The Journal-Herald, Thursday, March 2, 2023

Page 11


THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2023 • Volume 42 – No. 27 (USPS 277440) ©2023, THE JOURNAL-HERALD. All Rights Reserved




Court of Honor: Tyler Fosburg is newest Eagle Scout

Marine Corps Commandant Paul Mendofik presented him with a citizenship citation.

FAMILY TIME: From left are stepfather Jason Lenhardt, mother Courtney Lenhardt, father Christopher Fosburg, Tyler and Scoutmaster Herb King.

TYLER JAMES FOSBURG of Weatherly was officially recognized as an Eagle, the highest rank in Boy Scouting, at a ceremony at VFW Post 6615 in White Haven on February 26. Here, he lights a candle signifying one of earlier ranks he achieved.

NOTABLE EAGLES in attendance were PA Senator David Argall and Carbon County Commissioner Wayne Nothstein, who talked about their Scouting experiences and presented recognitions.

GRANDFATHER AWARD: the Rev. Edward Unangst got special thanks and a special pin.

JH: Seth & Ruth Isenberg

loved ones
Count on your annual mammogram. Schedule your mammogram
count on you.



Telephone (570) 215-0204



211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661

(JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997; CLARA HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-2014)

Seth Isenberg, Advertising Sales

Ruth Isenberg, Editor

Steve Stallone, Sports Editor


Counting the costs

Funding public education may change dramatically in the next few years and that’s a good thing. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ordered changes so that all districts receive enough funding to provide every student in the state with a good education. Right now, districts with poorer real estate tax bases generate less funding per student, and that means that by current funding formulas, they also receive less money per student in state funding. That puts students in those districts at a distinct disadvantage, with fewer programs, older books, and inadquate facilities than students from wealthier communities.

Unfortunately, the court did not explain how fair funding would be accomplished. Fair funding proposals have been a subject of legislative debate for many years, with no real progress. Given the current acrimonious climate in the Pennsylvania house and senate, it may be very difficult to come up with a plan.

Much is riding on Governor Josh Shapiro’s first budget proposal, expected in early March. Whatever is proposed there for education funding will at least provide a starting point for negotiations and debate.

It should be noted that it’s just not poorer school districts facing financial problems. Crestwood School District is preparing to cover a $2.5 million deficit, and may furlough over 20 teachers, or eliminate elementary art and library. Any state funding proposal that would reduce the amount going to “wealthier” districts in favor of “poorer” ones would only make that situation and others like it worse.

Radical thinking and determined collaboration are needed to fairly and adequately fund all school districts. Otherwise, it’s the students who will pay the price.

From The Journal-Herald

Issue of March 4, 1993

Editors & Publishers

Jay and Clara Holder

A joint Customer Advisory Council for White Haven, Weatherly and Freeland is being organized by the United States Postal Service.

4-year-old April Hoffman made the front page of this issue, receiving the Weatherly Area Lions Club award for her actions which saved her grandmother’s life. In the photo are Police Chief Robert Koch, Betty Hoffman (grandmother), April and Lion William Roberts.

The professionally bound 634 page Volume I of the History of Carbon County will be available for purchase starting March 12.

Six Crestwood High School members of the Future Homemakers of America will be attending the 1993 annual State Leadership Meeting with 700 others from around the state, to be held at the Lancaster Host Resort March 10-12.

As part of a program by the Weatherly Area chapter of Students against Doing Drugs, 18 students from grades six to eight became “dead for the day,” hoping to demonstrate that drugs kill. SADD students and teachers all dressed in black to show solidarity for their “dead” friends. Tombstones were put up on their lockers, and those

who were “dead” could not talk during that day. The next school day, the “dead” students talked with their classmates about the experience.

L&L Fire Company

Chief Robert O’Donnell reported that as of noon on March 5, the Carbon County Communications Center will begin taking all emergency calls.

Lehigh Township roadmaster Wayne Wagner reported snow removal on February 2, 12, 13, 16, 19, 21 and 26. A total of ten hours was spent keeping Lausanne Township roads clear.

The new congress is stuck on finding ways to cut the current Federal budget.

Ed Gower reports the White Haven Sports Association 5th-6th grade all-star team made a good showing at the Lions/ WHASA tournament this past weekend. White Haven won their first game, then lost the second before coming up on an aggressive Weatherly team that led from the start and won 39-29. Top scorers were B.J. Wilkinson with 12 and Amanda Peabody 10 from Weatherly, and Jeff Hartley 14 and Mike Demars 7 from White Haven.

Phil Engman also applauded the White Haven team’s first round victory. Friday night, with all eight teams in actions, was “a good show (in front of) a good crowd.” Engman is starting to predict some

of the top seeds for the men’s March basketball tournaments.

The Lady Wreckers will face Marian in the playoffs in the District 11 playoffs, this Saturday in Martz Hall. A win can put our team up against Notre Dame of Green Pond in Bethlehem on Wednesday.

Pete Chapla reviewed Lorenzo’s Oil.

Ruth I. wrote about a family outing with the Holders to Angelo’s Italian House on Alter Street in Hazleton. The four of us enjoyed homemade pastas, all wonderful. Ruth and Clara split a cannoli dessert, and I shared with Jay a chocolate amaretto cheesecake all terrific.

On Sale at Warner’s Central Garage the 1993 Plymouth Acclaim V-8 automatic with cast aluminum “bullet wheels,” gold bodyside and fascia moldings, and gold deck lid decals.

From The Journal Issue of March 4, 1943

The National War Savings Staff has given permission to the Pennsylvania American Legion Auxiliary to carry on a “Buy a Submarine” bond campaign…The (local) A.L.A. units have been asked to give all possible help.

Six young lads from Weatherly motored over

See ARCHIVES, page 4

weekly at
Main Street,
277-440) Published
White Haven, PA 18661
Price—$40 per year in Luzerne & Carbon Counties, Pennsylvania, payable in advance. $45 per year elsewhere, payable in advance. Periodicals postage paid at White Haven, PA 18661. POSTMASTER, send address change to:
Member, White Haven Chamber of Commerce Carbon County Chamber of Commerce Pocono Mountains Chamber of Commerce White Haven Economic Development Association THE JOURNAL-HERALD is printed with U.S. made soy inks on part-recycled newsprint. © Copyright 2023, The Journal-Herald

Public Notices


The Packer Township Supervisors have rescheduled their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 to Tuesday, March 14 at 5:00 p.m. at the Packer Township Municipal Building, 2234 Hudson Drive, Weatherly, PA 570-427-8969


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary have been granted to John J. Donati, III, of Northglenn, Colorado, in the Estate of JOHN JAMES

DONATI, JR., late of Butler Township, Pennsylvania, who died on December 18, 2022. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the Executor named or to:

Conrad A. Falvello, Esquire

THE FALVELLO LAW FIRM, P.C. 641 State Route 93 Sugarloaf, PA 18249


Estate of Dolores H. Humenick

a/k/a Dolores Humenick

Late of the Borough of Weatherly, Carbon County, Pennsylvania

Letters Testamentary in the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment, without delay to:

Daniel J. Humenick

1166 Hudson Dr. Weatherly, PA 18255 or to his Attorney:



57 Broadway, P.O. Box 359

Jim Thorpe, PA 18229-0359 3/9


Pursuant to the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act, the act of May 19, 1995, P.L. 4, No. 1995-2., notice is hereby given that Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC) on behalf of the Standard Farms, LLC/IIP-PA 9 LLC, will be submitting to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Northeast Regional office a Notice of Intent to Remediate the property located at 411 Susquehanna Street in the Borough of White Haven, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. This Notice of Intent to Remediate will state that the property was historically occupied by EMCEE Broadcast Products (EMCEE) since the 1960s. ECMEE manufactured and re-manufactured electronics until the late 1980s/early 1990s. Initial investigations conducted by EMCEE in the early 1990s identified the groundwater was impacted by chlorinated solvents. Subsequent to EMCEE, several other businesses occupied the building/property, including an automotive servicing garage in the 2010s. In 2017 Standard Farms, LLC occupied the building and operated a cannabis growing facility at the property. In 2022 a subsurface evaluation was conducted to evaluate current conditions at the property. The NIR will indicate that the recent soil, groundwater, and soil gas data is below the applicable standards and no remediation is required. The property will continue to be used as a cannabis growing facility.


Notice is hereby given that Standard Farms, LLC/IIPPA 9 LLC will be submitting a final report to the Department of Environmental Protection, Northeast Regional Office, to demonstrate attainment of the Statewide health standard for a site located at 411 Susquehanna Street, White Haven, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Standard Farms, LLC/IIP-PA 9 LLC has indicated that the remediation measures taken have attained compliance with the Statewide health cleanup standard established under the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act. This notice is made under the provision of the Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act, the Act of May 19, 1995, P.L. #4, No. 2.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary have been granted to Dennis Fletcher, of Freeland, Pennsylvania in the Estate of MARGARET I. FLETCHER late of Sugarloaf Township, Pennsylvania, who died on January 8, 2023. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the Executor named or to:

Alexis C. Falvello, Esquire

THE FALVELLO LAW FIRM, P.C. 641 State Route 93

Sugarloaf, PA 18249 3/9


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters of Administration have been granted to Michael Pombo, of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, in the Estate of LUGENE A. SARLEY-POMBO, late of Hazleton, Pennsylvania, who died on December 17, 2022. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the Administrator named or to:

Alexis C. Falvello, Esquire THE FALVELLO LAW FIRM, P.C. 641 State Route 93 Sugarloaf, PA 18249


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Articles Of Incorporation were filed with the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, PA, on February 27th, 2023, for the purpose of obtaining a charter of a nonprofit corporation organized under the Nonprofit Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The name of the corporation is: Rotary Club Of Mt. Pocono Foundation, Ltd., which is organized Exclusively for charitable, educational and other purposes as permitted by Section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The Incorporator is Hal H. Harris.

Carbon County Law Office since 1991

•Family Law

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121 Carbon St., Weatherly

Atty. Cindy Yurchak
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ad here. Call 570-215-0204 xt1



Dr. Charles A. Potter, 73, of South Abington Township, passed away on February 23, 2023 at the Allied Services Hospice Center, surrounded by his loving family.

Born in Weatherly, he was the son of Dr. Charles W. and Doris Coseo Potter. He was a graduate of Weatherly High School class of 1967. He played basketball and was inducted into the Weatherly High School Hall of Fame. He attended Juniata College and was awarded a premedical degree. He was awarded his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Temple School of Dentistry. At Temple, he was a member of OKU national honor society and also awarded numerous honors for restorative dentistry. He also taught as a faculty member at Temple University School of Dentistry. Upon graduation he was accepted and completed an internship at Allentown General Hospital.

Dr. Potter practiced family dentistry in Dupont for 45 years. His highly active role in dentistry on local and state levels were major factors in his selection for the national award by The American College of Dentists and the International College

of dentists as well as the Pierre Fauchard Academy. He was past president and board chairman of the Scranton District Dental Society as well as chairman of the Scranton District Dental Society Continuing Education Program in cooperation with the University of Pittsburgh for 30 years.

Surviving are his wife, the former Rose Cosmello. They recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary; daughter, Dr. Stephanie Hanyon, of Clarks Summit, her husband Randy, and two grandsons Alexander and Anthony; a son Ryan who resides in Hoboken NJ; brothers Dr. Jeffrey Potter and wife Joy, York, Mark Potter, Lancaster; sisters, Rebecca Gregory and husband Bruce, Weatherly, and Linda Knight and husband Van; along with numerous nieces and nephews.

Charles’ family would like to extend a special thanks to DaVita Dialysis and Allied Hospice for all their wonderful care.

A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated February 25 in the Church of St. Gregory in Clarks Green. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen, 500 Penn Ave, Scranton, PA 18503.

Please visit the funeral home website at www.solfanellifiorillo to leave an online condolence.

Starting Point to teach about Faith at Faith Church

Faith Church Weatherly will begin Starting Point, a study for those new in faith, on Wednesday, March 8. Baptisms will be celebrated April 4.

Lots of new small groups are popping up all the time; check in and see where you can get connected.

Moms’ group is every first Monday from 12:301:30; small children are welcome. Young adults meet the last Monday of the month at 7 p.m.

On Tuesdays at 10 a.m., there is a study on Prayer.

Life Groups meet Wednesday evenings at 7. Men, women, children and youth all meet separately for fun, fellowship and learning.

Women’s Refit, an exercise group, meets Thursday at 10 a.m., and Celebrate Recovery is at 6 p.m. (doors open 5:30) for anyone with hurts, habits and hang-ups.

Men meet for breakfast every third Saturday. Services are at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings and 6 p.m. Sunday evenings. Join us for live worship music in a welcoming atmosphere. The Kids Clubhouse is open at the same time for all kids ages

Pre-K - 5th grade. The Youth Group meets Sunday evening at 6 for ages 6th-12th.

Faith Church is located at 202 Carbon St, Weatherly, right next to Enzo’s Pizza in the shopping plaza.

For more information on anything going on at Faith, please contact Lori at 570-578-8005.

Ministerium lists Lenten services in Weatherly

Worship Services begin at 7 p.m. A time of fellowship and light refreshments will follow each service.

March 8– First Presbyterian Church

March 15– St. Matthew’s Union Church

March 22– Our Lady of Lourdes Church

March 29– Salem United Church of Christ

In case of inclement weather, the host church will decide whether to cancel services.

Lehman Family Funeral Ser vice, Inc.

Continued from page 2

last Thursday and paid The Journal a fraternal call, as two of the lads are young printing enthusiasts: Donald C. Moser, Willard F. Faust, “Tim” Frable, Ted Thomas, Wilson Barto, and Harry L. Gangwer. Come again boys, you are always welcome.

The annual Red Cross War Fund Drive will be held in White Haven and Dennison Township March 12 to 27. John Oberrender will act as general chairman.

Mrs. Gloria Jones, local breeder of fancy pigeons, is recording many new arrivals in her pigeon lofts these days, all of which she is now naming as ‘war birds.”

(570) 443-9816

Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services A Branch of Holmes – Griffiths F H , Inc 211 First Street, Weatherly, PA 18255 570-427-4231 E Franklin Griffiths III F D Philip J Jeffries F D /Supervisor A new approach to funeral and cremation care Looking forward to serving White Haven, Dennison, Lehigh, and Foster Townships All arrangements and consultations from the comfort of your home Guiding families through difficult times.
White Haven, PA PATRICK M LEHMAN, PRESIDENT RUSSELL C TETER, JR , SUPERVISOR Ser ving White Haven, Weatherly and surrounding communities
of Lehman Family Funeral Ser vice, Inc

Veterans Corner


PARK: May 28 has been set for the annual event this year. Each year the event has grown despite weather and setbacks. This year should be the best yet. Hot dogs and birch beer, provided by the US Marine Corps League 1039, always is a big hit. It is an excellent family day in our community. Many people work hard to make this happen.

Requests for entertainment have already gone out to the military and local school bands. The

event includes the kick-off parade through town with emergency vehicles, high school bands, and parade floats.

The crowning of the Poppy King and Queen will be at Lehigh Park following the parade. The park has music, refreshments, and vendors; military and historic displays that represent the local community. It will be a great day that the whole area can come out and enjoy at no cost.


FLOAT: To clear up a few myths following last year’s parade, discussing the

parade rules were questions of who can enter, what can be entered, and how you enter. A few believed it was restricted to military or veteran-themed floats. To clarify, anyone, any group, or any business can enter a float or walking/marching/ dancing unit. There is no restriction to military, veteran, or patriotic floats only.

A parade float is a great way to advertise and get your business name, or product noticed. Local news media covers the parade, and if your business float is an attention-getter, that’s a

wide area of free advertising. Vendors are always welcome, there is room to get your name and products out in the public eye.

A request for the US Army Band has been submitted to entertain the gathering. A formal request for an Aviation asset and a Maritime high-performance patrol boat has also been presented. These will be on display at the park, depending on the availability and current operational needs of the presentation service.

I will update monthly the list of events and

float entries, along with a complete list of vendors and updated activities as the parade committee approves them. Look for information here on how to apply for float entry forms.

One week before the event, a complete story of participants, vendors, and activities will be published. It will help if you plan on attending this year; building a unique float to enter and participate in this beautiful hometown event, limited only by your imagination.


Rosemarie Kramer of Weatherly performs in Company at Cedar Crest

Cedar Crest College’s Performing Arts

Department recently presented Stephen Sondheim’s musical Company at Samuels Theater. The production, featuring music and lyrics by Sondheim and written by George Furth, delves into the themes of modern dating, marriage, and divorce.

Company employs a non-linear plot, depicting the life of bachelor Bobby through a series of amusing vignettes, as he mingles with his married friends who have arranged a surprise party for his 35 th birthday.

The Cedar Crest production was directed by William Mutimer, head of the Northampton Community College Theatre Department.

Songs include “Another Hundred People,” “Side by Side by Side,” “Being Alive,” and the title song.

The cast featured Patrick Mertz (Bobby), Rosemarie Kramer (Sarah), Nik Georgievski (Harry), Lydia Walker (Susan), Max Wetherhold (David), Cindy J Lozada (Jenny), Josh Raub (David), Amelia Illingworth (Amy), Connor Sternberg (Paul), Kimberly Mertz (Joanne), Josh Crowley (Larry), Noel Cruz (Marta), Zaria Berry (Kathy) and Olivia Byrne (April).

Coming Soon

More specialty care, right here.

Lehigh Valley Hospital–Carbon is proud to provide the highest-quality care to you and your loved ones. As part of our continued commitment to our community, we’re expanding to provide even more services and care:

• Critical care (provided in a state-of-the-art intensive care unit)

• Breast health services

• Cardiac rehabilitation

• Outpatient lab services

Learn more at

Voted Best Hospital


Seth’s Sightings

Winter has returned, first by temperature, and then in the form of a small storm that decorated our area on Monday night. Having been spared most of the season, the small threat was enough to send organizations into a cancel-a-thon. A Monday night meeting I was to attend cancelled, but the storm came in two hours later, time enough to have a double-length meeting and still be home safe.

I’m one of these now older folk who remembers going to school, waiting for the school bus, on snowy days. It took a big snow to actually cancel school.

We attended two Penguins games last week.

During the game versus the Phantoms on Wednesday, the Geisinger Health System gave out a souvenir foam hockey puck a stress reliever. The lightly attended game had our Penguins behind until the 3rd period, when an exciting goal earned us a tie…and excited fans began to throw these foam pucks onto the ice hundreds of them, like hats after a hat trick. Order was restored with this repeated announcement: “Fans, Please Stop throwing pucks on the ice…” which prompted more foam pucks thrown before staff came onto the aisles to shut down the tosses. More importantly, we won that game.

The Penguins hosted the Belleville Senators, an out-of-division team, this past Saturday. Belleville on paper was not as good as our guys, but on the ice, they were faster, and their goalie stopped most everything that came their way. WBS managed a regulation tie, and then lost in overtime.

Sunday was a beautiful day to drive, so we took the dogs over to Hickory Run State Park for a walk with the idea that if the storm brings snow, the fields at the park would just be wet as the snow melts.

I am feeling strong ahead of my surgery. I even did a little shoveling. This next cancer surgery is another

big one. I am in the good hands of the best of the U. of Penn Medical team in Philadelphia. The plan is to remove most of the cancer, then treat the area with HIPEC (state of the art). I should get out and about later in March.

Saturday, we took a trip to the newly expanded Slatington Marketplace, and we were impressed. They have added a food court with a distillery, about a dozen little restaurant stands, and a winery with tastings. Ruth and I shared a Poke Bowl, croissants from the bakery stand, and nut pastries from the Greek/Indian food stand. Go in the south-most entrance to find the new section and the food. It’s also where the new, large parking lot is. We’ll be back soon.

There have been vees of geese going in all kinds of directions lately, all very noisy. I am guessing the geese don’t know how the weather is and neither do we really.

We also sighted an eagle flying over Pocono Summit near I-380. Other sightings have been the usual of wandering deer into the roadways, plus some early birds returning for what should be an early spring. Hockey in Wilkes-Barre will be Wednesday the 8th, and next Friday and Saturday. It will be a big week for our locals. Then, that Sunday the 12th, starts Daylight Savings Time, so the week ends on a high note.

This weekend, we’ll drive to the Kalahari Convention Center to see the Pocono Home and Outdoor Show either the 4th or 5th. Our other weekend highlight is the return of the Game Dinner held at the Silver Ridge Hunting Club on the 4th. It’s a treat that has been absent these past couple of years.

Here’s to another light snow this Friday, then slowly warming days so the snow all melts away. Wishes of good health all around.


Carbon County property transfers through February 5

Banks Township

Karen Jean Skotek to Maria A. Makowiec, 21 N. Chestnut St., Tresckow, properties at 2 N. Poplar St. and 97 Market St., $70,000.

Geraldine W. Gelatko to Teresa Marie Mandzak, 77 E. Maple St., P.O. Box 151, Tresckow, property at 77 E. Maple St., $1.

Stonewalker Lucas

Lawson Miller to Jarred J. LaRock, 6 E. Hemlock St., Tresckow, property at 6 E. Hemlock St., $109,900.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Edison Ferreira, Hazleton, two transactions, property at 64 E. Main St., $20,600, and property at 104 Church St., $39,140.

Mathew L. Keim to Joseph Michael Forte, 15 Cardinal Drive, Palmerton, property at 3 W. Garfied St., Junedale, $26,000.

Beaver Meadows

Roselys A. Ventura to Dolores Yajaira Vasquez

Quezada, 9 Berwick St., Beaver Meadows, property at 9 Berwick St., $159,000.

Robert Bodnar to Robert Bodnar, 208 Coal St., Nesquehoning, property at 146 Berwick St., $1. Anna B. Krobock to Juan E. Suriel, 148 Berwick, St., Beaver Meadows, property at 148 Berwick St., $164,000.

Patricia Hoffman to Samler Property Management, LLC, Drums, property at 20 Berwick St., $110,000.

East Side Borough

Joseph G. Lachette Jr. to Pedraza, Inc., 416 Main St., White Haven, East Side Inn,

3224 State St., White Haven, $195,000.

Gail M. Garrison to Albert J. Miller, Williamsport, parcel No. 89-10-B15.06, $30,000.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Jason Keller, 1933 State Rt. 903, Jim Thorpe, property at 3277 State St., White Haven, $264,504.

Kidder Township

Sandra C. Babock to Ronald W. Jobson, Norristown, property at 70 Snow Ridge Circle, Lake Harmony, $214,000.

Northwoods PA, LLC, to Ski The East, LTD, Coraopolis, property at 49 Ski Jump, Lake Harmony, $422,500.

Lokman Belahmeur to Valentine Properties, South Bound Brook, New Jersey, Lot 109, Section B, Holiday Poconos, $11,124.

David E. Stein to Philip Basile, Jackson, New Jersey, Building Site 23, Inn at Big Boulder, $318,000.

Andrew Sigman to Karl Cooper, Frederick, Maryland, Lot 410, Block 400, Section C, Holiday Poconos, $12,000.

Henry Umansky to TD Partners, LLC, Malvern, property on Laurelwoods Drive, $290,000.

Brian Myers to Jeancarlo

Casasola, Philadelphia, property at 159 Tanglewood Drive, Albrightsville, $6,000.

Lydia A. Heise to James J. Hannigan, Chalfont, property at 7 Hickory Road, Lake Harmony, $215,000.

Chrisanne Haley to Lesia M. Byrwa, Pitman, New Jersey, property at 95 Telemark, Lot 169, Lake

Harmony, $1.

Lesia M. Byrwa to Johan F. Zafra, Rahway, New Jersey, property at 95 Telemark, Lot 159, Lake Harmony, $265,000.

F & N Investment Company to JAM Development Group, LLC, Media, property on Rt. 940, White Haven, $215,000.

Joseph Madden to Susan Lanshe, Richboro, property at 14 Finch Grove, Lake Harmony, $1.

Thomas M. Pavlick to Thomas M. Pavlick Jr., Allentown, property on Oakland Drive, Holiday Poconos, Albrightsville, $1.

Michael H. Kelly Jr. to Joseph Battavio, West Chester, property at 29 Midlake Drive, Unit 102, Lake Harmony, $353,500.

Triple G Properties, LLC, to Greg Doyle, Yardey, property at 5 Midlake Drive, Unit 302, Lake Harmony, $420,000.

Edward L. Reilley III to Edward L. Reilley Jr., Gilbertsville, property at 175 Moseywood Road, Lake Harmony, $1.

Marcos Alvarez to Lisa Nicole Quaglia, P.O. Box 1505, Albrightsville, property at 120 Timberline Drive, Albrightsville, $249,000.

Raphael Musto to Debra L. Erling, Pittstown, New Jersey, property at Midlake Drive, Lake Harmony, $325,500.’

Charles G. Scala IV to Charles G, Scala IV, Fort Salonga, New York, property at 395 N. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $1.

Allison K. Danora to Kevin NM. Kramer, 20 Woodland Road, Albrightsville, property at 20 Woodland Road, $1.

Sara T. Wasson to JV Full House Full Hearts, LLC, Haddon Heights, New Jersey, property on Crest Drive, Split Rock in the Poconos, $399,000.

George C. Greatrex Jr. to Juliette Charlene Scheiring, Yardley, property at 15 Pone Knoll Drive, Lake Harmony, $450,000.

Roberto Marini to Roberto Marini, Langhorne, Lot H-17, Wolf Hollow Road, $1.

Kurt D. Graff to Sill Real Estate Investments, LLC, Downingtown, property at 7 Park Lane, Lake Harmony, $325,000.

Jean E. Drabick to Jean E. Drabeck, Doylestown, property at 44 Linden Drive, Albrightsville, $1.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Cara & Associates, LLC, Philadelphia, property at 6-8 Pinchot Trail, $168,096.

Ryan Grogan to Boonyaporn, Wenonah, New Jersey, property at 119 Southwoods Drive, Blakeslee, $175,000.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Louise R. Rossanese, Philadelphia, property at Deer Trail and Tarantino Drive, Pocono Mountain Lake, $9,064.

TMC Management Corporation to Ellwood C. Zimmerman, 319 Golden Oaks Drive, White Haven,

property at 319 Golden Oaks Drive, $367,995.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Jeffrey L. Sprenkel Jr., Maple Shade, New Jersey, property on Timberline Drive, Holiday Poconos, $9,270.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Ara Affordable Housing, Mount Pocono, property on Mills Drive, Holiday Poconos, $32,960.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Deborah Christian, 191 Elmwood Drive, Box MMM12, Albrightsville, two transactions, properties on West Fawn Grove, Holiday Poconos, $8,858 each.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to James V. Conley, 165 Tanglewood Drive, P.O. Box 1834, Albrightsville, property on Tanglewood Drive, Holiday Poconos, $8,858.

DLS Rentals, LLC, to Alton Hyman, 29 Midlake Drive, No. 301E, Lake Harmony, property at 29 Midlake Drive, No. 301E, $437,000.

David Figura to David Figura, 210 Piney Woods Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at South Lake Drive and Alder Lane, $1.

Patrick McDonald to Brittney Johnson, Philadelphia, property at 17 See TRANSFERS, page 9

PAGE 8 THE JOURNAL-HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2023 KB SERVICES Painting•Cleaning Clean-Outs, etc. 570-216-6531


Continued from page 8

Wood St., Lake Harmony, $450,000.

18 New Birch Street Holdings, LLC, to Patrick John Hanahan, Glen Mills, property at 18 New Birch St., $439,000.

Richard Shevock to Richard J. Shevock, 40 Stony Brook Drive, P.O. Box 588, Albrightsville, Lot 1009, Block 1000, Section A, Holiday Poconos, $1.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Ralph Rinello, P.O. Box 669, Albrightsville, two transactions, property on Stony Brook Drive, Holiday Poconos, $716, and Lot 17, Section B, Hemlock Forest, $851.

Jay D. Goldberg to Errol

Seltzer, Fair Lawn, New Jersey, property at 117 Blue Heron, $420,000.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Dwell Investments, Inc., Prospect park, property on Tamarack Trail, Holiday Poconos, $1,854.

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Daniel Hughes, 15 Holiday Drive, P.O. Box 744, Albrightsville, property at Holiday and Big Pine drives, Holiday Poconos, $9,064.

Miriam Wealer to Candace G. McCoy, Coatesville, property at 208 Birch St., Lake Harmony, $1.

Mary Ellen Arndt to Kevin Sowti, Newtown Square, property at 44 Luther Lane, Albrightsville, $130,000.

Douglas Howard to Carolyn Rose Hanser, P.O. Box 769, Lake Harmony,

property at 18 Fern St., Lake Harmony, $298,000.

Lausanne Township

Thomas P. Buck Jr. to Evan Bellizia, 3814 Buck Mountain Road, Weatherly, property at 3814 Buck Mountain Road, $130,000. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to Thad Dirk Gilmore, Tannersville, property at 1385 Buck Mountain Road, $122,507.

Joann Fairchild to George Evan Cunningham, 184 Forest Creek Road, Weatherly, property at 184 Forest Creek Road, $439,000.

Dolores Maurer to Kenneth Sheets Jr., New Cumberland, parcel No. 11026-A4, $87,000.

Packer Township

David C. Knorr to John S. Merriman, Whitehall, property at 5691 Quakake

Coming Events

SUNDAY, MARCH 5—Breakfast, 7:30 a.m.-Noon, Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company

SUNDAY, MARCH 5—Marine Corps League Breakfast, 8 a.m.-Noon, St. Patrick’s Social Hall, White Haven

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8—Bingo, 6 p.m., St. Patrick’s Center, White Haven

FRIDAY, MARCH 10—Storytime, 4:30 p.m., Weatherly Area Community Library, sign up 570-427-5085

SATURDAY, MARCH 11—Northeast Chamber Music Society concert in the round, John Murphy Room, White Haven Area Community Library

SUNDAY, MARCH 12—Breakfast, 8 a.m.-Noon, VFW Post 6615, White Haven

TUESDAY, MARCH 14—WAHS Scholastic Scrimmage broadcast, 7 p.m., WVIA-TV Channel 44

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15—Western Pocono Trout Unlimited meeting, 7 p.m., John Murphy Room, White Haven Area Community Library

SATURDAY, MARCH 25—Easter Egg Hunt, 1 p.m., Eurana Park, Weatherly, register at 570-578-8005 or 570-582-9298

SUNDAY, MAY 28—Memorial Day Parade & Gathering in the Park, White Haven

FRIDAY, JUNE 2—Graduation, 6 p.m., Weatherly Area High School

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, JUNE 10 & 11—Weatherly HillClimb

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9—Car Show, Lehigh Park, White Haven

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 & 10— Weatherly HillClimb

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13—Weatherly Area Community Library Auction preview night, 6-8 p.m., Packer Township Building

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14—Weatherly Area Community Library Auction, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Packer Township Building

Road, $1.

Jeffrey G. Nyer to Adam Nyer, 194 Grist Mill Drive, Weatherly, property at 125 Grist Mill Drive, $1.

Robert I. Richie to Robert Malloy, 571 Quakake Road, Weatherly, property at 571 Quakake Road, $225,000.


Ronald L. Eroh to Nomac01, LLC, 210 Laurytown Road, Weatherly, property at 117 Lauderburn Ave., $73,500.

Bonnie C. Gerhard to Dominic Peter DeFrancisco, 50 E. Maple St., P.O. Box 41, Tresckow, property at 210 Sixth St., $18,900.

Roger Thrash to Lisa Yanochko, 300 Maple St., Weatherly, property at 300 Maple St., $192,500.

Jamie Koslop to Ashley Barilla, 803 North St., Weatherly, property at 803 North St., $339,000.

John Beishline to M & T Realty, Inc., Hazleton, property on Hudsondale Street, $70,000.

Vanessa Diaz to Miguel E. Rojas, 450 Plane St., Weatherly, property at 450 Plane St., $90,403.10.

Constance M. Knepper to Constance M. Knepper, 628 W. Main St., Weatherly, property at 628 W. Main St., $29,749.

Paul Miller to Todd Miller, 234 Sixth St., Weatherly, property at 234 Sixth St., $1. Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Glenn Keller, 1933 State Rt. 903, Jim Thorpe, property at 1001 North St., $111,240.

Ashley L. Barilla to Charles Colarusso, 771 North St., Weatherly, property at 771 North St., $270,000.

Paul Miller to Todd Miller, 234 Sixth St., Weatherly, property at 234 Sixth St., $180,000.


Students of the Month announced

Weatherly Area Middle School Principal Anthony DeSpirito has announced the names of the students who were selected as Weatherly Area Middle School Students of the Month for January. The award is based on academic achievement, attendance, extra-curricular involvement, and service to school and community.

Elizabeth DiGennaro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul DiGennaro, Weatherly, was chosen as the 6th grade Student of the Month.

Elizabeth is a member of the Weatherly Middle School Band and Chorus. She plays softball and is a member of the Middle School Science Club. In addition, Elizabeth plays soccer, is involved in play productions and enjoys helping her neighbors.

Kolton Reiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reiner, Weatherly, was chosen as the 7th grade Student of the Month. Kolton is a member of the Weatherly Junior High Basketball team, Weatherly Biddy Basketball

Shown from left are Elizabeth DiGennaro, Kolton Reiner, Willem Grant, and Weatherly Area viceprincipal Chris Kimmel.

League and Weatherly Little League. He also helps at the Beaver Meadows Food Pantry.

Willem Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willem Grant, Weatherly, was chosen as

Abigail Paisley is February

WAHS Senior of the Month

Abigail Paisley, daughter of Nicholas and Christine Paisley, Weatherly, has been named Senior of the Month for February at Weatherly Area High School.

the 8th Grade Student of the Month. Willem is a member of the Weatherly Junior High Track team. He also offers weekly peer support for his disabled brother.

Abigail serves as vice president of the Class of 2023, vice president of the yearbook club, vice president of SGA, and treasurer of Interact. She is a member of the volleyball and basketball teams, FBLA, the Weatherly Area High School chapter of

the National Honor Society, and the Envirothon team. In the community, Abigail has volunteered her time with the Weatherly Hillclimb. She is employed by Woods Ice Cream. Sponsor for the month of February is Sernak Farms.

Visit our website at for in-between-issue stories and events

PAGE 10 THE JOURNAL-HERALD, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2023 Also representing... Insurance �� Home �� Auto �� Life �� Business URENOVICH INSURANCE AGENCY Tel: 570-636-0680 Fax: 570-636-0197 606 E. Butler Drive, Freeland (Freeland-Drums Highway)

Eckley Museum reopens for the season; museums free on Charter Day

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission is pleased to announce the spring reopening of Eckley Miners’ Village in Luzerne County and the Anthracite Heritage Museum in Lackawanna County after winter recess. Both sites will return to public hours this week.

Eckley will open Thursday, March 2 and the Anthracite

Heritage Museum will open Friday, March 3.

Eckley Miners’ Village

2 Eckley Main Street

Weatherly, PA 18255

Thurs.-Sun., 10-4

(570) 636-2070

www.Eckleyminersvillage. com eckleyminersvillage

Anthracite Heritage Museum

22 Bald Mountain Road (McDade Park)

Scranton, PA 18504

Fri.-Sun., 10-4 (570) 963-4804

www.Anthracitemuseum. org anthraciteheritagemuseum School and group tours are available. Call for details

March Events

Both Eckley and Anthracite will be open and free to the public in celebration of Charter Day on Sunday, March 12 to celebrate the 342nd anniversary of Pennsylvania’s original charter. Beginning at 2 p.m., Eckley will feature historian Philip Mosley who will present his new book, The Telling of the Anthracite, the first work to examine how the story of anthracite mining has been told since the industry’s decline. Musician and former miner Van Wagner will follow Mosley’s presentation with a concert of his original anthracite heritage songs.

The Anthracite Heritage Museum will offer free admission and a special presentation of a film by the Underground Miners. The film features a 30 minute conversation with nonagenarian anthracite miner Phil Voystock. It will

run each hour. These events are part of the Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission’s Charter Day event, when museums and historic sites throughout Pennsylvania celebrate the Commonwealth’s birthday with free admission and special programs.

Want to attend an upcoming Penguins’ game?

The Journal-Herald has two tickets available for home games on March 8, 10 & 11, and 17. Reply to journalseth@ and claim your pair. There are more ticket contests coming, so keep a look out in upcoming Journal-Heralds.

Travel Plaza, I-80 & Exit 274 2550 Route 534, White Haven PA 18661
Open 6am–9pm
White Haven IHOP Exxon
Phil Voystock

Crestwood High School Second Period Honor Roll listed

Principal’s Honor Roll (4.0

GPA), High Honor Roll (3.700 – 3.999 GPA), Honor Roll

(3.250 – 3.699 GPA)

7th Grade

Principal’s Honor Roll: Rachel R. Altmayer, Ella M. Anderson, Liam P. Balliet, Delaney C. Begley, Alexander

M. Boerger, Adrianna N. Brent, Brooke A. Buchanan, Sabian

L. Bunnell, Megan A. Ceaser, Aaron B. Charsky, Sheza N. Chaudhry, Rebecca P. Clower, Anna L. Cody, Ethan C. Deivert, Alekzandria G. Dutko, Ethan

T. Everett, Anna E. Farrell, Emily G. Fitch, Nathaniel

C. Frace, Molly A. Franks, Oliver G. Furcal De La Paz, Logan T. Gilson, Gabriella

J. Gittler, Romessa Haq, Evelyn G. Harmon, Abigail R. Kaylor, Kennady A. Korpusik, Kathryn S. Kreider, Olivia

Kripp, Emily G. Krzywicki, Olivia C. Lazo, Chase A. Lent, Paityn M. Lupinski, Michael J.

Lupo, Anna V. Luther, Mia A. Manoski, Zoe N. Meckes, Gia B. Milazzo, Ava M. Nulton, Kasey

L. Obes, Emily M. Olex, Joshua Pavlick, Amelia Pesta, Aubrey

I. Pisano, Juliette T. Prebola, Kirsty Zamira Recondo, Elyse P. Ricko, Riley J. Ruch, Claire E. Savner, Cameron E. Schwartz, Yara A. Shakfa, Averie G. Smith, Isla G. Smith, Ella Sorber, Sydney Van Dusen, Pauline

Zea G. Villafuerte, Teagen

D. Vosik Pekala, Elizabeth

R. Weyhenmeyer, Sage H. Williams, Madalynn R. Young, James M. Zaroda

High Honor Roll: Ethan M.

Anderson, Sarah B. Babula, Rylee M. Baron, Brayden

M. Belanchik, Maddalyn A.

Boop, Blake Camella, Wyatt C. Chalker, Gabriel K. Chitswara, Alexandra Conde, Nathan J. Croughn, Lily C. Dorshefski, Ainsley Z. Durofchalk, Donald

R. Fetterman, Holden S.

Halpin, Adam D. Havard, Jonathan R. Hess, Sophia E. Jeckell, Liam A. Kakalecik, Kamryn S. Knittle, Addison A. Korpusik, Alexander Kucuk, Saphira L. Labar, Aiden T.

Lenahan, Annika E. Lenio, Devon W. Long, Luca C. Magistro, Araceli A. Martinez, Miles J. McShea, Gavyn R. Miller, Shaun R. O’Neill, Demetra Papadatos, Liam A. Pawlowski, Noah C. Pollman, Maddison F. Rudy, Audrey

K. Rymar, Iris D. Snyder, Joshua J. Sookram, Ronald J.

Supkowski, Zachary A. Swallick, Sophia B. Taylor, Devin J. Whetstone, Alison P. Williams, Isabella M. Young, Evan M. Zavacky, Elijah R. Zeneski, Luke J. Zeneski

Honor Roll: Lucas Barba, Ryan M. Barna, Kayla R. Brown, Colton J. Cameron, Nathan D. Ciocco, Tyler E.

Cleveland, Connor T. Costello, Hayden C. Cunningham, Rowan

A. Dietrich, Gracen B. Doucette, Makenzie R. Gallagher, Alexis

M. Gilson, Frankie I. Grey, McKenzie Harding, Ryan M. Hartwick, Gavin P. Jancouskas, Caleb M. Jumper, Zander D. Kazmierski, Faith M. Kearns, Autumn M. Kemmerer, Lauren

C. Kress, Emma E. Lehman, Hayleigh M. Marsicano, Jack

K. McNaughton, Matthew R. Mikhalkov, Ella R. Moore, Braylon C. Murray, Emma S. Nuss, Jonah A. Partington, Audrina M. Pascucci, Sophia

M. Peters, Connor J. Pocono, Joseph F. Powers Jr, Trevor Rindock, Addyson E. Saunders, Kyle J. Schade, Olivia Shay, Erik F. Smith, Ayana Sutton, Miles W. Trychta, Tyler M. Wehner, Madison Worsley, Caiden J. Wright, Avery E. Zimmerman

8th Grade Principal’s Honor Roll: Giada F. Alberti, Elijah C.

Alford, Kaelyn R. Anderson, Skylar J. Ashley, Cayden P. Bellas, Dylan M. Bellas, Sophia

G. Biscotti, Rylynn Buchanan, Alexis T. Chandler, McKenna

Claudio Batista, Mia E. Collins, Evey A. Concannon ,Gavyn

S. Corchado, Madalyn G.

Detweiler, Carly A. Dushanko, Erica V. Dvulit, Lilith M.

Edley, Autumn M. Evans, Mia C. Franks, Jacqueline

Gallagher, Aubrey E. Gorka, Shelby L. Granoski, Catherine

A. Green, Jack T. Groth, Blake P. Harkenreader, Olivia

M. Hogan, Jack R. Hoovler, Zoey D. Humbert, Stella G. Janosczyk, Jacob T. Jeckell, Aryanna A. Kijek, Addison R. Knorr, Sarah M. Kondraski, Heeyeon Kuen, Jessica R. Langan, Alyssa B. Leicht, Arham A. Mehran, Kendall V. Mendrzycki, Jake T. Mitchell, Darienne E. Ondeck, Chase

C. Oravic, Adamarie Padilla, Nidhi Patel, Julie R. Peterlin, Aliya M. Raza-McCurdy, Rehan

F. Raza-McCurdy, John P. Rodgers, Scott R. Ruddy, Kevin

M. Schlude, Angelina Seeba, Allen C. Seifert, Adrienne M. Shebelock, Miley M. Smith, David A. Sookram, Celia G. Stahlnecker, Alexis G. Stec, Alexa N. Toniatti, Grace E. Vanchure, Cameron E. Vieney, Rebecca M. Warner, Branden R. Wascavage, Luke Wendolowski, Gabriella D. White, Chloe

M. Wiedlich, Emily J. Wyda, Lexi S. Zabroski, Anna M. Zapotosky, Anna C. Zaroda High Honor Roll: Denali

A. Albright, Raygan B. Anthony, Lyla R. Atie, Jillian

A. Augustine, Lilah J. Barrett, Amelia M. Belanger, Olivia

C. Besancon, Mari R. Brobst, Giavanna M. Caporuscio, Gabrielle N. Carlin, Abigail

L. Chandler, Morgan S. Colo, Olivia J. Compton, Gianna

M. Costabile, Domenica L. DeMarco, Megan A. Draina, Madelyn Evans, Chloe E. Fissler, Mason P. Ford, Madison A. Garrity, Eric A. Gee, Willow J. Guydish, Charlise A. Hiller, Kamryn A. Kelly, Charles

J. Lasoski, Logan J. Lawson, Lillyan A. Mahmoud, Baylee R. Makarczyk, Ty L. McConnell, Allie R. Myers, Bradley J. Myers, Evelyne P. Orellana, Adam J. Parry, Claire Pugh, Cole Pugh, J B. Reilley, Hannah

R. Reilly, Payton N. Scheetz, Norah K. Sklarosky, Asayliyah

M. Stemrich, Sierra O. Strungis, Zooey A. Umstead, Haley R. Wendolowski, Kylie R. Young,

Robert D. Zanicky, Alison B.

Zavacky, Ryan J. Zelinka

Honor Roll: Matthew J. Babula, Jacob P. Badowski, Matthew J. Bealla, Mariusz M. Bibla, Emily N. Bielski, John

D. Gola, Vanessa H. Good, Madison Hazeltine, Ethan

M. Holt, Yichen Huang, Maja

E. Jacobson, Colin J. King, Elizabeth K. Long, Roman

J. Magistro, Ameline G.

McLaughlin, Sophia M. Mead, Ian D. Meckes, Cynthia J. Meyers, Juliana E. Mylet, Cole

M. Naperkowski, Antonia R.

Pagarelski, Jay D. Patel, Khush

P. Patel, Kaylee Paulino Then, Gianni L. Piccolotti, Kiara

M. Pichardo Diaz, Carlton F. Riggins Jr, Valentina L. Russi, James D. Savner, Emma N. Selfe, Keira L. Shybloski, Sara A. Slivinski, Samantha

S. Solderich, Jack L. Swinski, Harrison J. Vasek, Sean R.


Brianna J. Franco, Angely M. Furcal De La Paz, Chase T. Galella, Kaitlyn M. Gaughan, Alexandra M. Geiger, Gwendolyn G. Glassic, Colin D. Gordon, Martin J. Gorka, Alexys Hazeltine, Madilyn G. Hinkle, Adison E. Huber, Emma L. Kairo, Hayley M. Keiser, Katherine M. Kozich, Mollie R. Kozich, Cooper J. Laubach, Jayla K. Lomerson, Ashley A. Long, Greenlee

E. McElhinney, Arowyn E. Mulhearn, Emma R. Murtha, Madison V. O’Donnell, Gavin T. Ondeck, Ella A. Partington, Shlok A. Patel, Deven T. Paulson, Leah Roberts, Landyn A. Sanabria, Dante R. Schwartz, Emmett Seyer, Logan A. Spaide, Mason T. Staude, Jeffrey B. Stec Jr, Thomas M. Thompson Jr, Joseph T. Van Dusen, Luke J. Vanchure, Sydney M. Werger

9th Grade

Principal’s Honor Roll: Robert M. Alamorian Jr, Addison S. Balliet, Kyra L. Bechtel, Jordan Ceklosky, Sophia G. Cyphert, Madalyn

M. Danko, Keira L. Dougherty, Noah T. Everett, Scarlett H. Furedi, Madison L. Geiger, Lukas J. Glaser, Grayce E. Grazio, Emily Jones, Luke J. Joseph, Myla Keating, Katrin

I. Kegerreis, Callie L. Koons, Abigail Krupa, Jillian C. Laskoski, Brooke E. Lenahan, Alex J. Marich, Haylie M. Newell, Alexis R. Panzik, Sarah Pasternick, Sofia Pasternick, Avery E. Pisano, Aaqil U. Rehman, Emma I. Revel, Gavin Rindock, Eric A. Rinehimer, Addison J. Robbins, Sean P.

Rossi, Priya P. Shah, Maya A. Shakfa, Jaden J. Shedlock, Nathan D. Simpson, Brody

J. Stewart, Emilie V. Stofko, Sophia Tomek, Regan O. Wanchisen, Abigail L. Wehner, Daisy J. West, Victoria White, Spencer C. Young

High Honor Roll: Jordan

E. Andrews, Macie E. Centak, Olivia J. DeJesus, Julia S. Dessoye, Lauren E. Falcheck,

Honor Roll: Emanuel Barba, Mason W. Barley, Loralei M. Becker, Jacob A. Brugger, Cassidy M. Clymo, Brady T. Cook, Mattingly A. Divers, Julianna A. Dodge, Isabel Espinoza, Warren R. Farley, Nicholas M. Francisco, Dylan J. Gensil, Collen M. Gentilesco, Ally M. George, Karlee P. Gilson, Christian M. Groza, Nathan C. Havard, Yixuan Huang, Bo A. Hunsinger, Brady R. Johnson, John K. Joseph III, Anson Jumper, Darin Khuseyn, Jordan A. Klinetop, Peyton E. Koons, MacKenzie R. Kovalski, Alana Kucuk, Larry Little, Noah E. Marsico, Hayden R. Martinchek, Logan H. Mertz, Charles M. Modrovsky, Isabella M. Opie, Kaci M. Palmiter, Samuel T. Partington, Parth G. Patel, Abdiel D. Rodriguez Rios, Kyla R. Romanoski, Ella M. Russell, Kaydence A. Schreiner, Grady Seltzer, Christopher R. Shaver, Rachel V. Shoemaker, Zachary R. Stavish, Thomas J. Stavitzski III, Jonathan J. Stibick, Cadence A. Stravinski, Tyler L. Tavares, Brennen M. Verba, Vasiliki K. Victoros, Connor P. Wagaman, Carter M. Wanyo, Brianna R.

See CHS HONORS, page 13


CHS Honors

Continued from page 12

Weiss, Michael A. Wickiser, Albert Xie, Tyler M. Young, Angelina Zheng

10th Grade

Principal’s Honor Roll:

Cesar D. Acosta Alegria, Ava

A. Albee, Vidhi Bansal, Ella

M. Brady, Holland C. Brandt, Katie R. Charsky, Colin N.

Cholewa, Avery Cloutier, Paicey

L. Clower, Isabella R. Cyphert, Dylan Domzalski, Virginia G.

Franks, Clara I. Garcia, Anna

E. Glassic, Shannon Jameson, Olivia N. Jolie, Jensen P.

Kennoy, Owen L. Kline, Kiley R.

Kondraski, Jack A. Kwarcinski, Kayley I. Laurence, Colin R.

Lazo, Emily K. Leicht, Kevin

A. Luther, Lucy C. Malia, Robert J. Morgis, Aubryannah

R. O’Boyle, Mansi D. Patel, Autumn R. Peck, Maison J.

Petzold, Shreema Rupareliya, Lorelai Russomano, William D.

Savner, Audrey A. Shebelock, Sarah G. Shipton, Molly M.

Simko, Robert J. Skirchak Jr, Sienna A. Smith, Zane Nino G.

Villafuerte, Ethan L. Zabroski, Hannah E. Ziegler

High Honor Roll: Sophia

Andahazy, John L. Augustine

IV, Joseph N. Baranowski, Kaelyn G. Barker, Abigail

R. Barna, Lincoln M. Bibla, Thomas A. Biscotti, Natalie

G. Bogdon, Abigail R. Burton, Camerone C. Carlos, Aubrey

M. Cholewa, Dylan W. Collins, Emily Y. Deets, Kaegan Feist, Sharon Feng, Gage Flynn, Katherine M. Gallagher, Elizaveta J. Graydus, Brady M. Grevera, Clark E. Groth, Onur Haltas, Julienne E. Haskins, Aleksander B. Jaskiewicz, Jane K. Jenkins, Madeline R. Johnson, Rebecca G. Keating, Aaron M. Kogoy, Evelyn K. Kruczek, Jacob M. Lettieri, Ava G. McConnell, Elijah S. Meadows, Madison V. Mendrzycki, Tessa O. Miller, Katherine W. Modrovsky, Michael T. Modrovsky, Carson J. Moyer, Joshua E. Mylet, Connor J. Nealon, Ella M. Novelli, Scott A. O’Boyle,

Kyleigh E. Olex, Evan J. Olson, Cole V. Pyrah, Ashten R. Rinehimer, Marissa T. Sanders, Christopher G. Schlude, Ian W. Smith, Maria C. Smith, Jorja R. Snyder, Isabel A. Soto Alicea, Jack C. Storm, Brooke E. Toney, Alyse E. Wanchisen, Colin J. Wehrenberg, Dylan A. Weikel, Victoria R. Yurick

Honor Roll: Brandi L. Aton, Violet B. Balara, Kiley J. Barruzza, Sydney S. Beddingfield, Cameron D. Belisle, Theresa M. Borsuk, Sienna M. Brozusky, Natalynn R. Celmer, Carson P. Coen, Luke J. Colleran, Chloe

E. Costello, Persephone

L. Cunningham, Brady B. Davidson, Alyson D. Decker, Carter J. Dennis, Dane J.

DiLodovico, Natalie A. Dopp, Kyle A. Draina, Allison Drust, Savannah G. Eustice, Ava G. Evans, Abigail K. Graybeal, Nathan D. Higgins Jr, Joseph

J. Januszewski, Lilly M. Kania, Mackenzie L. Kearney, Kylah

R. Kelly, Cole A. Kline, Hope

A. Kline, Ryan S. Kosko, Kylie

D. Kranson, Kaylie S. Kronick, Emerson E. Lazo, Michael R.

Lazovich, Graycie L. Lee, Jolin

Lin, Erich T. Merrel-Stiller, Ian H. Miller, Gavin A. Moyer, Adam J. Nulton, Shiv H. Patel, Alexa R. Paul, Layla S. Perez, Jadyn E. Pershalski, Caitlin

E. Petrey, Ella L. Richards, Alexander Richman, Kailyn

C. Riggins, Luke J. Russell, Tristen J. Sabatini, Cameron

J. Scotti, Ryan J. Sechleer, Madison J. Sinclair, Cassidy G. Smith, Adriana Sosa, Addison

E. Walsh, Nicholas R. Webb, Owen R. Weyhenmeyer, Shane

J. Whitonis, Robert J. Williams

11th Grade

Principal’s Honor Roll: Victoria A. Allen, Mary Kate

Banford, Molly E. Berry, Cadee L. Cameron, Isabella

I. Colandrea, Mia R. Costello, Charlene M. Daisey, Phoenix

L. Davis, Emily J. DelVecchio, Osten M. Grigas, Justin G. Hischar, Derek J. Johnson, Lauren E. Kijek, Edwin T. Kimsal, Kenneth D. Kleppinger, Elizabeth A. Kozich, Margaret

G. Kozich, Ryan D. Kozich,

Megan E. Laskoski, Aubrey Macri, Sydney A. Magda, Natalie A. Matthews, Gabriel J. McLaughlin, Trevor J. Miller, Daevin Myers, Mason C. Myers, Michael M. O’Donnell, Kyle N. Orrson, Evan C. Poncavage, Saif U. Rehman, Maggie A. Riccio, Levi A. Richman, Joshua D. Roman, Joshua D. Rotski, Stephanie N. Scott, Eliza Seifert, Lars M. Stephensson

High Honor Roll: Gabriella R. Ambosie, Juliana Ambosie, Mykenzie S. Balon, Annabel G. Bogdon, Austin Campbell, Madelyne P. Carmichael, Albane E. Carre, Kara A. Collins, Mason P. Czapla, Brianna J. Dessoye, Ryan J. Elsasser, Scarlett M. Evans, Mayson Girton, Lindsey Gustas, Deven B. Hazlak, Natalie M. Hunsinger, Logan C. Jasnoski, Morgan L. Koons, Matthew B. Kralj, Bianca C. Long, Victoria M. Lupo, Jake Y. Marich, Leila A. McGraw, Ashton M. Medeiros, Hibba Z. Mehran, Gianna M. Musto, Mallory A. Myers, Matthew S. O’Boyle, Olivia E. Oresick, Caleb S. Partington, Emma R. Perrins, Olivia Pesta, Carley Pocono, Julia M. Sinavage, Matthew K. Sklarosky, Madalyn

E. Smith, Cheyenne T. Straub, Emma E. Suhoski, Anna G. Thomas, Mason A. Tomek, Ainsley I. Webby, Kayla L. Wisniewski, Chester T. Wright III, Katelyn A. Yohey

Honor Roll: Allyson Babula, John T. Barr, James Barrett, Jayden J. Brown, Gauge D. Burnett, Donald R. Casterline, Donald W. Croughn III, Nicholas T. Danishefsky, Aidan C. DeMarzo, Robert C. Duffy, Devin D. Fairchild, Andrew P. Fenstermacher, James L. Grosz, Christopher M. Harmon, Lillian M. Harris, Jeremy N. Hart, Xavier J. Hendon, Morgan E. Hudak, George E. Jennings

IV, Grayson A. Koons, Tyler J. Kruczek, Naviah M. Labar, Andrew P. Lenahan, Julian M. Lewin, Olivia L. Lockman, Joseph J. Lokuta, Jenna Medvetz, Olivia G. Mitchell, Margaret C. Modrovsky, Haily E. Morales, Kennedy G. Mullen, Declan P. Munley, Zachariah J. Neely, Trinity R. Perry, Daksh

M. Ray, Dev M. Ray, Alese K.

Ritts, Logan S. Rolles, Kayla R. Shaw, Anthony M. Slivinski,

Ilona B. Stoffa, Mikayla M.

Sullick, Jason M. Swank, Brayden M. Wanchisen, Megan

R. Werger, Madelyn E. Yohey

12th Grade

Principal’s Honor Roll:

Alison C. Andes, Zain Ansari, Emma Babato, Morgan A. Bauch, Marlena N. Bednar, Juliet R. Biscotti, Owen C.

Blazick, Jean L. Bonn, Katelyn

Bozinko, Isabella A. Caporuscio, Faith DeLay, Brendan P.

Dennis, James M. DeSino, Paige M. Fallbright, Madison

E. Foley, Ainslee E. Green, Hayden J. Greenberg, Emma

Guydish, Jaidyn N. Helmbold, Cadence Hiller, Joshua R.

Hilpp, Kennedie L. Huber, Molly Jameson, Raymond

Joseph, Mia Kane, Joseph P.

Kraynak, Nicole A. Langan, Brooke Lapinski, Grace E.

Legg, Kaitlyn E. Leicht, Scott

W. Lenio, Anthony L. Lettieri, Saige R. Magagna, Makenzie

G. Maguire, Kaitlyn E. Martin, Julianna M. Martz, Nick L.

Miscavage, Ellen E. Morris, Sean J. Munson, Andrew S.

Murawski, John R. Nixon III, Julia K. O’Donnell, Regina L. Pagarelski, Grace C. Pasternick, Dhruv R. Patel, Caitrin R. Perry, Andrew J. Poyer, Willow R. Richman, Makayla

T. Rutchauskas, Francesca

I. Scarano, Levi C. Schuler, Luciano S. Schwartz, Hayley E. Selfe, Polina Serbina, Robert Shafer, Emma K. Sheloski, Christopher Smolenak, Anna

A. Stibick, Alexis N. Stofko, Rebecca M. Tirpak, Madison

E. Van Gorden, Emma C. Vanchure, Julia A. Vogt, Maxwell J. Wagner, Alexander

J. Wiedlich, James J. Yurick, Mason M. Zavistoski, Kennedy


High Honor Roll: Luke D. Barley, Jesse S. Barney, Joelene Benjamin, Audrey Boellmann, Collin M. Bogdon, Brandon A. Burbank, Victoria A. Butler, Sheila M. Canaii, Santino A. Casarella, Madison E. Casey, Nicholas Cesario, Olivia V. Chappell, Camryn E. Collins,

Leeann B. Cramer, Robert Davidson, Anna R. DeSino, Kylie E. Doherty, Thomas R. Giraldi, Julia K. Glowacki, Connor M. Herron, Sarah P. Irvin, Noah W. Jakubowski, Aidan A. Jardine, Madison A. Jolie, Caleb Keiser, Robert T. Knight, Traill J. Labar, Victoria W. Li, Annabelle M. Macurak, Aubrey M. McManus, Charles Molecavage, Samantha A. Olszyk, Grace E. Osiecki, Grace E. Pachick, Vedant C. Patel, Bree A. Reilly, Kellie E. Rother, Shreya D. Rupareliya, Abigail A. Spaide, Megen E. Stolpe, Mikayla B. Toney, Emily L. Toronzi, Elianny S. Torres, Justin P. Uhl, Anthony Wan, Owen M. Weaver, Brenna M. Wehrenberg, Jolie E. Weiss

Honor Roll: Gemma Alberti, George M. Albright IV, Jack T. Andrews, Michael E. Antosh, Hailey M. Arnold, Trista S. Ball, Taylor Bayley, Alexis G. Beddingfield, Ceanna E. Belisle, Magnus M. Bibla, Zachary R. Brannigan, Jayden T. Brooking, Jenna Brugger, Conor J. Buckley, Aayan Chaudhry, Andrew T. Conklin, Jacob R. Dopp, Caitlin A. Dushanko, Braiden C. Fallbright, Noah D. Fawbush, Shane L. Forsythe, Tyler M. Furedi, Allyson M. Gordon, Stephen P. Grimm Jr, Caden M. Hatcher, Madison M. Hayes, Olivia A. Jardine, John K. Jones, Ryan M. Kachurak, Cole A. Kakalecik, Emma L. Kamowski, Benjamin M. Keil, Daniel S. Kernan, Charles M. Lake, Dakota D. Langlitz, Kiana M. Lewis, Evyn S. Makowski, Hunter S. McLaughlin, Isaac C. Mertz, Grigorie Mocanu, James A. Modrovsky, Sean A. O’Boyle, Ella Panzik, Mia J. Pollack, Tessa J. Pollack, Logan J. Price, Maria Rilko, Riley E. Robbins, Arielle M. Rodriguez, Kaylee Rushton, Jesse J. Rybak, Lauren M. Schmude, Noah R. Schultz, Andrew C. Sechleer, Devin Shaw, Zachary R. Sheloski, Joseph Skipkoski, Jacob E. Slosky, Ryan Stencavage, Jillian R. Tucker, Wyatt E. Urbanovitch, Gabrielle D. Vencak, Luke S. Wielgopolski, Caleb Yenchik


WAHS honor roll listed for 2nd period

Mr. Anthony DeSpirito, Principal at the Weatherly Area High School, has released the Honor Roll for the second marking period.


ROLL: Students must achieve a 95 average or better with no grade below 90.


Binder, McKenna Gerhard, Emma Heister, Raymond

Montz, Grace Portell, Kelly

Reiner, Niko Saldukas, Abigail Weston, Aisha Zuberi


Breslosky, Christian

Hoffman, Kiley Holman, Izabel Jones, Kaiya

Kunkle, Conner McAuley, James McLaurin, Vincent

Paisley, Mackenzie Rhodes, Alexander Rosenlund, Rachel Rosenlund, Ava


JUNIORS: Jaelyn Curtis-

Zumar, Taylor Davidovich, Niklaus Eroh, Kaylee

Gaydoscik, Isobel Hoffman, Bethany Houser, Jack

James, Mellanie Marshman, Trinity McCutcheon, Erin

Prete, Jonathan Sachs, Serenity Stoudt, Reina


SENIORS: Michael

Berger, Owen Broskoskie, Dylan Buck, Jonathan

Darraugh II, Adrianna

Dotzel, Huntyr Eichhorst, Angelina Fewins, Danielle

Gordon, Wyatt Higgins, Jonathan Hoffman, Taylor

Jones, Emma Kane, Christal

Kislan, Ian McLaurin, Kelly

Michaels, Jack Nemshick, Abigail Paisley, Rebecca

Schell, Alicia Scherturmpf, Brianna Shuman, Nathan

Tripp, Ivan Venne, Madison

vonFrisch, Jenna Winkler


Students must achieve a 90 average or better with no grade below 85.


Bresnak, Grace Hinger, Kameran Strohl, Mason

Veasie, Amanda Whale


Ethan Darraugh, Hayden DiGennaro, John Donish, Rachel Downs, Sabashtain

Kokinda, Abigail Teodorescu

JUNIORS: Juliette

Bartel, Anastasia Bloom, Jude Dempsey, Riley Foley, Roxana Gonzalez, Milana

Grier, Olivia Provizzi, Aidan

Rhoades, Chase Veasie


Eubanks, Jocelynvan


SECOND HONORS: Students must achieve an 85 average or better with no grade below 80.

FRESHMEN: Frederique

Allen, Victoria Petrole, Corbin Wagner

SOPHOMORES: Trent Higgins, McKinze McNab, Ellen Whisler


Claypoole, Rebecca Green, Dillon Kiddish, Dante Lobello, Jonathan Miller

SENIORS: Tyler Fosburg, Jacob Parker, Leeta Prater, Mason Zubritsky

Weatherly Middle School Honor Roll

The following is the honor roll list from the Weatherly Area Middle School for the second marking period which ended January 20.


Average grade of 95 or better in major subjects with no grade below 90 in any subject:

6TH GRADE: Levi Aneskevich, Brandon Antolick, Melina Ayala, Elizabeth DiGennaro, Jillian Esposito, Maci Kane, Alexia Kehler, Madison Makowiec, Ava Zimmerman.

7TH GRADE: Vincent Cuddeford III, Joseph Esposito, Maddie Heister, Kolton Reiner, Denna Stellar.

8TH GRADE: Matthew Adler, Rebecca Caldwell,

Library Corner


March will be a busy month at The White Haven Area Community Library. The Book Club will meet on March 8 at 6:30 in the John Murphy Room. This month’s book is The Measure by Nikki Erlick. The NY Times Best Seller is a story of love and hope. New members are always welcome to come enjoy the fun and lively conversation. Light refreshments will be served.

There will be a Pysanky Ukrainian Egg Workshop on March 4 from 12 – 3 PM taught by instructor Paul Corinchock. The $40 fee for the workshop, which includes all supplies, will be donated to the United Ukrainian Relief Committee ( ) .

Western Pocono Trout Unlimited will meet Wednesday, March 15 at 7 p.m. Guest speaker will be Matt McConnell of the Lehigh Valley Sierra Club who will have a program on acid mine remediation efforts on Buck Mtn. Creek, near Weatherly.

Plans are also underway for The White Haven Trout Festival, hosted by Western Pocono Trout Unlimited. Mark your calendar for this great event, which will include exhibits, vendors, and exciting programs. It is scheduled for Saturday, June 3 from noon to 5 p.m.

Wade Eroh, Aiden Foley, Willem Grant, Ben Kropp, Madeline Rhodes.


Average grade of 90 or better in major subjects with no grade below an 85 in any subject:

6TH GRADE: Jaycie

Donadi, Linda Houser, Katie Knock, Derek Moyer, Mason Sholtis, Thomas Sypeck.

7TH GRADE: Rebecca

Alfieri, Kyle Reiner, Brayden Gill.

8TH GRADE: Kassandra

Hibbler, Kameron Jacoby, Mary Portell, Chance

Stauffer, Jayden Perkins, Emilio Valenzuela.


Average grade of 85-89 in major subjects with no grade below an 80 in any subject:

6TH GRADE: Rex Bellizia, Eli Brown, Maura Brewer, Joe Holguin Luna, Lillian Keiper, Avery McLaurin, Kaylee Morales, Madelynne Osborn, Jaxson Schaeffer, Trinity Spence, John Thomas, Jacob Yanac, Riley Zawilski.

7TH GRADE: Alexander Best, Preston Culp, Odin Eckert, Edward Feiling, Brent Gerhard, Tyler Keck, Clemit Keiper, Derek Ochs, Evan Perez, Nicole Schertrumpf, Aiden Slovik, Jacob Walton.

8TH GRADE: Carmen

Aurisano, Jackson

DiGennaro, Charles Grier III, Dominick Kokinda, Angelina Ieraci, Liorah Madden, Liam Savakinus, Cortney Snyder, Remi Zubritsky.

On Sunday March 12, the community is invited to come hear The Northeast Pennsylvania Chamber Music Society perform from 3-5 PM at the library. Performing musicians are John Vaida and Arthur Moeller on violin, Amy Iwazumi on viola and Lisa Caravan on cello. Tickets are $25 and include adult beverages and hors d’oeuvres. Proceeds will benefit the library. Call 570443-8776 for reservations.

The next WHACL Board Meeting will be held on March 14 at 6:30 in the John Murphy Room. The public is always welcome to attend.

If you are interested in volunteering at the library, we would love to meet you. There are a variety of opportunities available for you to share your skills and experience. Please call 570443-8776 or stop in during library hours.

The WHACL follows the Crestwood School District for weather related closings. If the school is closed, the library is closed. For weather events on days when school is not in session, the decision to close the library will be made at least one hour prior to its scheduled opening and posted on the library Facebook page.

Please remember to check The Library Corner each week to see what we’ve got planned for our community to enjoy.

Need an Extra Copy of this issue? The Journal-Herald is for sale at:

White Haven Market, and 940 Plaza in White Haven, Wawa at the Turnpike in Kidder Township, Weasel’s in Dennison Township, and TJ’s One Stop in Weatherly.


Potential first-round matchups, NBA playoffs

With the All-Start game in the rearview mirror, it’s a good time to speculate where the regular season will settle and which teams will make it into the 2022-23 playoffs. Here’s my take.

Eastern Conference

(1) Boston Celtics vs. (8) Toronto Raptors: The Celtics should have no problem knocking out the Raptors. Boston has been hot and held the best record in the NBA for most of the season. Tatum was involved in the

MVP conversation earlier in the season, and he could build on his case coming off a high from the All-Star Game, where he won MVP and scored 55 points.

(4) Cleveland Cavaliers vs. (5) Brooklyn Nets: It is no secret the Brooklyn Nets lost their star power at the trade deadline. However, Mikal Bridges seems to be leading the charge of his new team, and 21-year-old Cam Thomas has had historic performances this season. Nevertheless, I don’t think the Nets have enough to beat

the Cavaliers in a playoff series.

(2) Philadelphia 76ers vs. (6) New York Knicks: This should be an entertaining series, with the 76ers coming out on top. I could see Philadelphia going on a playoff run the way this season has been, and the same is not true for the Knicks. The Knicks are just above .500, while the Sixers have 38 wins. Joel Embiid will come alive even more so in the playoffs, and I’m sure he and the rest of the Sixers can win the series.

(2) Milwaukee Bucks vs. (7) Miami Heat: The Bucks will likely find themselves in the ECF, if not the Finals, this year, so this should be a quick series against Miami. The Heat is not playing with the same fire as last season when they went to the ECF, and a return seems unlikely. The Bucks are playing like a much higher-level team and will probably have to face the Celtics to see who comes out of the east, who they beat in their exciting last matchup.

Western Conference

(1) Denver Nuggets vs. (8)

Golden State Warriors: This will be a first-round rematch from last year’s playoffs, but the two teams have different seeds from last year. A full-strength Warriors team is scary for any team to see in the playoffs, especially as the defending champions. However, they have not played like much of a championship team or been at full strength much this season, so I think the Nuggets may take it.

(3) Los Angeles Clippers vs. (5) Phoenix Suns: These teams received some roster upgrades as the Clippers recently acquired Russell Westbrook and the Suns’ Kevin Durant. I am leaning toward the Clippers. We have yet to see what Kevin Durant can do for the Suns, but I think it is a little too late to redeem their season and have the team learn to play with Durant. I see more promise in Westbrook meshing with Paul George and Kawhi Leonard to be the big three that get the win.

(4) Sacramento Kings vs. (6) Dallas Mavericks: For most NBA fans, it is probably surprising to see

the Sacramento Kings as the 4-seed or even in the playoffs. They have shocked many with their efficiency and level of play this season. However, I still see Dallas winning the series. Luka Doncic brought the Mavericks to the Western Conference finals last year.

(2) Memphis Grizzlies vs. (7) New Orleans Pelicans: This may be the most entertaining firstround matchup across the league. We will see fast-paced, high-scoring, and physical games if Zion is healthy for the series. This is another difficult prediction to make, but I pick the Grizzles. They feel they have more to prove after last season’s playoff performance and have the season’s power to do so.

Amy Gleason, a New Jersey-based sports journalist, writes regularly for The Sports Column.

Crestwood wrestling Magnus Bibla wins district gold; four Comets headed to regionals

Crestwood wrestler Magnus Bibla is heading back to regionals with another gold medal around his neck. The 215pound senior recorded a second-period pin of top seed Hank Baranowski of Wallenpaupack Saturday to capture his second consecutive District 2 Class 3A championship, punching his ticket to the Northeast PA Regional this weekend in Bethlehem.

Bibla will be joined at regionals by younger brother Lincoln Bibla (189 pounds), Devin Shaw (152) and Santino Casarella (133), all of whom posted top-4 finishes at the two-day district championships.

“We wanted to just improve as the season progressed and we were focused on reaching our potential in the conference and preparing for the district tournament,” Crestwood head coach Jim Costello said.

With one champion, four regional qualifiers, eight total place-winners, and the top showing (fifth place) among all Wyoming Valley Conference teams, the Comets have accomplished their goals. In addition, the Comets team had the “Sportsmanship Award” bestowed on them after the two-day Class 3A championships, which were held at Wilkes-Barre Area High School.

“The kids worked so hard, and we got stronger and stronger,” Costello said. “I am so happy for them finishing at the top of the WVC teams.”

As for the sportsmanship

award, Costello said he was thrilled. “Wrestling is such a dynamic and difficult sport because it is just you and your opponent. We always teach our kids respect and win or lose, we shake hands and keep our heads up. To be recognized by our peers is just outstanding.”

After earning a first-round bye, Magnus Bibla set up defense of his 215-pound title with an impressive second-period fall (2:23) over third-seeded Sean Cordero of Scranton to reach the championship bout against the top-seeded Baranowski.

After an early takedown, Bibla was reversed with 17 seconds left in the first period and had to fight his way off his back. The Comet senior regrouped to pin Baranowski in 3:36 of the second period to repeat as champion.

“It feels pretty good, almost like deserving, from all the practice and work I have put into it,” Bibla said. “But I expect tougher opponents at regionals, so I will be doing extra conditioning this week during practice.”

Shaw finished third at 152

pounds, registering a 17-4 major decision over WilkesBarre’s Gene Ardo (WBA) in their third-place match.

Shaw battled back from a Friday night loss to pin both Nick Bellomo of Delaware Valley (1:51) and Hazleton Area’s Mason Marolo (2:24) and reach the consi final.

Lincoln Bibla also placed third in his weight bracket, pinned Jake Griffin of Wyoming Valley West in 37 seconds in the 189-pound consolation final. Eventual champion Caleb Marzolino of Abington Heights pinned Bibla in 43 seconds of their semifinal, but stormed back with a second-pin of Delaware Valley’s Noah

Pollhill and then got the mat slap against Griffin to secure the bronze medal.

Wrestling at 133, Casarella captured the Comets’ fourth and final regional qualifying spot with his fourth-place finish. Casarella bounced back from a Friday night loss to record a 10-0 major decision over West Scranton’s Angel Olavarria, and a 7-0 decision over Scranton’s Jacob Leonori to reach the third-place match, where he fell to Dallas’ Lucas Tirpak 19-3.

Other Comets to garner top-six places at the district championships were: Anson Jumper (fifth at 107), Sammy Jeckell (5th at 127),

Thomas Stavitski (sixth at 139), Isaac Mertz (fifth at 160) and Chris Smolenak (fifth at 285).

Abington Heights outdistanced Delaware Valley 204.5 to 171.5 for the team championship, with Wallenpaupack (149.5) third. West Scranton (136.5) edged Crestwood (135.5) for fourth place in the 12-team field.

The Northeast Regional Class 3A tournament will be held Friday and Saturday at Liberty High School. The top three finishers in each weight class move on to the PIAA Championships in Hershey the following weekend.

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Crestwood Boys’ Basketball Comets eliminated from district tourney by North Pocono

Chris Walsh scored a game-high 25 points, and fifth-seeded North Pocono eliminated the Crestwood boys from the District 2 Class 5A tournament 53-41 last Tuesday night at Crestwood High School. The quarterfinal loss put an end to the Comets’ up-and-down 12-11 season.

“It’s a shame,” long-time head coach Mark Atherton said. “The season’s always gonna end in a loss unless you win the state title, but ... I really think that we got better as the season went on — I know we did.”

On this night, the fourthseeded Comets could never get their offense going, making just 4-of-16 field goal attempts in the first half. Still, they only trailed by three (16-13) at the half, mainly due to their strong

play on defense. “We were down by three and I didn’t think we played particularly well (in the first half),”

Atherton said. “I thought if we could eliminate some of the (bad) things we were doing offensively, we were gonna get going. Unfortunately, we could never really get it going.”

North Pocono extended its lead to 29-21 on AJ Nemitz’s three-pointer late in the third quarter. The Comets’ Drew Sechleer answered with his own triple, and Crestwood was down by just five (29-24) heading to the fourth. Another Sechleer hoop to start the fourth inched the Comets closer still at 29-26, but a Nemitz basket ignited an 8-1 North Pocono blitz to repel the Comets. After Matt Sklarosky’s 3-pointer got

the Comets back within six (42-36) with 2:26 left, the Trojans slammed the door, finishing the game on an 11-5 run. Walsh scored 13 of his game-high 25 points in the fourth.

“Even if we wound up losing, I was hoping it was a matter of us continuing to elevate our game,” Atherton said. “We were playing good

basketball up until today. It just seemed like we didn’t play very well. Give credit to North Pocono.”

Sechleer paced the Comets with 12 points and Brandon Burbank finished with 10. Chaz Wright and Derek Johnson each contributed seven points.

“It’s a great group of guys,” Atherton said. “These

Crestwood Girls’ Basketball

kids came to practice every day, they worked really hard, and they’re good kids. As a coach, that’s all you can ask for.”

Patriots end Lady Comets’ season in district playoff

The Crestwood girls saw their basketball season come to an end last Thursday night at the hands of Wyoming Valley Conference rival Pittston Area in the opening round of the District 2 Class 5A Tournament. The top-seeded Patriots got off to a fast start, and rode the 19-point game from Kallie Booth to a 41-30 quarterfinal

victory that ended the Lady Comets’ campaign at 8-14.

Pittston Area (23-2) went on to defeat number 5 Scranton 47-42 Saturday night to punch its ticket to the championship game this week at Mohegan Sun Arena.

The Patriots opened a 17-9 lead through one quarter, though could not extend

that against the eighthseeded Lady Comets, who outscored the Patriots 7-3 in the second to close the gap to 20-16 at the half. Pittston Area used a 10-7 third quarter to maintain its lead, then closed things out with an 11-7 fourth to finally put away Crestwood. Daniella Ranieli added 13 points for the Patriots, and combined with Booth for all five of their team’s 3-pointers.

Senior Cadence Hiller paced Crestwood with 13 points, and freshman Keira Dougherty followed with 10. Hiller and fellow seniors Julia Glowacki (3 points) and Katelyn Bozinko played their final games for the Lady Comets.

NORTH POCONO (53) — Walsh 11 1-4 25, Nemitz 4 2-2 11, West 0 0-0 0, Litts 3 1-2 7, Seidita 2 0-0 4, LaFave 3 0-0 6. Totals 23 4-8 53. CRESTWOOD (41) — Czapla 1 0-0 2, Johnson 3 1-2 7, Sklarosky 1 0-0 3, Wright 3 0-6 7, Sechleer 5 0-0 12, Agapito 0 0-0 0, Burbank 4 2-3 10. Totals 17 3-11 41. North Pocono.....5 11 13 24 — 53 Crestwood..........5 8 11 17 — 41 3-pointers: Walsh 2, Nemitz, D.Sechleer 2, Sklarosky, Wright.
CRESTWOOD (30) - Hiller 6 0-0 13, Dougherty 5 0-2 10, Glowacki 1 0-0 3, Petrosky 1 0-0 3, Gallagher 0 1-2 1, Andrews 0 0-0 0, Bozinko 0 0-0 0. Totals 13 1-4 30. PITTSTON AREA (41) - Booth 6 4-8 19, Ranieli 4 3-4 13, Baiera 1 4-5 6, Karp 1 0-0 2, Callahan 0 1-4 1, Lazevnick 0 0-0 0, Callahan 0 0-0 0. Totals 12 12-21 41. Crestwood.......... 9 7 7 7 - 30 Pittston Area.....17 3 10 11 - 41 3-pointers: Hiller, Glowacki, Petrosky. Booth 3, Ranieli 2.


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Journal-Herald Sports What is an All Star?

The NBA, NFL and MLB all represent the best of the best at each sport. To go and make it pro is a thing many dream of, but few accomplish. The best of these talented people are given trophies and awards, with a decent amount of them playing in an all-star or pro bowl game multiple times in a player’s career. This was considered such a high accolade before, to be able to go and play in these games with the other stars of the sport and put on a show. The problem now is that players are realizing more and more each season that these games do not matter. With more and more people realizing that the players know that, there have been a lot of empty seats and lost viewership.

The NBA’s annual all star game was played on February 22nd where Lebron James and his squad of all stars would take on Giannis Antetokounmpo and

Breakfast set at VFW

his drafted team. The score would end up being 184-175 in favor of Team Giannis, with absolutely no defense being played the entire game and viewership being down a record 29% from last year.

The NFL recently even ditched the pro bowl in favor of what they call the pro bowl games, an all-new week-long contest that would be skills competition based and would finish off with a 7 vs 7 flag football game. A great attempt to replace what was a dying and struggling pro bowl, still could not gain any traction. These games only brought in a little over 6 million viewers across three different channels, the lowest in 16 years.

In a year which the NFC was represented by Geno Smith, Kirk Cousins, and Jared Goff for these new games, reviews were very mixed. Some viewers liked the new format and others wished it was still a game.

Record low viewership across every major sport’s

Puzzle Answers

All-Star game has raised the question: What is an all-star? It now feels like a popularity contest with fan voting. An example: quarterback Tyler Huntley, who stepped in towards the end of the year for Lamar Jackson after Jackson went down with injury, threw for only 658 passing yards and 2 touchdowns to his 3 interceptions in five games played, but was still awarded a pro bowl spot mostly due to fan voting.

The sports industry is

desperately trying to save their all-star weeks and competitions. How long will it be before management gives up on these games as a whole and to just award a player with the title of allstar. The NFL could try and move its pro bowl skills week into the middle of the season as a last chance opportunity like the MLB and NBA have. And, will the risk of injury outweigh all potential that fans will ever see another highly contested all-star game again?

Heffley to host annual Sportsmen’s/Outdoor Expo

In his continuing effort to promote the many outdoor recreational activities available in the 122nd Legislative District to area residents, Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) will again host a Sportsmen’s and Outdoor Expo later this month.

The free event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 25, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Penn Forest Township Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1, 1387 State Route 903, in Jim Thorpe. The expo will include door prizes and feature more than 30 exhibitors.

“The warmer weather gives us an opportunity to make plans and to head outdoors and experience our beautiful county,” said Heffley. “There are many

recreational options in this region and our expo is a great way to learn more about them.”

The expo will be preceded by a hunter/trapper education course, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, which will start at 7 a.m. The class is available to first-time hunters and children ages 11 and up. Parents are encouraged to attend with their children. Topics covered during the course include responsible hunting behavior, firearm safety, wildlife and conservation management, and hunting techniques. To register for the course, visit the commission website at pgc.

VFW 6615 of White Haven will sponsor an all you can eat breakfast on Sunday, March 12, from 8 a.m. to noon. The menu includes eggs (made to order), pancakes, French toast, waffles, potatoes, sausage, bacon, toast (white, wheat or rye), orange juice, coffee, and tea.

The price is $9 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under. Take-outs are subject to 50¢ extra charge and are not all you can eat.

For information call 570443-3333 after 2:00 daily.


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