Contents 02
| Our Message
| Why ARISE?
| Superbook: Healing the broken, orphan hearts of men
| Spreading Hope like a Wildfire
| The Key to Dwelling in God's Presence
| Reaching Forward to What Lies Ahead for Me this 2020
| Orphan's Promise Updates
| Truly Understanding the Gift of Giving
| A Year for Joy
| HOPE - An Anchor for our Souls
| Hope in God's Goodness
| Regional Updates
| Broadcast Schedule
| Q&A with Pat Robertson
“May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13
Our Message
guess by the time you read this we will all be well into 2020 already. I hope that you have managed to start the year in deeper intimacy with our God, the way He desires it and the way we need it! Godly Hope Our team sensed last year that we should spend these first 2 months of 2020 praying into, researching and doing what we can to illuminate biblical, Godly HOPE. I am so amazed at what God is already showing us, and I want to share just a few thoughts with you as we begin the journey of a new year together. Ordinarily, when we express hope, we are expressing uncertainty. For example “I hope it rains today” or “I really hope we get there in time”. But biblical Hope is very different. It expresses certainty because of the One we place our Hope in. It’s not just a wishful desire for something good in the future, but rather a confident expectation for it. It not only desires good things for 2020— it expects them to happen. A confident expectation… When Psalm 42 says “Hope in God!” it does not mean to cross your fingers. It means that we should expect great things from a great God who loves us as His children! Hope is that part of faith that focuses on the future.
Hope is faith in the future tense. Therefore, the Hope God offers us, by faith, is not what we felt when we stared nervously at the screen during the World Cup Rugby Final, hoping we would pull through and beat England. Even though that one ended very well for us, we know that won’t always happen. That kind of hope is not what God calls us to as we face 2020. The Hope we have access to in Him is a confident, joyful expectation of goodness in the future. My Hope for CBN SA My Hope – my confident expectation – for CBN SA this year is that we will see men, women and children transformed by God’s word, especially through Superbook, on an unprecedented scale. My Hope is that we will raise more revenue for Orphan’s Promise and Operation Blessing (Humanitarian) in South Africa than in any other year to date – and spend it in ways that makes a huge impact on our nation both physically and spiritually. My Hope is that we will be even more unified as a team and with our partners, bound together by our exciting daily mission and authentic Kingdom love. We ask you to join us in Hope this year. Let’s pray more, let’s give more, let’s build more – with the confident, joyful expectation for goodness from our God.
Ian Walton | Regional Director
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WHY ARISE? Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Isaiah 60:1-3
Alongside the recent launch of 700 Club ZA, CBN SA is also excited to introduce a new name for our Bimonthly Partner magazine – “Arise”. We have a decision to make daily – do we simply continue with our day-to-day lives, or do we respond to His call and ARISE to build our nation together and allow God’s light to shine on those around us? “Arise” is a call to our partners, ourselves and our nation. It aligns with and amplifies our mission and renewed vision for 2020 and beyond. | 3
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Meet the Team
Superbook: Healing the broken, orphan hearts of men
ast year we were extremely privileged to screen Superbook’s The First Christmas at the V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, during the first week of the school holidays. Without going into too much detail, the Waterfront is one of South Africa’s top tourist destinations and is loved by internationals and locals alike. Thousands of people visit the Waterfront each and every day. To say we were blown away by the event is an understatement. I was pretty involved with the marketing materials and communications for the event, and on the day I helped out wherever I could. But mostly, I was able to take in everything going on around me and sit in awe as I watched
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Superbook touching the lives of non-believers, those of different beliefs and Christians. It was truly incredible. After the third and final day, during my prayer time, I got complete clarity and peace on the ripple effects this event is going to have. The surety that God was going to use this to touch the lives of men in South Africa – particularly the broken, orphan hearts of men – and soften their hearts. Their inner child will be healed and as a result, they’ll feel the conviction to raise up good, strong men. Imagine all of the gangsters, juvenile criminals, fatherless men; brought to restoration and laying their crosses at the feet of Jesus. That’s our
Some pictures from the three-day event:
prophetic vision. They will not put on a prophet’s garment of hair in order to deceive. 5 Each will say, ‘I am not “On that day a fountain will be a prophet. I am a farmer; the land has opened to the house of David and been my livelihood since my youth. the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity. [a]’ 6 If someone asks, ‘What are these wounds on your body[b]?’ they 2 “On that day, I will banish the names of the idols from the land, and will answer, ‘The wounds I was given at the house of my friends.’ they will be remembered no more,” Zechariah 13:1-6 declares the LORD Almighty. “I will remove both the prophets and the Join our team in prayer as we pray spirit of impurity from the land. 3 for the restoration of hearts in our And if anyone still prophesies, their nation. That families will be made father and mother, to whom they whole and healthy individuals will were born, will say to them, ‘You be raised in our communities. I’m must die, because you have told so excited to see where Superbook lies in the LORD’s name.’ Then their goes and whose hearts it’s going to Wown parents will stab the one who impact! prophesies. 4 “On that day every prophet will be ashamed of their - Robyn Tichauer portion and God wants our nation to have that!
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Spreading Hope like a Wildfire by Robyn Tichauer
ope is infectious. It’s not of hope that gets you through life’s something you teach, it’s heartbreaks. something you catch. Discovering True Hope – Ian Walton, CBN SA Director Last year I was challenged to take I don’t know about you, but I a more academic approach to my certainly use the word hope a relationship with God. I’ve been lot. I hope I pass all my exams. thought of as being too optimistic I hope you’re doing well. I hope in life. I decided to change things to see you soon. I hope he up a bit… Perhaps I had previously recovers completely. We hope been too lighthearted about my that many things will come to relationship with God (or so I pass – especially in our daily lives. thought). But in some things, the more dire Hours of studying the Word, situations, we want to hope… But various meanings, watching we aren’t quite sure what that looks sermons and listening to podcasts like, what it means or if there’s even led me into having the revelation a point to hoping. that a natural fruit of relationship South Africa has been living with God is hope and joy. Not what in somewhat of a turbulent I, and others, thought to be mere atmosphere lately. 2019 saw optimism. protests against gender-based When you encounter God, and violence, incredible sport feats, get to know His heart through political uproars, the country His word, revelation about His unifying during disasters. It character is experienced. The certainly taught us all a lot about more that’s revealed, the more you one another and brought many realise that your life is dependent issues to the surface. But one thing on this hope and God created you I’m certain of is that as individuals to live a life filled with it. Peace, joy and as a nation, we need hope. and faith flow from hope. They’re Not the kind of optimistic hope all interlinked. when you hope you pass a test or Not only does diving into the didn’t actually get that speeding Word help you to discover and fine you just got flashed for. It’s experience God-given hope, the kind of hope that goes far but real-life experiences have deeper than surface level – its the same results when you walk source isn’t based in our whims and through them with God. In a recent momentary emotions. It’s the kind article we spoke about how the
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crushing and pressing process is time with people who are so in vital to becoming ‘new wine’ in love with God and trust in His Christ. This is true for hope too. hope… You can’t not feed from that Trying situations lead to hope. energy. You’ll want it more; you’ll “I find that this perseverance seek it with more fervency. You will works character in me. And, almost be encouraged to discover it for without realizing it, a new hope yourself. And from there, you’ll be is born within my soul. It is Jesus so overjoyed by your experience himself, his life, and his love, ‘being and hope, that you won’t be able poured out in my heart.’” – Sarah to stay silent. You’ll want to share Walton it with those you love and those To Hope is to be Expectant that you know that need this hope. To hope is to believe with full When Biblical hope becomes your certainty that God’s goodness and lifeline, it impacts every part of promises will come to fruition in your being. Encounters with God your life – however big or small. always leave you changed. Hope “Biblical hope encounters give you May the God of hope otherworldly joy and not only desires fill you with all joy and peace. People notice something good peace in believing, that. People recognize for the future – so that by the power that there’s something it expects it to happen.” John Piper of the Holy Spirit you different, the spark The kind of hope we may abound in hope. in your eyes, the way speak about when you handle trials, the Romans 15:13 we encourage one way you respond to another and when people who have pastors preach sermons on it, isn’t offended you. My challenge to you merely something you’re optimistic is to seek true revelation of Biblical about or desire. It comes from a hope through relationship with God. deeper source – a source we have To surround yourself with people become reliant on, as time and who exude joy, because their hope time again, He has come through is in God. To seek comfort in His for us and will continue to for the word and to learn to place all of rest of our lives. your hopes in His divine source Spreading Hope rather than your own desires. If hope is infectious, my natural And from there, share it with your progression from there would be communities. Going forth and to surround myself with people reigniting hope in the hopeless, who carry the kind of hope I desire. trusting that our heavenly Father Not because they’ll just give it will come through for each one of to me, but because by spending us.
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blood sprinkled on the Mercy Seat to cover people’s sins. Jesus has done all of that for us. So what The greatest privilege we can ever sacrifice does God want from us today? He is looking for the fruit of have is to know God, to be in His our lips. presence, and to feel His love. We do this in praise and worship, However, the pressures of living in our culture can cause us to lose yet we should realise that everything we say is important. sight of this. As we prepare for With our tongues we have the a new year, now is a wonderful power to curse or bless, to give opportunity to examine our lives. We need to turn our hearts toward death or life. Jesus speaks very specifically about what defiles the Lord so they become tender people: “But those things that and melt within us. Ask the Holy proceed out of the mouth come Spirit to examine your heart and from the heart, and they defile a reveal any hard places within it. Has somebody wounded you? Are man” (Matthew 15:18). It is what we express. you carrying an offence? These So we must ask ourselves, do we cause hardness of heart, which express hope, joy, righteousness leads to breaking fellowship with and peace? Or do we express God Almighty. Come to Him to receive forgiveness, cleansing and anxiety, worry and complaining? These things come from our hearts. healing. As we hunger and thirst for His righteousness, His desires If our hearts are right before the Lord, the wrong things won’t come become our desires. David says in Psalm 27:4, One thing out. As David prayed in Psalm I have desired of the Lord, that I will 19:14, Let the words of my mouth seek: That I may dwell in the house and the meditation of my heart be of the Lord all the days of my life, to acceptable in your sight. behold the beauty of the Lord, and As we hear His Word and obey His calling, we will be salt and light to to inquire in His temple. As Christians, we can do this every this generation. So let’s enter the New Year by humbling ourselves, moment of every day of the year. We want to be filled with the Holy seeking forgiveness, and getting Spirit so we dwell in His presence, right with God as we start anew. where His face is shining upon us. And we have His promise in Psalm 23:6: Surely goodness and mercy And we never have to leave that temple, for it is within us. His throne shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of is in our hearts. the Lord forever. God bless you. In the Jewish temple, a multitude of sacrifices had to be made and
et hope, joy, peace and righteousness be in our hearts.
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The Key to Dwelling in God's Presence by Gordon Robertson Chief Executive Officer 10 |
Reaching Forward to What Lies Ahead for Me this 2020 | By Enih Sone
Dear precious CBN Partners Greetings and best wishes to you for the New Year from the finance desk at CBN South Africa. If you are reading this article it means the Lord has been gracious to you and has given you a new year, a new beginning, a new start. New is beautiful because it means
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the old is gone. Aren’t we blessed that we have been relieved from the unpleasant things that happened yesterday? Halleluyah!! This is the year that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it, for He made it for us. Forgetting what lies behind us, we press on to what lies ahead. With the goal of finishing our
the right hand of the throne of God. Each year is a new race taking you toward your final destinationheaven! Run with every resource you have. There is no race as important as this one. The reward for finishing is eternity. Do not grow weary, press on. Jesus our Lord overcame all odds and ran with perseverance. It might not be easy; but run. You might fall in the race; get up and run. You might get This is a new lap of our race that we hurt by people you love, respect have never experienced before. If and trusted; forgive and run. There you are reading this, it means your will be mountains, climb them. race is not finished yet. There is There will be valleys; go through a place reserved for you in God’s them. Finishing against all odds, Kingdom plans this year. Don’t let like Jesus, is your goal. Let Him the past, the old, the bad, the pain, be your model in 2020. Do not let the hurts, and the disappointments any unnecessary weight stop you. of 2019 stop you from pressing on Do not let unnecessary financial towards the finish line. weights, professional weights, The new things God has in store academic weights, family weights, for you needs a new wine skin. weights from health problems, stop Therefore, put off the old wine you. Just keep moving with the task skin and put on the new wine skin at hand. Strengthen your weak arms in order to receive the new wine and trembling knees and take a (anointing, mercies, abilities). Look new, firm grip of your God-assigned forward with hope, and make task (Hebrews 12:12-13). Work at it Kingdom pursuits your priority like as if you only had this year to finish never before (Matthew 9:17). it. Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV): Therefore, Remember that in this journey, the since we are surrounded by such Lord is your Shepherd, you shall not a great cloud of witnesses, let us want in anything (Ps23:1) and you throw off everything that hinders have divine power available to you and the sin that so easily entangles. for all you will be needing in 2020 And let us run with perseverance for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). the race marked out for us, 2 fixing We look forward to another year of our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and great partnership this 2020! perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, Shalom and have a victorious 2020. scorning its shame, and sat down at race and getting the prize for which God, through Christ, is calling us. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14
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A wonderful story of discipleship at Okalawo School, Mozambique | By Leonie Nortje We, in partnership with Life Child, are so excited to share this lifechanging story about our student - Mansur. He is 11 years old and he lives with his grandparents and 5 brothers.. Currently, Mansur is in Grade 3. Like many in Africa, Mansur doesn’t have a father Like many other children, he lost his father at an early age and his mother moved away from the neighbourhood, leaving Mansur and his brothers with their grandfather to take care of them. As a consequence, Mansur developed serious issues of low self-esteem, personality problems, aggressiveness and had difficulties socializing with his classmates, and he developed a bad relationship with his teacher. Unfortunately, his vulnerability and behavioural instability had contributed to his failure at school, and he needed to repeat a year. Through pastoral visits, the teacher was able to discover the reality his home situation. It became possible for her to understand and help Mansur. Through the effectiveness of discipleship and school followups that Life Child encouraged, the situation has radically changed.
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Today Mansur is a happy, motivated child, who is overcoming the many difficult challenges he faced. He sees the future with hope and gratitude, and has become a very dedicated, intelligent and cooperative student. Like other children, Mansur has a dream - he wants to be a policeman to help his grandfather, his brothers and his community. Join us in prayer and gratitude as we reach more children like Mansur and help their dreams become a future reality!
A Family Found She never knew her father; her mother ran away before she can remember. Neglect is a terrible reality for many of the women and girls in the Beautiful Dream Society Shelter for Victims of Human Trafficking, especially Tholoana. Tholoana was raised by her grandmother - the only member of her family she ever knew. After the horror of sexual abuse, she became part of the BDS family. Our staff have done their best to help instill a sense of belonging in her and to teach her about her part in the Body of Christ. However, this month, BDS was a participant in making one of Tholoana’s biggest dreams become a reality. Some of our staff members set out on a journey with her to find the rest of
| By Leonie Nortje her family. After a long search, they found the village her father called ‘home’. That moment was bitter sweet for Tholoana. She discovered that her father had recently passed away. But she met his caretaker, her aunt. Her aunt welcomed Tholoana warmly as a long, lost child! They spent the afternoon looking through Tholoana’s old baby photos and photos of her father. On that same day, Tholoana met another aunt and her grandparents from her father’s side. Tears filled the eyes of our Beautiful Dream Society staff members as they watched Tholoana discover the love of her lost family. She discovered she is even distantly related to the chief of the village, and he’s already helping her find other members of her family that have relocated to South Africa. God is restoring what has been lost and mending the brokenness within the women and girls cared for by Beautiful Dream Society. Stories like this would not be possible without the endless support of individuals and organizations like Orphan’s Promise and CBN. We are abundantly thankful for you and all you do for vulnerable women and children.
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Truly Understanding the Gift of Giving By Nic Barker
The Lord has been revealing a new Jesus teaches us that it’s better understanding and perspective to to give than it is to receive, He my wife and me about the practice teaches that we should not store of giving. This is what he has up treasures on earth, where revealed to us: moth and rust destroy and where “As Christians, we need to thieves break in and steal, instead encourage generosity and the He says we should store up culture of giving not just within treasures in heaven, where moth Christian circles but amongst all and rust do not destroy, and where peoples. Because in giving to the thieves do not break in and steal. work of the Kingdom it opens the Jesus goes on to say that if door for the Lord to work in the we give so much as a glass of giver’s life in numerous ways. To cold water to someone who is a deny a person an opportunity to disciple of Christ, we will surely give, is to deny them a blessing.” not lose our reward. Again, Jesus The economy and way of the says that no one who has left (or world is about getting, keeping given up) mother, brother, wife, and storing for self, but the way home or business for the sake of of the Kingdom is about giving, the gospel will fail to receive 100 releasing, freedom and blessing. times as much in this life and in
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the life to come (Mark 10:29-30). given is not important, but rather In other words, when we give to the posture, position and heart the work of the gospel and the behind it. Later in 2 Corinthians Kingdom, our investment goes 9, Paul says that God loves a from the physical into the eternal, person who gives cheerfully, not secure forever. reluctantly or under compulsion, Not so with the world today. The but with peace and joy in their Rand is up today, tomorrow it’s hearts. down. This year the economy Friends, when we give, we is good, next year we are in a experience freedom and peace. recession. The world is unstable, I want to encourage you to uncertain and fleeting. But the consider, pray and pray some Kingdom of God is forever, faithful more, and then to give as led and steadfast day after day, and by the Spirit, whether it be two the gates of hell will not prevail copper cents or thousands upon against it. The Kingdom is the thousands. Do so with a joy-filled only safe, stable and guaranteed and peace-filled heart, to the glory investment option we have. of the Father. But you may be thinking, I’ll close with this quote from Jim “Nicholas, I’m very poor, I live on Elliot, martyred missionary to the only a few Rands each month, I tribes of the Amazon – He is no just cannot afford to give.” The fool to give what he cannot keep, gospels reveal a stunning principle to gain what he cannot lose. in the story of the old, poor widow who came to the temple to give Support our Disaster Relief her offering. Jesus sat at the place Fund: where people put their gifts in and watched wealthy men and This fund was started as a way woman throwing in large chunks to respond quickly and efficiently of money. He then saw this old when disaster strikes a region in woman come and throw in two Southern Africa. We want to be copper coins. Impressed, He able to get on the scene and help turned to His disciples and said, those affected as soon as possi“This woman has given more ble. than anyone else, because in her poverty she gave all she had to To contribute, simply email nic. live on, whereas others have given or visit us out of their wealth” (Luke 21:1-4). at From this we see that the amount south-africa/
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A Year for Joy by Meagan Taylor
“a happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing…” Proverbs 17:22
purpose… The purpose, as I like to think, being glad and joyous in Him and Him delighting in us! He created us to experience gladness and joy first and foremost. At just 6 weeks old babies start I want to encourage each one you smiling. At such a young age, to find joy and gladness each and they’re able to communicate when every day. God loves you always they’re happy, glad and content. and He created you intentionally After my recent 6 week appoint- and purposefully and has goodment with my second son, I was ness planned for you! Make a amazed as I realised just how decision today to enjoy your life, incredibly God created us. He cre- to laugh at yourself and to find joy ated my son in way that allows him in the things that frustrate you. to show joy and gladness – one He put joy in your heart from the of his first ways of communicating beginning and made you to smile when everything else is just basic radiantly! Nothing you’ve ever survival. He created my son in a done will ever take away from the way that allows him to recognise pleasure God experiences from and show gladness to us, his care- your joy and smile. takers. From the very beginning of With this in mind, I pray that we his life… My son can show me his enter into the New Year with purgladness and content! How amaz- suing this joy! That this joy in the ing is that? Lord will be our strength, our hope It got me thinking… God didn’t and our desire going forwards. create humans like this by acciMay you and your families have a dent. He created us like this for a blessed and joyous year.
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by Yolanda Magida
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.”- Hebrews 6:19 -20 This scripture has always fascinated me. How does hope become an anchor to the soul? How is this connected to the sanctuary where Jesus resides? The meaning of the scripture has come to have great significance to me. During my maternity leave I found myself kicked out of my home with two small children in the middle of the night by a man who had promised to shield and protect us. I had no notice or warning. The irony is that all of this was happening during women’s month. While the whole country was shaken by Uyinene’s death, the girl who was tragically murdered at the Claremont Post Office, my world was being turned upside down. A part of my life was also being put to death. How does a woman with two small children, whose body has barely recovered from birth, find the strength to put one foot in front of another when she is supposed to be in a hospital bed suffering from
postpartum depression? HOPE. Experiences of God’s goodness in my life gave me hope which, in turn, produced the strength that I needed for my daughters. It’s the Word of God and the hope that it brings that suddenly kicks in and becomes a shield in the face of harsh realities. It’s hope that shifts my gaze and perspective, enabling me to look beyond my current circumstances. It’s hope that gets me out of bed in the morning, when everything in me says not to. It’s this hope that gives me peace, that what ever is being put to death in my life during this season will be resurrected again through God. It’s hard for any woman to leave her children to go to work but I hope, trust and believe that the work I do for the Kingdom through Superbook will somehow be an inheritance that allows my children to step into all that God has called them to become. It’s this hope that has become the anchor for my soul when everything around me shifts and changes. This hope enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. Jesus, my champion, the one who intercedes for me daily. This is how we overcome and are never defeated.
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HOPE IN GOD'S GOODNESS A word of HOPE for 2020!
Last night I was reminded of how simple a relationship with God can be. I was reminded that sometimes I (and we) focus on how undeserving of God’s goodness we are. We focus on how bad we are in contrast to God’s goodness. Rather than focussing on His goodness, we focus on our badness. God wants to delight in us, and for our own good, we should delight in Him. It’s definitely essential that we understand the weight and beauty of the crucifixion and just how glorious, and righteous, God is. We need to understand that we’re sinners, unworthy of the cross. But, regardless of that, Jesus still died for us. God deemed us to be of enough value to Him that He gave us a chance to truly experience relationship with Him. And he wants to delight in us. How crazy is that? He knows we sin on a daily basis. He knows we give into temptation. He knows we put other things and people before Him. Yet He still chose the cross. He still chose to save us from His wrath so that we may delight in Him, and Him in us. That doesn’t give us permission to do whatever we want because grace has saved us. The more you understand how life-changing the cross is, the more you want to do what you can to glorify God. It does, however, mean that we can keep it simple. That we can focus on God’s goodness. That we can focus on delighting in Him, so that He may delight in us. My hope is that any shame, any inner turmoil, any doubt, any confusion, and any remorse, may be broken. That you’ll be set free from those thoughts that you may truly experience God’s goodness in your relationship with Him. That your past, present and future sins won’t cause you to shy away from our Father, but that it will push you towards Him so that you may truly delight in Him. May 2020 be your year of being set free of shame and walking in delight with God and His abundant goodness!
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Regional Updates We were excited to learn that Meagan Taylor, our Partnerships and Sustainability Manager received the President's Award for her consistently excellent work during 2019.
We have received the go-ahead to translate Season 1 of Superbook into isiZulu. We're excited to see the completion of this project and the fruits of Superbook reaching more people in our region!
Christmas wasn't a peacheful for many as a fire broke out in Capricorn, a township near our offices in Cape Town. The fire completely destroyed 26 homes. We were able to respond and provide assistance with 26 Hope Kits ( a bucket containing food, toiletries and other basics items for a small househol) and 26 clothing boxes (each box has clothes for a man, woman and children). The items were distributed through a partner organisation called Living Hope. Disaster Relief was provided in the form of 200 x 25kg maize meal packets for 50 families in a church community in Zambia. The connection came through a community partner, City Hope, who do disaster relief throughout Southern Africa. Zambia is experiencing unprecedented drought, and the rural communities are no longer able to sustain themselves. This food will sustain them for about 2 months. PRAISE REPORT: Prompted by Stu's testimony of complete restoration through Christ from drug addiction on social media, a mother called in to ask for prayer for her son who is addicted to drugs. Our prayer line volunteers prayed with her and she called us back to tell us that she is seeing a difference in her son. A girl at one of our local Orphan's Promise projects watched a Superbook DVD and a DVD of Gordon Robertson. Through watching these DVD's, she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour!
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SA Broadcast Schedule The 700 Club / 700 Club Nigeria
Turning Point International (TPI)
TBN IN AFRICA (Channel 343) Mon, Tues. & Fri at 12:00pm Tues. & Thurs at 12:30pm
TBN IN AFRICA (Channel 343) Mon. at 12:30pm
FAITH AFRICA & FTV (Channel 341 ) Mon - Fri at 12:00pm - 1:00pm Mon - Fri at 12:00am - 1:30pm FLOW AFRICA (Kwese Channel 825) (Repeat) Tues - Fri 12:00am - 1:30am (Repeat) Tues - Fri at 4:00am - 4:30am Tues - Fri at 1:00pm - 1:30pm STAR TIMES GOSPEL Mon - Fri at 8:00pm - 8:30pm Mon - Fri at 5:00pm - 5:30pm
FAITH AFRICA & FTV (Channel 341 ) Tues at 4:00pm - 4:30pm FLOW AFRICA (Kwese Channel 825) Tues at 4:00pm - 4:30pm STAR TIMES GOSPEL Mon - Thu at 6:00pm - 6:30pm SPIRITWORLD CHANNEL Mon at 12:00pm - 12:30pm (Repeat) Fri at 8:30 - 9:30
SPIRITWORLD CHANNEL Tues at 12:00pm - 12:30pm (Repeat) Sat at 8:30am - 9:30am
TBN IN AFRICA (Channel 343) Saturdays at 7:30am FAITH AFRICA & FTV (Channel 341 ) Tues at 3:30pm - 4:00pm (Repeat) Saturdays at 7:00am - 7:30am FLOW AFRICA (Kwese Channel 825) Tues at 3:30pm - 4:00pm (Repeat) Saturdays at 7:00am - 7:30am STAR TIMES GOSPEL Mon - Fri at 4:00pm - 4:30pm
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Each year is a new race taking you toward your final destination- heaven! Run with every resource you have. There is no race as important as this one. The reward for finishing is eternity. - Enih Sone, page 12
Q&A Q with Pat
I need revival. I've been struggling to keep my spiritual walk with the Lord fresh and exciting. How can I revive my relationship with Him?
Pat Robertson Founder of The Christian Broadcasting Network Do you have a question for Pat? Log on to bringitonline and follow the instructions to submit your questions.
The Bible says in Hosea 10:12, "Break up your fallow ground." What happens when you plough up a field that has crops on it? You harvest the crops and leave the field alone. Then, the rain comes and the sun bakes it. Over time, it develops a hard crust. To make it productive again, there needs to be a deep turning plough, then a harrow and other kinds of ploughing to break up that ground. We need the same thing. We get hardened like crust and filled with stuff. That's part of the world we live in. You say your life is dry. Well, your spirit life gets that way. I'd recommend going away for a day - with a Bible, pad of paper, and pen. Write down the sins you've committed and the things that are causing your spiritual life to get encrusted. Confess them. Ask the Lord for forgiveness. Move into the fullness of His Spirit. Ask Him to fill you with His presence. Then, walk in that power.
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A PRAYER FOR HOPE Lord, help me to hear you saying: "I am your hope" over all the other voices. I'm running to you with both hands stretched out and grabbing on to you. Fill me with hope, help me to inspire others to hope in you, and give me a tangible reminder that hope is an unbreakable spiritual lifeline. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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