Magazine 100% Motor Classics - Edition 3

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YEAR 1 - eDITION 3 - r$: 4,99

“A Certeza de ir mais longe”

Lubrificação e tratamento com PTFE Lubrificante spray com PTFE

ta -m

Montagem de motores

Po r

C an al et


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Tr ilh os

Fe ch ad ur a


C ap ô

aç an et a

D ob r

ad iç a

AGBA spray

Adicionar ao óleo para tratamento de motores

LL-50 - Redutor de atrito; - Cria película autolubrificante de PTFE na zona de atrito; - Inibe a carbonização; - Elimina a partida a seca, reduzindo desgastes e travamentos; - Melhora o desempenho do motor, com maior potência final; - Reduz o consumo de combustível, através da redução no atrito. Após a limpeza com Heavy Flushing Oil, a aplicação de LL-50 junto ao óleo novo cria um ambiente antiaderente na zona de atrito, dificultando a fixação e acúmulo do verniz na zona de atrito. LL-50 deixa o motor mais suave e com reação rápida, traduzindo em melhor desempenho e rodar macio e econômico.

Limpeza localizada

Limpeza Química

Limpeza de Piche

AutoCleaning Spray

Limpeza do Corpo de Borboleta

Limpeza e descarbonização

Fuel Cleaner


Bico injetor



Limpeza interna do circuito do óleo

Heavy Flushing Oil




12 - ford landau


24 - ford IN braZil


“A client can CHOoSE the color he wants, as long as it is black” Iconic Henry Ford’s sentence


here are no doubts that Henry

product would move through

ford was ahead of his time.

working stations. In time, this

The Ford Motor company

system allowed production

brought many innovations to

of huge volumes in less time,

the automobile’s word. That’s why,

increased profits and became

nothing this company’s creator

known as Fordism.

said was in vain.

The sentence “The client

production model prospered.

can choose the color he wants, as

However, soon some clients began

long as it is black” refers to Ford’s

demanding varieties from Ford’s

During a few years this

assembling model. The motive increase car's production.

revolvers and Singer sewing vehicles and other brands already

was simple. Black ink used to dry

machines, each employee would had them. Thus, the company had

This kind of assembling

faster and consequently would line was inspired by the Colt

make a specific task while the to adapt.


The 100% MOTOR CLASSICS magazine is a JC Produções monthly publication. Contact Tel: (11) 4337-6604 (11) 99917-0957 (11) 94018-2567 Dr. Amâncio de Carvalho, 941 Vl. Baeta Neves, SBC/SP

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Benz Patent-Motorwagen type III

Benz Patent-Motorwagen The first modern automobile produced in small quantities Text: Rafael Pires Photos: Publicity


he automobiles history began around 1769. Back Emile Roger himself and other details of this same then, vapor engines were created. However, the vehicle makes one suppose it was used by Bertha Benz, first modern vehicle was born in 1871 when Karl Karl’s wife. This car belongs to the London Science

Benz founded a project with August Rittler. Thus, in Museum, but it is exposed at Dr. Karl Benz Museum 1888 the first motorized wagon came up, the Patent- in Laudenburg, Germany. Motorwagen.

The engine of the Type III had one cylinder

Its original model was the Type I. The rim was with four tempos. Its power was 2.5 HP at 500 rpm.

made of steel and was very similar to last generation The carburetor was a surface one built by Karl himself. bicycles at the time. Besides, it had three wheels. The

It yet had automatic admission and exhaustion control

Type II posteriorly gain a fourth as an experience.

valves. Lubrication was made by dripping with feeding

Nevertheless, the steering wheel had double axles lubricator and ignition grease, which was electric. and was an important step for modern automobiles.

The transmission was fix pulley with two speeds

Presumably, only one of this vehicles was built.

and two forward gears. Gear exchange would be made

Howsoever, the Type III, which is the car from

by a lever in the steering wheel that would move the

the poster, was the first one to be commercialized in

belt between the pulleys. The wheels had wooden radios

small quantities. Into 1894, 25 units were produced. and frontal diameter of 800 millimeters, rear ones had At the beginning it was hard for Karl Benz to sell his

1125 millimeters. Tires were made of iron and rubber.

vehicles. That’s why, the French Emile Roger took over

The weight of this vehicle was only 360 kilos

the job of only Patent-Motorwagen sales agent in his and its maximum speed was 16 km/h. Moreover, fuel country.

consumption was good. It ran on ligroin, a hydrocarbon's

mixture extracted from raw oil, and with this the Patent-

Few of this cars survived into today. There’s

a symbol in one that says it was taken to England by Motorwagen could make 10 km/L.

Ford Landau

Text: Rafael Pires Photos: Rafael Pires

The 70’s and 80’s street giant

“I haven’t seen a car more comfortable than Ford new high technology cars that don’t even dream about Landau into today. It was extremely luxurious. And

a carburetor”, commented the 100% motor test pilot

yet, its fuel consumption wasn't much different from José Carlos Finardi.

In 1970, Ford presented at São Paulo’s Auto

from 1971 into 1983. Its production happened at the

Show fair the Landau. An enormous car. One of the

assembler’s factory in São Paulo. This was the biggest

biggest from that time Brazilian's fleet. Thus, it became ride vehicle ever made in Brazil. a “commander” of the brand in Brazil.

that only began production in Brazil by 1967. One of

The Ford Landau was produced in the country

It is a car based on the Ford Galaxie from 1966,

its marking trades was the luxury. It was also one of the reasons Ford came up with its idea.

Galaxies had many features, but they weren’t

enough to rival the Dodge Dart. Consequently, the Landau gained more ornaments. It had raked caps inspired by carriages, they even had columns that would simulate hinges of these old vehicles pulled by horses. Still, the name belonged to a luxurious carriage produced in Germany in the city of Landau.

This car was, or better, still is a four doors sedan,

but the American version end up being offered with many bodywork varieties. Nevertheless, in 1976 the Landau joined the Galaxie in showrooms throughout

the world and was exposed as a last generation Ford vehicle.

Its engine was a light 5.0 V8 302. This machine

was only included in the car by 1976. Besides, in this year the assembler decided to push it a little more further from the Galaxie. So, Landau gained a radical style change.

In 1979, due to the oil crises in Brazil, it suffered

a few modifications. In order to accept ethanol, it was included a 302 CID engine with high compression rate, double exhaust, aluminum admission collector and nickel carburetor. This Landau’s version was delivered to the country’s president of that time, João Figueiredo.

BMW 327 Sport Coupe The classic Grand Tourer of the German brand Text: Rafael Pires Photos:BMW collection


MW started the 327’s production back in 1937. Initially it was a convertible vehicle, but in 1938 it gained a coupe version. Its chassis was smaller

than the BMW 326, however It had the famous BMW's grid with simplified forms. Such details made of this car a representative model of the 30’s design.

The engine was a BMW M78 Straight-six with

internal combustion. Its cylinders were assembled along the crankcase, pistons and crankshaft. That justifies the name. Still, this engine had a simple layout with good mechanical balance. Thus, vibrations were much smaller than less cylinder’s engines.

Maximum speed was 125 km/h, it had hydraulic

brakes and four speed gear. Moreover, the BMW 327 was a Grand tourer, which means it was part of a luxurious vehicles class produced for good performance. Their goal was reaching long distances and high speeds.

A version with more power was also offered. It

was the 327/28 with the M328 engine. Approximately

600 units of this car were made into 1940. This M328, also had six lined cylinders and other similarities to the M78. They were manufactured together, but it was a

high performance version. The head was made of aluminum and had a crossed flow combustion chamber.

Despite the good performance, this BMW327 was obfuscated by the 328.

It was his inflexible one-year older twin. Although, the best seller was the 327. Approximately 1400 units were built into 1941.

What brings it to another curious fact about this vehicle’s production. It

ceased in 1941 because of the second world war. Nevertheless, the BMW factory that resided at Eisenach in Germany wasn’t completely destroyed. Thus, construction resumed and most of the 327s that survived into today in the hand of collectors were construct by such period.

FORD IN BRAZIL Brief history of a pioneer assembler in Brazil Text: Valdecir Arrais Photos: Ford collection


n April 24th 1919 with initial budget of U$ 25

done inside a rental hangar.

thousand the Brazilian Ford was created. It was

By 1920 the company moved in to the center of

located at Florêncio de Abreu street in São Paulo. the city at Praça da República and one year later had its

There were assembled the famous T-Models. It was all own headquarters. This one was located at Solón street

at the Bom Retiro neighborhood. That’s where the first the american Ford V8 and Y engine models came to Brazilian vehicle's assembling line was installed. It had Brazil along with Ford Anglia. These two last ones were 124 workers.

made in England. Besides, also a German one came as

well. The Ford Eifel.

Three years later, Ford establish the annual

record of T-Model sales in the country by producing 24.250 units. Therewith, by the beginning of the 30’s

In 1938, the company assembled the Mercury.

However, during the Second World War, production

diminished. Yet, the company made vehicles with

Here were located electrical induction ovens, the first

gasogen engines, which was a huge evolution for that ones of South America. time.

In 1960, the brand started an agriculture centered

By 1953, Ford had to inaugurate a new factory production. Thats when the frist Brazilian tractor was

due to high production rates. This new one was set up released. The Ford 8-BR Diesel. at the São Paulo’s historical Ipiranga neighborhood.

In 1967 the Ford Galaxie 500 arrived. It was

From that place the first truck entirely made in Brazil the first luxury national big sized car. Moreover, it was came out in 1957. It was a F-600 with a V8 engine, 167 equipped with that time’s most modern gears and higher HP and a high rate of nationalization.

technology. Still in the same year, Ford acquired the

Posteriorly, the Osasco Foundry was inaugurated. Willys Overland do Brazil and incorporated their São

Bernardo do Campo Factory. In this place the Jeep super car Maverick. Willys and the F-75 were made.

In 1978, the test field Tatuí was inaugurated. It

In 1968, the company released their first national was the most modern of the segment. Consequently,

pick-up. The F-100. Another car that came out by this there the first Ford ethanol car was introduced and also year was the Corcel, the first forward traction medium

the pick-up F-1000, which ran on diesel.

sized. It was one of Brazil’s best sellers, approximately

Nevertheless, the biggest success of the brand

1,3 million units.

in Brazil was the Corcel II. The manufacturing of this

By the beginning of the 70’s, it was the Perua

vehicle began in 1978. But Ford didn’t stop there, in

Corcel Belina turn to be introduced by Ford. With it

1981 they revolutionized the market with the Del Rey.

came a new line of trucks, the F series and also the fast

A car that allied luxury with economy.

CADILLAC CYCLONE The future’s concept of the automotive designer Harley Earl Text: Rafael Pires Photos: Cadillac Collection


arley Earl was a pioneer in modern transportation

in the car’s drawing as in its marketing.

design. One of the reasons of his great success

was the way he presented his ideas. They were

Among them there was the Buick Y-Job, which in

Many “concept-cars” were made by Harley.

carved wax models made by hand. Therewith, this time became the Chevrolet Corvette. He was the viceinnovating industrial designer brought to the world

president of General Motors. His company before that,

the idea of “concept-car”. A tool that helped as much the Earl Automotive Works, already surprised by its

drawings and methods of works and was bought by

Besides, this was one of the last cars designed by him.


The Cadillac cyclone had a frontal engine with 390

One of Haley’s “concept-cars’ that can really

cubic inches, transversal automatic axle in the rear, a

catch someone’s eye is the Cadillac Cyclone from 1956-

chassis with 104 inches between axles and independent

1959. This vehicle was never produced in big quantities.

suspension. Moreover, engine exhaustion was unique.

However, it showed Earl’s vison of the future and was

It was located in in front of forward wheels.

inspired in aviation and rockets designs of the 50’s.

This vehicle yet counted with a collision

prevention system operated by a radar. The sensors of such function were cones in front of the vehicle. Yet, the silver of the car had protection against UV rays. Harley used in the 60’s aid systems that today

are indispensable and present in most cars.

Nevertheless, something that cannot go unsaid

about this car is the “jetsons� kind of design. Seems like a Retro-Future from comic books and cartoons.



ST-CAN 01 Caneta de Polaridade com Iluminação de Alto Brilho

ST-SL 400 Pendente de Led ‘SUPER LIGHT’ - 12 Volts

ST-MBM 11 Teste de Pressão da Bomba Elétrica de Combus vel (Para Motos)

11 2592.8246 11 3637.9717

ST-CAN 04 Caneta Vol metro com Função Teste de Polaridade

ST-MPB 17 Teste de Pressão e Vazão da Bomba Elétrica de Combus vel

ST-TPO Teste de Pressão da Bomba de Óleo para Carros e Caminhões Diesel

ST-PBI Pulsador de Bicos Injetores

ST-MPBMC 19 Teste de Pressão e Vazão da Bomba Elétrica de Combus vel (Carros/Motos)

ST-TCCK Teste de Compressão de Cilindros (Carros/Motos)

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