CDAC 30th Anniversary Commemorative e-Book 《一人一点心,社会更温馨 —— 华助会三十周年特刊》

Page 18

一人一点心 社会更温馨

A little from all, together it’s more

华助会 庆周年


全心全意 齐心齐力


齐心 同理心 上进心

坚毅心 互信心


培育和发展华族社群的潜能,为多元种族新加坡 的持续成功作出贡献。


华社自助理事会是个非营利自助团体,于 1992 年 由新加坡中华总商会和新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会 联合发起。我们为较弱势族群提供各项计划 和援助,通过自助与互助,协助他们发挥潜能, 力争上游。


Committed and Trusted Organisation Empowered and Caring Community

Core Values

Harmony Empathy Aspiration Resilience Trust Mission

To nurture and develop the potential of the Chinese community in contributing to the continued success of multi-racial Singapore

About CDAC

Jointly set up by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) and the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) in 1992, the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) is a non-profit self-help group for the Chinese community. We offer programmes and assistance schemes to help the less-privileged in the community maximise their potential and strive for social mobility through self-help and mutual support.


华社自助理事会庆周年 Celebrating 30 Years of Communal Giving

献词 王乙康先生


这有赖于广泛且深耕的社区网络,以及社群中乐善好施的传统。我们特别注重年轻一代的教育,以加强社会 流动性,让我们的下一代可以比上一代更好。

这些年来,我们通过13个中心,推动了许多社区计划和课程。其中一个是与国家图书馆管理局合作、 由义工主导的“儿童启蒙阅读计划”。这项计划在2004年开始,义工们每周以小组的形式陪同孩子们 阅读,至今已带动并帮助了4100名儿童。让孩童越早接触阅读,对他们的个人发展越有帮助,这种支援 方式对父母是很有意义的。

其他影响深远并持续推进的社区计划,还包括了为低收入家庭的小学和中学生提供辅导的”功课督导小组” 和“ Project YOUth Can Shine” 计划。这两项辅导计划每年实行9个月,每周都跟学生进行有意义的交流。

今天,我们的策略也内化到了“种草植树”的口号里。我们将触角伸得更广,让更多人认识华助会,参与华助会 的活动;与此同时,我们也将把资源灌注到更需要帮助的家庭,为他们的孩子提供更好的教育和发展。


第一,更早为弱势家庭儿童打下更强的教育根基,华助会将与社区伙伴合作,从K1的学童开始,推出“游戏中学习” 的增益课程。

其次,我们将圈选出低收入家庭有需要的孩童,从学前开始,提供他们经济与辅导资源,一路扶持他们升上中学 或中学以后。

第三,为加强孩童们的自信,并确保他们跟得上新经济与科技发展步伐,我们将借助教育科技工具,为学生 提供更客制化的学习反馈,让他们在生涯规划与学习上有更大的自我导向能力。

华助会的成就,是许多利益相关者的努力与付出的成果,包括了义工团体、会馆社团、教育学府、社区与企业领袖, 以及社会大众。我衷心感谢你们的热忱与贡献。



2 I 同心圆梦三十载

Message Mr Ong Ye Kung

Since its inception 30 years ago, the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) has been striving to foster a stronger spirit of resilience and self-reliance in the Chinese community.

To achieve this, we leverage the deeply-rooted and extensive community networks, and the strong desire for members of the community to help each other. We deliberately focus on education for the young, so as to enhance social mobility, so that the next generation can do better than the last.

Over the years, we implemented many community programmes through our 13 Centres. An example is the kidsREAD programme run by volunteers in partnership with the National Library Board. It started in 2004 as a weekly programme, where volunteers read and interact with the children in small groups. kidsREAD has impacted the lives of over 4,100 children to date. By exposing children to reading earlier, we enhance their children’s development and prospects, and support their parents in a meaningful way.

Other impactful and sustained community programmes include the “Supervised Homework Group” (SHG) and “Project YOUth Can Shine” (PYCS) initiatives for low-income primary and secondary school students. These mentorship programmes run for 9 months every year, and incorporate meaningful weekly interactions with the students.

Today, we have evolved our strategy, encapsulated in our slogan “Planting Grass, Growing Trees”. This means to outreach broadly so that the community is aware of and participates in CDAC’s activities and, at the same time, focus our resources on families who need our help most, through better education and development for their children.

Indeed, this is the focus of our three new initiatives:

Firstly, in order to lay a strong foundation from their early years, we will work with community partners to pilot play-based learning with children starting from K1.

Secondly, we will identify a select group of low-income families and provide sustained financial support and mentorship to these children from kindergarten all the way to their post-secondary studies.

Finally, to increase the children’s confidence and to ensure that they keep up with new economic and technological developments, we will leverage on Ed Tech to provide more personalised feedback and promote greater self-directedness in their approach to life and learning.

The achievements of CDAC are the outcome of the hard work and commitment of many stakeholders such as volunteers, clan associations, schools, community organisations, business leaders, and members of the public. I sincerely thank you all for your passion and contribution.

These broad-based and deeply intertwined partnerships will continue for years to come as our belief is embodied in the spirit of “A Little From All, Together it’s more.”

In this momentous year of CDAC’s 30th anniversary, I hope the community can continue to lend us its utmost support. Together, we can continue uplifting families and help them realise their aspirations.

Happy 30th Anniversary, CDAC!

Celebrating 30 Years of Communal Giving I 3 A little from all, together it’s more

献词 黄山忠先生



30年来,我们感激许多挺身而出支持华助会的群体。这些可贵的伙伴包括了宗乡与商业组织、义工团体、社会大众 与社区组织。我也很感谢华助会的员工们对受惠者无私与坚定的付出。


保障并让华助会有充足的基金资源,推动许多援助项目;在2012年从黄祖耀博士手中接过信托局主席一职的 蔡天宝博士,在服务的26年期间,也一直是支持华助会的基石,更是本地华社强大的支柱。

庆祝30周年之际,我们意识到华助会需要与时并进。将焦点转向低收入家庭的社会流动性,是我们朝正确方向迈 出的第一步。华助会将从“小”做起,在年幼孩童的发展初期就介入,加强支援低收入家庭年幼孩童,提供持续性 与长期的教育援助,让他们建立自信,以及面对未来所需要的能力。信托局将继续尽力确保华助会有足够的财务 资源落实各项援助计划,满足我们的目标服务对象的需求。

一个组织的特性是由人所形塑的。我们会继续尽最大的努力,达到我们的目标。秉持与社区伙伴紧密合作的 信念,大家不分彼此,携手努力,我相信华助会将能帮助更多低收入华族家庭,开创一代又一代更美好的未来。

4 I 同心圆梦三十载

Message Mr Ng San Tiong

The CDAC was established in 1992 to address two core issues facing the Chinese community. These issues encompass, firstly, education for academically-weak students who lack the economic and familial structures for success, and secondly, skills upgrading for lower-income workers for them to stay relevant in a rapidly changing landscape.

Over the last 30 years, we are humbled by how many have stepped up to support the CDAC in our endeavours. Our valued partners include clan and trade associations, volunteers, members of the public, and community organisations. I am also thankful to the CDAC staff for their selfless and unwavering commitment to the beneficiaries.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my utmost gratitude to my two predecessors, who ensured that the CDAC fulfilled its vision and mission under their stewardship. 30 years ago, Dr Wee Cho Yaw established a solid foundation for the CDAC, building up reserves to support our community and implementing many crucial assistance programmes. Dr Chua Thian Poh succeeded Dr Wee as the Board of Trustees Chairman in 2012, and for 26 years, remained a cornerstone of support for the CDAC and was a true pillar for the wider Chinese community in Singapore.

As we mark the 30th anniversary of CDAC, we also recognise the need to evolve with the rapidly changing social and economic landscape. Our renewed focus on ensuring the social mobility of low-income families is definitely a step in the right direction. The CDAC will do this by increasing efforts to help children from low-income families right from their early formative years, to provide sustained and continuous long-term educational support in order to provide them with the necessary confidence and skills to succeed in the future. The Board of Trustees will continue to do our part in ensuring that we maintain a healthy funding position to implement various programmes and services to meet the needs of our target groups.

The character of an organisation is shaped by its people. We will continue to do our best as an organisation to achieve our goals in the coming years. Guided by the belief of working together with community partners and with each group going beyond their call of duty, I believe that the CDAC will be able to help more low-income Chinese families secure a brighter future for the current generation and beyond.

Celebrating 30 Years of Communal Giving I 5 A little from all, together it’s more




6 I 同心圆梦三十载 前言 简单的梦想 8 决心追梦
I 吴爱琴 14
I 胡艺胜 18
I 张秀秀 I 卓霖 I 卓峻永 22 暖心圆梦 定格全家福 I 許慧芳 30 框住美好回忆 I 马欣和 34 听见幸福 I 王丰春 I 陈金凤 40 牵手环游 I 洪爸爸 I 洪妈妈 I 洪民曜 44 陪哥哥们圆梦 I 高嘉乐 48 感恩助学 I 吴秋龙 I 王淑芬 52 用魔术助人 I 洪敦源 56
30周年活动 68
同心齐步 “一人一点心漫步跑”-
78 卸任及现任董事及信托局委员 98 华助会会歌 101 鸣谢 102 目录
Celebrating 30 Years of Communal Giving I 7 A little from all, together it’s more Foreword Simple Dreams 9 It Starts with a Dream Taking the path less travelled I Goh Ai Qin Yvonne 16 Not just a pipe dream I Dr Oei Yi Sheng Vincent 20 Becoming a confident learner I Teo Siew Siew I Jolin Toh I Jodino Toh 24 A Wish Come True My precious family I Koh Huey Fang 32 A single mother’s wish I Beh Sim Hoe 36 The sound of happiness I Ong Hon Choon I Tan Jin Feng 42 Play together, stay together I The Ang Family 46 A day out with my korkors I Berenice Kow 50 Counting their blessings I Goh Chew Leong I Wang Shufen 52 Teaching magical lessons I Ang Tun Guan Tom 58 Walking For A Cause “A Little from All” Virtual Run - a 30th Anniversary event 68 Footprints from days past 30 years in retrospect 88 Retired and Current Members of Board of Directors and Board of Trustees 98 CDAC Song 101 Acknowledgements 102 Contents

前言 简单的梦想

梦想可大可小,一些看似简单的梦想或心愿,对一些人来说,却是可望不可及, 也不敢奢想的。


我们收到900多个各种各类的心愿和梦想,当中不乏看似简单、容易达成的愿 望,对一些家庭来说,却无法单靠自己的力量完成。例如,弱视的父母无法带三个 视力健全的孩子到主题乐园游玩;孩子患有发育迟缓症,家长的双手都得扶持 孩子,没有多余的时间和资源培养夫妻感情;收入微薄的家庭,要到餐馆吃上 一餐,还是把钱用在孩子的开销上,是一次又一次的纠结;孩子有自闭症, 老父行动不便,想要拍一张正式的全家福,谈何容易。

弱势群体要凝聚家庭和亲情,要满足孩子对外界的体验和见识,要为下一代创 造更好的条件,真的很不容易;面对生活上的诸多挑战和限制,就算是一件简单 的事情,也会变得奢侈、遥不可及,甚至不敢想象。

我们的社会不乏有心人,华助会积累了30年的义工力量,加上受惠者的回馈 精神,才让“圆梦计划”得以落实。

华助会综合了100个家庭相似的梦想,一起为他们圆梦。收录在这本纪念特刊里 的,就是这些梦想的故事。

华助会将继续鼓励弱势群体敢于做梦,帮助他们勇敢追梦,并聚集一人一点心 的力量,让我们的社会更温馨。

8 I 同心圆梦三十载

Foreword I Simple Dreams

Dreams come in all forms. To some, even the simplest of wishes can only remain a dream.

For its 30th anniversary, the CDAC launched its "A Wish Come True Project" to lend a hand to those who need a little help fulfilling their dreams.

The project received overwhelming responses from over 900 CDAC beneficiaries and volunteers. Some of the wishes may not seem difficult to fulfil on the surface but were, in fact, not quite attainable for the wish-makers, who each face unique challenges in life.

Imagine parents being unable to take their three children out for a day at the theme park because they are visually impaired. Or a couple who has no time for each other because all their attention is devoted to their child with Global Developmental Delay. How about not being able to treat your family to a meal outside because that money has to go to the children's schooling needs? And what if something as easy as taking a family photo becomes challenging because you have to tend to an autistic child, a wheelchair-bound father, and three other family members?

Regardless of social status, all families should have the opportunity to bond. And all children should be given the chance to broaden their horizons and experience the world. However, underprivileged families may be too limited by the lack of resources to create better conditions for the future generation. When faced with the uncertainty of the next paycheck and dealing with the stress of medical bills and living expenses, even a modest dream can seem inaccessible.

Fortunately, ours is a compassionate society where help is never far away. Over the past 30 years, CDAC has amassed support from countless volunteers who have stepped up so the less fortunate can have a leg-up in life. Those who have benefitted from CDAC's assistance have also returned the kindness in their own ways. Together, it is this collective sense of generous altruism towards our community that has given life to the "A Wish Come True Project".

The CDAC, together with its selfless volunteers, sponsors, and partners, have managed to fulfil 100 families' wishes in the year of its 30th anniversary. CDAC will continue to encourage and support the dreams of indigent individuals and families in Singapore. We hope that the heartfelt stories in this commemorative book can inspire and spark the loving reminder that "A little from all, together it's more."

Celebrating 30 Years of Communal Giving I 9 A little from all, together it’s more

伸出你的援手 一步一步向前走

同心圆梦三十载 I 11
一人一点心 社会更温馨



过去30年,华助会让成千上万的人通过教育的途径,改变了他们的 人生。有人在求学途中绕了远路,依然完成梦想;有人在华助会遇到 了良师,重新找到学习的动力,成就了今天的自己;也有人在生命的 转角,感念曾经得到的帮助,再回过头来,希望拉别人一把。

只要相信自己能改变人生,华助会汇聚的力量,就能帮助你改变日子 的模样。

12 I 同心圆梦三十载

It Starts with a Dream

Over the past 30 years, CDAC has touched thousands of lives through academic and family assistance. Some people took a longer academic route and still achieved their ambitions. Some found the motivation to do better under the tutelage of inspiring CDAC tutors. Some went from beneficiary to volunteer as a way to pay it forward.

With your resolve and our dedication towards betterment, together, we can change your life.

Celebrating 30 Years of Communal Giving I 13 A little from all, together it’s more
Here to extend a helping hand Always with you, we shall stand

吴爱琴 I 数据科学家



和同龄孩子比起来,吴爱琴的人生起跑点处在明显劣势——父母学历低,家境贫寒,小学被编入 基础课程,中学进入普通工艺源流,只能升上工艺教育学院。但中学时在华助会补习班遇到 让她“开窍”的良师后,吴爱琴便有了要上大学的梦想。

她在心中起草一张另类的“升学路径图”,然后奋起直追;先凭优异成绩报读新加坡理工学院, 再以优异成绩考进南洋理工大学。

今天的吴爱琴(29岁)是一家法国公司的数据科学家,对事业充满憧憬,对未来充满自信。她的 故事,是起步慢的穷家女摆脱贫困的经典案例。

念盛港小学时,吴爱琴的成绩单总是“满江红”,让母亲忧心忡忡。爱琴的父亲是只有小六学历 的洗碗工,母亲是小三便辍学的清洁工,无法亲自教导,更没钱请补习老师,幸好还有华助会的 补习班。不过爱琴当时叛逆顽皮,对课业毫无兴趣。

上中学后,吴爱琴继续“混日子”,直到在华助会补习班遇到数学补习教师李锡光。李老师再三 和她“谈心”,提醒她上中学后应认真思考未来。在老师点化下,她总算开窍,有了想改变命运 的决心。

她后来进入李锡光执教的麦波申工艺教育学院,李老师见她很努力,便提供不少平台让她 有机会“发光”。吴爱琴也因此频频获奖,例如李光耀鼓励提升奖学金、吴作栋下一代杰出学生 领袖奖等。

上大学时,因为课业根底比较弱,她必须比同学加倍努力才能追上进度;另一方面,她还得 教补习以赚取学费和生活费。但凭着坚韧的毅力,吴爱琴还是圆了大学梦。

决心追梦 I 15 一人一点心 社会更温馨
Goh Ai Qin Yvonne I Data Scientist

Taking the path less travelled

When Yvonne Goh Ai Qin was young, she knew she was not as fortunate as her peers. Her parents had little education, and the family was not well-to-do.

Yvonne’s father was a dishwasher who had only primary school education, and her mother was a cleaner who dropped out of school at Primary Three. Yvonne’s poor results in primary school worried her mother as they could neither help Yvonne with her studies nor afford to engage a tutor for her.

In secondary school, Yvonne was assigned to the Normal (Technical) stream, which meant that her post-secondary education option was limited to the Institute of Technical Education. Without motivation to push harder, Yvonne continued to slack off on her studies during that time.

However, Yvonne’s life took a turn when she started attending Mr Lee Seck Kuang’s maths lessons in CDAC’s tuition class. Mr Lee showed care and concern for Yvonne and had frequent heart-to-heart talks with her, often reminding her of the need to plan for the future. Under Mr Lee’s encouragement and guidance, Yvonne finally recognised that she held the key to her future and was inspired to break the mould and strive for a university degree despite limitations.

Driven by her newfound goals, Yvonne drafted a unique roadmap to plot out her education plans.

After secondary school, Yvonne attended ITE College Central (Macpherson Campus) where Mr Lee was a teacher. Seeing Yvonne’s efforts in improving her studies, Mr Lee provided opportunities for the student to shine. As a result of her persistent hard work, Yvonne received multiple awards, such as the Lee Kuan Yew Scholarship to Encourage Upgrading (LKY-STEP) Award and Goh Chok Tong NextGen Outstanding Student Leader Award.

Yvonne’s academic results also allowed her to enrol in Singapore Polytechnic, where she continued to prove her worth and progressed to study at Nanyang Technological University.

In university, Yvonne had to work harder than her peers as her academic foundation was weaker. While studying, she also had to work as a tuition teacher to cover her school fees and living expenses. As hard as it was to juggle studies and part-time work, Yvonne excelled on her path toward success with great determination and resilience.

Now, at 29 years old, Yvonne is an accomplished data scientist in a French company. Filled with ambition for her career and future, hers is an exemplary rags-to-riches story that serves to inspire others like her.

It Starts with a Dream I 17
A little from all, together it’s more
18 胡艺胜 I 临床科学家


10岁就立志要当科学家和医生,一心想研发医疗方案,济世救人,胡艺胜的梦想如今可谓完成 一半。他当上了医生,也是一名免疫学博士,而这条筑梦之路的第一块砖,是华助会一位良师帮 他铺下的。

胡艺胜(37岁)的梦想在小四那年萌芽。他从课本中阅读到诺贝尔奖发起人、瑞典发明家阿尔弗 雷德·诺贝尔的生平事迹后,深受启发。他从小对科学感兴趣,而由于家人面对一些健康状况, 也激励他从医。他自幼的梦想就是能凭医学成就,获颁诺贝尔奖。

对出生贫寒的胡艺胜来说,这个梦想当年何其遥远。胡艺胜的父亲在他五岁那年病逝,母亲当 学校食堂小贩,含辛茹苦养育他和妹妹。虽然母亲学历不高,但对子女的教育极为重视。

在讲华语家庭中成长,胡艺胜小时候英文基础较弱。中三那年,他的英文成绩总是考C5或C6, 母亲于是为他报读华助会补习班。在补习班遇到英文教师萨耶·尤索夫博士后,他才真正开窍, 在O水准会考中,英文考获A2,也在2002年获颁华助会的学业优异奖。

这段经历赋予胡艺胜追求更远大理想的动力和勇气。尽管后来升读大学时,没有考入他向往的 医科,他还是获颁新加坡科技研究局的奖学金,修读国大生物医药科学系。

毕业后,胡艺胜考入杜克-新加坡国立大学医学院,间中又成功申请到挪威奥斯陆大学攻读 免疫学博士,2018年以医学和免疫学双博士学位毕业。

从挫折中学习,一步一脚印走到了今天,胡艺胜自认前方还有很长的路要走,而他也即将迈开 新的征途。他准备下来一边行医,一边做研究,扮演科研和医学领域之间的桥梁。

胡艺胜认为,当年遇到良师,为他的逐梦之路增添一大助力。“华助会的援助计划,让弱势孩子 有了更好的起跑点,让贫困家庭更有能力攀上社会阶梯。”

决心追梦 I 19 一人一点心 社会更温馨

Not just a pipe dream

When Vincent Oei Yi Sheng was ten years old, he read about Alfred Nobel, the Swedish multihyphenate who established the Nobel Prize to honour those whose work greatly benefited mankind. Motivated by these stories, Vincent set his sights on a big dream—to win a Nobel Prize by contributing to the medical sciences as a scientist AND doctor.

This felt like a pipe dream for a boy from a low-income family. But now, at 37, the physician-scientist has proven that dreams can come true with the right nudge from the right person.

The person who sowed the seed of ambition in Vincent’s young mind? Dr Syed Yusof, a tutor from CDAC.

When Vincent was five, he lost his father to illness. His mother operated a school canteen food stall to make ends meet. Vincent’s mother was concerned about his poor English grades due in part to the family’s Mandarin-speaking background. So, she enrolled him in an English tuition class with CDAC, where he met Dr Syed Yusof.

Under Dr Yusof’s tutelage, Vincent’s command of the language improved tremendously, and he scored an A2 in his O-level English examinations. In 2002, Vincent received the CDAC Achievement Award for excellent academic performance.

The award and recognition gave Vincent the confidence to strive for his goals. After his A-levels, he received a scholarship from A*STAR to study Biomedical Science at the National University of Singapore.

Vincent later did his post-graduate studies at the Duke-NUS Medical School and also completed his PhD in Cancer Immunotherapy at the University of Oslo in Norway. In 2018, Vincent earned his dual doctorate as a Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy (MD-PhD) in Immunotherapy.

Now practising medicine while conducting research, Vincent hopes his work will continue bridging the gap between research and development and applied medicine.

Looking back at the path leading up to the present, Vincent knows that if he had not met a good tutor like Dr Yusof at CDAC, he would not have embarked on the journey toward his dreams.

"CDAC's assistance programmes provide children from low-income families with a better head start in life so that they have a better chance of climbing the social ladder," said Vincent.

It Starts with a Dream I 21 A little from all, together it’s more












卓峻永(13岁)从小体弱多病,因尿道问题多次进出医院,在听力上也有障碍。张秀秀担心 孩子无法跟上学校的学习进度,因此让他参加“儿童启蒙阅读计划”,再报读华助会补习班。

华助会个案工作人员在评估过张秀秀的家庭资源,以及卓峻永的健康与学习需求后,安排 卓峻永参加每周的功课督导小组,除了让义工大哥哥大姐姐在课业上辅导他,也借由户外和 室内教育活动,建立他的自信。

功课督导小组的义工们也经常与张秀秀保持联系,除了确保卓峻永的学习有进展,也关注 张秀秀家庭各方面的需求,适时给予协助。

张秀秀很欣慰看到卓峻永的改变。她说,卓峻永很少与人接触,一开始到华助会时,是哭着 挣扎进入教室的。但很快地,张秀秀发现卓峻永慢慢克服了自己的恐惧,变得比较有自信了。


而大女儿卓霖则能够自动自发学习,念小学时参加华助会的优苗计划,帮助她发挥了潜能, 学习路途比较平坦。卓霖看到弟弟在功课督导小组义工的督导下,不但课业有了进步, 人也变得比较自信,于是怀着感恩之心加入了功课督导小组当义工,以大姐姐的姿态辅导同样 来自弱势家庭有需要的小学生,回馈社会。

决心追梦 I 23 一人一点心 社会更温馨

Toh Lin Jolin I Undergraduate

Toh Jun Yong Jodino I Student


Becoming a confident learner

48-year-old Teo Siew Siew is a mother to four children between 13 and 20 years old. Her income from self-employment covers the family’s expenses but does not afford her the luxury of getting private tutors for her children.

Not wanting her kids to lose out academically because of the family’s financial constraints, Siew Siew reached out to CDAC for assistance. Over the years, she has been happy to see that all four kids have benefitted from CDAC’s tuition and enrichment programmes. Siew Siew has also gained valuable skills in budgeting and communication after attending CDAC’s financial planning workshops and parenting talks.

In particular, Siew Siew’s youngest child, 13-year-old Jodino Toh, has seen a remarkable improvement in his learning journey after receiving tailored assistance through CDAC’s case management approach. Jodino has been sickly since he was young and was frequently hospitalised due to urinary tract problems. As Jodino also has a partial hearing impairment, Siew Siew constantly worries about his ability to keep up in school. Therefore, Siew Siew enrolled Jodino in CDAC’s kidsREAD programme to spark his interest in reading and learning.

To determine how they can help Siew Siew and her family, CDAC conducted a needs assessment on the family’s circumstances and financial status. They also took into account Jodino’s health and learning needs. Based on the findings, CDAC arranged for Jodino to join a weekly Supervised Homework Group (SHG), where volunteers can guide him in completing his assignments.

Siew Siew recalls that Jodino used to resist attending the CDAC classes as he did not have much contact with strangers. Faced with an unfamiliar learning environment, Jodino’s fear would drive him to tears when he had to go to class.

However, things have changed for the better. Siew Siew observes that Jodino is braver now and more sure of himself in new situations. This is thanks to the SHG mentors who encourage him to participate in various activities to boost his confidence.

Siew Siew also highlighted CDAC’s Project Excellence programme, which gave her eldest daughter Jolin a platform to discover her potential. Jolin was inspired by the mentors who have contributed to Jodino’s growth, so she started volunteering with SHG as a way to pay it forward and hopes to make a difference for other children from underprivileged families.

It Starts with a Dream I 25 A little from all, together it’s more

有困难大家相助 有风雨你我同路

一人一点心 社会更温馨 同心圆梦三十载 I 27



庆祝30周年,华助会在2022年3月启动了“圆梦计划”,向受惠人和 义工征集心愿。

各界出钱出力,同心圆梦的努力,为100户弱势家庭完成了他们的 心愿,包括了拍摄全家福照片、全家一起出游、一家人上餐馆吃饭、 拥有平板电脑、获取生活用品礼券等。

28 I 同心圆梦三十载

A Wish Come True

In March 2022, CDAC launched its “A Wish Come True Project” to celebrate its 30th anniversary. CDAC beneficiaries and volunteers were invited to submit their wishes, and 100 entries were picked.

Some wish-makers received professional family portraits; some enjoyed a rare day out with loved ones; others received mobile tablets or cash vouchers. Wishes were fulfilled thanks to generous support from patrons, sponsors, and partners from all walks of life.

Fulfilling dreams as one

Sharing love from all

Celebrating 30 Years of Communal Giving I 29 A little from all, together it’s more











每当許慧芳看着自己与三个子女,以及父母的六人合照,一股暖意总会涌上心头。这张期盼已久 才拍成的照片,将每个人的快乐瞬间定格成永恒,物轻情意重。

許慧芳(45岁)一直希望与家人到照相馆拍一张正式的全家福。然而,由于每天的生活围绕着 照顾有自闭症的二儿子,以及患有糖尿病而已半失明的父亲,加上照相馆费用昂贵,她的这个 愿望一度遥不可及。幸好有华助会的帮助,才得以实现。

她忆述,拍照当天,一家人从宏茂桥住家搭公车到华助会丹戎加东路总部,坐轮椅的父亲难得 出门,一路上看着街景,兴奋地向孙子讲述古早回忆。不喜欢陌生环境的二儿子,当天也相当 配合,让大家顺利拍完合照。


与丈夫关系不佳,許慧芳一人扛起看护者的重担,多年来无法工作。在社会服务中心协助下, 一家人申请到援助金。儿子和幼女几年前也到华助会上补习和增益课程。

令她欣慰的是,22岁长女目前虽待业,但会在网上售卖手工艺品赚取一点收入,幼女也勤奋 向学,不需要她操心。

有自闭症和读写障碍的儿子,最让她放心不下。儿子已升上中二,不擅长表达,每当他在学校因 压力大而情绪失控,她就得赶到学校进行安抚。尽管如此,回首照顾特需儿的心路历程,她感谢 儿子让她学会“如何变成更好的人,充实过好每一天”。

“这些年,我学会与他沟通……而他也逐渐学习如何控制情绪和压力。我想对他说:你教会我 的比我对你付出的还要多,我们全家人永远都会为你每一次的进步感到骄傲。”


暧心圆梦 I 31
Goh Jin Han (Left) Tan Hong Lean (Right) Goh Yong Xuan (Bottom left) Koh Kong Yik (Bottom middle)

My precious family

For a long time, Koh Huey Fang harboured a secret dream—to have a professionally-taken family portrait. However, as money is always tight, she had to push away this daydream and focus on her caregiving responsibilities.

Estranged from her husband, 45-year-old Huey Fang has to care for her autistic son and diabetic father. With her hands full at home, Huey Fang is unable to work. Thankfully, with assistance from the Social Service Office, the family receives financial aid to help with their living expenses. Two of Huey Fang's children attend CDAC tuition and enrichment classes, further easing the family's burdens.

This year, as part of CDAC’s “A Wish Come True Project”, Huey Fang and her family were gifted a photography session to fulfil her long-time dream.

On the day of the photo shoot, the family headed to the CDAC Headquarters by public transport. Huey Fang's father, who is wheelchair-bound and hardly leaves home, was excited to be out and reminisced enthusiastically about the good old days during their commute. Even her second child, who usually does not take well to unfamiliar places because of his autism, was relatively accommodating that day. “I am thankful to CDAC for their constant support and for this photo shoot to preserve precious memories for our family,” she said.

Now, Huey Fang feels a quiet contentment every time she looks at the precious photograph of her, her three children, and her parents.

Huey Fang’s eldest daughter is awaiting employment, and her youngest child doing well in school. While her girls’ independence takes a load off her mind, she remains worried about her middle child. Even though he is already in Secondary Two, his autism and dyslexia make it challenging for him to communicate with others. So, whenever he has a stress-induced meltdown in school, Huey Fang has to rush to the school to comfort and pacify him.

Despite the hardships of being a caregiver, Huey Fang is thankful to her son for teaching her how to be a better person.

"Over the years, I've learnt how to communicate with him. I want him to know that he has taught me more than I have ever done for him and that the family is always proud of his every improvement.”

Huey Fang’s hopes for the future?

“There are blessings in the simple things in life. All I want is for my family to live well every day.”

A Wish Come True I 33 A little from all, together it’s more
34 左起 李昊璟 马欣和 李欣禅


六年前与丈夫离婚后,单亲妈妈马欣和独自撑起家计,辛苦打拼抚养一对年幼子女。尽管工作 疲累,每晚下班回家,两个孩子依偎身旁撒娇,她就觉得一切辛苦都是值得的。

马欣和(43岁)曾是一名美容师,九年前肚子里怀着大女儿的时候被公司裁退,一生下女儿后, 就到华助会寻求援助,为了生计,还学开车想当德士司机。后来通过华助会,她申请到一家慈怀 医院的日间托管中心当护理人员,一直到今天。

转眼之间,她的一对七岁和九岁子女已上小学。两个孩子年初开始上华助会的补习班,并且也成 功申请到华助会-宗乡总会助学金,应付上学开销,帮马欣和减轻一些负担。

马欣和几个月前在面簿上看到华助会推出“圆梦计划”,于是为自己和子女报名,希望能拍一张 全家福。她本来也不以为意,没有料到华助会后来真的联系她,要助她圆梦。






暧心圆梦 I 35
一人一点心 社会更温馨
From left Lee Sim Chan Connie Beh Sim Hoe Lee Hao Jing Cedric

A single mother’s wish

Nine years ago, Beh Sim Hoe was retrenched from her beautician job while she was pregnant with her first child. After giving birth, Sim Hoe was in need of income, so she took up driving and wanted to work as a taxi driver. Later, through CDAC's link-up, she secured a position as a hospice care assistant, a role she still holds today.

Sim Hoe split up with her husband when her daughter was three and her son was still an infant. The single mother became the sole breadwinner to raise her two young children after the divorce. No matter how tired she was in her new job, Sim Hoe knew that the hardship was worth it whenever her children snuggled up to her when she got home from work.

Fast forward to the present, Sim Hoe’s children are now seven and nine and attending primary school. They began taking tuition at CDAC at the start of 2022 and received a CDAC-SFCCA (Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations) bursary to help them with school-related expenses, easing the family’s financial burden.

In early 2022, Sim Hoe read about CDAC’s “A Wish Come True Project” on its Facebook page. She registered her interest to see if CDAC would grant her wish of getting a family portrait taken by professionals, though she did not harbour high hopes of getting picked. Therefore, CDAC’s call to say that her submission had been chosen came as a total surprise.

“I have a lot of ‘wefies’ with my kids, but no proper photos that are particularly memorable. I thought a professional family portrait would be a nice keepsake for the children to look back on when they’re older,” Sim Hoe says.

On the day of the photo shoot, CDAC arranged for a makeup artist to doll up the family before the session commenced. Sim Hoe recalls with amusement that none of them was used to wearing makeup, but thankfully, the photographs turned out well.

With one wish done and dusted, Sim Hoe has but a simple desire for the future: “I hope my kids grow up sooner and don’t stick to me anymore!” she laughs.

All jokes aside, all Sim Hoe wants is for her children to grow up healthy and have the chance to decide on their desired academic and career paths when they get older.

A Wish Come True I 37 A little from all, together it’s more

邓佳仪 Thean Chia Yue I 家庭主妇 Homemaker


感恩!养育五个孩子不容易,尤其是只有一份收入,但我和先生还是觉得家里有多 几个孩子是开心、快乐又幸福的事。华助会的助学金真的帮助我们减轻不少经济 压力。这次华助会安排专业摄影师帮我们拍全家照,我们好开心,很珍惜。

Even though the drawn-out pandemic has disrupted our lives, the family is thankful that we got to welcome our fifth child in March this year. Raising five children on a single income is challenging. However, my husband and I feel blessed to have a big family, and the CDAC bursary has helped to ease our financial burden too. We never had any proper photos taken together as a family, so we feel ecstatic and fortunate to receive CDAC’s gift of a professional family photo shoot.

孩子们一天一天长大,我们希望能留下一张专业拍摄的全家福。但相馆价格 太贵了,我们一直裹足不前,直到我们知道华助会的“圆梦计划”…… 拍照当天,我非常惊讶!我以为只是普通的摄影,没想到竟然有专业的发型 师、化妆师、摄影师。整个过程,让我回忆起当年和太太拍婚纱照时的感觉! 真的很感谢华助会,帮我们一家圆了这个梦!

Our wish was to have a family portrait taken together as our children are growing up so fast, but we simply cannot afford this luxury. Thanks to CDAC’s “A Wish Come True Project”, we got our wish fulfilled! On the day of the photo shoot, I was surprised to receive star treatment from professional stylists, makeup artists, and photographers! The experience brought me back to my wedding photo shoot years back. Thank you, CDAC, for making our dream come true!


洪秀华 Ang Siew Hua Venetia I 代课教师 Relief Teacher

我从2015年开始在华助会当义工,2019年确诊第三期乳癌后就 停止了。在患病期间,很感谢华助会给予我的家庭的帮助。我希望 和丈夫与孩子们一起穿华助会义工服,在相馆拍一张全家福,以表达 我对华助会的感谢。我也希望有机会分享我的抗癌经验,鼓励 其他跟我一样面对相同挑战的人。

I started volunteering with CDAC in 2015 but had to stop when I was diagnosed with Stage Three breast cancer in 2019. I am immensely grateful to CDAC for assisting my family and me during the trying times. I had wished for a family portrait where all of us are wearing the CDAC volunteer’s t-shirt to show my appreciation for CDAC’s support. I hope for the chance to share stories of my cancer journey so that I can encourage others in similar plights to fight on.

暧心圆梦 I 39
一人一点心 社会更温馨










41岁的陈金凤双眼视力只有5%,几乎是完全看不见了;同年龄的丈夫王丰春,一只眼睛患了 青光眼,另一只眼睛视力只有20%。两人很庆幸三个孩子视力都是正常的。

个性乐观开朗的金凤讲述与先生的情缘时,感受到她发自内心的幸福。她语调轻快,侃侃而谈, 不时发出笑声。她说,和先生从小学时代就认识,两人是视障学校的同班同学,中学也刚好是 同校,两人的爱情萌芽于19岁。

金凤笑着说,或许彼此都是先天性视障,更能了解彼此的需求和所面对的难题,可以互相扶持, 互相鼓励。


薪金的工作,他送过酱油与调味料,也当过比萨和肯德基送货员,每月薪金扣除公积金后 只有600元,实在无法维持一个家庭的开销,因此决定进修,考取了大众传播的文凭,并幸运地 获得媒体公司的工作,收入也增加了。目前,他在电力资源公司的客户服务部门工作。



金凤说,因为家庭经济关系,无法给孩子额外享乐的机会,三个孩子——大儿子王瑞宇(11岁)、 二儿子王瑞洋(7岁)、小女儿王瑞莹(4岁)都很懂事,不但从来不会向爸爸妈妈提要求,有时 还会要父母不要为他们“花钱”。

一家人共游环球影城,金凤说,她抱着试试看去报名参加华助会的“圆梦计划”心态,接到电话时, 全家人都很雀跃兴奋。

出游当天,他们一家人在义工陪伴下,在环球影城游玩了一整天。从孩子们的笑声中,金凤听出 了三个孩子玩得非常开心的心情,她和先生也很感谢华助会给了他们一家人这个机会。

一人一点心 社会更温馨
From left Ong Rui Ying Niomi Tan Jin Feng Ong Rui Yang Nikki Ong Hon Choon Ong Rui Yu Niro

The sound of happiness

Tan Jin Feng was born with only five per cent of vision in both eyes and is legally blind. Her husband, Ong Hon Choon, has glaucoma in one eye and only 20 per cent vision in the other. For Jin Feng and Hon Choon, both 41 years old, visual impairment did not douse their dream of having a family.

Jin Feng and Hon Choon have known each other since they were young. They were classmates in primary school and later schoolmates in the same secondary school. When the two were 19, their friendship blossomed into romance.

Jin Feng ruminates that, perhaps, their shared experiences with the challenge of congenital visual impairment drew them together. They could relate to each other’s needs and better support each other in life.

After secondary school, Hon Choon became a delivery man and made a measly income of $600 after CPF deductions. He knew this amount would not be enough to start a family, so he took a degree in mass communications to improve his income earning abilities. Eventually, he was hired by a big media company with a bump in his pay. To Jin Feng, Hon Choon is a self-motivated man who always strives to do better for himself and his family.

Currently, Hon Choon is working as a Customer Relation Officer at a power supply company, while Jin Feng devotes her time to taking care of their two sons, Niro (11) and Nikki (7), and daughter Niomi (4).

As the family is not well-to-do, Jin Feng and Hon Choon often cannot provide the children with extravagant activities. Jin Feng is glad that her children are sensible and have never pestered her and her husband for gifts or luxuries.

Having said that, Niro, Nikki, and Niomi had always wished for a family excursion to the Universal Studios Singapore (USS). On 24 July 2022, CDAC made this a reality for the three siblings and their parents, and the Ong family had a fun-filled day at USS with the CDAC volunteers.

Despite not being able to see their faces, Jin Feng could hear from her children’s jubilant laughter that their little hearts were filled with joy from the day’s activities.

Jin Feng and Hon Choon are grateful to CDAC for fulfilling their wish, giving the family a day to remember for times to come.

A Wish Come True I 43 A little from all, together it’s more







洪民曜六个月大时就被诊断患有全面性发育迟缓,经过长时间治疗,才能在四岁时站稳和学习 走路,以及懂得叫“爸爸、妈妈”。

2018年,因一次肚泻,洪民曜被诊断患有中度慢性肾衰竭,目前靠药物控制病情,一旦病情恶化 至末期肾脏病变,就需要换肾。

为了照顾好洪民曜,洪爸爸负责全职看护,当会计员的洪妈妈则负责养家,家庭经济状况不是 很宽裕。加上洪民曜的病情,他们很少有机会一家出去游玩。

洪妈妈向华助会“圆梦计划”许的愿望,是能够一家到酒店宅度假。虽然这个梦想没能实现, 但洪民曜一家并不失望,因为华助会安排他们与其他几个家庭到圣淘沙名胜世界的新加坡 环球影城游玩一天。

洪妈妈说:“民曜是个好奇宝宝,如果我们提前告诉他要去哪里,他一定会问长问短,所以 我们并没有事先告知他。当天他一看到环球影城的招牌,就非常兴奋,一直问,我们是否可以 马上就去玩。”

尽管当天天不作美,却无法浇灭洪民曜的激情。洪妈妈说:“他从来没有坐过过山车,那天一 口气坐了四次,真的是玩够瘾。这是他第一次可以这样玩,还玩那么久。直到现在,即使过了 几天后,他还是会很兴奋地提起当天的事。”



这次活动有华助会义工陪着我们,帮忙我们照顾儿子,让我和先生可以很难得地手牵手,畅快地 大玩一场。很感谢华助会提供这样的机会,希望未来还有很多家庭也可以像我们这样 快乐地圆梦。”

暧心圆梦 I 45 一人一点心 社会更温馨
From left Mrs Ang Ryan Ang Mr Ang

Play together, stay together

To 13-year-old Ryan Ang and his parents, a family day out is a luxury.

Ryan was diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay when he was just six months old. He had to receive years of treatment before he could finally stand, walk, and say “Papa” and “Mama” at the age of four.

In 2018, doctors found that Ryan had Moderate Chronic Renal Failure. Since then, he has relied on medication to keep his condition in check. Once the CRF deteriorates to End-Stage Renal Disease, Ryan would need to get a kidney transplant.

Ryan’s father, Mr Ang, quit his job to be a full-time caregiver to Ryan. His mother, Mrs Ang, supports the family with her income working as an accounts executive. The family’s less-than-optimal financial situation and Ryan’s illness mean that they hardly have the chance for family outings.

Under CDAC’s “A Wish Come True Project”, the Angs were selected to enjoy a day at Universal Studios Singapore (USS) at Resorts World Sentosa with other beneficiaries. Even though the outing was not the staycation that Mrs Ang had wished for initially, the family were still elated to spend time together.

“Ryan is a curious child, and he would have asked a thousand questions if we had told him where we were going. So, instead, we kept our destination a secret from him. He was so excited when he saw the USS entrance and kept asking if we could go on the rides right away!” says Mrs Ang.

Ryan’s spirits were not dampened by the rain during the outing. Mrs Ang says, “He had never been on a roller coaster before, and he went on four rides that day! It was the first time he could play to his heart’s content for such a long period, and he still reminisces excitedly about the USS outing till now.”

The day at USS was memorable not just for Ryan but also for Mr and Mrs Ang.

“We have poured ourselves into caring for our son and have almost no time for each other. Thanks to the CDAC volunteers who helped to take care of Ryan during the outing, my husband and I got to revel in rare moments strolling hand in hand like we used to do. Thank you, CDAC, for such an experience. I hope that more families will get their wishes fulfilled like we did.”

A Wish Come True I 47 A little from all, together it’s more





邓玮 ��







到环球影城游玩,是兄妹四人讨论后的决定。老么嘉乐负责向华助会的“圆梦计划”投寄了这 个愿望。嘉乐说,她很少有机会与哥哥们一起出游。

嘉乐的二哥高富祥(15岁)和三哥高富星(12岁)都有“过动障碍”,很难集中注意力,行为上 也常无法静下来。妈妈邓玮 ��(38岁)说,除了“过动症”,富星发育迟缓,体型比妹妹还矮小。

17岁的大哥高富龙有先天性的糖尿病,每天要注射胰岛素。他从小饱受众人奇异的眼光,加上 学业压力,需要看心理医生。

四个孩子各有健康问题,玮 �� 需要全职照顾他们,全家六口只靠先生高荣泽(45岁)在殡葬业 不稳定的收入,孩子们要长期治疗和服药,家里开销很大。玮 �� 在几年前获得华助会的经济援助, 后来也把孩子们送到华助会的补习班。

每年的“准备上学咯!”对玮 ��

有很大的帮助,减轻家里经济负担。“儿童启蒙阅读计划”则让有 阅读和学习障碍的老三和老四,对阅读产生兴趣。玮 自己也常参加华助会的讲座和课程, 学习培育孩子方面的知识。

玮 �� 说,这次能到环球影城游玩,先生还特地停工停薪一天,陪着同来。看到孩子们这么开心, 她很欣慰。玮 �� 很感谢华助会在她最困难的时候伸出援手,让她有力量扶育孩子们长大。

暧心圆梦 I 49 一人一点心 社会更温馨

Gao Rong Ze

Tang Wei Ling

Kow Fu Long Bryan

Kow Fu Xiang Brandon

Kow Fu Xing Bosco

Kow Jia Le Berenice


A day out with my korkors

“I want to go outside with my korkors and play together.”

For 10-year-old Kow Jia Le, Berenice, spending time outside the house with her three older brothers is not something she gets to do often.

Two of her brothers, 15-year-old Brandon and 12-year-old Bosco, have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder and are always restless and unfocused. Bosco also has Global Developmental Delay and is hence slighter in physique than Berenice, who is two years his junior.

Berenice’s eldest brother Bryan, 17 this year, was born with diabetes and has to self-administer insulin daily. The combination of dealing with judging looks from people and the pressures of the school took a toll on Bryan, so he has been seeing a psychiatrist to help with his mental health.

To provide the best care for her four children, Berenice’s mother, Tang Wei Ling, 38, has to be a full-time homemaker. Her husband, 45-year-old Gao Rong Ze, is responsible for bringing home the bacon. However, his irregular income from working in funeral services is not enough for the children’s long-term treatment and medical fees and the family’s living expenses.

Given the family’s less-than-ideal circumstances, Wei Ling applied for CDAC’s financial assistance a few years ago to ease their load. The children also attend CDAC tuition classes, which help them keep up with school work without further straining the family’s finances.

CDAC’s annual “Ready for School” project has been of great help in relieving the family’s monetary burdens. At the same time, the kidsREAD programme has helped Bosco and Berenice, who both have dyslexia and learning difficulties, develop a keen interest in reading. Wei Ling also attends talks and courses organised by CDAC to equip herself with essential parenting skills to better cope with her children’s needs.

The trip to Universal Studios Singapore organised by CDAC was a rare chance for the whole family to let their hair down. Rong Ze took a day of unpaid leave to join his family, and Wei Ling was glad to spend time with her husband and delighted to see the kids having a whale of a time.

Wei Ling is thankful to CDAC for walking with the family through tough times and assisting them with support and resources to raise their children.

To the adults, the excursion was a day off from their usual worries. For Berenice and her brothers, it was undoubtedly a wish come true.

A Wish Come True I 51 A little from all, together it’s more


吴炳松 Goh Bing Song Bryan

吴秋龙 Goh Chew Leong


吴诗敏 Goh Shi Min Selena

王淑芬 Wang Shufen

吴诗琹 Goh Shiqin Sherleen



41岁王淑芬与44岁吴秋龙结婚10余年,育有三名孩子,为给准备考O水准考试的大女儿 更多鼓励,也让患有多动障碍症的儿子,可以和家人一起见识外面的世界,一起玩乐,7月24日 在华助会义工的陪同下,全家到圣淘沙的环球影城欢度快乐的星期天。


王淑芬和吴秋龙的大女儿今年16岁,儿子14岁,小女儿6岁。最小的女儿出世后,为了照顾孩子, 淑芬只能转成兼职工作,虽然还有丈夫吴秋龙当私召车司机的收入,家里经济其实并不宽裕。


提到患有多动障碍症的二儿子,淑芬表示担忧。她说,儿子上小学时,学校老师反应了儿子在 学校里无法集中精神,也不能安静坐着,一直站起来走来走去,后来被医生诊断是一名多动儿。


对于华助会,王淑芬一家人表达了感激,因为他们一家人经常参与华助会主办的活动,也得到 义工许多的帮忙。

Counting their blessings

41-year-old Wang Shufen and 44-year-old Goh Chew Leong have been married for over a decade and have three children. After having their third child, Shufen had to switch from full-time to part-time work so that she can take care of the children. With her part-time income and Chew Leong's income as a private driver, the family is often financially-strapped.

The couple’s second child, 14-year-old Bryan, was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in primary school. As parents of a child with special education needs, Shufen and Chew Leong’s greatest worry is whether Bryan can navigate his way in society independently. Fortunately, Bryan’s school provides counselling to help him manage his emotions. Such support gives Shufen hope that Bryan has a chance at being independent.

On 24 July 2022, the family visited USS in an outing organised by CDAC. The excursion gave Bryan a valuable opportunity to experience the world beyond his comfort zone. As the family have not had many chances to go out together in the past few years, Shufen is thankful for CDAC’s many activities that allow the family to bond.

Despite life’s challenges, Shufen counts her blessings for CDAC bursaries, activities, and caring volunteers who have helped the family through tough times in more ways than one.

暧心圆梦 I 53 一人一点心 社会更温馨

周芋呤 Chew Yu Ling Chloe I 学生 Student 我们很少出游,因为家里经济不允许,而且每天都 在忙工作忙课业。我的继父是送货司机,但腿受伤 了,影响了工作,所以妈妈得做两份工作,负担我 和三个弟弟的学杂费和交通费等,所以我希望我们 一家能出去玩,除了让妈妈休息一下,也可以增进 我们家人感情。

同 心 圆 梦 三 十 载 54

Huzianita bte Mohamed Yusof I 兼职工作 Part-Timer

由于孩子们的各种健康状况,我们很少有机会全家出去游玩。这次能在我的小女儿 生日前到环球影城,我们一家六口都很开心,从中午一直玩到影城关门前,孩子们 太开心了。华助会还为我们准备了点心,真是太贴心了。这真是一次很难忘的出游!

Because of my children’s health issues, the family rarely has a chance to go out together. This time, we are happy to visit USS before my youngest daughter’s birthday. The kids had fun the entire afternoon! CDAC is also very considerate in providing snacks for us. What a memorable day!

林秀玲 Joyce Lim I 义工 Volunteer

有特殊需求的洪民曜很快就接受了我,和我熟络 起来,让我可以扮演多一双手和眼睛,帮民曜父母 减轻带他出游的负担。照顾特需孩子真的很不简单, 我对这对父母多了一分尊敬和钦佩。看到民曜和 父母当天那么开心玩乐,真的很感动!

梁慧群 Leong Huiqun Regina I 义工 Volunteer

Really grateful to have an opportunity to fulfil Madam Tan’s family wishes. Despite their challenges, the family remains strong, positive, cheerful and resilient. It’s really encouraging and we should all learn from them.

A little from all, together it’s more

A Wish Come True I 55
洪敦源 I 义工


魔术与科学、历史、语言和数学有什么关系?对在华助会担任义工超过15年的洪敦源来说, 关系可大了!这名全职放射技师、兼职魔术师希望通过他的独特魔术表演来告知世人,魔术 不仅仅是一种表演!

40岁的洪敦源2004年加入华助会,成为儿童启蒙阅读计划的一名义工后,一直苦思要如何 让孩童们对阅读更感兴趣。一日他碰巧经过一家魔术用品专卖店,心血来潮购买了几件魔术 用品。随后他将魔术融入导读活动,发现孩子们非常喜欢他以这样的方式来讲故事。洪敦源于 是开始认真研究魔术,使魔术成为他导读活动重要的一部分。

洪敦源说:“很多人都把魔术当作是骗人的把戏,但魔术其实涉及极广,例如心理学、写脚本、站在 人前表演的勇气等,魔术更教会了我跳出框框思考。”



他将简单的变钞票魔术,转换成历史课,借着把戏让人们通过纸钞了解新加坡历史。他也通过 魔术让患病儿童面对病魔时更乐观,又或是让他们学习魔术当作复建。

洪敦源向华助会的“圆梦计划”投寄了一个愿望:希望有机会与华助会的补习老师们分享魔术 教育,让他们的课堂可以更活泼,更能吸引并帮助学生学习。

这个愿望将在2022年11月的“学习嘉年华”上实现,他说:“到时我将会表演我的招牌‘教育 性’魔术。我要让大家都知道,魔术不只是变把戏,它更可以作为教育工具,甚至是可以 用于复建、心理辅导和其他方面。而即便你只是在台下观赏表演,你也可以从中学习到很多。”

暧心圆梦 I 57 一人一点心 社会更温馨
Ang Tun Guan Tom I Volunteer

Teaching magical lessons

Diagnostic Radiographer by profession and magician by interest, 40-year-old Tom Ang has volunteered with CDAC for more than 15 years. When he first joined CDAC as a volunteer for the kidsREAD programme in 2004, Tom was eager to find a way to help children find their love for reading. One day, he walked past a speciality shop that sold supplies for magicians. In the spur of the moment, he bought some props to incorporate into his volunteer sessions.

When he saw children responding well to his "magic-infused" kidsREAD sessions, Tom decided to pick up more magic tricks to integrate into his classes.

Over time, Tom started to devise a unique brand of magic to serve a greater purpose. Instead of focusing on visuals and entertainment, his performances put educational topics in the spotlight. For instance, he uses a simple banknote illusion to teach his audiences about Singapore's history through the images featured on our legal tender. He also uses magic to encourage sick children to stay optimistic and teaches them sleight of hand as an alternative physiotherapy activity.

A magician never reveals his secret? Not in this case.

Tom’s submission to CDAC's “A Wish Come True Project” was simple yet noble. He hopes to share his method of using magic as an educational tool with fellow CDAC tutors to help them devise more engaging classes to pique students' interest in learning.

"I will perform my signature 'educational magic' to show everyone that magic is more than tricks and illusions. It can be a handy teaching tool that can also be used in physiotherapy, counselling, and many other functional ways. Even if you're just a spectator, you can still benefit from the educational message behind each magic act."

Tom's dream will be fulfilled during the CDAC Learning Fiesta in November 2022.

A Wish Come True I 59 A little from all, together it’s more

林利善 Lim Li Shan I 受惠人 Beneficiary

非常谢谢华助会这次的安排,以及珍宝海鲜餐馆的赞助,我和太太以及 孩子们很享受这丰盛的一餐,孩子们吃得非常开心,也很珍惜!

Thank you, CDAC, for organising this dinner outing sponsored by Jumbo Seafood Restaurant. My family and I really enjoyed the sumptuous meal!

郑嘉忇 Tay Jia Le Jeston

学生 (右一)Student (First on right)

以前我们生日时,爸爸会带我们去吃 自助餐。自从父母离异后,妈妈就没能力 帮我们庆祝生日了。再加上疫情的缘故, 我们这两年都没机会外出用餐。通过华助 会的安排,我们有机会到元素餐馆用餐。

我吃了很多,有炒饭、意大利面、日式料理 等等。吃完后,妈妈才告诉我,我们刚吃的 全都是素食。我还认为那日式寿司是鱼肉 做的,因为做得太逼真了!在我记忆里, 我以为素食就是小贩中心的斋米粉。没想到 素食可以那么多样化、那么美味……

感谢华助给我们这次机会,能上餐馆品尝 不一样的美食,谢谢。


林佩玲 Lim Pui Leng

家庭主妇 Homemaker

我和两个孩子很少外出用餐,这次真 的很谢谢华助会的安排,我们在乌节 路的鼎泰豐吃了一顿大餐。也非常感 谢鼎泰豐的赞助,让我们度过了一个 难忘的周末!我和两个孩子都非常 感恩!

My kids and I seldom get the chance to dine out, so we are very grateful to CDAC for arranging a feast at Din Tai Fung in Orchard Road. We also want to thank Din Tai Fung for sponsoring our delicious meal. What a memorable weekend we had; our bellies and hearts are full!

待业中 Job seeker

家里经济的关系,我们很少出去吃饭,都是在家里煮。加上我最近 一年失业后,工作很不稳定,时有时无。疫情期间,大家都很辛苦。


I lost my job a year ago and only get odd jobs now and then, so my family usually cook instead of eating out because money is tight. Thanks to CDAC, we enjoyed a lovely meal at Din Tai Fung and felt relaxed for the first time in a long while!

一人一点心 社会更温馨
暧心圆梦 I 61

李金成 Lee Kim Seng I 待业中 Job seeker

可以一家到餐馆用餐,是我们一家人的愿望。因为我和太太的健康状况不允许, 我们没有机会到外头用餐。这次我们全家能到珍宝海鲜餐馆吃大餐,真的 很感谢华助会的安排,让我们圆了这个梦!

My family had always dreamt of having a good meal together at a restaurant.


郑国威 Tee Kok Wee I 装修业者 Contractor

感谢华助会让我们拥有了这台平板电脑,还可以免费阅读电子华文报,我的 两个孩子可以多看一些新闻,学习词汇,了解时事,对他们的华文学习会很 有帮助。我也打算下载一些华文学习的应用程序,透过游戏学习华文,对他们 更有吸引力。

Thank you, CDAC, for giving me this tablet and a free digital subscription to the Chinese newspaper. My children can now broaden their vocabulary and stay abreast of current affairs by reading the news. I will also download some Chinese apps that teach the language through games to make learning more enjoyable for my kids.

钟悦敏 Zhong Yuemin I 学生 Student

我从小就喜欢足球了。小三的时候,我有机会上短期的足球课,但是家里 的经济不允许,所以我只好停止上足球课。上了中学,我的学校没有这个 课外活动,所以一直只能在心里喜欢。谢谢华助会的安排,现在我有机会上 足球课了。

I’ve loved football since young. When I was in Primary Three, I had the chance to attend football training for a while before I stopped because my family could not afford it. Now, my secondary school does not have a football club, so I can only hope to get a chance to go through football training again. Thanks to CDAC, now I get a chance!

A little from all, together it’s more

A Wish Come True I 63

一人一小步 社会大进步

同心圆梦三十载 I 65
一人一点心 社会更温馨



华助会在2022年5月22日至6月26日期间,举办了“一人一点心漫步 跑”活动。一个月随心随意、随时随地的漫步兼跑步活动,获得了各界 热烈回响。大家齐心合力走出了17万4130公里,远超出活动预设的 10万公里目标,也同时筹集了善款,帮助低收入家庭获得更多援助。

梦可能在遥远的他方,只要一路上有你有我有大家同行,一步一脚印, 一定能抵达。

66 I 同心圆梦三十载

Walking for a Cause

The “A Little From All” Virtual Run, held between 22nd May and 26th June 2022, was met with resounding success. Collectively, participants covered 174,130 kilometres by walking or running from wherever they were at any time of the day. The final distance tally far exceeded the event goal of 100,000 kilometres and raised funds that allow CDAC to provide more support for underprivileged families.

The road towards a dream may be long and winding, but with the right people by your side, we can make it hand in hand.

The road towards dreams may be long

But you will never walk alone

Celebrating 30 Years of Communal Giving I 67 A little from all, together it’s more
“A little from all 一人一点心”by CDAC 华社自助理事会 26 June •

华助会30周年“一人一点心”漫步跑已圆满落幕了哦!�� 我们一共跑了17万4130公里, 筹集了22110元善款!��

华助会想特别感谢以下的参与学校和支持机构(排名不分先后): 支持机构:

• 职总平价基金会

• 面包物语集团

• The Co-organization Pte Ltd

• 口福集团

• 老曾记有限公司

• 百美超市有限公司


• 华民小学

• 茂乔小学

• 军港小学

也衷心感谢各界人士的热列支持,你们的善心善举造就了一个更温馨的社会! 一人一点心,社会更温馨!��

The CDAC 30th Anniversary “A Little From All” Virtual Run has come to end! ��

Together, we have clocked in a total of 174,130km and raised $22,110! ��

CDAC would like to thank the following participating schools and supporting partners (Listed in no particular order):

Supporting Partners:

• NTUC FairPrice Foundation

• BreadTalk Group Pte Ltd

• The Co-organization Pte Ltd

• Koufu Group Limited

• Old Chang Kee Ltd

• Prime Supermarket Ltd

Participating Schools:

• Huamin Primary School

• Ang Mo Kio Primary School

• Naval Base Primary School

A big thank you to all for your immense support! A little from all, together it’s more! ��

#CDACsg #CDAC_sg #华助会 #CDAC30 #华助会30 # CDAC_ALittleFromAll

*内容取自 Instagram. Content extracted from Instagram.

同心齐步 I 69 一人一点心 社会更温馨

Charles Ho Nai Chuen 何乃全

Doing our part for the CDAC Virtual Run 为华助会漫步跑尽一份心,出一份力。

#cdac30 #cdac_alittlefromall


林少芬 8 Jun

“华助会漫步跑”还有两个星期 就要结束了,快快来报名参与啊! 一人一点心,社会更温馨。❤❤

baeyyamkeng Contributed my part for CDAC Virtual Run to celebrate its 30th anniversary. #CDACsg #CDAC_sg #华助会 #cdac_alittlefromall

华助会“ 一 人 点心 ”漫步跑 CDAC “ALittle From All”VirtualRun FINISHER

runwayxpression To a place I’ve dedicated the past 10 years to, Happy 30th Anniversary @CDAC_sg ��Thank you for the many opportunities, friendships formed, and a community I’m proud to call my second home. Here’s to many more years of being good and doing good x





#cdac30 #cdac_alittlefromall


Little by little, every steps counts in all our everyday journey #CDAC30 #CDAC_ALittleFromAll

jio_you_to_jia_you Weekend was meaningful busy. Time with frens & loved ��ones.

Tonight Sunday 29oC, although warm ��, but nevertheless squeezed in time for a 30min run ��

#cdac30 #cdac_alittlefromall

*内容取自 Instagram. Content extracted from Instagram.

Walking for a cause I 71 A little from all, together it’s more
“A little from all 一人一点心”by CDAC 华社自助理事会 26 June •

华助会职员昨日在执行理事长卜清锺的带领下,每人为华助会漫步跑走上30公里的路程! 挑战极限,成功!��

昨天的绵绵细雨,动摇不了我们决心。沿着精心设计的路程,由华助会总部起跑,我们沿途经过 了几个重要地标:

1. 人民协会 —— 在华助会初成立时给予行政支援

2. 两大发起机构 —— 新加坡中华总商会和宗乡会馆联合总会,中华总商会#08-03也是 华助会秘书处的第一个办公室

3. 华助会 @ 红山 —— 华助会在组屋区成立的第一间中心

4. 设立于OnePeople.sg的华助会 @ 大巴窑

走了30公里, 重温了华助会的过去,下来的30年,我们会走得更自信!一人一点心, 社会更温馨!��

The CDAC staff completed a 30km challenge for the CDAC Virtual Run yesterday, under the lead of our Executive Director Mr Pok Cheng Chong! Challenge accomplished! ��

We were determined to finish the challenge despite the drizzle yesterday. The route started from the CDAC HQ and we passed by several significant landmarks to CDAC along the way:

1. People’s Association: Provided administrative support at the beginning of CDAC’s establishment.

2. Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations: Initiated the establishment of CDAC and SCCCI’s #08-03 was the first office for the CDAC Secretariat

3. CDAC@ Redhill: The first CDAC Centre set up in the community

4. CDAC@ Toa Payoh: Located at

After completing the 30km and reliving the history of CDAC, we are ready to face anything coming our way for the next 30 years!

A little from all, together it’s more! ��

#CDACsg #CDAC_sg #华助会 #CDAC30 #华助会30 # CDAC_ALittleFromAll

*内容取自 Instagram. Content extracted from Instagram.

同心齐步 I 73 一人一点心 社会更温馨

齐心齐力 全心全意


同心圆梦三十载 I 75 一人一点心 社会更温馨




回看30年来时路,大大小小的努力,落实在学生补习班、家长教育、 工友支援与培训、义工招揽、乐龄终身学习,以及联系社团合作等 各个环节。原来,一人一点心,可以做出这么多事情,看似渺小、琐细, 却在许多不同人的生命里产生了呼应,带来了改变。

76 I 同心圆梦三十载

Footprints from Days Past

For our society to be a better place, all it takes is a little from all. Just as a forest starts with a single seed, the CDAC we see today sprung from a small notion to do good for the community.

Over the past 30 years, CDAC’s efforts have manifested in the form of programmes for students, assistance for families, support for workers, and lifelong learning for seniors. From volunteer recruitment to community engagement, even seemingly negligible contribution is vital to the wheel of change that brings greater good to the lives CDAC has touched.

30 years of support A lifetime of impact

Celebrating 30 Years of Communal Giving I 77 A little from all, together it’s more

草创岁月挑战大,从小小一间办公室﹑职员三两个起步, 华社群策群力,华助会一路走来,不忘初衷。


• 华助会由新加坡中华总商会和新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会发起,于5月11日注册为有限 担保公司。秘书处的临时办公室设于中华总商会。

• 黄根成部长受委为董事会主席。黄祖耀先生则获选为信托局主席。

• 新加坡报业控股属下的华文报联合发起全国性的筹款活动,获得社群的热烈 反应,为华助会筹得180万元善款。中华总商会和宗乡总会举办的华助会成立典礼和 筹款晚宴,也为华助会筹得360万元。政府承诺提供1000万元的捐款配对。

• 9月1日,中央公积金(捐献给社区基金【华社自助理事会】)条例正式生效。 所有新加坡华族雇员(公民或永久居民)每月将通过公积金局捐款给华助会,支持 华社在教育、社会及经济方面的发展。

• 由《联合早报》美术主编李智松设计的华助会标志也在9月启用。标志设计以传统 春联作为基本概念。上端线条象征学习精神、自助和努力向上。下端线条象征社群 给予的协助和支持,形成一股推动力。


• 在成立后的几个月内,华助会开始为个人和家庭提供短期贫困援助。这项援助计划 随后改为华助会-宗乡总会贫困援助金。

• 中小学生补习课程在人民协会的联络所和宗乡会馆开课。补习课程随后逐年扩展 到教育部的学校和华助会中心。一直是华助会的旗舰项目,每年提供超过一万个名额。

• 华助会也推出为低技能、低收入工友而设的技能培训奖计划,以提升低薪工友的 技能及就业能力。

• 华助会开始招募义工。义工们支持华助会的活动,功不可没。目前,每年有约1300名 义工参与华助会的活动。

• 11月,首两间华助会学生服务中心在红山和榜鹅启用。学生可以在放学后到中心 温习功课,也可以参加各种增益课程。多年来,在基层组织和社区伙伴的大力支持 下,中心的数量不断增加。

• 5月,华助会秘书处迁入位于丹戎加东路65号,原育英中学校舍的新会所。

• 红山和榜鹅学生服务中心推出功课督导小组。这项由义工推动的补习和辅导计划, 帮助学习表现不佳且缺乏父母监督的学生。通过义工每周组织的学习课程、游戏、 学习营和研讨会等,学生除了学习生活技能,也培养了动力和信心。这项计划目前 在8间华助会中心推行,每年为约140名学生提供辅导。这是华助会策略中的一项 重要计划,旨在为需要更多帮助的家庭提供深化支持。

• 华助会举办售旗日,获得3000名人民协会青年运动会员的支持。

• 5月,举办首届华助会义工日,表扬华助会义工的贡献。

• 华助会纪念品义标活动在农历七月庆中元晚宴举行,活动获得全岛多个中元会的大力支持。

诚心回首 I 79 一人一点心 社会更温馨 一九九二




一九九六 • 推出华助会 - 宗乡总会助学金,为中小学生及高中生提供学习援助。

• 所有华助会学生服务中心开始接受其他族群的学生参加活动。


二零零一• 公布技能培训奖成效评估报告及补习计划评估报告。两项评估均肯定了华助会两个 核心计划在提升低收入家庭方面的有效性。

• 华助会网站正式启用。

• 举办首届技能培训日,推广技能培训奖计划,也推出全日制技能再学计划。

梁智强受委为华助会技能培训奖计划的大使,并拍摄宣传短片,鼓励工友参加培训, 提升技能。这是华助会第一次通过电视广告宣传援助计划。

• 华助会与其他自助团体和中央社区发展理事会,在大巴窑设立联合社会服务中心, 为各族群有需要的人提供一站式社会服务。随着社会服务需求的演变,联合社会 服务中心后来转型为种族和谐资源中心。

互联网泡沫破裂,新加坡陷入经济衰退。华助会推出一系列援助计划,帮助低收入和 失业者走出困境。

• 华助会连同其他自助团体,以及中央社区发展理事会,在大巴窑的联合社区服务 中心设立了一个Distributed Careerlink Network Centre,提供求职者一站式的辅导与职 业介绍服务。

二零零二 • 华助会举办慈善晚宴庆祝成立10周年,为华助会筹得140万元。

二零零三 •

华助会与其他三个自助团体推出联合补习计划,让各族群学生可以参加任何自助 团体开办的补习班。这是自助团体合作的一个重要里程碑。

二零零四 • 两间学生服务中心与国家图书馆管理局合作,推出儿童启蒙阅读计划,鼓励低 收入家庭五岁至八岁的儿童阅读,并培养他们良好的阅读习惯。义工每周为儿童朗 读故事,并让他们参与各种阅读相关的活动。目前,12间华助会中心和自助团体联合 中心都提供儿童启蒙阅读计划,为超过300名儿童服务。

• 6月,林瑞生部长接任董事会主席。

• 12月,华助会在总部举办了第一次的“准备上学咯!”活动,帮助低收入家庭和这些家庭 的1000名上学孩童,为新学年做好准备。这项活动的规模逐年扩大,并于2012年移到 南洋初级学院举行,受惠家庭也从第一年的250户,逐年增加到现在每年约8000户。

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推出家长学习计划,传授育儿知识并加强家庭凝聚力。在2017年,这项计划分拆成 “家长教育计划”和“家庭资源计划”;前者帮助家长辅助孩子的学习历程,后者侧 重于指导家中成员提升家庭资源和加强家庭凝聚力。

• 一辆华助会流动巴士开始在组屋区、学校和工作场所穿行,将华助会的援助项目和 工作配对服务直接带到社区。

• 华助会进行重组,以3 X 2框架来强调三个目标服务对象——学生、工友和家庭,需要 借助两个推动者——义工和社区。

• 推出家庭就业支援计划,采用个案管理模式,协助面对经济困难的家庭。

• 在教育部的支持下,华助会与其他自助团体在年底共同推出为期四个星期的小一入学 预备班,帮助欠缺学前教育的儿童,加强他们的英语和数学基础,也学习社交技巧。

推出由义工发起的关怀乐龄计划,为有需要的年长者提供关怀与支持,并让义工参 与华助会以外的义务工作。这项计划于2013年扩大,宗乡总会成为合作伙伴。

• 1月,推出学前援助计划,帮助更多家庭减轻孩童学前教育财务负担,华助会提高 申请者的家庭收入顶限,也在2008年1月增加了援助金额。 二零零八

• 7月,在武吉班让设立第一间为所有目标服务对象提供援助的华助会中心,这也是首 间与社区发展理事会共同拥有的中心。中心于2008年12月由李显龙总理主持开幕。 二零零九

华助会成立以来一直以“双贫”(家境贫困,成绩不佳)的学生为援助对象。这一年, 华助会为单贫(家境贫困但具有潜能)的学生推出两项试点计划: 优苗培育计划:专为有较高潜能的小三至小六学生量身定制体验式学习计划,帮他们 建立信心,让学习更上一层楼。

与南洋美专合办艺术课程:帮助有艺术天份的儿童全面发展,发挥潜能。 二零一零

学生服务中心改名为华助会中心,将所有目标服务对象的课程项目带入社区。华助会 中心为学生、工友和家庭提供课程外,也是联系社群和建立合作伙伴关系的平台。


新加坡报业控股基金开始每年捐款给华助会,为1000个有需要的家庭订阅 《海峡时报》,鼓励低收入家庭阅读报纸,提高他们对国内外时事的认识。这项善举 一直持续到今天。


• 配合华助会成立20周年,华助会更新了标志。由林少芬女士和团队设计的新标志 展现了活力与诚意,也突出华助会以人为本的信念。林女士也创作了一首朗朗上口的 华助会歌曲和标语“一人一点心,社会更温馨”。

• 董事会和信托局主席职位变更。颜金勇部长接替林瑞生部长担任董事会主席; 蔡天宝先生从黄祖耀先生手中接过信托局主席职务。

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二零零七 •

“有些计划犹如种草,受众很广……不是一朝 一夕就能看到成绩,需要耐性和花费较长时间 才能扎稳树根,开花结果。”



• 4月,华助会推出“上Poly,你准备好了吗?”计划,一改过去只服务中小学生的做法。 新计划发放文具和交通券,也帮助学生及家长顺利从中学过渡到大专。

• 7月,在明智小学开设首个校内学生托管中心,提供课后托管和功课督导,以及增益 课程,全面照顾学生身心发展。

• 5月,与《联合晚报》联合推出专为年长者而办的信息分享会,以华语和不同方言分享 有关建国一代配套的信息。此后,华助会举办了更多类似的信息分享会,帮助年长者 了解与他们息息相关的课题。

• 10月,华助会举办筹款晚宴,筹得1780万元善款。这次活动由信托局蔡天宝主席领 导,旨在增加华助会的财务资源,以协助更多有需要的家庭。这是华助会历来筹得最 多款额的筹款活动。

• 政府再次承诺提供1000万元的配对捐款。

• 相隔六年后,设立华助会第12间中心——华助会@ 宏茂桥,将触角伸到更多社区。

• 1月,修订华助会基金的捐款额。这是自1992年捐款计划启动以来第一次修订。修订 后,华助会基金所收到的捐款每年由大约1300万元(2014年)增至超过2100万元, 让华助会能够推出更多计划,支持更多家庭。

• 庆祝新加坡独立50周年,华助会发起“爱心结”活动,由社区伙伴、义工和公众一起 制作5万500个爱心结,赠送给受惠者,向他们表达鼓励、支持与祝福。

• 派送金禧特别礼包给1万户低收入家庭。每份礼包内有100元日常用品购物礼券。

• 华助会与其他三个自助团体进行战略合作,推出童心学生托管中心,为各族群学生 提供课后托管服务和额外支援。至今,童心托管中心已在30所小学,为将近5000名 学生提供服务。

• 华助会 @ 勿洛开幕,这是华助会在社区拓展策略下的第13个中心,也是最后一个。

• 6月,王乙康部长从颜金勇部长手中接过华助会董事会主席职务。


• 整合支持家庭和工人的计划,以更有效的方式,通过个案管理为家庭提供更全面援助。

• 因应人口迅速老龄化,推出幸福乐龄计划。

• 推出青年启发计划,支持学生在中学以后的教育及身心发展需求。

以上调整是王乙康部长“种草植树”战略之一,整体上为有需要的家庭提供援助 项目,也为更有需要的弱势群体提供更深入和持续的援助。

诚心回首 I 85 一人一点心 社会更温馨 二零一三

做梦需要勇气,圆梦大家出力,爱心汇聚成城, 大大小小的心愿,我们一起完成。




• 受到功课督导小组的启发,华助会推出YOUth Can Shine计划,为刚升上中学的学生提 供补习和辅导,帮助他们顺利从小学过渡到中学。

• 四个自助团体在义顺联合设立自助团体联合中心。

• 华助会“种草植树”策略进一步优化:

• 补习和增益课程结合成单一补习班,并提高补习费津贴,让更多学生获益。大多数 学生豁免补习费。

• 提高华助会援助计划的家庭收入上限。针对较贫穷家庭的援助计划收入上限由 1900元提高至2400元,调整幅度历来最大。

• 授权华助会个案管理员,为财务上面对更大困境的家庭提供更多补助,以及延长其 援助期,让华助会能够加大对较贫困家庭的支持。

• 应对新冠疫情带来的冲击,华助会将援助项目和活动转到线上,并推出1000万元 额外援助,帮助生计受到严重影响的受惠家庭,包括向1万户育有年幼和学龄孩童 的低收入家庭提供超过500万元的特别补助金、向额外5000名学生提供助学金和 教育补助金,以及提高“准备上学咯!”所分发的援助券。华助会共花费3350万元 援助受惠者,是华助会历来最高的财政支出。

• 政府宣布为华助会提供1000万元的拨款,帮助有需要的家庭。

推出两项新计划——“鲜食计划”提供受惠家庭购买新鲜食材的购物券;“宽带网络 服务津贴计划”分担低收入家庭的网络服务费。

• 鉴于疫情为许多低收入家庭造成困扰,华助会破例让6000多名在2020年获得助学金 的学生,无需重新申请,直接获得2021年助学金。

庆祝成立30周年,举办多项活动——“一人一点心漫步跑”活动鼓励公众与社区 参与;“圆梦计划”帮助100户弱势家庭实现梦想。

• 检讨战略,并宣布三项新举措,进一步支援低收入家庭儿童:

• 加强学前儿童的增益课程,让低收入家庭儿童有更扎实的教育基础。

• 为部分低收入家庭孩子提供长期援助。

• 持续加强和扩展学生在课程中的学习体验。

• 6月,服务达26年的蔡天宝博士,在会员大会后卸下信托局主席职务。中华总商会前 任会长黄山忠先生获选为信托局新任主席。

• 9月,华助会完成总部重大翻新工程,这是自1994年迁至总部以来的首次翻新工程。

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CDAC has expanded beyond its initial small office with a handful of staff. Times have changed, but our vision stays the same.

同 心 圆 梦 三 十 载 88



• CDAC was incorporated on 22 May as a Company Limited by Guarantee, with the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) and Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) as the founding members. The Secretariat operated out of a temporary office at SCCCI.

• Minister Wong Kan Seng was appointed as the first Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Mr Wee Cho Yaw was elected the first Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

• The Chinese Press under Singapore Press Holdings launched a nationwide donation drive which received overwhelming responses from the community and raised $1.8 million for CDAC. Another $3.6 million was raised during the inaugural Fundraising Dinner organised by SCCCI and SFCCA. The Government also pledged $10 million in grants to match donations raised by CDAC.

• On 1 September, the Central Provident Fund (Contributions to Community Fund [CDAC]) Rules came into effect. The Rules require all Chinese employees who are Singapore citizens or permanent residents to make a monthly contribution to CDAC through CPF Board for the Chinese community's educational, social or economic advancement.

• The CDAC Logo, designed by Mr Lee Tee Song, the then-art editor of Lianhe Zaobao, was launched in September. The logo was inspired by traditional Spring Festival couplets. The top portion of the lines symbolises the efforts and endeavours made by the beneficiaries for educational advancement, self-reliance and self-improvement. The lower portion of the lines symbolises the assistance and support provided by the community, which appears as a strong and unyielding motivating force.

• Within months of setting up, CDAC started providing short-term financial hardship assistance to individuals and families. This was subsequently re-constituted as the CDAC-SFCCA Hardship Assistance Fund.

• The Tuition Programme for Primary and Secondary students was launched at Community Centres and Chinese Clan Associations. The Programme expanded over the years to MOE schools and CDAC Centres. It remains a flagship programme of CDAC, with more than 10,000 places offered annually.

• The Skills Training Awards Scheme for low-skill, low-income workers was also launched to upskill and enhance the employability of low-wage workers.

• Volunteers recruitment started in the same year. Since then, volunteers have made significant contributions to CDAC programmes. Currently, about 1,300 volunteers support CDAC programmes annually.

• In November, the first two CDAC Student Service Centres (SSC) opened at Redhill and Punggol to serve as drop-in centres for students, offering a variety of enrichment programmes. The number of centres has increased over the years with the strong support from grassroots organisations and community partners.

1994 • In May, the Secretariat moved to a new CDAC HQ at the former Yock Eng High School at 65 Tanjong Katong Road.

• The Supervised Homework Group Programme started at SSC in Redhill and Punggol. The volunteerdriven mentoring and tutoring programme help students who are weak in their studies and lack parental supervision. Through study sessions, games, camps and workshops organised by the volunteers weekly, the students acquire useful life skills and develop motivation and confidence. The programme is now offered at eight CDAC Centres, supporting about 140 students yearly. It is a key programme in CDAC's strategy to provide greater support to the families that need more help.

1995 • CDAC Flag Day was organised with the support of 3,000 members of the People’s Association Youth Movement.

• The first CDAC Volunteers’ Day was held in May to show appreciation and recognise the contributions of CDAC volunteers.

• A month-long auction of CDAC mementoes was conducted with strong support from 7th-month festival organisations island-wide.

Footprints from Days Past I 89 A little from all, together it’s more

CDAC lends a hand to low-income families because financial constraints should not deny a child the chance to education.

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1996 • Launch of the CDAC-SFCCA Bursary to provide financial support to Primary, Secondary / ITE and JC / Pre-U students.

• All CDAC SSCs started accepting students from other ethnic groups into the programmes.

1997 • Findings from the study on the effectiveness of CDAC's Skills Training Award Scheme and Tuition Programme were announced. Both studies affirm the effectiveness of CDAC’s two core programmes in uplifting low-income families.

• CDAC website was launched.

1998 • Held the first Skills Training Day to promote the Skills Training Awards Scheme. Full-time Skills Redevelopment Programmes were also launched.

1999 • Jack Neo was appointed as Ambassador for CDAC Skills Training Awards Scheme and made an appearance in the publicity film. This was CDAC’s first time publicising its assistance scheme on television.

2000 • CDAC, along with other Self-Help Groups and Central Singapore CDC, set up a Joint Social Service Centre (JSSC) at Toa Payoh. The centre provides one-stop social services to persons in need from all ethnic groups. As the social service landscape evolved, JSSC was re-constituted as One People.SG to promote racial harmony.

2001 • Singapore was in a recession when the dot-com bubble burst. CDAC introduced an assistance package to help the low-income and unemployed tide over their financial challenges.

• CDAC, along with other Self-Help Groups and Central Singapore CDC, set up a Distributed Careerlink Network Centre at the Joint Social Service Centre (JSSC) at Toa Payoh. The centre provides one-stop job counselling and placement services for job seekers.




• CDAC celebrated its 10th Anniversary with a charity dinner and raised $1.401 million for the CDAC Endowment Fund through the support of Chinese Clan Associations, Trade Associations, corporations, and CDAC Board Directors and Trustees.

• CDAC and the other three Self-Help Groups jointly launched the Collaborative Tuition Programme (CTP). CTP allows students to participate in tuition run by any Self-Help Group at a subsidised fee. This marks a major milestone in the collaboration between Self-Help Groups.

• kidsREAD started at two SSCs. This was a collaboration with the National Library Board. The programme promotes reading and the cultivation of good reading habits among young Singaporeans, particularly children aged five to eight, from low-income families. Volunteers read books to children and engage them in a variety of activities related to the storybooks on a weekly basis. kidsREAD is now offered to more than 300 children across 12 CDAC Centres and Vibrance @ Yishun.

• In June, Minister Lim Swee Say was appointed as the new Chairman of the CDAC Board of Directors.

• In December, the first Ready for School project was introduced at CDAC HQ to help low-income families and their 1,000 schooling children prepare for the new school year. The project continued to expand over the years and moved from CDAC HQ to Nanyang JC in 2012 to cater for the increasing number of beneficiaries. It now provides timely support for more than 8,000 families before they start the new school year.

Footprints from Days Past I 91 A little from all, together it’s more

The CDAC mobile bus brings programmes to the community to equip parents with parenting skills.

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• Launched the Parent Development Programme (PDP) to impart parenting skills and strengthen family bonds. In 2017, the programme was split into two: The Parent Education Programme focuses on helping parents better support their children along the learning journey, while the Family Resource Programme focuses on guiding parents in improving the use of family resources and strengthening family bonding.

• A CDAC mobile bus started travelling to HDB estates, schools, and workplaces to bring CDAC programmes and job matching services directly to the community.

• CDAC reorganised its programme according to a 3 X 2 framework to focus on the three target groups—Students, Workers and Families—and two enablers—the Volunteers and the Community.

• The Family Workfare Support Programme was introduced as part of the reorganisation. The new programme uses a case management approach to support families going through financial hardship.

• With support from the Ministry of Education, CDAC and the other Self-Help Groups launched a four-week bridging programme. This programme helps children with insufficient preschool education strengthen their English and Mathematics foundations and improve their social skills before they enter primary school the following year.

2007 • Started Project C.A.R.E.—a volunteer-initiated programme to provide care and support to the needy elderly and expose volunteers to other areas of volunteer work. Project C.A.R.E. expanded in 2013 with SFCCA as the collaborating partner.

• The Pre-school Assistance & Support Scheme (PASS) was first introduced in January 2007. To help more needy families to lighten the financial burden of sending children to kindergartens, CDAC raised the income criteria cap and granted a higher subsidy amount from January 2008.

2008 • Set up CDAC@ Bukit Panjang in July, the first multi-service centre that served all target groups. It was also the first centre co-owned by CDAC and the Community Development Council. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong officiated the centre's opening in December 2008.


• Since its inception, CDAC has focused on students with “dual needs” (low-income families, poor academic performance). In 2009, CDAC piloted two programmes to develop students with academic potential from low-income families.

The first, Project Excellence, is an experiential learning programme customised for promising Primary 3 to Primary 6 students. This programme instils learning confidence in the students to help them further excel in their studies.

The second is an arts enrichment programme in collaboration with NAFA to help children develop in a well-rounded way and fulfil their non-academic potential.

2010 • All Student Service Centres were repositioned as CDAC Centres to bring CDAC programmes closer to the community for all its targeted groups. CDAC Centres run programmes for students, parents and workers. The centres also serve as a platform for community engagement and partner collaborations.

2011 • SPH Foundation started making annual donations to CDAC by providing 1,000 needy families with subscriptions to The Straits Times. This is to encourage the needy to heighten their awareness of local and world affairs. The donation continues till today.

2012 • CDAC marked its 20th Anniversary with a refreshed logo designed by Ms Lim Sau Hoong and her design team. The new logo signifies dynamism and earnestness and highlights CDAC’s focus on People. Ms Lim also composed the catchy CDAC song and a tagline, “A little from all, together it’s more”.

• The year also saw the change of Chairmanship in both the Board of Directors (BOD) and Board of Trustees (BOT). Minister Gan Kim Yong succeeded Minister Lim Swee Say as the BOD Chairman. Mr Chua Thian Poh took over the BOT Chairmanship from Mr Wee Cho Yaw.

Footprints from Days Past I 93 A little from all, together it’s more
"Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. It takes patience and time for programmes to take root and come to fruition.”
- Mr Ong Ye Kung, 2017
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• In the past, CDAC’s programmes for students focused on primary and secondary students. In April, it made a strategic move to pilot the Ready for Poly programme. Besides receiving stationery and transport vouchers, the students and their parents also receive tips on better managing the transition from secondary to post-secondary education.

• CDAC set up its first school-based student care centre (SBSCC) at Bendemeer Primary in July. The centre offers after-school care and homework supervision as well as enrichment programmes todevelop the students holistically.

• In May, the first Information Sharing Session for Seniors was launched in collaboration with Lianhe Wanbao. The session, conducted in Mandarin and different dialects, covered information on the Pioneer Generation Package. After this, CDAC conducted similar information-sharing sessions to help seniors understand various issues pertinent to them.

• In October, CDAC organised a fundraising dinner and raised $17.8 million. The event was initiated by the Board of Trustees to strengthen CDAC's financial resources so that it could help more needy families. To date, this is the most successful CDAC fundraising event in terms of the amount raised.

• The Government pledged $10 million in grants to match the donations raised by CDAC.

• Set up CDAC@ Ang Mo Kio to bring programmes and activities to the Ang Mo Kio community.

• CDAC revised the contribution rates for the CDAC Fund in January. This was the first revision since the inception of the contribution scheme in 1992. The revision increased the CDAC Fund collected from about $13 million yearly (2014) to more than $21 million. The increase in funds enables CDAC to roll out more programmes to support more families.

• As part of the SG50 celebrations, CDAC initiated a “Heart Knots” event, where 50,500 heart knots were made by the community partners, volunteers, and public to express their encouragement, support and well-wishes to CDAC’s beneficiaries.

• CDAC also presented special Jubilee Packs to 10,000 low-income families. Each Jubilee Pack comprised $100 grocery vouchers.



• CDAC, in partnership with the other Self-Help Groups, launched the Big Heart Student Care Centre. This was a strategic collaboration between the four Self-Help Groups to provide after-school care services and additional support to students from all ethnic groups. Today, Big Heart Student Care is provided in 30 primary schools, serving close to 5,000 students.

• CDAC@ Bedok opened in February. This is the 13th, and the last CDAC Centre planned for in the CDAC community outreach strategy.

• Minister Ong Ye Kung took over the CDAC Board of Directors Chairmanship from Minister Gan Kim Yong in June.

As CDAC marked its 25th Anniversary, key changes were made to its programmes and schemes:

- Programmes supporting families and workers were integrated. Using a case management approach, holistic support could be provided for families more effectively.

- The Fulfilling Aging Programme was introduced to address the needs of a rapidly ageing population.

- The Youth Empowerment and Aspiration Programme (YEAP) was launched to support post-secondary students' educational and developmental needs.

These changes were part of the "Planting Grass, Growing Trees" strategy described by Minister Ong Ye Kung. The strategy encompasses a set of generic programmes that can reach out to families who need help and another set of targeted initiatives to provide the more needy with in-depth and sustained support.

Footprints from Days Past I 95 A
little from all, together it’s more

Be brave enough to dream. There is always someone here to see you through your dreams.

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2018 • Inspired by the approach of the Supervised Homework Group Programme for upper Primary students, CDAC launched the “YOUth Can Shine” programme to provide mentoring and tutoring for students as they transition from Primary to Secondary school.

• Vibrance @ Yishun, a new SHGs Centre, started operating in Yishun.

2019 • CDAC took a few further steps in its strategic direction of "Planting Grass, Growing Tress":

• Tuition and enrichment classes were merged into tuition classes with enhanced fee subsidies to reach out to more students. With the improved subsidy, most students receive a complete waiver of their tuition fees.

• The household income cap for needy families to qualify for CDAC assistance schemes and programmes was raised from $1,900 to $2,400. This was the highest increment percentage in CDAC's history.

• CDAC caseworkers were given the authority to extend the duration and quantum of financial assistance for needier families facing more challenging hardships.

2020 • In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, CDAC moved its programmes and events online. An additional $10 million worth of assistance was introduced to help beneficiaries whose livelihoods were impacted by the pandemic. This included the disbursement of more than $5 million in education grants to 10,000 low-income families with young and school-going children, bursaries and educational grants to an extra 5,000 students, and supplementing the assistance vouchers given out in the Ready-forSchool project. CDAC spent a total of $33.5 million in 2020 to support beneficiaries. To date, this is the highest amount spent on assistance in the history of CDAC.

• The Government announced a $10 million grant for CDAC to support more families who need help.



• CDAC launched two new initiatives—Project FRESH and Project BASIC. Project FRESH provides needy families with vouchers to buy fresh groceries; Project BASIC helps lower-income families defray the cost of internet subscriptions.

• As many low-income families were negatively affected by the pandemic, CDAC made an exception for 2020 bursary recipients who were still in school to receive the 2021 bursary without having to reapply.

• CDAC marked its 30th Anniversary with a few events. These included the “A Little from All” Virtual Run, which encouraged community participation, and the “A Wish Come True Project” to help 100 low-income families fulfil their wishes.

• A strategy review was conducted with three new initiatives announced to better support children from low-income families:

• CDAC will further enhance enrichment programmes for preschoolers to give children from low-income families a more robust educational foundation

• CDAC will provide longer-term support for some children from low-income families.

• CDAC will continue enhancing and broadening the learning experiences of students in our programmes.

• After serving CDAC for 26 years, Dr Chua Thian Poh retired from his position as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees after CDAC’s 30th AGM in June. Mr Ng San Tiong, the Immediate Past President of SCCCI, was elected the new Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

• In September, CDAC completed the first major renovation of its headquarters since it relocated to its current premises in 1994.

Footprints from Days Past I 97 A little from all, together it’s more


Retired Patron and Members of Board of Directors

赞助人 Patron

吴作栋总理 Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong 1992 -2004

董事会 Board of Director Date Retired

许宇鑫博士 Dr Koh Gee Kum 21 May 1994

吴若荣先生 Mr David Woo Yoh Yeung 21 May 1996

林方基先生 Mr Lim Fang Chee 21 May 1998

柯新治博士 Dr Ker Sin Tze 21 May 2000

蓝宏赉先生 (已故) Mr Lam Fong Loi (deceased) 21 May 2000

徐素心女士 Mrs Karen Oei Boon Wan 21 May 2000

王雅兴先生 Mr Ong Ah Heng 21 May 2000

陈嘉和先生 Mr Tan Kah Hoe 21 May 2000

陈原生先生 Mr Tang Guan Seng 21 May 2000

郭振羽教授 Prof Eddie Kuo Chen-Yu 14 Jun 2002

张保罗博士 Dr Paul Cheung 12 Jun 2004

郭庭水先生 Mr Kwek Theng Swee 12 Jun 2004

林福山先生 Mr Lim Hock San 12 Jun 2004

王励谦先生 Mr Ong Lay Khiam 12 Jun 2004

蔡锦淞先生 Mr Chua Gim Siong 21 Feb 2005*

周景锐先生 Mr Chew Keng Juea 23 Jun 2006

郭毓川先生 Mr Kwek Hiok Chuang 23 Jun 2006

司徒宇斌先生 Mr Sitoh Yih Pin 23 Jun 2006

罗守学先生 Mr Loh Siew Hock 23 Jun 2006

吕荣璋先生 Mr Lu Yeng John 23 Jun 2006

董事会 Board of Director Date Retired

王志豪先生 Mr Heng Chee How 25 Jun2010

王禄仁先生 Mr Wong Luck Jaen 25 Jun2010

王世丰医生 Dr Ong Seh Hong 25 Jun2010

黄国立先生 Mr Ng Kok Lip 25 Jun 2010

黄玉玲博士 (已故) Dr Ooi Giok Ling (deceased) 25 Jun 2010

张昌隆先生 Mr Teo Chiang Long 25 Jun 2012

郑建铭先生 Mr Tang Kian Meng 25 Jun 2012

陈英来先生 Mr Tan Eng Lai 25 Jun 2012

翁兴年先生 Mr Philip Eng Heng Nee 20 Jun 2014

张振兴先生 Mr Chong Chin Hin 20 Jun 2014

郑谦木先生 Mr Tay Khiam Back 20 Jun 2014

傅海燕女士 Ms Grace Fu Hai Yien 1 Oct 2015*

刘泰山先生 Mr Lau Tai San 20 Jun 2016

李秉萱博士 Dr Lee Peng Shu 20 Jun 2016

许廷芳先生 Mr Hee Theng Fong 21 Jun 2018

陈振泉先生 Mr Sam Tan Chin Siong 18 Jun 2020

白南泉先生 Mr Andrian Peh Nam Chuan 28 Jun 2022

陈睦发先生 Mr Tan Bock Huat 28 Jun 2022

陈财喜先生 Mr Gilbert Tan Chye Hee 28 Jun 2022

尹崇明先生 Mr Wan Shung Ming 28 Jun 2022

98 I 同心圆梦三十载


Retired Board of Trustees

信托委员 Board of Trustees Date Retired

卓济民先生 Mr Chok Chai Mun 21 May 1994

吴水阁先生 (已故) Mr Goh Tjoie Kok (deceased) 21 May 1994

林再钦先生 Mr Lin Chai Chin 21 May 1994

王先德先生 (已故) Mr Wee Tin Teck (deceased) 21 May 1994

蔡哲洲先生 Mr Robert Chua 21 May 1996

王明星先生 Mr Ong Beng Seng 21 May 1996

连赢洲博士 (已故) Dr Lien Ying Chow (deceased) 21 May 1998

林继民先生 Mr Lim Kee Ming 21 May 1998

张泗川先生 Mr Teo Soo Chuan 21 May 1998

林理化先生 Mr Ling Lee Hua 21 May 2000

曾良材先生 Mr Chan Liang Choy 21 May 2000

谢坤祥先生 Mr Lawrence Sia Khoon Seong 21 May 2000

陈永裕先生 Mr Tan Eng Joo 21 May 2000

郑国枰博士 Dr Teh Kok Peng 21 May 2000

黄上哲博士 Dr Whang Sun Tze 21 May 2000

杨翘远医生 Dr Sylvester Yong Siew Yuen 21 May 2000

杨树宣先生 Mr Yang Soo Suan 21 May 2000

颜诗琴博士 Dr Gan See Khem 12 Jun 2004

郑民川先生 Mr Tay Beng Chuan 12 Jun 2004

邵维铭先生 Mr Shaw Vee Meng 12 Jun 2004

张荣先生 (已故) Mr Cheong Wing (deceased) 12 Jun 2004

黄吉成先生 (已故) Mr Ng Kiat Seng (deceased) 12 Jun 2004

张良材先生 (已故) Mr Teo Liang Chye (deceased) 12 Jun 2004

柯新治博士 Dr Ker Sin Tze 23 Jun 2006

张东华先生 (已故) Mr Teo Tong Wah (deceased) 23 Jun 2006

潘国驹教授 Prof Phua Kok Khoo 2 Jun 2008

陈笃山先生 (已故) Mr Tan Tock San (deceased) 2 Jun 2008

谢万森先生 Mr Chia Ban Seng, BBM 25 Jun 2010

李亚丰先生 Mr Lee Ah Fong 25 Jun 2010

吕俊暘医生 Dr Loo Choon Yong 25 Jun 2010

陈健立先生 Mr Tan Kien Lip 25 Jun 2010

陈共存先生 (已故) Mr Tan Keong Choon (deceased) 25 Jun 2010

郭令裕先生 (已故) Mr Kwek Leng Joo (deceased) 25 Jun 2010

梁庆经先生 (已故) Mr Leong Heng Keng (deceased) 25 Jun 2010

信托委员 Board of Trustees Date Retired

黄祖耀博士 Dr Wee Cho Yaw 25 Jun 2012

黄根成先生 Mr Wong Kan Seng 25 Jun 2012

李庆言先生 Mr Lee Ching Yen Stephen 25 Jun 2012

郭良耿先生 Mr Kwee Liong Keng 25 Jun 2012

魏成辉先生 Mr Sam Goi Seng Hui 25 Jun 2012

林方华先生 Mr Lim Fang Hua 25 Jun 2012

何乃全先生 Mr Charles Ho Nai Chuen 25 Jun 2012**

胡以晨先生 Mr Robin Hu Yee Cheng 25 Jun 2012

叶谋彬先生 Mr Yap Boh Pin 25 Jun 2012

吴南祥先生 Mr Goh Nam Siang 25 Jun 2012

程宇超先生 Mr Philip Kia Er Chew 20 Jun 2014

孔宪基博士 (已故) Dr Albert Hong Hin Kay (deceased) 20 Jun 2014

邬顺山先生 Mr Voo Soon Sang 20 Jun 2016

郭明忠博士 Dr George Quek Meng Tong 20 Jun 2016**

柯毓麟先生 Mr James Kuah Geok Lin 20 Jun 2016

林瑞生先生 Mr Lim Swee Say 21 Jun 2018

何侨生先生 Mr Ho Kiau Seng 21 Jun 2018

张松声先生 Mr Teo Siong Seng 21 Jun 2018

蔡其生先生 Mr Thomas Chua Kee Seng 21 Jun 2018***

高允裕先生 Mr Ko Oon Joo 21 Jun 2018

钟声坚先生 Mr Zhong Sheng Jian 21 Jun 2018

吕立岩先生 Mr Paul Loo Lip Giam 21 Jun 2018

林爱莲女士 Ms Olivia Lum Ooi Lin 3 Oct 2018*

李国基先生 Mr Patrick Lee Kwok Kie 18 Jun 2020

廖文良先生 Mr Liew Mun Leong 12 Sep 2020*

白连源先生 Mr Pek Lian Guan 13 May 2022*

蔡天宝博士 Dr Chua Thian Poh 28 Jun 2022

颜金勇先生 Mr Gan Kim Yong 28 Jun 2022

庄日昆先生 Mr Ch’ng Jit Koon 28 Jun 2022

柯文伟先生 Mr Kuah Boon Wee 28 Jun 2022

陈奕福先生 Mr Tan Aik Hock 28 Jun 2022

* Resigned

** Re-appointed on 21 Jun 2018 & Retired on 28 Jun 2022

*** Re-appointed on 28 Jun 2022

Celebrating 30 Years of Communal Giving I 99 A little from all, together it’s more


Board of Directors and Board of Trustees (2022 – 2024 Term)

赞助人 Patron

李显龙总理 Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

董事会 Board of Directors

主席王乙康先生 Mr Ong Ye Kung, Chairman

黄建铭先生 Mr Ang Kiam Meng

马炎庆先生 Mr Baey Yam Keng

徐芳达先生 Mr Chee Hong Tat

谢锦发先生 Mr Chia Kim Huat

洪宝兴先生 Mr Hong Poh Hin

许宝琨医生 Dr Koh Poh Koon

梁善权先生 Mr Chris Leong Sin Kuen

林少芬女士 Ms Lim Sau Hoong

林芝菁女士 Ms Caryn Lim Tze Ching

刘燕玲女士 Ms Low Yen Ling

黄健华先生 Mr Patrick Ng Bee Soon

黄保华先生 Mr Ng Poh Wah

方耀明先生 Mr Png Yiow Beng

孙雪玲女士 Ms Sun Xueling

吴佶财先生 Mr Woo Chee Chay

任梓銘先生 Mr Alex Yam Ziming

信托委员 Board of Trustees

主席黄山忠先生 Mr Ng San Tiong, Chairman

董事会主席王乙康先生 Mr Ong Ye Kung, BOD, Chairman

曾建权先生 Mr Chan Kian Kuan

郑维强先生 Mr Cheng Wai Keung

朱良志先生 Mr Tony Chew Leong-Chee

蔡其生先生 Mr Thomas Chua Kee Seng

高泉庆先生 Mr Kho Choon Keng

郭益智先生 Mr Sherman Kwek Eik Tse

李慧玲女士 Ms Lee Huay Leng

李思亮先生 Mr Lee Sze Leong

李奕贤先生 Mr Lee Yi Shyan

梁善源先生 Mr William Leong Sin Yuen

刘智评先生 Mr Lew Chee Beng

林福星先生 Mr Lim Hock Chee

林明彦先生 Mr Lim Ming Yan

黄志达先生 Mr Philip Ng Chee Tat

吴绍均先生 Mr Ng Siew Quan

庞琳先生 Mr Pang Lim

潘家海先生 Mr Francis Phua Kiah Mai

萧作鸣先生 Mr Seow Choke Meng

陈精毅先生 Mr Tan Cheng Gay

陈康威先生 Mr Anthony Tan Kang Uei

吴学光先生 Mr Wu Hsioh Kwang

杨应群先生 Mr Yeo Eng Koon

100 I 同心圆梦三十载



词/曲 : 林少芬













社会更温馨 更温馨

A Little From All

Music by Lim Sau Hoong

Reach out a helping hand

Let’s all do what we can

When troubles fall we stand tall

When storms come we heed the call

Reach out a helping hand

Let’s all do what we can

With all our heart and soul

We make this family whole


Bit by bit from all

Together we have more

Hand in hand we stand

Together we all can

We all can

Celebrating 30 Years of Communal Giving I 101 A little from all, together it’s more


华社自助理事会成立30周年庆祝活动以及此书的出版,得到社会各界的 支持与帮忙,谨此向以下企业、机构、组织和善心人士致以万分感谢:

• 茂乔小学

• 面包物语集团

• The Co-Organization Pte Ltd

• 拿督斯里翁俊民博士

• 鼎泰豐

• 元素

• 华民小学

• 珍宝餐饮集团

• Kimage Hairdressing School Pte Ltd

• 口福集团

• 联合早报

• 军港小学

• 职总平价基金会

• 老曾记有限公司

• 百美超市有限公司

• 体育关怀

• 新加坡体育理事会



CDAC would like to thank the following partners for their generous support and contributions to the success of our 30th Anniversary celebrations and this commemorative book:

• Ang Mo Kio Primary School

• BreadTalk Group Pte Ltd

• The Co-Organization Pte Ltd

• Dato' Sri Prof. Dr. Tahir

• Din Tai Fung

• elemen

• Huamin Primary School

• Jumbo Group of Restaurants

• Kimage Hairdressing School Pte Ltd

• Koufu Group Limited

• Lianhe Zaobao

• Naval Base Primary School

• NTUC FairPrice Foundation

• Old Chang Kee Ltd

• Prime Supermarket Ltd

• SportCares

• Sport Singapore

… and the countless volunteers who have participated in our 30th Anniversary efforts.

102 I 同心圆梦三十载

Published by Chinese Development Assistance Council 65 Tanjong Katong Road Singapore 436957

Copyright © 2022

By Chinese Development Assistance Council

ISBN 978-981-18-5399-9

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.


CDAC Building 65 Tanjong Katong Road Singapore 436957 I I

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