MARÍA PIA RIVASPLATA info@casamiamagazine.com
MANUEL MUGUIRA CASANOVA manu.casanova@yahoo.com
ESTUDIO TRES16 info@estudiotres16.com
AÑO 5 NÚMERO 27 CASA MÍA MAGAZINE es una publicación bimestral gratuita. Tiraje: 10,000 ejemplares. Editor responsable: María Pia Rivasplata. Número de Certificado de Reserva Otorgado por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor: En Trámite. Número de Certificado de Licitud de Título: En Trámite. Número de Certificado de Licitud de Contenido: En Trámite. El contenido de esta publicación es responsabilidad de quien lo firma y no refleja necesariamiente la opinión de CASA MÍA MAGAZINE. Distribución por Agencia de Publicidad Acreditada.
COLOR, AN EXPLORATION OF SPACE. El color es una rea lidad esencia l de la v ida, por sus usos prácticos,
Color is an essential realit y of life , because of its practicalit y,
estéticos y lúdicos. En el ca mpo de las a r tes v isua les, junto a l ritmo,
aesthetics and playf ulness . In the f ield of visual ar ts , along with
la línea y la forma, el color es un elemento expresivo funda ment a l. La
rhythm , line and for m , color is a f undamental expressive element .
obra de Eric Jer va ise es el result ado de una exploración del va lor y la
T he work of Er ic Jer vaise is the result of an exploration of the
fuerza expresiva del color pa ra un goce v isua l. En su investigación,
value and the expressive force of color as a visual spectacle . In
Jer va ise retoma los estudios de los a r tist as que trabaja ron el tema
his research , Jer vaise takes up the st udies of ar tists who worked
con a nterioridad como Va n Doesburg y Mondria n y a contemporá neos
on the subject before , such as Van Doesburg and Mondr ian and
como Rothko y Ellswor th Kelly. Los cimientos sobre los cua les se
contemporar ies such as Rothko and Ells wor th Kelly. T he foundation
funda ment a su obra prov ienen de las teorías de New ton, Goethe
on which his work is based on , are the theor ies of Newton , G oethe
y Schopenhauer. El color como un va lor físico en New ton pasa a
and Schopenhauer. Color as a physical value f rom Newton´s theor ies
ser complement ado por Goethe y Schopenhauer como fenómeno
is complemented by G oethe and Schopenhauer as a physiological
f isiológico y sensible, en donde los colores son cua lidades de la luz,
and sensitive phenomenon , where colors are the qualities of light ,
entre luminosidad y oscuridad. El color, en sus mil formas, explora
between luminosit y and darkness . Color, in its thousands of for ms ,
este rea lidad.
explores this realit y.
Eric Jer va ise nació en Fra ncia y reside en México desde 1972.
E r i c Je r v a i s e w a s b o r n i n F r a n c e a n d h a s l i v e d i n M e x i c o
Se dedica a la producción a r tística y a la docencia. En busca de
since 1972 . He is dedicated to artistic production and
expresión persona l ha investigado las técnicas fotográ f icas pioneras
teaching. Personal research has led him to research pioneering
(daguerrotipo, ca lotipo, a mbrotipo, goma bicromat ada) e investiga
p h o t o g r a p h i c t e c h n i q u e s (d a g u e r r e o t y p e , c a l o t y p e , a m b r o t y p e ,
las máquinas de óptica pre-fotográ f icas y pre-cinematográ f i-
b i c h r o m a t e g u m) a n d r e s e a r c h e s p r e - p h o t o g r a p h i c a n d p r e - c i n -
cas (zoótropo, fenaquistiscopio, thaumatropio, pra xinoscopio,
e m a t o g r a p h i c o p t i c s m a c h i n e s (z o o t r o p e , p h e n a k i s t i s c o p e ,
zoopra xiscopio, peepshow o kinetoscopio). Las nuevas tecnologías
t h a u m a t r o p i u m , p r a x i n o s c o p e , z o o p r a x i s c o p e , p e e p s h o w). T h e
de la imagen lo lleva n a interroga rse sobre los formatos de la
new technologies of image lead him to an interrogation about
imagen como el apor te del mov imiento en relación a la imagen f ija
t h e fo r m a t s o f i m a g e a n d t h e p u r p o s e o f m o v e m e n t i n r e l a t i o n t o
(proyecciones, v ideo a r te).
f i x e d i m a g e ( p r o j e c t i o n s , v i d e o a r t).
Con una cá ma ra pa norá mica del siglo XIX ha fotogra f iado la Ciudad
With a panoramic camera from the 19th century, he has photographed
de México, los pa isajes pa raguayos y la frontera nor te de México. El
Mexico City, the Paraguayan landscapes and the northern border of
proyecto que desa rrolla actua lmente en el ma rco del Sistema Naciona l
Mexico. The project, which is currently being developed within the
de Creadores de A r te tiene por título El jinete a ma rillo e implica sus
framework of the National System of Art Creators, is titled The Yellow
v ivencias y circunst a ncias persona les, una v inculo entre la apa rición
Rider and translates into their personal experiences and circumstances, a
de la enfermedad y la muer te en su v ida.
link between the onset of illness and death in their lives.
Sus piezas recientes responden a una búsqueda ontológica de la
His recent pieces ans wer to an ontological search for photography:
fotogra fía: los límites de la represent ación y la referencia lidad.
the limits of representation and referentialit y. It also included
Asimismo desa rrolla un proyecto de post grado en Imagen, A r te,
a postgraduate project in Image , Ar t , C ult ure and Soc iet y on the
Cultura y Sociedad sobre el tema de La primera imagen, por la
theme of the f irst image , by the Fac ult y of Ar ts in the Autonomous
Facult ad de A r tes de la Universidad Autónoma del Est ado de Morelos;
Universit y of the State of Morelos; which gives a def inition of
el cua l da una def inición de la fotogra fía en el a r te desde el punto de
photography in ar t f rom the point of view of the c reator.
v ist a del creador.
He has published several books: Mexico, panoramic of the 21st Ha publicado va rios libros: México, pa norá micas del siglo X XI,
cent ur y, T he boundar ies of vision , Panoramic ref lection on the
Las fronteras de la v isión, Ref lexión pa norá mica sobre el pa isaje
Paraguayan landscape and Panoramic photographs of Oaxaca . His
pa raguayo y Fotogra fías pa norá micas de Oa xaca. Sus fotogra fías
photographs belong to the National Photo Librar y and the National
per tenecen a la Fototeca Naciona l y la Biblioteca Naciona l de Fra ncia,
Librar y of France , among other instit utions .
entre otras instituciones.
El Capellán
El Capellan
Fundada desde hace más de 6 años, El Capellán ofrece cuatro proyectos
Founded over 6 years ago, El Capellán of fers four real estate
inmobiliarios San Francisco, San Sebastián, San Benito y Santa Lorenza;
projects San Franc isco, San Sebastián , San Benito and Santa
conjuntos campestres pensados con los más altos estándares de diseño
Lorenza; r ural projects foc used on the highest standards of urban
urbanístico, arquitectónico y sustentabilidad, ubicados a no más de 15
design , architect ure and sustainabilit y, located no more than 15
minutos del centro de la ciudad de San Miguel de Allende. Lotes, casas
minutes f rom downtown San Miguel de Allende . Lots , houses and
y próximamente departamentos diseñados para un estilo de vida en
soon apar tments designed for a lifest yle in har mony with nat ure ,
armonía con la naturaleza, espacios donde se concibe una vida relajada sin
spaces where a relaxed way of life is shaped without losing the
perder los beneficios de la cercanía y con las comodidades de una ciudad.
benef its and comfor ts of being near a c it y.
Dos de los proyectos de El Capellán, San Francisco y San Sebastián se
Tw o p r o j e c t s o f E l C a p e l l á n , S a n F r a n c i s c o a n d S a n S e b a s t i á n a r e
encuentran ya en Preventa con una solución viable para aquellos que
a l r e a dy o n p r e - s a l e o f fe r i n g a v i a b l e s o l u t i o n fo r t h o s e w h o w a n t
San Francisco
San Francisco
Magníf icos terrenos de 800 m2 hast a 1,700 m2 en inmejorable
M a g n i f i c e n t p l o t s o f 8 0 0 m 2 t o 1 ,7 0 0 m 2 i n a n u n b e a t a b l e
ubicación pa ra que construyas la casa de tus sueños. Zona
l o c a t i o n fo r y o u t o b u i l d t h e h o u s e o f y o u r d r e a m s . A l u x u r y
residencia l ca mpestre de lujo, á rea comercia l, cont a ndo con
residential area , commercial area , with clubhouse, pool , paddle,
Casa Club con a lberca, padel, sa lón pa ra eventos, gimnasio, con
multi purpose room , gym , incomparable retirement home,
incompa rable casa de retiro, caset a de v igila ncia 24/7, cercado
g u a r d e d g a t e a n d 2 4 /7 s e c u r i t y , p e r i m e t e r fe n c e a n d p a n o r a m i c
perimetra l y v ist as pa norá micas lleno de natura leza.
views of nature.
Ubicado en la carretera San Miguel a Dolores Hidalgo conocida como el
Located on the San Miguel road towards Dolores Hidalgo
“Corredor Dorado” Km 11, Camino a Rancho Viejo (comunidad ejidal). A
known as the “Golden Corridor” Km 11, Camino a Rancho Viejo
tan sólo 5 km del Santuario de Jesús Nazareno en Atotonilco, conocida
(c o m u n i d a d e j i d a l).
también como la Capilla Sixtina de América y nombrada Patriminio de la
Only 5 km from the Sanctuary of Jesus Nazareno in Atotonilco, also known
Humanidad junto con San Miguel de Allende en 2008 por la UNESCO.
as the Sistine Chapel of America and named a World Heritage site along with San Miguel de Allende in 2008 by UNESCO.
286 lotes desde $880,000 pesos.
286 lots starting at $ 880,000 pesos. San Sebastián
San Sebastian Inmejorable zona natural, con 3 modelos de casas cada una cuenta con su propio nombre Viscaya, Vasca y Bayona inspirados en la ciudad de
Unbeatable natural area, with 3 models of houses each with its own
San Sebastián en España, todas ellas tienen un estilo arquitectónico
name Viscaya, Vasca and Bayona inspired by the city of San Sebastian
contemporáneo, cada espacio está pensado para crear un ambiente de
in Spain, all in contemporary architectural style, each space is
lujo y confort rodeado de abundante vegetación. A tan sólo 5 minutos
designed to create a luxurious environment and comfort surrounded by
de la Antigua Estación de Tren y a 10 minutos de La Parroquia de San
abundant vegetation. Just 5 minutes from the Old Train Station and 10
Miguel Arcángel.
minutes from La Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel.
80 casas de 240 m2 en terrenos de 250 m2 de superficie con vista hacia
80 houses of 240 m2 on a plot of 250 m2 with mountain views
las montañas desde $3,300,000 pesos.
from $ 3 ,300,000 pesos.
San Francisco tiene un concepto diseñado para mejorar tu estilo de
San Francisco is a designed concept meant to improve
vida y el de tu familia.
your family’s lifestyle.
Agenda hoy mismo tu cita:
Schedule your appointment today:
T. 415 566 4782
T. 415 566 4782
sanfranc isco.ventas2@gmail .com
Maria Pia Rivasplata
Mar ia Pia Rivasplata
Omar Bautista by Andrés Carnalla.
OM A R BAUTISTA LUNA nació el 19 de junio de 1979 en la ciudad de Sa n
OM A R B AU T I STA LU NA w a s b o r n o n Ju n e 1 9 , 1 9 7 9 i n t h e c i t y
Miguel de A llende, pa ra este a r tículo le pregunt a mos a Oma r que nos
of San Miguel de Allende, for this article we asked Omar to tell
dijera en sus propias pa labras el porqué se dedica a la ca rpintería,
us in his own words why he is dedicated to carpentry, we are
nosotros en lo persona l somo seguidores y admiradores de su trabajo,
tr ue followers and admirers of his work , work which is always
trabajo siempre bien cuidado en los acabados y det a lles así como en
well finished and with attention to details as well as to the
la geometría y diseño. Oma r a pesa r de no estudia r una ca rrera de
ge o m et r y a n d d e s i g n of e a c h p i e c e . O m a r, d e s p i t e n ot s t u dy i ng
diseño creemos que es uno de los mejores ca rpinteros de nuestra
a d e s i g n c a re e r, w e b e l i e v e , i s o n e of th e b e s t c a r p e n t e rs i n o u r
ciudad, un ca rpintero de corazón.
city, a carpenter at heart .
A la edad de 17 a ños es cua ndo yo sient o que nace m i gust o por la
At the age of 17 is when I feel that my love for carpentr y is
c a r p i n t e r í a , p o r l a i n f l u e n c i a d e m i p a d r e e l S r. A d o l fo B a u t i s t a
b o r n , m o s t l y b e c a u s e o f m y f a t h e r M r . A d o l f o B a u t i s t a O l v e r a´ s
Olvera qu ien t a mbién es u n ca r pi nt ero siendo el pr i mero en
i nf l u e n c e w h o i s a l s o a c a r p e n t e r. He w a s th e f i r s t to t e a c h
enseña r me est e of icio, t rabajé a lgu nos a ños con m i pad re pero
me this trade, I worked some years with my father but then I
después decid í emplea r me en ot ros t a l leres de ca r pi nt er ía
decided to try other carpentry workshops with the purpose of
con el proposit o de aprender ot ra s t écn ica s, proced i m ient os,
learning other techniques, procedures, finishes and materials.
t er m i nados y mat er ia les.
Gracias a esos años de trabajo en distintos talleres conseguí que un
T hanks to those years of work in dif ferent workshops I met
carpintero de origen estadounidense me contratara en su taller como
an American carpenter and he hired me in his workshop as
MASTER CARPENTER y ahí trabajé durante varios años aprendiendo y
M AST ER CA RPEN T ER and there I worked for several years
desarrollando técnicas que para ese tiempo eran muy innovadoras en
learning and developing techniques in cabinetry, materials,
gabinetería, materiales, herrajes y terminados.
fittings and finishes that were very innovative at that time.
A pa r t i r de 2010 t en go m i propio t a l ler de c a r pi nt er í a donde pa so
Since 2010 I´ve had my own carpentry workshop where I spend
el t iempo h aciend a lo que me apa sion a , me gu s t a siempre es t a r
my time doing what I’m passionate about , I like to experiment
ex plor a ndo en l a geomet r í a y en el ent end i m ient o de l a m ader a
with geometry and the understanding of how we use wood as a
como u n m at er i a l ú n ico, h a go lo que me apa sion a .
unique material, I do what I love.
A mo el of icio de c a r pi nt ero.
I l o v e th e j o b of a c a r p e n t e r.
Cor reo elec t rón ico: baut i s t a lu n ao@g m a i l.com
Email: bautistalunao@gmail .com
Tel. 4 15 101 643 4
Te l . 4 1 5 1 0 1 6 4 3 4
Cerámica Antique orgullo San Miguelense
Ceramica Antique proud to be from San Miguel
Son el único fabricante mexicano productor de los más finos azulejos
Ceramica Antique is the only Mexican manufacturer, maker of the finest
de cerámica en el mercado. Están a la altura de las más elevadas
decorative ceramic-tile collections in the market. We aim to satisfy the
expectativas de diseñadores, interioristas y arquitectos en constante
stringent expectations of interior designers, architects and customers
búsqueda de únicos y exclusivos diseños y texturas. Toda sus cerámicas
alike in constant search of uniqueness and exclusive designs and textures.
son reconocidas y premiadas en el mundo por su espléndido diseño,
Our products are renowned world-wide for their splendid design and high
exquisitez, e insuperable calidad.
quality, being best-sellers in the most demanding segments of the market.
¿Qué los hace únicos?
W h a t m a k e s y o u u n i q u e?
Todos los productos son fabricados artesanalmente. Cada colección inicia
Each and ever y collection is caref ully hand-made . Invar iably, this
con el cliente, escuchando sus aspiraciones, leyendo corrientes de diseño
process begins with the c ustomer, listening to their aspirations ,
y proponiendo nuevas tendencias. Se recorre desde la idea conceptual
reading design trends , and even set ting new ones . We go ver y ser ious
y se pasa minuciosamente por cada elemento desde las finas pastas y
f rom the concept ual idea , to the detailed selection of the f inest clays
esmaltes, delicados procesos de formado y quema, hasta brindar a cada
and glazes , and composing the delicate processes of molding, f ir ing and
línea una textura y carácter único.
ar raying, which in all , give bir th to unique the text ure and character of each f inished product .
L a or ig i n a l id ad de c ad a produc t o es t á en los procesos a r t esa n a les.
Uniqueness. An adjective that defines exclusivity. Today, only attainable
És t os requ ieren de h a bi l id ades m i len a r i a s que son d i f íci l ment e
by hand-crafted processes that require ancient skills which are hardly
repl ic a bles
replicable with manufacturing technology. T here are products that,
produc t os, por ejemplo, c uyo proceso puede l le g a r a t a rd a r h a s t a
for example, can last only in their manufacturing process, up to 40
3 0 d í a s, t iempo en el c u a l es molde ado, cu r ado y rev i s ado va r i a s
days; time in which they are molded, cured and checked several times
veces por los a r t esa nos en l í ne a depend iendo del t a m a ño, proceso
by our artisans. We don’t disparage products crafted in industrialized
y complejid ad de l a s pieza s. Si n menospreci a r a los produc t os de
or automated manufacturing settings, but they lack the character,
m a nu fac t u r a i ndu s t r i a l , és t os c a recen del c a r ác t er, l a per son a l id ad
personality and originality that artisan-made pieces will always
y or ig i n a l id ad que siempre t end r á n l a s pieza s a r t es a n a les. A pa r t e
have. Besides the durability, low-maintenance and other long-term
de du r a bi l id ad , bajo m a nt en i m ient o, apa r ienci a ú n ic a y ot r a s
benefits of acquiring ceramic tile, we conceive our products to be as
vent aja s de l a cer á m ic a a r t es a n a l , nues t r a s colecciones son siempre
eco-friendly as possible. We achieve this by recycling all excess raw clay,
concebid a s con bajo i mpac t o a l a mbient e a l reu s a r del proceso de
using lead-free glazes and recycled/recyclable packaging materials,
fa br ic ación t odo ret or no de a rci l l a ex i s t ent e, u s a r esm a lt es l ibres
and provide transportation to minimize individual use of transport.
de plomo y de ot ros compues t os cont a m i n a nt es, y u so per m a nent e
We employ nearly three hundred people from nearby communities –
de m at er i a l de empaque recicl ado.
supporting the development of the local economy –, many of which are
ava nces
t ecnológ icos
m a nu fac t u r a .
women who are in charge of their families.
Cerámica Antique… nuestra historia
Ceramica Antique… Our history
Cerámica Antique inicia operaciones en 1995 fundada en la Cd. de
T h e C o m p a n y w a s fo u n d e d i n 1 9 9 5 i n D o l o r e s H i d a l g o , G u a n a j u a t o ,
Dolores Hidalgo, Gto, y gradualmente, de boca en boca se difundió en los
M e x i c o . I t w a s g r a d u a l l y k n o w n i n t h e e xp o r t m a r k e t t h o u g h
mercados de exportación. Hoy, todas las cerámicas se ofrecen también
w o r d - o f- m o u t h m a i n l y . To d a y , a l l o u r c o l l e c t i o n s a r e l o c a l l y
localmente siendo de línea 17 colecciones, con un total de 275 colores y 535
o f fe r e d , c o m p o s e d b y 1 7 l i n e s , w i t h a t o t a l o f 2 75 c o l o r s a n d 53 5
formatos únicos.
u n i q u e fo r m a t s .
Ceramica Antique es sinónimo y referente de alto diseño, lujo, exquisitez y exclusividad en cerámicas y azulejos para la ambientación de espacios arquitectónicos de personalidad única. Showroom: Centro de Arte y Diseño Fábrica La Aurora, Local 2C, San
S h o w r o o m: C e n t r o d e A r t e y D i s e ñ o F á b r i c a L a A u r o r a , L o c a l
Miguel de Allende, GTO.
2 C , S a n M i g u e l d e A l l e n d e , GTO .
Tel: +52-415.154.9629
Te l: + 5 2 -41 5 .1 5 4 .9 6 2 9
Cel: +52-55.2109.6176
C e l: + 5 2 - 55 . 2 1 0 9 . 6 1 7 6
Italy Dolomites Sunset
Moi sés Mond l a k Maya n ació en l a C iud ad de Méx ico. Desde muy joven
Moisés Mondlak Maya was born in Mexico City. From a young age
t uvo l a pa sión por el a lpi n i smo y l a fot og r a f í a . Su pr i mer a scen so a l
h e h a d a p a s s i o n fo r m o u n t a i n e e r i n g a n d p h o t o g r a p h y . H i s f i r s t
I x t l a x i hu at l lo h i zo a los 15 a ños.
ascent to Ixtlaxihuatl was at 15 years old .
Su s pr i mer a s fot os f ueron de el volc a n y s u s a l rededores. Después de
His f irst photos were of the volcano and its surroundings. Af ter
muchos a ños ret om a l a fot og r a f í a de pa i s ajes y l a avent u r a .
many years he once again takes up photography of landscapes and adventure.
Tod a s u fot og r a f í a es ed it ad a por s u espos a l a A rqu it ec t a L i n a A lg a z i B a ba n i . Un a vez aprobad a c u a lqu ier g a n a nci a es des t i n ad a en s u
H i s w i fe A r c h i t e c t Li n a A l g a z i B a b a n i e d i t s a l l h i s p h o t o g r a p h y .
t ot a l id ad a l apoyo de org a n i zaciones de benef icenci a en foc ad a s a l a
Once approved , any prof it is allocated in its entirety to the
ay ud a méd ic a de per son a s de bajos recu r sos.
s u p p o r t o f c h a r i t a b l e o r g a n i z a t i o n s fo c u s e d o n t h e m e d i c a l assistance of low-income people.
E n el t r a n sc u r so de s u v id a t a mbién h a publ ic ado dos ex t r aord i n a r ios l ibros de s u s fot og r a f í a s, R EC U E R DOS Y PA SION E S y
I n t h e c o u r s e o f h i s l i fe h e h a s a l s o p u b l i s h e d t w o e x t r a o r d i n a r y
SE N T I M I E N TOS E NCON T R A DOS , l ibros en cu a les no deja de
b o o k s o f h i s p h o t o g r a p h s , M E M O R I E S A N D PA S S I ON S a n d
sor prender l a i n men sid ad de s u obr a y l a for m a en cómo, a t r avés del
C O L L I D I NG E M OT I ON S . B o o k s i n w h i c h t h e i m m e n s i t y o f h i s
Ha i k ú ex presa s u s men sajes y emociones.
w o r k a n d h o w h e u s e s H a i k u a s a m e a n s t o e xp r e s s e s h i s m e s s a g e s and emotions, never seizes to surprise.
Artic Mountains
Iceland Crater
S u m i s i ó n e s d o n a r s u s fo t o g r a f í a s a t r a v é s d e g e n e r o s o s
His mission is to donate his photographs through generous
f i lá nt ropos e Inst it uciones. Su obra hoy ador na n hospit a les,
p h i l a n t h r o p i s t s a n d i n s t i t u t i o n s . To d a y t h e y a d o r n h o s p i t a l s ,
ref ug ios y casas de asist encia .
shelters and assistance homes.
Parte de la obra de Moises la puedes ver en la tienda Algarabia en Fábrica
S o m e o f h i s a r t i s a v a i l a b l e fo r v i e w i n g a t t h e s t o r e A l g a r a b i a
la Aurora en el Local 1b - 2
in Fabrica la Aurora 1b-2
CASA BAYO N E TA $ 1, 399,0 0 0 USD G R E G O R Y R . G U N T E R – 415 .10 3 . 4141 Architecture aficionados, beware—this design jewel proves beguiling from the entry door! Evoking the best of modern architecture from Mexico, the USA and Europe, the home grants a gracious—and obvious—nod to architecture masters Frank Lloyd Wright, Charles Rennie Macintosh, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Ricardo Legorreta. Never before has San Miguel witnessed a home with such tall and grandiose “corner-turning windows” (Wright himself coined the phrase for a glass corner where a column would normally stand) that opens the home visually to the lush Rob Johnson-designed gardens. The entry replicates Macintosh’s museum-collected Hill House ladder-back chair, and even the Parroquia-view rooftop glass sala—ideal for sunset cocktail parties—evokes the National Historic Landmark Farnsworth House, underlit here to simulate a floating effect. High-volume ceilings float above warm tzalam hardwood and travertine floors throughout the ground f loor, which offers one-level living boasting a master and secondary bedroom on this level, in addition to the island-anchored chef’s kitchen, grand entertaining areas, both inside and out, and artist’s studio. A floating marble staircase, enclosed in a glass-ensconced tower, connects to a second master suite, oversized master bath with sunken tub, and a large, light-drenched office, all with rooftop access.
CASA DORADO $ 2, 995,000 USD R E B E C C A C R O S B Y – 415 .15 2 . 5 2 2 0 This stunning Colonia l estate is located in San Miguel de A llende, Centro, steps away from Parque Juarez and an easy three block wa lk to El Jardin. Casa Dorado is one of the premier, luxur y estates that has ever been offered for sa le in San Miguel. The home is the quintessentia l classic Colonia l, with gracious rooms, f ine detail and qua lit y furnishings. The proper t y has mature professiona lly landscaped gardens surrounding fountains and an enticing swimming pool. The main home features four bedrooms en suite, a ll beautifully furnished. In addition, adjacent to the swimming pool, are t wo private one-bedroom casitas, perfect for guests, offering privacy and serenit y.
CASA G A R ITA $ 895, 000 USD H O L LY H O U S T O N – 415 .14 9. 0 13 9 Welcome to Casa Garita ! This jewel of a home is sold turn key with top of the line finishes throughout and nothing spared. The property was completed by some of the most talented designers that San Miguel has to offer. World reknown Ted Wolter from Wabi did the interiors combined in collaboration with landscape designers Timoteo Wachter and Alfonso Alarcon focusing on the gardens. The views are absolutely spectacular and the style is incomparable - kind of an Elegant Chic Style. This stylish home would be a great rental, full-time residence or second home. It all works ! Come and see this beautiful 3 bedroom / 3 bathroom home in historic centro, that has it all...Security, Purification and Pressurization..... It is not to be missed !
CASA TERRAPLEN $1,590,0 0 0 USD W E S L E Y G L E A S O N - 415 .15 2 . 2 18 0 This beautifully renovated Colonial home is in a prime location between the Jardin and Juarez Park. On a gracious lot, this 18th Century home has undergone a complete renovation, with new systems, professional landscaping, plunge pool, and garage. No detail has been overlooked. The large living room has a stone fireplace and faces the formal dining room with vaulted ceiling. The kitchen has granite countertops and new stainless appliances, as well as an attached service kitchen and half bath. There are two bedrooms on this level. One bedroom with en suite bathroom overlooks a quiet patio and fountain. The second bedroom is in a separate casita in the garden, with it’s own outdoor living room, kitchenette and patio overlooking the gardens. The master bedroom is upstairs overlooking the grounds with a wonderful view of the Parroquia. There are several additional view terraces on the property overlooking the Parroquia, valley and the home’s gardens. With details such as antique doors, hand-painted tile, carved cantera stone details, this home is truly a work of art.
CASA TRES MONJES $ 859,000 USD A N N D O L A N – 415 .10 3 . 3 17 9 The “Wow!” factor is through this impressive house with all the attention to details. When considering the features of Casa Tres Monjes, the coveted “short, flat walk into Centro” and stunning views of the city are only the beginning. Impeccably renovated to preserve a historic feel while adding an abundance of modern conveniences, Casa Tres Monjes welcomes guests with a dramatic entry, impressive traditional touches, beautiful stonework and creative tiling, a mix of the old and the new to give an innovated style. There are four fireplaces (including one wood-burning), beautifully crafted doors and windows, artisanal cantera for time honored characteristics to include the ceiling textures. Look beyond the old world aspects, however, to discover a retractable roof in the center courtyard which gives an abundance of natural light and fresh air, plus a gourmet-level kitchen complete with a SMEG stove, upgraded electrical throughout, radiant heated floors in both upstairs bathrooms, a state of the art water purification/pressurization system and much more.
$ 2 ,995,000 USD C L A U D I A N O C H E B U E N A – 415 .15 1. 0 9 6 5 Investment Property. Great rental income!! Feel pampered in this large, centro historico, comfortable colonial home overlooking San Miguel de Allende. The house is located two blocks from Parque Juarez and four blocks from the Jardin (the main square in town), and it is located on one of the most famous streets in San Miguel. At the bottom of the street, you can still appreciate women coming from the surrounding areas to do their laundry. The house is very spacious, and each en suite bedroom has its own balcony overlooking beautiful San Miguel. Each bedroom has a closet with a safe and a full bathroom. With five fireplaces and multiple terraces, there are many cozy places to sit, relax and enjoy the sites and sounds of San Miguel. The bedrooms are spread out all over the property to offer privacy.
MANSION SAN MIGUEL $ 1 ,595,000 USD J O H N E C K R O T E – 415 .12 4 . 4 7 5 5 Listed in the top ten hotels in Sa n Miguel on Trip Advisor! This ver y successful boutique hotel is strategica lly located in Centro with a mazing views of the Pa rroquia a nd Historic District. The hotel is being offered tot a lly turn key a nd ready to go. Including a ll furnishings, a r t, applia nces, website, socia l media sites, a nd permits. This luxur y boutique proper t y has eight bedrooms a nd space ava ilable for severa l others. Three sepa rate patios a nd terraces offer quite places to enjoy a coffee, a nd comfor t able spaces to have a ma rga rit a at sunset. The hotel has been professiona lly designed with a look that appea ls to a ll discerning travelers. The potentia l for a mazing grow th exists, but step in today a nd enjoy a prof it able return on your investment immediately. A ra re a nd unique oppor tunit y in Sa n Miguel.
CASA MARROQUI $ 1, 30 0,0 0 0 USD P E G G Y TAY L O R – 415 .10 1. 0 0 5 8 San Miguel de Allende has a long history of celebrating our vibrant artistic community. The result is a town filled with beauty and creativity. A wonderful example of this is Casa Marroquí. Professional designers/builders Rob Lewis and Andrew Natzke, have constructed a Moroccan-themed home that glows with color and imagination. The home has 4 bedrooms, 5 baths and a magnificent heated swimming pool with a beautifully tiled jacuzzi. Other key amenities include a garage, large basement with lots of storage and rooftop views from the San Juan de Dios church to La Presa, the beautiful lake that borders San Miguel de Allende to the Southwest.This property is offered fully furnished.
VILLA SOLLANO $ 2, 700,000 USD A N N D O L A N – 415 .10 3 . 3 17 9 This majestic property, located in the heart of the Historic Center of San Miguel de Allende, is truly a one-of-a-kind. As soon as you walk through the front door of the main house, you will enter an impressive foyer, featuring high ceilings, gorgeous marble floors and a stunning wooden banister leading up the staircase. Walking up the staircase leads you to the main bedroom and the master bedroom, each with full en suite baths, large closets and chimneys. Both of these bedrooms have elegant French wooden doors that connect to the same terrace that overlooks the spectacular garden below. Connecting to the master bedroom is a study that features a chimney and a large window that overlooks the street below, perfect for getting some work done from home. Dow n s t a i r s, a s you wa l k pa s t t he foyer a nd f u r t her dow n t he m a i n h a l lway, you a re f l a n ked by a coz y l iv i ng room on t he r ig ht , excel lent for c at ch i ng up on you r d a i ly re ad i ng by t he f i repl ace or enjoy i ng a few cock t a i l s w it h some f r iend s. On you r lef t you w i l l f i nd t he for m a l d i n i ng room , exqu i sit ely pa i nt ed a nd superb for hos t i ng gues t s for t hose ver y speci a l occ a sion s.
CASA LAS MONJAS $ 1, 30 0,0 0 0 USD C L A U D I A N O C H E B U E N A – 415 .15 1. 0 9 6 5 Casa La Monjas is a charming traditional colonial home in the highly desirable Centro neighborhood of San Miguel de Allende. One enters the house from the historic narrow street where you encounter an open-air hallway with an arched brick “boveda” ceiling. This hallway leads you past the downstairs guest room with a dazzling tiled shower in its en-suite bathroom. The bedroom has a corner fireplace and TV. The hallway continues up a few steps and into the central “great room” of the house, including living room, dining area and kitchen. Outside the French doors from the living room is a charming “sala abierta” — or covered open-air terrace with sitting area and fireplace. This terrace looks out upon the central patio with its beautiful fountain and tropical landscaping. On the ground level of Casa Las Monjas is a perfect little powder room, tiled from floor to ceiling in striking red tiles and accented by a stone pedestal sink. Upstairs is the master suite, with a carved limestone fireplace. It has “his” and “her” baths and a separate sitting area/TV room. This room has French doors opening to two Juliette balconies that overlook the central patio.
I N T E RV E NCION E S es u n a ex posición i n spi r ad a en el pa i s aje y l a
INTERVENCIONES is an exhibition inspired by the history and the
h i s t or i a de E l C h a rco del I n gen io; se enc uent r a ent re los l í m it es de
landscape of El Charco del Ingenio; it lies between the boundary of
l a a rqu it ec t u r a , el a r t e y el d i seño. Sei s i nt er venciones nos i nv it a n
architecture, art and design. 4th year architecture students from
a recor rer los c a m i nos de E l C h a rco, re a l i zad a s por los es t ud i a nt es
Cal Poly created these six interventions along the walking paths
de c u a r t o a ño de a rqu it ec t u r a de Ca l Poly. Después de a n a l i za r el
of El Charco. After analyzing the site, the students produced a
t er r it or io, los es t ud i a nt es cre a ron u n a i nt er vención especí f ic a de
site-specific intervention designed to alter the perception of the
c ad a sit io, d i señ ad a pa r a a lt er a r l a percepción del espacio a t r avés
space through the use of diverse materials, creative processes and
del u so de d iver sos m at er i a les, procesos cre at ivos y con s t r uc t ivos.
construction methods. T he sites can best be enjoyed with an open
Es t os lug a res pueden ser d i sf r ut ados a l t ener u n a ment e a bier t a y
mind and a sense of curiosity, similar to how it was produced.
u n a cier t a cu r iosid ad , si m i l a r a como f ue s u proceso cre at ivo.
“ Somos u n g r upo de 1 2 es t ud i a nt es de a rqu it ec t u r a de l a
“ We a r e a g r o u p o f 1 2 a r c h i t e c t u r e s t u d e n t s f r o m C a l i fo r n i a
Un iver sid ad Es t at a l Pol it écn ic a de Ca l i for n i a en S a n Lu i s Obi spo
P o l y t e c h n i c S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y i n S a n Lu i s O b i s p o (C a l P o l y).
(Ca l Poly). L a s ú lt i m a s 8 sem a n a s, S a n M iguel de A l lende h a sido
For the past 8 weeks, San Miguel de Allende has been our
nues t ro hog a r. D u r a nt e es t e t iempo, hemos ex plor ado y obser vado
h o m e . D u r i n g t h i s t i m e , w e h a v e e xp l o r e d a n d o b s e r v e d
el mov i m ient o de es t a bel l a ciud ad . A sí m i smo, nos hemos
the movement of this beautiful city. In addition , we have
s u merg ido en l a cu lt u r a y t r ad iciones de l a ciud ad . Nues t ro c u r so
i m m e r s e d o u r s e l v e s i n t h e c i t y ’s c u l t u r e a n d t r a d i t i o n s .
h a sido s uper v i sado por los profesores de a rqu it ec t u r a B a r r y
A r c h i t e c t u r e p r o fe s s o r s B a r r y W i l l i a m s , A g u s t í n S o l ó r z a n o ,
W i l l i a m s, A gu s t í n Solór za no y Va ler ie F i scher. Es t a ex posición ,
a n d Va l e r i e F i s c h e r h a v e o v e r s e e n t h e s t u d i o c l a s s . T h i s
es nues t ro proyec t o f i n a l en SM A , siendo és t e u n a ref lex ión de
exhibition is our final project here in SM A and a ref lection on
nues t ro v i aje a rqu it ec t ón ico.”
o u r a r c h i t e c t u r a l j o u r n e y .”
Esper a mos que en es t e a ño se repit a , h a bl a ndo con el a rqu it ec t o
Speaking with architect Agustin Solorzano he mentions that they
A gu s t í n Solór za no nos d ió l a not ici a que es t á n t r a baja ndo pa r a
are trying to repeat the event this year and we certainly hope so but
que en es t e a ño se repit a , esper a mos que se repit a y si no de t odos
regardless you should visit Centro Cultural Los Arcos to see what
modos h ay que d a r se u n a v uelt a a l Cent ro C u lt u r a l los A rcos pa r a
they are up to. T hey are in constant search and promotion of culture
ver que es t á n org a n i za ndo, el los siempre es t á n en l a bú squed a y
in San Miguel de Allende focusing specially on architecture and
promoción c u lt u r a l en S a n M iguel de A l lende especi a l ment e lo que
conceptual art.
t iene que ver con l a a r t qu it ec t u r a y el a r t e concept u a l .
Es t a i nt er vención bu sc a conec t a r a los v ivos y los muer t os
T his intervention seeks to connect the living and the dead by
i m it a ndo l a es t r uc t u r a de u n a t el a de a r a ñ a , el u so de los colores es
mimicking the structure of a spider web, the use of the colors is
jug a r con l a ide a de que c u a ndo l a lu z del sol t oc a l a t el a de a r a ñ a ,
to play with the idea that when the sunlight hits the spider web, it
produce los colores del a rco i r i s.
produces the colors of the rainbow.
Br ia n n a De L eon & K a To Cheu n g
Brianna De Leon & Ka To Cheung
Nues t ro concept o pa r a es t e proyec t o es cre a r u n a sen s ación
O u r c o n c e p t fo r t h i s p r o j e c t i s t o c r e a t e a s e n s e o f e n c l o s u r e
de u n reci nt o y de se gu r id ad . Nos i n spi r a mos en l a c apacid ad
and security. T he neighboring Conservator y of Plants and its
del con ser vat or io de pl a nt a s veci no pa r a cre a r exclu siv id ad y
a b i l i t y t o c r e a t e e x c l u s i v i t y a n d p r o t e c t i o n fo r d e l i c a t e a n d
prot ección pa r a pl a nt a s r a r a s y del ic ad a s. L a for m a gener a l de
r a r e p l a n t s i n s p i r e d u s . T h e o v e r a l l fo r m o f t h e s c u l p t u r e
l a escu lt u r a es u n a ref lex ión del her moso mu ro de pied r a que
is a ref lection of the beautiful stone wall that exists on the
ex i s t e en el sit io, que se eleva desde los pu nt os m á s bajos a los m á s
site, rising from low to high points. T he simple offset of the
a lt os. E l si mple despl a za m ient o de l a s dos a l a s de c a r r i zo cre a
two Carrizo wings creates a curvilinear circulation that
u n a ci rc u l ación cu r v i l í ne a que reconoce l a geomet r í a del sit io y
r e c o g n i z e s t h e g e o m e t r y o f t h e s i t e a n d s p i r a l s fo u n d i n
espi r a les que se encuent r a n en l a n at u r a leza .
Uren n a E v u leoch a y Edua rdo Cor t ez
Urenna Evuleocha & Eduardo Cortez
Ubicado en un punto natural de descanso en El Charco, nuestro proyecto
Located at a natural resting point of El Charco, our project
permite a los usuarios definir e interactuar sin restricciones. Construida
allow users to define and interact without constraints. Built
con un material maleable (cordón de vinilo), la instalación cambia con
w i t h a m a l l e a b l e m a t e r i a l (v i n y l c o r d), t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n
cada usuario y su interpretación, de personas, a pájaros, a insectos, de
changes with each user and their interpretation , from people,
una silla, a una hamaca, o un columpio.
t o b i r d s , t o b u g s , f r o m a c h a i r, t o a h a m m o c k , o r a s w i n g .
R A IZES ex t iende la i mag i nación a i n f i n it as posibi l idades.
R A IZES stretches one´s imagination to endless possibilities .
Cy nthia Renteria y Ca roline A mbrose
Cynthia Renter ia & Caroline Ambrose
Un a ser pient e t ipo d r a gón a rd ient e y que res a lt a los element os
A f ier y dragon like serpent c reat ure that highlights the nat ural
n at u r a les del sit io: el v ient o que pa s a a t r avés de l a h ierba y el
elements of the site: wind passing through grass , and the ef fect of
efec t o del f ue go en E l C h a rco y s u h i s t or i a . L os colores br i l l a nt es
f ire on El Charco and its histor y. Br ight colors and movement in
y el mov i m ient o en el v ient o a luden a l f ue go. E l t ejido del proyec t o
wind allude to f ire . T he woven fabr ic of the project pays homage
r i nde homen aje a l a h i s t or i a del t ejido en S a n M iguel de A l lende.
to the histor y of weaving in San Miguel de Allende .
E r i k a Kessler y Ca ssie Is a acson
Er ika Kessler & Cassie Isaacson
Est a inst a lación est á ubicada en un ca ñón sagrado en El Cha rco. Como
T his installation is located in a sac red canyon in El Charco.
inspiración pa ra este proyecto, investiga mos los seres místicos que
As an inspiration for this project , we researched the mystical
deben existir aquí. Encontra mos que hay un mito de que una criatura,
beings that must exist here . We found that there is a myth that
“El Cha n”, v ive en lo profundo de sus aguas. Se apa rece a los que se
a c reat ure , “El Chan”, lives deep in its waters . It shows itself to
atreven a acerca rse. Est a inst a lación es una recreación de este ser en
those that dare approach . T his installation is a rec reation of this
una presencia oscura. La envoltura de a la mbre es pa ra permitir que el
being in an obsc ure presence . T he wire wrapping is to allow the
espect ador interprete la apa riencia de este mítico hombre laga r to.
viewer to interpret the appearance of this mythical lizard-man .
Maya Mashiach & Cassie Heminway
Maya Mashiach & Cassie Heminway
E n es t e sit io a bier t o ent re dos ja rd i nes, res u m i mos u n Hu i sache
O n this open site between two gardens , we abstracted an existing,
ex i s t ent e que crece l ibrement e en u n a ver sión ret orcid a de huesos
f reely growing Huisache into a twisted bare bones version .
desnudos. E n fat i za mos l a es t r uc t u r a a t r avés de h i los n at u r a les
We emphasized the str uct ure through nat ural threads held in
m a nt en idos en t en sión , a spi r a ndo a at r aer v i sit a nt es si n res t a r
tension , aspir ing to draw visitors in without detracting f rom the
va lor a l a bel leza n at u r a l ex i s t ent e.
existing nat ural beaut y.
Jef f Esc a m i l la y M i k k i Ok a mot o
Jef f Escamilla & Mikk i Okamoto