11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024 Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808
Chapelwood’s Mission is to embody God’s grace as we receive it to those who need it. The Chapelwood family is a service-focused body of believers who welcome all to experience God’s grace and goodness through Christian community. While we are determined to “take church” to those who do not belong to a local church family, we also delight in serving those individuals and families within our church. We provide ongoing faith-building activities and meaningful fellowship opportunities for men, women, youth, and children.
SEPTEMBER 5, 12, 19, 26 MERCY STREET 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall *
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 13, 20, 27 SANCTUARY SERVICES 8:25 *, 9:45 *, 11:10 a.m. * CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICE Meditation, Communion, and Healing Prayer 8:45 a.m., Chapel THE BRANCH Family Service in Spanish 10:30 a.m., 3911 Campbell Road UPPER ROOM 11:15 a.m., Upper Room * * Services are broadcast live on the web.
A Word from John
Unfolding sermon series
Church Under The Bridge
The Release
Photo from Chapelwood Day At The Ballpark
IN GRACE IN GROUPS Birkman Discovery Workshop Grow Opportunities
06 07
9 - 11
The Center for Christian Spirituality Grow Opportunities Unity & Diversity reflection Women's Retreat
08 12
UMW Cirlces
Chapelwood Foundation
Where in the world?
Staff list
Share Opportunities
Joys and Concerns
Sowing seeds
New Member
Academy of Choice
Our First Year Together
The first Sunday in August was my one-year anniversary at Chapelwood. One of the great blessings we all experienced together was the wonderful way God has worked through the pastoral transition. I can honestly tell you that every morning I wake up, I give thanks to God for how well things are going. We are steady with our attendance. The reality is that Chapelwood has been steady for a few years. It was encouraging that we didn’t see a drop-off in attendance. The truth is we want to see more growth at Chapelwood! The statistics show that more and more people are becoming less and less affiliated with churches in general. I believe Chapelwood is one of those churches that can reach people in our community who feel disenfranchised by organized church. But to reach people effectively, we must be creative and open to new worship options. If we look at our current statistics, we find our three Sanctuary services responsible for sixty percent of our worship attendance. Forty percent of our worship attendance comes from the Upper Room, the Branch, Contemplative, and Mercy Street services. The fastest growing worship services are in the latter group, not the Sanctuary services. We are seeing good growth at 9:45, but 8:25 and 11:10 have shown slight declines. As always, it is important to invite people to church. The number one, two, and three ways churches grow are people attending because of a personal invitation from a friend. Finally, our online worship numbers have grown over forty percent in just the last couple of years. We must find a way to better develop our online worshipers into a REAL worship community and invite them into discipleship with us. People often ask about the finances. There is good news in that area. Jim Jackson did an amazing job last year ensuring the budget was pledged and Chapelwood members would be supportive of the transition. We finished 2014 strong, and fully funded our 2015 budget during a transition year. That says a lot about all of you and your dedicated support of Chapelwood! We are doing well in 2015 and are on track to have another solid year. I want to thank all of you who give to Chapelwood. We are able to do some amazing things in this community through your financial commitments. I encourage each and every one of you to continue your support. Every person counts…every gift counts.
A few more thoughts in no particular order, just some things I want to share… • We have seen some staff changes and restructuring this summer. You will notice some new staff members, new pastors, and new ministries. I can assure you that all of these changes have been positive for the people involved and for our church! • In my first year, I chose not to teach. Beginning in September, I will teach the Thursday morning men’s study and a four-week Wednesday evening study (open to all), both on the book of Genesis. I LOVE to teach and am looking forward to adding that to my list of ways to be involved in ministry. • I am also getting to know a lot of you better, and that thrills me. That means you will see me more involved in pastoral care. The reality is that when a new pastor arrives at a church he doesn’t have relationships that are built over time. I am looking forward to getting to know more and more of you. If I can ever be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I can’t promise to meet every need personally, but the good news is we have the best pastoral care staff of any church I’ve ever been in. All our pastors engage in pastoral care, and they love all of you dearly! There is no magic in having the senior pastor present; the magic is having the right person there by your side when you are in need. I am so grateful for you. You are the ones who get all the credit in this transition. Your love and acceptance of me has been more than I could have ever imagined. I love you all. I am also deeply grateful to Jim Jackson. A retiring pastor called me recently to discuss the successful Chapelwood transition. He asked what the secret was to such a successful change. I told him only one thing; on the way out, and after you are out, do it the way Jim did it. I can think of no better model.
Dr. John Stephens
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Unfolding is the process of opening ourselves to God. Each week, our worship communities will present various topics related to unfolding in unique ways. If you wish to be part of a small group to continue the conversation on these topics, go to
Mercy Street Mobile Brings Hope to Many Friday, September 11 Join other volunteers to bring church and a meal to the homeless of Houston. Meet at 6:15 p.m. in the Youth Building lobby to ride the van or to carpool. If driving directly to the event, please arrive at 2715 St. Charles by 7:00 p.m. Dress is very casual -- jeans and T-shirts are fine. We need greeters, servers, cooks, and people to help set up and clean up. For more information, contact Phil Miller, (713) 402-8392, or Dennis Crowe, (281) 389-4330.
Join us for 75 minutes of corporate prayer and praise where we come together to LET GO of our burdens, weights, sins, stresses, and worries in an environment of anticipation, gratitude, and excitement. If you are in need of a spiritual, emotional, relational, or physical breakthrough then you don't want to miss The Release! Childcare will be available so bring the entire family. Please make reservations at For more information, contact Genesis Mitchell,
Birkman Discovery Workshop -- The Experience of One Couple April and Paul Arceneaux are in their second year of marriage. He is an executive recruiter, and she is the assistant to the managing partner of an accounting firm. They met through and became engaged just six weeks later. They recently took the Birkman Discovery Workshop for Couples class and are sharing their experience in the hopes that other couples might learn about each other in a way that will benefit their marriages.
April and Paul were initially attracted to each other because of their similarities – they are both Christian; have grown children; are athletic, active people; and, as Paul puts it; had unfortunately failed at marriage before. They both agreed that God was at the center of their relationship and they would build it on biblical principles. However, like all married couples, they soon found out that there were some distinct differences in how they approached life, how they made decisions, how they approached the daily, routine tasks of running a household, even how they spoke. “April gives out a lot of grace. She is very accepting of people – she sees people’s best,” said Paul. “Sometimes I can be a little critical and blunt.” “The longer we’re together, the ways we’re different become more apparent,” said April. “To me, it was a bit of a puzzle trying to figure him out.” When they heard of the Birkman class, they enthusiastically signed up. Paul thought learning why your spouse reacts to life in a particular way sounded like a great way to gain empathy for each other, while April anticipated finding out more about this man she loves – including how he, or anyone, could possibly propose marriage after knowing someone for only six weeks. The Birkman program reveals a lot about a person’s interests, underlying needs, stress behavior, approaches to managing tasks and making decisions, and more. The results are based on an intensive questionnaire taken prior to the class and are revealed a section or two at a time over the span of the class – about six weeks. Each week the participating couples are asked to take their results from the week home and discuss them. “Any score above an 80 you need to have in your life. I’m above 80 in musical and persuasion, which explains why I tend to walk around the house with music on. Any task that’s repetitive I have to do to music or I just go crazy,” said Paul. It’s different for April. “Sometimes I kind of prefer quiet. I think knowing these things about each other helps alleviate the tension, just because I know that music is one of his loves.” Both Paul and April scored very high in social service, and that’s become their mission together.
“Helping people, connecting with people through small groups in our home – we both really love that,” said April. There are no right or wrong answers on the Birkman questionnaire. Each is about preferences, and what’s “right” for the person answering those questions. If you’ve talked to someone who’s “taken the Birkman,” you may have heard of classifications based on color: yellow, green, red, or blue. There’s much more, though, as they found out. Their results gave April a real sense of security, especially about the speed with which Paul proposed. “I was thinking, is he crazy? Is he just lonely? Is he wanting to be married and just asked the first woman who came along?” When they received their results, she saw Paul scored very high in being able to make good decisions quickly, whereas she likes to think things through a little more, and that explained the difference. While the course is geared towards couples’ relationships, it affected Paul’s life in another way. He scored 98 on persuasion, and based on that changed careers from institutional sales to executive recruiting so as to take better advantage of those abilities. Earlier in his career, Paul was a track coach at Vanderbilt, and helping people see themselves positively in ways that lead to success was a part of the job that he really enjoyed. Seeing his Birkman results confirmed and explained that, and now his career aligns his skills even more closely with his job responsibilities. But, the real benefit of the class is that it gives couples the information they need to understand themselves and their partners better. Seeing your own traits on paper helps you understand why you act and react in certain ways. One thing Paul and April learned is how people in a relationship can speak to each other in ways that allow the other person to best receive the message. According to Paul, April “helps me to see how my delivery affects her. I can be straightforward, and my tendency is to assign intent to things people say. I can make that leap in a second. But she has helped me with that.” Although it’s been several months since they took the course, now April and Paul think that it might be time to sit down together and look through their results again. Paul sums it up nicely. “We see our marriage as a reflection of God’s love for us His grace. Trying to live that same way with one another dissipates our problems at times.”
Sundays, October 18 - November 22, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m., W101 Tuition is $358 per couple, which includes the full Birkman online assessment and all course materials. Seating is limited to 15 couples. Childcare is available for children from three months to kindergarten. Please register at www.chapelwood. org/birkmanforcouples. For more information, contact Bob Bolling,
Wednesdays, September 9, 16, 23, and 30, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., Chapel The first three chapters of the Bible give us more information about God, creation, and ourselves than we may have ever imagined. The content of Genesis is vitally important, but the way the book is written tells us just as much about the Hebrews’ understanding of God, humanity, and the relationship between God and humanity. There are many questions people ask when they read Genesis, and we will take a look at a lot of them. How does Genesis fit with modern science? Why are there two creation stories? What is God’s message to us in the creation story? How should it impact our daily lives? What does it mean to be created in the “image of God”? What is sin? And there are many others. Genesis 1, 2, and 3 are the foundations of our faith. Join us on Wednesdays in September to learn about them. There is no cost, but we do ask that you preregister. Go to
Sundays, beginning September 13 9:45 - 11:00 a.m., W201 or 4:30 - 5:45 p.m., LC212 Disciple Fast Track offers a new twist on the classic Disciple Bible Study, an overview of entire Bible. Experienced facilitators Betsy Humphrey and Rachel Green will guide participants through 12 weeks in the Old Testament and 12 weeks in the New Testament. You’ll read an average of three to five chapters of the Bible each day, watch short overview videos and explore your spiritual gifts. Celebrations from time to time will add to the fellowship and fun of Disciple. To register, go to and search by keyword: disciple.
September 14 and alternate Mondays after that, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., W203 Have you suffered the death of a loved one and found that your friends and family are unable to truly understand what you are going through or what you are feeling? Pam and John Adams experienced the death of a daughter five years ago, have wrestled with the road to healing, and want to assist others who are having similar struggles. The grief support group will be offered in the Mercy Street tradition of "Come as you are." Hurt, bewilderment, anger, and doubt are recognized to be common in the grief experience and will be accepted with nonjudgmental support. This will be an ongoing support group where people can come when they discover their need and can continue as long as they feel it necessary. For more information, contact Jessica Avellaneda,
Mondays, September 14 – November 23, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., W203 This 11-week pilot study is for those who struggle with daily challenges and want to examine what The Word may have to offer as solutions. Through this study, our hope is that participants will pray and then turn to God's Word for guidance when faced with life's challenges. We will be looking at ten common obstacles to peace and contentment. We will then search the Bible for uplifting Scriptures and teachings that may help to determine solutions so you can continuously "Walk in His Light." Facilitators for this study are Cindy Pujol and Carol Whitley. Cost is $20 for class materials. For more information and to register, see keyword: walk in the light.
Mondays beginning September 21, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., LC211-212 Join Pastor Bob Johnson for a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Hebrews, a New Testament book that makes heavy use of the Old Testament. In this study we’ll not only learn what the writer was saying to the Christians of his day, but we’ll dig into those Old Testament passages to better understand what Hebrews might be saying to us today. The course book is Hebrews for Everyone by N.T. Wright. It will be available for purchase in class. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Henson,
Wednesdays, October 7 – December 16, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., East Room 1 Get in on the ground floor of this new discipleship group for women that will meet in the evening, complete with childcare and optional dinner before the study. Designed for working women and their busy schedules, this study will renew those who participate through a mid-week time of spiritual refreshment. For questions and to register, see, keyword: bible study.
Wednesdays beginning October 14, 6:30 p.m. W101-102 Bob and Al are Bible scholars who enjoy leading groups into deeper theological waters. If you are hungry to combine Bible study with history, science, and cultural learning, this is the group for you. New topics begin about every six weeks. Come for one or all short courses offered. For questions or to register, see, keyword: Hoppe.
THE CENTER FOR CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY FALL CLASS - TRADITIONS OF UNFOLDING: SCRIPTURE AND POETRY FOR UNCOVERING THE SELF IN GOD Wednesdays, August 26 – September 30 6:30 p.m., LC201 I want to unfold. I don’t want to stay folded anywhere, because where I am folded, there I am a lie. These lines are in Rainer Maria Rilke’s book of prayers, translated by some as “love poems to God.” Rilke’s words have a deep resonance within me, and when I use them in a class or workshop setting, there is agreement that the lines strike a chord within those who hear them. This seems to be a universal desire, native to the human soul, that humans desire to unfold, expand, and stretch into the vast openness for which we were created. The reality, though, is that a great many of us live small and cramped lives, serving daily obligations as constraints to our Godcreated self. I believe our universal experience of cramped living is what draws us to the kind of unfolding and becoming Rilke names poetically. For six weeks this fall, The Center for Christian Spirituality will offer a class in order to explore this experience of unfolding. I will lead the class and will explore scripture stories, poetry, and the process of faith development as they illumine a spirituality of unfolding. The class will parallel worship opportunities offered over the six weeks in the various Chapelwood worship communities. Each worship community (Contemplative Worship, Sanctuary, Mercy Street, Upper Room, and The Branch) will explore “The Unfolding” in their own unique style. This class will not be a forum for discussion around those numerous worship opportunities; rather, it will explore pertinent themes that illumine the spirituality of unfolding. This class will be offered for six weeks, beginning August 26 and ending September 30. Each meeting will be in room LC201, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The classes will also be available via live streaming on the web and archived for later viewing. To allow for adequate seating and handouts, please register for the class by contacting Lori Anderson at or (713) 365-2813. - Jerry Webber
Sundays, August 23 – September 27, 9:45 a.m., LC201 To deeply listen to God, ourselves and others takes practice and commitment. We all are shaped by experiences and presuppositions that filter what we hear. Like a piece of paper that has been folded our lives become creased, and therefore certain ways of listening and responding feel familiar and safe to us. To unfold is to be vulnerable and open to new ways. To coincide with The Unfolding series that is happening in
FALL RETREATS SPONSORED BY THE CENTER FOR CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY In the ordinary rush and scuttle of life, it is all too easy to neglect the things that ground us and give meaning, in favor of the quick, the hurried, and the expedient. It is helpful to find moments, hours, and days in which we have some space for silence and reflection, for prayer and deeper listening to the voice of God and to our own soul. The Center for Christian Spirituality at Chapelwood offers day retreats that invite participants to quiet reflection and prayer in settings that encourage attending to the “still, small voice of God.” Day Retreat, Monday, October 5, The Cenacle This retreat will focus on the spirituality of Meister Eckhart, a 13th century Dominican preacher and mystic. Eckhart’s spirituality was revolutionary in his day and continues to have relevance for those who seek a deeper, more grounded life in God. The retreat will be held at The Cenacle Retreat House, located at 420 N. Kirkwood from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., and will be facilitated by Jerry Webber. A Day of Centering Retreat, Monday, November 2 These retreats are intended to give space for reflection and deeper listening. The retreats are offered at the Ruah Center, on the grounds of the Villa de Matel (off the Gulf Freeway at Wayside and Lawndale). The days are mostly spent in silence – including the noon meal – enabling those on retreat to rest and listen for the still, small voice of God. The retreat day is 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Advent Retreat, Monday, December 7, The Cenacle Lori Anderson and Peter Johns will facilitate this retreat around Advent themes as we begin to step into the Christmas season with intentionality. The retreat will be offered from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. You may register online for these retreats at Questions may be directed to Lori Anderson,, or (713) 365-2813. The registration deadlines are noon on the Monday prior to the retreat.
all Chapelwood worship communities, the Center for Christian Spirituality is offering a six week Sunday School class. This class will be a place for people to share in a safe group setting where they notice the themes of the series intersecting with their own lives. No registration is required, and it is not necessary to attend all six weeks. The only prerequisite is to attend the Contemplative Worship Service at 8:45 a.m. in the Chapel the same morning, as the themes from that service will become the basis for our sharing. For more information contact Peter Johns, (713) 354-4449, or pjohns@
Wednesday, September 2, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., Fireside Room Join the men of Chapelwood at a barbecue dinner to kick off the new year of study and fellowship. A meal from Goode Company will be provided. Cost is $10 per plate. To register, go to
Sundays beginning September 6, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., LC204 There aren’t many people who truly understand the unique challenges single parents face. You deeply want to do what’s best for your kids, but sometimes it’s all you can do just to survive from one day to the next. If this sounds at all familiar to you, Single and Parenting is a weekly group that will bring hope to your life. Here’s what one single mom had to say: I loved being a part of the Single and Parenting class. I was strengthened and encouraged by the videos, the discussions and from the others in the group who were walking this path out alongside me. It was so beneficial to have scriptures and topics that were just what I needed that week. The topics that were take-aways for me were parenting to the heart of your child vs. the behavior you are trying to correct. We addressed our emotions. Consider the source of your anger – the source is the things we want but aren't getting, like respect, honor, wellbehaved children, help from family/friends, needed finances, etc. If you allow God to do a deep work in you He is faithful to complete it. I know I grew a lot in this course and you will be blessed by it too. This is a thirteen-week video course designed to provide information from experts and stories from other single parents who tell how they handled some of the challenges placed in their paths. Discussion time is built in, which allows participants to share experiences and, in doing so, help and inspire others in the group. Deborah Jones is the course facilitator. She raised two daughters as a single parent while working at Exxon/Mobil and is now blessed by the women they have become. Deborah enjoys helping others succeed and hopes to be able to share her own successes and mistakes in a way that will inspire others who are facing the same challenges she faced. You can have hope that your children will thrive and that you will flourish, despite the challenges of your current circumstances. We’d love for you to join us. For more information and to register, contact Linda Withers,
October 23-25, Camp Allen in Navasota, Texas Jim Herrington, ordained pastor, author, founder of Mission Houston, and co-founder of Faithwalking will be the speaker for the weekend. Peter Johns will lead worship. Go to, keyword: weekend.
Sunday, September 13, 9:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Adults gather on Sunday mornings for Christian friendship and engaging spiritual growth. On Sunday, September 13, all classes will host Open Houses with breakfast snacks and an introduction to their class. A full listing of class descriptions and rooms is available below. Choose one or two to visit. Classes meet at 9:45 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. We look forward to welcoming you.
Are you and your spouse punting rather than scoring touchdowns in your most important relationship? Are you benched on the sidelines just “staying together” or on the field actively huddling and scoring as a team? What if Marriage is About More Than Just Staying Together? If it is, it is time to GET IN THE GAME! Our fall Wednesday night book study for married couples kicks off with a tailgate themed dinner as best-selling author Gary Thomas presents A Lifelong Love, God's eternal game plan for your marriage. Couples may choose to attend the dinner only, the study only, or sign up for both the dinner and the study. A Lifelong Love Dinner with Speaker Gary Thomas Sunday, September 13 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall A Lifelong Love Book Study Wednesdays, September 16 – November 4 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., W203 Preregistration is required. For more information and to register, see
Wednesdays, September 23, October 14, November 11, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m., YB200-201 Join other parents to learn from experts about what your child may be experiencing and meet other parents. The first in this series, September 23, will focus on Brain Health with speaker Ronald J. Swatzyna. Contact Linda Withers,, for more information and to register.
Each lunch is $5 in the Fellowship Hall. Gathering for lunch begins at 11:00 a.m.; the featured program follows at 12:00 p.m. For more information, contact Cherri Washington,
Thursday, September 24 The Music of World War II Featuring Rob Landes, pianist We are delighted to welcome Rob Landes back to host the Volunteer Interfaith CaregiversSouthwest (VIC-SW) Benefit for another year. Rob will perform an array of favorites from the World War II era, plus he will take requests from the audience. There is no charge to attend the concert. All donations benefit the frail and elderly in the service area of VIC-SW, Houston. Thursday, October 1 Living Each Day Deeply and Well Featuring Emilie Griffin, author Emilie Griffin is the author of a number of books, including Green Leaves for Later Years: The Spiritual Path of Wisdom, and Christianity Today’s 2011 Book Award Winner Souls in Full Sail: A Christian Spirituality for the Later Years. Emilie is on the board and speaking team of Renovaré. She and her husband William are founding members of the Chrysostom Society, and live in Alexandria, Louisiana. We are thrilled to welcome Emilie to Chapelwood! Thursday, December 3 A Special Christmas Lunch and Carols Featuring Steve Roddy and Ensemble from Chapelwood’s Chancel Choir Honoring Winter Birthdays Enjoy the festive fellowship of a delightful lunch, the bright and joyous sounds of Christmas, and a traditional carol sing around the table. Thursday, January 21, 2016: Worried About Your Memory? It May NOT be Dementia! Featuring Sally Davis, RN, MSN, Health Services Director, Amazing Place Honoring the Gathering Place Ministry and Interfaith CarePartners Memory lapses are not always caused by dementia. Many adults north of 50 worry about becoming forgetful; it is natural to feel uneasy when you forget something. However, many memory lapses are simply the result of normal aging changes, not a serious illness. How can you tell the difference?
Sunday, October 4, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m., Fellowship Hall Join the Singles for Sunday Brunch and hear Gregg Taylor and Jerry Webber share a bit about how the experience of God as “closer than you think” transforms our work, our relationships, our leisure, and our worship. Through the many seasons of our lives, there are times when we may feel intimately close to God. There are other times when God seems to be a distant mirage. All sorts of experiences exist between those two extremes. Using humor and sharing honestly from their own life experiences, Gregg and Jerry want to help us experience God as “closer than you think.” Registration is not required. For more information, contact Sandra Ladner,
Tuesday, October 6, 11:00 a.m. – coffee and fellowship time, 11:30 a.m. – lunch and speaker, Dr. John Stephens Women from across the Chapelwood community and their friends are invited to the Women’s Fall Luncheon hosted by the United Methodist Women. During our time together, we will share fellowship and coffee at 11:00 a.m. followed by lunch and a talk from our guest speaker, Dr. John Stephens. Dr. Stephens’ topic, “Grateful Past – Hopeful Future,” will address the history and vision of Chapelwood. After a season of discernment, Dr. Stephens now addresses the deeper question of purpose. What is God calling us to do? What part do we play in God’s plan for Chapelwood? Attendees are encouraged to reflect and discern their individual and group role in the future of Chapelwood. The lunch ($10) will be prepared by our own Kitchen Ministry. Reserve your place online by September 25 at www.chapelwood. org/womensluncheon. Late registration is available, but a meal option may not be available after September 25. For more information about the luncheon, contact Sarah Lambert at or (832) 646-9794. Childcare is available for children three months old through Pre-K. Email by Tuesday, September 25, to reserve a place for your child.
What are Chapelwood’s Mission and 10 Core Values? How do they flow out of the ideals of John Wesley and the early Methodist Movement? How do worship, small groups, and service expand our experience of God’s grace and help us to live our faith in community? These are the questions that we’ll address at The Chapelwood Class. The three-week class will be offered on Sundays, October 4, 11, and 18, from 9:45 to 11:00 a.m., or from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Whether you’re a long-time, new or “almost” member, The Chapelwood Class will help you on your journey. To make reservations or for more information, contact Kristin Lewis,, or (713) 354-4436. Childcare is available. Refreshments will be offered.
Introduction Workshop Thursday, September 17, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m., Fireside Room “I want a divorce." Those are easily four of the most devastating words a person can hear or say. Divorce is painful and can rock the very foundation of all we know about ourselves, our future, and even our faith. In this workshop we will find similarities in our stories to bring connection and compassion in place of the isolation, shame, and grief that so often accompany divorce. We will explore ways to move forward, and find meaning in the post-divorce journey. Join others on the path to “thriving again” as Deanne Yartz and Wendy Campbell, MSW, LCSW, lead a discussion around positive steps toward healing and wholeness after divorce. For more information and to register, go to www.chapelwood. org/divorcesupport. The cost is $25, which includes dinner. Please register by Monday, September 14. Support Group Series Sundays, September 27 – November 8, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., Fireside Room This support series can be helpful for anyone divorcing, newly divorced, or divorced for many years. Wendy and Deanne will offer more in-depth knowledge and practices for increasing self-knowledge, rebuilding self-confidence, better understanding relationships, and restoring faith. Each week there will be time to share stories of strength and struggle, brokenness and healing along the path to recovery after divorce. For more information and to register, go to www.chapelwood. org/divorcesupport. The cost is $70, which includes lunch each week. Please register by Thursday, September 24. If you have registration questions or would like to request a partial scholarship, please contact Kristin Lewis, klewis@ or (713) 354-4438. For information about the workshop or support group, please contact or
A seminar for those interested in answering two questions: “Who is God calling me to be?” “What is God calling me to do?” Thursday, October 22, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Friday, October 23, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., W203 The Only One Standing In Your Way Is You! will challenge you to stretch your mind and examine some of the “truths” you are clinging to that may be keeping you from being the person God created you to be. Discovering and discarding these false “truths” will be the central focus of the seminar. Fred Lowe and Sue Howe will lead the seminar. Fred retired from ExxonMobil after more than 35 years to establish BMS Connections, LLC, a company dedicated to enhancing both individual and organizational performance through improved quality of thinking and human interactions. Sue is also retired from ExxonMobil where she was instrumental in developing and delivering leadership training programs for employees at all organizational levels. Seminar cost is $30 and includes materials and lunch both days. Register online at, keyword: seminar, by Thursday, October 15. There will be no refunds for cancellations after Thursday, October 15. For more information, contact Kristin Lewis at (713) 354-4438 or
Want to get your soul out of the summer slump? Join us on Tuesday, October 6, at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor for a book discussion that will challenge, inspire, and educate you. Our first book for discussion, Behind the Kitchen Door, by Saru Jayaraman, tells the stories of unseen people and management that contribute to our dining experience. The quality of our food depends not only on the sourcing of the ingredients but the attention and skill of the people who chop, grill, sauté, and serve. Blending personal narrative and investigative journalism, Saru Jayaraman explores the political, economic, and moral implications of dining out whether you eat haute cuisine or fast food. You are affected by and affecting the roles of 10 million people, many of them immigrants, many of them people of color who bring their passion, tenacity, and vision to our dining experiences. The book is available for purchase in the Chapelwood Bookstore. Contact Kris Jodon,, for more information or if you have questions. Upcoming discussions: No Longer Silent, Tuesday, December 1, 10:00 a.m. Good God, Lousy World, and Me, Tuesday, February 2, 2016, 5:30 p.m. Please Look After Mom, Tuesday, May 3, 2016, 10:00 a.m.
UNITY AND DIVERSITY SERIES REFLECTION – GROWING IN GRACE Summertime: a time when most of us go on vacation, spend time catching up with family and friends, or enjoy some other summertime activity. This summer for me has been different. It’s been one of personal reflection with regards to unity and diversity, two of the ten core values here at Chapelwood United Methodist Church (CUMC). My wife Cherri and I joined the Upper Room Community at CUMC two and one-half years ago. The Upper Room Community, led by Pastor Christian Washington, continues to serve as a conduit which has facilitated our experience with other opportunities here at Chapelwood, one of which was a “Cross Community” pilot group: a focus group made up of two representatives from each worship community here at Chapelwood which met once a week for eight weeks of sharing and learning. As I reflect on the Unity and Diversity series, my thoughts center on recognition, value, trust, and patience, all in the context of growing in grace within and among the various components and communities here at Chapelwood. I first believe that we have to recognize opportunities for growth. This is not always apparent, because, let’s face it, we get comfortable, and sometimes don’t realize the need for continued growth. I also believe we have to value growth, because with growth comes change, and if there’s no value in growth, why grow? I also believe we have to trust the growth process, even though we may not be familiar with or understand the way growth happens. And finally, we have to allow some time for growth to take place. Growth is wonderful; it means we’re still alive! We’re supposed to grow! Anyway, I know for sure I would not have experienced this type of growth had I not ventured away from my past familiarity in the context of church membership. I want to recommend the book Mindset, by Carolyn Dweck. It compares a “fixed mindset” to a “growth mindset” and explains how we can develop more of a “growth mindset.” I would like to take the time out to thank Teresa Rossy and the Grow Team here at Chapelwood for this summer series.
Stephen W. Washington, Ed.D
hands E N L A S M A N O S DE D IO S
Chapelwood Women’s Retreat February 5–7, 2016 Camp Allen Retreat Center ~ featuring
Rachel Norris, Joy Pottery & Mary Margaret Mann ~ For more info or to register online starting Sunday, October 18
Your gifts to the Chapelwood Foundation can be a special way to honor someone or mark the joy of a special occasion while helping to build an endowment for Chapelwood in perpetuity. For more information, contact Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485 or
Lea Pipitone Karen and Doug Peck Kay and Richard Dyck Jane and David Wise Amy and John Bone
Laura Andrews Wortham Ann Trammell
Allen Quine Candlelighters Class
Amy and Gregg Taylor Nancy and Pete Sterling
Barbara Baker Tom Baker
Kristin Lewis Nancy and Pete Sterling
James “Froggy” Williams Sabra and Frank Steed Marcia and Al Hoppe
Dr. Pete Dalton Erin and Matt Roorda
Marriage of Tom Brandino and Kathy Haueisen Barbara and H.S. Skjonsby
Harold Block Ann and A.T. Weir
Ed Jensen Candlelighters Class
Pam Moore Nancy and Pete Sterling
Dr. Joe Davis Pamela and Bob Moore
FLAME ALIVE RENEWALS As of July 30, 2015
Susan and Walt Agnew Dorothy Baker Julie and Bill Bailey Tom Baker Nancy Batt Dorothy Blodgett Sara Bonario Sandy and Rick Boyd Pat and Jerry Bridges Jennifer and Kevin Brown Margaret and John Burns Karen Busby Christine and Jim Byerly Pam and Mark Callahan Mary Jo Conklin Yvonne and Tim Conklin Helen and Dennis Crowe Jane-Page and James Crump Carolyn and Platt Davis Mary Catherine and Joe Davis Mary DelHomme Shirley Didier Glenda Dole
Annette and Lee Duggan Patricia Dumas Eva Lynn and Steve Dunn Marty and Roger Ethridge Elizabeth Fritts Nan Fulweber Carol Gay Peggy and Fred Gibson Whitney and Chris Gowan Laurie Graef Dean Grafton Donna and Mark Greek Joan and Bob Greer Bill Grimes Wilda and E.J. Grivetti Leslie and Tom Hix Kristi and Keith Herndon Juanita Hill Alison Hogan Carter Howard Sue and Dike Howe Kelly and Jay Jones Margaret Wier Kelsey
Virginia Wier Kelsey Kenneth D. Kuykendall Richard Lambert Bobbie Ann and Bob Larkins Carolyn and David Light David Luther Ed Lynch Linda and Dick McCasland Marilyn and Chase McEvoy Michael Moore Pamela and Bob Moore Connie Myers Geraldine R. Neva Ruth and Mike Nordemeyer Cleta Ortloff Susan and Ed Patterson R. Wayne Payne Joella Perkins Grace and Carroll Phillips Hugh Phillips Julie Hodges Phillips Gary Pugh Jill and Allyn Risley
Judy and Henry Sauer Angie and Jim Schwartz Jim Shannon Judy and Roy Sharp Jo Ann and Arlen Sliger Janice and Larry Smaihall Ken Spalding Sue Spang Sherry and Ross Spencer Ann and Bill Steiner Yvonne and Dave Streit Jim Sullivan Courtney and Doug Swanson Mary Sweet Sally and Bob Thomas Pam and Jerry Treadwell Charlotte and Larry Whaley Karyl and Charles White Leah and Bonsall Wilton Donna Wilkins CJ and Lynn Yeoman
UNITED METHODIST WOMEN INVITE WOMEN FROM ALL COMMUNITIES Women from all of Chapelwood’s worship communities are invited to attend and join in United Methodist Women (UMW) activities. That becomes even easier on Tuesday, September 15. Each of the UMW’s small groups, or circles, is hosting an open house for women in search of a community of like-minded women. Please join us! The circles meet at different times and locations, and are a great way to get connected for fellowship, Bible study, service, mission support, and exceptional speakers. There is even a circle for new moms. We will meet you with love and friendship wherever you are in your faith journey. To find a UMW circle that will fulfill your needs, please contact Carrie Hoye at, or (713) 856-7774. Following is a description of the September circle meetings. Please join in grace with us. Martha Circle will meet at 11:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room to hear Andy Benton from Cornerstone Family Ministries. Lunch reservations can be made by e-mailing Katie Fields, Moms on the Grow Circle will meet from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Linda Withers will speak. Nursery care can be provided if needed by e-mailing nursery@ by September 8. Contact: Sally Towe, Priscilla Circle will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor to hear Melissa Maher give the program on the Israel mission trip. Contacts: Rockie Deboben, (713) 871-9043, and Marian Murray, (713) 973-8254 Sarah Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Robin Manes and will talk about summer experiences. Contact Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720
Vivian Osburn Circle will meet at 11:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall 1-2 for lunch and a program given by Nina Hanks, Co-Director of The Branch Enrichment Program. Contacts: Vicki Jud, (281) 496-9127, and Carol Hill, (713) 278-2266 Lydia Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. in W203 for a light supper and program TBA. Contacts: Susan Johnson, (281) 682-3031, and Marie Mathieu, (713) 467-3841 Deborah Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. in YB100 for Session 5 of their book study “Wonder of Friendship,” studying Wonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God. Contact: Pam Camp, (713) 824-1000
Nine Chapelwood members traveled to Weslaco, Texas, located 12 miles from the Mexican border on a mission trip July 18-23. They worked with members from the two United Methodist churches in Weslaco, La Santisima Trinidad and First Methodist, to minister to people of the UMC La Mesa Mission which is in a rural area about eight miles northeast of Weslaco. The mission serves mostly migrant, farm, and construction workers living in the vicinity of the mission who have limited incomes and access to medical and other government services. While there, the combined teams insulated the four bedrooms, living room and kitchen, and hung 60 sheets of sheetrock in the home of one of the mission’s members; conducted a VBS for about 25 children; held a medical clinic with over-the-counter drug supplies donated by Chapelwood members prior to the trip; prepared food; and participated in a mission community worship service and meal for about 75 people. The Chapelwood team also participated in Spanish lessons for three of the days they were there, and attended the Sunday worship service at La Santisima and the church-wide potluck dinner after the service. Members of First Methodist hosted a BBQ and pool party another evening for members of all the churches and the mission, which was a first. The Chapelwood team was warmly received, and strong, loving Christian relationships were built between all the churches. This is a new partnership with the churches and the mission, which is expected to continue for some time. Pilgrimages in March and October of 2016 are being planned, so look for more details in the future about opportunities to join and participate. All the Chapelwood team members came back rejoicing and blessed by seeing the hand of God at work uniting Christian brothers and sisters from all types of backgrounds. To Him be the glory!
You can help Chapelwood make a positive first impression by serving as a greeter and guide in the Parking Ministry! Commitment to the team requires one Sunday morning a month of service during the school year. New teams are forming this month. Contact Scott Endress,, for more information or to sign up!
Do you love to read? Do you love young children? If so, then you may be just the one to join the very devoted group of volunteers who spend one hour a week during the school year reading to lively and curious four- and five-year-olds at Panda Path School. Studies show that support and empowerment from three or more non-parent adults in the lives of children are important assets needed in their healthy development. This empowerment needs to start early! In the process of developing this relationship we hope to nurture their strong, innate love of learning and stimulate a love of books and reading, right by their side each week. WHERE? Panda Path School (an SBISD early learning center) 8575 Pitner, in the Spring Branch Family Development Center THE COMMITMENT? One hour a week, Tuesday-Friday, during the school day WHEN DO WE START? There will be an orientation meeting in September on a date yet to be determined. We’ll post more information at when it’s available. We read weekly to the children from October through May. CONTACT? Mary Sweet, (713) 782-8739 or
Village Antiques has partnered with the Chapelwood Foundation to host the Be the Light Open House on Tuesday, September 29. This is a private VIP shopping experience that gives you the unique opportunity to shop, get ready for the holidays, celebrate the work of the Chapelwood Foundation, AND make a difference in someone’s life. The best part? Village Antiques will be donating 15% of the proceeds to the Chapelwood Foundation. Village Antiques is located in the heart of Spring Branch at 1200 Blalock, Suite 350, Houston, Texas 77055. Here’s an hour-by-hour glance of what you can expect during this extraordinary event: • 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Enjoy light bites and the unveiling of Village Antiques’ latest arrivals from France that are sure to make your dream of having a designer home a reality. Amitha Ver, CEO of Village Antiques, will also share her trade secrets to creating the magazine-worthy look you love! • 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.: Watch a demonstration of the latest holiday décor trends. Have you ever wondered how to create those stunning designer holiday trees you see in the glossy magazines? Come join us to learn how you can re-create the same look in your home! • 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.: Village Antiques’ signature Fig Tree Jewelry line (featured in over 60 stores throughout the United States) will be showcasing all the latest trends in jewelry fashion in a special presentation just for you! Labradorite, semi-precious stones, horns, designer clutches and more – if you’re looking for the perfect gift, look no further! Come by yourself, or bring friends with you. To join us, please RSVP to Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485 or, or register at
If your desire is to sow seeds of faith – plant Godly truths in young, growing souls – then likely, your desire is also to be able to witness the fruits of your labor. This year, at The Branch Enrichment Program, we were gifted with just that. The Branch Enrichment Program operates out of Chapelwood’s The Branch facility, at 3911 Campbell Road. The Branch Enrichment Program serves the low income, elementary schoolchildren of the surrounding neighborhood. Every day after school, roughly 30 children are picked up from surrounding schools and brought to The Branch campus. The Branch’s campus is perfect as it offers a beautiful green courtyard where children can play kickball, four square, baseball, jump rope, and more. The campus also has a playground and a gym, allowing for ample recreational opportunities under the supervision of volunteers and staff. In addition to the wonderful recreational opportunities, the Enrichment Program provides a daily Bible lesson and homework help. Our story of a sown seed’s fruit starts with Miguel (for privacy purposes, his name has been changed). Three years ago, Miguel’s mother had passed away and as a result, Miguel’s father moved from the Washington DC area back to the Spring Branch area, to be closer to family. Miguel was then enrolled at Edgewood Elementary. Miguel was also enrolled in The Branch Enrichment Program. Miguel was in the first grade at that time. During that first year, one could almost see the hair rising on the back of Miguel’s neck when we would mention God and His love. We would even hear Miguel make comments like, “If God is so loving, how come he let my mom die?” There seemed to be a dark cloud over Miguel, particularly during our daily Bible lessons. During the second year at The Branch Enrichment Program, Miguel’s father married a woman who had a son the same age as Miguel. His name is Juan. Miguel and Juan became brothers, and Juan was enrolled in Edgewood Elementary and joined Miguel at The Branch Enrichment Program. The two boys became fast friends.
During this second year, Miguel’s negative attitude toward the Bible lessons seemed to diminish somewhat. This past year, Miguel’s third year at The Enrichment Program, Miguel raised his hand one Friday when we asked for our Friday “Blessing” volunteer. On Fridays, if a child says the blessing before snack then he/she and his/her tablemates get to be first in snack line…a highly coveted position. Typically, the children’s blessings mimic the ones they hear from the adults during the week, like “Thank you for the volunteers who come and help. Thank you for the beautiful weather so that we can play. Thank you for the kids that are at the Enrichment Program. Thank you for the food. Amen.” So Miguel goes through this basic rendition of the blessing and then is silent. Nina and I thought Miguel was finished and had forgotten to say AMEN. So, we waited, and then just before we were about to open our mouths and say AMEN for him, Miguel says in a very deep, emotional voice, “God, thank you for being in our lives. We don’t know what we would do without you. AMEN.” Obviously, Miguel’s heart had softened toward God. I truly believe that his three years at the Enrichment Program…where he heard about God every day and witnessed God’s love lived out through the volunteers, played a key part in his spiritual growth. Our seeds had taken root and produced fruit. It is a privilege to be a part of something like that! We invite you to consider becoming a part of this endeavor as The Branch Enrichment Program could not exist without volunteers who drive vans, serve snacks, help with recreation, and help with homework. If you are interested in being a part of The Branch Enrichment Program, please contact me at christahhash@ or Nina Hanks at Christa Hash Co-Director, The Branch Enrichment Program
ACADEMY OF CHOICE - NOT A TYPICAL HIGH SCHOOL Academy of Choice is a campus of choice with less than 150 students. Students must request admission and be interviewed by the principal. These students are academically able but have met with personal obstacles that have hindered academic success. The school offers small group and individualized instruction for students who need different methods of education – a flexible school day, accelerated course schedules to graduate in three to three and a half years, or the ability to catch up on credits. The focus is to help each student see a different career path through a specific trade, certification, or profession. For those students who are parents, free childcare is provided for their children at an off-campus facility. Spring Branch has truly made this a campus for teens that need a little extra help! Each mentor is paired with one “mentee” with whom they meet for 30 minutes each week. Mentors give undivided attention to the students by listening to them, coaching them, and guiding them - basically acknowledging them as valuable people with bright futures ahead. In the six years I have been a mentor at the Academy of Choice, I have met so many teens that are smart and eager to improve their lives, and I have developed incredible admiration and respect for these students. You can almost see a visible difference in these students once they learn to trust that their mentors are really there to help them and will be there for them every week. - Susan Parish Being a mentor is one of the most valuable ways for me to spend my time. Although I am a parent of two elementary children, work full-time and volunteer at our elementary school, being a mentor is personally gratifying, as I believe mentoring makes a difference at the individual level. The girl I met with every week last year graduated from high school in May and is planning on attending college this fall. We both learned a lot from each other and I look forward to meeting another girl this year. - Michelle Palmer I think the Chapelwood volunteer mentors make a big difference at the Academy of Choice. The kids are bright and friendly and it is a learning experience for both the mentee and the mentors. By just giving thirty minutes a week, you can have the wonderful experience of helping a young person in our community. - Camille Bryan Of course, I love mentoring. I am surprised how much it means to my mentee. When I was absent a few weeks she was overwhelmed with joy to see me again, and that felt really good! She and I have had some real adventures this past year...from being in a national commercial together to sharing her winning first place in ROTC competition, a victory that appeared in the District's magazine. This all happened to an extremely shy young woman who is working on finding her voice and her place in this world. She has stated that she sees me as a surrogate grandmother -- full of support and advice. Mentoring means I get to share my life experiences with a young person who is seeking guidance. It is the most rewarding 30 minutes I spend each week. The results and blessings are innumerable. - DeEtte Sauer
In the five years I have mentored at the Academy of Choice in Spring Branch ISD, I have had three students to mentor. All were as different as night and day but all had three things in common: they were smart; they were struggling and doing poorly; they wanted to do better and graduate, and they saw mentoring as an aid to achieving that goal. The first one graduated and went on to college to pursue a career in law enforcement. The second one graduated and went on to gainful employment while trying to get into trade school to pursue a trade he had never previously considered. The third one has one more year until he graduates, but insists that he intends to go to college to earn a professional degree. Did mentoring help any of them? They all stayed in school and did not quit on themselves. Their grades did not rise to the level of their capabilities but they did develop more positive attitudes, they accomplished things that even surprised them, and they all started seeing potential in themselves that they had not seen before. As with being a parent, being a mentor is both frustrating and rewarding. It is frustrating to be able to see potential in a young person and yet watch him squander his time and talent. Still, it is rewarding to watch them grow and mature and even to start showing initiative toward improving their lives. Is the time and effort worth it for the mentor? Absolutely! My mentee will not have to look for someone else to guide him next year. I will be there for him the very first day mentoring begins in September. My only regret is that there will still be kids left who want and need mentors, but we can each help only one at a time. We need help so that every young person who wants a mentor gets one. They keep asking for us so we must be doing something right! - Roger Ethridge
As you can see, 30 minutes a week truly can make a difference in your life as well as your student’s life! Just like the little boy on the beach throwing the starfish back into the ocean - he may not be able to save all of them, but he made a difference to that one! If this is your calling, we would love to have you become part of the mentoring group at Academy of Choice! For more information, please contact Susan Parish,, or (713) 824-0107.
John Stephens – Senior Pastor Bob Johnson – Executive Pastor/Worship Communities Pastor Bob Lindsey – Business Administrator/Manager of Music Ministry ADULT DISCIPLESHIP Andy Cunningham – Pastor, Grow Ministries Tammy Heinrich – Pastor, Connect Ministries Ginny Itz – Ministry Director, Connect Ministries Josef Klam– Directing Pastor, Adult Discipleship Janine Roberts – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Global and National Serving) Teresa Rossy – Ministry Director, Grow Ministries Amy Taylor – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Local Serving) FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP Cindy Booth – Ministry Director, Children's Ministry Karen Lopes – Ministry Director, Special Needs Ministry Carolyn Park – Administrator, Chapelwood School for Young Children Sarah Pattillo – Ministry Director, Student Ministry Cason Sicking – Ministry Director, Recreation Ministry Heather Sims – Directing Pastor, Family Discipleship PASTORAL CARE & REACHING Scott Endress – Pastor, Pastoral Care Bill Stell – Assistant Pastor, Pastoral Care Wick Stuckey – Coordinating Pastor, Pastoral Care WORSHIP COMMUNITIES AND MUSIC Richard Gandy – Ministry Director, Worship and Arts, Mercy Street Luis Palomo – Community Pastor, The Branch Stephen Roddy – Ministry Director, Adult Traditional Music and the Arts Melissa Maher – Community Pastor, Mercy Street Christian Washington – Community Pastor, Upper Room Wayne Watson – Ministry Director, 9:45 Contemporary Worship Jerry Webber – Community Pastor, Contemplative Worship and Directing Pastor, Center for Christian Spirituality
Baptisms: Charlotte Reagan Lucas, daughter of Blair and Michael Lucas, on July 12, 2015 Everett Eldon Sutter, son of Carley and Elliott Sutter, on July 12, 2015 John Aaron Gaston, son of Meredith and Ralph Gaston, on July 12, 2015 Cole Alan Thornton, son of Catherine and Todd Thornton, on July 12, 2015 Hannah Lindsay Thornton, daughter of Catherine and Todd Thornton, on July 12, 2015 Weddings: Kristin Elizabeth Kruse to Wesley Graham Lotz on July 18, 2015 Our Prayers and Sympathy Expressed to: The family and friends of Mrs. Janet (Jan) Case who died July 19, 2015; Mr. Elliott Hovanetz and family on the death of his wife, Lori Farnsworth, on July 26, 2015; Mrs. Sushila Mathew and family on the death of her husband, Dr. Ninan T. Mathew, on July 26, 2015. Dr. Sanjay Mathew and family and Mrs. Rita Morico and family on the death of their father, Dr. Ninan T. Mathew, on July 26, 2015. Recently Hospitalized: Dean Druley Wyn Eastman Bill Jensen, Sr. John Schissler Judy Wilson Sue Yard
OTHER MINISTRIES Teresa Cannon – Ministry Director, Chapelwood Foundation Karen Firenza – Ministry Director, Marketing and Communications Bond McCall – Ministry Director, Technology for Ministry Ivan Rhone – Ministry Director, Kitchen Ministry
Membership is your commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the areas of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Tammy Heinrich,, or (713) 354-4446.
11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024 Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808
Tim Heinrich (wife, Rev.Tammy Heinrich)
Mens Life BBQ Kickoff, 6:30 pm, Fireside Room Chancel Choir, 7 pm
Joy of the Lord begins, 9 am, W103
Taize Worship, 8:45 am, Chapel Usher Training, 12:15 pm, W101
In The Beginning Bible Study begins (See page 7) Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm
Labor Day Church Closed
Walk In His Light Bible Study begins, 11:30 am, W203
UMW Open House, Various times and locations (See page 14)
Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm
Surviving Divorce, Thriving After, 6 pm, Fireside Rm.
Third Grade Bible Presentation, Sanctuary UR Game Day, 12:30 pm, Game Room
Women's Bible Fellowship begins, 10 am, LC211
Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm
UR Game Day, 12:30 pm, Game Room Wesley Choir Musicial, 6 pm, Upper Room
Be the Light Open House, 11 am, Village Antiques (See page 15)
Wednesday Night Supper, 5:30 pm Studies, 6:30 pm Chancel Choir, 7 pm The Release, 7 p.m., Upper Room
11 Church Under The Bridge, 7 p.m.
Sunday School Open House Second Sunday Chicken, 11:30 am Prospective Member Lunch Taste of the Upper Room, 11:15 am, Upper Room Lifelong Love Dinner, 6 pm, Fellowship Hall
5K Walk/Run Against Human Trafficking, 4:30 pm, Stude Park Mercy Street 5:30 pm Mercy Street Backto-school Party
12 Mercy Street 5:30 pm
Confirmation Retreat, Camp Pineywoods (Sept. 18-19) Middle School Fall Retreat, Frontier Camp (Sept. 18-20)
Kingdom Soccer begins, 8 am, Field Mercy Street 5:30 pm
Senior Ministry Lunch Series, 11 am, Fellowship Hall (See page 10)
Parents Night Out Singles Country Western Dance Party, 7 pm, Fellowship Hall
Mercy Street 5:30 pm
Vol.V, No. 09
The Chimes (USPS 023285) is published monthly by Chapelwood United Methodist Church, 11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024. Periodicals Postage paid at Houston TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chapelwood Chimes, 11140 Greenbay, Houston,TX 77024-6729.
Postmaster, please deliver by FRIDAY/SATURDAY AUGUST 28-29, 2015