Our Message
guess by the time you read this we will all be well into 2020 already. I hope that you have managed to start the year in deeper intimacy with our God, the way He desires it and the way we need it! Godly Hope Our team sensed last year that we should spend these first 2 months of 2020 praying into, researching and doing what we can to illuminate biblical, Godly HOPE. I am so amazed at what God is already showing us, and I want to share just a few thoughts with you as we begin the journey of a new year together. Ordinarily, when we express hope, we are expressing uncertainty. For example “I hope it rains today” or “I really hope we get there in time”. But biblical Hope is very different. It expresses certainty because of the One we place our Hope in. It’s not just a wishful desire for something good in the future, but rather a confident expectation for it. It not only desires good things for 2020— it expects them to happen. A confident expectation… When Psalm 42 says “Hope in God!” it does not mean to cross your fingers. It means that we should expect great things from a great God who loves us as His children! Hope is that part of faith that focuses on the future.
Hope is faith in the future tense. Therefore, the Hope God offers us, by faith, is not what we felt when we stared nervously at the screen during the World Cup Rugby Final, hoping we would pull through and beat England. Even though that one ended very well for us, we know that won’t always happen. That kind of hope is not what God calls us to as we face 2020. The Hope we have access to in Him is a confident, joyful expectation of goodness in the future. My Hope for CBN SA My Hope – my confident expectation – for CBN SA this year is that we will see men, women and children transformed by God’s word, especially through Superbook, on an unprecedented scale. My Hope is that we will raise more revenue for Orphan’s Promise and Operation Blessing (Humanitarian) in South Africa than in any other year to date – and spend it in ways that makes a huge impact on our nation both physically and spiritually. My Hope is that we will be even more unified as a team and with our partners, bound together by our exciting daily mission and authentic Kingdom love. We ask you to join us in Hope this year. Let’s pray more, let’s give more, let’s build more – with the confident, joyful expectation for goodness from our God.
Ian Walton | Regional Director
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