Canarian Weekly Issue 722

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T e n e r i f e ’ s f a v o u r i t e b r i t i s h w e e k ly n e w s p a p e r Issue 722 23 September - 29 September 2011


If it's good enough for Sir Winston Churchill …

IT was opulent enough for Sir Winston Churchill, Greek shipping magnate Onassis, legendary actresses Elizabeth Taylor and Sofía Loren, and even superstar Van Morrison.

These were just a handful of the countless celebrities and dignitaries, who were attracted to the Grand Hotel Mencey in Santa Cruz in years gone by. Now, the owners of the Iberostar Grand Hotel Mencey plan to rekindle those memorable times by re-opening its doors in Santa Cruz on 11th November after a 25-million-euro renovation. It closed just two years ago, a tired, weary old building in need of a facelift desperately. But far from simply modernising the iconic, 60-year-old landmark, the owners have restored

this palatial hotel to its former glory. Their ambition is to provide luxury accommodation for tourists, on a par with anything mainland Spain has to offer. And they are succeeding at every level. More than 500 tradesmen have been involved in the operation, and on Tuesday, owners Iberostar Hotels & Resorts invited the media to share their delight by demonstrating the sheer quality of the refurbishment. During the meeting, Aurelio Vazquez, General Manager of Iberostar, said: “With the reopening of the Iberostar Grand Hotel Mencey, Tenerife will have a large, luxury hotel that will attract a highlevel of tourism. “We expect to receive business travellers who were already our clients before the reform, and also people visiting Santa Cruz as tourists.

“The city has great attractions and firstclass facilities, such as the Auditorium and the Museum of Contemporary Art, which make it worthy of consideration as a holiday destination.” Abject luxury has always been the aim of Iberostar for the old building, combining quality standards and services of the 21st Century with the historic tradition of the Hotel Mencey. Daniel Cañibano, Director of Iberostar Grand Hotel Mencey, told journalists: “This reform has been designed to achieve the perfect combination of innovation and tradition. “We want to keep the historical essence and the spirit of Mencey, while offering the best possible product, perfectly adapted to new times, and a quality service which will allow us to position ourselves at the forefront of the hotels in Spain.”

It will be the only five-star hotel in the Tenerife capital and is situated in a residential complex with its own unique, colonial-style surroundings. After a complete renovation, the hotel will be seen to have retained the heritage which made the Mencey unique in Santa Cruz over the years, with its steady stream of famous personalities from the world of culture, entertainment, politics and sport. Without altering its traditional ways, the hotel will become more dynamic with new technologies coexisting with old traditions to meet the customers’ demands. “Historically, Mencey Hotel has been one of the major players in the social life of Santa Cruz,” adds Daniel Cañibano. “After this complete renovation, the hotel will strengthen its leading role as a meeting point for visitors from around

the world, and for the inhabitants of the city.” Iberostar Hotels & Resorts, keen to compile the hotel’s history, has launched a project called El Legado del Mencey, which aims to bring together a collection of hotel images, historical photographs, celebrities, postcards, documents, stories, anecdotes and curiosities to form a heritage book for everyone to enjoy. Oscar Gonzalez, the company’s Europe Marketing Director, said: “Several historians and researchers have been compiling the history of this legendary hotel, from its construction until the present day. “And anyone can help us to shape and remember the history of this landmark building with all kinds of information.” If you feel you can add to the project, you can contribute information via www.


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23 September - 29 September 2011

Easyjet plans an extra Tenerife-Scotland link

Local News

News around the Islands Fañabe showdown to win Games place PLAYA FAÑABE will host the volleyball pre-Olympics qualifier in preparation for London 2012. The Canary Islands Continental Cup begins next Friday (30th Sept) for three days and will determine which team, if any, from Tenerife, will represent the Islands.

Flood dam for Las Galletas? STRONG seas and the recent flooding at San Andrés have led to an official probe into the potential dangers at high tide in the fishing town of Las Galletas. An underwater dam is one suggestion to avoid possible disasters to surrounding homes, bars and restaurants.

Parque’s grand park on way BUDGET airline Easyjet is planning an extra route from Edinburgh to Tenerife later this year.

The company has taken on an extra plane at the Scottish base so it can add a further two destinations next year. Easyjet will fly to Dalaman in Turkey, following the collapse of Holidays4u earlier this year, and also to Naples, the coun-

try’s first direct, scheduled flight to the Italian city. The no-frills firm revealed the new plans as it marked its inaugural flight to Athens. The new routes, which bring the total number of Easyjet routes from Scotland to 45, will be served by the arrival of a fifth aircraft at Edinburgh Airport. Jim O'Sullivan, Edinburgh Airport’s

new managing director, said: “We work hard with our airline partners to link Edinburgh to key destinations across the globe, and this investment is a great step in maintaining a diverse choice of routes.” Hugh Aitken, Easyjet’s commercial manager for Scotland, said: “This has been an incredible year for Easyjet in Scotland.”

Ballet in full bloom TENERIFE Ballet Company, under the direction of Miguel Navarro, are bringing their colourful repertoire to the Magma Arts and Congress Centre in

Adeje on Sunday, 2nd October. The three-part programme begins at 8pm and online tickets for a wonderful night of ballet, highlighting the three

main features of ballet - spectacle, drama and dance - can be obtained from at a cost of just eight to 10 euros each.

PARQUE de la Reina will have its own urban park by the end of the year. The three-million-euro project will be the second-largest of its kind in the Arona municipality.

Advice centres open longer THE Citizens Advice Bureaux in Granadilla and San Isidro have extended their opening hours to 7.30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The centres, which give advice on local administration issues, including fees, grants, payments and citizens rights, have proved a great success.

Jobs’ backlash of car-sales slump EXPERTS in the car-sales industry are expecting several job losses across Tenerife following a severe slump in business since the start of the downturn in 2007. The 60% overall drop in sales since then threatens to put many dealerships and employers out of work.

Canaries going cheap again LOW-COST airlines have flown four million passengers to the Canaries this year, which is an increase of 27.5% on 2010. Last month alone, the total was over half-a-million.

Initiative steps to divorce A DIVORCE exhibition is being held at Gran Canaria’s Initiative Centre on 7-8th October. It is the first of its kind in Spain to break the taboo, offering workshops, lectures and consultations with professionals. If successful, the project will come to Tenerife in the near future.

Cultural churros in meltdown! LA Churreria Marcos, the trailer renowned for churros and chocolate alongside the Cultural Centre in Los Cristianos, has been removed though lack of relevant documentation. It had been there for 10 years and was regarded as a landmark meeting place for tourists and residents.

Gutters solve water-fall problem REMEDIAL work on La Caleta’s main streets to solve the recurring flooding problems has now been completed. The 700.000euro project consisted of installing adequate guttering to cope with the flow of water, plus resurfacing pavements and roads.

Opera hits the high notes THE Tenerife Opera Festival opened last night (Thursday) at the Santa Cruz Auditorium. Several productions are running until 8th October when the Festival winds up with an operatic recital.

23 September - 29 September 2011

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Local News

A Word from our editor Email:

Social networks ruin social interaction ON television this week, a celebrity commented, “What goes on tour, goes on Facebook” instead of the old adage, “What goes on tour, stays on tour”. The comment came following the Mike Tindall incident. That’s just one of the examples where people literally live their lives on a social networking site; documenting their every movement from the moment they arise to the second they drop off to sleep. In between time, they are narrating their page with banal comments of how long they’ve had to queue for the bus, or the fact that they’re making a cup of tea. Social network sites are also the new stage for drama, divorces, breakups, feuds and arguments all played out for the ‘group’ audience. Don’t get me wrong because this new media is a great tool and opens up a whole raft of possibilities for people, whether it’s social, economic etc. There is one aspect of this current trend that I find so sad, however, because the new genre of technology has killed the good old art of conversation. Families no longer converse; they either talk via electronic devices or don’t talk to one another but use their mobile devices as a form of escapism. Imagine the scene in a cafe in Tenerife: Mum on Facebook via her mobile, Dad on Facebook via laptop, two kids connected through their personal ‘i’ devices. This family were actually talking to one another electronically. even though they were sat within metres of one another. To me, it just beggars belief. The other day I caught a snippet of Jeremy Kyle - long story short, this guy was an alleged cheat and was taking a lie detector test. One thing his partner had discovered was his imaginary Facebook profiles! Kyle responded along the lines of, “Does this guy not work; when does he find the time? And that’s my final point. I personally have embraced social networking technology, but where do people find the time? Even Facebook has now emailed me to my hotmail account, asking where I have been.

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Co-incidentally, this week, social networking giant Facebook is predicted to double revenue this year to £2.72bn. The California-based company has seen a dramatic increase in the number of companies turning to its site for advertising. Figures released by leading market research firm eMarketer suggest that companies were more than twice as likely to use Facebook than Twitter. Advertising revenue is expected to leap from an estimated £1.19bn last year to £2.42bn this year. Even though Facebook has spent several years wooing marketers, many of them still believe the ads aren't effective at driving clicks and other actions. Revenue from Facebook Credits - a way to buy computer games on the site with virtual currency - has more than tripled, from £89.3m to £300m, according to eMarketer. "Facebook's revenue streams will continue to diversify," said eMarketer principal analyst Debra Aho Williamson. "Advertising will be a decreasing proportion of total revenue, while other sources such as Facebook Credits will grow," she added. Despite the massive increase in predicted revenue, Ms Williamson warned that Facebook still needed to prove to advertisers that its products deliver results. "Even though Facebook has spent several years wooing marketers, many of them still believe the ads aren't effective at driving clicks and other actions," said Ms Williamson. "Facebook must either work to improve its clickthrough rate or show advertisers that advertising on the site is effective, even without a click or other action." As a privately-held company Facebook, which has more than 750 million members, does not officially disclose figures on its financial performance. However, the eMarketer figures are considered by many in the technology industry to be an accurate reflection of the company's fortunes. Mark Zuckerberg's company is expected to go public next year.

2011 tourist figures are looking so good The Canaries received in the last year 19.6 percent more foreign tourists making the Autonomous Region the fastest growing destination of all followed by the Balearic Islands, with a 10.5 percent increase year on year. The survey data from the Frontier Tourist Movement (Frontur), compiled by the Institute for Tourism Studies of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce show that so far this year the Canaries have received 6,639,105 foreign visitors, a figure that is 16.6 percent of the national total, amounting to 39,914,525. During the month of August 821,378 international tourists came to the Islands, up 16.1 percent over the same month of 2010. The annual percentage increase is the second largest after the Comunidad de Madrid (42.6) because of the latter's visit by Pope Benedict XVI. FRONTUR started producing data in 1995, it shows how all the target regions recorded tourist arrivals. The Ministry of Industry, which compiles the survey, said that the August data

"strengthens the positive outlook" for 2011, which could become "the fourth best year ever for tourism in Spain", after the recovery started in the second

half of 2010. By means of entry, visitors arrived by air in August rose 12.7% to 5.5 million, compared with 1.7 million tourists who came by road, 2.6% more.

It’s Appsolutely brilliant! MOBILE phones these days seem to do everything, the actual calland-receive process really do seem to play second-fiddle to all the new gizmos and gadgets available.

From a torch to a home cinema, phones just keep spiralling upwards as new technology becomes available. The latest craze is of course, the iphone and its millions of Applications, which are available from the App Store. As most of you will know, Applications have now been abbreviated to App … and cleverly so, incorporating a pun into just three letters. Apple and their Applications seem endless, with an app for just about anything, so easily downloaded and installed. Within minutes, your phone can be microwaving your food, watering the garden and even running your bath! Well, perhaps not, but with the new app from Business Pages Tenerife, it can certainly be calling all of your favourite telephone numbers. Bptenerife is now the only English business directory on the Island, and is a household name when searching for the products and services of businesses over here. They have been sourcing the Island’s numbers for the last five years with the easy-to-use website, and in-depth paper directory - and this year is no different. The website is still finding our numbers, and the new paper directory is now available from outlets around the island. But if you are an Iphone user, you can now sit back, download the free Bptenerife App from the Apple store, and find all of your numbers, whenever

you need them, directly from your mobile phone. The application allows all businesses, products and services to be found and called directly from your handset. So, no more searching for pens, or trawling through Google, because Iphone users now have everything in a modern, easy-to-use App from BpTenerife.

If you haven’t got an Iphone, just relax. The android app is now in development, and will be available to everyone in December. For more information, contact Business Pages Tenerife on 902 881 061, or visit the website at www.bptenerife. com And, of course, if you are one of the many Iphone users, visit the app store and search for Bptenerife.

23 September - 29 September 2011

Local News

Tenerife blowing hot and steamy! TENERIFE’S red-hot summer seems likely to continue for a while at least, but the atmosphere is different on mainland Spain, where there’s a rainy outlook with falling temperatures.

Autumn is definitely getting ready to settle in, with areas of low pressure across the peninsula meet cold air coming in. The predictions for Tenerife are varied, at least for today (Friday). The BBC forecasts “thundery, showery weather”

but sunshine over the weekend, interspersed with white cloud on Sunday. Conversely, Weather Online suggests sunshine all the way in the South, which will please holiday-makers, while marks tomorrow down as “Clear to partly cloudy” with a sunny weekend. has yet another opinion, predicting some cloud for the next four days, while holiday-weather. com has Tenerife being hit by torrential rain early on today, followed by moderate-tolight showers throughout.

But come Saturday morning and it is sunshine galore throughout the weekend and Monday. According to the Spanish Met Office (AEMET), the long-range forecast is also contradictory. It says that autumn, which officially starts at 11.5am today and lasts through to December, is likely to bring “lower temperatures and higher precipitation than normal in the Canary Islands”. But it also states that Spain will not experience weather “very different from the norm” during the next few months.

Wheezing schoolkids head for the hospital CHILDREN with asthma children in Spain tend to suffer more after their return to school after the summer holidays.

In fact, the number confined to hospital rise by 25% at this time of year, because of air-conditioning and the return to PE classes. It is the worst time of the year for the asthmatic kids, with 54% having to take time off school with persistent coughs, wheezing and breathing difficulties. These are the main

symptoms of asthma, which is a chronic disease affecting some 10% of Spanish children aged 6-14. The number of cases becomes especially acute about two weeks after the new term has begun, producing what doctors refer to as the “autumn asthma epidemic”. The sudden flare up of asthma is also blamed on the fact that sufferers are less likely to take their normal medication)during the summer as symptoms seem to fade away. Yet only 13% of asthma sufferers between 12-18 return to school with their symptoms under control.

Wild dogs attack in Los Cristianos It has taken months, but the authorities now seem to be taking notice of a pack of wild dogs that have been roaming the streets of Los Cristianos.

The dogs, "four large dogs with a German Shepherd cross," according to local police, attacked a local resident last Sunday. The incident took place on the large roundabout at the entrance to Los Cristianos. The head of local police, confirmed that it is not an isolated incident and is satisfied that these dogs "have bitten before." They are thought to be located on the Guaza Mountain, and come down to Los Cristianos at dusk to forage for food. At least three other incidents have been reported to the police.

23 September - 29 September 2011

The head of the local police has sent a report to the Public Safety department of the City Council requesting central government intervention - Seprona, a Guardia Civil unit responsible for capturing these dangerous dogs "before there is a greater misfortune." Environment Councillor, Antonio Sosa, has urged residents to call 010 if they see the pack of dogs.

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Local News

News around the Islands Tourism chiefs raise their game TENERIFE Tourism are stepping up their campaign promotions of the Island over the coming months by targeting the ever-changing specialist markets via technology, and with more collaborations between public and private sectors

Grand title for luxury hotel THE luxurious Gran Meliá Palacio de Isora, in Guia de Isora, has been named Best Sustainable Hotel in this year’s European Hospitality Awards 2011. It was chosen from 300 candidates and will be listed in the prestigious British magazine Hotel Management International in recognition of its innovations and contributions to the industry.

Festival time at Santiago del Teide PREPARATIONS are underway for Santiago del Teide’s 11th annual Baile de Magos. It begins on 15th October and prime features include culture and music, plus traditional dance and costume, all to be enjoyed by locals and holidaymakers alike.

Celebrity show of solidarity ADEJE’S Magma Arts and Congress Centre, celebrates its second annual Festival of Solidarity in the south with a charity gala dinner on Saturday 8th October. There will be various acts and celebrity appearances, and proceeds will be donated to charities such as Cáritas.

San Andrés to be reinforced

Over the moon!

WHEN sisters Adel and Karina Wilson arrived in Teide National Park to continue an environmental project last week, they had no idea of the space-age adventure awaiting them.

The last thing they expected to see was the robot Bridget Rover, ready to go through “her” paces in pursuit of new exploration on the Moon, Mars and Mercury. Not only did the girls view Bridget - featured on the front page of last week’s Canarian Weekly - but they were actually given the chance to operate the Britishbuilt machine. “It was just like a PlayStation control,” said an elated Adel. “We couldn’t believe what was happening, but we just happened to be in the right place at the right time.” Karina added: “We both found Bridget easy to control, and the people in charge were very kind to us. But the robot moved slowly.” Adel, 14, and her 10-year-old sister Karina are no strangers to Tenerife, having lived here some years ago with mum and dad Janet and Roger, and they simply love the thought of helping the environment. The Edinburgh girls were here at the start of the year to tackle a Gold Award scheme for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), which they achieved. Now they are setting their sights on the John Muir Award for exploring, which is part of an environmental scheme focusing on wild places. The National Park fits the bill perfectly for the youngsters, and also for the robot because scientists involved in the research acknowledged the similarities between the floor of Teide and the surface of Mars.

THE Spanish Government has finally agreed to back the motion to begin emergency work on the shores of San Andrés. It clears the way for additional funding to prevent further flood disasters in the area.

Cure for the black market? OVER 3.300 people have been identified as working illegally across the Islands and the Government believe that if national insurance contributions dropped in Spain, people would not be so intent on fuelling the employment black market.

Testing station for osteoporosis ENGLISH charity TEIDE (Tenerife Excursions for Infirm and Disadvantaged Children Exchange) is holding a series of osteoporosis screenings from Wednesday to Friday 28-30th Sept) using the latest technology. The testing is taking place at Equipo Hire, La Camella, opposite Biblioteca restaurant, for just 20 euros. The same test would cost up to 300 euros in the UK. For more details, call Jim on 669 444 617.

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Space-age robot sends two sisters up in orbit

But the sisters must have found it hard to concentrate on the task ahead of them after meeting one of the most famous of all robots. The knowledge gleaned by Bridget will be transferred to a newer version, which will eventually be sent into outer space and on to the planets. Nevertheless, the girls set aside their brush with fame and dirtied their

gloved hands while performing a huge clean-up task involving cigarette ends 304 to be precise. “We collected them in one hour around Roque Cinchado, but the smell was horrible,” wrote the girls in their daily diary. “We understand that people smoke because it is their choice., but we feel strongly that as Teide is a national Park, and cigarette ends are not biodegradeable, they will interfere with the conservation of Teide. “We wore protective gloves, but the smell was horrible and we didn’t enjoy our clean-up. But we are happy to have helped the conservation of Teide in a small way.” However, the sisters did enjoy other tasks there, and they have even designed a poster for the National Park, which they hope to promote with travel agents throughout the UK. But their abiding memory of Teide will almost certainly be the meeting with Bridget. “We both used the controls and it was a big WOW,” they wrote. To top off their once-in-a-lifetime experience, Adele and Karina have been invited to robot-maker Astrium’s space centre in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, for a tour of the company works.

23 September - 29 September 2011

Local News

Arona fiesta This weekend sees the beginning of celebrations in honour of the Holy Christ of Health and the Virgin Rosario.

The programme of events for the Arona festival begins on Saturday, September 24th, with the reading of the Proclamation (21:00 in the square), which this year is read by the Mayor of Arona. Then there will be the presentation of candidates for Queen of the major festivals, which will be accompanied by

the Queens of all the festivals of the various districts of the municipality. The election of the Gala Queen will take place on Thursday, September 29th, from 21.00, while the coronation of the young Queen of Arona, will be held on Friday, September 30th, from 21.30, with the participation of Beanky Ballet, magic, humor and acrobatics, and as finishing act, the performance of K-Nari, a duo of young singers with a career recognised

internationally. After the gala, the orchestra Wamampy will entertain all attendees. On Saturday, October 1st, the little ones can participate, from 11.00 am, with children's workshops, bouncy castles and popular games. That same day, the Fortaleza orchestra will entertain. The activities planned for Sunday, October 2nd, include a football game at 17.00, a bands contest at 20.00 hours and from 23:00 a festival with the band Sensaci贸n Gomera.

European mobility week TITSA and Metropolitano de Tenerife are taking part once again in the European Mobility Week.

The project which draws to a close this weekend included exhibitions, technical seminars and a bicycle day, amongst others. The Cabildo, through Titsa and Metropolitano de Tenerife, has organized an extensive programme of activities for the celebration of European Mobility Week, which aims to influence citizens and institutions on the importance to choose alternative methods of travel in cities such as public transport or cycling. This initiative began in France in 1998 and since then it has spread throughout Europe and Tenerife with broad support and in recent years, the idea has led to a development of actions not only during this special week, but throughout the whole year in order to draw attention to the negative impact that cars can have on our society. It also proposes the search for new alternatives to urban mobility. This year 37 countries have

registered 1,911 initiatives, divided between cities, public or private bodies and institutions of transportation, of which 628 are Spanish initiatives. This shows the great interest in this event within Spanish society and the effort in Spain is being made to address the problems associated with traffic and the movement of people. This year the Cabildo, through the Department of Transportation, participates in the European Mobility Week, in order to inform people of some of the many measures for mobility and public transport that have launched in recent years. These measures are presented as a permanent measure among which are: - The creation of new parking spaces for bicycles in the town of La Laguna. - Improved infrastructure: new pedestrian bridges, sidewalks, pedestrian crossings on roads, pedestrian crossings, etc.., In the TF-5, TF-1, TF-2 and TF-4. - Restructuring of the urban lines of San Cristobal de La Laguna, from four lines (16, 27, 28 and 29) with a complex path to six direct lines (from

201 to 206), one of which is made using hybrid buses, the line 205. - The execution of the extension of 2 km from the bus lane entrance to Santa Cruz de Tenerife. - The establishment of warning systems stops as part of the various works in progress conditioning stops on highways (with a forecast about 30 new plants). - New parking spaces in the municipality of San Crist贸bal de La Laguna, covered and secured , which allow the interchange between bike, bus, taxi and tram modes. - Construction of the interchanges in the municipality of San Cristobal La Laguna which allows the interchange between bike, bus, taxi and tram modes - Execution of works and improvements in the accessibility of the station Adeje, La Laguna and the preferred Los Cristianos stop. - Study of alternatives for bus lanes on the highway TF-5 between La Laguna and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. - Drafting of the progress of PTEOTT (Special Land Management Plan of Transport in Tenerife).

Young footballers needed C.D. Vilaflor (football club) looking for new footballers for many categories. PreBenjamin born 2004/2005, Benjamin 2003/2002, Infantil 1999/2000. Please call Luisa on 637819680. Training nights Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6pm in Vilaflor. League Matches start 2nd October.

Call if you are interested asap Tel. 637819680 or 922 709984.

23 September - 29 September 2011

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Local News

Planes flowing more smoothly AENA, the Spanish Airport Authority, has fallen in line with some other EU countries by cutting the minimum distance between planes in flight. Officials say the gap, down by 5.6km to 9.2km, has been ordered to improve the flow of

planes, and controllers are now making the amendment. The same distance is already being operated in Britain, France, Belgium, Holland and some parts of Germany, but a spokesman for the controllers said the measure had arrived “badly and late”.

Adeje Food Fair

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Wife stabbed to death A 36-YEAR-OLD woman was stabbed to death last Sunday at her home in Las Rosas, on the road to Las Galletas. Clementina Morales was said to have been knifed several times by her husband, 54, who was arrested and taken to hospital with what appeared to be serious, self-inflicted wounds. The incident happened during an argument in the early hours of Sunday, and the husband, Luis Domingo, was formally charged with murder by a judge at his hospital bedside on Wednesday. They had lived at Las Rosas for 10 years and had two children. Their four-year-old daughter was in the apartment when the tragedy occurred, but their son, José Luis, 19, was staying with his grandparents that night. The husband will be remanded in police custody awaiting trial once he has recovered from his wounds.

The second edition of the Food Fair 'Degusta. me' is up and running and will be held this weekend in Costa Adeje’s Tourism Development Centre.

Adeje Town Council, through the Department of Economic Development and Employment Policies, run by Ermitas Moreira, starts (23rd and 24th September) the Second Fair of Gastronomy ''. The last event was a success, giving the opportunity to learn through tasting different products and foodstuffs. This year’s companies are: DM Gallardo Representaciones SL, with a stand dedicated to serrano ham and there will be a demonstration of how to cut it properly with

a knife; The Tourism Development Center, which exposes and presents for four types of tapas tasting ; El Lajar del Bello Restaurant, which will show visitors its wide range of products, with creative inclinations to tapas in the culinary world, the Canarian Dharma Association, will offer tastings of delicious and varied Hindu cuisine; Rambla Restaurant , with its smoked products; Regulatory Board of the Denomination of Original Wines Abona, with the presentation of their delicious wines, Edelmira Alonso - Cheeses of La Palma, and finally a tasting booth for Spanish paella and tortilla. They all offer different dining options and delicatessen at low cost, between one and three euros.

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Throughout the Fair there will be various events that will make it a little more participatory: musical performances, Mr and Mrs Fitness 2011, Cooking-Show, Graffiti vs. Cuisine author and a spectacular area stretching for more than 13 meters where the children can spend a fun day. Moreira Garcia explains that "" is an ambitious and important gastronomic promotion plan, through which it aims to create a space for knowledge, enjoyment and sampling of the wide range of cuisine in the south of Tenerife ". Also, the council notes that this Adeje fair also wants "to promote direct contacts between gastronomy professionals and consumers, raising awareness of the wide variety of products and items related to the world of food, among others." In this sense, this show has "the intention of becoming a space for the promotion and enhancement, both for professionals and non professionals in the food and catering sector." Public access to the trade fair will be free, with the option of obtaining a crystal glass in the cafeteria, with the logo of the show, decorated by paying €1. Throughout the week, the Second Adeje Food Fair 2011, "" has been conducting various training activities, coordinated

and taught by Victor Rocha, culinary consultant, Edward Perez, professor of catering, Manuel Rodriguez Jimenez, manager of Wine Control Board of the Designation in Abona, and Fabio Diez, nutritionist and Olympian medalist in Sydney 2000. Among the workshops taking place included 'The seafood cuisine and its products', which explains why fish and shellfish are an important component to achieve a healthy diet rich in vitamins Another of the courses was 'haute cuisine at home. "The workshop explains how simple and fun recipes you can prepare high standard, employing ingredients that are normally available in most households. Furthermore, the workshop 'cook to surprise your partner' illustrates how four dishes, low cost and with easy preparation, can recreate a romantic dinner for two. With regard to the workshop "Fast food, easy and economical” students learn these days that cooking is an art and that the proper techniques for food preparation varies depending on who is cooking. For this reason, this course will offer recipes for easy preparation and minimal cost, but high quality. Among the dishes that are prepared include wrapped veal stuffed with cheese, soup, rice and fruit gazpacho.

23 September - 29 September 2011

23 September - 29 September 2011

Local News

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Local News

Complete confidence in the future of the country José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero expresses his "complete confidence in the future of this country."

On Wednesday, 21st September, the President of the Government attended the last government control session of this legislature in the Lower House of Parliament. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero defended his opinion that the Government of Spain has acted on its responsibility to guarantee fiscal consolidation, implement structural reforms and maintain social cohesion. In response to a question from the Member of the Lower House for the Partido Popular (PP) [the Popular Party], Mariano Rajoy, the President of the Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, insisted that, faced with the most serious crisis in the Eurozone for 80 years, the Spanish Government has needed to take "a very tough stance against a very tough economic crisis" during this legislature, the worst consequence of which has been "the very high rate of unemployment" for which he feels responsible and regarding which

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he is not indifferent. Nevertheless, he added that the Government "has acted on its responsibility to guarantee fiscal consolidation (meaning we will avoid even worse consequences), implement structural reforms (that have been highly necessary for a long time and that will have positive effects on the economy) and maintain social cohesion as far as possible" and that this Government has achieved the "highest levels of social protection ever", he said. All this, he continued, has been done while "contributing in a responsible fashion" within the scope of the Eurozone to help the single currency "survive and move on". The President of the Govern-

ment concluded his speech by expressing his "complete confidence in the future of this country". Constitutional reform in response to the question from the Member of the Lower House for Nafarroa Bai, Uxue Barkos, the President of the Government said that the reform of the Constitution is "faultless" and was implemented following a "serious and extraordinary" situation of economic crisis. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero explained that the recently approved constitutional reform establishes "stability as a trend that will be consolidated in the large majority of Eurozone countries so that we may continue to maintain a strong cur-

rency and financial stability into the future". In response to the question from the Member of the Lower House for EAJ-PNV, Josu Iñaki Erkoreka, on a possible risk to the future of the Autonomous Region State, the President of the Government said there has always been talk of the risks associated with the future of the Autonomous Region State ever since approval of the Constitution establishing a decentralised structure for the State. Nevertheless, it has played an important and positive role in this period. Along the same lines, the President of the Government stressed that, through the process of acknowledging a European Union with greater powers and greater economic competency, "what we now have is an inevitable call for cooperation that does not mean the restriction of either regional or central powers but simply means strengthening the principle of cooperation, loyalty and coordination". Concluding, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero expressed gratitude for the collaboration and responsibility from his parliamentary group during this legislature.

Los Cristianos

'Exposaldo' The enrolment period for businessmen and traders to participate in 'Exposaldo Los Cristianos’ is open. The initiative in partnership with the municipality of Arona will be held between the 15th and 16th October

on the promenade of the popular tourist destination. It is open to al those businesses in Arona that need to liquidate their stock. Further information is available from - registration period ends on September 26th.

23 September - 29 September 2011

23 September - 29 September 2011


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World News

Couple trapped in jungle phone home to get help A British couple who became trapped in the Amazon jungle have been rescued by Brazilian authorities after making a desperate call to relatives in the UK.

Lesley Norris and Bruce Scott, both in their 60s, ran into difficulties when a bridge they were crossing collapsed, sending their motor home plunging into a ravine. Unhurt, they were able to clamber out of the gorge. They then managed to get a mobile phone signal and rang a member of their family in Eastbourne, East Sussex. Their relative immediately called Dover Coastguard, who forwarded their details on to Falmouth Coastguard, which acts as the international liaison station for the UK. After staff at Falmouth Coastguard relayed the message to the relevant authorities in Brazil, a helicopter was scrambled. The pair was quickly rescued after the accident on Tuesday, which happened 124 miles (200km) from Manaus, capital of the jungle state of Amazonas.

Battle of the British

period dramas hots up A Brazilian navy spokeswoman said the couple from London had been travelling around South America for about four years. She said it was unclear if the mobile home would be recovered or if the pair planned to continue with their tour. The British consulate in Rio de Janeiro confirmed the couple had been rescued and said they both appeared to be "in good shape". The pair had been travelling in a four-wheel drive truck meant for rough ter-

rain that they had converted to include a sleeping cabin. The last blog entry on their website, posted a week ago, described their journey to Manaus and the "unseasonably hot" Amazonian weather. Back in Britain, Fred Caygill, at the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, said: "It's not the first time we've assisted people across the world. "This is a bit unusual for us as it's not of a maritime nature, but there are no boundaries in search and rescue."

Pope on first state visit to homeland

AS the stars of First World War drama Downton Abbey celebrate their success at this year's Emmy Awards, the BBC has released details of its own period drama. Five-part drama Parade's End is set in the "Edwardian era to the end of the First World War", the BBC announced less than 24 hours after ITV1's Downton Abbey won four awards. The two series sound very alike but the BBC insists it commissioned the adaptation of Ford Madox Ford's quartet of novels before Downton Abbey was even broadcast. Damien Timmer, an executive producer for Mammoth Screen which is making Pa-

rade's End for the BBC and HBO, said: "I can honestly say that we started off doing this great big story about Edwardian England going into the First World War before any of us had ever heard about Downton Abbey." The controller of the BBC, Ben Stephenson, said the project shows the corporation is committed to making original British drama. He added: "Just because things are set in a similar period doesn't mean that they are the same." Like Downton, the new drama will be a costume piece, set during the war and featuring class battles. The cast includes Rebecca Hall, Benedict Cumberbatch and veteran comedy actress Miranda Richardson.

Vast gas find may bring boom time to Blackpool

Pope Benedict XVI has started his first state visit to his German homeland amid fears of mass protests.

The Bavaria-born pontiff was met on a red carpet at Berlin's Tegel airport by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Christian Wulff. The 84-year-old's four-day visit starts with talks with top politicians and an address to a 70,000 capacity crowd at Berlin's Olympic stadium. En route from Italy, the Pope told reporters he had no problem with protests as long as they stayed "civil". "It's normal in a free society marked by strong secularism," he said. "I respect those who speak out." He will also visit Erfurt in the former East Germany and the predominantly Catholic Freiburg in the southwest of the country. The trip proved popular with some - include German tabloid Bild which draped a picture of the pontiff over one side of its landmark Axel Springer building. But demonstrators have vowed to protest, rallying near

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the Bundestag as he makes a speech to the country's ruling elite. Dozens of left-wing politicians have also vowed to boycott the speech - the pontiff's first ever to a parliament. "It will do the Pope good to come to Berlin and sense what reality is in the year 2011," said the co-leader of the opposition Greens, Claudia Roth, amid accusations the address will undermine the separation of Church and state. The 2005 election of Joseph Ratzinger, who was born in the Bavarian village of Marktl am Inn, as the first German Pope for around 500 years was met with joy in Germany. However his papacy has been marred by revelations last year

of widespread molestation by German priests over the last few decades, which helped drive more than 181,000 from the Church - 57,000 more than in 2009. The Vatican has indicated it is likely the pontiff will meet with sexual abuse victims, as he did on trips to Ireland and Malta. Catholic leaders hope to avert the disruption seen last month in Spain during World Youth Day celebrations, when thousands marched against the Pope, sparking a police crackdown, or during a 1996 trip when John Paul II in his popemobile encountered paint bombs and a female streaker.

Up to 800 wells could be drilled around Blackpool after a company exploring for controversial shale gas found vast underground deposits.

Cuadrilla Resources says its surveys have discovered 200trn cubic feet of gas in Lancashire - equivalent to 56 years' worth of imports. Not all of this will be recovered, the company concedes, but chief executive Mark Miller said it was "pleasantly surprised" by the findings. The mammoth task of extracting the gas could create up to 5,600 jobs, including 1,700 in the region, he said. Cuadrilla also estimates that local authorities could benefit from ÂŁ120m in business rates. Shale gas is contained within a layer of rock formed

from deposits of mud, silt, clay and organic matter. It is extracted by drilling down into the ground and then using a process called "fracking", in which highpressure liquid is used to split the rock and release the gas. The process has attracted strong criticism from environmental groups, who argue that there is a risk the chemicals used in fracking will find their way into groundwater. Local residents are also waiting to hear whether minor earthquake tremors that hit Blackpool in June are related to Cuadrilla's activities. "Drilling for shale gas raises serious safety concerns and risks polluting water supplies and it could take vital funding away from the clean energy solutions we know are safe and will work," said Friends

of the Earth's senior climate campaigner Tony Bosworth. "Our future power needs should come from the wind, sun and waves and using our energy more carefully - this will slash emissions and boost the economy by creating new businesses and jobs." The Co-operative meanwhile warned the Government not to be "seduced" by the newly-discovered Lancashire gas field. It reiterated its call for a moratorium on shale gas extraction until the environmental impacts were fully understood. Cuadrilla will now finish its exploratory phase then begin getting approval to build drilling wells. Some 400 could be built over the next nine years and up to 800 over 16 years if gas extraction is successful.

23 September - 29 September 2011

World News

No police action over cage-fighting children Police have said they are not going to take action against the organisers of a cage fighting event involving children as young as eight.

their aggression with discipline and control. "The BMA believes there are many other sports, such as athletics, swimming, judo and football, which require discipline but do not pose the same threat of brain injury." The NSPCC expressed concern at the young age of the children taking part. Chris Cloke, head of child protection awareness at the charity, said: "We would strongly discourage parents from letting their children take

it, so leave him to do it." Michelle Anderson, who owns the club which staged the event, insisted there was little risk and compared it to boxing. "The children were grappling. The cage fighting only comes when they get older," she said. "We hold boxing events here Footage of the fighting, and kids fight then and noposted on the internet, probody's complained about that. voked a storm of controversy "It's just the name cage fightand was condemned by the ing that people are getting anGovernment and campaigners. noyed at or they criticise it beIt shows the cause they know schoolboys grapnothing about it." pling in a cage Andy Whiteside, 'The organisers of these without protective one of the men padding or headactivities should think very who trains the gear in front of a said: "It's carefully before allowing children children, large crowd. being blown out One is shown of all proportion. to be involved when they are breaking down in (Our gym) takes tears during the egged on to inflict violence.' part in tournaevent at Greenments where it's lands New Labour the exact same, Social Club in Preston earlier this part in this kind of fighting. "It's it just isn't in a cage." month. But Lancashire Police quite disturbing that some of Sharefight, the company who says it has looked into the mat- those involved in the bouts were filmed the event, defended the ter fully and decided "there are as young as eight, an age when footage and insisted the fight no issues for us to pursue". they are still developing, physi- was in a "safe environment" unEarlier, the British Cage Fight- cally and mentally. Culture Sec- der strict conditions. ing Association had described retary Jeremy Hunt described "The event involving the chilparents who allowed their chil- it as "barbaric" and expressed dren was submission wrestling. dren to take part as "morons". shock at the apparent lack of Contact between the parThe British Medical Associa- restrictions on the activity. ticipants was restricted at all tion (BMA) also condemned the However, father Nick Hartley times," the spokesman said. practice, saying it was "disturb- told Sky News he was happy "I would liken it to a game of ing" that children were not for his nine-year-old son Kian to chess, it's about outsmarting wearing helmets. take part. your opponent rather than A spokesman said: "Boxing and "It's more wrestling than fight- overcoming them." cage fighting are sometimes ing... there's no punching and Despite the criticism, the club defended on the grounds that kicking, it's a controlled sport," has said it intends to stage simichildren learn to work through he said. "He (Kian) enjoys doing lar events in the future.

Poisoned school meal kills children in Peru Three schoolchildren in Peru have died after eating food donated as part of a nutrition programme that had been contaminated with rat poison. A total of 89 children and five adults were poisoned after the food was distributed at a

school in Redondo, a village 310 miles (498km) from the capital, Lima. The three dead children are all believed to have been under 10 years old. Authorities fear the death toll could rise. The food had been donated by the National Food Assistance Programme, which

23 September - 29 September 2011

helps schools in the poorest parts of the country. Officials said it was contaminated when rice and canned anchovies were put into a container containing rat poison. Police captain Aurelio Huaman said prosecutors have opened an investigation into the tragedy. A similar case occurred in 1999 at a Peruvian town near Cuzco, when 24 children died after food was contaminated with pesticide.

Killer executed after last-ditch appeal fails Murderer Troy Davis has been put to death in Georgia after a lastditch appeal at the US Supreme Court failed.

Davis was convicted of the 1989 killing of police officer Mark MacPhail in Savannah, Georgia. His case became a focus for campaigners because seven of nine trial witnesses have recanted their testimony. Davis was lethally injected at Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson. His last moments were described by local radio journalist John Lewis, who witnessed the event. Mr Lewis said: "He was strapped to the gurney when we walked in and, when the warden asked if he had to make a statement, he lifted his head up and looked directly at the front row, right where the MacPhail family and friends were sitting. "He said that he did not have a gun. He said that he was not the one who took their son, father, brother and he said he was innocent." The journalist added that the MacPhail family "hugged somebody" after the death

and "seemed to smile about it". "For the MacPhail family at least, they seemed to get some satisfaction from what happened," he added. Gathering crowds hopes were dashed after confusion over a possible reprieve. Davis' death was delayed by some hours, after the US Supreme Court considered a last-ditch appeal. Crowds outside the prison in Jackson, Georgia, cheered shortly after the scheduled 7pm time for his lethal injection to begin upon rumours that the Supreme Court had stayed the execution. But joy turned to confusion as it emerged there had been no such reprieve and Davis' lawyer said the State of Georgia was simply delaying the execution until the final decision had been announced. Around three hours later, it emerged the Supreme Court had refused a stay of execution in the case, giving the go-ahead for the lethal injection to take place. Mr MacPhail's family said Davis is guilty and agreed with his execution. His widow Joan MacPhailHarris said before the execution: "We have put up with

this stuff for 22 years, and it is time for justice today." However, thousands of people came to his defence. Desmond Tutu and Helen Prejean, who wrote Dead Man Walking - a book about a Death Row inmate - were among those to issue statements on his behalf. Thorbjorn Jagland, the secretary general of the Council of Europe, asked on Tuesday for US authorities to find a way to spare his life. Supporters claimed the integrity of witness statements was questionable. He warned there were serious doubts about "the integrity of conviction". Raphael Warnock, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, called the pending execution a "civil rights violation and a human rights violation". The case has been through a series of appeals and in August 2009 the US Supreme Court took the rare step of ordering a new hearing. But in June 2010, a fresh appeal was dismissed with Judge William Moore finding only one of the witness recantations was wholly credible.

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World News

Baby Squirrels rescued after nest disaster Curled up together in a blanket, these squirrels catch up on some sleep after a traumatic start to life.

The five-week-olds were tossed from their nest in Northumberland when the aftermath of Hurricane Katia struck Britain. Winds reached up to around 70mph in the north of England last week as the remnants of the weather system moved over the UK. In what were believed to be the worst storms for 15 years, trees were downed, waves engulfed roads and masonry collapsed.

The squirrels were found by a passer-by and taken to a vets' surgery, who passed them on to the Sanctuary Wildlife Care centre in Morpeth. Their mother has still not been found so workers are feeding the tiny animals goats' milk by hand every three hours. The Sanctuary is a family-run, not-for-profit organisation which cares for unwanted and injured animals across the north of England. It was founded in 1993 by Kim Olson and her husband Allan Pettersson, who had studied wildlife management and worked in Tanzania.

The centre now treats hundreds of injured or abandoned wildlife each year, with the aim of returning them to the wild. The red squirrel is native to Britain but numbers have dwindled as the American grey squirrel continues to dominate. There are only around 140,000 red squirrels left in the UK, compared to over 2.5 million greys. Red squirrels often build their nests - called dreys - in the forks of tree trunks. They are weaned off their mother's milk after eight to 12 weeks when they have developed a complete set of teeth.

Brit designers shine at London Fashion Week This year's London Fashion Week has been branded a big success with one of the strongest front rows to date both in terms of the media and buyers.

There was also the strongest attendance of American department stores to date -supporting a poll that names London as the world's new fashion capital. Fashion photographer Mario Testino told Sky News that London is more influential than ever when it comes to fashion. "The truth is that all the ideas come out of here," he said. "Before they used to be picked up by every other designer from around the world, diluted and communicated to other parts of the world and other people were making the money.

"I think Burberry, in a way, bringing their shows back to England has been very important because they have managed to bring the attention back here - that England isn't only a hub of ideas but it is also a business and there is an industry working and people are making it happen." The runways have seen a global standard of models showcasing collections, with designers including Burberry

Prorsum, Christopher Kane, Erdem, Jonathan Saunders, Mario Schwab and Mary Katrantzou. US-based media analytics company Global Language Monitor recently ranked London as the Global Fashion Capital, overtaking New York. It said the Alexander McQueen wedding dress that Kate Middleton wore at her royal wedding moved London from third to top position.

Driver 'unscathed' after

level crossing smash A driver in Buenos Aires has miraculously survived after driving across a railway track - and being hit by an oncoming train.

Video footage from the front of the train shows the car driving onto the tracks, despite the level crossing gates being down. The high-speed train crashes into the vehicle, but the driver reportedly walked away unscathed. Authorities said the driver was arrested

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after the incident, which occurred in the early hours of Monday morning. The accident comes less than a week after another smash in Buenos Aires involving a city bus and two passenger trains that killed 11 and injured around 200. In that accident, the bus driver also went around gates at a different level crossing on the same line. The two accidents have brought the effectiveness of railway gates into question in the Argentinean capital.

X Factor USA slated as it airs for the first time TV critics in the US have blasted Simon Cowell's decision to axe Cheryl Cole as a judge from X Factor USA after the first episode was aired. Many American journalists who watched the show's opening programme agreed that Cheryl was a better judge than 33-year-old Nicole Scherzinger who replaced her. The 28-year-old singer is shown in the

beginning of the first installment before it was decided she wasn't right for the job. "Ms Cole showed glimmers of being interesting," said The New York Times. "In two seasons as a judge on The Sing-Off on NBC, Ms Scherzinger was a pretty face but, judicially speaking, not much more than a seat warmer." The Chicago Tribune complained: "Scherzinger doesn't come off as an obvious improvement."

23 September - 29 September 2011





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or Email or call into Oasis Fm, Las Chafiras 23 September - 29 September 2011

Page 15

World News

Prisoners get anonymous crime hotline Prisoners have been given a special PIN code to ring Crimestoppers anonymously.

Markets plunge amid the doubts over Fed stimulus World stock markets are plunging - with the FTSE 100 losing more than 5% after economic growth data and the US Federal Reserve's latest stimulus disappointed. The Fed's new policy, named Operation Twist, will involve America's central bank selling short-term treasuries (US government bonds) and buying more longer-term debt to the tune of $400bn (£256bn). In a statement, the Federal Reserve said: "This programme should put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates and help make broader financial conditions more accommodative." The move is designed to get the economy growing by pushing down interest rates on everything from mortgages to business loans - in turn giving consumers and businesses more money to spend. But it falls short of its previous stimulus attempts, so-

called quantitative easing, when the Federal Reserve actually pumped extra money into the economy by buying more assets. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 2.5% of value on the news on Wednesday night and European markets gave a similar verdict today. Downgrades for three US banks and fears for growth in China and Germany added to the sell-offs while A European Central Bank study also suggested fiscal imbalances in the eurozone risked undermining its stability and sustainability. Miners have seen the bulk of the pain on the FTSE 100, on expectations that demand for minerals will sink with growing evidence today that the French and German economies are flatlining. The sense of doom and gloom on the markets all feeds into these fears of a new global recession, despite the latest prediction from the IMF that it can be avoided. The International Monetary

Fund (IMF) warned earlier this week that the world's largest economy is in danger of slipping into a new recession based on current volatility in global equity markets. The fund forecasts growth of just 1.5% for America this year. The Federal Reserve seemed to acknowledge the IMF's assessment in its statement adding: "There are significant downside risks to the economic outlook, including strains in global financial markets." Whether the move by the Federal Reserve and its chairman Ben Bernanke will work remains to be seen. Citigroup's chief UK economist Michael Saunders said: "This move by itself won't be enough to radically change the US outlook, I think it's fairly modest in scale. "I think they may well in the end have to do further quantitative easing." The Fed Committee also decided to keep the rate of interest unchanged at between 0.25% and 'virtually zero'.

A million flee as typhoon threatens chaos in Japan At least six people are dead or missing and more than a million evacuated from cities in Japan as a typhoon strikes the country.

The category 2 tropical storm, known as Roke, is expected to head toward the north eastern region which was battered by the tsunami in March. The southern coastline near Tanabe and Nagoya has already experienced winds of over 100mph (160kph) and heavy rain. Rescuers in boats have been trying to help people whose homes have been hit by floods and landslides. In the capital, Tokyo, high winds and rain have knocked out the power to 200,000 homes while local authorities battle to strengthen river banks. The Japanese government has asked people to follow evacuation orders. Chief cabinet secretary Osamu Fujimura warned: "We need to be extra vigilant against a potential disaster caused by heavy rains, strong winds and rough seas along a wide area from western to northern Japan." The typhoon has affected much of Japan's industrial heartland and companies including car manufacturer Toyota have closed down their factories. Also buffeted by the storm is the Fukushima nuclear power plant - which is at the centre of an

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ongoing radiation crisis since the earthquake and tsunami devastated the coastline on March 11. The plant's owner, Tokyo Electric Power Co, has said there was no immediate problems reported at the damaged reactors from the storm.

It is hoped inmates will pass on details of crimes committed inside jail and anything they know about offences outside. Pilot schemes in Yorkshire and Scotland have generated many useful calls, says Crimestoppers. The project has been set up by the charity and the National Offender Management Service, which oversees the prison and probation services. The authorities hope that information will help them tackle the internal trafficking of drugs and mobile phones. All 86,000 prisoners in England and Wales have been issued his or her PIN to punch in after dialling the national Crimestoppers number 0800 555 111. At the moment most prisoners' calls are recorded. The exceptions are calls to lawyers and the Samaritans charity.

Crimestoppers founder Lord Ashcroft said: "From day one, Crimestoppers' success has been due to the anonymity that has been guaranteed to those supplying information about crime. "Because of the knowledge that the prison population is likely to have about crime, the launch of this PIN service offers the same guarantee of anonymity to prisoners as it does to members of the public." Prisons Minister Crispin Blunt said: "It's important that prisoners who do not wish to speak to the police or a prison officer are able to give anonymous information to Crimestoppers - last year alone over 8,000 people were arrested and charged thanks to information received by the charity."

'Unauthorized' Wikileaks book published

The "unauthorised" autobiography of Julian Assange has gone on sale without the Wikileaks founder's consent, the book's publishers have said. The book details the story behind the website which caused a diplomatic storm after releasing leaked confidential material relating to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, as well as private diplomatic cables set by US ambassadors and officials around the world. Assange signed a contract believed to be in the region of £1m in December 2010 to produce a "part memoir, part manifesto" to be published some time this year. However, Canongate said that after reading through the book's "first draft", Assange "became increasingly troubled by the thought of publishing an autobiography", declaring that "all memoir is prostitution". In June, Assange told the company he wanted to cancel his contract. "By the time Julian wanted to cancel the deal he had already used the advance money to settle his legal bills," the publisher said in a statement. "So the contract still stands. We have decided to honour it - and to publish. "Once the advance has been earned out, we will continue

to honour the contract and pay Julian royalties." Assange was said to be fearful that the book could fuel US attempts to charge him over the high-profile leaks. Despite this, a link to purchase the book was posted on the official Wikileaks Twitter account, raising doubts the "unauthorized" release could be a publicity stunt. However, former Wikileaks staff member James Ball told Sky News he believes Assange's anger is genuine. "I don’t think it's a stunt. Of course, if it ends up showing him in a good light, he'll pretend he planned it this way." Mr Ball believes Assange became frustrated with the autobiography project after it became clear much of its earnings were likely to go towards his legal team. "He's thrown his toys out of the cot," Mr Ball said. "I think he was upset that he could not sell the film rights like others did." Mr Assange's struggle to raise funds for his organisation has intensified since key funding sources were cut off after pressure on firms such as Visa and PayPal from the US government. An auction of Wikileaks memorabilia has been set up on eBay. Among the lots, a computer used, according to its description, to prepare the release of the US diplomatic cables.

It has currently attracted a single bid of £6,000. Wikileaks say the computer is "exclusive auction item" and the winning bidder will get "the full set of Wikileaks Cables, the Wikileaks computer and its passwords". Assange is currently residing in Ellingham Hall mansion in Norfolk on bail as he awaits possible extradition to Sweden over sexual assault claims involving two women. In the book, he writes: "I did not rape those women and can not imagine anything that happened between us that would make them think so, except malice after the fact, a joint plan to entrap me, or a terrible misunderstanding that was stoked up between them. "I may be a chauvinist pig or some sort but I am no rapist, and only a distorted version of sexual politics could attempt to turn me into one. "They both had sex with me willingly and were happy to hang out with me afterwards." He claims he was warned by a source at a Western intelligence agency that the US government would attempt to "illegally" discredit him by, he predicted, planting drugs or child pornography. The Australian also goes into detail about his youth, describing the "addictive" thrill of hacking into the likes of Nasa and the Pentagon as a young adult.

23 September - 29 September 2011


The key to economic recovery? By Christopher Pennington, Capecan Business Centre

AT a recent dinner, the conversation changed from the usual, “How’s the family and how was your summer holidays”? to focusing on the current recession (actually a depression, but more about that later).

The recession is a topic everyone has an opinion about, and everyone has a solution, if only those idiot bankers and politicians would listen … right? I spoke with a friend of mine, Mike Southon, who’s a Financial Times columnist and successful serial entrepreneur himself. Mike had recently written an article for the FT stating that the road to recovery was through raising private equitythe process of a business receiving funds through investment into its business. It would seem that there has never been a better time in recent years for successful businesses to raise private equity. There are obviously many investors and venture capital firms (groups of investors that give you money in return for a percentage of your business) out there earning nothing from having their money stuck in the banks. This is only likely to produce them in the region of 3% interest, which is hardly an attractive deal for a per-

son with a savings account, let alone an investor. With banks offering so little, and real estate not yet having its lowest price, it would appear that private equity is much more likely to see a positive return by investing in an entrepreneur with a track record of business successes. And if the business owner can also throw into the mix some sort of guarantee, your investor is likely to be a happy one. Investment into your business could best be used to purchase another company, maybe a competitor, where you can then streamline the operations. Or it could be used to develop your brand intelligently, using the capital to help you to win a larger portion of the market. This is likely to entice your competitors to adjust in an already-difficult market. It is also worth noting that it is easier to be pro-active as opposed to reactive as the former gives you momentum.

Why should you consider this and why now? After contact with an associate of mine who is arguable one of the most successful equity traders of the last 15 years, (he was responsible for the largest equity cash trade in

23 September - 29 September 2011

European history - that of O2 by Telefonica), he enlightened me about the three types of recession. The first is a V type, which is usually a 45-degree downturn until it hits rock-bottom, followed by a 45-degree upturn of growth. The second is an L type, which is a straight down crash. This is the one where, if you live in the City, you will see people throwing themselves off the tops of buildings. Then there is the worst of all. We call it a recession, but it’s actually a depression. This is the W type, where a market loses at least 50% of its value, which we have seen in real estate and investments. It then bounces back, as the market did in early 2009. Then what you will see is a flat-line, with little movement until the second crash happens. This hasn’t happened to date but is still to come, as the W shape recession follows the trend of 1974/5 and1933/5. After this second crash, you can then expect to see a growth phase of about 20 years, allowing for the occasional dip, which is why investors should buy companies with good track records before the second crash. History has shown that if you get it right and secure private equity, you are most likely to emerge as the brand leader, while

your competitors either go to the wall or struggle on. If you don’t have private equity in your company now, or think it would be too challenging to find, then another viable option is to start looking at cutting your overheads. If the second crash was to hit, which 90% of experts are predicting in 2012, then it is likely to be fast and hard-hitting. with companies fighting to keep their current client base and desperately trying to cut costs in order to make themselves profitable. The advantage to our fully-fur-

nished, serviced office business centre is exactly this. You can pay just one bill, plus receive more and better services than you are currently receiving and for less than you are currently paying! This will, in turn, lower your current costs and release that extra valuable cash each month to start getting ahead of your competition now and claiming more of the market. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail! Register your interest for our new Business Centre, soon to open in Los Cristianos, and see how we can add value to your business.

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Community News

Lights, Accion, cameras! GOT our shades on and we’re ready to roll! Valerie Dales has send a super picture of her grandson, Charlie, and her dog, Jack, driving like crazy, man, to beat the deadline for the Pets Portrait competition.

Tenerife’s lesding design and print company First Impressions, on the San Miguel road in Las Chafiras, have kindly offered to print all the entries for the Pets Portrait Competition at Accion del Sol on 2nd October. In addition, some excellent prizes have been donated by Siam Park and Loro Parque, and there’s a fabulous weekend on offer at Hotel Botanico, in Puerto De La Cruz. The photos will all be displayed on the day in the form of an exhibition at the refuge, as well as a fun dog agility competition, with lots more fun, games and stalls for all the family to enjoy.

Five-star boost Hip Lions are so for the refuge cool man, cool! WHAT a great start to the week for Accion del Sol’s dog refuge, with five dogs being adopted and off to start their new lives.

This gorgeous little pup pictured also has new a owner, but Mr Schneider will have to wait three more weeks before he can take him home as he’s too young to leave his mum. But it is becoming harder and harder to find people to adopt the dogs because so many animals are coming in to the refuge. So please think carefully before allowing your dog to get pregnant. Dog refuges in general are full of unwanted animals over here, and sterilisation and castra-

tion is the answer - the real way forward - to help ease this crisis on the Island. Every single dog at the Aktiontier-sponsored, Granadilla-based Accion del Sol is castrated or sterilised, ensuring no unwanted litters, which would only add to the existing problems. Puppies have been coming into the refuge in droves. Please visit the Accion del Sol sanctuary and see for yourselves what beautiful, healthy dogs they have, all looking for loving homes. If you would like to adopt one, call in at the centre, which is open from Monday-Friday between 3-6pm, or call 922 778 630 for more information.

THE appearance of a Jimmy Savile lookalike inspired members of San Miguel Lions Club and their guests to follow suit, dressed in 60s and 70s gear last Saturday,

The retro event, held at the Dragons Denn, Alondras Park, Costa del Silencio, ensured a riot of colour and imagination, with the appearance of iconic Dj Savile, aka Dave Tracey, leading the way. It turned out to be a brilliant, time-warp, theme night, with everyone entering into the spirit of things. Prizes for the best-dressed male and female, won by Bobby and Val respectively, were presented by Karen and Mike (pictured), who were also kitted out appropriately. Lions Social Secretary Ralph Solomon said: “It was a great night, and special thanks go to our Lions team and to Liz, from the Dragons Denn, who hosted the evening and served us with topnotch nosh.”

Moon walkers wanted by K9 ANIMAL refuge K9 is planning a Full Moon Walk to Chinyero Arena Negras on Wednesday, 12th October. But unfortunately, NO dogs will be allowed - even on a lead. The walk starts at 9.30pm and should be completed by midnight. Walk leader is the experienced Christine Rudge, and those interested should meet at 8.45pm at the Chio Garage (TF38), at the far side of Chio if coming from Guia de Isora.

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Participants are advised to wear sturdy trainers or boots, fleece or warm jackets and hats, and should carry drinks and a torch. A minimum 10-euro sponsorship is required from each walker, and all proceeds are for K9 and Friends of the Animals Further information and sponsor forms are available from Mikey at or from the K9 kennels or the K9 stall at Alcala Market.

23 September - 29 September 2011


Unstoppable, that's barn-storming Ron! RON BARNES proved far too hot for the rest of the Fun Golfers at Los Palos in the September challenge, when they contested the individual competition and the Harry Davis Memorial Trophy. Ron picked up both titles after a super round and, as ever, it was a great day’s golf, enjoyed by all. Ann Pickersgill finished second, with Russell Nolan behind her. Julia Fleming took the prize for Ladies’ Nearest the Pin, while the Gents’ honour went to Javier Sabaris. The next Fun Golfers’ competition will be staged on 9th October, and anyone wishing to play should call Clive on 922 797 640. Incidentally, the Scally Waggs Golf Society’s new tee-off time is 9am on Sundays. Call Frank Moss on 661 187 334 if you are interested in a round.

President’s Night Wednesday Club’s for Santiago Lions change of scene THE re-arranged President’s Night for Santiago Del Teide Lions Club will be held on 15th October at El Marques, Puerto Santiago. Ken Ward takes over as President from Steve Gilbert at the full, sit-down buffet, to be followed by cabaret and dancing until late. The evening starts at 7pm for a 7.30pm sit-down, and

compere for the night will be Fred Dudman, with cabaret featuring Gavin Nicholas and Stu McCoy. It promises to be a great night, with tickets at 30 euros each, and there will be a Happy Hour at the bar between 7-8pm. Tickets are available from MDI in Alcala and El Marques. For further information, contact Richard on 678 432 683.

THE venue for the Wednesday Club has now changed from the Apolo Centre, Los Cristianos, to another meeting place close by. For further information, phone Edna on 629 487 090 to meet old and new friends in welcoming surroundings. The club, which meets on the last Wednesday of the

month, has been running for nearly two years. It was started to give some social support to older members in the community and has flourished. It gives them an opportunity to meet other people - as couples or singles - for a social get-together of likeminded people who don’t want to visit or meet in bars.

Banking on Gillian’s girls to raise the roof THE Gillian Banks Theatre School, from Rotherham, are bringing 15 professional and semi-professional performers to Tenerife for a week in October, to perform three fund-raising shows for Live Arico’s animal rescue centre.

The Theatre School supports many charities throughout the year both in the UK and across the world - Nepal being one place. Back in May Tenerife’s Nick Page

flew to the UK to perform in a show with the Theatre School, a registered charity with Nick as its Patron. It raised an impressive £11,000 for local charities and now, in exchange for Nick’s chosen charity (Live Arico), the Theatre School are returning the gesture by performing in the final week of October to help the cash-strapped refuge. Singing and dancing showgirls will perform together on the three nights. Tickets will be limited, so to reserve yours now through Suzy Q on 682 517 045.

23 September - 29 September 2011

The Theatre School have performed with Nick Page and Tanya Tevaro on many occasions, and they promise to make your evening one to remember. Show dates: *Monday, 24th Oct - The Palms, Golf del Sur. Tickets 10 euros, to include dinner. *Thursday 27th - The Harbour Club, Los Gigantes. Tickets 15 euros, to include a five-star buffet. *Friday, 28th - The Theatre Bar, San Eugenio. Raffle tickets costing five euros to be purchased on entry.

Live Arico update: Half-year figures Our three charity shops made a net profit of 22,080.39 from January to June inclusive. We thank Claudia, Trish and Siobhan for managing the shops, and all their hard-working volunteers. The coins in our collection boxes totalled a further 4,137.21 euro, and the benefit nights (and afternoons) brought in 5,445 euros, thanks to all the acts who give us their time. We are lucky to be able to call on the very best of talent when we need to, and, as was proved at Restaurant Maria, we sure can put on the best of events. Donations made added up to 4,982 euros, which gave us a total income of 36,644.60 euros. In reality, our running costs are around 10,000 euros a month and again the shortfall has been met by our vets, Hospivet Sur, in Las Chafiras, and our feed supplier. We strive constantly to reduce our debts with both entities. Our “10-cent-a-day membership scheme has had a good start, and we hope it will continue to give us this extra, much-needed income. Go to and click on the button on the homepage for all the details. Or you can set up through your bank. Our details are 2065 0222 18 1400011706, Caja Canarias. You will receive the latest newsletter immediately. Our thanks to … All involved in the fund-raiser on 9th September at Restaurant Maria, Golf del Sur, where we raised an outstanding 1,000 euros. Solange and her staff worked hard to feed almost 100 people and keep the drinks flowing. The entertainment was provided by Sebastian, Phil Gibson, Alfie B, Tanya Tevaro, Nick Page, and Charlie Karlsen, making his final appearance before starting his studies at the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts in London. Charlie started his singing career at our benefits four years ago and we wish him well. All in all, one of the best nights ever, with a fantastic atmosphere in this stunning venue. We will make this a regular event there, so check this column for news. Live Arico Roadshow Next Friday, 30th September, we will be at Ocean View, Comodoro Hotel, in Los Cristianos, for a pie-and-pea supper. Hi de Hi’s Paul Shane will be joining us, and we have entertainment from Kracka as the Blues Brothers, plus guests. Tickets are just six euros from Suzy Q on 682 517 045, or call into the bar. New San Isidro shop “Amigo’s de Live Arico” is now open for business. It’s our fourth second-hand shop and is situated left off the second roundabout (when travelling UP the main road of San Isidro), by the CEIP school. Call Catty for information, on 617 093 283. Like our other shops, staff need goodquality, second-hand clothes, shoes, books, DVDs, CDs, toys, games and bric-a-brac. Important Telephone Numbers Eugenio 649 001 907 (Please call if you find an animal abandoned or in distress) Suzy Q 682 517 045 (Call regarding fund-raising, press releases, prize donations etc) Mark & Alice 661 099 365 (Poochies Pet Hotel for boarding your dog) Debbie Gibson 637 918 158 (Shop donations and collections, overseeing land purchase)

Helping Hand for Children’s Home LOCAL Charity Helping Hands in Tenerife have recently donated 630 euros to the Guadyl Children’s Home in Granadilla. This has paid for the youngsters’ new shoes, trainers, school bags and stationery for their return to school. Liz Montague, the guiding light behind Helping Hands, said: “As you can imagine, all the children were thrilled! Thanks to Marion Yates for purchasing all the items on behalf of the children.”

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23 September - 29 September 2011

Television Guide

your best tV guide IN tenerife! 13 channels including BBC, ITV, CHANNEL 4, CHANNEL FIVE Sky & Sports channels

Sunday 25th September BBC1 12:10pm - What Seb needs to take the title The defending World Champ, who has eight wins to his name this year and has finished just one of 13 grands prix off the podium, has already bagged 284 points.

The German has a commanding lead in the standings as he is 112 points ahead of Fernando Alonso and 117 in front of Jenson Button and Mark Webber with Lewis Hamilton a further nine off the pace. His advantage means he can wrap up the title at the very next race in

Singapore - and with five races to spare. What he needs is: •He has to finish on the podium to stand a chance of winning the title. •If he finishes fourth or lower, something he’s only done once this year, the title race will continue into the Japanese GP. •If Vettel wins the grand prix, he needs Alonso to finish fourth or lower, with Button and Webber third or lower. • If he is second, Alonso has to finish eighth or lower, with Button and

23 September - 29 September 2011

Webber fifth or lower and Hamilton must not win. •If Vettel comes home in third place, Alonso has to finish ninth or lower, Button and Webber seventh or lower and Hamilton must not finish in the top two. As for Vettel’s thoughts when it was pointed out that he can bag his second successive title in Singapore, the Red Bull driver said: “Wow. I don’t know. It has been an incredible year so far to be honest. “We have progressed so much as a team and have become so much

stronger in the last two years and again from last year to this year made such an incredible step. I think we have put ourselves in a very good position. “But I love racing. We enjoy racing as a team altogether every weekend, unpacking the car, you can see the passion and it is great. You can feel the challenge. “We want to make sure that we have a very good weekend and we squeeze everything out of ourselves. Of course, it is very nice to win but if we have a good Sunday and we fin-

ish third or fifth still you feel that we are very good in optimising the result so I don’t know really. “I think we just do Singapore as we did all the other races this year. Go there and take it step-by-step and see what we can do. I love the circuit. It is very interesting. “I remember I had a nice race there with Fernando, obviously to his advantage, as he finished first but it was great. I think we had a tough race there. It is a long circuit so I am looking forward to it and we will see what happens then.”

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

F r i day 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ���������������������������Little Robots

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:10 �������������������� Guess with Jess

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

06:20 ��������������������Pinky Dinky Doo

11:00 ������To Build or Not to Build

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

09:15 �����Rugby World Cup 2011 Tri-Nations winners Australia meet the USA in their third Pool game.

11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 ���������������������BBC News at One 1:30 �������������������BBC London News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef 3:00 �������������������������������������BBC News

MODERN FAMILY is more than a dab hand at scenes filled with dewyeyed poignancy. Modern Family’s return is marked with an hour-long opener. The calamity-prone clan really will be lassoing laughs as they unleash their inner cowboys and head to a dude ranch. Hawaii this is not... For Phil, Lloyd says, this “will be a

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear 07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8 07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie 07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon 07:45 �The League of Super Evil 07:55 �������������������������������Newsround 08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

3:05 ������������Natural Born Hunters

08:30 ��������������Green Balloon Club Winter Special

3:35 ��������������������������������������Wingin’ It

08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld

4:00 �����������Dick and Dom Go Wild

09:05 �������������The Koala Brothers

4:30 �������� Barney’s Latin America

09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train

5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround

09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion

5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless

09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch 10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling

8:00 - 9:00pm SKY1 The Dunphys, Pritchetts and Pritchett-Tuckers return for a mustsee third season. Sometimes a show comes along that just gets everything right. Modern Family is that show. Impeccably cast and boasting 24-carat comedy gold writing, it swings from the slapstick - Phil and that step - to the stingingly sharp, and

chance for him to once again demonstrate to Jay that he is a worthy son-inlaw”. And the back-to-basics trip could be just what Mitch and Cam need. The pair have decided to adopt a baby boy - yay! but start having doubts about whether they have what it takes to bring up a little guy.

6:00 ����������������BBC News at Six

10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas

6:30 ������������ BBC London News

10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo

7:00 ��������������������The One Show

11:05 �������������In the Night Garden

7:30 ���������Nigel Slater’s Simple Cooking From pork chops and gooseberry to rhubarb with caramel sauce, Nigel cooks five very different dishes that all work for the same reason: the delicious marriage of something sweet with something sour.

11:35 ������� The New Pink Panther Show

8:00 ������������������������ EastEnders Yusef starts to panic when his plan threatens to spiral out of control - will Syed and Tam come to Zainab’s aid before it is too late?

3:00 ������������������� The Weakest Link

8:30 ����� Celebrity MasterChef This catch-up episode of the cookery competition meets the four celebrities who have been battling this week to impress judges John Torode and Gregg Wallace.

6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads

9:00 ������������������� Outnumbered 9:30 ���������� Would I Lie to You? 10:00 ������������ BBC News at Ten 10:25 ���������� BBC London News 10:35 ���������� Come Fly with Me 11:05 ����������Mrs. Brown’s Boys 11:35 ���� The National Lottery Friday Night Draws 11:45 ��������������������������Rounders

12:00 ������������������The Daily Politics 12:30 �����������������GMT with George Alagiah 1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder 1:45 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 �������������������������������� Animal 24:7 3:45 ������������������������������Real Rescues 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip

6:30 ����Reel History of Britain 7:00 �������������Highlands on Film 7:30 ����������������������������������� Coast The team travel from Berwick-upon-Tweed to Aberdeen, highlighting Edinburgh’s close connection with the coast. 8:30 �������������Gardeners’ World 9:00 ���������� Digging for Britain 10:00 ��������������������������������������� QI 10:30 �����������������������Newsnight 11:00 ���������� The Review Show 11:50 ���������� Later... with Jools Holland

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning 12:30 ������������������������Loose Women 1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather 2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show 4:00 ���������������� Midsomer Murders 5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase 6:00 ��������������� London Tonight 6:30 �� ITV News and Weather 7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Amy helps Belle to lie to Lisa - then things turn nasty. John goes ahead and spends the money he owes Declan. 7:30 ������������Coronation Street A fragile Carla tries to piece her life back together. Leanne questions Peter’s devotion. Will Anna fall for Owen’s charms? 8:00 ������������Love Your Garden Today, Alan is in Harlow in Essex where he shows us how the smallest of gardens can be turned into a private sanctuary. 8:30 �����������Coronation Street Frank gives Carla a chilling ultimatum. Tina is seething when Tyrone refuses to think badly of Kirsty. 9:00 ���� DCI Banks: Aftermath After Tom McMahon dies in a second suspicious fire, Banks focuses his investigation on the ringleader of the art forgery scam. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 ���������������� Four of a Kind Ellie, Georgie, Jessica and Holly Carles are the UK’s only identical quadruplets. 11:35 ������������������� Rugby World Cup 2011 Highlights of today’s Group C clash between Australia and the United States.


JACK WHITEHALL - My Funniest Year

An Idiot Abroad was an immediate success when it launched last year. It was first-class funny and, more momentously, saw the birth of an unlikely star in Mr Pilkington. Happier at home eating a bag of Monster Munch than oohing and aahing over this splendid sight or

Young comic talent Jack Whitehall takes to the stage of Hackney Empire and reflects on My Funniest Year, 2005.

9:00 - 10:00pm SKY1

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that, the podcast sensation mined televisual gold when Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant sent him on a trip to the Seven Wonders of the World. Expect more quotable quotes as he digs out his passport for An Idiot Abroad 2, in which he works his way through the ‘Bucket List’: the

things you’re supposed to do before you kick said bucket. Flung from Alaska to Australia, Pilkington is up for a rush of new experiences, whether it’s taking a dip with dolphins or hitting Route 66. Of course, Gervais and Merchant have arranged a few surprises along the way...

11:05pm Channel 4

Jack chooses 2005 because for him it was a momentous year - the year he turned 17, left school, and lost his virginity in Antony Worrall

Thompson’s gastro pub. There was also Live 8, the hunting ban, the introduction of 24 hour drinking and the launch of YouTube. My Funniest Year is a comic journey rich in belly laughs from beginning to end as Jack gives his unique take on the events that shaped the

year and his own life. Jack also takes a pop at noteworthy TV shows of the year, including the launch of Come Dine with Me, and delves into the public reaction to the celebrity weddings of Prince Charles and Camilla, Peter Andre and Jordan, and Ken and Deirdre in Coronation Street.

23 September - 29 September 2011

2 3

06:15 ����������������������������������������������The Hoobs

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

07:05 ��������������������������������Freshly Squeezed

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

08:30 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

09:55 ���������������� Supersize v Superskinny 10:55 �����������������������������A Place by the Sea 12:00 ������������ Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed 12:35 ���������������������������River Cottage Bites 12:55 ��������������������������������Channel 4 Racing 3:10 �����������������������������������������������Countdown 4:00 ���������������������������������������Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip 5:30 ������������������������������Come Dine with Me

11:10 ���������The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan 12:05 ������������������������������5 News Lunchtime

Television Guide

r d

se p t e m be r

06:00 ������������������������� Carling Cup Football A round up of the all the goals from the third round of the Carling Cup. The remaining Premier League sides entered the competition, but will there be any upsets?

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 �������������������������������������������������Charmed

07:00 ����������������������������London Ambulance

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

09:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

10:00 ������������������������������The Chicago Code

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

07:00 ���������������������������������Solheim Cup Golf Day one of the 2011 Solheim Cup from Killeen Castle, Ireland.

11:00 �������������������������������The Chicago Code

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:00 �������������������������������Sun, Sea and A&E

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

2:00 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

2:30 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15 ��������������������������������������������������� CSI: Miami 3:10 ����������������������������������The Family Recipe 3:15 �������������������������������������������������Ice Dreams 5:00 �����������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

6:00 �������������������������������The Simpsons 6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away

7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV

7:30 ����������������������������������

7:00 ������������������������������������ 5 News at 7

7:35 ������������������������������������� Father Ted

7:30 ������������������������������������� Pawn Stars

8:00 �������������������� Come Dine with Me

8:00 ������������������������ The Gadget Show

9:00 �����The Million Pound Drop Live

9:00 ������������������������������������Big Brother

10:30 ������������������������8 Out of 10 Cats

10:00 ������������������������������ The Bachelor

11:05 ��������������������Jack Whitehall: My Funniest Year

11:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

7:00 ���������Sky Sports News at Seven 7:30 ������������������������������������������ Football Brighton welcome Leeds to the American Express Community Stadium in the npower Championship. Leeds won 3-0 when they last travelled to the south coast in 2009. 10:00 �����������������������Take it Like a Fan 10:30 �������� Barclays Premier League Preview A look ahead to the weekend’s Barclays Premier League fixtures.

5:00 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons 5:30 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

6:00 �����������������������������Modern Family

7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

6:30 �����������������������������Modern Family

8:00 ����������������������������Drop Dead Diva

7:00 ������������������������������������� The Middle

9:00 ���������������������������An Idiot Abroad

9:00 ���������������������������������������Ladyboys This intriguing and, at times, emotional documentary travels to Thailand to explore the world of male-to-female transgender persons.

10:00 �����������������������������������������������Glee

10:00 ������������������������������������������� Chase

7:30 ������������������������������������� The Middle 8:00 �����������������������������Modern Family

11:30 �� Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

11:00 ������ Football League Weekend A look ahead to the weekend’s games in the npower Football League, including all the latest stories, features, team news and player interviews.

11:00 ������������������������� Mount Pleasant

11:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

7:00 �����������������������������������Doctor Who The TARDIS lands in a hotel where every visitor’s room contains their deepest, darkest fears. What lies in wait in the Doctor’s room?

06:00 ���������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

07:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ����������������������������������Extreme Dreams

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:25 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

08:00 ���������� Good Morning Sports Fans

08:00 ������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

09:00 �������������������������Carling Cup Football

08:30 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

7:50 �����������Doctor Who Confidential

10:00 �������������������������������������������������� Ringside

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

8:00 ����������������������������The Real Hustle Novice hustlers Polly Parsons and Jazz Lintott have to learn the art of deception in record time, as they join the original trio and help them carry out the most devious scams to date.

11:00 �����������������������������������The Rugby Club

10:00 �������������������������������������������������� GT Racer

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of New York City

12:00 ������������ America’s Cup Uncovered

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

12:30 �������������������������Carling Cup Football

11:30 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

1:30 ����������������������������������������������������� Ringside

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

2:30 �������������������������������������The Rugby Club

2:00 �������������������������������������������������Shark Tank

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

3:30 ����Barclays Premier League World

3:00 ����������������������������������������Seaside Rescue

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

4:00 ����������������������������������������������������� Ringside

3:30 ����������������������������������������Seaside Rescue

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

5:00 �������������������� Elite League Ice Hockey

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

8:30 ��������������������������������������������������E20 Kicked out of her grandma’s house, Faith seeks shelter with two newcomers to Albert Square. 9:00 ��������������������������������� Little Britain 9:30 ���Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show 10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders 10:30 ��������������������������������Him and Her 11:00 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:45 ���������������������������� American Dad

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear 6:00 �������������������������������������������Cricket England and the West Indies contest their first Twenty20 at the Oval. 10:00 ����������������� PCA Cricket Awards 10:30 ������������������������ Road to London 11:00 ����������������������������������������������Polo Sotogrande Gold Cup.

23 September - 29 September 2011

6:00 ������������ James May’s Toy Stories 7:20 ������������������������������������������Top Gear 9:00 ������������� Dave’s One Night Stand 10:00 ����������������� Russell Howard Live: Dingledodies 11:30 ����������������������������������������������������QI

8:30 �����������������������������Modern Family

7:00 �������������Inside the Actors Studio 8:00 �������������������������������������� Fish Town 9:00 ����������������������������������������� Big Love 10:15 �������������������������������������������Treme 11:30 ���������������������������������This is Jinsy Delightfully quirky comedy series about the eccentric residents of the fictional island of Jinsy.

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy 12:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street 12:30 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale 1:00 ������������������������������������������������Emmerdale 1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40 ����������The Real Housewives of New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women 5:40 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy 6:05 ������������������������������������Judge Judy 6:30 ����������������������������������Take Me Out 8:00 �������� New You’ve Been Framed! 9:00 ������������������������ The X Factor USA 11:00 �������� TOWIE: Reem All About it

Page 23

Television Guide

Sat u r day 06:00 ��������������������������������� Breakfast

06:00 ���������������������������Little Robots

10:00 ����������������� Saturday Kitchen

06:10 �������������������� Guess with Jess

11:30 ������������ Nigel Slater’s Simple Cooking

06:20 ��������������������The Pingu Show

12:00 ���������������������������������BBC News

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

12:05 ������������������������Regional News 12:10 �������������������������������������Weather 12:15 ������������������������Football Focus 1:00 ������������������������������������������ Cycling 2:00 ������F1 the Singapore Grand Prix Qualifying 4:30 ����������������������������������Final Score 5:10 ������������������������������������BBC News 5:20 ���������������������������Regional News 5:25 ���������������������������������������Weather 5:30 ��������������������������������������� Epic Win

6:10 ������Celebrity MasterChef Following on from their experiences in a top Asian restaurant, the celebrities are tasked with cooking an Asian-inspired two-course meal.

07:00 ����������������������������������������������Roar 07:30 �����������������������������������������Arthur 07:55 �������������Dennis and Gnasher 08:05 �����������������������������������Hounded 08:35 ����������������������������������� Splatalot 10:00 ��� Who Let the Dogs Out?

2:50 ����������������������������� The X Factor

10:25 The League of Super Evil

3:50 �������Do the Funniest Things

10:40 Wolverine and the X-Men

4:35 ��������Rugby World Cup 2011 Highlights

11:00 ��������������������������������������Eliot Kid 11:15 ������������ Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 12:00 ����������������Homes Under the Hammer 12:30 ���������������������������������� Rampage 2:05 ���������Krakatoa, East of Java 4:10 �������������������������������������������Flog It!

7:15 ��������������������������������� Flog It!

10:20 ���������������������������Weather 10:25 ���������� Match of the Day The day’s early kick-off sees Everton travel to Eastlands to face Manchester City. 11:50 �����The Football League Show After the exertions of midweek Carling Cup action, it is back to the demands of league action for many of the clubs in the npower Football League.

5:35 ����Local News and Weather 5:45 ��������ITV News and Weather

11:40 ��������������������MOTD Kickabout

7:55 ������The National Lottery: Secret Fortune

10:05 �������������������������BBC News

12:00 �����ITV News and Weather 12:05 ���������������Coronation Street Omnibus

5:10 ��������� Match of the Day Live Live Championship football from Vicarage Road, where Watford take on Nottingham Forest.

9:35 ������������ Live at the Apollo The pub landlord Al Murray hosts, before introducing special guests Chris Addison and pun-meister Tim Vine.

09:10 �����������������Rugby World Cup This is the most eagerly awaited clash of the pool stages as hosts New Zealand take on their bogey team, France.

09:00 ����������������������� Live ‘N’ Deadly

7:10 ������������������������Doctor Who The Doctor’s final days are upon him - but when he drops in on an old friend, the Cybermen are waiting.

8:45 ����������������������������� Casualty After a punch-up at a wake, a huge family secret comes to light. Will the truth come out?

Page 24

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

06:00 �����������������Rugby World Cup Live coverage of England’s Pool B game against Romania in Dunedin.

7:25 �������������������������Dad’s Army The verger gets tied up with disastrous consequences. Can the platoon set him free? 8:00 �������������Brave New World Set against the post war period of debt, austerity and rationing, the 1951 Festival of Britain showed how to carve out a bright new future through design and ingenuity, while still having fun. 9:00 ������������������������������������QI XL 9:45 ������������������� Calendar Girls Comedy drama based on the true story of 12 ladies from Yorkshire baring all for charity. 11:25 ����������������� Calendar Girls 10 years after they first took their clothes off and took the world by storm, six of the original Calendar Girls are preparing to bare all for the final time.

6:00 �������������New You’ve Been Framed! Today’s show features workplace pranks, mad mums and all sorts of animals. 7:00 �All Star Family Fortunes Comedian Russell Kane and his relatives compete against EastEnders actress Rita Simons and clan. 8:00 ���������������������The X Factor Dermot O’Leary presents the first of two bootcamp shows as the remaining contestants head to London. 9:15 �����������The Jonathan Ross Show Jonathan is joined by acting legend Dame Helen Mirren, comedian Harry Hill and the fantastically flexible Louie Spence. Plus Kasabian perform their latest single live in the studio. 10:15 �����������������The American Gangster Oscar-nominated drama based on a true story. In 1970s New York, a drug kingpin has built a vast and powerful empire thanks to his unique high-quality heroin supply lines from the Far East and his mafia connections. 11:15 � ITV News and Weather 11:30 �����������������The American Gangster

23 September - 29 September 2011


06:20 ����������������������������������������������������Sali Mali

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:25 ��������������������������� The Treacle People

08:00 ��������������������������������������� Little Princess

06:35 ��������������������������� The Vue Film Show

08:20 ������The Adventures of Bottletop Bill and His Best Friend Corky

07:05 �������������Dunlop MSA Formula Ford Championship of GB 2011

08:35 ������������������������������� Angelina Ballerina

07:30 ���������������������������������� Mobil 1 The Grid

08:45 ���� Rupert Bear: Follow the Magic

07:55 ��������������������������������The Morning Line

09:00 ���������������������������������������������������������� Olivia

08:55 ����������������Box Music Programming

09:15 ������������������������������The Mr. Men Show

09:55 �������������������������������������������������Smallville

09:30 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

10:50 �������������������������������������� The Simpsons

09:45 �������������������������������������Animal Families

11:20 �����������������������������������Made in Chelsea

10:00 ��������������������������������� Inside Hollywood

12:25 �����������������������The Big Bang Theory

10:10 �����������������������������������������������Pawn Stars

12:55 ��������������������That Paralympic Show

10:40 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

1:55 �����������������������������������Channel 4 Racing

11:40 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother

3:55 ����������������������������������������Three in a Bed

1:10 ��������Royal Navy Submarine Mission

4:55 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me

2:05 ��������������������� The Bridge at Remagen

5:55 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me

4:25 ���������������The Stand at Apache River

6:25 �������������������� Come Dine with Me

6:00 ��������������������������������������Zulu Dawn

6:55 �������������������� Come Dine with Me

8:10 �������������������������� 5 News Weekend

7:25 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

8:15 ��������������������������������������������������NCIS

7:55 ����������������������������������

9:15 �������������������������������������Big Brother

8:00 ������������������������������ River Cottage

10:15 �������������Law and Order: Special Victims Unit

9:00 ���� The Million Pound Drop Live

Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:00 ������������������������������ Aerobics: Oz Style Join Australia’s fit and healthy instructors as they put even the most devout armchair gymnasts through their paces with this halfhour workout. 06:30 ����������������Barclays Premier League Preview A look ahead to the weekend’s Barclays Premier League fixtures, with footage from the key press conferences, interviews with players and managers, plus, crucial team news. 07:00 ���������������������������������Solheim Cup Golf Foursomes and Fourballs. Day two of the 2011 Solheim Cup from Killeen Castle, Ireland. Just thirty players will take to the course and battle to be crowned the 2011 Tour Champion.

11:10 ������������������������ CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear Armed with a budget of £3,000 each, they attempt to buy a pre1982 car at auction. The trio is then sent to Majorca to take part in a classic car rally.

06:00 ��������������������������FIFA Futbol Mundial

8:00 ����������Doctor Who Confidential Matt Smith and his returning costar James Corden, who talk about the highs and lows of shooting at night, in a department store and with babies.

11:10 �����������������������������������Rude Tube

8:45 ����������������������������The Real Hustle Joe Swash goes undercover, posing as a member of a film crew. He has to persuade a TV rentals shop to lend him a shipment of flatscreen TVs for a movie shoot. 9:30 ��������������The War of the Worlds Science fiction remake of the 1953 adaptation of HG Wells’ classic novel about a dock worker’s fight to get his children to safety when merciless aliens attack Earth. 11:15 ����������������������������������� Family Guy

06:00 ��������������������������������������Jerry Springer

07:00 �������������������������������������������������Futurama

07:00 ��������������������������������������������������������Maury

07:30 �������������������������������������������������Futurama

08:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

08:00 ����������������������������������������������� Gladiators

09:00 �������������������������������� Ghost Whisperer

09:00 ���������������������������������� World Wrestling

10:00 ������������������������������The Biggest Loser

Entertainment Superstars

11:00 �������������������������������The Biggest Loser

10:00 ��������������������������������������������Soccer A.M.

12:00 ����� Fat Families: Second Helpings

12:00 �������������������������������������������������������35mm

1:00 ����������������������������� Britain and Ireland’s

12:30 ���������������������������������������� Safebreakers

Next Top Model

1:30 ������������������������������������UK Border Force

2:00 �����������������������������������Pushy and Proud

2:30 ������������������������������������������� Showboaters

3:00 �������� Claire Richards: Slave to Food

3:30 ����������������������������������������Modern Family

4:00 ���������������������������������Dating in the Dark

4:00 ����������������������������������������Modern Family

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

4:30 ����������������������������������������Modern Family

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

5:00 ����������������������������������������Modern Family 5:30 ����������������������������������������Modern Family

6:00 ���������������������Nothing to Declare 6:30 ���������������������Nothing to Declare

7:00 ��������������������������������PGA Tour Golf Day three of the Tour Championship presented by Coca-Cola from East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta. Just thirty players will take to the course and battle to be crowned the 2011 Tour Champion. 11:00 �����������������������Solheim Cup Golf Day two of the 2011 Solheim Cup from Killeen Castle, Ireland.

10:20 ������������������������8 Out of 10 Cats

06:00 �������������������Don’t Forget the Lyrics

6:00 �������������������������������������Road Wars 7:00 ���������������������������Emergency with Angela Griffin 8:00 �������������������������������������� Futurama 8:30 �������������������������������������� Futurama 9:00 ������������������������������The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

7:00 �����������������������������Drop Dead Diva 8:00 �������������������������Pushy and Proud Meet the mothers whose feelings towards food and physical activity are having a disturbing impact on their daughters’ attitudes to dieting. 9:00 ����������������������������� Criminal Minds 10:00 ������������������������������������Teen Wolf

11:10 ��������������������������� Law and Order

11:50 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

06:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Omnibus

06:30 ��������������� H20 Powerboating 2011

07:00 �������������������������������������������Radical Highs

07:00 ����������������������������������Thirtysomething

08:25 ���������������������������������� Minute to Win it

07:00 ���������������������������������Take it Like a Fan

07:15 ���������������������������������������������������Top Gear

08:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

09:20 �������������������������������The X Factor USA

07:30 ������������� Football League Weekend

09:40 ������������������������������������������������������� Genius

09:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

1:00 ������������������TOWIE: Reem All About it

08:30 ���������� Champions League Weekly

10:20 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

2:00 ����������������������������������������The Thief Lord

09:00 ���������������Barclays Premier League Preview

12:00 �����������������Red Bull X-Fighters 2011

11:00 ��������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

2:55 ������������������������������������������������������ FYI Daily

1:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

3:00 ����������������������������������������The Thief Lord

09:30 ��������������������������������Take it Like a Fan

12:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

2:00 ��������������������James May’s Toy Stories

4:10 ��������������������������������������The Xtra Factor

10:00 �������������������������������������������Soccer A.M.

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:20 ���������������������������������������������������������� Genius

2:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

5:15 ����������������������������������������������������Apollo 13

12:00 ��������������������������������Take it Like a Fan

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

3:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

12:30 �����������������������Ford Football Special

4:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

3:15 ������������������������������ Sky Sports Classics

05:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

3:30 �����������������������������������Take it Like a Fan

6:00 �����������������������������������Trawlermen

4:00 ���������������������������������������������������������������NFL

7:00 ������������������������������������� The Bubble

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

5:00 ���������������������������Rugby Super League Super League Play-Offs

7:40 �������������������������������������� Red Dwarf

7:00 ����������������������������������������������������� ER

8:20 ������������Have I Got News for You

8:00 ������������Inside the Actors Studio

9:00 ���������������������������� Mock the Week

9:00 �����������������������������������The Borgias

9:40 ���������������������������� Mock the Week

10:10 ������������������������������� Nurse Jackie

7:30 �����������������You’re on Sky Sports! 8:25 �������������������������������Football First

10:20 �������������������������� Mock the Week

10:45 ���������������������������������This is Jinsy

10:15 �����������������������������Football First

11:00 �������������������������� Mock the Week

11:15 ����������������������������������This is Jinsy

11:45 �����������������������������Football First

11:40 �������������������������� Mock the Week

11:45 �������������������������� Bored to Death

23 September - 29 September 2011

6:10 ������������������������������������������ FYI Daily 6:15 �����������������������������������������Apollo 13 8:00 ������������������� Superhuman: Giants 9:00 ��������������������������������� The Hotdesk 9:15 ���������������������������� The Xtra Factor 10:15 ��������������������������� Celebrity Juice 11:00 �������� TOWIE: Reem All About it Special programme taking a look back at the first two series of BAFTA-winning reality show The Only Way Is Essex.

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

S u n day

Grand Prix 3:30 �������������� A Question of Sport 4:00 ���������Deadly 60 on a Mission 4:30 ������������������������Planet Dinosaur 5:00 ������������������������ Songs of Praise 5:35 �������������������������������������BBC News 5:50 �������������������BBC London News

ed since the early days of Chomsky but the question remains as to whether the thousands of languages still existing on the planet are inherently different or just dialects of one language. The Grimm brothers’ early philological work in the 19th century showed the similarities of many Indo-European languages and hinted an underlying protolanguage. Stephen ends by asking whether it is the very differences that make language so richly fascinating and whether it might even be that this variety is an evolutionary advantage.

6:00 �� Nature’s Miracle Babies A rare baby parrot so precious it has to be hand-reared, a newborn lemur whose life is hanging in the balance, a tiny wallaby in need of a foster mum, and 11 beautiful birds who have to be taught how to migrate using a micro light. 7:00 ������������������������� Countryfile Discovering the many delights of ‘The Garden of England’. Matt explores the largest selection of fruit trees in the world, while Ellie is out collecting rock oysters. 8:00 �������� Antiques Roadshow 9:00 �������������������������������� Spooks Calum is attacked by a gang of street muggers during a routine intelligence-sharing exercise with MI6. 10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:15 ���������� BBC London News 10:25 ��������� My Favourite Joke 10:55 ����������������� Outnumbered There is a lot to discuss at Ben’s parents’ evening, including muggers, dangerous chemicals and re-enactments of the Great Plague.


07:30 ��������������������������������������Eliot Kid

11:15 ��������������������������Thunderbirds

07:45 ������������������������������������ Athletics

12:55 �������������������������� The X Factor

10:45 ��������������Something for the Weekend

2:10 ���������������� Midsomer Murders

12:15 ������������������ The Great British

5:15 ��������Rugby World Cup 2011 Highlights

06:10 �������������������� Guess with Jess

12:10 �������������������F1 the Singapore

Tomasello and geneticist Wolfgang Enard (currently working on FOXP2, the socalled language gene), Stephen maps out the current state of research and what it is that physically and cognitively differentiates us from the rest of creation. Delving through the history of feral children, sign languages and watching how a child learns to speak over nine months, Stephen begins to see how language itself is constructed, revelling in its majesty. The debate about whether it is an innate or learned faculty has become less heat-

11:00 ������ITV News and Weather

07:35 ������������������Match of the Day The day’s early kick-off sees Everton travel to Eastlands to face Manchester City.

11:00 ������������������The Politics Show

Stephen Fry explores language in its amazing complexity, variety and ingenuity in this new five-part series. In his own distinctive way he comes to understand how we learn it, write it, sometimes lose it and why it defines us to our very core. In this first episode he seeks to uncover the origins of human language and how and why humans are so advanced in their levels of communication. Talking to psycholinguist Steven Pinker, neuroscientist Cathy Price, evolutionary anthropologist Michael

07:00 ����������������������������������������������Roar

06:00 ���������������������������Little Robots

10:00 ���������� Sunday Morning Live

9:00 - 10:00pm - BBC2

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

08:00 �����������������Rugby World Cup Argentina will provide tough opposition for Scotland as Andy Robinson’s men continue their Pool B campaign.

06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

09:00 ����The Andrew Marr Show

Fry’s Planet Word

11:25 ������������ Ask Rhod Gilbert Joined by David Hasselhoff, Kimberly Wyatt and Phil Jupitus, along with regular panellists Greg Davies and Lloyd Langford, in his comedic search for answers to some more of the world’s most intriguing questions

06:20 ��������������������The Pingu Show 06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

Bake Off

3:45 ���������������������� Downton Abbey

1:15 �������������EastEnders Omnibus 3:10 ������������������������������������������Cycling 5:00 ���������������������������Rugby League

6:00 ���������������� Local News and Weather 6:15 ��� ITV News and Weather

6:00 ���How to Win in the Den A look back over the highs and lows experienced by the hundreds of entrepreneurs who have entered the Den over the last nine series. 7:00 ����������������������������� Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May head to Albania to test the super luxurious Rolls-Royce Ghost, Bentley Mulsanne and Mercedes S65 AMG. 8:00 �����������A South American Journey with Jonathan Dimbleby On the 2nd leg of his journey Jonathan travels across Colombia and Venezuela, South America’s Caribbean giants, and discovers that they have strikingly divergent modern realities. 9:00 ������������Fry’s Planet Word Stephen seeks to uncover the origins of human language and how and why we are the only species on the planet to have this gift. 10:00 �������Match of the Day 2 Highlights and reaction to all of the latest football action. 10:50 ��������������Mock the Week 11:20 �����������������New Jack City Tough action drama in which a New York police detective, blocked in his attempts to control a local drug baron, hires two maverick ex-cops to nail him.

6:30 �� Holding Out for a Hero They are hoping to help someone whom they consider to be a hero, who supports a good cause. In this edition, the hopefuls are playing for Hornsea Rescue, Crumbs and the Wheelchair Dance Sports Association. 7:30 ����������������������The X Factor The remaining 60 acts must give individual performances in front of a 5000-strong crowd at Wembley Arena. 9:00 ���������������Downton Abbey Robert’s new valet Henry Lang has just returned from the war, but O’Brien is the only one to notice that he is not well. 10:15 ��������That Sunday Night Show Adrian Chiles returns for a new series of the show in which he rounds up the week’s big news stories as well as some of the notso-big ones that may have slipped under the radar. 10:45 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 11:00 �������������� Missing Millions Melanie travels to Morecambe to find the recipient of a £13,000 savings plan which has been sitting untouched for 20 years. She also takes a trip to Glasgow to surprise single mum Amy with a much deserved gift from her late grandfather.

10:15 - 10:45pm - ITV2 The Only Way Is Essex – the show that gave us the ‘vajazzle’ and made everything ‘reem’ is back for a third series. Our colourful cast once again welcome you into their uber –glamorous Essex community – so expect lots of action in nail bars, nightclubs and tanning salons! As always, the series will be filmed close to transmission ensuring everything that happens with our cast re-

Page 26

mains as dramatic and explosive as the previous episode. Series 2 saw our Essex community grow with the likes of Joey Essex, Chloe Simms and Gemma Collins joining the cast. Who will enter our lives for series 3? Who will the viewers take to their heart? And what will Mark, Sam, Arg, Lydia and co get up to?! ITV’s Commissioning Editor for Comedy and Entertainment, Claire Zolkwer said “As always in Essex, I’m

sure the new series will feature lots of partying, arguing and the latest wise words from Nanny Pat!” Lime Pictures’ Creative Director Tony Wood said “It’s been a busy summer down in Essex and the plot’s thickening nicely. Our stars will return together with one or two new surprise packages. I can’t wait to get going.” Get a bit more Essex in your life – Sunday and Wednesdays on ITV2.

23 September - 29 September 2011

2 5

Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:10 ����������������������������������������������The Hoobs

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ������������������������������ Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ��������������������������� The Hour of Power

06:00 ������������������������������The Biggest Loser

07:00 �����������������������Sainsbury’s UK School

08:20 ������The Adventures of Bottletop Bill and His Best Friend Corky

06:30 ���������������������������������������� Football First

07:00 ��������������������Brainiac: History Abuse

08:00 �������������������������������� Ghost Whisperer

08:35 ������������������������������� Angelina Ballerina

08:00 ���������������������������������������� Football First

08:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

09:00 ����� Fat Families: Second Helpings

09:30 ����������������The Sunday Supplement Brian Woolnough discusses the latest sports stories that have made the headlines. He is joined each week by three of his accomplished Fleet Street colleagues.

09:00 ���Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker

10:00 ��������������������������������������Criminal Minds

10:00 �World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars

11:00 ���������������������������������������Criminal Minds

11:00 ���������������������������������WWE Experience

1:00 �������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

11:00 ���������������������������������� Goals on Sunday Chris Kamara and Ben Shephard present a round-up of the latest football news and goals.

1:00 �����������������������Next Door Nightmares

Games 2011 07:55 �������������������������������������������One Tree Hill 08:45 ��������������������������������������������Battlefront 09:00 �����������������������������Hollyoaks Omnibus 11:30 �����������������������������������������������Ibiza Rocks 11:50 ������������������������The Big Bang Theory 1:00 ��������������������������������������������One Fine Day 3:05 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons 4:15 ���������������������������������������Deal or No Deal

08:45 ���� Rupert Bear: Follow the Magic 09:00 ���������������������������������������������������������� Olivia 09:15 ������������������������������The Mr. Men Show 09:30 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car 09:45 �������������������������������������Animal Families 10:00 ������������������������������������ Meerkat Manor 10:20 �������������������������������The Beat Goes On

5:15 �����������������������������������������Best of British

11:20 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother

6:15 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

1:15 ����������������������������Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London

6:45 ��������������������������������� 6:50 ���������� X-Men Origins: Wolverine The tale kicks off in 1845 with the incident that sparked the young James Howlett’s initial mutation and his alliance with Victor Creed. 9:00 ��������� Fighting on the Frontline 10:00 ��������������������������������������Predator Arnold Schwarzennegger as Major Dutch Schaefer, leader of an elite commando unit sent into the jungles of South America to rescue government officials who have been kidnapped by terrorists.

12:20 �����������������������������������������The Bachelor

3:10 �������������������������������� The Princess Bride 5:05 �����������������������������������������Mrs. Doubtfire Daniel Hillard Has a Problem. His marriage is falling apart but he can’t stand to stop seeing his kids. The solution? He will dress up as Highland help Mrs Doubtfire.

1:00 ������������������������������������������������������ Football The npower Championship game between Cardiff City and Leicester City at Cardiff City Stadium. 3:30 �������������������������������Ford Super Sunday Queens Park Rangers v Aston Villa at Loftus Road.

12:00 ���������������������������������UK Border Force 2:00 ������������������������������������������Cars 2 Special 2:30 ����������������������������������������Modern Family 3:00 ����������������������������������������Modern Family 3:30 ����������������������������������������Modern Family 4:00 ����������������������������������������Modern Family 4:30 ����������������������������������������Modern Family 5:00 ���������������������������������������������������Futurama

2:00 �������������������Britain’s Next Top Model 3:00 �������������������Britain’s Next Top Model 4:00 �������������������Britain’s Next Top Model 5:00 �������������������Britain’s Next Top Model 6:00 �����������Britain’s Next Top Model 7:00 �������������������� Britain and Ireland’s Next Top Model

7:00 �������������������������������Inside Gatwick

8:00 ��������������������������������������Teen Wolf Michael J Fox is an all-American high school kid. He dreams of the class hottie, plays basketball... and howls at the moon.

8:00 �������������������������������The Simpsons

10:50 ������������������������������������������� Chase

8:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

6:00 �������������������������������The Simpsons 6:25 ������������������������������������������� Cricket England v West Indies. England and the West Indies contest their second Twenty20 at The Oval.

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:00 ������������������������������������� From Hell

10:30 ��������������� Ford Football Special Queens Park Rangers v Aston Villa Highlights.

11:30 ���������������������������������This is Jinsy

11:50 ������������������������������Supernatural In search of The Mother of All’s latest monster, Sam, Dean and Bobby run into Samuel and Gwen, and fight about how to handle the case.

7:00 �����F1 the Singapore Grand Prix

06:00 ���������� Champions League Weekly

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ����������Coronation Street Omnibus

8:00 �����������������������������Young Soldiers With the first five weeks of basic training completed, the recruits return to Catterick to complete the rest of the course.

06:30 ����������������������������������Road to London

07:00 �����������������������������������������������Everest ER

08:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

08:30 ������������������������ Emmerdale Omnibus

07:00 ����������������Scottish Premier League Dunfermline play host to Rangers at East End Park in the Clydesdale Bank Scottish Premier League. The Gers won 7-2 the last time these sides met.

08:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

09:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

11:30 �����������Coronation Street Omnibus

10:00 ����������������������James May’s Big Ideas

10:00 �����������������Inside the Actors Studio

2:30 ��������������������������������� 71 Degrees North

11:00 ���������������������������������������������������Top Gear

11:00 ������������������Inside the Actors Studio

3:30 �������������������� All Star Family Fortunes

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

12:00 �����������������Inside the Actors Studio

4:15 ��������������������������������������������The X Factor

1:00 �����������������������������������������The Ladykillers

1:00 ��������������������Inside the Actors Studio

5:30 ��������������������������������������The Xtra Factor

08:00 ����������������������������������������������������� La Liga

2:50 ����������������������������������The Gadget Show

2:00 ���������������������������������������������������Fish Town

09:30 �������������������������������Solheim Cup Golf Solheim Cup 2011 D3 - Singles. The final day of the Solheim Cup sees the singles’ contests taking place at Killeen Castle in Ireland.

3:20 ������������������������������������������������The Bubble

3:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

6:30 ���������Planet’s Funniest Animals

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

7:00 ������������������������ The Biggest Loser

9:00 ������������������������Live at the Apollo Irish gem Ed Byrne hosts in front of a 3,500-strong audience, with guest appearances from Adam Hills and London’s own Gina Yashere. 9:30 ������������������������Live at the Apollo Alistair McGowan, introduces guest appearances from young Scottish comedy prodigy Kevin Bridges and acclaimed comic Reginald D Hunter. 10:00 ����������������������������������� The Fades 17-year-old Paul is haunted by apocalyptic dreams that neither his therapist or best friend and fellow geeky social outcast Mac can provide answers for. 11:00 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:40 ���������������������������� American Dad

7:30 ���������������������������������������������5 News 7:35 �������������������������������������������Warship 9:00 ������������������������������������Big Brother

5:00 �����������������������������������������PGA Tour Golf Day four of the Tour Championship presented by Coca-Cola from East Lake Golf Club, Atlanta.

23 September - 29 September 2011

10:00 ���������������� Ross Kemp on Gangs 11:00 ���������������������������������This is Jinsy

8:00 ����������� Help, i Caught it Abroad! 6:00 ���������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

9:00 ��������������������������� The Xtra Factor

7:00 ����������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:15 ��������������The Only Way is Essex

9:40 ������������������������������������� Red Dwarf

8:00 �������������������Sarah Jessica Parker James Lipton probes the mother of three, fashionista and Golden Globe winner.

10:20 ����������������������������������� Red Dwarf

9:00 �����������������������Boardwalk Empire

11:00 ����������������������������������� Red Dwarf

10:15 �������������������������� Bored to Death

11:40 ����������������������������������� Red Dwarf

10:50 ���������������������������������The Borgias

10:45 ���������������������������American Pie 2 Action-packed teen comedy sequel in which a group of friends are reunited after their freshman year of college and embark upon a series of comical adventures when they rent a summer house on Lake Michigan.

6:00 ������������Red Bull X-Fighters 2011 7:00 ����������������� James May’s Big Ideas 8:00 ������������������ Jo Brand’s Big Splash 9:00 ������������������������������������� Red Dwarf

11:00 ���������������������� Solheim Cup Golf The final day of the Solheim Cup sees the singles’ contests taking place at Killeen Castle in Ireland.

9:00 ��������� Strike Back Project Dawn

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

M o n day 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ��������������������������Children’s TV

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

07:15 ������������������Rugby World Cup

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8

09:30 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

07:45 �The League of Super Evil

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

08:30 ��������������Green Balloon Club

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

Goes on Holiday

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

11:00 ������To Build or Not to Build 11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:13 �����BBC News and Weather 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News 1:30 ���������������������������Regional News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef

THERE’S NO TASTE LIKE HOME 4:00 - 5.00 PM ITV1 GINO D’ACAMPO is on a mission to prove that when it comes to good food, there’s no taste like home in a brand new ITV1 Daytime series. There’s No Taste like Home sees the much-loved chef travel the country in search of fantastic home cooks whose treasured family recipes have been passed down from generation to generation and helps them reproduce their

historic dish in a restaurant packed with hungry diners. In each episode of There’s No Taste like Home Gino meets three home cooks who each boast a treasured recipe that has been passed down through their family for generations. After learning the stories behind the family heritage dishes, Gino and the cooks take over a local restaurant where the amateurs must rise to the challenge of reproducing their

3:00 �������BBC News and Weather 3:01 ���������������������������Regional News 3:05 ������������Natural Born Hunters 3:20 �����������������������������������������The Owl

treasured family dish in a professional restaurant kitchen for paying customers. With orders coming thick and fast from customers, the cooks must keep their cool to ensure their dishes are properly cooked and presented before they pass Gino’s tastetest and leave the kitchen. Gino then decides which of the family recipes will win a place on the restaurant’s menu and prove that There’s No Taste like Home.

3:35 ��������������������������������������Wingin’ It 4:00 �����������Dick and Dom Go Wild 4:30 ������������������������������������Blue Peter 4:45 ��������������������� Shaun the Sheep 5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround 5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless 6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News 6:30 ������������������ Regional News 7:00 ��������������������The One Show 7:30 �����Bang Goes the Theory 8:00 ������������������������ EastEnders In the wake of Zainab’s ordeal, Masood comes to a heartbreaking decision about his marriage. 8:30 �������������������������� Panorama Inside the Secret Revolution. Current affairs. After Libya, will Syria be the next Arab dictatorship to fall to people power? 9:00 ��������The Queen’s Palaces Edinburgh’s Palace of Holyroodhouse sits in the shadow of the dormant volcano Arthur’s Seat. 10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:25 ���������������� Regional News 10:30 ��������������������������� Weather 10:35 ������A Question of Sport 11:05 ������������������������������ Spooks Calum is attacked by a gang of street muggers during a routine intelligence-sharing exercise with MI6.

Page 28

08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld 09:05 �������������The Koala Brothers 09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train 09:30 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 09:40 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch 10:00 ����������������������� Get Squiggling 10:15 ������������������������������������ZingZillas 10:40 ���������������������������������Waybuloo 11:00 �������������������The Daily Politics 1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder 1:45 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 ������������������� The Weakest Link 3:00 ������������ Wanted Down Under 3:45 ��������Escape to the Country 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip 6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 6:30 ����Reel History of Britain 7:00 ����������������������������������� Coast 8:00 ������ University Challenge 8:30 ������������������Home Cooking Made Easy Lorraine Pascale uses her cooking know-how to inspire everyone to home cook the food they love.

9:00 �������������������� Dragons’ Den A bride and her business partner climb the stairs to the Den seeking longterm commitment from a Dragon. Will their novel idea, capitalising on the wedding market, be enough to forge a union? 10:00 �����������������Have I Got Old News for You 10:30 �����������������������Newsnight

4:00 ���������������������There’s No Taste Like Home 5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase 6:00 ���������������� Local News and Weather 6:30 �� ITV News and Weather 7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale John’s celebrations are soured as Declan turns up the pressure. 7:30 ������������Coronation Street Leanne’s heart sinks as Frank stirs up trouble. Carla endeavours to suppress a major wobble. 8:00 �������������������Little England Former newspaper photographer Red tells why he swapped a life in Britain for an eight-hour shift working in the vineyards. 8:30 �����������Coronation Street A furious Leanne interrupts an intimate moment between Peter and Carla. Tyrone storms off after discovering Kevin’s plans. 9:00 ������������������������ Doc Martin Sleepless nights are taking their toll on Martin and Louisa and tempers are starting to fray. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 ��������� Exposure: Gadaffi and the Ira Exposure examines his support for Republican terrorists and investigates the continuing danger of his legacy.

11:20 ������������������� Today at the Conference

11:35 �����������Rugby World Cup

11:50 ����������Fry’s Planet Word

2011 Highlights

23 September - 29 September 2011

2 6

Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:10 ���������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 �������������������������������������������������Charmed

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ����������������������������London Ambulance

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

08:30 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

07:30 ����������������������������London Ambulance

07:30 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

09:00 ������������������������Ford Football Special

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny

11:10 ���������The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

10:30 ���������������International T20 Cricket England v West Indies Highlights

09:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

12:05 ������������������������������������������������������5 News

10:00 ������������������������������The Chicago Code

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:30 ������������������������������������������������������La Liga

12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother

11:00 �������������������������������The Chicago Code

10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:00 ���������������������������Ford Football Special Queens Park Rangers v Aston Villa Highlights.

12:00 �������������������������������Sun, Sea and A&E

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:55 ���������������������������� A Place by the Sea 12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed 12:35 �����������������The Secret Supper Club 1:05 �����������������������Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip 5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks 7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News 7:55 ������ Bt and Channel 4 Present... Nathan Stephens

1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15 ��������������������������������������������������� CSI: Miami 3:10 ����������������������������������The Family Recipe 3:15 �������������������������������������Love Takes Wing 5:00 ���������������������������������������������������������5 News 5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away

3:30 ���������������������������������������������������������La Liga Gijon/Racing + Sociedad v Malaga Highlights. Granada v Osasuna at Los Carmenes, Sporting Gijon v Racing Santander at El Molinon. and Real Sociedad v Malaga at Anoeta. 5:00 ��������������Champions League Weekly 5:30 ������������� Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:00 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:30 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

3:00...........................................Stargate SG-1

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model

5:00 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

5:30 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

6:00 ��������������A League of Their Own

6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene

6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV 7:00 ���������������������������������������������5 News 7:30 ������������������������������������� Pawn Stars

6:30 ����������������������������������� Netbusters

6:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons


8:00 ����Ultimate Police Interceptors

7:00 ����� Ford Monday Night Football Norwich City v Sunderland at Carrow Road.

7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

7:30 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

8:00 ��������������������Four Weddings USA

8:00 ��������������������������������Safebreakers

9:00 ������������������� Britain and Ireland’s

10:30 ��������������������������������� Netbusters

9:00 ��������������������������������Safebreakers

Next Top Model

11:00 ����������������������������� SPL Round-Up

10:00 �������������������������An Idiot Abroad

10:00 �����������������������Pushy and Proud

‘the Sharp End’

9:00 �������������������Jack the Ripper: The

8:00 ������������������������������������Dispatches

Definitive Story

9:00 �����Embarrassing Bodies 10:00 ���������������������������������������������Rude Tube

11:00 �������������������������������Big Brother’s

11:05 ��������������������������������� Fresh Meat

Bit on the Side

11:30 �����Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits

11:00 �����������������������������������Cop Squad

11:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

6:25 ����������������������������The Real Hustle

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

07:00 ����������������������������������Extreme Dreams

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

7:00 ����������������������Don’t Tell the Bride It was love at first sight for car sprayer Cameron and teaching assistant Sarah when they met in their local pub two and a half years ago.

06:30 ��������������������� Kings of the Extreme

08:00 ������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:50 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

07:00 ����������������������������� WWE Bottom Line

08:30 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������� Gossip Gir

08:00 ��������������������������������������PGA Tour Golf Day four of the Tour Championship presented by Coca-Cola from East Lake Golf Club, Atlanta.

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 ������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

10:00 �������������������������������������������������� GT Racer

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

New York City

11:30 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

2:00 ��������������������������������������������Dragons’ Den

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

1:00 ������������������������������������������������Emmerdale

3:00 ����������������������������������������Seaside Rescue

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of

8:00 ���������������������������Planet Dinosaur The series starts in North Africa, where two of the world’s biggest predators once battled for supremacy. At 13m and seven tonnes, the carcharodontosaurus was a huge beast. 8:30 ����������������������������The Real Hustle 9:00 ������������������������������������������������Jono Documentary following Jono Lancaster as he meets people searching for their relatives on social networking sites.

10:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

2:00 ����������������������������������Solheim Cup Golf 4:00 �����������������������������European Tour Golf Day four of the Austrian Open presented by Lyoness from the Diamond Country Club in Atzenbrugg. 6:00 �������������������������Great Run Series 6:30 ��������������������� NASCAR Highlights Nascar Sprint Cup Series - Sylvania 300 Highlights.

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women

6:00 �������������������������������� Dragons’ Den

5:40 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

7:00 �������������James May on the Moon

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

8:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear

7:00 �������������Inside the Actors Studio

9:00 ������������������Have I Got a Bit More

9:00 ����������������������������������������Carnivàle

6:30 �������� New You’ve Been Framed!

News for You

10:05 ���������������������������������This is Jinsy

7:30 ���������������������������������The Hot Desk

10:00 ���������������� Jo Brand’s Big Splash

10:35 ���������� Flight of the Conchords

7:45 ����������������������������������The X Factor

10:30 ����������������������������������� The Fades

7:30 ��������������Elite League Speedway The second legs from both Elite League Speedway semi-finals.

11:30 ���������������������������������� Family Guy

10:00 �������������������������������� Boots ‘n’ All

11:00 ��������������������������� Shooting Stars

11:10 ������������������������������� Nurse Jackie

9:00 ����������������������� Hell’s Kitchen USA

11:50 ���������������������������������� Family Guy

11:00 ������������������������������������������� Poker

11:40 That Mitchell and Webb Look

11:45 ��������������������������� Six Feet Under

10:00 �������������� Tomorrow Never Dies

10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders

23 September - 29 September 2011

Page 29

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

CINEMA VERITE 10:00 - 11:45pm - Sky Atlantic A star-studded cast including Diane Lane, Tim Robbins and Jame Gandolfini are brought together for HBO Films’ Cinema Verite. Cinema Verite tells the story of the Loud family who, in 1973, became a television sensation of a new kind as their lives were chronicled for a ground-breaking documentary. Not only were the family catapulted into the public eye, but a new genre

of television was born – reality TV. James Gandolfini (The Sopranos) stars as film-maker Craig Gilbert who created An American Family in an attempt to provide the public with a relatable onscreen clan. His chosen subjects are the Louds: Bill (Robbins) and Pat (Lane) and their five children. Groundbreaking at the time, An American Family became

a hit, bringing public scrutiny to a family ill-equipped to deal with the consequences. The film-making process exposed the Loud parents’ crumbling marriage, and Pat’s support for her son Lance’s homosexuality at a time when homosexuality was rarely represented on television inspired a vicious public backlash. An article in Newsweek at the time was entitled “The Broken Family”

T u e sday 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ���������������������������Little Robots

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:10 �������������������� Guess with Jess

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 ��������������������������Homes Under

06:20 ��������������������The Pingu Show

09:25 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

the Hammer

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

11:00 ������To Build or Not to Build

07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

12:13 �����BBC News and Weather

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt

07:45 �The League of Super Evil

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

1:30 ���������������������������Regional News

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors

08:30 ��������������Green Balloon Club

2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef

Goes on Holiday

3:00 �������BBC News and Weather

08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld

3:01 ���������������������������Regional News

09:05 �������������The Koala Brothers

3:05 ������������Natural Born Hunters

09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train

3:20 �����������������������������������������The Owl

09:25 �������������������������� Chuggington

3:35 ��������������������������������������Wingin’ It

09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion

4:00 �����������������������������Hotel Trubble

09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch

4:30 ������������������������������������Blue Peter

10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling

4:45 ��������������������� Shaun the Sheep

10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas

5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround

10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo

5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless

11:05 �������������In the Night Garden 11:35 ��������������������������The New Pink

6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News

Panther Show

6:30 ������������������ Regional News

12:00 ������������������The Daily Politics

7:00 ��������������������The One Show

1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder

7:30 ������������������������� EastEnders A panicked Ben tries to contain the truth about his relationship with Duncan, but the situation soon spirals out of control.

1:40 ���������������������������������������������Coast

8:00 �������������������������� Holby City Everything to Play for. As her mother’s condition worsens, Elizabeth tries to confront her past and face her future.

5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip

9:00 ����������������� The Body Farm The body of a dead man, later identified as 35-yearold Connor Ryan, member of a fishing trawler’s crew, is found floating at sea.

7:00 ��������������������� Dragons’ Den

10:00 ������������������������� BBC News

10:00 ������������ Later Live... with

10:25 ���������������� Regional News 10:30 ��������������������������� Weather 10:35 ��������������������� Hedge Wars 55 million leylandii are growing in Britain, with another 300,000 planted each year. 11:15 ��������What’s the Point of Religion?

Page 30

2:00 ����Daily Politics Conference Special 4:00 ��������Escape to the Country 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It!

6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 6:30 ����Reel History of Britain 8:00 ������������� The Great British Bake Off 9:00 ���������� Hairy Bikers’ Meals on Wheels

4:00 ���������������������There’s No Taste Like Home 5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase 6:00 ���������������� Local News and Weather 6:30 �� ITV News and Weather 7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale John is forced to take drastic action to save the farm. Jimmy shows Nicola that he is no pushover. Belle begins to suspect that David might be the father of Amy’s baby. 7:30 ���������������� Mayday Mayday An 82-year-old pensioner has to be rescued after falling into the icy waters in Helensburgh, Scotland. 8:00 ���������������� Missing Millions Melanie heads to Doncaster to track down ex-miner Cyril Marsh, who seems to have disappeared, leaving a substantial sum of money behind. 9:00 ������������71 Degrees North Two contestants found things too tough and have withdrawn from the expedition. Their replacements are England footballing legend John Barnes and journalist Richard Arnold. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather

11:50 ���������A South American

10:35 �� DCI Banks: Aftermath After Tom McMahon dies in a second suspicious fire, Banks focuses his investigation on the ringleader of the art forgery scam.

Journey with

11:35 �����������Rugby World Cup

Jonathan Dimbleby

2011 Highlights

Jools Holland 10:30 �����������������������Newsnight 11:20 ������������������� Today at the Conference

23 September - 29 September 2011


Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:10 ��������������������������������������������� The Hoobs

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 �������������������������������������������������Charmed

07:00 ������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

06:30 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ����������������������������London Ambulance

07:30 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

08:30 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

11:10 ���������The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

07:30 ����������������������������London Ambulance

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

12:05 ������������������������������������������������������5 News

09:00 �������� Ford Monday Night Football Norwich City v Sunderland at Carrow Road.

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother

11:00 ����������������������������������������������Netbusters

09:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away

11:30 ����������������������������������������SPL Round-Up

10:00 ������������������������������The Chicago Code

10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

12:00 ���������� Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits

11:00 �������������������������������The Chicago Code

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:15 ��������������������������������������������������� CSI: Miami

1:00 ������������������������������������������������Netbusters

3:15 ��������������������Chinese Food in Minutes 3:20 �����������������������Falling in Love with the Girl Next Door

1:30 ����������� Ford Monday Night Football Norwich City v Sunderland at Carrow Road.

5:00 ���������������������������������������������������������5 News

3:30 ������������������������������������������������Netbusters

5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

4:00 ������������� Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US 09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny 10:55 ���������������������������� A Place by the Sea 12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed 12:40 ���������������������������River Cottage Bites 12:55 ������������������������������������������������������� Shane 3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip 5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me

5:00 �������������������������������������������� Football Asia 5:30 �����������������������������������������Special Report

6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away

6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks

6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV

6:55 ���������������������������������

7:00 ���������������������������������������������5 News

7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

7:30 ���������Real Food Family Cook Off

7:55 ������BT and Channel 4 Present...

8:00 �������������� Superior Interiors with

8:00 ����������� Gok’s Clothes Roadshow

Kelly Hoppen

9:00 ����������������������������Seven Dwarves

9:00 ���������������������������������������CSI: Miami

7:30 ���������������� Gillette Soccer Special Julian Warren presents coverage of the goals from up and down the country in tonight’s matches.

10:00 �����������������������������������Shameless

10:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

10:30 ��������������������������� Special Report

11:45 ���������������������������������� True Blood

11:00 ���������������������������������� The Woods

7:00 ������������������������������� Total Wipeout The Qualifier sees the welcome return of the Big Red Balls and the Motivator to provide a little help for those feeling reluctant to throw themselves of the edge. 8:00 ������������������������������������������������Jono Jono was himself given up for adoption at birth and as an adult attempted to contact his birth parents through an after-adoption service. 9:00 ���������������������Don’t Tell the Bride Derby nurse David hopes to impress his brainy prospective bride Lucy by arranging a wedding based on her favourite book, Pride and Prejudice, despite knowing nothing about the classic Jane Austen tale.

6:00 ������������������������ Revista de la Liga

12:00 �������������������������������Sun, Sea and A&E

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:00 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

2:30 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

5:00 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

5:30 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons 6:00 ��������������A League of Their Own

6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene

6:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons


7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

7:30 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

8:00 ������������������� Britain and Ireland’s

8:00 ��������������������������������Showboaters

Next Top Model

9:00 ������������������������������Inside Gatwick

9:00 �������������������������Pushy and Proud

10:00 ����������������������������The League of

10:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

11:00 ���������������������� Revista de la Liga

Extraordinary Gentlemen

11:00 ������������������������������������������� Chase

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

06:30 ��������������������� Kings of the Extreme

07:00 ����������������������������������Extreme Dreams

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:50 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

07:00 ����������������������������������WWE Afterburn

08:00 ������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

08:00 ����������Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits

08:30 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

09:00 ���������������������������������������������Trilby Tour

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of

10:00 ��������������������������European Tour Golf

10:00 �������������������������������������������������� GT Racer

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

New York City

11:00 ���������������������������������������PGA Tour Golf

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

7:00 ���������Sky Sports News at Seven

12:00 ���������������������������������PGA Tour Classic

11:30 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

1:00 ������������ British Rally Championships

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

1:00 ������������������������������������������������Emmerdale

2:00 ������������������������ Kings of the Extreme

2:00 ��������������������������������������������Dragons’ Den

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show

2:30 ��������������������� Elite League Speedway

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of

4:55 ������������������������������������������������������Football CSKA Moscow entertain Inter Milan at the Luzhniki Stadium.

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager 6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women 5:45 �������������������������The Only Way is Essex

6:00 ����������������� Dragons’ Den Canada

7:00 �������������Inside the Actors Studio

7:00 ��������������������������������� Dragons’ Den

8:00 �����������������������������������This is Jinsy

6:30 ���������������������������������The X Factor

8:00 ������������������ Jo Brand’s Big Splash

8:30 ����������� Britain and Ireland From

10:30 �����������������������������������������Wilfred

7:00 ������������������������������������������Football Bayern Munich welcome Manchester City to the Allianz Arena.

8:00 �������������������������� Minute to Win it

9:00 ������������������������������������������������QI XL

the Sky

10:55 ���������������������������������� Family Guy

9:00 ���������������� Tomorrow Never Dies

10:00 ��������Champions League Goals

10:00 �������������������������� Mock the Week

9:00 ��������������������Battlestar Galactica

11:15 ����������������������������������� Family Guy

9:55 ����������������������������������������� FYI Daily

11:00 �����������������������Great Run Series

10:40 ����������Have I Got News for You

10:00 �����������������������������Cinema Verite

11:40 �������������������Don’t Tell the Bride

10:00 �������������� Tomorrow Never Dies

11:30 ������������������ Cycle Sports World

11:20 ������Never Mind the Buzzcocks

11:45 �������������������������������������������Treme

11:25 ��������������������������� Celebrity Juice

10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders

23 September - 29 September 2011

Page 31

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

W e d n e sday 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ��������������������������Children’s TV

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:20 ��������������������The Pingu Show

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

09:25 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

07:45 �The League of Super Evil

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

11:00 ������To Build or Not to Build 11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:13 �����BBC News and Weather 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News 1:30 ���������������������������Regional News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef 3:00 �������BBC News and Weather 3:01 ���������������������������Regional News

UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Valencia V Chelsea 7:30 - 10:00pm - ITV1 Chelsea travel to Spain to face Valencia in what looks like their most difficult match in the group stage.

New Chelsea boss Andre VillasBoas knows that Roman Abramovich covets this trophy more than any other and nothing less than a run to the final in Munich next May will suffice. Adrian

3:05 ������������Natural Born Hunters 3:20 �����������������������������������������The Owl 3:35 ��������������������������������������Wingin’ It 4:00 �����������������������������Hotel Trubble 4:30 ���������� Serious Explorers - Sir Walter Raleigh 4:45 ������������������������ Deadly 60 Bites 5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround

Chiles presents the action from the Estadio Mestalla with analysis from Gareth Southgate and Andy Townsend, and commentary by Clive Tyldesley and Jim Beglin.

5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless 6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News 6:30 ������������������ Regional News 6:55 Party Political Broadcast by the Labour Party 7:00 ��������������������The One Show 7:30 �������������������Waterloo Road The new head of English, Linda Radleigh, quickly learns how tough Waterloo Road can be when she attempts to look after Emily James on the day her sister is released from prison. 8:30 ����������������Planet Dinosaur The third episode looks at the last generation of killer dinosaurs - carnivores that took killing to a new level. 9:00 ����������� Who Do You Think You Are? 10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:25 ���������������� Regional News 10:30 ��������������������������� Weather 10:35 �������������National Lottery Midweek Draws 10:45 ������������ Ask Rhod Gilbert 11:20 �����Outrageous Fortune

08:30 ��������������Green Balloon Club Goes on Holiday 08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld

4:00 ���������������������There’s No Taste Like Home

09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch

Gino D’Acampo is in Norfolk to help home cooks prepare their favourite dishes for a restaurant menu. On the menu today are Cromer crab, rabbit pie and a lamb roast with Norfolk flats.

10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling

5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase

09:05 �������������The Koala Brothers 09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train 09:25 �������������������������� Chuggington 09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion

10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas 10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo 11:05 �������������In the Night Garden 11:35 �����The Pink Panther Show 12:00 ������������������The Daily Politics 1:00 ��������������������������������������See Hear 1:30 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 ������������������� The Weakest Link 3:00 ������������ Wanted Down Under 3:45 ��������Escape to the Country 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip 5:55 ���� Party Political Broadcast by the Labour Party

6:00 ���������������� Local News and Weather 6:30 �� ITV News and Weather 6:50 ���������������A Party Political Broadcast by the Labour Party 7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Declan revels in John’s misfortune and attempts to poach Andy. Bob moving into Dale Head just adds to Aaron’s pain and guilt. Nicola realises that she has to accept the new Jimmy. 7:30 ���������������UEFA Champions

6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads


6:30 ����Reel History of Britain

Valencia v Chelsea.

7:00 ��� Escape to the Country

10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather

8:00 �������������������Natural World 9:00 ���How to Win in the Den 10:00 �������������� Never Mind the Buzzcocks 10:30 �����������������������Newsnight 11:20 ������������������� Today at the Conference 11:50 ��������� Toughest Place to be a... London bus driver Josh West heads to Manila, the capital of the Philippines and the most densely populated city on Earth.

10:35 ������������UEFA Champions League Matt Smith and Gabriele Marcotti present a review of all this week’s games, goals and talking points from the second round of Champions League group games. 11:35 �����������Rugby World Cup 2011 Highlights As the pool stages draw to a close, there is an Eastern European clash in Pool B as Romania take on Georgia.

Bag a bargain in our charity shops and help the dogs!!! Coral Mar, Costa del Silencio open weekdays 11 – 5pm Saturdays 11 – 3pm Tel: 671 706965

Los Cristianos, Calle Reveron, near the harbour playpark open weekdays 10 – 4pm Saturdays 10 – 2pm Tel: 693 736520

San Eugenio, Opposite La Niña Hotel by Amandas bar, open weekdays 10 – 4pm Saturdays 10 – 2pm Tel: 630 857626

Donations of quality second hand clothes, books, dvds, cd´s, toys, games, and bric a brac always welcome. Come and see us!!

Help us to help them! Page 32

w w w. l i v e a r i c o . o r g

23 September - 29 September 2011

2 8

Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:10 ���������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 �������������������������������������������������Charmed

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ����������������������������London Ambulance

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

08:30 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

07:30 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:00 ��������������� Champions League Goals

09:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

10:00 ��������������������������������Revista de la Liga

10:00 ������������������������������The Chicago Code

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

10:55 ���������������������������� A Place by the Sea

11:10 ���������The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

11:00 ������������������������������������������ Football Asia

11:00 �������������������������������The Chicago Code

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:05 ������������������������������������������������������5 News

11:30 ����������������������������������Great Run Series

12:00 �������������������������������Sun, Sea and A&E

10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:00 ��������������� Champions League Goals

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:00 �����������������������������������Revista de la Liga

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

11:00 ����������������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:00 �������������������������������������������� Football Asia

2:00 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

2:30 ������������������������������������Great Run Series

2:30 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

3:00 ������������������ Champions League Goals

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

4:00 �������������������������������������������� Football Asia

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

4:30 �����������������������������������Revista de la Liga

5:00 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

5:30 ����������������������������� FIFA Futbol Mundial

5:30 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed 12:35 ����������Bt and Channel 4 Present... Nathan Stephens ‘the Sharp End’

12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother

12:40 �������������������The Magnificent Seven

2:15 ������������������������������������������� CSI: New York

3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip 5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks 6:55 ��������������������������������� 7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 3:10 �������������������������������������Cries in the Dark 5:00 ���������������������������������������������������������5 News 5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away 6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV 7:00 ���������������������������������������������5 News 7:30 ������������������� Highland Emergency

6:00 �����������������������������������Boots ‘n’ All 7:00 ���������Sky Sports News at Seven 7:30 ���������������� Gillette Soccer Special 10:30 ���������������You’re on Sky Sports!

12:00 ���������������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds 3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds 4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model 5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

6:00 ��������������A League of Their Own

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

6:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons 7:00 ������������������������������������� The Middle 7:30 ������������������������������������� The Middle

6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

8:00 �����������������������������Modern Family

7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

8:30 �����������������������������Modern Family

8:00 �������������������������The Secret Circle

9:00 ��������������������������� Mount Pleasant

9:00 ������������������������������Steps Reunion

10:00 �������������������������������������������Fringe

10:00 ������������������������������Supernatural

11:00 ������� Strike Back Project Dawn

11:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

10:00 ��������������������������������� Fresh Meat

10:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

10:55 �����������������������������������Shameless

11:00 ��������������������Banged Up Abroad

11:30 ������������������� Football’s Greatest A feature on Zinedine Zidane. The creative midfielder won a World Cup and European Championship, plus is one of only two players to be crowned FIFA World Player of the Year twice.

7:00 ������������������ The World’s Strictest

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

07:00 ����������������������������������Extreme Dreams

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:00 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale


06:30 ��������������������� Kings of the Extreme

08:00 ������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

06:25 �����������������������������������������������Nanny 911

Two wayward British teenagers experience strict parenting on the other side of the world, as Nicki and Jerri travel to Sri Lanka. For a week they must live under the rules of the strict rules of the Buddhist De Zylva family.

07:00 �����������������WWE Vintage Collection

08:30 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

08:00 ��������������������������������Sports Unlimited

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

09:00 ��������������������� Kings of the Extreme

10:00 �������������������������������������������������� GT Racer

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

09:30 ���������������������������Cycle Sports World

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of New York City

10:00 ������������������ PGA Europro Tour Golf

11:30 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00 �������������������������������������� F3 Euroseries Round eight of the F3 Euroseries comes from Valencia in Spain.

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

2:00 �������������������������� Dragons’ Den Canada

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

1:00 ������������������������������International Bowls Scotland v England Men’s Singles.

3:00 ����������������������������������������Seaside Rescue

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

7:55 ������BT and Channel 4 Present... 8:00 ��� Location, Location, Location 9:00 ������������������������������Grand Designs

8:00 ������������������ Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands 9:00 ������������������������������������� The Fades Neil goes underground to begin planning his fight back against the Fades, and as Paul’s terrifying visions continue, Neil takes him to see an ancient Fade, who foresees Paul’s importance in the looming battle. 10:00 �����������������������������������������Con Air High-octane action blockbuster set aboard a federal aeroplane transporting convicts to a maximum security facility. 11:45 ���������������������������������� Family Guy

8:00 ������Ultimate Emergency Bikers 9:00 �����������������������������Law and Order: Criminal Intent

3:00 ��������������������� PGA Europro Tour Golf 4:55 ������������������������������������������������������Football Zenit St Petersburg and Porto meet at the Petrovski Stadion.

5:00 ����������������������������Dragons’ Den Ireland 6:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear 7:00 �������������������������������������������������Tribe

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER 7:00 �������������Inside the Actors Studio

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy 12:00 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale 12:30 �����������������������������������������������Nanny 911 1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women 5:45 ����������������New You’ve Been Framed!

9:40 ������������������������������ Not Going Out

8:00 ��������������������������������������� Brick City Times are changing as the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus comes to Newark.

7:50 ���������������������Miss Congeniality 2:

8:00 ������������Red Bull X-Fighters 2011

6:45 ������������All Star Family Fortunes

7:00 ������������������������������������������Football Arsenal play host to Olympiakos at the Emirates Stadium.

9:00 ������������������������� Gavin and Stacey 10:20 ����������������������������������������������������QI

9:10 �������������������������������� The Sopranos

Armed and Fabulous

10:00 ��������Champions League Goals

11:00 ���������������������������������Argumental

10:25 ���������������������������������The Borgias

10:00 ��������������The Only Way is Essex

11:00 �������������������������������� Boots ‘n’ All

11:40 ����������������������� Gavin and Stacey

11:35 ��������������������������������������� Big Love

10:45 ���������������������������Ocean’s Twelve

23 September - 29 September 2011

Page 33

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T h u r sday 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ���������������������������Little Robots

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:10 �������������������� Guess with Jess

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

06:20 ��������������������The Pingu Show

09:25 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women


1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

07:45The League of Super Evil

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

11:00 ������To Build or Not to Build 11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:13 �����BBC News and Weather 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News 1:30 ���������������������������Regional News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef 3:00 �������BBC News and Weather

JO BRAND’S BIG SPLASH 9:00 - 10:00pm - DAVE Jo Brand, trailblazing stand-up comedian for so long, dives into a new project for Dave – she dons a very gentlemanly pair of flippers and water wings to explore us Brits’ relationship with water. And we’re not talking about bottle of the old mineral either. No, Jo wades her way through the wet worlds of

wild swimming, mud racing and daring dives that make up the weirder, quirkier world of how we enjoy water in all its glorious forms. Mixing travelogue and standup, Jo takes on watery challenges in her custom-made swimsuit, which includes the essential pocket for her ciggies, lipstick and donor card. This week Jo asks furry Jedi, Bill Bailey, to help her determine whether the

3:01 ���������������������������Regional News 3:05 ������������Natural Born Hunters 3:20 �����������������������������������������The Owl 3:35 ��������������������������������������Wingin’ It 4:00 ��������������������������������������Copycats

trendy new craze of wild swimming really is any better than swimming in her local pool. She also has a go on the Olympic white water canoe slalom course where – as per – she devises her own, far lazier event for this state-of-the-art Olympic facility. As she throws herself into every river and lake, this is a side of Jo Brand we’ve never seen before.

4:30 ���������������Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 4:45 ������������������������ Deadly 60 Bites 5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround 5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless 6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News 6:30 ������������������ Regional News 7:00 ��������������������The One Show 7:30 ������������������������� EastEnders Tensions between Phil and Patrick reach boiling point, while Ben watches helplessly as his father’s actions escalate out of hand. 8:00 �������������������������� Watchdog The DVLA has introduced new rules to clamp down on uninsured motorists, but is it targeting the wrong people? 9:00 ������������������� Outnumbered Mum is still convinced Jake has a secret, while Ben is determined to enter a school talent competition with an unusual double act. 9:30 ���������� Would I Lie to You? David is joined by Gregg Wallace and Nigel Havers, and Lee Mack is joined by Charlie Brooker and Nina Wadia.

SHIRLEY 9:00 - 10:10pm - BBC2

Leading BBC Two’s Mixed Race season, Ruth Negga (Misfits, Criminal Justice, Five Daughters) leads an all-star cast in Shirley, an intimate and revealing drama that looks at the life of Dame Shirley Bassey – one of the world’s most enduring and successful divas and a national treasure. The film charts Bassey’s early career, from her humble roots in Wales in the Thirties to the start of her rise to international stardom in the Sixties. But this is no ordinary rags-to-riches story. Born in Tiger Bay in Cardiff,

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Shirley was one of eight children from a poor mixedrace family. An audition with struggling London agent Mike Sullivan puts Shirley firmly on the path to success, as he grooms her into a solo performer fit to take on the world. But Shirley is hiding a secret – she’s an unmarried teenage mother. Persuaded to give her daughter, Sharon, to her elder sister to look after, Shirley works day and night to perfect her routine and complete the transformation from the povertystricken girl from Tiger Bay to the star she so desperately wants to become.

With a hit song soon under her belt, and a controversial marriage to her first husband Kenneth Hume, a smalltime assistant film director from South London, Shirley couldn’t be happier. But beneath the wealth, diamonds and furs, her life swings between triumph and tragedy as she catches her husband with another man. The supporting cast includes Lesley Sharp as Eliza Bassey, Shirley’s tenacious mother; Charlie Creed-Miles as Mike Sullivan, her domineering manager; and Henry LloydHughes as Kenneth Hume, her personal manager and husband.

10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:35 ���������������� Question Time 11:35 ������������������������ This Week

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped 08:30 ��������������Green Balloon Club Goes on Holiday 08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld

4:00 ���������������������There’s No Taste Like Home 5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase

09:05 �������������The Koala Brothers 09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train 09:25 �������������������������� Chuggington 09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch 10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling 10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas 10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo 11:05 �������������In the Night Garden 11:35 �����The Pink Panther Show 12:00 ������������������The Daily Politics 1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder 1:45 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 ������������������� The Weakest Link 3:00 ������������ Wanted Down Under 3:45 ��������Escape to the Country 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip 6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 6:30 ����Reel History of Britain 7:00 ��� If Walls Could Talk: The History of the Home Lucy Worsley, chief curator of the historic royal palaces, takes us through 800 years of domestic history by exploring the British home through four rooms. 8:00 ���������������� The Marvellous Mrs Beeton 9:00 �������������������������������� Shirley 10:10 ��������������Mock the Week 10:40 �����������������������Newsnight 11:25 ���������������������������Weather 11:30 ������������������� Today at the Conference

6:00 ���������������� Local News and Weather 6:30 �� ITV News and Weather 7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Chas realises the full extent of Aaron’s torment. Moira sees that John is working himself too hard. 7:30 ������������������������������� Tonight Death of the High Street. With consumer confidence plummeting and, in some areas, up to a quarter of retail outlets lying empty. 8:00 ����������������������� Emmerdale Aaron refuses to let a desperate Chas help him. Alex’s situation worsens when he realises that he cannot afford the rent. 8:30 �����������Coronation Street Peter breaks down as Carla’s life hangs in the balance. Sally has a change of heart after Pam’s outburst. Tracy is pleased to cheer Steve up after disappointing news. 9:00 �� Billy Connolly Route 66 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 ��������The Jonathan Ross Show Jonathan is joined by acting legend Dame Helen Mirren, comedian Harry Hill and the fantastically flexible Louie Spence. Plus Kasabian perform their latest single live in the studio. 11:35 ����������71 Degrees North

23 September - 29 September 2011

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Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:35 ��������������������������������������������� The Hoobs

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 �������������������������������������������������Charmed

07:00 ������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed

08:00 ��������������������Fifi and the Flowertots

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ����������������������������London Ambulance

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:15 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

09:00 ��������������� Champions League Goals

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

08:25 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

08:25 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

10:00 ������������������������������������������� Boots ‘n’ All

09:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

11:00 �������������������������������������������� Total Rugby

10:00 ������������������������������The Chicago Code

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

11:30 ��������������������������� FIFA Futbol Mundial

11:00 ��������������������������������������������������Lie to Me

10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

10:55 ���������������������������� A Place by the Sea

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

12:00 ��������������� Champions League Goals

12:00 �������������������������������Sun, Sea and A&E

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

1:00 �����������������������European Tour Weekly

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed

11:10 ���������The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

1:30 ����������������������������� European Tour Golf Day one of the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship from St Andrews, Carnoustie and Kingsbarns.

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:00 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:30 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model

5:00 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

5:30 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:05 ������������������������������������������������Rio Grande 3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip 5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks 6:55 ���������������������������������

12:05 ������������������������������������������������������5 News 12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

5:00 ���������������������������������������������������������5 News

6:00 �����������������������������������������Ringside The boxing magazine show that brings you all the latest news and views from inside the ring.

5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

7:00 ���������Sky Sports News at Seven

2:15 ������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:10 ����������������������������������Loving Evangeline

7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away

7:55 ������BT and Channel 4 Present...

6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV

8:00 ��������������Country House Rescue

7:00 ���������������������������������������������5 News

9:00 ��������������������������Educating Essex 10:00 ����������������������Ramsay’s Kitchen

7:30 ������������������� UEFA Europa League Tottenham Hotspur v Shamrock Rovers.

Nightmares USA

10:15 ����������������������������������Big Brother

11:05 ��������������������������Seven Dwarves

7:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson and James May are set the task of creating a memorable TV advert for Volkswagen. 8:00 ���������������������Don’t Tell the Bride Derby nurse David hopes to impress his brainy prospective bride Lucy by arranging a wedding based on her favourite book, Pride and Prejudice, despite knowing nothing about the classic Jane Austen tale. 9:00 �����������������������������Young Soldiers While their company Commander, Major Carl Boswell, prepares the 110 men of A company for frontline combat, the stark reality of deploying to such a dangerous war zone starts to hit home for all the soldiers and their families. 10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders 10:30 �����������������������Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show 11:00 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:45 ���������������������������Young Soldiers

5:30 ���� Barclays Premier League World

7:30 ����������� Premier League Snooker Week four at The Dome, Doncaster. Matches: Ronnie O’Sullivan v Matthew Stevens; Ding Junhui v Ali Carter.

11:15 ��� Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

11:00 ������������������������� The Rugby Club Simon Lazenby, Stuart Barnes and Dewi Morris preview and review the latest rugby union action.

09:00 ��������������������������FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:00 ��������������A League of Their Own 6:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

6:00 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

8:00 �������������������������������������� Futurama

8:00 �������������������������������������������� Ringer Sarah Michelle Gellar returns to the small screen with this twisting thriller.

8:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

9:00 ������������������� Britain and Ireland’s

7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons 7:30 ��������������������������������������� Futurama

9:00 �������������������������������������������������Glee

Next Top Model

10:00 �������������������������An Idiot Abroad

10:00 �����������������������Pushy and Proud

11:00 ���������������� Ross Kemp on Gangs

11:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

07:00 ����������������������������������Extreme Dreams

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:00 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

09:30 �������������������������������������������Total Rugby

08:00 ������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

06:25 �����������������������������������������������Nanny 911

10:00 ���������������������������� DTM Motor Racing

08:30 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

11:00 ��������������������������������Transworld Sport

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

12:00 �������������������������������������������Total Rugby

10:00 �������������������������������������������������� GT Racer

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

12:30 ���������������������IjJFWorld Circuit Judo

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of New York City

1:00 ����������������������������������������������Boots ‘n’ All

11:30 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

2:00 ������������������������������� DTM Motor Racing

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

3:00 ����������������� Champions League Goals

2:00 ����������������������������Dragons’ Den Ireland

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

4:00 �������������������WWE Vintage Collection

3:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

5:00 ��������������������� WWE Wrestling Special

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

6:00 ������������������ATP Tour Uncovered

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

6:30 �������� America’s Cup Uncovered 7:00 �������������������������������IAAF Athletics 7:30 �����������Barclays Premier League World 8:00 ���������������������������The Rugby Club 9:0 �����������������������������������������0Ringside

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy 12:00 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale 12:30 �����������������������������������������������Nanny 911 1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show 3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

5:40 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

6:00 ������������������������������������ Shark Tank

7:00 ��������������������������������������� Fish Town

7:00 ��������������Stephen Fry in America

8:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

6:05 ������������������������������������Judge Judy

8:00 ������������������������������������������������QI XL

9:00 ����������������������������� Six Feet Under

6:30 ������������������������������������Judge Judy

9:00 ������������������ Jo Brand’s Big Splash

10:10 ���������������������������������Pulp Fiction Quentin Tarantino’s iconic crime drama follows the intertwining tales of mobsters and criminals on the streets of LA.

7:00 ��������������������������� Minute to Win it

10:00 ��������������������� Time of Our Lives

10:00 �� Russell Howard’s Good News

11:00 ������������������������World Wrestling Entertainment Late Night Raw

11:20 ����������������������������������������������QI XL

10:40 ����������������� Men Behaving Badly

8:00 ������������������������ The X Factor USA 10:00 ��������������������������� Celebrity Juice 10:45 ����������������� You, Me and Dupree

Al Murray The Pub Landlord Live – Barrel Of Fun Friday 30th 10:00pm - DAVE Atten-shun! Al Murray’s Pub Landlord is back on the road to roll out his special Barrel Of Fun, which, as usual, is full of his high-quality, bar-room banter and hilariously misguided every-man philosoph.

23 September - 29 September 2011

During the tour, Mr Landlord attracted a staggering 200,000 punters across the country (that’s a lot of lager and pork scratchings), and showcased his one-man mission to fix broken Britain. Recorded at London’s Ham-

mersmith Apollo, the man in the burgundy blazer and entertaining a crowd with beautiful British names ruminates on subjects like the differences between men and women, the Pope… and squirrels.

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23 September - 29 September 2011


23 September - 29 September 2011

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An Autumn read The Richard and Judy Autumn Book Club, in partnership with WHSmith, have announced the eight books for Autumn.

Tesco bows to villagers who gave plastic bags a huge thumbs-down A STRENUOUS campaign by residents has persuaded Tesco to ban free “plastic poison” carrier bags from one of its village stores.

Throwaway bags have been removed from check-outs at the company’s new Express outlet in Somersham, Cambridgeshire, following a campaign by residents. The village actually became free of plastic bagsthree years ago after retailers signed up to a Parish Council initiative there. But locals feared the blanket ban would be broken when Tesco announced plans to open the Express store in a former pub on the high street. And, initially, the company refused to stop providing the bags. It agreed to do so after pressure from many of Somersham’s 4,000 residents, and they may well have set the scene for other towns and villages to press the UK’s biggest supermarket giant to extend the scheme. Penny Bryant, clerk of Somersham Parish Council, said the village’s ban on bags had been threatened by the opening of the new Tesco. “The ban is something for us to be proud of,” she said. “When we first heard that Tesco was opening the store, a lot of people were worried about that aspect. “If plastic bags had been offered by Tesco, it would have ruined our initiative, and other retailers may have felt forced to follow suit.”

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The company has confirmed that the outlet is the first it operates to stop offering free plastic bags to customers, who can instead buy a 10p Tesco ‘Bag For Life’. Supermarkets are coming under intense pressure to tackle the cost, waste and blight of billions of throwaway plastic bags, which add up to more than 10 billion a year. The Welsh Assembly have already acted, imposing a 5p charge for them in all stores at the end of this month. Money raised from the scheme will go to charities, including those involved in litter and beach clean-ups. Both Scotland and Northern Ireland are considering adopting the same scheme, while London Mayor Boris Johnson is supportive, and the Westminster Government is under pressure to follow suit. A Tesco spokesman said: ‘This is a council scheme to which all retailers in Somersham have signed up. Our store opened just a few weeks ago, and we will initially offer our ‘Bags for Life’ to shoppers. “This is an interesting opportunity to see how customers respond, and we will listen to their feedback to understand if it is something they want us to continue.” Somersham’s Tesco has been giving away 3,000 free hessian bags, and is also selling the £1 reusable Somersham cloth bag offered by local retailers. Retired library assistant Jay Woods said: “Tesco is setting a good example because plastic

bags pollute the world, killing birds and other creatures. “So many bags are now available to buy and reuse that you don’t need plastic ones. The Tesco scheme is a great idea, and I believe the company will stick to its guns and abide by the rule.” She added: “This sets a good example to other supermarkets because if Tesco can do it, anyone can.” Jessica Merchant, 34, who runs Wild Frost florists in Somersham, said the local ban had plenty of public support and added: “I think it is good that Tesco has listened to the community.•” Demand for action by supermarkets has intensified following revelations that, despite industry promises to make cuts, one group of leading retailers handed out 333 million more bags last year. Tesco did try to tackle the problems caused by its plastic bags by making them biodegradable. However, it has decided to stop this policy following research, which suggested they could be worse for the environment than the bags they replaced. The plastic carriers cannot be recycled and break down into tiny particles, which could pose a poison threat to wildlife. Here in Tenerife and on the mainland, the Mercadona supermarket chain has stopped dishing out free plastic carrier bags and now sell its own reusable brand for 60 cents each. But plastic carriers are still available for those who forget, at five and 10 cents.

After wading through a long list and plenty of debate they have made their final selection. As always the list is a mixture of new authors and some slightly more established names, with a plethora of different genres selected. Richard and Judy will be focusing on a different book every fortnight and will start this series with Megan Abbott's The End of Everything. The other books that make up the reads are; The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake, Aimee Bender; The Black

House, Peter May; Left Neglected, Lisa Genova; Dark Matter, Michelle Paver; Jamrach’s Menagerie, Carol Birch; Everything and Nothing, Araminta Hall and Next of Kin, David Hosp. For more details on

each of the books, including how to buy them head over to the dedicated page for the Autumn Reads. w w w. r i c h a r d a n d j u d y. The-Autumn-Reads-arehere.

Tenerife’s own Groupon? Everybody loves a deal, which is why the likes of global phenomenon Groupon proved so popular. Now, online travel guide My Destination Tenerife have brought a local flavour to the discount coupon concept.

Tenerife businesses as diverse as dental clinics, interior design companies, restaurants, excursion companies and bowling alleys are offering printable vouchers for 10-20% discounts, free child places and a host of other special deals. All you need to do is go to the Special Offers section of tenerife and print off any (or all!) the vouchers that take your fancy. “The vouchers are working really well,” says Joe Cawley, Editor of My Destination Tenerife. “It’s a win/win situation. Tenerife companies who upload special offers for free get new business... the customer gets a great deal.” With five pages of different offers, there’s something for everyone, visitor or resident. All of the special deals have expiry dates, but new offers are appearing on a daily basis, so there’ll always be something new.

Tenerife businesses wishing to offer printable discount vouchers should get in touch with Joe at joe.cawley@

About My Destination My Destination is a global travel resource powered by a diverse community of local experts on the ground, providing unrivalled local knowledge and unique local deals. We make travel experiences more enriched, more enjoyable and quite simply, better. Passionate about providing the best value for money, we work closely with the global players whilst also supporting local businesses and everyone’s right to choose what suits them best. Our local

experts produce comprehensive information with unique travel articles and guides, insider tips, videos and panoramic virtual tours. Through interactive features visitors can personalize, share and inspire their travel experiences. Established in 2006 by award-winning (and travelmad) young entrepreneurs Neil Waller and James Street, we now cover over 100 destinations around the globe. We are headquartered in London, Los Angeles and Marbella, but our community spans all the major continents worldwide.

23 September - 29 September 2011


David Hudgell

Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

This Aster is always in the pink THE perennial Aster Coombe Fishacre, better known as the Michaelmas Daisy, has few equals, especially in early autumn when it comes into its own.

It flourishes then, with a multitude of tiny blooms. In fact, this variety of aster has a long flowering

period, from mid-summer to mid-autumn and is best-suited to smaller gardens with its daisy-like pink blooms and yellow-brown centres. This lovely aster produces masses and masses of flowers, which can even last right through until the first frosts.

There’s no need to get in a flap over Elephant’s Ears! THERE are many varieties of Bergenia and the Purpurascens, or Elephant’s Ears as it is better known, is undoubtedly the pick of the bunch. Apart from the beautiful foliage and flowers, this perennial is more compact and has a longer season than most others of this family. And it is so easy to grow, with minimum fuss. The glossy foliage develops rich, purple tints in winter, if grown in full sun, while producing pinkish-purple flowers in the spring. As with the aster, it fits in well with smaller plots, and is the perfect plant for novices in the garden. It grows well in virtually any position and, like all bergenias, is ideal for the front of a border to soften the edge, flowering from March to May. The Bergenia Purpurascens is

Gardening jobs for this week Plant garlic and autumn onion sets Plant lily bulbs, including fragrant Lilium regale, in groups among low shrubs to bloom next summer Plant new conifer hedges and evergreen shrubs an all-round tough plant, suitable for problem areas and gives good ground cover.

Plant new strawberry beds And as well as tolerating cold, exposed areas, its is also suitable for growing in containers.

Silver Knight brightens up the scenery CALLUNA VULGARIS is one of the true heathers, and not for nothing is it regarded as the Silver Knight because few heathers create a better effect than this shrubby, evergreen plant. It is also also known as Ling or ‘Scotch’ heather and is among the hardiest and most varied of all the varieties of this heathland plant. When mature, it produces a stunning, whispy-silver cloud of dense, quite upright, groundcovering growth which flourishes in acid soil. Sizes range from small tufts and mounds to shrubs around three feet tall. Flowers can be single or double, and a few hang on to

their flowers through the winter and look as though they are still in bloom. There are many interesting foliage colours, with some turning spectacular shades of orange and red during the cold weather. Those varieties which have coloured new growth in the spring are valuable for their extremelyshowy foliage from January to June, and they usually go on to bloom for several months more. Callunas grow and flower best in full sun, but can tolerate partial shade. Some experts recommend pruning those with spring coloured tips in the autumn, which enables you get to enjoy the new growth without pruning it off. Good drainage is very important. These heathers are liable to get

23 September - 29 September 2011

Plant up patio pots for autumn interest Plant wallflowers, pansies, forgetme-nots and other spring bedding Pot up mint, chives and parsley to keep on a bright window sill Prune out fruited blackberry stems & tie in new ones Prune out old stems of rambling roses that carried flowers

Pot the exotic Due to the nature of where we live it is all root diseases if growing in wet spots. Bushy and low-growing varieties are best for colder, snowy areas, where they are more protected by snow cover. It is the dominant plant in most heathlands and on the moors, which is where they flourish at whatever time of the year, especially brightening up the countryside during those dreary winter months.

too easy to take the native plants for granted. So why not grow your own tiny tropical oasis? Just because you have a small space it’s no disadvantage, just don’t plant bamboo otherwise you’ll be taken over. Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with a large plant, you just don’t want it to be invasive. Why not try?


Usually red in colour Phormiums make a striking feature in any garden. They need a sunny, well-drained spot in the garden. They would make an excellent feature in a pot as a focal point.

Prune rambling and climbing roses, and shorten long shoots on standard roses Put cloches over tender herbs like basil & coriander Repair those unsightly gaps and worn out patches now and you'll give your lawn a new lease of life so it looks its best in summer. Save seeds from favourite bean varieties to plant next spring Sow broad beans for early crops next May and June Sow hardy annuals outside for early flowers next summer Sow turnips for spring greens in March and April

Japonica ‘Crotonifolia’

A versatile slow-growing evergreen shrub for almost anywhere in the garden. 'Crotonifolia' will grow in both full sun and shade - although its gold-blotched and finelyspeckled leaves colour best in partial shade. It thrives in most soils, including dry ground near hedges and trees.

Bird of Paradise

Synonymous with the Canary Islands, the Bird of Paradise flower is also known as a Crane flower, they are one of the most beautiful exotic flowers. The flower is native of South Africa, very easy to grow here in Tenerife, ideal for pots and used as cut flowers.

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Health & Beauty

Dear Christine

carl pattison

Your resident Agony Aunt

from Robot, answers your hair questions

It’s easy-peasy! WHAT do you mean, you can’t do your own hair? Rubbish. Anyone with the right cut can create her own individual look at home. All it takes is two simple tools - a hairdryer and a large, flat brush, and both styles pictured here require minimum styling and have maximum impact. Look, take it from me because I’m not going to give out false information, am I? Both these cuts are what we call in the trade “Precision Cuts” . It means that they are cut with an accuracy that will allow the hair to simply fall into place. They follow the natural fall and movement of the hair, allowing it to flow but also allowing it to fall back into the created shape. This is a true “Precision Cut”, so forget your cans of spray - your hours of torturing your locks. If you want simple elegance, then opt for something similar. With these sorts of cuts, you can’t expect the stylist to “force” the hair into these sorts of shapes. They have to look at the way your hair grows and follow the natural movement. Even curly hair can be cut this way and, if done correctly, the given shape will “appear”, even after washing, which allows you to wash and go. I’m not saying these methods suit every hair type - far from it – and you need to consult your stylist to see if you have the right type of hair to do this on. Even fine hair can look good with a good, solid shape cut into it. Okay, it’s still going to look fine, but it will “appear” thicker because of the heavier shaping. So, once you have your cut, what are you going to do at home after washing it? Well, start by applying a smoothing serum,

or blow-dry cream, depending on your hair type. Dry hair off roughly, using fingers, and push it in the desired direction, following the shape of the cut. Don’t start to use a brush until 80% dry, then take small sections, lifting the hair up and away from the head at 90-degree angles, creating lift and movement. At the same time, you are literally “turning” the hair under with your large, flat brush, smoothing each section and creating the shape that has been cut into your hair. This shouldn’t take more than, say, five minutes on short hair and 10 on longer any more and you’re defeating the object of a “Precision”. The cut should do all the work and, once finished, apply a little serum. And that’s it! Don’t overdo products because the hair should have movement and literally “swing” back into shape. Consult your stylist if you’re ready for something with a little more of an edge and get ready for easy-peasy hair.


Dear Christine, I’m a single mum of 27 and in the process of being dumped by a lovely guy of 20, who I’ve been seeing for a year. He insists he still loves me, but says he feels too young to live a life with kids in it. He wants us to stay friends and go out for a drink in a couple of months. Do you think he’ll come back to me? Gemma Dear Gemma, It’s difficult when a relationship ends. You can’t help wishing that things were different somehow, and that you wouldn’t then lose the future you’d hoped for. But this is a lad of only 20, most of whose mates are still playing the field. Yes, you could meet him for the odd drink, but that doesn’t mean he’s suddenly going to get all responsible. He says he feels too young yet to live family life - in other words, he’s happy to have a relationship with a 27 year-old, but not the responsibility that comes with it. Maybe he will change, but I get the feeling that he wants to date more girls and, of course, that’s likely to lead him well away from you. So you haven’t really lost the future you’d hoped for - a nice guy who will be a good, loving husband and a caring, involved dad. All that’s happened is you’ve found that your future is about a different man. Let yourself grieve, but don’t grieve for what you didn’t have. Then move forward confidently, enjoying your children, your friends and the rest of your life. Don’t settle for just anyone who pays you attention. Look forward to dating some men who want what you want, who are fine about parenting, who take you as you are, which is a mum as well as a woman. I wish you happiness and the best of luck. Christine Dear Christine, I’m 72 and have a man friend who’s 10 years older. He says he loves me and wants us to marry, but he’s got arthritis and is slightly disabled.

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He buys me flowers and chocolates and takes me out and about. Do you think he’s genuine, or does he just want a carer? I do love him, but can’t help worrying about this. Vera Dear Vera, I can appreciate your uncertainty but obviously, I can’t second-guess his intentions. What I can do is give you some pointers to help you make the best decision for yourself. Here goes: do you and he put the same amount of time and effort into the relationship, so that you’re equal partners, with both of you valuing the other person’s feelings and wishes? Do you genuinely feel good when you’re with him? Do you miss him when you’re not together? Does he listen to you and take you seriously? Do you and he share enough tastes, interests and attitudes (towards money, sex, fidelity, male and female roles, household tasks and possessions, etc) to make the idea of being with him forever attractive? Does he need more help than you’re able or willing to give? Do you talk about how you’ll manage his disability? I suggest that you observe both his actions and your own reactions over the next couple of months and then make your decision. Don’t let him pressure you into doing something you later regret! Good luck. Christine

Dear Christine, I’m in love with a married man I first met when I was doing a temporary job in Tenerife, three years ago. We split up when I went back to Ireland, but I’m living here now and bumped into him again a few months ago. Since then, we’ve been getting together behind his wife’s back. I do feel guilty, but they say you can’t help who you fall in love with. I enjoy our few stolen hours every week, but I so badly want him for keeps. He says if he’d known I was coming back, he probably wouldn’t

have got married. What should I do? F.L Dear FL, What a pickle you’re in! This guy is quite happy to commit adultery, even though he vowed to be faithful to his wife, so what makes you think he’d be any different if he married you? Look at his declaration of how he feels about you. It wasn’t, “I’ve always loved you and wish I’d never let you go.” No. He just manages: “I probably wouldn’t have got married if I’d known you were coming back.” It doesn’t say much for deep, lasting love on his part, does it? Also, he’s not actually doing anything concrete to end his marriage and get together with you. Doesn’t all this set off alarm-bells in your mind? Your belief that you can’t help who you fall in love with is a load of tosh, I’m afraid. Love isn’t an external force that compels you to act in a certain way. It seems to me that you shared some exciting moments with this guy, then kept thinking about him until you had built up a whole fantasy of how perfect things would be if only … This dream is not reality! And it’s certainly not love. I hope you have more self-respect than to keep on seeing this guy. You must know at heart that it’s three people’s lives you’re playing with, and that if you did try to have him for keeps, you’d be forever looking over your shoulder. What you do now is up to you. Christine

Christine Craggs-Hinton is the author of 19 selfhelp books, including ‘Natural Treatments for Arthritis’, ‘How to Lower your Blood Pressure’, and ‘Coping Successfully with Psoriasis’. Her books are available from all good UK bookshops as well as ‘The Paper Shop’, Apolo Centre and ‘Bookswop’, Edificio Cristianos 1, both of which are in Los Cristianos.

23 September - 29 September 2011

Health & Beauty

Nicola roberts Your beauty expert


Skin through the ages… and how to keep it fresh FROM the onset of puberty, right through to our twilight years, us women have a lot to endure. We are faced with a vast array of physical aches and emotional ups and downs. From menstrual cramps and pregnancy pains to menopausal problems, life can be quite a rough ride for the average woman. Along with all of these marvellous stages of the female development comes the effects on our bodies and skin, and we must learn to look after ourselves both inside and out to make us feel and look as good as possible.

Teens to Twenties The first time we ladies become aware of our skin is when we enter our teens and puberty has set in. The classic-case scenario is when a special occasion arises (first date/ disco etc.) and so does a huge spot in the middle of the forehead or chin. Puberty plays a major role in the erratic behaviour of the skin, with the increase in hormone activity also causing the increase of oily secretions of the skin. This leads to congestion, and blocked pores and can, in turn, even lead to acne. At this time, skin has an optimum supply of collagen and elastin, which makes it firm and smooth but, as mentioned, hormones often cause havoc with the complexion. Choosing the correct skin care products is a difficult scenario because there are so many products on the market, some which now are solely for teenagers. Many teens will turn to heavilyadvertised products to deal with their problems, only to find that their skin will flare up in a completely different way. The skin can very often become sensitive, and is usually a result of harsh products. Teenagers are often tempted to use harsh products that strip the skin of not just

the excess oil, but all the surface oil, which is essential for the protection of the skin against pollution and moisture loss. Eventually, in removing this layer, the skin will produce more oil and so the vicious circle begins. Teenagers should realise that it is very important at this stage to obtain professional help and advice, so they then begin protecting their skin. How the skin is treated earlier on is important, and the earlier we start looking after it, and feeding it with the correct nutrients, the better it will serve us as we get older. Often, advice regarding the rebalancing of hormones is just as important as skin care. A visit to a reputable gynaecologist is a must for an assessment, to ensure there are no serious internal problems which can adversely affect the balance of hormones. Polycystic Ovaries (PCOs) is a complaint suffered by thousands of women - usually in silence whereby the symptoms can lead to weight gain/loss, acne and excessive facial and body hair. Clients in this age-group should wash their face mornings and evenings with a gentle face-wash based on plant or fruit extracts, like Aloe Vera, followed by an astringent toner to help close pores, and a light, protective moisturiser to control oil secretions and protect against dirt and pollution. Once a week, the client should use a gentle facial scrub, followed by a purifying mask containing camphor or burdock. Another important issue in this age-group (as with all age-groups) is prevention; some 80% of sun damage is done before the age of 18 and appears only in our late 20s or early 30s, where we will then start to see the first signs of ageing skin ¬- lines around the eyes, pigmentation marks, etc. Thirties to Fifties When a woman reaches her 30s, the skin is becoming dehydrated

23 September - 29 September 2011

and showing signs of ageing, the turn-over of new skin cells has slowed down and skin has become dull and sallow, through poor circulation. As mentioned before, the eyecontour area is affected first, and this is often through dehydration. Clients are usually advised to use specific products to tackle this area. Gels and serums containing horse chestnut and ginseng, as well as collagen, are great to help plump up and fill in fine lines and wrinkles. The skin on the neck is also prone to showing early signs of ageing as it produces much less oil than the skin on the rest of the face. Some women suffer from particularly dry skin on the neck and again, can use a cream specifically for this area and this problem. As skin enters its 30s and 40s, ladies need to step up and increase their skincare routine - not only richer moisturisers, including day and night creams, but also anti-ageing eye cream and a neck cream. So, as skin gets older and becomes drier, clients need to exfoliate more regularly and use nourishing/firming masks. At least twice a week is ideal, and the use of products containing vitamins A and C is great to stimulate collagen production. Keeping the skin vitalised and glowing may take more effort, but it is worth it in the long-run. Fifty-plus Signs of ageing are becoming more obvious as skin reaches and passes 50. Elastin has broken down, leading to loss of facial contours (sagging jowls and, sometimes, pigmentation problems brought on by menopause). The body and its life processes are generally becoming slower, meaning circulation has slowed down. It means that fewer nutrients and less oxygen are delivered from the blood stream. Any promotion of the circulation is

well received and will always create improvement. Sadly, the face becomes more rounded and loses its shape, deep lines and wrinkles are etched on the skin, the eyes can droop and eyelids become non-existent. Skin is dehydrated and sometimes even dry where the oil production had decreased. It becomes more sensitive to touch, and broken capillaries on the cheeks are visible. Sometimes these damages can be also the result of over-treating the skin aggressively in the past, and proves irreversible. All the above problems sound quite desperate, but there are ways to combat the situation and a vigorous homecare routine can be adopted, using gentle products based on plant extracts. Lavender helps soothe the skin, collagen will help plump it and fruit acids will help smooth uneven texture. Jojoba oils lubricate the skin to give suppleness. Ladies of 50-plus should follow a cleansing routine using rich, creamy cleansers and non-alcohol-based toners, which at all times are aiming to nourish and hydrate the skin. Exfoliation also becomes important for these ladies because it encourages the improvement of circulation and helps skincare products to penetrate the skin. Thus, the skin can be exfoliated gently three times a week, and this can be followed with a serum and nourishing masks. There are many factors to take into consideration, and therapist can design a regime to best suit the client’s needs. Whatever age, education on how to care for skin is essential, If this education process starts when we are in our teens, and the benefits of an effective skincare regime become apparent, there is no reason why vibrant skin with a hydrated texture can carry on throughout all of our development.

Industry cursed by tummy bugs TUMMY BUGS, the everyday curse of many, have increased by nearly half in the last 29 years, at a huge cost to industry. New research indicates that some 17 million Britons - about 25% of the entire population - after stricken every year, which adds up to more than 11 million working days lost annually in the UK, according to the Food Standards Agency. The biggest causes of tummy trouble are the highly infectious vomiting bug (novirus) and campylobacter, which is associated with under-cooked chicken. Professor Sarah O’Brien, who led the research, said: “This study reinforces just how many people’s lives are affected by the bugs.”

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Food News

Big Mac chewed up by the fat-cat Costas McDONALD’S, once the thirdmost popular food shop on the High Street, has been relegated by the skinny latte phenomena.

Costa Coffee has overtaken the Big Mac suppliers as the UK’s thirdlargest food and drink chain. Whitbread, which owns Costa, has opened 145 new premises in the past six months. That gives them a total of 1,295 UK Costa coffee shops, compared with McDonald’s 1,200 outlets. Costa now plans to target the two main brands - the 1,500-strong sandwich shop Subway and pasty specialist Greggs, which is at the top of the fast-food chain with 1,526 branches. “Most people won’t walk more than 100 yards to get to a coffee shop,” said Whitbread boss Andy Harrison. “And there are many parts of the UK where people don’t have access to coffee. That’s why we think we can grow in Britain, perhaps by another 50% Meanwhile, Costa is chasing after relative newcomers to coffee in India and China, where it recently opened its 100th store. Mr Harrison said Chinese and Indian customers were increasingly turning to coffee as a fashionable, Western-style alternative to the more traditional cup of tea.

The cupboard was bare How much food do you think you throw away each week? A few items, a carrier bag full, a bin bag full? Unless your lifestyle allows you to shop on a daily basis we are all guilty of wastefulness as opposed to thrift.

The British Government wish to abolish sell by and use by dates and instead introduce one single date. It is estimated that we the general public, in the UK alone discard more than 12 billion pounds worth of food. The introduction of one date on packaging would it is thought stop food being wasted. Simplifying the dates would lead to less wastage. Historically the sell by date was created way back in the 1950’s as a way of guaranteeing freshness. The EU introduced best before and use by dates in the 1990’s. Retailers can be fined for selling food past its use by date but not its best before date. The new date has received a mixed response from the industry. Perhaps it needs an education programme for shoppers to explain the labelling the process. In this menagerie of dates it is the ‘use by’ that is the important one. It’s strange really to think that a number of years ago not everyone had a fridge, but the old fashioned larder where perishable goods were stored and a milkman delivered dairy products on a daily basis, how times have changed.

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23 September - 29 September 2011


23 September - 29 September 2011

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Stop the holiday money rip-offs A consumer watchdog says that UK travellers are being ripped off when they pay for their holiday money.

Consumers Focus has made a "super-complaint" to the Office of Fair Trading, claiming that complex charges and misleading information mean people are paying too much to exchange currency. A "super-complaint" is one made by a watchdog organisation on behalf of consumers, which is fast-tracked by the OFT. The consumers' group wants to investigate three main areas where it says travellers are being short-changed. Firstly, it says charges for using credit or debit cards abroad are complex and confusing, making it difficult for people to establish the full costs and to shop around. Transactions at foreign ATMs can incur a charge of up to £4.50. Secondly, banks and credit card companies charge cash withdrawal fees to buy travel money with a card in the UK. The customer's fee is much higher than the cost to the provider. And thirdly, the group is complaining about the language of foreign currency exchange. Phrases such as "0% commission" and "competitive exchange rates" are misleading because the exchange rates already include price markups and so don't come at zero

cost, Consumer Focus says. Mike O'Connor, chief executive of Consumer Focus, told Sky News: "Almost half of us travel abroad every year and we face a confusing array of often hidden charges every time we buy currency. "Converting £500 into euros can cost from under £10 to over £30 depending on where you switch your money. Cost of obtaining 500 Euros HSBC £ 31.76 (+1.5% with credit card) Barclays £ 29.84 (+2.5% with credit card) Lloyds TSB £ 28.35 (+2.95% with credit card) Royal Bank Scotland £ 27.12 (+1.5% with credit card) Co-op £ 21.51 Post Office £ 17.65 Halifax £ 17.39 (+1.5% with credit card) Thomas Cook £ 16.77 (+1.5% with credit card) Change Group £ 12.43 ICE £ 12.17 "This is a huge difference for essentially providing the same service and typically banks offer the worst deals. "Individuals buy holiday money infrequently and so may not shop around much or may just stick with the same supplier. "A cocktail of confusing charges and poor transparency means collectively we are losing out in a big way. "We are calling on the OFT to investigate and work with the industry to send these dubious and complex charges packing."

Travel briefs Modern-day postcard The once commonplace postcard has almost fallen behind the clock on the mantelpiece with the advent of new technology. But never fear, Apple has incorporated the once-popular holiday custom into their repertoire. You can create your own postcard on your mobile handset, take a photo of your travels, fill out the details and hit send. A couple of days later a real postcard will arrive at your chosen destination. More information is available from

Here comes the snow Remember the snow from last year? Well this year, Heathrow are prepared. They have appointed a snowman. Heathrow Airport has appointed a former RAF Wing Commander as winter operations manager, whose CV includes the running of Port Stanley airport in the Falklands, well prepared then!

TripAdvisor trips up In certain echelons it’s held up as the bible of holiday goers. But just a week after being investigated by Advertising Standards Authority due to the content of their site, TripAdvisor have removed the phrase “reviews you can trust” from their website. Many businesses complained over fraudulent reviews, at times you would search out a hot restaurant or bar in a foreign destination only to find it couldn’t be further from the truth. The Sunday Times reportedly uncovered a whole industry of fake reviews, with those pounding the keys being paid as little as three pounds per entry.

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Jet2 rewards loyalty has put thousands of discounted reward seats up for grabs, to help cash-strapped holidaymakers planning their next escape get away for even less.

Reward seats cost as little as 200 points, plus taxes and charges. An increased number of reward seats have now been made available. Members of the ‘myJet2 loyalty programme’ earn one point for every £1 spent on flights as well as pre-bookable extras such as baggage and inflight meals. Points can also be earned for flights booked for family and friends, making them stack up quickly! Reward flights usually cost between 600 and 1,200 points one way, depending on the destination, but until 30th September 2011 members will be able to triple the value of their points on selected flights until summer 2012. Steve Heapy, Chief Commercial Officer of, said: “We are urging customers to remember to sign up to receive our recession-busting points, and to use points they have already accrued, on new flight bookings to one of our exciting city, sun or ski destinations – especially whilst they’re worth up to three times their normal value! The reduced points promotion is valid on selected flights

booked throughout September which is when we see a pre-winter surge in bookings, so now is the perfect time to book that autumn city break, winter sun escape, ski adventure, or even summer 2012 getaway, without having to raid the piggy bank! “With the current points promotion now is the ideal time to join the scheme to start collecting points. myJet2 is a great way for us to thank our fantastic loyal customers and whether joining the scheme now or cashing in existing points, redeeming is easy and can be done in just a few clicks online. “Points are awarded immediately upon booking so members don’t need to wait until after they have travelled to redeem them. In fact the scheme

is so flexible that even if you don’t have enough points for everyone in your party to travel - you can redeem points for some seats and simply pay as normal for the remaining members of your party.” Since myJet2 launched in November 2008, members have redeemed a whopping 68,000 free flights. In order to book reward seats, members simply log into their myJet2 account at before 30th September and click on the ‘spend my points’ tab. For more information about myJet2, or to register to receive points on your next booking, log on to or book a flight or holiday at or

BA hopes new ads will repair strike damage Months after ending a bitter industrial dispute with its staff, British Airways has launched its biggest advertising campaign for a decade, with a special focus on customer service.

The campaign centres on the airline's employees - after two years of conflict with its cabin crew, which included 22 days of strikes. The TV, print and online advertising push highlights the skills of staff members, including how cabin crew are trained to deliver babies. The company says it is placing new emphasis on its motto, 'To Fly. To Serve.' and is investing £5bn in products and services. The money will be spent on new planes, a revamped first-class section, better catering and improvements at London Gatwick Airport. BA's chief executive Keith Williams said the message "encapsulates our expertise for flying and our commitment to customer service".

The company said it had begun an internal programme to engage with staff. The 90-second TV advert

will be first shown on the company's Facebook page, and on Channel 4 this evening. The dispute with cabin crew, which began in Feb-

ruary 2009 over cost-cutting at the airline, ended in May of this year. The walkouts cost BA an estimated £150m.

23 September - 29 September 2011


On the road with jav Behind the Wheel


Futuristic flops still gave today’s designers a boost IT is a well-known and obvious fact that to stay ahead of the pack, car manufacturers are obliged to push the boundaries constantly.

They need to carve new segments in the market, introduce progressive technologies and design edgy lines. And here are some of the models that set out to do just that but, ultimately, failed. Some of the cars were simply too much too soon, and despite their avant garde design or technological marvels, they performed disastrously on the sales floor. Others completely missed the point of what the public wanted in a car, while others still were the victims of poor business decisions. Each of the models featured here, however, have one thing in common: they made a significant contribution to the face of motoring. And many of the technologies we enjoy in today’s cars are a result of these trailblazers’ efforts, even if they themselves crashed and burned in their attempts to change the status quo. Long before Audi first introduced four-wheel drive to a production car, Jensen had succeeded in doing that with the Interceptor FF. Despite its technically futuristic underpinnings, the 'Ferguson Formula' Interceptor failed commercially and, sadly, Jensen went into receivership in 1976. Sleekly-styled, sporty and

just 34 inches tall, the Probe 16 had all the makings of a science fiction supercar. It was this radical styling that motivated Stanley Kubrick to feature the car in A Clockwork Orange as the Durango 95. In real life the car was decidedly impractical, with no doors and access exclusively through the sunroof. Only four were ever made. Regardless of where you stand in the debate on whether GM did or didn’t kill the electric car, in many ways the EV1 paved the way for successful modern electric vehicles that followed in its tracks. The EV1, cutting-edge in more than just its powertrain, sported ABS brakes, traction control, airbags and cruise control. While the current Insight is doing a much better job at securing its place in the market, the 1999 model proved too advanced for a public who could buy fuel on the cheap, and who struggled to come to terms with the car’s futuristic design. After Honda did much of the trail-blazing, Toyota successfully swooped in with the Prius. The styling of the 1967 NSU was so ahead of its time that it wouldn’t have looked out of place next to models that followed 15 years later. It was also a technical tour de force with its twin-rotor Wankel engine, fully independent suspension and clutchless manual gearbox. An acquisition by Audi spelled the end of the revolution-

23 September - 29 September 2011

ary Ro80. Paving the way for minivans some 20 years before the VW Transporter, the Scarab was a truly ingenious 1932 design with its aerodynamic body and reconfigurable interior. In the 14 years that followed its launch, a number of different versions were built, though it was never produced in any meaningful quantity. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, with science fiction all the rage in the 1950s, it wasn’t completely unexpected that Alfa built a “flying saucer” car ¬- the Disco Volante. However, the Italian company

didn’t anticipate that their model, meant to set new standards in aerodynamics, would actually also behave like a UFO by generating too much lift when you really pushed on. Only four cars were ever built. Finally, Morgan, known for their traditional values and styling, attempted to rush the company into the future with the sleek Plus Four Plus. The most unconventional feature of this model was its fibreglass body, but it was much too soon for the public and the company pulled the plug after just 26 units.

Page 45


Match Report By Geoff Huxtable NAUTA A are still proud owners of the only 100% record in the league, having continued their fantastic run with a 7-1 win at Phoenix Bar.

Yet the scoreline could have been closer with some better finishing from the home side. Bar 180 A are still hot on their heels after matching the leaders’ result at X-Men, while Cozy Wanderers look steady in third place after seeing off Toscales Tornados, who had Miguel hitting his first 180. Target Army’s Grant hit his second maximum in a closefought 5-3 victory at La Central, and Valle Viking’s 1 captain Geoff got his third 180 as his team prevailed at Target Titans. Gaffers earned a valuable point at home to Cafe Rood A, while Barracudarts and The Pub also finished evenstevens. Toscales Ensecan ended a nine-match run without a win by disposing of Tavern 6-2, and Yela’s Bar got a comfortable three points at bottom side Bar 180 B.

There were three tied matches in Division 2. The Playgirls had to win the trebles leg to finish all-square with Summerland, although Hopefuls’ Alan tried his hardest during the match and hit his second 180. Knights and Ourplace Naturals, second and third respectively, lined up to do battle at Scruffy Macs, and a titanic contest finished in a draw after the Naturals took the trebles leg. Cafe Rood B and Palms Sport bar also shared the points, thanks to the home team’s last-leg success. Bad Girls/Boys locked horns in a local derby at La Caña Lancers. After a night of fun and tension in equal measures it was the Bad ones who came through 5-3. Lucky Leprechauns’ 6-2 win at Valle Vikings 2 was only their second of the year, while Sunshine Bar beat Tenerife Sun by the same margin. Elsewhere, Sundowners and Naughty Nautas both had 7-1 victories, and Marilyns left it until the last game to secure a 5-3 result against Trap Door.

Division 1

Page 46

1-7 4-4 4-4 3-5 1-7 2-6 2-6 3-5 1-7

Bar 180 B Barracudarts Boys Gaffers La Central Phoenix Bar Target Titans Tavern Toscales Tornados X-Men Table 1 Nauta A 2 Bar 180 A 3 Cozy Wanderers 4 Phoenix Bar 5 The Pub 6 Barracudarts Boys 7 Toscales Tornados 8 Target Army 9 La Central 10 Valle Vikings 1 11 Cafe Rood A 12 X-Men 13 Yelas 14 Toscales Ensecan 15 Gaffers 16 Tavern 17 Target Titans 18 Bar 180 B

P 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 15 16 16 16 16

W 16 15 13 10 9 9 9 9 7 5 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 1

The Pub Yelas Cafe Rood A Target Army Nauta A Valle Vikings 1 Toscales Ensecan Cozy Wanderers Bar 180 A D L 0 0 0 1 2 1 3 3 3 4 2 5 1 6 0 7 2 7 4 7 5 6 3 9 2 10 1 10 1 12 3 11 3 12 1 14

F A +- PTS 108 20 88 48 102 26 76 45 97 31 66 41 77 51 26 33 78 50 28 30 74 54 20 29 70 58 12 28 70 58 12 27 67 61 6 23 54 74 -20 19 55 65 -10 17 53 75 -22 15 41 87 -46 14 42 78 -36 13 48 80 -32 10 40 88 -48 9 42 86 -44 6 26 102 -76 4

Division 2

Results Atlantis Sharks 1 - 9 Hoops Bar Bar 180 C 5 - 5 Summerlands Allstars Dreamers Bar 4 - 6 Trap Door Gaffers A 6 - 4 Summerlands Superstars Legends Bar 3 - 7 Phoenix Knights Nauta A 2 - 8 Tenerife Hammers A Tasca 5 - 5 Palms Bar A Terrace Bar A 5 - 5 Bar 180 A Toscales Old Boys 5 - 5 Target Bar Table P 1 Trap Door 7 2 Palms Bar A 7 3 Terrace Bar A 7 4 Hoops Bar 7 5 Legends Bar 7 6 Phoenix Knights 7 7 Tenerife Hammers A 7 8 Atlantis Sharks 7 9 Bar 180 C 7 10 Summerlands Superstars 6 11 Gaffers A 7 12 Target Bar 7 13 Bar 180 A 7 14 Tasca 7 15 Dreamers Bar 6 16 Summerlands Allstars 7 17 Nauta A 7 18 Toscales Old Boys 7

Division 2

Division 1

W 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

D 1 3 3 2 1 3 2 2 4 2 2 4 3 3 1 1 1 2

L 1 0 0 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 3 3 4 5 5 5

F 39 42 41 42 37 40 40 35 37 33 35 33 32 32 24 27 25 26

A +- PTS 31 8 16 28 14 15 29 12 15 28 14 14 33 4 13 30 10 12 30 10 11 35 0 11 33 4 10 27 6 8 35 0 8 37 -4 7 38 -6 6 38 -6 6 36 -12 4 43 -16 4 45 -20 4 44 -18 2

Cafe Rood B Knights La Caña Lancers Marilyns Naughty Nautas Ourplace Playgirls Sundowners Sunshine Bar Valle Vikings 2

Palms Sports Bar Ourplace Naturals Bad Girls/Boys Trap Door Phoenix Flames Summerland Hopefuls Barracuda Hunters Tenerife Sun Lucky Leprichaun

Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 Sundowners 16 15 0 1 93 35 58 45 2 Knights 16 13 2 1 91 37 54 41 3 Ourplace Naturals 16 13 1 2 92 36 56 40 4 Sunshine Bar 16 12 3 1 86 42 44 39 5 Cafe Rood B 16 11 2 3 78 50 28 35 6 Naughty Nautas 16 10 1 5 74 54 20 31 7 Tenerife Sun 16 7 2 7 65 63 2 23 8 Valle Vikings 2 16 7 1 8 64 64 0 22 9 Marilyns 16 7 1 8 63 65 -2 22 10 Summerland Hopefuls 16 5 5 6 64 64 0 20 11 Bad Girls/Boys 16 4 4 8 52 76 -24 16 12 Barracuda Hunters 16 5 1 10 48 80 -32 16 13 Trap Door 15 4 1 10 53 67 -14 13 14 Ourplace Playgirls 16 3 4 9 51 77 -26 13 15 Palms Sports Bar 16 3 4 9 50 78 -28 13 16 Lucky Leprichaun 16 2 2 12 44 84 -40 8 17 Phoenix Flames 16 1 4 11 40 88 -48 7 18 La Caña Lancers 15 1 2 12 36 84 -48 5

Division 3

Results Bar La Cana 3 - 7 Barracuda Bandits Barracuda Hunters 5 - 5 Atlantis Crew Connors 6 - 4 Wandabar A Lupain 3 - 7 Toscales A-Team Phoenix Potters 6 - 4 Nauta B Summerland Elite 5 - 5 Exiles A Target Rangers 5 - 5 Inn The Pink Tenerife Hammers C 6 - 4 Terrace Bar B Tenerife Pool Tables 4 - 6 Market Taverners Table 1 Barracuda Bandits 2 Phoenix Potters 3 Summerland Elite 4 Exiles A 5 Bar La Cana 6 Inn The Pink 7 Toscales A-Team 8 Market Taverners 9 Target Rangers 10 Tenerife Hammers C 11 Connors 12 Wandabar A 13 Atlantis Crew 14 Lupain 15 Barracuda Hunters 16 Terrace Bar B 17 Nauta B 18 Tenerife Pool Tables

4-4 4-4 3-5 5-3 7-1 4-4 7-1 6-2 2-6

P 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 6 7 7

W 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 0

D 2 2 3 4 2 1 1 1 3 3 0 2 3 0 3 2 2 0

L 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 2 4 3 3 4 7

F 48 41 41 40 35 35 36 32 36 36 30 34 30 29 27 28 31 21

A +- PTS 22 26 17 29 12 17 29 12 15 30 10 13 35 0 11 25 10 10 34 2 10 38 -6 10 34 2 9 34 2 9 40 -10 9 36 -2 8 30 0 6 31 -2 6 43 -16 6 32 -4 5 39 -8 5 49 -28 0

Results Dos Hermanos 5 - 5 Bull Ring Tavern Exiles B 6 - 4 Dragon's Denn Lucky Leprachan 5 - 5 James Place Sunshine Bar 3 - 7 Legendary Jokers The Treehouse 4 - 6 Gaffers B



A +- PTS

1 Gaffers B

7 6 1 0 51 19 32 19

2 C&A Titans

6 5 1 0 40 20 20 16

3 Exiles B

7 5 1 1 41 29 12 16

4 The Treehouse

7 5 0 2 44 26 18 15

5 Dos Hermanos

6 3 2 1 36 24 12 11

6 The Office

6 2 2 2 28 32 -4 8

7 James Place

7 2 2 3 32 38 -6 8

8 Legendary Jokers

6 1 3 2 28 32 -4 6

9 Bull Ring Tavern

7 1 2 4 30 40 -10 5

10 Wandabar B

3 1 1 1 17 13 4

11 Sunshine Bar

6 1 1 4 18 42 -24 4

12 Lucky Leprachan

5 0 3 2 22 28 -6 3

13 Next Door

6 0 2 4 23 37 -14 2

14 Dragon's Denn

7 0 1 6 20 50 -30 1


23 September - 29 September 2011


ROSCOE Sport Talk


Rosquete is debut hero CD Tenerife 1 Coruxo 0

LAST week, I wrote a small piece on local lad Rueben Rosquete - and the Midas touch worked! The Icod youngster marked a solid home debut with the only goal of the game in front of over 10,000 fans. It was real Roy of the Rovers stuff. Or Raul of Real, if you like. He touched in a Tarantino header from a corner-kick 10 minutes into the second half to settle a match Tenerife had totally dominated. His partnership with fellow Tenerifian Kiko is starting to impress. The combination of little and large, or slow and quick, caused the Coruxo defence all the trouble in the world. They tried everything: five at the back, three at the back, man-marking, double team. But nothing worked. Even the good old-fashioned off-the-ball kicking failed. How Tenerife scored only one is a matter for the sporting gods. Kiko wasted three gilt-edged chances. One was a simple volley from eight yards, which ended up outside the stadium. Another, from six yards, was begging to be headed in, rather than chested back to the goalie - and the hardest late on should have sealed the contest. As it was, Tenerife finished the match hanging on against a side who had created nothing. And I mean nothing. It was bizarre. The fans’ nervousness was carried on to the pitch and led to the home players sitting back on a one-goal lead against a side with just 10 men and no striker! I have never seen anything like it. At the end of the match, the usual strains of “Ten-er-iff-ay..” were missing. Maybe the stadium Dj was too embarrassed. It masked what was, in truth, a fine effort. Apart from the attack, Nico worked well alongside the growing Marcos in midfield. The defence looked solid, and there were plenty of options on the bench. Tenerife are joint top, are still undefeated and have a good run of fixtures over the next few weeks. The feel-good factor is returning and, judging by the amazing crowd, the good times are on the way. Canarian Weekly ratings Sergio Aragoneses 6, Cristobal 7, Tarantino 7, David Medina 6, Meji 6, Bravo 6 (Zazo 76min 6), Marcos 8, Nico 7 (Josmar

Zambrano 61min 5), Ferran 6, Rubén Rosquete 7 (Perona 61min 6), Kiko Ratón 7.

Luna is surprised by this, but after being told that the club cannot afford him, he is persuaded to go to Murcia. However talks between player and club are strained. The offer on the table is lower than his current deal, and he said he wasn’t “feeling the love”, as the Yanks would say. After a few days, the deal kicks and Luna turns Murcia down. And then the fun began. Tenerife's board had made it clear that they didn’t want him back (money) and he would not be given a place in the squad. In essence they were forcing him out. But the transfer window had closed and unless they released him by paying up his contract (money again!), he couldn't play anywhere else. The coach was ordered not to pick him, and he was even banned from the training ground. And for what? The crime of wanting to stay at a club and on an island he loved! This has continued for a few weeks, but it seems a thaw is imminent. Luna trained with the rest of the players last week but is, of course, a little short of match practice.

Unhappy Luna still in limbo

OFF the field, it has been another busy week. Argentine centre-back Ezequiel Luna continues to dominate the sports pages. I saw him after the Coruxo match and he looks as frustrated as any player I have ever seen. It’s a strange situation he finds himself in. At the end of last season he was, along with goalie Aragoneses and midfielder Omar, asked if he wanted to stay at the club, but on massively-reduced wages. Luna said Yes as he is settled with his wife and young family on the Island. He is subsequently named as club captain and wears the armband throughout the pre-season games. Despite being part of two relegation sides, the fans like him and all seems rosy in the garden. But on the eve of the new season, Tenerife decide to make one last slash of the wage bill. Omar is sent out on loan, while Tenerife accept a late bid from newly-promoted Real Murcia.

He is happy to play and, as he is under contract, is being paid. It is, of course, a crazy situation. This is a footballer who was good enough to play in La Liga two seasons ago and was the captain only a few weeks back. Luna is diplomatic on the subject: “It has been tough,” he said. “Like any human, I have my good days and my bad days. I have no problem with the coach, Antonio Calderon. I respect him and we get along just great. “What has happened has happened, but all I want to do is play. I understand that you do not change a team who are doing well, and I will have to wait for my chance. It’s great that the team are winning again.” When asked this week about what has happened to him, he told the Island’s press: “I’m trying not to think about it. I have to live in the present. It’s a long season and I know I will get my chance to play here. “But the most important thing is the team, and we are doing great. Four wins and a draw show that the coach is doing the right things.”

Chio break seven-year hitch!

THE small village of Chio, near Guia de Isora, has not had a football team for seven years.

This season, though, backed by Soy del Tete (the CD Tenerife fan shop) in Fanabe Plaza, plus massive support from local Chio businesses and residents a new club has emerged in the

23 September - 29 September 2011

shape of UD Chio, who have much to celebrate after securing their first league win of the season. They won 4-3 last Friday against Eicade, fellow-newcomers to the second regional division, and goals from Moises, Jose Luis, Franci and Gustavo gave the 100-plus crowd in the stand plenty to cheer about. Chio’s

home games will be played on alternate Fridays (KO 9pm) in the Mayato grounds, and the 460 bus from Las Americas will take you to the village. The team’s next challenge is away at San Isidro tomorrow (Saturday), kick-off 7pm. Each week Canarian Weekly will be letting you know how UD Chio get on.

Dreamers caught in a Trap ANOTHER close round of matches has left us with new leaders at the top of Division One. Despite being thrashed at home by Palms Bar on opening night, Trap Door have leapfrogged the champions at the summit.

They needed help from newboy Swampy, who replaced the holidaying Mickey, and clinched the vital rubber against Dreamers. This 6-4 win, combined with draws for Palms and Terrace, sent them top. Palms maintained their unbeaten record with a battling draw at Tasca. Bungalow again lost all his matches, and Palms needed to dig deep to salvage a point after being 5-2 down. Terrace A were also in trouble at home to Bar 180 A. They were 3-0 down and then 5-3 down after Adi completed a hat-trick of defeats on the night as he was sunk by Martin. But the birthday boy (happy 40th!) had a smile on his face as his team notched the last two legs for a draw. Hoops are up to fourth after spanking Atlantis Sharks 9-1 in Adeje. The Sharks are normally rock-solid at home, and Hoops put down a serious marker with the thrashing. Phoenix Knights kick-started their season when they took the Legends’ unbeaten record 7-3, despite Harry losing both his singles. Talking of players losing both matches, Penguin made it five without a win as he failed to help his Summerland Superstars, who lost again. Gaffers A made their home advantage count and the faded former champs are now a sorry 10th. Summerland Allstars were 3-0 up against Bar 180 C, but they had to settle for a point, while Tenerife Hammers A picked up the winning thread by winning 8-2 at Nauta A. Toscales Old Boys won the last two rubbers to pinch a point at home to Target Bar, but remain bottom. Barracdua Bandits made

the long trip to Los Abrigos a winning one as they got the better of Bar La Caña. But the scoreline doesn’t tell the whole story. They were quickly 2-0 up but La Caña roared back. They took three of the next four frames to level, before the leaders found their finishing boots. Phoenix Potters were also winning in Los Abrigos last Tuesday. They dug deep to sneak past Nauta B 6-4 after being 5-1 up at one stage. Summerland Elite captain Mark described their draw with Exiles A as “a thrilling contest that ebbed and flowed all the way. It was by far, our toughest match of the season.” Both remain unbeaten and nicely placed. Connors Bar’s 6-4 win at home to Wandabar A means they have won back-to-back matches for the first time in their history, and there were also close wins for Tenerife Hammers C and Market Taverners. Inn The Pink had to settle for a draw at Target Rangers, thanks mainly to a back-inform Claire, who won all three of her matches, including the last game to earn the Rangers a point. There was more girl power when Helen and Sarah both won matches as Barracuda Hunters and Atlantis Crew drew. A plethora of cancellations has given Division Three a lopsided look, but that will not bother Gaffers B, who lead the way. Their sixth win of the season came at fellow frontrunners The Treehouse. Dave’s win saw Gaffers “leaf” The Treehouse with all three points! Exiles B are in chase. They edged past Dragon's Denn 6-4 in a Silencio derby, while Legendary Jokers won their first match, at Sunshine Bar. Lucky Leprechaun drew their third match, this time at home to James Place, while Dos Hermanos had their chances to beat Bull Ring Tavern. But captain Bob lost both his matches to gift the Tavern a point.

Page 47

Puzzle Page

Prize Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

WIN!!! Showtime tickets.

Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to info@ before Wednesday 28st September and you could win!

Answer from Edition 721 (16/09/2011) was: 50 Winner: Inese Pitrane

You have until the 16th October to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.

8 4 3 6 1 7 8 1 5

Last Week’s Answers:

5 2 3 1 9

02. 50

6 4 2

09. 3 10. 1924

1 4 7 2 1 1 9 8 2 8 1 9

Sudoku X: 5 4 1 7 6 9 8 2 3 8 3 2 5 1 4 7 9 6


7 6 9 3 8 2 5 1 4

2 3 5 8 7

1 8 4 2 5 7 3 6 9 6 9 7 1 4 3 2 5 8 3 2 5 8 9 6 4 7 1


4 7 6 9 2 8 1 3 5 9 1 3 4 7 5 6 8 2

Puzzle Rating: Quite easy

2 5 8

05. Q and Z

08. 2 (`D and G`)

9 5 1 8


3 8

04. 225

07. 11

5 8 2 6


03. Lexiko

06. 100

1 4 9 2


01. 15

2 5 8 6 3 1 9 4 7

3 6 5


Very hard

1 8 9 3 2 7 6 4 5

4 2 6 8

7 6 2 1 4 5 8 3 9

5 3

2 9 8 7 6 1 3 5 4

5 3 4 9 8 6 1 7 2

6 5 1 4 3 2 9 8 7

7 5 2




3 1 6 2 7 4 5 9 8 9 4 5 6 1 8 7 2 3 8 2 7 5 9 3 4 1 6


1 8 9

4 7 3 8 5 9 2 6 1

2 8 1 4 3 6 5 9 7 7 4 5 2 9 1 8 6 3 3 9 6 7 5 8 4 2 1


6 3 2 8 1 9 7 4 5

7 1 4 8 9 6 7

4 7 9 5 2 3 6 1 8 1 5 8 6 7 4 2 3 9 9 6 7 3 8 2 1 5 4 5 1 4 9 6 7 3 8 2 8 2 3 1 4 5 9 7 6

Puzzle Rating: Moderate

Horoscopes of the week Virgo

(August 24th - September 23rd) Unexpected developments in your professional, personal and emotional life boost your status, but don’t think you’ve become infallible. You haven’t, so keep your attitude and ego in check. Don’t allow slick talkers to separate you from your hard-earned cash.

ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) It will take a lot of effort on your part to keep family relations stable this week, especially if talks about the long-term go from calm to catastrophic. Try to sidestep power struggles because they drain your energy and lead you nowhere. But remember not to over-compensate when things do get back on track. TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) Rely on your intuition and gut instinct to lead you in the right direction this week. Your psychic antenna is working overtime, so make sure you tune into it. Complications in your personal and professional life can be overcome with straight talking, but let things settle a bit more before making your move. GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) The moon in your sign at the start of the week should have stabilised affairs of the heart, but getting children back on your wavelength will take more work. A difference of opinion over money matters churns up emotional disruptions, so try to be more organised over your financial affairs. CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) Being co-operative and communicating openly with others is the best way to make progress. You’ll still manage to stay true to your principles, so stop wor-

Page 48

rying that imminent changes will be vast because won’t be. Assume nothing however, and ask plenty of questions when your boss returns from her long, long weekend away. LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) Mixing money with friends is never a good idea, as you well know, so if things go wrong in the next few days, you’ve only got yourself to blame. Impulsive, daring actions over the weekend thrust you into exciting, liberating experiences and all else will pale into insignificance. Just go for it! LIBRA (September 24thOctober 23rd) Ongoing nit-picking makes it hard to settle your differences with anyone, and your emotional sensitivity over all this squabbling is getting you down. Try to handle these struggles with equanimity to defuse the moods of others. But do keep your opinions to yourself and it will calm down. SCORPIO (October 24thNovember 22nd) Impaired financial judgement could cause money problems if you’re not careful, so tread carefully and double-check all information. Think things through carefully before breaking radically with the past or you may regret it further down the road. Keep expectations realistic. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) Emotional conflicts over money matters

have to be defused as soon as possible, especially if there are travel arrangements involved. Negative news at work leaves you feeling uncertain or confused about your professional direction. But don’t panic as it’s just a temporary situation. CAPRICORN (December 22ndJanuary 20th) If you feel distractions are causing you to run on the spot and get nowhere, it could lead to indecisiveness and lack of confidence in your abilities, So, if it’s at all possible, take a break and start again. Separate fantasy from reality and you’re halfway there. AQUARIUS (January 21stFebruary 19th) Struggles with matters in the home and at work bring unexpected stress, so if you’re ever to find a solution, you’ll need to separate yourself from the problem and think outside the box. Ignore the opinions of others if you can, and focus on the job at hand. PISCES (February 20thMarch 20th) Make decisions and commitments early, when everyone is still in a positive frame of mind, because your colleagues’ enthusiasm will wane as the week progresses. You feel the urge to spend on items which improve your daily routine, and not on luxuries, so go for it. Be practical for a change.

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training Words 01. Who appeared on a World War I recruitment poster above the words `Your country needs YOU`? ........................................................................................ 02. Why don`t Spaniards sing along when their national anthem is played after winning gold medals at the Olympic Games? ........................................................................................ 03. Which two words is the company name Intel abbreviated from? ........................................................................................ 04. How many times are the words `Hey Jude` mentioned in the Beatles song of the same name? 14, 24 or 34? ........................................................................................0 5. How many times are the words `Love Shack` mentioned in the B-52s hit of the same name? ........................................................................................ 06. What are the only three words in the English language that end with the letters `ceed`? ........................................................................................ 07. In `The Simpsons` what were Bart Simpson`s first words? ........................................................................................ 08. What three words, when separated by commas make up the motto of the Olympic games? ....................................................................................... .09. What was the system of drawing pictures to symbolise words in ancient Egypt called? ........................................................................................ 10. What are the first three words in the Bible? ........................................................................................

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number














+43 ÷4




+69 -82 Intermediate










Starter Number


÷2 +73 x2

-116 ÷4 +124 ÷2 Answer


-51 Advanced Starter Number





3/4 of this








25% of this



+213 ÷2




Last weeks Brain Training: Beginer: 41 / Intermediate: 27 / Advanced: 209

23 September - 29 September 2011

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bargain of the week

Nokia Xpress music 8500, good condition, 100 euros. Tel: 697512940 Dishwasher, 25 euros. Sky digi box, 25 euros. Electric radiator, 25 euros. Tel 634 067 631

2 x Portable Air Conditioning Units with remote controls, 100 euros for both. Fast set splash & play pool with filter pump, 10 feet x 2.8 feet (305cm x 76cm) 60 euros. Box of 80 + English books, hardback & paperback 40 euros. Stainless steel microwave 20 euros. Tel 600 651 796. Samsung 26" flat screen HD ready TV. Colour black, excellent condition. Remote control and instructions included. Larger screen forces sale, 120 euros ono. Tel 07948 013614 Spanish course, the Michel Thomas method complete set, Foundations, Foundation Review, The Advanced, Advanced Review, Vocabulary, Language Builder, also have German, Italian and French, 50 euros for all 6 courses. Tel 693 865 845 Girls clothes lot age 8-10 years, very good condition, brands like O'Kaidi, Zara, Brotes (El Corte Ingles), Triboard: Trousers – 10, Shorts - 1 pieza, Short-sleeve tees 10, Long-sleeve tees and sweaters – 19, Jacket – 1, Skirts – 4, tweed hat, 40 euros for all or 1 euro a piece. Tel 636 022 684 Patio chair cushions, 2, floral pattern 110x60x10cm, 15 euros. Panasonic handsfree telephone, 20 euros. 2 x single peach fitted sheets, 4 euros each. Peach and lilac single valances 4 euros each. 6 white single flat sheets 10 euros. George Foreman Grilling machine, small size 10 euros. Books good condition, 10 thrillers 15 euros. Golf del Sur area. Tel 609 476 551. Rubi Tile Cutter TS40 20 euros with case. Rubi Tile Cutter TS50 25 Euros with case. Impact Hammer Drill 20 Euros. Tel 609 124 822 Pro-form 750 rx elliptical Crosstrainer, uses ski-ing motion which minimises impact on knees & ankles, also works on upper body. Has LCD feedback display (current speed, elapsed or remaining time, distance pedalled, calories/fat

2 mountain bikes 21 shimano gears, hardly used, 120 euros each. Tel 697 746 885 A selection of large medium & small size suite cases vgc 5 to 10 euros each. Ceiling fan without light 10 euros. Computer speakers 5 euros. A selection of headboards (90,135,160,200,220cm), single bed base, (90 x 190 cm),15 euros a set/each. Armchair (blue & yellow), 68 cm width, 20 euros. Patio table & 4 chairs,10 euros a set. Grunkel 28" TV, silver, 50 euros. Buggy, fitted with roof top,10 euros. Pine coffee table, table fan, coffee filter machine, DVD player (no remote),10 euros each. Steam iron, stool, electric shaver, hair dryer, hair straightner, hot brush, ironing board, kettle, beard trimmer, bathroom mirror with lights from 3 to 5 euros each. Teak top table (120 cm x 75 cm), with metal silver legs, bathroom cupboard, white, fitted with 6 drawers (H:170cm,W:58 cm,D:50 cm) 20 euros each. A selection of table lamps from 4 euros to 10 euros each. Power shower unit, foldable long chair,10 euros each. Tel 646 615 794. Stroller/trolley/bike trailer almost new with all original parts and parts that connects the trolley to the bike (for 2 bikes). It is an original Chariot Cougar2 CTS, trailer holds holds a maximum weight of 45 kg, Size 105cm / 79cm / 30cm. With mosquito net and rain protection. Each seat has two seat belts to ensure children by 5 points. 500 euros. Tel 615 605 888 2 sun beds for sale 140 euros ono. Tel 922 799 237 or 650 262 525 Candy Microwave/grill 15 euros. 20" TV with remote, 10 euros. Fax machine, 15 euros. Large TV stand, light ash coloured with glass doors, swivel top, lots of storage space 50 euros. Dining room suite, 4 large chairs, extra large glass

White shirt type dress with drop waist and brown belt, size medium from Berskha, still with label 15 euros. Tel 659 756 793 3 seater black leather sofa 40 euros. 2 seater black leather sofa 30 euros, or 50 euros for the pair. Buyer collects. Tel 922 764 238 or 617 073 223 / 664 754 880

Vadim 9 point oil filled radiator, 30 euros. Timex "Easy Trainer" Heart Rate monitor, 20 euros. Natural Jade Puzzle Ball - perfect condition - 20 euros. Tel 606 218 798. Stylo golf shoes, leather uppers not work 7½n40 euros. White patio table, 4 rigid chairs, 20 euros. White patio table 3 folding chairs, 30 euros. Wood coffee table metal legs 8 euros. Various books on breeding cage birds 10 books 20 euros. 8 cameras not digital various makes 20 euros. 2 60 X 80 double ply travel blankets 5 euros each. Fax machine with paper 8 euros. Citizen lades watch 20 euros. Tel 679 884 888 PSP GO, White, boxed, unused, some packaging missing, 100 euros. Pushchair/Baby Car Seat combo in red, great condition, from birth, Red and Black, 60 euros. Deluxe baby play mat, perfect condition, as new in bag, 30 euros. Tel 922 739 452 Orbea Iniciate Gents Mountain Bike 21 gears 50 euros. Solid pine chest of drawers, 80 euros. Large gilt famed mirror 50 euros. Tall white mirrored cabinet 4 doors and drawer 80 euros. Tumble dryer 5kg 70 euros. Shelf unit 15 euros. Silencio area. Buyer to collect. Tel 662 354 391. Intex Easy Set Inflatable Pool 10 feet by 30 inches (305cm x 76cm) Pool Cover and maintenance kit 50 euros. Tall light wood colour 3 shelf unit with double door cupboard and drawer 80 euros. Tall large white kitchen cupboard with patterned coloured glass door. 50 euros. Sofa bed metal framed pullout bed, 60 euros. White under worktop fridge 50 euros. 3 ring gas cooker with grill and oven 40 euros. Mattress for single bed, good condition. 10 euros. Buyer to collect. Silencio Area. 665 934 280. Toyoto Alloys 13 inches Serial No. 5J13, 150 euros. Packard Bell Computer XP Professional Intel Celron 2.66 GHz Processor 256 MB RAM, 80 GB Hard drive, with Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse, 150 euros. Printer stand with paper storage 30 euros. Olympus OM 10SLR 35 mm Camera with 50mm Lens and Flash. 80 euros. Computer desk 30 euros. Buyer to collect Silencio 620 469 102. Bar stools, black tops chrome stand, 20 euros. Stainless Steel Glass fronted 3 door refrigerated food counter unit 150 x 64 x 108cm, 200 euros. Various fire extinguishers from 35 euros. Silencio. Offers Considered. Buyer to Collect. 680 366 217. Weider Weights, total of weights 10 kilos 50 euros ONO. 4 white plastic garden chairs, sturdy English ones, 8 euros each or 30 euros lot. Walking Frame for larger person, complete with seat & basket. Plus material Cover. Nearly new, excellent condition. 150 euros. Tel 922 166 144

Free adverts sponsored by Rotations - How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 / FAX 902 232 102 / Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm

23 September - 29 September 2011

Page 49




1 x 4 car space with electric and water 1 x 2 car space private steel doors secured Golf del Sur. Call Ken on 639 207 113

Cars/Bikes (cont).


Fully furnished, 2 bed, 2 bath in Las Chafiras. Magnificent views to the sea and the airport. 1 min from TF1. Secure complex with 2 swimming pools and underground car park. 650 euros per month

Property for Rent Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680.

(inc 50 euros for bills). Call 922 737 048 evenings

New Business

3 bedroom apartment in Parque de la Reina, 2 bathrooms, brand new kitchen, furnished, storeroom-garage space, community pool, 560 euros incl. Tel 630 012 933 Los Cristianos studio, near sea front, 375 euros monthly, includes water, electric, British TV. Tel 600 700 521


HOT PROPERTIES OF THE WEEK Callao Salvaje – Quality 2 bed, garage parking space, 550 euros + bills

Amarilla Golf – choice of 2 nice 1 bed apartments from 440 euros

Buy, Sell or Swop A huge selection of second hand cars, your second hand motorbikes, cycles & thousands of vehicle parts and accessories to be held in the superb exhibition area of the BP Orotianda garage, southbound carriageway of the TF1 motorway, 3 minutes from Los Cristianos & 2 minutes from Las Chafiras.

For exhibiting space call BLV on

922713246 or 610464841

or email:”

Golf Del Sur – budget studio, 350 euros incl bills


Las Chafiras – Nice 1 bed in Biltmore, available 1/10/2011, 425 euros + bills Las Chafiras – Biltmore, 3 bed, top floor, nicely furnished, 590 euros + bills Choice of 1-3 bed properties available in Costa del Silencio from 490 euros

Los Cristianos:

Parque Tropical III - 5 bed/4 bath beach front villa with garage, 2,500€ + bills, fully furnished. 2 bed/2 bath townhouse with garage, 1200€ + bills, fully furnished. Edificio Julian Jose - Studio in the middle of town, 450€ incl. bills, fully furnished. The Heights - 1 bed 3rd. floor apt., 495€ incl. bills, fully furnished WANTED: I have a long list of Norwegian pensioners who are looking for apartments for January, February and March 2012, they have to be in Los Cristianos and not too far up the hill, 1 or 2 beds – please contact me if you have anything.


Liners are required with previous experience preferred, but not essential as full training given. High quality leads with unlimited earning potential, high commissions and bonuses to be earned over a 4 day week. Call 922 727 184 for an interview, Monday to Friday or email

Phone: Suzanne on 680 831 497

Wigan Pier in Torviscas require female bar staff to work evenings. Applicants must be hard working. Contract available to the right person. Call 679 700 335 or call into the Wigan Pier opposite the Sky Park for an application form.

I am always looking for more properties in all shapes and sizes, so if you would like to rent out your property for long lets or holiday rentals please contact me and I will come and visit you. I am also looking for wheelchair friendly properties with roll in showers/wet rooms.

Email : Website :

Resort Promotions are looking for Call Centre Agents. Experience preferred, but not essential, as full training is given. High earning potential, basic wages, plus commission, paid weekly. Excellent fresh leads. For an interview, please call Carole on 922 738 119



Page 50




For sale 50 inch Plasma brand new, 589 euros. Tel 697 512 940 Cars/Bikes

Renault Megane For Sale 2L 5 door, navy blue, automatic, 1998, full service, new ITV. 3000 euros. Tel : 659 202 826

CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.

The Country Kitchen restaurant on San Blas, Golf del sur require a full time chef for an immediate start. Hours to be arranged and contract given to the successful applicant. Call Paul on 687 602 846 to arrange an interview. A Finnish person is required to work for Freebird One. The position is full time and will include Marketing and Guiding on board the Catamaran. A contract is available to the right person. For an interview call Michael on 670 365 995. Petchey Leisure require top Sales Reps for an English & Portuguese speaking line. Great working environment, good commissions and spiffs paid. Accommodation negotiable, no experience required, full training given. Call Zaidha or Tim on 922 738 802 or 607 113 488 or email A self motivated sales person is required for an Established Marketing Company in the South of Tenerife. You must speak Italian and English and be computer literate. The hours for this position are 9.30 to 5pm. Monday to Friday. Send your CV to or call Sue on 922 713 070 Established Marketing Company in the South of Tenerife is looking for Czech, Slovak , Italian, Romanian and Polish people with spoken English, for new positions that have arisen. You will need to be a self motivated person with computer skills. The hours for this position are 09.30 – 05.00 Monday to Friday. Please send C.V. to or Telephone Sue on 922 713 070 GC Resorts are looking for Reservations Consultants to contact potential customers based in the UK. You should be dynamic, motivated, enthusiastic and a good team player. You will receive a contract, weekly pay, a realistic commission structure and an excellent training and development programme. Call Jayne Harris on 922 710 032 or 673 478 920 or email

23 September - 29 September 2011

Classified Boilers

Cars & Vans to rent

CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250€ per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email:


For the personal touch. Hand polish....interiors.....carpets.....Engine etc.. 4 hours minimum per car. Specialist cars e.g. Mercedes BMW etc. + any 4 X 4’s

55 euros per valet.

Contact Kevin on 646 446 958




Service Point

Flog it @ Tenerife Auction Rooms AUCTIONS EVERY SATURDAY 10.30am Buy & Sell Furniture & Household Items & just about everything else. Make more money selling Save more money buying Cut out the middleman Located at top of Amarilla Golf Road, Chafiras J24. Phone 645 389 207

Collections & Deliveries Available


Air-conditioning (Cont.)


Someone you can trust to look after your holiday apartment while you are back in the UK.

Experienced mature British couple willing to help. Excellent work at reasonable rates. References can be provided.

Call 646 446 958.

23 September - 29 September 2011

Page 51

Service Point Chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790



health & Beauty (Cont.) Healer, medium, Master of Qigone and Meditation offers his services to suitable venues Tel Bruno 606 092 618

Kitchens & bathrooms

Telephone: 902 811 069 E-mail: Computer Service Provider BT Authorised Dealer Dell Registered Partner


Fly Screens

Construction Fitness & martial arts classes

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

language Lessons French, German or Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833.

Garden Furniture


health & Beauty Bruno, Healer, Medium, visits Silencio Wednesdays. Aura readings, Healings, Advice, Flower Essences, Meditation/ Quigong classes. Tel Anne on 609 818 828

Page 52

23 September - 29 September 2011

Service Point Lawyers (Cont.)

Patio Doors & Windows

Pool tables


Personal Services


Alcala every Monday


9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall?

Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841

Mechanics & Valets

A good looking & loving Columbian girl in Los Cristianos, accommodating, you will find her in the Aptos Aguamar, behind the bus station & in front of the Hotel , Aguamar, call 10 minutes before, speaks little English. Will do hotel visits, call 627008443

Top class independent escort service, pretty Italian young lady, slim, sexy, nice body & face, big natural breasts, erotic massage, available for dinners & hotel & home visits, speaks good English & German call 0034 671 868 681 BEAUTIFUL, BLONDE YOUNG LADY FROM CZECH REPUBLIC,barbie face,BODY LIKE TOP MODEL,VERY SENSUAL, EROTIC MASSAGE, couples, lesbians, erotic toys, much more.. AVAILABLE FOR DINNER, PARTIeS, HOTEL VISITS(24 HOURS) DISCREET, LUXURY APARTAMENT IN LAS AMERICAS.JUST FOR EXcLUSIVE GENTLEMEN, GOOD ENGLISH SPOKEN, 0034 603 134 068


Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle: 677 806 800


Plumbing All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579

Patio Doors & Windows


VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051

Mobile 696 889 048


Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills. QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

23 September - 29 September 2011

Page 53

Service Point Removals

Furniture & Household Items bought for cash Immediate decisions

Phone Freddie 645 389 207 security

Tarot Reading / Astrology Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494. Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 774 345 / 610 089 157.


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist

For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409 Translation


Single items to full house removals Competitive rates, professional service.

Call us first on 619 55 00 68

The white van man

House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

No job too big or too small

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743 UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.


Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

Teeth whitening

Second-hand Shops

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493 Rotations: Call Gary on 922 790 822 - 662 496 422. Closed on Saturdays.

Page 54

TV and Satellite Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

Water Filters

23 September - 29 September 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Maria Leng British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547

For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 - 13:00 then 16:00 - 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday Morning, and many shops


Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104

are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services. Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704

(lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces the cost of transport

by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Friday Partly Cloudy skies 27 °C. Wind N 11mph. Friday Night Partly Cloudy skies 22 °C. Wind N 16mph. Saturday Partly Cloudy skies 25 °C. Wind NNE 16mph. Saturday Night Clear skies. 21°C. Wind NNE 20mph. Sunday Clear skies. 26 °C. Wind NNE 20mph. Sunday Night Clear skies. 21 °C. Wind NNE 20mph. Monday Clear skies. 26 °C. Wind NNE 20mph.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802

Monday Night Clear skies 22°C. Wind NNE 17mph. Tuesday Clear skies. 26 °C. Wind NNE 17mph. Tuesday Night Clear skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 17mph. Wednesday Sunny skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 16mph.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704

Wednesday Night Partly Cloudy skies. 22 °C. Wind NNE 18mph. Thursday Partly Cloudy. 24°C. Wind NNE 13mph. Thursday Night Clear skies. 20 °C. Wind NNE 13mph.

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm

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Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2011 Canarian Weekly

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Contributors: PRINTED BY: Carl Pattison TF Print S.A. Christine Craggs-Hinton Christopher Pennington David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Nicola Roberts Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury Geoff Huxtable Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife Jav

DESIGN DEPARTMENT Angie Hill Joe Price CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

23 September - 29 September 2011

(lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Publisher, proprietor and Editor: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

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Page 56

23 September - 29 September 2011

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