CW issue 1121

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13th - 19th September 2019

Issue 1121

Deadly scorpion shocks an Adeje family at home 1 CW

13th - 19th September 2019

A DEADLY scorpion was discovered inside the rucksack of a young girl, which she had used on her family holiday to Morocco. Continued on Page 3

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13th - 19th September 2019

Money in the Bank or Money in a Bond, make an informed choice The majority of us keep money in a bank account, why? Because it is easy, relatively secure, and easily accessible. There is also a deposit protection scheme in place which covers the amount in your bank account up to €100,000 or £85,000. So far, so good? This means that if a bank or building society cannot meet its obligations and subsequently fails, or becomes insolvent, the maximum compensation you will receive will be £85,000 or £170,000 for a joint account (husband and wife). What about growth on your savings? Returns are not good, interest rates are hardly inflation beating and your hard earned cash is not really being put to work for you. In fact, the average savings account is paying less than 1% per year and some have reduced to 0.2 or 0.1% So how does this look in reality? Consider this:

£20,000 in an average savings account with a gross interest rate of 1% will pay £20,000 at 1% per annum equalling £200 per year before tax

What is the alternative? A Spanish Tax Compliant Bond Setting up a Spanish tax compliant bond is no more difficult than setting up a bank account. Once you have invested you have easy access to your money: regular and one-off withdrawals, to suit your needs.

The returns over the last few years have been: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 6.80% 6.88% 9.48% 5.85% 8.68% 5.5% The growth on a Spanish tax compliant bond is free of tax until a withdrawal is made. Even then only the growth is subject to tax. Any tax due is paid directly to the Hacienda and no Modelo 720 declaration is required for holders of this kind of bond. The bond can also be held jointly so there should be no liability to succession tax on the first death. The bond is backed by an AA rated financial institution which is subject to a strict legal and regulatory environment, to European Law, and having to comply with all applicable European directives and regulations and to meet European solvency margins. Under EU law, assets are to be used to repay policy holders should the company be wound up. Please remember that not all bonds are Spanish tax compliant. If you would like further information about the Spanish tax compliant bond, please give us a call for a no obligation chat. Sebastian & St James International Financial Advisers Limited: advice based on integrity, trust and experience.


13th - 19th September 2019

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Youngster tried to rape worker at minor’s centre A WOMAN, working at a La Laguna care home for unaccompanied foreign minors, has reported an attempted rape by a youngster at the centre.

The incident happened on 19th August, at around 3.30am, and she reported the 17-year-old Moroccan to the police, shortly after he attempted to molest her. The previous day, the youngster was reported to have had a violent episode, smashing up furniture as well

Continued from Front

Creature’s poison sting kills 60% of its victims Her parents came across the poisonous creature, known as an arachnid, as they were emptying her bag, and preparing material for the youngster on her return to school after the summer holidays. After getting over the shock, they reported their terrifying discovery to the Canarian emergency services, via a 112 call to their 24-hour emergency line. The telephonist, who took the call, passed the information on to the Neotropical Foundation, and the family’s description of the venomous scorpion caused major concern to officials there.

That’s because this particular species (Androctonus mauretanicus), identified by a fat tail, is recognised for its high toxicity. In fact, it is the deadliest of scorpions in Morocco, responsible for up to 60% of deaths, caused by the creature’s stings. Fortunately, though, the call was made in time and no nasty incidents were reported by the Adeje family. Within an hour of receiving the emergency notification, the conservation Foundation, using a specific protocol, retrieved the scorpion safely, and it is now being cared for by its staff.

as throwing seats across the unit. A few hours afterwards, the teenager was seen with another minor in the communal area. It was late, and, when asked by members of staff why they were in the communal area, they were told it was because the young men couldn’t sleep. According to sources, the victim accompanied them to their rooms and waited around until one of the individuals was asleep. She then convinced the older youngster to return to his room. The accused, in a statement, said he was under the impression that the carer was making an effort to say goodbye. He also said she had explained that she was going on holiday, and it would be a while before they saw each other again. When the carer lent towards the individual to give him two kisses, the Moroccan started to smother her, all over the face and neck, The carer tried, instinctively, to free herself, but was held firmly while the young man began to touch her, inappropriately, all over her body, specifically in intimate areas.

According to sources, the woman was already vulnerable, having recently had surgery on her arms, which meant she had little strength to fight him off. The carer told officers that she had to bite the young man’s arm to try to free herself. But in doing so, the teenager told her, mockingly, to bite his neck instead. Her struggle with the attacker continued, but he managed to get the carer into his room, eventually. Fortunately, another

youngster at the centre woke up, which stopped the teenager in his tracks. The carer then left the room to return to the communal area, only to be followed by her attacker. To her amazement, he continued to assault her again, sexually, which is when she began to scream to raise attention. The centre director was made aware of the situation and informed the police immediately. The young Moroccan is in police custody at present.

Gran Canaria secures a Unesco Heritage site

FROM German waterways to the ruins of Babylon, there was stiff competition to secure a place on the updated list of cultural heritage sites.

And included this year is Gran Canaria’s picturesque Risco Caído and the Sacred Mountains. Risco Caído, in a vast mountainous area in the centre of the island, displays cliffs, ravines and volcanic formations, in a landscape

of rich biodiversity. It also features a large number of troglodyte settlements, habitats, granaries and cisterns, whose age is proof of the presence of a preHispanic culture on the island. It has evolved in isolation, from the arrival of North African Berbers, around the beginning of our era, until the first Spanish settlers in the 15th century. Spain has now achieved a total of 48 World Heritage sites, surpassed only by China and Italy.

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Arona offering almost €500,000 in study aid ARONA residents have until 24th September to apply for special education grants, for university or higher education studies, music and transportation.

The offer, which has a total of 492,000 euros available, also includes subsidies for the extracurricular activities, implemented by AMPAS. Arona Town Hall’s Education Department, led by Councillor Yurena García, has named the deadline for requesting study grants for the new 2019/2020 academic year, which will benefit more

13th - 19th September 2019

than 1,040 families. Successful applicants will be able to enjoy the various subsidies to fund the cost of school transport (120,000 euros in vouchers), university studies or higher music (275,000 euros) and special education (66,000 euros), as well as aid for eligible AMPAS development activities in the municipality (31,000 euros). Arona Mayor José Julián Mena said: “We continue our important commitment to the education of Arona residents, putting in place all the necessary resources that determine real support for families, facilitating the development of the youth of our municipality.” He added: “We know it is a

fundamental and necessary investment, and is within our priorities, and we are also working to ensure that everyone knows about these grants, so they can apply for them within the given time period.” Yurena García stressed: “This type of aid is essential for many families. It is an education investment that involves the relief in the day-to-day schedule of many mothers and fathers, who make a great effort to ensure that their children can continue with their studies. “Our young people are the future of Arona, so it is gratifying to be able to provide aid that guarantees their formation.”

La Gomera’s annual day of remembrance ON Wednesday, 11th September, many residents remembered one of the worst tragedies of all in the Canary Islands, which happened in La Gomera, 35 years ago.

For most of them, the terrible incident felt like yesterday, yet 3½ decades have passed, and the forest fire La Gomera suffered is still registered today as one of Spain’s greatest human tragedies, with the most fatalities caused by a forest fire ever known in the country. Every year, since 1984, the La Gomera Cabildo remember the tragedy, in which 20 people lost their lives. A special remembrance ceremony is held at Roque de Agando, and flowers are placed in memory of the victims. A special monument was erected in 1984, next to Roque de Agando, on which the names of the 20 victims are inscribed.

Crash sparks TF-1 jam

AN accident on the TF-1 motorway in the Fañabe area last Sunday brought traffic to a sudden halt.

A car travelling southbound, which turned over and crashed on to the hard shoulder, was taken away by a pick-up truck because it had been immobilised. But the incident caused large traffic jams, and many drivers were stuck in queues for up to an hour. The woman driver involved in the accident, who, surprisingly, suffered minor injuries only, was treated at a nearby hospital.

Violent, knife-wielding thief performed locally

A MAN from Las Galletas, arrested by the Guardia Civil, was charged with violent robberies at specific companies in nearby El Fraile and Costa del Silencio. In total, four crimes were committed, and all appeared to follow the same modus operandi. The robberies took place at the end of the day, as the businesses were closing up. The 28-year-old attacker approached employees from behind, taking them by surprise, and then using

violence and intimidation. According to the victims, he was armed with a knife and wielded it in an intimidating manner, while demanding the daily takings from the employees. Wisely, they always agreed to the attacker’s demands without resistance, to avoid being stabbed with the knife,

or injured in any way. As soon as the thief had what he wanted, he left the premises promptly. The estimated sum he had stolen was thought to be around €12,000. After being arrested, he was presented before the judicial authorities and is awaiting a prison sentence.


13th - 19th September 2019

Fourth general election may be on way, unless Sanchez risks solo path

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Missing pensioner turns up in squatters’ building

SPANISH voters might have to go to the polls, again, after talks between the PSOE and Podemos broke down on Monday night.

If caretaker Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez cannot win a parliamentary vote on forming a new government by 23rd September, a general election will be called for 10th November, even though the PSOE leader wants to go it alone. After nearly four hours of talks, Adriana Lastra, from the Sanchez negotiating team, said: “There isn’t a path to reach an agreement, and we don’t see an exit from this situation.” Pablo Echnenique, a leading Podemos negotiator, said Spain was now definitively heading towards early elections. “The Socialists aren’t moving from their position of forming a government by themselves, as if they had an absolute majority,” he added. No plans have been made

Juan Diego Pérez González

for future talks, but Sánchez and his PSOE socialist party must be tearing their hair out after winning the most seats at last Sunday’s general election, but are left short of an outright majority. The acting Prime Minister totalled 123 votes, far more than any of his rivals, but fewer than the 140 he sought. He actually needed 176 to be clear, yet the results gained by the main right-wing parties mean he has little risk of being trumped by a coalition agreement between them. That could persuade him to go it alone, and Sánchez said after the latest elections that he would attempt to govern

without a coalition. He fears that being held hostage to the individual demands of other parties would leave him in a weak position. His PSOE supporters have already demonstrated in the street, calling for their party of choice to resist any temptation to form a pact with Ciudadanos, which would give him a full majority. His most likely path back to the presidency, if he agrees, would be to join forces with left-wing Podemos, which has gone from being Spain’s third-largest political power to fourth, dropping from 72 seats to 42.

Crime rate in the Canaries goes up

THE crime rate in the Canaries has risen in the Canaries by 6.4% in the first six months of the year, compared with the same 2018 period.

All the collective police authorities across the Canary Islands have received these figures, revealing some 47,148 reports of criminal offences. In Tenerife, between January and June 3.4% (20,348), criminal offences were registered in this period. And the rates are also up elsewhere: on Gran Canaria 9.2% (19,023), Lanzarote 1.3% (3,373) Fuerteventura 13.2% (3,161), La Palma 9,1% (887) La Gomera 37,5% (165) and El Hierro 30.0% (91). The two largest cities across the

archipelago closed these first six months with criminal offences rising 10% more than last year, Gran Canaria’s Las Palmas topping Tenerife with 8,216. Despite the overall crime growth, however, statistics in the Canary Islands during those six months show a decrease in more serious crimes. Homicides and murders were reduced by 50%, from 18 to nine, sexual assaults with penetration fell 34.6% (52 to 34), drug-trafficking cases fell 13.4% (359 to 311), forced entry with robbery at homes or establishments decreased 22.9% (2,704 to 2,085), as well as robberies with violence or intimidation, which also decreased 2.6% (from 732 to 713). The figures were release from the Spain’s Home Office.

LOCAL Police, based in Granadilla, have found the pensioner who was reported missing at the start of the month.

Juan Diego Pérez González, 73, was discovered at a wellknown San Isidro building, used by squatters. A neighbour told police that an elderly, naked man, seemingly disorientated, fitted the description provided and was in the El Barco building, as it is known by locals. The Local Police soon found him inside the apartment

block on the first floor, and he was wearing just a vest. It was apparent to officers that he was disorientated, so an ambulance was requested to assist him. And, as they awaited it, they began to clean up the area, getting rid of the rubbish and removing furniture to make it easy to access the apartment. In the process, they came across his clothes and shoes, and helped him dress before the medical team arrived. When they did, the pensioner was taken to San Isidro’s medical centre promptly for observation.

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13th - 19th September 2019

Woman biker killed after hitting barrier A FEMALE motorbiker aged 25, died on Wednesday afternoon in a traffic accident on the TF-21 insular road, connecting Teide National park and the La Orotava valley.

Witnesses said the woman, from El Sauzal, failed to lean on the bend, and, instantly, crashed into a concrete protection barrier on the

road, suffering a heart attack as a result of the impact. The emergency services, which included an ambulance and a medical helicopter, as well as various Guardia Civil officers, arrived at the scene just before 7pm. Unfortunately, all they could they could do was certify her death. This year, several people have lost their lives on roads across the archipelago, specifically Tenerife, because of the high number of traffic accidents.

Guardia officer is toddler life-saver A GUARDIA Civil officer, working at Tenerife North Airport, acted swiftly on Monday afternoon over an incident involving a two-year-old toddler. The officer was told that a little girl, travelling with both parents, was in urgent need of medical attention. The family were about to board their flight when, suddenly, the toddler began choking on something, which caused her breathing difficulties. She then fell into a semi-conscious state, through lack of oxygen. When the officer arrived, the child was lying on the floor, surrounded by a group of people, as well as her

parents. He cleared the onlookers immediately, and, instinctively, carried out the Heimlich procedure, Before long, the toddler’s airways were cleared, and, little by little, she began to regain consciousness, leaving the parents eternally grateful for the Guardia’s quick-thinking, which saved their daughter’s life.

Arsonists are blazing menace

ARSONISTS, who wrecked 17 vehicles, forced up to 50 residents from their homes in the early hours of last Tuesday in Malaga.

Emergency services evacuated an apartment block in the resort town of Torre del Mar, after a fire was started at around 3.30am. A 31-year-old man had to be treated in hospital because of the fire. The arson horror began at 2.30am on

Tuesday, after a motorcycle parking lot was found alight in the Paz neighbourhood. An hour later, a motorcycle and work van were set ablaze in the Heroes de Sostoa district. Two motorcycles and a Nissan SUV were later found burning in the Torcal neighbourhood. In all, 13 motorcycles and six cars were set on fire over the course of the night. But residents of the apartment block were later allowed to return home, after emergency services put out the blaze.

Mobile phone rescue App proves its worth A NEW mobile phone App, linking users to the 112 emergency hotline, has already proved highly effective, as a recent rescue on the famous Camino de Santiago pilgrims’ route demonstrated.

Firefighters from the Auritz (Burguete) station, in the land-locked northern region of Navarra, located a lost hiker who, exhausted from going around in circles, was stuck in a hard-to-reach forest area, near the Ibañeta village. But he had downloaded the App ‘My112’, and the emergency services were able to trace his exact location. They were contacted by SOS Navarra at around 4.22pm last Monday to say that a walker, on the popular 1,000-year-old route, had lost his way on the border stage, between St-Jean-de-Pie de Port-Orreaga, southern France, and Roncesvalles in Navarra. The “pilgrim”, from the Aragón area of Zaragoza, said he had fallen over a few times and twisted his ankle. But, by hitting the ‘Emergency’ icon on ‘My112’, the exact co-ordinates of where

he was based were flagged up. These were given to fire brigade officials, so they knew they had to send out a 4x4 vehicle, and take climbing equipment to scramble down the steep hill, into the dense forest. But the lost hiker, still able to walk, was redirected on to the NA-2033 highway, which led to Ibañeta town and the Espinal holiday park, where he was able to get a bed for

the night before continuing the next day. While attending to the Zaragoza man, the fire brigade was already on site when, just over an hour later, they were called to help a Colombian walker, who had sprained his ankle. But had the original trekker not been traced so quickly, thanks to the App, emergency services would not have been on hand to find the injured man.

Hospital hammer man even warned the staff A MAN aged 29, who already has a criminal record, has been charged by the National Police with threatening behaviour at a hospital emergency room in La Laguna.

He was arrested and charged with threatening staff and patients with a hammer at the hospital’s emergency waiting room, causing panic with everyone in the area. He entered the waiting room, shouting at staff and patients around him, and waving the hammer in a manner which suggested he wanted to attack something… or someone! The people in the waiting area were quickly removed by the medical team, including the security officers,

to another area of the hospital to ensure their safety. The National Police, who had already been notified, were at the scene within minutes. Officers spoke with the hospital staff and security guards before they found

the troublesome man. He was quickly detained by officers, who then took him to their National Police station for further questioning. Fortunately, no one was injured, thanks to their rapid response. 13th - 19th September 2019


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Advertisement 13th - 19th September 2019


13th - 19th September 2019

A GRANDMOTHER felt sure she was going to die, after being thrown from a camel and attacked by the creature on a holiday excursion in Fuerteventura.

Karen Saccone was stamped on and kicked by one camel, before another one joined in the attack, on a Fuerteventura beach. The 61-year-old suffered serious injuries, including a fractured pelvis, five broken ribs and a collapsed lung, as well as severe problems with a knee. She spent a week in hospital on the Island after the incident, in June 2017. The grandma was then transferred back to the UK, where she spent another week in the East Midlands Major Trauma Centre at Queen’s Medical Centre, in Nottingham. Karen, describing how the horrific incident unfolded, said: “I thought I’d treat myself, because I’d never been on a camel ride before and I wanted to experience it. “But everything happened in such a blur. I had, literally, just bought the camel ride and sat on the chair when the camel went to stand up. During the process of doing

Grandma’s horrific injuries, caused by two vicious camels

so, it threw the chair forward and I couldn’t stop myself from falling. “I was being dragged around the beach, and the next thing I knew was that the camel, and another being held by the owner, started kicking and stamping on me. “I knew my ribs had been broken because I couldn’t breathe properly. I thought I was going to die, and I honestly thought I would

never again see my daughter or grand-daughter. She added: “It was like a nightmare. It never leaves me and has changed my life forever, both mentally and physically.” Now, more than two years after the attack, Karen, of Cavendish, Derby, continues to suffer from the injuries, undergoing knee surgery last May. But solicitors from Irwin

Stabbed teenagers were left bleeding TWO teenagers, aged 16 and 17, were left bleeding badly last Monday night in Gran Canaria, after being stabbed.

The incident happened in Santa Lucia de Titajana, in Calle Tiagua, and the emergency services were called just after 10pm. An ambulance was requested by a caller, who

said they needed medical attention. The first youngster to receive assistance had suffered stab wounds to his arms. He was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital to receive further treatment. His companion, who had several wounds to his body, was also taken to the hospital for treatment. Guardia Civil officers have been investigating the matter.

Mitchell have now secured an admission of liability from the insurers of the camelexcursion provider. Karen added: “It is hard to emphasise just how much of an impact this incident has had on me. Everything that happened was incredibly traumatic. “It is terrible to think that I have needed surgery, relating to the problems caused by the incident, two years on.

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“I don’t know if I will ever be able to come to terms with what happened, but news of the admission of liability is very welcome, and I hope it is a step towards me being able to continue to access vital treatment and support. “I also hope no one else ever has to face what I am going through. I would also like to say a massive thanks to the holiday rep, who went above and beyond to visit me every day in hospital.” Kaz Khan, an international, serious-injury specialist at Irwin Mitchell, said: “This case revolves around a truly shocking incident, which continues to affect Karen to this day. “Excursion companies have a duty of care to ensure customers can enjoy trips and activities in a safe environment, and, on this occasion, the excursionprovider failed to keep Karen safe. “While nothing will change what occurred, we are pleased to have secured an admission of liability from the insurers of the company involved. “We will continue to support Karen, to help her access ongoing treatment and support. We are hopeful that our efforts will mean that lessons are learned, so that the issues seen in this case are not repeated.”

Runaway gunman in hiding

NATIONAL Police are still hunting for a gunman, believed to be responsible for shooting a neighbour to death on the Costa del Sol on Monday. The 53-year-old Spaniard who is, reportedly, familiar with his victim, has gone on the run after the Fuengirola murder, at around 6.40pm. Several neighbours dialled the 112 emergency service to report the sound of gunshots in the Los Nucleos area, right by the fairground. Medical staff were rushed to the scene, alongside police, but there was nothing they could do to save the man. Police say they have yet to find a motive.

CW 10


13th - 19th September 2019

Motorists, beware a ‘cure’ to ease that awful misery

DRIVERS, often unaware of certain medication that can lead to a positive test for alcohol or drugs at the wheel, could be handed a 1,000-euro fine and a six-point loss on their licence in Spain.

Everyone gets a cold now and again. But next time, motorists who suffer those coughs and sneezes should remember to think twice when they need to drive. Taking such drugs as ibuprofen, anxiolytics (anti-anxiety pills), cough suppressants, antihistamines, muscle relaxants, antiepileptics, antiparkinsonians

or antidepressants, to ease your misery, could prove costly if you are stopped by police. Be aware that these drugs can affect your ability to drive, and their effects can be confused with those of cocaine, cannabis, barbiturates or amphetamines. The Spanish Medicine Agency says there are 5,000 medicines and drugs that can reduce the ability to drive. But most motorists do not know that they can be fined for driving under the influence of these medications, if they don’t have the correct prescription. Most are also unaware of the warning symbol or pictogram on medication boxes, indicating that that are incompatible with driving.

Any chance of a few bob? NEW Government figures have revealed that over the last decade, the number of Spanish “superricos” millionaires has grown extensively. In 2017, Spain had 611 “superrich” individuals: taxpayers whose reported wealth was more than €30m. Tax Agency data identifies this as a 74% increase on 2011, when this exclusive group counted just 352 people among its ranks. It was the same year in which former Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero brought back property tax, as Spain was hit by economic crisis. In the same period, the number of millionaires, with a wealth of over €1.5m, also swelled by 35%, to 60,337. But while the number of Spain’s super-rich has grown in the last decade, the poor have become poorer! Meanwhile, the estates of Spain’s 202,400 most-well-off taxpayers, who pay wealth tax, totalled €669bn, which was a 55% surge compared with eight years ago. Even more impressive is the 110% increase since 2011, in the total combined wealth, of those in the €30m-plus category.

Cod.............................................€5.50 Haddock.................................€6.00 Chips (reg)..............................€3.00 Chips (large).........................€5.50 Scampi and chips.................€8.50 Fish cake.................................€2.60 Jumbo sausage.....................€2.60 Savaloy....................................€2.60 Giant battered mushrooms with black garlic mayo................ €4.00 Spam fritters........................€2.00 Fritters/scallops...............€1.00 Bread roll..............................€1.50 mushy peas.............................€1.50 curry sauce...........................€1.50 gravy........................................€1.50 heinz beans............................€1.50 Pickles......................................€1.00 dips.............................................€1.00 Kids menu fish & chips.............................€6.00 fish bites & chips.................€6.00 sausage & chips...................€5.00 chicken bites & chips........€5.00 small cone of chips..........€2.00

However, this year’s Tax Agency figures will again raise questions over the lenient policies Madrid has on its super-rich. Madrid’s capital is the only Spanish autonomous community where taxpayers do not pay “estate tax”, which deprives the public coffers of €955.6m a year. The good news for the rich

Pies all steak................................. €4.00 steak & kidney...................... €4.00 chicken & mushroom........ €4.00 Chicken balti........................ €4.00 cornish pasty....................... €4.00 meat & potato....................... €4.00 cheese & onion.................... €4.00 steak pudding...................... €4.00 mince & onion....................... €4.00 steak & ale............................. €4.00 sausage roll......................... €3.50 Jacket potatoes butter...................................... €3.50 cheese....................................... €4.50 Coleslaw................................ €4.50 tuna.......................................... €4.50 beans......................................... €4.50 extra fillings...................... €1.50

comes against a backdrop of a stark inequality, the net wealth of Spain’s poorest 50% having decreased by 4% since 2008, according to the Oxfam Intermon report. By the way, Amancio Ortega, founder of Inditex fashion retailers, is Spain’s richest man, and the world’s fourth wealthiest… with a fortune of around €62bn!

mars & snickers...................€2.50 full chicken.........................€8.50 half chicken ........................€4.70 Chicken bites........................€4.50 Chicken burger...................€4.80 Doner meat & chips............€6.50 Doner meat & salad...........€6.00 Doner burger.......................€5.90 Cheeseburger.......................€4.80 scotch corner black/white pudding.......€7.00 haggis supper.......................€7.00 battered sausage..............€2.60 battered burger.................€3.20 pizza crunch........................€3.50 king rib supper.....................€7.00 munchy box.........................€25.00

Chips, onion rings, doner meat, pizza crunch, single sausage, single hamburger, chicken bites, 2 buttered rolls, curry sauce, gravy and 2 cans of juice.

Drinks Soft drinks............................€1.50 Water........................................€1.30 beer............................................€2.50 13th - 19th September 2019


11 CW

CW 12


13th - 19th September 2019

Man ‘shot dead’ his 82-year-old mother Ceremonial dress meeting for King and Ambassador

HUGH Elliott, the new British Ambassador to Spain, presented his credentials to King Felipe VI, officially, at a formal audience in Madrid last week, and they both wore ceremonial dress for the occasion. The meeting occurred during a key week for the Brexit process, which, outside the politics of Westminster, had seen both UK and Spanish Governments make reassuring moves to support the protection of British expat rights.

POLICE have arrested a man, believed to have killed his mother with a shotgun when she threw herself in front of him as he took aim at his sister. The mum, named only as Pepi, was a housewife and life-long resident in the Malaga district of Puerto de la Torre. The incident happened last week, and witnesses say the victim was shot when she came between the brother and sister. She was hit twice, once in the abdomen and once in the head. “He was going for the sister, who ran away,” said one neighbour. The arrested man, a security guard, is said by police to have had a firearms certificate and was a keen clay-pigeon shooter. Emergency services were called at 1pm, but there was nothing medics could do to save the victim. The alleged killer, aged 50, is the eldest of three siblings, who shared the house with

his mother. According to one of them, his mother had told him just a week ago that she was scared, and that she was afraid that the eldest of her children would do something to her because he wasn’t taking his medication for the schizophrenia he seemed to have been suffering from for some time. But she refused to go to police. This is the third recent alleged parricide in Malaga. The other two occurred in July, barely 24 hours apart. In one case, a 45-yearold woman was arrested for, allegedly, beating her 71-year-old father to death and stabbing her mother. The attack took place in a house in the La Union area, where the two victims lived. Similarly, a 24-yearold man was alleged to have stabbed his father to death in El Limonar, and fled in a bus after the assault. But he was located and arrested shortly after by Local Police.


13th - 19th September 2019

Spanish theme park set to hit the heights

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Man, 24, wanted parents to offer financial support A SPANISH man, who attempted to force his parents to pay him financial support, some six years after he moved out, has lost a civil case.

EUROPE’S top theme park, according to TripAdvisor, receives more than two million annual visitors, despite having no rides… and Spain is about to find out why.

The famous French theme park Puy Du Fou has opened a second site on the outskirts of Toledo. And Puy du Fou Espana is modelled on its French counterpart, ranked the second-most-popular theme park in France, after Disneyland Paris. The park attracts two million visitors every year, with historical, set-piece reenactments, featuring Viking ship battles and warring kings, all set in the Middle Ages. From 2021, visitors to Spain’s latest theme park will be

able to enjoy the El Sueno de Toledo performance, which is based on 1,500 years of Spanish history. Puy Du Fou has activities for everyone to enjoy, and, while spread across 30 hectares, Puy du Fou Espana will put on four shows daily, within epic sets featuring castles and colosseums. The new park, just an hour from Madrid, will also have a huge mediaeval village, with shops and restaurants, along with two further settlements to explore. For now, though, guests can visit on Fridays and Saturdays only. France’s Puy du Fou, which first opened in 1978, has received five stars on TripAdvisor from over 14,000 reviews. The amusement park has also been voted the Best Theme Park in Europe, as well as the world’s fifth-best Theme Park.

The 24-year-old told a judge in Barcelona that his divorced parents should pay for his upkeep, because he had decided to go back to school and did not have the time to support himself by working. However, the court rejected his claim, telling him: “You must accept the responsibilities that come with your decisions.” In a ruling, the appellate court said that he ceased to be under the unconditional protection of his parents, after turning 18 and moving out. Additionally, the judge said: “His own decision to go back to school should have taken into account his chances of balancing these studies with the work necessary for his own upkeep.” According to respected daily newspaper El Pais, his parents split up when he was still under age, and he lived

with both in their respective homes. At the age of 18 he was not studying anything, despite having signed up for a vocational training course. He was not working, either, and the money he r eceived from a study scholarship was, reportedly, spent on a tattoo. When his father put pressure on him to either find work or focus on his studies, the young man decided to move in with his paternal grandparents. A lower court, which first heard his case, heard how

the man had signed up as a job-seeker, just a few days before the hearing. He had also enrolled in a business administration course, which included an internship at a company. He claimed his parents should cover his food expenses because he was studying, and that his grandparents should not be forced to cough up. But both the lower and the appellate court agreed that no relative could be expected to maintain the illusions or expectations of someone who is an adult.

CW 14


‘Wildfires’ woman is held,then freed on €10,000 bail

A WOMAN has been released on a €10,000 bail, after being arrested over a trio of wildfires in Marbella.

The 59-year-old Spaniard, who has no criminal record, is still being probed for an alleged forest crime. She denied all charges, after being handcuffed on Monday, while in possession of several lighters and “flammable material”. Police consulted two witnesses, who both claimed they saw the woman in the affected areas when the fires broke out. There was a fire on 22nd August near the Bello Horizonte urbanisation, forcing 40 homes to be evacuated. A week later, on 29th August, another blaze broke out in Los Monteros, not far from the Hospital Costa del Sol, with a third reported on 2nd September.

Sex offender David Wood

OUR apologies for missing out the vital word “no” in last week’s story about Sunderland sex-offender David Wood, who was jailed for six years, following offences to an under-age girl, 30 years ago. Canarian Weekly reported: “He longer presents a substantial risk towards children”. In fact, it should have read: “He no longer presents a substantial risk …”

13th - 19th September 2019

AN insider at the Tax Agency helped con foreign sports players out of €6.3m in total, in a scam run by three lawyers, which involved filing fraudulent claims for rebates in the names of high-profile sportsmen, who were residents in other countries.

A Madrid court, together with the public prosecutor for financial crimes, have busted a criminal organisation, which cheated foreign footballers and basketball players at Spanish clubs of potential income-tax refunds. All Spanish businesses deduct IRPF, as the levy is known, from their workers’ incomes, but foreigners who are not tax residents in Spain can claim back nearly half of this money by proving that they are living in another country. The scam worked by forging the signatures of the players, and submitting the necessary forms to Spain’s Tax Agency, to claim the funds owed to the sportspeople in question. The prosecutor’s written accusation said the scheme operated between 23rd February 2015 and November 28th 2016, and was able to defraud the €6.3m sum without the knowledge of the footballers and basketball players in question. Some of them had played for high-profile clubs such as Real Madrid and Barcelona. The scam was run by three lawyers, with the help of Leonor SánchezCaballero, a top official at the Spanish Tax Agency. She used her access to tax data to alert the lawyers to the foreign players, who had left Spanish teams without requesting their IRPF refund, either out of ignorance of the entitlement, or because they had forgotten to do so. The top tax official then provided the names and tax details of the players to her cohorts, who forged the players’ signatures and

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Gang of scammers raked in €6.3m by cheating top stars

completed the paperwork to request the refund. Investigation sources say the criminal network gave Sánchez-Caballero gifts, and paid for holidays to entice her into looking for potential victims. She became involved in the scam through her exhusband, Juan Ignacio Torrontegui. Together with Julio Lapausa Verdial and Manuel Val Jiménez, he is one of the three lawyers under investigation. According to prosecutors, the lawyers presented the Tax Agency with forged documentation to request the refunds. This included residency certificates and proof of the income-tax deducted by the sports clubs, as well as the bank details of where the

money should be paid. Sánchez-Caballero was in charge of studying the details of the players’ prior tax returns, so that the documentation would be as authentic as possible and not ring any alarm bells. On 23rd February 2015, the lawyers requested a tax refund of €94,700 by falsifying the signature of a sports player, who, in this case, was a UK tax resident. Later that year, another €209,896 was raked in by one of them, claiming to be a player, resident in Brazil. The network also falsified tax-residency certificates from Turkey, Uruguay, Russia, Portugal, France and Mexico, as well as tax withholding certificates from sports clubs such as Rayo Vallecano, Getafe and Mallorca.

To appropriate the money, the accused used signatures from sports consultancy firms Lapver and Star Athletes Society. The Madrid court and the public prosecutor for financial crimes have been investigating the scam for two years. In the written accusation, the prosecutor has called for each of the lawyers to be jailed for nine years, and for Sánchez-Caballero to be given 11 years and a fiveyear ban from public office. As well as jail time, the accused are also facing fines of more than €18m. The prosecutor has contacted those affected by the scam, who say they never requested the refund; nor do they know any of the members of the criminal network.

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chaf iras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Angela Jefferies, Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Mariano Zunino Siri, Martin Land, Sir Old Golfer. Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2019 Canarian Weekly


13th - 19th September 2019

15 CW

K3 Cocinas Y Maderas ‌ not just kitchens IF you thought K3 Cocinas Y Maderas only sold and fitted kitchens, you would be very wrong. Yes, they do sell and fit some major brands of kitchens, and, at the moment, have some fantastic offers. Take a look at their advert on page 47, in this week’s paper.

They also offer refurbishments, swimming pools, terraces, parquet flooring, pergolas, fitted wardrobes and bathrooms, and redesigning of rooms. K3 Cocinas Y Maderas is situated on the high street of Valle San Lorenzo, almost opposite the petrol station. The company has been trading for 20 years, and has a wealth of knowledge and expertise, for you to take advantage of. The staff speak English, and will help you from start to finish, regarding everything needed to make your home special and unique. Go and visit them at their shop, and obtain a quote, free of charge, or take a look at their website or Facebook page. They also offer a range of different finance options, to make that dream affordable!

Above: Beautiful inviting swimming pool. Below: From two rooms to a fabulous kitchen diner

Above: From a rubble dump to new paved flooring

Contact details: Ctra General No135, Valle San Lorenzo, 38626 Arona Tel: 922 722 087 Mobile: 695 830 025

CW 16


Spain leads Europe in electric-car sales SPAIN is leading the way in Europe in electric car sales, with a total of 166,905 new registrations in the first six months of the year, representing an 88.5% growth. The Association of European Automobile Constructors (ACEA) says that, in 2018, Spain showed the greatest growth in new electric-car sales out of Europe’s top five markets, with 5,452 vehicles, adding up to a 141.5% increase. In contrast, growth in cleanfuel vehicle sales was just 60.3% in the UK, 80.1% in Germany and 46% in France, with only Italy coming close, at 123.6%. Overall, in the second quarter of 2019, a total of 83,263 electric cars were sold in Europe, representing an 89.7% increase over the second quarter of 2018, when 43,900 were sold. Hybrid vehicle sales went down in Europe in the first half of this year, by 13.7%,

to 83,409, and by 22% in the second quarter, to 40,090. Despite the fall, the numbers of hybrid and 100%-electric cars being sold remain roughly equal, as hybrids are considered a convenient “insurance policy” against being unable to refuel, through lack of charging points. When choosing a new car, drivers are tending to opt for hybrid or electric, rather than petrol-powered vehicles, whose sales fell by 3.5% across the continent from January to June. But they still remain more popular than other forms of green fuel, with 128,421 newly-registered gas or ethanol cars sold in the first

half of 2019. Petrol remains the mostpurchased vehicle type, with their growth lower, at 2.2% across Europe, but with 4.9m cars sold straight off the forecourt. But diesel-driven cars have fallen from favour in Europe, with 17.1% fewer sold in the first six months of 2019. Yet they still outstripped electric, hybrid and gas sales, with 2.63m produced and sold. The main barriers to drivers seeking new cars and switching to electric are the cost of purchase, says ACEA, and concerns over whether they will find charging points in time. In Spain, though, local councils and regional

governments are making concerted efforts to overcome these two obstacles, with a recent upsurge in the number of chargers fitted in public places, mostly shopping centres, industrial estates or high streets. And grants are available for anyone opting to switch their petrol and diesel cars for electric. In the Valencia region, the public-sector business institute IVACE is offering grants to town halls, individuals, companies and freehold communities for up to 40% of the cost of fitting electric car chargers, as well up to €5,500 per vehicle for those seeking these cleaner versions.

13th - 19th September 2019

Mate’s ‘noisy’ complaint led to his untimely death

AN alleged murderer was arrested after his room-mate’s body was found in a pool of blood in Marbella, last Sunday morning.

The eastern European was picked up in a bar in San Pedro de Alcantara, after police were called to the scene of a stabbing between homeless people on Calle Santa Maria. The unnamed man is believed to have stabbed the 45-yearold Latvian victim in an abandoned building they shared, along with several other homeless people. According to reports, the victim had asked his mate to stop making a noise because everyone there wanted to sleep, following a night of heavy drinking. The mate is then believed to have gone to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and stabbed his pal, as he lay on his mattress. He fled on foot, but was soon found sitting in a bar by National Police agents. But paramedics could do nothing to save the victim because the blade cut deep into his heart. Police, who later found a large blood-covered knife in some nearby bushes, believe tests will show it is the murder weapon.


FOG OFF pest control service provides your garden with its very own four week no-fly zone here in Tenerife.

It’s simple to order and have done: our team shows up for the mosquito misting treatment and for the following four weeks you and your family can enjoy your home’s outdoor spaces, garden & pool without worrying about mosquitoes.

we Now have treatment for Flies and Cockroaches... ask for details

call now on 606 814 989 Mosquito Control techniques have been used for many years throughout Africa, Asia & America to prevent vector-bourne diseases such as the recent outbreak of the Zika virus, Dengue fever & the deadly Malaria which is said to kill over 1 million people worldwide a year.

FOG OFF misting treatment uses a solution that sticks to the underside of the foliage, creating protection that lasts 28 days and also inhibits reproduction, thus reducing future population. Not only that – it is 100% biodegradable so leaves no active residues. Relief from the mosquitoes is guaranteed for all 28 days. We also treat standing water, drains, and downspout areas to clear them of dormant larvae and adult mosquitoes. Fog Off Mosquito Control was founded in April 2016 with the aim of bringing mosquito control techniques from around the world & making these techniques available to the public here in Spain. Since our inception in 2016 we have expanded our services to the whole of the Costa Blanca, Costa del Sol, Ibiza, Mallorca, & we are now proud to offer our Mosquito barrier treatments here in Tenerife...

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Safe Effective 28 day protection Licensed Insured

Spain has seen a spike over the last 12 months from the infamous Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes Albopictus) which is native to South East Asia, but has spread rapidly with the ease of travel & the transport of goods. The tiger mosquito can easily be identified by its black & white pattern & offers a more aggressive bite than common mosquitoes.

Fog Off Mosquito Control - Tenerife


13th - 19th September 2019

By mariano zunino siri

Registered lawyer at the tenerife bar association

THE Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union (European Court) has opened the door for judges to declare the mortgages referred to IRPH as abusive. If so, clients can be compensated, and the European Court’s final decision would cover thousands of mortgage loans. What is IRPH? It is one of the indexes (like Euribor) to which loans granted for the purchase of properties are referred. It is an official index, prepared monthly by the Bank of Spain, which is applicable, according to its publication in the Official Bulletin (BOE), as well as other indexes, such as the Euribor. How is it calculated? IRPH is calculated on an average of three-year loans, granted by banks and financial companies. It was created by a 1994 Ministry Order, and used widely between 2005 and 2009. It coincided with the real-

The IRPH mortgage index may be considered abusive

estate boom, and was, seemingly, unstoppable. Why is IRPH controversial? When the financial breakdown blasted the real-estate market, the Euribor began to fall, but the IRPH remained stable. It meant that those who used it had to pay higher fees than others, who had variable loans, via the other index. Today, the Euribor is at a historic, minimum level, while the IRPH remains high. Consumer associations claimed that the entities did not explain the risks clearly enough, and that, consequently, the IRPH index could be declared abusive and revoked by courts. The European Court should rule in this respect, following a consultation made by a Barcelona Court. In 2017, the Spanish Supreme Court validated the clause, arguing that it was an official and easily-known index for “a normally informed, and reasonably attentive and perceptive client”. The Supreme Court then ruled in favour of the banks

in a claim, issued by a client, that requested the nullity of the IRPH. The question now is whether this index matches the European transparency directives. What should European Court clarify? The European Court must clarify whether the IRPH is exempt from transparency control,

AROUND 90,000 firms in Spain have each received a letter from the Government, warning of the potential effects of a no-deal Brexit. The country’s tax agency, known as the Hacienda, has recommended that the “atrisk” businesses take steps to adapt to the possibility of the UK leaving the EU without an agreement on 31st October. The letter lists the new customs, tax and healthrelated requirements that companies must meet, to engage in cross-border trade. Industries facing the biggest challenges will be those exporting agri-food and

and, also, how the mortgages would fare if the judgement were granted in favour of the client, which would lead to the IRPH being replaced by the Euribor. In addition, will banks have to refund the overcharged money from the beginning of the loan, or from the date of the judgement?

17 CW

This point would clearly affect the Spanish banking system, and the impact for banks could be up to 44,000 million euros in the most extreme case, which would also include operations already completed. The report, by the Advocate General of the Court of Justice, is not binding. But in most cases, the judges’ decision usually follows the direction set by the said lawyer. An answer should be forthcoming in March-April next year. Mariano E. Zunino Siri, is a lawyer, registered at the Tenerife Bar Association since 1991 Email: abogado@abogados Web: www.abogadosmadrid

Companies warned of no-deal Brexit effects animal products to the UK, The Tax Agency’s website as a result of new health and quality requirements, which could be imposed. The letter warns: “The new formalities include filing a customs form for each consignment, going through customs controls, paying tariffs and other duties, and the need for health or other types of certificates.” Medicines and other chemical products will also have to meet new standards, once the common EU framework no longer applies.

also has information regarding value-added tax (VAT) after Brexit, advising: “If no agreement is in place by the exit date, the UK will be considered a third country without any specific, preferential treatment. “This situation could have a significant effect on the organisation and logistics of economic operators, who should evaluate this impact and get a head start on the necessary paperwork, wherever possible.”

CW 18


13th - 19th September 2019

UK political drama inspires sterling volatility

By Carol schleisman at currencies direct

STAYING on top of the latest currency news can help you time your transfers more effectively, so find out what you should be looking out for, over the next couple of weeks.

The past couple of weeks saw a volatile pound react to a flurry of UK political news, with the GBP/EUR exchange rate trading between 1.09 and 1.11, and EUR/GBP retreating to 0.89. Meanwhile, GBP/USD climbed from 1.22 to 1.23, after striking a three-year low of 1.19, and EUR/USD slipped from 1.11 to 1.10. The pound put on the most dramatic performance over the last couple of weeks,

initially slumping as Prime Minister Boris Johnson moved to prorogue parliament in September, then roaring back to life, as a series of blows derailed Johnson’s plans, and decreased the odds of a nodeal Brexit. Meanwhile, the

Euro struggled to find support, as an increasingly-gloomy outlook for the Eurozone economy limited the appeal of the single currency. Finally, the US dollar faced a sell-off in September, with investors responding to

worrying data, which hinted at the prospect of a US recession. UK political news will act as the main catalyst for pound movement, in the coming weeks, with recent events suggesting a general election

may now be inevitable. Meanwhile, the euro should maintain a downside bias, as the European Central Bank looks set to announce a “substantial” stimulus package, this month. For USD investors, the focus will be on the Federal Reserve, which is widely expected to deliver another rate cut this month, potentially exerting pressure on the US dollar. At Currencies Direct, we’re here to talk currency whenever you need us, so get in touch if you want to know more about the latest news, or how it could impact your currency transfers. Since 1996, we’ve helped more than 250,000 customers with their currency transfers. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch, or give us a call to find out more. T: +34 922 971 781 E: canaries@currenciesdirect. com W:

The British Ambassador meets with representatives of UK Nationals during his first week in office The new British Ambassador to Spain and Andorra, Hugh Elliott, met last week with members of three of the groups representing UK nationals in Spain: Bremain in Spain, Brexpats Hear our Voice and EuroCitizens.

They discussed the issues affecting more than 300,000 British citizens who have made Spain their home. HMA Hugh Elliott said: “Protecting the rights of UK nationals in the EU is an absolute priority for the UK Government. That’s why it was so important for me to meet some of the groups that represent UK nationals during my first official week as British Ambassador to Spain. We have had frank conversations and I have learned a lot about what matters to our citizens living here, and how people feel. I and my team will continue to work hard to address any outstanding issues. “I welcome what Spain has done to protect UK nationals here, including through the Royal Decree. It is important that citizens take action to ensure that they can access the rights laid out

in that decree: registering for residency, checking that they are covered for healthcare, checking their passport is valid for travel, and exchanging their UK driving licence for a local one.” Sue Wilson, Chair of Bremain in Spain said: “It was a pleasure to meet the Ambassador and his staff, and to discuss ongoing collaboration in the best interests of our members. We are encouraged by the depth of understanding of the issues we face, and of the anxiety caused by the

ongoing political situation. Clearly there is a willingness and determination to provide much-needed guidance and information, and I look forward to working together further to achieve those aims.” Debbie Williams, Founder, Brexpats – Hear our Voice said: “I was delighted to meet Mr and Mrs Elliott, Mr Milen and the consular team. The meeting was insightful, friendly, frank and open. We discussed our ongoing concerns, and I look forward to further communications,

working together to help and support British Citizens living in Spain.” Michael Harris, President of EuroCitizens said: “EuroCitizens members remain concerned about the reciprocity clauses in the no-deal contingency plans of the Spanish Royal Decree 5/2019: we emphasised to the Ambassador that the treatment of Spanish citizens in the UK could invalidate protection for UK citizens in Spain. We have presented a summary of the status of our rights in different Brexit scenarios, in-

cluding losses implied by third country national status, and look forward to hearing from the Ambassador on how the rights of British citizens in Spain will be safeguarded after Brexit.” We urge all UK nationals living in Spain to ensure you are correctly registered, and to stay up to date with the latest news, by signing up for email alerts and visiting the Living in Spain guide on and following our Brits in Spain Facebook channel. Get Ready for Brexit – Prepare for Brexit at 13th - 19th September 2019

19 CW

Love In The Countryside TV Choice

Saturday 14th sept, ITV1, 20.15

Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions

It’s the battle of the Champions! Over the last 13 years we’ve witnessed truly incredible talent take to the Britain’s Got Talent stage and now they’ll go head to head with the best Got Talent acts from around the world, in what promises to be the Olympics of Talent. Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions will bring together the world’s most talented and memorable acts from past series of Got Talent. The acts will compete in this supersized version of BGT, all trying to be crowned the ultimate champion and walk away with the cash prize and coveted Champions Trophy. Our very own champions – Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and David Walliams - return to the judging panel as they take their seat ready to be impressed by a whole host of global talent. Joining them will also be the nation’s favourite presenting duo, Ant and Dec. Each week, two acts make it through to the grand finale – the first is a Golden Buzzer act chosen by one of the judges or Ant and Dec while the second is voted through by superfans in the arena audience.

Tuesday 17th September, BBC2, 21.00 Sara Cox grew up on her family’s pedigree beef farm in Lancashire and understands just how difficult it is to find love when you’re wedded to the land. Across this six-episode series she’s playing cupid to help seven rural romantics find the partner of their dreams. Living in remote, rural locations and working long hours are just two of the hurdles our seven lonely hearts face in their search for a romantic partner. To give them a step up the love-ladder they each made online dating profiles, inviting people from across the UK to write them old-fashioned love letters. They choose their favourites to meet face to face at a speed dating event before inviting their top three back home to spend a weekend with them trying out country life. Our lonely hearts hope for everlasting love, but can they navigate the bumpy road to romance? In the first episode, we meet 23 year-old, Grace, a dairy and sheep farmer from Wales, and 44 year-old Martin, a dairy farmer from Yorkshire. Both are looking for a partner who will fall in love with not only them, but also their way of life.

CW 20

TV Guide


13th - 19th September 2019

CW watch

Saturday 14 September, BBC1, 19.00

Strictly The Professionals

Behind every Strictly celebrity dancer is a world-class professional who has been honing their craft for decades. This all-twirling, all-waltzing, all-jiving super crew are the lifeblood of Strictly Come Dancing, over the years having transformed more than 200 flat-footed celebrities into fully-fledged ballroom superstars - and in the process becoming national treasures in their own rights. Strictly The Professionals will look at how the current crop of professionals made their journey to the Strictly ballroom, revealing how they discovered dance and the sacrifices they made to get to the top of their game. The programme will also offer viewers an exclusive backstage pass to Strictly HQ, revealing some of the show’s most guarded secrets - including how the celeb and professional pairings are decided by producers. Jeremy Vine, Ed Balls and Ann Widdecombe are just some of the famous faces who’ll be joining the professionals on screen, taking them on a trip down memory lane and recalling some of the astonishing highlights from their time on the show. This is the magnificent professional dancers in all their glory… so prepare to be swept off your feet! Strictly The Professionals is produced by BBC Studios for BBC One. The Executive Producer is Amy Boyle for BBC Studios. The Commissioning Editor for the BBC is Jo Wallace.

Monday 16th September, ITV1, 20.00

The Cameron Interview

It has been three years since David Cameron stepped down as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, following the country’s momentous vote to leave the European Union. Now, in his first in-depth television interview about his time in office, David Cameron will talk extensively to Tom Bradby about the highs and lows of his premiership and his thoughts on the 2016 vote and its consequences for the UK.

TV Guide

21 CW

his week’s BEST 13th - 19th September 2019

Sunday 15th Sept, BBC2, 19.00

Golf: Solheim Cup Highlights The destination of the 2019 Solheim Cup will be decided as the leading women golfers from Europe and America battle it out in the singles on the final day at Gleneagles. Eilidh Barbour presents highlights, as the USA attempt to secure a third successive triumph - but their European opponents have won on both previous occasions the competition has been held in Scotland. In 2017 at Des Moines Golf and Country Club, Europe were unable to overhaul a five-point deficit as the singles were tied at six matches each, meaning America retained the trophy.

Monday 16th September, ITV1, 21.00

A Confession

At a remote countryside location Steve Fulcher questions prime suspect Christopher Halliwell about the whereabouts of missing young woman, Sian O’Callaghan. He refuses Halliwell’s requests to take him immediately to a police station and tells him that he has a chance to do the right thing and tell him where Sian is, otherwise Halliwell and his family will be “vilified” in the press. Halliwell indicates he wants to go somewhere and they get in Fulcher’s car along with Debs Peach who records everything. Halliwell directs the car and the following police convoy and helicopter to a remote country lane where he tells Fulcher he left Sian’s dead body in a ditch at the side of the road. Fulcher tells Tracey Joyce the news and asks her to stay and search for the body. Fulcher tells Halliwell he will have him taken back to the station and arrested but Halliwell wants to talk somewhere privately. At nearby White Horse Hill Halliwell confesses to the murder of “another one” to Fulcher. A prostitute he strangled then buried in a field many years earlier. He leads the police to the exact spot identified by a dip in the stone wall bordering the field. Halliwelll is finally cautioned and arrested for the murder of two women. Fulcher is informed by Joyce that they have found Sian’s body. The news of Sian’s death is given to Elaine and her family by a liason officer before Fulcher arrives to personally apologise and to tell them they have arrested Halliwell. Fulcher returns to the police station to a round of applause but his deputy SIO Steve Kirby is concerned as Fulcher did not caution and take Halliwell to a police station for further questioning in the presence of a solicitor as soon as he learnt that Sian was dead. Fulcher makes a televised statement regarding the arrest of a man for Sian’s muder and the murder of another, as yet, unidentified girl. Karen seeing the press conference is convinced that the other girl is her missing daughter Becky despite Charlie’s protestations. When she visits the police station to follow up the desk sergeant tells her that police believe the victim was murdered between 2003 and 2005. As family of John Godden, her ex-husband, have said they have seen Becky a couple of years ago this reassures Karen that Becky is still alive. Meanwhile back at Gabelcross police station, Halliwell who now has a duty solicitor, is only offering “no comment” and refuses to sign a transcript of the confession he gave Fulcher based on Peach’s notes. As a result Fulcher briefs his team to continue to pursue evidence that will help convict Halliwell including asking Halliwell’s daughter if she would agree to a covert recording of a visit with her father. After initially struggling to make head way through thick mud in the dig to find another body Sean Memory discovers a second dip in the wall and excavation in the new area with softer ground unearths skeletal remains.

Tuesday 17th September, ITV1, 19.30

Save Money: Good Health

This week is all about skin and skin care. Sian explores the latest trends in the multi-million pound antiageing industry. Alongside Melinda Dauer, a professor in biological chemistry at the University of Cambridge, she investigates what collagen, peptides and radicals actually are and the truth behind these products. Are any of them worth the hefty price tags? This week’s essential guide to vitamins and mineral supplements is also skin related with Vitamin A - also known as retinol. We’ll also be continuing to shop around for treatments to those embarrassing problems so you don’t have to. This time, we’re tackling a skin condition that will effect over 80% of teenagers: acne. Plus, Dr Ranj continues to answer your big health questions. This week it’s anxiety.

Wednesday 18th September, ITV1, 22.45


Robert Peston brings his political magazine show to Wednesday nights to provide viewers with an fresh, intelligent and lively perspective on the big matters of the day. Promising a stellar line-up of guests from across the political spectrum as well as cultural figures, Peston will feature major interviews with Westminster heavy hitters, topical guests and the very latest political gossip from inside the bubble. Co-presenter Anushka Asthana will help Peston fuel the conversation in the studio and online, with updates from social media taking in perspectives from viewers, experts and key-players throughout the programme.

Tuesday 17th September, ITV1, 20.00

The Martin Lewis Money Show Live

When should you save and when should you spend? That’s the question - and Martin Lewis is the man with the answers in this Live one hour. As well as helping you take a long hard look at your finances, Britain’s best known ‘money man’ will be helping us get ready for the big spending festive season ahead.

CW 22

Fri 13 sept 2019

TV Guide 13th - 19th September 2019

CW watch 06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.................. Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00.............. Defenders UK 11:45............. Close Calls: On Camera 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15....................Impossible 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45............Garden Rescue 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30.......Garden Rescue 20:00..............A Question of Sport 20:30............. EastEnders 21:00................. Celebrity MasterChef 21:30......Scarborough watch 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35....Room 101 - Extra Storage 23:15..............New Tricks 00:15............... BBC News


06:30............Garden Rescue

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

07:15.........................Antiques Road Trip

08:30......................... Lorraine

08:00....... Gardeners’ World

09:25............... Judge Rinder

08:30.......... Time to Eat with Nadiya

10:30............... This Morning

10:00... Victoria Derbyshire

13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News

06:30...................... Mike & Molly 07:20................. King of Queens 13:50........................ ITV News 12:15.................. Politics Live 08:10............... Everybody Loves London Raymond 13:00.........................Hardball 14:00........... ITV Racing Live 09:10...................................Frasier 13:45.................. Home Away 10:10.......The Big Bang Theory 16:00...............Tipping Point From Home 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA 17:00.....................The Chase 14:30...........................Diary of 12:00................Channel 4 News Anne Frank 18:00................. ITV News 12:05..........Couples Come Dine London with Me 17:15............................Flog It! 18:30............ ITV Evening 13:05. . ......Find It, Fix It, Drive It 18:00............... Eggheads News 14:10........................ Countdown 18:30......Born to be Wild 15:00............ A Place in the Sun: 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:00..........Golf: Solheim Home or Away 19:30..............Coronation Cup Highlights 16:00.. The Great Hotel Escape Street 17:00......................Four in a Bed 20:00...Gardeners’ World 20:30...................... Lewis 17:30....Cooking Up a Fortune 21:00.........Fosse/Verdon 21:30..................Lethal 18:00..............The Simpsons 22:00............................ QI Weapon watch 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 22:30..............Newsnight 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 22:30...... ITV News at Ten 23:00..................Weather 20:00..........The Great British and Weather Bake Off: An Extra Slice 23:05...Front Row Late 23:15....................Rescue: watch 21:00.................. Gogglebox River Deep, 23:45....... A Late Quartet 22:00............ The Rob Rinder Mountain High Verdict 01:25...............Panorama 23:45...........Take Me Out 23:05........Naked Attraction 01:55................The Chefs’ 00:05................... Rude Tube 00:50.............Ideal World Brigade

11:00..BBC Newsroom Live



Scarborough BBC1, 21.30

Mike and Karen are trying to get their relationship back on track after Mike’s crab stall misdemeanour, however both have other problems they need to deal with. Bigsy has gone AWOL and when Mike finally finds him sleeping rough at the castle, he explains that he’s gone into hiding because he nearly took a beating from Tony Peroni. Should Mike go and see Tony to clear up the previous night’s misunderstanding or will his visit just make the situation worse?

06:00 .............................Wild Vets

07:15......Brojects in the House

07:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:40......Brojects in the House

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

08:05..............American Pickers

09:00 .............................Supergirl

09:00................Storage Hunters

10:00 ............................ The Flash

09:30 ...............Storage Hunters

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

10:00..............American Pickers

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

11:00................Storage Hunters

14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

11:30................Storage Hunters

13:50.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

15:00 ...........................MacGyver

12:00..............American Pickers

16:00 ................. Modern Family

13:00.............................. Top Gear

14:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

14:00............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

15:55..................... The Supervet

18:00.................... Futurama

09:45...................Live World Para Swimming Championships 13:00..............................A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun

16:55..................... The Supervet 18:00............Live World Para Swimming Championships

17:30 ............................Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00 ................. A League of Their Own

15:00...........Cop Car Workshop 16:00......................Timber Kings 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00......................Top Gear

21:00 ........................Temple

19:00..... Would I Lie to You? 20:20................................. QI 21:00....... Live at the Apollo

21:00....................Thou Shalt Not Kill

22:00 .................. The Russell Howard Hour 23:00........... Micky Flanagan Thinking Aloud

22:00.............. Kill Bill: Vol. 1

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E 00:15..........24 Hours in A&E

00:00......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

00:50........... Mock the Week

01:20.............. The Supervet

01:00...................... Manifest

20:00............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

into the new ADA, Erica. Meanwhile, Murtaugh finds himself a new friend after being kicked out of the house for Trish’s Girls’ Night.

12:30...............................Loose Women

09:00............. BBC News at 9

CW watch

08:55...................................A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

Lethal Weapon Cole wants to talk to Natalie about their relationship before it’s ITV1, 21.30 too late, but a wrench is thrown into his plans after he bumps

00:10 .... Would I Lie to You? 01:30............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ............ The Ex Next Door 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ................ Cricket on 5 20:00..........The Great Model Railway Challenge 21:00......... The World’s Most Expensive Cruise Ship 22:00.............. Celebrity 5 Go Motorhoming Unpacked 23:05....... TV’s Funniest Ever Sketches: Comedy Gold 00:35...... Lip Sync Battle UK

Front Row Late

06:00....... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:45...... You’ve Been Framed! 07:10........................Dinner Date 08:00......................... Emmerdale 09:00...... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20.......................... Superstore 11:15............... Dress to Impress 12:15......................... Emmerdale 13:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45........Supermarket Sweep 15:50........................Dinner Date 16:50............... Dress to Impress 17:50....................... Take Me Out 19:30.... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00..... Supermarket Sweep 21:00..................Singletown 22:00.................. Family Guy 22:30.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad! 00:30...The Cleveland Show

BBC2, 23.05

As a musical version of Matt Haig’s bestselling book Reasons To Stay Alive opens at Sheffield’s Crucible Theatre, and as an exhibition of art exploring anxiety in contemporary culture opens at the Science Gallery at Kings College London, Mary and her panel examine how artists and writers are currently engaging with this very topical issue. Are we more anxious than ever before, or is it just that we are more sensitive to issues around mental health? The present generation has been criticised by some for spending too much time analysing their feelings, but this episode will investigate how feelings of anxiety have always had a significant impact in the arts. And can anxiety sometimes be useful? While anxiety often comes with negative connotations, it has also been the driving force behind groundbreaking works of art and a source of creative inspiration. With Brexit on the horizon and the environment in the headlines, Mary and her panel discuss if these issues are responsible for a rise in collective anxiety. Mary also visits writer Matt Haig at Sheffield Crucible Theatre, where rehearsals are underway for the stage adaptation of his novel Reasons To Stay Alive.

Sat 14 sept 2019 13th - 19th September 2019

10:00 ........................Saturday Kitchen Live

06:45 ......... The Dog Ate My Homework 07:15 ..............................Ali-A’s Superchargers

11:30.....................Mary Berry Quick Cooking

07:35................Mustangs FC

12:00 ............Football Focus

08:00.................... Blue Peter

13:00 .....................BBC News

08:30..... Curious Creatures

13:10 ........................Weather

09:00 ................ The Animal’s Guide to Britain

13:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 14:15 ...................... Escape to the Country 15:15 ..................... Money for Nothing 16:00 ...................Final Score 17:20 ....... Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit 18:40 .............. BBC News 18:50.BBC London News 19:00 ......... Strictly Come Dancing

10:00.................. Robot Wars 11:00.............. Homes Under the Hammer 12:00.....Nigel Slater: Eating Together 12:30..... My Life on a Plate

16:40....Saving Lives at Sea

22:25............... BBC News

17:40......... Rise of the Nazis


18:40.............Dad’s Army

22:45..................Match of the Day

19:15.... BBC Proms 2019

CW watch

09:05 ........................... Mighty Magiswords!

06:25 ................ King of Queens 06:50 ..................................Frasier

10:10...........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

09:25...................... ITV News

08:05 ......The Big Bang Theory


08:25.............Coronation Street

09:30 ......Saturday Morning with James Martin

08:55................... The Simpsons

11:25............... Ninja Warrior UK

09:55................... The Simpsons

10:30................ Make You Laugh Out Loud

10:50................... Couples Come Dine with Me

10:55 ................................ Friends


13:30 .......................... King Kong

15:10............Two Weeks Notice

11:50..................... Four in a Bed

14:45 ..................................Access

16:15............Two Weeks Notice

12:55..................... Four in a Bed

14:50 .......................... King Kong

17:15...........................Space Jam

13:55..................... Four in a Bed

17:00 ......................... The World’s Most Luxurious...

19:00............ The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

11:40 ............ James Martin’s French Adventure 12:15................. Who’s Doing the Dishes? 13:15 ...................... ITV News 13:30 .......... ITV Racing Live 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 ................. You’ve Been Framed!

21:00......The Lone Ranger 23:20.....Live at the Apollo 00:05..........Golf: Solheim Cup Highlights

14:25........... A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 15:25.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

18:00................Inside British Airways 18:55.........5 News Weekend

06:15......................... Emmerdale

12:20...... You’ve Been Framed!

20:00...................... FYI Daily 20:05............ The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

16:30................. The Dog House

19:00................. Cricket on 5

17:35...................Grand Designs 18:30.......... Channel 4 News

20:00..... Around the World by Train with Tony Robinson

19:00........ Secrets of Egypt’s Valley of the Kings

22:00.............Pompeii’s Final Hours: New Evidence

19:15............... The Chase Celebrity Special

20:00......Britain at Low Tide

23:55............ American Dad!

21:00..............Eye in the Sky

22:55.............Pompeii’s Final Hours: New Evidence

20:15............ Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions

23:00............. Gods of Egypt

23:55... The Missing Evidence

00:50......................Scream 4

01:20.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

01:00........The 21.Co.UK Live Casino Show

01:50...................... FYI Daily

08:55............ A Place in the Sun

06:00 .......................Monkey Life 06:30 .......................Monkey Life 07:00 .......................Monkey Life 07:30 .......................Monkey Life 08:00 ................. Modern Family 08:30 ................. Modern Family 09:00 ................. Modern Family 09:30 ................. Modern Family 10:00 .....................What’s Up TV 10:30 ........................Soccer A.M. 12:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ................... Gillette Soccer Saturday 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ................... The Simpsons 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30..............The Simpsons 19:00..............The Simpsons 19:30..............The Simpsons 20:00.................. A League of Their Own 21:00... Angels and Demons 23:30.............Hotel Mumbai: Special 00:00......................... Brassic

07:10......Brojects in the House

18:30.......... Catchphrase

21:00.... BBC Proms 2019

01:40............... BBC News

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

14:15.............. Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman


01:10........ The NFL Show

06:00 ................ King of Queens

18:00 ............... ITV News

14:45............Jungle Atlantis

06:00...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

06:00................Childrens’ TV

13:15 .......... A Cook Abroad

15:45.......... Nature’s Boldest Thieves

00:10..The Rap Game UK

23 CW

06:00 ...................... Breakfast

TV Guide

18:15.. ITV News London

22:15......The Jonathan Ross Show


22:25.................. Family Guy 22:55.................. Family Guy 23:25............ American Dad! 00:25...The Cleveland Show

01:55......................Scream 4


23:20..........ITV News and Weather 23:40..................... Play to the Whistle 00:25..........A Confession 01:15.............Ideal World

09:45...................Live World Para Swimming Championships 13:00............. Food Unwrapped

The Jonathan Ross Show ITV1, 22.15

13:15.............................. Escape to the Chateau

Joining Jonathan Ross for a brand new series are Elizabeth McGovern and Michelle Dockery, ahead of the hotly anticipated Downton Abbey movie, as well as beloved national treasure Stephen Fry, home-grown music icon Craig David, star of Sherlock, The Hobbit and A Confession Martin Freeman, and two multi-platinum selling, multiaward winning artists, Charli XCX and Christine and The Queens, who perform together in the studio.

15:55........ Come Dine with Me

14:20........ Come Dine with Me 14:50........ Come Dine with Me 15:25........ Come Dine with Me 16:25........ Come Dine with Me 17:00..................... The Supervet 18:00............Live World Para Swimming Championships 20:00.................. 999: On the Frontline 21:00........9/11: 102 Minutes That Changed America 23:15..........24 Hours in A&E 00:15..........24 Hours in A&E 01:20................... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

07:35......Brojects in the House 08:00................Storage Hunters 08:30................Storage Hunters 09:00..............American Pickers 10:00..............American Pickers 11:00..............American Pickers 12:00.................. Hurricane Man 13:00............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 14:00...........Cop Car Workshop 15:00......... Scrapyard Supercar 16:00.............................. Top Gear 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00..... Would I Lie to You? 18:40..... Would I Lie to You? 19:20..... Would I Lie to You? 20:00.............Not Going Out 20:40.............Not Going Out 21:20.............Not Going Out 22:00.............. Kill Bill: Vol. 2 00:50..............Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish 01:50........................ Zapped

CW 24

Sun 15 sept 2019

TV Guide

CW watch 06:00 ...................... Breakfast 07:35 ...... Match of the Day 09:00 ................. The Andrew Marr Show 10:00............ Sunday Politics London 10:30............................Sunday Morning Live 11:30....... Homes Under the Hammer 12:30............... Bargain Hunt 13:00......................BBC News 13:10........... Weather for the Week Ahead 13:15........... Songs of Praise 13:50............. Points of View 14:05...................... Escape to the Country 15:05 ...........Garden Rescue 15:50... Money for Nothing 16:50..........................DIY SOS 17:50........................Pointless 18:35............... BBC News 19:00.............Countryfile 20:00................. Antiques Roadshow 21:00...Peaky Blinders watch 22:00............... BBC News 22:30..................Match of the Day 2 23:30...........The Women’s Football Show 00:00..............A Question of Sport


CW watch

06:15.......... Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein

06:00................Childrens’ TV

06:45....................A to Z of TV Gardening

09:25....................... ITV News

07:30....... Gardeners’ World 08:30................... Countryfile 09:30.........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:00.................. Hairy Bikers: Route 66 12:00...........Top of the Shop with Tom Kerridge 13:00...Best House in Town 13:30.................... She Wore a Yellow Ribbon 15:15.......... Talking Pictures 16:00.......... Animals in Love 17:00................... Burma with Simon Reeve 18:00............. Burma with Simon Reeve 19:00..........Golf: Solheim Cup Highlights 20:00......... Dragons’ Den 21:00.........Stacey Dooley Investigates 21:45... State of the Union

08:55....................Spy School

11:50.....Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions 13:50....................... ITV News 14:00....................Goodwood Revival Live 16:00...............Paul O’grady’s Little Heroes 16:30.....................The Chase 17:30....................... ITV News 18:00....Tipping Point: Lucky Stars 19:00......5 Gold Rings

21:00................ Sanditon 22:00..........ITV News and Weather 22:20.......Billy Connolly’s Great American Trail

22:40......... The Company You Keep

23:45..............Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

00:35....... Question Time

00:40.............Ideal World

Tipping Point: Lucky Stars ITV1, 18.00

06:00.................... Teleshopping

07:00........................Monkey Life

07:10..... Brojects in the House

09:45...................Live World Para Swimming Championships

08:00........................Monkey Life

08:00 ............................. Top Gear

09:00 ................. Modern Family

09:00 ................. Hurricane Man

10:00 ................. Modern Family

10:00 ......................Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers

14:50........ Come Dine with Me 15:25........ Come Dine with Me 15:55........ Come Dine with Me 16:25........ Come Dine with Me 17:00..................... The Supervet 18:00............Live World Para Swimming Championships 20:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics

13:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 14:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 15:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 16:00 ................... The Simpsons 16:30 ................... The Simpsons 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ................... The Simpsons 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30..............The Simpsons

11:00............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 12:00..................Expedition with Steve Backshall 13:00..............American Pickers 14:00..............American Pickers 15:00...........Cop Car Workshop 16:00.......... Would I Lie to You? 17:20.......... Would I Lie to You? 18:00....Scrapyard Supercar 19:00......Cop Car Workshop

21:00.999: On the Frontline

19:00..............The Simpsons

22:00...................... Shocking Emergency Calls

19:30..............The Simpsons 20:00................ Magnum P.I.

23:05.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency?


00:05....999: On the Frontline

23:00.......NCIS: Los Angeles

22:00........... Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier

01:10................... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

00:00................The Blacklist


01:00....The Force: North East

00:00................... Red Dwarf

22:00.............. Hawaii Five-0

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

06:15 ................................. Cheers

09:00............ Pirata & Capitano

07:10 ..................................Frasier 08:00 ................... The Simpsons 09:30................. Sunday Brunch 12:30................... The Simpsons 14:30............................. The Great British Bake Off


20:00......... Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

22:05... The Mash Report

12:00 ................................S.W.A.T.

05:20......................Gok’s Fill Your House for Free


06:00...........The Hour of Power

14:20........ Come Dine with Me

As the Shelbys come to terms with the shocking events of the party, Tommy (Cillian Murphy) reveals his intentions for Oswald Mosley (Sam Claflin). And someone close to the family is targeted.

CW 15:50.................................Extreme Makers CW 16:20..........................Cake Sister Act 2:

08:55............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

13:15... Escape to the Chateau

Peaky Blinders BBC1, 21.00

10:00... Midsomer Murders

23:15......... Australia with Julia Bradbury

11:00 ..... WWE Raw Highlights

13th - 19th September 2019

09:30....Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen

This week, Pussycat Doll, Kimberly Wyatt, Emmerdale’s Duncan Preston and reality star, Bobby Cole Norris each put their wits to the test to discover if any of them have what it takes to master the machine in the hope of winning £20,000 for charity.

13:00............. Food Unwrapped

20:00........... Expedition with Steve Backshall 21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

Back in the Habit

18:30.......... Channel 4 News 19:00......... The World’s Most Luxurious Airline 20:00........... Inside Cadbury: Chocolate Secrets Unwrapped

08:55 ............................... Wissper 09:15.............................. Floogals 09:25 ........Shimmer and Shine 09:35 ...................Digby Dragon 09:50 .........................SpongeBob Squarepants 10:00...........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:15...................................Access 10:20................................. Friends 12:45........... Oxford Street 24/7 15:40...... 100 Toddler Tantrums Caught on Camera 17:40................................. Inside... 18:55.........5 News Weekend 19:00................. Cricket on 5

21:00............ Treasure Island with Bear Grylls

20:00................When... Goes Horribly Wrong

22:00...................Virtual Sex: Adventures in Futureland

21:00...........The Real Patrick Swayze: In His Own Words

23:00..................... RoboCop 01:10.................. Dispatches

06:00 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:25...... You’ve Been Framed! 06:50......................... Emmerdale 09:00.............Coronation Street 12:00 ......................Catchphrase 12:40...... You’ve Been Framed! 13:35 ....................In for a Penny 14:05 ........................ Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions 16:10...............Minion Madness 16:15 ..............Minion Madness 16:20 ..............Minion Madness 16:30 ...............................Minions 18:20.................. Beauty and the Beast 20:00........................ Spectre 22:55.................. Family Guy 23:55............ American Dad! 00:25............ American Dad!


00:55...The Cleveland Show

00:00................. Premiership Rugby Sevens

01:25....................Don’t Hate the Playaz 13th - 19th September 2019

Mon 16 sept 2019

TV Guide

25 CW

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.................. Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00.............. Defenders UK 11:45............. Close Calls: On Camera 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15....................Impossible 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45............Garden Rescue 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00..........The One Show 19:30...Inside Out London 20:00................EastEnders 20:30.. Would I Lie to You? 21:00................. Celebrity MasterChef 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:25.......Regional News 22:35.......... This Country 23:05................ Murder in Successville 23:35.. Live at the Apollo 00:20............... BBC News

CW watch

06:00....Antiques Road Trip 06:45............Garden Rescue 07:30....Saving Lives at Sea 08:30..................This Week in Parliament 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.........................Hardball 13:45.................. Home Away From Home 14:30................ Heir Hunters 15:15.....Digging for Britain 16:15...... Who Do You Think You Are? 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30...... Sam & Shauna’s Big Cook Out 19:00.... The Repair Shop 20:00......... Only Connect 20:30............... University Challenge 21:00..Rise of the Nazis watch 22:00...................... I Love 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15.......... China: A New World Order 00:15.........Fosse/Verdon


06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30......................... Lorraine 09:25............... Judge Rinder 10:30............... This Morning 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55...... ITV News London 14:00.................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 15:00..........................Tenable 15:59...................ITV London 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00.... ITV News London 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..Coronation Street 20:00.......... The Cameron Interview 20:30..Coronation Street

06:30..................... Mike & Molly 07:20................ King of Queens 08:10.............. Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05..........Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00.. The Great Hotel Escape 17:00......................Four in a Bed 17:30....Cooking Up a Fortune 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00............... Jamie’s MeatFree Meals 20:30........Food Unwrapped 21:00.....................Crime and Punishment 22:00........... Stath Lets Flats 22:30........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:30......... First Dates Hotel

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15.............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ...................... Murder Most Medieval: Garage Sale Mystery 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30.......... 5 News Tonight 19:00................ Cricket on 5 20:00................. Traffic Cops 21:00..............McDonald’s vs Burger King: Burger Wars 22:00......... Eating Ourselves to Death 23:05... Benefits & Bypasses: Billion Pound Patients 00:05...... Medical Mysteries

06:00....... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:45...... You’ve Been Framed! 07:10........................Dinner Date 08:00......................... Emmerdale 08:30.............Coronation Street 09:25........The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:25.......................... Superstore 11:15............... Dress to Impress 12:15......................... Emmerdale 12:45.............Coronation Street 13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45........Supermarket Sweep 15:50........................Dinner Date 16:50............... Dress to Impress 17:50....................... Take Me Out 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00...Supermarket Sweep 21:00..................Singletown 22:00.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad! 00:30...The Cleveland Show

08:55............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:00 .................................Wild Vets

07:10......Brojects in the House

09:55............ A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun

06:30 .................................Wild Vets

07:35......Brojects in the House

07:00 .......................... Monkey Life

08:00..............American Pickers

07:30 .......................... Monkey Life

09:00................Storage Hunters

08:00..................... Dog Whisperer

09:30................Storage Hunters

09:00................................. Supergirl

10:00..............American Pickers

10:00 ................................ The Flash

11:00................Storage Hunters

11:00 ...............NCIS: Los Angeles

11:30................Storage Hunters

15:15........ Come Dine with Me

13:00 ........................Hawaii Five-0

12:00..............American Pickers

15:50.....................Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke

15:00 ...............................MacGyver

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

16:00 .................... Modern Family

14:00...........Cop Car Workshop

16:50.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

16:30 .................... Modern Family

15:00......... Scrapyard Supercar

17:00 .......................The Simpsons

16:00......................Timber Kings

17:30 ................................Futurama

17:00.............................. Top Gear

18:00....................... Futurama

18:00......................Top Gear

18:30................ The Simpsons

19:00..... Would I Lie to You?

19:30................ The Simpsons

20:20................................. QI

20:00.......... Rob & Romesh Vs

21:00....... Live at the Apollo

21:00........... A League of Their Own: European Road Trip

22:00..............Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish

21:00..........A Confession 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45.....Serial Killer with Piers Morgan 23:45............ Deep Water 00:40.............Ideal World

Rise of the Nazis BBC2, 21.00

The final episode of the series - the final act in Hitler’s rise to power - sees him take on opponents at the top of the government and within the heart of the Nazi regime. Hitler has suspended democracy and is bringing all of Germany under Nazi control. But to gain absolute power and control of Germany’s military, Hitler must be named successor to the ageing President Hindenburg before he dies. In order to convince Hindenberg to hand him the keys to ultimate power, Hitler must fight a decisive battle for the soul of the Nazi party. Ernst Röhm, leader of the Nazi Stormtroopers and Hitler’s close friend, wants to take control of Germany’s military for himself by launching a revolution against the old order to which Hindenberg belongs. Heinrich Himmler and Hermann Göring join forces to take on Röhm. Meanwhile a conservative radical called Edgar Jung challenges Hitler’s power by writing a speech that tells Germany the truth about the reality of its Nazi government. These intrigues come together in a climax when Hitler takes down all these enemies at once in the Night Of The Long Knives.

10:55.................Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it 12:00... Escape to the Chateau 13:05........ Come Dine with Me 14:10........ Come Dine with Me

17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55............ Grand Designs 19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 21:00......... The World’s Most Beautiful Railway 22:00..........Coastal Railways with Julie Walters

22:00............................ Rambo

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

00:00......................... Manifest

23:00................................. QI

00:05...................... Shocking Emergency Calls

01:00......................... Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

01:00........... Mock the Week

23:40..... Would I Lie to You?

CW 26

TV Guide

Tues 17 sept 2019 13th - 19th September 2019

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.................. Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00.............. Defenders UK 11:45............. Close Calls: On Camera 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00.......................BBC News at One 13:30.....BBC London News 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15....................Impossible 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45............Garden Rescue 16:30.........................Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00.............. Holby City 21:00........... The Capture 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35............ Canny Cops 23:15............ Who Do You Think You Are? 00:15............... BBC News

CW watch

06:30....Antiques Road Trip 07:15............Garden Rescue 08:00.............. Defenders UK 08:30............... Gone Fishing: Mortimer & Whitehouse 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00...................... The Super League Show 13:45.................. Home Away From Home 14:30.................. Politics Live 15:30................ Heir Hunters 16:15...... Who Do You Think You Are? 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30...... Sam & Shauna’s Big Cook Out 19:00.... The Repair Shop 20:00............Saving Lives at Sea 21:00.............. Love in the Countryside 22:00..........Defending the Guilty watch 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15........NFL This Week 00:05... Fake or Fortune?


06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 .............. Judge Rinder 10:30.............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 ..... ITV News London 14:00 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 15:00..........................Tenable 15:59.................. ITV London 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase 18:00.... ITV News London 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30........... Save Money: Good Diet 20:00.............. The Martin Lewis Money Show: Live

06:30 ..................... Mike & Molly 07:20................ King of Queens 08:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 16:00.. The Great Hotel Escape 17:00......................Four in a Bed 17:30....Cooking Up a Fortune 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00......................The Great British Bake Off 21:15............... Sink or Swim 22:15.................. Gogglebox 23:20.....................Crime and Punishment

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

00:15................. Traffic Cops

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:45...... You’ve Been Framed! 07:10........................Dinner Date 08:00......................... Emmerdale 08:30.............Coronation Street 09:25............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:25.......................... Superstore 11:15............... Dress to Impress 12:15......................... Emmerdale 12:45.............Coronation Street 13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45........Supermarket Sweep 15:50........................Dinner Date 16:50............... Dress to Impress 17:50...........................Take Me Out 19:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00..... Supermarket Sweep 21:00..................Singletown 22:00.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad! 00:30...The Cleveland Show

08:55............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:00 .............................Wild Vets

07:10......Brojects in the House 07:35......Brojects in the House

09:55............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

07:00 .......................Monkey Life 08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

08:00..............American Pickers

09:00............. Send in the Dogs

09:00................Storage Hunters

10:00............................ The Flash

09:30................Storage Hunters

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

10:00..............American Pickers

13:00.................... Hawaii Five-0

11:00................Storage Hunters

15:00........................... MacGyver

12:00..............American Pickers

15:15........ Come Dine with Me

16:00................. Modern Family

13:00.............................. Top Gear

15:50....... Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke

17:00................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama

14:00............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

16:50.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

18:00 ....................Futurama

17:55..................... The Supervet

19:30 .............The Simpsons

09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:20 .The Nanny is Watching 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ..............Trucking Hell 20:00 .......The Yorkshire Vet 21:15 ......... Inside the Tower of London 22:15...................My Dad the Paedophile 23:15.............The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door

21:00.. When Piers Met... 22:00..... ITV News at Ten 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45......Britain’s Busiest Airport - Heathrow 23:10.......Lethal Weapon 00:05.............Ideal World

Defending The Guilty BBC2, 22.00

Will Sharpe (Flowers), plays Will Packham - an idealistic pupil barrister being shown the ropes by his cynical, worldly-wise pupilmaster Caroline, played by Bafta Award-winner Katherine Parkinson (The IT Crowd, Humans). In the opening episode of the series, Will and Caroline are defending an old lag of a murder suspect with overwhelming evidence against him. But what with Caroline being distracted by her failed silk application, they end up pleading innocent anyway. Meanwhile, Will learns from his fellow pupils that he’s last in the running for the job at the end of the year and - worrying all his work has been for nothing - does something he’ll regret. Only a bit of smart thinking can partially save the day, and a piece of brutal cynicism goes a little further.

10:55.................Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it 12:00... Escape to the Chateau 13:05........ Come Dine with Me 14:10........ Come Dine with Me

18:55............ Grand Designs 19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 21:00..........24 Hours in A&E 22:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 23:05....999: On the Frontline 00:10............. The Secret Life of the Zoo 01:15.............. The Supervet

18:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00................. A League of Their Own 21:00...................... Manifest

15:00...........Cop Car Workshop 16:00......................Timber Kings 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00......................Top Gear 19:00..... Would I Lie to You? 20:20................................. QI

22:00 .................... Britannia

21:00....... Live at the Apollo

23:00.........A League of Their Own: European Road Trip

22:00..................Taskmaster 23:00................................. QI

00:00...............The Reluctant Landlord

23:40..... Would I Lie to You?

00:30......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

01:45............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

01:00........... Mock the Week 13th - 19th September 2019

wed 18 sept 2019

TV Guide

27 CW

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.................. Crimewatch Roadshow 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00.............. Defenders UK 11:45............. Close Calls: On Camera 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15....................Impossible 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45............Garden Rescue 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:55......... Party Political Broadcast 19:00........The One Show 20:00................. Celebrity MasterChef 21:00....... Japan with Sue Perkins 22:00.......BBC News at Ten 22:35.....Breaking Fashion 23:15.......... Supermarket Secrets 00:15............... BBC News

06:30....Antiques Road Trip 07:15............Garden Rescue 08:00..............Natural World 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.........................Hardball 13:45.................. Home Away From Home 14:30................ Heir Hunters 15:15.....Digging for Britain 16:15...... Who Do You Think You Are? 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30...... Sam & Shauna’s Big Cook Out 19:00............ The Andrew Neil Show 19:30.... The Repair Shop 20:00....... Interior Design Masters 21:00..... The Big Hospital Experiment 22:00......... Better Things 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15.....Murder, Mystery and My Family 00:00.......... China: A New World Order

CW watch In the final episode of Deep Water, Kate refuses to lose her husband, Lisa struggles to find her way back to hers and Roz decides it’s time to tell the truth.

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30......................... Lorraine 09:25............... Judge Rinder 10:30............... This Morning 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30...ITV Lunchtime News 13:55.........ITV News London 14:00.................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 15:00..........................Tenable 15:59...................ITV London 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00.. ITV News London 18:25......... Party Political Broadcast 18:30..ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..Coronation Street 20:00......Britain’s Busiest Airport - Heathrow

06:30...................... Mike & Molly 07:20................. King of Queens 08:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10 ..................................Frasier 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05..........Couples Come Dine with Me 13:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:00.. The Great Hotel Escape 17:00......................Four in a Bed 17:30....Cooking Up a Fortune 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00......Location, Location, Location 21:00............ Grand Designs 22:00........Naked Attraction 23:05..............The Sex Clinic 00:10.................. Gogglebox

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

00:35......Caught on Camera

06:00....... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:45...... You’ve Been Framed! 07:10........................Dinner Date 08:00......................... Emmerdale 08:30...... You’ve Been Framed! 09:25............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:25.......................... Superstore 11:15............... Dress to Impress 12:15......................... Emmerdale 12:45...... You’ve Been Framed! 13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45........Supermarket Sweep 15:50........................Dinner Date 16:50............... Dress to Impress 17:50....................... Take Me Out 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00...Supermarket Sweep 21:00..................Singletown 22:00.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad! 00:30...The Cleveland Show

08:55............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:00 .............................Wild Vets

07:10......Brojects in the House

09:55............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:30 .............................Wild Vets

08:00..............American Pickers

07:00 .........................Snake Boss

09:00................Storage Hunters

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

10:00..............American Pickers

09:00 .............Send in the Dogs

11:00................Storage Hunters

10:00 ............................ The Flash

12:00..............American Pickers

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

15:15........ Come Dine with Me

15:00 ...........................MacGyver

14:00 .............................. Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

15:50....... Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke

16:00 ................. Modern Family

15:00...........Cop Car Workshop

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

16:00......................Timber Kings

16:50.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

17:30 ............................Futurama

17:00............................. Top Gear

18:00.................... Futurama

18:00..................... Top Gear

17:55..................... The Supervet

18:30............. The Simpsons

19:00........... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 12:10.......... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15......................... GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ................ A Mother’s Fear 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00..........Home and Away 18:30........... 5 News Tonight 19:00...............Trucking Hell 20:00......... Hoarders: Buried Alive in My Bedroom 21:00........................Inside... 22:00................. The Abused 23:35..............McDonald’s vs Burger King: Burger Wars

20:30..Coronation Street 21:00........Deep Water

CW watch

22:00..... ITV News at Ten 22:45.................... Peston

23:40.......... The Cameron Interview 00:10.............Ideal World

Deep Water ITV1, 21.00

10:55.................Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it 12:00... Escape to the Chateau 13:05........ Come Dine with Me 14:10........ Come Dine with Me

18:55............ Grand Designs 19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 21:00....................Outlander 22:15..........24 Hours in A&E 23:20........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 00:25............. The Secret Life of the Zoo 01:25.............. The Supervet

20:00....................... S.W.A.T. 21:00............... The Blacklist 22:00...............The Reluctant Landlord 22:30.......... An Idiot Abroad 23:30.................. A League of Their Own

20:00........... Expedition with Steve Backshall 21:00..................Taskmaster 22:00....... Comedians Giving Lectures 22:40............................ QI XL

00:30......................... Brassic

23:40..... Would I Lie to You?

01:30......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

01:00........... Mock the Week

00:20..... Would I Lie to You?

CW 28

thurs 19 sept 2019

TV Guide 13th - 19th September 2019

CW watch 06:00...........................Breakfast

06:30....Antiques Road Trip

09:15......................Crimewatch Roadshow

07:15............Garden Rescue

10:00..................Homes Under the Hammer

09:00............. BBC News at 9

11:00.................Defenders UK

11:00..BBC Newsroom Live

11:45................ Close Calls: On Camera

08:00.Antiques Roadshow 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.........................Hardball

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30......................... Lorraine 09:25............... Judge Rinder

Hairy Bikers Route 66 On the second leg of their Route 66 adventure Dave and Si set out to discover what lies beneath the legend of this BBC2, 20.00

iconic road. Dave and Si head out to a remote patch of rural Oklahoma to spend time and cook with members of the Cherokee nation.

10:30.............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News

06:30 ..................... Mike & Molly 07:20 ................ King of Queens 14:00.................... Dickinson’s 13:00..........BBC News at One 08:10 .............. Everybody Loves Real Deal Raymond 13:45............................. Doctors 14:30................ Heir Hunters 09:10 ..................................Frasier 15:00. . ........................Tenable 14:15.......................Impossible 15:15.......................... Digging 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen 15:59...................ITV London for Britain Nightmares USA 15:00...........................Escape to 16:00...............Tipping Point 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA the Country 16:15..................Who Do You 12:00................Channel 4 News Think You Are? 17:00.....................The Chase 15:45............... Garden Rescue 12:05.................... Couples Come 17:15. . ..........................Flog It! 18:00. . .. ITV News London 16:30............................Antiques Dine with Me 18:00............... Eggheads 18:30....ITV Evening News Road Trip 13:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 18:30...... Sam & Shauna’s 19:00............ Emmerdale 14:10........................ Countdown 17:15........................... Pointless Big Cook Out 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 19:30...................Tonight 18:00....... BBC News at Six 16:00..............................The Great 19:00................... MOTDx 20:00............ Emmerdale 18:30...............BBC London Hotel Escape 19:30.... The Repair Shop News 20:30.........Paul O’grady’s 17:00......................Four in a Bed 20:00.......Hairy Bikers: Little Heroes 17:30....Cooking Up a Fortune 19:00..........The One Show Route 66 watch 21:00...Billy Connolly’s 18:00..............The Simpsons 19:30................EastEnders 21:00.... 1944: Should We Great American Trail watch 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 20:00................. Watchdog Bomb Auschwitz? 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 22:00...... ITV News at Ten 21:00........The Cameron 20:00........... The Dog House 22:00... The Mash Report and Weather Years watch 21:00......... First Dates Hotel 22:30..............Newsnight 22:30................. ITV News 22:00.................. Gary Usher 22:00.......BBC News at Ten London 23:10..................Weather 23:00.......... 8 Out of 10 Cats 22:35..........Question Time 22:45.. When Piers Met... 23:15....... Interior Design 23:55......... World Chase Tag: 23:35..................Brexitcast Masters 23:45................ Sanditon 2019 World Championships

12:15..................Bargain Hunt

13:45.................. Home Away From Home


13:55...... ITV News London



06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ..................Drew Peterson: Untouchable 16:00................................ Friends 17:00........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00..........Home and Away 18:30........... 5 News Tonight 19:00...............Trucking Hell 20:00........................By Royal Appointment: Shops Serving the Queen 21:00.Inside British Airways 22:00.................. Posh Hotels with Sally & Nigel 23:05........ Britain’s Flashiest Families

Billy Connolly’s Great American Trail ITV1, 21.00 CW watch

This week begins deep in Virginia on the trail of bootleggers dealing in the illegal drink moonshine. From there Billy follows the trail of the underground railroad and the amazing woman who led hundreds of slaves to their freedom, meeting one of the family members keeping her memory very much alive. Then stopping off to encounter the baffling sight of a farm filled with giant sculpted heads of all the American Presidents.

08:55............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:00 .............................Wild Vets

07:10......Brojects in the House

06:30 ................... Animal House

09:55............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

07:35......Brojects in the House

07:00 .........................Snake Boss

08:00..............American Pickers

10:55.................Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it

07:30 .........................Snake Boss

09:00................Storage Hunters

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

09:30................Storage Hunters

09:00............. Send in the Dogs

10:00..............American Pickers

10:00............................ The Flash

11:00................Storage Hunters

12:00... Escape to the Chateau 13:05........ Come Dine with Me 13:35........ Come Dine with Me 14:10........ Come Dine with Me 14:40........ Come Dine with Me 15:15........ Come Dine with Me 15:50....... Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke 16:50.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................... The Supervet

11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ...... Caught on Dashcam 16:00 ................. Modern Family 16:30 ................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama

18:55............ Grand Designs

18:00.................... Futurama

19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

18:30 .............The Simpsons 19:30 .............The Simpsons

21:00............... 24 Hour Baby Hospital

20:00.......... An Idiot Abroad

22:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

21:00.................. A League of Their Own

11:30................Storage Hunters 12:00..............American Pickers 13:00.............................. Top Gear 14:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 15:00...........Cop Car Workshop 16:00......................Timber Kings 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00..... Would I Lie to You? 20:20................................. QI 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00............ Judge Romesh 22:30............ Judge Romesh

22:00......................... Brassic

23:00................................. QI


23:40..... Would I Lie to You?

06:00....... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:45...... You’ve Been Framed! 07:10 .......................Dinner Date 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:30............ Coronation Street 09:25.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:25.......................... Superstore 11:15............... Dress to Impress 12:15......................... Emmerdale 12:45.............Coronation Street 13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45........Supermarket Sweep 15:50........................Dinner Date 16:50............... Dress to Impress 17:50....................... Take Me Out 19:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00...Supermarket Sweep 21:00..................Singletown 22:00.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad!

BBC1, 21.00

The Cameron Years With unprecedented access to David Cameron himself, and drawing on the testimony of leading allies and critics from his close team, party, and coalition partners, the Cameron Years charts David Cameron’s prime ministerial career, from his rise to power as a young leader and his time in office, to the legacy he has left. Cameron led the first peacetime coalition government since the Second World War, before unexpectedly winning the General Election in 2015 to form a Conservative majority government. He then triggered the biggest political earthquake for decades by holding a referendum on the back of an election campaign promise. Now, for the first time in this two-part documentary series, the former Prime Minister speaks candidly about his recollections and his time in power. The first episode begins by examining how David Cameron went from riding high following his successful 2015 election campaign, to offering his own resignation to the British public on the steps of Downing Street just over a year later. The film begins by exploring twin pressures on the PM to make his fateful commitment to a referendum in 2013: first, a growing Euroscepticism, both within the Conservative party and the nation at large, which was putting increasing strain on his leadership; and secondly, the impact of the Eurozone crisis, which set Britain on a collision course with European politicians intent on shoring up their fragile shared currency. Cameron, against the advice of his friend and Chancellor George Osborne, his Chief Whip, and Coalition partners, became convinced that pledging a renegotiation and referendum was necessary to resolve the increasing instability of Britain’s place in Europe. After leading his party to a surprise electoral victory in 2015 which saw him win an all-out Conservative majority, Cameron’s renegotiation faced huge challenges from the start. Cameron struggled to persuade his two closest allies, Michael Gove and Boris Johnson, to support the case for remaining. Finally, the film examines his struggle to stay in control of a campaign riven by party in-fighting, ‘posttruth’ politics, and strategic challenges. 13th - 19th September 2019


29 CW

CW 30

TEAs 13th - 19th September 2019 13th - 19th September 2019


31 CW

CW 32

TEAs 13th - 19th September 2019 13th - 19th September 2019


33 CW

CW 34


13th - 19th September 2019

Firm banned from selling Schweppes tonic in Spain

THE Commercial Court Number 8 of Barcelona has prevented the Red Parallel company from importing Schweppes tonic from the UK, and distributing it in Spain.

The ban followed the judge’s ruling that Japanese firm Suntory was the only company with the right to sell Schweppes brand tonics in the country. Barcelona-based Red Parallel had profited hugely from importing the tonic from the UK, and selling it in Spain at a lower price. This lucrative business model saw the company shift 17.3m bottles, netting €5.9m in the process, between 2009 and 2014. A Red Parallel spokesperson said: “The only thing we did was buy English Schweppes tonic from English wholesalers. Therefore, merchandise was already in free circulation in the European Economic Area,” said the company following the ruling. This sentence has also obligated Red Parallel to pay compensation to Suntory for damages amounting to

Mythical Mia’s rescue mission has backfired €293,480. Schweppes tonic was born in 1783 but was a late arrival to Spain, only entering the Iberian market in 1957. The brand quickly became a market leader, with a 54.8% share, and experienced a strong increase in sales as the popularity of gin and tonic soared. Suntory’s legal director María Rodríguez said: “The rights

of the Schweppes brand in Spain are not exhausted. “The only Schweppes tonic that can be marketed in Spain is that manufactured by Schweppes Suntory Spain, or another company of our same group.” The legal dispute, which began in 2014, looks set to continue with an appeal expected to be launched with Spain’s Supreme Court.

A VEGAN activist, who claimed to have been shot at by farmers after stealing 16 of their rabbits, might actually have killed almost 100 of them.

“Mythical Mia” launched a rescue mission, attempting to save rabbits from a farm, before posting a video of herself on social media with a blood-stained face and legs. She claimed that the pursuing farmers shot at her through a car window as she fled. In a video, the Barcelona-

based activist told her 40,000 Instagram followers that she had saved 16 rabbits. But according to Spanish daily newspaper La Vanguardia, 90 bunnies had to be put down because they were left without a mother. Five of them were reported to have died during the raid, while others suffered broken spines. On an Instagram post following the raid, Mia wrote: “Despite everything, I am just happy that those 16 lives are free from harm. They make everything worth it.”


13th - 19th September 2019

Elephant stampede injures Sri Lankan pageant crowd

Low death rate, but it’s still nothing to celebrate

SPAIN’S road deaths fell to their lowestever total during the last two months, yet 220 people still died in traffic accidents. Rampage: Chaos comes to a Buddhist pageant

MORE than a dozen festival-goers were injured after an elephant taking part in a Buddhist pageant in Sri Lanka went on a rampage.

The procession in Kotte, near the country’s capital, began with a government minister placing a sacred relic on a decorated casket, atop an elephant adorned with shiny red clothing. But it turned disastrous, rapidly, when the elephant surged forward, sending some of the terrified worshipers straight into another of the

mighty animals, which then ran amok. Shocking footage showed a man, riding on the elephant’s back, just avoid being trampled when he was shaken off as the huge animal headed straight into a crowd. Officials from two hospitals said 18 injured people had been treated, following the stampede, including women and at least two children, but 16 people had been discharged. Unfortunately, it is another elephant-related controversy for Sri Lanka, after photos emerged last month showing a starving 70-yearold female forced to don a

colourful costume to hide her emaciated body. According to the Save Elephant Foundation, Tikiri was one of 60 elephants forced to work for 10 nights in a row at the Esala Perahera Buddhist festival in Kandy. Foundation founder Lek Chailert said, in a heartfelt post on World Elephant Day: “No one sees her bony body, or her weakened condition, because of her costume. “No one sees the tears in her eyes, injured by the bright lights that decorate her mask, and no one sees her difficulty in walking because her legs are shortshackled.”

Cover up: Starving Tikiri looks a picture of delight

35 CW

Last month the number of fatalities was 101, making it the least deadly August since 1993. The statistics were released by Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska, during a review of the measures rolled out this summer to ensure road safety. August’s low fatality figure is particularly relevant because that is when most travel takes place: 47.8 million people were on the road, according to the national traffic authority DGT. Even so, Grande-Marlaska warned of the need to keep raising awareness about the

dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The minister said that in 2018, many of the people who died in traffic accidents had high blood-alcohol concentrations. “It’s not about having one drink too many,” he said. “Every single drink is one too many!” This summer, traffic authorities rolled out 28 new radars and conducted 1.1m alcohol breath tests. The most dangerous roadways continue to be the conventional two-lane roads, where 70% of lethal accidents (154) have taken place, even though the speed limit was reduced from 100km/h to 90km/h in January. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcycle riders remain the most vulnerable groups, representing four out of every 10 deaths in July and August.

Heartless mum sells twin babies to wipe out debts A CALLOUS mother sold her new-born twin babies for £7,400 to clear her creditcard bills, and buy a mobile phone. The mum, in her twenties, sold the boys to two families, who lived more than 430 miles away from their eastern China hometown. The twins, born prematurely last September, had to be kept in incubators after they were born. But they were sold when just two weeks old. Their mother, known by her surname Ma, sold one boy for 45,000 yuan (£5,100) and the other for 20,000 yuan (£2,271), reports the Daily Mail. She took the decision after her partner, known by his Wu surname, failed to appear at the hospital to help care for the babies, and his parents also refused to help.

After discovering she had sold the children, Wu asked if he could use some of the money to pay off his gambling debts, but was told it had already been spent. Both babies have since been taken back from the families which bought them and are being looked after by their grandparents. Cixi police, in Zhejiang Province, gave details of the case last Friday. According to the paper, they were tipped off about the case in July and formed two investigative teams to chase the boys, one in Anhui Province and the other in Shandong Province. Ma and Wu have now been arrested, after the adoptive families agreed to hand back the children. Child-trafficking carries a prison penalty of up to 10 years in China.

CW 36

What’s On

This weekend

Gear, cameras and society

An exhibition of about 50 items from the Isla de Tenerife Photography Centre-TEA, including photo and video cameras, films and related materials, photos, slide viewers and projectors, and darkroom equipment. The exhibition is held in two venues: the TEA Central Town Library and the ground-floor lobby at TEA.

until 15th September Tenerife arts space, Santa Cruz

13th - 19th September 2019

This weekend

In Heaven

In Heaven Art Collection is an exclusive culinary performance drawing inspiration from expressionism, surrealism, cubism, pop art and other trends in contemporary art. It brings together art and gastronomy, music and dance, turning dinner into a multisensory journey that invites diners to explore twentiethcentury paintings with all five senses. An artistic and musical revolution seasoned with flavours inspired by artists like Salvador Dalí, Frida Kahlo, Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol.

Children’s Fair at Siam Mall

After a Summer full of unforgettable moments, it’s time to start a new adventure: School! That´s why we dedicate this month to the little ones. We´ll have free activities like children’s shows, storytellers, workshops, and the Siam Kids’ fair on September 14th and 15th. Check out our website and know our programming. SiamKids starts at Siam Mal!

until 26th sept hard rock hotel

until 15th September siam mall

This weekend

Holy Christ of La Laguna Festival

This weekend

this weekend

The Holy Christ Festival takes place in La Laguna in September, reaching its climax on day 14. On 9 September, the Holy Christ was carried in a procession out of His shrine, to be returned on 14 September. In the evening, there is another procession, visiting St Clare’s and St Catherine’s nunneries. Back in the square, there is a major firework show. Throughout the month, La Laguna plays host to concerts, children’s activities and visitors’ attractions.

This weekend

Summer Carnival

The Summer Carnival in Puerto de la Cruz gathers over 15,000 people in three days. Music, rhythm and colour in one of the key events of the year – a prelude to the Winter Carnival, featuring batucadas, krewes, orchestras, and leading bands and artists. The perfect, most genuine way of bidding farewell to the summer, wearing your swim ring and a fancy dress too. 12th - 15th september Plaza de Europa, Puerto de la Cruz

Until 30th September September

San Cristobal de la Laguna October This weekend

Our Lady of Mercy Boat Procession

In the fishing village of El Médano, locals engage in a traditional procession wearing traditional costumes. They carry Our Lady of Mercy, their Patroness, to the beach and get ready to come on board. It is one of the most exciting processions in Tenerife, accompanied by the music of local bands, or parrandas, and great Canarian food. 15th september el medano

11th October Xanadu

21st September, 6pm La Laguna


13th - 19th September 2019

37 CW

Animation fits the bill for Paul THE word entertainment conjures up so very much. It is made up of components, with different elements within the umbrella of our entertainment industry.

Great animation is, in our opinion, here at Keddy’s Entertainment, the “jewel in the crown”. It provides and delivers fun, enjoyment, escapism and lots of laughter, serving to create happy holiday memories. The customer experience is paramount, in our view, and is what brings holiday makers returning to this wonderful island, every year. Keddy’s Entertainment is pleased and proud to introduce and interview Paul Parker, one of our hotel animation staff, from the Keddy’s Entertainment animation team. Paul is truly dedicated and passionate about his role, and describes how he gets huge job satisfaction from seeing people being happy, and simply enjoying themselves. He explains how he began his entertainment career. “Entertainment is something I have grown up with my entire life. From my father singing around England, when I was a child, to doing variety shows as a toddler. Entertainment always has been a big part of my life. “I can remember when I first realised I enjoyed singing. My father had a karaoke machine in our family home, and I remember sneaking down in the morning, and using it to practise singing. “I remember the duo act he had, DonnaMike. I would tag along, and listen and dance like crazy.” Paul and his family moved to Mallorca when he was 10. His parents opened Molly Ryan’s

Irish Bar, in Alcudia, and this is where his singing really kicked in, doing karaoke. However, the entertainment fuse was really lit by the hotel just across the road from Paul. He would sneak across and watch the evening shows. “Eventually, they caught on that I wasn’t a guest, but just a young boy coming across the road to enjoy their entertainment, but they saw how much I loved and enjoyed it. “Finally, they invited me to join in with their shows! So, from the age of 12, I was on stage maybe twice a week, doing the Lion King, Grease and other variety shows, playing different parts each time. And that was it! I was well and truly hooked!” Paul and his family moved away from Mallorca when he was 15. “My father was doing his own gigs around Ireland. I started off as his sound technician, and this led me to performing with him, doing one song together, and then another. I always looked up to my father.

Eventually, we started our own duo, Dapper Duo, and toured for about 11 years. It brought me a whole raft of different experiences. I have performed on television, and at major city events and concerts, singing with Wagner and Kitty Brucknell from the X Factor, as well as performing as the opening for the Brazilian Rapper, Aggro Santos.” But it was beginning to take its toll on Paul, and he was becoming less enthusiastic, feeling as though he’d lost some of his drive. He explains: “My true passion was calling me. I remembered the feeling I had when watching animation shows in Mallorca, and joining in with them. I knew that was what I wanted to do.” Paul began his professional animation career in Palmanova, Mallorca. “I thoroughly enjoyed the experiences. They reinforced the fact that animacion was where my heart was! “Keddy’s Entertainment is the best company I could

ever wish to work for. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be able to do what I love.” He did add that he isn’t just saying this, so his boss could read it and maybe give him a pay rise! “It’s a company that has the same passion about animation and entertaining people that I felt as a youngster. “Animation is not just playing games and hosting shows. It’s the passion I have to want to make people smile, helping them to enjoy their holiday and create new memories. It’s so much more than just a job for me. This is an opportunity of getting to know people, and hearing their stories. “It’s something that I feel I can do, hopefully giving people a chance to escape from any worries, and take away stress from their everyday lives, even if it’s just for a week. “That is when I feel like I have done my job. I want to give people the feeling I had when I was on holiday; enjoyment, making new

friends and coming together, no matter where you’re from, or who you are. “This job has made me the person I am today. I want to thank, not only Keddy’s Entertainment, but also my wonderful partner, Emily, who has supported and encouraged me every step of the way. She is my rock. Animation is my life now. This is just the beginning.” Paul’s passion, drive, determination and customer-care commitment really shone throughout this interview. We, at Keddy’s Entertainment, believe that all our employees work with us as a team, and not for us. We always welcome any likeminded individuals to apply to join us. Opportunities are always opening. Until next time, be sure to take care and simply enjoy yourselves! To find out how you can join us, and become part of our ever-growing hotel team, find us on Facebook @ keddysentertainmentpage, or visit our website

CW 38

Community News

Horse Holidays

13th - 19th September 2019

Accion del Sol News

Horses benefit to Another sad tale the tune of €1,000 THESE two gorgeous boys were collected by Protection Civil, from the streets in Guia de Isora. It’s the same old story; they were abandoned and left in the street with no microchips, which is a legal requirement in Tenerife.

TEAM Horse Holidays are super happy to reveal that the grand total of €1,000 was raised from their recent fundraiser at the Terrace Bar, in Amarilla Golf. This money will go towards the upkeep of the horses in their care. Big thanks must go to Jakki Hooper, for organising much of the day, the stall holders, Andy and his team at the bar, all the entertainers who took part, including Mel Faulkner, Stacey Tippet, Radostina, the Tenor Girls,

Tenerife Dance Shows (plus others), the volunteers, and, of course, everyone who attended. The kids loved meeting some of the smaller animals, and having their faces painted. The adults mooched around the stalls and had a beer in the sun, all the while being entertained. Horse Holidays are planning another day, at the same venue, close to Christmas, so look out for that, later in the year!

They are very thin and need their injections, microchips and passports. But after the legal, 21 waiting days, they will be looking for a new, loving home. We will ensure that they have a clean bill of health, before we put them up for adoption. Assistance required We are always looking for people to walk the dogs in the refuge during opening hours. Please do call the refuge on 664 321 219 or 602 463 242, between 8am5pm, if you can help in any way. We always need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm.

Live Arico News

Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the north-bound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the right-hand side. E-mail the refuge at teneriffa@ or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol.

Little Titch

THIS sweet girl was found in Charco del Pino, roaming the streets, and limping on three legs. She has an injured front leg, but is now safe in the refuge, receiving treatment. So far, we have had no response to our plea for her owner to come forward. If nobody claims her, Titch will be up for rehoming, as soon as her injury heals. Could you be Titch’s new family? Good news! Lucas, a beautiful pointer, who was featured recently in the Canarian Weekly, has been offered a home in Scotland. What a lucky boy! Dog-walking club

Join the Live Arico dog-walking club on Saturday mornings from 9am-1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you can keep fit and find a furry friend at the same time. Please come and meet the dogs. They have a fabulous time with the walkers, and look forward to going out for a wander. Please feel free to pop along, even for a chat. If you have any questions, send a WhatsApp to Mark on 652 297 853, for further details. Live Arico shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops. Donations are always very much appreciated. San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open weekdays 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and now Sundays 11am3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and playpark. Open Monday-Friday (10am4pm), Saturday 10am-2pm. During the summer months, we will not be opening on Sundays. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides are recruiting!

1st Tenerife Rainbows, Brownies and Guides are now taking on new recruits to join their unit. Rainbows are girls aged 5-7yrs. Brownies are girls aged 7-10yrs. Guides are girls aged 10-14yrs. They are based in Tenerife Family Church, Coral Mar Square, Costa del Silencio, and meet on Thursday

evenings from 6pm - 7.30pm, and start back on Thursday 19th September. They provide a wide range of activities, work for badges, learn life skills and have lots of fun. For any further, information look at the Girlguiding website or contact Rachel Roberts on rachel68robertsgmail. com or call 669 444 391. Registered charity 306016

Wine and Dine

13th - 19th September 2019

39 CW

Stick celery on the shopping list AT just 10 calories a stalk, celery’s claim to fame may be that it’s long been considered a low-calorie “diet food”.

But crispy, crunchy celery actually has a number of health benefits that may surprise you. Here are five reasons you should consider adding celery to your diet. Important source of antioxidants Anti-oxidants protect cells, blood vessels and organs from oxidative damage. Celery contains Vitamin C, beta carotene and flavonoids, but there are at least 12 additional kinds of anti-oxidant nutrients, found in a single stalk. It’s also a wonderful source of phytonutrients, which have been shown to reduce instances of inflammation in the digestive tract, cells, blood vessels and organs. Reduces inflammation Chronic inflammation has been linked to many illnesses, including arthritis and osteoporosis. Celery and celery seeds have approximately 25

anti-inflammatory compounds, which can offer protection against inflammation in the body. Supports digestion While its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients offer protection to the entire digestive tract, celery may offer special benefits to the stomach. It has a high water content, almost 95%, plus generous amounts of soluble and insoluble fibre. All of those support a healthy digestive tract, and keep you regular. Rich in vitamins and minerals Vitamins A, K, and C, plus

Chill Out bar and restaurant Chill Out bar and restaurant offers a wide range of dishes, including Chateaubriand and Dorada al Sol. Why not come and dine, whilst watching the sun setting over Las Vistas beach, truly a beautiful setting to enjoy a lovely meal.

minerals like potassium and folate, are present in celery. It’s also low in sodium. Plus, it’s low on the glycaemic index, meaning it has a slow, steady effect on your blood sugar. Buying and storing celery *Sturdy stalks: look for celery that has sturdy, upright stalks. They should snap easily when you pull them, not bend *Crisp leaves: leaves should be crisp and fresh, ranging in colour from pale to bright green. Avoid celery with yellow or brown patches *Wait to chop: chop celery just before cooking or serving to maintain nutrients.

Even celery that has been chopped and stored for just a few hours will lose nutrients *Steam it: steamed celery will retain its flavour and almost all of its nutrients *Eat within 5-7 days: eat fresh celery within 5-7 days, to enjoy its maximum nutritional benefits *Eat the leaves: don’t discard the leaves, because that’s where celery has the most calcium, potassium and Vitamin C. Because they don’t store well, consume celery leaves within a day or two of purchase. In addition to its many health

The Swan

Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with goodquality produce. We also cater for any special requirements. Daily Specials. Friday: Cod and chips night. Sunday Lunch: 12noon - 8pm. Bookings advisable.

Private parties - 5 course special on the roof terrace. Call for more information and reservations. 24hr-notice for paella, lamb shank, fillet steak or ask us for anything you fancy. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value!

Las Vistas beach front, just past the harbour bridge, Los Cristianos

Open: 10am - 11pm

Call: 922 792 776

benefits, celery is versatile. You can eat it raw or cooked, and it makes a great addition to smoothies, stir-fries, soups and juices. Celery can also be steamed or baked. Celery soup Smooth and flavourful, this soup comes together quickly. ¼ cup butter 1 small yellow onion, finely chopped 2 cups celery, finely chopped 1 large garlic clove, minced A third of a cup of flour 1½ cup chicken stock 1½ cup whole milk 1 tsp salt ½ tsp sugar One eighth of a tsp freshlyground, black pepper Melt butter over medium-high heat in a heavy-bottomed pot. Cook onions, celery, and garlic until translucent, about 5-7 minutes. Add flour, and cook one minute. Add chicken stock and milk, stirring until smooth. Increase heat, bringing mixture to a simmer. Reduce heat to medium, adding remaining ingredients, and simmer, uncovered, for about 15 minutes. Add salt to taste.

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Call: 922 795 865

CW 40


By Val Sainsbury TEENAGERS today are more likely to suffer from depression, and engage in self-harm, compared with those 10 years ago. It is believed that social media has an influence on the perception of self and body image of the “Generation Z”, or post-millennials. Most of Generation Z have used the internet since a young age, and are comfortable with technology and social media. Researchers compared the behaviour of children born 10 years apart (those born in 1991 and 1992, and those born in 2000 and 2001). They also took note of personal characteristics like sex, ethnicity and class background. They found that only 9% of people born in the Nineties suffered from depression in their teenage years, against 15% for those born in the “social-media generation”. They also found that the younger group was more likely to engage in 13th - 19th September 2019

Today’s teens not happy on the net! self-harm, than the older group. Children born in the Nineties usually had a full night’s sleep during week nights. This was not observed in the younger generation. The researchers attributed poor sleep to increased smartphone and social-media use, which have been linked to symptoms of depression. The younger generation also has a higher tendency to Photoshop images, or apply photo filters, in an effort to achieve “perfection”. In effect, more and more teenagers suffer from low selfesteem, driven by concerns with self-image and body image. The increasing trends of poor sleep, obesity and negative body image might help explain rising mental-health difficulties experienced by young people. Striking increases in mental-health difficulties, BMI [body mass index] and poor, sleeprelated behaviours, highlight an increasing public-health challenge.

Identifying explanations for these high prevalences and changing trends are key for preventing further poor physical and mental health, for future generations of young people. But the researchers observed that certain behaviours, that were prevalent during the Nineties, were not as common in the younger generation. The number of children who punched or kicked someone at the age of 14 has decreased from 40% to 28%. Vandalism offences also decreased from 6% to 2%. Alcohol use has also decreased. At the age of

14, approximately half of the teenagers of the older generation had already tried alcohol. However, this number has dropped to 44%. The same trend was observed with cigarette use. Only 1% of the post-millennials had experienced smoking at the age of 14, compared with 7% of the children from the Nineties. In previous studies, substance use and antisocial behaviour have been linked to poor mental health. However, researchers noted that while trends show that there is a decrease in these behaviours, it does not necessarily correlate with

improved mental health. “Understanding the nature of these associations, and their dynamic nature, over time, could be valuable in identifying what the risk factors are for mental-health problems, and might help us find potential targets for interventions,” said the researchers. Studies show that negative thinking is highly related to low self-esteem. Moreover, depression can cloud judgment and the ability to make sound decisions. Keeping negative thoughts to yourself can only make them worse. Writing thoughts and feelings down in a journal can be a cathartic experience. It will also help you remember all the good things that are present in your life. Surround yourself with people who see the good in you, and will not judge you for your weaknesses. These people will not only help you to be a stronger person, but will also solidify the positive perception of yourself. 13th - 19th September 2019


41 CW

CW 42

Puzzle page / Classif ied

Sudoku X Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

13th - 19th September 2019

Across 1. European capital (9) 8. X-rated? (5) 9. Elucidate (7) 10. Move to a smaller residence (8) 11. Sicken with sentiment (4) 13. Followed an eating regime (6) 14. Forty winks (6) 16. Male bird (4)


17. Give a name to (8) 19. Ape (7) 20. Wet sloppy stuff (5) 21. Pyjamas, for example (9) Down 1. Public performers (8) 2. Sternutation (6) 3. Spot (4)

4. Telephone sound (8,4) 5. Nice little earner? (5-7) 6. It may be set against income — add exotic nut (anag) (3,9) 7. Causing great distress (3-9) 12. Feign illness to avoid work (8) 15. Pilfer (6) 18. Consideration and sensitivity (4)

7 6

1 3 5 2 6




1 3 1 7 4 8 6 3 2

And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

4 5 2


5 6 1 9 7 7 5 6 9 3 9 7 6 4 8 7 5

House and Building Plot For Sale in San Miguel

8 5 1 9 6


9 7 3

3 4 2 5 9 6



1 4 9 5 1 8 5 6 4 3 4 8 6 9



4 9 1 7 3 2 6 4

Find the answers to these puzzles on our website

Price: 295,000 euros ONO Detached villa of 3 double bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with a modern but rustic feel, on a 350m2 plot, finished to a high specification with quality materials, and amazing views. The property consists of: Large open plan lounge and dining room of 48m2 with 2 sets of patio doors to garden and terrace, Fully fitted modern kitchen with white shaker style units and all appliances, Large master double bedroom with ‘walk in’ wardrobes, and en-suite bathroom with Thermostatic shower panel with body jets and waterfall shower, Second large double bedroom with patio doors to garden and terrace, Third good size double bedroom, Family bathroom with large bath, luxury rainfall shower, and heated towel rails. Outside: Large parking area with motion sensitive lighting, Flat gardens and terraces with amazing views, and outdoor store room. Urban plot of 882m2 with permission to build two houses up to 200m2 each. The land is flat and ready to build on with all permissions.

Only 100,000 euros Contact Peter on 620 161 203 or email:

Service Point

13th - 19th September 2019



43 CW

construction (cont.)

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 property for sale

Reduced for quick sale 2 bed apartment in Valle San Lorenzo A bright spacious apartment, fully refurbished, ready to occupy or rent. Price includes a parking space and trastero.

Price 114.950€ Interested call 0034 642 814 729 or 00353 863 749886 cars CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.

Call us now on 678 451 641

Car rental

Small Medium Automatic, 300€ Minimum 3 months rental. Interested? Call 649 038 662

chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Wendy Nelson - Hairdresser and Mobile chiropodist MCFHP-BSC, 25 yrs working for the NHS caring for all foot problems , Home visits and Hotels. Call 634 301 727 or email Elaine Watson-Jones MSSCh MBChA. Experienced qualified Chiropodist based in Tenerife over 20yrs, offers home/ hotel visits in most areas of the South. Tel: 608 029 790. Email:

Health and Beauty

car rentals

Long Term Car Rental Price 250 € - 300 € Per Month Fully comp Insurance & Recovery

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TEL: 694 447 778

Looking for apartment Apt/Villa required for the winter in the South of Tenerife, Private let preferred. Call Brian on 0044 1253681524 or Luke on 667 378 620 or emailbrianstephenson@

garden furniture


Kitchens & bathrooms Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing, Decorating, Plastering etc. Tel: 661 081 843 for quotation.


Service point

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 air-conditioning

Elite Cleaning Services is an established cleaning company who can provide a professional cleaning service for apartments. Call us today on 922 789 795 or 696 922 597.



CW 44


13th - 19th September 2019

patio doors & windows

Pest control



translation TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES: Legally registered with over 25 years’ experience. Official, Medical, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Probate, Pensions, car paperwork and much more. Professionalism and confidentiality guaranteed. Transport available. Call Tracey on 666 857 991 or email on

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For a no-obligation quote


678 675 171 tv & satellite ElectroSat TV S.L. C/Encarnacion No 1. Valle San Lorenzo, Tenerife. Tel: 922 72 22 27 Mobile 670 277 772, email: Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.


Everything for your house, apartment, etc We also buy good quality furniture and household items. Plus house clearances. Opening times: Mon-fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm Las Chafiras Calle tilena 19. Next to Rachels Motors

Tel: 922 749 664 security personal services

Male/female Viagra, Jellies, Cialis. Call 672 883 025

649 574 851

windows & doors


13th - 19th September 2019

CD Tenerife THE Canarian derby, which ended ended goalless last Saturday, had plenty of drama, especially in the last minute when referee Díaz de Mera awarded a penalty for Aitor Sanz’s foul on Rubén Castro. But VAR ruled it out for a previous offside by Pekhart.

It was the culmination of an intense match, with local domination in the first half by Tenerife, and a strong reaction from the yellows after the break, when Las Palmas coach Pepe Mel gave Pedri a free-roaming role in the centre of the pitch. The first half was all blueand-white, although it started with chances for both teams: Cedrés for Las Palmas in the fourth minute, followed by Tenerife’s Suso a minute later. And it was all CDT from then on. The home side, led by Milla, had depth on the right, although Luis Pérez did not capitalise on his crosses, and the danger came to no avail, after he failed to find Carlos Ruiz or Malbasic.

45 CW

Ten-man Tenerife hold on CD Tenerife 0 UD Las Palmas 0

In fact, the best chance fell to Las Palmas in the 40th minute, with a good Lemos shot which went close. A change of formation in the second half ignited Las Palmas, who did everything but score. Pedri dominated in the centre of midfield, and a foul on him had Luis Milla seeing red.

It was the first time the Madrid player had been sent off in his career, but it was justice after a bad tackle from behind on the 16-year-old, who was born in Tegueste! Tenerife struggled for the next 20 minutes, until the penalty incident and the final whistle. To be fair, a draw left no one satisfied: Tenerife,

because a point in a local derby is no consolation, and Las Palmas, because they squandered a promising chance to break an 18-year streak without a win at the Heliodoro. Since the end of the game, Milla has been the subject of massive abuse from Las Palmas fans on social me-

dia. He has been chastised for the challenge on Pedri, which, they claim, could have ended the teenager’s career before it has properly started. Milla has apologised to everyone, publicly, and Tenerife can now move on to their next fixture, at Albacete on Sunday morning.


Tough-guy Rafa shows his grit to take five-set classic RAFAEL Nadal held off Russia’s Daniil Medvedev in a fiveset classic to win the US Open, moving just one position from Roger Federer’s 20 Grand Slams.

The 33-year-old Spaniard, ranked among the top three performers for years, beat dark horse Medvedev 7-5, 6-3, 5-7, 4-6, 6-4, in front of a 24,000 crowd, who were buzzing throughout the epic clash, at New York’s Arthur Ashe Stadium. Second seed Rafa was two sets up, before his 23-yearold opponent staged a remarkable comeback to force a decider, but streetfighter Nadal clung on. The match lasted four hours and 50 minutes, just four minutes shorter than the longest-ever US Open final. “It was the most emotional

night in my tennis career,” said Nadal. “The nerves were so high; it was a crazy match.”

The Spaniard also paid tribute to his opponent, saying: “Medvedev’s summer is one of the best in the sport since

I started playing. The way he was able to fight was just incredible.” First-time Slam finalist

Medvedev said: “Unbelievable, outrageous, Rafa winning his 19th slam title. It’s amazing for our sport what you’ve done. I fought for every point, but, unfortunately, it didn’t go my way.” Nadal, who also won his 12th French Open title this year, is now just one Grand Slam win away from veteran Swiss rival Federer, now aged 38. The all-time men’s slam titles list now reads: Federer 20, Nadal 19, Novak Djokovic 16, Pete Sampras 14, Roy Emerson 12.

CW 46


13th - 19th September 2019

Pas O Nadas in right Place PAS O NADAS A maintained their winning streak when they visited Our Place Playboys, coming through 6-2 after some tough games. The Pub, who welcomed Scooters and Chevys A, triumphed 7-1, but some games went down to the wire, literally. Emerald B took on Sandys Bandits, for whom Paddy hit a lovely 180, but it wasn’t enough to stop the home side, who came through 5-3. Ronnie, clearly in good scoring form for Emerald B, managed to bust 122, in two consecutive throws, hitting four treble 20s in six darts, as he did so. Sandys Bookie Boys, who had to wait until the team game to see off the challenge of the valiant Mad Hatters team, were victorious by the slimmest 5-3 margin, courtesy of the trebles. The remaining Division One matches were postponed, for various reasons, but in Division 2, Clouseau’s played host to league leaders

Pink Elephant, and the visitors played some excellent darts, to emerge 7-1 winners. The Emerald Lounge also won, by the same scoreline at Pas O Nadas. In a match where every game went close, it was no surprise that Scooters and Chevys B, against Palms Sports Bar, finished 4-4, the home side winning the 701 game, to make honours even. Best finish of the night went to Dave, who checked out 16, double 16, double 16. Nicely done! Marilyns played their best darts of the season, when welcoming The Club House. But, despite Paul’s 180, the visitors won 5-3. Ourplace Breakaways found the opposition difficult, as visiting Naughty Nautas pushed them all the way. But the Breakaways persisted, and took the last game for a 5-3 win. Similarly, Picasso’s took the final game for the same scoreline, and a win. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing

Semenya gets her World gold, but doubts remain CONTENTIOUS South African athlete Caster Semenya is finally getting her gold medal from the 2011 World Championships, because Russian runner Maria Savinova has been stripped of the title for doping. Semenya was barred from defending her latest 800-metre world title in Doha. That’s because she refused to follow new IAAF rules, requiring her to reduce her natural testosterone level medically, to enable her to compete in certain races, including her favourite event. Instead, Athletics South Africa will receive the medal from the world track body on Semenya’s behalf in Doha. Officials will then decide on an appropriate event to hand the medal to Semenya in South Africa. The medal reallocation is taking

place because in 2017, the Court of Arbitration for Sport upheld Savinova’s doping ban, nullifying her results from 2010 to 2013. She was also stripped of her 2012 Olympic gold in the 800 metres, which means the title has also been awarded to Semenya, who also finished second in that race. The South African, who has two Olympic and three world titles in the 800m, has, since July, not been allowed to compete at top-level track meetings in distances from 400m to one mile because she has refused to take hormone-suppressing medication, in line with IAAF rules, introduced last year. Semenya has challenged the rules twice in court. She lost at the Court of Arbitration for Sport this year,

while her second legal appeal is still being considered by the Swiss supreme court. She is one of several elite female athletes with the differences of a sex-development condition, which results in male and female biological characteristics. She was legally identified as female at birth, and has identified as female her whole life. But she was born with the typical male XY chromosome pattern and has testosterone levels higher than the typical female range. The IAAF says testosterone gives her an unfair athletic advantage over other female runners, and says she must reduce it if she wants to run at the Olympics, World Championships and Diamond League meetings.

Watch this week’s major sporting events at the following venues:

of one of the league’s young stars, JB (“Johnny Boy Bizzle”), who had played at the top level in the league for some years, and was always known for his smile and sense of humour, which affected everyone he came into contact with, whether at darts or anywhere else. Our thoughts are with his family and friends, because this devastating news hits all who knew him. RIP big man. division 1 ResultS Emerald ‘B’


Ourplace Playboys

2-6 Pas O Nadas ‘A’

Sandys BanditS

The Loch-In Bullseyes P-P Waterfall Sandys Bookie Boys

5-3 Mad HatterS

Suters 20:30 CreW P-P


Pas O Nadas Int. P-P

Gaffers # Team HollywooD

The Pub

7-1 Scooters & Chevys ‘A’

division 1 Table Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 Pas O Nadas ‘A’




0 62




2 Gaffers # Team Hollywood 9 7 1 1 57 15 42 57 3 The Pub

10 7 3 0 57 23 34 57

4 Suters 20:30 Crew 10








5 Sandys Bookie Boys 10 5 3 2 48 32 16 48 6 Ourplace Playboys 10 4 2 4 44 36 8 44 7 Pas O Nadas Int.




3 44




8 Emerald ‘B’






51 -22


9 Sandys Bandits




7 25

47 -22


10 Waterfall




5 24

40 -16


11 Mad Hatters




7 21

59 -38


12 The Loch-In Bullseyes 10 2


8 17 63 -46


13 Scooters & Chevys ‘A’ 10 0 1 9 13 67 -54 13 14 Legends

0 0 0 0 0 0 0


division 2 ResultS Clouseaus 1-7 Pink ElephanT Marilyns 3-5 The Club House Pas O Nadas 1-7 Emerald Lounge Club Activo P-P Ourplace PlaygirlS Scooters & Chevys ‘B’ 4-4 Palms Sports BaR Ourplace BreakawayS 5-3 Naughty NautaS PicassoS 5-3 SundownerS

division 2 Table Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 Pink Elephant




1 66




2 Palms Sports Bar 11



2 62




3 The Club House




0 58




4 Club Activo




0 54




5 Emerald Lounge




3 52




3 3 48 40 8


7 Ourplace Breakaways 11 5 1 5 46 42 4


8 Picasso’s




4 46




9 Pas O Nadas




6 40




6 Scooters & Chevys ‘B’ 11 5

10 Naughty Nautas 11



8 31

57 -26


11 Sundowners



7 31

57 -26



12 Ourplace Playgirls 10 4

0 6 31 49 -18


13 Clouseaus



1 10 19

69 -50


14 Marilyns



0 11 16

72 -56

16 13th - 19th September 2019


47 CW

CW 48

Advertisement 13th - 19th September 2019

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