MARÍA PIA RIVASPLATA info@casamiamagazine.com
MANUEL MUGUIRA CASANOVA manu.casanova@yahoo.com
Greg Gunter, The Dream Pro Realtor Coldwell Banker SMART Global Luxury DreamProHomes.com
ESTUDIO TRES16 info@estudiotres16.com
AÑO 4 NÚMERO 26 CASA MÍA MAGAZINE es una publicación bimestral gratuita. Tiraje: 10,000 ejemplares. Editor responsable: María Pia Rivasplata. Número de Certificado de Reserva Otorgado por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor: En Trámite. Número de Certificado de Licitud de Título: En Trámite. Número de Certificado de Licitud de Contenido: En Trámite. El contenido de esta publicación es responsabilidad de quien lo firma y no refleja necesariamiente la opinión de CASA MÍA MAGAZINE. Distribución por Agencia de Publicidad Acreditada.
En The Opa l Mine, nuestros diseños son únicos e irrepetibles a l igua l
In T he Opal Mine , our designs are unique and unique just like
que cada persona que los por t a; es por esto que trat a mos a nuestras
ever y person who wears them; that is why we treat our pieces as
piezas como elementos muy especia les que cuent a n historias, gua rda n
rare elements that tell stor ies , keep memor ies and have the power to
memorias y brinda el poder de resa lt a r la autenticidad.
highlight authentic it y.
Ya sea por su exclusiv idad y belleza o un signif icado sentiment a l, las
Jewelry will never go out of fashion, either for its exclusivity and
joyas nunca pasa rá n de moda; por el contra rio, llega rá n a conver tirse
beauty or sentimental meaning on the contrary, they will become a
en un legado que puede tra nsmitirse de generación en generación.
legacy that can be passed down from generation to generation.
The Opa l Mine conjuga lo mejor en piedras preciosas y semipreciosas,
T he Opal Mine combines the best in precious and semiprecious
siendo el Ópa lo la especia lidad de la casa. Se cree que su nombre tiene
stones, being opal the house specialty. It is believed that the name has
diversos orígenes; “opa lus” en latín, “opa lios” en griego y “upa la”
different origins; “opalus” in Latin, “opalios” in Greek and “upala” in
en sá nscrito, que signif ica -piedra preciosa-. Diferentes culturas
Sanskrit, meaning “precious stone”. Different cultures around the world
a lrededor del mundo le atribuyeron diversas propiedades: predecir el
attributed diverse powers to it: to predict the future, purity, love, hope,
por venir, pureza, a mor, espera nza, protección, etcétera.
protection, etcetera.
La ca racterística principa l de est a gema es el singula r juego de colores
T he main feature of this gem is the unique play of colors that can be
que se puede obser va r dentro de ella a l cont acto con la luz además de
observed when it makes contact with light and that each opal is unique.
que cada ópa lo es único. México es el segundo productor de ópa los a
Mexico is the second producer of opals worldwide after Australia.
nivel mundia l después de Austra lia, sin emba rgo, es el único luga r del
However, it is the only place in the world where we can find the
mundo donde podemos encontra r los denominados Ópa los de Fuego.
so-called Fire Opals.
Est a va riedad de ópa lo se ca racteriza por sus tonos que va n de los
T his variety of opal is characterized by its tones ranging
rojos intensos, na ra njas y a ma rillos hast a tonos ma rrón que pueden
from intense reds, oranges and yellows to brown tones, they
tener diferentes cor tes dependiendo de su t a ma ño y forma natura l.
can have dif ferent cuts depending on their size and natural
Además de ópa los de fuego, encontra rás la más extensa va riedad de
shape. In addition to fire opals, you will find the most
colores donde todos y cada uno de ellos son mexica nos, provenientes
extensive variety of colors and every one of them Mexican,
de Querét a ro y Ja lisco.
f rom Querétaro or Jalisco.
La exclusiva selección de joyas de The Opa l Mine t a mbién incluye
T he exclusive selection of jewelry from T he Opal Mine also includes
dia ma ntes, esmera ldas, rubíes, za f iros, a matist a, topacio, turquesas,
diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, amethyst, topaz, turquoises,
peridotos, piedra de luna, morga nit a, t a nza nit a, citrino, turma lina,
peridots, moonstone, morganite, tanzanite, citrine, and tourmaline,
entre muchas otras.
among many others.
Además de brinda r una atención persona lizada en nuestra mina, los
In addition to providing personalized attention in our mine, our
t a lentosos joyeros y diseñadores te ofrecen un sin f in de opciones
talented jewelers and designers offer you endless options so you can
pa ra que puedas crea r tu propio diseño, con la piedra de tu elección, a
create your own design, with the stone of your choice, to an exact size
un t a ma ño exacto y entregado en la puer t a de tu hoga r, otorga ndo un
and delivered to your home, granting a certificate of authenticity for
cer tif icado de autenticidad por cada joya.
each jewel.
Vive la experiencia de est a r en una auténtica mina y conoce mucho
Live the experience of being in an authentic mine and know much more
más de cada una de nuestras piezas. Est a mos seguros que no podrás
about each of our pieces. We are sure that you will not be able to resist
resistir te a su enca nto y querrás a ñadir más de una a tu colección.
its charm and you will want to add more than one to your collection.
A rch it ect u re a f icionados, bewa re—t h is Cent ro desig n
Af icionados a la arquitectura , ¡mucho ojo! ¡Esta obra maestra de
ma st er piece proves begu i l i ng f rom t he ent r y door! Evok i ng t he
diseño en el Centro seduce desde la puerta principal! Evocando
best of moder n a rch it ect u re f rom Mex ico, t he USA , a nd Eu rope,
lo mejor de la arquitectura moderna de México, EE . UU. Y
t he home g ra nt s a g racious—a nd obv ious—nod t o a rch it ect u re
Europa , este hogar otorga una cortes y muy obvia reverencia
m a s t e r s F r a n k L l o yd W r i g h t , C h a r l e s R e n n i e M a c k i n t o s h ,
a l o s m a e s t r o s d e a r q u i t e c t u r a F r a n k L l o y d Wr i g h t , C h a r l e s
L u d w i g M i e s v a n d e r R o h e a n d R i c a r d o L e g o r r e t a . N e v e r b e fo r e
R e n n i e M a c k i n t o s h , Lu d w i g M i e s v a n d e r R o h e y R i c a r d o
ha s Sa n Miguel w it nessed a home w it h such t a l l a nd g ra nd iose
L e g o r r e t a . Nu n c a a n t e s S a n M i g u e l h a b í a s i d o t e s t i g o d e u n a
“c o r n e r -t u r n i n g w i n d o w s ” ( W r i g h t h i m s e l f c o i n e d t h e p h r a s e
c a s a c o n “ v e n t a n a s d e e s q u i n a” t a n a l t a s y g r a n d i o s a s (e l
fo r a g l a s s c o r n e r w h e r e a c o l u m n w o u l d n o r m a l l y s t a n d ) t h a t
m i s m o Wr i g h t a c u ñ ó l a f r a s e p a r a u n a e s q u i n a d e v i d r i o d o n d e
opens t he home v isua l ly t o t he lush Rob Joh nson-desig ned
n o r m a l m e n t e e s t a r í a u n a c o l u m n a) q u e a b r e l a c a s a v i s u a l m e n t e
g a r d e n s . T h e e n t r y r e p l i c a t e s M a c k i n t o s h’s m u s e u m - c o l l e c t -
a l o s e x u b e r a n t e s j a r d i n e s d i s e ñ a d o s p o r R o b Jo h n s o n . L a
e d H i l l H o u s e l a d d e r - b a c k c h a i r, a n d e v e n t h e P a r r o q u i a -v i e w
entrada imita la silla de escalera Hill House, coleccionada en
r o o f t o p g l a s s s a l a — i d e a l fo r s u n s e t c o c k t a i l p a r t i e s — e v o k e s
museo, de Mackintosh , e incluso la sala de vidrio en la azotea
t he Miesia n Nat iona l Hist or ic La nd ma rk Fa r nswor t h House,
con vista a la parroquia , ideal para fiestas de cócteles al
u n d e r l i t h e r e t o s i m u l a t e a f l o a t i n g e f fe c t .
a t a r d e c e r, e v o c a e l h i t o h i s t ó r i c o n a c i o n a l M i e s i a n F a r n s w o r t h H o u s e , q u e s e i l u m i n a a q u í p a r a s i m u l a r u n e fe c t o f l o t a n t e .
H i g h -v o l u m e c e i l i n g s f l o a t a b o v e w a r m t z a l a m h a r d w o o d
Los techos de gran volumen f lotan sobre los cálidos pisos de
a n d t r a v e r t i n e f l o o r s t h r o u g h o u t t h e g r o u n d f l o o r, w h i c h
madera dura y travertino de tzalam en toda la planta baja , que
o f fe r s o n e - l e v e l l i v i n g b o a s t i n g a m a s t e r s u i t e a n d s e c o n d a r y
ofrece vida en un solo piso con una suite principal y un dormitorio
bed room on t h is level, i n add it ion t o t he isla nd-a nchored
s e c u n d a r i o e n e s t e n i v e l , a d e m á s d e l a c o c i n a p r o fe s i o n a l a n c l a d a
c h e f ’s k i t c h e n , g r a n d e n t e r t a i n i n g a r e a s , b o t h i n s i d e a n d
con una isla , grandes áreas de entretenimiento, ambas en el
o u t , a n d a r t i s t ’s s t u d i o . A f l o a t i n g m a r b l e s t a i r c a s e , e n c l o s e d
i n t e r i o r Y e x t e r i o r, y e n e l e s t u d i o p a r a a r t i s t a . U n a e s c a l e r a d e
i n a g l a s s - e n s c o n c e d t o w e r, c o n n e c t s t o a s e c o n d m a s t e r
mármol f lotante, encerrada en una torre acristalada , se conecta
su it e, oversi zed ma st er bat h w it h su n ken t ub, a nd a la rge,
a una segunda suite principal, un baño principal de gran tamaño
l ig ht-d renched of f ice, a l l w it h roof t op access.
con bañera hundida y una oficina grande y luminosa , todas con acceso a la azotea.
T h i s o v e r s i z e d l o t i n c l u d e s a l a r g e s i d e g a r d e n —w i t h d e s i g n p l a n s a v a i l a b l e fo r a n e q u a l l y- s t u n n i n g a r c h i t e c t u r a l c a s i t a —
Este lote de gran tamaño incluye un gran jardín lateral , con planes
a nd w i nd i ng d r iveway able t o accom modat e mu lt iple ca rs
de diseño disponibles para una casita arquitectónica igualmente
o f f- s t r e e t fo r l a r g e p a r t i e s . A n a d d i t i o n a l 3 1 1 M 2 a d j a c e n t
impresionante, y un camino sinuoso capaz de acomodar varios
l o t c a n b e a v a i l a b l e fo r b u ye r s l o o k i n g fo r e x p a n s i o n r o o m .
autos adentro de la propiedad para grupos grandes. Un lote
P e r h a p s h e r e i s t h e s t u n n e r fo r l o c a t i o n f a n a t i c s : t h i s
a dy a c e n t e a d i c i o n a l d e 3 1 1 M 2 p u e d e e s t a r d i s p o n i b l e p a r a l o s
n e w l y- b u i l t C e n t r o e s t a t e s i t s o n a q u i e t o f f-t r a f f i c c u l - d e - s a c
c o m p r a d o r e s q u e b u s c a n e s p e c i o p a r a e xp a n s i ó n . Q u i z á s e s t e e s
w i t h t h r o u g h p e d e s t r i a n - o n l y a c c e s s …t h e R o s e w o o d H o t e l a n d
e l l u g a r p a r a l o s fa n á t i c o s d e l a u b i c a c i ó n : e s t a p r o p i e d a d d e l
I n s t i t u t o A l l e n d e a r e s t e p s a w a y, w h i l e t h e J a r d i n i s o n l y a
Centro, recientemente construida , se encuentra en un tranquilo
shor t 8-m i nut e s t rol l.
callejón cerrado con acceso solo para peatones ... El Rosewood Hotel y el Instituto Allende están a pocos pasos, mientras que el
Of fered for t he f i rst t i me on t he ma rket at $1,39 9,000
Ja r d í n e s t a s ó l o a u n c o r t o p a s e o d e 8 m i n u t o s .
USD, t h is est at e boa st s Cent ro l iv i ng a s never before experienced, an architectura l gem wrapping a tranquil
D i s p o n i b l e p o r p r i m e r a v e z e n e l m e r c a d o a $ 1 ,3 9 9 , 0 0 0 U S D ,
z e n - g a r d e n o a s i s m i n u t e s f r o m t h e h e a r t o f t h e c i t y,
esta propiedad cuenta con una vida en el Centro como nunca
i m p o s s i ble t o r epl ic a t e i n t o d a y ’s m a r ke t . L i ke a t ou r? L e t
a n t e s l a h a b í a e xp e r i m e n t a d o , u n a j o y a a r q u i t e c t ó n i c a q u e
the wa nnabe designer in you loose a nd spend a n hour w ith
envuelve un tranquilo oasis de jardín zen a minutos del corazón
a r c h i t e c t -t u r ne d-R e a l t or G r e g G u nt er, T he D r e a m P r o,
d e l a c i u d a d , i m p o s i b l e d e r e p l i c a r e n e l m e r c a d o a c t u a l . ¿Te
w i t h C o l d w e l l B a n k e r S M A R T G l o b a l L u x u r y.
g u s t a r í a u n t o u r? D e j a q u e t u d i s e ñ a d o r i n t e r n o s a l g a y p a s a una hora con el arquitecto convertido en agente de bienes raíces G r e g G u n t e r, T h e D r e a m P r o , c o n C o l d w e l l B a n k e r S M A RT G l o b a l Lu x u r y .
G r e g G u n t e r, T h e D r e a m P r o , w i t h C o l d we l l B a n ke r
G r e g G u n t e r, T h e D r e a m P r o , c o n C o l d w e l l B a n k e r S M A RT G l o b a l
S M A R T G l o b a l L u x u r y.
Lu x u r y .
Cont act h im at loca l cel l 415 .103 . 41 41 or inter nat iona l
Póngase en contacto con él por medio de su celular local
t o l l f r e e o f f i c e n u m b e r 8 7 7. 8 7 8 . 4 1 4 1 , s e e h i s we b s i t e a t
41 5 .1 03 . 41 41 o e n e l n ú m e r o g r a t u i t o d e l a o f i c i n a i n t e r n a c i o n a l
D r e a m P r o H o m e s . c o m , o r e m a i l G r e g @ G r e g o r y G u n t e r. c o m
8 7 7. 8 7 8 . 41 41 , v i s i t e s u s i t i o w e b e n D r e a m P r o H o m e s . c o m o e n v í e u n c o r r e o e l e c t r ó n i c o a G r e g @ G r e g o r y G u n t e r. c o m .
E l Hu n ac a s t le conocido t a mbién como Pa rot a , Gu a n ac a s t e u O reja
T he Hunacastle also known as Parota, Guanacaste or Ear of
de E lefa nt e, es u n á rbol g r a nde y l l a m at ivo que s uele a lc a n za r de
Elephant , is a large and striking tree that usually reaches 20
20 a 3 0 met ros de a lt u r a , y s u t ronco puede l le g a r a ser h a s t a de 4
to 30 meters in height, and its trunk can reach up to 4 meters
met ros de d i á met ro. Es u n á rbol or ig i n a r io de A mér ic a t ropic a l ,
i n d i a m et e r. It i s a n a t i v e t re e to t ro p i c a l Am e r i c a , w h i c h i n
que en Méx ico se desa r rol l a en l a s zon a s cos t er a s del pa í s.
Mexico is grows in the coastal areas of the country.
L a Pa rot a es u n a m ader a pa r t icu l a r met e dese ad a por s u m a rc ad a
T he Parota is particularly desired for its marked and
y l l a m at iva vet a , es reconocid a t a mbién por s u i ncreí ble bel leza
striking vein , its also recognized for incredible beaut y given
d ad a s s u s propied ades de color y t ex t u r a , l a c u a l es muy l iger a
its properties of color and texture, which is very light and
y resi s t ent e a l a gu a que se ut i l i za pa r a cre a r objet os t a les como
resistant to water that is why it´s used to create objects such as
puer t a s, vent a n a s, muebles, g a bi net es e i nclu so en emba rc aciones.
doors, windows, furniture, cabinets and even in boats.
T iene u n br i l lo moder ad a ment e n at u r a l , lo que n at u r a l ment e se
It has a moderate natural shine, which we naturally highlight
des t ac a u sa ndo aceit es que prot e gen l a m ader a y res a lt a n l a s
with oils that protect the wood and highlight the intricate veins
i nt r í n sec a s vet a s de l a Pa rot a .
of the Parota.
L a m ader a de Pa rot a cre a pieza s de muebles ú n ic a s, con du r a men
Parota wood creates pieces of unique furniture with heartwood
r ayado con m iel , colores roji zos y m a r rón oscu ro ju nt o con u n a
striped with honey, reddish colors and dark brown along with a
cl a r a y cremosa a lbu r a , t a mbién es posible produci r muebles de
clear and creamy sapwood , it is also possible to produce Parota
Pa rot a si n n i n gu n a a lbu r a bl a nc a pa r a u n a spec t o moder no.
fur niture without any white sapwood for a moder n look .
To d a l a m a d e r a d e P a r o t a u t i l i z a d a e n n u e s t r a s p i e z a s ,
All of our Parota wood used in our wooden furniture pieces
prov iene exclusiva ment e de reg iones mex ica na s donde la s
comes exclusively from Mexican regions where environmental
práct ica s a mbient a les se apl ica n est r ict a ment e a t ravés de la s
practices are strictly enforced through environmental
cooperaciones a mbient a les.
E n OR EJA DE E L E FA N T E econt r a r á s m ader a f i n a de PA RO TA .
In ELEPH A N T E A R you will f ind f ine wood f rom PA ROTA . Unique
Ac a bados ú n icos donde l a per fección es el objet ivo pr i ncipa l .
f inishes where per fection is our goal . Unique pieces , elaborated
P ieza s ú n ic a s, el a bor ad a s cu id a ndo nues t ro med io a mbient e
taking care of our environment acquir ing the dr if twood , giving
adqu i r iendo l a m ader a de a rboles muer t os, d a ndo nueva ment e
life to it again in each home . Of fer ing our c ustomers dining rooms ,
v id a en c ad a hog a r. O f reciendole a los cl ient es mes a s de comedor,
cof fee tables and side tables , mir rors , kitchen tables , stools and
mesa s de cent ro y l at er a les, repi za s, a nt ecomedores, ba ncos y
benches , mir rors , c redenzas , lamps etc .
ba nc a s, espejos, creden za s, l á mpa r a s et c. Di reccion: K m . 4 Ca r ret er a Sa n M iguel de A l lende a Q ueret a ro, L oc a l 1 Sa n M iguel de A l lende, GTO Tel. (4 15) 1 20 - 55- 67 Cel. (47 7) 220 -38 - 61
“Lo ecléctico hace referencia a situaciones, fenómenos o personas que se
“ E c l e c t i c r e fe r s t o s i t u a t i o n s , p h e n o m e n a o r p e o p l e w h o a r e
caracterizan por tener elementos o rasgos distintos entre sí. Esto supone
c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y h a v i n g d i f fe r e n t e l e m e n t s o r fe a t u r e s , w h i c h
siempre tomar lo mejor de los diferentes elementos para crear con ellos
m e a n s a l w a y s t a k i n g t h e b e s t o f d i f fe r e n t e l e m e n t s t o c r e a t e a
una combinación nueva y única que puede hacerse patente fácilmente
new and unique combination that can easily be seen in a way of
en el modo de pensar, de vestir, en el estilo de la persona, en el diseño y
thinking, dressing, in the style of the person, in design and in
decoración, etc.”
decorating, etc. “
La búsqueda constante de objetos singulares y/o con historia o personalidad
A constant search for singular objects which are singular and/or have
propia, como característica primordial, resume la filosofía que conforma
a unique history or personality as its primordial feature, summarizes
la oferta de Ecléctica, de ahí que podamos encontrar desde un aparador
the philosophy that makes up Eclectic´s offer, hence we can find anything
francés de 1787 hasta la butaca contemporánea “Smock Chair” de Patricia
from a French dresser circa 1787 to the contemporary armchair “Smock
Urquiola para Moroso (It).
Chair” by Patricia Urquiola for Moroso (It).
Un raro ejemplar de la primera edición del diccionario de la Real Academia
A rare copy of the first edition of the dictionary of the Spanish Royal
Española de la Lengua de 1780 convive en Ecléctica con pashminas
Academy of the Language of 1780 coexists in Eclectic with silk-screen
serigrafiadas de Cachemira, India.
printed pashminas from Kashmir, India.
Vajillas Good Earth de Bombay, Real Old Willow de Inglaterra o porcelana
Such tableware as Good Earth from Bombay, Real Old Willow from
Imari japonesa se suman a piezas únicas de cristal de Murano que van desde
England or Imari Japanese porcelain are added to unique pieces of
el período del Decó de los años veintes hasta los setentas del siglo pasado;
Murano glass that range from the Decó period of the 20s to the 70s of
utilería de mesa, manteles, licoreras de varias procedencias y épocas y
the last century; tableware, tablecloths, decanters from various origins
estilos; presentadores de caviar, cajas de la famosa laca japonesa de Otagiri
and times and styles; caviar presenters, boxes of the famous Japanese
y un largo etcétera de curiosidades.
lacquer from Otagiri and a long list of curiosities.
Un aparador francés de los años 10’s del siglo XX muestra los primeros
A French sideboard from the 10’s of the 20th century shows the
intentos de aplicación de serigrafía a mobiliario con impresiones
first attempts to apply screen printing to furniture with Pompeian
pompeyanas; un biombo de igual época y procedencia copia magnificado
impressions; a screen of the same period and origin copy magnified
en tamaño un bodegón de flores holandés del siglo XVI. Retratos europeos
in size of a Dutch f lower still life from the 16th century. European
del siglo XVIII cuelgan al lado de significativas obras de arte abstracto de
portraits of the 18th century hang beside significant works of abstract
Antoni Tápies. Variada selección de alfombras de seda Kashmir y gobelinos
art by Antoni Tápies. Varied selection of Kashmir silk carpets and
modernos de Flandes añaden el toque textil.
modern gobelin tapestries from Flandes add a touch of textile.
El diseño y ejecución de entornos decorativos domésticos tanto de
T he design and execution of domestic decorative environments both
interiores como de exteriores son también tareas desarrolladas por
indoors and outdoors are also tasks developed by Ecléctica, with a result
Ecléctica, con resultado siempre sofisticado y singular.
that is always sophisticated and unique.
Ecléctica es, en resumen, un collage de muebles, alfombras, cuadros y
Eclectic is, in short, a collage of furniture, carpets, paintings and different
diferentes objetos de múltiples procedencias, principalmente europeos
objects from multiple sources, mainly European from the eighteenth to the
de los siglos XVIII a XX, establecida como galería en San Miguel de Allende
twentieth centuries, established as a gallery in San Miguel de Allende since
desde diciembre de 2017.
December 2017.
Ecléctica / Aldama, 31 Colonia Centro / San Miguel de Allende Gto
Ecléctica / Aldama, 31 Colonia Centro / San Miguel de Allende Gto
Web: eclectica.style
Web: eclectica.style
Instagram: eclecticasma
Instagram: eclecticasma
Muros en rosa pálido, amarillo limón, violeta. Piscinas de turbulento
Yellow, lime, violet, and pale rose walls; Pools with turbulent contents; Space
contenido. Espacio y color, sonido y silencio, luz y sombra, el ineludible
and color, sound and silence, light and shadow, the inescapable natural
paisaje natural. Tales son los ingredientes de la arquitectura poética de
landscape. These are the ingredients to the poetic architecture of Luis Barragan,
Luis Barragán, quien aspiró a rodear al hombre de belleza. Con ellos, él
who aspired to surround all of mankind with beauty. With these elements, he
logró convertir en una realidad los espacios surrealistas de pintores como
was able make a reality out of the surreal spaces painted by artists like Chirico
Chirico y Magritte. Barragán ganó el Premio Nacional de Artes en 1976 y el
and Magritte. Barragán won the National Arts Award in 1976 and the Pritzker
Premio de Arquitectura Pritzker en 1980.
Architecture Prize in 1980.
San Cristóbal, una cuadra con caballerizas y albercas ubicada en “Los
Cuadra San Cristobal, a block complete with stables and swimming pools,
Clubes”, un suburbio residencial de la Ciudad de México también diseñado
located in “Los Clubes”, a residential suburb in Mexico City designed by him as
por él, es un magnífico ejemplo de su obra. El proyecto se terminó en 1968
well, is a magnificent example of his work. The project was completed in 1968
con la colaboración del arquitecto Andrés Casillas. En San Cristóbal los
with the collaboration of the architect Andrés Casillas. In San Cristobal, the
espacios exteriores evocan recuerdos de antiguas haciendas que Barragán
exteriors evoke memories of old haciendas that Barragán visited as a child,
conoció de niño, y los elegantes colores típicos del arquitecto cobran vida
and here, Barragan’s elegant traditional colors come to life like never before.
como nunca antes. Un detalle peculiar revela una característica presente a
A peculiar detail reveals one characteristic that’s often present in his work: his
menudo en la obra de Barragán: sus muros, aparentemente sólidos, poseen
walls, which appear to be solid, possess a liquid interior. Within the compound,
un interior líquido. En el área de las cuadras, un estanque se alimenta de
a “pond” is formed from water that springs from the corner of a wall.
agua que brota de la esquina de una pared.
El elemento más sobresaliente de su obra es el muro arquetípico.
The most outstanding element of his work is the archetypal wall. Barragán
Barragán ha evitado la tendencia moderna de sustituir las paredes por
has avoided the modern tendency of substituting walls for glass windows
cortinas de vidrio que se abren al ambiente hostil y ruidoso de la ciudad;
that open out to the hostile and noisy environment; on the contrary, his
más bien, sus paredes aíslan el mundo exterior y crean una atmósfera de
walls isolate the exterior world and create an atmosphere of silence. As he
silencio. Como él mismo afirma: “Cualquier obra arquitectónica que no
puts it “any architectural work that doesn’t express serenity, constitutes an
exprese serenidad constituye un error; por eso ha sido un error sustituir
error; which is why it has been an error to substitute the protection of walls
la protección de los muros por el exagerado uso actual de enormes
for the current exaggerated use of enormous windows. “ His walls create a
ventanales”. Sus paredes proporcionan un ambiente tranquilo que
tranquil environment that stimulates the relations between those who inhabit
estimula las relaciones de quienes lo habitan. Esta es una de las paradojas
them. This is one of Barragan’s architectural paradoxes: the walls isolate,
arquitectónicas de Barragán: las paredes aíslan y, sin embargo, fomentan
nonetheless, they encourage communication at the same time.
la comunicación al mismo tiempo. The backside of this architect’s water-filled walls, gives the appearance of El reverso de los muros repletos de agua de Barragán da la apariencia
solidifying the liquids. At times, the water covers the terraces and gardens with
de solidez de los líquidos. El agua cubre a veces terrazas y jardines con
a rigid surface which creates a reflection of the sky and the warm tones of the
una superficie rígida en la que se refleja el cielo y los cálidos de los muros
surrounding walls; from time to time, a gush of water breaks the rigidness with
cercanos; en ocasiones, un borbotón de agua quiebra la rigidez con su
its aquatic music.
música acuática. T he spaces constitute another of the fundamental aspects of his Los espacios constituyen otro de los aspectos fundamentales de su
work . As he puts it , they need to be “poetic, mysterious, charming
obra. Como él mismo declara, éstos deben ser “poéticos, misteriosos,
and serene”. His gardens have the inf luence of the overf lowing
encantadores y serenos”. Sus jardines tienen la influencia de la
fa n t a s y o f t h e A l h a m b r a o f G r a n a d a , S p a i n : p l a i n s o f t e r r a c e s ,
desbordante fantasía de la Alhambra de Granada, España: plenos de
fo u n t a i n s u r p r i s e s a n d t h e m y s t e r i o u s p l a y f u l n e s s o f t h e w a t e r, a s
terrazas, sorpresas de fuentes y del misterioso jugueteo del agua,
well as the Persian gardens. As said by Barragán: “It seems to me
así como de los jardines persas. Dice Barragán: “Me parece que los
that architects should design gardens as profitable and utilizable
arquitectos deberían diseñar jardines tan aprovechables como las casas
as the homes that they build , with the objective of awakening the
que construyen, a fin de despertar el sentido de la belleza y el gusto, y la
s e n s e o f b e a u t y a n d t a s t e , a s w e l l a s t h e i n c l i n a t i o n fo r t h e f i n e
inclinación por las bellas artes y otros valores espirituales”.
arts and other spiritual values”.
Luis Barragán House by Steve Silverman.
Barragán considera la arquitectura como la transformación del espacio
Barragán sees architecture as the transformation of space at the service
al servicio del hombre. Para él, ésta constituye simplemente una forma
of mankind. To him, architecture simply constitutes a way of living, a
de ser, un modo de acercarse al mundo. En este sentido, la memoria
means to become close to the Earth. In this sense, memory constructs the
construye la materia prima indispensable para el proceso creador,
raw material that is essential to the creative process, resulting in an au-
resultando una arquitectura autobiográfica, plena de nostalgia por las
tobiographical architecture, filled with nostalgia for the childhood visits
visitas infantiles a los ranchos de la familia, a los mercados y a las fiestas.
to family ranches, town markets, and festivities. From the white homes of
De las blancas casas de la provincia jalisciense, con sus techos cubiertos
the provincial Jalisco, with their roofs covered in tiles and their interior
de tejas y sus patios interiores llenos de vida, proviene su concepción
patios full of life, comes his eternal conception of the ideal habitat.
eterna del hábitat ideal.
G U N T E R – 415 .10 3 . 4141
Affectionately known among locals as The Mansion at Montitlan, this gated estate was the first built in the neighborhood of Balcones and enjoys the status of the Grande Dame of the neighborhood. Extensively renovated and updated, this estate offers the luxury appointments befitting the first estate in the neighborhood—a double lot with two oversized lawn gardens, two oversized garages, and two entrances to the property—combined with modern marble-clad bathrooms & kitchens, new retractable glass sunroof, expansive outdoor covered terraces, interior stone finishes, and more. An entertainer’s haven—the owner weekly hosts up to 60 people—this estate offers a welcoming formal foyer, dual indoor boveda-topped dining rooms, covered terraces seating 40 more, and expansive living areas spilling to outdoor gardens, reminiscent of elegant Hollywood luxury. The catering-quality kitchen boasts dual commercial ranges and space to cook for 80, with a view to Centro from the copper sink, opening to a fireplace-anchored breakfast nook. Six cantera-stone fireplaces brighten the home and, when combined with the outdoor landscape lighting, effuse the estate with energy sufficient for a Gatsby party. A separate-entrance full-kitchen casita—offering rental income opportunity—and dual ground-floor guest suites host company, allowing the owner to retreat to the 2nd floor master suite boasting all-window facades with Parroquia views, office, sitting area, new marble-clad dual-sink tub & separate shower bathroom, and a walk-through closet bigger than most bedrooms. A second equally spacious en suite master includes a large sitting area. Below, the sloped lot accommodates two garages parking three vehicles and plentiful storage, with a garden ample enough to accommodate a swimming pool.
CASA LUZ $790,000 USD N A N C Y H O W Z E - 415 .10 3 . 0 5 8 5 Star ting with some of the most impressive views in San Miguel, Casa Luz offers the best of modern colonia l living in a tranquil hillside neighborhood. This three-stor y elevator-ready home features a guest casita and garage on the lower level. The second level’s open f loor plan features a charming contemporar y kitchen, dining area and a sa la/living room. A lso on this f loor, there is generous bedroom with ensuite bathroom and a view terrace for stunning vistas of the cit y and beyond. Casa Luz is f illed with surprises, from the lush inner cour t yard, the elegant iron railings, the whimsica l tile work and wonderful f ireplaces in each bedroom. The entire top level of this wonderful home is devoted to the master suite and private terraces. Enjoy amazing sunsets and watch the cit y come a live at night. Best of a ll, the house is turnkey—just bring a toothbrush to begin living the San Miguel de A llende lifest yle.
CASA SOL, OJO DE AGUA $799,000 USD C L A R K T E A M | E Z R A & S H E R Y L : 415 .13 9. 6 6 7 5 | 6 6 7 6 This stunning soft contemporary home will impress. Located in the highly desirable neighborhood of Ojo de Agua, a short walk to Centro Histórico of San Miguel de Allende you will find this home of incredible quality, designed by award winning architects Barry Shapiro and Felipe Argüelles. Private and serene, the home offers an open f loor plan with a spacious living room centered around a large cantera stone fireplace. A separate dining area and gourmet kitchen with high-end appliances make hosting enjoyable. Other features include high ceilings, recessed lighting, black cantera stone f loors and gas fireplaces. One level living is possible. The spacious luxury master suite with large closets, extra storage and an en suite bathroom is complete with Jacuzzi spa bath. Just outside the bedroom doors is access to the outdoor patio. Built on a double size lot, the home offers a large f lat yard, surrounded by gardens and ample space for a pool. Large French doors open onto a spacious patio for outdoor entertaining, a water feature and a large verdant lawn complete the peaceful setting. A separate outdoor sala with ceiling fan, includes a BBQ, table and chairs for entertaining guests outdoors. This is truly a wonderful contemporary, light filled home that gives homage to traditional Mexican colonial design.
S T R E E T A R T P R O J E C T, S A N A N T O N I O $489,000 & $499,000 USD CLARK TEAM | EZRA & SHERYL:
415 .13 9. 6 6 7 5 | 6 6 7 6
An incredible opportunity to own a newly constructed contemporary gem located in the highly desirable Colonia of San Antonio. The builder’s attention to detail and quest for hand-made craftsmanship with Spanish touches round out this 2 Bed + 2 Bath + 2 Half Bath home. Upon entering this home, you will immediately be swept away by the dramatic entrance of the beautiful barrel bovada ceiling and chandeliers that compliment the hand inlaid stone flooring. Continue and you find yourself in the front patio with a preserved tree and calming water feature that is sure to impress. The open floor plan on the main level includes the living room, dining room and an entertainer’s kitchen. Large windows open to the front patio providing ample natural light. Located on the second floor are 2 full bedrooms with 2 bathrooms and walk-in closets. The roof top includes a half bath, a covered laundry room and a top of the line water filtration system. Expansive views of the mountains and peek-a-boo views of the Church of San Antonio offer the opportunity to add an additional structure if desired. The security system includes front door screen monitoring, glass breaks, heat and motion detection and Schlage door locks. The CGFI electrical wiring, water filtration system, local materials and fixtures from Mexico are incomparable. Located close to restaurants, shopping, entertainment and a short walk to Centro add to the allure of this home.
CASA CIBELES $529,000 USD J O S E P H L O W N - 415 .10 3 . 3 3 74 Casa Cibeles is a spacious property on two lots in a private gated Atascadero community. There are charming colonial architectural elements such as boveda ceilings throughout and a large carved fire place in the living room. Entering from the street you encounter a lush garden which leads to a colonnaded front terrace. This indoor-outdoor home has french doors in the living room, dining room and den leading to outdoor terraces. The large airy kitchen is well equipped with a six burner stove, center island and pantry. Upstairs is an open seating area that leads to an outdoor terrace with a carved and tiled fountain. The master bedroom, with full bath, has French doors and a Juliet balcony opening onto the spacious green backyard. Two additional bedrooms each have decoratively tiled full baths. There is also an office and second spacious terrace perfect for morning coffee. The property extends to the adjacent yard with a wonderfully cultivated garden and parking for 2 cars. There is a covered patio ideal for outdoor entertainment as well as a large laundry room, garden tool shed and staff bath.
CASA CUPULA SAN ANTONIO $650,000 USD G I OVA N N A C A N E L A- 415 114 6 0 8 2
Beautiful house in Colonia San Antonio, CASA DE LA CUPULA is the home we imagine when dreaming of life in San Miguel !!! This is what everyone is looking for after CENTRO one of the most popular neighborhoods, the distance walking to downtown, is only 12 minutes, it is a f lat and very nice walk, just 5 minutes from the Instituto Allende. You can not miss this opportunity to acquire the house of your dreams in San Miguel de Allende!!! Casa Cúpula is offered TURNKEY totally furnished and decorated by “Casa Armida” one of the most elegant furniture and lighting design store in town, includes an electric garage and alarm system.
CASA ELIZABETH $1,50 0,0 0 0 USD R O M I N A G A R I BAY- 415 125 8 0 97
Ever y thing you a re looking for! Outst a nding location, spacious, wonderfully serene, classic Mexica n cha rm st yle, picturesque views, wa lking dist a nce to downtown a nd a sepa rate casita. A n easy 5 minutes f lat wa lk will t a ke you to the Ma in Squa re a nd a ll the a menities that Historic Centro has to offer. This gorgeous proper t y sits in a corner lot so it has 2 entra nces, the ma in house has 4 bedrooms a nd 4 full bathrooms, a n off ice full of natura l light a nd a Roof Top terrace with a mazing views, idea l for enter t a ining fa mily a nd friends.
QUEBR ADA 18 $525,000 USD ALMA CECILIA R AMÍREZ- 415 153 3598
If you are looking for location and a new lovely home, Casa Quebrada is a charming property inside a private cul de sac, in a prime location, just a short walk to the Jardin. The living and dining room and a lovely open kitchen are all included in an open layout and a downstair bedroom is a plus, which makes this property a comfortable one level living!
LOS HUIZACHES $8,800,000 PESOS CAROLINA ECHE VERRÍA- 415 103 3309 Beautiful house is located in the gated community of Los Huizaches. These home has 4 bedrooms with complete bathrooms, maid quarters with full bathroom as well. The master bedroom is on the first f loor. The pool is just some meters away from the terrace. The perfect home to relax and enjoy the sounds of nature.
L a r ut a de A lg a r a bí a es u n a de l a s g a ler í a s de a r t e que h a n a bier t o
T he route of Algarabía is one of the art galleries that have pioneered
el concept o de “A r t e en t odo y pa r a t odos”
the concept of “Art in everything and art for all”
Ya q u e e s u n l u g a r d o n d e p o d e m o s e n c o n t r a r, o b r a s d e a r t e ,
Since it is a place where we can find, works of art, decorative items,
a r t ícu los de decoración, det a l les y rega los y u na g ra n va r iedad
gifts and a variety of furniture.
de muebles.
T he experience is personal because it offers something exceptional L a ex per ienci a es a lgo per son a l ya que of rece a lgo excepcion a l y
and fun to every person who enters.
d iver t ido a c ad a per son a que ent r a . Su concept o per m it e que en cu a lqu ier es t i lo de decor ación l a s pieza s enc ajen a l a per fección
Its concept allows for the pieces to fit perfectly with any style of
d a ndo u n t oque d i s t i nt ivo a l a mbient e ya que el enc a nt o de s u s
decor giving a distinctive touch to the environment with the charm
muebles y s u es t i lo va n desde los hechos a l a med id a , Di seños en
of its furniture. Its style range from made to order, leather, wood
piel , m ader a y a lgu nos que nos per m it en decor a r a mbient es con
and some designs that allow us to decorate with Hindu or Turkish
es t i lo h i ndú o t u rco, t odos ele g idos especi a l ment e y cu id a ndo c ad a
motif, all specially chosen and taking into account every detail and
det a l le y es t i lo que d i s t i n guen a L a r ut a de A lg a r a bí a .
the style that sets T he Route of Algarabía apart.
E l le g ado de Lu i s B a r r a g á n represent a a lgo t a n complejo y
T he legacy of Luis Barragán represents something so complex
at empor a l que sigue i n spi r a ndo y sor prend iendo a los a rqu it ec t os
and timeless that it continues to inspire and amaze architects
de t od a s l a s gener aciones. Es por eso que, a 3 0 a ños de s u muer t e
of all generations. T hat is why, 30 years after his death Arch
A rch Da i ly recopi ló t es t i mon i a les de a lgu nos de los a rqu it ec t os
Daily collected testimonials from some of the most representative
cont empor á neos m á s represent at ivos ba s ados en Méx ico
contemporary architects based in Mexico who share what Luis
qu ienes compa r t ieron c u á l h a sido l a obr a de Lu i s B a r r a g á n m á s
Barragán´s most important work is and why.
i mpor t a nt e dent ro de s u l a bor y por qué.
JAVIER SENOSIAN “De t od a s l a s obr a s de B a r r a g á n , c a si t od a s me con mueven . Si n
“Of all Barragan’s works, almost all of them move me, but the
emba rgo, l a m á s i mpor t a nt e pa r a m í es l a Ca s a-Es t ud io. Un a vez
most important for me is the Casa-Estudio.” Once I went to see
lo f u i a ver y pl at ic á ba mos en s u es t ud io con mú sic a cl á sic a de
him and we talked in his studio with classical music playing in the
fondo, a lgu ien coment ó que el concret o er a u n m at er i a l de a spec t o
background, someone mentioned that the concrete was a cold, gray,
f r ío, g r i s, s ucio y t r i s t e, B a r r a g á n se quedó m i r a ndo de u n a for m a
dirty and sad material Barragán looked at it in a very sublime way
muy s ubl i me y a sent ió... sobre t odo t r i s t e. C u a ndo s a l i mos er a
and nodded ... above all sad. When we left it was inevitable to feel in
i nev it a ble sent i r nos en u n es t ado de t r a nce, los rec uerdos que
a state of trance, the memories that I have of the Casa-Estudio are
t en go de l a Ca sa-Es t ud io son siempre de seren id ad .”
always serene. “
ALBERTO KALACH “Pa r a m í , t od a l a obr a de B a r r a g á n es releva nt e, desde l a m á s
“For me, all Barragán’s work is relevant, from the most
f u ncion a l i s t a , en el l a s se gu a rd a n much a s lecciones. Su propi a c a sa
functionalist, many lessons are drawn in them. His own home is
es u n a verd ader a obr a m aes t r a , es u n lug a r en donde t odo gu a rd a
a true masterpiece, it is a place where everything is in absolute
a bsolut a a r mon í a y desde el i n s t a nt e en que ent r a s, t e t r a n spor t a a
harmony and from the moment you enter you’re transported to a
u n es t ado de pa z y seren id ad .”
state of peace and serenity. “
TATIANA BILBAO “B a r r a g á n f ue much a s cos a s, pero lo que m á s me gu s t a de s u obr a
“Barragán was many things, but what I like most about his
es aquel moment o en que me recuerd a que er a u n ser hu m a no. Es a
work is that moment when he reminds me that he was a human
vent a n a en s u c u a r t o pr ivado que se se a bre h aci a l a propied ad
b e i n g .” T h a t w i n d o w i n h i s p r i v a t e r o o m t h a t o p e n s o n t o
veci n a (el Ja rd í n O r t e g a) h a bl a de s u s deseos, de s u a mor a l ja rd í n ,
t h e n e i g h b o r i n g p r o p e r t y (E l Ja r d í n O r t e g a) t a l k s a b o u t h i s
de s u pa s ado, de l a nos t a lg i a y de l a preva lecí a de l a bel leza . Esa
desires, of his love of the garden , of his past , of nostalgia and
vent a n a me h a obsesion ado desde siempre, pa r a m i es t e element o
of the prevalence of beauty, that window has always obsessed
h a bl a prof u nd a ment e del ser hu m a no que B a r r a g á n f ue.”
m e , fo r m e t h i s e l e m e n t s p e a k s d e e p l y o f t h e h u m a n b e i n g t h a t Barragán was. “
JAVIER SORDO MADALENO DE HARO “ M i o b r a f a v o r i t a d e l m a e s t r o L u i s B a r r a g á n s o n l a s To r r e s
“My favor ite work by maestro Luis Bar ragán is the Satellite
de Sat él it e, pr i ncipa l ment e por ser cat a l izador de la zona e
Towers , mainly for being a catalyst for the area and dr iving
i mpu lsor de u na ident idad loca l pa ra la Ciudad Sat él it e. Est a
a local identit y for Satellite C it y.” T his work also allowed me
obra t a mbién me per m it ió la consol idación de u no de nuest ros
to consolidate one of our projects f rom the last cent ur y (Plaza
p r o ye c t o s d e l s i g l o p a s a d o ( P l a z a S a t é l i t e) , c o n v i r t i é n d o l o e n
Satélite), t ur ning it into a new urban landmark . In addition , I
u n nuevo h it o u rba no. Ademá s, le t engo mucha ad m i ración a
have great admiration for his collaboration with Chucho Reyes ,
l a c o l a b o r a c i ó n q u e h i z o c o n C h u c h o R e ye s , g r a n a m i g o d e m i
great f r iend of my grandfather, Juan Sordo Madaleno. “
a b u e l o , J u a n S o r d o M a d a l e n o .”
TATIANA BILBAO “L a obr a que pr i mero me i n f luenció de Lu i s B a r r a g á n , si n sa berlo,
“T he work that f irst inf luenced me by Luis Bar ragán , without
porque t en í a u nos 7 a ños, f ue l a Ca s a O r t e g a , donde jugué u n a
knowing it because I was about 7 years old , was the Casa O r tega ,
m a ñ a n a y desde ent onces quedó m a rc ad a en m í l a i mpor t a nci a
where I played one mor ning. Since then the impor tance of color,
del color, l a s t ex t u r a s y l a presenci a de los m at er i a les. E l ja rd í n
text ures and mater ials have been relevant for me . T he garden
er a u n u n iver so i n f i n it o y l a c a s a se volv í a u n ref ug io dent ro de
was an inf inite universe and the house became a ref uge within
ese pa i saje l leno de sor pres a s. Después, ya en l a Un iver sid ad , u n a
this landscape f ull of surpr ises . Af ter that at the Universit y, a
v i sit a a l a Capi l l a de l a s Capuch i n a s, y mucho después, u n a v i sit a
visit to the Chapel of the Capuchins , and much later, a visit to
a l a Ca sa E ger s t röm f ueron f u nd a ment a les pa r a ent ender de qué
the Egerström House were f undamental for my understanding
es t á n hechos los espacios. B a r r a g á n es u no de los ejemplos m á s
of what spaces are made of. “Bar ragán is one of the clearest
cl a ros pa r a des t ac a r que no se puede ent ender l a a rqu it ec t u r a si n
examples to emphasize that architect ure can not be understood
el c uer po.”
without the body.”
CARLOS BEDOYA - PRODUCTORA “Má s que u n a obr a en pa r t icu l a r me pa rece que el d i scu r so que
“More than a par tic ular work , it seems to me that the speech
Lu i s B a r r a g á n d a cu a ndo recibe el P rem io P r it z ker ex pl ic a ndo l a s
that Luis Bar ragan gives when he receives the P r itzker
ide a s que s u s t ent a n s u obr a ponen sobre l a mes a de nuevo ide a s
P r ize explaining the ideas that sustain his work once again
u n iver s a les, at empor a les y t r a scendent a les a l rededor del queh acer
display universal , timeless and t ranscendental ideas around
a rqu it ec t ón ico –m it o, bel leza , si lencio, soled ad , seren id ad , a le g r í a ,
architect ural work - myth , beaut y, silence , solit ude , serenit y,
muer t e, nos t a lg i a , enc a nt a m ient o, i nt i m id ad , a sombro, et c– ide a s
joy, death , nostalgia , enchant ment , intimac y, astonishment ,
que me pa recen esenci a les en nues t r a pr ác t ic a y m á s hoy en d í a
etc- ideas that are to me of essence in our practice , more so today
cu a ndo pa recier a que l a producción a rqu it ec t ón ic a es t a d ic t ad a
when it seems that architect ural production is dictated solely by
ú n ic a ment e por los va lores de merc ado.”
market values . “