MARÍA PIA RIVASPLATA info@casamiamagazine.com
MANUEL MUGUIRA CASANOVA manu.casanova@yahoo.com
EN PORTADA _ Autor: Javier Blanco
Facebook: @javierblancoMX Instagram: @javierblanco.foto
Web: artpixeluxphotography.com
ESTUDIO TRES16 info@estudiotres16.com
AÑO 5 NÚMERO 33 CASA MÍA MAGAZINE es una publicación bimestral gratuita. Tiraje: 10,000 ejemplares. Editor responsable: María Pia Rivasplata. Número de Certificado de Reserva Otorgado por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor: En Trámite. Número de Certificado de Licitud de Título: En Trámite. Número de Certificado de Licitud de Contenido: En Trámite. El contenido de esta publicación es responsabilidad de quien lo firma y no refleja necesariamiente la opinión de CASA MÍA MAGAZINE. Distribución por Agencia de Publicidad Acreditada.
Galería Manuk fue proyectada desde un inicio para compartir la experiencia con
Manuk Gallery was from the beginning a project to share with other artists the
otros artistas el proceso de promover y vender nuestras obras. Mi sueño se cumplió
experience and process of promoting and selling our works. My dream came
en el 2016, cuando puse en marcha el proyecto de galería Manuk. Comenzamos
true in 2016, when I launched Manuk gallery project. We began ransforming the
la transformación del espacio, con pintura, iluminación, muros, bancos de
space, with paint, lighting, walls, exhibition benches and a studio that was always
exhibición y un estudio que estuviera abierto siempre a los alumnos y clientes.
open to students and clients.
Desde su apertura, muchos artistas fueron llegando en busca de una oportunidad
Since its opening, many artists arrived in search of an opportunity to exhibit
para exponer su arte. Las exposiciones siempre han sido colectivas con el propósito
their art. The exhibitions have always been collective with the purpose of making
de hacer una museografia en colaboración con varios artistas con diferentes
a museography in collaboration with several artists with different styles and
estilos y propuestas.
He tenido la habilidad de ir creando cada vez mejor, un espacio más incluyente y
I have had the ability to create better, more inclusive and ever-evolving space,
siempre en evolución, gracias a la ayuda de mi equipo Manuk, formado por Arturo
thanks to the help of my Manuk team, Arturo Aranda, Estefanía Mongrell and
Aranda, Estefanía Mongrell y Alan Rodriguez.
Alan Rodriguez.
Mes con mes, nuestras paredes son transformadas para dar a nuestros visitantes,
Month by month, our walls are transformed to give our visitors, customers and
clientes y turistas que nos visitan, una sorpresa visual. Las propuestas no solo
tourists who visit us a visual surprise. The work shown is not only for the expert
son para el experto coleccionista, sino también sirven para aprender y apreciar
collector, but also serve to learn and appreciate different techniques.
diferentes técnicas.
La lista de los artistas Manuk ha ido creciendo; en casi 4 años hemos expuesto la
The list of Manuk artists has been growing; In almost 4 years we have exhibited
obra de más de 70. Me gustaría mencionar a todos, ya que, cada uno ha dejado una
the work of more than 70 artists. I would like to mention everyone since each
huella en el espacio de Manuk.
one has left a mark on Manuk’s space.
Dentro del grupo de escultores, podemos mencionar a Ana Thiel famosa artista
Within the group of sculptors, we can mention Ana Thiel famous artist for her
por sus piezas en vidrio. Artistas en cerámica tales como Ana Rivera, Lorenzo
pieces in glass. Ceramic artists such as Ana Rivera, Lorenzo Nuñez, Lourdes
Nuñez, Lourdes Garza, Lindsay Duval. A George Kalmar con sus esculturas
Garza, Lindsay Duval. To George Kalmar with his sculptures in cantera, Laura
en cantera, Laura Begoña y su obra usando metales reciclados y sin olvidar al
Begoña and his work using recycled metals and without forgetting the talented
talentoso Juan Luis Ramirez con sus obras híbridas.
Juan Luis Ramirez with his hybrid works.
Dentro del grupo de artistas textiles, tenemos a Akiko Yasuda, Paloma
Within the group of textile artists, we have Akiko Yasuda, Paloma Dominguez
Dominguez y Margaret Byrd. El grupo de artistas abstractos ha sido dignamente
and Margaret Byrd. The group of abstract artists has been worthily represented
representado por Aaron Garcia, Virgilio Santaella y Misael Mendez (oaxaqueños),
by Aaron Garcia, Virgilio Santaella and Misael Mendez (Oaxacans), Cecilia
Cecilia Rivera, Hermine Demiro y Stefanie Schikora.
Rivera, Hermine Demiro and Stefanie Schikora.
Del grupo artistas surrealistas hemos tenido la obra de Alan Rodriguez, Ariadna
From the surrealist group artists we have had the work of Alan Rodriguez,
Pineda, Alena Kosiol y Linda Laino. En cuanto a artistas locales extranjeros,
Ariadna Pineda, Alena Kosiol and Linda Laino.As for foreign local artists, they
han sido representados por Katheleen Cammarata, Marie Van De Wiel, Sharon
have been represented by Katheleen Cammarata, Marie Van De Wiel, Sharon
Vandenberg y Ezshwan Winding, Cynthia Hamilton y Noah Mendelsson.
Vandenberg and Ezshwan Winding, Cynthia Hamilton and Noah Mendelsson.
Y por último y no menos apreciado tenemos al grupo de artistas emergentes
And last and not least, we have the group of young emerging artists
jóvenes representado por Ricardo de la Torre, Tatiana Rajkov, Katya Saab, Catalina
represented by Ricardo de la Torre, Tatiana Rajkov, Katya Saab, Catalina
Gris, Ana Ragá, Reynaldo Contreras, Filippo Giusti, Oliver Martinez y Alejandro
Gris, Ana Ragá, Reynaldo Contreras, Filippo Giusti, Oliver Martinez
Trejo. Estamos arrancando el 2020 y ya comenzamos agendando artistas nuevos y
and Alejandro Trejo. We are starting 2020 and we are already starting to
reconocidos que han pasado por la galería. Como galerista y artista mi trabajo ha
schedule new and renowned artists who have passed through the gallery. As a
sido muy enriquecedor y me ha motivado e inspirado a producir mas obra en los
gallery owner and artist my work has been very enriching and has motivated
utimos años.
me and inspired me to produce more work in the last years.
A continuación les comparto unas líneas de expresión de mi obra de la pluma de
Here I share some thoughts on my work from the pen of Adriana Cantoral.
Adriana Cantoral
“In her recent pieces we notice, characters, landscapes and backgrounds. “En sus piezas recientes se distinguen personajes, paisajes y fondos. Los primeros
They are presented to us only in detail, blurred or impersonal; with
se nos presentan apenas detallados, desdibujados o impersonales; con siluetas
silhouettes and contours in curious postures or with outlandish outfits.
y contornos en curiosas posturas o con atuendos estrafalarios. Los segundos se
The latter are perceived as picturesque places, villages with nice facades,
perciben como lugares pintorescos, pueblos con fachadas naif, con sus habitantes
with their inhabitants held in houses and shops, but with the characteristic
recluidos en casas y comercios, pero con la algarabía característica de las pequeñas
uproar of the small provinces. Her stairs are noticeable, the antennas
provincias. Son notorias sus escaleras, sus antenas que simulan teclas de piano,
that simulate piano keys, the solitary vegetation and in general the air of
su vegetación solitaria y en general el aire de simpatía que se respira. En otros de
sympathy that is breathed. In other places, the plants are separated from
sus parajes las plantas se deslindan de las paletas grises para armar contrastes de
the gray palettes to create contrasts of shapes and figures in green, yellow,
formas y figuras en verdes, amarillos, naranjas, púrpuras y azules.”
orange, purple and blue. ”
“Existen también ciudades sobrias en su imaginario. Aquellas se erigen como
“There are also sober cities in her imagination. Those are formed as factories
fábricas de edificios con pequeñas y oscuras ventanas. La fuerza de su cemento
of buildings with small, dark windows. The strength of her cement restricts
restringe la luminosidad. Por otra parte, sus escenarios naturales se caracterizan
the luminosity. On the other hand, her natural scenarios are characterized
por el dibujo y las perspectivas libres sobre elementos marinos, forestales y
by drawing and free perspectives on marine, forestry and rural elements.
campestres. No cabe duda que cada uno de sus panoramas es peculiar, ya que
There is no doubt that each of her panoramas is peculiar, since it has a
posee una paleta única, asimismo intercala rasgos abstractos con figurativos,
unique palette, it also intersperses abstract traits with figurative traits,
combina gran cantidad de colores matéricos y líneas con zonas monocromáticas
combines a great deal of Matterism and lines with monochromatic and
y llanas y alterna los componentes humorísticos y fantásticos con los solemnes y
flat areas and alternates the humorous and fantastic components with the
neutrales. Es una creadora polifacética.” Lourdes Rivera
solemn and neutral. She is a versatile creator. ” Lourdes Rivera
MANUK GALERÍA - Fábrica La Aurora Local 18-C
MANUK GALERÍA - Fábrica La Aurora Local 18-C
En u na excelente f usión clá sic a con la s comod id ades moder na , esta
Weav ing togethe r the c la ss ic and the mode r n conve nie nces
propied ad ejempl i f ic a el est i lo de v id a de Sa n M ig uel de A l lende,
this property exemplifies the ultimate San Miguel lifestyle,
con u n enc a nto colon ia l y acentos atempora les es u na c a sa con u n
with its colonial charm and modern conveniences. With its
c a rác ter elega nte, u na propied ad c aut ivadora que combi na la mag ia y
t imeless comb inat ion accent s i s a hou se with real character,
el enc a nto colon ia l que lo c aut iva rá con su seren id ad y t ra nqu i l id ad
a captivating property that blends together the magic and
que evoc a n sus espacios.
charm with the classic character of San Miguel homes that will fascinate you with its serenity and hospitality.
Ubicada en Callejón de Los Muertos, uno de los pasajes más pintorescos y tradicionales de la ciudad, pocas calles son tan mágicas como esta, cerca
Ne s tl e d i n t h e t ra d i t i o n a l s t re et of C a l l e j ó n d e L o s Mu e r to s ,
de la iglesia de San Juan de Dios, a poca distancia del Jardín principal y
few streets are as magical as this one, near San Juan de
de todos los restaurantes, tiendas y actividades de la ciudad.
Dios Church within walking distance to all the restaurants, stores, and activities in town.
Esta hermosa casa de tres habitaciones con su baño completo cada una, ha
T his elegant and beautif ul house has been completely renovated ,
sido renovada con materiales de primera calidad y tiene casi todo lo que
with top qualit y mater ials , and has just about ever ything anyone
cualquiera puede desear. En la planta baja, una cómoda habitación con
can wish for. O n the ground f loor, a convenient bedroom with
baño completo, el comedor y la cocina en un solo espacio cuenta con una
f ull bathroom , the dining room , kitchen with a cozy f ireplace will
acogedora chimenea hará las delicias de sus comidas, el pasillo principal
delight your meals , a hall that opens to a beautif ul cour t yard . T he
lo conduce a un hermoso patio con paredes de piedra, un espacio
living room in the second stor y can be easily adapted as a third
visualmente interesante con una belleza que evoca una tranquilidad
bedroom , or the option of adding a third bedroom upstairs would
reconfortante, perfecto para desayunar o cenar al aire libre con una
become a four th bedroom or add a family living on the f irst f loor.
parrilla que hará las delicias de sus invitados. T he courtyard is an interesting space that is both visual En el segundo piso se encuentra la sala de estar con su hermosa chimenea
and sensual , and calm and comforting perfect for breakfast
y espacio para trabajar, o relajarse leyendo o mirando televisión, este
or dining al fresco with a grill.
espacio se podría adaptar fácilmente cómo otro dormitorio. CASA MÍA / ISSUE THIRTY THREE
Además cuenta con tres chimeneas en toda la casa, espacio para un auto
Tw o b e d r o o m s a n d t w o b a t h r o o m s o n t h e s e c o n d f l o o r,
en la cochera, lo cual es un plus en esta ciudad, con medio baño para el
the possibility of putting a third bedroom upstairs
servicio y espacio de lavandería, todas las habitaciones cuentan con mini
would become a fourth bedroom or add a family living
splits de aire acondicionado y calefacción, manteniendo la casa con un
on the ground f loor. addit ionally, there are four
ambiente agradable todo el año. Su terraza en la azotea es perfecta para
fireplaces thorough out the house, one car garage
tomar una copa de vino y observar las coloridas puestas de sol de San
space that is an asset, with a half bath for the service
Miguel. Es una propiedad ideal para vivir tiempo completo, como casa de
and laundr y space, all bedrooms have AC/heater
vacaciones, o también excelente para rentarla a corto plazo. La propiedad
splits, keeping this home comfortable in all seasons. A
se ofrece completamente amueblada.
roof terrace is on the third f loor perfect for a glass of wine watching the colorful San Miguel sunsets.
Alma Cecilia Ramírez 4151533598 Mail: almaceciliacolonial@gmail.com www.colonialrealestate.mx www.colonial-realestate.com https://www.leveragere.com/ brokerage-detail/308/colonial-real-estate
Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1852-1934) es considerado como el padre de la
Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1852-1934) is considered the father of modern
neurología moderna. Fue un medico español que gano el premio Nobel en
neurology. He was a Spanish doctor who won the Nobel prize for
1906 por sus estudios y descubrimientos del cerebro. De niño tuvo una pasión
medicine in 1906 for his studies and discoveries of the brain. As a child
artística que le serviría mas tarde cuando se dedico a dibujar mas de 2,500
he had a passion for art that would serve him later when he dedicated
imágenes de células neurales, astrocitos, neuronas, nervios y sus conexiones.
himself to draw more that 2,500 images of neural cells, astrocytes,
Su legado es científico, artístico y fotográfico. Se puede decir que también
neurons, nerves and their connexions. His legacy is scientific, artistic
desarrollo un sistema de información gráfica como guía para el diseño y
and photographic. It can also be said that he developed a system of
desarrollo del internet. En la época de exploración psicológica con otros
graphic information, a guide for the design and development of the
personajes, como Alzheimer y Freud a fines del siglo XIX, Ramon y Cajal se
internet. In the decades of psychological exploration contemporary
destaco como científico extraordinario.
with Alzheimer and Freud at the end of the XIX century, Ramon y Cajal distinguished himself as an extraordinary scientist.
Como científico, académico y profesor, cumplio su carrera en las universidades de Valencia, Barcelona y finalmente en la Universidad de Madrid. Su método consistía en estudiar todo posible y visible por el microscopio, guardar esas imágenes en la memoria por la mañana y dibujar por la tarde su memoria. Nos enseño el complejo neural con sus millones conexiones, sus circuitos eléctricos y las células glia que hoy denominaríamos como el sistema operativo del cerebro. Descubrió que nervios y axonas no son fibras, si no células organizadas punta a punta, como granos de arroz dentro de una vena de mielina que transmiten pulsos eléctricos de una a otra. As a scientist, academic and professor, he completed his career at the universities of Valencia, Barcelona and finally at the University of Madrid. He investigated and studied everything visible through his microscope putting everything to memory in the mornings, and drawing those memories in the afternoon. He demonstrated the complexity of the neural system with the millions of connections, their electrical circuits, and glia cells that today we would consider as the operating system of the brain.
Estas son las células neuronas en la retina de un ojo como están conectadas como transmiten luz al cerebro. T hese are neural cells on the retina of the eye, how they are connected to transmit light to the brain.
Por mucho tiempo, el cerebro se entendía como que las neuronas vistas como
For a long time , the brain was considered composed of neurons as
gris residían dentro de una masa blanca parecida a grasa con nombre glia,
the grey matter surrounded by white matter thought of as fatty tissue
nombre griego de pegamento. En realidad consiste de cuatro células millones
known as glia, derived from the the Greek word for glue. We now know
que controlan y protegen las neuronas. Astrocitos, estrellas que controlan
that glia control and protect the neurons. Astrocytes, stars that control
capilares y todo físico que penetra al cerebro.
capillaries and everything physical that enters the brain.
La siguiente imagen de las conexiones del hipocampo nos enseño que son
T he following image is of the connections and f low of electricity within
esenciales para retener la memoria. El hipocampo, nombrado como campo
the hippocampus to retain memory. T he hippocampus, named like a
que parece a un hipo, contiene millones de neuronas organizadas para retener
field that looks like a hippo, contains millions of neurons organized to
o rechazar memorias.
retain or reject memories.
Investigando los sistemas sensores, como estos el oído, nos enseña como
many par ts of the body, some as long as one meter within the spinal
neuronas se extienden por muchas partes del cuerpo, algunas llegan a un
cord . T he drawing on the lef t denotes de end of the vestibular ner ve
metro dentro de la espina dorsal. El dibujo izquierdo anota el terminal del
within the ear. T his is an exhibition of the book T he Beautif ul
nervio vestibular del oido. Esta exposición es del libro The Beautiful Brain,
Brain , T he D rawings of Santiago Ramon y Cajal , published by
The Drawings of Santiago Ramon y Cajal, publicado por Abrams, New York.
Abrams , New York .
En pleno movimiento revolucionario, al cumplir la mayoría de edad,
Escaping the civil turmoil in his native Spain, Julián Hoyos arrived
el español Julián Hoyos llega a México a probar suerte e iniciarse como
in Mexico in the early 1930s to try his luck and establish himself as a
comerciante en San Miguel de Allende.
merchant in San Miguel de Allende. He purchased a building at Calle Mesones 14 , using it to buy and sell various grains and seeds.
A principios de 1930, Julián adquiere la propiedad ubicada en la calle Mesones 14 y la dedica a la compra y venta de granos y semillas de todo
After World War II broke out, many Americans began to move to San
tipo. Tras estallar la segunda guerra mundial, muchos estadounidenses se
Miguel de Allende and, as there were no local banks at that time, Julián
mudan a vivir a San Miguel de Allende y al no existir bancos en ese tiempo,
set up CASA HOYOS -Casa de Cambio, the city’s first exchange bureau
Julián funda la primera casa de cambio y corresponsal de varios bancos del
and branch office for banks across Mexico, at the location. Since that
país, “CASA HOYOS – CASA DE CAMBIO”. Desde esa época y debido a sus
time and due to its business activities, the house was known colloquially
giros de negocio, la casona era conocida coloquialmente por nacionales y
by both Mexicans and foreigners as the “Bean Bank”.
extranjeros como “Banco del frijol o Bean bank”.
Now, under care of a four th generation of the Hoyos family, C A S A Actualmente, CASA HOYOS sigue perteneciendo a la familia Hoyos en
HOYOS reopens its doors in honor of Julián Hoyos , his wife
su cuarta generación y abre nuevamente sus puertas para homenajear a
Concepc ión Dobarganes and their children — as a design- or ient-
Julián Hoyos, Concepción Dobarganes (su esposa) e hijos. El primer patio
ed boutique hotel . T he f irst cour t yard of the histor ic proper t y was
de la casona se restaura bajo supervisión del INAH (Instituto Nacional de
restored under the super vision of Mexico’s National Instit ute of
Antropología e Historia), mientras que en el segundo patio se construye
Anthropology and Histor y (I NA H), while the second cour t yard was
un hotel boutique de diseño eclético y una terraza con un bar con la mejor
ref it ted in an eclectic st yle to house the hotel , including a ter race
vista de la ciudad.
and bar with the best views in the c it y.
Con ayuda de la firma de diseño de interiores “AG Interior Studio”, el
With the help of the interior design firm AG Interior Studio, CASA HOYOS
hotel se reinterpreta con el formato de una casona española de la época,
reimagined the premises in the guise of a period Spanish mansion, with an
donde un patio central descubierto está rodeado por las 16 habitaciones
open central courtyard surrounded by 16 rooms on two floors and crowned
en dos pisos, coronadas por una arcada con balcones andaluces en toda
by an archway with Andalusian-style balconies around its circumference.
su circunferencia. Teniendo como base esta distribución, deciden romper
Based on this distribution, the design team decided to break with strict
con el estilo tradicional colonial, añadiendo acabados y carpintería muy
traditional colonial style, adding modern finishes and very contemporary
contemporánea, pero todo justificado al concepto.
carpentry, but all in keeping with the overall concept.
Todos los muebles de las habitaciones tienen un estilo contemporáneo pero
Hotel fur niture was mostly designed by AG Inter ior Studio,
conservan elementos del barroco colonial como el torneado salomónico, o las
while some pieces were recovered from the grain barn and
camas de dosel en las suites del hotel. Los diseñadores mezclaron materiales
meticulously restored . Several noted Mexican designers also
artesanales manufacturados en la región de Guanajuato, entre los que
c o n t r i b u t e d p i e c e s s u c h a s t a b l e l a m p s f r o m Na t i o n a l E d i t o r,
predominan baldosas de barro, loseta de pasta y cerámica vidriada. Sumado
c h a i rs b y R o k u D ec o r, c a l a c a a r m c h a i rs of P ro ject C o m m it t ee ,
a esto, se encuentran otros elementos característicos del modernismo
pots from De Layseca , woven tapestries by Meli Ávila of MA
Mexicano, como el concreto puro, vidrio texturizado, azulejo, cancelería de
and the “ f lying lamps” of Isaac Cruz.
acero y los contornos de color negro que delinean todos los volúmenes del
CASA HOYOS is a new design lodging proposal in San Miguel de Allende
espacio, imprimiendo un tinte nostálgico del México del ayer.
— authentic, honest and contemporary. T he integral concept may CASA HOYOS es una nueva propuesta de hospedaje de diseño en San Miguel
transport you back to the colonial era but the story is very relaxed and
de Allende, es auténtica, honesta y contemporánea. El concepto integral
fresh — in today’s vernacular.
te transporta a la época de la Colonia, pero la historia se cuenta con un
www.casahoyos.mx Tel: 415 15 2 00 02 info@casahoyos.mx
lenguaje vernáculo muy relajado y muy fresco.
IG: casahoyos Facebook: Casa Hoyos www.casahoyos.mx Tel: 415 15 2 00 02 info@casahoyos.mx IG: casahoyos Facebook: Casa Hoyos
Ba r de M i xolog ía especia l i zada ubicado en la her mosa t er ra za
Cocktail Bar located on the beautiful terrace of the Hotel
del Hot el Ca sa Hoyos. Cuent a con u na de la s mejores v ist a s de
Casa Hoyos. It has one of the best views of the city, without
la ciudad, si n duda los at a rdecederes desde la t er ra za son u na
a doubt the sunsets from the terrace are an experience that
e x p e r i e n c i a q u e n o t e p u e d e s p e r d e r.
you cannot miss.
BEK EB es u n lug a r de d iseño bohem io con u na pa let a veget a l
BEKEB is a place of bohemian design with desert exotic
desér t ica y combi naciones va r iada s de colores cá l idos y v ibra nt es.
plants and varied combinations of warm and vibrant colors.
L a m i xolog ía cor re a ca rgo de Fabiola Pad i l la , qu ien v iv ió 8 a ños
T he mixology is in charge of Fabiola Padilla, who lived 8
e n N u e v a Yo r k c o n t a n d o c o n u n a a m p l i a e x p e r i e n c i a i n t e r n a c i o n a l
y e a r s i n Ne w Yo r k w i t h e x t e n s i v e i n t e r n a t i o n a l e xp e r i e n c e
en la i ndust r ia . Dest aca ndose en luga res de renombre mu nd ia l
in the industry. Standing out in world-renowned places such
como lo es COSM E , rest au ra nt de E n r ique Olvera , el cua l se
a s COSME , Enr ique Olvera’s restaurant , which i s in the 23 rd
encuent ra en el luga r 23 del mu ndo. A si m ismo colaboró con Ia n
place in the world.
S c h r a g e r (c r e a d o r d e S t u d i o 5 4) , e n s u c o c k t a i l b a r “ D i e g o” d e n t r o d e P u b l i c H o t e l e n N YC .
La ba se de la coct eler ía es el uso de pla nt a s, f lores y ra íces
T he base of her mixology is the use of plants, f lowers and
mezclados con dest i lados de a g ave. Igua l ment e encont ra rá s u n
r o o t s m i x e d w i t h a g a v e d i s t i l l a t e s . Yo u w i l l a l s o f i n d a n
menu i nt eresa nt e de t apa s i nspi rada s en la coci na Mex ica na ,
interesting menu of tapas inspired by Mexican cuisine, and
y u na ex t ensa colección de dest i lados de a g ave a r t esa na les de
an extensive collection of artisanal agave distillates from
va r ios est ados de la Repúbl ica .
various states of the Republic.
D i r e c c ión : C a l le Me s on e s 1 4 , z on a c e n t r o, C . P. 3 7 7 0 0 , S a n M i g ue l d e A l le n d e , G t o. Te l éfon o: 4 15 6 8 8 13 5 5 C or r e o E le c t r ón ic o: i n fo @ b e ke b. m x I n s t r a g r a m : @ b e ke b_ s m a
Cien Fuegos es un restaurante creado con un concepto
innovador simple, basado en el respeto de la materia prima
innovative concept based on respect for high quality
de a lta ca lidad y trabajada con una gra n pasión y técnica.
raw material handled with great passion and technique.
Creamos un lugar fresco, para que te relajes y disfrutes
We create a cool place, one you can relax in and enjoy
cada momento, desde la entrada hasta el postre… desde el
aperitivo hasta el digestivo….
apéritif to the digestive….
Reinterpreta mos y evoluciona mos la cocina, con nuestras
We re inte r p ret and evolve the k itche n , with o ur root s in
r a í c e s e n e l C o n f o r t f o o d … .” l a c o m i d a d e s i e m p r e p a r a s e r
comfort food …. ”T he usual food to be enjoyed among friends”
disfrut ada entre a migos”
Chef Davide Giribaldi
Nuestras Pizzas, son estilo Napolita na utilizando los
O u r P iz z a s a re Ne a p o l i t a n s t y l e u s i ng t h e b e s t i ng re d i e n t s s o
they can enjoy and share an authentic pizza.
compa r tir de una autentica pizza.
T he creation of our cousine is led by Chef Davide Giribaldi La creación de la coci na , est a de la ma no, del Chef Dav ide
w i t h m o r e t h a n 2 0 y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e a r o u n d t h e w o r l d . To d a y
Gi r iba ld i, con mas de 20 a ños de ex per iencia a l rededor de
in San Miguel you can try his creative delights, ranging from
t odo el mu ndo, hoy en Sa n m iguel, puedes proba r la s del icia s
a pizza margaritha to
creat ivas, que va n desde u na P izza ma rga r it ha , pasa ndo por
delicious beef carpaccio or a magnificent roasted rabbit.
white pizzas and culminating with a
la s P i zza s bla nca s y cu l m i na ndo con u n del icioso ca r paccio de
All this accompanied by a delicate and select wine list paired
res o u n ma g n i f ico Conejo a la leña .
exclusively to enjoy all the dishes. Todo est o lo acompa ña s con u na del icada y select a ca r t a de v inos, ma ridados exclusiva mente pa ra disfr ut a r de
todos los platillos.
Km . 7.5 San Miguel de Allende , Gto.
A llende
Hida lgo
Te l . 4 1 5 1 1 4 7 2 7 5
K m . 7.5 S a n M i guel de A l lende, G t o.
De pronto como amantes de la cocina estamos necesitados
T he need arises in all foodies to find a cozy small
de enc ont r a r en nue s t r a c i ud a d u n l u g a r a c o g e dor, p e q ueñ o,
place with familiar and warm faces in our own town. A
de caras conocidas y cá lidas. Un ambiente relajado y fresco,
relaxed and fresh environment that is not pretentious
q ue n o s e a pr e t enc io s o, p er o s í i n s pi r a dor.
but inspiring.
Tost évere con u na propuest a de coci na ecléct ica y a mbiciosa ,
To s t é v e r e
proposal has been meeting these high expectations from
A lgo
expectativas puede
de al
comensa les l u g a r,
c o c i n a “ h o n e s t a”, t a l c u a l l a d e s c r i b e A n t o n i o e l c r e a d o r
place is its “honest” cuisine, as Antonio the creator of
de su menú. Eso se comprueba en sus porciones y precios
the menu describes it. That is obvious in its balanced
correctos, productos de ca lidad, cocina trabajada, ser vicio
de excelencia y ca lidez.
kitchen, service of excellence and warmth.
Se ve a cada v isit a nte como una opor t unidad de dest aca rse y
Each visitor is seen as an opportunity to stand out and
ser v i r; que el cl ient e sa lga no solo sat isfecho pero t a mbién
serve; that the client might leave not only satisfied but
Sobresa lir en San Miguel de A llende, ciudad
also excited. Excelling in San Miguel de Allende, a city
con cerca de 500 opciones, no ha sido tarea fácil pues es un
with about 500 different options, has not been an easy
concepto a rriesgado y a mbicioso. Trabaja r cada deta lle ha
task with a risky and ambitious concept. Focusing on
sido la d i ferencia .
every detail has made the difference.
Tost évere dest aca con plat i l los ú n icos y or ig i na les, que
To s t é v e r e s t a n d s o u t w i t h u n i q u e a n d o r i g i n a l d i s h e s ,
en su concepción inicia ron con creaciones plasmadas en
which in conception began with creations on tostadas,
tost adas, pero que se ha venido reinvent a ndo con una cocina
but which continues to evolve with flavors from various
de va r ias pa r tes del mu ndo: toques y técn icas mex ica nas,
parts of the world: Mexican, Mediterranean and Peruvian
med it er rá nea s y per ua na s, ent re ot ra s. Tost ada s como la de
To s t a d a s
pulpo, ceviche perua no, o esquites ha n sido un “must” pa ra
octopus, Peruvian ceviche, or esquites have become a
muchos clientes. Sabores nuevos como el lechón y ucateco o
“ m u st ” fo r m a ny c u sto m e rs . Yet n e w f l av o rs s u c h a s th e
la sa lsa petrolera de los tacos de camarón han sorprendido
Yucatán lechon or the shrimp taco petrolera sauce have
a va rios. La excelencia en la prepa ración de platillos como la
surprised several. The excellence in the preparation of
focaccia de h igos o el shor t r ib es deslu mbra nt e. Má s de u no
dishes such as fig focaccia or short rib is dazzling. More
se ha emocionado con los plátanos f lameados, la sopa Thai o
than one has been thrilled with the flamed bananas,
el t aco de ja iba de concha suave.
Thai soup or soft shell crab.
Como comensa l uno detecta desde el principio que es un
As a guest, one detects from the beginning that it is
rest au ra nt e con a lgo d i ferent e. El equ ipo t e recibe con
unlike any other restaurant. The team welcomes you
gusto y entusiasmo. Cada platillo esta pensado para crear
with enjoyment and enthusiasm. Each dish is designed
expectativa y sorprenderte a l probarlo. La pasión es lo que
to create expectations and surprise you when trying
rea l ment e ha i mpu lsado a Tost évere a posiciona rse como
i t . P a s s i o n i s w h a t h a s r e a l l y p r o m p t e d To s t é v e r e t o
uno de los cinco restaura ntes mejor ca lif icados en Trip
position itself as one of the five best rated restaurants
Advisor y que más ha dado de que hablar en el ultimo año.
i n Tr i p A d v i s o r a n d h a s c r e a t e d m o r e b u z z i n t h e l a s t year.
Sin miedo a experimentar en la cocina o la coctelería, la idea sigue siendo la misma: que cada platillo sea el mejor de su
Without fear of experimenting in the kitchen or cocktail
tipo. No es un menú extenso, y en ocasiones cuesta trabajo
desci f ra r el t ipo de coci na , pero con for me va s ent end iendo
the best of its kind. It is not an extensive menu, and
su esencia descubres que cada platillo tiene todo un trabajo
sometimes it is hard to decipher the type of cuisine, but
de t r á s q ue lo h a c e s i n gu l a r. L a m a ner a en q ue s e a t ien de
as you begin to understand its essence you discover that
a cada visitante hace que quieras seguir descubriendo que
each dish has being labored over and that is what makes
of rece Tost évere y ent ienda s porqué est a s a h í. Ex per iencia
it unique. The way each visitor is served makes you
que estimula los cinco sentidos.
w a n t t o c o n t i n u e d i s c o v e r i n g w h a t To s t é v e r e o f f e r s a n d
understand why you are there. T his will be an experience Codo 4, Zona Centro, 37700 San Miguel de Allende, Gto.
that stimulates your five senses.
CENTRO $749,0 0 0 US D G R E G O R Y R . G U N T E R 415 .10 3 . 4141 Perched on the eastern edge of historic San Miguel de Allende’s Centro on Garza street, this quintessential Mexican Colonial home wraps a central courtyard, hacienda style, where you can luxuriate in the temperate indoor-outdoor lifestyle we all love here. All ground-f loor rooms—kitchen, den, living room and dining room—all open to the fountain-anchored and lushly landscaped central courtyard, with the den and dining boasting accordion-fold doors opening the entire room to the outdoors. Guests arrive through a grand foyer with a vista across the entire courtyard, while owners have a garage with direct entrance to the laundry and kitchen. The ground f loor is truly an entertainer’s paradise! The second f loor hosts three newly remodeled en suite bedrooms, with the Master Suite boasting its own sitting area with beehive fireplace, bright and airy dual-sink marble bathroom with indoor-outdoor shower, and a large outdoor terrace. The sunset covered roof terrace proves equally spectacular, with long-distance vistas—including the Parroquia—of the city with fireside dining and multiple sitting areas and chaise-lounge relaxing…you’ll spend every sunset here! Sold furnished, it’s move-in ready, so come tour this home with me today, you’ll be hosting your first soiree next week!
CASA HEYNE $ 3, 200,000 USD A N N D O L A N 415 .10 3 . 3 17 9 Designed by local architect, Pedro Urquizo, Casa Heyne is truly one of the most grand and beautiful properties in San Miguel de Allende. The 18,000 square foot, 6-bedroom hacienda style home is nestled into a hillside and features extensive vistas of San Miguel’s historic Centro and surrounding regions. Whether configured as a palatial private residence or luxury boutique hotel, this is a one-of-a-kind opportunity. Built 20 years ago, the house is a testament to the quality of San Miguel’s traditional crafts community. No expense has been spared to bring the best master woodworkers, tilers, stonemasons and ironworkers together to create a luxuriously hand-crafted home. Casa Heyne is built around a lushly landscaped central garden with a koi pond, waterfall and hot tub. The front of the house, featuring magnificently hand-carved Baroque wooden doors, faces a large cobblestone courtyard.
CASA ZOCALO $2, 495,000 USD P E G G Y TAY L O R 415 .10 1. 0 0 5 8 Hidden away behind lush vegetation at the end of a Privada (private street) in Centro, Casa Zocalo offers the epitome of luxury indoor/outdoor living with wonderful views of the surrounding countryside and historic San Miguel. This six-bedroom home is centered around a professionally landscaped, lush garden with heated pool and waterfall. As you enter from the street, steps lead past the pool and take you to the first level where an outdoor living room faces the garden and pool. A short staircase takes you to the main living f loor, where a spacious living room, with stenciled and beamed ceilings in the colonial tradition, leads into a large open kitchen, dining and family room. The Chef ’s kitchen, recently updated with new cabinetry, countertops and appliances, has a gourmet six burner stove. There is a bedroom with full bath on this level. On the second level there are two master suites, each with en-suite full baths and private terraces. Two guest bedrooms share a bath but each have a private terrace overlooking the pool. There are a total of eight outdoor seating areas, and eight fireplaces, both indoors and out. At the other end of the pool is a separate casita, with a full kitchen as well as dining and seating area.
CASA BALCONES $ 659,900 USD SHERYL & EZR A CL ARK 415. 139.6675/6676 Gorgeous f u rnished home w it h i ncred ible v iews overlook i ng Sa n Mig uel a nd t he mou nta i ns beyond. You ca n wa l k to tow n or ta ke t he 4 -wheeler t hat is i ncluded w it h t he home a nd retu rn to a peacef u l set t i ng. Contempora r y open f loor pla n, w it h f loor to cei li ng g lass w i ndows t hat open i nto t he sides of t he home for i ndoor outdoor liv i ng. 4 f ireplaces i n home, a beaut if u l outdoor ba r for enter ta i ni ng. T he top f loor has a master su ite, k itchen t hat opens i nto t he d i ni ng a nd liv i ng room a nd t hen onto t he huge terrace. Indoor a nd outdoor stereo spea kers prov ide g reat sou nd for pa r t ies. T he midd le level a lso has a not her master su ite for g uests or second bed room w it h its ow n outdoor k itchen, a not her huge terrace a nd ga rdens. In add it ion, t here is a sepa rate gorgeous apa r t ment w it h a private ent ra nce which ca n be used to generate add it iona l i ncome, or cou ld be used as a na nny’s or ma ids qua r ters. It cou ld be i nteg rated i nto t he home as a 3rd bed room qu ite easi ly. E a c h l e v e l h a s i t s ow n s e c u r i t y s y s t e m . T h e r o o f i s c o v e r e d w i t h s o l a r p a n e l s f o r b o t h h o t w a t e r a n d e l e c t r i c i t y. I n a d d i t i o n , t h e g r e y w a t e r g o e s t o t h e g a r d e n . T h e r e i s a hu g e c i s t e r n u n d e r t h e g a r a g e pr o v i d i n g a m p l e w a t e r s u p p l y. T h e h o m e b o r d e r s a n o p e n s p a c e e a s e m e nt a n d i s l o c a t e d o n a c u l d e s a c w i t h n o t h r o u g h t r a f f i c , pr o v i d i n g pr i v a c y a n d t r a n q u i l i t y. T h i s i s a r a r e f i n d ! E nj oy y o u r w i n e o n t h e t e r r a c e w i t h a f a nt a s t i c s u n s e t o v e r S a n M i g u e l e a c h n i g ht .
CASA KALI $799,000 USD SHERYL & EZR A CL ARK 415. 139.6675/6676 Casa Kali, located in the Colonia of San Antonio was the former location of the famous roof top restaurant Zumo that has recently re-located to Centro Historico. Casa Kali offers an opportunity to own a boutique hotel, restaurant or create your home all within walking distance to Centro. Protected (documented in deed) and expansive views of the Parroquia from the roof top and second floor are the crowning jewel of this large property. Entering Casa Kali your eyes are immediately drawn to the long barrel boveda - red brick ceiling. Your ears instanstly pick up the sound of falling water and you are lured inside whereupon you are greeted by the central garden and a handcrafted cantera stone fountain. Natural light shines down to the garden offering a sense of warmth and comfort. Continue further inside and you find yourself in a private back yard patio. The walls are covered in green, the floors are brick and in a moments time you are in your own time and place. A spacious setting for reading, conversation or hosting a small gathering. If hosting an event on a Terraza for a large group is your dream. Casa Kali’s roof top can hold a group of forty comfortably. Views of San Miguel previously mentioned are even larger, sectioned off seating areas for breakaway conversations, electric heaters, as well as a kitchen and wet bar complete the roof top. Come see Casa Kali and create your dream home, hotel or restaurant.
EL CORTIJO $399,000 USD SHERYL & EZR A CL ARK 415. 139.6675/6676 El Cortijo is on the market after being in the same family for over 45 years! Located in the quiet enclave of El Mirador, next to the neighborhoods of Los Frailes and the Malanquin Golf Course. Dense trees, equestrian centers and large estates surround the area. Away from the noise and bustle of the city. An opportunity exists for a buyer that is looking for a large lot either to build their dream compound, horse property, subdivide into smaller lots or an event space. The property is private and tranquil, located on ½ a hectare surrounded by walls of at least 4 meters in height offering complete privacy. 365 degree views of La Presa del Rio Laja and the distant mountains are breathtaking. A 10-minute drive to restaurants and convenience stores and a 15-minute drive to El Centro Histórico add to the allure of this property.
CASA V I S TAS 550,000 USD E VA N G E L I N A E S P I N O S A – 3 3 3 .10 6 .15 8 5
Beautiful contemporary house, located in an area of high appreciation and spectacular views. It has 3 bedrooms two of them with private bathroom and hydro massage tub large closets. Distributed in 3 levels. With 288 square meters ( 3100 square feet ) of living space and is built on a 382 square meters (4111.8 square foot lot ) . The house is located in a quiet and easily accessible area, it has two entrances , the main one with a modern design that leads to a large naturally lit room. With terraces on all levels. The second entrance also has access to a garage and two of the bedrooms. The kitchen is open and fully equipped. The exquisite finishes and distribution of the spaces give a fresh and cozy touch to Casa Vistas. The Terrace is perfect to enjoy the beautiful sunsets. You can not ask for more.
CASA DE LOS SUEÑOS $ 2, 000,000 USD E VA N G E L I N A E S P I N O S A – 3 3 3 .10 6 .15 8 5 Casa de los Sueños is located in Ojo de Agua, one of the most prestigious and most valuable areas of San Miguel de Allende. Full of cozy spaces, this house combines different materials from stone, cantera hardwood floors and artisanal tile work that make it a jewel of Mexican architecture. On the first level is the room, with a cantera fireplace open to the terrace and the garden. The dining area is spacious and overlooks the garden on the one hand and on the other a small patio with a lovely fountain in the center .. Next we find an ideal dining room for more casual meals , it connects with a picturesque well-equipped Mexican-style kitchen for those who like to cook. On this level there is also an ideal study to enjoy reading in complete tranquility. All spaces connect to the terrace and the garden where there is a beautiful pool and gardens where you can enjoy the beautiful views of all of San Miguel. A staircase with a vault leads us to the second level where we have a family room and 4 large bedrooms with private bathrooms, ideal for a large family or group of friends. Two of the bedrooms have terraces with panoramic views and large walk in closets. The house is full of details such as vigas , hardwood floors, artisanal tile work through out , niches, cantera fireplaces and a balanced distribution of spaces which gives a cozy touch and elegant at the same time.
CASA LUZ (OJO DE AGUA) $765,000 USD N A N C Y H O W Z E - 415 .10 3 . 0 5 8 5 Starting with some of the most impressive views in San Miguel, Casa Luz offers the best of modern colonial living in a tranquil hillside neighborhood. This three-story elevator-ready home features a guest casita and garage on the lower level. The second level’s open f loor plan features a charming contemporary kitchen, dining area and a sala/living room. Also on this f loor, there is generous bedroom with ensuite bathroom and a view terrace for stunning vistas of the city and beyond. Casa Luz is filled with surprises, from the lush inner courtyard, the elegant iron railings, the whimsical tile work and wonderful fireplaces in each bedroom. The entire top level of this wonderful home is devoted to the master suite and private terraces. Enjoy amazing sunsets and watch the city come alive at night. Best of all, the house is turnkey—just bring a toothbrush to begin living the San Miguel de Allende lifestyle.
Foto: Javier Blanco_Artpixelux Photography
$ 429,000.00 USD 4 BEDROOMS / 3.5 BATHROOMS L. 4,130 SQ. FT. / 386 M2 C. 5,457 SQ. FT. / 510 M2
Fotos: Miguel Viquez
Hermosa casa estilo Colonial ubicada en “Los Frailes”, un fraccionamiento
Beautiful Colonial home located in “Los Frailes” a traditional and quiet
tradicional y muy tranquilo con parques y un restaurante cercano. Esta casa
neighborhood with parks, a nearby restaurant, and many places to walk. This
recientemente remodelada cuenta con nuevos pisos en toda la casa, cocina
ready to move-in home has been recently updated with new ceramic tile floors
nueva con cubiertas de granito y un baño principal y tocador completamente
throughout the house a brand new kitchen with granite countertops, and a
remodelados también.
completely remodeled master bathroom and powder room.
Casa Gallos es una casa única, llena de encanto y personalidad, abundante luz
Casa Gallos is a Colonial and unique home full of charm and personality it
natural y un interior espacioso con techos de madera y toques de cantera, una
is filled with natural light and has an airy interior with wooden ceilings and
hermosa y espaciosa sala de estar con chimenea de cantera y un techo de doble
cantera touches all over, a beautiful and spacious living room with a cantera
altura. La sala y el comedor tienen vista al hermoso jardín que tiene un área
fireplace and a double-height ceiling. The living and dining room overlooks
cubierta ideal para carne asada y entretener. Esta casa tiene una recámara
the lush and extensive garden that has a separate covered area ideal to grill
principal en el primer nivel y 3 recámaras más en el segundo piso que están
and entertain. This home has a master bedroom on the first level and 3 more
conectados a través del pasillo a una pequeña sala y a una terraza abierta con
bedrooms in the second story which are connected through the hall to a family
vistas. El tercer piso de la casa es un Roof Top con impresionantes vistas de
room and to an open terrace with views. The third story of the house is a
los alrededores y la Presa.
rooftop with amazing views of the surroundings and the Presa.
L o s F r a i l e s e s f r a c c i o n a m i e nt o mu y c e rc a d e l c e nt r o d e S a n
Los Frailes is a neighborhood very close to downtown San Miguel, there is
M i g u e l d e A l l e n d e h ay f á c i l a c c e s o a p a r a d a s d e a u t o b ú s , Un i d a d
convenient access to bus stops, athletic fields with pickleball, tennis, track,
Depor t iva con ca nchas de tenis, y el g imnasio más gra nde de la
gas stations, the biggest gym in town Boom Fitness, Don Pedro Hardware,
c iu d a d “ B o o m F i t n e s s .
the biggest grocery store in town, an emergency care unit, banks, pharmacy and restaurants.
Romina pérez Garibay / 415 125 8097 Mail: rominacolonial@gmail.com
La Santísima Trinidad bodega ubicada en la periferia de la hermosa ciudad de San
La Santísima Trinidad winery located on the outskirts of the beautiful city
Miguel de Allende, Patrimonio de la Humanidad, presentó su campaña publicitaria
of San Miguel de Allende, a World Heritage Site, presented its advertising
para el 2020 con un evento único y fantástico denominado “La Santísima Mesa“.
cam-paign for 2020 with a unique and fantastic event called “La Santísima Mesa”.
La campaña presenta toda una gama de personalidades que han llegado a esta ciudad enamorados de ella, tanto, que han decidido ubicar aquí su lugar de residencia, y
The campaign presents a whole range of characters who have come to this
gracias a eso, grandes personalidades de muchos ámbitos se unen a la campaña
city and fallen in love with it so much so that they have decided to relocate
their place of residence here, and thanks to that great personalities from many fields join the #SomosSanMiguel campaign.
La campaña está dirigida y realizada por Patricia y Erik Zavala, famosos cineastas quienes también viven en el Corazón de México, asimismo, este 29 de enero, se
The campaign is directed and carried out by Patricia and Erik Zavala,
llevó a cabo la filmación de otro clip para la Santísima Tri-nidad, siendo todo un
famous filmmakers who also live in the Heart of Mexico. On January 29,
acontecimiento que dejará huella. “La Santísima Mesa“, tuvo como premisa creativa
the filming of another clip for La Santísima Trinidad was carried out, this
5 vinos, 5 tiempos, 1 Chef espectacular, 130 invitados y el escenario fue la calle de
is an event that will leave a mark. “ La Santísima Mesa “, had as creative
Aldama en el Centro de la ciudad, votada como una de las 25 calles más bonitas
premise 5 wines, 5 corses, 1 spectacular chef, 130 guests and the location was
del mundo por la afamada revista “Architectural Digest“, siendo intervenida para
Aldama street in the center of the city, voted as one of the 25 most beautiful
lograr una experiencia sin precedentes para los asistentes a la misma, hoteleros,
streets in the world by the renowned magazine “Architectural Digest”, it
restauranteros, Chefs, artistas, diseñadores y demás figuras locales que también se
was intervened to achieve an unprecedented experience for attendees,
unieron a la campaña #SomosSanMiguel.
hoteliers, restaurants, chefs, artists, designers and other local figures who also joined the #Somos-SanMiguel campaign.
La gastronomía tuvo un maridaje perfecto con los vinos de “La Santísima
The cuisine had a perfect pairing with the wines of “La Santísima
Trinidad“, Las uvas con las que se elaboran estos vinos crecen en los 3 hermosos
Trinidad “. The grapes with which these wines are made grow in the
viñedos que conforman la familia de desarrollos inmobiliarios y enológicos: San
3 beautiful vine-yards that make up the family of real estate and
Lucas, San Francisco y La Santísima Trinidad.
winemaking developments: San Lucas, San Francisco and La Santísima Trinidad .
La cultura del vino está viviendo un momento de gran interés en la actualidad, en un mundo globalizado los turistas cada vez más experimentados, presentan nuevas
Wine culture is living a moment of great interest in today’s world.
exigencias y motivaciones reclamando la máxima calidad posible, un respeto
Tourists are more and more experienced hence they have new demands
medioambiental y un trato cada vez más personalizado el cual pueden encontrar en
such as inquiring on the highest possible quality, appropriate settings,
las bodegas de esta casa vitivinícola.
respect and increasingly personalized attention, all which can be found in the wineries of this wine house.