Crashed Ice
Not for the faint of heart
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cover & features
january 2014 • volume 10 issue 1
Trucking in India
Tired of logistical hassles, overregulation and bad traffic? Looking for a driving job with few regulations and no training required? India might be a great place to start. Oh, but watch out for the cows. They’re everywhere.
While writing songs for his multiplatinum heavy-metal band Staind, Aaron Lewis kept producing lyrics better suited for cowboy boots and guitar picking. His transition to the country side of music seems to fit Lewis just fine.
Start with a 20-foot plunge down a frozen waterfall on skates, add in a handful of jumps, turns and bumps while weaving through historic cities, and battle to the finish line before the rest of the racers. That’s ice cross downhill, Red Bull-style.
How do you translate author Elmore Leonard’s gritty, unforgettable characters to the TV screen? Carefully. FX’s “Justified,” starting its fifth season, does Leonard’s edgy storytelling genius justice.
Jimmie Johnson notches his sixth NASCAR championship and officially enters the conversation as one of the best racecar drivers ever.
Chad has some gun trouble at the border and ponders honesty as the
best policy.
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J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4 C H A L L E N G E 5
contents in every issue
january 2014 • volume 10 issue 1
gettin’ outdoors
around the track
driving thrU d.c.
Just do anything, Dr. Bud says. The most important step is to get started.
Brenda looks to revive the pastime of plinking. Don’t worry, you probably won’t shoot your eye out.
Claire investigates what it takes to be a champion.
Mike doesn’t have much hope for Congress in this season of partisan-
Guest columnist Daniel George can’t help it, he loves driving in bad
10 12
from the editor Drive.
letters to the editor
Readers share their thoughts and opinions on industry issues and stories from Challenge Magazine.
14 50
Broadening the mind with the interesting and inane.
The Unique U.S.
It’s winter, so what better place to visit during this frosty season than St. Paul, Minn. No, really. The cold never keeps Minnesotans from a good time, indoors or out.
52 54
truckers’ corner
The creative side of truck drivers.
Sudoku, word search and crossword puzzles. Some clues for the puzzle come from this issue of Challenge Magazine.
8 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
garmin gallery
Pictures from the road. Send in your photos and see them published in Challenge Magazine and you may be a winner. sponsored by:
58 59 60
pilot flying j stars
Drivers recognize these STAR employees who make Pilot Flying J a place you can rely on.
what’s happening
Michael Annett joins the NASCAR Sprint
pilot flying j directory
The comprehensive Pilot Flying J directory lists everything from location addresses to services available.
Sweet reward deals and a driver profile.
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
january 2014 volume 10 issue 1
editorial staff EDITORIAL OFFICE
655 SE BROAD STREET SOUTHERN PINES, NC 28387 PHONE: 910-695-0077 FAX: 910-695-0020 Email: editor@ptcchallenge.com www.ptcchallenge.com
GREG GIRARD - ggirard@ptcchallenge.com
BRAD BEARD - bbeard@ptcchallenge.com
Assistant Editor
AMANDA JAKL - ajakl@ptcchallenge.com
SCOTT YANCEY - syancey@ptcchallenge.com
Chad Blake, John Close, Daniel George, Bud Harris, Mike Howe, Claire B. Lang, Brenda Potts, Joan Tupponce, Kathy Virtue, Pam Windsor
advertising staff ADVERTISING SALES 910-695-0077
victory 500 publishing PUBLISHER
KATHY VIRTUE - kvirtue@ptcchallenge.com
SUBSCRIPTION RATES - $25 for one year in the United States. Subscriptions can be started or renewed by calling Challenge Magazine at (910) 695-0077 with your name, mailing address and credit card information; or write to Challenge Magazine: 655 SE Broad Street, Southern Pines, NC 28387, along with a check or credit card information. BACK ISSUES of Challenge Magazine can be purchased for $3 per issue to cover mailing and handling. Follow the same procedures as subscriptions to purchase a back issue of the magazine. Challenge Magazine is published monthly by Victory Publishing, Inc. Copyright © 2014, all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Challenge Magazine is a registered trademark of Victory Publishing, Inc. All advertisers for Challenge Magazine are accepted and published by Victory Publishing, Inc. on the representation that the advertiser and/or advertising agency as well as a supplier of editorial content are authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. The advertiser and/or advertising agency or supplier of editorial content will defend, indemnify and hold Victory Publishing, Inc. harmless from and against any loss, expenses or other liability resulting from any claims or suits for libel violations of right of privacy or publicity, plagiarism, copyright or trademark, infringement and any other claims or suits that may arise out of publication of such advertisement or editorial.
by greg girard
’ve been very fortunate to dodge a nickname throughout my entire career. I’ve never had one.” Jimmie Johnson said that. “Six Pack” can’t say that anymore. Our cover (Page 24) on the 2013 NASCAR champ could be viewed as a bit redundant at this point. Half a dozen championships can do that. When athletes win with such consistency, you can start to take them for granted. In 2012, Brad Keselowski drove his way to the title and had many NASCAR fans thinking a new generation of drivers was finally starting to flex their muscles. Move over, Johnson, Gordon, Stewart; there’s a new band of rough riders in town. But Johnson, in somewhat ironic fashion, said not so fast. Now the discussion about Johnson moves toward loftier air. Is he the best ever? It’s great fodder for debate, and it’s not for me to get in the way of Earnhardt and Petty fans. Let’s just agree that Johnson is now in the conversation. Johnson’s victory prompted Claire B. Lang to take a closer look at what makes a champion (Page 46). She’s taken the unique tact of asking other champions that question and I think you’ll find the answers are as varied as they are interesting. The result of her informal survey: There’s no formula for success but there is one common ingredient – drive. “I didn’t get into racing to make friends,” Johnson once said, providing a deeper insight into his desire and drive than most of his more humble quotes. Speaking of racing, ice cross downhill is the latest winter sport to offer that great combination of speed and danger (Page 20). Twenty-foot plunges down luge-like tracks and manic dashes over jumps and around turns – these skaters risk it all to cross the finish line first. Don’t be surprised if this sport gains traction and finds its way to the Olympics one day. Last, I’m pleased to introduce Dr. Bud Harris as our new trainer and healthy living expert for our Healthy Choices section (Page 40). In addition to more than 10 years as a wellness coach, Dr. Bud has been involved for years in promoting healthy habits specifically for the trucking industry. In fact, he created Truckers to Triathletes, which promotes healthy living for truck drivers through a triathlete-training program. Along with Linda McGirr’s nutrition column, we’ll be relying on Dr. Bud to provide exercise and healthy living tips that will help improve your wellbeing on and off the road. Safe driving.
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
Driver Health
I’ve been driving for 19 years and let’s face it, most drivers are out of shape. You see it every day where truckers will park on the curb to save a few steps of walking. I am starting a campaign to promote trucker health. For every two hours of driving, take five minutes to walk or stretch. I am living proof of the benefits. I have had several spine surgeries and have just completed my second marathon in 3:37, and plan to qualify for the Boston Marathon in my next race. I’m also a high-school cross-country coach.
RE: Driving Etiquette I just read the letter by W. Payne in the November issue and have to say right on! If these new drivers were not taught manners, right or wrong, by their parents, I wish these “truck driving schools” would. Steve Haffner Nuevo, Calif.
SUBMIT A LETTER: Question, comment or criticism? Drop us a note or email us with your opinion. We want to hear from you.
First Response
Andrew McCarnan Mississauga, Ontario
Truck Driver Challenge Champions
Congratulations to Todd (DeNeve)! Race fans sometimes forget who brings the race experience to our hometowns. We drivers know. Mike Singleton Via Facebook
12 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
Just wanted to tell you that your magazine is really good, informative and easy to read, had helpful tips in some of the articles and just enough pages without being overwhelming. We’re new RVers, live in Northern California but intend many cross-country trips and will be watching for Pilot along the way. Joanna Snyder Los Gatos, Calif.
Donald Robey Ada, Ohio
Your article on First Response reminded me of the 1960s British television show “Thunderbirds” in which millionaire astronaut Jeff Tracy and his sons operate an organization called International Rescue that responds to disasters with their specialized equipment to save the day. Like Tad Agoglia, they show up, help out and leave without accepting payment.
New RV Reader
Note: Letters may be edited for clarity or space. Although we try to respond to all communications, emails get first priority. Written letters take more time to process and edit. Submissions must include your name, and home city and state.
MAIL COMMENTS TO Challenge Magazine P.O. Box 2300 Southern Pines, NC 28388
EMAIL editor@ptcchallenge.com
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A Closer Look: Sundance Film Festival
Photos: GEORGE FREY/EPA/Newscom
We Asked,
You Answered! Q
What’s your favorite thing to do during your time off?
Play with my kids and spend time with the wife. – Chris Hockman
Take pictures of my truck and make Facebook posts. – Rob Hardwick
Grandkids! – Renee Rhyne
While most film festivals are held at the peak of summer – the prime time for movie watching, in our opinion – the Sundance Film Festival breaks away from the balmy nights in favor of frigid temps and time on the slopes. Contrary to popular belief, the festival was not founded by Robert Redford, but a film school graduate and the Utah State film commissioner, in 1978. Redford did, however, establish the Sundance Institute in 1985, which took over running the festival and, more importantly, its fundraising efforts. Many films that debuted at Sundance, such as “Clerks,” “Reservoir Dogs” and “The Blair Witch Project,” went on to become cult hits. Let’s take a closer look at this frosty film fest. Over the 10-day festival, 200 films will be screened. The festival was originally held in Salt Lake City under the name The Utah/United States Film Festival. It moved to Park City in 1981 and its name formally changed to Sundance 10 years later. Originally held in September, director and board member Sydney Pollack suggested the festival be moved to January so actors could take advantage of the ski resort town. The first year of the festival included the films “Deliverance,” “A Streetcar Named Desire,” “Midnight Cowboy,” “Mean Streets” and “The Sweet Smell of Success.” Way to hit it out of the ballpark on the first swing. More than 40,000 people attend the festival every year, bringing more than $50 million in economic activity to the state of Utah.
14 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
Family and friends. – Mitchell Prevatte
I had better say spending time with my wife, Susan, but even better is spending time playing with my wife and our horses, because as Winston Churchill said, “There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” And he was right! – Dave Ellis
What would you tell your 21-year-old self?
Post your answers on our Facebook page or send them to editor@ptcchallenge.com by Jan. 31, 2014. All answers are subject to edits. w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
By the Numbers: J.R.R. Tolkien
Take care of those eyes
Born in South Africa and raised in England, J.R.R. Tolkien was a poet, author, academic and lover of languages. One of the most beloved fantasy authors of the 20th century, Tolkien believed he would be known for his extensive academic work, not his hobby writing about hobbits. Although he was alive when his books became worldwide best sellers, he would never see the film adaptations of his beloved series make billions.
62 1,200
Age of Tolkien when “Lord of the Rings” was published Number of pages in the “Fellowship of the Rings” manuscript, which Tolkien had to type out twice
Years between the publication of “The Hobbit” and the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy
Year Tolkien was hired to work on the Oxford Dictionary. His focus was mainly entries for the letter “W”
25 1961
Day in March that celebrates Tolkien Reading Day in honor of the Fall of Sauron on March 25, 3019 Year that Tolkien was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature by C.S. Lewis Sources: tolkiensociety.org, tolkienestate.com
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January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month, so have you scheduled your yearly eye exam? While glaucoma cannot be cured, the damage and blindness caused by the disease can be limited if caught early. Conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, as well as family history and age, can put you at a higher risk of developing glaucoma. Regular eye exams can catch this nearly symptomless sight stealer. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends a comprehensive eye exam for all adults starting at age 40. If you fall into the lucky category and have no glaucoma risk factors, an exam every three to five years should suffice. If you’re older than age 60, be sure to schedule a screening every year or so.
ROAD WISDOM Until you’ve learned to drive, you’ve never really learned how to swear. - Robert Paul J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4 C H A L L E N G E 15
Healthy Snacking Snacking can be a part of your daily meal plan, as long as you choose healthy, low-calorie treats and keep the portions in check. Here are some that you can keep on hand when the munchies hit.
Peanut Butter The origin of the peanut , which technically isn’t a nut but a legume, dates back more than 3,000 years in South America. Pottery from the Incas was found decorated with peanut drawings and the Incas even entombed their dead with peanuts to sustain them on their journey through the afterlife. The Incas were also the first to mash peanuts into or butter. John Harvey Kellogg introduced peanut butter to the U.S. in 1895, just a few years before another version of the creamy spread debuted at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. Today, peanut butter often only makes headlines when someone has an allergic reaction, but according to the National Peanut Board, Americans consume more than six pounds of it each year. Yes, it’s high in saturated fat, but with almost any food, moderation is key. Let’s take a look at the overall nutrition content of this nut butter and what it means to your health. • Two tablespoons offer a good source of fiber, vitamin B-6, vitamin E, protein, magnesium and potassium. • Regular consumers of peanut butter are less
likely to develop diabetes than non-nut eaters, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.
Apples, bananas, oranges and grapefruit can be left at room temperature. Grapes, cherries, any type of berry and cut melon should be refrigerated. Don’t forget dried versions of your favorite fruit either.
• While peanut butter is high in saturated fat, it also provides a high level of unsaturated fat, which is vital for heart health.
Brands now offer pre-cut, pre-portioned celery sticks, apple slices and green beans. Store some in your truck fridge with a low-fat ranch dip for a quick pick-me-up.
• Peanut butter is rich in antioxidants, which may be responsible for fighting cancer-causing free radicals.
• Eating two peanut butter sandwiches a week can help you stay thin. According to a study published in the journal “Obesity,” two servings of peanut butter can make you 30 percent less likely to gain weight than if you don’t eat nuts. Make sure to buy peanut butter that lists peanuts and oil as the only ingredients. Some products add sweeteners, fillers, and excessive salt. A good peanut butter doesn’t need extra ingredients. It’s also a good idea to comparison shop; you don’t have to default to the peanut butter your mom bought. There are so many brands of peanut butter on the market now, you’ll be sure to find something that tantalizes your taste buds.
Yogurt and string cheese are good sources of calcium while cottage cheese packs a wallop of protein. A high-protein snack can help with hunger pains.
Almonds, pistachios, peanuts, cashews. Whatever your favorite is, grab a handful. Chock full of antioxidants and healthy fats, nuts are a good source of protein and minerals. Also check out the butter versions to dip some fruit into.
Whole grains
Whole wheat crackers, pretzels and crispbreads all provide fiber and can give you the energy boost you need. Pair with a highprotein dip like almond butter for snacking satisfaction.
Winter Maintenance Tips Cold weather is here, at least for most of us. So make sure your rig runs smooth throughout the winter months with some of these maintenance tips.
1. Battery – Cold temperatures can drain your
battery. Don’t get caught out in the cold because of a dead battery. Since the life of most batteries is four to six years, make sure yours is up to date. Replace if necessary.
2. Fuel – Diesel is rich with paraffin, which means it tends to thicken up in cold weather. Stock up on anti-gel fuel additives for your winter fill-ups. While you’re at it, check your fuel filter too. 16 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
3. Oil – Most drivers use heavier weight oil in
the warmer months. But heavier weights, like 15 or 20, can lead to slow engine starts in cold weather. Change to a five or 10-weight oil this winter.
4. Air tanks – Don’t let water freeze in the valves, which could affect your air-brake system. Drain your air tanks daily. 5. Windshield fluid – Stock up on de-icing
windshield fluid. This one is pretty self-explanatory.
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Photos: Kate McMillan
trucking in india
by kathy virtue
ext time you’re sitting in a huge traffic jam here in the U.S., you may want to think about being a truck driver in India. Not Indy, India. One of my fondest memories during my visit to India last year is of watching the traffic, particularly the larger trucks trying to navigate the streets of Delhi, Agra and Ranchi. Picture streets with no lanes and all the cars, people, motorbikes and even herds of animals using the same real estate for traveling – all messed together in one huge wave of chaos that is frightening to any outside observer. Cows are sacred in India, and so they lie
18 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
down on any road they wish and the traffic goes around them. The little calves sit by their mothers, seemingly unaffected as traffic thunders by. The goats, the sheep and whatever else needs to cross goes through traffic, narrowly escaping death every few moments. I was a nervous wreck for the animals every day I was there. The motorbikes outnumber all other vehicles and they cut in and out of traffic with a racecar driver’s recklessness. People on regular bikes seem to have as much of a death wish as the goats, but they seem to make it around town just fine. Through all this bedlam the trucks must maneuver. The law says they can travel on w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
Yes, the cows have the right of way. Oh, and loading the truck requires a little creativity.
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the roads from 9 p.m. until 6 the following morning. They can get around fairly well at night when the roads are almost empty. The roads are in horrible shape with potholes just about everywhere. They are mostly made of dirt, with paved roads in major parts of the city being the exception. Drivers don’t need any type of special license. I interviewed a couple of truck drivers and they didn’t know what I was referring to when I explained what a Class A license was in America. I guess if you can drive a truck and someone will pay you to do it, you have the right credentials. I never saw a police car or a weigh station. Rules seem very lax but so is the pay. The average truck driver makes $30 a month for 60 hours a week. They load, unload and reload with a helper or two, who make pennies a day and hang on the top of the truck en route to the receiver. “Safety first” hasn’t reached the trucking industry in India. Although modern industry is slowly spreading across the country, merchants still use donkeys to pull carts through town and vendors still drag their wares behind bikes. The sight of a big semi rolling past these scenes seems out of place somehow. So the next time you tire of the traffic and conditions on the interstate seem unreasonable, India probably has some openings.
J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4 C H A L L E N G E 19
Photos: Courtesy of Red Bull
urtling your body down a steep track full of jumps, breaks and windy turns while hitting speeds of up to 40 mph all in a matter of about 40 seconds probably sounds crazy for most of us, but for Kyle Croxall, it’s just another day in the life of an ice cross downhill athlete. Croxall is one of a new breed of athletes emerging from the Red Bull world of sports. The company is known for taking almost every sport to the extreme – sky diving from space, anyone? – and ice cross downhill, or downhill skating, is just one more way adrenaline junkies all over the world can get their fix. Created in 2001 in Sweden, ice cross downhill is a blend of many sports, but
at the same time, a unique activity. Imagine crossing downhill skiing, hockey, and inline skating with skateboarding and bobsledding – ice cross downhill would be the spawn. Four skaters, outfitted head to toe in protective gear, barrel down steep downhill ice tracks that include 20-foot drops and enough jumps, bumps and ridiculous turns to trip up the best of athletes. All with the purpose of not just finishing in one piece, but being the first to the finish line. It would be easy to assume that these skaters are groomed, professional athletes, with coaches or trainers, but that’s not the case. Ice cross downhill is an everyman competition, although not every man will make it to the top – or
by amanda jakl
bottom, in this case. Like its popular Flugtag competition, where any team can sign up for the flying event, Red Bull Crashed Ice gives everybody a chance. From high-level hockey players to bar league brawlers, all are encouraged to enter to qualify for the main events. There’s no complicated entry process either, as evidenced by Croxall’s introduction to the sport. “I was going to school in Ottawa for firefighting and I saw it on TV,” he recalls. “I just thought it looked awesome and something that I would be interested in. Tryouts were posted up all over Ottawa so I signed up, tried out and made it to my first race in Quebec City and started from there.”
He may be humble about his beginning, but his performance has been anything but. Croxall has been in the top three for the last four seasons and captured the world championship title in 2012, an accomplishment he hopes to achieve again in 2014. He has some familiar and familial competition in his younger brother, Scott, who has consistently placed in the top five the last three years. “I’ve had a lot of bad luck in the past,” says the younger Croxall. “I still end up in the top four, but I just haven’t seemed to be able to win a race yet, a first overall. This year, I’m looking to do that.” The downhill ice track, designed and built for the individual events and then dismantled, means athletes have only a day or two to get hands-on practice. Which makes training the rest of the year difficult, so athletes have to get creative. Scott Croxall, like Kyle, plays hockey, but his training extends beyond the rink. “I do some rollerblading just to get the feel for jumps and bumps so I kind of use skate parks,” he says. “I do a lot of water skiing in the summer, which is good for balance and core training. I’m kind of all over the map for training. I do everything possible.” Everything but build his own tracks – and yes, some people have tried, mostly unsuccessfully. “They’re a lot smaller,” says Kyle. “They’re not as steep; you can’t simulate it on your own.” Instead, Kyle sticks with the bobsled track in Calgary built for the ’88 Olympics. “I skate on that sometimes, which helps with speed and stuff, but obviously there’s no jumps or anything like that. Many of the Europeans have tracks that are built by Red Bull that are open year-round. The Netherlands, Sweden and Finland have one, so that helps for those guys.” Scott points out any ice cross downhiller can train on the permanent tracks; the difficulty is logistical. “We’re in Canada. That’s
Training for ice cross downhill is limited due to a scarcity of tracks. Racers rely heavily on instinct and tenacity. 22 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
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EVENTS Jan. 30-Feb.1 - Helsinki, Finland Feb. 20-22 - ST. Paul, Minn. March 6-8 - Moscow, Russia March 20-22 - Quebec City, Canada Previous championships were held in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany and Sweden.
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the only problem.” And Quebec City, a regular location for championship events and nearest to the Croxalls, isn’t an ideal location for a permanent track. One of the thrills of this event is the way Red Bull takes over a town and creates wildly designed ice tracks around buildings and monuments. In 2013, skaters corkscrewed through the historic district of Quebec City. Hardly ideal for year-round residents. New tracks are constructed every year, mostly because of their urban locations, but permanent tracks, usually located within a ski complex, are gaining popularity. In addition to the countries mentioned, Austria and Switzerland have permanent tracks – a sign of the rising interest in the sport. Ice cross downhill is more popular in Europe, not a surprise since Sweden is its birthplace, but it’s gaining ground in the United States. St. Paul, Minn., has hosted a Crashed Ice championship event for the last two years and is currently the only American stop in the world tour. Minnesotans like their winter sports, and the attendance numbers prove it. “The first year we did it, we had 80,000 people up on Cathedral Hill,” says Jake Spano, director of marketing for the city of St. Paul. “Last year was only our second year hosting the event and we had 115,000 people up in that area for the finals. It was just a staggering response, even for Red Bull. For our Flugtag [event] we had 90,000 people in St. Paul on a beautiful, bright sunny day. [For Crashed Ice, it was] the dead of winter, super cold, late January, usually the coldest time of the year and we still had 115,000 people show up.” What are they all showing up for? A wicked experience, according to Scott Croxall. “It’s amazing. Red Bull puts on a great show. They have huge speakers and sound systems and lights and entertainment. To be in the crowd, it’s just an awesome feeling.”
J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4 C H A L L E N G E 23
by john close
immie Johnson earned a new nickname – and carved another spot in NASCAR lore this year - winning the 2013 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series championship. It was Johnson’s sixth division title in the past eight seasons. “I am at a loss for words, but I am so proud, and so thankful for this opportunity at Hendrick Motorsports,” said Johnson at Homestead-Miami Speedway after capturing his latest title. “I am so thankful to be able to drive for this race team, and so honored and so excited to have a six-pack.” Roll that one around a bit – six NASCAR Sprint Cup titles. In just eight years. More importantly, the accomplishment leaves Johnson just one title shy of tying the all-time record of seven Cup Series champion-
ships shared by NASCAR greats Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt. That’s NASCAR “Mount Rushmore” stuff, or at least GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) talk. None of which Johnson is interested in discussing. Not just yet, anyway. “I have six, and we will see if I get seven,” Johnson says. “Time will tell. I think we need to save the argument until I hang up the helmet; then it’s worth the argument. If people want to argue and fight about it right now, then they can. But let’s wait until I hang up the helmet before we start thinking about this.” Johnson gave everyone plenty to talk about in 2013, turning in perhaps the best performance of his now 12-year Sprint Cup career. In all, the El Cajon, Calif., native posted six victories (his third-best in a single season) and 24 top-10
Five Time, meet Six Pack finishes (tying his career high) in 36 races this season. Johnson’s 10.7 finishing average per race was best among all Sprint Cup drivers this year – and was his second-best career season average, ranking behind only the 10.7 championship-winning average he posted in 2007. Johnson’s No. 48 Hendrick Motorsports team also proved to be up to the task, completing a near-bulletproof 97 percent of the 10,553 Sprint Cup laps contested in 2013. Johnson was at his best when the stakes were the highest – in the final 10 “Chase” races of the season. There, he won twice and posted a 5.1 per event finishing average. Of the 1,985 total laps Johnson led in 2013, 846
of them came in the final 10 Championship Chase races of the season. “Unfortunately, we’re racing during the Jimmie Johnson era,” says Sprint Cup rival Denny Hamlin. “We’re just unlucky in that sense. Racing with him, I think he’s the best that there ever was. He’s racing against competition that is tougher than this sport’s ever seen.” “He is an amazing talent, there’s no doubt about it,” adds Chad Knaus, Johnson’s Hendrick Motorsports crew chief. “He can do things with a racecar that most mortals can’t. Let’s just be straight with it. He’s pretty spectacular.
I mean, he really, really is. That dude’s pretty amazing.” Just as he did in winning his first Sprint Cup title in 2006, Johnson held off Matt Kenseth for the championship this season. In 2006, the margin was 56 points. This year, it was 19.
PHOTO: 292265NASCAR via Getty Images
In fact, it was the “Jimmie and Matt Show” throughout the entire 2013 Sprint Cup season, as the two drivers combined to win 13 of the 36 events. Johnson fired the first salvo by winning the season-opening Daytona 500 before Kenseth answered two weeks later with a victory at Las Vegas. Clearly, the race for the 2013 Sprint Cup championship was on. Others – most notably Kevin Harvick and Kyle Busch – were in the championship mix at different times throughout the season, but when the series steamed into the final 10 Chase events, it was all about Johnson and Kenseth. Kenseth put everyone on notice, opening NASCAR’s “playoffs” with wins at Chicagoland and New Hampshire. Meanwhile, Johnson hung close with fifth- and fourth-place finishes in the same events before answering with a victory of his own in the third Chase race at Dover International Speedway. Johnson continued to post strong finishes, notching a sixth at Kansas and a fourth at Charlotte. Despite the solid efforts, he still trailed Kenseth by four points as the Chase made the halfway turn at Talladega. There, Johnson and Kenseth both led but neither finished particularly well. Johnson came home 13th while Kenseth – caught in
the wrong drafting line on the final lap – claimed 20th. Despite the less-than-expected Talladega finish, the event gave Johnson his first points lead of the Chase – now by four markers over Kenseth and 26 over a fading Harvick. It was a lead he would never relinquish.
He’s liable to go to eight or 10.
26 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
- Richard Petty
Kenseth made it a battle down the stretch winning at Martinsville. In true heavyweight puncher’s form, Johnson responded at the next event in Texas, leading a whopping 255 laps en route to the win. “We came here and tested and did an awesome job of understanding what I needed in the car and what was going to create speed,” said Johnson in his Texas post-race news conference. “We came back and had a very smooth qualifying session and prac-
tice sessions yesterday, and just kept putting more and more speed in the car. It paid off today. Great car, great effort. Pit stops … all across the board. This Chevy was fast.” Now leading Kenseth by seven points with two races remaining, Johnson turned in yet another sterling performance at Phoenix, finishing third behind race winner Harvick. Kenseth, meanwhile, saw his title hopes dashed in what would become the pivotal race of the season when his Joe Gibbs Racing team never got up to speed in practice and then badly botched a pit stop midway through the event. The result was a disappointing 23rd-place finish and an all-but-insurmountable 28-point lead for Johnson as the Chase headed for the final race at Homestead. “We haven’t had a day like this all year,” said Kenseth afterward. “It was just one of those races where we missed it for some reason. We almost needed a spot where we could have stopped and hit reset. Obviously, you don’t have that luxury. The competition is so good that when you get off like that, it’s tough.” “I don’t know how to quite describe it, but it can happen,” said Johnson of Kenseth’s Phoenix woes. “I thought that yester-
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day in the final practice session they made a nice run, and I thought that they got themselves where they needed to be. But clearly that wasn’t the case.” Kenseth took the title fight down to the final laps of the 2013 Sprint Cup season, winning the pole and finishing second to Homestead race winner Hamlin. Johnson, meanwhile, survived a bumpup with Kenseth on a lap 277 restart, fell to 23rd in the running order after pitting to repair a damaged fender, and then rallied to finish ninth. “Something happened in front of us in our lane and had everyone stacked up,” said Johnson of the tense moments after the Homestead restart. “I got hit from behind then got into the 20 (Kenseth). We were both out of control, and I thought, ‘Man, this is going to be wild. The 20 and 48 are going to wreck on the front stretch!’ We all got it straightened up but lost a lot of track position. With the damage and the position loss, I couldn’t cut through traffic as quick as I wanted to. But we were able to get back up into the top 10.” The Homestead finish was good enough to give Johnson his “six pack.” It left Kenseth second in the final standings and a bit in awe of his championship rivals. “The 10 races we put together would have won a championship in some years,” said Kenseth. “They just seem to be able to raise the bar. If they don’t have any kind of problem, they’re capable of winning every week. If they don’t win, they’re going to run in the top five.” Meanwhile, Johnson quipped he knew he had the title all along thanks to a little help from above. “I know there was an angel, at least one, but maybe four angels riding on this car,” he said. “My grandmother passed away a month or so ago, and I am without grandparents now, which is a sad thing. But, I know my grandma and my other grandparents were helping me guide this car around the track. This one is for her. She was my biggest fan.” Since Johnson brought it up, he was asked to compare his most recent championship to the five previous to it. Both he and Knaus were quick to point out that while all
were special, they perhaps wanted to savor this one a little bit more than normal. “This is extremely sweet,” said Johnson. “I feel like those five years were a blur, and things happened so fast. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy it or appreciate it or didn’t respect what happened. It just went by so fast, it seems like. I’m really going to slow things down here and enjoy it.” Johnson’s 2013 Sprint Cup championship also extended the NASCAR resume of his car owner, Rick Hendrick. The automotivedealership tycoon has had plenty of success since fielding his first NASCAR entry in 1984, earning 218 victories and a staggering 1,488 top-10 finishes. This year, all four of his cars made the Chase, scoring a combined total of nine victories and 45 top10 finishes.
Most notably, the title gave Hendrick Motorsports a record 11th NASCAR Sprint Cup championship. “I didn’t want to get excited until tonight and until it was over,” said Hendrick in victory lane at Homestead. “It’s part of history, and I’m proud of our guys. For Jimmie to have six and us to have 11, it’s still hard to believe.” “There is nothing like this,” Johnson said when asked about his team. “We all worked so hard to get to this point. Every team does. This sport is really about people. And I’m so thankful to have them all pulling in the same direction for me and giving me this awesome racecar.” When the dust finally settled at Homestead, Johnson had another title safely tucked away. His recent string of championships has not only domi-
Jimmie Johnson, driver of the No. 48 Lowe’s/Kobalt Tools Chevrolet, after the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Ford EcoBoost 400 at HomesteadMiami Speedway. PHOTO: 292268NASCAR via Getty Images
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PHOTO: 292224NASCAR via Getty Images
Johnson has qualified for the Chase for the Sprint Cup every year since 2004. He is the only driver to accomplish this feat.
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nated the NASCAR scene, but puts him in rarified air with comparisons to dynasties in other sports, like the Pittsburgh Steelers of the 1970s (four Super Bowls in six years) or the New York Yankees of the 1950s (six World Series wins in eight seasons). “Jimmie and that team are obviously unbelievable,” says Kenseth. “Never seen anything like this in the sport and probably will never see anything like it again. It’s amazing with as tight as the rules are, multicar teams, information sharing, and all that stuff. It’s amazing they can figure out how to do that year after year.” Which brings us to the “what if?” At age 38, Johnson is still far from done as a driver. He’s still got plenty of laps – quality laps – in him. It’s not unrealistic to think he could race another dozen years, and if he continues to win at a once-every-seven-races clip like he does now, his career victory total could jump from its current 66 to around 125. Certainly, 102 career wins and
second all-time in that category, behind Petty, isn’t out of the question. Nor are eight or nine Sprint Cup titles, are they? According to two people who should know, the answer to these questions is a resounding no. “The guy is good and the guy deserves all the credit that he gets and deserves to be in the conversation of one of the greatest drivers this sport has ever seen,” says Dale Earnhardt Jr. “Getting that sixth is just going to make him hungrier to get the next one, to be able to put himself up there with Dad and Richard, and he probably won’t quit until he gets an eighth.” “He’s liable to go to eight or 10,” adds Petty. “The way the situation is now with what they have together and what the competition has together, if it doesn’t change – if somebody doesn’t get better or worse – it’s going to continue to be the same thing.” If that’s the case, don’t be surprised if “six pack” gives way to “lucky seven” in 2014.
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b y p am w in d so r
Photos: Jim Wright
inger and musician Aaron Lewis has just returned from his latest hunting trip. “This time of year, I try to squeeze in as many little windows of opportunity as I can,” he explains. His love of hunting – anything with a season and some sort of table value – began as a young boy growing up in his native Vermont, and he heads out every chance he gets. An avid outdoorsman, Lewis now lives in Massachusetts at a home in the country complete with
tractors, guns, bows and arrows and all that goes with it. It’s not the lifestyle you might imagine for a man who’s spent the past 19 years as lead singer and songwriter for the popular rock group Staind. It’s more in line with what you might expect from a country singer. And that’s why it came as no surprise to those who know him well when Lewis “went country.” His debut country EP, “Town Line,” included the strongly declarative single “Country Boy.” The song featured powerful lyrics
that resonated well with country fans and included vocal back-up from country music legends George Jones and Charlie Daniels. Daniels says he was happy to sing his part of the song, noting the lyrics “I love my country, I love my guns, I love my family,” and later “… ’cause this is America and a country boy is good enough for me, son,” were a perfect fit. “It’s pretty natural for me,” he says. “Might just have been something I’d said without it being on a record, you know? Might have said it in a different
way,” he adds, laughing, referring to his reputation for defending his love of America and its values. “But I’ve said that many times.” Lewis describes the shift to country music after so many years as a rock artist as a return to his musical roots. “My dad played out multiple times a week as a solo acoustic artist and he also had a band that he played with, so there was band practice at my house all the time. And my mom sang, so music was a big part of my whole growing up.” And most of it was country music. “It was really that way until I moved out of Vermont, where my grandfather was basically my babysitter and country music never stopped playing in the background.” He credits what he calls “overexposure” to country as the reason he initially ran away from it. “That’s how I ended up in a rock band. And you know, I’m 41 now and nowhere near as pissed off at the world as I was 20 years ago, and it’s funny how life goes in circles and drew me back into country.” The pull back to country came, oddly enough, during the recording process for Staind’s seventh rock album. The group, together since the mid-1990s, had been a powerhouse on the music scene, selling 15 million records worldwide with eight top-10
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If music speaks to you it doesn’t matter if it’s blues, jazz, hip-hop or whatever it is, if you like it, you like it. – Rhett Akins
singles. Three of them hit No. 1, including the mega-hit “It’s Been Awhile.” And yet, after so many years together, members began experiencing creative differences when they went back into the studio for their self-titled album “Staind,” released in 2011. A documentary titled “The Making of Staind” details clashes, arguments and difficulties in completing the songs needed to finish the album. In one segment, you see Lewis explaining some of his frustrations. “You’ve got to understand, I’m sitting here, all sorts of lyrics are going through my head. I’ve (expletive) said it all, already. You know what I mean? I’ve (expletive) used every pain and feeling and remorse and I’ve used every reference. I’ve done it already.” As he struggled to write the rock songs for the album, he suddenly found country songs coming more easily to him. In the documentary, he points to one of those instances. “In the middle of trying to come up with stuff for that, an entire country song, like chord progression, the melody, the lyrics came to me. Everything came to me for the song that I have called ‘75’ that couldn’t have been more the polar opposite of what I was trying to focus on.” He ended up writing and recording “Country Boy,” and began touring to pro-
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Lewis has only recorded one song that he didn’t write, Rhett Akins’ “Granddaddy’s Gun,” from his last country album “The Road.” mote it while still working on the “Staind” album. “I’m inspired by it,” he explains, referring to the transition. The success of “Country Boy” took many by surprise, perhaps including even Lewis, and he describes it as one of his proudest career moments so far. “It was the first time I ever attempted to step out on my own and actually release something and not only did I do that, but I did it in an extremely different genre than the genre that I’ve had a very successful career in, and it came out No. 1 in that genre’s charts.” All of that, in spite of naysayers who thought a rock artist might not have what it takes to make a country album. “This is somebody who supposedly was a complete outsider to the genre,” notes Lewis, “who supposedly didn’t belong here and was just dipping his toes and just testing the waters and everything under the sun that I heard about me attempting this county crossover. So that was a pretty cool moment for me.” He followed the EP with a full-length album called “The Road,” released in November 2012. And while Lewis says he’ll record with Staind again sometime down the road, right now he remains committed to a long-term career as a country artist and hopes to record a new album this year. “During the sound checks I’ve had over these last few tours, I’ve written a whole other record’s worth of material that I have to go into the studio and record. So that’s coming up in the near future.” In the meantime, Lewis will continue touring and promoting his album. He’ll also continue doing what he can to support and
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Thirsty Cowboy, Medina, Ohio
Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Biloxi, Biloxi, Miss.
assist military veterans, something he’s done extensively over the years, although he’s reluctant to draw attention to it. “It’s not bragging rights, it’s not good press to me,” he says. “It’s because I want to do it. It’s because I feel obligated to express to them, to the greatest of my ability, my appreciation for what they do. If one person walks away thinking I did it for the wrong reasons that’s not acceptable to me. So I just don’t talk about it.” Lewis remains hard at work writing and creating new music. He sees songwriting as a critical component of his work as an artist. “I’ve always felt that it’s part of it,” he explains. “I think it should be part of the merit that you can stand on. If that’s what you do to make a living, then you should be able to write a song. To me the other’s cheating.” He admits, though, that he’s biased. Over the years, unless it was an obvious cover for a bonus track on a live album, he’s recorded only one song he didn’t write. That song was “Granddaddy’s Gun,” co-written by singer/ songwriter, friend and fellow hunter Rhett Akins. In fact, the two were on a hunting trip when Lewis heard the song. “We were sitting around with our guitars at the hunting lodge,” recalls Akins, “and I played ‘Granddaddy’s Gun’ and Aaron just fell in love with it on the spot.” Lewis asked that evening if he could record it. “I was thrilled,” says Akins. “If Aaron
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wanted to cut it, it had to really, really, really be something special because he’s such an amazing songwriter he doesn’t really need to cut songs written by other people. It was a great honor.” An accomplished singer/songwriter in his own right (hits include the popular 1995 single “That Ain’t My Truck”), Akins ranks among Nashville’s hottest songwriters. He’s co-written a host of recent hits for other artists, including Blake Shelton, Luke Bryan, Jason Aldean and his own son, Thomas Rhett. Akins, who says he was a big fan of Staind before he met Lewis, notes the singer has transitioned well into country music. He disagrees with people who question whether someone in one genre can sing in another. “I think people put too many boundaries on music. You know, if you’re a rocker that’s all you can do, if you’re a blues singer that’s all you can sing, and I just think it’s so narrowminded. Does that mean if you love football you can’t watch a baseball game? Can you only eat Italian food, you can never go to a Mexican restaurant? I mean, it’s music. If music speaks to you it doesn’t matter if it’s blues, jazz, hip-hop or whatever it is, if you like it, you like it.” Besides, he says, Lewis has always been country. “This is really who Aaron is. He was born country, he is country. He’s the real deal.”
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Photos: Prashant Gupta/FX
justified by joan tupponce
t first glance, the writers’ room for the FX series “Justified” looks like any other writers’ room. But if you look closely, you’ll see that all of the writers are wearing a bracelet posing the question “What would Elmore do?” The Elmore being referred to is acclaimed crime fiction writer Elmore Leonard, who penned more than 40 novels, including “Get Shorty,” as well as the short story “Fire in the Hole,” the genesis for “Justified.” This month “Justified” starts its fifth season. The show revolves around Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, who has
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moved back to his hometown of Harlan, Ky., to serve justice in his own way. The bracelet the show’s writers wear keeps them focused on Leonard’s gritty style of writing. Leonard, who passed away in August, created a rich world with characters that have an appealing coolness about them. “We try to stay true to Elmore’s voice and tone, his angle on the world,” says writer and executive producer Fred Golan, noting that writers respect the characters’ point of view and always strive to add a dose of humanity. When Graham Yost, the show’s Emmy Award-winning executive producer and
writer, first read “Fire in the Hole,” which blurs the lines between lawfulness and lawlessness, it struck a chord with him. “I had long been a fan of Elmore’s,” he says. “I thought it would be fun to do a story about a true-blue lawman and live in his world.” Yost, who also created “Boomtown” for NBC and oversees the day-to-day operations for “Justified,” wanted to create a series that Leonard would “get a kick out of.” Even though Leonard was alive when the series was being written, he limited his input because “he had too many experiences in Hollywood where they took things and ruined them,” Yost says. “We have all done our best, from Tim down, to channel Elmore Leonard. It’s incredibly hard. He has a very particular way of telling stories.” Leonard’s writing skillfully mixes suspense with dark humor and an occasional dose of heartfelt emotion. When the show’s writers are able to recreate that tantalizing mix, it makes an episode really stand out, Yost says. “It’s those moments that we feel we have written an episode where we have done Elmore proud. We’ve done something he would like.” Each of the protagonists in Leonard’s stories is a larger-than-life character who lives in a gray area where the lines between right and wrong waver. They may drink too much or they may have an itchy trigger finger, like the show’s main character, Raylan. “They are admirable but flawed characters,” says the show’s award-winning executive producer, Michael Dinner, who served as executive producer and director of “The Wonder Years” and “Chicago Hope.” Leonard’s antagonists are just short of being redeemable and always on a collision course with the story’s protagonist. “He creates explosive antagonists who you want to watch,” Dinner says. “You wonder what they are going to do next.” One of the strongest elements in Leonard’s stories is unpredictability. “You don’t see the joke or the violence [coming],” Dinner says. “There is no setup for it.” When he was making the pilot for “Justified,” Yost kept the plot fairly true to Leonard’s “Fire in the Hole” story. Now some of the show’s newer storylines are taken from one of Leonard’s last novels, “Raylan.” In the pilot, Raylan, a modern U.S. marshal, leaves his work in south Florida to go home to Kentucky, where his father and ex-wife live. In the original pilot there was one notable modification to Leonard’s story: The character of criminal Boyd Crowder, who dug coal together with Raylan years ago, died. But when w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
Based on the short story “Fire in the Hole” by Elmore Leonard, ”Justified” stars Timothy Olyphant (left) as U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens. that pilot was tested with audiences, Yost found that viewers didn’t want Crowder to die. “They wanted him to be a reoccurring character. It was ironic that he was a villain people loved and wanted to keep around,” Dinner says. “So we modified it. We kept him alive.” The show is set in Harlan, Ky., in the
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heart of the Appalachian coalfields. Golan, who grew up in central Ohio, feels comfortable writing about characters from the hills of Appalachia. “I saw a documentary of Harlan and felt a certain affinity for the world of the show,” he says. The pilot for the series was shot in an area of western Pennsylvania that resembled Harlan. The show is now filmed
in Los Angeles. “Tim [Olyphant] has three kids and a wife and he didn’t want to leave home,” Dinner explains, adding that shooting in Los Angeles does create “challenges” for the show. Telling compelling crime stories each week also is challenging for the writers, who are constantly trying to get in touch with the characters’ psyches. “This is not a procedural show,” Golan says. “It’s not about the process and catching the bad guys. Usually that is just mentioned in the dialogue. It’s about the character conflicts.” All of the ideas for the show’s episodes originate from brainstorming sessions in the writers’ room. In creating 13 episodes each season, writers first create an outline and then write a teleplay. “One or two writers split it up to get it out quickly,” Golan says. “We are trying to play catchup all season long.” The writers’ room can be very satisfying or extremely frustrating, Golan adds. “It can become a cacophony of voices. It’s most pleasurable when the episode is finished.” Writers started working on the current season last July. Shooting began in October. “The goal is to have three to four episodes written before the shoot,” Yost says. “We finish writing in February before the last show and we wrap up shooting by the first week of March.” The show has nine writers but Yost believes that number is too small. “You really need more the more seasons you do,” he says. “You are looking for fresh voices and fresh ideas. It’s a collaborative process.” Finding a story that can be sustained throughout the season can be difficult.
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Season 5 of “Justified,” with Joelle Carter and Walter Goggins, premieres on Jan. 7 on FX. “We don’t want to burn through too much plot,” Yost says. “We don’t want to stretch it too thin. We need to find something in every episode where [Raylan] has a showdown and he wins. To do that without becoming formulaic is one of the big challenges.” When it came time to cast the show, Olyphant was the first actor on the roster. The network tossed his name in the hat because of his work on the HBO series “Deadwood,” where he played Sheriff Seth Bullock. “You never know if an actor can inhabit a role,” Dinner says, talking about Olyphant. “Now we can’t imagine anyone else playing the role. It fits him like a glove. Elmore felt he was the character he described in the book. He couldn’t imagine anyone else playing this part.” With Olyphant on board, Yost went after Walton Goggins to play the pivotal role of Raylan’s nemesis Boyd Crowder. Goggins gained acclaim for his portrayal of Detective Shane Vendrell on FX’s award-winning drama series “The Shield.” Originally, Goggins was only guest-starring in the pilot since his character died at the end of the show. “When we decided to keep him alive, we wined and dined him,” Dinner says. “We were not sure he was anxious to do another se-
ries, but he wanted to come on full time.” This season follows both Boyd and Raylan through some troubling times. In the first episode, Raylan goes to Florida, where he meets the Crow family. “They come in like a swarm of birds of prey,” Dinner says, noting they descend on Harlan and make Raylan’s and Boyd’s life miserable. “They are the bad guys of the year.” Boyd has his own issues. His girlfriend, Ava, played by Joelle Carter, who has appeared in shows such as “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Third Watch,” is waiting to stand trial because she is accused of murder. “There are a lot of balls in the air,” Dinner says. “Raylan has a hole in his psyche because his father is gone. These are all seeds in the drama. I think it will be a good year.” The show won a 2010 Peabody Award during its first season and has been nominated for multiple Emmy Awards. “This is Hollywood,” Yost says. “You can never get enough acclaim.” The best reviews, however, come from people outside of Tinsel Town: the fans, the people of Harlan and the U.S. Marshals Service. “They are getting a kick out of it,” Yost says. “That Elmore liked it, that is the most important thing.”
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Everywhere, U.s.a.
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Honesty, the Best Policy T
ruck drivers are known as the knights of the highway. I like to think of RVers as lone rangers, swooping into cities, helping where we can, providing support where needed, while also roaming this great continent, having adventures along the way. And for all adventures, the proper equipment is needed. In 1997, we steered our Class A National Seabreeze RV north through Pennsylvania into New York for a month-long trip, with the hope we could make a quick detour into Canada before it was over. As it turned out, four weeks was not nearly enough time to enjoy the beauty of New York, but we made a sincere effort, entering at Binghamton, continuing north through Albany and the Adirondacks toward the Canadian border. In a blink of an eye, we had exhausted more than half of our allotted time. Now we had a dilemma: Skip the Canadian side or take a quick peek at our neighbors to the north? Our thinking was to cross over near the St. Lawrence tributary, drive parallel to the river along Canadian Highway 401, and exit back into the States near Alexandria Bay. The problem wasn’t just time constraints, though. Like many travelers, I carry a small pistol onboard. And like my
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fellow gun-toting RVers, I hope there will never be an occasion to use it, except for the occasional target practice. I knew about Canada’s viewpoint on weapons. While a hunting country by default, Canada has a rather conservative view on handguns, namely that only law enforcement can have them. I was sure they would not believe me if I told them I was there to hunt big game with a .22 caliber pistol. Haunted by the thought of being this close, I thought I might be able to slip through and we decided to try our luck. After explaining our proposed plan to enter their country for just a short while, honesty got the better of me. I told them about the pistol that we carried just for safety. As it turned out, this particular official had no sense of humor at all and he explained where we could conveniently make our U-turn. What we didn’t plan on was a problem trying to re-enter the U.S. in New York. Turns out, those particular officials were humorless also. After saying “goodbye” to Canada and “hello” to New York, we met the New York agents, who in the space of 10 minutes or so, had witnessed us going and coming and were already a little suspicious. New York state also has
BY Chad Blake
its own strict policy on handguns. Upon being honest with them also, they put us through the proverbial wringer. At one point, jail time looked to be our best and only option, but after a thorough search of the RV, and much humiliating dialogue, we were allowed to continue our travels. After traveling just far enough to feel that they were not going to change their minds and arrest us after all, we pulled off and contemplated the merits of absolute honesty. In this case, honesty was the best policy because practically every turn of the steering wheel led us to some of the most beautiful and intriguing places in the state. The track along the St. Lawrence River leads you to Boldt Castle, a mustsee if you’re traveling in the area. Not to mention the coastline bordering Lake Ontario, which takes you through quaint fishing villages onward to Seneca Lakes and wine country. After using up all and more of our allotted time, we realized that we had barely scratched the surface. Enough time has gone by that re-visiting the places of past trips will be like seeing them for the first time. I’m thinking late spring of 2014 will be just about right. Sans the pistol, of course. w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
Just Do Anything Dr. Bud is a health and wellness coach and consultant. To contact him directly, visit wellsgt.com, or find him on Facebook at Doc Bud and on Twitter @Doctorbud.
each for the sky with both hands. Now take a deep breath, and say thank you. These are all simple things that promote wellness. Science tells us so. We live in a culture where time is increasingly our most valuable commodity. Our careers, our over-programmed kids’ events, and our conflicting priorities put ever-increasing demands on our time – at a time when we are becoming ever more sedentary as a society. But can you spare 15 minutes twice a week to start? “You can infuse your life with the power of prevention incrementally and fairly painlessly, and yes, doing something, no matter how small, is infinitely better for you than doing nothing,” says David Katz, MD, MPH, director of Yale University’s Prevention Research Center and of the Yale Preventive Medicine Center.
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Katz is co-author of “Stealth Health: How to Sneak Age-Defying, Disease-Fighting Habits into Your Life without Really Trying.” “If you let yourself make small changes, they will add up to meaningful changes in the quality of your diet, your physical activity pattern, your capacity to deal with stress, and in your sleep quality – and those four things comprise an enormously powerful health promotion that can change your life,” says Katz. “Just the act of going from sedentary to moderately active gives you the greatest reduction in your risks,” adds Helene Glassberg, MD, director of the Preventive Cardiology and Lipid Center at the Temple University School of Medicine. Again, research continues to show us that simple strategies like combining 10-minute workout segments over a single day can be
as beneficial as performing the standard 30to 60-minute exercise routine. FAB5 is a simple 15-minute workout that has helped dozens of my clients get started if no major physical fitness limitations exist. And if you smile, you will have worked 90 percent of the muscles in your body. HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is the method of working your muscles fast in short time frames – a much-needed activity in today’s convenience mentality. Just remember to always stay in a heart-safe zone. To give you an example, instead of using a blower to get the leaves off our lawn, as most of our neighbors do, my wife rakes our leaves fast and furious for 15 to 30 minutes. Now, she is from Denmark, and the Danes tend to avoid waste of any kind, including exercise. Many Danes bike to work, even in the snow, to get both exercise and free transportation. Short body-weight workouts can save time, and can be done both at home and on the road. They’re also proven to work. Try this FAB5 workout:
FAB5WORKOUT • Five to 10 minutes of cardio of your choice (e.g., walk fast, jump rope, eliptical, treadmill, run, bike, row, Zumba, jumping jacks) • Five to 12 miltary push-ups using strict form (straight back) by dr. bud • Five to 15 knee push-ups or harris until failure, depending on your fitness level • Five to 15 curl-ups: Roll over with your back and arms flat on the floor. Slide your feet toward your butt and leave them there. Curl just your torso up toward your knees, holding for one second, and then lower your self slowly in a controlled manner. • Ten- to 30-second planks (the up position of a military push up) and hold • Ten- to 30-second wall sit (lean against a wall, thighs parallel to the ground) • Rest for three minutes and repeat if your fitness level allows it w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
The key to healthy living is getting out and doing something, anything. The most important thing is to get started. To increase intensity, add either more repetitions or more time to the exercises. If you’re capable and have more time, do two or three circuits or two circuits without the three-minute rest in between. And don’t hesitate to be creative. Remember, the most important thing is to get started. This type of fitwork interval also has the large muscle groups, like your quads and pecs, burning calories well after the workout and shower. By just doing one of these circuits, you can rev up your metabolism for hours post-activity. Decide now to just do anything – consistently.
Have a health or exercise question you’d like Dr. Bud to address in a future column? Send an email to: healthychoices@ptcchallenge.com 42 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
Plinking & Beyond
by brenda potts
linking is a classic American sport. It refers to the informal shooting of targets such as glass bottles, balloons filled with water, and fruit or tin cans. When the ammo hits the tin can it makes a “plink” sound, hence the name plinking. I first got hooked on plinking as a great way to practice for long-range rifle hunts. At the Professional Outdoor Media Association conference we had the opportunity to shoot air guns at spent .22 caliber shell casing set up on a board. I don’t remember the exact distance but the experience was meant to utilize the same skills required to shoot centerfire rifles. It doesn’t sound challenging, but it wasn’t easy hitting those tiny shell casings with a BB. Proper breathing, form and focus, as well as windage and distance, definitely came into play. Air guns are the perfect tool for plinking. Ammunition is relatively inexpensive, and is based on the BB sizes of birdshot. Those that
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fire plastic projectiles are called airsoft guns. Air guns have a rich history dating back hundreds of years. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark are said to have carried an air gun on their great expedition. In fact, the earliest air guns were more effective than their contemporary early firearms. As firearms improved, the air gun was reserved more for sport target shooting and plinking. One of the more popular makers of air guns is Crosman, founded in 1923. The company history is true Americana, selling their air gun in the 1950s under national brands like Sears, Roebuck & Co., Montgomery Ward and Western Auto. Then in 1966, the company introduced its own Crosman branded air gun, the Pumpmaster 760, with an estimated 13 million sold since. I’ll bet a few of those millions were presents under the tree. Modern air gun uses go beyond plinking. They are used for pest control, recre-
ational shooting, hunting, and in competitive sports, even the Olympics. Field target is a competitive form of target shooting at metal silhouettes of animals. Earlier this year, the Alabama Conservation Advisory Board approved larger caliber air guns for large predators, like hogs and deer. And Arizona adopted new regulations that will allow eight big game species, predators and furbearers to be hunted with pre-charged pneumatic air rifles. To check air gun regulations in your state, visit www.crosman.com. Sometimes we take life too seriously. We often buy guns for personal protection, pest and predator control or hunting, but tend to forget about the fun involved in shooting. Of course safety is first and foremost. But fun is what plinking is about. The ammo is affordable. You can shoot it all up and go buy more without a guilty feeling that you just shot away a wad of cash. So this year, plan to do a little plinking. w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
PHOTO: 292209NASCAR via Getty Images
a common thread by claire b. lang
immie Johnson won his sixth NASCAR Sprint Cup Series championship this past season. I have covered his historic rise to excellence since he began racing in NASCAR in 1998. As we stood on the champion’s stage at Homestead Miami Speedway in November, I thought about what he has that has enabled him to rise above the best. I interview winning athletes every weekend in victory lane, as well as some of the greatest athletes in the world who come to NASCAR races, and it always intrigues me what the common thread might be in great athletes. Is there a formula for greatness? Hall of Fame driver Richard Petty has seven NASCAR championships. “They are winners,” Petty told me. “I don’t see anything else that puts their personalities in the same vein. I don’t see my personality being very close to Jimmie’s, I don’t see it being very close to (Dale) Earnardt’s or (Darrell) Waltrip’s. Everybody was a completely different individual except in the fate of things, they were all winners.” I asked FOX Sports analyst and veteran NASCAR crew chief for Earnhardt Larry McReynolds about the common thread. “It’s the ability to adapt,” he told me. “The ability to adjust, and to not dwell on what you don’t have but what you have to work with and making it work. That truly defines a champion. “He (Johnson) never panics,” added
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McReynolds. “If he has, it has never been documented.” Former NFL Coach Joe Gibbs, owner of Joe Gibbs Racing, had another perspective. “Hard work (alone) is not going to get it,” he said. “Some people have a gift of being able to have a special sense and a feeling for it. That’s why we all admire it. I think what I also notice in pro sports is you gotta be sharp, smart.” NASCAR Sprint Cup Series director and managing director of competition John Darby remembers Johnson from early on. “I still remember the day that Ray Smith from General Motors brought a young Jimmie Johnson into my trailer and said, ‘I kind of like this kid. Do what you can do to help him and keep him in line.’ And that’s the same Jimmie Johnson who has won six championships.” Darby also said he thinks desire is a common thread. “The night that still sticks in my head was the day Tony Stewart saddled up that car at Homestead (in 2011) and was going to win a championship and there wasn’t anybody that was going to stop him,” he remembered. “That was probably one of the most intense performances by a driver that I have ever witnessed. The racecar wasn’t the best. There’s no doubt in my mind that it was just a driver totally deciding he was going to be the champion and nobody was going to take it from him. It was all from the heart and the will that won it that day.” Outside the NASCAR world, other leg-
ends offered their thoughts. Basketball great and former NASCAR team owner Julius Irving told me, “I think it’s the calm when you are in the center of the storm. Your best might be enough, your best might not be enough, but you’re going to be at your best. You’re not going to not perform because you get nervous when you need to be calm. That calm, that’s it.” I spoke with two athletes onsite at Homestead Miami Speedway in November. Jose Antonio Bautista, outfielder for the Toronto Blue Jays, who became the 26th member of the “50-home-runs club,” said, “The most important thing is being able to be consistent. Giving your best and being at that elite level every single day is what I think separates the best of the best.” Linebacker Kawika Mitchell, who won the Superbowl with the New York Giants in 2007, cited his favorite anonymous quote, “Losers quit when they’re tired, champions quit when they’ve won.” Calm in the storm, working with what you have, relentless drive and never quitting – we can all benefit from having some of the common threads of a champion.
Listen to Claire B. Lang’s radio show on Sirius XM NASCAR Radio, Channel 90. w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
Partisanship by mike howe Twitter: @TruckingDC • Facebook: www.facebook.com/TruckingPoliticsMore
resident Obama’s less-than-stellar launch of universal health care in late 2013 has created a new sense of optimism for the Republican Party. Prior to the debacle that was HealthCare.gov, one might have successfully argued that the Republican Party was down for the count. After the October government shutdown calamity, the GOP was perceived as the party of opposition and even perhaps the party of gridlock. But a funny thing happened afterward – the Affordable Care Act. Before diving into the issue of increased partisanship in the nation’s capital, it’s important to understand why this might be relevant to the trucking industry. MAP-21 expires on Sept. 30, 2014, and Congress will need to act on this one way or another. Like prior short-term funding bills, there will be an attempt by many to load a new funding bill with pork, and it will also likely be difficult to push through a much-needed long-term highway funding bill, so don’t be surprised if there’s just a short-term extension. But enmeshed in all of this is probably the greatest obstacle facing Congress to pass a long-term solution: partisanship. This is a mid-term election year, with
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
every House member and a third of the Senate up for re-election. This is also the year we’ll start to see the 2016 presidential hopefuls ramp up their rhetoric. In other words, it’s going to be a tough year to get any major legislation through Congress. Add to the mix regular issues Congress must address and the “Obamacare” fiasco, which has Republicans smelling blood, and we’ve got the perfect storm for extreme partisanship. The Senate will most likely be the hotbed of partisan grandstanding. Republicans are seeking to pick up six seats in order to regain control of that chamber. Just imagine how the government will act during the last two years of Obama’s time in office with a Republican majority in both chambers of Congress. Vulnerable Democrats in the Senate include Mark Begich (Alaska), Mary Landrieu (Louisiana), Mark Pryor (Arkansas), Kay Hagan (North Carolina) and Georgia with an open seat previously held by a Republican. On the Republican side, Sen. Mitch McConnell (Kentucky) could be in trouble – both from inside and outside his party. The likelihood of the Senate turning to Republican control is not great, but there is always a chance of at least
making it an even closer margin of control for the Democrats. On the House side, Republicans need to be cautious not to lose 17 seats, which would turn the House back to the Democrats and likely to Nancy Pelosi as speaker. Again, this isn’t likely to happen. What is more intriguing is whether the House becomes more conservative, with Tea Party candidates running in primaries against more traditional Republicans. The Obamacare launch debacle is just the latest government program or action to erode the confidence of the public. When the confidence of the public is eroded, it opens the door for contested and heated elections at all levels of government. Incumbents most likely feel vulnerable and this usually leads to a digging in of the heels and increased partisanship. For the trucking industry, increased partisan actions and rhetoric does not bode well for long-term solutions. It does, however, create an opportunity for a president in his final term to use executive orders to implement policies. Trucking needs to be aware of this, stay informed, be part of the process, and be vocal. Until there is real leadership in D.C., trucking must stay vigilant. J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4 C H A L L E N G E 47
Sugar-Frosted Memories
was recently involved in a discussion of how truck drivers can undergo serious anxiety when the season changes to winter. Even seasoned veterans are stressed when their thoughts turn to driving on snow and ice. Drivers who grew up in areas notorious for bad winters are no more immune to worry than Southern drivers who have never even seen snow chains. The feelings being shared were honest, open, and the drivers were being surprisingly vulnerable. I felt like I was in group therapy. I kept my response short, not wanting to ruin the supportive mood of the discussion. “I like snow,” I said. “I even like driving in bad weather.” I got my two cents in, and everyone skipped over my insane statement with little notice. They went on to discuss how the anxiety would dissipate after the first few storms, then they had a group hug and solved the rest of the problems of the world.
In January, when most people have gotten past the novelty of winter, I still look forward to a snowy forecast. Even though I like to hear a receiver say “Man, how did you get through?” my main reason is the great memories, like the time Cindy and I were chaining up on Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado. A heavy snow was falling, with only one other truck in the chainup area. Fresh snow weighed down each pine branch. We stood still in the quiet and listened to the snow hitting the ground. Or the time we slid sideways on a banked corner of Vail Pass. The sand trucks had not hit the right lane yet. We slid, hit the sand in the left lane, straightened out, and kept rolling. I looked over at Cindy in the passenger seat to say “Wheee!” but she wasn’t there. On a 1990 Peterbilt, the gap between the seats was about six inches. I don’t know how she went into the sleeper without me noticing, but there she sat, wide-eyed, on the bed.
by daniel george
Daniel is a writer, a runner, and a team driver with his wife, Cindy. More musings of their years on the road can be found at adventuretrucking.blogspot.com.
In the Christmas blizzard of 2010, I saw a snow-twister whip out of Long Island Sound, cross Interstate 95 in front of me, and take off into the sky. Later that day we spent five hours parked in the middle of the interstate at the New York-Connecticut line. In 1990, we spent more than a day in the middle of US 287 north of Springfield, Colo., while the plows worked their way south from Lamar. Two kids in their 20s, forced to spend a day in the sleeper with no television or smartphones. Did I mention good memories? I am not saying that a driver should push past his or her limits or drive nervous. If you feel like you should shut it down, then shut it down. But for those of us who love the taste of road salt in the air, and long to hear an icy wiper get thumped on the window, this has been a great winter.
Photo: Courtesy of Science Museum of Minnesota
Xcel Energy Center & Minnesota Wild
wild.nhl.com ESPN Magazine has named the Xcel Energy Center among the top three for “Best Stadium Experience” in all of professional sports. That’s pretty incredible when you consider how many stadiums this country has. It’s difficult to find a bad seat in the house. Hockey fans need to see at least one game there.While tickets can get pricey, there are seats in the $25-$45 range for some January games. Grab a brat and a beer, and you’ve just discovered the perfect Minnesota date night.
St. Paul, Minn. by amanda jakl
or most people, winter means staying indoors and enjoying a cup of cocoa. For Minnesotans, it means getting outside and enjoying every frostbitten minute of it. If you find yourself driving through the frozen prairie, do as they do. Slip into some long underwear, strap on some boots, grab that wool hat, zip into a down jacket and enjoy the great outdoors. Here’s a look at some lively al fresco entertainment along with a few indoor activities. Oh, and in case you didn’t know, frostbite can occur within five minutes when the temps fall below zero.
St. Paul Winter Carnival www.winter-carnival.com
Created in response to a New York City reporter in 1885 who wrote that St. Paul was “another Siberia, unfit for human habitation” in winter, the Saint Paul Winter Carnival proves that there’s a lot of fun stuff to do in winter besides hibernation. The carnival is a celebration of all things winter. Held annually since 1886, it boasts an ice palace, parades, ice and snow sculptures, a dogsled race, a citywide treasure hunt and, best of all, the outdoor Beer Dabbler (held Jan. 25) where visitors can sample more than 150 craft beers from across the country, while enjoying live music, food trucks and contests. This year, the carnival runs from Jan. 23 through Feb. 2.
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www.wellsfargowinterskate.com Strap on your skates and go for a twirl at the Wells Fargo WinterSkate across from Rice Park in downtown St. Paul. The rink is open every day and late on the weekends. Skate rental is just $2, or free if you have a Wells Fargo check or debit card. Because this is an artificial rink, a particularly warm afternoon won’t affect it, so it’s the perfect spot for a quick skate break regardless of the weather. Well, unless it drops below negative 25 degrees F, when the rink deems it too cold to skate. The skating season ends Feb. 2.
stpaul.gov There’s nothing like sledding to make you feel like a kid again and St. Paul has some great sledding. With 14 official sliding hills (and plenty of unofficial ones too), you’ll find a slope that suits your skills. The city has a list of hills according to their steepness, so whether you’re looking for a bunny hill or a double black diamond, you’ll be sure to find it. We recommend thrillseekers check out the hill at Battle Creek, but don’t say we didn’t warn you. Don’t let the shorter days limit your fun either. Some hills, like Battle Creek, are lit so you can enjoy your toboggan time long after sunset.
Science Museum of Minnesota www.smm.org
If you need to take a break from the bitter cold, there’s no better place than the Science Museum, located on the banks of the Mississippi. While the museum has been around since 1906, its riverfront location opened in 1999. The museum boasts the only Imax Convertible Dome Omnitheater in the U.S. Movies scheduled for January include “Great White Shark,” “Ring of Fire,” a film about volcanoes, and “To the Limit,” which highlights the effect of extreme sports on the human body. The 70-by-90 foot screen will make you feel like you’re right in the middle of the action. The museum is closed on Mondays.
Take a break from the road with a thrilling trip down a steep bank of snow. It’s good for the soul. w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
Have an inspiring story from the road? Maybe a poem or song? We want to share your creativity with our readers. Write down your thoughts and send it to us by mail or email (editor@ptcchallenge.com).
Submissions must be original, unpublished and created by the sender or the sender must have permission to submit. All submissions become the property of Challenge Magazine and will not be returned. Submissions may be edited and may be published or otherwise reused in any medium.
White and Yellow Lines BY Cindy Smith
Oatmeal with apple.
He rode in from the mountains, Santa Fe, New Mexico, He’d been gone three weeks from Sunday, now he’s finally back home.
Head for the chapel.
He lives like he’s a drifter, a cowboy out on the run, But he’s home with me tonight, underneath the setting sun.
No shirt without grease.
He don’t know just how long he can stay this time, But while he’s here he’s staying in these arms of mine.
That still have a crease.
How many times we’ve said goodbye, I guess I’ll never know. I see you less and want you more each time you have to go.
And worshiped our Lord.
Read Bible verses
A lonely life we both live separately alone, The sacrifices we both make to keep a happy home.
Left new and restored.
Went to the lounge
Some TV to view.
Three hundred horses pullin’ through the cold and freezin’ rain, Through desolate deserts, and across the western plains.
Too early for sports
Just CNN news.
All the days that we’re apart will surely take its toll and leave a heart with emptiness and brand a barren soul.
Buy box of Tide soap
Feed coins to machines
Stay strong in the saddle and hold tight to the reins and pray to the good Lord that our love will sustain.
Wash socks and T-shirts
And clean all my jeans.
He’s loaded up his rig and he’s headed down the road, He’ll ride off into the sunset, carrying a heavy load.
Read this month’s Challenge
The dryer’s all done.
He lives like he’s a drifter, a cowboy without a home, I’ll go to sleep tonight, and I’ll wake up all alone.
I’m sending this column.
I don’t know just how long he’ll be gone this time, Ridin’ a trail of blacktop highway with white and yellow lines.
Breakfast on Sunday Finish my coffee
Pick through my laundry
Found pants without stains We sang Hallelujah
Like “Trucker’s Corner”
52 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
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7 6 9 8 3
2 6
3 76
42 9 8 8
9 1 1 2 4 6 9 26
76 9 5 1
7 4 6 5 1
54 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
3 5 2 2 9 3 2 1 4 7
(c) Puzzles by Pappocom
Solution, tips and computer program at www.sudoku.com.
2 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 3
6 7 1 9 5 3 4 2 8
8 9 3 1 2 4 6 5 7
DEC13 solution
7 5 6 8 1 2 3 4 9
4 3 2 5 6 9 7 8 1
9 1 8 3 4 7 5 6 2
3 6 9 2 8 5 1 7 4
1 2 4 7 9 6 8 3 5
5 8 7 4 3 1 2 9 6 E32
2 3 HOW TO PLAY: The Japa6 7 nese puzzle “Sudoku” tests reasoning and logic. 8in To solve the 9 puzzle, fill the grid above so every row, every 3 column 1 and every 3-block by 3-block box contains the digits 7 5 1 through 9. That means that no number is repeat4column9or ed in any row, box. No math is needed. The grid has numbers, 1 2but nothing has to equal anything else. Answers 8 6are published in the next issue of Challenge Magazine. 5 4
1 5 4 8 2 6 3 9 7
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
4 9 3 6 8 5 7 1 2
10 12
48 54
70 77
44 49 55
56 60
45 50
74 79
editorial content ACROSS The highlighted clues come52from *KNAUS in this issue of Challenge Magazine.case of we 1 *GIVENS 55 Objective 5 In the greatest number 56 Extent of space 5 Flesh 8 Some 7 Yelp 57 Embankment 9 7-time NASCAR champ Marshal 1015 Justified PrefixU.S.meaning not 59 Used for resting 11 Chop In the greatest number 127 Yelp Person who reads 60 27th president of the U.S 13 Relaxation 15 Lake or pond Prefix meaning not 1410 Secondary school 62 Negative 19 Similar to 12 Person who reads 1614Broad 64 Swindle 21 Rainy Secondaryvalley school 22 Depressed Broad valley 1716 Often 65 Indianspirits nursemaid 24 Room within a harem 17 Often 1818Plural 66 Prefix meaning without 25 Jewish scholar Plural of I of I 26 Vitality Near to to 1919 Near 67 Eccentric 28 Pronoun 20 Lair 2021Lair 69 Precious stones 29 Cuban dance Spun by spiders 31 Neuter singular pronoun Roseate by spiders 2123 Spun 71 Personal view 33 Exploit 25 Revolution 2327Roseate 75 Toward the top 35 Laxative Circular course 37 Flaxseed Told an untruth 2530 Revolution 77 Dwells 38 Newt 32 Acknowledgement of debt 2734Circular course 79 *AKINS 41 Copy Yield 43 Hello there Malt beverage 3036 Told an untruth 81 Fortune-teller 45 Like leather 39 Derelict 3240Acknowledgement of debt 82 So be it 47 Musical instrument Run-down part of a city 49 Slower than sound Masculine pronoun 3442Yield 83 Portable bed 51 Swing to and fro 44 Providing 3645Malt 53 Not Wreath beverage of flowers 54 Eternal Male children DOWN 3946Derelict 58 Asian prince 48 Is not 1 Spanish Enclose 4050Run-down part of a city 60 river Small island 61 Johnson’s crew chief 2 Cigarette Phial 4252Masculine pronoun 63 Well-behaved 55 Objective case of we 3 Finely Finished 4456Providing 68 powdered earth Extent of space 70 Embankmentof flowers 4 Honey Loose-fitting skirtlike 4557Wreath 72 Seed of a legume 59 Used for resting garment 4660Male children 73 Doctrine 27th president of the U.S 74 Negative 5 Satisfactory Flesh 4862Is not 76 The ratio between circumference & diameter Swindle 6 Part Tremble 5064 island 78 of the verb to be 65Small Indian nursemaid
1 Enclose 2 Phial 3 Finished 4 Loose-fitting skirt like garment
80 Negative vote
66 Prefix meaning without 67 Eccentric 69 Precious stones 71 Personal view 75 Toward the top 77 Dwells 79 Co-writer of “Granddaddy’s Gun” 81 Fortune-teller 82 So be it 83 Portable bed
8 Some 9 Minor 11 Chop 13 Relaxation 15 Lake or pond 19 Similar to 21 Rainy 22 Depressed spirits 24 Room within a harem 25 Jewish scholar 26 Vitality 28 Pronoun 29 Cuban dance 31 Neuter singular pronoun 33 Exploit 35 Laxative 37 Flaxseed 38 Newt 41 Copy 43 Hello there 45 Like leather 47 Musical instrument 49 Slower than sound 51 Swing to and fro 53 Not 54 Eternal 58 Asian prince 60 Spanish river 61 Cigarette 63 Well-behaved 68 Finely powdered earth 70 Honey 72 Seed of a legume 73 Doctrine 74 Satisfactory 76 The ratio between circumference and diameter 78 Part of the verb to be 80 Negative vote
Answers will appear in next month’s issue and on www.ptcchallenge.com w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4 C H A L L E N G E 55
garmingallery Take Off
George Achev
My Buddy Stanley Ernest Cramblit
Rural Church Eric Wolff
Larry Romero
The Rising Fog
April Love Vargas
These are the faces of Pilot Flying J who have excelled in customer service
(From left) Megan, “Thor,” “Mom,” D.J., “Mr. Pilot,” and Erik. Not pictured: Wendy, Tina, Britney, Steven, “Blondie,” Jacqueline, and Trisia. • Van Horn, TX A customer wrote, “I wanted to say thank you so much to your employee Katherine. My husband is a truck driver and had been out for a long time. He went into this location and purchased post cards for our three small children. Since my husband is unable to drive to a post office, Katherine offered to mail them on her way home from work. My kids miss their dad like crazy when he is gone, and their faces light up when they receive postcards or letters from him. I truly appreciate that she went above and beyond, even after working hours, to do this for my family. Please thank her and give her a huge hug from our family. Thank you.”
(From left) JoAnna Davenport (shift leader), Vicki Marks (cashier), Faith Sweitzer (RSS), and Sandra Holloway (cashier) • Anna, TX A customer wrote, “My husband has been a driver for a little over 10 years. I came out with him on the road for the past year and a half. In September, we were in Anna, Texas, on our break at the Flying J when he had a massive heart attack and died. All of the workers, even in the Huddle House, were so kind and compassionate. They treated me the same as you would family. I just wanted to thank them and tell them how awesome they were for helping me get through this. They are all heroes to me. I would like to thank the drivers also for helping me get back home. You know who you are and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are the very best.”
If you would like to recognize a Pilot Flying J employee who has made your visit fast, friendly or clean, or if you have any comments, please call our customer line at 1-877-866-7378
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ARIZONA (cont.)
ARKANSAS (cont.)
369 BIRMINGHAM 7 S DEF 100 I-20/59/65 AL 78, Exit 123 901 Bankhead Highway West, 35204 602 BIRMINGHAM DEF 157 15 rv dump I-65 & SR 94, Exit 264 224 Daniel Payne Drive North, 35207 603 Dothan DEF 158 9 rv dump Ross Clark Hwy/Hwy 231 2190 Ross Clark Circle, 36301 604 Hope Hull (Tyson) 9 S DEF 75 rv dump I-65 Exit 158 900 Tyson Road, 36043 497 Lincoln DEF 80 7 I-20, Exit 165 121 Honda Drive, 35096 601 McCalla DEF 150 15 rv dump I-20/I-59 Exit 104 6098 MacAshan Dr, 35111 302 MOBILE (THEODORE) DEF 65 5 I-10 & Theodore Dawes Rd, Exit 13 6955 Theodore Dawes Road, 36582 441 PRICEVILLE 7 S DEF 100 rv dump I-65, Exit 334 3240 Point Mallard Parkway, 35603 75 SATSUMA 8 S DEF 125 I-65, Exit 19 6109 US 43 South, 36572 76 TUSCALOOSA 8 S DEF 125 I-20/59, Exit 76 4416 Skyland Boulevard East, 35405
609 Eloy DEF 350 11 rv dump I-10 Exit 208 16189 S Sunshine Blvd, 85231 610 Kingman DEF 95 11 rv dump I-40 Exit 53 3300 East Andy DeVine Ave., 86401 211 LAKE HAVASU CITY 12 S DEF 110 I-40 & AZ 95, Exit 9 14750 South Highway 95, 86404 279 NOGALES (RIO RICO) DEF 90 11 I-19 & SR 289, Exit 12 769 East Frontage Road, 85648 611 Phoenix DEF 185 15 rv dump I-10 Exit 137 6700 West Latham, 85043 593 Tucson 7 S DEF 80 I-10, Exit 268 5570 E. Travel Plaza Way, 85756 328 QUARTZSITE DEF 100 4 I-10 & US 95, Exit 17 1201 West Main Street, 85359 612 Winslow DEF 250 15 rv dump I-40 Exit 255 400 Transcon Lane, 86047 505 Yuma 6 100 I-8, Exit 12 108000 North Frontage Road, 85367
145 SPRINGDALE DEF 33 4 US 412 & 71 Bypass 5660 West Sunset Avenue, 72762 606 Texarkana DEF 157 15 rv dump I-30 Exit 7 Rt 12 Box 254B, I30 & Hwy 108, 71854 429 West Memphis 11 S DEF 150 I-40, Exit 280 1100 Martin Luther King Blvd, 72301 607 West Memphis DEF 225 15 rv dump I-40 Exit 280 & I-55 Exit 4 3400 Service Loop Road, 72301
p 205-324-4532 f 205-324-5897
p 205-323-2177 f 205-323-7885
p 334-792-5152 f 334-792-5293
p 334-613-0212 f 334-613-0849
p 205-763-2225 f 205-763-2229
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p 256-353-5252 f 256-353-5235
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Day Breaker CafĂŠ p 928-342-2696 f 928-342-1619
ARKANSAS p 205-553-9710 f 205-553-3089
ARIZONA 459 AVONDALE 13 S DEF 145 rv dump I-10, Exit 133A 900 North 99th Avenue, 85323 180 BELLEMONT 7 S DEF 90 I-40, EXIT 185 12500 West I-40, 86015 608 Ehrenberg DEF 300 13 I-10 Exit 1 Box 801, I-10 Exit 1 S. Frontage Rd, 85334 458 ELOY 5 S DEF 145 rv dump I-10, Exit 208 619 South Sunshine Boulevard, 85231
p 520-466-9204
p 623-936-0900 f 623-936-7376
p 928-773-0180 f 928-773-0205
p 928-923-9600 f 928-923-7735
p 520-466-7550 f 520-466-7575
60 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
118 BENTON 7 S DEF 70 I-30, Exit 121 7801 Alcoa Road, 72015 492 Caddo valley 7 S DEF 80 I-30, Exit 78 & Hwy 7 170 Valley Street, 71923 332 N. LITTLE ROCK 7 S DEF 100 I-40 & SR391 Galloway Road, Exit 161 3300 Highway 391 North, 72117 430 RUSSELLVILLE 5 S DEF 130 I-40, Exit 84 215 SR 331 North, 72802 605 Russellville DEF 165 15 rv dump I-40, Exit 84 42 Bradley Cove Road, 72801
p 501-794-5900 f 501-794-5904
p 870-245-3119 f 870-245-3084
p 501-945-2226 f 501-945-2282
p 479-967-7414 f 479-964-0112
p 479-890-6161 f 479-890-2639
p 479-872-6100 f 479-872-6103
p 870-774-3595 f 870-772-1006
p 870-732-1202 f 870-732-1340
p 870-735-8200 f 870-735-3300
CALIFORNIA 613 Bakersfield DEF 250 14 rv dump Hwy 99 Exit Merced Ave. 17047 Zachary Ave., 93308 282 barstow 7 S DEF 30 I-15/40 & US 58 2591 Commerce Parkway, 92311 614 Bartsow DEF 171 15 rv dump I-15 & Lenwood Exit 2611 Fisher Boulevard, 92311 372 CASTAIC 7 S DEF 125 I-5 & Lake Hughes Exit 31642 Castaic Road, 91384 168 DUNNIGAN 10 S DEF 155 I-5, Road 8 Exit 554 30035 County Road 8, 95937 616 Frazier Park 18 285 rv dump I-5 Frazier Park Exit 205 42810 Frazier Mtn Park Road, 93243 381 HESPERIA 11 S DEF 300 I-15 & US 395 8701 Highway 395, 92345 200 KRAMER JUNCTION DEF 50 7 US 395/US 58 5725 Highway 58, 93516 617 Lodi DEF 187 15 rv dump I-5 & Hwy 12, Exit Fairfield 15100 North Thornton Road, 95242 154 LOST HILLS 7 S DEF 100 I-5 & CA 46 14808 Warren Street, 93249
p 661-392-5300 f 661-392-5307
p 760-253-2861 f 760-253-2863
p 760-253-7043 f 760-253-7051
p 661-257-2800 f 661-257-2109
p 530-724-3060 f 530-724-3029
p 661-248-2600 f 661-248-2610
p 760-956-2844 f 760-956-1198
p 760-762-0041 f 760-762-5231
p 209-339-4066 f 209-339-4287
p 661-797-2122 f 661-797-9772
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
# parking
rv dump
FLORIDA (cont.)
FLORIDA (cont.)
365 MADERA DEF 150 11 CA-99 at Ave 18.5 22717 Avenue 18 1/2, 93637 307 N. PALM SPRINGS DEF 80 5 I-10 & Garnett & Indian Ave. 6605 N. Indian Canyon Drive, 92258 343 Otay Mesa 9 S DEF 150 I-905, Exit 7, CA905 1497 Piper Ranch Rd, 92154 618 Ripon DEF 197 15 rv dump Hwy 99 Exit Jack Tone Rd 1501 North Jack Tone Road, 95366 879 Sacramento 49er Travel Plaza DEF 300 12 I-80, Exit 85 (W. El Camino Ave) 2828 El Centro Rd, 95833 237 SALINAS DEF 75 7 US 101 & Sanborn 951 Work Street, 93901 765 Thousand Palms DEF 88 9 rv dump I-10 Ramon Exit 72235 Varner Road, 92276 137 weed DEF 80 7 rv dump I-5, Exit 745 395 E Vista Drive, 96094
89 ELLENTON DEF 2 2 I-75, Exit 224 1526 51st Avenue East, 34222 352 FT. MYERS DEF 80 6 I-75, Luckett Rd, Exit 139 6050 Plaza Drive, 33905 90 FT. PIERCE 8 S DEF 80 I-95, Exit 129 7300 West Okeechobee Road, 34945 471 Haines City DEF 80 7 rv dump US Hwy 27 North 35647 US Hwy 27 North, 33845 91 JACKSONVILLE DEF 50 5 I-95, Exit 329 1625 County Road 210 West, 32259 374 MARIANNA 7 S DEF 90 I-10 @ FL 71, Exit 142 2209 Highway 71, 32448 873 miami 3 65 Hwy 27 12200 NW South River Road, 33178 874 miami 2 30 US 41 & SR 997 17696 SW 8th Street, 33194 897 Miami Gardens Dades corner Plz 1 7 SR 826, Exit SR 817 16650 NW 27th Avenue, 33054 425 MIDWAY 8 S DEF 90 rv dump I-10, Exit 192 33333 Blue Star Highway, 32343 293 OCALA DEF 60 7 I-75 & FL 484, Exit 341 2020 SW 135th Street, 34476 92 OCALA 7 S DEF 130 I-75, Exit 358 4255 NW Highway 326, 34482 424 OCALA 5 S DEF 150 I-75, Exit 358 4032 West Highway 326, 34482 94 PUNTA GORDA DEF 40 5 I-75, Exit 161 26505 Jones Loop Road, 33950 623 Quincy DEF 150 15 rv dump I-10 Exit 192 32670 Blue Star Highway, 32343 626 St. Augustine DEF 160 9 rv dump I-95 Hwy 206 Exit 305 950 State Road 206 West, 32086 622 St. Lucie DEF 156 15 rv dump I-95 Hwy 68 Exit 131 100 North Kings Hwy 625 Tampa 4 30 rv dump I-4 & SR 579 Exit 10 11555 East Sligh Ave.
95 WILDWOOD 5 S DEF 10 I-75, Exit 329 493 East State Route 44 96 YEEHAW JUNCTION 0 40 US 60 & FL Turnpike, Exit 193 3050 SR 60 Yeehaw Junction
p 559-673-3878 f 559-673-7679
p 760-329-5562 f 760-329-0083
p 619-661-9558 f 619-661-9814
p 209-599-4141 f 209-599-4265
p 916-927-4774 f 916-923-3677
p 831-775-0380 f 831-775-0360
p 760-343-1500 f 760-343-1330
p 530-938-9600 f 530-938-9700
COLORADO 619 Aurora DEF 149 15 rv dump I-70 Exit 285 (South) 16751 East 32nd Ave., 80011 316 DENVER 7 S DEF 100 I-70 & Steele Street, Exit 276A 4640 Steele Street, 80216 621 Limon DEF 200 2 rv dump I-70 & Exit 359 2495 Williams Ave., 80828
p 303-366-7600 f 303-367-5657
p 303-292-6303 f 303-292-3647
p 719-775-9286 f 719-775-9306
CONNecticut 255 MILFORD 12 S DEF 150 I-95, EXIT 40 433 Old Gate Lane, 06460 882 N Stonington American Auto Stop 6 119 I-95, Exit 93 273 Clarks Falls Rd, 06359
p 203-876-1266 f 203-876-9473
p 860-599-2020 f 860-599-5771
FLORIDA 87 BALDWIN DEF 50 5 I-10, Exit 343 1050 US 301 South, 32234 88 COCOA 2 LTD I-95, Exit 201 4455 King Street, 32926 624 Dade City DEF 180 15 I-75 Exit 285 & SR52 29933 State Road 52, 33576 w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
p 904-266-4238 f 904-266-9820
p 321-639-0346 f 321-639-0351
rv dump
p 352-588-5444 f 352-588-4629
p 941-729-6288 f 941-729-7523
p 239-693-6868 f 239-693-1253
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
p 352-748-4486 f 352-748-6095
p 407-436-1224 f 407-436-1919
GEORGIA p 772-460-0611 f 772-460-9492
p 863-421-3571 f 863-421-6032
p 904-826-3618 f 904-825-2760
p 850-482-2148 f 850-482-2136
p 305-883-1004 f 305-883-1799
p 305-553-6203 f 305-207-7967
p 305-623-3434 f 305-623-3439
p 850-576-3200 f 850-576-3213
p 352-347-8555 f 352-347-3082
p 352-402-9081 f 352-622-5233
p 352-867-8300 f 352-867-8448
p 941-637-3974 f 941-637-5729
p 850-574-1299 f 850-574-6546
p 904-794-0426 f 904-794-7582
p 772-461-0091 f 772-461-0291
260 ALBANY DEF 80 4 Hwy 300 & Clark Ave 310 Cordele Road, 31705 331 ATLANTA (EAST) 7 S DEF 100 I-285 & Bouldercrest Road, Exit 51 2605 Bouldercrest, 30316 344 ATLANTA (WEST) 5 45 I-285 & South Atlanta Road, Exit 16 4600 South Atlanta Road, 30080 65 AUGUSTA 3 30 I-20, Exit 194 4091 Jimmie Dyess Parkway, 30909 144 AUGUSTA DEF 90 6 I-20, Exit 200 2975 Gun Club Road, 30907 66 BRASELTON 7 S DEF 70 I-85, Exit 129 5888 Highway 53, 30517 627 Brunswick DEF 150 15 rv dump I-95 Exit 29 2990 US Hwy 17 South, 31523 628 Carnesville DEF 190 15 rv dump I-85 Exit 160 10226 Old Federal Road, 30521 67 CARTERSVILLE 8 S DEF 100 I-75, Exit 296 968 Cassville-White Road, 30120 416 CORDELLE DEF 60 10 rv dump I-75, Exit 101 2201 East 16 Avenue, 31015 319 DALTON DEF 100 7 I-75/Connector 3, Exit 328 244 Connector 3 SW, 30720 421 DALTON 9 S DEF 210 rv dump I-75, Exit 326 142 Carbondale Road, 30721 68 DUBLIN DEF 6 2 I-16, Exit 51 2185 US 441, 31021 630 Jackson DEF 200 14 rv dump I-75 Exit 201 I-75 & Exit 66 Bucksnort Road, 30233 69 LAGRANGE DEF 60 3 I-85, Exit 13 1960 Whitesvillle Road, 30240
p 229-878-1355 f 229-878-1302
p 404-212-8733 f 404-212-8568
p 770-434-9949 f 770-434-8341
p 706-860-6677 f 706-869-9074
p 706-667-6557 f 706-481-9940
p 706-654-2820 f 706-654-9326
p 912-280-0006 f 912-280-9555
p 706-335-6656 f 706-335-4432
p 770-607-7835 f 770-607-7873
p 229-271-5775 f 229-271-5774
p 706-277-7934 f 706-277-3337
p 706-370-4060 f 706-370-5769
p 478-275-2143 f 478-275-0070
p 770-775-0138 f 770-775-1134
p 706-884-6318 f 706-884-1872
p 813-612-9438 f 813-612-9297
J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4 C H A L L E N G E 61
double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
62 C H A L L E N G E january 2 0 1 2
# parking
rv dump
GEORGIA (cont.)
631 Lake Park DEF 200 15 rv dump I-75 Exit 2 7001 Lake Park-Bellville Rd., 31636 420 MADISON DEF 110 6 rv dump I-20, Exit 114 1881 Eatonton Road, 30650 422 NEWNAN 7 S DEF 95 I-85, Exit 41 1645 South Highway 29, 30263 71 PORT WENTWORTH 8 S DEF 125 I-95, Exit 109 7001 Highway 21, 31407 632 Resaca DEF 200 15 rv dump I-75 Exit 320 288 Resaca Beach Blvd. NW, 30735 415 RISING FAWN DEF 150 8 I-59, Exit 4 319 Deer Head Cover Road, 30738 72 SAVANNAH DEF LTD 1 I-16, Exit 160 1504 Dean Forrest Road, 31408 575 St. marys DEF 235 12 I-95, Exit 1 491 W. St. Mary’s Street, 31558 312 TALLAPOOSA 6 S DEF 90 I-20 & GA 100, Exit 5 882 Georgia Highway 100, 30176 417 TEMPLE DEF 140 14 rv dump I-20, Exit 19 625 Carrollton Street, 30179 634 TEMPLE DEF 164 15 rv dump I-20 & Hwy 113 Exit 19 15 Villa Rosa Road, 30179 192 TIFTON 12 S DEF 200 I-75, Exit 60 4431 Old Union Road, 31794 633 union point DEF 189 9 rv dump I-20 & Exit 138 3600 Highway 77 South, 30642 73 VALDOSTA 5 S DEF 90 I-75, Exit 11 3495 Madison Highway, 31601 398 VIENNA DEF 85 5 I-75, Exit 109 39 Victory Lane, 31092 267 WARNER ROBINS (BYRON) 11 S DEF 150 I-75, Exit 146 2965 Highway 247C, 31008 254 WILDWOOD DEF 20 3 I-24 Exit 169 650 Highway 299, 30757
777 East Boise DEF 60 6 I-84 Exit 54 (Federal Way) 3353 Federal Way, 83705 638 Caldwell DEF 100 9 I-84 Exit 29 3512 Franklin Road, 83605 641 McCammon DEF 100 4 I-15 Exit 47 587 E. US Hwy 30, 83250 350 MOUNTAIN HOME DEF 100 7 I-84 & US 20, Exit 95 1050 Highway 20, 83647 639 Post Falls DEF 100 8 I-90 Exit 2 N 400 Idahline Rd, 83854 640 Twin Falls DEF 100 6 I-84 Exit 173 5350 Highway 93, 83338
p 229-559-6500 f 229-559-3008 TM
p 706-343-1455 f 706-343-1033
p 770-252-3551 f 770-252-2197
p 912-964-7006 f 912-964-7808
p 706-629-1541 f 706-629-2003
p 706-462-2455 f 706-462-2702
p 912-964-5280 f 912-964-5098
p 912-576-5424 f 912-882-8867
p 770-574-9922 f 770-574-9697
p 770-562-9773 f 770-562-2269
p 770-562-4009 f 770-562-3571
p 229-382-7295 f 229-382-4910
p 706-486-4835 f 706-486-4845
p 229-244-8034 f 229-244-6020
p 229-268-1414 f 229-268-4880
p 478-956-5316 f 478-956-3726
p 706-820-7353 f 706-820-9539
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
rv dump
p 208-385-9745 f 208-344-3624
rv dump
p 208-453-9225 f 208-453-9409
rv dump
p 208-254-9845 f 208-254-9893
p 208-587-4465 f 208-587-3071
rv dump
p 208-773-0593 f 208-773-0404
p 208-324-3454 f 208-324-4097
ILLINOIS 642 alorton DEF 202 15 rv dump I-255 & Exit 17A 140 Racehorse Drive, 62207 299 BLOOMINGTON 6 S DEF 160 I-55/74 & IL 9, Exit 160A 1522 West Market Street 526 Champaign road ranger DEF 150 3 I-57, Exit 240 4910 Market St 473 channahon DEF 45 0 I-55 & Route 6, Exit 248 23841 SE Eams 378 Chicago road ranger 0 LTD I-55 MM 288 “Stevenson Expressway” 3401 South California Avenue, 60632 368 Decatur DEF 60 7 I-72, Exit 144 (SE Quad) 4030 E. Boyd Road 523 Dixon road ranger DEF 45 5 I-88 Exit 54 1801 South Galena Ave. ,61021 313 EAST ST. LOUIS 11 S DEF 200 I 70/55 Exit 4 699 State Route 203 165 EFFINGHAM 7 S DEF 100 I-57/70, Exit 162 2500 North 3rd Street 643 Effingham DEF 180 15 rv dump I-70 & I-57, Exit 160 1701 W Evergreen / I-70 & I-57 468 Gilman DEF 80 7 I-57, Exit 283 815 Hwy 24 West, 60938
p 618-337-4579 f 618-337-4851
p 309-827-7867 f 309-827-2355
p 815-315-4991 f 217-643-7809
p 815-467-0918 f 815-467-0972
p 815-977-7020 f 773-847-1438
p 217-876-0208 f 217-876-0522
Dan’s big Slice Pizza
p 815-516-1998 f 815-284-0469
p 618-875-5800 f 618-875-4234
p 217-342-3787 f 217-342-6672
p 217-347-7161 f 217-347-5815
p 815-265-4754 f 815-265-4795
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
ILLINOIS (cont.)
ILLINOIS (cont.)
543 Hampshire road ranger Dan’s big Slice Pizza DEF 30 4 I-90, Exit 43 p 815-209-9013 19 N. 681 US Hwy 20 f 847-683-7609 644 LaSalle DEF 186 15 rv dump I-80 Exit 77 p 815-220-0611 343 Civic Road f 815-220-0617 514 Lincoln Thorntons Subworks DEF 100 6 2903 Woodlawn Road p 217-732-3915 I-55, Exit 126 f 217-732-4875 540 Loves Park road ranger 0 LTD I-90 & Riverside Blvd p 815-580-4221 7500 East Riverside Blvd, 61111 f 847-232-3058 595 marion DEF 45 5 I-57, Exit 54B p 618-993-2697 2611Vernell Road, 62959 f 618-993-8100 347 Mclean road ranger Dan’s big Dixie Slice Pizza DEF 80 10 I-55, Exit 145 p 815-315-0774 501 South Main Street, 61754 f 309-874-2048 530 mendota road ranger DEF 25 3 I-39, Exit 72 p 815-315-4210 2705 12th Street, 61342 f 815-539-2340 326 Minonk road ranger Dan’s big Woody’s Slice Pizza DEF 100 4 I-39, Exit 27 p 815-315-4189 1311 Carolyn Dr, 61760 f 309-432-2002 236 MINOOKA 7 S DEF 100 I-80, Exit 122 p 815-467-4416 301 Ridge Road, 60447 f 815-467-5409 39 MONEE DEF 90 5 I-57, Exit 335 p 708-534-2483 6002 Monee-Manhattan Road, 60449 f 708-534-3980 482 MT. VERNON 7 S DEF 100 I-57, Exit 95 p 618-244-1216 4610 Broadway, 62864 f 618-244-1262 889 MT. VERNON 7 S DEF 200 I-64/57, exit IL Hwy 15 p 618-244-2616 101 S. 46th St., 62864 520 new berlin road ranger DEF 25 3 I-72, Exit 82 p 815-209-9009 700 King Rd, 62670 171 Oakwood 7 S DEF 100 I-74, Exit 206 p 217-354-4270 503 N. Oakwood St, 61858 f 217-354-4070 534 Okawville road ranger DEF 50 2 I-64, Exit 41 p 815-656-4143 905 Hen House Rd, 62271 f 618-243-6479 515 ottawa road ranger Dan’s big Slice Pizza DEF 25 2 I-80, Exit 93 p 815-516-0946 3041 North IL Route 71,61350 f 815-434-4081 645 Pontoon Beach DEF 185 15 rv dump I-270 & Exit 6B p 618-931-1580 1310 East Chain of Rocks Road, 62040 f 618-931-3587
541 Princeton road ranger DEF 250 7 I-80, Exit 56 2835 N Main St, 61356 539 Rochelle road ranger DEF 55 5 I-39, Exit 99 890 E Hwy 38, 61068 535 Rockford road ranger 0 LTD US 20 4980 S Main St, 61108 536 South Beloit road ranger DEF 75 5 I-90, Exit 1 6070 Gardner Street, 61080 646 South Beloit DEF 186 15 rv dump I-90 & HWY 75 16049 Willowbrook Road, 61080 512 Springfield road ranger DEF 25 2 I-55, Exit 90 500 Toronto Road, 62711 525 Springfield road ranger DEF 50 6 I-55, Exit 100-A 3752 Camp Butler Rd, 62707 249 TROY 7 S DEF 135 I-55/70 & IL 162, Exit 18 820 Edwardsville Road, 62294 529 Tuscola road ranger 3 15 I-57, Exit 212 1112 East Southline Dr., 61953 537 Winnebago road ranger 0 LTD US 20, MM8 101 S. Winnebago Rd, 61088 476 woodhull DEF 80 5 I-74, Exit 32 900 Plaza Ave, 61490
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
# parking
rv dump
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
Dan’s big Slice Pizza
p 815-315-4951 f 815-875-1718 Dan’s big Slice Pizza
p 815-209-9038 f 815-562-6573
p 815-315-4974 f 847-232-1183 Dan’s big Slice Pizza
p 815-264-4311 f 815-389-3917
p 815-389-4760 f 815-389-4793
Dan’s big Slice Pizza p 815-516-0863 f 217-585-1883
Star 66 Café
Dan’s big Slice Pizza
p 815-209-9059 f 217-528-9169
p 618-667-0946 f 618-667-0966
p 815-315-4988 f 217-253-3793
Dan’s big Slice Pizza p 815-957-4049 f 847-897-2600
p 309-334-4550 f 309-334-4556
INDIANA 444 BRAZIL 10 S DEF 110 I-70, Exit 23 4376 North SR 59, 47834 531 BRAZIL road ranger DEF 30 3 I-70, Exit 23 990 West State Rd 42, 47834 445 BURNS HARBOR 7 S DEF 115 rv dump I-94, Exit 22 243 Melton Road, 46304 247 CRAWFORDSVILLE 5 S DEF 110 I-74 & SR 32, Exit 39 4367 East State Road 32, 47933 28 DALEVILLE DEF 35 3 I-69, Exit 234 15151 Commerce Road, 47334 446 DALEVILLE DEF 125 5 I-69, Exit 234 15876 West Commerce Road, 47334
p 812-446-9400 f 812-446-6116
p 815-209-9052 f 812-442-5206
p 219-787-5705 f 219-787-9656
p 765-361-9603 f 765-361-9601
p 765-378-3599 f 765-378-3592
p 765-378-0246 f 765-378-4248
january 2 0 1 2 C H A L L E N G E 63
double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
# parking
rv dump
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
indiana (cont.)
indiana (cont.)
iowa (cont.)
447 EVANSVILLE (HAUBSTADT) 5 S DEF 145 rv dump I-64, Exit 25B 1042 E Warrenton Road, 47639 362 FORTVILLE (PENDLETON) DEF 50 4 I-69, Exit 214 7455 South State Rd. 13, 46064 29 FREMONT 7 S DEF 130 I-80, Exit 144; I-69 N, Exit 157 6900 Old US 27, 46737 881 Ft Wayne Ft Wayne travel plz 6 260 I-69, Exit 109A 3037 Goshen Rd, 46808 271 GARY 9 S DEF 215 I-80/94 & Burr Street, Exit 6 2501 Burr Street, 46406 30 Greenfield DEF 150 5 I-70, Exit 96 2640 North 600 West, 46140 542 Greenwood road ranger DEF 40 7 I-65, Exit 99 1615 East Main Street, 46143 647 Haubstadt DEF 145 9 rv dump I-64 & SR 41 Exit 25B Rural Route 1, Box 254A, 47639 448 HEBRON 8 S DEF 135 I-65, Exit 240 18011 Colorado Street, 46341 31 HIGHLAND DEF LTD 2 I-80 & 94, Exit 2 8150 Indianapolis Boulevard, 46322 318 INDIANAPOLIS 7 S DEF 90 I-465 & IN37, Exit 4 4607 South Harding Street, 46217 649 Indianapolis DEF 190 15 rv dump I-465 Exit 4 1720 West Thompson Road, 46217 546 Lake staTIon - S – road ranger 4 15 I-80, Exit 15A 2151 Ripley St., 46405 650 Lake Station DEF 375 14 rv dump I-94 & Exit 15B 1401 Ripley Street, 46405 478 LEAVENWORTH DEF 65 5 I-64, Exit 92 6921 South SR 66, 47137 652 Lebanon DEF 150 9 rv dump I-65 Exit 139 520 South State Road 39, 46052 653 Lowell DEF 375 15 Rt 2 & I-65 Exit 240 3231 East 181st Street, 46356
152 MEMPHIS DEF 70 10 I-65, Memphis Road, Exit 16 14013 Memphis Blue Lick Road, 47143 304 new haven DEF 80 9 rv dump I-469, Exit 19 Hwy 30 & Doyle Road, 46774 198 PLYMOUTH 7 S DEF 110 US 30 & US 31 10619 9A Road, 46563 34 REMINGTON DEF 75 5 I-65, Exit 201 4154 West US Highway 24, 47977 339 RILEYSBURG (COVINGTON) DEF 50 6 I-74 & SR 63, Exit 4 16502 North State Road 63, 47932 242 SHELBYVILLE 7 S DEF 90 I-74, Exit 109 1851 West 400 North 35 SOUTH BEND DEF 70 5 I-80, Exit 72 6424 West Brick Road 655 Spiceland DEF 193 15 rv dump I-70 Exit 123 5300 South State Rte. 3 297 TERRE HAUTE DEF 70 5 I-70 & IN46, Exit 11 5555 E. Margaret Avenue 36 VALPARAISO DEF 25 3 US 30 & SR 49 4105 US 30 East 37 WHITELAND 8 S DEF 110 rv dump I-65, Exit 95 2962 County Road 500 North 656 WHITELAND DEF 173 15 I-65 & Whiteland Road, Exit 95 4982 North 350 East
329 COUNCIL BLUFFS 7 S DEF 80 I-80/29, Exit 1B 2647 South 24th Street, 51501 636 Davenport DEF 146 15 rv dump I-80 Exit 292 8200 N.W. Blvd., 52806 373 DES MOINES 17 S DEF 350 I-35/80 & Douglas Ave, Ext 126 11957 Douglas Avenue, 50322 532 elk run heights road ranger DEF 100 6 I-380, Exit 68 100 Plaza Drive, 50707 637 Evansdale DEF 80 7 rv dump I-380 & Evansdale Dr. 445 Evansdale Drive, 50707 131 Osceola DEF 80 5 rv dump I-35, Exit 34 2010 West Clay Street, 50213 238 Percival DEF 50 7 I-29, Exit 10 2495 210th Ave., 51648 594 Sioux city DEF 100 7 I-29, Exit 143 2815 Singing Hills Blvd, 51111 43 WALCOTT 8 S DEF 160 I-80, Exit 284 3500 North Plainview Road, 52773 268 WALCOTT DEF 25 3 I-80, Exit 284 2975 North Plainview Road, 52773 572 williams 7 S DEF 100 rv dump I-35, and SR 20, Exit 144 3040 220th Street, 50271
p 812-868-1048 f 812-868-1050
p 317-485-6211 f 317-485-4527
p 260-833-1987 f 260-833-6794 The Point Restaurant
p 260-482-7814 f 260-482-7780
p 219-844-2661 f 219-844-7957
p 317-894-1910 f 317-894-3499
p 815-315-4987 f 317-881-7301
p 812-768-5304 f 812-768-9215
p 219-696-8265 f 219-696-8281
p 219-923-6405 f 219-972-4134
p 317-783-1033 f 317-783-0851
p 317-783-5543 f 317-783-5648
p 815-239-6205 f 219-962-5723
p 219-962-8502 f 219-962-3259
p 812-739-2002 f 812-739-4034 TM
p 765-483-9755 f 765-483-9762
p 219-696-6446 f 219-696-2456
64 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
p 812-294-4233 f 812-294-4237
p 260-493-4035 f 260-493-4921
p 574-936-6525 f 574-936-4348
p 219-261-3786 f 219-261-3986
p 765-793-7307 f 765-793-2155
p 317-392-8771 f 317-392-8721
p 574-272-8212 f 574-272-9914
p 765-987-1833 f 765-987-1836
p 812-877-9977 f 812-877-9978
p 219-464-1644 f 219-464-9019
p 317-535-7656 f 317-535-3058
f 712-322-0236
p 563-386-7710 f 563-386-8243
p 515-276-1509 f 515-276-8599
Dan’s big Slice Pizza
Junies Family Restaurant
p 815-315-0271 f 319-235-5237
p 319-291-7714 f 319-291-7720
p 641-342-8658 f 641-342-1782
p 712-382-2224 f 712-382-1556
p 712-258-3816 f 712-258-3320
p 563-284-4100 f 563-284-4103
p 563-284-5074 f 563-284-5076
p 515-854-9117 f 515-854-9124
KANSAS p 317-535-1124 f 317-535-4123
IOWA 913 ALTOONA DEF 350 18 I-80 & US 65, Exit 142 3231 Adventureland Drive, 50009 496 Atalissa DEF 45 4 I-80, Exit 265 2086 Atalissa Rd., 52720 893 avoca wings america/Flying j 15 200 I-80, Exit 40 7005 N. Chestnut St, 51521 495 brooklyn 5 S DEF 140 I-80, Exit 201 4126 Hwy 21, 52211 407 CLEAR LAKE DEF 125 6 I-35, Exit 194 2411 US Highway 18 East, 50428
p 712-322-0088
p 515-967-7878 f 515-967-5726
p 563-946-3761 f 563-946-3871
p 712-343-4007 f 712-343-5026
p 319-685-4221 f 319-685-4575
920 colby 5 90 I-70, Exit 54 110 East Willow Street, 67701 657 Dodge City DEF 62 4 Hwy 400 & Hwy 283 2524 E. Wyatt Earp Blvd., 67801 658 Emporia DEF 74 7 rv dump I-35 & US 50 Exit 127 4245 West Hwy 50, 66801 903 SALINA 16 200 rv dump I-70, Exit 252 1944 North 9th Street, 67401 659 Salina DEF 120 9 I-70 Exit 253 2250 North Ohio Street, 67401
p 785-460-5832 f 785-460-5878
p 620-338-8888 f 602-338-8829 TM
p 620-343-2717 f 620-343-3692
p 785-825-6787 f 785-827-3394 TM
p 785-825-5300 f 785-452-9221
Kentucky p 641-357-3124 f 641-357-4939
356 BROOKS (SHEPHERDSVILLE) DEF 100 5 I-65 & Brooks Rd, Exit 121 2050 East Blue Lick Road, 40165
p 502-955-5049 f 502-955-9717
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
KENTUCKY (cont.)
KENTUCKY (cont.)
660 catlettsburg DEF 155 9 rv dump I-64 SR 180 Exit 185 15236 State Route 180, 41129 231 CORBIN DEF 40 5 I-75 & US25E, Exit 29 249 West Cumberland Gap Prkwy, 40701 46 FRANKLIN DEF 150 3 I-65, Exit 6 2929 Scottsville Road, 42134 438 FRANKLIN 8 S DEF 80 I-65, Exit 6 Highway 100 & I-65, Exit 6, 42134 661 FRANKLIN DEF 172 15 rv dump I-65 US Hwy 31 W. Exit 2 4380 Nashville Road, 42134 47 GEORGETOWN DEF 90 5 I-75, Exit 129 259 Cherry Blossom Way, 40324 353 GEORGETOWN 12 S DEF 175 I-75, Exit 129 110 Triport Road, 40324 48 GLENDALE DEF 125 8 I-65, Exit 86 58 Glendale-Hodgenville Road, 42740 890 Kuttawa 7 S DEF 100 I-24, Exit 40 2299 E. Hwy 62, 42055 399 LEBANON JUNCTION 7 S DEF 85 I-65, Exit 105 150 Park Plaza Boulevard, 40150 240 MIDDLESBORO DEF 40 2 Rt 2, Hwy 25E 3000 US Highway 25 East, 40965 156 MORTON’S GAP DEF 90 5 Highway 813, Exit 37 Pennyrile Parkway, Exit 37, 42440 41 MT STERLING DEF 80 7 I-64, Exit 113 3060 Owingsville Road, 40353 49 OAK GROVE 8 S DEF 300 I-24, Exit 89 8190 Pembroke-Oak Grove Road, 42262 439 OAK GROVE 5 S DEF 125 I-24, Exit 86 12900 Fort Campbell Boulevard, 42262 662 OAK GROVE DEF 130 9 rv dump I-24 Exit 86 18750 Herndon Oak Grove Road, 42262 358 PADUCAH DEF 65 8 I-24 & KY 305, Exit 3 5353 Cairo Road, 42001 440 PENDLETON DEF 100 5 I-71, Exit 28 205 Pendleton Road, 40055
278 RICHWOOD (WALTON) DEF LTD 5 I-75/71 & KY 338, Exit 175 118 Richwood Road, 41094 321 RICHWOOD (WALTON) DEF LTD 3 I-75/71 & KY 338, Exit 175 11229 Frontage Road, 41094 354 SIMPSONVILLE DEF 60 7 I-64 & Veechdale Rd, Exit 28 819 Buck Creek Road, 40067 50 SULPHUR DEF 175 8 I-71, Exit 28 489 Pendleton Road, 40070 392 SONORA 6 S DEF 200 I-65, Exit 81 450 East Western Avenue, 42776 663 Waddy DEF 110 9 rv dump I-64 & HWY 395 Exit 43 1670 Waddy Road, 40076 664 Walton DEF 200 15 rv dump I-75 Exit 171 13019 Walton Verona Rd., 41094 437 WILLIAMSBURG DEF 80 3 rv dump I-75, Exit 11 481 West Highway 92, 40769
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
p 606-928-8383 f 606-928-4546
p 606-528-0631 f 606-528-1003
p 270-586-4149 f 270-586-5171
p 270-586-9544 f 270-586-9887
p 270-586-3343 f 270-586-8984
p 502-868-7427 f 502-867-1847
p 502-863-2708 f 502-863-5012
p 270-369-7360 f 270-369-6991
p 270-388-8111 f 270-388-8084
p 502-833-2727 f 502-833-2759
p 606-248-4057 f 606-248-4149
p 270-258-5213 f 270-258-9830
p 859-497-4041 f 859-497-8709
p 270-439-1776 f 270-439-7624
p 270-439-0153 f 270-439-0765
p 270-640-7000 f 270-640-7060
p 270-443-2044
p 859-485-6100 f 859-485-6113
p 859-485-1327 f 859-485-8519
p 502-722-5636 f 502-722-5630
p 502-743-5496 f 502-743-5228
p 270-369-7300 f 270-369-8596
p 502-829-9100 f 502-829-5600
p 859-485-4400 f 859-485-6886
p 606-549-0162 f 606-549-0166
LOUISIANA 274 BREAUX BRIDGE 7 S DEF 105 I-10, Exit 109 2112 Rees Street, 70517 79 DENHAM SPRINGS DEF 60 3 I-12, Exit 10 2601 South Range Avenue, 70726 665 Greenwood DEF 190 15 rv dump I-20 Exit 3 9510 Greenwood Road, 71033 300 HAMMOND DEF 60 5 I-12 Exit 40 / I-55/US 51 2111 SW Railroad Avenue, 70403 199 HAUGHTON 7 S DEF 90 I-20, Exit 33 490 North Elm Street, 71037 82 LAPLACE DEF 150 8 I-10/55, Exit 209 4301 South Main Street, 70068 335 RAYVILLE DEF 85 5 I-20 & LA137, Exit 138 103 Grimshaw Street, 71269 428 WEST MONROE DEF 100 5 rv dump I-20, Exit 112 300 Well Road, 71292
f 270-442-8538
p 502-743-5222
875 Elkton DEF 225 23 I-95, Exit 109A 221 Belle Hill Rd, 21921
f 502-743-5123
p 337-332-1253 f 337-332-0618
p 225-665-4151 f 225-665-4122
p 318-938-7744 f 318-938-5697
p 985-345-5476 f 985-542-5028
p 318-390-9709 f 318-390-9713
p 985-652-0531 f 985-652-4141
p 318-728-4100 f 318-728-4236
p 318-329-3590 f 318-329-3592
p 410-398-0287 f 410-392-3543
rv dump
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
# parking
rv dump
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
maryland (cont.)
MIchigan (cont.)
MIssouri (cont.)
408 GRANTSVILLE 7 S DEF 65 I-68, Exit 22 3000 Chesnut Ridge Road, 21536 150 HAGERSTOWN 7 S DEF 90 I-70 & MD 63, Exit 24 11633 Greencastle Pike, 21740 179 HAGERSTOWN 9 S DEF 111 I-81, Exit 5B 16921 Halfway Blvd, 21740 784 North East DEF 200 15 rv dump I-95, Exit 100 One Center Drive, 21901 290 PERRYVILLE 5 80 I-95 & MD 222, Exit 93 31 Heather Lane, 21903
895 Woodhaven Detroiter DEF 225 12 I-75, Exit 32A 21055 West Road, 48183
571 CHARLESTON DEF 65 7 I-57 Exit 12 2460 E. Marshall/E US Hwy 60, 63834 385 collins DEF 35 3 US 54 & Hwy 13 South Hwy 13 South, 64738 533 fenton road ranger DEF 25 2 I-44 W, Exit 275; I-44 E, Exit 274B 205 North Highway Dr., 63026 442 HAYTI 8 S DEF 150 rv dump I-55, Exit 19 1701 Highway 84 East, 63851 443 HIGGINSVILLE 6 S DEF 125 rv dump I-70, Exit 49 6676 Highway 13, 64037 317 JOPLIN 7 S DEF 90 I-44 & MO 43S, Exit 4 4500 Highway 43 South, 64804 669 JOPLIN DEF 160 15 rv dump I-44 U.S. 71 Exit 11A 11570 Hwy FF, 64804 768 Kansas City DEF 121 6 I-435 Front Street 1300 North Corrington Ave., 64120 252 Kearney 7 S DEF 125 I-35, Exit 26 600 West SR 92, 64060 301 MARSTON DEF 70 6 I-55, Exit 40 917 East Elm Street, 63866 671 Matthews DEF 188 15 rv dump I-55 Exit 58 703 State Hwy 80, 63867 167 nevada DEF 45 3 US 71 & Camp Clark Road 2424 East Austin Road, 64772 208 Pacific DEF 90 7 I-44W, Exit 257; I-44E, Exit 256 1475 Thornton Street, 63069 672 Peculiar DEF 165 9 rv dump US Hwy 71 Exit J 700 J Hwy, 64078 547 st. robert road ranger DEF 75 6 I-44, Exit 163 22345 Hwy 28, 65584 673 Sullivan DEF 160 15 rv dump I-44/Hwy. 185 Exit 226 1500 AF Highway, 63080 674 Warrenton DEF 200 14 rv dump I-70 Exit 188 24004 West Veterans Mem. Pkwy, 63383 675 Wayland DEF 99 6 rv dump Hwy 136 & Hwy 61 102 Fore Drive, 63472
p 301-895-4536 f 301-895-4548
f 301-582-9008
p 301-582-6111 f 301-582-5004
p 410-287-7110 f 410-287-7116
p 410-642-2883 f 410-378-4941
p 508-347-9104 f 508-347-9165
MICHIGAN 17 BATTLE CREEK 5 S DEF 25 I-94, Exit 104 15901 Eleven Mile Road, 49014 666 Benton Harbor DEF 135 6 I-94 Exit 30 1860 East Napier Ave., 49022 21 DEXTER DEF 80 3 I-94, Exit 167 750 Baker Road, 48130 296 DEXTER DEF 80 5 I-94, Exit 167 195 Baker Road, 48130 667 Grand Ledge DEF 265 9 rv dump I-96 & Exit 90/I-69 & Exit 81 7800 West Grand River Ave., 48837 23 IONIA DEF 18 4 I-96, Exit 67 7205 South State Road, 48846 24 MONROE DEF 20 3 I-75, Exit 15 1100 North Dixie Highway, 48162 284 MONROE DEF 60 5 I-75, Exit 18 1200 Nadeau Road, 48161 26 OTTAWA LAKE DEF 170 8 US 23, Exit 5 6158 US 223, 49267 596 port huron DEF 65 5 I-69, Exit 196 2424 Wadhams Road, 48074 668 Saginaw DEF 50 3 rv dump I-75 & Washington St. Exit 151 3475 East Washington, 48601
f 734-675-4973
MINNesota p 301-582-9004
MASSachusetts 222 STURBRIDGE 6 S DEF 222 I-84 Exit 1 400 Route 15 (Haynes Street), 01566
p 734-675-0222
590 alexandria DEF 50 6 I-94, Exit 100 & SR 27 3181 Evergreen Lane, 56308 521 AUSTIN 3 60 I-90, Exit 179 1509 10th Place NE #2, 55912 581 Inver Grove Heights DEF 45 5 Hwy 52 & 117 Street 11650 Courthouse Blvd, 55077 576 northfield DEF 80 6 rv dump I-35 & Hwy 19, Exit 69 8051 Bagley Avenue, 55057 134 ST. CLOUD DEF 40 7 I-94, Exit 171 (CR 75) 4231 Clearwater Road, 56301
p 320-763-9222 f 320-763-2339 Watt’s Cooking!
p 507-437-6702 f 507-437-0089
p 651-438-3397 f 651-480-4800
Big Steer Restaurant
p 507-645-6082 f 507-645-6082
p 320-251-8455 f 320-251-7750
MISSISSIPPI p 269-968-9949 f 269-968-9610
p 269-925-7547 f 269-925-7508
p 734-426-4618 f 734-426-7836
p 734-426-0065 f 734-426-0339
p 517-627-7504 f 517-622-4960
p 616-527-6520 f 616-527-5913
p 734-242-9650 f 734-242-6538
p 734-457-3500 f 734-457-2835
p 734-854-1772 f 734-854-6912
p 810-987-7823 f 810-987-7869
p 989-752-6350 f 989-752-6842
66 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
676 Gulfport DEF 165 15 rv dump I-10 Exit 31 9351 Canal Road, 39503 77 JACKSON 5 S DEF 120 I-55/I-20, Exit 45 2520 South Gallatin Street, 39204 388 MERIDIAN 7 S DEF 100 I-59, Exit 151 1555 Tommy Webb Drive, 39307 586 Moss Point DEF 70 7 rv dump I-10, Exit 69 6705 Hwy 63 174 NEW ALBANY DEF 90 7 US 78, Exit 64 500 State Highway 15 South, 38652 677 Olive Branch DEF 51 9 rv dump Hwy 78 and Bethel Road 4740 Bethel Road, 38654 678 Pearl DEF 175 15 rv dump I-20/I-55 Exit 47 685 Hwy 80 East, 39208 519 Senatobia kangaroo pantry 4 75 I-55, Exit 265 510 E Main Street, 38668 261 WINONA 5 S DEF 110 I-55 & Hwy. 82, Exit 185 403 SW Frontage Road, 38967
p 228-868-2711 f 228-868-3711
p 601-968-9491 f 601-968-0699
p 601-484-5106 f 601-484-7370
p 228-474-6511 f 228-474-6549
p 662-539-0222 f 662-539-0212
p 662-895-1001 f 662-895-0008
p 601-936-0190 f 601-936-0196 TM
p 662-560-1973 f 662-560-1992
p 662-283-5985 f 662-283-5906
MISSOURI 44 BOONVILLE 8 S DEF 150 I-70, Exit 101 1701 Ashley Road, 65233
p 660-882-9120 f 660-882-9710
p 573-683-4153 f 573-683-4196
p 417-275-4796 f 417-275-4796
p 815-566-4043 f 636-326-6922
p 573-359-2007 f 573-359-2031
p 660-584-8484 f 660-584-8486
p 417-781-0255 f 417-781-0179
p 417-626-7600 f 417-626-8802
p 816-483-7600 f 816-483-1492
p 816-635-4015 f 816-635-4116
p 573-643-2320 f 573-643-2252
p 573-472-3336 f 573-471-1161
p 417-667-3271 f 417-667-4843
p 636-257-4100 f 636-257-4107
p 816-779-8000 f 816-779-4441
Dan’s big Slice Pizza
p 815-315-4953 f 573-336-3080
p 573-860-8880 f 573-860-8892
p 636-456-2001 f 636-456-2016
p 660-754-1550 f 660-754-1556
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
# parking
rv dump
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
968 Belgrade Pilot/broadway 3 125 I-90 Exit 298 6505 Jack Rabit Lane, 59701 915 billings Pilot/town pump DEF 150 14 I-90, Exit 455 2711 N Frontage Road, 59101 923 Billings Flying j/town pump DEF 75 9 I-90, Exit 455 2775 Old Hardin Road, 59101 905 BONNER Pilot/town pump DEF 100 11 Junction of I-90 & Hwy 200 7985 Highway 200 East, 59851 924 Butte Flying j/town pump DEF 125 14 I-15 Exit 122 & I-90 MM220 122000 W. Browns Gulch Road; 59701 922 COLUMbia falls Pilot/town pump DEF 20 1 Hwy 2 West 6102 Hwy 2 West, 59912 906 COLUMBUS Pilot/town pump DEF 150 7 I-90, Exit 408 602 8th Avenue North, 59019 917 GREAT FALLS Pilot/town pump DEF 100 5 Junction of I-15 & Hwy 87 3700 31st St SW, Suite 1, 59404 925 Great Falls Flying j/town pump DEF 80 4 rv dump I-15 & 31st Street Exit 277 3715 31st St SW, 59404 964 Hardin Pilot/broadway 1 50 I-90 Exit 495 315 E 13th Street, 59034 916 LOLO Pilot/town pump 1 40 Junction of Hwy 93 & Hwy 12 11822 Highway 93 South, 59847 907 MILES CITY Pilot/town pump DEF 100 6 I-94, Exit 138 1210 South Haynes Street, 59301 914 MIssoula Flying j/town pump DEF 125 14 rv dump I-90 & MT Hwy 93, Exit 96 8475 Hwy 93 N Suite B, 59808 908 ROCKER/BUTTE Pilot/town pump DEF 195 10 I-90, Exit 122 1000 Grizzly Trail, 59701 909 SHELBY Pilot/town pump DEF 70 6 I-15, Exit 363 1350 West Roosevelt, 59474 911 SUPERIOR Pilot/town pump DEF 10 2 I-90, Exit 47 403 Diamond Match Road, 59872 910 THREE FORKS Pilot/town pump DEF 90 5 Junction of I-90 & US 287, Exit 274 10800 Highway 287, 59751
904 BIG SPRINGS DEF 500 16 rv dump I-80, Exit 107 I-80 and Big Springs Road, 69122 901 ELM CREEK 5 75 I-80, Exit 257 5085 Buffalo Creek Road, 68836 902 GRAND ISLAND bosselman DEF 400 21 I-80, Exit 312N 3335 West Woodriver Road, 68803 686 Gretna DEF 150 15 rv dump I-80 Exit 432 15010 South State Hwy 31, 68028 687 North Platte DEF 123 9 rv dump I-80 Exit 179 3400 S. Newberry Road, 69101 912 WOOD RIVER 5 30 I-80 & Hwy 11, Exit 300 I-80 and Highway 11 and Exit 300, 68883
280 BLOOMSBURY 5 S DEF 30 I-78 & NJ 173, Exit 7 979 Route 173, 08804 253 CARNEYS POINT DEF LTD 2 I-295 at Jersey Turnpike, Exit 2B 600 Pennsville-Auburn Road, 08069 688 Carneys Point DEF LTD 16 rv dump I-295 Exit 2C 326 Slapes Corner Road, 08069 190 CLINTON 6 95 I-78, Exit 12 68 Rt. 173, 08827 210 mahwah 0 LTD 230 Route 17 South, 07430
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
p 406-488-4124 f 406-388-4231
p 406-238-9823 f 406-238-9825
p 406-256-8826 f 406-256-9256
p 406-258-6588 f 406-258-6693
p 406-723-4325 f 406-723-8956
p 406-892-0747
f 406-892-0747*22
p 406-322-4833 f 406-322-5273
p 406-452-0342 f 406-452-0547
p 406-727-7945 f 406-761-2599
p 406-665-1237 f 406-665-3123
p 406-273-6666 f 406-273-3018
p 406-232-2582 f 406-232-2582
p 406-542-0400 f 406-327-0802
p 406-723-0088 f 406-723-4940
Country Skillet p 406-434-5221 f 406-434-7019
p 406-822-4444
f 308-889-3352
p 308-856-4330 f 308-856-4457
p 308-382-2288 f 308-381-7464
p 402-332-4483 f 402-332-4576
p 308-532-4555 f 308-532-8077
p 308-583-2493 f 308-583-2115
880 Montague Gulf 0 LTD I-84, Exit 1 15 Route 23 S, 07827
966 Battle MTN. Flying j/broadway 9 70 I-80 Exit 231 650 W Front St., 89820 387 CARLIN DEF 60 5 I-80/NV 278, Exit 280 791 Tenth Street, 89822 340 FERNLEY 7 S DEF 100 I-80 & US 95, Exit 46 465 Pilot Road, 89408 341 LAS VEGAS 7 S DEF 80 I-15 & Craig Rd, Exit 48 3812 East Craig Road, 89031 513 Primm 6 S DEF 125 I-15, Exit 1 115 West Primm Blv, 89019 692 Wells DEF 105 9 rv dump I-80 & HWY 93, Exit 352 (South) 156 Hwy 93 South, 89835 147 WEST WENDOVER DEF 250 11 I-80 @ Peppermill Casino, Exit 410 1200 West Wendover Boulevard, 89883 485 Winnemucca 5 S DEF 140 I-80 & West Interchange, Exit 173 5625 I-80 W Winnemucca Exchange, 89445 770 Winnemucca 10 S DEF 105 rv dump I-80 Exit 176 1880 West Winnemucca Blvd., 89445
689 Albuquerque DEF 165 15 rv dump I-40 Exit 153 9911 Avalon Road NW, 87105 490 Carlsbad 2 S 20 Hwy 180 & Hwy 285 3202 S. Canal Street 305 JAMESTOWN 16 S DEF 450 I-40, Exit 39 I-40, Exit 39, 87347 266 LAS CRUCES DEF 40 5 I-10 & NM 292, Exit 139 2681 West Amador, 88005 163 LORDSBURG 7 S DEF 95 I-10 & East Motel Dr, Exit 24 1050 East Motel Drive, 88045 690 Lordsburg DEF 285 9 rv dump I-10 Exit 24 11 Old Highway 70, 88045 475 Moriarty 7 S DEF 85 Hwy 41 and I-40, Exit 196 305 Abrahames RD W, 87035 691 Tucumcari DEF 136 9 rv dump I-40 & Exit 333 2021 S. Mountain Road, 88401
f 406-822-4444
p 406-285-3807
896 bow 3 55 I-93, Exit 11/12C 728 SR 3A, 03304
f 406-285-6976
p 308-889-3686
p 775-635-5424 f 775-635-0371
p 775-754-6384 f 775-754-6025
p 775-575-5115 f 775-575-4619
p 702-644-1600 f 702-644-8432
p 702-679-6666
p 775-752-2400 f 775-752-2406
p 775-664-3400 f 775-664-3347
p 775-625-2800 f 775-625-2814
p 775-623-0111 f 775-623-0120
p 603-223-6885 f 603-223-5204
p 908-479-6443 f 908-479-6394
p 856-299-5700 f 856-299-8563
p 856-351-0080 f 856-351-0293
p 908-735-7711 f 908-735-8153
p 201-529-2704 f 201-529-1784
p 973-293-3477 f 973-293-3177
p 505-831-2001 f 505-833-0464
p 575-887-7033 f 575-887-0466
p 505-722-6655 f 505-722-2674
p 575-523-2700 f 575-525-6727
p 575-542-3100 f 575-542-3111
f 575-542-3324
f 505-832-4953
p 575-461-6590 f 575-461-3879
NEW YORK 322 KANONA DEF 40 4 I-86, Exit 37 7767 State Rt 53, 14810 394 NEWBURGH 6 S DEF 110 I-84, Exit 6 239 Route 17K, 12550
p 607-776-2012 f 607-776-4179
p 845-567-1722 f 845-567-1773
J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4 C H A L L E N G E 67
double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
# parking
rv dump
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
New York (cont.)
North dakotacont.)
ohio (cont.)
693 Pembroke DEF 150 9 rv dump I-90 Exit 48A 8484 Allegheny Road, 14036 494 Rotterdam DEF 50 4 I-88, Exit 25 1128 Duanesburg Road, 12306 146 SCHODACK LANDING DEF 15 4 I-90, Exit 12 995 US Route 9, 12033 380 SYRACUSE (LIVERPOOL) DEF 85 5 I-81, Exit 25; I-90, Exit 36 107 Seventh North Street, 13088
489 grand forks DEF 145 10 rv dump I-29, Exit 138 4401 32nd Avenue South, 58201 550 Minot DEF 55 4 rv dump Hwy 2 & 52 West 3800 Hwy 2 & 52 W, 58701 589 Williston DEF 75 5 13553 Hwy 2, 58801 NE Side Hwy 2 at Hwy 85 & Hwy 2
360 FINDLAY DEF 80 5 I-75 & OH 613, Exit 164 11471 State Route 613W, 45840 9 FRANKLIN 7 S DEF 200 I-75, Exit 36 6830 Franklin-Lebanon Road, 45005 285 HEBRON 9 S DEF 90 I-70 & OH 37, Exit 126 10258 Lancaster Road SW, 43025 697 Hubbard DEF 150 15 rv dump I-80 & Hwy 62, Exit 234B (Eastbound) 2226 North Main, 44425 698 Jeffersonville DEF 148 9 rv dump I-71 Exit 69 9935 SR 41, 43128 700 Lake Township DEF 150 15 rv dump I-280 Exit 1B; I-80/90, Exit 71 26415 Warns Dr., 43551 287 LODI (BURBANK) DEF 105 7 I-71 & OH 83, Exit 204 10048 Avon Lake Road, 44214 454 LONDON 9 S DEF 125 I-70, Exit 79 1365 SR 42 NE, 43140 455 MARENGO DEF 65 5 rv dump I-71, Exit 140 488 State Route 61, 43334 699 Millersport DEF 152 15 rv dump I-70 St Rd 158 Exit 122 10480 Baltimore, 43046 11 N. LIMA 5 S DEF 50 I-76, Exit 232 10920 Market Street, 44452 303 NAPOLEON DEF 75 5 Rt. 24 905 American Road, 43545 130 RICHFIELD DEF 80 7 I-77S, Ex 146; I-77N, Ex 145; I-80, Ex 173 5219 Brecksville Road, 44286 13 SEVILLE 10 S DEF 190 I-71, Exit 209 8924 Lake Road, 44273 12 STONEY RIDGE (PERRYSBURG) 5 S DEF 50 I-80/90, Exit 71 3430 Libbey Road, 43551 14 SUNBURY DEF 115 5 rv dump I-71, Exit 131 7680 East State Route 36, 43074 15 TOLEDO DEF 70 5 I-75, Exit 210 5820 Hagman Road, 43612 239 UPPER SANDUSKY DEF 70 5 St. Hwy 23 & 30 1600 W. Wyandot Avenue, 43351
p 585-599-4430 f 585-599-4436
p 518-356-5616 f 518-356-5634
p 518-732-7272 f 518-732-7228
p 315-424-0124 f 315-424-0126
North Carolina 275 CHARLOTTE DEF 60 5 I-85, Exit 39; I-77, Exit 13 3807 Statesville Avenue, 28206 885 dunn Kangaroo Pantry 3 40 I-95, Exit 71 873 Longbranch, 28334 900 dunn Saddler bros. 9 300 I-95, Exit 75 65 Sadler Rd, 28334 682 Graham DEF 251 14 rv dump I-85 & I-40 Exit 150 1043 Jimmie Kerr Road, 27258 56 KANNAPOLIS DEF 55 8 I-85, Exit 63 2825 Lane Street, 28083 683 Kenly DEF 145 9 rv dump I-95 & Exit 106 1800 Princeton-Kenly Road, 27542 57 MEBANE 8 S DEF 140 I-40/85, Exit 152 1342 Trollingwood Road, 27302 549 Mount Airy 10 S DEF 150 I-77, Exit 100 125 Plaza Lane, 27030 58 PLEASANT HILL 4 50 I-95, Exit 180 Route 1 - Box 202, 27866 393 WAYNESVILLE DEF 60 4 I-40 & NC 209, Exit 24 3712 Crabtree Road, 28786
p 704-358-1006 f 704-358-1506
p 910-892-3642 f 910-980-2364
p 910-892-0106 f 910-892-2084
p 336-578-2427 f 336-578-0804
p 704-938-6800 f 704-938-6900
p 919-284-4548 f 919-284-4214
p 919-563-4999 f 919-563-4929
p 336-352-3167 f 336-352-3169
p 252-537-4476 f 252-537-3666
p 828-627-8611 f 828-627-9499
North dakota 684 Beach DEF 89 9 I-94 & Hwy 16 I-94 & Hwy 16, 58621 685 fargo DEF 165 9 3150 39th Street SW, Suite A, 58104
p 701-872-4737 f 701-872-4985 TM
p 701-282-7766 f 701-282-7259
68 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
p 701-746-8145 f 701-746-4342
p 701-839-5061 f 701-839-3623
p 701-826-2500 f 701-826-2504
ohio 2 AUSTINBURG 7 S DEF 150 I-90, Exit 223 2246 State Route 45, 44010 694 AUSTINBURG DEF 165 15 rv dump I-90 & State Rd 45, Exit 223 2349 Center Road, 44010 3 AUSTINTOWN 8 S DEF 200 I-80, Exit 223 1150 North Canfield-Niles Road, 44515 4 AVON DEF 55 3 I-90, Exit 151 39115 Colorado Road, 44011 457 BEAVER DAM 10 S DEF 105 I-75, Exit 135 427 East Main Street, 45808 695 BEAVER DAM DEF 150 15 rv dump I-75 Exit 135 420 East Main Street, 45808 449 Belmont 9 S DEF 67 I-70, Exit 208 66377 Belmont - Morristown Rd, 43718 696 Berkshire DEF 150 15 I-71 Exit 131 7735 State Route 37, 43074 309 CALDWELL DEF 45 5 I-77, Exit 25 44133 Fairground Road, 43724 6 CAMBRIDGE DEF 35 3 I-70, Exit 178 61700 Southgate Road, 43725 469 CAnton 7 S DEF 130 I-77, Exit 101 2320 Faircrest Street, 44706 8 CIRCLEVILLE DEF 55 3 US 23 and Pittsburgh Road 25600 US 23, 43113 213 COLUMBUS DEF 100 7 I-70 & Wilson Road Exit 94 3600 Interchange Road, 43204 286 EATON 5 S DEF 50 I-70 & OH 127, Exit 10 6141 US 127 North, 45320
p 440-275-3303 f 440-275-3311
p 440-275-1515 f 440-275-3289
p 330-505-3532 f 330-505-3548
p 440-934-0110 f 440-934-1168
p 419-643-6023 f 419-643-6085
p 419-643-8001 f 419-643-8106
p 740-782-0134 f 740-782-0148
p 740-965-9835 f 740-965-9770
p 740-732-5656 f 740-732-1404
p 740-439-0989 f 740-432-9607
p 330-484-3965 f 330-484-6304
p 740-420-8942 f 740-420-3972
p 614-308-9195 f 614-308-9673
p 937-456-6303 f 937-456-6497
p 419-299-3381 f 419-299-3096
p 937-746-4488 f 937-743-3006
p 740-928-5588 f 740-928-6032
p 330-534-3774 f 330-534-4372
p 740-426-9136 f 740-426-9156
p 419-837-2100 f 419-837-2199
p 330-948-4571 f 330-948-4575
p 614-879-4128 f 614-879-4137
p 419-253-1400 f 419-253-1402
p 740-964-9601 f 740-964-9611
p 330-549-9203 f 330-549-1930
p 419-599-0043 f 419-599-0051
p 330-659-2020 f 330-659-2021
p 330-769-4220 f 330-769-2202
p 419-837-5091 f 419-837-5658
p 740-965-5540 f 740-965-5641
p 419-729-3985 f 419-729-0905
p 419-294-2971 f 419-294-3812
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
# parking
rv dump
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
ohio (cont.)
Oregon (cont.)
Pennsylvania (cont.)
97 Vandalia DEF 110 9 I-75, Exit 64 175 Northwoods Blvd, 45377 16 WILMINGTON DEF 20 3 I-71, Exit 50 5772 US 68 North, 45177 281 YOUNGSTOWN (GIRARD) 7 S DEF 80 I-80 & Salt Springs Rd., Exit 226 2786 Salt Springs Road, 44420
133 CHEMULT DEF 60 4 US 97 341 Damon Street, 97731 504 Klamath Falls DEF 50 4 rv dump Hwy 97 3817 N. Hwy 97, 97601 934 LaGrande A&B 4 50 I-84 Exit 265 I-84 & Exit 265, 97850 232 ONTARIO DEF 105 7 I-84, Exit 376A 653 East Idaho Avenue, 97914 233 RICE HILL 10 S DEF 160 I-5, Exit 148 800 John Long Road, 97462 390 STANFIELD DEF 90 9 I-84/82 & Hwy 395, Exit 188 2115 Highway 395, 97875
709 MILL HALL (Lamar) DEF 155 15 rv dump I-80 and Exit 173 p 570-726-4080 5609 Nittany Valley Drive, 17751 f 570-726-4363 555 Milton Penn 80 Milton Truck Plaza Penn 80 grill 16 300 I-80, Exit 215 p 570-742-2663 1460 North Ridge Rd, 17847 f 1-877-395-0850 81 NEW CASTLE 7 S DEF 90 I-79, Exit 99 p 724-368-3028 2010 New Castle Road, 16051 f 724-368-3059 710 New Milford DEF 125 9 rv dump I-81 Exit 219 p 570-465-2974 1623 Oliver Road, 18834 f 570-465-2979 522 Pine Grove 3 160 I-81, Exit 100 p 570-345-8800 482 Suedberg Rd, 17963 f 570-915-6278 370 SCRANTON (PITTSTON) 7 S DEF 80 I-81N, Exit 175; I-81 S, Exit 175B; I-476, RT 315 p 570-655-4116 417 Route 315, 18640 f 570-655-2479 620 Smithton DEF 110 7 rv dump I-70 & Exit 49 p 724-872-4050 122 Fitzhenry Road, 15479 f 724-872-9471
p 937-264-8520 p 937-264-8525
p 937-382-0464 f 937-382-3069
p 330-530-8500 f 330-530-8318
Oklahoma 701 Ardmore DEF 136 9 rv dump I-35 & Exit 33 2450 Cooper Drive, 73401 702 Checotah DEF 150 9 rv dump U.S. Hwy 69 & U.S. Hwy 266 1255 W. Gentry, 74426 556 Choctaw Thunder Travel Plaza DEF 25 3 I-40, Exit 166 7501 S. Choctaw Road, 73020 704 Edmond DEF 73 8 rv dump I-35 & N.E. 122nd Street 4801 NE 122 Street, 73013 259 muskogee 7 S DEF 125 US 69 3006 N. 32nd Street, 74401 460 OKLAHOMA CITY 15 S DEF 145 I-40, Exit 140 400 South Morgan Road, 73128 703 OKLAHOMA CITY DEF 172 15 rv dump I-40, Exit 140 701 South Morgan Road, 73128 196 ROLAND DEF 125 7 I-40 & US 64, Exit 325 123 West Ray Fine Boulevard 705 Sayre DEF 150 9 rv dump I-40 & US 283 2400 South 4th Route, 73662 706 Tulsa DEF 185 9 rv dump I-44 & Exit 236 121 North 129 E/I-44 Exit 236, 74116
p 580-226-3833 f 580-226-3546
p 918-473-1243 f 918-473-1957
p 405-638-3000 f 405-638-3006 TM
p 405-475-9440 f 405-475-9435
p 918-686-7856 f 918-686-0597
p 405-440-1048 f 405-440-1093 TM
p 405-324-5000 f 405-324-7181
p 918-427-0895 f 918-427-0862
p 580-928-2216 f 580-928-2354
p 918-437-5477 f 918-437-5660
oregon 195 BIGGS JUNCTION DEF 55 5 I-84 & US Hwy 97, Exit 104 91485 Biggs Rufus Highway, 97065 386 BROOKS 7 S DEF 110 I-5, Exit 263 4220 Brooklake Road, 97305 391 CENTRAL POINT DEF 100 7 I-5, Exit 33 1600 East Pine Street, 97502
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
p 541-739-2174 f 541-739-2479
p 503-463-1114 f 503-463-0409
p 541-664-7001 f 541-664-7006
p 541-365-0991 f 541-365-0995
p 541-884-0400 f 541-884-0409 Full Service Restaurant
p 541-963-9762 f 541-663-9822
p 541-889-9070 f 541-889-4117
p 541-849-2133 f 541-849-2137
p 541-449-1403 f 541-449-1430
Pennsylvania 348 BENTLEYVILLE 7 S DEF 90 I-70 Exit 32-B 205 Wilson Road, 15314 516 breezewood all american 12 280 I-76, Exit 161; I-70, Exit 147 167 Post House Road, 15533 707 Brookville DEF 140 15 rv dump I-80 Exit 78 246 Allegheny Blvd., 15825 708 Carlisle DEF 278 22 rv dump I-81 Exit 52/I-76 & Exit 226 1501 Harrisburg Pike, 17013 336 DUBOIS DEF 100 7 I-80, Hwy 219, Exit 97 1742 Rich Highway, 15801 517 Duncannon DEF 85 6 US 22 and 322 30 Benvenue Ave, 17020 311 ERIE DEF 85 5 I-90 & PA97, Exit 27 8035 Perry Highway, 16509 518 Frystown DEF 240 8 I-78, Exit 10 (PA 645) 2210 Camp Swatara Road, 17067 245 HARRISBURG DEF 30 3 I-81 & PA39, Exit 77 7961 Linglestown Road, 17112 298 HAZLETON (DRUMS) DEF 60 5 I-80, Exit 256 1114 SR 93, 18222 1 MILL HALL 5 S DEF 70 I-80, Exit 173 5868 Nittany Valley Drive, 17751
p 724-239-5855 f 724-239-5801 Pizza Shop
Taco Maker
p 814-735-4076 f 814-735-4823
p 814-849-2992 f 814-849-2440
p 717-243-6659 f 717-243-2510
p 814-375-6046 f 814-375-6047
p 717-834-3156 f 717-834-3208
p 814-864-8536 f 814-866-0332 TM
p 717-933-4146 f 717-933-5008
p 717-545-5507 f 717-545-6768
p 570-788-3262 f 570-788-2163
p 570-726-7618 f 570-726-5092
south carolina 711 Blacksburg DEF 200 15 I-85 Exit 102 1011 North Mountain Street, 29702 60 BOWMAN 8 S DEF 100 I-26, Exit 159 2064 Homestead Road, 29018 346 CAMDEN (LUGOFF) 5 S DEF 60 I-20 & US 601 Exit 92 522 Highway 601 South, 29078 884 Campobello Kangaroo Pantry 2 35 I-26, Exit 5 8998 SC Hwy 11, 29322 338 CAYCE (COLUMBIA) DEF 90 5 I-26/77 & US321, Exit 115 3008 Highway 321, 29033 61 CLINTON DEF 40 3 I-26, Exit 52 12818 Highway 56 North, 29325 712 Columbia DEF 180 15 rv dump I-20 Exit 70 5901 Fairfield Road, 29203 310 DUNCAN DEF 70 8 I-85 & SC290, Exit 63 1405 East Main Street, 29334 62 FLORENCE DEF 75 6 I-95, Exit 170 3006 North Williston Road, 29506 337 FLORENCE DEF 90 5 I-95 & US 52, Exit 164 2015 West Lucas St., 29501
p 864-839-5934 f 864-839-5942
p 803-829-3541 f 803-829-3352
p 803-438-5175 f 803-438-3947
p 864-472-2128 f 864-472-2280
p 803-739-2921 f 803-739-4521
p 864-833-4555 f 864-833-3765
p 803-735-9006 f 803-735-0917
p 864-433-1221 f 864-433-1210
p 843-662-6972 f 843-662-7013
p 843-662-2646 f 843-662-2893
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double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
# parking
rv dump
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
South Carolina (cont.)
tennessee (cont.)
tennessee (cont.)
453 GAFFNEY 7 S DEF 100 I-85, Exit 90 909 Hyatt Street, 29341 713 Latta DEF 200 15 rv dump I-95 Exit 181A 111 Mill Branch Road, 29565 63 PIEDMONT 5 S DEF 90 I-85, Exit 35 110 Frontage Road, 29673 714 Rock Hill DEF 140 9 rv dump I-77 & Hwy 901, Exit 73 2435 Mount Holly Road, 29730 493 St. George DEF 120 8 rv dump I-95, Exit 77 113 Motel Drive, 29477 64 SUMMERVILLE 3 S DEF LTD I-26, Exit 199 1521 North Main Street, 29483
409 DICKSON 11 S DEF 90 I-40, Exit 172 2320 Highway 46 South, 37055 720 Fairview DEF 150 9 rv dump I-40 & Hwy 96, Exit 182 1420 Hwy 96 North, 37062 51 GREENEVILLE DEF 25 3 I-81 Exit 36 11190 Baileyton Road, 37745 403 HEISKELL DEF 25 1 I-75, Exit 117 1915 East Raccoon Valley Road, 37754 53 HURRICANE MILLS 8 S DEF 250 I-40, Exit 143 15559 Highway 13 South, 37078 366 Jackson 7 S DEF 85 I-40, Exit 85 32 Sand Pebble Rd., 38305 241 KNOXVILLE DEF 80 0 I-40, Exit 398; @ John Sevier 2801 East Govenor John Sevier Hwy, 37914 722 Knoxville DEF 187 13 rv dump I-40 & I-75 Exit 369 800 Watt Road, 37932 270 KNOXVILLE (LOVELL ROAD) 7 S DEF 80 I-40/75, Exit 374 314 Lovell Road, 37922 219 KNOXVILLE (STRAW PLAINS) 9 S DEF 250 I-40, Exit 398 7210 Straw Plains Pike, 37914 52 LAVERGNE DEF 40 4 I-24, Exit 64 535 Waldron Road, 37086 411 LEBANON 8 S DEF 150 rv dump I-40, Exit 238 921 Murfreesboro, 37090 363 MEMPHIS DEF 70 5 US 78 @ Pleasant Hill 5021 Highway 78, 38118 405 MEMPHIS 5 S DEF 100 I-240, Hwy 78S 4949 Lamar Ave, 38118 404 Murfreesboro 7 S DEF 90 I-24, Exit 81 2441 S. Church St, 37127 413 nashville DEF 25 2 Briley Pkwy, Hwy 155N, Ex 26A, Hwy 155S, Ex 26 6418 Centennial Blvd., 37209 224 ONeiDA (PIONEER) DEF 85 4 I-75, Exit 141 304 Howard Baker Highway, 37847 149 STANTON DEF 50 5 I-40 Exit 42 7720 Highway 222, 38069
412 WHITE PINE 10 S DEF 130 rv dump I-81, Exit 4 3624 Roy Messer Highway, 37890
p 864-206-0050 f 864-206-0052
p 843-752-5047 f 843-752-7265
p 864-845-8177 f 864-845-8178
p 803-328-5700 f 803-909-5800
p 843-563-8989 f 843-563-8986
p 843-486-5770 f 843-486-5702
south dakota 932 Hermosa MG Oil DEF 25 2 25 Heartland Express Hwy 79 25 Heartland Express Hwy 79, 57744 599 murdo DEF 50 4 rv dump I-90, Exit 192 601 E. Fifth Street, 57559 918 Rapid City DEF 200 5 I-90, Exit 55 2783 Deadwood Ave., 57702 931 Rapid City MG Oil DEF 150 8 I-90 Exit 61 4200 N I-90 Service Rd Exit 61, 57701 716 Sioux Falls DEF 158 9 rv dump I-29 Exit 83 5201 Granite Lane, 57107
p 605-255-4555 f 605-255-4522
p 605-669-2465 f 605-669-2859
p 605-348-7070 f 605-348-3438
p 605-342-5450 f 605-342-3011
p 605-977-1438 f 605-977-1538
tennessee 481 Cleveland DEF 75 7 I-75, Exit 20 281 Pleasant Grove Rd, 37353 265 COOKEVILLE DEF LMTD 1 I-40, Exit 287 1111 South Jefferson, 38501 406 CORNERSVILLE DEF 40 2 I-65, Exit 22 9211 Lewisburg Highway, 37047 114 CROSSVILLE 7 S DEF 80 I-40, Exit 320 2449 Genesis Road, 38571 226 DANDRIDGE DEF 80 6 I-40, Exit 417 505 Patriot Drive, 37725
p 423-476-3892 f 423-476-5430
p 931-528-7100 f 931-528-3893
p 931-363-3290 f 931-363-8248
p 931-787-1901 f 931-787-1905
p 865-397-3547 f 865-397-3699
70 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
p 615-446-4600 f 615-446-0763
p 615-799-4116 f 615-799-4120
p 423-234-0414 f 423-234-0641
p 865-938-1439 f 865-938-1146
p 931-296-7180 f 931-296-7719
p 731-422-5545 f 731-422-5780
p 865-546-6776 f 865-546-7475
p 865-531-7400 f 865-531-7982
p 865-966-0445 f 865-966-2918
p 865-544-1067 f 865-544-1138
p 615-793-9856 f 615-793-9085
p 615-453-8866 f 615-453-8860
p 901-366-0337 f 901-366-1712
p 901-202-5520 f 901-202-5522
p 615-907-9595 f 615-907-3982
p 615-350-7225 f 615-350-7318
p 423-562-5000 f 423-566-1335
p 865-674-8570 f 865-674-8572
texas 436 AMARILLO 12 S DEF 150 rv dump I-40, Exit 75 715 South Lakeside Drive, 79118 723 AMARILLO DEF 200 13 rv dump I-40 Exit 76 9601 I-40 East Exit 76, 79118 477 anna DEF 100 8 1700 US Hwy 75/Hwy 75, Exit 48 714 South Central Expressway, 75409 435 ANTHONY 8 S DEF 100 I-10, Exit 0 2015 Antonio Street, 79821 724 ANTHONY DEF 175 13 rv dump I-10 Exit 0 3001 Mountain Pass Blvd., 79821 725 Baytown DEF 200 15 rv dump I-10 & Exit 789 Thompson Road 1876 East Freeway, 77521 740 Brookshire DEF 115 9 rv dump I-10, Exit 732 204 South Waller Ave., 77423 367 CADDO MILLS DEF 80 6 I-30 & FM1903, Exit 87 & 88 2725 FM 1903, 75135 883 Canton 4 S DEF 100 I-20, Exit 533 9800 Interstate 20, 75103 488 Cotulla 7 S DEF 75 I-35, Exit 69 921 N. IH35, 78014 433 DALLAS 11 S DEF 150 I-20, Exit 470 8787 South Lancaster Road, 75241 726 DALLAS DEF 180 12 rv dump I-20 Exit 472 7425 Bonnie View Road, 75241 727 Edinburg DEF 200 9 rv dump Hwy 281 & FM 1925 1305 East Monte Cristo, 78539 728 El Paso DEF 120 11 rv dump I-10 and Exit 37 1301 North Horizon Blvd., 79927 553 FORT Stockton 9 S DEF 100 I-10, Exit 259 2571 North Front Street, 79735 434 FORT WORTH 12 S DEF 185 rv dump I-35, Exit 65 2400 Alliance Gateway, 76178
p 806-335-3323 f 806-335-2868
p 806-335-1475 f 806-335-1058 TM
p 972-924-2035 f 972-924-2051
p 915-886-3090 f 915-886-3404
p 915-886-2737 f 915-886-3522
p 281-424-7706 f 281-424-7730
p 281-934-4133 f 281-934-4153
p 903-527-2150 f 903-527-2103
p 903-829-2600
p 830-879-5363 F 830-879-5359
p 972-228-2467 f 972-228-4386
p 972-225-3566 f 972-225-3681
p 956-316-0149 f 956-316-4732
p 915-852-4141 f 915-852-4101
p 432-336-3410 f 432-336-3430
p 817-337-5324 f 817-337-5137
p 901-466-3535 f 901-465-7822
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
# parking
rv dump
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
texas (cont.)
texas (cont.)
UTah (cont.)
375 HOUSTON 7 S DEF 90 I-610, Exit 24A US 90 E 4440 N. McCarty Street, 77013 729 Houston DEF 235 15 rv dump I-45 Richie Rd, Exit 64 15919 North Freeway, 77090 234 HUNTSVILLE 6 S DEF 90 I-45, Exit 118 639 State Highway 75 North, 77320 507 Jarrell 8 140 I-35 & Exit 275 11710 North Interstate 35, 76537 377 LAREDO 12 S DEF 300 I-35 S, Exit 13; I-35 N, Exit 12B 1101 Uniroyal Drive, 78045 730 LAREDO DEF 190 15 rv dump I-35 S, Exit 13; I-35 N, Exit 12B 1011 Beltway Parkway, 78045 733 Lubbock DEF 50 4 rv dump I-27 & 4th Street Exit 602 4th Street, 79401 257 MIDLAND 7 S DEF 84 I-20, Exit 126 4015 S. FM 1788, 79706 330 New Braunfels 7 S DEF 80 I-35, Exit 184 4142 Loop 337, 78132 734 New Caney DEF 150 9 rv dump US 59 & Exit 242 23412 Hwy 242, 77357 580 ODESSA 10 S DEF 100 I-20, Exit 121 5900 E. Interstate 20, 79766 431 ORANGE 8 S DEF 110 rv dump I-10, Exit 873 2205 North Highway 62, 77630 735 ORANGE DEF 150 15 rv dump I-10 Exit 873 7112 I-10 West, 77630 736 Pecos DEF 200 9 rv dump I-20 Exit 42 100 East Pinehurst, 79772 432 ROBINSON 10 S DEF 285 I-35, Exit 328 8055 South I-35, 76706 306 SAN ANTONIO 6 S DEF 50 I-10 E.bound, Ex 581; I-10 W.bound, Ex 582 5619 I-10 East, 78219 467 SAN ANTONIO 7 S DEF 85 I-37, Exit 125 4105 S Loop 1604 E, 78264 737 SAN ANTONIO 13 S DEF 200 I-10, Exit 583 1815 N. Foster Road, 78244
157 SULPHUR SPRINGS 7 S DEF 85 I-30, Exit 122 1200 South Hillcrest, 75482 888 Tulia 5 S 71 I-27 & Hwy 86, 79088 1200 South Hillcrest, 75482 738 Tye DEF 200 15 rv dump I-20 & FM 707 Exit 277 101 North FM 707, 79563 486 Tyler 7 S DEF 85 I-20 & FM 14 12881 FM 14A, 75706 209 VAN HORN 6 S DEF 75 I-10, Exit 140 501 Van Horn Drive, 79855 568 VoN ormy DEF 65 7 I-35, Exit 140 14555 IH35 South, 78073 739 Waco DEF 200 9 rv dump I-35 & New Road 2409 South New Road, 76711 206 WEATHERFORD 7 S DEF 110 I-20, Exit 406 1201 I-20 West, 76087 741 Wichita Falls DEF 50 3 rv dump US 287 & Jacksboro Highway 2311 Jacksboro Highway, 76301
773 Richfield DEF 50 4 rv dump I-70 Exit 40 35 East Flying J Drive, 84701 746 Salt Lake City DEF 110 9 rv dump I-15 & I-80 SR201, Exit 17 2025 South 900 West, 84119 510 Scipio 4 100 I-15, Exit 188 810 North 800 West, 84656 774 Snowville DEF 50 3 rv dump I-84 Exit 7 90 South Stone Road, 84336 747 Springville DEF 80 8 I-15 Exit 261 1460 North 1750 West, 84663 775 St. George DEF 60 4 I-15 Exit 4 2841 South 60 East, 84790 748 Willard Bay DEF 50 4 rv dump I-15 Exit 357 600 West 750 North, 84340
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
p 713-675-3375 f 713-670-7629
p 281-893-0423 f 281-893-9368
p 936-291-1125 f 936-291-2421 Q eats
p 512-746-4341
p 956-717-5006 f 956-717-5012
p 956-712-3265 f 956-791-3057
p 806-744-0539 f 806-744-7423
p 432-563-1683 f 432-563-1748
p 830-629-1424 f 830-629-1254
p 903-885-0020 f 903-885-1580
p 806-995-4597 f 806-995-3501
p 325-691-9974 f 325-691-5365
p 903-593-5466 f 903-593-3204
p 432-283-8067 f 432-283-8071
p 210-622-9384 f 210-622-9302
p 254-714-0313 f 254-714-1798
p 817-341-4600 f 817-341-4602
p 940-720-0598 f 940-720-0725
utah p 281-689-8065 f 281-689-8271
p 432-366-0812 f 432-366-0845
p 409-745-1124 f 409-745-3336
p 409-883-9465 f 409-886-8224
p 432-445-9436 f 432-445-7171
p 254-662-4771 f 254-662-4951
p 210-661-5353 f 210-661-4660
p 210-626-9183 f 210-626-9201
509 Beaver DEF 150 6 I-15, Exit 112 653 West 1400 North, 84713 892 Green River West winds truck stop 5 100 I-70, Exit 164 1085 East Main St., 84525 742 Lake Point DEF 130 9 rv dump I-80 Exit 99 1605 East Saddleback Blvd., 84074 743 Nephi DEF 110 9 rv dump I-15 Exit 222 1597 South Main, 84648 772 N. Salt Lake 4 40 I-215 & Redwood Rd, Exit 27 885 W. North Point Circle, 84054 294 OGDEN DEF 60 5 I-15 & UT 39, Exit 344 1670 West 12th Street, 84404 744 OGDEN DEF 100 9 I-15 Exit 343 1172 West 21st Street, 84401 508 Perry DEF 25 2 I-15 Exit 362 1674 W. 1100 S., 84302
Roberto’s Taco Shop
p 435-438-5191
West Winds Restaurant
p 435-564-3495 f 435-564-8162
p 801-508-7400 f 801-508-7404
p 435-623-2400 f 435-623-2421
p 801-936-1408 f 801-936-1457
p 801-731-2900 f 801-731-2380
p 801-399-5577 f 801-399-9353
p 435-723-9999
p 435-896-5050 f 435-896-4044
p 801-972-3711 f 801-972-6174
p 435-758-2345
p 435-872-8181 f 435-872-8171
p 801-489-3622 f 801-489-3059
p 435-674-7104 f 435-652-3627
p 435-723-1010 f 435-723-1044
virginia 749 Carmel Church DEF 239 15 rv dump I-95 Exit 104 24279 Roger Clark Blvd., 22546 256 DANVILLE DEF 45 3 Hwy 58 & 29, Exit 104 110 River Point Drive, 24541 898 Emporia Sadler’s Truck Stop 10 250 I-95, Exit 11B 918 West Atlantic Street, 23847 750 Ft. Chiswell DEF 270 14 I-81 & I-77 Exit 80 I-81, I-77 & VA Route 52, 24360 396 Greenville 11 S DEF 100 I-81S, Exit 213A;I-81 N, Exit 213 3541 Lee Jackson Highway, 24401 491 Harrisonburg DEF 100 7 I-81m Exit 251, 22802 3634 North Valley Pike, 22802 384 RICHMOND 9 S DEF 110 I-95 N, Exit 58; I-95 S, Exit 58A 2126 Ruffin Mill Road, 23834 876 Ruther Glen DEF 250 22 I-95, Exit 104 23866 Rogers Clark Blvd, 22546 899 South hill Sadler’s trk. Stp. 3 20 I-85, Exit 12A 1011 East Atlantic Street, 23970 159 TALLYSVILLE DEF 60 4 I-64, Exit 211 6721 Emmaus Church Road 23140
p 804-448-9047 f 804-448-9805
p 434-792-1180 f 434-792-7894
p 434-634-4312 f 434-634-5397
p 276-637-4115 f 276-637-6968
p 540-324-0714 f 540-324-0718
p 540-434-2529 f 540-434-2076
p 804-524-9556 f 804-524-9522
p 804-448-3077 f 804-448-8350
p 434-447-4528 f 434-447-6388
p 804-966-1880 f 804-966-9231
p 210-666-2266 f 210-666-2280
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Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
# parking
rv dump
Virginia (cont.)
Wisconsin (cont.)
alberta , canada (cont.)
258 TROUTVILLE 3 LTD I-81, Exit 150A or B 2966 Lee Highway South, 24175 752 Winchester DEF 144 15 rv dump I-81 Exit 323 1530 Rest Church Road, 22624 754 Wytheville DEF 177 13 rv dump I-77 & I-81 Exit 77 3249 Chapman Rd, 24382
470 roberts (hudson) DEF 100 9 US 65 & I-94 1191 70th Avenue, 55023 164 MAUSTON 7 S DEF 95 I-90/94 & WI 82, Exit 69 1101 State Road 82 East, 53948 40 OAK CREEK 8 S DEF 150 I-94, Exit 322 2031 West Ryan Road, 53154 538 Oakdale road ranger DEF 100 5 I-90, Exit 48 102 E Woody, 54660 324 RACINE (FRANKSVILLE) DEF 80 5 I-94 & CR K, Exit 329 13712 Northwestern Avenue, 53126
792 AB-BROOKS 2 20
p 540-992-2805 f 540-992-1534
p 540-678-3641 f 540-678-3651
p 276-228-7110 f 276-228-9010
Washington 965 Ellensburg Flying j/broadway 7 100 I-90 Exit 109 2300 Canyon Rd., 98926 583 Ferndale DEF 25 4 1678 Main Street #3, 98248 970 Pasco (spokane) Flying j/broadway 2 75 U.S. Hwy 395 2216 E Hillsboro Road, 99301 963 Spokane Flying j/broadway 2 LTD I-90 Exit 276 3709 S. Geiger Blvd., 99224 967 Spokane Flying j/broadway 7 80 I-90 Exit 286 6606 E. Broadway Ave., 99212 151 TUMWATER DEF 100 7 I-5, Exit 99 2430 93rd Avenue SW, 98512
p 509-925-6161 f 509-925-5748
p 360-312-1822 f 360-312-1851
p 509-547-5561 f 509-547-4570
p 509-456-8843
p 509-535-3028 f 509-535-7589
p 360-754-0151 f 360-754-0159
west virginia 474 flatwoods (sutton) DEF 70 5 I-79, Exit 67 270 Scott Fork - Bonnie Rd, 26601 243 NITRO DEF 60 6 I-64 & SR 25, Exit 45 4304 First Avenue, 25143 503 morgantown DEF 50 5 I-79, Exit 146 2309 Smithton Rd, 26508
p 304-765-9270 f 304-765-7306
p 304-755-8654 f 304-755-8655
p 304-284-8518 f 304-284-8509
wisconsin 289 BELOIT DEF 55 5 I-43/90 & WI 81, Exit 185A 3001 Milwaukee Road, 53511 756 Black River Falls DEF 150 14 rv dump I-94 & Exit 116 780 State Hwy 54, 54615 528 Cottage Grove road ranger DEF 50 2 I-90, Exit 147 2762 County Hwy N, 53527 544 East troy road ranger 1 5 I-43, Exit 38 1946 A. Energy Drive, 53120
p 608-364-3644 f 608-364-3643
p 715-284-4341 f 715-284-1551
f 608-873-1610
p 815-315-4979 f 847-232-1186
72 C H A L L E N G E J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4
f 715-749-4241
p 608-847-3321 f 608-847-3316
p 414-761-0939 f 414-761-0165 Dan’s big Slice Pizza
p 815-209-9040 f 608-374-2001
p 262-835-2292 f 262-835-2564
wyoming 758 Casper DEF 45 4 rv dump I-25 Exit 185 41 SE Wyoming Blvd., 82609 402 CHEYENNE DEF 120 10 rv dump I-80, Exit 367 8020 Campstool Road, 82007 759 CHEYENNE DEF 180 16 rv dump I-25 Exit 7 2250 Etchepare Drive, 82007 760 Cokeville DEF 90 4 rv dump US Hwy 30/SR 232 10501 US Hwy 30, 83114 141 EVANSTON 6 S DEF 75 I-80, Exit 6 289 Bear River Drive, 82930 761 Evanston 9 80 I-80 Exit 3 1920 Harrison Drive, 82930 762 Gillette DEF 50 4 rv dump I-90 & Hwy 59 1810 South Douglas Hwy, 82718 308 LARAMIE DEF 100 8 I-80 & Curtis St., Exit 310 1564 McCue Street, 82072 763 Rawlins DEF 200 10 rv dump I-80 Exit 209 I-80 Johnson Rd., 82301 764 Rock Springs DEF 85 6 rv dump I-80 Exit 104 650 Stage Coach Drive, 82901
85 East Lake Cres., T4B 2B5
11511 40th Street SE, T2H 1L4 793 AB-Calgary 2 15 4216 72 Ave SE, T2C 2C1 814 AB-Calgary 0 0 2525 23 ST N. E., T2E 7M1 848 AB-Calgary 9 80 4949 Barlow Trail Se, T2B3B5 815 ab-Drayton Valley 0 0
p 307-473-1750
p 307-635-5744
15609 121 A. Ave, T5V 1B1 850 ab-Edmonton 8 100
p 307-635-2918
16806 118 Avenue, T5V1M8 818 ab-Edson Motco 0 0
p 307-279-3050
2520 - 2 Ave., T7E 1T9 819 ab-Fort McMurray 0 0
p 307-783-5930
345 Sakitawaw Trail, T9H 4E4 820 ab-Grande Prairie 0 0
p 307-789-9129
9212 - 108 St., T8V 4C9 845 ab-Grassland 2 75
p 307-682-3562
1st Ave. 1st Street, TOA 1V0 846 ab-Hanna 2 100
p 307-742-6443
Hwy 9 & Hwy 36 South, T0J 1P0 794 AB-High Level 0 25
p 307-328-0158
10529 96 St., T0H 1Z0 817 ab-Hinton 0 0
p 307-362-4231
294 Kelly Road, T7V 1H2 821 ab-Lethbridge 0 20
f 307-473-1759
f 307-635-5746
f 307-634-2794
f 307-279-3041
f 307-783-5916
f 307-789-5461
f 307-682-5038
f 307-742-2576
f 307-328-1668
f 307-362-9710
1005 43 St, T1K 7B8 822 ab-Lloydminster 1 0
alberta , canada 813 ab-Airdrie 0 10
1260 Cassils Road East, T1R 1B7 785 AB-Calgary DEF 130 9
5505 Jubilee Ave., T7A 1S3 816 ab-Edmonton 0 0
Dan’s big Slice Pizza
p 815-580-4842
p 715-749-4238
p 403-948-4193
5109 63 St Ave, T9V 2E7 869 AB-nanton 3 130 Hwy #2 2810 21st Ave., T0L 1R0
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
p 403-362-5594
p 403-720-0904 f 403-720-4937
p 403-236-2404
p 403-250-3835
p 403-273-4949 f 403-273-0628
p 801-725-1370
p 708-413-9116
p 780-455-1111 f 780-482-4448
p 780-743-3545
p 780-532-2378
p 780-525-2295 f 780-525-2299
p 403-854-5000
p 780-926-2066
p 801-725-1370
p 403-328-4735
p 780-875-2990
Humpty’s Restaurant
p 403-646-2810 f 403-646-2872
w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
double myrewards points
at stores listed with a yellow tag
Flying j dealer showers auto Pilot showers locations locations locations
# parking
rv dump * UNDER CONSTRUCTION Info May not be up to date
alberta , canada (cont.)
British Columbia , canada (cont.)
Ontario , canada (cont.)
795 Ab-Nisku 2 8
801 BC-Prince George 3 LTD
836 on-Schreiber 0 0
302 20th Avenue, T9E 7T8 796 AB-Red Deer DEF 26 4
p 780-955-3535
403-346-2785 f 403-346-2852 p
67th Ave. & 67 Street, T4P 1A4 826 ab-Redcliff 1 0 115 Lockwood St, T1A 7T9 797 Ab-Rycroft 0 8 Hwy #49 & Hwy #2 Hwy #49 & 2, Box 73, T0H 3A0 786 AB-Sherwood Park DEF 140 9 Yellowhead Hwy 16/ Broadmoor Blvd. 50 Pembina Rd., T8H 2G9 824 ab-Whitecourt 0 10 Hwy #43 & West Mtn. Road, T7N 1S9
p 403-526-2669
p 780-765-3740 f 780-765-3748
929 Coutts Way & Sumas Way, V2S 4N2 798 BC-Annacis Island 1 LTD 1291 Cliveden Ave, V5M 6G4 799 BC-Chilliwack 4 20 7970 Lickman Road, V2R 1A9 828 bc-Cranbrook 0 0 2209 Theatre Road, V1C 4H4 829 bc-Creston 0 0 1411 Northwest Blvd, V0B 1G6 830 bc-Dawson Creek 0 0 1725 Alaska Ave, V1G 1P5 861 bc-HOPE 4 S DEF 65 Hwy 1, Exit 168 63100 Flood Hope Road, VOX 1L2 800 bc-Fort St John 0 0 Alaska Hwy & 109 St. 9407 109th Street, V1J 6K6 847 bc-Kamloops 5 125 175 Kokanee Way, V2C 6Z2 831 bc-Merritt 0 0 1885 Cold Water Ave. 2190 Douglas Street North, V0K 2B0 832 bc-New Westminster 0 0 24 Braid St, V3L 3P3
802 BC-Vancouver 0 0 8655 Boundary Rd & Marine Way, V5S 4H3 788 MB-Headingley DEF 150 9 Hwy #1 & Camp Manitou Rd. 4100 Portage Avenue, R4H 1C5 803 MB-Portage La Prairie 0 40
p 780-416-2035
p 780-706-0471
1747 Brookside Blvd., R2C 2E8 835 MB-Winnipeg 0 0
f 780-416-2084
131 Warman Road & HWY. #59, R2J 3R3 p 604-850-1594
p 604-521-4445
p 604-795-7265
p 250-426-3763
p 250-428-7131
p 250-782-3111
p 604-886-6815 f 604-886-6821
p 250-785-3052
p 250-573-3032 f 205-573-7828
p 250-280-1555
p 604-522-6511
p 604-454-9578
p 204-832-8952 f 204-832-9104
862 ON-Ayr 5 30 Hwy 401, Exit 268 2492 Cedar Creek Road, N0B 1E0 805 ON-Etobicoke 0 0 1765 Albion Rd & Hwy 27, M9W 5S7 880 ON-Fort Erie 6 S DEF 0 QEW, Exit 5 1637 Pettit Road 806 ON-Kapuskasing DEF 40 4 410 Government Road E, P5N 2X7 852 ON-lancaster DEF 110 9 Hwy 401, Exit 814 20382 Old Hwy #2, K0C 1N0 789 ON-London DEF 230 16 Hwy 401 & Highbury Ave. Exit 189 3700 Highbury Ave. South, N6N 1P3 807 ON-Mississauga DEF 50 3 1400 Britannia Road Exit 401 and Dixie Road 790 ON-Napanee DEF 165 15 401 & Cnty Rd 41 Exit 579 628 County Road #41 RR6, K7R 3L1 866 ON-Pass Lake 3200 Hwy 11/17, Shuniah, ON POT 2MO 865 on-Pickering 9 50 Hwy 401 2000 Clements Road, L1W 4A1 838 on-Sault Ste Marie 0 0
Hwy # 17, P0T 2S0 837 on-Sudbury 0 0 17 Duhamel Road, P3E 4N1 461 ON-TILBURY DEF 150 6 Rural Route #5, Highway 401, Exit 56 19325 Essex County Road 42, N0P 2L0
p 204-857-9997
p 204-633-0663
p 204-231-5485
p 807-824-2383
p 705-692-5447
p 519-682-1140 f 519-682-9221
Quebec, canada 808 QC-Berthierville 0 10 1181 Ave Gilles Villeneuve, J0K 1A0 809 QC-Napierville 0 10 Hwy 15 Exit 21 1 Rang St-Andre, J0J 1L0 810 QC-Ste Helene 4 10 HWY 20, Exit 152 569 Rue Principale, J0H 1M0
p 450-836-6581
p 450-245-3539 f 450-245-9642
p 450-791-2232 f 450-791-2495
Saskatchewan, canada
ontario, canada
987 Great Northern Road, P6A 5K7 w w w. p t c c h a l l e n g e . c o m
p 250-563-1677
manitoba, canada
Hwy #1 East, R1N 3B2 804 MB-Winnipeg 2 LTD
British columbia, canada 827 bc-Abbotsford 1 10
4869 Continental Way, V2N 5S5
restaurants outlined in a red box do not accept MYREWARDS points
Papa Joe’s Hot Kettle p 519-624-9578 f 519-624-2587
p 416-674-8665
p 905-991-1800 p 905-991-1805
p 705-337-1333 f 705-337-1208
811 SK-Moose Jaw DEF 20 5 370 North Service Rd. Hwy #11, S6H 4N9 842 sk-Regina 3 12 1511 Ross Ave. East, S4R 1J2 791 SK-Saskatoon DEF 85 4 3850 Idylwylde Drive North, S7P 0A1 844 sk-Yorkton 0 0 Hwy #16A Bypass on York 1910 York Road West Box 794, S3N 2W8
p 306-693-5858
p 306-721-0070
p 306-955-6840 f 306-955-6846
p 306-782-2645
p 613-347-2221 f 613-347-1970
p 519-686-9154
f 519-686-8629
p 905-564-6216 p 905-564-0438
p 613-354-7044 f 613-354-3796
p 905-428-9700 f 905-428-9633
p 705-759-8280
J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4 C H A L L E N G E 73
Driver Profile:
Dennis VanHartesvelt was born, raised and live in West Michigan. It’s a little bit of paradise. I usually run the Midwest down to Texas on an LTL furniture peddle for a Canadian company. I’m married to a great woman and we are blended grandparents. I usually get home every weekend, so I’m fortunate to be able to spend time with my wife and our families. I’ve been driving a semi for seven years and have used the Pilot rewards card the entire time. It’s nice to be able to use it at Flying J now too. My trainer with Schneider first introduced me to the card when I started. I like all of the larger Pilot and Flying J facilities for fueling and parking convenience. I find the staff at all of them to be courteous and always willing to respond to a request. I use my card for showers, of course, and I use the coffee club. My rewards points usually go for my coffee, and occasionally food and snack purchases. I really like the $10 bonus reward at the end of the month.
Coffee and Breakfast Sandwich
$ 49
Coffee Club
Buy 9, Get the
10th FREE
Deli Value Menu Buy any fountain or deli drink and get discounts on select deli foods
2 $ 3 $ 4 $
Breakfast Sandwich, Cheeseburger or Pizza Slice Chicken Tenders (3-pk), Chef & Chicken BLT Salad Scorcher’s Wings, Chicken Wings (6-pk)
The Pilot logo is a registered trademark of Pilot Travel Centers LLC.
Interested in being our Customer Profile of the Month? If you’re a MyRewards card member who loves the Pilot Flying J loyalty program, we want to hear from you! Contact us at editor@ptcchallenge.com with Customer Profile in the subject line. You could be our next featured driver!