Cw issue 934

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Now what? Issue 934

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Inside this week...

FOR once, the pollsters and the pundits got it spot-on. Last Sunday’s General Election saw a splintered vote, plunging Spain into political chaos. The nightmare scenario of the largest party polling less that 30% became a reality as a lack-lustre election campaign exploded into life once the votes were counted. Turn to Page 3

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Advertisement 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

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Rajoy may side with Sanchez From Front Page A MONTH of campaigning, arguing and rallying didn’t have any influence on the General Election’s voting public, it seems. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s Popular Party got 28.72% of the vote, which equates to 123 seats - miles away from the 176 seats needed to secure a ruling majority. Just as the polls had predicted. It was a major disappointment for Rajoy, who had run his whole campaign on the success of his economic policies and the country’s growth. The PP’s vote was its worst since 1989, and there have been strong calls from inside the party for Rajoy to fall on his sword. If it were bad for Rajoy, it was disastrous for socialist leader Pedro Sanchez. His PSOE polled just 22% for 90 seats, which was the party’s worst-ever return. However, in the craziness of Sunday’s election, Sanchez could still end up in power. Of sorts. The fractured message from the electorate saw the new boys make history. Podemos, led by the charismatic Pablo Iglesias, secured nearly 21%, enough for 69 seats, while Ciudadanos’s vote was nearly 14% and a fine 40 seats. On Monday morning, all parties expressed their happiness at the outcome, but the financial markets and commentators reflected a different mood. The horse-trading behind the scenes has been intense, and the country could now be in political limbo until Easter. Yesterday (Wednesday), Rajoy meets with Sanchez at Moncloa Palace to put a toe in the water. This is unprecedented. Imagine the Conservatives offering a deal to Labour on governing Britain? But both men are short of options. During the campaigning, Rajoy indicated that he didn’t want any coalition. He now has no choice, and it comes down to mathematics. A deal with Ciudadanos makes the most political sense, but the numbers don’t add up:

the total of 163 seats is not 176! The PP will not get into bed with Podemos because it is sympathetic to Catalan claims for independence. Rajoy has already stated that any coalition partner must work for the unity of Spain, and he is firmly opposed to any Catalan referendum on independence. So, with Rajoy meeting Sanchez, and with Ciudadanos leader Albert Rivera also keen on a place at the table, there is the possibility of a powerful alliance. However, any deal between the PP and the PSOE will surely bring a plethora of problems.

Would these traditional enemies be able to work together on a day-today basis? And that is before the views of the public are taken into account. Dyed-in-the-wool socialists would revolt against the PSOE for doing a deal with the PP. And vice-versa. Also, Sanchez has already let it slip that any deal must see a change of PM. And Rivera has also indicated he would not endorse Rajoy returning to power. No PP Member of Parliament would allow Sanchez to be the nation’s leader, so all eyes would then turn to Rajoy’s deputy, Soraya

Saenz de Santamaria. She has been the PP’s “face” of the election and would be a popular choice with the public. It would certainly be a bold move. As it stands, it seems that Rajoy is a dead man walking because he has little choice but to do a deal with the enemy. Or does he? The system in Spain is a little complex. As the main party, the PP has first stab at finding a majority, and it has until 13th January to inform the King of its intentions as it tries to form a government. At this point, assuming it has the majority, King Felipe will

nominate its leader for PM. The parliament is sworn in and the house must ratify, or vote, on this. Approval, which in theory the PP should have, would lead to the rubber-stamping of the new Government. If this is not agreed on 13th January, the King will then nominate another potential leader, and so on. If this process doesn’t find a new leader by 13th March, parliament will be dissolved and a new election called. The PP, PSOE and C talks are all aimed at one thing: stop Pablo Iglesias and Podemos. It is remarkable to

think that this new party is only a few years old, yet here it is, rattling the Government to such a level that sworn historical enemies are considering an alliance. Podemos and the PSOE are also fierce rivals. It is partly this depth of hatred that has led PSOE to the PP door. As the ancient Arabic proverb says: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Iglesias has been quick to pick up on this, using every sound-bite to hammer home his antiestablishment message: “Either we realise that Spain is a diverse country with a plurality of nations, or we are giving away the Government to the PP, which came in sixth in Catalonia and fifth in the Basque Country. And I am worried that the PSOE might want a grand alliance with the PP.” And he has a point. Podemos won by a country mile in Catalonia, won the most votes in the Basque Country and came second in Madrid. It is a major voice and is not going away. If the PP-PSOE-C pact comes off, it would also become the official opposition. These are unchartered waters. It’s easy to forget that Spain has had free elections only since 1977 - and 40 years is nothing in political terms. The only certainty is that the days of a twoparty system in Spain is over, and that 2016 will be the most fascinating year, politically, since the end of the Franco dictatorship.

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24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Prof Hawking’s Medal for science promoters A unique new award for science communication in honour of Professor Stephen Hawking was announced this week at the Royal Society in London.

It comes in the form of a special Medal, approved by a panel which included Starmus founding-director Prof Garik Israelian, Dr Brian May, Prof Richard Dawkins, Alexei Leonov, Nobel Laureate Sir Harold Kroto and Prof Hawking himself. It is the first award of

its kind and will recognise the work of those helping to promote the public awareness of science through different disciplines such as music, arts and cinema. Each year, three of these Medals will be awarded at Tenerife’s STARMUS International Science and Arts Festival. The Stephen Hawking Medals will award Science Communicator of the Year in three categories: *Scientific community *Artistic community *Film community During the launch, at the Royal Society in London, Prof Hawking outlined his vision

for science communication, saying: “By engaging with everyone, from schoolchildren to politicians to pensioners, science communicators put science right at the heart of daily life. “Bringing science to the people brings people into science. This matters to me, to you, and to the world as a whole. “Therefore, I am very pleased to support and honour the work of science communicators, and look forward to awarding the Stephen Hawking Medal next summer at the Starmus Festival. I hope to see you all there.”

Professor Israelian added: “This award is a milestone in the history of science, spearheaded by one of the most famous scientists and inspiring figures of our time, Professor Stephen Hawking. “As part of this tribute, and our desire to bring science and space to the general public, Starmus has created a groundbreaking initiative under the name of one of the greatest scientists in history.” Prof Israelian also revealed that there would be “citizen participation through a public voting process on social media to decide the winner of The Starmus Science

Communicator of the Year - Film-maker category, inviting the general public to participate in the awards and make history.” A portrait of Stephen Hawking by cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, the first man to walk in space, has formed the Medal’s design. Leonov said: “Rarely is the life of the artist such a success, so I am very proud that my portrait of Sir Stephen Hawking, a historical figure of world importance, was chosen for this Medal. “This is not just a piece of paper, but a visible and tangible object that will inspire reflection for

its winners. It is an honour for me.” As well as the panel unveiling the Medal, many special guests took part in the press conference, including Phantom of the Opera singer Sarah Brightman, having recently joined the Starmus music panel, and renowned composer Hans Zimmer. Dara O’Briain, Prof Brian Cox OBE and Prof Kip Thorne were also in attendance, alongside representatives of the Canary Islands, including Ms María Méndez, Managing Director of the Canary Islands Tourism Board, and Alberto Bernabé, Tenerife Tourism Councillor.

More El Gordo joy for Tenerife THE Canaries are nicknamed the lucky islands, and it certainly proved to be accurate this week as major prizes in Spain’s national Christmas lottery El Gordo (The Fat One), were claimed here. Winning ticket No.79,140, worth a cool four million euros, was sold in Almeria, but some of the third, fourth and five prizes were scooped here. Third prize, worth 500,000 euros for a full ticket, went to No.5,163. Most of these lottery tickets are sold

in 10ths, at 20 euros a time, so a single winner collects 50,000 euros before taxes. This ticket was sold in various parts of Tenerife, as well as on Gran Canaria. And it was also on sale in the municipalities of Puerto del Rosario in Fuerteventura, Arrecife in Lanzarote and in La Palma’s San Andres. The No.71,119 ticket, worth 200,000 euros, was also a winner, scooping one of the two fourth prizes. This was sold in Arrecife, El Paso in La Palma, as well as

in the Fuerteventura municipalities of La Oliva and Puerto del Rosario. Some boroughs of Gran Canaria and

Tenerife also sold this number. The fifth prize was worth 60,000 euros in total, and a few of

the one-10th sections were bought here. The No.18,102 ticket was sold in La Laguna, Santa Cruz, Granadilla and La Matanza. And Lanzarote also had a number of these. But the headlines will be all about a small garage on the TF-1, located at Kilometre 54. It sold No.18,102 to complete an amazing hattrick of wins. It’s the third straight year the small outlet has sold a “major” El Gordo winner, and owner Jose Miguel Gonzalez reported

excellent ticket sales … he is bound to be swamped next year! Ticket No.70,481, actually sold at El Cortes Ingles in Santa Cruz, will also have left many people happy. Ditto 43,221, which will leave smiling faces in Tenerife, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria. And some portions were sold in Icod. Finally, the No.00943 ticket was a winner in Gran Canaria and in Tenerife’s Auchan Shopping Centre, in La Laguna.


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

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Autumn heatwave breaks records IT has been extremely warm this year in Tenerife and the other Canary Islands, and, according to official figures, one of the hottest on record. And it’s ditto for mainland Spain as well!

As the Canaries said Hello to winter on Tuesday, we bade farewell to the fourth-warmest autumn in the islands since 1945. Temperatures some days reached as high as 36.5°C, and December is already shaping up as the driest final month of the year in history. And, according to the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), the annual average temperature on the

mainland up to 30th November was 16.5ºC about 0.8º higher than the average between 1981 and 2010. And that makes 2015 the fourthhottest year there - only last year, 2006 and 2011 saw higher average temperatures. This summer, also the country’s second-hottest since 1961, included the longest heatwave ever recorded. And, happily for residents in Spain, the coming cold season is not expected to bring particularly low temperatures. The mainland kickedoff with above-average temperatures across the country and rain forecast in the northwest of the peninsula, said Aemet spokeswoman Ana Casals. The United Nation’s World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said around a month

ago that the average global temperature in 2015 would be one of the hottest since 1880, when reliable records began. The WMO states that the period between 2011 and 2015 was the hottest five years on record. Among the reasons given are global climate change and the El Niño weather system in the Pacific. Meanwhile, back in the Canaries, Victor J Quintero, Director of the Santa Cruz Meteorological Centre and Francisco Garcia, Prefectures General Secretary, conducted a press conference to summarise our autumn behaviour. It saw the quarterly average temperature (20,8ºC) rising well above the normal range. In fact, it was the fourth autumn with the highest average temperatures since the end of World War II. These high temperatures have occured throughout the archipelago, especially in the coastal areas of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, where average temperatures of up to 28ºC were noted, representing an anomaly of 1.1° above the norm. For months, the extremely warm average was down to the October and November spells. While September had an average 21.8º temperature against the norm of 21,6º, it changed from October, when an average 21.2º was registered, which was 1.3° above

the normal average. This trend continued in November, when average temperatures of +1.6 ° were recorded. Throughout the quarter, except for certain moments in late September and October, the Canaries were always around the “warmer” or “extremely warm” mark.

Highlighted is the warm episode recorded between 3rd-5th October, with intense heat. And virtually the entire months of November and December have been above the norm consistently. Quintero said: “The quarter’s warm period relates directly

to the fact that the Azores anti-cyclone has been practically stationary, meaning that there has been no ventilation. “So the temperatures have been very high, and have been increased by a strong African air mass, which brings Calimas.”

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24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Be Careful! ADEJE has unveiled its new pedestrian crossings, bearing a series of messages in Spanish and English designed to help people take extra care when crossing the road.

The initiative is part of the “Ponle Frenlo” (put on the brakes) campaign to reduce the number of traffic accidents in Spain. Various messages have been painted on to the first line of crossings all over the borough, asking pe-

destrians to check before they cross, to stop looking at their mobile and reduce the volume if listening to music, as well as other safety tips. The campaign aims at cutting down the deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents. According to Spain’s official statistics, 11,000 people are knocked down every year, nearly all in urban areas. Adeje is the first borough to introduce this form of prevention and, says Mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga: “Adeje and our tourist destination, Costa Adeje, welcome over two mil-

lion visitors annually, so it’s the perfect place to launch these safety messages.” Josep Alfonso, Director General of the Ponle Freno centre, said: “While we’re not all drivers, we are all pedestrians, and susceptible to being knocked down if we don’t pay attention when crossing the road. “Stop and look before you cross, and cross at the designated places; make your intentions clear to drivers, and avoid using mobiles or headphones when you are crossing. These few words of advice can save a pedestrian’s life.”

Chinese fraudsters are wrecking toys’ market

Miss World pageant is marred by controversy MIREIA Lalaguna Rozo, a 23-year-old professional model from Barcelona, is the new Miss World, after being crowned at Sunday’s glittering pageant in Sanya, South China.

She beat Miss Russia into second place, with Miss Indonesia third. And while representatives from Scotland and Northern Ireland made the top 10, Miss England failed even to reach the Top 20. Ms Roza, representing Spain, holds a degree in Pharmacology and wants to do a MA in Nutrition. She told the audience: “Just because I am beautiful on the outside does not mean I am not beautiful on the inside, too.” But the event proved somewhat controversial because Miss Canada Chinese-born Anastasia

Lin - was banned from even entering the country a month earlier because of her outspoken views of human rights abuses, and criticism of its Communist government. Instead, the beauty queen was quietly removed from the Miss World website and not mentioned in the show. But she has pledged to continue her human-rights campaign, despite intimidating threats against her family by the Chinese authorities. On Saturday, she revealed that her father and members of her family, who still live in China, had been threat-

ened with “consequences” if she carried on criticising official corruption, and the regime’s policies on religious minorities. But she told BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme that she had decided to continue her role as an “advocate for change”. Miss Lin, an actress, said: “It’s a risk for my family and I don’t know what the Chinese communists will do.” But after talking with friends, she believed that attack was the best form of defence for her and her relatives. “I couldn’t give in to fear,” she said defiantly.

COUNTERFEIT toys made in China are hitting Spanish manufacturers to the tune of some 167 million euros annually, which is 16.6% of sales. And, as a result, 500 jobs are also lost.

That’s according to a report by the European Union’s Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM), the group responsible for registering EU trademarks. The report places Spain in a group of EU nations, which includes Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Hungary, all of which are the worst-affected by these potentially-dangerous fake goods. Counterfeit goods make up around 12.3% of sales across the EU, with an estimated value of 1.4bn euros. The survey cites a long list of counterfeit items, including dolls, action figures, soft toys, table games, toy musical instruments, train sets and jigsaw puzzles. But it excludes video games, gaming software and bicycles. José Pastor, President of the Spanish and European Association of Toy-makers, has called

on the EU to impose “heavier sanctions” on counterfeit toy manufacturers, as well as to raise awareness of the problem, saying that Spanish companies are subject to strict controls that are reflected in their prices. Antonio Campinos, OHIM chief, says the fines imposed on counterfeit toy-makers are too low. “This is a highly-lucrative and virtually risk-free business,” he says, adding that those involved in the illicit trade are never sent to prison. But Spain does not just have a problem with fake toys: the last three OHIM reports also highlight counterfeit cosmetics, textiles and sporting goods. The OHIM says that imitations are costing Spain some 498 jobs in the sector, which is 13.7% of the total. It estimates that throughout the EU, a total of 6,150 jobs have been

lost because of fake toys. Most companies in the sector are small operations, employing around 10 people on average. The report points out that, taking into account the direct and indirect effects of counterfeiting in the toy and games sector, the EU is losing out on around 370m euros in taxes and Social Security contributions. The OHIM provides no figures on the overall impact (including taxes) on a country basis. The report is the fourth in a series carried out by the OHIM on the economic repercussions of fake goods on EU industries. Campinos says that 50% of youngsters, between 14 and 24, believe it is “smart” to buy fake goods. And he is calling on the authorities to raise awareness of the problem. 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016


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24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Testing, testing the contactless ticket...

A new hope

AFTER two delays, the new “contactless” ticket for public transport throughout Tenerife will finally be introduced next month on a trial basis.

A Christmas and New Year message from Tenerife Government (Cabildo) President Carlos Alonso

The editor says...

Cabildo Mobility Minister Manuel Ortega, who confirmed the pilot phase, added: “We have voluntary collaborators who will pay their bus and tram fare like anyone else at the same rate - but with a new way of doing so.” After this trial period, the final commissioning will take place in June, and the Cabildo’s intention is for the full service to be rolled out between July and December. This will allow enough time for all the technol-


Goodbye strange year THAT’S another year in the can, then. I hope you had a fine 2015. I think it’s been a funny year. I love the unpredictability of life and the last 12 months have certainly seen some strange things.

Who would have thought that Leicester would be top of the Premier League, Justin Bieber would have the Christmas No.1 and Jeremy Corbyn would become Labour party leader? Even this week, the Spanish General Election threw up a massive curveball. I feel sorry for Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. I subscribe to the theory that you should never trust a politician with a beard. Why? Well they have something to hide! But Rajoy has done a fine job with the economy. As our lead story explains, it’s hard to see how he can survive, despite winning the election, technically. If he goes, the recovery could go with it. And that is the last thing we need here. Whilst tour-

ism continues to boom, there are still many families and businesses struggling to make ends meet. A period of political stalemate will only hinder our progress. As we enter 2016, there is no doubt that we face another period of security concerns. I’m confident that the Canary Islands are as safe as we can make them and we should never let fear rule our lives. I often ask myself how it has come to this. My generation is the first to live under the security of a war-free existence. We’ve believed that the next world war will be short and decided by earth-ending bombs and not boots on the ground. Recent events have changed that view. And all because of a few books written hundreds of years ago. Madness! I’d like to take these last few words to say a big thank-you to all the staff and contributors for their efforts this year. To you, the readers, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, terror-free 2016. We will be back on 8th January.

CHRISTMAS isn’t Christmas without a star or a bright light that shines. Every year, around this time, the Star of Bethlehem guides the way that each of us chooses to follow. If we stray off the path, either we stop or go back a few steps because no one will do it for us. Sometimes the light is hidden behind thick clouds, the night turns dark, the road becomes more difficult and we risk falling. But when the sky clears up, the glow becomes even brighter and everything looks much clearer. In the Cabildo, the clouds over the years have made us tread more carefully: we have had to hold on tight so as not to fall, and everyone has pitched in to push forward many projects. It has been a period of economic hardship for many families and for this public administration. Fortunately, we are beginning to see the starry sky again, and the way ahead is becoming easier. In 2016 the Tenerife Government will have the necessary funds to advance steadily. We can invest in people’s needs, promote job creation and undertake major improvements to our roads. But undoubtedly, the most exciting project of this New Year is the one that has to do with the training and preparation of our young people. Tenerife 2030 offers our children the shining stars they need, so that each year they will find their way without fear of the dark. Empowering them with the tools of knowledge will enable them to face the future without stumbling. Keeping any eye on those who are our future means not losing sight of our primary responsibility. May the spirit of Christmas always shine brightly and may the sum of our good intentions become an inspirational light to guide us into the New Year.


Publisher, proprietor and Editor: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

ogy to bed-in before the replacement of paper tickets. According to Ortega, passengers will be able to change to the new card and system, similar to London’s Oyster card, during those six months. “These cards will have names and photos, which will allow more options and advantages,” he said. A survey will also take place to see whether the transport card can be expanded to include its use in taxis for short journeys. Ortega added: “We will look into that to see if we can come to an arrangement with certain travel options at an affordable price.” This would be for use in taxis operating in Los Realejos and Candelaria, as well as the metropolitan area.

Tourism has 12m upgrade

Who’s all for ice-skating? IT may well be 80°F outside, but inside it’s all about the ice. Well in the Magma Centre anyway, where iceskating’s “The Rink Magma” has opened for the festive period.

It’s the first genuine ice rink to be installed in the South of Tener-

ife and covers an area of 450sq/m of real ice. The Rink opened its doors to the public this week and has already proved a big hit with visitors. With the co-operation of Adeje Council, the Magma Art and Congress has brought the attraction to Las Americas - and demand from locals and tourists visiting Costa Adeje is expected to be high. The Rink Magma will be open until 10th January with a regu-

lar schedule of 10am to 10pm from Sunday to Thursday, and special sessions for over-18s on Friday and Saturday evenings until 2am. The system is equipped with special machinery, operating 24 hours a day to maintain the required temperature balance which gives consistency to the ice track. Skilled technicians who installed this rink also worked on the historic ice rinks at New

York’s Rockefeller Centre, the Natural History Museum and the Ice Rink Hotel Ville de Paris. Tickets are sold per 45-minute session and include skates’ rental. In addition, there are some very specific safety measures such as a mandatory warm-dress code. Also, there is no access for kids under four, and children between four and 12 must be accompanied.

Islanders courting justice

PEOPLE from the Canaries and the Balearic Islands, together Andalusia and Madrid, take more legal action than those in any other areas of Spain.

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News Editor: Ross Browning

Features Editor: John Hennessey

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Linda Johnson

Contributors: Adi Benson, Carl Pattison, Emma Swain, Geoff Huxtable, Mariano Zunino Siri, Sue McDonald, Val Sainsbury, Jamie Droo, Vanessa V, Sir Old Golfer, Nico Gil, Carol Schleisman, Leticia Rodriguez, Laura Mann

Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2015 Canarian Weekly

There were 47 cases per thousand inhabitants in the third quarter of 2015, compared with the country’s 42.9 average. And in that period, Canarian courts resolved almost as many issues as they received. Currently, they are averaging 1.16 per unfinished case, alongside new ones coming in. The highest rate of litigation - 4.97 per 1,000 people - is in the Social sector, followed by 3.05 for Civil cases. A report released by the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) shows the number of cases filed in the Spanish judicial bodies during the third quarter fell 2.1% against the same period last year, totalling 2,001,182 cases in all courts. And of those, 1,942,504 were resolved, with 2,513,906 pending.

TENERIFE’S tourism infrastructure will be boosted next year with over 12 million euros, which will be poured into the upkeeping pot by the Cabildo. Some of the money will be claimed from the Canary Islands Government, and the funds will help keep the Island tidy. The Cabildo’s Tourism arm will splash 2.4m eu-

ros into the upkeep of the coast and the areas around the ocean. A further 2.3m will go towards projects in non-tourist municipalities, and another 3.1 million for the conventional tourism strategy and regeneration. And a total of 500,000 euros has already been set aside for the regeneration of Puerto de la Cruz.

Dead Briton is found in street POLICE are probing the death of a British man, found dead on a Playa de la Arena street early last Thursday. William Flower, a 51-year-old thought to be from Scotland, was discovered
 by a local worker in the popular holiday resort. A doctor and a nurse from a nearby health centre, unable to revive him, certified him dead at the scene.
 Forensic experts said

injuries were consistent with a fall from steps close by. It is not known if he were on holiday or lived in the area, or how long he had been lying there. An investigation was opened by a local judge, who will decide whether
 to launch a full-scale probe once he has the police report, and a better
 indication of whether the death was suspicious or an accident.

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Advertisement 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

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Sail-back dinosaur’s a puzzle to scientists IT is virtually impossible to grasp, but 125 million years ago, a herd of dinosaurs would have been munching their way through ferns and conifers, much like modern-day cypresses, along a lush river delta in what is now north-eastern Spain

These mighty creatures stood out from the others in this Cretaceous Period landscape by virtue of the unusual, sail-like structure on their backs, and today’s experts can only hypothesise about its function. Scientists have announced the discovery of the fossil remains of a

medium-sized dinosaur they named Morelladon, a four-legged herbivore that measured six metres (20 feet) long near the town of Morella, in the Castellón Province. Protruding from its back was a series of bony spines that formed the sail-like structure, standing about two feet (60cm) tall.

Paleontologist Fernando Escaso, of the National University of Distance Education’s Evolutionary Biology Group in Spain, said: “The sail could have helped in heat exchange - thermoregulation - focused on releasing excess body heat into the environment.

Royals and PM honour officers killed in Kabul

SPANISH Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Home Affairs Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz have attended the joint funeral of the two National Police Force officers killed in Afghanistan during an attack on the Spanish Embassy in Kabul. The ceremony, held at Madrid’s Police Complex in Canillas, was presided over by the King and Queen of Spain.

A Spanish Air Force plane brought back the coffins with the remains of Jorge García Tudela and Isidro Gabino Sanmartín, from Kabul to Madrid’s Torrejón de Ardoz Air Base. The aircraft also carried the remaining seven officers who formed part of the security detail at the Spanish Embassy. In addition, the funeral was attended by civilian and military officials, and the leaders of

the main political parties, who all expressed their condolences to the victims’ families. The ceremony began with the arrival of the coffins, borne on the shoulders of the tragic officers’ colleagues. King Felipe placed the Golden Cross for Police Merit on the two caskets, covered with the flag of Spain. And Rajoy handed over the hats and medals of the police officers to their families.

“It could have been like the ears of modernday elephants, or as a storage place for fat to be used during periods of low food supply.” Escado added that the structure might also have served as a display role, attracting mates. He said the sail-like structures appeared periodically in

the evolutionary history of vertebrates, often in animal groups not closely related to one another. Another plant-eating dinosaur called Ouranosaurus, with similarities to Morelladon, lived about the same time in Africa. The biggest sailbacked creature was

Spinosaurus, which lived a semi-aquatic lifestyle 95 million years ago, also in Africa. At 50ft long (15m) and weighing seven tons, it was the biggest dinosaur predator on record - larger even than Tyrannosaurus rex. Morelladon is known from a partial skeleton including the spines, other vertebrae, pelvic bones, a thigh bone and teeth. North-eastern Spain during Morelladon’s time alternated between wet and dry periods, with strong temperature variations ranging from 40°F (4°C) to about 104°F (40 C). Escaso said the main predator in the area was Baryonyx, a relative of Spinosaurus, and there were other plant-eating dinosaurs around, as well as crocodilians and flying reptiles called pterosaurs.

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Advertisement 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

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Sober thought for Christmas FOR some, the financial crisis has passed - but for others, the poverty line is a very real problem. Although some figures suggest the crisis in Spain has ended, there are still thousands of Canarian families in a delicate, financial situation. A report this week from the Canarian Network in Defence of Public System (Redesscan), suggests that over 58,000 households in the Canary Islands do not receive any income. The report also implies that 660,000 people are currently at risk of social exclusion in the archipelago. During the presentation of its

second annual report, the group - made up of professional and social organisations in the Islands - warned that the draft Budget Law of the Autonomous Region for 2016 was “totally insufficient” to take care of the serious, social situation the Canaries still suffers. Spokeswoman Candelaria Delgado said: “When the new budget comes into force on 1st January, it will leave just basic help for municipalities with under 20,000 inhabitants. This will affect about 60 of the 88 municipalities and will greatly affect municipal services. And some may cease,

such as care for women, the elderly, home-care and drug-prevention, among others.” Redesscan is calling for the Central Government to suspend the controversial law (budget) which, it says, directly affects municipal social skills. It’s report states that in the last five years, the demand for Social Services in the Islands has increased by 40%, but there has also been a reduction of 500 workers employed in this area. Also, public services have been cut by 233 million euros. Meanwhile, Canarian Government President Fernando Clavijo has recognised that “in the Canaries, there are people who go hungry”, and he believes “the main problem” is the 130,000 poor children. The President said: “We inherited this poverty and we must do something. A dysfunctional and troubled family have many more chances of slipping into this problem, so we must take measures to

cut the cycle of poverty.” He recalled that, as La Laguna Mayor, he was “open and clear about the differences with the social policies of the

previous regional government”. On resolving this social situation, he said: “There is no recipe for a magic formula, or dis-

tortion of reality. We do not play with misery and poverty. But by economic growth and creating jobs, we can solve the real problem.”

And a happy KFC to Japan... WHILE most of us will be tucking into a delicious turkey dinner, the Japanese will be eating Kentucky Fried Chicken! A mammoth 3.6 million households there now celebrate Christmas with a takeaway from the Colonel. Japan’s 25th December trend began back in the Seventies and has continued to rise in popularity. So it’s Kurisumasu ni wa Kentakkii (KFC) for Xmas every year. Incredibly, Japan’s KFC brand creates a special Christmas Party Barrel, and pre-orders are taken from October. The chicken shops sell 1.5m Christmas products during the festive season - and that’s a gigantic heap of fried chicken. In 1974, Kentucky Fried Chicken

held its first Christmas campaign in Japan - a nation which doesn’t, typically, celebrate the festive season. The tradition is now so famous that queues stretch right out the door on Christmas Day. Products from the exclusive KFC menu sell-out every year - and some stores are up to 10 times as busy! Jenny Packwood, Head of Communications at KFC UK & Ireland, said: “We have held Christmas campaigns in Japan since 1974, and the popularity still grows, year-on-year. “From whole roasted chickens to party barrels, Japan really has fun at Christmas, and it is also the only place in the world you will spot the Colonel dressed as Santa Claus.” In case

you weren’t aware, the Christmas Party Barrel has different layers with special, festivedesigned plates, KFC Original Chicken, salad, ice cream and even a bottle of wine. The barrels come in multiple sizes and are aimed at friends and families to take home for parties. The humble KFC dates back to the Fifties, growing from a chicken business set up by Colonel Harland D Sanders. The chicken shop came to Britain’s High Street in 1965, the first store opening in Preston, Lancashire. Today, incredibly, there are now 850 stores across the UK, with over 24,000 employees. And they’re spreading throughout Japan as well.

CW 14

Advertisement 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Humberside is made for Tenerife tourists WINTER flights to Tenerife are being introduced at Humberside Airport through Thomson Airways, which will launch the service from next year.

Karen Switzer, director of aviation planning for Thomson, said the new winter routes were prompted by high demand for the operator’s summer flights from Humberside. “We are committed to the local area, having launched flights this year from Humberside to Majorca,” she said. “Following its success,

82m-euro waterworks scheme for Santa Cruz

SANTA Cruz is set for a major upgrade to its water system over the next few years, with over 82 million euros available, confirmed Public Services Councillor Damaso Arteaga. This will include a reorganisation of the financial plan for Santa Cruz Council, agreed with Emmasa in March this year. Arteaga said: “They will invest 33.97m up to the end of 2019, the state will provide another 33m through the sewage works, and the Cabildo will allocate another sum, up to the total, through the Insular Plan.” The programme includes changes in Venezuela Avenue and Principes de España, Acorán and other areas of the South-west District, along with the ravines in Tio Pino and Anaga. Works in the latter include the districts of San Andres, Igueste and Taganana. Once all operations are completed, said Arteaga, “the municipality will be able to reuse and control 100% of its waste water”. He also confirmed that the investment plan with Emmasa gives priority to works related to environmental or emergency social work, including priority upgrades to the storm-weather water network.

we are confident Tenerife will be a very popular winter-sun destination from Humberside.” Deborah Zost, Humberside Airport’s managing director, said: “This new Tenerife service is great news for holidaymakers in the region, and provides our customers with a greater choice of destinations. “This further development by Thomson, offering year-round sun flights from Humberside, is fantastic for the airport and a great Christmas present for sun-seekers.” Daniel Wilson, of Andrew Earle’s Travel in Brough, said: “This is a route we have been hankering after for some time, so as soon as our customers find out about it, it will be a wellused service. “Tenerife has seen a massive increase in popularity as a destination, not just from the UK but from across Europe, particularly with the current problems in places such as Egypt. “Some travellers can find larger airports quite stressful, because of the queuing and making sure they are at the cor-

rect terminal, which is the last thing they want when they are going on holiday. “Opening up a route from Humberside just makes life easier for people living in this area. “Unfortunately, when people asked us in the past whether they could fly to Spain from Humberside, we had to put them on routes from Manchester or East Midlands, so this will be welcome news.” Su Dillon, who runs her own travel business as part of independent travel company Travel Counsellors, said: “People from this area love Humberside Airport because it is so close and convenient. “It is only half-anhour’s drive from Hull and is hassle-free. And with many of my customers, as soon as a flight is announced from Humberside there is a huge demand for it, even if it is not to somewhere they initially wanted. “And because Tenerife is so popular, I think the flights will be very well received.”

It’s Operation Private!

IN the modern world, it’s not unusual for operations to be subbed out to private clinics. And, it seems, the practice is getting more common. In the first six months of 2015, nearly one-third of all operations were performed away from public hospitals or medical centres. “Medicine should respond to the needs of the public service and not vice-versa,” said Regional Health Minister Jesus Morera. “That is why we have to use whatever facilities we have available.” Unlike his predecessors, Morera seems willing to bring down waiting times through the use of private clinics. This, of course, leads to what some are calling

“excessive spending”. Between January and June, the 16 clinics which have agreements with the Canarian Health Service (SCS) held a total of 20,225 surgeries, representing over 30% of all operations made in that period in the archipelago (63,447). Seven private centres performed more than 2,000 operations, and three of them (Clinical La Colina and San Juan de Dios, in Tenerife, and the Clinic Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro in Las Palmas) totalled almost the same number of operations as those of the public hospitals of Fuerteventura and La Palma. And they far exceeded the numbers carried out in La Gomera and El Hierro.

15 CW

CW 16


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Watch out for the phony Xmas gifts CHRISTMAS shoppers buying children’s toys may, unwittingly, be supporting organised crime or even terrorist groups, according to UK border authorities.

Officers from Britain’s Border Force have seized a range of fake items worth £56m from ports and airports around the country over the past year. They include toy figures modelled on characters from Disney film Frozen, Armani watches and designer handbags. In the 2014-15 financial year, officers confiscated more than 1.6 million items infringing intellectual property in which patents or copyright applies. Luxury brands, among the most counterfeited and recent detections include:

*£3.5m of items, including £350,000 of Bulgari jewellery and £382,600 of Louis Vuitton designer handbags, as well as £152,000 of Michael Kors cosmetics at East Midlands Airport *16,400 Apple-branded data cables worth £410,000 and £75,000 of Givenchy and Celine designer handbags at Manchester Airport *7,827 pairs of Heelys’ children’s trainers worth £391,350 at Felixstowe port Other items included: *1,500 Pokemon toys at Glasgow Airport *4,536 pairs of Hello Kitty slippers, worth £54,432, along with Moschino and Michael Kors designerhandbags worth over £280,000 at Dover port *1,198 pieces of branded clothing from Tommy Hilfiger, Fred Perry and Ralph Lauren at Heathrow Airport *11,664 bottles of perfume including Paco Rabanne and Issey Mi-

yake, and 4,885 Samsung and Apple phone cases at Southampton port *30 Burberry-branded scarves worth over £10,000 at Edinburgh Airport Border Force North deputy director Emma Porter said: “Counterfeiters will look to capitalise and cash in where there is a demand for a product. And this year, our officers have seized all sorts of fake goods from beauty products to food and electrical goods. “We urge consumers to be careful with their purchases. If the price appears too good to be true - either at a car boot sale, a market stall or online it probably is.” Ms Porter added: “Organised criminals will be making these products for pennies, potentially selling them for hundreds of pounds and, obviously, that provides them with money to then look at things like

drugs and tobacco. But it could also be used to fund terrorism. Once counterfeit items are seized, Border Force’s specialist international trade teams work with the owners of big brands to establish whether or not goods are genuine. The Intellectual Property Office has urged shoppers to report anything suspicious. And Immigration Minister James Brokenshire said: “The international trade in counterfeits is linked to serious and organised crime and undercuts honest traders, damaging our economy. “Customers are also left out of pocket with inferior and potentially dangerous goods. “We are determined to crack down on this criminality and have Border Force officers working 24 hours a day at ports, airports and mail-sorting centres to identify and seize counterfeits.”

Missing mum: ‘Suspect’ contacts Spanish police THE elusive boyfriend of a missing Scottish woman has finally surfaced following a lengthy search by Spanish police. Englishman Simon Corner appeared to have vanished after the disappearance of 32-year-old mother Lisa Brown from her Costa del Sol home. But the businessman issued a statement at the weekend saying he had “nothing to hide” and would contact police. Lisa’s sister Helen Jordan, told the Scottish Daily Record: “I definitely think the pressure from the public has flushed him out. His face is everywhere.” The 49-year-old added: “It’s progress at least. The police need to step up to the mark now, and he needs to put himself forward for questioning. “He has been on a nice wee holiday for six weeks and now he says he has nothing to hide, so we will see.” Lisa, who had been working in Gibraltar on and off since she was 18, was last seen on 4th

November at her Cadiz home in San Roque, near the upmarket resort of Sotogrande. She was not reported missing officially until four days later. Her eight-year-old son Marco had been staying with his father, Tony Tomillero, Lisa’s ex-partner. The missing mum, originally from Dunbartonshire, was set to start a new job with a betting company when she vanished. She has not been in contact with friends or relatives since. Mr Corner, 33, from Liverpool, is understood to have met Lisa when his yacht was moored at Alcaidesa marina, near Gibraltar. Spanish police, who spoke with him initially, could not trace him for weeks, and it is believed that he might have travelled to Thailand. His statement said: “I know nothing about the disappearance of my friend Lisa. I am happy to help the police with their inquiries. I have absolutely nothing to hide. I’ve already told them everything I know.”


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

17 CW

US and Cuba going hand in hand again CUBA and the US are to restore scheduled commercial flights between the two countries for the first time in decades.

After months of tense negotiations, an agreement was finally reached on the first anniversary of the historic announcement by President Barack Obama and Cuban leader Raúl Castro that Washington and Havana would begin getting relations back to normal. The importance of the “Memorandum of Understanding”, which restores daily commercial flights, is that it will serve to pressure the US Congress into lifting travel restrictions against US citizens, despite the 54-year-old trade embargo. Ric Herrero, head of pressure group Cuba Now, said: “The restoration of commercial flights should increase the possibilities of Congress acting once and

for all to not only allow US citizens to travel to Cuba but also to lift trade restrictions.” The US State Department said the government hopes the new measure “will enhance traveller choices and help, as we believe, to promote people-topeople links between Cuba and the United States.” Although US citizens are still officially barred from travelling away from Cuba for tourism purposes, trips to Cuba by US citizens have increased by more than 50% since normal relations were announced, according to Jeffery

DeLaurentis, business chargé d’affaires at the American Embassy in Havana. President Obama said in a statement posted on the White House website: “Today, more Americans are visiting Cuba and engaging the Cuban people than at any time in the last 50 years.” The reaction to the announcement by airline carriers was immediate. “United Airlines congratulates the US and Cuban governments on reaching this historic arrangement, which will strengthen ties and economic development between the two countries,” the company said

Tee-off and be covered - with Liberty Seguros! MOST of us relate insurance policies to the car or home, but never to sports activities such as golf. Well, think again!

The golf course can be a hazardous place, so wouldn’t it be better to know that you are covered for any eventualities? Basic Golf Insurance cover from Liberty Seguros for amateurs starts at just 72 euros per year, a small price to pay for peace of mind on the fairways of Tenerife, mainland Spain and around the world. Depending on the policy taken out, you can be covered for not only your golf clubs but also for personal accident and third parties

while on the course. For example, your clubs can be insured for up to 3,000 euros as a result of accidental damage or robbery, both on the course or while travelling to the venue - even world-wide - as long as you’re playing at an officially-recognised golf club. There’s also Third Party liability up to 100,000 euros and Third Party liability for the buggy; Death, 15,000 euros; Permanent Disability, 15,000 euros; Medical and Pharmaceutical cover, 3,000 euros - and similar cover for your caddy as well! Believe it or not, Liberty Seguros Golf Insurance also includes cover for a really unexpected happening - even a HOLE IN ONE! Yes, for as much as

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in a statement. “We look forward to offering service between our global gateways and Cuba as soon as we have approval to do so.” American Airlines chief Doug Parker said: “As the leading carrier to the Caribbean and the leading US airline to Cuba, we look forward to establishing service to Cuba in 2016 from Miami and other American hubs.” American has oper-

ated charter services to Cuba since 1991 with flights from Miami, Tampa and Los Angeles. Budget carrier JetBlue also said that it would file for a licence to fly to Cuba once it reviews the terms of the agreement “The interest in Cuba has reached levels never before seen in a generation,” said company Vice-President Scott Laurence. Since the announcement of normalisation of relations, American companies such as Netflix and Airbnb have started to set up businesses, while some cruise lines are ferrying passengers on a limited basis. Since Obama and Castro announced the resumption of normal diplomatic ties a year ago, the countries have taken some steps towards bringing their

nations closer together. And Washington and Havana have reopened their own embassies in both countries. The re-establishment of direct mail service between the two nations was also announced several weeks ago. But conversations about human rights, the closing of the Guantánamo naval base, the trade embargo, and compensation for US companies nationalised following the Cuban revolution have hit stumbling blocks. “Change does not happen overnight, and normalisation will be a long journey,” said Obama on the anniversary of the restoration of relations. “The last 12 months, however, are a reminder of the progress we can make when we set the course toward a better future.”

CW 18


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Blatter and Platini are booted out of football SEPP Blatter, once head of world football and now banned by FIFA chiefs for eight years, says the penalty for “misconduct” is hurting him because, he stresses, he has NEVER done anything wrong. The FIFA Ethics Committee have imposed same-term bans on Blatter and UEFA President Michel Platini from football-related activities. The bans concern a £1.35m payment received by Platini from Blatter in 2011, reportedly for consulting work done a decade earlier. In an interview with Sky, FIFA’s suspended President denied turning a blind eye to corruption and said he could not be held responsible for the actions of others. Both men denied there was anything suspicious about the payment and said that it had been agreed previously in an oral contract. But FIFA judges “rejected” evidence concerning such a contract

because it was unconvincing. As a result, they determined that Blatter had breached the rules on offering and accepting gifts and other benefits. But the committee said there wasn’t sufficient evidence to establish that he had been guilty of corruption under the terms of FIFA’s code of ethics. Blatter told Sky News: “Saying that I have bribed somebody by paying something ... this is absolutely wrong and this is against my heart. “I cannot be personally and morally responsible for the people I had no chance to elect and select. I have not a blind eye. How can I know what these people have been doing?” Banknotes were thrown at Blatter as he

arrived or a news conference after the Extraordinary FIFA Executive Committee Meeting at their Zurich headquarters. Blatter, who appeared with a plaster on his face which, he said, was the result of a small operation the week before, added: “I have accepted that it’s over ... I should have been wise enough to leave after the World Cup in 2014.” But although the 79-year-old had earlier said he was sorry for FIFA and for football, he still condemned the decision to ban him. He came out fighting during the Zurich news conference, vowing to appeal against the ruling. Without apologising for what he had done, he said he was sorry

that he was “still ... a punching ball”, and sorry about what his suspension meant for FIFA. And he told journalists: “I’m sorry about me. I will fight, for me and for FIFA.” Blatter was fined 50,000 Swiss francs (£33,700) and Platini, who starred for Juventus and led France to back-to back appearances in the World Cup, 80,000 Swiss francs (£53,900). Platini, once Blatter’s FIFA heir-apparent, claims he agreed a £675,000-a-year contract with Blatter but was paid only half the sum at the time because FIFA were in financial trouble. He said he then forgot to invoice for the balance until nine years later. The French football legend, who will also appeal, added: “I am determined to apply to the civil courts in a bid to overturn the ban and obtain damages for all the prejudice I have suffered over very long weeks.”

Crown of thorns! THE presenter hosting Sunday’s Miss Universe contest was forced to issue a grovelling apology after reading out the wrong winner, who had already been crowned at the Las Vegas event! Steve Harvey, broadcasting live on TV, mistakenly announced Miss Colombia had won the pageant, with the Philippines contestant second. Harvey then had to admit to the audience that he’d made a gaffe, which meant 21-yearold Colombian Ariadna Gutierrez Arevalo, had to remove the glitzy trinket and hand it to Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, a 26-year-old actress and model from the Philippines. The embarrassed presenter wrote on Twitter: “I’d like to apologise wholeheartedly to

Miss Colombia and Miss Philippines for my huge mistake. I feel terrible.” But Miss Wurtzbach, the first Miss Universe winner from the Philippines in over 40 years, took the mix-up in her stride, saying: “It’s a very non-traditional crowning moment. It is very 2015.” It was also the first time viewers had a chance to cast a vote, rating contestants in the swimwear, eveninggown and interview competitions. But the colourful event was marred by tragedy shortly before the end when a car mounted a pavement close to the Las Vegas venue and ploughed into pedestrians, killing one person and injuring at least 37 others. To make matters worse, Police said the fatal crash was intentional. 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016


19 CW

CW 20

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Festive Films Christmas Day The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause BBC1, 11:00 Disney adventure comedy sequel. Santa has problems: it’s a few days before Christmas and toy production is lagging. His alter ego, Scott Calvin, is expecting a baby by way of wife Carol, and his inlaws plan to visit. To make matters worse, the evil Jack Frost is on probation and under Santa’s supervision at the toy factory. Before long Frost is loose and causing mischief, tempting Santa to invoke a little-known power - the Escape Clause - by wishing he’d never taken on the role. Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted BBC1, 12:25 Family animation. New York stowaways Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Melman the giraffe and Gloria the hippo are still trying to wing their way back to the Big Apple from Madagascar. The quartet reach Monte Carlo but attract the attention of an animal control officer. In their efforts to escape, the gang bundle onto a circus train and convince the circus animals they are Big Top entertainers, all part of a crazy plan that will have them clowning and high-wiring all the way back to America. Happy Feet ITV1, 11:30 Animated adventure. Mumble is a young emperor penguin, but he is not like the others. Emperors are born to sing, but Mumble is only capable of dancing. Being different is not easy, and eventually Mumble finds himself cast out from the emperor penguins’ community and on the adventure of a lifetime with a group of carefree Adelie penguins. On his travels he discovers the real cause of the fish shortage which is

them into his scheme, using them to distract his arch enemy, but he soon finds his affection for the girls has grown and he must choose between being an evil genius or a doting parent.

threatening the penguin population, and vows to do something to save them all before it is too late. The Snowman and the Snowdog Channel 4, 13:15 A charming animated sequel to Raymond Briggs’s classic The Snowman. When a young boy, Billy, and his mother move house, he discovers a box hidden under the floorboards of his bedroom. In the box, he finds a hat, scarf, some lumps of coal and a shrivelled tangerine - it’s a snowman-making kit! When it begins to snow the child builds a Snowman and, with some spare snow, a Snowdog. That night, at the stroke of midnight, the Snowman and the Snowdog magically come to life! Billy awakes and joins them on an amazing adventure, flying over London and onwards to the North Pole, where they join Snowmen and Snowwomen from around the world. The Muppet Christmas Carol Channel 4, 13:45 The Muppets take on Dickens’ festive classic, directed by Brian Henson, starring a remarkably game Michael Caine as Scrooge, with Kermit as Bob Cratchit, Miss Piggy as his wife and Gonzo as Charles Dickens himself, acting as the narrator. All elements of the story are faithfully adhered to, albeit it interspersed with songs, and the conclusion is as heart-warming as in Dickens’ original.

Boxing Day Home Alone 3 Channel 4, 15:30 Raja Gosnell directs this third film in the successful comedy series, written by John Hughes, who directed the first two. Alex D Linz plays Alex Pruitt, stranded at home with chickenpox. His dad is away on business and his mum is out all day. By a series of coincidences, he ends up in possession of a top-secret US Air Force microchip, which four crooks want to steal and sell to the enemy. But they haven’t reckoned on Alex’s ability to improvise deadly booby traps from everyday household items. As with the first two movies, once the plot is in place, there is a series of satisfying set pieces, with the baddies continually outwitted by Alex. Despicable Me ITV2, 18:40 Animation. A criminal mastermind plots to shrink and steal the moon, but his plans are disrupted by the arrival of three orphaned girls trying to sell cookies. He decides to recruit

Skyfall ITV2, 20:30 James Bond returns to hunt a mysterious enemy that threatens to bring down MI6. After dropping seemingly to his death on a failed mission, Bond’s presumed demise leaves the job of boss M on the line. Back in London, her post is scrutinised further when a bomb decimates the MI6 building, forcing their operation underground. Chilling villain Raoul Silva claims responsibility, before holding M to ransom with stolen top secret information. Bond is desperately needed, so when he reappears from the dead, M ensures he’s thrust straight back into action. As he goes gunning for Silva, can the jaded agent rediscover his lust for the job and save Queen, country and M once again?

Monday 28th December Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death BBC1, 19:30 Wallace and Gromit have opened a new bakery business, Top Bun, but local bakers are being targeted by a mysterious assassin. Wallace is unconcerned as he is besotted with the former star of the BakeO-Lite bread commercials, but can Gromit discover the identity of the Cereal Killer before Wallace becomes the next victim? Mirror Mirror Channel 4, 16:25 Family fantasy adventure. Julia Roberts, Armie Hammer and Lily Collins star in Tarsem Singh’s reworking of the Snow White fairy tale. When her father the King goes missing

on a quest to save his kingdom, the 18-yearold Snow White is left alone with her stepmother the Queen, who has raised the girl since her natural mother died giving birth to her. This devotion should not be mistaken for love, for the Queen is utterly selfabsorbed and evil. And when both women are equally attracted to the visiting Prince Alcott, the monarch decides to kill her rival. But Brighton, the henchman told to dispatch the princess, can’t bring himself to fulfil his task and lets her go. And thus, deep in the forest, Snow White discovers a band of brigand dwarves who are only too happy to help her win the hand of her prince and depose her murderous stepmother.

New Years Eve The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn BBC1, 10:55 Animated adventure based on the popular cartoon hero. Intrepid reporter Tintin buys a cheap model of a sailing ship in a market, but is immediately accosted by a sinister man who wants to buy the model from him. The reason behind the man’s interest is that the model is one of three, each containing a parchment scroll showing the whereabouts of a sunken treasure. However,

all three scrolls need to be seen together before the location of the treasure is revealed. Our hero joins forces with a drunken captain, whose ancestor commanded the original treasure ship, to thwart the man’s evil plan and find the treasure themselves.

New Years Day Little Women BBC2, 12:45 Adaptation of the classic Louisa May Alcott story about growing up in 1860s America. While their father is away fighting in the Civil War, Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy grow up with their mother in somewhat reduced circumstances. They are a close family who inevitably have their squabbles and tragedies, but their bond sustains them even when male friends The Terminal BBC2, 17:55 Drama inspired by real events. Viktor Navorski is visiting New York when there is a coup in his eastern European home country. By the time he arrives in America, Navorski is stranded with a passport from nowhere and finds that he is forced to live in the terminal building until peace returns. Flight attendant Amelia is the one redeeming aspect of the situation, but can he win her heart?

21 CW

CW 22

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Xmas Day

Christmas Eve 06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:00......... David Suchet: In the Footsteps of St Paul 10:00 ........ On Angel Wings 10:30 .......The Santa Clause 12:00 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00...... BBC News at One 13:20 ................. Snow Chick 14:20 ..................A Christmas Carol 15:50 ............ Finding Nemo 17:20................... Harry Hill in Professor Branestawm Returns 18:20 .............. BBC News 18:40 ................ Celebrity Mastermind 19:10................. Pointless Celebrities Christmas Special 20:00 ............. Would I Lie to You at Christmas 20:30............ EastEnders 21:05.......... Peter Kay: 20 Years of Funny 22:05.......... Walliams and Friends 22:45 ...... Not Going Out 23:30 .............. BBC News 23:45................ Midnight Mass From St George’s Cathedral, Southwark

W C choice

06:20 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 07:20......Home Comforts at Christmas 08:05............... This Wild Life 08:35 .................Great British Menu 09:05............. Bedknobs and Broomsticks 11:00 ......... The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure 12:00 .............Natural World 13:00 ........ Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit 14:45 ...................... Perry and Croft: Made in Britain 15:15 .................... Snow Wolf Family and Me 16:15..................... Snow Wolf Family and Me 17:15....................Carols from King’s 18:30......................... To the Manor Born 19:00.............Dad’s Army 19:30............... University Challenge 20:00............ MasterChef: The Professionals 21:00................ The Great History Quiz: The Tudors 22:00...... The Scandalous Lady W 23:30.... Dial M for Murder

06:00 ......................Dino Dan 06:15 ......................Dino Dan 06:25 .............................Sooty 06:40 ......................... Super 4 07:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas 10:25........................ Pick Me! 11:25 ................... Back to the Future Part II 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 13:45............. Small Soldiers 15:50 .........................National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 17:40.............................All Star Mr and Mrs 18:45.......................... ITV Evening News

06:15 ............... Small Animal Hospital 07:00 ...........................The Big Bang Theory 07:40 ............The Snowman 08:05 .............................Father Christmas 08:35 .............The Simpsons 09:10.......................... Animals United 10:55 ........Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who 12:30 ................. Stuart Little 14:10 .........................Channel 4 News 14:15 ...........It’s a Wonderful Life 16:55............ The Snowman 17:25 .... The Snowman and the Snowdog 18:00.............. Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Jamie’s Night Before Christmas 20:00 ................ My Crazy Christmas Lights 21:00 .................. 8 Out of 10 Cats

06:00 ...............Children’s TV

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk

06:00 ...................... Breakfast

09:30 ..........The Real Face of Santa Claus

06:10 .........1000 Heartbeats for Text Santa

10:30 .....................Gone with the Wind

07:00 ..................Emmerdale

14:45........................ The Dam Busters

08:00 ............... Keep it in the Family Christmas Special

07:30 .....Coronation Street

17:20 ........................ Scrooge

09:00 .................. Santa Baby

19:00............... Christmas Makes You Laugh Out Loud

10:55 ..................Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure

07:00 ......................Dino Dan

11:00 ........The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause

13:15............. The Good Life

14:00.......... Top of the Pops

13:45.......... Frankenweenie

14:20 ................. You’ve Been Framed!

15:00................. The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 2015

15:05 .................. Tim Rice - A Life in Song

16:35......................BBC News 16:45..................... Stick Man

19:25....... The Nightmare Before Christmas

23:00..... Morecambe and Wise Live! 1973

21:00........ Casino Royale

15:10 ............................. Brave

17:15................ Doctor Who 18:15......... Strictly Come Dancing 19:30 ... Call the Midwife

20:45............ EastEnders 21:45. Mrs. Brown’s Boys

22:45................ ITV News

11:30..... In the Heart of the Sea: Special

09:00 ........ Storage Hunters

12:00 .......... Greatest Disney Songs

10:00 .Storage Hunters UK

13:00 ............ Best Christmas Movies Ever 14:30.............. The Big Movie Singalong

07:10.......... Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 08:35................. Trawlermen 09:30........ Storage Hunters 10:30. Storage Hunters UK 11:00.......Ice Road Truckers 12:00 .......................Top Gear 13:40 .......................Top Gear

15:30 .............The Simpsons

14:40 ................. Traffic Cops

16:00 .............The Simpsons

16:00 .......................Top Gear

16:30 ...........Modern Family

18:40.................Top Gear

18:00...... Modern Family

20:00................... Storage Hunters UK

18:30........ The Simpsons 19:00........ The Simpsons 20:00 ...............Star Wars: Greatest Moments 22:00.................. Trollied 23:00...... Bring the Noise Christmas Special

20:30................... Storage Hunters UK 21:00...... Mock the Week 21:40...... Mock the Week 22:20...... Mock the Week 23:00....................... QI XL

11:00 .....Carols from King’s

13:50 ...... BBC News at One

17:25 ......The Polar Express

08:00 .................Trawlermen

Aled Jones joins the congregation of St Elisabeth’s Church in the town of Reddish Stockport for their traditional candlelight Christmas Eve carol service. The celebrations include festive performances from Britain’s Got Talent winners Collabro, Memphis soul singer Toni Green, & singer-songwriter Laura White. Along with everyone’s favourite carols, the service also features Christmas prayers and bible readings from Ted Robbins (Phoenix Nigthts), Alex Bain (Coronation Street) and actor Lee Boardman (Great Night Out).

09:45 ......................The Cat in the Hat

10:00 .............Christmas Day Service Live From Bath Abbey

22:00....... Christmas with the Double Acts

10:00...........Flying Monsters with David Attenborough

ITV1, 23.00

06:40 .............................Sooty

16:20 ............... Catchphrase

21:45............Through the Keyhole

Christmas Carols on ITV

09:35 ........... Danger Mouse

15:20............. All Star Family Fortunes

06:00 ......................The Flash


06:25 .............................Sooty

08:20................ Herbie Rides Again

21:00............ Morecambe and Wise Christmas Special

20:30................ The Abba Christmas Party


07:20 .............Natural World

13:45 .........Merry Christmas Mr Bean

20:00 .............Coronation Street

23:00............Christmas Carols on ITV

09:20 ...............The Clangers

12:25 .............Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted

13:15 .....Coronation Street

20:25..... Happy Holidays with Bing and Frank

06:00 ......................Dino Dan

09:00 ...........Shrek the Halls

06:00 ............. The Road to El Dorado

12:15 .............Climbed Every Mountain - The Story Behind The Sound of Music

12:45.................. Emmerdale

19:55.......... Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly: Ol’ Blue Eyes is Back

19:00............ Emmerdale

08:00 ..................... Futurama

23 CW

06:00............. Football Gold 07:00 ...WWE SmackDown! 08:00......... Premier League 08:30 .......... Premier League 100 Club 09:00 ............. Football Gold 09:30 ......... Premier League 10:00 ............. Football Gold 11:00 .......... Premier League 100 Club 11:30......... Premier League 12:00............. Football Gold 12:30.......... Premier League 100 Club 13:00............. Football Gold 14:00......... Premier League 17:00 ............. Football Gold 17:30......... Barclays Premier League World 18:00 .... Premier League 18:30........ Football Gold 19:00......................... NFL 23:00 ...........NFL: Dwight Freeney Interview

22:25................... Michael Mcintyre’s Big Christmas Show

16:35 ........................... Romeo and Juliet 18:20............ The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 2015 18:30.................... World’s Sneakiest Animals 19:30............ Dad’s Army 20:00...................The Two Ronnies Christmas Show 20:50........Darcey’s Ballet Heroes

06:10 ......................Dino Dan

06:50 ......................Oddbods 07:15 ...............Horrid Henry 07:30 ...............Horrid Henry 07:45...................... Chowder 08:10............. Almost Naked Animals 08:25.................. Weekend at Christmas 09:25 ................. Santa Claus 11:30 ..................Happy Feet 13:35 ....................Text Santa 14:45............. ITV Lunchtime News 15:00.........HM the Queen



15:10.... Cameraman to the Queen 16:10... Countrywise Winter Wonderland

06:45 ..... Prep and Landing 07:30 ....................... The Bear 08:00 ..............A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventures 09:40 .............The Simpsons 11:15 ......................Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas 11:40......... Toy Story Toons 12:10 .......Father Christmas 12:40 ............The Snowman 13:15 .... The Snowman and the Snowdog 13:45 ................. The Muppet Christmas Carol 15:25 ........ Channel 4 News 15:35.................... Alternative Christmas Message 15:45..................... Scrooged 17:45....Home Alone 2: Lost in New York 20:00........ Gogglesprogs 21:00................ Alan Carr: Chatty Man 23:00..... 8 Out of 10 Cats 00:05............. Very British Problems at Christmas

06:00................Children’s TV 09:25 ....The Mr. Men Show 09:35 .........Toby’s Travelling Circus 09:50.................. Andre Rieu’s Christmas Spectacular 10:50........................ Scrooge 13:05 ......... Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 15:10....... The Wizard of Oz 17:10 ...........Michael Buble’s Christmas 2015 18:05.. Britain’s Favourite Christmas Songs 20:50......Chas and Dave’s Xmas Knees-Up 21:40.. Britain’s Favourite Abba Songs 23:05....... Sinatra at 100 An All-Star Grammy Concert 01:25.......... ABBA: Live in Concert

17:00 ....... Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs 18:00............ ITV Evening News 18:15 ........... You’ve Been Framed

06:00 ......................The Flash 08:00.........Swipe in Iceland

07:10.......... Extreme Fishing with Robson Green

18:45............ Emmerdale

08:30 .........Game Changers

08:00................. Trawlermen

19:45..............Coronation Street

09:00 .... Football’s Funniest Moments

08:35................. Trawlermen 09:00 ........ Storage Hunters

20:45.... Downton Abbey

10:00............................. Soccer AM - Christmas Special

09:30 ........ Storage Hunters

23:25............... BBC News

21:50............................ QI

23:40....Love Came Down at Christmas 23:45..Comedy Bloopers

22:20.......We’re Doomed! The Dad’s Army Story

00:15....... Not Going Out

23:20................... Gambit

22:45................. Our Cilla

01:00................ Surviving Christmas

00:40.............The Trouble with Harry

00:00..................... Dr. No

23:45................ ITV News

Her Majesty The Queen ITV1, 15.00

11:00 ...... A Kylie Christmas

10:00 .......................... Storage Hunters UK

13:00 ..... Star Wars Greatest Moments

10:30 .......................... Storage Hunters UK

15:00 ...................The Queen

11:00......................... Ice Road Truckers

15:10..... Football’s Funniest Moments 16:00 .............The Simpsons 16:30 ...........Modern Family 18:30........ The Simpsons 21:00...................... Stella 22:30............ A League of Their Own 23:30...........Duck Quacks Don’t Echo

The Queen makes her annual address to the nation and the Commonwealth.

06:00......Christmas Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:25...................Emmerdale 07:25......Coronation Street 07:55....Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas 08:55.................. You’ve Been Framed! 10:15................ Catchphrase 11:15..........Merry Christmas Mr Bean 11:50........................ Mr. Bean 12:25...................Emmerdale 13:25......Coronation Street 14:00.......The Polar Express 15:55............................E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial 18:15.......The Lost World: Jurassic Park 20:45.................Quantum of Solace 22:55............. The Bourne Supremacy 01:05....... Celebrity Juice

00:30.............A League of Their Own

12:00 .......................Top Gear 18:40 ......... Tim Vine: The Joke-Amotive 20:00 ...... Not Going Out 22:00 ......Have I Got a Bit More News for You 23:00 ...........Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled 00:00 ..............Room 101 00:40.............. Room 101 01:20 ..............Room 101

06:00 ............. Football Gold 06:30....... WWE Main Event 07:30......... Game Changers 08:00 ............ La Liga Special - Ronaldo-Real Madrid’s Greatest Goalscorer 08:30................... Barcelona’s Strikeforce Special 09:00................ La Liga Goles y Goles y Goles 10:00 ............................ Soccer AM - Christmas Special 11:00............ La Liga Special - Ronaldo-Real Madrid’s Greatest Goalscorer 11:30......................... La Ligal: Barcelona’s 3 Kings 12:00 ............ Best of Gillette Soccer Saturday 12:30 ............................ Soccer AM - Christmas Special 13:30 ............ La Liga Special - Ronaldo-Real Madrid’s Greatest Goalscorer 14:00.......................... La Ligal: Barcelona’s 3 Kings 14:30............ La Liga Goles y Goles y Goles

CW 24

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Boxing day

Sunday 27th December

06:00 ...................... Breakfast

06:00 .............. Race to Super Bowl 50

11:30 .....Home Comforts at Christmas

06:50........................... Flog It!

06:00.................. Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge

07:35 .................Tom Thumb

06:25............... Pat and Stan

12:15 .....................BBC News

09:05 ........................ Hotel for Dogs

10:00 ...... Saturday Kitchen

12:25 ............Football Focus 13:00 .....Comic Relief 2015: Thanks a Billion!

10:35 .................Ten Pieces II

14:00 .Wallace and Gromit: A Grand Day Out

13:00 .............Natural World

11:35 ......................... G-Force

06:15 .. Ramona and Beezus

06:00................Children’s TV

08:00 ........The Morning Line

09:00 .. The Saturday Show

09:00.. The Big Bang Theory 09:30.. The Big Bang Theory

06:30 ................Pat and Stan

10:00.. The Big Bang Theory

06:35 ......................Dino Dan

10:25 ............... The Simpsons

06:50...................... Dino Dan

10:55 ............... The Simpsons

06:00 ...................Emmerdale Omnibus

06:00 ...................... Breakfast

11:00 .........................The Dog Rescuers Christmas Special with Alan Davies

09:00.................... Coronation Street Omnibus

12:00 ....... The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe

13:40...................Happy Feet

11:55.................... Space Jam

11:25 ..........Fantastic Mr. Fox

15:10............................. Diana

14:00 .......... Attenborough’s Paradise Birds

07:15.......................... Super 4

13:10 ........Channel 4 Racing

17:15................. One Chance

07:30....................... Mr. Bean

15:30 ...............Home Alone 3

15:00 .........................Bedtime Stories

07:45....................... Mr. Bean

17:25........... Channel 4 News


15:25............... Puss in Boots 16:45 ..................The Croods

16:30 ...................Final Score

17:35 .......... The Secret Life of Children at Christmas

18:10 .......... The Farmer’s Llamas

17:30 ..................Don’t Panic! The Dad’s Army Story

08:00............. The Aquabats! Super Show!

19:05................Christmas Makes You Laugh Out Loud 20:05................. Chas and Dave’s Xmas Knees-Up

17:55.................. You’ve Been Framed!

18:40 .............. BBC News

18:20 ......We’re Doomed! The Dad’s Army Story

18:50. BBC London News 19:00 ............ Dickensian 19:30 ............ EastEnders 20:00.............Still Open CW All Hours choice 20:30............ Dickensian 21:00..... And Then There Were None

19:20............ Dad’s Army 20:00................ Top Gear 21:00 ............ A Gert Lush Christmas

22:00 .............. BBC News

22:00 ..............Abz on the Christmas Farm

22:20 .......... The National Lottery Live

22:30 ..... Backchat Looks Back

22:30... Match of the Day

23:30........... Kinky Boots

00:05.........The Guardian

01:15 ...................Marnie

W C choice

Still Open All Hours BBC1, 20.00

It’s Christmas at Arkwright’s and Granville has his eye on a tree - which gives him more than he bargained for. Nurse Gladys gossips with Mrs. Featherstone about tactics for her new job and Eric and Cyril embark on a new fitness plan to impress their wives. Meanwhile, as Granville plans a cosy festive drinks party, can he and Gastric tempt Madge into the Christmas spirit?

08:30 ...............Thunderbirds are Go 09:00 ................The Tom and Jerry Show 09:15.................The Tom and Jerry Show 09:25................... Elf: Buddy’s Musical Christmas

18:30.... Britain’s Favourite Children’s Book 20:00............Inside Lego at Christmas 21:00............... Big Fat Quiz of the Year 23:05.................Rude Tube 00:10...................Alan Carr: Chatty Man

10:55................... Back to the Future Part III

06:00 ......................The Flash 07:00 ......................The Flash

13:20............... Jurassic Park

10:00 ................. Soccer A.M.

15:40 ..................... Midsomer Murders

12:00 ..................... Futurama

17:40.............. ITV News and Weather

13:00...................... Futurama

18:00 ...........The Nation’s Favourite Disney Song

14:00.......... Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather

22:30........Most Shocking Christmas TV Moments

18:40....... Despicable Me 20:30.................... Skyfall

00:30.......Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!

23:20............. The Bourne Ultimatum

01:25..........Super Casino

08:00 ...........Treasure Island

12:30 ..................... Futurama 13:30 ..................... Futurama

16:00..... Star Wars: Greatest Moments

07:10 ..........Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 08:00 ......................... Red Bull X-Fighters 2015 09:00 .......Red Bull Soapbox Race 2015 10:00 .. The Indestructibles 11:00 ................. Traffic Cops 12:20....................... Top Gear 13:20....................... Top Gear 16:00 .......Red Bull Soapbox Race 2015

20:00................ Peter and Wendy

18:30........ The Simpsons

18:00.................. Red Bull Soapbox Race 2015

19:00 ....... The Simpsons

22:05 .........The Jonathan Ross Show

19:00.................Top Gear

19:30 ....... The Simpsons

20:00................. Dynamo: Magician Impossible

23:10......... ITV News and Weather

21:00 ..... Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life

21:00.............. Room 101

23:25 ........... From Russia with Love

22:00................ Bad Boys

00:20 Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled

01:25............ Jackpot247

18:25.....................Minion Madness Shorts

01:35....... Celebrity Juice

13:05............... ITV News and Weather

19:00 ..................Surprise Surprise

16:50.................... Coronation Street

21:00..... Football League Tonight

10:25 ................. You’ve Been Framed!

18:00 ....... The Simpsons

20:00 ....... The Simpsons

01:20......... Duck Quack’s Don’t Echo

23:00.. Gavin and Stacey

01:20...... Mock the Week

07:40 ...... Match of the Day

06:20................... Big Dreams Small Spaces

06:00 .................. Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge

05:10 ...... Location, Location, Location

09:15 .............Flushed Away

07:20 .................. Countryfile

06:25 ................Pat and Stan

06:05............................. Flicka 2

09:10 .........Toby’s Travelling Circus

10:35 ...................Megamind

08:15.................A Man for All Seasons

06:30 ................Pat and Stan

07:40.................................. Paws

09:25................... Jelly Jamm

06:35...................... Dino Dan

09:20............. Sunday Brunch

09:35 .....................LazyTown

10:15........................ Saturday Kitchen Best Bites

06:50...................... Dino Dan

12:20................ The Simpsons

10:00.... The Mr. Men Show

07:00 .............. Share a Story

12:45 ............... The Simpsons


13:10........ Channel 4 Racing

10:15 ......... Football League Tonight

11:45.......... The Hairy Bikers and Lorraine Pascale

07:10 .............................Sooty

15:35 .................................Hugo

07:25 ......................... Super 4

17:55 ...........Channel 4 News

07:35 ....................... Mr. Bean 07:50 ....................... Mr. Bean

19:30 ............ Dickensian

12:45........... A Culture Show Special

18:00 ................... Celebrity Fifteen to One

20:00 ............... Still Open All Hours

13:45 .......... The Cockleshell Heroes

20:30 ............ Dickensian

15:20 ..............The Heroes of Telemark

12:00 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:15 .......... Songs of Praise 13:50 ............. Mary Poppins

07:05............................. Sooty

14:25........ A Grand Night in: The Story of Aardman

25 CW

16:05 ...... Oz: The Great and Powerful 18:05 .............. BBC News 18:30 ............Countryfile

21:00..... And Then There Were None 22:00 .............. BBC News 22:25................ Catherine Tate’s Nan 23:00......... Miranda Hart: My, What I Call, Live Show 00:00............ Ghost Town

06:00 ............. Football Gold 07:00 ......... Premier League 07:30 .........Barclays Premier League Review 08:00 .........Game Changers 08:30 .........Barclays Premier League Review 09:00 ..................The Fantasy Football Club 10:00................. Soccer A.M. 12:00 ................ Jamie VardyRecord Breaker 12:30 ........................ Football 15:00 ...........................Boxing 17:00 ........................ Football 19:30 ......................Jamie Vardy- Record Breaker 20:00............. Fight Night Review of 2015 22:00 .............SNF: Match Choice 23:30 .............SNF: Match Choice 01:00 .............SNF: Match Choice

01:35.............Weather for the Week Ahead 01:40............... BBC News

17:25....................... Porridge 18:10.......... Deep Impact 20:00........ Dragons’ Den 21:00........ Gorilla Family and Me 22:00.....U2 - iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE Live In Paris

08:25 ..................Weekend at Christmas 09:25 ........................Big Star’s Little Star 10:25 ........................Celebrity Squares

ITV1, 21.00 Having withdrawn from society following the suicide of a young soldier, con artist Harry Price is drawn back into the land of the living when an MP’s wife, Grace Goodwin, is found naked in the streets of her local constituency. Fearing a scandal may taint a promising career for her husband, Edward Goodwin, Sir Charles Harwood recruits Harry Price to investigating Grace’s condition. If Harry is unable or unwilling to assist, she will be committed to an asylum.

19:00........... Million Pound Motors 20:00 ..............Walking the Himalayas 21:00 ................Homeland 22:10 ........8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:10.The Inbetweeners 2

11:10 ....................Superman

01:05....The Inbetweeners

14:00.............. ITV News and Weather

01:35....The Inbetweeners

07:00 ......... Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? 08:00 ...........Treasure Island 10:00 ................. Wild Things

18:00 ................ ITV News London 18:15......... ITV News and Weather 18:30 ........... You’ve Been Framed!

11:00 .................... WWE Raw 12:00 ...........Modern Family 14:00...........Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather 16:00 .............The Simpsons 17:00 .............. The Muppets 17:30 .............The Simpsons

19:00..... Jekyll and Hyde

18:00 .............Fungus the Bogeyman

20:00..... Jekyll and Hyde

19:30........ The Simpsons

21:00..........Harry Price: W 20:00 ............... Football’s C Funniest Moments Ghost Hunter choice 21:00......... Hawaii Five-0 23:00......... ITV News and Weather 22:00..NCIS: Los Angeles 23:15......................Rugby Highlights 00:15............ Jackpot247

06:10............ Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:30................... Emmerdale Omnibus 09:45....... Coronation Street Omnibus 12:50................ Catchphrase

14:25 .............The Searchers 16:45 ...... Escape to Victory

13:50.................. You’ve Been Framed!

19:00...World’s Strongest Man 2015

14:50....................Beethoven 16:35............The Lost World: Jurassic Park

19:55... 5 News Weekend 20:00............ On Benefits: Cashing in for Christmas

19:05............. Uncle Buck 21:00....... Bridget Jones’s Diary

21:00........Most Shocking Celebrity Moments 2015

23:00........ Scary Movie 5 00:45............. Release the Hounds

23:55...Autopsy: The Last Hours of Robin Williams

01:45............... Pampered Pooches: Hollywood

00:55..........Super Casino

06:00.... The Hour of Power

16:00 ..................... Midsomer Murders

06:00 ...... Alesha Dixon: The Hot Desk

11:45 ..................... Cromwell

14:15 ...........Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium

00:25.......Telstar: The Joe Meek Story

Harry Price: Ghost Hunter

W C choice

08:00............. The Aquabats! Super Show!

06:00................Children’s TV

23:00............... The Force: Manchester 01:00......................... NFL

07:10.......... Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 08:00 ......................... Red Bull X-Fighters 2015 09:00........Red Bull Soapbox Race 2015 11:00.. Storage Hunters UK 11:30.. Storage Hunters UK 12:00......... Storage Hunters 12:30......... Storage Hunters 16:00........................... Storage Hunters UK 16:30.........The Hunt for Red October 19:00....................... QI XL 20:00...Gavin and Stacey 21:20....... Not Going Out 22:20........... Blackadder’s Christmas Carol 23:20............................ QI 00:00............................. QI 01:20.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You

06:00 ................... SNF: Match Choice 09:00 ......................... Football Gold 09:15 ......................... Football Gold 09:30 ......................... Football Gold 09:45.......................... Football Gold 10:00 .................. The Sunday Supplement 11:30........................ Goals on Sunday 13:30 ........................ Football 16:15 ........................ Football 19:00 ........... World Darts Championship 23:00 ..................Football League Goals 00:00................. Goals on Sunday 01:00 ............The Sunday Supplement

CW 26

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Monday 28th December

Tuesday 29th December

06:00...................... Breakfast

06:00 ......................Dino Dan

09:00.....................Bee Movie

06:15 ...... Homes Under the Hammer

10:20 ...........Old Jack’s Boat: Storm in a Teacup

07:15 ...............Escape to the Continent

11:00................................. Bolt

07:45............... This Wild Life

12:30 .............. Bargain Hunt

08:15 .............. This Wild Life

13:10 .....................BBC News

08:45 ........................ Ivanhoe

13:25 ....BBC London News

10:30......... The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure

13:30 ..............Father Brown 14:20 ........... Cool Runnings 15:55 ................The Gruffalo 16:25................. Madagascar 17:45 .......................Pointless 18:30.............. BBC News 18:45.BBC London News 19:00 ................ Celebrity Mastermind 19:30 ........... Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death 20:00............ EastEnders 20:30................. Miranda 21:05..... And Then There Were None 22:05 .............. BBC News 22:20 ........... BBC London News 22:30..................Match of the Day 00:00..... F1 2015 Review

11:30 .......The Great Pottery Throw Down 12:30.................. Les Dawson Talking Comedy 13:00 .......... The Bear Family and Me 14:00............................. Coast 15:00 .................Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth 16:00........................... Flog It! 16:30................... Final Score 17:30 .......................The Clare Balding Show 18:00.......... What Women Want

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk

06:00 ...................... Breakfast

06:10 ......................Dino Dan

10:50 .An American in Paris

06:10 ..................Emmerdale

07:30 ...... Match of the Day

06:25 .............................Sooty

06:50.............. See Spot Run

13:00 ........Anchors Aweigh

07:00 .....Coronation Street

09:00 .....................Shark Tale

06:35 ......................... Super 4

08:35........................... The Big Bang Theory

07:00 ....................... Mr. Bean 07:15 ....................... Mr. Bean 07:30 ....................... Mr. Bean 07:45 ....................... Mr. Bean 08:00 ................The Tom and Jerry Show

08:40 ............. Almost Naked Animals

ITV1, 17.30

The Hedgehog Hotel offers a rare and magical glimpse into the mysterious moonlit world of one of our best loved, but littleknown animals. Set in a garden paradise, designed to provide the perfect conditions for a group of rescued hedgehogs to thrive, the film follows a cast of prickly characters as they prepare for their return to the wild.

18:30.... Channel 4 News 19:05 .................A Frozen Christmas

08:55.............. Horrid Henry

20:00.... The World’s Most Expensive Food

09:10.............. Horrid Henry

21:00 ............ Gogglebox

09:25................... Dickinson’s Real Deal

22:35......... Tattoo Fixers

10:30............... Judge Rinder 11:30......... Who’s Doing the Dishes?

15:55 ............... High Society

15:30 ..................... Midsomer Murders

00:45........... Jackpot247

09:00 ...................The Almost Impossible Gameshow

18:55...World’s Strongest Man 2015 20:00............Building the Ice Hotel

23:00.......... Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly: Ol’ Blue Eyes is Back 23:35...... Happy Holidays with Bing and Frank

23:40.......... David Blaine 00:50 ..............The Omen

01:35..........Super Casino

12:45 .....................BBC News 13:00 ....BBC London News 13:10 ..............Father Brown

08:00..................... Futurama 08:30..................... Futurama

00:15............. Strike Back 01:15............. Strike Back

07:45............... This Wild Life 08:15..........An Island Parish: Falklands 08:45................... Show Boat

15:45 ................. The Nation’s Favourite Disney Song

16:25 ................ Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

12:30.................. Peter Sellers Talking Comedy

17:45 .......................Pointless

16:45............... Catchphrase

18:30 .............. BBC News

13:00 .......... The Bear Family and Me

17:45 ............The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

18:45.BBC London News

21:00........ Casino Royale

19:30............. EastEnders

23:55....... Celebrity Juice

20:00.............. Holby City

01:00............. Release the Hounds

19:00 ................ Celebrity Mastermind

21:00..... David Beckham: For the Love of the Game 22:30............... BBC News 22:45.BBC London News

07:00 ......................The Flash

06:25............................. Sooty

11:30 .......The Great Pottery Throw Down

06:00 ......................The Flash

07:15................Escape to the Continent

16:00 .............. The Gruffalo’s Child

14:00 .......... The Flintstones

22:00.............Sinatra Live in New York

12:00 .............. Bargain Hunt

06:00...................... Dino Dan

10:30......... The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure

12:10 ........Beethoven’s 2nd

21:00................ The Frank Sinatra Story

10:20 .............................Cars 2

06:15....... Homes Under the Hammer

14:00 ......National Treasure

10:00............. Arthur and the Great Adventure

19:50....................5 News

00:05...................Football League Tonight

10:00........... Modern Family 17:30.................Hedgehog CW Hotel choice 10:30........... Modern Family 18:25................ ITV News 12:00..................... Futurama London 12:30 ................... Fungus the 18:45............ ITV Evening Bogeyman News 14:00...........Terry Pratchett’s 19:00............ Emmerdale The Colour of Magic 19:30 .............Coronation 16:00............. The Simpsons Street 16:30 ...........Modern Family 20:00 ......... Countrywise 18:30 .............Fungus the 20:30 .............Coronation Bogeyman Street 20:00.............Big Cats: An 21:00......... John Bishop’s Amazing Animal Family Gorilla 21:00.................. S.W.A.T. Adventure 23:15.............A League of 22:00..... ITV News at Ten Their Own and Weather 22:15........... The Holiday

08:00 ..................Britain’s Got More Talent

18:00..... Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild

12:30 ............... Catchphrase

14:30 .......Surprise Surprise

Hedgehog Hotel

14:55.............. Stuart Little 2

18:35.............. Hollyoaks

21:00............. Behind the Candelabra

00:50......The Apprentice

13:15 ................ Marmaduke

08:25............. Almost Naked Animals

13:30 ....................... Our Cilla

01:05............... BBC News

11:50 .............The Simpsons

16:25 ...............Mirror Mirror

20:30........ Only Connect

23:50........ Dragons’ Den

10:05 ........ Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer

08:10 ................The Tom and Jerry Show

13:15............. ITV Lunchtime News

22:50... Two Doors Down

W C choice

06:00................Children’s TV

20:00 .............. University Challenge

01:00 ..... Weather for the Week Ahead

06:10 ............... Small Animal Hospital

06:50......................... Super 4

27 CW

22:55.............. Peter Kay’s Car Share

14:00 ............................. Coast 15:00................. Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth 16:00 ...........................Flog It! 16:55............. Natural World 17:55.....Finding Neverland 19:30............... University Challenge

06:00........ Goals on Sunday

07:20...........Extreme Fishing with Robson Green

07:15 ............. Football Gold

23:25........... Mrs. Brown’s Boys

07:30............. Football Gold


22:30 ........ Albert Nobbs

07:45.............. Football Gold 08:00....... Goals on Sunday

00:25...... Weather for the Week Ahead

00:15 ........ Race to Super Bowl 50

09:00 ............. Football Gold

00:30............... BBC News

01:05.................Top Gear

08:10.. Storage Hunters UK 08:35.. Storage Hunters UK 10:00.......Ice Road Truckers 12:00........................... Storage Hunters UK 16:00.......Ice Road Truckers 17:00.......Ice Road Truckers 18:00............................ QI 18:40............................ QI 20:00........... Blackadder’s Christmas Carol 21:00.....Blackadder Back and Forth

09:15............. Football Gold 09:30 ............. Football Gold 09:45 ............. Football Gold 10:00 ......... Premier League 11:30 ....... Goals on Sunday 12:30........................ Football 15:00................... Fight Night Review of 2015 17:00 ...............................FL72

21:45.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You

19:30............ World Darts Championship

22:45....................... QI XL

23:30 ........Football Gold

23:45.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You

23:45 ........Football Gold

00:45..... 8 Out of 10 Cats

01:00 ........................ NFL

00:00 ........................ NFL

W C choice

06:40 ......................... Super 4 07:00 ...............................Good Morning Britain

21:00........ Stephen Fry: A Life on Screen 22:00 ........................... QI

06:00................Children’s TV

06:00.............. The Hot Desk

06:45..... Dr. Dolittle: Million Dollar Mutts

08:25 ....................Paw Patrol

06:10 ......................The Cube

08:35. Bananas in Pajamas

06:55 ..................Emmerdale

08:50 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat

07:25......Coronation Street

08:15............................The Big Bang Theory 09:40 .............The Simpsons 10:40 ................ Captain Ron

09:25................... The Almost Impossible Gameshow

12:40 ...............New in Town

11:35.......Ice Road Truckers

10:25..... The Little Vampire

14:30........................ Coraline

12:30............Carry on Nurse

12:20 ..................Emmerdale

16:35........ Gulliver’s Travels

14:15........The Dam Busters

12:55..... Coronation Street

18:10.... Channel 4 News

16:40........................ What the Dambusters Did Next

13:55................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

18:10..... Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild

17:10 ............... Catchphrase

10:10 .............The Simpsons

09:25 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 10:30................. Who’s Doing the Dishes? 11:30........................ Pick Me! 12:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 12:45........... Evan Almighty 14:30 ..................... Midsomer Murders 16:30 ...................The Queen 18:30 ................ ITV News London 18:45............ ITV Evening News 19:00 ........... Emmerdale

18:30 .............. Hollyoaks 19:00......... Inside Lego at Christmas 20:00..... The Supervet at Christmas 21:00..... 8 Out of 10 Cats

22:25 .........American Pie 00:05 ........... Jackpot247

Gareth Malone’s Great Choir Reunion BBC2, 20:00

To mark the 10th anniversary of The Choir, Gareth Malone tracks down members from all his choirs for one huge reunion party. The centrepiece will be his Choir of Choirs, made up of his most talented singers from across the decade. But he has got just four short weeks - can he bring them all together and pull off a performance worthy of a decade’s work getting the nation singing?

19:15 ................. Liar Liar

20:00.........Snowtrapped 21:00................Flowers in the Attic

00:05.............Kingdom of Heaven

01:15..........Super Casino

21:00...... The Shawshank Redemption 23:55....... Celebrity Juice

22:45..... Erin Brockovich

01:00............... Pampered Pooches: Hollywood

08:00 ..................... Futurama

22:10 ............... ITV News

18:10............ You’ve Been Framed!

19:00...World’s Strongest Man 2015

22:00.............Big Fat Quiz of the Year

06:00 ......................The Flash 19:30.......... The Amazing Spider-Man

08:20.................. Britain’s Got More Talent

09:05........World’s Strongest Man 2015 10:05.......... Football League Tonight

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

20:00..................Gareth CW Malone’s Great choice Choir Reunion

07:00.................... Rocket City Rednecks

07:00.............. Football Gold

06:15.......................Dino Dan

06:05 ............... Small Animal Hospital

09:00................. Wild Things 10:00........... Modern Family 12:00..................... Futurama 12:30 ................... Fungus the Bogeyman 14:00...........Terry Pratchett’s The Colour of Magic 16:00............. The Simpsons 16:30........... Modern Family 18:30............. Fungus the Bogeyman 19:30........ The Simpsons 20:00 ..... Modern Family 21:00 ..... Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life 22:00...... Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life 23:00 ............A League of Their Own 00:00............. Strike Back

07:00 ................... Rocket City Rednecks 07:20...........Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 08:10.. Storage Hunters UK 10:00...........Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 12:00 .Storage Hunters UK 16:00 ......Ice Road Truckers 17:00 ......Ice Road Truckers 18:00................ Top Gear 19:00 .................. Storage Hunters UK 19:30................... Storage Hunters UK 20:00..... Storage Hunters UK Celebrity Special 21:00................. Dynamo: Magician Impossible 22:00........... Greg Davies: Firing Cheeseballs at a Dog 23:20............................ QI

06:00 ............. Football Gold 07:00 ........Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits 08:00 ........Big Bash League 11:30 ..............Pace Like Fire 12:00............ Adam Gilchrist Masterclass 12:30.......... SPFL Round Up 13:00.................. World Darts Championship 18:00 ..... SPFL Round Up 18:30 ..................Football League Goals 19:30 .................Football 22:00.................. Football League Goals 23:00 ..............Sky Sports Originals: The Sir Alex Ferguson Interview 23:30 ..............Sky Sports Originals - Cantona: Return of the King 00:00................ Football’s Greatest II 01:00...................Football League Goals

CW 28

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Wednesday 30th December

New years Eve

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:00................. The Princess and the Frog 10:30............... Chicken Run 11:50............... Bargain Hunt 12:50 .....................BBC News 13:05 ....BBC London News 13:10.............. Father Brown 14:00...... National Treasure: Book of Secrets 15:55 ....................... Room on the Broom 16:20 .............Monsters, Inc. 17:45 .......................Pointless 18:30.............. BBC News

06:20 ...... Homes Under the Hammer

06:00 ......................Dino Dan

07:20............... This Wild Life

06:25 .............................Sooty

07:50...... Terry and Mason’s Great Food Trip 08:20 ...................... Waterloo 10:30......... The Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure 11:30 .......The Great Pottery Throw Down 12:30 ........The Two Ronnies Talking Comedy 13:00 .......... The Bear Family and Me 14:00............................. Coast

18:45 ........... BBC London News

15:00 .................Atlantic: The Wildest Ocean on Earth

19:00 ................ Celebrity Mastermind

16:00 ...........................Flog It!

19:30..............A Question of Sport 20:00................. Antiques Roadshow 21:00.......Great Barrier W C Reef with David choice Attenborough 22:00................ BBC News at Ten

16:50 .............Natural World 17:50............................ Alice in Wonderland 19:30............... University Challenge 20:00.................Top Gear 21:00... Charlie Brooker’s End of Year Review 2015

22:15............ BBC London News 22:25................ Catherine Tate’s Nan 22:55........... Mrs. Brown’s Boys 23:35............Comic Relief 2015: Thanks a Billion! 00:35...... Weather for the Week Ahead 00:40............... BBC News

22:00 ............ A Gert Lush Christmas 23:00 ..... Mock the Week 23:30 ................ Backchat Looks Back 00:30 ......... The Shipping News

06:15 ......................Dino Dan 06:40 ......................... Super 4 07:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 10:30.............. Judge Rinder 11:30 .........Who’s Doing the Dishes? 12:30 ........ Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 14:20............. ITV Lunchtime News 14:35 ..................... Midsomer Murders 16:30 ........................Dinosaur Britain 17:30 ...............Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs

06:00........ Everybody Loves Raymond 06:25................ Small Animal Hospital 07:10.............. The Love Bug 09:15............................The Big Bang Theory 10:10............. The Simpsons 10:40 ..............The Phantom 12:40 ....................Chalet Girl 14:35 .............. Freaky Friday 16:35..... Sunshine on Leith 18:20 .... Channel 4 News 18:30............... Hollyoaks 19:00........ Gogglesprogs 20:00 .......... What Britain Bought in 2015 21:00 ............ 24 Hours in A and E 22:00....... The Millionaire Party Planner 23:05................. Fast Five 01:30.............. Rude Tube

06:00................Children’s TV 08:15 .....................Peppa Pig 08:35 ....................Paw Patrol 08:50 .Bananas in Pajamas 09:00 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat 09:15................... Wanda and the Alien 09:25........World’s Strongest Man 2015 10:25... Carry on Constable 12:10..........Carry on Spying 13:55.. Annie Get Your Gun 16:05..............Calamity Jane 18:10..... Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild 19:00...World’s Strongest Man 2015 20:00.......Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Snow 21:00...............Big Driver 22:50...... Needful Things 01:10..........Super Casino

06:00 ......................The Flash 07:00 ......................The Flash

19:30............. Coronation Street

08:00 ..................... Futurama

20:00................. Big Star’s Little Star

09:00................. Wild Things

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:15.......American Pie 2 00:10............ Jackpot247

Great Barrier Reef With David Attenborough BBC1, 21.00 In 1957 David Attenborough first visited one of our planet’s most extraordinary natural wonders, the Great Barrier Reef. Shrouded in mystery and difficult to explore, this underwater paradise was somewhere he always wanted to return to. Almost 60 years on, David has the opportunity to unlock the secrets of the reef like never before, using the latest filming techniques.

06:00 ...................... Breakfast

06:10 ................. You’ve Been Framed!

09:00 ............ Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings

06:35...................... The Cube 07:25.................. Emmerdale 07:50 ..................Britain’s Got More Talent 08:50................... The Almost Impossible Gameshow

10:05 ......... CBeebies Panto 10:55 .....The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn 12:30.............. Bargain Hunt

09:55.............. Horrid Henry: The Movie

13:00...... BBC News at One

11:50 ................. You’ve Been Framed!

13:20 .................. Harry Hill in Professor Branestawm Returns

12:50.................. Emmerdale 13:20................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:40............... Catchphrase 17:45 ............The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

13:10.... BBC London News

14:20 ..................Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers

21:00......Luke Kempner’s Impression of 2015 22:00....... Celebrity Juice 23:00........ Scary Movie 5 14:50 ...................................Up 16:15 ..................... Stick Man 16:45 ......................Take That

19:00............ Emmerdale

21:00......... It’ll be Alright on the Night

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk

18:30................. ITV News London 18:45 ........... ITV Evening News

08:30..................... Futurama 10:00 ...........Modern Family 10:30 ...........Modern Family

07:00 ................... Rocket City Rednecks 07:20 ..........Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 08:10 .Storage Hunters UK 10:00 ......................... Red Bull Soapbox Race

12:00..................... Futurama

11:00....... Red Bull Soapbox Race 2015

13:00................... Fungus the Bogeyman

12:00 ......... Storage Hunters UKCelebrity Special

14:00 ..........Terry Pratchett’s Going Postal

16:00....................... Top Gear

16:00 .............The Simpsons

18:00 ... Storage Hunters

16:30 ...........Modern Family 18:00...... Modern Family 18:30 ....... The Simpsons 20:00...... Modern Family

29 CW

17:00 .......................Top Gear 18:30................... Storage Hunters UK 19:00..... Storage Hunters UK Celebrity Special

21:00......... Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death

20:00............................... QI

23:00.............A League of Their Own

22:40.... Russell Howard’s Good News

00:00............. Strike Back

00:40...... Mock the Week

21:20.. Would I Lie to You?

06:00 ......... Football League Goals 07:00 .........Game Changers 07:30......... Fantasy Football Club Highlights 08:00 ........Big Bash League 11:30.............. Pace Like Fire 12:00 ............ Adam Gilchrist Masterclass 12:30 .........Fantasy Football Club Highlights 13:00 ......... Football League Goals 14:00 ............. Football Gold 14:25 .........Fantasy Football Club Highlights 14:55 ........................ Football 17:00.............. Ronaldo: Real Madrid’s Greatest... 17:30 ............. Pl 100: Robbie Fowler 18:00 .... Premier League 18:30 ........Pl 100: Steven Gerrard 19:00..................Football

17:45....................... Pointless 18:30 .............. BBC News 18:50 ........... BBC London News 19:00................ Celebrity Mastermind 19:30............Roald Dahl’s Esio Trot 21:00.............. BBC News 21:15........... Mrs. Brown’s Boys D’Movie 22:45............ The Graham Norton Show

06:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer

06:00 ......................Dino Dan


06:00................Children’s TV

07:00........................... Flog It!

06:15 ......................Dino Dan

08:40.The Big Bang Theory

08:10 ....................Paw Patrol

06:25 .............................Sooty

09:10.The Big Bang Theory

08:25 .Bananas in Pajamas

06:40 ......................... Super 4

09:35............. The Simpsons

07:00............ Good Morning Britain

10:05 .............The Simpsons

08:45................ Toot the Tiny Tugboat

08:30......................... Lorraine

11:05.............. Imagine That

07:45............... This Wild Life 08:15 .................Great British Menu 08:45 ........................Father of the Bride 10:15 .............Natural World 11:15........................ Custer of the West 13:30..................... Ice Station Zebra 15:50............................Flog It! 16:50 .......World’s Sneakiest Animals 17:50 ........... The Odd Life of Timothy Green

09:25 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal 10:30 .............. Judge Rinder 11:30 .........Who’s Doing the Dishes? 12:30...................... ITV News 12:40 ...............Dragonheart 14:30........ Dinosaur Britain 15:30.................... The Chase 16:30 ....... Downton Abbey

19:30 .............. University Challenge

18:30................ ITV News London

20:00.... Gareth Malone’s Great Choir Reunion

18:45............ ITV Evening News

21:00 .......The Sapphires

20:00 .............Coronation Street

22:40..................... Live at the Apollo

19:00............ Emmerdale

11.10.......Jools’ Annual Hootenanny 2015 Join Jools for his 23rd Annual Hootenanny - the only New Year’s party worth tuning into - and revel in the company of a variety of musical acts from the ages, to delight and enchant. As is the tradition on BBC Two, Jools Holland provides the best possible party to see in the last few traces of 2015 and welcome in 2016. As ever, Jools and his Rhythm & Blues Orchestra are joined by a mix of artists some who have had a stellar 12 months alongside those whose songs are timeless classics.

13:10 ............The Rocketeer 15:20 .......... Honey, I Shrunk the Kids 17:20 ........ Channel 4 News 17:35 ..................... Hollyoaks 18:35................. Celebrity Couples Come Dine with Me 19:30.......TFI Friday: New Year Special 21:00...............Alan Carr’s New Year Specstacular 23:10..... 8 Out of 10 Cats 00:10.............Big Fat Quiz of the Year

08:00 ..................... Futurama 09:00 ................. Wild Things 20:30 ........ Panda Babies

10:00 ...........Modern Family

21:35 ...................Birds of a Feather

10:30 ...........Modern Family

22:05 ....... Piers Morgan’s Life Stories

12:30..................... Futurama

23:05 ...........The Nation’s Favourite Bond Song

12:00 ..................... Futurama 14:00...........Terry Pratchett’s Going Postal 16:00 .............The Simpsons 16:30........... Modern Family 17:00 ...........Modern Family 18:30 ....... The Simpsons 20:00 ..... Modern Family

00:00........ New Year’s Eve Fireworks

21:00 ............... Football’s Funniest Moments

00:10.......... Bryan Adams Rocks Big Ben Live

22:00..... Bring the Noise 23:55................ ITV News

00:45........... Mrs. Brown’s Boys 01:10.................... Best of Glastonbury 2015

00:10........... The Nation’s Favourite Bond Song 00:40..............Goldfinger

06:50..................The X Factor Winner’s Story 2015 07:40.................. Emmerdale 08:05 .....Coronation Street

09:00 .......World’s Strongest Man 2015

08:30 ..................Britain’s Got More Talent

09:50 ....... Carry on Teacher

09:25................... The Almost Impossible Gameshow

11:30 ..... Sinatra at 100 - An All-Star Grammy Concert

10:25 ............ Arthur and the Great Adventure

13:50 ................ One Chance 15:55 .......The Wizard of Oz

12:30 ..................Emmerdale

18:00..... Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild

13:00......Coronation Street 13:30................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

18:50...World’s Strongest Man 2015

16:45 ............... Catchphrase

20:00............Ben Fogle in Winter Wonderland

17:45 ..........Luke Kempner’s Impression of 2015

21:00...........Britain’s Best Loved Double Acts

18:45................... E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

23:55........Most Shocking Christmas TV Moments

21:00..Quantum of Solace

01:55..........Super Casino

23:15........Celebrity Juice

06:00 ......................The Flash

23:30.......... Bryan Adams Rocks Big Ben Live

01:15......... Miranda Hart: My, What I Call, Live Show

10:35............. The Simpsons

06:00............ Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

23:00 ............A League of Their Own

07:00 ................... Rocket City Rednecks

06:00 ............. Football Gold

07:20...........Extreme Fishing with Robson Green

07:30 ............. Football Gold

08:10.... Storage Hunters UK 08:35.... Storage Hunters UK 09:00.... Storage Hunters UK 09:30.... Storage Hunters UK

07:00 ......... Premier League 08:00 ........Big Bash League 11:30...............Pace Like Fire 12:00 ............... Ford Football Special

10:00....... American Pickers

13:00........... Premier League 100 Club

11:00....... American Pickers

13:30.............. Football Gold

12:00........................... Storage Hunters UK

14:25.......... Premier League

12:30.. Storage Hunters UK

17:00...................World Darts Championship

16:00.......Ice Road Truckers 17:00........................Top Gear 18:25.................Top Gear 20:00................. Dynamo: Magician Impossible 21:00....................... QI XL

23:55........ New Year’s Eve Fireworks

22:00...... Mock the Week

00:15............. Strike Back

01:00.................Top Gear

00:00....................... QI XL

14:55......................... Football

21:00..............Fight Night Review of 2015 23:00...... SPFL Round Up 23:30.... Barclays Premier League World 00:00.....................La Liga Show 2015 00:30...... Premier League 100 Club

CW 30

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

New Years Day

Saturday 2nd January

06:00 ...............Breakfast 09:00 .....................Turbo 10:25 ................Monsters vs Aliens 11:55 ..................... Top of the Pops 12:55 ..... The Archbishop of Canterbury’s New Year Message 13:00 ............... BBC News at One 13:10........... BBC London News 13:15 ......... The Sound of Music 16:05........... The Farmer’s Llamas 16:30 ..................Wreck-it Ralph 18:05.............. BBC News 18:20........... BBC London News 18:30............ EastEnders 19:00 .............. Billionaire Boy 20:00 ............ EastEnders 20:30 ............ Dickensian 21:00 ................ Sherlock 22:30 .......... Mrs. Brown’s Boys 23:10.............. BBC News

06:35 ...........................Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas 07:50 .............Natural World 08:50 ............Viva Las Vegas 10:15 .............Darcey’s Ballet Heroes 11:15 ............New Year’s Day Concert Live From Vienna 2016 12:45 ..............Little Women 14:40 ..............The Eagle Has Landed 16:50 .............. Gorilla Family and Me 17.50.....................The Archbishop of Canterbury’s New Year Message On New Year’s Day, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, shares his reflections for the year ahead. He visits a school in Kent to meet students from around the world who have faced significant life-changing experiences, and hears their hopes and ambitions for 2016.

17:55 ...............The Terminal 20:00 .............. University Challenge 20:30................ The Many Faces of Ronnie Corbett

06:00 ......................Dino Dan 06:10 ......................Dino Dan 06:25 .............................Sooty 06:40 ......................... Super 4 07:00 ....................... Mr. Bean 07:15 ....................... Mr. Bean 07:30....................... Mr. Bean 07:45 ....................... Mr. Bean 08:00 ......................Oddbods 08:05 .............. A Grizzly New Year’s Tale 08:35 ............. Almost Naked Animals 08:50............. Almost Naked Animals 09:10 ...............Horrid Henry 09:25 ................... Dickinson’s Real Deal

10:10 .............The Simpsons 10:40 .............The Simpsons 11:15 .......................Inspector Gadget 12:55 .........................Channel 4 Racing 15:35 .................. The Golden Compass 17:50 ........ Channel 4 News 18:00 ................. Tangled 20:00............... Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast

11:30 ................ Who’s Doing the Dishes?

23:00.............. Rude Tube

12:25.........................Celebrity Squares

01:10.................. Damien: Omen II

06:00................Children’s TV 09:05 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat 09:20 ... Milkshake Monkey 09:25 ...................Wanda and the Alien 09:35.Thomas and Friends 10:50 ..........Carry on Cabby 12:35 .............. Harry and the Hendersons 14:45 .....Dracula: Dead and Loving It 16:30............ Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes 19:00...World’s Strongest Man Final 2015 20:00....... Christmas with the Double Acts 21:00........... An Audience with Ken Dodd 22:55.... Britain’s Favourite Stand-Up Comedian 01:55..........Super Casino

13:10............. ITV Lunchtime News

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk 06:10 ........... Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 06:35 ...................The Almost Impossible Gameshow 07:20 ..................Emmerdale 08:25 .....Coronation Street 08:55 ....................... Mr. Bean 09:30 ................... Space Jam 11:15................... Richie Rich 13:10 ..................Emmerdale 14:15 .....Coronation Street 14:45 ..................Happy Feet 16:55 ................. The Nation’s Favourite Disney Song 17:50 ........................... Minion Madness Shorts 18:05...... Despicable Me 20:00 ................... Skyfall 22:55 ...... Celebrity Juice 23:55............ Release the Hounds 00:55......Luke Kempner’s Impression of 2015

06:00...................... The Flash

17:35.......................Wild River with Ray Mears

09:00 .... We Love Penguins

22:20 ............. Catch Me If You Can

19:00 ........... Emmerdale 19:30..............Coronation Street 20:00 ..........Gino’s Italian Escape: Islands in the Sun 20:30..............Coronation Street 21:00.................... The Big Quiz 22:00................ ITV News 22:15..........The Jonathan Ross Show 23:20......... American Pie: The Wedding 01:00............ Jackpot247

10:00........................ Saturday Kitchen 11:30.............. James Martin: Home Comforts 12:00 .....................BBC News 12:10............ Football Focus 12:50 ........................Saturday Sportsday 13:00 ..............................Darts 16:30 ...................Final Score 17:10................. Mastermind Celebrity Special 17:40.................... BBC News 17:50.... BBC London News 18:00......... Bruce’s Hall of Fame with Alexander Armstrong

08:00 ..................... Futurama 10:00.............................. David Attenborough’s Micro Monsters 14:30.............................. David Attenborough’s Natural History History Museum Alive 16:00...............................David Attenborough Conquest of the Skies 19:00.............Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family 20:00...... Modern Family 21:00.............A League of Their Own

07:00.......... Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 07:50 ......................... Red Bull X-Fighters 2015 08:40 .......................Top Gear 10:10....................... Top Gear 11:50.......................... Storage Hunters UK 12:20 .......................... Storage Hunters UK 12:50 .......................... Storage Hunters UK 15:20....................... Top Gear 18:00 ..................Red Bull Soapbox Race 2015 19:00 ........... Taskmaster

22:00...... Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life

20:00 ........... Taskmaster

23:00.............A League of Their Own

22:00 ...........Pulp Fiction

00:00............. Strike Back

21:00 ........... Taskmaster 01:00 ................Top Gear

06:00.................. Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge

06:10 ........... How I Met Your Mother

06:00................Children’s TV

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk

07:00................. The Valley of Gwangi

06:20 ................Pat and Stan

09:30 .. The Saturday Show

06:30 .............The War of the Worlds

06:10 ...................Emmerdale Omnibus

08:35 .......................... Merrill’s Marauders

11:30 .........Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild

06:35 ......................Dino Dan

08:00.................The Morning Line

13:25........Columbo Goes to the Guillotine

09:00 ....................... True Grit

15:20....................... Columbo: Candidate for Crime

11:50................ The Big Quiz

11:40.............. Thunderbirds 13:30 ..................... Channel 4 Racing

17:15...The Hunt for Hitler’s Missing Millions

13:30........................The Little Vampire

16:00 ..................... Channel 4 News

18:10 ....... World War II in Colour

15:30............... Horrid Henry: The Movie

16:20 .............The Simpsons

19:00............Ben Fogle in Winter Wonderland

17:25..........................Liar Liar

10:10 .................Animal Park 11:10 .............Natural World 12:00 ..............James Martin: Home Comforts 12:30 ....... Len and Ainsley’s Big Food Adventure

07:00 .............. Share a Story 07:05 ......................Oddbods 07:10 .............................Sooty 07:20......................... Super 4 07:35........................ Mr. Bean

13:55 .................Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

08:05 .............The Aquabats! Super Show!

15:40............................. Coast

08:30 ...............Thunderbirds are Go

16:30 ..............................Darts 17:40............. Natural World 19:40 ..... The Many Faces of Ronnie Corbett

22:10 .............. BBC News

06:50 ......................Dino Dan

07:50 ....................... Mr. Bean

21:10 ................ Casualty 22:00.......... The National Lottery Live

06:30............... Pat and Stan

13:15......... Talking Pictures

18:40 ................... Flog It!

00:00 ...........Black Death

06:00 ... Sporting Triumphs 06:15 ... Sporting Triumphs 07:00 ... Sporting Triumphs 07:15 ... Sporting Triumphs 07:30 ... Sporting Triumphs 07:45 ... Sporting Triumphs 08:30 ... Sporting Triumphs 10:00 ... Sporting Triumphs 10:15 ... Sporting Triumphs 10:30 ... Sporting Triumphs 10:45 ... Sporting Triumphs 12:45 ... Sporting Triumphs 13:30... Sporting Triumphs 14:30 ........................ Football 17:00........................ Football 19:30............ World Darts Championship 23:00..................Sporting Triumphs 23:30 ........Football Gold 00:00. Sporting Triumphs 00:30............. Fight Night Review of 2015

06:10.............. Race to Super Bowl 50

19:10 .............Iron Man 3

01:35 ..... Weather for the Week Ahead

15:35...................... Midsomer Murders

23:35 ..................Adele at the BBC

06:00...................... Breakfast

22:30... Match of the Day

13:25 ............................ Dr. No

18:40 ........... ITV Evening News

00:55 .............. BBC News

08:20 ......................Planet 51

10:30 .............. Judge Rinder

21:30.................. The One Ronnie

00:30...............Shadow of a Doubt

07:55............................The Big Bang Theory

21:00.............A Good Day to Die Hard

23:25 ........... BBC London News

00:50 ................. Weather for the Week Ahead

07:30 ...........................The Big Bang Theory

31 CW

20:40 ............Dad’s Army

09:00 ................The Tom and Jerry Show 09:15 ................The Tom and Jerry Show 09:25 .......................... Murder, She Wrote

21:10.....Leningrad and CW 10:15 ...................The Jeremy the Orchestra choice Kyle Show That Defied Hitler 11:20................... The Jeremy 22:40 ...................... QI XL Kyle Show 23:25...................... Darts 12:20.............. ITV News and 00:15 ......................Darts

16:50 ......................... Mission: Impossible

21:00...........Take Me Out: The Gossip

21:00..... Football League Tonight

22:00....... Bridget Jones’s Diary

22:35........... Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

22:30............20 Moments That Rocked Talent Shows

00:00..........American Pie

01:00.................... Marley


21:00 ............ The World’s Greatest Spy Movies

07:10...... American Pickers

07:00...................... The Flash

08:00 ....Red Bull X-Fighters 2015

Leningrad And The Orchestra That Defied Hitler

13:30 ............... Catchphrase

08:30................ Monkey Life

BBC2, 21.10

18:00................ ITV News London

W C choice

17:00 ..............Panda Babies

On Sunday 9 August 1942 in Leningrad, a con18:15......... ITV News and cert took place that deWeather fies belief. A year earlier, 18:30 ........... You’ve Been the Germans had begun Framed! the deadliest siege in 19:00 ...Ninja Warrior UK history, which would kill 20:00 ..........Take Me Out 750,000 civilians. Now, in the midst of terror, a group of starving musicians assembled to 21:00.... The Dark Knight perform Shostakovich’s 7th Symphony. 22:05......... ITV News and It would become a defiant moment in the Weather city’s ultimate survival. Through music, 22:25................. The Dark archive and first-hand testimony, this film Knight tells the extraordinary story of triumph of 00:15 ........... Jackpot247 the human spirit over unspeakable terror. Shostakovich’s 7th Symphony had begun life in the city before the siege but was completed elsewhere after the composer was evacuated. Only after circumnavigating the globe courtesy of international orchestras across three continents was it smuggled back into the besieged city to which it truly belonged. Its performance in Leningrad at the height of the siege, by an orchestra of starving musicians scrounged from frontline units and military bands, was one of the most miraculous moments in the history of music. As the Philharmonic Hall’s chandeliers shook from Russian gunfire, the skeletal audience – all dressed in their finery – listened, captivated. In these darkest days of the Second World War, this concert and the defiance it inspired provided a beacon of light to the watching world. Historian Amanda Vickery and music writer and broadcaster Tom Service once again come together to present this epic film.

01:50...... Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

06:00 ........... Inside Gatwick

14:45.................. From Russia with Love

19:05.........................Evan Almighty

20:55... 5 News Weekend

18:50 ..................Mission: Impossible II


14:15 ........................ Off Their Rockers

12:50................ Catchphrase

20:00............Building the Ice Hotel

12:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

01:40............... BBC News

08:55.................... Coronation Street Omnibus

08:00................ Monkey Life 09:00................ Monkey Life 09:30................ Monkey Life 10:00................. Soccer A.M. 12:00 ................... Fungus the Bogeyman 16:00 ...........Modern Family 16:30............Modern Family 18:00 .............. Futurama 18:30............... Futurama 19:00............... Futurama 19:30 ..... Modern Family 20:00 ........ Hawaii Five-0 21:00....NCIS: Los Angeles 22:00 ................. S.W.A.T. 00:15 ..... Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life 01:15................. A League of Their Own

09:00........Red Bull Soapbox Race 2015

06:00.......................... Fantasy Football Club, the 22 - Merse Meets Tony Adams

10:00 .......................Top Gear

07:30..........Barclays Premier League Review

12:40 .......................Top Gear

08:00..........Game Changers

13:40 .......................Top Gear

08:30..........Fantasy Football Club, the 22 Merse Meets Tony Adams

14:40 .......................Top Gear 15:40 ................World’s Most Stupid Criminals 16:40................. Trawlermen 17:20 .................Trawlermen 18:00..... Motorway Cops 19:00............ Traffic Cops 20:00.. Would I Lie to You? 20:40.. Would I Lie to You? 21:20.. Would I Lie to You? 22:00..................Payback 00:00....................... QI XL 01:00... Eddie Izzard: Force Majeure - Live

10:00.................. Soccer A.M. 12:00...........................Scottish Premiership 14:45...............Pro 12 Rugby 17:00...............Ford Saturday Night Football 20:00............ World Darts Championship 23:30..............SNF: Match Choice 01:00..............SNF: Match Choice

CW 32

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Sunday 3rd January

Monday 4th January

06:00...................... Breakfast

06:00 .................. Fort Boyard Ultimate Challenge

06:15 ............ The Parent Trap

06:00................Children’s TV

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk

06:00....................... Breakfast

08:00 ...... Match of the Day

06:30 ...................A to Z of TV Gardening

08:30............................... Frasier

09:30 .............Wanted Down Under

07:15..................Monty Don’s Italian Gardens

06:20 ................Pat and Stan

09:00 ............................... Frasier

09:10 .........Toby’s Travelling Circus

06:10 ................. You’ve Been Framed!

09:15 ............................Rip Off Holiday

10:15 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:15 ..................... Money for Nothing 12:00 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 .....................BBC News 13:15 .......... Britain’s Muslim Soldiers 13:55 .........Eat Well for Less 14:55............... Escape to the Country

06:35 ......................Dino Dan

12:30 ............... The Simpsons

06:50 ......................Dino Dan

12:55................ The Simpsons

07:00 .............. Share a Story

13:25................ The Simpsons

10:45.......................... Len and Ainsley’s Big Food Adventure

07:05 ......................Oddbods

13:55 ............Jungle 2 Jungle

07:10............................. Sooty

10:30.......... Football League Tonight

15:55 ........................ A Monster in Paris

12:00...................... Fail Army

11:30.......................... Len and Ainsley’s Big Food Adventure

07:20......................... Super 4 07:35....................... Mr. Bean

17:40 ...........Channel 4 News

07:50....................... Mr. Bean

18:00.......... Fantastic Four

08:05............. The Aquabats! Super Show!

20:00 ..............Walking the Himalayas

08:30.............. A Grizzly New Year’s Tale

21:00 .......Deutschland 83

14:30 ........The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep

22:00 ...............Gogglebox

16:35 ...... 5 News Weekend

09:00 ................The Tom and Jerry Show

23:30 ....... The Rich Kids of Instagram

16:45 .................Snow White

09:15 ................The Tom and Jerry Show

00:30 ............ How the Rich Live Longer

20:00 ......Legally Blonde

12:15 .............. MOTD2 Extra

16:25........... Songs of Praise

17:00 ...........................Flog It!

17:00 .......Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough

18:00 ............... The Great History Quiz: The Tudors

18:30 ............Countryfile 19:30............... Still Open All Hours 20:00 ................ Antiques Roadshow 21:00 ...... War and Peace 22:00 .............. BBC News 22:30 .................Match of the Day 2

19:00..The Millionaire’s CW Gift Guide choice 09:25...................... ITV News 09:30 ....Murder, She Wrote 20:00 ........ Dragons’ Den 21:00 ...........................My Mediterranean with Adrian Chiles 22:00....Charlie Brooker’s End of Year Review 2015 23:00...............Abz on the Christmas Farm

23:35............... The Road


01:15.................. Weather


09:55 .........Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

09:25.................... Coronation Street Omnibus 12:25.................Take Me Out 13:30.......................... Take Me Out: The Gossip

12:30......... Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild

14:30............ Evan Almighty

13:30 .........Loch Lomond: A Year in the Wild

16:35.................Jurassic Park 19:00......................Nanny McPhee 21:00...... The Shawshank Redemption

18:25.............. Cinderella

23:55............ The Faculty 01:55...... Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

22:00 .......Most Shocking Celebrity Moments 2015 00:40..........Super Casino

10:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

12:30 .............. ITV News and Weather

12:40................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

06:00 ... The Hour of Power

07:10..........Motorway Cops

07:00 ......... Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?

08:00... Red Bull X-Fighters

08:00................ Monkey Life

09:00....................... Top Gear

13:40 ............... Catchphrase

08:30................ Monkey Life

10:00 ................World’s Most Stupid Criminals

14:25.........Ninja Warrior UK

11:00 .................... WWE Raw

11:00 .... Lizard Lick Towing

15:25................... Goldfinger

12:00...............................David Attenborough’s Micro Monsters

The Millionaire’s Gift Guide

17:45.............. ITV News and Weather

BBC2, 19.00

19:00.Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands

18:00........................Ninja Warrior UK

20:00............. Endeavour 22:00..........ITV News and Weather 22:20.....Joanna Lumley’s TransSiberian Adventure 23:20.. Rugby Highlights 00:15............ Jackpot247

12:30...............................David Attenborough’s Micro Monsters

11:30 .... Lizard Lick Towing 12:00 .... Lizard Lick Towing 12:30 .... Lizard Lick Towing 13:00 .................Trawlermen 13:40................. Trawlermen

14:00............Modern Family

14:20 .................Trawlermen

16:00 ....................................Elf

15:00...... American Pickers

18:00........ The Simpsons

18:00................ Top Gear

20:00............ Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family

19:00 ........... Traffic Cops

21:00......... Hawaii Five-0

21:00 ...................... QI XL

22:00..NCIS: Los Angeles

22:00 ..........Eddie Izzard: Force Majeure - Live

23:00...... Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life 00:00.............A League of Their Own

20:00 ........... Traffic Cops

23:20.......... Alan Davies Life is Pain 01:00....................... QI XL

10:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .............Wanted Down Under 11:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ......................BBC News at One 13:30 .................BBC London News 13:45 ..............Father Brown 14:30........................ For What It’s Worth 15:15 ...............Escape to the Country 15:45...............James Martin: Home Comforts 16:30 ........................Antiques Road Trip 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00 ............... BBC News at Six

11:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

17:35 ..... ITV News London

Enter the world of luxury through the eyes of the planners and suppliers who help the super-rich to spend their money. High-end event planners Sophie and Charlotte are launching a new venture at a stately home - a kid’s Christmas party with real reindeer, a unicorn, balloons that cost £50 a pop and a cake worth £10,000.

01:25 ..................Hollyoaks Omnibus

06:35................... Emmerdale Omnibus

09:30..................... LazyTown

09:15 ........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites

15:25 ............ Billionaire Boy

18:20 ........... BBC London News

09:30............. Sunday Brunch

09:20................... Jelly Jamm

08:15 .................. Countryfile

13:00 ..............................Darts

18:00 .............. BBC News

06:30 ................Pat and Stan

33 CW

06:00................... SNF: Match Choice 07:30................... SNF: Match Choice 09:00.................. The Sunday Supplement

18:30 ........... BBC London News 19:00 ..................The One Show 19:30 ................ Celebrity Mastermind 20:30 .............A Question of Sport

12:30 ....................Ford Super Sunday

21:00 ...................... Silent Witness

15:30 ....................Ford Super Sunday

22:00 ............... BBC News at Ten

21:30 .................Sporting Triumphs 21:45 .................Sporting Triumphs 22:00 ......... Ford Football Special 23:30 .................Football

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

07:15................Escape to the Continent

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

08:15..................... Stick Man

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

08:45 ............. Thief Trackers

10:30............... This Morning

09:15 .......................... Victoria Derbyshire

12:30............ Loose Women

11:00 .....................BBC News

13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News

12:00 .................Britain’s First Photo Album

14:00.............. Judge Rinder

12:30........ My Life in Books

16:00.............. Tipping Point

13:00.............................. Darts

17:00.................... The Chase

16:15 ............................. Coast

18:00................ ITV News London

17:15 ...........................Flog It! 18:00.............. Eggheads 18:30 .......... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00 ................ Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00 .............. University Challenge 20:30 ........ Only Connect

15:00 ........1000 Heartbeats

18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30............. Coronation Street 20:00............ Griff’s Great Britain 20:30..............Coronation Street

21:00.............Immortal Ant and CW 21:00.........When Dec Egypt with choice Met Joann Fletcher the Prince 22:00.......................Insert Name Here

22:30................ ITV News

22:30............. Newsnight

23:10............ Emergency! Trains v Weather

23:15...................... Darts

00:10........... Jackpot247

20:00 ............ EastEnders

10:30......................... Goals on Sunday

18:30............ World Darts Championship

06:15...............Homes Under the Hammer

22:25............ BBC London News 22:35........... Mrs. Brown’s Boys 23:15........... Mrs. Brown’s Boys 23:45............ The Graham Norton Show

23:45 .................Football

00:30...... Weather for the Week Ahead

00:00 ................... Cricket

00:35............... BBC News

06:20 ..............How I Met Your Mother 06:45 .............King of Queens 08:00 .......... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00............................... Frasier 10:30.Undercover Boss USA 11:30...................Four in a Bed 12:00.............Channel 4 News Summary 12:05...................Four in a Bed 14:10.............Deal or No Deal 15:10.....................Countdown 16:00.........A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00....Come Dine with Me 18:00...........The Simpsons 18:30..................Hollyoaks 19:00....... Channel 4 News 20:00..... Food Unwrapped Diet Special 21:00..... The Undateables 22:00.............. Rich Kids Go Shopping

BBC2, 21.00 In this four-part series for BBC Two, Professor Joann Fletcher explains how Ancient Egypt’s extraordinary story fits together, from nomads to pyramid builders, from tomb robbers to the last of the pharaohs. The result is the world’s most fascinating and enduring civilization. In the first episode, Joann goes in search of the building blocks of Egyptian civilisation. She learns how they evolved, in just a few centuries, from primitive farmers to pyramid builders.

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk 06:10 ......................The Cube 07:00 ................ Dinner Date 08:05 ..................Emmerdale 08:35 .....Coronation Street 09:35 ............... Catchphrase 10:20 ................ Dinner Date 11:20 .................. Royal Pains 12:10 ..................Emmerdale 12:45 .....Coronation Street 13:45................... Richie Rich 15:40 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:55.................Take Me Out 18:50 ........ The Hot Desk 19:00 ........... You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 ........... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ...............Two and a Half Men 21:00........................ FHM 22:00 .........American Pie 23:55 ...............Two and a Half Men

06:00.. The Dog Whisperer 07:00 ................ Monkey Life 07:30 ................ Monkey Life 08:00 ............. RSPCA Animal Rescue 09:00 ...........Modern Family

Immortal Egypt with Joann Fletcher

06:00................Children’s TV 11:10 .......Cowboy Builders 12:10 ....5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ...........Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Snow 13:15...................... Fail Army 13:45 .................Neighbours 14:20 ............................... NCIS 15:20 ..... A Trace of Danger 17:00 ..................5 News at 5 17:30 .................Neighbours 18:00 ......Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 18:55 ..... 5 News Tonight 19:00 .Police Interceptors 20:00.............. Sinkholes: Buried Alive 21:00....World’s Toughest Prison 22:00..............14 Years on Death Row 23:00..................The Next Three Days

12:00 ..........................Forever 13:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0 15:00............Modern Family 17:00............. The Simpsons 17:30..................... Futurama 18:00 .............. Futurama 18:30 ....... The Simpsons 20:00 ............Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family 21:00...... Modern Family 22:00...... Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life 23:00......... Hawaii Five-0 00:00......... Hawaii Five-0 01:00.............. Forever (D

07:00 ................... Rocket City Rednecks 07:20.................... Scrapheap Challenge 08:10 ...... American Pickers 09:00 .......................Top Gear 10:00...... Ice Road Truckers 11:00 ...... American Pickers 12:00 .Storage Hunters UK 13:00 ................. Traffic Cops 14:00...... Ice Road Truckers 15:00....... American Pickers 16:00 .Storage Hunters UK 17:00 .......................Top Gear 18:00.. Ice Road Truckers 19:00...American Pickers 20:00................... Storage Hunters UK 21:00....................... QI XL 22:00........ Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish 23:00...... Mock the Week 01:00....................... QI XL

06:00 ............. Football Gold 07:00 .................... WWE Raw 08:00 ...... Cricket’s Greatest 08:30 ........Big Bash League 12:00.......... Football League Goals 13:00 ............. Football Gold 13:30 ....... Goals on Sunday 14:30 ......... Football League Goals 15:30 ............. Football Gold 16:00 ....... Goals on Sunday 17:00 .........Fantasy Football Club Highlights 17:30 ........Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits 18:30.. Football’s Greatest 19:00 ...................Boys of 20:30 ...... Ford Mnf: 1966 Special 22:30....................Boys of 00:00.... Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits 01:00.....Fantasy Football Club Highlights

CW 34

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Tuesday 5th January

Wednesday 6th January

06:00....................... Breakfast

06:15 .......... Rip Off Holiday

09:15 .......... Rip Off Holiday

07:00 .............Wanted Down Under

10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00............. Wanted Down Under 11:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00...... BBC News at One 13:30 ....BBC London News 13:45 ..............Father Brown 14:30 ........................For What It’s Worth

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

08:15..........An Island Parish: Falklands

10:30.............. This Morning

08:45................... Caught Red Handed 09:15........................... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 .....................BBC News 12:00........The Daily Politics 13:00.............................. Darts 16:15 ............................. Coast

15:45 ..............James Martin: Home Comforts

18:00 .............. Eggheads

17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00............... BBC News at Six 18:30 ........... BBC London News 19:00 .......The One Show 19:30............ EastEnders 20:00.............. Holby City 21:00....... Silent Witness

08:30 ........................ Lorraine

07:45............. Close Calls: On Camera

15:15 ...............Escape to the Country

16:30 ........................Antiques Road Trip

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

17:15 ...........................Flog It! 18:30 .......... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00................. Victorian Bakers

12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00 ........1000 Heartbeats 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 18:30 ........... ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30........ The Kyle Files 20:00 ........... Trawlermen Tales 21:00..................... Saved

22:00..... ITV News at Ten and Weather 21:00.......You Make Me CW Feel Like Dancing choice 22:40..... Britain’s Biggest Adventures 22:00...... Mock the Week with Bear Grylls 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15......... Race to Super Bowl 50

23:45........Double Decker Driving School


00:10............ Jackpot247

06:00 ....................Countdown 06:45 .............King of Queens 08:00 .......... Everybody Loves Raymond 08:30.......... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00............................... Frasier 10:30 ..................... Undercover Boss USA 11:30.................. Four in a Bed 12:00............ Channel 4 News Summary 12:05.................. Four in a Bed 14:10 ............Deal or No Deal 15:10 ....................Countdown 16:00.........A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00....Come Dine with Me 18:00...........The Simpsons 18:30................. Hollyoaks 19:00 ...... Channel 4 News 20:00 ..............Tricks of the Restaurant Trade 20:30...........Travel Man: 48 Hours in Vienna

07:00 ................ Monkey Life 08:00............................ RSPCA Animal Rescue 09:00............Modern Family

22:00............... BBC News at Ten 22:25 ........... BBC London News 22:35 ..........Reggie Yates’ Extreme UK 23:35........ Stacey Dooley Investigates 00:35 ..... Weather for the Week Ahead 00:40............... BBC News

You Make Me Feel Like Dancing

09:30 ...........Modern Family

BBC2, 21.00

13:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0

Choreographer Jack Murphy’s dream is to revive the glory days of the dance hall. His star-studded career has seen him teach Daniel Craig to jive, Daniel Radcliffe to polka and Emily Blunt to waltz. Now he turns his attention to the people of Bolton, where he hopes to revive social ‘partner’ dancing. He has arranged for the town’s iconic former dance hall, the Palais de Danse, to have a temporary facelift and to throw its doors open for one night only of live music, sumptuous décor and lots and lots of dancing! Will he have enough dancers to fill the floor?

06:00................Children’s TV 09:15 ........ The Wright Stuff 11:10 .......Cowboy Builders 12:10... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ........... Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:15 ...................... Fail Army 13:45................. Neighbours 14:15............................... NCIS 15:15 ...A Wife’s Nightmare 17:00 ..................5 News at 5 17:30 .................Neighbours 18:00 ......Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 18:55 ..... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ....... Cats Make You Laugh Out Loud 20:00....... Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 21:00...........Celebrity Big Brother 23:00...........Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side 00:00...........Celebrity Big Brother

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk 06:10 ......................The Cube 07:00 ................ Dinner Date 08:05 ..................Emmerdale 08:35 .....Coronation Street 09:35 ............... Catchphrase 10:20 ................ Dinner Date 11:20 .................. Royal Pains 12:10 ..................Emmerdale 12:45..... Coronation Street 13:45 ................. Baby Mama 15:40 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50................ Take Me Out 19:00 ........... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ...............Two and a Half Men 21:00.....The Fast and the Furious 23:10.... The Keith Lemon Sketch Show 00:10................Two and a Half Men

06:00... The Dog Whisperer

10:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0 11:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0 12:00 ..........................Forever 14:00...............Hawaii Five-0 15:00............Modern Family 16:00...................... Futurama 17:00..............The Simpsons 17:30...................... Futurama 18:00............... Futurama 18:30........ The Simpsons 20:00............................Elf 22:00...........Duck Quacks Don’t Echo 23:00......... Hawaii Five-0 01:00................... Forever

35 CW

07:00 ................... Rocket City Rednecks 07:20 .................... Scrapheap Challenge 08:10 ...... American Pickers 09:00........................Top Gear 10:00...... Ice Road Truckers 11:00 ...... American Pickers 12:00. Storage Hunters UK 13:00....................... Top Gear 14:00.......Ice Road Truckers 15:00 ...... American Pickers 16:00 .Storage Hunters UK 17:00 .......................Top Gear 18:00.. Ice Road Truckers 19:00...American Pickers 20:00................... Storage Hunters UK 21:00....................... QI XL 22:00........ Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish 23:00...... Mock the Week 01:00....................... QI XL

06:00 ............. Football Gold 07:00 ...WWE SmackDown! 08:00 ...... Cricket’s Greatest 08:30 ........Big Bash League 12:00............. Football Gold 13:00 .......... Premier League Legends 13:30................... Bob Wilson Interviewing Gordon Banks 14:30........... Premier League Legends 15:00.........Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits 16:00 .........Barclays Premier League Review 17:00 .........Fantasy Football Club Highlights 17:30 ........Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits 18:30.... Barclays Premier League Review 19:30..................Football 22:15.........Football Gold 22:30.. La Liga World 2015

06:00...................... Breakfast 09:15 .......... Rip Off Holiday 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .............Wanted Down Under 11:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:45 ..............Father Brown 14:30 ........................For What It’s Worth 15:15 ...............Escape to the Country 15:45 ..............James Martin: Home Comforts 16:30 ...Antiques Road Trip 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00 .......The One Show 20:00 ............ EastEnders 20:30............. Dickensian 21:00...........Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough 22:00................ BBC News at Ten 22:25.. BBC London News 22:35..............A Question of Sport 23:05.................The Truth About Calories

W C choice

06:00 .......... Rip Off Holiday 06:45 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 07:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 08:15 .......................See Hear 08:45 .................. Caught Red Handed

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain


08:30 ........................ Lorraine

08:00........... Everybody Loves Raymond

09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show

09:00................................ Frasier

10:30 .............. This Morning

10:30.Undercover Boss USA

12:30 ............ Loose Women

11:30 ..................Four in a Bed

09:15 .......................... Victoria Derbyshire

13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News

11:00 .....................BBC News

14:00 .............. Judge Rinder

11:30 .......The Daily Politics

15:00................................ 1000 Heartbeats

13:00 ..............................Darts

06:45 .............King of Queens

12:00 ............Channel 4 News Summary 12:05...................Four in a Bed 14:10.............Deal or No Deal 15:10 ....................Countdown 16:00 ........A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

16:15 ............................. Coast

16:00.............. Tipping Point

17:15 ...........................Flog It!

17:00 ....................The Chase

18:00 .............. Eggheads

18:00................ ITV News London

18:00.......... The Simpsons

18:30............ ITV Evening News

19:00....... Channel 4 News

18:30 .......... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00 ................ Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00 ................ Trust Me, I’m a Doctor 21:00 .........Three Days of Terror: The Charlie Hebdo Attacks 22:00.... Russell Howard’s Good News

19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30............. Coronation Street 20:00............... Midsomer Murders 22:00............. ITV News at Ten and Weather


22:40...... Joanna Lumley: Elvis and Me


23:40......... The Kyle Files

17:00 ...Come Dine with Me 18:30................. Hollyoaks 20:00............. Mary Portas: Secret Shopper 21:00..24 Hours in A and E 22:00.......Bodyshockers



Channel 4, 22:00

Record numbers of us are getting inked, pumped, sliced and stretched to alter our appearances. From facial and eyeball tattoos to sub-dermal implants and multiple piercings, people are finding more outlandish ways to make their faces and bodies stand out. In this new series Katie Piper returns to the extreme world of body modifications, meeting people who love their body work... and others who loathe it. Those about to take the plunge come face to face with the regretters, witnessing their agonising process of reversal. Will this make them think again, or will they continue on their path of radical reinvention? In the first episode of the third series, Katie meets 33-year-old butcher Jo, who has a passion for prime cuts, and is turning the knife on herself in an extreme and irreversible procedure know as scarification.

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk 06:10 ......................The Cube 07:00................ Dinner Date 08:05.................. Emmerdale 08:35................ The Big Quiz 09:35................ Catchphrase 10:20................ Dinner Date 11:20 .................. Royal Pains 12:10 ..................Emmerdale 12:45.................. You’ve Been Framed! 13:15...............The Hot Desk 13:25.........The Perfect Man 15:30 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:45 ................Take Me Out 19:00............ You’ve Been Framed! 20:00............... Two and a Half Men 21:00........ Casino Royale 23:55................Two and a Half Men

06:00.. The Dog Whisperer 07:00 ................ Monkey Life 08:00 ............. RSPCA Animal Rescue 09:00 ...........Modern Family


06:00................Children’s TV 08:30 .................... Milkshake! Show Songs 08:35 ....................Paw Patrol 08:45 .Bananas in Pajamas 09:00 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat 09:15 ........ The Wright Stuff 11:10 ................ Celebrity Big Brother 13:10 ....5 News Lunchtime 13:15 ...................... Fail Army 13:45 .................Neighbours 14:15............................... NCIS 15:15............... Amish Grace 17:00 ..................5 News at 5 17:30 .................Neighbours 18:00 ......Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 18:55 ..... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ............. Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords 20:00............ GPs: Behind Closed Doors 21:00...........Celebrity Big Brother

10:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0 12:00 ..........................Forever 13:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ...........Modern Family 16:00..................... Futurama 17:00 .............The Simpsons 17:30 ..................... Futurama 18:30 ....... The Simpsons 19:00........ The Simpsons 19:30 ....... The Simpsons 20:00 ....... The Simpsons 20:30 ....... The Simpsons 21:00...... Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life 22:00..Stop Search Seize 23:00......... Hawaii Five-0

07:00................... Rocket City Rednecks 07:20 .................... Scrapheap Challenge 08:10 ...... American Pickers 09:00....................... Top Gear 10:00...... Ice Road Truckers 11:00....... Red Bull Soapbox Race 2015 12:00 .Storage Hunters UK 13:00 .......................Top Gear 14:00.......Ice Road Truckers 15:00...... American Pickers 16:00 .Storage Hunters UK 17:00 .......................Top Gear 18:00.. Ice Road Truckers 19:00...American Pickers 20:00 .................. Storage Hunters UK 21:00....................... QI XL 22:00........ Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish 23:00...... Mock the Week

06:00.............. Football Gold 07:00....... WWE Experience 08:00 ...... Cricket’s Greatest 08:30.........Big Bash League 12:00 ...La Liga World 2015 12:30 .........Fantasy Football Club Highlights 13:00 .........Capital One Cup Highlights 14:00........... Premier League Legends 14:30 .............. La Liga Goals 15:30 ...La Liga World 2015 16:00 .........Capital One Cup Highlights 17:00..........Barclays Premier League Review 18:00........The Mavericks 18:30..... Capital One Cup Highlights 19:30..................Football 22:15 .......The Mavericks 22:45 ........Football Gold 23:00.............. Sky Sports Originals - Cantona: Return of the King

CW 36

TV Guide

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Thursday 7th January 06:00 ...................... Breakfast

06:15 .......... Rip Off Holiday

09:15 .......... Rip Off Holiday

07:00 .............Wanted Down Under

10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer

07:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera

11:00..............Wanted Down Under

08:15 .................Great British Menu

11:45............. Close Calls: On Camera

08:45 .................. Caught Red Handed

12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt

09:15........................... Victoria Derbyshire

13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:45 ..............Father Brown

11:00 .....................BBC News

14:30 ........................For What It’s Worth

12:00 ....................... The Daily Politics

06:00 ...............................Good Morning Britain 08:30........................ Lorraine 09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30.............. This Morning 12:30.............................. Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder

13:00 ..............................Darts

15:00.................................1000 Heartbeats

15:45 ..............James Martin: Home Comforts

16:15 ............................. Coast

16:00.............. Tipping Point

17:15 ...........................Flog It!

16:30........................ Antiques Road Trip

18:00 .............. Eggheads

17:00.................... The Chase

15:15 ...............Escape to the Country

18:30 .......... Great British Railway Journeys

17:15....................... Pointless 18:00.... BBC News at Six

19:00 ................ Celebrity Antiques Road Trip

19:00........The One Show 19:30............ EastEnders 20:00 ............ Dickensian 20:30 ............ EastEnders 21:00...............Death in CW Paradise choice 22:00 .... BBC News at Ten 22:35 ..............The Age of Loneliness 23:35...............This Week

W C choice

20:00 ................... World’s Sneakiest Animals 21:00 ......... You Make Me Feel Like Dancing 22:00 ................The Clare Balding Show 22:30 .............Newsnight 23:15...................... Darts

18:00................ ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30.................. Tonight

06:00 ....................Countdown 06:45............. King of Queens 08:00.......... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 ............................... Frasier 10:30 .Undercover Boss USA 11:30 ..................Four in a Bed 12:00 ............Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ..................Four in a Bed 14:10 ............Deal or No Deal 15:10 ....................Countdown 16:00 ........A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:00....Come Dine with Me 18:00.......... The Simpsons 18:30................. Hollyoaks 19:00....... Channel 4 News 20:00 ..Location, Location, Location 21:00........ The Restoration Man 22:00...........Big Fat Quiz of Everything

06:00 ...............Children’s TV 09:15........ The Wright Stuff 11:10....... Cowboy Builders 12:10 ....5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ................ Celebrity Big Brother 13:15 ...................... Fail Army 13:45 .................Neighbours 14:20 ............................... NCIS 15:15 .......Expecting Amish 17:00 ..................5 News at 5 17:30..................Neighbours 18:00...... Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 18:55...... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ......Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 20:00 ..... Britain’s Bloody Crown 21:00...........Celebrity Big Brother 22:00.. Celebrity Botched Up Bodies 23:00...........Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

20:30 ...................Birds of a Feather 21:00................... Jericho

06:00... The Dog Whisperer

22:30 ............... ITV News

07:00................. Monkey Life

23:15 ........... Trawlermen Tales

08:00.............. RSPCA Animal Rescue

BBC1, 21.00

DI Humphrey Goodman and the team are left stumped in the first episode of the new series when millionaire environmentalist and scientist Dan Hagen is shot on his boat while out at sea. The evidence seems to point to a robbery gone wrong, but with no other boats reported in the surrounding area, DI Goodman suspects foul play by one of Dan’s crew. With the other four members of the group diving on the coral reef and in plain sight of one another at the time of the murder though, how could any of them have committed the crime? The team soon realise that Dan’s crew aren’t as close-knit as they initially seem, with obvious friction between Dan’s ex-girlfriend, Nicky, and beautiful new wife, Laura. Humphrey and Florence are also puzzled at the discovery of a mysterious toy soldier found next to the body. With everyone hiding a secret, will the gang be able to get to the bottom of how and why Dan was killed?

06:10...................... The Cube 07:00................ Dinner Date 08:05 ..................Emmerdale 08:35..... Coronation Street 09:05.................. You’ve Been Framed! 09:35............... Catchphrase 10:20 ................ Dinner Date 11:20 .................. Royal Pains 12:10 ..................Emmerdale 12:45..... Coronation Street 13:15 ......Sweet November 15:35 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50................ Take Me Out 19:00 .......... The Guide to You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ...............Two and a Half Men 21:00...... 21 Jump Street 23:10 ...... Celebrity Juice

20:00............ Emmerdale

Death In Paradise

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk

09:00............Modern Family 10:00...............Hawaii Five-0 12:00...........................Forever 13:00...............Hawaii Five-0 15:00............Modern Family 16:00...................... Futurama 16:30...................... Futurama 17:00..............The Simpsons 17:30...................... Futurama 18:00............... Futurama 18:30........ The Simpsons 20:00...........Flintoff: Lord of the Fries 21:00.............A League of Their Own 22:00....................Boys of 23:30.......... Hateful Eight Movie Special

07:00 ................... Rocket City Rednecks 07:20.................... Scrapheap Challenge 08:10 ...... American Pickers 09:00....................... Top Gear 10:00...... Ice Road Truckers 11:00...... American Pickers 12:00. Storage Hunters UK 13:00 .......................Top Gear 14:00...... Ice Road Truckers 15:00 ...... American Pickers 16:00.. Storage Hunters UK 17:00....................... Top Gear 18:00.. Ice Road Truckers 19:00...American Pickers 20:00 .................. Storage Hunters UK 21:00....................... QI XL 22:00........ Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish 23:00...... Mock the Week

06:00............. Football Gold 07:00 ...WWE SmackDown! 08:00 ...... Cricket’s Greatest 08:30 ........Big Bash League 12:00 .........Capital One Cup Highlights 13:00........... Premier League Legends 15:00..........Capital One Cup Highlights 16:00.............. Football Gold 17:00..........Barclays Premier League World 17:30..........Capital One Cup Highlights 18:30..... Capital One Cup Highlights 19:30........................FL72 22:00......SPFL Round Up 22:30...La Liga Show 2015 23:00.... Barclays Premier League World 23:30...............Sky Sports Originals - Cantona: Return of the King 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016


37 CW

CW 38

Advertisement 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

By Jamie Droo DURING the last few weeks, the introduction to this page has been laced with clichés like “Christmas is almost upon us” and “it’s that time of year again”. This week’s cliché is: “Where has the time gone?” That’s because 2015 has disappeared like a shot. It really doesn’t seem as though a whole year has passed since the fireworks were launched to mark the end of 2014 and the start of a new year. However, when I recall the year from an entertainment perspective, I realise so much has happened within our circuit because there have been so many changes to the dynamics of the scene. Firstly, a lot of artistes have stepped out of their comfort zone and into other roles to fill gaps in their diary. Singers have taken up the role of host or compere once or twice a week. Some acts have decided that touring around the various bars with their show is not what they want any more and have taken up a residency. And there have also been many collaborative moves by solo artistes working together on new projects. Most of the success stories have come from some of our long-standing artistes, who have been here for years. They understand the need to keep things fresh and allow for change. I can’t put my finger on exactly why these dynamics have altered in recent years, but maybe the digital age has something to do with it. We have so many forms of media offering instant entertainment, and it all comes courtesy of a virtual button on the touch-screen of a phone or tablet. There has been much debate over the last 12 months about the use of wifi in the bars while

39 CW

Happy year of change

entertainment is on. But from a bar-owner’s perspective, offering free wifi is a tool to get bums on seats and customers spending their hard-earned money on what they sell, which is predominantly beer, wines, spirits and food. Entertainment is free because the bar pays for it. And as long as the artiste gets paid, many who have entered into this debate can’t

see the problem with someone glued to his/ her phone screen while a performer, does his or her thing. By the same token, it has been agreed that it can be a little demoralising when the audience’s attention is on You Tube or Facebook rather than on the stage. Then you have to look at the fundamentals of entertainment. The dic-

tionary says the meaning of entertainment is to hold the attention of a person or people (audience) for a set period. The old and bold, and the pro-active artistes, realised that audiences were becoming harder to entertain because of other distractions, brought directly to you on a hand-held device. So what these entertainers have done is simply freshen things

up, change their act and put something together which will gain the crowd’s full attention. But many acts have actually done well this year and have had no cause to moan about anything. Awards were given out for new acts at October’s TEAs to artistes like Ollie “Showbiz” Cusack, of Midnight Riders, who won the Best Newcomer category. Ollie is no stranger to the newcomer category, having already been there in previous years with duo Phenomenon, alongside Luke Carey. And Ollie has also landed himself a spot on Oasis Fm. This radio station has had a number of new presenters join the team over the year. Adam Maggs is now on air at Oasis. Station Manager Roscoe has brought Maggsy’s Live Lounge show to the Oasis Fm, showcasing the Island’s acts performing live from the studio. Jenny Tipton has gone from strength to strength after joining the team and is highly rated as a presenter after her first full year. Other changes to the circuit have seen the likes of David J Hodgkinson aka Didi, move to Sky Bar in Puerto Colon as resident compere,

and he’s thoroughly enjoying being up there and doing something a little different. But I have to say that Didi had such a good Ska show, featuring some of the best music from that genre, and I know all the venues he worked in are missing it. Looking back again, and another success of 2015 has to be Dylan’s Bar, in Los Cristianos. Dylan, former Linekers DJ and member of award-winning duo Loaded with Scott Henderson, now runs the bar. And although his year has been extremely stressful because of a quite serious motorcycle accident, he and his team have had a good 2015 in the bar, which is now well-established, with nightly cabaret shows from some of our top acts. The next big party night is New Year’s Eve on Thursday. And it’s always good, no matter what happens. I would like to wish everyone all the best for 2016, especially all the hard-working entertainers we have here on the Island. I hope you all have a great party night out, wherever you choose to go, and take lots of the memories into the New Year!

CW 40

Wine and Dine 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Wine and Dine

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

41 CW

Gobble up cheap turkey! BRITISH shoppers are in for a treat if they’ve not yet sorted out their festive feast … many key ingredients are selling at the lowest prices for years, especially fresh turkey and Brussel sprouts!

San Borondon The finest of modern cuisine with a touch of Peru all cooked by their excellent chef Rosalía Diaz. Beautiful tasteful dishes, from authentic Spanish to the most exotic Peruvian specialities. San Borondon on the sea front in Playa San Juan offers a selection of wines from around the world including local Canarian, Spanish Rioja, Australian Syrah and of course the exquisite French Chateau Neuf-du-Pape. Enjoy their shaded terrace & the excellent view of the ocean at lunchtime or the cosy atmosphere for dinner. Their excellent food has already placed them within the travelers favorite places to eat in the beautiful area of the West Coast.

There are also reductions on the price of stuffing, Christmas pudding and mince pies. The findings, from price comparison site MySupermarket, are based on the UK’s average costs across branded and unbranded goods in major food retailers. The comparison site believes the fierce competition between these

Bryan is back but now he is the owner with his mum in the kitchen for the famous home-made food & all her excuisite & authentic recipes of mojo & Ali-oli. Still serving their chicken dishes including grilled chicken breast, spicy chicken & honey chicken garlic chicken, with a pint of beer for only 1 euro!! Open for breakfast & sandwiches all day until 10pm. A new addition to the menu, which starts at 12noon until 4pm, includes 2 courses & a drink for only 6.80 euros & will change daily (not only chicken dishes).

Open: 12noon - 11pm. Closed Thursday

Call: 922 134 178

The only British bar and the jewel in the crown in La Caleta. Something for all the family with stylish dining area, sun drenched terrace, games room, all your Live Sport and a fantastic menu. Freshly beer battered fish and home to ‘The Best’ Sunday Roast! 1pm-6pm James’s Place - Where we just haven’t met you yet!

The Swan

Call: 922 168 139

Buzanada Roundabout, Buzanada.

Christmas Festivities! Choose from the festive specials board. Enjoy great food, drinks and cocktails. Live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value! Come and join in with the festive spirit with us at the Swan!

Open: Tues-Sun, 8am-10pm. Closed Mondays

Call: 922 728 290 / 629 331 124


La Caleta

Open: Food served Mon-Sat: 10am - 10pm. Sun: 10am - 6pm. Open til late.

dings or turkeys, being discounted. But these savings can often be negated with other items going up in price. Mr Ludlow added: “Supermarkets are shouting so much about being the cheapest that it is becoming white noise!” Some consumers simply do not believe it any more, and they want to check it out for themselves.”

Adeje Chicken in Buzanada

Playa San Juan

James’ Place

stores which has forced lower prices. Kim Ludlow, MySupermarket Managing Director, said: “There is a price war going on, with the ‘big five’ supermarkets fighting to get customers into their stores. The research also reveals the benefits of shopping around, with some of the most popular choices, such as pud-

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Call: 698 396 367

Full English breakfasts, home-cooked food, home-cooked chips, freshly prepared sandwiches and baguettes. A variety of cakes served with tea or coffee for 4.95 euros, after 3pm everyday. Drinkers welcome! Food served all day, takeaway available.

Middle square, San Blas, near taxi rank

Open: Mon-Fri, 8.30am-6pm. Sat & Sun, 8.30am-5pm


Litre Sangriapm after 3

The supermarkets’ ability to cut costs is down to fundamentals, and some of the key ingredients in shoppers’ trolleys have been coming down in price anyway. A dozen eggs will cost an average of £2.74 today compared with £3.00 in 2011. Butter came from £1.54 to £1.49 over the same period, and milk is cheaper now than last Christmas. And prices reflect the wider picture globally.

So anyone anticipating a frugal holiday should load up on meat and sugar, but leave the dearer vegetables alone - even potatoes have almost doubled in price at retailers since 2011. And there’s slightly more bad news for shoppers because some items, like sparkling wine is at least £1 more expensive than in 2011. Overall, though. It should be a merry, cheaper Christmas for all!

CW 42


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Your greatest hair gift ever By Val Sainsbury

HAVING perfect hair doesn’t come in a box … it’s not something you can buy, or obtain in an instant. Wanting it and getting it are two different things completely.

PEOPLE suffering from irritable bowel syndrome may not be getting enough sunshine, according to experts.

often re-training and studying to keep on top of their trade. For many, being a stylist isn’t a job but a way of life and a channel to express their creativity. It’s not just what wages they are earning or how much is going in the till at the end of the day. We work long hours and, at times, putt up with some not-so-nice members of the public. Yet still we try to please everyone. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a pleasure to receive a smile and thanks after we have transformed a client because this is what makes the job worthwhile.

During my nine years here on the Island, I have come across all types of clientèle and, like many stylists here, I still enjoy my work. So this is why, in my final 2015 hair column, I ask that on your next salon visit, you thank your stylists - if you are happy with their work. Without them, your hair wouldn’t look as fabulous as it does because, as I’ve already said, your perfect hair will never come out of a box but through the creativity of your stylist … your greatest hair gift! Best wishes for Christmas and 2016.

Scientists from the University of Sheffield conducted a survey and found that 82% of irritable bowel syndrome patients have insufficient Vitamin D levels. This vitamin is produced most commonly when sunlight hits your skin, kicking off vitamin synthesis. It is also occurs naturally in a number of foods including milk and tuna. The study suggests that Vitamin D supplements may help alleviate IBS symptoms, and group leader Dr Bernard Corfe, of the university’s molecular gastro-enterology research group, said: ‘Our work has shown that most IBS suffers in our trial had insufficient levels of Vitamin D.

Cloud Nine Hair Extensions were 290 euros now 250 euros Russian Lash Extensions 65 euros Lash Lift on natural lashes 25 euros Full set of Acrylic/Gel sculptured nails 35 euros CND Shellac on fingers or toes 20 euros Pedicure with CND Shellac 30 euros (free nail art) Instantly Ageless 6 euros or 90 euros x 25 Gift Vouchers Available

Above supermarket Carolina to opposite the Disa Petrol station, Los Cristianos

Tel: 922 753 286

“There was an association between the Vitamin D status and the sufferers’ perceived quality of life, measured by the extent to which they reported the impact of IBS on life.” Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic, debilitating disorder of the gastro-intestinal tract, and nearly 15% of the western population are diagnosed sufferers. The syndrome affects each patient differently, with some experiencing diarrhoea or constipation, or having alternating bowel habits. Doctors are still not certain what causes the condition, but it is known that diet and stress make IBS worse. Patients with IBS often suffer silently, able to live with embarrassment because of the nature of the symptoms. As a result many people live with the condition diagnosed. Dr Corfe said: “Irritable bowel syndrome is a poorly-understood condition which impacts severely on the quality of life of sufferers. And there is no single-known

cause and, likewise, no single-known cure.” The team of scientists tested 51 patients to examine their Vitamin D levels. Most of the patients were found to be Vitamin D deficient, and Dr Corfe added: “Our data provide a potential new insight into the condition and, importantly, a new way to manage it. “It was clear from our findings that many people with IBS should have their Vitamin D levels tested, and the data suggests that they may benefit from supplementation with this vitamin. “As a result of this exploratory study, we’re now able to design and justify a larger and more definitive clinical trial.” Recently, the vitamin has also been linked to lowering blood pressure, as well as reducing the risks of heart and kidney disease. Vicky Grant, a researcher, has had IBS for more than 30 years. She started taking a high dose of vitamin D3 supplements five years ago and has seen her symptoms improve significantly. Ms Grant said: “I read about other IBS patients experiencing success with Vitamin D, via the online patient community. “I wasn’t really expecting the Vitamin D supplements to work because I had tried and failed with so many other treatments.” She added: “I’m not cured, but I have found that supplementation has dramatically improved my IBS.” The study was published in the British Medical Journal Open Gastroenterology.


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Travel, the spice of life

Lift those IBS clouds with lots of sunshine

By Carl Pattison

You must have the right ingredients. and they don’t come in a bottle, either. Getting your hair right is a mix of a good, precise cut, perfect colouring and the right choice of products to maintain all these factors at home. The people who will pull all of this together are your best hair friends - your stylists. Without their skill and knowledge, keeping on top of your look would be a whole lot more difficult. Many stylists have trained for years to be able to create the styles required by clients,

By Vanessa Vee WE are almost at the end of 2015, and it is a time to reflect on our lives: look at what we have done throughout the year, and, more importantly, create a bucket list for the forthcoming 12 months. There´s one quote I deeply believe in, and that is: “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” There is so much truth in this, and, as I have got older, how I wish I had travelled more, and I am now desperate to discover this amazing world we live in. There is nothing more annoying than a tourist asking why us residents go on holiday when life is just one long holiday. AAAAHHHHH! If only it were! The rat race exists here, too, and I’m sure I am not just speaking for myself. As much as I want to explore our beautiful Island constantly - and, believe me, I haven´t even covered half of it there is still a big part of me yearning to get out there to see the rest of the world. If money were no ob-

ject, you could load me and the family into a Winnebago and we’d would be off in a shot. Unfortunately, life is not that simple - not for me, anyway. I now have a golden rule: every January, we sit down, discuss what travel plans we would like to have for the forthcoming two years (though this can sometimes get out of hand with input from a fiveyear-old) and then plan ahead. This is the way forward now, because many travel companies are seeking lower deposits as a rule, and then interest-free payment plans. It also gives a “light-atthe-end-of-the-tunnel” effect, and, when times are dragging, it’s always nice to know there is a holiday in the not-toodistant future. One of the main tasks about travelling from Tenerife is actually getting off the Island, which all adds to the cost. However, as time has progressed, we now have a large influx of alternative, direct-destinations on offer. Not only do we have the option of visiting mainland Spain or the UK, but also other Eu-

ropean countries such as Germany, Scandanavia and Italy. And now we can stretch a little further afield to the Cape Verde Islands, plus Madeira and Morocco, to name but a few options. January is renowned as the busiest time for travel bookings, and, luckily, this is when all the offers appear. Don´t be fooled into thinking that the internet is always the cheapest option, though! This can sometimes be far from it, and I speak from weekly experience. A quote is always free, so always obtain a few options. And if you do find cheaper online, go back to your agents and see if they can offer a better price! Tenerife Sunshine Travel, your local British-owned travel agency, are now working in conjunction with Hays Travel (incorporating Bath Travel), the UK´s largest independent tour operator, so the scope is now massive, and prices are cut considerably. With specialists in every single area, be sure to let the Tenerife Sunshine Travel Team quote you for your forthcoming holidays, and, even better, you put down a deposit, and pay the remaining balance, interest free. Email or call 922 751 867. You can also pop into their head office in Cristian Sur, Los Cristianos, for further information. Wishing each and everyone of you a joyous Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

43 CW

Winter in the sun!

By Miruna Voicu WE all love the good weather here, but the one time of year when it doesn’t sit well with us all is Christmas. It just isn’t, well, Christmassy!

Nevertheless, there is something to be said for being pleasantly warm pretty much all-yearround, and this one period is a small price to pay. In any case, it’s said that Christmas is all about who you spend it with, and not necessarily your surroundings. If you are a traditionalist, you might go to the pub for a festive drink, followed by the full Christmas dinner and the Queen’s Speech. Or maybe you are at the other end of the scale and will have a barbecue on the beach,

or enjoy an Indian meal! Whatever your choice, there’s always the opportunity to make your house cozy and Christmassy inside. Opt for rich traditional colours, such as dark greens, blood reds and golds, giving a hint of glamour and opulence. Choose your decorations sparingly because, with bold colours, a little goes a long way, unless you are deliberately going for a full-on look. If you have a tree, you can go for the multicoloured effect muchfavoured by younger children, or opt for a more sophisticated look, toning your tree to blend with your interior design. Ambient lighting is one of the best ways

to create a cozy, intimate feeling all year round, but particularly at Christmas. Turn off that centre light-fitting, and rely on low-wattage lamps placed around the room. And don’t forget the festive candles to create both atmosphere and delicious scents. As far as furnishings are concerned, you can create a different look just by using a festive cushion or throw to make it look special. And once the big day is over, it will be New Year and a time of reflection and new beginnings. Don’t overlook your interior design; simply resolve to refresh your property and give it a whole new look for 2016.

CW 44


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Happy Feet at Loro Parque as new born brings cheer A CHINSTRAP penguin chick, so named because of the thin black line that runs from ear to ear under the chin, has been born at Loro Parque for the first time.

This is is considered a real success as it is an extremely delicate penguin - and it is quite a challenge to breed

this species in a zoo. Isidoro, named after Saint Isidoro, weighed 77 grams at birth, after a 38-day incubation phase. The baby’s food consists of blended fish: liquid during the first weeks and thicker as it grows bigger. And to guarantee its balanced diet, a different breed of fish is used in the feeding

formula provided every three hours. Every two months or so, it will be handbred in the penguinarium’s Baby Station, where visitors will be able to see it receiving all the care necessary during this first stage. After that period, the “growing-up” process begins as the young penguin starts adapting to its new environment until, finally, it has been fully

Big pat on the back for Isla Sur Lions’ helpers TENERIFE Isla Sur Lions Club has enjoyed another successful year, and co-operation with the three main local government bodies has been better than ever. The club’s work in the community has been recognised by the Town Halls’ Social Services departments, but the details are seldom publicised because they are regarded as confidential. While Lions’ members themselves are in the front line, the volunteers

who give their time, week after week in the charity shops, are acknowledged as unsung heroes. That’s why the Lions offer thanks to them for their ongoing support, without which they could not perform their own valuable community work. Special thanks go to Wingate School’s teachers, pupils and parents for their considerable support over recent years. It has enabled the Club to enhance the quality of life for many

people here in the South. Members are looking forward to 2016, when they will be taking a group of 40 children and their carers to Torremolinos for a holiday. There will also be a group of handicapped or under-privileged children from the UK and Poland coming here to enjoy a “Dream Holiday” in the sun. Isla Sur Lions Club wishes everyone a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year.


SHE is not everyone’s cup of tea, but, when it comes down to style and pushing forward the fashion boundaries, you have to hand it to the selfstyled Miss Victoria Beckham.

That’s why she is voted my Best Dressed Icon of 2015, from her casual looks that to many seem so stylish, to her haute couture one-offs which have the press grappling to take her photo. Victoria never seems to put a foot wrong when it comes to styl-

ing, not only herself but husband David and her children, too. Yes, she has a figure that would look good in a bin-liner, but the way she puts an outfit together is incredible. Her fashion collections have gained the admiration of many a top designer, includ-

ing Karl Lagerfeld. And she always pulls out the stops when it comes to putting on that perfect runway show. Her collections may be out of the price range of the average city shopper, but her style is copied right down to the High Street, with many stores paying “homage” to her work. She has come a long way since her Posh Spice days, almost teaching herself the Designer trade. So it’s hat’s off to you, Miss Beckham, and may your reign continue as one of the UK’s best-dressed women - and one of the world’s most stylish designers.

integrated with the rest of Loro Parque’s penguins. Chinstrap penguins, who live in waters near the Antarctic, are of medium height (4661cm), weigh between 5-8kg and are able to dive to an incredible depth of around 70 metres. A

prosperous new year is expected in the penguinarium because rockhopper and gentoo penguin chicks were also born, adding up to 14 babies, all preparing to join the large penguin family at the Planet Penguin exhibition, which recreates their Antarctic habitat. T h e birth o f

new chicks is a good indicator of wellbeing because it guarantees that the animals’ necessities are fully covered, and that they reproduce normally. And every detail is considered at Loro Parque. As well as their natural habitat being recreated - with 12 tons of snow generated to fall into the area - the Antarctic’s light cycles are also reproduced, creating the polar spring right now, when they enjoy plenty of light and longer days.

Disney’s ‘Frozen’ treat for wide-eyed children THE world’s favourite Disney characters came to Tenerife last weekend to help share the magic of Christmas with a number of orphans and under-privileged children. They were from the Arona area and the Casa Cuna orphanage in Santa Cruz. The unforgettable event again took place at The Beverly Hills Club in Los Cristianos, where the festive day has been hosted for the previous seven years. However, this year’s show had a magical twist, with our favourite Frozen characters coming along to share the day. Children were able to “let it go” with Elsa, Anna and Olaf as the cast of Frozen from the popular Sound of Musicals at Showtime wowed the little ones. There was also a giant laser robot, who danced the night away with the kids at the mini-disco. Guests were also invited to enjoy the buffetstyle feast of home-made cakes and seasonal treats, as well as a breakdancing dance-off. But children’s biggest treat was the arrival of the gift-bearing Three Kings and, of course, their deserved Christmas treats.

Susana Thraves, Silverpoint marketing manager, who organised the charitable event, said: “This year’s Frozen theme surpassed all others. “The little ones would not leave Olaf’s side, and the slightly older children were totally transfixed with the neon-moving robot.” She added: “Thank-you again to everybody who worked so hard to bring so much happiness.” As always, Susana is extremely grateful for the continued assistance and donations from Silverpoint staff, who have helped the party develop into a highly-anticipated

annual event, with special thanks to Cecile Laniel and Susan Clark for their continued support, year on year. Susana offers her thanks to the staff of Excel Hotels and Resorts, with a special mention to Yolanda, Nerea and Ana, as well as the maintenance department and animation team for their enthusiasm and support. Finally, Susana would like to thank Taylor’s Bar, Faces Bar, Carl at Robot, and the staff at Headquarters hair salon for their generous donations and gifts - without which the event would struggle to continue.

Community News

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

45 CW


Found a stray kitten? WE are often contacted about “tiny” kittens found in the street but, actually, they are between 3-5 months old. It can be difficult for a lay-person to age these little tots and so, we have put together a web page which will, hopefully, help you age them more accurately prior to contacting us. Unfortunately, only genuinely-tiny kittens can be homed successfully. All the details can be found at www.cats-welfare Apart from markers such as the growth of molars, the best way to age a kitten is by the posture and size, which is how we at Cats Welfare age those we rescue. The pictorial guide shown on the website is a good visual aid to ageing a kitten. They will start to attain a more upright posture, both sitting and standing, after just five weeks. This means that a kitten any older sits up straight like an adult cat. Kittens under and up to the age of five weeks will have a kitten posture: a bit wobbly on the hind legs and round, instead of upright and erect. They are best rescued for re-homing under and up to the age of eight weeks, and a maximum 12 weeks. Otherwise, they become too accustomed to life on the street and may always remain feral, which means they unsuitable for becoming a domestic pet. So do take note of the age of the kittens you see on the street because not all are young enough for rescue and re-homing. Not sure if the kitten you saw needs rescue? Here is a simple checklist: *Is the kitten under four weeks of age? If so, does it have a mother cat? If yes, do not remove the kittens from the mother until it is4-5 weeks old, You could try

to catch the mother and kittens, or contact us for help. *Kittens between 4-8 weeks are ideal for rescue and re-homing. *If the kitten is more than 12 weeks old, let it remain a stray as it has little chance of being domesticated and rehomed and may end up becoming a permanent “shelter cat” or being rereleased back on to the streets. But do contact us and we’ll try to arrange for it to be neutered and returned. *If the cat is obviously newly-abandoned, wellgroomed, has a pedigree, and/or wearing a collar - and reporting it as lost with no result - it is suitable for re-homing despite the age. But if the cat has been abandoned for a long time, it is already accustomed to stray life and will not be suitable for re-homing. If you find a stray kitten and want us to help fostering and re-homing it, do check the chart and check-list before assessing whether it is actually suitable for rehoming. But if you’re still in doubt about its age, measure its length and contact us first. Do remember, though, that we don’t have a refuge and might not be able to help on every occasion. Looking to adopt? If you are looking for a kitten, or want to home one of our adult cats in foster care, our latest available pets are always shown on our website www.catswelfare -tenerife/pets which is updated every day. And if you are interested in any of the cats or kittens displayed, please contact Theresa on 680 475 500 (10am6pm daily). Finally, we thank all our friends, supporters, foster carers and those who have rehomed cats and kittens. And we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Nearly two thousand people attended the Army Christmas Concert with the participation of the Adeje and Guía bands.

Funds raised went to the Asociación de San Juan who work with special needs individuals Last Saturday, for the first time, South Tenerife enjoyed a Christmas concert with the full army band playing in the Magma Arte & Congresos centre with the Adeje and Guía bands also taking part – and already the public are calling for this to become a regular fixture in the Adeje Christmas calendar. The concert saw a full hall with up to 1,800 coming together to enjoy some excellent military music as well as Christmas choral carols. A choir of over 150 local school children, under the direction of Rosa Maria Pérez Meiriño, a professor at the Adeje school of music, accompanied the band with a number of carols. And all the monies collected – tickets were €1 each – went to the Asociación San Juan, for special needs individuals. Pedro Galán García, Commander in chief of the Canarian forces, told the public they had been looking forward to participating in this seasonal event. “We bring feelings of solidarity, of love and families and coming together; it has been a long time since we have been able to play in the South, and please do remember that even if you don’t always see us here, whatever the hour, the day, the time of year or the place we are working to maintain stability and peace and guarantee the wellbeing of everyone.” The Commander made special mention of the “more than 500 men and women of the Canarian brigade who have completed missions abroad, many of them in dangerous locations such as Afghanistan and I am delighted to say that they have all returned and are here to cele-

brate this special time with their families.” Pedro Galán Garcia paid tribute to the Adeje mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga who worked to ensure this concert took place; “Thanks to the invitation of the mayor of Adeje we have been able to demonstrate the positive energy this kind of harmonious synergy between the public and our soldiers.” For his part the Adeje mayor said that they were already looking at future projects with the army, “because we are delighted to see the army here, these soldiers who are on peace missions, who defend our integrity and freedom and to whom we wish to express our gratitude and recognition of a job well done and to remember that this body plays a very special role in our society”. Joining the army band on stage were the patronal bands of Adeje and Guía de Isora, directed by Antonio Lorenzo Fariña Díaz and Francisco José Flores Casañas. The first half of the concert featured composers/songs Josef

Hastreitter (Dancing Show), Leroy Anderson (Christmas Festival), Steven Reineke (Merry Christmas Everyone) and Mariah Carey (All I want for Christmas). After the interval a stirring entrance with drums and bagpipes

started the second half with El Tamborilero, Arre borriquero , a special Christmas mix and the Canarian piece, Una sobre el mismo mar. Soloists from the Adeje school of music performed in a variety of languages.

CW 46

Advertisement 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

47 CW

Puzzle Page

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

PRIZE Godoku! WIN! WIN! WIN! CW Crossword

WIN! Tickets for bowling at Megabowl

The rules of Godoku are simple - just enter the letters stated below once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the puzzle grid. When you have completed it, a word will appear. Email the answer to before 5pm on Wednesday 6th January 2016 and you’ll be in with a chance of winning.

Last Week’s winner (Issue 933): Mark Joyce Please come up to the OasisFm / Canarian Weekly offices to pick up your prize. You have until 22nd January 2016 to pick up and use your vouchers.

This week’s letters: B D I L N O P S T This week’s mystery clue: B. A. Shapiro’s supernatural thriller set in Boston has this title (9 letters).














Win a Lotus watch this Christmas worth over 200 euros courtesy of Adeley Jewellers in Las Chafiras!







Jewellery Adeley Simply answer the question and you could be a winner...

Father Christmas is known by what name in Spain? Email your full name and contact telephone number to info@ by 5pm on January 4th 2016. Good luck!

30-Second Brain Training Sudoku X...

Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

7 2

3 2 6 7 4 1 9

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number





of this









of this










3 8 1 6 6 3 5 7 And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

Starter Number








of this












-31 Answer

Starter Number


of this








+322 ÷2




8 2 6 5


3 7 8






CW Crossword



9 6 7 2 3




Last Issue's Answers:



DOWN 1 Procrastinate (5) 2 Towed vehicle (7) 3 Stockings (4) 4 Root vegetables (6) 5 African anteater (8) 6 Make a mistake (3) 7 Interferes (7) 12 Insect nip (4-4) 13 Holds together (7) 15 Hot springs (7) 16 Eastern market (6) 19 Abates (5) 20 Young males (4) 22 Cooking vessel (3) by Trevor Kirton

Word Wheel

Your aim is to create as many words of 2 letters or more using the letters in the word wheel only once in each word, and always incluidng the letter in the centre of the wheel.

Can you find the 9 letter word?

2 4 8

ACROSS 1 Trenches (7) 5 Rep; or Spy (5) 8 Fibbers (5) 9 Hearing membrane (7) 10 Christmastide (4) 11 Depraved (8) 13 Christmas hymns (6) 14 Belgium city (6) 17 Concealed place (8) 18 Dick Van -, actor (4) 21 Carbon-copy (7) 23 Unlocks (5) 24 Smell or feel (5) 25 Withstands (7)


of this



Brain Training: Beginner: 11 Intermediate: 71 Advanced: 960 Godoku:

Word Wheel: 9 letter word: Spaghetti Sudoku X: 2 6 4 8 5 2 9 7 1 9 3 8 4 1 7 6 2 5 1 7 5 9 6 2 4 3 8

1 5 6 7


8 2 9

4 3 5 8 2

9 7

7 4 9 1

2 1 8 6

8 6 3 5 9

6 3

8 7 4 1 2 1 5 2 8 9 3

3 2 9 4 8 6 9 4 8 1 2

4 9 3 6 8 5 7 1 2 5 1 6 2 7 9 3 8 4 8 2 7 3 4 1 5 9 6 3 5 9 1 2 4 8 6 7 7 8 1 5 9 6 2 4 3 6 4 2 7 3 8 1 5 9

Sudoku: 6 2 9 5 1 7 4 3 8

4 8 5 2 9 6 1 7 3

8 1 3 2 4 6 7 5 9

6 3 1 7 8 5 4 2 9

4 5 7 9 8 3 1 2 6

7 9 2 3 4 1 8 5 6

7 6 8 1 9 5 2 4 3

2 5 6 1 3 8 7 9 4

5 3 4 7 2 8 9 6 1

8 1 4 9 2 7 6 3 5

2 9 1 6 3 4 8 7 5

3 7 9 5 6 4 2 8 1

3 4 2 8 5 9 6 1 7

5 2 8 6 1 3 9 4 7

1 8 6 3 7 2 5 9 4

9 6 3 4 7 2 5 1 8

9 7 5 4 6 1 3 8 2

1 4 7 8 5 9 3 6 2

CW 48


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

How to Advertise: Page 48

PHONE 902 232 102 / FAX 902 232 102 / Email: Or just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (above Juno, next to Bar Acuario). Upto 500 euros.

Page 49

Page 49 Lineage 0.50c per word FREE: 1 telephone number Basic box advert Classic box advert

Advertise your property or classified advert here. 20 euros per week (30 words maximum) double size box

Advertise your property or classified advert here. 25 euros per week (30 words maximum) Classic DBLE box

Advertise Advertise your your property property or or classified classified advert here. advert here. 40 euros 35 euros per week per week (60 words (60 words maximum) maximum)

British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Public opening hours: Tuesdays & Fridays: 08.30hrs – 13.30hrs Notarial services: Please consult our webpage or call 902 109 356 or alternatively +34 913 342 194 for further information on how to make an appointment. Please note, we are no longer able to provide notarial services without prior appointment. Emergency Assistance: Assistance is available 24hrs a day, 7 days a week by calling us on 902 109 356 or alternatively +34 913 342 194 E-mail: Web:http//: ukin Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police - Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06

Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance.

Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 - 13:00 then 16:00 - 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices, Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week.

Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00

Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim

Tour Operators TUI/ Thomson Tel: 922 761 201 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international flights.


Lineage 35 euros for 4 weeks 1 module box advert

Advertise your service advert here. 80 euros for 4 weeks* advertising (20 euros per week) Please ask us for prices for larger size adverts. All property, classified and service point have to be paid for in cash at our officces in Las Chafiras. *Service point adverts have to be in for a minimum of 4 weeks. Deadline: Tuesday 4pm

49 CW

Property for renT

Tel 922 797 438 Mobile: 693 713 686

Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037 TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services. Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800

El Madronal - 800€

Los Castanos, (From April 2016), 2 bed apartment with large terrace south facing with sea views, both bedrooms of double size with fitted wardrobes, pool on complex and has secure parking space.


San Eugenio – 630€

Garajonay, (From February 2016), 1 bed apartment located within walking distance to the main shopping centre of San Eugenio, double size bedroom, south facing terrace and has pool on complex.


San Eugenio Alto - 900€

Monteray, (From April 2016), 2 bed villa with large wrap around terrace areas with stunning views, lot´s of outside space, fully fitted kitchen and enclosed garage parking.

Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces the cost of transport by up to 30%.

Chayofa – 995€

Los Lomas, (From March 2016), 2 bed 2 bath townhouse with private plunge pool, south facing terrace with sea views, independent fully fitted kitchen and has enclosed garage parking.

Local 1, Edif Sur Y Sol, Av Londres, Los Cristianos

Property for Sale

Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52 A359. SANTA MARIA, Torviscas. Studio: Excellent apartment on apart-hotel with plenty of services on-site. 95.000 Euros

Discounts available for more than one edition. N.B. there is a 50% premium for a property/Business for sale classified adverts.

Page 49


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016


Duplex apt on the top floor consisting of lounge, fully fitted kitchen, bathroom, double bedroom, with an attractive terrace. Communal pool.

179.000 Euros

Samsung mobile S5230 (unlocked) with charger and manual, 15 euros. Colourful wall plates, mixed sizes, 6 in all, 10 euros. Cylindrical floor-standing fan, blows hot and cold, remote and timer control, hardly used, 25 euros. Large electric pan with lid, 5 euros. Tile-cutter 12 euros. Tel: 631 289 730. Drop-down-front writing desk, two drawers and glass-fronted cupboard, 82cm wide x 32cm x 109cm high, oak finish, all wood, 25 euros. Boy’s bike (up to 10 years) six gears, front and rear suspension, 25 euros. 1960s glass-fronted cabinet, 106cm wide x 27cm x 87cm high, 10 euros. Large IKEA table 140 x 90 extending to 260mm, 35 euros. Aspes H2 1401 halogen hob and oven, 35 euros. TV table on wheels, 49 x 76, silver, 5 euros. Portable gas heater (needs 25ltr bottle) 30 euros. Silencio. Tel: 629 570 945.

Events management level 3 course from www., 300 euros including name change. 2 x XL mens, left hand golf gloves, 10 euros each. Tel: 637 206 026

Jobs A native English teacher, under 25 and with own transport is required to tutor a 13 year old in Adeje area. Call 922 717 374 or 635 402 005 Telemarketers required for immediate start in the New Year for a busy office in Los Cristianos. This is a fully legal position so applicants should have all necessary paperwork. Previous employees welcome to apply. Please email CV’s to Interviews to be held week commencing 4th January Due to expansion Venli Cars require a mechanic. Please send your CV to or call Jo on 618 776 167 Roy Pizza & IndianTandoori is looking for a driver with a full driving licence. Must have been living on the island for over 2 years, with a good knowledge of the south of Tenerife. Basic Spanish required, minimum age 27 and must be physically fit. A waitress is also required. Must speak English and Spanish and have a knowledge of Indian food. Please email your C V to

Cars wanted CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.

Call us now on 678 451 641


Beautiful 2 bed apartment that has great view and is sold furnished. Sold with a double garage. Communal pool.

129.000 Euros


Very clean and cozy residence with pool; 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom town house with 2 terraces, lounge-diner, fitted kitchen, garage parking space & store room.

129.500 Euros Wanted Car garage wanted in Parque Tropical Fase ll. Details to

Auction Fortnightly General Auctions at Tenerife Auction Rooms, Las Chafiras. Buy and sell almost anything! Collection & delivery available. Call 609 303 634

Antiques ALADDINS CAVE. Antiques bought & sold Tel: 922 720 493




CW 50

Service Point


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Construction (cont.)


Service Point

24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Patio Doors & Windows


Pool tables


Property services


51 CW

TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES: Legally registered with over 25 years experience. Official, Medical, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Probate, Pensions, car paperwork and much more. Professionalism and confidentiality guaranteed. Transport available. Call Tracey on 666 857 991 or email on

Travel agents

Long term car rental (1 x week) from 200 euro per month. We pick up full insurance and breakdown. Please telephone 642 756 473 for fast polite service

Doctor Removals UNIVERSAL EXPORTS S.L. PROFESSIONAL REMOVALS TO AND FROM THE U.K. Email: Transport Licence: No. 11572932 C.I.F. No. B38820395 Tel: 922 720 711

Chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBChA. Home/Hotel visits from Los Gigantes to El Medano. Tel: 608 029 790. Email:

Second-hand Shops



Furniture and household items · Bought for Cash · Immediate Decisions · Immediate Payment



Personal ServiceS

TV and Satellite ElectroSat TV S.L. C/Encarnacion No 1. Valle San Lorenzo, Tenerife. Tel: 922 72 22 27 Mobile 670 277 772, email: Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.

Call Freddie on 609 303 634 repairs

Elite Cleaning Services is an established cleaning company who can provide a professional cleaning service for Apartments, Villas and Offices. Call us today on 922 789 795 or 696 922 597.



Telephone: 922 736 728 E-mail:

New Bed Bases & Mattresses for sale at Tenerife Auction Rooms, Las Chafiras. Excellent Quality, Low Prices, Next Day Delivery. Call 609 303 634

Garden Furniture

Computer Service Provider BT Authorised Dealer



Las Galletas, novelty 2 friends, sensual friendly services. Come and enjoy with us, kisses. Tel: 669 738 298 Los Cristianos. Patrica returns from Venezuela. Larges breast, without limits. Calle Noruega near the Supermarket ALTAVISTA. 610 359 339.


Sissy, Los Cristianos. Slim, sexy, domination, good looking, Private Apartment, Call: 634 273 126

Dell Registered Partner

Pest control


Health & Beauty Tel: 664 576 779


Home removal

Kitchens & bathrooms Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing, Decorating, Plastering etc. Tel: 661 081 843 for quotation.

Boiler King: All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579

Storage Short and Long Term Storage available at Tenerife Auction Rooms, anything from a suitcase to complete removals. Collection available. Call 609 303 634

CW 52


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

Another fine year passes THE Direct Telecom Pool League finishes 2015 the same way it started, with Gaffers A on course for the Division One title. It has been a brilliant year for Neil and the Gaffers’ gang. Their only league defeat came in late September when they lost to old foes Tenerife Hammers A. That was as good as it got for Hammers A, who have declined dramatically this season. That takes nothing away from Gaffers A, who have new challengers to ward off. Dreamers A have had a remarkable season. The Dreamers, normally, top-10 yardsticks who gave the best of sides a match, enter Christmas in a thoroughly-deserved second place. As a team they have improved. To these eyes, they are picking their shots better and forcing a bit more pressure. The team spirit is also there, and the improvement in players such as Steve and Man U Mark is there for all to see. They are not the only team to improve because Treehouse A started the season on fire. Yet this fine foursome have found it much harder this month. Now they are towards the top, Treehouse are discovering that the opposition are raising their game. It will be interesting to see if they can get back on track. Palms B have had an excellent few months.

Well-led by Captain Jet, they are proving tough to beat. This week’s win over Tenerife Hammers A gave them the bar bragging rights, although they still cannot beat Palms A in a league match. Talking of which, they have had a poor campaign, but there have been recent signs of a revival. Rewind A took a while to find their feet in Puerto Colon, but they are now where they probably should be. That said four of the top five are still to pitch up at the port. Gaffers B will be delighted with their progress and they are now an established topflight team. The same can be said for Exiles A, who have been solid all season. With Stash in brilliant form they are a match for anyone. The Los Abrigos teams have slipped a bit this season. The Phoenix finished third last campaign, but they could easily finish this one third-bottom. And the Phoenix Potters pensioners will hope for a late-season charge after a slow start. They have got most of the big boys out of the way and should improve. The opposite is true for Terrace Bantams, who flew out of the traps. They were riding high at the end of the summer, but just one win in nine has seen them slide down the table. And with some tough matches ahead, they will

division 1 ResultS Bluebell A Gaffers A Palms Bar B Rewind A Terrace Bantams Tenerife Hammers A

4-8 8-4 8-4 9-3 4-8 8-4

Gaffers B Exiles A Tenerife Hammers A Palms Bar A Dreamers A The Phoenix

division 1 Table

8-4 9-3 3-9 8-4

Sabores Hoppys A Rewind Rewired Bluebell B

division 2 Table Table



+- PTS

1 The Crown B

16 12

W D 2


2 126



60 38

2 Treehouse B

17 11


2 121


38 37



1 Gaffers A

18 15


1 148 68



3 Splash Bar

18 10


3 129


42 35

2 Dreamers A

18 12


3 127 89



4 Picasso’s A

16 10


4 118


44 32

3 Treehouse A

18 11


2 130 86



5 Bluebell B

16 10


5 113


34 31

4 Palms Bar B

18 11


4 123 93



6 Tenerife Pool Tables




6 105


18 24

5 Tenerife Hammers A

17 10


3 118 86



7 Rewind Rewired







10 20

6 Rewind A




8 115 101 14


8 Hoppys B







-24 16

7 Exiles A




10 104 124 -20 25

9 Hoppys A




11 91

125 -34 15

8 Gaffers B




6 107 109 -2


10 Dreamers B




15 76

140 -64 9

9 Terrace Bantams




10 110 118


11 Sabores




18 52

176 -124 1

10 Phoenix Potters




7 102 114 -12 23

11 Bluebell A




13 96 132 -36 16

12 The Phoenix




10 95 109 -14 15

13 Palms Bar A




11 87 129 -42 15

14 Tenerife Hammers C 18



12 92 124 -32 12

15 Terrace Roosters



15 78 150 -72 12


be hoping they have enough points in the bank to avoid a relegation battle. Terrace Roosters, their stablemates - or should that be coupmates - have been bottom all season. They won a few in mid-Autumn but have since gone backwards again. Roosters desperately need some wins, especially with a horror finish - four of their last five matches are all away from Amarilla Golf. Bluebell A, who have been around the dropzone all season, now face five straight away matches before they play three at home. The next two sees them against the Roosters

A +- PTS

division 2 ResultS Dreamers B Splash Bar Tenerife Pool Tables The Crown B


and Tenerife Hammers C, and much will ride on those games. Hammers C begun brightly but it’s now no win since 20th October. I wonder if their last match of the season, at home to the Bantams, will be a decider? Division Two is almost two leagues in one, and there will be a fine race to the title. Crown B are top today, having won their last five matches. They are good favourites, but are still capable of throwing in the odd shocker. And we will never forget Joel’s November defeat by Harley! Treehouse B led for months but have been pegged back.

They have some tricky matches coming up and we will know if they are the real deal in a few weeks. Splash Bar have quietly crept up on the rails. The Malibu Park posse have won their last three matches 9-3 and are a real threat. That said, they are not so good away and have four of the next five on the road. Picassos are also in the mix after winning six of their last seven. And, with some kind matches ahead, they could be the dark horses. Rewind Rewired are a strong side, who came in as replacements for Crown A. They are unbeaten as RR and are tearing up the league. They could decide who is crowned champions. Bluebell B remain the division’s yardstick. They have a host of home matches yet to play, and they will be

dangerous on their blue baize. A few wins over the sides above … and who knows? Tenerife Pool Tables, who enjoy pool night, are comfortable in mid-table. Young Harley continues to claim scalps - and Nick continues to finish everyone’s pizza! Hoppys B started late and have had some success. They will hope to finish above Hoppys A, who themselves can pull off the odd upset. Dreamers B this week beat Sabores to pretty much guarantee they will not get the wooden spoon. They will now be hoping to move a place or two higher. And then there are the loveable Sabores. No win yet after 19 games, but they did enjoy the stunning draw with high-flying Treehouse B. Keep going guys- that win is out there!

Yigit has eyes on European crown ANTHONY Yigit, the Swedish light-welterweight boxer based at Las Chafiras, has taken what he hopes is his final step to a European title challenge. Yigit extended his unbeaten record to 16 wins

and a draw (early on in his pro career) by seeing off former world champion DeMarcus Corley in three rounds on Saturday at Sweden’s Rosvalla Arena in Nyköping. And if his prominent German handlers, Sau-

erland Promotion, keep their promise, he will be competing for the European title next year. That will make Christmas with his family in Sweden even merrier for the 24-year-old, happygo-lucky fighter, who

trains at El Gym, in Las Chafiras, and has aspirations of ruling the world. Corley, a ring-worn, 41-year-old veteran, put up a decent fight for those three rounds and then, dramatically,

failed to come out for the fourth. Slick-punching Yigit, ahead on all three cards, was always the aggressor while Corley covered up and slipped punches well, scoring with good counters.

Corley was especially sharp in the second but faded a bit in the third as Yigit piled on the pressure - and then came the disappointing, if perhaps, predictable retirement, although not expected that early.


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

53 CW

Hoppys Scotch Boothen! THE final round of league fixtures before our wellearned Christmas break was played out last Friday, and one of the teams challenging for the Division 1 title may have cracked open the sherry a little too early.

Boothen Army, holding a 21-match winning streak, made the short trip for a tricky encounter with fourth-placed Hoppys, hoping that Santa had some nice points in his sack for them. Maybe he got stuck in the chimney, or perhaps he opened his own bottle of Bristol Cream. Either way, a strong start by Grizzly and his little helpers put them 4-1 up after the singles. Then Boothen, much to Grizzly’s disgust, started to make a game of it and pulled the match back to claim a draw.

The good tidings quickly filtered through to Emerald Lounge, where leaders Phoenix Bar claimed a sevenpoint haul to put them eight points clear at the top. Gaffers made light work of visiting Palms Pool bar, dropping just one leg, while Pas O Nadas A had Andy hitting a maximum as they also notched seven at Ourplace Playboys. Bar 180 B enjoyed their third win of the campaign, nicking the trebles leg to beat Palms Sports Bar - a result mirrored by Boothen Titans as they held the last rubber to prevail over Emerald Shamrocks. After knocking Marilyns out of the Cup last week, Division 2 leaders Phoenix Flights put eight past the same team, who will be sick of the sight of them when they meet again on 8th January! Second-placed Spear Chuckers gained a handsome six points at Legends, while Sandys Chippers, lying third,

division 1 ResultS

division 2 ResultS

Bar 180 B Boothen Titans Emerald Lounge Gaffers Hoppys Bar Ourplace Playboys

5-3 Palms Sports Bar 5-3 Emerald Shamrocks 1-7 Phoenix Bar 7-1 Palms Pool Bar 4-4 Boothen Army 1-7 Pas O Nadas A

division 1 Table

division 2 Table


P W D L F A +- PTS


1 The Phoenix

22 20 1 1 150 26 124 150

1Phoenix Flights 23 22 1 0 142 42 100 142

22 21


0 142 34 108 142

2 Spear Chuckers

22 15


3 121 55



3 Gaffers

21 14


4 113 55



3 Sandys Chippers

21 18


2 116 52



4 Hoppys Bar

21 12


6 105 63



4 Summerlands

23 10


6 106 78



5 Boothen Titans 22 11 4 7 98 78 20 98

5 Sundowners

24 11


9 100 92



6 Emerald Shamrocks 21 11 2 8 90 78 12 90

6 Picassos

22 10 6 6 94 82 12 94

7 Pas O Nadas A




9 83




7 Naughty Nautas




8 93




8 Exiles Bar




9 82




8 Clouseaus

22 10


6 92




9 Ourplace Playboys 22



3 13 82 102 -20

2 14 69 107 -38


9 Pas O Nadas B

10 Waterfall Warriors 20 7

2 11 68 92 -24


10 Gaffers Jucee Girls 21 8 4 9 80 88 -8


11 Palms Sports Bar 21


1 14 58 110 -52


11 Legends



2 12 78

98 -20


12 Palms Pool Bar

WITH a thump and bang, CD Tenerife returned to earth as Valldolid ended their fine, unbeaten run.

The scoreline was harsh because Tenerife gave it a real go in their last match before the Christmas break. But in senior football, you cannot expect to play for over an hour away from home and return with anything. Alberto’s early dis-





2 17 50 126 -76


12 Marylins



7 12 77 115 -38


13 Emerald Lounge 21


2 17 48 120 -72


13 Bar Leones



3 16 67 117 -50


14 Bar 180 B


1 17 36 132 -96


14 Ourplace Playgirls 22 5 0 17 59 117 -58


15 Waterfall B



went one better and took seven from Legends. After last week’s first win, Waterfall B found it rather tough at home to Picassos, who were good value for their 7-1

Real Valladolid 4 CD Tenerife 1

By Roscoe

P W D L F A +- PTS

2 Boothen Army

BLITZED! missal, topped off with a penalty converted by Oscar, was a game-changer. Moments later, Juan Villar added a second and it was backs-to-the-wall time. Tenerife showed character to pull one back through Choco Lozano, and they didn’t let the heads drop. Manager Jose Marti packed the midfield and hoped for a counter, which never really came. And, as Tenerife chased the game late on, Villar again and substitute Guzman gave the scoreline an inflated feel. It means Valladolid leapfrog Tenerife in this crazy league. Tenerife

Bar Leones 1-7 Sandys Chippers Clouseaus 3-5 Gaffers Jucee Girls Legends 2-6 Spear Chuckers Pas O Nadas B 5-3 Naughty Nautas Phoenix Flights 8-0 Marilyns Sundowners 6-2 Ourplace Playgirls Waterfall B 1-7 Picassos

finish the year in 14th place, a position some fans would take at the end of the season. It’s three points above a relegation zone that sees Athletic Bilbao B and Llagostera facing a certain drop, Tenerife, for me, should look up. Sixth-place Alcorcon are just six points away with a whopping 24 games to play. A shrewd signing or two and it could be a fine 2016 in Santa Cruz. The basis of the squad is there, and some young legs to step in for the ageing Suso, Ricardo and Aitor Sanz could make all the difference.

success, and Sundowners proved too strong for the Playgirls, notching a 6-2 victory. No draws for Naughty Nautas this week - if you will excuse the term - because they Position



lost the trebles and their match against Pas O Nadas B, while Gaffers Jucee Girls won the trebles for a tight win at Clouseaus. All that remains is to

0 23 45 147 -102

wish all the Oasis Fm darting community a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year. See you on the other side!









Deportivo Alavés









Córdoba CF









Real Oviedo









Club Atlético Osasuna









Gimnàstic de Tarragona









AD Alcorcón









CD Leganés









Real Zaragoza









CD Lugo









Elche CF









CD Mirandés









SD Ponferradina









Real Valladolid CF









CD Tenerife









CD Numancia de Soria









SD Huesca









Girona FC









RCD Mallorca









Albacete Balompié









UE Llagostera









Athletic Club B









UD Almería








CW 54


24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

March of the underdogs

AS a fan of football in general, I have to admit that the Premier League so far has been a breath fresh air. It has been great to watch the underdogs outperforming the big clubs. Trouble is, it has made predicting a much tougher job! By Adi Benson

Stoke v Man Utd

Stoke, one of the League’s most frustrating teams in the league, are capable of beating Man City and then losing to a team below them! There’s an outside chance that this could be Van Gaal’s last game at United, with the owners starting to lose patience with him and the shadow of Jose Mourinho looming large. They have dropped out of the top four and need to get back to winning ways before they fall back any further. Prediction: Draw Last season: 1-1

Liverpool v Leicester

The Klopp effect seems to have worn off Liverpool because they looked very poor against Watford. Since the new manager took over, we haven’t seen a settled line-up as he constantly chops and changes, trying to find his ideal starting XI. They need a win if they have top-four ambitions. Leicester are riding on a huge wave of confidence as they enter the Christmas period at the top of the league. Another good win against a battling Everton team showed that they have the character to take points from tricky games. The next few games will show if they are real title contenders. Prediction: Home win Last season: 2-2

Tottenham v Norwich

Spurs picked up a welcome three points against Southampton which, thanks to results going their way, meant they moved into the top four - a position they won’t want to give up easily. They are a solid unit and have the second-best defence in the league. And from this platform, they have been able to play free-

flowing football. Norwich haven’t made the best start to the season, but a win at Old Trafford will have given them a timely Christmas confidence boost. They still have a long way to go until they are safe, but a second win in a row would certainly take them in the right direction. Prediction: Home win Last season: N/A

Swansea v West Brom

Swansea have problems as they enter the festive period in the bottom three. They could do with some fresh blood in the transfer window, but they won’t have too much to spend. They need a goal -corer as it is just not happening for Gomis, and they never replaced Bony when he went to Man City. West Brom are doing slightly better, but they still have a long way to go with regards safety. With Pulis at the wheel, though, they should be okay. They had two important players sent off in their last game and they could prove to be the difference. Prediction: Away win Last season: 3-0

Man City v Sunderland

City will be glad they are playing at home because their away form has been poor. They have one of the strongest squads in the league, but when Pellegrini makes changes they seem to under-perform. They need to be back

at their best as the next few games could make or break their season. Sunderland rallied briefly when Big Sam came in as manager, but they are back to poor defensive displays and a lack of goals. They are five points from safety and, if they don’t pick points up in their next few games, they will go into the New Year with a large hill to climb. Prediction: Home win Last season: 3-2

Chelsea v Watford

So, with Mourinho gone and Hiddink waiting in the wings as caretaker, Chelsea produced a much better performance against Sunderland. However this match

will be different because their opponents are one of the league’s inform teams. We will get a great insight into whether they have got the stomach for a fightback. Watford will have no fear going into this clash after beating a woeful Liverpool side comprehensively. They have shown that 4-4-2 should not be a forgotten formation, especially when you have Deeney and Ighalo leading the line so effectively. They need to keep those two fit. Prediction: Draw Last season: N/A

Bournemouth v Crystal Palace

Bournemouth have had

three wins in a row, and they’ll be looking to keep building on that as they continue their rise up the table. They have come through a rough patch to climb out the bottom three, but more points are needed and home games are a great way to continue picking them up. Palace have a fantastic 2015 away record, bettered only by Bayern Munich and Barcelona, so they will be confident of adding another game to their impressive record. Pace is key to their form and, when in full flow, nobody can seem to handle them. Prediction: Away win Last season: N/A

Aston Villa v West Ham

Villa grabbed a point at the weekend against Newcastle, but it is not enough because they need wins as they are now 10 points away from safety. They looked much better defensively, but they seem to offer nothing going forward. They will probably bring some new recruits in January but by then it may be too late. West Ham have picked up a lot of injuries of late and this shows as they have struggled in recent games. With

three matches coming up in a period of eight or nine days, these injuries could really start to cost them and, come January, they could be in the bottom half of the table. Prediction: Draw Last season: 2-1

Newcastle v Everton

Newcastle, who haven’t been able to build on some recent wins, are still just hovering over the relegation places and, if results go against them, they could find themselves back down there. This is the type of game they need to be winning, especially at home, so McClaren must have a fighting display from his players. Everton have stuttered of late and been underpar, apart from Lukaku who is starting to show just how valuable he is to the club. But they must improve in defence and stop conceding soft goals. A win here and other results going their way could see them move above Merseyside rivals Liverpool. Prediction: Away win Last season: 3-2

Southampton v Arsenal

A few weeks ago, Ronald Keoman was moaning about how he needed new players in his squad. And since then they have been on a poor run, proving his point. But he has to be careful that the board also don’t think the manager needs improving. This would be a great game in which to get back to winning ways. Arsenal have their usual injury worries entering December, but they are still winning and are in touch with the title race. Wenger has also spoken of spending money in the transfer window to improve his team, giving them a really good shot at the title. Or is he just teasing the fans? Prediction: Away win Last season: 2-0 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016


55 CW

CW 56

Advertisement 24th December 2015 - 7th January 2016

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