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EN PORTADA _Fotografía por Gerardo pedraza del Museo de Arte




























AÑO 5 NÚMERO 30 CASA MÍA MAGAZINE es una publicación bimestral gratuita. Tiraje: 10,000 ejemplares. Editor responsable: María Pia Rivasplata. Número de Certificado de Reserva Otorgado por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor: En Trámite. Número de Certificado de Licitud de Título: En Trámite. Número de Certificado de Licitud de Contenido: En Trámite. El contenido de esta publicación es responsabilidad de quien lo firma y no refleja necesariamiente la opinión de CASA MÍA MAGAZINE. Distribución por Agencia de Publicidad Acreditada.



E l P royec t o

T he project

L leva r u n a v id a de t r a nqu i l id ad y de comod id ad es lo que a spi r a

L e a d i n g a p e a c e f u l a n d c o m fo r t a b l e l i fe i s w h a t a s p i r e s t o m a k e

a d a r es t e proyec t o de concept o ú n ico en s u cl a se. I n spi r a ndo de

this project unique in its class. Inspired by the rich classical

l a r ic a a rqu it ec t u r a cl á sic a del pueblo m á g ico de S a n M iguel de

architecture of the magical town of San Miguel de Allende

A l lende que es reconocido por s u a lt o u so de t ex t u r a s, va r ied ad de

w h i c h i s r e c o g n i z e d fo r t h e h i g h u s e o f t e x t u r e s , v a r i e t y o f o c h e r

m at er i a les y colores ocres que evoc a n l a s t r ad iciones y cos t u mbres

materials and colors that evoke the traditions and customs

de l a re g ión , el a rqu it ec t o s a n m iguelen se se h a rei m a g i n ado es t a s

of the region , the San Miguel architect has reimagined these

t r ad iciones d á ndole broch a zos i n novadores y moder n i s t a s a l

traditions by giving them innovative and modernist design

d i seño. Es u n s u spi ro del mu ndo c aót ico moder no y u n ped acit o

strokes. It is a wisper of the modern chaotic world and a dash of

de l a m a g n i f icenci a del cent ro de l a ciud ad l levado a u n espacio

the magnificence of the city center taken to a bright space where

br i l l a nt e donde t e s u merges en l a at mósfer a de “L a mejor ciud ad

you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of “T he best city in the

del Mu ndo” – rev i s t a T r avel + L ei s u re.

Wo r l d” - Tr a v e l + L e i s u r e m a g a z i n e .


LA JOYITA MAIL: TEL.: 415 117 0354 Carretera San Miguel a Celaya km 0.5 San Miguel de Allende - Gto

V ive en L a Joy it a

L i v e i n L a Jo y i t a

A l v iv i r en L a Joy it a t e sent i r á s pa r t e de l a m a g i a que con l leva

By living in La Joyita you will feel part of the magic that comes with living

el v iv i r en S a n M iguel de A l lende. Con u n a lt o cu id ado de u so

in San Miguel de Allende. With careful attention to the use of finishes that

de ac a bados que i n spi r a n t r a nqu i l id ad y c a l idez , t u hog a r en l a

inspire calmness and warmth, your home in Joyita will not only be where

Joy it a ser á donde no solo v iv i r á s el d í a a d í a , si no d i sf r ut a r á s c ad a

you have your daily routine, but you will enjoy every moment creating

i n s t a nt e pa r a cre a r moment os i nolv id a bles s a biendo que t u sa lud y

unforgettable memories knowing that your health and well-being are at the

bienes t a r es t á n en el cor a zón de nues t ro proyec t o.

heart of our project .

Un a V ida Renovada

A R e n e w e d L i fe

¿Es t a s c a n sado de l a ciud ad y del t r á f ico d i a r io que apor t a u n

Are you tired of the cit y and the daily traf f ic that brings

es t rés i n necesa r io; el r u ido con s t a nt e de l a ciud ad que no t e deja

u n n e c e s s a r y s t r e s s; t h e c o n s t a n t n o i s e o f t h e c i t y t h a t d o e s n o t

a lc a n za r u n a t r a nqu i l id ad i nt er n a ; o de l a i n se gu r id ad que t e

a l l o w y o u t o a c h i e v e i n n e r p e a c e; O r t h e i n s e c u r i t y t h a t d e p r i v e s

pr iva de con f i a r en ot r a s per son a s? E nc uent r a l a pa z , d i sf r ut a del

y o u o f t r u s t i n g o t h e r p e o p l e? F i n d p e a c e , e n j o y s i l e n c e , l e a r n t o

si lencio, aprende a con f i a r y renueva t u ser i nt er no y t u v id a .

t r u s t a n d r e n e w y o u r i n n e r s e l f a n d y o u r l i fe .



L a Joy it a t e d a l a opor t u n id ad de v iv i r l a ex per ienci a colon i a l

L a Jo y i t a g i v e s y o u t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o l i v e t h e c o l o n i a l

con los mejores d i seños s a n m iguelen ses y t e ay ud a r á a mejor a r l a

e xp e r i e n c e w i t h t h e b e s t S a n M i g u e l d e s i g n s a n d w i l l h e l p y o u

c a l id ad de t u v id a .

i m p r o v e t h e q u a l i t y o f y o u r l i fe .

F i losof ía


Un g r a n objet ivo ex i s t enci a l es ele g i r el dónde v iv i r. Se gu r id ad ,

A great existential question is choosing where to live. Security,

t r a nqu i l id ad y u n a v id a plen a en l a c u a l pod r á s s a l i r a conv iv i r

p e a c e a n d a f u l l l i fe i n w h i c h y o u c a n g o o u t a n d e n j o y w i t h y o u r

con t u fa m i l i a , d i sf r ut a r de l a compa ñ í a de a m i s t ades, pa se a r a t u

fa m i l y , e n j o y t h e c o m p a n y o f f r i e n d s , w a l k y o u r p e t o r h a v e

m a scot a o t ener moment os ú n icos con t u pa reja son cos a s que L a

u n i q u e m o m e n t s w i t h y o u r p a r t n e r a r e t h i n g s t h a t L a Jo y i t a

Joy it a h a t om ado en con sider ación pa r a cre a r u n oa si s ide a l pa r a

h a s t a k e n i n t o c o n s i d e r a t i o n t o c r e a t e a n i d e a l o a s i s t o o f fe r

of recer u n a at mósfer a ú n ic a en s u cl a se en l a que se respi r a nueva

a u n i q u e a t m o s p h e r e i n i t s c l a s s i n w h i c h n e w l i fe i s p a l p a b l e .

v id a . Con u n cl i m a a g r ad a ble, es t e r i ncón colon i a l pi nt oresco

With a pleasant climate, this picturesque colonial corner with

con bug a nv i l i a s y jac a r a nd a s que ador n a r á n el lug a r du r a nt e

bougainvillea and jacarandas that will adorn the place all year

t od a époc a del a ño. Es t a ndo en S a n M iguel de A l lende pod r á s

long. While in San Miguel de Allende you will be able to walk

c a m i n a r si n pr i sa v iendo gent e son r ient e y fel ices a l i r goza ndo

leisurely, seeing smiling and happy people as they enjoy and

y ex plor a ndo los d iver sos c a l lejones, lug a res icón icos y n ichos

e xp l o r e t h e v a r i o u s a l l e y s , i c o n i c p l a c e s a n d h i d d e n n i c h e s o f

oc u lt os de l a ciud ad . Y nues t r a s a men id ades complement a n t u d í a

the city. And our amenities complement your day to day to enjoy

a d í a pa r a d i sf r ut a r con los que m á s qu ieres.

with the ones you love most.


Foto: Ramiro Valencia - Coleccioìn INAH - Joseì Antonio Vallejo - Inmaculada Concepcioìn, S. XVII

18 ART




Foto: Ramiro Valencia - Coleccioìn INAH - Anónimo - Cabeza de San Juan Bautista, S. XVIII


El Museo de Arte de Querétaro (MAQRO), con casi 31 años de trayectoria,

T he Museum of Art of Querétaro (MAQRO), with almost 31 years of

es, sin duda, uno de los más emblemáticos centros de conservación y

experience, is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic centers of

difusión de la cultura en Querétaro y la región. Abierto al público desde

conservation and dissemination of culture in Querétaro and the region.

el 22 de septiembre de 1988, forma parte de la Secretaría de Cultura del

Open to the public since September 22, 1988, it is part of the Secretary

Estado de Querétaro. Fue catalogado como uno de los mejores 20 museos

of Culture of the State of Querétaro. It was listed as one of the best 20

de México por los expertos Alberto Ruy Sánchez y la historiadora y

museums in Mexico by experts Alberto Ruy Sánchez and historian and

editora Margarita Orellana, ocupando el lugar decimoquinto de la lista.

editor Margarita Orellana, occupying the fifteenth place on the list.

El museo se encuentra albergado en el Ex convento de San Agustín,

T he museum is housed in the Ex- convent of San Agustín , housing

poseedor de uno de los claustros barrocos más bellos de Latinoamérica.

one of the most beautif ul baroque cloisters in Latin Amer ica . T he

El inmueble y la iglesia anexa se edificaron entre los años 1731 y 1745.

building and the annexed church were built between 1731 and 1745 .

Este recinto albergó la escuela de Filosofía y Artes Liberales de la

T his campus housed the School of Philosophy and Liberal Ar ts of

Provincia Agustina de San Nicolás de Tolentino de Michoacán.

the Agustina P rovince of San Nicolás de Tolentino de Michoacán .



Foto: Ramiro Valencia - Coleccioìn INAH - Primitivo Miranda - Muerte de Abel, S. XIX


Tras la instauración de las Leyes de Reforma, los frailes fueron

Af ter the establishment of the Refor m Laws , the f r iars were

exclaustrados y el edificio pasó a poder de la Federación, fungiendo

exclaustrated and the building passed to the power of the Federation ,

primero como cuartel y hacia 1889, por decreto del General Porfirio

acting f irst as bar racks and around 1889 , by dec ree of General

Díaz, como Palacio Federal. Cumplió con esta función hasta 1987,

Por f ir io D íaz , as Federal Palace . It f ulf illed this f unction until 1987,

cuando el Presidente Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado lo pone bajo

when P resident Miguel de la Madr id Hur tado puts it under the shelter

resguardo del Gobierno Estatal con el fin de habilitarlo como museo.

of the State G over nment in order to enable it as a museum .

Cuent a con una exhibición perma nente en comodato con el INA H

I t h a s a p e r m a n e n t e x h i b i t i o n i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h t h e I NA H t h a t

que ofrece una pa norá mica de la historia de nuestro a r te, desde la

o f fe r s a n o v e r v i e w o f t h e h i s t o r y o f M e x i c a n a r t , f r o m t h e f i r s t

primera mit ad del siglo X V II, dura nte el Virreinato, a la segunda

half of the 17 th centur y, during the Viceroyalty, to the second half

mit ad del siglo XIX. Est a muestra contiene obras de autores de

of the 19th centur y. T his exhibition contains works by authors of

gra n impor t a ncia, entre los que se encuentra n: Ba lt aza r de Echave

g r e a t i m p o r t a n c e , a m o n g t h e s e a r e: B a l t a z a r d e E c h a v e I b í a , J u a n

Ibía, Jua n y Nicolás Rodríguez Juá rez, Luis Berrueco, Miguel

a n d N i c o l á s R o d r í g u e z J u á r e z , Lu i s B e r r u e c o , M i g u e l A n t o n i o

A ntonio Ma r tínez Pocasa ngre, Miguel Cabrera, José de A lcíba r,

M a r t í n e z P o c a s a n g r e , M i g u e l C a b r e r a , Jo s é d e A l c í b a r, E d u a r d o

Edua rdo Tresguerras, Primitivo Mira nda, Jua n Urruchi, Jua n

Tr e s g u e r r a s , P r i m i t i v o M i r a n d a , J u a n U r r u c h i , J u a n M a n c h o l a ,

Ma nchola, y Pelegrín Clavé.

and Pelegrín Clavé.



Foto: Ramiro Valencia - Juan Rodríguez Juárez , “La Huida a Egipto”, s. XVII - XVIII, Colección INAH


Su Colección Perma nente supera las 600 obras de la autoría de

Its Permanent Collection exceeds 600 works by renowned local ,

a r tist as loca les, naciona les e internaciona les de gra n renombre:

n a t i o n a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l a r t i s t s : R u f i n o Ta m a y o , P e d r o

Ruf ino Ta mayo, Pedro Coronel, Ma nuel Felguérez, Guillermo

C o r o n e l , M a n u e l F e l g u é r e z , G u i l l e r m o Z a p fe , Jo y L a v i l l e ,

Zapfe, Joy Lav ille, Gullermo Ceniceros, Vicente Rojo, Sebastiá n,

G u l l e r m o C e n i c e r o s , V i c e n t e R o j o , S e b a s t i á n , Ja z z a m o a r t , R a fa e l

Jazza moa r t, R a fael Cauduro, Leona rdo Nierma n, Jordi Boldó,

C a u d u r o , L e o n a r d o N i e r m a n , Jo r d i B o l d ó , S a n t i a g o C a r b o n e l l ,

Sa ntiago Ca rbonell, Rubén Maya, A r turo R ivera, R a msés de la Cruz,

R u b é n M a y a , A r t u r o R i v e r a , R a m s é s d e l a C r u z , B a r r y Wo l f r y d ,

Ba rr y Wolfr yd, Luca Bray, entre otros.

Lu c a B r a y , a m o n g o t h e r s .

Merced a l esfuerzo de autoridades est at a les, federa les y asociaciones

T hanks to the ef for ts of state and federal author ities along with c ivil

civ iles y empresas, el M AQ RO es un museo inclusivo, con

assoc iations and companies , the M A Q RO is an inclusive museum ,

inst a laciones pensadas pa ra el disfrute de todo público. Promotor

with fac ilities are designed for the enjoyment of all audiences .

de una gra n diversidad de progra mas educativos dirigidos a l público

P romoter of a great diversit y of educational programs aimed at the

en genera l, así como de atención especia lizada a grupos de personas

general public , as well as spec ialized at tention to groups of people

con capacidades diferentes.

with dif ferent abilities .


22 ART

Foto: Ramiro Valencia - Juan Urruchi , “José y la mujer de Putifar”, 1852, Colección INAH

Museo de Arte de Querétaro Allende #14 sur, entre Pino Suárez y Madero Centro Histórico CP 76000 Santiago de Querétaro, Qro. Tels.: (442) 212 23 57 / 212 35 23 e-mail: Redes sociales Facebook: museodeartedequeretaro Twitter: museodearteqro Instagram: museodeartedequeretaro Blog:

Es escenario constante y destacado de una gran variedad de eventos

It is a constant and prominent location for a great var iet y of

culturales y artísticos: exposiciones, conciertos, conferencias,

c ult ural and ar tistic events: exhibitions , concer ts , conferences ,

cursos, presentaciones de libros, obras de teatro, danza, además de

courses , book presentations , plays , dance rec itals , as well as other

eventos especiales.

spec ial events .

Con motivo de su 31 Aniversario, en el mes de septiembre se

O n the occasion of the 31st Anniversar y, two magnif icent

inaugurarán en el MAQRO dos magníficas exposiciones: en primer

exhibitions will be inaugurated at the M A Q RO in September: T he

lugar “Chucho Reyes. El tiempo del Color”, en colaboración con la

f irst , Chucho Reyes , El tiempo del Color, in collaboration with

Colección SUR A; en segundo lugar, una muestra del artista mexicano

the SUR A Collection . T he second is a sample of the Mexican ar tist

Knut Pani, quien cuenta con una trayectoria de tres décadas, desar-

Knut Pani , with a career path spanning three decades , foc using on

rollándose en la pintura, el grabado, la escultura y la arquitectura.

painting, engraving, sc ulpt ure and architect ure .


24 ART


La Marca

T he brand

Lunática es una línea de joyería contemporánea mexicana hecha de manera

Lunática is a line of contemporary Mexican jewelry made by hand in

artesanal en San Miguel de Allende por Jade Muriel, que juega con los símbolos

San Miguel de Allende by Jade Muriel, who plays with both tribal and

y la inspiración tribal. La colección se encuentra de manera permanente en

cosmic symbols as inspiration. T he collection is available at Calderoni

exhibición y venta en Galería Calderoni, en Fábrica La Aurora.

Gallery, within Fabrica La Aurora.



Para mí, la luna no es sólo un símbolo cósmico, sino que representa el

For me, the moon is not only a cosmic element, but it represents the

mundo de los sueños, la magia y la poesía, un guiño hacia aquellos que

world of dreams, magic and poetry, a nod to those who in ancient times

en los tiempos antiguos se creía que estaban inf luenciados demasiado por

were believed to be inf luenced too much by the moon, calling them

la luna, llamándoles ‘lunáticos’ un término que puede ser poético, pero

‘lunatics’ a term that can be poetic, but also ironic; depending on how

también irónico; según como se mire…

you look at it ...

O lo que a Davind Lynch le gusta definir como ‘Dream Logic’, la cual abraza

Or what Davind Lynch likes to define as ‘Dream Logic’, which embraces

el instinto al mismo tiempo que la conciencia cósmica; nuestros deseos

instinct at the same time as cosmic consciousness; our vital desires

vitales a la vez que nuestras aspiraciones espirituales más elevadas,

as well as our highest spiritual aspirations, our darkest fears and

nuestros miedos más oscuros y nuestras alegrías más brillantes. Gobierna

our brightest joys. It governs a much wider range of experiences and

una gama mucho más amplia de experiencias y realidades.



Es esa misma paradoja la que encuentro en la joyería. La joyería no la

It is that same paradox that I f ind in jewelr y. You don’t need jewelr y:

necesitas: la eliges. “No voy a usar esto porque lo necesito, lo voy a usar por

you choose it . You wear it because of how it makes you feel . T hat is

cómo me hace sentir.” Esa la gran belleza y el romanticismo que encuentro

the great beaut y and romantic ism that I f ind in jewelr y. Which br ings

en la joyería. Lo que me lleva a otra gran paradoja: Que la frivolidad es

me to another great paradox: T hat f r ivolit y is necessar y. When I

necesaria. Cuando hablo de la magia, no me refiero a esos hechizos para

talk about magic , I don’t mean those spells to get money or a par t ner

conseguir dinero o pareja o rituales para obtener fines mundanos; sino que

or r it uals to get worldly ends; but magic is the vital force that goes

la magia, es la fuerza vital que atraviesa todas las cosas.

through all things .

Para nuestros ancestros, la joyería a menudo era utilizada como amuleto de

For our ancestors, jewelry was often used as an amulet of protection and

protección y adorno, lo que le otorga a la pieza un trocito de nuestra alma.

adornment, which gives the piece a piece of our soul. May each piece of

Que cada pieza de lunática sea un amuleto que nos acompañe en el camino.

lunatic be an amulet that accompanies us along the way.

Regalos del Mar

Gifts from the Sea

Una tierra de fuerzas elementales, donde los mares rebozan de vida

A land of elementary forces, where the seas are full of life and the rhythms

y los ritmos de la naturaleza han producido uno de los milagros de la

of nature have produced one of nature’s miracles: the pearl. T he current

naturaleza: la perla. La colección actual.



26 ART

Las lágrimas de alegría de Afrodita, gotas de rocío llenas de luz de luna, el

Aphrodite’s tears of joy, dewdrops full of moonlight, Krishna’s wedding

regalo de boda de Krishna a su hija, la poción amorosa de Cleopatra… Los

gift to her daughter, Cleopatra’s love potion ... T he ancient inhabitants

antiguos habitantes del Golfo Pérsico creían que las perlas eran un símbolo

of the Persian Gulf believed that pearls were a symbol of the moon and

de la luna y que tenían poderes mágicos. La perla es una de las 9 piedras

that T hey had magical powers. Pearl is one of the 9 sacred Vedic stones.

védicas sagradas. Se las atribuye a las diosas lunares. En sintonía con las

He attributes them to lunar goddesses. In tune with emotions, water,

emociones, el agua, y las mujeres, las perlas se asocian al mar y a la luna.

and women, pearls are associated with the sea and the moon. T hey are a

Son un símbolo de corazón y mente puros; honestidad y fe.

symbol of pure heart and mind; honesty and faith.

En el estudio

At the studio

La línea está comprometida con la sustentabilidad y la producción local.

T he line is committed to sustainability and local production. T he

El proceso de creación es realizado enteramente en San Miguel de Allende,

creation process is done entirely in San Miguel de Allende, from design,

desde diseño, muestras y producción. Tratamos de mantener en lo posible las

samples and production. We try to keep traditional jewelry techniques

técnicas de joyería tradicional, combinándolas con los nuevos avances. Plata

as much as possible, combining them with new advances. 950 silver,

950, así como piedras semi-preciosas, y perlas cultivadas y diversos minerales.

as well as semi-precious stones, cultured pearls and various minerals.



Jade Muriel diseñadora/ceo

Jade Muriel designer / CEO

Facebook / Instagram @lunatica.joyeria

Facebook @ / Instagram @ lunatica.joyeria






The stunning boveda ceiling from the original structure makes a statement in the otherwise gutted salle (living room). Interior designer Nicole Norris turns a 1950’s casa in Colonia Guadalupe into a true “Casa de los Sueños” for her wanderlust clients, who finally planted roots in the charming Spanish colonial town of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, after visiting consistently for over 22 years.


Nicole Norris_ photo by Sean Reagan


Cuando la diseñadora Nicole Norris le sugirió a sus clientes la renovación

I t w a s DA R I NG fo r d e s i g n e r N i c o l e No r r i s t o s u g g e s t t o h e r c l i e n t s

de una casa antigua que necesitaba una gran visión en el corazón del

to renovate an old Casa that needed a grand vision in the heart of

centro de México, fue algo verdaderamente atrevido.

central Mexico.

Tom y Ma r y Folse había n est ado v iaja ndo a Sa n Miguel de A llende desde

To m a n d M a r y F o l s e h a d b e e n t r a v e l i n g t o S a n M i g u e l d e

1992. A lo la rgo de los a ños la pa reja aventurera había considerado

Allende since 1992. Over the years, the adventurous couple had

compra r una propiedad pero pa recía que el momento nunca era el

considered purchasing property, but it seemed that the timing

correcto y la propiedad perfect a nunca se present aba. Es decir, hast a

was never quite r ight and the perfect proper t y never presented

ma rzo de 2018. La pa reja est aba disfrut a ndo de otra v isit a a est a


v ibra nte ciudad colonia l cua ndo a migos mutuos les cont a ron sobre

another visit to this vibrant colonial town and mutual friends

una opor tunidad en Colonia Guada lupe que est aba desa rrolla ndo

told them about an opportunity in Colonia Guadalupe being

A merica no Jorda n Cross.

developed by Amer ican Jordan Cross .

La colonia Guadalupe es una colonia popular y artística justo al lado del

G u a d a l u p e i s a p o p u l a r, a r t s y C o l o n i a r i g h t n e x t t o C e n t r o k n o w n

Centro, conocida por sus coloridos murales ubicados en todo el vecindario

fo r i t s c o l o r f u l m u r a l s l o c a t e d t h r o u g h o u t t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d o n

y en muchas de las fachadas de los edificios. Poco después de que los Folses

m a n y o f t h e b u i l d i n g fa c a d e s . S h o r t l y a f t e r t h e F o l s e s r e t u r n e d

regresaran de su viaje, Norris se dirigía a San Miguel para acompañar al

f r o m t h e i r t r i p , No r r i s w a s h e a d i n g t o S a n M i g u e l t o a c c o m p a n y

Capítulo de las Carolinas de ASID (American Society of Interior Design)

the ASID Carolinas Chapter on a visit to the enchanting city. So,

en una visita a la encantadora ciudad. Entonces ella estaba lista para

n a t u r a l l y , s h e w a s g a m e t o i n v e s t i g a t e . U p o n h e r a r r i v a l , No r r i s

investigar, naturalmente. A su llegada Norris contactó a Cross para ver el

contacted Cross to see the project . T he Casa originally was a large

proyecto. La Casa originalmente era una gran mansión de 10 habitaciones

1 0 - b e d r o o m m a n s i o n b e l o n g i n g t o a w e a l t h y M e x i c a n fa m i l y . W h e n

que pertenecía a una familia mexicana adinerada. Cuando Cross compró

Cross purchased the property to develop, he had in mind to divide

la propiedad para desarrollarla, tenía en mente dividir la casa en tres

the house into three livable casas. T he Folses had seen the first

diferentes casas. Los Folses habían visto la primera casa terminada del

completed home of the development and were interested in putting

desarrollo y estaban interesados en hacer una oferta, pero días antes se

i n a n o f fe r, b u t i t h a d j u s t b e e n s o l d d a y s p r i o r. T h e t w o a d d i t i o n a l

acababa de vender. Los dos espacios restantes no se habían v e n d i d o n i

s p a c e s h a d n o t b e e n s o l d o r e v e n d e m o l i s h e d t o b e p r e p a r e d fo r

T hat is, until March of 2018.


T he couple was enjoying


The pergola on the newly added rooftop terrace provides solar panels as well as a shady spot for entertaining and enjoying the sunset vistas.

The custom designed Cantera fireplace sits centerstage in the living room. The adjacent space serves as the music room for Mary, who is an accomplished pianist.

est aba n demol idos pa ra la renovación. Cross y su esposa Ca r r ie

renovation . Cross and his wife, Car r ie, were living in these

v iv ía n en est a ot ra pa r t e de la ca sa or ig i na l en ese moment o.

o t h e r p a r t s o f t h e h o u s e a t t h e t i m e . H e t o o k No r r i s t h r o u g h

L leva ron a Nor r is y le plat ica ron sus idea s, i n med iat a ment e

and discussed his thoughts, and immediately her mind went

la ment e de Nor r is ent ró a modo creat ivo, est aba dest i nado a

into creative mode.

s e r. E l l a l e s d i j o a s u s c l i e n t e s : “ ¡ E S T A E S P O R L A Q U E H A B Í A N


E S T A D O E S P E R A D O ! ”. E s t a c a s a t i e n e m u y b u e n o s h u e s o s y e l


p l a n y a s e e s t a b a fo r m u l a n d o e n m i m e n t e .

F O R M U L AT I N G I N M Y M I N D .”

La parte central de la casa con un hermoso techo de bóveda era el sueño de

The middle part of the house, with its beautiful boveda ceiling, was a

cualquier diseñador. El único obstáculo importante fue que la sección central

designer’s dream. The only major holdback was the center section of the

de la propiedad aún no tenía escaleras para acceder a los primeros y segundos

property did not yet have any stairs to access levels one and two or the

niveles o a la futura terraza de arriba desde la planta baja. Ese fue un gran

future upper terrace from the ground floor. That was a huge challenge.

desafío. Los Folses lo tomaron en cuenta y decidieron seguir adelante con la

The Folses took it under advisement and decided to move forward with

compra y construcción de la casa. Norris y Cross entraron completamente en

purchasing and building the Casa.

modo de construcción junto con Pablo Del Río y su talentoso equipo del Grupo

building mode, along with Pablo Del Rio and his talented team of Grupo

Constructur. La construcción comenzó en junio de 2018 y, en marzo de 2019, la

Constructur. Construction began in June 2018, and by March of 2019,

casa estaba lista para habitarse. Los Folses estuvieron muy satisfechos que a

the home was ready to move in. So, one year after the initial meeting, the

un año de esa conversación inicial el proyecto estaba terminado. Les encanta

project was completed much to the Folses’ satisfaction. They love the open

el plano abierto y los tres maravillosos espacios al aire libre.

plan and the three marvelous outdoor living spaces.

El último desafío fue el paisajismo de los espacios al aire libre. El

T he last challenge was the landscaping of the outdoor spaces .

equipo solicitó la ayuda Sarai Guzmán, aficionada local a la horticultura

T he team enlisted the help of local hor tic ult ure af ic ionado, Sarai




It was meant to be. She told her clients, ON E





Norris and Cross went into full

Norris designed the lighting throughout the casa, which was then crafted “a Mano” by Arte de Mexico of San Miguel. The ironworker, Julio, did an amazing job fabricating the railings and windows throughout the home.

The kitchen aesthetic was designed around some lovely, locally acquired antique panels used on the island. The window/cabinets are functional while creating a bright and airy space and preserving the entire view of the outdoor dining terrace.



The cozy first floor guest room opens up to the meditation garden.

The Lower terrace is a meditation garden with a stone wall fountain and large palms and succulents opening up to the bedrooms and hallway on the first floor. para diseñar los espacios y trasplantar un naranjo de 360 kilos que

G uzman , to design the spaces and transplant the 3 60 -kilo orange tree

originalmente se encontraba donde ahora esta la puerta principal.

which or iginally stood where the f ront door now exists .

Crearon una maceta viva con una hermosa variedad de suculentas en la

a living planter with a beautif ul var iet y of succ ulents on the mid-level

terraza en el nivel medio. La terraza inferior fue creada para ser un jardín

ter race . T he lower ter race was c reated to be a meditation garden with

de meditación con grandes palmeras y una fuente de piedra.

large palm plants and a stone fountain .

En el proyecto se ejecutaron muchos detalles de diseño únicos, incluidas

Many unique design details were exec uted in the project , including

estas hermosas ventanas en la habitación de invitados del artista de

these beautif ul stained-glass windows in the guest room by Glass

vidrio, Andreas Mladek. Antes eran ventanas al espacio exterior que

Ar tist , Andreas Mladek . T hey were for merly windows to the exter ior

fueron reutilizadas e incorporadas al vestíbulo de entrada.

space which were repurposed and incorporated into the long entr y hall .

Web -


T hey c reated

Instagram - nicolenorrisdesign _ Facebook – Nicole Norris Design Studio, Inc.


36 ART


En mi experiencia como turist a en la ciudad de Sa n Miguel de A llende,

I n m y e xp e r i e n c e a s a t o u r i s t i n t h e c i t y o f S a n M i g u e l d e A l l e n d e ,

descubrí que est á ciudad tiene mucho que ofrecer, no impor t a si est ás

I d i s c o v e r e d t h a t t h i s c i t y h a s a l o t t o o f fe r, n o m a t t e r i f y o u

de paso o si te queda rás por más tiempo en est a ciudad nombrada

are passing through or if you will stay longer in this city named

Patrimonio Cultura l de la Huma nidad por la UNESCO. Sa n Miguel de

Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. San Miguel de Allende

A llende es una ciudad mágica que se adapt a a todo tipo de persona,

is a magical city that adapts to all types of people, giving them

brindá ndoles experiencias únicas.

u n i q u e e xp e r i e n c e s .

Dentro de mi interés por el a r te y la cultura y descubrir la ciudad encontré

T hrough my interest in art , culture and discovering the city I found

en internet una experiencia lla mada A r t Tour SM A (a r t de

on the internet an experience called Art Tour SMA (

A r turo A ra nda. Tuvo la magnif ica idea de brinda r tours de a r te pa ra

by Arturo Aranda, he had the magnificent idea of providing art tours

conocer de los mejores a r tist as de la ciudad, donde te lleva n a un tour

to meet the best artists in the city. T hey take you on an art tour with

de a r te con diferentes tipo de a r tist as en est a experiencia tienes la

different types of artists. On this experience you have the opportunity to

opor tunidad de ir a los estudios de los a r tist as y conocer más a fondo

go to artists’ studios and get to know their work more thoroughly, you also

su trabajo, t a mbién disfrut as un catering y de ca mina r por la ciudad.

enjoy catering and walking around the city.


En una de las v isit as conocí a l a r tist a Gera rdo Ruiz Ma ldonado quien

On one of the visits I met the artist Gerardo Ruiz Maldonado who

es origina rio de Puebla, México. Estudio en la fa mosa academia

i s o r i g i n a l l y f r o m P u e b l a , M e x i c o . H e s t u d i e d a t t h e fa m o u s S a n

de Sa n Ca rlos en la Ciudad de México, la primera escuela de a r te

Carlos Academy in Mexico City, the f irst art school established

est ablecida en las A méricas. Después de gradua rse recibió una beca

in the Americas. Af ter graduating he received a scholarship to

pa ra continua r con sus estudios de post grado en escult ura y comenzó

continue his postgraduate studies in sculpture and began his career

su ca rrera como profesor de A r tes Visua les.

a s a V i s u a l A r t s t e a c h e r. pintura,

Gerardo’s artistic work includes sculpture, painting, etchings and

agua fuer tes y técnicas multimedia. Sus obras forma n pa r te de

multimedia techniques. His works are part of permanent collections in

colecciones perma nentes en museos de Venezuela, Bulga ria y Espa ña.

museums in Venezuela, Bulgaria and Spain. Since 1993, he works and

Desde 1993, trabaja y enseña en su estudio en Sa n Miguel se A llende.

teaches in his studio in San Miguel se Allende.

Ta mbién conocí a A na Thiel, una mujer enca nt adora que hace

I also met Ana T hiel, a lovely woman who makes sculpture with glass

escultura con v idrio y diferentes materia les, el espacio donde ella

and different materials, the space where she works and lives is an oasis



a r tístico


Gera rdo




38 ART

v ive y trabaja es un oasis con un hermoso ja rdín con mucha fauna y su

w i t h a b e a u t i f u l g a r d e n w i t h l o t s o f w i l d l i fe a n d h e r w o r k s h o p

t a ller con todas las máquinas y hornos pa ra fundir el v idrio pa rece que

with all the machines and ovens to melt the glass seem like you

est ás entra ndo a una fábrica, el proceso de cómo trabaja con el v idrio es

a r e e n t e r i n g a fa c t o r y , t h e p r o c e s s o f h o w y o u w o r k w i t h g l a s s

muy interesa nte. A na Thiel ha obtenido numerosos premios y recono-

is very interesting. Ana T hiel has won numerous awards and

cimientos. Entre otros, forma pa r te del Sistema Naciona l de Creadores,

r e c o g n i t i o n s , a m o n g m a n y o t h e r s s h e i s p a r t o f t h e Na t i o n a l

y en 2006 el Consejo Naciona l pa ra la Cultura y las A r tes y el Museo del

C r e a t o r s S y s t e m , a n d i n 2 0 0 6 t h e Na t i o n a l C o u n c i l fo r C u l t u r e

Vidrio en Monterrey le otorga n el primer premio en la Biena l Latino-

and Arts and the Museum of Glass in Monterrey awarded her the

a merica na de A r te en Vidrio. Ha sido inv it ada como a r tist a residente

first prize at the Latin American Biennial of Glass Art . She has

por pa íses t a les como Japón, Espa ña, Fra ncia, Egipto, la República

b e e n i n v i t e d a s a r e s i d e n t a r t i s t b y c o u n t r i e s s u c h a s Ja p a n ,

Checa, y los EUA.

Spain, France, Egypt, the Czech Republic, and the USA .

Est a experiencia de conocer a r tist as como Gera rdo Ruiz y A na Thiel

T he experience of meeting artists like Gerardo Ruiz and Ana T hiel

pa ra platica r con ellos de su proceso a r tístico entre otros a r tist as muy

among other very interesting, different and unique artists, to talk

interesa ntes t a mbién diferentes y únicos en su estilo, me permitió

about their artistic process allowed me to know the artistic scene that

conocer la escena a r tística que existe en Sa n Miguel de A llende

currently exists in San Miguel de Allende and that it exists since the

actua lmente y que existe desde los a ños 30s del siglo pasado por lo que

30s of the past century, Arturo told us about the history of art in San

nos platicó A r turo sobre la historia del a r te de en Sa n Miguel de A llende

Miguel de Allende

“El a r te no solo es una forma de disfrute y expresión, t a mbién es fuente

“Art is not only a form of enjoyment and expression, it is also a source

de información y conocimiento”.

of information and knowledge.”

Por Lilia na A ra nda.

By Liliana Aranda




CASA CELESTE $599,000 USD SHERYL & EZR A CL ARK 415. 139.6675/6676

Casa Celeste is located in the highly desirable neighborhood of Ojo de Agua in San Miguel de Allende, adjacent to Centro Histรณrico and nearby to stores and restaurants. This picturesque Spanish Colonial home was designed by noted San Miguel architect, Eduardo Arias. The design was sensitively executed in harmony with feng shui principles. It is being offered turnkey, beautifully furnished and accessorized. This unique and harmonious home boasts three en-suite bedrooms in the main house and a charming fully equipped one-bedroom casita. Other features include a weeping wall fountain, high ceilings, bovedas, cantera stone flooring, gas fireplaces and natural light. In addition, this home includes a two-car garage with electric door, security alarm system, water purification, large service/laundry area, and a generous storage and workshop space. See this home today!



CASA MYTHLANDIA $899,000 USD SHERYL & EZR A CL ARK 415. 139.6675/6676 Welcome home to Casa Mythlandia, a grand home perched in the serene area of Rinconada de Los Balcones, less than a 10-minute drive to Centro and steps away from the botanical garden of El Charco de Ingenio. This majestic home boasts 5 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, and 4 half bathooms as well as almost 9000 sq. ft of construction. Views of the colorful city of San Miguel de Allende, La Presa and mountains surround this home from every angle. Upon entering this home you are greeted by the elegant foyer area and sweeping staircase featuring whimsical ironwork details, beautiful chandelier, skylights, and easy access to the elevator that services all 4 floors of this home. A large entertainment room with a billiards area and bar as well as a wine cellar await you and your guests. The first floor also features staff quarters (including a bedroom and full bathroom) with a private entrance, another half bathroom, laundry facilities, and three car garage. The second floor provides an open floor plan with inviting living spaces including a living room, a casual and formal dining room, and a gourmet kitchen. Off of the living and formal dining rooms, the wrap around balcony provides a tranquil lookout to take in the long sunset and views of the vibrant city. The gourmet kitchen includes a stately 8-burner Viking stove/oven/range, t wo Sub-Zero refrigerators, dua l dishwashers, large island with prep sink, wa lk-in pantr y, and cozy brea kfast nook. Other features include granite counter tops and f loor to ceiling storage.



CASA CARACOL $480,000 USD SHERYL & EZR A CL ARK 415. 139.6675/6676

Casa Caracol is a private luxury penthouse located in El Caracol Condominiums offering sweeping views of San Miguel de Allende. This one-floor penthouse condo boasts an open floor plan full of natural light and high ceilings with recessed lighting throughout. Two large bedrooms, en-suite bathrooms, and built-in f loor to ceiling closets make for comfortable easy living. The open kitchen has access to a separate outdoor dining area and to the terraza. Indoor and outdoor living is seamless with multiple French doors leading to the grand terraza perfect for entertaining. Take in the long sunset and views of the colorful city of San Miguel de Allende from your luxury penthouse. Casa Caracol also offers rental history and is conveniently located near La LuciĂŠrnaga Plaza, grocery shopping, and restaurants. Enjoy the complimentary shuttle transportation service that will take you into Centro. Amenities include 24-hour Security, Secure Underground Parking, Elevator, Concierge Services, Spa with Steam Rooms, Game Room, Heated Pool and Jacuzzis, and Complimentary Shuttle Service. Penthouse Construction: 1890 sq ft & Construction of Terraza: 2175 sq ft = Total 4065 sq ft



GUADIANA $649,000 USD G R E G O R Y R . G U N T E R 415 .10 3 . 4141 This elega nt dua l-entra nce home—a casit a entra nce on Prolongacion de A lda ma, the prima r y entra nce on A llende—perches hillside above Guadia na a nd wa lking dist a nce to Centro, offering long-dist a nce views a nd abunda nt natura l light on a ll f loors! Newly built to grab southern sun a nd wrap a green-grass lawn a nd ga rden, the 2nd f loor prima r y bedrooms each boast three sets of French doors, while the lower-level sepa rate-entra nce guest casit a opens to its own terrace. The dining a nd living rooms spill out of three sets of French doors in each room as well, with long-dist a nce views from the living level a nd a n open f loor pla n f lowing with the isla nd-a nchored gra nite kitchen, idea l for enter t a ining. Each level cont a ins a terrace or ga rden—the fount a in-a nchored lawn ga rden proves a pa r ticula r delight!—a nd the roof terrace offers expa nsive views of the entire cit y a nd Centro. As with ma ny new homes, the functiona l a menities a re to U.S. st a nda rds, from the over-sized electric ga rage to the full-f iltration system. This indoor-outdoor resor t-living home will captivate you from the beginning—tour it today with me, you’ll never wa nt to leave!



CASA DE LOS LEONES $1, 385,0 0 0 USD JOS E PH LOWN 415. 103.3374 The nameplate on this house reads “Casa de los Leones” which means “House of the Lions.” Considering the scale and splendor of this property, the name fits quite nicely, and you’ll definitely be tempted to make it the “kingdom” you come home to at night. It’s evident you’ve found something special from the moment you enter the front gate. The mature trees, lush greenery and explosion of colorful blooms, create a park like environment, while the short rock walls solidly delineate the various areas. Of course, two carved lions on either side of the entry steps welcome you to their grand home. he gentle splash of the fountain, with cobalt and cantera accents, invites you to pause and take it all in. The living room sets the stage for the spacious proportions enjoyed by the rest of the home. It features a carved cantera fireplace, multiple window seats and an arched cut out which overlooks the adjoining dining room. This lovely dining room is made even more attractive with a large overhead light well and a side wall of hand hewn rock.



CASA LOS MEZQUITES $1, 850,0 0 0 USD ANN DOL AN 415. 103.3179 Casa Los Mezquites is a rare opportunity to own a piece of historic San Miguel. Located on a quiet cobblestone street that is only two blocks from the Jardin, this wonderful house, built around a central courtyard and gardens, offers the feeling of a European country estate while retaining true Mexican charm, thanks to the use of local materials like cantera, hardwood stairs and colorful tile work. The lush and expansive gardens with their outdoor Jacuzzi and many fish ponds are particularly rare for a Centro home. Most of the four bedrooms have their own terraces with lovely views, living area and the public spaces were all designed with aesthetically pleasing vistas in mind as well. The updated kitchen features Cumarú hardwood countertops and easy access to the dining areas. With it’s amazing distance views of downtown San Miguel, the one-car garage, maid’s quarters, storage areas and other conveniences factored in, Casa Los Mezquites is a true dream property.



CASA SCHWANTZ $1, 950,0 0 0 USD ERNESTO KIANG CHONG AND GLENN ROTTON 4 15 . 1 6 7.1 3 0 0 Idea lly situated in Historic Centro, Casa Schwa ntz is a cha rming a nd ver y private colonia l hacienda st yle home. It is a shor t wa lk to the Ja rdin, rest aura nts, a nd ga lleries that a re the hea r tbeat of Sa n Miguel de A llende. The home is behind a sma ll hotel that ser ves as a buffer from street tra ff ic. A traditiona l wooden door in a wa ll opens onto a tra nquil terrace, where French doors lead into the spacious living dining a rea a nd kitchen. The beautifully tiled kitchen houses one of t wo water purif ication systems on the proper t y. Both kitchen a nd living a rea open onto a n interior light-f illed terrace giving access to a bedroom with full bath a nd a studio/off ice. Reached from the interior cour t ya rd, the second f loor has four luxur y bedrooms, each with individua l access, f ireplace a nd en suite bath. The third f loor is a n expa nsive rooftop terrace with great views of the Pa rroquia, perfect for enter t a ining. Casa Schwa ntz is idea l for hosting extended fa mily or guests. A Bed a nd Brea kfast is a lso a viable option, given the location a nd 5 bedrooms with individua l access. A t wo-ca r ga rage a nd additiona l pa rking for 5 ca rs, unusua l in Centro, ma ke a full house easy to accommodate. CASA MĂ?A / ISSUE THIRTY


CASA DE LAS SONRISAS $ 1, 225,0 0 0 USD ANNE MARTIN JONES 415. 153.3770 This extraordinary home has all the key details that you would expect from architect Alan Wilkerson. In this Colonial masterpiece you’ll find carved Cantera fireplaces, Tejamanil beamed ceilings, Saltillo tile floors, Cantera stairways and furniture by Manuel Padron. Upon entry, a pathway takes you down a lush garden featuring a charming baptismal font fountain and beautiful Cantera stone columns and archways. The spacious open kitchen with local Talavera tiles looks out onto this lovely garden and has a convenient eat-in area. The living room a traditional San Miguel stone wall with tall French doors that lead out to a swimming pool. A roomy garage contains utilities, laundry facilities and a large storage area as well as providing an alternate direct entry into the house. Upstairs the master bedroom has a large partner’s desk – perfect for computer work – a Cantera fireplace and an ensuite bathroom. Two additional bedrooms each have fireplaces, large closets, ensuite bathrooms and windows that bring in an abundance of natural light and offer great views.The beautifully landscaped 3rd floor rooftop terrace has fantastic sunset views and a large covered sitting area for accessible entertaining.



CASA ALLENDE $ 850,000 USD I S A A C C A S T E L A N 4 15 . 1 6 7. 8 0 0 2 Ca sa A l lende i s t he per fec t combi n at ion of old world ch a r m , moder n conven ience a nd a n i ncred ible loc at ion . On ly a few moment s away f rom t he bu s t l i ng cent er of t ow n , t he hou se sit s on a qu iet s t reet a nd fe at u res h a nd m ade loc a l c a nt er a , i ron , t i le work a nd much more. T wo of t he t h ree bed room s h ave rom a nt ic bรณved a cei l i ng s, f i repl aces a nd spaciou s en-su it e bat h room s, a nd t he 3 rd bed room h a s n ice v iews w it h t he u se of t he roof t op t er r ace complet e w it h a sit t i ng a re a a nd ba r. The k it chen f lows e a si ly i nt o t he d i n i ng a nd l iv i ng space. A n out door sa l a of f of t he m a i n l iv i ng a re a i s complet e w it h a br a nd new g a s g r i l l plu s fou nt a i n a nd f i repl ace, cre at es t he possibi l it y of t r ue i ndoor-out door l iv i ng wh ich def i nes a S a n M iguel l i fes t yle. From the intimate entr y cour t ya rd the features of this turn-key proper t y gua ra ntee you elega nt comfor t just a shor t stroll from the best of your new home town. Casa Paseo Real is the perfect family home and is a short drive to the magical Histรณrico Centro of San Miguel de Allende.



VILLA SOLLANO $ 2, 700,000 USD ANN DOL AN 415. 103.3179 This majestic property, located in the heart of the Historic Center of San Miguel de Allende, is truly a one-of-a-kind. As soon as you walk through the front door of the main house, you will enter an impressive foyer, featuring high ceilings, gorgeous marble floors and a stunning wooden banister leading up the staircase. Walking up the staircase leads you to the main bedroom and the master bedroom, each with full en suite baths, large closets and chimneys. Both of these bedrooms have elegant French wooden doors that connect to the same terrace that overlooks the spectacular garden below. Connecting to the master bedroom is a study that features a chimney and a large window that overlooks the street below, perfect for getting some work done from home. Downstairs, as you walk past the foyer and further down the main hallway, you are f lanked by a cozy living room on the right, excellent for catching up on your daily reading by the fireplace or enjoying a few cocktails with some friends. On your left you will find the formal dining room, exquisitely painted and superb for hosting guests for those very special occasions. The dining room connects to a massive and fully equipped kitchen, which can easily dispatch enough hors d’oeuvres or a five-course dinner to feed several hungry guests. Also located on the ground f loor is an informal dining room, which connects to a small patio with a lovely fountain and an astounding bougainvillea tree that can be appreciated from the street. The main hallway, the living room, the formal dining room and the kitchen all have high, wood-beamed ceilings and French wooden doors that lend access to the back patio and the main garden.





Tom a ndo vent aja del concept o a rqu it ec t ón ico u nderg rou nd que

Taking advantage of the underground architectural concept offered

les br i nd a l a c a son a a nt igu a del sig lo X V I, Au re a u n a B out ique de

by an old house of the 16th century, Aurea a Mexican Concept

Concept o Mex ic a no l le g a a l a Capit a l A mer ic a n a de l a C u lt u r a .

Boutique arrives in the American Capital of Culture.

Es t e A gos t o a bre s u s puer t a s a lberg a ndo a m á s de 35 d i señ adores y

T his August ÁUREA opens its doors housing more than 35 designers

a r t i s t a s proven ient es de d iver s a s pa r t es de l a R epúbl ic a Mex ic a n a .

and artists from various parts of Mexico. It promotes Mexican

P romueve l a c u lt u r a mex ic a n a , c a mbi a ndo el s t at u s quo, a t r avés del

culture, changing the status quo, through transdisciplinary,

d i seño t r a n sd i scipl i n a r io, i n novador y va n gu a rd i s t a . C uent a con u n

innovative and avant-garde design. It counts with a panel of

pa nel de ex per t os que se ded ic a n a re a l i za r es t ud ios de merc ado y

experts dedicated to market and design research who are responsible

d i seño, el cu a l se enc a rg a de l a c u r adu r í a , pa r a l a elección ex h au s t iva

for curating and for the exhaustive selection of brands. Each

de l a s m a rc a s. Cad a a r t i s t a t iene exqu i sit a s y exclu siva s pieza s que

artist has exquisite and exclusive pieces that by their design and

por s u s procesos de d i seño y fa br ic ación cre a n obr a s ú n ic a s que en s u

manufacturing processes become unique works, which are for the

m ayor í a no se producen en ser ie.

most part not mass-produced.



L a s propues t a s que conju nt a r á i r á n desde los accesor ios per son a les,

You will find an array of personal accessories, bags, footwear,

bol sos, c a l zado, i ndu ment a r i a , hog a r, decor ación , mobi l i a r io, joyer í a ,

clothing, home, decoration, furniture, jewelry, etc. Among the

et c. E nt re los d i señ adores y a r t i s t a s que ya f igu r a n es t á n C hek a n k a ,

designers and artists that already appear are Chekanka, Venom,

Veneno, At r a x i a , Naved a , P i fa r rer, Ju les D w ij, T ier r a de Hu mo,

Atraxia, Naveda, Pifarrer, Jules Dwij, Tierra de Humo, Rodrigo

R od r igo Espa r r a goza , Mezc a l aver a , M i n a Shoes, Ca s a Ts u n SU M,

Esparragoza, Mezcalavera, Mina Shoes, Tsun SUM House,

C u r r ipit í , A mbu l a nt e, del h i l a nt e, Ma rcel a L i r a , ent re ot ros. Ha s t a

Curripití, Ambulante, delhilante, Marcela Lira, among others. So

el moment o no h a n pi sado t ier r a S a n M iguelen se pero s u t a lent o,

far they have not stepped on San Miguelense land but their talent,

cre at iv id ad y t r ayec t or i a en el d i seño de s u s produc t os los h a l levado

creativity and trajectory in the design of their products has led

a es t a r en rev i s t a s, r ad io, t elev i sión e i nclu so a cr u za r f ront er a s en

them to be in magazines, radio, television and even to cross borders

fes t iva les de mod a , d i seño, pa s a rel a s, en d iver s a s pa r t es del mu ndo

in fashion festivals, design, catwalks, in various parts of the world

como Fa sh ion Week s en Nueva York , M i l á n o B a rcelon a .

such as Fashion Weeks in New York, Milan or Barcelona.


Su m i sión es ser a lgo m á s que u n a B out ique, es ser u n pl at a for m a

Its mission is to be more than a Boutique , but to be a plat for m

donde conver ja lo m á s d i s t i nt ivo y exclu sivo del d i seño

where the most distinctive and exclusive of contemporar y

cont empor á neo y concept u a l mex ic a no que bu sc a i nt er ven i r, d a r

Mexican and concept ual design converges and seeks to inter vene ,

a conocer, i n f lu i r y c a mbi a r l a for m a de ver Méx ico en u n solo

make known , inf luence and change the way Mexico is seen , all

lug a r. A poya en el desa r rol lo socioeconóm ico del pa í s a t r avés del

in a single place . It suppor ts the soc ioeconomic development of

comercio loc a l y ju s t o, per m it iendo d i f u nd i r el va lor a g re g ado del

the countr y through local fair t rade , shar ing the added value

d i seño mex ic a no . A sí m i smo ser á u n espacio d i n á m ico donde pod r á s

of Mexican design . It will also be a dynamic space where you

d i sf r ut a r de pa sa rel a s, l a n za m ient os de colecciones, present aciones

can enjoy catwalks , collections launches , spec ial presentations ,

especi a les, per fom a nce, t a l leres, con ferenci a s, et c. Tend r á s l a

per for mance , workshops , conferences , etc . You will have the

opor t u n id ad de conocer m á s de cerc a a los d i señ adores y a r t i s t a s

oppor t unit y to lear n more about designers and ar tists allowing

que t e per m it a t ener u n v í nc u lo emocion a l con c ad a m a rc a .

you to have an emotional bond with each brand .





A sí que si qu ieres de gu s t a r de u n a mbient e rel ajado bajo u n es t i lo

So if you want a taste of a relaxed atmosphere under a chic

a rqu it ec t ón ico i ndu s t r i a l ch ic que of rece l a B out ique con s u s

i n d u s t r i a l a r c h i t e c t u r a l s t y l e , t h e B o u t i q u e o f fe r s e x a c t l y

t r a g a luces, t ú neles a nt iguos y lo c á l ido de l a s pa redes de pied r a , no

this with its skylights, ancient tunnels and the warmth of the

t e pierd a s de avent u r a r t e a conocer t od a s l a s nueva s propues t a s que

stone walls. So venture in and get to know the most fresh and

ÁU R E A B out ique t iene que of recer t e de lo m á s exclu sivo de Méx ico.

e x c l u s i v e o f M e x i c a n d e s i g n i n ÁU R E A B o u t i q u e . B e u n i q u e

Ve y adqu iere a lgo que t e conv ier t a a t i y t u s espacios en u n ser ú n ico

b y a c q u i r i n g s o m e t h i n g fo r y o u r s e l f o r y o u r s p a c e t h a t h o l d s

l leva ndo en a lt o el orgu l lo Mex ic a no.

Mexican pride up high .

Ca l le Mesones No. 5 6 , Pla nt a B aja , Col. Cent ro.

Calle Mesones No. 56, Planta Baja, Col. Centro.

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