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展 ― いまがある ― 2018 年

12 月 16 日(日)-25 日(火) / 会場


開場時間:AM 9:00 - PM 4:30 入場は PM 4:00 まで

出展作家 ―日本―

主催 協賛























現在展実行委員会/京都市 滋賀運送株式会社、株式会社田中直染料店、Waltz、Dispersion、 フルプラン with、 彩雲堂、文園企画制作事務所 財團法人長流大中華文教藝術基金會、長流美術館、天川文化、台灣藝術發展交流協會 藝流 ART#1、乾隆保合市資産管理股 份有限公司、新光國際藝術有限公司 京都府、京都市教育委員会、京都市観光協会、財団法人京都市国際交流協会、 財団法人京都文化交流コンベンションビューロ、京都商工会議所、 明日の京都文化遺産プラットホーム、京都仏教会、京都新聞、 朝日新聞京都総局、読売新聞京都総局、毎日新聞京都支局

●入城料 一般 ●現在展チケット 一般

600 円/中学・高校生 350 円/小学生 200 円(小学生未満無料) 400 円/高校・大学生 200 円/小学生以下無料

入城料は市内に居住、通学する小中学生、市内に居住する 70 歳以上の方は無料 ※


長流藝聞 Chan Liu Art Monthly│NO.332│1│



第 一 屆 日 本 與 台 灣 美 術 交 流 「 現 在 」 展 “Present”- The 1st Japan and Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition

術是人類精神的永恆結晶,是於歲月長流之中靈性與智慧的完整呈現,更是文明的無價之寶,能跨越國 度與語言,使觀者心領神會,觸發自身情感並引領深刻思考,進一步成為民族文化的接續以及累積,這


科學迅速發展發達的數位化社會之下,情勢瞬息萬變、各種價值觀並存,人與人之間連結愈發緊密、文 化交流的規模亦趨龐大。宗教、歷史與藝術之於我們而言,並非眼睛所能總覽、數值所能衡量,是以個

人五感出發並用心體會。唯有汲取過往凝鍊的精神結晶、當下付諸努力,方能向寬闊自由的未來展望,朝向 新的藝術創造前進。

本與台灣無論在宗教、思想、藝術與文化交流皆十分緊密,為推展當代新藝術的創作與發展,促進多 元文化的相互交流,本次長流美術館與京都市政府共同支持舉辦的「第一屆日本與台灣美術交流 現在


握當下、用心生活,是重要的事,立於過去傳統、展望未來,努力於當下,是我們要保有的信念與體 悟,因此將「現在」訂為本檔展覽主題,提醒人們回到原點,傾聽內心。盼望藉由台灣與日本攜手舉辦


次交流展台方遴選出嶺南大家歐豪年情思兼備、工寫並行的〈浴牛〉、〈青山尋幽圖〉等;胡念祖揉合 傳統與現代山水〈秋壑幽居〉;以抽象符號表達現代性趣味的袁金塔〈歡樂年華-趣味足球〉;秦立生

暈染色彩靈動渾厚、意境靜謐的〈月夜〉;游守中以沉穩色調隱喻心象的〈微風中的心城〉;白丰中色澤鮮 豔明麗、活潑奔放的〈藤花山下晚風吹〉;李鴻儒水墨淋漓捕捉物態精準的〈如來〉、〈雲山聽瀑〉;劉玖 通東方抽象山水巨作〈咫尺千里〉以及瑪馨玲潑染油彩流轉肆意的〈合氣一相‧氣奔十方〉等,精彩絕倫。

方則精心羅列十位各具風華的當代藝術家:以簡約造型和大膽色彩圖案為創作特色的麻田脩二、充滿童 心與自由的陶藝家松井利夫、以金屬光澤表現自然景物的雕刻家信ヶ原良和、以LED映像等媒材展現自

然與生命的視覺藝術家岩澤有徑、以無機物紡織材料創作的草間喆雄;另外,以日本膠彩畫為媒材的則有擅 於描繪自然景色的吉田舟汪、以印度佛像菩薩為創作主題的畠中光享、繪製優雅夢幻花卉的黒光茂明、表現 人與自然之間關係的河村卓見以及將動物形象賦予奇幻色彩的磯部茂亀,十分精采。

檔展覽精心選定於日本京都「二条城」展出,元離宮二条城為聯合國明定的世界文化遺產,是一座見證 了幕府時期德川家的榮枯興衰與日本歷史變遷的城池,展館「台所」更被政府明定為重要文化財,古色





師從趙少昂。曾獲學會金爵獎,作品受大英博物館、北京中國美術館蒐藏。為嶺 南畫派代表畫家。擅長水墨、書法與詩作。用筆蒼勁豪邁,設色典雅,章法嚴謹。重 視寫生,同時又以詩入畫,從傳統中擷取古法古意,兼容西方、日本與中國美學。 Mr. Ou was apprenticed to Mr. Zhao, Shao-Ang. Ou once received the Golden Jubilee award, and he is currently teaching painting in Chinese Culture University. This artist is known for having numrous exhibitions in variouis Eurasian countries.

歐豪年 Ou, Hao-Nian (B.1935)

Ou’s works have been collected by British Museum and Beijing National Art Museum. He is a representative artist of Lingnan school, who is an expert in ink paintings, calligraphy and poems. Ou has been placing great importance to sketches. With integration with poems, Ou’s works capture classic beauty with fusion of Western, Japanese and Chinese aesthetics.

歐豪年‧青山尋幽圖 Limitless 64.7 × 126 cm 設色紙本 │4│

第 一 屆 日 本 與 台 灣 美 術 交 流 「 現 在 」 展 “Present”- The 1st Japan and Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition

歐豪年‧天地一沙鷗 A speck of seagull in the world 1999│73.5 × 139.5 cm 設色紙本

歐豪年 / 劉國松 / 鄭喜禧‧春景 Spring scenery 90.5 × 181.5 cm 設色紙本 │5│


黃君璧 / 歐豪年等人‧松賀遐齡 Timeless 94.5 × 176 cm 設色紙本

黃君璧 / 歐豪年 / 吳平‧採菊東籬下 悠然見南山 Landscape 66 × 135.5 cm 設色紙本 │6│

第 一 屆 日 本 與 台 灣 美 術 交 流 「 現 在 」 展 “Present”- The 1st Japan and Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition

歐豪年‧浴牛 Buffalo 1968│183 × 95 cm 設色紙本 │7│


早年師從黃君璧,後受教於溥心畬。曾任職臺灣師範學院藝術系、全國美展評審 委員。諳畫理與畫技之道,擅大筆快皴、小筆慢染,構圖變化多端,設色淡雅細緻, 偶有大膽的對比用色,揉合傳統與現代的自我風格。 作品曾於國內外展出百餘次,屢經國家文教機構推選出國,作中華藝術世界巡迴 展出,且多次獲獎。

胡念祖 Hu, Nien-Tsu (B.1927)

Mr. Hu was apprenticed to Mr. Huang, Jun-Bi in his early years, and later taught by Mr. Pu, Xin-Yu. He had taught in the Department of Art in National Taiwan Normal University and had been a member of the National Art Exhibition’s committees. The way he paints and the method he uses reflect the rules and the knowledge that he has ever learned. Hard strokes show the textures of things, and those light strokes show the exquisite of the blur between colors. There are a variety of constructions in his works, and the colors he chooses are elegant, with bold use of contrasting colors in occasion, fusing tradition and modern elements to form his own style. Those masterpieces has been exhibited all over the world, and often chosen by national culture and education organizations for representing China to participate in world tour in Chinese Art Exhibitions with many awards.

胡念祖‧秋壑幽居 Peaceful life in autumn gully │194.5 × 682.5 cm│設色紙本 │8│

第 一 屆 日 本 與 台 灣 美 術 交 流 「 現 在 」 展 “Present”- The 1st Japan and Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition

胡念祖‧大地風雲之一 Top of the landscape │2002│50 × 100.5 cm│設色紙本



自幼酷愛美術,對繪畫藝術執著追求。多年的辛勤探索,大膽創新,形成了一種 自然天成的新的審美境界和獨特的藝術風格,他的作品融合中西繪畫之特點,博采眾 家之長,如夢如幻的境界,迷離莫測的機理,自然天成的靈動,水墨淋漓的神韻,油 畫一樣的光感和渾厚,這就是他創作的彩拓畫給人們的感受。 He has been fascinated by arts since childhood and has a steadfast devotion to pursue painting arts. After years of hard work and bold innovation, his works have developed a sort of natural aesthetic and unique artistic style.

秦立生 Qin, Li-sheng (B.1952)

He integrates the characteristics of Chinese and Western paintings in his works, and adopts the strengths from all schools. His works in color marbling embody the charm of ink paintings as well as lightness and thickness of oil paintings, forming the dreamlike realms with blurred atmosphere and natural vitality.

秦立生‧山月 Mountain moon 99.4 × 196.5 cm 設色紙本 │10│

第 一 屆 日 本 與 台 灣 美 術 交 流 「 現 在 」 展 “Present”- The 1st Japan and Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition

秦立生‧月夜 Moon night 97 × 179 cm 設色紙本



1949生於台灣員林。1975年畢業於國立台灣師範大學美術系,獲有美國紐 約市立大學美術研究所碩士學位(M. F. A.),現任國立台灣師範大學美術研究 所兼任教授、袁金塔文化基金會董事長。從1975年起,曾獲獎多次,聯展無數 次,國內外個展80餘次。作品遍歷台灣世界各地。以及主要拍賣場如蘇富比、 佳士得等展出。作品廣為國內外公私機構收藏。著有「中西繪畫構圖的比較研 究」、「為現代中國畫探路」、「繪畫創造性的思考研究」、「我思我畫-袁金 塔美術文選」等,並出版畫冊26本。

袁金塔 Yuan, Jin-ta (B. 1949)

Mr. Yuan, Jin-Ta was born in Yuanlin, Taiwan in 1949. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University in 1975; after that, he got a master degree from the Institute of Fine Arts at City University of New York.(M. F. A.) Now, he is a adjunct professor at the Institute of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University, and Chairman of Yuan Jinta Cultural Foundation. Since 1975, he has won many awards and has participated in numerous group exhibitions and more than 80 solos domestically and internationally. The works have been shipped all over the world, including to be in the exhibition on many renowned auctions, such as Sotheby’s and Christie’s. His works have been widely collected by public and private organizations. He published many books, such as "Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Painting Compositions" and "The Modernization painting of Chinese explores the road", "Painting create thinking", "I think, therefore I am. – Yuan, Jin-Ta’s art selection" ... etc.

袁金塔‧歡樂年華-趣味足球 The Fun Soccer Tiny Game │97 × 59 cm│ 水墨綜合媒材 │12│

第 一 屆 日 本 與 台 灣 美 術 交 流 「 現 在 」 展 “Present”- The 1st Japan and Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition

袁金塔‧茶經新解 Reveal the Classic of Tea │2014│900 × 900 × 120 cm│綜合媒材紙本



李鴻儒 Li, Hong-Ru (B.1953) 幼年繼承正統中國武術和傳統水 墨的教養。及長北上再受水墨名家的 指導,1970年入室水墨名家歐豪年門 下,以後每年參加國內外美展,並獲 大獎。現任NPO法人亞細亞文化藝術 連盟主席。每年在東京,大阪,京都 美術館主辦水墨畫交流展。 Mr. Li, Hong-Ru received the cultivation from orthodox Chinese martial arts and traditional ink paintings since his childhood. When he grew up, he got instructed by famous ink painting artists. In 1970, he joined the workplace established by Mr. Ou, Hao-Nian. Later, he started to participate in the domestic and international art exhibitions every year and has won grand prizes. He is currently the chair man of the Non-Profit Organization Asian Culture and Art Alliance in Taiwan, holding art exchange exhibitions of ink painting in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto Art Museum annually. 李鴻儒‧雲山聽瀑 Falls in misty 2002│68 × 134 cm 水墨紙本 │14│

第 一 屆 日 本 與 台 灣 美 術 交 流 「 現 在 」 展 “Present”- The 1st Japan and Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition

白丰中 Bai, Feng-Zhong (B.1959) 1986年入選第二十五屆米羅國際素描 展,作品被海內外藝術機構及私人廣泛收藏, 近年來中國當代水墨畫在學院型寫實主流之 外,實驗水墨與工筆彩墨最為活躍,彩墨展開

白丰中‧斜陽雨過道畫秋 The peace after a storm 2016│37.5 × 41 cm 設色紙本

了當代中國水墨畫的多彩之翼。而白丰中則是 近年來中國話崛起的優秀彩墨畫家。在他的作 品中,有一種熱烈的精神、浪漫的情懷,體現 了對生活與生命由中的熱愛與讚美。 Mr. Bai, Feng-Zhong’s works were selected to the 25th MiróInternational Sketch Exhibition in 1986, and his works are widely collected by art institution and private collector domestically and internationally. In recent years, experimental Chinese ink and wash and colored ink are the most active branches in Chinese contemporary ink paintings beyond the mainstream of academic style. C o l o re d i n k s p re a d t h e w i n g s o f contemporary Chinese ink painting. Mr. Bai, Feng-Zhong is an excellent colored ink painter who has risen in China in recent years. In his works, there is a warm spirit and romantic feelings, reflecting the sincere love and praise to life.

白丰中‧藤花山下晚風吹 Sing alone with the mountain 2010│68 × 68 cm 設色紙本 │15│


游守中生於台灣,專長油畫、雕塑、水墨, 1998畢業美 國 Fontbonne 藝術學院藝術碩士,目前從事專業油畫、水墨 創作及教學。 作者擅用深沉穩重的色調,隱喻心象、情懷於具象中, 細膩中有粗獷,複雜與豐富中蘊藏著單純與明潔,在忽強忽 弱、層層覆覆的形、色、點、線與溫和沉潛的構圖中,透露 出他的感性與執著。 渾然一體的和諧畫面,蘊含了澎湃的情 緒心性,也給人形色美感上的震撼。

游守中 You, Shou-Zhong (B.1965)

游守中 微風中的心城 The breeze town 91 × 194.5 cm 油彩畫布 │16│

第 一 屆 日 本 與 台 灣 美 術 交 流 「 現 在 」 展 “Present”- The 1st Japan and Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition

Mr. You, Shou-Zhong was born in Taiwan, and he specializes in oil painting, sculpture, and ink painting. He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Fontbonne University in 1998.He is currently engaging in professional oil painting, ink painting and teaching. The author is good at using deep and steady colors to metaphorize minds and feelings in the figurative forms. There is roughness in his delicacy, and simplicity and cleanliness behind the complexity and richness in his works. In his compositions, the layering shapes, colors, points and lines with changing strength and weakness reveal his sensibility and perseverance. The harmonious picture of the whole body contains the surging emotions and minds, as well as leaving overwhelming impression by the beauty to people.



2000年畢業於西安美術學院,現居上海,職業畫家。 擅長以書法線條、水墨筆觸展現出充滿東方詩意的抽象作品,融入「在似與 不似之間,不似之似」的情境。劉玖通熱愛山水,於是山水成為他繪畫最主要的 題材,山水是生命靈性、有姿態表情的,當中國的水墨文化遇見西洋油彩顏料, 展現出的是中國底韻的東方意象力量的抽象山水,然後把山水和自己心靈的交感 觸動、轉化為畫布上的色彩圖像。。

劉玖通 Liu, Jiu-Tong (B.1977)

Liu graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 2000. He is currently living in Shanghai as a professional painter. He is good at embodying the beauty of oriental poetry in his works with abstractness by using calligraphy lines and ink brush strokes, creating the context with ambiguity and haziness. Liu loves nature, so landscapes become the main theme of his paintings. Landscapes live with their own spirits, postures, and countenance. When Chinese ink culture meets western oil, it shows the oriental imagery power of Chinese spirits in the abstractness of landscapes, then transferring the landscapes and touching feelings in the mind into colorful images on the canvas.

劉玖通‧咫尺千里 Close journey of a thousand miles 2011│210 × 480 cm 油彩畫布 │18│

第 一 屆 日 本 與 台 灣 美 術 交 流 「 現 在 」 展 “Present”- The 1st Japan and Taiwan Art Exchange Exhibition

「Ma Sing Ling 瑪馨玲」為近年崛起於國際藝壇的台灣新銳藝術家三人組── 張心禹(MANIHOO)、王馨薇(Singway)與鄭如玲(Ling Ling)。瑪馨玲系 列作品皆有其共通特色:充分挑戰油彩的流動與自由性,在不可預測的變化中, 掌控出內聚的精神;「春風得意」系列即是表現花海的浪漫;在三人絕佳默契之 下,以圓點與線條交織出層次豐富的奇想世界,呈現新世代抽象表現主義風格。

瑪馨玲 Ma Sing Ling

「Ma Sing Ling」 is a team with three newly emerging artists from Taiwan, which includes MANIHOO, Singway and Ling Ling, and has risen in the international art field in recent years. The serial works of Ma Sing Ling all have common features; that is, they all challenge the flow and unrestrainedness of the oil paint, and handle the assembling spirits in the unpredictable changes; the "Spring Breeze" series express the romance of flowers". Under the excellent teamwork of the three, the dots and lines interweave to construct the fantasy world with rich layers, presenting an abstract style of expressionism in the new era.

瑪馨玲‧風中精靈 Whimsicott 100 × 100 cm 油彩畫布

瑪馨玲‧合氣一相 ‧ 氣奔十方 Energetic 100 × 200 cm 油彩畫布 │19│

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