Canarian Weekly Issue 717

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T e n e r i f e ’ s f a v o u r i t e b r i t i s h w e e k ly n e w s p a p e r Issue 717

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011


Beach gets the Blues! Fanabe is heavily criticised by the Canaries’ inspector

THIS year’s withdrawal of a prestigious Blue Flag awarded to the Playa Fanabe beach has led to scathing criticism of the Adeje municipality. It is one of five Tenerife’s beaches to have lost the status in recent weeks, and Eladio Díaz, the Blue Flag inspector in the Canaries, singled out Adeje in particular. Fanabe, which comes under the Adeje administration, flew the flag in 2009 and last year, and Diaz said: “It’s a shame they do not look after their beaches, considering the local economy is based around it.” He added that there were safety issues at the Adeje beach, and that the important lifeguard post had to be much improved in order to reach the qualifying standard for the international award again. Of the 10 Blue Flags awarded in Tenerife in June, only five remain. And, warns García, there will be more inspections over the next few weeks. Another Southern resort which had its Blue Flag status removed this year is the Leocadio Machado beach in El Médano, although the inspector offered no reason for this reversal. The loss of the award at beaches in El Socorro (Los Realejos) and Playa Jardín (Puerto de la Cruz), followed by the latest withdrawal at Tacaronte, means there are no Blue Flag beaches in the North Tenerife. Playa Jardin officials will have been kicking themselves as they lost their status because the lifeguard was not in position when the beach was inspected. The Blue Flag award programme, which started in France, was elevated to international status in 1987 and has since turned global, featuring in 41 countries. It is instigated annually by the Foundation for Environmental

Education (FEE) - a non-government, non-profit organisation to beaches offering high standards of facilities and services to residents and tourists alike, plus cleanliness of both coastal waters and surrounding areas. And local prestige is not the only thing at stake because diligent holiday-makers, travelling to a country (or island) for the first time, invariably check out their destinations. This seal of approval by the FEE to beaches also means so much to their respective Town Halls. That’s because Tenerife, always mindful of the tourist industry, regards holiday-makers as even more essential to the economy in these austere times. It also means a lot to the tourists, who know they can sunbathe and swim to their hearts’ content, safe in the knowledge that their beaches and the surrounding areas have again been awarded the ultimate accolade. They know the water is of excellent quality, as are the toilet facilities, and that the general area is in tip-top condition. The Troya beach in Playa de Las Americas, also in the Adeje municipality and a regular Blue Flagger, is flying high again this summer. In fact, Troya can be seen as a role model in the South because it has received the Blue Flag award every year barring 2008 since 1997. That speaks volumes for the care and attention shown by everyone involved in keeping the beach in pristine condition. Rafael Dolado, Adeje’s recently-appointed Tourism Councillor, who attended the Troya flag-hoisting ceremony last month, said: It is a great pleasure to provide our residents and tourists with a quality beach such as Troya. “So far this summer, it is attracting a high concentration of visitors, who opt for our natural and recreational facilities.” But how will Adeje’s tourist chief react to the stinging criticism of Playa Fanabe, dished out by the Canaries’ Blue Flag inspector?


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19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Local News

Ryanair co-pilot faints on a flight to Canaries THE Spanish aviation authorities are investigating after a Ryanair co-pilot fell ill and fainted on a flight from Italy to the Canary Islands, forcing the pilot to divert to another airport. The incident occurred on July 6th, as the 737 jet was en route from Pisa to Las Palmas on the island of Gran Canaria, with 125 passengers and crew onboard. The authority responsible for investigating aircraft incidents and accidents in Spanish skies - (CIAIAC) – has released a preliminary report detailing the events that unfolded in the cockpit on Flight FR-7676. According to the report, the first officer complained of feeling ill about half an hour

into the flight and the captain picked up his duties by taking charge of communications. The report adds: “A few minutes later, the co-pilot’s condition worsened and the captain requested the cabin service supervisor to enter the flight

deck to take care of him. “The first officer then lost consciousness so the captain declared a medical emergency and diverted to Gerona Airport. “During the descent into Gerona, the first officer regained consciousness but ‘re-

mained incapacitated’.” The plane landed without incident at Gerona airport, where an ambulance was waiting to take the co-pilot to hospital. It is not yet clear what caused the co-pilot to lose consciousness.

Three tragedies in just a week THREE tragic deaths have been recorded in the past week or so in Tenerife, and mystery surrounds the last one. It happened on Tuesday morning when a 23-year-old Frenchman was found dead near the pool at a hotel in Avenida de Venezuela, Las Americas, after falling from a fourth-floor balcony. Foul play is not suspected and an autopsy is being carried out, although it is almost certain that his head injuries were caused as a result of the fall. Two days earlier, a 53-year-old man, enjoying a day out with his family, drowned on Sunday afternoon in Playa San Juan, Guia de Isora. A group of bathers noticed the body floating in the water, apparently lifeless. Some of them lifted the man on to dry land and he appeared to be breathing. However, attempts to resuscitate him failed and nothing

could be done to save his life. Onlookers, unaware of what was happening, called local emergency number 112. The Emergency Services (SUC) sent a medically-equipped helicopter to the scene, and staff continued with resuscitation, to no avail. Local police, who took charge of the investigation, also collaborated with the helicopter crew, who landed on a small pier near the beach. Among those who saw the incident was Guia de Isora’s Human Resources Minister Carmen Alicia Gonzalez, who said: “Everything happened so fast. “Someone saw the body floating, nearly dead, and pulled it from the water. But soon after, it was confirmed that he had died.” By coincidence, a group of doctors and nurses were on the beach and helped in the recovery, but they could not save him. It was the second reported drowning on the Island within a few days because a man died on Los Patos beach in La Orotava the previous Wednesday.

AI: not artificial intelligence ... According to recent tourism figures visitors who opted for all-inclusive on the island was limited to just 18 percent over all in 2010. Interestingly, more than half of the nearly five million tourists who spent their holiday in Tenerife in 2010 did so in halfboard (27.4 percent) or self catering (25.6 percent) , while all inclusive was the third preference, limited to 18 per cent. The rest of the travellers opted for the bed and breakfast, full board or flight only option. The data means that only one in five of the visitors to Tenerife choose all inclusive, contrary to local views.

All inclusive is favoured apparently Italians, Belgians and Danes as opposed to Norwegians, Russians and Irish. Figures also illustrate that the all inclusive is widely used by travellers who arrive on the island for the first time, but not by the repeaters, and the regime is widespread amongst young tourists. Now, according to data from the survey it is estimated that the number of hotels that offer the all-inclusive (and others) on the island is 94, about 35% of the total. Editors comment: Canarian Weekly would like to suggest that the Tourist Research Department that carry out the survey come and visit the resorts in the south of

Tenerife, as at present, there appear not enough colours in the rainbow for all of the wrist bands that we see here on a daily basis.

Canary Islands Government recalled early President of the Canary Islands, Paulino Rivero, has announced that the Government will reconvene on August 25th. This is earlier than anticipated, typically in Spain and the Canary Islands, August, the hottest month is always the month of holidays. Rivero has stated on his blog that, the start of the political season "can not wait until September," August is proving to be a tough month. The President has discreetly

been holding informal meetings, and following developments in the EU closely. He feels that the Canaries needs to start working now, one of the things they will be looking at is to "review and update the Government's agenda" because we will have to "redouble our efforts." "For right now we have to work all together in defending the position of the islands, since no one is aware that a few months ahead will be very demanding and difficult at this stage, possibly the most difficult because of

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

the crisis in the EU at all levels," said Paulino Rivero. There is obviously tension in Spain due to the economic crisis and the looming Spanish election in November. "Whatever the outcome of the general elections, it should open a period in which the timing is imposed to opportunism, a stage to recover the culture of consensus like in the seventies. Only the ability to achieve these great covenants allow Spain to face the transition into economic reality," comneted Rivero.

Illegals are rounded up by coastguards NEARLY 100 would-be migrants attempted to enter Spain this week by sailing into various ports on three, jerry-built rafts. The fleet, comprising 57 Moroccan and Algerian men and two teenagers, was intercepted by coastguards at about 10pm on Wednesday, some 36 miles off the Cabo de Gata coast (Almería). They were finally apprehended two miles out to sea off the shores of Carboneras, while another nine, including two babes in arms, all of

sub-Saharan African origin, were caught off the coast of Melilla. That incident happened off the north Moroccan coast, just after midnight, and only a day after 22 others had been detained attempting to enter the city by the same method. Melilla’s temporary shelter for illegals holds 750 people, although it was built to contain just 480. Five Moroccan men on an inflatable dinghy and 12 North African males on a light craft were also intercepted a few miles out to sea off Cádiz and Lanzarote respectively.

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Local News

A Word from Save lives - cut your speed! our editor Email:

Peddling the good life! SOMETIMES, just sometimes, it is difficult to fathom out what’s going on the world, and why there are so many surveys which seem to contain a mass of contradictions.

Take this week’s news by “academics”, which suggests that every hour spent in front of the telly watching programmes, DVDs and videos can cut your life expectancy down by 22 minutes. And the research, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine also suggests TV-viewing for six hours a day can knock five years off your life. It’s as bad for your health, say these experts, as smoking and obesity because of the dangers of inactivity and the opportunities for eating rubbish food. Worrying, eh? But other research in the highly-respectable medical journal The Lancet shows that daily exercise of just 15 minutes can increase your lifespan by up to three years. These “experts” conducted their survey in Taiwan, but it involved an impressive 400,000 adults, who took part in a medical screening programme over a 12-year period.

The academics’ study set out to calculate the overall risk to life expectancy from being glued to the screen and their research involved more than 11,000 people over 25. Their conclusion in the British Journal of Sports Medicine was that “TV viewing time may be associated with a loss of life that is comparable to other major chronic disease risk factors, such as physical inactivity and this finding is, apparently, also comparable to risk factors such as smoking (other research shows that one cigarette cuts 11 minutes off a lifespan, which, if you do the maths, is equivalent to 30 minutes in front of the box. Surprise, surprise, Sally Davies, England’s Chief Medical Officer, said the study confirmed existing knowledge that a “sedentary lifestyle” carried additional health risks. Boston’s Harvard School of Public Health weighed in by saying it was “biologically plausible” that prolonged TV viewing resulted in disease and premature death. Yet another study suggested that sedentary behaviour was linked to obesity, high levels of bad blood fats and other heart-disease risk factors. Sally Davies added: “Physical activity offers huge benefits and we hope these studies will help more people realise there are many ways to get exercise.” So here’s the perfect answer for keeping your life-span potential at least on an even keel: get yourself an exercise bike, set it up in front of the telly and pedal away to your heart’s (and health’s) content. You’ll be safe in the knowledge that you are following all the advice on offer for a long life. Unless, of course, you fall off the bike and crack your head open!

Happy peddling, until next week…

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WATCH your speed! That’s the message from Spain’s Guardia Civil officers, who will be enforcing their latest summer campaign against speeding on the roads on Sunday.

They began monitoring 2,000 stretches of road across the country on Tuesday with 295 mobile speeddetectors, and the traffic police expect to run the rule over at least 100,000 cars per day. Spain’s ministry of traffic, the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT), says 427 people died in 389 car accidents last year, with speeding one of the main causes. And in the first six months of the year, 140 people were killed on Spain’s roads. Pere Navarro (pictured), DGT’s Director-General, believes a 5% reduction in the average speed could reduce fatal accidents by 20%. And all motorists here in Tenerife are also asked to bear that in mind, especially when they get that urge to put their foot down and ignore speed limits.

Spanish property is still favourite According to Internationl payments company - HiFX - new figures have revealed that a large percentage of Brits still favour making a money transfer and purchasing property in Spain. Data from the College of Registrars shows people from the UK were the biggest buyers of second homes in the country than any other nation. Last year, 4,350 properties were snapped up by British investors, while the French bought 1,627, making Britons responsible for one in every four purchases by foreigners. However, despite UK buyers leading the field, 2010 saw a rise in demand from northern Europeans. Mark Stucklin, managing director of home information web site Spanish Property Insight, welcomed the diversification of investors.

He commented: "The holiday-home market used to be far too dependent upon British buyers, which was a risk that many promoters and the banks' lending to them failed to understand. With the process of international diversification sales should slowly start to increase." Swedish demand increased by 102 per cent, while Norwegian interest in Spain rose by 58 per cent. In the hope of retaining and gaining more British investors, the Spanish government has introduced more information in English so that buyers are accurately informed on legal issues. House builder Taylor Wimpey de Espana noted that so far this year, it has received an overall customer satisfaction rate of 86 per cent. James Dearsley, European sales director for Atlas International, recently commented that now is the perfect time to invest in an overseas property.

Candelaria pilgrimage THE Association of Civil Protection Volunteers of Santa Cruz de Tenerife set up a field hospital to cater for those taken ill during the Candelaria pilgrimage earlier this week. It was located in the area of La Cuesta de Las Tablas in the municipality of Candelaria. Most of the injuries were minor, focused on strains, sprains and abrasions. The health care was coordinated by a doctor and a nurse, with the support of an ambulance crew together with an entire group of volunteers. Another service that the volunteers carried out was to locate and rescue a party of four people who were lost on the slopes of Igueste de Candelaria. For two consecutive days about 60 volunteers worked to ensure the security and integrity of thousands of pilgrims, mainly in the motorway section of the TF-28 near Caletillas. The volunteers were supported by Local Police and Guardia Civil. However, he also joined efforts supported road safety Candelaria Local Police and Guardia Civil. Finally the volunteers assisted in helping the thousands of people gathered in the vicinity of the Basilica of Candelaria, incidents here were minor and many were fainting related due to the extreme hit.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Driver escapes fine - by an ear DRIVING a vehicle while listening to music with a headphone in one ear has been deemed perfectly legal by a Madrid judge. The judge, sitting in the Contentious-Administrative Court quashed the 150euro fine imposed on José Miguel Ayllón Camacho by the Tráfico Guardia Civil in February 2010. He was driving along the A-6 Madrid to A Coruña road when the Guardia pulled him over and said it was a “falta grave” (gross negligence or serious mis-

take) listening to music with a headphone connected to the radio. However the judge felt that the driver had not contravened the relative article of traffic legislation, which says the use of headphones or other objects which “diminish the required permanent attention needed for driving”, is a serious infraction. The judge considered wearing just one headphone wasn’t necessarily a distraction and, according to the legislation, the radio itself could be regarded as a distraction,

Local News

even though they are installed in cars as standard. He said reasonable interpretation of the law meant that both headphones needed to be worn for the offence to be valid. The State Attorney, who was in court, called on the judge to leave the fine in place. But the judge appreciated that the driver had asked the Guardia to note on the fine that only one headphone had been used. Happily for the driver, the judge’s decision cannot be appealed against as the fine involved is less than 18,000 euros.

Tenerife tourists getting younger Tourists who visited Tenerife in the first half of the year are younger than those who came in 2010, as evidenced by data from the Inbound Tourism Survey, Tenerife Tourism research. The average age of tourists for the first half of this year was 46 years compared with 48 years the previous year. However, there is a marked increase in the segment under 26 years (+27.6%). The increase in the younger market also correlates with the increase in family tourism in the island, accounting for 18.6 percent of all tourists. Hence there has been an

increase in the presence of children under the age of 15 that make up the tour group, reaching 16.1 percent and an increase of 20.6 percent over the same period last year. Visitors to Tenerife during the first half of the year have also become more active. With 53.2 percent do some activity during their stay in Tenerife. The preferred activities are visits to theme parks, whale watching, health-related activities and to museums, exhibitions or attending concerts. Island excursions have also increased, with 55 percent of visitors walking on the island. Among the highlights are favourite excursions such as Mount Teide, Santa Cruz, Puerto de la Cruz and charming places such as Garachico and

La Laguna. El Barranco de Masca, Teno / Buenavista and Anaga / Taganana are other places that tourists prefer. 33.4 percent of visitors used a rental car for these trips, a figure that increases by 1.5 percent over the same period last year. Organised excursions have also increased which are demanded by 17.8 percent of the visitors.

So what’s keeping us firmly on the ground? SPAIN continues to have the most flight delays in Europe, and the latest figures from Eurocontrol show that 36% of the hold-ups, through a lack of capacity, are at Spanish airports. Barcelona’s El Prat was the worst for last month’s delays, with Madrid Barajas in fifth place. Yet improvements at both airports over the past year has led to a drop in delayed flights - Madrid by 10% and Barcelona 38% against last year’s figures.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Delays in the Canaries are 50% higher than a year ago, because of increased traffic and bad weather. More than half the flight delays are blamed on the airlines themselves, but those caused by air traffic control are generally down to the system’s lack of capacity to hold the volume of planes en-route. Spanish Airport Authority AENA say changes to the air traffic controllers’ rotas in June led to the recent improvement, although some controllers rejected them at the time.

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Local News

News in Brief Jobless scheme ends AT least 10,000 jobless people in the Canaries are without financial support following the end of the Spanish Government’s emergency scheme “Plan Prepara”. But the scheme may be relaunched at a meeting of

the Council of Ministers today (Friday). It was introduced six months ago to help those who had run out of contributory benefits, giving them another half-year of monthly 400-euro payments. It also allowed them to take part in free training programmes.

New train’s info office reaches end of the line

Canarian gambling fever! PEOPLE in the Canary Islands gambled away 883 million euros last year, excluding lotteries. a quarter of that figure was spent in bingo halls and a further 135 million in casinos. Although gambling figures are down 13% on 2010, Tenerife alone accounts for nearly half the overall amount.

The all-inclusive offers MORE than 50% of tourists visiting Tenerife come on a half-board basis, according to Europa Press figures this week. Last year, only one in five opted

for an all-inclusive option, but 78% of them had no intention of repeating the experience. Yet 35% of hotels on the Island now offer all-inclusive options.

Price of fuel still falling PETROL prices here dropped last month, saving around two euros on a full tank. The average cost of a litre fell to 0.965 euros, and the forecast is that the demand for fuel will continue to decrease in the coming months, bringing further reductions.

Holiday cruises down THE Canary Islands are second to Barcelona regarding cruise passenger numbers, according to the Spanish Ports Authority, yet the num-

ber of ships visiting Spain has dropped. These figures are “blamed” on the new super liners, which cater for bumper passenger lists.

Will 34 degrees be enough? CANARIES’ weathermen believe temperatures will hit 40C on some islands over the weekend. But Tenerife, already sweltering, won’t be that hot, although the mercury could rise to 34C in some places.

Arico safe and sound EXPLOSIVE specialists who deactivated a land mine discovered on the Arico coast on Monday have assured local

authorities that the area is now safe. But they may continue to cordon off nearby zones for investigation.

Schools feel the pinch MORE than 400 primary teaching posts are set to be cut in the coming school year, which affects a quarter of Tenerife schools. It means they will have to increase class sizes, with a possible Uturn on the practice of merging pupils from two different years in a single class.

Next week in Canarian Weekly... ‘Keep right on’ Look out for Tenerife company - EZE Group - joining forces with a top flight UK football club. Full story in our next edition.

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THE information office regarding the proposed North-South railway will remain in the main street of Playa de Las Teresitas, next to the bus stop, until next Sunday (28th August).

It signals the ends of its summer programme, which has taken the Government stand all over the Island at the train’s planned stations all along the line, and it will open between 11am7pm as usual. The stand, which has proved popular with residents and tourists alike, has been moving around different tourist settings in the South such as Las Caletillas, Puertito de Guimar, El Medano,

Las Americas and Los Cristianos, where there have been more than 6,500 visits. The office has been a point of information and a showcase for everyone, with brochures, maps of paths, computer graphics and videos.. Information about the train plans can also be accessed via the official website (, Me Gusta page, Trenes de Tenerife, Facebook and Twitter profile @ trenestenerife

Worten open in Tenerife WORTEN the multinational chain store famous for its electric appliances and electronics have opened their doors in Las Chafiras (opposite McDonalds)

As an opening offer they were offering customers the opportunity to buy an item for €50 with a €5 note with their campaign “El cambio que vale más” (change with more value). The offer was for anything in the shop for the first 100 customers that passed through their new doors in Avenida Claudio Delgado Diaz nº 13, not far from the petrol station. Worten came to Spain back in 2009 with the aim of opening nine shops and now employ 1,374 workers on the mainland and 81 in the Ca-

nary Islands, with a total of 34 shops. Worten are the leaders in the distribution of electrical goods, electronics and their entertainment section in the Portuguese market having started there in 1996.

Their success has been based on having the lowest prices in the market, with an excellent after sales service which is second to none. Here in the south of Tenerife they have devoted around 1.500 m2 to give

customers ample space to do their shopping. Worten is part of the Grupo Sonae, a major business in Portugal with sectors in Tourism, telecommunications, industry and finance.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Local News

Never too old to meet the Pope!

Hearts of Tejina The Hearts of Tejina procession will enter the church square of Tejina on Sunday 28th August at noon and then will make an offering to the Virgen de la Encarnación it has been announced. The annual festive tradition of Tejina, takes place in the metropolitan area of Tenerife. In the town of Tejina, in the district of La Laguna, one of the most original festivals takes place each year. It is known as the "Corazones de

Tejina" (the hearts of Tejina) in honour of Saint Bartholomew. Its strange name comes from the custom of making three large, two-metre high hearts from beech tree sticks and decorating them with flowers and fruit. In the town there is a healthy rivalry between the residents of the "Calle de Arriba" (Upper Street), the Calle de Abajo (Lower Street) and El Pico (the Peak) these three neighbourhoods of the town compete to see who can make the most beautiful heart. Aside from the hearts, there are many other unique, traditional events, such as the burning of the "haragán," a

type of rag doll, which brings the fiesta to an end. Sunday 28th August will be the main day of the Feast of St. Bartholomew with the entry of the ‘Hearts’ to the front of the church and later offering to the patron saint around 12 noon. At 21.30 hours there will be the XXV Festival of the Hearts in the Church Square. On Monday 29th August, at 19.00 the fruit from the decorations are thrown into the crowd that cram the whole square. Finally, on Tuesday 30th August, at noon, further celebrations in the square take place. Definitely a fiesta not to be missed.

SOR TERESITA, a Spanish nun who will be 104 next month, leaves her convent today (Friday) for only the second time in 84 years - to meet the Pope in Madrid. Incredibly, her last trip to the outside world came during the Spanish Civil War in the Twenties, and Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the capital city to take part in the World Youth Day celebrations has drawn her out again! By coincidence, Sister Teresita entered the Convento de Beunafuente del Sistal in Guadalajara on 16th April 1927, which was the day the Pope was born. To the delight of officials

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

in Madrid, Pope Benedict included the city in his travel plans for this year, and landed at noon yesterday (Thursday), to be greeted by thousands of youngsters, who lined the streets to greet him in his Popemobile. Last night saw a scheduled welcoming ceremony in the Independence Plaza, and the Pope will today meet young religious sisters at the monastery of El Escorial. He will then address more than 1,000 college professors to discuss the role they play in educating the youth. And, tonight, he will conduct the Via Crucis (Stations of the Cross), featuring all the 14 stations, brought in from various parts of Spain. Tomorrow morning (Saturday), the pontiff will hold a

special Mass in Madrid Cathedral for young men who are considering becoming priests. In the afternoon, he will visit a centre for the sick, which is run by the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God. The main event takes place at Cuatro Vientos Aerodrome in the evening, when there will be a Eucharistic adoration and a vigil with the young people, to celebrate World Youth Day. Finally, on Sunday, the Pope will hold a final Mass with thousands of bishops and priests, and he will also announce the venue for next year’s World Youth Day. The Papal visit ends with him meeting volunteers and thanking them for all their hard work, before his final farewell at Madrid airport en route to Rome.

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Local News

2011 Cho Oyu Expedition Felix Molowny from here in Tenerife aims to climb the sixth highest mountain in the world. The Tenerife athlete starts on September 1st, the Cho Oyu Expedition 2011.

His expedition was announced at a press conference in the presence of Minister of Sports, Jesus Perez. Perez stated that "it is a major challenge, even though he has done several mountain climbs to five or six thousand meters, Cho Oyu is one of the world's highest peaks. We're talking about a sport that requires much preparation, both physically and mentally, and we all hope that he can achieve this goal and take the name of Tenerife to the top." Meanwhile, Molowny explained that "the journey begins on September 1st and the forecast is to reach the summit on September 30th or October 1st, although it depends on the weather. The expedition is made up of three other climbers from the mainland and we are all looking forward to this challenge. In my case, it is my first eight-thousand climb and I think it is a good opportunity to complete this dream," A fireman by profession he has experience in such activities and has climbed Kilimanjaro (5,985 meters) in Tanzania- Kenya, Mount Aconcagua (6,962 meters) in Chile, and Mustagh Ata (7,500 meters) in China. Cho Oyu, is 8,201 meters and located in Nepal. For this expedition, Molowny is supported by the Tenerife Cabildo, the Tenerife Fire Consortium, the City of Adeje and businesses Intersport, U.S. Customs Juan

de la Rosa, EducaRG, Monaco-La Laguna and H10 Hotels. Cho Oyu The Himalaya mountain range is situated in Asia, and extends into the countries of Bhutan, China, Nepal, Tibet, India and Pakistan in an arc from west to east and 2,600 kilometers from north to south 350 km. Its name comes from Sanskrit means valley of snow. It is the highest mountain range on earth, with fourteen peaks over 8,000 meters high, one being Everest with 8,848 meters, the highest mountain on earth. Cho Oyu (or Cho Oyo or Mt Zhuoaoyou) is 8,201m, the sixth highest mountain in the world. Cho Oyu is located in the Himalayas, 20 km west of Mount Everest and Lhotse

and close to Makalu and Shishapangma, on the border between Nepal and Tibet. Cho Oyu means "Turquoise Goddess" in Tibetan. A few miles west of Cho Oyu is Nangpa La (5716 m.). He leaves for Madrid on September 1 and day 2 to Doha, where they fly to Kathmandu. After preparations in Kathmandu, the expedition will depart by land, to Tibet. The first night sleeping in Zangmu (2,300 m.) at the border, the next two in Nyalam (3750) and in Tibet, and the other two in Tingri (4342 m). They will gradually acclimatise by the time they have reached the base camp (4,700 m.). The first days are usually hard and must

be given utmost importance not to press too hard their bodies and be patient. The expedition will spend 4 nights at this altitude trying to make small climbs to reach the Advanced Base Camp (5,400 m.). The landscape at this stage is rocky and bare. From (6,400 m) they start climbing with crampons and will have to surmount snow and ice, whilst trying to get further up plus setting up camps and eating. Once they have achieved their goal the descent to base camp begins which is as hazardous as the ascent, many accidents happen at this stage of a climb. But hopefully Molowny will be successful.

Las Galletas Fiesta This weekend sees the Las Galletas Fiesta in the municipality of Arona. The events planned celebrate the festivities in honor of St. Cassian. The festival programme was developed by a local committee in conjunction with local authorities. Friday 9th at 17:00 there is a soccer tournament, then the celebration of the Eucharist at 19:00, later a concert "A Song for Arona" from 20:00 hours and then finally the crowds

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being entertained by the big dance Wamampy Orchestra. On Saturday 20th the activities begin at noon and will be aimed at younger children who can enjoy bouncy castles, and from 15:00 hours the Great Marathon Orchestra with DJ Nato, a foam party with free drinks. 19:30 there is the celebration of the Eucharist and 23:00 hours the big dance orchestra Horizonte. Sunday is the finale, once land and sea processions are complete the fireworks takeplace and then from 23.00 the big dance orchestra Horizonte.

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19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

World News

NY gig`s mobile-only tickets A concert in New York claims to have scored a first by providing every single ticket for the event as a text message to music fans' mobile phones.

Instead of having their paper tickets checked at the venue, concert-goers simply produced their phones which were then scanned at the door of the Billboard Summer Blowout Party. ShowClix, the company behind the service, said the new MMS ticketing system is the first of its kind to be used in the US and is hoping it will revolutionise the way ticketing works. Founder Joshua Dziabiak said: "It's the ability to have your event tickets delivered to your mobile device without having to print anything out. It's a lot easier for patrons to remember their tickets." Whether it's Twitter or YouTube on your phone, that's what the exciting thing about this whole movement is, we are so close to the fans. It's just really rewarding that way... this definitely is the future.

Woman dead and man hurt after wasp attack A woman has died and a man has been injured after they were attacked by a swarm of wasps.

Mobile ticketing has been available for concerts since 2008, but it is thought this is the first time the tickets have been only available as text messages. ShowClix believes the system will prove attractive to brands looking to be more eco-friendly. The Billboard Summer Blowout party featured dance duo LMFAO and rapper/producer Swizz Beatz. LMFAO's Redfoo said he is "all for" the new ticketing technology. "My cell phone is my favourite device that I have, so the fact that people are using this MMS

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

technology to let people know where the concert is the day before is fun," he explained. The Party Rock Anthem singer went on: "Whether it's Twitter or YouTube on your phone, that's what the exciting thing about this whole movement is, we are so close to the fans. "It's just really rewarding that way... this definitely is the future." As more venues seek to provide alternatives to traditional printed tickets, critics have warned that tickets sold only via mobile phones could exclude those who do not own one. But the editor-in-chief of

concert industry publication Pollstar, said most people have mobiles and they are "just an extension of their hand". Gary Bongiovanni added that the system also allows the seller to have more information about fans. "There's a lot potential uses for the technology once you've identified who the people are who are in the audience," he said. "A few years ago artists would play to a full arena and not have a clue who any of those people were, and today [they have] much more information."

The woman, who was in her 70s and named locally as Janette Duncan, suffered a heart attack following the incident and was taken to hospital, where she later lost her life. The unnamed man, who was also treated at the same hospital, suffered minor wasp stings in Galleywood, near Chelmsford, Essex. The attack happened as the pair went for a drink in the Galleywood Social Club around lunchtime on Sunday. It is understood a passer-by accidentally disturbed the hedge that the wasps nest was in. Local residents said the pensioner's family were distraught and in shock. They have been asked to be left alone while they come to terms with their loss. One woman said: "I didn't see the attack itself but I heard it was a large swarm.

"At first they seemed OK but then we suddenly realised she was getting worse and a neighbour called the ambulance. "It's come as a bolt from the blue and we all feel for the family." An ambulance spokeswoman said: "It appears that the cardiac arrest was caused by the attack. "We took her to Broomfield Hospital by land ambulance with air ambulance medics escorting. "The man, whose age is not available, was also taken to Broomfield Hospital by land ambulance, suffering minor wasp stings." A spokesman for Essex Police said: "We can confirm that at 1.15pm on Sunday we received a report that a man and woman had been stung by wasps and the woman had collapsed. "She was taken to hospital but sadly died. The matter is now in the hands of the Essex Coroner and it is expected that an inquest will be held into the woman's death."

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World News

Fans greet Inbetweeners stars on the red carpet

The stars of Bafta award-winning sitcom The Inbetweeners have been greeted by hundreds of fans at the premiere of their new film. Some people had waited for hours to catch a glimpse of the actors in London's Leicester Square, where the popular show made its big screen debut. The big screen adaptation of the hit TV show, set in south London, sees the four pals head off to Crete for their first lads' holiday after finishing their A-Levels at the fictional Rudge Park Comprehensive. Simon Bird, who plays geeky Will Mckenzie, told Sky News they had been worried about making the big screen adaptation. Kevin And Perry, Mr Bean and Ali G are among the comedy brands that have made the leap from TV to film, only to be panned by the critics. Bird said: "Usually it doesn't work and we were aware of that and very nervous about it. But we wouldn't have done unless we were convinced we were going to do it right." The friends say that, like their characters, they have their ups and downs. "We have our little tiffs here and there. It's mainly between Joe (Thomas) and James. They are the married couple. Me and Blake - we're pretty solid," Bird said. The first series of The Inbetweeners aired on E4 in May 2008 and then transferred to Channel 4 the following year.

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Lucky trucker left hanging in car park crash The third and final series hit screens last year and there are plans for a US remake. James Buckley, who plays Jay Cartwright in the show, also criticised those who took part in last week's riots. "It's a small minority of people ruining it for everyone else," he said. "I don't think these people represent British youth. These are just kids who are up to no good." Co-star Blake Harrison, who plays Neil Sutherland, said: "I grew up on a coun-

cil estate in Peckham where there's a lot of trouble. "But me and my younger brother grew up similarly to a lot of the people who took part in some of these riots and we would never dream of taking part in something like that. "I do believe it's not necessarily down to any particular cause. The whole Duggan situation has been completely left behind and it was a lot of opportunism unfortunately and it was people out to get free stuff."

A lorry driver had a lucky escape after the truck he was driving crashed through the walls of a New York car park.

The truck was left dangling in the air several storeys above street level. The driver, Robert Legall, lost control of the 16-ton

vehicle in the Queens district of the city. Emergency workers tried to pull it back into the car park while firefighters attempted to free the trapped and injured driver. He was eventually pulled to safety by the driver of a cherry picker who broke the side window of the lorry to allow him to be freed.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

World News

18 hour cable car rescue

Emergency helicopters have rescued 20 people who were trapped in a cable car in southern Germany for over 18 hours. The passengers were stuck overnight after a paraglider tandem flight crashed into its cable on Friday and strong winds hindered the rescue. The 19 tourists and one cable car operator were hang-

ing 100m (330ft) above the ground on the Tegelberg mountain. A mountain rescue specialist was lowered into the gondola to provide food and clothing to the trapped people who ranged in age from four to 75. He then stayed with them while they waited for more help. The first to be airlifted from the gondola were two men, then four children and then everyone else. The entire rescue operation took about two hours, and

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

more than 200 emergency personnel were on site, Bavaria's mountain rescue service said. The 1,880m (6,170ft) Tegelberg is within sight of one of Germany's most popular tourist attractions, Neuschwanstein Castle, which is often viewed as the inspiration for one of Walt Disney's fairy tale castles. The two paragliders, a 54-year-old pilot and a 35-yearold passenger, were also rescued by helicopter and suffered only minor injuries. Police have opened an investigation.

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World News

NZ sees its heaviest snowfall in decades Parts of New Zealand are seeing their first snowfall in 80 years as a "once in a lifetime" polar blast spreads across the country. The capital city of Wellington ground to a halt as services across the country were disrupted by the heavy snow. Mail deliveries were cancelled along with many flights in the region. Main roads have also been closed. People took to the streets to play and take photos of the winter wonderland as for many it was the first

time they had seen snow in the area. Wellington, which rarely gets snow, is witnessing its highest levels since the 70s. Further north, Auckland is experiencing its first snowfall for 80 years.

Forecasters have described the massive change in weather as a "once in many decades event". The cold snap is predicted to last several days but for now most people seem to be enjoying their time in the snow.

Funerals for the riot hit and run victims

Funerals will be held later for the three men killed in a hit and run while they patrolled their streets to prevent looting by rioters.

Haroon Jahan, 21, and brothers Shazad Ali and Abdul Musavir died on August 10 after being struck by a vehicle in the Winson Green area of Birmingham.

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The men had taken to the streets to protect shops in their area after riots and looting, the previous evening. West Midlands police arrested more than 500 people after violence and attacks on shops in the city. Four men have now been charged over their murders. Adam King, 23, Joshua Donald, 26, and a 17-year old man who cannot be named for legal reasons have been remanded in custody.

A 30-year-old man, who has not been named, has also been remanded in custody after being charged with their murders last night. Haroon's father, Tariq, appealed for calm in the wake of their deaths and appealed for rioters to stay at home: "Today we stand here to plead with all the youth to remain calm (and) for our communities to stand united. This is not a race issue. "Blacks, Asians, whites - we all live in the same community. Why do we have to kill each other? "I lost my son. Step forward if you want to lose your sons. Otherwise, calm down and go home." Mr Jahan has been praised for his bravery and role in keeping the area calm following the riots. The victims' families also addressed a remembrance event at a peace rally in the city, organised as a response to the rioting and the deaths. On a visit to Birmingham following the riots David Cameron described their deaths as a "truly dreadful incident."

Paralympic champion injured in hit-and-run A gold medal-winning Paralympian is in a critical condition after being injured in a hit-andrun incident. Cyclist Simon Richardson was riding his bike near Bridgend when it is thought he was struck by a van. The 44-year-old was taken by air ambulance to hospital, where his wife said he was in a "critical but stable condition". A 59-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the incident and police are appealing for witnesses.

Inspector Tony McAlinden said: "He was apparently struck by a small white van travelling in the same direction. "The van did not stop and continued east along the A48 in the general direction of Cowbridge. "Police would like to speak to any person who witnessed the collision, or may have been travelling between Cowbridge and Bridgend on the A48 and saw a white small van leaving the area." Richardson won two gold and a silver medal at the Beijing games in 2008 and

was awarded the MBE in 2009. He used his bike to help recover from severe injuries he sustained in a cycling accident in 2001. Ten years ago Richardson was struck by a vehicle travelling at 60mph, which shattered his leg and broke his back in two places, causing him to lose all feeling in his left-hand side. The Paralympic champion used a specially adapted bike powered by his right leg to help his rehabilitation and then to compete.

RBS restricts 1 million customers' ATM access The consumer watchdog has asked Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) to reconsider barring almost a million of its customers from rivals' cash machines.

The move affects the partnationalised bank's basic account holders who pay no fees, are already unable to hold a chequebook or have an overdraft. It is understood many take out such accounts as they can not secure better services because of financial problems in the past. RBS blames its decision on the inability to recover the costs involved when basic account customers withdraw money from its rivals' ATMs. A spokesman for RBS said: "We are fully committed to offering a free basic account for people who may otherwise struggle to access banking services. "Our basic account holders

will still enjoy free access to one of the largest ATM networks - over 8,000 - in the UK, through RBS, Natwest, Tesco. "They also can make withdrawals at any Post Office counter." This is a kick in the teeth for many of RBS's most vulnerable customers. But the move, which follows a similar one by rival Lloyds, has prompted concern on the ease of access to funds. Marie Burton, financial inclusion expert at Consumer Focus, said: "This is a kick in the teeth for many of RBS's most

vulnerable customers. "We would call on RBS to reconsider this, which will exclude its basic bank account holders from using the majority of the UK's free cash machine network." She argued that such a decision harmed wider efforts to lure the one million people in the UK without a bank account, into the financial system. "People living in rural areas deserted by bank branch closures may not have the option of other ATMs nearby," Ms Burton said.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011



All shown live - Saturday

All shown live - Sunday

12.00 Sunderland 12.45 A rsenal 3.00 S wansea 3.00 A ston Villa 5.20 P eterborough 5.30 C helsea

1.15 1.30 2.00 2.15 4.00

v v v v v v

Hosted by Tammy 10.00pm - The Temptations Sunday (Soul & Motown Hosted by Alex show) 10.00pm - Bit-

ter & Twisted (Tenerife’s no1 drag show)

11.15pm Aaron Lodge (international comedy hypnotist)

11.00pm Emma Jenson (Rock chick)


10.00pm Chubby Brown Show

Monday 10.00pm Elaine Alexander -

11.00pm Destiny Duo

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

singing the greatest songs of all time.

Newcastle Liverpool Wigan Blackburn Ipswich West Brom

West Ham Norwich Wolves Motherwell Bolton

Monday 11.00pm Sweet temptations (girl trio)

Tuesday 10.00pm Michaela`s Tina Turner 11.00pm Let it Be - Live Beatles tribute band

v Leeds v Stoke v Fulham v Rangers v Man City


10.00pm Max Perry’s Queen show 11.00pm Background Trio (Soul & Motown)

Thursday 10.00pm Kevin Isaac (Comedy Elvis Show) 11.00pm Andy Lynch (Ronan Keating tribute)

Page 15

World News

The Bill's Reg is all set for Hollywood success Few British actors leave a long-running soap and go on to crack America but it looks as if a former star of The Bill is set to do just that after winning an award. Jeff Stewart played Reg Hollis in the ITV police series for 24 years until his character was axed in 2008. Last month he picked up the best actor award at the Manhattan Film Festival for low budget movie Under Jakob's Ladder which also won best film. Now firmly in Hollywood’s sights, Stewart has been signed up for five other movie projects. Stewart, 55, plays the lead role in the independent film about a German living in 40s Soviet Russia. His character is arrested and thrown into prison by Stalin's secret police after reciting the Lord’s Prayer at a funeral. The true story is directed by the

grandsons of Jakob Steel, Roberto and Mann Munoz. Speaking about winning the award Stewart told The Sun: "When they said, 'the best actor goes to Jeff Stewart', a cold shiver went from the tips of my toes to the top of my head and to the end of my fingers. "I heard the announcement but it was like, 'did he really say that?' "It felt unreal and the others at the table were hugging me... It's been a hell of a journey." Three years ago when Stewart was told his character in The Bill was being killed off, he went into his dressing room and cut his wrists. The news followed a spate of personal problems and came as a complete shock to the actor. But as he began to black out he changed his mind and called for help. Speaking about the incident, he said: "I didn't see a counsellor, it was evident I was OK and I never worried how it would affect my career.

I thought you can either stagnante or blossom." Stewart has certainly blossomed and after leaving the soap decided to undergo a reinvention and distance himself from the clean-shav-

en, squeaky-voiced character. "I didn't cut my hair for three years," he told The Sun. "It was a thought-out deliberate choice. I thought, 'I have to look as different as possible'."

Under Jakob's Ladder is now expected to be picked up by a big film studio after its win at the awards. The Bill was axed in March 2010 with its final episode airing last August.

Wife pays tribute to her husband killed by shark The wife of a British man killed in a horrific shark attack during their honeymoon has paid tribute to her "special husband" and thanked him for "nine years of joy". Gemma Redmond said the loss of her 30-year-old husband Ian had "left a gaping hole in our hearts that will never be filled". Mrs Redmond, 27, was sitting on the beach watching her husband snorkelling just metres away when he was attacked at Anse Lazio beach, on the island of Praslin, Seychelles. The newlyweds, from Lancashire, had married less than two weeks earlier. Witnesses described how first aid was given to him after he was brought to the beach. He had lost one arm and had serious wounds to his legs and chest. Jeanne Vargiolu, 56, the owner of Le Chevalier res-

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taurant on the beach, said she saw Mrs Redmond saying she "still had hope" for her husband while he lay on the beach with horrific injuries. But police said he had "no chance of surviving" because of the nature of his injuries. Ms Vargiolu said: "I heard an ambulance was coming to the beach and I went around and saw somebody on the floor. "I asked a policeman and he said it was a shark attack." A Foreign Office spokesman said: "We are providing consular assistance to the next of kin." In a statement issued through the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Mrs Redmond paid tribute to her husband: "I loved him so much and he was a very special husband, a thoughtful son and a devoted brother." She continued: "He worked tirelessly to give us both a wonderful married life and home and I want to thank him for nine years of joy. "We were having so much fun and we were so excited about our future together. He

was always calm and collected, strong and brave, witty and intelligent, handsome and caring, a remarkable individual who will be deeply and sorely missed. "Myself, our families and our friends are devastated and shocked by what has happened." Family members are due to arrive in the Seychelles to be with Mrs Redmond before her husband's body is flown home. The location is regularly voted as one of the best beaches in the world and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge recently had their honeymoon on the same island chain. But this is the second fatal shark attack this month after a 36-year-old French tourist was killed on August 2. A Seychelles government minister chaired an emergency meeting on Tuesday night to discuss the freak attacks and later released a statement announcing a swimming ban. "With immediate effect, the Seychelles Maritime Safety Administration has issued a

temporary ban on swimming or entering the water in certain bays of the island of Praslin and islands off the coast of Praslin," it said. They are the first fatal attacks around the small Indian Ocean nation for almost 50 years, prompting speculation the deaths were the result of a single shark. Australian research scientist Dr Jonathan Werry told Sky News that environmental conditions can affect shark behaviour. "They have specific drivers, generally physical or biological drivers, that coincide with their movement into a coastal area," he said. "And in many cases when you look at an attack there are other features that have correlated and led to that attack." An employee at the fourstar La Reserve hotel confirmed that Mr Redmond and his wife were staying at the resort and had been due to fly home on Sunday. Authorities launched a hunt for the shark and are caution-

ing beachgoers to only go ankle-deep in water. Director for tourism Alain St Ange told Sky News they are seeking help from South Africa to help find the animal. He added: "As a country we are dependent on tourism, we have never had such an

accident and it's a country we consider very safe in this troubled world." Officials have also reinforced a ban on the dumping of waste from yachts and other boats into coastal waters to prevent sharks being lured to beach areas.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011


19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Page 17

Community News

Pet Portraits keep rolling in THERE has been a brilliant response to the Pets’ Portrait thread, with nearly 200 entries for the October Competition and Exhibition at Accion del Sol. Soon, Accion chief Marion Gonzalez and chief volunteer Karen Clack will need to start sorting the pictures out and printing them. With this in mind, would any kind person like to help out by donating an ink cartridge towards the printing of the pictures? This would be very much appreciated and, if you can

oblige, please contact Karen on 687 905 511. Please keep submitting pictures of your favourite pet to ranchograndetenerife@ You can see the pictures on The Tenerife Forum at http://www.thetenerifef o r u m . c o m / s h ow th r e a d . php?67828-Pets-portraitthread or on our Facebook page at et=a.230139207020379.62 262.100000729042460&l= 434d1d5063&type=1. This week Andrea Scheithe, a volunteer helper at Accion Del Sol, has submitted her little dog Bobby, who’s hiding in the

flowers, for the competition. Bobby was adopted five years ago from Accion del Sol by Andrea and is a picture of health. Why not join the Accion del Sol Facebook page https://www. php?ref=canvas#!/profile. php?id=100000729042460 You will see daily updates of the good work done at the sanctuary, as well as receiving news of their fund-raising events. In addition, you will be able to view some of the beautiful dogs looking for loving homes. Interested? Then call Accion del Sol at 922 778 630.

A Punky-Funky pair and Dr Spock as well! THERE has been a large influx of dogs in the past week or so at the Granadillabased refuge via Protection Civil and the official dog-catchers from Arona, Guia De Isora and Granadilla. The two little four-monthold titches pictured, who have been named Punky and

AFTER spending the last two weeks feeding the most beautiful, long-haired Dachshund, I would like to ask anyone considering buying a pet to think not twice but three times before doing so! I really thought my heart would break when I saw this poor animal wandering around Palm Mar, obviously dumped by an uncaring owner who either could not, or would not, pay for the care this dog obviously needed. This lovely-natured, black-and-tan dog wandered mournfully in 30-degree temperatures looking for care and attention. Three times over the two-week period, I called the local police and three rescue homes, but to no avail. I appreciate these people are overwhelmed with abandoned pets, which is yet another reason to think carefully about what it actu-

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Funky, were brought in from Granadilla, as was the other dog, Doly, who is aged nine and resembles Dr Spock. There are so many dogs of all sorts - small, medium large, young and old, as well as puppies - all waiting and hoping for loving homes. Please visit Accion del Sol if you are looking to adopt a dog. Every one of them is fully injected, passported, micro-chipped, steri-

ally costs to keep an animal for 10-15 years. Animals are similar to us in that they, too, become old and infirm. Eventually, through a friend, I found two wonderful ladies who came to the village and, together, we managed to entice the sick and frightened animal from the dirty undergrowth where it was sheltering. Once the dog was out, we were able to make a closer examination of the massive cancer growth on its underside, which was covered in flies and was weeping. I have never been so saddened. The pretty creature was then wrapped carefully in a blanket and placed in the back of the car of one of my” heroes”. The following morning it was taken to a vet, where it was examined and was found to be less than six years old. The vet also confirmed that the animal was beyond saving as the cancer had spread and

lised or castrated, deflead and wormed. That will give you and your family peace of mind that your new pet is completely up to date legally, and in perfect condition. The refuge is open MondayFriday, from 3-6pm, and is situated at junction 51 on the TF1, directly next to ITER, the ecological wind farm at Granadilla’s Industrial Estate.

was now untreatable. The dog is now at peace but, again, I implore anyone to really consider the commitment once you have an animal. I would also like to praise the wonderful ladies who were there for me and the Dachshund, so thank-you Marisa, Temka, Tina and Sheena. Sharon, Palm Mar Sharon adopted the correct procedure for stray dogs by contacting both authorities, but anyone in your Arona area should continue to phone 010 , and will eventually be put through to the Town Hall during the week. On weekends, the call goes through to the police, but the dog-catcher doesn’t work on Sundays. The advice from Accion del Sol dog refuge, which has an agreement with Arona Town Hall, is to take a stray to a vet at the weekend if it appears to be in trouble. If it is micro-chipped, the vet can check on its ownership. If it’s not, the vet can operate if necessary. The owner probably abandoned this poor animal because it was in such a state - and vets’ bills aren’t cheap!

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Community News

Shy K9 dog who longs to be at Auto-matic choice! AUTO was about four months old when he arrived at K9, just over two years ago, after being found by the TF1 junction at Las Chafiras with a collar and lead attached. It seemed as though he was simply lost but, sadly, no one came looking for him, so he has grown up in the kennels. But whatever happened to him in those first four months with his couldn’t-care-less owner has had an impact. He is extremely shy with new people, especially with men, and he also has a problem with new dogs and is always the first to strike out. During his time at K9, he has been paired with various kennel-mates - and seen them all

go to new homes. Roberta has been his kennel-mate for more than a year now and is also looking for a home. Auto loves to go walking and is very good off the lead, while Roberta loves to run about. But Auto plays for only a little while, and is then content to stay nearby. He is a special dog and will need an extremely loving and caring home, with lots of understanding, so can you help? Yes, he will need lots of patience, but he will grow to love you in time and reward you by being a good companion. It would be best for him to be in a one-dog family although, with time and effort, he will pair with a female. We are hoping that Auto’s story will touch the heart of someone willing to give him a chance. If you can help, please contact K9 on 667 638 468, or email

Our thanks to … All involved in our fund-raiser at Our Place, Costa del Silencio, where we raised 382.50 last Sunday in a benefit spanning over 10 hours. The hosting was split between Suzy q and Aidy Evans, with the following artists giving their time: Colin Stevens, Simon King, the amazing trio Background, Danny Day, Pip Brown and Maureen Sinclair. Thanks also to the owners and staff who worked so hard on a hot afternoon, even making ridiculously-strong punch to raise extra euros.

Live Arico Roadshow

Auto (top) and Roberta out for a stroll

Jellyfish warning for bathers in Los Cristianos JELLYFISH are causing havoc to sun-bathers swimming at Playa de las Vistas, in Los Cristianos.

They are only small, but some two dozen people have received treatment over the past couple of days for stings, which cause a certain amount of discomfort. The yellow flag is flying over the beach,

which does not prevent people from swimming, but there’s a white warning flag underneath with a jellyfish pictured, which does signify a danger warning. This particular jellyfish, known as aguaviva, is said to be harmless, certainly to humans, although the sting leaves a red mark.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

The influx of jellyfish is said to be down to the warm wind, which is already dropping, along with the fierce temperature, so the risk should soon fade. Bathers are advised not to swim too far out, or dip their heads under water, and if you are stung, the lifeguard station has a cream antidote.

Every Sunday afternoon, at The Beach Bar, Costa del Silencio, there is a bbq and open mike session, which is proving to be a huge success. Profits from the bbq, along with football card proceeds, come to Live Arico. We thank Jenny and all at the Beach Bar for this regular fund-raising event. On Tuesday, 30th August, we will be at the Oasis Pool Bar, Fairway Village, Amarilla Golf, for a hot buffet supper and entertainment. Tickets are limited, and at 8.95 euros are extremely good value. Call Suzy q to reserve yours, or call into the restaurant. On Friday, 9th September, we will be back at Restaurant Maria, Golf del Sur, for an end -of-summer bbq and salad buffet for just 12 euros per person. Entertainment from Nick Page, Tanya Tevaro, Colin Stevens and more. Get your tickets from the restaurant or from Suzy on 629 388 102. Remember, last time we sold out early and had to refuse late-comers. We will be at the Comodoro Hotel in Los Cristianos on Friday, 30th September. Details to follow next week, but it’s looking like Paul Shane from Hi de Hi will be joining us. And on 19th October, we’ll be at the Glass Spider, Apolo Centre Los Cristianos. In late October, there will be three huge fund-raising events in a week, incorporating the Gillian Banks Theatre School. We’ll also be at the Premier Bar, Amarilla Golf, on 8th November.

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19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Television Guide

your best tV guide IN tenerife! 13 channels including BBC, ITV, CHANNEL 4, CHANNEL FIVE Sky & Sports channels

The X Factor Saturday 20th August ITV 8pm

It’s back – the number one talent show in the UK returns! New judges Gary Barlow, Kelly Rowland and Tulisa Contostavlos join Louis Walsh for the first round of auditions.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Page 21

Television Guide

F r i day

6:00am ������������������������������Breakfast

6:00am ����������� Little Red Tractor

6:00am ����������������������������� Daybreak

9:15am �����������������������Heir Hunters

6:10am ���������������������������������� Dipdap

8:30am ��������������������������������Lorraine

10:00am ���� BBC News; Weather

6:15am ���������������Pinky Dinky Doo

9:25am ������������������������The Jeremy

10:00am ������������������Homes Under

6:30am ������������ Tinga Tinga Tales

Kyle Show

the Hammer

6:45am ���������������������������Octonauts

10:30am ������������������ This Morning

11:00am ���������� Wreck or Ready?

7:00am ���������������������������������������Leon

12:30pm ���������������Let’s Do Lunch

11:30am ���� BBC News; Weather

7:00am ����������������������������������������Roar

with Gino & Mel

11:30am �����������Cash in the Attic

7:30am ������������� The Jungle Book

1:30pm ������������������������������ITV News

12:15pm ������������������� Bargain Hunt

7:40am ��������������������������Deadly Art

and Weather

1:00pm ������� BBC News; Weather

7:55am �������������������������Newsround

1:55pm �������������������� London News

1:30pm �������������������Regional News

8:00am ����������������������������� Copycats

and Weather

and Weather

8:30am ����������������������������LazyTown

2:00pm �����60 Minute Makeover

1:45pm ���������������������������������Doctors

8:55am ���������������Bob the Builder: Project Build It

3:00pm ����� Dickinson’s Real Deal

9:05am ��������The Koala Brothers

4:00pm �������Rosemary & Thyme

2:15pm �Escape to the Country 3:00pm ������ BBC News; Weather; 3:05pm ��������������������Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 3:30pm �� The Sparticle Mystery 4:00pm ��������Dick & Dom Go Wild

9:15am �������������������� Chuggington: Badge Quest 9:15am ����������������������� Driver Dan’s Story Train 9:35am �Raa Raa the Noisy Lion

5:00pm ���������������������������The Chase 6:00pm �������������������������������Weather 6:00pm �������� London Tonight

9:45am ������������������������������ Kerwhizz

6:30pm �������������ITV News and Weather

10:05am ��������������������������� Gigglebiz

7:00pm ���������������� Emmerdale

5:15pm �������������������������������Pointless

10:20am ��������������������������� Zingzillas

7:30pm ����Coronation Street

6:00pm ��BBC News ,Weather

11:05am ����In the Night Garden

4:30pm ������������Diddy Dick & Dom 4:30pm ������������������� Fee Fi Fo Yum 5:00pm ������������������������� Newsround

7:00pm ������������The One Show 7:30pm ������������������� BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm ���������������� Fake Britain

10:45am �������������������������Waybuloo 11:35am ����������������������������������Coast 11:45am ������Farewell My Lovely 1:15pm ������������Diagnosis Murder 2:00pm ���� Wanted Down Under 3:00pm ��������������������� Weakest Link 3:45pm ������������� The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain 4:30pm �����������������������������������Flog It! 5:15pm �������������� Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

8:00pm ����������������� EastEnders 8:30pm �A Question of Sport 9:00pm ��������������������My Family 9:30pm ����������������������� Miranda 10:00pm ������������������ BBC News 10:25pm ��������� Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ����������� John Bishop’s Britain

6:00pm ��������������������Eggheads 6:30pm � Celebrity Eggheads 7:00pm �� South Africa Walks

8:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 8:30pm ����Coronation Street 9:00pm ������������������Someone’s Daughter, Someone’s Son 10:00pm ������ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm �����������London News and Weather 10:35pm ���������������������������Jaws

7:30pm ��������The Bear Family and Me 8:30pm ������Gardeners’ World 9:00pm ������������� India on Four Wheels

11:05pm �� My Favourite Joke

10:00pm ���������������������The Rob

11:35pm �������������The National Lottery Friday

10:30pm ����������������Newsnight

Night Draws

11:00pm ��������������������Weather

11:45pm ����������� Weatherview

11:00pm ��� The Review Show at the Edinburgh Festival

11:45pm ����� The Peacemaker

Page 22

3:59pm �������������London Weather

Brydon Show

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

5:55am The Treacle People 6:05am The Hoobs 6:30am Freshly Squeezed 7:00am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:25am According to Jim 7:50am Frasier 8:15am Friends 8:45am 90210 9:40am The Saturdays: What Goes on Tour 10:00am T4 on the Beach: Buried Treasures 11:00am The Big Bang Theory 11:30am Friends 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm Friends 12:30pm A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 1:35pm Channel 4 Presents - Will Bayley 2012 1:40pm Channel 4 Racing 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30pm �������������������������������� Hollyoaks 7:00pm �������������������� Channel 4 News 7:30pm ��������������������������� 7:35pm �������������The Perfect Murder 8:00pm ��������������Come Dine with Me 9:00pm ��������������������8 Out of 10 Cats 9:35pm ��������������������������Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night 10:30pm �������������� Inbetweeners Top 10 Moments 11:30pm ��������������The Inbetweeners

7:00pm ����������������������������Doctor Who 7:45pm ����������������������������Doctor Who 8:30pm �������������������� The Real Hustle: Celebrity Scammers 9:00pm ������������������������������������ Wilfred

19 t h 6:00am Children’s TV 6:45am The WotWots 6:55am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:10am The Mr Men Show 7:25am Thomas & Friends 7:35am Noddy in Toyland 7:50am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:05am Peppa Pig 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Roary the Racing Car 8:35am Bananas in Pyjamas 8:50am Olivia 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am The Wright Stuff 11:10am The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm Celebrity Big Brother: Launch Show 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:10pm Diamond Girl 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm 5 News at 5 5:30pm Neighbours

Television Guide

au g u st

6:00am ������Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ����������������������������������� Football Icon

6:00am ���������������������������������������������Charmed

7:00am ������Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am �������������Don’t Forget the Lyrics

7:00am ���������������������������������Jerry Springer

8:00am ������Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ����������������������������Best of Oops TV

7:30am ���������������������������������Jerry Springer

9:00am ��������������� Premier League World

9:00am ������������������������������������������ Bondi Vet

8:00am �������������������������������������������������� Maury

9:30am ����������������� The Sky Sports Years

10:00am ���������������������������� Modern Family

9:00am ��������America’s Next Top Model

10:30am �������������������������Live Test Cricket

10:30am ���������������������������������Raising Hope

10:00am �������������������� Nothing to Declare

11:00am ����������������������������������������� Customs

10:30am �������������������� Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ������������������ Sky Sports News

12:00pm ��������������������� Stargate Universe

at Seven

2:00pm ��������������������������� UK Border Force

11:00am ������������������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:30pm ��������������� Live Super League

3:00pm ��������������������������������������������������Airline 4:00pm ������������������������������� Modern Family 4:30pm ��������������������������������������� The Middle 5:00pm ������������������������������������Raising Hope 5:30pm ������������������������������������������Futurama

6:00pm ��������������������� Meerkat Manor

6:00pm �����������������������������The Middle

6:25pm ��������������������������������������OK! TV

6:30pm ����������������������� The Simpsons

6:55pm ���������������������������� 5 News at 7

7:00pm ����������������������� The Simpsons

7:00pm ����������������������5 News Update 7:00pm �������������������������������������Cricket

10:00pm ����������������Take It Like a Fan

8:00pm ���������������������������� 5 News at 9

10:30pm ������������������Premier League

8:00pm ����������������� The Gadget Show


9:00pm �Celebrity Big Brother: Live

11:00pm ����������������� Football League

10:00pm ����������������������� The Bachelor


11:05pm ������Celebrity Big Brother’s

7:30pm ����������������������� The Simpsons 8:00pm �������������������������������Futurama 9:00pm ������������������� An Idiot Abroad 10:00pm ��������������������������������� Trollied 11:00pm �����������������������Wall of Fame 11:30pm ����������������������������� Brit Cops: Rapid Response

Bit on the Side

1:30pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare 2:00pm ���������������������������������Criminal Minds 3:00pm ���������������������������������Criminal Minds 4:00pm ��������America’s Next Top Model 5:00pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare 5:30pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare 6:00pm ������������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 7:00pm �����������������������Criminal Minds 8:00pm ��������������������������������������� Nikita 9:00pm �����������������������������������Medium 10:00pm ����������������������������� CSI: Miami 11:00pm ���������������������Criminal Minds

7:10am �������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

6:00am ����������������������������������������� The X Files

6:00am ������������������������Coronation Street

6:30am ��������������������������Kings of the Surf

7:35am ��������������������������The Gadget Show

7:00am �������������������������Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am ���������������������������������������Emmerdale

7:00am �����������������������������������������WWE: Raw

8:00am ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

8:00am ��������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ������������������������Holiday Showdown

9:00am ������������������������������������������������������ Golf

10:00am �����������������������The Gadget Show

9:00am �����������������������������������������������������������ER

8:15am ���������������������������������������Judge Judy

10:00am ��������Live European Tour Golf

11:00am ����������������Robot Wars Extreme

10:00am ��������������������������thirtysomething

12:00pm ���� America’s Cup Uncovered

12:00pm ������������������������������������������ Top Gear

11:00am �������������������������������������� The X Files

9:25am ������������The Real Housewives of Orange County

12:30pm ������������������������������Championship

1:00pm ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

12:00pm ����������������������Star Trek: Voyager

Rugby League

2:00pm ��������������������������������Seaside Rescue

1:00pm ��������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

2:30pm ������ Super League’s Supermen

3:00pm �����������������������������������������Shark Tank

2:00pm �����������������������������������������������������������ER

3:00pm �����������Live European Tour Golf

4:00pm ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

3:00pm ����������������������������������������� The X Files

5:30pm ���������������Premier League World

4:00pm ��������������������Star Trek: Enterprise 6:00pm ����������������������Seaside Rescue

5:00pm �������������������������Star Trek: Voyager

6:30pm ����������������������Seaside Rescue 6:00pm ������������������� Football League

7:00pm ������������������������� Dragons’ Den

6:00pm ��������������������������������������������� ER

9:20pm ������������������������������������ Wilfred


8:20pm ����������������������������Trawlermen

7:00pm �����Inside the Actors Studio

9:45pm ������Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel

7:00pm ������������������� Road to London

9:00pm �����������������������������������������QI XL

8:00pm ������������������������������� Fish Town

7:30pm ������������������� Premier League

10:00pm ����������������� Russell Howard’s

9:00pm �����������������������������������Big Love


Good News

10:15pm ����������������������� In Treatment

8:00pm ���������������������������Test Cricket

11:00pm ������������������� Mock the Week

10:50pm ����������������������� In Treatment

10:00pm ��������������������������� WWE: Late Night - Smackdown

11:40pm ���������������������������������������QI XL

11:25pm ��� Flight of the Conchords

10:30pm ������������ Three @ the Fringe

1:00pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare

6:00am ������������������������� Aerobics Oz Style

5:00pm ��������������������������Kings of the Surf

10:00pm ��������������������������� EastEnders

12:00pm ������������������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

10:30am ������������������������������������Judge Judy 12:00pm ���������������������Coronation Street 12:30pm ������������������������������������Emmerdale 1:30pm ���������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ������������The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm �����������������������Holiday Showdown 5:40pm ���������������������������������������Judge Judy 7:00pm ������������������All Star Mr & Mrs 8:00pm ������������������ The Xtra Factor: Best and Worst 2010 9:00pm ������������������������Casino Royale 11:55pm ����������������������� Peter Andre: Here 2 Help

Page 23

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

Sat u r day 6:00am �������������Little Red Tractor

6:00am ������������������������������Mini CITV

10:00am ���������Saturday Kitchen

6:10am ������������������������������������Dipdap

7:25am ����������������������������������������CITV


6:15am ����������������Pinky Dinky Doo

8:25am ������������������ Ten Mile Menu

6:30am ��������������������Garth and Bev

9:25am ����������Coronation Street

6:45am ����������������������������Octonauts

11:45am ����������������� This Morning: Saturday

6:00am ���������������������������� Breakfast

7:00am ����������������������������������������Leon 7:00am �����������������������������Deadly 60 7:30am ������������������������������������Arthur 7:55am ������������������ Little Howard’s Big Question

THE X FACTOR Rowland and Tulisa Contostavlos from N-Dubz, who join Louis Walsh each week to put this year's contestants through their paces. Dermot O'Leary hosts the auditions in London and Birmingham, as a line-up of solo singers and groups competes to win places at

8:20am ������������������������Prank Patrol

Home Cooking

8:50am ��������Dennis and Gnasher

12:00pm ���� BBC News; Regional News and Weather

9:00am ���������������� Trade Your Way

12:15pm ���������������Football Focus

9:30am ��������������������Fee Fi Fo Yum

1:00pm ������������������������������������Sailing

10:00am �������������������Mission: 2110

2:00pm ������������Live International Rugby Union

10:25am ��������������������������League of

4:30pm ��������������������������Final Score

8:00 - 9:15pm ITV1 The talent show returns for it’s eighth series, but with a few big changes as Simon Cowell, Cheryl Cole and Dannii Minogue are no longer on the judging panel. In their place - Take That's Gary Barlow, former Destiny's Child member Kelly

11:35am ��������������������Rachel Allen:

boot camp, designed by Cowell to be tougher than ever. Highlights in the first edition include a tai chi instructor who decides to get up close and personal with Gary, a student who reveals more than just his voice, and a hopeful who dares to confront Tulisa.

5:10pm ������� BBC News; Regional News and Weather 5:30pm �������������������������������Epic Win 6:10pm ����National Treasure: Book of Secrets 8:05pm �������������� The National Lottery: Secret

to the USA

Super Evil 10:40am �����������������Wolverine and the X-Men

12:45pm ������������ Athletes Do the Funniest Things 1:15pm �������������������� ITV News and Weather 1:20pm ����������Evil under the Sun 3:30pm ���������������������������Goldfinger 5:35pm �������������������������������Weather 5:35pm ���������������London Tonight 5:50pm �������������������� ITV News and Weather 6:05pm ��������������� You’ve Been Framed! Calendar Special

11:00am ��������������������������������OOglies

7:00pm ����������� All Star Family Fortunes

11:15am ������Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab

8:00pm ��������������The X Factor

11:40am ������������MOTD Kickabout 12:00pm ����������������������������������� Coast 12:10pm ����������������������������������� Picnic


2:00pm ���������������������������������Pal Joey

8:55pm ����������������������Casualty

3:45pm �������������������� Escape to the

9:45pm �������������John Bishop’s



4:45pm �������������Live International Rugby Union 7:00pm ��������������������������Flog It! 7:30pm ������������������Dad’s Army 8:00pm ��������������The Normans 9:00pm �������� BBC Proms 2011

9:15pm ������������ Live Celebrity Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?: Soap Stars Special 10:30pm �������������� The Bourne Identity 11:30pm �����������ITV News and Weather 11:44pm �����London Weather

10:15pm BBC News; Weather

11:45pm �������������� The Bourne Identity

10:30pm �����National Lottery Update 10:30pm ��� Match of the Day

11:00pm ����������������������The Rob Brydon Show 11:30pm �����������Starter for 10 11:50pm �����������Weatherview

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Soap Stars Special Saturday 20th 9.15pm and Sunday 21st August, 9pm Chris Tarrant hosts a live double dose of the popular game show this weekend. The episodes have a special soap theme, with stars from Coronation Street, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks stepping up to try to win big money for their chosen charities. Plus there is a chance for one lucky viewer at home to bag some cash, as the money won by the stars will

Page 24

be divided 50-50 between the charities and the chosen viewer. There is also a special prize up for grabs - a trip to the Emmerdale set and a stay at a luxury hotel and spa in rural Yorkshire. Saturday's show sees Emmerdale's onscreen mother and-son duo Lucy Pargeter and Danny Miller take their places in the hot seat. Next up are Coronation Street stars William Roache and Michelle Collins. On

Sunday, real-life couple Kym Marsh (aka Corrie barmaid Michelle Connor) and her fiance Jamie Lomas (Hollyoaks bad boy Warren Fox) join forces - but who will prove to be the brains of the duo? Also stepping up to try their luck are Emmerdale double-act Mark Charnock and Dominic Brunt, and Hollyoaks stars Gemma Merna and Jennifer Metcalfe. Will the celebrities manage to reach the million?

11:50pm ������������ The Football League Show

All Star Family Fortunes Saturday 20th August - 7pm ITV Vernon Kay presents a brand new series of the celebrity game show in which two stars and their families compete to win big money for their chosen charities. Each week, two teams of five

go up against each other as they try to work out how the public have answered a series of questions. With questions

ranging from the peculiar to the hilarious, the celebrities and their relatives must come up with the most popular responses if they are to bag the cash for their good causes. In each round, the team that is fastest on the buzzer gains control of the board and tries to comes up with all the answers. If they reply incorrectly three times, all of their hard work can be undone because their opponents have the chance to steal the board –

and their money. This new series kicks off with a Coronation Street special. Actor Simon Gregson – aka pub landlord Steve McDonald – takes on Sam Aston, who plays market stall entrepreneur Chesney Brown. Simon, Sam and their families are battling it out for up to £30,000 for the charities of their choice, but can they manage to secondguess the public and claim the prize?

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

5:55am Children’s TV 6:30am The Hoobs 6:55am MSA Formula Ford Championship 7:25am The Grid 7:50am Channel 4 Presents - Jody Cundy 2012 7:55am The Morning Line 8:55am Friends 9:25am Hollyoaks Music Show 10:00am Smallville 10:55am Friends 11:30am V Festival: The Countdown 12:20pm The Big Bang Theory 12:50pm The Big Bang Theory 1:15pm The TV Book Club 1:50pm Channel 4 Presents - Joe Bestwick 2012 1:55pm Channel 4 Racing 3:55pm V Festival 2011: Live 4:25pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 4:55pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 5:25pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions 5:55pm Come Dine with Me Extra Portions

2 0 t h 6:00am Children’s TV 6:25am Fireman Sam 6:40am Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 6:50am Elmo’s World 7:05am The Save-Ums! 7:20am Noddy in Toyland 7:30am Hana’s Helpline 7:45am Roobarb and Custard Too 7:55am Milkshake! Monkey 8:00am Little Princess 8:10am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:25am Mist: Sheepdog Tales 8:40am Rupert Bear 9:00am Olivia 9:15am The Mr Men Show 9:30am The Milkshake! Show 10:00am The Gadget Show 11:00am Celebrity Big Brother 12:00pm New Cowboy Builders 1:00pm Ultimate Police Interceptors 2:00pm Cave of Outlaws 3:30pm The Black Knight 5:10pm Red Sonja

6:25pm �������������������� Channel 4 News

6:55pm �������������������5 News Weekend

6:55pm ���������������������������

7:00pm ������������������������������������� Cricket

7:00pm ������������������������ River Cottage

7:50pm ��������������Police Interceptors:

8:00pm �������������������Great Migrations

6:00am ������������� Don’t Forget the Lyrics

6:00am ���������������������������������Jerry Springer

6:30am ..................................... Live ITM Cup

7:00am ���������������������������Stargate: Infinity

6:30am ���������������������������������Jerry Springer

Rugby Union

8:00am ������������������������������������������Gladiators

7:00am ���������������������������������������������������Maury

8:30am ������������������������������������ Live ITM Cup

9:00am ���������������������������WWE Superstars

8:00am ����������������������� Nothing to Declare

Rugby Union

10:00am ������������������������������������� Soccer AM

8:30am ����������������������� Nothing to Declare

10:30am .......................... Live Test Cricket

12:00pm ���������The Librarian: Return to

9:00am ����������������������������Ghost Whisperer

King Solomon’s Mines

10:00am ����������������������The Biggest Loser

6:55pm ........... Live Spanish Football

1:50pm ��������������������������The Top 10 Show

11:00am ����������������������The Biggest Loser

9:00pm ........... Live Spanish Football

2:00pm ������������������������������������������Futurama

12:00pm ������������������������������������ Fat Families

11:00pm ...Tri-Nations International Rugby Union

2:30pm ������������������������������������������ Futurama

1:00pm ���������������������������������� Half Ton Teen

3:00pm ������������������������������������������Futurama

2:00pm ���������������������������Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model

4:00pm ��������������������������������Modern Family

3:00pm �������������������������Four Weddings US

4:30pm ����������������������������������������The Middle

4:00pm �������������������������������������Psychic Sally: On the Road 5:00pm �������������������������Dating in the Dark

6:00pm �����������������������������The Middle

9:15pm �����������Celebrity Big Brother 10:15pm ������������������������ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 11:35pm ��������������������V Festival 2011

3:30pm ������������������������������������������Futurama

5:00pm �����������������������������������Safebreakers

Special Edition

11:10pm ������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Au g u st

6:00am �������������������������� Aerobics Oz Style

8:15pm ������������������������������������������ NCIS

9:00pm ���������������������������������� Die Hard

Television Guide

6:30pm ����������������������� The Simpsons

6:00pm �������������� Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ������������������ Emergency with

6:30pm �������������� Nothing to Declare

Angela Griffin

7:00pm �������������� Nothing to Declare

8:00pm �������������������������������Futurama

7:30pm �������������� Nothing to Declare

8:30pm �������������������������������Futurama

8:00pm �������������The 45 Stone Virgin

9:00pm �������������������������Crimson Tide

9:00pm �����������������������������������Medium

11:15pm ����������������� Spartacus: Gods

10:00pm ......................Criminal Minds

of the Arena

11:00pm ���������������������Criminal Minds

7:00pm �������������������������������� Top Gear

6:00am �����������Premier League Preview

7:10am ������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

6:00am ����������������������������thirtysomething

6:00am ��������������������������������������� Emmerdale

8:00pm ����������������������Pop’s Greatest

6:30am ����������������� The Sky Sports Years

8:00am ��������������������������������������������Top Gear

8:00am ����������������������������thirtysomething

8:25am ����������������������� Holiday Showdown

Dance Crazes

7:30am ��������Football League Weekend

10:00am ����������������������The Gadget Show

9:00am ����������������������������thirtysomething

9:25am ���������������� The Only Way Is Essex

8:30am ������Champions League Weekly

11:00am �����������������Ray Mears’ Extreme

10:00am ����������������Star Trek: Enterprise

10:10am ��������� Free Willy 3: the Rescue

9:00am �����������Premier League Preview


11:00am ����������������Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm ���������������������������������������� The Cube

9:30am ���������������������������Take It Like a Fan

12:00pm �����������������������������������������Top Gear

12:00pm ����������������Star Trek: Enterprise

1:00pm ���������������������������� The Xtra Factor:

10:00am ������������������������������������� Soccer AM

2:00pm ����������������������������������������Everest ER

1:00pm �������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

Best and Worst 2010 2:00pm ��������The Xtra Factor: Best and Worst 2010

12:00pm �����������������Live Football Special

2:40pm �������������������������������Seaside Rescue

2:00pm �������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:15pm �����������������������Sky Sports Classics

4:00pm ��������������������������������������������Top Gear

3:00pm ����������������������������������������������������������ER

3:30pm ���������������������������Take It Like a Fan

5:00pm ��������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00pm ����������������������������������������������������������ER

4:00pm ������������������������������� Masters Tennis 5:00pm �� Live Saturday Night Football

5:00pm ����������������������������������������������������������ER 6:00pm ������������Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

7:30pm ��������� You’re on Sky Sports!

7:00pm ��������������Would I Lie to You?

8:25pm ������������������������ Football First

7:40pm ���� Have I Got News for You

10:30pm ���������������������������Family Guy

10:15pm ���������������������� Football First

8:20pm ������������������������������Red Dwarf

10:50pm ���������������������������Family Guy

11:45pm ���������������������� Football First

9:00pm ����������������������������������������������QI

9:00pm ������������� Three @ the Fringe

11:15pm ��������������������American Dad!

9:40pm ����������������������������������������������QI

11:35pm ��������������������American Dad!

10:20pm ��������������������������������������������QI 11:00pm ��������������������������������������������QI 11:40pm ��������������������������������������������QI

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

6:00pm ���������������������������������������������ER 7:00pm ���������������������������������������������ER 8:00pm ���� Inside the Actors Studio 9:00pm ��������������������������� The Borgias 10:10pm ������������������������Nurse Jackie 10:45pm ��������������������������� Entourage 11:15pm ������Curb Your Enthusiasm 11:55pm ������Curb Your Enthusiasm

3:00pm ��������The Xtra Factor: Best and Worst 2010 6:00pm �������������������The Xtra Factor: Rewind 2011 7:00pm .................... Sextuplets - The Little Lambs 8:00pm ......................... Baby Hospital 9:00pm �������������������������Ed Westwick: The Hot Desk 9:15pm ��������������������The Xtra Factor 10:15pm �������� Bridget Jones’s Diary

Page 25

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S u n day

6:00am �����������������������������Breakfast

6:00am ����������� Little Red Tractor

6:00am ������������������������������Mini CITV

7:40am ������������Match of the Day

6:10am ���������������������������������� Dipdap

7:25am ����������������������������������������CITV

9:00am ���������������������������� BBC News

6:15am ���������������Pinky Dinky Doo

8:25am ���������������������May the Best

10:00am ��Sunday Morning Live

6:30am ������������������ Garth and Bev

House Win

11:00am �����������Weather for the Week Ahead

6:45am ���������������������������Octonauts

9:25am ����� Dickinson’s Real Deal

11:00am ��������������Country Tracks

7:00am ����������������������������Deadly 60

10:25am ��60 Minute Makeover

7:30am �����������������������������������Arthur

11:30am This Morning: Sunday

7:55am ���������Junior MasterChef

12:30pm ���������������� Survival: Tales

8:25am ����� Bear Behaving Badly

from the Wild

8:45am �������������������� Hotel Trubble

1:30pm �������������������� ITV News and

12:00pm ������������������������� BBC News 12:05pm �����������Cash in the Attic 12:50pm ���������������������� EastEnders 2:45pm ���������������������������� My Family

The Man Who Crossed Hitler

9:15am �����������������������������������������Jinx


9:35am ����������������������������� Wingin’ It

1:39pm �������������London Weather

10:00am ���������������Something for

1:40pm ����You’ve Been Framed!

the Weekend

2:10pm ��������������������� The X Factor 3:25pm �������� Midsomer Murders

Sunday 21st August - 9.00-10.25pm BBC TWO Ed Stoppard and Ian Hart lead an all-star cast in this drama about The Man Who Crossed Hitler.

Bringing a little-known story to life, Ian Hart (Five Daughters) and Ed Stoppard (Upstairs, Downstairs) lead an all-star cast in this revealing one-off drama that tells the true story of a Jewish lawyer who challenged Hitler

– and paid with his life. In the summer of 1931, with Germany on the brink of economic collapse and the city of Berlin turning into a paramilitary war zone, the audacious young prosecutor Hans Litten (Stoppard) chooses to subpoena a star witness to a trial of Nazi thugs. In spite of the risk to his own safety, and against the advice of those who love him, Litten forces rising po-

litical star Adolf Hitler (Hart) to make a rare appearance in the witness stand of Berlin's central criminal court. Litten aimed to expose the true character of Hitler and his politics to the German public and, in a humiliating and hostile cross-examination, Hitler was forced to account for his political beliefs, his apparent contempt for the law and his desire to destroy German democracy.

5:30pm �������������Ladies of Letters 3:15pm ���������������������������� Escape to

6:00pm �������� London Tonight

the Country

6:15pm �������������ITV News and Weather

4:15pm ����������������������������The Great British Weather

6:30pm ������� Joanna Lumley’s

5:15pm ���������������������������������� Lifeline


5:25pm ���������������� Songs of Praise

7:30pm ������������ Born to Shine

6:00pm ��������������Deadly 60 on

11:30am ��������� The Great British Bake Off

a Mission

12:30pm ���������������������Animal Park

6:30pm ������������������� BBC News;

1:00pm ����� Olympic Countdown

Regional News

5:30pm ��������The Wildest Dream

9:00pm ������������ Live Celebrity Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?: Soap Stars Special

and Weather 7:00pm ���������Britain’s Hidden Heritage

7:00pm ��������������������� Top Gear

8:00pm ������������� Dragons’ Den 8:00pm �����������������Countryfile 9:00pm ��������������Ocean Giants 10:00pm ����������������� BBC News; Regional News

9:00pm ������������ The Man Who Crossed Hitler 10:25pm ����������� Match of the

10:00pm ������ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:14pm �����London Weather 10:15pm � Scent of a Woman

Day 2

and Weather 10:25pm ����������� Weatherview 10:25pm Legends of the Fall

11:35pm ��������������� Grand Prix: The Killer Years

Page 26

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

5:50am Yo Gabba Gabba! 6:15am The Hoobs 6:40am The Hoobs 7:05am Channel 4 Presents - Mandip Sehmi 2012 7:10am Ironman Triathlon 8:05am Friends 8:35am Friends 9:10am Hollyoaks 11:40am V Festival 2011 1:05pm The Big Bang Theory 1:40pm The Simpsons 2:15pm The Simpsons 2:50pm Deal or No Deal 3:50pm Charlotte’s Web 5:35pm V Festival 2011: Live 6:25pm �������������������� Channel 4 News 6:55pm ��������������������������� 7:00pm ��������������� A Place in the Sun: Home or USA? 8:00pm ������������������������ Holiday Hijack

21 st 6:00am Peppa Pig 6:05am Roary the Racing Car 6:15am Fifi and the Flowertots 6:25am Fireman Sam 6:40am Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 6:50am Elmo’s World 7:05am Milkshake! Monkey 7:05am Roobarb and Custard Too 7:15am The Save-Ums! 7:30am Noddy in Toyland 7:40am Hana’s Helpline 7:50am Sailor Sid 7:55am The Milky and Shake Show 7:55am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 8:05am Little Princess 8:15am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:35am Mist: Sheepdog Tales 8:45am Rupert Bear 9:00am Olivia 9:15am The Mr Men Show 9:30am The Milkshake! Show 10:00am Animal Rescue Squad 10:15am Mexican Food Made Simple 10:50am Celebrity Big Brother 11:50am The Bachelor 12:50pm Evel 2:35pm The Mighty Ducks 4:40pm The Karate Kid III 6:55pm ������������������ 5 News Weekend

The Movie 11:40pm ��������������������V Festival 2011

7:00pm ���������� The World’s Strictest Parents

6:00am ��������������������������������Hour of Power

6:00am ���������������������������������Jerry Springer

6:30am ����������������������������������� Football First

7:00am ��������������������������� Stargate: Infinity

6:30am ���������������������������������Jerry Springer

8:00am ����������������������������������� Football First

8:00am ����������������������������������������������Oops TV

7:00am ��������������������������������������������������Maury

9:30am �����������The Sunday Supplement

9:00am ��������������������������������Modern Family

8:00am �����������������������Nothing to Declare

11:00am ������������������������� Goals on Sunday

10:00am ������������������������ WWE Superstars

8:30am �����������������������Nothing to Declare

1:00pm ��������������������Live Football League

11:00am �����������������������WWE: Experience

9:00am �������������������������The Biggest Loser

12:00pm �������������������������UK Border Force

10:00am ����������������������The Biggest Loser

1:00pm ��������������������������������������������Lie to Me

11:00am ������������������������ Ghost Whisperer

2:00pm ��������������������������������Modern Family

12:00pm ����������������������������������� Fat Families

2:30pm ���������������������������������������� The Middle

1:00pm ���������������������������������Criminal Minds

3:30pm �������������������������������������������Futurama

2:00pm ���������������������������������Criminal Minds

4:00pm ����������������������������������The Simpsons

3:00pm ����������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:00pm ����������������������������������The Simpsons 3:30pm ������������������������ Live Super Sunday 6:15pm ���������� Live Spanish Football 6:55pm ���������� Live Spanish Football 9:00pm ���������� Live Spanish Football 11:00pm ������������������ Football Special

5:30pm ����������������������������������The Simpsons 6:00pm ������������������ The Glee Project 7:00pm ������������������������������� Futurama 7:30pm ������������������������������� Futurama 8:00pm ������������������������The Simpsons 8:30pm ������������������������The Simpsons 9:00pm ����������������������������Strike Back: Project Dawn

7:55pm ��������������������������������10,000 BC

10:00pm ���������� Ross Kemp: Extreme World

10:00pm �������� Celebrity Big Brother 11:00pm ����������������������� Stuck on You

4:00pm ����������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 5:00pm ���������������������������������������������������Bones 6:00pm ��������������Nothing to Declare 6:30pm ��������������Nothing to Declare 7:00pm ��������������Nothing to Declare 7:30pm ��������������Nothing to Declare 8:00pm �������������������������������Teen Wolf 9:00pm �����������������Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model

11:00pm ���� Armed and Dangerous: Ultimate Forces

10:00pm �������������������� Criminal Minds 11:00pm �����������������������Supernatural

6:00am ������������������������������������� Test Cricket

7:10am �������������������������������������������������� TOTP2

6:00am �����������������������������������������The X Files

6:00am �������������������������Coronation Street

8:00am ����������������������������Spanish Football

8:00am ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

7:00am �����������������������������������������The X Files

8:05am ����������������������������������������Emmerdale

9:30am �����������Tri-Nations International Rugby Union

10:00am ����������������������Last Man Standing

8:00am �����������������������������������������The X Files

11:00am ����������������������Coronation Street

11:00am � Full Circle with Michael Palin

1:30pm ������������������������� 71 Degrees North

10:30am �������������������������Live Test Cricket

9:00am �����������������������������������������The X Files

12:00pm ������������������������������������������ Top Gear

10:00am ���������� Inside the Actors Studio

2:30pm ������������������The Planet’s Funniest

2:00pm ������������������������������Gears and Tears

11:00am ���������Inside the Actors Studio


7:00pm �����������������������������������������Polo

2:40pm ����������������������� Would I Lie to You?

3:00pm ������������������������Holiday Showdown

8:00pm ���������������������������Test Cricket

12:00pm ���������Inside the Actors Studio

3:25pm ������������������������������������������������������������ QI

1:00pm ������������Inside the Actors Studio

4:00pm ���������Live Celebrity Who Wants

4:00pm ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

2:00pm �������������������������������������������Fish Town

to Be a Millionaire?:

8:00pm ��������������Don’t Tell the Bride 9:00pm ���������������� Young, Dumb and

3:00pm ������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

Soap Stars Special

6:00pm �����������������������Full Circle with

4:00pm ������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

5:15pm ������������������������������������The X Factor

Michael Palin

5:00pm ������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

7:00pm ���������������Would I Lie to You?

Living Off Mum 10:00pm ��������������������������� Family Guy 10:20pm ��������������������������� Family Guy 10:45pm �������������������� American Dad! 11:05pm �������������������� American Dad! 11:30pm ����������������������������������Wilfred

au g u st

6:00am �������������������������� Aerobics Oz Style

7:00pm �������������������������������������Cricket 9:00pm ������������������ Sex and the City:

Television Guide

10:00pm ����������������WWE: Late Night

11:50pm ����������������������������������Wilfred

- Afterburn 11:00pm ��WWE Vintage Collection

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

6:30pm �������������������� The Xtra Factor

7:45pm �����������������������������������������������QI

6:00pm ��������������� Star Trek: Voyager

8:20pm ���������������� I’m Alan Partridge

7:00pm ��������������� Star Trek: Voyager

7:30pm ��������� The Planet’s Funniest Animals

9:00pm ����������������������� Not Going Out

8:00pm �����Inside the Actors Studio

8:00pm ���������������� The Biggest Loser

9:40pm ����������������������� Not Going Out

9:00pm ����������������Boardwalk Empire

9:00pm ��������������������������Peter Andre:

10:20pm ��������������������� Not Going Out

10:20pm ������ Curb Your Enthusiasm

Here 2 Help

11:00pm ��������������������� Not Going Out

11:00pm ������ Curb Your Enthusiasm

10:00pm ���������������������������� Inside Man

11:40pm ��������������������� Not Going Out

11:40pm ��������������������������The Borgias

Page 27

Television Guide

Joe “in my opinion” Ferguson

M o n day

Weekly Updates


The ‘wrongs’ of Human Rights

6:00am �����������������������������Breakfast

6:00am ����������� Little Red Tractor

6:00am ������������������������������Daybreak

9:15am ���������������������� Heir Hunters

6:10am ���������������������������������� Dipdap

8:30am �������������������������������� Lorraine

10:00am ����BBC News; Weather

6:15am ���������������Pinky Dinky Doo

9:25am ���������������������������The Jerem

10:00am ����������������� Homes Under

6:30am ������������������ Garth and Bev

Kyle Show

the Hammer

6:45am ���������������������������Octonauts

10:30am �������������������This Morning 12:30pm ��������������� Let’s Do Lunch

11:00am ���������� Wreck or Ready?

7:00am ���������������������������������������Leon

11:30am ����BBC News; Weather

7:00am ����������������������������������������Roar

with Gino & Mel

11:30am �����������Cash in the Attic

7:30am ������������� The Jungle Book

1:30pm ������������������������������ ITV News

12:15pm �������������������Bargain Hunt

7:40am ��������������������������Deadly Art

and Weather

1:00pm �������BBC News; Weather

7:55am �������������������������Newsround

1:55pm ���������������������London News

1:30pm �������������������Regional News

8:00am ����������������������Dani’s House

and Weather

and Weather

8:25am ����������������������������LazyTown

2:00pm ������60 Minute Makeover

1:45pm Doctors

3:00pm ������Dickinson’s Real Deal

2:15pm Escape to the Country

8:50am ���������������Bob the Builder: Project Build It

3:00pm ������BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:00am ��������The Koala Brothers 9:15am �������������������� Chuggington:

4:00pm ��������� Midsomer Murders

3:05pm ������������������� Sorry, I’ve Got

Badge Quest

3:59pm ��������������London Weather 5:00pm ��������������������������� The Chase

No Head

9:15am ����������������������� Driver Dan’s

3:30pm ��The Sparticle Mystery

Story Train

4:00pm ������� Dick & Dom Go Wild

9:30am �Raa Raa the Noisy Lion

6:30pm ������������� ITV News and Weather

4:30pm ����������� Diddy Dick & Dom

9:45am ������������������������������ Kerwhizz

7:00pm ����������������� Emmerdale

4:30pm �������������Horrible Histories

10:05am ��������������������������� Gigglebiz

5:00pm ������������������������� Newsround

10:20am ��������������������������� Zingzillas

5:15pm �������������������������������Pointless

10:45am �������������������������Waybuloo

6:00pm ���������London Tonight

11:05am ����In the Night Garden

NOW that the “England Riots” seemed to have calmed down and more and more arrests are being made, it’s time to look at all this with an honest pair of eyes.

We can go through all the politics of this and ask questions like, “Why did it take three days of violence before the Prime Minister decided to cut short his holiday”? Or, “Why did it take the same three days for Ed Milliband to speak out and then show his pathetic concern in the streets, knowing full well it was an ideal situation for Labour to get brownie points”? Those questions will never be answered honestly because, as far as I’m concerned, all politicians are nothing but liars! So what do we do? It’s all very easy. This week, two idiots were sentenced to four years for inciting violence via Facebook. At the peak of the riots, these two went on the social media site and asked for people to meet them in Cheshire to start trouble. Thankfully, nobody took them up on the offer and they were reported to the police.

Page 28

They were dealt with brilliantly, in my opinion, and should have been given more time. Just last week, we all watched in shock as teenagers who were never brave enough to show their face looted everything in sight. People were murdered and everyone was shouting for the full force of the law. When we find out that the two who went on Facebook got four years, what happens? Cries of, “It’s too harsh” are being voiced all over the place. And the loudest voices over the sentence always have to be those of the loons from Human Rights. These people sicken every right-thinking person. They do deal with real issues, granted, but all crooks, and others who took part in the violence and looting, are criminals, Yet they are being treated with respect and, all too often, are receiving a get-outof-jail card because of their so called Human Rights. It makes me sick to the stomach when I see them get off scot-free, or receive a reduced sentence, all because a judge is too scared of the loophole that is used. It does not matter what the crime is - murder, rape, etc. - the Human Rights brigade can think of a way around everything!

If you were walking down the street and a stranger sneezed anywhere near you, did you know that you could sue that person for violating your human rights? It’s being done in Chicago as we speak: an on-going case for over two years now which has cost over five million dollars, all because someone sneezed. And the law of Human Rights means he could win the case! This needs to be stopped now, along with a 4.30pm curfew for anyone under the age of 18 without a job, who should not be allowed out until 9am the next day. Anyone covering his/her face for whatever reason should be stopped and questioned by the police. No more using religion as an excuse. Any under-18 youth wearing a new pair of trainers and holding a smart phone should have them confiscated straight away. And anyone who uses the Human Rights card should be banged up for an extra couple of years. Harsh? Not in the slightest. We live in the real world, and it’s time to get real with stupid people and stupid laws!

6:00pm �������������������� BBC News

11:35am ����������������� A Double Life

6:30pm ���������������������� Weather

1:15pm ������������Diagnosis Murder

6:30pm �����BBC London News

2:00pm ���� Wanted Down Under

7:00pm ����������� The One Show

3:00pm ��������������������� Weakest Link

7:30pm ������������������� BBC News;

3:45pm ������������� The Hairy Bikers’

Regional News

Food Tour of Britain

7:30pm �������������������Bang Goes

4:30pm ��������������������������Flog It! Ten

the Theory

of the Best

8:00pm ����������������� EastEnders

5:15pm �������������� Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm ��������������������Eggheads 6:30pm � Celebrity Eggheads 7:00pm ������������� Wonderstuff

8:30pm ���������������� Fake Britain

7:30pm �Victorian Pharmacy

9:00pm ������������������ New Tricks

8:00pm University Challenge

10:00pm ������������������ BBC News

8:30pm �������Antiques Master

10:25pm ��������� Regional News

9:00pm ������������������������Horizon

and Weather

10:00pm �������� Shooting Stars

10:35pm ����������������A Question

10:30pm ��������������������Weather

of Sport

10:30pm ����������������Newsnight

11:05pm ����������� The Celebrity Apprentice USA

11:20pm ��������������Torchwood:

11:50pm ����������� The Celebrity Apprentice USA

Miracle Day

7:30pm ���� Coronation Street

8:00pm Countrywise Kitchen 8:30pm ���� Coronation Street 9:00pm ����������������������Show Me the Funny 10:00pm �������ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:35pm ������������������The Thing


19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

5:50am The Hoobs 6:15am Freshly Squeezed 6:45am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:10am According to Jim 7:35am Frasier 8:00am Frasier 8:25am Friends 9:00am 90210 9:55am Being N-Dubz in America and Beyond 10:25am Being N-Dubz in America and Beyond 11:00am Friends 11:30am Friends 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 1:05pm Kiss Them for Me 3:05pm Channel 4 Presents - Joe Bestwick 2012 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Celebrity Come Dine with Me

2 2 n d 6:00am Children’s TV 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:20am Peppa Pig 8:25am Roary the Racing Car 8:35am Bananas in Pyjamas 8:50am Olivia 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am The Wright Stuff 11:10am The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm Celebrity Big Brother 1:15pm Meerkat Manor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:10pm The Family Recipe 3:15pm Love Comes Softly 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm 5 News at 5 5:30pm Neighbours

Television Guide

Au g u st

6:00am ������Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ������������������������������������ Football Icon

6:00am ���������������������������������������������Charmed

7:00am ������Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ��������������Don’t Forget the Lyrics

7:00am ���������������������������������Jerry Springer

8:00am ������Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ���������������������������� Best of Oops TV

8:00am ���������������������������������������������������Maury

9:00am ������������������������������Football Special

9:00am �������������������������������������������Bondi Vet

9:00am ��������America’s Next Top Model

10:30am �������������������������Live Test Cricket

10:00am �����������������������������Modern Family

10:00am �������������������� Nothing to Declare

10:30am ����������������������������������Raising Hope

11:00am ������������������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:00pm ���Soccer AM: The Best Bits

11:00am �����������������������������������Customs UK 12:00pm ����������������������Stargate Universe 2:00pm ����������������������������UK Border Force 3:00pm ���������������������������������������������������Airline 4:00pm ��������������������������������Modern Family 4:30pm ���������������������������������������� The Middle 5:00pm �������������������������������������Raising Hope

6:00pm ������������������������ The Simpsons

6:00pm ��������������������� Meerkat Manor

6:30pm �������������������������������� Hollyoaks

6:25pm ��������������������������������������OK! TV

7:00pm �������������������� Channel 4 News

6:55pm ���������������������������� 5 News at 7

7:55pm ���������������������������

7:00pm �������������������������������������Cricket

6:30pm ������������������������The Simpsons

8:00pm �������������� The Pet Detectives

8:00pm ���������������������������� 5 News at 9

7:00pm ������������������������The Simpsons

9:00pm ���������� Jamie Cooks Summer

8:00pm ����������������������Ultimate Police Interceptors

8:00pm �������������������������Safebreakers

10:00pm ���������������Snakes on a Plane

7:00pm ��������������������������Live Monday Night Football

5:30pm �������������������������������������������Futurama 6:00pm ����������������������������� The Middle

7:30pm ������������������������The Simpsons

9:00pm �������������������The Truth About

9:00pm ������������������������������Cop Squad

Cheryl Cole

10:00pm ������������������Spartacus: Gods

12:00pm ������������������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare 1:30pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare 2:00pm ���������������������������������Criminal Minds 3:00pm ���������������������������������Criminal Minds 4:00pm ��������America’s Next Top Model 5:00pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare 5:30pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare 6:00pm ������������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 7:00pm �����������������������Criminal Minds 8:00pm ����������������Four Weddings US 9:00pm �����������������Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model

10:00pm �������� Celebrity Big Brother

10:30pm ��������������������������Netbusters

11:00pm ������Celebrity Big Brother’s

11:00pm ����������������������SPL Round-Up

Bit on the Side

11:30pm �Soccer AM: The Best Bits

7:00pm ���������������������������Doctor Who

6:00am ���������������������������Aerobics Oz Style

7:15am ��������������������Robot Wars Extreme

6:00am �����������������������������������������The X Files

6:00am ������������������������ Coronation Street

7:50pm �� Doctor Who Confidential

6:30am ����������������������FIFA Futbol Mundial

8:00am �������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

7:00am ������������������������Star Trek: Voyager

6:50am ��������������������������������������� Emmerdale

8:00pm ������������ Snog, Marry, Avoid?

7:00am ���������������������������������������Test Cricket

8:30am �����������������������������he Gadget Show

8:00am �������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ������������������������ Holiday Showdown

8:30pm ����Underage and Pregnant

9:00am �����������������������������������Super League

9:00am ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

9:00am ���������������������������������������������������������� ER

8:15am ���������������������������������������Judge Judy

10:30am ���������������������������������������������������� Polo

10:00am �������������Bang Goes the Theory

10:00am ������������������������� thirtysomething

11:30am ����Champions League Weekly

10:30am �����������������������The Gadget Show

11:00am ��������������������������������������The X Files

9:25am ������������ The Real Housewives of Orange County

12:00pm ����������������������������Football Special

11:00am ����������������Robot Wars Extreme

12:00pm ���������������������Star Trek: Voyager

1:30pm ������������������������������������������������������� Polo

12:00pm ������������������������������������������ Top Gear

1:00pm �������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

2:30pm ����������������������������� Spanish Football

2:00pm ����������������Bang Goes the Theory

2:00pm ���������������������������������������������������������� ER

4:00pm �������Champions League Weekly

2:40pm ������������������������������������Dragons’ Den

3:00pm �����������������������������������������The X Files

4:30pm ������������Tri-Nations International Rugby Union

4:00pm ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00pm �������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

5:30pm �����������������������������������������Wild Spirits

6:00pm ������������������������� Dragons’ Den

9:00pm ����������������������� Cherry’s Body Dilemmas 10:00pm ��������������������������EastEnders 10:30pm ���������� Three @ The Fringe 11:00pm ���������������������������Family Guy 11:20pm ���������������������������Family Guy 11:45pm ��������������������� Cherry’s Body Dilemmas

of the Arena 11:15pm ����������������������������������Trollied 11:45pm ����������������������� Wall of Fame

5:00pm ������������������������Star Trek: Voyager 7:20pm �����������������������������������������������QI

6:00pm ���������������������������������������������ER

6:00pm �British Rally Championship

8:00pm ����������������������������������Top Gear

7:00pm ���� Inside the Actors Studio

7:00pm �����������������������������Netbusters

9:00pm �����������������������������������������QI XL

9:00pm �������������������������������� Carnivale

7:30pm �������������������Live Elite League Speedway

10:00pm ����������������� Russell Howard’s

10:00pm ���Flight of the Conchords

Good News

10:35pm ����������������������������Entourage

11:00pm ���������������������������������������������QI

11:10pm ������������������������Nurse Jackie

11:40pm ���������������������������������������QI XL

11:45pm �������������������� Six Feet Under

9:30pm ����������������������������� Extra Time 10:00pm �������������������������� Boots ‘n’ All 11:00pm ��������������������������Test Cricket

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

10:00pm ���������Katie Price: Standing Up for Harvey 11:00pm ���������������������Criminal Minds

10:30am ������������������������������������Judge Judy 12:00pm ��������������������� Coronation Street 1:00pm ��������������������������������������� Emmerdale 1:30pm ���������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ������������ The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ����������������������� Holiday Showdown 5:35pm ���������������������������������������Judge Judy 6:00pm ������������������������ Born to Shine 7:30pm Peter Andre: The Hot Desk 7:45pm ������������������������� The X Factor 9:00pm ���������������� Hell’s Kitchen USA 10:00pm ��������������������Celebrity Juice 10:45pm �������� Bridget Jones’s Diary

Page 29

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

Harry's Arctic Heroes

(Ep 1/2)

Tuesday 23 August - 9.00-10.00pm BBC ONE Harry's Arctic Heroes charts the extraordinary attempt by four severely injured Afghan veterans to complete the first unsupported trek by wounded soldiers to the North Pole. Prince Harry joins them for the first leg of their journey. Filmed over a year, their intense training culminates in the expedition, for which the Arctic provides a stunning backdrop to their longer journeys towards physical and psy-

chological recovery. The soldiers – Captain Martin Hewitt (29), Captain Guy Disney (28), Sergeant Steve Young (28) and Private Jaco Van Gass (26) – undertake gruelling training in the UK and Norway. When Prince Harry joins them in Svalbard he comments: "What these boys are doing is truly fantastic, to learn more about them, to hear their stories is very, very special. You don't get to meet people like this very often." The soldiers are determined to succeed, as Capt Guy Disney explains: "I'm missing an ankle and calf and for me it's not holding me back and it won't hold me back."

According to Private Jaco Van Gass, who lost an arm, the trek to the North Pole is to inspire others: "We're doing this for other injured servicemen and women, to show them that something like this is possible." And Prince Harry adds: "Myself and my brother, and a huge majority of the British public, support these guys in everything they do and always will do, hopefully. After doing a very small stint in Afghanistan I like to think that I've got a rough idea of what goes on out there and how they feel." The series is narrated by John Hurt.

T u e sday 6:00am ���������������������������� Breakfast

6:00am ����������� Little Red Tractor

6:00am ����������������������������� Daybreak

9:15am ����������������������Heir Hunters

6:10am ���������������������������������� Dipdap

8:30am ��������������������������������Lorraine

10:00am ����BBC News; Weather

6:15am ���������������Pinky Dinky Doo

9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00am �����������������Homes Under

6:30am ������������������ Garth and Bev

10:30am ������������������ This Morning

the Hammer

6:45am ���������������������������Octonauts

12:30pm ���������������Let’s Do Lunch

11:00am ����������Wreck or Ready?

7:00am ���������������������������������������Leon

with Gino & Mel

11:30am ����BBC News; Weather

7:00am ����������������������������������������Roar

1:30pm ITV News and Weather

11:30am ���������� Cash in the Attic

7:30am ������������� The Jungle Book

1:55pm �������������������� London News

12:15pm ������������������Bargain Hunt

7:40am ��������������������������Deadly Art

and Weather

1:00pm �������BBC News; Weather

7:55am �������������������������Newsround

2:00pm �����60 Minute Makeover

1:30pm ������������������ Regional News

8:00am ����������������������Dani’s House

3:00pm ����� Dickinson’s Real Deal

and Weather

8:25am ����������������������������LazyTown

3:59pm �������������London Weather

1:45pm ��������������������������������Doctors

4:00pm �������� Midsomer Murders

2:15pm Escape to the Country

8:50am ���������������Bob the Builder: Project Build It

3:00pm ����� BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:00am ��������The Koala Brothers 9:15am �������������������� Chuggington:

3:05pm �������������������Sorry, I’ve Got

Badge Quest

No Head

9:15am ����������������������� Driver Dan’s

6:30pm �������������ITV News and Weather

3:35pm ����� Bear Behaving Badly

Story Train

7:00pm ���������������� Emmerdale

4:00pm �����������������Gimme a Break

9:30am ������������������������Raa Raa the

7:30pm ����������� Wildlife Patrol

4:30pm ����������������Deadly 60 Bites

Noisy Lion

4:30pm ������������������������� Cop School

9:45am ������������������������������ Kerwhizz

5:00pm �������������������������Newsround

10:05am ��������������������������� Gigglebiz

5:15pm ������������������������������Pointless

10:20am ��������������������������� Zingzillas

6:00pm �������� London Tonight

10:45am �������������������������Waybuloo 6:00pm ��������������������BBC News

11:05am ���� In the Night Garden

6:30pm ����������������������Weather

11:35am ����������������������������������Coast

6:30pm �����BBC London News

11:40am ������To Be or Not to Be

7:00pm ����������� The One Show

1:15pm ������������Diagnosis Murder

7:30pm �������������������BBC News;

2:00pm ���� Wanted Down Under

Regional News

3:00pm ��������������������� Weakest Link

7:30pm �����������������EastEnders

3:45pm �The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain

8:00pm �������������������Holby City 9:00pm ������������ Harry’s Arctic Heroes

4:30pm ��������������������������Flog It! Ten

10:00pm ������������������BBC News

5:15pm �������������� Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

10:25pm �����National Lottery Update 10:25pm �Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ������������I’m Pregnant

8:00pm �� Cops with Cameras

of the Best 9:00pm �����������������Unforgiven

6:00pm ��������������������Eggheads 6:30pm � Eggheads Celebrity Special

with Their Baby

7:00pm ������������� Dragons’ Den

11:30pm �����������Weatherview

8:00pm ������ The Great British Bake Off

11:30pm ������ Tulisa - My Mum and Me

9:00pm ���������������������The Hour 10:00pm ��������Twenty Twelve 10:30pm ��������������������Weather 10:30pm ����������������Newsnight 11:20pm ����������� India on Four Wheels

Page 30

5:00pm ���������������������������The Chase

10:00pm ������ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm �����������London News and Weather 10:35pm �����������The Grudge 2

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

5:55am Children’s TV 6:45am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:10am According to Jim 7:30am Frasier 8:30am Friends 9:00am 90210 9:50am Being N-Dubz in America and Beyond 10:25am The Big Bang Theory 11:00am Friends 11:30am Friends 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 1:05pm Channel 4 Presents - Hannah Cockroft 2012 1:10pm Rat Race 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30pm �������������������������������� Hollyoaks 7:00pm �������������������� Channel 4 News 7:55pm ��������������������������� 8:00pm ���� The Sex Education Show 9:00pm ����������������������Seven Dwarves

2 3 r d 6:00am Children’s TV 8:10am Milkshake! Monkey 8:12am The Milky and Shake Show 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:20am Peppa Pig 8:25am Roary the Racing Car 8:35am Bananas in Pyjamas 8:50am Olivia 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am The Wright Stuff 11:10am The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm Celebrity Big Brother 1:15pm Meerkat Manor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:15pm The Family Recipe 3:20pm McBride: Requiem 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm 5 News at 5 5:30pm Neighbours

Television Guide

Au g u st

6:00am ������ Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ������������������������������������Football Icon

6:00am �������������������������������������������� Charmed

7:00am ������ Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ��������������Don’t Forget the Lyrics

7:00am ���������������������������������Jerry Springer

9:00am ���������������Monday Night Football

8:00am ����������������������������Best of Oops TV

8:00am �������������������������������������������������� Maury

11:00am ������������������������������������Test Cricket

9:00am �������������������������������������������Bondi Vet

9:00am ������� America’s Next Top Model

1:00pm ����������������������������������������Netbusters

9:30am �������������������������������������������Bondi Vet

10:00am ��������������������Nothing to Declare

1:30pm ����������������������������������SPL Round-Up

10:00am �����������������������������Modern Family

10:30am ��������������������Nothing to Declare

2:00pm ���������������Monday Night Football

10:30am ����������������������Glenn Martin, DDS

4:00pm ����������������������������������������Netbusters

11:00am �����������������������������������Customs UK

11:00am ������������������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

4:30pm ����� Live ECB 40 League Cricket

12:00pm ����������������������Stargate Universe 1:00pm �������������������������Stargate Universe 2:00pm ����������������������������UK Border Force 3:00pm �������������������������������������������������� Airline 3:30pm �������������������������������������������������� Airline

6:00pm ��������������������� Meerkat Manor

4:00pm �������������������������Glenn Martin, DDS

6:25pm ��������������������������������������OK! TV

4:30pm ����������������������������������������The Middle

7:00pm ����������������������������5 News at 7

5:00pm ��������������������������������Modern Family

7:30pm ��������������������� 5 News Update

5:30pm ������������������������������������������ Futurama

7:30pm ������������������������Mexican Food Made Simple

6:00pm �����������������������������The Middle

8:00pm ����������������������������5 News at 9

6:30pm ����������������������� The Simpsons

8:00pm ��� The Great Train Robber’s Secret Tapes: Revealed

7:00pm ����������������������� The Simpsons

9:00pm ������������������������������� CSI: Miami

8:00pm ������������������ Emergency with

10:00pm �������� Celebrity Big Brother

7:30pm ����������������������� The Simpsons

12:00pm ������������������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm �����������������������Nothing to Declare 1:30pm �����������������������Nothing to Declare 2:00pm ���������������������������������Criminal Minds 3:00pm ���������������������������������Criminal Minds 4:00pm ������� America’s Next Top Model 5:00pm �����������������������Nothing to Declare 5:30pm �����������������������Nothing to Declare 6:00pm �������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 7:00pm �����������������������Criminal Minds 8:00pm �����������������Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model 9:00pm ����������������Four Weddings US

10:00pm ���������������Revista De La Liga

Angela Griffin

11:00pm ������������������������Football Asia

9:00pm �������������������������Crimson Tide

11:30pm ������������ Football’s Greatest

11:15pm ����������������������������Cop Squad

11:00pm �����������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:00am ���������������������������Aerobics Oz Style

7:15am ������������������� Robot Wars Extreme

6:00am �����������������������������������������The X Files

6:00am ������������������������ Coronation Street

6:30am ��������������������������� Kings of the Surf

8:00am ������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

7:00am ������������������������Star Trek: Voyager

6:50am ���������������������������������������Emmerdale

7:00am ���������������������������� WWE: Afterburn

8:30am ������������������������� The Gadget Show

8:00am ������������������� Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ������������������������Holiday Showdown

8:00am ����������Soccer AM: The Best Bits

9:00am �������������������������������������������� Top Gear

9:00am �����������������������������������������������������������ER

8:15am ���������������������������������������Judge Judy

9:00am ���������������Elite League Speedway

10:00am ��������������������������� Race Car Driver

10:00am ������������������������� thirtysomething

11:00am ���������������������������� Trilby Tour Golf

11:00am ��������������� Robot Wars Extreme

11:00am ��������������������������������������The X Files

9:25am ������������ The Real Housewives of Orange County

12:00pm �������������������European Tour Golf

12:00pm ����������������������������������������� Top Gear

12:00pm ��������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:30am ������������������������������������Judge Judy

8:00pm �����Cherry’s Body Dilemmas

1:00pm ����������������������������������PGA Tour Golf

2:00pm ����� Michael Palin’s New Europe

1:00pm ������������������� Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00pm ��������������������� Coronation Street

9:00pm �������������Jono: So What If My

2:00pm �����������Wonderful World of Golf

3:00pm �����������������������������������Dragons’ Den

2:00pm �����������������������������������������������������������ER

1:00pm ���������������������������������������Emmerdale

Baby Is Born Like Me?

3:30pm �����������������������������PGA Tour Classic

4:00pm �������������������������������������������� Top Gear

3:00pm �����������������������������������������The X Files

1:30pm ���������������The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:00pm ���������������������������EastEnders

4:30pm ������������������������������� Trilby Tour Golf

4:00pm ������������������� Star Trek: Enterprise

3:40pm ������������ The Real Housewives of Orange County

10:00pm ���������������������������������Random 11:15pm ����Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night

7:00pm ������������������������Total Wipeout

11:00pm ����������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:30pm �������������������������������������Football Asia

6:00pm ����������Dragons’ Den Canada

5:00pm ������������������������Star Trek: Voyager

7:00pm Michael Palin’s New Europe

10:30pm ���������������������������������� Wilfred 10:55pm ����������������������������Family Guy

6:00pm �����������������Revista De La Liga

8:00pm ���������������������������������Top Gear

6:00pm ��������������������������������������������� ER

7:00pm �������������������������������� Live UEFA

9:00pm ����������������������Gavin & Stacey

7:00pm ���� Inside the Actors Studio

Champions League

9:40pm �����������������������Not Going Out

9:00pm �������������Battlestar Galactica

10:00pm �����������������UEFA Champions

10:20pm �����������������Russell Howard’s

10:00pm ������������������������ Nurse Jackie

League Goals

Good News

10:40pm �����������������������In Treatment

10:30pm ������������������������������������� Poker

11:00pm �� Have I Got News for You

11:10pm �����������������������In Treatment

11:40pm ��������������������Gavin & Stacey

11:40pm �����������Battlestar Galactica

11:40pm ���������������������American Dad!

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

10:00pm ���������������������Criminal Minds

4:40pm �����������������������Holiday Showdown 5:40pm ���������������������������������������Judge Judy 7:00pm ��������������������The Xtra Factor 8:00pm ���Peter Andre: Here 2 Help 9:00pm �������������������������Paul O’Grady: Lady Gaga Special 10:00pm �������������������Celebrity Juice: McFly Special 10:45pm ..................Batman Returns

Page 31

Television Guide

W e d n e sday 6:00am ���������������������������� Breakfast

6:00am ����������� Little Red Tractor

6:00am ����������������������������� Daybreak

9:15am ����������������������Heir Hunters

6:10am ���������������������������������� Dipdap

8:30am ��������������������������������Lorraine

10:00am ����BBC News; Weather

6:15am ���������������Pinky Dinky Doo

9:25am ������������������������The Jeremy

10:00am �����������������Homes Under

6:30am ������������������ Garth and Bev

Kyle Show

the Hammer

6:45am ���������������������������Octonauts

10:30am ������������������ This Morning

11:00am ����������Wreck or Ready?

7:00am ���������������������������������������� Leon

12:30pm ���������������Let’s Do Lunch

11:30am ����BBC News; Weather

7:00am ����������������������������������������Roar

with Gino & Mel

11:30am ���������� Cash in the Attic

7:30am ������������� The Jungle Book

1:30pm �������������������� ITV News and

12:15pm ������������������Bargain Hunt

7:40am ��������������������������Deadly Art


1:00pm �������BBC News; Weather

7:55am �������������������������Newsround

1:30pm ������������������ Regional News

8:00am ����������������������Dani’s House

1:55pm �����������London News and Weather

and Weather

8:25am ����������������������������LazyTown

2:00pm �����60 Minute Makeover

1:45pm ��������������������������������Doctors

8:50am ���������������Bob the Builder: Project Build It

3:00pm ����� Dickinson’s Real Deal

2:15pm Escape to the Country 3:00pm ����� BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:00am ��������The Koala Brothers

4:00pm �������� Midsomer Murders

9:15am �������������������� Chuggington:

5:00pm ���������������������������The Chase

3:05pm �������������������Sorry, I’ve Got

Badge Quest

3:59pm �������������London Weather

No Head

9:15am ����������������������� Driver Dan’s

6:00pm �������� London Tonight

3:35pm ����� Bear Behaving Badly

Story Train

6:30pm �������������ITV News and

4:00pm ������������ School of Silence

9:30am �Raa Raa the Noisy Lion


4:25pm ����������������Deadly 60 Bites

9:45am ������������������������������ Kerwhizz

7:00pm ���������������� Emmerdale

4:25pm �����������Serious Explorers: Livingstone

10:05am ��������������������������� Gigglebiz

5:00pm �������������������������Newsround

10:45am �������������������������Waybuloo

5:15pm ������������������������������Pointless 6:00pm ��������������������BBC News 6:30pm ����������������������Weather 6:30pm �����BBC London News 7:00pm ����������� The One Show 7:30pm �������������������BBC News: Regional News

10:20am ��������������������������� Zingzillas 11:05am ����In the Night Garden 11:35am ��� His Majesty O’Keefe 1:05pm ����������������������������������Lifeline 1:15pm ������������Diagnosis Murder 2:00pm ���� Wanted Down Under 3:00pm ��������������������� Weakest Link 3:45pm �The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain

7:30pm ���National Treasures Live

4:30pm ��������������������������Flog It! Ten

8:00pm ������������������Village SOS

5:15pm �������������� Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

9:00pm ��������������� Who Do You

7:30pm ��������������������Live UEFA Champions League

of the Best

Think You Are?

Page 32

10:00pm ������������������BBC News

6:00pm ��������������������Eggheads

10:25pm ���������Regional News

6:30pm ��������������������Eggheads

and Weather

Celebrity Special

10:35pm ������������ The National Lottery

7:00pm ��������������������������� Coast

10:00pm ������ ITV News at Ten and Weather

8:00pm �����������Natural World: Komodo - Secrets

10:30pm �����������London News

Wednesday Night Draws

of the Dragon

10:45pm �����National Lottery Update

9:00pm ����Seven Wonders of the Buddhist World

10:35pm �����UEFA Champions League: Extra Time

10:45pm ���Live at the Apollo

10:15pm ������������������������� Coast

11:30pm �����������Weatherview

10:30pm ��������������������Weather

11:30pm �������������� The League

10:30pm ����������������Newsnight

Cup Show

11:20pm ����Fake or Fortune?

and Weather

11:35pm �����Homes from Hell

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

5:55am The Hoobs 6:20am Freshly Squeezed 6:45am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:10am According to Jim 7:30am Frasier 7:55am Frasier 8:20am Friends 8:55am 90210 9:50am Being N-Dubz in America and Beyond 10:25am The Big Bang Theory 10:55am Friends 11:25am Friends 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 1:05pm The Man in the Iron Mask 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30pm �������������������������������� Hollyoaks 7:00pm �������������������� Channel 4 News 7:55pm ��������������������������� 8:00pm �����������������Jo Frost: Extreme Parental Guidance 9:00pm ����������������������Wallis Simpson: The Secret Letters 10:00pm ������������������8 Out of 10 Cats Uncut 10:50pm ���������The Big Bang Theory

24 t h 6:00am Children’s TV 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 7:55am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:10am Milkshake! Monkey 8:12am The Milky and Shake Show 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:20am Peppa Pig 8:25am Roary the Racing Car 8:35am Bananas in Pyjamas 8:50am Olivia 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am The Wright Stuff 11:10am The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm Celebrity Big Brother 1:15pm Meerkat Manor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:15pm Be My Baby 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm 5 News at 5 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm ��������������������� Meerkat Manor 6:25pm ��������������������������������������OK! TV 7:00pm ���������������������������� 5 News at 7 7:30pm ����������������������5 News Update

11:50pm �����������������������������The Killing

6:00am ������������������������������������Football Icon

6:00am ���������������������������������������������Charmed

9:00am ��������������������������� UEFA Champions

7:00am ������������� Don’t Forget the Lyrics

7:00am ���������������������������������Jerry Springer

League Goals

8:00am ����������������������������Best of Oops TV

7:30am ���������������������������������Jerry Springer

9:30am ������������������������� Revista De La Liga

9:00am �������������������������������������������Bondi Vet

8:00am ���������������������������������������������������Maury

10:30am ����������� PGA EuroPro Tour Golf

10:00am �����������������������������Modern Family

9:00am ��������America’s Next Top Model

12:30pm ���������������������� Revista De La Liga

10:30am ��������������������� Glenn Martin, DDS

10:00am �������������������� Nothing to Declare

1:30pm ������������������������������������ Football Asia

11:00am ���������������������������������� Customs UK

10:30am �������������������� Nothing to Declare

2:00pm �������������� PGA EuroPro Tour Golf

12:00pm ����������������������Stargate Universe

4:00pm �������������������������� NFL: Total Access

1:00pm �������������������������Stargate Universe

11:00am ������������������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:00pm �������������������������������������� Total Rugby

2:00pm ��������������������������� UK Border Force

5:30pm ��������������������������� UEFA Champions

3:00pm ��������������������������������������������������Airline

League Goals

4:00pm ������������������������ Glenn Martin, DDS 4:30pm ����������������������������������������The Middle

6:00pm ����������������������������Boots ‘n’ All

5:00pm ��������������������������������Modern Family

7:00pm ������������������ Sky Sports News

5:30pm ������������������������������������������Futurama

at Seven 7:30pm ��� Live Carling Cup Football

7:00pm ����������������������� The Simpsons 7:30pm ����������������������� The Simpsons

8:00pm ���������������� Emergency Bikers

8:00pm ������������������ The Glee Project

9:00pm ������������������Losing One of My

9:00pm ��������������������Mount Pleasant

Giant Legs: 10:00pm �������� Celebrity Big Brother 11:00pm ���������������The Beat Goes On

6:00pm �����������������������������The Middle 6:30pm ����������������������� The Simpsons

7:30pm �������������������������������Garden ER

Extraordinary People

Au g u st

6:00am ������ Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00pm ���������������������������� 5 News at 9

11:20pm ���������The Big Bang Theory

Television Guide

10:00pm ������������������ Victoria Wood’s 10:00pm ��������������������������Boots ‘n’ All

Angina Monologues

11:00pm �����������FIFA Futbol Mundial

11:00pm ������������������������� Strike Back:

11:30pm ������������ Football’s Greatest

Project Dawn

12:00pm ������������������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare 1:30pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare 2:00pm ���������������������������������Criminal Minds 3:00pm ���������������������������������Criminal Minds 4:00pm ��������America’s Next Top Model 5:00pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare 5:30pm ����������������������� Nothing to Declare 6:00pm ������������������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 7:00pm �����������������������Criminal Minds 8:00pm ��������������������������������� Chick Fix 9:00pm ��������������������������������������� Nikita 10:00pm ����������������������� Supernatural 11:00pm ���������������������Criminal Minds

7:00pm ������������� Don’t Tell the Bride

6:30am �������������������������� Kings of the Surf

7:15am ��������������������Robot Wars Extreme

6:00am ���������������������������������������� The X Files

6:00am ���������������������������������������Emmerdale

8:00pm ����������������Young, Dumb and

7:00am ����������� WWE Vintage Collection

8:00am �������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

7:00am ������������������������Star Trek: Voyager

6:25am �����������������������������������������Nanny 911

Living Off Mum

8:00am ������������������Challenge Series Golf

8:30am ��������������������������The Gadget Show

8:00am �������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

7:15am ������������������������Holiday Showdown

8:30am ���������������������� Cycle Sports World

9:00am ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

9:00am ����������������������������������������������������������ER

8:15am ���������������������������������������Judge Judy

9:00am ������ Ladies European Tour Golf

10:00am ���������������������������������������������������Tribe

10:00am �������������������������thirtysomething

10:00am ������������������������ Sports Unlimited

11:00am ����������������Robot Wars Extreme

11:00am ������������������������������������� The X Files

9:25am ������������The Real Housewives of Orange County

11:00am ������������������������UEFA Champions

12:00pm ������������������������������������������ Top Gear

12:00pm ���������������������Star Trek: Voyager

League Goals

2:00pm ������������������������������������������������������Tribe

1:00pm �������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

11:30am ���������������������������������Football Asia

3:00pm ������������������ Dragons’ Den Canada

2:00pm ����������������������������������������������������������ER

12:00pm ����������������������� Kings of the Surf

4:00pm ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

3:00pm ���������������������������������������� The X Files

12:30pm ������������������� Cycle Sports World

5:00pm ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00pm �������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

9:00pm ����������������Good Will Hunting

11:00pm ���������������������������Family Guy 11:45pm ��������������������American Dad!

1:00pm ����������������������International Bowls

5:00pm ������������������������Star Trek: Voyager

3:00pm �������������������������Revista De La Liga

6:00pm �����������������������������������������Tribe

4:00pm ������ Ladies European Tour Golf

7:00pm ����������� Dragons’ Den Ireland

6:00pm ���������������������������������������������ER

4:55pm Live UEFA Champions League

8:00pm ����������������������������������Top Gear

7:00pm ����Inside the Actors Studio

9:00pm ���������������������� Gavin & Stacey

8:00pm ����Inside the Actors Studio

10:00pm ����������������UEFA Champions

9:40pm ����������������������� Not Going Out

9:00pm ����������������������� The Sopranos

League Goals

10:20pm �������������������� Shooting Stars

10:15pm ������������������������� The Borgias

10:30pm ������� You’re on Sky Sports!

11:00pm ��������������������������Argumental

11:25pm ��������������������������������Big Love

11:30pm ����������� Watersports World

11:40pm �������������������� Gavin & Stacey

Canarian Weekly Choice As the award-winning spy drama Spooks enters its tenth series, producers Kudos Film & Television reveal that after a decade on screen, the show will bow out at the end of its next run on BBC One this autumn. Hailed as a benchmark for British drama, and consistently averaging an audience of over six million, Spooks has

been a firm favourite with BBC One viewers since 2002. The ground-breaking series has remained topical and timely, often staying one step ahead of the news agenda and exploring some of the major security stories of the day. It has been famous for killing off its much-loved characters in their prime, and now the series itself is going to be killed off at the top of its game. Jane Featherstone, Chief Executive, Kudos Film & Television, and the show's executive producer, said: "We have always wanted to end Spooks on a high, but never knew when that time

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

would be. Harry Pearce, played by the wonderful Peter Firth, has always been at the heart of the show and this series focuses on Harry's past, bringing his tumultuous relationship with Ruth to a head. As we near completion of this year's show, I'm sorry to say but it feels this series is a fitting end to a much-loved show. It's very tempting to keep going, and we have had ongoing conversations with our partners at the BBC about it, but the heart of the show has become those two characters and I feel they own it. We've followed the arc of their personal story and I think they've brought us to a natural end, which you will all see

10:30am ������������������������������������Judge Judy 12:00pm ������������������������������������Emmerdale 12:30pm ��������������������������������������Nanny 911 1:30pm ���������������The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40pm ������������������ The Real Housewives of New York City 4:40pm �����������������������Holiday Showdown 5:40pm ���������������������������������������Judge Judy 7:00pm ���� All Star Family Fortunes 8:00pm �������������������������� Take Me Out 9:00pm �������������������������������Benidorm 10:00pm ������������ Celebrity Juice: Up the Duff Special 10:45pm �����������������Batman Forever

played out later this year. "It's hard to believe that as Spooks enters its tenth series, the world prepares to face the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 atrocities. It feels like now is the time for Spooks to bow out and make way for new spy dramas which reflect the changing world around us. I must add my huge thanks to the truly exceptional writers, actors, producers and crew who have made the show what it has been for the past ten years, and above all my thanks go to all the fans who have supported us over the years. I really hope they love this final surprisepacked outing."

Page 33

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

The new series of Doctor Who Coming soon

"The wait is almost over. The second part of the thrilling new series of Doctor Who begins on 27 August 2011. The rules have changed, and the game is deadlier than ever. Out in the universe, where the earthly rules of time and space do not apply, Amy and Rory know only too well that their baby daughter needs them. For Melody Pond is destined to become River Song, mysterious archaeologist and convicted murderer – the woman who killed the best man she ever knew... "The Doctor leads Amy and Rory across centuries and galaxies in a desperate search for baby Melody, but a terrible and inescapable date looms large. At 5.02pm on 22nd April 2011, the Doctor will die. These are his last days, and the quest for Melody his final mission. "The search will result in a crash landing in Thirties Berlin and will bring them face to face with the greatest war criminal of all time. And

Hitler. Old friendships will be tested to their limits as the Doctor suffers the ultimate betrayal and learns a harsh lesson in the cruellest warfare of all. "A distress call from a terrified little boy will break through all barriers of time and space and lead the Doctor to visit the scariest place in the Universe. George's bedroom. George is terrorised by every fear you can possibly imagine. Fears that live in his bedroom cupboard. His parents are desperate – George needs a doctor. But allaying George's fears won't be easy. Because the monsters in George's cupboard are real. "An unscheduled visit to a quarantine facility for victims of an alien plague – a plague that will kill the Doctor in a day – leaves Amy trapped. Alone, Rory must find Amy and bring her back

to the TARDIS before the faceless doctors kill her with kindness. But Rory is about to encounter a very different side to his wife. "In an impossible hotel, the Doctor, Amy and Rory find themselves checkedin but unable to check out. Walls move, corridors twist, rooms vanish and death lies in wait for every visitor. But the Doctor's time has yet to come. He has one last stop to make on his final journey. His old friend, Craig Owens, desperately needs his help – a new and unfamiliar presence is wreaking havoc in Colchester. And then come the Cybermen. But time catches up with us all and the Doctor can delay no more. "By the shores of Lake Silencio, in Utah, all of time and space hang in the balance. And a NASA astronaut is waiting..."

T h u r sday 6:00am ���������������������������� Breakfast

6:10am ���������������������������������� Dipdap

6:00am ����������������������������� Daybreak

9:15am ����������������������Heir Hunters

6:15am ���������������Pinky Dinky Doo

8:30am ��������������������������������Lorraine

10:00am ������������������������BBC News;

6:30am ������������������ Garth and Bev

9:25am ������������������������The Jeremy


6:45am ���������������������������Octonauts

Kyle Show

10:00am �����������������Homes Under

7:00am ���������������������������������������Leon

10:30am ������������������ This Morning

the Hammer

7:00am ����������������������������������������Roar

12:30pm ���������������Let’s Do Lunch

11:00am ����������Wreck or Ready?

7:30am ������������� The Jungle Book

with Gino & Mel

11:30am ������������������������BBC News;

7:40am ��������������������������Deadly Art

1:30pm ������������������������������ITV News


7:55am �������������������������Newsround

and Weather

11:30am ���������� Cash in the Attic

8:00am ����������������������Dani’s House

1:55pm �������������������� London News

12:15pm ������������������Bargain Hunt

8:25am ����������������������������LazyTown

and Weather

1:00pm ���������������������������BBC News;

2:00pm �����60 Minute Makeover


8:50am ���������������Bob the Builder: Project Build It

1:30pm ������������������ Regional News

9:00am ��������The Koala Brothers 9:15am �������������������� Chuggington:

3:59pm �������������London Weather

and Weather 1:45pm ��������������������������������Doctors

Badge Quest

2:15pm ������������������� Escape to the

9:15am ����������������������� Driver Dan’s

3:00pm ����� Dickinson’s Real Deal 4:00pm �������� Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ���������������������������The Chase


Story Train

3:00pm ���������������������������BBC News;

9:30am ������������������������Raa Raa the


Noisy Lion

6:30pm ������������� ITV News and Weather

Regional News

9:45am ������������������������������ Kerwhizz

7:00pm ���������������� Emmerdale

3:05pm �������������������Sorry, I’ve Got

10:05am ��������������������������� Gigglebiz

7:30pm ��� University or Bust: Tonight

No Head

10:20am ��������������������������� Zingzillas

3:35pm ����� Bear Behaving Badly

10:45am �������������������������Waybuloo

4:00pm �����������������Gimme a Break

11:05am ����In the Night Garden

4:30pm ����������������Deadly 60 Bites

11:35am ����������������������������������Coast

4:30pm ������ Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab

11:40am ��������������Lucky Partners 1:15pm ������������Diagnosis Murder

5:00pm �������������������������Newsround

2:00pm �������������������Wanted Down

5:15pm ������������������������������Pointless

Under Revisited 3:00pm ��������������������� Weakest Link

6:00pm ��������������������BBC News

6:00pm �������� London Tonight

8:00pm ���������������� Emmerdale

6:30pm ����������������������Weather

3:45pm �The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain

6:30pm �����BBC London News

4:30pm ��������������������������Flog It! Ten

9:00pm ��������������������� Show Me

7:00pm ����������� The One Show

of the Best

the Funny

7:30pm �������������������BBC News;

5:15pm �������������� Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Regional News 7:30pm �����������������EastEnders 8:00pm ���������Motorway Cops 9:00pm ����������������Torchwood: Miracle Day 10:00pm ������������������BBC News 10:25pm ���������Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ���������������������Our War 11:35pm ���������������������� Holiday Weatherview 11:35pm �����A Beautiful Mind

8:30pm ����Coronation Street

6:00pm ��������������������Eggheads 6:30pm � Eggheads Celebrity Special 7:00pm �����The Culture Show at the Edinburgh

10:15pm �������������������ITV News and Weather


10:45pm ������������London News

8:00pm ����Monty Halls’ Great Irish Escape

10:50pm ����������Help! I Caught

9:00pm �������������� The Duchess

It Abroad

10:40pm ��������������������Weather

11:50pm ����������Grimefighters

and Weather

10:40pm ����������������Newsnight 11:30pm �������������������The Hour

Page 34

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

5:55am The Hoobs 6:20am Freshly Squeezed 6:45am Everybody Loves Raymond 7:10am According to Jim 7:30am Frasier 7:55am Frasier 8:30am Friends 9:00am 90210 9:55am Being N-Dubz in America and Beyond 10:30am The Big Bang Theory 11:00am The Big Bang Theory 11:30am Friends 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm A Place in the Sun: Home or Away 1:10pm River Cottage Bites 1:20pm Springfield Rifle 3:10pm Countdown 4:00pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ������������������������The Simpsons 6:30pm ��������������������������������Hollyoaks 7:00pm ��������������������Channel 4 News

2 5 t h 6:00am Children’s TV 6:45am Peppa Pig 6:50am The WotWots 7:00am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 7:10am The Mr Men Show 7:20am Milkshake! 7:25am Thomas & Friends 7:35am Noddy in Toyland 7:50am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:05am Peppa Pig 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Roary the Racing Car 8:35am Bananas in Pyjamas 8:50am Olivia 9:00am Little Princess 9:15am The Wright Stuff 11:10am The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:10pm 5 News Lunchtime 12:15pm Celebrity Big Brother 1:15pm Meerkat Manor 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:15pm The Family Recipe 3:20pm I Dream of Murder 5:00pm 5 News at 5 5:30pm Neighbours

Television Guide

Au g u st

6:00am ������ Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am �������������������������������������Football Icon

6:00am ��������������������������������������������Charmed

7:00am ������ Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ������������������������������������All Star Don’t

7:00am ��������� The Jerry Springer Show

8:00am ������ Good Morning Sports Fans

Forget the Lyrics

7:30am �������������������������������� Jerry Springer

9:00am ��������������������������� UEFA Champions

8:00am �����������������������������Best of Oops TV

8:00am ��������������������������������������������������Maury

League Goals

9:00am ������������������������������������������� Bondi Vet

9:00am �������America’s Next Top Model

9:30am ��������������������� FIFA Futbol Mundial

9:30am �������Emergency Animal Rescue

10:00am ��������������������Nothing to Declare

10:00am ����������������������� Live International

10:00am ����������������������������� Modern Family

10:30am ��������������������Nothing to Declare

One-Day Cricket

10:30am ���������������������� Glenn Martin, DDS

11:00am �������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:00am �����������������������������������Customs UK 6:30pm ��������Premier League World

12:00pm ���������������������� Stargate Universe

7:00pm ��� Live Carling Cup Football

1:00pm ������������������������� Stargate Universe

10:00pm ���������������Time of Our Lives

2:00pm ���������������������������� UK Border Force

11:00pm �������International One-Day Cricket

3:00pm ���������������������������������������������������Airline 4:00pm ������������������������� Glenn Martin, DDS 4:30pm �����������������������������������������The Middle 5:00pm �������������������������������� Modern Family

7:55pm ��������������������������

5:30pm �������������������������������������������Futurama

12:00pm �������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm �����������������������Nothing to Declare 1:30pm �����������������������Nothing to Declare 2:00pm �������������������������������� Criminal Minds 3:00pm �������������������������������� Criminal Minds 4:00pm �������������������������������America’s Next Top Model

8:00pm ������� Country House Rescue

6:00pm �������������������� Meerkat Manor

9:00pm ������������������������������ The Killing

6:25pm ������������������������������������� OK! TV

10:00pm ������� Undercover Boss USA

7:00pm ��������������������������� 5 News at 7

6:00pm ����������������������������� The Middle

7:30pm ���������������������5 News Update

6:30pm ������������������������The Simpsons

7:30pm ������������ How Do They Do It?

7:00pm ������������������������The Simpsons

8:00pm ��������������������������� 5 News at 9

7:30pm ������������������������������� Futurama

8:00pm ��������������������������������Croc Man

8:00pm ������������������������������� Futurama

9:00pm ���������New Cowboy Builders

8:30pm ������������������������The Simpsons

10:00pm ������� Celebrity Big Brother

9:00pm ������������������������������������ Trollied

11:00pm �����Celebrity Big Brother’s

9:30pm ��������������������������Wall of Fame

11:05pm ������������������� Seven Dwarves

Bit on the Side

10:00pm ������������������ An Idiot Abroad

7:00pm ���������������������������������Top Gear

6:00am ������������������������� Aerobics Oz Style

8:00am �������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

7:00am ������������������������Star Trek: Voyager

8:00pm ����������The World’s Strictest Parents

6:30am ��������������������������Kings of the Surf

8:30am ��������������������������The Gadget Show

8:00am ������������������� Star Trek: Enterprise

New York City

9:00am ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

9:00pm ������������� Edinburgh Comedy

7:00am �������������������������WWE: Experience

9:00am �����������������������������������������������������������ER

10:30am �������������������������������������Judge Judy

8:00am ��������������������Carling Cup Football

10:00am �����������������������The Gadget Show

10:00am ������������������������� thirtysomething

12:00pm �������������������������������������Emmerdale

9:30am ��������������������������������������Total Rugby

11:00am Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

11:00am ��������������������������������������The X Files

12:30pm ���������������������������������������Nanny 911

10:00am �����������European Tour Weekly

12:00pm ������������������������������������������ Top Gear

12:00pm ���������������������Star Trek: Voyager

1:30pm ����������������The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:30am ��������Live European Tour Golf

2:00pm ��������������������������The Gadget Show

1:00pm ������������������� Star Trek: Enterprise

3:40pm �������������The Real Housewives of

1:30pm �������������������� Inside the PGA Tour

3:00pm ��������������������Dragons’ Den Ireland

2:00pm �����������������������������������������������������������ER

New York City

2:00pm ������������������Champions Tour Golf

4:00pm ���������������������������������������������Top Gear

3:00pm �����������������������������������������The X Files

4:40pm ������������������������Holiday Showdown

3:00pm �������������������������� UEFA Champions

6:00pm ������������������������������ Ray Mears’

4:00pm ������������������� Star Trek: Enterprise

5:40pm ����������������������������������������Judge Judy

League Goals

Extreme Survival

5:00pm ������������������������Star Trek: Voyager

6:30pm � One Day: Premiere Special

3:30pm �����������Live European Tour Golf

7:00pm ����������������������������� Shark Tank 8:00pm ����������������������������������Top Gear

6:00pm ���������������������������������������������ER

8:00pm �������������������������������� The Cube

6:30pm ���������������������������� Badminton

9:00pm ���������������������� Gavin & Stacey

7:00pm ������������������������������� Fish Town

9:00pm Piers Morgan’s Life Stories

7:30pm ��������������� What’s Your Goal?

9:40pm ����������������������� Not Going Out

8:00pm ���������������������������������������������ER

10:00pm ������������������� Celebrity Juice:

8:00pm �������� International One-Day Cricket

10:20pm �������������������� Shooting Stars 11:00pm ���Have I Got News for You

9:00pm �����������Introducing Dorothy Dandridge

10:00pm �����WWE: Late Night - Raw

11:40pm �������������������� Gavin & Stacey

11:15pm �������������������� Six Feet Under

10:45pm ������� The Only Way Is Essex

Fest Live 2011 10:00pm �������������������������� EastEnders 10:30pm ��������������� Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show

11:00pm ���������������������������Family Guy 11:20pm ���������������������������Family Guy 11:45pm ��������������������������������� Wilfred

11:00pm �������������������������Law & Order

5:00pm �����������������������Nothing to Declare 5:30pm �����������������������Nothing to Declare 6:00pm ������������������ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 7:00pm ���������������������� Criminal Minds 8:00pm ������������������������������ Teen Wolf 9:00pm ���������������� Britain & Ireland’s Next Top Model 10:00pm �������������������� Criminal Minds 11:00pm �������������������������������Chick Fix

9:25am �������������The Real Housewives of

7:00pm �������������������All Star Mr & Mrs

JLS Special 11:30pm ��������������Coronation Street

Canarian Weekly Choice The X Factor live final at Wembley! TalkTalk announces The X Factor live final weekend to be held at Wembley Arena. Kicking off the sponsorship programme for The X Factor 2011, title sponsor TalkTalk, and FremantleMedia Enterprises (FME) have announced that for the very first time this year’s live finals will be held at Wembley Arena in front of an audience of thousands including many lucky TalkTalk customers.

TalkTalk, the phone, broadband and mobile provider, now becomes the title sponsor for both the TV show and the live finals at Wembley and will give away 100 tickets every day for 100 days to TalkTalk customers to build the momentum towards the spectacular grand finale. With a simple daily musical challenge, customers will be able to enter the competition on the TalkTalk Facebook page

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

TalkTalkXFactor. The lucky winners will be announced daily through the social networking channel. Non-TalkTalk customers will also have a chance to win by signing up to TalkTalk’s broadband and phone via the site. Want to be part of The X Factor ad breaks? TalkTalk have launched the augmented reality BrightStage which offers the nation’s budding pop stars the chance to create their own music video and have it screened in front

of millions on the sponsor’s ad break bumpers each week. The TalkTalk BrightStage will combine augmented reality and facial tracking technology to enable the millions of devoted The X Factor fans and families nationwide to transform their living rooms into their very own stage. TalkTalk customers will be able to dance with tigers, backing dancers and a variety of fantasy props as part of a mind-blowing new way to

sing, dance and share their performance with the world. Fans wanting to experience The X Factor excitement can record and edit their augmented reality performances on the TalkTalk Facebook page. Performers can use Facebook to share and promote their videos, with the most popular clips in with a chance to feature in the TalkTalk adverts during The X Factor on ITV1 and The Xtra Factor on ITV2.

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19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011


Gulliver’s very constant, and always so titillating! GULLIVER’S, now into its 12th year and all that time under the same management team, continues to bring tasty, wholesome food to Golf del Sur.

This restaurant has many more strings to its bow other than the flavoursome, griddled steaks and grilled fresh fish. And the team of chefs conjure up a daily assortment of international specials that titillate even the most discerning of tastebuds. The lemon chicken Caesar salad, French goat’s cheese gateaux and Gulliver’s chilli meatballs top the popular polls in the starters’ division, backed up by the chicken and beef fajitas, honey-roast duckling and the chefs’ famed fish and chips in the ‘mains’. Gulliver’s serves a tremendous selection of fresh vegetables to accompany these dishes, with favourites such as home-made chips, cauliflower cheese and mixed-leaf salads adding to the dining experience. To round off your evening, a wide variety of home-made desserts, ice-creams and freshly-

ground coffees are lovingly prepared and served in this well recommended restaurant. A 20% discount off your final bill is being offered throughout August.

Pata de Oro Tapas Bar OUT of the same stable as Gulliver’s Grillhouse, and just up the road, is the Pata de Oro Tapas Bar. The masterful, naturally-gifted chef Alex Latham and his team produce a dazzling array of dishes to wet anyone’s appetite.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Whether you wish to ‘tapear’ or ‘main plate’, your desires will be catered for and, probably, superseded. This atmospheric hotspot has a Spanish guitarist on Thursdays, and gives 20% discount on lunchtime bills before 4pm. The busy and welcoming staff will ensure your every whim is entertained.

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Sue McDonald Common Sense Furnishings Email:

The ‘feeling’ of colour

I HAVE written about colour before, but, because it is obviously one of the most important aspects of interior design, it is worth another mention! Colour is said to have an immediate and instinctive effect on us physically. And before you think this is another arty statement which has no meaning, there has been a huge amount of research that proves the case. Equally, this research is used in your everyday life more than you might realise, as you can see from the examples below. The colour wheel (all the primary colours and variations thereof) is split into warm and cool colours. The warm side is the reds, oranges and yellows. These colours give the effect of creating more adrenaline, raising your blood pressure and increasing your temperature. The greens and blues are the cool colours, slowing the heartbeat, relaxing the muscles and lowering the temperature. The stronger the tone of the colour, the more intense the effect. Add black or white, and create shades and tints, and you can see that there is an infinite number of possible colours. As far as interior design is concerned, warm colours advance (make a room look smaller, or a wall nearer), and cool colours and pale tones recede to make spaces look bigger. In all cases, the amount of colour used will alter the effect. For example a whole wall, or just a splash of colour will have completely different effects. The meaning and effect of individual colours is as follows: Warm Colours

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Red: This powerful colour of fire, blood, danger and romance is stimulating and encourages impulsive behaviour. It’s popular for dining rooms because it promotes hunger, and it is also used extensively in Las Vegas casinos because it has been proved to encourage people to gamble more. Because red items draw your attention, it is used in warning signs and, in an interior design sense, it is best used in small amounts as an accent colour rather than in large areas. Yellow: A cheerful happy colour, reminiscent of the sun. Often used in areas for children such as playschools to encourage optimism and energy. Also, it is often used in its toneddown version of cream to provide a great neutral tone. Orange: An intense, warm colour associated with the sun, with earth and fire, it has properties as an anti-depressant and is ideal for social areas such as hallways and meeting rooms. Cool Colours Blue: Associated primarily with water, ice and sky, this colour is calming and restful, as well as refreshing. It inspires trust and confidence and, for this reason, many bankers and lawyers wear blue shirts! Inside your house, it is ideal for the bedrooms, lounges and bathrooms. Green: The pervasive colour of nature, peace, reliability and steadiness. For this rea-

son, green is often the choice of hospitals and, of course, the famous green room on TV where guests wait for their appearance. Violet: Purple is a rich colour, much favoured by royalty (and teenage girls) because it is a rich tone, tending away from the cool blues towards the warmer reds. Violet and lilac are toned-down versions of this and are, therefore, very versatile in the decoration situation. Here in Tenerife, our perspective of colour is very different from the UK. For a start, you might hesitate to use blue to any extent in a cold climate, but here it can be used in all its vibrant tones to emulate the sea, the sky and even swimming pools. Oranges and reds are frequently used in the UK to warm up certain areas. But in Tenerife, add hints of brown, and you get the tones of terracotta, which is very prevalent here in buildings, plant-pots, etc. Colour is such a huge subject that this article can only touch upon it and its variations and uses. In a future column, I will look at the use of white, black and neutrals in the home. I will discuss how these can be your best friends in creating a harmonious environment which is economical to change and adapt, while still incorporating your favourite colours from the list above.

Sky’s the limit for Eve’s wondrous Eiffel Flower IT’S not quite the beanstalk Jack may have sought out to climb, but this monster sunflower is heading onwards and upwards at an astonishing rate. It was sown by Eve Fielding in the back garden of her Margate home in Kent, and she expected maybe a regular 12ft plant. But the tiny seed she planted has grown into a 23ft specimen. It has been labelled the Eiffel Flower and is heading rapidly for the Guinness World Records book, featuring a plant sown in Germany which grew to 26ft 4ins two years ago. The 48-year-old grandmother, who is still rubbing

her eyes in wonderment, said: “It’s enormous, and I really can’t believe it has grown this tall. ”I planted a few seeds with my granddaughter so we could have a race to grow the biggest flower. This was one of the leftover ones, so I thought I might as well sow it and see what happened. “I watered it every day, but I didn’t put anything special in the soil or anything daft. But it just carried on growing and it’s by far the biggest sunflower I’ve ever had.” She added: “My neighbours and visitors have all been quite surprised and shocked at the size - they think it’s a beast. “I’ve heard of people talking to their plants to make them grow. I’ve never done

that, but I have started telling it how well it is doing since it got really big.” *By coincidence, 27-year-old Igor Vovkovinskiy, originally from the Ukraine, stands 7ft 8.33ins tall and has been recognised officially by Guinness World Records as the tallest man in the United States.

Over-50s may be forced to sell up, simply to survive IT’S the biggest worry for older folk approaching retirement age, but millions believe they may have to sell their homes to counter the rising cost of living. Faced with the rapid escalation of domestic bills, petrol and, shockingly, food, 20% of those people questioned in a Saga survey said they might have to downsize just to keep

their heads above water. Many of them also say they are paying out more and more to help their hard-up children and grandchildren, who are finding life a struggle. Dr Ros Altmann, director-general of Saga, which specialises in providing services for the over-50s, is a familiar TV figure these days, discussing how older folk can get by in these austere times. “People are being forced to do things that

they would have never considered doing before,” she said. “And the over-50s are feeling the pinch. “They are sacrificing their own happiness and comfort in order to help their own children and grandchildren.” The help they offer the kids ranges from paying university fees to contributing towards a family holiday, even if it means not having one themselves. The Saga report, conducted every three months, was also alarmed about the pressure on a particular group of people they have focused on purposely this time. They are the over-50s, who are fast becoming the ‘lost generation’ because cannot find work but need the money simply to scratch out a living. The report, one of the biggest polls commissioned since the credit crunch, canvassed 11,650 people over the age of 50 about their financial situation and lifestyle. And apart from their worries about paying domestic energy bills, which seem to be rising all the time, and putting bread on the table, nearly 70% said they were cutting back on “non-essential spending”, such as dining out, cinema trips and buying clothes. In the same vein, a campaign group have pleaded that savers hit by the worst interest rates in history should be given a tax break. The tax on the interest they receive should be scrapped temporarily, according to a letter sent by Save our Savers to the Chancellor. Co-founder Jason Riddle called it a “scandal” that savers were still being taxed, even though interest rates had plummeted to an all-time low.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011


David Hudgell

Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

New scorching Chilli A new British bredchilli pepper could be a contender for the title of hottest chilli in the world, after initial testing put it at over 700,000 on the Scoville scale measuring levels of capsaicin, the chemical which makes chillies 'hot'. The new chilli called 'Bengle Naga' is the result of years of careful selection from an Indian strain of the Bhut Jolokia chilli by Joy Michaud of Dorset-based chilli specialists Sea Spring Seeds. It produces abundant crops of lime-green, wrinkled fruits maturing to deep red. Its first Scoville testing last year produced a rating of 732,000 SHU and trials are now under way to test the chilli's score when grown in varying conditions. The Scoville scale is a measurement of the spicy heat (or piquance) of a chili pep-

per. The number of Scoville heat units (SHU) indicates the amount of capsaicin present. Capsaicin is a chemical compound that stimulates chemoreceptor nerve endings in the skin, especially the mucous membranes. The scale is named after its creator, American pharmacist Wilbur Scoville. His method, devised in 1912, is known as the Scoville Organoleptic Test. The modern commonplace method for quantitative analysis uses high-performance liquid chromatography, making it possible to directly measure capsaicinoid content. Joy Michaud of Dorsetbased chilli specialists Sea Spring Seeds said, 'We've got to keep testing it for a few more years yet, but it's definitely one of the superhots,' said Joy. Joy is the breeder of 'Dorset Naga', a previous holder of the world record, which also scored 700,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU) in early tests, later going on to hit over 1 million SHU. The cur-

rent record holder is the Trinidad Scorpion type 'Butch T', bred in Australia, which has

been rated at over 1.4 million SHU. More information www.

Autumn/Spring bulbs Any summer to-do list for gardeners will have on it to get and order your Autumn and Spring bulbs. Living here in Tenerife it’s very difficult to know where to get them from.

Mid-summer gardening... Your garden or patio, or containers should be at their best now. The weather is very hot here in Tenerife, as if you needed telling! So it’s best to do your garden jobs early in the morning and when the sun has gone down at night.

There’s plenty to do, to keep you fit and active. If you have a rock garden this will look better tidied up and cut back. Continue to prune shrubs back if they become unruly, and if you like you can take cuttings now and into the next few weeks. If you have been growing fruit and veggies then continue harvesting, please don’t forget to water. The beauty of here is that you can continue sowing to extend the growing season.

Flower power – things to do

There is a Garden Centre in the UK from which you can order on-line and they then airmail the bulbs to you. They have warned me that the postage is high, but, it boils down to how badly you want them.

• Prune shrubs that have finished flowering • If you have hedges trim them back so as to tidy them • Dead head flowers, bedding plants • Now is the time to plant Autumn flowering bulbs, such as ‘Madonna Lilies’ • If you cut back early flowering border plants it will encourage them to flourish again • All these tasks apply to container plants as well • Check plants for signs of disease • Order spring bulbs from mail order catalogues

Further information is available from...

Next week, fruit and vegetables.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

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Health & Beauty

carl pattison from Robot, answers your hair questions

Leave it au naturale… IF you’re blessed or distressed that you’ve got curls, then read on. Many of you ladies don’t seem to get on with your natural waves and try as hard as you can to get rid of them. From blowing them out to ironing them out, even relaxing them with harsh chemicals - anything to get rid of them. But actually, it’s time you loved your curls. I’m not saying you mustn’t ever use the irons, or blow-dry them out. But with some guidance, I’m sure that anyone with curly hair can learn to control it. First of all, nearly all curls need moisture, which starts with your shampoo. This must include “moisturising” and/or “nourishing” on the label. I’m not a great believer in “curl” shampoo products, because as long as you are replacing the lost moisture, then you are doing your hair good. Next, it’s conditioning. The best way is to use a “light” con-

ditioner to avoid “weighing” down the curls. This should be applied with your fingers, or a wide-toothed comb, every time you wash it. Once a week, apply a deep, penetrating masque and leave on your hair while you shower. This will repair those locks and keep your curls bouncy. Last, but by no means least, your styling products. You will need a good serum and a firmhold mousse to keep those curls in place. Apply the serum to soakingwet hair and then later, when the hair is slightly drier, apply an orange-sized amount of mousse. Remember, you must apply all these products with your hands only. And NEVER use any type of comb on curls because this separates the curl form and can look frizzy and dry. The best way to style is to let the hair dry naturally, which is easy to do here in Tenerife. Scrunch up the hair as it dries, or, if you’re in a rush, use a diffuser attachment on your hairdryer on a very slow setting. If you are not careful, drying this type of hair results only in a

tangle and/or frizzy, dry-looking curls. When trying to get rid of tangles, never use combs or plastic brushes as this will stretch and snap the hair shaft. Use your fingers to release the tangles, and then a paddle brush to separate the hair gently. Your hair should be cut regularly, say every 6-8 weeks, to keep at bay those inevitable split ends, while colours should be gentle and not too light. Curls tend to look healthier when darker, but this is not to say you can’t be curly and blonde. Just go easy on the lighter tones. So, summing up, treat your curls with respect, give thanks that you have more styling options than those with straight hair … and just enjoy having them!

Put your hair on diet of buns! FASHION forecast for autumn winter this year is BUNS! I’m not talking sticky ones but ballerina-esque type buns. But they must be more dishevelled and loose. They look great in the day for work, and can be dressed up for night time with hair accessories. If you haven’t got enough hair, check out the “ready-made” artificial hair ones. Just scrape back your own hair and clip in a bun. It’s soooo easy, and looks soooo sophisticated. Try it!

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Caffeine may be answer to those sun-tan horrors FORGET the X-Factor in sun cream because a new screen based on caffeine could help give you a better tan, with safely in mind. American scientists say that sun cream made from coffee, chocolate or tea may offer protection against the most common form of skin cancer, while producing a bronzed glow. And it may also keep wrinkles at bay. The boffins, from Rutgers University in New Jersey, have shown that caffeine triggers the death of UV-damaged cells, while leaving healthy ones unharmed. To test their findings that caffeine provides protec-

tion by interfering with a skin protein called ATR, they genetically-engineered mice so that they made much less ATR than usual. The animals, together with normal mice, were then put under UV lamps, and those low in ATR took longer to develop skin cancers. After 19 weeks, the latter had 70% fewer tumours, and the cancers they did develop were far less likely to have penetrated the skin, allowing them to use the bloodstream to spread through the body. The researchers say that cells need ATR to repair damage and, if there isn’t enough of it, they selfdestruct and thus, nip any cancer in the bud. Their findings explain previous studies which credited

drinking caffeinated - but not decaffeinated - tea and coffee with warding off nonmelanoma skin cancer. But they warn that people shouldn’t start consuming vast amounts of tea or coffee just to allow them to lie out in the sun. Yet they are all for creating caffeinebased sun cream. Professor Dot Bennett, of St George’s, University of London, said: “Caffeine lotion might promote tanning a little, since this family of molecules stimulates pigment cells to make more pigment.” However, she stressed that it is still unclear what effect, if any, such a sunscreen would have against the moredeadly, malignant melanoma form of skin cancer.

Mosquitoes According to a recent article from the BBC World Service, mosquitoes can rapidly develop resistance to bed nets treated with insecticide, a study from Senegal says. In recent years the nets have become a leading method of preventing malaria, especially in Africa. In the Lancet Infectious Diseases, the researchers also suggest the nets reduced the immunity of older children and adults to malaria infection. But other experts say the study was too small to draw conclusions about the longterm effectiveness of nets. In the war against malaria, the cheapest and most effective weapon to date has been the long-lasting insecticide-treated bed net. Over the last few years the nets have been widely distributed in Africa and elsewhere - the World Health Organization says that when properly deployed they can cut malaria rates by half. In Senegal, around six million nets have been distributed over the last five years. In this study researchers looked at one small village in the country and tracked the incidence of malaria both before and after the introduction of nets in 2008. Within three weeks of their introduction the scientists found that the number of malaria attacks started to fall - incidence of the disease was found to be 13 times lower than before the nets were used.

The researchers also collected specimens of Anopheles gambiae, the mosquito species responsible for transmitting malaria to humans in Africa. Between 2007 and 2010 the proportion of the insects with a genetic resistance to one type of pesticide rose from 8% to 48%. By 2010 the proportion of mosquitoes resistant to Deltamethrin, the chemical recommended by the World Health Organization for bed nets, was 37%. In the last four months of the study the researchers found that the incidence of malaria attacks returned to high levels. Among older children and adults the rate was even higher than before the introduction of the nets. The researchers argue that the initial effectiveness of the bed nets reduced the amount of immunity that people acquire through exposure to mosquito bites. Combined with a resurgence in resistant insects, there was a rapid rebound in infection rates. The scientists were led by Dr Jean-Francois Trape from the Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement in Dakar. The authors are worried that their study has implications beyond Senegal. "These findings are a great concern since they support the idea that insecticide resistance might not permit a substantial decrease in malaria morbidity in many parts of Africa," they write. But other experts in this field say that it is impossible to draw wider conclusions.

In a commentary, Dr Joseph Keating from Tulane University, New Orleans, US, acknowledges the concerns the study raises. "If indeed this is a real trend we are seeing in this part of Senegal then it has very important implications for future malaria prevention and control strategies." But he says there are a number of important provisos. "I would certainly advise extending the study a couple of more years which would be helpful in determining if this is a true trend or is it something specific to that particular area. "We need to be very careful when generalising these data to the larger continent of Africa as a whole; there is plenty of variation between communities and within communities." Dr Keating acknowledges there is a debate within the scientific community on the issue of acquired immunity, the level of resistance to the disease that people get through being bitten. "There is a huge discussion around acquired immunity. And how long does it take for an individual to lose this immunity once they are no longer exposed to parasite? "So if you give someone a net he would be less exposed to parasites and it is possible that their immunity would shift to become less - but I think over all the benefits of nets certainly outweigh this potential loss of acquired immunity." Source

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Health & Beauty

Val Sainsbury Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Music can help lift the lives of cancer victims MUSIC therapy for cancer sounds like the ultimate in New Age piffle and not to be taken too seriously.

But a respected US medical journal now claims that listening to music can indeed help relieve the suffering caused by cancer and the accompanying treatments. The study, published by the Cochrane Collaboration, looked at 30 clinical trials of music therapy - both those led by trained music therapists and ones where patients listened to recorded music on their own. Both methods were found to reduce anxiety and pain, and to improve mood and quality of life for cancer patients, although it had no impact on depression. Music may also improve heart rate, breathing and blood pres-

sure in cancer patients, says the review. But the effects were slight, and the potential bias in the trials was high, so don’t presume that the Beatles or The Rolling Stones are a panacea. There also weren’t enough trials, or enough patients - 2,000 took part in all - to tell whether having a trained music therapist was better than just listening to music. But aside from that, the report suggests that listening to music is a simple way for cancer patients and their families to help manage a stressful, often frightening, experience. “So many diagnoses of cancer, as well as the treatment, come with so much psychological stress,” says Joke Bradt, an associate professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia, who led the study. Prof Bradt, a music therapist herself, specialising in pain man-

agement, added: “Just experiencing the real beauty of music can give people a sense of hope.” Cancer is far from the only disease for which music has been used as medication. As another US magazine has reported, a Vietnam veteran uses the soothing sounds of the guitar to help heal the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. And hospitals, including the Mayo Clinic, have employed harpists to help patients heal. Cancer patients, though, don’t have to fear being trapped in the chemo unit listening to Sibelius. “A lot of people have the misconception that classical music needs to be used to soothe people,” says Bradt. “It is so not true!” The Cochrane Library publishes systematic reviews of existing research in order to guide health policy.

Leave popcore alone and plump for healthier snacks to stay slim A LEADING film chief has called for cinema chains to swap popcorn for healthier snacks like fruit salad and yoghurt. A tub of buttered popcorn can have up to 1,100 calories in it and Michael Lynton, head of Sony Pictures, told cinema owners they should be offering healthier snacks to help fight obesity. “I don’t mean close the window for popcorn, soda and sweets,” he said. “Audiences love them and should always be able to buy them at your theatres.” The average cinema bucket of buttered popcorn has 76g of fat and 1,100 calories, which is the equivalent of scoffing six McDonald’s cheeseburgers. According to Mr Lynton, healthier food selections suggested by cinema-

goers included fruit salads, vegetables with dip, yoghurt, granola bars, baked chips and unbuttered, airpopped popcorn. However, he admits that old habits might die hard, saying with a smile: “I don’t think giant tubs of spinach or broccoli is a good idea. And nobody wants to eat cauliflower while watching Spider-Man, or drink a 40oz cup of prune juice.” Last month Tim Smith, chief executive of the Food Standards Agency, called for filmgoers to be told how many calories there are in the popcorn, ice cream and fizzy drinks and for them to be available in smaller portions. Deirdre Flynn, spokesman for the Popcorn Board, a non-profit organisation in the US, says: “Popcorn and movies have gone hand in hand since the early 1900s, and the No1 movie snack is popcorn.”

Give those hot dogs a miss if you want lessen diabetes risk TWO slices of bacon, a hot dog or a serving of deli meat daily has been found to significantly boost the risk of getting Type 2 diabetes. Eating 50 grams of processed red meat every day increased a person’s diabetes risk by 51%, while eating 100g of unprocessed red meat each day - about the size of a deck of playing cards - boosted the risk by 19%.

However, those risks went down if the red meat was substituted with nuts, white meat, low-fat dairy or whole grain proteins. Type 2 diabetes, a chronic disease involving high levels of blood sugar, is often caused by obesity, lack of exercise and unhealthy eating habits. This major research, conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, represents the largest study of its kind and appears in the American Jour-

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

nal of Clinical Nutrition. “Clearly, the results from this study have huge public health implications, given the rising Type 2 diabetes epidemic and increasing consumption of red meats worldwide,” said senior author Frank Hu. “The good news is that such risk factors can be offset by swapping red meat for a healthier protein.” More than 204,000 nurses and health professionals in America were tracked for be-

tween 14 and 28 years. Researchers also updated a meta-analysis that included their data with other studies covering more than 442,000 participants. Alarmingly, diabetes affects nearly 350 million adults worldwide, and more than 11% of adults aged over 20, totalling 25.6 million people, in the United States have the disease, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Food News

How shopping barometer gives supermarket takings such a lift HOW is it that supermarkets always seem to have just the right amount of burgers and salad items available during barbecue weather, and hot soups when it’s chilly, even in summer? Incredibly, stores such as Tesco rely on sensitive forecasting techniques, which can predict in astonishing detail how our purchases will be affected by even minor changes in temperature. And Tesco freely admit that apart from satisfying their customers, it saves them millions every year. Here’s how it works. When the thermometer rises from 68f to 75f (20c to 24c), say, then sales of hamburgers will increase by 42% according to the brains behind Tesco’s research. A sudden 10-degree rise on a summer weekend means customers want 300% more

barbecue meat and 50% more coleslaw, while the demand for green veg will fall by a quarter. Then, the cold weather sees soaring sales of cauliflower soup, long-life milk, sausages and root vegetables. Tesco, which tops the supermarket best-sellers each year, has introduced a system based on 15 years of research into shopping habits to make sure the right items are always on the shelves. It’s a daily ritual, with weather reports for 15 regions being taken and orders from local depots going up or down automatically during the day. The shopping forecasters know that as soon as the weather turns bitter, then hot chocolate and bird feed fly off the shelves. Whereas the first hot weekend sees strawberry sales shoot up. A Tesco spokesman said: “Even a few degrees change

in temperature can result in a significant shift in what people buy. “It’s vital that we ensure we have exactly the right amount of product on the shelf every day of the year. It also means that we don’t order too much, which keeps food waste down.” Ian Michaelwaite, whose forecasts are shared around 30 small chains of shops, said: “There is a 4.5% weather impact on sales of food, and 6% for clothing, which can make a difference to profit and loss.” He added: “Weather has the biggest impact on sales after the general state of the economy, and hot weather is not always good. “Shops want that in summer so they can stock up on barbeque food and summer dress, and then, about six weeks from now, they would like the weather to turn noticeably colder.”

Young’s fishing for Jamie Oliver Young's, the seafood specialist, is teaming up with celebrity chef Jamie Oliver to launch his first range of branded frozen seafood. Jamie Oliver is to launch his first frozen seafood range with Young's The range marks Oliver's first major food tie-up after severing ties from his high-profile association with Sainsbury's. Oliver ended his relationship with Sainsbury's last month. The range will be made up of 12 seafood products, which have been sourced from sustainable alternatives to haddock and cod, including pollock. The range will hit supermarket shelves in September. It is thought to have gained listings in Tesco, Sainsbury's and Asda, among others.

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The tie-up between the celebrity chef and Young's comes as consumers show an increased demand to buy sustainably sourced fish and seafood – a move that brands are looking to tap into. Marks & Spencer launched a Forever Fish campaign, supporting its sustainable fishing policy and Sainsbury's rolled out the "switch to fish" campaign, which offered shoppers free sustainable fish, in a move backed by Oliver.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Food News

When it comes to the crunch, cornflakes are out of favour BRITONS no longer enjoy their traditional breakfast of cereals, such as cornflakes or puffed wheat. They have turned instead to the current craze of wrapped cereal bars, which are becoming symbolic of today’s can’tstop-must-go brigade According to the Mintel market-research figures, 25% of people prefer a cereal bar for their breakfast instead of a bowl of cereal. It has affected sales so much that 80% of the biggest-selling brands have shown a drop in sales compared with 2010. The worst-hit cereal, which was always a firm favourite with children and adults alike, was Kellogg’s Rice Krispies, whose sales dropped by 15% per cent, according to market-research analysts SymphonyIRI.

Rioja and Roll: AC/DC launch a wine range AC/DC have sold millions of albums as one of the greatest all-time bands and now the Australian rockers are hoping to do just as well in the wine trade. They have entered into a partnership with New South Wales-based winery Warburn Estate for a nationwide release of an AC/DC wine collection. The wine is to be named after some of their hits: Back In Black Shiraz, Highway To

Yet porridge, the tried and trusted brekkie, is still going strong, partly through the many instant brands available now, as well as being nutritious. Cereal bars have become in-

Hell Cabernet Sauvignon and You Shook Me All Night Long Moscato. The grapes have been sourced from the Barossa and Coonawarra regions. Steve Donohue, general manager of buying for the Woolworths Liquor Group, said it was a "no-brainer" to sell the wine. "This is a world-wide phenomena and a first in the marketplace," he said. AC/DC, one of the highest-grossing bands of all time, are not the only rock band to launch a wine collection. KISS, Motorhead and Whitesnake have also started their own labels.

creasingly popular among the 16-24 year-old market as a modern breakfast. But still nothing beats a slice or two of toast to start the day. Unless, of course, you are part of the yoghurt set.

London`s bid for Aussie brewers has gone flat SABMiller's multibillion pound bid to buy Australian beer company Foster's has gone hostile. The London-based company had made an offer of just over £6bn, which Foster's rejected in June. Australia's largest brewer said the offer of A$4.90 (£3.14) per share was too low and refused to take discussions further. Foster's shares last traded at A$4.96 (£3.18) each. SABMiller, the world's second biggest brewer, has now taken its original bid direct to shareholders. Trevor Stirling, an analyst at Sanford C Bernstein, said he thinks SABMiller is now "calling Foster's management bluff". He said: "It really heaps the pressure on Foster's. "Until recently Foster's management was not engaging with

SABMiller's bid, but global markets are now 10-15% lower than when the original bid was made." Mr Stirling explained that as there appears to be no alternative bidder, Foster's risks shares dropping lower if SABMiller loses interest. He said: "If I were a Foster's shareholder, I would be putting pressure on management to engage with SABMiller, to open up the books and show why they believe the business is worth more than SABMiller's offer." If the company's bid is successful, it will be SABMiller's biggest acquisition, giving the brewer half of Australia's beer market, including the top-selling Victoria Bitter (VB). The acquisition would add to a catalogue including Peroni, Castle lager, Grolsh and Miller Lite.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Page 43


Showboat Thomson Cruises have confirmed that the flagship of the fleet, Thomson Dream, is the proud host of Sky1 HD’s brand new talent entertainment programme – ‘Showboaters’.

Filmed around the Caribbean earlier this year, the programme sees ten amateur entertainers battle it out to prove they have what it takes to join the prestigious Thomson Dream headline Show Team. The contestants, who range from a 56 year old hairdresser to a 21 year old Geordie steel worker, went through a tough audition process in order to be part of the selected final ten.

They were then flown out to the Caribbean to join the ship for up to four weeks, while they performed their hearts out each week in front of the critical eyes of the passengers and a select panel of judges. After facing the weekly passenger vote, and pleading their case in front of the judges, two contestants were eliminated and flown home the very next day, until just four contestants remained for the grand final. As well as being challenged to learn a new show each week, the wannabes also had to integrate themselves into ship life. They had to learn the highs, lows and rules of becoming the ‘faces’ of Thomson Dream, constantly under the watchful eye of passengers and

the Cruise Director (and potential future boss), Stephen Guy. Giving an interesting and otherwise unseen perspective into what it takes to be a cruise ship entertainer, plus the added bonus of a stunning Caribbean location, Showboaters is sure to leave viewers wanting to run away to sea. Showboaters will be on Sky1HD from mid-September. The winner of the show can be seen as part of the Show Team on Thomson Dream this coming winter season. For more information and behind the scenes Showboaters gossip direct from the professional Show Team and the Judges, follow them on Twitter @ DreamShowboater or join their Facebook page Thomson Dream – Showboaters.

Thomson won’t leave Police out of pocket Following the recent cancellation of Police leave Thomson and First Choice allowed police officers to rebook their holidays without incurring any extra charges. Police Officers across the country were advised that all leave has been cancelled in order to deal with disturbances in England’s cities. Some obviously had holidays booked - if they’d booked their holidays with either Thomson or First Choice they were able to change their holiday dates free of charge.“We know

how important holidays are and that nobody needs a holiday more than members of the Police Force right now,” says Nick Longman, Director of Distribution for Thomson and First

Choice. “We want to ensure that all members of the Police will still be able to take their well earned break with us, at a time convenient to them.”

Two-week beach breaks 'exposing office cheats' Fraud investigators say employers could save millions in fraud costs if they force all staff to take a two-week summer holiday. The advice comes from a specialist fraud detection team at accountants Ernst & Young, who found that their workload peaked in the August holiday period. They say that when dishonest workers are made to take a break from the office, they

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are unable to hide their paper trail - and suspicious activity rises to the surface. "The profile of a typical fraudster is a long serving, trusted employee, who works long hours and is reluctant to take their annual leave, said Jonathan Middup, partner at Ernst & Young's Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services practice. "Without doubt, one of the most simple and cost-effective anti-fraud measures is to ensure employees take at least two consecutive weeks holiday."

Annual Cost Of Fraud Revealed Loss estimates by sector:

Public - £21bn Private - £12bn Individuals - £4bn Charity - £1.3bn Source: National Fraud Authority

Mr Middup said his team noticed a "clear increase" in the number of office cheats busted when they are forced to take a fortnight's break. "Frauds, such as accounts manipulation that are covered up in the course of the year are often spotted when colleagues take over and notice something is not quite right," he said. According to Ernst & Young, this August could be one of the busiest ever for workplace deception cases as the economic situation puts pressure on staff.

"Our findings show that many employees are finding work stresses unusually intense," said Mr Middup. His team advises companies to encourage workers to take full holidays, properly investigate issues which may at first appear to be trivial and demonstrate a zero tolerance approach to fraud. Earlier this year, the National Fraud Authority estimated fraud was costing the UK over £38bn a year, with the public sector bearing the brunt of the losses.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011


On the road with jav Behind the Wheel


Bentley join the 4x4 race

BENTLEY, makers of exclusive, upmarket machines, are planning to launch a luxury 4x4 to rival the Range Rover - but not until 2014! It will be a huge, controversial step from a manufacturer with no SUV history, and whose output has always been split between ultra-luxurious limos and ultra-fast coupés. But Bentley chief Wolfgang Durheimer has confirmed that the company will definitely put a crossover SUV into showrooms. The £150,000 machine will be based on the same platform as the Audi Q7 and Porsche Cayenne, which spells BIG, and should become Bentley’s best selling model by far when it eventually comes on the market. Durheimer, head of research and development at Porsche when the Cayenne 4x4 was launched, told “I believe our version of the Cayenne could become our biggestselling vehicle; with an SUV Porsche doubled in size. “If Bentley were able to sell an SUV with the same level of craftsmanship as a Con-

tinental or Mulsanne, we could have an interesting success on our hands.” Despite having to be big to maintain the luxuriousness that Bentley buyers demand, it is believed that the Bentley SUV will be more coupé-like in shape, and probably a four-seater. It will cost more than a Porsche Cayenne, so that it won’t devalue the Bentley brand too much. But it will still be the cheapest Bentley by far and could, potentially, triple sales. The new car could also become Bentley’s first-ever diesel, and is likely to utilise the 6.0-litre V12 TDI unit, found in the £100,000 Audi Q7. This engine is capable of pushing the 2.6-tonne Audi SUV to 62mph in an amazing 5.5 seconds. Work on the vital new model is taking place at Crewe, where design chief Dirk van Braeckel and engineering boss Uli Eichhorn are masterminding the project with Durheimer. “I have great faith in the SUV market and it’s here to stay,” says Durheimer, who counts the launch of the Cayenne during his tenure at Weissach as “one of my proudest achievements”. The SUV will have hallmark

Bentley styling and a luxury wood-and-leather interior, which will place it above the Range Rover in terms of perceived quality. Coincidentally, the market launch is likely to overlap with that of Aston Martin’s promised Lagonda 4x4. Durheimer reckons that 1000Nm (738lb ft) is the required torque figure for the stately and luxu-

rious SUV, a figure that would ensure effortless performance in the mould of Bentley’s saloons and coupes. A W12 petrol would also be offered for markets where diesels aren’t so popular. The final go-ahead for Bentley’s SUV is still awaited from the VW Board, although the company are confident the project will

get the green light The big concern, of course, is the risk to Bentley’s blue-chip image. The company’s customer base has changed dramatically in recent year, and the majority of new Bentley owners may actually welcome such a move. “The average age of Continental GT buyers is below 50,” says a Bentley US

source. “Many don’t have any preconceptions of what a Bentley should be, except that it must make a bold visual statement.” While a 4x4 will definitely be at odds with Bentley’s traditional image, the controversial Cayenne, for example, has become a successful and profitable part of the Porsche range. And if Porsche can do it …

Banger brigade are at full throttle ONE of the biggest used-car companies in the UK are reporting a huge rise in people seeking old bangers. Auto Trader say the demand for cars worth £1,000 and below is outstripping supply, blaming the financial pressure for the trend. With petrol prices expected to continue soaring - at a time when thousands are driving up and down the UK on summer holidays - more and more are willing to plod about in old motors to keep costs down. Auto Trader's website is receiving 30,000 daily searches for cars under a grand, yet only 4,000 cars within that budget are for sale. There

Top ten in-demand UK budget cars 1.Vauxhall Corsa 2. Ford Fiesta 3. Ford Focus 4. Renault Clio 5. Peugeot 6. Vauxhall Astra are 5,000 searches per day for a cheap Vauxhall Corsa, with only 10% available. It means that the value of some old cars - the sort that would have been sent to a breaker’s yard under the scrap-

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

page scheme - is actually rising. The Corsa tops the list of indemand cheapies, followed closely by the Ford Fiesta and Focus, and the Renault Clio. Buyers of rock-bottom motors should be wary, though,

because reliability issues can wipe out savings made by buying dirt cheap. As always, getting a car with as full a history as possible is imperative, and insist on a test-drive before buying.

And unless you’re an expert under the bonnet, it’s especially advisable to take someone along who knows a thing or two when viewing. Better still, pay a reputable mechanic to give it the once-over.

7. VW Golf 8. Ford Ka 9. VW Polo 10. Fiat Punto

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Match Report By Geoff Huxtable AFTER a reasonable start to the season, the X-Men slipped to their fifth straight defeat last Friday during a home match with The Pub. Our old friend Harry hit his first 180 (he says it’s his last) and the visitors went on to take all eight games. Gaffers found a bit of form from somewhere and ended Yelas Bar’s fine spell with a whitewash, while Tavern took a valuable point as they entertained Valle Vikings. Captain Geoff checked out on 119 for the visitors. Fifth played sixth at Barracuda and in a close encounter, Toscales lost the trebles leg and the match 5-3. Mitch and London hit maximums for Nauta A to help their side to a win at Target Titans, and Cozy Wanderers remain third after a 6-2 victory at La Central. Elsewhere, a great night was had by struggling Bar 180

B as they faced up to Phoenix Bar. Young Beck and young Greta both won their singles, deservedly, but Del Boy was having none of it and put in a fine performance to take the points in a 6-2 success. The Knights’ promotion charge continued at full throttle and they comfortably dispatched the Bad Boys/Girls 8-0. Sundowners stay top after a 7-1 win over Trap Door, while Sunshine Bar had to win the trebles to take all the points from Palms Sports Bar. Naughty Nautas are having a good time this campaign, proving their point with a 120 finish by Bill and a 7-1 hammering of Marilyns, while La Caña Lancers faced local rivals Phoenix Flames and doused the visitors’ fire 5-3. Mid-table teams Valle Vikings 2 and Summerland Hopefuls thrashed out a 4-4 draw, and Tenerife Sun went up one place to fifth after a solid 6-2 success against Barracuda Hunters.

Division 1 Results Bar 180 A Dreamers Bar Hoops Bar Legends Bar Nauta A Phoenix Knights Summerlands Allstars Tenerife Hammers A Terrace Bar A

P-P 5-3 8-0 2-6 6-2 2-6 4-4 P-P 0-8

Bar 180 A Barracudarts Boys Gaffers La Central Phoenix Bar Target Titans Tavern Toscales Ensecan X-Men Table 1 Nauta A 2 Bar 180 A 3 Cozy Wanderers 4 Phoenix Bar 5 Barracudarts Boys 6 Toscales Tornados 7 The Pub 8 La Central 9 Cafe Rood A 10 X-Men 11 Target Army 12 Valle Vikings 1 13 Toscales Ensecan 14 Yelas 15 Gaffers 16 Tavern 17 Target Titans 18 Bar 180 B

P 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 12 12

W 12 10 9 9 8 8 6 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1

Café Rood A Toscales Tornados Yelas Cozy Wanderers Bar 180 B Nauta A Valle Vikings 1 Target Army The Pub D L 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 0 4 2 4 2 5 2 5 1 7 0 7 3 6 1 7 1 8 0 9 2 8 2 9 1 10

F 80 65 71 66 60 53 57 50 42 41 41 37 32 26 37 32 34 24

A +- PTS 16 64 36 23 42 30 25 46 29 30 36 29 36 24 25 43 10 24 39 18 20 46 4 17 46 -4 14 55 -14 13 47 -6 12 59 -22 12 56 -24 10 70 -44 10 59 -22 9 64 -32 8 62 -28 5 72 -48 4

Division 2

5 - 5 Summerlands Superstars 4 - 6 Palms Bar A 6 - 4 Target Bar 7 - 3 Tasca 3 - 7 Bar 180 C 7 - 3 Toscales Old Boys 3 - 7 Trap Door 7 - 3 Gaffers A 6 - 4 Atlantis Sharks

Table P 1 Phoenix Knights 2 2 Palms Bar A 2 3 Legends Bar 2 4 Terrace Bar A 2 5 Summerlands Superstars 2 6 Tenerife Hammers A 2 7 Atlantis Sharks 2 8 Bar 180 C 2 9 Target Bar 2 10 Tasca 2 11 Trap Door 2 12 Hoops Bar 2 13 Bar 180 A 2 14 Toscales Old Boys 2 15 Gaffers A 2 16 Dreamers Bar 2 17 Nauta A 2 18 Summerlands Allstars 2

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Division 2

Division 1

W 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

D 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

F 15 14 13 12 14 12 11 11 11 10 9 7 8 8 7 6 6 6

A 5 6 7 8 6 8 9 9 9 10 11 13 12 12 13 14 14 14

+- PTS 10 6 8 6 6 6 4 6 8 4 4 4 2 3 2 3 2 3 0 3 -2 3 -6 3 -4 1 -4 1 -6 0 -8 0 -8 0 -8 0

Results Bar La Cana Barracuda Bandits Exiles A Inn The Pink Lupain Target Rangers Toscales A-Team Wandabar A

Table 1 Barracuda Bandits 2 Lupain 3 Bar La Cana 4 Summerland Elite 5 Tenerife Hammers C 6 Phoenix Potters 7 Wandabar A 8 Exiles A 9 Inn The Pink 10 Atlantis Crew 11 Nauta B 12 Target Rangers 13 Toscales A-Team 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Terrace Bar B 16 Palms Bar B 17 Connors 18 Market Taverners

Café Rood B Knights La Caña Lancers Naughty Nautas Ourplace Naturals Sundowners Sunshine Bar Tenerife Sun Valle Vikings 2

P-P 8-0 5-3 7-1 P-P 7-1 5-3 6-2 4-4

Ourplace Playgirls Bad Girls/Boys Phoenix Flames Marilyns Lucky leprechaun Trap Door Palms Sports Bar Barracuda Hunters Summerland Hopefuls

Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 Sundowners 12 11 0 1 68 28 40 33 2 Knights 12 10 1 1 69 27 42 31 3 Ourplace Naturals 11 9 0 2 64 24 40 27 4 Sunshine Bar 12 8 3 1 62 34 28 27 5 Tenerife Sun 12 7 2 3 58 38 20 23 6 Naughty Nautas 12 7 1 4 55 41 14 22 7 Cafe Rood B 11 7 1 3 50 38 12 22 8 Valle Vikings 2 12 5 1 6 46 50 -4 16 9 Barracuda Hunters 12 5 1 6 40 56 -16 16 10 Marilyns 12 4 1 7 45 51 -6 13 11 Summerland Hopefuls 12 3 4 5 44 52 -8 13 12 Bad Girls/Boys 12 3 4 5 41 55 -14 13 13 Ourplace Playgirls 11 3 2 6 36 52 -16 11 14 Trap Door 12 3 1 8 41 55 -14 10 15 Palms Sports Bar 12 2 3 7 38 58 -20 9 16 Phoenix Flames 12 2 3 7 35 61 -26 9 17 Lucky Leprichaun 11 1 2 8 29 59 -30 5 18 La Caña Lancers 12 0 2 10 27 69 -42 2

Division 3

5 - 5 9 - 1 6 - 4 6 - 4 7 - 3 5 - 5 5 - 5 5 - 5

P 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1

W 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Summerland Elite Market Taverners Nauta B Palms Bar B Connors Barracuda Hunters Phoenix Potters Tenerife Hammers C

D 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

F 16 16 12 12 12 11 11 6 10 5 9 8 8 6 4 7 6 1

A 4 4 8 8 8 9 9 4 10 5 11 12 12 14 6 13 14 9

+- PTS 12 6 12 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 2 3 0 3 0 1 -2 1 -4 1 -4 1 -8 1 -2 0 -6 0 -8 0 -8 0

Results Bar La Cana Barracuda Bandits Exiles A Inn The Pink Lupain Target Rangers Toscales A-Team Wandabar A

5 - 5 9 - 1 6 - 4 6 - 4 7 - 3 5 - 5 5 - 5 5 - 5

Summerland Elite Market Taverners Nauta B Palms Bar B Connors Barracuda Hunters Phoenix Potters Tenerife Hammers C



A +- PTS

1 Gaffers B

2 2 0 0 16 4 12 6

2 The Treehouse

2 2 0 0 15 5 10 6

3 Exiles B

2 2 0 0 14 6 8


4 C&A Titans

2 1 1 0 12 8 4


5 James Place

2 1 1 0 12 8 4


6 Dos Hermanos

1 1 0 0 7

3 4


7 Legendary Jokers

2 0 2 0 10 10 0


8 The Office

2 0 2 0 10 10 0


9 Bull Ring Tavern

1 0 0 1 3

7 -4 0

10 Dragon's Denn

1 0 0 1 3

7 -4 0

11 Lucky Leprachan

2 0 0 2 7 13 -6 0

12 Wandabar B

1 0 0 1 2

13 Next Door

2 0 0 2 6 14 -8 0

14 Sunshine Bar

2 0 0 2 3 17 -14 0

8 -6 0

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011


New season, new hope THIS Sunday, CD Tenerife begin the long journey back to respectability. For the first time in 24 years, they start a season in the third tier of Spanish football.

Segunda B Group 1 is part League 1 and part Conference by English standards. It’s a strange mix of fallen giants, provincial sides and young upstarts. There are 80 teams in four groups all chasing just four promotion places, and the league winners are guaranteed nothing in what is a weird play-off scenario. That is something for CD Tenerife to worry about next June. The first battle is to get into those top four places. It all starts in Santa Cruz at 5pm as Vecindario, from Gran Canaria, visit for an instant derby date. The last time they were in the Heliodoro, they walked away with a 3-0 win after the worst Tenerife performance I have ever seen. A lot has happened since then and, after Tenerife’s promotion followed by double-bubble relegation, it looks like another roller-coaster ride this season. There are no easy groups at this level, and Tenerife have

been thrown in with some of the bigger teams. Albacete, relegated along with CDT, are in Group 1, along with Rayo Oviedo. This proud side are very similar to Sheffield Wednesday, and they are slowly climbing back after horrific financial problems saw them nearly go bust. They fell as low as Division Four, but Stan Collymore’s former team will be in the promotion mix this season. As will Real Madrid’s B team Castilla. They just missed out on the play-offs last season, but they have a raft of hungry young kids to call on. Star player is 18-year-old Alvaro Morata, who bagged 14 goals last year and should do even better this time. CD Lugo won this division last year before crashing in the play-offs, and they are to be feared, along with Legañes, who always seem to finish in the top five. Last year they were boosted by 25 goals from Mikel Arruabarrena. Yes, that is the same donkey who couldn't hit a cow’s backside with a banjo when he played for Tenerife a few years ago. So, along with Albacete, Tenerife have nothing to fear. They are by far the biggest fish in this pond. New manager Antonio Calderon is under pressure to

hit the group running, and he had the team playing well last weekend. They lost 1-0 at home against Las Palmas, but there was lots to like about the brand-new team. Only captain Luna remained in the outfield line-up, and plenty of the new boys looked smart. There is, of course, a world of difference between a

free season kick-about and the hurly-burly of league action. Tenerife, still a striker short, should start with Kiko and Perona up front against Vecindario. In midfield, Ferran was man of the match against Las Palmas and should start wide right, while Victor may just have done enough to edge out Nico, despite the

latter’s impressive cameo. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard that Kitoko had resigned. He was all set to join Standard Liege, but the deal kicked at the last minute. The Congo youngster jumped at the chance to return here and he will be a star this year. He should partner Marcos Rodriguez in the centre.

The defence picks itself. Skipper Luna will be partnered by Tarantino at the heart, with Venezuelan Meji left-back and Cristobal on the right. Sergio Aragoneses will have the gloves and, with the bookies offering Tenerife at 2-5, we should start with a win! The match is live on Oasis Fm from 4.45pm this Sunday.

Phoenix leave Toscales in a flap THERE has been a general feeling that this might be the tightest-ever League season, and the early matches are certainly showing that to be true.

After just two rounds, there are only four sides with 100% records in Division One. Phoenix Knights lead the way after Harry’s Boys fine win at home to Toscales, while defending champs Palms A were given a good test at Dreamers before coming through 6-4. Legends are also perfect after winning the battle of the promoted sides 7-3 against Tasca, while Terrace Bar A somehow managed to beat Atlantis Sharks 6-4, despite the lads spending the whole afternoon at a wake. Bar 180 A caused a shock by holding Summerland Su-

perstars to a draw, and there were wins for Tenerife Hammers A, Bar 180 C, Hoops and Trap Door, who succeeded at Summerland Allstars to gain their first victory of the season. If it’s tight in Division One, it’s airtight in Division Two. There were four more drawn matches, and only two sides have six points out of six. Barracuda Bandits and Lupain set the pace and Bandits will be delighted with their 9-1 win over relegated Market Taverners. Lupain were full value for their win against Connors in Los Cristianos. Bizarrely, these two sides meet on Tuesday! Exiles A started their campaign with a narrow win over Nauta B, and Inn The Pink got back on track with a nervy victory against Palms B. All the other matches were drawn, and there is little to suggest that there will be

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

much change over the next few weeks. The three pre-season favourites are all perfect through two matches in Division Three. The Treehouse were always in control of Wandabar B, as were Exiles B, who won 7-3 at Next Door. They join Gaffers B at the top. Dos Hermanos started their life in the league with a 7-3 win at Lucky Leprachan, The Office and James Place settled for a draw, as did C&A Titans at Legendary Jokers. Finally, we have to bring some more sad news on another player who has passed away. Terrace Bar B’s Brian “Dangerous” Webb (pictured) was a great man, if maybe not the world's best pool player! Always happy to be playing and enjoying the occasion, he will be remembered fondly by all who knew and played him.

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Puzzle Page

Prize Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

WIN!!! Showtime tickets.

Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to info@ before Wednesday 24th August and you could win!

Answer from Edition 716 (12/08/2011) was: 52 Winner: Alan Pearson

You have until the 26th September to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.






Last Week’s Answers:


5 3 1 7 2 8 3


2 7 6 7 2 8 6 8 9 4 7 5 2 9 8 4 8 3 8 1 4 4

Brain Training: Beginer: 2 Intermediate: 324 Advanced: 29

1 5


Sudoku X: 7 2 3 5 1 4 9 8 6 6 4 8 7 9 3 5 1 2

3 7 8 5

2 7 9



6 8

5 9 1 6 8 2 7 4 3

6 7 2 4

2 8 9 1 5 6 4 3 7 4 1 6 3 2 7 8 9 5 3 5 7 8 4 9 2 6 1

4 6

8 3 2 9 7 1 6 5 4 1 7 5 4 6 8 3 2 9

Puzzle Rating: Moderate

9 6 4 2 3 5 1 7 8

9 2


Very hard

4 5 7 2 9 6 1 3 8

8 5 9 7

8 6 2 7 3 1 5 4 9

7 2 5

6 2 8 1 7 4 9 5 3

9 1 3 5 4 8 7 6 2

5 3 4 6 2 9 8 7 1 7 9 1 8 5 3 4 2 6

2 9

3 8 6 4 1 5 2 9 7 2 4 9 3 8 7 6 1 5

4 1 7 8

1 7 5 9 6 2 3 8 4

6 8

3 7 4 9 5 1 6 8 2

very easy 5 2 1 8 4 6 3 9 7 8 9 6 2 7 3 1 4 5

8 4 5

9 5 2 4 1 8 7 3 6

4 6 8 1



4 3 7 6 9 2 8 5 1 6 1 8 7 3 5 4 2 9 2 6 5 1 8 4 9 7 3 1 8 9 3 2 7 5 6 4 7 4 3 5 6 9 2 1 8

Puzzle Rating: very hard

Horoscopes of the week Leo

Disagreements with a friend are likely to come to a head as you end up crossing the line in a moment of frustration. An attraction with an unlikely person will begin to develop. Be sure to keep it secret for as long as possible. You will need some time to relax, and you should do just that.

LIBRA (September 24thOctober 23rd) Make sure you have a few days of relaxation; work and tasks should be attempted only if really necessary. Partners will be more attentive than usual, but don’t get suspicious. Sit back, enjoy and relish in the moment. Any social plans in the next few days should be cancelled as you won’t feel like going out. SCORPIO (October 24thNovember 22nd) You will be questioning your direction and what you want out of life, as you have been doing for some time. Events that are likely to unfold should give you a clearer picture of the path you should now take. You have already made the choice, but you know need to understand why you’ve made it. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) You have neglected your close friends over the past few weeks, and now is the time to try to make amends. True friends will understand your reasons, so don’t worry about telling the truth. Un-

Page 48

expected news will throw you. Chill out and be pleased for those it involves. CAPRICORN (December 22ndJanuary 20th) Everything you do lately has seemed such an effort. This is about to change, as you surge onwards with a new lease of life and energy. It will be hard for those around you not to have noticed the difference. As you are feeling on top of the world, make sure you have a night out on the town with friends. AQUARIUS (January 21stebruary 19th) This is a time for mending the recently-broken fences. Don’t let your stubbornness get the better of you, as some things are really not worth fighting over. You should avoid making any critical business decisions, although an explosive relationship close to home will catch your attention. On the upside, your finances are under lucky influences. PISCES (February 20thMarch 20th) Romance is set to improve. Your only problem is fitting it in with your creaking social calendar. It is hard to let people down, but you must follow your heart this time and bear the consequences later. A project at work will finally draw to a close and you can expect to be rewarded appropriately. ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) A family announcement will leave you feeling quite shocked. This will soon pass

Musical connections 1. I hear you singing in the wire, I can hear you through the whine.

(July 24th-August 23rd)

VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) Today will see you catching up with friends, family, acquaintances and all the gossip. This will take up most of your time today, leaving you with a full list of outstanding tasks. There’s no need to worry, as you will have more time on your hands over the next few days.

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training

as you get used to the idea, and see the benefits it will also have for you. Luck will be on your side in everything you do. The message you have been waiting for is also likely to arrive TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) Try to get everyone involved in your current project and, as work takes a backseat, you and friends will have an enjoyable day doing lots of fun activities. Your vigilance today however, will enable you to get out of what could have been a tricky situation. Call now to hear how the full moon is about to shake up your love life. GEMINI (May 22nd-J une 21st) Your body is saying relax, whilst your head and energy levels are telling you otherwise. Organise your time efficiently so that you are able relax before partying. News you have been waiting for is likely to arrive and the signs will be good, so you should be pleased when it arrives. CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) Your sense of passion will be strong this week, and you will be expressing yourself in this way to your lover - in fact, to anyone you have dealings with. Tasks that require an amount of concentration should be forgotten about or postponed until another time, when your mind will be more focused.

-------------------------------------------2. Big wheels keep on turning, Carry me home to see my kin --------------------------------------------

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number


4/11 of this



3. I used to be a rolling stone, You know if the cause was right




4. All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey -------------------------------------------5. Come with me while the moon is on the sea. -------------------------------------------6. These vagabond shoes, Are longing to stray -------------------------------------------7. All across the nation, such a strange vibration,people in motion







+64 ÷4

x5 +42 ÷8 9



Intermediate Starter Number







5/6 of this








-57 x13 -176 x9 Answer

2/7 of this

-------------------------------------------8. Put on my blue suede shoes, And I boarded the plane

Advanced Starter Number






3/4 of this



9. When the day is dawning, On a Texas Sunday Morning





-------------------------------------------10. What connects songs 1 -9? --------------------------------------------






of this

4/5 of this




19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011


19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Page 49

Free Ads


Free Adverts

Clothes, shoes, bags, belts, Bric a Brac, CD’s, DVD’s Play Station games, beach chairs, electric fan all for 75 euros. Mountain Bike, 21 speed, 50 euros. Tel 667 350 494 Various kitchen units (varnished pine doors on white cabinets) Good condition, plus brown electric oven & extractor, all 10 euros each. Tel 661 081 843 Tall bamboo unit with three shelves, drawer and cupboard a solid piece of furniture 100 euros. Printer stand with paper storage, 40 euros. Metal framed pull out sofa bed 60 euros. Vintage style radio, very ornamental 30 euros. Surround sound system 20 euros. Tall white mirrored cabinet 4 doors & 2 drawers 80 euros. 2 seater sofa 15 euros. Patterned glass fronted tall kitchen cabinet 50 euros. 3 ring gas cooker with grill and oven 50 euros. Large gilt framed mirror 50 euros. Tumble dryer Edesa, 5kg, 70 euros. Computer desk 20 euros. Packard bell computer windows XP professional intel celron 2-66 ghz processor 504 mb ram. 17 inch tft monitor keyboard & mouse, 200 euros. 2 pine chairs 15 euros. White double bamboo headboard 155cm with 2 matching chairs 30 euros. Stainless steel glass fronted 3 door food refrigerated counter unit, 150 x 64 x 108cm. 300 euro. Cash register 40 euros. Mattress for single bed 10 euros. 4 place drop down sandwich toaster 35 euros. White five drawer tall boy 40 euros. Fire extinguishers from 35 euros. Teak & metal headboard 210cm 30 euros. 6 square meters textured natural coloured tiles 20 x 20cm 30 euros. Office chair 10 euros. Tel. 662 354 391. Silencio area. Buyer to collect. Wet and Dry vacuum cleaner, goblin, excellent condition 55 euros. Pressure cooker, prestige flat top with recipe leaflet 20 euros. Suitcase, carlton, plastic with combination lock 25 euros. VHS video tapes, films and comedy 15 in total, 12 euros Golf del sur area, Tel: 609 476 551 Satellite Dish, 3m good condition, 500 euros. Tel 669 684 321 Set of 6 dining chairs inc.2 carvers. Honey coloured solid wood with dark brown leather seat covers as new 120 euros. Nokia mobile phone 5 euros. Tel 678 827 701 B.C.D woman’s (m) freeshark 50 euros ono. Tel 690 680 391

Winmau fibre dartboard (fives version) with wall case 7 euros. Cordless power drill with accessories in case 10 euros. Tel 922 742 063 2 silver gas bottles 40 euros ono. Industrial hand potato chipper 60 euros ono. 4 doz brandy glasses 40 euros ono. 1 doz white coffee cups & saucers 10 euros ono. Tel 659 348 481 Bottle cooler (3 compartments) 150 euros. Bottle cooler (2 compartments) 125 euros. Fire extinguisher 25 euros. 2 wooden tables, 15 euros each. 2 tall tables and 6 stools, 60 euros. 2 paper towel holders, 10 euros. 6 seater table extends to 10 str and 6 chairs, 150 euros. TV stand 10 euros. Rustic bedside cabinet, 10 euros. Approx 20 boxes of car boot items (videos, soft toys, glasses, tea pots, etc, 80 euros. Singing Father Christmas 1 meter call 125 euros. 4 resin patio chairs and cushions, 20 euros. Gas /grill barbecue and stand, 50 euros. Bicycle 50 euros. Gas Bottle (silver), 50 euros. Tel 625 742 940

Little Tikes pink outdoor playhouse, excellent condition, suitable for 2-7 years 80 euros. Feber, 5 step outdoor slide, 3 years+ good condition 35 euros. Little Tikes Play kitchen unit with realistic sounds from the hob, oven, microwave, sink and tap, shelve unit extremely sturdy in excellent condition, 2-7 years, 50 euros. Children’s iron and ironing board suitable 2-5 years, 15 euros. Children’s working hoover with small vac (Early learning), 15 euros. Tel 600 203 600.

100 DVD’s boxed, mint condition, 175 euros. Tel 922 724 028

Boys and girls clothes 0/18 months, tea shirts / shorts / tops / vests / bodies 50 cents. Jeans / trousers / dungarees 1 euro each. Dresses / babygros 1 euro each. Next girls fleece 2 euros. Lots of ladies crop trousers, and tops from Next, Wallis, Monsoon 2 euros each. Ladies dress BNWT Primemark 3 euros. Tel 628 430 800

Ladies French bike with gears, good working order, 55 euros. Tel 697 746 885 Set of golf clubs, ping driver and Wilson bag, 400 euros. Tel 630 052 466

bargain of the week Nintendo DS 84 games chip. Only about 20 of the games have been used. Full list of games available if required. 15 Euros Tel: 625 290 301’

Enamel lined 100l water boiler 85 euros. 21" colour TV and TDT box 50 euros. Jane high chair, converts to chair and table 45 euros. Graco folding playpen / playhouse UV resistant 45 euros. 17" colour monitor 15 euros. 4 x wooden dining chairs 40 euros. Romer King car seat 9-18kg 50 euros. Tel 661 907 336 Mattress 135 x 190 60 euros. Petsafe radio fence pet containment system comes with 250m of boundary wire and radio collar for your dog 100 euros. Industrial insect killer for kitchen/bar stainless steel, 2 flouresant tubes 50 euros. Werku electric stone and marble cutter 50 euros. Rubi TX700 tile cutter (weight 20kg) 100 euros. Tel 639 481 064 Chio, Guia de Isora. Sky HD Box, Remote and freeview card 140 euros. Tel: 660 107 448 Black uni- sex city bike, 5 gears, good condition, hardly used, with basket, lock and helmet. 50 euros. Tel 687 905 511.

Double quilt cover green and cream check with pillow cases, 10 euros. 3 tier paper rack 5 euros. 8 large silk roses burgundy and cram 5 euros. 4 lampshades dark blue, 10 euros. 3 ceramic animal money boxes 50 cents each. Digital cordless telephone with new lead 5 euros. Large Mexican woven maya wall calendar 10 euros. Delux wooden wine box , 5 euros. Books 12 autobiographies 2 euros or 25 euros the lot. Martina Cole 15 40 euros the lot or 3 euros each. 18 mixed books, 25 euros. Bridesmaid / prom dress burgundy beaded bodices 50 euros. 2 4 drawer chests in pine 50 euros. Double pine bed, headboard side supports and footer 45 euros. Rug dark blue 25 euros. Samsung 20”TV silver good condition 40 euros. Orio 14” TV with built in video 40 euros. Computer 19” Proview flat screen monitor with built in speakers, 50 euros. Wall safe with 3 keys 45 euros. 1.2 m channel master sat dish with wall mount 75 euros. 4 blade ceiling fan gold 25 euros. Boat fishing rod 45 euros. Tel 922 731 336 or 616 045 661

3 piece suite 2 one seaters and 1 three seater sofa bed in blue excellent condition, 495 euros. Dark pine wood dining table and 4 chairs v.g.c. 220 euros. Whirlpool washing machine perfect working order 165 euros. Balay oven and ceramic hob v.g.c. and perfect working order 225 euros. Vaporetto leader 95 euros. Electric safe 65 euros. Small terrace green metal table and chairs very good condition 175 euros. 2 door pine wardrobe excellent condition 295 euros. Tel 922 72 04 93 /659 731 832

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm Page 50

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Classified JObs

PR Wanted for a beauty related business, good rates of commission, flexible hours, call 696814732



Property for Rent Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680.

A chef is required for a busy family bar restaurant, must have experience & be able to work as part of a team, various shifts available, good rates of pay, contract given to the right applicant. Call 922 753 037 to arrange an interview or email Suncare Central are recruiting an Area Manager and Supervisor. Experience is essential. Successful candidates must be willing to relocate within the Canary or Balearic Islands. Suncare Advisors are also required. Email your CV to or call Louise on 651 170 660. An Established Marketing Company require a Czech or Slovak person to work with new and existing clients on their referral program. You must be presentable, self motivated and computer literate. Hours 9.30 to 5pm Monday to Friday. Email suecampbell@ or call Sue on 922 713 070

Callao Salvaje – lovely 2 bed apartment, garage space, UK TV, €550 + bills San Eugenio Alto – 1 bed/1bath apartment, €450 incl first €50 of bills San Eugenio Bajo – Laguna Park I, 1 bed apartment, €525 incl bills Las Chafiras – AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 3 bed, 2.5 bath townhouse, private garage, pool view, €750 + bills Las Chafiras - Lovely ground floor 1 bed apartment, NO PETS, €440 + bills Las Chafiras - 3 bed, 2 bath apartment, luxury furnishings, €590 + bills Golf del Sur – Scorpio, fairway view, very tidy well equipped 1 bed, €450 incl first €50 of bills Costa del Silencio – Amarilla Bay – lovely ground floor 1 bed, €450 incl bills Garañaña – Choice of 3 , 3 bed quality apartments, from €490 + bills

LUXURY PENTHOUSE Fully furnished, 2 bed, 2 bath in Las Chafiras. Magnificent to the sea and the airport. 1 min from TF1. Secure complex with2 swimming pools and underground car park. 650 per month (inc 50 euros for bills). Call 922 737 048 evenings

Property for sale Cars/Bikes

PALM MAR - 1 bedroom apartment, fully furnished, air conditioned, filtered water, sun blind, beautiful views, quite complex, swimming pool, shops 2 minutes away. Bars and entertainment local. 122,500 euros Tel : 672 82 19 12


A UK Holiday Company require Sales Development Personnel. Previous holiday telephone sales experience is important and a knowledge of Tenerife accommodation essential as you will expanding their product. Knowledge of additional foreign languages very useful. Work from home or office. Call 0044 7415 100 001 or email: A Marketing assistant is required. The applicant will be involved with marketing activities in Europe dealing with promotional campaigns and agencies and assisting the Marketing Director. You must have good computer skills, speak fluent English and an eastern European language would be an advantage but not essential. Call Monika on 922 719 389 or email your CV to GC Resorts are looking for Reservations Consultants to contact potential customers based in the UK. You should be dynamic, motivated, enthusiastic and a good team player. You will receive a contract, weekly pay, a realistic commission structure and an excellent training and development programme. Call Jayne Harris on 922 710 032 or 673 478 920 or email A Marketing Office in the South of Tenerife require enthusiastic, self motivated staff. They are looking for native speaking Romanian, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian and Polish with spoken English. Basic Wage plus excellent commissions. Hours 9.30 to 5pm Monday to Friday. Call Sue on 922 713 070 or 686 154 066 or email



Cars/Bikes CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667. Renault Clio 2000, 1.2, 4 door ITV May 2012. AC, ELW, & CL, 75,000km, nice condition, 2,250 euros. Tel 922 714 317

MG ZS - 4 door, metallic bright blue, full service, excellent condition, 12 months ITV, alloy wheels, 1 owner from new. 3,995 € Tel: 659 202 826 For Sale Pedigree Persian kittens, white long haired, ready for new homes now, with pedigree papers, 150 euros each. Tel: 922 770 887 or 669 640 219

Miscellaneous All round service: Any kind of assistance, help, companionship, private driver/shopper, dog walking. 6 languages. Tel 636 910 177

Wanted: Good quality office furniture. Tel: 922 793 840.

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Page 51

Service Point Cars


Service Point


EXECUTIVE CAR VALET For the personal touch. Hand polish... interiors... carpets... Engine etc...

4 hours minimum per car!

Specialist cars e.g. Mercedes / BMW etc. + any 4 X 4’s

55 euros per valet.


Telephone: 902 811 069

Contact Kevin on 646 446 958


E-mail: Computer Service Provider BT Authorised Dealer Dell Registered Partner



Long Term Rental

From 250â‚Ź per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email:

Chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790

Cleaning Auctions Flog it @ Tenerife Auction Rooms AUCTIONS EVERY SATURDAY 10.30am Buy & Sell Furniture & Household Items & just about everything else. Make more money selling Save more money buying Cut out the middleman Located at top of Amarilla Golf Road, Chafiras J24. Phone 645 389 207

Collections & Deliveries Available




Someone you can trust to look after your holiday apartment while you are back in the UK.

Blinds (cont.)

Experienced mature British couple willing to help. Excellent work at reasonable rates. References can be provided.

Call 646 446 958.

Page 52

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Service Point Fly Screens

Kitchens & bathrooms (cont.)

Mechanics & Valets (cont.)

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

language Lessons French, German or Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833.


Garden Furniture

Patio Doors & Windows

health & Beauty


VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051

Mobile 696 889 048


Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills. QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

Kitchens & bathrooms Markets

Alcala every Monday


9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall?

Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841

Mechanics & Valets Personal Services International Escort Service only exclusive, older clientele. 6 languages. Call 636 910 177 “Young, beautiful & sexy Brazilian lady, big natural breasts, erotic massage, couples, private apt Las Americas, Escort 24 hours, call 633 211 668”

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Page 53

Service Point Personal Services (cont.) Tantric massage in Los Cristianos, most sensual intimate massage you can have. Fully trained masseurs, taking both your body & mind to the limits of pleasure, ladies, gentlemen or couples, Call 693 979 153 Beautiful & loving Columbian girl in Los Cristianos, very accommodating. You will find her in the Funchal apartments, behind the bus station in front of Hotel Aguamar. Speaks little English. Home & Hotel visits. Call 10 minutes before: 627 008 443” BEAUTIFUL, BLONDE YOUNG LADY FROM CZECH REPUBLIC,barbie face,BODY LIKE TOP MODEL,VERY SENSUAL, EROTIC MASSAGE, couples, lesbians, erotic toys, much more.. AVAILABLE FOR DINNER, PARTIeS, HOTEL VISITS(24 HOURS) DISCREET, LUXURY APARTAMENT IN LAS AMERICAS.JUST FOR EXcLUSIVE GENTLEMEN, GOOD ENGLISH SPOKEN, 0034 603 134 068 Second-hand Shops

BARGAIN BASEMENT closing down sale monday

all clothing must go! look for your bargain on the garage ramp. We still buy and sell quality furniture! Los Cristianos, nr Cultural Centre / Police station road, next to pet shop

Tel: 618 381 488

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist

For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 Translation

Rotations: Call Gary on 922 790 822 - 662 496 422. Closed on Wednesdays.

Pets Pet Hotel “Toy”. Short breaks / Holiday care for your pet. Pick up and return service. Tel 922 530 347

Plumbing All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579

Pool tables

Furniture & Household Items bought for cash Immediate decisions

Phone Freddie 645 389 207 security


Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

Teeth whitening


The English Upholsterer Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle 677 806 800


TV & Satellite Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

Water Filters UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.

Tarot Reading / Astrology

The white van man

Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494.

No job too big or too small

Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 774 345 / 610 089 157.

House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743 Page 54

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Maria Leng British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547

For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 - 13:00 then 16:00 - 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday Morning, and many shops


Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104

are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services. Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers


Contributors: Carl Pattison Christine CraggsHinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Nicola Roberts Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces the cost of transport

by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Friday Night Clear skies. 26 °C. Wind N 12mph. Saturday Partly Cloudy skies 28 °C. Wind NNE 14mph. Saturday Night Clear skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 12mph. Sunday Partly Cloudy. 28 °C. Wind NNE 12mph. Sunday Night Clear skies. 26 °C. Wind NNE 13mph. Monday Clear skies. 26 °C. Wind NNE 16mph. Monday Night Clear skies 25 °C. Wind NNE 12mph. Tuesday Partly cloudy skies. 28 °C. Wind NNE 15mph. Tuesday Night Clear skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 14mph. Wednesday Sunny skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 16mph.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

(lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800

Friday Clear skies 29 °C. Wind N 9mph.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802

Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

(lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Wednesday Night Partly Cloudy skies. 24 °C. Wind NNE 18mph. Thursday Partly Cloudy. 27 °C. Wind NNE 13mph. Thursday Night Clear skies. 24 °C. Wind NNE 13mph.

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A.

Distribution audited and certified by

Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2011 Canarian Weekly

Publisher, proprietor and Editor: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

Page 55


Page 56

19 August 2011 - 25 August 2011

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