Truly Understanding the Gift of Giving By Nic Barker
The Lord has been revealing a new Jesus teaches us that it’s better understanding and perspective to to give than it is to receive, He my wife and me about the practice teaches that we should not store of giving. This is what he has up treasures on earth, where revealed to us: moth and rust destroy and where “As Christians, we need to thieves break in and steal, instead encourage generosity and the He says we should store up culture of giving not just within treasures in heaven, where moth Christian circles but amongst all and rust do not destroy, and where peoples. Because in giving to the thieves do not break in and steal. work of the Kingdom it opens the Jesus goes on to say that if door for the Lord to work in the we give so much as a glass of giver’s life in numerous ways. To cold water to someone who is a deny a person an opportunity to disciple of Christ, we will surely give, is to deny them a blessing.” not lose our reward. Again, Jesus The economy and way of the says that no one who has left (or world is about getting, keeping given up) mother, brother, wife, and storing for self, but the way home or business for the sake of of the Kingdom is about giving, the gospel will fail to receive 100 releasing, freedom and blessing. times as much in this life and in
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