife. In the first show the presenters launch the largest Springwatch citizen science project ever attempted. Working with the British Trust for Ornithology, ‘Garden Watch’ asks people to survey the wildlife living in their gardens, in the hope of helping scientists build a comprehensive report of exactly what lives on the nation’s doorsteps.


06:00 ..........................Milkshake!

25 CW

21:00..............Coronation Street

Springwatch BBC2, 20.00

06:25................................. Cheers 06:55 ................................. Cheers 07:20 ...........................Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40...................................Frasier 10:10...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA 12:05 ......The Jewel of the Nile 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ...................Fifteen to One 16:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30.................... Beat the Chef 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00........Food Unwrapped 20:30................. Tricks of the Restaurant Trade 21:00...........Confessions of a Serial Killer 22:00............... A Very British Sex Shop 23:05.................100 Vaginas 00:05................... First Dates 01:00............George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces

TV Guide

15:20 .....................Four in a Bed 16:20 .....................Four in a Bed 16:55 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

07:00 ........................ Animal 999

11:00 .................. Attenborough 12:40 .... David Attenborough’s Natural History History Museum Alive 14:00..... Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death 16:00.................. Modern Family

17:55 .................... The Supervet

16:30.................. Modern Family

18:55......... Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it

17:00.................... The Simpsons

19:55 ........... Grand Designs

18:00.................... Futurama

21:00 ....The Yorkshire Dales and the Lakes

18:30 .............The Simpsons

22:00........ Secrets of Egypt’s Valley of the Kings

21:00 .......... Blades of Glory

17:30............................ Futurama

20:00 .................... Supergirl

23:00..........24 Hours in A&E

23:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

00:05............Scotstar: Flying Doctors

00:00...... There’s Something About Movies

01:15........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

01:00......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

07:10 ....................Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm 07:35.....................Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm 08:00.............................. Top Gear 10:40.............. James May’s Cars of the People 11:40 ..............James May’s Cars of the People 12:40 ..............James May’s Cars of the People 13:40............................. Top Gear 15:25............................. Top Gear 18:00....................... Red Bull Soapbox 2014 19:00.........James May’s Cars of the People 20:00............................ QI XL 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00..............Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish 23:00................................. QI 23:40..... Would I Lie to You? 01:00........... Mock the Week 01:40............ Judge Romesh

CW 26

TV Guide

tuesday 28th may 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15..............Britain’s Secret Charity Cheats 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00....................A1: Britain’s Longest Road 11:45................. The Housing Enforcers 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15....................Impossible 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45............Garden Rescue 16:30.........The Repair Shop 17:15........................Pointless 18:00................ BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00.............. Holby City 21:00......Years and Years 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35..........Hot Property 23:00...Young, Welsh and Pretty Religious 23:30.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:15............... BBC News



06:30....................A1: Britain’s Longest Road 07:15............Garden Rescue 08:00.............. Defenders UK 08:30..................Great British Railway Journeys 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 13:00...................... The Super League Show 13:45.............Street Auction 14:30................... The TV That Made Me 15:15..................... Ray Mears: Bushcraft 16:15.........Nature’s Greatest Dancers 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30........... The Farmers’ Country Showdown 19:00............Saving Lives at Sea 19:30.......... Springwatch 21:00............ The Planets 22:00.. Live at the Apollo 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15....... Darcey Bussell: Dancing to Happiness 00:15.............. Your Home Made Perfect

On Assignment ITV1, 22.45

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

06:25 ................................. Cheers 07:20 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40.................................. Frasier 10:10.............. Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.... Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05 ......................... Posh Pawn 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ...................Fifteen to One 16:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 .................... Beat the Chef 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00 ...............Bake Off: The Professionals 21:00..........24 Hours in A&E 22:00................... First Dates 23:05...... Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Back 00:05.......Life Stripped Bare

06:00 ..........................Milkshake! 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 ..........Police Interceptors 12:10 .................................5 News 12:15 .........Nightmare Tenants 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 .........................I Know Your Darkest Secrets 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 .................................5 News 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 ........................ 5 News 19:00 ......... Inside the Tower of London 20:00........... The Great Flood of London 21:00.......... The Blitz: Britain on Fire 22:00................ Murdered by My Stalker 23:05............My Big Benefits Family 00:05..... Police Interceptors

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00......................... Emmerdale 08:25.............Coronation Street 08:55...... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:15.......................... BGT: Top 10 Astonishing Acts 11:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15......................... Emmerdale 12:45.............Coronation Street 13:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 13:45............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45....Celebrity Catchphrase 15:50......................Judge Rinder 17:00......................... Britain’s Got Talent Live Show 18:30..... Britain’s Got Talent 19:00...You’ve Been Framed! 20:00.....Two and a Half Men 21:00.................. Family Guy 22:00........Britain’s Got More Talent Live 23:05.................. Family Guy 00:00............ American Dad!

23:20........ Piers Morgan’s Life Stories

08:55 ....Jamie’s Comfort Food

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

06:00 ....................Teleshopping

09:15 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

00:15.................. Tenable

09:45 ............ Food Unwrapped

07:00 ........................ Animal 999

07:25 ........... Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm

01:05............ Jackpot247

10:15 ........... A Place in the Sun

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

08:20 ........Storage Hunters UK

11:15 ........... A Place in the Sun

09:00 ..............Motorway Patrol

09:20 .............American Pickers

12:20............Location, Location, Location

10:00 .................. Highway Cops 11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:20 ..............James May’s Cars of the People

13:20 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it

12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

13:20 ............................. Top Gear

14:20 .....................Four in a Bed

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

15:00 .....................Timber Kings

08:30......................... Lorraine 09:25.................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 10:30.............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 ..... ITV News London 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00......................... Tenable 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30............ Britain’s Got Talent Live Show 21:00..............Coronation Street 21:30................... Britain’s Got Talent 22:00...... ITV News at Ten 22:45...On Assignment


ch oi ce

ITV’s award-winning international current affairs series On 16:00 ......Steve Austin’s Broken 14:00.................... Hawaii Five-0 15:20 .....................Four in a Bed Assignment returns with more revealing stories from around the Skull Challenge 15:00. . .............................. S.W.A.T. 16:20..................... Four in a Bed world, fronted by Rageh Omaar. 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 16:00. . ............... Modern Family OA DUBROVNIK – PAUL DAVIES – CROATIA 16:55 ................... The Secret Life 18:00 .....................Top Gear 16:30 ................. Modern Family of the Zoo More than one million tourists are expected to visit the ancient Croatian 19:00..... Would I Lie to You? city of Dubrovnik this year - making it one of the fastest growing tourist 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:55..................... The Supervet destinations in Europe. Some come for the beaches and the culture, others 19:40..... Would I Lie to You? 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:55.......... Kirstie and Phil’s to seek out the breath-taking sets from blockbuster Game of Thrones. But 20:20 ................................ QI Love it or List it 18:00.................... Futurama Paul Davies remembers a very different Dubrovnik, a city caught-up in one 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 19:55............ Grand Designs 18:30 .............The Simpsons of the most violent assaults of the Croatian War of Independence. In 1991, 20:00 ..........................Arrow 22:00 .................Taskmaster 21:00........Mary Kills People Paul reported from the city when it was under siege, attacked from land, air 21:00 ..................SEAL Team 23:00 ................................ QI 22:00.America’s Serial Killer and sea in a heavily uneven battle. 22:00.................... The Force 23:40..... Would I Lie to You? 23:25......... 999: What’s Your Nearly 30 years on Paul returns to Dubrovnik. He’s reunited with those Emergency? he worked with during the bombardment and the friends he made 23:00 .................. The Russell 01:00........... Mock the Week Howard Hour consequently. He meets the daughters of a waiter turned fighter, a man 00:25.........Ramsay’s Kitchen 01:40..............Dave Gorman: Nightmares USA who was killed just hours after Paul interviewed him in a hillside fort. And Paul 00:00.............. Hawaii Five-0 Modern Life examines the lasting impact of the battle on the next generation -- school 01:00.............. Hawaii Five-0 is Goodish 01:25........Mary Kills People children born in an independent Croatia. Paul returns to find Dubrovnik reborn but now under siege of a different kind – the tourist invasion that, in part fuelled by the popularity of Game of Thrones could see a major change in this historic city. The local mayor talks to On Assignment about the measures he is taking to redress the balance. OA GREENBANK – EMMA MURPHY – USA Green Bank, West Virginia is just a four-hour drive from Washington DC. But when it comes to technology, the distance from America’s bustling capital city could be light years. This simple, unassuming town has no phone or radio signal, and barely any Wifi; it’s part of the ‘National Radio Quiet Zone’, an area designated to facilitate scientific research and military intelligence. Emma Murphy travels to this rural outpost to discover what life is like off-the-grid and finds that for some locals, it’s proving a safe haven from modern technology. At the local bingo night she discovers how parents enjoy bringing their children up in Greenbank. And later she meets residents suffering from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, a once ridiculed but recently recognised medical condition, who have come to Green Bank to find solace from the nausea, headaches, palpitations, fatigue and rashes which plague them. But Emma discovers that even here, mobile technology is gaining a foothold. Can Green Bank remain a refuge from constant connectivity, in the heart of one of the most technologically-advanced countries in the world? OA DEATH – PENNY MARSHALL – SWEDEN Death is an unavoidable aspect of life and yet, in Britain, it’s rarely something we plan for. In Sweden, however, this final taboo is being brought into the open – citizens are encouraged to prepare financially and practically for what happens when they are gone. Penny Marshall visits Gothenberg to see first-hand how a mandatory funeral tax means families don’t have to worry about the financial burden of burying their loved ones – the state covers all the basics. And at a ‘death café’ in Stockholm, where participants chat about grief and dying over coffee, Penny learns about the uniquely Swedish phenomenon of ‘death cleaning’ -- the process of de-cluttering before you die, rather than leaving it up to your loved ones to do after you’re gone. 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15..............Britain’s Secret Charity Cheats 10:00.............................Homes Under the Hammer 11:00....................A1: Britain’s Longest Road 11:45................. The Housing Enforcers 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00.......................BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15....................Impossible 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45............Garden Rescue 16:30 .................... The Repair Shop 17:15........................Pointless 18:00................ BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 20:00...............Watchdog 21:00...............Panorama 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35.................21 Again 23:30............ Valley Cops 00:10............... BBC News

wednesday 29th may

06:20....................A1: Britain’s Longest Road 07:05............Garden Rescue 07:50...............Undiscovered Worlds with Steve Backshall 08:50........................... Lifeline 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 13:00........................The Boss 13:45.............Street Auction 14:30................... The TV That Made Me 15:15..... The Sweet Makers 16:15.. Super Cute Animals 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30........... The Farmers’ Country Showdown 19:00............Saving Lives at Sea 19:30.......... Springwatch 21:00..........Summer of CW Rockets choice 22:00....................... Mum 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15.....Thatcher: A Very British Revolution 00:15.....Surgeons: At the Edge of Life

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30......................... Lorraine 09:25.................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 ..... ITV News London 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00......................... Tenable 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30..ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30............ Britain’s Got Talent Live Show 21:00..............Coronation Street 21:30................... Britain’s Got Talent 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35.. ITV News London 22:45.................... Peston 23:45........British Touring Car Championship Highlights 01:00............ Jackpot247

TV Guide

27 CW

06:25 ................................. Cheers 06:55 ................................. Cheers 07:20 ...........................Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05................... Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05 ......................... Posh Pawn 14:10....................... Countdown 15:00 ...................Fifteen to One 16:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 .................... Beat the Chef 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00..... Location, Location, Location 21:00................. The Virtues 22:00 .........24 Hours in A&E 23:00 ................. Gogglebox 00:05....... Naked Attraction

06:00 ..........................Milkshake! 09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15 ..........Police Interceptors 12:10 .................................5 News 12:15 ......... Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 13:10.................................. Access 13:15.............. Home and Away 13:45........................ Neighbours 14:15 ......................My Daughter is Innocent 16:00................................. Friends 17:00..................................5 News 17:30........................ Neighbours 18:00..........Home and Away 18:30......................... 5 News 19:00...... Inside the Tower of London 20:00.............. Missing Flight MH370: The New Evidence 21:00.......... The Blitz: Britain on Fire 22:00.... When Plastic Surgery Goes Horribly Wrong 23:30..................The Gypsies Next Door 00:30............Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10...... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 08:55 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:15.......................... BGT: Top 10 Comedy Corkers 11:15 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 12:45............ Coronation Street 13:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45 ...Celebrity Catchphrase 15:50......................Judge Rinder 17:00 ........... Britain’s Got Talent Live Show 18:30..... Britain’s Got Talent 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30....Two and a Half Men 21:00.................. Family Guy 22:00........Britain’s Got More Talent Live 23:05.................. Family Guy

08:55 ....Jamie’s Comfort Food

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

09:15 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

07:10.....................Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm

09:45............ Food Unwrapped

07:00 ........................ Animal 999

10:15........... A Place in the Sun

07:30 ........................ Animal 999

11:15........... A Place in the Sun

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

12:20 ...........Location, Location, Location

09:00 ..............Motorway Patrol

13:20 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:20 .....................Four in a Bed 14:50 .....................Four in a Bed 15:20 .....................Four in a Bed 15:50 .....................Four in a Bed

09:30 ..............Motorway Patrol 10:00 .................. Highway Cops 11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00.................... Hawaii Five-0

07:35.................... Eat Your Heart Out with Nick Helm 08:00 .............American Pickers 09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK 09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK 10:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 .............................. Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 14:00 ............Jay Leno’s Garage 15:00 .....................Timber Kings

16:20 .....................Four in a Bed

15:00 ................................S.W.A.T.

16:55 ................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

16:00 ................. Modern Family

16:00 .....................Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

17:55 .................... The Supervet

17:00 ............................. Top Gear

17:30 ............................Futurama

18:55......... Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it

18:30..............The Simpsons

18:00..................... Top Gear

19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00.. Find it, Fix it, Drive it 22:00......................Car S.O.S 23:00........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

20:00............... DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 21:00................ Magnum P.I. 22:00...... There’s Something About Movies

19:00..... Would I Lie to You? 20:20................................. QI 21:00..................Taskmaster 22:00............ Judge Romesh 23:00................................. QI

23:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

23:40..... Would I Lie to You?

00:00..........24 Hours in A&E 01:05.. Find it, Fix it, Drive it

00:00.......NCIS: Los Angeles

01:40....... Live at the Apollo


01:00........... Mock the Week

Summer Of Rockets BBC2, 21.00

Hannah Petrukhin (Lily Sacofsky) arrives at Buckingham Palace, but devastatingly she is too late and misses out on being presented as a debutante to the Queen. Samuel (Toby Stephens) finally meets the men who have been following him - Denning (Leo Starr) and Mr. Field (Mark Bonnar) - who claim to be from MI5 and say they are interested in his staff locater invention. He later discovers that have been following him for years, photographing him wherever he went. He was of interest to them because he is Russian, he was servicing Winston Churchill’s hearing aid, and his father had dealings with the Soviet Trade Delegation. While attending a fête at the Shaw’s with his family, Samuel invites Kathleen (Keeley Hawes) to attend a demonstration of the staff locator at a military base, but doesn’t tell her it’s actually for the MI5.


CW 28

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 .............Britain’s Secret Charity Cheats

thursday 30th May

06:30................... A1: Britain’s Longest Road

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

07:15........... Garden Rescue

08:30........................ Lorraine

10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer

08:00 .......This Farming Life

11:00 ...................A1: Britain’s Longest Road

09:00 ............ BBC News at 9

09:25 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal

10:00 .......................... Victoria Derbyshire

12:30 ............ Loose Women

11:45 ................ The Housing Enforcers 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One

11:00 ...........BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 .......................The Boss

10:30 .............. This Morning 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55..... ITV News London

13:45 ............Street Auction

14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00......................... Tenable

14:15 ...................Impossible

14:30 .................. The TV That Made Me

16:00.............. Tipping Point

15:00 ...................... Escape to the Country

15:15......................The Sweet Makers

17:00.................... The Chase

15:45 ...........Garden Rescue 16:30 ........The Repair Shop

16:15.......... Nature’s Miracle Orphans

17:15....................... Pointless

17:15 ...........................Flog It!

18:00.... BBC News at Six

18:00.............. Eggheads

19:00....... The One Show

18:30........... The Farmers’ Country Showdown

13:45 .........................Doctors

19:30............ EastEnders 20:00.... Eat Well for Less 21:00 ............Ambulance 22:00 ... BBC News at Ten 22:25 .......Regional News and Weather 22:30 .................Weather

19:00 ...........Saving Lives at Sea 19:30.......... Springwatch 21:00 ............. Big Animal Surgery 22:00 ..... Mock the Week

18:00................ ITV News London 18:30 ........... ITV Evening News 19:00 ........... Emmerdale 19:30 ........... Britain’s Got Talent Live Show 21:00 .............Coronation Street

06:25 ................................. Cheers 07:20 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 08:40 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05......................... Posh Pawn 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00................... Fifteen to One 16:00........... A Place in the Sun 17:00..................... Four in a Bed 17:30.................... Beat the Chef 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00.........The Secret Life W C of the Zoo choice 21:00 .......The Final Mission: Foxy’s War 22:00......... UEFA Champions League 23:00.........ICC Cricket World Cup: England v South Africa 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

06:00 ..........................Milkshake! 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 ..........Police Interceptors 12:10 .................................5 News 12:15 .........Nightmare Tenants 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ............................. The Black Widow Killer 16:00................................ Friends 16:30................................ Friends 17:00 .................................5 News 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30......................... 5 News 19:00 ......... Inside the Tower of London 20:00................. Shop Smart: Save Money 21:00....................... Draining the Ocean 22:00..........I’m 40 Stone and Too Fat Too Move 23:05................... Three Days to Kill

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20.................. Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 08:55 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:15......BGT: Stephen’s Top 10 Crown Jewels 11:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15........................ Emmerdale 12:45 ............Coronation Street 13:15 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 13:45 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45... Celebrity Catchphrase 15:50......................Judge Rinder 17:00......................... Britain’s Got Talent Live Show 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 21:00.................. Family Guy 22:00........Britain’s Got More Talent Live 23:05.................. Family Guy

07:10 ............... Steve Backshall’s Extreme Mountain Challenge

21:30 .................. Britain’s Got Talent 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 06:00 .......................Monkey Life

22:35....... Question Time

22:35................. ITV News London

08:55............ Food Unwrapped

22:30............. Newsnight

09:15............ Food Unwrapped

06:30....................... Monkey Life

23:35.................Dying for a Degree

23:10................. Weather

22:45 ............... Great Art

09:45 ............ Food Unwrapped

07:00........................ Animal 999

23:15...The Ranganation

23:50.................. Tenable

10:15.................................. A Place in the Sun

08:00................. Dog Whisperer

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

09:00............................ Motorway Patrol

10:00 .............American Pickers



The Secret Life of the Zoo Channel 4, 20:00

Thi, the 37-year-old head of Chester Zoo’s elephant herd, is pregnant with her ninth baby. Elephant pregnancies usually last 22 months but keepers believe that Thi is now three months overdue! The risks for Thi and her unborn calf are growing by the day. Meanwhile, male clownfish Polo gets injured while fighting with the other males for the attentions of dominant female Rosie. But clownfish have the amazing ability to change sex, and Polo’s recovery time away from the rest of the group leads to unexpected consequences. A young giant anteater, Oso, arrives at the zoo as a new partner for widowed older female Bliss. But anteater first dates are far from straightforward. And rampant male Rothschild’s giraffe Meru causes a stir in the zoo’s endangered giraffe herd as he relentlessly chases the females.

11:15.................................. A Place in the Sun 12:20 ...........Location, Location, Location 13:20 ...................................Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:20 .....................Four in a Bed 14:50 .....................Four in a Bed 15:20 .....................Four in a Bed 15:50 .....................Four in a Bed

08:00 .............American Pickers 09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK

10:00.................. Highway Cops

11:00 .............American Pickers

10:30 .................. Highway Cops

12:00 .............American Pickers

11:00 ......................................NCIS: Los Angeles

13:00 .............................. Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ................................S.W.A.T. 16:00 ................. Modern Family

16:20..................... Four in a Bed

16:30 ................. Modern Family

16:55................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama

17:55 .................... The Supervet

18:00.................... Futurama

18:55......... Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it

18:30............. The Simpsons

14:00 ............Jay Leno’s Garage 15:00..................... Timber Kings 16:00...... Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 17:00............................. Top Gear 18:00 .....................Top Gear 19:00 ........................ Would I Lie to You? 19:40 ........................ Would I Lie to You?

20:00 .............. ICC CWC Hlts: England v S Africa

20:20 ................................ QI 22:00.............. Hypothetical

22:10..............Berlin Station

21:00...... There’s Something About Movies

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

22:00........... Blades of Glory

23:40..... Would I Lie to You?

19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00........... The Good Fight

21:00 ...... Live at the Apollo 23:00................................. QI 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019


29 CW

CW 30

What’s On


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

this week

This week

GRAND FINAL Friday 31st May

Showtime Tenerife Friday 31st may, doors open 8pm Showtime, Karting Las Americas

This week

Ladies’ Day

Coffee, chat, downtime, relaxation and horseriding - Tuesday 11am - 1pm. Horseriding classes and hacks are also available.

Siam mall


Tenerife Bluetrail 2019

Tuesdays 11am - 1pm Horse & pony riding, la camella 605 146 183


This unique race begins at sea level and ends 3500 metres above sea level. This makes it the highest race in Spain and the second highest in Europe. Going northwards across the island, the course explores Teide National Park and the volcano of the same name (a World Heritage Site). Several racing modes are on offer: Trail, Marathon, Half-Marathon, Challenge and, last but not least, Ultra – the most taxing race, with a course that goes beyond 100 kilometres. Ever since it was first held, the Tenerife Bluetrail has drawn about 10,000 racers a year. It is one of the most awaited trail running events on the calendar. As a prelude to the race, there will be a Sports Fair at the Santa Cruz International Trade Fair and Convention Centre, where participants will be able to get their number tags, buy gear at good prices and enjoy sports shows.

Gran Sur


7th june, 7.30pm 8th June

Amigos de gillian banks

teide national park

la Cueva, aldea blanca


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Wednesday 29th May

Coming up in our next property auction and also available for sale up until the date of the auction. More lots available on the day...



31 CW

Doors open at 11am

At Clansani Golf & Country Club, next to Amarilla Golf Club




Stunning property at a bargain price! 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms villa. Chayofa, Arona

Fantastic business opportunity Pizza place Los Olivos, Adeje

Spacious townhouse 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Granadilla de Abona

Amazing value apartment 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom Las Adelfas

Pool bar Fairway Village, Golf del Sur

Guide price: 335,000 euros

Guide price: 89,000 euros

Guide price: 230,000 euros

Guide price: 199,000 euros

Guide price: 185,000 euros






Splendid ground floor property 1 bed, 1 bath Los Cristianos, Arona

Spacious penthouse 4 bed, 2 baths. Parque de la Reina, Granadilla de Abona

Beautiful independent house 3 bed, 2 bath,El Fronton. San Miguel de Abona.

Independent villa 4 bed, 2 baths, Aldea Blanca, San Miguel de Abona

Apartment with parking space 2 bed, 2 baths. Los Abrigos, San Miguel de Abona

Guide price: 235,000 euros

Guide price: 182,000 euros

Guide price: 295,000 euros

Guide price: 269,000 euros

Guide price: 137,000 euros






Amazing opportunity 1 bed, 1 bath FaĂąabe, Adeje

Luxury duplex 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Fairways Club, Amarilla Golf

3 floors apartment building Granadilla, Granadilla de Abona

Amazing penthouse with 4 double bedrooms. Las Chafiras, San Miguel de Abona

Stunning property 2 bed, 1 bath Chayofa Country Club, Arona

Guide price: 210,000 euros

Guide price: 290,000 euros

Guide price: 259,000 euros

Guide price: 164,000 euros

Guide price: 215,000 euros


Magnificent independent villa 5 bed, 4 baths, private pool, Parking. Playa Paraiso, Adeje

Guide price: 1,185,000 euros





Fantastic investment - 4 double beds, 4 bath, private pool, cinema, bar, gym, parking. Roque del Conde

Pool Bar on lease Colina Blanca,San Eugenio

Guide price: 995,000 euros

Beautiful property 3 beds, 2 baths Las Chafiras

Good investment Industrial warehouse Adeje

Guide price: 59,000 euros

Guide price: 147,000 euros

Guide price: 550,000 euros

CW 32


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Spain’s most debt-ridden village, after its failure to build ‘inland sea’ project THE current Vallada Mayor, María José Tortosa, shields her eyes as she points towards the horizon. “The park was going to be all that and more, 1,300sq/km,” she says.

“The first stone was laid more than 10 years ago, and you can see how it has turned out.” Too true! Tortosa stands on the edge of a piece of tarmac, where the vast expanse of wasteland begins. There is a huge, weather-beaten sign that says “Valpark”, and a strong fragrance in the air from the ubiquitous broom shrubs. Welcome to Vallada, a Valencia municipality with a population of 3,030… and the biggest debt per capita in Spain: somewhere between €25.5m and €37m, with each resident owing from €8,444 to €12,239. The debt stands at around 1,000% of the Council’s income, which means the authorities have been forced to introduce austerity measures: two out of three street lights are turned off, and budgeting for the village’s fiestas has been reduced to a minimum. The land was meant to be converted into a vast nautical park, under the vision of Popular Party (PP) Mayor Fernando Giner, even though Vallada is 70km from the coast. Giner planned the project when it was announced that the America’s Cup sailing regatta would take place in Valencia. Determined to take advantage of the news, Giner came up with “La mar de dins” (or the inland sea), a project comprising a shipyard with a dry dock, and a sailing school, as well as an extensive service area with a 10-storey hotel.

“At the time, it was an opportunity,” says Giner, a teacher who was Mayor of Vallada for Unión Valenciana and, later, the PP for 24 years, as well as President of Valencia’s provincial authority for two terms. The glamorous sailing championship came and went, however, without so much as a nod to Giner’s venture or to the thousands of square kilometres acquired by Vallada Town Hall. Giner then came up with Plan B: a logistics park called Valpark. But, says Giner, now retired: “It was thwarted, as so many projects were. What I regret is that the crisis happened.” The Valencia regional government and the local PP and Socialist Party (PSOE) candidates, the only parties running at the local elections on Sunday (26th May), paradoxically, believe the park is the main chance the village has of emerging from its saddling debt. “Investors have been approaching us,” says

Tortosa, who supplements her job as mayor, for which she doesn’t earn a salary, by working as a nurse. “Right now, there’s one investor interested in buying 200,000 square metres, but on condition that the company can be located here by 2021. “And that’s the catch. We can’t sell it to them because we don’t have the money to develop the land. If we did, companies would come.” The Valencian regional government, looking into the possibility of buying Valpark, or, at least, helping Vallada to make money out of it, is currently weighing the cost of finishing the project, which would be at least €10m. “We want the Valencia region to be a reference point for distribution companies, and that means the chance to invest in large areas of land,” says María José Mira, of the regional finance department. “Vallada is well located, with a highway and a rail-line close by. But the

park’s design was poorly managed; there was a lack of budgetary control and, it appears, other more serious issues.” An audit of Valpark revealed that money was spent on work that was never carried out, and services were paid for twice. But the company involved in the scandal has, at least, agreed to return €4.2m to Vallada to avoid being prosecuted. Meanwhile, the Audit Court is demanding €1.4m from Giner, his successor Vicente Perales (from the party Independent Alternatives for Vallada), and former municipal secretary Ricardo Martínez. None of the 10 locals in Vallada, asked about the PP’s chances of returning to power in the upcoming local elections, believe he or she has a shot. “Everyone is very angry with them,” says Rafael Guzmán, a retired farm worker and truck driver. “They should not have got the town into debt for land that is completely worthless.”

UK benefit cheat’s £90,000 to be repaid, in 1,000 years!

A BRITISH expat, who stole more than €90,000 in UK benefits while living in Spain, has been given almost 1,000 years to pay the cash back! Jayne Kitchen, understood to be living on the Costa del Sol at the time, has been ordered to pay £7.65 per month, which means her debt will not be repaid until 2977. The Grimsby mother-of-two claimed income support, disability living allowance and carers’ allowance, but she failed to reveal that she had left the country. The 53-year-old admitted in court to taking money from the UK Government, falsely, between July 2013 and August 2016. She also admitted taking tax credit from HMRC and failing to tell the UK authorities her children had been taken into care in Spain, reported the Metro newspaper. Nigel Clive, prosecuting, said: “The money she claimed was used for ordinary day-today living costs and to pay Spanish legal teams over her childcare claims. There was no lavish lifestyle.” She has, so far, paid back £400, the court heard. “She gets £2,000-a-month now,” added Clive. “She is repaying at £7.65 per month, and there is no indication that she has any form of assets.” The court was told that she is currently the registered carer for one of her teenaged children. She was given a 12-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months “as an act of mercy towards her children”, so they would avoid going into care, said Recorder Abdul Iqbal QC, adding: “I hope you are thoroughly ashamed of your dishonesty.” A DWP spokesperson said: “Only a small minority of benefit claimants are dishonest, but cases like this show how we are stopping those who cheat the system, and divert taxpayers’ money from the people who need it. “There are a range of penalties for benefit fraud, and those found guilty have a criminal record. Last year, we prosecuted around 5,000 fraudsters and recovered £1.1bn in overpaid benefits.”


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Guardia Civil officer is held in huge drug bust A Guardia Civil officer was among those arrested during a huge drug bust

AMONG the 57 people arrested in a huge, anti-drug trafficking operation on the Costa del Sol by 200 police last week was a Guardia Civil officer.

Around 200 police were involved in the bust, which also saw several tonnes of hash recovered in “Operation Balbi”, with mostly Spaniards detained, but also Moroccans and Europeans. Police discovered that boats, with hollowed-out hulls, had been transporting hash from Morocco, where it was

then distributed throughout Andalucia, in the modified chassis of trucks. Also seized were a number of weapons, including a submachine gun, as well as cash, along with boats and cars, which had been stolen previously. Some 25 buildings were searched across Malaga, Granada and Cadiz, and the drug-network’s leader was caught in Manilva, while suspects in Estepona and Marbella were also detained. The Guardia officer held was from Benemerita, and Granada police also nabbed suspects in Fuentevaqueros, Pinos Puente, Lachar and Gojar.

Government to recognise victims of Nazi war camp THE Spanish Government will recognise, legally, the deaths of thousands of its citizens, who died in a Nazi concentration camp during the Second World War. Officials with the Government’s Historical Memory department said the names of the 4,435 Spanish citizens, who perished in Austria’s Mauthausen camp, would now be added to its register of deaths.

They have also proposed dual citizenship for their descendants, many of whom live in France. And the Justice Ministry said a Madrid memorial to those who died is also planned. Justice Under-Secretary

Tel: 822 14 15 17

Publisher, Proprietor and Editor: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

33 CW

Spanish coins in Utah desert possibly pre-date Columbus

COINS found in the Utah desert may be evidence of Spanish settlers on the American continent at least 200 years before Christopher Columbus arrived, or are they merely a hoax!

A hiker from Colorado found what he thought were two shards of scrap metal while walking in the Arches National Park, close to the Marina Holls Crossing, near Lake Powell. But after examining them closer, at home, he realised they had imprints which could have historic significance. He took the coins to the US National Parks Service for investigation, said the organisation’s archaeologist, Brian Harmon, and they are now at the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Page, Arizona, where they are still being studied, eight months later. “We’re trying not to touch them and contaminate them with our hands,” said Harmon. “They appear to be well-preserved. They’re very thin, and we think one is probably silver and the other copper.” The coins were found in a tourist part of the park, which had been underwater on occasions in the decades following the construction of the Glen Canyon dam, in 1966.

If they turn out to be genuine, the next step is to try to solve the mystery of how they made it to Utah. It is well-documented that two Spanish priests, Atanasio Domínguez and Silvestre Veles de Escalante, went on an evangelistic mission to that part of the American continent in 1776. But they did not get close enough to the national park to have dropped the coins. In any case, the inscriptions on them appear to date back much further than the late 18th century. In fact, initial estimates date the coins back to around the year 1290. Columbus, credited with having “discovered” the Americas and sparking the process which led to the colonisation of huge swathes of the continent by Spain, and later, France, Portugal, Britain, The Netherlands and Denmark, set sail from the Cádiz province in the year 1492. “One possibility is that there was, indeed, a presence of

Spaniards in the Utah area in the late 13th century,” speculated Harmon. “But this was, largely, undocumented, or the coins were sold to native Americans by the earliest Spanish explorers.” Experts in Spanish coins, who are analysing the two pieces, have not ruled out any possible theory; even that they were possibly planted there for a joke to see whether history would rewrite itself. They may be real, or they have been dropped there recently and buried by a tourist, just to discover what the experts would make of them. On the other hand, they really could be evidence that Europeans were exploring the New World, centuries before it was believed to have been discovered. The coins pictured from local newspaper Deseret News, on Twitter (@DeseretNews). and the picture of Arches National Park in Utah is by Diego Delso on Wikimedia Commons.

Cristina Latorre, who heads the Historical Memory department, said the registering of the victims was a “moral reparation” on the Government’s part. Files on those who died, delivered to Spain from 1950 to 1951, remained in Government archives until a few months ago, when the Justice Ministry began

processing them. Those who fled, fought for the Spanish Republic against former dictator Francisco Franco during the Civil War. Tragically, they moved to France, only to be roundedup later by Nazi Germany, and sent to concentration camps when Adolf Hitler’s forces conquered the country.

Franco’s regime refused to recognise those who fled as Spanish at the time, which meant they died stateless. American troops liberated Mauthausen in 1945, and the Spanish survivors there welcomed the US forces with a banner in Spanish, which read: “The Spanish antifascists salute the American forces.”

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Angela Jefferies, Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Mariano Zunino Siri, Martin Land, Sir Old Golfer. Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2019 Canarian Weekly

CW 34


SPAIN’S longest urban slide, stretching 38 metres, left users severely burned on unmentionable parts, when it opened, while others joked that “it kills children”, following a spate of horrific injuries. But not any more because the slide, on the Costa del Sol, was closed after being declared dangerous. The closure, hardly unexpected, considering the injury toll, came less than 24 hours after the €28,000, stainless-steel channel, was opened. Dramatic footage shows a woman burning her rear, smacking her head and having her dress lifted up, while riding the Estepona slide. Meanwhile another slideuser complained that she “hurt everywhere”, after her elbows and posterior were covered in friction burns. Many viewed the slide, which has a 33-degree gradient, as a vanity project by Estepona Mayor Jose Maria Garcia Urbano, ahead of this Sunday’s municipal elections. Urbano unveiled the slide proudly, through a Twitter video, saying: “This urban slide can be used at the end of the week. “It connects two streets, and that contributes to being an element of accessibility in the city. It will be the most important slide in Spain.” It had been built to connect two areas, but the Town Hall

24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Spain’s longest slide is closed, after 24 hours!

Pub’s ‘rent a midget’ advert angers people

A BENIDORM pub, criticised for advertising a midget for rent, on a street-front board, has been accused of infringing upon “human rights”, and even a “hate crime” against the disabled. says it will now review the new mode of urban transport. One local said the Town Hall had closed the slide, because councillors “feared drunk people from the nearby San Isidro festival may be put in danger on the slide”. A statement from Estepona Town Hall read: “The city council orders a complementary revision,

and preventive closing of the slide, whose approval and safety had been certified by the specialist installation company.” Town Hall officials must also update the conditions for use: children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult; people must not ride lying down, and it must be clear before being used.

Chaplins Bar, a street away from the beach, advertises the rental of midgets for hen parties and stag dos as entertainment on a night out. But Felipe Orviz, lawyer for the Alpe Achondroplasia Foundation, which supports dwarves, said: “The pub may have incurred violations of labour standards, but there is also a possible hate crime, based on disability. “We are asking the City of Benidorm to withdraw

the pub’s licence, and will seek advice from the new, specialised prosecutor in disability law.” Orviz added that the term “rent” was “denigrating” to midgets and dwarves, who suffer a medical condition known as achondroplasia. Social media users labelled the bar’s advertisement “disgusting” and “shameful”. One user said: “The FK It BAR in Benidorm also does this for €200 per night. I doubt if the poor guy even gets the minimum wage from it. I have seen the poor guy with a dog lead and dog collar on. Shameful!” Others, however, defended Chaplin’s Bar, saying the midget earned “€200 per hour” and that it was a “job opportunity”. The bar owners were unavailable for comment.

News / Community News

24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

35 CW

Accion del Sol News

What a sweetie!

Princess Di’s opening night is a triumph! THE brand-new Princess Di’s bar, in The Patch, opened its doors to the public last Friday night, after a full re-fit to an establishment which had been closed for many years. And what a change! Landlords Joe and Dean have moved a few steps downstairs from the Brewers Droop, where they enjoyed eight fantastic years, taking their staff, compere, and cabaret acts with them to their new home. The whole place, which looks absolutely amazing, has been re-wired, re-plumbed, re-tiled; in fact, ‘re’ everything to meet new legislation, and their own high standards… and it shows! Inside is fully air-conditioned, well laid out with a big bar, a great stage, dance floor, and large, clean toilets! Outside, there is a terrace bar, and next door a kids’ area and games room, and the hundreds there on opening night definitely approved. On stage, Doris looked at home right away on her

new stage, and ex-X Factor contestant Samantha

Atkinson kicked off the night with a superb set, almost blowing the new doors off! Roxie Risque popped in for a few songs, and had the audience in stitches as always. And you couldn’t move, inside or out, when the Soul Brothers had everyone up dancing, to round off an incredible night of entertainment, followed by karaoke until the early hours. Huge congratulations to everyone involved in the venue’s refurbishment, and especially to Joe, Dean and all their staff and friends, who helped along the way. It definitely marks the start of a new era at Princess Di’s!

THIS little 10-yearold guy was found wandering the streets of Guargacho. We can never understand how people can abandon their pets. The love from a dog is unconditional; a friend for life who asks for nothing more than food and love. We have so many beautiful dogs at the refuge, patiently waiting for their adoption day to come, and all with their own, sad story to tell. Walk a dog! Our dogs love to go out for a walk, so, if you do have some spare time during our opening hours, come and visit us and make a dog very happy. They really love some exercise and TLC. Microchip We can never express enough the importance of having your dog microchipped with your correct, updated telephone number, so your pet can be returned to you, as quickly as possible, without

causing unnecessary stress. Also, by law, your dog has to be registered with your local town hall. Assistance required We are always looking for people to walk the dogs in the refuge during opening hours. Please do call the refuge on 6643 21219 or 602463242, between 8am-5pm, if you can help in any way. We always need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm. Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the northbound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the righthand side. E-mail the refuge at or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol.

Live Arico News

Kitty chauffeurs needed ALTHOUGH Live Arico is mainly associated with helping dogs, we are responsible for the care of many species of animals, including chickens, pigs, a mule, and, of course, cats.

We have a neutering scheme whereby local strays are sterilised. We urgently need some volunteer drivers in the South, presently in the San Eugenio area, who can take the cats to the vets, and return them to their homes, after treatment. You will not have to handle the cats. They will be in a crate, and it’s a pick-up and drop-off service. We will, of course, pay for petrol. We have got some adorable kittens ready for their forever homes. If you are interested in helping at all, or would like to adopt a kitten, then please contact Dominique on 603

324 263. Come and walk the doggies! Join the Live Arico dogwalking club on Saturday mornings from 9am-1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you can keep fit and find a furry friend at the same time. Send a WhatsApp to Oceana on 659 242 572 for further details, or just pop in and meet the dogs. Live Arico shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops. Donations are always very much appreciated. San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open weekdays 10am4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and now Sundays 11am-3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open Monday-Friday (10am-4pm), Saturday 10am-2pm and Sunday 11am-3pm. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

CW 36

News / Community News

24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

A bundle of joy!

Cats Welfare News

BEAUTIFUL Brownie is eight weeks old, and looking for a loving home. He has been deflead and wormed, and Cats Welfare will pay for his first injection. We have several other gorgeous kittens available for adoption. We ask for a minimum donation of €20 per kitten, to cover costs. If you would like to meet them, please send us a private Facebook message, or ring/ WhatsApp Sandra (English, Spanish and German) on 671 282 773 after 6pm, or Sharon (English) on 662 524 006. *All kittens go for a week’s trial, in your home * Thank you! We are always asking for your assistance, and you are all so helpful. It’s much appreciated, because we couldn’t do what we do without you.

K9 Animal News ARE you doing anything on Saturday 1st June, between 3-7pm? If not, why not come down to our latest fundraiser, and help us make money for K9?

The Original Wigan Pier have kindly agreed to let us come down for the afternoon, and have also got a few acts lined up for the afternoon. If you have never been to one of our fundraisers, why not come down and support us? You are guaranteed to have a lot of fun, and meet some

We had a situation where a lady had 22 kittens, from five different mothers, in her home. Only four of them were still

feeding from their mother, so we asked if any of you could accommodate a few of them whilst we put them up for adoption. We are happy

new people. There is a lot of entertainment planned, such as live acts, a raffle, a tombola and other activities. Those confirmed to perform on the day are Lisa Cowley, Carol Slater, Carol Singer, Christopher James and Ann Marie Dorrity. We are so grateful to them and to The Original Wigan Pier, for giving us this opportunity to raise awareness of K9, and also to raise money for our puppy Reina, who flew to Sweden a couple months ago. For those who don’t know the story of Reina, she

was a young puppy who was flying to Sweden, with her new, forever family. Arriving in Sweden turned into a nightmare, because her microchip couldn’t be read, even though it had been put in by a vet and checked. Things were not looking good for her. We were given different options to try to rectify the situation, such as sending her back to Tenerife, putting her in quarantine or putting her to sleep, which, of course, we were not going to let happen. We chose to put her into quarantine, but this came at great expense, and we are currently holding fundraisers to pay this huge bill. Reina spent 21 days in quarantine in Sweden, and was happily reunited with her new family at the end of April. The cost of Reina being kept in quarantine was over €2,500, but worth every cent, if it meant that Reina could stay in Sweden, and also be reunited with her new family. Now, we need to raise money for the bill, which is how this fundraiser came about. Please come along and support us on the 1st June, from 3pm. We would be so appreciative of any support you can give. Meet our dogs! We have many dogs, in all shapes and sizes, waiting patiently for their loving, safeand-secure, forever homes.

to say that all 18 kittens have now been fostered. We need you! Fostering kittens is very rewarding, watching them growing and playing, feeding them and realising how dependent they are on you. It’s perfect for people who don’t want a full-time cat of their own. We are looking for foster carers, to look after bottlefeeders and weaners, as well as big kittens. You would need to be able to drive, and have somewhere safe for them. All food and litter, bedding, litter trays etc. will be supplied, and any vet bills will be paid by us. Please help us to help the kittens in need. Cats Welfare arrange the adoptions, once the kittens are ready. Please send us a Facebook private message, if you are interested. Clothes and books needed! We are appealing to you all, please, for ladies’ and men’s clothes, for our shop. We also

need books of all genres, particularly murder/mysteries. Please have a look around at home, and drop them into the shop. Our shop We always need cat food, litter, sheets, towels, bedding etc. for the cats and kittens in our care, and also good quality/condition items for sale in the shop on San Blas, Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino). It is open seven days a week, 10am-6pm. We stock good-quality clothes of all sizes, at sensible, low prices. Pop along and take a look. Our customers come from all over the island, and we see many holidaymakers return, time and again, eager to snap up a bargain. If you don’t have transport, or have large, bulky items such as furniture and household effects to donate, please ring Mark on 636 590 557, and he will arrange collection from you.

You can see them all, their stories and pictures, on our website at www.k9tenerife. com Go to “K9 dogs/Dogs waiting for homes”. Why not visit us at K9 Refuge on Calle Chimbesque

between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas any day of the week between 9.30am-1.30pm? Alternatively, you can get in touch by telephoning us on 667 638 468, or emailing info@

Raising funds for Reina!

Tenerife Loves Karaoke

37 CW

The final’s in sight!

24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

By John Zammit

IT has been a busy week for the Tenerife Loves Karaoke crew. Last Thursday (16th May) saw the final heat of this year’s competition at The Theatre Bar. Monday was the first of the semifinals at The Palms Pool Bar, followed, on Wednesday, by the second semi-final at The Duke Bar.

Last Thursday’s final heat at The Theatre Bar got under way with Kerry Railton inviting all singers to register, and put in their song choices. Once all the contestants were booked in, Kerry opened the show with a song, and got the audience, another packed house, in the mood for what was to come. We had a range of singers, young and old, of different nationalities, and a great variety of songs including Too Much Love Will Kill You by Queen from Nina, Another Hero by Tina Turner from Tierney, No One by Alicia Keys from Kay, Bring Me to Life by Evanescence from Roxanne, and, to end the first half, Dancing On My Own, a Calum Scott number from Steven. In the second half ,we heard the following song titles performed: Rehab by Amy Winehouse, Jealous by Labrinth, Toxic by Britney Spears, Got You by Alicia Keys, Proud Mary by Tina Turner, and Hallelujah I Love You by Ray Charles. After a short break, the judges confirmed who would be going into the semi finals, and who would be going into a sing-off for a wild-card place. Steven and Roxanne went straight through to the semi-finals, and received their heat trophies, and Kay and Tierney were through to the sing-off. Their second-song

choices were given to Kerry, and it got underway with Kay singing Make Me Feel My Love, followed by Tierney performing Someone Like You, both Adele songs, and a rarity this year. What another great night we had witnessed. Everyone performed brilliantly, and gave everyone at The Theatre Bar a funfilled, entertaining evening.

However, it is a competition, and it was confirmed that the other contestant going into this year’s semi-finals would be Kay. We would like to thank everyone who entered the heat at The Theatre Bar, and the owners and staff who made this another memorable heat. Now we head to the semi- finals.

The Palms Pool Bar saw eight contestants competing, because one person withdrew through illness, another didn’t turn up, and nine performed at The Duke Bar, with another singer withdrawing. They were all fighting for places at this year’s final, which will be held at Showtime Tenerife, on Friday 31st May. Both venues were packed with supporters and onlookers, and each and every one of the contestants gave it his or her all. They entertained everyone, receiving great appreciation from the crowds. The format was slightly different from the heats, this year, with the contestants going head-tohead in a battle, the same as in The Voice. They competed against the other person who went through at the same heat (or wild card), to

represent that bar in the final. But it didn’t end there; there was also another chance to make it to the final, as the remaining contestants took part in a sing-off, for one more place. The finalists are: Sharel Hayton representing Happy Days, Janet Jones & Chelsea Anne Philpott (Clouseau’s Bar), Frankie Williams (Rockin’ Horse), Samuel Blake (Original Wigan Pier), Phoebe Hannah Skirrow (Palms Pool Bar), Georgina Blacka & Michelle Butterworth (Sky Bar), Jud Chad-Bouirne (Our Place), Colette Dawn Barton (Marguy’s Bar & Restaurant), Steven Moore (Theatre Bar), and Phoebe Suggitt as this year’s wild-card entry. The prize that the contestants will be competing for is €1,000 in cash, and an opportunity to perform at this year’s Tenerife Entertainment Awards. Everyone at Tenerife Loves Karaoke would like to thank this year’s sponsor, The Duke Shopping Centre, all the venues and staff who hosted the heats and semi-finals, and all the contestants who entered the competition, giving us memorable nights of fun and entertainment. Lastly, good luck to all the finalists. Remember - you have to sing it, to win it! If you would like to reserve a table for the final, please call 822 14 15 17. Free entry to everyone.

CW 38

Wine and Dine

24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Beware choriza, or become depressed! PEOPLE who eat ultra-processed foods regularly, such as Spanish chorizo, are more likely to be depressed.

That’s the verdict of a study by experts, involving 14,000 volunteers, which has determined that consumers of “low nutritional-quality” products are 33% more

at risk of the disease. The work was published by Spain’s University of Navarra, in the European Journal of Nutrition. And a total of 14,907 people, who had never suffered depression, were monitored for an average of 10 years during the project. Fewer people in Spain are eating the famouslyhealthy Mediterranean diet. Instead, they are

opting for more processed foods, and, among the test subjects, 774 new cases of clinically-diagnosed depression were detected. Those who consumed ultra-processed foods were one-third more likely to suffer depression, the risk heightening for those who performed low levels of physical exercise. Clara Gomez Donoso, a researcher at the

university, said previous studies found that, “ultra-processed food increased the risk of hypertension and obesity”. She added: “These cardiometabolic conditions share pathophysiological mechanisms and risk factors with depression.” The classification identifies ultra-processed foods as industriallymanufactured products, containing refined

Adeje Chicken in Buzanada

Adeje Chicken in Buzanada is owned by Chemmy, who runs the kitchen with all her delicious home-made dishes, and her son, Bryan, who runs the bar-restaurant. Chemmy cooks all your chicken dishes: fried, spicy, garlic, honey, roast chicken or Kentucky fried, all accompanied by her homemade sauces. She has now added much more to the menu from escaldon de gofio (a tradtional Canarain dish), sweet and sour ribs, escalope, tradtional vegetable soup (potaje), roast pork and her fantastic mixed grill. Buzanada Roundabout, Buzanada.

Open: Tues-Sun 10.30am-10.30pm, kitchen closes 4pm-6pm. Closed Mondays.

Call: 922 728 290

The Swan

Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with goodquality produce. We also cater for any special requirements. Daily Specials. Friday: Cod and chips night. Sunday Lunch: 12noon - 8pm. Bookings advisable. MOndayS’ Feature nights: 5 course special on the roof terrace. Call for more information and reservations. 24hr-notice for paella, lamb shank, fillet steak or ask us for anything you fancy. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value!

Thai Botanico Experience contemporary Oriental dining at its finest. Ingredients are delicately and skilfully prepared and presented in gourmet dishes that embody the colours and tastes of Thailand. The colourful menu is more than complemented by the cool surroundings. The stunning, botanical dining terrace is filled with a rich mixture of beautiful plants, and decorated with authentic imported artefacts from the Eastern regions, giving you the feeling of being in a restaurant perched on a hillside in Thailand. In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

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or synthesised ingredients, which no longer resemble the original ingredients. Refined ingredients include sugar, starch, vegetable oil and salt, while synthesised ingredients include trans fats, hydrolysed protein and additives.

Sweets, sausages, industrial pastries and breakfast cereals are among the worst offenders in Spain. “They are characterised by low nutritional quality, convenience, availability and hyperpalatability,” added Clara Gomez. 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

FAMILY doctors in Spain have debunked the popular myth about how a glass of red wine a day is good for the heart. In fact, they stress that there is no minimum, safe-alcohol level, and that any volume of alcohol at all increases the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. The National Cancer Research and Care Charity AECC has previously stated that every sip of alcohol is an increase in the risk of developing this devastating disease. Now, the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SemFYC) has reaffirmed this in Málaga, at its recent 39th Congress there. For a long time, unsubstantiated claims have been doing the rounds about how 30 grams of red wine a day

Wine and Dine

39 CW

Daily glass of red wine not good for the heart, insist Spanish doctors

is good for the heart, even helping to reverse the effects in anyone already diagnosed with a heart condition. But, says SemFYC: “There are no reasons for recommending the consumption of any type of alcohol to the population as beneficial for health.” Professor Julio Basulto from the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing Sciences, refers to other popular alcohol myths, such as whisky being conducive to “being a good lover”, and says: “There are no well-designed, scientific studies that support any

physical health benefits, deriving from alcohol. “On the contrary, the ‘healthy’ glass-a-day cited by certain media and social media sources ‘demonstrably’ ups the risk of high blood pressure, haemorrhagic stroke and auricular fibrillation.” The professor referred to a study, published in the medical journal BMC Public Health, which found that if a non-smoking woman drinks a bottle of wine a week, six small glasses, or three large glasses in seven days, her risk of developing breast cancer rises by the equivalent of smoking two cigarettes a day. In fact, one in every five types of breast cancer is caused directly by alcohol, claims the BMC Public Health report. And Professor Basulto stresses: “The medical profession needs to get rid of the idea of ‘moderate alcohol consumption’ carrying no health risks.” He adds: “This idea about alcohol being good for heart health is not only questionable and full of confusion, bias and absence of biological mechanisms to support it, but does not consider the carcinogenic potential of alcohol.” Also, at the SemFYC, an article by the American Institute for Cancer Research was quoted, stating: “Even small amounts of alcoholic drinks can increase the risk for several types of cancer. “There is no minimum consumption threshold, below which the risk of cancer does not increase, at least for certain types of the disease.” Despite this, nine in 10

people questioned were unaware of the increased risk of cancer through drinking red wine in particular, but nine in 10 believed that doing so was good for heart health. And the American Institute of Cancer Research insists: “Healthy-heart properties in red wine cited, but not proven, represent one-tenth of the properties which are harmful to the heart and conducive to cancer-risk increase.” SemFYC Congress members also raised

concerns about alcohol consumption in minors, pointing out: “The reality is that teenagers do drink, and always have done. But as their brains are not fully developed, they are causing permanent damage by doing so.” Education about alcohol should focus on abstaining altogether, and laws banning sale and consumption to the under-18s should be reinforced, said doctors at the Congress. They added that there was no safe level of drinking for

anyone under this age. For those who drink a glass of red wine a day to “benefit” from the flavonoids and antioxidants in it, which may increase heart health, the damaging effects of this glassa-day are 10 times that of the “helpful” ingredients, says the SemFYC. It recommends that to obtain the benefits of the same types of flavonoids and antioxidants, people should eat grapes and wholegrain cereals instead.

CW 40


By Val Sainsbury RESEARCHERS at the University of California have revealed that many conventional shampoo, soap and toothpaste products are loaded with endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs, that damage hormones in developing children. Young girls are reaching puberty much earlier than normal, as a result of exposure to these EDCs. And boys are similarly experiencing reductions in testosterone levels, from simple use of contaminated products. The study involved 338 children from pre-birth into 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Care products disrupt hormones in children! adolescence, to assess the impact of various environmental exposures. What was determined is that, over the past 20 years, the average age at which children are reaching puberty is getting increasingly earlier, and a major culprit is personal-care products, which contain chemicals known to interfere with normal hormone expression. “We know that some of the things we put on ourselves are getting into our bodies, either because they pass through the skin, we breathe them in, or we ingest them, inadvertently,” stated Kim Harley, the study’s lead author. “We need to know how these chemicals are affecting our health.” While the average age for girls reaching puberty is normally around 11, exposure to EDCs in personal-care products is bringing that down to around eight, or even

earlier. Scientists describe this negative phenomenon as “precocious” puberty, which is known to cause social troubles, and increase the likelihood of young girls engaging in risky behaviour. Among the EDCs that cause this are phthalates, parabens and phenols, three common personal-care product chemicals that are known to mimic hormones in the human body. When rubbed on skin or used orally, products that contain such chemicals can leach them into the body, causing adolescent youth of both

sexes to mature far too early. “While more research is needed, people should be aware that there are chemicals in personalcare products that may be disrupting the hormones in our bodies,” Harley added. This same study also found that EDCs can damage the hormones of children who are exposed to them in the womb, meaning they’re not even directly exposed to them, but are having them passed to them, from their mothers. EDCs have also been linked to another widespread phenomenon that’s interfering with normal childhood development autism. Researchers looked at blood and urine samples from 175 pregnant women, and tracked them for up to five years. What they discovered is that exposure to EDCs, pre-natally, increased

the prevalence of autistic behavioural traits in children, beginning in the womb and extending into early childhood. Shockingly, scientists uncovered an average of 44 different EDCs in each of the pregnant women, revealing just how prominent these chemicals are in consumercare products, as well as in the environment. With autism rates having climbed in the US between 2002 and 2012 by 78%, it seems that Americans are oblivious to the effect that these chemicals have on the human body, especially on developing minds. Since boys are four times more likely than girls to develop autistic behaviours, the scientists concurred that several key hormones, known to control male brain development, are being disrupted by chemicals in the environment.

Arthritis drug is too big a risk for over-50s group! HEALTH authorities in Spain have ordered restrictions on the use of a drug, prescribed for rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis for the over50s, because there is a possible risk of a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot in the lungs. In conjunction with the Spanish Agency for Medications and Healthcare Products (AEMPS), the Health Ministry has reviewed the risk-benefit balance

of Tofacitinib, a process in which the likelihood of side-effects is weighed up against the potential benefits of a drug, to determine whether it should be prescribed. It considers that the typical, twice-daily dose of 10 milligrams must not be taken by anyone aged 50 or over. Clinical trials to evaluate the safety of Tofacitinib have found that the risk of pulmonary embolism, which does not always show notable symptoms, can be sudden and fatal if not caught in time. And, above a certain age, the medication also heightens the

danger of at least one other cardiovascular incident. Health Minister María Luisa Carcedo says Tofacitinib will be withdrawn for anyone aged 50 or over, but the risk is not found to

be significant enough to do so in younger patients. She stresses that this is a temporary move, until further testing can be carried out. Anyone taking Tofacitinib currently, and who

is around the age of 50 or older, should make an immediate appointment with this or her GP, to arrange for another type of medication to be prescribed. The Health Minister says patients should not stop their treatment abruptly, before their doctor’s appointment, unless they have noticed signs of possible adverse effects. If any symptoms that share characteristics with those of a blood clot on the lungs are noticed, patients should head for A&E immediately, either at their nearest hospital or walk-in clinic. These signs can include

shortness of breath, which may come on very suddenly; sharp chest pain, which suddenly appears and becomes worse with coughing or breathing deeply; faster-thanusual heartbeat; faster breathing; sweating; anxiety; fainting or feeling faint; and coughing up blood or pink, foamy mucus. Sometimes, pain or swelling in one or both legs, usually in the calf, can occur, depending on which lung artery is blocked. Many of these warning signs, however, even several together, may be an indication of a much more harmless condition. Shortness of breath, sweating, fast-breathing or heartbeat chest pains, and feeling faint, are all consistent with a panic attack, for example, so patients should try not to worry unduly. But they should still seek immediate medical attention as a precaution, even if they know they already suffer panic attacks. If a pulmonary embolism is caught in time, it can be treated relatively swiftly. But without medical attention, it can quickly be fatal. 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019


41 CW

CW 42 Sudoku X

Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.




1 5

24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Across 1. Turning point on which important developments depend (4) 3. Of the chest (8) 9. One who gives up too easily (7) 10. Briefs of two small panels connected by strings (5) 11. Complete (5) 12. In truth (6) 14. Lying between huge collections of stars — a critical gent (anag) (13) 17. Speak indistinctly (6)


19. Revise (3,2) 22. Little, charming and naughty (5) 23. Parthenogenetic (7) 24. Express grumpy opposition (8) 25. Small keyboarding error (4) Down 1. Casserole of chicken pieces and onions in red wine (3,2,3) 2. Try to avoid (a problem) (5) 4. Oil-fuelled light with a glass

chimney for outdoor use (9,4) 5. Highly valued (5) 6. Agreement (7) 7. Scuttler (4) 8. One gazing intently (6) 13. Mexican Pacific resort (8) 15. Until now (4,3) 16. Band worn for decoration (6) 18. Language group of southern Africa (5) 20. Flashy (5) 21. Netting (4)

7 2 4 9 2 6 5 7 1 3 4 9 5 6


4 9


And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

7 6 2 5 9 7 1 2 7 3 3 6 4 9 6 7 4 3

House and Building Plot For Sale in San Miguel

6 5 4 1 1 3 6 1 5 7

1 8 3 4 5 3 5 6 1 2 7 5



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3 8 9 1 4 4 7 1 8 9 8 6 2 5

Find the answers to these puzzles on our website

Detached villa of 3 double bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with a modern but rustic feel, on a 350m2 plot, finished to a high specification with quality materials, and amazing views. The property consists of: Large open plan lounge and dining room of 48m2 with 2 sets of patio doors to garden and terrace, Fully fitted modern kitchen with white shaker style units and all appliances, Large master double bedroom with ‘walk in’ wardrobes, and en-suite bathroom with Thermostatic shower panel with body jets and waterfall shower, Second large double bedroom with patio doors to garden and terrace, Third good size double bedroom, Family bathroom with large bath, luxury rainfall shower, and heated towel rails. Outside: Large parking area with motion sensitive lighting, Flat gardens and terraces with amazing views, and outdoor store room. Urban plot of 882m2 with permission to build two houses up to 200m2 each. The land is flat and ready to build on with all permissions.

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Service Point

24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

property for rent


construction (Cont).

car rentals PARQUE DEL CONDE Two bedroom apartment. Community swimming pool. Large terrace. 700€ per month

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43 CW

garden furniture

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to advertise here call 822 14 15 17

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Service point

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17

Elite Cleaning Services is an established cleaning company who can provide a professional cleaning service for Apartments, Villas and Offices. Call us today on 922 789 795 or 696 922 597.




CW 44

Service Point

patio doors & windows

24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Pest control



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windows & doors


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

45 CW

CD Tenerife

A wake-up call for new CDT coach Sampedro LUIS César Sampedro made his debut as Tenerife coach with an emphatic defeat against Elche, who have won six of their last seven home games.

Tenerife were thrashed in a game which, except for a few brief moments, barely showed their desire to secure the win which would have moved them out of the relegation battle, which they are well and truly in now. Elche, on the other hand, came out positively, and this win lifts all the pressure off them as they now have 53 points and mathematical safety in Liga 1 2 3. It was a victory dedicated to their coach, Pacheta, after the recent death of his sister. Despite Tenerife’s greater need, Elche started the match strongly with three warning shots in the first 10 minutes, from Yacine Qasmi, Alexander and Javi Flores. After that initial onslaught, Tenerife had a small phase of greater possession, but they created half-chances only, which hardly disturbed the home team’s goal. In fact, they forced just one save from Edgar Badia, when Coniglio

Elche CF 3 CD Tenerife 0

shot from a corner. The Valencians fought back, took over possession, then opened the scoring with a fine, solo effort from Josan, 20 yards out, who scored with a superb rightfoot shot, beating keeper Dani Fernández at the far post after 26 minutes. Tenerife tried desperately to up their game, but couldn’t find a way to gain superiority over their rivals.

For the rest of the half, CDT showed an intensity, and a game inferior to what was required by their delicate league position. They could have gone to the break with greater punishment, when ex-blanquiazul Nino should have scored Elche’s second with a shot in the area, which, fortunately, Dani caught. Elche also began the second half quickly, and Javi Flores

finished a good passage of play with a forced shot in the area, the ball just going wide of the post. Tenerife responded with two clear opportunities. Naranjo crashed the ball on to the crossbar with a powerful 20yard shot, and, moments, later he made a solo run and crossed a good ball to Borja Lasso, whose leftfooted shot was deflected wide.

Rugby League star fighting for his life BRITISH Rugby League star Jansin Turgut is fighting for his life, after toppling from the car park of a major Spanish airport last week. The 23-year-old, former Salford Red Devils player, suffered “very serious” head injuries after falling from the third storey at Ibiza airport. He was rushed to the Nuestra Senora del Rosario Clinic at around 3am in a

critical condition. It was not clear whether he had just arrived or was leaving Ibiza. A Spanish police source

told the Daily Star: “We can confirm it is Turgut, and he is in a very serious state. There is nothing more that we can

say at the moment. We are looking into the incident and talking with his family.” A source added: “A full report will be passed on to an investigating judge. At this stage, the incident is not being treated as a crime.” The former England academy captain was sacked by the Red Devils in early April, following a disciplinary hearing. Ian Blease, director of rugby operations, later revealed he had been suspended for, allegedly, breaching club protocol.

Sampedro made two attacking changes, bringing on Tyronne and Nano for Borja Lasso and Coniglio, and home coach Pacheta, faced with a big Tenerife presence in midfield, replaced Karim Azamoum with Xavi Torres. At this point, Tenerife had their best moments of the match and seemed to be getting back into the game. But that all changed in the 68th minute. Camille committed a dubious foul on Ivan Sanchez, when the midfielder went past him into the box, and the referee had no hesitation in pointing to the penalty spot. Xavi Torres, who had been on the pitch for just a few minutes, stepped up and scored with a tight shot that Dani reached with a hand, but couldn’t save. With 20 minutes left, Tenerife did little, at least, to salvage a point from the Martinez Valero. A Nano shot grazed the post, and Tyronne had a half-chance, gathered easily by Elche goalkeeper Edgar Badia, although a pretty good penalty appeal for a foul on Tyronne wasn’t given. But with the match already won, Nacho Gil closed the scoring by making it 3-0 in the 87th minute. The Valencian received a through-ball from Yacine Qasmi, and beat Dani with a left-footed shot to the far post. Game over, with two minutes left on the clock. Tenerife now find themselves in deep trouble. With Lugo beating Deportivo 1-0 and moving above them, Tenerife are now languishing in 18th place, only two points ahead of Rayo Majadahonda, with three games left to play. Mathematically, it’s still between five teams, but, realistically, it’s four because Extremadura have a fourpoint safety net. New coach Sampedro now has three “cup finals”, against Oviedo, Lugo, and Zaragoza, to steer Tenerife to safety, and it looks like this season is going down to the wire.

CW 46


24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

Formula 1

Lauda flew to three F1 titles and to Tenerife, in his plane! NIKE Lauda, Formula 1’s triple world champion, passed away on Tuesday at the age of 70, having survived a horrendous crash when battling for his second successive title in 1976. Niki was loved by many on the circuit. He was also a non-executive president for Team Mercedes, and inspired current champion Lewis Hamilton to great

heights. According to family and friends, Niki was a viewed as a legend in the world of F1 racing, especially after surviving that crash, which saw him engulfed in flames, and breathing in toxic fumes. Austrian-born Niki also gained respect after becoming a great entrepreneur, and he owned various airlines, including Lauda Air and Laudamotion. His claim to fame here in the Canaries was when he flew his own Lauda Air Boeing 737 to

Watch this week’s major sporting events at the following venues:

Tenerife South Airport, on 23rd April 1986 on the maiden flight, leaving Vienna for Gran Canaria, and then on to Tenerife. When Niki landed in Tenerife South Airport, he was dressed in his normal, everyday clothes, and not in airline attire. As he left the plane, he said that flying was actually easier than piloting a Formula 1 car. He then went on to say that motor sport was more complex and difficult, and could force the person piloting the car to become extremely competitive. Lauda then spent a few relaxing days here, and he returned to Tenerife on 2nd December that same year, accompanied by tour operators, promoting the island for the oncoming summer season.

He gave another interview to the local press, saying that Tenerife had great tourism potential, and that since he’d retired from racing, he had been ploughing his efforts into the tourist industry. On 2nd December, Lauda spoke to the press, saying: “Sometimes,

we have to change; we cannot always be playing around with our life. “That is why I decided to create the airline in 1978, and, thankfully, slowly but surely, it’s growing. Two years passed, and I had to decide whether I was going to continue with

Formula 1, or give my all to the company. I chose the company, and here we are today. As well as his great escape from death on the track, he had built up a great rivalry with Britain’s James Hunt, who won the title the year of Niki’s death-defying crash.

Hamilton-Bottas turn it on again in Monaco

MERCEDES looked in imperious form yesterday (Thursday) in Free Practice 2 for the Monaco Grand Prix, F1 champ Lewis Hamilton and team-mate Valtteri Bottas running around seven-tenths faster than anyone else.

Arch-rival Sebastian Vettel pushed hard in the afternoon session, but the Ferrari remained a distant third, with Pierre Gasly carrying the Red Bull banner in fourth, after problems side-lined team-mate Max Verstappen for much of the session. There were no serious incidents during FP2, but there was a narrow escape for Vettel, who almost went nose-first into the metal barriers at SaintDevote, after locking-up into

the first corner. Conditions for the afternoon session remained dry and bright with intermittent sunshine. However, the clouds prevented the track temperatures from rising to the normal levels expected from the Mediterranean coast, in late May. But that never proved a barrier for F1’s top two drivers, who will surely pose the same questions they have asked in the opening Grands Prix. 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019


47 CW

CW 48

Advertisement 24th May 2019 - 30th May 2019

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