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Efeitos nefastos do confinamento durante a pandemia COVID-19
Harmful effects of confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic
José Maia de Sousa1,3, Vítor Manco2,3
1 Serviço Medicina Interna 4 - Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve 2 Unidade de Internamento do Doente Agudo UIDA - Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve 3 VMER Portimão - Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve
Após as ordens de confinamento emanadas pelos diferentes governos, na tentativa de controlo da pandemia COVID-19, vários países reportaram um aumento da incidência de casos de violência doméstica.1
Os autores reportam um caso de uma mulher de 49 anos, vítima de violência doméstica há vários anos, socorrida pela VMER de Portimão num fim de semana de confinamento decretado pelo governo. Tratava-se de uma lesão no membro superior direito infligida pelo conjugue com uma arma de fogo (caçadeira).
Caracterizava-se por uma ferida com perda de substância e destruição de tecidos moles de toda a face anterior do antebraço direito, sem sinais de hemorragia arterial ativa, nem de compromisso neurovascular, que foi imobilizada, lavada e protegida com ligaduras no local. Foi ainda medicada com analgesia opióide endovenosa. No hospital foi realizada radiografia para excluir fratura, demonstrando apenas múltiplos projéteis de arma de fogo alojados nos tecidos moles.
A doente foi encaminhada para cirurgia plástica, onde foi intervencionada. Apresentava secção dos músculos flexor superficial dos dedos, palmar longo e flexor radial do carpo e perda de substância da face antero-interna do antebraço, mas com integridade dos nervos cubitais e medianos e dos músculos flexores profundos dos dedos. Foi realizada cirurgia de reconstrução com rafia dos músculos seccionados e enxerto cutâneo. After the orders of confinement issued by the different governments, in an attempt to control the pandemic COVID-19, several countries reported an increase in the incidence of cases of domestic violence.1
The authors report a case of a 49-year-old woman, victim of domestic violence for several years, rescued by VMER in Portimão during a weekend of confinement decreed by the government. She suffered an injury to the right upper limb inflicted by the spouse with a firearm (shotgun).
It was characterized by a wound with loss of substance and destruction of soft tissues of the entire anterior aspect of the right forearm, with no signs of active arterial hemorrhage, nor of neurovascular compromise. The member was immobilized, washed and protected with bandages at the site. She was also given an intravenous opioid analgesia. At the hospital, radiography was performed to exclude fracture, showing only multiple firearm projectiles housed in the soft tissues.
The patient was referred to plastic surgery, where she was intervened. Section of the superficial flexor muscles of the fingers, long palmar and radial flexor of the carpus and loss of substance of the antero-internal surface of the forearm, but with integrity of the cubital and median nerves and of the deep flexor muscles of the fingers were identified on further inspection. Reconstructive surgery was performed with suture of the sectioned muscles and skin graft.
1. Women UN. COVID-19 and ending violence against women and girls. unwomen.org2020 [2020-04]; Available from: https:// www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2020/04/ issue-brief-covid-19-and-ending-violence-against-women-and-girls.