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STAFF EN PORTADA _Foto por Javier Blanco_Artpixelux Photography_Casa De Innocenti






























AÑO 5 NÚMERO 31 CASA MÍA MAGAZINE es una publicación bimestral gratuita. Tiraje: 10,000 ejemplares. Editor responsable: María Pia Rivasplata. Número de Certificado de Reserva Otorgado por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor: En Trámite. Número de Certificado de Licitud de Título: En Trámite. Número de Certificado de Licitud de Contenido: En Trámite. El contenido de esta publicación es responsabilidad de quien lo firma y no refleja necesariamiente la opinión de CASA MÍA MAGAZINE. Distribución por Agencia de Publicidad Acreditada.


Foto: Eugenia Tinajero

Foto: Eugenia Tinajero

Foto: Eugenia Tinajero


Enc a nt adora c a sa colon ia l ubic ad a en la t ra nqu i la comu n id ad residencia l

Lovely Mexican colonial home located in the peaceful , residential

de Pa seo Rea l, ubic ad a a 10 m i nutos en auto del cent ro h istór ico de SM A y

community of Paseo Real , located 10 minutes by car to the

u na v id a fáci l en u n pr i mer n ivel. Ga rage pa ra u n automóv i l con puer t a

a l l o w s fo r e a s y o n e l e v e l l i v i n g . A o n e c a r g a r a g e w i t h r e m o t e

a t a n solo 25 m i nutos c a m i na ndo.

historical center of SM A , 25 minutes walk or local bus one block

eléc t r ic a .

c o m p l e t e s t h e f i r s t f l o o r.

E l seg u ndo n ivel t iene u n á rea de est ud io lu m i nosa y conec t ad a a u na

Second level has a lite and bright studio area connected to a

Un her moso dor m itor io con ch i menea de ga s y ba ño pr ivado per m ite

A lovely bedroom with gas f ireplace and ensuite bathroom

f r o m h o m e . S h o p p i n g a r e a s s u c h a s L a C o m e r, r e s t a u r a n t s a n d E st a her mosa c a sa t iene u n pat io cent ra l rodeado de a rcos de pied ra y

banks are just 2 minutes away.

ter ra z a que of rece v ist a s t ra nqu i la s a la s mont a ña s. E st a á rea d a a l

roof top terrace, which has peaceful mountain views. T his area

T his beautiful home has a classic courtyard surrounded by stone

pat io cent ra l l leno de f lores y a la f uente. Dos habit aciones con techos

o v e r l o o k s t h e f l o w e r f i l l e d c e n t e r c o u r t y a r d a n d fo u n t a i n . Tw o

a r c h e s a n d fe a t u r e s a c a n t e r a fo u n t a i n . A r e m o t e r e t r a c t a b l e

de bóved a , ba ño pr ivado con doble lavabo complet a n este n ivel. E st a

bedrooms with boveda ceilings, ensuite bathrooms with double

r o o f i n t h i s a r e a a l l o w s fo r w a r m t h a n d s u n s h i n e .

ma rav i l losa c a sa t iene u n precio justo pa ra el comprador que busc a u na

sinks complete this level.

c uent a con u na f uente de c a ntera . Un techo ret rác t i l en est a á rea per m ite la ent rad a de lu z nat u ra l. E l pr i mer n ivel de la c a sa c uent a con sa la de est a r con ch i menea de ga s , ba ño de v isit a s , coci na , comedor con pat io de desc a nso y acceso a l ja rd í n.

excelente i nversión.

M a i n l e v e l fe a t u r e s l i v i n g r o o m w i t h g a s f i r e p l a c e , g u e s t

T h i s h o u s e i s p e r fe c t l y m a i n t a i n e d . T h i s w o n d e r f u l h o m e i s

bathroom, kitchen, dining room with adjourning patio and

La casa se ofrece tota lmente amueblada sin embargo esto puede

garden access.

ser negociable.


p r i c e d r i g h t fo r t h e b u y e r l o o k i n g fo r a n e x c e l l e n t i n v e s t m e n t .



Fotos: Eugenia Tinajero


Comod idades:

A m e n i t i e s:

Todos los elec t rodomést icos , i ncluyendo lavadora y sec adora

All appliances including washer and dryer

Sistema de ag ua a presión

Pressurized water system

Sistema de pu r i f ic ación de ósmosis i nversa en coci na

Reverse osmosis purification system in kitchen

3 ch i menea s con i nserciones de ga s

3 fireplaces with gas inserts

Sistema de a la r ma mon itoreado

Monitored alarm system

Asador de ga s

Gas connected barbecue grill

P uer t a de ga raje con cont rol remoto

Remote controlled garage door

Haga su cita para visitar esta casa pronto.

Make your appointment to visit this house soon...

ROMINA PER EZ GARIBAY Cel. 415.125.8097

R O M I NA P E R E Z G A R I B AY C e l . 41 5 .1 2 5 . 8 0 9 7


Mail . rominacolonial@gmail .com






Foto: Javier Blanco_Artpixelux Photography

Foto: Javier Blanco_Artpixelux Photography


Ubicado en el lado pintoresco de una colina que domina las montañas

Located on the picturesque side of a hill overlooking the Picacho

Picacho, la Presa Allende y el río Laja, encontrarás un poco del viejo México,

Mountains, the Presa Allende and Laja River, you’ll find a little bit of

a menos de 10 minutos de San Miguel de Allende.

old Mexico, less than 10 minutes from San Miguel de Allende.

Este rancho de una hectárea cuenta con una hermosa casa de estilo hacienda

T his one-hectare ranch boasts a beautiful Hacienda-style home with

con encanto del viejo mundo y comodidades modernas de calidad. Los

old-world charm and quality modern amenities. T he fully- fenced

terrenos completamente cercados están bellamente decorados con establos [y

grounds are beautifully appointed with stables [and turn-out areas,

áreas de cuidado para caballos, establo y bodegas de almacenamiento], junto

working arenas, and storage bodegas], together with lush gardens and

con exuberantes jardines y abundantes huertos. La proximidad al centro de la

abundant orchards. T he close proximity to downtown SMA is vital and

ciudad de SMA es vital y es fácilmente accesible, ya sea en automóvil o en el

is easily within reach either by car or the regularly scheduled, hourly

autobús que pasa cada hora regularmente a menos de 200 metros del rancho.

bus that passes within 200 meters of the ranch.





Foto: Javier Blanco_Artpixelux Photography

Foto: Javier Blanco_Artpixelux Photography


La casita tipo iglesia tiene una cocina totalmente equipada con comedor /

T he church-like casita has a fully appointed kitchen with dining/ living

carrera como entrenadora personal de bienestar, su actuacion continua

l o n g s t a n d i n g c a r e e r a s a p e r s o n a l w e l l n e s s t r a i n e r, h e r o n g o i n g

sala de estar.


de una variedad de roles en el teatro o su continua participación en los

portrayal of a variety of roles in the theatre or her continued

derechos y el rescate de los animales, Crystal se ha comprometido a

involvement with animal rights and rescue, Crystal has

Las vistas panorámicas de San Miguel son espectaculares, no solo durante

T he sweeping views of San Miguel are nothing less than spectacular not

lograr, actuar y proporcionar resultados en un nivel óptimo. Uno solo

c o m m i t t e d h e r s e l f t o a c h i e v e , p e r fo r m i n g a n d p r o v i d i n g r e s u l t s

el día, sino que brindan un espectáculo nocturno de fuegos artificiales

only during the day, but provide a nighttime show of fireworks from

necesita escanear los testimonios de sus clientes satisfechos para ver cómo

at her optimum level . One only needs to scan the testimonials of

desde el centro desde la privacidad de su terraza.

downtown from the privacy of your terrace.

Crystal ha cumplido constantemente sus necesidades con su dedicación

her satisf ied clients to see how Cr ystal has consistently met their

para lograr los mejores resultados posibles para ellos. Una recomendación

needs with her dedication to achieving the best possible results

La propiedad tiene su propio pozo y cuenta con tuberías de riego, una

T he property has its own well and is serviced by irrigation pipes, a

de un vendedor feliz o un comprador satisfecho es, en última instancia, la

fo r t h e m . A r e c o m m e n d a t i o n f r o m a h a p p y s e l l e r o r a d e l i g h t e d

bomba de presión constante, 2 tinacos grandes y una cisterna subterránea

constant pressure pump, 2 large tinacos and a very large underground

mejor referencia.

b u y e r i s u l t i m a t e l y t h e b e s t r e fe r e n c e .

muy grande. El costo de la electricidad se compensa con paneles solares

cistern. T he cost of electricity is offset by hidden solar panels on the

ocultos en el techo de la casita.

casita roof.

Su sincero deseo de entender las necesidades e intereses de sus clientes

Her sincere desire to elicit her clients’ needs and interests direct

la lleva a resolver eficiente y profesionalmente el desafío de encontrar

h e r t o e f f i c i e n t l y a n d p r o fe s s i o n a l l y s o l v e t h e c h a l l e n g e o f f i n d i n g

Comprar y vender una casa implica un proceso que requiere habilidades

Buying and selling a home involves a process requiring highly-de-

un comprador para su propiedad o igualarlos con esa casa perfecta en

a b u y e r fo r t h e i r p r o p e r t y o r m a t c h i n g t h e m t o t h a t p e r fe c t S a n

creativas de resolución de problemas altamente desarrolladas. Crystal

veloped creative problem-solving skills. Crystal brings to her

San Miguel. Cada compra o venta se aborda como una asociación única y

Miguel home. Each purchase or sale is approached as a unique

aporta a sus clientes años de experiencia desarrollando y perfeccionando

c l i e n t s y e a r s o f e xp e r i e n c e d e v e l o p i n g a n d h o n i n g s u c h e xp e r t i s e .

personalizada con una consideración cuidadosa de todos los aspectos del

and custom-tailored partnership with thoughtful consideration

dicha experiencia. Ya sea durante sus exitosos estudios académicos, su larga

Whether it was during her highly successful academic studies, her

proceso a veces complejo.

of all aspects of the at times complex process.




Foto: Javier Blanco_Artpixelux Photography


Crystal ha demostrado constantemente su dedicación a sus clientes,

Crystal has consistently proven her dedication to her

brindando un servicio continuamente atento para garantizar que se

clients, providing continually attentive service to ensure

atiendan todos los detalles y que las preocupaciones de sus clientes sean su

them that all details are being attended to and their

principal objetivo.

concerns are her prime focus.

Su persistencia y persevera ncia sig n i f ic a n que se ex plora n tod a s

Her persistence and perseverance mean that ever y possibility

la s posibi l id ades y que i ndud ablemente el cl iente recibe la mejor

i s e xp l o r e d a n d u l t i m a t e l y t h e c l i e n t i s p r o v i d e d w i t h t h e b e s t

ofer ta pa ra su propied ad o la compra má s idea l pa ra la c a sa de sus

o f fe r fo r t h e i r p r o p e r t y o r t h e m o s t i d e a l p u r c h a s e fo r t h e i r

sueños. Má s a l lá de lo esperado es ha sta donde Cr ysta l va pa ra

dream home. Above and beyond is where Crystal goes to ensure

ga ra nt i z a r que aquel los con qu ienes se a socia estén completa mente

those with whom she par tners are completely satisf ied . She

sat isfechos. E l la espera crea r u na a sociación de este t ipo con usted

l o o k s fo r w a r d t o c r e a t i n g s u c h a p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h y o u w h e r e

donde no solo t rabaja PA R A usted si no CON usted pa ra a lc a n z a r

she not only works FOR you but WIT H you to realize your real

sus objet ivos i n mobi l ia r ios.

estate goals.


24 ART


Artista mexicano que reside en la Ciudad de México, apasionado por la

R .M. Soto is a Mexican artist residing in Mexico City passionate about

Su habilidad para combinar y contrastar diferentes tipos de imágenes

H i s a b i l i t y t o c o m b i n e a n d c o n t r a s t d i f fe r e n t t y p e s o f i m a g e s ,

pintura, la escultura y la creación de personajes.

painting sculpture and character creation.

ofrece una viva reproducción de lo que los conceptos mortalidad y

o f fe r s a v i v i d r e p r o d u c t i o n o f w h a t t h e c o n c e p t s o f m o r t a l i t y a n d

muerte significan para él.

death mean to him.

Una de las inf luencias mas fuertes es el rol del esqueleto y la muerte

Skeletons and death, one of the strongest inf luences in Mexican culture,

en la cultura mexicana, ya que le ha otorgado una estética y paleta de

has given him a characteristic aesthetic and color palette to address

Exposición de colección “Vive Marcela”

Exhibition “Vive Marcela” collection

color característica para abordar los temas principales de su obra. No

the main themes of his work. Not only has the culture of his country

solo la cultura de su país lo inf luencia, sino también el haber vivido en

inf luenced him, but also having lived in different cities in the United

La colección Vive Marcela presenta a un joven esqueleto colorado que

T he Vive Marcela collection presents a young red skeleton who learned

diferentes ciudades del Reino Unido y España le ha permitido expandir su

Kingdom and Spain has allowed him to expand his knowledge of how

aprendió a disfrutar la vida solo después de haberla vivido. En esta

to enjoy life only after having lived it. In this collection, Marcela teaches

conocimiento de cómo otras culturas se comportan alrededor de la muerte.

other cultures behave around death.

colección, Marcela nos enseña a disfrutar el paraíso en el que vivimos y

us to enjoy the paradise in which we live and not just live under the

no solo vivir bajo la espera de ser recompensados en una siguiente vida.

expectation of being rewarded in the next life.

El artista busca sobrepasar el pensamiento trágico que existe sobre

T he artist seeks to overcome the tragic thought that exists about the

la calavera como representación de la muerte,

presentando su visión

skull as a representation of death by presenting his own humorous and

Esta colección nos invita a ref lexionar en ¿qué pasaría si este plano de

T his collection invites us to ref lect on what would happen if this plane of

humorística y sarcástica. Por esta razón combina los esqueletos y

sarcastic vision. For this reason it combines skeletons and characters in

existencia es el paraíso? La piel y los demás órganos sensoriales son

existence were in fact paradise? T he skin and other sensory organs are

personajes en escenarios y situaciones surrealistas.

scenarios and surreal situations.

indispensables para disfrutar la vida y la inevitable y fortuita perdida

indispensable to enjoying life and the inevitable and fortuitous loss of








de estos sentidos es lo único que nos empuja a gozar y así darle sentido y

these senses is the only thing that pushes us to enjoy and thus make sense

hacer llevadero el suplicio que llamamos vivir.

of and make bearable the torture we call living.

La exposición será en el Hotel Clandestino en la calle de Recreo # 31 zona

The exhibition will be at the Clandestino Hotel on Calle de Recreo # 31

centro San Miguel de Allende, inaugura el Jueves 31 de Octubre y el evento/

downtown San Miguel de Allende, opens on Thursday, October 31 and the

cóctel por Día de Muertos será el Sábado 2 de Noviembre.

event / cocktail for Day of the Dead will be on Saturday, November 2.

Los esperamos el Jueves 31 de Octubre a partir de las 2 p.m. y el sábado 2

We are waiting for you on T hursday, October 31 from 2 p.m. and on

de Noviembre a partir de las 7 pm.

Saturday, November 2 from 7 pm.



MAKE UP ARTIST: Ali Ramirez @aliramirezmakeupartist



Los escritores han comparado ópalos con volcanes, galaxias y fuegos

Wr iters have compared opals with volcanoes , galaxies and

artificiales. De hecho, a lo largo de la mayor parte de la historia, el ópalo ha

f ireworks. In fact , throughout most of histor y, opal has been

sido considerado como la gema más afortunada y mágica de todas porque

considered the most fortunate and magical gem of all because it

puede mostrar todos los colores.

can show all colors.

Sí mbolo de A mor y A m i s t ad…

Symbol of Love and Friendship ...

E l ópa lo: es considerad a u na pied ra preciosa que represent a , mejor que

T he opal: it is a precious stone that represents, better than

n i ng u na ot ra pied ra , a t ravés de sus esplendorosos colores la a leg r ía y la

any other stone, through its splendorous colors the joy and

celebración de la v id a , la a m ist ad y el a mor.

celebration of life, fr iendship and love.

Ópa lo de f uego…. E s el má s ra ro y, por lo t a nto, el má s est i mado, es el

Fire opal ... It is the rarest and , therefore, the most esteemed ,

i ntenso color rojo-na ra nja del ópa lo de f uego. L os ópa los de f uego má s

is the intense red-orange color of the fire opal. T he finest fire

f i nos se enc uent ra n en Méx ico.

opals are found in Mexico.



L a esmera ld a es u na de la s pied ra s preciosa s má s elega ntes y exclusiva s

T he emerald is one of the most elegant and exclusive

que hay. E l nombre sig n i f ic a “Pied ra verde”.

g e m s t o n e s t h e r e i s . T h e n a m e m e a n s “ g r e e n s t o n e .” I t i s

Se t rat a de u na pied ra

Considered the Stone of love / It is the stone of good fortune

S i t i e n e s q u e c o m p r a r u n ó p a l o , m e j o r v e mu c h o s y d e j a q u e é l s e a

If you have to buy an opal , you should see many and let it be

e l q u e t e e s c o j a a t i… l o s a b r á s c u a n d o s u b e l l e z a y s u p o d e r t e d e j e n

the one that chooses you ... you will know when its beauty and

e n v o l v e r.

power envelop you.

E lega ncia , Autent icid ad y exclusiv id ad…. Ven y Desc ubre u n u n iverso de

Elegance, Authenticity and exclusivity… Come and discover a

color en c ad a G ema!!

universe of color in each gem!

Todos nuest ros d iseños son exclusivos y hecho por ma nos mex ic a na s

All our designs are exclusive and made by Mexican hands set

enga rz ados en plat a y oro.

in silver and gold.

que se i ncluye dent ro del g r upo «ber i lo» y t iene u na g ra n con not ación

a stone from the “beryl” group and has

h istór ic a . E st a pied ra se relaciona con la buena for t u na y con el bienest a r.

connotations. T his stone is related to good fortune and

E l mensaje pr i ncipa l si te rega la u na E smera ld a es que at rae la energ ía

well-being. T he main message sent when an emerald is

posit iva , el a mor si ncero y la fel icid ad por lo que es u n rega lo idea l pa ra

given is that of positive energy, sincere love and happiness,

C onoce y aprende el or igen de los ópa los y v ive la ex per iencia de est a r en

Know and learn the origin of opals and live the experience of

c ua lqu ier oc a sión.

making it an ideal gift for any occasion .

u na M i na Rea l.

being in a Royal Mine.


great historical

Con sider ada la P ied r a del a mor / Es la pied r a de la buen a for t u n a



Crea mos u n concepto mex ic a no pa ra que v iva s u na ex per iencia ú n ic a .


Visít a nos , conoce y aprende de nuest ra Pied ra Naciona l: E l ópa lo y

exp e r i e n c e . Vi s it u s , m eet a n d l e a r n f ro m o u r Nat i o n a l Sto n e ,


u na g ra n va r ied ad de pied ra s sem i preciosa s enga rz ados en d iseños

the Opal and a variety of semi precious stones set in authentic

autént icos pa ra t i.

designs for you .

V i sít a nos Her n á ndez Mací a s 9 9 / Cent ro, nues t r a t iend a nueva

We a r e w a i t i n g f o r y o u a t H e r n á n d e z M a c í a s 9 9 C o l o n i a C e n t r o

en el i nt er ior DOCE18 .

and do not hesitate to visit our new store inside DOCE18.

Di sf r ut a de nues t ro exclu sivo t equ i l a y u n ópa lo r u s t ico

Enjoy our exclusive tequila and a rustic opal free on

Gr at i s en t u v i sit a .

your visit.











415 566 4782

36 ART


Santiago Cruz pinta del modo que él cree nuestras mentes lo hacen: a través de un bucle

Santiago Cruz paints the way he believes our minds do: through a

enfoque e impulso principal es el de conservar las pinturas tan ricas y policromáticas

any particular ¨style¨. My main focus and drive is in keeping the paintings

que se retroalimenta a sí mismo de melodías y variaciones.

labyrinth-like feedback loop of themes & variations.

como mi medio me lo permita. Y ciertamente me regocijo en la experiencia sensorial

as luscious and polychromatic as my medium allows. I truly rejoice in our

de la visión. Me saboreo el color.”

sensorial experience of vision. I relish in it with color.”

El diccionario Oxford define a la Fuga (musical) como: “una composición polifónica

T he Oxford dictionary describes a (musical) Fugue as: ¨a polyphonic

dentro de la cual, una breve melodía –que representa al sujeto- se introduce por

composition in which a short melodic theme -the subject- is introduced by

Santiago Cruz nació en Panamá, criándose entre Estados Unidos y el istmo

Santiago Cruz was born in Panamá, and raised between the U.S and the

medio de una parte o voz, siendo sucesivamente “perseguido” por las otras (partes),

one part or voice, and successively taken up by the others and developed

panameño. Tuvo la fortuna de estudiar en el atelier más riguroso en Florencia, el

Panamanian isthmus. He was fortunate to study at the most rigorous


by their interweaving…”

Angel Art Academy, mismo que rastrea sus orígenes hasta el Renacimiento. Ahí

atelier in Florence, the Angel Art Academy which traces its lineage all the

pudo completar el Bargue Drawing Course –el cual también Picasso, Gerome y Van

way back to the Renaissance. T here, he completed the Bargue Drawing

Y así él juega y se desarrolla en su oficio, como si fuera cualquier otro instrumento…

He plays and develops his craft just as if it were any other instrument...

Gogh emprendieron. Durante su estancia, aprendió también el estilo claroscuro,

Course, the very same that Picasso, Gerome and Van Gogh undertook.

alcanzando aquellas notas altas, saturadas en agudos cromáticos, y enfatizando las notas

Hitting the high notes saturated in high chromatic pitches, marking the

ejemplificado por Caravaggio, así como también el arte de la pintura del “Fresco

While there, he also learned the chiaroscuro style, exemplified by

más pesadas como un ruido sordo de fondo, descansando en los espacios etéreos entre

heavier notes like a thud in the guts, and resting in the ethereal spaces

Vero”, el cual se imparte por los mismos restauradores encargados de preservar los

Caravaggio, and the art of “Fresco Vero” painting taught by the same head

uno y otro…


más grandes frescos de esa ciudad.

restorers entrusted in preserving the city’s major frescoes.

“Me enredo, atraigo y –finalmente, me atrapo a mí mismo. Mis líneas de carbón hacen

“I tangle, lure, and –ultimately, ensnare myself. My charcoal lines echo

Tras 4 años y dos comisiones de parte de iglesias Florentinas, Santiago se mudó a

After 4 years and two commissions by historic Florentine churches,

eco de los “límites” y motivos del espíritu, así como de aquellos países a los que hasta

the “boundaries” & motifs of spirit, and the countries I’ve been blessed to

Delhi, en India, dedicándose de lleno y sin límites a la pintura durante un año entero,

Santiago moved to Delhi, India, to paint for an entire year, unencumbered,

ahora he tenido la suerte de llegar. No creo en forzar ningún “estilo” en particular. Mi

have reached thus far. I don’t believe in forcing

donde su paleta de color explotó. En 2008, vivió en Dubai y fue galardonado con

and his color palette exploded. In 2008, he lived in Dubai and was awarded

una comisión de Hewlett-Packard. Después de año y medio en los Emiratos Árabes

with a Hewlett-Packard commission. After half a year in the United



38 ART

Unidos, Santiago volvió a Asia, y ésta vez eligió Tailandia durante otro año, abasteciendo

Emirates, Santiago returned to Asia. T his time it was T hailand for a

nuevamente su necesidad de colores voluptuosos y mayor movilidad.

year, refueling his need for luscious color space and greater mobility.

Fue a través de dos grandes shows en solitario con el DGAG Contemporary Gallery,

Two strong solo shows with the DGAG Contemporary Gallery, and one

así como de una exhibición grupal en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Panamá,

group show at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Panamá, allowed

que logró establecer su estudio en Berlín, Alemania, durante los 5 años posteriores,

him to set up a studio in Berlin, Germany, for 5 years. Situating himself

situándolo dentro del actual cruce de caminos culturales en Europa, y donde su práctica

in the present-day cultural crossroads of Europe, his painting practice

de la pintura continuó su evolución. Representó a la Embajada de Panamá en Berlín, y ha

could only but keep evolving. He represented Panamá’s Berlin Embassy,

realizado exhibiciones en varias ocasiones, tanto en grupo como en solitario, en Panamá,

and has exhibited in several group & solo shows between Panamá,

Florencia, Berlín, Bangkok, Dubai y ahora en San Miguel de Allende. Actualmente

Florence, Berlin, Bangkok, Dubai, and now San Miguel de Allende. He

realiza una residencia artística, donde lleva a cabo su proceso creativo desde un mirador

is currently doing an art residency overlooking SMA, where he is in the

a la ciudad de SMA, y aceptando visitas privadas.

midst of creating new works, and accepting private visits.

“Me siento honrado por la oportunidad de parte de la familia Wolff y de este hermoso

“I am humbled by this opportunity from the Wolff family, and the studio

estudio que me permite intensificar mi práctica y compartir mi obra con San Miguel de

space that enables me to further amplify my practice, and share my

Allende, la Capital Americana de la Cultura.”

work with San Miguel de Allende, the American Capital of Culture”.

Para programar una visita al estudio, escriba a:

To schedule a studio visit, contact:

Siga su trayectoria en Instagram, en: @santicruzart

Follow his journey on Instagram: @santicruzart











$1, 550,0 0 0 USD

$ 2, 900,000 USD

J O S E P H L O W N 415 .10 3 . 3 3 74

A N N D O L A N 415 .10 3 . 3 17 9

San Miguel de Allende is known for its many romantic streets, but none are as private or as perfect as Baeza, a stunning privada right off of Parque Juarez. This is where one finds Casa Baeza, a beautiful home that combines old world elegance with contemporary comfort. Lush landscaping surrounds this amazing house with its indoor/outdoor salas, fountains, a heated pool (complete with a cozy fireplace-warmed sitting area), private terraces and meandering stone and tile

Casa Campos de Lavanda is a unique property in San Miguel. It has 6 bedrooms finely furnished, providing a unique rest like no other. In the hot spring water pool and campfire the time between friends and family offers unforgettable moments. The main house comfortably designed to provide privacy from the rest of the property has 3 bedrooms and an independent study.

paths. Inside, the traditional-style kitchen is outfitted with everything a more modern kitchen needs. The master bedroom has his and hers bathrooms. Elegant tile work adorns every bathroom in the house, and while the views from inside are impressive, the views from the rooftop living room reach to Centro’s historic Parroquia and beyond.

In the almost 10 hectares there are lavender fields, a entertaining area with a dinning room and a bar with spectacular views of the mountains as well as different rocks such as marble, quartz, etc. This property is located on the so-called “Capilla de Indios” route, only 5 minutes from the Santuario de Atotonilco.

Other luxurious touches include two guest rooms near the pool, multiple fireplaces, a service room and a carport for off-street parking. Most impressive is that this wonderful house comes completely turnkey, which means that your new life can begin the moment you receive the keys.




CASA DE LAS SONRISAS $ 1, 225,0 0 0 USD A N N E M A R T I N J O N E S 415 .15 3 . 3 7 7 0

This extraordinary home has all the key details that you would expect from architect Alan Wilkerson. In this Colonial masterpiece you’ll find carved Cantera fireplaces, Tejamanil beamed ceilings, Saltillo tile f loors, Cantera stairways and furniture by Manuel Padron. Upon entry, a pathway takes you down a lush garden featuring a charming baptismal font fountain and beautiful Cantera stone columns and archways. The spacious open kitchen with local Talavera tiles looks out onto this lovely garden and has a convenient eat-in area. The living room a traditional San Miguel stone wall with tall French doors that lead out to a swimming pool. A roomy garage contains utilities, laundry facilities and a large storage area as well as providing an alternate direct entry into the house. Upstairs the master bedroom has a large partner’s desk – perfect for computer work – a Cantera fireplace and an ensuite bathroom.








$ 850,000 USD

$ 1, 250,0 0 0 USD

I S A A C C A S T E L A N 4 15 .1 6 7. 8 0 0 2

S H E R Y L & E Z R A C L A R K 415 .13 9. 6 6 7 5 /6 6 7 6

Casa Allende is the perfect combination of old world charm, modern convenience and an incredible location. Only a few moments away from the bustling center of town, the house sits on a quiet street and features handmade local cantera, iron, tile work and much more. Two of the three bedrooms have romantic bóveda ceilings, fireplaces and spacious en-suite bathrooms, and the 3rd bedroom has nice views with the use of the rooftop terrace complete with a sitting area and bar. The kitchen f lows easily into the dining and living space. An outdoor sala off of the main living area is complete with a brand new gas grill plus fountain and fireplace, creates the possibility of true indoor-outdoor living which defines a San Miguel lifestyle. From the intimate entry courtyard the features of this turn-key property guarantee you elegant comfort just a short stroll from the best of your new home town.

Welcome home to Casa Pila Seca in Centro, situated on a large corner lot less than a 5-minute walk to the main square, restaurants and shopping. Casa Pila Seca has 4 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms and a large 2 bedroom casita. The main floor of the home boasts a large well-lit living room, a traditionally large kitchen and formal dining room. The kitchen and dining room are separated making it ideal for intimate celebrations and dinners. Enjoy the evenings or days in San Miguel de Allende on the airy patio off the living room with French doors leading to the garden and or outdoor seating. With the ideal location and on a corner lot, the terazza has picturesque views of Centro, the Parroquia, and endless sunsets. The rooftop terrace also has a comfy studio, room to entertain and wet bar. Separating the home and casita is a large and serene garden with mature trees, colorful vegetation, and a traditional cantera fountain. A charming newly constructed, two level casita with separate entrance provides 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, an open floor plan, traditional boveda ceilings and a fully-equipped kitchen. It is the perfect guest house or a great rental opportunity. Come see the possibilities these two homes has to offer!




CAS ITA 16 $ 579,000 USD S H E R Y L & E Z R A C L A R K 415 .13 9. 6 6 7 5 /6 6 7 6 Location, location, location! Welcome home to Casita 16 located in Historic UNESCO Centro, an artistic gem in the heart of Centro San Miguel de Allende. Casita 16 is an authentic San Miguel de Allende home with folklore artwork and colorful architecture designed and built by San Miguel’s studio MEXIFORM. Upon entering this home, you are greeted by an outdoor foyer and you feel immediately enchanted with the Spanish Colonial details of this casita. Step inside the cozy living room featuring locally sourced Cantera stone in the f looring and beautifully crafted fireplace. Tall ceilings with large wood beams of restored Mexican tejamanil wood, as well as gallery lighting carefully positioned to showcase one’s art collection. This area opens into a charming dining room area that is accentuated with a cheerful light fixture from Fabrica La Aurora. A colorful serene patio is the perfect place to entertain alfresco or escape from the city lights while relaxing near a beautiful Cantera fountain and stone wall feature. A fully-equipped kitchen and laundry area with ample storage are thoughtfully designed making it quite comfortable for short or long-term occupancy. Above the kitchen you will find a spacious bedroom with a boveda ceiling and an en-suite bathroom. Also on the second f loor, you will find the master bedroom with a boveda ceiling and en-suite bathroom. Both bedrooms have small balconies overlooking the outdoor patio that separates them. A spiral “caracol” staircase will lead you to the airy rooftop terrace with vistas of the Parroquia, Monjas, and San Francisco Church as well as the hills and dramatic sunsets.



CASA SCHWANT Z $1, 950,0 0 0 USD ERNESTO K.CHONG AND GLENN ROTTON 4 15 . 1 6 7.1 3 0 0 Welcome home to Casa My thlandia, a grand home perched in the serene area of Rinconada de Los Balcones, less than a 10-minute drive to Centro and steps away from the botanical garden of El Charco de Ingenio. This majestic home boasts 5 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, and 4 half bathooms as well as almost 9000 sq. ft of construction. Views of the colorful city of San Miguel de Allende, La Presa and mountains surround this home from every angle. Upon entering this home you are greeted by the elegant foyer area and sweeping staircase featuring whimsical ironwork details, beautiful chandelier, skylights, and easy access to the elevator that services all 4 f loors of this home. A large entertainment room with a billiards area and bar as well as a wine cellar await you and your guests. The first f loor also features staff quarters (including a bedroom and full bathroom) with a private entrance, another half bathroom, laundry facilities, and three car garage. The second f loor provides an open f loor plan with inviting living spaces including a living room, a casual and formal dining room, and a gourmet kitchen. Off of the living and formal dining rooms, the wrap around balcony provides a tranquil lookout to take in the long sunset and views of the vibrant city. The gourmet kitchen includes a stately 8-burner Viking stove/ oven/range, two Sub-Zero refrigerators, dual dishwashers, large island with prep sink, walk-in pantry, and cozy breakfast nook. Other features include granite countertops and f loor to ceiling storage.



CASA CARACOL $480,000 USD S H E R Y L & E Z R A C L A R K 415 .13 9. 6 6 7 5 /6 6 7 6 Casa Caracol is a private luxury penthouse located in El Caracol Condominiums offering sweeping views of San Miguel de Allende. This one-f loor penthouse condo boasts an open f loor plan full of natural light and high ceilings with recessed lighting throughout. Two large bedrooms, en-suite bathrooms, and built-in f loor to ceiling closets make for comfortable easy living. The open kitchen has access to a separate outdoor dining area and to the terraza. Indoor and outdoor living is seamless with multiple French doors leading to the grand terraza perfect for entertaining. Take in the long sunset and views of the colorful city of San Miguel de Allende from your luxury penthouse. Casa Caracol also offers rental history and is conveniently located near La LuciĂŠrnaga Plaza, grocery shopping, and restaurants. Enjoy the complimentary shuttle transportation service that will take you into Centro. Amenities include 24-hour Security, Secure Underground Parking, Elevator, Concierge Services, Spa with Steam Rooms, Game Room, Heated Pool and Jacuzzis, and Complimentary Shuttle Service. Penthouse Construction: 1890 sq ft & Construction of Terraza: 2175 sq ft = Total 4065 sq ft.



SAN ANTONIO $699,000 USD G R E G O R Y R . G U N T E R 415 .10 3 . 4141

L ook i ng for “Wow!” fac tor? T h is newly-bu i lt home of fers it i n spades! L oc ated i n nor t h Sa n A nton io a shor t ten-m i nute st rol l to t he Ja rd i n, t h is estate wa s desig ned a nd bu i lt by a stateside custom home bu i lder of mu lt i-m i l l ion dol la r ma nsions, a nd t he at tent ion to deta i l a nd desig n aest het ic sh i ne br i l l ia nt ly! A n enter ta i ner’s fa nta sy, t he open-pla n layout a nd superb desig n—t he oversi z ed l iv i ng room f i replace repl ic ates t he sa me desig n fou nd i n a popu la r loc a l hotel—proves per fec t for elega nt event s or fa m i ly gat her i ngs. T he 2nd f loor ma ster su ite m i m ic s a pent house aer ie, replete w it h a gorgeous boved a cei l i ng a nd upd ated Spa n ish C olon ia l deta i ls t h roug hout t he home. A fou r t h bed room of fers a sepa rate ent ra nce, per fec t a s a pr ivate c a sita for g uest s or renta l i ncome. Sold f u r n ished w it h a l l-new f u r n it u re f rom a loc a l top i nter ior desig n f i r m, t he home a lso of fers a l l moder n-d ay ex pec ted a men it ies, f rom t he oversi z ed ga rage to t he water f i lt rat ion system. For a jaw-d roppi ng tou r wor t hy of a seven-f ig u re home, come tou r t h is estate w it h me tod ay!



CASA V I S TAS $550,000 USD E VANGELINA ESPINOSA ARCINIEGA 3 3 3 .10 6 .15 8 5 Beautiful contemporary house, located in an area of high appreciation and spectacular views. It has 3 bedrooms two of them with private bathroom and hydro massage tub large closets. Distributed in 3 levels. With 288 square meters ( 3100 square feet ) of living space and is built on a 382 square meters (4111.8 square foot lot ) . The house is located in a quiet and easily accessible area, it has two entrances , the main one with a modern design that leads to a large naturally lit room. With terraces on all levels. The second entrance also has access to a garage and two of the bedrooms . The kitchen is open and fully equipped. The exquisite finishes and distribution of the spaces give a fresh and cozy touch to Casa Vistas. The Terrace is perfect to enjoy the beautiful sunsets. You can not ask for more .







Miriam (Mimi) Caro Your local expert Mesones, 57 - 37700 Centro (associated to KW Allende) Cel. 442 396 0605


Todos conocemos la premisa de los programas de vivienda: un inversor compra un

We all know the premise of home-flipping shows: An investor buys a veritable

verdadero vertedero y luego, con la ayuda de un equipo de contratistas y paisajistas

dump and then, with the help of a team of ready-and-willing contractors

listos y dispuestos, lo transforma en la casa más atractiva de la colonia. Luego, ese

and landscapers, transforms it into the best-looking home on the block. Next,

intrépido comprador se da la vuelta y lo vende con grandes ganancias. Suena como una

that intrepid buyer turns around and sells it for a hefty profit. Sounds like a

fórmula directa para el éxito financiero, ¿verdad? Bueno, no del todo.

straightforward formula for financial success, right? Well, not quite.

Lo que hace que la televisión sea entretenida no siempre se traduce en una victoria

What makes for entertaining television doesn’t always translate into a

más allá de la pantalla plana de alta definición. Las siguientes son nueve formas en que

win beyond the high definition flat screen. The following are nine ways

los programas de renovación de casas engañan a los espectadores. Entonces, si está

home-flipping shows mislead viewers. So, if you’re considering turning this

considerando convertir esto en su próxima carrera o incluso en un hobby, es po-sible

into your next career or even a side gig, you may want to separate fact from

que desee separar los hechos de la ficción.

fiction fir

Los tiempos de respuesta inmediata no siempre son realistas

Tight turnarounds aren’t always realistic

Para obtener el mayor beneficio posible es importante vender la propiedad lo más

In order to realize as large a profit as possible, it’s important to flip the

rá-pido posible, de lo contrario pagar la hipoteca, los impuestos y el seguro se ref lejan

property as quickly as you can, otherwise paying the mortgage, taxes, and

rápidamente en sus ganancias . Si bien las ventas tienden a suceder rápidamente en

insurance quickly chips away at your bottom line. While sales tend to happen

televisión, la realidad es que incluso si tiene un comprador dispuesto, obtener la

quickly on TV, the reality is that even if you have a willing buyer, getting

apro-bación previa y obtener el financiamiento no sucede de la noche a la mañana.

pre-approved and securing the financing doesn’t happen overnight. For

Para los vendedores ansiosos, ese reloj es un recordatorio constante de que cada día

anxious sellers, that ticking clock is a constant reminder that every passing

que pasa significa un poco menos de dinero en sus bolsillos.

day means a little less money in their pockets.






Encontrar un equipo dedicado no es fácil

Finding a dedicated team isn’t easy

Cuando surgen problemas, no es tan fácil de resolver

When trouble strikes, it’s not so easy to resolve

Como muchos propietarios saben, no todos los contratistas son iguales. En su mayor

As far too many homeowners know, not all contractors are created equal. For

Incluso con una cuidadosa inspección de la casa, surgen sorpresas (¡no de las bue-nas!)

Even with a careful home inspection, surprises (not the good kind!) pop up

parte, los artesanos que se dirigen a los espectáculos hogareños son confiables,

the most part, the artisans who make their way onto home-flipping shows

cuando menos las espera. Sin embargo, si se abre un socavón y amenaza con tragarse

when you least expect them. Yet, if a sinkhole opens and threatens to swallow

co-nocedores y están dispuestos a trabajar casi todo el día para hacer el trabajo. En

are trustworthy, knowl-edgeable and willing to work nearly round-the-

tu pórtico entero, los equipos de expertos de la T.V. están listos para solucio-nar ese

a sun porch, home-flipping show teams are ready to fix that issue like it’s

reali-dad, los contratistas pueden estar trabajando en múltiples proyectos simultán-

clock to get the job done. In reality, contractors may be working on multiple

problema como si no fuera gran cosa. Cuando le sucede a los no estrellas de televisión,

no big deal. When it happens to non-TV-star homeowners, it’s not always

eamente y pueden desaparecer durante días a la vez. Y como todos sabemos, el tiempo

projects simultaneously and may disappear for days at a time. And as we all

no siempre es fácil encontrar el subcontratista adecuado, especialmente cuando tiene

easy to find the right subcontractor — especially when you’re under time

es dinero.

know, time is money.

poco tiempo y una vez que lo haga, ¿puede darse el lujo de lidiar con cualquier sorpresa

constraints. And, once you do, can you even afford to deal with whatever

desagradable que se le presente? Si tiene que volver al banco por más dinero, eso afectará

unpleasant shocker has come your way? If you have to go back to the bank for

El hazlo tu mismo no es para todos

DIY doesn’t work for everyone

su marco de tiempo y por ende sus ganancias. (Ver número 1.) Los dueños en la televisión

more money, that will impact your timeframe and ultimately your profit (See

parecen tener cuentas bancarias sin fondo. Debe ser agradable, ¿no?

number 1.) Home-flippers on TV seem to have bottomless bank accounts.

Parte del atractivo de estos programas de renovación de hogar es la facilidad

Part of the appeal of these home-flipping programs is the ease with

con la que se combina toda la propiedad. Pero es más que solo la fotografía de

which the whole property comes together. But it’s more than just the

lapso de tiempo lo que hace que parezca que cualquiera con un cinturón de

time-lapse photography that makes it seem like anyone with a tool

herramientas pue-de renovar como un profesional. Si bien puede sentirse tentado

belt can renovate like a pro. While you might be tempted to take a DIY

Cuando los remodeladores de casas comienzan un proyecto, todos los materiales

a adoptar un enfoque de hazlo tu mismo para mantener bajos los gastos, recuerde

approach to keep expenses low, remember, these people know what

ne-cesarios están en el sitio y listos para usar. ¡Ojalá esta fuera la norma! Cualquiera

When home-flippers begin a project, all the requisite materials are on-site and

que estas personas sa-ben lo que están haciendo, mientras que la mayoría de los

they’re doing, whereas most homeowners are experts at other things.

que se haya enamorado de un artículo para la renovacion de pedido especial sabe que es

ready to go. If only this were the norm! Anyone who’s ever fallen in love with

propietarios de viviendas son expertos en otras cosas. A veces, abordar una tarea

Sometimes tackling a task yourself will end up costing you more than if

casi imposible encontrar todo lo que le gusta en stock y listo para su entrega. Algunos

a special order item knows that it’s almost impossible to find everything you

usted mismo terminará cos-tándole más que si hubiera contratado a la persona

you’d hired the right person for the job.

contratistas son reacios a comenzar una renovación hasta que todos los suministros estén

like in stock and ready for deliv-ery. Some contractors are reluctant to start a

en su lugar lo cual nuevamente, puede dañar su línea de tiempo y sus ganan-cias.

renovation until all the supplies are in, which, again, can hurt your timeline

adecuada para el trabajo

Must be nice, right? Los materiales no llegan simultáneamente

Materials don’t arrive simultaneously

and your profit.







El negociar se hace detrás de cámaras

The back-and-forth is all done behind-the-scenes

Los costos varían según el área

Costs vary by area

Olvidemos el hecho de que las casas exhibidas en estos programas nunca parecen

Never mind the fact that homes showcased on these programs never seem to

Renovar un baño en una zona rural costará mucho menos de lo que costaría

Renovating a bathroom in rural area is going to cost much less than it

carecer de compradores pero en muchos casos no parece haber ningún regateo

lack for buy-ers, in many instances there doesn’t seem to be any haggling to

por ejemplo, en la Ciudad de México. La mano de obra no solo será menos

would in, say, Mexico City. Not only will the labor be less expensive, but

en cuanto al precio de venta. No mostrar el arte de la negociación perjudica a los

speak of when it comes to the asking price. Leaving out the art of negotiation

costosa, sino que los materiales y los gastos de envío también serán más bajos

the materials and delivery charges will also skew lower in non-metropol-

espec-tadores, ya que parece que los compradores no pueden esperar para pagar el

does viewers a disservice as it makes it appear that buyers can’t wait to pay

en las áreas no metropolitanas. Por supuesto, nada de eso se aborda en el

itan areas. Of course, none of that is addressed in the show and most often

precio completo, o por encima de él.

full price — or above it.

programa y la mayoría de los presupuestos en la televisión son mucho más

estimates on TV are far lower than those you’d gather in real life.

La matemática es confusa

The math is fuzzy

Para obtener la mayor ganancia, debe comprar por debajo del valor de mercado,

In order to reap the biggest profit, you need to buy below market value, sell

ven-der por encima y no invertir más dinero de lo que obtendrá en la renovación.

above it, and not put more money into the renovation than you’ll get back. As

Una vez que esté en el ritmo de mejoras para el hogar, puede sentirse tentado a

splurge and really go all out, but you have to resist the temptation to overdo

Como si esa ecuación no fuera lo suficientemente complicada, en la televisión, no

if that equation weren’t complicated enough, on television, you don’t always

derro-char y realmente hacer todo lo posible, pero debe resistir la tentación de

it and put in more money than you’ll ever get back. In the quest to make

siempre se menciona sobre los costos de compra o venta, las tarifas del avaluó, gastos

hear about the costs of buying or sell-ing, inspection and appraisals fees, and

exagerar y poner más dinero del que nunca recuperará. En la búsqueda para hacer

your flip as fabulous as possible, you never want to lose sight of the reason

notariales y otros gastos que van a ambos lados de las transacciones. Dejar algunos

other expenses that go into both sides of the transactions. Leaving out some

que tu reno-vación sea lo más fabuloso posible, nunca querrás perder de vista la

you started this project: to make money. Consider the return on investment

números convenientemente inf la las ganancias.

numbers conveniently inflates the profit.

razón por la que comenzaste este proyecto: ganar dinero. Considere el retorno de la

for each improvement you make.

bajos que las que se recopilan en la vida real.

You can over-renovate Puedes renovar en exceso

Once you’re in the home improvement groove, you may be tempted to

inversión por cada mejora que realice.



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