WEDNESDAY | 10:00–11:15 AM
701 | DRIVING VALUE IN SENIOR LIVING WITH MEDICATION THERAPY MANAGEMENT (MTM) SERVICES Medication-related problems are a public health concern in the US, with adverse drug events leading to over 1.3 million ER visits annually. Transitions of care and legacy prescribing often compound this problem, particularly in older adults. The integration of clinical pharmacy services improves the safety and efficacy of medication use, as well as reduces the cost of care. Additionally, MTM provided by a pharmacist can mitigate risk for care providers and improve nursing staff efficiency.
801 | YOU’VE GOT YOUR LICENSE—WHAT TO EXPECT DURING A SURVEY Statutes, rulemaking, license applications, licensed assisted living director applications, and finally the transition to a Minnesota licensed assisted living facility…whew, what a couple of years it has been! But we made it! This session will describe how the new assisted living survey process works, will provide you with examples of how providers can use MDH survey forms for selfauditing for compliance and quality management activities, and review survey trends from the first three months of licensed assisted living survey activity, including those specific to providers who hold a dementia care license.
Ms. Karmen Lee Ann Stephens, Vice President of Clinical, Consana Mr. Mark Anderson, Chief Client Officer, Eldermark Software
702 | NAVIGATING DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO PROVIDER COLLABORATION Providers are facing pressure to find ways to collaborate. From telehealth to preferred provider arrangements to clinically integrated networks, the opportunities are exciting. Each approach comes with different legal pitfalls. If structured incorrectly, these arrangements can create substantial exposure. This presentation will discuss collaboration arrangements that are available in longterm care, review key laws, walk through risk areas, and discuss strategies to achieve business success. Ms. Julia C. Reiland, Partner, Lathrop GPM LLP Mr. Jesse Berg, JD, MPH, Partner, Lathrop GPM LLP
703 | WHAT THE STONEWALL GENERATION WANTS FROM YOU The Lavender Scare, Stonewall, the birth of Pride, AIDS, “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” marriage equality, and transgender bans. LGBTQ older adults living today have experienced sweeping cultural changes and systematic discrimination that has often created a mistrust of medical professionals and institutions. In 2021, Rainbow Health MN conducted a statewide needs assessment to better understand the needs and concerns of this community. Come hear what they shared with us. Ms. Maren Levad, MA, Aging Advocate, Rainbow Health MN Mr. Dylan Flunker, MPP, Research & Policy Manager, Rainbow Health MN
704 | BECOME A TRAVEL COMPANION THROUGH THE MIDDLE STAGE OF DEMENTIA Step into the shoes of individuals traveling in the middle stages of dementia and see it through their eyes. Become a detective discovering skills of people at this stage and revitalize your knowledge. Develop observational skills to create a friendly and safe setting for these individuals. Identify communication and approach techniques focusing on the individual’s abilities and needs. Learn methods that offer value/purpose for the individual as you become a traveling companion on their journey. Ms. Michele Henifin, Dementia Program Educator/Behavior Consultant, Horizon Health, Inc.
705 | SEMI-ANNUAL FIRE ALARM INSPECTIONS & GENERATOR MAINTENANCE This presentation will address the requirements for the semiannual visual fire alarm inspections and battery load testing. It will also cover weekly, monthly, and annual maintenance and inspection requirements for emergency generators.
Ms. Lindsey Krueger, Director, Office of Health Facility Complaints, Minnesota Department of Health Ms. Amy Hyers, RN, Regional Operations Manager, Health Regulation Division, Minnesota Department of Health
802 | MEDICAL ASSISTANCE STRATEGIES TO PROTECT YOUR AR Attorneys Kelsey Nelson and Aaron Sagedahl, with paralegal Jennifer Bernstein, will discuss the significant impact of Medical Assistance applications on facilities and analyze the common pitfalls which impact AR. We will examine strategies to safeguard your AR via eligibility approval, including how to work with the county and family, obtain necessary asset verifications, encourage timely applications, and prevent unnecessary denials causing nonpayment and costly write-offs for the facility. Ms. Kelsey Nelson, Attorney, Voigt, Rodè, Boxeth & Coffin, LLC Mr. Aaron M. Sagedahl, Attorney, Voigt, Rodè, Boxeth & Coffin, LLC Ms. Jennifer Z. Bernstein, Paralegal, Voigt, Rodè, Boxeth & Coffin, LLC
803 | DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS—FROM PERFORMANCE TO TERMINATION This presentation will highlight the reasons why conversations may be difficult, how to prepare for those conversations to have the best outcomes, and how to create a structure framework with which to have a difficult conversation. Discussion on ways to handle reactions that are defensive/negative/explosive. Ms. Irmadene Hanson, RN, Nurse Consultant, Zellner Senior Health Consulting, LLC Ms. Heather Meixner, RN, Nurse Consultant, Zellner Senior Health Consulting, LLC
804 | I’M THE NEW INFECTION PREVENTIONIST—WHERE DO I START? Federal regulations require that all skilled nursing facilities designate one or more individuals as the infection preventionist with responsibility for the organization’s infection prevention and control program. This can be a daunting responsibility, and the infection preventionist usually wears many hats within this role. Learn key priorities and ways to build a strong foundation for success. Participants will have the opportunity to review and discuss tools and resources. Ms. Kristi Wergin, RN, BSN, CPHQ, Quality Improvement Advisor, Stratis Health Ms. Kathie Nichols, RN, BSN, CRRN, Quality Improvement Advisor, Stratis Health
Mr. Roy Kingsley, Deputy State Fire Marshal, Minnesota State Fire Marshal Division Mr. Bill Abderhalden, Deputy State Fire Marshal, Minnesota State Fire Marshal Division