Canarian Weekly Ed 691

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 691



18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


On the right track! North-South railway details are explained in full THE proposed railway linking North and South Tenerife draws closer, and the answers to all those questions you want to ask about the project are now at hand. A mobile booth has been travelling around the Island, bringing all the information on the multi-million-euro “light rail” installation, which will run between Santa Cruz and Costa Adeje. It houses a detailed exhibition and is open from 10am8pm. The building has been installed in Los Cristianos for the past week and moves off to Candelaria after tomorrow and Adeje in the coming months. The office, stationed in front of the Cultural Centre, was welcomed on its arrival by a host of dignitaries. They included Tenerife Cabildo President Ricardo Melchior, Cabildo Economy chief Carlos Alonso and Arona’s Mayor, José Alberto González Reverón. The centre offers visitors a wealth of information regarding numerous issues raised by the project, and you really must visit it if you need to know the finer details. Otherwise, go to The travelling show is the latest in a number of moves over the past few years designed to keep residents up-to-date on the progress being made. Pamphlets, wall-sized posters and projections of the exact route of the train are on show. And personnel are on hand to answer your questions and resolve any doubts regarding

the route of the train - and its effi-ciency concerning public transport needs for the future. Since beginning its journey in Santa Cruz last November, the stand has received well over 12,000 visitors, with many more anticipated. It had already stopped at numerous points in the North, where some 3,507 people dropped in.

The home of good shopping Come & See our *NEW LOOK* Store, in Los Cristianos - now Bigger & better! Opp. Paloma Beach Apts, CC Costamar, Los Cristianos and Las Chafiras

Later, when it pulled into the Plaza de España for a longer stay, just beside the ice rink during the Christmas period, more than 7,300 people were entertained. And officials are confident that its journey through the South will prove just as successful. At over 80km long, the total bill for the railway line has been estimated at

1.8billion euros. The trains, powered by 100% renewable energy, will each hold 450 passengers and should carry up to 30,000 a day between Santa Cruz and Costa Adeje. There will be seven stops along the route. The stations will be located at Santa Cruz, Añaza, Candelaria, San Isidro, Tenerife South Airport, Los

Cristianos and Las Americas, with services running every 15 minutes at speeds of up to 220k/ph. The train will come from Reina Sofia Airport to a small stop in Las Chafiras (they are not yet sure where). There will then be a major stop in Los Cristianos and on to the final stop in the municipality of Adeje. A vast amount of the train

journey will be underground in fact, some 40 metres under the ground - tunnelling through the Guaza mountain and running under sections of both Arona and Adeje. The entire journey, from Santa Cruz to Adeje will take just 39 minutes, which will almost certainly cut down on the daily TF1 traffic, especially at the rush-hours. Contiuned on page 3.


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18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


The train’s coming!

as four bays for buses, 14 spots for taxis and eight short stop parking spaces. Inside the station will be a selection of shops, a cafeteria, and various offices. The statement calls the roof the unifying element of the entire project, acting as a protective enclosure and insulation, while also providing much-needed protection from the sun while standing on the platforms. Of course, there will be

garden areas and a system of recycling of rainwater will be in place for the purpose of watering the gardens. Clean waste water will also be used for this purpose. All those present agreed that this is a plan that will result in the creation of a truly outstanding station in San Isidro that will be able to accommodate the many thousands of passengers that will be using the new train service.

Less taxis please

say they are ready to take to the streets alongside the drivers to demonstrate how difficult life has become for so many of them, and how urgently measures need to be taken to aid this troubled sector.

Above are the plans for the new train from Los Cristianos to Adeje. The economic crisis has hit hard in the transport sector and taxis in particular are feeling the pinch. Four taxi driver associations and three radio-taxi groups that claim they represent some 60% of the sector in the capital, Santa Cruz, have joined forces to appeal to the Santa Cruz Town Council and the Tenerife Cabildo to reduce the number of licensed cabs on the

roads. They say this is the only way for the sector to survive. The drivers and their families held a meeting and said that if they did not receive an answer from the Mayor, Miguel Zerolo, by the end of February, they would be forced to take to the streets to protest the situation and

SAN ISIDRO is about to have a major new look with the introduction of a bus and train station that will see almost 20,000 passengers who use the south’s light rail system passing through every day. Cabildo President, Ricardo Melchior, the Minister of

raise public awareness. The group recalls that the number of permits that were issued rose dramatically back in the 1980’s, when cabs provided an economical way of travel. However, with the improvements in public transport and in more recent times, the introduction of the tram, taxi drivers

Economy and Competitiveness, Carlos Alonso and the Mayor of Granadilla, Carmen Nieves Gaspar, held a meeting with the team of architects and Estévez Correa, who is responsible for carrying out the project that is budgeted at more than thirteen million Euros. The station will have a covered area for passengers and parking for up to 720 vehicles. There will be disabled parking spaces as well

have seen their income reduced dramatically. President of the Canarian Taxi Drivers Association, Juan Carlos López, reminded the meeting that the local government, in two separate sessions, had admitted the need to reduce the number of licenses by 532. Mayor Zerolo has yet to

respond to the drivers’ demands and their families

Speed limit cut for safety’s sake PLANS are underway to reduce the speed limit to 30 km/hour on all urban Spanish roads with just one lane in each direction, and on one-way streets with a single lane. Most of these roads have a 50 km/hour limit at present, and the change will be effected with the publication of the new Spanish Highway Code, el Reglamento General de Circulación. Pere Navarro, General Director of Traffic in Spain (DGT), justified the measure

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

yesterday (Thursday) by saying that no pedestrian could survive being hit by a car travelling at 70 kms/hour. He added that 50% of people survived a 50 kms/hour impact, but 95% survived an impact of 30 kms/hour. Nearly 300 pedestrians were killed on Spanish roads in 2009, 46% of them in towns and cities. The DGT traffic authority has released plans to allow youngsters over 16 years of age to drive with an adult. They will, however, have had to pass the theory exam, and have had at least 20 hours on the road previously at a driving school.

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Swallows are brushing up for their colourful Forest plans Swedish Church display to face chop


LAST WEEK I wittered on about the UK forests being sold off, and indeed it was still in the weekend’s posh papers. By way of update as we go to print it appears that the Government is to ditch plans to sell off England’s green and pleasant land. It’s understood that the plans will be dropped today (Friday) after heavy criticism from campaigners, more than 500,000 people signed an online petition against the move. Downing Street aides said the consultation will be swiftly wound up and the policy rethought. A new panel of experts is now set to look at public access and biodiversity within the publicly-owned woodland. The good news comes after hundreds of thousands of people united against the plans to change the ownership of England’s 258,000hectare public forest estate, many of them natural Tory supporters. Environment secretary Caroline Spelman, who unveiled the plans last year, has faced intense criticism from Conservative MPs who have been confronted by angry protests from constituents. Even the Prime Minister admitted he was not happy with the policy, which would have raised £250m. At Prime Minister’s Questions in the Commons, Labour leader Ed Miliband asked Mr Cameron: “Can you tell us whether you are happy with your flagship

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policy on forestry?” Mr Cameron replied: “The short answer to that is no.” Mr Miliband urged the Government to drop the “ludicrous” policy and pointed out the “irony” that the Conservative Party’s symbol was a tree. Last week, it was announced that sales of 15% of public forests run by the Forestry Commission will not go ahead until a review aimed at “significantly” strengthening woodland protections is completed. Now plans to offload the remaining 85% of England’s public forests to timber companies, charities and local communities have also been dropped. Ironically 2011 is International year of the forest, which has been declared by the United Nations. According to the Forestry Commission’s website it has invited governments, organisations and individuals to do all they can to raise public awareness of the key role of forests and sustainable forest management in building a greener, more equitable and sustainable future. “The Forestry Commission is pleased to play its part and will make a full contribution to the UK’s response. Our programme of educational, community and recreational events throughout the year will be used to highlight the Year of Forests and we are planning many more projects and events throughout 2011.” You couldn’t write better comedy lines. Until next week…

IT’S that time of the year again, and the Swallows Art Group have again been busy preparing for their annual exhibition at The Swedish Church on the sea front in Los Cristianos. It runs from 26th February until 5th March, and the Art Group have already held successful exhibitions at the Cultural Centre in Los Cristianos, the Hacienda Cristoforo near Playa Paraiso and at The Cuatro Esquinas Rural Hotel, in San Miguel de Abona. The group venture out each week painting and sketching. Their canvas is Tenerife, with its diversity of volcanic landscapes, pine forests, picturesque villages with fincas and vineyards; the traditional harbours and their fishing boats and yachts; the beaches stretching out with Atlantic waves crashing on the shores, and the vibrant colours of the flora and fauna. Their Swedish Church Exhibition has a variety of paintings depicting the dedication and enjoyment of all the artists, who will be happy to discuss their works and

techniques. They hold workshops and painting classes for beginners and experienced painters, and are happy to discuss details of classes. All the paintings are for sale, so come along and enjoy the colourful array. Everyone is welcome - and don’t forget, that picture which really appeals to you, and your wallet or purse, may well be a future masterpiece! The exhibition will be open at the following times: Monday and Friday,10am2pm. Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am-2pm; 47pm. Thursday, 10am-2pm; 4-6.30pm. Saturday, 10-4pm. Delicious cakes and hot drinks are available in the charming café in The Swedish Church. Jacqueline Hankin can be reached on 922 738 143 if you wish for further information.

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


Rushing to Tenerife No safe crossing ACCORDING to the latest figures released by the Tourism department at the Tenerife Cabildo, a full 98% of all Russians that visit the Canary Islands come to Tenerife, maintaining the Island as the undisputed favourite for more than 15 years. First Vice President and Tourism head José Manuel Bermúdez said, “This is a growing market here in Tenerife and these visitors are looking for luxury, quality of service, and they have money to spend.” Cabildo tourism statistics show that the Russian market grew by 20.6% in 2010, with a total of 81,992 visitors. Russian tourists tend to be younger than the majority of visitors to the Island, averaging less than 40 years of age. This, plus their healthy daily spend means they are more active, enjoying excursions, visiting the capital and Puerto de la Cruz or whale watching, but shop-

ping is their major interest, followed by dining out. The study also revealed that Russians usually use a travel agency to book their holidays and prefer to stay in five or four star hotels in the south of Tenerife. Their average stay is 12 days in comparison with the general average of just over a week. And, despite

being active, they enjoy relaxing on the beach or taking in the natural beauty of the Island with a trip up to El Teide. Bermúdez concluded, “This year Tourism Tenerife will be working to promote the Island in other Eastern countries that would fly in via Moscow, a city with frequent flights

into Tenerife, such as the Ukraine, Kazakhstan or Belarus.” As well as appearing at the numerous tourism trade fairs that occur each year, Tourism Tenerife will be actively promoting the ‘Quality Tourism’ it has been aiming at for several years, highlighting exclusivity and luxury.

State to invest more funds in Island tourism MADRID’S MINISTER for Industry, Tourism and Commerce, Miguel Sebastián, has announced the intention of the State Government to release some 42 million Euros in April, destined for several major improvement projects here on the Islands.

The funds will be administered by the Canarian Government under the Tourism Infrastructure Plan, which contains projects designed to be undertaken up to 2012. The major area of concern is the state of much of the hostelry sector throughout the Archipelago, deemed to be obsolete and in need of serious renovation. The announcement came during a session in Congress in Madrid when Coalicion Canarias spokeswoman Ana

Oramas asked when and what the Government intended to do to assist the Canaries in the task of upgrading. Minister Sebastián said he would be meeting with Canarian Government President Paulino Rivero in March to finalise the deal and sign the appropriate agreements. “This funding will go a long way towards the renovation projects,” the Minister said. “It will increase the Canary Islands’ standing in terms of competition with other des-

tinations as well as improve the environmental sustainability issues we face, and aid both economically and socially,” he concluded. Oramas commented, “This funding should provide jobs for 4,000 people in the construction sector as well as renovate many of the rundown tourist zones.”

LOCAL residents in Playa San Juan are once again up in arms and demanding a safe place to cross the road. Mayor of Guia de Isora, Pedro Martín, has added his voice to the outcry and is calling on the roads department at Tenerife’s Cabildo to install a pedestrian crossing, or at least come up with another solution. The more than 500 residents that live on either side of the TF-47, calle El Velero, are housed in two complexes, Residencial Playa San Juan and La Ola, the area known locally as ‘El Sacatapas’. The local people and the Town Council have been trying for several years to get permission from the Cabildo to install the crossing at an extremely busy point on the road where pedestrians have neither a crossing, traffic lights nor an elevated walkway, for instance. Community of owners President at the Residencial Playa San Juan, Antonio Auret Ruiz and Antonio Magdalena of the San Juan Bautista

Neighbourhood Association both claim that they have waited years for an answer, sending petitions, attending meetings and visits from various technicians. The two recently met with Mayor Martín at the crossing at the entrance into the town where the Mayor informed them that at the next meeting with the roads department at the Cabildo he will once again ask permission for the Town Council to put a crossing where it is so badly needed. The Mayor recalled that in years past the Town Hall had painted a crossing and been fined by the Cabildo for acting without a permit. Antonio Auret drew attention to the plight of two elderly people living in Residencial Playa San Juan that simply cannot get across the road quickly enough. They have to rely on neighbours for their shopping and even for their rubbish to be taken across the road to the bins. He also pointed out that parents are afraid to let their children play outside for fear that they will try and cross the busy road and come to harm.

Wages are dropping SPANISH WAGES are reducing although the country’s productivity is increasing, according to the Spanish press. The average wage fell by 0.4% in 2010, despite the year ending with 3% inflation. The numbers, from the National Statistics Institute,

come as Germany is demanding that wages be linked to productivity instead of inflation. Also, 45% of workers in Spain who do overtime, do not get paid any extra at the end of the month. That number goes over 70% in some activities such as com-

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

puting professionals, while in financial, property or education the percentage is over 85%. The average cost for an hour of overtime in the third quarter of 2010 is at its lowest for three years, according to the National Statistics Institute.

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Spain’s jobless rate A Group effort just spelling out the shrinking economy

NEWS IN BRIEF TOMORROW at the Adeje Cultural Centre, an agreement will be signed between local Club Atlético Chenet, Adidas Tenerife, Aldeas Infantiles SOS España and the Adeje Town Council.

The group will embark on a project to organise sporting events and the proceeds will be shared equally between children in the Municipality who need help getting involved in sports and with the children’s aid organisation Aldeas Infantiles SOS

España here in Tenerife . The signing ceremony will take place at 17.00 and will be attended by a number of dignitaries, including Mayor of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, Director General of Aldeas Infantiles in Tenerife, Javier Perdomo; Adidas representative Michael Bharwani; Director of Clubes Convenidos del Club Atlético de Madrid, Don Óscar Suárez, and President of Club Atlético Chenet, Eric Viana. This event is organized by Club Atlético Chenet and the Adeje Council, Adidas and patron Club Atlético de Madrid.

Carnival’s coming It’s that time of year again, Carnival season, and the Arona Carnival will take place from March 18th until March 28th, and this year the theme is the circus. As always, the events will be held in Los Cristianos, culminating in the

parade through town. Canarian Weekly will keep our readers updated in future editions with a detailed calendar of events, but in the meantime those planning to attend have plenty of time to design their Carnival outfit!

Polish tourist swept away as storm rages HEAVY WINDS and rain have been lashing the Canary Islands over the past week or so, with waves, according to experts, several metres high. According to a statement

released by the police, the heavy storms caused a Polish tourist to be swept out to sea and his body was later found by the Maritime Rescue Services. Apparently, the man’s cousin said, the 33year-old drowning victim was walking on the beach when he was carried off by the waves.

Spanish diesel prices jump DIESEL prices in Spain have equalled those of petrol for the first time in two years, after increasing by 3% in a week. 81% of vehicles on Spain’s

roads use diesel which is now up to 27.1 per litre. Since the start of the year diesel has risen by 7% in price. Since 2009 it is up 28%, and the latest increase comes in line with record prices for crude.

Benchijigua ‘not’ Express THIS WEEK a broken cable ramp produced a minimal delay in the connection La Gomera to Tenerife served by the “Benchijigua Express.” The Fred Olsen “Benchijigua Express” service was resumed after just an hour delay caused by the break of a ramp cable on the starboard berth pier at San Sebastian de

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La Gomera. The fault occurred around 9.30 am, when one of the cables that held the ramp broke while performing maintenance. No one was injured in the incident and the matter was resolved swiftly by Fred Olsen.

THE horrendous unemployment rate in Spain contributed to the country’s economy shrinking by 0.1% in 2010. The jobless rate of 20.33% was the highest throughout the industrialised world,

according to figures disclosed by the National Statistics Institute on Wednesday. Spain imposed severe spending cuts during the year to put the brakes on a huge public deficit, warding off an Irish-style debt crisis. The country’s total economic output, or gross domestic product (GDP), did

edge up 0.2% in the last three months of 2010. But overall, the 0.1% GDP decline led to Spain’s economy being declared one of only three eurozone countries, along with Greece and Ireland, to have contracted in 2010. Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero’s Government has predicted a

1.3% growth this year, with the jobless rate going down slightly to 19.3%. The Government has cut spending, announced sell-offs and reformed the labour code and pension system in an effort to regain the confidence of international investors, on whom it depends to finance its debt.

Tenerife museums open to everybody BESIDES sun, sand and sea, there is a whole lot more on offer here on the Island. The museums of Tenerife offer a wide range of cultural and educational opportunities and the Tenerife Cabildo is determined to make them accessible to all sections of the community, regardless of limited mobility or communication.

Museum Hours: TuesdaySunday 10:00am-8:00pm Science and the Cosmos Museum Vía Láctea, La Laguna (Tel) 922 26 34 54

Open Tuesday-Sunday 10:00am-8:00pm History and Anthropology Museum Casa de Carta Calle del Vino, Valle Guerra (La Laguna)

(Tel) 922 54 30 53 Museum Hours (Winter): Monday-Friday 10:00am1:00pm, 3:00pm-6:00pm Museum Hours (Summer): Monday-Friday 10:00am1:00pm, 4:00pm-7:00pm

The budget to upgrade the main museums has now reached 110,000 euros and the changes can be seen at the Museums of Naturaleza y el Hombre, (Natural and Human History), Historia y Antropología de Tenerife, (History and Anthropology) and the Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos, (Science and the Cosmos). Systems such as video subtitling and audio aids mean that everyone can enjoy the interactive nature of many of the exhibits. Entrances and exits as well as lifts also provide help for those who may need it. Funding has been made thanks to collaboration with special needs groups ONCE and IMSERSO. Natural and Human History Museum Santa Cruz de Tenerife calle Fuentes Morales, Santa Cruz (Tel) 922 20 93 20

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


start for Better service for Tenerife record-breaking cruise passengers? Atlantic rowers A SIX-STRONG team who broke the world record for rowing across the Atlantic Ocean this week began their epic race in Tenerife..

EVER on the look-out for ways to improve service to tourists, Tourism Tenerife and the Santa Cruz Port Authority are working on a plan to up-grade the quality of provisions received by cruise passengers from the capital’s taxi drivers.

Aiming to be ready for September of this year, a date that coincides with the new cruising season, drivers that operate at the port will have a brand new look. A uniform is planned as well as a multi-lingual service that will offer information and communication in both English and German. First Vice President and Tourism Minister at the Tenerife Cabildo, José Manuel Bermúdez, com-

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

mented, “This is an important aspect of the improvements to our image and taxi services. Almost 500 taxis are authorised to serve the Port and the passengers disembarking from the many cruise liners that visit the capital. “This is a great way for visitors to immediately and clearly recognise the licensed drivers. But it is more than that. Visitors will also know exactly what the cost is for any

excursions they may want to take using a taxi,” he concluded. Minister Bermúdez made his comments following a recent meeting at Tenerife Tourism’s offices, attended by the four taxi associations that operate out of the Santa Cruz Port. According to the Port Authority, the capital is set to receive half a million visitors by way of 230 cruise ships that will dock in Santa Cruz in 2011.

Chris Covey, 25, from West Wickham, Bromley, was part of Team Hallin who rowed the 3,000 miles to Barbados in 31 days, 23 hours and 31 minutes, smashing the record by more than a day. He celebrated the feat, a charitable fund-raising event, by proposing to girlfriend Susie Easton, 28, who had travelled to Barbados to welcome the team at the dockside. Teacher Susie accepted, and a delighted Covey said: “I can’t explain the relief from finishing - just to be able to collapse on the beach knowing there was nothing more to worry about. “It was total hell as you could never relax. We knew

what we were letting ourselves in for, but I’m never going near an ocean rowing boat again.” Team Hallin did not stop rowing from the moment they set sail on 6th January - after spending weeks in San Miguel Marina awaiting better weather until their revolutionary, trimaran vessel passed the finishing line on 7th February. During the 31-day ordeal, the rowers suffered acute seasickness, blistering and soars to their hands and backsides. They were also attacked by flying fish, and were almost run down by a Russian tanker. The team are well on course to raise their £60,000 target for the charity Combat Stress, which specialises in the care of service veterans’ mental health. They have already collected more than £25,000.and further donations can be made at

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Telecommications given a huge boost THE TENERIFE Cabildo has initiated the installation of fibre optics on the Island Ring route, beginning with the TF-1. According to Cabildo chief of the Economy and Competition, Carlos Alonso, this is a vanguard project. “The water and air systems being used on the project are being pioneered here for the entire Canary Islands and will give us excellent results in terms of the speed and efficiency of the fibre optic cable’s installation. The work is expected to take about forty days to the point where the cables will be con-

nected and certified,” he said. The water process enables the fibre optic cables to be installed inside a ‘micro-duct’ of just 10mm diameter. This is the first time this process has been used in the Canary Islands, using high pressure water to literally float the cables into place inside the ducts along to their destination. Once in place, the water simply drains away into a tank. The technique is known as ‘Floating’ and is principally used over distances greater than four kilometres, without the need for junction points en route. The system can allow the cables to move by as much as 80 metres per minute.

For distances below two kilometres, the process using air and known as ‘Blowing’ will be used, using highly pressurised air to move the cables along inside the duct. This moves at about 150 metres per minute. Both methods, Floating and Blowing, allow technicians from the Tenerife Institute of Technology and Telecommunications, IT3, to lay the cable at a speed that has never been reached anywhere in the Canary Islands. These techniques are at the cutting edge of fibre optic technology and installation and have been employed in a number of major projects in such countries as Germany, Belgium and Holland.

The plan is to link the Island by a network of fibre optics, beginning with access points to communities linked by each of the motorway’s exits. Carlos Alonso points out, “This project shows the Cabildo’s plan to build up a network throughout the Island, creating the hub of communications we have been working on. In this way, the Island will become a major centre of communication networks internationally, linking Europe, Africa and North America.” To start off with, the cables will be used to feed traffic information to the overhead signs along the motorway.

Roadside clean-up THE TENERIFE Cabildo, in association with the Roads Department, has

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announced the continuance of their recently begun roadside clean-up.

Entitled, “Cleaning the Island’s road-sides,” some 79 workers were employed in December 2010 to move around Tenerife in a project

co-financed by the European Union’s Social Fund and the Canarian Employment Service. The object of the project, which will extend through until June of this year, is to eliminate the weeds and unwanted vegetation that crowds the sides of many of the roads around the Island. Not only are these plants creating what some authorities consider an untidy appearance, but more importantly they frequently affect visibility. In addition the clean-up crews will be tasked with the removal of rubbish that builds up along the verges and can sometimes cause dangerous situations for motorists. All members are under 20 years of age and have been selected from groups that have difficulty inserting themselves into the work force.

It’s connected! 2011 Tourism Strategy Plan

CONNECTIONS seems to be the by-word for this year’s Tourism Tenerife Strategy, as the newly-unveiled plan reveals the major thrust this year is ‘connectivity’. In his statement, Cabildo First Vice President and Tourism Minister José Manuel Bermúdez, commented that the major aim for 2011 is to improve the Island’s aerial connections, creating permanent links between Tenerife and new airports abroad. Speaking at the meeting that revealed the new goals, Bermúdez said, “This is the time to reinforce our image as a safe, secure destination, particularly in light of recent unrest in Egypt and Tunisia. We can use this opportunity to attract new visitors that will become repeat visitors.” The plan is to maintain and grow current tourism numbers and airport connections. Corresponding advertising campaigns will be launched using the Internet as well as the more traditional methods such as newspapers and magazines, for instance. Also, Tourism Tenerife will intermediate with airline companies and airports to create new routes where no current connection exists. The project will also continue along many of the lines it has taken up in the past several campaigns. This will see a continuation of the work that has been ongoing under the ‘regeneration of tourist

zones’ banner, including ongoing drainage and sanitation improvements, more green space and gardens and even such proposals as the renovation of the parts of the hostelry or leisure sector that have deteriorated over the years. Another of the major areas to be focused on this coming year will continue to be the specialising, diversification and enrichment of what is on offer here in Tenerife, with special attention going to hiking, whale watching, bicycling, surfing and wind and kitesurfing, gastronomy and, of course, sun, sand and sea. And not forgetting the Island’s unique natural wealth, not least of which is the volcano, El Teide. The Cabildo’s Tenerife Tourism branch will also study and reaffirm the different and most efficient markets in which to promote the Island, focusing on those with the greatest growth potential and on those markets where Tenerife is a forerunner, if not a leader. It will thus reduce its insertion into less profitable areas, where potential is slim due to lack of air connections or high pricing. Tourism Tenerife declared that its strategic plan for 2011 will see further concentration on online business opportunities; on research and innovation and the cooperation and co-ordination between every element involved in the sector, as well as to continue to promote a professional approach to the services on offer.

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


School protest in Guia COLLEGE students and families took to the streets in Guia de Isora on Valentine’s day to protest at the lack of teachers. Up until now they have sent letters, made phone calls to the Ministry of Education for replacement

teachers but all to no avail. On Monday they chained the gates of the school closed preventing teachers and students entry and took their anger onto the streets. A llarge group of parents and students marched with banners and whistles against the Education Minister, Milagros Luis Brito. Several banners were hung from the

fences of the school and carried by the students reading “Enough lies. Quality Education Now “,” Milagros Luis Brito, substitutes Now.” Among other slogans Students also carried placards with messages such as “Education is in danger!”, “Mr. Melchior, South decent education, “ As a sign of support THE

protest was attended by the Guia de ISora Councillor for Education, Josefa Mesa, as well as other councilors, Secundino Yanes and Raquel Gutiérrez. Local Police and Guardia Civil were present to ensure that there were no altercations. After the first protest at the gates of the school, at

about 9:30 am, Police and Guardia Civil were forced to regulate traffic on various routes. Around 11 o’clock in the morning, two municipal

workers, escorted by the Guardia Civil, then proceeded to cut the chains that blocked the doors of the school, thus terminating the demonstration.

EU wants free medicine for overseas pensioners SPAIN could be forced to give pensioners from other EU countries living temporarily in the country access to free medication. European Union legislation allows them the same access to health care as retirees from their host country, if they present a European health insurance card. But Spain, which does not adhere to this ruling, was taken to the Luxembourg-based European Court of Justice on Wednesday, and could be forced to amend its law. A statement from the Commission read: “The Commission takes the view that Spanish rules are not in line with EU law as they discriminate against pensioners from other EU member

states.’ SPAIN could be forced to give pensioners from other EU countries living temporarily in the country access to free medication. European Union legislation allows them the same access to health care as retirees from their host country, if they present a European health insurance card. But Spain, which does not adhere to this ruling, was taken to the Luxembourgbased European Court of Justice on Wednesday, and could be forced to amend its law. A statement from the Commission read: “The Commission takes the view that Spanish rules are not in line with EU law as they discriminate against pensioners from other EU member states.”

Jan’s the latest Karaoke finalist

KARAOKE is still booming on the Island, as demonstrated by Saturday’s second heat of Oasis Fm’s Tenerife Loves Karaoke, at Clouseus Bar in Palm Mar. Like the opening heat, the place was packed to the rafters and the contestants were given great support in

their quest to reach the grand final, at Showtime, Las Americas, on 14th May. After a close first round at Clouseus, three finalists were chosen by the four judges, and Jan Reid emerged triumphant from the sing-off. Places for the remaining venues are filling up quickly, so if you are interested in competing in what is the biggest talent contest this year, call Oasis Fm on 902

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

232 102, register at the relevant venues or check it out at (click on Home in the Menu section). The eventual winner will receive a huge bonanza in the form of a 500-euro cash prize, a 12-track recording session at Villa Studios, a contract with the No1 artiste agency, Paul James Associates, and the opportunity to perform at this year’s Tenerife Entertainment Awards.

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Peak fitness required for a mountainous challenge THE Cabildo is staging the toughest of all athletics events called the Tenerife BlueTrail, which is the first longdistance mountain race of its kind on the Island. It takes place on 16th April, starting at midnight, and incorporates the volcanic landscapes. Competitors will even pass by Mount Teide en route. Runners of all levels of fitness can tackle one of four routes with varying difficulty. Toughest is the Ultra Trail, which is 100km long, and ends in La Orotava, featuring heights of almost 3,000m across mountainous terrain. This begins at midnight at Los Cristianos Port. The other routes are: The Trail (48km, 6am start at Los Cristianos), Half Trail (27km, 9am start at Caserío de Ifonche (Adeje) and the 8km Adapted Trail (11am start in the National Park), which has

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been prepared for disabled people. Categories · Male senior, from 18-39 years · Female senior, from 18-39 · Male veteran 1, from 40-49 · Female veteran 1, from 40-49

· Male veteran 2, from 50-59 · Female veteran 2, from 50-59 · Male veteran 3, over 60 years · Female veteran 3, Over 60 years · Handbikers BlueTrail takes in some of

the most beautiful places in Tenerife, including protected areas such as Ifonche and La Resbala, Natural Monument Montaña de Guaza, Special Nature Reserve Barranco del Infierno, Natural Park Corona

Forestal and El Teide National Park, among the main volcanic landscapes of the Island. Tourism Minister Jose Manuel Bermudez said: “Tenerife offers a fascinating natural playground, and we aim to

make the most of this opportunity to generate interest in our natural volcanic heritage and its potential for outdoor activities and sports.” These trail-running events are held around the world, usually attracting more than 500 runners, national and international. The government’s Environment and Sports departments are in charge of organisation, in partnership with the Tourism Board, Sinpromi (Island Society for the Promotion of Persons with Disabilities), the Tenerife Mountain Federation, the Army and other institutions. In addition, numerous brands are sponsoring or collaborating in the event, which will cater for up to 1,000 runners. The Tenerife BlueTrail is open to everyone aged 18 or over, including those with disabilities, and entry details and all the other necessary information can be found on nto.pdf

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011




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18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

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World News

Butlins goes retro for its 75th birthday THE HOLIDAY company Butlins is going retro to celebrate its 75th birthday, with the new Redcoat design taking its inspiration from the original 1936 version. Over the next 12 months the iconic uniform will include details from the original, including black piping around the lapel, gold buttons and of course white skirts and pumps for the ladies and white pressed trousers for the gents. Famous Redcoats have included Des O’Connor, Jimmy Tarbuck and Michael Barrymore. Butlins director Richard Bates said: “Butlins has a special place in the hearts of the British public, so a muchloved retro uniform is a

great way to celebrate our wonderful heritage.” The economic downturn saw many British families taking ‘staycations’ in the UK and so far for 2011, Butlins sales are up £2m on last year. The company’s owner Bourne Leisure, which also runs Warner Leisure and Haven Holidays, will have spent £150m to upgrade its facilities between 2003 and the end of 2011. For its anniversary year alone, its three resorts have received a £34m overhaul. They will be re-opening, complete with new uniforms, on February 18 as households take their first family break of the year over half term. The holiday company is expecting nearly 17,000 guests over the launch weekend at its three venues in Bognor Regis, Minehead and Skegness.

Radical welfare reform scheme unveiled by PM

THE GOVERNMENT is outlining the full details of its flagship changes to the benefits system. Iain Duncan Smith’s Welfare Reform Bill involves a radical overhaul, aimed at simplifying the system and tackling the culture that he believes encourages people to choose a life on benefits. The proposals include replacing work-related benefits with a single, universal credit, designed to ensure people are always better off when they are employed.

A BRITON is believed to be among 12 people, many of them tourists, killed when a tourist boat sank in Vietnam. The vessel was touring the popular attraction of Ha Long Bay when it apparently started taking on water as passengers slept in their cabins. It is believed that 27 people, including six crew members, were on board. Twelve bodies have been recovered. Nine of the dead are tourists from countries such as Britain, the US, Australia, Sweden and Japan. The bodies have been sent to Bai Chay Hospital for iden-

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The Government intends to close the loophole which enables some couples to receive more living apart. But there is also a significant climbdown, with ministers shelving a controversial plan to cut people’s housing benefit by 10% if they were in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance for more than a year. The benefits system... doesn’t just allow people to act irresponsibly, but often actively encourages them to do so In a speech to mark the publication of the bill, the Prime Minister has said that

the “collective culture of responsibility” that used to be the bedrock of the welfare system has been lost. He has argued that there are some individuals who, “with no regret or remorse, intentionally rip off the system,” but that more broadly, the system itself is at fault. “The benefit system has created a benefit culture,” David Cameron said. “It doesn’t just allow people to act irresponsibly, but often actively encourages them to do so.” For those people who refuse to play ball, there will

be increasingly severe sanctions. Anyone who repeatedly refuses to take up a job offer face losing their benefits for as long as three years. The Prime Minister has spoken of his concern that sickness absence from work is frequently a first step towards finding oneself on benefits. “We simply have to get to grips with the sicknote culture that means a short spell of sickness absence can far too easily become a gradual slide to a life of long-term benefit dependency.”

Briton dies after tourist boat sinks

tification. Nine foreign tourists and six locals were rescued and rushed to hospitals by other tour boats anchored nearby. Those rescued reported seeing a plank of the wood-

en ship ripping away, followed by water rushing into the boat and pulling it down. The tourists were asleep at the time in their cabins and many may have not had time to evacuate the boat.

Weather conditions were said to be calm. Local Vietnamese media identified the boat as the cruise ship Truong Hai QN5198. Ha Long Bay is located near the Chinese border in the

Gulf of Tonkin and is one of Vietnam’s most visited areas. The bay is a Unesco World heritage site dotted with limestone formations - visitors cruise the bay on small boats and then often sleep

overnight on larger vessels or traditional Chinese junks. More than 100 cruise boats are licensed to offer overnight services. It is not the first tragedy in the bay to have claimed the lives of locals and tourists. In 2009, a tour boat sank during a storm on the bay, killing five, including three foreign tourists. In 2006, a powerful storm in the area also capsized several boats, killing 13 people, though no tourists were among the dead. And in 2002, strong winds capsized two tourist boats, killing several foreign visitors.

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


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World News

Protesters Banksy posters are killed are ripped down in Bahrain AT LEAST four people have been killed overnight in clashes in Bahrain as anti-government protests spread across the Gulf and North Africa, according to officials. They died in Manama, the capital of the island nation which lies east of Saudi Arabia, after police moved in on thousands of demonstrators. At least 50 people were injured as security forces armed with batons and tear gas broke up a protest camp, witnesses said. Explosions and ambulance sirens could be heard close to the square, which was sealed off. Joe Parkinson, Wall Street Journal correspondent in Manama, said: “I’m hearing from eyewitnesses that the square has been completely cleared. There were somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 people there.” Video footage of the demonstration being cleared

was released by the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights. Witness Fadel Ahmad said: “They attacked the square where hundreds of people were spending the night in tents.” Another demonstrator who fled the scene, Mahmoud Faraj, said: “They came in over a bridge that overhangs the square. There are several people injured.” Thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets since Tuesday after police killed two young Shi’ite demonstrators during antigovernment protests. By dawn on Thursday, the square was nearly empty apart from a few people being questioned by police. The interior ministry declared the protest camp illegal and warned Bahrainis to stay off the streets. Officers with tear gas launchers and armoured vehicles are reported to be in the area. Demonstrators in the Shiitemajority state, which is ruled by a Sunni royal family, are calling for an end to the proWestern monarchy.

Police launch probe into child-sex exploitation DEVON and Cornwall Police have launched a major investigation into child sex abuse and exploitation. Thousands of parents of children at secondary schools in Torbay and Teignbridge in Devon have been sent letters informing them of the probe. Devon and Cornwall Police said the inquiry - Operation Mansfield - focused on several child victims. A police statement said: “Officers are in the process of identifying potential victims and arranging to speak to them. “The inquiry is at a very early stage and no arrests have been made.” Police confirmed a letter had been sent out to parents of all children attending secondary schools in the Torbay and Teignbridge areas. The letter said: “I write this letter to reassure, not alarm you. “In partnership with the

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police, children’s services and the NHS, I need to inform you about a complex child abuse investigation that is currently under way in Torbay. “The investigation involves the sexual exploitation of a number of young people in Torbay, some of whom are in our Torbay schools. “None of this exploitation has occurred in any Torbay school, but I am informing you about the investigation because I recognise that there will be real concern that this sort of thing is happening within our community.” A teacher at one secondary school in the area, who declined to be named, said: “I believe a number of girls have been interviewed but no arrests have been made. “We’ll reassure any parents that need reassuring and provide all the support we can.” Anyone with any concerns around child exploitation in Torbay is advised to call the police on 08452 777444 and quote Operation Mansfield.

A graffiti-enhanced poster attributed to secretive British artist Banksy has been ripped down in Hollywood, amid sightings of other pieces in a reported pre-Oscars publicity stunt.

Banksy is nominated for best documentary for Exit Through the Gift Shop at the Oscars, due to be announced on February 27 at the climax of Tinseltown’s annual awards season. He also appears in the film, only in shadow with a hoodie over his head and with his voice altered to make him unrecognizable. “This is a big surprise,” he said in a statement. “I don’t agree with the concept of award ceremonies, but I’m prepared to make an exception for the ones I’m nominated for. “The last time there was a naked man covered in gold paint in my house, it was me.” One piece was on an advertising board overlooking Sunset Strip, opposite the headquarters of the Directors Guild of America, depicting an inebriated Mickey Mouse with his hand indeli-

cately placed on a model’s body. According to the celebrity website, the image caused great excitement, with a stream of fans visiting the area to admire the work. However not everybody is such a big fan, it seems. Officials removed the poster from the billboard the following day, despite the site reporting that the petrol station owners had offered to pay $10,000 (£6,000) for it. At the same time, other examples of the provocative British artist’s work have been spotted around town, including a Charlie Brown figure starting a fire on the

side of a burned-out building on Sunset Boulevard. Another, depicting a child wielding a machine gun, in black and white surrounded by colored flowers, was spotted behind a clothes shop in Westwood, further west beyond Beverly Hills. In Beverly Hills itself another showed a dog urinating on a wall, according to online Hollywood news site Representatives of the artist could not be immediately reached for comment on the reports, but Sky News understand that the pieces of art are done by the artist himself. Banksy, whose work has

surfaced in the West Bank and post-Katrina New Orleans and now sells for tens of thousands of dollars at auction, calls the picture “a film about a man who tried to make a film about me.” Exit Through the Gift Shop focuses on French videographer Thierry Guetta and his insider look at underground artists at work. Will the notoriously elusive British artist show up for the February 27 ceremony at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood? And if he wins, will he actually take the stage, say a few words and let the world see his face?

Newbury horse deaths: Animals ‘electrocuted’ TWO HORSES that died after collapsing just before a race were killed as a result of accidental electrocution, it has been confirmed. Newbury Racecourse has been cleared by the British Horseracing Authority to hold the rescheduled totesport Trophy Hurdle after the initial meeting was abandoned. Horses Fenix Two and Marching Song, were about to be mounted by their jockeys in the paddock when they suddenly collapsed. The BHA said its official decision followed postmortem reports and the

results of sampling and information from the Berkshire racecourse and Southern Electric Power Distribution. Newbury have assured the authority that the parade ring area is now safe for use and that a cable previously located there has been removed and disconnected. Professor Tim Morris, director of equine science for the BHA Southern Electric also confirmed it is satisfied electricity cables within the racecourse are operating normally and within required safety standards at the time of testing. Professor Tim Morris, director of equine science

and welfare for the BHA, said: “The authority has been officially informed that there was leakage of electricity from a cable under the parade ring in the area where the incident occurred. “There was immediate veterinary attention, and our inquiry on the day noted the racecourse veterinary surgeons felt a tingling sensation when examining the horses.” He said the vets also noted particular clinical signs such as muscle contractions and that post-mortems showed sudden cardiac arrest as the cause of death. “Samples taken from the horses affected have shown no evidence of substances

that could have caused this incident,” he added. “These findings are all consistent with the cause of death being accidental electrocution and at this stage we are not investigating any other cause of death. “I can also confirm that, contrary to speculation, no evidence of any burn marks around the mouth was found on post-mortem examination, neither were such marks found by the veterinary surgeons on the horses at the start.” The BHA said it would continue further investigations to ensure it learned as much as possible from the incident, with conclusions to be published at a later date.

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


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18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


MARIANO E ZUNINO SIRI Understanding the Law Email:

Understanding the language of our Tenerife estate agents FOLLOWING the dictionary I started months ago, I now include legal terms used by estate agents, which you will probably have heard. Gestoría: This is the company which handles paperwork for obtaining official authorisations, permits, licences, etc. Gestor is the person who normally presents all the papers connected to the business at the authorities (Tax Office, Social Security). Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles (IBI): Spanish yearly property tax paid to Town Hall. I have explained about this previously when referring to Cadastral Value of

the property. Impuesto sobre Actos Jurídicos Documentados: Stamp Duty. Impuesto sobre el Incremento del Valor de Terrenos: Tax on the increase of land value. This tax, also called Plusvalía, is paid to the Town Hall in the area where the property is located. Inmobiliaria: Estate agent Libre de cargas: Free of charges. It is applicable to the property which has no mortgage, no attachment (embargo). Licencia de obra: Building licence. NIE: Foreigner Identity Number. This number is applied at the police station and later, the Tax Office can give you the NIF (Tax Identity

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Number). Nota simple: Land registry informative record. Parcela: Plot of land (also solar). Poder notarial: Power of

attorney. There are many types of Poder, depending of the authorisation the grantee holds. Promotor: Property developer.

Registro de la propiedad: Land Registry. In this registry, all the properties of the area are registered. Every finca (property) has a number for identification and is recorded showing the name of the owner, charges of the property and any relevant information affecting the property. Representante fiscal: Tax representative Se alquila: For rent Se vende: For sale Seguro (compañía): Insurance company. Señal: Deposit, down payment. Subvención: Subsidy. Grant. Superficie útil: Useable area of the property Tasación: valuation Terreno (solar, parcela): Plot of land

Titulo de propiedad: Title Deed. This public document states the ownership of property, date of sale, charges, features, number of finca, etc. Valor catastral: Registered value of land at the Town Hall needed to liquidate the IBI. VPO (Vivienda de Protección Oficial): Low-cost housing, subsidised by the state. Many friends, clients and readers in general have asked me to include their experiences regarding the Anti-Smoking Law. In future issues, I will go back to this fascinating subject. Meanwhile, thank you all for your encouraging words.. I shall be printing your views as time goes by.

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Community News

Helping Hands enjoy a 5-star Valentine affair Putting on the Ritz for our war heroes A SUCCESSFUL “Tea at the Ritz” event in aid of Help For Heroes was held at the Pink Parrot, on Las Galletas seafront, on Monday, 7th February. Tickets were sold out quickly once the word spread about this unique fund-raising event, which attracted 40 people. Many people worked hard to organise Tea at The Ritz and we were blessed with a calm, sunny day. Tea, sandwiches and cakes were served on traditional cake stands in true Ritz style, and the ambience was further served when participants were given the option of a glass of Champagne the Tenerife variety! Pink Parrot owners Martin and Lillian not only secured food donated from their

suppliers, but gave up their day off to open up especially for the occasion. The atmosphere was enhanced by solo saxophonist Will Abbleby, of Mellow Sax Sounds, and later the music of Glenn Miller. Many raffle prizes were donated by those in attendance, and a worthy total of 630 euros was raised. The Pink Parrot’s winter fund-raising total for Help for Heroes has now reached 1,144 euros, which is the equivalent of £1,000 - previous events being a Christmas Fair and a raffle for a Christmas hamper. It is heartening to see that this small ex-pat community in Tenerife can rally round to raise such a worthwhile amount for such a worthy cause.

THE Valentine’s Dinner-Dance on Saturday proved to be a five-star affair, and no wonder! It was staged by the Helping Hands in Tenerife charity and held at the 5-star Hotel Villa Cortes, in Playa de Las Americas. And the 120 guests, all dressed to impress in their dinner suits and evening dresses, enjoyed a fabulous, memorable evening, during which they were wined, dined and entertained to the hilt. A Champagne reception was followed by a sumptuous meal, with the waiters working especially hard throughout to keep all the wine glasses full! Versatile, international singer Joy Dey, a regular visitor to the Island, flew in especially for the event - and she proved outstanding as usual, blowing the guests away with her beautiful voice. There was also a luxury raffle and an auction, with fabulous

Good friends and organiser Liz (right)

gifts on offer, donated from various restaurants. Signed football shirts, hampers and much more were also donated for the auction. Organiser Liz Montague would like to thank sponsors Momu Lounge and Rajissimos Bar Restaurant, The Vibration Centre, Grupo Chaher Accountants, Hestria Administration Services, McReformBuilding Services, Tenerife Mortgage Solutions & DaCotta McKenna y Santafe

Lawyers. The atmosphere was lovely and Liz will be only too happy to hold another dinnerdance at the hotel. The total sum raised was 4,000 euros, which will be shared between the Children’s Home in Granadilla and the Martha Dos Center, supporting Children with Cerebral Palsy. A delighted Liz added: “Sincere thanks to all who supported us. Well done everyone and keep a look-out for future

events. Watch this space! Throughout 2010, Liz and Dot, from Helping Hands, were collectively busy, holding social events around the South of Tenerife. They and raised in the region of 15,000 euros, which has been donated to those much in need on the Island. If you would like to participate and learn more about the Charity, please contact or call 661 274 281.

Swallows pay tribute to a dancing couple THE Swallows, who meet at El Tejar in the Apolo Centre, Los Cristianos, held a special Valentine’s DinnerDance at Vivo, Las Americas, on Sunday. It was special because members were given a wonderful opportunity to thank Sarah and Peter Mitchinson who, for many years, have held Fridaynight dances, and hosted party nights for Swallows. But they have now decided to hang up their professional dancing shoes and just enjoy life, following Peter´s recent ill health. A presentation made to the couple included a floral display, the cost of their Valentine’s tickets, plus a little spare cash for them to treat themselves. They also received a card

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signed by their many friends, thanking them for all the years of memories they had given them. And Sarah and Peter thanked everyone for their gifts, kind wishes and support. A “Nearest the Bottle” competition was also held to raise funds for the Swallows’ chosen charity, which is Cancer Research in Tenerife. A sum of 82 euros was raised, and the bottle was won

by Marcus, from Zizzi Bar in the Apolo Centre, who kindly donated it back to be raffled again at a later date. Carole Hart, who runs the Swallows group, said: “It was a lovely night with excellent food and even better company. Many thanks to Mark, Tony, The Wildboyz and the staff at Vivo for all their hard work in making the night such a lovely occasion.”

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


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18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Television Guide


Demolition Man Tuesday 22 February, 10:35pm - 12:40am, ITV1 London This slick vision of the future comes pretty close to being Sylvester Stallone's best ever picture. Wisely keeping his tongue stuck firmly in his cheek, Stallone plays a tough cop whose unconventional methods land him in a cryogenic prison. Decades later, he is defrosted to hunt down an old sparring partner, the spectacularly psychopathic Wesley Snipes (complete with blond thatch), who has escaped from his deep frozen state and is creating havoc in the now crime-free Los Angeles (renamed San Angeles). The writers have a lot of fun sending up modern-day political correctness in this caring vision of the future - violence, red meat and sex are among the items on the banned list - and director Marco Brambilla delivers the goods when it comes to the all-important action set pieces. Of the supporting cast, Sandra Bullock has an early run at a role she would later perfect in Speed, Denis Leary gets to deliver one of his thinly disguised stand-up routines, while Nigel Hawthorne plays the doctor overseeing this 21st-century Utopia.

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

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Television Guide

F R I D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ....................Children’s TV

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ....Wanted Down Under

7:30am ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather 10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

7:50am ................Lockie Leonard

9:25am ......................Jeremy Kyle: Morning Surgery

8:15am ......Dennis and Gnasher

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ............Save My Holiday

8:30am ............................LazyTown

12:30pm ................Loose Women

11:45am ....BBC News; Weather 11:45am ............Cash in the Attic

8:55am ..........................Octonauts: Creature Reports

1:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

8:55am ....................Numberjacks

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

9:15am ..................................Dip Dap

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

9:15am ........The Koala Brothers

1:45pm ................................Doctors

9:40am ..........................Big & Small

2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country

9:55am ................Guess with Jess

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

10:20am .................................. Pingu

10:05am ..................Postman Pat

3:05pm ............................Deadly 60

10:25am ..................Chuggington: Badge Quest

3:35pm ................................The Owl

10:25am ....................64 Zoo Lane

3:35pm ....Bear Behaving Badly

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

4:00pm ......................Dani’s House

11:05am ....In the Night Garden

4:30pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom

11:35am ......Ready Steady Cook

4:30pm ....................Tracy Beaker Returns

12:00pm ....................Daily Politics

5:00pm ........................Newsround

12:30pm ..........................GMT with George Alagiah

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

1:00pm ..........................Due South

6:00pm ..............................Weather

1:45pm .... To Buy or Not to Buy

6:00pm ............................ BBC News

2:30pm ........Living Dangerously

6:30pm .............................. Weather 6:30pm ..........BBC London News

3:00pm ........................Cash in the Celebrity Attic

7:00pm ..................The One Show

3:45pm ..................................Flog It!

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

4:30pm ..........................Perfection

7:30pm ......A Question of Sport

5:15pm................Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

8:00pm ........................EastEnders

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

8:30pm ............................................QI

6:30pm ....................One Man and His Campervan

9:00pm ....................................Hustle 10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

2:00pm ....................May the Best House Win 3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm ............London Weather 4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders 5:00pm ..........................The Chase 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ..............London Tonight 6:30pm ............................ ITV News and Weather 7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm ..........Coronation Street 8:00pm ..........Children’s Hospital 8:30pm ..........Coronation Street 9:00pm ................Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford

7:00pm ..........Churches: How to Read Them 7:30pm ................An Island Parish 10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

10:35pm ....................The Graham Norton Show

8:00pm ......................Mastermind

11:20pm ..................The National Lottery Friday Night Draws

9:00pm ..Can’t Take It with You

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

10:00pm ..............Fast and Loose

10:35pm ..........................The Cube

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

11:35pm ..................Take Me Out

11:00pm............................ Weather

12:45am ......ITV News Headlines

11:00pm ........The Review Show

12:45am ..........................The Zone

11:50pm ..................................Sugar

2:45am ....................October Road

1:35am ......................The Damned

3:30am .............. ITV Nightscreen

3:10am ............................BBC News

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

11:30pm ........................The Ruins 1:00am.............. Horizon: Science Under Attack 2:00am ............Posh and Posher: Why Public School Boys Run Britain

Page 22

9:25am.................... Big Barn Farm

8:30pm ........Britain from Above

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Television Guide

Friday 18th February 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who

7:00am ................Vet Adventures

6.40am................The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:45pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

9:00am ..............UK Border Force

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00am ..................Live European Tour Golf

10:00am ..........................Lie to Me

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

8:00pm ..............The Real Hustle on Holiday

12:00pm ........Cricket World Cup

11:00am ........Real Filth Fighters

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

8:30pm ......................The Lock Up

6:35am ......................Elmo’s World 6:50am ............................Peppa Pig

1:00pm ..........Cricket World Cup

10:00am ........Four Weddings US

9:30pm ................Lunch Monkeys

11:00am ................................Maury

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

11:55am ....................Celebs 24/7

10:30pm ............................Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

6:00am ................................Sali Mali

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:05am ........The Treacle People

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:15am ..........................The Hoobs 6:40am ..........................The Hoobs 7:05am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:35am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond 8:00am .................................. Frasier 8:25am ............According to Jim 8:55am ..Undercover Boss USA 9:55am ................The Good Wife 10:55am ..................Gok’s Clothes Roadshow 12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm Breakfast at Tiffany’s 2:10pm ................Cookery School 3:10pm ........................Countdown 3:55pm ..............Deal or No Deal: Love Week

6:55am.................... Little Princess 7:05am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

3:30pm ................The Rugby Club

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

4:30pm ..............Premier League World

5:30pm ............................Futurama

7:45am ............Noddy in Toyland 8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

6:00pm ..............Football League Weekend 7:00pm ............Sky Sports News at Seven

7:30pm ........The Middle: Access All Areas

7:30pm ..........Live Super League

8:00pm ............................Futurama

10:00pm ..........Take It Like a Fan

9:00pm ..................The Simpsons

10:30pm ............Football League Weekend

10:00pm ..............Louie Spence’s Showbusiness

11:30pm ......Cricket World Cup

11:00pm ..................Got to Dance

12:40pm ........................Five News

6:00am..............Aerobics Oz Style

12:45pm ............Build a New Life in the Country

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

7:05am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

7:00am ..........................WWE: Raw

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig 8:25am ............................Peppa Pig 8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car 8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline

7:30pm ..............Made in England 8:00pm ................Relocation: Phil Down Under 9:00pm .... Embarrassing Bodies 10:00pm ......................The Million Pound Drop Live 11:20pm ..............10 O’Clock Live 12:20am ................Mercury Prize Sessions

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

9:00pm ......................Little Britain

11:30pm ....................Him and Her

1:00pm ............................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:00am ........................Family Guy

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

1:15am ................Lunch Monkeys

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

1:45am ................Coming of Age

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

2:15am ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

7:00pm ............Ghost Whisperer 8:00pm ....................................Bones

12:45am ....................The Lock Up

2:45am ......................Hotter Than My Daughter

9:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

3:15am ......................Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

10:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

4:15am ......................Doctor Who Confidential

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

4:30am ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

6:10am ........................Animal Park

6:00am ..........Coronation Street 6:25am ........................Emmerdale

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ........................Masterchef New Zealand

9:00am ..........Cricket World Cup

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ..............................Casualty

7:10am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

2:15pm ..............Home and Away

10:00am ........Cricket World Cup

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ..................................The Bill

8:05am ........................Judge Judy

2:50pm............The Family Recipe

11:00am.............................. Premier League Darts

11:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

11:00am ............................Casualty

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

9:25am ..................................All Star Family Fortunes

2:30pm ..........................Live Dubai International Racing Carnival

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear

12:00pm ........................Escape to the Country

9:05am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom


5:00pm ..............................Ringside

6:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue 6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

5:30pm ..........................Coach Trip

7:00pm .............. Channel 4 News

2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

2:30pm ..............................Ringside

8:55am ....................The WotWots

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

1:00pm ..............UK Border Force 4:00pm ..............................Lie to Me

5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me 6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

2:00pm ..............Premier League World

12:00pm ............Project Runway

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:00am ......The Vanessa Show 11:45am ..........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:55pm.... Rough Guide to Cities 3:10pm ..A Time to Remember

2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

12:40am ..............Countdown to the NME Awards 2011

5:00pm ..............................Weather

12:55am ............................CTRL MX

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

1:20am ................My Name Is Earl

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

1:45am ................ My Name Is Earl

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

2:05am ......................Modern Toss

7:00pm ..................Five News at 7

2:30am ............................Love Tube

7:30pm ..........Five News Update

12:00am ....................Elite League Ice Hockey

7:00pm ............................................QI

2:35am ........................................ Fuel

7:30pm ..................Vets in Action

1:00am ............NFL: Total Access

2:40am ....................What’s Fufu?

8:00pm ..................Five News at 9

7:40pm ......................Stephen Fry in America

2:00am ..........Cricket World Cup

2:45am ......................Seance on a Wet Afternoon

8:00pm ..........Ice Road Truckers

3:00am ......................Rugby Union

9:00pm ....................The Mentalist

4:40am ..........Brothers & Sisters

5:00am ..............................Racemax

10:00pm ....................Law & Order

5:25am ........................Countdown

10:55pm ....................................NCIS

5:00pm ..................Five News at 5

6:30pm ..........Cricket World Cup 7:30pm ....Live Football League 10:00pm ......................Tight Lines 11:00pm ........NFL: Total Access

11:55pm ..................Cops in Crisis

2:30pm ..........The Gadget Show 3:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den 4:00pm ..............................Top Gear 5:00pm ..............................Top Gear 6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

9:00pm ................Mock the Week 9:40pm ................Mock the Week 10:20pm ......................Ruddy Hell! It’s Harry and Paul

1:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

10:10am ....................The Planet’s Funniest Animals 10:35am ......................Judge Judy

2:00pm ............................My Family

12:00pm........ Coronation Street

3:20pm ......................Traffic Cops

12:30pm ......................Emmerdale

4:40pm ............................Escape to the Country

1:30pm ......................Jeremy Kyle: Morning Surgery

5:40pm ............................My Family

2:35pm The Jeremy Kyle Show

7:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

8:00pm ..................Total Wipeout

4:40pm ..................Loose Women

9:00pm ............................My Family

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

9:40pm L ............ittle Britain USA

6:35pm ..........................Pixie Lott: The Hot Desk

11:00pm ..............................Spaced

10:20pm ..................Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps

11:35pm ............Mock the Week

11:40pm ........................My Family

6:50pm ......................Take Me Out 8:00pm ......................New You’ve Been Framed! 8:30pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp

COMIC RELIEF isn’t taking place until Friday 18th March, but top stars are already stepping up to the challenge. David Walliams is bringing his love of tough endurance challenges to his day job when he takes on the role of anchoring the UK’s first ever 24-hour panel show for Red Nose Day – a live online event that will then broadcast on both BBC Three and BBC One. 24 Hour Panel People is set to be an incredible one-off occasion that will require David to be at his comedic

best for 24 hours as throughout the day he switches between the roles of host, team captain and panellist, along with some other surprising challenges as well. Joining him are some of the nation’s top comedians celebrating some of the most famous and best loved panel shows from TV and radio, including Have I Got News For You, Celebrity Juice, They Think It’s All Over, Never Mind The Buzzcocks, 8 Out Of 10 Cats, Just A Minute and many more. There will also be variety of bespoke 24 Hour Panel People rounds. A huge team of comics will

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

rotate throughout the course of the challenge, as hosts, team captains and panellists. Those taking part include Sean Lock, Jason Manford and Leigh Francis. David Walliams, who famously swam the Channel, the Gibraltar Strait and led a team of celebrity cyclists on a non-stop Land’s End to John

O’Groats relay for Sport Relief, will yet again rise to the occasion in a bid to raise money for Red Nose Day. But if he thought those physical tests of endurance were hard, he’s seen nothing yet as he paces himself to produce non-stop comedy gold for a gruelling 24 hours. David Walliams said: “This is

an amazing challenge. I just hope I don’t fall asleep or burst into tears.” The whole 24-hour panel marathon will stream live on on the weekend of 5 and 6 March and will then be edited down to 5 x 30-minute shows for BBC Three to air in the run-up to the night of Comic Relief on Friday 18 March. Red Nose night will also broadcast highlights throughout the night on BBC One. Karl Warner, Executive Editor Entertainment Commissioning, said: “We’re thrilled to be supporting Comic Relief again on BBC Three and we’re massively

grateful to all the comedians taking part in this fantastic event, particularly David who is leading the way through this 24-hour panel show marathon.” Suzi Aplin, Executive Producer of Red Nose Day, said: “This is another new and totally fantastic way of raising money and we couldn’t be more grateful to David and all the spectacular comics who will be joining him in this incredibly exciting event.” All proceeds raised in support of this enormous feat will go to Comic Relief, to help people living incredibly tough lives both here in the UK and in Africa.

Page 23

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S A T U R D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ................Bob the Builder

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

10:00am ..........................Saturday Kitchen Live

6:40am .............................. Gigglebiz

7:25am ........................................ CITV

7:00am ..........Basil and Barney’s Game Show

9:25am .......... Coronation Street

11:30am ........Baking Made Easy 12:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather

7:30am ......................................Leon

11:45am ..................This Morning: Saturday

7:30am ..................................Arthur

12:50pm ..................................Monk

12:15pm ................Football Focus 1:00pm ....................Live Athletics

8:00am ......Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab

1:50pm ....................ITV News and Weather

4:30pm ..........................Final Score

8:30am.................. Project Parent

1:59pm ............London Weather

5:10pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather

9:00am ....................Dick & Dom’s Funny Business

2:00pm ....You’ve Been Framed!

5:30pm ........................Outtake TV

10:00am ....Trapped Ever After

4:05pm ..............................Weather

6:00pm.. All New Total Wipeout

10:25am ........Diddy Dick & Dom

4:05pm ..............London Tonight

7:00pm................ Let’s Dance for Comic Relief

10:25am ..............................OOglies 10:45am ..........................Copycats

4:20pm .................. ITV News and Weather

8:20pm ..The National Lottery: Secret Fortune

11:15am ......My Life: Ballet Boys

4:35pm ......Live FA Cup Football

2:30pm ..........................Space Jam

7:15pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp

9:10pm ..............................Casualty 10:00pm ....BBC News; Weather 10:20pm ........ Live at the Apollo 11:20pm ..........National Lottery Update

Casualty – ‘Til Death Do Us Part

11:20pm ..John Bishop’s Britain

9.10pm. BBC1 Is this the end of the road for Warren (Stephen Lord)?A feisty new clinical lead joins the team to keep Jordan on his toes; Jay makes a worrying discovery; and Warren awakes from his coma, in this week’s edition of the medical drama. Jordan is enjoying his new sports car but his good mood soon disappears when Henrik Hanssen reintroduces him to Miriam Turner – his old mentor and the new joint clinical lead. They immediately clash over the treatment of a pregnant Jehovah’s Witness, Sarah, who is brought into the ED needing a blood transfusion. Sarah’s husband, Jake, refuses treatment but Miriam wants to proceed

anyway, despite Jordan’s outrage at her dubious ethics. Jake stands fast and they are forced to deliver the baby prematurely. Will they find a way to save mother and baby without compromising their beliefs? Meanwhile, Jay turns on the charm offensive on an attractive patient, Candy, but when she thinks he is gay, Noel and Big Mac can’t help but laugh. To prove a point, Jay asks Candy out on a date – which she accepts. When he is about to head off on his date, after struggling with pains in his groin all day, he quickly looks up testicular cancer on the internet. His face turns ashen and he cancels his date with Candy. Elsewhere, Kirsty’s dreams

of being with Adam are shattered by the arrival of Cathy, Warren’s mum. Cathy knows all about the violence but she reminds Kirsty of her vows. Kirsty reluctantly puts a stop to things with Adam but it’s too late – Warren has woken from his coma and Cathy’s already told him. Finding Adam, Warren warns him off but the effort takes its toll. When Kirsty finds Warren slumped on the floor and tries to help him, he punches her in the face. Finally realising that this is the final straw, Kirsty takes Nita and leaves. Unbeknown to her, though, her husband is taken back to resus with suspected DVT. Is this the end of the road for the abusive Warren?

7:45pm ........................Ant & Dec’s Push the Button 9:00pm ......................Take Me Out 10:15pm ........................Benidorm

11:45am ............MOTD Kickabout 12:00pm ......................4 for Texas 1:55pm ....................Into the West 11:50pm ................Weatherview 11:50pm ..................The Football League Show

7:00pm ........................Dad’s Army

1:30am.............. The Bottom Line

7:30pm ..................The Unknown Hancock

2:00am ............................BBC News 2:30am ........Victoria Derbyshire Interviews

Dan Walker and guests preview the weekend’s domestic football action. The FA Cup fifth round sees 16 sides battle it out for a place in the quarter-finals, with a Wembley semi-final just two wins away. Dan also has all the latest news from the Champions League, which is also at the last 16 stage.

Athletics – UK Indoor Grand Prix 1.00pm, BBC1 Jonathan Edwards hosts live coverage of the athletics Grand Prix from Birmingham. The indoor

Page 24

11:15pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

10:00pm...................... The Tudors

11:29pm ..........London Weather

10:50pm ..................Nurse Jackie

11:30pm ........FA Cup Highlights

3:30am ............................Our World

11:20pm ..............Fast and Loose

12:30am ...... ITV News Headlines

4:00am ............................BBC News

11:50pm ........ ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights

12:30am .......................... The Zone

5:30am ........The Record Europe

athletics season is now in full swing with the European Indoor Championships in Paris just weeks away, and there will be a star-studded field at the National Indoor Arena. Britain’s golden girl Jessica Ennis will line up against world indoor champion Lolo

9:00pm ............Faulks on Fiction

3:00am ............................BBC News

5:00am ............................BBC News

12.15pm, BBC1

4:25pm ..................Verdi’s Othello

1:15am ............................BBC News

4:30am ........................................Click

Football Focus

3:25pm ..........................Verdi: The Director’s Cut

12:50am ..................................Water 2:40am ......................................Close

2:35am.......................... Swingtown 3:20am .............. ITV Nightscreen 5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

Jones in the 60m hurdles, while local boy Mark LewisFrancis faces Jamaican Lerone Clarke – the man who beat him in the Commonwealth Games 100m final in Delhi. European double gold medallist Mo Farah will also be in action in the 5,000m.

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Television Guide

Saturday 19th February 7:00pm ..............The Real Hustle on Holiday

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

6:00am Brainiac: History Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

6:35am ..............................Athletics

6:05am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ....The Sky Sports Years

7:55am ............The Morning Line

6:15am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

7:30am ................Live ICC Cricket World Cup

7:00am ..........................Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show 8:00am ....................................Maury

7:30pm ..............The Real Hustle on Holiday

6:25am ......................Fireman Sam

5:00pm ............ Live Premiership Rugby Union

8:00am ................Guinness World Records Smashed!

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

8:00pm ..............................Top Gear

9:00am ............WWE Superstars

9:00am ........Nothing to Declare

9:00pm ......Little Britain Abroad

10:00am ........................Soccer AM

11:00am ..............America’s Next Top Model

9:30pm ......Little Britain Abroad

12:00pm ........The Biggest Loser

11:30pm ......................Family Guy

8:55am ..................................Friends 9:30am ......................The Wanted: Stars and Strikes 10:30am ......................................Glee

6:35am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends

10:00pm ..............Blades of Glory

11:35am .................. I Am Number Four: T4 Movie Special

6:50am ..........................The Beeps 7:00am ................................Mio Mao

12:00pm ..........Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker

12:10pm ................................4Music Favourites: Taio Cruz

7:05am ......................................Chiro

1:00pm ..A Town Called Eureka

2:00pm ................Four Weddings

11:50pm ......................Family Guy

7:15am ............................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

2:00pm ....................................Dazzle

3:00pm ................Four Weddings

12:15am ................American Dad!

7:30pm ........................Champions League Weekly

3:45pm ................Dawn French’s Little Cracker

4:00pm ................Mrs Henderson Presents

12:35am ................American Dad!

1:45pm ............Channel 4 Racing

7:25am ....Make Way for Noddy

4:00pm ............................Futurama

4:00pm ........................The Secret Supper Club

7:35am ..................Hana’s Helpline

8:00pm ..................Live Saturday Fight Night

5:55pm ....................Never Let Me Go Special

5:00pm ............................Futurama

4:35pm ........Come Dine with Me

10:00pm ....................Premiership Rugby Union

8:00am ..................Little Princess

12:40pm .............................. The Big Bang Theory

5:05pm ........Come Dine with Me 5:35pm ........Come Dine with Me 6:05pm ........Come Dine with Me 6:35pm ..............The Political Slot 6:40pm ..............Channel 4 News 7:05pm 7:10pm ..................................X-Men

7:45am ..........................Igam Ogam 8:15am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

11:00pm ......................ICC Cricket World Cup

4:30pm ............................Futurama 5:30pm ............................Futurama 6:00pm ..........................The Middle

1:00am ....Saturday Fight Night

7:00pm ..................The Simpsons

3:00am ........................Premiership Rugby Union

8:00pm ............................Futurama

4:00am ..............Spanish Football

10:40pm ......................Road Wars

5:30am ..............Take It Like a Fan

11:40pm ......................Road Wars

10:05am ..................UEFA Europa League Highlights

6:00am ..........Trans World Sport

7:05am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

11:10am ....How Do They Do It?

8:00am ................................Football League Weekend

12:40pm ....................Building the Super Tower: Megastructures

9:00am ..........................Champions League Weekly

8:30am ........................................Play! 8:45am ......................Rupert Bear 9:00am ......................................Olivia

9:00pm ................Ali G indahouse

1:00am ......................Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 2:00am ..................American Dad!

6:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:20am ..................American Dad!

7:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:05am ..................American Dad!

8:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 9:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 10:00pm ..............Criminal Minds 11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

2:45am ..................American Dad! 3:25am ..................American Dad! 3:45am ..................American Dad! 4:10am ......................Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents 5:10am ........................Special 1 TV

9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show 9:30am ......The Milkshake! Show 10:00am ........ The Family Recipe 6:10am ........................Dog Borstal

6:00am ........................Emmerdale 8:35am ............................Gossip Girl

8:00am ..............................Top Gear

7:00am ........................Masterchef New Zealand

10:00am ........................Fifth Gear

8:00am ........................Robin Hood

9:30am ............Ant & Dec’s Push the Button

10:30am ........................Fifth Gear

9:00am ..........................Super Vets

10:45am ......Harry Hill’s TV Burp

9:30am ..........................Super Vets

9:30am ..............Take It Like a Fan

11:00am ..............Oz and James’s Big Wine Adventure

11:15am ......................New You’ve Been Framed!

1:40pm............ Ice Road Truckers

10:00am ........................ Soccer AM

12:00pm............................ Top Gear

12:00pm ..........Take It Like a Fan

2:00pm ............................................QI

11:00am ................Michael Palin’s New Europe

11:45am ....................Take Me Out

2:40pm ........................The Age of Innocence

12:30pm ....FIFA Futbol Mundial

12:00pm ..............Seaside Rescue

1:00pm ......European Tour Golf

2:40pm ......................Stephen Fry in America

12:40pm ..............Seaside Rescue

3:00pm ............................The Brits Backstage 2011

5:00pm.............. Take It Like a Fan

4:00pm .............................. Top Gear

1:20pm ................Seaside Rescue

4:00pm ....................American Idol

5:30pm ..........Live Super League

6:00pm ..........The Gadget Show

1:50pm ................Seaside Rescue

6:00pm ....................American Idol

8:00pm ..ICC Cricket World Cup

6:30pm .......... The Gadget Show

2:20pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

7:00pm ..................Evan Almighty

3:20pm ......................Doctor Who

11:40pm ..............Celebrity Juice

11:40am ........The Gadget Show

9:10pm ..........................The Million Pound Drop Live

5:20pm ....................Medicine Man

10:30pm ......................Babylon AD

7:15pm ........................................NCIS

12:15am ............................Monster

7:10pm ............................Five News 8:00pm ........................................NCIS

7:00am .......................... Tight Lines

10:00am ......Total Wipeout USA

1:00pm .. The Brit Awards 2011

2:15am ................Night Windows

9:00pm ............................ CSI: Miami

2:20am ..........Watermelon Love

10:00pm ................................CSI: NY

10:00pm ......WWE: Late Night Superstars

7:00pm ............Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish

2:25am ....................How to Cope with Death

11:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:00pm ........................WWE: NXT

7:30pm ............Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish

4:20pm ......................Doctor Who 5:25pm ......................Doctor Who

12:25am ..Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

8:00pm ................Full Circle with Michael Palin

6:50pm ........................Outtake TV

2:25am ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp

8:00pm ......................Doctor Who

2:50am ....................American Idol

9:00pm................ Jonathan Creek

4:20am ....................Teleshopping

10:05pm ..Rumble in the Bronx

5:50am ............ITV2 Nightscreen

2:30am .......... Brothers & Sisters

12:00am ....................SuperCasino

3:20am ............................Privileged

4:00am ..............Cowboy Builders

4:05am ............................ Privileged 4:50am ............Wogan’s Perfect Recall

4:50am ..........Meals in Moments 5:00am.................. Hana’s Helpline 5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show

5:15am ........................Countdown

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

12:00am ......WWE: Late Night Smackdown 2:00am ..........WWE: Late Night Bottom Line 3:00am ..........................Champions League Weekly 3:30am ........Sky Sports Classics

9:00pm ................Mock the Week 9:40pm ................Mock the Week 10:20pm ............Mock the Week 11:00pm ............Mock the Week

9:00pm ................The Bodyguard

11:40pm...................... Outtake TV

Page 25

Television Guide

The Apolo Centre S U N D A Y

Car park NOW OPEN


6:00am ............................ Breakfast

6:00am ......................................Pingu

6:00am ..............................Mini CITV

9:00am ......................The Andrew Marr Show

6:05am ................Bob the Builder

7:25am ........................................CITV

6:30am ......................Postman Pat

9:25am ............FA Cup Highlights

10:00am ........The Big Questions

10:25am ........The Biggest Loser

11:00am ..............Country Tracks

7:00am ..........Basil and Barney’s Game Show

12:00pm ........The Politics Show

7:30am ......................................Leon

11:25am ..........................ITV News and Weather

1:00pm ........................EastEnders

7:30am ..................................Arthur

11:29am ..........London Weather

2:55pm ............................ My Family

8:00am ......Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab

11:30am This Morning: Sunday

3:55pm ............................Escape to the Country

8:30am.................. Gimme a Break

1:30pm ...... Live FA Cup Football

9:00am ........Dick & Dom Go Wild

4:10pm ........Midsomer Murders

4:55pm ..................................Lifeline

9:30am ..........................Cop School

5:40pm ..............................Weather

5:05pm ................Songs of Praise

10:00am ..............Something for the Weekend

5:40pm ..............London Tonight

3:25pm ............................ My Family

5:40pm ......BBC News; Regional News and Weather 6:00pm ................Sheila Hancock Brushes Up: The Art of Watercolours

11:30am ..............Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman 12:00pm ..................................Monk 12:45pm ........Diagnosis Murder 1:30pm ........................ Live Cycling 5:15pm ..........................Ski Sunday

12:30pm ....................Dinner Date

5:50pm ....................ITV News and Weather 6:05pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp 6:35pm ..................Dancing on Ice 8:30pm ....................Wild at Heart 9:30pm ................Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off 10:00pm ..................That Sunday Night Show

7:00pm ........................Countryfile 8:00pm ......Antiques Roadshow 9:00pm ......................South Riding 10:00pm ....BBC News; Regional News and Weather

6:00pm ......................Madagascar

10:25pm ..........................................QI

8:00pm ..............................Top Gear

10:55pm ....Match of the Day 2 11:25pm ..................Reggie Perrin

9:00pm ........Toughest Place to Be a Bus Driver

11:55pm ..................Lead Balloon

10:00pm ..................The Prestige

10:30pm ..........................ITV News and Weather

12:25am ..................Weatherview

12:05am ..........ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights

10:44pm ..........London Weather

12:25am ....................Lead Balloon 1:00am ..............Faulks on Fiction

1:05am ............................BBC News

2:00am ............................Holby City

1:30am ............................Our World

3:00am ....................Shooting the Hollywood Stars

2:00am ............................BBC News 2:30am ..............Dateline Europe

12:45am ....................Premiership Rugby Union

4:00am ..................Climbing Great Buildings

3:00am ............................BBC News

1:30am ........ITV News Headlines

3:30am ........The Record Europe

1:30am ............................The Zone

4:30am ..............................HARDtalk

4:00am ............................BBC News

5:00am ............The World Today

4:30am ..........................The Super League Show

2:00am ..........................Species lV: the Awakening

5:30am ................ World Business Report

Page 26

7:00pm ...... Graham Hill - Driven

5:00am ......................................Close

10:45pm ........FA Cup Highlights 11:45pm ..............Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford

3:40am ..............ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Television Guide

Sunday 20th February 6:00am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ............................Peppa Pig

6:00am ........Football’s Greatest

6:00am ..................Hour of Power

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ..........Almost Famous IV

6:10am ..........................The Hoobs

6:05am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:30am ............Live Super Rugby

6:15am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

8:30am ........................Premiership Rugby Union

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:15pm .......... Almost Famous IV

6:35am ..........................The Hoobs

7:00am ..........................Bill Bailey’s Birdwatching Bonanza

8:00am ....................................Maury

9:00pm ....................Being Human

6:25am ......................Fireman Sam

9:30am ........................The Sunday Supplement

8:00am............ It’s Me or the Dog

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

10:00pm ......................Family Guy

9:00am ......Football’s Next Star

9:00am ........Nothing to Declare

10:45pm ..............American Dad!

11:00am ............Goals on Sunday

10:00am ..........WWE Superstars

10:00am ............Passport Patrol

11:05pm ..............American Dad!

12:00pm ..................Live Scottish Premier League Football

11:00am ........WWE: Experience

11:00am ..............Four Weddings

11:30pm ..................Being Human

12:00pm ..................The Real A&E

2:30pm ....................Live Scottish Premier League Football

1:00pm ..A Town Called Eureka

12:00pm ..............Mrs Henderson Presents

2:00pm ........Emergency Animal Rescue

1:55pm ......................Celebs 24/7

12:30am ....................The World’s Worst Place to Be Gay

3:30pm ............................Futurama 4:00pm ..........................The Middle

3:00pm ..................Celebrity Four Weddings

4:30pm ..........................The Middle

4:00pm ..RSPCA Animal Rescue

5:00pm ..................The Simpsons 5:30pm ..................The Simpsons

5:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

6:00pm ....................Got to Dance

6:00pm ........................Fat Families

7:30pm ..................The Simpsons

7:00pm ..........Four Weddings US

3:55am ........................The World’s Worst Place to Be Gay

8:00pm ..................The Simpsons

8:00pm ....................Cougar Town

4:55am ................Coming of Age

9:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-0

8:30pm ..............Hot in Cleveland

5:25am ......................................Close

10:00pm ........NCIS: Los Angeles

9:00pm ................................Bedlam

11:00pm ................................House

10:00pm ......Indecent Proposal

6:00am ................Live ICC Cricket World Cup

7:05am ....................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

6:10am ........................Dog Borstal

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

7:00am ......Walking with Beasts

8:10am ........................Emmerdale

12:00pm ............Live ICC Cricket World Cup

8:00am .................. The Challenge

7:30am ......Walking with Beasts

11:05am ........Coronation Street

8:00am ........................Robin Hood

1:30pm ....................American Idol

5:00pm ......................Super Rugby

9:00am ..................Cooking in the Danger Zone

9:00am ........Total Wipeout USA

7:00pm ............Scottish Premier League Football

9:30am ........................Ben Fogle’s Extreme Dreams

10:00am .............. Seaside Rescue

3:30pm ....................The Grammy Awards 2011

10:00am ............................Top Gear

10:30am ..............Seaside Rescue

5:45pm ......................Take Me Out

8:00pm ..ICC Cricket World Cup

11:10am ..............Seaside Rescue

7:00pm ..........................Uncle Buck

11:50am ....................Ballet Shoes

9:00pm ............................Benidorm

1:40pm ......................The Wind in the Willows

10:00pm ..................Secret Diary of a Call Girl

7:00am ..............................FIS World Snowboarding Championships 7:25am ..That Paralympic Show 7:55am ..........4Music Favourites: Alexis Jordan

6:40am ......Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends 6:50am ..........................The Beeps 7:00am ................................Mio Mao

8:20am ..................................Friends

7:05am ...................................... Chiro

8:45am ................................Friends

7:15am ....................Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

9:15am ..............................Hollyoaks 11:50am ...................................... Glee

5:00pm ............Scottish Premier League Football

12:50pm ................The Simpsons

7:25am ........................Castle Farm

5:55pm ....Live Spanish Football

1:20pm ..................The Simpsons

7:30am ....Make Way for Noddy

8:00pm ....Live Spanish Football

1:55pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

7:40am ..........................Igam Ogam

10:00pm ............Football Special

7:55am ......................Funky Valley

11:00pm ICC Cricket World Cup

2:25pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

8:00am ..................Little Princess

1:00am ......Live WWE Wrestling

8:15am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

4:00am ............Scottish Premier League Football

8:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

5:00am ........Football’s Greatest

2:55pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 3:25pm .......................... Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 3:55pm ..........................Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals

8:35am ..................................Family!

4:25pm ..............Deal or No Deal: Love Week

9:00am ......................................Olivia

10:15am ..................Starlight: For the Children 10:45am ..Street Market Chefs 11:15am ................Stansted: The Inside Story

12:00pm ..........Mitch and Matt’s Big Fish

12:15pm ..........Cowboy Builders


1:15pm ..................Jane Doe: The Harder they Fall

7:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

3:05pm ............................Five News

1:00pm ..................Full Circle with Michael Palin

3:10pm ..............................Starman

2:00pm .......... The Gadget Show

2:50pm ......................Doctor Who

8:00pm ....................The People’s Supermarket

5:15pm ..........................Superman

4:40pm ......................Doctor Who

9:00pm ......................The Promise

8:00pm ........................Royal Navy Caribbean Patrol

3:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

10:45pm ........................Alan Carr: Chatty Man

2:25am ................Coming of Age 2:55am ..........The World’s Most Dangerous Place for Women

9:15am ..........The Mr Men Show 10:00am ............Rough Guide to Eco Escapes

6:30pm .............. Channel 4 News

1:30am ......................Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents

8:45am ......................Rupert Bear

9:30am ......The Milkshake! Show

5:30pm ..........................Time Team

5:30am .......................... Wild Spirits

2:00pm ................Four Weddings

7:25pm ..................Cool Runnings

9:00pm ........................Ghost Rider

10:00pm ......This Week In WWE 10:30pm ......................WWE: Late Night - Afterburn

6:00pm ..........The Gadget Show

6:00pm ........No Ordinary Family

7:00pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

9:00pm ....Rumble in the Bronx 10:45pm ......No Ordinary Family

10:30pm ....................................Troy

4:00am ........................The FBI Files

11:30pm ................WWE Vintage Collection

8:00pm ......................................Tribe

11:40pm ......Emergency Bikers

1:35am ..................Dancing on Ice

4:05am ..........Brothers & Sisters

4:50am ..........Meals in Moments

12:30am ........This Week In WWE

9:00pm ..................Steve Coogan: The Inside Story

12:45am ....................Traffic Cops

4:55am ............Wogan’s Perfect Recall

5:00am ................Hana’s Helpline

1:00am ............Scottish Premier League Football

1:45am ................Seaside Rescue

3:15am ................Dancing on Ice: The Skate Off

10:20pm ........I’m Alan Partridge

2:35am ........................Outtake TV

3:40am ....................American Idol

2:00am ......................................Close

11:40pm ..............Steve Coogan: The Inside Story

3:00am ......................................Close

4:30am .................... Teleshopping

11:50pm ........As Good as It Gets

11:10pm............................ Christine

2:15am ..........................The Family

1:15am ......................SuperCasino

3:10am ................Wedding House

5:10am ......The Milkshake! Show

5:20am ........................Countdown

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Page 27

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

M O N D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ................Harry and Toto

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ......................Heir Hunters

6:10am ..........Everything’s Rosie

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:20am ......................Dirtgirlworld

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ..................................Jakers!

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

7:00am ..................Barney’s Latin America

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ..........Wreck or Ready? 11:30am ......BBC News; Weather

7:25am.......................... Newsround

11:30am ............Cash in the Attic

1:30pm ....................ITV News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am ................Lockie Leonard

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:15am ......Dennis and Gnasher

2:00pm ..........................House Gift

8:30am ............................LazyTown

3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ....Octonauts: Creature Reports

3:59pm ............London Weather

8:55am ....................Numberjacks

5:00pm ..........................The Chase

2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country

9:10am ........The Koala Brothers 9:25am.................... Big Barn Farm

6:00pm ..............................Weather

3:05pm ............................Deadly 60

9:40am ..........................Big & Small

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

3:35pm ................................The Owl

9:55am ................Guess with Jess

3:35pm ....Bear Behaving Badly

10:05am ..................Postman Pat

6:30pm ....................ITV News and Weather

4:00pm ..The Big Performance

10:20am ..................................Pingu

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

4:30pm ..........................Blue Peter

10:25am ....................64 Zoo Lane

7:30pm ..........Coronation Street

4:55pm ............Shaun the Sheep

10:40am ..................Chuggington: Badge Quest

8:00pm ............................The Lakes

5:15pm...................... Weakest Link

10:45am ..................Chuggington: Badge Quest

9:00pm ..........The Biggest Loser

6:00pm ..............................Weather

10:50am ..........................Waybuloo

6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:10am ....In the Night Garden

6:30pm ..............................Weather

11:40am ................When Zachary Beaver Came to Town

6:30pm ..........BBC London News 7:00pm ..................The One Show 7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

10.35pm, BBC1 Brown on stage. Viewers can prepare for a riot of bad behaviour as Agnes offers help and advice to her family and friends. In this episode Mrs Brown has family troubles to contend with: Grandad Brown is feeling poorly and son Dermot has fallen out with Maria, his girlfriend. Mrs Brown arranges for Dr Flynn to see Grandad and she decides to talk to Maria – but matters only seem to get worse. Mrs Brown’s daughter, Cathy, is a psychology student and offers Dermot and Maria a counselling session. A concerned Mrs

Brown comes along and the session quickly descends into a blazing row between her and Cathy. A bemused Dermot and Maria suddenly realise how stubborn they’ve been and immediately make up. Then, to everyone’s surprise, they get engaged. Meanwhile, Grandad ends up in hospital for a cavity search when a temperature reading goes dramatically wrong. The cast also includes Dermot O’Neill as Grandad Brown, Paddy Houlihan as Dermot, Fiona O’Carroll as Maria and Jennifer Gibney as Cathy.

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

1:00pm ..........................Due South 1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy 2:30pm ........Living Dangerously

7:30pm ............................Inside Out

3:00pm ....Wanted Down Under

8:00pm ........................EastEnders

3:45pm ..................................Flog It!

8:30pm ................How to Blow a Fortune: Panorama

4:30pm ..........................Perfection

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

5:15pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

10:35pm........ New Homes from Hell 2009

9:00pm ..............................Outcasts

Foul-mouthed matriarch Agnes (Brendan O’Carroll) with her family. Comedian Brendan O’Carroll stars as Agnes Brown in a new comedy series for BBC One. Ireland’s funniest and proudest mother, Agnes Brown, is a hilarious, foulmouthed Dublin matriarch who interferes in the lives of her children and friends. The theatre show Mrs Brown’s Boys has been a sell-out success for a number of years in Eire and the UK, and this new six-part series, specially written by Brendan for the BBC, is jampacked with all the laughs, surprises and drama of Mrs

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

5:00pm ........................Newsround

Mrs Brown’s Boys

12:30pm ................Loose Women

10:00pm ........................BBC News

6:30pm ..............My Life in Books

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

7:00pm .................. Escape to the Country

10:35pm ........Mrs Brown’s Boys

8:00pm ....University Challenge

11:05pm ..................Late Kick Off

8:30pm ..............Raymond Blanc: Kitchen Secrets

11:35pm ....................The Graham Norton Show 12:20am ..The Apprentice USA 1:05am ......The Apprentice USA 1:55am ................Ancient Worlds

11:35pm ..................That Sunday Night Show 12:05am ................ Grimefighters 12:30am ......ITV News Headlines 12:30am ..........................The Zone

9:00pm ................When Teenage Meets Old Age

2:30am ............UEFA Champions League Weekly

10:00pm ..........................Episodes

3:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

3:55am ..............ITV Nightscreen

11:20pm ........ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

Raymond Blanc’s Kitchen Secrets 8:30pm, BBC2 NEW SERIES. Chef Raymond Blanc shares recipes for cooks of all abilities in the lively surroundings of his Oxfordshire restaurant

Page 28

kitchen, beginning by celebrating the best of British shellfish. He prepares French favourite moules mariniere using mussels

from Devon, as well as seared squid salad and scallops, before joining fishermen in Fife as they trawl for lobsters.

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Television Guide

Monday 21st February 6:05am ........The Treacle People

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:15am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

6:40am ..........................The Hoobs

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:05am ............Freshly Squeezed 7:35am ............Everybody Loves Raymond

6:35am ......................Elmo’s World

8:00am ..................................Frasier

6:50am ......Milkshake! Music Box

8:30am ............According to Jim

6:55am ............................Peppa Pig

9:00am ..Undercover Boss USA 10:00am ..............The Good Wife

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ......................Doctor Who

7:00am ................Vet Adventures

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

7:50pm ......................Doctor Who Confidential

9:00am ............................Futurama

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00am ..........................Champions League Weekly

10:00am ......................The Middle

8:50am........................ Celebs 24/7

8:00pm ......................Hotter Than My Daughter

10:30am ......................The Middle

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

8:30am ................Live ICC Cricket World Cup

11:00am ..............Modern Family 12:00pm ............Project Runway

7:00am ....................Little Princess

5:30pm ........................Champions League Weekly

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

6:00pm ........................Netbusters

2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

10:55am ..............Relocation: Phil Down Under

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:30pm ..The Sky Sports Years

3:00pm ..........................The Middle

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

7:30pm ............Live Irish Football

4:00pm ................Modern Family

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

10:00pm The Sky Sports Years

5:00pm ......................Raising Hope

11:00pm ......................Netbusters

5:30pm ..................The Simpsons

11:30pm ................SPL Round-Up

6:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

12:05pm ........The TV Book Club

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

12:35pm ............The Gunfighter

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

2:10pm ................Cookery School

8:25am Milkshake! Show Songs

12:00am ......................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

1:00am ..............Football League

8:00pm ..........................Road Wars

3:55pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline

2:30am ............Sports Unlimited

9:00pm ........................Ross Kemp: Extreme World

5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

8:50am ....................The WotWots

3:30am ........Watersports World

5:30pm .......................... Coach Trip

4:30am ..........................Max Power

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff

7:00pm .............. Channel 4 News

11:00am ........The Vanessa Show

7:55pm ......................

11:45am ..........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:00pm ..............Dispatches: The Truth About Hospital Food 9:00pm ............................ One Born Every Minute 10:00pm ........................Alan Carr: Chatty Man

12:40pm ........................Five News

11:00pm ................................Mental

9:00pm ......Women, Weddings, War and Me

11:00am.................................. Maury

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

11:55am .................... Celebs 24/7

10:30pm ..................Being Human

12:00pm ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:30pm ......................Family Guy

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

12:15am ....................The Lock Up

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

12:45am ....................Hotter Than My Daughter

5:00pm ..............................Charmed 6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model 7:00pm ............Ghost Whisperer

11:50pm ......................Family Guy

1:15am ........................The Big Fat Truth About Low Fat Foods

8:00pm ....................................Nikita

2:15am ........Women, Weddings, War and Me

9:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

3:15am ..............How Drugs Work

10:00pm ..............................Bedlam

4:15am ......................Doctor Who Confidential

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

4:25am ....................Being Human

7:05am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

6:10am ........................Masterchef New Zealand

6:00am ..........Coronation Street

9:00am ................Football Special

8:00am ................Race Car Driver

8:00am ..............................Casualty

10:00am........................ Live Tennis

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

9:00am ..................................The Bill

7:10am ......................The Planet’s Funniest Animals

2:00pm ..........Kings of the Snow

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

10:00am ................................The Bill

7:30am ........Sally Jessy Raphael

2:30pm ........................Champions League Weekly

10:00am ............................Top Gear

11:00am ............................Casualty

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

11:00am .................. Dragons’ Den

12:00pm ....................Doctor Who

3:00pm ..........................Live Tennis

12:00pm............................ Top Gear

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

7:00pm ......................Bass Fishing

2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

1:00pm ........................Masterchef New Zealand

5:00pm .................. Five News at 5

2:30pm ..........The Gadget Show

3:00pm ......................Traffic Cops

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

5:30pm ........................Neighbours

3:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

3:40pm ......................Traffic Cops

1:00pm ........................Emmerdale

6:00pm ..............Home and Away

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

4:20pm ........................Outtake TV

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

5:00pm ........................Outtake TV

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV 7:00pm ..................Five News at 7

7:00pm ............................................QI

5:40pm ............................ My Family

7:30pm ..........Five News Update

7:40pm ....................................Speed

6:20pm ............................ My Family

8:20pm ..........................Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival

7:00pm ....................................Junior MasterChef Australia

7:00pm ............................The Cube

1:15pm ......Street Market Chefs 1:45pm ........................Neighbours 2:15pm ..............Home and Away 2:50pm ......................Rough Guide to Beaches

5:00pm ..............................Weather

1:15am .................. Countdown to the NME Awards 2011

10:00pm ....................Inside: Teen Lockdown

10:00am ........Four Weddings US

7:30am ..............Spanish Football

12:45pm ..Street Market Chefs

3:05pm ..........Blessed Stranger: after Flight 111

11:05pm ..................Shine a Light

5:30am ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

8:30pm ......................The Lock Up

6:00am .................... Super League

6:50am ........................Emmerdale

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..................Loose Women

7:30pm ......How Do They Do It?

8:00pm ..........................ICC Cricket World Cup

8:00pm ..................Five News at 9

10:00pm ................................Tennis

8:00pm ..........The Gadget Show

12:00am ......................Boots ‘n’ All

9:00pm ............Have I Got News for You

8:00pm ......................Traffic Cops 9:00pm ..........Emergency Bikers

8:00pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp

1:00am ..........................ICC Cricket World Cup

10:20pm ......................Peep Show

10:00pm ....................Traffic Cops

8:30pm ..................Grimefighters

1:55am ..................................Zatoichi

9:00pm ........................Royal Navy Caribbean Patrol

9:00pm ..........Hell’s Kitchen USA

3:00am ......European Tour Golf

10:30pm ....................Traffic Cops

3:50am ......................The Spanish Gardener

10:00pm ................The Exorcism of Emily Rose

10:55pm ..........................................QI 11:35pm ..........Have I Got News for You

11:00pm ....................Traffic Cops

10:00pm ..............Celebrity Juice

12:00am ........Emergency Bikers

12:55am ......................Peep Show

1:00am ......................Traffic Cops

10:45pm ............Secret Diary of a Call Girl

1:30am ..................Countdown to the NME Awards 2011

5:25am ..........Brothers & Sisters

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

4:00am ....................PGA Tour Golf 5:00am ......................................Close

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

Page 29

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T U E S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ................Harry and Toto

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ......................Heir Hunters

6:10am ..........Everything’s Rosie

8:30am ................................Lorraine

10:00am .... BBC News; Weather

6:20am ......................Dirtgirlworld

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ..................................Jakers!

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

7:00am ..................Barney’s Latin America

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ..........Wreck or Ready? 11:30am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

11:30am ............Cash in the Attic

1:30pm .................. ITV News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

7:30am ......................Prank Patrol Down Under

1:00pm ...... BBC News; Weather

7:50am ................Lockie Leonard

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:15am ......Dennis and Gnasher

2:00pm ..........................House Gift

8:30am ............................LazyTown

3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ....Octonauts: Creature Reports

3:59pm ............London Weather

8:55am...................... Numberjacks

5:00pm .......................... The Chase

3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News

9:10am ................................Dip Dap

6:00pm ..............................Weather

9:10am ........The Koala Brothers

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

3:05pm ............................Deadly 60

9:25am ..................Big Barn Farm

3:35pm ................................The Owl

9:40am ..........................Big & Small

6:30pm ....................ITV News and Weather

3:35pm ....Bear Behaving Badly

9:55am ................Guess with Jess

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

4:00pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom

10:05am ..................Postman Pat

7:30pm ..................Grimefighters

4:00pm ................Dead Gorgeous

10:20am ..................................Pingu

8:00pm ....................Lion Country

4:30pm ..........................Blue Peter

10:25am ....................64 Zoo Lane

9:00pm ................................Taggart

4:55pm ............Shaun the Sheep 5:00pm ........................Newsround

10:40am ..................Chuggington: Badge Quest

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

6:00pm .............................. Weather

11:05am .... In the Night Garden

6:00pm ............................BBC News

11:35am ..............The Pixar Story

6:30pm ..............................Weather

1:00pm ..........................Due South

6:30pm ..........BBC London News

1:45pm ............................To Buy or Not to Buy

2:15pm ..................Escape to the Country

7:00pm ..................The One Show


Page 30

2:30pm ........Living Dangerously

7:30pm ........................ EastEnders

3:45pm .................................. Flog It!

8:00pm ..........................Holby City

4:30pm ..........................Perfection

9:00pm ..........................................Silk

5:15pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

10:00pm ........................BBC News

9:00pm, BBC1 NEW SERIES. Legal drama following the lives, loves and cases of two barristers struggling to prove their worth on the front line of the judicial system. Martha Costello is under huge time pressures as she prepares to defend two very different clients in the hope of securing a good reference for her application to become a QC. Starring Maxine Peake and Rupert Penry-Jones. Maxine Peake (Criminal Justice), Rupert PenryJones (Spooks), Neil Stuke (Reggie Perrin), Natalie Dormer (The Tudors) and Tom Hughes (Sex, Drugs And Rock And Roll), star in Silk,a thrilling new drama series for BBC One about the lives, loves and hard cases facing barristers on the front line of criminal law, written by BAFTA award-winning writer Peter Moffat (Criminal Justice, North Square). Silk is a big, bold, fast-paced insight into the world of the criminal Bar, showing legal eagles at work and play. Maxine Peake is Martha

7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

Costello, mid-thirties, single, passionate, a defence barrister applying for silk. Martha is faced with challenging cases and surprising clients. Her beliefs and prejudices, her conscience and her faith in the criminal justice system are tested to the limit over the course of the series. Former barrister Peter Moffat makes a return to BBC One, providing an insider’s view into this exciting, morally complex, highly charged world. Peter says: “Silk is based on my experience of life at the Bar. The extreme pressure, the hard choices, the ethical dilemmas, the overlap between the personal and the professional, principles fought for and principles sacrificed, the Machiavellian politics, the sex, the drinking, the whole story – life at the Bar is the richest possible drama territory.” Clive Reader, played by Rupert Penry-Jones, is funny, gifted and dangerous. He’s the same age as Martha and they are called

to the Bar together. Both are applying for silk – how they perform in court is vital to this process and Clive knows how to play the game. Neil Stuke plays Billy Lamb, Senior Clerk in chambers. He’s a man of many parts, lots of contradictions, and has the lives and careers of his barristers under his control. He is dedicated to Martha – he loves her straight talking and lack of guile – even if secretly he believes that she hasn’t got a chance of being made a QC. Nick Slade, played by Tom Hughes, is Martha’s pupil. Niamh Cranitch, played by Natalie Dormer, is Clive’s pupil. Both are thrown in at the deep end and as ‘baby barristers’ must sink or swim. Stand up in court and show you can cut it. Or forget about making it at the Bar. Only one pupil will be taken on as a member of chambers at the end of the series. Who will it be and why? How will Martha and Clive influence the outcome?

6:00pm ............................Eggheads

10:35pm ..................Who Do You Think You Are? 11:20pm ................Weatherview

7:00pm ......................Too Fast to Be a Woman? The Story of Caster Semenya

11:20pm ........................ 25th Hour

7:50pm ....................................Coast

1:30am ..............................See Hear

8:00pm ................A Farmer’s Life for Me

3:00am ..............The Bear Family and Me 4:00am ..............Save My Holiday 4:45am.............................. HARDtalk 5:00am ............The World Today

4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

3:00pm ....Wanted Down Under

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

2:00am ..................Human Planet

12:30pm ................Loose Women

6:30pm ..............My Life in Books 10:00pm .................... ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ................London News and Weather 10:35pm ............Demolition Man

9:00pm ..................Natural World

12:40am ......ITV News Headlines

10:00pm ........ ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights

12:40am ..........................The Zone

10:30pm ..........................Weather

3:30am .............. ITV Nightscreen

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

5:30am ..........ITV Morning News

2:40am ..............Crossing Jordan

11:20pm ..........................Mad Men

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Television Guide

Tuesday 22nd February 6:00am ..........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ..................Total Wipeout 8:00pm ......Snog, Marry, Avoid?

7:00am ................Vet Adventures

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:00am ........................Netbusters

9:00am ............................Futurama

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

10:00am ......................The Middle

6:50am ......Milkshake! Music Box

8:30am ................Live ICC Cricket World Cup

11:00am ..............Modern Family

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ................Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

6:55am ............................Peppa Pig

5:30pm ......................Football Asia

11:30am................ Modern Family

10:00am ........Four Weddings US

10:00pm ......................EastEnders

7:00am ....................Little Princess

6:00pm ..........Revista De La Liga

12:00pm ............ Project Runway

11:00am.................................. Maury

10:30pm ..............Coming of Age

10:00am ..............The Good Wife

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

11:55am ....................Celebs 24/7

11:00pm ......................Family Guy

10:55am ................A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

7:00pm ............Sky Sports News at Seven

2:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1

12:00pm ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:20pm ......................Family Guy

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

12:15am ....................Hotter Than My Daughter

6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ..............Brainiac: Science Abuse

7:35am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ..................................Frasier

6:35am ......................Elmo’s World

8:30am ............According to Jim 9:00am ........................Undercover Boss USA

6:15am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:40am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

7:10am ............ Freshly Squeezed

12:05pm ..............The Conqueror

7:45am .... Make Way for Noddy

7:30pm ..................Soccer Special 10:30pm ............Football Special 11:30pm ........UEFA Champions League Highlights

3:00pm ..........................The Middle 3:30pm ..........................The Middle 4:00pm ................Modern Family

12:45am ..Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

5:30pm ..................The Simpsons

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

1:45am.................. Coming of Age

6:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

7:00pm ............Ghost Whisperer

2:15am ....................Total Wipeout

8:00pm ....................Cougar Town

3:15am ..................Young, Jobless and Living at Home

8:10am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

12:30am ........Revista De La Liga

5:00pm ......................Raising Hope

3:10pm ........................ Countdown

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

1:30am ................Football Special

3:55pm ................Deal or No Deal

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

3:30am ..........Revista De La Liga

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

5:30pm ..........................Coach Trip

8:25am ............................Milkshake! Show Songs

2:30am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

4:30am ................Football Special

8:00pm ....................Got to Dance

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

5:30am ......................Football Asia

9:30pm ..................The Simpsons

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline 8:50am ..................The WotWots


9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

8:00pm ....................Gok’s Clothes Roadshow 9:00pm ..............................Heston’s Mission Impossible

11:45pm ..Snog, Marry, Avoid?

5:00pm ..............................Charmed

2:10pm ................Cookery School

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

4:00pm ..............................Charmed

8:30pm ......................Hotter Than My Daughter

10:00pm ..............Ali G indahouse 11:40pm ................................Mental

8:30pm................Hot in Cleveland 10:00pm ....................Bridalplasty

4:15am ........................The Big Fat Truth About Low Fat Foods

11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

5:15am ......................................Close

6:10am ........................Animal Park

6:00am ..........Coronation Street 6:50am ........................Emmerdale

9:00pm ........................Fat Families

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff 11:00am........ The Vanessa Show 11:45am ..........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

10:00pm ........................Shameless

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

7:10am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

11:05pm ..........................The Big C

12:40pm ........................Five News

7:00am ................................NASCAR

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ........Junior MasterChef Australia

12:45pm ..Street Market Chefs

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ..............................Casualty

1:15pm ......Street Market Chefs

8:00am ........................Soccer AM: The Best Bits

7:10am ......................The Planet’s Funniest Animals

11:45pm ..............Countdown to the NME Awards 2011

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

9:00am .................................. The Bill

7:30am ........Sally Jessy Raphael

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

9:00am ..........................ATP Tennis

10:00am ............................Top Gear

10:00am ................................The Bill

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

12:00am ..............Countdown to the NME Awards 2011

2:15pm ..............Home and Away

10:00am ........................Live Tennis

11:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

11:00am ............................ Casualty

2:00pm ........................Netbusters

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

12:00pm .................... Doctor Who

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

2:50pm ..Rough Guide to Cities

2:30pm ............................Blauvelt’s Backcountry

1:00pm ..............................Top Gear 2:00pm ............................................QI

1:00pm ....................................Junior MasterChef Australia

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

3:05pm ................Christy: Return to Cutter Gap 5:00pm ..............................Weather

3:00pm ..........................Live Tennis

2:40pm ................Seaside Rescue

2:10pm ............................My Family

1:00pm ........................ Emmerdale

5:00pm ..................Five News at 5

7:00pm ..........................Live UEFA Champions League

3:20pm ................Seaside Rescue

2:50pm ............................My Family 3:25pm ......................Doctor Who

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

10:15pm ......................ICC Cricket World Cup

5:00pm ..............................Top Gear

4:25pm ........................Outtake TV 5:00pm ........................Outtake TV

12:15am ....................UK & Ireland Poker Tour 1:15am ................................Bull Run 1:40am ............................ FIS World Snowboarding Championships

5:30pm ........................Neighbours 6:00pm ..............Home and Away

2:10am ..............................Athletics

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

3:30am ......KOTV Boxing Weekly

7:00pm ..................Five News at 7

12:15am ............Premier League Bowls

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den 7:00pm ............................................ QI

5:40pm ............................My Family

4:00am ............................ Basketball

7:30pm ......Extraordinary Dogs

1:15am ............British Basketball

7:40pm ................Seaside Rescue

6:20pm ............................My Family

4:55am ..................Powerboating

8:00pm ..................Stansted: The Inside Story

3:15am ...................................... Close

8:20pm ................Seaside Rescue

7:00pm ........Junior MasterChef Australia

5:25am ........................Bear Grylls: Born Survivor

9:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 10:00pm ........................CSI: Miami 10:55pm ................................CSI: NY

9:00pm ......................................QI XL 10:00pm ....................................QI XL 11:00pm ......................The Bubble 11:40pm ....................................QI XL 1:35am ........Would I Lie to You?

8:00pm ........No Ordinary Family 9:00pm ..........................Sanctuary 10:00pm...................... Torchwood 11:00pm ....No Ordinary Family

12:00pm ......Coronation Street

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..................Loose Women 5:40pm ........................Judge Judy 7:00pm ..................................All Star Family Fortunes 7:45pm ..........JLS: The Hot Desk 8:00pm ..........The Biggest Loser 9:00pm ......The Vampire Diaries 10:00pm ............Secret Diary of a Call Girl

12:00am ........................Sanctuary

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Page 31

Television Guide

W E D N E S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ................Harry and Toto

6:00am.............................. Daybreak

9:15am ......................Heir Hunters

6:10am ..........Everything’s Rosie

8:30am................................ Lorraine

10:00am .... BBC News; Weather

6:20am ......................Dirtgirlworld

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ..................................Jakers!

9:25am........................ The Jeremy Kyle Show

7:00am ..................Barney’s Latin America

10:30am ....................This Morning

11:00am ..........Wreck or Ready? 11:30am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

11:30am ............Cash in the Attic

7:30am ......................Prank Patrol

1:30pm.................... ITV News and Weather

12:15pm ..................Bargain Hunt

Down Under

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am ................Lockie Leonard

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:15am ......Dennis and Gnasher

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ..........................Octonauts: Creature Reports

2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country 3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm ............................Deadly 60 3:35pm ................................The Owl 3:35pm...... Bear Behaving Badly 4:00pm ............................Copycats 4:30pm ..........Diddy Dick & Dom 4:30pm ..................................MI High 5:00pm ........................Newsround 5:15pm ......................Weakest Link 6:00pm ..............................Weather 6:00pm ............................ BBC News 6:30pm .............................. Weather 6:30pm ..........BBC London News 7:00pm ..................The One Show 7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News 7:30pm ..................Rip Off Britain 8:00pm ................ Waterloo Road 9:00pm ........................MasterChef 10:00pm ........................BBC News 10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather 10:35pm ....................The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm ..........................House Gift 3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm ............London Weather 4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

8:55am ....................Numberjacks

5:00pm ..........................The Chase

9:10am ................................Dip Dap


9:10am ........The Koala Brothers

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

9:25am ..................Big Barn Farm

6:30pm ....................ITV News and Weather

9:40am .......................... Big & Small 9:55am ................ Guess with Jess 10:05am ..................Postman Pat

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale 7:30pm ............UEFA Champions League Live

10:20am ..................................Pingu 10:25am ....................64 Zoo Lane 10:40am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:55am ..........................Waybuloo 11:15am ....In the Night Garden 11:45am Anne of Green Gables 1:00pm ..............................See Hear 1:30pm ..................................Lifeline 1:40pm ..........Priceless Antiques Roadshow 1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy 2:30pm ........Living Dangerously 3:00pm ....Wanted Down Under 3:45pm ..................................Flog It! 4:30pm ..........................Perfection 5:15pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is 6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ..............My Life in Books

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:30pm ................London News and Weather

10:45pm ............................National Lottery Update

7:00pm ................................op Gear 8:00pm ......................Madagascar

10:35pm ........UEFA Champions League: Extra Time

10:45pm ..............Film 2011 with Claudia Winkleman

9:00pm ......................A History of Ancient Britain

11:35pm ............Police, Camera, Action!

11:25pm ................Weatherview

10:00pm ..............Have I Got Old News for You

12:30am ......ITV News Headlines

11:25pm ....................Match Point 1:30am ................Country Tracks

10:30pm ..........................Weather

2:30am................................ Tremors

2:25am ......................The Chinese Are Coming

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

4:10am................ ITV Nightscreen

11:20pm ........ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights

5:30am .......... ITV Morning News

3:25am ..............Save My Holiday

Page 32

8:30am ............................LazyTown

12:30pm ................Loose Women

12:30am ..........................The Zone

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Television Guide

Wednesday 23rd February 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ........Don’t Tell the Bride

7:00am ................Vet Adventures

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

8:00pm ......................The World’s Strictest Parents

7:40am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show


8:00am ....................................Maury

9:00pm ............How Drugs Work

10:00am ......................The Middle

8:50am ......................Celebs 24/7

10:00pm ..............Blades of Glory

8:05am ..................................Frasier

6:35am ......................Elmo’s World

11:00am ..............Modern Family

8:30am ............According to Jim

6:50am ......Milkshake! Music Box

8:30am ................Live ICC Cricket World Cup

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model 10:00am ........Four Weddings US

11:30pm ............Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

11:00am ................................Maury

12:30am ........................Family Guy

11:55am ....................Celebs 24/7

12:50am ........................Family Guy

12:00pm .......... CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:15am ....................Being Human

6:20am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:45am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

7:10am ............Freshly Squeezed

9:00am ........................Undercover Boss USA

6:55am ............................Peppa Pig

10:00am ..............The Good Wife

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

10:55am ..............Country House Rescue

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

12:00pm ........................Channel 4 News Summary

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

12:05pm ............Whatever Turns You On 12:10pm ................The Barbarian and the Geisha

7:00am ....................Little Princess

8:00am ........Football’s Greatest

5:00pm ..........................Live World Golf Championship

11:30am................ Modern Family 12:00pm ............Project Runway 1:00pm ..................Stargate SG-1 3:00pm ..........................The Middle 4:00pm ................Modern Family

7:45am ....Make Way for Noddy

5:00pm ......................Raising Hope 5:30pm ..................The Simpsons 11:00pm ....FIFA Futbol Mundial

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds 4:00pm ..............................Charmed

6:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

5:00pm ..............................Charmed

12:00am ..........UEFA Champions League Highlights

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

9:00pm ................Louie Spence’s Showbusiness

8:10am ..............Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

11:30pm ....Football’s Greatest

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

2:10pm ................Cookery School

8:25am .............. Milkshake! Show Songs

1:00am ................Football Special

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car

3:55pm ................Deal or No Deal

2:00am ..........................ICC Cricket World Cup

8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline

4:00am ........................Boots ‘n’ All

5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

8:50am ....................The WotWots

5:30pm ..........................Coach Trip 6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

9:15am ............The Wright Stuff

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

11:00am ........The Vanessa Show


11:45am ................................CSI: NY

8:00pm ..............Beauty and the Beast: Ugly Face of Prejudice

12:40pm ........................Five News

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

12:45pm ..Street Market Chefs

8:00pm ....Dream Lives for Sale

10:00pm ........................Mad Dogs 11:00pm ......................Ross Kemp: Extreme World

7:00pm ............Ghost Whisperer 8:00pm ..........Four Weddings US

2:15am ......................The Lock Up 2:45am ..............How Drugs Work

10:00pm ............Grey’s Anatomy

3:45am ................Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands

9:00pm ....................................Bones 11:00pm ..............Criminal Minds

4:45am ......................The Lock Up

12:00am Inside: Teen Lockdown

12:00am ........................CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:15am ...................................... Close

7:05am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

6:10am ........................Animal Park

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

1:45pm ........................Neighbours

7:00am ............Revista De La Liga

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ........Junior MasterChef Australia

9:00pm ..............................The Real King’s Speech

8:00am ................Football Special

8:30am ..........The Gadget Show

8:00am ..............................Casualty

7:10am ......................The Planet’s Funniest Animals

2:15pm ..............Home and Away

9:00am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

9:00am ..................................The Bill

7:30am ........Sally Jessy Raphael

2:50pm ......................Rough Guide to Islands

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

10:00pm ......The Model Agency

10:00am ............................ Top Gear

10:00am ................................The Bill

8:10am ........................Judge Judy

3:05pm ..........Out of the Woods

10:00am........................ Live Tennis

11:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

11:00am ............................Casualty

2:00pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

12:00pm............................ Top Gear

12:00pm ....................Doctor Who

9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

5:00pm ..................Five News at 5

2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear 2:30pm .......... The Gadget Show

1:00pm ........Junior MasterChef Australia

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

3:00pm ..........................Live Tennis

2:00pm ............................My Family

12:30pm ........................ Nanny 911

6:25pm ..................................OK! TV

3:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den 4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

3:20pm ......................Doctor Who

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

4:20pm ........................Outtake TV

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

1:15am ................Coming Up: Boy

7:30pm ....................Starlight: For the Children

1:40am ..........Animal Madhouse

8:00pm ............Cowboy Builders

7:00pm ............................................QI

5:00pm ........Total Wipeout USA

9:00pm ........................................NCIS

7:40pm ................Seaside Rescue

6:00pm ........No Ordinary Family

8:20pm ............’m Alan Partridge

7:00pm ........Junior MasterChef Australia

5:40pm ........................Judge Judy

8:00pm ................Too Fat for 15

7:00pm ........Harry Hill’s TV Burp

9:00pm ............World’s Strictest Parents USA

7:30pm ..................Life’s Funniest Moments

10:00pm ....................Traffic Cops

8:00pm ..........................Gossip Girl

11:00pm ..............Too Fat for 15

9:00pm ................The Bodyguard

12:00am ..........World’s Strictest Parents USA

11:40pm ........................Inside Man

11:05pm ........................Shameless 12:10am ..................Sounds from the Cities 12:45am ........The Album Chart Show Spotlight 1:00am ..................Mercury Prize Sessions

2:35am ........................Food: What Goes in Your Basket? 3:30am ................Hill Street Blues 4:15am ..........Brothers & Sisters 5:05am ............ Wogan’s Perfect Recall 5:30am ........................Countdown

5:30pm ........................Neighbours 6:00pm ..............Home and Away

10:00pm ..................Law & Order: Criminal Intent 11:00pm ..................Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 11:55pm ..................................Poker 12:55am ....................SuperCasino 4:05am ..................Divine Designs 4:30am ................Great Scientists 4:55am ..................Animal Rescue

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

5:00am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

7:00pm ..........................Live UEFA Champions League 10:15pm ............Football Special

9:00pm ......Men Behaving Badly

11:15pm ....Football’s Greatest

9:40pm ......Men Behaving Badly

11:45pm ......Trans World Sport

10:20pm ............Mock the Week

12:45am ......................Boots ‘n’ All

11:00pm ..........................................QI

1:45am ....................................Tennis

11:40pm ..Men Behaving Badly

3:45am ........ Football’s Greatest

1:00am ................Mock the Week

4:15am ..........Trans World Sport

1:30am ............................Fifth Gear

12:00pm ......................Emmerdale

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..................Loose Women

Page 33

Television Guide


Come on, this is ridiculous!

T H U R S D A Y 6:00am ............................Breakfast

6:00am ................Harry and Toto

6:00am ............................Daybreak

9:15am ......................Heir Hunters

6:10am ..........Everything’s Rosie

8:30am................................ Lorraine

10:00am ....BBC News; Weather

6:20am ......................Dirtgirlworld

10:00am ................Homes Under the Hammer

6:35am ....................................akers!

9:25am ........................The Jeremy Kyle Show

7:00am ..................Barney’s Latin America

10:30am ..................This Morning

11:00am ..........Wreck or Ready? 11:30am ....BBC News; Weather

7:25am ........................Newsround

11:30am ............Cash in the Attic

7:30am ....................Muddle Earth

1:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

12:15pm .................. Bargain Hunt

7:40am ................................Eliot Kid

1:00pm ......BBC News; Weather

7:50am ................Lockie Leonard

1:30pm ..................Regional News and Weather

8:15am ......Dennis and Gnasher

1:45pm ................................Doctors

8:55am ..........................Octonauts: Creature Reports

2:15pm ............................Escape to the Country 3:00pm ....BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm ............................Deadly 60 3:35pm ................................The Owl 3:35pm ....Bear Behaving Badly 4:00pm ............................Copycats 4:30pm ......Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments

THIS might seem like a political thing coming from me, but I hate politics, so bear with me please. For what seemed like an eternity, even though it was only two weeks, we all watched the crisis in Egypt. It was never off the TV screen. It was a sight to behold as the real people rebelled against a corrupt government. It all started with a call from a guy who worked for Google and, through the internet, word spread of meetings. And as it gathered momentum, it toppled a dictatorship. During the crisis, the then Egyptian government which was better known for its censorship, pulled the plug on the internet, so nobody could report on what was happening in the country. The British and American governments were releasing TV interviews saying this was against freedom and democracy! This week, we see the same thing happening in Iran and Libya. Through the power of the internet, the people who have suffered under these regimes are taking to the streets and fighting back. Again, any person who lives in the free world is applauding this stand being taken. May I say at this point that my prayers are with all the demonstrators. So with all these points over the words, “freedom” and “democracy”, what has been happening in the so called freedom back in the

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UK? Censorship! It might sound crazy to compare this subject with what I have described above, but it really is the same thing. It started off just a week ago when popstar Rihanna released her new song, S&M. This track has been on her album since its release months ago. At Oasis Fm, it has been a popular choice for our listeners and we have not had one complaint, even for my radio show! So, on its release, what do the BBC back home decide to do? Bring in their moral minority of idiots and edit the track down. Instead of the S&M title, it’s called Come On, and any references to “whips and chains” have been edited out. To their “credit”, they have assured their Radio One listeners that they can listen to the whole track at night only! Oh ... thanks very much BBC, that’s very good of you. It’s like being told as a child what time to go to bed. The Independent radio stations are no better. They have always been so lazy, so their excuse for not even playing it as they do not wish to offend listeners does not carry with me. I worked in that market for a long time, and the reason they will not play it is because producers are a thing of the past and they have nobody to do the hard work. But believe me when I say this: if they could find some way of getting listeners to pay a high-rate phone call or

text, they would be playing the track! In the Independent radio world, it’s all about getting as much money as possible. That’s the reason there seems to be no talent on air in the UK these days. But back to my point. As freethinking people, as I mentioned previously, we applaud what happened in Egypt, and the rest of that area seems to be following their example. So the hypocritical, UK Government-owned BBC should be taken to task over this. After all, music falls into the arts category. Remember what happened with the Nazis in the Thirties? They burned paintings and books and dictated to their party what to look at and what to listen to. It is beyond belief. Think back to four occasions when, in the name of morals, we were told what to do: Elvis swaying his hips, The Beatles with long hair, Frankie Goes To Hollywood with Relax and George Michael with I Want Your Sex. All look so tame when you look back in history. And Rihanna’s song is no different. The BBC are Government-owned, so they should stand up and say they can’t be seen to support freedom around the world and yet, at the same time, censor a piece of music! And the Independents should look up the meaning of “independent” in the dictionary! Joe

8:30am ............................ LazyTown

12:30pm ................ Loose Women

1:55pm ....................London News and Weather 2:00pm ..........................House Gift 3:00pm ....Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm ............London Weather 4:00pm ........Midsomer Murders

8:55am ....................Numberjacks 9:10am ................................Dip Dap 9:10am ........The Koala Brothers 9:25am.................... Big Barn Farm 9:40am ..........................Big & Small 9:55am ................Guess with Jess 10:05am ........Postman Pat: SDS 10:20am ..................................Pingu 10:25am ....................64 Zoo Lane

4:30pm ..........Serious Explorers: Livingstone

10:40am ..................Chuggington: Badge Quest

5:00pm ........................Newsround

10:45am ..........................Waybuloo

5:15pm ......................Weakest Link

11:05am .... In the Night Garden

5:00pm ..........................The Chase

6:00pm ..............................Weather

11:35am ............................Anne of Windy Poplars

6:00pm ..............................Weather

1:00pm ..........................Due South 1:45pm ....To Buy or Not to Buy

6:30pm ............................ITV News and Weather

2:30pm ........Living Dangerously

7:00pm ........................Emmerdale

6:00pm ............................BBC News 6:30pm ..............................Weather 6:30pm ..........BBC London News 7:00pm ..................The One Show 7:30pm ..........................BBC News; Regional News

3:00pm .... Wanted Down Under 3:45pm ..................................Flog It!

7:30pm ........................ EastEnders

4:30pm ..........................Perfection

8:00pm ..................Human Planet

5:15pm ..............Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

9:00pm ........................MasterChef

6:00pm ..............London Tonight

6:00pm ............................Eggheads 6:30pm ..............My Life in Books 7:00pm ..........The Culture Show 8:00pm ............The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best

7:30pm ....Cyber Wars: Tonight

9:00pm ..................The Spice Trail

8:30pm ..........Coronation Street

10:00pm ....Victorian Pharmacy

9:00pm ........................Marchlands

10:00pm ..........................BBC News

10:30pm ..........................Weather

10:25pm ..............Regional News and Weather

10:30pm ......................Newsnight

10:00pm ....................ITV News at Ten and Weather

11:20pm ........ICC Cricket World Cup Highlights

10:30pm ................London News and Weather

10:35pm ..............Question Time

8:00pm ........................Emmerdale

11:35pm ....Skiing Weatherview

10:35pm ......................Odd One In

11:35pm .... Dirty Pretty Things

11:20pm ..........Send in the Dogs

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Television Guide

Thursday 24th February 6:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

6:00am ..............Brainiac: Science Abuse

7:00am ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

7:00am ................Vet Adventures

7:35am ..........................Everybody Loves Raymond

6:20am ..............The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

8:00am ........Football’s Greatest

9:00am ............................Futurama

7:30am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00am ..................................Frasier

6:35am ......................Elmo’s World

10:00am ......................The Middle

8:00am ....................................Maury

8:30am ............According to Jim

6:50am ......Milkshake! Music Box

8:30am ................ Live ICC Cricket World Cup

10:30am ......................The Middle

8:50am........................ Celebs 24/7

9:00am ..............Supernanny USA

6:55am ............................Peppa Pig

11:00am................ Modern Family

9:55am ................The Good Wife

7:00am ....................Little Princess

5:30pm ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

9:00am ................America’s Next Top Model

10:55am ..............Help! My House Is Falling Down

7:15am ............The Mr Men Show

12:00pm ........................ Channel 4 News Summary

7:45am .... Make Way for Noddy

3:00pm ..........................The Middle

8:00am ........................Fifi and the Flowertots

3:30pm ..........................The Middle

6:15am ..........................The Hoobs

6:00am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:40am ..........................The Hoobs

6:10am ....Roary the Racing Car

7:05am ............Freshly Squeezed

12:05pm ....................The League of Gentlemen

7:30am ..........Thomas & Friends

6:30pm ........Football’s Greatest 7:00pm ......................Live Premier League Darts

8:20am ............................Peppa Pig

3:10pm ........................Countdown

8:25am ............................Milkshake! Show Songs

11:30am................ Modern Family 12:00pm ............ Project Runway 1:00pm ....................Stargate SG-1

4:00pm ................Modern Family

8:15am ............................Peppa Pig

2:10pm ................Cookery School

8:00am ..............Best of Oops TV

8:30am ....Roary the Racing Car 8:40am ................Hana’s Helpline 8:50am ....................The WotWots

6:00am ........Nothing to Declare

7:00pm ..............................Top Gear

7:00am ............................The Jerry Springer Show

8:00pm ................Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 9:00pm ....................A Dangerous Place to Meet My Family 10:00pm ...................... EastEnders 10:30pm ............Lunch Monkeys

10:00am ........Four Weddings US

11:00pm ......................Family Guy

11:00am ................................Maury

11:20pm ......................Family Guy

11:55am ....................Celebs 24/7 12:00pm ..........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:00pm ......................Raising Hope

1:00pm ............CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

5:30pm ..................The Simpsons

3:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

6:00pm ........................Emergency Animal Rescue

4:00pm.............................. Charmed

6:30pm ..................The Simpsons

6:00pm ................America’s Next Top Model

8:00pm ....................Hawaii Five-0

7:00pm ............Ghost Whisperer 11:45pm ..................A Dangerous Place to Meet My Family

9:00pm ............................Mad Dogs

8:00pm ..................Criminal Minds

10:30pm ............................Ringside

10:00pm ................................House

9:00pm ......Save the Last Dance

11:30pm ............The Rugby Club

11:00pm ........NCIS: Los Angeles

11:10pm ..............................Bedlam

3:55pm ................Deal or No Deal

6:00am ............Aerobics Oz Style

6:00am ........................Emmerdale

6:30am ..........Kings of the Snow

7:05am ........................Whose Line Is It Anyway?

6:10am ........................ Animal Park

5:00pm ........Come Dine with Me

6:25am ..........................Nanny 911

5:30pm ..........................Coach Trip

7:00am ........................Boots ‘n’ All

8:00am ............................Fifth Gear

7:00am ........Junior MasterChef Australia

6:00pm ..................The Simpsons

8:00am ................ Football Special

8:30am ........................The Gadget Show

8:00am ..............................Casualty

7:10am ......................The Planet’s Funniest Animals

9:00am ..................................The Bill

7:30am ........Sally Jessy Raphael

9:00am ..............................Top Gear

10:00am................................ The Bill

8:10am ........................Judge Judy 9:25am ....The Real Housewives of Orange County

9:00am ................Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:15am ............ The Wright Stuff

11:00am........ The Vanessa Show 11:45am ................................ CSI: NY

9:00am ............UEFA Champions League Highlights

12:40pm ........................Five News

10:00am ........................Live Tennis

10:00am ............................Top Gear

11:00am ............................Casualty

12:45pm ..Street Market Chefs

2:00pm ........Football’s Greatest

11:00am ..................Dragons’ Den

12:00pm .................... Doctor Who

1:15pm ......Street Market Chefs

2:30pm ......FIFA Futbol Mundial

12:00pm ............................Top Gear

3:00pm ..........................Live Tennis

2:00pm ............................Fifth Gear

1:00pm ........Junior MasterChef Australia

10:30am ......................Judge Judy

1:45pm ........................ Neighbours 2:15pm ..............Home and Away

2:30pm ........................The Gadget Show

2:05pm ............................My Family

12:30pm ........................ Nanny 911

2:50pm ......Extraordinary Dogs

7:00pm ............................ATP Tour Uncovered

2:40pm ............................My Family

3:15pm ............Mystery Woman: Redemption

7:30pm ..............Premier League World

3:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

3:20pm ......................Doctor Who

1:30pm ......................The Jeremy Kyle Show

4:00pm ..............................Top Gear

4:25pm ........................Outtake TV

5:00pm ..............................Weather

8:00pm ..........................ICC Cricket World Cup

6:00pm ....................Dragons’ Den

5:00pm ........................Outtake TV

7:00pm ............................................ QI

5:40pm ............................My Family

10:00pm ........Time of Our Lives

7:40pm ......................Traffic Cops

6:20pm ............................My Family

11:00pm ......................WWE: Late Night - Raw

9:00pm ............Russell Howard’s Good News

7:00pm ........Junior MasterChef Australia

6:30pm ............................Hollyoaks

5:00pm ..................Five News at 5

7:00pm ..............Channel 4 News

5:15pm ........................ Neighbours

7:55pm 8:00pm Relocation, Relocation

5:45pm ..........Live UEFA Europa League Football

9:00pm ........Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

8:05pm ..........Emergency Bikers

10:20pm ............Mock the Week

8:00pm ..............................Primeval

9:00pm Mercenary for Justice

11:00pm ..........................................QI

9:00pm ..............Jonathan Creek

10:00pm ..............10 O’Clock Live

10:55pm ..................The Exorcist: The True Story

11:40pm ..........Russell Howard’s Good News

10:00pm.................... Traffic Cops

11:05pm ..............................Big Fat Gypsy Weddings

11:55pm ..................Cops in Crisis

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

11:00pm.................... Traffic Cops 11:40pm ............Jonathan Creek

12:00pm ...................... Emmerdale

3:40pm ....The Real Housewives of Orange County 4:40pm ..................Loose Women 5:40pm ........................Judge Judy 6:10pm ............The Movie Show on ITV2 6:45pm ............Ant & Dec’s Push the Button 8:00pm ....................American Idol 10:00pm ..............Celebrity Juice 10:45pm ............Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Page 35


Page 36

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


Stock Clearance Sale Now On! UP TO 50% OFF!

Many Items up to 50% off original price, Homestyle Direct is more than worth a visit.

HOME STYLE DIRECT continues to provide fantastic value, choice and style with their huge clearance sale. Every sale item is reduced by upto 50% off the original price. So if the current euro

rate is eating into your budget, a visit to Home Style’s ample well-stocked showroom is a must. They are now clearing stock at greatly reduced prices to make way for the brand new 2011 Ranges, which includes many new items at lower prices without compromising on

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

quality. With over 20 years in the business they can offer customers superb quality in home furnishing in different sizes and colours to suit your home and all at incredible prices. They also have many styles of furniture to choose from, not only from stock, but also in a variety of catalogues. Their extensive range includes leather suites, dining room and bedroom furniture and also a range of bedding in English sizes (feet and inches). Home Style have possibly the biggest choice in UK manufactured divan beds and mattresses and sofa beds in the South. Not only are they available in different

sizes, you can also choose the quality (soft, orthopaedic or back-care) plus storage options at low, low prices. And now with the new bed and sofa bed centre opened they will be able to offer over 50 different styles of beds and sofa beds all under one roof!Since opening in Tenerife more than 6 years ago, Home Style Direct has doubled in size. They they are now not only a well established store here in Tenerife, but also have a 20 year highly successful track record behind them in the UK where they carry most items in stock thus reducing delivery times to a minimum. With a one bedroom furniture pack now starting at 2,995 euros there has never been a better time to refurbish your apartment or turn your new

house into your dream home. The pack includes two sofas, dining set, beds, coffee table and lamp table set, TV unit, kitchenware, mirrors, pictures lamps, bedding and curtains, plus much more. This special offer includes free local delivery and assembly. You also have the option of changing anything within the pack to meet your individual requirements and tastes. The in-store stock is constantly being updated so whether you need just one piece of furniture or to furnish a full house Home Style have the facilities to meet your needs. So if your new year resolution is to freshen up your home be sure to visit Homestyle’s vast showrooms in Las Chafiras.

A 2 BEDROOM FURNITURE PACK INCLUDES:3+2 cloth sofa Coffee table 2 X lamp tables TV unit Dining set with 4 chairs 4 X lamps 1 X set of 90” X 90” curtains 1 X 4’6 bed frame + mattress 2 X 3ft bed frame + mattresses 1 X chest of drawers 3 X bedsides 1 X 4’6 bedding pack incl. curtains 1 X 4’6 duvet 2 X 3ft bedding packs incl. curtains 2 X 3ft duvets 4 X pillows 3 X pictures 1 X mirror 1 X complete kitchen accessory pack.


Page 37


SUE MCDONALD Common Sense Furnishings Email:

Sort yourself out! SOMETIMES, properties here can be relatively small because they were built primarily as holiday homes. So when you either live in them, or spend a fair amount of time here, storage can be a bit of an issue. Below are some ideas to increase your storage potential without leaving your home looking cluttered. Storage-bed bases: These are bases that have a hydraulic system to lift the mattress up, revealing a huge amount of storage underneath. They are unsuitable for very heavy items, but certainly excellent for blankets, clothes, shoes, etc. The mechanism is very light and easy to use, and the mattress and all the bedding stay in place, so you can access it easily. In a double bed for example, this will provide a huge amount of storage. I have used one in my teenage daughter’s room no, not to put her in it,

What you need

Linen fabric Corkboard Long ruler, pencil & scissors Fabric swatches for pockets Pins, needle and thread Staple gun Ribbon in various colours Bulldog clips

Page 38

picture, the table is stored as a narrow desk or hall unit, but when extended, the sides and back panels form a full dining table, which can be up to more than two metres in length. We are fortunate enough to be able to eat outside a lot of

the time, but there are occasions, perhaps more formal, or when the weather isn’t so good, that it is convenient to eat inside. Wardrobes with sliding doors: Wardrobes are available in 50cm widths and, if they have sliding doors, they

do not need clearance for the doors to open. We stock some which are very cheap, and although basic, they can appear very “designer” if you include a colour sticker on the door! So, no more need for clutter - get it sorted!

although I have been tempted - but so that she can hide all her mess there when she is told to tidy her room. Sofas with storage: These are ideal if you have the space, particularly if it is a sofa bed, and the bedding can be stored out of sight

during the day. Dining table: This is a fabulous idea for those smaller properties, or for people who would like to have a dining table, but one as a permanent fixture would take up too much room. As you can see in the first

What to do! 1. Lay the linen flat and place the board on top. Use the ruler and pencil to draw around the board, allowing an extra 10cm (4in) on all sides. Cut out. 2. Mark out pockets on fabric swatches and cut out. Turn under 5mm (¼in) of fabric along the side and bottom

Keep everything in order on practical notice board edges of pockets and iron. Fray the top edges. Decide

where to put pockets. Pin to linen and sew by hand using a small running stitch. 3. With fabric wrong side up, place board face down on top. Fold in corners and trim. Starting in the centre of one side, fold linen border to back of board and staple. At each corner fold fabric over with the corner still folded in to create a mitre. Repeat on opposite side, pulling fabric taut. Fold in and staple the remaining two sides. Staple corners as well. 4. Place a length of ribbon under the board, fold one end to the back and staple. Fold other end to the back, making sure it’s straight, pull tight and staple in place. Repeat for the other lengths of ribbon.

5. Clip the bulldog clips to the board and then attach your keepsakes and memos. Stand

the board on a shelf or worktop, or fix it to a fridge or wall with adhesive strips.

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

Sweet by name and fragrant by nature!

Money-saving tips for your gardens WHETHER you are an avid vegetable gardener, a learner herb gardener or just like to have a pretty area, these frugal tips may help you save a little money. 1. Stale coffee and coffee grounds make great organic fertiliser. They provide many trace minerals and low, gentle levels of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous. 2. Remember that for veggies and for your lawn, a good soaking of water less often is better than a light sprinkling every day.. 3. If your neighbour has a plant you particularly like, ask for a cutting instead of going to the nursery and buying one. Maybe you could trade a cutting from one of your own plants. 4. To water a tomato plant easily, bury a bottomless tin next to the plant and pour the water into the can. This allows the water to go straight to the roots.

ANNUAL plants really are easy to grow, which is why children love planting the seeds and watching them as they progress rapidly from green shots to produce brilliant colours. Mind you, us grown-ups also love the end product - a glorious array of technicolour in hanging baskets,

containers or other arrangements. And what better than to plant fragrant sweet peas, especially in the garden? These are often grown in rows in the vegetable garden to provide cut flowers. But they also make an attractive feature in the flower border. Dig the soil well and incorporate a dressing of general fertiliser. Tread the soil to firm it, and then put the supports in place before sowing the seeds.

Special cane clips are available at garden centres to fix together the tops of bamboo canes, making a wigwam, or an A-frame, which is then covered with plastic mesh netting to give the plants something to cling to. Use a sharp knife to clip the seed-coat carefully to hasten germination - this is called chipping - but be careful not to damage the lighter-coloured eye, from where the seedling will

5. Plant marigolds in your vegetable garden. They will attract insects that eat aphids and other pests. 6. Cut old carpet into wide strips and lay it down between the rows in your garden. Now you can pick peas without getting your shoes muddy. 7. Use grass clippings as mulch around your vegetable plants to keep moisture in and weeds out. Just don’t use the clippings right after you have fertilised your grass, or treated it for weed control. 8. Pine needles make excellent mulch if you have access to them. 9. Here’s a natural, frugal, garden-pest spray: mix 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap and 1 cup of cooking oil. Use 3 tablespoons of this mixture to 1 quart of water and spray on plants. 10. In the herb garden, to keep plants like mint from taking over too big an area, put it in a clay pot and simply plant the whole pot!

emerge. Alternatively, if you don’t fancy that method, soak the seeds overnight in water to soften the seed-coat. Sow them about one inch deep (2.5cm) with some three inches (7.5cm) between them, or at the base of each cane support. The end result will be a host of sweet-smelling sweet peas, which will provide fragrant, cut flowers for your home throughout the summer.

Spring is nearly sprung, so it’s time to get cracking right now YOU’VE probably noticed that the days are getting longer lighter mornings and evenings – which gives us more time to “play” in the garden. The weather has been pretty desperate over here, on and off for a couple of

months, but the obvious signs of growth and flowering around the garden and on terraces lifts the heart. It just gives us that optimism and drive to get cracking again, even though it’s still chilly over here at either end of the day, never mind the incredible, fluctuating weather in the UK. Gardening enthusiasts will be hoping for several days

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

of dry, sunny conditions, accompanied by a strong breeze for drying out the soil for seedbed preparation. It doesn’t really apply over here because however bad it can be, the sun is always warm when it does emerge from behind the clouds. But in the UK, the lighter the soil, the earlier the task can be accomplished. It just

involves raking the surface until the spoil is reduced to an even texture of fine crumbs. However, it is essential to wait until the soil is no longer clinging and sticky. True, Spring always seems to be slow to get going, it soon shifts up a gear and before you know it, you are hardpushed to keep up. There are spring bulbs to

support and dead-head, border plants to stake and prop up to stop them flopping over. And don’t forget, there are containers to get ready for the summer display, and sowings to make indoors and out. There is also planting and pruning to be done. Here on the Island, pruning shrubs and bushes is almost a full-time job. Blink and

they’ve grown another foot! If you think about it, there seems hardly enough time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labour. But whatever you do, make sure you find that time to sit back and enjoy that delicious freshness of growth the garden offers in the next few weeks. Spring? There’s no other season quite like it!

Page 39

Health & Beauty

ADRIENN from Robot, answers your beauty questions

DANNI BYRNE Keeping you fit Email:


Winter’s now over and it’s time to get set for the summer

No room for poor excuses

EVERY week, Carl provides you with excellent advice on how to take good care of your hair, but I’d like to give you some tips on how to look after your hands and feet.

WHEN you first start exercising, it may be hard to find motivation and easy to find excuses to get out of a training session.

With a different climate here in Tenerife, and tap water being harder, our skin suffers a lot if we don’t pay enough attention. You can see it on your hands, when the cuticle area and the rest of the skin round your nails becomes a bit harder. You can get rid of that with a good manicure, and once you do, use the following tips to keep your hands soft and healthy. When cutting your nails, use a clipper or a nail file instead of scissors. Every night when you go to bed, put some oil or cream on your hands, so you can let it dry while watching TV. If you use cuticle oil, just put a few drops on your cuticle on each finger, and then rub it all around your nails, finishing on the fingertips. In case you use a cream, just do the same. The only thing that matters is that the cream shouldn’t be heavy and greasy, because then it will not let the skin breath properly and, it will take ages to dry. Almond oils or creams are brilliant for dry skin, and they

Page 40

usually smell really nice as well. The same thing is true for your feet. In case they are dry, you can start with a nice pedicure, then use a foot cream or body lotion, and oil every night or every second night, depending on how dry your feet are. After a few days, you’ll see that it does make a difference, especially at this time of year when we slowly change the boots to pretty sandals and high heels, which don’t cover as much as the boots did. Oh, and a very important

thing: if you have some bad, dry bits (usually on the sides by the big toe, or round the heels) do NOT try to get rid of them using a blade, or scissors! I’ve seen it so many times, and keep telling my clients that it only makes things worse! Apart from the infections you can easily catch, the skin becomes a lot harder in no time. Thank you very much for your attention, and in case you have any questions, I’m always more than happy to help. Feel free to contact or visit me at Robot.

If this is the case, and you find yourself moaning about being too poor, too tired or too busy to find the time, then here’s how you can save time, exercise on a budget and maintain your desire for fitness. There are plenty of ways to keep fit without breaking the bank, or visiting a gym, and many ways to fit exercise into your busy life. Time-saving exercise strategies The scourge of modernday living is that we never seem to have enough time for anything, it seems. One of the worst problems is having no time for all-round and long-term health: exercise. Very often, exercise gets sidelined in favour of other things because “we’re just too busy”. However, making time for exercise is extremely important, and building regular exercise into your routine is a strategy for life. Try these time-saving, planning ideas, which will make it easier to integrate exercise into your life and, most importantly, keep it there: Superset: This technique is a great time-saver and, if used correctly, can cut your exercise time by as much as 50% while still giving you the same results. To superset, instead of having rest periods between two sets of an exercise, you select an alternative exercise which will rest the muscles you’ve just trained while working the opposite set of muscles. For example, alternate your exercises for the chest and upper back, stomach and lower back, front and back of upper arm, front and back of thigh, and so on. Exercise while travelling: Combining exercise with your daily travel to work will

save time for a separate session later. Try walking, cycling or even jogging to work. Kick-start your day with exercise: You don’t have to do this every day of the week, but occasionally, try setting your alarm clock a little earlier and venture outside for a walk or jog while it’s still quiet. The following ideas are either free or very cheap, – so there’s no excuse to miss out your sessions. Go al fresco: The great outdoors is, basically, a free, open-air gym. Whether it’s a walk, a jog or some bodyweight exercises in your local park or even the back garden, exercising in the open air is fun, invigorating and, most importantly, free. Get on your bike: This is another free, or cheap form of exercise to improve your cardiovascular fitness and build your leg strength. Cycling is a fun activity and free, if you’ve got a bike already. Pay-as-you-go exercise classes: A good exercise class can give you a great all-over workout, and is usually available at very little cost per session. Swimming: A session in your local pool is certainly one of the cheaper exercise options on offer because there’s no time limit on your workout. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise and ideal if impact-type activities are unsuitable for you. The home workout: If you want to work on your flexibility and tone up, then by acquiring a few basic items of equipment, you can train in the comfort of your own home, and at a time to suit you. Now, on to maintaining your motivation for exercise. “Exercise is boring” and “I’m fed-up with my workout” are just two common complaints from people who struggle to keep their enthusiasm. Keeping focused isn’t easy, but continuity is one of the keys to getting and staying fit, so it’s important to use

as many tools as possible to keep everything going. Dip into the top three strategies for keeping your eye on the ball. Having an exercise goal: There’s nothing like setting yourself a goal to foster commitment to exercise. By having a target to aim for, your sessions will have focus and purpose, and you’ll be more likely to factor exercise into your week as you work towards your goal. New routines: Don’t get stuck in a rut with the same old boring exercise routine that you’ve always done. As well as not getting results, your motivation will suffer by keeping the same routine over a long period, and you’ll easily find an excuse not to work out. So, step outside your comfort zone and try a new activity, such as an exercise class. Something new will revitalise you and reawaken your enthusiasm, so you’ll feel as though you really want to make time to work out. Have an exercise pal: Make an arrangement with a friend to meet them and go walking, jogging or running together. These are all great cardiovascular exercises and, even better, they cost nothing. The main benefit of exercising with another person is that there’s less of a chance that you’ll duck out of your exercise session because you’ve made that commitment. This all adds up to no more excuses for ducking out of exercising. If you really want to achieve something, you’ll make the necessary sacrifices. The keys are to choose activities you enjoy, so that you’ll want to continue with them. Plan your exercise so that it’s integrated into your week, and set targets. None of these needs be expensive. Whether it’s cost, time or motivation, keeping fit is easily achievable – so there’s really no excuse not to do it...

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Drinking diet pop regularly may lead to a heart attack

Broken-home kids facing a tragic life THE breakdown of families is leading to a rise in mental illness that costs taxpayers upwards of £100 billion a year in the UK.

SUGAR-FREE fizzy drinks on a regular basis could lead to greater risks of a heart attacks or strokes. That was the analysis gleaned from a study of more than 2,500 people, which found that those who consumed diet drinks every day had a 61% higher chance of experiencing vascular problems than those who did not have carbonated drinks. Hannah Gardener, who led a research team at the University of Miami to look into the effects of low-cal pop, was concerned about the results. “If our results are confirmed with future studies, it suggests that diet pop may not be the optimal substitute for sugar-sweetened beverages for protection against vascular outcomes.” The research was presented at the American Stroke Association’s international stroke conference in Los Angeles, The participants had to state whether they drank diet fizzy drinks, regular fizzy drinks, a mixture of the two or none at all.

Researchers said the survey did not include data on the types of diet and regular drinks consumed, however, which could have given further information on how drinking different brands affected participants. Dr Sharlin Ahmed, research liaison officer at The Stroke Association, said: “It is a wellknown fact that leading a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce your risk of having a stroke. “According to this study, drinking diet fizzy drinks on a regular basis could pose the same or even higher risk for cardiovascular disease as standard fizzy drinks. “But fizzy drinks in moderation will not be detrimental to your health. Everyone can reduce his/her risk of stroke by consuming a balanced diet, low in saturated fat and salt, and exercising regularly.” Amy Thompson, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: “This research seems to show a link between diet fizzy drinks and a greater risk of having a heart attack, but it is unclear why this occurs. “We’d need to see much more research before we could draw any definite conclusions.”

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Children from broken homes are more likely to go on to suffer depression, commit crime and die younger, according to the Centre for Social Justice. The organisation believes that mental illness often strikes when people are young, with half of lifetime mental illness, excluding dementia, starting by the age of 14, and 75% by the time people are in their mid-20s. The report found that children with separated, single or step-parents were “50% more likely to fail at school”. It says they also have “low self-esteem, experience poor peer relationships and have behavioural difficulties, anxiety or depression”. It also found that family breakdown and conflict were considered to have the biggest adverse impact on

the well-being of children. The SCJ also warned that depression and anxiety rates had risen for boys and girls aged 15 and 16 since the mid-1980s, as have behavioural problems such as lying, stealing and disobedience. The think-tank’s report called for a renewed effort to break the stigma and fear

surrounding mental illness, the development of a family-focused approach to treating patients, a bigger role for family doctors and a greater emphasis on recovery from mental illness. It added: “We are currently interested in family-based solutions, how the greater prevalence of mental disor-

der in some sections of the black and minority ethnic communities, and in the vulnerable, can be addressed. “We are also interested in how stigma surrounding mental disorder can be reduced so that people access help earlier and are met with more understanding.”

Page 41

Food News

The Mongolian BBQ THE Mongolian BBQ in El Mirador, Los Cristianos opened at the tail end of 2010 and is definitely proving it’s here to stay, with satisfied customers going back time after time. Mongolian BBQ had been an idea for four years for its proprietors who researched the dynamic concept worldwide to get it to its present day format. The Mongolian BBQ appears statuesque in its prime corner positioning; on the corner of the Mirador strip in Los Cristianos; as soon as you walk into the expansive terrace you become aware of the calibre of this new venue. The dining space is outside, beautifully decorated and heated so as to create a great ambience. More importantly great attention has been paid to the spacing of the solid wooden tables, so that your conversation, elbows and backs of chairs do not interfere with other diners - which is an absolute delight.

Page 42

Personally the name Mongolian BBQ conjures up for me thoughts of strange meat cooked outside on a tra-

ditional BBQ – how wrong could I be! You have to understand that Mongolia is a land locked country in East and Central Asia; directly surrounded by Russia and China, this has a great influence on its cuisine. It’s a fusion of the cuisine from surrounding countries – an eclectic mix of flavours. Mongolian barbecue is thought to have first appeared in Taiwan in the middle to late 20th Century, the stir frying of meat on large open surfaces is meant to evoke Mongolian traditions. The tradition being that it’s said that the Mongolian barbecue dates back to the Mongol Empire when soldiers of the Mongol Empire would gather their meat, prepare it with their swords and cook on overturned shields over a large fire. Fast forward to the present day in Tenerife. A large array of fresh fish, meat and vegetables are cooked on a large round plancha with temperatures of up to 600 degrees. Firstly, you have a choice of soups to start with bread accompaniments, then armed with your bowl you intrepidly

walk to the buffet – there is such a vast array, what do you choose? Typically diners choose between various raw meats, fish and vegetables up to 15 different varieties and cut in different ways; once assembled with noodles or rice accompaniment you pass your bowl to one of the three chefs who will add your choice of sauce, (all of which are homemade, no processed foods are entertained here) Your own meal creation is then cooked in front of you – yes you will have to wait a few minutes for it to be cooked, but it’s like watching real art. In addition to the Mongolian BBQ buffet there is a sushi bar, reminiscent of those in grand London department stores; sushi is made freshly in front of your eyes, so it’s great if you’ve never tried it before. Here there is an area of seating ideal for a pre-dinner aperitif. The Mongolian Barbecue is continually developing through listening to its customers; ‘we want to continually improve ourselves, satisfying our customers more and more’ they told Canarian Weekly. The Mongolian BBQ is open

every day from 5pm until 1am (last food order) this in itself is unique as it is difficult to find somewhere to eat after 10pm. From talking to the proprietors of the Mongolian BBQ it becomes clear how much thought has been put into this new way of dining. It brings ‘the revival of the kitchen’ back to dining. If you’re looking for healthy options or vegetarian then again Mongolian BBQ is an ideal solution. When being shown around new businesses I tend to go

‘off piste’ as it were to the areas that are out of bounds, on this occasion I was warmly invited to see the large storage areas, where there is even a water filter system that filters all the water used, even the water for the dishwasher! ‘In essence the Mongolian BBQ has something for every palette and is definitely worth a visit providing great value for money as it is eat as much as you like and included in the price is a glass of wine or small beer.’ See our advert on page 7.

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


Prize Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid.

6 1

Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to before Wednesday 23rd February and you could win! Answer from Edition 690 (11/02/2011) was: 42 Winner: Ray Gomm




WIN!!! Showtime tickets and an Oasis Fm t-shirt.

Last Week’s Answers:

3 7




1 7





You have until the 18th March to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.


8 1





3 8






3 1
























































Puzzle Rating: quite easy






























9 9

2 9




1 9






7 6















1 4


1 8









1 8

1 2



2 Puzzle Rating: Moderate

Horoscopes of the week Aquarius (January 21st-February 19th) You have been bored of late, and people around you have noticed. You hate predictability, but all of this is about to change through events forced on you by Thursday. You should find yourself going somewhere new and exciting, and work should also prove successful. As for that family issue, it will soon be smoothed over. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th) Don’t share secrets told two days ago because they are more explosive than you can imagine. You are such a strong character that you are bound to disagree with people from time to time. Back down and use this week to plot your all-important next move because it could well be lifechanging. ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) Fellow Aries are lucky for you and link to new work projects, which can bring you success, both short and long term. Too many opinions on a new face which has entered your life are blurring your usually good judgement, so it’s time to make up your own mind. TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) Look out for Geminis trying to part you and your cash. Stand your ground and don’t become a victim of their emotional blackmail. It seems as though you have lost the ability to stand up for yourself, but events on Tuesday offer you the chance to reclaim your pride and self-esteem. Foreign links could prove lucky during the week. GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) So much of our time in life is spent doing what looks right

instead of what feels right. This is a week in which you will be finding out a lot about yourself, both your weaknesses and strengths. Use these lessons to work out what and whom you want. But you will know nothing about a surprise secret – until, of course, it is uncovered. CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) Capricorns are lucky for you and are linked to prosperous business investments. You have felt recently as though you are not getting anywhere with your life. But if you stop running so fast for a moment and glance back, you’ll see just how far you’ve come. This is the ideal month for you to make that crossover in your career. LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) Events from last week still need to be tied up and require a phone call. Midweek meetings link to love at first sight. You must not believe all the rumours that friends seem so intent on spreading. Make up your own mind, especially where love is concerned. Be aware that Jupiter can promise success. VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) Fellow Virgos can keep that secret burning inside you, and they may even be able to advice you on it as well. The planets lift many of their restrictions, and events on Monday

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

2. St Valentines 3. The king of hearts 4. Poet`s Corner 5. Chad 6. The Human League 7. Cilla Black 8. Alabama 9. Yorkie 10. Hot Chocolate Brain Training: Beginer: 6 Intermediate: 156 Advanced: 427 Sudoku X: 9





1. February

should allow you to gain back the freedom which has made it so hard for you to make your intended progress. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd) This is a week where many memories play on your mind. New places you visit, via a meeting, offer some sort of link to intriguing new educational paths. For now, though, relish that oft-promised wage increase you thought would never come about. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd) You have obviously had some problems juggling your finances recently, but new contacts link to fun with money midweek. All you have to do is draw on your experience. Family prove more tiresome than usual and you may have to go out of your way to accommodate an older person. But this sort of favour is well worth doing, as you will find out shortly. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) Memories from the past are making you biased over an issue, which is not nearly as serious as you’re making out. You must not take what a loved one is saying and doing too much to heart. Sometimes, we all like to put our own interests first. Compromise offers you both a successful solution. And that could mean travel is on the horizon. C A P R I C O R N (December 22ndJanuary 20th) Naughty offers at the weekend will make it hard for you to be able to tell the difference between right and wrong. Set some sort of boundary line for the sake of image, if nothing else. You may not be aware of it, but you should look around and count up the number of new admirers you have.

Very hard



































































































































































very easy

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training General knowledge 1. Which series of horror films take place in the fictional town of Springwood, Ohio?

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER

2. Mount Wilson in California, Siding Spring in Australia and Mauna Kea in Hawaii. What`s the scientific connection?


12 4

3. What is the name of the city in which The Simpsons live?

4. Which American singer has a backing band called `The E Street Band`?

+24 8










3/5 of this






2/3 of this


5. Which actress from the TV show `Friends` once appeared in the video for Bruce Springsteen`s `Dancing In The Dark`?


132 4

6. Which football team used to play their home matches at Springfield Park and now play at the JJB Stadium?









+103 40% -55 of this 8

7. In which month does Spring officially begin?





3/4 of this


8. Which female singer performed the first song on Top Of The Pops?

9. Which American rock star was the first music artist to release a music album on CD?

10. Which musical composer wrote `The Firebird`, `Petruska` and `The Rite Of Spring`?


600 4

-71 8






÷30 +44 5

÷3 9



+57 25% of this ANSWER

x4 Page 43


Paris in the Spring THE words are actually from Cole Porter’s I love Paris in the springtime lyrics, but why? It’s cold and wet, with a similar climate to the UK. But that doesn’t matter because Paris is the capital city of France and holds something magical. It’s posh, but not pretentious, and there is something for everyone (that well-trodden phrase) but genuinely there is - whether it’s sightseeing, eating and drinking, the arts or entertainment, there is simply a wealth of activities. Valentine’s Day has passed and though Paris is known as the lover’s city, that doesn’t stop you visiting at any other time you like. From Tenerife, low-cost provider Ryanair provides twice-weekly flights to Paris Beauvais Airport, and other airlines fly direct to Charles de Gaulle Airport. Beauvais-Tillé Airport, or Aéroport de Beauvais-Tillé, is located in Tillé, 3.5 km (2.2 miles) north-northeast of Beauvais, and is actually 85 km (53 miles) north of Paris. So if you’re visiting the centre, be prepared for a longish transfer. The airport is serviced by a shuttle to the city centre and a railway station, which operates eight times a day. Many passengers use a private-scheduled coach for the 75-minute trip to Paris, ending beside the Palais des Congrès at Porte Maillot, located in the 17th arrondissement, approximately one kilometre west of the Arc de Triomphe. Once you’ve touched down in one of the most denselypopulated capitals in Europe, the Parisian capital will conjure up different connotations for everyone. Traditional - Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower. Paris by day or Paris by night, the river city has, perhaps, more familiar landmarks than any other city in the world. According to Wikipedia: “Paris has been ranked among the three most important and influential cities in the world. It is among the first three “European cities of the future”, according to research published by Financial Times, and is among the top-ten cities in the world in which to live, according to the British review Monocle (June 2010).

Page 44

But it will come as no surprise that it comes to the top of the leader board as being one of the most expensive cities to live. Paris and the surrounding area receive an estimated 45 million tourists per year. The city is split into “quarters”, and there are two adjacent islands forming the centre of Paris: the Île de la Cité, home of Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Île SaintLouis a peaceful oasis of calm in the busy Paris centre with narrow, one-way streets and no metro station. One of the region’s most prominent landmarks is the 1976-built Centre Georges Pompidou. Constructed in a highly-modern style, greatly contrasting with its surrounding architecture, it houses a permanent modern-art museum exposition, and has rotating expositions that keep to a theme of the post-pop art period. The wide square in front is a preferred place for street performers, as its location is ideal for drawing a mix of both tourist and student spectators. Le Louvre today is a museum, and, more recently, a shopping mall and fashionshow centre (Le Carrousel du Louvre). The Palais Royal just to its north, and this quarter in

general has many 17th and 18th century buildings of large standing, as well as some of the more grandiose Paris constructions, namely along the avenue de l’Opéra. La Opéra Centre quarter houses the city’s largest shopping centres (the Galleries Lafayette and Printemps), while the streets behind both sides of the avenue de l’Opéra have many Japanese restaurants, and most of the avenues in this area feature Duty-Free stores selling luxury brands. The rue Saint Honoré is known for its luxury boutiques, selling all fashion labels. The Vendôme, around its famous Hôtel Ritz, is the centre of the Paris “Triangle d’Or” of jewellers. The Place de la Concorde, to the western end of the Louvre’s Jardin des Tuileries, is a major stop for tourists (for its vista, fountains and Egyptian obelisk) and a panoramic introduction to the Champs-Élysées, which begins at its western extremity. Les Champs-Élysées is easily Paris’ most touristic avenue, and almost every commerce along its entire length, between the rond-point des Champs-Élysées and its Arc de Triomphe, is geared to nothing else. The buildings above the street-side boutiques are, for

the most part, Paris offices or residences for businesses the world over. Montmartre is the highest hill in Paris, and second mostvisited tourist area. It’s a very picturesque place to visit, and has one of the best views of the capital. Today, Le Marais is most known for its square and uniformly-built Place des Vosges. It is also the heart of gay Paris, with many gay cafés, bars and clubs. The land just to the south of the Seine river, to the east of the Boulevard Saint-Michel, around its Sorbonne University, has been a centre of student activity since the early 12th century. The surrounding neighbourhood is filled with many student-oriented commercial establishments such as bookstores, stationery stores and game shops. The land to the north of the boulevard Saint-Germain, to the east of the Boulevard Saint-Michel, is one of the Rive Gauche’s few tourist oases. Although its narrow streets are charming, as they have remained unchanged from medieval times, they are filled with souvenir shops and tourist-trap restaurants, and it is a quarter where few Parisians ever stray. Just to the west from there

lies the École Militaire (Military School) built from 1751, but it is to the river end of its former parade ground that lies the foremost tourist attraction in Paris. The Eiffel Tower, built by Gustave Alexandre Eiffel for the 1889 Universal Exposition, averages around six million visitors a year. Personally, I would describe Paris as an eclectic mix of alfresco culture. In March, there is a famous Blues Festival - an annual fiveweek fiesta of French and international jazz, blues, R&B, soul, funk, flamenco and world music. In April, one of the world’s most picturesque marathons

takes place, with 35,000 runners heading from the Champs-Elysées along the Right Bank to the Bois de Vincennes, and back along the Left Bank to the Bois de Boulogne. And in May, there is La Nuit des Musées (Night at the Museum) when, for one night, museums open their doors late for special events and entertainment.There are also various fashion weeks taking place in the spring. This run-down is literally a “Toe-in-the-Seine” attempt to show you what is available in this colourful city. And the best advice is to go and see Paris in the spring for yourself.

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


ON THE ROAD WITH JAV Behind the Wheel Email:

Renault eyesore is a real insight into their future! THIS ghastly-looking, space-age model is the future, according to Renault chiefs, who will unveil the Captur at next month’s Geneva Motor Show. They hope the orange, crossover, concept car, which combines a convertible roadster with an SUV, will draw the crowds because it demonstrates Renault’s new design strategy, according to the French company. That means we’ll probably have to get used to these unusual shapes because they’ll soon be built into the Clio and Mégane. It seems a shame to me because I really like the comfortable Clio look, and I’ve also got used to the Mégane’s odd-shaped rear. Yet the Captur has pulled something out of the bag by

putting together a two-seat roadster and an SUV, which makes it an innovative style of

crossover, and Renault actually reckon it is “ideal for a young couple about to dis-

cover the world”. Not too sure about that, but Captur designer Julio Lozano obvi-

ously sees the bigger picture. He says it is inspired by “the image of a sprinter on the starting blocks, his muscles tensed, and the energy unleashed when the starting pistol is fired.” Whatever! But the Captur is certainly different. It is capable of off-roading, but has a hardtop which reveals an exposed carbon-fibre framework when removed, almost like a supercar. The interior is even more unusual, with the dashboard, steering wheel and transmission tunnel covered in an opaque “second skin” material with orange back-lighting. The seats are attached to the centre console to give the effect of being suspended in mid-air, and there’s a head-up display. Behind the seats is a “multipurpose area” with a floor lined by three layers of rope inspired by mountain climb-

ing, we’re told by Renault. This lay-out makes it a versatile luggage-carrier and “provides an opportunity for relaxation, thanks to the supple elasticity of the structure”. In plain English, that means it works like a hammock. The Captur is not all motor show madness, though, because its Energy dCi 160 engine will soon see showrooms replacing the current 1.9-litre dCi turbo-diesel in the Renault range. The 158bhp 1.6-litre diesel engine has two turbos, so it has oodles of low-rev pulling power, yet CO2 emissions of less than 99g/km. There’s no information to hand on when the engine hits the shops, or even when a car that looks like the Captur will. We will just have to wait, with bated breath, for Renault to reveal more in Geneva next month.

Toyota cleared over electronic faults A 10-month American inquiry into faulty Toyota models has exonerated the company of all blame. Despite a series of recalls in 2009 and 2010 involving more than 12 million motors, the report declared the cars free of electronic faults.

Reports by Toyota owners involved in accidents suggested that their cars had “minds of their own” and were prone to surges of acceleration. Floor mats, sticky accelerator pedals, software faults and steering problems were all attended to during the recalls. Electronic, software-driven models were mostly blamed

for the mystery accelerating during one of the recalls, and Toyota were forced to stop selling several models. However, the lengthy report, conducted by the US Department of Transportation, found that driver error alone was responsible for the accelera-

tion, and had nothing to do with the electronics. Officials even enlisted the help of top-light engineers from the NASA space agency during the inquiry. As a result of the verdict, a relieved Toyota company the world’s largest car manufacturer - saw their profits

jump by 5.2% in Tokyo immediately. American Transport Secretary Ray LaHood said: “There is no electronic-based cause for unintended highspeed acceleration in Toyota. We feel that Toyota vehicles are safe to drive.” Officials in America also

said that mechanical problems that had been fixed in previous recalls by Toyota were believed to be behind the acceleration problems. Toyota were reported to have paid the US Government $48.8 million (£30.3m) in fines as a result of the recalls.

Do the Lambeth Walk - it’s so much cheaper! A ROAD in South London, less than half-a-mile long, raised £914,040 in fines from drivers last year - the most in the city. Two bus-lane cameras and traffic wardens generated

16,800 fines on Clapham Park Road, Lambeth, which were worth as much as £2,500 per day. A Lambeth Council spokesman said: “This is an extremely busy area, used by thousands of vehicles a day, and a minority of motorists add to the congestion by driving in the bus lane.”

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Page 45



Sponsored By

See page 10 for information on the new CD Tenerife Fan Shop now open in Fanabe Plaza Commercial Centre

Sport Talk Email:

Tapia turns the tide CD Tenerife 2 Rayo Vallecano 1 SOMETHING is stirring in Santa Cruz. I have no idea what has happened on the training ground, but CD Tenerife have suddenly turned a massive corner. Their 2-1 victory at Salamanca, coupled with last Sunday’s excellent win over league leaders Rayo, has seen a huge momentum shift. Suddenly, Tenerife are looking and playing like the team everyone expected them to be at the start of the season. They are a yard quicker, noticeably fitter and the confidence is back to promotion-season levels. They are using width, the centre-backs seem to be communicating and Nino is playing with a smile. Let's enjoy it while we can! The Rayo win made it backto-back victories and six matches unbeaten. Tenerife have gone from being seven points adrift to being level on goal-difference with the safety places. It has been an excellent few weeks, and quite a change from the despair of the Derby draw with Las Palmas. Tenerife tails were up after the win in Salamanca. They were without both firstchoice central midfielders in Mikel Alonso and Ricardo, plus new boy Kitoko, who played well the week before. But this just gave Hidalgo the responsibility he craves. He was magnificent against Rayo, lording the middle of the park. Dubarbier was busy

Page 46

down the left flank and Alvarez was having a rare, fine game. Rayo have hit the top of the table almost by default. They have been knocking on the door for the last few seasons, and this may be there year. They are a decent team but, for me, not a patch on Celta and Real Betis. Against Tenerife they looked a little leggy. Their record in Santa Cruz is shocking and they never looked like recording only their second win in 25 matches in the Island’s capital. The hosts were much more compact in the first half. They carved out a few decent opportunities, and even though Rayo hit the bar from a freak corner-kick, there was only one team who were going to break the deadlock. This came shortly after the hour mark when referee Pino Zamorano, who normally favours the visitors in Santa Cruz, gave a penalty for an Arribas handball. The incident happened right in front of my commentary position. It was con-

troversial. One mainland journo went nuts, but it seemed to hit Arribas on the arm, and he was on the edge of the area. And as we know, on the line is inside. After a lengthy delay, Antonio Hidalgo stepped up and smashed the ball past Cobeño. But Zamorano wasn’t happy. He ordered a retake for encroachment. It was harsh but having watched the game on TV since, he was right. Dani Kome and Nino are

well inside the area. It was all academic anyway as Hidalgo held his nerve and thumped the ball past the keeper for a second time. I’ve lost count of the number of times Tenerife have sat back when ahead this season, and they deserve credit for staying positive. They kept their shape and went forward at every opportunity. It paid off for them when Arribas, who had a shocker of a match, misguided his backwards header. Nino sensed the half-chance and was on to it in a flash. The ball dropped invitingly for him and he guided it over the out-rushing Cobeño. Nino deserved the acclaim as he has not got his rewards this season. Game in, game out, he runs through a brick wall for the cause. His beaming smile summed up the feeling in the stadium. Rayo were shell-shocked, but they showed their class as they rolled up their sleeves and had a go. Twice Arragoneses produced fine saves and, after an Armenteros shot struck a post, hit Sicilia and trickled the wrong side of the upright, they must have known it was not going to be their day. At the death, they won a non-penalty for an alleged push by Sicilia - trust me it's the softest pen you will ever see - which Armenteros converted. But it was far too late. Canarian Weekly ratings CD Tenerife: Sergio Aragoneses 8, Marc Bertrán 7, Ezequiel Luna 7, Pablo Sicilia 6, Greg Beranger 7, Julio Álvarez 7, Antonio Hidalgo 8, Kome 7 (Juanlu Hens 63min 6), Natalio 6, Dubarbier 7 (Omar 76min 6),

Nino 7 (Melli 82min). Rayo Vallecano: Cobeño 7, Coke 7, Arribas 4, Borja 7, Casado 6, Javi Fuego 7, Movilla 6, Trejo 7 (Delibasic 77min 6), Míchel 5 (David Aganzo 58min 6), Piti 7, Armenteros 7. Tomorrow (Saturday), Tenerife travel to secondplace Celta Vigo for another tough encounter. They will

be without the suspended Pablo Sicilia, but may have the previously-mentioned central midfielders back. Next weekend, Tenerife have a rare Friday-night match against Xerez. The 8pm kick-off is to satisfy Spanish TV demands and, after Tenerife’s eye-pleasing display against Rayo, it may be a sign of things to come.

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


Points add up to prizes! Division 1 Atlantis Sharks 8 - 2 Target Bar Bar 180 A 7 - 3 Dreamers Bar Bar La Cana 3 - 7 Hoops Bar Rat Pack 5 - 5 Trap Door Summerlands Superstars 7 - 3 Summerlands Allstars Tenerife Hammers A 7 - 3 Legends A Terrace Bar A 4 - 6 Bar 180 B Toscales Old Boys 5 - 5 Phoenix Knights Division One POS

P 1 Summerlands Superstars 25 2 Palms Bar A 24 3 Tenerife Hammers A 24 4 Bar 180 B 25 5 Phoenix Knights 25 6 Trap Door 25 7 Atlantis Sharks 25 8 Rat Pack 24 9 Bar 180 A 25 10 Hoops Bar 23 11 Target Bar 25 12 Nauta A 24 13 Terrace Bar A 25 14 Summerlands Allstars 25 15 Toscales Old Boys 24 16 Dreamers Bar 25 17 8 Ball Massive 23 18 Men Of Atlantis 24 19 Legends A 25 20 Bar La Cana 25

W 22 21 19 15 13 11 11 10 11 10 10 7 6 7 6 6 6 3 4 2

D 1 2 3 6 7 9 6 8 4 6 5 5 6 3 5 3 1 7 2 1

L F 2 185 1 170 2 158 4 148 5 142 5 140 8 132 6 131 10 114 7 124 10 120 12 106 13 111 15 103 13 110 16 99 16 93 14 107 19 90 22 67

A +- PTS 65 120 67 70 100 65 82 76 60 102 46 51 108 34 46 110 30 42 118 14 39 109 22 38 136 -22 37 106 18 36 130 -10 35 134 -28 26 139 -28 24 147 -44 24 130 -20 23 151 -52 21 137 -44 19 133 -26 16 160 -70 14 183 -116 7

Division 2 Bar Tasca 6 - 4 Exiles Barracuda Hunters 4 - 6 Palms Bar B Connors 3 - 7 Tenerife Hammers C Gaffers 7 - 3 Terrace Bar B Inn The Pink 7 - 3 Woodys Legends B 6 - 4 Toscales Tangos Lupain 3 - 7 Summerland Elite Phoenix Potters 6 - 4 Nauta B Target Rangers 5 - 5 Barracuda Bandits Division Two POS 1 Gaffers 2 Legends B 3 Bar Tasca 4 Phoenix Potters 5 Bar 180 C 6 Nauta B 7 Tenerife Hammers C 8 Inn The Pink 9 Summerland Elite 10 Target Rangers 11 Lupain 12 Exiles 13 Barracuda Bandits 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Terrace Bar B 16 Palms Bar B 17 Toscales Tangos 18 Woodys 19 Connors

P 23 24 24 24 23 24 23 24 22 22 24 23 23 24 23 21 23 24 24

THE top two teams in Division One clashed in the second round of the Liberty Seguros Cup and again, Palms A came out on top. They raced into a 4-0 lead and were never in trouble against Summerland Superstars as they eased to a 6-4 win. It’s the second time they have beaten them by that scoreline this season. Elsewhere, Tenerife

W 17 17 15 15 14 13 12 12 9 10 9 8 7 5 4 4 3 3 2

D 4 3 4 2 4 4 3 3 9 4 6 6 8 4 5 3 5 4 3

L 2 4 5 7 5 7 8 9 4 8 9 9 8 15 14 14 15 17 19

F A +- PTS 140 90 50 55 146 94 52 54 153 87 66 49 140 10040 47 126 10422 46 130 110 20 43 130 10030 39 131 10922 39 125 95 30 36 119 10118 34 115 125-10 33 111 119 -8 30 110 120-10 29 98 142-44 19 96 134 -38 17 71 139-68 15 96 134 -38 14 93 147 -54 13 80 160-80 9

Hammers A were sensationally dumped out by cup specialists Terrace A, while there were three giant killings in the Plate. Second Division Barracuda Bandits, Summerland Elite and Lupain all beat top-flight rivals. RESULTS Liberty Seguros Knock-Out Cup 2nd round Toscales Old Boys 6-4 Phoenix Knights Summerland Allstars 6-4 Bar 180 B Hoops 7-3 Target Bar

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Division 2 Amigos Bad Girls 0-8 Barracudarts Boys Bar 180 B 5-3 Woodys B Barracuda Hunters 4-4 Marilyns Naughty Nautas B 7-1 Phoenix Flames Nautas Nutters C 7-1 La Caña Lancers Our Place Naturals 4-4 Our Place Playgirls Rood B 3-5 The Tavern Tenerife Sun 5-3 Gaffers The Knights B 5-3 Yelas Bar

Division 1 Exiles 6-2 Toscales Allsorts Heroes Sports Bar 4-4 X-Men Our Place Flukers 2-6 Silver Surfers Phoenix Bar 3-5 Bar Nauta A Strikers Bar 0-8 Target Bar A Target Bar B 4-4 Rood A Toscales Ensecan 3-5 Tenerife Sons Woody´s A 0-8 Bar 180 A Division 2

Division 1 POS Pld 1 Bar Nauta A 224 2 Bar 180 224 3 Tenerife Sons 232 4 Exiles Bar 224 5 Phoenix Bar 216 6 Target Bar A 216 7 Toscales Allsorts 224 8 Rood A 224 9 Silver Surfers 224 10 X-Men 224 11 Woody´s A 224 12 Heroes Sports Bar232 13 Toscales Ensecan 232 14 Target Bar B 224 15 Sundowners 224 16 Strikers Bar 232 17 Ourplace Flukers 224

Sing 118 104 100 93 94 85 79 61 61 67 57 52 51 50 53 37 33

WITH just four weeks of the league season to go, any points won are a real Brucie Bonus. They might go a long way to resolving who gets the silverware and who faces the drop. Match of the day on Friday saw the Phoenix Bar take on leaders Nauta A. Some fine sportsmanship was shown during a very entertaining match, in which Mitch and Mike Telf hit maximums for the visitors to secure a 5-3 win. Bar 180A kept their title hopes alive by thrashing Woodys 8-0, while Target A did the same to Strikers. Tenerife Sons move up to third with a 5-3 victory at

Dbles 42 47 38 39 40 37 27 33 31 18 20 23 21 20 17 10 14

Treb 23 21 18 24 21 19 11 15 13 7 12 9 12 11 10 7 7

180’s 13 13 7 8 10 1 4 8 3 3 2 3 1 4 0 0 0

PTS 183 172 156 156 155 141 117 109 105 92 89 84 84 81 80 54 54

Toscales Ensecan, and Exiles recorded a solid 6-2 success over Toscales Allsorts. A local derby between Target B and Rood A saw the Belgian boys come back from 4-1 down to earn a draw, while Heroes and the X-Men also ended up all-square. Elsewhere, the Silver Surfers made it back-to-back wins with a 6-2 win at Ourplace Flukers. The Division 2 title chase looks set to go all the way after Barracudarts player Mark struck his second 180 of the season during their 8-0 demolishing of Amigos Bad Girls, but Nauta Nutters remain on top, courtesy of a 7-1 win against La Cana Lancers. Nauta’s Dale had a

POS 1 Nautas Nutters C 2 Barracudarts Boys 3 Gaffers 4 Tenerife Sun 5 Bar 180 B 6 The Tavern 7 Rood B 8 Yelas Bar 9 The Knights B 10 Naughty Nautas B 11 Ourplace Naturals 12 La Caña Lancers 13 Woody´s B 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Marilyns 16 Phoenix Flames 17 Ourplace Playgirls 18 Amigos Bad Girls

Pld 240 232 240 240 240 240 240 224 240 240 232 232 232 240 216 240 240 232

Sing 118 117 93 87 90 79 80 75 78 83 73 62 58 56 46 52 42 40

119 check-out. Gaffers are now well off the pace in third, slumping to another defeat, this time byTenerife Sun (Shane 180). Knights B had to rely on the trebles leg to earn a hardfought 5-3 win over Yelas Bar, while the Tavern recorded the same scoreline as they beat Rood B (Mark 180). The Naturals and the Playgirls did not have to travel far to play out a 4-4 draw, but the same could not be said about Marilyns, after they

Dbles 49 49 48 36 31 40 30 31 29 26 30 24 22 20 21 9 17 17

Treb 21 20 20 15 15 17 20 21 17 12 10 9 14 10 7 11 12 11

180’s 7 3 3 2 3 0 1 2 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

PTS 188 186 161 138 136 136 130 127 124 121 113 95 94 86 74 72 71 68

trekked up to Barracuda Hunters and also shared the spoils. Phoenix Flames’ bad mama Maddie got the only point for her side in a difficult match at Naughty Nautas, and Bar 180 B continued a decent run of form with a 5-3 success over Woodys B. Tonight’s matches (Friday) include the semi-finals of the John Lowe team handicap competition. Good luck to all the teams involved. By Geoff Huxtable

Palms too good for Superstars - again! Terrace Bar A 6-4 Ten Hammers A Palms Bar A 6-4 Summerland Superstars Bar 180 C 5-6 Trap Door Gaffers 4-6 Bar 180 A Nauta B 3-7 Inn The Pink Liberty Seguros Plate 1st Round Atlantis Sharks 6-4 La Caña Barracuda Bandits 6-4 Men Of Atlantis Legends A 3-7 Lupain Dreamers 4-6 Summerland Elite Rat Pack 7-3 Palms Bar B Nauta A w/o 8 Ball Massive Tasca 9-1 Barracuda Hunters Legends B 6-4 Phoenix Potters The draw for the quarterfinals has been made, and the matches will be played on

Tuesday, 1st March: Liberty Seguros Knock-Out Cup Quarter-final draw Toscales Old Boys v Terrace Bar A Trap Door v Inn The Pink Hoops v Summerland Allstars Palms A v Bar 180 A Liberty Seguros Plate Quarter-final draw Lupain v Summerland Elite Bar Tasca v Rat Pack Barracuda Bandits v Atlantis Sharks Legends B v Nauta A This week saw a return to the bread-and-butter of the league action. With leaders Palms A not in action, Superstars went to the head of the table after a derby victory over Allstars.

Tenerife Hammers A were a little lucky to fight back from three down to beat Legends A 7-3. The visitors wasted some decent chances to seal a famous win. Atlantis Sharks had an eyecatching 8-2 win over Target, while Bar 180 A, 180 B and Hoops were also victorious. Gaffers stay top of Division

Two after victory over Terrace B, while Legends B huffed and puffed before eventually seeing off Toscales Tangos to stay a point behind. Bar Tasca and Phoenix Potters won to maintain their title charge, while Tenerife Hammers C and Inn The Pink still have promotion dreams after Tuesday’s wins.

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18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011


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Free Ads



3 piece suit white cane, blue floral colours, good condition, 100 euros ono. Tel 922 715 408 Apt 451 Wine Chiller, 18 month old, 12 bottles, perfect condition, 45 euros. Tel 922 735 497 Beautiful Queen sized bed beige/blue padded headboard and base. Large storage compartment in base. Adjusts from lying to sitting position, latex mattress, 2 new pillows and bedspread, 300 euros ono. Set of 8 “Gope” drums, 2 bass drums, 3 meringue drums, 3 snare drums, 125 euros the set or can separate. TV wall unit, light wood effect, 2 drawers, 1 cupboard shelf space, 60 euros. Tel 664 570 810 Bed, single solid base, white headboard, with mattress all as new 90 euros. Wetsuit ladies shortie, size medium, 3mm, cressi black with orange flash vgc, 40 euros. Tent, Mckauley Ranger 3 berth 200cm x 200cm x 125 4.2kg, 25 euros. Joss sticks 230 packets x 20 in each pack various scents 95 euros. Tel 661 016 053 Under the counter Whirlpool fridge with freezer compartment. Excellent condition. 80 euros ono . Dark blue 3 seated leather settee, excellent condition, 50 euros ono Round pine table with 4 chairs, good condition, 25 euros ono. Matching corner unit also available, sold separately at 20 euros. Two large dark blue table lamps, 10 euros each. Tel 650 885 074 Tower computer unit, 40gb Windows XP 40 euros. OKI flat computer screen 15” 40 or 70 euros for both. Tel: 922 748 008 or 609 984 473. Chest of drawers white 5 drawers 40cm (w) x 48cm (d) x 123cm (h) 20 euros. Chest of drawers black 6 drawers 75cm (w) x 40cm (d) x 1mtr (h) 20 euros. Ikea computer table light wood 120cm (w) x 60cm (d) x 75cm (h) 35 euros. Metal step ladders 190cm 8 rungs 40 & 140cm 5 rungs 20 euros. Tel: 922 748 008 or 609 984 473

OKI flat computer screen 15” 40 euros or 70 euros for both (to include wireless keyboard, mouse & speakers). Tel 669 428 206 or 922 748 008

each or two for 12 euros. King size duvet with cover new 16 euros. Selection of mirrors from 5 euros. Tel 922 724 268.

Hedge shears 10 euros. Electric hedge trimmer, 15 euros. Garden spade, 10 euros. Bluesky hairdryer 10 euros. Electric radiator 15 euros. Plastic 5 drawer stacked unit x 2 5 euros each. Philips mini stereo system 20 euros. Bluesky surround sound system 15 euros. Exercise trampoline, 15 euros. Tel 609 984 473 or 922 748 008

Buggy, with seat, hood, cover and shopping bag, very good condition for new born up to 1 year, 30 euros. Carpet bowls in a zipped bag, new, 30 euros. Cream lamp with shade, modern design, 5 euros. Sandals and shoes, size 4, some new in box, all in good condition, 6 euros each pair. Cushions x 4 in brown/tan, suede/leather look, 8 euros. Towels assorted sizes, 2 - 5 euros. Lined A4 writing pads, brown, white and airmail envelopes, lever arch files, 10 euros. Suitcases - small and large, all good condition, 5 - 12 euros. Double bed base, buyer collects, 30 euros. Tel 922 790 490 or 655 679 033

Chicco highchair vgc, 40 euros. Chicco pushchair, blue good condition, 40 euros. Car seat 9-18kgs - 25 euros. Toys R Us cream cot bed, mattress and cot top changer, excellent condition, 180 euros. Winnie the pooh Moses Basket vgc - 25 euros. Blue Baby bath and separate bath seat - 5 euros. Push along baby walker - 10 euros. Fisher Price Activity Table, 15 euros. Little Tikes 4 piece musical set, 12 euros. Leap frog little touch Leap pad 636 months with 2 extra used books, 15 euros. Selection of baby toys from 3 euros. Tel 616 971 588. Chest of drawers white 5 drawers 40cm (w) x 48cm (d) x 123cm (h) 20, euros. Chest of drawers black 6 drawers 75cm (w) x 40cm (d) x 1mtr (h) 20 euros. Ikea computer table light wood 120cm (w) x 60cm (d) x 75cm (h) 35 euros. Metal step ladders 190cm 8 rungs 40 euros & 140cm 5 rungs 20 euros. 2 x Teak wood sideboards double and single cupboard with 3 drawers 50 euros each. Metal umbrella stand 8 euros. Patio table and 4 chairs 30 euros. Tel 922 748 008 or 609 984 473 Beko 28” colour TV silver gwo, 80 euros, Los Cristianos. Tel 647 035 052 Cream with brown square net curtains 16 nets all different sizes, 40 euros. Cream and black nets and curtains to match 8 nets curtains drop 227 widths 140 euros each net. 2 curtains drop 227 widths 224 + 2 cushion and cover to match 70 euros. 8 white foils net curtains 150 x 229 cm each curtain, 40 euros. Oki Wi-Fi printer, copies, scanner excellent working order, 50 euros. Conceptronic media player box with remote 300 films + music excellent working order, 150 euros. 3 tier blind screen very light beautiful style, 90 euros. 2 x poker set in box, 30 euros each. Wool cream rug good condition needs slight clean, 30 euros. First aid cabinet with glass shelves in beech colour wood with frosted glass top cupboard, 25 euros. 5 x electric fans, 40 euros. Tel 692 045 460

BARGAIN OF THE WEEK 80 cm Sky dish, with LNB, 45 euros. Tel 922 797 888

Wooden 8ft extendable dining table and four chairs 125 euros. Matching side dresser table with drawer, 50 euros. 900cm stainless steel fan oven 1yr old 220 euros. Samsung 32inch flat screen plasma TV 150 euros. Valy portable air-con unit 125 euros. Phillips DVD sound surround system 125 euros. 2 x 1.50 metre red & blue rug 40 euros. Play station 2 with games 25 euros. Tel 606 604 234

Sunbeds white frame with blue bed 10 euros. PC games, sims and others 3 euros each. 500 white women’s tops size s, m, l. 250 euros. 500 ¾ pants in different colours, size 36-42 250 euros. Tel 639 853 356.

15 Danielle Steel novels some hardback, 10 Robert Ludlum, 10 Stephen King including the trilogy 8 Marian Keyes, several Martina Cole in hardback many other top authors from 50 cents to 2 euros. Tel 922 176 259

120 litre Aquarium, complete with gravel, hood ,light, built in filter plus extra Ehiem filter, plants, back ground picture and ornaments, 100cm Long, 40cm High, 30cm deep 120 euros ono. Tel 664 433 143

2 single beds, 3ft mattress 7” deep hard base on 6 legs, new condition, 90 euros each. Samsung TV 20” gwo with remote, 35 euros. Los Cristianos. Tel 822 901 353 or 686 698 526

Fisher price rocker baby swing 3 in 1, 30 euros. Bicycle panniers and frame, plus saddle bag, 12 euros. Free standing heated trouser press good condition 45 euros. Single bed bamboo headboard, 10 euros. Pair of matching single bed headboards, 25 euros. Blow up double mattress, blue, 10 euros. Single electric blanket, 7 euros. Fan heater, 10 euros. Childs car seat 0 to 13 kg 25 euros. Childs car seat 13 kg up 25 euros. Campingaz festivio portable gas stove plus stone grill, 55 euros. Silencio Tel 629 570 945.

2 Jamo 500 speakers, 150 euros pairs. Oil filled radiator, 15 euros. Swimming pool round 12 feet across, 3 feet deep, with filter pump, 120 euros. Professional kitchen mandolin, 5 blades, 35 euros. Oil filled radiator, 15 euros. Swimming pool, round 12 feet across, 3 feet deep, with filter pump, 120 euros. Tel 660 493 507 Black metal and glass, round occasional table, 25 euros. Tel 922 791 652 or 647 155 381 32inch Toshiba 32 inch LCD flat screen TV 115 euros. Sony PS3 with 6 games 155 euros. Dish washer 80 euros. Washing machine 14 months old 85 euros. 2 x DVD players 9 euros each. Next modern wood table with 6 chairs 60 euros. Black and grey Italian modern sofa bargain 195 euros. Modern tall hang over chrome lamp 80 euros. Various pictures and mirrors 25 euros. 3 x double beds with mattresses 60 euros each. Modern Ikea black long TV unit 15 euros. Patio set 4 chairs and table 45 euros. 4 wood sun beds 9 euros each. Tel 670 567 300 A-Board metal, silver, great for advertising 40 euros ono. Wooden 5 drawer cabinet, pine effect 114cm high, 41cm wide, 40 cm deep, 20 euros. Blackberry Storm 9500 with all accessories, unlocked, excellent condition 150 euros ono. 2 x Blackberry 8310 with phone charger & USB, unlocked, excellent condition 80 euros each ono. Changing room cabin structure – consists of square stainless steel frame, easily bolted to wall, just add curtain 50 euros ono. Tel 922 79 68 63 or 660 916 227 Las Americas Office chair blue upholstery 30 euros. Outdoor full size table tennis table, vgc 130 euros. Ufesa coffee machine, hardly used, 40 euros. Bathroom mirror arch shaped with 2 lights 30 euros. Pair boys black jeans, aged 14 years from Next, labels still on 15 euros. Pair boys blue Skater jeans aged 14 years from Next, labels still on 20 euros. Pair peach/cream lined curtains 228cms wide x 138cms long vgc 25 euros. Pair blue/cream lined curtains 228cms x 138cms, vgc 25 euros. Pair cream/gold voiles 288cms wide x 228cms long vgc 25 euros. Swimming pool ladder, 3 step 100 euros. Maxi dress, animal print Next, size 12 as new with labels 30 euros. Tel 685 771 763 Cream curtains with black motif 260cm long 4.6 mtrs wide, 50 euros. Wicker baskets from 3 euros each. Blue and white cooler box, 5 euros. Oak 2 tier coffee table 15 euros. King size Ikea bed black metal frame, wood slats 70 euros. Pentium 4 computer tower unit (40GB) with windows XP 40 euros.

Thomas Tank Engine Bed with mattress and storage really good condition, 100 euros. Tel 649 884 363 Daewoo under the counter fridge, very good condition 50 euros. Tel 600 395 556 Oval coffee table, as new, 30 euros. Fridge freezer, Corbero, 100 euros. Tel 646 128 727 Car radios 2, 20 euros. Bain Marie 9 compartments, 220 euros. Hand dryer, 50 euros. Tel 672 599 411 Gents aluminium mountain bike front suspension, good condition, 125 euros. Safe 13” square, not digital, 40 euros. Extractor fan, 10” square, 40 w, good condition, 10 euros. Tel 600 700 521 Single size beds & mattresses, wall unit (teak,105 x 35 x 40cm), Pc monitor, video player / recorder, Persian style rug (250 x 70cm), 2 rings electric hob,14” TV, sun beds, ceiling fan, music centre (CD / radio / cassette player), single size bed frames, mini oven, framed wall mirror (75 x 75cm),10 euros each. Ironing board, sandwich toaster, parasols, fans, hair dryer, hair straightner, fruit press, linen basket, toaster, lamps, iron, kettle, golf shoes size 44, 3 to 5 euros each. 4 rings ceramic hob (21 pins plug), 21” TV (silver), 30 euros each. Sofa 2 seater setee, blue, 40 euros. King size headboard (160 cm wide), double size bed (no mattress), armchair (blue & magnolia), stylish coffee table (teak),20 euros each. Fridge, white, fits under woktops, with freezer compartment, 40 euros. Tel 646 615 794 Wood decretive trellis panels x 5 measuring 1.9 mtrs x 0.85cm 30 euros. Sofa new design, burnt orange colour material with extended left side 50 euros. Buyer collects. Pink exercise ball 10 euros. Mini trampoline 15 euros. Tel 922 730 815 or 670 969 556 Two white wooden single headboards curved tops with finials. 7 euros

Antiquities Alaska 6 piece banana leaf weave lounge set, consists of 3 seater sofa 2 club chairs with cushions, 1 coffee table and 1 end table with glass tops and 1 stool, 500 euros. Tel 922 799 638 or 663 761 877. Mini oven & Grill, 20 euros. Set of golf club & bag, 30 euros. Philips 21” TV, silver, 50 euros. Sky Digibox with remote, 40 euros. 14” TV with remote, 20 euros. Sony mini music centre, 30 euros. Rowenta coffee filter machine, 10 euros. Tel 922 739 850 or 696 048 937. Gas BBQ with 4 burners on wheels 85 x 65 105cm high complete with full gas bottle 200 euros ono. Olivetti cash register 70 euros. Upright fridge bottle chill with glass door 60 x 60 x 185cm high, 150 euros. Chest freezer with sliding glass top, 140 x 60 x 82cm high, 150 euros. Fridge 50 euros. Single bed mattress as new 40 euros. Tel 620 469 102 Silencio area. PSP Games - excellent condition, all 5 euros each. English dart board, excellent condition, 30 euros. iBass music station for iPods - white/remote control, excellent condition, 30 euros. Matsui DVD, excellent condition, 10 euros. Dictionary Longman Poche - French/Spanish, 10 euros. Tel 660 458 864 Commercial coffee machine 300 euros. Commercial 2 ring gas burner, 80 euros. Double shelf stainless steel unit, 150 euros. Large commercial insect killer, 100 euros. Cash register, 60 euros. 4 place drop down toastie machine, 80 euros. White cooker hood, 20 euros. Coffee machine, 70 euros. Black chair mountable electric back massager, 60 euros. Wireless electric drill & screwdriver set in metal case 45 euros. Over bath swivel chair, 50 euros. Triple illuminated upright fan, 50 euros. Pantex camera outfit, 100 euros. All ono Silencio Tel 662 354 391. Sofa bed colour orange, bed size 150cm wide 205cm long, very good quality sofa bed with a zip-off cover, 350 euros. Tel 922 798 894 CD player + 2 speakers, 20 euros. Round table + 4 chairs white plastic, 25 euros. Dog kennel for large dog white and blue 100 euros. Silencio. Tel 627 24 35 83 Compact stepper/Rocker with hand pulleys, 40 euros. Espresso coffee machine, 60 euros. Upright fan with remote, (grey), 20 euros. Stainless steel standard light with dimmer switch, 20 euros. Highchair, 10 euros. Tel 616 674 962 Mobility scooter good condition working perfectly 500 euros. 3 seater leather black sofa 350 euros. 2 seater leather black leather sofa 300 euros. Fridge freezer large fridge below and small freezer on top excellent condition Tegran 170 euros. 4 plastic outdoor chairs 25 euros. Electric ceramic hob and oven teka 225 euros. Antique style cast iron wood burning stove 495 euros. Tel 922 72 04 93 Bathroom scales 5 euros. Parasol radius 36 ins. 5 euros. Cool box + 2 ice packs 5 euros. Edesa kitchen fridge 15 euros. Flexi desk lamp 3 euros. 4 Canarian style mats 8 euros. Linen basket 18ins x 12ins x 21ins10 euros. Ladies cantilever wooden workbox 10 euros. Single bed and mattress, 15 euros. JVC video cassette player 10 euros. Men’s walking boots size 7, 15 euros. Tel 922 73 32 99 3 domestic silver gas bottles, 110 euros for all. Hoover, 25 euros. Bar stool, 5 euros each. Digital satellite receiver 30 euros. Mini oven, 20 euros. DVD player remote, 20 euros. 4 rings electrics, hob 35 euros. Built in oven 50 euros. Single size bed & mattress, 20 euros. Tel 922 795 592 can deliver Domestic silver gas bottle 40 euros each. Tumble dryer, 120 euros. Washing machine excellent condition top door 120 euros. Washing machine front loader 120 euros. Dishwasher, 120 euros. Fridge freezer excellent condition, 120 euros. Fridge, 45 euros. 25 TV, 50 euros. 38 flat screen TV, 130 euros. 42 flat screen TV, 450 euros. Microwave, 25 euros. Foot spa, 15 euros. Children’s car seat 0-36 kgs, 20 euros. Tel 686 336 904 4 rings ceramic hob, 60 euros. Extractor fan 40 euros. Large chest freezer 120 euros. Microwave white 25 euros. Fridge freezer 150 euros. 29 TV silver with remote 80 euros. DVD player + remote 25 euros. Tel 679 088 846 can deliver. 2 single folding beds + mattresses, one month old, 76cm wide x 183cm long, 50 euros each ONO. Tel: 603 155 057, Las Americas. Folding up table, 5 euros each, Stem iron, 8 euros. 14" TV, CD, stereo radio cassette recorder, 13 euros each. 29" TV, silver, 60 euros. 21" TV, 40 euros. Sandwich toaster, 7 euros. Built in oven, 60 euros. Fridge freezer, 120 euros. Fridge, 40 euros. Tel: 660 265 898. Teak corner TV unit on wheels, fitted with 30 x 2 CD/DVDs racks, glass covered shelving, 80cm wide x 52cm depth x 57cm height, immaculate condition, 30 euros. TV unit, teak, 123cm(H) x 71cm(W) x 50cm(D) with lots of shelving, excellent condition, 40 euros. 2 padded bar stools, 20 euros each or 35 euros for both. Corner shelving unit,10 euros.Tel: 603 164 741, Los Cristianos.

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm

Page 50

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011



Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. Long term rents, Studios, 1 & 2 beds. Tel 616 251 271

Established for over 10 years We have a wide selection of long and short term property available to rent Luxury holiday villas and apartments also available.

Los Cristianos 850€ 3 Bed Apt

Fanabe House 2 Bed 650€ Townhouse, fitted kitchen, lounge, two bedrooms. Two bathrooms, roof terrace with sea views. Close to amenities and on bus route.

Bright and Sunny Three bedroom apartment, UKTV, terrace sep kitchen fully equipped, two bathrooms, secure parking, large lounge, pool on complex 10 mins walk to town.

3 bedroom apartment in Parque de la Reina, 2 bathrooms, brand new kitchen, furnished, storeroom-garage space, community pool. Tel 630 012 933 Garage/store for rent, Eucalyptus apartments, Los Cristianos, 75 euros pcm. Tel 922 790 112 or 680 963 783 Playa Americas Ocean Park studio for rent. Well furnished and equipped. Quiet area, sun all day, central location. No finders fees. 420 euros bills included. Call 620 230 871 or 922 751 113

PROPERTY FOR SALE Chayofa 900€ 3 Bed House /Garage

3 Bedroom House Adeje 850€

Large home, sep kitchen, huge garage, front and rear terraces, secure complex with pool, lounge with dinning area, three large double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.

Bright, modern home, with separate kitchen, lots of outdoor space, 2 double one huge onsuite, roof terrace and terrace from lounge,UKTV, tactfully furnished, pool on complex, secure parking, quiet cul-de-sac location inc bills

Detached 4 Bed Villa with Seperate flate /pool - 1550€

2 Bedroom Apartment Chayofa 675€ Very large apt, with large modern kitchen, spacious lounge 2 bathrooms, fitted robes in each double bedroom, terrace with sea views, complex pool, parking.

Idyllic location, boasting a large garden and heated pool with the villa having plenty of space, kitchen /dining area, lounge, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and 1 bed apt.

Many more properties on our full listing, please call for more information.

Tel: 0034 922 797 438 / 638 519 999

Detached Villa, 4 bedrooms, wheelchair friendly, sea views, quiet residential complex, swimming pool. Divorce forces sale. Genuine bargain 250,000 euros. Tel 617 658 900 To advertise here please call 902 232 102 or email us at

Peugeot 206 Sport 1.4, 2000, alloys. 6 CD auto-changer, expired I.T.V. hence price 1,500 euros. Tel 660 493 507

MG ZR 1.8 ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 5,500 euros.

Hyundai Terracan 2.9 CDI 4X4 2002 160,000 kms. Air con, climate control, elec Windows/mirrors, excellent Tel 669 626 utility car. For quick sale 4,950 euros. Tel 922 748 008 or 669 428 206


Renault Clio Billabong 5dr. 2003, 110.00kms, silver with alloy wheels and body kit, excellent condition, 3,200 euros o.n.o. Tel: 638 199 418. Piagio Fly 125 cc moped less than 2 years old, excellent condition, 950 euros. Tel 610 285 953

Penthouse, Golf Del Sur, 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 large terraces, spectacular views, satellite TV, 3 swimming pools on complex. £177,000 sterling.

Tel 609 587 155

Renault Clio 2.0 Exception, Limited Edition 150HD, fully loaded, silver, 35,000 kms, 4 door, full Renault service history, excellent condition. Cost new 19,700€, only 8,900€. Tel 610 285 953 Mercedes 560 SEL year 1986, 158,000 kms, best condition. Electric seats, windows A/C, automatic, black leather seats. Price 11,900 euros ono. Phone Peter 922 362 496 or 922 751 736





Email: Office Address Ave Los Pueblos, Garajonay 1-4,Las Americas 38660

3.2 metre metal satellite dish. Detachable skirt reduces to 2.2 metre. Dismantled and available for collection in Adeje, 850 euros.

Call Norman on 658 393 618 or 922 712 732

4 X 1.5metre glass top freezers, 700 euros. 1 X 2metre glass top freezer, 700 euros. Digital scales / till 300 euros. All 18 months old Tel: 922 798 978

JOBS Experienced in-house representatives are required for an immediate start at Pearly Grey Ocean Club dealing with Fly Buys, owners and RCI guests. Proven closing is needed. Limited places available on an established team with top spiffs and commissions paid. Call Justine on 627 107 631 or email La Pinta Beach Club are looking for self motivated sales reps to join their team. Experience not necessary as full training will be given. Applicants must have an NIE number as contract will be given. Call Andy Maleski on 669 100 253 or John Borrows on 678 756 082, or alternatively email your CV to

We urgently require 1, 2 and 3 bedroom properties in the South of Tenerife from San Juan to El Medano Los Almendros – El Madronal lovely 1 bed apartment, available NOW, €500 + bills Biltmore/La Concepcion – Las Chafiras – 3 bed 2 bath/ 2 bed 1 bath apartments, separate kitchen and utility, furnished, choice of 3 from €495 + bills La Concepcion – Las Chafiras – Luxury 1 bed ground floor apart-

ment, beautifully furnished, great outdoor space, €500 incl €50 bills

Auditions now taking place for a new cabaret show in Tenerife for dancers and singers. Call 634 003 790

Jardin San Miguel – Las Chafiras – 3 bed 2 bath townhouse, integral garage. €850 + bills

Macks Bar, Compostella Beach, Las Americas, require a full time cook. Applicants must be reliable and be able to cope under pressure. To arrange an interview call Colette on 686 808 284.

Playa Paraiso - Nicely furnished 3 bed villa with integral garage, roof terrace with Jacuzzi, built in BBQ €950 + bills

Motivated sales personnel and telemarketing staff are required for a dynamic team in the south of Tenerife. Experience preferred but all candidates considered. Top rates of pay, bonus and spiff package available. If you are eager to earn top wages with qualified leads call David between 10am and 8pm on 634 367 883


La Pinta Beach Club are looking for vibrant, self motivated telemarketers for their day shift. Basic wage plus commissions offered with the potential to earn a fantastic wage for part time hours. All candidates must have an NIE number as contract will be given. Call Helen on 922 717 739 and leave your name and number or email your CV to


Olivers Restaurant and bar, now open in Los Cristianos are currently looking for experienced kitchen staff. They also require bar and restaurant staff, experience preferred but training can be given. Good rates of pay including tips. NIE required as contract will be given to the right candidates. Call Olivers on 673 631 078 or 922 791 865.


Club la Costa Resorts and hotels re-opening a bigger and better British cold-line and are looking for professional reps to join their new marketing programme liaising with Tenerife tourist theme parks. Full training given and superb career prospects offered. To arrange an interview call Mr Kinder Singh on 659 067 438 Sunday to Thursday or email


Very popular Sports/Karaoke bar is up for rent in Las Americas, Laguna Park 1. 9 large 50” Plasma TV’s and all channels for UK Football. Can show 5 games at one time and full karaoke equipment and stage.

Call Mark on 659 202 826 18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Suncare Central are now recruiting a Supervisor to join their team. 2 years supervisory & sales experience essential and languages an advantage. A position is also available for an English and Scandinavian suncare advisor. Email CV to or call 651 170 660 for an interview.

CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.

Tenerife Magazine are looking for someone who has the passion and commitment to bring Tenerife businesses on board with the power of social media and online advertising. Applicants should be ambitious, have a talent for sales and be internet and computer literate. To apply or email

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Service Point




SAFECLEAN For all professional cleaning of carpets & upholstery

Tel: 609 066 973

CONSTRUCTION WANTED Large double/triple garage wanted for rent in the Las Americas/San Eugenio area on a monthly basis. Tel Mark 659 202 826





CHIROPODIST Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790


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18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Service Point






Jaw dropping mounting flights from Adeje with reigning British Champion. Pick up and drop off available - 90€. Tel: 619 864 630.




9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841



VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051 Mobile 696 889 048

Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.

QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

PERSONAL SERVICES Polish very beautiful blonde girl, slim Barbie body, blue eyes, all services, lesbian too. Private apartment, hotel visits, 24hrs, good English spoken. Tel: 672 845 107 Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

Pussycat wants to play with you. Call me 0034 647 157 778



PETSWORLD D O G H O T E L Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day

No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82

PLUMBING All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

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Service Point




the English Upholsterer Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle

677 806 800


TV & SATELLITE Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

SPANISH LESSONS Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270 UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.

THE WHITE VAN MAN House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

No job too big or too small

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743

Red Tomato, TV/Computer repairs inc. Plasma & LCD TV repairs, satellite installations, English Tele package, Xbox, Playstations, Wii, Satellite boxes & mobile phones, WiFi Hotspots in Golf del Sur & Amarilla. Call Alan 649 200 774


TAROT READING / ASTROLOGY Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 772 422 / 610 089 157. Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494.




Colin Peel Tiling Specialist


For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Bar/Restaurant items bought for CASH!

Tel: 679 736 409


Open Mon-Fri. Los Cristianos, Edf.Rosy, Calle Valle Mendez, opp Police Station near Pet Shop

Tel: 618 381 488


ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493



TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

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18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency

Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday


Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Jacqueline Yuile-Flight Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Liam O’Reilly Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces

the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Partly cloudy skies. 20 °C. Wind ENE 10km/h. Friday Night Clear skies. 19 °C. Wind ENE 14km/h. Saturday Partly cloudy skies. 20 °C. Wind ENE 14km/h. Saturday Night Clear skies. 19 °C. Wind ENE 13km/h. Sunday Partly cloudy skies. 20 °C. Wind ENE 19km/h. Sunday Night Partly cloudy skies. 19 °C. Wind NE 24km/h. Monday Sunny skies. 19 °C. Wind ENE 27km/h. Monday Night Partly cloudy skies. 19 °C. Wind NE 24km/h. Tuesday Sunny skies. 21 °C. Wind NE 23km/h. Tuesday Night Clear skies. 19 °C. Wind NE 21km/h. Wednesday Sunny skies. 21 °C. Wind NE 6km/h. Wednesday Night Clear skies. 20 °C. Wind ENE 8km/h.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802


flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Thursday Sunny skies. 19 °C. Wind NNE 16km/h. Thursday Night Clear skies. 19 °C. Wind NNE 13km/h.

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Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2011 Canarian Weekly PUBLISHER, PROPRIETOR AND EDITOR: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

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18 February 2011 - 24 February 2011

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