June Chimes

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JUNE 2016





11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024 Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808 www.chapelwood.org

Chapelwood’s Mission is to embody God’s grace as we receive it to those who need it. The Chapelwood family is a service-focused body of believers who welcome all to experience God’s grace and goodness through Christian community. While we are determined to “take church” to those who do not belong to a local church family, we also delight in serving those individuals and families within our church. We provide ongoing faith-building activities and meaningful fellowship opportunities for men, women, youth, and children.


SATURDAY JUNE 4, 11, 18, 25 MERCY STREET 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall *


A Word from Christian


The Release


Church Under the Bridge


Chapelwood Road Trip


Upper Room Summer Storytellers Series


THE BRANCH Family Service in Spanish 10:30 a.m., 3911 Campbell Road

A moment with Craig Gilbert


Father's Day Chorus


UPPER ROOM 11:30 a.m., Upper Room *

Upper Room Family Reunion and Picnic


SUNDAY JUNE 5, 12, 19, 26 SANCTUARY SERVICES 8:25 *, 9:45 *, 11:10 a.m. * CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICE Meditation, Communion, and Healing Prayer 8:45 a.m., Chapel

* Services are broadcast live on the web.








Summer Seeds for Prayer


Signs of Grace


New Website


Recreation Summer Camps



Chapelwood Foundation


Super Place Camp


Houston Food Bank Volunteer Opportunity

Foundation Dinner Underwriters and Friends


Joys and Concerns


New Members


Staff List




Shuttle Parking


Wesley Choir Camp Get Growing this Summer 12-Step Programs Chapelwood Students June Events

08 09 16 18

Supplies Needed for Kenya


Fair Trade Coffee and Chocolate


Weslaco Mission Trip, Round Two


Kids' Meals Houston



PAUSE. REPEAT. PRAY. I recently finished a challenging series of sermons based on the bestselling book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The most popular talk by far was on Agreement Two: "Don't Take Anything Personally." The focus of that principle is not allowing the darkness, negativity, lies, and curses that people speak to and about us to penetrate us. When we let that stuff in, it's like making an agreement with it and giving it power. By not taking anything personally we realize that the most of the hurtful things people say is really about them and not us. To put it another way . . . we all have haters, and haters will always serve their purpose. "Haters gonna hate," as Taylor Swift reminds us. But what if we learned to expect the hate as just a fundamental part of life? Then we have the chance to see our haters as necessary and motivators that keep us humble, focused, and hungry. In the Bible in Second Corinthians, Paul calls them his "thorn in the flesh." The great apostle asserts that the perpetual existence of his haters (opposition, enemies, obstacles) reminds him that the source of his spiritual and material blessings is a connection to a powerful God who is made strongest when Paul is weak (humbled). Chew on that one for a moment. Am I saying we should embrace our haters? Absolutely. Jesus said it this way: "God forgive them (my haters) because they don't know what they are doing." The REAL goal is to actually "Love" (agape) our haters. It starts with not taking what they say personally. Breathe deeply and think about that. Here's is a powerful three-step practice that might help when you encounter hurtful situations: 1. PAUSE: Expect the hate as part of life and don't immediately react. 2. REPEAT (to yourself) "What they said was NOT personal." 3. PRAY: "God forgive them because they don't know what they are doing." I pray that this helps us all in our mission to embody grace.

Christian Washington Community Pastor, Upper Room


THE RELEASE is 75 minutes of corporate prayer and praise where we “LET GO" of our burdens, sins, stresses, and worries with uplifting music, explosive praise, and transformational prayer. Come and experience spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical breakthroughs! For more information please contact Genesis Mitchell at gmitchell@chapelwood.org. Childcare will be available so bring the family.

Mercy Street Mobile Brings Hope to Many Friday, June 10

Join other volunteers and bring church and a meal to the homeless of Houston. Meet at 6:15 p.m. on June 10 in Chapelwood's Youth Building lobby to ride the van or carpool. If driving directly to this event, please arrive at 2715 St. Charles by 7:00 p.m. Dress is very casual – jeans and T-shirts are fine. We need greeters, servers, cooks, and people to help set up and clean up. For more information, contact Phil Miller, (713) 402-8392, or Dennis Crowe, (713) 827-3912.


Are you planning to hit the road this summer? Many people take advantage of school being out to take family vacations, possibly heading for their favorite retreat at the lake, in the mountains, or even a place like Disney World. Some folks are even fortunate enough to travel overseas. The Bible is full of road trips. Abraham was sent to “The land that I will show you.”The people of Israel went on a 40-year road trip to the Promised Land. Soon after Jesus was born, his parents, Joseph and Mary, took their infant son on a road trip to Egypt as they fled the wrath of Herod. Jesus told his disciples, “Go, and make disciples of all nations.” And, of course, the Apostle Paul was famous for his road trips. This summer, our preaching theme is going to be “Road Trip.” Starting and ending with John Stephens, several of Chapelwood’s pastors will preach on the themes of “sent,”“go,” and “return.” And we NEED YOU to help us! Go to www.chapelwood.org/chapelwoodroadtrip. There you will find a devotional guide for use during your travels – AND – you will also find a Road Trip Scavenger Hunt! During the summer months,

we need you to send us pictures of you and your family completing the challenges you’ll find in the hunt. For example, you might see a challenge that says, “Send us a picture of you and your family serving someone.” Or, “Send us a picture of your family eating some local food.” Email the pictures to communications@chapelwood. org, or preferably post them to Twitter or Facebook using #ChapelwoodRoadTrip, and we’ll find them. Have fun with it! Be creative! Also, please use #ChapelwoodRoadTrip to post pictures of what you’re doing on your summer “road trip.” Show us the fun you’re having at the lake, the mountains, Disney World, or in Paris. We’ll show some of these pictures in our Sanctuary worship services to go along with our preaching theme. Be sure to worship with us online while you’re on your road trip. Maybe you’ll see some pictures of yourself! Wherever you’re headed, have a great summer road trip! And thanks for helping us stay connected to each other. Bob Johnson

The Upper Room's Summer Storytellers Series

Sundays, June 19 - July 3, 11:30 a.m., Upper Room The Upper Room's Summer Storytellers series promises to be three weeks of sermons that you do not want to miss. Come each week to hear personal stories of people who have overcome challenges in their lives and have allowed God to give them "beauty for ashes."


A MOMENT WITH CRAIG GILBERT Craig Gilbert is Chapelwood’s newly hired Director of Worship and Music Ministries. He is a nationally acclaimed expert on the topic of worship, and comes to us from First United Methodist Church in Sugar Land, Texas. Craig sat down with Allison Carter recently to answer a few questions about himself and his new job. Q: Director of Worship and Music Ministries is a new position here at Chapelwood. Can you tell us what your job responsibilities are? A: Kind of funny but this job is so new I’m still not sure I know the full extent of everything I’ll be doing. My primary responsibility is providing direction for the Sanctuary worship services and directing the Chancel Choir. While I will be lead worship planner for the 11:10 service, the youth choir will continue to be the leaders at the 8:25 service, and I’ll be working with Wayne Watson on the 9:45 service. I’m certainly not taking Wayne’s place, just trying to provide a coordinated vision for those three services. For the rest of the worship services I am going to function as a consultant and resource. These services will stay the way they are as far as the leadership goes. The exciting thing about this ministry position is that it is brand new. We don’t have a finalized plan because it’s never been done here at Chapelwood before. Q. What are some of the things that you’re looking forward to in your first few months? A. I’m really looking forward to catching the vision of where Chapelwood is now and discovering where Chapelwood wants to be. I want to ask the questions, “Where are we?” and “How did we get here?” and “Where are we going?” For me, it’s the excitement of coming in and hearing everybody’s passions and ideas about where we want the worship at Chapelwood to be. Once those goals are established, what I love to do is figure out how we get there. That’s what drives me. It’s going to be fun. I expect it to be challenging, but it’s going to be fun. Q. One of your responsibilities is developing “. . . an overall, closelyintegrated vision and direction for all worship at Chapelwood.” How will you know when you’ve succeeded?


A: John Stephens actually made a comment recently. He said, “We need to find out from each service ‘What makes this worship service Chapelwood?’” I’m not sure that anybody knows the answer to that yet, and I believe that is the question we have to

answer. Each service was created to worship God in a particular voice and language - meaning style. Over time those languages may change. The music may change. The flow of the services may change. But in the end the service still reflects worship to God in a way that is somehow the voice of the people of God who worship at Chapelwood. When we are able to recognize and communicate with others about that almost intangible quality, then we will have that closely integrated vision across all of our services. For now, we’ll know it when we get there. Q. At what point in your life did you realize that church music and worship would be your vocation? A. 2002. I started off life as a choir director in schools. In 1994 I was hired to be a part-time worship leader in a Catholic church, then in 1995 I was hired to be a part-time choir director in a Methodist church. Over the next seven years I took on more responsibility until they offered me a full-time position. Up until that point I had fully expected to be a university choral professor, but God had other plans. When I was working on my doctorate in worship I was challenged by a professor who said, “There are two types of church music directors in the world. There are music directors who love music and just happen to be working in a church, and then there are music directors who are ministers who use music to spread the gospel.” As I sat in that class, I had to admit that I was the former and I wanted to be the latter. So for the next year and a half while working on my doctorate, I made that transition in my life and my ministry. I now consider myself a music minister. My responsibility is to proclaim the gospel through music and the arts in the setting of worship, and I cannot think of anything else I would rather be doing. Q. What do you like to do when you’re not working? A. I’m a triathlete. I just had a race this last weekend. I also play golf, and I love to read. Q. What kind of things do you like to read? A. I like to read different things. I enjoy John Grisham and other fictional stories that keep you guessing a bit. When I read on religious topics I tend to read deep and heavy, so when I read for recreation I like it lighter. Lately I am reading less, and I picked up a fondness for watching documentaries. I’m a teacher, and I’m a student, and I’ll never stop being either one of those. I absolutely love learning new things. So I enjoy learning from documentaries. For example, My wife and I watched a documentary the other day that profiled three cyclists who rode across the country. We had about ten minutes to kill, and were just going to watch a little – my wife is a triathlete too – and an hour and a half later, we were still watching.

Q. What can you tell us about your family? A. My wife Catherine and I have been married for 25 years this year. She is originally from Louisiana. We met at LSU and both graduated from LSU with our bachelors’ degrees. She has an MBA and is an office manager for an oil services company. Elizabeth, our daughter, is a graduate student at Berkley in California working on her Master’s degree in anthropology. Her area of study is folklore in Ireland. Our son Austin is a student in Louisiana at a junior college in Lafayette. He is working on a degree in industrial electronics. Both of my children have served as worship leaders or played an instrument for a worship band. My son is currently the lead sound engineer for a United Methodist church. Q. What else interests you? A. I love to write, and I’m a published writer. I most recently wrote for Sharefaith.com. I’m on hiatus right now, but I write two to three articles for them a month when I’m on. I also write for Worship Leader magazine, and have been published in the print magazine four times. I have even been published in Korea! I also enjoy teaching others about worship, worship planning and worship design. In the last four years I’ve taught over 4,000 worship leaders and pastors at national worship conferences across the country. I love that, but like I said, I am also a lifelong student. While I’m at these conferences, every time I’m not teaching I’m sitting in somebody else’s class picking up new information. There are a lot of things that people are doing, and I want to learn as much about them as I can. Q. Is there anything you need from all of us at Chapelwood that would help you do your job better? A. Patience! It’s a big job. A lot of people may expect things to move quickly. A church this size – things are going to take time. There are a lot of people here, and there are a lot of moving parts. The other thing is keep telling me your name. Please don’t be upset if I ask your name and you’ve already told me two or three times. So, patience, and don’t stop telling me your name. Oh yes, and I would love to have you pray for me and this ministry.

UPPER ROOM FAMILY REUNION AND PICNIC Sunday, June 12, 11:30 a.m., Upper Room Mark your calendar and make plans to attend the Upper Room Family Reunion on Sunday, June 12. The second Sunday of June is a date we set aside each year to commemorate the date of our first preview service in 2011. The Upper Room was planted by a group of faithful Chapelwood members and pastors who welcomed the first of many guests and new members to the Chapelwood family. We gather and celebrate everyone who has ever been a part of the Upper Room for an event, a season, or a lifetime including past and present members, missionaries, musicians, singers, pastors, guests, and friends. We will come together at 11:30 a.m. to praise God in the kind of multi-sensory worship experience the Upper Room is known for. After the service our Game Room will be transformed into an indoor picnic featuring delicious food from Chapelwood’s famous Second Sunday Chicken Social team. Bring your favorite dessert and a big appetite for fun. We promise to provide fellowship, laughter, music, and plenty of video and table games for “kids" of all ages. See you at the Upper Room on Sunday, June 12 at 11:30 a.m. (Childcare will be provided during the worship service.) For more information, contact Genesis Mitchell at gmitchell@chapelwood.org.



Sponsored by The Center for Christian Spirituality Sundays, June 5 - August 14, 9:45 a.m., LC201 Then Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is like someone who plants seed in the ground. Night and day, whether the person is asleep or awake, the seed still grows, but the person does not know how it grows.” – Mark 4:26-27 Seeds are planted with hope and anticipation. Like small seeds, our prayers take root and grow. We may not know how or when the seeds will sprout and grow to maturity, but we watch and trust in faith. This summer class is designed for people who are looking for ways to cultivate their prayer life. Each week, we will introduce a “seed for prayer,” a simple practice that we will learn and experience together. Our time will include a brief teaching with instructions, time in prayer, and an invitation to share your experience in prayer. June 5 June 12 June 19 June 26 July 3 July 10 July 17 July 24 July 31 August 7 August 14

Praying with Scripture, led by Wick Stuckey and Jerry Webber Creative Prayer, led by Peter Johns Prayer for Others, led by Lori Anderson Prayer of Awareness, led by Lori Anderson No class Praying with Icons, led by Jerry Webber Dialogue Prayer, led by Peter Johns Breath Prayer, led by Wick Stuckey Wordless Prayer, led by Wick Stuckey and Jerry Webber Everyday Prayer, led by Wick Stuckey and Jerry Webber Prayer of Letting Go, led by Lori Anderson

For more information, contact Lori Anderson, landerson@chapelwood.org.


Join our recreation ministry this summer and register for one of our many camps! We have Camp Chapelwood, Cooking Camp, Sparkle Dance Camp (Super Star Dance), Gymnastics, Spanish Camp, Spanish Classes for Children, Mrs. Julie's Dance Camp, Mrs. Laura’s Dance Academy, Art Camp and Moving and Grooving Camp (Hip Hop, Jazz and Tap). Different camps are geared toward different ages – there are offerings for kids ranging from pre-K to high school. Registration is currently open for all camps and you may register online at chapelwood.org. Our camps are located under the recreation ministry tab. Our recreation summer camp activities give participants feelings of self-confidence, creative expression, discovery and stimulation through dance, art, sports, language, and cooking. For more information or questions, please contact Cherri Washington at cherriwashington@chapelwood.org.


August 1-5, 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Memorial Drive Methodist Church Super Place Camp is a weeklong VBS geared towards children, teens, and young adults with special needs. Participants get to know Jesus in a personal, fun way, while enjoying crafts, games, and recreational activities with their peers. This year, Super Place Camp is being held at Memorial Drive Methodist Church. To register or for questions, contact Allyson George, at allysongeorge@mdumc.org.


July 17-22, Palestine, Texas Students in sixth through twelfth grade who regularly participate or are interested in joining the Wesley Choir are invited to join us for this 49-year tradition. Every summer we gather to sing, learn music, have fun, and just enjoy each other's company. Go to www.chapelwoodstudents.com to register.

GET GROWING THIS SUMMER! Summer is the growing season for almost everything – grass grows faster, hay grows in the fields, and kids certainly can’t fit in last year’s clothes by the end of summer. Summer at Chapelwood is a time for growing in grace as well. Grow Ministries, part of our discipleship pathway, has planned several new groups that are open to everyone during the summer months – whether you’re a part of a Sunday School class or not. Find a topic you think will fertilize your “growing season” and come whenever you are available.

SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 9:45 A.M. Summer of Service, June 5 – July 31 (except July 3), Courtyard Room. For a complete schedule of speakers, go to www.chapelwood.org/summerofservice This speaker series will explore how we as a church are living into three of our core values: Risk Taking, Stewardship, and Missional Heart. Each week, we’ll hear from a different ministry including our new church planting efforts in EaDo, the SUMMIT Mission team, global missions such as the Kenya and Costa Rica teams, and Spring Branch T-2-4. Come meet new friends and hear how we are working together to serve our church, city, and world. Christian Relationships, June 5 – August 14, LC214-215 Keep Your Love On by Danny Silk helps individuals, families, work teams or small groups implement skills and principles that lead to healthy relationships – the kind that are marked by loving connection, respectful communication, and well-defined boundaries. This class will be facilitated by Linda Withers and a team from the Encouragers Class. Summer Seeds for Prayer, June 5 – August 14, LC201 This class is designed for people who are looking for ways to cultivate their prayer life. Each week, we will introduce a “seed for prayer,” a simple practice that we will learn and experience together. Our time will include a brief teaching with instructions, time in prayer, and an invitation to share your experience in prayer. Facilitated by The Center for Christian Spirituality pastors and staff. The Genesis Project by Bob Johnson, June 12 – July 17, Conference Room The first two chapters of Genesis introduce us to God’s original purpose, will, and intent for creation. Bob Johnson calls this “The Genesis Project” that remains constant throughout all that happens in the Bible and is ultimately fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus as the Christ. Bob will walk you through his concise summary of the entire Bible that reveals God’s desire for us to experience oneness/wholeness with God, others, and creation.

SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 11:00 A.M. Summer of Service, June 5 – July 31 (except July 3), Courtyard Room This speaker series will explore how we as a church are living into three of our core values: Risk Taking, Stewardship, and Missional

Heart. Each week, we’ll hear from a different ministry including our new church planting efforts in EaDo, the Summit Mission team, global missions such as the Kenya and Costa Rica teams, and Spring Branch T-2-4. Come meet new friends and hear how we are working together to serve our church, city, and world. A Lifelong Love by Gary Thomas, June 5 – August 14, LC214215 Infuse your marriage with spiritual and relational passion! Focusing on three key elements to building a strong relationship - a magnificent obsession with God, a desire to pursue a deeper kind of love, and intentionally seeking oneness - author Gary Thomas offers the guidance you need to draw closer to your spouse and the Lord. A Lifelong Love shows readers how to have lasting intimacy, friendship, and purpose in their marriages. Trisha and Ted Mohle will facilitate this class.

DURING THE WEEK Pastor’s Bible Study for Men with John Stephens, Thursdays, 7:00 a.m., Fellowship Hall All men of the church are invited to attend at any time. The Emotionally Healthy Woman, Wednesdays, June 1 - July 27, 6:30 p.m., YB100 According to author Geri Scazzero, becoming an emotionally healthy woman begins by quitting eight unhealthy ways of relating. When you stop pretending everything is fine and summon the courage to quit that which does not belong to Jesus’ kingdom, you will be launched on a powerful journey - one that will bring you true peace and freedom. Geri and her husband Pete Scazzero, founder of New Life Fellowship Church in Queens, New York, have helped thousands of people discover how emotional health and contemplative spirituality, when interwoven together, offer nothing short of a spiritual revolution. Wynter Patterson and Teresa Rossy will facilitate this study. Center for Christian Spirituality Summer Reading Series, Wednesdays, May 25, June 22, July 27, August 31, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., LC201 Stretch yourself and deepen your experience of God’s life within you by reading When the Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction for Life’s Sacred Questions by Sue Monk Kidd. The book chronicles several important passages in Kidd’s spiritual journey; however, it is not strictly autobiographical. The thresholds and passageways that she encounters are quite common on the spiritual journey and helpful for all of us. Jerry Webber will facilitate the gathering nights which will provide a way to process responses to the book in the company of others. Cost is $11 for the book; register online. Men’s Life, Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., various rooms These accountability groups for men meet year round and welcome newcomers. Contact Andy Cunningham, acunningham@chapelwood.org. Facilitated by Tracy Little, Todd Genitempo, Jim Nance, and Russ Ridgway.



Chapelwood’s Signs of Grace Ministry is a dedicated group of seven people who share the responsibilities of interpreting at Chapelwood for the deaf community – and they’re looking for more people to join them. If you attend the 9:45 Contemporary service, you probably already know that each Sunday that service is interpreted so that those who are either deaf or hard of hearing can participate fully in worship. Randall Clements signs the sermons, and there are six others who serve with him, sharing the duties of signing the music, scripture, light prayer, and other parts of the service. In addition to serving on Sunday mornings, Signs of Grace volunteers will occasionally go with pastors who serve communion to people who are not able physically to go to church. Sheryl Fisher has been a part of the ministry almost since its beginnings sixteen years ago. Jim Jackson, Chapelwood’s former senior pastor, brought the idea of a ministry to the deaf with him from Lubbock. Joanna Millinor and Mary Balagia started signing at the Contemporary service when it was being held in the Fellowship Hall. Sheryl joined them that spring. They told Jim, “We don’t have any deaf people,” but Jim said, “If you design it, then they may come.” And they did. Over the years several members of the deaf community made Chapelwood their home church because of the vision and dedication of the people who saw a need and stepped up to make Chapelwood more accessible. “We are always looking for interpreters – and we know that there are several here at the church,” said Sheryl. She’s quick to add, “It’s not an every Sunday commitment.” Randall agrees, and wants to encourage those with some signing ability to find out more. “I do know that a lot of kids who go to college take sign language as their foreign language requirement. We would love for them to come help us when they’re available,” he said. While some degree of proficiency is needed, the scripture, music, and congregational responses are known ahead of time to the signers, which makes the job much easier. Current


members of the ministry are eager to work with new volunteers to ensure everyone is up to speed and comfortable with the needs, expectations, and even the Methodist-specific vocabulary associated with the position. Chapelwood members are encouraged to let friends, neighbors, and co-workers know that signing is available each Sunday morning. There are websites serving the deaf community where Chapelwood is identified as a signing church, but any pastor will tell you that personal invitation is always the best way to bring new people into the fold. And it’s not just people in the deaf community who benefit from signing during worship. “You’d be surprised how many people come up to us after the service and say, ‘We get so much more out of the sermon by watching you,’” said Randall. A number of people have told him that they sit on the south (Greenbay) side of the Sanctuary just so they can see the signing. For Sheryl, signing becomes a form of worship itself. She notes, “It’s much more than just a ministry to the deaf. It’s become a ministry to the hearing.” If you think that God might be calling you to find out more about this ministry, contact Randall Clements, at Clements29jr@gmail.com.


Wednesday, June 15, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Spend a day serving at the Houston Food Bank Keegan Kitchen with fellow Chapelwood volunteers. The van leaves Chapelwood at 8:30 a.m. and returns at 12:30 p.m. For information, contact Judy Jones, jjones@chapelwood.org.



The Kenya Mission Team is collecting supplies to donate to Maua Methodist Hospital this June. Please consider donating the following items to the collection bins around the church: Single bed sheets (white only, fitted and flat), washcloths (white only), disposable diapers for adults, newborn and infant clothes (new or gently used), baby caps/booties, hand sanitizer, thermometers (digital Centigrade with batteries), surgical gloves (sizes 6, 7, 7.5), digital blood pressure machines, glucose meters with a supply of batteries and strips, ink pens for the staff, and Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Please make your donations on or before June 12. If you have any questions, please contact Janine Roberts at jroberts@chapelwood.org.

Purchase your Fair Trade products the second Sunday of every month! Items are on sale outside of the Fellowship Hall from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Purchasing fairly traded products allows farmers to earn a fair price for their crops while delivering quality products to consumers. In addition, Fair Trade prohibits the use of child labor and encourages the adoption of safer, chemical-free farming methods. Contact Vicki Jud at vicki.jud@sbcglobal.net if you would like to volunteer at the Fair Trade table.

CHAPELWOOD’S NEW WEBSITE IS GETTING CLOSER TO LAUNCH! We anticipate that our new website will be up and running in the next couple of months. It is being rebuilt from the ground up, so will have a completely new look and feel. Any change of this size comes with the possibility of a few adjustments, so we appreciate (in advance) your patience as we work through some of the details. Keep an eye on the screens around the church, announcements, and your email for the exact rollout date. When it arrives, we think you’ll be as delighted and impressed as we are, and will agree that Chapelwood’s mission, participation opportunities, and culture will be very well represented to the online community.



In the blazing hot July of 2015, the first Chapelwood Mission Team went to visit our brothers and sisters in the Valley. Working with a team from the mission church, La Mesa, the team went to repair a house nearby and establish a support process for the future. We promised we would be back, and we were true to our word. For five days over Spring Break beginning March 12, we kept our promise. We went back, bringing ideas and lots of helping hands, and most importantly, a desire for relationship. Led by the extremely proficient Joan and and Dave Magdanz, a team of 14 went back to serve our family in Weslaco. This team was unique as the children outnumbered the adults! With Joan and Dave as our fearless leaders, the team included Ted Bland; Heather and John Sims with their boys Noah, Daniel and Michael, and their international student Jordan; Amy Vogel and her two older daughters, Natalie and Sophia; and Larry St. Martin with his three children, Nick, Ellie, and Katherine. Ted led the team heading up construction at La Santissma de Trinidad. In four days, they rebuilt the stage, the altar, and the pulpit. Heather Sims and Amy Vogel led a three-day activity program, which gave seventy-five kids a safe place to come during Spring Break. We went to teach them about Jesus, but to our praise, they already knew He loved them! So, we showed them Jesus was fun too, with activities, games, crafts, songs, and the pinnacle of the week - a wild shaving cream fight! We connected our hearts to this community of faith five hours south of Houston and were greatly blessed in the process. We got to see what an impact the original team made and how we can build upon our connection. With the kids a vital part of the success of the week, it gave them a perspective on what the Body of Christ is meant to be – family. And that is now what we are, regardless of location, physical appearance or any of the typical dividing lines that are normally in place. Our presence there helped us all see what is possible when we work together in the love of Jesus.


The tri-community worship service the night before opened a window to Heaven. It demonstrated the power of who God is and what He wants to do through His people who have more resources for His people who have less. Dave Magdanz said it eloquently at our team debrief when he stated, “They know now people they don’t know care and care enough to help!” In addition to the heart connection and practical supplies, such as the school and medical provisions we brought with us, we were also able to leave a gift of $1,400, which will ensure La Santissma gets new carpet and a new kitchen door. Our hope is to continue to support the community built between First United Methodist Weslaco, La Santissma de Trinidad, and La Mesa with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. We look forward to continuing to lock arms with our family in South Texas in service, to help them reach all those in the Valley who need a vision of hope and light. Plans are already underway for a return trip either later in 2016 or during Spring Break 2017. Kids and adults alike can’t wait to go! Amy Vogel


The name “Sandwich” may seem like a silly nickname to most of us, but not to our delivery driver, Catarina. “Every day, this sweet fouryear-old boy waves at me and says, ‘Hi, Sandwich,’’ Catarina says. “It always brings a smile to my face because when he sees me, he knows he will have enough to eat, which isn’t always the case.” Did you know that Houston – our city – has the second-highest rate of food insecurity in the nation? Every day in Houston, one in four preschool children live unsure of their next meal. How on earth can this be? Who is answering the call of hungry little tummies? Kids’ Meals Houston is. Kids’ Meals Houston is, very simply, hope delivered: they deliver free healthy lunches every weekday, year-round, to the homes of Houston’s hungriest preschool-aged children. Kids’ Meals Houston’s cadre of volunteers – some have been Chapelwood VBS participants – make and deliver hundreds of simple, nourishing lunches to the doors of our city’s impoverished children: an apple, a juice box, a turkey sandwich. Delivery drivers have said they feel like they drive the ice cream truck because children come running when they see the Kids’ Meals van, delivering hope and nourishment. Here are some stats on the percentage of children at risk of experiencing food insecurity: In the US: 21.4% In Texas: 18.3% In Harris County: 26.1% Lunch bag by lunch bag, Kids’ Meals Houston is reaching as many children as they can. Each weekday, Kids’ Meals delivers approximately 2,500 healthy meals. On summer or Christmas breaks when school is out, every child up to age 18 in these homes also receives a healthy meal from Kids’ Meals – up to 3,700 kids per day. This year Kids’ Meals is increasing the number of lunches delivered by 12%, delivering 2,824 per day by year-end and reaching over 706,000 in 2016. The Chapelwood Foundation is hopeful that our contribution will help them fill even more hungry tummies until Houston can say that here, no child goes hungry. Katie Fields




Your gifts to the Chapelwood Foundation can be a special way to honor someone or mark the joy of a special occasion while helping to build an endowment for Chapelwood in perpetuity. For more information, contact Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485 or tcannon@chapelwood.org.

GIFTS IN MEMORY OF Jim Miner Helen Miner Dorothy Nicholson Danny Conklin Yvonne and Tim Conklin Tom Hrubesh Yvonne and Tim Conklin Bill Jensen Judy and Milton Klasing John A. Mills, Jr. Margaret and Leonard Bedell Beth Gentry Melba and Don Marrs Alec Hilman Glenn Hilman Jason Crump Jane-Page and James Crump

Herman Drews Susan and Ben Perdue Doris Beutel-Guthrie Dianne and Leslie McDonald, Jr. Suzie and Larry Johnson Linda and Carl Kuhnen, Jr. Julie and Paul Moreton Patricia and Kurt Goeringer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hilshire Carol and W.K. Brookshire Susan and Tom Martin Bert, Felecia and Austin Dahlgren Catherine Baker Betty Lou Hillman Suzie and Larry Johnson J.P. Schacherl Pam and Jerry Treadwell Thelma Smith Margaret and Leonard Bedell Peggy and Gary Edwards W.H. Bill Baker Dorothy Baker

Russ Sartain Nancy and Bill Sartain

Kent Anderson Shirley and James Savage

John Sartain Nancy and Bill Sartain

Grace Hosey Tuesday Bridge to Friendship Bridge Group Carol Ferguson

Wesley Wallace Hazel Wallace Pete Dalton Erin and Matt Roorda Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Heins Shary and Marshall Heins Matthew Gale Pam and Jerry Treadwell Mark Benjamin Roberts Nancy and John Grubbs Tamara and Carl Tricoli Fellowship Class of CUMC Michele and David Olifant Lauren and David Murphy

Gloria Parse Gayle and Mac Hamilton Shirley Sawyer Charlotte Christman Betty Sue and Art Peabody Donald Keller Norma and Russell Vanbiber Margaret “Peggy” Stone Jane Crump Winston Crump Nell Lynch Debbie and Roger Shelton Barbara Baker Tom Baker

GIFTS IN HONOR OF Mopsy Andrews Candlelighters Class of CUMC

Melissa Maher Carrie and Jeff Hoye

Jim Jackson Karyl and Charles White

Teresa Cannon Lynn Stanley Webster and Ron Webster

Becky Chapman Bertha Jamison Virgie Bryant Juanita Hill Betty Diener Colleen Lingle

Mary Kay Allen Lee Conerly Janis Schulz Lee Conerly Hazel and Carleton Cole Peggy and Gary Edwards

RESTRICTED GIFTS Jane and Jim Wise (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund) Susan and Jim Jackson (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund) Connie and Troy Pike (Scholarship Fund)


2016 FOUNDATION DINNER UNDERWRITERS AND FRIENDS George Anderson-Wood Mopsy and Gary Andrews Dot August Dorothy Baker Tom Baker Dameron and Lance Baird Mary Ann and Jim Balock Dottie and Don Bates Nancy Batt Margaret and Leonard Bedell Irene and Bob Bening Rosanna and Myron Blalock Patricia and Jerry Bridges Jennifer and Kevin Brown Mari and William Burney Pam and Mark Callahan Diane and Mike Cameron Sandy Campion Sandy and Jay Carlton Louise Nicholson Carter Janet and Fred Castrow Laura and Rollie Childers Ray and Raymond Chilton Kathy and Bob Christy Louise Clark Hazel and Carleton Cole Joann and Mike Cone Yvonne and Tim Conklin CRC Family Charitable Foundation Kay and John Crockett Helen and Dennis Crowe Jane-Page and James Crump Deborah and Wayne Culver Carolyn and Platt Davis Donna Dawson Mary DelHomme Carol and Rocky Duckworth Annette and Lee Duggan

Barbara Bering Dundas Eva Lynn and Steve Dunn Eileen Eastham Peggy and Gary Edwards Janis and Jerry Elmore Marty and Roger Ethridge Nan Fulweber Sue and Mike Gaskins Carol Gay Johnanna and Perry Giles Allison Gower and Jeremy Konko Donna and Mark Greek Joan and Bob Greer Wilda and E.J. Grivetti Barbara and Samuel Guy Marsha Klein Haas Nita and Doug Heard Shary and Marshall Heins Tammy and Tim Heinrich Clay Hightower Juanita Hill Glenn Hilman Leslie and Tom Hix Joan and Kevin Hodges Lou and Mark Houser Dana and Henry Houston Sue and Dike Howe Ginger and Evan Howell Carrie and Jeff Hoye Dianne and Stacy Hunt Ginny Itz Jean Jensen Kim and Rich Jochetz Susan and Bob Johnson Suzie and Larry Johnson Barbara and Michael Kearney John Kemper Judy and Milton Klasing Virginia and Hans Kolb

Richard Lambert Bobbie Ann and Bob Larkins Carolyn and David Light Jerry Lummus Edward C. Lynch Melba and Don Marrs Mary Martin Marie and Mat Mathieu Cathy and Jack McCants Marilyn and Chase McEvoy Lisa and David Miller Clayton Mills Helen Miner Pamela W. Moore Anna Murr Kay Newman Chris and John Ogren Pat and Russell Orr Susan and Ed Patterson Wayne Payne Jane and Elwin Peacock Grace and Carroll Phillips Hugh Phillips Cathy and Ron Ramsey Jo Reid Karen and Russ Ridgway Jill and Allyn Risley Mary Jane and Jack Roeder Beverly Rossy Paige and Josh Rowan Nancy and Bill Sartain Farrell and Stuart Saunders Shirley and Jim Savage Susan and Shane Schlemeyer Angie and Jim Schwartz Georganne and Gee Scruggs Jim Shannon Judy and Roy Sharp Carol and Mac Sharpe

Pat and Mac Shuford Marcy and Ken Spalding Sue Spang Sabra and Frank Steed Ann and Bill Steiner Greg Stocks Charlene and John Storms Yvonne and David Streit Edloe and Doyle Stuckey Betty Ann and John Taylor Sally and Bob Thomas Dot and Bill Thompson Brett and Julie Treadwell Pam and Jerry Treadwell Johnye Voiles Lisa and John Walker Hazel Wallace Lynn Stanley Webster and Ron Webster Allison and Curt Wegenhoft Linda and Cliff West Mary Sue and Jim Westmoreland Norma and Joe Wheat Carmon and Kory White Jo and Wally White Karen and Hunter White Karyl and Charles White Donna Wilkins Leah and Bonsall Wilton Sara and Kelly Williams Jane and Jim Wise Carrie and Ron Woliver Jacqueline and John Wright Sandra and Ron Yates CJ and Lynn Yeoman Anne Zappe



"All I can tell you information about 12-step groups 18 years ago was one of the most fortunate things that ever happened to me." Jerry L

Alcoholics Anonymous Day: Tuesdays and Thursdays Time: 8:00 p.m. Place: W202 Men’s Big Book Study Day: Wednesdays Time: 8:00 p.m. Place: W201 Al-Anon Day: Mondays Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: W201 Day: Tuesdays Time: 8:00 p.m. Place: W201 Gamblers Anonymous Day: Saturdays Time: 10:30 – 12:30 noon Place: W104 OA – HOW Day: Sundays Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: W203 OA – CE Day: Saturdays Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: W103 SLAA – Men Day: Mondays Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: W204 Day: Thursdays Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: W201 & 205 SLAA – Mixed Day: Saturdays Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: W103 Day: Sundays Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: W104


Borderline Personality Disorder Family Support Group Day: Mondays Time: 6:30 p.m. Place: W202 COSA Parents Day: Wednesdays Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: W205 TAFS, Parents 12 Step Al-Anon Day: Tuesdays Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: LC212 Depression Bipolar Support & Recovery Day: Tuesdays Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: W103, W104, W204, W205 11th Step Prayer Meeting Day: Tuesdays Time: 6:45 p.m. Place: COF4 Narcotics Anonymous Day: Saturdays Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: East Room Spirituality and Recovery Day: Saturdays Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: W101 & 102 P85 Day: Saturdays Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Fireside Room



Baptisms: Braden Nathanial Bush, son of Diana and Caleb Bush, on April 3, 2016; Liv Frances Ewart, daughter of Lindsay and Patrick Ewart, on April 10, 2016; Kynlee Rose Adams-Hail, daughter of Taren Adams and Justin Hail, on April 10, 2016; Easton Alan Nance, son of Dayna and Will Nance, on April 10, 2016; Elizabeth Ann Nance, daughter of Dayna and Will Nance, on April 10, 2016.



Sharon and Glen Hilford

Judy and William Herrera (Bobby & Claire)

Catherine and Matt Worthy (Sawyer)

Neice and Kenny Lang

Births: A girl, Mays Lillian Morgan, born April 14, 2016, to Dixie Houser Morgan and Michael Morgan; A boy, Samuel Yaggi Slovacek, born April 17, 2016, to Natalie and Samuel Slovacek.

Weddings: Gail Stephens Casson to Mark Richard Jeffrey on April 23, 2016; Carissa Alice Cotner to Richard James Dagleish on April 23, 2016.

Our Prayers and Sympathy Expressed to: Ms. Ellen C. Worthington and family on the death of her mother, Mrs. Gloria Parse, on March 30, 2016; Mr. and Mrs. Chris M. Skeen and family on the death of Becky’s mother, Mrs. Shirley Townsend, on April 4, 2016; Mrs. Lynn Case and family on the death of her husband, Mr. Bobby Case, on April 6, 2016; The family and friends of Mr. Jack P. Kraft, who died April 21, 2016; Mrs. Diane Clark and family on the death of her husband, Mr. Howard L. Clark, on April 22, 2016. Recently Hospitalized: Alba Aguilar Jane Brown Nancy Elsner Gary Gibson Don McGregor

Ken Minter Jerry Parish Hannah Rossy Kay Stevens

Tanya Lyons

Amy Turboff (William)

Membership is your commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the areas of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Tammy Heinrich, theinrich@chapelwood. org, or (713) 354-4446.




John Stephens – Senior Pastor Bob Johnson – Executive Pastor/Worship Communities Pastor Bob Lindsey – Business Administrator/Director of the Wesley Choir ADULT DISCIPLESHIP Andy Cunningham – Pastor, Grow Ministries Tammy Heinrich – Pastor, Connect Ministries Ginny Itz – Ministry Director, Connect Ministries Josef Klam – Directing Pastor, Adult Discipleship Janine Roberts – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Global and National Serving) Teresa Rossy – Ministry Director, Grow Ministries Amy Taylor – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Local Serving) FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP Karen Lopes – Ministry Director, Special Needs Ministry Amy Hinnant – Interim Administrator, Chapelwood School for Young Children Sarah Pattillo – Ministry Director, Student Ministry Cason Sicking – Ministry Director, Recreation Ministry Heather Sims – Directing Pastor, Family Discipleship Betsy Sutherland – Pastor, Children's Ministry PASTORAL CARE & REACHING Scott Endress – Pastor, Pastoral Care Bill Stell – Assistant Pastor, Pastoral Care Wick Stuckey – Coordinating Pastor, Pastoral Care WORSHIP COMMUNITIES AND MUSIC Richard Gandy – Ministry Director, Worship and Arts, Mercy Street Melissa Maher – Community Pastor, Mercy Street Luis Palomo – Community Pastor, The Branch Craig Gilbert – Director of Worship and Music Ministries Christian Washington – Community Pastor, Upper Room Wayne Watson – Ministry Director, 9:45 Contemporary Worship Jerry Webber – Community Pastor, The Center for Christian Spirituality OTHER MINISTRIES Teresa Cannon – Ministry Director, Chapelwood Foundation Toby Dagenhart – Managing Director, Technology for Ministry Karen Firenza – Ministry Director, Marketing and Communications Ivan Rhone – Ministry Director, Kitchen Ministry 11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024 Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808 www.chapelwood.org









MAY 29







Memorial Day Church offices closed



Yvonne Streit Book Signing, 9:30 -Noon, Book Store

VBS, June 6-10 Middle School Bible Study, June 6-9, 12-1:30 pm, Game Room



Adult Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm









Church Under The Bridge (see page 5)


Houston Food Bank (See page 11) Adult Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm

SUMMIT, June 19-24



Weekly High School Bible Study Starts, 6:30 - 8:00 pm Adult Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm

Second Sunday Chicken UR Family Reunion & Picnic, (See page 7) Last day to donate supplies for Kenya (See page 11)



Youth Mystery Trip (See page 18)



Care Giver Equiping Conference, 8:30 am - 2 pm, Upper Rom







Adult Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm



29 Adult Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm The Release, 7 pm, Upper Room




Vol.VI, No. 6 The Chimes (USPS 023285) is published monthly by Chapelwood United Methodist Church, 11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024. Periodicals Postage paid at Houston TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chapelwood Chimes, 11140 Greenbay,

Postmaster, please deliver by MONDAY/TUESDAY MAY 30-31, 2016

Houston,TX 77024-6729.


SB K Shuttle Bus Changes for the Summer

Effective May 29, the Spring Branch and Kinkaid shuttle buses will stop running for the summer months and will return August 21. Thanks to all of you for riding the buses and opening parking spaces for visitors. For more information, contact Ginny Itz, gitz@chapelwood.org or (713) 354-4446.

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