Canarian Weekly Issue 723

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T e n e r i f e ’ s f a v o u r i t e b r i t i s h w e e k ly n e w s p a p e r

El Hierro on yellow alert

Issue 723 30 September - 6 October 2011

GENUINE fears of a volcanic eruption on El Hierro were felt strongly yesterday (Thursday) as 53 people had been evacuated on Wednesday, following increased seismic activity there.

They were transferred from their homes in the town of Frontera to a school in Valverde, the island’s capital, on the advice of the Guardia Civil, as a Yellow Alert was sounded, yet they were allowed to return home yesterday. More than 150 tremors were recorded on Tuesday, with 79 of them measuring between 2 and 3.8 on the Richter scale. And the National Geographic Institute recorded a further 34 earthquakes between midnight and 6.30am yesterday, the strongest again measuring 3.8, which was felt all over the island. The earthquakes were centred on Frontera and were 14-18 kilometres below the surface. Police feared the tremors could cause landslides in that area. The last eruption on El Hierro - smallest of the Canary Islands - which has around 250 small volcanic craters, was in 1793 and lasted a month, but more than 8,000 tremors have been recorded there since 19th July this year. The last one to rock the Canaries was just 40 years ago, on La Palma. Schools on the 108 square-mile island, which is home to approximately 10,000 people, have been closed and a tunnel linking the two main towns - Frontera and Valverde - has been shut. The army has also been called in to prepare for a possible mass evacuation. However, Spanish news agency EFE said there was only a 15% “probability” of an imminent eruption and officials ruled out the need for a mass evacuation on Wednesday. Even so, the Emergency Military Unit (UME) was deployed to El Hierro the same day, as a precaution, to assist the local emergency services if necessary. Continued on page 8


Volcano expert predicts an eruption may be possible within days, weeks or months


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30 September - 6 October 2011

Local News

La Camella old folk on a high

News around the Islands Canair’s turbo-charged offers NEW regional airline Canair is offering 24 daily inter-island flights with two 72-seater turbo-prop planes. The company hopes to increase its fleet and offer routes to several cities in Morocco over the next few months.

Stylish Ballet corps in town BALLETS de Tenerife, the Island’s finest dance company, are appearing at the Magma Arts and Congress Centre for the first time this Sunday (2nd Oct). Directed by Miguel Navarro, they are renowned internationally for their great variety of styles.

Harley Davidson revving up again THE official Harley Davidson showroom in Taco, near La Laguna, are staging their second Open House tomorrow and Sunday following the success of last year’s event, which was celebrated amid live music, and entertainment, with aperitifs as well.

Free flu jabs on offer SPANISH health authorities will launch a campaign on Monday (3rd Oct) advertising free vaccinations against flu in all medical centres. The campaign begins with TV and media coverage.

Government freeze electric bills LA CAMELLA’S senior citizens have a new social club - and the Town Hall is encouraging older generations to become more independent.

Jose Alberto González Reverón and Clara Maria Pérez, Mayor and Councillor of Arona Social Services respectively, officially reopened La Camella’s clubhouse last Friday. A large number of residents, as well

the boards of other major authorities of the municipality, turned out for the ceremony. The centre’s refurbishment took longer than expected to complete because the building was in a poor state, but González Reverón said: “We have now reopened it in the best possible condition.” The Mayor added: “The older generations of La Camella now have a quality place for their leisure activities.”

Next in line for an update in the Arona municipality, hopefully next year, are the centres in El Fraile and Las Galletas, which, said the Mayor, “would complete the network of resources for the elderly here”. Meanwhile, Clara Maria Pérez urged the authorities for senior citizens of each municipality to come together, strengthening associations so that they can manage their own resources independently.

The Spanish Government has imposed a price freeze on the domestic electricity tariff for the last quarter of the year to offset the rising cost of energy bills in the home.

Kidnapped Bilbao is set free TENERIFE merchant seaman Manuel Bilbao, First Officer on the Mattheos I oil tanker, who was kidnapped with the rest of the crew by pirates off the west coast of Africa, has been released and is looking forward to being reunited with his family. The father of one-year-old twins, said: “I can’t wait to see them.”

Home run for sports chief MARCOS GONZALEZ, Granadilla’s Sports Councillor, is promoting baseball in all schools and colleges in the area this term in the hope that the activity will become part of the curriculum. He also wants other schools in the region to follow suit.

School closure puts pupils and their parents in a spin Lottery is just

not the ticket!

THIS week’s temporary closure of Guaza’s Secondary School for safety reasons has left pupils and parents up in arms.

So much so that they planned to stage protests outside the school to express their discontent over Tuesday’s shut-down. But officials say vital building work must be carried out immediately, and students have been transferred to the IES in Las Galletas for afternoon classes. Local authorities were told of the decision on Tuesday by Miguel Angel Mendez, Arona’s Education Councillor, who stressed: “In an emergency situation, take emergency measures.” He also reassured angry parents that the remedial work should take no more than six weeks. In turn, the parents told Department

30 September - 6 October 2011

THE Spanish Government has dropped its plan to sell off 30% of the national lottery for around 7.5 billion euros.

of Education officials of their unease at the situation, and of the effect it could have on their children. And they are demanding to know why this remedial work could not have been carried out during the lengthy summer holidays.

Mendez expressed his firm support for families and teachers affected by the closure, he added: “I know that all members of the educational community will suffer changes in both their professional and family life.”

Last year, it made a net profit of 2,594bn euros, but the Finance Ministry said the current market forces would not guarantee an adequate income from the privatisation. It would have been the biggest privatisation in Spain's history and formed a key part of the Government plans for a much-needed boost to income in today’s financial turbulence. The decision to sell was made at the end of April but the Finance Ministry said: “The market now is very different from what it was then.” The spokesman added: “The operation can be taken up again when market circumstances make it advisable.”

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Local News

A Word from our editor Email:

Don’t be frightened to visit your dentist

Hot, Hot, Hot! Britain drenched in sunshine

BRITAIN is set to bask in glorious sunshine for the next few days as a spell of unseasonably hot weather sweeps across the country. A high-pressure system over the Continent means the UK is in for a five-day stretch of sunny skies and temperatures well above average for the time of year. The hot, dry air from southern Europe is expected to push temperatures up to highs of 28C by Saturday – a good 10C above the norm, and hotter than parts of Hawaii. So, after one of the coldest British summers in recent years, roads are expected to be crammed this week as sunseekers flock to the coast. Supermarkets are reportedly ordering in extra stocks of sausages and burgers for what could be the last chance for a barbecue before the cold months draw in. And ice-cream vans will be heading out in force as businesses affected by the weather put autumn on hold. But spare a thought for poor old George and Janice, say. Having put on a brave face for months, they booked a week’s holiday in sunny Tenerife a few weeks ago, and are arriving today! They are going to be devastated, surely! Okay, so we are

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having a particularly fine spell right now, but to be fair, it’s generally T-shirt-and-shorts weather out here, and you nearly always get that lovely, warm-weather feeling as you step off the plane. How are they going to feel when they open tomorrow’s daily paper to read about the exceptional weather back home? Actually, they will probably have left dear old Blighty in bright sunshine, with an empty feeling in their hearts, and even emptier pockets, having forked out for a foreign holiday they didn’t really need. And they won’t be alone because you can bet your boots (or flip-flops) that hundreds, even thousands of others, will have had the same idea: “Let’s find the sun and go home with a nice tan!” Oh dear, life really can be so unfair sometimes. Their only consolation is that the alternative this weekend, almost certainly, will have been to head for the coast, Any coast where there’s a beach. But the plus side is that unless they set off at midnight or in the early hours, they will surely be stuck in traffic jams for miles and miles. So maybe our lovely Island isn’t such a bad idea after all. Off the plane, into coach, off the coach, in to hotel, then off to the pool or bar – or both!

Did you know that one in four of us has a fear of the dentist.

According to a British Dental Association survey there are 25% of people who are afraid of visiting the dentist. Dr Carole Boyle, from King's College London, said, "some people blame the cost because it's easier than saying they're frightened." The most common, and least severe, is simply a fear of the unknown. This may arise if you’ve heard horror stories from other people or you're worried about what could happen. Dental phobia is similar to dental fear but is more severe. It's often the result

of a bad past experience. For some people, dental phobia can be so crippling that simply seeing a toothpaste advert or a dental surgery can cause distress. "Find an understanding dentist," says Dr Boyle. "Ask friends and family if they can recommend one or look for someone who advertises themselves as dealing with anxious patients." Last week Canarian Weekly visited the Dental Clinic in Los Abrigos, Dental Clinic – Medical Implant. As well specializing in implants and cosmetic dentistry they also carry out day to day general dentistry. They are totally understanding of your

fears and concerns, they use the latest technology so even when you have your teeth cleaned there’s none of the normal scraping that puts people off. With their own laboratory they produce their own materials, the latest thing is that they can put in a tiny implant so that your dentures will never move again, how cool is that. General Director Aldo Della Schiava told Canarian Weekly that they are one of the only dental establishment in Spain to receive the TUV quality assurance recognition meaning that they are fully certified. See advert page 24.

Bee competition The Tenerife Cabildo has approved the groundwork for the convening of the fifteenth edition of the Regional Honey Competition organized through the Casa de la Miel de Tenerife, as agreed by the Governing Council at its last island meeting.

The island councillor of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Jose Joaquin Bethencourt, explained that this event, is one that records greater participation in Spain, "it has been a major advance in the utilization and dissemination of the excellent honey produced in the Island and, in general, in the Canary Islands." The products submitted must have been collected in the Islands this year by beekeepers whose holdings are registered in the register of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the de

Canarias. "One of the requirements to be met by the product, which is new this year is that at least 100 kilos are available to be traded after the contest," said Jose Joaquin Bethencourt. Products may be unifloral or multifloral from the coast, mountain or summit. There will be a prize for presentation, to which honey packers may choose only

packaged product from the Canary Islands. Bee Keepers must deliver their entries before the 14th of October. The Minister recalled that the island last year participated in the competition a total of 90 samples. Tenerife had the most honey presented, 58, followed by La Palma (24), La Gomera (3), El Hierro (3) and Gran Canaria (2).

30 September - 6 October 2011

Local News

Spanish election call

Following an extraordinary session of the Council of Ministers and official notification to the King of Spain, the President of the Government has called general elections to be held on 20th November.

The Royal Decree approved on Monday, 26th September, at the Council of Ministers to dissolve Parliament and call general elections will be published in the BOE [Official State Gazette]. The election campaign, which will take place over the course of a fortnight, will begin at midnight on Friday, 4th November, and will conclude at midnight on Friday, 18th November. The opening session of the new Parliament will be held on 13th December. The President of the Government said that, as is established by the Constitution, the current Government will exercise its powers in full until 20 November, at which time it will assume the status of caretaker government. The President of the Gov-

ernment went on to say that various laws have been approved in recent days, which were already in the final stages of being processed (twelve this month), including the Recognition and Comprehensive Protection for the Victims of Terrorism Act, the Public Health Act and the law to expedite juridical procedures. Six decree-laws have also been passed to Parliament for validation and a constitutional reform has been approved of "unquestionably far-reaching consequences for the credibility and future of our country". The President of the Government, JosĂŠ Luis RodrĂ­guez Zapatero, thanked Parliament for "its intense work" over the last few weeks and throughout the legislature and expressed his "gratitude" to all the ministers who have formed part of his Governments, gratitude that he extended to all officials and his closest co-workers. However, "above all", he expressed his gratitude to the people of Spain for having

entrusted to him the responsibility of running the Government of Spain. "I cannot think of a greater honour", said the President of the Government. To conclude, the President of the Government expressed his "absolute confidence in Spain, in the future of Spain and the Spanish people" because "we have built ourselves a great country" and that is why "I know we will overcome our current difficulties sooner rather than later" and, in doing so, we will have demonstrated "our capacity to make a joint commitment together for the future of everyone". In response to questions from the press, the President of the Government described the statement made by ETA prisoners as "a significant step towards an end to the violence" and added that "with as much caution as this matter requires, we are undoubtedly approaching that moment", which is the result of a "considerable collective effort by all democrats and this Government".

Euro spending According to the Tourist Expenditure Survey (EGATUR) drafted by the Institute for Tourism Statistics of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, foreign tourists spent a total of 36,808 million euros in Spain and the Canaries in the first eight months of the year, up 8.6% on the same period last year.

This level of expenditure is a new all-time high since EGATUR records began to be kept in 2004 and exceeds the previous record of 36,213.6 million euros spent by foreign tourists between January and August 2008. Average daily spending in the first eight months of 2011 stood at 99 euros (up 3.3%), while average spending per tourist stood at 925 euros (up 0.7% on the same period in 2010).

30 September - 6 October 2011

Foreign tourists spent a total of 7,326 million euros in August, up 7.8%. This figure represents the largest monthly total expenditure since the EGATUR survey was launched and is higher than August 2008, when total expenditure stood at 6,948.7 million euros. Average daily spending in August rose by 0.3% to 98 euros, while average spending per tourist fell by 1.5% to 961 euros. Tourists from the United Kingdom accounted for 1,539 million euros of total tourist expenditure, a decline of 0.7% on the previous year. The Balearic Islands was the autonomous region where most of this British spending took place. German tourists spent 9.6% more (1,011 million euros) in August 2011 than in the previous year. Almost all German spending was concentrated in the Balearic Islands.

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Local News

Germans agree bailout scheme

As we go to print German politicians have voted overwhelmingly in favour of new rules to extend the powers of the 380bn £ eurozone bailout fund.

The plan, agreed by eurozone leaders on July 21, is to allow money in the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) to be spent on buying small amounts of government debt to prevent the need for full-scale bailouts of troubled members. Germany's parliament confirmed 523 MPs voted to back the proposal, 85 voted against it and 3 abstained. The decision over the EFSF's power now rests with the eurozone nations that have yet to vote: Austria, Cyprus, Malta, Estonia, the Netherlands and Slovakia. In Germany, opinion polls suggest widespread opposition among the public and even MPs within Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling coalition had threatened to vote 'No'. That would have been a stinging blow for her authority - however a breakdown of the vote showed Mrs Merkel won approval with her own coalition majority. "This is a strong statement of support for Angela Merkel," said her parliamentary leader Peter Altmaier. Mrs Merkel, Europe's most powerful leader, is treading a difficult line. She must placate an electorate that is growing increasingly weary of being asked to subsidise its wayward neighbours, while doing what needs to be done to preserve the euro project - whose failure would have devastating consequences across the continent. Finland was the previous eurozone member to have

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ratified the enhanced EFSF, having done so on Thursday. But deadlock remains over its support for the second 110bn-euro Greek bailout, which a eurosceptic party in its coalition government is threatening to block unless Athens offers collateral for the loans. The European Commission nevertheless has said it is confident the plan will have been fully approved by the middle of October. But even before they implement the plans (which were seen as radical back in July), eurozone leaders have been sent back to the drawing board to find an even more dramatic solution to the debt crisis. A new strategy emerged after a meeting of the G20 group of the world's biggest economies in Washington last Friday. They set a deadline of November 3rd for a radical new plan to "save the euro". Eurozone members have until then to shore up their banks so that they can cope with a default of up to 50% on Greek sovereign debt. But a fresh wave of discord is emerging between Berlin and Washington over its suggestion to increase the spending power of the EFSF from 380bn to 1.7trn through 'leverage'. That would mean the money already in the fund would be used as security to borrow even more to add to it. Germany's finance minister, Wolfgang Schauble, has labelled it as "stupid" because it could push up borrowing costs for everyone else, including Germany. Backers of the more radical route hope such statements are more of an electoral ploy than economic policy.

The sun in Adeje

The mayor of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, accompanied by the Councillor for Culture, Nayra Medina Bethencourt, the pastor of Adeje Honorio Campos, presented the programme of activites for the festivities in the municipality for 2011, starting from the 1st – 12th October.

The celebrations this year have been organised under the theme of the Sun, as a key element in the municipality's history from aboriginal times until today's economy based on tourism. The event was also the official for the representatives of the area: Danie-

la Felipe Rodríguez de Las Nieves, Sara Martin Tijoco Rivero - La Hoya, Laura Fernandez Ruiz de Los Olivos, Armeñime Dayana Gonzalez Armas, Katherina Medina Borges, Carla Espinosa Esquivel Fanabe and Adeje town. Rodríguez Fraga armly greeted them, he defined them as "the pretty young faces, that play an important role, are a reflection of a youth committed to respond and are responding to the circumstances of time and for this reason I say that I am particularly proud of the young people in Adeje, because they always remember their roots. " The mayor stressed that all the events are very important and men-

tioned among them the traditional descent of the Virgin of the Incarnation on Saturday October 1 at six o'clock. Following at nine in the evening at the Centro Cultural de Adeje, will be held the Gala. On Friday October 7th there will be the official presentation of the representatives of the municipality with the Gala Show, at which the well-known singer Pastora Soler will perform. The parade of floats will be on Saturday 8th October from nine in the evening. The Seven Islands Folk Festival will be held in the Plaza on Tuesday October 11th from ten at night and Wednesday October 12th, will be the great pilgrimage and offering.

Candelaria - 350 kilos of waste removed The Tenerife Cabildo removed 350 kilos of waste from the beach of Candelaria, during the cleanup day which was held last Saturday as part of the new edition of the Campaign ‘clean the sea’, an initiative that takes place each year in conjunction with the Office of Environmental Participation and Volunteers, under the area of Environment, Sustainability and Aguas del Cabildo de Tenerife.

This activity brought together more than 300 people including 20 divers, on a voluntary basis, they spent the morning touring the beach in search of waste. As for the type of rubbish that was collected, it was mainly plastic bottles, cigarette butts, cans, plastic bags and plastic debris, as well as glass bottles and batteries. In total, 150 kilos of waste from the beach and 200 kilos from the sea. The Minister of Environment, Sustainability and Aguas del Cabildo de Tenerife, Ana Lupe Mora, who spent the day with the volunteers wanted to thank, once again, the willingness of all those people who, in an altruistic way, came to the beach of Candelaria to perform a task

"as necessary as it is to protect and conserve the biodiversity of the area." "Marine litter remains a serious problem and efforts like this, carried out by volunteers, indicating that citizens are willing to take the neces-

sary steps to solve this problem that affects us all" Inspiring a change in mentality and encouraging people to become environmental volunteers is just one of the main purposes.

30 September - 6 October 2011

Local News

Drugs operation by customs puts their officials on a high! A HUGE heroin haul of 150 kilos - Spain’s second-largest ever - was seized by customs officers at Cadiz on Wednesday after an operation lasting weeks.

The drugs were hidden in a container ship from Pakistan on its way to the Ivory Coast, and customs had been monitoring its progress for some time. Agents of the Risk Analysis Unit (Unidad de Análisis de Riesgos - UAR) joined customs officials in Algeciras (Cádiz) and pounced on the unsuspecting crew. Nuria Carracedo, deputy head of customs in Algeciras, said it was the biggest seizure

of heroin in Spain following a Barcelona raid by the National Police in Sitges back in August 2008, when 316 kilos of heroin were uncovered. The delighted customs official said that her department had tracked the container “for a number of weeks”. A UAR statement said the container had been “flagged” for inspection upon arrival in Algeciras and stressed that the opening of the pallets had been especially complex because of the nature of the cargo described officially. The shipment had been declared as iron oxide powder, and heroin had been camouflaged inside 300 cylinders, each of 500gm, and

all hidden in the foundation and framework of 24 cargo pallets. Authorities in Cadiz say further arrests are pending as the police investigate directors and employees of the transport and recipient companies. The market value of the drug depends on its degree of purity, which will be determined by the Foreign Health department. However, Lt Fernando de Cózar, from the Algeciras port civil guard, said the purest heroin could be worth up to 35,000 euros per kilo, which could be increased if the drug were cut with other substances.

Amazon is getting ready to carve through the Spanish retail sector Online retailer Amazon is now open in Spain, and the news has been welcomed by those who already use its services in the UK and Europe.

Initially, only physical material will be sold, such as books, music, videos and electronic goods. Over the past year, Amazon has been buying up literature from Spanish bookshops to offer them on its web. That has sorted out the physical problems, but reaching a deal on e-books is proving more difficult for the cut-price company.

That is why the Spanish version at will not have e-books for its Kindle reader - for now, at least. The company is already popular in Spain, where the MRW vans can be seen delivering Amazon packages every day, and not just for expats. Many Spaniards have been using Amazon to bring lower-priced electronics to Spain with the minimum of fuss and good guarantees. Items such as cameras are generally cheaper on Amazon than from major Spanish retailers, and it is reckoned that one million

Spaniards are already visiting Amazon websites every month. Amazon’s introduction to Spain could have serious implications for the Spanish online and offline markets as well because of its reliability. Buying on-line in the US or the UK is now a regular occurrence and is considered safe, thanks to Amazon. But in Spain, many people do not regard it as the normal way to shop. Come the Amazon revolution, however, and it will surely become the norm in Spain - and in Tenerife, of course!

Jazzy is ‘All that’ Jazzy hair and beauty salon, located in Callao Salvaje, has been thriving in the Pearly Grey complex for three years now; which many service-related businesses can not profess in this current economic climate.

Cut your speed! WATCH your speed! That’s the message from Spain’s Guardia Civil officers, who will be enforcing their latest campaign against speeding on the roads. They began monitoring 2,000 stretches of road across the mainland and islands with 295 mobile speed-detectors, and the traffic police expect to run the rule over at least 100,000 cars per day. Spain’s ministry of traffic, the Dirección

30 September - 6 October 2011

General de Tráfico (DGT), says 427 people died in 389 car accidents last year, with speeding one of the main causes. And in the first six months of the year, 140 people were killed on Spain’s roads. Pere Navarro DGT’s Director-General, believes a 5% reduction in the average speed could reduce fatal accidents by 20%. And all motorists here in Tenerife are also asked to bear that in mind, especially when they get that urge to put their foot down and ignore speed limits.

But what is the reason for their success? A myriad of small aspects when put together as a whole mean that Jazzy is head and shoulders above the rest, (if you’ll excuse the pun) – yes, Jazzy is a little way out in Callao Salvaje, but there is a massive free car park opposite. In the hair salon they are up to date with the latest trends and colours and on the beauty side the cavitation machine which makes those unwanted inches disappear is going down a bomb. But it’s not just that,

the staff are friendly, talk through your requirements, putting clients at their ease which is proven by the number of returning clients they have. A session on the cavitation machine is cheaper than you would pay in the UK with many clients coming back time and time again. The cavitation machine uses ultrasound to break down the fat cells and cellulite through manipulation techniques via the machine. The process is totally non invasive and totally safe. The uniqueness of this treatment is that it can target specific areas where you want inch loss. The scientific process has long been known in the Physics world and recently has been brought into the aesthetic beauty business. Don’t forget the Christmas party season is not far

away, it’s one way to fit into that outfit! From the hair perspective in the Jazzy salon hair extensions are the latest trend, in addition to the latest cuts. This autumn clients are veering toward warm tones and block colours with a little hair art for those who want something a little special. Proprietor Kim told Canarian Weekly, “The crisis hasn’t stopped us here, now we are finding that when people have a little spare money they tend to spend it on themselves, it makes them feel better.” So whether you want your hair put up, a few false lashes for the weekend then Jazzy are all that. If you want to feel special pop down to Jazzy, it’s literally five minutes down the road from Lidl and Mercadona in Adeje. Tel: 922 743 539 or text 662 937 821.

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Local News

El Hierro on yellow alert

Exposaldo 2011

Continued from page 1 And though Alpide Armas, President of El Hierro’s Cabildo, stressed: “It’s not going to happen. We will not need to evacuate 4.000 people,” some islanders still harboured serious concerns for their welfare. Only two months ago, when El Hierro was hit by an astonishing 720 small earthquakes in a week many clustered at the base of the volcano there - scientists saw no reason to press the panic button. “The situation is perfectly normal,” was the verdict after a special meeting between experts and the island authorities. But those same scientists believed at the weekend that the frequency and intensity of the tremors were set to increase. A receptionist at the Hotel Parador, in the seaside resort of Roque de Bonanza, told Canarian Weekly on Wednesday morning while the risk-factor still appeared high: “We’re about 40 kilometres from Frontera and we haven’t heard a thing. “The situation is perfectly normal here and the kids are going to school as usual. We honestly wouldn’t have known what was happening if we hadn’t been listening to the radio or watching the TV.” A statement from Tenerife’s British Consulate, which is also responsible for El Hierro, read: “Over the past 12 months there have been over 8,000 tremors in El Hierro, most below 1.5 on the Richter scale. “Last weekend, there were two larger tremors measuring 3.4 and 3.2 on the Richter scale." The island is not that popular for

British residents and it is thought that only a handful reside there. A message to “stay calm” was issued by the Canary Island Government, which said it was “very attentive” to the indications coming from the scientists and the appropriate authorities. Volcano expert Juan Carlos Carrecedo said: “There is a ball of magma rising to the surface producing a series of ruptures which generate seismic activity. “We don’t know if that ball of magma will break through the crust and cause an eruption,” but he warned that an eruption was possible “within days, weeks or months”. David Calvo, Environmental Research Division, ITER, Tenerife told Canarian Weekly directly from El Hierro: “The population are feeling the quakes, and last night's was the worst, if indeed there is an eruption we don’t know where it will be: alternatively, it may all just quieten down.” “We are monitoring gas, pressure and soil temperature changes, a large sustained tremor would be a volcanic sign of an imminent eruption and the quakes will get stronger possibly reaching 5.0.” Some 60% of El Hierro is classed as a protected area and, since 1997, officials have undertaken an ambitious project which means that, within a few years, the island should be self-sufficient in renewable energies. In fact, it will be the first island in the world to be fully sustainable - provided, of course, fears of a volcanic eruption there are not rekindled.

Breaking news

As we go to print, the State Committee for Co-ordination of Civil Protection Volcanic Risk are on pre-alert status in case there are further developments during the weekend. They plan to reassess the risk on Monday. The Committee, made up of representatives from the various government departments, explained that they are monitoring the situation at all times and that the resources from the whole of the Canary Islands are on standby if needed.

Exposaldo 2011 brings together over one hundred companies. The winter edition was born three years ago with the aim of facilitating the reduction of stocks and product rotation. The Cabildo of Tenerife presented at a news conference 'Exposaldo 2011' which will be held from the 6th to 10th October

in Santa Cruz, in order to sell products in liquidation, offers, auctions or stock and which will bring together 125 companies. The winter edition was born three years ago with the aim of facilitating the reduction of stocks, the turnover of products and thus promote the sale of excess stock products in the shops of the island. This

new edition will bring the show 'Top Brand Outlet' which will bring together around 40 stores to offer only brand name products. At the fair you will find all kinds of products: textiles, accessories, footwear, appliances, toys, decor, household vehicles, equipment, etc. "There will be musical entertainment, a playground for children so

families can go and shop safely," said the Minister of Development Economic, Trade and Employment, Efraín Medina. A total of 125 companies will attend the 'Exposaldo 2011' The director of the Fair, Ricardo Palacio noted that new this year is the space dedicated to brands that will be a total of 30 stands, because "we must renew or die ".

Tenerife records August increase in tourist trade Tenerife recorded in the month of August a total of 486,665 tourists staying, a figure which represents an increase of 4.6 percent over the same month of 2010.

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According to provisional data of the incoming tourism statistics prepared by the City Council and reviewed by the Research Department of Tourism Tenerife, the results are positive both at hotels (+5.9%) and non-hotel establishments (+2.6%). The vice president and chief executive of the Cabildo Insular de Turismo, Carlos Alonso, highlighted the excellent performance of foreign tourism, which allows offsetting the decrease of domestic customers. "These good results mean a favourable impact on the two main tourist areas, especially in the North, where even a slight rise in the Spanish tourism (+0.2%) is good" This finding is especially important "if we consider that the Spanish are the main customers of the north and Pu-

erto de la Cruz, for example, in August they accounted for 71.4 percent of the market share." According to Carlos Alonso, these positive results are also a direct consequence of "promotional effort by Turismo de Tenerife in the market specifically for the North." Looking at the evolution of the main markets, September was a month of

great dynamism in the foreign markets, which increased the influx to the Island by 18.3 percent to reach 309,947. The two main markets are British and Germany. Brits rose by 24.6 percent in August on an overall figure of 155,223 tourists while the German market translates into an increase of 15.7 percent (total 42 771 tourists.

30 September - 6 October 2011

30 September - 6 October 2011

Local News

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World News

Brit crowned world's top football freestyler

A British teenager has been crowned the world freestyle football champion after wowing judges with his impeccable ball skills.

Andrew Henderson, from Cornwall, beat rivals from Brazil, Spain and Japan to win the inaugural World Freestyle Football Championships (WFFC) Tour in Kuala Lumpur. The 19-year-old smashed his way through four intense rounds of freestyle football battles, defeating France's Gautier Fayolle in the final. The judges were impressed by his routine which combines juggling, gymnastics and break dancing. "This has been the most incredible experience of my life," he said after his victory. "I have trained so hard for this moment." The event, which attracted the world's top 16 freestyle footballers, was broadcast live to 12 million people in South East Asia. But it was not the first time the threetime UK champion has been in the international spotlight. In 2009, he won the prestigious UK Red Bull Street Style Championships, which saw him represent Britain at the World Championships in South Africa.

Briton has lost both legs after after ignoring a shark threat A British man has lost his legs in a shark attack after he ignored a warning not to go swimming at a South African beach.

Man pleads guilty to murder of Jia Ashton A 21-year-old man has admitted murdering an economics graduate who was battered to death in woodland near where she worked.

David Simmonds, of Derby Road, Heanor, Derbyshire, pleaded guilty at Nottingham Crown Court to the murder of 25-year-old Jia Ashton. The body of Chinese-born Mrs Ashton was discovered in Sleetmoor Woods, near Somercotes in Derbyshire, on March 13, three days after she was last seen leaving her job at chocolate-maker Thorntons. Detectives launched a high priority inquiry after Mrs Ashton's music teacher husband Matthew reported her missing on the evening of March 11. She was eventually found by a mountain search and rescue dog in Sleetmoor Woods. Detectives think she would have been walking her usual route home when she was attacked. Speaking at a media briefing earlier this week, Detective Superintendent Terry Branson said she was subjected to a sustained and brutal attack, in which there was no evidence of any weapons being used. Simmonds, at 6ft 2in and 19st,

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was more than three times the weight of Mrs Ashton, who stood at a petite 4ft 11in, weighed six-and-a-half stone and wore a size two shoe. Mr Branson said: "Whilst I believe this may well have been a chance meeting in the woods on March 10, thereafter what took place was not chance, not coincidental. "It was a sustained violent and brutal attack on a young woman, a result of which was that she did receive horrendous injuries to her head and significant compression to her chest, resulting in trauma to her heart, which was the cause of her death." All her injuries were consistent with having been kicked and punched, he added, and there was no evidence of a sexual attack. She was found some distance from the site where detectives believe she was attacked but it is not clear if she ran there or was dragged. Mr Branson said Mrs Ashton was last seen leaving Thorntons just after 5pm on March 10 before walking through the woods with her hood up and listening to an MP3 player. Her body was found some 545 yards from some of her belongings, which included her

The 42-year-old, who has not yet been named, ignored signs at the beach in Cape Town warning against entering the water. Authorities said he was attacked by a great white shark at Fish Hoek Beach. The attack came an hourand-a-half after shark spotters had seen the animal and raised a warning flag. A siren was also sounded as the beach was closed, officials said in a statement. The man went swimming anyway and the great white struck before onlookers could pull him out. His right leg was completely bitten off and his left leg severed below the knee, according to the National Sea Rescue Institute.

Although the victim has not been named, the institute said he was believed to be a British national who lives in South Africa. Video footage of the beach after the attack shows a shark in the water off the shore as a helicopter flies the man to hospital. A statement from the authorities said: "When the victim entered the water, the beach was still closed and the shark flag indicating the presence of a white shark was flying." Three nearby beaches were also closed following the attack because the shark could still be seen in the area. Cape Town operates a shark-spotter programme on its beaches to warn people when to leave the water. At least three sharks had been spotted off the beach on the morning of the attack alone.

UK 'is worst place to live in Europe' glasses, her music player and earphones, her mobile phone, which had been snapped in two, five buttons from her coat, and an umbrella cover. Her handbag was found around 15ft up a tree, close to her body. Detectives believe Simmonds scattered her belongings around the woods to conceal the crime. He also covered her body with various tree branches and logs. Fingerprints and DNA evidence were recovered from her glasses and her phone but Simmonds was not on any national databases so was not matched. He was eventually arrested on May 5, eight weeks into the investigation, and charged with

murder the next day. Officers searched the local register of homeless people following accounts from witnesses of having seen a dishevelled and unkempt man in the woods around the time of the murder. He registered himself as homeless following the break-up of his relationship with a local girl, with whom he had a young son. Detectives believe his motive for the attack may have been robbery, backed up by the fact that when they recovered her purse there was no cash in it. She moved to the UK from China at the age of 16 after her parents saved up to send her to the country with the hope of a brighter future. She was hoping to have a son with her husband.

The UK is now officially the worst place to live in Europe, with people getting a "raw deal" on quality of life and high cost of living, a new study has revealed.

Comparison website uSwitch said that things were getting so bad that one in 10 people in this country were considering emigrating. France and Spain came out on top of uSwitch's Quality of Life Index, with the UK bottom of a 10-country league table. The index covers working hours, VAT, holidays, spending on health and education - and hours of sunshine. Last year at least our neighbours in Ireland were worse off, now we can't even console ourselves with that. We are now officially at the bottom of the pile. Ann Robinson, director of consumer policy at The UK also came bottom of another table based on the cost of energy, petrol, food, alcohol,

cigarettes and life expectancy. Food and diesel prices are the highest in Europe, while unleaded petrol, alcohol and cigarettes all cost more than the European average, said the report. People in the UK now have the lowest holiday entitlement in Europe as well as having one of the highest retirement ages, the study found. A survey of over 2,000 adults found their biggest concern was "broken society", as well as the cost of living, crime and violence. Some 5% said they were happy with the UK, with over one in 10 "seriously considering" emigrating. France topped the index for the third year in a row, despite the average household annual net income being ÂŁ7,000 below that of the UK. Ann Robinson, director of consumer policy at, said: "Last year at least our neighbours in Ireland were worse off, now we can't even console ourselves with that.

30 September - 6 October 2011


GC Resorts require ...

experienced MANAGERS to run a highly successful & expanding call centre! Your role will be to manage & motivate a team of 30-40 telemarketers. The ideal candidate will not take NO for an answer and will be ruthless in their sales ability!

We are looking for : 路 Motivated 路 Dynamic 路 Excellent closers (with a proven track record) 路 Solid sales & managerial background If you have all the above skills & qualities then contact: 673478920 for an immediate interview 30 September - 6 October 2011

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Local News

Soy del Tete support UD Chio

The Soy del Tete CDT fan shop in Fanabe has been open now for almost one year so Canarian Weekly went to visit proprietor Nikki to see what’s been happening. Nikki told Canarian Weekly: “Unfortunately the number of fans at the matches has dropped as you would expect with CDT being relegated, however at each match there is still a strong loyal fan base.” Even still the shop is going from strength to strength with a tremendous number of British and Italian holidaymakers visiting the shop. The shop has extended its range and has small items from other European clubs on sale. Soy del Tete even now has a stall at the Saturday Market which takes place in Fanabe. If you fancy this season’s new CDT kit they are available but there is limited stock. But just because the shop is going well Soy del Tete are not sitting on their laurels, they are now engaging the local community with football. It’s taken seven years but now the small village of Chio within the

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municipality of Guia de Isora now has its own football team, similar to small local sides within the UK. In part it’s thanks to the backing of Soy de Tete the CDT Fan shop in Fanabe plus the support of residents and local businesses in Chio. Soy de Tete working with UD Chio as they wanted to give something back to the community, they started just by sponsoring their shirts now their involvement has got a whole lot deeper into the running of the club. Currently in the 2nd regional local league they travel only within the south of Tenerife, and not interisland, but, their objective is to win the league and go up. Eight players are directly from the village the rest made up by friends and family from outside the village, they even have a few Brits amongst the players, under club Captain, ‘Tizo’ Coached by Esteban Gonzalez, an esteemed coach who has worked in higher leagues, two above in fact, and his talent has been sought after by many Tenerife south clubs. Now retired Esteban coaches the squad three times a week not for monetary reward but for the love and pride of the game.

The newly-emerged club celebrated winning their first match of the season, but were not so lucky last weekend. They won 4-3 against Eicade, fellow-newcomers to the second regional division, and goals from Moises, Jose Luis, Franci and Gustavo gave the 100-plus crowd in the stand plenty to cheer about. Chio’s home games are played on alternate Fridays (KO 9pm) in the Mayato grounds, and the 460 bus from Las Americas will take you to the village. UD Chio is unique in the respect it is the only club not to have astro turf; therefore it has no youth teams. But, the local municipality has promised to support and help the fledgling side. Insert pedro Martin quote Anyone can go along and watch entry is just 2 euros and all of the information is put onto Facebook UD Chio. Season tickets are available for the remaining 11 games. It’s about a 20 minute journey from Playa de las Americas, and the 460 bus stops directly outside the stadium it’s a family atmosphere in a nice area with cheap beer and good food. Spirits run high and the fans which number approximately 100

for home matches and fifty for away matches, get very animated. But it’s all in good fun. UD Chio played an Army Air Corp side earlier in the year and their opponents said that they just had the best time and would love to return. UD Chio’s next match is taking place tomorrow (Saturday) against

AD Hermano Pedro at 18.00 in the Granadilla grounds and entrance there is 3 euros Further information is available from Facebook UD Chio or Soy del Tete Tenerife Fan Shop. Tel 922 719 695 the shop is open every day Mon-Sat 10am until 8pm

30 September - 6 October 2011

World News

City suspend Tevez over his substitution 'strop'

Manchester City footballer Carlos Tevez has been suspended for up to two weeks after apparently refusing to come on as a substitute against Bayern Munich.

The player angered manager Roberto Mancini on Tuesday when he would not leave the substitutes' bench and take the field during the second-half with City trailing 2-0. In a move that seems certain to trigger his eventual departure from the club, the 27-year-old appeared to simply say: "No." Mancini later claimed the Argentinian would never play for him at City again, before saying he would consult the club's owner about the way forward. After a telephone conference involving senior staff

and the club's owners, the whom I have always had a would speak with Manchesclub said: "Manchester City strong relationship, for any ter City chairman Khaldoon can confirm that striker misunderstanding that oc- al Mubarak in the next few Carlos Tevez has been sus- curred in Munich. days to decide what to do. pended until further notice "They understand that "He is the chairman," said for a maximum period of when I am on the pitch I have Mancini. "He decides everytwo weeks. "The player's sus- always given my best for the thing. "If I decided, yes (he pension is pending a full re- club. "In Munich on Tuesday would leave). He wanted to view into his alleged conduct I had warmed up and was leave last year. I helped him during Tuesday evening's 2-0 ready to play. This is not the for two years every time. He refused to play. "I defeat to Bayern Munich. cannot accept this "The player will behaviour from 'There was some confusion on not be considhim. I decide the the bench and I believe my position substitutions, not ered for selection or take part Carlos." may have been misunderstood. in training whilst The Blues were Going forward, I am ready to the review is ungiven extra security after leaving der way." In his play when required and to the stadium for the defence, Tevez has claimed he airport to protect fulfil my obligations.' did not refuse to them from angry fans, but Tevez did play and also said he was ready to fulfil his obli- right time to get into specific not appear particularly upset gations to the club. details as to why this did not by the situation he has landIn a statement, he said: "I happen. But I wish to state ed himself in. would like to apologise to all that I never refused to play. The disciplinary action is Manchester City fans, with Mancini said on Tuesday he likely to be the first step in

30 September - 6 October 2011

a drawn-out process which could finally end the stormy relationship between Tevez and the club. At the beginning of the season, the striker was set to move to Brazilian side Corinthians in order to live nearer to his children. However, the move fell through at the last minute, with Corinthians saying they were open to further negotiations in the near future. City could sell Tevez in the

upcoming January transfer window. The footballer's strop came on the same day the boss of the Professional Footballers' Union, Gordon Taylor, defended the use of tax avoidance schemes enjoyed by multi-millionaire player. He said they have to endure short careers lasting an average of eight years while paying out more than half their salaries in Pay As You Earn tax.

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Words can not express the atmosphere at Castillo San Miguel, which was full to capacity last Sunday, for the Tenerife Entertainment Awards 2011.

n Swift a h t a N t s o H

Some may have thought that changing the venue from Exit 29 would have been detrimental, but no, this definitely was not the case. The audience were in awe from start to finish – the Tibu Dancers, Tango Vivo then the dancers joined by Tenerife Loves Karaoke winner Paula, were the build up to the entrance of habitual host Nathan Swift, on this occasion dressed as one of the resident Knights of Castillo San Miguel. Wall to wall entertainment was the order of the afternoon with live performances from the nominees for Best Group, performing in anticipation of the live vote. Plus, Estrellas and Ritmania dance schools showed the audience the future talent of the island. The winners of each of the categories were both

shocked and elated. Nathan himself added an additional award to Chris Elkington, Director of Emcan Media, of which Oasis Fm is a part, for his selfless contribution to entertainment over the years including the orgnaisation of the Tenerife Entertainment Awards event. The event was sponsored by EZE Group, following the event they said, “Tenerife is always seen as an all year round holiday destination, famous for an amazing climate, relaxed atmosphere and tremendous entertainment. So when we were offered the opportunity to sponsor the 2011 TEA Awards we jumped at the chance. EZE Group was very proud to celebrate a fantastic industry full of talent on this great island.”

Best Tribu te Krackas St Act atus Quo

ements v ie h c A g ) tstandin u O & Eugenes e r t e S p ( m o n rlto Best C a C e k i -M Award

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30 September - 6 October 2011


to bring 44 d e g e il v ri p re “ We we A’s and we all E T e th to ff ta of our s g day out. had a smashin iant and the ll ri b re e w ts c The a amazing. re e w rs e rm perfo Fm for such is s a O t a ll a Thanks to ZE Group E ” . y it n tu r o p a great op

Jackson e e L J Best D s) (Branigan

Best N ewcom er (Micha el Bub Pip Brown le Trib ute) Best Variety Act - Mister Sister

Best Male Singer - Simply Mo Best fem ale Best Ban d

- Sound chaser

30 September - 6 October 2011

Singer Sally


Best Group Mike - IS & Mikey

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World News

Plane hijacker is captured after 40 years on the run An American murderer who escaped prison and hijacked an airliner while dressed as a priest has been tracked down by police – after more than 40 years on the run.

12p-a-day pill 'trebles smokers' quit chance'

A nicotine substitute which costs just 12p a day can more than triple a smoker's chances of quitting, according to new research.

The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that people using Tabex were 3.4 times more likely to stop smoking than with a "dummy" or placebo tablet. Professor Robert West, who led the trial, said his team was "extremely encouraged" by the results and the cost. He said: ""There's a billion

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smokers out there worldwide, most of whom don't get access to the drugs we get here. "Here in the UK, for the individual smoker it probably wouldn't make that much difference, but for the NHS which is paying the bill, the question is, how much could we save if we were to move a substantial proportion of people over to a less expensive treatment?" If it were to become available on the NHS, Tabex could reduce the drugs bill by tens of millions of pounds per year. The NHS prescribes Champix.

Costing up to £150 per 12week course, that equates to £1.78 per day. By comparison, Tabex costs just 12p a day. It has not been regulated yet in the UK, but it has been available in central and eastern Europe for more than 40 years. You can buy it online, but there are fears customers will be taken in by counterfeit or substandard medicines. After the successful results from this study, the Department of Health has said it will look at Tabex as a possibility for use in the UK.

George Wright, 68, was arrested near Lisbon by Portuguese police at the request of the US government. Neighbours said he had a wife and two children and worked odd jobs around the hamlet of Almocageme. He was found thanks to a sudden breakthrough in the case when his fingerprint was matched to a resident ID card. The fugitive, who is now said to speak fluent Portuguese, escaped from jail in New Jersey in 1970 after he had been convicted of the 1962 murder of a petrol station owner during a robbery. The FBI said he became linked to an underground militant group called the Black Liberation Army and lived in a "communal family" with other members

in Detroit. In July 1971, he dressed as a priest, used the alias Rev L Burgess, and managed to hijack a Delta Air Lines flight from Detroit to Miami accompanied by men, women and children from his group. Landing at Miami airport, they demanded a $1m (£639,000) ransom to free all 86 people on board. All were released when the FBI delivered the cash. The hijackers then forced the plane to Boston and onto Algeria, where they sought asylum. They were allowed

to stay but eventually made their way to France, where Wright's accomplices were arrested and convicted. However, Wright remained a fugitive until a new US task force began investigating the reopened case nine years ago. Investigators were planning to look at Portugal as a possible escape route when his name was flagged up by checks on the country’s national ID database. He was arrested after a stake-out at his home and now faces extradition to the US.

30 September - 6 October 2011

Mariano E Zunino Siri


Understanding the Law


Must I blow the whistle? MANY people have asked me about the breathalyser test - the “right of not blowing” when stopped by the Traffic Authority under suspicion of driving-driving.

Originally, it was said that if I have the right not to declare against myself, I have the right of not blowing through the “whistle”. The breath test over here is known famously as the “whistle”, which entails blowing through a special device called an Etilómetro, that measures the rate of alcohol while breathing out. Today, article 383 of the Criminal Code is very clear. I will discuss two articles of Spanish Criminal Code (included in the Section Crimes against Traffic Safety) in order to know and compare them: Article 379.2 Criminal Code: this says that driving a motor vehicle under alcohol/drug influences will be punished with imprisonment of 3-6 months, or a fine or Community Service from 30-90 days and a driving ban of between one and four years. Article 383 of the Criminal Code says that the car driver who refuses to take the tests will be punished with six months to a year in

prison, and a driving ban of one to four years. If the Etilómetro shows an expired air rate of more than 0.60 milligrams per litre, the driver can be punished with the penalty mentioned in article 379.2, and the same penalty applies if there is a rate of alcohol in the blood of more than 1.2 grams per litre. Bear in mind that in this column, I am referring to the Criminal Law relating to drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or both! Do not be confused with the Administrative Law (Traffic Laws), whose penalties would be economic fines and driving bans. Criminal Law involves not only economic fines and driving bans but also prison and community Service. The process starts when the police stop the driver (male for the purposes of this column) and he is asked to blow through the Etilometro. These are the possibilities: 1. Negative result, the driver carrries on driving 2. Negative, but symptoms of being drunk - second test after 10 minutes 3. Positive, second test (second blow)

30 September - 6 October 2011

If the second test (which normally confirms the first one) if positive, there is a possibility of doing a third one, which is a blood test (to be paid in advance by the driver) as a guarantee that the first two blowing tests are okay. Regarding the blood test, the driver must be sure to ask for one because it will detect everything he has consumed during the previous 24 hours. Instead of being helpful, it could even prove worse! If the driver is over the drink limit, he will obviously not be allowed to drive away. If no one else can drive, the car will be sent to the municipal parking lot. If the Criminal door is opened, the driver will have to attend a “Fast Trial”. In this case, he could be accused of driving under the influence of alcohol, but if he refused to “blow”, he could be also accused of “refusal”. I am now focusing on the crime mentioned in article 383 Criminal

Code, which is “refusal” to do the tests. This is a very serious crime, and it is wrong to think that you have the right of “not-blowing”. The lack of co-operation (not doing the test) is an even bigger crime than driving under the influence. This means that, irrespective of whether or not you are drunk, you must do the test so you cannot be accused of refusing. My legal advice (subject, of course, to other’s opinions) is to blow and never refuse the blowing test. The right of not blowing does not exist. Needless to say, the best advice is to drive carefully and without alcohol/drug influences (not only from the legal point of view but for safety reasons). In forthcoming columns, I will be discussing my ideas about the myths and wrong ideas many people have in relation to these alcohol tests.

Our ex-landlord refuses to return the deposit I have just read your article in the Canarian Weekly and was hoping you could give me some advice. I have a problem regarding the return of my deposit for a rental property in Lanzarote. My partner and I left the property in June and we are still awaiting the return of our deposit. The contract we signed with the property company says that the landlord will return the deposit within 30 days of us vacating the property. But although I have made many telephone calls to the company, I have still not received the money. Can you advise me of the next step I should take as the calls are just not working. Mrs EF In order to give you proper advice, I would need more information. I do not know the contents of the contract (document), and you do not specify whether you left the property before the deadline or at the end of the contract. Assuming that you either left at the end of the contract or beforehand with the consent of the landlord (mutual agreement), and that you are not in breach of the contract in other terms, you have the right to get your deposit back. If the company does not refund the calls, or eludes its responsibility, it would be necessary to do a “requirement” through a lawyer to push the company owners for an answer. The last solution is to take them to Court (perhaps through the Monitory Proceeding). I wrote previously in Canarian Weekly about Monitory Proceeding, which is simple and cheap.

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Community News

The picture’s clearer! Accion’s Pets Portrait competition is in the frame for Sunday

AFTER weeks and weeks of anticipation, Accion del Sol’s Pets Portrait competition looms large, and the photographic exhibition and judging takes place at the dog refuge on Sunday (2nd Oct).

It forms the centerpiece of an exciting afternoon for children and adults alike, and there is a fabulous selection of pets all vying for the top awards. First Impressions, Tenerife’s leading design and print company at Las Chafiras, kindly offered to print all the entries for the competition,

MARION GONZALES, who works tirelessly for Accion del Sol, was able to relax on Sunday evening when the centre organised a birthday party for her and some close friends. She is pictured with Nikki Attree (left), who is a big Accion supporter and also runs her own doggie website In addition, some excellent prizes have been donated by Siam Park and Loro Parque, and there’s a fabulous weekend on offer at Hotel Botanico, in Puerto de la Cruz. There will also be a large canvas, portrait print of the winning photo, which comes courtesy of Angie’s Nu Arte company. She specialises in transforming ordinary colour photos into incredible canvas prints which have the appearance of genuine paintings. In addition to the serious business of judging by a special panel, there will be a fun

agility competition for your own dogs and others from the refuge, with lots more games and stalls for all the family to enjoy. Local digital artist Nikki Attree has put a lot of hard work into a picture story about her rescue dog Gizmo, whom she got from Accion del Sol, and the English version has also been translated into Spanish and German. It will be used to help educate children on animal welfare, so a big thank-you to Nikki from the centre for all her hard work, and her Gizmo tale will also form part of the exhibition.

There has been a huge influx of dogs and puppies in recent weeks from various municipalities and Marion Gonzales, who runs the Granadilla-based centre, is always on the look-out for people with loving homes to adopt the poor animals. The dogs come in all shapes and sizes, and all have one thing in common: every single one of them at the Aktiontier-sponsored refuge is castrated or sterilised, ensuring no unwanted litters, which would only add to the existing problems. Please visit the Accion del Sol sanctuary and see for

yourselves what beautiful, healthy dogs they have, all looking for happy homes. If you would like to adopt one, call in at the centre, which is open from Monday to Friday between 3-6pm, or call 922 778 630 for more information. And why not join the Accion del Sol Facebook page https:// php?ref=canvas#!/profile. php?id=100000729042460 You will see daily updates of the good work done at the sanctuary, as well as receiving news of the fund-raising events organised by refuge staff.

Dance duo stepping out for another tango treat VIVIANA and Jason Segade, Tenerife’s dazzling Tango Vivo dance duo, are staging another three-day series of their popular classes at the Costa Adeje Gran Hotel, from tonight (Friday) And, as usual, they have a special guest, this time the renowned Argentine Tango dancer Milena Plebs, who has created and choreographed many shows of her own in her native country. Milena, who has danced all

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around the world, will be taking the classes and, whether you are an absolute beginner, an intermediate or advanced learner, she will draw you into the mesmeric ways of the Tango. The course runs until Sunday (2nd Oct) at the Gran Hotel, and there will be a professional exhibition and show by Tango Vivo (Viviana and Jason), and their illustrious guest Milena tomorrow (Saturday). It’s still not too late to book a lesson for this exciting dance course, and there’s plenty of time to sit back and enjoy the Saturday Tango night (tickets

10 euros). Call Viviana or Jason on 922 775 702 or 670 760 281 for more information, or visit their website at

figures. 3-4.15pm: Boleos and Sacadas. 8.30pm: Milonga Tango Night at Costa Adeje Gran Hotel, Avenida de Bruselas, 16, Costa Adeje.

Programme Today (Friday) Women’s technique: 7.308.45pm: Availability body; Focus and independence in the movement. 9.10.15pm: Adornos technique.

Sunday (2nd Oct) Technique Classes for Men and Women: 11am-12.15pm: Posture, axis, body co-ordination; Action and reaction mechanism. 12.30-1.45pm: Tango embrace, walk, elegance, sequences. 3-4.15pm: Giros and Boleos technique for men. Individual classes and private lessons, plus Bonus 8, 6 and 4 classes available.

Tomorrow (Saturday) Tango classes: 11am-12.15pm: Walking, changes of directions, Elegance. 12.30-1.45pm: Giros,

30 September - 6 October 2011

Community News

Happy ending for Dodo WE were beginning to think we would never find a home for Dodo. The stunning Great Dane cross walked into the Live Arico refuge as a fully-grown pup when we were in Amarilla Golf, and we fell in love with him.

Although a gentle giant, we were aware that huge dogs were difficult to rehome because many people simply do not have the space. So he stayed with us. He caught the attention of a few people - one of those dogs with eyes that tell you he’s been here before. Almost human. He remembered people who had shown him kindness. I remember one day going to the refuge and he spotted me, from quite a distance, and came to the fence. It was feeding time, but he wasn’t interested in food but human contact. “Go and eat,” I said. He stayed, front paws on the fence, looking into my eyes. Dodo likes to be at eye level. He jumps up at you, so his face is level with yours. He is a joy and a pleasure. Despite all this, we struggled to home him. We fea-

tured him on the 2011 calendar, with a young baby to show his gentle side, but nothing. Then, Live Arico supporter Emma Rhodes put his details on to the website. Within hours we found his home and today (Friday), he flies to England to his forever home with Sue Darwell, from Lytham St Annes. She was also captivated by his photos, and agreed to accept him into the lives of her family. He spent his quarantine period in the care of Poochies Pet Hotel ,in El Rio, firstly cared for by Pete and Kate, and more recently by new owners Alice and Mark. We thank all four for everything they have done for Dodo. When we know a dog is going, it is always better if it’s in a halfway house while awaiting the flight. Of course, the six-month quarantine rule ends next January, which will make life so much easier. So, Dodo, my big man, enjoy your new life and never forget those who loved you here. Because we will never forget you. By Sue Havenhand

Rocking Lions rap out the message THE Lions Club International are the talk of every town following their rap video Rockin’ The Vest.

The video features genuine Lions members dancing and singing along

to an original rap song while they perform community service. “Our hope is to expose as many people as we can to the great work we do, and excite them about serving their communities,” says Dane

LaJoye, Public Relations Division Manager for the International Lions. “This rap video, partnered with four new public-service announcements, is designed to have potential members view us in a new way.”

Celtic Feet on tap at Gaelic Corner! TENERIFE’S only Irish Dance school, Celtic Feet Irish Dance Academy, has been opened by Jo Robinson and Aileen Donaghy at the Gaelic Corner bar, above the Dubliner, in Playa de Las Americas.

They offer Irish Dance classes to suit all ages and abilities, and aim to bring a taste of traditional Irish culture to the Island in a fun environment. The weekly class starts on Thursday at 6.30pm and caters for everyone - residents, holiday-makers, beginners or advanced. “The Gaelic Corner is the perfect venue, so come join us for a bit of craic,” says Jo. Check out the website: for further info on all classes and upcoming events.

Live Arico take to the sea THE people at Mustcat have donated their catamaran to Live Arico for a three-hour trip to see the whales and dolphins on the morning of Sunday, 16th October. We set sail from Las Galletas harbour at 10am, and drinks (bubbly if you wish) are included. The normal price of this excursion is 41 euros, but we are selling tickets for just 25 euros. Call Femke on 677 498761 to book yours.

30 September - 6 October 2011

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30 September - 6 October 2011

Television Guide

your best tV guide IN tenerife! 13 channels including BBC, ITV, CHANNEL 4, CHANNEL FIVE Sky & Sports channels

Strictly Come Dancing The pro-celebrity contest returns for its ninth season, as Sir Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly host the first of this weekend’s two live shows.

Seven of the 14 couples perform either a waltz or a cha-cha-cha each night. Alex Jones, Anita Dobson, Audley Harrison, Dan Lobb, Lulu, Robbie Savage and Russell Grant are

30 September - 6 October 2011

- Friday 30th September BBC1 - 9:00 - 10:00 pm

the first to trip the light fantastic on Friday. Saturday sees the remaining seven, Chelsea Healey, Edwina Currie, Harry Judd, Holly Valance, Jason Donovan, Nancy Dell’Olio and Rory

Bremner perform to impress the panel. As always, the celebrities will be watched by the ever critical judges Len Goodman, Bruno Tonioli, Craig Revel Horwood and Alesha Dixon.

The panellists give their verdicts on the routines, but the dancers are safe in the knowledge there will be no public vote or elimination this week

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

F r i day 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ���������������������������Little Robots

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:10 �������������������� Guess with Jess

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

06:20 ��������������������The Pingu Show

09:25 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

11:00 ������To Build or Not to Build

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

07:45 �The League of Super Evil

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 ���������������������BBC News at One 1:30 �������������������BBC London News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef 3:00 �������������������������������������BBC News


Friend of the Devil Part 1 of 2

9:00 - 10:00pm - ITV1 The critically acclaimed drama series continues with the first episode of a new two-part story, Friend of the Devil. Banks informs Annie of a murder that has taken place on the moors and for the first time asks her to head the investigation. The victim has been found in her wheelchair with her throat cut and face disfigured. Banks realises at once that there is a con-

nection to another gruesome case. The body was discovered where murderers Marcus and Lucy Payne buried one of their victims. While Annie drives off to the moors, Banks heads to the market square to investigate another death: the body of a teenage girl has been found in a storage room down an alleyway. The motive for the killing is unclear, but suspicion falls on

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

3:05 ������������Natural Born Hunters

08:30 ��������������Green Balloon Club Goes on Holiday

3:35 ��������������������������������������Wingin’ It

08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld

4:00 �����������Dick and Dom Go Wild

09:05 �������������The Koala Brothers

4:30 ������������� Planet Dinosaur Files

09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train

5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround

09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion

5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless

09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch

6:00 ����������������BBC News at Six

local shopowner Timothy Randall (Ian Bartholomew). Banks meets new pathologist Elizabeth Waring (Cassidy), and together they begin to unravel the psychology of the case. When Randall’s DNA is found on the victim’s clothing, Banks makes an arrest. Meanwhile, Annie visits a local care home to try to identify the victim on the moors and makes a truly shocking discovery.

6:30 ������������ BBC London News 7:00 ��������������������The One Show 7:30 ���������������������� Nigel Slater’s Simple Cooking From mouth-watering recipes like trout with Parma ham and lamb shanks with anchovy, Nigel shares his all-time surf and turf favourites. 8:00 ������������������������ EastEnders Determined to see the back of Vanessa, Michael hands her a wad of cash to leave Walford for good - but will his plan pay off? Meanwhile, Tyler enlists Tiffany’s help with his grand gesture for Whitney. 8:30 ����� Celebrity MasterChef 9:00 ����Strictly Come Dancing 10:00 ������������ BBC News at Ten 10:25 ���������� BBC London News 10:32 ������������������� BBC Weather 10:35 ���������� Come Fly with Me Flylo ground crew member Taaj Manzoor bumps into Harry Potter actor Rupert Grint, and customs officers Roberts and Stewart try to work out what to do with a truly massive drugs haul. 11:05 ����������Mrs. Brown’s Boys 11:35 ���� The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 11:45 ��������������Veronica Guerin

10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling 10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas 10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo 11:05 �������������In the Night Garden 11:35 �����The Pink Panther Show 12:00 ������������������The Daily Politics 12:30 GMT with George Alagiah 1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder 1:45 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 ������������������� The Weakest Link 3:00 ������������ Wanted Down Under 3:45 ��������Escape to the Country 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip

4:00 ���������������������There’s No Taste Like Home 5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase 6:00 ��������������� London Tonight 6:30 �� ITV News and Weather 7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Alex has his revenge on Declan. Chas is forced to take desperate measures to help Aaron. Alicia begins to doubt if she is doing the right thing with Carl. 7:30 ������������Coronation Street Kevin and Pam are horrified when Bill collapses during their argument. Leanne questions Peter’s feelings for Carla. 8:00 ������������Love Your Garden Alan Titchmarsh is in Harlow in Essex, where he shows how the smallest of gardens can be turned into a private sanctuary.

6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads

8:30 �����������Coronation Street

6:30 ����Reel History of Britain

Bill’s heart attack brings Kevin and Sally closer. Tina is stunned by Tracy’s behaviour. Cheryl’s concerns for Russ grow after he lashes out at a teacher.

7:00 �������������The Culture Show 8:00 �� Escape to the Country 8:30 �������������Gardeners’ World 9:00 ���������� Digging for Britain 10:00 ��������������������������������������� QI 10:30 �����������������������Newsnight 11:00 ���������� The Review Show 11:50 ���������� Later... with Jools Holland In the studio are Leicester’s stadium rockers Kasabian with tracks from their fourth album Velociraptor!, and North London’s rapper Wretch 32 with songs from his debut album Black and White.

9:00 ���������������������������DCI Banks When Annie looks into the murder of a paralysed and disfigured woman whose body is found on the moor, her first case as Senior Investigating Officer proves challenging. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 ��������������Sextuplets: The Little Lambs 11:35 �Rugby World Cup 2011

Al Murray: My Funniest Year 11:05pm - Channel 4 Comic pub landlord Al Murray takes to the stage at the Hackney Empire to escort his audience through his Funniest Year, 1997. Clad in his characteristic blazer, shirt and tie, Al strides onto the stage clutching a pint of beer as he tells the raucous crowd why he’s personally chosen 1997 as a trademark year. It was the year that his now ex-wife ran off with a

Page 22

Frenchman, the Spice Girls became the biggest pop phenomenon since the Beatles, and Tinky Winky from the Teletubbies was ‘outed’ as gay. Al’s comedy extravaganza explores other unforgettable popular culture moments from the year - the detailed examination of Bill Clinton’s manhood, the launch of Channel Five, and the popularity of alcopops.

Al also reviews Elton John’s TV programme, Tantrums & Tiaras, the confusion around the gender of pretty boy band Hanson, and the assets of lady gardener Charlie Dimmock - who joins him on stage. Finally he jumps feet first into a comedic tongue lashing of the party scene in Ibiza, the birth of the ladette, and the mass hysteria induced by Harry Potter.

30 September - 6 October 2011

3 0

Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:10 ����������������������������������������������The Hoobs

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

07:00 ��������������������������������Freshly Squeezed

08:15 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ������������� So You Think You’re Safe?

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:30 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

08:30 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

09:00 ���������������������������������������������������Ringside

09:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:00 �����������������������������������The Rugby Club

10:00 �������������������������������������������������Lie to Me

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

09:55 ���������������� Supersize v Superskinny

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

11:00 �� Barclays Premier League World

11:00 ��������������������������������������������������Lie to Me

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:55 ������������������������������A Place in the Sun

11:10 ������������������������������������LIVE with Gabby

11:30 ����������������������������������������������������Ringside

12:00 �������������������������������Sun, Sea and A&E

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:00 ������������ Channel 4 News Summary

12:05 ������������������������������5 News Lunchtime

12:30 �����������������������������������The Rugby Club

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:05 ��������� BT and Channel 4 Present...

12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:10 ����������������������������� Cheyenne Autumn

1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away

2:00 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

3:10 �����������������������������������������������Countdown

1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

2:30 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

4:00 ���������������������������������������Deal or No Deal

2:15 ������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:30 ����������������������������� European Tour Golf Day two of the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship from St Andrews, Carnoustie and Kingsbarns.

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model

5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip

3:10 �������������������������������������We’ll Meet Again

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

5:30 ������������������������������Come Dine with Me

5:00 �����������������������������������������������5 News at 5

5:00 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 6:00 �������������������������������The Simpsons 6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away

6:55 ���������������������������������

6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV

7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

7:00 ������������������������������������ 5 News at 7

7:30 ������ BT and Channel 4 Present...

7:30 ������������������������������������� Pawn Stars

7:35 ���������������������������������The IT Crowd

8:00 ����Ultimate Police Interceptors

8:00 �������������������� Come Dine with Me

9:00 ������������������������������������Big Brother

9:00 �����The Million Pound Drop Live

10:00 ������������������������������ The Bachelor

10:30 ������������������������8 Out of 10 Cats

5:30 ����������������Football League Weekend 6:30 ���������� Barclays Premier League Preview

5:30 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

7:00 ���������Sky Sports News at Seven

6:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:30 ������������������� Rugby Super League Super League Play-Offs

6:00 ��������������A League of Their Own

7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

6:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

10:00 �����������������������Take it Like a Fan The Sky Sports football quiz filmed at Premier League, Football League and SPL grounds. Each week, fans’ football knowledge is tested.

7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

8:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

8:00 ����������������������������Drop Dead Diva When Jane represents a lesbian couple who are denied a chance to attend their senior prom together, Parker finds himself on television promoting gay rights.

10:30 �����������������������Barclays Premier League Preview

9:00 ���������������������������An Idiot Abroad

9:00 ����������������������������� Criminal Minds

11:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

10:00 �����������������������������������������������Glee

10:00 ������������������������������������������� Chase

11:05 ������������������������������������ Al Murray

11:30 �� Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

11:00 ������ Football League Weekend

11:00 ������������������������� Mount Pleasant

11:00 ������������������������������������������� Bones

7:00 �����������������������������������Doctor Who The Doctor’s final days are upon him - but when he drops in on an old friend, the Cybermen are waiting.

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

06:30 ��������������������� Kings of the Extreme

07:00 ����������������������������������Extreme Dreams

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:25 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

07:00 ������������������������������������������������WWE Raw

08:00 ������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

09:00 ���������������Premier League Snooker Ronnie O’Sullivan v Matthew Stevens; Ding Junhui v Ali Carter.

08:30 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

12:30 ������������ America’s Cup Uncovered

10:00 �������������������������������������������������� GT Racer

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of New York City

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

11:30 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

2:00 �������������������������������������������������Shark Tank

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

6:00 ����������������Kings of the Extreme

3:00 ��������������������James May’s Toy Stories

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

6:30 �����������H20 Powerboating 2011

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

7:00 ��������������������������� Road to London

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

7:45 �����������Doctor Who Confidential Matt Smith and his returning costar James Corden, who talk about the highs and lows of shooting at night, in a department store and with babies. 8:00 ����������������������������The Real Hustle Novice hustlers Polly Parsons and Jazz Lintott have to learn the art of deception in record time, as they join the original trio. 8:30 ��������������������������������������������������E20 9:00 ��������������������������������� Little Britain 9:30 ���Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show 10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders 10:30 ��������������������������������Him and Her 11:00 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:25 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:45 ���������������������������� American Dad

1:00 �����������������������������������������IAAF Athletics 1:30 ����������������������������������������������������� Ringside 2:30 ������������������Premier League Snooker

7:30 ����������Sky Sports Victory Shield Wales take on Scotland at the Airfield Stadium in Flintshire. 9:30 ��������������������������World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Smackdown 11:30 ������������������������World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Bottom Line

30 September - 6 October 2011

6:00 ������������ James May’s Toy Stories

7:30 ������������������������������������� The Middle 8:00 �����������������������������Modern Family

10:30 �����������������������������������������������udge Judy 12:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street 12:30 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale 1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women 5:40 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER 7:00 �������������Inside the Actors Studio

6:05 ������������������������������������Judge Judy

8:00 ����������������������Anthony Bourdain:

7:00 ���������������������������������������� The Cube

No Reservations

8:00 �������� New You’ve Been Framed!

10:00 ����������������������������Al Murray Live: Barrel of Fun

9:00 ����������������������������������������� Big Love

9:00 ������������������������ The X Factor USA

10:15 �������������������������������������������Treme

11:00 ��������������The Only Way is Essex

11:40 ����������������������������������������������������QI

11:30 ���������������������������������This is Jinsy

11:45 ��������������The Only Way is Essex

7:20 �������������������������������������������������������QI 8:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear 9:00 ������������� Dave’s One Night Stand

Page 23

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

Sat u r day 06:00 ��������������������������������� Breakfast

06:00 ���������������������������Little Robots

10:00 ������� Saturday Kitchen Live

06:10 �������������������� Guess with Jess

11:30 ������������ Nigel Slater’s Simple Cooking

06:20 ��������������������The Pingu Show

12:00 ���������������������������������BBC News

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

08:00 �����Rugby World Cup 2011 Today’s game in Auckland is one of the most anticipated matches of the group stages as Six Nations rivals England and Scotland meet in Pool B.

07:00 ����������������������������������������������Roar

11:30 ������ITV News and Weather

07:30 �������������������������������������������Arthu

11:40 ����������������Coronation Street Omnibus

12:05 ������������������������Regional News 12:10 �������������������������������������Weather 12:15 ������������������������Football Focus 1:05 �����Goal 2: Living the Dream 2:50 ������������Don’t Scare the Hare 3:30 ��������������A Question of Sport 4:00 �����������Celebrity MasterChef 4:30 ����������������������������������Final Score 5:10 ������������������������������������BBC News 5:20 ���������������������������Regional News


06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

07:55 �������������Dennis and Gnasher 08:05 �����������������������������������Hounded 08:35 ����������������������������������� Splatalot 09:00 ����������������������� Live ‘N’ Deadly 10:00 ��� Who Let the Dogs Out? 10:30 ��������I Want My Own Room 11:00 ��������������������������������Deadly Art

5:25 ���������������������������������������Weather

11:15 ������������ Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab

5:30 �����������Celebrity MasterChef

11:40 ��������������������MOTD Kickabout 12:00 ������������������������������ Cash in the Celebrity Attic

The Wedding of River Song

7:05 - 7:50pm - BBC1 As the Doctor makes his final journey to the shores of Lake Silencio in Utah, he knows only one thing can keep the universe safe – his own death. In the concluding episode of this series of the time-travelling drama. But has he reck-

oned without the love of a good woman? Doctor Who fans can also enjoy an extra helping of the Time Lord’s adventures in a special, one-off mini episode written by schoolchildren in Doctor Who Confidential on BBC Three tonight at 8:35pm.

6:00 ��� Strictly Come Dancing Sir Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly present the second part of a Strictly weekend special as Chelsee Healey, Edwina Currie, Harry Judd, Holly Valance, Jason Donovan, Nancy Dell’Olio and Rory Bremner all attempt to wow the judges with their professional partners. 7:05 ������������������������Doctor Who 7:50 ���������������������������������� Merlin Drama series telling the story of the famous wizard’s young adulthood in Camelot, set within a medieval world of fantasy and enchantment. 8:35 �����The National Lottery: Secret Fortune Playing for a Secret Fortune in this episode are brothers Lee and Dean. 9:25 ����������������������������� Casualty Wild Horses. Jeff and Omar butt heads over what makes a good paramedic, while Linda is forced to choose between breaking the law and saving Annie. 10:15 �������������������������BBC News 10:30 ���������� Match of the Day The 185th Merseyside derby between Liverpool and Everton took place at Anfield. Elsewhere, Manchester United hosted Norwich City.


12:45 �������������Astaire and Rogers Sing the Great American Songbook 1:15 �����������������Flying Down to Rio 2:40 �������������An American in Paris Gene Kelly is the American GI who stays in post-war Paris and falls for the gamine charms of Leslie Caron. Vincente Minnelli’s multi-Oscar winning musical charmer. 4:30 ��������Escape to the Country 5:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 6:30 ������������������������Dad’s Army 7:00 ������������������ Frost on Nixon The Nixon Interviews, first broadcast in 1977, gained record audiences and the high drama which surrounded them later became the subject of both a West End play and an Oscar-nominated film, Frost Nixon. 9:00 ������������������������������������QI XL 9:45 ���������������������� Frost/Nixon The story behind one of the most unforgettable moments in TV history. When disgraced President Richard Nixon agreed to an interview with jet-setting television personality David Frost. 11:40 �����������������Extraordinary Rendition

2:00 ����������������������������� The X Factor 3:30 ���������������������������People Do the Funniest Things 4:30 ��������������������Rugby World Cup 2011 Highlights 5:30 ������������������������Local News and Weather 5:45 ��������ITV News and Weather 6:00 �������������New You’ve Been Framed! Harry Hill presents more hilarious home videos sent in by the public. This episode features wacky women, a cowardly karate kid and a dirty chicken. 6:30 ������������������ All Star Family Fortunes Emmerdale actor Chris Bisson and his relatives compete against McFly singer Harry Judd and clan. 7:30 ����������������������The X Factor The remaining acts jet off around the world to the judges’ homes, where they will battle it out for a place in the final 16. 9:30 ������������������� The Jonathan Ross Show Jonathan’s guests include X Factor judges Gary Barlow and Tulisa Contostavlos, Hollywood star Ewan McGregor and Norwich’s favourite chat show host Alan Partridge (aka comedian Steve Coogan). 10:30 ITV News and Weather 10:45 ��������Shaun of the Dead A romantic comedy...with zombies. Shaun’s humdrum existence takes a turn for the interesting when the undead take over London. Leaping into action, Shaun gathers his loved ones in the safest place he knows - the pub.

7:50 - 8:35pm - BBC1 Merlin (Colin Morgan, centre) faces his toughest challenge yet as the drama returns for a new series. BBC One’s Merlin returns, with a thrilling two-part opener to the new series. Merlin faces his toughest challenge yet when Morgana’s blinkered determination threatens not only Arthur’s future, but also the very balance of the world. With her magic

Page 24

stronger than ever, the sorceress summons the mighty Callieach to tear open the veil between the worlds. Hellish creatures pour forth, killing all who succumb to their touch. With Uther a shadow of his former self, it falls to Arthur and his loyal knights, including Lancelot, to protect the kingdom. But it will take more than just swords to vanquish

their enemy and Merlin is shocked to the core when he discovers the only way to restore the equilibrium requires a sacrifice of unimaginable proportions... Colin Morgan plays Merlin, Katie McGrath plays Morgana, Bradley James plays Arthur, Gemma Jones plays Callieach, Anthony Head plays Uther and Santiago Cabrera plays Lancelot.

30 September - 6 October 2011


Television Guide


o ct o b e r

06:10 ��������������������������������������������� The Hoobs

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ������������������������������ Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 �������������������Don’t Forget the Lyrics

06:00 ��������������������������������������Jerry Springer

06:35 ��������������������������� The Vue Film Show

07:55 ���������������������������������������� Little Princess

06:30 �������������������������� FIFA Futbol Mundial

07:00 �������������������������������������������������Futurama

07:00 ��������������������������������������������������������Maury

07:00 ����������BT and Channel 4 Present...

08:10 ������The Adventures of Bottletop Bill and His Best Friend Corky

07:00 ����������������������������������� Road to London

08:00 ����������������������������������������������� Gladiators

08:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

08:25 ������������������������������� Angelina Ballerina

07:30 ����������������������������������������������������Ringside

09:00 ���������������������������������� World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars

09:00 �������������������������������� Ghost Whisperer

10:00 ��������������������������������������������Soccer A.M.

11:00 �������������������������������The Biggest Loser

07:05 ������������������������� FIM Superbike World Championship 2011 07:30 ���Cooper Tires British Formula 3 International Series

08:45 ���� Rupert Bear: Follow the Magic

07:55 ��������������������������������The Morning Line

09:00 ���������������������������������������������������������� Olivia

08:30 �������������� Sky Sports Victory Shield Wales take on Scotland at the Airfield Stadium in Flintshire.

09:15 ������������������������������The Mr. Men Show

10:00 ���������������������������������������������������Ringside

12:30 ������������������������������������������������Futurama

09:30 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

11:00 ������������������������� Rugby Super League

1:00 ���������������������������������������������������Futurama

09:40 �������������������������������������Animal Families

12:30 ���������������������������������������������������Ringside

1:30 ������������������������������������������������������Oops TV

2:00 ����������������������������� Britain and Ireland’s Next Top Model

10:00 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

1:30 ����������������������������� European Tour Golf Day three of the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship from St Andrews, Carnoustie and Kingsbarns.

2:00 ������������������������������������������� Showboaters

3:00 �����������������������������������Pushy and Proud

3:00 ���������������������� WWE Wrestling Special

4:00 ���������������������������������Dating in the Dark

4:00 �����������������������Next Door Nightmares

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

5:00 ������������������������������������������� Safebreakers

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

08:55 ���������������������Jason Derulo’s R’n’b it Girls Top 20 09:25 �������������������������������������������������Smallville 10:20 �������������������������������� T4 Movie Special 10:50 ����������������������������������� Video Exclusive 10:55 �������������������������������������� The Simpsons 11:25 �����������������������������������Made in Chelsea 12:30 �����������������������The Big Bang Theory 1:25 �����������������������That Paralympic Show 1:55 �����������������������������������Channel 4 Racing 4:10 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:50 ���������������������������� Channel 4 New 7:20 ���������������������������������� 7:25 �����������X-Men Origins: Wolverine 9:30 ���� The Million Pound Drop Live 10:55 ������������������������8 Out of 10 Cats 11:45 �����������������������������������Rude Tube

7:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May test the Aston Martin Rapide, the Porsche Panamera Turbo and the Maserati Quattroporte as they attempt to find the world’s greatest four-seat supercar. 8:05 ����������������World’s Craziest Fools 8:35 ����������Doctor Who Confidential Alex Kingston gets back into character as River Song and takes us on a personal journey through her timeline with The Doctor.

11:00 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother 12:00 ���������������������������������������������Big Brother 12:30 ���������������������Superior Interiors with Kelly Hoppen

5:30 ��������������������������� Rugby Super League

1:30 ��������������������������������������������������Zulu Dawn 3:50 �������������������������Battle at Apache Pass 5:30 �������������������������������Battle of the Bulge 8:20 ������������������������� 5 News Weekend 8:25 �������������������������������������������������NCIS

8:00 ����������������������������������� Fight Night Gavin Rees and Derry Matthews fight for the European lightweight title in Newport. This is Rees’s first defence of the title since claiming it from Andy Murray in June.

12:00 �������������������������������������������������������35mm

6:00 �������������������������������������Road Wars Tonight’s high speed chase sees the police racing through the grounds of a Milton Keynes hospital.

10:00 ������������������������������The Biggest Loser 12:00 ����� Fat Families: Second Helpings 1:00 �����������������������������������������Steps Reunion

7:30 ��������������������������������������� Futurama

6:00 ������������������������������Steps Reunion Ten years after pop act Steps parted ways acrimoniously, Claire Richards, Ian ‘H’ Watkins, Faye Tozer, Lisa Scott-Lee and Lee Latchford-Evans reunite to reflect on the past.

7:00 ��������������������������������������� Futurama 8:00 �������������������������������������� Futurama

7:00 �����������������������������Drop Dead Diva

10:00 ���������������� Rugby Super League

8:30 �������������������������������������� Futurama

8:00 �������������������������Pushy and Proud

9:00 ��������������������������������������Flightplan

9:00 ����������������������������� Criminal Minds

11:20 ������������������������ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:30 ������������������� Premiership Rugby Leicester visit the Recreation Ground to face Bath in round five of the Aviva Premiership.

06:00 ��������������� H20 Powerboating 2011

9:30 ������������������������������������Big Brother 10:25 �������������Law and Order: Special Victims Unit

10:55 �����������������������������������Cop Squad

10:00 ����������������������������Teen Wolf Too

11:55 ��������������������������� Law and Order

11:50 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

06:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Omnibus

06:30 ������������������������������������Asian Amateur Championship Golf

07:10 �������������������������������������������������������TOTP 2

07:00 ����������������������������������Thirtysomething

08:30 ��������������Planet’s Funniest Animals

08:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

09:00 �������������������������������The X Factor USA

07:00 ���������������������������������Take it Like a Fan

08:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

10:00 ����������������������������������������������Shark Tank

10:50 �������������������������������The X Factor USA

07:30 ������������� Football League Weekend

09:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Hardliners

10:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

12:40 �������������������������������������������������Apollo 13

08:30 ���������� Champions League Weekly

12:00 �����������������Red Bull X-Fighters 2011

11:00 ��������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:20 �������������������������The Only Way is Essex

09:00 ��������������������������������Barclays Premier League Preview

1:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

12:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

4:05 �������������������������The Only Way is Essex

2:00 �������������� James May’s 20th Century

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

4:50 ��������������������������������������������The X Factor

2:40 ���������������������������������������������������������� Genius

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

3:20 ��������������������Have I Got News for You

3:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

5:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

09:30 ��������������������������������Take it Like a Fan 10:00 �������������������������������������������Soccer A.M.

9:30 �������������������������������������������Con Air High-octane action blockbuster set aboard a federal aeroplane transporting convicts to a maximum security facility.

7:40 �������������������������������������� Red Dwarf

7:30 ����������������������������Flying Monsters

6:20 �������������������������������������Catwoman A shy graphic designer at a cosmetics company is murdered by her employer after stumbling on a corporate conspiracy. Resurrected by a psychic Egyptian cat, she is transformed into a leather-clad superhero complete with feline agility, and she sets out for revenge.

7:30 �����������������You’re on Sky Sports!

8:20 ����������������������� I’m Alan Partridge

9:00 �����������������������������������The Borgias

8:30 ��������������������������Homes from Hell

8:25 �������������������������������Football First

9:00 ������������� Dave’s One Night Stand

10:00 ���������������������������������This is Jinsy

9:30 ��������������������������� The Xtra Factor

11:20 ���������������������������������� Family Guy

10:15 �����������������������������Football First

10:00 ����������� Dave’s One Night Stand

10:30 �������������������������� Bored to Death

10:30 ��������������������������� Celebrity Juice

11:45 �����������������������������Football First

11:00 ����������� Dave’s One Night Stand

11:05 ����������������������������� The Sopranos

11:15 �����������������������������Happy Gilmore

9:20 ������������ Great Movie Mistakes 2: The Sequel Robert Webb uncovers clangers and gaffes in Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters.

12:00 �����������������������Ford Football Special 3:00 ������������������������������ Premiership Rugby 5:10 ��������������������Saturday Night Football Derby County visit the King Power Stadium to face Leicester City in the npower Championship.

30 September - 6 October 2011

6:00 �������������������������������� Dragons’ Den

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

7:00 �������������Have I Got News for You

7:00 ����������������������� Britain and Ireland From the Sky

Page 25

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S u n day

08:00 ������������Dennis and Gnasher

08:00 �����Rugby World Cup 2011 Italy stand between Ireland and the top place in Pool C after their famous win over Australia eased their path to the quarter-finals.

08:10 ��������������Junior MasterChef

11:00 ������ITV News and Weather

08:40 ���������������������������������� Wingin’ It

11:05 �������������������������Dragon Heart: A New Beginning

06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ���������������������������������� Penelope

07:35 ������������������Match of the Day The 185th Merseyside derby between Liverpool and Everton took place at Anfield, with the visitors looking for their first win at the home of their old adversaries since September 1999.

06:05 �������������������� Guess with Jess

09:00 ����The Andrew Marr Show 10:00 ���������� Sunday Morning Live

06:15 ��������������������The Pingu Show 06:30 ������������������������������������� MotoGP

09:00 �������������Sam and Mark’s Big Friday Wind Up

1:00 ����������������������������� The X Factor

10:00 �����������������������Something for the Weekend

3:00 ������������������������������Countrywise

1:05 ������������� EastEnders Omnibus

11:30 ������������������ The Great British Bake Off

5:15 ��������������������Rugby World Cup 2011 Highlights

3:00 ���������Escape to the Country

12:30 ������������������������������������� MotoGP

Alan Davies’

4:00 �������������������������������������Deadly 60

2:00 ����Racing from Longchamp

4:30 ������������������������Planet Dinosaur

3:35 ���������������������������Rugby League

5:00 ���������������������������Points of View

Teenage Revolution

5:30 ������������������������ Songs of Praise

4:30 �����James May’s Things You Need to Know...

10:00 - 11:00pm - DAVE

6:30 ��������������������������� BBC News

11:00 �����������������������Country Tracks 12:00 �����������������The Politics Show

Space Hoppers, The A Team, Live Aid, Deely Boppers, BMXs shoulder pads, Wham! And Choc Dips. Yes, the 1980s had it all. For comedian Alan Davies he grew up in this amazing decade; a decade that seemed to have everything. From music and politics, to

celebrity and technology, the 1980s were a decade of change… and turmoil. Packed with super-cool footage and his very own home videos, Alan looks back at his teenage years and explores how his own upbringing was interlinked with events that were hap-

6:50 ������������������ Regional News

pening around the world. He goes back to Essex to rediscover his rebellious schoolboy years, recounts how he left the suburbs to fight for a host of political causes in Thatcher’s Britain and tries to get his head around what exactly the 1980s gave us.

6:55 ����������������������������� Weather 7:00 ������������������������� Countryfile Matt Baker and Helen Skelton brave the rain in Cumbria to visit the World Sheepdog Trials. Matt discovers the beautiful Lowther Estate, where the trials are held, before taking on Helen in a sheepdog challenge. 8:00 �������� Antiques Roadshow 9:00 �������������������������������� Spooks MI5 receive a red flash: radioactive material has been detected at an airport. They have intelligence that a highly dangerous anarchist with a penchant for dirty bombs has secretly entered the country. 10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:15 ���������������� Regional News 10:20 ��������������������������� Weather 10:25 ��������� My Favourite Joke 10:55 ����������������� Outnumbered 11:25 ������������ Ask Rhod Gilbert Rhod Gilbert is joined by regular panellists Greg Davies and Lloyd Langford, along with guests Deborah Meaden from Dragons’ Den, Craig Revel Horwood and Shappi Khorsandi in the comedic search for answers to some more of the world’s most intriguing questions.

Page 26

5:00 ����The Riba’s Best Buildings of 2011 Special 6:00 ���How to Win in the Den The Art of Negotiation. Casting an analytical eye over the highs and lows experienced by the hundreds of brave entrepreneurs who have dared to enter the Den over the last nine series. 7:00 ����������������������������� Top Gear 8:00 �����������A South American Journey with Jonathan Dimbleby Dimbleby embarks on a 6000-mile journey through Brazil, the continent’s largest country and home to 190 million people.

9:00 ������������Fry’s Planet Word 10:00 �������Match of the Day 2 Across the capital, west London neighbours Fulham and Queens Park Rangers meet in the top flight surprisingly for the first time, while Chelsea travel north to Bolton and new boys Swansea entertain Stoke.

4:00 ���������������������� Downton Abbey

6:15 ����������������� Local News and Weather 6:30 �� ITV News and Weather 6:45 �� Holding Out for a Hero In this episode, the contenders are trying to win money for East Renfrewshire Good Causes, Limbcare and Storm. 7:45 ����������������������The X Factor Dermot O’Leary hosts the second judges’ houses show. In four locations around the world, it is make or break time for the remaining hopefuls as they find out whether or not they have made it to the live shows. 9:00 ���������������Downton Abbey It is 1917 and Downton has been turned into a convalescent home for wounded officers. There is a lot to do, and the arrival of the first patients turns the house upside down. 10:15 ������������������� That Sunday Night Show Adrian Chiles and his guests take a look back at the week’s big stories and events. This week he is joined by comedian Jenny Eclair, broadcaster Richard Madeley and politician Alan Johnson.

11:20 ��������������Mock the Week

10:45 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather

11:50 ���������������������� Kidulthood British drama which centres around a day in the life of a group of troubled 15-yearolds growing up on an impoverished west London estate.

11:00 �������������� Missing Millions In this episode, Melanie heads to Doncaster to track down ex-miner Cyril Marsh, who seems to have disappeared, leaving a substantial sum of money behind.

30 September - 6 October 2011


Television Guide

n d

o ct o b e r

06:10 ����������������������������������������������The Hoobs

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ������������������������������ Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ��������������������������� The Hour of Power

06:00 �������������������������������������Jerry Springer

06:35 ����������������������������������������������The Hoobs

08:05 ������The Adventures of Bottletop Bill and His Best Friend Corky

06:30 ���������������������������������������� Football First

07:00 ��������������������Brainiac: History Abuse

07:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

08:25 ������������������������������� Angelina Ballerina

08:00 ���������������������������������������� Football First

08:00 ��������������������������������� Best of Oops TV

08:00 ���������������������������Nothing to Declare

09:30 ����������������The Sunday Supplement

09:00 �������������������������� Football’s Next Star

08:30 ���������������������������Nothing to Declare

11:00 ���������������������������������� Goals on Sunday

10:00 ���������������������������������� World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars

09:00 ���������������������������� The Biggest Loser

11:00 ���������������������������������WWE Experience

11:00 �������������������������������� Ghost Whisperer

07:00 ��������������������������������������Ironman Wales 07:50 ���������� BT and Channel 4 Present... 07:55 �������������������������������������������One Tree Hill 08:50 ��������������������������������������������Battlefront 09:05 �����������������������������Hollyoaks Omnibus 11:35 ���������������������������������������������������Kasabian 12:10 ����������������������������������T4 Movie Special 12:45 ����������������Cheaper by the Dozen 2 2:45 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons 3:20 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons 3:50 ������������ BT and Channel 4 Present... 3:55 �����������������������������������������Best of British 4:55 ���������������������������������������Deal or No Deal 5:55 ��������������������������������������Channel 4 News 6:25 ��������������������������������� 6:30 ��������������������������������������� Star Trek 9:00 ��������� Fighting on the Frontline 10:00 ����������������������������� Nowhere Boy British artist Sam Taylor-Wood makes her feature directorial debut with this Film4-funded exploration of John Lennon’s early life. 11:50 �������������������������������Arthur’s Day

7:00 �����������������������������������Doctor Who By the shores of Lake Silencio in Utah, all of time and space hang in the balance - for this is the day the Doctor dies. 7:45 �����������Doctor Who Confidential 8:00 �����������������������������Young Soldiers 9:00 ������������������������Live at the Apollo 8 Out of 10 Cats star Sean Lock introduces Liverpool’s finest, John Bishop, from the world-famous Hammersmith Apollo. 9:30 ������������������������Live at the Apollo Lee Mack, comedian and star of BBC One sitcom Not Going Out, presents sets from American comic Rich Hall and Scotland’s Danny Bhoy. 10:00 ����������������������������������� The Fades Neil goes underground to begin planning his fight back against the Fades. 11:00 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:45 ���������������������������� American Dad

08:40 ���� Rupert Bear: Follow the Magic 09:00 ���������������������������������������������������������� Olivia 09:10 ������������������������������The Mr. Men Show 09:25 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car 09:40 �������������������������������������Animal Families 10:00 ������������Bupa Great Edinburgh Run 11:30 ���������������������������������� Inside Hollywood 11:40 ��������������������������������The Beat Goes On 12:40 ���������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:40 ������������������������������������������������Westbound 3:05 ����������������������������������������������Stand by Me 4:45 ����������������������������������������������The Goonies

1:00 �������������������������������Ford Super Sunday Bolton play host to Chelsea at the Reebok Stadium in the Barclays Premier League. The Trotters haven’t scored against Chelsea in their last five meetings. 3:30 �������������������������������Ford Super Sunday Tottenham and Arsenal contest their first North London derby of the Barclays Premier League season at White Hart Lane. The sides played out a thrilling 3-3 draw in this fixture last season.

12:00 ���������������������������������UK Border Force 1:00 �����������������������Next Door Nightmares 2:00 ���������������������� WWE Wrestling Special 3:00 ����������������������������������������� Inside Gatwick 4:00 ����������������������������������������� Inside Gatwick 5:00 ����������������������������������������� Inside Gatwick 6:00 ������������������������������Inside Gatwick 7:00 �������������������������������Inside Gatwick 8:00 �������������������������������The Simpsons

10:00 ���������������������������� The Biggest Loser 12:00 ������������������������������������������ Fat Families 1:00 ���������������������������������������������������������35mm 1:15 ����������������������������������������Criminal Minds 2:15 ����������������������������������������Criminal Minds 3:15 ������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 4:15 ������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 5:15 ����������������������������������������������������������Bones 6:15 ������������������������������Teen Wolf Too 8:00 ������������������ Britain and Ireland’s Next Top Model

7:00 ������������������Extraordinary People

6:30 ��������������������������������������������La Liga

8:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

8:00 ��������������������������������������������5 News

7:00 ���������������������������������������������La Liga

8:05 ������������������������������������������Warship

9:00 ��������������������������������������������La Liga

9:00 ������������������������������������Big Brother

11:00 �������� Scottish Premier League Hearts welcome Celtic to Tynecastle Stadium in the Clydesdale Bank Scottish Premier League. The hosts beat the Glaswegian giants 2-0 in their first meeting here last season.

9:00 ��������� Strike Back Project Dawn Section 20’s latest lead, an MI6 agent called John Allen, takes Stonebridge and Scott from Vienna to a deadly mission in Kosovo. 10:00 ���������������� Ross Kemp on Gangs Ross Kemp meets teenage gang members in Liverpool.

10:00 ���������������������������Steps Reunion

11:30 ��� Football First-Match Choice

11:00 �����������������������������������Cop Squad

11:00 �������������������������������������������Chase

06:00 ��������������������������������Take it Like a Fan

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 �������� Coronation Street Omnibus

06:30 ��������������������������������������������Wild Spirits

07:10 �������������������������������������������������������TOTP 2

07:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

08:05 ����������������������� Emmerdale Omnibus

07:00 ������������������������������������NRL Grand Final

08:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

08:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

11:00 ��������� Coronation Street Omnibus

10:00 ���������������Fight Night International Sergio Martinez takes on Darren Barker at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, for the WBC Diamond middleweight title. British fighter Barker has won all 23 of his professional bouts to date.

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

09:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

1:30 ����������������Planet’s Funniest Animals

10:00 �����������������������������������������������������������Tribe

10:00 �����������������Inside the Actors Studio

2:00 �������������������������������� 71 Degrees North

11:00 �������������������������������������������������������TOTP 2

11:00 ������������������Inside the Actors Studio

3:00 �������������������������������������The Xtra Factor

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

12:00 �����������������Inside the Actors Studio

3:55 ������������������������������������Minute to Win it

2:00 ������������������� Three Men Go To Ireland

1:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

4:55 ������������������������������������������������Catwoman

12:00 ��������������������������������������������Wild Spirits

3:00 ��������������������������������������������������������������Tribe

2:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

3:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:00 ����������������������������������Shallow Hal Comedy about a shallow man who only dates young, beautiful women until a motivational entrepreneur hypnotises him so that he is only able to see inner beauty.

12:30 ��������������������������European Tour Golf Day four of the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship from St Andrews. 5:30 ��������������������������������American Football Detroit Lions head to the Cowboys Stadium to face Dallas.

9:30 ������������������������������������������������� NFL New England Patriots are in Oakland to face the Raiders at the Coliseum.

30 September - 6 October 2011

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

9:00 ������������������������Pushy and Proud Disco Diva Mums. Enter the world of freestyle dance where sequins and sparkle are the order of the day, and meet the mums who spends thousands of pounds on their children’s love of dancing.

7:00 ����������������������� The Biggest Loser Davina McCall presents the final of the weight loss competition. 8:00 ����������� Help! I Caught it Abroad

6:00 ������������Red Bull X-Fighters 2011

9:00 �������������������������� The Xtra Factor

7:00 ������������ Three Men Go To Ireland

6:00 ���������������������������Flying Monsters

10:15 ������������� The Only Way is Essex

8:00 ������������������ Jo Brand’s Big Splash 9:00 ������������������������������������������������QI XL

7:30 ����������������������� Britain and Ireland From the Sky

10:00 ���������������������������������Alan Davies’ Teenage Revolution

8:00 ������������Inside the Actors Studio 9:00 �����������������������Boardwalk Empire

11:00 �������������������������� Mock the Week

10:15 ���������������������Boardwalk Empire

11:40 ����������������������������������� Red Dwarf

11:35 ���������������������������������The Borgias

11:00 ����������������� Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous FBI agent Gracie Hart has maintained her glamorous makeover, and is about to embark on a promotional tour around the country, along with her unimpressed bodyguard Sam.

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

M o n day 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ��������������������������Children’s TV

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:20 ��������������������The Pingu Show

07:00 ��������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

09:35 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

07:45 ��������������������������������� Pet Squad

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

11:00 ������������������������� Dirty Tricks of the Tradesmen 11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:13 �����BBC News and Weather 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News 1:30 ���������������������������Regional News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef 3:00 �������BBC News and Weather


3:01 ���������������������������Regional News

8:00 - 10.00 PM - SKY1

3:35 ��������������������������������������Wingin’ It

Love dinosaurs, action, drama and amazing special effects? Say hello to your new favourite dinotastic Sky1 show, Terra Nova. Terra Nova follows an ordinary family on an incredible journey back in time to prehistoric Earth as a small part of a daring experiment to save the human race. In the year 2149, the world is dying. The planet is overdeveloped and overcrowded,

with the majority of plant and animal life extinct. The future of mankind is in doubt, and its only hope for survival is in the distant past. When scientists at the FERMI Particle Accelerator unexpectedly discovered a fracture in time that made it possible to construct a portal into primeval history, the bold notion was born to resettle humanity in the past – a second chance to rebuild civiliza-

3:05 ������������Natural Born Hunters 3:20 �����������������������������������������The Owl 4:00 �����������Dick and Dom Go Wild

tion and get it right this time. The show centres on the Shannon family as they join the Tenth Pilgrimage of settlers to “Terra Nova”, the first colony established in this beautiful yet forbidding land. Jim Shannon (Jason O’Mara, Life on Mars, Monarch of the Glen), a devoted father with a checkered past, guides his family through this new world of limitless beauty, mystery and terror.

4:30 ������������������������������������Blue Peter

08:30 ��������������Green Balloon Club Goes on Holiday 08:50 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld 09:05 ����������������� Tinga Tinga Tales 09:30 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 09:40 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch

6:30 �� ITV News and Weather

10:15 ������������������������������������ZingZillas

7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Laurel is surprised by her feelings when Marlon takes Rachel out for the afternoon.

10:40 ���������������������������������Waybuloo

5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround

1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder

5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless

1:45 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 ������������������� The Weakest Link

6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News

3:00 ������������ Wanted Down Under

6:30 ������������������ Regional News

3:45 ��������Escape to the Country

7:00 ��������������������The One Show

4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It!

7:30 �����Bang Goes the Theory

5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip

9:00 ���������������� Motorway Cops 10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:25 ���������������� Regional News 10:30 ��������������������������� Weather 10:35 ������A Question of Sport 11:05 ������������������������������ Spooks MI5 receive a red flash: radioactive material has been detected at an airport.

6:00 ���������������� Local News and Weather

10:00 ����������������������� Get Squiggling

11:00 ��������������������������� Daily Politics, Conservative Conference

8:30 �������������������������� Panorama With millions of people enduring pay freezes and cuts, the national minimum wage is supposed at least to guarantee that pay cannot drop below a legal minimum level.

5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase

09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train

4:45 ��������������������� Shaun the Sheep

8:00 ������������������������ EastEnders Eddie keeps his suspicions about the nature of Michael and Vanessa’s relationship in check during Craig’s visit, but a shock revelation changes everything.

4:00 ���������������������There’s No Taste Like Home

6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 6:30 �� Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 7:00 ����������������������������������� Coast Neil Oliver explores the abandoned site of an experimental radar, built to spy deep into the Soviet Union during the Cold War. 8:00 ������ University Challenge 8:30 ������������������Home Cooking Made Easy 9:00 �������������������� Dragons’ Den The final set of hopeful entrepreneurs of this series ready themselves to face the five multimillionaire investors. 10:00 �������������� Never Mind the Buzzcocks 10:30 �����������������������Newsnight 11:20 ������������������� Today at the Conference 11:50 ����������Fry’s Planet Word

7:30 ������������Coronation Street Will Kevin blow his chances with Sally? Steve arrives back downbeat after Jim is sentenced. 8:00 �������������������Little England Retired army pilot Andy Spillane and his wife Nicky, who moved from Norfolk to run an alpaca farm, much to the amazement of the fascinated locals. 8:30 �����������Coronation Street Kevin is stunned to spot Sally and Jeff together. Tracy takes advantage of Steve’s vulnerability. 9:00 ������������������������ Doc Martin Bert Large and pub landlord Mark Bridge are both keen to take advantage of a fun run event to boost their takings by providing food for runners and spectators - but Martin puts paid to Mark’s enterprise when he diagnoses an infection which means Mark must not handle food. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 Exposure: The Factory 11:35 ��������That Sunday Night Show

The Truth About Child Brides 9:00 - 10.00 PM - BBC3 Nel Hedayat goes on a compelling and revealing journey to find out what life is really like for a child bride. Across the world, 10 million girls a year marry under the age of 18; that’s one every three seconds. Nel travels to India and Bangladesh, countries with two of the highest rates of child marriage in the world. Nel is no stranger to the idea of child marriage – her aunt-

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ies and grandmothers were child brides – but what she sees challenges everything she thought. She attends the eye-opening wedding of two sisters in Rajasthan – one barely in her teens and her even younger sibling. In Bangladesh, the programme meets a 14-year-old girl who was married last year to a 19-year-old man and is now four months pregnant.

Nel meets women who regret missing out on carefree childhoods and a chance to study. She learns that early marriage frequently leads to early pregnancy and painful, life-threatening labours. The film features child brides in Bangladesh who give birth before their bodies are fully developed and end up with a horrific medical condition that leaves them social outcasts.

30 September - 6 October 2011


Television Guide

r d

o ct o b e r

06:05 ��������������������������� The Treacle People

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

06:15 ��������������������������������������������� The Hoobs

08:30 ��������������������� Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

06:30 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

09:00 ���������Football First-Match Choice

07:00 ������������� So You Think You’re Safe?

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

10:30 ����������� Champions League Weekly

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

11:00 �������������������������������������������������������La Liga

09:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare 11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

07:05 ������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed 07:35 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond 08:30 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier 09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US 09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny 10:55 �� Help! My House is Falling Down 12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed 1:05 ���������������������������������������������High Society 3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip 5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff 11:10 ������������������������������������LIVE with Gabby 12:10 �������������������������������5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15 ��������������������������������������������������� CSI: Miami 3:15 ���������������������Love’s Unfolding Dream 5:00 �����������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away

7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV

7:55 ����������������������������������

7:00 ������������������������������������ 5 News at 7

8:00 ������������������������������������Dispatches

7:30 ����������������������� Celebrity Wish List

9:00 ����������������� Embarrassing Bodies

8:00 ������������������������ The Gadget Show

10:00 �����������������������������������Rude Tube

9:00 ��������������������The Hotel Inspector

12:30 ����������������Scottish Premier League

10:00 �������������������������������������������������Lie to Me

1:00 ��������������Champions League Weekly

11:00 ��������������������������������������������������Lie to Me

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:30 ������������Football First-Match Choice Sarah-Jane Mee presents highlights from all of today’s fixtures in the Barclays Premier League.

12:00 �������������������������������Sun, Sea and A&E

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

2:00 �����Emergency with Angela Griffin

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

5:00 �������������������������������������������������Road Wars

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

6:00 ��������������A League of Their Own

6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:00 �������������������Scottish Premier League 3:30 ���������������������������������������������������������La Liga 5:00 �������������������Scottish Premier League Hearts welcome Celtic to Tynecastle Stadium in the Clydesdale Bank Scottish Premier League. 5:30 ��������������Champions League Weekly

6:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons 7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons 7:30 ��������������������������������The Simpsons 8:00 ������������������������������������ Terra Nova

6:00 �������Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits

9:00 ������������������������������������ Terra Nova 10:00 �������������������������An Idiot Abroad The next ‘thing to do’ for Karl to, er, do is a trip aboard the Trans-Siberian Express.

7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds 8:00 ������������������������������Steps Reunion 9:00 �������������������������Pushy and Proud Botox Mum. The final film in this revealing documentary series meets mothers who believe plastic surgery and cosmetic enhancements are the norm.

11:05 ����������������������������� Random Acts

10:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

7:00 ���������������World Grand Prix Darts Day one of the World Grand Prix Darts from the Citywest Hotel in Dublin.

11:10 ��������������������������������� Fresh Meat

11:00 �� Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

11:30 ����������������������������� SPL Round-Up

11:00 �����������������������������������Cop Squad

11:00 ������������������������������������������� Bones

7:00 ����������������������Don’t Tell the Bride

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

Derby nurse David hopes to impress his brainy prospective bride Lucy by arranging a wedding based on her favourite book, Pride and Prejudice, despite knowing nothing about the classic Jane Austen tale.

06:30 ��������������������� Kings of the Extreme

07:10 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:50 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

07:00 ���������������� H20 Powerboating 2011

07:35 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

07:30 �������������������������������������Asian Amateur Championship Golf

08:00 ������������������������������������������������������Airport

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

08:00 ��������������������������������������PGA Tour Golf Day four of the Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospitals for Children Open from TPC Summerlin in Las Vegas.

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

10:00 �������������������������������������Seaside Rescue

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of New York City

11:20 ���������������������������������������������Trawlermen

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

2:00 ����������������������������������������Seaside Rescue

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

3:20 �����������������������������������������������Trawlermen

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

8:00 ���������������������������Planet Dinosaur 8:30 ����������������������������The Real Hustle Ex-policeman and Crimewatch presenter Rav Wilding experiences the wrong side of the law as he becomes a guest hustler.

9:00 ������������������������� The Truth About Child Brides

11:00 ���������������������������European Tour Golf 1:00 ������������������Fight Night International 3:00 ������������������������������ Premiership Rugby 4:00 ���������������������������������������� IndyCar Series

6:00 �����������������������������Seaside Rescue

12:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street 1:00 ������������������������������������������������Emmerdale 1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

5:40 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

7:00 �����������������������Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

6:05 ������������������������������������Judge Judy 6:35 ������������������������������������Judge Judy

7:30 ���� Elite League Speedway Final

9:00 ������������������Have I Got a Bit More News for You

8:00 ������������Inside the Actors Studio 9:00 ����������������������������������������Carnivàle

7:00 ����������������������������������The X Factor

9:30 �����������������������������������Netbusters

10:00 ���������������� Jo Brand’s Big Splash

10:05 ���������������������������������This is Jinsy

9:00 ����������������������� Hell’s Kitchen USA

10:00 ���������������������� Barclays Premier League Review

11:00 ��������������������������� Shooting Stars

10:35 ���������� Flight of the Conchords

10:00 BT Digital Music Awards 2011

11:40 That Mitchell and Webb Look

11:10 �����������������������������Cinema Verite

11:00 �������� The World is Not Enough

10:30 ����������������������������������� The Fades

6:00 ����������������Kings of the Extreme

7:20 ������������������������������������Trawlermen

Realising how high the stakes have become, Paul decides the upcoming school ball will be his big goodbye to his old life.

6:30 ����������������������������������� Extra Time

8:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear

11:52 ���������������������������������� Family Guy

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

6:40 �����������������������������Seaside Rescue

10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders

11:30 ���������������������������������� Family Guy

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:00 ������������������������������������������ Ringer

7:00 ������������������������������������Netbusters

30 September - 6 October 2011

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Television Guide

T u e s day 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ���������������������������Little Robots

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:10 �������������������� Guess with Jess

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

06:20 ��������������������The Pingu Show

09:25 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

07:45 ��������������������������������� Pet Squad

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

11:00 �����������������Dirty Tricks of the Tradesmen 11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:13 �����BBC News and Weather 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News 1:30 ���������������������������Regional News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef 3:00 �������BBC News and Weather 3:01 ���������������������������Regional News 3:05 ������������Natural Born Hunters 3:20 �����������������������������������������The Owl 3:35 ��������������������������������������Wingin’ It 4:00 �����������������������������Hotel Trubble 4:30 ������������������������������������Blue Peter 4:45 ��������������������� Shaun the Sheep 5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround 5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless

Page 30

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped 08:30 ��������������Green Balloon Club Goes on Holiday

4:00 ���������������������There’s No Taste

08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld

5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase

Like Home

09:05 ����������������� Tinga Tinga Tales 09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train 09:25 �������������������������� Chuggington 09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch 10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling 10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas 10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo 11:05 �������������In the Night Garden 11:35 �����The Pink Panther Show

6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News

12:00 �������������������������� Daily Politics, Conservative Conference

6:30 ������������������ Regional News

1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder

7:00 ��������������������The One Show

1:45 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy

7:30 ������������������������� EastEnders Vanessa fights her corner with Eddie, betraying Michael in the process, but whose story will he believe?

2:15 ������������������� The Weakest Link

8:00 �������������������������� Holby City Oliver is tempted by the prospect of an attractive new corporate life, but will he re-discover his love for medicine?

5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip

9:00 ����������������� The Body Farm Eve and the team are called to a women’s prison to carry out tests on the body of an inmate, Beth Fox.

7:00 ��������������������� Dragons’ Den

3:00 ������������ Wanted Down Under 3:45 ��������Escape to the Country 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It!

6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 6:30 �� Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 8:00 ������������� The Great British Bake Off 9:00 ���������� Hairy Bikers’ Meals

10:00 ������������������������� BBC News

on Wheels

10:35 ����������������������� Transplant

10:00 ������������ Later Live... with

11:35 ������������� Alex: A Life Fast Forward Alex Lewis knows he does not have much longer to live. Aged 21 he finds himself falling hopelessly in love and can’t quite believe what’s happening.

Jools Holland 10:30 �����������������������Newsnight 11:20 ������������������� Today at the Conference 11:50 ���������A South American Journey with Jonathan Dimbleby

6:00 ���������������� Local News and Weather 6:30 �� ITV News and Weather 7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Ashley unwittingly pushes Laurel and Marlon closer together. Just how far will Alicia go to prove that she is over Andy? 7:30 ���������������� Mayday Mayday Two friends find themselves cut off by the sea after they go exploring caves at a secret beach off Corbyn Head in Torbay. 8:00 ���������������� Missing Millions Melanie faces her toughest case yet as she tries to find the rightful beneficiary of an 85-year-old savings policy - with only a date of birth in 1904, an initial and a surname to work from. 9:00 ������������71 Degrees North There are high stakes for the remaining seven celebrities this week as two of the group are ‘kidnapped’ and the others must face a terrifying abseil down a frozen waterfall to find them. 10:00 �������������ITV News at Ten 10:35 �������������������������DCI Banks When Annie looks into the murder of a paralysed and disfigured woman whose body is found on the moor, her first case as Senior Investigating Officer proves challenging. 11:35 ������������������ Billy Connolly Route 66

30 September - 6 October 2011


Television Guide

t h

o ct o b e r

06:05 ������������������������������������������Children’sTV

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:15 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ������������� So You Think You’re Safe?

06:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

08:25 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

08:25 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

09:00 ���������������������������������Barclays Premier

10:00 �������������������������������������������������Lie to Me

07:30 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

League Review

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

10:55 �� Help! My House is Falling Down

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:00 ���������������������������������������������Netbusters

12:00 �����������������Body Language Secrets: How to Get What You Want

12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed

11:10 ������������������������������������LIVE with Gabby

12:35 ���������BT and Channel 4 Present...

12:10 �������������������������������5 News Lunchtime

10:30 �������������������Elite League Speedway The first leg of the Elite League Speedway Grand Final.

12:40 ���������������� Brief Encounters of the Sporting Mind

12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother

12:30 ���������������������������������������������Netbusters

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1 4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

12:45 �����������������The Cassandra Crossing

1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15 ��������������������������������������������������� CSI: Miami

1:00 ����������������������World Grand Prix Darts Day one of the World Grand Prix Darts from the Citywest Hotel in Dublin.

3:15 ����������������������������Murder in Greenwich

5:30 �������������������������������������������� Football Asia

3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip 5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks 7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News 7:55 ����������������������������������

1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away

5:00 �����������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away 6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV 7:00 ������������������������������������ 5 News at 7 7:30 ���������Real Food Family Cook Off

6:00 ������������������������ Revista de la Liga 7:00 ���������������World Grand Prix Darts Day two of the World Grand Prix Darts from the Citywest Hotel in Dublin.

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport 2:00 �����Emergency with Angela Griffin

5:00 �������������������������������������������������Road Wars 6:00 ��������������A League of Their Own 6:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons 7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons 7:30 ��������������������������������The Simpsons 8:00 �������������������������������������Road Wars 9:00 ������������������������������Inside Gatwick 10:00 ������������������������������������Flightplan Imagine being on a plane with your daughter, having a nap, and waking up to discover that not only has she disappeared, but that the crew and everyone around you insists that she was never on board in the first place.

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model 10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare 11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds 3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds 4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model 5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 6:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

9:00 ���������������Mary Queen of Frocks

8:00 �������������� Superior Interiors with Kelly Hoppen

10:00 �����������������������������������Shameless

9:00 ���������������������������������������CSI: Miami

11:05 ����������������������������� Random Acts

10:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

11:10 ���������������������������������� True Blood

11:00 ��������������������������������Swept Away

11:30 ������������������� Football’s Greatest Eusebio. The legendary Portuguese forward boasted a phenomenal scoring record. He scored more than 700 goals for Benfica and was the top goal scorer at the 1966 World Cup.

7:00 ������������������������������� Total Wipeout The Motivator provides a little help for those feeling reluctant to throw themselves of the edge, and the Dodgeball Boys provide added impetus in the form of wet foam bullets on Dizzy Dummies.

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

06:30 ��������������������� Kings of the Extreme

07:10 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:50 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

07:00 ������������������� World Grand Prix Darts

07:35 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

11:30 ��������������������������������������������� Extra Time

08:00 ������������������������������������������������������Airport

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

12:00 ����������������������������������������������������������� Golf

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

1:00 ������������������������������������������������Trilby Tour

10:00 ��������Ray Mears: Extreme Survival

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of New York City

2:00 � Barclays Premier League Review

11:00 ������������������������������������������������������������Tribe

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

3:00 �����������������������������������������SPL Round-Up

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:30 �����������������������������������������������Netbusters

2:00 �����������Ray Mears: Extreme Survival

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

4:00 ��������������������� Elite League Speedway

3:00 ��������������������������������������������������������������Tribe

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

8:00 ����������� Gok’s Clothes Roadshow

8:00 �� Young Voters’ Question Time For three weeks the political parties have been having their say, and now it’s the turn of an audience of people all aged under 25. 9:00 ���������������������Don’t Tell the Bride Harry is a hardworking fisherman, loves everything about the sea and is drawn to it at any opportunity. Mel is a mobile hairdresser and her world is very different to Harry’s. 10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders 10:30 �����������������������������������������Wilfred 10:55 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:17 ����������������������������������� Family Guy 11:40 ���������������������������� American Dad

6:00 ���������������������������������� Boots ‘n’ All 7:00 ��������������������� Cycle Sports World

11:55 �������������������������������������������35mm

8:00 �������������������������Pushy and Proud 9:00 ��������America’s Next Top Model 10:00 �����������������������The Secret Circle 11:00 ������������������������������������������� Bones

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy 12:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street 1:00 ������������������������������������������������Emmerdale 1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of New York City 4:35 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy 5:00 �������� The Sugababes... the Hotdesk

7:30 �����������������������Greyhound Racing The William Hill St Ledger from Wimbledon.

6:00 ����Ray Mears: Extreme Survival

10:00 ����������������������Revista de la Liga

8:00 ������������������ Jo Brand’s Big Splash

11:00 ������� National Beach Volleyball The cream of the Volleyball England Beach Tour gather in Bournemouth for the highlight event of the year: the National Finals.

9:00 ������������������������������������������������QI XL

8:30 ���������������������� Britain and Ireland From the Sky

10:00 �������������������������� Mock the Week

9:00 ��������������������Battlestar Galactica

8:00 �������������������������� Minute to Win it

10:40 ����������Have I Got News for You

10:00 ��������������������������������� Blue Bloods

9:00 ���������� The World is Not Enough

11:20 ������Never Mind the Buzzcocks

11:00 �������������������������������������������Treme

11:35 ��������������������������� Celebrity Juice

7:00 �������������������������������������������������Tribe

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER 7:00 �������������Inside the Actors Studio 8:00 �����������������������������������This is Jinsy

5:15 �������������������������The Only Way is Essex 6:00 ����������������The Only Way is Essex 6:45 ���������������������������������The X Factor

MARY QUEEN OF FROCKS 9:00 - 10:00 pm - Channel 4 Mary Portas made her name overhauling the retail industry, teaching shopkeepers how to walk the best walk and talk the best talk to guarantee exceptional customer service and booming business. But after all these years dishing out the advice, can this doyenne of the high street cut the mustard in her own fashion venture? Mary has spotted a gap in the market - high street style

that works for women, not girls. She is about to stake her professional reputation on designing, launching and most importantly, successfully selling her own fashion range exclusively aimed at this market. And she’s doing it during one of the country’s worst recessions for decades. Starting from scratch, she’s designing her own line of clothing, and finding a retailer willing to give her floor space, as well as hiring and training a team of sales staff. All while keeping an eye on the bot-

30 September - 6 October 2011

tom line and making sure she is giving her potential customers the service she feels they so deserve. But with so much stacked against Mary’s reputation, and ever conscious that she will be scrutinised to make sure she practices what she has preached. she battles a rollercoaster of emotions that see her reach breaking point trying to make her dream become a viable reality. Can the former queen of shops become a successful Queen of Frocks?

BLUE BLOODS 10:00 - 11:00pm - SKY ATLANTIC

Tom Selleck will reprise his role as Police Commissioner Frank Reagan as the multi-generational family of cops returns to our screens. His straight-talking father Henry (Lou Cariou) is a former police commissioner; eldest son Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) causes concern as a seasoned war veteran, who often bends the rules of law enforcement; daughter Erin (Bridget Moynahan) is an assistant DA and newly single parent; while youngest son and Harvard Law graduate Jamie (Will Estes) is a rookie cop. It also sees the arrival of former Lie To Me star Monica Raymund, and guest appearances from country superstar Carrie Underwood and fellow Grammy winner Tony Bennett.

Page 31

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

W e d n e sday 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ��������������������������Children’s TV

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

09:25 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

07:45 ��������������������������������� Pet Squad

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

08:30 ��������������Green Balloon Club Goes on Holiday

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

11:00 ������������������������� Dirty Tricks of the Tradesmen 11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:13 �����BBC News and Weather 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News 1:30 ���������������������������Regional News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef 3:00 �������BBC News and Weather

PRIDE OF BRITAIN AWARDS 8:00 - 10:00pm - ITV1 Cheryl Cole, David Beckham, Gary Barlow, Ant and Dec and Gemma Arterton are among more than 100 stars who unite to celebrate Britain’s unsung heroes. Hosted by Carol Vorderman, the Daily Mirror’s Pride of Britain Awards 2011 is packed with breathtaking stories of heroism and cour-

age, uplifting and moving moments and hilarious celebrity surprises. And this year it is bigger than ever. In her first TV appearance since quitting the X Factor, Cheryl Cole flies to Afghanistan to meet our brave servicemen and women on the frontline to mark the tenth anniversary of British mili-

3:01 ���������������������������Regional News 3:05 ������������Natural Born Hunters 3:20 �����������������������������������������The Owl 3:35 ��������������������������������������Wingin’ It 4:00 �����������������������������Hotel Trubble

tary operations in the wartorn country. HRH Prince Charles turns into Jeremy Beadle to surprise one winner who is so overwhelmed he has to comfort her. David Beckham makes a girl’s dream come true while Top Gear’s Richard Hammond swaps his supercar for a helicopter to drop in on a young winner.

09:05 ����������������� Tinga Tinga Tales 09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train 09:25 �������������������������� Chuggington 09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch 10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling 10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas 10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo 11:05 �������������In the Night Garden 11:35 �����The Pink Panther Show

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather 3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show 4:00 ���������������������There’s No Taste Like Home Today the show is in Stoke, where more home cooks attempt to impress Gino D’Acampo and a restaurant full of diners with their family favourite recipes. 5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase 6:00 ���������������� Local News and Weather

4:30 ���Serious Explorers: Raleigh

12:00 �������������������������� Daily Politics, Conservative Conference

4:45 ������������������������ Deadly 60 Bites

1:00 ��������������������������������������See Hear

6:30 �� ITV News and Weather

5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround

1:30 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy

5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless

2:00 �������������������������������Daily Politics Conference Special

6:50 ���������������A Party Political Broadcast by the Conservative Party

6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News

4:00 ��������Escape to the Country

6:30 ������������������ Regional News

4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It!

6:55 ������������������� Party Political Broadcast by the Conservative Party

5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip

7:00 ��������������������The One Show

6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 6:30 �� Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two

7:30 �������������������Waterloo Road Ronan and Vicki’s relationship is plunged into crisis when Vicki gets a black eye and the finger of suspicion points towards Ronan. 8:30 ����������������Planet Dinosaur 9:00 ����������� Who Do You Think You Are? Len Goodman nearly became a welder until a friend told him to try out ballroom dancing because it is ‘full of girls’. Now in his late 60s, Len feels it is time to find out about his ancestors. 10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:25 ���������������� Regional News 10:35 �������������National Lottery Midweek Draws 10:45 ������������ Ask Rhod Gilbert 11:20 ����������������������������� Bandits

7:00 ��� Escape to the Country 8:00 ������ All Roads Lead Home Stephen Mangan, Sue Perkins and Alison Steadman ditch their maps and compasses and attempt to travel the UK using nature as their only guide. 9:00 ���How to Win in the Den 10:00 �����������������Rab C. Nesbitt 10:30 �����������������������Newsnight 11:20 ������������������� Today at the Conference 11:50 ��� Toughest Place to be a... Suzanne Saunders-Blundell abandons the high-tech maternity unit at Good Hope Hospital in Sutton Coldfield to work in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia in West Africa.

7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Debbie and Andy are stunned by some devastating news. The battle lines are drawn when Carl takes his revenge on Cameron. 8:00 � The Daily Mirror’s Pride of Britain Awards 2011 Carol Vorderman hosts the annual gala celebrating the achievements of the nation’s most amazing unsung heroes. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 ������� Cops with Cameras Officers from the Greater Manchester Police’s Tactical Aid Unit unearth a machine gun, axes, knives and other dangerous weapons when they raid a caravan park. 11:35 ������������� Ladette to Lady As the new, over-refreshed recruits arrive at Eggleston Hall, the teachers fear the worst when they receive news that the police have been called to the local airport following complaints of disruptive behaviour onboard.

Bag a bargain in our charity shops and help the dogs!!! Coral Mar, Costa del Silencio open weekdays 11 – 5pm Saturdays 11 – 3pm Tel: 671 706965

Los Cristianos, Calle Reveron, near the harbour playpark open weekdays 10 – 4pm Saturdays 10 – 2pm Tel: 693 736520

San Eugenio, Opposite La Niña Hotel by Amandas bar, open weekdays 10 – 4pm Saturdays 10 – 2pm Tel: 630 857626

Donations of quality second hand clothes, books, dvds, cd´s, toys, games, and bric a brac always welcome. Come and see us!!

Help us to help them! Page 32

w w w. l i v e a r i c o . o r g

30 September - 6 October 2011


Television Guide

t h

o ct o b e r

06:10 ��������������������������������������������� The Hoobs

6:00 �������������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

07:00 ������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed

08:15 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

06:30 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:25 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ������������� So You Think You’re Safe?

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

07:55 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

09:00 ��������������������������������Revista de la Liga

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

07:30 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

08:30 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

10:00 ����������������������������������������� Football Asia

09:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:30 ����������������������������Football’s Greatest

10:00 �������������������������������������������������Lie to Me

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

11:00 �����������������������������Football’s Greatest

11:00 ��������������������������������������������������Lie to Me

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

10:55 �� Help! My House is Falling Down

11:10 ������������������������������������LIVE with Gabby

11:30 ���������������������������������Revista de la Liga

10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary

12:10 �������������������������������5 News Lunchtime

12:30 ����������������������������������������� Football Asia

12:00 �����������������Body Language Secrets: How to Get What You Want

12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed

12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother

1:00 �����������������������������The Last Command

1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away

3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown

1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal

2:15 ��������������������������������������������������� CSI: Miami

1:00 ����������������������World Grand Prix Darts Day two of the World Grand Prix Darts from the Citywest Hotel in Dublin.

5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip

3:15 �����������������������������������������Raising Waylon

5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me

5:00 �����������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks 7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News 7:55 ���������������������������������� 8:00 ��� Location, Location, Location 9:00 ������������������������������Grand Designs

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away 6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV 7:00 ������������������������������������ 5 News at 7 7:30 ������������������� Highland Emergency 8:00 ������Ultimate Emergency Bikers

5:30 ���������������������������������������������� Total Rugby

1:00 �����������������������������������������������������Customs 1:30 �����������������������������������������������������Customs 2:00 �����Emergency with Angela Griffin 3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1 4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1 5:00 ������������������������������������������Top Ten Show

6:00 �������������������������� Manchester Utd Premier Cup 2011 The world finals of the 2011 Manchester United Premier Cup. The top twenty U-15 teams from clubs around the world. 7:00 ���������������World Grand Prix Darts Day three of the World Grand Prix Darts from the Citywest Hotel in Dublin.

5:10 �������������������������������������������������Road Wars 6:00 ��������������A League of Their Own

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds 3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds 4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model 5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

6:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons 7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons 7:30 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:00 ������������������������������������ The Middle

7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

8:30 �����������������������������Modern Family

8:00 �������������������������The Secret Circle

9:00 ��������������������������� Mount Pleasant

9:00 ������������������������������Steps Reunion 10:00 ������������������������������Supernatural

10:00 ��������������������������������� Fresh Meat

9:00 �����������������������������Law and Order: Criminal Intent

10:55 ����������������������������� Random Acts

10:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

11:05 �����������������������������������Shameless

11:00 ����������������������������������� Impossible

11:00 ������������������������ Manchester Utd Premier Cup 2011

10:00 �������������������������������������������Fringe 11:00 ������� Strike Back Project Dawn

11:00 ������������������������������������������� Bones

7:00 ������������������ The World’s Strictest Parents Rosie Hynd and Nick Barrientos travel to Puerto Rico. For a week they must live with the Hills, a Christian family who live by the ‘if you don’t work you don’t eat’ rule.

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

06:30 ��������������������� Kings of the Extreme

07:10 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:25 �����������������������������������������������Nanny 911

07:00 ������������������� World Grand Prix Darts

07:35 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

11:30 ����������������������� Ladies European Golf

08:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

12:30 �����������������������Challenge Series Golf

10:00 �������������������������Dragons’ Den Ireland

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

1:00 ������������������National Beach Volleyball The cream of the Volleyball England Beach Tour gather in Bournemouth for the highlight event of the year: the National Finals.

11:00 ������������Himalaya with Michael Palin

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of New York City

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

2:00 ��������������Himalaya with Michael Palin

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:00 ����������������������������Dragons’ Den Ireland

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

5:00 ��������������Himalaya with Michael Palin

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

8:00 ������������������ Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands How will Adam cope on his first night shifts, can Suzi regain her confidence, and will Kier and Katherine’s patient pull through his operation? 9:00 ������������������������������������� The Fades As Paul’s powers manifest themselves, his friendship with Mac and relationship with Jay are pushed to breaking point. 10:00 ������������������������Mobos Live 2011 Live from Glasgow, this year’s MOBO Awards are presented by Jason Derulo and Alesha Dixon, featuring some of the biggest urban music acts on the planet.

2:30 ��������������������������������������������Football Asia 3:00 ������������������������� Ladies European Golf 4:00 ����������������������������������Revista de la Liga 5:00 ���������������������������������������������������������������NFL

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager 6:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy 12:00 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale 12:30 �����������������������������������������������Nanny 911 1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women 5:40 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

7:05 ����������������������������Motorway Cops: A Traffic Cops Special

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

7:00 �������������������� FIFA Futbol Mundial

8:00 ������������Red Bull X-Fighters 2011

7:30 ������������������������������������������Football Johnstone’s Paint Trophy - Round 2 Charlton Athletic v Brentford.

9:00 ������������������������������ Not Going Out 9:40 ������������������������������ Not Going Out

8:00 ��������������������������������������� Brick City The provocative documentary finishes its first season.

10:20 ����������������������������������������������������QI

9:10 �������������������������������� The Sopranos

8:00 ����������������������� A Cinderella Story

10:00 ��������������You’re on Sky Sports!

11:00 ���������������������������������Argumental

10:25 ���������������������������������The Borgias

10:00 ��������������The Only Way is Essex

11:00 ����������������������������������������������� NFL

11:40 ���������������������������������Black Books

11:25 ��������������������������������������� Big Love

10:45 �����������������The Bourne Identity

6:00 �����������������Champions Tour Golf

7:00 �������������Inside the Actors Studio

6:05 ������������������������������������Judge Judy 6:30 �������� New You’ve Been Framed! 7:00 �������������All Star Family Fortunes

THE SWAN Family Sports and Entertainment Bar

The swan returns..

to Los Cristianos, Performances by Linda Day and Alan Carey


The Swan family sports and Entertainment bar is in Parque Margarita

(Opposite Christian Sur, Los Cristianos)

30 September - 6 October 2011

Page 33

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T h u r s day 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ��������������������������Children’s TV

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

07:00 ��������������������������������� Outback 8

09:25 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

07:45 ��������������������������������� Pet Squad

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

08:30 ��������������Green Balloon Club Goes on Holiday

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

11:00 ������������������������� Dirty Tricks of the Tradesmen 11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:13 �����BBC News and Weather 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News 1:30 ���������������������������Regional News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef


3:00 �������BBC News and Weather 3:01 ���������������������������Regional News

9:00 - 10:00pm - BBC1 Ronan Bennett’s new drama, Hidden, marks a highly anticipated return to BBC One for Philip Glenister, who stars in this taut and compelling four-part conspiracy thriller directed by Niall MacCormick. Harry Venn (Glenister) is a small-time solicitor who is forced to revisit his murky past and quickly finds himself caught up in a much more complex and deeper conspiracy.

Harry is approached by Gina Hawkes, a lawyer looking for a missing alibi witness for her client – the witness being an old acquaintance of his, the long-term criminal Joe Collins. The case reminds Harry of his own brief criminal past as a getaway driver for his older brother; a venture that ended with the death of his brother and their associate Hillman in a robbery that went horribly wrong. The guilt Harry feels from

3:05 ������������Natural Born Hunters

this incident drives him to uncover what went awry in a seemingly simple operation. His only lead is that he knows the killings were commissioned by a man named Styles. Tom Russell, the policeman who led the investigation all those years ago, is back on Harry’s case, and with the past swiftly unravelling at every turn, Harry begins to question exactly who Gina is and why she chose him.

3:20 �����������������������������������������The Owl 3:35 ��������������������������������������Wingin’ It 4:00 ��������������������������������������Copycats 4:30 ���������������Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 4:45 ������������������������ Deadly 60 Bites 5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround 5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless 6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News 6:30 ������������������ Regional News 7:00 ��������������������The One Show 7:30 ������������������������� EastEnders Michael continues to make an effort to be part of the family, but will Eddie be able to go through with his plan to destroy him? 8:00 �������������������������� Watchdog Takes a look at the new tactics insurance companies are using to deny payouts. Plus, the increasing number of smartphone owners who are racking up huge bills while abroad. 9:00 �������������������������������� Hidden Harry Venn is forced to revisit his murky past when he is approached by a mysterious and glamorous lawyer. 10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:25 ���������������� Regional News

MIXED BRITANNIA 9:00 - 10:00pm - BBC2 George Alagiah explores the remarkable and untold story of Britain’s mixed-race communities. In this three-part series, part of BBC Two’s Mixed Race Season, George Alagiah explores the remarkable and untold story of Britain’s mixed-race communities. With previously unseen archive material and charting events from the turn of the 20th century, Mixed Britannia examines the social factors that have influenced the shape of today’s mixedrace Britain, and how mixed

Page 34

race has become one of the country’s fastest-growing ethnic groups. Most of all, the films tell a tale of love and of couples coming together to fight prejudice and create a new society. The first film (1910-1939) discovers the love between merchant seamen and liberated female workers and how mixed-race communities started to grow up in places like Cardiff, Liverpool and South Shields. George learns how mass rioting erupted across port cities as returning soldiers

found local girls in relationships with non-white men. He also hears from a grandchild of one of the mixedrace couples who were chased out of their family home by an angry crowd. The film also covers the period when eugenicists turned their attention to race and George hears from an elderly English-Chinese woman, Connie Hoe, who recalls how, as a young girl, she and her friends were examined and measured in tests carried out by the British Eugenics Society.

10:30 ��������������������������� Weather 10:35 ���������������� Question Time 11:35 ������������������������ This Week

08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld 09:05 ����������������� Tinga Tinga Tales 09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train 09:25 �������������������������� Chuggington

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show 4:00 ���������������������There’s No Taste Like Home 5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase

09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch 10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling 10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas

6:00 ���������������� Local News and Weather 6:30 �� ITV News and Weather

12:00 ������������������The Daily Politics

7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Debbie is determined to do all she can for Sarah. Jai is worried when grief pushes Cain and Charity together.

12:30 ���������������������������������������������GMT

7:30 ������������������������������� Tonight

1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder

8:00 ����������������������� Emmerdale Charity is torn apart by her feelings - could she be having doubts about the wedding?

10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo 11:05 �������������In the Night Garden 11:35 �����The Pink Panther Show

1:45 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 ������������������� The Weakest Link 3:00 ������������ Wanted Down Under 3:45 ��������Escape to the Country 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip

6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 6:30 �� Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 7:00 ��� If Walls Could Talk: The History of the Home 8:00 ������������� The Great British Bake Off For the first time ever, Mary and Paul get behind the workstations and bake. 9:00 �������� Mixed Race Britain : Mixed Britannia 10:00 ��������������Mock the Week 10:30 �����������������������Newsnight 11:20 ����������������������� Adulthood Gritty sequel to Kidulthood, the controversial contemporary drama that depicted inner-city London life for a group of adolescents.

8:30 �����������Coronation Street Tracy’s scan reveals some shocking news. Lloyd’s frustration mounts as Chris competes for Cheryl’s affections. 9:00 �� Billy Connolly Route 66 Final part of the series in which Billy Connolly travels the world’s most famous highway. In this episode, Billy marvels at a massive meteorite crater in Arizona before heading to the Grand Canyon. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 ����������������� The Jonathan Ross Show Jonathan’s guests include X Factor judges Gary Barlow and Tulisa Contostavlos, Hollywood star Ewan McGregor and Norwich’s favourite chat show host Alan Partridge (aka comedian Steve Coogan). 11:35 ����������71 Degrees North

HOUSE 1O:00pm - Sky 1 Twenty Vicodin. Series 8, episode 1. The awardwinning medical drama scrubs up for an eighth outing, and following his actions at the end of last season, House is now serving time in prison. The medical drama resumes a year after House crashed into Cuddy’s living room. The doctor now finds himself in jail and occupies his time cleaning the prison hospital, where a connection emerges with Dr Jessica Adams. Meanwhile, there is change at Princeton-Plainsboro with a new Dean of Medicine replacing Cuddy, and the addition of Dr Chi Park. Starring Hugh Laurie, with new cast members Odette Annable and Charlyne Yi.

30 September - 6 October 2011


Television Guide

t h

o ct o b e r

06:05 ���������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

07:25 ����������BT and Channel 4 Present...

08:15 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

06:30 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:25 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ������������� So You Think You’re Safe?

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

08:25 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

07:30 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

09:00 ����������������������������������Manchester Utd Premier Cup 2011

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:00 �������������������������� FIFA Futbol Mundial

09:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1 10:00 �������������������������������������������������Lie to Me

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

10:55 �� Help! My House is Falling Down

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

11:00 ��������������������������������������������������Lie to Me

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary

11:10 ������������������������������������LIVE with Gabby

12:00 �����������������Body Language Secrets:

10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:05 ���������������������������Three in a Bed USA

12:10 �������������������������������5 News Lunchtime

How to Get What You Want

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:00 �����������������������������Hell and High Water

12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother

3:05 ������������BT and Channel 4 Present...

1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away

3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown

1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal

2:15 ��������������������������������������������������� CSI: Miami

5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip

3:15 ������������������Survival on the Mountain

5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me

5:00 �����������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks 7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News 7:55 ���������������������������������� 8:00 ��������������Country House Rescue 9:00 ��������������������������Educating Essex

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away 6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV 7:00 ������������������������������������ 5 News at 7 7:30 ��������������������� How Do They Do It?

10:30 ��������������������European Tour Weekly 11:00 ��������������������������� European Tour Golf Day one of the Bankia Madrid Masters from the El Encin Golf Hotel. 1:00 ��������������������������Asian Tour Golf Show 1:30 �����������������Johnstone’s Paint Trophy 3:00 ����������������������������� FIFA Futbol Mundial 3:30 ����������������������������� European Tour Golf England’s Luke Donald won this event last year, finishing one shot clear of Welshman Rhys Davies. 5:30 ��������������������������Asian Tour Golf Show A round-up of the week’s news and highlights from the largest continent on the planet. 6:00 �����������������������������������������Ringside

1:00 �����������������������������������������������������Customs

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:30 �����������������������������������������������������Customs

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:00 �����Emergency with Angela Griffin

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

5:00 �������������������������������������������������Road Wars

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model 5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

6:00 ��������������A League of Their Own

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

6:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons 7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons 7:30 ��������������������������������������� Futurama

6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:00 �������������������������������������� Futurama

7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

8:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

8:00 �������������������������������������������� Ringer

9:00 �������������������������������������������������Glee

9:00 ��������������������Four Weddings USA

11:05 ����������������������������� Random Acts

10:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

7:00 ���������������World Grand Prix Darts Day four of the World Grand Prix Darts from the Citywest Hotel in Dublin.

10:00 ������������������������������������������� House

10:00 �����������������������Pushy and Proud

11:10 �������Fighting on the Frontline

11:00 �� Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

11:00 ������������������������� The Rugby Club

11:00 ���������������� Ross Kemp on Gangs

11:00 ������������������������������������������� Bones

7:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear Jeremy asks why there aren’t more three-wheeled cars in the world. James attempts to drive a Toyota Hilux up an active volcano in Iceland.

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

06:30 ��������������������� Kings of the Extreme

07:10 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:55 ��������������Planet’s Funniest Animals

07:00 ������������������� World Grand Prix Darts

07:35 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

11:00 ��������������������������������������������Total Rugby

08:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

8:00 ����������������������������������� EastEnders After washing his hands of his eldest son for the final time, Eddie Moon walks away from Albert Square.

11:30 ���������������������������FIFA Futbol Mundial

10:00 ����������������������������������������������Shark Tank

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

12:00 ���������������������������������Manchester Utd Premier Cup 2011

11:00 ���������������������������������������������Trawlermen

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of New York City

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

1:00 ��������������������� World Grand Prix Darts

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

2:00 ����������������������Stephen Fry in America

5:00 �������������������WWE Vintage Collection

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:00 �������������������������������������������������Shark Tank

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

10:00 ����������������������Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

9:00 �����������������������������Young Soldiers Will fighting in a war zone live up to Darren and Andrew’s expectations? And if they make it home in one piece, will they still want to be soldiers in the British Army?

8:00 ������������������������������ How to Build... 9:00 �����������������Extraordinary People

6:00 ����������������Kings of the Extreme 6:30 ������������������������������IAAF Athletics

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders

7:00 ������������������������� Barclays Premier League World

6:00 �����������������������������������Trawlermen

10:30 �����������������������Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show Lee puts an audience couple to the test to see how well they know each other in ‘You Might Get Dumped at the End of This’.

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

7:30 �����������Premier League Snooker Week five of Premier League Snooker from the Hutton Moor Leisure Centre in Weston-superMare.

6:30 �����������������������������������Trawlermen 7:00 ��������������Stephen Fry in America

7:00 �������������Inside the Actors Studio

8:00 ������������������������������������������������QI XL

8:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

9:00 ������������������ Jo Brand’s Big Splash

9:00 ������������������������������������Braveheart Starring Mel Gibson as William Wallace, the Scottish crusader who battles to recapture his homeland from ruthless Englishman Edward the Longshanks.

11:00 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:50 ���������������������������Young Soldiers

11:00 ������������������������World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Raw

30 September - 6 October 2011

10:00 ������������������������ Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 11:00 �������������������������� Mock the Week 11:40 ����������������������������������������������QI XL

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy 12:00 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale 1:00 �����������������Planet’s Funniest Animals 1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women 5:40 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy 6:05 ������������������������������������Judge Judy 7:00 ��������������������������� Minute to Win it 8:00 ������������������������ The X Factor USA 9:30 �������� New You’ve Been Framed! 10:00 ��������������������������� Celebrity Juice 10:45 ����������������������������Happy Gilmore

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30 September - 6 October 2011


30 September - 6 October 2011

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Sue McDonald Common Sense Furnishings Email:

Get in the mood! IT is well known that sunshine is great for beating depression. But the effect is actually more than psychological: light helps our bodies produce serotonin, which is a hormone that can affect our mood positively.

In recent years we have heard of people in the UK suffering from SADS, which is a depressive illness relating to lack of sunshine. No such problems here in Tenerife. No wonder we are all so happy! There are other things you can do to improve your frame of mind and lead a happier life, and some of these are related to your interiors. For example, optimise light by replacing heavy, dull curtains with light blinds or voiles to allow more light into the room. Place a mirror opposite a window or over a sofa to reflect light and give more depth to narrow spaces. And never place mirrors near stairs or directly opposite doors because they can distort perception and lead to accidents. A change is as good as a rest is another well-known phrase. Try to see your property with fresh eyes, especially if you have been away for the English “summer”. I think it was on a Thursday in July this year. Envisage what you could change to make your surroundings look fresher. And this need not cost a fortune, as it may involve only a change of curtains or some bright cushions and pictures. Fit a ceiling fan because they are cheaper than air-conditioning to run, they create a mild draught, and a lazy colonial feeling. Set yourself achievable goals.

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These can be small things such as clearing out that cupboard in the hall, or walking somewhere instead of taking the car. Apparently, scientists in Gothenburg say the feeling of wellbeing, achieved by completing a task or goal, brings longer-lasting fulfilment than winning the lottery, which produces a shortlived high only. Okay, to be honest I would choose a lottery win over cleaning out a cupboard, but still … Live clutter-free! Time invested in sorting out your belongings is repaid many times over when everything is in its place when you need it. You may even come across some forgotten items such as jewellery or coins, and can almost certainly throw some things away and make your living space more organised. Keep your living space clean and tidy so that it provides you with a haven from your everyday life, and somewhere to which you want to return.

Think about how you use your space, and invest in making that as comfortable as it can possibly be. If you enjoy spending time on your terrace, invest in some comfortable, reclining chairs and a small table for that well-deserved gin and tonic, or glass of wine. There have been huge technological advances in mattresses in recent years, and combinations of sprung mattresses with visco elastic or latex will provide you with lumbar support and exceptional comfort. If you have had your mattress more than a few years, you should, perhaps, think about a change because it could be cheaper than you think. And we all know that a good night’s sleep can definitely improve your mood! In short, we have it better than most here in Tenerife, but maybe some of the above tips can help improve your mood even further, which can only be a positive thing!

Paint the town red Individual style, mixed with budget-conscious decorating, is driving paint colour trends into the red, as consumers succumb to the “Lipstick Effect”.

According to B&Q, the UK’s largest home improvement retailer, red paint is the hot choice for home decorating. Sales of its Colours standard matt and silk 2.5L emulsions show the Classic Red shade knocking Magnolia, a perennial favourite, into ninth place. The Classic Red shade in B&Q’s Colours paint range now sells double the amount of Magnolia. With people staying put rather than selling up, there has been an increasing desire amongst homeowners to create individual colour schemes in their homes and bold colour choices have become the new trend. In contrast to the bright, hot red B&Q has also seen demand for hues in grey rise in the past year. B&Q’s top five best-selling paints in its Colours standard range (2.5L) this year are: Classic Red followed by Light Rain (pale grey), Ivory, Grey Slate and Antique White.

In contrast, back in 2007, neutrals and earthy colours ruled, like ivory and moss, followed by caramel, vanilla and cappuccino by 2008. Consumers want to feel good but are eschewing major purchases, like cars, homes and luxury items and opting for quick pick-meups, like lipstick, or practical items that can be justified, such as paint. This is the 'Lipstick Effect’, which was first coined during the Great Depression in the early 30s. Alistair Wilson, Buyer for Decorative Paints at B&Q says: “Don't be surprised to

see spaces such as hallways and living areas painted in such an indulgent red. Classic Red serves as a mood enhancer for consumers in today's economy. Plus, rather than diving into largescale renovation projects, our customers have been searching for inexpensive ways to freshen and update their homes.” Brits are embracing scarlet in other ways too by adding red features and accents in the home. Soft furnishings and wallpaper in the red shade have also become best sellers in store.

Payday loans market rife with poor practice, reveals Which? A Which? Money investigation has uncovered widespread poor practice in the payday loans market, including potential breaches of the Consumer Credit Act, poor privacy provisions and inflated APRs.

Payday loan shops seem to be popping up on our high streets as frequently as gold shops. With the take up of payday loans on the increase, the consumer champion has reported two lenders - and - to the Office of Fair Trading (OFT). appeared to be operating without a valid Consumer Credit Licence, while failed to show the APR for its loans anywhere on its website. Which? has also reported Casheuronet UK, which operates and, to the Information Commission-

ers’ Office (ICO) after its researcher received dozens of unsolicited third party emails and phone calls in the days following his application. This was despite the lender assuring Which? that it does not sell customers’ details to third parties. Other examples of poor practice included potentially misleading claims about APR, firms encouraging customers to borrow more than they need and to rollover existing loans for several months. Which? also found that several firms had lax website security, with one provider requiring customers to enter their bank details on an unsecured page. Payday loan providers typically charge from £20-£35 for a short-term £100 loan. The most expensive Which? found was offered by, which quoted £36.72 for a 30-day loan of £100 – equivalent to an APR of 4,394%. The same amount borrowed through

an authorised overdraft from Which? Recommended Provider Co-operative Bank would cost just £1.35. Which? executive director, Richard Lloyd, says: “Payday loans might seem like a good solution for people whose money won’t stretch to the end of the month, but they should be treated as an absolute last resort. They can be an incredibly expensive way to borrow and we’ve uncovered a long list of poor practice by lenders. “A temporary overdraft extension can be a much cheaper, safer way to borrow so if you’re struggling to get to pay day then the first thing you should do is talk to your bank. “With increasingly squeezed household budgets, more people are taking out payday loans so it’s vital that regulators keep a close eye on providers and deal firmly with any lenders breaking the rules.”

30 September - 6 October 2011


David Hudgell

Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

Britain in Bloom

CRICKLADE, in Wiltshire, has been named this year’s Champion of Champions at the RHS Britain in Bloom Awards.

A record 20 gold medals, along with 36 silver-gilts, 19 silvers and 1 bronze were awarded to the 76 finalist communities, who celebrated at the RHS awards ceremony this week hosted by TV presenter Rachel De Thame. The event was attended by 500 community and gardening champions. A number of discretionary awards were also given to communities and individuals who have demonstrated excellence in their commitment to the campaign. Chair of the RHS Britain in Bloom UK Judging panel, Roger Burnett, led a team of 12 RHS judges who toured the UK in August visiting the 76 UK finalists, nominated from more than 1,000 participating communities to represent their region/ nation in the UK finals. The judges assessed against three key criteria:

• horticultural achievement • community participation • environmental responsibility Roger said: ‘My fellow judges and I noticed this year that many communities are facing even greater challenges than

ever before because of financial conditions, political changes, civil unrest and that’s not even to mention the unpredictable British weather! 'But we are extremely pleased to have seen many communities using RHS Britain in Bloom as a solution and really pulling together as a group of volunteers, as communities, to move forward, facing down everything from a tornado to damage from rioting. No matter what the challenge, these finalists have been determined to make their communities better places in which to live.’ Martin Troughton, Marketing Director at Anglian Home Improvements, said: ‘The standard has been very high and the judges have been impressed by the drive and accomplishment of the finalists. Each and every volunteer should be extremely proud of helping to make this year’s RHS Britain in Bloom another phenomenal success.’ This year, more than 200,000 volunteers from across the UK collectively invested 4.4 million hours (equivalent of more than 500 years) of their free time to the campaign. The awards ceremony celebrates the efforts of more than 1,000 communities that have made the UK a more beautiful, clean and environmentally friendly place to live. Source

How to keep the ericaceous plants in splendid condition ERICACEOUS plants are those which thrive in acid soil but hate being stuck in earth containing lime. It is not difficult to surmount the problem, however, with a little know-how and these handy tips:

1. Use rainwater collected in a butt rather than tapwater. 2. Feed with sequestered iron fertilisers if foliage turns yellow on neutral soil. 3. Mulch around the plant’s base with ericaceous compost, or home-made leaf mould, to provide plenty of acidic or organic matter and nutrients. You could also try digging in sulphur powder at the recommended rate. 4. Don’t apply lime to neutral or acid soils within two metres of the base of ericaceous plants because it could be washed down to its roots. 5. Don’t overfeed plants with generalpurpose fertilisers containing calcium but instead, use an ericaceous fertiliser. 6. Grow acid-loving plants in large containers or ericaceous compound if you have lime soil.

30 September - 6 October 2011

7. Pour ericaceous compost generously into planting holes if your soil has a neutral pH. Several plants need acid soil, including Azalea, Camellia and Heathers, which all flourish in the correct conditions. Azelea Whether deciduous or evergreen, azeleas belong to the rhododendron family and, like them, require neutral-to-acid soil. Deciduous types tend to be more tolerant of heavy soil. Camellia These grow well in sandy, acid soil, but can also thrive in neutral conditions. They can cope with a small amount of lime with plenty of organic matter added, Heathers Most ericas need a large amount of acid soil to grow well, although they can get by with neutral pH. Erica carnea and E. Erigena varieties are tolerant of slightly-alkaline soils. Calluna or ‘ling’ is native to the acid heath soils of Europe and will not tolerate lime under any circumstances. It actually performs best in free-drained soil.

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Health & Beauty

carl pattison from Robot, answers your hair questions

Not so green with envy! THIS is a true story from the salon. I won’t name names, but the client knows who she is and knows I’m going to repeat this tale of woe. It’s a warning to you out there that us stylists DO need listening to, or it’s YOU who could pay the price! We were visited in our salon by one of our good clients, who regularly has her hair cut and highlighted. She has a fair amount of blonde going in, especially at the ends of her hair because of the sun, and the fact that she’s keeping it long. Okay, she came to the salon, not to have her hair done but to book an appointment for her daughter, whose hair was tied up on her head. She was facing me and, as we were talking, she commented that her hair might be turning a different shade because she had been spending the summer in the pool. She took down her clip and there it was - GREEN HAIR! Not just your regular khaki shade, like we see all the time. I’m talking grass-green hair, and I upset her by telling her it was the worst case I’d ever seen. She thought it wasn’t that bad, but, as far as I was concerned, it would have been good as a trick-or-treat wig (sorry madam). The chlorine had not only turned her hair green but was also attacking the condition. What could we do? We gave her an appointment for a few days later and we stripped out the chemical, returning the hair to its blonde shade. Sounds easy? No, this also caused more damage, which couldn’t be helped. The colour was removed and a conditioning treatment applied to minimise the damage, It’s then that we started to ask why? Why had this happened in the first place? Now the client has been told why, and we explained that she could no longer get her hair wet in the pool.

Stem cells could help cure blinding disease We also told her that the condition of her hair could have been avoided with a few simple steps. If you aren’t looking after the condition of your hair, and you are using supermarket brands to manage the condition, then expect this sort of thing to happen with your hair, too. If your hair is left to go dry and brittle, it will absorb any type of moisture, including swimming-pool water full of chlorine. When you swim, “masque” the hair with a deep treatment to form a barrier, then wash it immediately after swimming - and don’t sunbathe with wet, unprotected hair. Your shampoo and conditioner should be repairing and/or moisturising, and please do NOT use something from the local supermarket which has probably more salt in it than a packet of crisps. Respect your hair and give it something back. It’s a living thing and needs some loving back, so think about that!

A GROUND-BREAKING trial which has been given the nod in Britain will use embryonic stem cells to treat an inherited blinding disorder. Doctors at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London will transplant laboratory-grown retinal cells into patients with advanced Stargardt disease. The Phase I study, which will begin in the next few months, is designed to investigate the safety of the treatment. Stargardt disease is a form of macular degeneration that causes disabling loss of sight in young people.

Professor James Bainbridge, who is heading the trial, said: “There is real potential that people with blinding disorders of the retina, including Stargardt disease and age-related macular degeneration, might benefit in the future from transplantation of retinal cells. “The ability to regenerate retinal cells from stem cells in the laboratory has been a significant advance, and the opportunity to help translate such technology into new treatments for patients is hugely exciting. “Testing the safety of retinal-cell transplanta-

Glowing growth as European men boost cosmetic industry While attention to appearance and skincare was once a woman’s privilege, nowadays it should be of no surprise to find an increasing number of jars of cream in men’s cabinets alongside their aftershaves.

Latest research from Mintel on the European men’s grooming market shows that while the market for shaving products and razors in the Big 5 European countries combined have remained largely stagnant, sales increasing from € 1.85 billion in 2005 to € 2 billion in 2010, sales of skincare products are booming - up a magnificant 45% from € 289 million in 2005 to € 420 million in 2010. Of the Big 5 European countries, Germany and Spain have registered the greatest growth in male skincare sales over the past 5 years. Indeed, the German men’s skincare market grew from €65 million in 2005 to € 130 million in 2010, a stunning 100% increase between 2005 and 2010. Similarly, the Spanish market for male skincare grew from € 29 million to € 51 million between 2005 and 2010, with a growth of 76% in five years. No other sectors within the grooming market have registered the same outstanding performance. Per capita spend on male grooming products in 2010 was highest in Spain at € 61.7 driven by

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tion in this clinical trial will be an important step towards achieving this aim.” The procedure uses retinal cells grown in the laboratory from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Stem cells extracted from early-stage embryos are ‘pluripotent’, which means they have the potential to become virtually any kind of tissue in the body. However, the technology is controversial since it necessitates the destruction of human embryos, albeit ones consisting of a pinhead-sized bundle of cells only.

the relatively small size of Spain’s male population and their infatuation with fragrances. Italy has the lowest per capita spend, amounting to € 41.5 in 2010. In 2010, Mintel estimates that the overall male grooming category in the Big 5 European countries was valued at € 6.6 billion, an increase of just 8% since 2005. While the category is set to grow by a further 8% to € 7.2 billion between 2010 and 2014, the slight dip in 2009, due to the economic crisis, has led to men buying fewer and cheaper grooming products. Today’s men show a keen interest in personal appearance, with six in 10 (65%) European men considering their appearance important and almost half (48%) admitting what they want most is to look attractive and well groomed. Just (15%) of men admit that while it is acceptable for women to use skincare products, it is not acceptable for men to use such products. Nica Lewis, Global Skincare Analyst at Mintel, said: “Men show a huge interest in keeping young looking which has fuelled demand for skincare products that combat signs of fatigue, stress and ageing. An increase in information about male grooming in the media, the availability of a wider range of products, and the wider usage of celebrities to endorse brands has benefited the male grooming category in the past five years.”

30 September - 6 October 2011

Health & Beauty

Val Sainsbury Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

Spray tan no guard against skin cancer MILLIONS of women are in danger of getting skin cancer because they feel sure a spray tan protects them from sunburn.

One in six women believes that fake tan acts like a sunscreen, and nearly half think their foundation make-up provides them with protection from the sun’s harmful rays. A survey has also revealed that one in 20 people feels that only those with ginger hair or fair skin need worry about covering up.

More than 100,000 new cases of non-malignant skin cancer and more than 11,700 cases of malignant melanoma - the mostly aggressive and deadly kind - are diagnosed in the UK each year. And more than 2,000 people die from the disease annually. Rates of the disease have quadrupled over the past 30 years, making it the most common cancer in women aged 15 to 24. A report has been conducted by screening service into how 3,000 Britons protected themselves from the sun

this summer. The survey found that one in five women admitted buying or worrying about sun lotion when she was abroad on holiday, but made no provision for when she was at home. Worryingly, it was also revealed that one in six women believes that fake tan acts like a sunscreen. As a result, nearly a quarter of Britons have a “suspicious” mole they fear might be cancerous, yet half say they have not sought any medical advice. Some 7% of Britons never wear sun lotion, while 12%

more worry about getting wrinkles than damaging their skin. Another 6% are more concerned with not getting tan lines and marks from sunglasses. chief Bruce Murray said: “We commissioned this survey to see what the awareness of melanoma in the UK is, and it is of concern that many people don’t think this can affect them. “It’s important that people take the risk of sunbathing seriously and are aware that moles and melanoma can develop at any time.”

Going giddy over scanning machines PATIENTS can get a dizzy sensation inside hospital scanners because the machines upset their sense of balance.

Many people have complained of suffering vertigo in MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanners. The tunnel-like machines use powerful magnetic fields and radio waves to obtain detailed images from within the body, according to a report published online in the Current Biology journal. Scientists in the US traced the problem to the labyrinth - the

tube-like structure of the inner ear that controls balance - and the findings suggest that the strong magnetic field pushes on fluid within the labyrinth, giving rise to a feeling of unexpected or unsteady movement. The study involved comparing the experiences of 10 healthy volunteers with two who lacked functioning labyrinths. As participants had their MRI scans, researchers looked for an effect called nystagmus, an involuntary eye movement which reflects the brain’s detection of motion. The effect

was seen in all healthy volunteers undergoing scans, but not those with the inner-ear disorder. This was an indication that the labyrinth played a role in MRI-related vertigo, and further tests showed that higher magnetic-field strengths caused faster nystagmus. The discovery has implications for MRI-based brain research, say the scientists. They point out that the scanner could itself be inducing previously-unnoticed brain activity related to movement and balance.

Researcher Dale Roberts, from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, said: “You think there’s nothing happening in the brain while volunteers are in the scanner. “But we’ve shown that there’s actually a lot happening because the MRI itself is causing some effect. These effects must be taken into account in the way we interpret functional imaging.” The MRI effect on balance could, in future, be used to diagnose and treat inner-ear disorders by stimulating the labyrinth, added the researchers.

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30 September - 6 October 2011

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Food News

The Cave, Los Abrigos Some weeks ago now Canarian Weekly was invited to dine at The Cave in Los Abrigos, and what an evening it was. The Cave is a hidden gem in the small fishing village of Los Abrigos, if you blink you’ll miss it as on the street is just a door and their menu.

The reason for our visit to this gorgeous restaurant was that chef Ross was changing his menu and wanted us to try his new specialties. We wee seated by the window where you can enjoy panoramic views of the Atlantic. We waited in anticipation for the dishes that Chef Ross had created for us. One of which was Mignon of Pork – medallions of pork set on garlic and thyme potatoes with Asturian cider and cinnamon glaze. One of our group was the taster for this, and, the portion was so large he couldn’t do it justice. The ‘a la carte’ menu now also includes Monkfish tails – julienne of Monkfish tail marinated in ginger; soya and coriander with stir fried Canarian vegetables and coconut rice. The Cave also excelled on the starters between us we shared, fresh mussels, stuffed mushrooms and salmon. But if you don’t like fish don’t worry as the

restaurant, which is now under new management, is not predominantly a seafood restaurant. Medallions of beef, Thai chicken with coconut rice and a delightful duck dish were also heartedly appreciated. So much so that we had to decline the chef’s very own Tiramisu ice cream. If ‘a la carte’ is not your thing then don’t worry there is a three course menu of the day, three courses plus tea and coffee. With a choice of start-

ers, main and dessert for just 7.99 euros, this is available weekdays from 2pm until 6pm. The inside of the restaurant is worth a visit in itself and is exquisitely decorated; there is surprise in store for diners. When you visit, ask to go ‘downstairs’ for those of you that have never been I won’t ruin it for you. If you would like to book a table contact The Cave on 661 178 043 or 922 170 039

Feel like chicken tonight? AS everyone knows, chicken can be the most versatile of dishes. You can fry it, bake it, boil it, slow-cook it, stew it - anything at all as long as it’s cooked properly. Here’s a tasty offering called Lemony Chicken Piñata, which really is a treat and takes less than half-an-hour to prepare and cook. Ingredients 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 large lemon 1-2 tops caper sauce Flour Salt Pepper White wine Directions

1. Pound the chicken breast until it is flat- about ¼in thick- and don’t be afraid to make it too thin. The point is that you want cook the chicken quickly before it dries out. On a plate, mix some flour- maybe about ¼ cup or soenough to coat the chicken. Salt and pepper the flour. Coat the chicken with the flour mixture. 2. Use a skillet big enough for all the chicken to lay flat. Heat the skillet to med-high and lightly coat the bottom of the pan with olive oil. 3. Cook the chicken for about two minutes a side (use your judgement). You will know when it is done because it is white, slightly golden. Do not overcook or it will be dry. Since it is thin, it should be fairly easy to tell if it is still pink. 4. Take the chicken out of the pan, put on a plate and cover with foil.

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5. Pour enough white wine (perhaps Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay or Pinot Grigio) so there is about ¼in or more of liquid in the bottom of the pan. The idea here is to make enough sauce to pour generously over each piece of chicken, and you have to start with enough because you want to reduce it to burn off the alcohol. Make sure the pan is hot enough so that the liquid boils. This will take only a minute or so, keep and eye on it because you don’t want to evaporate all of your liquid. Taste it, and when it tastes good (You’ll know), the harsh alcohol has burned off. Reduce heat to low, add the juice of one whole, large lemon which you will have already squeezed. Add about two tablespoons of capers sauce. Put the chicken back in pan to coat in sauce and to reheat. Serve immediately. Put a piece of chicken on each plate and pour lots of sauce on each piece.


30 September - 6 October 2011


30 September - 6 October 2011

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Stelios launches rival to EasyJet EasyJet is considering legal action after being notified that its founder Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou is setting up a rival airline called Fastjet. In a statement EasyJet announced it was told of the new launch, and that it will act to protect its rights. "easyJet plc announces that it has received notice from Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou that he intends to set up an airline branded Fastjet and that a website has already been established," it said. The budget airline added that it had a number of rights under its agreements with Sir Stelios and his easyGroup holding company and that if any of these are infringed, it "will take necessary action to protect the rights of easyJet and the interests of its shareholders". Sir Stelios, who founded the airline and remains a non-executive director on its board, has alleged that easyJet breached

the terms of a contract between the two parties, according to the airline. easyJet said it "emphatically rejects" the accusations and "continues to seek constructive dialogue with easyGroup and Sir Stelios". The news comes just after the easyGroup founder withdrew his calls for an extraordinary general meeting in order to remove a member of the airline's board. The move had the potential to undermine easyJet's value. "Clearly Stelios has been working on this new airline venture for some time and it suggests that war and acrimony are about to break out again between the two sides," a business comentator said. Sir Stelios and his family are the largest shareholders in easyJet with 38% ownership. He has declined to comment on the new venture. The Fastjet website only has the words " by Stelios. Coming Soon!"

A third of people travel without insurance RYANAIR, have warned that over a third of passengers are risking huge medical bills if they have an accident or become ill abroad, after a survey of 4,000 passengers found that over a third travel without travel insurance.

While half of those surveyed (46%) held annual or multi-trip insurance and one in five (19%) purchased single trip cover, 82% with insurance did not know if their policy offered ski, business travel or sports (golf ) cover. Worryingly 90% of those who travelled without insurance were unaware that medical repatriation flights could cost them over €18,000, should they become seriously ill when abroad. Ryanair’s Stephen McNamara said; “Ryanair delivers Europe’s lowest fares which is why over 75 million passengers will travel with Ryanair this year. However, we advise all passengers to use a little of what they saved on our low fares to purchase a Ryanair travel insurance product that best suits their needs and could save them over €18,000 if the become seriously ill abroad. Passengers can purchase great value single trip policies from just €5.50, annual multi-trip policies from €32 and ski cover from €29 directly from, and then travel safe in the knowledge their holiday, their possessions and their health is covered.”

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Boeing dream comes true After three years of delays costing billions of dollars, Boeing's 787 Dreamliner has become a reality as the US company gets set to deliver its first order to Japan's All Nippon Airlines.

With the formal documents signed, the first of the $200m (£129.4m) planes is scheduled to head for Tokyo on Tuesday. The deal between the world's second biggest plane manufacturer and the ninth largest airline by revenues was initially due to see delivery in May 2008. The US and Japanese financial markets are among those suffering amid concerns over the response to the euro debt crisis, with the Nikkei closing at its lowest level since April 2009. The Dreamliner is made from a lightweight carbon-fibre composite which Boeing expects to become the standard for future designs. The change will allow it to fly 52% further than the all-metal Boeing 767 while delivering 20% fuel sav-

ings according to the manufacturer. At a time of volatile fuel prices the savings may appeal widely to airlines. The mid-sized aircraft also boasts a more comfortable cabin environment for passengers with cleaner cabin air, higher humidity and larger windows with electronic shades. Boeing currently has orders for 821 Dreamliners, and hopes to be manufacturing 10 per month by the end of 2013.

British Airways will take delivery of 24, Virgin has ordered 15 while Thomas Cook will take 11. All Nippon Air ways' first Dreamliner will take of f from from Paine Field airpor t in Washington and is due to begin ser vice on October 26. In keeping with the rivalry between the US airplane manufacturer and Europe's Airbus, the Dreamliner will compete with the new A350 when it comes out in two years' time.

Cosmos launches Goa & Indian Ocean brochure Cosmos has launched its first ever dedicated Goa and the Indian Ocean brochure November 2011 to October 2012 featuring a range of resort stays, tour and stay, two centres and cruises in Goa, the Maldives, Dubai, Mauritius and Sri Lanka.

The number of spaces to Goa over the winter period has been doubled from both Gatwick and Manchester and two weeks for the price of one is offered on selected holidays in November and December. The new brochure offers a total of 14 new properties in Goa as well as the new resorts of Bambolim in central Goa and Vagator in north Goa and two new tours of the destination. Two new elite 5 star properties have been added to the Maldives programme and a new 4 diamond rated all inclusive property is offered in Mauritius. Early booking offers include a low deposit of just £100 per person, savings of up to £1000 per couple on holidays to the Maldives (5 star Island Hideaway in November from Heathrow with Sri Lankan) and two weeks for the price

of one at a choice of hotels in Goa to include the Alor Grand Holiday Resort and Hotel Prazeres in Candolim and the Palmarinha Resort in Calangute. Extra value offers range from a food and beverage credit of $US 100 per person per stay on selected dates at the Zitahli Kuda Funa Faru in Maldives, three free dinners each week at the Osborne Resort in Goa and unlimited

access to the Aquaventure Waterpark at the Atlantis Palm in Dubai. A selection of charter and scheduled flights are available from 6 UK airports including Gatwick, Heathrow, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle and Glasgow with regional UK connecting flights to Heathrow available on selected scheduled services. Upgraded Monarch Premium flights are available from Gat-

wick and Manchester to Goa from an additional £249 per person. Kim Barber, Product Manager for Distant Dreams says: “Our Indian Ocean and Goa programme specifically has been growing steadily over recent years and we are confident this new dedicated brochure will showcase the extensive range of product and the value for money available throughout the destination.”

30 September - 6 October 2011


On the road with jav Behind the Wheel


This topless wonder is a genuine sight to behold AMG’S ability to engineer a blisteringlyfast machine has never been in doubt, and you’d expect a touch more class car from the new SLS Roadster.

Happily, it doesn’t disappoint. This motor has charisma by the bucketful, and that’s why it is such a head-turner. Mercedes-AMG GmbH, commonly known as AMG, is a subsidiary of the Mercedes-Benz car company, which specialises in highperformance luxury cars. And this supreme grand tourer, set to replace the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, is the first Merc designed in-house by AMG. It is described by Mercedes-Benz as a “spiritual successor” to the Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing, and they have really delivered the goods with this fantastic-looking car, despite losing those fancy doors. Like its big-brother coupe, it gets AMG’s hand-

built, 6.2-litre V8 engine, souped up a little over the C-Classes and other cars it has featured in, and turning out a noisy and exciting 571hp. Losing those trademark doors is a fair swap for the ability to hear that legendary engine do its thing as well, and the SLS Roadster is worth every penny of its £176,895 cost. A RaceStart mode on the gearbox will eat up the benchmark 0-62mph run in 3.8secs, which compares with the coupe and is on a par with the Ferrari California and half-asecond quicker than the comparable Aston Martin DBS Volante. Epic performance is one thing, but it’s the way the SLS lets you enjoy and exploit it that really stands out. It has a great natural balance and changes direction much faster than you’d expect, given the size. Optional adjustable Ride Control dampers

are a new feature for the Roadster, while the midway Sport setting equates to the standard set-up on the coupe. Like the coupe, the SLS Roadster has great style, fit and finish, which is spoiled slightly by some

disappointing ly-generic switchgear for the infotainment and heating controls. But it’s also snug with the roof up. With AMG adopting relative downsizing and other technology like turbos and cylinder cut-off, the days

of this 6.2-litre V8 in the current eco climate are, sadly, numbered. But this SLS is giving it an almighty finale, and it comes with all the safety technology you’d find elsewhere in the range as well.

It will be available in November, so if you are after a tasty, early Christmas present and the family piggy-bank is full to overflowing, it might be worth dropping a gentle hint your better half. You never know!

Well Intercepted! The Jenson’s making a comeback WOULD you believe it! Even as we went to print last week, the obsolete Jenson Interceptor I featured in the “Futuristic” Flops” column was being revived.

Yes, a modern version of the Interceptor is set to lighten up the design of the original, which was produced from 1966-76. Despite its technically-futuristic underpinnings then, the “Ferguson Formula” Interceptor failed commercially and Jensen

30 September - 6 October 2011

went into receivership in 1976. It was said in jest that the biggest challenge with the original machine was fitting a towbar in order to cart a fuel tanker around you because of its a legendary thirst. Now, in keeping with the spirit of a retro revival

which has seen a number of vehicles come back from the grave - including Lamborghini’s stunning Miura - Coventry-based coachbuilder CPP are bringing the classy GT up to date. CPP, who own Spyker Sports Cars, have been awarded the con-

tract to build the car from the Swiss owners of the company formerly known as British Healy Sports Cars. It will be based on a brand-new aluminium platform and will use aluminium bodywork, aiming for a lightweight vehicle. And it is likely to provide some competition in the fast four-seater GT segment for marques like Lotus and Aston Martin. The design has been worked up by CPP - co-owned by wealthy Russian Vladimir Antonov - and will be revealed late next year, with a 2014 date for rolling off the production line. The CPP company say they will retain the four-seat lay-out as per the original, and will keep its key design features, such as the wraparound rear screen, quad

headlights and vents behind the front-wheel arches. The first-generation Interceptor had a 6.4-litre Chrysler V8, and later a 7.2-litre engine with three two-barrel carbs that put out 290kW. There is talk now of a modern Corvette V8 engine being used, which should maintain the car’s taste for fuel and offer enough poke to compete with the competition. Brendan O’Toole, CPP coowner, said: “The Jensen design team have respected and honoured the great heritage and attributes of the original Interceptor, while injecting a contemporary edge and advanced technologies. That will ensure it appeals to today’s passionate, discerning motoring enthusiast.”

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Match Report By Geoff Huxtable IN A well-earned break from the rigours of weekly action, the League held its annual Finals night at the Nauta Bar last Friday evening.

In front of a packed house, some of the League’s best darters did battle under the bright lights of the big stage. And the first piece of silverware to be claimed went to Bar 180’s Lynn, Greta and Karen, who took the Ladies Trebles with a 3-1 win over a gallant Phoenix Bar team. The Open Trebles final was an all-Nauta affair that saw Ian, Dale and Mitch finish runners-up to Mike, London and Daniel. There was a familiar look to the Ladies Doubles as Betty and Conny, of Cafe Rood B, retained their crown with a comfortable victory over Anne and Dee (Valle Vikings). But Betty wasn’t finished there because she also won the Ladies Singles for the second year in a row. The Open Doubles final (sponsored by Volare Show Bar) looked a cracker on paper and did not disappoint, although Del Boy and Bubbles had to settle for the runners-up trophy after Nauta pairing Dale and Mitch came out on top.

Lastly, the Open Singles final (also sponsored by Volare Show Bar) pitched the youthful Tom (Sundowners) against Nauta A’s seasoned campaigner Mitch. Sadly for Tom, Mitch was in no mood to let his title slip and put in a fine performance to claim his second winner’s trophy of the night. Many thanks to everyone who helped out with scoring and calling duties, and a special mention to Ray and Debbie, of Nauta Bar, who put in a lot of effort to stage the event and kept us nicely fed and watered. Winners Ladies Trebles: Lynn/Greta/ Karen (Bar 180); Runners-up: Liz/ Jo-Jo/Lillian (Phoenix Bar) Ladies Doubles: Betty/Conny (Cafe Rood); Runners-up: Anne/ Dee (Valle Vikings) Ladies Singles; Betty (Cafe Rood); Runner-up: Laura (Toscales) Open Trebles: Mike/London/ Daniel (Nauta); Runners-up: Ian/ Dale/Mitch (Nauta) Open Doubles: Dale/Mitch (Nauta); Runners-up: Bubbles/Del Boy (Phoenix) Open Singles: Mitch (Nauta); Runner-up: Tom (Sundowners)

Division 1

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1-7 4-4 4-4 3-5 1-7 2-6 2-6 3-5 1-7

Bar 180 B Barracudarts Boys Gaffers La Central Phoenix Bar Target Titans Tavern Toscales Tornados X-Men Table 1 Nauta A 2 Bar 180 A 3 Cozy Wanderers 4 Phoenix Bar 5 The Pub 6 Barracudarts Boys 7 Toscales Tornados 8 Target Army 9 La Central 10 Valle Vikings 1 11 Cafe Rood A 12 X-Men 13 Yelas 14 Toscales Ensecan 15 Gaffers 16 Tavern 17 Target Titans 18 Bar 180 B

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 15 16 16 16 16

W 16 15 13 10 9 9 9 9 7 5 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 1

The Pub Yelas Cafe Rood A Target Army Nauta A Valle Vikings 1 Toscales Ensecan Cozy Wanderers Bar 180 A D L 0 0 0 1 2 1 3 3 3 4 2 5 1 6 0 7 2 7 4 7 5 6 3 9 2 10 1 10 1 12 3 11 3 12 1 14

F A +- PTS 108 20 88 48 102 26 76 45 97 31 66 41 77 51 26 33 78 50 28 30 74 54 20 29 70 58 12 28 70 58 12 27 67 61 6 23 54 74 -20 19 55 65 -10 17 53 75 -22 15 41 87 -46 14 42 78 -36 13 48 80 -32 10 40 88 -48 9 42 86 -44 6 26 102 -76 4

Division 2

Results Bar 180 A 5 - 5 Dreamers Bar Hoops Bar 8 - 2 Bar 180 C Palms Bar A 7 - 3 Legends Bar Phoenix Knights 9 - 1 Nauta A Summerlands Allstars 5 - 5 Tasca Summerlands Superstars 6 - 4 Atlantis Sharks Target Bar 3 - 7 Gaffers A Tenerife Hammers A 7 - 3 Terrace Bar A Trap Door 6 - 4 Toscales Old Boys Table P 1 Trap Door 8 2 Palms Bar A 8 3 Hoops Bar 8 4 Phoenix Knights 8 5 Terrace Bar A 8 6 Tenerife Hammers A 8 7 Legends Bar 8 8 Summerlands Superstars 7 9 Gaffers A 8 10 Atlantis Sharks 8 11 Bar 180 C 8 12 Bar 180 A 8 13 Tasca 8 14 Target Bar 8 15 Dreamers Bar 7 16 Summerlands Allstars 8 17 Nauta A 8 18 Toscales Old Boys 8

Division 2

Division 1

W 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

D 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 2

L 1 0 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 6

F 45 49 50 49 44 47 40 39 42 39 39 37 37 36 29 32 26 30

A +- PTS 35 10 19 31 18 18 30 20 17 31 18 15 36 8 15 33 14 14 40 0 13 31 8 11 38 4 11 41 -2 11 41 -2 10 43 -6 7 43 -6 7 44 -8 7 41 -12 5 48 -16 5 54 -28 4 50 -20 2

Palms Sports Bar Ourplace Naturals Bad Girls/Boys Trap Door Phoenix Flames Summerland Hopefuls Barracuda Hunters Tenerife Sun Lucky Leprichaun

Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 Sundowners 16 15 0 1 93 35 58 45 2 Knights 16 13 2 1 91 37 54 41 3 Ourplace Naturals 16 13 1 2 92 36 56 40 4 Sunshine Bar 16 12 3 1 86 42 44 39 5 Cafe Rood B 16 11 2 3 78 50 28 35 6 Naughty Nautas 16 10 1 5 74 54 20 31 7 Tenerife Sun 16 7 2 7 65 63 2 23 8 Valle Vikings 2 16 7 1 8 64 64 0 22 9 Marilyns 16 7 1 8 63 65 -2 22 10 Summerland Hopefuls 16 5 5 6 64 64 0 20 11 Bad Girls/Boys 16 4 4 8 52 76 -24 16 12 Barracuda Hunters 16 5 1 10 48 80 -32 16 13 Trap Door 15 4 1 10 53 67 -14 13 14 Ourplace Playgirls 16 3 4 9 51 77 -26 13 15 Palms Sports Bar 16 3 4 9 50 78 -28 13 16 Lucky Leprichaun 16 2 2 12 44 84 -40 8 17 Phoenix Flames 16 1 4 11 40 88 -48 7 18 La Caña Lancers 15 1 2 12 36 84 -48 5

Division 3

Results Atlantis Crew 5 - 5 Connors Barracuda Bandits 5 - 5 Tenerife Hammers C Exiles A 5 - 5 Barracuda Hunters Inn The Pink 4 - 6 Bar La Cana Market Taverners 3 - 7 Summerland Elite Nauta B 8 - 2 Tenerife Pool Tables Terrace Bar B 3 - 7 Phoenix Potters Toscales A-Team 6 - 4 Target Rangers Wandabar A 9 - 1 Lupain Table 1 Phoenix Potters 2 Barracuda Bandits 3 Summerland Elite 4 Exiles A 5 Bar La Cana 6 Inn The Pink 7 Toscales A-Team 8 Wandabar A 9 Tenerife Hammers C 10 Connors 11 Market Taverners 12 Target Rangers 13 Nauta B 14 Atlantis Crew 15 Barracuda Hunters 16 Lupain 17 Terrace Bar B 18 Tenerife Pool Tables

4-4 4-4 3-5 5-3 7-1 4-4 7-1 6-2 2-6

Cafe Rood B Knights La Caña Lancers Marilyns Naughty Nautas Ourplace Playgirls Sundowners Sunshine Bar Valle Vikings 2

P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 7 8

W 6 5 5 3 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 0

D 2 3 3 5 2 1 1 2 4 1 1 3 2 4 4 0 2 0

L 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 2 4 4 3 4 2 3 6 4 8

F 48 53 48 45 41 46 42 43 41 35 35 40 39 35 32 33 31 23

A +- PTS 32 16 20 27 26 18 32 16 18 35 10 14 39 2 14 34 12 13 38 4 13 37 6 11 39 2 10 45 -10 10 45 -10 10 40 0 9 41 -2 8 35 0 7 48 -16 7 47 -14 6 39 -8 5 57 -34 0

Results Bull Ring Tavern 7 - 3 Lucky Leprachan C&A Titans 10 - 0 Wandabar B Gaffers B 6 - 4 Dragon's Denn James Place 6 - 4 Sunshine Bar Legendary Jokers 2 - 8 Next Door The Office 0 - 10 Exiles B The Treehouse 6 - 4 Dos Hermanos Table


A +- PTS

1 Gaffers B

8 7 1 0 57 23 34 22

2 C&A Titans

7 6 1 0 50 20 30 19

3 Exiles B

8 6 1 1 51 29 22 19

4 The Treehouse

8 6 0 2 50 30 20 18

5 Dos Hermanos

7 3 2 2 40 30 10 11

6 James Place

8 3 2 3 38 42 -4 11

7 Bull Ring Tavern

8 2 2 4 37 43 -6 8

8 The Office

7 2 2 3 28 42 -14 8

9 Legendary Jokers

7 1 3 3 30 40 -10 6

10 Next Door

7 1 2 4 31 39 -8 5

11 Wandabar B

4 1 1 2 17 23 -6 4

12 Sunshine Bar

7 1 1 5 22 48 -26 4

13 Lucky Leprachan

6 0 3 3 25 35 -10 3

14 Dragon's Denn

8 0 1 7 24 56 -32 1

30 September - 6 October 2011


ROSCOE Sport Talk


A bad day at the office Getafe B 1 - CD Tenerife 0 THIS was a little hard to take. Just 18 months ago, Tenerife were a little unlucky not to get a rare away point against Getafe and here they were, last Saturday lunchtime, walking off the same pitch after losing to their stiffs! The headline says it all. In a match that was hardly a classic, Tenerife should have returned with something against a poor side. Maybe it was the travelling or the morning kick-off? But something didn’t quite seem right. I’m not going to be too harsh as this was the first league defeat of the season, and I saw the match only on an internet stream. Thanks General. Tenerife started with just the one change from the side who beat Coruxo. Abel came in to shore up the midfield, with Nico dropping to the bench. It’s a theory that will pay dividends this season. I’m all for flair players but away from home, you sometimes need a little more steel. Tenerife had the lion’s share of the early possession and should have taken the lead when they won a penalty. It was the first of the season and with Nico on the sidelines, it would surely fall to our free-kick taker Victor Bravo. Or maybe Ferran. Even striker Ruben Rosquette had to be in with a shout. No. Step forward our six-foot

It was just one of those games. But it’s onwards and upwards and, as the table shows, Tenerife are still nicely placed ahead of this Sunday’s noon kickoff against strugglers Montañeros. The visitors are a fine little club. Based in Galicia, they have been going for only a few generations and spent the bulk of that time in the regional leagues. But they started to aim higher at the turn of the century. In 2007, they were promoted into the fourth tier, and just two years later they went up again. They finished an amazing 10th in their first season and last year backed that up with a solid 12th place. They have started okay this time around.

20-inch battering ram Kiko. Yes, he is the captain. Yes, he has scored a few goals. But would you pick Peter Crouch over Rafael Van der Vaart from 12 yards? Kiko proceeded to produce one of the worst efforts since Robert Pires and Thierry Henry had a laugh against Manchester City. To compound this error, Getafe were gifted their own spot-kick after a handball by Tarrantino. Hugo confidently showed Kiko how it was done. That should have been the signal for Tenerife to up their game, but it never happened. They looked leggy and a little one-dimensional. Half-chances were exactly that, and even Nico’s introduction early in the second half didn’t produce the usual spark.

Pos Equipo


PLD Won Draw Lost



1 CD Lugo








2 CD Tenerife








3 Real Madrid CF Castilla








4 Rayo Vallecano B


5 La Roda CF














6 Albacete Balompié








7 CD Toledo








8 Club Marino de Luanco








9 CD Leganés








10 Club Atlético de Madrid B








11 Getafe CF B








12 RC Celta B








13 UD San Sebastián Reyes








14 Real Sporting B








15 Real Oviedo








16 Montañeros CF








17 UB Conquense








18 Coruxo FC








19 RSD Alcalá








20 UD Vecindario

2 6 0 2 4 6 14

30 September - 6 October 2011

They gave Albacete a few problems some weeks back, and lost to Getafe B by the same scoreline as Tenerife. Last week they held Real Madrid Castilla to a draw, so they will not be taken lightly. As with most sides at this standard, they are not the best travellers and the early alarm call, two-hour flight and the change in climate must play into Tenerife hands. New boy Chechu Flores must again wait to make his home debut. He has suffered a calf injury and will be out for another few weeks. Striker Perona is now fully fit, and it will be interesting to see if he starts in place of Rosquette, who scored on his home debut a fortnight ago.

Chio cheers are

Creaky Trap Door just scrape home THE divisions are starting to shape after week eight, with Trap Door still on top of Division One after a close shave against rock-bottom Toscales Old Boys. They were five-up yet only just managed to scrape the victory. But there were no such worries for Palms A, who were always in control against Legends. Hat-tip must go to Paul, from Legends, who completed a magnificent break-finish in his double match against Johnny and Adi. Hoops showed their title teeth as they came from 2-0 down against useful yardsticks Bar 180 C to win 8-2. Phoenix Knights also put down a marker as they spanked Nauta A 9-1, while Tenerife Hammers A continue to show their old form. They were full value for the 7-3 win over Terrace A, which saw the Amarilla Golf gang lose their unbeaten record. Summerland Superstars dropped Penguin and the move worked as they beat Atlantis Sharks 6-4, while Gaffers A overcame Target Bar 7-3. Dreamers earned a fighting point at Bar 180 A. They were 2-0 and 4-2 down and nearly got all three points. Summerland Allstars and Tasca also had a tight draw in Los Cristianos. Phoenix Potters are the new Division Two leaders fol-

lowing their latest victory, this time at Terrace B. They are one of four undefeated sides in what is shaping up to be a really hot league. Barracuda Bandits drop to second after Tenerife Hammers C held them to their third draw in four matches, while Summerland Elite won the Los Cristianos derby at Market Taverners 7-3. Exiles A will see it as two points dropped as they shared the spoils at home to Barracuda Hunters, and Inn The Pink have been leapfrogged by Bar La Caña after the Los Abrigans’ 6-4 win. Wandabar A thrashed Lupain 9-1 to move into the top eight, and Nauta B put Tenerife Pool Tables in their place 8-2. Toscales A-Team are improving, as their win over Target Rangers proved, and Connors are in the top 10 for the first time ever following a fine draw at Atlantis Crew. Gaffers B were pushed all the way by bottom-of-thetable Dragon’s Denn, but they got there 6-4 to stay top of Division Three. C&A Titans and Exiles B had gimmes, but The Treehouse were made to work for their win by Dos Hermanos, who were 4-2 up. James Bar sneaked past Sunshine Bar, Bull Ring Tavern climbed to seventh with a win over Lucky Leprechaun, and Next Door secured their first-ever win - an 8-2 success at Legendary Jokers.

just not enough UD Chio led 1-0 at half-time in their Second Regional Division match at San Isidro Stadium last Saturday, roared on by their travelling contingent of nearly 30 fans. But whatever San Isidro B coach told his players during the interval did the trick because they rattled in three second-half goals for a 3-1 victory. Chio, backed the CD Tenerife fan shop (Soy del Tete) in Fanabe Plaza, are away again tomorrow (Saturday), this time in Granadilla against AD Hermano Pedro, kicking off at 6pm.

Page 47

Puzzle Page

Prize Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

WIN!!! Showtime tickets.

Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to info@ before Wednesday 5th October and you could win!

Answer from Edition 722 (23/09/2011) was: 40 Winner: Pamela Retberg

You have until the 30th October to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.


6 8 9

Last Week’s Answers:

1 3 2 6

02. It has no words 03. Integrated technology 04. 24

5 4 2

05. 40

6 9 4

9 3 7 6 3 7 6 4 9 5



Sudoku X: 7 2 8 4 1 6 5 3 9 5 6 1 7 9 3 2 8 4 4 3 9 8 2 5 7 6 1 2 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8

1 9 3 2 5 8 6 4 7

7 9

9 7 5 6 8 2 4 1 3 3 1 4 5 7 9 8 2 6

Puzzle Rating: Quite hard

6 8 2 3 4 1 9 7 5

2 7 4


Quite easy

4 3 9 2 7 1 8 6 5

4 1 8

5 2 6 3 8 4 1 7 9

8 9 2 6

1 4 8 7 9 6 5 2 3

8 1 7 5 6 9 3 4 2

3 6 1 2

3 7 5 8 1 2 6 9 4 6 9 2 4 5 3 7 1 8 7 5 1 9 2 8 4 3 6 2 6 3 1 4 5 9 8 7 9 8 4 6 3 7 2 5 1





2 9 3 4 7 8 1 6 5 4 5 1 2 3 6 9 8 7 6 8 7 9 1 5 2 3 4

6 4 9 5

2 4 5

08. Faster, higher and stronger.

5 1 4 7 8 4 6 9 3 7 1 5 2


5 8 2

07. `Ay Carumba`

10. `In the beginning`

1 5 6

6 5 2

06. Exceed, Proceed, Succeed

09. Hieroglyphics




01. Lord Kitchener

9 8

7 3 6 8 9 1 5 4 2 5 2 9 3 4 7 8 1 6


1 4 8 6 5 2 3 7 9 8 1 2 7 6 9 4 5 3

5 7 1

3 7 5 1 2 4 6 9 8 6 9 4 5 8 3 7 2 1

Puzzle Rating: Very hard

Horoscopes of the week Libra

The enthusiasm with which you are now approaching your life is just infectious for Librans. The restraints that have made it so difficult for you to act as you would like are now lifted and with this comes many new and very appealing choices. By the way, a face from the past will soon be back on the social scene.

TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) Problems that have been taking place in your work should now begin to disappear, slowly but surely. Even paperwork you had given up on finding will turn up in the most familiar of places. Don’t rush though. Get some order to the events in your life because this is the key to success. GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) We are all faced with choices which were unavailable to us previously, but Geminis always like to be different. You have several choices and seem intent on exploring every single one of them fully. Just make sure you can stand by what you decide. Your happiness and pride depend on it. CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) With so many social invitations on offer, it may be very tempting for you to put off any real business until next week, but you must resist. There are some

Page 48

valuable contacts to be made at this time and it’s imperative you take advantage of them. It will also help you to sort your priorities in life. LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) The Sun gives you the upper hand in business and helps you to work out where you have been going wrong with certain events and relationships in your life. Invites to new places can put you directly in the path of a compatible new face. VIRGO (August 24thSeptember 23rd) You are usually so good at giving other people advice, but at the moment you are doing a very good job of listening and not talking. This could well be because you know you need to see how other people view what is fast becoming a very delicate situation SCORPIO (October 24thNovember 22nd) You seem to be far more worried about how your actions look rather than how you really feel about them. It is all very well acting on the advice of others, but with this decision comes a heavy price which you will not be willing to pay. A word of warning: avoid being controversial this weekend. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) You have always proved to be the most fun with business and personal

Genera Knowledge 01. Which Carry On star died on the stage of the Sunderland Empire in 1976?

(September 24th-October 23rd)

ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) The New Moon on Tuesday should have helped you find peace over a drama from which you could not extract yourself last week. It’s time for you to commit or leave a relationship which has made for such a dramatic period in your life. There are other mysteries you can unravel to live and love this week.

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training

plans, but just think about how far you can go with your cheeky behaviour. There is far more at stake than some people realise, isn’t there? This is the time for many born under this sign to go more solo with their career choices. CAPRICORN (December 22ndJanuary 20th) Don’t put your name on the line in the name of business because it simply won’t work out at this time. The person urging you on is unlikely to do the same in return, so look closer to home to find out who are your genuine allies at this testing time. AQUARIUS (January 21stFebruary 19th) Phone calls and texts bring an apology you never expected to hear. You’ve put so much time and energy into life of late, but have patience and great rewards are there for the taking if you’re willing to show what an ultimate professional you are. PISCES (February 20thMarch 20th) Your love life has been subject to a lot of controversy and what you may or may not do seems to be the centre of many a conversation. You may not feel like completing the work that’s before you, but if you give it a miss, you’ll only jeopardise what was set to be an enjoyable and short working week

-------------------------------------------------02. From the Sun, what is the name of the nearest star? -------------------------------------------------03. In what year did the first colour supplement to a Sunday newspaper appear? -------------------------------------------------04. Asuncion is the capital of which country?

-------------------------------------------------05. Which artist painted the famous `Sunflowers`? -------------------------------------------------06. What was the name of the company that Reginald Perrin worked for in the TV series `The Fall And Rise Of Reginald Perrin`? -------------------------------------------------07. What is the furthest planet from the sun? -------------------------------------------------08. Which top flight Australian Rugby League team play at Suncorp Stadium? -------------------------------------------------09. In what year were professional soccer matches played on a Sunday in Britain for the first time? -------------------------------------------------10. Which American state is nicknamed the Sunshine State? --------------------------------------------------

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number














+72 ÷3 -61




2/3 of this









Starter Number




4/11 +140 of this


-37 x81 -171 -47

5/6 of this



Advanced Starter Number

46 4





÷2 +142


4/7 of this







4/5 of this 7

45% of this


Last weeks Brain Training: Beginer: 32 / Intermediate: 126 / Advanced: 167

30 September - 6 October 2011

Free Ads


Free Adverts

Ikea Cabin Bed “Tromso 90”, grey metal tubed bed including stairs, flat pack bed including Instructions. Mattress not included, good condition 100 euros ono. Tel 690 232 147 or 669 444 391 Ladies golf clubs complete set {ten irons, four woods, putter] used once, unwanted present. Pair of ladies golf shoes size six, bag, tees and golf balls. All included for 120 euros. Tel 922 785 033 or 638 095 426 Silencio area 20in Basic line TV, no remote 10 euros ono. Tel 673 590 273 Vidal Sassoon ceramic hair straighteners, 10 euros. Phillips facial steamer 10 euros. Tel 922 741 777 or 677 859 771 Humax Freesat HD sat box as new, 80 euros ono. Philips wireless TV link transmitter/receiver 40 euros. Samsung CLP 315 colour laser printer 65 euros. Pro Action Hyper Dome ten man, 3 room tent used once with carry 100 euros ono. Nokia N95, liberated 50 euros. Samsung onyx mobile as new boxed 30 euros. R4i cartridge boxed never used 15 euros. Sony PSP Go boxed spares or repair (won't switch on) 40 euros. 3 seater sofa and one arm chair colour mink 4 months old perfect condition 250 euros. Tentable power V1 professional running machine mint condition hardly used 200 euros. LG DVD wireless surround sound full Dolby 5.1 60 euros. Tel 689 09 00 82 or 922 77 31 17. Antique (stressed) pine corner cupboard, open top with door at the bottom half, excellent condition, 25 euros ono. Tel 0779 5815276 3 Ewing Galloway photos in beautiful wood frames, black and white, 20 euro each. 2 sun beds, 25 euro each. 28 inch Philips flat screen TV 50 euro. FTE Dish with receiver for all free channels, 50 euro. 30 L garbage can with flip lid 5 euro. LexCom receiver TDT, 10 euro. 20 liters mini oven, 15 euro. Professional Linex Rulers Drawing Linex nautical slide rules and associated navigational aids, from 3 to 20 euros. Fagor ceramic induction hob, 60 cm, 4 zone, framless, touch control. have one little defect, but function perfect, 50 euros. Miscellaneous tobacco pipes, Stanwell, Peterson – Sherlock Holmes collection etc., from 10 euro. Ikea halogen lamp with 3 spots. 5 euro. HP ( Hewlett Packard) 19 B II Business Consultant Calculator, only used one time,75 euro. 2 fishing folding knives, 3 euro each. 1 Domo2 home phone and 1 Router ADSL with cables, 20 euro each. Tel 609 122 398 4ft Fish tank, pump, filter, fish etc., 200 euros ono. Tel 922 785 009 Nortline portable heater, 10 euros. Ornamental wall clock design Dove cote, 30 euros. Fax machine, 10 euros. Photosmart 1215 printer 12 euros. HP Deskjet D4300, 12 euros. Tel 922 170 201 Portable TV with remote, DVD player with remote, silver TV stand, 65 euros ono. Round patio table white with 4 plastic chairs, 20 euros. Round patio table with 3 folding chairs, 20 euros. Child’s bike 10-11 year old needs TLC, 20 euros. Terrestrial TV aerial as new, 25 euros. 20 assorted DVD’s 60 euros. Tel 679 884 888

Grabar safe with combination 30 X 21 X 15.5 inches 100 euros. Tel 634 319 069 Portable air con plus de-humidifier, 95 euros. Gas BBQ plus gas cylinder, 95 euros. Onrom inhalation nebuliser, 35 euros. Pair of aluminium crutches, 5 euros. Tel 693 817 177 Mountain bike, 21 gears hardly used, 110 euros. Mini silver fridge, 12 euros. Tel 697 746 885 White baby shawl circular, handmade, 25 euros. Tel 922 724 186 Large corner L shape modern orange and cream leather sofa bed with chaise lounge chair and poufee, 300 euros. Large rug brown cream and orange, 50 euros. TV glass table for up to 50” TV 50 euros. Modern mirror with glass black and mirror on frame, 40 euros. Large Antique silver mirror 40 euros. Juice machine, 40 euros. Gas BBQ 120 euros. 6 outdoor metal patio chairs, 50 euros. Bedroom large 4 door drawers and 2 bedside cabinets in light teak modern, 150 euros. Large vacuum commercial type 40 euros. Black wooden coffee table, 20 euros. Kebab Rotisserie, 150 euros. 6 pot deep bain marie, 250 euros. Tel 672 839 252 Golf Trolley, Mocad with nine hole battery 95 euros. Tel 620 532 238

bargain of the week Tumble Dryer In perfect working order. 70 euros. Call 678 675 171 Travel cot/play pen (Petite Star Traveller) 11O x 8O x 76cm, 25 euros. Pushchair 15 euros. Small tricycle 8 euros. Wendy house 1m x 9Ocm - 10 euros. Little Tike rocker horse, 5 euros. Tel 616 674 962 Cressi semi dry 7mm wet suit men’s size 3 with hood perfect condition 150 euros. Female wet suit aqualung 5.5mm size 4 and a freeshark B.C,D 100 euro for both. 50cc moped 100 euros buyer pays for name change. Tel 690 680 391 4 Xerox print cartridges Docuprint P1210 boxed & sealed 20 euros each or 60 euros for the lot .2 flat sunbeds strong frame blue top 20 euros each or 30 euros for both. Tel 922 750 001 ext 1226 or 646 615 794. Sony 28" TV, silver, 70 euros. 2 seater sofa, cream, green upholstery (washable) vgc 60 euros. 4 rings Vitroceramic hob, Sony 21" TV silver 40 euros each. VCR 14" TV, a set of speakers & Subwoofer 15 euros each. Flat sun bed strong frame blue top,15 euros, solid pine table (90 cm dia) 20 euros each, Marble top hallway table (90 x 23 cm) white frame 20 euros each. Electric plancha,10 euros. Shopping trolley 5 euros. Selection of large medium & small size suit cases vgc 5 to 10 euros each. Ceiling fan without light 10 euros. Selection of headboards (90,135,160,200,220cm), single bed base, (90 x 190 cm),15 euros a set/each. Armchair (blue & yellow), 68 cm width, 20 euros. Patio table & 4 chairs,10 euros a set. Grunkel 28" TV silver, 50 euros. Buggy, fitted with roof top,10 euros. Pine coffee table, table fan, coffee filter machine, DVD player (no remote),10 euros each. Steam iron, stool, electric shaver, hair dryer, hair straightner, hot brush, ironing board, kettle, beard trimmer, bathroom mirror with lights from 3 to 5 euros each. Teak top table (120 cm x 75 cm), with metal silver legs, bathroom cupboard, white, fitted with 6 drawers (H:170cm,W:58 cm,D:50 cm) 20 euros each. Selection of table lamps from 4 euros to 10 euros each. Power shower unit, foldable long chair,10 euros each. Tel 646 615 794.

Black ornate metal bed frame double size, very good condition and like new. Heavy and very good quality, not usual flimsy frame. In parts, buyer collects, Palm Mar. Sensible offers around 90 euros. Tel 608 967 568 Telephone, Panasonic hands free, black 15 euros. Six white single sheets 10 euros. Sheets fitted double size, pale yellow three at 5 euros each. Sheets fitted single size, peach two at 4 euros each. Books for car boot or good read all thrillers in good condition 12 euros the lot. Patio chair cushions two measuring 110 x 60 x 10 cm, good condition, 15 euros the pair. Pyrex 3pt capacity oval casserole dish with lid, 7 euros. Golf del Sur area. Tel 609 476 551 Golf clubs, full set including bag and putter, graphite shafts good condition 325 euros ono. Tel 682 706 508 Intex Easy Set Inflatable Pool 10 feet by 30 inches (305cm x 76cm) Pool Cover and maintenance kit 50 euros. Tall light wood colour 3 shelf unit with double door cupboard and drawer 80 euros. Tall large white kitchen cupboard with patterned coloured glass door, 30 euros. Sofa Bed metal framed pullout bed, 50 euros. White double headboard 155cm with 2 matching chairs. White under worktop fridge 50 Euros. 3 ring gas cooker with grill and oven 40 Euros. Mattress for single bed, good condition. 10 Euros. Buyer to collect. Silencio Area. Tel 665 934 280. Toyoto Alloys 13 inches Serial No. 5J13, 150 euros. Packard Bell Computer XP Professional Intel Celron 2.66 GHz Processor 256 MB RAM, 80 GB Hard drive, with Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse, 100 euros. Printer stand with paper storage 20 euros. Olympus OM 10SLR 35 mm Camera with 50mm Lens and Flash, 70 euros. Computer desk 20 euros. Silencio. Tel 620 469 102. Sky HD box with remote, 140 euros. Tel 922 86 04 38 3½ mt long stainless work top, 45 euros.Stainless steel 3 burner gas top 1 oven lower catering oven 150 euros. 2 screwfix electric flow heating mats 10m² each 120 euros each. 2 7ft 3-4 seater sofas cream loose covers, 450 euros. Safrin bridesmaid dresses new sage green colour various sizes 40 euros each., Tel 922 77 26 59 Large 3 bedroom tent, good condition, 100 euros. Tel 647 928 223 3 + 2 cream fabric sofas very good condition and very comfortable 425 euros. Whirlpool washing machine 165 euros. Pine 2 door wardrobe perfect condition 295 euros. 2 pine bed side tables with 3 drawers each 70 euros. Portable air conditioning unit 175 euros. Tel 922 72 04 93 or 659 731 832 White shirt type dress with drop waist and brown belt, size medium from Berskha, still with label, never worn, 15 euros. Tel 659 756 793 Radel Oil-filled electric radiator, 5 heat settings, 30 euros. Music box disco speakers 300 watt, 50 euros. Phillips video recorder, 25 euros. Rio Slim Gym system, 25 euros. Kimatsu Vacuum cleaner with attachments 20 euros. Cressi Rondine flippers size 45/46 20 euros. Snorkel and goggles 5 euros. Fully-lined Cream patio curtains with tie-backs 25 euros. Playstation I (spares/repair), 20 euros. Carmen heated roller set, 18 piece plus pins 10 euros. Magnifying glass, can attach to table/desk top 10 euros. Earthenware dinner service pale blue, 6 large and small plates, 6 soup bowls, 1 salad bowl, 1 platter 10 euros. Large white plastic patio table 5 euros. Tel 608 029 790 Washing machine front loader 150 euros. Tel 679 088 846

Free adverts sponsored by Rotations - How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 / FAX 902 232 102 / Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm

30 September - 6 October 2011

Page 49




Property for Rent Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680. 3 bedroom apartment in Parque de la Reina, 2 bathrooms, brand new kitchen, furnished, storeroom-garage space, community pool, 560 euros incl. Tel 630 012 933 Apartment for rent in El Medano, 3 bedrooms, swimming pool, 1 bathroom, 3 floors, independent kitchen, lift, quiet area, cosy and bright. 520 euros a month plus 1 months deposit. Call 661 213 565

Phone: (0034) 620 644 060 email:

Lettings & Property Management in the South of Tenerife OWNERS... Are you worried about the legality of your holiday lettings? Let us help you convert to long lets NOW!

We URGENTLY require 1, 2 and 3 bedroom properties across the South of Tenerife!!

TENANTS WAITING!!! w w w. Te n e r i f e L o n g L e t s . c o m

1 x 4 car space with electric and water 1 x 2 car space private steel doors secured Golf del Sur. Call Ken on 639 207 113




Renault Megane For Sale

JObs A resort in the south of Tenerife is looking for a full time admin assistant. Applicants must be reliable, possess excellent organisational and recording skills and be computer literate. Languages would be an advantage. Email your CV and telephone number to: Venli require experienced Tradesmen for all trades. For an interview call Lyden on 618 776 167 Liners are required with previous experience preferred, but not essential as full training given. High quality leads with unlimited earning potential, high commissions and bonuses to be earned over a 4 day week. Call 922 727 184 for an interview, Monday to Friday or email

A self motivated sales person is required for an Established Marketing Company in the South of Tenerife. You vice, new ITV. 3000 euros. Tel : 659 202 826 must speak Italian and English and be computer literate. The hours for this position are 9.30 to 5pm. Monday to CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Friday. Send your CV to Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to me- or call Sue on 922 713 070

2L 5 door, navy blue, automatic, 1998, full ser-

dium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.

Established Marketing Company in the South of Tenerife is looking for Czech, Slovak , Italian, Romanian and Polish people with spoken English, for new positions that have arisen. You will need to be a self motivated person with computer skills. The hours for this position are 09.30 – 05.00 Monday to Friday. Please send C.V. to suecampbell@ or Telephone Sue on 922 713 070 GC Resorts are looking for Reservations Consultants to contact potential customers based in the UK. You should be dynamic, motivated, enthusiastic and a good team player. You will receive a contract, weekly pay, a realistic commission structure and an excellent training and development programme. Call Jayne Harris on 922 710 032 or 673 478 920 or email



Page 50

never being kept?

Sick of being drip fed Sick of unqualified ups DOOM and GLOOM

Bring some sunshine into your work life!

Guaranteed fly-buy owners Paid every week on the dot Fantastic spifs and bonus scheme Come and join a family company established for 14 years.

30 September - 6 October 2011

Classified Boilers

Cars & Vans to rent

CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250€ per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email:


For the personal touch. Hand polish....interiors.....carpets.....Engine etc.. 4 hours minimum per car. Specialist cars e.g. Mercedes BMW etc. + any 4 X 4’s

55 euros per valet.

Contact Kevin on 646 446 958


Wanted Honest reliable lady seeks work... Experienced home-help / Companion Childminder / Gardener / Bar Person / Cleaner

Available daytimes, evenings & weekends. from 6€ per hour. Tel: 922 794 790 / 699 199 392 email:


Service Point

Auctions Flog it @ Tenerife Auction Rooms AUCTIONS EVERY SATURDAY 10.30am Buy & Sell Furniture & Household Items & just about everything else. Make more money selling Save more money buying Cut out the middleman Located at top of Amarilla Golf Road, Chafiras J24. Phone 645 389 207

Collections & Deliveries Available


Air-conditioning (Cont.)


Someone you can trust to look after your holiday apartment while you are back in the UK.

Experienced mature British couple willing to help. Excellent work at reasonable rates. References can be provided.

Call 646 446 958.

30 September - 6 October 2011

Page 51

Service Point Construction (Cont).


Windows · Doors · Ceramics Mosquito nets · Glass shower screens


Buy your windows or doors in August and get a

Telephone: 902 811 069 E-mail: Computer Service Provider BT Authorised Dealer Dell Registered Partner


Free Mosquito net!

health & Beauty Healer, medium, Master of Qigone and Meditation offers his services to suitable venues Tel Bruno 606 092 618 Bruno, Healer, Medium, visits Silencio Wednesdays. Aura readings, Healings, Advice, Flower Essences, Meditation/ Quigong classes. Tel Anne on 609 818 828

10 year guarantee!

Louvre doors · Tilt & Turn · Smoking areas Partitions · Security Protection

Call us for your free estimate: 649 884 384 or 644 021 039 Chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790


Kitchens & bathrooms


Fly Screens

Fitness & martial arts classes Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

language Lessons French, German or Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833.


Garden Furniture

Page 52

30 September - 6 October 2011

Service Point Lawyers (Cont.)

Patio Doors & Windows

Pool tables


Personal Services


Alcala every Monday


9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall?

Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841

A good looking & loving Columbian girl in Los Cristianos, accommodating, you will find her in the Aptos Aguamar, behind the bus station & in front of the Hotel , Aguamar, call 10 minutes before, speaks little English. Will do hotel visits, call 627008443

Top class independent escort service, pretty Italian young lady, slim, sexy, nice body & face, big natural breasts, erotic massage, available for dinners & hotel & home visits, speaks good English & German call 0034 671 868 681 BEAUTIFUL, BLONDE YOUNG LADY FROM CZECH REPUBLIC,barbie face,BODY LIKE TOP MODEL,VERY SENSUAL, EROTIC MASSAGE, couples, lesbians, erotic toys, much more.. AVAILABLE FOR DINNER, PARTIeS, HOTEL VISITS(24 HOURS) DISCREET, LUXURY APARTAMENT IN LAS AMERICAS.JUST FOR EXcLUSIVE GENTLEMEN, GOOD ENGLISH SPOKEN, 0034 603 134 068

Mechanics & Valets


Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle: 677 806 800


Plumbing All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579

Patio Doors & Windows


VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051

Mobile 696 889 048


Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills. QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

30 September - 6 October 2011

Page 53

Service Point Removals

Furniture & Household Items bought for cash Immediate decisions

Phone Freddie 645 389 207 security

Tarot Reading / Astrology Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494. Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 774 345 / 610 089 157.


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist

For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 Translation


Single items to full house removals Competitive rates, professional service.

Call us first on 619 55 00 68

The white van man

House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

No job too big or too small

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743 UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.


Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

Teeth whitening

Second-hand Shops TV and Satellite Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493 Rotations: Call Gary on 922 790 822 - 662 496 422. Closed on Saturdays.

Page 54

Water Filters

30 September - 6 October 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Maria Leng British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547

For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 - 13:00 then 16:00 - 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday Morning, and many shops


Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

30 September - 6 October 2011

are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

(lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037 TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services. Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704

(lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces the cost of transport

by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Friday Clear skies 26 °C. Wind N 10mph. Friday Night Partly Cloudy skies 24 °C. Wind N 16mph. Saturday Partly Cloudy skies 26 °C. Wind NNE 14mph. Saturday Night Clear skies. 22°C. Wind NNE 16mph. Sunday Clear skies. 26 °C. Wind NNE 18mph. Sunday Night Clear skies. 22 °C. Wind NNE 20mph. Monday Clear skies. 26 °C. Wind NNE 20mph.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802

Monday Night Clear skies 21°C. Wind NNE 17mph. Tuesday Clear skies. 25°C. Wind NNE 17mph. Tuesday Night Clear skies. 22 °C. Wind NNE 17mph. Wednesday Sunny skies. 24°C. Wind NNE 16mph.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704

Wednesday Night Partly Cloudy skies. 22 °C. Wind NNE 18mph. Thursday Partly Cloudy. 24°C. Wind NNE 13mph. Thursday Night Partly Cloudy skies 20 °C. Wind NNE 13mph.

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm

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Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Contributors: PRINTED BY: Carl Pattison TF Print S.A. Christine Craggs-Hinton Christopher Pennington David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Nicola Roberts Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury Geoff Huxtable Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife Jav

DESIGN DEPARTMENT Angie Hill Joe Price CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

Publisher, proprietor and Editor: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

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30 September - 6 October 2011

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