3rd Project Newsletter
12 October 2016
Dear colleagues, friends and partners from all over Europe,
Welcome to our 3rd Project Newsletter! It seems unbelievable to us: The first project year is already over! Three project meetings already took place – in Dresden (Germany) Erdemli (Turkey) and Klaipėda (Lithuania). Now we are looking forward to our 4th meeting in SkarżyskoKamienna (Poland) which will take place this October. In this newsletter, you can find information about the studies we undertook to develop the Units of Learning Outcomes and Intellectual Output No.2: Quality Guideline for Mobility Projects in Health and Social Care Professions. Each partner country presented their Learning Outcomes in the first phase of our 3rd project meeting and then they put forward their suggestions in the feedback session. Following our discussion on assessment, the following assessment instruments have been identified as applicable for our mobilities (especially as our units include a lot of social and personal competences): Case study Discussion Practical task Simulation The second half of the meeting was dedicated to starting off with the development of Intellectual Output No. 2. We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter! Best wishes Your care4mobility project team
Partner Countries’ Learning Outcomes 15 units of learning outcomes have been developed by the partners: Netherlands Lithuania
Skills in Behaviour Complementary Care Conflict and complaints management Communication and cooperation skills for health and social care workers Co-working in an international therapeutic team
Easy cooking Career planning across borders
Business start-up for medical carers Health promotion skills Dealing with feelings
Work-life balance First aid Communication with patients in a foreign language
Computer Skills for health care staff Time management for health care workers
Strategic Partnership “care4mobility: Promoting the Efficiency of VET Learner Mobilities in health and social care professions by implementing ECVET” Project No. 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002483 Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
3rd Project Newsletter
12 October 2016
After a long feedback session, during which participants introduced weaknesses and strengths regarding each country’s learning outcomes so that all the units can be assessed as successfully completed, we decided to revise our own learning outcomes and forward them to another partner country for final review and proof-reading. The first version of the units is now ready. The very final revision will be done by the end of the project period – by the time we have collected more experiences from testing the units during actual VET learner mobilities. If you are interested to learn more about our units, please do not hesitate to contact us.
During the project meeting in Klaipeda
Strategic Partnership “care4mobility: Promoting the Efficiency of VET Learner Mobilities in health and social care professions by implementing ECVET” Project No. 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002483 Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
3rd Project Newsletter
12 October 2016
First Steps for developing Intellectual Output No 2: Quality Guideline for Mobility Projects in Health and Social Care Professions In this part we discussed the assessment and certification procedures of the learning outcomes, and also the legal framework for validation and recognition. Each country presented the results which were collected by each country before the meeting. Participants gave some concrete examples about how assessment and certification can be done successfully; which assessment instruments they use and finally how learning outcomes are documented in certificates. Participants also expressed their opinions regarding whether there are any obstacles imposed by educational authorities in the relevant country.
Working Groups Three groups have been formed to develop three chapters of our guideline: Before Mobility Process: This process has been studied by Jose, Susanne, Ulla, Fabiana, Melani and Rasa. This process can generally be regarded as the planning stage of the learner mobilities. It mainly points out the learning agreements which is to be signed between two parties one of which is the sending organization and the other of which is the host organization; the selection of the participant and the assessment criteria for an objective selection; ensuring the parent agreements and selection of the accompanying person; carrying out the travel arrangements; preparing a weekly schedule for acquiring the learning outcomes; accommodation arrangements; right and duties of the participants. During Mobility Process: This process has been studied by Anita, Evelina and Jujija and generally focused on the points such as rules and legislation in the hosting country, emergency cases, learner’s communication skills and foreign language capabilities, uniforms, tutor’s hand-outs and portfolio evaluation tasks, free time and cultural activities, collaboration and team work, problem management, local and general transportation, facilities, ICT, medical care, administration and supervising. After Mobility Process: This is the final process and has been studied by Marianne, Ozan and Ayşe and mainly can be grouped under three headlines as Quality, Sustainability and Dissemination Activities. Quality headline includes Quality Tools, Follow-up meeting, long term evaluation, evaluation forms for students. Sustainability includes creating a Mobility Committee and Dissemination activities involve motivating other learner groups and institutions.
Strategic Partnership “care4mobility: Promoting the Efficiency of VET Learner Mobilities in health and social care professions by implementing ECVET” Project No. 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002483 Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
3rd Project Newsletter
12 October 2016
Contacts WBS TRAINING AG and WBS Schools - Dresden, Germany Mrs. Marianne Kolpe Marianne.Kolpe@wbstraining.de www.wbstraining.de
Mrs. Susanne Neumann Susann.Neumann@wbstraining.de www.wbs-schulen.de
ERCC – Klaipėda, Lithuania Mrs. Julija Šešeika ercc.klaipeda@gmail.com www.ercc.lt
Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego – Skarżysko-Kamienna, Poland Mr. Lukasz Plusa centrum.skarzysko@gmail.com www.ckpss.edu.pl
ET LABORA – Bergamo, Italy Mr. Andrea Bianchi andrea.bianchi@fondazioneikaros.org www.fondazioneetlabora.org
Kanuni Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School – Erdemli, Turkey Mr. Ozan Gucenmez o_gucenmez@hotmail.com erdemlikanuni.meb.k12.tr
ROC de Leijgraaf – Veghel, Netherlands Mrs. Anita Diender anita.diender@leijgraaf.nl www.leijgraaf.nl
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Strategic Partnership “care4mobility: Promoting the Efficiency of VET Learner Mobilities in health and social care professions by implementing ECVET” Project No. 2015-1-DE02-KA202-002483 Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union