Carnet Magazine

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November 19 - February 20

carnet magazine Your guide to Verona Valpolicella Lake Garda Rovereto Trento

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Authentic Hospitality Experiences


hotel, meeting, ristorante, SPA termale in Valpolicella

hotel, meeting, restaurant, thermal SPA in the Valpolicella Area Via del Lavoro 18 - Valgatara di Valpolicella (VR) - tel. 045 6800525 via Varini 50 - Marco di Rovereto (TN) - tel 0464 943220 T. +39 045 6767300 -

ALBERGO MAZZANTI ***S hotel nel centro storico di Verona hotel in the historic centre of Verona T. +39 045 591690



caffè, aperitivo, pranzo, cena, eventi speciali nel cuore di Verona

tra 66 ettari di vigneto, con piscina, a Pitigliano nella Maremma Toscana

coffee bar, appetizer, lunch, dinner, special events in the heart of Verona T. +39 045 8000083

tuff farmhouse in Pitigliano among 66 acres of land with infinity pool in the Tuscan, Maremma region T. +39 0564 615420

Contents 30 Wine & Food tasting 26 Top things to do 04 Top place to visit

22 Museums

26 - Spa, Wellness & Thermae 28 - Skiing in Trentino

34 Where to eat

04 - Verona 12 - Valpolicella 16 - Lake Garda 18 - Valdadige

36 Where to drink

38 Exhibitions


42 Top dates 42 - November 44 - Christmas events 46 - December/January 48 - February

Stampa: Grafiche Stella S.R.L. Via Antonio Meucci, 12, Legnago (VR)

50 Shopping

PHOTO ON THE COVER: Vaso sferico in vetro lattimo con decoro fenicio corallo e applicazioni foglia d’oro, collezione privata Courtesy LE STANZE DEL VETRO Š Ph. Enrico Fiorese

Info: Editoriale Eventi snc Via Nassar 42/b, Settimo di Pescantina (VR) Tel. 045 6704400

p.c. studio - photo tommaso sartori



What to See

Top places



to visit

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uilt on the river bend of the Adige in Roman times, Verona is a city full of charm, not only for its monuments, notably its Arena - the worldwide famous 1st century amphitheatre, venue of concerts and operas every year, but also for its many medieval buildings. Bridges over the river, embracing the city lying on rolling green hills, winding among churches rich in artworks that make it resemble a Minor Hierusalem. Verona is known throughout the world above all as “the city of love” for its role as the home town of Romeo and Juliet, the two unfortunate lovers in Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy. Very popular is the 16th century Juliet’s house, with its balcony overlooking a courtyard, where lovers take photos under the statue of the beloved Shakespearean character. The city offers also excellent food in top quality restaurants as well as in typical trattorias with simple and traditional cuisine or refined slow food. A taste of the local wines, famous and exported all over the world, and winners of important awards is a must: Amarone, Ripasso, Recioto, Valpolicella Superiore, as well as white wines.


WHAT TO SEE lVERONA ARENA Piazza Bra, 1, Verona The famous Roman amphitheatre is renowned worldwide for its opera festival and contemporary music concerts. It’s the emblem of the city, in the historic centre. This is the world’s best-preserved ancient amphitheatre, thanks to regular restoration work from the 17th century onwards. Several tours are available for visiting the city and the amphitheatre. Tue-Sun: 8.30-19.30 Mon: 13.30-19.30 lARCO DEI GAVI Corso Cavour, Verona A monumental Roman arch built in the 2nd century AD on Via Postumia just outside the city walls; it was commissioned from architect Vitruvius Cerdo by the noble Roman family gens Gavia. Because of its deterioration, the arch was dismantled during the Napoleonic period, and rebuilt in 1932 in a green area near Castelvecchio. lBASILICA OF SAN ZENO Piazza San Zeno, Verona Undoubtedly one of Italy’s most beautiful Romanesque churches. The facade is particularly striking, with the contrasting colours of tuff alternating with brickwork. The church stands

on the tomb of St Zeno, bishop of Verona. Don’t miss the bronze-clad doors, the crypt, the triptych by Mantegna and the lovely cloisters. Mon-Sat: 10.00-13.00 / 13.30-17.00 Sun: 12.30-17.00 lBASILICA OF SAINT ANASTASIA Piazza S.Anastasia, Verona Verona’s largest church, it stands at the end of the decumanus maximus, Verona’s main Roman street, which connected Portoni Borsàri with the Postumio bridge, now disappeared. In addition to the basilica with its three great naves, there are remarkable fonts supported by “hunchbacks”, a fresco by Pisanello and the Giusti Chapel. Mon-Sat: 10.00-13.00 / 13.30-17.00 Sun: 13.00-17.00 lBIBLIOTECA CAPITOLARE Piazza Duomo, 13, Verona Verona’s Biblioteca Capitolare is an institution famous for the antiquity and preciousness of its manuscripts, so much so that the paleographer Elias Avery Lowe (1879-1969) defined it as “the queen of the Ecclesiastical collections.” In comparison with other libraries, it may lay claim to being the most ancient in the field of Latin culture. Sat-Sun: 10.30-17.30

lCASTELVECCHIO Corso Castelvecchio, Verona An extensive complex built in various stages on both banks of the Adige river from the Scaglier period, for the purposes of defence. Three sections can be identified: the Courtyard of the Scaglier palace, the Courtyard of Arms and the Courtyard of the Keep. Today the castle is home to an important municipal museum. lCATHEDRAL Piazza Duomo, Verona The cathedral stands in a small, austere square in the city centre; it was built on the remains of a previous church and consecrated to Santa Maria Assunta in 1187. Inside, the Nichesola chapel is home to a wonderful altarpiece by Titian. Truly worth a visit. Mon-Sat: 10.00-13.00 / 13.30-17.00 Sun: 13.30-17.00 lCASA DI GIULIETTA Via Cappello, 23, Verona Medieval palace (13th century). The palace is famous for the lovers’ balcony, where Shakespeare’s Juliet is said to have appeared, and the statue of her in the courtyard, which visitors touch for luck. Open to the public Mon: 13.30-19.30 Tue-Sun: 8.30-19.30

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What to See lCASTEL SAN PIETRO Piazzale Castel San Pietro, Verona A Veronese military complex located on the hill of San Pietro on the site of a Roman temple which was once connected to the Roman theatre. The square offers breathtaking views of the city and the meander of the river Adige. The hill commands a strategic position.

lCHURCH OF SAN GIORGIO IN BRAIDA Piazzetta S. Giorgio, Verona A stone’s throw from the gate of the same name with its mighty white facade, the church stands on the bank of the river. Built in the late

portance (12th century). The entrance is topped by a statue of St Lorenzo, holding a grille. Phone: +39 045 8050000 lCHURCH OF SANTA MARIA IN ORGANO Via Santa Maria in Organo, 1, Verona A Benedictine monastery in Romanesque and Renaissance style. In 2016 it was included in the “Rebirth from Water” itinerary created by the Verona Minor Hierusalem project. Thu-Fri 10.30-17.30 Sat: 10.00-16.30; Sun: 11.00-17.30 lPIAZZA BRA The main square and the beating heart of the city. This is the entrance to the historic centre of Verona. The square is surrounded by historic buildings like the Gran Guardia, the Maffeiano Lapidary Museum and the city hall, and restaurants




lCHURCH OF SAN BERNARDINO Stradone Antonio Provolo, 28, Verona This church dates back to the 15th century and is part of a Franciscan monastery, today run by the Order of Friars Minor. In addition to the central nave, the Italian-Gothic style church contains several richly-decorated chapels with frescoes and paintings by local artists, mostly from the 16th century.

lCHURCH OF SAN FERMO MAGGIORE Via Dogana, 2, Verona An exquisite example of the Gothic style, the church is topped by spires and pinnacles; inside is a smaller Benedictine church in Romanesque style. The story of the martyrs Fermo and Rustico is told in the bronze bas-relief on the main door. Worth seeing are the Pisanello fresco and Turone’s Crucifixion; the lower church boasts some wonderful 12th and 13th-century frescoes. Mon-Sat: 10.00-13.00 / 13.30-17.00 Sun: 12.30-17.00

15th century, it has a magnificent dome and a campanile attributed to the greatest Veronese architect of the age, Michele Sanmicheli. lCHURCH OF SAN GIOVANNI IN VALLE Via S. Giovanni in Valle, 36, Verona One of Verona’s oldest churches (11th-12th century), located in the street of the same name. The church was built on the site of a Pagan necropolis and a Roman temple. A wonderful example of Romanesque architecture. Thu-Sat 10.00-17.30 Sun: 12.00-17.30 lCHURCH OF SAN LORENZO Corso Cavour, 28, Verona Between the ancient Via Postumia and the right bank of the Adige stands a Romanesque - Gothic church of considerable historical and artistic im-

and cafés where visitors can contemplate 2000 years of history, beginning with the Arena. In the centre is a park with the Fontana delle Alpi and an equestrian statue of Victor Emanuel II. lPIAZZA DEI SIGNORI This square is also known as Piazza Dante, because of the statue of the celebrated poet that stands at its centre. It was constructed in the Middle Ages by the development of palaces and monuments all around, linked by arches and loggias. More recently it has become a meeting place for university students and young people. lPIAZZA DELLE ERBE According to recent research, this is the best-loved Italian square among visitors from around the world. It’s also the oldest square in Verona,


lVIA SOTTORIVA One of Verona’s most picturesque streets, which retains its ancient appearance. The name comes from its riverside position; the street runs alongside the Adige, where there were once several mills and artisan workshops. Today there are cafés and restaurants offering typical local delicacies. lGIUSTI PALACE AND GARDEN Via Giardino Giusti, 2, Verona These are located in the street of the same name in Verona’s historic centre, near Piazza Isolo. Known worldwide, the Giusti gardens are Italian-style gardens with box hedges, mazes, grottoes, statues and magnificent trees; the atmosphere is of the early 15th century, when the palace received visits from figures such as Cosimo dei Medici. Open all year round from 9.00 to 19.00

standing on the site of the ancient Roman forum, centre of the city’s political and economic life, and surrounded by medieval buildings. The square is home to a market, with its characteristic stalls. lPONTE PIETRA Between Lungadige San Giorgio and via Ponte Pietra The Ponte Pietra is a Roman arch bridge crossing the Adige River. The bridge was completed in 100 BC. It is the oldest bridge in Verona. In 1945 retreating German troops made the bridge blow-up; it was thus necessary to reconstruct it by recovering some of its original stones and bricks from the Adige River where the explosion had hurled them.


lPONTE SCALIGERO Corso Castelvecchio, Verona This bridge is part of the Castelvecchio (1354) and was built during the rule of Cangrande II della Scala as an escape route to the country. During the Second World War, the bridge was

destroyed by the Germans, but was rebuilt immediately after the war. It is accessible on foot only and offers wonderful views of the Adige and its banks. lPALAZZO DELLA RAGIONE Piazza Erbe, 12, Verona A magnificent 12th-century building on a square floor plan with an interior courtyard and four corner towers, including the famous Lamberti Tower. It’s located in the ancient Roman forum, between Piazza delle Erbe and Piazza Dante. Tue-Fri: 10.00-18.00 Sat-Sun: 11.00-19.00 lPALAZZO DEL CAPITANO Piazza dei Signori, 22, Verona Also known as Palazzo di Cansignorio, this building faces onto Piazza dei Signori. Although the building is medieval, the facade is Renaissance, making this one of Verona’s Venetian palaces. Numerous items of Roman origin have been unearthed here. External visits only. lROMAN THEATRE Rigaste Redentore, 2, Verona An open-air theatre built in the 1st century BC at the foot of the San Pietro hill on the left bank of the Adige, within the Roman city walls. This is one of the largest ancient theatres in northern Italy, with seating for 1860. The building is part of the city’s Archaeological Museum, and is used as a theatre (during Estate Teatrale Verona). Mon: 13.30-19.30 Tue-Sun: 8.30-19.30 lSCAGLIER TOMBS Via Santa Maria in Chiavica, 1, Verona A Gothic-style monumental funerary complex for the Scaglier family, containing the tombs of illustrious members of the dynasty, including Cangrande I della Scala. Phone: +39 045 8068680

lPORTA BORSARI Corso Porta Borsari, Verona A magnificent gate in Verona’s Roman walls. The gate was built in the 1st century AD, and in the Imperial period it was the main entrance to the city on Via Postumia. In Roman times the gate was called Porta Iovia; its current name dates back to the Middle Ages and refers to the bursarii, who charged taxes on goods. lPORTA DEI LEONI Via Leoni, 1, Verona An ancient gate which in Roman times gave access to the city at the beginning of the cardus maximus. It was built in the Republican era at the behest of the quattuorvirate named in an inscription on the crest. The Roman name is unknown, but in the Middle Ages the gate was called Porta San Fermo because of its proximity to the church. lPORTA NUOVA Piazzale Porta Nuova, Verona The monumental Porta Nuova was built between 1532 and 1540 to a design by architect Michele Sanmicheli, as part of major renovations to the city walls. lPORTA PALIO Stradone Porta Palio, Verona Built around the middle of the 16th century, this gate is thought by many historians to be the masterpiece of Veronese architect Michele Sanmicheli. This is the most remarkable monument arising from the Renaissance focus on triumph in city gates, an architectural manifestation of the “fortify and decorate” policy. lTORRE DEI LAMBERTI Via della Costa, 2, Verona An 84-metre Romanesque-style medieval tower which rises from Piazza Erbe, the ancient Roman forum. The tower has undergone numerous modifications in the course of its 8 centuries of history. This is Verona’s highest building, offering wonderful views of the city. Open to the public. Mon-Sat: 11.00-19.00

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What to See 1





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What to See

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TEMPLE OF MINERVA, Marano di Valpolicella


orth of Verona and west of Lake Garda lays Valpolicella, a hilly strip of land resembling a range of valleys, dominated by vineyards, cherry and olive trees. Thanks to the climate and geological nature the wines produced here are unique and typical to the area. The cultivation of Veronese pergola vineyards is guided by the experience of winemakers who rely on traditional techniques with a view to innovation. The five municipalities of the classic area Negrar, Fumane, Marano, San Pietro in Cariano and Sant’Ambrogio belong to Valpolicella, as well as Parona, Pescantina, Sant’Anna d’Alfaedo. But the excellence of Valpolicella is not only wine, which is exported all over the world, such as Amarone, Recioto, Ripasso, Valpolicella Superiore. There is also marble, especially in the municipality of Sant ‘Ambrogio, where there are several exporting companies. The town of Valpolicella has been the centre of intense extraction of precious marble since ancient times. From here, in fact, come the stones used to build the palaces of Verona and the Arena itself, and a couple of centuries ago many stonemasons left to reach America and teach the art of sculpting. (Giancarla Gallo)

PONTE DI VEJA - ph. Gianni Crestani


lTEMPLE OF MINERVA Pezza, Marano di Valpolicella Remains of a sanctuary dedicated to Minerva, in use from protohistoric age until late antiquity. The temple is located a few steps from the church of Santa Maria in Valverde. SAN MARCO AL POZZO Via Pozzo, 8, Valgatara The church of San Marco al Pozzo is a small rural church, located in the Pozzo di Valgatara area, previously dedicated to St. Stephen, it is dated to the thirteenth century. lPIEVE ROMANICA IN SAN GIORGIO Piazza della Pieve, S. Giorgio di Valpolicella The Pieve di San Giorgio di Valpolicella is an ancient parish church, probably built on a pagan cult ground and dating back to the VIII century. The current religious building represents one of the most interesting and ancient examples of Romanesque architecture in the province of Verona. lVILLA MOSCONI BERTANI Località Novar, Arbizzano-Santa Maria The Villa Mosconi Bertani, also known as Villa Novare, is a neoclassical Winery and Manor in Valpolicella built in the first half of the 1700s by the architect Adriano Cristofoli, on behalf of Giacomo Fattori. lMADONNA DE LA SALETTE SANCTUARY Località Ca’ Tripoli, 1, Fumane The Madonna De La Salette Sanctuary was built in 1860, on the hill overlooking the inhabited area of Fumane. lSANTA MARIA IN VALVERDE CHURCH Pezza, Marano di Valpolicella Church dating back to the 12th century.

VILLA DELLA TORRE Via della Torre, 25, Fumane Villa Della Torre (built in 1545) is a historic home of great importance from the sixteenth century in Veneto. VILLA SEREGO ALIGHIERI Via Giare, 277, Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella In 1353 the estate was bought by Pietro Alighieri, son of Dante the Poet, who had followed his father into exile in Verona. PIEVE OF SAN FLORIANO Via della Pieve, 49, San Pietro In Cariano This church represents the most interesting example of the Romanesque period in Valpolicella. The current building is the result of a reconstruction made after its destruction caused by a big 11th century earthquake. VILLA GIONA Via V. Pasetto, 8, San Pietro in Cariano This villa dates back to the 16th Century. TIBETAN BRIDGE Marano di Valpolicella A suspension bridge that connects the territories of Marano di Valpolicella and Sant’Anna d’Alfaedo.

lGROTTE OF FUMANE Fumane Grotta di Fumane is one of the major prehistoric archaeological sites in Europe. This site is essential for studying the way of life, the economy, technology and spirituality of the ancient humans that inhabitated the Valpolicella area for over 50,000 years. lPONTE DI VEJA (VEJA BRIDGE) Sant’Anna d’Alfaedo The largest natural bridge in Europe. lSALGARI’S AVITA HOUSE San Peretto, Negrar The House in which Emilio Salgari, the author of adventure novels such as Sandokan, has lived for several years. lVILLA RIZZARDI - GIARDINO DI POJEGA The Tenuta di Pojega was purchased in 1649 by the count Rizzardi, and it is in Baroque style with late Renaissance influences, designed by the architect Filippo Messedaglia. But the real peculiarity of the complex is the garden of Pojega which extends beyond the villa for more than 50,000 m². lVILLA SEREGO Pedemonte, San Pietro in Cariano Villa Serego is a Palladian villa at Santa Sofia di Pedemonte. It was built for the aristocratic Sarego family and designed by Andrea Palladio. The villa is distinctive for its use of rusticated columns of the Ionic order. lPREHISTORIC AND PALEONTOLOGICAL MUSEUM Sant’Anna D’alfaedo The museum is located in the centre of Sant’Anna D’Alfaedo and it houses an interesting collection of prehistoric findings.

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What to See

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What to See

LAKE GARDA Lake Garda, with its mild climate and perfect water temperature, seems but a patch of sea set between the Alps and northern Italy’s Pianura Padana (i.e. the Po River Plain). Garda – which touches the three Italian Regions of Lombardy, Trentino Alto Adige and Veneto – is even surrounded by palms oleander, olive trees and vines, in addition to the picturesque villages, beaches and little ports, parks and nature reserves it is known for. Lake Garda is ideal for a tailor-made vacation, whether for nature lovers, athletes, or history and culture buffs.

Finally, take this occasion to see Sirmione, thermal spa locale comprising a very characteristic historic center, the Grotte di Catullo archaeological site and the 13th-Century Scaliger Castle.



Architecture, history and art aficionados cannot help but appreciate the numerous borghi, castles, monasteries, monuments and museums lining the lake’s shores. History lovers especially can marvel at the evidence of prehistoric settlements in the Valtenesi and on Monte Baldo, or the remains of Roman villas in Desenzano and Toscolano. Equally-charming are the Medieval castles and Scaliger fortresses, from which the Benaco and Sirmione Towers rise up to dominate the scene. Sacred art comes to full fruition in the Romanesque Abbey Churches of Maderno, Sirmione and Bardolino, and in the neoclassical Parocchial Churches of Bardolino and Cassone. Then, the Sanctuaries of the Madonna del Frassino, Madonna di Montecastello and Madonna della Corona make for important pilgrimage destinations. Among the countless palazzi boasting gorgeous gardens with a view, the majestic Vittoriale, former residence of writer Gabriele d’Annunzio, can be found in Gardone Riviera, a gem of a town whose architecture was developed in the Art Nouveau. The André Heller Botanical Garden is also here, with its more than 2,000 plant varieties.

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Just about every sport can be taken up, both on and near the Lake, think of swimming and sailing, mountain-climbing and biking, hiking and horseback riding, rafting and hang-gliding. On its southwestern coast, from Sirmione to Limone, the ports of Bogliaco, Campione and Limone are favorites in the sailing and surfing set. The Trentino coast, on the north shore – where the communities of Riva del Garda and Nago-Torbole are located – is also highly sought-after by windsurfers. And the “Olive Riviera”, the zone running from Malcesine to Peschiera, in the Province of Verona, is approximately 50 km of well-outfitted beaches and sports hubs, for those preferring fun and summer activity. (This is also where travelers can find the amusement park, Gardaland.) If relaxation is more your speed, plenty of hot springs spas abound between Sirmione and Lazise, along with other resorts and golf courses. (fonte:

AVIO CASTLE (TN) - Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina - ph. Tommaso Prugnola

What to See


alle dell’Adige or Valdadige is the stretch of the valley covered by the Adige river, which runs from Rovereto to Merano. It is a long and narrow valley between the river, the railway, the A22 motorway and the Abetone and Brennero state road 12. The area is completely covered with vineyards, including autochthonous ones, where excellent wines are produced such as Enantio, Foja Tonda, Pinot Grigio, Bianco, Chardonnay and Schiava. During the war the valley was guarded by forts built by the Austrians and by the Italians to control enemy movements. Many medieval castles also dominate the valley and some are in excellent condition and can be visited. The consortium of wineries is called Terra dei Forti, which promotes also other PDO products. It comprises four municipalities - three in the Verona area, Dolcè, Brentino Belluno and Rivoli, and one in Trentino, Avio. Climbing paths have been created on the rocks that overlook the Adige, real rock gyms, with breath-taking views. The most important cities of the Valdadige are Ala, Rovereto and above all Trento, the capital of the autonomous province, a city rich in history, art and culture, as well as tourism, architecture, nature and museums. (Giancarla Gallo)

PALAZZO TADDEI, ALA (TN) - Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina - ph. Marco Simonini

WHAT TO SEE lCASTEL BESENO Via Castel Beseno, Besenello (TN) This is the largest fortress in Trentino-Alto Adige. It is located in the municipality of Besenello in the province of Trento and is currently one of the branches of the provincial museum of Buonconsiglio Castle. lCASTEL NOARNA Via Molini, 46, Noarna (TN) Most likely born as a fortress in the Roman era, Castel Noarna has dominated Vallagarina since the 11th century. Beautiful Michelangelo-school frescoes on the main stairway and in the winter garden. Wine tasting. lCASTLE OF AVIO Via al Castello, Sabbionara, Avio (TN) This is one of the most famous and oldest fortresses in Trentino. It stands in the hamlet of Sabbionara di Avio; its imposing keep dominates the Vallagarina Valley.

ROVERETO CASTLE (TN) - Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina - ph. Carlo Baroni

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ROVERETO (TN) - Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina - ph. Luca Babboni

lCASTLE OF BUONCONSIGLIO Via Bernardo Clesio, 5, Trento This was home to the Prince Bishops of Trento. The complex consists of a series of buildings enclosed within a perimeter wall. Today it is the main centre of a series of museums housed in 5 castles. Opening hours: every day except non-holiday Mondays: 10:00 - 18:00. lCASTLE OF CASTELLANO Viale Lodron 17, Castellano (TN) Castello di Castellano is an ancient episcopal estate. It is a fortified residence in a panoramic position, with a long wall which runs down the slope to the Watch Tower.

lCASTEL PIETRA Via Castel Pietra 1, Calliano (TN) This castle stands on the slopes below Castel Beseno in a strategic position on a rocky outcrop of the Cengio Rosso mountain. A corner of the Middle Ages where time stands still.

lCHURCH OF SANTA MARIA MAGGIORE Vicolo delle Orsoline, 1, Trento An important Renaissance-style place of worship in Trento. It was built by Antonio Medaglia at the behest of the prince-bishop Bernardo Clesio and was the meeting place of the Council of Trent.

lCATHEDRAL OF SAN VIGILIO Piazza del Duomo, Trento The Cathedral of San Vigilio, better known as the Duomo di Trento, is the mother church of the Archdiocese of Trento. The Romanesque-style building stands in the square of the same name, on the site of an ancient early-Christian church. Opening hours: every day, 6.30-12.00 /14.30-20.

lPALAZZO ALBERTI POJA Corso Angelo Bettini 41, Rovereto (TN) Along with the Palazzo dell’Annona (home to the municipal library), the 18th-century Palazzo Poja constitutes the facade which gives access to the MART, the Museum of Modern Art and the Melotti Auditorium. The building is managed by the Rovereto Fondazione Museo Civico.

lCAZUFFI-RELLA HOUSES Piazza del Duomo, 3, Trento These are two adjacent medieval palaces dating back to the 16th century. The facade overlooking the square is decorated with gorgeous frescoes attributed to Marcello Fogolino.

lPALAZZI DÈ PIZZINI VON HOCHENBRUNN Via Santa Caterina, 2, Ala (TN) A complex of three Baroque-style buildings. The Pizzini family arrived in Ala towards the end of the 16th century to work in mills; thanks to the flourishing velvet business, their residences grew in magnificence.

lCHURCH OF SAN MARCO Piazza San Marco, Rovereto (TN) One of Rovereto’s oldest and most historical churches, it is located in the square of the same name. The church is an important example of the Baroque style. The facade features a stone statue of St Mark with the lion (second half of 15th century).

lPALAZZO DELLE ALBERE Via Roberto da Sanseverino, 43, Trento A Renaissance villa-fortress built in the 16th century by the Madruzzi prince-bishops. This little-known building features fascinating frescoed areas.

CASTEL BESENO, BESENELLO (TN) - Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina - ph. Daniele Lira

lCASTLE OF ROVERETO Via Guglielmo Castelbarco, 7, Rovereto (TN) Also called “Castel Veneto”, it is one of the best examples of late-Medieval Alpine fortresses.

BUONCONSIGLIO CASTLE, TRENTO - Fototeca Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. - ph. Carlo Baroni

What to See

lPALAZZO MALFATTI-AZZOLINI Piazza S. Giovanni, 6, Ala (TN) In the heart of the Baroque town of Ala (TN), this palace forms one side of Piazza San Giovanni. Malfatti and Azzolini are the names of the families that owned this prestigious Neoclassical building. lPALAZZO PRETORIO Piazza del Duomo, 18, Trento Also known as the Bishop’s Palace, this is home to the Trentino Diocesan Museum. The name refers to the Magistrates’ court which occupied the building in the 11th century. lPALAZZO ROCCABRUNA Via Santa Trinità, 24, Trento A noble residence dating back to the mid-16th century, in the historic city centre. This is an important example of Mannerist architecture and was built on the orders of Canon Gerolamo Roccabruna.

lPALAZZO THUN Via Rodolfo Belenzani, 19, Trento The palace is one of Trento’s most important noble residences. Today it is home to the city hall. It stands on the site of the Roman cardus maximus (whose remains can still be seen). lPALAZZO TODESCHI-MICHELI Via Mercerie, Rovereto (TN) The palace of the Todeschi barons boasts a commemorative plaque, because Mozart held his first Italian concert here in 1769. Today the building is home to the Italian Mozart Association, which organises a Mozart Week every autumn. lTORRE VANGA Piazza della Portela, Trento Built in 1210 by the Prince-Bishop Federico Vanga, the tower stands right beside the Adige and was used to control access to the Doss hill.

lTORRE VERDE Via Torre Verde, Trento This tower was connected to Buonconsiglio Castle by a wall; it is commonly known as the green tower because of its pointed green roof. This was one of Trento’s strategic defensive points, the north-eastern bastion of the perimeter wall. lZANDONAI THEATRE Corso Bettini 78, Rovereto (TN) It was built in 1783, following the project of the architect Filippo Maccari. Is the first theatre built in Trentino, sign of the cultural ferment of Rovereto Enlargedin the 19th century to become as we can see it nowadays

lPALAZZO TABARELLI Via Paolo Oss-Mazzurana, 63, Trento This is one of the Renaissance-style buildings in the historic centre of Trento, and it stands out for its magnificent facade of red and white rusticated ashlar. lPALAZZO TADDEI Via Nuova, 43, Ala (TN) The palace dates back to 15th-century Venice and is evidence of the power of the Venetians, the only social class who could extend and embellish their homes. In these rooms, Giovanbrunone Taddei invented the manufacture of velvet, which brought fame and fortune to the province.

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PIAZZA DUOMO, TRENTO - Fototeca Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. - ph. Alexander Debiasi

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Learn & Explore

Museums VERONA lACHILLE FORTI MODERN ART GALLERY Cortile Mercato Vecchio, 6, Verona The Achille Forti gallery is a museum in the historic centre of Verona which displays the civic, legal and artistic evolution of Verona throughout the years. Tue-Fri: 10.00 - 18.00 Sat-Sun: 11.00 - 19.00 lARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM Roman Theatre, Regaste Redentore, 2, Verona Inaugurated in 1924 in the former Jesuit monastery of San Gerolamo, the museum is adjacent to the Roman Theatre. It’s located in one of the city’s most striking settings and most fascinating archaeological sites. Mon: 13.30 - 19.30 Tue-Sun: 8.30-19.00 lCASTELVECCHIO MUSEUM Corso Castelvecchio, 2, Verona One of the city’s most important museums, it was restored and refurbished for modern times by Carlo Scarpa between 1958 and 1974. The museum occupies some thirty rooms, divided into sections. Mon: 13.30 - 19.30 Tue-Sun: 8.30-19.00 lG.B. CAVALCASELLE FRESCO MUSEUM Via Luigi da Porto, 5, Verona The tomb of Juliet is inside a former Capuchin monastery in Verona which dates back to the 13th century, and today houses the “G.B.Cavalcaselle” Museum of Frescoes. Tradition and popular imagination demand that this should be the final resting place of Juliet Capulet, the protagonist of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Mon: 13.30 - 19.30 Tue-Sun: 8.30-19.00 lMAFFEIAN LAPIDARY MUSEUM Piazza Bra, 28, Verona Among Europe’s most ancient museums, the Lapidary Museum (with collections of Greek, Etruscan, Paleo-Veneta and Roman, as well as Arab epigraphs) was founcarnet /


MUSEO NICOLIS, Villafranca di Verona (VR)

MART, ROVERETO (TN) - Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina

lNATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 9, Verona The Museum of Natural History of Verona, located in the Pompei Palace, displays both naturalistic and historical collections, which are organized in four main sections: botany, geology, zoology and prehistory. Tue-Fri: 9.00 - 17.00 Sat-Sun: 14.00 - 18.00 lOPERA MUSEUM OF VERONA - AMO Via Achille Forti, 1, Verona The only museum in the world devoted to the valorisation and promotion of opera culture. Mon: 14.30 - 19.30 Tue-Sun: 9.30-19.30


lMUSEO NICOLIS Viale Postumia, 71, Villafranca di Verona The museum tells the evolution of the means of transport of the last two centuries through hundreds of cars, motorbikes and bikes. The collection also includes cameras, typewriters, musical instruments and other unobtainable objects. Tue-Sun: 10.00-18.00

ded in 1745 by one of Verona’s most illustrious figures, Scipione Maffei. Tue-Sun: 8.30-14.00 lMINISCALCHI-ERIZZO MUSEUM Via San Mamaso, 2a, Verona The museum is set in ancient noble residence and is articulated in 16 rooms, each with a different collection: paintings, small Renaissance bronzes, archaeological objects, Russian icons, an ancient library, weapons and armors of the ‘400-’500 and a chapel. Mon-Fri: 11.00-13.00 / 15.30-19.00 Phone: +39 045 8032484 lMUSALAB FRANCA RAME DARIO FO Via Santa Teresa, 12, Verona MusALab displays over ninety years of history of Italian theater and culture, consisting of scripts, manuscripts, drawings, photographs, paintings, posters, books, articles, costumes, puppets and sets. Mon-Fri: 10.30-13.00 / 14.00-17.00 Sat: 8.00-13.30

ROVERETO - TRENTO lMART - CONTEMPORARY AND MODERN ART MUSEUM Corso Angelo Bettini, 43, Rovereto (TN) Mart is the centre of modern and contemporary art in Italy, it puts on large thematic exhibitions, the results of years of research, national and international temporary exhibitions and artistic programmes on twentieth century art periodically reconceived and renewed making use of its collections. Tue-Sun: 10.00-18.00 (Fri: 10.00-21.00) lMUSE - MUSEO DELLE SCIENZE Corso del Lavoro e della Scienza, 3, Trento MUSE is a journey into science and nature and offers a multimedia exhibit and interactive games. The science museum was designed by popular Italian architect Renzo Piano. Tue-Fri: 10.00-18.00 Sat-Sun: 10.00-19.00

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lANTIQUE PIANO MUSEUM Via Santa Caterina 1, Ala (TN) The elegant rooms of this museum contain an impressive collection of period pianos owned by Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven and Chopin. A wonderful gathering of beautiful instruments. lBASE THUNDER MUSEUM Folgaria (TN) Base Tuono was a former Italian Air Force and NATO missile base, active between 1966 and 1977 and located in the Trentino-Alto Adige region, close to the Coe pass and to the border with the Veneto region.

lBOTANICAL GARDENS AND FOSSIL MUSEUM Palazzo Baisi, Via Mantova, 4, Brentonico (TN) The Botanical Gardens cover more than 3500 square metres of the area outside Palazzo Eccheli Baisi, which is home to a rich collection of palaeontology, with more than 1000 fossils. lCITY MUSEUM FOUNDATION OF ROVERETO Borgo Santa Caterina, 41, Rovereto (TN) Go on a journey within the seven faces of science through the collections of the City Museum Foundation of Rovereto, one of the most ancient museums of Italy: archeology and art, botany and zoology, numismatics, earth science and astronomy. lDEPERO FUTURIST HOUSE OF THE ARTS Via Portici 38, Rovereto (TN) The collection was donated to the city by Fortunato Depero and includes: intarsia inlays in fabric, furniture, “buxus” ornaments, toys and products of applied art.

lITALIAN WAR HISTORY MUSEUM Via Guglielmo Castelbarco, 7, Rovereto (TN) The war museum is housed in the 15th-century castle of Rovereto, the only Venetian fortress in Trentino. Over the years, the museum has added to its collection with exhibits from the Italian colonial wars and the Second World War. lGIANNI CAPRONI MUSEUM OF AERONAUTICS Via Lidorno, 3, Trento The Museum offers a collection of airplanes, historical relics and works of art collected by the Caproni family, entrepreneurs and pioneers of aviation. lVILLA LAGARINA DIOCESAN MUSEUM Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 10, Villa Lagarina (TN) The villa contains a rich cultural and artistic patrimony from the XI to the XIX century, belonging to the churches in Trento’s province.

MUSE, TRENTO - Fototeca Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. - ph. Carlo Baroni

BELVEDERE FORT Lavarone (TN) The fort, built between 1908 and 1914, is in excellent conditions and houses a museum dedicated to the Great War, complete with multimedia installations.

FUTURIST HOUSE OF ART DEPERO - Fototeca Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. - ph. Carlo Baroni

Learn & Explore

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Wellness & Sport

SPA, WELLNESS & THERMAE lAQUARDENS Via Valpolicella, 63, Pescantina (VR) The Verona thermal baths are a succession of indoor and outdoor pools, lagoons, caves and waterfalls which offer visitors more than 5200 square metres of mineral water at 47° C, plus massage, relaxation areas and music and chromotherapy. Phone: +39 045 67067 lAQUARIA THERMAL SPA TERME DI SIRMIONE Piazza Don A. Piatti, 1, Sirmione (BS) An oasis of wellness immersed in a large park, a place to enjoy moments of intense pleasure all year round, during the day or in the evening, with fabulous views over Lake Garda. More than 10,000 square metres of wellness, of which 700 contain thermal water with swimming pools, hydromassage, effervescent beds, saunas, steam baths, sensory showers. Phone: +39 030 916044 lAQUALUX HOTEL SPA & SUITE Via Europa Unita, 24/b, Bardolino (VR) An area of 1000 square meters dedicated to the care of the well-being and beauty in a fully eco-compatible four-star hotel, just a few minutes from the centre of Bardolino on Lake Garda. A large Jacuzzi surrounded by a relaxation area, three saunas, a turkish bath, a caldarium, a private oasis and turkish bath Private Spa. Phone: +39 045 6229999

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Top things to do

lCAESIUS THERMAE & SPA RESORT Via Peschiera, 3, Bardolino (VR) Thermal water of Hotel Caesius Thermae originates in the slopes of Monte Baldo and flows down to mineral water spring at the Caesius Thermal Center. The structurez offers various kinds of baths, such as whirlpools, ozone baths, balneotherapy and thalassotherapy using seawater. Guests can also benefit from the best equipped Ayurvedic Medicine Center. Phone: +39 045 7219100 lHSG SPA – HOTEL SAN GIACOMO Via Baroni Salvotti, 2, San Giacomo, Brentonico (TN) Discover this precious oasis of wellness and well-being at the Natural Park of Monte Baldo: 4 swimming pools, 6 steam cabins, 5 relaxation areas, 3 refreshment areas, 1 Technogym gym and much more, all spread over more than 1500 square meters. Phone: +39 0464 391560

lQC TERME DOLOMITI Strada de la Veisc, 40, Pozza di Fassa (TN) Regenerate yourself in a mountain wellness centre with 4.000 square meters on three floors and Sulphurous water from Fassa water source. lQUELLENHOF LUXURY RESORT LAZISE Via del Terminon, 19, Lazise One of the most exclusive wellness hotels at Lake Garda, the recently built Quellenhof Luxury Resort Lazise, created a wonderful spa paradise for your wellness holiday across an area of 2,000 m² with several outdoor pools, organic swimming lake and 5 modern saunas. lTERME DELLA VALPOLICELLA Via Ospedaletto, 57, Ospedaletto (VR) Villa Quaranta Tommasi Wine Hotel & Spa: 2500 square metres of thermal pools, Thermarium sauna, fitness and a beauty centre with wine therapy. Phone: +39 045 6767456



lTERME DI COMANO Loc. Terme Comano, 6, Comano (TN) Between Lake Garda, the Brenta Dolomites and the Adamello Brenta Nature Park you will find the Terme di Comano, a dermatological spa centre of excellence where you can enjoy a tranquil holiday whilst nurturing your connection with nature. Phone: +39 0465701277 lTERME DOLOMIA Strada di Bagnes, 25, Pozza di Fassa(TN) The baths are surrounded by the extraordinary and unique scenery of the Dolomites, listed by Unesco as a world heritage area. The spa complex offers relaxation, water cures and therapy thanks to the virtues of sulphur. Phone: +39 0462 762567

AQUARDENS, Pescantina (VR)

lTERME MERANO Piazza Terme 9, Merano (BZ) This is a thermal and tourism complex in the centre of Merano, on the banks of the river Pas-

sirio; there are indoor and outdoor pools and a verdant park covering 50,000 m². Phone: +39 0473 252000 lVILLA DEI CEDRI SPA Piazza di Sopra 4, Colà (VR) This is a natural spa surrounded by greenery. The thermal baths are in addition to the exclusive services of this hotel set in a 19th-century villa, with apartments and a wellness centre. Phone: +39 045 7590988 lWELLNESS CENTER HOTEL VERONESI LA TORRE Via Monte Baldo, 22, Dossobuono (VR) Take care of yourselves at the Wellness Centre in Verona and its elegant, sophisticated and innovative environment. The 4 stars Superior hotel Veronesi La Torre proposes a modern beauty centre equipped with a massage parlour that will surely become the ideal location for healing both mind and body. Phone: +39 045 8604814

MADONNA DI CAMPIGLIO (TN) - Fototeca Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. - ph. Alessandro Trovati

Wellness & Sport

SKIING IN TRENTINO 730 km of tracks and 278 plants


ith the arrival of winter the Alpine ski resorts of Italy are preparing to welcome thousands of tourists from all over Europe who want to test themselves on the unforgettable routes that only the Alps can offer. Trentino is undoubtedly among the most popular destinations for those who love skiing in all its variations, with its 730 km of slopes of any level, 278 facilities, over 3000 snowmakers and the 480 km of tracks for cross-country skiing. All of this while enjoying the Alpine landscape made by the Adamello, the Brenta, the Sella and the Trentino highlands.

SKI AREAS lMADONNA DI CAMPIGLIO Madonna di Campiglio is a popular tourist destination that regularly hosts world-class races and sporting events, is connected to Folagarida-Marilleva and Pinzolo via modern and efficient lift systems. With 150 km of slopes suitable for all levels of skiers, it’s the largest ski area in Trentino. As far as scenery goes, it doesn’t get better than this, spanning from the Brenta Dolimites, Unesco Heritage Site, to the Adamello and Presanella groups. lVAL DI FASSA In the midst of the Sella Group, 7 ski areas, 82 ski-lift facilities and 150 slopes. The Val di Fassa is one of the most beloved valleys of Trentino. It encompasses a small area and nothing is ever too far away, yet, despite its size, nature here has been exceedingly generous. Indeed, here you’ll find some of the most renowned peaks of the Dolomites: the Vajolet towers, the Piz Boè and the Langkofel or Sassolungo.

VAL DI FASSA - PASSO SELLA (TN) - Fototeca Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. - ph. Federico Modica

Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina - ph. Tommaso Prugnola

lFOLGARIA - LAVARONE E LUSERNA (ALPE CIMBRA) These three communities share many centuries of history. The Skiarea Alpe Cimbra-Folgaria Lavarone is a true snow paradise for lovers of all winter sports.

lANDALO AND FAI DELLA PAGANELLA Lift systems to serve your passion for skiing at 2000m of altitude. Altopiano della Paganella is one of most established ski resorts in Trentino, easy to reach from the exit of the Brenner motorway. The slopes afford unparalleled views over the Dolomites stretching, on clear days, to Valle dei Laghi and Lake Garda.

lVAL DI FIEMME Val di Fiemme is one of the most beautiful valleys on the Italian Alps. The ski area offers plenty of scope to practice winter sports at high level thanks to cutting edge facilities, a lively après-ski scene and world-class sporting events. 50 ultra-modern ski lift systems serve 110km of ski terrain, 3 well-equipped snow parks and 2 thrilling sledging tracks.

lFOLGARIDA-MARILLEVA, PEIO, PASSO TONALE Skiing in Val di Sole offers not only efficient and cutting edge lift systems, but also a holiday experience like no other, immersed in the outstanding natural beauty of the Brenta Dolomites, the Adamello, the Presena glacier and the Tonale Pass, with the majestic Ortles-Cevedale in the near Val di Pejo.


CYCLING ON THE SNOW Piazza Polsa, 5, Polsa, Brentonico (TN) Cycling on the snow in a fairy-tale and silent landscape with specially designed e-bikes Phone: 335 283755

lVAL DI NON There is a total of three ski areas in the Val di Non that together offer fun opportunities for everyone: downhill skiing, cross-country, ski-mountaineering and snowboarding. For non-skiers there are plenty of alternatives like treks through the snow with horse-drawn sleighs or snowshoeing, the latter being a tradition of the valley. It’s possible to go ice-skating on lake Smeraldo or at the ice rink in the town of Fondo. lS. MARTINO DI CASTROZZA, PASSO ROLLE, PRIMIERO Possibly the most panoramic ski area of the Dolomiti Superski circuit with 60 km of perfectly groomed ski runs immersed in Parco Naturale Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino, plus 3 snowparks, 2 ski schools and more than 100 ski instructors.


lSNOWSHOEING ON MONTE BALDO AND VALLAGARINA Skiing is not your sport? Try the snowshoes, a slow alternative to enjoy the mountains in wintertime! On discover the best routes on Monte Baldo and in Vallagarina

Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina - ph. Tommaso Prugnola

lBRENTONICO SKI Immersed in the spectacular Monte Baldo Natural Park, the Polsa and San Valentino ski stations are ideal for families. Spacious and sunny ski slopes, chalets and lodges, school camps, ice skating, snowshoeing and tobogganing in Polsa-San Valentino-San Giacomo ski area.


Wine & Food tasting

WINE TASTING AND WINERY VISIT lMASI AND SEREGO ALIGHIERI Via Stazione Vecchia, 472, Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR) A unique experience for the Amarone lovers to visit two of the most renowned Italian brands in the world. Masi is a leader in the production of Amarone and its historic headquarters with the largest ageing cellars is just a few minutes walking from the Serego Alighieri estate, established by the descendants of Dante Alighieri in 1353. The visit represent a chance to discover the history of this nobile family and the ancient technique of the drying of the grapes that are dried in the winter months to be later vinified and produce Amarone Vaio Armaron (among the best 10 wines in the world by Wine Spectator). Phone: +39 045 7703622 lTOMMASI WINE EXPERIENCE Via Ronchetto, 4, Pedemonte (VR) Tommasi is a family viticultural company founded in 1902 in Valpolicella. Winery offers the chance to choose between two types of wine and tasting tours: Classic Wines Tour: a tour to discover the history of Valpolicella zone through its most characteristic wines; Great Italian Reds Tour: a more detailed visit, designed for wine lovers who wish to discover the great wines from Tommasi’s estates in 5 different Regions of Italy. Both tours include understanding how Amarone is made and admire the Magnifica aging cellar, with the world’s biggest barrel, the Aging Gallery and the Historic Cellar.

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POSSESSIONI SEREGO ALIGHIERI, Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR)

lALLEGRINI EXPERIENCE Via della Torre, 25, Fumane (VR) Food and wine experience at Villa Della Torre, historic home of great importance from the sixteenth century in Veneto, nestled among the prized vineyards of Valpolicella. Villa Della Torre is now owned by Allegrini, one of the most famous wine producers in Italy and the World. It is surrounded by the vineyard Palazzo della Torre, which produces a wine of the same name that it was also ranked amongst wine spectator’s top 100 wines for 5 consecutive years. Phone: +39 045 6832070 lCANTINA MONTECI Via S. Michele, 34, Pescantina (VR) The wine experience at Monteci is an unique opportunity to get closer to all the major types of wines of Verona: from Lugana and Bardolino to Ripasso and Amarone. During the tour you will be introduced into the organic cultivation through the visit of our vineyards; you will also discover the modern tools of vinification and experience the concept of aging in the oak barrels room. Finally it will be the time for tasting some of our wines, which one will you chose? Phone: +39 045 7151188 lMONTE ZOVO Località Zovo, 23, Caprino Veronese (VR) Monte Zovo and the Cottini family welcome guests and wine lovers with Wine Experiences to visit the winery and enjoy wine, food and land. Monte Zovo is Sustainable Wine Tourism Practices Regional Winner 2020 of Best of Wine Tourism – GWC, for its eco-friendly approach and production philosophy. Phone: +39 045 7281301

Amarone Wine Tour is held by local guides and is offered by Veronality. Phone: +39 045 2218575 lA TASTE OF VALPOLICELLA Available: all year long (from Mon. to Sat.) A 3.5 hours Valpolicella wine tour to learn of the history of the territory with a stop at the hamlet of San Giorgio Ingannapoltron or Santa Maria Valverde church, ending with a tasting in a local cellar of Valpolicella DOC and DOCG wines such as Valpolicella, Ripasso, Amarone and Recioto. Phone: +39 327 7965380 lHORSES AND WINE IN VALPOLICELLA Available: all year long A new way to discover Valpolicella with the Circolo Ippico Valpolicella. For horse riding enthusiasts, a horseback ride through the vineyards of Valpolicella Classica plus a visit and tasting at an Amarone producer. No need to be experts. Phone: +39 327 7965380 lVERONA FOOD EXPERIENCE Come to taste typical products of Verona through this walking tour of the city center, where you will discover the eno-gastronomic veronese culture. You will have different food stops to taste coffee, local produced cheese and salami, Amarone wine and some good gelato. Phone: +39 045 2218575


lTHE VERONA TOUR: FOOD, WINE, HISTORY Take a gastronomic Verona walking tour through the streets of the historic center.

lAMARONE WINE TOUR Available: all year long Enjoy this relaxing tour in the Valpolicella region, where you will discover the history and the legends of its ancient villages and land. The tour includes a stop in a local winery, where a sommelier will show you the secrets of the production while tasting some wine, followed by a second tasting in another beautiful location.

lWALK AND TASTE IN VERONA Available: all year long (from Mon. to Sat.) A tour to discover the city of Romeo and Juliet, from Castelvecchio to the most famous squares and streets of Verona to finally reach Symposio wine bar with a high quality selection of 64 wines by the glass accompanied by appetizers. Phone: +39 327 7965380

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Experience Live a unique tasting experience at Vigneto dei Salumi Vigneto dei Salumi embodies the passion that the Ceradini family puts in every product, from the cutting of meats to the final products, soaked of art and secrets. You will have the chance to make a sensory “journey” that is unraveled between the productions of the Vigneto dei Salumi line and the historical ones of the Elio Ceradini tradition line. You will witness the passion we put into every single product as you hear stories of family and territory. To make the tasting experience even more special, it is suggested do it in groups of 4 to 15 people.

Via Casa Zamboni, 3, Santa Maria di Negrar (VR) Phone: +39 045 7514233

Vigneto dei Salumi’s flagship is the innovative “salume” Vinappeso, a perfect bond between “culatello” cut and Amarone and Recioto wines. The time at Vigneto dei Salumi is enchanted, there is no fixed timetable because beautiful things happen slowly. Booking required on

The 5 senses of Marzadro The Marzadro Family offers a typical Trentino-style hospitality. Together with helpers, you will be accompanied as you discover the most typical Italian distillate: Grappa. Visit and tasting The visit to the distillery includes first retracing the different stages of Grappa production: stills room, storage areas, ageing rooms. Then a sensory experience of Grappa ageing in the barrels followed by a guided tasting with harmonious and bold combinations between Grappa, Domori chocolate, Trentingrana cheese and bread / grissini. Booking required

Via per Brancolino, 10, Nogaredo (TN) OPENING HOURS: Mon-Sun: 9.00-18.30 Phone: +39 0464 304554

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COFFEE MUSEUM COBO - Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina

The magic of Bontadi Coffee Vicolo del Messaggero, 10, Rovereto (TN) OPENING HOURS: Mon-Fri: 10–12 / 16–18 Sat: 10–12

Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina

In Rovereto there is a permanent exhibit dedicated to coffee, its history, and the art of its production: Coffee Museum “CoBo” at Torrefazione Bontadi. The museum hosts a unique collection of more than 300 instruments for the production and making of coffee, some dating back to 1790. You can take guided tours and enjoy tasting special roasted blends. Instead of coffee-tasting, children can enjoy chocolate-tasting. Booking required

On the chocolate routes with Exquisita The chocolate you have never experienced Exquisita chocolate in not only taste: it is culture, history, flavours and emotions. An experience for all senses! Via F.lli Fontana, 10 Rovereto (TN)

Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina

MARZADRO - Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina

Phone: +39 0464 421110

Visit and tasting in the old coffee-roasting located in the heart of the city of Rovereto

OPENING HOURS: Tue-Sat: 9.30–12:30 / 15-19 Sun : 10–12:30 / 15-19 Phone: +39 0464 420757

At Exquisita you can learn and investigate the whole world of cocoa, from broad bean to the chocolate bar, chatting with the expert team and learning how to recognize high-quality chocolate. You can smell the various scents emitted by several cocoa-mixes, touch the consistency of different types of chocolate, taste the pure cocoa broad-bean and the processed chocolate distinguishing many bouquet of flavours and aromas typical of Exquisita’s products. Booking required

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Where to Eat

Top Restaurants F

rom the chesses of Lessinia to the fish of Lake Garda, the rice of the Lower Veronese area and the dishes of Valpolicella, the cuisine of Verona and its province is extremely appetizing and varied. The cuisine is generally of a traditional, poor and peasant origin, such as polenta, which pairs well with cured meats, including garlic-seasoned or natural soppressa, cheeses such as denomination of protected origin Monte Veronese of varying maturities, fish such as pike or herring, stews with horse meat, such as the famous pastissada, or with beef, and, lest we forget, the queen of sauces, pearà, which accompanies boiled meat, and is typically eaten on Sundays. The marrow, broth, breadcrumb and grated cheese based sauce, which takes its name from an abundant grinding of pepper, must be cooked for several hours, and is the ideal accompaniment for the chicken, tongue and beef stew called lesso misto. Then, in broth, there is the unmissable tajadele coi fegadini, or tagliatelle pasta with chicken livers. Veronese cuisine is, indeed, extremely rich in pasta and rice dishes, ranging from pasta e fasoi, or pasta with beans, and bigoli con le sarde, long tube-shape pasta with sardines, to various local risotto dishes, especially from the Lower Veronese area, in the vicinity of Isola ​​ della Scala, which organizes the Fiera del Riso, or Rice Fair, attended by thousands of people every year. Here, the medium-grain vialone nano rice variety is produced, and used to

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make riso alla pilota, named after the traditional job of rice-husker, or ‘pilota’, the local speciality riso all’isolana, and riso con tastasal, a local type of sausage meat, with minimal differences between recipes consisting of whether or not rosemary is added to give more flavour to the pork, and so on. Deserving of a chapter to itself is the alpine gnocchi di malga recipe, known in the local dialect as gnochi sbatùi, and made without potatoes, but just flour and water seasoned with abundant amounts of excellent mountain butter and cheese. Other delicious risotto and pasta dishes are made with the famous red Verona radicchio, with the king of wines Amarone, produced in Valpolicella, with the long tube-shaped pasta called bigoli, which is rough-textured to better hold sauce, with duck, with donkey meat, and with peas, known in the local dialect as bisi. The traditional granny recipes are served by the most elegant restaurants, right next to more refined European and Italian dishes. If we consider desserts, we cannot forget to mention pandoro, the typical sweet bread eaten during the Christmas holidays and famous throughout the world, or the more rustic varieties nadalin and fogassa, the fried doughnuts fritole and the Easter speciality brassadele. Finally, there are some truly excellent wine pairings: Amarone, with braised meats, stews and red meat, Valpolicella Superiore and Ripassi for lighter dishes, and the more meditative dessert wine Recioto. (Giancarla Gallo)




lCASA PERBELLINI Piazza San Zeno 16 Original Italian dishes, leather and wood chairs intimate modern restaurant with open kitchen

lLA TORRE 22 Via Monte Baldo, 22, Dossobuono Cuisine and wine cell are inspired by the local traditional cooking and products of the territory to which Verona belongs to with some traces of innovative style.

lRISTORANTE IL DESCO Via Dietro San Sebastiano 5 (Michelin 2019) lOSTERIA LA FONTANINA Portichetti Fontanelle 3 Traditional cuisine, creative menu, antiques lIL SALOTTO BISTRO Via Cattaneo 26/a (Michelin 2019) lI DODICI APOSTOLI Corticella S. Marco 3 lAL CRISTO Piazzetta Pescheria 6 lSAN BASILIO ALLA PERGOLA Via Pisano 9 lAL CAPITAN DELLA CITTADELLA Piazza Cittadella 7/a

lEVA Via Due Porte 43, Piovezzano lOSELETA Località Cordevigo, Cavaion Veronese lSTELLA D’ITALIA Piazza Carlo Alberto 25, Pastrengo lVILLA DE WINCKELS Via Sorio 30, Loc. Marcemigo, Tregnago lTRATTORIA ALLA RUOTA Via Proale, Mazzano di Negrar


lLE CEDRARE Stradone Roma 8, Illasi

lAL BERSAGLIERE Via Dietro Pallone 1

lLOCANDA ‘800 Via Moron 46, Negrar

lL’OSTE SCURO Vicolo San Silvestro 10

lCAVOUR Via Cavour 40, Dossobuono

lLOCANDA 4 CUOCHI Via Alberto Mario 12 lTRATTORIA AL POMPIERE Vicolo Regina d’Ungheria 5 lCAFFÈ DANTE BISTROT Piazza dei Signori 2 lDUE TORRI RESTAURANT Piazza Sant’Anastasia 4 ph. RISTORANTE IL DESCO

lRISTORANTE BORGO ANTICO Via Ospedaletto, 57, Pescantina Awarded as “Best Award of Excellence” for 5 years in a row by Wine Spectator.

lDALLA ROSA ALDA Strada Garibaldi 4, San Giorgio Ingannapoltron lAMISTÀ Via Cedrare 78, Corrubbio di Negarine

Where to Drink

Have a Drink!

APERITIVO lOSTERIA DEL BUGIARDO Corso Porta Borsari, 17, Verona The real Veronese aperitivo with many typical products. lSIGNORVINO Corso Porta Nuova, 2, Verona Via Preare, 15, Verona Via S. Pieretto, 15, Affi Specialized in food & beverage, where not only you can enjoy an aperitivo, but you can also buy great wines at great prices.

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lOSTERIA CAFFÈ MONTE BALDO Via Rosa, 12, Verona The osteria is particularly famous for its tapas, or “cicchetti”, available in over 70 variations to combine with a wide selection of sparkling and vintage wines. lVIA ROMA 33 CAFE Via Roma, 33, Verona Elegant and refined, here you can enjoy an aperitivo with a view of Castelvecchio.

lTAPASOTTO Galleria Pellicciai, 12, Verona Local products and tapas.

lIL BANCO PROSCIUTTERIA Via Ponte Nuovo, 7, Verona One of the best places to try high quality cutting boards of seasoned meat and cheese served with a nice drink.

lCASA MAZZANTI CAFFÈ Piazza delle Erbe, Verona Enjoy an aperitivo in one of the most glamorous places in town.

lTERRAZZA BAR AL PONTE Via Ponte Pietra, 26, Verona The aperitivo with a breathtaking view overlooking the Adige and the Roman Theater.

COCKTAILS lSPARKLING LOUNGE Aqualux Hotel Spa & Suite, Bardolino (VR) Sparkling Lounge is the ideal place to live and experience a new culture of drinking through the tasting of innovative cocktails, “assembled” with natural ingredients of the highest quality organically grown natural and distinctly matched to a particular type of alcohol. Particular also the combination of the different proposals beverage and delicious dishes. lPIPER Via Torricelle, 7A, Verona The ideal place both for a pre-dinner, where you can enjoy aperitivo and cocktails, and for an exclusive after dinner with DJ sets and theme nights. A breathtaking view overlooking the city lTHE SODA JERK Vicolo Quadrelli, 5, Verona A “hidden” lounge bar in the narrow streets of Verona that offers classic and new cocktails, created and designed by the staff. lOFFLINE CAFFÈ Via IV Novembre, 13, Verona One of the absolute favorite places by the Veronese, which proposes a innovative cocktails menu. Ideal for breakfast, lunch break, aperitivo and after dinner. lFRZ LAB Via Guglielmo Marconi, 15 The paradise for gin lovers


Corso Porta Nuova, 2, Verona Via Preare, 15, Verona Via S. Pieretto, 15, Affi

Over 1,500 wine labels. 100% Italian, from Italy’s renowned producers to small but remarkable vineyards. Prices range from 5,00 to 3,000 euros a bottle. A veritable paradise for connoisseurs, but also for lovers of good wines who wish to enjoy a glass or are thinking of a gift that can satisfy all tastes. “Cantina degli italiani” is the Wine specialist of Signorvino specialized in recommending the ideal “nectar” for every occasion. Launched in 2012, today it is present in 15 wine shops in the most charming Italian towns. An ideal place to enjoy a complete and unique “wine experience” with the most representative Italian wines. It is also a journey into the country’s food and wine culture, with meetings with producers, master classes, wine tastings and lessons. Typical quality dishes according to the seasons which enhance the characteristics of the wines complete the experience.

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Art & Culture


VERONA 16 November - 5 April lIL TEMPO DI GIACOMETTI DA CHAGALL A KANDINSKY Palazzo della Gran Guardia, Verona A foray, with a hundred works including sculptures, paintings and drawings, into the most significant international artistic period of the twentieth century, with its centre in Paris. A monographic exhibition dedicated to Alberto Giacometti, with over 70 works, together with other artists who lived in Paris between the two wars and the following years, from Kandinsky to Braque, Chagall to Mirรณ, with a further twenty famous paintings. Phone: +39 0422 429999 5 April - 26 January lMAURO FIORESE TREASURE ROOMS (2014-2016) Modern and Contemporary Art Collections, Palazzo della Ragione, Verona The exhibition focuses on the photographic series Treasure Rooms by Mauro Fiorese (Verona, 1970-2016), an artist of Veronese origin, internationally recognized and died prematurely three years ago. Phone: +39 045 8001903

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23 November - 29 March

CARLO SCARPA Vetri e Disegni. 1925-1931

Castelvecchio Museum, corso Castelvecchio, 2, Verona Exhibition of the famous Venetian architect and of glassworks from M.V.M. Cappellin & C., in collaboration with Le Stanze del Vetro and Pentagram Stiftung, curated by Marino Barovier, one of the most esteemed experts of Murano glass art, together with Alba Di Lieto and Ketty Bertolaso from the Direzione dei Civici Musei del Comune di Verona. On display, sixty glassworks by the “Maestri Vetrai Muranesi Cappellin & C. ” created during their collaboration with Scarpa, as well as forty drawings attributed to the Venetian architect made for the glassworks.

Vaso sferico in vetro lattimo con decoro fenicio corallo e applicazioni foglia d’oro, collezione privata - Courtesy LE STANZE DEL VETRO © Ph. Enrico Fiorese

Art & Culture

28 September - 26 January


East Winds in European Art Palazzo Roverella, Rovigo A fascinating and elegant review of the works of great European artists such as Van Gogh, Gauguin, De Nittis, Degas and Bonnar. Visitors embarks in a voyage of discovery of the new art form inspired by masterpieces, influences and innovations bestowed by Japan on western culture.

Phone: +39 0425 460093 -

12 October - 12 January lCARLO ZINELLI, VISIONE CONTINUA / OMAGGIO A MIRKO BASALDELLA Via Achille Forti, 3/A, Verona The rooms of the historic Palazzo Pellegrini in Verona, the institutional headquarters of the Cariverona Foundation, host two exhibitions curated by Luca Massimo Barbero, designed to return to the public from the Foundation’s collection precious works by two extraordinary painters: Carlo Zinelli (San Giovanni Lupatoto, 1916 – Chievo,1974) and Mirko Basaldella (Udine, 1910 – Cambridge, 1969).

AROUND VERONA 25 October - 28 June lL’EGITTO DI BELZONI Centro Culturale Altinate San Gaetano, Via Altinate, 71, Padova Exhibition dedicated to Giovanni Battista Belzoni, explorer, engineer, pioneer of modern archaeology and father of Egyptology, born in Padua. The exhibition alternates traditional displays with moments of great emotional impact through immersive technologies, multisensory effects and life-size reproductions. Historical places, reconstructed with the utmost precision, become the backdrop for theatre performances and virtual choreographed water features. Phone: +39 0292897792

19 October - 1 March lDANCING THE REVOLUTION Isadora Duncan and the figurative arts in Italy between the 19th century and avant-garde. Mart, Corso Bettini 43, Rovereto (TN) Mart Museum will host a major exhibition dedicated to the American dancer and icon Isadora Duncan. Central themes are the liberation of women’s bodies and her bond with Italy. The exhibition features various major artists who portrayed or were inspired by Duncan. Phone: +39 800 397760 6 October – 6 January l“CON NUOVA E STRAVAGANTE MANIERA”. GIULIO ROMANO Palazzo Ducale, Mantua Dedicated to the most famous pupil of Raphael. Open until January 6, 2020 the exhibition highlights the artistic genius of Giulio Romano who expressed his talent in an array of different art forms, from architecture to painting, tapestries to jewellery, with drawing the common thread. In collaboration with the Musée du Louvre.

Carlo Zinelli, Capre rosa e nere, alpino e cappello con piume (lato B)

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6 December – 13 April lRITRATTO DI DONNA: IL SOGNO DEGLI ANNI VENTI. LO SGUARDO DI UBALDO OPPI Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza The exhibition, curated by Stefania Portinari, presents an original and unusual display of works by Ubaldo Oppi, a key figure of the cultural and social life of the 1920s. Permanent exhibition lCONTEMPORANEE / CONTEMPORANEI Polo Santa Marta dell’Università di Verona Installations, videos, paintings, sculptures: over 80 contemporary works of art in a 5-year exhibition at the Università di Verona to promote the power of the communication of art.

Gino Severini (Cortona, AR, 1883 - Parigi, 1966) - Ballerina, 1913 Mart, Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto / Collezione L.F.

17 October - 1 March lGUGGENHEIM The Thannhauser collection From Van Gogh To Picasso Palazzo Reale, Piazza del Duomo, 12, Milano Fifty works by the great impressionists, post-impressionist and 20th century avant-garde masters - Paul Cézanne, Edgar Degas, Paul Gauguin, Edouard Manet, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Vincent van Gogh and an important selection of works by Picasso.

20 July – June 14 COSMO CARTOONS Space exploration in science and pop culture MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, Trento An interactive and engaging experience through a “pop” approach to the race to space, including also science and technology.

11 October - 2 February lFROM THE IMPRESSIONISTS TO PICASSO. MASTERPIECES FROM THE JOHANNESBURG Palazzo Sarcinelli, Conegliano (TV) Palazzo Sarcinelli exhibits 60 works of art from the Johannesburg Art Gallery, South Africa. Oustanding paintings by Corot, Courbet, Boudin, Degas, Monet, Sisley, Cézanne, Van Gogh, Bonnard, Vuillard, as well as Turner, Alma-Tadema, the Preraphaelites, Picasso, Matisse, Bacon, Moore, Lichtenstein, Warhol and Kentridge.

17 October - 12 January lRICCARDO ZANGELMI. FOREVER YOUNG MAR, Museo d’Arte della città di Ravenna Venti opere realizzate con quasi 800mila mattoncini colorati, un progetto creativo costituito da oggetti, ricordi e fantasie legati al mondo dell’infanzia, con l’obiettivo – afferma Riccardo Zangelmi, autore del progetto artistico - di far emergere il fanciullino che si nasconde ancora in ognuno di noi. Zangelmi è il primo ed unico LEGO® Certified Professional italiano in un ristretto gruppo di sole 14 persone nel mondo. 25 April - 2 May lTHE SKIN OF THE SOLDIER Italian War History Museum, via Castelbarco, Rovereto (TN) The exhibition displays the tools used from the First World War to the 21st Century: armours, helms, gas masks and uniforms against nuclear, chemical and bacteriological threats.

12 October - 2 February

RICHARD ARTSCHWAGER Mart, Corso Bettini 43, Rovereto (TN) Mart Museum presents the first complete exhibition in Italy dedicated to Richard Artschwager, whose art seeks to grasp space, everyday objects and perception and is an unicum in the 20th-century. The survey exhibition features works from the early 1960s to the first decade of the new millennium. Phone: +39 800 397760 -

Richard Artschwager (Washington, DC, 1923 - Albany, 2013) - Door }, 1983-84 - Collection of Kerstin Hiller and Helmut Schmelzer, on loan to Neues Museum N¸rnberg

Calendar of Events

Top dates

7 - 10 November

FIERACAVALLI Veronafiere S.p.A., Viale del Lavoro 8, Verona

The exhibition dedicated to horses and riding

NOVEMBER 1, 2, 3 November lFESTA DEL NOVELLO Piazza del Porto, Bardolino (VR) Bardolino Novello wine festival. Info: 045 6212586 • Every Saturday lKEEPER FOR A DAY Parco Natura Viva, Località Quercia, Bussolengo (VR) Preparation of enrichments together with the Park staff: special snack-games meant to ensure the psycho-physical well-being of the animals. Info: 045 7170113 • 2, 9, 16 November - h.15:00 lWALKING WITH ARTISTS - MOZART Corso Rosmini, 21, Rovereto (TN) Walk the streets of downtown in the footsteps of Mozart. Service available also in English. Info: 0464 430363 • 3, 10, 17, 24 November - h.15:00-16:30 lLITTLE MART Mart, Corso Bettini 43, Rovereto (TN) Laboratories for kids to experiment the Art languages. Info: 0464 430363 • Every Sunday - h.12:00-14:30 lSUNDAY BRUNCH WITH LIVE MUSIC Aqualux Hotel Spa & Suite, Bardolino (VR) Sunday Brunch with live music. Info: 045 6229999 • 3 November - h.21:00 lIL MATRIMONIO SEGRETO Teatro Filarmonico, Via dei Mutilati, Verona Opera in 2 acts by Domenico Cimarosa. Orchestra of the Arena di Verona. Info: 045 8005151 • 5 November - h.20:30 lQUARTETTO D’ARCHI DI CREMONA Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Music by Beethoven, Franz, Schubert. Info: 045 6930001 • 7, 8, 9, 10 November lFIERACAVALLI Veronafiere, Viale del Lavoro 8, Verona The exhibition dedicated to horses and riding Info: 045 8298111 •

ph. Michele Palazzo

8 November - h.20:30 lHIROMI UEHARA Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Concert by the jazz pianist Hiromi Uehara. Info: 045 6930001 •

ph. Muga Muyaha

8 November - h.20:30


Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Concert by the jazz pianist Hiromi Uehara. Info: 045 6930001

9, 10 November AGRIFEST Piazza V. Emanuele III, Avio (TN) Quality agricultural products, exhibition of agricultural tools and machines and many events. Info: 0464 430363 • 10 November lCANTINE APERTE A SAN MARTINO Via S. Michele, 34, Pescantina (VR) A special event to visit the cellar and the oak barrels room, taste Monteci wines pairing with local food and listen a live band playing. Info: 045 7151188 • 15 November - h.20:30 lNEAPOLIS MANTRA Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Sungani Physical Dance. Dance performance. Info: 045 6930001 • 15 November - h.20:00 lINDANZA APERITIF Mart, Corso Bettini 43, Rovereto (TN) Contemporary dance performance, art installations and sparkling wine at Mart Museum. Info: 0464 430363 • 15, 16, 17 November lFESTIVAL OF METEOROLOGY Rovereto (TN) Three days of conferences, didactic activities, exhibitions and laboratories. Info: 0464 430363 • 16 November lMAKE UP SCHOOL Villa Quaranta, Via Ospedaletto 57, Pescantina (VR) Make up schools with beauty experts and “Diego dalla Palma Professional” cosmetic products. Info: 045 6767456 • 16 November lNIGHT AT GARDALAND SEA LIFE Via Derna, 4, Castelnuovo del Garda (VR) Night to sleep in the aquarium. 8-12 years old kids. Mandatory booking. Info: 045 6449777 •

19 November

JAIMIE BRANCH - FLY OR DIE Teatro Ristori, via ristori, 7, Verona Jazz concert with: Jaimie Branch - trumpet Lester St Louis - cello Jason Ajemian - contrabass Chad Taylor - drums

16, 17 Novembre lTE SIENTO… TANGO Teatro Nuovo, Piazza Viviani, 10, Verona. Dance performance. Info: 045 8006100 • 17 November - 9:00-12:00 lVERONA MARATHON Marathon in the historic center of Verona. Departure from Piazza Bra. Info: 17, 19, 21, 24 November - h.15:30, 19, 20 lL’ELISIR D’AMORE Teatro Filarmonico, Via dei Mutilati, Verona Comic opera in 2 acts by Gaetano Donizetti. Info: 045 8005151 • 19 November - h.20:30 lJAIMIE BRANCH - FLY OR DIE Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Jazz concert. Info: 045 6930001 • 24 November - h.20:30 lLA SEMELE O SIA LA RICHIESTA FATALE Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Drama for music in two acts. Baroque music. Info: 045 6930001 • 22, 23, 24 November VERONA MINERAL SHOW GEO SHOP Veronafiere, Viale del Lavoro 8, Verona Info: 045 8298111 • 25, 26 November lWINE2WINE Veronafiere, Viale del Lavoro, 8, Verona Wine business forum Info: 045 8298111 • 26 November - h.20:45 lNOSFERATU REDUX Teatro Salieri, Via XX Settembre, 26, Legnago (VR) Music and film show, from Wilhelm Murnau. Info: 0442 25477 • 29 November - h.20:30 lLA CHANSON FRANCAISE Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Brassens, Brel and Ferré. Info: 045 6930001 • 29, 30 November - h.20:00, 17:00 l3° CONCERTO SINFONICO Teatro Filarmonico, Via dei Mutilati, Verona Symphonic concert. Music by Paganini, Cherubini, Rossini. Orchestra of the Arena di Verona Info: 045 8005151 •


Calendar of Events

Christmas 15 November - 26 December CHRISTMAS IN VERONA Piazza dei Signori, Verona More than 100 exhibitors offerr typical traditional products such as glass ornaments, wood and ceramics, many gift ideas as well as gastronomic specialties and delicious Christmas cakes. 045 8010269 •


2 November - 6 January VILLAGGIO DI NATALE AL FLOVER Via Pastrengo, 14 , Bussolengo (VR) The most famous indoor Christmas market in Italy, with over 15 thousand square meters of which 7,000 are covered.

23 November - 6 January CHRISTMAS IN BARDOLINO Lungolago, Bardolino (VR) Christmas market, indoor ice rink, kids area, Ferris wheel, food area and many events. Info: 045 6212586 • 23, 24, 30 November, 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24 December and from 26 December to 6 January CHRISTMAS IN LAZISE Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, Lazise (VR) Over 100 exhibitors with characteristic wooden houses, numerous creative workshops for children, old games, entertainment for adults and children, tastings and the Street Food area.

16 November - 19 January lPRESEPI DAL MONDO Verona Arena Cribs exhibition and artwork inspired by the theme of the Nativity, coming from museums, collections and masters of all the world. Opening hours: Open every day, including holidays, from 9:00 to 20:00. Info: 22 November - 6 January CHRISTMAS MARKET IN ROVERETO Rovereto (TN) An itinerary along the streets through music, colours, nativity scenes and magical atmospheres. In Piazza Rosmini you will find the traditional 18-meters-height Christmas Tree. Info: 0464 430363 • 23 November - 6 January CHRISTMAS MARKET IN TRENTO Piazza Fiera e Piazza Cesare Battisti, Trento One great market, two characteristic squares, with one intent: to confirm Trento as the “City of Christmas”. A winning mix of local craftsmanship, fine wines and spumante, local food products and typical dishes in the best alpine tradition. 23, 24, 30 November 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22 December lCHRISTMAS MARKET IN BAROQUE PALACES Ala (TN) In the weekends before Christmas, in Ala old town you will find handmade objects such as textiles, silk products and original Christmas decorations. In the palaces music and traditional food, as well as workshops for children. Info: 0464 430363 •

CASTELLANO (TN) - Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina ph. Stefania Ciurletti

21 December CANTINE APERTE A NATALE Via S. Michele, 34, Pescantina (VR) The occasion to toast to Christmas with Monteci wines while listening to some music and spending some great time together. Info: 045 7151188 • 22 December - h.10:00-13:00 lCHRISTMAS RUN Non-competitive race in the historic center of Verona, in which participants are dressed as Santa Claus. Info:

30 November, 1, 7, 8, 14, 15 December lCHRISTMAS AT AVIO CASTLE Three weekends in a really magic place, illuminated by fire, heated by food and wine, accompanied by the rhythm of words and music. Castellum Ava has hidden paths, enigma to be solved, histories and legends to tell, an atmosphere to discover. Info: 0464 430363 • 1 December - 6 January THE VILLAGE OF CRIBS Nomi, Pomarolo and Villa Lagarina (TN) Cribs in the yards and villages, along the streets and in the fountains. Info: 0464 430363 •

ALA (TN) - Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina ph. Stefania Ciurletti

6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22 December lTREE’S CHRISTMAS Brentonico (TN) Near Polsa and San Valentino’s slopes, many appointments for both adults and children, with creative laboratories, exhibitions, traditional music and Trentino dishes. Info: 0464 430363 •

7, 8, 14, 15 December and from 21 December to 6 January (25/12 excluded) - h.10:30-18 GARDALAND MAGIC WINTER Gardaland Park, Via Derna, 4, Castelnuovo d/G With countless baubles, fairy lights, decorations and shows, Gardaland Park has transformed into a magical Christmas wonderland. Info: 045 6449777 • 8 December - 6 January lWALKING THROUGH THE CRIBS Cribs exhibition through the districts of Terragnolo (TN): Baisi, Zoreri, Soldati, Incapo and Campi. Info: 0464 430363 • 7, 8, 14, 15 December lCHRISTMAS OF MEMORIES - EL NOS NADAL Castellano, Villa Lagarina (TN) The Castle of 1200, from which derives the name Castellano, becomes a suggestive frame for the land and handicraft market. In program also many exhibitions by local artists. Info: 0464 430363 •

26 December lLIVING NATIVITY SCENES Ronzo-Chienis (TN) The scenic village of Ronzo-Chienis in Gresta Valley for one evening turns into Bethlehem. Among the narrow cobbled streets, in the courtyards and cellars of the ancient village of Vallarsa, the people of the village stage the characters of the crib. Info: 0464 430363 • 26 December - h.12-14:30 lSAINT STEPHEN BRUNCH Aqualux Hotel Spa & Suite, Via Europa Unita, 24/b, Bardolino (VR) Saint Stephen Brunch with live music Info: 045 6229999 • 23, 24, 30 November 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 December CHRISTMAS MARKET IN MANTOVA In the green Piazza Virgiliana in the heart of the city, the numerous exhibitors offer excellent food and wine, handmade creations, Christmas decorations and much more. At the center of the square you can find a large ice rink. The square is connected to the city’s shopping streets by the Christmas Train. 29 November - 6 January BOLZANO CHRISTMAS MARKET Bolzano Christmas market is the largest in Italy In keeping with tradition, it will repeat the formula of 80 exhibitors, 8 partners, 3 gastronomy stalls and a small market dedicated to children, guests and fellow citizens.

DECEMBER 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 December - h.15:00-16:30 lLITTLE MART Mart, Corso Bettini 43, Rovereto (TN) Laboratories for kids to experiment the Art languages. Info: 0464 430363 • 7, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31 December lKEEPER FOR A DAY Parco Natura Viva, Località Quercia, Bussolengo (VR) Preparation of enrichments together with the Park staff: special snack-games meant to ensure the psycho-physical well-being of the animals. Info: 045 7170113 • 1, 8, 15, 22 December - h.12:00-14:30 lSUNDAY BRUNCH WITH LIVE MUSIC Aqualux Hotel Spa & Suite, Bardolino (VR). Sunday Brunch with live music. Info: 045 6229999 • 4 December - h.20:30 lHORTUS MUSICUS Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Baroque music. Info: 045 6930001 • 6 December - h.20:30 lORCHESTRA SINFONICA DELLA RADIOTELEVISIONE SLOVENA - STEFAN MILENKOVICH Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Music by Mendelssohn, Bruch, Beethoven. Info: 045 6930001 • 7 (h.21), 8 (h.16, 21) December lSWEENEY TODD - THE MUSICAL Teatro Nuovo, Piazza Viviani, 10, Verona Musical with music by Stephen Sondheim. Info: 045 8006100 • 10 December - h.20.45 lGIUSEPPE TARTINI E IL SUO TEMPO Teatro Salieri, Via XX Settembre, 26, Legnago (VR) Mario Brunello, Francesco Galligioni, Roberto Loreggian, Ivano Zanenghi. Music by G.Tartini. Info: 0442 25477 • 11 December - h.20:30 lGIUSEPPE TARTINI E IL SUO TEMPO Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Mario Brunello, Francesco Galligioni, Roberto Loreggian, Ivano Zanenghi. Music by G.Tartini. Info: 045 6930001 •

Every Thursday and Saturday, from 21 December to 14 March

SNOWSHOES EXCURSIONS IN MONTE BALDO Brentonico (TN) Excursions on a medium-easy route for both adults and children, organized by the instructors of Monte Baldo Ski School. Info: 0464 430363 •

13 December - h.20:30 lMUSICA NUDA Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Jazz concert. Info: 045 6930001 •

18 December - h.21:00 lHARLEM SPIRIT OF GOSPEL CHOIR Teatro Filarmonico, Via dei Mutilati, Verona Gospel concert. Info: 045 8005151 •

14 December FREE SKI DAY Brentonico Ski, Piazza Polsa, 1, Brentonico (TN) Free ski lessons. Info: 0464 430363 •

21 (h.15.30, 18.30), 22 (h.16) December lCENERENTOLA - THE MUSICAL Teatro Nuovo, Piazza Viviani, 10, Verona Info: 045 8006100 •

14 December lMAKE UP SCHOOL Villa Quaranta, Via Ospedaletto 57, Pescantina (VR) Make up schools with beauty experts and “Diego dalla Palma Professional” cosmetic products. Info: 045 6767456 • 14 December lNIGHT AT GARDALAND SEA LIFE Via Derna, 4, Castelnuovo del Garda (VR) Night to sleep in the aquarium. 8-12 years old kids. Mandatory booking. Info: 045 6449777 • 14, 15 December - h. 20:30, 17:00 lTHE NUTCRACKER - BALLETTO DI VERONA Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Info: 045 6930001 • 15, 17, 19, 22 December - h.15:30, 19, 20 lMADAMA BUTTERFLY Teatro Filarmonico, Via dei Mutilati, Verona Japanese Tragedy in 3 acts by Giacomo Puccini Info: 045 8005151 •

31 December - h.17:00 and 22:10


Teatro Nuovo, Piazza Viviani, 10, Verona Russian folklore and acrobatic dances. Info: 045 8006100

22 December - h.11:00 lTERRA MATER – ODÝSSEIA Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Traditional music of the Mediterranean peoples. Concert and brunch. Info: 045 6930001 • 25 December - h.18:00 and 21:00 lTHE NUTCRACKER Teatro Nuovo, Piazza F. Viviani, 10, Verona Music by: P.I. Tchaikovsky. Choreography: M. Petipa. Saint Petersburg Classical Ballet Tradition Info: 045 8006100 • 28 December - h.20:30 lSOUTH CAROLINA MASS CHOIR Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Gospel concert. Info: 045 6930001 • 29 December - h.8:00 lTRENTINO SKI SUNRISE Polsa, Brentonico (TN) Arrival, with the chair lift, on the top of the mountain at Baita Montagnola to admire the sunrise with a rich breakfast. Info: 0464 430363 • 31 December - h.21:30 lTHE MERRY WIDOW Teatro Salieri, Via XX Settembre, 26, Legnago (VR) Operetta by Franz Lehár. Info: 0442 25477 • 31 December - h.21:45 lNEW YEAR’S CONCERT Teatro Filarmonico, Via dei Mutilati, Verona Music by Puccini, Verdi, Boito, Mascagni. Info: 045 8005151 • 31 December - h.21:00-01:00 lCAPODANNO IN PIAZZA BRA New Year’s Eve party in Piazza Bra, with great concerts and fireworks show.

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Fototeca APT Rovereto e Vallagarina ph. Tommaso Prugnola

Calendar of Events

ph. Nadya Pyastolova

1 January - h.21:00


Teatro Nuovo, Piazza F. Viviani, 10, Verona Music by: P.I. Tchaikovsky Choreography: M. Petipa Saint Petersburg Classical Ballet Tradition

January 1 January - h.17.00 lSOFIA SINFONIETTA ORCHESTRA NEW YEAR’S CONCERT Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Music by Strauss, Suppè. Info: 045 6930001 • 9 January - h.20.45 lSOFIA SINFONIETTA ORCHESTRA Teatro Salieri, Via XX Settembre, 26, Legnago (VR) Music by Beethoven. Info: 0442 25477 •

ph. Clarissa Lapolla

9 January - h.20:30 lG. F. HANDEL – ORLANDO Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Drama for music in three acts by George Frideric; libretto adapted from Carlo Sigismondo Capece’s L’Orlando after Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso. Info: 045 6930001 •

10 January - h.20:00 lINDANZA APERITIF Mart, Corso Bettini 43, Rovereto (TN) Contemporary dance performance, art installations and sparkling wine. Info: 0464 430363 •

20 January - h.20:30 lDUO JANIGRO VIOLONCELLI Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Music by Jean-Baptiste Barrière, Jacques Offenbach, Christopher Simpson, David Popper. Info: 045 6930001 •

16, 17, 18, 19January lMOTOR BIKE EXPO Veronafiere, Viale del Lavoro, 8, Verona The international motorcycle show. Info: 045 8298111 •

23 January - h.20:30 lTHERESIA - ALFREDO BERNARDINI Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Music by Salieri, Haydn, Mozart. Baroque music. Info: 045 6930001 •

18 January - h.20:30 lBUNDESJUGENDORCHESTER Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Music by L. v. Beethoven. Info: 045 6930001 •

24 January - h.20:30 lOMAR SOSA & YILIAN CAÑIZARES DUO SPECIAL GUEST GUSTAVO OVALLES - AGUAS Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Jazz concert. Info: 045 6930001 •

19 January - h.11:30 lFABRIZIO MELONI - I PERCUSSIONISTI DEL TEATRO ALLA SCALA Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Concert and brunch. Info: 045 6930001 •

1 February - h.20:30


Teatro Ristori, via ristori, 7, Verona Daniele Cipriani Entertainment Music by Mozart, Ligeti, da Palestrina and Mediterranean cultures Info: 045 6930001

25 January lMAKE UP SCHOOL Villa Quaranta, Via Ospedaletto 57, Pescantina (VR) Make up schools with beauty experts and “Diego dalla Palma Professional” cosmetic products. Info: 045 6767456 • 29 January - 1 February lFIERAGRICOLA Veronafiere, Viale del Lavoro, 8, Verona International agricultural technologies show Info: 045 8298111 •

February 1 February - h.20:30 lMEDITERRANEA Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Dance performance. Info: 045 6930001 • 1 February - h.9:00 and h.11:00 lGOLOSANEVE Passo San Valentino, Brentonico (TN) A track with snowshoes, Alpine Skis or e-fat bike with tasty stops by 4 huts of the Brentonico-Plateau, to taste local products and discover regional traditions. Info: 0464 430363 •

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Every Sunday - h.12.00-h.14.30 lSUNDAY BRUNCH WITH LIVE MUSIC Aqualux Hotel Spa & Suite, Bardolino (VR) Sunday Brunch with live music. Info: 045 6229999 • 3 February - h.20:30 lISABEL VAN KAULEN RONALD BRAUTIGAM Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Musiche by Beethoven, Schumann, Shostakovich Info: 045 6930001 •


Piazza dei Signori, Verona Info:

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 February lSOL D’ORO COMPETITION Veronafiere, Viale del Lavoro, 8, Verona International oil competition. Info: 045 8298111 • 7 February - h.20:30 lORCHESTRA GIOVANILE ITALIANA – KOLYA BLACHER Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Music by Mozart, Čajkovskij. Info: 045 6930001 • 9 February - h.20:30 lCOSA SONO LE NUVOLE Tribute to Domenico Modugno Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Concert and brunch. Info: 045 6930001 • 13 February - h.21:00 lQUEENMANIA RHAPSODY Teatro Nuovo, Piazza Viviani, 10, Verona Queen tribute concert. Info: 045 8006100 • 14 February - h.20:45 lMY LAND Teatro Salieri, Via XX Settembre, 26, Legnago (VR) Recirquel Company Budapest. Dance performance. Info: 0442 25477 • 14 February - h.20:30 lROYAL CONCERTGEBOUW ORCHESTRA – BRASS ENSEMBLE Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Musiche di Gabrieli, Bach, Shostakovich, Piazzolla, Gershwin, Hazel. Info: 045 6930001 • 15 (h.17), 16 (h.20:30) February lROMEO E GIULIETTA BALLETTO DI MILANO Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Ballet in two acts with music by Čajkovskij, based on the tragedy of William Shakespeare. Info: 045 6930001 • 15, 16 February lCOSMOBIKE SHOW Veronafiere, Viale del Lavoro, 8, Verona International bike exhibition. Info: 045 8298111 • 16 February - h.10:00-13:00 lGENSAN GIULIETTA E ROMEO HALF MARATHON Half Marathon in the historic center of Verona. Arrival at Piazza Bra. Info:

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19 February - h.20:30 lVERONA BAROQUE CONSORT S.Pietro in Monastero, via Garibaldi, 3, Verona Baroque music. Info: 045 6930001 • 19, 20, 21, 22 February lPROGETTO FUOCO Veronafiere, Viale del Lavoro, 8, Verona International exhibition of plants and equipment for the production of heat and energy from wood combustion. Info: 045 8298111 • 19, 20, 21, 22 February lECO HOUSE Veronafiere, Viale del Lavoro, 8, Verona Materials and technologies for sustainability and energy saving in buildings. Info: 045 8298111 • 20 February - h.20.45 lEFFETTO MOZART II Teatro Salieri, Via XX Settembre, 26, Legnago (VR) Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto and Sonig Thakerian (concert violinist and soloist). Music by Mozart. Info: 0442 25477 •

22 February lMAKE UP SCHOOL Villa Quaranta, Via Ospedaletto 57, Pescantina (VR) Make up schools with beauty experts and “Diego dalla Palma Professional” cosmetic products. Info: 045 6767456 • 24 February - h.20:30 lALEXANDER MALOFEEV PIANOFORTE Teatro Ristori, via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona Music by Brahms, Schumann, Cajkovskij. Info: 045 6930001 • 28 February - h.20:30 lENSEMBLE ODHECATON - PAOLO DA COL S.Pietro in Monastero, via Garibaldi, 3, Verona Baroque music. Info: 045 6930001 •


Via del Lavoro 18 Valgatara di Valpolicella (VE) Tel. 045.6800525

Via Varini 50 Marco di Rovereto (TN) Tel. 0464.943220

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Fashion Stores


f you are a fashion addict, Verona is the city for you. For great shopping and exclusive boutiques, there is no need to go all the way to Milan: half a day in Verona downtown is definitely be enough to be satisfied. Let’s start with the shopping street par excellence, via Mazzini: a district favored by Italian as well as international brands and therefore the most frequented, even by those who chase low-cost fashion. This is the place chosen by haute couture brands: Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Tiffany & Co., to name a few. If you won’t have many occasions to be in the city, a stop by Duca d’Aosta is not to be missed. The shop is famous in Verona as synonym of quality and elegance since 1960 and showcases the most exclusive fashion, the IT bags of the moment and the iconic accessories of the season.

Shopping CLOTHING AL DUCA D’AOSTA Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 31, Verona

As for shoes, the best thing is to move to the street that was, in Roman times, the Decumanus Maximus: Corso Porta Borsari and Via Santa Anastasia. Here you can choose between Maestria Calzature, which features handcrafted products - small masterpieces to put on your feet - and Principe, another historic brand born in 1936 that today reaches its third generation. If you love luxury accessories, Pavin Luxury Goods in via Cappello is a must: here, highly professional staff will offer you a personalized journey into the world of fashion.

ATELIER EMÉ Piazza Francesco Viviani, 8, Verona

Finally, to conclude the “fashion quadrilateral” on the banks of Adige, don’t forget via Oberdan, a stone’s throw from the Arena: here, between a shop window to the other, you can restore yourself by tasting an excellent bottle of wine at Vivavino Wine Shop. (Elisa Pasetto)

EMPORIO ARMANI Via Cappello, 14, Verona

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CARNABY STREET Piazza Erbe, 29, Verona DEV BOUTIQUE Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 66, Verona DOLCE&GABBANA BOUTIQUE Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 29, Verona

FOLLI FOLLIE Corso Porta Borsari, 36/42, Verona GRAND PRIX Vicolo Crocioni, 11, Verona

GUCCI Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 34, Verona


JOHN BARRITT Corso Porta Borsari, 37A, Verona

BENETTI Via Mantovana, 38, Verona Via Salasco, 5, Verona

LIU JO Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 80, Verona

GIOIELLERIA PASSERONI Corso Sant’Anastasia, 25/A, Verona

LOUIS VUITTON Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 82, Verona

GOLDFINGERS OROLOGI Piazza Pradaval, 8, Verona

MAX MARA Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 30, Verona

TIFFANY & CO. Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 6, Verona

MICHAEL KORS Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 38, Verona


PAVIN ELEMENTS Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 35, Verona

APART OTTICA Via Santa Maria in Chiavica, 1, Verona

PINKO BOUTIQUE Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 72, Verona

OTTICA DIAZ Via Armando Diaz, 5, Verona

STONE ISLAND STORE VERONA Corso Porta Borsari, 35, Verona



THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Corso Sant’Anastasia 10, Verona

COCCINELLE Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 56, Verona

PROFUMERIA DOUGLAS Via Cappello, 35, Verona

FRATELLI ROSSETTI SPA Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 21, Verona


MAESTRIA CALZATURE Corso Sant’Anastasia, 3/c, Verona

LO SCRITTOIO Corso Porta Borsari, 18, Verona Authorized Montblanc dealer

PAVIN LUXURY GOODS Via Cappello, 9, Verona PRINCIPE 1936 Corso Porta Borsari, 31, Verona

LIBRERIA ANTIQUARIA PERINI Via Amatore Sciesa, 11, Verona Vintage prints, antique books and rare geographical maps

Gioielleria Passeroni Jewelers from 1936 to today, four generations of Passeroni: a “treasure chest”, synonym of exclusivity and “Made in Verona”. The shop offers a wide range of brands, from Mattioli to Brusi, to Raiteri, up to the brand-new Pesavento gold collection. All of this, along with the hand-made customized jewels that the jewelry creates with current and renowned artisan techniques, to give the object the maximum of aesthetics.

Corso Santa Anastasia 25/A, Verona OPENING HOURS: Tue-Sun: 9:30–12:30 15:30-19:30 Phone: +39 045 8001742

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Fashion Stores Atelier Emé Atelier Emé is part of Calzedonia Group from 2015, is an Italian Brand with a strong tradition and expertise in creation and production of Bridal Gowns. Atelier Emé has a story full of high craftmanship content, traditional tailoring combined with the lastest technology, refined fabrics, highest levels of quality and beauty to make unique and exclusive gowns for your Special Day. The Atelier Emé collections are an expression of craftsmanship and elegance, which can be identified with a modern romanticism. Atelier Emé stands out for its ability to combine tailoring with the most modern technologies reaching always the highest levels of quality and individuality. Each dress is designed for a distinctive bride that has personal and unique taste. Bridesmaids and guests can also find a dedicated collection of exclusive gowns. The new styles created every year are highly unique and find their inspiration in Italian and international Haute Couture.

Piazza Francesco Viviani, 8, Verona OPENING HOURS: Mon-Sat: 10:00–19:30 Phone: +39 045 8012125

Mantova Outlet Village Among the most visited Outlet Villages by lovers of designer shopping. Built like a real city centre, recalling the style of a typical 16th century Mantua town. Visitors can take a stroll among shops and window displays overlooking the narrow streets. Fashion District Mantova Outlet is in a wide integrated commercial area, equipped with all services, and has also the largest indoor Kart circuit in Europe. Via Marco Biagi, Bagnolo San Vito (MN) OPENING HOURS: Mon-Sun: 10:00 - 20:00 Phone: +39 0376 25041

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Via Federico Fellini, 1, Fidenza (PR) OPENING HOURS: Mon-Sun: 10:00–19:30 Phone: +39 0524 33551

Fidenza Village Fidenza Outlet Village is one of the most popular shopping centers in Emilia Romagna region and Italy. The Village, famous for its quality products, offers a relaxing shopping experience to enjoy in the streets of an elegant, perfectly recreated town. Within the Village you will find more than 100 shops and boutiques that offer a refined selection of the best brands of clothing, shoes and accessories, with discounts up to 60% and more.

Adigeo Viale delle Nazioni, 1, Verona On an area of 47,000 square meters, customers will find more than 130 stores, both international and Italian brands, and also numerous gastronomic choices in the food lounge on the first floor, characterized by large windows. Adigeo is committed to sustainability through numerous measures, such as energy-saving LED lighting, a photovoltaic system installed on the roof and the use rainwater for irrigation of external green areas.

Franciacorta Outlet Village Piazza Cascina Moie, 1, Rodengo-saiano BS Nestled in the green landscape of Franciacorta, famous for the production of sparkling wine, the Outlet Village is halfway between the city of Brescia and Lake Iseo. Much appreciated, this Outlet attracts every day a great number of visitors from all over northern Italy. Here, among streets and squares, visitors can shop in over 160 fashion boutiques which offer prestigious clothing brands, furniture, lifestyle, etc. at 30% to 70% discounted prices. Inside there is also a food and wine store, with the typical local flavours of wines and good food.

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Just for Fun

Discover GARDALAND Gardaland is the largest and most famous amusement park in Italy, located in Castelnuovo del Garda, Verona, on the shores of Lake Garda. It is currently ranked among the top eight theme parks in Europe with around 3,000,000 visitors per year. The park is divided into thematic areas and has about 40 attractions, including 5 roller coasters. At Gardaland you can challenge the rushing rapids of Jungle Rapids, the breathtaking drops of Colorado Boat and Fuga da Atlantide, or make an adventurous escape aboard the Mammut polar train. Among the main attractions loved by families there are also the 4D cinema with special

Gardaland SEA LIFE Aquarium Visit Gardaland SEA LIFE Aquarium and embark on an interactive journey to discover some of the most beautiful creatures that live in the fresh water and seas of planet Earth. In a succession of themed environments, which are perfect reconstructions of various natural habitats, you will get to see a host of underwater worlds, from Lake Garda, right the way through to the dark, mysterious depths of the great oceans. Are you ready for an incredible, close encounter with sea creatures of every kind? From sea lions and red lionfish, to clownfish and starfish, you’ll be swept away by the amazing, transparent sea tunnel, where awe-inspiring sharks and ray fish swim undisturbed, right above your head!

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Via Derna, 4, Castelnuovo del Garda

effects, the Ramses interactive ride and the voyage into the world of I Corsari. For the most courageous guests, the Park offers strong emotions with the inverted coaster Blue Tornado, the wing coaster Raptor, the exciting Sequoia Adventure, the vertical dive roller coaster Oblivion and the 40-meter high Space Vertigo tower. Finally, the little ones can enjoy large themed areas: Fantasy Kingdom with Prezzemolo’s house, the Park’s historic mascot, Peppa Pig Land and Kung Fu Panda Academy, the themed area where adults and children can become true Dragon Warriors.

Parco Natura Viva Parco Natura Viva was opened in 1969. It covers about 40 hectares of land and is a natural zoological garden which is home to some 1.500 specimens belonging to over 250 wild species. The Park is divided into two main areas to visit: the Safari Park, in which the visitor stays in his vehicle, and the Fauna Park, which is for pedestrians only. The Park’s predominant activity involves the breeding of wild animal species, in coordination with leading zoological institutions in Europe.

Località Quercia, Bussolengo (VR) Phone: +39 045 7170113

In 2019 the Park introduced the new area “House of Giants”, a 1,600 square meter pavilion dedicated to the theme of nature gigantism and dwarfism, which will host among other Komodo dragons, giant otters, a giant anaconda and giant butterflies.

ph. Pexels from Pixabay

GOLF FIELDS lGOLF CLUB VERONA (18 holes) Loc. Ca’ del Sale, 15, Sommacampagna (VR) lGOLF CLUB VILLAFRANCA (18 holes) Loc. Pozzomoretto, 34, Villafranca (VR) lGOLF CLUB ARZAGA (27 holes) Via Arzaga, 1, Calvagese della Riviera (BS) lCHERVÒ GOLF SAN VIGILIO (36 holes) Loc. San Vigilio - Pozzolengo (BS)



laying golf near Lake Garda is a very special experience. Besides their singular design, the courses here blend harmoniously with the features of the landscape, whose attractiveness has long made this an important tourist destination. The courses are open all year round and present an excellent challenge for beginners and experienced golfers alike. The Golf Hotels associated with the courses are great quality and guarantee a wonderful holiday in an unparalleled setting. It’s a real paradise for every golfer: 4 27-hole courses, 6 18-hole courses and a 9-hole course.

lFRANCIACORTA GOLF CLUB (27 holes) Via Provinciale, 34/B, Nigoline di Corte Franca (BS) lGARDAGOLF COUNTRY CLUB (27 holes) Via Angelo Omodeo 2, Soiano del Lago (BS) lGOLF CLUB COLLI BERICI (18 holes) Strada Monti Comunali, Brendola (VR) lGOLF CLUB PARADISO DEL GARDA (18 holes) Localitá Paradiso, Peschiera del Garda (VR) lGOLF CLUB CA‘ DEGLI ULIVI (27 holes) Via Ghiandare 2 Marciaga di Costermano (VR) lGOLF CLUB IL COLOMBARO (9 holes) Via Colombaro, Salo (VR)

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Via del Lavoro 18 - Valgatara di Valpolicella (VR) - tel. 045 6800525 via Varini 50 - Marco di Rovereto (TN) - tel 0464 943220 -

Piazza Pradaval 18 - Verona | - tel. 045 2475267

Real Estate proposals

In Torri del Benaco The project is located on a spectacular site of approximately 6000 square metres with luxuriant vegetation and views westwards towards the lake, facing the setting sun. The challenge was to build with the greatest possible subtlety in order to respect the site and also the restrictions on land use. The decision was made to use a dark-coloured material for the facade so that the building would blend with its natural surroundings. The residential complex includes ten apartments and two villas with pools, arranged on two levels which follow the shape of the land. The architectural concept is lightness, camouflage, transparency. All the apartments have a completely unobstructed view of the lake; sliding windows and doors are framed in dark stone with rounded corners: a light touch to keep the impact on the landscape minimal and blend in with the surrounding trees. The complex consists of scattered bespoke volumes which are perfectly integrated with the garden, like streamlined pavilions resting on the ground.

Magri Immobiliare Corso Italia 136 - Garda (VR) tel. 045 7256583 -

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