Cw issue 979

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The Only Tenerife English Weekly Newspaper!


Issue 979


11th November - 17th November 2016

DONALD Trump, a rank outsider, pulled off the biggest political shock in American history on Wednesday when he brushed aside Hillary Clinton to become President-elect of the United States. Continued on Page 3

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Advertisement 11th November - 17th November 2016


11th November - 17th November 2016

Rajoy salutes new President SPANISH Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has tipped his hat to Donald Trump on his stunning win in the US presidential elections. Rajoy, on hearing the news, tweeted: “My congratulations to Donald Trump for his victory. We will continue to work on strengthening the relationship that unites us with the US - an indispensable ally. “The people have made their voice heard, revealing once more the vitality of US democracy.” Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis also agreed there were “excellent perspectives” in terms of consolidating and strengthening links between the US. But he confessed that the Spanish Government had been equally prepared for a Trump or a Clinton victory. Dastis added that while Trump had given a new look to US politics, the magnate would have to work within the institutional framework as he shaped the future direction of the country, and its foreign affairs. But Spain’s main opposition party, the Socialists (PSOE), expressed their concern over the Trump success. “We have a completely different vision to his, in terms of economics, social policy and international politics,” said Ricardo Cortés, PSOE spokesperson on foreign affairs and the European Union. However, Cortés said people should “have confidence in the institutions and the mechanisms of control of US democracy”, while congratulating the people of the US for having “democratically-elected their next president”.

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Trump calls for unity Continued from Front To say it was the equivalent of an earthquake would almost be understating the result, although one commentator likened it to being “another 9/11”. The comparison with one of the greatest disasters of all, in 2001, was terribly harsh and disrespectful. But it demonstrated just how much the result shattered the Democrats’ half of the country. Trump’s Republicans, however, are probably still celebrating his astonishing victory, predicted by so few “experts”. Mrs Clinton was more than confident of becoming America’s first female President, following husband Bill’s footsteps into the White House after beating the brash, flash Trump. But The Donald, as he is known, had done his homework well, concentrating his campaign efforts on the white working-class, who rallied to his cause. Never mind the sexoffence allegations levelled at him. He was their man and their saviour, and he won them over by an unprecedented margin. He also held on to a surprising majority of college-educated whites, which enabled him to recruit votes from heavily-white areas of states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where they had twice voted the Democrats’ Barack Obama into power. British Prime Minister Theresa May was one of the first to congratulate Trump, knowing that he favours Brexit.

And Nigel Farage, whose Ukip party instigated the UK’s vote to leave the European Union, is backing him all the way. Farage, who spent some time on the campaign trail with Trump, even appearing on stage with him, is minding the shop for Ukip until a new leader is elected. He believes that Trump’s appointment as America’s 45th President is one of “two great political revolutions” seen across the world in 2016. He added: “I’m not particularly surprised because the political class is reviled across much of the West. “The polling industry is bankrupt and the press just hasn’t woken up to what’s going on in the world. I thought Brexit was big, but boy,

this is going to be even bigger!” Trump, displaying unusual modesty, told supporters at his election-winning speech: “No dream is too big; no challenge is too great. “I’ve just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us on our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign.” And, setting aside their fierce war of words, he added: “Hillary has worked very long and very hard, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. I mean that very sincerely. “Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division and get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across

this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. “It’s time, and I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be President for all Americans. This is so important to me. “For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help, so that we can work together and unify our great country. “As I’ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men and women, who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their families. “It’s a movement

comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people and serve the people it will! “Working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream.” Outgoing President Obama invited Trump to visit the White House yesterday (Thursday) after calling him in the early hours of Wednesday to congratulate him on his victory. He also noted their “significant differences”. But, like his own transition to the White House eight years ago, he hoped the same would take place as the Trump administration makes plans to take office in January.

Lavatory humour! CHEEKY! Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are among the new “caganer” figurines for Christmas 2016, forming part of the annual tradition. The little statuettes feature politicians baring their backsides in the traditional Christmas Nativity scene and passing motions … but not the usual ones witnessed in parliament. This year’s caganers include figures from the world of sports and entertainment, immortalised in clay as part of a centuries-old tradition from northeastern Spain. This crop of caganers

includes a Clinton and Trump dump from the most talked-about politicians of the day. There’s also a host of Spanish figures, such as new Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Carles Puigdemont, new Catalan Parliament President.

It also depicts stars such as TV’s Game of Thrones characters John Snow, Daenerys and Tyrion. And, following the popularity of Pokemon Go, the smart-phone game sweeping Spain, a figure of Pikachu complete with matching

yellow poo - is not to be sniffed at! The group also pays tribute to some of the best-loved personalities to have passed away since last Christmas, including musician Prince and boxing legend Muhammad Ali. For the first time ever, a hipster is included in the collection sporting trimmed beard, hipster quiff, bowtie and horn-rimmed spectacles. But who would want to see miniatures of Trump or Clinton pulling their pants down … to add the stuff they’ve been preaching about all year to a nativity scene?

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11th November - 17th November 2016

Spain’s positive bid towards EU deficit IT took Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy just a week after regaining office to pledge that his Popular Party (PP) government would meet the country’s European Union deficit targets.

Economy Minister Luis de Guindos said in Brussels on Monday that a new budgetary adjustment would be ready “in the coming weeks”. He added: “The Spanish Government wants to have a new budget ready by the end of the year, which will include measures to meet the 2017 deficit target of 3.1% of GDP.” But he also expressed hopes that Spain would not have to slash 5.5bn euros, as the EU expects it to do, if the pace of economic growth is better than the 2.3% of GDP forecast in 2017. Spain’s Government forecasts 2.9% growth for this year, while the IMF and BBVA have set that figure at 3.1%. On Monday, though, EU officials acknowledged that the Spanish economy was doing better than expected. “We have discussed whether the recovery

in Spain is due to the fact that there was no government,” joked Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Eurogroup President, after a meeting of economy and finance ministers. Spain made a similar promise to meet deficit targets in 2015, but, ultimately, overshot its goal by 10bn euros. Now, the EU wants the Spanish deficit to drop to 4.6% of GDP by the end of 2016. And De Guindos is sure that Spain can meet that goal “comfortably, based on the measures that have already been adopted [raising corporate tax]”. In August, the EU cancelled a fine against Spain and Portugal for failing to amend their excessive deficits, and gave them extra time to bring this figure below 3% of GDP.

Spain was told to bring its deficit down to 4.6% of GDP in 2016, to 3.1% in 2017 and to 2.2% in 2018. Brussels noted that Spain’s new budget should include structural cuts of some 5.5bn, equivalent to 0.5% of GDP. But Madrid believes that as long as the targets are met, yearon-year, Brussels will not mind whether it is the result of structural cuts, or of a stronger economy. The Government wants to have a new budget ready by the end of the year, but will face opposition in Congress De Guindos has already suggested that Spain’s economy will grow more than expected. For the state, a growing economy means higher tax revenues and lower expenditure on

unemployment checks. Madrid is hoping that this will be enough to improve the state’s finances, and, thus, reduce the need for cuts. Meanwhile, back in Madrid, Finance Minister Cristóbal Montoro told a group of journalists that his government would review economic forecasts to reflect the economy’s improved performance. It will, he feels, convince Brussels that it will not be necessary for Spain to cut 5.5bn from the budget. Montoro said that if the economy were to

grow above 2.3% of GDP in 2017, the increased state revenues would make it unnecessary to make those harsh structural cuts. He also wants to negotiate the budget with the main opposition parties to ensure a smooth passage through parliament. But there is a snag: the PP is heading a minority government and faces a mostly-hostile Congress, pledging to fight any further social cuts. In theory, Brussels wants cuts to the structural deficit - not the cyclical one that

depends on higher or lower growth - and could demand more reforms. Yet the political winds are blowing in Spain’s favour, with the EU’s popularity at a low following a wave of populism and the Brexit vote in Britain, together with several national elections coming up. It means that Brussels is opting for a flexible attitude towards countries which have already made efforts to reform, and which continue to support EU membership.

Humberside is up in the air over Tenerife TENERIFE’S holiday tentacles, stretching far and wide throughout the UK, have now reached Humberside Airport, where a new winter service has just taken off. The service sees a dedicated Thomson Airways plane operating a weekly flight, launched by Thomson and First Choice on Monday, and every Monday, throughout the winter. Airport officials believe that sun-seekers jetting off to Tenerife will have access to some of Thomson and First Choice’s most

popular flagship hotels, including the 5T+ Sensatori Resort on the west coast. First-day passengers on Monday were greeted at Humberside Airport with a warm Spanish welcome from flamenco dancers - and sangria at the check-in! Deborah Zost, the airport’s managing director, said: “We’re thrilled to be able to offer local holidaymakers this service. “By expanding its flying programme from Humberside, Thomson has clearly demon-

strated its confidence in the airport, offering a greater choice of flights and holidays from our region.” Karen Switzer, director of Aviation Planning for Thomson and First Choice, said: “Adding more capacity from Humberside demonstrates our commitment to the airport and the surrounding area. “Expanding access to our portfolio of destinations and hotels is a key part of our overall strategy, which will enhance the holiday experience for our customers.”

Superpowers for our super brains SOME 15,000 children in Spain, aged 5-13, from 500 schools, have been selected to enhance their “superpowers”, such as attention and concentration, photographic memory, logical thinking and calculation skills.

These natural abilities would probably have lain dormant had the pupils not received specific training, during what the organisers

term “fun-filled training sessions”. ALOHA, a mental-development programme, designed the training to help children develop greater potential, to boost their intellectual skills. The sessions began in Spain during October, but the programme was already installed in Germany and Ireland, where up to 600 students have been training their superpowers since 2014, when the project was introduced. Children train their calculations’ superpower through mental arithmetic, the use

of the abacus and the hands’ technique. In addition, they develop their logical thinking through intelligence games and mental challenges, which defy their ingenuity. The various training sessions also include activities to exploit the potential of their concentration, imagination and creativity, among other powers. The fun-filled, superpower training is endorsed by the Spanish Pedagogical Society, a non-profit, scientific and professional organisation.


11th November - 17th November 2016

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Parents at forefront of kids’ homework strike THOUSANDS of parents are planning a strike against Spanish state schools over the “unacceptable” amount of weekend homework being dished out to their children.

The Spanish Alliance of Parents’ Associations (CEAPA) is encouraging mums and dads to take part in a boycott of Saturday and Sunday homework

throughout November. Its President, Jose Luis Pazos, claims the excess of work is “detrimental” for children’s well-being. The CEAPA covers around 12,000 state schools, and the boycott is likely to affect primary and secondary school students alike. A 2012 study by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) found that Spanish teenagers had 6.5 hours of homework a week, compared with an average of 4.9 over 38 countries. Parents in Spain have

long criticised the quantity of after-school work heaped on their kids, claiming it can be too much of a burden on their mental health. Mr Pazos said in a radio interview: “We’ve lost a bit of common-sense in this country when it comes to talking about education. And we’ve got a system in which the free time of boys and girls has disappeared. “Schools are passing on tasks to families that they shouldn’t be. They’ve made us into second teachers, leaving children in the latter stages of secondary

Our ‘true’ capitals of South Tenerife

OF the nine municipalities of the South, only two towns would maintain their capital status if the criteria of population was applied.

And they would be the two least inhabited boroughs of the region: Vilaflor and Fasnia! The rest, Arona, Adeje, Granadilla, Guía de Isora, San Miguel de Abona, Arico and Santiago del Teide, all have at least one area in which there are more residents than the traditional capitals, where they maintain their headquarters. So, by population, the main city of Arona would be Los Cristianos; Adeje’s would be Costa Adeje;

Granadilla, San Isis; Gulag de Isobar, Playa de San Juan; San Miguel, Las Chaffinch; Arico, Pores de Bona, and Santiago of Teide, Puerto Santiago. Of them all, the most striking case is that of Arona, which has the third-biggest municipality on the Island in population, with 90,000 inhabitants. There are now nine towns more-populated than the centre, which is Arona town: Los Cristianos, El Frail, Las Galletas, Valle San Lorenzo, Cabot Blanc , Buzzard, Co, La Camilla and El PalmMar. Something similar, although not so conclusive, is apparent in Arico, the Island’s most widespread municipality, which has four more-populated areas than the main

town. They are: Pores de Bona, Tao, Arico Vie and El Rio. Also, the centre of Santiago del Teide has fewer residents than Puerto Santiago, Tamaimo and Los Gigantes. It should be noted that San Isidro and El Medano have more inhabitants than Granadilla, while the rest of the capitals (Adeje, Guía de Isora and San Miguel) are second in their respective municipalities. The case of Adeje deserves a special mention because its Council’s target, since the turn of the century, has been to promote an increase in residency, while encouraging construction of new public buildings and shopping centres, which has resulted in a population increase.

education with up to 60 hours of school-work a week.” He added: “It starts with children from the ages of three to six doing half-an-hour’s homework every day. For us, that’s an unacceptable situation.” Pupils at Spanish schools, typically, start work before 8am, have a long lunch break and finish around 5pm. However, many state schools are now electing to finish studies at 2pm and give children lots of homework to bring down costs. In the latest study into educational competency by OECD PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) from 2013, Spain came 31st in the list of countries in terms of how good their 15-year-olds were at maths and reading. Mr Pazos argued this was because schools in Spain continued

to be rely heavily on the traditional “rotelearning” memorisation techniques, rather than adapting to new styles of teaching. “What we have to teach children isn’t to memorise everything,

but how to manage information, to be critical, and to select what is worth it and what isn’t,” he added. “Society has changed deeply, but the environment in the classroom hasn’t.”

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11th November - 17th November 2016

Can La Palma house the world’s largest telescope? THE world’s largest groundbased telescope, some 30 metres in diameter, could be built in the Canary Islands, instead of its proposed Hawaii location.

It follows awkward legal battles and protests, which have brought ground construction in Hawaii to a halt.

The Thirty Metre Telescope (TMT) is the largest in a series of extremely big groundbased telescopes (ELTS) and will be part of a new astronomical observatory, costing around £1.4bn to build. It is intended to carry out optical and infrared astronomy, and will help astronomers discover the properties of the Universe, as well as answer questions such as “what is the origin of life?” The TMT will stand

18 storeys high, with a 98ft-wide primary mirror inside. Once built, it will be one of the largest opticallight observatories ever, second only to the E-ELT, the European Extremely Large Telescope. A committee settled on building the TMT on the summit of Hawaii’s dormant volcano Mauna Kea, which stands 14,000ft above sea level. The site was chosen because it has good

atmospheric turbulence properties, offering scientists sharp views of the distant Universe. However, Hawaiians are unhappy with the proposals. Mauna Kea is seen as the most sacred mountain in their culture and, since 2014, the “mountain protectors” have all objected to the TMT being built there, through protests and lawsuits. Last year, the Hawaii Supreme Court blocked the construction of the

telescope completely. As a result, the TMT International Observatory Board of Governors (TIO) has settled on moving the TMT project to La Palma. It is considered the second-best location for optical and infrared astronomy in the northern hemisphere after Mauna Kea. But there are also drawbacks on the Canary Island. As La Palma’s proposed location isn’t as high above sea level as Mauna Kea, the astronomers’ work would be affected by more interference from Earth’s atmosphere. This would reduce

the scope’s resolution, and, in particular, affect the mid-infra-red wavelengths needed to observe galactic centres. And despite seeking an alternative site, the board still has its sights set on Hawaii. “Mauna Kea continues to be the preferred choice for the location of the Thirty Meter Telescope, and the TIO Board will continue intensive efforts to gain approval for TMT in Hawaii,” said Henry Yang, chair of TIO’s Board. The TIO Board has said that, regardless of the outcome, construction of the TMT will begin no later than April 2018.

Drug-smugglers die in ‘freak accident at sea

Is it a bird? A plane? No, it’s Supermoon! LOOK to the night skies on Monday (14th Nov) and you’ll see the biggest Supermoon of all. They occur when the full moon comes extra close to Earth, and there are up to five a year.

They are all of various strengths, but this one really will be the Daddy of them all. In real terms we are still

talking about incredible distances. This Supermoon will be the nearest it has come to our planet since 26th January 1948, and it will be 30% brighter and appear 14% bigger. So don’t miss it because it will not be this close again until 25th November 2034. Tenerife is always a good place for these observations because of our clear skies - and a government policy of restricting light pollution from motorways, airports, and com-

mercial lighting. The Canarian Institute of Astrophysics will be busy watching the spectacle, via the Tenerife and La Palma observatories, as well as from their La Laguna headquarters. These great minds are not just about hard science because they also have a keen sense of humour: the service road to the HQ is called Via Lactea - the Milky Way. And the IAC’s Miguel Serra Ricart explained the reason for Supermoons. “The

moon takes 27 days to orbit the earth and the earth takes 29 days to orbit the sun,” he said. “So there is a little lag between the two that causes the moon to make a slightlyelliptical orbit, rather than maintaining a constant distance from earth.” On Monday evening, make sure you take a good look at the moon, if possible. The last notable Supermoon was in 2014, but it wasn’t as pronounced as the latest show will be.

A GANG of drug traffickers were killed in a “freak accident” when their vessel collided with a Spanish Customs surveillance patrol boat during a chase in the Strait of Gibraltar.

The boats crashed together some 11 miles from Punta Europa, Algeciras, on the Bay of Biscay, when the traffickers performed an “abrupt manoeuvre” after being pursued by the Agencia Tributaria. The Moroccan man, and his three Spanish companions, who were tossed overboard in the collision, were already dead when their bodies were lifted into tax authorities’ boat.

The men were said to be transporting large amounts of marijuana from Morocco to the Spanish port of Algeciras, in Cadiz. The city’s Deputy Leader, Javier Torre, said: “A full and comprehensive investigation is being launched into the incident. “I have the deepest condolences for the families of the four people who have died in this accident.” He added: “It is a loss that highlights the dangers and the problems of drugtrafficking networks operating in the Strait of Gibraltar, and we must continue to work hard in our fight against them.” The five crew members aboard the Agencia Tributaria boat were treated for minor injuries. 11th November - 17th November 2016


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11th November - 17th November 2016

Help ‘Three Kings’ dreams come true WOULD you like to make sure all children have a present on Three Kings Day to make their dreams come true? The Social Services’ Children and Family Department has launched a campaign to recruit godfathers and godmothers to “Help the Three Kings”. This initiative, started last year by San Miguel de Abona Council, followed a scheme already being carried out by other local councils. The San Miguel experience began in 2015, via people closest to the Council staff - co-workers, family, friends - which led to 60 children, from the most vulnerable and socially-excluded families in San Miguel, being able to enjoy

Three Kings Day with their presents. Anyone willing to join this worthy campaign should visit San Miguel Town Hall and ask for the Children and Minors Department of Social Services, or contact 922 759 994. Sponsors will receive a letter from the children featured this campaign, always protecting their identities. San Miguel Council will continue collecting toys with the Red Cross because, currently, there is a large number of children in the area who will not have a present to open. We would like to thank you for supporting the various toy-collection campaigns. Let’s have no child without a toy!

500 firefighters needed to keep Canaries safer THE Workers Union CCOO has asked for 500 professional firefighters to boost the Canary Islands, where their work is usually carried out on a voluntary basis. It also seeks better prevention of occupational hazards for all firefighters, to avert serious diseases, such as cancer. Pedro Moreno, head of the Federation of Services to the Citizenship union, said: “Without meaning to alarm anyone, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has recognised that the rate of testicular and prostate cancer is higher than usual in this group.” Moreno also warned that the sector needed more staff because the Bomberos did not have enough manpower. He also reiterated the need for the Canarian Government to employ professional firefighters, which, in his opinion, would contribute to more public employment, as well as offering the public a much better service. But the CCOO has

denounced the Regional Executive’s intention to “sub-contract” professional firefighters via volunteers, “as a complement to an emergency, and not for every day of the year”. The union has also complained that in La Gomera, El Hierro and La Palma, “there is no professional fire department”. And in others, such as Fuerteventura, it says, the three municipal bodies operating there lack co-ordination. However, the CCOO is convinced that it has the solution for all the islands. What happens in Gran Canaria, which has two municipal fire brigades, the capital of San Bartolomé de Tirajana, and the Insular Emergencies Consortium, with 12 stations and 370 professionals, “is the model to follow”. Unfortunately, the union adds, the opposite happens in Tenerife, where five stations operate with 200 professional firefighters, and eight others with 300 volunteers.

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Spray it again, Fran

By Colin Kirby

YOU know what it’s like with painting - there are always those last bits of tricky corners and edges to finish off. And Francisco Prainz knows better than most.

The artist began his seascape mural at Rincon del Puerto, Los Cristianos in June 2015, and he has just returned to add the final touches. What a wonderful transformation! The old, grey, concrete walkway between the two beaches is now a real head-turner, with its depiction of Tenerife sights like Masca, Los Gigantes, whales and turtles. Francisco, who is relocating to Mexico, has already flown the short, first leg to his home city of the Spanish city of Cadiz, where he studied fine arts. Throughout the project, Francisco has been supported by Puertos de Tenerife, Arona Town Hall, and several local companies, who shared his vision of bringing a splash of colour to a dark corner. Over 1,000 cans of spray paint, and lots of imagination, were used to create the mural. But the hard work was worth it. Francisco had a big parting gift for

the people of Los Cristianos, leaving a pile of “post-it” notes nearby as he completed the last touches, and a note inviting people to write down their desires and wishes. These are now posted on the newly-painted pillars holding up the port road. Some wished for the obvious

- Lottery wins, better jobs etc - some had simple needs, such as health and happiness, and some reached deep into their hearts for more basic and important hopes. One, in particular, put it all into perspective: “I wish my dear partner would overcome cancer.” It really was

a poignant reminder of how trivial some of our daily niggles really are. Francisco may not return to our shores, but his memory will live on via the colourful creation, which will continue to make visitors and residents smile as they bustle along the promenade.

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Linda Johnson

Contributors: Adi Benson, Carl Pattison, Emma Swain, Geoff Huxtable, Mariano Zunino Siri, Sir Old Golfer, Carol Schleisman, Leticia Rodriguez, Colin Kirby

Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2016 Canarian Weekly


11th November - 17th November 2016

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Fury over ‘get-rich’ Las Americas plan VÍCTOR Sánchez, President of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Las Americas and Costa Adeje (Aepaca), is furious with the Canarian Government’s proposal to modernise “obsolete” hotels and apartments in the region. “The improvement plans for tourist zones in Las Americas is quick business that benefits certain people,” said Sánchez. “Since these plans were made known, they have raised serious concerns. These urban areas are not obsolete, but have

been abandoned by administrations in recent years.” The Aepaca comprises some 300 businessmen in the Adeje municipality, but Sánchez rues the lack of their support, apart from hotel management and other tourist accommodation owners. “What will Ashotel [the hotels’ association] say? It is normal that they support these plans because they are hotel entrepreneurs. “What we do not understand is why we have have not had backing from the rest of our busi-

ness groups, because here in the South, there are not only hotels, but also small business owners who generate stable jobs.” The Aepaca is also on the warpath about criticism in a statement issued by Jesús Romero, the Canarian Government’s Deputy Minister of Territorial Policy, which says: “The Las Verónicas area is falling apart and has illegal housing.” The Association refutes this vehemently, saying in a letter: “The Veronicas traders are unhappy,

and totally disagree with that statement. “Neither is it falling apart, and nor is there any illegal housing. Everything is commercial and leisure.” It adds: “In the Arona municipality and elsewhere in the South of Tenerife, there are many shopping centres which would have to be renovated or renewed, but they are not mentioned. “As for the possibility of building a nine-storey hotel, businessmen consider it to be an aberration because it will benefit a few, to the det-

Devil of a hitman! A FUGITIVE hitman, who featured on France’s most-wanted list, was arrested in Spain last week, disguised in a devil’s costume at a Halloween celebration.

Officers arrested Hamid Hakkar, 47, last Monday in the southern Spain port of Malaga, along with two Spaniards suspected of helping him hide. A police statement said: “He was disguised as a devil to blend in among the partygoers.” Spanish police released a photo of the red mask with black horns and sharp teeth which the man was wearing at the time of his arrest, along with a black cape and wig. Authorities said the man, of Algerian background, was on

riment of many.” What the Association stresses to the administration is that the modernisation of the Maritime Avenue (sea front) should be a priority action. In addition, it reiterates that the Las Verónicas companies have been “updated and modernised, although the Canarian Government has wanted to destroy this area of tourism and recreation, highly respected by the tour operators”. Finally, the Aepaca association regrets that the Ministry of Territorial Policy has not suggested a report to the public company Gesplan, on the “poor state in which, according to the deputy director, the area of Las Veronicas is in”. Owners association Grupasca, representing neighbouring communities totalling 1,500 people in Las Americas, also shows that urban plans for tourist centres au-

thorise higher buildings than those in existence. Emilio Lentini, Grupasca President, is threatening legal action if Los Llanos de Troya allows the construction of new bars, cafes and clubs, because it will affect the housing area seriously. The association says there is an “over-supply” of places for night-life, and asks that this place be designated to green zone and sports, since there is a significant lack of these types of areas. Also, Grupasca is adamant the construction of new buildings of up to nine floors should go ahead on the beachfront. Yet the possibility is being contemplated within the official “Plan to Modernise and Improve the Beach-front of Playa de Las Americas”. “We do not consider it feasible to build hotels with nine floors so close to the coast”, said Lentini.

Spanish granny’s 53 years of driving without licence France’s most-wanted list for murder, drugtrafficking and moneylaundering. In 2005, Hakkar was sentenced by a French court to 15 years in jail after finding him guilty of murdering a minor drug-trafficker. He has been on the run since November 2013, when he failed to return to a northern-

France jail, after being granted temporary leave. Hakkar, better known as ‘Julio’, was jailed for two years in 2010 for his role in helping Italian bank robber Antonio Ferrara escape from a French jail. He had escaped himself from a Paris jail in 1998 by taking the place of another man

in the visiting area who had come to see him at the prison. Hakkar was re-arrested in 2003. Spanish police began an investigation in mid-October, when Malaga officers found a “hitman’s kit”, which included two guns, a silencer, ammunition, eight mobile phones, false identity papers and 5,000 euros.

A WOMAN aged 74, from Spain’s northwestern Galicia region, has been driving for 53 years without a driving licence. The septuagenarian, from El Ferrol, was finally caught out when her Ford Mondeo was stopped during a routine traffic check by Local Police near her home. When officers asked for her driving licence, she stunned them by admitting that

not only did she not have one, but that she’d been driving since the age of 21 without ever having taken a test, let alone passed one! A magistrate in A Coruña ruled that she had to serve 32 days of community service for the crime. The court heard how she had never been stopped before, and had never even had a minor accident while behind the wheel.

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STUDENTS and teachers in Adeje’s public secondary schools are this month taking part in a series of workshops, dealing with bullying and gender violence.

The initiative, which has been running for a number of years by Adeje Council, complements the different activities organised internally. Equalities Councillor Carmen Lucía Rodríguez del Toro, said: “Within the academic course, we have already completed the first two training units, which were workshops in the prevention of school bullying, in October. “At the moment, we are

11th November - 17th November 2016

How we beat school bullies expanding the prevention of gender-violence workshops to coincide with the celebration of International Day For the Elimination of Violence Against Women, on 25th November.” This programme will include a video forum in Adeje Cultural Centre in the morning, followed by a reading of a public manifesto against gender violence, and a minute’s silence in the Plaza de España. The training programmes for students and staff are

run by expert Patricia G Ojeda. As in previous years, they include a short-story competition for the best composition on gender violence, and an art competition on good practices. Prizes for both will be presented to the winners that afternoon.

The Council has also donated relevant material to youngsters about the prevention of gender violence “so that they can continue the work of the workshops in the classroom,” says Cllr Rodríguez del Toro. Next year, workshops

on choosing careers without gender discrimination will be included in the agenda. These, and complementary activities, are designed to improve the lives of those inside and outside the school arena. They are also compiled to answer the needs of school directors, paying special attention to the increasing awareness and sensitivity to situations of discrimination and inequality among youngsters.

Perfect Place to be... in the Pink! By Gordon Slayney THE annual Pink Day fund-raiser, held in Costa del Silencio at Our Place bar on Sunday, raised thousands for charity. And there’s more to come! The popular sports and Karaoke bar, part of the Don Pedro complex in the centre of the village, took on its annual transformation into one of the Island’s biggest fund-raising events. And, as usual, it was decorated, literally, in wall-to-wall pink. That was the order of the day, and the only stipulation was to wear pink. Again, everybody joined in the spirit of the occasion - including me with a pink tie, which didn’t last long, as remnants of my first burger soon adorned it! The event is held in memory of Jenny Porter, who, tragically, passed away in 2009 from cancer. But her spirit lives on each year through this fund-raiser, with all proceeds going to AECC, which provides cancer care and treatment throughout the Canary Islands. Extra chairs and tables were drafted in as the whole of the outside, plus adjoining patios and car parks, were full of people enjoying themselves.

There were numerous stalls as well, which included the tombola, clothes sales and facepainting, the latter raising 100 euros alone. Children and adults entered the spirit of the day with pink ribbons being painted on their faces, by the talented Sarah Found. You’d never have a problem finding the venue because, literally, you just have to follow your nose on the trail of Mark’s famous barbecue. And this year, he pulled out all the stops with traditional burgers and hot dogs, together with pulled pork, which was stunning, added to the menu. It was was absolutely stunning (I managed not to get any of that on me!) and nearly 300 euros was raised by Mark. Bar owners Shar and Steve were flat-out, along with their staff,

ensuring people’s thirst was quenched. And boy, can Silencians drink! I was proud to be asked, for the third year running, to organise the entertainment - this fraternity of the Island never lets me down and we even had acts on stand-by, all wanting to help out by doing their bit for this wonderful cause. All the entertainers gave their time free, and, for that alone, as well as their exceptional talent, they deserve a mention. After opening the entertainment by doing a set myself, we then had Jacqui Peters, Stuart Beagley as Ed Sheeran, Sarah and Rachel as The Abba Angels, Pip Brown performing his new Bee Gees show for the first time in the village, and Luke Carey also introducing his new Bruce Springsteen show. Special mention

must go to Pip Brown for his hard work in producing this year’s official poster, and for having the patience of a saint because I was forever updating it with different time-slots and different acts. Big thanks to you, Pip. The very talented Katy J then took to the stage, followed by me and fellow-Oasis Fm presenter Gordon King, who decided to call us the Gay Gordons! Dave Michaels then took it up a notch, belting out some great songs and party tunes and then, prior to the auction and raffle, “rock god” Steve Tyler had the place bouncing. Steve Lakin, who owns the bar, then took over, squeezing out as many euros as possible from the public, when hosting the auction. Many people dug deep as they slogged it out for their favourite items, and the raffle,which seemed to go on for eternity, followed. That was testament to all the companies and public, who, as always, donated generously. The entertainment then continued with John G paying tribute to Wet Wet Wet, which he carried off brilliantly, followed by the penultimate act, Scott

Bateman (along with his guitar) wowing the crowd. And, as last year, the closing act was Adrian Brooks with his David Bowie tribute, which had the dance-floor full. In my opinion, this year’s event was by far the best, with a record attendance, despite the threat of heavy rain, which never ensued. The organising committee work tirelessly throughout the year. making sure everything goes to plan. And, pretty much as always, it ran like clockwork again this year. A massive thank-you to the Canarian Weekly for promoting the event. And, for the first time, Oasis Fm provided a live broadcast from 3-6pm, hosted by Jodi Bryant and Chris Elkington. At the last count, over 4,000 euros was raised, and still there are monies to be collected, which means last year’s total was beaten - a target for any annual fund-raising event. On behalf of Our Place, the committee and AECC, thank you all for your hard work and attendance - and for digging deep into your pockets. As for next year … bring it on!

Talent galore, and it won’t cost a penny

THE finals of Arona Youth Council’s gala talent contest - Jóvenes Promesas (Young Promises) - will be held tonight (Friday) and tomorrow, at the Infanta Lenor Auditorium, Los Cristianos. And a feast of entertainment is promised. The dance and modern dance, featuring 13 contestants, takes place tonight. Tomorrow, it’s the turn of 15 aspiring artists - four musical groups and 11 soloists with both events starting at 9pm. Entry is free, and tickets can be collected an hour before each event at the Auditorium, depending on availability, Organisers hope the event will prove to be a launching pad for amateur artists under 35, throughout the Canaries. The winners will perform in three shows, organised by Arona Town Hall, and at next year’s Gala.

Drug-growing Brit unearthed by cops

AN unnamed British man was arrested after police, representing Malaga’s Nature Protection Service, found a large marijuana plantation by chance at his Colmenar home. It happened as officers peered over the expat’s garden wall during a routine inspection of potentially-illegal properties in the Montes de Malaga natural park. But the Brit hardly appeared concerned about being caught because the patrol spotted the illicit plants growing in a glass greenhouse on an interior patio. The officers, suspecting that there could be a full-scale drug factory on the property, disappeared - only to return with a search warrant. Inside the house, they unearthed 101 cannabis plants in various stages of maturity, plus a sophisticated system for indoor cultivation, through which temperature, humidity and light could be controlled. The occupier was arrested, while the cops seized a kilogram of prepared buds, 40 grams of hashish pollen, 5,870 euros in cash and a vehicle, in addition to the plants and equipment. 11th November - 17th November 2016


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THERE are more than 100 Chinese “massage parlours” in Barcelona where, say the Catalan police, the name is merely a cover for sex shops. And, they are fast-becoming an additional tourist attraction for the city.

Mimi who works in one, arrived in Spain three three years ago thanks to an individual, known as a “snakehead,” who specialises in smuggling immigrants in from China. She knew she would be running-up garments in a sweatshop, but she wasn’t worried about the hard work because she was used to it back home - and it paid more. What she didn’t expect was to be virtually “imprisoned” for two years in premises in the Fondo neighbourhood of Santa Coloma de Gramenet, in Barcelona, which houses a large Chinese community. This is actually where many of the 47,973 Chinese immigrants registered in Catalonia begin their new lives in Spain. A police spokesman explains: “The workshop offers many of them access to the job market here.”

11th November - 17th November 2016

For sweatshops in Barcelona… read sex shops!

Mimi worked 16 hours a day, seven days a week, eating nothing but rice and noodles, and sleeping alongside 30 others in a makeshift dormitory. In return, she earned between 800-1,000 euros a month, and she saved what she could after repaying the cost of her trip from China. It’s a familiar “career” path for many female immigrants from China. But in 2009, Catalan police raided 40 illegal garment factories in the Mataró area, arresting 77 people and freeing 450 Chinese immigrant. They were mainly women, working in conditions of semislavery, which included violence. The raid, known as Operation Wei, exposed just how many of the clothes put together by these illegal, exploited workers, were destined for high street stores such as Zara, El Corte Inglés, Desigual and Cortefiel. The garments,

irresistible to chain stores claiming they knew nothing about how they were being made, were cheaper than having the clothes made in China or Thailand. But despite the initial success of the operation, it was almost impossible to get anyone to come forward with evidence against the ringleaders of the organisation. Nobody admitted to feeling exploited. In fact, most were angry at having been left without work, staging a protest

Cons set to enjoy wide-screen TVs DESPITE assaults in British jails registering a record high, prisoners will be soon be able to enjoy wide-screen TVs in their cells, as part of an £8.4m outlay. Every one of the 85,000 people currently serving time in Britain will benefit from the scheme, which, unsurprisingly, has been criticised by experts. The move was first revealed last year, when figures released by the Ministry of Justice displayed the TV fund, on top of a £1.5m budget for sports equipment and £460,000 for gardening tools. One prison even spent £30,000 on a hairdressing service! It is believed that the

improved facilities will keep morale up, with the authorities hoping to see a reduction in violence. In July, there were 5,954 reports of violence across the previous year - more than ever before - and Glyn Travis, Assistant Secretary of the Prison Officers Association, told the Sun: “We recognise that these prisoners should live in decent conditions. But surely, protection from the threat of violence and intimidation should be first?” He added: “We need more prison officers now … not better TVs!” Only last month, Basana Kimbembi, 34, was charged with murdering a 21-year-old

fellow-convict inside Pentonville Prison, in north London. Jamal Mahmoud, who had just become a father, was stabbed to death at the Islington jail. In another highprofile case, in August, a prison governor was hospitalised after a “brutal”, unprovoked attack by an inmate in his jail’s canteen. Paul Cawkwell was speaking with a prisoner at the Category C HMP Wayland in Norfolk, when he was attacked and beaten. A Prison Service spokesman said: “The cost of TV sets is recovered from offenders, who have to pay to have them in their cell.”

to get their jobs back. “It’s because of the work ethic in China,” says a source who took part in that operation. Mimi “graduated” from working at a sweatshop garment factory to one of Barcelona’s many massage parlours, as did Estefania (her Spanish pseudonym), two examples of how Chinese women move through the ranks in this parallel universe. Twelve years ago, Estefania travelled from Beijing across Asia and Europe to Spain. It took a month, with vehicle changes each time they arrived in a new country. She claims to have made the trip with some friends, but the Catalan police maintain that in every country, a “snakehead” helps them on their way. As soon as Estefania arrived in Spain, she was put to work in a Badalona sweatshop, where members of her family were already waiting for her. But despite sewing for 16 hours a day, sleeping and eating on the premises, she doesn’t recall there being anything odd about the set-up - it was just a lot of work! She now has her own massage business, with three employees, in Barcelona’s Eixample neighbourhood. And, because of her status, she runs the reception desk. But when there are no girls available, she

steps in immediately. “In China, when there’s work, you work,” she says. According to Antonio Rodríguez, Area Chief for the Catalan police force’s organised crime unit, Estafania got her papers, paid off her trip and is now able to work for herself, drawing on resources from the community, such as cheap labour and a new loan. So far, no one has been able to prove that there is a mafia or criminal group behind all this activity, though they are clearly not part of the Spanish system. “Everyone goes from being exploited to doing the exploiting,” says Rodríguez. “Many women have removed themselves from sex work by becoming the ‘mamis’ - the ones who run the establishments. And for them, that’s what it means to do well. It’s a recognised model of success.” But the larger Chinese community believes circumstances have changed considerably in the last few years, and dismisses the suggestion that this wheel of exploitation is a general trend. Businessman Lam Chuen Ping, President of the Catalan Union of Chinese Associations, insists that the picture is very different these days, with sweatshops becoming a thing of the past. He is adamant that, given the current state

of Spain’s economy, Chinese immigration has fallen off sharply, and those who do come have done so to invest. As for the second generation of Chinese in Spain, they are not involved in sweatshops. “We have lawyers, doctors, architects…” he says. True, but according to the Catalan police, sweatshops are still thriving, with staff drawn mainly from the Chinese provinces of Fujia and Zhejiang. “The person in charge of recruitment in China doesn’t have to do much; people know there is a system that works parallel to the legal one,” says Rodríguez. Though most of Barcelona’s sweatshops were shut down in 2009, recent demand has triggered a fresh batch, and unions are definitely not welcome. “It’s a very closed and secretive community,” says Carlos Chicano, head of labour union CCOO’s textile division in Catalonia. “They come here in precarious circumstances and the result is that they are exploited. But they don’t feel exploited because they are actually better off here than they were back home.” And every time there has been a police raid on garment factories, there is a reshuffle, and employees are moved to other industries. Those who have the looks are sent to work in massage parlours, says one police officer, who has been involved in various busts. “If the girl is cute, they make more money out of her doing that than if she’s making shirts.” Forging documents is another opportunistic area. In 2011, during Operation Turandot, Catalan police raided a Chinese passport factory in Barcelona’s Santa Coloma de Gramenet. The passports looked so perfect that the FBI took some of them back to the US to study. “The water marks were of high quality and the microfibres were excellent,” says Rodríguez. “In fact, the documents were all but authentic.” Rather like China’s female population in Barcelona, going about their daily “business” grind as normal.


11th November - 17th November 2016

HACKERS can’t believe their luck because web users are still using the same old insecure passwords, making it easier than ever for them to break into their accounts.

Unfortunately, having to remember passwords is one of the most irritating things about using the internet. Despite constant warnings from cybersecurity experts about the importance of using complex, difficult-toguess passwords, many still opt for convenience over security. According to a new analysis of passwords leaked in the recent Yahoo data breach, the most popular choices are still “123456” and “password”. With “qwerty”, “abc123” and “welcome” also making it into the top-10 list, researchers from Lancaster University, plus Chinese universities Peking and Fujian Normal, said choosing such simple passwords makes it incredibly easy for hackers to break into your accounts.

Hacked off? Here’s why!

“Why do some people use such obvious passwords? A main reason is that they’re either unaware of, or don’t understand, the risks of online security,” said Lancaster University’s Dr Jeff Yan, who co-authored the report. “Just like everybody knows what one should do when red lights are on in the road, everybody will know, eventually, 123456 or the like is not a good password choice.”

The 10 most-common passwords in the leaked Yahoo database were: 123456; password; welcome; ninja; abc123; 123456789; 12345678; sunshine; princess; qwerty Apart from these choices, said the researchers, people often base their passwords on personal information such as names, ages and birthdays - all of which could make it easy for hackers to access their accounts. They developed an

algorithm (a list of steps to follow), which enabled them to guess passwords correctly for more than 73% of ordinary-users’ accounts. Even for those who more security-savvy, one-third of passwords were cracked in 100 guesses. If you’re using one of these common passwords, or think you need to step up your online security, check out these tips from cyber security firm

Sophos about creating a secure password: DO *Use a password phrase and make it relevant. If you’re joining a crossword site, think, “knot my pencil” and write it something like Kn0tmyP3n$il *Make it something you can visualise. It’s easier to remember that way *Make it more than 10 characters and include capitals, numbers and symbols *The more personal the better. For a clothing retail site, think mY5orit3$hirt’sR3d (my favourite shirt is red) DON’T *Use names: pets, businesses, family, friends, etc. *Use letter or number patterns: 1234, abcd, etc. *Use birthdays, addresses or postal codes, even if you add a number or symbol *Use fewer than 10 characters *Store them locally, or on the Internet

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A masked demo sparks 50 arrests in central London A LONDON demonstration by masked protesters, opposed to capitalism, led to at least 50 people being detained last Saturday. The Million Mask March, held annually in a number of cities around the world on 5th November, sees demonstrators wearing so-called Guy Fawkes masks, which have also become associated with the anti-establishment comic book figure “V”. Police said the arrests were made for various offences, including possession of drugs, criminal damage and public-order breaches. A Metropolitan Police spokesman added that though most marchers were peaceful, there were “pockets of disorder”. Fireworks were thrown and a number of people climbed on to the base of Nelson´s Column. But Commander Ben Harrington praised the professionalism and “faultless co-ordination” shown by his officers. Restrictions had been imposed on the marchers following violence at last year’s event, which meant a large number of officers were stationed round the Houses of Parliament.

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Not to be sniffed at! OFFICIALS in Mislata, near Valencia, are planning to collect canine DNA to catch owners who don’t pick up their dogs’ poo, dispatched on streets, pavements and any other public places. Owners have until 31st December to take their dogs to a vet for a blood sample, which will be taken free of charge. Police will then take samples of dog excrement collected by street cleaners to a local lab for analysis.

And those who fail to register their dog’s DNA will face fines of up to 300 euros. If they fail to remove their dog’s mess from the pavement, Dog-owners in the Spanish municipality have also been warned that they will be fined 200 euros if they fail to pick up their mutt’s mess. Once registered on the DNA database, they will be given a name tag, to be worn by the animal at all times.

11th November - 17th November 2016

Down Syndrome teens up on toes for ballet lessons

Tesla plugging in to Barcelona HQ TESLA a leading manufacturer in electric-powered vehicles, is setting up its Spanish headquarters in Barcelona according to official documents.

The Spanish subsidiary of the firm, founded by Elon Musk, has been registered with initial capital of 3,000 euros, while Tesla International BV is the only partner in the venture, according to the Spanish Government’s business register. The announcement followed the company’s advert for jobs on its UK website last month, pointing to the opening of maintenance centres in the future in Madrid and Barcelona. Tesla said it was looking for personnel able to install socalled super-chargers throughout Spain’s two main cities. And, while its cardrivers can make use of conventional charging

points, these superchargers allow Tesla owners to recharge the batteries of their vehicles more quickly and efficiently. Six such superchargers are already available in Spain: in Valencia, Tarragona, Girona, Lleida, Murcia and on the N-340 road near the Ebro Delta. Tesla is also looking for sales advisers, marketing staff and product specialists, able to demonstrate and explain vehicles to potential customers. In Europe, Tesla has so far focused on Scandinavia, letting it be known that it still has problems with Spain’s regulatory framework concerning the settingup of recharging points. In May, the firm announced the launch of the Tesla 3, a midrange sedan selling from $35,000 and able to travel up to 400km on a single charge, For now, though, Tesla has just two vehicles: the five-seater Model S and the seven-seater Model X.

A GROUP of Down Syndrome teenagers rehearsed alongside Spain’s National Ballet (BNE) dancers this week, thanks to the Gmp Foundation.

It was a real coup for the Foundation, which supports people with learning disabilities, and some of the 20 youngsters involved described the experience as “the best day of my life”. For the professional dancers, however, it was a day of fun, and a welcome break from their punishing, sixhour, daily training schedule. “We worked as one,” said BNE Director

Antonio Najarro, who was clearly delighted with the event. “It was us who learned from the experience, because we spend every day rehearsing in front of the mirror, seeking perfection in both our bodies and our movements. “But these guys are totally uninhibited: they dance, they’re spontaneous… they remind us of who and what we are.” For the BNE, a state company which tours the world with its stylised flamenco shows, the encounter generated a potent mix of energy and emotion at its Madrid rehearsal rooms, in the Matadero Cultural Centre. Francisco Fernández, Director of the Gmp Foundation, considers the visit just the beginning for Emotions,

a project supporting Down Syndrome youngsters, for which the BNE staged a benefit gala called Alento on Wednesday at Madrid’s Teatros del Canal. The aim of Emotions is to promote the emotional well-being of people with Down Syndrome. And Najarro and Fernández both stress that these individuals can struggle with low self-esteem, often triggered by a feeling of marginalisation. Najarro said there was no better way of combating this than through dance, which helps to channel and express emotions. Needless to say, the rehearsal was a resounding success, and many of the youngsters had hardly been able to sleep the night before through excitement.

But they turned up on cue, kitted out in their black shirts emblazoned with the words: “I can dance at your side”. Unfortunately, just six of the rehearsal youngsters were able to appear on stage at the gala. They were attached to Maite León’s Psico Ballet and performed their own, short choreography. The rest of the show was taken over by the BNE, which is keen to participate in further projects aimed at social inclusion, despite its heavy schedule. They are now rehearsing four different ballets, while preparing a new choreography for December next year! But the visit culminated in a spontaneous flamenco party in which the youngsters got up to try their hands - and feet - at bulerías.


11th November - 17th November 2016

Game of Thrones is a target for spoilers THERE has been widespread speculation about how Game of Thrones the epic HBO saga will end as it approaches its last two series. The Spanish locations used for the filming of the upcoming series could give a few pointers. The seventh season of the series, which follows the fortunes of the Starks, Lannisters and Targaryen in one of the most expensive TV productions ever, will unfold in a number of Spanish locations. These include Seville, nearby Santiponce, Cáceres, and Almodóvar del Río in Cordoba, as well as the Basque Country. Online media and the social networks have, in recent weeks, been swamped with photos and videos of locationshooting in the Basque Country, which has now moved on to Seville. Using telephoto lenses, some fans have managed to capture images of some of the ongoing shoot. Peter Welter, who is Executive Producer of Fresco Film, the production company shooting some of the Spanish scenes, said an “arrangement” is usually reached with local people, who agree to keep away from where scenes are being shot. However, in the case of

Zumaia, a beach in the Basque Country, this wasn’t possible. As a result, photographs of some scenes have been distributed online. In response, HBO has decided to move several locations planned for Spain to Northern Ireland. Yet Spain, like Tenerife, is attracting growing numbers of production companies to film on location for several reasons. It has plenty of interesting locations, it’s cheaper than other European countries, has plenty of well-trained technicians, a superb climate and good transport infrastructure. Fans of the series might have seen photographs of Kit Harrington out and about in Bilbao, visiting the Guggenheim. They might also have seen

photographs of scenes they would rather have waited to watch in context, but have now given the game away, so to speak. Not everybody agrees on what constitutes a spoiler: can a photograph of a scene being shot really say so much? Some fans prefer to know nothing about what might be coming up on their favourite series, while others can’t get enough. It’s one thing to spread the word that shooting is taking place here or there, but another to reveal details through photographs. The sensible thing would be to let these series-makers get on with their job in peace. Then, we can simply sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labours!

Embassy hideaway for Assange may end soon JULIAN Assange, the WikiLeaks founder wanted for questioning over a rape allegation made in 2010, will be interviewed at London’s Ecuadorian Embassy on Monday. Ecuador, which has give him political asylum since 2012, has granted a Swedish request for a hearing, which could end a deadlock that led to the Australian being holed up in the Embassy. A statement on the Swedish Prosecution

Authority website said: “Ecuador has granted the Swedish request for legal assistance in criminal matters, and the interview will be conducted by an Ecuadorian prosecutor.” Sweden’s Chief Prosecutor, Ingrid Isgren, and a Swedish police investigator, will report their findings back to Stockholm. The statement says a DNA sample will be taken at the hearing, if Mr Assange, 45, agrees to provide one. Swedish authorities

want to question him over allegations that he committed rape in 2010, but he denies the allegations and has not been charged. The Australian claims that if he is extradited to Sweden over the allegations, he will be sent to the US to be prosecuted for the publication of secret documents, including US diplomatic cables, through WikiLeaks. He could also be arrested by British police if he leaves the Ecuador Embassy building.

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11th November - 17th November 2016

Spain on Irish route to shape up sharply EUROPE’S debt market believes that Spain could begin moving in the same direction as the Irish as its new government takes shape.

Spain’s borrowing costs have fallen to their lowest level, compared with those of Italy since early 2012, as Mariano Rajoy reprises his Prime Minister role. The formation of a new government last week, and robust economic growth, may help the nation’s financing costs drop even further. That was the feeling of Andrew Bosomworth, head of Pacific Investment Management Co’s

portfolio management in Germany. “The domestic policy mix, and economic developments, support current valuations for Spain and, potentially, a bit more narrowing from here,” he said. While Rajoy faces a challenge to assert the authority of his minority government, Spain’s efforts to stoke growth and bring debt under control may be enough to keep reducing interest payments. As global bonds suffered their worst month in October since 2014 regarding concerns that central banks might reduce stimulus, Spanish debt behaved more like Ireland’s than Italy’s, with the spread over German bunds barely widening.

Italy looks like a riskier alternative to Spain as it faces a referendum on constitutional changes next month, which may cost Prime Minister Matteo Renzi his job. In contrast, Spain’s 10-month political limbo ended on 29th October when Rajoy won a confidence vote in parliament to become Prime Minister for a second term. The Spaniard, sealing his victory, announced his new cabinet last Thursday, keeping the two men most responsible for fiscal policy in their jobs. Economy Minister Luis de Guindos emerged strengthened, with additional responsibilities for industrial policy, while Cristobal Montoro will continue

Hokey-cokey pastor was fiddling benefits A LYING pastor, who claimed £37,000 in benefits because she was in “crippling pain”, was caught dancing the hokey-cokey at a church Christmas party and jogging to a bank! Stephanie Meakin, a Filipino from Crewe, lied about her mobility for 11 years, during which time she was also seen wading into the sea for baptisms. She was give a 15-month sentence, suspended for a year, after Recorder Mary Loram, at Liverpool Crown Court, branded her a “thoroughly dishonest woman”. The court was told that she began receiving legitimate Disability Living Allowance in 1995 at the highest rate because of severe back trouble. But it had improved significantly by 2001. She denied failing to notify a change in circumstances, dishonestly, yet the 51-yearold was seen wearing high heels, walking up a steep hill and exercising her Rottweiler dog.

Jurors heard that she also went on a church mission to South Africa, during which she paid a “luxury” visit to the Kruger National Park, and twice flew to see relatives in the Philippines. Ms Loram told her: “The evidence was overwhelming, but you persisted in the lie to the jury that, throughout, you were in crippling pain.” Yet the court heard that she was “deeply religious”, establishing the Church of Abundant Life in Crewe after moving to the UK to marry her husband. When investigators from the Government’s Department of Work and Pensions raided her home, they uncovered a lifeinsurance application form. She stated that, apart from high blood pressure, she had no ongoing health problems and exercised several times a week. Andrew Higginson, defending, said Meakin’s daughter had

since disowned her, but her sons were standing by her. He said Meakin still suffered from the “widespread pain syndrome”, depression, had mild to moderate disability, and now lived with one of her sons. A DWP spokeswoman said: “Only a small minority of benefit claimants are dishonest. “But cases like this show how we are rooting out the unscrupulous minority, who are cheating the system and diverting taxpayers’ money from those who really need it. “We are determined to find those we suspect of abusing the welfare system by following up on tip-offs, undertaking surveillance and working with local councils.” She warned: “Deliberately not informing us of a change in your condition that may affect your claim is a crime. So don’t wait for our fraud investigators to find you - tell us of a change now.”

in his Budget Minister role. Even though Spain missed its goals for bringing down its budget deficit repeatedly, with Montoro and De Guindos at the helm since 2012, the deficit is about half what it was when Rajoy took power. After Spanish bonds rallied from June, when Rajoy strengthened his position - despite a second, inconclusive general election - they lost 1.6% for their investors over the past month during the global sell-off, according to Bloomberg World Bond Indexes. The spread for Spanish and Irish 10-year bonds, over similar-maturity German debt, both widened less than four basis points, or 0.04% in October, compared with Italy’s 19 basis points. Spanish securities have still returned 5.3% over the past year, - the best performance for a euro-region country after Greece, Belgium and Slovenia. Of course, Rajoy will have a tough job keeping his economic programme on course in a fractious parliament, which will challenge his

efforts to tackle overspending. Spain faces demands from the European Commission, which oversees national budgets, to narrow its public deficit to 4.6% of gross domestic product (GDP) this year, and 3.1% in 2017. Another big task facing 61-year-old Rajoy is to hold the line against demands for independence from secessionist parties in Catalonia, Spain’s biggest regional economy. Carles Puigdemont, President of the region, has pledged to make plans to break from Spain next year. In his cabinet reshuffle, Rajoy gave Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria responsibilities for handling relations with Spain’s 17 semiautonomous regions, including Catalonia. “Fiscal credibility through a disciplined budget will be key to keeping Spanish bonds supported,” said Orlando Green, a rates strategist at Credit Agricole SA’s corporate - and investment banking unit in London.

“But in the mediumterm, a re-emergence of political instability, or an increasing threat of Catalonia independence, could significantly reverse the present mood.” Even so, said Marco Brancolini, a Londonbased bond analyst at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, Spain may have the momentum to sustain economic growth and keep bringing down borrowing costs over the medium term, Spain’s economy is set to grow 2.9% this year and 2.3% next year, according to government estimates. Brancolini sees the Spanish 10-year bond yield dropping a year from now to between 0.5-0.7% from about 1.25%, bringing it in line with Ireland’s 0.66%. “Over the medium term, we think Spain will diverge further away from Italy and will follow in Ireland’s footsteps,” he said. “Market perception is that Spain has done a lot of homework, unlike, say, Italy or Portugal.” 11th November - 17th November 2016


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Advertisement 11th November - 17th November 2016


11th November - 17th November 2016

Tesco Bank customers fiddled by fraudsters FRAUDSTERS appear to have targeted thousands of Tesco Bank current-account customers, with some saying they’ve lost hundreds of pounds.

Customers complained on social media about money being withdrawn without permission, and their cards being blocked. The bank said its anti-fraud systems “identified suspicious activity on a number of customer accounts”. It also said that some cards had been blocked immediately as a precautionary measure. But the card-holders would still be able to use online banking. Tesco Bank said the customers affected numbered “in the thousands but less than 10,000”, and that they had all been alerted. It said they should contact the bank if they had any concerns. Alan Baxter, from Berwick-upon-Tweed, said he had lost £600,

19 CW

UK Chancellor can’t scupper Brexit Boris BORIS JOHNSON believes the UK will make a “Titanic” success of Brexit, taking the machete of freedom to the brambles of EU regulation.

leaving him with just £21.88 in his account. “Tesco said they couldn’t offer me emergency funds, but would give £25 as a goodwill gesture,” he added. “But I’ve got food and petrol to pay for. I have a delivery of coal coming for our coal-fired heater, and I won’t be able to pay.” Kevin Smith, from Blackpool, said he had lost £500 from one account and £20

from another. “I was just about to go to bed when I received a text message from Tesco saying there had been fraud on my account. So, of course, you panic!” The Financial Conduct Authority says banks must refund unauthorised payments immediately, unless they have evidence that the customer was at fault, or the payment was more than 13 months ago.

Tesco Bank, owned wholly by Tesco PLC since 2008, after starting life as a joint venture with Royal Bank of Scotland. It offers a range of personal banking products, including credit cards, personal loans, savings, mortgages and general insurance. The bank has more than seven million customer accounts and 4,000 staff, based in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle.

Britain’s Foreign Secretary said so as he accepted his award for “Comeback of the Year” at the Spectator Awards. The wacky MP added: “We are in the process of creating something immensely positive for both sides of the Channel … a new European partnership between a strong UK and a strong EU. “Believe me, that’s what people of this great continent want to achieve.” He also believed Europe was coming to

terms with the UK’s departure, saying: “In the words of our great Prime Minister, they understand that Brexit means Brexit, and we are going to make a Titanic success of it.” Former UK Chancellor George Osborne, presenting the award, was quick to remind Johnson of the iconic ship’s fate, saying with a straight face: “It sank!” He was clearly forgetting his own career, after belittling the Brexit cause for weeks before its June referendum success. Boris replied: “Well, the Titantic exhibition in Northern Ireland is the single, mostpopular attraction in the province. We are going to make a colossal success of Brexit.”

Police and firefighters to get hot-flush classes POLICEMEN and firefighters are to be given publicly-funded “menopause classes” to teach them how to help female colleagues going through the change.

Emergency-services staff will receive special training, in which they will learn how to deal more sensitively with coworkers experiencing hot flushes and mood swings. Ta x p a y e r- f u n d e d monthly classes will be run by GP Louise Newson, who dubs herself the “Menopause Doctor”, to try to halt a flood of older women leaving the services

and to “de-stigmatise” the issue. But Tory MP David Davies said the classes were “a waste of money”, adding: “Policemen and women have enough to do, without another day of training for something we are all well aware of.” And broadcaster Jenni Murray warned of the dangers of implying that the menopause could make a woman less able to do her job. But Dr Newson insists there is an urgent need to educate sexist or ignorant managers, who, too often, regard the menopause as “a joke”. She will hold sessions with staff at West Midlands Police and West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service, which

are funding them jointly. Dr Newson declined to say how much she was being paid, but insisted it was well below her usual rate of up to £190 a session. The 46-year-old GP, who has already run some sessions with the emergency services, said 10% of menopausal women considered giving up work because of their symptoms. Despite this, the issue is still not being taken seriously. “There is a problem with policewomen working through the menopause, and policemen not understanding them,” said Dr Newson. “Menopause is taken as a bit of a joke. The attitude is, ‘You’re a bit moody’. But it can affect women very seriously, and it’s time

we destigmatised it.” Hot flushes could make working in uniform unbearable, she said, while some officers feared making mistakes though lapses in concentration, which can affect menopausal women. She also said too few people realised that mood swings and debilitating fatigue could also be triggered by changes in hormone levels. Male managers could be unsympathetic, she added, but so could female bosses. “About 25% of women don’t have any symptoms when they go through the menopause. “If that’s your manager, she might say to you, ‘Well, I was fine, so what are you going on about’? Dr Newson will give

staff tips on how to help those they suspect are going through the menopause, stressing: “Having a culture at work, where it is possible to talk about the menopause, will help.” The initiative follows a demand by Dame Sally Davies, England’s Chief Medical Officer, that employers do more to make workplaces menopause-friendly. She said the sessions, at which she will outline treatment options, such as hormone replacement therapy, were voluntary and open to all within each organisation. There are about 3.5 million women of menopause age in work, according to official figures. West Midlands Police and West Midlands

Fire Service confirmed it was paying for the sessions, but declined to reveal the cost. Dame Davies, once a special constable, added: “If they are doing this in police time, they will be paid to train for this instead of something more important.” Amanda Tozer, a consultant gynaecologist who runs a Harley Street menopause clinic, added: “I am sure most women would not want their symptoms to be viewed as an excuse for not working effectively.” But Dr Heather Currie, chairman of the British Menopause Society, said: “In the past, menopause has been a bit of a taboo. Anything that can change that would be excellent.”

CW 20


11th November - 17th November 2016

Who wants to win a meal on air?

NO 50/50, NO phone a friend, just you and your general knowledge. A brand new fun, simple and interactive competition on Oasis FM where you, the listener, have a chance to win a 3 course meal for 2 people from one of these restaurants. Make sure you are listening weekdays between 3-6pm and when asked ring 822 14 15 17 or PM our facebook page with your answer then if you are picked we will ring you back and the fun begins.

How to Enter: Listen to OasisFm, Monday Friday, 3-6pm. When asked, call 822 14 15 17 for the chance to win breakfast, lunch or dinner in any of the restaurants / bars shown here. 11th November - 17th November 2016

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21 CW


I’m A Celebrity...

Get Me Out Of Here!

Don't Miss... Sunday 13th November, ITV1, 21.00 I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! is back which can mean only one thing… the time has come for a brand new cast of celebrities to head down under and battle it out in TV’s toughest entertainment challenge. Leaving their plush pads and luxuries far behind, our celebrity campers will spend up to three weeks taking on the harsh surroundings of the Australian Jungle, with a whole host of brand new nasty surprises created just for them. The ten celebrities heading into the Jungle for the new series are: Jordan Banjo, Wayne Bridge, Joel Dommett, Ola Jordan, Larry Lamb, Scarlett Moffatt, Sam Quek, Lisa Snowdon, Adam Thomas and Carol Vorderman-MBE. The fearless celebrities entering the terrifying and legendary jungle camp will find themselves cut off from the outside world and praying the public doesn’t send them straight into a dreaded Bushtucker Trial. As always, our BAFTA award-winning hosts Ant and Dec are back to present all the big stories live from the Jungle every night. This year it will be tougher than ever and no-one wants to face the first Bushtucker Trial.

I’m A Celebrity...Extra Camp Sunday 13th November, ITV2, 21.00 ITV2 is once again showing a fun-filled daily companion show to I’m a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! This year, however, sees the results of a big makeover as the show has a new name, new set and new presenters! The new hosts are former winners Vicky Pattison, Stacey Solomon and Joe Swash, along with comedian Chris Ramsey. The team will be displaying some friendly rivalry as they battle to bring viewers the best behind-thescenes gossip, delving deeper into camp life than ever before with unseen clips, exclusive interviews and live studio games. Will the hosts go further than just cheeky banter and even partake of the odd Bushtucker Trial themselves? With three of the four hosts having been there and done that, perhaps there will be no going back, but what about jungle newcomer Chris? The foursome will also be welcoming and interviewing celebrity guests – in the opening week including TV presenter Andi Peters, Coronation Street star Brooke Vincent and TOWIE regular Lydia Bright – and chatting about all the antics and goings-on in the Australian jungle. The show is fully interactive, as viewers get the chance to offer their insights and opinions on a range of topics by calling, texting or visiting the show’s Twitter and Facebook feeds, and even put their questions live to the campmates in the studio once they leave the jungle. With this line-up, the spin-off looks like being just as much essential viewing as the main show!

CW 22

TV Guide

11th November - 17th November 2016

Fri 11th Nov 06:00...................... Breakfast

06:00 ........ My Life in Books

09:15 ................... The People Remember

06:30 ................ Claimed and Shamed

10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer

07:15 ...........................Flog It!

11:00.Two Minutes Silence

08:00 ........................Antiques Roadshow

11:05................. Claimed and Shamed

09:00... Victoria Derbyshire

11:50................. The Housing Enforcers

12:00...Shadow of a Doubt

12:20............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15................... Moving On 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45... Money for Nothing 16:30............................Flog It! 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30.............. Inside Out 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30.......... Citizen Khan 21:00..... Have I Got News for You 21:30...............Still Game 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35............ The Graham Norton Show 23:25.. Would I Lie to You?

11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 13:45 ............................. Coast

10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30.............................. Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News

14:45 .......... Open All Hours

15:00...................... Rebound

15:15 .............Natural World 16:15 ......... Dolphins: Spy in the Pod 17:15.........................Antiques Road Trip 18:00.......... Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 19:00.................The Mary Berry Story 20:00........... Mastermind 20:30......... Newsnight US Election Special 21:00..........Rick Stein’s Long Weekends



22:00............................ QI 22:30..............Newsnight 23:05................... Close to the Enemy

01:30............... BBC News

01:10....... Question Time


09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

13:55..... ITV News London

00:25......The Apprentice


08:30........................ Lorraine

14:10............. Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em

00:05.............Later... with Jools Holland Best of 2016

23:55........ The NFL Show

06:00............ Good Morning Britain

14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 16:00.......................... Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 18:15........................... ITV Evening News 18:45............ Emmerdale 19:15............World Cup CW Qualifier choice 22:00................. ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30................. ITV News London 22:45............... World Cup Qualifier Highlights 23:45..... The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 00:25............ Jackpot247

World Cup 2018 Qualifier Live ITV1, 19.15

Mark Pougatch presents live World Cup qualifying action from Wembley as England face Scotland. It’s the biggest test of Gareth Southgate’s short reign as interim England coach, as his side take on Scotland hoping to record a win after drawing against Slovenia. Southgate was part of the Three Lions team who famously beat the Scots 2-0 at Euro ‘96, and a similar result would keep England in control of group F. Gordon Strachan’s men suffered a disappointing 3-0 defeat in Slovakia last time out, so a victory against the ‘Auld Enemy’ would provide a welcome boost to their qualifying hopes. Mark is joined in the studio by Ryan Giggs, Lee Dixon, Ian Wright and Ally McCoist, with commentary from Clive Tyldesley and Glenn Hoddle, and Gabriel Clarke pitchside. Kick-off 7.45pm

TV Guide

11th November - 17th November 2016

W C choice

06:00 .................Countdown 06:45 .................................. The Goldbergs

06:00..........Toby’s Travelling Circus 06:10 .Lily’s Driftwood Bay

07:10 .................................. The Goldbergs

06:20 .............. Fireman Sam

07:35 .................................. The Goldbergs

06:35......................Peppa Pig

08:00........ Everybody Loves Raymond 08:30.................... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 ........................... Frasier 09:30 ........................... Frasier 10:00 ................A New Life in the Sun 11:00........................ Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 ......... Channel 4 News Summary 12:05............................ Jamie’s Money Saving Meals

06:30..................... Peppa Pig 06:40 ..........Bob the Builder 06:50............. Little Princess 07:05.......................Pip Ahoy! 07:20...........................Thomas and Friends 07:35 .......... Noddy: Toyland Detective 07:50 ........... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 08:00 .........................Wissper 08:15 .....................Peppa Pig 08:25..................... Peppa Pig 08:35.................... Paw Patrol 08:45 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat 09:00 ....................Bananas in Pajamas

12:40 .........................Channel 4 Racing

09:15 ........ The Wright Stuff

15:00 ........................... Deal or No Deal

12:10 ........................... 5 News Lunchtime

16:00 ...............Four in a Bed

12:15 ............The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door

16:30 ................... Come Dine with Me

13:15 ........Home and Away

18:00 ....... The Simpsons

14:15 ............................... NCIS

18:30 .............. Hollyoaks

15:15...................... The Santa Incident

19:00 ..................Channel 4 News 19:30 ............Unreported World 20:00......... Jamie’s Super Food 20:30........................ Food Unwrapped 21:00............. Gogglebox 22:00...........The Last Leg 23:05..............First Dates 00:10...................Drifters

06:00 ........Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20 ................ Dinner Date 07:10........................ The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:00 ..................Emmerdale 09:00 .....Coronation Street 09:30.................. Royal Pains 11:15 ................ Dinner Date 12:15...................Emmerdale 13:15..... Coronation Street 13:45........................ The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35.......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 ................Take Me Out 19:00 ........... You’ve Been Framed Rides Again! 20:00............... Two and a Half Men 21:00 ............ Family Guy 23:00 ..............Prank Pad 00:00 ......American Dad!

06:05......... Dynamo Top 10 06:15 ............... Saving Hope 07:00 ... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 08:00 ...................MasterChef Australia 09:00 .......My Dream Home 10:00.......................... The Bill 11:00 ..............Tipping Point 13:00 ........ MasterChef USA 14:00 .......My Dream Home 16:00.... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 17:00 .........................DIY SOS 18:00......... Tipping Point 19:00 ............ MasterChef Australia 21:00.............. The Strain 22:00 ............ EastEnders 22:40 ........ The American President 01:00............. EastEnders 01:35............Doctor Who

08:55...... Food Unwrapped

06:00..... It’s Me or the Dog

07:00....................... Flip Men

06:00 ............. Football Gold

07:00 ................ Monkey Life

07:25...... Ice Road Truckers

07:00 .......WWE Main Event

08:00............. RSPCA Animal Rescue

08:10........................Top Gear

08:00 .......... Premier League Legends

09:00.............. Hawaii Five-0

11:00...... American Pickers

09:30 ...................Time Team 10:30 ....................King Kong 13:10....Come Dine with Me 13:40....Come Dine with Me 14:10....Come Dine with Me 14:45....Come Dine with Me 15:15....Come Dine with Me 15:50 ...............A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 16:50................A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 17:55............................. Find it, Fix it, Flog it 18:55.................Car S.O.S 19:55....... Grand Designs 21:00..The King’s Speech 23:20....... The Real King’s Speech 00:25............. 24 Hours in A and E 01:25... The Undateables

11:15 .............House Doctor

17:00 ................... My Kitchen Rules UK

13:45 .................Neighbours

17:00...................5 News at 5 17:30................. Neighbours 18:00.... Home and Away 18:30..... 5 News Tonight 19:00............. The Gadget Show 20:00...... Dogs Make You Laugh Out Loud 20:30............ The Ant and Dec Story

00:40............... Married at First Sight

22:00........Most Shocking Talent Show Moments

01:35................... Dragon

00:50..........Super Casino

23 CW

11:00 .......... Highway Patrol 12:00 ...........Modern Family 13:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ...........Modern Family 16:00 ............. A Town Called Eureka

09:00 ........ Storage Hunters 12:00....................... Top Gear 13:00........... Deadliest Pests Down Under 14:00................... Strongman Champions League 2016 15:00...... Ice Road Truckers

09:00 ...................... arts Gold 09:25................ International Football Highlights 11:25................ International Football Highlights 13:25 ................International Football Highlights 15:25.................International Football Highlights

17:00............. The Simpsons

16:00 .......................Top Gear

17:30 ..................... Futurama 18:30 ....... The Simpsons

18:00............. Strongman Champions League 2016

20:00 ............. Harry Hill’s Tea-Time

19:00...American Pickers 20:00 ...................... QI XL

20:30...... Modern Family

21:00 ...................... QI XL

23:00............ The Fantasy Football Club

21:00.....An Idiot Abroad


23:00.. Final Destination 3

22:00...... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

00:50.......Most Shocking

23:00...... Mock the Week

01:00....... Great Sporting Moments

01:50.....An Idiot Abroad

00:20.. Would I Lie to You?

01:15.........Football Gold

18:00...... Modern Family

16:55 ........................ Football 19:00...... Premier League Gold 19:30..................Football

Rick Stein’s Long Weekends BBC2, 21:00

Rick Stein visits Lisbon on the banks of the River Tagus, a city in love with its seafood and possibly the best custard tarts in the world. The culinary effects of Portugal’s historic explorations are still seen in its dishes, with hints of cinnamon and freshly chopped coriander from the east, and tomatoes and chillies from the Americas. Rick is inspired to cook the city’s favourite snack salt cod fritters, delicious almond tart and pork with clams, a favourite dish throughout Portugal. With seafood at the forefront of his mind, he makes sure he arrives just in time for Lisbon’s famous St Anthony’s Day parade and sardine festival.

CW 24

TV Guide

11th November - 17th November 2016

Sat 12th Nov 06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ........Saturday Kitchen Live 10:45........ The Lord Mayor’s Show 2016

06:05 ................ Government Girl

06:00 ...........Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids

07:35 ............... The Women’s Football Show

06:10 ...........Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids

08:10 ..................... Suspicion

12:05 ............Football Focus

09:45 ..............Secret Britain

06:20.......... Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures

12:35 .............. Bargain Hunt

10:45 ......................The Good Cook

06:35 ..........Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures

11:15 ......... The Hairy Bikers’ Best of British

06:45 .............................Sooty

12:15 .........................The Best Dishes Ever

07:00......................... Super 4

12:45.............. Homes Under the Hammer

07:25 ..................Scrambled!

13:00 .....................BBC News 13:15 ............Rugby League 14:00.............. Rugby Union 16:30............... Escape to the Country 17:15........................ Celebrity Mastermind 17:45 .....................BBC News 17:55 ....BBC London News 18:05................ Pointless 18:55 ......... Strictly Come Dancing 20:10 .......... The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins

13:30........................... Talking Pictures 14:15 .................Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner 16:00 ...........................Flog It! 17:00..............................Rugby Union

21:00............The Royal W 19:30......................Rugby C British Legion Festival choice Union of Remembrance 2016 20:30.............Balletboyz 22:40.............. BBC News Young Men 23:00...............Room 101 21:30 ...... Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom 23:40....................... Asian Provocateur 23:50................. Red Tails 00:10......... The Rebound 01:45............... BBC News

W C choice

01:50...................... This is BBC Two

The Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance 2016 BBC1, 21:00

Huw Edwards presents the Royal British Legion’s annual Festival of Remembrance, which pays tribute to all victims of war and conflict. In the presence of HM the Queen, HRH the Duke of Edinburgh and other members of the royal family, Michael Ball and Alfie Boe, Laura Mvula, Birdy and Alexander Armstrong perform alongside the Royal Air Force Squadronaires and the Band of HM Royal Marines. From World War One to the present day, as the poppy petals fall from the roof of the Royal Albert Hall, the Festival remembers the many who make the ultimate sacrifice.

06:55............... Share a Story 07:15 ......................Oddbods 07:30 ..................... Nerds and Monsters 07:50 ...............Horrid Henry 08:10 ......................... Looped 08:30 ......................... Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! Mystery 101 09:05 .........Adventure Time 09:25....................... ITV News 09:30 ....Murder, She Wrote 10:20... Murder, She Wrote 11:20............... Wild Australia with Ray Mears 11:50.............. Judge Rinder 12:50 .............. ITV News and Weather 13:00............. Cash Trapped 13:55 .......................This Time Next Year 14:55........................ Big Star’s Little Star 16:00 ...............Thunderbirds are Go 16:20 ....................The Chase 17:25..... ITV News London 17:40.............. ITV News and Weather 18:00 ........ Tipping Point 19:00..Meet the Parents



20:00........... The X Factor

21:30..........The Jonathan Ross Show 22:30..........ITV News and Weather 22:45............. The Bourne Ultimatum 00:50............ Jackpot247

TV Guide

11th November - 17th November 2016

25 CW

W C choice 06:10 .............. Gillette World Sport

06:00 ......................Milkshake Monkey

06:40 ...........................Mobil 1 The Grid

06:05..................... Milkshake! Bop Box

07:10 .................... Everybody Loves Raymond 07:35 .................... Everybody Loves Raymond

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk

06:00......... Dynamo Top 10

06:10................... Emmerdale Omnibus

06:15 .........................DIY SOS 06:40.......... DIY SOS The Big Build

09:55.......... Britain’s Ancient Tracks with Tony Robinson 10:55 ............ Vet on the Hill 12:00....Come Dine with Me

06:10 .....................Peppa Pig

08:35 ................... Coronation Street Omnibus

06:15 ........................Angelina Ballerina

10:30 ........................Celebrity Catchphrase

07:35 .........................Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

06:25 ..........Bob the Builder

11:30 ................. You’ve Been Framed!

08:30.......................... The Bill

14:40...................Four in a Bed

13:30.................... EastEnders Omnibus

15:45...................Four in a Bed 17:20....Come Dine with Me

06:40........... Wanda and the Alien

12:30......... The Lake House

06:50 .........Zack and Quack

14:35........................... Honey

07:00 ............Seaside Antics

16:40........ Beethoven’s 2nd

16:05.... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

08:30........................... Frasier

07:10.............. Fireman Sam


17:00 ................ Supernanny

09:00................ The Morning Line

07:25 ......................Pip Ahoy!

20:30................ Scorpion

18:00.......... Supernanny

07:40 ............. Little Princess

19:00...............My Family

10:00............................The Big Bang Theory

07:55 ....................Paw Patrol

21:30 ..................The Xtra Factor

08:15 ...............Blaze and the Monster Machines

22:00 ................ Celebrity Juice

20:20.............. My Family

08:40....................... Noddy in Toyland

00:00.............. Prank Pad

09:00 ......................... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

01:30 ............... American Dad!

08:00........................... Frasier

10:30........................... The Big Bang Theory 11:00........................... The Big Bang Theory 11:25 .............The Simpsons 12:00 .............The Simpsons 12:30 ........................... Deal or No Deal 13:30 .........................Channel 4 Racing 16:00 ............................Jamie’s Super Food

09:50 .....................Peppa Pig 10:00.......................... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

17:35 ...................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

11:45 .....................A Bride for Christmas

20:00.............. Formula 1 21:30............... Non-Stop 23:40 .......... Underworld: Awakening 01:20............... Hollyoaks Omnibus

21:00..... Jonathan Creek 22:20 ....................Luther 23:40 ....Secrets and Lies

01:00 ............ Family Guy

00:40 ............ Code Black 01:40 ...........Doctor Who

14:10....Come Dine with Me

16:50...................Four in a Bed 18:25.............. Come Dine with Me 20:00...China’s Forgotten Emperor 21:00........Tony Robinson Down Under 22:00..... 8 Out of 10 Cats 22:50.............. Father Ted 23:55............... High Class Call Girls 01:00.... More Sex Please, We’re British

09:35 .....................Peppa Pig

10:10 .........Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

19:00...................... China Between Clouds and Dreams

19:40.............. My Family

23:00 ..............Prank Pad

09:10 ....................... Shimmer and Shine

16:30 ....................... Location, Location, Location

18:30 ..................Channel 4 News

08:55 ............Tony Robinson Down Under

10:45 .............House Doctor

13:25...................... Christmas Angel 15:30 .............. FIA Formula e Live: Marrakech 17:30............................... 2012 18:30... 5 News Weekend 18:35 ...................... 2012 20:25 .......................NCIS: New Orleans 21:20 .......................NCIS: New Orleans 22:15 .......That’s So 1985 23:15 .........Football on 5 00:15 .........Super Casino

06:00......... Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old? 07:00 ................ Monkey Life 09:00 ..................The Fantasy Football Club 10:00 ................. Soccer A.M. 11:30 ...............The F1 Show 12:00 .........Fantastic Beasts 12:30 ..................... Futurama 14:30 ..............................David Attenborough Bachelor King 16:00.. Harry Hill’s Tea Time 16:30 ................. Yonderland 17:00...................... Supergirl 18:00............... The Flash 19:00 ....... The Simpsons 20:00.... Landscape Artist of the Year 2016 21:00................ Stan Lee’s Lucky Man 22:00..... Freddy vs Jason 23:50..................... Arrow 00:50...... DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

07:10.......... Sin City Motors 08:00 .......................Top Gear 09:00...... American Pickers 12:00....................... Top Gear 13:00...... Ice Road Truckers 15:00................. Trawlermen 16:00........................... Storage Hunters UK 18:00................... Storage Hunters UK 18:30................... Storage Hunters UK 19:00...............Room 101 19:40...............Room 101 20:20....................Would I Lie to You? 21:00.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00........ Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish 23:00...... Mock the Week 23:40............Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled 00:40 ..............Room 101

06:00 ............. Football Gold 06:15 ............. Football Gold 06:30............. Football Gold 06:45............. Football Gold 07:00 ......F1 Report Special 07:30......... Game Changers 08:00 ................International Football 09:00...................The Fantasy Football Club 10:00 ................. Soccer A.M. 11:30 ........................ Football 14:00 .......Live International Rugby Union 16:45........................ Football 19:15................. Football 22:15................. Football 22:45................. Football 23:45................. Football 00:15................. Football 00:45................. Football 01:15................. Football

Meet The Parents ITV1, 19.00

Meet The Parents is a brand new dating series hosted by Holly Willoughby. She puts the romantic futures of a group of singletons into the hands of the people who know them best: their parents. In their quest to find love, nothing is off limits, as the picker looking for romance gets to ask their potential suitors’ parents anything. Mum and dad then get busy spilling the beans, on everything from their off-spring’s relationship history and grooming habits, to questionable celebrity crushes and cringe -worthy childhood stories.

CW 26

TV Guide


Will Britain Ever Have A Black Prime choice Minister? BBC2, 21.00

David Harewood is one of Britain’s leading black actors and a political campaigner. He made it from a working class background to Hollywood - but how difficult would it be for a black child to make it to our country’s top job? Would they face greater hurdles than any other child? To find out, David travels across the UK and explores whether the system has obstacles - from unconscious or institutional bias to a child’s economic background - and whether these factors could make it tougher for black people to make it to Britain’s top professions. His journey takes him from a nursery in Birmingham, via Oxford all the way to Parliament and Downing Street. His findings aren’t just anecdotal - the BBC has commissioned research from Economics and Inequalities Statistician, Dr. Faiza Shaheen. She has studied the data exclusively for the documentary and has worked out the differences in life chances between black and white children.

11th November - 17th November 2016

S unday

06:00...................... Breakfast 09:00 ................. The Andrew Marr Show 10:20............. Remembrance Sunday: The Cenotaph 12:30 ................... The People Remember 13:30 .....................BBC News 13:45 ............Rugby League 16:15............. Planet Earth II 17:15............................. Songs of Praise 17:50 .....................BBC News 18:10 ........... BBC London News 18:15 ............Countryfile

07:45 .........................Greatest Gardens 08:15..................Countryfile’s Ramble for Children in Need 09:30.........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:00 ..........The Good Cook 11:30 ............ Tom Kerridge’s Proper Pub Food

06:20.......................Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures 06:35.......................Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures 06:45............................. Sooty 06:55.............................. Share a Story 07:00 ......................... Super 4 07:15...................... Oddbods 07:25 ..................Scrambled!

13:00.............. Rugby Union

20:00 .....................Planet Earth II

14:00............................ Tennis

07:30 ..................... Nerds and Monsters

17:00 ...........................Flog It!

07:50 ...............Horrid Henry

21:00 ............. My Mother and Other Strangers

17:30 ............ Remembrance Sunday: The Cenotaph

08:10 ......................... Looped

22:00............... BBC News

18:30............ Miss Potter

22:20........... BBC London News

20:00............... Operation Gold Rush with Dan Snow

09:05 .....................Adventure Time

00:00.......... Citizen Khan 00:30.................. Weather for the Week Ahead 00:35............... BBC News

“I remember a man with his jaw blown off by a bomb. A fine looking chap he was they said. He lay there with one hand groping at the bandages, which covered his whole head and face, gurgling every time he breathed. His tongue was tied forward to prevent him swallowing it. The War had gagged him - smashed him - and other people looked at him and tried to forget what they’d seen...All this I remember while the desirable things of life, like living phantoms, steal quietly into my brain, look wistfully at me, and steal away again.” Siegfried Sassoon (1886 – 1967) Even 50-years on, the poet Siegfried Sassoon was still haunted by his experiences in the First World War. He was never able to get over the horror that war inflicted on him and his fellow soldiers. Starring John Hurt, this one-off special, The Pity of War, throws a new light on the First World War poets Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen and Robert Graves, and using their diaries and letters, the inside story of their war is told - in their own words. The three young men are all budding poets, thrown together in battle. All three are also secretly gay – and they will soon lose their boyish innocence in the trenches. On the front line an officer’s life expectancy is barely six weeks, and they all struggle to cope with the magnitude of the slaughter around them, dealing with it in very different ways. Together they give a voice to the rage of a generation. At the heart of the film is the story of Sassoon and Owen’s close relationship, told in their own words through their passionate correspondence.

07:15......... Life in a Cottage Garden with Carol Klein

06:10............................. Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids

12:00 .............. Bargain Hunt

23:00............... DIY SOS at Great Ormond Street Hospital

ITV1, 23.05

06:30..........................Glorious Gardens From Above

06:00............................ Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids

19:15 ......... Strictly Come Dancing

22:30............ Faith on the Frontline

The Pity of War: The Loves and Lives of the War Poets

05:45................... A to Z of TV Gardening

21:00...Will Britain Ever CW Have a Black choice Prime Minister? 22:00..............Black is the New Black 22:30..... Later... Sound of Black Britain: Groove and Grime 23:30.............She’s Out of My League

08:30............... Thunderbirds are Go

09:25 ...................... ITV News 09:30..................... Bear Grylls Survival School 10:00 ......................Peston on Sunday 11:00 ................ Gino’s Italian Escape: Hidden Italy 11:30.......................... Murder, She Wrote 12:25 .............. ITV News and Weather 12:35.................... The Chase 13:35 ................The X Factor 15:05...................... Midsomer Murders 17:00 ..............Tipping Point 18:00................ ITV News London 18:15..........ITV News and Weather 18:30.................. Off Their Rockers 19:00.....The Next Great CW Magician choice 20:00............The X Factor Results Show 21:00........I’m a Celebrity, get Me Out of Here! 22:45..........ITV News and Weather 23:05...The Pity of War: CW The Loves and choice Lives of the War Poets 00:00..................... Rugby


TV Guide

11th November - 17th November 2016

3 th

N o v em b er

06:15....................... Triathlon

06:00 ... Milkshake Monkey

06:40 ........................... Frasier

06:05...Milkshake! Bop Box

07:05........................... Frasier

06:10..................... Peppa Pig

07:30.............. Imagine That

06:15.... Angelina Ballerina

09:30........................... Sunday Brunch

06:25.......... Bob the Builder

12:30..........Channel 4 Racing Cheltenham and Fontwell Park. Nick Luck introduces quality action from the third and final day of Cheltenham’s Open meeting. The highlight last year was the Shloer Chase in which the imperious Sprinter Sacre made a remarkable comeback in front of the cheering Cheltenham faithful to begin ‘the impossible dream’ that would lead him back to Champion Chase glory for a second time in March. Cheltenham: 12.45, 1.20, 1.55 and 2.30pm. Fontwell Park: 1.00pm. Presenters: Nick Luck and Rishi Persad, Reporters: Alice Plunkett and Mick Fitzgerald, Commentary and Analysis: Simon Holt, Graham Cunningham, Jim McGrath and Tanya Stevenson.

14:45............................ Rango 16:50........................... Johnny English 18:30 ..................Channel 4 News 19:00.......Last Heroes of the Somme One hundred years ago, on 13 November 1916, thousands of British soldiers climbed out of their trenches on the Western Front and headed for the German lines. This was the final, desperate, British offensive in the Battle of the Somme, which had begun disastrously four months earlier when 60,000 fell in a single day.

20:00 ............ Great Canal Journeys 21:00................. Humans 22:00.............. Formula 1 00:05............... The Sitter 01:45.......... The Last Leg

06:40 ........... Wanda and the Alien 06:50......... Zack and Quack 07:00 ............Seaside Antics 07:10............... Fireman Sam 07:20.......................Pip Ahoy! 07:35 ............. Little Princess 07:45 ....................Paw Patrol 08:05 ...............Blaze and the Monster Machines 08:30.......Noddy in Toyland 08:50............ Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:05. Shimmer and Shine 09:25 .........Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:00 .............. Football on 5

06:00 ..............The Hot Desk 06:10 ................. You’ve Been Framed! 06:35 ...................Emmerdale Omnibus 09:00....... Coronation Street Omnibus 11:00................ The X Factor 12:30.............. The Hot Desk 12:40..... I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 13:35...........The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie 15:20................... The Smurfs 17:25...................... Yogi Bear 19:00........... Jack and Jill 21:00..... The Xtra Factor 22:00............ Family Guy 22:30......... The Hot Desk 22:45........I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 23:45............. Family Guy 00:45.......American Dad!

06:00.............. Bondi Rescue 06:25.......... DIY SOS The Big Build

08:55 ...........Kirstie’s Vintage Gems 09:25...... Food Unwrapped

07:10............... Your Home in Their Hands

09:55.... Tiny House Nation

08:30.................... EastEnders Omnibus

11:55....Come Dine with Me

11:00.... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

10:50....Come Dine with Me 13:00....Come Dine with Me 13:30 ...............Four in a Bed

13:00.... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

14:35 ...............Four in a Bed

15:00................. Doctor Who

16:15....Come Dine with Me

16:00................. Doctor Who

17:50....Come Dine with Me

17:00................. Doctor Who

18:55.................Car S.O.S

18:00...............My Family

20:00....... War Horse: The Real Story

18:40 ..............My Family 19:20 ..............My Family 20:00 ...................I’ve Got Something to Tell You

15:40 ...............Four in a Bed

21:00........... Guy Martin’s Spitfire 22:40.............. Father Ted

21:00........John Bishop in Conversation With...

23:15.............. Father Ted

22:00..............Watchmen 01:10 ...........Doctor Who

00:55....... War Horse: The Real Story

06:00 ... The Hour of Power

07:10 .........Motorway Cops

06:00 ........................ Football

07:00 ................ Monkey Life

08:00 .......................Top Gear

08:30........................ Football

09:00...................... Supergirl

09:00....................... Top Gear

10:00...................... The Flash

10:00....................... Top Gear

09:30 .................. The Sunday Supplement

11:00..................... WWE Raw

11:00 .........Motorway Cops

11:00 ....... Goals on Sunday

12:00.............. Drone Racing League

12:00....... Celebrity Storage Hunters

12:00........................ Football

13:00.............. Drone Racing League

13:00......... Storage Hunters

16:30 ... Sporting Triumphs

13:30 ........ Storage Hunters

16:45... Sporting Triumphs

14:00............Modern Family

14:00 ...... American Pickers

17:00 ........................ Football

17:00 .............The Simpsons

17:00 .......................Top Gear

18:00............. Harry Hill’s Tea-Time

18:00 ................Top Gear

19:00.................My Fight: Kovalev/ Ward

19:00. Jay Leno’s Garage

19:30........ Football Gold

18:30 ........... Yonderland

20:00................ Top Gear

19:40 .................Football

19:00........ The Simpsons

21:00...... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

21:40 .................Football 23:10 .................Football

21:00 ....An Idiot Abroad

22:00.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You

22:00 ...............The Force

23:00 ...................... QI XL

23:00 ............... The Force Manchester

00:00..... 8 Out of 10 Cats

00:10.................My Fight: Kovalev/ Ward

01:00....... Not Going Out

00:40... Goals on Sunday

00:00............ Strike Back

01:40 ...... Not Going Out

01:40......... Spanish Gold

11:00 ...........5 News Special

00:25.............. Father Ted

11:05..... The Gadget Show 12:05............. House Doctor 13:05................. The Heart of Christmas 14:50 .......................... Road to Christmas 16:35 ... One Christmas Eve 17:35 ........................... 5 News Weekend 17:40.... One Christmas Eve 18:15.............. Married by Christmas 19:15... 5 News Weekend 19:20.............. Married by Christmas 20:00.................. Ice Road Truckers 20:55... 5 News Weekend 21:00..................Pompeii 22:00.....................5 News Weekend 22:05..................Pompeii 23:05...............Red Dawn 00:45................Criminals: Caught on Camera 01:15..........Super Casino

20:00............ A League of Their Own

14:00 ........................ Football

22:40 .................Football 23:40 .................Football

27 CW

W C choice The Next Great Magician ITV1, 19.00

Over five weeks, each episode will showcase six world-class magicians presenting their A-list material to viewers. These artists are unsurpassed in their craft and hero worshipped by other magicians despite being largely unknown to the outside world….until now of course. Viewers will see all aspects of magic covered throughout the series – illusions, comedy magic, location stunts, close up performances etc. In tonight’s show Marcel from the magical and imaginary world of Magus Utopia performs some nightmarish illusions, Katherine Mills goes undercover on a blind date, duo act Barry & Stuart serve up a drink for Amy Childs, host Rochelle Humes assist’s Andi Gladwin with a trick inside a massive balloon, Will Houstoun shows Downton Abbey’s Jim Carter some amazing close up magic at Knebworth House and Korean magician Hun Lee rewinds a manipulation act.

CW 28

W C choice

TV Guide

BBC Children In Need Rocks For Terry

11th November - 17th November 2016

M onday


BBC1, 20.30

Take That, Ellie Goulding, Olly Murs, Gregory Porter, Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Rick Astley, Beverley Knight, Alexander Armstrong, The Vamps, Ward Thomas and Shaun Escoffery take to the Royal Albert Hall’s stage for BBC Children in Need Rocks For Terry - a special concert to honour the charity’s Life President and legendary broadcaster, Sir Terry Wogan. Hosted by Fearne Cotton and Greg James, the concert features a combination of songs that Sir Terry loved or had a connection with, as well as archive material of his long career and appeal films about where BBC Children in Need money is hard at work, changing the lives of disadvantaged children and young people around the UK.

06:00 ...................... Breakfast

06:00 ........ My Life in Books

09:15 ...............Oxford Street Revealed

06:30.......... Junior Bake Off

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30......................... Lorraine

10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer

07:00.......... Junior Bake Off 07:30.......... Junior Bake Off

09:25.......... The Jeremy Kyle Show

08:00 ............ Animal Babies

11:00........ Secret Life of the Hospital Bed

09:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00.BBC Newsroom Live

11:45 ................Rip Off Food

12:00 .......The Daily Politics

12:15.............. Bargain Hunt

13:00 ............................. Coast

13:00 ...... BBC News at One

13:30 ...................... Hi-De-Hi!

13:30 ....BBC London News

14:00............................ Tennis

13:45......................... Doctors

16:45 ............ The Wonder of Animals

14:15.................. Moving On 15:00 ...............Escape to the Country

17:15.........................Antiques Roadshow

15:45... Money for Nothing 16:30........................... Flog It! 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30 ..............Panorama 20:30..Children in Need Rocks for Terry



22:00.... BBC News at Ten

NW BBC2, 21.00 NW is the television adaptation of Zadie Smith’s bestselling book of the same name, now a 90-minute drama for BBC Two. NW tells the story of Natalie and Leah, friends who grew up together in North West London, whose lives have taken them in different directions. Set apart from the friends and family she grew up with, Natalie finds herself asking not only who she really is, but where she belongs. In an area where wealth and poverty are only streets apart, life is fragile and secrets are dangerous - as Natalie and Leah are about to find out. Nikki Amuka-Bird plays the outwardly successful but unfulfilled Natalie, with Phoebe Fox as Leah, her more grounded friend whose life is also at a crossroads. Adapted by Rachel Bennette, directed by Saul Dibb and made by Mammoth Screen.

22:30.BBC London News

12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55..... ITV News London 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00.....................Tenable



16:00.............. Tipping Point

17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00.... ITV News London

18:00............... Eggheads

18:30....ITV Evening News

18:30 ......... Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two

19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..Coronation Street

19:00................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip

20:00.......Gino’s Italian CW Escape: Hidden choice Italy. Tuscany

20:00............... University Challenge

20:00 ............ EastEnders

10:30.............. This Morning

20:30......... Only Connect 21:00.......................NW

CW choice


20:30..Coronation Street 21:00........I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

22:45.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You

23:15......Will Britain Ever Have a Black Prime Minister?

23:30 ........... The Graham Norton Show

00:15.... The Great British Bake Off Class of 2015

23:30..........The Jonathan Ross Show

00:20............... BBC News

01:15................The Choir

00:25............ Jackpot247

W C choice

22:30.. ITV News London 22:45............The Agenda

Tenable ITV1, 15.00

Teams of five friends, family members or colleagues take it in turns to build up the prize pot solo by filling in the blanks of a ‘top ten’ list on any number of general knowledge subjects. If a player gives five or more correct answers, they add money to the team prize fund and secure their place in the final. The more answers they give a bank. If they get a perfect 10, they add £25,000, making the potential jackpot £125,000 Players each get one ‘life’ allowing them to give an incorrect answer, but a second mi their winnings wiped from the bank and themselves excluded from the final round. A three ‘nominates’. If a player is stuck for an answer, they can nominate a team member If a player gives an answer the team captain deems incorrect, they can overrule it and – but only once per round. One by one, players are faced with this daunting task until they reach the final, at w members come together to face one last board. However, unlike previous rounds, they home with the prize money.

TV Guide

11th November - 17th November 2016

4 th 06:20 ..........King of Queens 06:45 ........... The Goldbergs

N o v em b er 06:00 .........Toby’s Travelling Circus

07:35 ........... The Goldbergs

06:10 .Lily’s Driftwood Bay

08:00 ........Everybody Loves Raymond

06:20 .............. Fireman Sam 06:30 .....................Peppa Pig

09:00 ........................... Frasier

06:35 .....................Peppa Pig

10:00 ................A New Life in the Sun

06:40 ..........Bob the Builder

11:00 ....... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

07:05 ......................Pip Ahoy!

12:00 ......... Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 .....A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 14:10 .................Countdown 15:00 ......... Deal or No Deal 16:00......... Coast v Country 17:00............... Four in a Bed 17:30.. Come Dine with Me 18:00 ....... The Simpsons 18:30 .............. Hollyoaks 19:00 .... Channel 4 News 20:00 ..... Supershoppers

06:50 ............. Little Princess 07:20 ..........................Thomas and Friends 07:35........... Noddy: Toyland Detective 07:50............ Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 08:00 .........................Wissper 08:15 .....................Peppa Pig 08:25 .....................Peppa Pig 08:35 ....................Paw Patrol 08:45 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat 09:00.................... Bananas in Pajamas

20:30............ Tricks of the Restaurant Trade

09:15........ The Wright Stuff

21:00.................SAS: Who Dares Wins

12:10........................... 5 News Lunchtime

22:00..............First Dates 23:05...The Lie Detective

12:15 ..................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

23:55 ....... 60 Days in Jail

13:15 ........Home and Away

00:50....... Derren Brown

13:45 .................Neighbours

after that, the more money they 0. istake will see them eliminated, Across the game, the team have r to provide an answer for them. replace it with one of their own

which stage the remaining team y must find all ten answers to go

06:00 ................ Dinner Date 06:50 ....................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:30.................. Emmerdale 08:00.................. You’ve Been Framed! 09:00 ............................. Psych 09:50 ............... Catchphrase 10:35 .... I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 12:15 ..................Emmerdale 12:45...................... The Cube 13:45 ....................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35.......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50..... I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 19:35 ........... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ...............Two and a Half Men 21:00............. Family Guy 21:30.......American Dad! 22:00........I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 23:00............. Family Guy

06:00......... Dynamo Top 10 06:10... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 07:00................... MasterChef Australia 09:00 .......My Dream Home 10:00 .......................... The Bill 11:00.............. Tipping Point 13:00........ MasterChef USA 14:00....... My Dream Home 16:00... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 17:00......................... DIY SOS 18:00........ Tipping Point 19:00.......... Nigellissima 19:30 ............ MasterChef Australia 21:00 ........Stacey Dooley Investigates 22:00 ............ EastEnders 22:40....... John Bishop in Conversation With... 23:40 ........Stacey Dooley Investigates 00:40 ............ EastEnders

08:55 ... Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures

06:00..... It’s Me or the Dog 07:00................ Monkey Life 08:00............. RSPCA Animal Rescue 09:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0 11:00 .......... Highway Patrol 12:00 ...........Modern Family 13:00.............. Hawaii Five-0 15:00........... Modern Family 16:00............. A Town Called Eureka 17:00..............The Simpsons 17:30..................... Futurama 18:00...... Modern Family 18:30........ The Simpsons 20:00............... Supergirl 21:00.................. Trollied 21:30 ............A League of Their Own 22:00..... Prison: First and Last 24 Hours 23:00............... The Force 00:00.......Air Ambulance

07:00 ....................... Flip Men 07:25 ......Ice Road Truckers 08:10....................... Top Gear 09:00 ..... Jay Leno’s Garage 10:00 ........ Storage Hunters 11:00 ...... American Pickers 12:00 .......................Top Gear 13:00 .....................Deadly 60 14:00 ................... Strongman Champions League 2016 15:00...... Ice Road Truckers 16:00 ..... Jay Leno’s Garage 17:00....................... Top Gear 18:00............ Strongman Champions League 2016 19:00...American Pickers 20:00.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You 21:00.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00....... Not Going Out 00:00.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You

06:00 ............. Football Gold 07:00..................... WWE Raw 08:00....... Goals on Sunday 09:00.................. The Premier League Years 11:00 ............. Football Gold 11:30 ....Football’s Greatest 12:00 ............ Live ATP World Tour Finals 16:00.......... Premier League 100 Club 17:00................... Darts Gold 17:30...Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 18:00............... World Cup Qualifiers Rnd-Up 19:00.............. Live Grand Slam of Darts 23:00....... Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 00:00..................Sporting Mavericks 00:30....... Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 01:00........ Football Gold

09:20 ......Food Unwrapped 09:50........... Grand Designs 10:55.............................. Gilda 13:10 ...................Time Team 14:10.................... Come Dine with Me 16:50 ...........George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 17:55... Find it, Fix it, Flog it 18:55.................Car S.O.S 19:55....... Grand Designs 21:00........ Vet on the Hill 22:00............. 24 Hours in A and E 23:05..... 8 Out of 10 Cats 23:55... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 00:55..........Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 01:55...........................The Undateables

11:15............. House Doctor

14:15 ... NCIS: New Orleans 15:15 .............. Paper Angels 17:00 ..................5 News at 5 17:30 .................Neighbours 18:00 ......................Home and Away 18:30..... 5 News Tonight 19:00........... Winter Road Rescue 20:00 ........... Traffic Cops 21:00........ Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railway Journeys 22:00............... Can’t Pay? Special: Agents Under Attack 23:05....................In Time 01:00..........Super Casino

29 CW

W C choice Gino’s Italian Escape: Hidden ITV1, 20:00

Italy. Tuscany Gino D’Acampo continues his series in the Italian sunshine, exploring the country as the locals know it, meeting the people who keep age-old traditions alive and revisiting the culture of his homeland. Tuscany is affectionately known as ‘Chiantishire’, and is where Gino unearths the secrets of chianti classico wine. He attempts to make his own wine in the very vineyard where chianti was invented. He then joins the vintage bike riders of the Eroica, riding along the white gravel roads of the Tuscan countryside.

CW 30

TV Guide

11th November - 17th November 2016

T uesday 06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15............... Oxford Street Revealed 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 ........ Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 11:45 ................Rip Off Food 12:15.............. Bargain Hunt 13:00...... BBC News at One 13:30 ....BBC London News 13:45......................... Doctors 14:1.................... Moving On 15:00............... Escape to the Country 15:45..................... Money for Nothing 16:30........................... Flog It! 17:15....................... Pointless 18:00.... BBC News at Six 18:30............ BBC London News 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00............Holby City 21:00......Ordinary Lies


choice choice

22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:30.BBC London News

22:45............... Prison, My Parents and Me 23:45............. Going Back Giving Back 00:30...... Weather for the Week Ahead 00:35............... BBC News

W C choice

06:00........................... My Life in Books 06:30 .......... Junior Bake Off 07:00 .......... Junior Bake Off 07:30 .......... Junior Bake Off 08:00 ......... Coast: The Great Guide 09:00........................... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 ...........BBC Newsroom Live 12:00 .......The Daily Politics 13:00 .................. Countryfile 13:25 ...................... Hi-De-Hi! 14:00 ............................Tennis 16:45 ............ The Wonder of Animals 17:15 ........................Antiques Roadshow 18:00.............. Eggheads 18:30......... Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 19:00 ................ Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00..... MasterChef: The Professionals 21:00 ...............The Choir 22:00..................Live at W C the Apollo choice 22:30 .............Newsnight 23:15 ........................ NFL 00:05...... Operation Gold Rush with Dan Snow 01:05 .....The Apprentice

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30........................ Lorraine 09:25................... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30.............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55........................ ITV News London 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00 .........................Tenable 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00 ................ ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30.......International CW Football: choice England v Spain Live 22:15................ ITV News and Weather 22:50................ ITV News London 23:05 ......... International Football Highlights 00:05................... Murder, She Wrote 00:50............ Jackpot247

International Football Friendly ITV1, 19.30

Mark Pougatch introduces live coverage of this international friendly between England and Spain at Wembley Stadium. England last played Spain at Wembley five years ago when a Frank Lampard goal was enough to beat the then-world champions. Another confident display tonight could help Gareth Southgate become England manager on a permanent basis, following this final match of his four-game stint as interim boss. Mark is joined in the studio by Ian Wright, Ryan Giggs and Lee Dixon along with Middlesbrough manager Aitor Karanka. Commentary comes from Clive Tyldesley and Glenn Hoddle.

The Vampire Diaries ITV2, 00.00 After learning that someone from Stefan’s (Paul Wesley) past may be Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Enzo’s (Michael Malarkey) next target, Stefan, Bonnie (Kat Graham) and Caroline (Candice King) head to North Carolina. There, Bonnie takes drastic measures in an attempt to break Enzo free of whatever has a hold over him. At the Armory, Alaric (Matt Davis) and Georgie (guest star Allison Scagliotti) stumble upon a mysterious symbol that may be related to the supernatural force controlling Damon and Enzo. Finally, Caroline gets an unexpected surprise from Stefan.


TV Guide

11th November - 17th November 2016

1 5 th 06:00 .................Countdown 06:45 ........... The Goldbergs 07:10 ........... The Goldbergs 07:35 ........... The Goldbergs 08:00 ........Everybody Loves Raymond

N o v em b er 06:00 .........Toby’s Travelling Circus 06:10. Lily’s Driftwood Bay 06:20 .............. Fireman Sam 06:30 .....................Peppa Pig 06:35 .....................Peppa Pig

08:30........ Everybody Loves Raymond

06:40 ..........Bob the Builder

09:00 ........................... Frasier

07:05...................... Pip Ahoy!

09:30 ........................... Frasier

07:20 .................Thomas and Friends

10:00 ................A New Life in the Sun 11:00....... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

06:50 ............. Little Princess

07:35.......... Noddy: Toyland Detective 07:50 ........... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

12:00 ......... Channel 4 News Summary

08:00 .........................Wissper

12:05 ...................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

08:25 .....................Peppa Pig

13:05....................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

08:15 .....................Peppa Pig 08:35.................... Paw Patrol 08:45 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat

14:10 .................Countdown

09:00.................... Bananas in Pajamas

15:00 ........................... Deal or No Deal

09:15 ........ The Wright Stuff 11:15 .............House Doctor

16:00 ........................... Coast v Country

12:10 ........................... 5 News Lunchtime

17:00 ...............Four in a Bed

12:15 ......................Can’t Pay? Special: Agents Under Attack

17:30 ................... Come Dine with Me 18:00 ....... The Simpsons 18:30 .............. Hollyoaks 19:00...................Channel 4 News 20:00....... The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds 21:00.............. Married at First Sight 22:00 ............ Gogglebox 23:05 .................. 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 00:05 ................SAS: Who Dares Wins 01:00...... Pokerstars.Com European Poker Tour 01:55...........KOTV Boxing Weekly

W C choice

06:00................ Dinner Date 06:50........................ The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:35 ..................Emmerdale 08:05 .....Coronation Street 09:05 ............................. Psych 09:55 ............... Catchphrase 10:40 .... I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 11:40.................. You’ve Been Framed! 12:15.................. Emmerdale 12:45..... Coronation Street 13:45 ....................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35.......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00....... I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 19:00 ........... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 .......Two and a Half Men 21:00 ............ Family Guy 22:00 .......I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 23:00.......American Dad! 00:00....Vampire Diaries CW

06:05 .........................DIY SOS 06:35 ... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 07:30 ...................MasterChef Australia 09:00 .......My Dream Home 10:00 .......................... The Bill 11:00 ..............Tipping Point 13:00 ........ MasterChef USA 14:00 .......My Dream Home 16:00 ... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 17:00......................... DIY SOS 18:00........ Tipping Point 19:00 .......... Supernanny 20:00............ MasterChef Australia 21:00 ....Secrets and Lies 22:00 ............ EastEnders 22:40... Russell Howard’s Good News 23:40 ........... Who Do You Think You Are? 00:40............. EastEnders

08:55 ... Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures

06:00..... It’s Me or the Dog

07:00 ....................... Flip Men 07:25 ......Ice Road Truckers 08:10....................... Top Gear 09:00 ........ Storage Hunters 11:00 ...... American Pickers 12:00 .......................Top Gear 13:00 .....................Deadly 60 14:00 ................... Strongman Champions League 2016 15:00...... Ice Road Truckers 16:00 ..... Jay Leno’s Garage 17:00 .......................Top Gear 18:00 .............Strongman Champions League 2016 19:00...American Pickers 20:00... Celebrity Storage Hunters 21:00 ......Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00 ....... Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish 23:00 ..... Mock the Week 00:20.. Would I Lie to You?

06:00 ............. Football Gold 07:00....WWE SmackDown! 08:00 .......... Premier League 100 Club 08:30........... Premier League Legends 09:00...................The Premier League Years 11:00............ Soccer AM: The Best Bits 2016/17 11:30.... Football’s Greatest 12:00 ............ Live ATP World Tour Finals 16:00 ......Time of Our Lives 17:00 ................Boxing Gold 18:00 .............. World Cup Qualifiers Rnd-Up 19:00.............. Live Grand Slam of Darts 23:30..............Darts Gold 00:00..................Sporting Mavericks 00:30......... La Liga World 01:00.........Football Gold


07:00................ Monkey Life

13:15........ Home and Away

08:00 ............. RSPCA Animal Rescue

13:45 .................Neighbours

09:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0

14:15 .....................NCIS: New Orleans

11:00 .......... Highway Patrol

15:15 .......The March Sisters at Christmas

13:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0

17:00.................. 5 News at 5 17:30................. Neighbours

16:00.............. A Town Called Eureka

18:00 ... Home and Away

17:00 .............The Simpsons

18:30 ..... 5 News Tonight

17:30 ..................... Futurama

19:00............ Traffic Cops

18:00 ..... Modern Family

20:00...The Yorkshire Vet

18:30 ....... The Simpsons

21:00.......Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild

20:00............... The Flash

22:00.Medical Mysteries

22:00............ A League of Their Own

23:05................ The Hotel Inspector Returns 00:05.... Tattoo Disasters 00:55..........Super Casino

12:00........... Modern Family 15:00 ...........Modern Family

21:00...... Air Ambulance

23:00 ........ Hawaii Five-0 00:00 ..............Hard Time 01:00...... Most Shocking

Live At The Apollo BBC2, 22.00

The Bafta-nominated Live At The Apollo continues. This week, star of the BBC sitcom Josh, and The Last Leg Josh Widdicombe, hosts as he introduces the brilliant Nathan Caton and Australian comic Celia Pacquola to the stage.

09:20... Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb 10:20 ........... Grand Designs 11:25 ..............Cattle Empire 13:10 ...................Time Team 14:10....Come Dine with Me 15:15....Come Dine with Me 16:20....Come Dine with Me 16:50............George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 17:55... Find it, Fix it, Flog it 18:55.................Car S.O.S 19:55....... Grand Designs 21:00.................Car S.O.S 22:00..... 8 Out of 10 Cats 22:50... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 00:50..........Big Fat Gypsy Weddings 01:50... The Undateables

31 CW

W C choice Holby City BBC1, 20:00

A conflicted Guy fights to save Tristan’s life. If he survives, what will the future hold? Raf’s budding relationship with Kim is tested when he makes a shocking discovery. Spurred by evidence of Essie’s romantic conquests, Sacha tries online dating but is it really a good match for him?

Ordinary Lies BBC1, 21:00

Drama following an ordinary group of colleagues and friends and the gradual unravelling of each individual’s lies and secrets, which at times brings them closer together and, on occasion, leads to life-shattering consequences. Fletch and wife Caz are the rocksolid office couple, but when Caz oversteps the mark, sending Fletch on a downward spiral, he wonders if she really is the right woman for him.

CW 32

TV Guide

W C choice

The Wonder of Animals BBC2, 16:45

Series in which Chris Packham delves deep beneath the skin to discover the unique features that have made certain animal groups successful. Concentrating on a single animal each week, Chris uses groundbreaking science to shed new light on exactly what it is that has enabled these animals to thrive. The 100 trillion ants in the world weigh as much as all the people on earth and have colonised the planet like no other animal. Chris explores the ingenious ways in which ants have collaborated to achieve their global success - natural air-conditioning systems keep them cool in their nests, shelters made from their own bodies protect nomadic ants from the elements and a sense of smell five times more powerful than other insects allows them to overpower animals a hundred times larger than themselves. New research also reveals how ant colonies are capable of immunising themselves against diseases.

W C choice

Kids on the Edge Channel 4, 22:00

The Gender Clinic. Our children are struggling to know how to live in today’s world. Unprecedented numbers are being diagnosed with mental health disorders, medicated, or are facing a crisis of identity. For almost 100 years the Tavistock and Portman has been at the forefront of exploring young minds. This series, with exclusive access to the Trust, goes behind Tavistock’s doors for the first time. It’s the first question that’s asked, before we’re even born - ‘is it a boy or girl?’ But for an increasing number of children, the answer isn’t straightforward. The first programme in this series, directed by Bafta-awardwinning Peter Beard, follows two families who attend the Tavistock’s Gender Identity Development Service, through life-changing decisions.

11th November - 17th November 2016

W ednesday 06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ...............Oxford Street Revealed 10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 ........ Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 11:45 ................Rip Off Food 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:30 ....BBC London News 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 .................. Moving On 15:00 ...............Escape to the Country 15:45 .. Money for Nothing 16:30 ...........................Flog It! 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00.... BBC News at Six 18:30... BBC London News 19:00........The One Show 20:00 ..............Watchdog 21:00.........The Missing CW choice 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:30... BBC London News 22:45 .........A Question of Sport 23:15............... Film 2016 23:45.......Fifty Dead Men Walking 01:4................. BBC News

06:15 ........ My Life in Books 06:45 ........ Secret Life of the Hospital Bed 07:30.......... Junior Bake Off 08:00... Great British Menu 09:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 .BBC Newsroom Live 11:30 .......The Daily Politics 13:00 .....Just Good Friends 14:00 ............................Tennis 16:45.........The Wonder of CW Animals choice 17:15 .Antiques Roadshow 18:00.............. Eggheads 18:30......... Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 19:00................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00..... MasterChef: The Professionals 21:00.. Black and British: A Forgotten History 22:00 ........... The Premier League Show 22:30............. Newsnight 23:15...................No Such Thing as the News 23:45 ...............The Choir 00:45........ Saving Africa’s Elephants: Hugh and the Ivory War

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55..... ITV News London 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00 .........................Tenable 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30 .Coronation Street 20:00 ................This Time Next Year 21:00....... I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 22:30......... ITV News and Weather 23:00................. ITV News London 23:15................... Murder, She Wrote 00:15............ Jackpot247

TV Guide

11th November - 17th November 2016

ednesday 1 6 th N o v em b er 06:00 .................Countdown 06:45.................................. The Goldbergs

06:00......... Toby’s Travelling Circus 06:10. Lily’s Driftwood Bay

07:10.................................. The Goldbergs

06:20 .............. Fireman Sam

07:35.................................. The Goldbergs

06:35 .....................Peppa Pig

08:00..................... Everybody Loves Raymond 08:30 .................... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 ........................... Frasier 09:30 ........................... Frasier 10:00 ................A New Life in the Sun 11:00 ....................... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00......... Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ...................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:30 .....................Peppa Pig 06:40 ..........Bob the Builder 06:50 ............. Little Princess 07:05 ......................Pip Ahoy! 07:20................. Thomas and Friends 07:35 .......... Noddy: Toyland Detective 07:50........... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 08:00 .........................Wissper 08:15 .....................Peppa Pig 08:25 .....................Peppa Pig 08:35 ....................Paw Patrol 08:45 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat 09:00.................... Bananas in Pajamas 11:15 .............House Doctor

14:10................. Countdown

13:15 ........Home and Away

15:00........................... Deal or No Deal

13:45 .................Neighbours

17:00 ...............Four in a Bed 17:30 ................... Come Dine with Me 18:00 ....... The Simpsons 18:30............... Hollyoaks 19:00.................. Channel 4 News 20:00 ........ The Supervet 21:00............. 24 Hours in A and E 22:00.................Kids on CW the Edge choice 23:05 .........Cutting Edge 00:05 ............... The Great Songwriters 01:05............... The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds

06:05 ......... Dynamo Top 10

06:00..... It’s Me or the Dog 07:00................. Monkey Life 08:00 ............. RSPCA Animal Rescue 09:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0 11:00...................Police Force Australia 12:00........... Modern Family 13:00.............. Hawaii Five-0 15:00........... Modern Family 16:00............. A Town Called Eureka 17:00 .............The Simpsons 17:30..................... Futurama 18:00...... Modern Family 18:30 ....... The Simpsons 20:00..................... Arrow 21:00 ..................... Stella 22:00 ...............The Force 23:00 ............Prison: First and Last 00:00.............A League of Their Own

06:15 ............... Saving Hope

08:55.......... Kirstie’s Vintage Gems

07:00 ... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

09:15 .. Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb

08:00 ...................MasterChef Australia

10:10 ........... Grand Designs

09:00 .......My Dream Home

13:10....................Time Team

10:00 .......................... The Bill

14:10....Come Dine with Me

11:00.............. Tipping Point

15:15....Come Dine with Me

13:00........ MasterChef USA

16:20....Come Dine with Me

14:00....... My Dream Home

16:50............George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces

16:00 ... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

11:20 ...........The Ladykillers

17:55... Find it, Fix it, Flog it

17:00......................... DIY SOS

18:55.................Car S.O.S

18:00........ Tipping Point

19:55....... Grand Designs

19:00.......... Supernanny

21:00...... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

20:00............ MasterChef Australia 21:00 ............ Code Black

23:05... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

22:00.......Louis Theroux’s LA Stories

00:05... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

23:20.. Who Do You Think You Are? USA

01:05..........Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

07:00....................... Flip Men

06:00 ............. Football Gold

07:25...... Ice Road Truckers

07:00....... WWE Experience

08:10....................... Top Gear

08:00.......... Premier League Legends

09:15........ The Wright Stuff

13:05 ...................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

16:00........................... Coast v Country

06:00 ................ Dinner Date 06:50 ....................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:35.................. Emmerdale 08:05.................. You’ve Been Framed! 09:05............................. Psych 09:55 ............... Catchphrase 10:40 .... I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 11:40.................. You’ve Been Framed! 12:15 ..................Emmerdale 12:45...................... The Cube 13:45 ....................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35......... The Jeremy Kyle 18:00....... I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 19:00............ You’ve Been Framed! 20:00............... Two and a Half Men 21:00 ............ Family Guy 22:30........I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 23:30.......American Dad!

12:10 ....5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .....The Gadget Show

14:15 ............................... NCIS 15:15 ........................Crazy for Christmas 17:00.................. 5 News at 5 17:30 .................Neighbours 18:00.... Home and Away 18:30..... 5 News Tonight 19:00....... Ben Fogle: The Great African Migration 20:00............ GPs: Behind Closed Doors 21:00...... Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 22:00........... Undercover: Criminal Activity 23:05....... The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 00:05............ On Benefits 01:00..........Super Casino

09:00........ Storage Hunters 11:00 ...... American Pickers 12:00 .......................Top Gear 13:00 .....................Deadly 60 14:00 ................... Strongman Champions League 2016 15:00...... Ice Road Truckers 16:00..... Jay Leno’s Garage 17:00....................... Top Gear 18:00............. Strongman Champions League 2016 19:00...American Pickers 20:00..... Motorway Cops 21:00 ......Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00.............. Room 101 23:20........................... QI 00:40.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You

09:00.................. The Premier League Years 11:00 ............. Football Gold 11:30 ....Football’s Greatest 12:00 ............ Live ATP World Tour Finals 16:00 ................Boxing Gold 17:30 ................... Darts Gold 18:00..... Premier League Gold 18:30.... Barclays Premier League World 19:00.............. Live Grand Slam of Darts 23:00............... World Cup Qualifiers Rnd Up 00:30.... Barclays Premier League World 01:00.........Football Gold

33 CW

W C choice The Missing BBC1, 21:00

Thriller. It is now 2015 and Julien’s health is failing, but his determination to track down the missing girl means he has not finished with the Webster case just yet. Back in Germany, the press descend on Eckhausen for a trial when a seemingly vital piece of new evidence comes to light. Gemma is surprised by a phone call from Julien and finds a new purpose that helps break through her stupor. A year later and Julien is still searching for his third suspect when he comes across a name that he recognises. However, he finds himself running out of time as friends in Eckhausen are beginning to question his mental capacity. Can he persuade anyone to listen to him? And will they make it to the missing girl in time? Meanwhile, Matthew’s behaviour becomes more and more extreme, culminating in a violent altercation with life-changing consequences for the Webster family.

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TV Guide

W C choice

Close To The Enemy BBC2, 21.00 Callum uses unorthodox methods in his attempts to convince Dieter to work with the British, while juggling the demands of Kathy, an officer in the War Crimes Unit, and his troubled younger broth-

er, Victor. Kathy’s team are concerned that the British government is harbouring war criminals under the name of science, while Victor struggles to deal with the psychological trauma caused by his experience of fighting the war. Kathy and Victor seek Callum’s help, but can they trust that he will put their aims before his own? The power play between Dieter and Callum eventually puts Lotte at risk.

11th November - 17th November 2016

T hursday 06:00...................... Breakfast

06:15 ........ My Life in Books

09:15 ...............Oxford Street Revealed

06:45 ........ Secret Life of the Hospital Bed

10:00 ...... Homes Under the Hammer

07:30.......... Junior Bake Off

13:00 ...... BBC News at One

12:00 .......The Daily Politics

13:55 ..... ITV News London

13:30 ....BBC London News

13:00 ............................. Coast

14:00 .............. Judge Rinder

13:45......................... Doctors

13:30 .....Just Good Friends

15:00......................... Tenable

14:15.................. Moving On

14:00 ............................Tennis

16:00 ..............Tipping Point

15:00 ...............Escape to the Country

16:45.................. The Wonder of Animals

17:00.................... The Chase

15:45 ..................... Money for Nothing

17:15 ........................Antiques Roadshow

16:30 ...........................Flog It!

18:00.............. Eggheads

17:15 .......................Pointless

18:30......... Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two

19:00....... The One Show 19:30............ EastEnders 20:00.................. DIY SOS

Secret Life of the Hospital Bed

21:00 .....The Apprentice

BBC1, 11:00

22:30............ BBC London News

BBC2, 20:00 Marcus Wareing, Monica Galetti and Gregg Wallace team up to search for the country’s next culinary superstar. It is the quarter-final and the six best chefs from the week’s heats return to the MasterChef kitchen to continue in the pursuit of the winner’s crown. Monica and Marcus ask the chefs to reinvent and reimagine a great family favourite - fish and chips. They will need to elevate the dish to a new standard without losing its heart and soul. Next, the chefs cook for some of country’s most discerning restaurant critics. This week’s food critics are Jay Rayner and William Sitwell, joined by Amol Rajan, editor at large of The Independent, who is not bashful about bringing his opinion to bear.

09:25 ......... The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning

18:30.BBC London News

MasterChef: The Professionals

08:30........................ Lorraine

11:00.....Secret Life of the CW Hospital Bed choice 09:00........................... Victoria Derbyshire 11:45 ................Rip Off Food 11:00 .BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.............. Bargain Hunt

18:00.... BBC News at Six

Documentary series telling the story of patients who enter four hospitals across the country. At Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the Day Surgery Unit sees a high proportion of elderly patients. Bed 23 is ready for retired builder, 73-year-old Peter who is having a biopsy. Over in the Great North Children’s Hospital in Newcastle, 9-year-old Sonny has come in with a suspected broken finger after trying to save a ball at a summer camp football match. In the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle, the A&E department is under pressure. 37-year-old Kenza has been brought through to bed 9. Over the last six months he’s rapidly lost the use of his right arm and leg. Back in the Great North Children’s Hospital in Newcastle, 11-year-old Neci has been brought in by her mum Sharon, with a lump on her elbow.

08:00...... Great Continental Railway Journeys

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain

22:00.... BBC News at Ten

22:45 ...... Question Time 23:45 ..............This Week

19:00..............Celebrity CW Antiques Road Trip choice 20:00........MasterChef: W C The Professionals choice 21:00................Close to the Enemy



12:30............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News

18:00................. ITV News London 18:30..ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30... Why Can’t Britain Sleep?: Tonight 20:00............ Emmerdale 20:30..Coronation Street 21:00........I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

22:00..... The Apprentice: You’re Fired!

22:35.. ITV News London


22:45.... The Late Debate

23:15... Black and British: A Forgotten History

23:15................... Murder, She Wrote

TV Guide

11th November - 17th November 2016

35 CW

1 7 th N o v em b er CW


06:00 .................Countdown

06:00......... Toby’s Travelling Circus

06:45 .................................. The Goldbergs

06:10 ...........Lily’s Driftwood Bay

07:10.................................. The Goldbergs

06:20 .............. Fireman Sam

07:35.................................. The Goldbergs

06:30 .....................Peppa Pig

08:00.................... Everybody Loves Raymond

06:40 ..........Bob the Builder

06:35..................... Peppa Pig 06:50 ............. Little Princess 07:05 ......................Pip Ahoy!

08:30 .................... Everybody Loves Raymond

07:20 .................Thomas and Friends 07:35 .......... Noddy: Toyland Detective

09:00........................... Frasier 09:30 ........................... Frasier

07:50........... Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:00 ................A New Life in the Sun

08:00 .........................Wissper

11:00 ....................... Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

08:15 .....................Peppa Pig 08:25 .....................Peppa Pig 08:35 ....................Paw Patrol

12:00 ......... Channel 4 News Summary

08:45 ................Toot the Tiny Tugboat

12:05 ...................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

09:00.................... Bananas in Pajamas

13:05 ...................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

11:15 .............House Doctor

06:00 ............Dynamo Top 10 06:15.................. Saving Hope 07:00 ..... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 08:00. MasterChef Australia 09:00 .........My Dream Home 10:00 ..............................The Bill 11:00................. Tipping Point 13:00........... MasterChef USA 14:00 .........My Dream Home 16:00 ..... Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 17:00............................ DIY SOS 18:00 .......... Tipping Point 19:00............. Supernanny 20:00............... MasterChef Australia 21:00.........One Born Every Minute 22:00............... EastEnders 22:40 ...... Nev’s Indian Call Centre 23:40....Iceland Foods: Life in the Freezer Cabinet

12:10 ........................... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15.................. Traffic Cops

15:00........................... Deal or No Deal

13:15 ............................. Home and Away

16:00 ........................... Coast v Country

13:45 .................Neighbours

17:00 ...............Four in a Bed

15:15 ..................A Christmas Kiss

14:15 ............................... NCIS

17:30 ................... Come Dine with Me

17:00 ..................5 News at 5

18:00 ....... The Simpsons

17:30 .................Neighbours

18:30.............. Hollyoaks

18:00.......................Home and Away

19:00 ..................Channel 4 News

18:30 ..... 5 News Tonight

20:00.......................The CW Secret choice Life of the Zoo

19:00 ................. The UK’s Strongest Man 2016

21:00 ..................... Grand Designs

20:00 ...... The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door

22:00 ...................60 Days in Jail

21:00 ............ Jack Taylor: Blood Cross

22:55............. 24 Hours in A and E

23:00................... Medical Mysteries

08:55 ...........Kirstie’s Vintage Gems 09:15... Selling Houses with Amanda Lamb 10:15 ........... Grand Designs 11:20............. The Lady From Shanghai 13:10 ...................Time Team 14:10....Come Dine with Me 15:15....Come Dine with Me 15:50....Come Dine with Me 16:20....Come Dine with Me 16:50............George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 17:55... Find it, Fix it, Flog it 18:55 ................Car S.O.S 19:55 ...... Grand Designs 21:00 ............ Great Canal Journeys 22:00..... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 23:10...... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

09:15 ........ The Wright Stuff

14:10 .................Countdown

W C choice

06:00................ Dinner Date 06:50 ....................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:35...................Emmerdale 08:05 .....Coronation Street 08:35 ................. You’ve Been Framed! 09:05 ............................. Psych 09:55............... Catchphrase 10:40 .... I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 12:15.................. Emmerdale 12:45 .....Coronation Street 13:15 ................. You’ve Been Framed! 13:45 ....................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00....... I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 19:30............ You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ...............Two and a Half Men 21:00 ............ Family Guy 22:00....... I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! 23:00.......American Dad!

06:00..... It’s Me or the Dog 07:00 ................ Monkey Life 08:00 ............. RSPCA Animal Rescue 09:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0 11:00 ..................Police Force Australia 12:00........... Modern Family 12:30 ...........Modern Family 13:00 ..............Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ...........Modern Family 16:00.............. A Town Called Eureka 17:00............. The Simpsons 17:30..................... Futurama 18:00 ..... Modern Family 18:30 ....... The Simpsons 20:00........ DC Legends of Tomorrow 21:00............ A League of Their Own 22:00.....An Idiot Abroad 23:00.....An Idiot Abroad

The Secret Life of the Zoo Channel 4, 20:00

The first episode of the new series sees Florence and Nadine, two of Chester’s Grevy’s zebras, both about to give birth. But fixing a due date is almost impossible, and so the keepers are keeping a close eye on both. Other animals are struggling to produce offspring. Iblis is an Asiatic lion, one of the rarest animals in the world. His partner of five years, Kumari, seems to be losing interest in him. Keepers can find nothing physically wrong with the pair, so decide to put Iblis on a programme of tearing animal carcasses from trees in order to get him into shape. But will it be enough to impress Kumari? Meanwhile, warthog dad Magnum is feeling the pressure of parenting. Two of his older children, Dobby and Neville, are becoming increasingly hard to control. Magnum’s losing his hair with the stress and then suffers the indignity of having a part of his tail bitten off. He must impose order on his family again - if he can.

07:00 ....................... Flip Men

06:00............. Football Gold

07:25...... Ice Road Truckers

07:00 ...WWE SmackDown!

08:10 .......................Top Gear

08:00 .......... Premier League Legends

09:00 ........ Storage Hunters 11:00 ...... American Pickers 12:00....................... Top Gear 13:00......................Deadly 60 14:00 ................... Strongman Champions League 2016 15:00 ......Ice Road Truckers

09:00 ..................The Premier League Years 11:00..........Barclays Premier League World 11:30 .......... Premier League Gold

16:00..... Jay Leno’s Garage

12:00 ............ Live ATP World Tour Finals

17:00....................... Top Gear

16:00................ Boxing Gold

18:00............. Strongman Champions League 2016

16:30 .........Barclays Premier League World

19:00...American Pickers

17:00.....Football’s Greatest

20:00....................... QI XL

17:30.......... Premier League Match Pack

21:00.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You

18:00.... Sporting Heroes

22:00.......Have I Got a Bit More News for You

19:00.............. Live Grand Slam of Darts

23:00........ Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish

23:00..........La Liga Show 23:30......................... NFL

Celebrity Antiques Road Trip BBC2, 19:00

Celebrities hunt for antiques across the UK. Top Italian cooks Antonio Carluccio and Gennaro Contaldo are on a road trip around East Anglia. Restaurateurs, writers and old friends, the ‘greedy Italians’ forage for antiques in the company of experts David Harper and James Braxton. Watch out for some explosive bargaining and an extremely tasty risotto! When he is not shopping, Antonio learns about the brave fisherman of Suffolk, who saved mariners’ lives while risking their own. And Gennaro has a trip to take a peek at a very special bird.

CW 36

What’s On

this weekend

11th November - 17th November 2016

This weekend


Fairgrounds’ bargain time


THE annual Exposaldo feast of offers, liquidations, and reductions, adding up to Tenerife’s biggest bargain sale, takes place in the Recinto Ferial exhibition hall, better known as The Fairgrounds, from Wednesday ‘til Sunday (16-20th Nov). The 10,000sq/m area will be given over to a wide range of goods, including specialist sections for homes, electrical and beauty - a new addition this year. beauty. There will also be toys, books, clothes and even second-hand cars. Some 48,600 people passed through last year, and the one euro entry fee could be the best shopping investment of the year. Opening hours are from 11am to 9 pm and the Recinto Ferial is at the southern entrance to the capital, a couple of minutes’ walk from the main bus station.

Opening this weekend until January 2017, the Ice rink in Magma, Las Americas, is back for another year.

Gastronomic fair in Adeje A compendium of gastronomic activities will light up Adeje during the month of November: ‘Ruta de la tapa’ inviting bars and restaurants of the town to participate, ‘Degústame’ fair, held in Plaza de España and Plaza de Salytien, workshops and lots of cultural events related to the best cuisine and the promotion of local products. 2nd - 27th November

From 4th Nov

16th - 20th NOvember


Las Americas

The fairgrounds, Santa Cruz


This weekend

This weekend

World Diabetes Day

Tenerife Opera - Carmen Tenerife Opera presents a new production of French opera’s most famous and performed throughout the world masterpiece, ‘Carmen’, with musical direction by Massimiliano Stefanelli and soloists Na’ama Goldman, as Carmen, and Walter Fraccaro in the role of Don Jose. 22nd, 24th, 26th November auditorio de tenerife, Santa cruz

If you like Karate, you can’t miss this weekend’s Costa Adeje Karate Championships, organised by the Insular and Regional Federations and the Adeje Council.

To celebrate World Diabetes Day, the City Council of Arona and the Diabeteide Association invites you to participate in the activities that we have prepared. Family walk, healthy eating workshops, zumba class, glucose measurements, ExpoDiabetes (tent with the latest technology for control), live music and many surprises ... Route: from Plaza de la Pescadora to the Roundabout Luis Diaz de Losada and return to the starting point.

This weekend

Can your family cook? Tomorrow (November 12th) in the CDTCA (Costa Adeje Centre for Tourism Development) from 10am the first Family Cookery competition will take place, with families (one adult, father, mother or legal guardian, and two children between the ages of 6 and 11) competing against each other. The event, under the Degusta.Me gastronomy label, will require competing families to prepare one healthy dish using the following ingredients – chicken, garlic, onion, green and red peppers, carrots, green beans, courgette and mushrooms.

12th November Costa Adeje

13th Nov, 10am

13th NOvember, 10.30am

Las Torres, Adeje

Los Cristianos Centre



2nd Night Race of Arona November

Circo Alegria - Aqua circus Come and find a pool with 24,000 litres of water turned into circus ring. Here, more than 40 artists will be performing in order to surprise visitors. “Aqua Circus” is a new challenge for the world of performing arts. This show combines musical quality, created bases and recorded in a Miami studio, live voice, special lighting effects and water fountains dancing to musical notes. Until 19th Nov La Laguna

Sign up to run by the light of the moon in this second night race of Arona. Seven kilometres running through the town starting from the Town Hall Square. Although the race is of popular character, federated athletes who wish may also participate. 19th November Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Arona 11th November - 17th November 2016


37 CW

CW 38

Community News

11th November - 17th November 2016

Accion del Sol News

Snap your pets!

WITH Christmas just around the corner, we have organised a photo competition. We would like you to send Christmasthemed photographs of your beloved pets to by 16th December. On 17th December, at our Christmas event, expert judges will choose the best three photos, so please capture your pets in their best festive poses, and send them to us. This last week has seen, as usual, the arrival of some horrendous cruelty cases at our refuge, including one poor dog thrown in a barranco and left to die. But we have, also, found lovely homes for three lucky podencos, two in Hamburg and one in Berlin, so it has been a week of mixed emotions.

In memory of Andy Rollerson The annual, fund-raising pool competition was held on Saturday, 22nd October, at the Camping Nauta bar, in memory of Andy Rollerson, who, five years ago, lost his battle with cancer. “Andy died just days after we took over the bar,” said owner Debbie Cocks. “Every year, as

a tribute to him and his family, who still live here, we hold a charity event, in aid of the cancer-bus appeal. “Joan Leatherbarrow has organised everything for the last couple of years. We charged an entry fee of five euros, held a raffle and buffet, and ALL proceeds went to

the bus.” She added: “We are very proud to announce that we have raised a staggering total of 655 euros, which Joan has taken to the charity. We are a small community on site, and people’s kind generosity always comes flooding through for this worthy cause.”

Live Arico News

Dog of the Week – Zeus

Assistance required Please contact us if you can assist in any way on 922 778 630. We always need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm.

Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the northbound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the righthand side. E-mail the refuge at or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del SOL

Zeus is three years old, and an absolute joy. He is so well-behaved and loving. Through no fault of his own, he finds himself in need of a forever home. Could that be you? For more information, to arrange a meeting or no-obligation trial period, please call Sue on 629 388102 Live Arico Shops Come and bag a bargain at any of our three shops: San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina,

at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open Monday-Saturday (104pm) Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open daily (10-4pm) Golf del Sur - Golf Park,

just before the lottery kiosk. Open MondayFriday (10-6pm), Saturday (10-4pm), Sunday (10-3pm) Don’t throw it away! Call us on 629 388102, and we’ll sell your unwanted items to help the dogs.

Community News

11th November - 17th November 2016

39 CW


THE Royal British Legion’s traditional one-minute silence for Remembrance Day will be observed at the Iceland store in Las Chafiras, at 11am today (Friday), and all are welcome to attend. Then, two days later, on Remembrance Sunday, Services and Acts of Remembrance will be held in various venues below. Following the

Westhaven Bay Service, an event will be held at The Albatros, in Costa del Silencio, from 1pm. There will be entertainment, a BBQ and a raffle, so please come along and meet friends, old and new. The Royal British Legion’s annual Poppy Appeal is well under way now, and Kelly, who organises the appeal for vital funds, says:

“Please give generously and wear your poppy with pride.”

Sunday, 13th November 10.30am: The Royal British Legion Service of Remembrance: Westhaven Bay, Costa del Silencio You are advised to bring a sun-hat and a bottle of water Anglican Church of South Tenerife 10.15am: San Eugenio,

Cats Welfare News

Yes, you CAN foster!

I don’t have the space All you need is a spare bedroom or office, a bathroom, or even a corner where you can set up a playpen cage, which we provide. We need foster cats to stay separate from your own cats, but it doesn’t take much space to do that. Whatever space you have at home is better than none at all, and the cat to be on the street! I might get attached OK, yes, you might. But, no matter how difficult it is to pass it on to its new owner, just knowing that you’re helping to save a life should ease any shortterm pain. When you take in a foster cat, it gives us room to help others. It lets us learn more about their personality than we ever could if it were living on the street. This makes it much easier to adopt out. Yes, some cats are harder to give away than others, but be strong! You can do it! My own cats won’t tolerate a foster cat, especially an adult If you have a separate room, this shouldn’t be much of a problem. Yes, your cat(s) will know there is another cat in

the house, and they may be a little upset about it, at first. But, chances are they’ll get over it pretty quickly, especially if you make sure you wash your hands after handling the foster cat, and keep the cats from seeing each other. Tell your cats that they need to do their part as well! Eventually, they will be totally nonchalant about the whole idea of fostering. I can’t afford to take another cat This one is easy! Cats Welfare supply all the food and litter, and cover all medical expenses. If you need to buy more supplies before we can drop them off to you, save the receipts, and we will pay you back. A foster cat might make my own cats sick If you follow basic health protocols, such as washing your hands between handling cats, and wearing an old shirt when handling the foster cat, you shouldn’t have any problems. Bedding for the foster cat will be provided by us, so it can all can be thrown away after use, and we

will supply more. Someone else will say yes. There are plenty of other foster homes They won’t, and there aren’t. It’s that simple. We have a few, but still need help! The sad reality is that we constantly turn cats and kittens away who need a foster home. I already have a foster cat This gets you partly off the hook, but wouldn’t your fosterkitty like a friend? Want to find out more with no obligation? Ring or Whatsapp Maria on 646629129 (9-6pm, seven days a week), or message us on our website www. cats-welfare -tenerife. com/contacts Musical extravaganza Our Musical Extravaganza fund-raising afternoon is on 20th November, 2-6.30pm, at Harveys Bar, Los Cristianos. Nik Page, Abba Angels, Justin Quinn, Paul Mac and many more will be entertaining us, with Darren and Mark Clarke compering. There will be a raffle, tombola and many other attractions. Pop along for a fun afternoon, and help us to raise money for the kitties. Donations Items in good condition can be dropped into the shop on San Blas in Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino). It is open seven days a week 106pm, (Saturdays 104pm.) If you don’t have transport, or have large, bulky items such as furniture and household effects to donate, please ring Mark on 636590557, and he will arrange collection from you.

Pueblo Canario, Las Americas Noon: San Blas, Golf del Sur 6pm: Espiritu Santo, Los Gigantes South Tenerife Christian Fellowship 10.50am: Apolo Centre, Los Cristianos 10.50am: Coral Mar Square, Costa del Silencio Callao Salvaje Community Church 10.45am: Callao Salvaje

Have fun at the fayre The Swallows’ “Tuesday Crafters” are organising a Christmas Craft Fayre tomorrow (Saturday), 113pm, in the El Paso Bar, Castle Harbour, in Los Cristianos. We will have 14 tables of handmade goodies, and fantastic raffle and tombola prizes. You can guess the amount of coins in the jar, the current prize being 25 euros, which is growing by the day. Please come along and support us. All monies raised from table hire, the tombola, raffle and “guess the amount” go to the Swallows’ charity for cancer research, here on the Island.

CW 40

Wine and Dine

11th November - 17th November 2016

The Swan

Adeje Chicken in Buzanada

Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with good quality produce. We also cater for any special requirements.

Adeje chicken in Buzanada has re-opened its doors with the new owners Bryan and his mum Chemy in the kitchen. You can still enjoy her home chicken recipes of fried, spicy, garlic, home made honey or even plain chicken breast together with her BBQ and special Canarian sauces. Now they also have meat and fish dishes available and much more. They have a menu of the day for only 6.80 euros plus a drink (Tues - Fri, 1pm - 4pm). A pint of beer for 1 euro and now offering sorbets of lemon, coco, cherry and mango. Now doing Southern Fried Chicken Kentucky style!

Daily Specials. Friday: Cod and chips night. Sunday Lunch: 12noon - 8pm. 24hr notice for paella, lamb shank, fillet steak or ask us for anything you fancy. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value!

Buzanada Roundabout, Buzanada.

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: Tues-Sun 9.30am-10.30pm, kitchen closes 4pm-6pm. Closed Mondays.

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Call: 602 601 634

Call: 922 728 290 / 629 331 124

James’ Place

Lucky 7’s Bar and Burger Joint

The only British bar and the jewel in the crown in La Caleta. Something for all the family with stylish dining area, sun drenched terrace, games room, all your Live Sport and a fantastic menu. Freshly beer-battered fish and home to ‘The Best’ Sunday Roast in the area! 1pm-6pm James’s Place - Where we just haven’t met you yet!

Specialising in burgers made with the finest, freshest, selected cuts cooked to your liking. Delicious cocktails and the most amazing views. Burgers, booze and views!

La Caleta

Open: Food served Mon-Sat: 10am - 10pm. Sun: 10am - 6pm. Open til late.

Call: 922 168 139

Otelo Otelo restaurants serve traditional Spanish cuisine, specialising in delicious crispy garlic chicken and Canarian potatoes, plus all the tasty sauces. Try our Canarian night, with our staff all dressed in national costumes and live Canarian music at Otelo 1, with its gorgeous mountain views, on Monday night. Or Thursday night at Otelo 2, our beach-front restaurants. Otelo 1: Free parking. Otelo II: 1 hour free parking with receipt Otelo I: Baranco Inferño. Otelo II: Fañabe Beach front

San Telmo Strip, Los Cristianos

Open: Otelo I: 12noon - 11pm Otelo II: 11am - 11pm

Open: Mon; 7pm - 10pm. Tues - Sun; 1pm - 10pm

Call: 922 780 374 / 922 716 342

Call: 922 17 35 25

Wine and Dine

11th November - 17th November 2016

41 CW

Food Review: Swedish Corner

MORE THAN JUST MEATBALLS THE Swedish Corner, in Los Cristianos, is a restaurant, owned by a lovely couple, Per and Tina, who moved here from Sweden about two years ago.

It is situated in the heart of the old-style Cristianos, just down from the church, and is a stone’s throw from the beach. My wife and I had the pleasure, recently, of dining there. We sat outside and ordered our drinks, while we looked at the menu. Not knowing much about Swedish culinary delights, we spoke with Per and Tina, who offered a tapas-style introduction to their menu. We were more than happy to go along with this. We started with Toast Skagen, a lightlytoasted, artisan bread with a classic Swedish mix of prawns in a light, creamy sauce, and Gravlax (dillcured salmon) with lemon. These were all

a taste sensation. Bruschetta was to follow, with three varieties of topping: Serrano ham, tomato with balsamic glaze, and Chevre (goats’ cheese) with walnuts - our favourite. Over a chilled glass of wine we finished them all. Worried that we would never make it to dessert, we persevered.

Per has won awards for his burgers, and he brought out his

famous Texas variety, complete with melted goats’ cheese, a chilli-

honey dressing and his sublime, secret burger sauce, all in a sesameseed bun, with crispy wedges on the side. Most of the meat for his restaurant comes from Meat Boutique, and the burgers are all home-made, light, crispy and juicy. My wife isn’t a fan of burgers, but after just one bite she was converted. It was cooked to perfection, and we now understand why Per is so proud of them. He once sold 7,000 at a festival in Sweden, within the space of four days! Next came the Swedish mixed grill, which included venison, fillet of beef and chicken fillets, all pan-fried with fresh florets of broccoli and cauliflower, mixed peppers, tomatoes, carrots and honey. It was served at the table, in the pan in which it had been cooked. With the three meats, the juices at the bottom of the pan had a deep, meaty flavour. With the sweetness of the honey, they cut through the richness of

the venison, and made for a great sauce. Per asked if we had room for more. We said Yes, thinking that the dessert menu was coming. But off he went to the kitchen and returned with the new addition to the menu, a salmon-and-hake fish stew, with horseradish alioli. Wow! For such a simple dish, the flavours were incredible. To our amazement, we devoured it all. The Swedish Corner has a varied menu, from wraps, home-made falafel and deep-fried shrimp, to mixed grills and several fish dishes. Wines are available to go with any course. A brilliant three-course meal can be had for only 10 euros, from 125pm. With the cooler nights drawing in, there is no better time to try this restaurant for some wholesome, homecooked food. Open seven days a week, from 12 noon ‘til 11pm Call 922 788 525 now, for your reservations.

CW 42

Wine and Dine

11th November - 17th November 2016

Never mind TV’s Bake Off, Wine, music we’ve got Family Cook-Off and food ADEJE Council’s first Family Cookery competition takes place tomorrow (Saturday), with families, comprising one adult, father, mother or legal guardian, and two children, aged 6-11, competing against each other.

This tasty competition will be held in the CDTCA (Costa Adeje Centre for Tourism Development) from 10am. The event, under the Degusta.Me gastronomy label, challenges families to prepare one healthy dish using the following ingredients: chicken, garlic, onion, green and red peppers, carrots, green

beans, courgette and mushrooms. Councillor Manuel Luis Méndez Martín, responsible for Degusta.Me, said: “What we are hoping to achieve with this idea is to open up the notion of family cooking. “Cooking is a great way of spending time together, and it can be a really healthy, alternative activity.” Each group will have a work-table, a hob, cooking instruments, an oven,

Swedish Corner More than just meatballs!

The Swedish Corner is situated in the heart of Los Cristianos and only a stone’s throw from the beach. They have a 3-course special between 125pm for only 10 euros. Serving modern classics with a Swedish twist including meatballs, Gravalax, possibly the best homemade burgers in Tenerife and new to the menu; hake and salmon fish stew, with horse radish alioli, not forgetting the extensive wine list to accompany it all.

etc, as well as a pantry. And the order in which the families prepare their food will be decided by a draw, held 30 minutes before the competition begins. The preparation and cooking time is 90 minutes. A jury, made up of three members of ACYRE (the Canarian Association of Chefs and Bakers), will award points for flavour, creative use of ingredients, presentation, originality, order

and cleanliness in the work zone and the children’s active participation. The top three families will receive a diploma, as well as a selection of cookery products. In addition, the top family will win a meal for four in an Adeje gourmet restaurant. Further details, and the competition rules, are available in the Adeje webpage, www., in the Degusta. Me section.

THE air could be filled with nautical clichés tomorrow (Saturday) at the Vino A Babor (Wine to Port) event on Las Galletas Marina. A full programme of events from noon will keep all ages amused, fed, and watered, with not a dry ship’s biscuit in sight. Timetable Noon: Cooking workshop for children until 2pm. Also from noon, DJ Tecnosurf will make his first musical appearance 12.30-3pm: Make-up workshop for children, with Karol Karoline. Will put a smile on their faces - and several other designs 1.15pm: Live bartenders’ show, with creative cocktails and plenty of bottle-juggling 2pm: Concert, by the Pogar el Alquiller group. 4pm: Return of DJ Tecnosurf 5pm: Wine-tasting, with Manuel Rodriguez, wine

expert at DC Abona 6pm: Brazilian sunset concert, with Magno Oliviera & Friends 6-8.30 pm: Adults makeup workshop with Karol Karoline 8pm: Concert by El Coyote Cojo Throughout the day, there will also be craft stalls, tapas, sardines, and hamslicing demonstrations. The marina cafes and restaurants, and others, will also be open to relax, and enjoy the views across the beach and harbour.

Coral Bar Come down to Coral Mar Square and see us at the Coral Bar with a full menu all day, every day, you don’t want to miss out. We have our fabulous carvery on Sundays 3pm - 9pm, with a choice of 3 hand-carved meats, and help yourself to homemade Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, fresh vegetables, stuffing and roast meat gravy, all for only 8.95 euros. And if you bring this advert along with you we will give you a free glass of wine to go with your carvery.

Behind Burger King in Los Cristianos

Coral Mar Square, Costa Del Silencio

Open: Everyday, 12 noon - 11pm

Open: 10am - 10pm. Food until 9.30pm

Call: 922 788 525

Tel: 634 395 548

Lupita Parque de la Reina has a secret - Lupita restaurant is fast becoming the place to eat, and it has a well-deserved reputation. All the usual Mexican specialities are on offer, but from midday until 4pm, check out its 3.95-euro menu. You can have a bowl of soup or garlic bread, main meal (selection of 20) and ice cream or coffee to finish, which is excellent value for money. Also, evening and weekend menus are available from 4.95-euros. Now open Mondays! Special offer: Mixed Grill for 2 people with a bottle of wine only 20 euros.

Cañada Blanca 2, Parque de la Reina Open: 12noon - 11pm. Closed Tuesdays

Call: 922 739 250


11th November - 17th November 2016

43 CW



A very generous 105m2, 2 bedroom / 2 bathroom duplex in Paraiso del Sol, Las Americas, 2 terraces of 32m2, communal pool, short walk to the beach.

Large 76m2, one bedroom duplex apartment in the front line complex Club Atlantis, Puerto Colon. With 24m2 balcony and garden terrace.

295.000 euro

267.000 euro



Spacious 90m2, 2 bedroom / 2 bathroom duplex in Callao Park, Callao Salvaje, 2 terraces of 30m2 with wonderful views, garage included.

Ocean Gardens, Playa Paraiso. New two bedroom luxury complex of 151 apartments, due for completion end of 2017.

199.000 euro

From 177.000 euro VS3037


Lovely one bedroom apartment in the second row complex Yucca Park, Fanabe. Apartment is sold fully furnished.

We are pleased to offer this tastefully refurbished 40m2 studio in Pueblo Torviscas,Las Americas with a 10m2 balcony offering stunning views over the ocean.

210.000 euro

212.000 euro



Spacious independent 113m2, 3 bed, 2 bath Villa in Madronal, total plot of 350m2, private pool, parking for three cars, impressive views.

La Terrazas de Sotavento. 82 new modern 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments in La Tejita all come with large terraces, communal pool and underground parking.

442.000 euro

From 125.000 euro



Direct from the developer 1 and 2 bed apartments all with own parking spaces in Paraiso del Palm Mar, Wonderful well run quiet complex in Palm Mar.

Very large 3 bedroom apartment in Jardine del sur, wonderful views from the baclony and only minutes to the Sunday market and beach.

From 98.000 euro

225.000 euro



One bedroom bungalow in El Cortijo in the heart of Las Americas, the complex has its own swimming pool and only 5 minutes to the beach and restaurants.

One bedroom apartment in ApartAmerica in the centre of Las Americas, 40m2 living area with a 7m2 balcony with views over the pool and to the sea. Communal pool and parking space.

160.000 euro

160.000 euro VS2855


Very large refurbished one bedroom apartment in Colina 2, Los Cristianos. 55m2 living area with 15m2 baclony, parking space and is sold fully furnished.

Very nice 2 bedroom apartment in Granada Park, Los Cristianos. 56m2 living area with balcony overlooking the pool and sea. It is being sold fully furnished.

145.000 euro

189.000 euro

CW 44

Behind the Mic...

Interview by Val Sainsbury I’LL never forget that crisp, December evening, when I witnessed something so incredible, I have never forgotten it. I spied an apparition, dressed in pure white, with additions of gold. It sparkled and glistened in the soft moonlight, and, as I approached this ethereal being, all became clear: it was none other than Richard Gere, in his famous “An Officer and a Gentleman” naval uniform. Here was one of the most iconic people on the planet! Why would he be in Chayofa? I couldn’t quite work it out! Hang on a minute! My mistake. It wasn’t the Gere fellow, but Tom Cruise, resplendent in his famous Top Gun attire. And then he looked up. What can I say? My disappointment was immeasurable, as I was confronted with Oasis Fm DJ Dave Scott, in fancy-dress, on his way to a staff get-together! Only joking, Dave! You’re much better looking than the two of them put together! Dave, 47, who was born in Chesham, Buckinghamshire, looks back, cheerfully, on his Tenerife beginnings. “When I was 17, I came here on holiday with nine friends. We used to go to a fun pub called The Rainbow in Las Americas,” he said. “We’d been there the year before, and knew the manager. “On our first night the DJ walked out, and the manager came over and asked if any of us was a DJ. I was drunk and said Yes! I’d never done it before in my life.” For the remainder of his two-week holiday, Dave was behind the mic, and he ended up being offered a job there.

He went home for a couple of weeks, to hand in his notice at the foundry where he worked, making g e a r boxes for rally cars. “It wasn’t my profession - I was just a bog-standard metal worker! But it was very good money,” he said. He returned to Tenerife, and, over a period, worked in several clubs and bars, learning the craft of being a DJ. It was in 1994, when Dave was the DJ in a club called Mrs T’s, that he met Mandy, his wife of 18 years. “We were married three years later, and she fell pregnant on our honeymoon in St Lucia,” he said. “All the men on Mandy’s side are rather small, so I think I was brought into the family for breeding purposes! “We came back here to carry on with our lives, but, when she discovered she was expecting Morgan, she wanted to return to the UK, which we did in 1998. “I was working for Oasis Fm at the time, and was one of the original DJs, with Roscoe and Barry Noble.” Their younger daughter, Harmony, was born a few years later, before they returned to Tenerife. “Morgan, 18, is in the UK at college in Canterbury, doing a two-year course in media studies,” he said. “She may return here after that, but, as she’s doing so well, she might go on to university. “Harmony is nearly 14 and at school in El Medano. When she finishes there, she would love to go to a

11th November - 17th November 2016


Dave Scott

A gentleman in top Gere UK stage school, so she’ll be off when she’s 16.” He added: “Mandy and I had both left home by the time we were about 17, so it seems normal for us that the children would leave so young. They only get one chance at life.” Mandy, who is the manageress at Showtime, also teaches dancing at Estrellas Theatre School, where both girls attend. She went to the renowned Italia Conti school in London, and makes cameo appearances at Showtime. As for music, Dave reveals: “I love all genres and don’t have a favourite. At home, we have Retro Sundays, when my daughters and I play anything from the Seventies and Eighties.” He loves life as a DJ on Oasis Fm, Monday to Friday, 12-3, and as one of the Canarian Weekly sales team. “I like going round meeting new people, and I’ve made a nice circle of friends,” he said. “But what I do miss about the UK is having fresh milk delivered on the doorstep every morning - and carpets! “I still get nervous when I’m on air, especially this week when I interviewed

Big Deal, back in the UK

WHEN Dave and Mandy returned to the UK in 1998, they went to live in Deal, near Dover, where she was from, originally. “I started working on a local newspaper, for which her father was the area manager,” said Dave, and, after his subsequent stints as a mobile and club DJ, they started working for Hoverspeed, doing shuttle runs between Dover and Calais. Unfortunately, they were made redundant three days before Christmas, and Mandy asked Dave if he fancied returning to Tenerife. An emphatic “NO” was the response. “We had a beautiful house, and the kids were only small,” he said. “Harmony was only about 15 months old.” But Dave changed his mind, and now says: “I’m very happy here, and glad we’re back!”

Chris White, one of the original members of Dire Straits. Things can go wrong, and, if you’re driving the show, it’s your fault!” Dave remembered: “When we came back here and my children went to school, the idea was that I would help them with their homework, to improve my Spanish. I get by with the language, but I’m very lazy. “I thought I’d progress with them, but, within three weeks, I was left behind. They were like two little sponges, and sucked it all in.” What Dave loves most about Tenerife is seeing his children having fun in the sun. “Where I live is

family- orientated, and it’s much safer here than in the UK,” he said. “I really appreciate just talking, and being, with Spanish people, and learning about their culture. “You just can’t beat it!”



11th November - 17th November 2016




By Carl from Robot It’s that time of year again, when party outfits are being thought about, and your whole look needs to be A1 perfect. And that includes your hair, if you don’t want to let yourself down. We at Robot Hair and Beauty like forward planning. This means getting your appointments booked early, whether you’re getting your cut and colour done before your parties, or planning something special for your big nights.

There’s nothing more elegant than having your hair put up. Something extravagant sets off a simple dress, and something casual complements a “Wow” dress. So what’s the best way to go about getting the look you want? Taking a photo in to your stylist is a great way to start, or, if you are stuck, show them the dress you will be wearing, so that they can put forward some ideas. It all has to complement, so getting the right combination of dress and hair is essential. I’ve seen many a party dress let down by bad hair. If you’re going to

be the star of the show, then you need hair to match. This year’s looks are more casual than ornate. They are more relaxed, and definitely not stiff or lacquered. If you need help choosing a style for you, then hook up to the internet. This way, you will have some kind of idea as to what you want. You’ll let yourself down, and that gorgeous, new dress, if your hair isn’t getting the same amount of attention. We, at Robot, are always available to give free advice on any styling issue, so you have no excuses for not looking your absolute best.

JUMP TO IT! By Carl Pattison You need to look gorgeous … you don’t want to overdo it … yet you still want to look amazing. Jump into the newest fashion revival. The jumpsuit is back! No matter what your shape or size, the jumpsuit flatters and covers, in all the right places. There’s no age restriction, either, as it can be worn with any form of upper garment to cover arms, if necessary. Go with one complete colour to create a dramatic effect, in vibrant winter yellows or greens. Tone it down in evening blacks or greys. Daytimes can be floral or abstract. Don’t overdo the floral, and stick to subtle, rather than wallpaper-print size.

Picking a shoe which will complement this look is easy. Stick to killer-heels or large wedges - something to extend the leg. Don’t cut off the leg by wearing flats, as you

will end up looking like Aladdin. Elongating it is what we need to see. Pull in your waist with a metallic belt, to complement your shoes, and you’re good to go.

45 CW


By Val Sainsbury WE are all aware that squeezing spots may led to scarring. But if they are on a certain area of your face, this may result in potentially-fatal brain infections. Dermatologist Vishal Madan, from Salford, refers to this area as the “danger triangle”, which stretches from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the mouth. “Blood vessels in this area carry blood into the brain,” Maden warned. “If there is an infection in this area that is not treated properly, or quickly, it can cause a thrombosis [blood clot], an infection or abscess in the brain, or even meningitis.” Acne is one of the mostcommon, inflammatory skin conditions, occurring in more than 80% of teenagers, at some point. It can also affect people in later life. Traditionally, scientists have explained acne as being a build-up of dead

skin cells in the follicles of the sebaceous glands. These are small glands in the skin, which secrete a lubricating, oily matter (sebum) into the hair follicles, to lubricate the skin and hair. The commonness of the problem in adolescents was thought to be fuelled, primarily, by changes in the levels of sex hormones. New research has shown, however, that acne is much more complex than previously believed. Older sources categorised acne as either being inflammatory (large, red, pus-filled pimples) or non-inflammatory (whiteheads and blackheads). Inflammation-producing immune cells surround all acne-affected hair follicles, before any pimple becomes visible. Research has also shown that acne is caused, partly, by an overly-zealous response by a part of the immune system, designed to protect the skin from being penetrated by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes.

Madan admits that the chance of a brain infection is quite slim, but the incidence of scarring is fairly high. Both are caused by the same basic process: when you pop a pimple, you eject oil, bacteria and inflammatory chemicals on to the surrounding skin. This can cause wider infections and scarring. “On a daily basis, I see patients with acne and pimples,” he said. “I notice the scarring, and the first thing I ask is whether they touch, or squeeze, the spots. Invariably, most people do.” Most pimples will subside on their own within about a week. Severe acne, however, may require the attention of a health professional. Rather than popping the pimples, consider addressing the conditions that create them, by changing your lifestyle habits. The good news is that chocolate and greasy foods don’t actually cause acne, but a bad diet can contribute to the problem. To reduce the risk, or severity, of acne, detox your body by eating a balanced diet which is low in sugar. Also, include nuts, some fruit, vegetables, fish and red meat. Some research suggests that frequent milk consumption may increase the acne risk, but results are mixed. Experts recommend keeping a food diary to figure out which foods exacerbate your own symptoms. Dirty skin does not cause acne, but intense scrubbing or cleansing can actually cause irritation and make it worse.

CW 46

Advertisement 11th November - 17th November 2016 11th November - 17th November 2016

Quick quiz Which number replaces the question mark?

Puzzle Page


Godoku! This week’s letters: A D H G J N O U Y This week’s mystery clue: She is the author of the 2012 YA mystery Killer Frost (9 letters).





O D U A Y J H Sudoku X...

Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

9 5 1

1 2 5 2

47 CW

30-Second Brain Training

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number












-24 9








x7 Answer

Face Mix Can you name the three famous faces in this picture? Top ______________________

Middle ______________________

9 6 3 7 Intermediate

3 9

Starter Number

7 6 4 8











of this

9 7 9 1 2 8 6 And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...











Bottom ______________________


Last Issue's Answers:

Advanced Starter Number
















of this Answer

2/10 of this

7 8 5 1

1 9 5

6 1 5 7 8

4 6 8 7

8 1 3 2

Answer: 22. In each circle, the lower number equals the product of the top two numbers, subtracting 3 for the left hand circle, 4 for the middle, and 5 for the right hand circle.

Brain Training: Beginner: 42 Intermediate: 98 Advanced: 169 Godoku:

Face Mix: Jeremy Clarkson Boy George James Corden Sudoku X: 1 9 8 7 6 4 3 5 2 4 2 3 9 5 1 8 7 6 5 7 6 2 3 8 4 9 1


5 3 4 2


9 3 5 7 4 6 9 1 7 3 1 5 4 2

2 4 9 3 1 6 5 8 7 8 1 5 4 9 7 2 6 3 6 3 7 8 2 5 9 1 4

3 2

9 8 1 6 4 2 7 3 5

1 2 7 4 7 2 8




4 2 7 8 1 6 8

7 5 2 1 8 3 6 4 9 3 6 4 5 7 9 1 2 8

Sudoku: 1 6 3 8 5 7 2 9 4

7 3 2 9 6 5 4 8 1

9 4 5 2 6 1 3 8 7

8 1 6 2 3 4 7 5 9

7 2 8 4 3 9 1 5 6

4 5 9 1 7 8 3 2 6

2 8 6 5 9 4 7 3 1

3 8 5 7 2 9 1 6 4

4 5 1 7 8 3 9 6 2

9 6 7 8 4 1 5 3 2

3 7 9 6 1 2 5 4 8

2 4 1 6 5 3 9 7 8

8 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 9

6 7 4 3 1 2 8 9 5

6 9 7 3 2 8 4 1 5

5 8 3 4 8 6 2 1 7

5 1 4 9 7 6 8 2 3

1 2 8 5 9 7 6 4 3

CW 48

Advertisement 11th November - 17th November 2016


11th November - 17th November 2016

49 CW

Cars (cont.)

Property for Sale

How to Advertise:

Page 49

Page 49 C1722. SAN ISIDRO. Fully furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 en suite) apt, fully equipped kitchen, two balconies, roof terrace. 76.000 Euros

Lineage 0.50c per word FREE: 1 telephone number Basic box advert Classic box advert

Advertise your property or classified advert here. 20 euros per week (30 words maximum) double size box

Advertise your property or classified advert here. 25 euros per week (30 words maximum)

Completely refurbished 1 bed apt on the top part of Res Holiday Valley above Aqua Park Communal pool.


Classic DBLE box B1595. PLAYA HONDA, LAS AMERICAS. Newly refurbished apt with all brand new. Third floor. 142.000 Euros

Advertise Advertise your your property property or or classified classified advert here. advert here. 40 euros 35 euros per week per week (60 words (60 words maximum) maximum)

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Advertise your service advert here. 80 euros for 4 weeks* advertising (20 euros per week) Please ask us for prices for larger size adverts.

Vauxhall Astra, 500 euros including transfer of paperwork. No ITV, needs front brakes and battery. Tel: 659 930 516 Cars wanted CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.

Call us now on 678 451 641

For Sale Golf Clubs, full set plus Driver, Rescue, Putter, Bag. V.G.C. 165€ Tel: 661 078 141

All property, classified and service point have to be paid for in cash at our officces in Las Chafiras. *Service point adverts have to be in for a minimum of 4 weeks.

D1584. LOS GIRASOLES, EL MADROÑAL. 4 Bedroom townhouse with 160m2 construction on a plot of 289m2. 379.000 Euros

Discounts available for more than one edition. N.B. there is a 50% premium for a property/Business for sale classified adverts.

Deadline: Tuesday 4pm


DRIVE MOBILITY SCOOTER, excellent condition. Steering column folds down for transportation. €300. Telephone 676 507 246

CW 50

Service Point

11th November - 17th November 2016

Garden Furniture

Cleaning Elite Cleaning Services is an established cleaning company who can provide a professional cleaning service for Apartments, Villas and Offices. Call us today on 922 789 795 or 696 922 597.



Health & Beauty

Telephone: 922 736 728 E-mail:

Computer Service Provider Internet services UK TV Tel: 664 576 779

Home removal


House clearance Construction

Aladdins Cave - House Clearances Undertaken. Antique and Vintage goods bought and sold. tel. 922 720 493.


Private collector seeks gold jewellery in any condition, broken or unwanted. Top prices paid. Offering a private, discreet and courteous service.

Tel: 627 124 634

Kitchens & bathrooms Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing, Decorating, Plastering etc. Tel: 661 081 843 for quotation.

Lawyers Auctions Tenerife Auction Rooms Las Chafiras. Fortnightly Saturday morning Auctions. Buy and sell almost anything, call or WhatsApp 609 303 634


Cars Mechanics

Long term car rental (1 x week) from 200 euro per month. We pick up full insurance and breakdown. Please telephone 642 756 473 for fast polite service

Chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson-Jones MSSCh MBChA. Experienced qualified Chiropodist based in Tenerife over 20yrs, offers home/ hotel visits in most areas of the South. Tel: 608 029 790. Email:


Service Point

11th November - 17th November 2016

Mechanics (cont.)

Pest control

51 CW

security (cont.)

PlumbinG Tiling

Boiler King: All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Call Roly: 680 278 579 or Tom: 642 771 035

Pool tables Patio Doors & Windows

Translation TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES: Legally registered with over 25 years experience. Official, Medical, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Probate, Pensions, car paperwork and much more. Professionalism and confidentiality guaranteed. Transport available. Call Tracey on 666 857 991 or email on

Travel agents

Property services

TV and Satellite ElectroSat TV S.L. C/Encarnacion No 1. Valle San Lorenzo, Tenerife. Tel: 922 72 22 27 Mobile 670 277 772, email:

Removals UNIVERSAL EXPORTS S.L. PROFESSIONAL REMOVALS TO AND FROM THE U.K. Email: Transport Licence: No. 11572932 C.I.F. No. B38820395 Tel: 922 720 711


Second-hand Shops Furniture and Household items bought for cash. Immediate decisions, call Freddie on 609 303 634


Personal ServiceS Lupe, a blond Venezuelan in Los Cristianos, positions, French, kisses, toys, massages, private apartment, home or hotel visits, call now on 639 121 699

Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.

Windows and doors

CW 52


11th November - 17th November 2016

Not quite so Elite AFTER last week’s firstround Cup distraction, there was a return to action in the Direct Telecom Pool League. And, with leaders Gaffers A not in action, it was a chance for the chasing pack to narrow the gap. Tenerife Hammers A, in second spot with a somewhat makeshift squad, faced a tricky away trip to Exiles A. But Hammers have been around the league long enough to know how to grind out results. Exiles A must have fancied their chances of taking points off them, but they start poorly, allowing their opposition to take early frames. And once Hammers were in front they never looked back, controlling the frames and coming away with a decent result. It was Derby night at Palms Bar, where the neutrals were treated to a fine contest. The B team, or Elite as they know like to be called, had the better of it last season. But this time around, the A team have restored the natural order. They won the first match of the season - and on Tuesday it was just as close. Elite started well, but all night long the odd missed pot or mistake was punished. Harry and Wayne both banged in frame-winning, eight-ball clearances as Elite took a 3-1 lead. Then JT got one back for the A team, only for Harry and Wayne to make it 5-2. But the A team, traditionally slow starters, didn’t panic. And it was

a real team effort as Roscoe, then Chris, Simon and Steve all scooped frames. A stunning 6-5 victory was in their sights, only for Harry to take frame 12 sweetly to ensure hands were shaken on a draw. It was quite a match and both sides left happy. Hat-tip goes to Shai, who contributed with some first rate refereeing! Dreamers A, who started the season well, have dropped points in recent weeks, which has seen them tumble to the edge of the top five. And and this was another night to them to forget. They were down in Puerto Colon, taking on Rewind Rewired, and, across the first two sessions, there was nothing to choose between the teams. The score was 4-4 when Tommy beat Val to put Dreamers into the lead. But instead of spurring on his team, it actually woke up the opposition as Jeff, Tony and Gary won the final three frames to snatch the points for Rewind Rewired. Treehouse A have gone off the boil recently, especially after being tipped as one of the early-season title favourites. This week saw them at struggling Gaffers B, who started brightly and showed some of the form they are capable of. They were more than a match for Treehouse boys, and frames were traded. But neither team could make headway, with the final few frames cagey affairs, and it finished all-

division 1 ResultS Bluebell A Exiles A Gaffers B Palms Bar A Rewind Rewired Terrace Bantams

3-9 3-9 6-6 6-6 7-5 9-3

Rewind A Tenerife Hammers A Treehouse A Palms Elite Dreamers A Terrace Roosters

division 1 Table

6-6 8-4 5-7 6-6 7-5

Palms Rebels Hoppys A Exiles B Bluebell B Splash Bar

division 2 Table Table




1 Picasso’s A



3 116



+- PTS


40 31



1 Gaffers A

15 12


0 120 60



2 Yates Bar

16 9 4 3 112 80 32 31

2 Tenerife Hammers A




3 103 65



3 James Hammers C







18 29

3 Palms Bar A









4 Bluebell B







14 26

4 Phoenix Potters









5 The Crown

14 7 2 5 85 83 2 23

5 Dreamers A









6 Splash Bar







6 Rewind Rewired









7 Exiles B






109 -26 18

7 Treehouse A

14 5 5 4 91 77 14 20

8 Palms Rebels






111 -30 15

8 Palms Elite






9 Hoppys A






9 Exiles A





90 102 -12 18

10 Treehouse B




10 79

10 Rewind A






99 -18 17

11 Terrace Bantams









12 Gaffers B









13 Terrace Roosters





70 110 -40 12

14 Bluebell A





58 110 -52

dispatched his opponent. Needless to say, Picasso’s A welcomed the points. Yates Bar, who are right behind them, faced a test against Splash Bar. It was one of those games which could have gone to either team, especially as there was nothing to separate them over the first eight frames. Then Lee struck first to put Yates in front, only for John to level the score, and a draw looked the likeliest result. Terry put the home side back in front and it was down to Biggie to earn his team a win, or Clive to get a draw for Splash Bar. The atmosphere was tense but Biggie, enjoying home advantage, eventually rolled in the black to win it. James Hammers C, also in the mix, have lost ground on the leaders this week after dropping points against Palms Rebels. Tony and his boys are normally strong at home, but the Rebels, who have found their form in the last few weeks, gave as good as they got. Neither team could take an advantage in the game and eventually it finished level, with

square eventually. Bluebell A are finding life tough this season, but they were hoping a home game against Rewind A would spark a winning run, especially as Rewind A can blow hot or cold. In this league, though, you have start well because the standard of pool is so high. Unfortunately, Bluebell allowed their opponents to pick up early frames. And once a team get a decent lead, it is also difficult for opponents to pull it back. Bluebell A put up a spirited performance, but the damage had been done early and Rewind A took another three points. There was a cock-fight taking place on Amarilla Golf as Terrace Bantams played stablemates Terrace Roosters. Derby games are always tense affairs because bragging rights are at stake. But the Roosters, missing key players, soon found themselves 4-0 down. with an uphill task in front of them. Fortunately, Mal and

A +- PTS

division 2 ResultS James Hammers C Picasso’s A The Crown Treehouse B Yates Bar





Sparky were off their games, enabling Roosters to pull two frames back. But they couldn’t kick on from there as Adi, Paul and then Con won their frames for the Bantams and it was game over. No wonder the Bantams are still crowing! To say it is tight at the top of Division Two is an understatement! Just eight points separated the top five, but teams within that area have games in hand. True, they don’t count until they are played. But if they were all won, there would be five teams within two points of each other. Picasso’s A are tops, on frame difference, but they have struggled a little lately, so they were looking for a good performance against Hoppy’s A to reignite their season. Whatever captain Fran said in her team-talk certainly worked as they raced into a 4-0 lead, which quickly became 6-2. Victory was in sight, so Fran sent Steve into battle and he quickly



4 20

-20 11

113 -34 8

Palms Rebels the happier team. The Crown, still among the title-challengers, will need to win their games in hand to get closer. And they will be kicking themselves after losing at home against Exiles B. That’s not to take anything away from the Exiles. They are capable of competing with all the teams in this league, and, again, put up a fighting performance. The match was close, but the away side took a slender lead and held on to it for a fine win. Treehouse B, who prop up the division, are capable of changing that after securing a decent point against Bluebell B, who are among the title challengers. The home team took a 2-0 lead, only for Mal and Grant to hit straight back for Bluebell B. The next session followed suit, more or less, leaving the score balanced at 4-4. Craig and Keith rattled off early frames in the final session, and it looked as though the away side would go on to win. But Sean and Trevor put in fantastic frames to force the draw and a point each.

53 CW


11th November - 17th November 2016

Picassos' Per plants one!

WITH The Tavern resting their elbows last Friday, Division 2 title-chasers Picassos had a chance to narrow the gap at the summit with a home encounter against Ourplace Playgirls. They duly obliged with a hefty sevenpoint haul, with skipper Per notching his second maximum of the campaign. I guess you could call it PER-FECT! Picassos remain nine points adrift with a game in hand. Sundowners also notched seven points during their match at Bar 180, while Palms Pool Bar won again and moved up again, this time into fourth spot. They're coming to get you! Elsewhere, Rood, Naughty Nautas and Bar Leones all won their matches via the trebles leg, and Clouseaus held the last rubber to tie with Nauta Nomads. There were maximums aplenty in Division 1, and

three came for leaders Pas O Nadas A as Richard hit two and Steve Sub one during a whitewashing of Palms Sports Bar, who had Martin replying with two. Rob hit one for Spear Chuckers as they took all the spoils from Sandys Reborn. Tom and Jamie hit one apiece for Scruffys in a closely-fought draw at Phoenix, while Matt and DJ Terry also got in on the act for Gaffers, who put seven past Boothen. And much respect to Grizzly and his Pub team for turning up with just three players at Ourplace Playboys, and battling it out for a draw! This week sees the return of the Canarian Weekly team handicap competition, with teams playing the second round of the Trophy and the first round of the Plate. Here is the draw, with handicaps in brackets. Good luck to all involved.

division 1 ResultS

division 2 ResultS

Boothen Ourplace Playboys Pas O Nadas A Phoenix Bar Spear Chuckers

1-7 4-4 8-0 4-4 8-0

division 1 Table Table

P W D L F A +- PTS

1 Pas O Nadas A

18 12 5

1 98 46 52


2 Spear Chuckers

20 12 4

4 96 64 32


3 Scruffy Macs

18 8


3 89 55 34


4 The Pub

19 10 2

7 85 67 18


5 Phoenix Bar

17 9


4 84 52 32


6 Gaffers

17 11


4 82 54



7 Boothen

17 8


8 73 63



8 Exiles

18 6

2 10 59 85 -26


9 Ourplace Playboys 15 1

3 11 41 79 -38


10 Palms Sports Bar 18 3

2 13 41 103 -62


11 Sandys Reborn

2 15 28 108 -80


17 0

Team Handicap Trophy Second round Phoenix (869) v Gaffers (853) Playboys (805) v Sandys Reborn (773) Tavern (757) v Bar 180 (613) Nauta Nomads (517) v Legends (549) The Pub (885) v Marilyns B (597) Pas O Nadas A (933)

Murray’s crowning glory after toughest year of all TENNIS star Andy Murray has become the first British singles player to claim the world No.1 status since computerised rankings began in 1973. The 29-year-old Scot had to reach the final of the Paris Masters to replace long-standing No.1 Novak Djokovic, and did so when Milos Raonic withdrew before their semi-final, citing an injury. Murray won Wimbledon and Olympic gold in 2016, reached 11 finals in 12 events and secured a personal record of 73 match wins. “I never thought I’d be No.1 in the world,” he told BBC Sport. “It’s been many years of work to get here. It’s

been such a difficult thing to do because of how good the guys around me have been.” Murray, who has three Grand Slam titles and two Olympic gold medals, also helped Britain win the 2105 Davis Cup in 2015. Djokovic, who had topped the rankings for 122 weeks, completed his career Grand Slam by beating Murray in the French Open final in June for his 12th major title. The Serbian also won this year’s Australian Open, and Murray said: “The year that Novak has had, barring the last six weeks or so, has been incredible. “The year I’ve had to have to barely get there

Gaffers The Pub Palms Sports Bar Scruffy Macs Sandys Reborn

has been unbelievably difficult. I’ve had to work extremely hard.” You can understand why he talks about an “unbelievably year” - or years, for that matter - because Roger Federer (17) and Rafael Nadal (14) have won a combined 31 Grand Slam titles, many coinciding with Murray’s rise through the rankings. Three of the greatest players ever have been his toughest opponents throughout his climb to the top, and he has still achieved it! And just to rubberstamp his new ranking, he beat John Isner in three sets in the Paris Masters final.

v Sundowners (725) Emerald Lounge (693) v Naughty Nautas (565) Palms Pool Bar (709) v Pas O Nadas B (581) Team Handicap Plate First Round Spear Chuckers (917) v Rood (661) Palms Sports Bar (789) v Waterfall (677) Bar Leones (629) v Picassos (741)

Bar 180 1-7 Sundowners Bar BYE The Tavern Clouseaus 4-4 Nauta Nomads Legends 3-5 Bar Leones Marilyns A 2-6 Palms Pool Bar Naughty Nautas 5-3 Marilyns B Picassos 7-1 Ourplace playgirls Waterfall B 3-5 Rood division 2 Table Table

P W D L F A +- PTS

1 The Tavern

19 14 3

2 102 50 52

2 Picassos

18 11 4

3 93


51 42




84 68 16


4 Palms Pool Bar

16 12 3


82 46 36


5 Emerald Lounge

19 9

4 6 82 70 12


6 Waterfall B




5 82 70 12


7 Rood




6 81 79



8 Clouseaus

20 8


7 80 80



9 Bar Leones

20 6

6 8 79 81 -2


3 Sundowners Bar 19 7

10 Bar 180 B

17 8


5 70 66



11 Marilyns B

19 6


9 69 83 -14


12 Pas O Nadas B




9 68 76



13 Naughty Nautas 17



6 65

71 -6


14 Legends

18 2


9 61

83 -22


15 Marilyns A




10 60 84 -24


16 Nauta Nomads



7 10 57 87 -30


17 Ourplace Playgirls 17 0

2 15 33 103 -70


Boothen (837) v Exiles (821) Four teams receive

a bye: Playgirls, Clouseaus, Marilyns A, Scruffy Macs.

CW 54


11th November - 17th November 2016

Pain and the pleasure By Colin Kirby

TENERIFE’S first-minute goal at Girona was well worth celebrating, but veteran Vitolo fractured his nose and joins a long list of absentees for the home game against Numancia tomorrow (Saturday) at 5pm.

The bright opening was down to a quick break from Suso, whose blocked shot found Tunisian Amath, now revelling in his centralstriking role, who made no mistake. But Girona were level after 10 minutes, taking full advantage of a defensive blunder. A long, deep ball eluded the jumping Alberto, and his defensive partners did no better as Ramalho nipped in to score. Tenerife keeper Dani Hernandez was the hero

Girona 1 CD Tenerife 1 from then on, his saves confounding Girona time and again. Highlight was a double stop as he turned aside a shot, only to see the ball crash towards his goal again. This time, a high tip-over did the trick, to the delight of his team-mates. And they might have gone ahead themselves in the second half but Suso, in a good position, took too many touches, and his through-ball to Ales Garcia pinged back off the woodwork when a goal looked certain. But the biggest blow was Vitolo’s clash of bodies, which left his nose in a mess. He was clearly in a lot of discomfort but battled on bravely. He needed hospital treatment after the match, and it looks as though he could be out for two weeks. Dani Hernandez is away this week on duty for Venezuela,

Choco faces nearly two months on the sidelines following his leg injury last week, Aaron is down and Carlos Ruiz has only just resumed training after suffering a broken cheekbone. Ruiz has been wearing a protective mask - maybe something similar can be used for Vitolo - and the training ground is starting to look like backstage at Phantom Of The Opera. But there could be a ray of sunshine for CDT because a surprise return in the January transfer window is being sought for La Laguna striker Nano. He left for Eibar in a five-year, 3.5m-euro deal as the September window was about to shut. But he has struggled to nail a regular starting place. This week, his cryptic Tweet started tongues wagging about an on-loan return. Free-

scoring Nano wrote: “Sometimes, the wrong path can lead you to

the right place.” And Eibar are reported to be open to a loan deal





to fire up their asset. Fingers-crossed, it goes ahead. Draw





Levante UD









Real Oviedo









Sevilla Atlético









CF Reus Deportiu









Girona FC









CD Lugo









Real Valladolid CF









SD Huesca









Córdoba CF









Getafe CF









Real Zaragoza









Cádiz CF









Elche CF









RCD Mallorca









UCAM Murcia CF









Rayo Vallecano de Madrid









CD Tenerife









CD Mirandés









UD Almería









CD Numancia de Soria









AD Alcorcón









Gimnàstic de Tarragona








Hoop stars go up, and down COACH Txus Vidorreta watched Iberostar Tenerife jump over Real Madrid to take top spot in the Liga Endesa after a 81-72 home win over Estudiantes last Sunday. But it was down to earth with a bump on Wednesday when they suffered their first European League defeat, at home against Strasbourg in a thriller. Tied at 60-60 after the four regular quarters, they played five minutes’ extra-time but were shaded out 10-6 for an overall 70-66 defeat. But there is something special coming together in La Laguna because the team, who seem to get better each week, have not had an injury-free roster yet. This time it was a strong second quarter, 24-15, which made the difference, and the scoring was spread around the squad. Aaron Doorenekamp, Fran Vazquez, and Javi

Beiran all racked up 13 points. But it’s very much a group effort, right down to the holding players who are given just a few minutes out on court, allowing vital recovery time for the big guns. The crowds are flocking to see how high their heroes can climb, with 4,521 packing the Pabellon Santiago Martin on Sunday.

Captain Nico Richotti returned from a sixmonth injury lay-off for the Strasbourg game. But he was rusty and a shadow of his true self. The French side were tough and wellorganised, and laid the foundations of their victory with a 20-12 firstquarter advantage. By the halfway stage, Tenerife led 27-26, but their opponents fought

back to lead by four points with 16 seconds of regular time left. Tenerife clawed it back to level and set up the added time. But Strasbourg had the stand-out player, Ervin Walker, who was the smallest on the court yet bossed the game. The American dominated the extra-time period and Tenerife ran out

of steam. With just 16 seconds left and 68-66 behind, San Miguel lost the ball and Strasbourg punished the error to secure the game. Carl English and Tim Abromaitis led the way for Tenerife with 16

points each. But with Davin White sitting this game out, and Nico at half-pace, it was just beyond them. But Tenerife are still top of their group and should qualify easily for the next stage of the competition.


11th November - 17th November 2016

55 CW

Chips, with plenty of sauce By Colin Kirby

QUALITY and quantity was delivered by Egatesa Granadilla Tenerife in a 4-0 home win over Real Betis last Saturday evening.

That made it eight games without defeat for the Granadilla ladies, propelling them up to fifth in the Spanish Premier League. My last visit to see the girls play was two years ago, at the end of their promotion-winning season into the top flight. The club have continued making big strides on and off the field, with top players recruited from the mainland and overseas. And their El Medano ground now has extra seating, with another 500-plus crowd cheering them on. Most impressive, though, was the football. Granadilla dominated play from the kick-off, tackling hard, working for each other, and playing an attacking game, with good use of the wings and a willingness to shoot from all angles. Virgy Garcia carved out the first chance with a run down the left and a ball into Pisco, who narrowly missed the goal. Brazilian Luana Spindler has been bagging goals for fun this season, but showed she has much more to offer. Her unselfish support play created plenty of openings, and gave the visiting defence nightmares.

Egatesa 4 Raeñl Betis 0

The first goal came after 18 minutes. A high ball in from Pisco looked to be covered

by the Betis keeper, but Patri Gavira headed the ball out of her grasp and into the net.

Five minutes later, the lead was doubled, Ayano Dozono, from Japan, blasting a shot that cannoned out off the post. But Virgy Garcia made sure the ball was buried in the net. With nearly 30 minutes gone, home keeper Noelia Ramos finally saw the ball - when it flashed across the goalmouth from a Rosa shot. But Granadilla also have plenty of power in their boots, and Sara Tui unleashed a rocket

Santa Cruz Marathon is an all-round winner

SORE feet and proud hearts gathered at the end of last Sunday’s third annual Santa Cruz Marathon. The previous day’s torrential rain was forgotten as the sun shone. Around 3,000 runners

from 43 countries competing over three distances, and the big winner of the 42km race was home-town Miguel Vaquero, who finished in a time of 2hrs 30mins 33secs. Not only did he win the day’s honours, but he also clinched his position as the Canary Islands’ distance champion. Just behind was

Alejandro Garcia, and in third place was British runner Benjamin Renshaw. Fastest lady over the distance was Pili Ramos, in 3hrs 28mins 46secs. Over the 21km distance, the winner was Guimar’s Nacho Martin, in 1hr 14mins 7secs, with Marta Arnay heading the female field in 1hr 24mins 5secs. The 8km test proved

popular with more of the fun runners, Ayoze Perez triumphing in a time of 23mins 33secs. Mihaela Nunu was the pick of the female contestants, in 27mins 20secs. The capital city was also a big winner, with a boom in visitors and trade, and many contestants are already making plans for a crack at next year’s event.

that hit a Betis defender on the side of her head. She is probably still hearing the thud! It wasn’t all about power, however, and you can’t beat a little subtlety. Just before half-time the Betis keeper was stranded on the edge of her area after coming out to clear the ball. But Ayano chipped her with a well-weighted shot into the open net. Betis rallied a little at the start of the second half, but Noelia dealt easily with a long, high ball that she plucked out of the air. There is plenty

of enthusiasm at Granadilla’s home games, and a drummer spurred the crowd on. There were at least another 50 people copping a free view from the high wall above one corner, and little groups nestling in the sandstone overlooking one side of the ground. Maybe the airline passengers enjoyed little glimpses of the action, too, because the planes come in pretty low as they head for Tenerife South airport. Betis had no answer to the constant wave of pressure from Granadilla, who were able to give valuable playing time to their subs without watering down the quality, Paloma Lazaro came on and looked dangerous in front of goal. Another overseas recruit, Jackie Simpson, from Florida University, also came off the bench as the home chances kept coming. Pisco tried to repeat a winning trick, but her attempted chip over the advancing goalie went just over the bar. There had to be another goal, and the Betis keeper still hadn’t learnt her lesson. Silvia Doblado spotted her lost, in front of goal, and cleared her easily with a perfect chip. Ayano could have added another, but this time the keeper showed better reflexes at the post. And Spindler left a defender trailing after some nifty footwork that wasn’t quite matched by the finish. So Granadilla had to settle for a 4-0 success from an impressive, allround performance.

Big derby rained off

A FREE weekend was not what CD Marino wanted when rain of biblical proportions forced last weekend’s fixture at Santa Ursula, in the North, to be called off. But this Sunday, it’s back to home action at noon for the extremely-local derby with El Fraile’s Ibarra. The postponed game allowed Las Palmas Atletico to go three

points clear at the top of Section 12 of the Tercera Division (Spain’s fourth tier), with CD Marino and Ibarra both three points behind. It’s a vital game for coach Toni Dumpierrez and his troops because there are several ex-Marino players at Ibarra. And that will certainly add extra juice to the mix.

CW 56

Advertisement 11th November - 17th November 2016

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