Franklin Key Club's May 2016 Newsletter: The Monster Rawr

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Franklin Key Club at the End of the Year Banquet PC: Alexander Pham

Division 7 South | Region 16 | CNH District Franklin High School 6400 Whitelock Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757

The Monster Rawr Volume VII, Issue 2: May 2016

Franklin Key Club Newsletter Table of Contents 1

Editor’s Message


Member of the Month

Eliminate Week


3 Crossword Puzzle




Important Events

A Message from the Seniors

11-12 Event Photos


Editor’s Message


Hey Hey Monsters! This my second issue of this term yay~!!!! I hope all of you guys are excited for the end of the year as I am. But before all of the fun, remember to study for those AP tests that are literally around the corner. In this issue, you’ll see a recap of all the past events that happened recently and a few updates/ reminders that are coming up. Also a final goodbye to our great seniors.

Although the school year is almost to a end, don’t D7S Banquet Recap forget that service is all year round and that you can volunteer at events during the Summer to get ahead.


Contact Info Page

Hope you guys enjoy reading this month’s issue and like always if you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me or any other officer anytime. In service and friendship, Cassandra Woo Franklin Key Club Bulletin Editor 2016-2017 Franklin Key Club Member 2015-2016


Member of the Month: Sophia Quach 1) What was your favorite service event and why? The Kiwanis Clean Up Event was my first event and my favorite. I met so many people from different schools, regions, and backgrounds. Making new friends made a cumbersome task such as pulling weeds fun and being forced to get out of my comfort zone as a result of not knowing anyone at the beginning of the event helped me get used to opening up to people. The provided lunch also left me feeling content and sad that the day passed by so quickly.

2) What are some of your hobbies? My hobbies include art, tennis, reading, gardening, and martial arts. Sketching and painting provides me a creative outlet for school-induced stress and tennis is incredibly fun when playing with my friends. 3) What do you enjoy most about Key Club? The connections I've started to form within Key Club has to be the greatest part about being a part of it. Through these bonds, I've established a new network of friends that I originally watched from afar. Finally becoming a part of the group has fostered a new drive within me to serve the community in a fun and interactive way.

4) Why is volunteering important to you? Volunteering connotes a willingness to give back to the local community in the form of service. "Time is money" so to speak. Actions such as cleaning up after a hectic event or manning a water station at a run allows me to continue the circle of give-and-take through an easy catalyst of service where the only activation energy needed is commitment.


Eliminate Week President: Michelle Nguyen Eliminate Week is around the corner and you know what means—saving mothers a and babies from MNT!!!!! Eliminate Week officially runs from the 2nd to the 6th of May this year, but we are celebrating it later due to AP testing. So, what is Eliminate Week? Eliminate Week was created in order to help The Eliminate Project. The Eliminate Project was created by Kiwanis International and UNICEF teaming up so they can eliminate maternal neonatal tetanus - which is a deadly disease that affects thousands of innocent babies and women each year. The Eliminate Project’s goal is to rid MNT from the Earth by raising money to help those affected by it. Please join us on 16th to 20th as we raise money to eliminate MNT.



Events in April

May 2016 Sun







































Important Event Dates to Remember!!! 

5/3: FRKC & PG Leatherby’s Fundraiser

5/6: Elk Grover Elementary Carnival

5/7: Kiwanis Family House Clean-up & LCKC Tapioca and Tea Fundraiser

5/14: Relay For Life & Korean Food Festival

5/15: Relay For Life Clean up

5/21: EGKC Pinkberry Fundraiser


5/26: FRKC Boba Tea House Fundraiser


To Our Underclassman‌ A messag For someone who never felt like she belonged anywhere, Key Club opened a whole new world. In just four years, I went from the girl who walked around campus in circles during lunch so it wouldn't seem like she didn't have friends, to the girl who's now confident and wouldn't care less about what others think. Key Club has given me friends, service opportunities, leadership roles, and most importantly, its given me confidence. The past four years have been some of the best in my entire life, all because of a selfless organization that's nourished my passion for service and a family that's stood by my side. To the underclassmen: don't be afraid to do stuff, of feeling like an awkward kid who doesn't really belong. We're all awkward kids just looking for someplace to call home, and the sooner we realize that we're all the same, the sooner you can open yourself up to the endless opportunities Key Club has to offer. Don't be afraid to take a step outside your comfort zone, to cheer awkwardly in front of strangers, to go to a club meeting where you don't know anyone, to fill out an application for a leadership role you may or may not get. At the end of the day, if there's no regrets, no fear, then everything will be worth it. - Cynthia Tze My past four years within the Key Club family have been better than good! Spending hundreds of hours serving the community and Franklin Key Club as a member, a secretary, and a member recognition head, I enjoyed every second of it! Being able to spend moments with my second family lit a smile on my face every single time; usually, a smile people could not see. Without my Key Club Ohana, my high school career would not be the same. For the underclassmen, I highly recommend you stay within Key Club throughout the rest of your high school career. Strive for leadership opportunities and bring smiles to other people with service. You will not regret it! - Andrew Yu

HEY LOVELY come to an the end of m tened to my path my old thing I deep sisting my co tive to realize these things. looking back comes to Ke and then a d ambition (th joins Key Clu service for sc 98% of you m exposing yo sion you can Looking bac me to want Whatever it division even me the pass work, that sim munity. Com it sounds, the I’ve always s these faces do matter. P says that is w as they see u more Be bol to yo


ge from our seniors

MONSTERS! Although my four years of Key Club has end, this is NOT the end of me in this organization or me serving my community. If you guys have ever lisy story, it goes along the lines of straying from the der sister has paved throughout high school to someply enjoy doing—helping others. This ranges from asommunity to encouraging others to take the initiae their potential; Key Club has allowed me to do . I would have never imagined a future in Key Club k at my narrow-minded 8th grade self. No one ey Club saying “I will become an executive officer division officer and then a district officer!” with such here may be some exceptions). Mostly everyone ub to take the burden off of their required 20 hours of chool. This was me as a freshman and I’m positive members can relate. What you don’t know is that urself to the world of Key Club is the next best decin make in high school (first is joining Key Club:D)! ck, I honestly have no idea why I attended Fall Rally North as a sophomore. What propelled to go to just a huge event when all I was doing then was simply serving my community? was, I treasure my decision because that only spiraled me into attending other district and nts, ultimately giving me the motivation to apply as a Member Recognition Head and giving sion to run as Vice President. Please take a chance to do what you all love. At a hard day of mple “thank you” from a runner is all it takes to remind me of the beauty of serving my commmunity service means so much more if a meaning and purpose is put behind it. As cliché as e little things happen. As I’m going off to college, I have taken for granted the smiling faces seen around campus, the quick exchange of “hellos” as I’m walking to my class. In college, won’t reappear again; I won’t be seeing the same faces. This is relevant how? The little things People think weeding is unimportant or trash picking is not serving your community; whoever wrong. My purpose is to ensure that people has a better day represented through their smile us volunteers giving back to our community. Put a purpose to service and you’ll enjoy it a lot ld, take a chance, serve with a passion. I am your IP Vice President, and these are my words ou. - Lesley Wong


To Our Underclassman… A messag

I joined Key Club as an easy way to obtain the gold service cord. But the reality is that I gained a family. My heart belongs to HK4 -- Key Club. Through this club I’ve created precious memories, built life skills, and found happiness. Because of this club, my weekends are filled with fun. Whether it be dishwashing, food prepping, or socializing, I come home jubilated due to the fact that I’ve spent another weekend being productive and befriending new people. I’m no longer surprised when random people with “Key Club” in their biography friend me, or when a stranger comes up and randomly hugs me, or when people go around shouting “How do you feel?!” I’ve found stress relief through cheering, warmth in those hugs, and laughs from those funny posts on my News Feed. Because of this club, I’ve found friends in places I never dreamed of. Mr. To is my favorite teacher and someone I can always go to when I need advice or a place to study. Through my term as treasurer I was able to strengthen my bond with him while learning valuable accounting skills. I now know that if I ever need people to talk to, I can rely on my fellow board members. After working together for so long I have confidence in the strength of our alliance. To all new Key Clubbers, my precious family, I advise you to put yourself out there. I understand it can be intimidating trying new things, but in the end it’s worth it. Yes it costs money and time. But there is both extrinsic and intrinsic beauty in this organization if you take time to seek it out. Key Club helps extrinsically through scholarships, leadership and service opportunities, and it is an extracurricular for college applications. Through intrinsic values one learns social skills, gains an ohana, and feels joy. Sign up for all events on the forums, attend every single DCM, and be the friendly person that hugs others. I promise that you, too, will have a perpetual grin if you give Key Club your time and love. In service and friendship, Eileen Eto

"I've been in Key C gret: 1) I didn't join sophomore. Howe events, several div more hours and to thinking about my service. This last ye journey. I now not to make this organ such a position do changed my persp into someone with the reasons above ply for a position, b those of us in Key C nity."

- Joshua Dia


ge from our seniors Part 2

Club for about three years total, and there are two things I ren freshman year and 2) I wasn't very active when I did join as a ever, as an active member junior year, I went to lots more vision events, and DCON. Initially, I was motivated only to get o have something to do every now and then, but I remember purpose in life, and Key Club had started toward an answer: ear, serving on the DLT has been the high point of my Key Club only understand that the responsibilities of the officers who try nization work for its members are not easy, and that being in oes really change you. Being in a leadership position truly pective on Key Club and its values, and now I have changed h a drive to make things better in my community. Though for e I do highly recommend anyone to take the initiative and apbeing a member is fine as well. The most important thing is that Club should be positively changed by it, and we do that by trying to positively benefit our commu-



Because of our close ohana and all the leadership opportunities Key Club has offered me, I was able to reach heights that I never could have imagined as a freshman. I have gained some amazing friends, gone on really fun service adventures, and made memories that will last me a lifetime. No matter where I go, I know I’ll always be a proud, caring monster at heart. Message for lower classmen: If I had one piece of advice to give, it would be: Don’t be afraid to ask questions and take advantage of opportunities. You’ll definitely develop new skills whether you fail or succeed, and you will also discover things about yourself you’ve never known before. - Pauline Tze


D7S Banquet PC: Alexander Pham

“I attended Banquet knowing anything ab but by the end of it I a derstand why people much. I had lots of fun the key clubbers who school and also listen people speaking and on their past year as a ter going to banquet, that I want to be par and I hope to be mor next year. - Michelle Li

“I was glad that I was able to attend the end of the year banquet. At Banquet I was exposed to many other members of the division who I never even met before. It was fun to see all the different talent acts that people performed, but I was also very moved by all of the IP President's speeches. It made me wasn't to be more involved in key club next year because some day I want to be able to make precious memories like they did.” - Sara Shao


not really bout Key Club, as able to une love it so n talking to o went to my ning to the d looking back an officer. Af, I realized rt of this ohana re involved


“Banquet was something that I won’t forget. I was able to dee some of my old elementary school friends who I have not seen in years. It was a nostalgic feeling, but I was happy to see that were reunited once again because of key club. At, banquet, I was able to witness the DLT’s goodlbyes and also the previous presidents. It made me realize how much key club has impacted their high school career and I hope one day I can say the same.” - Ethan Dang


Project Ride Set Up

PC: Patrice Delara


13 3

Project Ride Clean Up

Erica Arsaga and Elizabeth Czapla sweeping the excess dirt to help clean up the area

Two Volunteers also helping to Part 2 :)

Pc: Vincent Tran


Contact the Officers

David Guo (Vice President), Alissen Trinh (Treasurer). Michelle Nguyen (President), Cassandra Woo (Bulletin Editor), Mary Ramirez (Secretary)

Thank You guys so much for reading! If you guys need to contact any of the officer, please look below for their contact information. Thank You.

Vice President: David Guo Email: Phone Number: 916-896-9838

Treasurer: Alissen Trinh Email: Phone Number: 916-531-5901

President: Michelle Nguyen Email: Phone Number: 916-544-9818 Secretary: Mary Ramirez Email: Phone Number: 916-761-0063

President: Cassandra Woo Email: Phone Number: 916-897-7725


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