Canarian Weekly Issue 721

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T e n e r i f e ’ s f a v o u r i t e b r i t i s h w e e k ly n e w s p a p e r Issue 721 16 September - 22 September 2011


Beam me up, Bridget! A BRITISH-DEVELOPED robot named Bridget, destined to `provide the knowledge for future missions to Mars, Mercury or the Moon, is currently being tested in Teide National Park.

The similarities between the floor of Teide and the surface of Mars have led engineers and scientists to opt for conducting the experiments in Tenerife. And Bridget, a star in “her” own right, has already been used to develop and test the locomotion, suspension and steering systems. For these field trials, the robot is being used to provide a platform to test cameras and image-processing software in advance of the European Space Agency’s ExoMars mission. She has met such space luminaries as Buzz Aldrin (the second man to set foot on the moon) and Stephen Hawking (physicist and cosmologist), and has also encountered bosom pals R2D2 from Star Wars and a Doctor Who Dalek! Astrium, who designed Bridget, are Europe’s top space company and renowned as leading the world in the design and manufacture of satellite systems. They are based in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, and have various offices around Europe. The company are playing a prominent role in the Teide project, ProVisG (Planetary Robotics Vision Ground Processing), and are actually hosting the event. Together with various European and American partners, they are experimenting with a number of systems integrated into the Bridget Rover robot, which also went through testing back in 2006 in the same location. The ProVisG project, funded by the European Commission, aims to further the development of optical instruments to take pictures of other planets with unprecedented accuracy. The testing is being concentrated on the robot’s ability to produce the pictures in just a few hours, as opposed to the present process, which usually takes weeks. Also, the robotic vehicle can move swiftly and independently, recognising the various ground obstacles and

enabling scientists to move rapidly from one place to another. Through the development work carried out on Bridget Rover, which is a prototype, the follow-on ExoMars Rover will be far more autonomous than current rovers, able to move even faster and select its own route to the next point of interest, making best use of the terrain. This will be a huge step forward for the exploration on planets because

it means that, once given the next target, the rover can make its own way there with no further control commands. This feature is particularly useful when signals or commands from Earth can sometimes take up to 20 minutes to get to Mars! The project team comprise space experts, scientists and engineers from all over Europe, with representation from the US as well. They are drawn

from academia, research institutions and industry and share a deep interest in the pursuit of space exploration. Astrium have based a 20-strong group from the various partners at La Oratova, and a spokesman said this week: “This project is important for the development of future manned missions, which may provide threedimensional images and animations of the places they will arrive at.” The field trials began in Teide National

Park on Monday and will continue until next Friday (23rd Sept). And you can actually follow Bridget’s progress by live webcam feeds via https://sites. Bridget, as you would expect, is a fascinating machine. To navigate and steer, she relies on stereoscopic cameras at the top of a two-metre mast, which allow her to see in 3D in much the same way as we do. An elevation model of the terrain is created from the images and fed into the navigation computer. Future rovers will also have an extra pair of cameras at the base of the mast, which are used for visual localisation. Bridget has six wheels, made entirely of metal since rubber is an organic material and, therefore, cannot be taken to another planet, particularly when searching for signs of life. The wheels have been engineered to behave like normal tyres, and the suspension system is designed to be able to negotiate slopes both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of travel. All six wheels are driven by independent electric motors, controlled by the central computer, but only the four corner wheels are steered. All six are steered in the follow-on vehicles, which will enable each wheel to be rolled forward one, two or three at a time to avoid sinking in the softest of sand or dust. Though Bridget is essentially in retirement now, handing over most of the development work to her “sons” Bradley and especially Bruno (the latest prototype), she is often wheeled out to provide a realistic test platform for the many instruments, cameras and computers being prepared for ExoMars and future robotic missions. Unlike Bridget, though, Bradley and Bruno are restricted in the equipment they can carry as their wheels and suspension are designed for operation on Mars itself, where gravity is one-third that of Earth. There are two main locations for the trials: the flat landscape of Llano de Ucanca and the rough terrain of Minas de San José. So, if you want to have a peep at one of Bridget’s final public appearances, here in Tenerife, click on site/bridgetrover/.


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16 September - 22 September 2011

Local News

Beach clean-up The Cabildo of Tenerife has removed 80 kilos of waste from the beach Puertito de Guimar, in the first activity of the campaign held last Saturday.

News around the Island New medical centre eases pressure SAN ISIDRO’S new medical centre opens next month, more than two years after work began on the project. There will be no emergency services at first, and limited parking. But it will ease the pressure on the packed Granadilla centre because San Isidro will be available to 20.000 people.

The beach clean up initiative takes place each year headed by Tenerife Cabildo, with the help of an army of volunteers, at Puertito de Guimar 100 pairs of hands combed the beach for rubbish. The rubbish collected is mainly plastic bottles, cigarette butts, cans, plastic bags and plastic debris, as well as glass bottles and batteries. The Minister of Environment, Sustainability and Aguas del Cabildo de Tenerife, Ana Lupe Mora, welcomed the willingness of all people who came to the Puertito Güímar to perform the task "it is so important for us to protect and conserve marine biodiversity." Mora stressed the importance of awareness among coastal users of the need to consider fishing habits and the healthy marine ecosystem. "Marine litter remains a serious problem and efforts like this, carried out by volunteers, indicate that citizens are willing to take the necessary steps to solve this problem which affects us all." The next beach cleanups will be on the 17th in Martiánez (Puerto de la Cruz) and 24th in Candelaria.

Adeje’s sports centre progress WORK on Adeje’s new sports centre in El Galeón is advancing well. The building, which will include two swimming pools, tennis courts, padel courts, plus a restaurant and cafeteria among other installations, should be finished by the end of 2012.

Circus stretches the imagination THE world premier of the Cirque Imaginaire takes place on 6th October at the Teatro Guimerá in Santa Cruz, combining the best in circus, theatre and humour, using acrobats, jugglers, gymnasts, trapeze artists and many more characters.

Granadilla is working so well! GRANADILLA Municipality has the lowest number of unemployed in Tenerife, with a total of 5,444 jobless people. Coumcillors claim this is because of recent investments in the industrial estate, which have created jobs and developed new businesses.

Big-game hunting at sea

Village folk’s song and dance

THE Albacora Nautical Club’s seventh annual Deep Sea Fishing competition will set off from the San Miguel Marina next Saturday (24th Sept). The event runs from 8.30am until 4pm and for the first time, all fish caught will be donated to Las Chafiras charity Hermanos de la Cruz Blanca.

Motorway flowing smoothly again AN 18-million-euro project to improve the security and traffic flow of the TF1 motorway is advancing superbly. Queues from the south to Santa Cruz because of the road works have become a thing of the past, and work has also begun on the special sidelane being built for pilgrims heading for Candelaria.

Schools get libraries and IT rooms ADEJE Town Hall has now completed all the scheduled 230.000euro improvements to six schools in the area, including Adeje Casco, Las Torres, Fañabe and Armeñime. These include the addition of libraries, IT rooms, extending play areas outside and repairs to damage caused by rain.

Prices keep going up and up CONSUMER prices went up in August throughout Spain and the Canaries, raising the annual rate to 2.5%. But there was good news for footwear, clothes and medicine, which all dropped to 1.2%.The biggest risers were culture and leisure.

Our international culture club THE Pinolere Cultural Association, which is the only Tenerife venture of its kind to promote the Island’s cultures, attractions and traditions by offering workshops,field-work, tending gardens, distributing advertising and taking part in entertainment and museum visits, is to become an international event in 2012.

CABO BLANCO villagers will be out in force tomorrow night for the 17th National Folklore Festival, known as the Miguel Ángel Mesa. This annual celebration of the “people’s culture” takes place in the church

square from 9pm and is organised by the Cultural Association I'gara, in partnership with Arona Council. The festival will feature performances from the Folkloric group I'gara, Luisa Machado and the Los Chasneros group. For 15 years, organisers have award-

16 September - 22 September 2011

ed the title of Distinguished Honour” to a person, group or entity who have “enriched the historical culture of our people”. This time, the distinction goes to Francisco Rodríguez Machado, a teacher who dedicated himself to his work in the Fifties in the Cabo Blanco area.

Smoking ban is a breath of fresh air NON-SMOKERS can breathe easily since the new legislation was introduced at the beginning of 2011. The air is definitely clearer, and the success of the ban. is clear to see, with many former smokers quitting because of the restrictions.

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Local News

A Word from our editor Email:

Money CAN buy you happiness Everyone knows the old saying, “Money can’t buy you happiness” but, apparently it can, according to a recent report by Mintel. The new research from Mintel reveals it can certainly go a long way towards it. Due to the economic environment and an increasingly polarised society all making their mark, the research highlights the divide that has opened up between British consumers over the past couple of years - both in affluence and outlook. In new figures from British Lifestyles 2011 - Mintel’s flagship report – it appears that money CAN buy you happiness and affluence plays a pivotal role in financial outlook. Indeed, today almost six in ten (58%) of those earning £50,000 and over are satisfied with their life, compared to just four in ten (43%) of those earning under £15,000. Similarly, almost half (47%) of those earning £50,000 and over have achieved the important things they want in life compared to three in ten (31%) of those earning less that £15,500. And despite being arguably in the ‘prime of life’, it is not consumers aged 25-54 who are most satisfied with their lives. Those aged 16-24 are the group most optimistic about their finances (74% say they are healthy) with retirees faring next best (31% have money left at the end of the month for a few luxuries). Toby Clark, Head of Finance at Mintel, said: "There have always been sections of society who do better than others, but when times are tough it becomes harder to gloss over those differences. The UK is staging a weak recovery from the recession of 200810 - Government spending cuts, too, are playing on consumers' minds, with seven in ten feeling that the austerity measures will leave them worse-off.

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The consumer remains under spending pressure with squeezed incomes not keeping pace with price rises in the shops. As with 2010, the path of recovery from the recession has proved somewhat bumpy for consumers whose confidence remains low. With interest rates still low, and an anticipation that household outgoings will rocket as soon as interest rates start to climb, the consumer remains wary.” Today, as many as half (50%) of all Brits are satisfied with their life, three in ten are neutral (31%) while a fifth (21%) are not content with their lot. Almost four in ten Brits (38%) have achieved the important things they want in life. Meanwhile, slightly more consumers (43%) admit that "in life they always want more than they have. Alexandra Richmond, Senior Consumer Analyst at Mintel, said: "A lack of money holds people back from realising their dreams and as a result, the unemployed and those living in lower-income households are the most likely to say that they always want more than they have. They are less satisfied with life and less likely to agree that they have achieved the things they wanted to." And it is consumers living in Yorkshire who are the nations happiest consumers – almost six in ten (57%) are very satisfied with life compared to an average of 50% across the nation. By contrast, those living in London are the least content, indeed, today, less than half (48%) of Londoners admit to being happy. Life in a village adds up to a content existence, well over half (56%) of those living in a village are satisfied with their lives, with Suburban dwellers (52%) the next most satisfied - and Urban Dwellers (47%) trailing someway behind.

Until next week…

Internet connections fall According to recent figures published the number of broadband internet connections fell in Spain during July for the first time ever.

Telefónica has been suffering the loss of fixed line ADSL clients and as a result has introduced new lower prices to compete, especially for those who also have their mobile contract with the company. The cost for a 10M connection has decreased from 40.90 euros to 24.90 euros a month. There was a net fall of 580 internet connections over the month, the first ever recorded fall. ADSL connections fell by 11,760, cable connections were down by 952 and a rise in fibre optic links was not enough to compensate for that according to the Spanish press.

Dance duo putting on another tango special VIVIANA and Jason Segade, who form Tenerife’s dazzling dance duo Tango Vivo, are staging another three-day series of their popular classes at the Costa Adeje Gran Hotel, from 30th September.

And, as usual, they have a special guest in the shape of Milena Plebs, a renowned Argentine Tango dancer, who has created and choreographed many shows of her own in her native country. Milena, who has danced all around the world, will be taking the classes and, whether you are an absolute beginner, an intermediate or advanced learner, she will introduce you to the mesmeric ways of the Tango.

Programme Friday, 30th Sept Women’s technique: 7.30-8.45pm: Availability body; Focus and independence in the movement. 9.10.15pm: Adornos technique. Saturday, 1st Oct Tango classes: 11am-12.15pm: Walking, changes of directions, Elegance. 12.301.45pm: Giros, figures. 3-4.15pm: Boleos and Sacadas. 8.30pm: Milonga Tango

Night at Costa Adeje Gran Hotel, Avenida de Bruselas, 16, Costa Adeje. Sunday, 2nd October Technique Classes for Men and Women: 11am-12.15pm: Posture, axis, body co-ordination; Action and reaction mechanism. 12.30-1.45pm: Tango embrace, walk, elegance, sequences. 3-4.15pm: Giros and Boleos technique for men. Individual classes and private lessons, plus Bonus 8, 6 and 4 classes available.

The Tango course runs until Sunday (2nd Oct) at the Gran Hotel, and there will be a professional exhibition and show by Tango Vivo (Viviana and Jason), and their illustrious guest Milena on the Saturday. If you are interested in taking part in this exciting dance course, or would just love to sit back and enjoy the Saturday Tango night (tickets 10 euros), call Viviana or Jason on 922 775 702 or 670 760 281 for more information, or visit their website at

16 September - 22 September 2011

Local News

And we thought Man Utd had the most titles of all! THE Most Excellent Dona Maria del Rosario Cayatana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Fransisca Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva, who is the 18th Duchess of Alba de Tormes, is to marry for the third time next month.

Cayatana, the 85-year-old extrovert aristocrat who was born in 1926, is no stranger fair than her first marriage, to of Berwick, 11th Countess of to being in the public eye. Luis Martinez de Irujo y Arta- Tinmouth, 11th Baroness of Her romance with a retired coz, son of the Duke of Soto- Bosworth and 29th Dame of Moguer. civil servant from the De- mayor, in 1947. That was described by the Her first husband died in partment of Social Security, Alfonso Diez, who was 24 New York Times as “the most 1972, and not being one to years her junior, sparked off expensive wedding in the wear the widows weeds for a series of reports in the in- world”, even overshadowing too long, the Duchess remarternational gossip columns in that of Princess Elizabeth to ried in 1978 to Jesus Aguirre Prince Philip, the following y Ortez de Zarate causing a recent years. shock wave in Franco’s Spain, The feisty duchess has re- month. Cayatana has strong links as Jesus was not only illegiticently been obliged to share out her estate, and some of with Britain. She spent the mate and 11 years younger, her hereditary titles, among war years in London, where but a former Jesuit priest. Having more titles than any her six children, in order to her father, Don Jacobo Fitz other nobleman dispel fears that or noblewoman on the new Duke of Alba would inherit 85-year-old Duchess of Alba is earth has its advantages. As head the not-insignifigetting hitched a third time of the 539-year-old cant family fortune. House of Alba, she Conservative estimates put the gross worth James Stuart y Falco, the is entitled to ride on horseat some 4.9 billion US dollars 17th Duke of Alba, was Spain’s back inside the Cathedral of (3.588bn euros) and the com- Ambassador to the Court of Seville, and has the privilege of not having to kneel before bined area of family-owned St James. And her Godmother was the Pope. land is 170 times the size of Queen Victoria Eugenia, Among those titles, she can the Principality of Monaco. It is said that the Duchess (Spain’s English Queen) wife include seven dukedoms, 22 could even travel the length of Alfonso XIII and grand- Marquesates, 23 Countships and other Viscountcies, Baroof Spain without leaving her daughter of Queen Victoria. She can trace her British nies and Manorials. estates. Family treasures feaAs the grandest Grandee in ture in a first edition of Don ancestry back directly to Quixote, Columbus’s first- James Fitz James, illegitimate all Spain, she is recognised by known map of the New World, son of James II of England, the Guinness Book of Records the last will and testament of VII of Scotland, and Arabella as being the most titled perHis Most Catholic Majesty King Churchill, only sister of the son on the planet. It is not known whether Fernando and numerous mas- Duke of Marlborough, which terpieces by Velazqueth and makes her a distant relative the phrase “For richer, for to Winston Churchill and Prin- poorer” will be included in the Goya among others. ceremony! The ceremony is likely to be cess Diana. She is also the 11th Duchess By Dave Penny a somewhat more modest af-

Loz Scott Memorial Twenty-four players turned out for the Loz Scott Memorial Trophy, played on the 3rd September at the Adeje Championship Golf Course.

Gary ‘Big Nose’ was triumphant and collected the first prize, an accurate shot from Baggy (a.k.a Jim) won the nearest the pin prize, with Barry winning the longest drive. Big thanks go out to Neil (Royal Palm) Bianco Duo – Los Cristianos, Rah Rahs Golf Society, Alec and Danny - Goodfella’s Pool Bar Dinastia and Charlie for donating the prizes. A great day was had by all and the Heinekens were drunk late into the night, with the entertainment being provided by Danny and his mop. How are we going to top that next year?

16 September - 22 September 2011

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, 18 1 y a d 01 Sun ber 2 Cup tem orld a Sep W eorgi y G b Rug gland v07:00 En at


Barclays Premier League Blackburn v Arsenal, 12:45 Aston Villa v Newcastle, 15:00 Bolton v Norwich, 15:00 Everton v Wigan, 15:00 Swansea v West Brom, 15:00 Wolverhampton v QPR, 15:00


10.00pm Chubby Brown Show 11.00pm Destiny Duo

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Barclays Premier League Tottenham v Liverpool, 13:30 Fulham v Man City, 15:00 Sunderland v Stoke, 15:00 Man Utd v Chelsea, 16:00

Npower Championship Nott'm Forest v Derby, 13:00 Crystal Palace v Middlesbrough, 15:00 Clydesdale Bank Premier League Dunfermline v Hibernian, 12:30 Open for Rugby World Cup at 6.30am

Hosted by Tammy 10.00pm - The Temptations Sunday (Soul & Motown Hosted by Alex show) 10.00pm - Bit11.15pm Aaron Lodge (international comedy hypnotist)

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Saturday, 17 September 2011

ter & Twisted (Tenerife’s no1 drag show) 11.00pm Emma Jenson (Rock chick)

Clydesdale Bank Premier League

Rangers v Celtic, 12:30

Monday 11.00pm Sweet temptations (girl trio)

Tuesday 10.00pm Buddy Holly

Monday 10.00pm Elaine Alexander -

singing the greatest songs of all time.

11.00pm Let it Be - Live Beatles tribute band


10.00pm Max Perry’s Queen show 11.00pm Background Trio (Soul & Motown)

Thursday 10.00pm Vanessa`s 60`s Show 11.00pm Andy Lynch (Ronan Keating tribute)

16 September - 22 September 2011

Local News

Tourism figures are looking really hot for the year so far

THERE was a big boost in Tenerife’s tourism figures last month, with 294,100 foreign passengers visiting the Island. That represented 53,424 more than in August of 2010, which was an increase of 22.20%. And, so far this year, Tenerife has welcomed 2,445,218 foreign passengers, up by 24.04% on last year’s numbers. Overall, the Canary Islands attracted 6,741,250 foreigners between January and August this year, which was 1,244,282 more than last year and an increase of 22.64% over the same 2010 period, according to Spanish airports and AENA. Last August, the islands saw 817,567 visitors, which was an improvement of 16.95% against the same month of 2010, totaling 118 506 passengers more, according to the Ministry of Tourism. Ricardo Fernandez de la Puente Armas, Deputy Minister of Tourism, said: “During 2011, the increase in passengers every month has been consistently above double digits. “That the growth was recorded in virtually all foreign markets confirms the momentum of tourism in the archipelago”.

Ratings downgraded for Canarian finances GLOBAL agency Fitch has reduced its rating for Canary Islands and four other Spanish regional governments.

The others are Murcia, Andalucía, Valencia and Cataluña, and Fitch, which warns of the problems facing these five regions to control their accounts, has taken down their solvency rating as a result. The Canaries and Andalucía fall from AAto A+, Cataluña and Valencia go from A to A- and Murcia falls from AA- to A. Fitch also threatens 10 other Spanish regions with a negative outlook. Ratings agency Fitch rates Spain as AA+, but that could fall as a consequence of the economic slowdown being seen in the country, and the failure of the regions to meet their deficit targets. It comes as the IMF says Spain needs “external support”.

16 September - 22 September 2011

Arrigo Sadun, who represents the International Monetary Fund in the south of Europe, believes Spain and Italy “are doing much to deal with their public finances and their debt problems”, but he adds: “To avoid the contagion in the crisis, they also need external support.”

Carnival dresses up with a FlowerPower message THE theme for next year’s Santa Cruz Carnival will be based on the Flower Power of the Swinging Sixties - flares, bells, kaftans and all! The Carnival, rated second only to the annual Rio de Janeiro fiesta, is scheduled for February, and Santa Cruz Mayor, José Manuel Bermúdez did not have to look into his crystal ball to predict there would be another “riot of colour and creativity”.

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Local News

E-Government Spain will continue to show The Chief Executive of e-Government and Information Society of the Cabildo of Tenerife, Magaliz Lopez, is conducting a series of technical visits to the municipalities of the Island to discover the extent of their involvement and advancement in the full implementation of eGovernment. The visits are to assess how each individual area is progressing looking at areas of infrastructure, management, training, technical assistance, development of specific applications, technical conferences, and web platforms that allow publishing of a local online site as it happens in some municipalities. The aim is the elimination of

the digital divide between all locations on the island. The E initiative is part of the Continuous Modernisation Plan, which has been driven by the Cabildo for more than 22 years, an initiative to extend and maintain over time support provided to municipalities in terms of tools, procedures and knowledge necessary to increase the effectiveness and efficiency in the development of its powers to improve the service they provide to citizens. The Cabildo has invested 15 million euros in the last ten years, which has resulted in a high degree of development in the implementation of eGovernment. It is however, entirely voluntary and local governments are ascribed to the actions they want according to their needs and objectives. Currently there are 27 municipalities involved.

moderate economic recovery The President of the Spanish Government has assured that the reform of the Spanish Constitution has been well-received by international bodies and ratings agencies.

In response to the question asked by Partido Popular’s (PP) Mariano Rajoy, about the economic forecasts made by the Government, José Luis Rodríguez

Zapatero said that, "looking ahead from today in the third quarter and on to the fourth quarter of 2011, the Government of Spain believes we will continue our moderate recovery with quarter-on-quarter rates of growth similar to those of the second quarter, in other words, 0.2% of GDP and in line with those of the Eurozone." Nevertheless, the President of the Government

added that the forecasts are not "engrained images" of what is going to happen because these things are influenced by changing circumstances and stressed that "we currently have a situation of financial tension, economic uncertainty, especially regarding the situation in Greece, which may well affect those forecasts." In relation to further questioning the President

of the Government said that the reform carried out to guarantee budgetary stability as a principle "has been welcomed by international bodies, the ratings agencies that have made statements on this issue and in general by analysts, who consider it to be an extraordinarily important principle, today and for the future, for the credibility of the economy and the financial system".

Spain’s proposal for wealth tax won’t hit middle-class earners ELENA SALGADO, Spain’s Economy Minister, has pledged that the Government’s planned new wealth tax will not affect the middle-classes.

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The motion to reintroduce a wealth tax, which was abandoned in 2008 - in line with various other European countries - is up for approval today (Friday). It is a form of Patrimonial Tax and will apply to assets totalling over one million euros, as opposed to the previous 120,000-euro starting point. The Government believes that some 90,000 people will be affected and about 1.4 billion will be raised. José Blanco, Minister for Development, who has discussed a revision of the fiscal system, has also called for the SICAV investment vehicles used by many to evade tax to be looked at. Blanco, appearing on Spanish radio network Cadena COPE on Wednesday, said: “Nobody is being persecuted here. It’s about people with large fortunes contributing to the public hacienda.” Socialist candidate Alfredo Pérez-Rubalcaba said a year had been “wasted” in carrying out the financial reform. But he also agreed the new level of the tax was correct and admitted that the earlier tax hit middle-class people. The Partido Popular are hedging their bets, criticising the plan to reinstate Patrimonial Tax, but refus-

ing to say whether they will remove it should they win the General Election. Spain fell in line with other European countries such as Austria, Denmark, Germany (1997), Sweden (2007), Finland, Iceland and Luxembourg (2006) when they dropped the wealth tax, while the Belgians and British have never known of such an imposition. Wealth tax is based on a taxpayer’s assets and liabilities, from which a tax on

their net worth (assets minus liabilities) is calculated, as a percentage of the net worth, or a percentage of the net worth exceeding a certain level. Arguments for the wealth tax suggest it improves the fairness of most tax systems (keeping taxation commensurate with the ability to pay), effectively raises government revenue, can further economic growth, and can have de-

sirable secondary, social effects by reducing economic inequality. Those against it say it can lead to capital flight, a brain-drain, loss of jobs and, ultimately, a net loss in tax revenue. Meanwhile, Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero admitted on Wednesday that growth in the third quarter would be similar to the second one, where it came in at 0.2% of Gross Domestic Product.

16 September - 22 September 2011

16 September - 22 September 2011

Local News

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World News

David Walliams completes epic Thames charity swim David Walliams has completed his epic 140mile charity swim in the River Thames after battling diarrhoea and vomiting.

The comedy star, who suffered from "Thames tummy" during the journey, swam from Gloucestershire to central London in eight days and managed to raise more than ÂŁ1m for Sport Relief. Walliams completed the challenge after reaching Westminster Bridge, cheered on by thousands of fans. Among those who greeted him at the finish were his wife, model Lara Stone, Walliams' fellow comics Lenny Henry and Miranda Hart, actress Barbara Windsor and Olympic rower Sir Steve Redgrave. When asked by Henry what he would like to say to his fans who have supported him, he said: "Thank you so much, thank you for your waves, your cheers. "But most of all thank you for your donations, because each time this would be completely meaningless unless you all put

your hands in your pocket." Walliams added: "I know times are hard so I really, really thank you from the heart, you're really going to make peoples' lives better." He said of Sport Relief: "I believe myself it's great work the charity does, so it just makes me want to do more and more." Sir Steve draped a Union flag over him and Windsor gave him a bottle of Thames water to commemorate his achievement. When asked how he would be celebrating, Walliams said he would be having half a shandy.

He said: "I know if you do something tough like this you can capture the public imagination and people are more generous than when you do a comic strip with a famous person." "Day three or day four I got ill. I had a really bad upset tummy, and was feeling sick and the last thing you want to do when you are ill is exercise. "It is also very hard to prepare for this type of distance. The most I'd done before was 20 miles and this was 20 miles day in day out and that was hard." His final approach was one

of the most gruelling of his journey as he battled the tidal section of the river, dodging debris and strong currents. Walliams, 40, had inoculations and was given a precautionary course of antibiotics in order to brave the Thames. Part of the river has had 500,000 cubic metres of sewage poured into it in the past week. As well as suffering aches and pains, Walliams, who started his swim in Lechlade in Gloucestershire - has also struggled with a painful rash where his wetsuit has rubbed his neck. He had initially planned to do the journey in trunks, but the cold water conditions meant he needed further protection. Walliams' mother, Kathleen, said: "I feel people think they're part of this because they can actually see him doing it. "He's the, sort of, nation's sweetheart because he's doing this - rescuing dogs along the way and waving to people when all he wants to do is lay down almost. I'm very, very proud of him."

iPhone App for budding graffiti artists on the way An iPhone application which allows people to virtually paint graffiti has been launched in San Francisco.

The app, called Graff City, uses augmented reality software to create the impression that the user is painting any surface within view.

A picture can be taken of the artwork and can then be uploaded to Facebook or sent to another user. Anyone visiting a tagged location can also view the virtual graffiti. "The goal is to give young people who might be tempted to tag or vandalize property an alter-


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native," said Tyra Fennell who works on an arts programme in San Francisco. She said that she thought a significant number of graffiti artists would have the technology to be able to use the app. "The presumption is that people who tag are lowlifes or thugs," she said. "That is not true. There are people in private school who tag. And I have

a sense that most people have cell phones, and a large number have iPhones." But Bob Van Gelder, the president of a graffiti removal company said he did not think the app would deter taggers. "My first thought is they could use it as a sketch which they would then transfer to a wall with real paint", he said.

Mosquitoes bred to tackle Dengue Fever Millions of genetically modified mosquitoes are being released into the wild in the Brazilian city of Juazeiro to try to wipe out dengue fever.

The viral disease affects between 50 and 100 million people a year. While symptoms of the illness - which occurs in tropical climates - are usually mild, around 1 in 20 people will become seriously ill. Currently, there is no vaccine and no treatment, so the only way to fight the disease is to destroy the mosquitoes that carry it. Up until now, pesticides have been used to kill them, but they are becoming increasingly resistant. This latest experiment means, if successful, the mosquitoes will be removed from

the "cleansed" area and the dengue fever prevented from spreading. The plan, reported in the New Scientist, is for the GM mosquitoes to mate with the natural mosquito to create offspring that die before reaching adulthood because of their infected genes. That would make them incapable of spreading the disease. If it works, the scheme could be used on other unwanted pests. The method has already been used elsewhere, according to the report, having helped to eliminate the screwworm fly from the US and the tsetse fly - known for being linked to the deadly sleeping sickness - in Zanzibar. Enthusiasts of the GM model say such an approach is effective because it focuses only on the species to be controlled, whereas pesticides harm other species in the chain, including humans.

Record fall in Public Sector tally for jobs Britain's public sector shed 111,000 jobs in the three months to the end of July - the biggest quarterly fall since records began in 1999.

The figures were contained within a bulletin from the Office for National Statistics, which showed the number of unemployed Britons rose by 80,000 over the period. According to the ONS, it was the first time growth in the private sector had not offset the decrease in public sector employment on a quarterly basis since autumn 2010. The number of people out of a job in the UK now stands at 2.51 million - or 7.9% of the working-age population. "Clearly I regret job losses in the public sector. I wish this didn't have to happen," the employment minister Chris Grayling told Sky News. "I think the surge in this particular quarter has happened because it's the end of the financial year and this is a result of decisions that were taken at local authority level and in other agencies in the run-up to the end of the financial year in April." The ONS said that compared with the previous year, there was a decrease of 240,000 (3.8%) in public sector employment. The largest decrease was in local government (145,000; 5.0%), followed by central government, which decreased by 66,000 (2.3%). There was also bad news for Britain's young people, as the number of unemployed 18 to 24-year-olds surged by 77,000 to 769,000 in the last quarter. The TUC's general cecretary Brendan Barber described the numbers from the ONS as "terrible". "They are further evidence that the recovery has been choked off by a self-defeating rush to austerity," he claimed. "The public sector is shedding jobs more than twice as fast as the private sector can create new ones, and with the increasingly gloomy outlook for the economy as a whole the outlook for jobs is as bad as at any time since the height of the recession." A new report from the think-tank IPPR claims the public sector has been filling in for insufficient private sector job creation over the last 20 years, a trend which will have to be reversed because of the Government's spending cuts.

16 September - 22 September 2011

Paradise resort is in dangerous territory The holiday haven in Kenya where a British man was killed and his wife kidnapped is in a dangerous location - not far from the heart of Somalia's radical Islamist movement. The "paradise" has been targeted by local thieves in the past - but remarkably it was not known for violence despite its location. The luxury beach resort is in northern Kenya, near the border with Somalia. The south of Somalia is mainly controlled by the al Qaeda affiliate group which has been fighting the western-backed government in Mogadishu for more than four years. In August, the rebels withdrew from the capital, but on Sunday they seized a town near the Kenyan border from government forces. It was in the early hours of Sunday morning that David Tebbutt was killed and his wife Judith was kidnapped. Sam Kiley, Sky's security editor said that if al Shabaab

were responsible for the abduction, it added a "political dimension". "They might want to use their hostage for negotiating leverage with foreign powers," he said. "Al Shabaab are currently under attack from African Union forces from Mogadishu and the border with Ethiopia." Kiley said that this kidnapping was different from when

16 September - 22 September 2011

British couple Paul and Rachel Chandler were taken from their yacht by Somali pirates in 2009. The Chandlers were held for more than a year before being released. Kiley said the group who abducted them was made up of professional kidnappers who realised they had stolen "toxic assets" when they found out the Chandlers did not have insurance.

He said it was unlikely that a local group of thieves had taken Mrs Tebbutt because people in Kenya were "very fond of the luxury resorts as they brought tourists into the area". Tourism is one of Kenya's main industries and Britons make up most of the visitors. In the first six months of this year, 14.3% of arrivals were from Britain.

World News

Rogue trader A 31-year-old man has been arrested in London in connection with allegations of rogue trading worth an estimated £1.3bn at Swiss banking giant UBS.

The man was arrested at 3.30am on suspicion of fraud by abuse of position and remains in police custody, sources said. The bank, which has 6,000 staff in the UK, revealed earlier that a trader had lost an estimated two billion US dollars on unauthorised trades and warned that the activity could have tipped the bank to a thirdquarter loss. The UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA) is now in close contact with its counterpart in Switzerland and with UBS. Nick Leeson lost £800m in 1995 which led to the collapse of Baring's Bank. Japan's Daiwa Bank lost $1.1bn in 1995 through bond trader Toshihide Iguchi. Societe Generale trader Jerome Kerviel lost £3.8bn in 2010.

The bank has not revealed details about the activities or commented on the arrest. It has said no customer accounts were affected. Shares in the bank tumbled 8% earlier today. The allegations have already drawn parallels with the case of British trader Nick Leeson, whose activities led to the collapse of 233-yearold Barings Bank in 1995. Leeson, who was tracked down and sentenced to six and a half years by a Singapore court, eventually wrote a book about his experiences which became a Hollywood film starring Ewan McGregor and Anna Friel. In more recent times, Jerome Kerviel was jailed for three years by a Paris court and ordered to repay 4.9bn euros for his role in a trading scandal at French bank Societe Generale last year. The Zurich-based firm has been hit by global growth fears and last month said it would be reducing its headcount by 3,500 as part of a bid to save two billion Swiss francs (£1.5bn) by the end of 2013.

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World News

Sell-by date binned in push to cut food waste The "sell-by" date on food packaging is to be removed in a bid to cut £12bn worth of good food which ends up in the bin, in new Government measures.

Under Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) plans, the terms "sell by" and "display until" will be phased out. These are only relevant to the shops for stock control and can be confusing to customers. Instead, packaging will only carry one of two phrases "use by" or "best before". We want 'best before' as an alternative for foods that simply deteriorate in quality. Caroline Spelman, Secretary of State for the Environment said: "We want to tackle the confusion around food labelling that contributes to the amount of good food that gets wasted. "We want to simplify this so that you can see when a food should be 'used by' for food safety reasons - if it's

Winkler OBE: The Fonz 'humbled' by honour Happy Days star Henry Winkler has been made an honorary OBE for his work on dyslexia in the UK.

perishable. "Then we want 'best before' as an alternative for foods that simply deteriorate in quality." The changes aim to reduce the amount of food thrown away unnecessarily. According to the Waste and Resources Action Programme (Wrap), households in the UK throw away 8.3m tons of food and drink every year - 60% of that could be avoided.

The campaign has claimed families are wasting up to £50 every month throwing out food that is still in good condition and edible. Foods likely to require a "use-by" date include soft cheese, ready-prepared meals and smoked fish. However, items such as biscuits, jams, pickles, crisps and tinned food are likely only to require labels that read "best before".

The actor and director, who played the Fonz in the classic US sitcom, said it was "humbling" to receive the honour. It was presented to him in a ceremony at the British embassy in Washington DC. Having been diagnosed with dyslexia as an adult, Winkler has toured schools in the UK over the last two years to talk about the learning difficulty. I am flattered to have had my work recognised in this manner, and hope to continue showing kids that their learning difficulty isn't a disability. He has also written books for children about Hank Zipzer - a boy with dyslexia - whose experiences are based on the actor's own childhood struggles.

In a statement on the embassy's website, Winkler said: "Receiving this honour is a very humbling experience. "My goal when I started working with children was never to bring accolades on myself but to change how people think about those around them for whom learning is a struggle. "I am flattered to have had my work recognised in this manner, and hope to continue showing kids that their learning difficulty isn't a disability." British ambassador Nigel Sheinwald said: "Through (Winkler), thousands of young people have seen a role model and an inspiration for overcoming their learning challenges." Winkler's portrayal of Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli in Happy Days won him two Golden Globes and three Primetime Emmy nominations.

Mrs Ann Locker 4th Degree International Instructor from the UKTA Come and join in

New classes starting at Island Village on Monday 6pm – 7pm • ITF affiliated • All Europe Federation • Supported by the Sports Council, and the British tae-kwon-do council (BTC) • Check her out on the BTC website under the UKTA Organisation. • CRB checked • Adults & children Private lessons

Pictured: Mrs Ann Locker with Grand Master Rhee and Masters from the UKTA

Mrs Ann Locker has been involved in Tae-kwon-do for over 20 years, teaching Tae-kwon-do on the island for 4 years. Previously Ann ran a Taekwon-do school in Manchester, England for 15 years. Her son Denny who is also a 4th degree International Instructor still runs the school. Ann has just completed an ITF

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International course in Reading, with Grand Master, Rhee Ki Ha. Tae-kwon-do is a version of unarmed combat designed for the purpose of self defence. However it is more than just that. It’s the scientific use of the body in the method of self defence. A body that has gained the ultimate use of its facilities through intensive physical and mental training. Though it is a martial art, its discipline, technique and men-

Ring now for Details 922724421 Mobile 620375842 Cut out this advert and present it for your free lesson!

tal training are the mortar for building a strong sense of justice, fortitude, humility and resolve. It is this mental conditioning that separates the true practitioner from the sensationalist, content with mastering only the fighting aspects of the art. Tae stands for jumping or flying, to kick or smash with the foot. Kwon denotes the fist, to punch or destroy with the hand. Do means the art or way.

16 September - 22 September 2011

World News

16 September - 22 September 2011

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For further information and to book tickets...

Call 902 232 102

or Email or call into Oasis Fm, Las Chafiras Page 14

16 September - 22 September 2011









16 September - 22 September 2011

Page 15

World News

Fire kills two aboard Norwegian cruise ship Two people have been killed and several more injured after a fire broke out in the engine room of a Norwegian fjord cruise ship.

Hero's welcome for PM David Cameron in Libya Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have been given a rapturous welcome on their first visit to Libya weeks after the fall of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Mr Cameron, accompanied by Foreign Secretary William Hague, was greeted at Tripoli airport by the head of Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) Mustafa Abdul Jalil. He and Mr Sarkozy are the first leaders from countries which took part in this year's Nato-led military operations in Libya to visit the north African state. After meeting the French leader at the airport, Mr Cameron and Mr Hague flew by helicopter to the Tripoli Medical Centre in the centre of the capital. There they were greeted by jubilant medical staff who chanted "Thank you, thank you" and "Libya is free, Gaddafi go away". On the orthopaedic ward, the two premiers spoke to antiGaddafi fighters and Libyans injured in the battle for Tripoli. They also met men who had been tortured in Col Gaddafi's

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notorious jails. Dr Mahmoud Abu Hafez told Mr Cameron all of Tripoli's hospitals were swamped with casualties as the fighting raged but the situation now was "fairly safe". "We have many victims of sniper bullets and some hit by antiaircraft guns," said Dr Hafez. "We have the doctors, nurses and medicines here for primary care and surgery but we have many amputations of legs and arms. "These people will need to go abroad for rehabilitation, artificial limbs and psychological assessment." Mr Cameron and Mr Sarkozy went on for private talks with Mr Jalil and Mahmoud Jibril, head of the NTC's executive board, at

Tripoli's Corinthia Hotel. Their visit comes as fighting continues around the remaining strongholds of the Gaddafi regime including the former dictator's home town of Sirte and Bani Walid. Col Gaddafi, who was ousted from power after 42 years by the uprising, has so far managed to evade capture. He was last seen in public in June. The warm welcome given to Mr Cameron and Mr Sarkozy followed the leading roles played by Britain and France in the Nato airstrikes that helped topple Col Gaddafi. Without Nato's support the rebel uprising, which saw antiGaddafi forces capture Tripoli on August 23, would have stood little chance of success.

The MS Nordlys, one of the Hurtigruten company's coastal cruisers, was at sea off the southwestern city of Aalesund when the blaze took hold. Norwegian police said they had received information that four people were missing but they could not officially confirm that. More than 100 passengers were evacuated by lifeboat before the liner was escorted to port. Big clouds of black smoke could be seen billowing out of the docked ship as rescue crews took the remainder of the 262 passengers off the boat and fire fighters battled the blaze. Six people were taken to hospital, a spokeswoman said. Two were suffering from burns and smoke inhalation and three are known to be members of the ship's crew.

At a press conference Mr Cameron was expected to announce a series of measures to help Libya recover from seven months of conflict. At Libya's request, up to 50 places at specialist hospitals in the UK are to be made available to people needing advanced surgery, prosthetic limbs and rehabilitation for severe injuries. Those benefiting are expected to include Abdul Ahmed, the Libyan schoolboy injured by a grenade. Mr Cameron will announce

that some ÂŁ600,000 of Department for International Development money is to be reallocated to mine-clearing activities in Libya. Britain will also deploy a military liaison team to help the NTC authorities locate, secure and disable Manpad shoulderlaunched surface-to-air missiles. In addition police in Benghazi will be provided with additional communications equipment to help them restore law and order. Col Gaddafi's spokesman Moussa Ibrahim has meanwhile

accused Libya's new rulers of "starving" loyalist areas in their bid to subjugate them. "Daily life in Sirte and Bani Walid is very difficult," Ibrahim told Syria-based Arrai television. "They are starving entire regions to force the people to give themselves up. "They have cut off electricity and water as well as supply routes and are preventing food and medicines from coming in, thereby violating all international norms."

16 September - 22 September 2011


Mariano E Zunino Siri Understanding the Law


Shocking problems caused by debtors in your Communities I HAVE received an email with a very interesting and serious question from the representative of one Community of Owners. Although I have replied personally, I believe it would be interesting to share with readers the summary of the email and my opinion. Dear Mariano, I live on a community which is in debt because of non-payers, and we are now in danger of having our electricity and water turned off because of non-payment of these bills. As a fully-paid-up resident, is there anything I can do to ensure that I do not lose the water and electricity services? Regards, RC The owners who do not pay their Community fees cause many problems to the Community committee

and other co-owners. In fact, all the owners who are up to date with their annual payments are financing the non-payers. For instance, the Community pays the maintenance of the pool, but the pool is used by all owners, including those ones who owe fees of one or more one years. If the debtors represent a big percentage, the Community will not have enough money -if any - to pay for the supplies of electricity and water to the appropriate areas. And if the electricity is cut off, there will be no distinction between payers and debtors. There is a legal solution to this problem, and that is to sue the debtors. Before starting legal actions, though, it would be advisable to send every debtor a letter

16 September - 22 September 2011

of requirement through a lawyer. Some debtors will surely pay after this, while others will not. These owners should be taken to court. After the claim, there would be several possibilities: *The debtor pays immediately to avoid serious consequences and more expenses. Remember that the legal fees, interests and costs paid in advance by the Community should be recovered. *The debtor tries to work out a deal with the Community. In this case, the Community should consider the advantages and disadvantages of accepting partial payments from an irregular payer, taking into account that any deal should include old and new instalments. *The debtor does not pay. In this case, the Community should attach

(“embargo”) the property at the Land Registry after the judgment to force the sale by auction. A preventive attachment, previous to the judgment, would be also possible. One common example is to involve the debtor in a foreclosure proceeding. Knowing that he is going to lose his property he decides not to pay anything. Bear in mind that if the bank finally becomes owner of the property, it will be liable for the last and the current year’s payments. Consequently, if the debtor owes more than two years of fees, it will be difficult to recover this sum. That is why a prompt decision to take the debtor to court is very important. Another example concerns the developer who could not sell many properties and does not pay the

Community fees because of his poor financial situation. The first step of the Community would be to call an extraordinary meeting to approve the debt of every one of his apartments. And do bear in mind that, logically, non-paying owners do not have the right to vote in the meeting. The Certificate of the agreements approving the debts would be written evidence at court of the outstanding sums. The worst thing to do is to stay crossed-arms, awaiting the debtor’s response if any! Mariano Zunino Siri is a lawyer registered in Tenerife Bar Association since 1991. Office in Los Cristianos at Edificio Valdes Center Torre "A", oficina 1, piso 2º. Phone: 922 79 44 12.

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Community News

Smart Foxy nearly in the driving seat! THIS lovely dog is the final offerings for Canarian Weekly in Accion del Sol’s Pets Portrait competition, because entrants close tonight (Friday). Jean Warren’s smart dog, Foxy, hitches a ride in her motorised wheelchair while enjoying the seafront ride with the wind blowing in her fur.

So, the final entries for the competition and exhibition will be accepted for the competition, which has proved hugely popular with all age groups. But please come and support Accion’s Fun Agility dog competition and enjoy the exhibition featuring the 200-plus photos entered in the competition, which will be staged at the dog refuge’s Granadillabased centre on 2nd October.

Make a date with new K9 calendar for just 50 euros

info and news update

MIKE BRAITHWAITE, Treasurer and Publicity Officer for the K9 animal refuge, is hoping local companies will help finance the printing of next year’s calendar.

This year’s production, by digital artist Nikki Attree, was a stunning success and Mikey, as he is known, is keen to have a really good follow-up. “I need 18 businesses to agree to take 10 calendars each from me at a cost of 50 euros,” he says. “In return, you will supply me with your business card, and this will be one of 18 that surround the calendar. “It will be visually displayed for the full 12 months on the top half of the calendar, which will have a collage of several dogs and cats presently in the K9 kennels. “The bottom half of the calendar will have a tear-off section that displays each month and details the Canarian Bank Holidays specifically.” The refuge, based at Las Chafiras, plans to print 500 calendars and they will be on sale at K9 market stalls, K9 outlets and the Joe Boxer shop in the Parque Santiago centre, as well as at the kennels. K9 receives no funding from any official body and relies on public donations and projects of this sort to raise monies to care for the 100 dogs and cats in the refuge waiting to be re-homed. Mikey adds: “If you are interested, please get in touch as soon as possible. If you are unable to help or, indeed you are, please pass this message on to any friends or colleagues who you believe might be in a position to help us.” The 30th September deadline must be adhered to strictly and Mikey hopes to have the calendars ready to go on sale on 29th October. Contact details: Mikey at or 679 712 476, or Hazel at or 667 638 468 (kennels).

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Car Boot Sales Happy Days, Costa Del Silencio: Re-commencing Sunday, 2nd Oct, 8am-12.30pm. Outside Callao Spirit, Callao Salvaje: Saturday, 8th Oct, 9am-12.30pm. Sports Centre, Los Gigantes (Bus Stop): Sunday, 25th Sept, 9am2.30pm (catch the 473 bus at 15 and 45 each hour from Los Cristianos, and make it a nice day out). Further info from Pat the Cat on 608 121 081.

Cattery Helpers also wanted for two hours a day. Contact kennels if interested.

Market Stalls Alcala: Mondays. San Juan: Wednesdays. Torviscas (books only): Thursdays. Further info from Kenny on 686 141 003. Charity Shop (Friends of the Animals) Playa De La Arena (between Pink & Blue and Pizza Taxi, next to Medical Centre): Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm. Sat, 10am-2pm. Info from 608 121 081.

Diary dates Tomorrow (Saturday): 3-6pm at The Heritage Bar, Los Cristianos (behind bus station). An alternative to Sport afternoon with the Sounds of the Sixties and Seventies, featuring Aidy Evans, John Ashford (as Buddy Holly tribute) and Susy Q, plus quiz, raffle and various stalls. Wed, 12th Oct: Full Moon Sponsored Walk. Details elsewhere in paper. Sunday, 30th Oct: Open Day at the K9 Kennels at Las Chafiras. There will a BBQ, Cake, Books, Jewellery & Silk Flowers stalls, plus Kids’ Lucky Dip. There is also a Bottle Tombola, and donations of bottles - glass or plastic – with booze, soft drinks, sauces etc, would be most welcome. Contact kennels or any of the above to donate.

K9 Shops The Dip, Costa del Silencio (opposite Coral Mar Square): 10am5pm. Closed Sundays. Info for shop and donations, from Morag on 662 354 391. Alcala Plaza: Donations can be made from 10am-2pm, Mon-Fri. Further info from Kenny on 686 141 003 or 922 865 268 Donations Bric-a-brac, books, clothing, shoes, handbags, bedding, towels, electrical and small furniture are most welcome. Please contact the above numbers, or leave donations at the kennels (667 638 468). K9 kennels Open to the public every day, 11am-2pm. Sat & Sun, closed 1.30pm, whenever possible. Dog Walkers You are welcome any day from 9am. Please have sensible footwear, a drink, and please respect the advice given about any individual dog.

Fund-raising: K9 receives no official funding and relies totally on the generosity of the general public. If you’re able to arrange an event in support of K9, it will be really appreciated. Please contact any of the telephone numbers or emails listed for further information.

K9 calendar Our 2012 calendar will be on sale next month for five euros and will make an excellent gift. There is a separate news item in Canarian Weekly about how you can contribute to the calendar. Finally, guests at all our functions are invited to bring along a treat, or biscuits, tins of meat or rice or pasta for the four-legged guys at the kennels. If there is anything else you’d like to know about K9, contact Mikey at

16 September - 22 September 2011


16 September - 22 September 2011

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16 September - 22 September 2011

Television Guide

your best tV guide IN tenerife! 13 channels including BBC, ITV, CHANNEL 4, CHANNEL FIVE Sky & Sports channels

DOWNTON ABBEY Sunday 18th September ITV1 9:00pm “The sun is rising behind Downton Abbey, a great and splendid house in a great and splendid park. So secure does it appear, that it seems as if the way of life it represents will last for another thousand years. It won’t. ”From the pen of award-winning writer Julian Fellowes comes the second series of ITV1’s costume drama, Downton Abbey, starring Maggie Smith, Hugh Bonneville and Elizabeth McGovern.

16 September - 22 September 2011

The lives of the Crawley family and the servants who work for them has been changed forever, since the Great War was declared at the end of the last series. Promoted to Lord Lieutenant of Yorkshire, Robert has new responsibilities and so does Downton. Although the veritable Mr Carson (Jim Carter) will no doubt be doing his utmost to ensure that standards have not slipped, even in the face of war...

Many of the first series favourites will be joined by a host of new faces, including; Zoe Boyle, who will play Miss Lavinia Swire, Iain Glen as Sir Richard Carlisle, Maria Doyle Kennedy as Vera Bates (wife of John Bates), Amy Nuttall as new Housemaid Ethel and Cal Macaninch joins as Lang, a new Valet. How will these new characters and the constant threat of the war upset the delicate balance of life at Downton?

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

LOVE YOUR GARDEN 8:00 - 8:30pm ITV1 The nation’s favourite gardener returns with a second series of his gardening series. Love Your Garden follows the writer, broadcaster and TV personality as he travels the country with a team of esteemed experts to find some of Britain’s most beautiful domestic gardens and show viewers how to recreate the look themselves with minimum fuss.

Rather than sprawling country estates or celebrated public gardens, Alan will focus on the gardens of Britons who have turned their plots into magical outdoor living spaces. And even if you’re not a gardener and have a tiny space, Alan will demonstrate how to make it magical too. In programme one of the new series Alan demonstrates how to build a

F r i day 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ���������������������������Little Robots

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:10 �������������������� Guess with Jess

08:30 �����Rugby World Cup 2011

10:00 ��������������������������Homes Under

06:20 ���������� Postman Pat Special

11:00 ��������������������������� This Morning

the Hammer

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

11:00 ������To Build or Not to Build

07:00 ������������ Hai! Karate: Journey

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic

to Japan

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

1:00 ���������������������BBC News at One

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

1:30 �������������������BBC London News

07:45 �The League of Super Evil

1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

3:00 �������������������������������������BBC News

08:30 Green Balloon Scrapbook

3:05 �����������������������Animals at Work

08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld

3:35 ���������������������������������������������Scoop

09:05 �������������The Koala Brothers

4:00 �����������The Horrible Histories

09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train

6:30 �� ITV News and Weather

Big Prom Party

09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion

5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround

09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch

5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless

10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling

7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Zak and Chas come up with a plan to help Aaron. A furious Nicola makes a decision about her and Jimmy.

10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas 6:00 ����������������BBC News at Six

rose garden and visits a tiny rose garden in Wendover, Buckinghamshire. Laetitia Maklouf shows ways to extend the life of your roses way into winter by making rosewater. Valentine Warner shows how roses can even be the key ingredient to a spicy sauce. And from rustic pergolas to pavilions from paradise, Alan looks at the stunning ways to display roses.

6:30 ������������ BBC London News 7:00 ��������������������The One Show 8:00 ������������������������ EastEnders Eddie reveals a staggering secret to Michael which will change the course of their relationship forever. Meanwhile, Darren and Jodie’s wedding plans are tragically shattered.

10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo 11:05 �������������In the Night Garden 11:35 ��������������������������The New Pink Panther Show 12:00 ������������������The Daily Politics 12:30 GMT with George Alagiah 1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder 1:45 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 �������������������������������� Animal 24:7 3:00 ������������������� The Weakest Link

8:30 ����� Celebrity MasterChef The three remaining celebrities are on location at the top London restaurant, Redhook. Under the watch of head chef Jose Azevedo.

3:45 ������������������������������Real Rescues

9:00 ������������������� Outnumbered Karen is on a sleepover, and Ben is away at adventure camp.

6:30 ����Reel History of Britain

9:30 ���������� Would I Lie to You? 10:00 ������������ BBC News at Ten 10:25 ���������� BBC London News 10:35 ���������� Come Fly with Me

4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip 6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 7:00 ����������������������������� Athletics 9:00 ���������� Digging for Britain Dr Alice Roberts travels back to the Viking Age in Britain and visits excavations that are revealing a different side to these seafaring pirates from Scandinavia.

11:05 ����������Mrs. Brown’s Boys

10:00 ��������������������������������������� QI

11:35 ���� The National Lottery Friday Night Draws

10:30 �����������������������Newsnight

11:45 �������������������� Masquerade Romantic suspense thriller in the Hitchcock vein about a plain young heiress who has a whirlwind romance with a handsome charmer.

11:05 ���������� The Secret World of Whitehall Michael Cockerell reveals what really happens in the hidden power houses of Whitehall, the cabinet minister’s private office.

4:00 ���������������� Midsomer Murders 5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase 6:00 ��������������� London Tonight

7:30 ������������Coronation Street Steve is forced to choose between Tracy and Becky. Carla seeks legal advice after getting cold feet. 8:00 ������������Love Your Garden Alan demonstrates how to build a rose garden, and visits one in Wendover, Buckinghamshire. 8:30 �����������Coronation Street Steve delivers some heartbreaking news. Kirsty causes a stir as she arrives on the Street. 9:00 ���� DCI Banks: Aftermath DCI Alan Banks is called to investigate a murder by fire, and evidence quickly points to the victim being involved in a lucrative art forgery scam. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 The Walton Sextuplets Moving On This film explores how they have grown up to become independent young women and examining the close bond that the family shares.

11:35 �Rugby World Cup 2011 Highlights from the Rugby World Cup as favourites New Zealand take on Japan in Hamilton.

DCI BANKS: AFTERMATH 9:00 - 10:00pm ITV1

Playing with Fire Part 1 of 2 New detective drama series based on the novels by Peter Robinson.

DCI Alan Banks is called to investigate a murder by fire, and evidence quickly points to the victim being involved in a lucrative art forgery scam. When a second body is discovered, confusion

Page 22

mounts as to the killer’s real intended victim. Banks becomes convinced that one of the victims’ relatives is withholding vital information, but his determination to prove their involvement brings him into conflict with DS Annie Cabbot. Meanwhile, is Cabbot herself crossing

the line when she begins an affair with the art expert on the case? Three stories are each told over two episodes and have been adapted from Peter Robinson’s novels; Playing with Fire, Friend of the Devil and Cold as the Grave.

16 September - 22 September 2011


Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:00 �����������������������������������������Children’s TV

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 �������������������������������������������������Charmed

07:35 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ������������ Emergency Animal Rescue

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

08:05 ����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

08:00 �������������������������������� Stargate Atlantis

07:30 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

08:35 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:00 ������������������������������The Chicago Code

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

09:05 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

11:00 �������������������������������The Chicago Code

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

10:00 ���������������� Supersize v Superskinny

11:10 ���������The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

09:00 �������������������������������������������Prizefighter Light Middleweights II comes from York Hall. Jeff Thomas, Takaloo, JJ Bird, Daniel Hurricane, Steve Harkin, Wayne Goddard, Kris Agyei-Dua and Peter Vaughan are competing.

12:00 ������������������������ Dream Lives for Sale

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:00 �����������������������������������The Rugby Club Simon Lazenby, Stuart Barnes and Dewi Morris preview and review the latest rugby union action.

2:00 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:00 ����������������������������������� Stargate Atlantis

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

4:00 ����������������������������������� Stargate Atlantis

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

5:00 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

5:30 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

11:00 ������������������������������A Place by the Sea 12:00 ������������ Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ��������������������������� Three in a Bed USA 1:00 ���������������������������������������� Science Scams 1:10 �����������������������������������������������������My Eden 1:20 ������������������������������������Bigger Than Life 3:10 �����������������������������������������������Countdown 4:00 ���������������������������������������Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip

12:05 ������������������������������5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15 ������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:15 ��������������������������������� Meals in Moments 3:25 �������������������������������������������Rag and Bone 5:00 �����������������������������������������������5 News at 5

1:00 ���� Barclays Premier League World A round-up of all the latest headlines from the Barclays Premier League. 1:30 ���������������������������������������������������������Cricket England and India contest their fifth ODI at Sophia Gardens.

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model 6:00 �����������������������������Modern Family

5:30 ������������������������������Come Dine with Me

5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

6:00 �������������������������������The Simpsons

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away

7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks

6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV

7:30 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

7:00 ������������������������������������ 5 News at 7

10:00 �����������������������Take it Like a Fan

8:00 �������������������������������������� Futurama

7:30 ����������������������������������

7:30 ������������������������������������� Pawn Stars

8:30 �������������������������������������� Futurama

7:35 ������������������� Rare Chicken Rescue

8:00 ������������������������ The Gadget Show

8:00 �������������������� Come Dine with Me

9:00 ������������������������������������Big Brother

9:00 �����The Million Pound Drop Live

10:00 ������������������������������ The Bachelor

10:30 ��������������������Comedy Showcase

11:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

10:30 �������� Barclays Premier League Preview A look ahead to the weekend’s Barclays Premier League fixtures, with footage from the key press conferences.

11:05 �������������������������������� End of Days

6:30 �����������������������������Modern Family

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

9:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

8:00 ����������������������������Drop Dead Diva Grayson’s stag do leads to a legal case involving a group of strippers.

10:00 �����������������������������������������Trollied

9:00 ������������������������������������������Medium

10:30 ������������������������� Mount Pleasant

10:00 ������������������������������������������� Chase

11:30 �� Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

11:00 ������ Football League Weekend

11:30 ������ Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

11:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

7:00 �����������������������������������Doctor Who Amy is trapped in a quarantine facility for victims of an alien plague. Can Rory save her before she is killed by kindness?

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

06:30 �������������������������������Kings of the Surf

07:00 ����������������������������������Extreme Dreams

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:25 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

07:00 ������������������������������������������������WWE Raw

08:00 ������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

09:00 �Barclays Premier League World

08:30 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

7:45 �����������Doctor Who Confidential Can Karen get up to 100mph around one of the UK’s fastest racetracks and can Arthur rise to the challenge of swimming in a tank of sharks?

09:30 ��� European Challenge Tour Golf

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of

10:30 ��������������������������European Tour Golf Day two of the Vivendi Seve Trophy from St. Nom La Breteche in Paris.

10:00 ������������������������������������������������Hardliners

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

New York City

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

4:30 ��������������� America’s Cup Uncovered

11:30 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

12:30 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

2:00 �������������������������������������������������Shark Tank

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show

3:00 ������������������������������������������������������������ Crash

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

8:00 ����������������������������The Real Hustle Novice hustlers Polly Parsons and Jazz Lintott have to learn the art of deception in record time, as they join the original trio 8:30 ����������������World’s Craziest Fools 9:00 ��������������������������������� Little Britain

5:00 ����Barclays Premier League World 5:30 ��������������� Football League Weekend

6:30 ����������Barclays Premier League Preview

10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders

7:00 ��������������������������� Road to London A look ahead to the 2012 Olympic Games. With a focus on the athletes likely to do well.

10:30 ��������������������������������Him and Her

7:30 �������������������Rugby Super League

11:00 ���������������������������������� Family Guy

10:00 ����������������������������������������������� NFL

11:45 ���������������������������� American Dad

11:00 ��������������������������������� Tight Lines

9:30 �������������������������Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show

16 September - 22 September 2011

9:00 �������������������������������The Simpsons

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear 6:00 ������������ James May’s Toy Stories 7:20 �������������������������������������������������������QI 8:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear

New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

5:40 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

7:00 �������������Inside the Actors Studio

6:10 �������������������������������������Judge Judy

8:00 �������������������������������������� Fish Town

6:45 ����������������������������������Take Me Out

9:00 ������������� Dave’s One Night Stand

9:00 ����������������������������������������� Big Love

8:00 ����������������������������������� Xtra Factor

10:00 ���������� Earth: Milton Jones Live Universe Tour

10:05 �������������������������������������������Treme

9:00 �����������������I Now Pronounce You

11:20 ���������� Flight of the Conchords

Chuck and Larry

11:30 ����������������������������������������������������QI

11:55 ����������������������������������� Entourage

11:20 �������� The Jonathan Ross Show

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Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

Sat u r day 06:00 ���������������������������Little Robots

10:00 ����������������� Saturday Kitchen

06:10 �������������������� Guess with Jess

11:35 ���������������Rachel Allen: Home Cooking

06:20 ��������������������Pinky Dinky Doo

09:00 �����������������Rugby World Cup Australia v Ireland.

12:00 ���������������������������������BBC News

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear 06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

12:00 �����ITV News and Weather

07:00 ����������������������������������������������Roar

12:10 ����������������Coronation Street Omnibus

12:05 ������������������������Regional News 12:10 �������������������������������������Weather 12:15 ������������������������Football Focus 1:00 ���������������������������������������Athletics 2:30 ������� British Olympic Dreams Britain’s finest Olympic athletes look ahead to a crucial qualification year on the road to London 2012.


10:00pm ITV1 Julia Roberts and Clive Owen reunite for “Duplicity.”

They star as spies-turnedcorporate operatives in the midst of a clandestine love affair. When they find themselves embroiled in a highstakes espionage game, they discover the toughest part of the job is deciding how much to trust the one you love. CIA officer Claire Stenwick

(Roberts) and MI6 agent Ray Koval (Owen) have left the world of government intelligence to cash in on the highly profitable cold war raging between two rival multinational corporations. Their mission? Secure the formula for a product that will bring a fortune to the company that patents it first. For their employers—industry titan Howard Tully (Tom Wilkinson) and bucca-

neer CEO Dick Garsik (Paul Giamatti)—nothing is out of bounds. But as the stakes rise, the mystery deepens and the tactics get dirtier, the trickiest secret for Claire and Ray is their growing attraction. And as they each try to stay one double-cross ahead, two career loners find their schemes endangered by the only thing they can’t cheat their way out of: love.

07:30 �����������������������������������������Arthur 07:55 �������������Dennis and Gnasher 08:05 �����������������������������������Hounded 08:35 ����������������������������������� Splatalot 09:00 ����������������������� Live ‘N’ Deadly 10:00 �������Dick and Dom Go Wild 10:25 The League of Super Evil

3:00 �������������������������������������� Triathlon

10:40 Wolverine and the X-Men

4:30 ����������������������������������Final Score

11:00 ��������������������������������������Eliot Kid

5:10 ������������������������������������BBC News

11:15 ������������ Richard Hammond’s

5:20 ���������������������������Regional News

Blast Lab

5:25 ���������������������������������������Weather

11:40 ��������������������MOTD Kickabout

5:30 ��������������������������������������� Epic Win

12:00 ����������North West Frontier 2:05 �������������EastEnders Omnibus

6:10 ������Celebrity MasterChef They are now asked to prepare a two-course meal from a selection of ingredients including Dover sole, haddock, minced chicken, fruits and mixed vegetables. 7:10 ������������������������Doctor Who The TARDIS lands in a hotel where every visitor’s room contains their deepest, darkest fears. What lies in wait in the Doctor’s room? 8:00 �����The National Lottery: Secret Fortune In this episode are best friends Natasha and Siobheann. They could walk away with as little as £100 or as much as £100,000. 8:50 ����������������������������� Casualty To Have and Have Not. Lloyd has to make a choice between his morals and the life of his patient. 9:40 ������������ Live at the Apollo Rob Brydon hosts. His special guests are Sarah Millican and Ireland’s Jason Byrne. 10:10 �������������������������BBC News 10:25 ���������������������������Weather 10:30 ���������� Match of the Day 11:50 �����The Football League Show

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06:40 �����������������Rugby World Cup South Africa v Fiji.

06:00 ��������������������������������� Breakfast

4:00 ��������Escape to the Country 5:00 ��������������������� Strictly Ballroom 6:30 �������������������������������� Flog It! 7:30 �������������������������Dad’s Army Walmington-On-Sea’s Home Guard attempt to bring ashore a German Luftwaffe aircraft crew who have bailed out into a nearby lake and intend to stay in their dinghy until nightfall. 8:00 ������������The Culture Show The Culture Show gains exclusive access to the life and work of Hilary Mantel as she writes The Mirror and the Light, the sequel to her Booker prize-winning novel Wolf Hall. 9:00 ������������������������������������QI XL 9:45 �����The Other Boleyn Girl Against the epic backdrop of a defining period in English history, this is an intimate study of a relationship between Henry VIII and the two Boleyn sisters. 11:35 ��������������������������������Scoop Comedy mystery. Tip-offs to would-be journalist Sondra Pransky from beyond the grave improbably identify a serial killer stalking London dashing aristocrat Peter Lyman.

2:30 ����������������������������� The X Factor 3:30 �� Dancing on Ice Tour 2011 The top three skaters from 2011, Sam Attwater, Laura Hamilton and Chloe Madeley join a host of other skaters. 4:30 ��������������������Rugby World Cup Highlights 5:30 ����Local News and Weather 5:45 ��������ITV News and Weather 6:00 �������������New You’ve Been Framed! Harry Hill is at the helm for an hour-long numerical special where he unveil some of his favourite top tens, including potty pets, fabulous falls and shocks and surprises. 7:00 �All Star Family Fortunes In this edition, singer Cheryl Baker and her family compete against DJ Trevor Nelson and his family to win thousands of pounds for their chosen charities. 8:00 ���������������������The X Factor Judges Louis Walsh, Kelly Rowland, Tulisa Contostavlos and Gary Barlow continue their star search across the country, but will today’s crop of hopeful performers be able to impress them? 9:00 ����������The Jonathan Ross Show Chatting to Jonathan this week are the one and only Stephen Fry, comedian Peter Kay, and Hollywood star Hugh Jackman. 10:00 �������������������������� Duplicity Comedy set in the world of corporate espionage. Two spies compete to secure the formula for a baldness-curing product that will bring untold fortune to the company that lands the patent first. 11:10 ITV News and Weather 11:25 �������������������������� Duplicity

16 September - 22 September 2011


Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:15 ���������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ������������������������������ Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 �������������������Don’t Forget the Lyrics

06:00 ��������������������������������������Jerry Springer

06:30 ��������������������������� The Vue Film Show

07:40 �������������������������������������� Hana’s Helpline

06:30 ��������������������������������������Jerry Springer

07:55 ���������������������������������������� Little Princess

06:30 ������������������������������� Transworld Sport Join the team on their hour-long foray into sports news, tournaments and competitions across the globe.

07:00 �������������������������������������������������Futurama

06:55 ����������������������Avon Tyres British GT Championship 2011

08:00 ����������������������������������������������� Gladiators

07:00 ��������������������������������������������������������Maury

09:00 ���������������������������������� World Wrestling

08:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

07:30 ������������������������� Rugby Super League Super League Play-Offs

Entertainment Superstars

08:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

10:00 ��������������������������������������������Soccer A.M.

09:00 �������������������������������� Ghost Whisperer

09:00 ������������������������������������������������������Cricket England and India contest their fifth ODI at Sophia Gardens.

12:00 ���������������������������������������� Safebreakers

10:00 ������������������������������The Biggest Loser

1:00 ������������������������������������UK Border Force

11:00 �������������������������������The Biggest Loser

2:00 �������������������������������������������������Road Wars

12:00 ����� Fat Families: Second Helpings

3:00 ������������������������������������������� Showboaters

1:00 ����������������������������� Britain and Ireland’s

07:25 ���������������������������������� Mobil 1 The Grid

08:10 ������The Adventures of Bottletop Bill and His Best Friend Corky

07:55 ��������������������������������The Morning Line

08:25 ������������������������������� Angelina Ballerina

08:50 ������������The Hollyoaks Music Show

08:45 ���� Rupert Bear: Follow the Magic

09:25 �������������������������������������������������������90210

09:00 ���������������������������������������������������������� Olivia

10:20 ���The Crush with KFC Krushems

09:10 ������������������������������The Mr. Men Show

10:55 �������������������������������������������������Smallville

09:25 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

11:50 ��������������������������������������� The Simpsons

09:40 �������������������������������������Animal Families

12:25 �����������������������The Big Bang Theory

10:00 ������������������������Animal Rescue Squad

1:20 �����������������������That Paralympic Show

10:15 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

1:55 �����������������������������������Channel 4 Racing

11:15 ��������������������������Highland Emergency

3:55 ����������������������������������������Three in a Bed

11:50 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother

4:55 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me

12:45 ���������������������������������������������Big Brother

5:25 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me

1:15 ��������Royal Navy Submarine Mission

5:55 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me

2:15 ��������������������������������Sergeant Rutledge 4:20 ���������������������������Sands of the Kalahari

6:25 �������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:55 �������������������� Come Dine with Me

6:25 �������������The Bridge at Remagen

7:25 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

8:40 ������������������������� 5 News Weekend

7:55 ����������������������������������

8:45 ���������� Live International Boxing

8:00 ������������������������������ River Cottage

10:15 ����������������������������������Big Brother

9:00 ���� The Million Pound Drop Live

11:15 ������������������������� CSI: Crime Scene

10:20 ���������������������������� The Departed

11:00 �������������������������������Cb40 Cricket Final Clydesdale Bank 40 Final - Surrey v Somerset. Surrey take on Somerset in the final of the Clydesdale Bank 40 from Lord’s. 6:00 ��������������������������Ashes Memories The series that looks at classic Ashes matches between Australia and England. Here, the focus is Steve Waugh’s record-equalling 156th Test appearance at the SCG in 2003.

4:00 ����������������������������������������Modern Family

Next Top Model

4:30 ����������������������������������������Modern Family

2:00 �����������������������������Four Weddings USA

5:00 ����������������������������������������Modern Family

3:00 �������� Claire Richards: Slave to Food

5:30 ����������������������������������������Modern Family

4:00 ���������������������������������Dating in the Dark 5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

6:00 �������������������������������������� Futurama

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

6:30 �������������������������������������� Futurama 7:00 ���������������������������Emergency with

6:00 ���������������������Nothing to Declare

Angela Griffin

6:30 ���������������������Nothing to Declare

6:30 ������������������ Rugby Super League

8:00 �������������������������������The Simpsons

9:00 ����������������������������������� Fight Night Stephen Smith defends his British Featherweight Title against Lee Selby at the Hilton Hotel in London.

8:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

7:00 �����������������������������Drop Dead Diva Grayson’s stag do leads to a legal case involving a group of strippers.

9:00 �������������������������������� U.S. Marshals Tommy Lee Jones’s dogged lawman is on the trail of rogue government hitman Wesley Snipes.

8:00 �������������������������Pushy and Proud 9:00 ������������������������������������������Medium


11:00 ���������������� Rugby Super League Super League Play-Offs

11:30 ��������������������������� Law and Order

7:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear

06:00 ��������������������������FIFA Futbol Mundial

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

06:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Omnibus

8:00 ����������Doctor Who Confidential

06:30 ���������������Barclays Premier League Preview

07:10 �������������������������������������������������������TOTP 2

07:00 ����������������������������������Thirtysomething

08:25 ��������������Planet’s Funniest Animals

07:35 �������������������������������������������������������TOTP 2

09:00 �������������������The Neverending Story

07:00 ���������������������������������Take it Like a Fan

08:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

08:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 �������������������The Neverending Story

07:30 ������������� Football League Weekend

09:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

10:50 ���������������������������������� Minute to Win it

08:30 ���������� Champions League Weekly

10:00 ����������������������������������������������Shark Tank

11:00 ��������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

11:50 ������������������ All Star Family Fortunes

09:00 ���������������Barclays Premier League Preview

11:00 ���������������������������������������������������Top Gear

12:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

12:35 �����������������������������������The Lake House

12:00 �����������������Red Bull X-Fighters 2011

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

1:30 ������������������������������������������������������ FYI Daily

1:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

2:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

1:35 ��������������������������������������The Lake House

2:00 ��������������������James May’s Toy Stories

3:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

2:40 ����������������������������������������������������Curly Sue

3:20 ���������������������������������������������������������� Genius

4:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

3:40 ����������������������������������������������������Curly Sue

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

5:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

4:40 ����������������������������������������������� Xtra Factor

8:45 ������������� Great Movie Mistakes 2 The Sequel 9:00 ���������������������������������������Daredevil Fantasy adventure based on the popular Marvel comics character. Blinded as a youth in a radioactive accident, attorney Matt Murdock spends his days defending the downtrodden in court.

09:30 ��������������������������������Take it Like a Fan 10:00 �������������������������������������������Soccer A.M. 12:00 ��������������������������������Take it Like a Fan

10:40 ���������������������������������� Family Guy Brian and Stewie find themselves locked in a safety deposit room for an entire weekend in this special 150th episode.

12:30 �����������������������Ford Football Special Blackburn Rovers welcome Arsenal to Ewood Park in the Barclays Premier League.

11:02 ���������������������������������� Family Guy

3:00 ������������������������������ Premiership Rugby

11:25 ���������������������������� American Dad Stan is outed as a virgin, in that he has never killed anyone, so Roger and the guys rally round to help him pop his cherry.

5:15 �������������������������������������������������������� La Liga

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds 11:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

5:40 ��������������������������������������� You’ve Got Mail

6:30 �����������������������������������������������Crash

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

7:00 ������������������������������������� The Bubble

7:00 ����������������������������������������������������� ER

7:05 ����������������������������� You’ve Got Mail

7:40 �������������������������������������� Red Dwarf

8:00 ������������Inside the Actors Studio

8:00 ���������������������������������Superhuman

7:00 ������� Champions League Weekly

8:20 ������������Have I Got News for You

9:00 �����������������������������������The Borgias

9:00 ����������������������������������� Xtra Factor

7:30 �����������������You’re on Sky Sports!

9:00 ���� Russell Howard’s Good News

10:10 ������������������������������� Nurse Jackie

10:00 ��������������������������� Celebrity Juice

8:25 �������������������������������Football First

10:00 ����������������������������������������������QI XL

10:45 ����������������������������������� Entourage

10:45 ������������Ghosthunting with the

10:15 �����������������������������Football First

11:00 ����������������������������������������������QI XL

11:20 ����������������������������� The Sopranos

Only Way is Essex

16 September - 22 September 2011

7:00 ������������������������������������������ FYI Daily

Page 25

Television Guide

S u n day

06:30 �����������������Rugby World Cup England continue their campaign against Georgia in Dunedin.

06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ���������������������������Little Robots

07:10 ������������������Match of the Day

06:10 �������������������� Guess with Jess

08:30 ����The Andrew Marr Show

06:20 ��������������������Pinky Dinky Doo

09:30 ������������������� Great North Run

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

1:35 ��������������������The Politics Show

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

2:45 ���������Escape to the Country

07:00 ����������������������������������������������Roar

3:45 �������������� A Question of Sport

07:30 �����������������������������������������Arthur

09:10 �����������������Rugby World Cup France continue their World Cup campaign in Napier against Canada.

4:15 ������������������������Planet Dinosaur

07:55 �������������Dennis and Gnasher

12:00 �����ITV News and Weather

4:45 �������������������������������������������Lifeline

08:05 ��������������Junior MasterChef

12:05 ���������You’ve Been Framed!

4:55 ������������������������ Songs of Praise

08:35 ���������������������������������� Wingin’ It

12:35 ����������� Survival: Tales From

5:30 �������������������������������������BBC News

09:00 �������������Sam and Mark’s Big Friday Wind Up

the Wild

5:50 ���������������������������Regional News 5:55 ��������������������������������������� Weather 6:00 �� Nature’s Miracle Babies Martin looks at the problems animals face when they live on islands. These creatures have evolved in unique ways, and when disaster strikes they have nowhere to run. 7:00 ������������������������� Countryfile Matt Baker and Ellie Harrison head to Scotland to explore Loch Etive. The fast, white waters make it the perfect training ground for the RNLI’s international flood rescue team. 8:00 �������� Antiques Roadshow The antiques series returns as Fiona Bruce and the experts visit Manchester, where a packed town hall awaits the team. 9:00 �������������������������������� Spooks Ghosts from the past come back to haunt MI5 chief Harry Pearce, prompting a shocking revelation about his time as a spy during the Cold War. 10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:15 ���������������� Regional News 10:20 ��������������������������� Weather 10:25 ��������� My Favourite Joke 10:55 ����������������� Outnumbered Karen is on a sleepover, and Ben is away at adventure camp. 11:25 ������������������ Phenomenon Drama about a dim-witted garage mechanic in smalltown America who becomes a genius after being struck by a mysterious light.

Page 26

10:00 ��������������Something for the Weekend

1:35 ����������������������������� The X Factor 2:35 ���������������� Midsomer Murders

11:30 ������������������ The Great British

4:35 ��������������������Rugby World Cup Highlights

Bake Off

5:35 ����Local News and Weather

12:30 ������������������������������������� MotoGP

5:45 ��������ITV News and Weather

2:00 ������������������������������������� Canoeing 3:10 ��������������������������Show Jumping 4:25 ���������������������������Rugby League 5:20 �������������������������������������� Athletics 6:00 �������������������� Dragons’ Den This week, a former milkman pitches his balance bike business accompanied by his three-year-old daughter, will a little person in the Den help persuade the Dragons to invest? 7:00 ����������������������������� Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson subjects the Skoda Yeti to a remarkably thorough road test, while James May makes a rare visit to the test track in the insane Aerial Atom V8. 8:00 ���Jonathan Dimbleby on South America Fresh from journeys through Russia and Africa, the everintrepid broadcaster sets his compass for Chile and Bolivia to unveil the stories behind this rapidly changing continent. 9:00 ���������������������World’s Most Dangerous Roads 10:00 �������Match of the Day 2 Manchester United v Chelsea, Tottenham v Liverpool, Fulham v Manchester City and Sunderland v Stoke City. 11:20 ��������������Mock the Week 11:50 ������������������������ Gridlock’d

6:00 ��������������������� Countrywise The Real Downton Abbey. In a one-hour special, Paul Heiney and the Countrywise team - including historian Bettany Hughes, botanist Rachel de Thame and chef Mike Robinson -visit Highclere Castle in Hampshire. 7:00 ��� Holding Out for a Hero Gethin Jones hosts a new quiz show in which contestants play to win money for someone else. Each contender is hoping to win the cash for someone they consider to be a hero, to support that person’s work for charity. 8:00 ���������������������The X Factor Dermot O’Leary presents the seventh set of auditions from Britain’s biggest singing competition. 9:00 ���������������Downton Abbey It is now 1916 and the family and servants are preparing the house for a benefits concert in aid of the local hospital. 10:30 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:45 �������������������������Magicians After a guillotine-based trick goes wrong, two magic partners become mortal enemies.

16 September - 22 September 2011


Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:05 ����������������������������������������������The Hoobs

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ������������������������������ Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ��������������������������� The Hour of Power

06:00 ��������������������������������������Jerry Springer

06:30 ������Sainsbury’s UK School Games

07:40 �������������������������������������� Hana’s Helpline

06:30 ���������������������������������������� Football First

07:00 ��������������������Brainiac: History Abuse

07:00 ��������������������������������������������������������Maury

07:20 �������������������������Ironman 70.3 Ireland

07:55 ���������������������������������������� Little Princess

08:00 ���������������������������������������� Football First

08:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

08:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

07:50 �������������������������������������������One Tree Hill

08:10 ������The Adventures of Bottletop Bill and His Best Friend Corky

09:30 ����������������The Sunday Supplement

09:00 ����������������������������������Wayne Rooney’s

08:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

08:25 ������������������������������� Angelina Ballerina

11:00 ���������������������������������� Goals on Sunday

Street Striker

09:00 ������������������������������The Biggest Loser

1:00 �������������������������������Ford Super Sunday Tottenham welcome Liverpool to White Hart Lane.

10:00 ���������������������������������� World Wrestling

10:00 ������������������������������The Biggest Loser

Entertainment Superstars

11:00 ��������������������������������� Ghost Whisperer

3:30 �������������������������������Ford Super Sunday Manchester United and Chelsea meet in a mammoth clash at Old Trafford.

11:00 ���������������������������������WWE Experience

12:00 ����� Fat Families: Second Helpings

12:00 ���������������������������������UK Border Force

1:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

1:00 ������������������������������������The Glee Project

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

2:00 �������������������������������������������������Road Wars

3:00 �������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

3:00 �������������������������������������������������Road Wars

4:00 �������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

4:00 ����������������������������������������Modern Family

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������������Bones

08:35 ��������������������������������������������Battlefront 08:50 �����������������������������Hollyoaks Omnibus 11:20 �����������������������������������������������Ibiza Rocks 11:35 ���������������������N-Dubz: Live at the O2 12:40 �����������������������The Big Bang Theory 1:15 �����������������������The Three Musketeers 3:20 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons 4:25 ���������������������������������������Deal or No Deal 5:25 �����������������������������������������Best of British 6:25 ���������������������������Channel 4 News 6:55 ��������������������������������� 7:00 �������������������������������Grand Designs 8:00 ������������������ Back From the Dead Extraordinary discoveries of skeletons found in mass graves of warriors are bringing back to life the world’s most legendary fighting men.

08:45 ���� Rupert Bear: Follow the Magic 09:00 ���������������������������������������������������������� Olivia 09:10 ������������������������������The Mr. Men Show 09:25 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car 09:40 �������������������������������������Animal Families 10:00 �����������������Chinese Food in Minutes 10:25 �������������������������������The Beat Goes On 11:20 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother 12:20 �����������������������������������������The Bachelor 1:20 ����������������������������������Emergency Bikers 2:20 ������������������������������������������Baby Geniuses 4:05 �����������������������������The Next Karate Kid

6:10 ��������������������������������50 First Dates 7:55 �������������������������� 5 News Weekend 8:00 ������������������������������������������Warship

6:55 ��������������������������������������������La Liga Levante entertain Real Madrid at the Estadi Ciutat de Valencia. 9:00 ��������������������������������������������La Liga Athletic Bilbao meet Real Betis at San Mames. 11:00 �������� Scottish Premier League The Old Firm derby between Rangers and Celtic at Ibrox in the Clydesdale Bank Scottish Premier League.

9:00 ����� He’s Just Not That Into You

9:00 ������������������������������������Big Brother

11:25 �������������������� Tenacious D in the

10:00 ����������������������������������Prom Night

Pick of Destiny

11:50 �����������������������������������Soho Blues

11:30 ������������������������������Football First Sarah-Jane Mee presents highlights from all of today’s fixtures in the Barclays Premier League.

7:00 �����������������������������������Doctor Who The TARDIS lands in a hotel where every visitor’s room contains their deepest, darkest fears. What lies in wait in the Doctor’s room?

06:00 �������������������������������Transworld Sport

7:50 �����������Doctor Who Confidential 8:00 �����������������������������Young Soldiers Series which charts the lives of four new British Army recruits on their journey from day one basic training through to frontline combat in Helmand. 9:00 ����������������������� Young, Dumb and Living Off Mum Their parents watch exactly what their kids have been up to, and the one they judge the most useless is sent packing.

10:45 ���������������������������� American Dad 11:30 ��������������������� Young, Dumb and Living Off Mum

5:00 ���������������������������������������������������Futurama

6:00 ���������������������Nothing to Declare

5:30 ���������������������������������������������������Futurama

6:30 ���������������������Nothing to Declare

6:00 �������������������������������The Simpsons 6:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

7:00 ����������������������Nothing to Declare 7:30 ����������������������Nothing to Declare

8:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

8:00 ��������������������������������������Teen Wolf When Scott isn’t allowed to attend the winter formal, he forces Jackson to take Allison.

9:00 ��������� Strike Back Project Dawn

9:00 ������������������� Britain and Ireland’s

7:00 �������������������������������Inside Gatwick 8:00 �������������������������������The Simpsons

10:00 ����Ross Kemp: Extreme World

Next Top Model

11:00 ����������� Armed and Dangerous:

10:00 �����������������������Pushy and Proud

Ultimate Forces

11:00 ������������������������������������������� Chase

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ����������Coronation Street Omnibus

07:00 �����������������������������������Road to London

07:05 ���������Ray Mears: World of Survival

07:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

08:05 ������������������������ Emmerdale Omnibus

07:30 ���������������������������Spirit of Yachting X

07:35 �������������������������������������������������������TOTP 2

08:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

11:00 �����������Coronation Street Omnibus

08:00 ����������������������������������������������������� La Liga Barcelona v Osasuna + Sevilla v Real Sociedad.

08:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

09:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

1:40 ��������������������������������� 71 Degrees North

10:40 ����������������������James May’s Top Toys

10:00 �����������������Inside the Actors Studio

2:35 ��������������������������������������� You’ve Got Mail

09:30 ������������������������Rugby Super League

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

11:00 ������������������Inside the Actors Studio

3:30 ������������������������������������������������������ FYI Daily

2:40 ����������������������������������������������Traffic Cops

12:00 �����������������Inside the Actors Studio

3:35 ��������������������������������������� You’ve Got Mail

3:20 ������������������������������������������������The Bubble

1:00 ��������������������Inside the Actors Studio

5:00 ��������������������������������������������The X Factor

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

2:00 ���������������������������������������������������Fish Town

11:00 ���������������������������� Premiership Rugby Newcastle Falcons v Leicester Tigers Highlights. 12:00 ���������������Scottish Premier League The Old Firm derby between Rangers and Celtic at Ibrox in the Clydesdale Bank Scottish Premier League.

6:00 ������������Red Bull X-Fighters 2011

2:30 ���������������������������Rugby Super League

9:00 ������������������Have I Got a Bit More

5:00 ���������������������������Rugby Super League

10:00 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 10:22 ���������������������������������� Family Guy

4:30 ����������������������������������������Modern Family

7:00 ����������������� James May’s Top Toys 8:00 ����������������� Dragons’ Den Canada

3:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager 4:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager 5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

6:00 ����������������������������������� Xtra Factor 7:00 ������������������������ The Biggest Loser 8:00 ������������ Celebrity Grimefighters Actor Neil Morrissey discovers the revolting conditions beneath the capital’s streets as he goes underground to clear the sewers.

News for You

6:00 ���������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

9:55 ������������������Have I Got a Bit More

7:00 ����������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

News for You

8:00 ������������Inside the Actors Studio

9:00 ����������������������������������� Xtra Factor

7:30 �������������������� Spirit of Yachting X

10:55 ����������������Have I Got a Bit More

9:00 �����������������������Boardwalk Empire

10:00 ������������������������������ American Pie

8:00 ������������������ Davis Cup Semi-Final

News for You

10:10 �������������������������� Bored to Death

10:55 ��������������������������������������� FYI Daily

10:00 �����������������������������Football First

11:55 ����������������Have I Got a Bit More

10:45 ���������������������������������The Borgias

11:00 ������������������������������ American Pie

News for You

11:55 �����������������������������Too Big to Fail

11:55 �������������������������������The X Factor

11:30 ��������������������This Week in WWE

16 September - 22 September 2011

Page 27

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

M o n day 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ��������������������������Children’s TV

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

09:25 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

07:45 ������������������������The League of

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

11:00 ������To Build or Not to Build 11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:13 �����BBC News and Weather 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News 1:30 ���������������������������Regional News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef 3:00 �������BBC News and Weather 3:01 ���������������������������Regional News 3:05 �����������������������Animals at Work


9:00 - 10:00pm ITV1 With the departure of Dr Dibbs, Dr Ellingham moves back into his old surgery, agreeing to stay for a couple of months until a replacement can be appointed. Determined to get to grips with fatherhood he asks Louisa to move into his house so he can help to raise their child. He even suggests that Louisa and ‘baby’ could move to London with him.

Louisa reluctantly agrees to move into the doc’s house, and offers to help with reception duties, as the previous receptionist, Pauline has left. But Louisa is none too sure about the move to London. She had hoped to resume her career as headmistress of the village school. Villagers pack the village church for the funeral of the doc’s Aunt Joan. They are shocked when Mar-

3:35 ���������������������������������������������Scoop 4:00 �����������Dick and Dom Go Wild 4:30 ���������������������Horrible Histories 4:45 ������������������������ Deadly 60 Bites

tin’s eulogy becomes a health warning about the dangers to the heart of eating the wrong food. Aunt Joan’s sister Ruth Ellingham (Eileen Atkins) attends the funeral and demonstrates the same cantankerous character as her nephew. She has no more intention of staying in Portwenn than Martin does. But Joan has left her the house and farm.

5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround 5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless

Super Evil

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

08:30 ������������������������ Green Balloon

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal


3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld 09:05 �������������The Koala Brothers 09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train

6:30 ������������������ Regional News 7:00 ��������������������The One Show 7:30 �����Bang Goes the Theory Dallas downs his toothbrush to discover what causes tooth decay and gum disease. 8:00 ������������������������ EastEnders Darren and Lauren vow to conceal their indiscretion, not realising they may already have been discovered. 8:30 �������������������������� Panorama Most of our water comes from rivers, and environmentalists fear we are pushing some of them and the wildlife they support to the edge. 9:00 ��������The Queen’s Palaces Fiona Bruce visits Windsor Castle, the world’s oldest and largest inhabited castle, dating back to the 11th century. 10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:25 ���������������� Regional News 10:30 ��������������������������� Weather 10:35 ������A Question of Sport 11:05 ������������������������������ Spooks

5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase

09:25 �������������������������� Chuggington 09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch 10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling 10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas 10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo 11:05 �������������In the Night Garden 11:35 ��������������������������The New Pink Panther Show 12:00 ������������������The Daily Politics

6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News

4:00 ���������������� Midsomer Murders

1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder 1:45 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 �������������������������������� Animal 24:7 3:00 ������������������� The Weakest Link 3:45 ������������������������������Real Rescues 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip 6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 6:30 ����Reel History of Britain In this brand new series, Melvyn Bragg, accompanied by a vintage mobile cinema, travels across the country, to show incredible footage preserved by the British Film Institute. 7:00 ����������Buddha in Suburbia 8:00 ������ University Challenge 8:30 ��������������Antiques Master 9:00 �������������������� Dragons’ Den 10:00 �����������������Have I Got Old News for You 10:30 �����������������������Newsnight 11:20 ������������������� Today at the Conference 11:50 �������������������World’s Most Dangerous Roads

6:00 ��� Local News & Weather 6:30 �������ITV News & Weather 7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Jimmy and Nicola celebrate their divorce. Nikhil tries to suppress his growing jealousy of Nicky. 7:30 ������������Coronation Street On the eve of their wedding, Carla’s revelation sends Frank reeling. Becky and Tracy battle for what is left of Steve’s money. 8:00 �������������������Little England Builder Harry Dale is preparing for an emotional reunion with his six sisters and 93-yearold mum who are making a special visit to France. 8:30 �����������Coronation Street Carla is left traumatised by Frank’s attack. It’s make or break time for Sean and Marcus. When faced with the bigger picture Tracy has a change of heart. 9:00 ������������������������ Doc Martin With the departure of Dr Dibbs, Dr Martin Ellingham moves back into his old surgery, agreeing to stay for a couple of months until a replacement can be appointed. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 ������������� Children of Men Futuristic thriller depicting England under totalitarian rule as worldwide infertility leaves the human race on the brink of extinction.


9:00 - 10:10pm Sky Atlantic As the spiritual powers of Ben Hawkins (Nick Stahl) evolve, Management exposes him to the cataclysmic disasters that await the world if he doesn’t identify and conquer his nemesis, Brother Justin (Clancy Brown). In order to do this, Ben must

Page 28

find his father, the elusive Henry Scudder, who holds a crucial link not only for Ben, but for Justin as well. Continuing to function as Ben’s cover from the law, the Carnivàle troupe follows his lead further west. Meanwhile Justin has employed a new “Apostle” to aid in his search for Scudder: a prison inmate

named Varlyn Stroud. Justin and sister Iris (Amy Madigan) spread the word drawing throngs of weak and impoverished masses into their spiritual web. With time running out, Ben and Justin are thrust into high gear – and onto a collision course that will ultimately determine the fate of mankind.

16 September - 22 September 2011


Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:00 ���������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 �������������������������������������������������Charmed

07:00 ������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ������������ Emergency Animal Rescue

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

08:00 �������������������������������� Stargate Atlantis

07:30 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

08:30 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:00 ���������������������������������������� Football First

10:00 ������������������������������The Chicago Code

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

11:00 �������������������������������The Chicago Code

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny

11:10 ���������The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

10:30 ����������������Scottish Premier League The Old Firm derby between Rangers and Celtic at Ibrox in the Clydesdale Bank Scottish Premier League.

12:00 ������������������������ Dream Lives for Sale

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

10:55 ���������������������������� A Place by the Sea 12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed 12:35 ���������������������������River Cottage Bites 12:50 ��������������������������������������������������My Eden 12:55 ����� The Battle of The River Plate 3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip 5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me

12:05 ������������������������������5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15 ������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:05 ��������������������������������� Meals in Moments 3:15 ����������������� Lost Holiday: The Jim and Suzanne Shemwell Story 5:00 �����������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

11:00 �������������������������������������������������������La Liga Barcelona v Osasuna + Sevilla v Real Sociedad Highlights.

2:00 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:30 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:30 ���������������������������������������� Football First

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:00 ������������������������������������������� Football First

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

3:30 �������������������Scottish Premier League

5:00 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

4:00 ���������������������������������������������������������La Liga Levante v Real Madrid + Ath.Bilbao v Real Betis Highlights.

5:30 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model

5:00 ��������������Champions League Weekly

6:30 �����������������������������Modern Family

5:30 ������������� Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 6:00 �����������������������������Modern Family 7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away

6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks

6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV

7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

7:00 ������������������������������������ 5 News at 7

7:55 ����������������������������������

7:00 ���������Sky Sports News at Seven

7:30 ������������������������������������� Pawn Stars

8:00 ������������������������������������Dispatches

7:30 ������������������������������������������ Football

9:00 ����������������� Embarrassing Bodies

8:00 �Royal Navy Submarine Mission 09:00 �����������������������������������Soho Blues

10:00 ��������������������������������� Netbusters

10:00 ������ Ross Kemp: Battle for the Amazon

10:00 �����������������������������������Rude Tube

10:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

10:30 ����������������������������� SPL Round-Up

11:00 �����������������������������������������Trollied

11:05 ���������������������� Tim Minchin: Live

11:00 �� Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

11:00 �������� Barclays Premier League Review

11:30 ����������� Armed and Dangerous: Ultimate Forces

10:00 �����������������������Pushy and Proud

7:00 ����������������������Don’t Tell the Bride Gloucester rugby lad Josh is desperate to please his demanding bride-to-be, Stacie.

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

06:30 ��������������������������������������PGA Tour Golf Day four of the BMW Championship from the Cog Hill Golf and Country Club in Illinois.

07:00 ����������������������������������Extreme Dreams

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:50 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

08:00 ������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

08:30 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of

10:00 ��������������������������������������������������������� Crash

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

New York City

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

2:30 ������������America’s Cup World Series

11:30 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

3:30 �����������������������������������������������Fight Night Stephen Smith defends his British Featherweight Title against Lee Selby at the Hilton Hotel in London.

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

1:00 ������������������������������������������������Emmerdale

2:00 ��������������������������������������������Dragons’ Den

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show

3:20 ������������������������������� Would I Lie to You?

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

8:00 ��������������������Snog, Marry, Avoid? Jenny Frost presents the makeunder show which sees straight-talking computer POD - Personal Overhaul Device -transform OTT girls and boys into natural beauties. 8:30 ����������������������������The Real Hustle Novice hustlers Polly Parsons and Jazz Lintott have to learn the art of deception in record time. 9:00 ���������������� My Forced Unwanted Wedding At least 8,000 British young people face being forced into marriage every year.

10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders 10:30 ������������������������������� Little Britain 11:00 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:45 ���������������������������� American Dad

12:30 ��������������������������European Tour Golf Day four of the Vivendi Seve Trophy from St Nom La Breteche in Paris.

5:30 ���������������������������������������������������������������NFL 7:30 ��������������Elite League Speedway Semi-Final Play-Off Double Header 1st Leg.

6:30 ����������������������������������� Netbusters

7:30 ��������������������������������The Simpsons 8:00 ��������������������������������Safebreakers 9:00 �������������������������������������Cop Squad

6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds 8:00 ��������������������Four Weddings USA 9:00 ������������������� Britain and Ireland’s Next Top Model 11:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women

6:00 �������������������������������� Dragons’ Den

5:40 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

7:20 �����������������������Would I Lie to You?

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

8:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear

7:00 �������������������������������������Iconoclasts

10:00 ������������������� NASCAR Highlights The Geico 400 comes from the Chicagoland Speedway.

9:00 ������������������Have I Got a Bit More

8:00 ������������Inside the Actors Studio

6:05 ������������������������������������Judge Judy

News for You

9:00 ����������������������������������������Carnivàle

7:00 ��������� New You’ve Been Framed!

10:00 ����������������������������������� Red Dwarf

10:10 ���������������������������������This is Jinsy

8:00 ���������������������������������The X Factor

10:30 ���������������������������������Wild Spirits

10:40 ��������������������������� Shooting Stars

11:10 ������������������������������� Nurse Jackie

9:00 ����������������������� Hell’s Kitchen USA

11:00 �������������������������������� Boots ‘n’ All

11:20 That Mitchell and Webb Look

11:45 ��������������������������� Six Feet Under

10:00 ����������������������������������� GoldenEye

16 September - 22 September 2011

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Television Guide

T u e s day 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ��������������������������Children’s TV

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

09:25 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

07:45 �The League of Super Evil

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

08:30 ������������������������ Green Balloon

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

11:00 ������To Build or Not to Build 11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:13 �����BBC News and Weather 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News 1:30 ���������������������������Regional News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef 3:00 �������BBC News and Weather 3:01 ���������������������������Regional News 3:05 �����������������������Animals at Work 3:35 ���������������������������������������������Scoop 4:00 �����������������������������Hotel Trubble 4:30 �������� Barney’s Latin America 4:45 ������������������������ Deadly 60 Bites 5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround 5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless 6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News 6:30 ������������������ Regional News 7:00 ��������������������The One Show 7:30 ������������������������� EastEnders The day of Darren and Jodie’s dream wedding dawns - but can they put aside recent events to make it down the aisle? 8:00 �������������������������� Holby City Broken. Eddi’s attachment to Josh endangers her career at Holby, while Michael begins to realise that Sunil may not be what he seems. 9:00 ����������������� The Body Farm When the severed hand of a young man is found close to Harold Penton’s estate, Hale is convinced that Penton is guilty of rape and murder.

08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld 09:05 �������������The Koala Brothers

4:00 ���������������� Midsomer Murders 5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase

09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train 09:25 �������������������������� Chuggington

6:00 ���������������� Local News and

09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion


09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch

6:30 �� ITV News and Weather

10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling

7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale After their night of passion, it is decision time for Jimmy and Nicola. Nikhil pushes Gennie’s good nature too far and she snaps.

10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas 10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo 11:05 �������������In the Night Garden 11:35 ��������������������������The New Pink Panther Show 12:00 ������������������The Daily Politics 1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder 1:45 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 �������������������������������� Animal 24:7 3:00 ������������������� The Weakest Link 3:45 ������������������������������Real Rescues 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip 6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 6:30 ����Reel History of Britain 7:00 ��������������������� Dragons’ Den 8:00 ������������� The Great British Bake Off 9:00 ���������� Hairy Bikers’ Meals

10:25 ���������������� Regional News

on Wheels Now they are riding to the rescue of one of our great national culinary treasures Meals on Wheels.

10:30 ��������������������������� Weather

10:00 ������������ Later Live... with

10:00 ��������������������������� BBC New

Page 30


10:35 ������������The Bomb Squad

Jools Holland

11:35 ����������������������������Amistad Epic drama following the legal battle over a shipload of slaves who overpowered their captors at sea and landed on the shores of America.

10:30 �����������������������Newsnight 11:20 ������������������� Today at the Conference 11:50 �������Jonathan Dimbleby on South America

7:30 ���������������� Mayday Mayday A man enjoying a clifftop walk loses his footing and slips 100ft on to the rocks below. 8:00 ���������������� Missing Millions Melanie travels across the UK to reunite a staggering £48,000 with their unsuspecting owners - one of whom threw his paperwork in a skip. 9:00 ������������71 Degrees North The contestants must jump from the deck of a trawler into the freezing Arctic waters below, and then swim to the shore as quickly as possible. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 �� DCI Banks: Aftermath DCI Alan Banks is called to investigate a murder by fire, and evidence quickly points to the victim being involved in a lucrative art forgery scam. 11:35 �����������Rugby World Cup Highlights Highlights of Russia’s Pool C encounter against Italy in Nelson.

16 September - 22 September 2011

2 0

Television Guide

t h

se p t e m be r

06:05 ����������������������������������������������������Sali Mali

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 �������������������������������������������������Charmed

06:10 ��������������������������������������������� The Hoobs

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

06:30 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

06:35 ��������������������������������������������� The Hoobs

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ������������ Emergency Animal Rescue

07:30 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

07:00 ������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

07:30 ������������ Emergency Animal Rescue

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

07:55 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

11:10 ���������The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

09:00 ���������������������������������� Football League Ipswich Town v Coventry City Highlights. 10:30 ����������������Barclays Premier League

09:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

10:00 ������������������������������The Chicago Code

10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

11:00 �������������������������������The Chicago Code

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

08:30 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier 09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US 09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny 10:55 ���������������������������� A Place by the Sea 12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed 12:30 ������������������������������ The Green Berets 3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip

12:05 ������������������������������5 News Lunchtime


12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother

11:30 ����������� Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits

1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away

12:30 ���������������������������������� Football League Coventry travel to Portman Road to face Ipswich in the npower Championship.

1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15 ������� CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3:15 ����������������������������������The Family Recipe 3:20 ���������������������Jane Doe: Vanishing Act 5:00 �����������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks 7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News 7:55 ���������������������������������� 8:00 ����������������Inside Nature’s Giants 9:00 ����������������������������Seven Dwarves 10:00 �����������������������������������Shameless

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away 6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV 7:00 ������������������������������������ 5 News at 7 7:30 ���������Real Food Family Cook Off 8:00 ���������������������������������������� Revealed 9:00 ���������������������������������������CSI: Miami 10:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

12:00 �������������������������������Sun, Sea and A&E

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:00 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

2:00 ������������������������������������������������Netbusters

2:30 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

2:30 ������������������������������������������SPL Round-Up

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model

3:00 ������������� Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

4:00 ������������������������������������������������Netbusters

5:00 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

4:30 �������������������Barclays Premier League

5:30 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

Review 5:30 �������������������������������������������� Football Asia 6:00 ������������������������ Revista de la Liga 7:00 ���������Sky Sports News at Seven 7:30 ���������������� Gillette Soccer Special 10:30 ���������������������� Revista de la Liga 11:30 ������������������������������ Football Asia

6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene 6:00 �����������������������������Modern Family


6:30 �����������������������������Modern Family

7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

8:00 ������������������� Britain and Ireland’s

7:30 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

Next Top Model

8:00 ��������������������������������Showboaters

9:00 �������������������������Pushy and Proud

9:00 ������������������������������Inside Gatwick

10:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

10:00 ������������������������������ U.S. Marshals

11:00 ������������������������������������������� Chase

11:10 ���������������������������������� True Blood

11:00 ���������������������������Ali G Indahouse

7:00 ������������������������������� Total Wipeout They face new challenges on the Qualifier such as Swinging Letters of Shhh, while Dizzy Dummies introduces the hapless Brits to the Hose Man and the Ball Boys.

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

06:00 ����������������������������������� Home Shopping

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

06:30 �������������������������������Kings of the Surf

07:00 ����������������������������������Extreme Dreams

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:50 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

07:00 �����������Soccer A.M. - The Best Bits

08:00 ������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

08:00 ���������������������������������������������Trilby Tour

08:30 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

09:00 ��������������������������European Tour Golf

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of

8:00 ����������������������� Young, Dumb and

10:00 ��������������������������������������PGA Tour Golf

10:00 ��������������������������������������������������������� Crash

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

New York City

Living Off Mum The contestants face their sixth and final work placement when they each get a different house to redecorate for a family who have had a hard time.

11:00 ����������������������������������������������Trilby Tour

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

12:00 �������������������������������LGU Golf Monthly

11:30 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

12:30 ��������������������������European Tour Golf

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

1:00 ������������������������������������������������Emmerdale

1:30 �����������������������������������������PGA Tour Golf

2:00 ��������������������������������������������Dragons’ Den

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show

3:00 ��������������Himalaya with Michael Palin

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of

9:00 ���������������������Don’t Tell the Bride It was love at first sight for car sprayer Cameron and teaching assistant Sarah when they met in their local pub two and a half years ago.

2:30 ����������������������������������LGU Golf Monthly 3:00 ����������������������������������������������Boots ‘n’ All

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women

4:00 ��������������������� Elite League Speedway

5:40 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

6:00 ����������������� Dragons’ Den Canada

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

6:00 ���������������������������������� Boots ‘n’ All

7:00 �������Himalaya with Michael Palin

7:00 �������������Inside the Actors Studio

10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders

7:00 ���������������������������������Football Asia

8:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear

8:00 �����������������������������������This is Jinsy

6:05 ������������������������������������Judge Judy

10:30 �����������������������������������������Wilfred

7:30 ������������������� Carling Cup Football Leeds United v Manchester United.

9:00 ������������������������������������������������QI XL

9:00 ��������������������Battlestar Galactica

7:00 ����������������������������������The X Factor

10:00 �������������������������� Mock the Week

10:00 ������������������������������� Nurse Jackie

8:00 �������������������������� Minute to Win it

10:00 �����������������������������F3 Euroseries

10:40 ����������Have I Got News for You

10:35 �������������������������������������������Treme

9:00 ������������������������������������� GoldenEye

11:00 ���������������������� Sports Unlimited

11:20 ������Never Mind the Buzzcocks

11:45 ������������������Battlestar Galactica

11:40 ��������������������������� Celebrity Juice

10:55 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:17 ����������������������������������� Family Guy 11:40 �������������������Don’t Tell the Bride

16 September - 22 September 2011

Page 31

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

W e d n e sday 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ��������������������������Children’s TV

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

09:25 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

07:45 �The League of Super Evil

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

08:30 ������������������������ Green Balloon

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

11:00 ������To Build or Not to Build 11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:13 �����BBC News and Weather 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News 1:30 ���������������������������Regional News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef 3:00 �������BBC News and Weather 3:01 ���������������������������Regional News


8:00 8:00 -- 8:30pm 10:00pmITV1 ITV1 The nation’s favourite gardener with The returns Sleeper Under The Hill a second series of his gardening series. When a farmer is found Love Your Garden follows horribly murdered in the writer, broadcaster and the middle of a stone TV personality as he travels circle, suspicion points the country with a team of at a group of druids. esteemed experts to find some of Britain’s most beautiful John domestic gardens DCI Barnaby and and DS show viewers recJones hurry tohow thetoscene reate look themselves of thethe crime, where theywith minimum fuss.

Rather than sprawling country estates or celebrated public gardens, Alan will focus on the gardens of Britare joined new their paons who havebyturned thologist Kate Wilding plots into magical outdoor on first assignment. livingher spaces. And even if you’re high not a priest gardener and Druid Leticia have a tinyshows space, Barnaby Alan will Clifford demonstrate make it that sacred how ley to lines run magical too. through the stone circle In programme one of and later is convinced she the new series Alan demhas made how an exciting onstrates to builddis-a

rose garden and visits a tiny rose garden in Wendover, Buckinghamshire. Laetitia Maklouf shows ways to excovery. tend the life of your roses But she can share way before into winter by making her theory,Valentine she is stabbed rosewater. Warner shows how When roses can even to death. a third be the iskeyfound, ingredient to a body Barnaby spicy sauce. And from starts to believe thatrustic bapergolas to pavilions from sic human greed - rather paradise, Alan looks at the than spiritualism - is the stunning ways to display real motive for murder. roses.

3:05 �����������������������Animals at Work 3:35 ���������������������������������������������Scoop 4:00 �����������������������������Hotel Trubble 4:30 ���������������Livingstone: Serious Explorers 4:45 ������������������������ Deadly 60 Bites 5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround 5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless 6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News 6:30 ������������������ Regional News 6:55 ������������������� Party Political Broadcast by the Liberal Democrats 7:00 ��������������������The One Show 7:30 �������������������Waterloo Road Newlyweds Jez and Sian Diamond are thrown into turmoil when Jez’s estranged children, Madi and Zack, are dumped on them by his spurned ex-wife. 8:30 ����������������Planet Dinosaur Takes a look at bizarre and extraordinary feathered dinosaurs, many of which have only just been discovered. 9:00 �����������������������Who Do You Think You Are? 10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:25 ���������������� Regional News


Playing with Fire 1 of Paisley,Part the famous cen- 2 Robin follows the docu-

Bee Gees star Robin Gibb discovers a tale of New detective drama poverty and grit as he series based on the novfinds out how his paterels by Peter Robinson. nal great grandfather DCI Alan Banks is called to overcame odds to investigate a the murder by fire, become a quickly decorated and evidence points soldier. to the victim being involved

in a lucrative art forgery

scam. trail Whenleads a second The backbody to is


Page 32


tre of Scottish weavmounts as to the killer’s real ing, as Robin intended victim. attempts Banks beto solve the mystery of comes convinced that one aof family breakdown. the victims’ relativesOn is his mother’svital side,informaRobin withholding tion, but determination wants tohis find out more to prove their involvement about his great grandbrings him into conflict with mother, Cecilia Lynch, DS Annie Cabbot. Meanwhile, who was a midwife. As is Cabbot herself crossing

ment trail, he is shocked the line when she begins an to discover that great affair with the art his expert on grandmother was hauled the case? before the Midwives Penal Board in aare tragic Three stories eachcase told over two episodes involving one of and thehave babeen she adapted Peter bies had from delivered. Robinson’s novels; Playing What happened - and was with Fire, Friend of the Devil Cecilia at fault? and Cold as the Grave.

Scrapbook 08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld 09:05 �������������The Koala Brothers 09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train 09:25 �������������������������� Chuggington 09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion 09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch 10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling

4:00 ���������������� Midsomer Murders When a photo of DCI Barnaby with another woman is displayed shortly before her estranged husband is murdered, he becomes the prime suspect in the crime. 5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase

10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas 10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo 11:05 �������������In the Night Garden 11:35 ��������������������������The New Pink Panther Show 12:00 ������������������The Daily Politics 1:00 ��������������������������������������See Hear 1:30 ������������������������������������������Lifeline 1:40 ���������������������������������������������Coast 2:00 ����Daily Politics Conference Special 4:00 ������������������������������Real Rescues 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip 5:55 ���� Party Political Broadcast by the Liberal Democrats

6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 6:30 ����Reel History of Britain 7:00 ��� Escape to the Country Alistair Appleton is house hunting in the Lake District with a couple looking for a B&B to buy for £650,000. 8:00 �������������������Natural World 9:00 ���How to Win in the Den

10:30 ��������������������������� Weather

10:00 �������������� Never Mind the Buzzcocks

10:35 ������������ Ask Rhod Gilbert

10:30 �����������������������Newsnight

11:10 �������������National Lottery Midweek Draws

11:20 ������������������� Today at the Conference

11:20 �� The League Cup Show

11:50 ��������������������������Damages

6:00 ���������������� Local News and Weather 6:30 �� ITV News and Weather 7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Gennie plucks up the courage to ask Nicky out on a date. Victoria tells Alex about Amy’s abortion. Nicola returns to Mill Cottage as she and Jimmy make a fresh start. 7:30 ������������Coronation Street It’s the beginning of a difficult journey for Carla. Frank pleads his innocence. Peter struggles to keep his emotions in check. 8:00 ����������Midsomer Murders When a farmer is found horribly murdered in the middle of a stone circle, suspicion points at a group of druids. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 ������� Cops with Cameras Officers in south Wales swoop on a huge cannabis farm, Sergeant Mike Peake and his team are on the trail of a wanted man in Oldham, and in Torquay. 11:35 �����������Rugby World Cup Highlights Highlights of Tonga against Japan from Whangarei.

Bag a bargain in our charity shops and help the dogs!!! Coral Mar, Costa del Silencio open weekdays 11 – 5pm Saturdays 11 – 3pm Tel: 671 706965

Los Cristianos, Calle Reveron, near the harbour playpark open weekdays 10 – 4pm Saturdays 10 – 2pm Tel: 693 736520

San Eugenio, Opposite La Niña Hotel by Amandas bar, open weekdays 10 – 4pm Saturdays 10 – 2pm Tel: 630 857626

Donations of quality second hand clothes, books, dvds, cd´s, toys, games, and bric a brac always welcome. Come and see us!!

Help us to help them!

w w w. l i v e a r i c o . o r g

16 September - 22 September 2011


Television Guide


se p t e m be r

06:10 ��������������������������������������������� The Hoobs

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 �������������������������������������������������Charmed

07:00 ������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed

08:15 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ������������ Emergency Animal Rescue

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

07:30 ������������ Emergency Animal Rescue

07:30 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

08:30 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

09:00 ������������������������� Carling Cup Football

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:30 ��������������������������������Revista de la Liga

09:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

11:30 ������������������������������������������ Football Asia

10:00 ������������������������������The Chicago Code

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

10:55 ���������������������������� A Place by the Sea

11:10 ���������The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

12:00 ����������� Open de Espana Highlights The Open de Espana from La Quinta Golf and Country Club in Marbella.

11:00 �������������������������������The Chicago Code

10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:00 �������������������������������Sun, Sea and A&E

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:00 ���������������������������� Carling Cup Football Leeds United v Manchester United Highlights.

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:00 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:30 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model

5:00 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

5:30 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed 12:35 ���������������������������River Cottage Bites 12:50 �������������������������������The Caine Mutiny 3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip 5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me

12:05 ������������������������������5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15 ��������������������������������������������������� CSI: Miami 3:10 ��������������������������������� On Hostile Ground 5:00 �����������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons 6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away

7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV

7:55 ����������������������������������

7:00 ������������������������������������ 5 News at 7

8:00 ��� Location, Location, Location

7:30 ������������������� Highland Emergency

9:00 ������������������������������Grand Designs

8:00 ����������������������� Emergency Bikers

10:00 ��������������������������������� Fresh Meat

9:00 �����������������������������Law and Order:

10:55 �����������������������������������Shameless

Criminal Intent

11:55 ������������������ Ibiza Rocks on with

10:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

Xbox Kinect

11:00 ��������������������Banged Up Abroad

7:00 �� The World’s Strictest Parents Nicole and Nathan travel to Barbados. For a week they must live under the rules of the strict rules of the Harris family.

06:00 ����������������������������� Aerobics: Oz Style

2:30 �������������������������������������������� Football Asia 3:00 �����������������������������������Revista de la Liga 4:00 ���������������������������� Carling Cup Football 5:30 ����������������������������� FIFA Futbol Mundial 6:00 �����������������������������������Boots ‘n’ All 7:00 ���������Sky Sports News at Seven 7:30 ���������������� Gillette Soccer Special 10:30 ���������������You’re on Sky Sports! 11:30 ������������������� Football’s Greatest A profile of Germany’s Franz Beckenbauer. He is the only player to have captained three European Cup winning sides and has won most of the trophies in world football.

6:00 �����������������������������Modern Family 6:30 �����������������������������Modern Family 7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

7:30 ��������������������������������The Simpsons

7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

8:00 ����������� Emergency with Angela Griffin

9:00 ���������������������������� Claire Richards:

8:00 ��������������������Four Weddings USA

9:00 ��������������������������� Mount Pleasant

Slave to Food

10:00 ������ Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

10:00 ������������������������������Supernatural

11:00 ������� Strike Back Project Dawn

11:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

07:00 ����������������������������������Extreme Dreams

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

06:30 �������������������������������Kings of the Surf

08:00 ������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:25 �����������������������������������������������Nanny 911

07:00 �����������������WWE Vintage Collection

08:30 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

08:00 ���������������������������Cycle Sports World

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

8:00 ������Junior Doctors: Your Life in Their Hands They have had five years at medical school, but are they up to the job? Jon is captain of the rugby team and plays in a band, but is his hectic social schedule impacting on his work?

08:30 �������������������������������Kings of the Surf

10:00 ��������������������������������������������������������� Crash

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of

09:00 ��������������������������������Davis Cup Tennis

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

New York City

11:00 ���������������������European Seniors Golf

11:30 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

12:00 ���������������������������Cycle Sports World

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

12:00 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

12:30 �������������������������������Kings of the Surf

2:00 �������������������������� Dragons’ Den Canada

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

12:30 �����������������������������������������������Nanny 911

1:00 ��������������������������Challenge Series Golf

3:00 ��������������������������������������������������������������Tribe

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show

9:00 ������������������������������������� The Fades 17-year-old Paul is haunted by apocalyptic dreams that neither his therapist or best friend and fellow geeky social outcast Mac can provide answers for.

1:30 �����������������������European Seniors Golf

4:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of

2:30 �����������������������������������������������Wild Spirits

5:00 ����������������������������Dragons’ Den Ireland

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

10:00 ������������The War of the Worlds Science fiction remake of the 1953 adaptation of HG Wells’ classic novel about a dock worker’s fight to get his children to safety when merciless aliens attack Earth. 11:50 ���������������������������������� Family Guy

3:00 ������������������������������International Bowls 5:00 ���������������������������������������������������������������NFL 6:00 ������������������� Inside the PGA Tour 6:30 ��������������European Tour Weekly 7:00 �����������������������������������Total Rugby 7:30 ������������������� Carling Cup Football 10:00 �����������������������Davis Cup Tennis

16 September - 22 September 2011

New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women

6:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

7:00 �������������������������������������������������Tribe

5:45 ����������������New You’ve Been Framed!

7:00 �������������Inside the Actors Studio

6:45 ������������All Star Family Fortunes

8:00 ������������Red Bull X-Fighters 2011

8:00 ��������������������������������������� Brick City

7:45 �����������������������������������Take Me Out

9:00 ������������������������� Gavin and Stacey

9:10 �������������������������������� The Sopranos

9:00 �������������������������Benidorm Special

10:20 ����������������������������������������������������QI

10:30 ���������������������������������The Borgias

10:00 �������� TOWIE: Reem All About it

11:00 ���������������������������������Argumental

11:40 ��������������������������������������� Big Love

11:00 ���������������I Now Pronounce You

11:40 ����������������������� Gavin and Stacey

Chuck and Larry

Page 33

Television Guide

Canarian Weekly Choice

T h u r s day 06:00 ����������������������������������Breakfast

06:00 ��������������������������Children’s TV

06:00 ���������������������������������� Daybreak

09:15 ���������������� Helicopter Heroes

06:20 ��������������������Pinky Dinky Doo

08:30 �������������������������������������Lorraine

10:00 �����������������Homes Under the Hammer

06:35 �������������� Little Charley Bear

09:25 ����� The Jeremy Kyle Show

10:58 ����BBC News and Weather

06:45 ����������������������������Rastamouse

10:30 �������������������������� This Morning

07:00 ���������������������������������������Safari 8

11:25 ������������������������������������ITV News

07:30 ����������� Trust Me I’m a Genie

11:30 ��������������������������� This Morning

07:40 ���������������������������������������������Léon

12:30 ������������������������Loose Women

07:45 ������������������������The League of

1:30 ��������ITV News and Weather

Super Evil

2:00 ������������� Dickinson’s Real Deal

07:55 �������������������������������Newsround

3:00 ������������The Alan Titchmarsh Show

11:00 ������To Build or Not to Build 11:45 ��������������������Cash in the Attic 12:13 �����BBC News and Weather 12:15 ����������������������������Bargain Hunt 1:00 �������������������������������������BBC News 1:30 ���������������������������Regional News 1:45 �����������������������������������������Doctors 2:15 ������������Celebrity MasterChef 3:00 �������BBC News and Weather 3:01 ���������������������������Regional News 3:05 ������������Natural Born Hunters


There will be plenty of chat and banter on The Jonathan Ross Show this week as Jonathan’s famous green room is packed with male testosterone! Jonathan will be joined

by Australian heart-throb Hugh Jackman, who will be talking about his new action movie, Real Steel; British icon Stephen Fry will be discussing his colourful career; and one of the country’s best-loved

3:20 ������������������������ Deadly 60 Bites 3:35 ��������������������������������������Wingin’ It 4:00 ��������������������������������������Copycats 4:30 ���������������Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab 4:45 ���������������Diddy Dick and Dom 5:00 ��������������������������������� Newsround

comedians, Peter Kay, will spill the beans on his new book. There will also be a live musical performance from one of the biggest bands or solo artists on the planet.

5:15 ���������������������������������������Pointless 6:00 ��������������������������� BBC News 6:30 ������������������ Regional News 7:00 ��������������������The One Show 7:30 ������������������������� EastEnders Yusef resorts to extreme measures when he fears Zainab may be slipping from his clutches. Lauren struggles to come to terms with Tanya’s bombshell. 8:00 �������������������������� Watchdog As household fuel bills rise, many families are being tempted by solar energy deals - but can all the offers be trusted? 9:00 �����������������������Crimewatch Police in Helensburgh, west Scotland, need help to catch the arsonist who set fire to a family home. 10:00 ������������������������� BBC News 10:25 ���������������� Regional News 10:30 ��������������������������� Weather 10:35 ������ Crimewatch Update 10:45 ���������������� Question Time 11:45 ������������������������ This Week

08:00 ������������������������������������ Trapped 08:30 ������������������������ Green Balloon Scrapbook

4:00 ���������������� Midsomer Murders 5:00 �����������������������������������The Chase

08:55 ��������������������������� Dirtgirlworld 09:05 �������������The Koala Brothers 09:15 ���Driver Dan’s Story Train 09:25 �������������������������� Chuggington 09:35 ������Raa Raa the Noisy Lion

6:00 ���������������� Local News and Weather 6:30 �� ITV News and Weather

10:45 ���������������������������������Waybuloo

7:00 ������������������������ Emmerdale Amy hits a new low when she discovers Victoria betrayed her. As Gennie goes on her date Nikhil plans to make amends.

11:05 �������������In the Night Garden

7:30 ������������������������������� Tonight

11:35 ������� The New Pink Panther Show

8:00 ����������������������� Emmerdale Amy ends up in hospital - and Belle is her only confidante. Nikhil is gutted when he sees Gennie and Nicky kissing.

09:45 �������������Nuzzle and Scratch 10:05 ����������������������� Get Squiggling 10:20 �����������������������������������ZingZillas

12:00 ������������������The Daily Politics 12:30 ���������������������������������������������GMT 1:00 ��������������������Diagnosis Murder 1:45 ����������� To Buy or Not to Buy 2:15 �������������������������������� Animal 24:7 3:00 ������������������� The Weakest Link 3:45 ������������������������������Real Rescues 4:30 �������������������������������������������Flog It! 5:15 ���������������� Antiques Road Trip 6:00 ���������������������������Eggheads 6:30 ����Reel History of Britain 7:00 ��� If Walls Could Talk: The History of the Home 8:00 ��Monty Halls’ Great Irish Escape 9:00 �������� Britain’s Flying Past 10:00 ��������������Mock the Week 10:30 �����������������������Newsnight 11:20 �������������� Toughest Place to be a... Series in which British workers are challenged to do their job under some of the toughest conditions in the world.

8:30 �����������Coronation Street The Street prepares for the wedding, unaware of Carla’s ordeal. Will Peter keep his cool when faced with Frank? 9:00 �� Billy Connolly Route 66 Billy continues his journey in St Louis, Missouri, by climbing the Gateway Arch -the highest man-made monument in America. 10:00 �����ITV News at Ten and Weather 10:35 ��������The Jonathan Ross Show Chatting to Jonathan this week are the one and only Stephen Fry, comedian Peter Kay, and Hollywood star Hugh Jackman. 11:35 �����������Rugby World Cup Highlights Craig Doyle presents highlights of South Africa’s pool D encounter with Namibia.

THELMA AND LOUISE 9:00 - 11:30pm Sky Atlantic Louise (Susan Sarandon) is working in a fast food restaurant as a waitress and has some problems with her friend Jimmy, who, as a musician, is always on the road. Thelma (Geena Davis) is

Page 34

married to Darryl who likes his wife to stay quiet in the kitchen so that he can watch football on TV. One day they decide to break out of their normal life and jump in the car and hit the road. Their

journey, however, turns into a flight when Louise kills a man who threatens to rape Thelma. They decide to go to Mexico, but soon they are hunted by American police.

16 September - 22 September 2011

2 2

Television Guide

n d

se p t e m be r

06:10 ��������������������������������������������� The Hoobs

06:00 ����������������������������������������� Children’s TV

06:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ���������������������������������������������������Oops TV

06:00 �������������������������������������������������Charmed

07:00 ������������������������������� Freshly Squeezed

08:15 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

07:00 ������������ Good Morning Sports Fans

07:00 ������������ Emergency Animal Rescue

07:00 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

07:30 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:25 ������������������������������������������������ Peppa Pig

08:00 ����������� Good Morning Sports Fans

07:30 ����������������������������London Ambulance

07:30 ���������������������������������������Jerry Springer

07:55 �����������Everybody Loves Raymond

08:35 ������������������������Roary the Racing Car

09:00 ������������������������������������������� Total Rugby

08:00 ���������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

08:00 �������������������������������������������������������Maury

08:30 ������������������������������������������������������Frasier

08:45 ���������������������������Bananas in Pyjamas

09:30 ��������������������European Tour Weekly

10:00 ������������������������������The Chicago Code

09:00 ������������America’s Next Top Model

09:00 ������������������������������������Supernanny US

09:00 ����Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

10:00 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

09:15 ��������������������������������The Wright Stuff

12:00 �������������������������������Sun, Sea and A&E

10:30 ����������������������������Nothing to Declare

10:55 ���������������������������� A Place by the Sea

11:10 ���������The Wright Stuff Extra with Gabby Logan

10:00 �������������������������� European Tour Golf Day one of the Austrian Golf Open from the Diamond Country Club in Atzenbrugg.

11:00 �������������������������������The Chicago Code

09:55 ����������������Supersize v Superskinny

1:00 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

11:00 �����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:00 ������������Channel 4 News Summary 12:05 ����������������������������������������Four in a Bed 12:30 ��������������������������������Ice Station Zebra 3:10 ���������������������������������������������� Countdown 4:00 �������������������������������������� Deal or No Deal 5:00 �������������������������������������������������Coach Trip 5:30 ����������������������������� Come Dine with Me 6:00 ������������������������������ The Simpsons

12:05 ������������������������������5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ����������������������������������������������Big Brother 1:15 ��������������������������������������Home and Away 1:45 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours 2:15.................................................... CSI: Miami 3:20 ����������������������������Miles From Nowhere 5:00 �����������������������������������������������5 News at 5 5:30 ������������������������������������������������Neighbours

1:30 ������������������������������������������Luton Airport

12:00 ����CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

2:00 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

1:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

2:30 �������������������������������������������The Real A&E

1:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

3:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

2:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

2:00 ���������������������������������������������� Boots ‘n’ All

4:00 ������������������������������������������Stargate SG-1

3:00 �����������������������������������������Criminal Minds

3:00 ����������������������������� European Tour Golf

5:00 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

4:00 ���������������America’s Next Top Model

5:00 ��Solheim Cup Opening Ceremony The opening ceremony of the 2011 Solheim Cup from Killeen Castle in County Meath, Ireland.

5:30 ������������������������������������������The Simpsons

5:00 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare

12:00 �������������������������� Inside the PGA Tour 12:30 ������������������������� Carling Cup Football Brighton and Hove Albion v Liverpool Highlights.

5:30 �������������������������������Nothing to Declare 6:00 �����������������������������Modern Family

6:00 ���������������������������Home and Away

6:30 �����������������������������Modern Family

6:00 ��������������������������CSI: Crime Scene

7:00 ����������������������������Channel 4 News

6:25 ���������������������������������������������OK! TV

7:00 ��������������������������������The Simpsons


7:55 ����������������������������������

7:00 ������������������������������������ 5 News at 7

7:30 ��������������������������������������� Futurama

7:00 ������������������������������ Criminal Minds

8:00 ��������������Country House Rescue

7:30 ��������������������� How Do They Do It?

8:00 �������������������������������������� Futurama

8:00 ��������������������������������������Teen Wolf

8:30 �������������������������������The Simpsons

9:00 ������������������� Britain and Ireland’s

9:00 �������������������������������������������������Glee

Next Top Model

6:30 ���������������������������������������Hollyoaks

9:00 ��������������������������Educating Essex

8:00 ��������When Killer Whales Attack

6:00 �������������������������������PGA Tour Golf Day one of the Tour Championship presented by Coca-Cola from East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta.

Nightmares USA

10:00 ����������������������������������Big Brother

11:05 ��������������������������Seven Dwarves

11:00 �� Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

11:00 ������������������ European Tour Golf Spaniard Jose Manuel Lara saw off England’s David Lynn in a play-off to claim last year’s title.

7:00 �����������������������������������������Top Gear Jeremy Clarkson gets chased by the British Army in some of their latest and most deadly toys. Olympic gold medal-winning sprinter Usain Bolt is the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car.

06:30 �������������������������������Kings of the Surf

07:00 ����������������������������������Extreme Dreams

06:00 ����������������������������������������������The X Files

06:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

07:00 ��������������������������������������������Boots ‘n’ All

08:00 ������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

07:00 ������������������������������ Star Trek: Voyager

06:25 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

08:00 ����������������������������������������������������� La Liga

08:30 �������������������������������The Gadget Show

08:00 �������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

06:50 ��������������Planet’s Funniest Animals

10:00 �������������������������Carling Cup Football

09:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

09:00 ����������������������������������������������������������������ER

07:15 ������������������������������������������������ Gossip Girl

11:30 ���������������������������FIFA Futbol Mundial

10:00 ��������������������������������������������������������� Crash

10:00 ���������������������������������Thirtysomething

08:10 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy 09:25 ������������������The Real Housewives of

10:00 ����������������������Ramsay’s Kitchen

8:00 ���������������������Don’t Tell the Bride It was love at first sight for car sprayer Cameron and teaching assistant Sarah when they met in their local pub two and a half years ago. With Sarah’s happiness as top priority. 9:00 �����������������������������Young Soldiers With the first five weeks of basic training completed, the recruits return to Catterick to complete the rest of the course. 10:00 ��������������������������������� EastEnders 10:30 �����������������������Lee Nelson’s Well Good Show 11:00 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:22 ���������������������������������� Family Guy 11:45 ���������������������������Young Soldiers

9:00 ��������������The Big Celebrity Swim

10:00 �������������������������An Idiot Abroad

10:00 �����������������������Pushy and Proud

11:00 ��������������������������� Law and Order

11:00 ��������������������������� Criminal Minds

12:00 �������������������������������������������Boots ‘n’ All

11:00 �������������������������������������������������Fifth Gear

11:00 �����������������������������������������������The X Files

1:00 ����������������������������������������������Total Rugby

11:30 ��������������������������������The Gadget Show

12:00 ����������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

New York City

1:30 ������������������������������������British Rallyzone

12:00 ��������������������������������������������������Top Gear

1:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

10:30 �������������������������������������������� Judge Judy

2:00 ������������������������IjJFWorld Circuit Judo

2:00 ����������������������������Dragons’ Den Ireland

2:00 �������������������������������������������������������������������ER

12:00 ������������������������������Coronation Street

3:00 �����������������������������FIFA Futbol Mundial

3:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

3:00 �������������������������������������������������The X Files

12:30 ���������������������������������������������Emmerdale

3:30 ����������������������������Carling Cup Football

5:00 �����������������������������������������������������Top Gear

4:00 ����������������������������Star Trek: Enterprise

1:00 �����������������Planet’s Funniest Animals

5:00 �������������������������������� Star Trek: Voyager

1:30 ����������������������� The Jeremy Kyle Show

5:00 ���������������������������������������������������������������NFL 6:00 ������������������������������������ Shark Tank 6:00 ������������������ Carling Cup Football

6:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

7:00 ��������������Stephen Fry in America

7:00 �����������Barclays Premier League World

7:00 ��������������������������������������� Fish Town

8:00 ������������������������������������������������QI XL

8:00 ���������������������������������������������������� ER

9:00 ������������������ Jo Brand’s Big Splash

9:00 ����������������������Thelma and Louise Two Arkansan women become fugitives from the law when they take a weekend break from their dull relationships and dead-end lives

7:30 �����������Premier League Snooker The semi-finals see John Higgins meeting Neil Robertson and Ding Junhui facing Shaun Murphy. 11:00 ���������������� Carling Cup Football

10:00 ������������� Russell Howard’s Good News Extra 11:00 �������������������������� Mock the Week 11:40 ����������������������������������������������QI XL

11:30 ��������������������������� Six Feet Under

3:40 ���������������������The Real Housewives of New York City 4:40 ������������������������������������������Loose Women 5:40 ����������������������������������������������� Judge Judy 7:00 ��������������������������� Minute to Win it 8:00 �������������������������The X-Factor USA 10:00 ��������������������������� Celebrity Juice 10:45 ���������������������������American Pie 2

LATER WITH JOOLS HOLLAND FRIDAY 23rd 11:50 - 12:50pm BBC2 BBC Two’s flagship live music show returns for its autumn season, with a nineweek run of the hour-long version playing on Fridays at 11.50pm. Guests in this series are

16 September - 22 September 2011

likely to include: Coldplay, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gillian Welch, Laura Marling, Emeli Sande, Bjork, Metallica and Lou Reed, Little Dragon, The Duke Spirit, Trombone Shorty, Tony Bennett, Bombino, Peter Gabriel, Florence & The Machine, Jill Scott and The Brandt Brauer

Frick Ensemble plus many more. This year’s spring series showcased Later debuts by Ed Sheeran, Anna Calvi, James Blake, Warpaint, Yuck, Nathaniel Rateliffe, Maverick Sabre, Beady Eye and more, while welcoming back the likes of Adele, Elbow, PJ Har-

vey, Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes and Wild Beasts to the studio circle. Later ... with Jools Holland began in October 1992. Next year sees the 20th anniversary of what is now the longest-running music show in British TV history aside from Top Of The Pops.

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16 September - 22 September 2011


16 September - 22 September 2011

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Sue McDonald Common Sense Furnishings Email:

Speculate to accumulate? THERE is a saying that a picture speaks a thousand words. This is particularly true in the matter of selling or renting out property.

With so much competition in both markets, you are probably going to work with an agent or through the internet. This being the case, how are they going to present your property to potential clients? The agent will put your pictures in his window display, use press adverts and sales books. He will, of course, need some good photos to do this. And if you are using the internet, the visual presentation of your property will dictate success or failure. Therefore, it stands to reason that you will need some impressive photos to have a better chance of finding good clients. With a vast amount of property available, you need to make sure that the photo does, in fact, speak a thousand words - and they had better be good ones! If the photos exhibited are of poor quality, or show a property to be tired and not exceptional, you immediately reduce the chances of anyone following it up. Human nature means that our eye is easily caught by things that are attractive and handsome. If your photos display your property

well and are vibrant and exciting, potential clients will want to see and know more. If you are trying to sell, make sure your property is clean, tidy and not too cluttered because this distracts from the property itself. If you are seeking to rent your house or apartment, you also need to present it to its best advantage, because, as I’ve already said, there is a lot of property available out there at the moment. Your pictures should make the property look clean, tidy and comfortable, and that it has the entire inventory needed by potential renters. Take an example where there are various properties available in the same complex. What will make your place stand out above all the others? You may have only one or two photos to convince the clients that your property is the one they want to see. A bit of “house doctoring” could be all you need to increase your chances of success. In particular, if you are selling, you may feel that you don’t want to invest more money in the place. But perhaps you need to speculate to accumulate? A small sum of money invested at this stage could be the difference between selling or renting your property, or not. You know the strengths of your

own property - if you can get the people to view, you have the chance to promote it – but if you never get anyone to view, you cannot reach that second, important step. We need not be talking about a great deal of money here, either. For example, if you are selling, you probably don’t want to buy a new sofa. But if the old one isn’t one of the highlights of your property, you can cover it with a brightly-coloured throw, a couple of cushions and a colour co-ordinated picture. This will make the whole room look really fresh and renewed for those all-important photos. In the bedroom, a similar principle applies. A light-coloured bedspread, some cushions in rich, deep hues, and a bright, modern picture will give the room a complete facelift. So take a step back and try to view the property you are trying to sell or rent as an outsider would. Then try to emphasise its strengths and minimise its weaker points. A mini- makeover could be all you need to achieve a successful sale or rental. All items mentioned are available at Deco Nuevo, next to Ofipapel in Los Cristianos. Estimates are free and without obligation, and we are happy to help you with design and decorating services, also free.

New Westfield complex is given mixed reception Westfield has opened its latest shopping centre at the gateway of the Olympic park in Stratford, but not all in the area are welcoming their shiny new neighbour.

As celebrities such as singer Nicole Scherzinger and actress Kelly Brook helped launch Westfield Stratford City, some voiced concern over the arrival of the of the £1.45bn mall. Europe's largest urban shopping centre will be the home to more than 300 shops, 70 restaurants, a 14-screen cinema, three hotels, a bowling alley and the UK's largest casino. Key retailers such as Marks & Spencer, John Lewis, Apple and Next have all opened stores, alongside US newcomers Forever 21 and Original Penguin. Sky News economics editor Ed Conway who attended the launch said: ""It was absolutely packed and each store opened with a big round of applause." "There was a big police presence too, and people to seemed to have come from all over London, but I'm not sure whether some are supposed to be in school..." The shopping centre lies next to the Olympic Park and large digital screens have been placed around

the center to show the main sporting events during the 2012 Games. But while thousands are drawn by the sparkling new complex, concerns have been raised about the impact on local outlets. Matthew Jaffa, senior development manager for the Federation of Small Businesses, in Greater London told Sky News some shops may have to close. "We are concerned that passing trade will be driven away from the small independent businesses in Stratford Market who are already struggling to survive," he said. "Today also marks 'free parking Tuesday' at Westfield in White City to coincide with the launch. "Small businesses simply cannot compete with large out of town shopping centers offering discounted parking to customers." But many believe Westfield will help boost the

Nokia ringing

in the changes Phone giant Nokia is running a competition to find a new version of its ring tone to replace the present one which has been around since 1994. The tune became infamous when Dom Joly used it in a sketch which saw him in various settings, answering a huge mobile phone that repeatedly and loudly used Nokia's ringtone. While it is instantly recognisable, Nokia has decided it is time for an update. The Finnish company is offering a prize of $10,000 (£6,250) for the winning entry and the closing date is October 2, which gives budding composers just under a month to create the perfect composition. The mobile tune is heard more than one billion times a day making it, the company says, the world's most recognised audio brand asset. Nokia insists it is not losing a distinctive asset. "We are not changing the notes, it's just about refreshing the classic ring-

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area's economy. Mayor of London Boris Johnson "Westfield's Stratford City project is setting the pace for the transformation of east London. "It will create 18,000 jobs and, as a result of Westfield's investment, have some of the most modern additions to London's public transport infrastructure." The new shopping centre is set to become one of the best connected retail destinations in the UK, with £17bn being invested in public transport in the lead-up to the Olympics. But due to its high-profile location, Games organiser Locog said it will be operating security checks on vehicles entering the public car park before as well as during the event. Westfield's sister mall in west London launched two years ago and attracted 23 million visitors in its first year.

tone," a spokesman told Sky News Online. The tunes will be uploaded onto the website and listeners will have the chance to vote for their favourite and the five most voted-for entries will qualify automatically as finalists. There will also be a jury made up of key figures in the audio branding industry and tunes who will choose another five finalists and have the final decision on the winning tune.

16 September - 22 September 2011


David Hudgell

Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

Touch of silver brightens the borders ARTEMESIA ALBA, also known as white wormwood, has silver leaves and is a useful perennial, grown in the front of the borders to give them all-yearround ground cover, especially here in Tenerife. It has a lacy foliage, held on stems which tend to be sprawling and, thus, providing that good

cover. And it’s a really good stayer, as long as the plants are cut back to the ground during the UK’s cold winter. You can then enjoy the new shoots peeping through to welcome the spring. The leaves are strongly aromatic and have antiseptic qualities, and the plant produces yellowish flowers from September until as late as December.

Melancholy plant - but so popular! THE Astrantia major has numerous common names, such as Melancholy Gentleman, Hattie’s Pincushion and the more popular Masterwort.

These beautiful, herbaceous perennials have been cultivated in Britain since the 16th century and can grow to a height of 24 inches. But be warned: they do not like to dry out. So incorporate plenty of organic matter when planting, and water well in dry weath-

er, especially the newly-established plants. There is a wide range of Astrantias now available, which is why they are becoming so popular. Clumps of leaves appear in the spring and are topped by dainty flowers on tall stems. It is mainly pollinated by beatles, but other insects like to dip in as well, and the plant is common in mountain meadows, grassland and close to streams, where it really flourishes.

The herb that’s positively blooming ALLIUM Schoenoprasum are, believe it or not, a commonly-used household herb. Honestly! Actually, they are better known as chives and are the smallest species of edible onions.

They have insect-repelling properties as well, which can be used in gardens to control pests. Although chives are repulsive to insects in general, because of their sulphur compounds, their flowers are attractive to bees

Surprisingly, perhaps, they are also familiar as an easy-to-grow choice for a flower garden and ideal as edging for borders. The narrow, blue-green leaves are particularly attractive when topped with pinkishmauve flowers which last for several weeks. But they are obviously known much more as a herb, whose are used for seasoning fish, potatoes, soups, and other dishes.

Gardening jobs for this week

Seed saving's a pinch away Frugality is easy in the garden and saving seeds is just one thing that you can do. It’s quick, easy and above all provides loads of seeds at no cost for next year. The secret is to leave a few seed heads on your plants after they've finished flow-

ering, removing the rest to conserve the plant's energy. Alternatively the seed heads may be highly ornamental and can be left on the plants for their display, but checking them regularly to collect some of the seed once it's dry. Wait for the seeds to ripen fully on the plant before cutting off the flower spike.

16 September - 22 September 2011

Have a brown paper bag handy, as the seeds will quickly fall. Gently tip the bag out onto a sheet of paper, making sure you remove all the seeds. Pick out any bugs or pieces of debris. Funnel the seeds into paper envelopes, not plastic bags. Write full details of the plant on the envelope, including the date. Put envelopes of seed into a sealed box along with a few sachets of dried silica gel, then pop it in the bottom of the fridge to keep cool, or a cool place, until you're ready to sow them.

Clear away faded bedding plants from borders and containers Clear crops once they've finished and fork over beds Continue picking sweetcorn, beans and marrows Cut down the ferny shoots of asparagus to soil level Dig up and pot up roots of chicory for winter forcing Finish pruning blackberries and autumn-fruiting raspberries Harvest and store apples, wrapping them in newspaper for storage Lift and divide congested clumps of perennials Lift and store onions and main crop potatoes Lift gladioli and store their corms after the flowers have faded Lift, divide and replant congested clumps of perennials Make a cross-cut in cabbage stems when harvesting to encourage a further crop Move shrubs that are growing in the wrong places Pick apples and pears before the wind blows them down Plant crocuses, fritillaries and dwarf narcissus in lawns

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Health & Beauty

Eat, drink, be merry carl pattison and some stay thin! from Robot, answers your hair questions

Going legally blonde! YOU may not be naturally blonde, but you might be a wanna be blonde because it’s still the No1 hair colour choice above any other.

Yet I get asked so many times: “Which shade do you think I should be?” Well, the answer is that it’s all down to skin tone. If you are ashen, then you should go for the cooler shades, but if you’re olive-skinned, then the more bronze tones will suit you best. But how do we achieve the shade you are looking for? Many clients think we can provide a pure, clean, blonde with just a tint, but this simply isn’t possible. That’s because most people’s hair contains an amount of red pigment. Even if you can’t see that colour, it’s there, and tints will lift your hair by three to four shades only, and no more. So when you see the girl in the advert with a baby blonde, and the company are saying you can achieve this result at home with just one colour, then think again! This is possible only if you are a natural ash-blonde in the first place, which most of us aren’t, and applying these sorts of tints at home usually result in a ginger mess patchy and very brassy. Home-hair colourants are not as strong as the ones which can be used in the salon. The percentage of peroxide used to “lift” the hair is 25% less powerful than salon brands, for safety reasons. Also, when choosing a home-hair colour, the product doesn’t know if you are a natural-base dark-brown, or a natural red-head. It can’t decide once it’s on your head to what level to lift your hair. It isn’t the stylist who can analyse your base level, your texture, your porosity levels and your uneven natural tone. That’s because it doesn’t know whether it is trying to make a light-brown into a blonde, or tone down greys to make them more golden. Simply put, your home hair colour can’t do everything. We use colours and bleaches to achieve the tone you desire and ALL lightening colours contain peroxide. Without this they would not work, so don’t be fooled into asking: “Do you do a blonde that doesn’t contain peroxide?”

It can’t be done! Peroxide is the chemical used to open the cuticle on your hair to let the colour or bleach enter your hair shaft. Without this, the chemicals would just lie on top of you hair, causing no colour change whatsoever. There are various forms of “going blonde”, from hi-lites to panelling, and full head to comb-on colours - all have varying forms of hair colour lift, from subtle to striking. Remember, going blonde is an upkeep, and nothing looks worse than dark roots which are not kept up. Remember also that you’re going to need a touch-up in 6-8 weeks if you are to keep on top of it. So don’t leave it to show badly because this looks kinda cheap, and makes the hair always seem “dirty”. Even so, you’ve still decided to become a blonde? Okay, but please don’t try this at home because it makes our job more difficult when you come to us to put things right again. Please consult you stylists and let them guide you through all the pros and cons of being beautifully blonde. Don’t join the home-hair blondes who sometimes walk round looking as though they have washed their hair in Domestos.

Leave it to the professionals!

IT’S just not fair! Some people are fatter than others, even when they eat similar food because of genes that encourage fat storage. That’s the latest evidence from a research team at the University of Edinburgh, who hope their discovery could eventually lead to the development of medicines targeting obesity. The scientists have identified a number of genes in fat tissue that may lead people to retain weight unnecessarily in the body. They compared fat tissue from mice, which had been selectively bred for many generations to be increasingly fat or thin and, as a result, had acquired weight-related genes. The researchers then pinpointed genes that prevented the breakdown of fat,

people tend to hang onto their fat more easily than others. “While this supports the idea that genetic factors are linked to obesity, I must stress that exercise and diet are still important for healthy lifestyles, and can prevent most people from becoming obese. “If we can identify the genes and proteins that are controlling how fat we get, we may be able to target them with medicines to try to target the obese, or the consequences of obesity.” The research also found that the thin mice offspring had an added protection against weight gain. When both sets of mice were given fatty foods, the thin offspring appeared able to break down fatty tissue more easily than the heavier mice, suggesting they had inherited elusive “lean genes”.

Milk is 'contaminated by bleach’ in hospital

POLICE have been called to a hospital where they are already investigating deaths linked to tampered saline drips - over possible contamination of a bottle of milk.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said there were reports that “what appeared to be bleach” had been found in the bottle at Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport. A male patient told a nurse he could smell bleach in his cereal on Saturday night. The nurse then informed the police. Tests are being carried out on the cereal and milk packaging. On Sunday, patients were given powdered milk as all other milk products had been thrown away. Police said there was noth-

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which were more prevalent in the fat tissue of the overweight mice, compared with the fat tissue of the lean mice. Mice were then bred from one overweight parent and one lean parent. The offspring which turned out to be overweight were found to have the same active genes as the fatter parent mouse. That suggests that hereditary factors play a role in fat storage and can increase the likelihood of putting on weight. Dr Nik Morton, a Wellcome Trust researcher at the University of Edinburgh’s Centre for Cardiovascular Science, was head of the study. He said: “While genes controlling appetite are known to be important in determining our fatness, our study shows that genes switched on in the fat tissue itself can play a role in determining why some

ing to suggest the incident was connected to the wider inquiry at the hospital. There was no lasting effect for the one patient who tasted a very small amount. GMP said: “Stepping Hill is made up of a large community of people and it is unlikely that every incident reported is connected to the concerted and deliberate criminality already being investigated.” A spokesman for the hospital also stressed that there was nothing to suggest it was “in any way” linked to the wider police inquiry. The alarm over the saline drips was raised when a higher than normal number of patients were reported to have “unexplained” low blood sugar. Detectives are looking into 30 potential victims of the saline contamination - including the suspicious deaths of

Tracey Arden, 44, Arnold Lancaster, 71 and Alfred Derek Weaver, 83. Four additional deaths referred to them have now been ruled out of their inquiries, bringing the total to six. Two other patients George Keep and Vera Pearson, both aged 84 - had previously been linked, but their deaths were earlier ruled not suspicious. The inquiry is thought to be focusing on activities at the hospital between June 1 and July 16. No further contaminations, or related deaths, have been reported since the initial incidents. More than 300 people have been interviewed out of a pool of around 700 staff, patients and visitors who could have had access at the time the saline tampering may have happened.

16 September - 22 September 2011

Health & Beauty

Val Sainsbury Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

How to keep your babies healthy and allergy-free MOTHERS can protect their unborn babies from allergies by eating the right, healthy food.

The latest findings by a French research team suggest that a diet containing fatty acids such as those found in fish, walnuts and flaxseed will influence development of the baby’s gut. This, in turn, is thought to affect gut immune cells, making an infant less allergyprone. It sounds obvious: eat healthily and the baby will derive the nutrients and be born healthy with less chance of being allergic to certain foods, especially as they grow up. Unfortunately, as we know, this does not always apply because some mums tend to let their diets slip as they fill out, and continue to have a few glasses of wine now and then. Dr Gaelle Boudry, leading the INRA institute research team in Rennes, said: “There is intense research interest in maternal diet during pregnancy. “In the western diet, the group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that we have shown to help gut function are actually disappearing. “Our dietary intake of fish and nut oils is being replaced by corn oils, which contain a different kind of fatty acid.” She added: “Our study identifies that a certain group of polyunsaturated fatty acids - known as n-3 PUFAs - cause

More kids need to be taken into care SOCIAL services in the UK are recommending that more children than ever be taken into care. Record increases in care applications have been seen since the furore sparked in November 2008 by the trial over the death of Baby P, said the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass). The number of applications has reached highs in every month bar one so far this year, with 885 last month alone - the second highest monthly figure since records began 10 years ago. Along with the record high of 894 in March, the latest figures take the 2011 monthly average to 814, compared with 754 last year, 710 in 2009 and 460 in 2008. Anthony Douglas, chief executive of Cafcass, said the rise showed “a greater awareness of the life-threatening situations some children live in, day-by-day, with no light on their horizon”. He added: “It has been almost three years since the publicity surrounding the case of Baby Peter, which led to the initial, sharp increase in care applications. “Our research carried out at the time, which scrutinised the

cases received during the first three weeks after the Baby Peter Serious Case Review was made public, concluded that although the increases could have been attributed to the so called ‘Baby Peter effect’, local authorities had taken the appropriate safeguarding action in making these applications. “Since then, many local authorities have lowered the threshold they use for making a court application to remove a child, and kept that threshold lower. “This marked change has brought its own problems, such as pressures on therapeutic services for these children, and on shortages of viable long-term placements when children cannot go back home. “Despite these increases, a good number of local authorities, who provide a range of family intervention and support programmes, have kept their numbers lower and been able to cope with higher levels of risk in the community because of better-resourced child protection plans.” The Cafcass chief said the pressures on everyone in the family justice system were likely to remain high for the foreseeable future.

Surgeon pleads for no-smoking rule in cars to protect children a change in how a baby’s gut develops. “This then might change how the gut immune system develops. These changes are likely to reduce the risk of the child developing allergies in later life.” The team, working with piglets, found that supplementing a mother’s diet with n-3 PUFAs caused a newborn’s gut to become more permeable. Bacteria and foreign sub-

16 September - 22 September 2011

stances were able to pass through the lining of the gut into the bloodstream, where they stimulated the baby’s immune system and triggered the production of antibodies. The study was published in the Journal of Physiology, and Dr Boudry concluded: “The end result is that the baby’s immune system may develop and mature faster. This will lead to a better immune function and less likelihood

of suffering allergies.” Previous studies have shown that consuming n-3 PUFAs during pregnancy may benefit a baby’s brain, leading to better mental performance in later childhood. Pigs have guts very similar to humans, so the scientists believe the findings are likely to apply to human mums. Further studies in human volunteers are now planned by the French group.

A LEADING surgeon has urged the UK Government to consider banning adults from smoking in cars carrying children. Tory peer Lord Ribeiro, a former president of the Royal College of Surgeons, said the evidence of damage to children from passive smoking is well documented. At question time in the House of Lords, he said: “The concentration of smoke in the back of a car is considerably greater than in the front, even if the driver’s window is open.” Lord Ribeiro added: “Thirty jurisdictions in Canada, Australia and the Unites States have banned smoking in cars when children are present. “In Canada, exposure to smoking fell by a third to a half in some provinces over a six-year period.”

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Food News

Tasty reminder of Festive leftovers IT seems far too early to be talking about Christmas food, but it’s actually the perfect time to consider something like chutney because all of the ingredients are being harvested right now. So, with apples and pears bang in season, here’s a tasty reminder of how you can spice up those sandwiches and meaty tit-bits on Boxing Day and beyond. Yes, we’re talking Christmas Chutney Veg, which really is a simple chutney and ideal for having with left-over turkey or cold meats and all those things we pack into the sarnies over the Festive period. Ingredients 450g/1lb onions, peeled and chopped 5 tbsp water 900g/2lb cooking apples, peeled, cored and chopped 700g/1½ pears, peeled, cored and chopped 85g/3oz dates, stoned and chopped 570ml/1 pint cider vinegar 1 tsp salt 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp cayenne powder 225g/8oz sugar

Preparation method *Put the onions and the water in a large, heavy-based pan. Bring to the boil and simmer until soft. *Add the apples and pears and continue cooking gently for 15-20 minutes. Add the dates, salt, spices and half the vinegar. Cook, stirring occasionally until the mixture thickens. *Add the sugar and the rest of the vinegar, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Continue to simmer until the chutney becomes really thick. Stir occasionally. *When ready, pot and seal in sterilised jars and leave to mature for a week or longer Storage Transfer chutney to sterilised jars, seal well and store for up to a year. Most English chutneys need to be left to mature for about three months before eating. This allows the ingredients to absorb the vinegar - and the vinegar to mellow because freshly-made chutneys can be very vinegary and harsh, and even unpleasant. Testing, testing To test if a chutney’s ready, run a spoon gently across the top of the chutney. The spoon should leave a trail, and no excess vinegar should run into it. But if vinegar quickly fills the trail, then it’s not ready.

Perfect sponge cake, in a flash HERE’S the simplest recipe of all for the tastiest of Victoria sponge cakes. It’s an absolute diet-buster, and so difficult to refuse over a cuppa or two (and an extra slice, of course). It has been supplied by regular Canarian Weekly contributor Karen Clack, and she promises it makes the perfect cake every time. Ingredients 300g butter / 300g, self-raising flour 6 medium-large eggs / 300g sugar / Add cocoa, vanilla, lemon or chocolate, etc, to give your sponge cake any flavour you fancy. Method *Cream butter and sugar and slowly mix in flour and eggs *Add any of the above flavours (or others) *Bake in oven in two 10-inch tins at 175 degrees for 20-25 mins *Spread jam or cream on one half, then sandwich the two together *Decorate the top with whatever you want, or just sprinkle with sugar Bingo! You have the perfect Victoria Sponge cake every time, with little fuss.

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16 September - 22 September 2011


16 September - 22 September 2011

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Egypt visa requirement u-turn Egypt has reversed plans to introduce visas for foreign visitors only a few days after announcing the new decision, following uproar from the tourist industry.

My Destination Tenerife has rebranded as part of the global expansion of My Destination with over a hundred other destinations spanning 60 countries! They have a new logo, a new URL (MyDestination. com/Tenerife) and some exciting plans ahead. “We dropped the ‘info’ as part of our global re-brand since the site has evolved into much more than an information resource. Now we incorporate a booking engine; soon we’ll be launching online communities, mobile apps and advanced personalisation.” – Neil Waller, Co-founder As a result, My Destina-

tion Tenerife will benefit from being part of a global brand and a larger global community. Equally important is that Tenerife business partners will be able to reach a much wider international audience, thanks to the 12 million visitors My Destination attracts. “It’s an exciting time for all of us here in Tenerife, because we are now able to showcase our best local companies on a massive global platform. We have built our local expertise by working together with the local businesses in Tenerife, and as part My Destination we can take this to the next level.” – Joe Cawley, Editor of My Destination Tenerife.

My Destination Tenerife:

Locally informed, globally inspired About My Destination My Destination is a global travel resource powered by a diverse community of local experts on the ground, providing unrivalled local knowledge and unique local deals. They make travel experiences more enriched, more enjoyable and quite simply, better. Passionate about providing the best value for money, they work closely with the global players whilst also supporting local businesses and everyone’s right to choose what suits them best. Their local experts produce comprehensive information with unique travel articles and guides, insider tips, videos and panoramic virtual tours. Through interactive features visitors can personalize, share and inspire their travel experiences. Established in 2006 by award-winning (and travel-mad) young entrepreneurs Neil Waller and James Street, they now cover over 100 destinations around the globe. With headquarters in London, Los Angeles and Tenerife, but their community spans all the major continents worldwide.

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The policy reversal was announced in the Financial Times this week. The introduction of visas would have affected visitor numbers. The Egyptian tourism minister, Mounir Fakhry Abdennour, is reported to have said that the change would not apply to people travelling in groups or booking through tour operators. He said: “This does not affect any organised travel groups or families coming through travel agents.” The minister also promised facilities to handle visa applications online. The Financial Times reported the government planned to abolish visas on arrival for security reasons, but went back on the plan out of fear it would lead to a further turn down in visitors. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office website currently states, “British passport holders travelling to Egypt normally require a visa. However, the Egyptian authorities state that “British nationals travelling to Sharm El Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba and Taba resorts only, for up to 14 days, do not require a visa they shall receive a free entry permission stamp upon arrival.” So basically your passport is stamped when you enter the country as before. “If you intend to travel out of the mentioned areas or overstay, you must

obtain a visa.”Visas can be obtained from an Egyptian Consulate outside Egypt or on arrival by payment in Sterling or USD, for stays of up to a month. If you have travelled to the Sinai peninsular, entering without a visa and your plans change you can normally purchase a visa at Sharm El Sheikh airport to allow you to travel. Applications for visa extensions should be made at Egyptian Passport and Immigration Offices. Further information is available from the Egyptian Consulate and any enquiries should be directed to the Egyptian authorities or see the Ministry of Immigration. A visa does not guarantee entry into Egypt. The decision to allow or decline entry rests solely with the Egyptian im-

migration authorities and we cannot interfere in another country’s immigration policy or procedures. We will, however, do all we properly can to make contact within 24 hours of hearing of the detention of a British national to offer advice and contact relatives in the UK if requested. You may have difficulties leaving Egypt with an out of date visa. You will not normally be allowed to leave if the visa is out of date by more than 14 days. For visas and further information on entry requirements, check with the Egyptian Embassy in your country of residence: the Egyptian Embassy in London.” So, basically in a nutshell if you’re going to Egypt for a normal two week holiday with your family you do not need to purchase a visa in advance.

Hotel chain reveals £1m cost of riots Travelodge says the riots that broke out in the UK last month cost it £1m, although the group says the loss will not affect its expansion plans. The group, which has 480 hotels in the UK, Ireland and Spain, said it was hit hard by the riots as it received more cancellations than bookings in the two weeks of chaos. Some 81 hotels were in areas caught up in the mayhem and although none were forced to shut, many saw customers stay away - particularly in London. Chief executive Guy Parsons said: "Images of London burning and shops being looted flashing around the globe stopped domestic and international travellers from leaving home. "We had not seen so many cancellations since the beginning of the recession." Sales increased 15% in the 13 weeks to August 30, but Travelodge said sales would have been up 17% if not for the riots.

However, the group still intends to create over 160 new jobs before Christmas, and open nine new hotels across the UK. Besides the dip in bookings

due to the riots, the chain put in a strong financial performance in the quarter. Occupancy rates were up from 77% to 83%, after it cut prices by 5% to an average of

£42 per room to attract cashstrapped consumers. The hotel chain plans to increase the number of its hotels to 1,100 in Europe, with 100,000 rooms by 2025.

16 September - 22 September 2011


On the road with jav Behind the Wheel


All things electric!

BMW are using the International Motor Show in Frankfurt to unveil their i3 and i8 electric car concepts - two of many plug-ins on display at this huge showpiece event.

The i3 is the first all-electric car for city slickers and is scheduled to go into massproduction from 2013, with the i8 following a year later. And the German company have high hopes for it. In fact, the auto show, which opened to the public yesterday (Thursday) and runs until next Sunday (25th Sept), appears to be a veritable battlefield of electric cars among global car-makers. Volkswagen will present their new electric compact, the UP! and the astonishing-looking single-seat Nils, another electric vehicle designed for urban residents. Audi will unveil a small electric car with a unique exterior, the Urban, as well as their A2 electric concept. Some 89 models have been presented for the first time at the show, which will feature a total of 1,007 car-makers (and parts suppliers). The slogan of this year’s show is Future Comes As Standard, and the highlight will undoubtedly be these en-

vironmentally-friendly, small electric cars. Mercedes Benz are not missing the opportunity to impress media and buyers by introducing five of the 89 models on display. Visitors will be able to get a glimpse of the new B Class Benz, with its radically reworked exterior, as well as the high-end F125 electric car, and sports cars such as the SLS AMG, SLK 250 CDI and SLK55 AMG. Audi are also displaying their A2 concept car, scheduled to be released in 2015, for the first time. Not to be outdone, Toyota will present new versions of their Avensis, Prius and Lexus 450h, with the new Lexus GS450h transformed into an environmentally-friendly hybrid. French manufacturer Peugeot, who developed the world’s first small diesel sedan way back in 1967, have set a precedent by unveiling the first diesel-hybrid cars, such as the 3008, the Sport’s 908, the 508 RXH and the HX1 plug-in. Korean auto-makers are also presenting models they plan to debut in Europe. HyundaiKia will introduce the i30, a medium-sized hatchback, the i40, which was created by the company’s European Design Centre, and the BlueOn electric car. Making a dent in the market

for compacts and electric cars has an absolute must for carmakers. That’s because buyers, ever-conscious of these austere times, with green topics high on the agenda, are turning more and more to environmentally-friendly cars with high fuel efficiency. In addition, a new US regulation requires all manufacturers selling cars there to improve their fuel efficiency to 35.5mpg by 2016 and 54.5mpg by 2025. In 2009, the average petrolengine mileage in the US was

27.3 mpg. Car-makers who fail to meet these strict new standards will no longer be able to sell their motors in the US, which is still the world’s second-largest car market. And things are moving in the same direction in Europe. Countries there, many of whom already have strict standards on gas emissions, are adopting new tax regulations. These encourage car-owners to opt for motors with lower CO2 emissions - and use them less often.

From here to Eterniti – a luxurious debut! ETERNITI MOTORS, the new British luxury car company, made an impressive debut at the Frankfurt Motor Show, which opened to the public on Tuesday. The London-based firm launched their SUV model, Eterniti Hemera, which boasts over 620hp and has a top speed of over 180mph. And what a place to introduce it - the world’s biggest motor show, which takes place every two years. Production of the hand-built

16 September - 22 September 2011

model will start in north-west London next year, and Eterniti describe it as the world’s first Super-SUV. However, as you can see from the above image, it is clearly based on the Porsche Cayenne. And it seems that Eterniti are using the Porsche SUV as a base, to which their engineers have performed various modifications. There is a wide-arch body makeover, for instance, and the power output suggests the Porsche engine - probably the 4.8-litre Cayenne Turbo motor - has also been given a

serious makeover. Inside, living up to their “luxury” tag, Eterniti promise a limousine-like feel to the rear cabin, with twin, individually-reclining seats and a drinks chiller. And, of course, like all good motor-show cars, it is decked out with iPods. Interestingly, the new company have announced some famous names who are involved in the project. Eterniti engineering boss is named as multiple Le Mans winners Alastair Macqueen, while former F1 winner Johnny Herbert is the company’s brand ambassador.

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Match Report By Geoff Huxtable AFTER a decent run of form, the significant movers in Division 1 were Torviscas side The Pub following last Friday’s round of matches. With Pete hitting two 180s, a 6-2 win over Target Titans means that they moved up into fifth spot above Toscales Tornados. The latter were involved in an interesting tie against reigning champions Nauta A. After going 5-1 up, Nauta let the last two games slip away to finish at 5-3. I am asked to mention that Mike Telfer beat his brother Phil during the match! Cozy Wanderers recorded another clean-sweep, and Phoenix remained fourth with their 6-2 victory at Toscales Ensecan. Barracuda’s Carl checked out on 100 in his team’s 7-1 success at Yelas Bar. Luc and Steve hit maximums for Cafe Rood A against the X-Men, who held on, however, and took the trebles leg to finish at 4-4. Elsewhere, there were wins for Bar 180 A, Target Army and La Central.

The battle for Division 2 title looks set to go all the way. Sundowners’ Tom struck his second 180 in a 6-2 win at Lucky Leprechaun, and Knights almost whitewashed Tenerife Sun, just the trebles leg going to the home team. Ourplace Naturals’ Nathan checked out on a season’sbest 136 as they did for the Naughty Nautas 6-2, while The Palms Sports Bar equalled that result by beating La Cana Lancers. Cafe Rood B are now in fourth place, but they had to wait until the very last leg to earn the three points at Trap Door. Phoenix Flames and Ourplace Playgirls finished all-square after an enjoyable evening in Los Abrigos. Star player for the Flames was mother-in-law Elaine, who won her singles, doubles and trebles, while a special mention goes to Shaz, who hit the last double to earn the draw. Finally, Valle Vikings’ trek down to Bad Girls/Boys was a worthwhile effort which gave them all the points in a 6-2 win.

Division 1

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7-1 4-4 8-0 5-3 6-2 6-2 2-6 2-6 1-7

Bar 180 A Cafe Rood A Cozy Wanderers Nauta A Target Army The Pub Toscales Ensecan Valle Vikings 1 Yelas Table 1 Nauta A 2 Bar 180 A 3 Cozy Wanderers 4 Phoenix Bar 5 The Pub 6 Barracudarts Boys 7 Toscales Tornados 8 Target Army 9 La Central 10 Cafe Rood A 11 Valle Vikings 1 12 X-Men 13 Yelas 14 Toscales Ensecan 15 Gaffers 16 Tavern 17 Target Titans 18 Bar 180 B

P W 15 15 15 14 15 12 15 10 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 8 15 7 14 4 15 4 15 4 15 3 14 3 15 3 15 2 15 1 15 1

X-Men Tavern Bar 180 B Toscales Tornados Gaffers Target Titans Phoenix Bar La Central Barracudarts Boys D L F A +- PTS 0 0 101 19 82 45 0 1 95 25 70 42 2 1 92 28 64 38 3 2 76 44 32 33 2 4 74 46 28 29 1 5 70 50 20 28 1 5 67 53 14 28 0 7 65 55 10 24 2 6 64 56 8 23 4 6 51 61 -10 16 4 7 48 72 -24 16 3 8 52 68 -16 15 2 10 34 86 -52 11 1 10 36 76 -40 10 0 12 44 76 -32 9 3 10 38 82 -44 9 3 11 40 80 -40 6 1 13 25 95 -70 4

Division 2

Results Bar 180 A 4 - 6 Trap Door Hoops Bar 5 - 5 Gaffers A Palms Bar A 5 - 5 Bar 180 C Phoenix Knights 5 - 5 Tasca Summerlands Allstars 4 - 6 Atlantis Sharks Summerlands Superstars 7 - 3 Toscales Old Boys Target Bar 5 - 5 Dreamers Bar Tenerife Hammers A 4 - 6 Legends Bar Terrace Bar A 8 - 2 Nauta A Table P 1 Palms Bar A 6 2 Terrace Bar A 6 3 Legends Bar 6 4 Trap Door 6 5 Atlantis Sharks 6 6 Hoops Bar 6 7 Phoenix Knights 6 8 Bar 180 C 6 9 Summerlands Superstars 5 10 Tenerife Hammers A 6 11 Target Bar 6 12 Gaffers A 6 13 Bar 180 A 6 14 Tasca 6 15 Dreamers Bar 5 16 Nauta A 6 17 Summerlands Allstars 6 18 Toscales Old Boys 6

Division 2

Division 1

W 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

D 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 0 1

L 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5

F 37 36 34 33 34 33 33 32 29 32 28 29 27 27 20 23 22 21

A +- PTS 23 14 14 24 12 14 26 8 13 27 6 13 26 8 11 27 6 11 27 6 9 28 4 9 21 8 8 28 4 8 32 -4 6 31 -2 5 33 -6 5 33 -6 5 30 -10 4 37 -14 4 38 -16 3 39 -18 1

Bad Girls/Boys Barracuda Hunters Lucky Leprichaun Ourplace Naturals Palms Sports Bar Phoenix Flames Summerland Hopefuls Tenerife Sun Trap Door

Valle Vikings 2 Sunshine Bar Sundowners Naughty Nautas La Caña Lancers Ourplace Playgirls Marilyns Knights Cafe Rood B

Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 Sundowners 15 14 0 1 86 34 52 42 2 Knights 15 13 1 1 87 33 54 40 3 Ourplace Naturals 15 13 0 2 88 32 56 39 4 Cafe Rood B 15 11 1 3 74 46 28 34 5 Sunshine Bar 14 10 3 1 74 38 36 33 6 Naughty Nautas 15 9 1 5 67 53 14 28 7 Tenerife Sun 15 7 2 6 63 57 6 23 8 Valle Vikings 2 15 7 1 7 62 58 4 22 9 Summerland Hopefuls 15 5 4 6 60 60 0 19 10 Marilyns 15 6 1 8 58 62 -4 19 14 5 1 8 45 67 -22 16 11 Barracuda Hunters 12 Trap Door 14 4 1 9 50 62 -12 13 13 Bad Girls/Boys 15 3 4 8 47 73 -26 13 14 Ourplace Playgirls 15 3 3 9 47 73 -26 12 15 Palms Sports Bar 15 3 3 9 46 74 -28 12 16 Phoenix Flames 15 1 4 10 39 81 -42 7 17 Lucky Leprichaun 15 1 2 12 38 82 -44 5 18 La Caña Lancers 14 1 2 11 33 79 -46 5

Division 3

Results Atlantis Crew 3 - 7 Summerland Elite Bar La Cana 6 - 4 Target Rangers Barracuda Bandits 5 - 5 Terrace Bar B Exiles A 8 - 2 Tenerife Pool Tables Market Taverners 4 - 6 Phoenix Potters Nauta B 5 - 5 Tenerife Hammers C Toscales A-Team 3 - 7 Connors Wandabar A 4 - 6 Barracuda Hunters

Table 1 Barracuda Bandits 2 Summerland Elite 3 Phoenix Potters 4 Exiles A 5 Bar La Cana 6 Inn The Pink 7 Target Rangers 8 Wandabar A 9 Toscales A-Team 10 Market Taverners 11 Lupain 12 Tenerife Hammers C 13 Connors 14 Atlantis Crew 15 Terrace Bar B 16 Nauta B 17 Barracuda Hunters 18 Tenerife Pool Tables

2-6 L-L 2-6 6-2 6-2 4-4 8-0 1-7 3-5

P 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 5 6 6 6

W 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 0

D 2 2 2 3 2 0 2 2 1 1 0 3 0 2 2 2 2 0

L 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 2 3 3 6

F 41 36 35 35 32 30 31 30 29 26 26 30 24 25 24 27 22 17

A +- PTS 19 22 14 24 12 14 25 10 14 25 10 12 28 4 11 20 10 9 29 2 8 30 0 8 31 -2 7 34 -8 7 24 2 6 30 0 6 36 -12 6 25 0 5 26 -2 5 33 -6 5 38 -16 5 43 -26 0

Results Dragon's Denn 2 - 8 C&A Titans Gaffers B 8 - 2 Bull Ring Tavern James Place 7 - 3 Dos Hermanos Next Door 3 - 7 Sunshine Bar The Office 0 - 10 Wandabar B The Treehouse 8 - 2 Exiles B



A +- PTS

1 Gaffers B

6 5 1 0 45 15 30 16

2 C&A Titans

6 5 1 0 40 20 20 16

3 The Treehouse

6 5 0 1 40 20 20 15

4 Exiles B

6 4 1 1 35 25 10 13

5 Dos Hermanos

5 3 1 1 31 19 12 10

6 The Office

6 2 2 2 28 32 -4 8

7 James Place

6 2 1 3 27 33 -6 7

8 Wandabar B

3 1 1 1 17 13 4

9 Sunshine Bar

5 1 1 3 15 35 -20 4

10 Legendary Jokers

5 0 3 2 21 29 -8 3

11 Lucky Leprachan

3 0 1 2 12 18 -6 1

12 Next Door

5 0 1 4 18 32 -14 1

13 Dragon's Denn

5 0 1 4 16 34 -18 1

14 Bull Ring Tavern

5 0 1 4 15 35 -20 1


16 September - 22 September 2011


ROSCOE Sport Talk


That’s more like it!

THE times they are a changing. Smart man Bob Dylan. This was, comfortably, Tenerife’s finest victory of the year. Not the season. 2011. They played that well. Tenerife hit rock-bottom during the summer and there is a long way to go, but the signs on and off the field are encouraging. Officially, Tenerife have sold over 9,300 season tickets, and they are on course for 10,000. That makes them, by some distance, the biggest-supported side in this standard. And there are 80 teams! They would also be in the top four sides in the Second tier and above a couple of La Liga side. The potential is here, and it’s rather strange to me that no investor has popped his head around the door. Last Sunday was a massive day. The biggest rival in this league were beaten. Comfortably. Kiko scored again. Youngster Ruben Rosquete started his first match up front and impressed. The defence looked solid. I could continue. Tenerife were missing a few players, yet you would never have known. Coach Antonio Calderon took Albacete down last season but, in truth, they were as good as down anyway, so this was always going to be important to him. With Perona injured, everyone was expecting exciting

youngster Nico to partner Kiko. He would sit just behind the big captain and be the “mole in the hole”. But Calderon had an ace up his sleeve. A couple of years ago Ruben Rosquete was going to be the next big thing. He was in the same group of kids as Iriome and he seemed destined for the first team after banging the goals in for the reserves. But while Iriome got his chance and initially shone, Rosquete stayed in the stiffs. He made the bench a few times, but never had a run. It was a mystery to the fans. But the truth always outs. It would appear that his goalscoring in the seconds had given him a Billy Bigtime head. Legendary coach Jose Luis Oltra didn’t like his attitude and sent him out on loan. Rosquete hardly pulled up any trees. Last season he was turfed out to Real Murcia and was taken under the wing by former Tenerife midfielder Richi. But after nine games and no goals, he was discarded. That seemed to be it for the Icod kid. But he was tossed a bone in the summer. As a free agent, he could have gone anywhere - but there were no takers. So after some heartto-heart talks with the club,

16 September - 22 September 2011

Tenerife offered him another year and a last chance. Injuries prevented him from having a decent pre-season, but he has been impressive in training. He showed something that caught the eye of Caleron, who said: “He has done some growing-up. He is Tenerife, man and boy. This is his club. He has worked hard in training and he deserved his chance. Let’s hope he takes it.” Rosquete had a stormer. He linked up well with Kiko. His touch was sound and he has that yard of pace. And, as the Scousers would say, he put in a shift against Albacete. He was the unknown factor that Calderon had gambled on. Albacete bossed the match, that is true. But what Tenerife did, they did well. They kept their shape, kept the ball and took their chances. True, Sergio Aragoneses had a stormer and he ultimately won the match. But this was exactly how Tenerife will need to play away from home if they are to get promoted. They took the lead on 23 minutes. A mix-up in the Albacete defence gifted the ball to Kiko on the edge of the area. He struck the ball well and, although Campos got a glove to the ball, it still found the back

of the net. The hosts were stunned, but worse was to come. On the half-hour, a sweet Victor Bravo shot flew past Campos and the match was as good as over. Albacete would have their chances, but Aragoneses was there to thwart everything thrown at him. And with Rosquete lively in attack, Tenerife always threatened a third. The hosts got a consolation late on through Calle, but he finished the game in the bath after he handled the ball into the net two minutes from time. So Tenerife stay unbeaten and top of the table, and another win this Sunday will give them their best-ever start to a season. It’s a midday kick-off in Santa Cruz as Coruxo visit the Heliodoro. Coruxo are a tiny provincial team from Vigo in the north-west of Spain. They are Granadilla to CD Tenerife. Their picturesque stadium holds just 1,200 spectators, yet they are in their second season of third-tier football. They have drawn three of their first four games and, while they are nowhere near the worst team in this league, they should be cannon-fodder for Tenerife. At the time of writing, Tenerife are as short as 1-5 to win. It should be a mortgage job. Should be!

Legendary start for the new boys A QUICK glance at the results from this week shows you just how tight Division One is this season.

The new boys have acquitted themselves wonderfully well and they are taking points off the traditional big guns. At the Palms Bar in Torviscas, Legends Bar continued their fine start with an excellent win over Tenerife Hammers A. After a cat-and -mouse affair, the Hammers will look back at this one and shake their heads. They had plenty of chances to put the match to bed, but they couldn’t shake off the visitors and were made to pay. The Hammers were 3-2 and 4-3 up before a fine Legends’ fightback. Dan did James, before Barry Fritzel continued his poor run of form with a defeat at the hands of Paul. This set up a thrilling finale, and Jambo was a strong favourite to earn a draw when he got down to the black against Graham. But he somehow managed to miss an easy pot, and Graham took full advantage to clean up and earn the win. On the other table, Bar 180 C were quickly out of the blocks against Palms A. Some smart potting gave them an early 3-1 lead, which swiftly became 4-1. But Palms have been here before and some high-pressure pots were made as they clawed their way back. Johnny, Roscoe (with a seven-ball clearance!) and Bungalow all secured tight wins to give them a 5-4 lead. They looked good for all three points when Adrian got down to the black, only for Wayne to produce some outstanding potting and an amazing shot on that final ball to earn a deserved point. Terrace A took full advantage of Palms’ draw to move level at the top. They beat Nauta A 8-2 in a match that

was much closer than the scoreline suggests. Trap Door’s charge continues. Bar 180 A were their latest victims, while Atlantis Sharks are going nicely after their 6-4 win at Summerland Allstars. Summerland Superstars returned to winning ways at home to Toscales, despite another shocker from Penguin. The fish-worrier lost both singles matches to continue a shocking run of form. There were three more drawn matches, and you don't need to be Einstein to see that will be a common occurrence this year. Barracuda Bandits still lead Division Two, but only on frame difference after dropping points at home to Terrace Bar B. Summerland Elite were without a few of their top players, but they still managed to go joint-top after a fine 7-3 win at Atlantis Crew, while Phoenix Potters are on a nice run. They were too strong for Market Taverners - and keep an eye out for Exiles A. They smashed TPT 8-2 and are still unbeaten. Bar La Caña are making steady progress. They snuck past Target Rangers 6-4, while hat-tip of the week goes to Connors Bar after their standout 7-3er at Toscales A. Barracuda Hunters got their first win of the season at Wandabar A, while Nauta B and Tenerife Hammers C drew at the campsite. Gaffers B remain at the top of Division Three. Their latest victims were Bull Ring Tavern. C&A Titans are still on the pace following an excellent 8-2er at Dragons Denn, and The Treehouse won by the same scoreline against Exiles B, who had been previously unbeaten. Sunshine Bar are virgins no more after defeating Next Door, and James ‘ Bar won their first-ever home game in La Caleta!

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Puzzle Page

Prize Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

WIN!!! Showtime tickets.

Fill in the sudoku X and add up the numbers in the blue shaded boxes. Email your answer to info@ before Wednesday 21st September and you could win!

Answer from Edition 719 (02/09/2011) was: 48 Winner: Norman Aldgate

You have until the 16th October to pick up and use your prizes from the Canarian Weekly offices in Las Chafiras.

9 2 8 2 1 4 8 1 1 8 2 7 9 7 2 5 8 6 7 1 7 2 4 7 6 2 5 6 1 8 2 6

Last Week’s Answers:

2 5 3

02. Biscuit

01. True (to keep their food from freezing) 03. Turkey 04. Pizza (with a slice missing)

5 8 1

05. Porridge 06. Bread

3 5


07. Moscow 08. `Twelfth Night` 09. Scooby Snacks


10. Malaysia

7 3

Sudoku X: 4 1 7 8 3 5 2 6 9

6 7 8

5 2 3 7 9 6 4 8 1 6 8 9 1 4 2 5 7 3 7 4 5 3 2 1 6 9 8

4 6 7

1 6 8 4 7 9 3 2 5 3 9 2 6 5 8 7 1 4

7 9 1 6 Puzzle Rating: very hard

8 5 4 9 6 7 1 3 2 9 3 6 2 1 4 8 5 7 2 7 1 5 8 3 9 4 6

8 6


Very easy

9 2 5 1 7 3 4 8 6

7 5 9 8 3

6 1 3 4 2 8 5 7 9

3 7 5 2 1

2 5 9 3 6 4 7 1 8

2 8 7 4 5

4 7 8 9 5 6 2 3 1

8 3 6 5 1 7 9 2 4 1 4 7 2 8 9 6 5 3 3 6 1 7 4 2 8 9 5 7 9 4 8 3 5 1 6 2

9 6

5 8 2 6 9 1 3 4 7

1 5 8 4 2

4 5 9 1 7 6 3 2 8

Quite easy 7 3 1 9 8 2 6 4 5

9 6 8 2 4 5 4 6 3 2 1 7

2 8 6 4 5 3 9 1 7 8 9 2 5 3 7 1 6 4 5 1 3 6 9 4 8 7 2 6 7 4 8 2 1 5 3 9 1 2 8 7 6 9 4 5 3 3 4 5 2 1 8 7 9 6 9 6 7 3 4 5 2 8 1

Puzzle Rating: easy

Horoscopes of the week Virgo

Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training Scrabble 1. How many squares are there along

(August 24th - September 23rd) You can make a plan, but in order to see your dreams come to fruition, you will have to get your hands dirty. People you thought were willing to help may well change their tune when they find out how much money is or isn’t involved, so try to have a back-up plan.

one side of a Scrabble Board? ------------------------------------------------2. In scrabble, how many extra points does a player get for using all seven of their letters at once?

ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) Words you wouldn’t usually even dream of saying will soon be flowing easily from your lips. You finally mend an important relationship at home, so don’t ruin it all by back-stabbing a colleague at work. He just might have more allies than you thought. Tread carefully in the coming week. TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) You are going to find it very hard not to blurt out a friend’s secrets. And if someone wants to know the answer to any piece of gossip floating around, then you’ll be the face they come running to. Remember the old saying: “People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) Your life is changing rapidly. In fact, it is fair to say that gone is that young, reckless character everyone knows so well, and in its place is a more responsible, mature adult. It can’t last forever, of course, but they’ll all enjoy the breather for a while. Make the most of it while this new exterior lasts. CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) Someone close to you may well have made decisions without consulting you. But then, you have been making many decisions of late without even so much as glancing

Page 48

in his/her direction. You cannot have one rule for that person and another for you. Play fair and stop leaning towards emotional blackmail. LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) You must not get involved in office politics, especially when you don’t really know all the facts. You may think you are gaining friends, but you look around and you will see that you are gaining just as many enemies. Play fair, because it’s sure to offer far more advantages. LIBRA (September 24thOctober 23rd) Do not get involved with people you know are going to shine a light on to the sensitive issues in your life. You have become quite a controversial figure of late, but if you want support and back-up in your working life, then you will have to show some sense of normality and respect. SCORPIO (October 24thNovember 22nd) Your life is becoming more and more interesting by the day, and people you meet at this time are set to have quite a profound effect on your future. You may want to double-check financial dealings and contracts because silly mistakes are likely otherwise, but they can so easily be avoided. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rdDecember 21st) Show team support for an important

event that can help to move both you and your colleagues up a vital notch or two. Don’t be angry about the shortage of cash, either, as it’s only temporary, and you will soon be counting those euros in your pocket again. CAPRICORN (December 22ndJanuary 20th) You seem to be spending most of your time worrying about everyone else. However, you may want to put a little bit of time and effort into your life and think about where you are going. Remember this important point: you are far closer to your dreams than you may think. AQUARIUS (January 21stFebruary 19th) Don’t get too angry with a close one who has been talking about you and, perhaps, even making changes to your life without your consent. He/ she only ever had your best interests at heart, so try talking to this person sensibly - and don’t shout. Relaxation holds the key to smoothing over all trials and tribulations this week. PISCES (February 20thMarch 20th) Someone you did not think would ever gain respect who is connected with your career seems to have become the No1 choice in your superior’s books. Don’t worry because you are hot on his/her heels, so say calm and keep grafting as success is within your reach.

------------------------------------------------3. What was the original scrabble game called in the 1930s called? ------------------------------------------------4. How many squares are there on a Scrabble board? ------------------------------------------------5. What two letters are worth the most in a game of Scrabble? ------------------------------------------------6. How many tiles are used in a game of Scrabble? ------------------------------------------------7. How many points would you get for the word `Scrabble` in a game of Scrabble? ------------------------------------------------8. In Scrabble how many letters have a value of 2? ------------------------------------------------9. In Scrabble, how many points is the letter C worth? ------------------------------------------------10.The first book of crosswords was published in what year? -------------------------------------------------

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number







3/4 of this












+42 ÷3 Intermediate Starter Number



of this





3/10 of this








+25 x6 +76

4/5 of this


9/11 of this

Advanced Starter Number





4/7 of this


7/8 of this







-168 x4 +56 ÷8 -24 x19


Last weeks Brain Training: Beginer: 20 / Intermediate: 113 / Advanced: 187

16 September - 22 September 2011

Free Ads


Free Adverts

Large pink chest of 3 drawers, 50 euros. Tel: 637206026 Electric oven & hob, brown, 4 solid rings, oven fits under worktop, 60 euros. Fridge to fit under worktop, 40 euros. White microwave, 30 euros. Tel 659 861 906 Chair cushions, two floral pattern 110x 60 x 10 cm 15 euros. Suitcase, solid, Carlton, wheels and combination lock 20 euros. Books, ten thrillers including Grisham & Patterson 15 euros. Handsfree telephone, Panasonic 25 euros. Single sheets, white, six in total for 10 euros. Rowing machine, full size with counter 150 euros. Golf del Sur area. Tel: 609 476 551

Hygena TV entertainment unit 3 glass shelves chrome legs 30 euros. Toshiba portable 36cm colour TV built in VHS player remote control, silver gray complete with matching swivel wall bracket very good condition, 25 euros. Solid wood antique plant stand.130cm tall. Good condition. 20 euros. Heat Line portable gas heater wil fit up to 15kg gas cylinder colour - silver grey, on casters, very good condition, 65 euros. Delonghi portable 1.5 oil filled radiator on casters, 3 heat settings as new. 25 euros. Tel 922 715 717 or 671 373 594

Panasonic Sky Digibox for UK TV 30 euros. Wall safe 35 wide x 22 deep x 24 high with 3 keys make FAC 30 euros. Digital cordless telephone with new lead 100 mts range 5 euros. Tel 922 731 336 or 616 045 661

Surround Sound System 20 euros. Packard Bell Computer XP Professional Intel Celron 2.66 GHz Processor 256 MB RAM, 80 GB Hard drive, with Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse. 150 euros. Printer stand with paper storage 30 euros. Olympus OM 10SLR 35 mm Camera with 50mm Lens and Flash. 80 euros. Computer Desk 30 euros. Buyer to collect Silencio. Tel 620 469 102.

Golf Clubs full set bag and putter graphite shaft good condition, 375 euros ono. Tel 682 706 508

Girls clothes 9-18 months, 88 items including 27 dresses, all immaculate and good names, 30 euros for the lot. Angelcare digital baby monitor, clear sound & temperature indicator, voted best on the market, 40 euros, still boxed, ideal present. Jane baby reigns, top of the range 10 euros. Tel 646 488 109

Quinny dreami carrycot in strawberry comes in original box with raincover, mosquito net and chassis attachment clips, excellent condition, 80 euros. Mothercare Musical and movement jungle animals swing from newborn, 15 euros. Pink baby bath and top and tail bowl, 15 euros. Unisex and baby girl clothes, 50c each. Black Leather look sofa bed, 60 euros. Ikea bookcase painted black, 10 euros. Various DVD’S and books, 1 euro each. Tel 617 738 888.

Portable Air con unit vgc, as new hot and cold, 70cmH X 50cmD x 32cmW, 160 euros. Tel 922 736 106 or 636 360 473

Princess television with wand remote control 100 euros. Dolls house from toys r us 30 euros. Outside Barbie peagus play house 50 euros. Wardorbe lilic 35 euros. Drawer chest lilac 35 euros. Tel 672 854 526

Ms Innovaciones 3 in 1 pram vgc includes rain cover baby bag and foot muff 100 euros. Jane Baby door bouncer excellent condition, 25 euros. Chico Jazzy highchair in pink excellent condition 30 euros. Tel 606 853 183

Slim hoover otsein Front loading Automatic Washing Machine. Dimensions 60 x 390 cms, fits easily into a cupboard, perfect condition, easy to operate, 120 euros o.n.o. Tel. 619 518 806

Yamaha yfl 211 flute with hard case , as new 300 euros. Yamaha picolo ypc32 , hard case 100 euros buy both 375 euros .korg ax 1500 foot pedal 80 euros. White table covers 5 (1.35x1.00) 17 (.90x.90) 12 (1.35x1.25) 45 euros the lot will split if required. Tel 660 493 507 Stainless steel fly killer with two fluorescent tubes 50 euros. Double mattress 135 x 190 60 euros ono. Petsafe radio fence, containment system for dogs 100 euros. Guia de Isora. Tel 639 481 064

2 mirrors in excellent condition, 10 euros each. White bathroom cupboard 60 euros ONO. Tel 922 751 198 RUBI Diamant DU-200 L electric tile cutter, 300 euros. Tel 600 821 100 Sony Midi Hifi System with midi disc player, 30 euros. Upright Bagless Hoover, very good, very powerful 30 euros. LG DVD Player Excellent condition 15 euros. IBM Think Pad. 12 inch screen, detachable from disc player etc for travelling 50 euros. 19inch Hanns g Monitor. Excellent condition 40 euros. Very Large Green Parasol, no base, in good condition 40 euros. Pair of BMW round Spotlights, excellent condition, 70 euros. 2, Free View Boxes, in perfect working order with remote controls, channels in Spanish that you can turn into English, both working only 10 euros each. Two white wall display units. One has glass doors with 2 glass shelves and storage underneath. The other has 3 glass open shelves and storage underneath too. Two white mirrors also come with this unit for only 60 euros. Silver Ikea tv unit. 2 Glass shelves only 30 euros. Very large gas barbecue with griddle and hot plate. Pine sides. This is a four burner complete with a gas bottle, 65 euros. Tel 662 511 410. Cressi alantis semi dry wet suit with hood used 1s perfect condition, 190 euros. Tel 690 680 391 Sony 28” tv, silver, 80 euros. 2 seater sofa, cream, green & burgundy upholstery (washable) vgc 60 euros. 4 rings Vitroceramic hob, Sony 21” TV silver 40 euros each. VCR 14” TV A set of speakers & Subwoofer 15 euros each. Flat sun bed strong frame blue top with adjustable back rest, solid pine table (90 cm dia) 20 euros each. Hardly used car battery Marble top hallway table (90 x 23 cm) white frame 20 euros each. Electric plancha 10 euros. Shopping trolley 5 euros. Electric sander 8 euros. A selection of large medium & small size suite cases vgc 5 to 10 euros each. Ceiling fan without light 10 euros. Computer speakers 5 euros. A selection of headboards (90,135,160,200,220cm), Single bed base, (90 x 190 cm) 15 euros a set/each. Foldable flat sunbed ,10 euros. Armchair(blue & yellow), 68 cm width, 20 euros. Patio table & 4 chairs, 10 euros a set. Grunkel 28” TV, silver, 50 euros. Buggy, fitted with roof top,10 euros. Pine coffee table, table fan, coffee filter machine, DVD player (no remote),10 euros each. Steam iron, stool, electric shaver, hair dryer, personal CD player, hair straightner, hot brush, ironing board, kettle, beard trimmer, bathroom mirror with lights, from 3 to 5 euros each. Teak top table (120 cm x 75 cm), with metal silver legs, bathroom cupboard, white, fitted with 6 drawers (H:170cm,W:58 cm,D:50 cm) 20 euros each. A selection of table lamps from 4 euros to 10 euros each. Power shower unit, foldable long chair,10 euros each. Tel 646 615 794. Chair cushions, two floral pattern 110x 60 x 10 cm 15 euros. Suitcase, solid, Carlton, wheels and combination lock 20 euros. Books, ten thrillers including Grisham & Patterson 15 euros. Handsfree telephone, Panasonic 25 euros. Single sheets, white six in total for 10 euros. Rowing machine, full size with counter 150 euros. Golf del Sur area. Tel 609 476 551

bargain of the week Mahogany world globe cocktail cabinet, 30 euros ono Tel 639 921 234 Satellite Dish 3m in good condition with Quad LNB, 250 euros. Sky Box 20 euros. 2 Ikea single wooden beds with mattresses never used 20 euros each. Tel 626 224 432 Surround Sound System 20 euros. Packard bell computer xp professional intel celron 2.66 ghz processor 256 mb ram, 80 gb hard drive, with monitor, keyboard and mouse. 150 euros. Printer stand with paper storage 30 euros. Olympus om 10slr 35 mm camera with 50mm lens and flash. 80 euros. Computer desk 30 euros. Buyer to collect Silencio. Tel 620 469 102. Solid pine chest of drawers 80 euros. 3 piece suite, wooden frame 100 euros. Large gilt famed mirror 50 euros. Tall white mirrored cabinet 4 doors and drawer 80 euros. Tumble dryer 5kg 70 euros. 2 matching shelf units 30 euros each. Silencio area. Buyer to collect. Tel 662 354 391. Bar stools, black tops chrome stand. 20 euros. Stainless steel glass fronted 3 door refrigerated food counter unit 150 x 64 x 108cm. 200 euros. 4 place dropdown commercial sandwich toaster. 30 euros. Various fire extinguishers from 35 euros. Silencio. Offers considered. Buyer to collect. Tel 680 366 217. Tall light wood colour 3 shelf unit with double door cupboard and drawer 80 euros. Tall large white kitchen cupboard with patterned coloured glass door. 50 euros. Sofa bed metal framed pullout be. 60 euros. White double headboard 155cm with 2 matching chairs. White under worktop fridge 50 euros. 3 ring gas cooker with grill and oven 40 euros. Mattress for single bed, good condition. 10 euros. Buyer to collect. Silencio area. Tel 665 934 280. HDMI Lead 10m long gold plugs each end 25 euros. Books mixed box 18, 25 euros the lot. 3 tier paper rack Ikea 5 euros. 8 large silk roses burgundy and cream, 5 euros. 4 lampshades Ikea dark blue 1 euro each. Large Mexican woven Maya wall calendar 10 euros. Deluxe wooden wine box 5 euros. Books 12 autobiographies 3 euros each or 25 euros the lot. Beautiful bridesmaid prom dress burgundy beaded bodice size 10, 30 euros. Double pine bed, headboard side supports and footer no cross slats, 25 euros. Rug dark blue 230 X 160 15 euros. Samsung 20” TV silver good condition 20 euros. Orion 14” TV with built in video good condition, 20 euros. Tel 922 731 336 or 616 045 661

1999 Citroen C15 needs some attention 250 euros. Portable air con 125 euros. Gas BBQ 2 burner, 110 euros. Pet sofa, 10 euros. Selections of tools, 10 euros. Large teddy, 5 euros. 125 Chopper style motor bike engine runs well, 150 euros for spares. Tel 693 817 177

2 + 3 seater sofas (cream fabric ex condition) 450 euros for both. Handmade wrought iron 4 poster double bed incl mattress 300 euros. Tel 636 859 122. Aldea Blanca area.

ENAR (bw2300) heavy duty professional plate compactor hardly used 500 euros Bench wood turning lath 80 euros. Wrought iron bed head and tail 75 euros. Sheet metal bender/former 2 meters wide (manual) 130 euros, 8 ex restaurant chairs (cream, red cushion) 40 euros. Power shower as new, 80 euros. Bosch generator, 70 euros. 1 ton chain lifting blocks 80 euros. Tel 693 743 999. Play pen, 20 euros. Baby walker, 15 euros. Pushchair, 25 euros. Car seat new born 12 months, 25 euros. Car seat 1 yr to 3 yrs 25 euros. Cot/bed wooden frame, 40 euros. Changing mat baby bath 5 euros. Mountain bike pacific USA 20 euros. Computer console monitor keyboard etc (spares/repair) 25 euros. Gas cooker and gas bottle 13kg 25 euros. Tel 646 432 501 Blue and white frame mountain bike, 500XC shimano 21 gears, 120 euros. Pink purple frame mountain bike, cold rock 21 gears, hardly used, 120 euros. Tel 697 746 885 White Ikea bed, 40 euros. TV & radio Phillips, 30 euros. Disney Mickey Mouse TV, 20 euros. Large Sony flatiron TV 50 euros. Complete multi gym with weights, 150 euros. Tel 693 868 811 Arai RX7 Corsair Helmet, Randy Mamola (Red) in excellent condition with genuain Arai Helmet & Visor Cases, clear and dark visors and additional helmet padding insert. Size:Small, 250 euros. Tel 664 468 367 Costa Del Silencio 5 piece drum kit, assorted fancy dress items, Dunlop Golf Clubs with bag, all 70 euro o.v.n.o. Tel 673 972 335 Fender Telecaster Guitar, cherry red with Seymour Duncan bridge pickup, beautiful condition, 250 euros, Tel 671 220 705 Cot with mattress 70 euros. Fisherprice booster seat, for chair not car seat 20 euros. High chair 25 euros. Ride on bunce and spin bear 35 euros. 3-1 bike age 6mths-3yrs 30 euros. Baby toys fisherprice ect...5-10 euros. Baby bath 10 euros. Mamas + papas baby bouncer, motions +sounds 25 euros. Steam steriliser 10 euros. Selection of winnie the poo pictures 20 euros. Baby floor matt with mobile 20e cot mobile with jungle animals 20 euros. Baby monitor camera + TV 30 euros. Walkie talkie baby monitor 20 euros. Tel 600 795 204. Wood coloured chest of drawer H 69cm W 62cm D30cm 25 euros, Ikea bookshelf in white (2 shelves) H 87cm W 70cm D30 cm 20 euros. Tel 661 039 095 White arch pattern kitchen doors excellent condition various sizes 10 euros each Cabinets 5 euros each. Bath screen 140 x 80 45 euros. Tel. 661 081843 German wall clock battery floral and bird design, wooden case 6 sided 15 euros. Ornamental wooden clock shape of a dove cote with own wall bracket 30 euros. Original playboy double duvet cover in pink with 2 pillowcases 10 euros. Tel 636 533 782 Nortline portable TV with remote silver TV stand on wheels LG DVD player with remote 70 euros ono. Tel 679 884 888 Childs car seat, Brevi universal 0 – 18kg navy and grey with red piping washable 50 euros Childs cot play detail both ends honey coloured 40 euros. Pink potty 1 euro. Childs winnie the poo toilet training seat 1 euro. Floaties baby swimseat 6 – 10 kg 5 euros. Wine rack holds 36 bottles wood effect plastic. 5 euros. 672 353 820 Vanity unit complete with decorative basin and mixer tap. Excellent condition 50 euros, 922 79 72 12

Free adverts sponsored by Rotations - How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 / FAX 902 232 102 / Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm

16 September - 22 September 2011

Page 49




Fully furnished, 2 bed, 2 bath in Las Chafiras. Magnificent views to the sea and the airport. 1 min from TF1. Secure complex with 2 swimming pools and underground car park. 650 euros per month (inc 50 euros for bills). Call 922 737 048 evenings

Cars/Bikes (Cont.) CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.

New Business

Seat Cordoba Estate 2002. Metallic green, new ITV, 1,600 euros. Tel: 659 202 826

Property for Rent Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680.


1 x 4 car space with electric and water 1 x 2 car space private steel doors secured Golf del Sur. Call Ken on 639 207 113

Buy, Sell or Swop A huge selection of second hand cars, your second hand motorbikes, cycles & thousands of vehicle parts and accessories to be held in the superb exhibition area of the BP Orotianda garage, southbound carriageway of the TF1 motorway, 3 minutes from Los Cristianos & 2 minutes from Las Chafiras.

For exhibiting space call BLV on ** STOP PRESS **


922713246 or 610464841

or email:”

Callao Salvaje – Quality 2 bed, garage parking space, 550 euros + bills Amarilla Golf – choice of 2 nice 1 bed apartments from 440 euros Golf Del Sur – budget studio, 350 euros incl bills Las Chafiras – Nice 1 bed in Biltmore, available 1/10/2011, 425 euros + bills Las Chafiras – Biltmore, 3 bed, top floor, nicely furnished, 590 euros + bills Choice of 1-3 bed properties available in Costa del Silencio from 490 euros

3 Cars/Bikes


JObs Venli require experienced Tradesmen for all trades. For an interview call Lyden on 618 776 167 A well known Spanish law firm in the south of Tenerife are seeking an experienced bilingual receptionist/secretary to work full time Monday to Friday. Full contract given. Experience in the legal field an advantage but not essential. Non Spanish speakers need not apply. Please fax your CV and cover letter in Spanish to 922 724 511 Petchey Leisure require top Sales Reps for an English & Portuguese speaking line. Great working environment, good commissions and spiffs paid. Accommodation negotiable, no experience required, full training given. Call Zaidha or Tim on 922 738 802 or 607 113 488 or email The Roast House in Los Cristianos require a waitress to work 5 evenings a week plus Sunday lunch. Call Keith on 692 683 898 for more details. Club Olympus require an In-house sales person to join their successful team. The ability to converse with holidaymakers and an ambition to succeed is more important than experience although this would be useful. This is a full-time position with good rates of commission paid. Call Sue on 922 795 606 between 9.30am and 5.30pm. Chef required for a busy bar bistro in central Las Americas Must be able to work on their own and as part of a team. NIE and social security essential, as contract will be given. Please call Francis on 671 119 048.

Oasis La Caleta - 1 bed, UK TV, pool, garage, sea view 700 euros Central Los Cristianos - 3 bed, 2 bath, £750 Sunningdale Village - 3 bed, 2 bath, sea view, 900 euros Torviscas Alto - corner 2 bed apartment, huge terrace, UK TV 750 euors

Established Marketing Company in the South of Tenerife is looking for Czech, Slovak , Italian, Romanian and Polish people with spoken English, for new positions that have arisen. You will need to be a self motivated person with computer skills. The hours for this position are 09.30 – 05.00 Monday to Friday. Please send C.V. to or Telephone Sue on 922 713 070 GC Resorts are looking for Reservations Consultants to contact potential customers based in the UK. You should be dynamic, motivated, enthusiastic and a good team player. You will receive a contract, weekly pay, a realistic commission structure and an excellent training and development programme. Call Jayne Harris on 922 710 032 or 673 478 920 or email

San Blas Village - 3 bed luxury townhouse, WOW FACTOR 1200 euros OFFICE SPACE - Central Los Cristianos, 850 euros Chayofa - 1 and 2 bed apartments available from 450 euros Valle San Lorenzo - 2/3 bed large detached villa, hot tub 1300 euros Fanabe - 2 bed apartment 650 euros Palm Mar - 1 and 2 bed apartments from 400 euros

Page 50

16 September - 22 September 2011

Classified JObs (Cont.)


Cars & Vans to rent

CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250€ per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email:

Inc. Full Insurance. Almost all cars have air-con

From just 220€ per month For Enquiries call: 600 253 983


For the personal touch. Hand polish....interiors.....carpets.....Engine etc.. 4 hours minimum per car. Specialist cars e.g. Mercedes BMW etc. + any 4 X 4’s

55 euros per valet.

Contact Kevin on 646 446 958



Service Point

Flog it @ Tenerife Auction Rooms AUCTIONS EVERY SATURDAY 10.30am Buy & Sell Furniture & Household Items & just about everything else. Make more money selling Save more money buying Cut out the middleman


Located at top of Amarilla Golf Road, Chafiras J24. Phone 645 389 207

Collections & Deliveries Available


Air-conditioning (Cont.)


Someone you can trust to look after your holiday apartment while you are back in the UK.

Experienced mature British couple willing to help. Excellent work at reasonable rates. References can be provided.

Call 646 446 958.

16 September - 22 September 2011

Page 51

Service Point Chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790



health & Beauty (Cont.) Healer, medium, Master of Qigone and Meditation offers his services to suitable venues Tel Bruno 606 092 618

Kitchens & bathrooms

Telephone: 902 811 069 E-mail: Computer Service Provider BT Authorised Dealer Dell Registered Partner


Fly Screens



Garden Furniture

Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.

language Lessons French, German or Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833.

health & Beauty Bruno, Healer, Medium, visits Silencio Wednesdays. Aura readings, Healings, Advice, Flower Essences, Meditation/ Quigong classes. Tel Anne on 609 818 828

Page 52


16 September - 22 September 2011

Service Point Lawyers (Cont.)

Patio Doors & Windows

Personal Services (cont.) Blond Latin girl in Los Cristianos, big breasts, good bum, massages, relaxation, sex, in the aptos Funchal in front of the hotel Aguamar, 24 hours service, hotel & home visits available, call 646 377 930 A good looking & loving Columbian girl in Los Cristianos, accommodating, you will find her in the Aptos Aguamar, behind the bus station & in front of the Hotel , Aguamar, call 10 minutes before, speaks little English. Will do hotel visits, call 627008443



Alcala every Monday




9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall?

Windows · Doors · Ceramics Mosquito nets · Glass shower screens

Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841

Buy your windows or doors in August and get a

Free Mosquito net! 10 year guarantee!

Louvre doors · Tilt & Turn · Smoking areas Partitions · Security Protection

Mechanics & Valets

Call us for your free estimate: 649 884 384 or 644 021 039

Plumbing All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579

Personal Services Tantric massage in Los Cristianos, most sensual intimate massage you can have. Fully trained masseurs, taking both your body & mind to the limits of pleasure, ladies, gentlemen or couples, Call 693 979 153

Sexy 40 year old Lady offers sensual massage for gentlemen. 0034 660 618 331 Top class independent escort service, pretty Italian young lady, slim, sexy, nice body & face, big natural breasts, erotic massage, available for dinners & hotel & home visits, speaks good English & German call 0034 671 868 681

Patio Doors & Windows


VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051

Mobile 696 889 048


Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills. QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

16 September - 22 September 2011

Pool tables

Beautiful Latin girl in Los Cristianos, good body, accommodating, 24 hours service, hotel & home visits available, massages, you will find her in the Aptos Funchal in front of the Hotel Aguamar, so don’t regret it as you will enjoy, call 696 847 478 BEAUTIFUL, BLONDE YOUNG LADY FROM CZECH REPUBLIC,barbie face,BODY LIKE TOP MODEL,VERY SENSUAL, EROTIC MASSAGE, couples, lesbians, erotic toys, much more.. AVAILABLE FOR DINNER, PARTIeS, HOTEL VISITS(24 HOURS) DISCREET, LUXURY APARTAMENT IN LAS AMERICAS.JUST FOR EXcLUSIVE GENTLEMEN, GOOD ENGLISH SPOKEN, 0034 603 134 068


Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle: 677 806 800 Page 53

Service Point Removals

Furniture & Household Items bought for cash Immediate decisions

Phone Freddie 645 389 207 security

Tarot Reading / Astrology Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494. Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 774 345 / 610 089 157.


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist

For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409



Single items to full house removals Competitive rates, professional service.

Call us first on 619 55 00 68

The white van man

House removals/apt removals. Quick cheap and cheerful service

No job too big or too small

Tel: 630 145 444 or 693 817 743 UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.


Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

Second-hand Shops Teeth whitening

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493 Rotations: Call Gary on 922 790 822 - 662 496 422. Closed on Saturdays.

TV and Satellite Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

Water Filters Tenerife Drinking water will be on vacation until the 24th September

Page 54

16 September - 22 September 2011

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Maria Leng British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547

For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 - 13:00 then 16:00 - 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday Morning, and many shops


Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104

are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services. Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704

(lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces the cost of transport

by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Friday Clear skies 26 °C. Wind N 11mph. Friday Night Partly Cloudy skies 21 °C. Wind N 16mph. Saturday Partly Cloudy skies 26 °C. Wind NNE 16mph. Saturday Night Clear skies. 20°C. Wind NNE 20mph. Sunday Clear skies. 24 °C. Wind NNE 20mph. Sunday Night Clear skies. 19 °C. Wind NNE 20mph. Monday Clear skies. 23 °C. Wind NNE 20mph.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802

Monday Night Clear skies 20°C. Wind NNE 17mph. Tuesday Clear skies. 25 °C. Wind NNE 17mph. Tuesday Night Clear skies. 21 °C. Wind NNE 17mph. Wednesday Sunny skies. 24 °C. Wind NNE 16mph.

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704

Wednesday Night Partly Cloudy skies. 21 °C. Wind NNE 18mph. Thursday Partly Cloudy. 25°C. Wind NNE 13mph. Thursday Night Clear skies. 20 °C. Wind NNE 13mph.

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm

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Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2011 Canarian Weekly

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Contributors: PRINTED BY: Carl Pattison TF Print S.A. Christine Craggs-Hinton Christopher Pennington David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Nicola Roberts Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury Geoff Huxtable Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife Jav

DESIGN DEPARTMENT Angie Hill Joe Price CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

16 September - 22 September 2011

(lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Publisher, proprietor and Editor: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

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16 September - 22 September 2011

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