Spain heading in the right direction Issue 891 27th February - 5th March 2015
Inside this week...
MARIANO Rajoy, in his final State of the Nation speech before the General Election, gave a bullish address about Spain’s recovery and how his government had taken bolder decisions which avoided a Greece style bail-out. Continued on page 3.
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www.canarianweekly.com 27th February - 5th March 2015
27th February - 5th March 2015
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Prime Minister spells it out: Spain is on road to recovery Continued from front.
The Spanish Prime Minister announced some new initiatives to help struggling families, and tax breaks for the self-employed.
The PM said: “Our ambition to create three million new jobs is achievable if we don’t trip up.” He stressed that not asking for a bail-out was “the main measure under our social policy” and announced further measures to promote the new ‘Social Agenda’, and his plans to consolidate economic growth. After highlighting that Spanish GDP will grow by 2.4% in 2015, Rajoy offered some further economic data: consumption will continue to grow at approximately 3%; investment in capital goods will increase by over 7%; the current account balance of payments will show a surplus - and the lending capacity of Spain’s economy to the rest of the world will exceed 1% of GDP. According to the PM: “This legislature still has more to give, so the reformist agenda will continue.” He then announced a reduction in National Insurance contributions for new, permanentemployment contracts, which will benefit from a contribution-exempt minimum of 500 euros. He said this reduction will have “no impact on benefit entitlements for the worker”. Rajoy went on to add that the goal is to foster a return to work for those groups experiencing the greatest difficulties. Also, the Government is preparing more measures for the selfemployed: they will receive a one-year break of 100% from National Insurance contributions when they need to reduce their working day to care for children under the age of seven, or elderly people requiring long-term care. With these measures,
said Rajoy, the Government aims to continue bringing the rights of the self-employed into line with those of employees. Rajoy made special mention of the middle classes because of “their effort and solidarity during these years of crisis”. He added: “Spain owes them a great debt. The time has come to start easing their situation.” With this in mind, the PM cited a series of measures for achieving progress on the Social Agenda. These include the Integrated Family Support Plan, the Framework of Action on the Elderly and the Special Plan for Equality between Men and Women in the Workplace. In addition, the tax breaks for large families, and the so-called
“family cheques” for 1,200 euros handed out to single-parent families with two children, will be extended. One million people could benefit from these new measures. Rajoy also provided information on “what this government will do to promote reforms aimed at offering a second chance to every member of the public”, thus easing the indebtedness of households and the self-employed. From now on, he said: “Households will be able to restructure their debt via an outof-court settlement agreement.” A simplified procedure will be created, under which it will be possible to agree writeoffs, deferred payments and other ways to reduce the debt.
The PM said the current limits on demanding repayment of debt will be revised, the Banking Best Practices Code will be reformed - and a provision will be included so that vulnerable groups can benefit. Rajoy also expressed his plan to speed up the justice system, announcing a reform of the Spanish Criminal Procedure Act (to avoid mass court cases taking too long), a review of the legal fees system and an amendment to the Spanish Civil Procedure Act. He also announced measures to strengthen anti-fraud measures, both in the Public Treasury and the Social Security system. To do so, he said, a reform of the General Tax Act and the Law
Governing the Labour Inspection, Social Security and Employment Health System will be undertaken. He began his positive speech by taking stock of the last three years of government. After recalling that the economic crisis reduced revenue by 70 billion euros, destroyed 3.4 million jobs and escalated the risk premium to over 600 basis points, he said: “We were forced to dedicate two whole years to straightening out that disaster - two tough years of effort and cutbacks to finally balance the books.” He added: “However, in 2013, we managed what many people thought was unfeasible - for Spanish economic activity to start growing, reversing the economic recession we inherited when we came to power.” Hence, 400,000 jobs were created in 2014 and, he added: “With the January 2015 data, we can now say that there are 74,000 fewer registered unemployed than in the first month of this legislature.” Three years on, he said proudly: “Spain is a nation that has emerged from the nightmare, bailed itself out, regained economic confidence, enjoys prestige, is becoming attractive to investors again, has reorganised the way it works and is seeing growth in consumption.” “In other words, Spain has gone from being a country on the verge of bankruptcy to a fine example of economic recovery.” He specifically pointed out that his Government hit its targets by maintaining the welfare State, “with no social break-up” and without deepening inequality. And, more importantly, he said, without asking for a bailout. “That was the great decision of this legislature, the great measure of social policy, because a bailout is ruthless. It considers not age nor social status, nor the strength or weakness
of each household.” However, the Prime Minister warned that “everything we have gained in three years can be lost in only a few months”. He added: “We should not allow what we have built to be torn down but, rather, should commit ourselves to finishing the job and consolidating our recovery from the economic crisis.” In his opinion, “job creation is what guarantees the welfare State”. Rajoy, finding his stride, covered the thorny point of corruption, explaining that it represented “a priority objective” for his Government. Along the same lines, he recalled all the measures that have been approved and that have made it “much more difficult for corruption to occur”. At the end of the legislature, he said, “Spain will have one of the most stringent pieces of legislation to prevent and punish corruption”. As for the sovereignty process in Catalonia, Rajoy expressed his constant willingness “to reach an understanding with the Regional Government of Catalonia, as with any other regional government in this country”. He also spoke about the situation in Greece, and backed the agreement reached between the EU and Greece. As for the fight against terrorism, Rajoy said: “The key lies in political and social commitment, dedicated and constant police and judicial action, and international cooperation.” He also said: “It is highly important for the EU to maintain a united position over the situation in Ukraine. “Any solution will have to be political and negotiated, and guarantee the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.” The public gave the Prime Minister’s speech the thumbs-up - and Rajoy currently enjoys a 5% lead in the opinion polls.
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27th February - 5th March 2015
Taxman ramping up battle against fraud THE Spanish Tax Agency plans to intensify its use of social networking sites such as Facebook in its never-ending battle to beat fraud.
Taxmen will search the internet for information about suspected tax dodgers, including data about their family ties and professional contacts which could shed light on their movements, particularly any undeclared business activities. Agency chief Santiago Menéndez outlined this year’s new fraud-fighting action plan during a congressional appearance, when he also discussed 2014 results. “It is extremely important to be intensive in our use of new technology, and to be able to use support from computer-auditing experts to access the internal workings and information contained within computers,” said Menéndez. Tax inspectors already resort to social
networks for signs of assets not corresponding with income statements from suspected evaders. Now, though, investigators will take their search further. The agency is also planning to use special computer programmes to trawl
the web for more comprehensive information about their targets. The agency also has a dedicated group of workers analysing websites, blogs and other online platforms in search of clues. Some of their most
popular targets are home-rental and carsale websites. Some tax employees even search gossip magazines for signs of undeclared wealth in the photographs of featured celebrities. This last method
yielded success last year, when tax workers noticed a magazine spread displaying details of the luxury home owned by motorcycle racer Jorge Lorenzo. An inspection of Lorenzo’s business ensued, and sources fa-
miliar with the sports celebrity say the world champion has now put his affairs in order with the treasury. Lorenzo’s was one of 99,590 inspections carried out last yeara 6.8% increase from 2013.
TF-1 works underway SOME muchneeded road resurfacing is finally underway in the south of Tenerife, with more than 400,000 euros being spent on three sections of the TF-1 motorway.
Work began on Monday and this has been planned for a while. One section is between Porís de Abona and Punta Prieta, heading north towards Santa Cruz, which takes up the bulk of the funds. Work also began this week on improving the stretches around Los Cristianos, and Ca-
bildo Roads Minister José Luis Delgado said: “This point has one the highest density of vehicles on the Island. “It exits to Los Cristianos and supports a daily average of 40,000 vehicles, which highlights the need for the resurfacing and renovation of the surrounding areas.” The Councillor, who said that this section was last upgraded 10 years ago, added: “So you can see how important it is to get this redeveloped.” Delgado said this investment was an addition to the usual road maintenance contracts, which involve the expenditure of 300,000 euros a month on Tenerife’s roads.
“With respect to previous tenders for routine maintenance, we
found that the greater use means we have to invest more, and this
leads to better results,” he pointed out. The Roads Minister
said the 80 improvements foreseen and planned by his department adds up to nearly 50km of work going on - and an extra investment of 4.7m euros. He acknowledged that there are still sections of TF1 in the south which require improvements, for which he is trying to get around one million euros. “We need to continue this investment, and I am trying to get that plan in place to finish the rest of this mandate,” he said. Incidentally, the part of the TF-1 from Los Cristianos, which links up with the section up to Santa Cruz, celebrates its 40th anniversary this year.
27th February - 5th March 2015
ADEJE Council has put a smile on the faces of residents and visiting drivers this week with news of even more parking spaces being available soon.
It recently reopened the La Postura car park, having doubled the number of spaces from 90 to 180, and a further 600 are planned by the Department of Works within 12 months. Mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga said: “We are working to meet the needs of residents, while at the same time respecting the environment and improving public zones to the best of our ability.” These new spaces will be sited in various parts of the borough, including tourist zones. Car parking continues to be one of the Council’s priorities. It is viewed as essential to local development, especially as better parking facilities has been one of the top demands of residents. The Mayor said: “It hasn’t been easy, given that the zones where our residents tell us
A parking paradise!
parking is most urgently needed are those under urban planning restrictions, so our flexibility is limited. “But we have examined the logistics to find a way to meet the need, and, while we probably cannot satisfy everyone, we are looking at the best possible solutions for the borough.” The planned parking zones are part of the upgrading and improvement of various parts of Adeje, which include the introduction of pedestrian zones in tourist parts of Costa Adeje and the renovation of other areas. Communal green zones and pavements are also being improved, and some road reshaping will provide extra space for car parks. The Mayor added: “Care for the environment and respect for public spaces is also a
priority for us. Our livelihood is dependent on tourism and our image. “Planning the perfect development plan is
practically impossible, but we believe these investments will mean more parking without damaging the local en-
vironment.” The first step - the doubling of parking spaces in La Postura - is already completed. And in the
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coming weeks, work will begin in other places to increase parking. This includes the street alongside the Guardia Civil Barracks, with 60 parking places to be created in this important zone, given its proximity to shops and supermarkets. Forty more spaces will also be created in the nearby Tanque neighbourhood, and in La Postura. And on a larger scale, 430 spaces will be available to the public in San Eugenio, Avenida de los Pueblos and los Orlandos, and a few neighbouring sites. Alongside each parking upgrade, the Council will also pay attention to improving the communal leisure and green zones. Some areas will designated multi-functional, so they can be adapted for parking, cultural or sporting events. Seven distinct parts of the borough will be targeted under the plan, with up to 600,000 euros being invested over the coming months. In parallel, Adeje Council is continuing to work alongside the Cabildo and the regional government to improve existing tourist areas.
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27th February - 5th March 2015
Staggering ideas from the traffic authorities DRUNKEN tourists staggering down Spanish streets at night are in danger of more than just taking a tumble.
Spain’s Directorate General of Traffic, which is planning to stamp out “dangerous” walking, also hopes to introduce breathalyser tests for pedestrians involved in car accidents. In addition, the Government department suggests introducing an off-road speed limit for joggers. The proposals, buried among other roadsafety suggestions, would give pedestrians responsibilities akin to drivers, and could inspire other new laws in their footsteps. A British pensioner, for instance, falling out of a bar on a sunny Saturday afternoon after watching his favourite football team lose, could be a prime target, even though his hotel is just a few yards away. And the pavements of major streets could be barred to parents pushing buggies because they’re going too slow. Well, slowcoach drivers
on motorways can be fined, can’t they? It seems a preposterous idea by the Spanish, and a closer look at the small print of the plan - heavily criticised by other sectors of the Government - reveals that it won’t be taking it that far just yet. In fact, it can’t anyway because there is no official level of alcohol intake in Spain
at which you can be banned from walking. What the outlined scheme does suggest is that when pedestrians are charged with an already-existing legal infraction - such as jaywalking, or being involved in a car accident - they could be given a drug or alcohol test. But it is not entirely clear what the authorities would do with this
information. Looking at the proposal sensibly, pedestrians - and cyclists for that matter - are capable of causing harm through neglect, so perhaps they should fall foul of the law, in the same way as motorists are. It might seem obvious that drunken pedestrians are likely to be naughtier than those
Hospitals struggle to cope THE Canary Islands’ main hospitals are struggling to cope with a large influx of patients because of a flu outbreak, an ageing population and an immigration increase.
The Canarian Government admits there are now major issues in the Islands’ hospitals. Local newspapers have printed photographs of patients lying on trolleys in corridors. But the Canarian Health Service director says the problem is not confined to the Islands only.
who are sober, but some experts have actually backed up that assumption. A 2011 study published in the Journal of Trauma (honestly, that’s what it’s called), found that 55% of pedestrians who had been drinking ignored pedestrian crossings, compared with 22% of sober walkers who didn’t. When things went wrong, the drinkers also did themselves (and possibly others) far more damage. They stayed, on average, two days longer in hospital than sober accident victims, and, typically, their injuries were almost twice as severe. But it’s still quite a leap from what is, effectively, a supposition - that legal curbs on drunkards crossing the road could actually improve road safety to the specific change that Spain’s Directorate of Traffic is proposing. If the plan goes ahead, pedestrians would be reclassified, just like drivers, as “users of the road”. This suggests an equality of responsibility between pedestrian and drivers that just
doesn’t add up. At the risk of stating the obvious, pedestrians are not as closelycontrolled as drivers because they are not, for the most part, encased within what could be classified as a potential death trap. Labelling pedestrians as road-users is also ridiculous, unless having to dodge numerous cars whenever crossing the street is to be deemed as “use”. If pedestrians really were “users of the road” on the same footing as motor vehicles, our roads would simply be unsafe . In fact, Spain’s plans can be read as part of a long history of the authorities trying to shift responsibility away from drivers on to those they hit. Prior to the midTwenties, it was just about a given that vehicles should always take responsibility for road accidents. It was only intense lobbying by the car industry that saw jaywalking classified as a US offence. This lobbying came in response to public campaigns to cut accidents by fitting cars with compulsory speed-limiters. The move to shift blame for the high road death and injury toll from drivers on to pedestrians was powered as much by the car industry as by safety concerns. And attempting to overturn this bias towards blaming victims is an ongoing, arduous task. Proposed laws like those in Spain, which try to divert responsibility away from cars and their drivers, would only make things worse, by releasing the pressure to create, say, lower urban speed limits. Mind you, if the lawmakers can find a way to hammer people who text while strolling along, head down and oblivious of what is going on around them, they might stroll home!
www.canarianweekly.com 27th February - 5th March 2015
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27th February - 5th March 2015
Your Emails
The editor says...
Email: editor@canarianweekly.com
Time to hit the Bullseye THERE was a time, during the war, when there was nothing to see here. And I mean in the South of the Island. Most events were for the Spanish market and there was little or no desire for that to change. The client base and potential audience was here. “I miss going to the cinema or the theatre,” would be a common moan. Or. “I miss my sport, watching football.” I’ve heard these moans recently as well. Last time I checked, there was a cinema in the South showing films in English, there are a few theatrical performances coming up in March and CD Tenerife, second-tier professional football, is less than an hour away. Unless you live in the car park, that’s about the average journey time to watch a home match in the UK. And then there is the sport. Horse-racing, rugby and top-class athletics aside, over the course of the year you can see most professional sports in the Canary Islands.
If you REALLY want to, of course. It’s that same as all those who live in London, or who want to, as they would go to the theatre all the time. Yeah right! What selfrespecting worker in the capital goes to see Les Mis? If they are down that way, it’s for drinks in Leicester Square or Soho. Tonight (Friday) at Showtime, two of the world’s top-10 darts players are back for a second extravaganza. James Wade and Simon Whitlock are regularly on the TV, and this evening they are in your backyard. It’s world-class darts and their match will be a genuine contest. Neither man wants to lose, and I feel honoured to be introducing them on to the oche. To watch these world-class players close up, in Tenerife, is something to enjoy. It wouldn’t have happened 20 years ago. And it’s a sign of how far we have come as a community. I hope to see you there.
Tel: 902 232 102 info@canarianweekly.com Publisher, proprietor and Editor: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802
Dear Editor, I would like to join your debate on mobility scooters and the proliferation of people renting them out. As the owner of Orange Badge in Los Cristianos, my company have rented a full range of equipment (not just scooters) to clients over the past 19 years. We have helped build the awareness of Tenerife - and Los Cristianos, in particular - as one of the premier destinations in the world for the disabled and elderly who cannot walk far. We rent responsibly and take care to match the scooter with the clients, giving them full instructions on how to drive and behave. We pay all our taxes, social security, and other overheads like rent, servicing, delivery, breakdown cover, etc. We are very aware of our responsibilities to our clients and to others. Unfortunately, many of the new entrants offer none of the above, and it has become a dangerous free-for-all. We totally agree that the seafront walkway is a massive accident waiting to happen, and we are extremely concerned. It appears that almost anyone can now rent these mobility scooters to anyone for whatever purpose, without regard for the suitability of the client. The small, fast, stand-up scooters are also a menace, causing many near-misses to our clients, with several of our machines being damaged as a result of our customers being forced to take evasive action. Another example: two-seater tandem scooters are totally illegal in the UK and most of Europe on the public highway (pavements). In the UK, the law specifically states that a mobility scooter is classed as an invalid carriage and may be used only by the driver. As far as I am aware, only in Spain is there ambiguity, resulting in many two-seaters over here, imported from China, with no EU certification - and with few, if any, spare parts. We are fed up with anyone being able to hire scooters with just a mobile phone number, with no insurance, no training, no choice, no experience, no servicing of the scooter and no receipts, etc. Unfortunately, the authorities do not understand, or appear to care, that the mobility market-place they have spent years trying to nurture is being totally wrecked by these pop-up and unregistered renters, who let out scooters to anyone they deem fit, at up to 50% of the commercial price for cash (no receipt of course!) and then disappear after a few months. They leave established companies like us to explain why we are obliged to charge the prices we do. These type of operators do immense damage to established, professional, mobility businesses like ours. The authorities, namely the Cabildo, Ayuntamiento and the Police, between them, have the authority and ability to stop these excesses almost overnight. They can regulate any market by use of a newstyle operating licence (not opening licence) for every enterprise working with tourists, whether they have a locale or not. Jeremy Mills, owner
Dear Editor I know this topic can go and on, but I must take exception to Sean Dobson’s email in last week’s edition. I agree with him that there are too many scooters rented to able-bodied persons, and that bicycles and two-wheeled motorised scooters are a danger - and that there will be an accident one day. But there are people here in Tenerife, me included, who would not be able to go far without the use of a mobility scooter. I hire mine from a reputable company, who insist on proof of disability, and who ensure you are fully insured. Does Mr Dobson believe that we should not be able to enjoy the sea front? There are many kinds of disability, and those of us who are, even if temporary, should be allowed to enjoy all the benefits that Tenerife holds. If this means using a mobility scooter, so be it. Or does he also think that people in motorised wheelchairs, or wheelchairs in general, should also be banned? Miss Rayner Ardeman
Dear Editor I have been visiting your beautiful Island for years, and have always stayed in the Pebble Beach area, normally at the Fairways Club. Sadly, this will be our last year as we have reached the stage where my wife is unable to walk the considerable distance to the bus stop at both the Pharmacy and the Winter Gardens. And, like most pensioners, we cannot take a taxi every time we want to go anywhere. can only assume there are a lot of other people in the same boat, and I find it quite amazing that the bus company, TITSA, can’t send a regular bus down the hill to Pebble Beach, considering the amount of extra fares they could pick up, particularly on the Las Americas-Los Cristianos route. I would be most interested to hear the bus company’s response. Geoff Hopcraft. Crawley, Sussex
Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington chris.elkington@canarianweekly.com
News Editor: Ross Browning
Features Editor: John Hennessey
Design: Joe Price
Sales Manager: John Zammit
Classified Linda Johnson
Contributors: Adi Benson, Carl Pattison, Emma Swain, Geoff Huxtable, Mariano Zunino Siri, Sue McDonald, Val Sainsbury, Andy Briggs, Laura Mann, Vanessa V, Sir Old Golfer, Nico Gil Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2015 Canarian Weekly
27th February - 5th March 2015
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Lights... camera... poster THE second photography competition run by Adeje Council will, eventually, produce a poster for the 2015 Adeje Summer University.
Potential entrants will have 20 days from publication of the event in the BOP - the official provincial bulletin - to present their work. Cultural Councillor Nayra Bethencourt said: “We are letting people know to give them enough time to elaborate their creative ideas on the chosen theme.” This year’s poster theme is light, and Cllr
Bethencourt added: “2015 is the international year of light and light-based technologies (IYL2015). “We thought it would be opportune to use this idea, adopted by the United Nations, which is working to advance the development of society and help humanity overcome obstacles. “Light plays an important part in our daily lives, in sciences, in production and in communication.” The Councillor also confirmed that the winning photograph would be used as the Adeje Summer University 2015 poster. It will also appear in all official literature and merchandising associated with the
event, including promotional material. And the winner will also take home 400 euros, with 200 euros for the runner-up. Alongside the event will be an exhibition of the top photographs scrutinised by the judging panel. Originality will be of the important requisites when picking a winner, and entries may consist of just one photograph or a series of three on a particular theme related to light. Entries must be submitted with no borders or margins on photographic paper and may be mounted on cardboard that is the same size as the photograph with a number and name on the back.
Smart way to be jabbed SO-CALLED “Smart” syringes, which break after one jab, should be used for injections by 2020, says the World Health Organisation (WHO).
It maintains that using syringes more than once leads to more than two million people annually being infected with diseases, including HIV and hepatitis. The new needles are more expensive, but the switch would be cheaper than treating the diseases, says the WHO. More than 16 billion injections are administered every year, and normal syringes can be
used time and again. But the smart ones prevent the plunger being pulled back after an injection, or retract the needle, so it cannot be used again. Dr Selma Khamassi, head of the WHO team for injection-safety, told the BBC News website: “This will, hopefully, help eliminate the 1.7 million new hepatitis B cases, the 300,000 hepatitis C cases and the 35,000 HIV cases every year - and all those we don’t have figures for, such as Ebola and Marburg.” The farming community of Roka in Cambodia are living through the nightmare scenario which the WHO wants to stamp out with its syringe new policy. In wooden huts and
farmhouses dotted among paddy fields, families are struggling to cope with the bombshell of a sudden and frightening mass infection of HIV. To the astonishment and shock of this rural backwater, babies, schoolchildren and even the 82-year-old abbot of the local Buddhist temple, who is celibate, have all tested HIV-positive. And there is one common factor linking them, directly or indirectly: they nearly all received injections from an unlicensed doctor, suspected of reusing his syringes. The virus would have been spread from one patient to another, resulting in an escalating
tally of infections now standing at 272, with further rises expected as more tests are carried out. Four of the victims - three elderly women and a baby - have since died. Incredibly, this is also a problem in rich Western countries. An outbreak of hepatitis C in Nevada, US, was traced back to a doctor who used the same syringe to give anaesthetic to multiple patients. Standard syringes cost around 1.5p and the smart ones a little more. The WHO describes it as a “small increase”, but the tiny difference in the price of one needle becomes huge when scaled up to 16 billion injections. Dr Khamassi added:
“Injection safety is, I think, the most costeffective way to prevent all these diseases. “If we compare the price of most expensive syringes to the cost of treatment for an HIV case, or a hep C case, there is no comparison.” The WHO is also calling for sheathed needles that prevent doctors pricking their fingers accidentally. This has happened many times during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. But they would treble the cost of the syringes, and the WHO says these would have to be introduced “progressively”. The WHO is calling on industry to expand production and find ways of reducing the cost of the
safer needles. Marc Koska, head of Safepoint - which campaigns to stop the reuse of syringes - told the BBC: “It’s totally, totally possible. “We’ve already done this with immunisation, which represents less than 10% of the injections given in the developing world, and that has been a fantastic success. “Now we’re targeting the 90% of what we call curative injections.” But the measure will not be the end of the typical syringe. They will be needed for needle-exchange programmes for drug-users, as well as in some treatments in which multiple medicines are mixed in the syringe before being injected
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www.canarianweekly.com 27th February - 5th March 2015
Carnival heads THE Carnival season in the North of Tenerife came to a stunning conclusion last weekend.
In Santa Cruz, the month-long celebrations finished with street parties and a fiesta which went deep into the night. Puerto de la Cruz also rounded off their event in stunning fancy-dress creations. The Carnival inches South over the next week with Candelaria hosting the latest celebrations. And those in the South do not have much longer to wait before the Los Cristianos festivities get underway - in just a week! Photos: Sir Old Golfer
www.canarianweekly.com 27th February - 5th March 2015
eads South style. The parade was really well attended, and everyone got into the spirit with some
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CW 12
27th February - 5th March 2015
MP loses abortion argument BRITISH ministers have defeated a cross-party bid to clarify in law that abortion through gender alone is illegal.
Fiona Bruce, the Tory MP who spearheaded the move, said the law was being “interpreted in different ways”. Her proposal was defeated by 91 votes, but MPs did agree to a review of the extent of sex-selective abortion. The Government said it had been consistently clear that sex-selective abortion was “already illegal”. Health Minister Jane Ellison said new guidance had been issued by the Department for Health last May, with which independent sectors had to comply. Ms Bruce, the MP for Congleton, East Cheshire, had been backed by more than 100 ministers prior to the debate. Her amendment, which would not have changed the law, wanted to update the 1967 legislation drafted be-
fore it was possible to identify the sex of a foetus. An alternative amendment, providing for a review of the extent of gender selection abortion in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, was supported by 491 votes to two. Ms Bruce said her amendment would “clarify beyond doubt, in statute, that sex-selective abortion is illegal in UK law”. She added that it would also provide the Government with a chance to address the “problem”, perhaps by bringing forward bestpractice regulations and guidance. She told MPs: “This new clause is necessary because there is no explicit statement about gender-selective abortion in UK law. “The law is being interpreted in different ways because when the 1967 Abortion Act was passed, scans to determine the sex of the foetus were not available.” Ms Bruce said there was “confusion and mixed messages” on
gender-based abortion, insisting it would not criminalise any pregnant women because it applied only to doctors authorising an abortion. And she rejected as “totally incorrect” the assertion that her proposal would block abortions based on a genderlinked disability. Fellow Conservative David Burrowes added his support to the amendment, telling MPs the law “does not expressly prohibit gender-selective abor-
tions”. And Jim Shannon, Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) minister for Strangford, also endorsed the move, rejecting any assertions that it would criminalise women. It would be doctors held to account, he said. But Dr Sarah Wollaston, chairwoman of the Health Select Committee, was firmly opposed to the proposal, saying the amendment was “unnecessary” and could have “unintended consequences”.
It could prevent women confiding in their doctor that they “feel under pressure” to abort their child because of its gender, as they may fear they will be criminalised, she told Parliament. Ms Wollaston added that there was no evidence of a “systematic practice” of sex-selective abortion in the UK, and warned against stigmatising communities by implying that it was a widespread practice.
But the Health Minister was adamant that existing laws banning sex-selective abortion were strong enough The MP warned that the wording of the proposed clause would have implications for existing abortion laws, as it would “confer personhood on the foetus” - a point echoed by Labour shadow health minister Luciana Berger. Instead, she supported a separate amendment to require a review of the evidence of abortion on the grounds of sex in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. For the government, Ms Ellison said genderbased abortion was “abhorrent” but stressed that it was already illegal in the UK. “The Department of Health repeated this in guidance issued in May 2014,” she said. “It is important to stress that all independent sector providers have agreed to comply with, and operate on, the department’s guidance, and must do so as part of their licensing conditions.”
Giant gerbils blamed for the Black Death plague DON’T blame black rats for numerous outbreaks of bubonic plague across Europe - it could be down to giant gerbils!
Scientists are convinced that repeat epidemics of the Black Death, which arrived in Europe in the mid-14th Century, can be traced to gerbils from Asia. Professor Nils Christian Stenseth, from the University of Oslo, said: “If we’re right, we’ll have to rewrite that part of history.” This new study, led by Prof Stenseth, is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The Black Death, which originated in Asia, arrived in Europe in 1347, causing one of the deadliest outbreaks in human history. Over the next 400 years, epidemics broke
out time and again, killing millions of people. It was always thought that black rats were responsible for establishing the Europe plague, with new outbreaks occurring when fleas jumped from infected rodents to humans. But Prof Stenseth and his colleagues do not believe a rat reservoir was to blame. They compared tree-ring records from Europe with 7,711 historical plague outbreaks to see if the weather conditions would have been optimum for a rat-driven outbreak. “For this, you would need warm summers, with not too much precipitation - dry, but not too dry,” said the Professor. “And we have looked at the broad spectrum of climatic indices, and there is no relationship between the appearance of plague and the weather.”
When the weather is favourable, Asia’s giant gerbils thrive, increasing the chance of plague transmission Instead, the team feel that specific weather conditions in Asia may have caused another plague-carrying rodent - the giant gerbil - to thrive. And this later led to the Europe epidemics. Prof Stenseth added: “We show that wherever
there were good conditions for gerbils and fleas in central Asia, some years later the bacteria shows up in harbour cities in Europe and then spreads across the continent.” He maintained that a wet spring, followed by a warm summer, would cause gerbil numbers to boom. “Such conditions are good for gerbils,” he said. “It means a high
gerbil population across huge areas - and that is good for the plague.” The fleas, which also thrive in these conditions, would then jump on to domestic animals or to humans. And because this was a period when trade between the East and West was at a peak, the plague was most likely brought to Europe along the silk road, said Prof Stenseth. “To me, this was rather surprising. “Suddenly, we could sort out a problem. Why did we have these waves of plagues in Europe? We originally thought it was down to rats and climatic changes in Europe, but now we know it goes back to Central Asia.” The research team now plan to analyse plague bacteria DNA taken from ancient skeletons across Europe. If the genetic material shows a large amount
of variation, it would suggest that the team’s theory is correct. Different waves of the plague coming from Asia would show more differences than a strain emerging from a rat reservoir. The plague died out in Europe after the 19th Century, yet outbreaks continue to this day in other parts of the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) said there were nearly 800 cases reported worldwide in 2013, including 126 deaths. In another paper, published in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, US researchers said the expansion of agriculture was placing East Africa at an increased risk of the plague. As cropland increased, rodent populations were also rising, creating “the perfect storm for plague transmission”, said the researchers.
27th February - 5th March 2015
13 CW
Daniel O’Donnell heads here for a long holiday IRELAND’S gold- awaited quality en couple, Dan- time together. iel and Majella The 53-year-old Donegal singer, who has a O’Donnell, are holiday home in Tenertaking the next ife and is a regular visi18 months off to tor, has now began his extended sabbatical spend some long- from music over here af-
El Sauzal black-spot protests RESIDENTS are insisting on changes to a dangerous section of the TF-5 motorway at El Sauzal, which has become an accident black-spot.
The Sauzal Bend is extremely sharp, with a short junction, and there are always several accidents in bad weather. Locals are calling for a speed-limit reduction, or a change to the road’s lay-out. What promoted them to take action was some five accidents in two days, one involving a baby.
ter ending a week-long residency on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. He has joined cancer survivor Majella, 54, at their villa on the Island, where the pair will relax and discuss how to spend their new-found leisure time. Majella’s diary has become almost as busy as her husband’s in recent years. Her searinglyhonest portrayals of her battles with depression and breast cancer have seen her become a beacon of hope for thousands of people at home and abroad. She has also become a published author and founder of a mental health charity, and is in huge demand for celebrity appearances and speaking engagements. In response to one such invitation via social media at the weekend, Majella tweeted: “Unfortunately, not for the foreseeable future.
I’m out of the country most of the next 18 months.” Daniel shocked fans last year when he announced he would take the firstever extended break of his 30-year music career, after finishing his stint on the Gertrude Byrne Caribbean cruise. He said Majella’s cancer diagnosis made them both realise that “life is short”. Three months after the announcement, the singer’s beloved mother, Julia, passed away at the age of 94. Daniel told fans: “For me, this was a very big decision, but there are a number of things Majella and I want to do. And even if we live to be 90 (which I hope we do), I don’t want to have to say, ‘I wish we took the time to do such and such’.” The Irishman added: “I want to stress that this is not retirement it’s just a sabbatical.”
Leisure travel, and a few visits to the fairways for golf-loving Daniel, are likely to be on the cards. Meanwhile, the only
engagement pencilled in for the singer is a trip home in May to raise funds for Dungloe Hospital, where his mother was treated.
CW 14
27th February - 5th March 2015
I’m just nipping out … for four months! THE most incredible journey by train - the 16,156mile round trip from China to Spain and back has smashed all records.
The Yixin’ou cargo line is the world’s longest railway track and this was the longest journey, passing through China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Poland, Germany, France and Spain, and taking four months. The train arrived in Madrid laden with cheap goods, and returned to China with expensive olive oil. The 82-container cargo train began its journey in November in the eastern Chinese city of Yiwu, laden with Christmas trinkets and decorations, stationery and craft products. It arrived in Madrid on 14th December, in time for the thousands of small shops and Christmas markets to stock up on the cheap Chinese goods. Before the Yixin’ou line was opened, goods traded between Europe and China depended on inefficient sea or air transport, which meant higher prices in Europe. Li Huihuan, manager of Yiwu CF International Logistics which operates the train, said: “The cargo train will boost economic exchange between Yiwu, the world’s largest small commodity market, and Madrid, Europe’s largest, small-commodity market.” The train returned to Yiwu last weekend, carrying olive oil and other Spanish-made goods which are becoming popular in an increasingly-affluent China. The line is 450 miles longer than the previous record-holder, the Trans-Siberian Railway, which connects Vladivostok in
the east of Russia, to Moscow. State media in Russia greeted the opening of the Yixin’ou by pointing out that containers on the new line must be changed three times during the journey from China to Spain, because tracks in the seven countries are of different gauges. Even so, the line’s supporters hope it will boost trade between the EU and China, which already stands at more than 1bn euros a day. Traders at both ends of the new track point out that the train provides a vastly-faster service than seaborne goods, and is substantially cheaper than air cargo. Yiwu, a city of 1.2 million, is a booming example of modern China. The city’s smallcommodities market is growing at a rapid rate - and combined imports and exports in 2014 were valued at $23.7bn, a 28.6% increase on the previous 12 months. According to the Chinese state-run news agency, Xinhua, 60% of the world’s festive trinkets are originally bought and sold in Yiwu’s annual Christmas market. While traders in Madrid’s Plaza Mayor and elsewhere will welcome the opening of the Yixin’ou railway, which should lower the prices they pay for nativity scenes and Christmas lights, Yiwu is also famous for being the centre of the world’s illegal counterfeit industry. Eamonn Fingleton wrote in his book about China’s rapid economic growth: “Yiwu functions as a sort of ‘Wall Street’ for the counterfeiting industry, providing a vast market-place where 100,000 counterfeit products are openly traded, and 2,000 metric tonnes of fakes change hands daily.”
In the mix for glory THE “X Costa Adeje” Cocktail Competition, takes place today (Friday) in the grounds of the CDTCA and is open to the public.
It counts as a qualifying round for the Federation of Spanish Barmen’s Associations (FABE) national event, to be held at the H10 hotel in Costa Adeje in October. The Costa Adeje Gin & Tonic Schweppes Trophy also takes place at the same time there. At Tuesday’s presentation, Adeje Mayor Jose Miguel Rodríguez Fraga was joined by Jorge Marichal, President of Ashotel (the provincial hoteliers association), and Antonio Mesa, of the Tenerife Barmen Association. The Mayor said: “This is another way of promoting Adeje as a leader in all aspects, as this is also closely linked to tourism. “And tourism is about much more than beds and occupation statis-
tics, but also about innovations within the sector.” Jorge Marichal said he was delighted “to support gastronomic initiatives which work to improve and diversify tourism and demonstrate the professionalism within the sector”. Antonio Mesa said quality and innovation were the main ingredients of the cocktails to be presented. Spain’s finest barmen and women will represent the country in the World Championships in Tokyo later this year.
There are three categories: The Long Drink; Barman (27 and over) and Barman Junior (under-27). And the rules laid down by the organisers are strict in terms of balance of alcohol and other ingredients to be used. In parallel, the Schweppes Trophy is being held, with technique and taste the keys to winning. There will also be a master class with Vito Calculli, the Italian barchef and mixologist. He is based in Adeje and is considered one of the leaders in cock-
tail innovation. His workshop will be based on the elaboration of cocktails made with sea water and seaweeds, served for the first time in Spain. Vito will be happy to speak English as well as Spanish during the masterclass if translations are needed. Mayor Rodríguez Fraga said: “The council have also supported these kinds of events, which bring added value to our borough and Costa Adeje, while also helping professionals within the gastronomy sector.”
27th February - 5th March 2015
15 CW
Cloak and drag her!
M A D O N N A’ S tumble was the main show-stealer at Wednesday’s 2015 Brit Awards London’s O2 Arena.
But best friends Sam Smith and Ed Sheeran were the double-winning stars, sharing four top prizes. Madonna, appearing at the ceremony for the first time in 20 years, had waited all night to make a show-closing appearance. She then created the biggest stir of all by tumbling down a set of stairs and landing awkwardly. It appeared that a dancer tried to remove a cape she was wearing at the start of her routine. But, trouper that she is, the legendary American singer recovered and returned to continue her singing Living For Love. The 56-year-old later issued a statement saying she was “fine” and that her cape had been “tied too tight”. Referring to the song’s
lyrics, she wrote on Instagram: “Nothing can stop me and love really lifted me up,” adding: “Thanks for your good wishes!” Sheeran lifted the night’s main prize, Album Of The Year, for X, which was the UK’s bestselling 2014 record. “I was really worried
about this album,” he said, accepting his trophy from actor Russell Crowe. “It took a long time to make.” The star added that it had been a “very, very good year for British music, and said modestly: “I don’t think a statue gives justification of people’s success.” Sheeran was also best British Male, while Sam Smith took home Best Breakthrough Artist and the Global Success award - recognising al-
bum sales outside the UK. Sheeran, who won four Grammys earlier this month, went on to thank his fans in an emotional speech, saying: “Since I was a little kid, I dreamed of people all over the world singing my songs. And although I’ve got a long way to go, this shows that I’m stepping in the right direction.” With Ant and Dec presenting the London spectacular, Taylor Swift
opened proceedings by singing her hit single Blank Space while surrounded by dancers in white suits and bowler hats. She went on to win the Best International Female award, her first Brit success after eight years of releasing records in the UK. The American star dedicated her award to Sheeran, a close friend who fanned the flames of her love affair with the UK by “taking me to pubs and showing me how to make a proper cup of tea”. She added “I’ve been coming to England and playing shows for eight years, and this is my first Brit Award, I’m so happy.” Paloma Faith, who won best British Female, said: “This has been 13 years in the making.” She revealed she had “been arrested twice” for fly-posting in Hackney, East London, when she was a young artiste. Now, she said, she could see her face on posters at the tube station outside the
venue. Paloma’s third album, A Perfect Contradiction, was the biggestselling female record in the last year, shifting more than 725,000 copies. She also gave one of the night’s more elaborate performances, singing Only Love Can Hurt Like This under a waterfall. Mark Ronson won best single for Uptown Funk, while Brighton rock duo Royal Blood were presented with the Best British Group award by Led Zepplin rock legend Jimmy Page. “This is a huge surprise for us,” said frontman Mike Kerr. “It’s probably even more of a surprise for those of you here, because you won’t even know who we are.” Yet there was a huge roar of support from the balcony, suggesting that at least some of the audience knew of them. The band also performed, alongside George Ezra and Kanye West, who premiered a new song All Day, which was heavily censored by ITV.
CW 16
Focus On...
27th February - 5th March 2015
The only 8 places to get your Canarian Weekly in Puerto Colon
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27th February - 5th March 2015
17 CW
Puerto Colon
CW 18
27th February - 5th March 2015
Redmayne’s golden Oscar
EDDIE Redmayne beat his pal, Benedict Cumberbatch, for Oscar glory in Hollywood on Sunday.
The London-born actor, educated at Eton and Cambridge University. scooped the pick of the entire bunch - the Best Actor prize - for The Theory of Everything. Cumberbach, who was left empty-handed,
at least starred in the award-winning The Invitation Game, which was voted Best Adapted Screenplay. The super Brits, 33-year-old Redmayne and Cumberbatch, 38, have made an indelible impression on the American film industry. And Hollywood directors are said to be scrapping over their signatures for future projects, which will almost certainly elevate them
Best picture Birdman Best director Alejandro G Inarritu (Birdman) Best actor Eddie Redmayne (The Theory of Everything) Best actress Julianne Moore (Still Alice) Best supporting actor JK Simmons (Whiplash) Best adapted screenplay The Imitation Game Best animated feature Big Hero 6 Best animated short Feast Best cinematography Birdman Best costume design The Grand Budapest Hotel Best documentary feature CitizenFour Best documentary short Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1 Best film editing Whiplash Best foreign language film Ida (Poland) Best live action short The Phone Call Best make-up & hairstyling The Grand Budapest Hotel Best original score The Grand Budapest Hotel Best production design The Grand Budapest Hotel Best song Glory, Selma Best sound editing American Sniper Best sound mixing Whiplash Best visual effect Interstellar
to multi-million-pound status. Redmayne, honoured for his incredible portrayal of physicist Stephen Hawking, who has motor neurone disease (ALS), paid tribute to the Hawking family, including Jane Hawking, on whose book the film is based. He told the star-studded audience at Hollywood’s Dolby Theatre: “This award belongs to all the people around the world battling ALS.” Then, waving his treasured Oscar in the air, he added emotionally: “I will be its custodian and I promise you I will look after him. I will polish him and I will answer his beck and call, and wait on him hand and foot.” Redmayne also thanked co-star Felicity Jones, his “staggering partner in crime”, and his “ferocious but incredibly-kind director James Marsh”. Dark comedy Birdman picked up four awards, Best Film and Best Director for Mexican film-maker Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, plus Best Cinematography and Best Original Screenplay. Emmanuel Lubezko’s Best Cinematography win was his second Oscar in as many years - in 2014, he won the same award for his work on Gravity. The film sees Michael Keaton play a former film superhero actor, who hopes to revive his washed-up career by putting on a Broadway play. Julianne Moore, who won Best Actress for her Still Alice role, playing a 50-year-old who has early on-set Alzheimer’s. used her speech to raise awareness for the disease. “I’m so happy” she said. “I’m thrilled that we were able to shine a light on Alzheimer’s disease. So many people who have
this disease feel marginalised. They deserve to be seen, so we can find a cure.” Richard Linklater’s Boyhood won just one award from six nominations, Best Supporting Actress, which went to Patricia Arquette. She thanked “her Boyhood family” and “every woman who gave birth”. She added, to huge applause from the audience: “To every woman, we have fought for everybody else’s equal rights. It’s our time to have wage equality.” JK Simmons won Best Supporting Actor for Whiplash, in which he played a strict drumming teacher at a music conservatory. Whiplash also won the award for Best Editing and Best Sound Mixing. The Grand Budapest Hotel also collected four awards: Best Costume Design (Milena Canonero), Best Hair and makeup (British duo Frances
Hannon and Mark Coulier). It also won Best Score and Production Design. Hannon thanked absent actor Bill Murray who has a cameo in the film - for introducing her to director Wes Anderson on the set of his Rushmore film 17 years earlier. Another British duo, Matt Kirkby and James Lucas, picked up the award for Best Live Short-Action film, The Phone Call, starring Sally Hawkins and Jim Broadbent. Best Foreign Language Film went to Polish black-and-white family drama Ida. John Legend and Common’s track Glory, from Civil Rights drama Selma, won Best Song. Legend deliver an onstage political message, saying: “We live in the most incarcerated country in the world … people are marching with our song … we are with you.
March on.” Citizenfour, which chronicles one of the biggest intelligence leaks in American history, won best documentary feature. It shows former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden at the very moment he made his sensational revelations, detailing extensive internet and phone surveillance by the US government. Best Documentary Short was won by Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1, about the counsellors who work with military veterans on a 24-hour phone helpline. Clint Eastwood’s Iraq war drama, American Sniper, won the award for Best Sound Editing. Performers included Lady Gaga - who sang a medley of Sound of Music songs to celebrate the classic film’s 50th year - plus Jennifer Hudson and Anna Kendrick.
www.canarianweekly.com 27th February - 5th March 2015
19 CW
CW 20
By Laura Mann IN the fast-moving world of financial services, it is quite hard to keep on the pulse of what is going on around the world.
We speak to Fund Managers, Stockbrokers and the likes on a daily basis, and they all have an opinion on one thing or another. That’s because they are all looking to find a way of making as much money for their clients as possible. Is the information useful? Information is “king”, I hear you say. I would, therefore, like to share with you some insight from a “key” Fund Manager in London. He says: “In the absence of any firm news, financial markets were assuming the worst, with Greek banks hit particularly hard.
27th February - 5th March 2015
Greece holds key to future
If I were a depositor, I would take the view that ‘better safe than sorry’ was the most prudent course of action. “It is hard to see how either side will justify compromise, but this is what happens 90% of the time. Honour would have to be satisfied on both sides, and the arguments will continue for some time. “What are Greece’s alternatives? The most obvious is the exit from the euro and also, perhaps, from the EU, followed by economic depression. “I suppose that finance from somewhere else in the world is a possibility, but Russia has its own problems and China is being much less generous than in the last few years. “The most important issue for investors is not what happens in Greece, but the knockon effect elsewhere. This is relevant for the
Nexus portfolio - and for all investors. “If a compromise is reached and Greece stays within the euro and Eurozone, the knock-on effect elsewhere should be limited. Greece is a small
economy, so it is not as if what’s happening is a complete surprise. “Without the distraction of Greece, we will then be able to see the impact of European Quantitative Easing. “Economic growth forecasts and earnings estimates are being increased, and the assumption that QE will help not only to stimulate growth, but also weaken the euro. “Both are reasonable assumptions, but no more than that. It’s something to be monitored closely over the next few months. “Of greater concern is the possibility that Greek events will in-
fect other parts of Europe. Much has been made of the emergence of new political parties, with the focus on Spain, which also has an election this year. “If the number of antiausterity governments starts to increase, Germany will find it increasingly difficult to control the economic agenda. Democracy is not necessarily the same as economic literacy. “Southern Europe has been perceived to be in trouble for several years, so it is important not to over-react to this risk. Where it will turn serious is if France moves from core Europe to the south.
“At that point, the European monetary experiment would be in serious trouble. The uncertainty resulting from this would most likely derail any economic recovery. “None of this will be resolved in the shortterm, so financial markets may well continue to trade in a volatile manner. “However, it is important to remember that the No.1 issue for investors is not Greece or even Europe, but more generally the impact of lower oil prices on global economic growth and US interest rates. “Stability in Europe would be an added bonus.”
RBS is on the mend RBS, the UK Government - owned bank, has reported a £3.5bn loss for 2014, down from a £9bn loss the previous year.
The results, revealed yesterday (Thursday), were hit by a £4bn write-down on the sale of Citizens, its US business. The bank is 79%-owned by the British taxpayer after a Governmentled rescue in 2008. And Chief Executive Ross McEwan confirmed that he would not re-
ceive a bonus this year. Yet RBS will still pay out bonuses from a pool of £421m, which is 21% smaller than in 2013. Mr McEwan, defending the size of the bonus pool on the Today, programme, described it as “fair pay” and said it was necessary to pay bonuses to attract people to carry out “fairly technical jobs”. Chancellor George Osborne has written to new bank chairman Howard Davies, saying: “I would also expect that, as in the past, no executive directors or members of the ex-
ecutive committee will receive bonuses, despite improved profitability.” The latest results show that, after oneoff costs are stripped out, operating profits were £3.5bn last year the highest since 2010 - which demonstrates that RBS is on the road to recovery. The bank has removed itself from a lot of tricky, low-profit investment banking activities in countries where returns were volatile. And, given its UK focus, it is gaining from the improvement in the economy.
www.canarianweekly.com 27th February - 5th March 2015
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21 CW
Arthur & George
Don't Miss...
ITV1, 21.00 In 1906, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is mourning the loss of his wife, Louisa. Her death, after a long and drawn out illness, has caused Arthur to slump into a guilt-ridden malaise: he fears that Louisa may have suspected that he was an adulterer, in thought if not in deed, due to his friendship with Jean Leckie. Even writing his famous Sherlock Holmes stories cannot rouse Arthur. Then his secretary, Woodie, comes across a letter from a Mr George Edalji, a young Parsee solicitor, who was sent to prison for three years for a crime that he attains he did not commit. George wants Arthur’s help to clear his name: could this be Arthur’s chance to right a wrong? George was convicted of a spate of sending poisonous letters and animal maimings, in the Staffordshire village of Great Wyrley, in 1903. As George relays the story of his family’s persecution, which inadvertently led to his arrest, Arthur is convinced of George’s innocence; Woodie, however, is not so sure. Having been warned off reinvestigating the case by the very Judge who presided over George’s trial, Arthur is even more determined to discover the true culprit – the so-called ‘Wyrley Ripper’. Arthur and Woodie travel to Great Wyrley to visit George’s family, to be shown the very letters that George’s father, the Reverend Shapurji Edalji, received, supposedly from his own son. However, Arthur and Woodie’s arrival at the Vicarage causes a bit of a stir: it seems that someone is intent on learning what they do and do not know. Could this be the Wyrley Ripper, trying to warn them off?
CW 22
TV Guide
27th February - 5th March 2015
F riday 06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ............... Heir Hunters 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 ........Countryside 999 11:45...................... Real Lives Reunited 12:15.............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 ......................... WPC 56 15:00 ........................The Link 15:45 ...............Escape to the Country 16:30 ..........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00 .... BBC News at Six 19:00....... The One Show 19:30......... A Question of Sport 20:00............ EastEnders 20:30 ..............Room 101 21:00 .... The Musketeers 22:00... BBC News at Ten 22:25 ........... BBC London News 22:35 ........... The Graham Norton Show 23:25 ...................Would I Lie to You? 23:55 .............EastEnders Omnibus 01:50...... Weather for the Week Ahead
W C c h o i ce
06:05 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 07:05........ Countryside 999 07:50...Real Lives Reunited 08:20 .............Wanted Down Under 09:05 ......The Big Allotment Challenge 10:05.......... Food and Drink 10:35 ........ The Travel Show 11:00 .....................BBC News 12:00 .......The Daily Politics 13:00 ...................A to Z of TV Gardening 13:05.... Cagney and Lacey 13:50 .......The World at War 14:45 ............................. Africa 15:45 .......... Open All Hours 16:15 ............. Three Up, Two Down 16:45 ...................... Hi-De-Hi! 17:15........................... Flog It! 18:00............. Two Tribes 18:30.............. Eggheads 19:00............... Wanted in Paradise 20:00 .......... Mastermind 20:30................... Britain’s Supermarket Revolution: What’s in it for Us? 21:00....Italy Unpacked CW ch oi ce 22:00 ........................... QI 22:30 .............Newsnight 23:05..................... Doubt 00:40....... Question Time
06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30.............. This Morning 10:55 ...................... ITV News 11:00 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............. ITV News and Weather 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00.............. Tipping Point 16:00 ........1000 Heartbeats 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30 .........ITV News and Weather 19:00 ........... Emmerdale 19:30 .............Coronation Street 20:00 ...... Barging Round Britain with John Sergeant 20:30..............Coronation Street 21:00..........Bear Grylls: Mission Survive
ch oi ce
22:00 ..... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:40 ............ The 40 Year Old Virgin 00:50 ........... Jackpot247
Bear Grylls: Mission Survive ITV1, 21.00
In programme two the adventure begins with the celebrities having to navigate their way through dense jungle down a sheer ravine. Without Bear’s guidance and using compasses to guide them, it proves difficult and tensions in the group run high. Snakes are a constant and deadly threat in this terrain, and Bear shocks the celebrities when he arrives with a boa constrictor and gives them a demonstration on how to handle snakes. After a number of trips and falls, and with one of the celebrities nearly plummeting down the ravine, the famous faces eventually reach what will be their camp for the night. But before they can build their shelter, this time with just two tarpaulin sheets for protection from the rain, Bear shows them how to prevent insect bites with the jungle’s own natural mosquito repellent, mud, which he smears over their faces and necks. Bear also serves up the first true jungle meal; live scorpions. Each member of the team is expected to eat one live scorpion. The following morning, after a wet, muddy night and with only partial success in building a camp, the celebrities enjoy their first wash in three days, bathing in the nearby river. But the relief is only short lived - Bear arrives and instructs the team to trek down river and await their first big test. He goes on ahead and the nervous team can only guess what’s in store. They arrive at the top of a 120ft waterfall and Bear explains that they are going to go down it, two at a time. Paired up and strapped in, the celebrities first must first tip toe down a terrifyingly narrow ledge at the top of the waterfall. They then place all their trust in Bear’s safety lines as they walk backwards over the lip of the waterfall and are lowered down. When they reach the pool at the bottom they are quickly moved to safety by expedition leader Scott. Once all the team are down, there isn’t long to regroup before they trek up a steep ridge and out into a clearing. Bear has already moved ahead and is waiting for the celebrities, this time with the pee bottles that they filled the night before. In this survival task it’s time for the celebrities to drink their own urine.
TV Guide
27th February - 5th March 2015
7 t h
23 CW
F ebruary CW o i ce ch
06:00................. Countdown
06:00 ............. The Wotwots!
06:45.......... King of Queens
06:10 .................Igam Ogam
07:10 ..............3rd Rock from the Sun
06:20.............. Fireman Sam
07:35 ..............3rd Rock from the Sun 08:00........................... Frasier 08:30........................... Frasier 09:00........ Everybody Loves Raymond 09:35 ........Everybody Loves Raymond 10:05 ........Everybody Loves Raymond 10:35 ........ Undercover Boss Canada
06:30 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat 06:45 .....................Peppa Pig 06:50 .....................Peppa Pig 06:55 ......................Pip Ahoy! 07:10 ............. Little Princess 07:20 ....The Mr. Men Show 07:35 .Thomas and Friends 07:50...... Noddy in Toyland 08:00........... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 08:15..................... Peppa Pig
11:30 ............Shipping Wars
08:25..................... Peppa Pig
12:15......... Channel 4 News Summary
08:35 .........Toby’s Travelling Circus
12:20 .............Couples Come Dine with Me
08:45 ....................Bananas in Pajamas
13:05 ...............A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun
09:00 ...................Tickety Toc
14:10 .................Countdown 15:00......... Deal or No Deal
11:10...................... The Hotel Inspector
16:00................... Come Dine with Me
12:10........................... 5 News Lunchtime
17:00............... Four in a Bed
12:15.............................. Police Interceptors
17:30 .............The Simpsons 18:00 ....... The Simpsons 18:30 .............. Hollyoaks 19:00 .... Channel 4 News 20:00..The Million Pound Drop
Comedians Jo Brand and Alan Davies join Davina McCall to take on the Drop in the hope of walking away with life-changing amounts of money for their chosen charities. Alan is raising funds for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Jo is playing for The Donna Louise Children’s Hospice in Stoke-on-Trent.
21:00 ............ Gogglebox
09:15 ........ The Wright Stuff
13:15 ........Home and Away 13:45 .................Neighbours 14:15 ....................... NCIS: Los Angeles 15:15 ...... Do You Know Me 17:00 ..................5 News at 5 17:30 .................Neighbours 18:00...................... Home and Away 18:30 ..... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ......Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 20:00............ Angry Brits: Caught on Camera
22:00.......... The Last Leg
21:00 .............. NCIS: New Orleans
23:05.......... Catastrophe
22:00 .......................NCIS
23:40 ................ Brooklyn Nine-Nine
22:55.......Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
00:05.............. Rude Tube
01:00....... Wayne’s World
00:00..........Super Casino
06:00.................. You’ve Been Framed! 06:25 ............................. Psych 07:10 ..................Emmerdale 08:10 ................. You’ve Been Framed! 08:40 ................ Dinner Date 09:40............... Catchphrase 10:25............................. Psych 11:20.................. Royal Pains 12:10 ..................Emmerdale 13:15.................. You’ve Been Framed! 13:40.................. Dinner Date 14:40....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00............ You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ...............Two and a Half Men 21:00 ......... White Chicks 23:20 ..........Take Me Out 00:35 ..........Take Me Out: The Gossip
06:00 .....................Babylon 5 06:45 ................ Doctor Who 07:35................... MasterChef Australia 09:00 .......................... The Bill 11:00.... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 12:00 ................Hart of Dixie 13:00 ......... Masterchef New Zealand 14:00 ..............Bondi Rescue 15:00.... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 16:00 .................Who Do You Think You Are? 17:00 ................ Doctor Who 18:00.......... Hart of Dixie 19:00 .... Masterchef New Zealand 20:00 ........... Traffic Cops 21:00...................... Crisis 22:00..... Motorway Cops 23:20............ Traffic Cops 00:20........ Border Patrol
08:55............... Secret Eaters
06:00 ..........Dog the Bounty Hunter 07:00 .............Chris and Wes: Let’s Do This 08:00 ............. Ashley Banjo’s Secret Street Crew 09:00 ..... NCIS: Los Angeles 11:00.............. Hawaii Five-0 13:00 ..... NCIS: Los Angeles 15:00 ..............................David Attenborough Conquest of the Skies 16:00 ..................... Futurama 17:00............. The Simpsons 17:30 ..................... Futurama 18:30 ....... The Simpsons 20:00 ..... Flintoff: Lord of the Fries 21:00 ..................... Stella 22:00 ........... Quiz Nights 23:00 ................ NCIS: Los Angeles 01:00......... Hawaii Five-0
07:00 ..............Radical Highs
06:00 ............. Football Gold 06:30 .............. Rugby Union 08:30......... Barclays Premier League Legends 09:30 ................ One2eleven 10:00 .........Barclays Premier League World 10:30....................... Ringside 11:30........... Premier League Darts 15:00..........Barclays Premier League Legends 15:30 .......... Premier League 100 Club 16:00 .................... WWE Raw 18:00.... Barclays Premier League World 18:30............ The Fantasy Football Club 19:30........Rugby League 22:15......... Super League Gold 22:30............ The Fantasy Football Club 23:30.... Barclays Premier League Preview
07:10 ....................... Flip Men 07:35 ................ The World of Stupid Criminals 08:00....................... Top Gear 10:00........ Storage Hunters 11:00..... Lizard Lick Towing 12:00 .......................Top Gear 14:00 ........ Storage Hunters 14:30 ...... American Pickers 15:30 ........ Storage Hunters 16:00 .... Lizard Lick Towing 17:00 .......................Top Gear 19:00.... Storage Hunters 21:00 ...... Not Going Out 22:20 ..... Mock the Week 23:00 ............. Yes Ma’am 23:05........................... QI 23:40..... Mock the Week 00:20.. Would I Lie to You? 01:00 ... Storage Hunters
10:00................... Come Dine with Me 11:05..................... Von Ryan’s Express 13:25 ...................Time Team 14:30 ...................Time Team 15:35................................. Nazi Megastructures 16:40 .....A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 17:45 .....A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 18:50............Building the Dream 19:55....... Grand Designs 21:00...... The Negotiator 23:45..... Confessions of a Male Stripper 00:50... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 01:50.......Ramsay’s Costa Del Nightmares
Italy Unpacked BBC2, 21:00
Andrew GrahamDixon and Giorgio Locatelli explore the culture and cuisine of Italy, travelling from the tip of the heel up Italy’s dramatic east coast. The last leg of Andrew and Giorgio’s journey is the Veneto - a true melting pot thanks to its geographical position in north-eastern Italy. They begin their journey harvesting clams which Giorgio cooks as spaghetti alle vongole in the middle of the Venetian lagoon. They continue their tour with amazing frescoes in Padua, the river Brenta and on land in Vicenza, they admire one of the most beautiful paintings in Italy - Giovanni Bellini’s Baptism of Christ. Andrew and Giorgio end their journey where the Venetians ended theirs - at the top of the Dolomites.
CW 24
TV Guide
27th February - 5th March 2015
S aturday 06:00...................... Breakfast 10:00 ........................Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30 ....................Mary Berry Cooks 12:00.................... BBC News 12:10 ............Football Focus 12:50 ........................Saturday Sportsday 13:00 .............. Bargain Hunt 14:00 ................... Six Nations Rugby Union 16:30 ................... Six Nations Rugby Union 18:55.................... BBC News 19:05......... The Voice UK 21:15................. Casualty 22:05.......... The National Lottery Live 22:15.............. BBC News 22:30..................Match of the Day 23:55 .......... The Football League Show 01:15..............Halloween: Resurrection
06:15 ..................... School for Scoundrels 07:50 ...........Whisky Galore! 09:10 ................... Six Nations Rewind 10:10 ........................ The Fred Dibnah Story 10:40 ........ The Fred Dibnah Story 11:10 .............. The Nature of Britain 12:00....... A Taste of Britain 12:30.......... Talking Pictures 13:00................... The Victors 15:30..............Natural World 16:30 ...................Final Score 17:30............. The Wonder of Animals 18:00.... The Great British Sewing Bee 19:00.................... Flog It! 19:45.........How We Got W C to Now with choice Steve Johnson 20:45.............Dad’s Army 21:15.............. Reginald D Hunter’s Songs of the South 22:15.. James Brown - Mr 23:55... Brooklyn’s Finest
World Boxing ITV1, 22.50 Top-level boxing returns to ITV for the first time in five years with the IBF World Super Bantamweight title fight between champion Carl Frampton and Chris Avalos from the Odyssey Arena in Belfast. Introduced by Mark Pougatch, the fight titled The World Is Not Enough is on home territory for Frampton, 28, who won his belt in September in Belfast by defeating Kiko Martinez by unanimous decision, after knocking him down in the fifth round. The undefeated Ulsterman boasts a 19-0 win record, with his last six victories coming in his hometown. He faces 25-year-old American Chris Avalos, the current WBO NABO Bantamweight Champion who has only lost twice in his 27 professional fights.
W C c h o i ce
06:00 ......... Bottom Knocker Street 06:10 ......... Bottom Knocker Street 06:20 ......... Bottom Knocker Street 06:35 ......................Dino Dan 06:45 ......................Dino Dan 07:00 ...................... Canimals 07:10 .............................Sooty 07:25 .............. Share a Story 07:30 ..................Scrambled! 07:35 ..................... Nerds and Monsters 07:50 .........Adventure Time 08:30 ...............Horrid Henry 08:50.................Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:30.............. ITV News and Weather 12:35 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 13:35 ..............Tipping Point 14:35.................... The Chase 15:35.................. Doc Martin 16:35.........................Big Star’s Little Star 17:35....................... ITV News London 17:45 .............. ITV News and Weather 18:00 ........... You’ve Been Framed! 19:00.......Ant and Dec’s W C Saturday Night choice Takeaway 20:25.......... Take Me Out 21:40 .........The Jonathan Ross Show 22:35......... ITV News and Weather 22:50..................Boxing
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00:30........... Jackpot247
TV Guide
27th February - 5th March 2015
2 8 th
F ebruary
06:00 ...... Transworld Sport
06:00 .....................Peppa Pig
07:00 .............FIM Superbike World Championship
06:05 ....................Bananas in Pajamas
07:25 ........Mobil 1 The Grid
06:35...................... Pip Ahoy!
07:55 ..... The Morning Line 09:00 ........Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30........ Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00........ Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 ........................... Frasier 11:00........................... Frasier 11:30 ...........................The Big Bang Theory 12:00 ...........................The Big Bang Theory 12:25 ............... Child Genius 13:30 ..................... Channel 4 Racing 16:15 ................... Come Dine with Me 16:45 ................... Come Dine with Me 17:15 ................... Come Dine with Me 17:45 ................... Come Dine with Me 18:15 ....... The Simpsons
06:20 .... Angelina Ballerina 06:45 ....The Mr. Men Show 07:00 .............Chloe’s Closet 07:10 ...........Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 07:15 ...............Olly the Little White Van 07:20 ...............Make Way for Noddy 07:35.................... Paw Patrol 07:50............. Little Princess 08:05........... Wanda and the Alien 08:20 .........Zack and Quack 08:35 ........... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 08:50....................Jelly Jamm 09:05 .....................LazyTown 09:35 ...... Dora and Friends
10:35 .........................Ice Road Truckers 11:30 .........................Ice Road Truckers
14:25...................... Rio Bravo 17:10 ........................... 5 News Weekend 17:15 ................ Columbo: By Dawn’s Early Light 19:10........................NCIS
20:00 ............ The World’s Weirdest Weather 21:00............ Cuban Fury 22:55 ....... Runaway Jury 01:25 ..........The Last Leg
W C c h o i ce
08:55 ...........Kirstie’s Vintage Gems
06:00 ......... Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? 07:00 ................................Glee 08:00 ..................The Fantasy Football Club 09:00......... Game Changers 10:00 ................. Soccer A.M. 12:00 .................... What’s Up 12:30..... Football’s Funniest Moments 13:00.............. Hawaii Five-0 14:00 ..........Inside RAF Brize Norton 15:00 ..............................David Attenborough Conquest of the Skies 16:00 .............The Simpsons 16:30 ...........Modern Family 18:30 ....... The Simpsons 19:00..NCIS: Los Angeles 20:00......... Hawaii Five-0 21:00...... Batman Begins 23:40........ Hawaii Five-0
07:10 ............... Driving Wars
06:00................ Football Gold
08:00 .......................Top Gear
06:15................ Football Gold
09:00....................... Top Gear
06:30................ Football Gold
10:00 ...... American Pickers
06:45................ Football Gold
11:00 ........ Storage Hunters
07:00............................. Football Freestyler
09:20 .... Britain’s Stone Age Tsunami 10:20 ............The King and I 13:00 ...............Four in a Bed 13:35 ...............Four in a Bed 14:05 ...............Four in a Bed 15:40 .....A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:40 ....Location, Location, Location 18:50... Walking Through History 19:55................ Treasures Decoded 22:00 .......... Edward VIII’s Murderous Mistress 23:05.... More Sex Please, We’re British 00:15..... 8 Out of 10 Cats 01:00................ Treasures Decoded
10:18 .................. SpongeBob Squarepants
13:25 .........................Ice Road Truckers
19:00................ Homes by the Sea
06:10.......................... The Bill 07:00.......................... The Bill 11:00 ..........The Blue Planet 12:00 ............... Resurrection 13:00 ......... Masterchef New Zealand 14:00 ....Haunted Collector 15:00 ....Haunted Collector 19:00............ Traffic Cops 20:00............ Road Patrol Australia 20:30 ............ Road Patrol Australia 21:00...... Motorway Cops 22:00..............Emergency Bikers 23:00 ........... Traffic Cops 00:00...... Guinness World Records Gone Wild 01:00....... Beauty and the Beast 01:45....... Beauty and the Beast
10:00 .................. SpongeBob Squarepants
12:30......................... Ice Road Truckers
18:40 .... Channel 4 News
06:00.............. The Hot Desk 06:10................... Emmerdale Omnibus 08:50 ...... Coronation Street Omnibus 11:15............... Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway 12:40 ........... Evan Almighty 14:35 ..............The Hot Desk 14:50 .......... The Brit Awards 2015 17:10 .......... Nanny McPhee 19:10......... Jurassic Park 21:40 ..........Take Me Out: The Gossip 22:25.... The Keith Lemon Sketch Show 22:55 ..........Reality Bites 23:40....Ibiza Weekender 00:35........Crazy Beaches 01:05......... Hell’s Kitchen 01:55........ Fake Reaction
20:05 .......................NCIS 21:00.....CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 22:00.......Law and Order: Special Victims Unit 22:55....... Law and Order 23:50.....True Crimes: The First 72 Hours 00:15..........Super Casino
11:30........ Storage Hunters 12:00 ................. Man v Food 12:30 ................. Man v Food 13:00 ................. Traffic Cops 13:40 ....................Red Dwarf 14:20 ....................Red Dwarf 15:00 ....................Red Dwarf 19:00 ... Storage Hunters 20:00.............. Room 101 21:20 ..............Room 101 22:00 .... 8 Out of 10 Cats
07:30............ Barclays Premier League Review 08:00 .....................The Fantasy Football Club 09:00........... Game Changers 10:00..................... Soccer A.M. 12:00 ............................Football 17:00 ................. Rugby Union 20:00 ................SNF: Game of the Day
22:30 .... 8 Out of 10 Cats
22:00 ............... SNF: Match Choice
23:00 ............Alan Davies as Yet Untitled
23:30 ............... SNF: Match Choice
00:00 ............. Red Dwarf
01:00 ............... SNF: Match Choice
00:40............. Red Dwarf
How We Got To Now With Steve Johnson: Light BBC2, 19.45
Best-selling author Steven Johnson (Where Good Ideas Come From, Everything Bad Is Good For You) presents a new, five-part series, which investigates the little-known stories of the men and women whose revolutionary innovations had far-reaching consequences that went beyond their original intent. Today, these innovations play a major role in almost every aspect of our modern world. Steven Johnson investigates the story of the ‘lightbulb’ moment when Thomas Edison made his historic invention. Edison borrowed ideas from others, oversold his success and spend months trying to find the answer to a long lasting bulb. Steven learns how a French scientist accidentally discovered how to create neon light, leading to a revolution in advertising and the Las Vegas strip. Dispelling the myth of the individual ‘eureka’ moment, Johnson reveals that teamwork and collaboration led the way to the most transformative ideas. Whether changing our sleep-patterns, transforming architecture, taking us into space or triggering one of the great social reforms, the pioneers of light have inspired surprising changes in history.
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Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway ITV1, 19.00
Ant and Dec are back with a brand new instalment of their award winning hit series, Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway. The only series on TV that says ‘Don’t just watch the ads – win them!’ unleashes a host of jawdropping stunts, hilarious surprises and brand new shocks for the studio audience and viewers at home. Tonight, TV presenter Richard Madeley faces the ultimate test when he allows Ant & Dec to take control in I’m A Celebrity….Get Out Of Me Ear! Armed with earpieces the TV host was given outlandish instructions via Ant & Dec and had to repeat exactly what they said with hilarious consequences. ‘A’ list superstars will also be joining the fun live in the studio, but even the biggest stars are not safe as the Geordie duolead some of their most extravagant and ambitious celebrity set-ups to date.
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TV Guide
Pompidou BBC2, 18.30
Pompidou, his butler Hove, and their Afghan Hound Marion are hungry. There’s no food in their caravan and no money either. A desperate attempt to find something to eat sees Hove end up in a sticky situation. It’s up to Pompidou to get him out. Pompidou, Hove and Marion are broke and hungry. Albert, a fisherman, comes by the caravan asking for directions to the lake which gives Pompidou an idea - if they go fishing they’ll have something to eat. Pompidou and Hove join an unimpressed Albert fishing at the lake where Pompidou is, as expected, useless. While Albert snoozes there’s a tug on his fishing rod. So Pompidou orders Hove to quietly reel in the fish, but Albert, while dosing, snuggles up to Hove as he tries to grab the fishing rod. Albert wakes and shocked at the sight of Hove pushes him in the lake Hove and Pompidou leave empty-handed and still very hungry. Spotting a bird in a tree, they attempt to entice it down with a juicy worm. But, the bird flies into Hove’s open mouth and into his belly. Cue Hove and Pompidou rushing to hospital. At the hospital, the receptionist implies it might be weeks until Hove is operated on, which gives Pompidou an idea. The Nurse discovers Hove missing from his bed and the doctor sound asleep in Pompidou’s. Pompidou, now dressed as the doctor, is in the operating theatre playing surgeon. He cuts Hove open and the bird is released! Back at the caravan, Albert, feeling bad for pushing Hove into the lake, brings him a fish as a peace offering, but the fish wriggles and jumps straight into Hove’s mouth! Pompidou is played by Matt Lucas and Hove is played by Alex MacQueen with a guest appearance from Roy Barraclough.
27th February - 5th March 2015
S unday 07:35 ...... Match of the Day
06:15................. Great British Garden Revival
06:00 ......... Bottom Knocker Street
09:00 ................. The Andrew Marr Show
07:15 ....... Glorious Gardens From Above
06:10 ......... Bottom Knocker Street
10:00..... The Big Questions
08:00.................. Countryfile
11:00 .......... Sunday Politics
09:00..................The Football League Show
06:20......... Bottom Knocker Street
06:00...................... Breakfast
12:15 .............. MOTD2 Extra 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 14:00.................. My Chinese New Year 14:30 ................... Six Nations Rugby Union 17:00 .......... Songs of Praise 17:35 .....................BBC News 17:50 ....BBC London News 18:00 ....The Big Painting Challenge 19:00 ............Countryfile 20:00.... Call the Midwife
06:45...................... Dino Dan
11:50 ........ The Great Comic Relief Bake Off
07:10............................. Sooty
12:50........ A Taste of Britain
13:20 ....... A Taste of Britain 13:50............ Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em
23:35 ............ The League Cup Show 00:15.......... The Celebrity Apprentice USA
The Casual Vacancy BBC1, 21.00 With the parish council election imminent, tensions rise in Pagford and each side steps up their campaign. Who will triumph in an election fraught with passion, duplicity and unexpected revelations? The battle lines are drawn and the fate of Sweetlove House hangs in the balance. Meanwhile, Samantha and Miles’ marriage has reached breaking point. Miles pleads for a quiet life, promising that once the election is over everything will calm down, but Samantha doesn’t believe him. Howard’s dark secret is revealed in The Ghost’s final post, while in The Fields Krystal returns home to find Terri back to her old ways. Hope seems more fragile than ever, and news of a tragedy leaves the whole community reeling.
07:25.............. Share a Story 07:35 ..................... Nerds and Monsters 07:50........................ Ultimate Spider-Man 08:30 ...............Horrid Henry
14:45...................... Hi-De-Hi!
08:50 ...... Deadtime Stories
15:15........................... Flog It!
09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show
16:00.... Speed Dreams: The Fastest Place on Earth
22:30 .................Match of the Day 2
07:00 ...................... Canimals
14:15 ...................... Three Up, Two Down
21:00............The Casual W C Vacancy choice 17:00 ..................The Tuxedo Wce 18:30...........Pompidou Coi 22:00 .............. BBC News 22:20 .BBC London News
06:35 ......................Dino Dan
10:20 ........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites
19:00 .............The Fifteen Billion Pound Railway 20:00................ Top Gear 21:00................ Let’s Play Darts for Comic Relief
10:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 11:30 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 12:35.............. ITV News and Weather 12:45.......Neil Diamond: For One Night Only 13:55............... Catchphrase 14:40 ..............Tipping Point
01:40...... Weather for the Week Ahead
21:50........... Cosmopolis
15:40........... A View to a Kill
23:30....... Genghis Khan
01:45............... BBC News
01:30............ Countryfile
18:05................. ITV News London 18:15......... ITV News and Weather 18:30 ............. The Chase: Celebrity Special 19:30... Off Their Rockers 20:00 ....... All Star Family Fortunes 21:00 ..........Mr Selfridge 22:00......... ITV News and Weather 22:15....ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights 23:15............. Bear Grylls: Mission Survive 00:15......................Rugby Highlights 01:15................The Store
TV Guide
27th February - 5th March 2015
1 st 06:20........... How I Met Your Mother 06:45 ........... How I Met Your Mother 07:10 ........... How I Met Your Mother 07:35 ........Everybody Loves Raymond 08:00.........Everybody Loves Raymond 08:30 ........................... Frasier 09:00........................... Frasier
06:00 .....................Peppa Pig 06:05 ....................Bananas in Pajamas 06:20 ........................Angelina Ballerina 06:35...................... Pip Ahoy! 06:45 ...........................The Mr. Men Show 07:00 .............Chloe’s Closet 07:15 ...............Olly the Little White Van
09:30........... Sunday Brunch
07:20 ...............Make Way for Noddy
12:30 ........Amazing Spaces: Shed of the Year
07:35 ....................Paw Patrol
13:30 ...........................The Big Bang Theory
08:00 ........... Wanda and the Alien
14:00 ...........................The Big Bang Theory 14:30 .......The Wizard of Oz 16:30.... Location, Location, Location 17:35 ........ Channel 4 News 18:05......... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 19:00 ...........Four Rooms 20:00............ The Auction House 21:00................Indian Summers The 10-part drama continues. It’s the Sipi Fair in Simla, the only time in the year when the Indian community are allowed onto the grounds of the British Club. However, Ralph and Cynthia are more distracted by the upcoming inquest. Ralph conspires to get Aafrin onside by granting him a highly sought after promotion, while Cynthia’s attempts to coerce Alice lead to further tension between Alice and Ralph. Sooni finds herself in serious trouble when’s she’s arrested at a pro-independence rally. Sarah decides to retake control of her marriage and confronts Leena at the Sipi Fair.
07:45............. Little Princess
08:10......... Toby’s Travelling Circus 08:20 .........Zack and Quack 08:35........... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 08:50 ...................Jelly Jamm
06:00 ..............Life’s Funniest Moments 06:25 ................. You’ve Been Framed! 06:45................... Emmerdale Omnibus 09:40....... Coronation Street Omnibus 12:10 ................Take Me Out 13:25 ....... Take Me Out: The Gossip 14:05 ................. You’ve Been Framed! 14:35........................Scorpion 15:30.............. Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway 16:55......The Princess DiariesCW ch oi ce 2: Royal Engagement 19:10 ..... Jurassic Park III 21:00... Ibiza Weekender 22:00.... The Keith Lemon Sketch Show 22:30.......... American Pie Presents Band Camp
06:10 .......................Toughest Place to be a...
08:55....... Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb
07:00 ..........The Blue Planet
10:00 ...... Grand Designs
08:00 .........Planet Dinosaur
11:05.Tiny House Nation
09:00......... Masterchef New Zealand
12:00....... Shipping Wars
10:00 ......... Masterchef New Zealand
13:00 ...... Shipping Wars
06:00 ... The Hour of Power 07:00 ................The Fanatics 08:00 ................................Glee 09:00 ....Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 09:30..............Chris and Wes: Let’s Do This 10:30..... Football’s Funniest Moments 11:00..................... WWE Raw 12:00............Modern Family 13:00.......... Inside RAF Brize Norton 14:00....................Emergency Animal Rescue 15:00............Modern Family 17:00 ....... The Simpsons 18:00 .......... About a Boy 19:00 ..... Modern Family 20:00 ...............The Flash 21:00 ........ Hawaii Five-0 22:00..NCIS: Los Angeles 00:00......... Hawaii Five-0
07:10 .................... Three Men in a Boat
11:00 ......... Masterchef New Zealand 14:00 ................ Doctor Who 15:00................. Doctor Who 19:00...... One Born Every Minute 20:00... Emergency Bikers 21:00 ................... Grimm
12:30....... Shipping Wars 13:30 ...... Shipping Wars 13:55 .....Jamie’s Comfort Food 14:30......... Four in a Bed 17:10............. Come Dine with Me 19:25............. Come Dine with Me
22:00 ......................Crisis
20:00.. Jimmy’s Australian Food Adventure
23:00 .... Motorway Cops
21:00................ Car S.O.S
23:50 ...... Deals From the Dark Side
22:00 ...............Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners
00:20 ...... Deals From the Dark Side
23:05........Dogging Tales
00:50 ...........Doctor Who
00:15... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA
09:05..................... LazyTown 09:35 ....................... Dora and Friends 10:00 .................. SpongeBob Squarepants 10:18.................. SpongeBob Squarepants 10:35 ..........Chinese Food in Minutes 10:50 .........................The Dog Rescuers 11:20....................... The Hotel Inspector 12:15 ...................... The Hotel Inspector 13:15 ............. Thunderbirds 15:00 ........... Arthur and The Invisibles 16:45.................... 3 Men and a Little Lady 18:45 ....................5 News Weekend
22:00..... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
18:50........... Ghost Rider
23:05................. Twilight
23:15 .................... Twelve Monkeys
01:25... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA
M arc h
21:00 ........... Total Recall
01:50 .........Super Casino
08:00 .......................Top Gear 09:00....................... Top Gear 10:00................. Trawlermen 11:00........ Storage Hunters 11:30........ Storage Hunters 12:00........ Storage Hunters 12:30 ........ Storage Hunters 15:00 ...... American Pickers 19:00.... Storage Hunters 19:30.... Storage Hunters 20:00....................... QI XL 21:00....................... QI XL 22:00 ..... Mock the Week 22:40 ..... Mock the Week 23:20 ......Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:20.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:20.... Storage Hunters 01:50............. Ross Noble
06:00 ... SNF: Match Choice 07:30............. Football Gold 07:45 ............. Football Gold 08:00.................. The Sunday Supplement 09:30 ....... Goals on Sunday 11:30 ....................Ford Super Sunday 14:30 .........Capital One Cup Final 19:00.............. Sky Sports Originals 20:15 ........Football Gold 20:30 .................Football 21:00 .... Capital One Cup Final 22:00......... Ford Football Special 23:30... Goals on Sunday 00:30 .................Football 01:00 .Football’s Greatest 01:30 ............Capital One Cup Final
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Off Their Rockers ITV1, 19.30
Britain’s most fearless and fun loving pensioners reunite to unleash their own brand of mischief and mayhem on the unsuspecting public, in the third series of hidden camera show Off Their Rockers. Celebrating the mantra that you truly are only as old as you feel, these cheeky OAPs hit the streets of Britain with misbehaviour in mind, playing a series of light hearted pranks and carefully crafted stunts. Hilarity ensues as their outrageous antics play out, and one thing’s for sure, the Rockers will always have the last laugh. With cast ages spanning 63 to 86, all of the old favourites are back, with a few new faces thrown into the mix. Off Their Rockers celebrates Britain’s brilliant senior citizens in all their eccentric glory, and proves that age really is nothing but a number.
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Inside Out BBC1, 19.30
A special Inside Out programme asks: Is our GP service in crisis? BBC One’s current affairs and investigative journalism programme examines the issue of GP shortages and asks doctors (and trainee doctors) to diagnose the problems with the GP service. The film, due to be broadcast on Monday 2 March on BBC One at 7.30pm, looks at the possible reasons for the shortage across England, including early retirement, people working abroad and the lack of interest from students in becoming a GP, with case studies for each. Presenter Chris Jackson asks what has gone wrong and gets the view from the King’s Fund, an independent charity working to improve health and health care in England. This pan-England Inside Out film also reveals the results from a ComRes survey of 1,000 GPs. Each regional edition of Inside Out will also broadcast a local film which concentrates on the impact on patients and hears from those saying their GP service is simply not meeting their needs. In the North East for example, the film crew follows the local out-of-hours service in Cumbria which is getting more calls from people who cannot get a GP appointment. Inside Out also speaks to the Royal College of General Practitioners and gets their view on what needs to be done to ensure there are enough GPs to meet the patient demand.
27th February - 5th March 2015
M onday 06:00...................... Breakfast 09:15............... Heir Hunters 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00.....Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 11:45......................Watchdog Test House 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 ......................... WPC 56 15:00 ........................The Link 15:45...................... Escape to the Country 16:30...........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30...........Inside Out
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20:00............. EastEnders
20:30........... What Britain Wants Someone to Love 21:00............Crimewatch 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:45............Crimewatch 22:55.......Waterloo Road 23:50............ The Graham Norton Show
06:20.....................Perfection 07:05.........Countryside 999 07:50...Real Lives Reunited 08:20..............Wanted Down Under 09:05..... Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 10:05..................Great British Railway Journeys 10:35............................... Click 11:00 .....................BBC News 12:00 .......The Daily Politics 13:00 ...................A to Z of TV Gardening 13:05..... Cagney and Lacey 13:50 .......The World at War 14:45 ............................. Africa 15:45 ............ Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em 16:15.. Three Up, Two Down 16:45....................... Hi-De-Hi! 17:15 ...........................Flog It! 18:00 ............. Two Tribes 18:30 .............. Eggheads 19:00.................Top Gear 20:00 .............. University Challenge 20:30......... Only Connect 21:00...... A Cook Abroad 22:00....... Let’s Play Darts for Comic Relief 22:30..............Newsnight
06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30......................... Lorraine 09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 10:55 ...................... ITV News 11:00.............. This Morning 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30.............. ITV News and Weather 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00.............. Tipping Point 16:00....... 1000 Heartbeats 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00.. ITV News London 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..Coronation Street 20:00...............More Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green 20:30..Coronation Street 21:00.............. Arthur and George 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:40..........The Jonathan Ross Show 23:45......... A Great Welsh Adventure with Griff Rhys Jones
TV Guide
27th February - 5th March 2015
2 nd 06:00 .................Countdown
06:00............. The Wotwots!
06:45 ........................... King of Queens
06:10 .................Igam Ogam
07:10.............. 3rd Rock from the Sun
06:30 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat
07:35 ..............3rd Rock from the Sun
06:45 .....................Peppa Pig
08:00 ........................... Frasier
06:55 ......................Pip Ahoy!
08:30........................... Frasier
07:10 ............. Little Princess
09:00 ........Everybody Loves Raymond
07:20 .................The Mr. Men Show
09:30 ........Everybody Loves Raymond
07:35.......................... Thomas and Friends
10:00 .................. Undercover Boss USA 11:00..................For the Love of Cars 12:00.......... Channel 4 News Summary 12:05.................... Come Dine with Me 13:05................A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:10..................Countdown 15:00.......... Deal or No Deal 16:00.................... Come Dine with Me
06:20.............. Fireman Sam
06:50 .....................Peppa Pig
07:50 ......Noddy in Toyland 08:00 ........... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 08:15 .....................Peppa Pig 08:35......... Toby’s Travelling Circus 08:45......................... Bananas in Pajamas 09:00 ...................Tickety Toc 09:15........ The Wright Stuff
M arc h 06:00.................. You’ve Been Framed! 06:25............................. Psych 07:10 ..................Emmerdale 07:40 .....Coronation Street 08:40 ................ Dinner Date 09:40 ............... Catchphrase 10:25 ............................. Psych 11:20 .................. Royal Pains 12:10 ..................Emmerdale 12:40..... Coronation Street 13:40 ................ Dinner Date 14:40.......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00............ You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ..................Two and a Half Men 21:00....................... Mom 22:00.......... American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile 00:10........Two and a Half Men
06:15 .....................Babylon 5 07:00 ................ Doctor Who 08:00 ...................MasterChef Australia 09:00 .......................... The Bill 11:00.................. Traffic Cops 12:00 .................Who Do You Think You Are? USA 13:00 .........................Heston’s Fantastical Food 14:00 ..............Bondi Rescue 15:00.... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 16:00...... Who Do You Think You Are? USA 17:00................. Doctor Who 18:00......... Border Patrol 19:00..... Masterchef New Zealand 20:00..... Motorway Cops 21:00...... Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 21:30.................One Born Every Minute 22:30................... Britain’s Bravest Cops 23:30......... Border Patrol
08:55.....Location, Location, Location
06:00...........Dog the Bounty Hunter
07:00 ........ Storage Hunters
07:00.....Greggs: More Than Meats the Pie
07:45 ................ The World of Stupid Criminals
06:00............. Football Gold 07:00..................... WWE Raw 08:00 ....... Goals on Sunday 09:00 ............... Ford Football Special 10:30 .................. Capital One Cup Final 11:30..Sky Sports Originals 12:45.............. Football Gold 13:00 ...............................FL72 14:00 ............... Ford Football Special 15:30 ........................ Football 16:00 .........Fantasy Football Club Highlights 16:30 ........Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits 17:30............. Football Gold 17:45.................. Capital One Cup Final 18:45 .................Football 21:00.. Football Greatest 21:30.... Barclays Premier League Review 22:30........................FL72
12:10 ........................... 5 News Lunchtime
17:00................Four in a Bed 17:30.....................Coach Trip
13:15........ Home and Away
18:00 ....... The Simpsons
13:45 .................Neighbours
18:30.............. Hollyoaks
14:15 ............................... NCIS
08:00.............. Ashley Banjo’s Secret Street Crew
19:00................Channel 4 News
15:15 ............Out of Control
09:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles
17:00.................. 5 News at 5
11:00...............Hawaii Five-0
17:30 .................Neighbours
13:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles
18:00............... Home and Away
15:00............... The Real A&E
18:30 ....................5 News Tonight
17:00..............The Simpsons
19:00 ............ The Gadget Show
18:00............... Futurama
20:30........................ Food Unwrapped 21:00................... NHS: £2 Billion a Week and Counting 22:00.............My Baggy CW Body choice 23:00..................24 Hours in A and E 00:05................. Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 00:55.............Alois Nebel
11:05............Kirstie’s Vintage Gems 11:10......A Place in the Sun 11:45........ The Tall Stranger 13:25....................Time Team 15:35...Nazi Megastructures 16:40......A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 18:50............Building the Dream 19:55....... Grand Designs 21:00.......... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 22:00............... My Big Fat Gypsy Holiday 23:05...The Perfect Penis 00:10......... Embarrassing Bodies 01:15............... My Big Fat Gypsy Holiday
11:10 ...................... The Hotel Inspector
12:15 .......................Costa Del Casualty
20:00............ Dispatches
10:00.. Come Dine with Me
20:00.......................Police Interceptors 21:00...................Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole 22:00............... 10,000 BC 23:00..........Crimson Tide 01:10..........Super Casino
16:00...................... Futurama 17:30...................... Futurama 18:30........ The Simpsons 20:00...........................The Holidaymakers 21:00.............Moone Boy 21:30......................Arrow 22:30....................Critical 23:30............... Futurama 00:00....NCIS: Los Angeles
07:25 ....................... Flip Men
08:10 .......................Top Gear 10:00........ Storage Hunters 11:00 .... Lizard Lick Towing 12:00 .......................Top Gear 14:00 ........ Storage Hunters 14:30 .... Beverly Hills Pawn 15:30 ........ Storage Hunters 16:00 .... Lizard Lick Towing 17:00....................... Top Gear 18:00.................Top Gear 19:00...Beverly Hills Pawn 20:00................ Idris Elba: King of Speed 21:00...... Mock the Week 22:20.. Would I Lie to You? 23:00............................ QI 23:40.. Would I Lie to You? 00:20..... 8 Out of 10 Cats
29 CW
W C c h o i ce
My Baggy Body Channel 4, 22:00
Many people who lose dramatic amounts of weight after surgery or dieting believe it will bring the answer to their prayers, a slimmer figure, confidence and better health. But the reality of extreme weight loss can often be anything but liberating, bringing a distressing sideeffect: excess skin, and lots of it. The 30-fold increase in weight-loss surgery in the last decade has left thousands of people with excess skin, but with the NHS restricting subsequent cosmetic surgery, people have been left in body limbo, unhappy with the body they had, but hating the body they now have. This insightful, thoughtful First Cut documentary tells the stories of Sarah, Gregg and Pauline, who - after losing 43 stone between them - have been left with shocking amounts of loose skin. They all feel as though they are carrying a shameful secret hidden underneath their clothes.
CW 30
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TV Guide
Exposure: When Pregnant Women Drink
27th February - 5th March 2015
T uesday
ITV1, 21.00
“Exposure to alcohol before birth is the single most important preventable cause of incurable brain damage. And it’s an issue which affects all of us in society.” - Professor Sir Al Aynsley-Green, former Children’s Commissioner for England Ranvir Singh investigates the impact of drinking alcohol in pregnancy as one in 100 babies are born in Britain each year brain-damaged with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). These babies will go through life with a range of developmental, social and learning difficulties. A few will have tell-tale facial features which will make it easier to get a diagnosis and access support, but the majority will battle with an invisible disability. Exposure meets four people affected by FASD to understand their challenges and the impact on their families. James is five and his adoptive parents are on the path to a diagnosis so that he can get the help he needs. He undergoes ground-breaking 3D facial analysis with Professor Peter Hammond which can detect
06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ............... Heir Hunters 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00.....Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 11:45 ............ Watchdog Test House 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:40 ....BBC London News 13:45......................... Doctors 14:15......................... WPC 56 15:00 ........................The Link 15:45............... Escape to the Country 16:30 ..........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15....................... Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:30... BBC London News 19:00....... The One Show 19:30 ............ EastEnders 20:00 ............. Holby City 21:00 ................. The Gift 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:25............ BBC London News 22:45.................. No Place to Call Home 23:45................ Cemetery Junction
06:05 ....................Perfection 06:50 ...................Canterbury Cathedral 07:50 .........An Island Parish 08:20............. Wanted Down Under 09:05........... Attenborough’s Paradise Birds 10:05..................Great British Railway Journeys 10:35 ..................... HARDtalk 11:00 .....................BBC News 12:00 .......The Daily Politics 13:00 ...................A to Z of TV Gardening 13:05 ..................... The Super League Show 13:50 .......The World at War 14:45............. Frozen Planet 15:45..... Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em 16:15 ............. Three Up, Two Down 16:45...................... Hi-De-Hi! 17:15........................... Flog It! 18:00............. Two Tribes 18:30.............. Eggheads 19:00................Wanted in Paradise 20:00 ....... Natural World 21:00.................. Horizon 22:00...... Let’s Play Darts for Comic Relief 22:30..............Newsnight 23:20......Reinventing the Royals
06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 10:55 ...................... ITV News 11:00 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............. ITV News and Weather 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00 ..............Tipping Point 16:00 ................................1000 Heartbeats 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00 ................ ITV News London 18:30 .........ITV News and Weather 19:00 ........... Emmerdale 19:30 ....................... River Monsters 20:00......Bargain Fever Britain 21:00..............Exposure
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22:00 ..... ITV News at Ten and Weather
22:40 ...........................On Assignment 23:10 .............. Benidorm 23:40 ..... Carry on Follow That Camel
01:15...... Weather for the Week Ahead the facial traits of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome that are invisible to the 01:15............ Jackpot247 naked eye. Jade is lively, articulate and talented – she is also trusting, impulsive and volatile. Being a teenager is tough, for Jade being a teenager with FASD brings a whole raft of other problems. Sam drank a lot through her pregnancy but tells Exposure that she was never warned of the dangers to her baby. Stanley is now 11. His life is changed forever as a result of what happened when he was in the womb. Understandably, he can be an angry young man. Lee was 26 when he received his diagnosis and had already served a prison sentence for a violent crime. The Government’s current guidelines advise that those who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant should avoid alcohol altogether – but then adds, ‘If women do choose to drink, to minimise the risk to the baby, we recommend they should not drink more than one to two units once or twice a week and they should not get drunk.’ The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists had taken a similar view, although they referred to one or two units a week as a safe amount. Spokesman Dr Pat O’Brien says: “If nobody drank any alcohol in pregnancy there would be no Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and no Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. But on the other hand if you look at all of the evidence there appears to be a safe level of alcohol intake in pregnancy.” However earlier this month they updated their advice, recommending that pregnant women do not drink alcohol during the first three months of pregnancy. The advice does say that drinking small amounts of alcohol after this time does not appear to be harmful for the unborn baby, but that pregnant women should not drink more than one or two units, and then not more than once or twice a week. The Department of Health declined an interview and gave a statement outlining their current advice and stating that the Chief Medical Officer is currently reviewing the guidance on drinking alcohol. Ranvir brings together a group of pregnant women from around the country to find out what they have been told about the risks of alcohol in pregnancy. All of these women are following the current NHS guidelines and some have chosen not to drink at all while pregnant. Some were given no information on alcohol, while others found the guidelines confusing and contradictory. Prof Peter Hepper of Queen’s University, Belfast has carried out the only UK research on the impact of low levels of alcohol on the foetus. When Exposure shows this to the pregnant women, they are shocked to discover that even when drinking just one unit of alcohol - well within the government guidelines - the foetus stops moving and breathing for up to two hours and that’s once the alcohol has already left the mother’s body. Exposure compares the position in the UK to overseas where for more than 30 years the advice to women in the US has been that pregnant women should not drink at all during pregnancy. Critics of the UK guidelines view this as a clear and unambiguous message, which is also promoted by many other countries among them Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, France, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. Exposure also hears that research was carried out in the US in 2013 that revealed alcohol is more damaging to a foetus in the womb than heroin, cocaine, cannabis or smoking.
TV Guide
27th February - 5th March 2015
3 rd 06:00 .................Countdown
06:00 ............. The Wotwots!
06:45 ..........King of Queens
06:10 .................Igam Ogam
07:10 ..............3rd Rock from the Sun
06:20 .............. Fireman Sam
07:35.............. 3rd Rock from the Sun
marc h 06:00 ................. You’ve Been Framed! 06:25 ............................. Psych
06:30 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat
07:10.................. Emmerdale 07:40..... Coronation Street
06:45 .....................Peppa Pig
08:40................ Dinner Date
08:00 ........................... Frasier
06:50 .....................Peppa Pig
09:40 ............... Catchphrase
08:30 ........................... Frasier
06:55...................... Pip Ahoy!
10:25 ............................. Psych
09:00 ........Everybody Loves Raymond
07:10.............. Little Princess
11:20 .................. Royal Pains
07:20.... The Mr. Men Show
12:10 ..................Emmerdale
09:30 ........Everybody Loves Raymond
07:35 .................Thomas and Friends
12:40..... Coronation Street
10:00 .................. Undercover Boss USA
07:50 ......Noddy in Toyland
14:40 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show
08:00 ........... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom
13:40 ................ Dinner Date
08:10..................... Peppa Pig
18:00 ........... You’ve Been Framed!
12:00......... Channel 4 News Summary
08:15 .....................Peppa Pig
20:00 .......... Dinner Date
08:25..................... Peppa Pig
21:00 ........ Hell’s Kitchen
12:05 ................... Come Dine with Me
08:30..................... Peppa Pig
22:00....Ibiza Weekender
08:35 .........Toby’s Travelling Circus
23:00 ..........Reality Bites
11:00 .................For the Love of Cars
13:05...................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun
08:45.................... Bananas in Pajamas
14:10 .................Countdown
09:00 ...................Tickety Toc
15:00 ......... Deal or No Deal
09:15 ........ The Wright Stuff
16:00 ................... Come Dine with Me
11:10...................... The Hotel Inspector
17:00 ...............Four in a Bed 17:30 ....................Coach Trip 18:00........ The Simpsons 18:30 .............. Hollyoaks 19:00..... Channel 4 News 20:00 .......... Mary Portas: Secret Shopper 21:00 ......The Romanians are ComingCW
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22:00 .............Drugs Live: Cannabis on Trial 23:35............. Don’t Look Down 00:30...... Pokerstars.Com European Poker Tour 01:25...........KOTV Boxing Weekly 01:50..............Transworld Sport
12:10........................... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .......Cowboy Builders 13:15 ........Home and Away
23:45.... The Keith Lemon Sketch Show
06:00....Nothing to Declare: Australia 06:30...........Dog the Bounty Hunter
13:45................. Neighbours
07:00.....Greggs: More Than Meats the Pie
14:15 ............................... NCIS
08:00................... Airline USA
15:15 ...... Stealing Paradise
09:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles
17:00 ..................5 News at 5
11:00...............Hawaii Five-0
17:30 .................Neighbours
13:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles
18:00 ... Home and Away
15:00............... The Real A&E
18:30 ..... 5 News Tonight
16:00...................... Futurama
19:00 ......................Police Interceptors
17:00..............The Simpsons
20:00 ................Costa Del Casualty
18:30........ The Simpsons
21:00 .......................Killer Psychopaths 22:00 ........... Chicago PD 23:00 .....Jack the Ripper 00:00............ GPs: Behind Closed Doors 01:00..........Super Casino
17:30...................... Futurama 20:00................The Flash 21:00....................Critical 22:00............. Ross Kemp: Extreme World 23:00....NCIS: Los Angeles 00:00....NCIS: Los Angeles 01:00......... Hawaii Five-0
06:15 .....................Babylon 5 07:00 ................ Doctor Who 08:00 ...................MasterChef Australia 09:00 .......................... The Bill 11:00 ................. Traffic Cops 12:00 ..... Who Do You Think You Are? USA 13:00 ......... Masterchef New Zealand 14:00 ..............Bondi Rescue 15:00.... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 16:00...... Who Do You Think You Are? USA 17:00................. Doctor Who 18:00......... Border Patrol 19:00..............Masterchef New Zealand 21:00................Bin There, Dump That 22:00.................... Grimm 23:00 ........... Traffic Cops 00:20 ........ Border Patrol
08:55 ....Location, Location, Location
07:05........... Storage Hunters 07:25........................... Flip Men 07:50..... The World of Stupid Criminals 08:10 ..........................Top Gear 10:00........... Storage Hunters 11:00........Lizard Lick Towing 12:00.......................... Top Gear 14:00 ...........Storage Hunters 14:30 .......Beverly Hills Pawn 15:30 ...........Storage Hunters 16:00 .......Lizard Lick Towing 17:00...........................Top Gear 18:00 ...................Top Gear 19:00 .. Beverly Hills Pawn 20:00 ......................... QI XL 22:00.... Alan Davies as Yet Untitled 23:00............................... QI 23:40...Would I Lie to You? 00:15 .......8 Out of 10 Cats 00:50 ..... Storage Hunters 01:15.. Lizard Lick Towing
06:00 ............. Football Gold 06:30.......... SPFL Round Up 07:00 ...WWE SmackDown! 08:00 ........Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits 09:00..........Barclays Premier League Review 10:00 ........................ Football 12:15............. Football Gold 12:30..........Fantasy Football Club Highlights 13:00......... Barclays Premier League Review 14:00 ...............................FL72 15:00 ........................ Football 17:15............. Football Gold 17:30 .........Fantasy Football Club Highlights 18:00.... Barclays Premier League Review 19:00 ......Snooker: World Seniors 22:00 .............Darts Gold 22:30......... Ford Football Special
10:00 ................... Come Dine with Me 11:05 ...........Kirstie’s Vintage Gems 11:20 ........... Heaven Knows, Mr Allison 13:25 ...................Time Team 15:35 ............ Is Our Weather Getting Worse? 16:40 .....A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 18:50............Building the Dream 19:55....... Grand Designs 21:00........Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb 22:00....... Grand Designs 23:10..The Mega Brothel 00:10... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 01:10....... Grand Designs
31 CW
W C c h o i ce
Bargain Fever Britain ITV1, 20.00
Bargain Fever Britain taps into the UK’s insatiable appetite for deals, discounts and bargains featuring access to four major UK businesses all managing to thrive in a retail landscape where paying full price is simply not an option. With Britain now a bargain-obsessed nation, the series takes a look at the characters, culture and goings on inside four major discounters - American wholesale giant Costco, major car supermarket Motorpoint, high street UK-wide shoe chain Shoe Zone, and Approved Food – a multimillion pound business that sells food that’s out of season or past its best before date. Throughout the series we also hear from customers, bargain hunters, and savvy shoppers – and the lengths some will go to in order to make a saving. Episode 1 focuses on some of the challenges the discounters face, from selling 8ft gigantic teddy bears to the perils of trying to keep track of millions of pounds worth of stock plus we meet one coupon-crazy mum who’s stockpiled an incredible 60 pizzas in her freezer.
CW 32
TV Guide
27th February - 5th March 2015
W ednesday 06:00 ....................Perfection
06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ............... Heir Hunters 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00.....Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 11:45 ............ Watchdog Test House 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt
08:15 .............Wanted Down Under 09:00 .......Eat Well for Less? 10:00 .................Great British Railway Journeys 11:00 .....................BBC News
13:40 ....BBC London News
11:30....... The Daily Politics
13:45 .........................Doctors
13:00....................A to Z of TV Gardening
14:15 ......................... WPC 56 15:00 ........................The Link 15:45 ...............Escape to the Country 16:30 ..........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15 .......................Pointless
13:05 .... Cagney and Lacey 13:50....... The World at War 14:45 ............. Frozen Planet 15:45 ..... Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em 16:15 ...................... Three Up, Two Down
18:00 .... BBC News at Six 18:30 .BBC London News
16:45...................... Hi-De-Hi!
19:00 .......The One Show 20:00 ....The Great Comic Relief Bake Off 21:00 ...........The People’s Strictly for Comic Relief
17:15 ...........................Flog It! 17:55 ...............Party Political Broadcast 18:00 ............. Two Tribes 18:30.............. Eggheads 19:00............... Wanted in Paradise
22:00 ... BBC News at Ten 22:25 .BBC London News 22:45 .. Match of the Day 00:15 .....Three Fugitives 01:45...... Weather for the Week Ahead
W C c h o i ce
07:45 .........An Island Parish
10:30 .......................See Hear
13:00 ...... BBC News at One
01:50 .............. BBC News
06:45 ...................Canterbury Cathedral
20:00 ...........Suffragettes Forever! The Story of Women and Power 21:00 ............. This World 22:00....... Let’s Play Darts for Comic Relief
06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30........................ Lorraine 09:25.......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 10:55 ...................... ITV News 11:00 .............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30.............. ITV News and Weather 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00 ..............Tipping Point 16:00 ........1000 Heartbeats 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 18:25 ........ Party Political Broadcast by the Liberal Democrats 18:30 .........ITV News and Weather 19:00 ........... Emmerdale 19:30 .............Coronation Street 20:00..............Big Star’s Little Star 21:00............DCI Banks
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22:00 ..... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:45................ Pop Gold
23:40 .....Spandau Ballet: True Gold 00:35............ Jackpot247
DCI Banks ITV1, 21.00
A new series of contemporary crime drama DCI Banks returns for a six‐part series starring Stephen Tompkinson, Andrea Lowe and Caroline Catz. Produced by award‐winning indie Left Bank Pictures, the new series will comprise 6 x 60’ original episodes inspired by the books written by acclaimed novelist Peter Robinson. Stephen Tompkinson reprises his role as DCI Alan Banks with Andrea Lowe (Love Life, Monroe) playing DS Annie Cabbot and Caroline Catz (Doc Martin) as DI Helen Morton. Well renowned actors Keith Barron and Polly Hemingway also return as Banks’ parents, Arthur and Ida. With a reputation for delivering credible and emotional crime stories that are firmly rooted in the Yorkshire setting, DCI Banks has become a firm favourite with ITV viewers. This fourth series will feature powerful personal stories for the lead characters, both in their private lives and in their work environment; a deeper exploration of Banks’ relationship with his parents, further complications in Annie and Banks’ on/off romance and a personal crisis that threatens Helen’s career. DCI Banks is produced by Radford Neville (The Game, The Borrowers, Loving Miss Hatto). Radford is also a co-executive producer alongside Left Bank Pictures Chief Executive, Andy Harries. The series has been commissioned for ITV by Director of Drama, Steve November and Head of Drama Series, Jane Hudson. What Will Survive When Banks’ suffers a massive personal loss, along with knowledge that Annie is back with her former boyfriend David, he is forced to navigate a complex murder investigation while still grieving. A young Estonian woman is found dead on a piece of wasteground, suspected of being buried alive. As they piece together her movements, the team uncover a world of prostitution and drugs hidden behind a respectable veneer. They discover the murder victim had come to the UK searching for her sister, who went missing recently. No one wants to talk – but they eventually trace her sister’s pimp, who claims to run a legitimate escort business.
TV Guide
27th February - 5th March 2015
4 t h
06:00 .................Countdown
06:00 ............. The Wotwots!
06:45 ..........King of Queens
06:10 .................Igam Ogam
07:10........................ 3rd Rock from the Sun
06:20 .............. Fireman Sam
07:35 ........................ 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:00........................... Frasier 08:30 ........................... Frasier 09:00 ........Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 ........Everybody Loves Raymond
06:30................ Toot the Tiny Tugboat 06:45 .....................Peppa Pig 06:50 .....................Peppa Pig 06:55...................... Pip Ahoy! 07:10............. Little Princess 07:20 ....The Mr. Men Show 07:35 ..........................Thomas and Friends
10:00 .................. Undercover Boss USA
07:50 ......Noddy in Toyland
11:00 ............................For the Love of Cars
08:00 ........... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom
12:00.......... Channel 4 News Summary
08:15......................Peppa Pig
12:05 ................... Come Dine with Me
08:25..................... Peppa Pig
13:05 .....A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun
08:20..................... Peppa Pig 08:35......... Toby’s Travelling Circus
14:10 .................Countdown
08:45.................... Bananas in ajamas
15:00......... Deal or No Deal
09:00 ...................Tickety Toc
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06:00 ................. You’ve Been Framed! 06:25............................. Psych 07:10.................. Emmerdale 07:40................ The Guide to You’ve Been Framed! 08:40................ Dinner Date 09:40............... Catchphrase 10:25.............................. Psych 11:20................... Royal Pains 12:10.................. Emmerdale 12:40...................... The Cube 13:40................ Dinner Date 14:40 ......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00 ........... You’ve Been Framed! 19:00 ........... You’ve Been Framed and Famous! 20:00............... Two and a Half Men 21:00 .......... The Vampire Diaries 22:00 ......... The Butterfly Effect
06:15..................... Babylon 5 07:00................ Doctor Who 08:00................... MasterChef Australia 09:00.......................... The Bill 11:00 ................. Traffic Cops 12:00 ..... Who Do You Think You Are? USA 13:00 ......... Masterchef New Zealand 15:00.... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 16:00..... Who Do You Think You Are? USA 17:00................. Doctor Who 18:00 ........ Border Patrol 19:00 ........Choccywoccydoodah 20:00............ Traffic Cops 21:00 ................... Grimm 22:00...Dynamo: Magician Impossible 23:00............ Traffic Cops
08:55.... Location, Location, Location
06:00.....................Nothing to Declare: Australia
07:05........ Storage Hunters
06:00 ............. Football Gold 07:00 .......WWE Experience 08:00 .........Game Changers 09:00 ............... Ford Football Special 10:30.... Football Freestyler 11:00 .........Fantasy Football Club Highlights 11:30 ............. Football Gold 12:00 ............... Ford Football Special 13:30.......... Premier League Legends 14:00 ..................The Premier League Years 16:00 ............... Ford Football Special 17:30 .......... Premier League 100 Club 18:00 ........... Boots ‘n’ All 19:00 .............Darts Gold 19:30 ........Football Gold 21:45 .............Darts Gold 22:00 ..................Football First-Match Choice 01:00 ........Football Gold
10:00.................... Come Dine with Me 11:05... River Cottage Bites 11:25................. The Fighting Seabees 13:25 ...................Time Team 15:35............... Britain’s Most Extreme Weather 16:40..... A Place in the Sun 18:50 ...........Building the Dream 19:55....... Grand Designs 21:00...Tiny House Nation 22:00...... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:00... Chopped Off: The Man Who Lost His Penis 00:10......... Embarrassing Bodies 01:10.............. Tiny House Nation
09:15 ........ The Wright Stuff 11:10 ... The Hotel Inspector 12:10 ........................... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .......... Britain’s Biggest Primary School 16:00.................... Come Dine with Me 17:00............... Four in a Bed 17:30 ....................Coach Trip 18:00........ The Simpsons 18:30.............. Hollyoaks 19:00..... Channel 4 News 20:00................ Location, Location, Location 21:00 ............ 24 Hours in A and E 22:00 ........Being Bipolar 23:00............... My Tattoo Addiction 23:50 ............ Nas: Time is Illmatic 00:45... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 01:35 ....The Conspirator
13:15........ Home and Away 13:45 .................Neighbours 14:15 ... NCIS: New Orleans 15:15........... Honor Student 17:00.................. 5 News at 5 17:30 .................Neighbours 18:00.......................Home and Away
07:00.....Greggs: More Than Meats the Pie
07:25 ................ The World of Stupid Criminals 08:10 .......................Top Gear
08:00..........Emergency with Angela Griffin
10:00........ Storage Hunters
09:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles
12:00 .......................Top Gear
11:00...............Hawaii Five-0 13:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles 15:00............Modern Family 16:00...................... Futurama
11:00 .... Lizard Lick Towing 14:00 ........ Storage Hunters 14:30 .... Beverly Hills Pawn 15:30 ........ Storage Hunters 16:00 .... Lizard Lick Towing
18:30...... 5 News Tonight
17:00..............The Simpsons
19:00... Cowboy Builders
17:30...................... Futurama
20:00............ GPs: Behind Closed Doors
18:30........ The Simpsons
19:00................... Beverly Hills Pawn
20:00...... Modern Family
20:00.... Storage Hunters
21:00.... My Violent Child
20:30...... Modern Family
21:00 ...................... QI XL
22:00..... Farage Fans and UKIP Lovers
21:00...... Batman Begins
22:00.. Would I Lie to You?
23:00..... Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole
23:40...................... Stella 00:40...... Flintoff: Lord of the Fries
22:40 ............Alan Davies as Yet Untitled
00:00.....Trauma Doctors 01:00..........Super Casino
01:40........................NCIS: Los Angeles
17:00 .......................Top Gear
23:40.. Would I Lie to You? 00:20..... 8 Out of 10 Cats 00:50.... Storage Hunters
33 CW
W C c h o i ce
Big Star’s Little Star ITV1, 20.00
Stephen Mulhern hosts a third series of this fun entertainment show which lifts the lid on celebrities’ lives – through the eyes of their children. Full to the brim with surprising revelations, funny anecdotes and heart-warming moments, this six-part series will see Britain’s bestloved stars team up with their children or grandchildren to win as much money as possible for charity. First up are singer Ronan Keating and his nine-yearold daughter Ali, actress Sheree Murphy and her daughter Matilda, who is six, and boxer Carl Froch and his four-yearold son Rocco. The show will give viewers a sneakpeek into the star’s home life. What embarrassing secrets will come to light to leave their parents or grandparents red faced? And will the Little Star reveal a little bit more than they should? And on Big Star’s Little Star, everyone is a winner as no one goes home empty handed. All pairs take home money for their chosen charities and a very special Big Star’s Little Star trophy!
CW 34
W C c h o i ce
TV Guide
Banished BBC2, 21.00
New South Wales, 1788. Dawn is breaking over a ramshackle camp where the British convicts transported on the First Fleet are waking up to another sweltering hot day alongside their Royal Navy marine guards and their masters. In this fledgling penal colony anything can happen - and death stalks everybody. Convict Elizabeth Quinn awakes screaming from a nightmare. She must get out of her beloved Tommy Barrett’s bunk and the convict men’s dorm fast, both are prohibited and punishable. She runs, but Private Buckley the most loathed soldier, catches her. A scuffle ensues and Elizabeth is dragged before her social superiors: Governor Phillip; his trusted adviser the colony’s judge advocate Captain Collins; Major Ross; Reverend Johnson and his wife Mary assigned to impose punishment. Resolute in refusing to expose the man she loves; knowing full well Tommy would hang for sleeping with her, Elizabeth is sentenced to 25 lashes. But will her principled and headstrong Tommy be so enraged by this punitive decision that he intervenes? If he does he will hang. Elsewhere the morning reveille has sounded and Elizabeth and Tommy’s dearest friend, James Freeman finds himself in serious trouble. Menacing convict Marston the camp’s indispensable blacksmith, is stealing James’s food and without his paltry sustenance he will die. With supplies running out, who can James turn to for help and justice - marooned as he is on this inhospitable shoreline between the impenetrable bush and the mighty Pacific Ocean? At nightfall torches are lit and banging is heard as the hangman’s scaffold is erected. In the cold light of day will love and compassion prevail or will the iron fist triumph?
27th February - 5th March 2015
T h ursday 06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ............... Heir Hunters 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 ....Operation Hospital Food with James Martin 11:45 ............ Watchdog Test House 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:40 ....BBC London News 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15......................... WPC 56 15:00 ........................The Link 15:45 ...............Escape to the Country 16:30 ..........Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00 ...... BBC News at Six 18:30... BBC London News 19:00....... The One Show 19:30............ EastEnders 20:00 .....DIY SOS The Big Build 21:00 ...........The People’s Strictly for Comic Relief 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:45....... Question Time 23:45.............. This Week
06:05 ....................Perfection 06:50 ...................Canterbury Cathedral 07:50 .........An Island Parish 08:20 ........Countryside 999 09:05...... The Big Allotment Challenge 10:05.... The Great Antiques Map of Britain 10:35...................... HARDtalk 11:00 .....................BBC News 12:00 .......The Daily Politics 13:00 ...................A to Z of TV Gardening 13:05.... Cagney and Lacey 13:50 .......The World at War 14:45............. Frozen Planet 15:45 ............ Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em 16:15....................... Three Up, Two Down 16:45....................... Hi-De-Hi! 17:15 ...........................Flog It! 18:00............. Two Tribes 18:30 .............. Eggheads 19:00................Wanted in Paradise 20:00.... The Great British Sewing Bee 21:00..............Banished CWce ch oi 22:00....... Let’s Play Darts for Comic Relief
06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30........................ Lorraine 09:25.......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 10:55 ...................... ITV News 11:00 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............. ITV News and Weather 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00.............. Tipping Point 16:00 ........1000 Heartbeats 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30 .........ITV News and Weather 19:00 ........... Emmerdale 19:30 ..................Tonight 20:00............ Emmerdale 20:30........The Nation’s W C Favourite 70s choice Number One 22:00..... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:40.................. The Late Debate 23:10.......... Perspectives
The Nation’s Favourite 70s Number One ITV1, 20.30 Following on from other Nation’s Favourites on the likes of Queen and Elvis, this time the popular ITV brand turns its spotlight on that most magical era in musical history, the 1970s – a decade when pop was at its most glamorous. Featuring interviews with hit makers including Art Garfunkel, Blondie, Abba, Freda Payne, George McCrae, Kiki Dee, The Four Seasons and Gloria Gaynor - this is a 90-minute countdown of the 20 greatest musical moments from a time when everyone knew every week just what was number one. Narrated by Zoe Ball, the show tells the stories behind those irresistibly evocative hits that still hold a special place in our hearts four decades later - from Blockbuster to Bridge Over Troubled Water, Dancing Queen to Hot Love, I Will Survive to Heart of Glass. So, expect disco classics, glam stompers and heartfelt ballads - as we reveal the results exclusive ITV poll to find out which Seventies number one Britain loves the most.
TV Guide
27th February - 5th March 2015
5 t h
35 CW
marc h CW o i ce ch
06:00 .................Countdown
06:00 ............. The Wotwots!
06:45........................... King of Queens
06:10................. Igam Ogam
07:10.............. 3rd Rock from the Sun
06:30 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat
07:35.............. 3rd Rock from the Sun 08:00 ........................... Frasier 08:30 ........................... Frasier 09:00.........Everybody Loves Raymond 09:30 ........Everybody Loves Raymond 10:00.................. Undercover Boss USA 11:00 ............................For the Love of Cars 12:00.......... Channel 4 News Summary 12:05.................... Come Dine with Me 13:05 ...................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:10................. Countdown
06:20 .............. Fireman Sam
06:45..................... Peppa Pig 06:50 .....................Peppa Pig 06:55...................... Pip Ahoy! 07:10............. Little Princess 07:20.... The Mr. Men Show 07:35 .................Thomas and Friends 07:50...... Noddy in Toyland 08:00........... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 08:15 .....................Peppa Pig 08:25 .....................Peppa Pig 08:35 .........Toby’s Travelling Circus 08:45.................... Bananas in Pajamas 09:00 ...................Tickety Toc
06:00.................. You’ve Been Framed! 06:25 ............................. Psych 07:10 ..................Emmerdale 07:40 .....Coronation Street 08:10.................. You’ve Been Framed! 08:40................. Dinner Date 09:40 ............... Catchphrase 10:25 ............................. Psych 11:20.................. Royal Pains 12:10 ..................Emmerdale 12:40 .....Coronation Street 13:15 ................. You’ve Been Framed! 13:40 ................ Dinner Date 14:40................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00 ........... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00............... Two and a Half Men 21:00..............Scorpion CWce ch oi 22:00.... The Keith Lemon Sketch Show
06:15 .....................Babylon 5 07:00................ Doctor Who 08:00................... MasterChef Australia 09:00 .......................... The Bill 11:00 ................. Traffic Cops 12:00 ..... Who Do You Think You Are? USA 13:00 .............Choccywoccydoodah 14:00.... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 15:00................. DIY SOS The Big Build 16:00..... Who Do You Think You Are? USA 17:00 ................ Doctor Who 18:00 ........ Border Patrol 19:00 ........Choccywoccydoodah 20:00 ................... Grimm 21:00 ........... Who Do You Think You Are? 22:00 ........ The Catherine Tate Show
08:55....................... Location, Location, Location
06:00 ...Nothing to Declare: Australia
07:05 ........ Storage Hunters
06:00............. Football Gold
07:25 ................World’s Most Stupid Criminals
06:15 ............. Football Gold
08:10 .......................Top Gear
08:00.................. Boots ‘n’ All
09:15 ....................The Wright Stuff
10:00...................... A Place in the Sun 10:35 ...........20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 13:10................... Time Team 15:15............... Britain’s Most Extreme Weather 16:20 ...................... A Place in the Sun 17:25 ...................... A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 18:30 ........... Crufts 2015 21:00 ...... The Good Wife 22:00 ...........The Hoarder Next Door 23:05 ..................Date My Porn Star
11:10...................... The Hotel Inspector 12:10........................... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ........... Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15 .....................Home and Away
07:00.....Greggs: More Than Meats the Pie
10:00 ........ Storage Hunters
14:15 ............................... NCIS
08:00..........Emergency with Angela Griffin
12:00 .......................Top Gear
15:15 ..................Cedar Cove
09:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles
17:00 ..................5 News at 5
10:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles
17:30 .................Neighbours
11:00...............Hawaii Five-0
18:00............... Home and Away
13:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles
18:30 ....................5 News Tonight
16:00...................... Futurama
13:45 .................Neighbours
15:00 ......... Deal or No Deal 16:00................... Come Dine with Me 17:00 ...............Four in a Bed 17:30 ....................Coach Trip 18:00 ....... The Simpsons 18:30 .............. Hollyoaks 19:00 ..................Channel 4 News
06:30....Nothing to Declare: Australia
19:00....... The Classic Car Show
15:00...Emergency Abroad
11:00 .... Lizard Lick Towing
10:30.............. Football FirstMatch Choice
14:30 .... Beverly Hills Pawn
12:00 ............. Football Gold
15:30 ........ Storage Hunters
13:00 ...............................FL72
16:00 .... Lizard Lick Towing
14:00 .............. Football FirstMatch Choice
17:00 .......................Top Gear 18:00 ................Top Gear
17:00..............The Simpsons
19:00 ...........Beverly Hills Pawn
17:30...................... Futurama
20:00...American Pickers
18:30........ The Simpsons 21:00 ............ Ross Kemp: Extreme World
22:00 .......................Suits
22:00 ............ Gogglebox
21:00..... Britain’s Biggest Primary School
23:05...... The Romanians are Coming
22:00........ The Mentalist
22:00 ........... Quiz Nights
23:00..................... Castle
23:00..NCIS: Los Angeles
23:40......... Would I Lie to You? - The Unseen Bits
21:00 ............. Cucumber
20:00..................... Arrow
09:00 .............. Football FirstMatch Choice
14:00 ........ Storage Hunters
20:00 ....... Britain’s Worst Crimes
20:00......... The Supervet
07:00 ...WWE SmackDown!
21:00 ......Have I Got a Bit More News for You 23:00............................ QI
15:30............. Football Gold 16:30 ...............................FL72 17:30 .........Barclays Premier League World 18:00 ................ Ringside 19:00 ..... Premier League Darts 2015 05.03 22:30 ............A League of Their Own 23:30 ................ Ringside
Scorpion ITV2, 21.00
Team Scorpion must jog the memory of an injured former Secret Service agent who is their only hope of preventing weapons of mass destruction being launched from a secret U.S. nuclear silo. Meanwhile, Paige is torn when Drew suggests that moving to Maine might be the best for Ralph. Scorpion is inspired by a true story - its a highoctane drama about eccentric genius Walter O’Brien (played by Elyes Gabel) and his team of brilliant misfits who are the last line of defence against complex, high-tech threats of the modern age. O’Brien’s “Scorpion” team includes Toby Curtis (played by Eddie Kaye Thomas), an expert behaviourist who can read anyone, Happy Quinn (played by Jadyn Wong), a mechanical prodigy; and Sylvestor Dodd (played by Ari Stidham), a statistics guru. Pooling their extensive knowledge to solve mind boggling dramas amazes federal agent Cabe Gallo (played by Robert Patrick), who shares a harrowing history with O’Brien.
CW 36
What’s On in Tenerife
27th February - 5th March 2015
‘Aida’ by Zeffirelli When: 3rd, 5th and 7th of March Where: Auditorio de Tenerife in Santa Cruz More info: auditoriodetenerife.com
One of the major events in the 2014-2015 opera season is this performance of ‘Aida’ by Verdi, in the version conceived by Franco Zeffirelli, with the musical direction of Massimiliano Stefanelli and with Micaela Carosi, Giancarlo Monsalve, Marianne Cornetti and Damiano Salerno.
Quantum Ensemble This concert features a new approach to classical music. It’s a modern way of interpreting classical music - more flexible and directed to a wider audience. Quantum Ensemble shows take place in a friendly atmosphere in which a direct dialogue with the public is set to place the works in context, through the experiences of musicians. WHEN: 19th March, 30th April, May 28th WHERE: Auditorio de Tenerife, Santa Cruz MORE DETAILS: www.auditoriodetenerife.com
Dorada Brewery Tour
Tenerife Walking Festival
The local beer company opens its doors to unveil the manufacturing process of Dorada beer, from the collection of raw materials to bottling. It’s a guided tour through the facilities explaining each stage of the brewing process. And at the end of the visit you will be invited to a Dorada or two in the Tasting Room. Booking is highly recommended.
When: Every Tuesday Where: Avenida de Ángel Romero in Santa Cruz More info: doradatour.es
A great meeting open to walkers to join with your usual group of walkers, with the family or children. Tenerife Walking Festival combines different paths of the island with complementary activities in Puerto de la Cruz, the heart of the festival and a meeting point for sharing experiences with other participants. The 15 excursions are grouped into three categories that cover the vast variety of landscapes of the island: Coastal, Volcanic, from wild beaches to lush mountain trails, through the breathtaking volcanic landscapes. When: 10th-15th March More info: www.tenerifewalkingfestival.com
Tegueste Tour Enjoy the scenery and explore the history of the town of Tegueste through over thirty thematic routes that take place throughout the year. Specialized guides will show you the most beautiful scenery of the town, its historical, artistic and archaeological heritage and, of course, vineyards and everything related to its great wine tradition. There are hiking trails, dramatized routes that will transport you to the past or night routes for a unique experience under the moon.
When: Every Day More Info www.tegueste.org
Tenerife Symphony Orchestra VIOLIN concertos and the symphonic works of Mahler are among the highlights of the 2015 season of the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, under the leadership of Polish maestro Nesterowicz Michal.
When: Until 26th June Where: Auditorio de Tenerife in Santa Cruz More details: www.ost.es
27th February - 5th March 2015
37 CW
They’re Uproar a laugh By Andy Briggs COMEDY, an unbelievable standard of vocal finesse, showmanship and immense passion are just some of the qualities the boys from Uproar possess when it comes to their incredible show.
It has been said if you´re not a tribute act in Tenerife, finding and maintaining gigs can prove hard work. I find this to be very true. It seems a sad state of affairs, but we must remind ourselves as musicians and singers that not everyone shares our love of music and so are, perhaps, less informed. When you say, for example, you are going to do an Eighties show, some may not realise 20 of their favourite songs ever are from that decade. They just know they love the songs and never really looked into when and where they are from. My point is that a tribute is for the masses, Joe Bloggs and his wife know they like Sinatra, and it´s a Sinatra tribute on that evening in the local restaurant. Job done. With this in mind, it takes a bold and brave person to do a “mixed” show and, in Uproar’s case, two people. To me it makes sense. Show bars are notoriously more expensive to drink in than venues that don´t do music or entertainment. So if you´re going to pay a touch more for your drinks you are, in essence, funding the act. And I believe you should get your money´s worth. There is nothing wrong with tribute shows; quite the opposite in fact. In Tenerife, we have some of the best: Gary Barlow, Shirley Bassey and Michael Bublè to name just a few. However, I do enjoy it when a show starts at one tempo and finishes in a distant other. This
is something hard to achieve as a tribute act, with most artists following a certain formula which is generally their signature way of writing and singing music. It is something Uproar have down to a fine art. Darren Clarke and Paul Monroe haven’t been working together that long - still less than a year, I believe. How then, in that time, have
they practised and coordinated the unmissable spectacle I witnessed the other evening? Where do I even start with this review? The boys blew my mind! Individually, Darren and Paul can sing extremely well and both with unique voices. When they combine these singing voices ,though, it really is something special. Harmonies are
what make duos and groups brilliant. A blend of different tones and melodies that engulf and surround, and Darren and Paul had me entranced. What an awesome array of music. It seemed as though they covered every decade and genre of music, highs and lows, fast and slow songs, taking their audience on a journey of
sound and beauty. Beyond the singing, the guys are such great personalities, and their friendship shines throughout the show. I find when people sing at a really high standard, like Darren and Paul, it can sometimes create a feeling of separation between artist and audience - people intimidated perhaps by the talent they are witnessing. Uproar, away from the music, are literally two great friends at the pub, and the atmosphere this evokes is both spellbinding and a huge amount of fun. The fusion of fun and talent at an Uproar show amazed me, and the finale was something quite spectacular. Uproar is a superb name for this duo because it really is a party and good-time show. However, just at the very end the boys take a short moment to show you what they can really do with their voices
- and Ave Maria is how they do it! Seriously, I´m not sure I can do anything but sound completely soppy with this statement, but this was the musical version of melting chocolate over juicy strawberries, topped with delightful, freshlywhipped cream. Ave Maria has been sung by numerous artists and holds a place in the hearts of many a person, and if you are going to sing it, you have to sing it well. And Uproar took me to church and back with this incredible rendition of a classic. Flawless - it was absolutely flawless, as was the show in its entirety. Maybe it is harder to make it with a “mixed” but if the result is anything like an evening with Uproar, then I reckon: Make it work! I can honestly say this is one of the finest acts in Tenerife. Go and see Uproar!
James Bay (a rising star) TO break the trend slightly this week, I´m not focusing entirely on performers and shows on the islands. Instead, I want to draw your attention to James Bay. this year’s winner of the critics’ choice award at The Brits.
Previous winners include Ellie Goulding, Adele and Emile Sandè, so you can imagine what to expect from this young man. Seriously, though, James Bay´s music will exceed all expectations. My word, when it comes to music I am turning into such a cynic as I grow older, and it takes something unique and memorable to grab my attention. However, I don´t have enough praise-filled adjectives in my vocabulary to start to describe what I believe James Bay has to offer the music industry. In a musical desert,
with way too much stuff that consists of empty lyrics and badly-produced backing tracks, James Bay is a pioneering pool of water.
He sounds similar to James Morrison, which is saying a lot, but has an underlying quality which sounds like honesty in his every note.
Well-written music should come from within and be expressed through sound. It is expression that cannot manifest through the
voice of another. This is why the quality of music diminishes when singers are given a song they didn´t write. I am not saying this is true in every case because there have obviously been numerous outstanding songwriter-singer collaborations: Meatloaf and Jim Steinman, for example. In a lot of cases, though, I feel the person who wrote the song is almost surely the only one able to portray the emotion of his/her lyrics best. Now you might be thinking, perhaps, that the person hasn´t got a great voice, but what about Bob Dylan? He doesn’t have the best voice, but he is one of the most famous musicians of all time. Why? Because he knew what he was singing about. Now I don´t dare compare James Bay with Dylan, but just look out for this guy over the coming years. If you like an artist who isn´t afraid to express some individuality in creating something beautiful, I suggest you give him a listen.
CW 38
Wine and Dine
27th February - 5th March 2015
La Cava The restaurant is tucked away up a few steps from the harbour car park and has been owned and operated by Chef Ludo since 1979. La Cava is proof that expertise and experience add up to excellence. The restaurant is rusticly decorated - unpretentious and welcoming - with a pleasant terrace and a split-level interior. And the lighting is neither too stark, nor too subtle. By the Harbour, Los Cristianos
Open: Closed Sundays
Call: 922 790 493
Leo’s Italian & Grill
The Swan
Come and taste the fine Italian cuisine served at Leo’s restaurant in Oasis Paserella. Authentic Italian cuisine with a modern twist with a set 3-course daily menu for just 9.95 euros (served until 5.30pm) plus a fantastic selection from the a la carte. You can’t fail to find something that will delight your taste buds. Try the amazing pastas, pizzas, fresh meat or fish and maybe indulge yourself in one of the homemade desserts.
Try our new homemade menu from our new chef Tim, with all your favourites including: fish and chips, roast dinners, lasagne, steak pie, plus daily specials. If there’s anything you fancy t hat’s not on the menu, j ust give us 24hr notice and we will do it for you! Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - 12midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings.
C.C. Pasarella, Los Cristianos
In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos
Open: daily, 11am - 12am
Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm
Call: 922 788 872
Call: 698 396 367
James’ Place
Newly-refurbished James’s Place just got bigger & better, adding a games room & stylish dining area. The only British bar in La Caleta has launched a new menu along with the ever-popular Sunday Roast & Summer BBQ’s. We just haven’t met you yet!
We offer the best products and dishes in Spanish cuisines. Allowing you to travel around Spain from North to South, to taste all the senses. You can choose from a wide selection of culinary specialties from Basque and Galician, Castilian, Andalusian and Canarian cuisine. From authentic Spanish omelette, oxtail, paellas, meat and fish all prepared with recipes of each region and the freshest products available.
La Caleta
Open: 10am - 10pm
CC Americas Plaza, Las Americas
Call: 922 168 139
Call: 922 789 518 or 676 868 729
The Bistro Mike’s Bistro has been established for over 20 years and is known for quality food at excellent prices. Specialities include their perfectly cooked belly pork with crackling, unique traditional homemade pies and our new range of tenerife wines from Vilaflor.
Los Cristianos Open: Mon - Sat, 6pm - late. Sun, midday - late
Call: 922 795 823
Wine and Dine
27th February - 5th March 2015
39 CW
Deli-licious - Coming Soon! We serve hearty dishes homemade from the best fresh locally sourced produce, but then all of those dishes made as a healthy version. Yes, that’s right, your favourite dishes how your grandma used to make them, or a healthier tasty version for those calorie conscious people. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, deliliscious serves food to suit all tastes. Phone or whats app your order through so it’s ready when you arrive! Up from Iceland, behind Aqualand, San Eugenio
Open: Everyday, 9am - 9pm Call: 922 714 326 / 629 884 917
Otelo Otelo restaurants serve traditional Spanish cuisine specializing in delicious crispy garlic chicken and Canarian potatoes, plus all the tasty sauces. Try out our canarian night, with our staff all dressed in national costumes and live canarian music - at otelo 1, with its gorgeous mountain views, on Monday night. Or Thursday night at otello 2, our beach front restaurants. Otelo I: Baranco Inferño. Otelo II: Fañabe Beach front
Open: Otelo I: 12noon - 11pm Otelo II: 11am - 11pm
Call: 922 780 374 / 922 716 342
The Palms Pool Bar & Restaurant Home of ‘Craig’s Creations’ Enjoy delicious food in our beautiful restaurant or on one of our sunny terraces. Afternoon teas, cocktails and Ice cream sundaes. Food served from 10am – 10pm daily and ‘Tipsy Time’ 4pm – 7pm. Star cabaret nights, call for details. Follow us on Facebook at The Palms Pool Bar. Palms Pool bar and Restaurant, Golf Del Sur
Call: 679 721 005 / 667 098 126 / 922 738 809
CW 40
Health and Fitness
By Nico Gil OF all the excuses heard when it comes to reasons not to exercise, by far the most common is, “I just haven’t got time”.
Yet somehow, those same people usually find the time to spend two hours on Facebook or Twitter. But what if I were to tell you that all you need do is set aside 15 minutes a day – yes, 15 minutes in the space of 24 hours? Try to find an acceptable reason why you can’t find the time now. “I don’t want to,” is, of course, a different matter altogether. Here’s a miniworkout anyone can do, either first thing in the morning, after the school run, during your lunch-break or when you need to get up from
27th February - 5th March 2015
15 minutes to a healthier you
your desk. It’s a much healthier alternative to a cigarette/coffee break. With all these exercises, quality is always far more important than quantity. If you’re not doing the move correctly, 500 reps is less effective than doing 20 the right way. You’re also much more likely to injure yourself, so aim for careful, conscious movements. Prepare yourself Breathe properly: This means taking deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, taking in enough air to activate your diaphragm. Place your hands either side of your ribcage and notice how the space between your hands increases as you fill your abdomen with air. Close your eyes and lie on the floor if possible or sit, legs uncrossed, back straight, on a chair. Feel the air enter your body as you count to four in your head. Hold the air for a few seconds, and slowly exhale to the count of four. Repeat 10 times. Work that body
Squats: No one loves them, we know. But they really work. Things to remember: feet hipwidth apart. Keep your back straight - your abdomen, thighs and glutes need to do the work, not your back. Pull in your abs, and stretch your arms out in front of you at shoulder level to keep your balance (rest your hands on a chair if it helps). Squat down carefully and engage your quads and glutes (backside) to come back up slowly,
making sure you don’t lock your knees (they should always be slightly flexed). Picture the shape of a typical dining chair as you continue; this is the shape to aim for with your body. Repeat 15 times. Push-Ups: Choose from, Against a wall; On the floor with knees bent touching the floor; On the floor with legs straight; Using just one arm at a time (for hardcore types); Using one arm while the other
arm is taking a selfie and posting it to your Facebook page (for absolute legends). Keep hands shoulderwidth apart, fingers spread to distribute weight evenly, and careful not to twist your wrists at awkward angles. Make sure your head and neck remain in a line, looking straight ahead of you. Repeat 10 times. Lunge o’Clock: Imagine the hands on a clock. Start with your left leg behind, right in front,
bent at the knee. Lunge as if to 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 o’clock with the right leg in front; then switch to the left in front to complete the clock. Keep your arms loosely by your side. Jumping Jacks/Star Jumps: Get your heart pumping with 20 jumping jacks - no stopping between jumps - stretching your arms out firmly and taking care not to jolt your knees. Repeat steps 3-7 twice or three times, depending on your pace and enthusiasm. To finish off: Shoulder & Ankle Circles. Relax completely and take it in turns to move each shoulder and ankle in both a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction 5-8 times. Neck Stretches: Carefully lean your head to one side, stretching the side of your neck. Change sides and repeat, holding the stretch for 10 seconds each side. Lastly, move your head in clockwise circles five times, followed by anticlockwise.
Peanut allergy breakthrough?
By Val Sainsbury EATING peanut products as a baby reduces the risk of allergy dramatically, but specialists warn mums: “Don’t experiment at home.”
A research team from King’s College London, who conducted trials on 628 babies prone to developing peanut allergy, found that the risk was cut by over 80%. They said it was the “first time” allergy development had been reduced. Specialists said the findings could apply to other allergies and may change diets around. The research team in London had found, previously, that Jewish children in Israel, who began eating peanuts earlier in life, had aller-
gy levels 10 times lower than Jewish children in the UK. The trial, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, focused on babies as young as four months who had already developed eczema - an early warning sign of allergies. Skin-prick tests were used to identify those who had not yet developed peanut allergy, or had a very mild response only. Children under five should not eat whole peanuts, because of the risk of choking, so half were given a peanutbased snack. The other half continued avoiding peanuts. The trial indicated that for every 100 children, 14 would normally go on to develop an allergy by the age of five. But this fell by 86% to just two out of every 100 children with the therapy. Even the children who were already becoming sensitive to peanuts benefited. Their allergy rates fell from 35% to 11%.
Lead researcher Prof Gideon Lack told the BBC: “It was exciting to us to realise for the first time that in allergy, we can actually truly prevent the development of disease. It represents a real shift in culture.” Of high-risk children, he said: “They need to be evaluated, have skin-prick testing and dietary advice before, in most cases, early introduction of peanut.” Prof Lack added: “We realise this is contrary to previous advice, but it is very much essential that we direct our attention to this group of infants and stem this growing epidemic of peanut allergy.” Until 2008, at-risk families were told to avoid peanut products and other sources of allergic reactions. In the US, the prevalence has more than quadrupled since 2008, and it’s a pattern replicated across much of the Western world, as well as in parts of Asia and Africa. This study has generated huge excitement at
what it could mean for preventing the development of allergies. However, there are still many unanswered questions. *How regularly do children have to take the peanut snacks? *What stage should they start? *What happens when the children stop taking the peanut snacks? *How are health-care services going to adopt this? *Will this work in other types of food allergy? It is these unknowns that mean doctors are not saying that parents should take matters into their own hands. But, as a New England Journal of Medicine editorial states, the results are “so compelling and the problem of the increasing prevalence of peanut allergy so alarming, that new guidelines should be forthcoming very soon”. The findings have attracted excited responses from other doctors, and there is speculation that similar approaches might work with other
allergies, such as egg protein. Prof Simon Murch, from University Hospital Coventry and a spokesman for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said the results were “brilliant”. He added: “It is potentially a very significant moment as it demonstrates that turning around our current approach may give better results. “Obviously, more studies will have to be performed on other potential allergens, but it is a very significant paper and is likely to change practice, at least for peanut, around the world.” He stressed it was “unlikely” that previous policies were behind the rising tide of allergies because cleaner homes, modern food and gut bacteria were probably playing a role as well. However, he cautioned families not to rush out to buy a jar of peanut butter. “This has to be looked at very closely by regulatory bodies,” he
said. “It is very possible this will lead to changes in recommendations. “But this is a single study, although wellconducted, so it is absolutely not at the stage you can recommend to families.” Dr Andrew Clark, a leading allergy specialist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, found last year that allergic children could be trained to tolerate peanut by slowly exposing them to higher and higher doses. “This could be a turning point in the way we try to prevent food allergy in the future,” he said. “It really does prove a principle that it is possible to reduce the prevalence of peanut allergy early in childhood by feeding infants peanut in a careful and controlled way. “But we should remember that this study was carried out at an internationally-renowned centre, and they selected children at quite low risk of a severe reaction. So don’t try this at home!”
27th February - 5th March 2015
Let’s mix it all up
Tranquil art of parascending
By Vanessa Vee ONE thing about having children is keeping the little darlings constantly occupied. But their attention span is so short that it’s constant.
We are always looking at different things to do, but, more importantly, we have to stick to a budget. This time we opted for parascending. The kids are one and four, so it was obviously not something the little one could participate in. But we checked with the owner, Nigel, that there was enough room for us to come along for the boat ride, along with my best mate, Vicky, from the UK, and her six-year-old son. Now at this stage, you are probably thinking that I am mental by taking a four-year-old. But let me assure you, this wasn’t her first experience of parascending! She first had a go at this when she had just turned three, and obvi-
ously loved it; hence the reason she wanted another go. Mention the word “parascending” to some people and they get visions of you running off a cliff. Well, just for the record, that’s actually paragliding. The parascending experience is actually very calm, relaxing and worlds apart from anything even remotely adrenalinefilled! It was about 20 years ago, on holiday here in Tenerife, when I had my first experience. I next considered it while holidaying in India. But when I saw their “safety” aspect, I declined the opportunity! I have now taken part a few times, but today was all about the kids. So what exactly is parascending,you may ask? Basically, it’s a fast boat, with a parachute attached to the back, and you get taken for a cool ride around the ocean with a bird’s eye view. Safety-first as always, and each passenger is issued with a life-jacket. Then it’s time to board the speedboat. A seat for all is provided, and we head out of the bay into the open stretch of
water spanning the Las Americas beach-front. It’s always handy to have a husband for times like these, you know! We lovingly volunteered for him to take to the skies with the two kiddies, and there were no arguments about this! I held baby, who, luckily, was snoozing, so Vicky and I had a chance to catch up. When the trio were called forward for their turn, all safety aspects were again taken into consideration and harnesses correctly fitted by the crew, before the three of them stepped on to the platform at the rear of the boat. This is when the nerves set in. Young Sebastian had been nagging us all week to do this, but his little face looked a tad worried. Fear not, he was soon put at ease, and we waved them off as the ropes uncoiled and they took to the skies. I reiterate the peace and tranquillity of this experience, and the kids were lapping it up and getting quite confident. Even though you are actually in the air for just over 10 minutes, the time up there goes slowly, and the coastline scenes are simply breathtaking. On your way back, the cheeky crew may dip you into the water, although on this occasion, we asked them to refrain - for the sake of the kids. We wound them back in, and smiles were apparent all round. So, with a full boat, you can reckon on being out for about one hour, with around 10-15 minutes for your parascending experience. Whether you fancy a solo, double or triple ride, Nigel and his team will gladly accommodate you. They offer an all-round friendly service, with a great crew, and I would highly recommend the experience to ALL ages. Prices start from just 30 euros per person. Visit www.tenerifesunshine.com for over 250 pre-bookable activities. If you have a activity, excursion or experience you would like Vanessa to report on, please contact info@canarian weekly.com
41 CW
By Carl from Robot
THERE’S no getting around it and there’s no hiding them. They are sent to terrorise you ... yes, those dreaded “white” hairs!
And it seems that I’m seeing plenty on show as I wander around, “glaring” at me in the supermarket, or catching the light out in the sun. But why, if you’re trying to cover them, do most of you go about it the wrong way? There’s nothing worse than seeing a big white line around someone’s hairline, or on their parting, screaming out “cover me”. If you are going to go white gracefully, good for you. But if you’re going to cover it, there are many ways to do so without breaking the bank, or taking up all of your time. The answer lies in “blending”. There is no way to get rid of white hair. Yes, you can cover it over with a colour, but it has to be the right colour, and it has to be applied in the right way. Shoving on what was your natural colour will work, but only for a while. And as you get whiter - and this will happen - your salon visits will become more frequent. Instead, opt for blending away the colour with a more multi-tonal shade. Think about it, one solid line of white
hair poking through will look a lot more noticeable than a lighter shade with, say, some golden strands running through. I’m not trying to make everyone blonde - going lighter could just be the difference between a medium-brown to a light one. But just doing this will extend your colour by weeks. I’ve seen clients having their colours done every two weeks to cover white hair, rather than going a touch lighter with some golden tones and lasting over
six weeks. After all, it makes sense to go with what’s more natural. So the next time you look in the mirror, after just two weeks since your last colour, maybe its time you consider a different option. Any colour shouldn’t be harsh. It should lighten and blend with your skin tone, and not make you look like a painted dolly. It’s all about looking at yourself from a different angle, and not convincing yourself that what you’ve always had is what suits you now.
CW 42
Community News
By Monica Dyson
27th February - 5th March 2015
When a cuppa’s the new rock and roll!
I DON’T usually take holidays in England. Well, anything longer than a weekend, that is. And yes, I know there are some lovely places to visit.
And, of course, I have had holidays in this country in the past. But with the old bones needing a bit of sun, it’s the thought of the indeterminate British weather that puts me off - or that I might accidentally end up in a hotel like the one made famous by Basil Fawlty! Or more recently, like the ones featured in the television programme The Hotel, set in Torquay, with the wonderful Mark Jenkins! I hope viewers in Tenerife catch it sometime! However, that doesn’t seem to be the general feeling, with 30% of Brits choosing to take a staycation last year and, possibly, even more this year with fears about flying and the ever-increasing cost of foreign holidays. It does get increasingly stressful, flying off to foreign climes, especially with the amount of security at airports these days, not to mention the interest my artificial hips generate when I go through the scanner. Those who remember Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells will know what I’m talking about. But you can’t put a price on that moment when you step out of the doors of the plane and feel the sun on your face. Despite the figures released for the number of people who choose to stay in this country,
there will always be a majority who choose to holiday abroad. According to Travel Supermarket, this year it seems that the average Brit will spend 10 days in Spain in June at a cost of £1,220. But 15% of us will opt for a holiday of sheer luxury, with 17% going All-Inclusive. After Spain, the most popular holiday destinations remain America, France, Italy and Greece, but with an increasing number of us realising our dreams of visiting India, Vietnam or Thailand - and even further afield. However, judging from a recent survey among
pensioners about holidays, it seems that many go away under sufferance. Maybe it’s because they feel they ought to because Mrs Jones down the road is going to Benidorm for the third time this year and they don’t want to lose face. Or because they have been badgered into it by their other half! After the first few days, many pensioners are ready to come home again on the grounds of missing: Their own bed: I know you do get used to your bed at home, but some of the most comfortable beds I’ve ever slept in have been abroad. Pets: Not having a pet, I don’t really know what that feels like, but I do miss my three little grandchildren when I go away. Own toilet: There really is no answer to that one. Tea bags: Yes, this is the most popular item
in many people’s holiday luggage when they actually believe they are going to a Third World country instead of Spain. With HP Sauce and Tomato Ketchup also on the list, it’s quite believable. And with Ozzy Osbourne stating that he celebrated becoming a pensioner with a cup of tea, maybe a cuppa is the new rock and roll! Further down the list came friends and family. Interestingly enough, well after pets and tea bags! Many pensioner Brits have taken the bull by the horns and decided to move abroad permanently. Last year, it was close to 150,000, with only one in five who have taken the plunge, ever returning home. The most popular countries were France, Portugal and Spain and, interestingly, 92% chose not to retire to a designated expat com-
munity, preferring to retain a sense of adventure and integrate into the life of their new country, experiencing life as a local rather than settling down near other Brits. Of course, people should have the freedom of choice to live their lives as they wish. However, there are many who move abroad and then proceed to criticise their country of birth. Some say they have paid extortionate taxes all their working lives and owe Britain nothing. But critics say that without a good UK education, enabling them to secure a good job and pension, massive house prices from which they made a killing, and the good old NHS, which many of them still manage to use, they would not have been able to live abroad quite so comfortably.
I heard someone say that if Britain were more like the country of their youth, they would never have moved. Regular bombing raids with nights spent in air-raid shelters, wondering if your home would be still standing when you emerged; evacuation for children; rationing, conscription, when your father or husband could be away from home for years; few anti-biotics with many cases of diseases like polio: no automatic washing machines, fridges or central heating! Is that what they meant? I prefer to think that it’s simply the sun and old bones that motivates the move! I don’t think I’d ever live abroad permanently, but having frequent holidays in the sun gives you the best of both worlds. Now, have I packed those teabags?
Community News
27th February - 5th March 2015
43 CW
Live Arico News
Whale of a time for us WE had an awesome day on the ocean last week, when we chartered the MustCat for a three-hour, whale -watching trip.
Live Arico stands firm against the use of captive cetaceans as entertainment, so it was fitting to watch them where they truly belong. Fortunately, the recent high winds calmed - just for our day out. We had a “whale” of a time and a sum of nearly 1,000 euros was raised, from which we will make a donation to Sea Shepherd in recognition of their endless,worldwide work to preserve marine life. We have decided to run this trip on a threemonthly basis and will keep you posted. Meanwhile, call Sue on 629 388 102 to book your MustCat experience. Dogs’ Fun weekend Our Fun Doggie Weekend starts next
Saturday (7th March) at 3pm with a basic obedience course along with an “Ask the Vet” session, followed by Sunday’s Fun Dog Show, in collaboration with San Miguel Town Hall, from midday. Both events will be held next to the Cultural Centre at Llano del Camello. It’s only two euros to enter your pooch, so come along and have a great afternoon with us. We have added a fancy-dress category, which should be fun. For more information, call Eugenio on 633 717 480. New charity shop Our Golf del Sur shop is now up and running, and an excellent opening party was had by all. Many thanks to Howards Smokehouse for providing a scrumptious buffet, and to all the volunteers who worked so hard, including our Eugenio, who was celebrating his 50th birthday the same day.
From next Wednesday (4th March), we will welcome our vet, Cesar Bertoldi, to the shop, from 10am to noon on a weekly basis. He will offer advice on all aspects of your pet’s healthcare, so come and have a chat with him.
We are situated at Golf Park, which is on the Golf del Sur loop road, before the lottery kiosk. We are open 10 till 5pm Monday to Saturday. We also have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio,
opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Shops open 10am4pm from MondayFriday, and until 3pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Have a browse, bag a bargain and help the animals.
Dogs of the Week We received a call at the weekend about a litter of four puppies abandoned in Las Moraditas, Adeje. No one else could help, so we got them to the vets to be checked over. They are now available for adoption - all females aged about two months. We don’t know the parentage, but they are so cute. Can you give one a home? For more information, call Sue on 629 388 102. Dogs of the Week – Adorable Puppies We received a call at the weekend about a litter of 4 puppies abandoned in Las Moraditas, Adeje. No one else could help, so we launched an action plan, and got them to the vets to be checked over. They are now available for adoption, all females aged about 2 months. We don’t know the parentage but they sure are cute. Can you give one a home? For more information call Sue on 629 388102.
Accion del Sol News
From rags to riches LUCKY Alex arrived at the refuge in a really bad condition, with hardly any fur left on his body because of an infestation of fleas.
But eight months later and fully recovered, here he is, posing with a nice bunch of flowers and entering our photo competition. If you would like to enter our next fundraising event on 9th May - and the theme is spring flowers, pets and children - please take
Prayer unites women MEMBERS of the South Tenerife Christian Fellowship are taking part in the Women’s World Day of Prayer next Friday (6th March) at 11am.
The Fellowship is situated on the first floor of the Apolo Centre, Los Cristianos, and there will be refreshments afterwards.
a photo of your pet or child with flowers and submit it to teneriffa@ aktiontier.org where they will be printed out and displayed. The three best pictures will be awarded prizes at the spring event, and you are welcome to submit as many photographs as you like.
Last week, a gorgeous three-month-old Presa Canaria puppy was picked up from the streets. We have named him Boby and he has a lovely temperament. But he’ll need a house with a large garden because he will be a big dog. If you feel you have the time
and space to give him a loving home, please contact the refuge. Please call 922 778 630 for more information, or if you would like to help out in any way. Maybe you have some spare time and would like to walk some of the many dogs at the refuge. They would really appreciate it! Where to find us The refuge is situated at Granadilla’s Indus-
trial Estate, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER, the ecological park which houses the windmills. Opening hours We are open to the public on Mondays, Tu e s d a y s , T h u r s d a y s and Fridays between 2-5pm, and on Saturdays from 1pm to 4pm. The refuge is closed Wednesdays, Sundays and on Public Holidays.
CW 44
Money Matters
27th February - 5th March 2015
Community of Owners
By Mariano Zunino Siri
ALTHOUGH I have written about this in previous columns, I feel it is a good idea to clarify some points.
I am aware that many readers are still confused about some terms and legalities of the Community of Owners. Any property in Spain in a building is included in the Horizontal Division Law, which means that all properties belonging to the same development have a percentage on common areas. This refers to properties forming part of a communal Spanish real estate, divided between various owners (block or apartments, urbanisation) with common areas (gardens, stairs, pools). The Assembly (or general meeting of neigh-
bours) is the main authority. The second authority should be the Committee, normally comprising President, Vice-President and Secretary-Administrator. The President represents the Community in legal matters and other issues in which it is involved. If someone is buying a second-hand property in Spain, it is important to find out how the Comunidad de Propietarios is composed,
For instance, if there are problems (many debtors, bad maintenance) and if the seller is updated with the payment of his/her quota (instalment). If you are buying a newly-built property, it would be in your interest to be part of the initial Committee, or be involved in the life of the new Community organisation. One of the most important functions of the Community is to
fix an annual budget to regulated costs and incomes. That is why the Annual General Meeting (AGM) must take place once a year to approve (among other issues, such as appointment of Committee) the general budget. All owners (up to date with their annual Community fees) have the right to vote in the Assembly. The decisions are approved by a majority of
owners (some specific cases need a special majority or a unanimous decision). It is important to understand that the AGM also approves the amounts owed by various owners, and these debts can be claimed in Court. The Administrator normally certifies the amount outstanding and approved in the General Meeting). There are also Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs), at which
regulations are similar to the AGM, except that they do not have to be called once a year. Prior to the AGM or an EGM, every owner has to receive the Agenda (Orden del DĂa) with all the items to be discussed at the meeting. It must also include the list of debtors, especially if one of the points of the Agenda states the authorisation of the President to take legal action against such debtors). In addition to the Horizontal Division Law, the Community is regulated by the Statutes (Estatutos) Law and the Internal Rules (Normas de RĂŠgimen Interno). These are rules to be followed by all the residents, concerning, for example, use of the swimming pool and excess noise. I hope I have clarified the situation, especially to those readers who wrote to the editor. Any other queries are, of course, welcomed. And you can contact me directly at marianozunino siri@gmail.com
Puzzle Page
27th February - 5th March 2015
PRIZE Godoku!
WIN! Tickets for bowling at Megabowl
WIN! 2 tickets to see The Sound of Musicals
The rules of Godoku are simple just enter the letters stated below once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the puzzle grid. When you have completed it, a word will appear. Email the answer to info@canarianweekly.com before 5pm on Wednesday 4th March 2015 and you’ll be in with a chance of winning.
Please come up to the OasisFm / Canarian Weekly offices to pick up your prize. You have until 27th March 2015 to pick up and use your vouchers.
3 Heads & 5 Hats In a small village in the middle of nowhere, three innocent prisoners are sitting in a jail. One day, the cruel jailer takes them out and places them in a line on three chairs, in such a way that man C can see both man A and man B, man B can see only man A, and man A can see none of the other men. The jailer shows them 5 hats, 2 of which are black and 3 of which are white. After this, he blindfolds the men, places one hat on each of their heads, and removes the blindfolds again. The jailer tells his three prisoners that if one of them is able to determine the color of his hat within one minute, all of them are released. Otherwise, they will all be executed. None of the prisoners can see his hat, and all are intelligent. After 59 seconds, man A shouts out the (correct) color of his hat! The Question: What is the color of man A’s hat, and how does he know?
This week’s letters: C D E H I L N O T This week’s mystery clue: Serpents are here in a Thomas O’Malley and Douglas Graham Purgy thriller title (9 letters).
N D H E E T L C I Sudoku X...
Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.
6 7 3
9 6 8 3 9 5 7 1 6 3 9 4 6 2 2 1 9 8 4 4 9 1
Winning Caption (Issue 890): The Human League have let themselves go a bit!
Colorful Dwarfs
Winner: Steve kurtz
Please come up to the OasisFm / Canarian Weekly offices to pick up your prize. You have until 27th March 2015 to pick up and use your vouchers.
30-Second Brain Training
What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! 1
7 9
x12 Answer
Intermediate Starter Number
x12 +61
x17 +99
Advanced Starter Number
x18 +214 ÷7
5 8 2 4 6 7
Last Issue's Answers: Riddles: Cards with Crosses
Take 14 cards from the stack. Of these 14 cards, k cards are with the cross up and therefore 14-k cards are with the circle up. In the remaining stack of 9 cards are 14-k cards with a cross up. Then turn the stack of 14 cards round. Now there are 14-k cards with a cross up in both stacks. Note that we do not know exactly how many cards are lying with a cross up in both stacks (or how many cards are lying with a circle up). We only know that both stacks have the same number of cards with a cross up.
The Bridge
First man 1 and man 2 walk across the bridge. This takes 2 minutes. After this, man 1 walks back with the flashlight. This takes 1 minute. Then man 3 and man 4 walk across the bridge. This takes 10 minutes. After this, man 2 walks back with the flashlight. This takes 2 minutes. Then man 1 and man 2 walk across the bridge. This takes 2 minutes as before. In total: 2+1+10+2+2=17 minutes.
Table for Two
Put the first euro exactly in the middle of the table. Place each next coin “mirrored” to the coin your opponent has just placed: draw an imaginary line from Brain Training: the last coin of your opponent, through the center of the table, and place your coin on Beginner: 194 that line, exactly as far from the center of the table as your opponent’s coin. In this Intermediate: 144 way, you are sure that you can always place Advanced: 319 a euro and that your opponent is the first one that can no longer place a euro. Godoku:
8 7 4
8 1
4 5 3
1 2 9
9 1 5 2
2 8
2 7 8
7 2 1 6
5 1 2
2 9 3
4 6 3 9 1 1 5 9 8 7
Sudoku X: 2 1 3 5 6 9 4 8 7
6 3 1 7 8
3 2 6 4
5 8
The Question: How many days does it take before there are no more dwarfs with a red hat left at the party?
And 2 normal sudokus for you aswell...
In a distant, dark forest, lives a population of 400 highly intelligent dwarfs. The dwarfs all look exactly alike, but only differ in the fact that they are wearing either a red or a blue hat. There are 250 dwarfs with a red hat and 150 dwarfs with a blue hat. Striking however, is that the dwarfs do not know these numbers themselves and that none of them knows what the color of his hat is (there are for example no mirrors in this forest). Nevertheless, dwarfs do know that there is at least one dwarf with a red hat. During a certain period of their year, there is a big party in this village, to which initially all dwarfs will go. However, this party is only intended for dwarfs wearing a blue hat. Dwarfs with a red hat are supposed not to return to the party the next day, as soon as they know that they are wearing a red hat.
Beginner Starter Number
8 5 2 4 9
Riddles Stacking Coins You have an unlimited number of coins with a diameter d and you stack them. The goal is to let the topmost coin stick out as far as possible. The Question: What is the maximal distance between the center of the topmost coin and the center of the lowermost coin?
Last Week’s winner (Issue 890): Claus Hagen
45 CW
7 6 5 1 8 4 3 2 9 8 4 9 7 3 2 6 1 5 6 7 1 3 2 5 8 9 4 3 9 4 6 1 8 7 5 2 5 8 2 9 4 7 1 6 3 1 2 8 4 9 3 5 7 6 9 3 7 8 5 6 2 4 1 4 5 6 2 7 1 9 3 8
Sudoku: 6 2 3 4 8 5 1 9 7
2 8 9 7 5 1 6 4 3
7 8 9 6 1 3 5 4 2
6 5 1 4 9 3 8 2 7
5 1 4 9 2 7 8 3 6
7 3 4 8 2 6 1 9 5
2 4 8 1 3 6 9 7 5
9 4 5 6 3 8 2 7 1
9 7 6 8 5 4 3 2 1
1 2 6 5 7 9 4 3 8
1 3 5 2 7 9 4 6 8
3 7 8 2 1 4 5 6 9
4 9 7 5 6 8 2 1 3
8 1 7 9 6 2 3 5 4
3 5 1 7 9 2 6 8 4
4 9 2 3 8 5 7 1 6
8 6 2 3 4 1 7 5 9
5 6 3 1 4 7 9 8 2
CW 46
www.canarianweekly.com 27th February - 5th March 2015
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British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Public opening hours: Tuesdays & Fridays: 08.30hrs – 13.30hrs Notarial services: Please consult our webpage or call 902 109 356 or alternatively +34 913 342 194 for further information on how to make an appointment. Please note, we are no longer able to provide notarial services without prior appointment. Emergency Assistance: Assistance is available 24hrs a day, 7 days a week by calling us on 902 109 356 or alternatively +34 913 342 194 E-mail: info.consulate@fco.gov.uk Web:http//: ukin spain.fco.gov.uk Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police - Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06
Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance.
Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11
Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim
Tour Operators TUI/ Thomson Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802
How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 Email: classified@canarianweekly.com Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (above Juno). Deadline for Free ads is Tuesdays at 4pm. Up to 500 euros only.
Please ask us for prices for larger size adverts. All property, classified and service point have to be paid for in cash at our officces in Las Chafiras. *Service point adverts have to be in for a minimum of 4 weeks. Deadline: Tuesday 4pm
Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037 TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services. Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52
Single bed with linen, 70 euros. Glass-top dining table, 15 euros. 2 white bedside cabinets/2-drawer, 20 euros the pair, Silencio area. Tel 922 733 543 Lady’s and man’s bike, good working order, 50 euros each. Pushchair, 10 euros. Clean kettle air-dryer, 10 euros. New patio curtains, 10 euros. Tel 634 339 913 Electric golf cart (power caddy) 200 euros ono. Cobra 440 driver left-handed 50 euros ono. Callaway sand wedge, 30 euros ono. Tel 690 709 422
Lineage 35 euros for 4 weeks
Advertise your service advert here. 80 euros for 4 weeks* advertising (20 euros per week)
Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 - 13:00 then 16:00 - 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices, Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week.
Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00
Page 49
1 module box advert
Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim
47 CW
Stylish executive/reception L-shaped desk, 3 lockable drawers, modern gloss wood with brushed aluminium, 200 euros. Executive black leatherette-and-chrome high-backed chair with arms 15 euros. Various office and typing chairs, 5 euros each. Child’s bed, 30 euros. Bed safety barrier, 5 euros. Yamaha guitar with amp, 300 euros,Adeje area, Tel. 666 295 647 or 922 775 169 Sturdy disseminated glass table,120 euros. Tel: 685 260 826. Recliner/raiser blue leather chair, good cond, 150 euros.
Disney Princess, 16in pink bike with stabilisers, 25 euros. My First Scooter, pink and yellow, 4 wheels, 5 euros. IKEA-VIUM chequered beige, light beige, rug, 20 euros. Terracotta-coloured, cane-detailed mirror, 7 euros. 6 sunbeds, white plastic, green covering,(non-reclining), mixed condition, some better than others. Ideal for a complex or will sell individually, 10 euros each or deal can be done on all. Kid’s plastic-coloured easel, with attached storage box for pencils/crayons, etc, 10 euros. Princess/dressing-up outfits - complete pink-and-white bunny rabbit, 12-24 months, 9 euros. Cinderella, age 2-4, 5 euros. Aurora Sleeping Beauty. 2-4, 3 euros. 4 pairs plastic Princess dressing-up shoes, 2-4, 3.50 euros. Plastic double animal seal see-saw, 10 euros. Mookie Dragon-
CW 48
Free Ads / Classified
fly trike bike/scooter, blue/green scutterbug (folds up), 15 euros. Girl’s pink hard plastic Moto/motorbike with horn, 10 euros. Disney Pixar Cars, 2, brand McQueen and Mack Trailer walkie-talkies, in box, hardly used, 15 euros. Teletubbies DVDs, Musical Rhyme Time, 2 euros. Ready Steady Dance, 2 euros. Naughty Noo-noo, 2 euros. Aqui Llegan Los Teltubbies, also in English, 2 euros. Genuine Escada black long-sleeved pretty top with sequin, 12-18 months, 8 euros. Tommee Tipee manual breast pump, with box and instructions, 5 euros. Award-winning Boppy breast-feeding/support cushion, pink with flowers, as new, 12 euros. Pre-natal baby pink-cushioned changing mat, 6 euros. Mothercare pink adjustable walking reins, 3 euros. Pink adjustable wrist link, 2 euros. Bruins essential swaddle robe, 0-3 months, with instructions, 3 euros. Bag of 21 feeding bibs, mainly pretty pink colours/designs, 3 euros. Bags of 7 feeding muslins squares, various pink colours/designs, 3 euros. Collect from Fañabe area. Tel: 922 716 350 or 616 425 074
27th February - 5th March 2015
Cars/BIKES (cont.)
Property for rent
2 single beds flex mattresses and bases, 2 white wood headboards, to be collected from (Adeje), 100 euros each. Tel: 922 716 621 or 0044 771 579 1237
GMC Yukon Denali xl V8 6 litre 35000 on clock, 2004.
· Fully matriculated with one year ITV as of this week. · 7 seater, fully loaded with play station, 3 DVD players, Bose sound system. · Beige leather interior. · Immaculate condition. Must be seen. · The only one if it’s type in the Canaries. Cars wanted CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.
Ref: 12311K. Green Park, Golf del Sur. Spacious studio with galley kitchen, bathroom, lounge-diner-bed area & a terrace. Price: 34.000 euros
Ref: 4168K. Las Chafiras. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment near plenty of amenities. Price: 58.708 euros
Call us now on 678 451 641
Jobs B Funky fashion shows are looking for International girls to model swimwear in the South of Tenerife for an immediate start. Must be presentable and speak good English, other languages an advantage. Sales or PR experience essential. Daily work, salary, commissions paid and contracts given.Call José between 11am & 5pm on 606 181 946
Priced to sell at 17,000€ ONO Please call 606 801 488 (English or Spanish) 2004 Jeep Cherokee Sport 2.4 Petrol /Silver body very clean 4 x 4 only 63,000 miles / English plates R.H.D. Complete with tow bar: 3,950 € o.n.o. Tel: 666 884 071
Admin person required for a busy office environment in Adeje. Great working conditions, basic wage + bonuses for the right applicant. Easy parking and fantastic working conditions. Driving licence and own car a necessity. Spanish speaking an advantage. Please send c.v. to admin@sloncemarketing.com or telephone sarah on 922 758 425. Harleys Restaurant is currently looking for Cooks to work in their kitchen. Full contracts will be given to the successful applicants. Call 922 712 290 Suncare Central of Spain’ are searching for the right person to join their team as a ‘Suncare Supervisor’. This person must speak perfect English as well as Spanish and at least one other language, ideally German. This is a contracted position including a good basic wage and other benefits. Please send a CV & recent photo to cphillips@suncarecentral.com or call Craig on 651 172 738. Regency Resorts are looking for an experienced IPC/concierge. Should be self motivated, with a sunny disposition and who is looking for a challenge. Good package with fixed wage + commissions for the right candidate. Must be car owner. To set up interview please send CV to zaidha@regencyresorts.com
Ref: 16835K. Arico. Country house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, separate kitchen, store room, roof terrace. Price: 90.510 euros
Ref: 53816K.
Valle San Lorenzo. 198 m2; 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1 WC, apt with lounge-diner, separate kitchen, utility area, parking space. Price: 112.560 euros
Classified / Service Point
27th February - 5th March 2015
Property for rent (cont.)
49 CW
Construction (cont.)
2 bed bungalow near Las Galletas, big kitchen, garage, suitable for mature people. Call for information on 609 531 178 2 bed bungalow near Las Galletas, big kitchen, garage, suitable for mature people. Call for information on 609 531 178 Disabled ground floor studio, 100m from beach, Los Cristianos. UK TV. 425 euros p/month. Available from 11/02/2015. Tel: 632 518 114
Good rates for long term or short term hire. Call us now for more information. Golf del Sur Tel: 922 738 761 Mob: 628 514 715 www.islandcarhire.com
Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBChA - making happy feet between El Medano and Los Gigantes for 18 years. Tel: 608 029 790
Elite Cleaning Services is an established cleaning company who can provide a professional cleaning service for Apartments, Villas and Offices. Call us today on 922 789 795 or 696 922 597.
Telephone: 922 736 728 E-mail: Computer Service Provider BT Authorised Dealer Air conditioning and refrigeration. Tel: 639 361 181 or 688 620 707 or see electrical.
Dell Registered Partner
Furniture New Bed Bases & Mattresses for sale at Tenerife Auction Rooms, Las Chafiras. Excellent Quality, Low Prices, Next Day Delivery. Call 609 303 634
Garden Furniture
ALADDINS CAVE. Antiques & Vintage Goods bought & sold Tel: 922 720 493
Auction Fortnightly General Auctions at Tenerife Auction Rooms, Las Chafiras. Buy and sell almost anything! Collection & delivery available. Call 609 303 634
Health & Beauty www.fitnesswithdebbie.com Tel: 664 576 779
Home removal
Kitchens & bathrooms Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing, Decorating, Plastering etc. Tel: 661 081 843 for quotation.
CW 50
Service Point
27th February - 5th March 2015
Boiler King: All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579
Pool tables
Translation TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES: Legally registered with over 25 years experience. Official, Medical, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Probate, Pensions, car paperwork and much more. Professionalism and confidentiality guaranteed. Transport available. Call Tracey on 666 857 991 or email on info@tenerifetranslationservices.com
TV and Satellite
Removals UNIVERSAL EXPORTS S.L. PROFESSIONAL REMOVALS TO AND FROM THE U.K. Email: info@removals-tenerife.com Transport Licence: No. 11572932 C.I.F. No. B38820395 Tel: 922 720 711
Second-hand Shops
Patio Doors & Windows
House, Apartment & Villa Clearances Everything bought for Cash Immediate Decisions
Call Freddie on 609 303 634 Long & Short Term Storage also available.
Storage Short and Long Term Storage available at Tenerife Auction Rooms, anything from a suitcase to complete removals. Collection available. Call 609 303 634
Personal ServiceS Super model companion, beautiful Spanish/German blonde, 3040yrs old, dress size: 8-10. Cozy ambient, discreet visits. 10mins from Los Cristianos. Girls wanted. Tel: 604 145 735.
Pest control
Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.
Upholstery cleaning
27th February - 5th March 2015
By Roscoe
CD Tenerife 2 Real Valladolid 0
Tenerife ready for Derby Day
MAKE no mistake, this was a massive win. Valladolid would have gone top of the table had they won, but Tenerife produced their most grown-up performance of the season and deserved their first win since Christmas Day.
This was a proper contest from the very first whistle. Valladoild are a fine side at this level, and you could see the difference between them and most of the other sides. It’s the little things. The touch, time on the ball, runs off the ball and also the shape. Interestingly, it was their “Tenerife” players who really caught the eye in the first half. Both Jeffren and Omar Ramos were sharp, but Tenerife were bang-up for this, and both teams traded early chances without really testing the keepers. Ref Jose Lesma loves a yellow card, and fans may remember him sending off Aridane the last time he reffed Tenerife at Lugo. He had already sent off five players before the weekend and he made it six before the half-hour mark. But for once, he had little choice. Jonathan Periera has been white-hot for Valladolid since he joined from Rayo Vallecano, but you cannot score if you are in the bath. Well, not in this sport! He was deservedly yellow-carded for a stupid dive in the Tenerife box, and his blood was clearly up a few seconds later when he made a crazy challenge on Albizua. It was a silly tackle and Lesma was swiftly reaching for his top pocket. It was Periera’s first red card since 2008,
51 CW
and he now misses the top-of-the-table clash with Sporting Gijon this weekend. His dismissal didn’t change the flow of the game and the visitors deserve credit for attacking when many sides would have shut up shop. In a funny way, this played into Tenerife’s hands. They have struggled for a while against sides who keep it tight, but with Valladolid happy to make a game of it, Tenerife used the extra man wisely. It took them a while to make the breakthrough. Suso’s nicely-finished effort on the hour mark brought sighs of relief, while Victor Garcia added the second just a few minutes after coming on, late in the game. It was the 20-year-old’s first senior goal. The only black mark for Tenerife came with a soft booking for Aitor Sanz. It was his 10th of the season and keeps him out of Sunday’s Las Palmas derby. An appeal by the club was rejected, and he is not the only key player
missing. Las Palmas captain David Garcia is also suspended after picking up a card in the draw at Alcorcon. He is a big miss for the men in yellow shirts, who are about to hit the crucial stage of the season. They have been top for a while, but are not in top form. They’ve won just two of their last six, and those matches were not exactly against the big boys. After the Derby, they face Sporting Gijon and Real Betis - and we will know if they are the real deal or just a flash in the pan after the next three matches. The re-signing of Jonathan Viera hasn’t really worked so far and Sergio Araujo’s goals have dried up. And while Tenerife have blooded the kids, Las Palmas have gone the other way. They have the oldest squad in the league and, maybe, the legs are starting to go a bit. Angel, Nauzet, Culio, Casto and Guzman are all in their thirties, while Valeron started last week at the tender
age of 39! This match needs no hype. Tenerife were good value for the come-from-behind 2-1 win in September. Again, the match is live on Canal Plus, only the second time the broadPosition
caster has bothered to give Tenerife a national audience. The other time? Yes, the first Derby match. Scandalous. The Tenerife players are talking the talk. Javi Moyano said in Points
the press conference: “The win over Valladoild was really important. We needed to move forward and we did that, and I think we played very well. It was all about three points and it’s the same with Sunday. We know how important a win over Las Palmas is, and these matches are different. It will be closely-fought, but we are ready for any situation. We have played in these matches before and we know what to expect.” It’s manager Raul Agne’s first derby and he is ready: “This match will be special, and to win we have to attack,” he said. “And, as you saw last weekend, we can do that well. We hope to give joy to our fans and win.” Tenerife’s away form has been a joke this season, with just the win at Real Zaragoza. The ferry crossing also has an effect and it has been a while since we won in Gran Canaria. But all the pressure is on the hosts. It will be a fascinating contest at High Noon!
Draw Lost
UD Las Palmas
Real Sporting
Real Betis Balompié
Real Valladolid CF
Girona FC
Real Zaragoza
SD Ponferradina
CD Leganés
CD Numancia
10 CD Mirandés 11 Deportivo Alavés
12 UE Llagostera
13 AD Alcorcón
14 RCD Mallorca
15 CD Lugo
16 Club Atlético Osasuna
17 CD Tenerife
12 22 30
18 FC Barcelona B
19 Albacete Balompié
20 Real Racing Club
21 RC Recreativo
22 CE Sabadell FC
CW 52
www.canarianweekly.com 27th February - 5th March 2015
27th February - 5th March 2015
53 CW
Big boys humble Playboys THE John Lowe Team Handicap Cup competition is designed to create a level playing field, and give an equal chance across the three divisions for a slice of glory.
clear favourites for the title. But the magic of the cup seemed to pass them by, and they were sent packing back to Silencio with a 6-1 beating. Welcome to the big league! The other semi-final saw Barracuda Hunters make the long trip to Los Abrigos to face The Rebels in an allDivision 2 match. There was just a 30-point difference in the handicaps, and Barracuda’s recent tidy form made this a tough call. A close match ended with a 4-3 win for a delighted Rebels team, who now face Bar 180 A in the Plate Final with something like a 375-point advantage!
So a semi-final trip to play Premier League leaders Bar 180 A for Division 1 leaders Ourplace Playboys, holding a 135-point head-start in this Plate showdown, looked to be an interesting match-up, at least on paper. The Playboys have been in cracking form in the league, and are
PRemier division ResultS
8-0 3-5 4-4
No problem - that’s only two maximums (and a bit)! In the Trophy semis, Division 2 leaders Wa-
terfall Warriors travelled to Plate holders Marilyns, and another close encounter ensued. Marilyns’
60-point cushion, and their home advantage, enabled them to push the visitors all the way. And at 3-3, it was really up for grabs. But the Waterfall lads held their nerve to reach the final, where they will face a few wellknown faces from the Phoenix Bar. The Los Abrigos outfit put in an excellent performance to get past The Palms. Phoenix’s 270-point deficit meant their finishing had to be clinical if they got the chance. And the very first leg set the tone as Bubbles took out a shanghai 120, with Dennis sitting on 32. That seemed to be the order of the night as The Palms missed a
Division 1 ResultS
Division 2 ResultS
4-4 7-1 5-3 3-5
host of doubles, and the Phoenix capitalised. But, of course, I have to mention that Palms skipper Dale beat his old mate Mitch! The 5-2 result, however, really does not tell the full story, and Palms can be very proud of their performance. So, now we are down to the finals, which will be played on Friday, 27th March, at neutral venues. RESULTS Trophy semi-finals Marilyns 3-4 Waterfall Warriors The Palms 2-5 Phoenix Bar Plate semi-finals Bar 180 A 6-1 Ourplace Playboys The Rebels 4-3 Barracuda Hunters
Premier Division Table
Division 1 Table
Division 2 Table
Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 BAR 180 A 21 17 3 1 131 37 94 131 2 THE PUB 21 15 3 3 119 49 70 119 3 TARGET ARMY 22 13 6 3 115 61 54 115 4 PHOENIX BAR 21 14 3 4 111 57 54 111 5 VIKINGS ENSECAN 21 10 4 7 95 73 22 95 6 TARGET TITANS 20 8 0 12 59 101 -42 59 7 GAFFERS B 22 4 2 16 58 118 -60 58 8 BAR 180 B 21 2 1 18 45 123 -78 45 9 BOOTHEN 21 1 0 20 27 141 -114 27
Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 OURPLACE PLAYBOYS 26 20 4 2 143 65 78 143 2 EMERALD SHAMROCKS 24 17 3 4 129 63 66 129 3 TRAP DOOR 23 18 1 4 123 61 62 123 4 GAFFERS A 26 14 5 7 116 92 24 116 5 EMERALD LOUNGE 27 12 3 12 109 107 2 109 6 SUMMERLANDS 27 8 6 13 101 115 -14 101 7 NAUGHTY NAUTAS 27 6 9 12 94 122 -28 94 8 CLOUSEAUS 25 7 4 14 80 120 -40 80 9 PAS O NADAS 26 4 4 18 80 128 -48 80 10 PICASSOS A 25 6 5 14 77 123 -46 77 11 SUNDOWNERS 26 5 4 17 76 132 -56 76
Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 WATERFALL WARRIORS 25 17 5 3 129 71 58 129 2 THE PALMS 25 17 4 4 127 73 54 127 3 CHIPEQUE CHIPPERS 25 16 4 5 120 80 40 120 4 PALMS SPORTS BAR 23 13 3 7 106 78 28 106 5 MARILYNS 23 8 2 13 92 92 0 92 6 THE REBELS 23 10 1 12 90 94 -4 90 7 PHOENIX FLIGHTS 23 9 5 9 88 96 -8 88 8 BARRACUDA HUNTERS 24 8 3 13 86 106 -20 86 9 SPEAR CHUCKERS 24 5 1 18 68 124 -56 68 10 OURPLACE PLAYGIRLS 23 1 2 20 46 138 -92 46
Oasis Fm Fantasy Football League
No baloney from Malone WE are fast running out of games, and we’re more or less into the final straight of the Oasis Fm Fantasy Football League.
With no wild-cards left to play, managers will have to use transfers wisely if they are to get the best out of their teams. But weekly changes, where possible, could
be the difference in terms of winning or losing. The point-scoring team of the week reflected Man City’s dominance over Newcastle as they provide three players for the team. No other team produced such a strong showing, with the remainder comprising just one player from each of the following, West Ham,
Spurs, Burnley, Sunderland, Liverpool, Man Utd, Stoke and Everton. We have a new leader in the Oasis Fm league. Ray Malone’s Inter Malone came steaming through with a good points tally and lead by eight points. His stand-out players were Sergio Aguero and David Silva. Team of the week was Gordon Wilson’s Coffee Shop Karma,
with an impressive 82-point tally. He has his midfield to thank for this strong showing, with Santi Carzola, Eden Hazard and David Silva all hitting double figures, pointswise. The battle to be best at Oasis Fm Towers is warming up nicely, but John Zammit really needs to pull his finger out. He is currently in the wooden-spoon spot, 34 points adrift
of Roscoe. Adi Benson still leads from Chris Elkington and now has
a 26-point cushion. But will it be enough come May?
Fantasy Football League 1. Inter Malone
Ray Malone
2. Boomtown Rabz
Nick Abbott
3. Kingsmead Krunchers
Stephen Snook
4. Coffee shop karma
Gordon Wilson
5. Toffees
Frank Devaney
6. Crossfire Hurricanes
Warren Wilson
7. Dan United
Dan Lawton
8. SpArTaNs
Jamie Palmer
9. Tiptoppers
Lesley Bradley
10. MikeHammered
Mike Edens
CW 54
27th February - 5th March 2015
Terrace are tickled Pink
WITH the top two seemingly already decided in the Direct Telecom Pool League, the spotlight falls on the race for third place, and this week saw several of the contenders dropping points.
The biggest shock came at Inn the Pink A. They played host to Terrace Bar A, who are languishing just off the bottom of the league. Pink, normally strong at home, just couldn’t get into their stride against a Terrace team fighting to stay up and putting in a solid performance. Home-team captain John had an off-night. He never missed a pot, but still ended up losing three games, What a contrast to the visitors’ Mal, who bought his A game with him, winning all three. It was a big three points for Terrace A but a setback for Inn the Pink. The Phoenix would have been looking to capitalise on this slip from their rivals, but they had a tough task at home against Gaf-
fers A, the current league leaders. Although the home side put in a good shift, their opponents were just too strong and picked up another victory. Gaffers also fancy themselves as the latest boy-band, apart from Ash, who seems to be suffering from some strange disease, causing fluff to stick to his chin! Treehouse A, also in the mix for third spot, travelled down to Torviscas to play bottom-placed Hammers C, expecting to take three points home with them. But Tony and his team also have a bit of fight about them, and they were in resilient mood. Early frames were traded, but neither team could get the break they needed to forge in front, The match eventually finished all-square, with the home team being happiest of the two. With all these points being dropped, Palms A took full advantage and moved up to fourth spot, just two points off third. They were at Waterfall Rebels, who have a good home record, and I am sure they expected a tougher evening. But the Palms have been flying recently
Division 2 results
Division 1 Results
Inn The Pink A Palms Bar B Tenerife Hammers C The Peacocks The Phoenix Waterfall Rebels Division 1 Table
5-7 4-8 6-6 3-9 4-8 4 - 8
Terrace Bar A Tenerife Hammers A Treehouse A Dreamers A Gaffers A Palms Bar A
Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 Gaffers A 19 16 3 0 162 66 96 51 2 Tenerife Hammers A 19 14 4 1 147 81 66 46 3 The Phoenix 19 10 3 6 123 105 18 33 4 Palms Bar A 20 9 4 7 126 114 12 31 5 Treehouse A 20 9 4 7 125 115 10 31 6 Inn The Pink A 19 9 3 7 122 106 16 30 7 Terrace Bar B 19 7 4 8 101 127 -26 25 8 Palms Bar B 19 7 3 9 104 124 -20 24 9 Waterfall Rebels 18 6 5 7 104 112 -8 23 10 Dreamers A 18 6 4 8 107 109 -2 22 11 Phoenix Potters 17 6 1 10 98 106 -8 19 12 Exiles B 18 4 5 9 96 120 -24 17 13 The Peacocks 18 3 7 8 95 121 -26 16 14 Terrace Bar A 20 4 3 13 98 142 -44 15 15 Tenerife Hammers C 19 3 3 13 84 144 -60 12 and were full value for their win. Pete, in particular, was in fine form and he was well backed-up for a quality Palms win, even without an injured Penguin! If they beat The Phoenix on Tuesday, they will go third while, for the Rebels, all eyes are on the Cup. Tenerife Hammers A kept pace with the league leaders after an away fixture against Palms B, I say “away” fixture, but they actually had to walk just two metres across the Palms Bar. It’s always a tough game against the
reigning champs, and so it proved again. Despite missing Wez, Tenerife Hammers A got their noses in front and put the game to bed comfortably, thanks to Barry’s win over Stevie Geddes. The Peacocks had a great result last week against the Hammers, managing a good draw and this week they took on Dreamers A. Could they go one better with a win? The answer to that question wasn’t long in coming, and it was a big No, Steve and the boys were in good form, starting quickly and never looking back. Gav completed the Peacocks’ misery by 7-balling Dave, to leave the Dreamers team asking, Tommy who? It was derby night n Division Two down at the Sporting Jester, with their B team (as the home team) taking on the A team league leaders. There was plenty of friendly banter flying around, but once it came down to the pool, the A team showed no charity. They quickly went through the gears to record a straightforward win - their 16th in
Dreamers B Gaffers B James Place Sporting Jester B Treehouse B
6-6 The Crown 7-5 Waterfall Jokers 5 - 7 Inn The Pink B 3 - 9 Sporting Jester A 4-8 Bluebell A
Division 2 table
Table P 1 Sporting Jester A 18 2 Bluebell A 18 3 Waterfall Jokers 18 4 Inn The Pink B 16 5 James Place 17 6 Gaffers B 17 7 Picasso’s A 16 8 Hoppys Bar 18 9 Next Door 16 10 Tenerife Pool Tables 16 11 Treehouse B 16 12 Sporting Jester B 16 13 Dreamers B 17 14 The Crown 17
W D L F A +- PTS 16 2 0 162 54 108 50 12 2 4 123 93 30 38 11 3 4 126 90 36 36 9 6 1 113 79 34 33 9 3 5 122 82 40 30 9 3 5 119 85 34 30 8 2 6 103 89 14 26 7 2 9 107 109 -2 23 6 0 10 97 95 2 18 5 2 9 83 109 -26 17 3 3 10 85 107 -22 12 4 0 12 75 117 -42 12 3 2 12 82 122 -40 11 0 2 15 19 185 -166 2
an impressive debut season. Bluebell A moved back up to second place after travelling to Chayofa for their clash with Treehouse B. And although the hosts put up a fight, the visitors soon had seven frames on the board and the points in the bag. Waterfall Jokers had previously sat in second spot, but they faced a trip to Las Americas to play Gaffers B who, with a bit more consistency, could be challenging for promotion themselves. The game was close, with some good pool on show- But the home team took the momentum and closed the game out, enjoying a good three points. Inn the Pink B are still on a promotion hunt as well, taking on close rivals James Place down in La Caleta. The visitors raced into a 5-1 lead and were cruising until James and Ali struck back to make it 5-3. Lee then beat Steve to make it 6-3 and a point for Inn the Pink was secure. But they then wobbled, and
James and Ali again won to go into the last game 6-5 down. All eyes were on Nic, for the home team, and the visitors’ Steve, who had already lost two frames. This time, though, he held his nerve and took the frame to give his team a 7-5 victory. Division Two new boys the Crown, who are starting to find their feet, could only muster three players when they travelled to Los Cristianos to face Dreamers B. It left them 3-0 down before a ball had been played. However, this didn’t put them off and they dug deep, determined to give a good account of themselves, which they certainly did! Allan was their star of the night, winning all three of his games. And going into frame No.11, the Crown were 6-4 up, but they knew frame 12 would be awarded to their hosts. So if Jim could beat Andy from Dreamers, an unlikely win was on the cards. Alas, it wasn’t to be, but a draw with just three players was a superb result and should give them confidence for their next game.
Premier Preview
27th February - 5th March 2015
55 CW
Premier League preview
By Adi Benson THE Premier League is really starting to take shape, with just 12 games to go. It looks like a twohorse race for the title but the relegation battle is being played out by nine sides.
Well, 10 if you include Newcastle, who are 10 points above the safety line. And with 36 points still up for grabs, anything is possible. West Ham v Crystal Palace The Hammers have probably been one of the league’s over-achievers this season and at one point, their fans were dreaming of European football next season. A win last weekend may have given them a chance but a draw has left them six points off the pace. Paper talk about the manager and a new contract is distracting as well - not what you need at this point of your season. Palace have benefited from the “new manager” effect, and although they came unstuck against Arsenal last weekend, their performance suggested that against the clubs around them, they will pick up points and should be safe. If they can keep it tight at the back, they have a winning chance. Prediction: Away win West Brom v Southampton Since Tony Pulis took over, West Brom have suffered just one defeat in nine games and have kept four clean-sheets in the last six league games. Yet they are still not safe. They need to start scoring goals because their front line looked poor against Sunderland. It’s all right keeping them out, but goals win games. The Saints will be looking to get back to winning ways after dropping out of the top four following that home defeat by Liverpool. And this is an ideal game for them. They have one of
Palace needing princely display
the best defences in the league and, even more surprising is hat it cost just £5m to assemble. But again, their lack of goals is worrying, and Pelle needs to stop worrying about what his hair looks like and get himself back on the scoresheet. Prediction: Away win Stoke v Hull Stoke, who know that one more win will see them safe, must be confident it will come in this fixture. Their home form has been good and they will be looking for two wins in a row after coming from behind to beat Villa. Victor Moses has hit form and is helping to make the team tick in Bojan’s absence. Seven points for Hull, against Man City, Villa and QPR is probably better than anticipated, given their previous form. But Steve Bruce has stood up to the pressure and not buckled. Another victory and they will move a step closer to safety after a stint in the bottom three. Prediction: Draw Newcastle v Aston Villa The Magpies really need to dust themselves down after the mauling from Man City, but they can expect a frosty reception from their
fans. With safety more or less secured and a new bumper TV deal in place for next season, Mike Ashley won’t be losing too much sleep over results. But midtable is not good enough for a club as big as Newcastle. No wonder the fans want him out. Villa battled last week and missed out on a much-needed point after Sunday league defending from Ron Vlaar cost them dearly. Tim Sherwood has a job on his hands keeping them up, and a loss here could put them in real trouble if results around the team go against them. Prediction: Away win Man Utd v Sunderland Football can be a fickle mistress and this time
last year, United fans were calling for David Moyes’ head. Under Van Gaal, United are no better - yet the silence is deafening. He keeps talking about a philosophy and how everyone is committed to it, but they look a shambles in defence and slow in attack. If the league hadn’t been weaker all round this season, their current points tally would see them sixth. Sunderland, who have a half-decent record against United, are desperate for a win or the fans will at least want another letter from Gus Poyet. They need a big performance here from both manager and players to get anything from the game. Defence
is key away from home, and I’m not sure they have the players for a counter-attacking formation. Prediction: Draw Burnley v Swansea Back in November, Burnley had just four points from 10 games and looked as though they could be relegated by Christmas. But they are still in with a shout of staying up. However, one win in the last 12 games in all competitions points to relegation, which makes a win essential. They are capable of a performance after getting draws against United, City and Chelsea. Swansea have just completed a league double over United, so their tails will be well and truly up. But they know Burnley will put up a fight. They will have to be patient and concentrate for the whole game. An early goal is what they will be looking for, and if they get it, they should go on to win. Prediction: Away win Liverpool v Man City The Reds are now just two points from the top four, and though they were the weaker team against Southampton, they still ground out a win. They are currently the only unbeaten Premier League team in 2015, but are the wheels about to come off? They played a Europa League game just three days before this game, so will fatigue play a part, or will they field a weaker team in Europe, hoping for a win here and a topfour finish? City put Newcastle to the sword in brutal fashion. Okay, it was only Newcastle, but they look to have their swagger back. They have just played against Barcelona in the Champions League but have had more time to recover. They know it will be difficult, but they have the players to get around Liverpool’s back three.
Prediction: Away win Arsenal v Everton The Gunners have moved up into third spot without looking convincing against Palace. They appeared nervy at times and slow across the back. But you always know with Arsenal that they always seem to have a player capable of producing a moment of magic. Another three points will see them a step closer to guaranteeing a Champions League spot next season. Everton have never really got going this season and I think it is down to their Europa League campaign. When they have played away in Europe, they have normally followed it up with a weak league performance - and it has cost them. Just six points separate them from the relegation zone. Defeat here and results going against them elsewhere could see them move even closer. Prediction: Home win Capìtal One League Cup Final Chelsea v Spurs Chelsea go into the Cup Final as favourites, but we all know what happened the last time the two clubs met. Jose Mourinho is determined to ensure that doesn’t happen again and will play close attention to marking Harry Kane. But Eden Hazard, likely to be the key player, just seems to get better with every game, and he will enjoy the space afforded him by the Wembley pitch. Can Kane come good again on the big stage? There is lots to like about him. He can conjure a goal from anywhere, whether in the six-yard box or from outside of the area. If Spurs can get him on the ball, they have a chance. But they need to be careful at the back. A big defensive performance is required from them to succeed. Prediction: Chelsea Win
CW 56
www.canarianweekly.com 27th February - 5th March 2015