Constructivism, Constructionism and Connectivism
These three theories have had a profound effect on Education and will continue to do so long into the 21st Century. They are learner focused and provide timeless concepts and understandings about the nature of learning and learners.
Constructivism and Constructionism This is based on the work of Ackermann who in 2004 set about writing a paper on how the ideas and theories of the three great constructivist theorists, Piaget, Vygotsky and Papert are similar, different and how each one’s views has impacted on the world of education and will continue to do so. Piaget captured what was common in children’s ways of thinking at different developmental stages and described how this commonality evolved over time. The following are the main ideas gathered from Piaget that are relevant to educators as we move onwards into the 21st Century. 1. A teacher should never direct a child because the child hears and interprets in terms of their individual knowledge and experience and they make it fit their level of understanding. Teachers have no control over this. Whether teachers like it or not learning does not occur as a result of teaching. 2. Knowledge is experience that is deliberately constructed through interactions with the world (people and things). Knowledge is not information—and knowledge construction is not information processing. 3. A good teacher is one who encourages learners to explore, express, exchange and finally expand— their views, from within. Piaget realized children need exceptionally good reasons to abandon their major worldviews, they cannot be moved easily. Vygotsky added another dimension to constructivism. He believed people learn, prosper and develop relative to others. Vygotsky’s theory stressed the positive impact nurturing and well-informed adults have on a child’s growing mind. He saw the child’s intellectual development as a constructive process. His socio-constructivist theory aligns with the theories of Piaget and Papert. PATAI ICT CENTER